The Covidean Creed
(As Agreed at the Unholy Conclave at Davos)
Ian Jenkins

We believe in one Virus, the SARS-COV-2, the Almighty, destroyer of heaven and earth, that is all there is, seen and unseen.
We believe in one Malady, Covid-19, the only son of SARS-COV-2, eternally begotten of the Virus, God from God, Darkness from Darkness, true God from true God, begotten, not made (probably) of one Being with the Virus.
For diseases are they none but the One True Virus and Death comes not without Its presence. Thou shalt have no diseases before the One True Virus. They that die outside the Virus shall not have their passing told unto the people on a quotidian basis in hushed tones, but shall be quietly recorded in obscure tables when the time comes.
Through the Virus all things were unmade.
For us men (and women and all points in between) and for our damnation
It came down from heaven (or maybe from China or Maryland):
By the power of the Holy WHO
It became incarnate from the swirling microbes (or maybe bat soup through immaculate Zoonosis), and was made Pandemic.
For Its sake we were crucified under ongoing Lockdown;
It suffered not death, like unto most it afflicteth, and is never buried in the news.
Though by the evidence that appeareth on those who do pass away or wax sick, it hath waned to almost nought.
On the second wave It rose again
And though few did perish many were tested and lo! Many were deemed infected (probably) and ‘cases’ were they named, though sickness showed they none,
in accordance with the Great Plan;
It ascended into the collective consciousness
and is seated on the right and left hand of all (lest with sanitiser they do anoint themselves five score times hourly)
It will come again in glory, as many times as necessary to convince the living and the dead,
and his mask’d kingdom will have no end, it seemeth.
We believe in the Unholy pathogen, the Lord Rona, the taker of life (for they that are vulnerable), though he passeth the children by,
who proceeds from the laboratory and the test.
With the quest for a Vaccine, the donning of the Holy Mask and with sequestration of the faithful he is worshipped and glorified and Its name kept alive in the minds of all.
It hath spoken through ‘The Science’ and thereafter through the Media, through Potentates and Rulers and through the scriptures of the WEF and of the foundations and think-tanks that do proclaim Its Gospel.
Woe to they who do speak out against the words of the Powers of Covid or their servants, for they shall be anathema and their names removed from the Book of Face and platform shall they have none. One shall they be made with they that aver the Earth to be flat and Conspiracy Theorists shall they be named.
We believe in one unholy Catastrophic and Technocratic Global Church.
We acknowledge one Great Reset for the salvation of all.
We look in vain for the resurrection of Reason, Proportionality and Democracy,
and towards the life of the New World to come.
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Thank you for speaking the truth. Many similar anti-mask fiction and writings at darklylight dot com
i hereby nominate glorious GRETA the high priestess of the ONE true virus. through her all were saved (probably). the holy warrioress led the charge and we all followed. praise be HER name forevermore!!! AMEN
IMPRESSIVE.Sadly is to say that there are so many “believers” in it out there… Many thanks..!
luck for us they are easily identified. look for mask!
When DAVOS went on the road many years ago to Melbourne, many WTO/WEF protesters turned out in force to blockade their entry to the little elite block party, the cops were called, much unrest ensued. Steve Jolly, now of the City of Yarra (Melbourne ‘burb) was a recurrent thorn in their august capitalist (monopolist) sides.
Speaking of “Monopoly” (the quintessential USAmerican board game), this may be why Victoria and Melbourne were given a collective “DO NOT PASS ‘GO’, GO DIRECTLY TO JAIL” card, in the guise of house arrest.
That would be typical 3rd Reich (and now 4th Reich) terrorist reprisal, if only (currently) a more “lite” format.
But essentially the same m.o. and ms. :
But with a mask.
Now,. . . . That’s Different . . . lol . . .
This article was creatively fun.
Fun? Mock the Fools, fine. Don’t be mocking The Power.
Mess with Bull
You get the horn.
Mess with the Power
You get the Plandemic.
Mess with the Bull Scheisse
Though, you get the Comedy.
Satire is Salvific?
(Well, perhaps for nimbler and nimbler toreadors. The biggest Bull of Ba$han is known to be long-suffering. Watch that red cape, hombres!)
What’s the best article that explains the spike in deaths?
Think it requires more attention. What services are hospitals offering at the moment?
Given that “mind space” rightly asserts ‘we tend to rue our losses more than our gains’, it seems worthwhile playing them at their own game and asserting that these rules are costing significant numbers of lives – and that it is actually costing lives, not just livelihoods or losses in ‘rights’. (I’m not sure how many people feel they had any in the first place.)
I’m coming to perceive ‘covid-mongers’ as genocide deniers.
This is an orchestrated culling that demands a voice.
I have a friend that died recently from the virus. He was not well, and it would not have been a surprise had he died before contracting it. And I think that is the point. The government’s proper response would be to warn the public the virus is strong enough to give the weak and frail a tough time. Anything beyond that is overreach, tyranny.
It’s been old news for weeks now that in Covid-friendly countries, many heavily favored by diagnoses in English, they have been listing motorcycle fatalities if the poor unfortunates had had Covid in March, without symptoms it illness, just the ordinary suspect (false?) positive PCR test.
In a word,”spike” can come from anything they choose, often retrofitted to get a perhaps entirely fabricated stat.
A “Spike” of Spurious Specs.
Hence, an open-ended Plandemic, now downgraded to “outbreak” in the new nomenclature of CDC.
As just one ignominious example.
“When I choose a word it means exactly what I choose it to mean.”
— Lewis Carroll
“When I choose a spike it means exactly what I choose it to mean.”
— Covid19
listing motorcycle fatalities as covid.
might explain the recent surge i’ve noticed. people riding motorcycles while wearing a mask. maybe the mask protects the rider from fatal head-on collisions?
Simply –thanks! Much needed.
