Is evidence masks don’t work being purged from the internet?
At least two studies have been removed from websites, with very little explanation given.
Kit Knightly
The dentistry journal Oral Health Group has removed a research paper from its website which found masks do not work to halt the spread of disease. They claim the paper is “no longer relevant in the current climate”.
The article – “Why Face Masks Don’t Work: A Revealing Review” – has been used as a source before by us before (see here), and was a great collation of all the research studies done on the effectiveness of masks as a disease prevention tool. In general it found the evidence suggested masks have little to no value as infection preventatives.
The author, John Hardie (BDS, MSc, PhD, FRCDC), is a 30-year veteran of dental practice, specialising in infection control. The paper had over 30 references and sources from academic journals and peer-reviewed studies.
It’s hard to say exactly when the article was taken down, but the Wayback Machine shows it to be intact on 25th of June, simply missing from July 2nd-9th, and replaced with the current statement on July 10th.
Fortunately once something is on the internet it is there forever, and you can view an archived version of the article here.
The statement itself is worth reading, not for what it says so much as what it doesn’t say:
If you are looking for “Why Face Masks Don’t Work: A Revealing Review” by John Hardie, BDS, MSc, PhD, FRCDC, it has been removed. The content was published in 2016 and is no longer relevant in our current climate.
Note it doesn’t say the work was “inaccurate” or “factually incorrect”, only that it is “no longer relevant in our current climate”. It also doesn’t say if it was taken down at the author’s request, or that he has formally repudiated his work.
This is not the first time evidence that masks don’t work has been removed from the internet.
Dr Denis Rancourt put together an evidentiary review titled “Masks Don’t Work: A review of science relevant to COVID-19 social policy” back in April. It received over 400,000 views on ResearchGate before being removed.
The justification for the removal was that it was “spreading information which may cause harm”.
Again, note the language. Not “false information” or “factually incorrect information” only “information which may cause harm”. Nobody (thus far) is disputing the method of the work, or the accuracy of the findings.
If thorough research “may cause you harm”, what does that really say about you? If truth doesn’t fit the “current climate”…what does that say about our climate?
This is an interesting situation, one that bears further investigation.
We have contacted the Oral Health Group editorial team for comment, and will update if/when they reply. We are also seeking contact information for Dr John Hardie.
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Good luck with getting Oral Health Group to respond.
Amazing how many of these organizations are corrupt, isn’t it.
Twitter is now censoring mask information showing they are ineffective
Asking for a friend:
Wouldn’t it be nice if when you looked up who’d published a reply in any particular Twitter exchange, that you could acertain all the pseudo names that the poster goes by. After all, the Twitter accounts are linked to email an account address/phone number.
Can you imagine the Brigade77 Individuals suddenly deleting their accounts.
Anyways, another Job Jeremy Corbyn could have tackled if he’d made it into power. I’m sure he had many other question around Integrity Initiative……..
Masks capture viruses exactly like a chain link fence stops gravel dust. It’s impossible! Anyone who can read the facts will know this. The problem is; most people are overly entertained and gullible, so reading and physics can’t possibly compete with their habitual “belief” in the instructions given to them by the media and big government authorities.
It’s just like public schools: Follow instructions and you’ll be accepted and get a good grade / think for yourself or disagree with unnatural behavior and become an outcast with a bad grade / question why they’re forcing their views down your throat and become a target by everyone.
Indoctrination is a cancer on independence and responsible liberty.
Maybe I’m thick. A virus is much much smaller than a molecule of air. By simple application of a rare commodity called logic, it follows that if you can breathe through the mask then there is no way you are stopping an air borne virus. (that’s assuming there is one which is doubtful) Hence bio hazard suits have there own air supply…. As a side note if I was robber I would be sending thank you notes to the various heads of Govt around the world. So really masks are really just more proof of an elaborate pantomime show for the benefit of the idiots that walk amongst us and out number us 10:1
A virus is much much smaller than a molecule of air.
One idea many mask-believers have is that viruses travel on particles that are much larger, 1) aerosols 2) the droplets ejected from the mouth when talking and sneezing. The former can’t be stopped by the mask, the latter are objectively physically large enough to be stopped. Another idea they have is that of a viral load, that if you stop e.g. 70% of the viruses, you relieve the immune system of much of its burden.
What makes those theories wrong is the empirical evidence:
WHO removed it? Yes, that WHO too.
Thank you dear independent writers and researchers for staying on the story, even when it is difficult. Face masks are dehumanizing. Maybe OK in the short term and by choice. But mandating them is wrong and ineffective. Terribly wrong especially to subject children to them when their infection rate is so low — and children need to read facial expressions and cures to survive and to thrive. This whole fiasco is horrible — and is a great revealing, I think. How desperate will some people become to keep a grip on falsehoods and distortions? How will people treat others in order to defend their own conformity and groupthink?
“Fortunately once something is on the internet it is there forever, and you can view an archived version of the article here.”
No, it’s not always “there forever”.Do not assume this! There are ways to execute thorough cleansing. I, and I’m sure many others (maybe not Kit?), have seen a number of cases of things apparently completely disappearing from all public search engines, and often from the hosts themselves.
So brace yourselves, because going forward, our owners will increasing ensure it is not there. To TPTB, there is no sacrosanct archive, and — at least at some point — will be no exception. The only solution (at this point) is of course widespread downloading and offloading (by all of us) of everything valuable, for private darkweb, isolated storage, and other distribution, and so that in a better future it can be resurrected in public.
They’re not playing fair boo hoo….
“6 months without mask in operating theater”, 1980’s trial. Result : less infections than with masks !
You are lying; the paper explicitly stated there was neither more nor less infections in the very first part called the summary:
“No masks were worn in one operating theatre for 6 months. There was no increase in the incidence of wound infection.”
Sorry, I was too quick with my comment – for some reason I thought you were stating less infections with masks. The words “than with masks” threw me for a moment and my reading somehow skipped the meaning of the word “than.”
No problem ! 🙂
You did not read the rest, wither, before you went in feet first.
Infections rates reduced.
If face mask work, why the fogging?
