The Mask and the Bump

Patrick Corbett

Image source: Shutterstock

I was on the bus the other night with my wife. There were only 3 of us not wearing masks on our public transport, which mandates mask wearing but with medical exemptions. Across the aisle was an attractive, healthy looking young woman, perhaps mid 20s wearing a mask.

She was pregnant, I’d guess in the 2nd trimester. According to the US NIOSH (National Institute for Safety and Health) there are now millions of pregnant women wearing masks — primarily because they’re mandated to do so. But there doesn’t appear to be any data for how long they’re worn and under what circumstances, i.e. indoors, outdoors, working, exercising or whatever.

Given what I’ve learned about masks I had a strong urge to warn her that there were serious risks to her and I assumed the unborn baby. I assumed because I really didn’t know. The problem is there are virtually no reliable studies which link mask wearing to postnatal outcomes. But as I’ve come to understand the lack of a specific study need not inhibit an accurate risk/benefit analysis. So let’s do that.

The wearing of masks to attempt to prevent the spread of a virus has never been widespread in the general population in the Western world. (An exception to that was during the 1918 flu pandemic, masks were mandated in some cities, USA, but not others.

Subsequent studies showed no difference in infection rates or deaths between the mask wearing cities and those that chose not to.) In Asia where mask wearing is more common they are worn for a multitude of reasons including, significantly, for protection against car exhaust and industrial air pollution. Most studies everywhere have concentrated on “fit for purpose” or effectiveness analyses.

Fewer studies have looked at the effects of masks on the wearer, fewer papers still have addressed the concern that masks might be harmful to the wearers.

Here’s how we can examine the risks of mask wearing on pregnant women (or others for that matter):

If we look at the science regarding the effects of wearing a mask on the people wearing them and then compare and connect those results to effects that have been shown to affect pregnancy outcomes then we should be able to draw reasonable conclusions. In a risk/benefit analysis it may not prove a potential harm but might suggest considerable caution be applied.

Never in our history has mask wearing been so ubiquitous, across so many countries and in general mostly healthy populations of all ages, past that of toddlers. Neither has mask wearing been mandated for such long periods. Servers in restaurants, school children, plant workers, transit workers, health employees don them for far longer than previously. Pre-Covid-19 they were mostly confined to operating rooms and infectious wards.

What reasons aside from mandates might a pregnant woman have for deciding to wear a mask during what is called the Covid 19 pandemic?

Foremost would be concern for her own health and the unborn baby–protection from becoming infected, sick and possible negative effects on the fetus.

Secondly she might be concerned for others, i.e. source control, that she might not pass on an infection. Those would be her hoped for benefits. She might also want to be seen to be a good person “helping to fight the virus.”

Before assessing her benefits we need some context both of Covid-19 and of mask wearing.

On March 11, 2020 the World Health Organization (WHO),declared the disease Covid-19, as a result of infection with the SARS-CoV-2 virus, to be a “pandemic.” 6 months in it has failed to live up to that billing. In fact the US CDC now calls it the “Covid-19 Outbreak.” And Swiss Policy Research which has published a great deal of scientific information, often at odds with the hysteria the virus has generated in the media, has studied the lethality of the virus and concluded it is generally low.

[for] most people the new coronavirus is already neutralized by antibodies on the mucous membrane (IgA) or by cellular immunity (T-cells). In most of these cases, no symptoms or only mild symptoms develop… the new coronavirus is probably much more common than previously thought and the lethality per infection is up to five times lower than previously assumed. The real lethality could thus be well below 0.1% and hence in the range of strong seasonal influenza.”

Doctors, scientists, politicians, judges and hundreds of thousands of citizens have called it a fake or a hoax. Like these 640 German medical doctors and this group of 590 Belgian doctors whose website also lists other international groups of doctors speaking out. The majority here are not saying there is no infectious disease present, they are saying the threat posed is massively exaggerated. All of the dissenters present evidence that Covid-19 at worst is as dangerous as a strong flu season.

Regardless, even some government spokespersons are now admitting it is not and was not as lethal as first announced. Officials such as Chris Whitty, the UK’s Chief Medical Health Officer have downplayed the seriousness of Covid-19 as it affects the general population. He told a press conference on May 11th, when Covid-19 was already past its peak, that it was not a concern for most people.

[T]he great majority of people will not die from this…Most people, a significant proportion of people, will not get this virus at all […] Of those who do, some of them will get the virus without even knowing it, they will have the virus with no symptoms at all, asymptomatic carriage […] Of those who get symptoms, the great majority, probably 80%, will have a mild or moderate disease…not bad enough for them to have to go to the doctor. An unfortunate minority will have to go as far as hospital, but the majority of those will just need oxygen and will then leave hospital.

– Chris Whitty, quoted in Off-Guardian, May 15, 2020

Now consider the lethality of Covid-19 as it would apply to a pregnant woman.

The mean age of all births appears to be between 30 and 33. The ages of the birth mother will be with minor exceptions between 15 and 45 years.

According to Worldometer the percentage of deaths at the peak of the outbreak under the age of 45 was less than 5%. The hardest hit age group accounting for almost 50% of all mortality to date were 75+ years old. And most of the deaths, over 90%, had several comorbidities, a status not impossible but unlikely in pregnant women.

In fact Stanford Professor John Ioannidis, one of the most acclaimed scientists in medicine, says that for those under 45 the infection/fatality rate is essentially zero.

Understanding the above we can safely say a pregnant woman’s risk of death absent serious comorbidity, such as terminal cancer, is essentially zero.

But what about a non-fatal Covid-19 infection resulting in harm to the fetus?

The odds are against it. Most importantly because 80% of Covid infections are either asymptomatic or have only mild symptoms. And over 95% have only moderate symptoms. The biggest risk to the fetus would apparently be if she got a fever from Covid-19, as it’s been reported that fever can result in congenital birth defects in the child. However, even here that is not a fear that is borne out by science.

First only 30% of Covid-19 infections result in fever. Second and most important, fever in pregnancy has not been found to result in congenital birth defects according to a recent, 2017, study with a very large cohort of pregnant women.

And what about her risk of hospitalization should she be infected? In her age category it would be in the 1% to 3% range, not of the whole population, just of those hospitalized. This is very low as a risk but it may still be a concern for the very risk averse.

But as with everything Covid the elderly take the heaviest hit and men are more susceptible than women. So a conservative guess for pregnant women (who are after all a small subset of all women at any given time) would be in the range of considerably less than 1%.

And importantly, the benefits of wearing masks would only pertain if they do what is claimed they do by authorities mandating their wear–i.e. are effective at stopping the coronavirus.

Does the wearing of masks prevent or reduce the chances of a Covid-19 infection?

Two of the most often cited studies in favour of wearing masks in healthcare and the community are from the prestigious British medical journal The Lancet. Despite their stature, they’ve had major missteps during the pandemic. The Lancet was forced to withdraw a paper critical of hydroxychloroquine, HCL, as a Covid-19 treatment because it was based on fraudulent data.