I have used this as the creed for the new church I am starting. I hope you don’t mind. 🙂
I call my church “The Keepers of the Masks”
Not really, but this is what I have posted to make fun of the snowflakes.
and those who don’t wear them, be damned and thrown into the lake of resistance, the sons of satan, that is , anyone who antagonizes them
I like that idea and I want to start a new Church too. In mine the most beautiful women will have sex with me at my direction to protect them from the COVID Beast. And they must never have sex with anyone else but ME the DEVINE PROTECTOR. I think its a perfect solution to our problem.
might as well, most of the so-called “faith leaders” ran and hid, just when faith was needed the most! these religious people took their marching orders from secular government leaders, instead of from the Bible. whoa by onto them.
Of course I was only joking of dreaming. But this whole thing is a joke and we need to crush those that are pushing it.
The belief that something ‘Out There’ is out to get you, to rob you of life or bring retribution in pain and loss is fundamentally part of the human psyche since our ‘Separation Trauma’. That remains a ‘Mankind in Amnesia’. The archetypes of unhealed – and unowned fear, guilt, hate and rage operate the ‘past’ that stamps itself on the face of the present as the continuity of a narrative identity in judgement,
The fear of contagion was originally (and still is) psychic-emotional. But most of what I mean by psychic emotional is lidded over, locked down and masked over by a seeming rationality of self-justification that is currently being revealed as a mass of contradictions. That invoke a fragmentation of polarised identities which effectively cancel out or paralyse the mind of the capacity to receive a true thought – and unconflicted or whole thought.
Indeed to the locked down ‘mindset’ truth is feared exposure and perceived as an external threat to be denied a voice or acceptance – not least in diversion from the risk of listening and ‘catching’ the sense of its witness as a resonance within. For such weakens the masking defences of control, without which total exposure would reveal what lies behind the mask.
And WHO told you you were naked sayeth the Lord?
Looked at within Consciousness, this saying speaks of the capacity to question the thoughts that we accepted, took on and invested in by giving priority or power to.
WHO told you you were defenceless against a novel threat but why do you listen there? why do you give allegiance there? why do you give your trust there?
Your ‘frail little life’ is what it protects as it claim to control you.
But life is not what we think it is, though we are free to insist otherwise.
When we recognise our state of subjection is the expression of freedom set in self-contradiction, we are free to release conflicted masters to a willingness for wholeness.
Fear can unite against so as to seem almost a total unity in the moment of such conditions, but it is never whole, at rest in itself and radiant or sharing of life.
The intent to reset Fear as the control system, is the voice that shouts first, But you are the freedom to question its authority and of your allegiance to it. Which is given also in opposition, for you do not insist on convincing a deceit that it is deceitful, but put it behind you while giving focus to the Living.
There is a dark’ religion’ of fear and sacrifice that operated beneath the surface of appearances – and it is being revealed as the surface of appearances is shattered such that Narcissus has to deny always more of the relational capacity to fix his mind on imaged reality. Conflict operated the jamming signal to the Receptive. What seems now calls upon ancient hatreds forever repeating through the generations.
See how we can be induced to love to hate, and hate to love by grievance nurtured and given protection. And ask ‘Do I WANT this?’
brilliant! Thank you!
Fucking brilliant! Thank you!
Hey Offgaurdian. I also am not supported by Gates, and the Adversary has broken down my Door, and I have No Bank Account. Would You give Me a Dollar?
No? Then I must assume you would not have given Christ a Dollar either. But Christ doesn’t need your dollar, I kinda do ,unfortunately.
Nobody needs dollars and you should’ve known that, even before WTC7.
No worries. Some of us have declined payment in US dollars for decades,
A matter of ole’school principles, harmonised with fortitude. If you wanna’
Pay me first in dollars, there’s an extra high cost of a premium bonus for me, that will cost you far More, eventually, for to compensate my express time and energy involved in exchanging and unloading US Bucksss, as soon as humanly possible.
“Wisdom dictates to Me, what need do I have of fools laws.” Me, Just now
I rejoice in the undeniable fact that, in this life, I have no Judge but myself and my friends. On that Truth I shall either stand or fall. Afterlife? I will have to deal with that when it comes.
Off Guardian should feature this wonderful woman !
Professor Dolores Cahill. She has a degree in Molecular Genetics and a PHD in Immunology.
Awesome! As has been noted by previous articles on Off-G the cult of Covid does behave as if it is a religion: impervious to facts, logic or balance. Have faith in the Fear.
Silly article, serious subject. Why does OG bother with this sort of thing?
The scam is falling apart Tom – As every day passes so lighten up!!
The Truth is Thomas G. The Adversary is revealing his power to the world to see what power has courage to Stand Against it. He will attempt ,but fail ,to overcome the lamb like therion. So he will kill it ,he always has ,so far. Even David’s Kingdom fell to the god of this world/kosmos/artificial intellegence.
Its becoming absolutely unbearable, all this string of lies: today’s headline: more than a million covid deaths in the world.
Guidelines Of The Republic Of Corona
The new capital of the territory formerly known as the United State of America is now the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Headquarters building in Seattle
Bill Gates will be the President-For-Life of the Republic, and will have the authority to designate his successor
Everybody is presumed to be guilty of being sick with infectious disease, unless he/she can certify him/herself healthy
The best medical treatment for an ailment is always the one President-For-Life Bill Gates profits from
Everybody is required to have a life size portrait of the bust of President-For-Life, Bill Gates, in their living rooms
Everybody is now permanently confined to their homes, and may not leave without express written permission by the local government
Everybody is now required to wash their hands 19 times an hour, and pray while facing the direction of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Headquarters, 19 times a day
Everybody will be issued a disinfected disinfected hazmat, jack boots, plus, a bottle of chemical disinfectant daily
Everybody will be issued a smart phone with an officially approved digital identification app
Anybody caught outside their homes without written permission will be shot
Anybody refusing to march in lock step will be shot
Anybody refusing to practice proper Social Distancing will be shot
Anybody caught without his/her digital identification app will be shot
Anybody refusing to be subjected to health wellness checks and testing when ordered to do so, will be shot
Anybody caught not wearing proper hazmat uniform and jack boots, or without a bottle of chemical disinfectant in public will be shot.
Anybody caught spreading germs will be shot
Anybody refusing to properly sanitize an area after being ordered to do so, will be shot.