There are at least three issues with glass fogging with a mask.
The first is the straight forward one of the glasses fogging,
The second and third are serious ones of forcing ones exhaled breath (aerosols) across ones eye mucous membrane and potentially infecting oneself, and then the third issue is inhaling back into the nasal passage the waste one has just discharged and both potential infecting oneself and reducing the quality of the air one is breathing by lowering the oxygen content and raising the CO@ content.
And as our politicians trash our economy through lockdown, is anyone surprised that the DM is promoting US takeovers of two more of our football clubs? Burnley and Wrexham right now…
What is it that makes the world’s worst murderers ‘fit and proper people’ to run football clubs?
I say to Boris Johnson: unless these potential buyers denounce in the full the intergenerational, genocidal, anti-free-trade nature of the US Deep State, in a Press Release wired all over the world, then they either agree with it or appease it. They are 100 times worse than Russian gas distributors and are therefore absolutely unfit to own anything outside of the USA.
Stop giving Americans a Free Pass to do anything.
That’s the Brexit/coronavirus masterplan. Weaken UK businesses so they are vulnerable to takeover, crash the pound so that they are cheaper to buy up, and pressure UK politicians to bend the rules in the absence of EU oversight. Amazingly, millions apparently fell for the idea that Johnson, Farage, Rees-Mogg and the rest of the American-sponsored UK far right were actually patriots fighting for democracy.
“Weaken UK businesses so they are vulnerable to takeover, crash the pound so that they are cheaper to buy up, and….”
Well, its better than them doing the same by creating (the second world) war.
Off topic – but Football is another victim of the disastrous lockdowns and empty stadium policies along with utterly vile owners. Sad to see the demise of Macclesfield Town over a week ago, and earlier in the year, Bury got axed also.
Because of the panicdemic restrictions, I guarantee you more lower league teams will sadly be snuffed out. Wigan Athletic is right on the brink as well.
Many tens of thousands of businesses will go, and even tho ‘case numbers’ here in Melbourne have fallen to under 30 per day, the exact words of the psychopathic Daniel Andrews at a press conference is we will still “have to wear facemasks for a very long time”. Obviously until the vaccine comes out.
My football team incidentally is AFC Wimbledon, since about May 1988. Oh, and I don’t recognise that thing playing in Milton Keynes that calls itself a club.
Masks? No thanks!
Here in Chiangmai Thailand, we wear masks in shops and even open-air markets(!).
But no-one acts as a Stasi cop when we are out and about, or eating/drinking in bars/restaurants. No rule of 6, or other crap like that.
Ah, we have a junta-derived government who are shitting themselves cos the students are revolting and the economy is shot to pieces.
That’s the difference- Boris J, Macron, etc are not afraid of their populations.
In Europe the country with the biggest percentage of sheep is Spain by far (at least by now). Even if we are walking alone in the Mulhacén (the highest mountain in the Iberian Peninsula) we are required to wear a mask. I’m not kidding you. Spanish people have been so brainwashed that they believe all the nonsense that the extremely corrupt government (and opposition) says… and there is A LOT of nonsense.
I haven’t worn a mask in all this time and nobody has told me anything for that, but I know many people who have been harassed for others.
Yes I understand its a pain wearing masks but since they were made compulsory infections have plummeted and Spain is now covid free.
Oh hang that hasn’t happened
What you have just said is one of the things that puzzles me the most. How can’t people in Spain see this simple fact? (Some people see the lies, but the proportion is very very low)
In Spain masks were made mandatory everywhere around July 15th (with one or two exceptions that didn’t took much time to copy the rest of regions). Before of that (June 15th), people had to wear masks everwhere if they couldn’t keep a distance of 1,5 meters with others (even in open air), which was already an stricter rule that what most of the countries in Europe were and are doing.
How the hell people can’t see that this rule is doing nothing? Just look at the data (even if its forged) taking into account the dates that I said!
I feel very angry about this situation, especially when I see kids with their masks all day long because parents are useless human beings and worst than sheeps (which at least, they are cute animals).
Someday, the people there will thank their Marie Antoinette-equivalent for being the last straw.
I’m curious about the Thai language media, Dave. Are they like the mainstream press and television media in Europe and elsewhere (India, where I live) repeating the formula of ‘test’, ‘positive’, ‘cases’ etc? And do the Thai seem to believe it?
Hi Rahul G
I have to admit I don’t read Thai language press, but all media are very tightly controlled/monitored cos of the Junta-derived government.
Social media is how people get info (not news!).
I can only say here in Chiangmai it seems only if someone feels ill and goes to a clinic or hospital, they are tested. No new cases here in months, and only in Bangkok recently in a jail- one more death, 59 total (understated by the junta?)
pop. 60+million.
More people will die from poverty and joblessness…
Sorry to hear India insists on doing the Western model…more you test, the more cases!! But so what?! How many in hospital or with symptoms? Indian food is very healthy, so most people’s immune system good? Assuming they can eat…
No point grumbling on here. You are preaching to the converted. If you have evidence that masks don’t work, badger your MP. They are the ones that are eventually going to make the decision to repeal the mandate.(Although it’s only a select few who are calling the shots at the moment.) 90% of the British Public will not remove their mask until Boris tells them they can. Very few will make the decision of their own accord.
92% of all statistics are made up on the spot.
The Last American Vagabond did a show on mask studies (circa June 2020) and had lined up at least six to present, done from 2010 to 2019 on the websites of the CDC, the NIH, and peer-reviewed journals, some using huge cohorts. As he went from tab to tab during his presentation, he noticed that pages had been rewritten since he had seen them earlier that day; then after analyzing two face mask articles, his studies started disappearing in front of him! Luckily, he had downloaded his references, so he just reopened them on his other server. But he always posts his links in the description below his videos. So he had to add an explanation that day, or furnish a new archived link for his readers. I tried to find that show, but couldn’t, due to my poor navigation skills.
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The WayBack Machine is wonderful, but just how vulnerable is it to being torpedoed? I will have to investigate how it stores material. Just this week James Corbett released a video titled, “The Library of Alexandria is On Fire.”