Both their reports on face masks were based on meta-analysis of other studies all of which were observational studies as opposed to randomized control trials, RCTs which are far more reliable. RCTs are considered the gold standard in medical studies. Here is a story of how observational studies led to women being prescribed hormone treatments to protect their hearts. An RCT raised a red flag, finding that not only were there no benefits derived from the treatment but that it actually causes heart problems.

The conclusions of both Lancet papers 1 & 2 were that the benefits were slight and that the “certainty of evidence was low” Sometimes, it was suggested, the benefits were more psychological than physical.

One advantage of universal use of face masks is that it prevents discrimination of individuals who wear masks when unwell because everybody is wearing a mask.”

And this quote from the Lancet’s most recent study:

Face coverings and masks might protect both healthcare workers and the general public against infection with COVID-19, and protective eye covering may also provide additional benefit–although the certainty of the evidence is low for both forms of protection.”

Note the use of language here, hardly reassuring if it’s protection you’re looking for: might protect” may also provide additional benefit.” But then they go on to say the “certainty of the evidence is low” for both forms of protection. In medical studies saying the certainty of evidence is low is tantamount to saying it’s untrustworthy.

If masks work to reduce even some of the risk of infection for a pregnant woman there could be an argument for wearing them to move even further into a safe zone of infection avoidance. Much of the decision hinges on the evidence for effectiveness of masks in this area, including our gold standard, the randomized control trials, RCTs. As it turns out there are abundant studies of mask efficacy including respirators like the N95, medical or surgical masks and cloth masks.

One of the most recent was this May 2020, Hong Kong study published by the US CDC (Italics mine).

In pooled analysis, we found no significant reduction in influenza transmission with the use of face masks.

In this review, we did not find evidence to support a protective effect of personal protective measures or environmental measures in reducing influenza transmission. Although these measures have mechanistic support based on our knowledge of how influenza is transmitted from person to person, randomized trials of hand hygiene and face masks have not demonstrated protection against laboratory-confirmed influenza, with 1 exception (18). We identified only 2 RCTs on environmental cleaning and no RCTs on cough etiquette.

What of the argument about being a good person and wearing a mask to protect others, so-called source control? If a pregnant woman becomes infected with Covid-19, she can do as people have always done and stay home until she’s better. Otherwise, as a healthy person she will infect no one. Even if she’s “asymptomatic” there is no real risk of infecting others. Dr. Maria Van Kerhove, Technical Lead Covid-19 at the World Health Organization, WHO, clearly states that asymptomatic transmission is “rare.”

Her statement first went viral and then was overwhelmed by the pushback led by Dr. Anthony Fauci and others who appeared to be threatened by her statement. The evidence since then seems to validate what she said.

One of the most vocal critics of mask wearing is Dr. Denis Rancourt, a retired professor of physics at the University of Ottawa and currently a researcher with the Ontario Civil Liberties Association, OCLA. Significantly Rancourt also has considerable expertise in biology and published in that arena. He published a paper entitled Masks Don’t Work.

After surveying all of the RCT literature he found literally no evidence that masks of any type succeed in blocking viruses. And he uses both physics and biology to demolish the “droplet” argument. Rancourt as a physicist, has been criticized for “stepping out of his field” however he has done an immense amount of cross-disciplinary work which actually makes him highly qualified to weigh in on this debate.

Here is a link in which he details his extensive and recognized scientific background. Finally, most people would be surprised to learn that even in the operating room there are significant studies showing that masks are ineffective for preventing infection. Masks may be more medical lore than actual science.

My own view of the “controversy” around mask efficacy is that governments are now widely demanding compliance with mandatory mask wearing, even in the home, saying that it’s based on “the science.” Many scientists, who most often depend on government licensing, funding and cooperation will do a study that does not actually support mask wearing but then weakly conclude that “masks should work, even minimally, so yes, go ahead and wear them.” Not a very powerful argument but one that is made nonetheless.

But why not? Supposing it helps even a little and after all one is showing support for fighting the pandemic? It won’t hurt. But how sure are we of that last statement? I’ve seen healthcare workers on social media say they’ve worn masks for years and they’re fine, so what’s the problem? The problem might well be long term. For instance the health consequences of smoking were debated for literally decades because the harm wasn’t immediately apparent. There were even advertisements for cigarette brands endorsed by doctors and most doctors at the time smoked.

As it turns out there is considerable direct and some indirect evidence of the harm that mask wearing may, and probably does, do to anyone wearing them. As one would expect healthy young people are least at risk while others, with immune deficiencies already, are more likely in harm’s way. Pregnant women are a special case because what they do can affect their unborn child. Children, because their development is still ongoing are also in a higher risk category.

Masks pose a direct threat to the health of the mother and an indirect threat to the unborn child. The most serious threat to both is probably the oxygen depletion caused by having your mouth and nose covered. In addition you will breathe in more carbon dioxide as when you exhale some is trapped in the mask and you rebreath it. These effects have many variables such as general health, age, how long masks are worn and what if any activity is being undertaken.

The pregnant lady on the bus was at rest but supposing she was going to the gym later where they require masks to work out? Or perhaps she’s going to work where she’s physically active.

This is where calculating harm and finding evidence comes in. This article by prominent retired neurosurgeon Dr. Russel Blaylock, a highly regarded MD and author, lays out a whole minefield of risk from wearing face masks. Regarding oxygen he says this:

While most agree that the N95 mask can cause significant hypoxia and hypercapnia, another study of surgical masks found significant reductions in blood oxygen as well. In this study, researchers examined the blood oxygen levels in 53 surgeons using an oximeter. They measured blood oxygenation before surgery as well as at the end of surgeries.4 The researchers found that the mask reduced the blood oxygen levels (pa02) significantly. The longer the duration of wearing the mask, the greater the fall in blood oxygen levels.”

If blood oxygen saturation is lowered by wearing a mask, then we ask what harm could that do to a pregnant woman? For most healthy young people the harm is probably mild such as a headache that goes away after full breathing is restored. But if the mother’s oxygen saturation is lowered then so is that of the fetus and here things get frankly frightening. A 2012 Arizona State University shows how oxygen deprivation at birth has been shown to result in long term adverse effects such as birth defects and a higher risk for other diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular problems.

They show how hypoxia, or a period of low oxygen during pregnancy, combined with a genetic risk factor of having only one functioning copy of a gene, dramatically increases the chances of a baby being born with congenital scoliosis, a malformation of the spine that affects around 1 in 1,000.’
‘We’ve long suspected that it is genes or our environment that cause birth defects, but up until now, the majority of these have been largely unknown,” says Dunwoodie. “This is the first time anyone in the world has shown that both ‘nature’ and ‘nurture’, in combination, are molecularly responsible for causing many birth defects.”

But in recent prenatal and postnatal studies oxygen deprivation even if mild and of short duration tends towards the same high risk health outcomes. The 2019 study at the University of Cork says:

Hypoxia or lack of oxygen to the brain at birth affects almost 200 babies in Ireland each year and results in death or disability in over two million infants each year globally. Even a very mild lack of oxygen at birth can have serious long-term effects with significant costs for the affected children, and their families.”