Everybody is required to snitch out anybody seen not following Republic Guidelines to the Guidelines Compliance Snitch Office
Anybody caught not reporting Guideline violation by another citizen to the Compliance Snitch Office will be shot
Health, Uber Alles!
666 is the mark of the beast and it is to be displayed on forearms or foreheads if you are to sustain yourselves and trade as normal. Otherwise you shall be excluded, isolated in your home, never to participate in society ever again.
So speaketh the great destroyer who has come to visit you in the end times. Partake not of the vaccine for it is corrupt and will harm you beyond all imagining.
You should have listened when they said ” the bible is not for you to read, just do as we say.” It would have served you better if you had been sheep. Be honest.
I am being honest. I have studied under the guidance of the Jehovah Witnesses for these last 18 months. I have rejected their philosophy and have several good arguments to refute the Bible as it is presented.
However, the motivation for me to study was to verify my projections of the future in respect of Revelations per my book. I failed to do so. Nevertheless there is a lot of meaning in this Chapter IMHO and I will not reject it out hand until I have studied further.
The journey may be long and fraught with disappointment but I will persevere.
Brilliant, will be widely distributed by me. Many thanks.
Brilliant Mr. Jenkins. I am ready to rent a seat in a front row pew in the Church of the Covid.
Send it to the A B of C!
…this is exactly how religion works…especially the controlling World religions of Government and Money….just my view….!!!
good job ian jenkins, and frightening, as it ought to be.
Actually the corona scare is based on reason, science is the product of reason. In as far as the corona scare is based on pseudo science, it is also partially based on science. The pseudo science extends the real science, and there are also the inevitable wrong conclusions, which is not pseudo science but based on the situation that science is in development, moving forward temporary wrong conclusions are inevitable.
The mass adherence to science of modern societies means adherence to reason.
Regarding democracy, the belief in democracy as the best, or the best of the worst of systems of government is also a contemporary article of faith. A societal and technological situation which is also the fruit of democracy has made the corona scare possible. Beside that, the devil of democracy is the elites.
Reason and democracy are the two creeds of enlightenment ideology. The media system of politicized mass man in a democracy is not proportional, media is and always was about hype and sensation of the day, without that, media would not sell nor attain its overwhelming power. Even democracy as a rule of the people, the majority, is an inherently disproportional situation, relying on myopic dicatorship of the day in the form of media.
Without democratic media, and technology (product of science, thus product of application of reason), and politicized mass man, a madness like the corona scare could not have been introduced so quick on such a large scale.
I do like it that proportionality is mentioned here with a capital between the big words Reason and Democracy. As the two latter can, as we see – unless you belong to those always blaming elites, outsourcing the bad, typical of democratic man.. bring about dictatorship. Proportionality is key to prevent the derailing of reason (it becoming a dictator itself, on the basis of insufficient facts), and the derailing of society as a whole through disproportional belief in a system of government like democracy.
This new creed ‘Proportionality’ is a new one which indicates that there is a problem with the old ones.
many ”believe” in science religiously. stealing tis from elsewhere as it’s beter said than i usually can.
”the vast majority of advocates for scientism see themselves as non-religious atheists who have no “faith” (religious or secular) in anything. Nothing could be further from the truth of course, but plenty of people have zero self-awareness and zero insight (aka meta-cognition).
You and I will never convince a person who sees her/himself as non-religious that s/he has religious devotion.”
Perfectly true. Genuine science – the open-ended search for truth – has almost ceased to exist. Instead, as John writes, we have the creed of scientism, an avowedly atheistic belief system. Not surprisingly, then, a great deal of what it declares to be certain knowledge – especially in the biological sciences – is not. The standard of published ‘scientific’ research is apparently dreadful. I recall reading that as much as 50% of published research is not worth the paper it’s written on – in seeming confirmation of the GIGO rule.
My particular beef is neo-Darwinism, allegedly science-based, but in reality mere asserted dogma, ‘solidly’ based on a reductionist materialism which cannot prove its postulates. Occasionally there is an honest atheist among them – like geneticist Professor Richard Lewontin, who wrote:
“We take the side of science in spite of the patent absurdity of some of its constructs; in spite of its failure to fulfil many of its extravagant promises of health and life [vaccines?]; in spite of the tolerance of the scientific community for unsubstantiated “Just-So” stories – because we have a prior commitment, a commitment to materialism.
It is not that the methods and institutions of science somehow compel us to accept a material explanation of the phenomenal world, but, on the contrary, that we are forced by our a priori adherence to material causes to create an apparatus of science and a set of concepts that produce material explanations, no matter how counterintuitive, no matter how mystifying to the uninitiated.
Moreover, that materialism is absolute – for we cannot allow a Divine Foot in the door”.
In no way does that mean that religion has a place in science – even if many scientific discoveries, especially earlier ones, came out of profoundly religious understanding of the world. It is worth mentioning that ‘religion’ means ‘re-connecting’. In that sense one could say that science needs to re-connect to that which exists behind the mere appearances. In particular, biology needs to return to its foundations as the science of life itself and of the forms of living things – which cannot be explained by physics, chemistry and mechanics.
Anyone who has taken the trouble to read widely on the subject of Covid and viruses in general will have realised that even mainstream science has no real understanding of what viruses are and how they play an essential role in maintaining health. Both politicians and scientists have used the false reputation of viruses as ‘evil entities out to get you’ in order to create fear and pursue their agenda of global control.
It’s time for a radical change.
The utopian claims of technocracy and its priesthood fits well with your argument that Scientism has become a religion. Like any religion it has its share of charlatans and fraudsters like Bill Gates and Elon Musk.
It’s time for GUILLOTINES.
The ideal of science (application of reason) is indeed hijacked by those who are actually believers, and they are lead by those who are out on control and power.
The modern ideals of freedom and tolerance are also hijacked, the idea of tolerance is hijacked by people who are intolerant. The problem of hate and the ideal to do something about the problem of hate is hijacked by those who are actually haters. The ideal of freedom is hijacked in such a way that it becomes licentiousness (which is slavery).