One way to save it is to decentralize the storage of the internet. A good 4 TB external HD now runs about 100 Federal Reserve Notes (often mistakenly referred to as dollars), and I am saving everything of quality which might disappear down the memory hole. Now that Amazon/Kindle feels free to meddle with your purchases of books on your own devices, nothing is sacred. Hmmm. The verb “Kindle” means to set on fire. Interesting name for the primary electronic book retailer. David Icke has only published his last two books in paper despite the inconvenience and expense for a world wide audience, as usual knowing their agenda. It is our responsibility to put a big, fat cork in their memory hole. One way to do it is to save quality stuff, but we also have to simply stop using the satanic media such as Google/youtube, Facebook, and Twitter and their ilk by supporting alternatives who do not censor by the psychopathic community standards and put them in the grave with MySpace.
Yep. Been downloading stuff like mad and saving it to external HD since end of March. Totalitarian coups are nothing if not predictable… I just read my history books about Germany, Russia and China etc to get the script. Just wish there was one example where nobody was murdered by their governments through starvation, trauma and scapegoating,incarceration, medical procedures and experiments, and the army and police turning against their own people.
Read “Death by Government “, by RJ Rummel, ohhhhh you already read that👏👏👏
The Sociopath Defence.
Theranos fraudster Elizabeth Holmes had it all… looks, neoliberal credentials, zany in an Guardianista eclectic cliché kind of way.
Best of all, she did magick! She claimed she had a machine that could test for a multitude of diseases from a tiny drop of blood, using a portable device… she had ex-Pentagon types on the board…
… wait a minute. Isn’t that just like the Microsoft-Google-Amazon crowd who claim they can use “Artificial Intelligence” to predict diseases? AI is the new Dr Evil’s “”lay-zer””. I post about it here.
Will the medical industry ever be free of frauds and imposters?
Good news for those who get caught. Elizabeth Holmes is using the sociopath defence. Yes, she was raised a spoiled, entitled rich brat… so she can’t help screwing people over. Sounds like Billy Bucks Gates could use that one.
Elizabeth Holmes’ Attorneys Plan “Sociopath Defense” By Joseph P. Farrell
The fraud starts at Ivy League academic institutions like Stanford, where Holmes attended. Holme’s father, Christian Rasmus HolmesIV, was a vice president at Enron, after which he held executive positions in government agencies such as USAID, the EPA, and USTDA.
That’s how they bring students into the fold. Usually they are related by birth to the eugenicist cryptocrats, like Holmes and Harvard’s Charles Lieber, the son of Lockheed radar scientist Robert Lieber, so it’s going to be difficult to eliminate it from industry or academia.
Per your comment on the other thread, they have an entire generation of “vaccines” already developed and ready to deploy. They’re not really vaccines but injectable messenger RNA that prevents DNA replication from correct transcription. The 5g tech triggers the process of immune system malfunction and breakdown. Hence, cytokine storm syndrome.
Building a third DNA strand is ready. See also here. That’s ultimately their aim. To create a genetically modified sub-human species.
There’s dozens of new vaccines for cancer, HIV and diseases from the future pandemics they’ll create with GMO mosquitoes, water and food contamination, or aerial spraying.
For example, there’s an outbreak of Eastern Equine Encephalitis in Michigan.
Once the digital money and ID biosensor system is ready to be deployed, they will be able to misdiagnose people with the AI google biometric tools and inject everyone under the vaccine program. They won’t need many doctors in the future, after they transition from clinical diagnosis to AI diagnosis.
I think Deagel’s 2025 population forecast is overly optimistic.
These vaccinations will no doubt contain covert nanobots and nano-devices such as Profusa’s biosensor.
A patent linked to MIT’s Robert S. Langer describes a wire that can expand and embed in your enteric tract.
Off topic but – Im doing project research and since the internet is a s***hole now, with any search going to MiniTruth, Im reading books published from the time (1900).
Rothschild’s yacht of the many in Monte Carlo owned by the usual suspects (ie seems like they may have been having more revamp the world meetings like the one at Jekyll Island) was named.. Satanista,
However that fact has been scrubbed even from their own Rothschild Archive website.
We mustn’t get dragged into the Cult of Information (Theodore Roszak). Information is not knowledge, let alone wisdom. That’s why we can learn so much about today from books written 50 years or centuries ago. Humans don’t change.
Generations who don’t read books will be left scratching their wazoo when the Internet shuts off. Stabbing their pudgy fingers against a dead screen. Search engines like Google are censoring so heavily that they will soon be close to useless. In order to find knowledge, you will have first to know where to find it.
I was having a thorough clean of my cupboards and storage boxes yesterday trying to find something, and came across a copy of The Plague by Albert Camus which I thought I’d lost, along with a book on Taoism.
Thought… How apt, given the surreal times we are in. If too many people are waking up, I believe the psychopaths will stop at nothing; including flicking the switch.
There’s ways to preserve information. Download and print.
This open letter from Belgian doctors has probably been reported in various places, but the text is presented here are AIER. Most of the arguments and conclusions will be familiar to those who have followed OffG over the last six months.
Open Letter from Medical Doctors and Health Professionals to All Belgian Authorities and All Belgian Media
Sep 20, 2020
The following letter has made an impact on public health authorities not only in Belgium but around the world. The text could pertain to any case in which states locked down their citizens rather than allow people freedom and permit medical professionals to bear the primary job of disease mitigation.
So far it has been signed by 394 medical doctors, 1,340 medically trained health professionals, and 8,897 citizens.
We, Belgian doctors and health professionals, wish to express our serious concern about the evolution of the situation in the recent months surrounding the outbreak of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. We call on politicians to be independently and critically informed in the decision-making process and in the compulsory implementation of corona-measures. We ask for an open debate, where all experts are represented without any form of censorship. After the initial panic surrounding covid-19, the objective facts now show a completely different picture – there is no medical justification for any emergency policy anymore.
The current crisis management has become totally disproportionate and causes more damage than it does any good.
We call for an end to all measures and ask for an immediate restoration of our normal democratic governance and legal structures and of all our civil liberties.