Note they are talking here about oxygen deprivation during birth. However, the results strongly suggest that reduced oxygen at any point before or during birth would produce the same effects.

Some of the evidence is indirect but nonetheless pertinent. Example, studies have shown that babies born at high altitudes to mother’s for whom it is not their natural environment have a higher incidence of low birth weight, birth defects and higher risk of congenital disease. This is presumed to be as a result of less oxygen at higher levels. People native to high altitudes appear to have evolutionarily adjusted to the effects.

Thus clearly we have evidence that masks deplete oxygen and there are several studies linking even mild hypoxia to adverse postnatal outcomes. That is one very real risk for pregnant women wearing masks.

An additional risk of masks depleting oxygen and increasing carbon dioxide in the blood is that both of these effects compromise the immune system’s function. A pregnant woman’s immune system works to protect her and her unborn child up until the 14th week of pregnancy when the fetus develops its own. After week 14 the prenatal child’s immune system will still be affected by the mother’s.

Pregnant women make all of their choices from the onset of pregnancy for 2, themselves and their unborn child. For instance, most women give up or restrict drinking alcohol during pregnancy because of the well-studied effects of drinking on postnatal health outcomes.

The problems of oxygen concentration in the blood is not the only danger mask wearers face. Bacterial and viral infections from microbial buildup on the inner surfaces of masks and even brain infection from viruses travelling from the mask up the olfactory (nasal) nerves to the brain are also risks.

After a short period wearing a face mask the inside of the mask gets moist and warm, the perfect medium for growing microbes. Like a petri dish tied to your face. Viruses and bacteria that you’re breathing out and microbes that have landed on the outside of the mask or were transported there when you touched it, are now being breathed back into your nasal passages, throat and lungs. Now, with widespread mask usage there are additional safety concerns with people using non-medical, non-respirator type, cloth masks.

Cloth masks are widely urged on the public as workable alternatives to medical masks or respirators. According to Robert Kennedy Jr.’s Children’s Health Defense:

“Available evidence shows that (cloth masks)… may even increase the risk of infection due to moisture, liquid diffusion and retention of the virus. Penetration of particles through cloth is reported to be high.” “Altogether, common fabric cloth masks are not considered protective against respiratory viruses and their use should not be encouraged.”

Textile materials (that can be used for cloth masks) can contain harmful chemicals and dyes (i.e. formaldehyde). There is no research available regarding the safety of breathing through such materials but formaldehyde is a gas that can irritate a person’s eyes, nose, throat and lungs, or trigger an asthma attack, even at low concentrations. Prolonged exposure to formaldehyde can cause cancer.

There have been numerous anecdotal reports of staph and streptococcus infections from mask wearing. Maskne (acne caused by mask wearing) is belittled by some masking advocates on social media, “You do get that acne is not a real problem don’t you?” is one quote I saw.

But as FDA medical officer Dr.Jane Leidtka says from her 15 years of treating acne,

Acne is not usually a serious health condition. But it can cause significant emotional distress, as well as permanent scarring of skin tissue,”

But as is reported here, the maskne reveals a more serious problem: verification of microbial buildup on the inside of the mask.

Upper East Side dermatologist Dr. Whitney Bowe. [says]

If left untreated, the mask, ‘which is a breeding ground for yeast and bacteria…could lead to infections that then require a prescription medication to clear it up.”

(Note: while acne or maskne may not present a serious medical condition (although that’s arguable) it demonstrates something very important: and that is that wearing a mask can lead to infections. That is sobering information because those infections may not all be as relatively benign as acne.)

And as noted above one of those infections might be in the brain – resulting from wearing a mask. Would you consider that a real problem?

Dr. Blaylock referenced the olfactory nerve as a route into the brain in a recent article in Technology News & Trends. Citing a 1989 study in the journal Virology titled Spread of a neurotropic murine coronavirus into the [central nervous system] via the trigeminal and olfactory nerves” Dr. Blaylock wrote:

In most instances it enters the brain by way of the olfactory nerves (smell nerves), which connect directly with the area of the brain dealing with recent memory and memory consolidation. By wearing a mask, the exhaled viruses will not be able to escape and will concentrate in the nasal passages, enter the olfactory nerves and travel into the brain.” [10]

Dr. Blaylock was ridiculed for that last suggestion but look at this Jun 4, 2020 quote from John Hopkins Medicine’s website regarding the reported number of brain infections in Covid-19 patients:

The first possible way is that the virus may have the capacity to enter the brain and cause a severe and sudden infection. …The loss of smell that occurs in some patients with COVID-19 could indicate that the virus entered through the olfactory bulb, which is located right above the nose and communicates information about smell to the brain.

And a 2015 study in the journal Brain said this:

The study listed viruses that can use the olfactory nerve as a “shortcut” into the brain. Viruses that enter the body through the nose include influenza A virus, herpesviruses [and many others].

And if the above seems unlikely to you consider that a number of studies have reported brain infections as a complication of Cv19. John Hopkins doesn’t suggest the infection could have come from a mask. But the etiology suggested by Blaylock is clearly plausible.

As serious as the potential physiological health effects are there is another dimension that is important to consider and that is the emotional well-being and mental health of the expectant mother.

Most prospective mothers probably aim for a holistic, healthy state of mind and body. A cheerful relaxed disposition helps bathe the baby with natural hormonal health promoting chemicals. Masks create the opposite. They are arguably the chief symbol of the pandemic with connotations of infection and dying. In short they are a symbol of fear. Wearing one says I fear infection more than I dislike the discomfort and inconvenience of wearing this appliance on my face. You may not even consciously be aware of this fear or general sense of anxiety.

In a 2007 study the Journal of Maternal and Neonatal Medicine concluded as follows:

Enhanced levels of depression and anxiety symptoms during pregnancy contribute independently of other biomedical risk factors to adverse obstetric, fetal and neonatal outcome[s].”

Fear is a mechanism for lowering your body’s natural immunity. Fear and stress tell the body to spend its resources elsewhere than the immune system until the danger is gone. But as the masks mandates appear to be in place for an indefinite time, that might be a long while.

“…when people live in constant fear, whether from physical dangers in their environment or threats they perceive, they can become incapacitated.”

“The surgical mask communicates risk” imagine just how much more risk and thus fear is communication by mass, worldwide mandatory mask wearing.

Before leaving the subject of masks it is illuminating to consider an example of what the mainstream is telling pregnant women about their effect. Google “is mask wearing safe” and you’ll get hundreds of answers saying they are. BabyGaGa.com, a site directed at expectant parents, gives their advice on masks: How Safe are Masks During Pregnancy: Here’s What Experts Say. One would expect from the title that there would be a comprehensive list of citations and evidence from diverse experts.

But no, all of their advice is based on one study and this study compared 16 pregnant women with 16 not pregnant women, all healthy, young non-smokers. Then, it consisted of 1 hour of sitting, standing and mild exercise on a stationary bicycle while the participants were monitored. They concluded that there was no significant difference in the “health effects” in the 2 groups.

It doesn’t take a scientist to see what’s wrong here.