Actually all modern ideals and ideas are by now hijacked not just by some groups of people divided along political lines, but they are taken over by a top elite and big corporations. The reason of that is because zeitgeist ideals are extremely powerful, they afford power, so everyone out on power needs to not only take these in account, but putting yourself forward as thé representation of them, putting forward visions allows you the greatest power. Hence, representations of such ideals in the form of various groups are by now all swallowed by big power.
An example of this is progressiveness, during the nineteenth and twentieth century there emerged a great variety of forms of progressive thought, by now these are all infiltrated and shaped according to the agenda of big power and wealthy funders. Environmental awareness and its great diversity of ideals, solutions and implementations has been swallowed also by big power (through the elite vessel of human climate change belief). Science and technology is swallowed in order to further an agenda of severe materialism, worship of technology, in order to gain money and power.
As I see it, it is key for individuals to realize that all these things in their present form should not be supported, that they are now not just understandably imperfect and corrupt, but totally false to the spirit, supporting them means granting power to what is utterly false to the spirit of such ideals. They should be reclaimed by the individual, and small groups of individuals organizing themselves.
To add another ideal which is hijacked currently, it is the ideal of education, to provide for facilities of education for everyone. In the true spirit of this idea, education is a basis for individuals to develop themselves, to provide them with basic tools for their own development. Currently education is ever more used to control the minds of people at the phase of life when they are most impressible.
Barrett Is Pro-Lockdown.Pro-Forced Vaccine.Pro Detention.Pro Martial Law Opus Dei Style Authoritarian/
Not Independent- Defers To Pope/
Federalist Society Deep State Stealth Choice a la Bolton.Roberts
Past Controversies May Deny Her Seat – No 5th Vote On Election
…and the Pope reports to the Bishops since Vatican II. also European nobility
The world has been turned into one giant game of Simon Says. “You may take off your mask.” “Ah, I didn’t say ‘Simon Says!’ Put your mask back on!” Ain’t it fun to be a kid again?
The North Koreans know how to handle any situation.
Dear fellow countrymen, Dear brothers and sisters, Officers, noncommissioned officers and men of our People’s Army, Guerrillas operating in the southern half of Korea, On behalf of the Government of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, I make this appeal to you: On June 25, the army of the puppet government of the traitor Syngman Rhee launched an all-out offensive along the 38thparallel against the northern half of Korea. The valiant Security Forces of the Republic, fighting fierce battles to counter the enemy’s invasion, have frustrated the advance of the Syngman Rhee army.
The Government of the DPRK, having discussed the situation, ordered our People’s Army to start decisive counteroffensive action and wipe out the enemy’s armed forces. On the orders of the Government of the Republic, the People’s Army drove the enemy back from areas north of the 38th parallel and has advanced 10 to 15 kilometres to the south……………………”
A Moranbong Band Victory Day celebration performance 2013.07.27
It’s all so cheap and slick, the ‘art’ in the video. In the case of peoples art, it doesn’t have spirit, like folk art normally has. The totalitarian system in which they lives deprives everything of spirit, turning it into what is ridiculously artificial and robotic.
Hehehe, ah…… I just came from eh…. an thing called B on the moon around Alabama, and you should go there to read the latest debunking of OffGs aritcles and comments regarding the CONvid 19 saga, I had to laugh, and I am not shure what snapped, or blew out some gaskets, of did some fuses simply blew, but the entire debunking was and should be an tour de force in total retardianism, the latest hitt in this world of eh….. news and perspetions of reality, and I indeed recomend that, because I belive that He have some serious personal issues, we all have, but usually when I do ugh… debunking I never tread on that road unless I have the truth I need to go there, stawmen is not that, and ad-homeniems, general bollocks, etc I dont bother, but I have no problems with hitting, because if i dont know what I talk about, I have learned to keep my mouth shut, more people should learn that, its called comon sense, and over at Foreman Mao of Alabama, they are stil at what we define as kindergarden level, all thoe I dont like that analogy its stil an good description of that sites prestanda.
I dont bother to link anymore, just so that FoM could read, like the Belgian Docs, etc, etc, etc, where they say the same as we have for the enitre shitshow called an epidemic, some people stil dont get this and this, Da B, is vital, we/I have never claimed people dont die, flu is stil an killer, but my claim is, the entire CONvid spectacle is 100% fake, fake data, fake stats, fake everything incl braindamages to imward growing toe nails, yeah, and despite the hype, more people died in Sweden in the previous years, like 2 years ago, and then the entire uh…. thing was in the back sides of the papers, and the sole difference this time is politics, etc, that, and the testing regime witch they use to day, aka the infected, is even more riddicilous that what we have endure for months, and somehow nobody is dying, sorry, no more dying in the same range as before because it fizzles out, and now comes an new winter.
I do recomend you all to go there, and dont for an second belive we where wrong, what pisses them off is that we where right, about more or less everything and that hurts.
I for the first time, have to glouth, I love reading this sites when they expose them self for what they are, bloody morons.
Have an nice day and take care.
Yup, I have even lightened up my fireplace, and I will have something I usually dont do, an drink, red wine, since I dont drink much, but takes an glass wine for, hehe, my health.
And it also disinfects, hehe.
If you think like you write … you may have some undiagnosed issues with reality…. just saying , be careful crossing the road on your own without a child to hold your hand and get you over safely.
DunGroanin… has it ever crossed your mind that English is not MiKael’s first language. I understood perfectly what he was saying.
Can I suggest you have a go at writing in Russian/Bulgarian/Belarus or Swedish. Lets see just how correct your spelling and sentences would be.
You really ought to stop acting like the rude old Grump you come across as…
We believe in one unholy Catastrophic and Technocratic Global Church beseeching its followers to maintain blind faith and show reverence for the trinity of: mask, testing, and vaccines. Genuflect whenever hearing incredulous horror tales about COVID the invisible beast. If you abandon Davos holy scripture by veering from irrational edicts you’ll be beaten, tasered, and arrested–Amen.
The sad part is that no one came to her defense. The fat ass in the white sweat shirt is a typical modern coward. I guess physical assault under Color of Law is perfectly fine, as long as your only a well stuffed spectator…
WOW, that was my exact reaction. The population has been mentally reduced to “Eloi.”