Full letter also at:
Masks act like the “punctuation mark” at the end of the word COVID to heighten hysteria. Masks represent symbols of terror–a constant reminder that anyone can be attacked at anytime by a deadly viral infection. Masks are intended to inhibit communication, alienate, and produce a dystopian atmosphere which mainstream media news likes to characterize as the “new normal.”
It appears the powers that be, do not intend on ending this insanity anytime soon. In fact, there was just an announcement saying Times Square New Year’s Eve ball drop will be virtual this year. They’re calling it a “virtually enhanced celebration.”
In any event, below are a few articles disputing the efficacy of masks:
A March 17, 2020 article entitled: “Masks, gloves don’t stop coronavirus spread” states: “Wearing masks and gloves as a precaution against coronavirus is ineffective, unnecessary for the vast majority of people, and may even spread infections faster.”
Here’s another article written in September 16, 2009 entitled: “ICAAC: Surgical Masks Don’t Prevent Infection”
it says: Used consistently, N95 respirator masks prevented 75% of respiratory infections for high-risk healthcare workers, but regular surgical masks didn’t appear to be effective against respiratory infections at all, researchers reported here.
And how about this one written in April 8, 2020 entitled: “Face masks DO NOT stop healthy people from catching coronavirus and should only be worn by healthcare workers and patients, says WHO” it states: “Face masks do not stop people from catching coronavirus, according to the World Health Organization (WHO) in light of recent studies suggesting the opposite.
The United Nations’ health body was forced to review new evidence from Hong Kong claiming mass-issuing masks may have helped contain the pandemic.
But the WHO maintains the public should not wear them outside because there is still no proof they prevent infection.”
Put a diaper on your face!
All these businesses, even large ones, will not survive. And guess who will purchase them for pennies on the dollar?
Massive wealth transfer. The usual thieves at it again. Just another one of the benefits of this manufactured crisis.
And then the dollar will collapse, and those pennies will be worth zilch…
How to Search for Censored Internet Content
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Search engines such as Google and social media services such as Facebook are funded by advertisers such as giant health and pharmaceuticals companies and billionaires who pay them to promote their products and services. Even if those products or services are overpriced, ineffective, or dangerous. Major search engines and social media are increasingly banning or shadow banning information critical of their advertisers.
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No point being healthy if you can’t live your life in freedom..

No masks. No vaccines. No chips. No social distancing. Spread the word even to the brainwashed masses 90%.
No physical distancing.
Lufthansa will only let you on board with an ear-loop mask. Exemptions must be from your doctor and completed on their supplied form, and you must have negative RT qPCR test 48 hours before the flight.
So quit flying. You know it makes sense! And it helps to bankrupt the airlines.
Cool so I should visit my mother in Brazil by ship? How about when ships start to mandate masks too?
No, just stay at home. Long distance travel isn’t a basic requisite of mammalian good health. Live near your kindred. Start getting used now to how life will have to be – again – after the non-repeatable, non-sustainable “Single Giant Pulse Event” (Richard Duncan; see link below) of industrial hitech ‘civilisation’ has passed into history, then into legend.
Lol ok Greta so which one is it? Stay home and abandon my mother, or go live near my mother in which case I need a flight? What if my “kindred” is spread across three continents? Which one should I live “near” to? Go ahead. Enlighten me.
The ruling class is now saying: “we destroy the world, you pay the price. We want you to give up anything non-essential so that WE don’t have to give up anything at all (and will grab everything you gave up on the top of it). That will facilitate our plan to kill the majority of you (so that you no longer have such a numeric advantage over us) and turn the remaining into serfs. That’s why we invented this fake pandemic, so that you begin to get USED to it lmao”, and are you just going to lower your head and say “yes sir” because the environment or some shit?
I don’t even disagree that industrial civilisation is unsustainable etc, but dude this is REALLY NOT an acceptable response to a worldwide fascist crackdown. It plays directly into their narrative. This kind of thing is why I left environmentalism.
Sorry, I can’t extract any rational sense from the above rant-mass.
Then you’re really hopeless, mate.
As attractive as the girl next door is, I now know that growing up in Edinburgh, mastering in French, marrying my dream Parisian then moving to Mali was SUCH a mistake! Pesky masks!
I’m sure the native Malians agree with you, B, satirical though your statement was intended to be.”More bloody Euros pushing into our country – again! As if they hadn’t done enough damage already!”
And – er – masks? How are they relevant? Do you imagine our descendants, re-accustoming themselves to much simpler, more stay-put lives will be able to produce lots of – pointless – face-nappies to order? Or need to?
PS: If you grew up in Edinburgh, then I assume you’re a Scot, whatever you skin-tone may be… “Predestination in the stride of yon connecting rod…”
‘Superbuggg’ – ‘can’t ‘een spell my own name McProperly!
Dr. Andrew Kaufman – Covid 19 Tests Are Scientifically Meaningless!
Almost everything is scientifically meaningless here: SD, masks, PCR tests.
But boy do they work well to control and suppress the population and especially those critical minds.
Masks in particular are nothing but today’s Gessler hat.
So the masks don’t work, and may even make someone sicker, and the PCR tests are not fit for purpose. Is Lufthansa trying to put itself out of business?
It’s being intentionally bankrupted. Like many businesses. And will then be purchased for a song. By you know who. Then things will go back to normal and suddenly you’ve had another huge wealth transfer.
Nothing is going back to normal.
Yes you’re probably right. The new normal I should have said.
They aren’t going to need as many businesses in the future with a diminished population. The aim is a land grab and consolidation of monopolies.
What’s your thoughts on how they will achieve that? My money is on world war, deliberate starvation and induced sickness.
Yes. Everything you wrote. And maybe some extras. The vaccines, EMP damaging electrical grid. 5g. More DEW destruction. Floods. Fomenting a civil war post election in the US. Stock market tumble maybe on the 29th of this month.
Israel-US vs Iran-China-Russia, then a global (limited) semi-nuclear war targeting specific cities.