It was not randomized in any way, it was a very small sample, studied over a very short time frame with no control group. The masks used were only the N95 respirator and not the differently problematic surgical or cloth masks. Literally none of the risks enumerated above would show up in such a study. It would be like concluding that tobacco is safe based on 32 young women each smoking one cigarette over one hour.

Despite this they did report finding:

[that] both pregnant and non-pregnant women wearing the respirator mask had a mild—but significant—increase in the heart’s resting, or diastolic, blood pressure.

It is clear from the evidence that there is no real medical benefit for wearing the mask. There are serious risks that might not befall every pregnant woman wearing a mask. But would she want to live with the uncertainty that sometime in the future her child might suffer greatly from a choice she made?

If mask wearing is unhealthy for unborn children and the mother, it is, for most of the same reasons, unhealthy for all of us especially children. It is distressing to see jurisdictions all over the world mandating wearing masks in schools. Active development as guided by our DNA from birth through adolescence is mostly complete by age 19. But during this period humans continue the process of gene expression that began in the womb.

Environmental factors such as light and oxygen have been proven to have an impact on this process and that includes oxygen depletion.

In conclusion, in deciding to wear a mask or not, especially if you’re pregnant, I would say go with the weight of evidence.

First will the mask work to protect you from viral infection? The weight of evidence says it will not because there are no (gold standard) randomized control trials that conclude they do. The science that says they do more often, on closer examination, says, “they should.” And that is based on mechanistic arguments that suggest “you’re blocking droplets, so you should be preventing infection.” However that has not been demonstrated in studies. So you would have to rate the protection of masks as “low certainty.” (Which is how most of the science itself has framed it.)

Second, is there a risk to an expectant mother or an unborn child from wearing a mask. Here we have a high certainty that there is. Many studies have demonstrated risks in mask wearing. Studies that say they are safe by and large rate their certainty as low. Simply put there is a risk and that risk because it entails a long term developmental danger to the child of birth defects or congenital disease, is not worth taking.

Let’s finally ask a question that needs to be addressed because it is a likely reason many people wear the mask; fear of social isolation or condemnation for not wearing one. That is not an insignificant concern.

I was yelled at in a store for not wearing a mask, I was kicked out of a lineup for breakfast at a hotel because I was maskless. I have a medical exemption but are you going to stand in front of a group of people hating on you and explain it? Not likely.

It’s hard but for a pregnant woman – it’s perhaps just the first time in her life she’ll have to advocate for herself and her child, and take a stand. That is truly worth it. Take off the mask. Take a deep breath and share it with your unborn child.

Patrick Corbett is a retired writer, producer, director and editor who’s worked for every major network in Canada and the US except for Fox. His journalistic credits include Dateline NBC, CTV’s W-5 and the CTV documentary unit where he wrote and directed ‘Children’s Hospital’, the first Canadian production to be nominated for an International Emmy. You can follow Patrick on Twitter.


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Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Oct 1, 2020 7:41 PM

The town I live in has about 50000 urban , suburban , and rural residents. Our now weekly newspaper informs me this week that 84 people have died of drug overdoses this year to date , The average since the 1980s is around 100. In a front page article , hand wringing covid panickers tell me that 2 people have died of covid this year, and many have tested positive thereby becoming “cases” ? Our hospital is at 60% capacity my relatives that work their tell me and there is no covid ward??

Oct 1, 2020 1:21 PM

UK military to deliver vaccines.

A similar pattern seems to be developing in the 5eyes. Strong cities UN takeover in NYC, London, Seattle, Melbourne, Edmonton, Auckland and many more cities. A privatized mercenary police force, 5g mass rollout during lockdown, increased testing, emergency laws extension, fines, mandatory masks, increased propaganda, internet being wiped clean in real time.

“No jab, no movement? UK MP pushes mandatory Covid-19 vaccination for travel, suggests army should oversee rollout.
MP Tobias Ellwood proposing that military oversees mass-vaccination of Britain, and issuance of VACCINATION CERTIFICATES for international travel. Member of 77th Brigade, the psychological warfare unit which “assists” Cabinet (via Rapid Response Unit) in shaping public discourse.”

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Oct 1, 2020 4:25 PM
Reply to  Researcher

For readers who fail to understand Researcher’s reference to the “Strong Cities” agenda:

It’s not just any old alliance that is behind the ISD. A quick search of the group’s website reveals the identity of its Board of Trustees: a cadre of internationalists that is second to none.

Among the 14 board members is found Charles Guthrie, Baron Guthrie of Craigiebank, a member of the House of Lords, who currently acts as a non-executive director of global financier, NM Rothschild & Sons and represents the firm’s interest on the Trilateral Commission.”

Strong Cities Network: Trilateral, CFR, Rothschild ConnectionsOriginally published October 25, 2015 Updated (August 30, 2020)

Oct 2, 2020 6:47 AM
Reply to  Researcher

The planning started in 2010 if not earlier, with “Lockstep” from Rockerfeller Foundation.

Oct 2, 2020 12:17 PM
Reply to  mgeo

I think the planning started in the 90’s when Ralph Baric was first researching Coronaviruses.

Oct 1, 2020 9:04 AM


Jimmy Dore again disappoints in his coverage fo Covid. In this case masks. I would prefer if he kept quiet on the subject.

Apart from his coverage of Covid and global warming, he is providing the best political coverage out there, it is only spoilt by his own personal fear of the virus.

Oct 1, 2020 1:26 PM
Reply to  Decter

Jimmy Dore plays a game. The game of cordoning those on the left who were smart enough to realize that the two party system was a one party system but not quite smart enough to realize almost everything they’ve ever been told about their life, their government and their country and its history is a fabrication or a distortion of the truth.

Oct 1, 2020 1:43 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Jimmy dore is a gatekeeper whore.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Oct 1, 2020 8:06 PM
Reply to  Arsebiscuits

Perhaps , but he is grinding out a good living tending a nebulous conspiracy theory garden , where interest ebbs and flows with what people fear the most at the moment..

Oct 1, 2020 9:08 PM
Reply to  Jim McDonagh

Yeah. But it’s a distraction and politics is a bore.

“Which geriatric crooks will win the job of puppet on a string Jimmy? I don’t know Steph, but Bernie pissed me off so I’m backing a new party. The third wheel party.”

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Oct 1, 2020 11:22 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Jefferson rightly mused that all political parties were a danger to liberty, he may have been right , however it did end the notion of equality in the colonies.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Oct 1, 2020 2:01 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Agree with your assessment of Jimmy Dore. I twigged onto him quite a while ago. Amy Goodman, and Chomsky are in the same gatekeepers club. There’s a lot of them actually, as we’ve found out this year.

Oct 1, 2020 3:00 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

The gatekeepers can come out of the closet now. They don’t care who figures it out. We are at the end game.

When BLM-Freemasonry was instigated this year first signaled by the sacrifice of Koby Bryant, then of Floyd George, celebrities and corporations started pledging millions. They are all in the club. They are publicly declaring their allegiance to the plan and to the cryptocracy.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Oct 1, 2020 11:28 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Freemasonry as I recall it was a Victorian fetish that has died out along with WW2 vets. Freemasons were 100% sure that Black Lives did not Matter ? other than helping to keep wages down in America and Britain for a time.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Oct 1, 2020 8:03 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Knowing and believing are the basis of cognitive dissonance or self deception as it was once known. it has been widely discussed since the industrial revolution began Dostoevsky has a lot of fun with it?