I would have to know the particulars of this incident before I accept it as genuine. For one thing, a person does not get tased without any sort of reaction; it’s only because the person speaking said the woman was tased that that assumption is made. Now if this had been in Melbourne, Australia, I would probably take it at face value.
To me, this is of a type with the video awhile back of a woman in a dog park supposedly pepper spraying a man for not wearing a mask. I didn’t believe that was genuine; and I’m hesitant about this video also.
It’s a real incident. You can’t believe it happened in Ohio because it looks like something that would occur in China.
The woman was watching her child’s sporting event, but didn’t want to wear a mask because she has asthma. Someone from the school told the police to ask her to leave if she won’t wear a mask. She wouldn’t wear a mask and she didn’t want to leave. That’s when the fat-ass cop tased and arrested her while the other chubbies smugly watched. It was all over the news in the US.
I hope it was on the level – and, BTW, what a world we live in when anyone should “hope” what happened to this woman really did happen! But since the power structure has so much riding on COVID-19, I would not put it past them to stage an event and have it go viral – only to reveal it as having been “fake news.”
This kind of “psy-op” could be a real set-back to those attempting to protest against the “scamdemic.”
That’s ludicrous.
Hopefully my concern really is nothing more than the product of an overactive imagination.
It’s incredibly obvious that this is a genuine, totally unnecessary assault on an innocent woman and her family..
The issue is not with the woman being tased or not, the issue is the allowance of such weapons.
To list all the horrors of technology would take several hours. It doesn’t matter in the least what harm tasers cause; they should never be allowed – and their inventor(s) should be locked in an asylum.
Horrible… A beautiful family day out ends up with the kids being traumatised…
Millions of children are being traumatized by COVID. This could result in a fearful future generation filled with hypochondriacs and agoraphobics. In other words, government edicts and MSM propaganda is “injecting” mental illness into the minds of the young.
From the third century CE, power formed the religion called Christianity, producing mental ilnesses by implementing fear and guilt complexes in the minds of millions. These ilnesses are not even healed collectively today, and after a short period of increasing freedom and health, the powers that be are re-activating these in a modern form.
The real mental illnesses occurred, not in the minds of those forcibly subjected to religious/scientific dogma, but in the minds of those who forced their dogma on people.
This is how the profession of psychiatry ends.
Shrinks are the biggest nutcases.
If this had been a white cop and a black woman, the SJWs would have been on the scene in a flash and downtown Logan, Ohio would have been reduced to ashes and cinders. But a 250lb black cop on a 125 lb white woman….not a problem, nothing to see here. In one of the videos you can hear the woman shout “Get your hand off my breast!” Guess the guy decided he needed his own personal, private, individualized BLM “moment” and you can bet your sweet ass that none of the soul-less, gutless, spineless government officials of Logan Ohio will say word one about this assault.
Years ago a crowd would’ve approached and stopped it. Now they just sit there and eat popcorn.
Anything that happens any longer is just part of the “show” to the people.
BTW, though I rarely link to anything, this Global Research article shows a 1962 painting that is fantastic. Don’t know if you’ve seen it or not.
All you need to do is update the outfits. That painting was incredibly prescient. If the artist was still alive I asked him for Lotto numbers.
The fake science was all made up to hide the fact of our creator. Fake characters sigmund fraud Marx einstein gates all to sell us fake ideas in the great quest to bring about the dew world order.
Subversion after subversion. The ends justify any means. Complete economic media political control by the only privileged group on earth. The goy the subhuman cattle penned in for their benefit.
Is anybody awake doubting the truth in this.
Read the Talmud read all the banned books read about the real history of just the 20th century and wake up normies.
Mercifully short.
Really like this one as it went through my mind over the months: the God also known as Coviditas or as Rona but with adherents who were part of the Church or Order of Coviditas.
Ppl who lie about a flat nonrotating earth being a globe are bound to be lying about other things too.
Ppl who are blatantly insincere about caring for human rights while they claim dominion over all other human beings and all of God’s creatures too will be bound to THE GRID OF SET like a dying man to his cross.
Have any of you here studied TheTartarian Civilization? Apparantly, they could levitate and teletransport themselves… Apparantly they had nuclear reactors and wireless technology then they CAUSED A GRID MELTDOWN :-D!!!!! Oh nevermind, you lot are bound to be lying about that too. Over and out.
To be a pedant ‘over and out’ is as nonsensical as the tartar saucearian stuff…over means i have finished speaking and require a response out means i have finished speaking and require no response
I’m suprised the saucearians had wireless technology…it seems they couldnt even get to grips with the linguistic requirements of wired shit
“The Book of Face”. I love you.
Covid is the new religion.
It has its own rituals so the devoted can be recognized.
Yarmulkes now cover the nose and mouth and are worn by all.
Hand sanitizer is the new holy water and is easily accessible at all places of worship – stores, restaurants, art galleries and museums, farmers’ markets et al.
You can confess your sins by waiting in lines for a nose swab or a quick temperature take.
Media is the covid bible where you learn of your religion’s development worldwide, and how to live according to the prescribed rules to save your soul.
Holy days have been extended so everyone can catch up on reading and movies all recommended for you through daily bible studies.
Anthony Fauci is now GOV’s representative on earth.
Patricia Fahy,
Brilliant. LOL
Off-Guardian, you rule.
Best part: “Book of Face.” Took me a second, but when it landed boy was there an outburst on my part. Just great stuff.
Yes… Amen to the Great Rest! Soon many will join Cod!
Tell me what you KNOW about German National Socialism. All you will need is the back of a postage stamp.
GNS was awesome… It provide HUGE PROFITS. All the rest was just the usual entertainment.
Yes I reckon that ignorant garbage would just about fit on the back of a postage stamp. LOL Oh and let me know how international bartering makes huge profits for anyone.
I assume NON of the denizens of this waterhole have signed up to the NHS app?
I assume you have. They will be knocking on your door soon.
My phone doesn’t even do government pornography.
I Haven’t and won’t.
Presumably the 19 down voters HAVE.
So is Oh-Gee have a opinion on signing up to the NHS app? For or agin?
It seems the echo chamber choir is strangely SILENT on that real intrusion by foreign powers grab of our data?