Or even a Chinese invasion. Canton red dawn. Moneycircus mentioned there were Chinese troops on the border of Canada-US. So I checked out a couple of links and they are supposedly protecting their assets and using Canada’s military bases. Seems like the cryptocracy are about to stage an End Times Show.
The blue beam project, maybe.
Chaos by any means.
In the first and second world wars the dews had the white man killing his brothers from different countries. Massive population reduction and near total destruction of Europe, which brought the pre existing orders down so they could recreate with them in control.
These are the aims of war, and the source is always the same people. A lot of people cant comprehend that, but theres only one worldwide group that is able and willing to carry out such projects. The rest of us go to war begrudglingly, as a defence – but for the Dews this is simply creating the means from which to seize economic control.
It will be nothing different this time.
We will certainly need our wits about us.
I have come to the conclusion, that the people, I have known from many years ago, who may have gone to the doctor whilst feeling depressed, and taken the precribed drugs, which made them feel even worse than before they went to the doctor, have given them up. They eventually flushed them down the toilet, and got better.
They are currently pretty much immune to this current COVID FEAR. They have already been Terrorised at least once in their life, and the current crap has almost no effect on them.
Nice to get such a Brilliant Invite for The Weekend, for my Wife and I from an old friend.
There is only so much Brain Terrorism You Can Take.
When Drug Free, you either ignore them, or give Distinct Impression to Them, that you seriously want them to Go Away.
We all have our own lives to lead, and we are Not Going To Be Dictated to, by such complete and Utter Morons, That We have in Government
Can you imagine an evening or a weekend to be Spent with Matt Hancock?
Has he actually got a Friend?
I don’t think even Boris could take that.
The Stasi, can Snitch on Us if They want, but I think under currently considered plans, we wil be completely Legal, unless we take our Grandchildren too, which has not yet been currently ruled out.
Families play together.
The rest of you can Fuck Off.
You are not invited.
Who the hell do you think you are?
“Family “Burlesque””
Are you off-loading an excess supply of CAPITAL LETTERS, Tony? What happened? Shift key got stuck?
For those that want to read the paper… I saved it!
The first thing most people do when they join any new social gathering these days, is let-rip about how pissed off they are with government restrictions, I know I do, so there is one good reason to prevent public gatherings from their perspective.
Means nothing if they still comply in public.
the upside of complying in public is defeating surveillance
The primary reason for SD is to prevent uncontrollable dissent from arising, organizing and spreading.
And if that doesn’t work, then voicing of your opinion will be outlawed. There will be an app that detects when you open your mouth to speak and will report you to the authorities. In the name of reducing virus spread.
I do agree completely with John Hardie, working about 35 years myself in the healthcare, numerous hospitals and A&E settings. The most ridiculous subject related to face masks I have come across is that “ I wear a mask to protect YOU and you wear a mask to protect ME!!!!
” well it does protect me if you kill yourself, idiot… be my guess, choke on it”
Really sorry for your ignorance, how did you find your way to this site? BBC AND SKYNEWS SERVE YOU BEST.
You got me wrong, I was talking to the masked… them chocking would protect me from their idiocy… sorry for the confusion… and please don’t send me back to the BBC… I’ll be a good boy
Sorry buddy totally misunderstood, have been working with “full PPE” today (the irony!!!) my brain is a bit cloudy, let’s forget it, ok?
P.S. my heart goes to people masking all day.
Then my comment WAS heartless… I recognize that… I also have to mask at work, and I bet there’s a ton of people doing just that because they don’t have a choice… cheers
(I’m french so I had to look up PPE, and a bunch of other things here)
We all need a French Revolution my friend.
There is occult reasons behind the masks. The important thing is to break away from the occultists information stream and go out in the garden to tune into natural sources of information and protection. Breath in the fresh air and smell the roses. This is essential for the PM and other leaders like when George Bush went to his ranch.
Given that the WHO admitted to BBC medical correspondent that they changed their stance on masks after “political lobbying”, rather than on the basis of scientific evidence, does anyone know anything about lobbying group #Masks4All – apart from the fact that it’s led by Jeremy Howard of the WEF’s Global AI Council?
Hancock, Prof Van-Tam, Vallance, Whitty said masks not needed
International bodies like the UN, WHO, WEF or even the EU act on behalf of their most powerful members, they have no power or autonomy of their own, they don’t have an agenda, they just reflect members views. If you want to knwo who caused them to have a policy look at the votes of those who passed it.
One of the Northeast state in US – New Jersey, is close to passing law to wear Mask inside Stores or will face fine of $50 to $500.
“violators would face a fine of between $50 and $500 if they enter a store with a visible sign requiring customers wear masks but don’t have a face covering over both their nose and mouth.”
Here in WA state, there are many stores where one is simply forbidden entry. Dictator Inslee has decreed that they ought to provide curbside service (give them your order and they bring it out to you), but some do not bother. Fascism is here.
and they wonder why amazon ate their lunch
try 4000$
Another example of inconvenient facts being filtered out. Is there no professional integrity left ?
The airways today have been full of the musings of Prof John Edmunds and his sage opinion that harsher measures are required.
He’s another statistical modeller, works at the LSHTM.
Here’s a quote from their website :-
“The construction of our Keppel Street building in 1926 was funded by the Rockefeller Foundation and our main research funder today is the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.”
Obviously I’m not an expert on these things, but I’m surprised that there’s so many statistics experts around the covid-bs and yet none seem to see the obvious pattern,
A little known nugget is that George Orwell’s Ministry of Truth (the building which it describes, of course: the Ministry of Information, later Senate House) was constructed 1932-1937 and funded by… the usual suspects.
I refuse to refer to these people as computer modellers –they are just glorified computer game players. But maybe that is an insult to talented gamers.