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Oct 1, 2020 4:12 PM
Reply to  Decter

I once liked Jimmy Dore’s humor, but later realized he’s a twisted wimp and a fraud. He’s always playing to the audience reflected in his personal mirror. Did I mention he’s a fraud?

Oct 1, 2020 5:20 PM
Reply to  Decter

I largely stopped watching him when he gave softball interview to Tulsi Gabbard when she came out for Biden. Kind of exposed them both.

Oct 1, 2020 5:34 AM

Michelle Malkin interviews Judy Mikovits and Kent Heckenlively, authors of The Case Against Masks: Ten Reasons Why Mask Use Should be Limited

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 1, 2020 10:23 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Again, I note that it’s a conservative, Michelle Malkin, who is channelling the skepticism. And I think this is deliberate. I think the media – both in the UK and in the US – are focussing their propaganda on the liberal/left contingent because they think that this is more indicative of the mainstream population i.e. that they like to consider themselves “progressive” and “insubordinate”. The rock ’n roll rebel image of the bravely dissident individual has permeated all the way down.

And most of these self-styled dissident individuals relate to the left side of the political spectrum. I recall reading some depressing remarks about how some mainstream Lefts had started to wonder about 9/11 …until Noam Chomsky reassured them that they needn’t bother. One of the reassured made my jaw drop by agreeing with Chomsky that, even if 9/11 was an inside job, it didn’t matter anyway!

And this is where our Trotskyite Fourth International types come in and continue to scream about COVID devouring the planet. It is only a matter of time before these “Left” sites run their own articles on “the QAnon conspiracy” and they will have a plethora of Right figures already assembled on the stocks to throw their tomatoes at.

Oct 1, 2020 3:12 PM
Reply to  George Mc

MM is a right wing operative. She’s not legitimate therefore she’s delegitimizing the tainted vaccine truth.

Oct 1, 2020 6:50 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Chomsky is a limited hangout.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Oct 1, 2020 11:35 PM
Reply to  Jerry

Maybe today , but Mr Chomsky had a long and storied career blocking any semblance of change and setting himself as the left limit of the status quo , beyond him lay danger, the “peaceful” protest was and remains the limit of dissident behavior among the masses in the US. Mr Chomsky was able to use his linguistic skills to redefine Gandhis religious mania and nationalism into an American form of pacifism , a neat trick.

Oct 1, 2020 5:19 AM

ya also cant forget that Dr Fauci himself said “Even if there is some asymptomatic transmission, in ALL THE HISTORY OF RESPIRATORY BORNE VIRUSES OF ANY TYPE asymptomatic transmission has NEVER been the driver of outbreaks. The driver of outbreaks is ALWAYS a symptomatic person….An epidemic is driven by symptomatic carriers.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vrAvjU2LBkg&pp=QAA%3D

Dr NG Maroudas
Dr NG Maroudas
Oct 1, 2020 6:43 AM
Reply to  Kevin

It’s called Cognitive Dissonance. Happens to trained biomedics when they take money to do the regime’s dirty work. Left half of brain does not know what Right half is saying.

Sep 30, 2020 11:58 PM

Yes, but of course the masks have nothing to do with protecting anyone.

Dr NG Maroudas
Dr NG Maroudas
Oct 2, 2020 5:40 AM
Reply to  ANNUL

Exactly; the Blue Hijab is your sign of submission.

Voxi Pop
Voxi Pop
Sep 30, 2020 11:37 PM


Trump Doctrine 3rd Nobel Nom From OZ/
Analysis: Teachers + China =BLM SJWs/
Facebook Addictive As Tobacco/
Prelude To War: ChiCom Anti US Prop/
Indian PhD: Covid Is Bioterrorism/
French Study: Smoking Prevents Covid

Sep 30, 2020 10:45 PM

Who cares how many more people are ‘positive’, if they are NOT FUCKING ILL!

Oct 1, 2020 12:38 PM
Reply to  shelly

remember the lemon,the paw paw,the kiwi fruit the goat that tested positive in africa

aids never existed this covid has never been isolated

5g exists is the clear and present danger now

Sep 30, 2020 10:20 PM

There is something I would like to say about “The Bump.”

A Pregnant Wife is The Most Precious Thing any Man can ever have.

My wife carried on as normal when she was pregnant – still going to work full time 5 days a week – working far too hard. She went for her Regular Check Up and she was Rushed into Hospital.

She had Pre-Eclampsia


It is extremely dangerous.

Without the help of The NHS Maternity Service, I could Easily have lost My wife and our Son.

So take it easy if you are Pregnant, and take that stupid mask off, and stop trying to do too much.

The most wonderful moment of my life was to witness my child being born.

He’s still here, as are as his Children

It is wonderful having a Family home full of of Screaming Kids.

My wife is the loudest playing the silly games.

Family and Kids, and Grandkids if you are lucky, are the Most Wonderful Experiences anyone can ever have.

If they are very Naughty, they are told to Behave, and if they keep Carrying on Being Naughty, they are told in no uncertain tilmes, if you don’t Behave, Grandad wil tell you off.

So I have bought them some special toys for Christmas

You do not understand how much fun this is.

The kids keep us fit.


Oct 1, 2020 2:14 AM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

I saw this video clip about 30 years ago, of this young girl gently dancing in a field in her long hippy dress with her long blonde hair, whilst breast feeding her young baby whilst a band was playing.

The film was taken from behind. I don’t think it was my wife, but I have never been quite sure.

She used to do that a lot. No one minded. Most natural and beautiful thing anyone could ever see.

We took our kids to the festivals.

We were not going to leave them behind.

They are a part of us.


Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Sep 30, 2020 9:18 PM

Go tell this to the latest declared Tory whore, MP Tobias Ellwood

He has been bought to propose ‘using the Armed Services to help the Government ensure vaccination’ and to state that without vaccination, no travel will be possible.

Tobias Ellwood has zero STEM qualifications at a University level, is completely incapable of discerning the scientific truth but is more than capable of taking military orders and inflicting real damage to millions of people without having the mental capacity to determine whether action is commensurate with perceived risk.

Arguing the science with Ellwood is like arguing the Geneva Convention with Mike Pompeo.

Oct 1, 2020 12:02 AM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

I have submitted his face and name to my friendly black magician. Mr Ellwood is marked for magical attack which will cause his gradual disintegration. Other names and faces and more black magicians to follow. Harm caused by magic is not regognizable in courts so this is perfectly legal. No actual contact wil be made.

Oct 1, 2020 1:50 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

The idiot talked in a matter of fact way

And is too meat headed to even think of any dangers of the fast tracked a vaccine

He was literally getting a hard on telling the commons what we are going to do with the deployment of the army

Has the aggressive psychopathy about him and would get joy from terrorising the public

Check out his tweet in block capitals stating this very method he ‘knows’ is the only required way to bring out the mass vaccination

They are not going to make it mandatory but they will deny you services and the ability to be free until you are jabbed on a regular basis and have the documentation to prove you have!