Almost encouraging it.
True colours showing now
Forget the app… Only solution for you and others like you!
At least you’ll be also helping with Climate Change…
dung is the site’s resident troll – a sort of off-g gollum.
The place wouldn’t be the same without him … (or is it a “her”!!!)
No man of worthwhile intelligence owns a smartphone.
A helicopter with big flashing lights under it’s belly, in the shape of the “Covid symbol”, just flew over my house. It comes every night around curfew time. There is something seriously wrong with a population that puts up with this shit.
We noticed sirens going of at all times of night very early morning even during the no one out period during the mental lockdown beginning periods (or after the ritual announcements on tv)
this also came with helicopters out between 2am- 4am which is also psychology and affects your dream State
Mind you most are in some form of hypnotic state or several multi personality disorders brainwashing going on at the same time.
Shin without tv etc you would not believe there was a huge pandemic
ever taken Acid during the day. ? well this si the funny part of the acid trip.
COVID Ignorance is Strength and Bliss of human sheeple.
COVID insanity: staying apart keeps us together.
COVID reality: Staying apart keeps us apart. Staying together keeps us together.
Sounds like you hate the oppressed rather than the oppressors. Useful?
Try to bring it down…
One more thing — and then I will be quiet. I have found it very helpful to turn off all mainstream “news” to try to think clearly. I have done this for years mostly. Except NPR in the car, which I then also decided to turn off when they went on incessantly about Russian collusion BS.
Lately, independent-thinking friends in the U.S. have told me they have found it helpful to actually listen to press conferences (primary sources) on C-Span for instance, and then look at how the phrases and words appear afterwards in the U.S. MSM on CNN, ABC, NBC, etc., for instance. The disortions and manipulations are shocking. We have to see how language — and its manipualtion — operates on our thoughts and opinions in order to get free of this dark time. And other dark times which may come.
The rest of the world seems to often follow the U.S., as we have seen with this virus sh**show.
The personal examination of primary sources is excellent advice. And the observation about how the corporate’s distortions can be easily seen from the practice is completely accurate. Unfortunately, very few people seem to be prepared to do this, no matter how important the issue.
The orange guy who’s been saying for years that “the fake news media is the greatest enemy of the people” certainly agrees with you. The MSM you reject made him orange, remember.
Sorry TrumpBot, but it’s the pancake tanner and toupee that made him orange, not the MSM.
Agent Orange is toxic for humans and also the planet.
That’s a very good idea, Reader.
I was a C-spanner for years. Adored it. But gave up my tv over a decade ago.
Brian Lamb – best interviewer EVER.
Just go to for their schedule and archives and stream whatever you want.
Language itself is now corrupt. The high priests of technocracy have achieved almost full spectrum dominance over the linguistic domain. Whenever possible we should seek the silences that lie between being and thought.
The English language is a curse on oneself
To spell a word is to out spells on yourself and others
A true Word holds a resonance in being – for it neither adds to or takes away.
That words spell and spells cast is so invisibly structuring our experience as to operate a set of rules and filters that deliver the result accordingly.
The covid is in many ways a further reiteration of the Fall or Separation – and promises another step of dissociation and displacement (for those who sign up for it).
‘And WHO told you you were naked’ is not about body shame, but about a sense of self-lack, masked over and denied.
When you withhold your blessing you deny them and yourself – along with the Source of Blessing. I don’t mean a fake of sanctimonious pretence – but the recognition of and appreciation for , our existence – which is vere in a vacuum, but always in a context of relationship.
Iri – That’s bollox.
Being IS Communication and what we now take as thought is the ‘masking signal’.
Communication is inviolate.
The FORMS of communication can be passed off AS IF communication and thus the language degraded by accepted currency of use- along with the mind that uses it.
If you want your right mind – so as to be restored to your whole mind, speak only what is in your heart. Which means listening there – not emotional reactivity.
Nothing personal. I don’t say that you are bollox.
I appreciate the corruption of language being brought to awareness.
It is most fundamental to all else that we think and frame or sense of self and world in.
If it helps, I am using the term “language” in the narrow sense, not the wide. I never said “communication”: there are indeed many different ways to communicate, and sense we are all ultimately connected, we are always in a sense “in communication”.
See how I had to explain myself? It’s so easy to let words divide us.
I suggest that the thinking we take as our own is a kind of doublethink-narrative that has always been corrupt but is only showing up as its (lack of true) foundation is exposed.
So the release of the thinking to the ‘silence or connection as being’ – allows though to arise from such a context rather than masking over it.
I didn’t lose you – I just felt ‘language’ is redeemable – that is we can reconnect to the original rather than persist in derivatives and even in derivatives of derivatives.
I also hold that redeeming our language back to an intimacy of being, is the releasing of a lots of social code that masks in ways of seeming to communicate without truly meeting. Which is a way of tacitly agreeing to both look away or turn a blind eye. And there’s the invitation to corruption to spread through the body politic – by the generating of mapped out no-go areas.
I agree: language is redeemable (it is a primordial power, In the Beginning there was the Word…) so in a sense it is indestructible, but it will first need to be purified by pulling back, behind/beneath it.
Many years ago I encountered the phrase “peak meaning” (a nod to peak oil, peak water, all that stuff, do you remember?) and it resonated. Even back then language was so corrupted that some people noticed enough to name it, but in the last 5 years the process has accelerated. However,I am actually quite full of hope, because the current corrupt state of affairs cannot sustain itself indefinitely. Unfortunately there will be a great deal of suffering in the process. I wish that were not so, but here we are.
Glad to meet you.
I intuit that the process of corruption is self-correcting but that the nature of corruption is identification in partial, false or distorted and illusory sense of self and world. FROM such identity we operate as if to control our own life – which is itself a corruption.
Jesus parable of the tenant farmers and the absent Master, applies.
So while I share in the identification in the world as a bias. distortion or masking over the true Word, I am active in noticing and observing my own thought and emotional reaction, as a willingness of uncovering truth, rather than a defence of what I have been trained or conditioned to accept and identify true.