Just to say: there seems to be a change in the way things were going. My former academic acquaintances have changed their position. They tell me that more and more in academia are dissenting. Also that except for a handful, all have mellowed and that I should no longer worry of my reception back in their midst, that I should return. So I am returning for a while to that academia Ive known all my life, from which the current covid affair had totally cut me off. At least they are whatever may be their views, again except for a handful, very decent people. Its amazing Im getting back my friends, just like I lost them at one go, they’re returning at one go. Its been very emotional and Im sharing personal feelings here: as one said, you need a rest after all you’ve done to bring out
the truth, come and have a rest, and lets together get engaged in long term work…
Indeed, at first I thought that the current situation would bring like-minded peoples together. But I found out that the motivations of people to reject covid are too widely different, and my old acquaintances and I are in effect more like-minded even though at first they were adamantly refusing to look at any anti-narrative data. I should have had more confidence in my friends, after all they are first rate scholars, and they have always dedicated their lives to maintaining their values, often sacrificing much. When I see them all again, we’ll talk and Ill come to realise what had made them react like that…
Im very glad for all this. At least now I can have a rest, a proper rest, among people I fully trust, people Ive known nearly all my life. At last, Ive got my friends back.
Hope, I’ve observed similar initially-panicked responses from my circle. A response now beginning to wear thin and evaporate. Put it down to TDS – Terror Derangement Syndrome. Knocked a lot of very surprising people off their rationality trollies for a while there; though many are now crawling rather red-facedly back now… 🙂 Didn’t half separate the stampede-instantly-on-command sheep from the stop-dead-and-think-for-themselves goats!
Good to hear, Hope. I think there is a groundswell of dissatisfaction with the whole charade.
This makes me really happy to hear!
FT: UK to test vaccines on volunteers deliberately infected with Covid-19
Obviously they can’t find anyone infected with Covid in the wild.
the flu vaccination this year will be definitely infected with many things
In the wild, they may be infected by other organisms.
Normal practice to keep the testing to just one virus, one vaccine.
Carry on.
Would our government being told by the military that this is the start of a biological war with China, explain their reactions ? I doubt it is ta war but if they believed that, it might explain some of their behaviour.
Very astute. You might be closer to the truth than you realise. Read this synopsis it’s a good fit for where we’re headed. In fact the whole series is brilliant or frightening, I can’t decide which.
Description of link?
No. That is not what happened. This is organized and global.
As yet, there is no proof of a virus.Only proof of collusion between most nations through NGO’s such as the UN, WHO and World Bank.
All wars are organized and pre-planned. If there is a hot war, you can bet money it’s been planned simply to kill off portions of the population.
War is a racket. Not a random, uncontrollable event.
Having your scientific research deplatformed or removed from the net is very old news indeed to anyone critical of dogmas dear to the left and to radical greens. The fear of bullying and threats to funding within academia today is so great that seeking truth is no longer a viable option for so many researchers. Universities today resemble the seminaries that provide the Church with its priests and preachers, but turn out devout young Marxists instead.
“Terrified” academics? Terrified of the evil Marxist billionaires? What a hoot!
Academia have been shown to be the street whores of the middle classes.
It dose not say “may cause you harm” just “may cause harm”, harm to what? One might ask.
In the light of Covid I think, many of us, really need to reappraise what the capacity of the establishment or deep state is to engineer our society.
I will not go as far as Alex jones and claim that rap was devised by the CIA to destroy black culture, or modern art is a Deep State hoax, but in the light of Covid and the manipulation they have openly engaged in recently, on both sides, we can no longer be sure what is real.
With regards to socialism in the USA, I think the CIA dream of nothing else but it’s destruction. Hatred of socialism is a vital part of the glue that holds the Military Corporate Industrial Complex together, it’s business and military wings are fighting that war, so the breadth and investment in that war against leftist ideology should never be underestimated.
I should add that this manipulation has never been easier in the age of FBI/NSA/CIA controlled social media, They find an absurd statement on twitter, made by some random person, put it under an intense media spotlight and force the many useful idiots on the left to defend it. It works great. How many times have you heard an absurd statement being used by the right-wing media, as a tool to attack and create fear about the left, when they don’t even tray to attribute it to any serious mined leadership on the political left.
Add to that the thousands of bots on line, and you have most of the war being fought against twitter or FaceBook Phantoms with no real names.
Only deep state has the power take the left down this self destructive route, through carrot and stick. If you talk real economic issues in n interview you’ll never get in the media, but if you talk about trans or race issues & rights (which are also important) then you’ll be on the news every night, outraging most ordinary people.
The USA has long used endless discussions on race as a way of sidetracking away from working class poverty, it cannot be news that they have also found other equally divisive topics to frustrate real discussion of heath, a failed justice system and educational inequality as well as economic injustice.
“I will not go as far as Alex jones and claim that rap was devised by the CIA to destroy black culture, or modern art is a Deep State hoax”.
The latter is not alleged by someone as dubious as Jones but has appeared in mainstream publications:
Quite what the CIA’s motivation was and whether the likes of Pollock were unwitting is where the debate is, not the CIA’s backing. I’m inclined to the view that Saunders is something of a gate-keeper and their motives were more about cultural debasement with Pollock a lifetime actor – but I’m aware this is more an inference from a pattern of behaviour than a documented certainty.
Great link thanks.
On the surface it just looks like state sponsorship of the arts. I’m not sure why the CIA would be involved in that at all, any wealthy arts trust could do it. I also find it odd that they were supporting the very people who they were murdering on a regular basis snd who they hated with a vengeance, simply for the crime of promoting communism. I must admit I don’t believe the CIA often and in this case I may be right to disbelieve this CIA officer. Very odd article, from the 1990’s when granted, a lot of truth was leaking out. If it is true it would be filed in my mind under ‘idiots’, rather than clever subversion operation.
She is a gatekeeper. I found and then forgot the original researcher on which Stonor Saunders bases her findings… but the information is out there.
The ubiquitous Annie Jacobsen is another example of gatekeeper.
They present “old news to a new generation”. It reaches an audience but at the expense of reinventing the wheel, partly because of academia which has a growing fashion for “relevant” or “current” research — as if the hard work of yesteryear no longer matters.