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Oct 1, 2020 2:05 PM
Reply to  Arsebiscuits

I watched his speech today. Another cunning psychopath masquerading as a public servant. There’s quite a few Ellwood types in the Australian Parliament as well.

Walter Melon
Walter Melon
Oct 1, 2020 8:40 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

No vaccination, no travel.

How many billions of dollars (pounds?) a year in tourism money will be lost just from this one sentence policy alone?

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
Oct 1, 2020 9:31 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

He’s the kind of person who gets Ellwoods a bad name…

Sep 30, 2020 9:17 PM

UK Column News – 30th September 2020 PART ONE WAITING FOR THE VACCINE It’s still six months away says Lt Col Tobias Ellwood MP, who compares the vaccine rollout with D-Day and Dunkirk Ellwood is bending the public mind towards the idea that only the military can deploy the vaccine — which is ridiculous since the military cannot match the supermarket chains in mass logistics. UKC: This is a coup in progress. MPs are just starting to wake up. TERRORISM FALSE FLAGGER TOBIAS ELLWOOD is promoting the Fusion Doctrine: “the coordination of Whitehall departments, local authorities, the private sector, policing and security, as well as the military support…” UKC: This analog of the U.S. Phoenix Program in Vietnam comes from SIR MARK SEDWILL, who combined the roles of Head of the unCivil Service, Chief of the unIntelligent staff and boss of the Cabinet Office. Me: It is not intelligence that produces such overweening ambition but the simple and dangerous concentration of power. Shakespeare-Marlowe-Oxenford: “Vaulting ambition, which o’erleaps itself, And falls on th’other.” Brian Gerrish: It is clear that Boris Johnson is not running the country. It begs the question of whom Tobias Ellwood is speaking for: “The biggest challenge will be in managing the transition period, potentially up to a year… when parts of our society are liberated from COVID, ad would like to seek a return to normality… and those who have yet to be vaccinated but still subject to continued social distancing rules… The West was slow to understand the impact of this pandemic, the pace at which it moved through society, it’s lethality.“So let’s task the Ministry of Defence now, let’s appoint a leader to plan, prepare for this complex and crucial national project.” UKC: Clearly he is building a demand for vaccination and only those who… Read more »

Oct 1, 2020 12:07 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Some trash in Finland have come up with DOGS THAT CAN SMELL COVID…. I shit you not, it is apparently taken seriously…

Fact Checker
Fact Checker
Oct 1, 2020 2:23 AM
Reply to  ANNUL

Of course bloodhounds can smell Covid.

Also, the rack and the iron maiden are the only known cures for Covid.

Thumb-screws are a very reliable Covid-diagnostic method, according to NHS officials…

Oct 1, 2020 1:52 PM
Reply to  ANNUL

They can smell bullshit more like…

Dr NG Maroudas
Dr NG Maroudas
Oct 1, 2020 7:03 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

“Dave Blair, Staff Officer, Police Commissioner.UKC: Dave Blair is lying.”

Lying through his teeth, like his toothy mentor the great TBLiar, UK PM and Israel Peace Envoy.

Police Boss Blair sent his men to Israel for special training. On their return Blair’s police demonstrated their Israeli qualifications by ganging up on an innocent Brazilian tourist in London (“Looked like a terrorist”) and pumping 11 bullets into his head (“To stop him setting off a bomb”).

The pattern becomes clearer with each successive atrocity of the global AZC regime: Con-911, Con-WMD, Con-19.

Dr NG Maroudas
Dr NG Maroudas
Oct 1, 2020 7:39 AM
Reply to  Dr NG Maroudas

PS the pattern is now clear. BTL by B.F on today’s Saker:

“The 9/11 inside job in 2001 was not only a geopolitical stunt … but also an excuse to introduce ‘military police USA’. By 2001 the US was a police state, while after 2001 it became a military police state. The Homelands Security Act placed all police departments in the US under military supervision and jurisdiction. Why ? The answer is simple. The elite [French “elu” the chosen ones] in the US have watched the foreign and domestic debt of the US drastically increase in size, making it impossible for any repayment. They have also seen the dollar being printed in huge amounts, backed by nothing. A financial crash is inevitable. … For years the US elite has been buying real estate outside the US, with New Zealand and Tasmania being the two favorites.”

Not only in NZ and Tasmania but other Southern Hemisphere countries. Land is being bought up to serve as bolt holes for “the chosen ones”; for instance Israel and the Bush crime family have bought land in Patagonia.

Oct 1, 2020 8:35 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

The China videos remind me of the videos of the Evil Syrian Regime bombing a hospital, seemingly taken inside a hospital with no view of the outside. And its “gas attacks” that consisted of spraying children with water.

Sep 30, 2020 9:14 PM

I used to be a Socialist. I Socialised a lot.

Now I am not allowed to Socialise if I keep to the rules and there is no way I am going to wear a mask or go to a pub, unless they have got a full band on, and I am not told where to sit.

How the hell can you socialise, when you are not allowed to talk, sing, dance or cheer, apart from talking very quietly at the people allocated to the table you are told to sit at?

We are now no longer to meet friends, but we can get pissed together quietly with people we have never met before, if we wear a mask?

These people in control are completely insane

If this nonsense carries on – all the pubs are going to go bust.

They will not last till Christmas, and neither will anything much else..

If you don’t realise these bastards are trying to kill us all, you had better wake up, pretty quick and complain. – or we will all be dead.

Have a bit of courage quick.

COMPLAIN and stop wearing That Stupid Mask.


Sep 30, 2020 9:08 PM

UK Column News – 30th September 2020

Parents tell UKC that children are told not to listen to ‘fake news’ about masks and not to believe anything unless it’s on BBC or Sky News. Anything shared on social media is “conspiracy theories” and should be ignored even if its claimed it’s from scientists.

Anyone who thinks like that are far right extremists and terrorists. My daughter’s own words to me were, “it was brainwashing, mum, total brainwashing.”

The school told the children that if they heard anyone talking like that they should report them to the National Counter Terrorism Office. If anyone in your faily has a minority view that the mainstream don’t share then they are far right.

One teacher took it a step further and told her class that everyone should take vaccines as they are perfectly safe.

Airforce Magazine, Sep 24: With an Eye on China, Reaper Drones Train for Maritime War.

Justifying their existence, the Reaper squads may be redeployed from the Middle East to China.. if you look at their arm patches, it shows death heads and drones flying over China.

UK Column News – 30th September 2020

Fact Checker
Fact Checker
Oct 1, 2020 2:50 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

When BBC announces that “1 Million,” despite the “somber moment” remark, it sure sounds like a champaign cork poppin’!

Oct 1, 2020 8:40 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Sky News chorus every few minutes, set to music: the Virus can live on metal or plastic for .. days. Imagine that: a virus living it up outside a host cell.