At this level, our experience is a gift unto our Self, but in the ‘matrix’ of a mythic or narrative self played out as real, it can seem to be a compelling personal conflict – indeed a life and death experience.
Struggling within a failed or unsupported narrative – even in attempt to retain it as a ‘Reset’ to a more controllable (but dead) system, is engaging in the level of effects instead of releasing such identity to Cause or Source – that can be witnessed to by the renewing of your mind (and world). That the old habit is a deeply learned habit means growing a willingness to always begin now – rather than continue narrative assumptions.
Everyone has their own way of embracing this process for it is in life and not in my or anyone else’s articulation. It feels like Compression and is a refinement back to who we are, but reacting against the Call, as if it is the violation of our private movie rights, sets up self-reinforcing feedback loops of conflict.
It can be said their are two Calls within our mind; the call to segregative self as self-will and its experience, and the call to healing or reintegrative being – in which the self becomes transparent to its Source. So although there is a Cosmic ‘Peep Oh!’, of forgetting and remembering, it isn’t binary or circular but spiralling to cycles of expansion and compression that open perspectives and seed new experience. However truth simply and only Is,regardless the capacity of the mind of Self-differentiation – and its progeny.
Hope as an expression of faith in life is an expression of connection and alignment in truth – and as such of a different nature to hope set against fears that are expressions of collapse or loss of life to cynicism and despair.
Finding our balance and following the balance points, must release the mind of what we think should be, in order to feel and know the qualities of what is truly Current. The ‘ego’ always seeks to immediately define what is, in terms that support and reinforce its narrative – which is set over self-contradictions. I feel that these conflicts are not able to be maintained or compartmentalised and juggled as before, and so they are all coming up from the ‘Deep’. and revealing of disclosing foundations that are disturbing, and yet without substance. But while we are framed by disturbance, we mask in narrative evasions, and have the experience of it. Looking at or on the disturbance serves a releasing of investment in its themes or archetypes and identities – for we give these, and receive in like measure. Casting out the conflict of self as drama set in a world outside, as a ‘not now’ to the Call to heal.
So the mind of ‘not now’ operates a dissociation and fragmentation in ‘time’, Set or even locked down in the body as the distance of ‘space’. Einstein said he found action at a distance spooky. But resonance operates instantly as matching frequency signatures that undo or momentarily collapse the belief we have become a ghost in a machine (world). Every such experience witnesses to an order that is not IN the world, and yet is within us, and also revealing us within a Greater Communication.
Releasing points of identification within the ‘world’, frees to recognise or identify truly – as a resonance of being rather than matching of image and form, for the latter can be masked in or identified in – as if to possess and be possessed by them.
It would not be kind to support self-illusion beyond its tipping point. Protecting illusion from change demands sacrifice of life, while seeming to ‘make safe’.
A great deal of words by definition split, take apart, divide, and they are by definition ambiguous. When two individuals say the same thing, it does not even have the same meaning, the difference can be enormous, but due to individual differences, it never completely means the same thing. The real understanding of another can only take place if both are spiritually like each other, and in that case, the understanding is not tedious and complicated as it often is, it is a quick and immediate grasp which is not solely dependent on verbal or written communication.
Further complicating issues is that taking apart and uniting can be done in a great multitude of ways. Then different perspectives can be taken. Also, the essence of something communicated might be lost on the interpreter, the latter getting lost in what is inessential, some people also do not look for essentials, but get lost, pick something up from an expression according to how it triggers them.
The collections of SAGE minutes collected and released in searchable form by the legal beagles at Law of Fiction reveals some interesting results.
Covid is now no longer referred to as a pandemic, rather an epidemic. There are 24 instance of ‘pandemic’ from Mtg 2 Jan 28 to Mtg 30, April 30. There are 126 mentions of epidemic from Mtg 3 3 Feb 3 to Mtg 55 Sep 3.
Mtg 53 Aug 23 refers to the PCR test as ‘the gold standard’
[Really? Gold-plated tungsten standard possibly]
Mtg 34 May 7 introduces the issue of protests and what to do about them.
“36. It is not expected that protest or social disorder will automatically follow from an easing of restrictions. Nor is it expected that any resistance to new measures will emerge which
reflect patterns of protests in other countries, because such events appear to be specific.”
[these eejits are out of touch. The events are spcific but about a general specific problem of the inappropriate abuse of power]
“Public unrest
37. SAGE recognised a need to review the latest evidence for risks from mass gatherings
and protests, but also noted that risk may be more closely linked to activities around
mass gatherings, e.g. transport, pubs and events such as block parties. It was noted that
there was no increase in incidence recorded following mass protests in the US (low
[So the mass protests resulted in no increase in incidence of ‘infection’ – interesting]
Mtg 34 May 7 considers that hand hygiene is effective and should be promoted.
“Hand hygiene
33. SAGE endorsed the NERVTAG/EMG paper on hand hygiene.
34. Hand hygiene is an effective measure, especially when adopted in concert with other
measures, but it has to be positively encouraged. It is worth revisiting behavioural
interventions to increase uptake.”
[So we have a simple, non-contentious means making positive effective action … that has to be positively encouraged? I’ve seen no sign of that. It is all mask, mask, mask]
The Orwellian SPI-B ‘Behavioural Modification Unit’ gets a lot of mention (82 instances). Most of these are requests for input rather than detail any such inputs.
Mtg 15 Mar 13 SAGE secretariat to work with HMG Communications colleagues to agree what SPI-M and SPI-B information will be made public and a process to share this, ensuring this information is easily accessible and understandable.
[More interesting is the unreleased material]
Mtg 24 April 9
ACTION: NERVTAG to produce papers on a) infection duration of Covid-19 and b) use of facemasks (taking into account the potential of pre-symptomatic or asymptomatic
transmission), including any behavioural aspects related to the use of masks (drawing on SPI-B where necessary) for next SAGE meeting (14th April).
[Presumably this led on to the idea of using the media to ‘socially shame’ anyone not wearing a mask]
Mtg 28 Apr 23
ACTION: SAGE secretariat to send SPI-B’s initial view on behaviours required for a
suppress and control route to Cabinet Office by 24 April.