The original researchers, whether academics like Carroll Quigley and Antony Sutton, or freelancers like David McGowan or Mae Brussell do not enjoy celebrity but see their careers cut short, and not infrequently their lives.
great link
All of these issues are the same bullshit concept as Covid: you have to change your ways to care for others that you don’t know, want to know or even know exist. These issues are all about guilting you into being subservient, they are all in the bin in my household, all along with Covid. Fuck these issues, the lot of them, not because they are about bad people, groups of people are always a mixed bag, but why should I go through life caring or being bullied into caring about other peoples’ problems? Not my problem.
Masks are the visible expression of the vaccine imperative- we are to keep them on and stay on ‘hold’ until the vaccine arrives. They also perpetuate and enforce the narrative that there is a fearful killer virus we must be on guard against rather than examining the actual killer policies responsible for the death of the elderly.
Below are some data points to make a flyer with and distribute:
Down-under there was a news paper article showing how to make home masks with an old T shirt and 2 elastic bands.
Don’t know how much scientific research was done.
That’s the point of masks. To damage our health – emotional and physical.
But masks are scary.
And people need to be scared, or they won’t take the innocuous virus seriously enough.
So masks are necessary to save us from the Virus of Doom.
UK Column News – 23rd September 2020
Sadly nothing but lies from prime minister Boris Johnson
PM BoJo: says the suggestion we should simply lock up the elderly is wrong.
UKC: The elderly are already locked up. They already face horrific psychological abuse. He is simply reversing reality.
PM BoJo: If we let the virus get out of control it would harm our NHS leaving no space to deal with cancer patients and millions of non-Covid medical needs.
UKC: It is absolutely established that the NHS was empty from April to June and that non-Covid medical appointments were cancelled. The result is a patient backlog so great there is no chance they can reduce it nor return to a pre-Covid service.
UKC viewers report that A&E departments are being closed. People are arriving at hospital to find the A&E department has been closed and they have to drive 80 miles to find one. You already have to make an appointment for Accident & Emergency treatment.
PM BoJo: If we were forced into a new national lockdown it would threaten the education of our children.
UKC: Children are already being sent home to self-isolate due to either a positive test or contact with a test-positive person. Education is being destroyed along with their mental health. For example bullying has become much worse.
PM BoJo: Those who flout the rules face fines of 10,000 pounds and we will put military on the streets if necessary.
UKC: This is Fusion Doctrine aka Operation Temperer softening up the public for the police and military merging. The EU and NATO has been talking about this for five years.
Alex Thomson: in the C17th this led to a series of Civil Wars, at the end of which the English Bill of Rights and the Claim of Right for Scotland insisted that before the monarch was sworn in, he or she should swear that they would no longer raise a standing army in time of peace. This is why each year the government has to pass an Armed Forces Bill to license the military to the Crown (currently done on a five-year basis).
However EU military unification presumes that Britain has standing military commitments that require the Napoleonic concept of a standing army and police that are part of the government, not of the people. In the U.S. this is called a breach of Posse Comitatus.
PM BoJo claims that protecting the NHS saved thousands of lies.
UKC reminds that the Coronavirus had been around since Dec 2019 yet there were no excess deaths until Lockdown.
BoJo revives ‘protect the NHS’ slogan.
UKC: The NHS at no point was overwhelmed and the Nightingale hospitals were never needed. So why are we locking down the country again?
BoJo: The disciplines of social distancing have kept the virus at bay.
UKC: So why are cases rising again?
BoJo: Says virus is just as fatal as in Spring.
UKC: Yet if the cases are rising, why no hospitalizations? Is it as virulent as in Spring? Covid has disappeared from Sweden.
Brian Gerrish: Either Boris Johnson is a buffoon, which I have never believed, or he is telling blatant lies to the British public.
Alex Thomson: John Cullen showed that the bulk of deaths seem to tally with influenza deaths, so we are going to hear much more about Spanish Flu.
One letter writer to the Daily Telegraph Chris Kirk-Blythe asks if Chief Scientific Adviser Patrick Vallance is correct that the epidemic is doubling every seven days. This would imply that the entire UK population would have had Covid and 11 million would have died by Christmas. Shortly after New Year’s Day, human life would have ceased in the UK.
Lt-Gen Jim Hockenhull says adversaries are investing in Artificial Intelligence.
UKC: What he doesn’t say:
The Economist, Sep 21, 2010: Britain’s armed forces are getting ready for an operational revolution — The emphasis is on threats short of open warfare and the technological prowess to combat them
An expert in Neuro-Linguistic Programming writes to UKC.
UKC: Mindspace is a document that boasts the UK gov can change the way people behave without people knowing.
One of the world’s greatest historians of authoritarianism appeared on Britain’s once-respected news outlet, Channel 4 — only to be the subject of an immediate shut down.
C4 resident presenter K. Guru-Murthy said that even to mention the word fascism was “offensive”.
Historian Timothy Snyder of Yale University shot back: “I think the moment where we move immediately to emotions like offence is the moment when democracy really is in trouble.”
Prof Timothy Snyder: 1, Idiot presenter: 0
Channel 4’s ad hominem fell flat on its face and Guru-Murthy once again proved he is no more than a flunkey.
Alex Thomson: C4 used to be positively anti-establishment but has not been so for a long time. Two years ago C4’s Cathy Newman had a car crash of an interview with Jordan Peterson…
Reports that local democracy at the parish, district and borough level is being eliminated – with the only functioning government being the top-down management of Britain’s nine regional authorities for England. This removes the traditional level of government at district and county level. By abolishing them, the EU demolishes the historic representative nature of local government with an incestuous executive clique.
UKC: This 25-year agenda dates from the start of the Blair government. It would move powers from central government to regional authorities but not in a democratic manner, because local democracy is abolished.
UK Column News – 23rd September 2020
UKC: When the immigrants arrive on their rubber boats, why can’t we just shoot them?
BoJo: because that is inhumane.
UKC: Oh.
Aunt Sally, is that you?
I’ve only got 5 mins into this, but wrt Boris’s wartime metaphors, I suggest the following as a rewrite:
Never have so many been wilfully sacrificed on the pretence of saving so few.
John Cullen is an interesting character.