Sep 30, 2020 7:32 PM

The USA had over 2,800,000 Annual Deaths, in 2017, 2018 and 2019. The 2019 Total was 2,855,000. They’ve had just over 211,000 – alleged – COVID19 Deaths. The UK has had just over 42,000 COVID19 Deaths. We usually have around 600,000 Annual Deaths. In 2019 we had 604,707 UK Deaths, which is around 1,656 Deaths, every single Day. The UK Media is making much of the Global COVID19 Deaths passing 1 Million. In fact there are over 50 Million World Deaths every Year. That has been the case, every Year since 1992. In 2019 there were around 58 Million Global Deaths. Yet, the UK Media never tells us these Facts, as it wants us to be terrified by COVID19 Deaths. The UK Government is also not telling us these Facts. Personally, I regard it as Treason, against the UK People. Boris & Co.’s UK response to COVID19, has been way over the top. Millions of Lives have been ruined. Yet, the UK Government & Media, are 100% determined, to keep the fear and the ‘Rules’ on-going and being added to. They are clearly Psychopaths, who should be Arrested and put on Trial. They certainly should not be allowed, to remain as Politicians and ‘Journalists’…

Oct 1, 2020 12:12 AM
Reply to  Colin777

Death is wrong, didn’t you know? Imagine your grandma dying then MYLTIPLY THAT BY A MILLION.

That’s how people who have spent the last 10 years of their lives on social media think. An ugly ball of emotional triggers, neurosis and insecurity, and a disassociation from human and biological reality.

Sep 30, 2020 7:31 PM

I have never seen The Beatles, though Paul McCartney once at a Neil Young Gig in Hyde Park about 10 years ago or so

I have never met John Lennon, but I know two people who have (my Brother-in-Law and a Friend from Goa, India who once met him in a lift in New York)

I know John Lennon Did the most magnificent song Imagine, when incredibly rich from behind a massive White Piano in a Mansion.

He also did this Flag. I am not saying it is completely correct, cos he didn’t include us British – but all the people I know who met him, thought he was a lovely bloke, including my brother-in-law who met him down the pub. They were working in the same building in London – EMI. My brother-in-law was working on the software development for Weapons of Mass Destruction) Almost immediately after meeting John Lennon (The Beatles were doing a Recording in the same Building).

HE RESIGNED. My Sister was not impressed, cos they had two young kids at the time. I loved my Brother-in-Law. I beat him at Chess once. I thought he was a Genius. He inspired me and so did John Lennon.

comment image&width=640&height=480&autosizefit=1

Sep 30, 2020 7:51 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Sep 30, 2020 9:23 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

I don’t know who you saw about 10 years ago – but it sure wasn’t Paul McCartney.

Sep 30, 2020 9:39 PM
Reply to  Edwige

It wasn’t advertised, but it was most definitely Paul McCartney. All this conspiracy bollocks of him being replaced by a clone is complete bollocks. He only did a quick one song near the end of the gig. I recognised him, and so did Neil Young. Do you think he has been replicated too?

Sep 30, 2020 9:48 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Who Neil Young or Billy Shears?

Sep 30, 2020 10:59 PM
Reply to  Seansaighdeor

billy shears
faul fail mcartney
1966 was a good year

the video free as a bird has the sports car crash

tavistock assembled band

they snuffed george out remember the knife attack home invasion
got him into hospital then cancer dosed him like they did with bob marley

we where working secretly for the military sang kate bush of e m i
many record companies where spun out of radar and air ministry depts

and they told us all they wanted was a sound that would kill someone
from a distance

one of the clash is related to grant schapps the ashkanazim i believ his name is jones
nice name jones very authentick init

the clash even the clash where zio fakers
rock the kasbah
idf rocket the casbah

Oct 1, 2020 12:15 AM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

75 % of european whose? ha.

Sep 30, 2020 6:53 PM

UK Column News – 28th September 2020 PART ONE I highlight two topics from the latest broadcast. The first is what, sadly and alarmingly, looks like a second round of planned euthanasia aimed at our old folk. The other is the legalization of criminal behaviour by the organs of the state. Yes, you read that correctly. The British state wishes to grant immunity from prosecution to any state agent who commits criminal activity, presumably restricted only by the presumption that said criminal activity is committed in the interests of the state. UK GOV AUTHORIZES CRIMINAL BEHAVIOUR UK Home Secretary reveals Covert Human Intelligence Sources (Criminal Conduct) Bill 2019-21 A Bill to make provision for, and in connection with, the authorisation of criminal conduct in the course of, or otherwise in connection with, the conduct of covert human intelligence sources. Which bodies are allowed to authorize criminality? Any Police Force The National Crime Agency The Serious Fraud Office Any of the intelligence services The armed forces Revenue and Customs The Department of Health and Social Care The Home Office The Ministry of Justice The Competition and Markets Authority The Environment Agency The Financial Conduct Authority The Food Standards Agency The Gambling Commission UKC: If these departments and agencies are entitled to engage in criminality, then this presages the complete breakdown of justice, and law and order in the UK. This is a retrospective act to legalize the illegal activities already perpetrated by government agents already. https://services.parliament.uk/Bills/2019-21/coverthumanintelligencesourcescriminalconduct.html CRIMINAL BEHAVIOUR IS ALREADY HERE POLICE TACTICS AT TRAFALGAR SQUARE The gathering was peaceful until a police pincer movement near the protest’s finale which toppled the public address system, collapsed the speakers’ tent and injured several individuals. Plain-clothed officers plunged into the crowd to open a path for the police. Several of these plain-clothed officers… Read more »

Sep 30, 2020 7:37 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

I don’t like far-right groups, who have already helped destroy my country by supporting a similar operation to Covid, Brexit, claiming to be freedom fighters, it kinda makes me want to vomit.

Sep 30, 2020 8:06 PM
Reply to  Quid

I’ve got some special news for you then from ALL ROUND SHIT AND PROBABLY TERRORIST TOBIAS ELLWOOD (Military Police) coming up soon. Perhaps you’ll trust him.

Oct 1, 2020 12:22 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Made in China.

They can’t enforce the self isolation, it’s all theatre. Note the americanised language: “self-isolate” instead of “isolate themselves”

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Oct 1, 2020 2:18 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

This gentleman’s comment nails it down to the crux of the “reset” situation: >

A UKC viewer, a retired teacher in NZ, analysed the cause of this coup. He says we are coming to the end of economic growth, the source of income for the central bankers. Globalists have kept people under control by offering the fruits of growth. When it stops there will be civil disorder on a cosmic scale.”