[A cryptic comment apparently in relation to anti-body testing]
Mtg 45 Jul 2
Public unrest
36. SAGE noted the SPI-B paper highlighting evolving social conditions, the potential for
public unrest and the associated risks to public health.
ACTION: HO CSA to establish process to ensure relevant papers from SPI-B on law and
order go directly to HO, bringing papers to SAGE if required
[So SPI-B has already looked into the effects of expected unrest]
Mtg 52 Aug 2
Opening large events and venues
16. SAGE endorsed the SPI-M and SPI-B papers — subject to amendments, and increased
consistency between the papers.
[Come on, guys. You’ve got to keep on message. How on earth will the plebs cope with inconsistency?]
etc, etc
Ferguson no longer appears on the attendee lists after Mtg 40 Jun 4. Perhaps he is away on a hard-earned break in some villa somewhere?
His last action to provide input was recorded at Mtg 29 Apr 28. The outcome of that action is not obviously mentioned.
His ‘epitaph’
Mtg 34 May 7 [held via Zoom]
SAGE noted the important contribution made by Neil Ferguson over the course of the
response and agreed the importance of continuing to draw upon the work of the Imperial
College London team.
Cummings attended 5 meetings – Mar 15, Apr 14, Apr 23, Apr 30, May 1
Thanks for this Bonehead update/ report. Society is ruled by fear; so are its authorities.I’d like to think that this forum is towards a sane culture. The sorrow is how badly people behave when confronted with uncertainty, in this case what we are dealing with medically, its true nature – which I suspect is general environmental degradation/pollution which it’s important for fear-saturated society to not acknowledge. Thus intense, suffocating circularity.
But fear of environmental collapse is one of the most peddled.
It’s all fear/irrational, but please elaborate. I’m interested in discovering the structure of the mess we’re in.
The covid cult prayer is amusing, yet it is based on the baseness and absurdity of all such incantations. From Researcher’s comment: “The Cult of Covid must be abolished.” True…
The only way to rid our governments and belief systems of the fallacious “good” of all, is to face the realities of economic enslavement. We need to stop glorifying psychopathic mobsters with our unspoken prayers of conformance. Below is an example of where the rubber hits the road: >
The Spiders Web
September 12, 2018
“The Spider’s Web reveals how at the demise of empire, City of London financial interests created a web of secrecy jurisdictions that captured wealth from across the globe and hid it in a web of offshore islands. Today, up to half of global offshore wealth is hidden in British jurisdictions and Britain and its dependencies are the largest global players in the world of international finance.”
I watched this doc when it first came out. Fascinating. I think I’ll take another look. thanks!
Thank you. Humor certainly helps — and is often life-saving, especially now.
This article above summarizes what many have been saying and many have known during this whole sh**show.
As this time passes — and it will quickly, I think we all should be asking — Who spoke up (and is speaking up) and who stayed silent and scared, trying to force others to comply as well? How did you treat people who questioned and tried to think independently — when it has been and is very hard to do so? Who protected children and young people who have had to endure this? Even the U.S. CDC director has said that suicides have been shockingly high among high school students — as many have known intuitively that these lockdowns would kill people of all ages. Other published reports have said that 25 percent of young people, 18-25, have seriously considered suicide in the last six months. Who stood up to try to keep food supplies open, so people did not starve to death? Who continued to follow along with the lying and deception to make money? Because of fear that speaking up for truth or conscience would cost them business or profits? Who made money off this fiasco? Who wrote the checks? Who got paid?
As this fiasco dissolves, and it will, what will matter most, I think, was how you treated people. Were you an a**hole, calling the police or health department on your neighbors or on small church schools, trying to survive, for example, or calling authorities on your fellow workers? Were you snide and ugly, even bullying to others, over face masks? Were you (and are you) terrorizing children with this nonsense that you bought whole? Did you contribute to scaring children and young people into not seeing their friends or relatives for months or scaring them away from doing all things that give their lives meaning (under the guise of “protecting the vulnerable” when you were really just worried about saving your own a** from some phantom). Did you do all this without question (similar to how people bought wars — and death camps — for profit and lies while their neighbors were sent to die — because they could not bare the cognitive dissonance that they were mislead, were wrong and then correct their thinking and change their beliefs).
What will you do now, going forward?
I am hoping that people will learn a lot from this time. I know I have.
A clever article explaining how this Covid nonsense caught on so quickly and with a vengeance . The amplification provided by the mass media in the computerized Information Age gave it global reach .The need for humans to believe in something/anything is a powerful tool as the demagogues and propagandists of the 20th century have discovered.
The Cult of Covid must be abolished.
Do any of you want your DNA tampered with, or is it already perfection?
Personally, I’m completely satisfied with my DNA and my immune system.
I don’t want a third string of DNA, or a nanobot, nanowire, nanochip, nanocensor or messenger RNA forcefully introduced into my body either through a test or a vaccine.
If I were Minister for Education, I would introduce a new school subject: “Knowing, and working with your Own DNA”. It’s time such sensitive personal material was taken out of the hands of those who assume the authority to manipulate it for their own benefit.
As things stand now, we experience absolutely nothing of our DNA in our daily lives, but who says we can’t research and learn about it, just as we already do about the other miraculous things which constitute a human being?
Another revolutionary concept I might promote would be the notion of cooperating with Nature instead of violating her at every opportunity.
Which is why nobody will ever appoint me Minister for Education…
Absolutely. The internet actually had the potential to become the great equalizer, affording anyone the access to information, usually only found exclusively in expensive colleges or from years of experience in the field. If the internet had not been so heavily censored as it has been the past few years just as it is in China, and the social media black hole of time sucking narcissism and trivia pushed so heavily on everyone, we wouldn’t be where we are now.
I’ve noticed, the more educated people become, the more indoctrinated and slavish, they also become to the web of lies and mass of misinformation.
Although that is all true, I take heart from the fact that, generally speaking, there is a heck of a lot of real information out there in the internet, and reasonable common sense, preferably along with an undamaged childhood upbringing, can still distinguish between the genuinely informative and the absolute tosh.
It takes work and thought, but hey, who said life was supposed to be easy?
Live Trafalgar Square in London for anti lockdown protest