He came out of nowhere in the wake of the Vegas shootings in 2017 and suddenly seemed privy to all sorts of new insights and angles on that episode. Some of them very interesting. There was a lot of interest in the alt-right community at the time but he was able to steer that narrative in such a way that it completely closed down the line of questioning about how while at the same time able to suggest who.
He was the one who broke the story as an attack from helicopters and the attempt on Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.
It was therefore very interesting to see him pop up not only on UKC with David Scott and Alex Thompson but also with Jason Goodman. Jason is another lurker in the alt-right who is also a ‘dual national’. Its not too difficult to think that both him and Cullen could be plowing a particular field that they do.
So it was very surprising to say the least to see the company that UKC are now keeping. As I say Cullen provided some very interesting information and insights regarding Vega but where he came form or how he was able provide he never made clear. He wouldn’t be pushed and had the annoying habit of circular reasoning.
He clearly wasn’t an independent researcher the way most were and I would suggest was maybe parachuted in to close down the story around Vegas by releasing some important information but hiding the real story. I would suggest if that was the case it certainly worked.
A few years back I used to watch a lot of George Webb’s videos on YouTube which seemed very enlightening. However at a some point he was interviewed by a certain Jason Goodman (allegedly ex-Hollywood- make of that what you will) of ‘Crowdsource the Truth’. At one stage they were joined in Goodman’s New York apartment by a lady called (if I remember correctly) Trish Negron AKA ‘Trish the Dish’; whether there was some relationship between either of the men and Negron I know not or care, however the party broke up and the three went their separate ways. Around this time Goodman teamed up with Laura Loomer and Jake Morphonios investigating the Las Vegas shooting. Subsequently Goodman accused Morphonios of being an antisemite and that party ended acrimoniously on a livestream. Over time I began to suspect that Webb, Goodman, Morphonios and Negron may all be agents of a certain Middle Eastern state security entity which allegedly operates with the motto “By deception shall we wage war”. Of course I could be mistaken in this thought.
Goodman did many Sunday evening interviews with Charles Ortel regarding the various Clinton Foundation charities but I do not know if these achieved anything, ran into the sand or if Mr Ortel is still doggedly investigating. However all this has made me wary and you may want to do your own research in this regard.
Sean and Pablo I share your line of thinking. Regarding the Webb-Negron-Goodman they’ve all pointed fingers at each other, accusing each other of being what Goodman terms “social engineers”. Great attempt at deflection. Um, no, it’s a fail.
Note that Goodman for many months acted as Webb’s producer before apparently falling out. He later clashed on air with Liz Crokin and Morphonios as noted. Researchers can be jealous of status and proprietorial towards information —- Mae Brussell spoke of the infighting between JFK researchers 40 years ago.
Nor am I quick to accuse people of working with intel or disinfo units, or even of being the unwitting victims of manipulation — for the simple reason that this is only one of many factors. All people push an agenda by dint of ethnicity or class, geography and life experience.
Take for example a former intel analyst or a diplomat: however much they may claim to have ‘seen the light’ — they see the world from the perspective of a certain establishment perch , or they would never have become a diplomat or analyst in the first place.
Class, more than anything, provides the limits beyond which people will or cannot conceive. It’s more powerful than any disinfo unit. Even in the alt news world most contributors come from middle or upper middle class backgrounds and that informs their world view.
The UK is dying, the pretense of Covid being about health care has worked for a while but now people are aware that something else is happening. The Johnson is in the pocket of the Davos crowd and is moving the UK toward global government. London is already in the pockets of the gobal government, it is now a case of forcing the rest of the country. With all small businesses destroyed, the people will be desperate and happier to receive the handouts given by the global government. Democracy is gone. You may be offered a vote, but it will not change the top boss, just the mouthpiece.
What a whoe… ours is the same… but he hesitates a lot more, like a guy who’s kidnaped by terrorists and is reading their demands, with an air of “please do this, they’re gonna kill me!”… (shaking unconvinced voice…) You can tell Borris is lying through his ashamed throat..
Look at which I think is believable, for info on the mask fraud. Don’t depend on the usual corrupted sources for reports. There’s now discussion amongst non-mainstream questioners of the status quo about how best to secure out-of-the-box info, keep it free of surveillance and censure.
Correction… Bits of cloth worn over your face are no good. Surprise.
Read the source before you act on this rubbish.
“If truth doesn’t fit the ‘current climate’…what does that say about our climate?”
Deftly put.
We have been living multiple lies for a very long time. The UK pretended it was independent of the US for decades, which is not true. We were pretending terrorism was a threat, which was also not true and we are still pretending Climate change, was a man made threat, that is also not true. This list of lies is endless.
You got lost at the Climate Change bit, but keep taking the Blue pill.
Yup… Incognito bandits inspiring us to mask up… Alternative mask inspiration; >
From: Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy
Masks-for-all for COVID-19 not based on sound data
Filed Under: COVID-19
Lisa M Brosseau, ScD, and Margaret Sietsema, PhD
April 01, 2020
Dr. Brosseau is a national expert on respiratory protection and infectious diseases and professor (retired), University of Illinois at Chicago.
Dr. Sietsema is also an expert on respiratory protection and an assistant professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago.
Complete text:
Blaylock: Face Masks Pose Serious Risks To The Healthy
Posted By: Russell Blaylock, MD May 11, 2020
See the reference list at the close of the article.
Why don’t you call the author of that first article and ask him what’s up? Get a statement from him, instead of just pointing out it’s been removed.
I remember those first three articles here on “experts disagree” where OG interviewed experts and got expert-like statements. How about doing one of those again?
WM: Why don’t you call the author of that first article and ask him what’s up? Get a statement from him, instead of just pointing out it’s been removed.
right there, at the bottom of the article:
We have contacted the Oral Health Group editorial team for comment, and will update if/when they reply. We are also seeking contact information for Dr John Hardie.
They use lies to justify change, then they expose the lies, but keep the changes made. So the rolling coup progresses, one group of lies at a time.
(““no longer relevant in the current climate”“) = “truthful, accurate and therefore in need of suppression in order to help maintain the MSM’s covid ‘hysteria’ narratives.”
Pretty simple equation.