The distorted goals of unlimited growth were always based on unlimited resource exploitation and civil slavery. The stated goals were always a mirage. Civil disorder will only escalate toward more draconian methods of attempted control. The central bankers are hopelessly insane and need to be locked away… forever…

Oct 1, 2020 7:29 AM

Exactly. That’s why I’ve been repeating the capitalism collapse mantra to anyone and everyone. There’s a component that’s not talked about much and that’s the financial fraud that they’re desperately trying to hide. They hide the fraud by creating a disaster like a pandemic. Or a war, or a terror event. Or a weather event. It’s a pattern.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Oct 1, 2020 4:05 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Hello Researcher: About that pattern… Here’s something I downloaded a few years ago: >

From the article cited: > The borrower is the servant of the lender, and through the mechanism of government debt virtually the entire planet has become the servants of the global money changers. All politicians love to borrow money, but over time government debt slowly but surely impoverishes a nation. As the elite get governments around the globe in increasing amounts of debt, those governments must raise taxes in order to keep servicing those debts. In the end, it is all about taking money from us and transferring it into government pockets, and then taking money from government pockets and transferring it into the hands of the elite. It is a game that has been going on for generations, and it is time for humanity to say that enough is enough.” [End quote]
The World Is Now $217,000,000,000,000 in Debt and the Global Elite Like It That Way
June 29, 2017

Oct 1, 2020 8:55 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

MDMA is the opposite of what they would be given. The transnational mercenary terrorist such as Uyghurs get Captagon. It induces reckless courage and brutality, according to the late Andre Vltchek.

Sep 30, 2020 6:53 PM

UK Column News – 28th September 2020 PART TWO Francis Hoar QC on Twitter: “Following close contact with someone who has had a positive test is a deprivation of liberty. It is false imprisonment. This is an unlawful use of the Public Health Act made more sinister by the fact that it was published only hours before it comes into force. It is not possible to consider this country a functioning liberal democracy. It has not been for some time.” ORCHESTRATED GENOCIDE NEW PLAN TO MURDER ELDERLY Revealed: Local authority calls on care home providers to accept COVID-positive hospital patients — Channel 4 News has seen a leaked document that suggests the authorities want to repeat the murdering of elderly as was done in the spring. David Scott: In the spring people with respiratory infections were seeded into the care homes. Simultaneously all medical support was removed from the care homes and Do Not Resuscitate orders were issued to all residents. The result was a spike in deaths. This was not a medical problem but a policy decision. Prof Adam Gordon told Channel 4 News that discharging patients from hospital into care homes was “accelerated and escalated” in the early months of the pandemic and it could happen again in line with the latest government guidance. This proves that government guidance was never to protect the elderly or “save grandma”. Tens of thousands of elderly people were killed off, saving on pension payments. Press reports suggest this was 40,000 people in the spring. It could be more this winter. GAVI LAUNCHES COVAX The “global vaccine alliance” GAVI is very concerned developing countries won’t be able to afford their costly vaccines. Countries are roped into paying the bill. PM BoJo says UK will contribute up to GBP 571 million to distribute… Read more »

Sep 30, 2020 7:38 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

I’m not a fan of far-right groups like fifth column UK, who have already helped destroy my country by supporting a similar operation to Covid, Brexit, claiming to be freedom fighters, it kinda makes me want to vomit.

Sep 30, 2020 10:49 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

“why has the government decided to vaccinate more people”

maybe for this reason…generate more ‘Covid19’ deaths?


Sep 30, 2020 6:53 PM

When Macron declared in March the ‘War on Covid’ I believe he was using coded language, as a tool of the US deep state, to introduce another major US operation. In a long line of fraudulent US operations, like the ‘War on Drugs’, the ‘War on Terror’ and the ‘War on Carbon’. Like all the rest the War on Covid is intended to benefit the US military industrial, Corporate, surveillance complex.

Oct 1, 2020 12:26 AM
Reply to  Texen

War On Death is next, unless ETs get here first.

Oct 1, 2020 7:33 AM
Reply to  ANNUL

There’s no ETs.

That’s a long running NASA psy-op for project blue beam and the Armageddon project.

Oct 1, 2020 7:32 AM
Reply to  Texen

Macron is a tool of the bankers. So is the US. So is China. Nation states aren’t what we believe them to be, rather they are little kingdoms the bankers use as pieces on a chessboard. Especially, to depopulate.

Reachable Spike
Reachable Spike
Sep 30, 2020 6:44 PM

The 19th century “germ theory”, which always conflicted with the timeless intuitive understanding of disease, and which Pasteur himself ultimately renounced, eventually had its fallacies made explicit in the realm of science by an increase in knowledge and understanding.

But this newer understanding didn’t spread quickly to the public or even to the medical profession, and the pharmaceutical industry was always happy to exploit the ignorance.

In 2020 the damaging power of this misunderstanding reached its apotheosis. When the pieces finally get picked up and sorted out, it won’t be able to do this to us again.

Oct 1, 2020 1:59 PM

Im always trying to find a source of pasteur admission it was a load of bollocks

Reachable Spike
Reachable Spike
Oct 1, 2020 7:50 PM
Reply to  Arsebiscuits

I first encountered it in Torsten Englebrecht’s (a person who has contributed here) book “Virus Mania. I heard it somewhere else, too, possibly in an interview with Dr. Zach Bush.

The quotation is “It’s not the microbe, it’s the terrain.” It was actually a confession, because the phrase originated with Pasteur’s arch-rival Antoine Béchamp.

Oct 1, 2020 8:15 PM
Reply to  Arsebiscuits

We probably wandered fruitlessly in the same circles.

It’s one of those apocryphal quotes that is so appealing that it’s too good to be true– which is always the case with apocryphal quotes.

FWIW, I’ve only made sporadic efforts to verify this quote. They devolve into a typical search-engine carousel ride. There are several promising blurbs pointing to discussions of this quote, including many that purport to finally provide definitive proof one way or the other.

They all survey various sources, but end up tracing it back to still another unconfirmed or disprovable hearsay source. I think that if definitive proof existed, it would’ve been discovered by now. It sure sounds good, though!

Sep 30, 2020 6:11 PM

”Oh! What a Tangled Web We Weave/When First We Practice to Deceive!”

I love the way London’s Talk-Radio station, runs an anti-covid restrictions campaign, whilst pushing one of the main aims of the Covid operation, which is the App.

Sep 30, 2020 6:06 PM

8 people died of covid in a hospital in wales, they claim……. Have they started to kill people yet to justify the numbers ? ……they will.

Sep 30, 2020 6:00 PM

I believe there is a bunch of psychopaths in the basement of the Whitehorse deciding all of these measures, they are intended to destroy the economy and humiliate the population. The measures are being tuned to cause the most damage, whilst preserving what the US want to extract from us.

They are making shopping a horrible experience to close all local shops, and force all shopping on-line, to make amazon, the company store, a monopoly. They are removing all health treatments to the population, like they have in the US, Only emergence treatment will be left.

Create Mass unemployment to cause a political shift to the far-right, who are always friends of the CIA and Make the Google surveillance app. compulsory.

This is a brutal fascist take-over by a foreign power.

Sep 30, 2020 6:40 PM
Reply to  Texen

Whitehouse.* not whitehorse.

Oct 1, 2020 12:42 AM
Reply to  Texen

You are completely right. The US think thanks deem local shopping a “legacy system” that is in the way and needs to go. Read this from Whitney Webb https://www.thelastamericanvagabond.com/techno-tyranny-how-us-national-security-state-using-coronavirus-fulfill-orwellian-vision/

Oct 1, 2020 8:39 AM
Reply to  Texen

No they just carry out orders from the kinds of people who control their wages. The same people who control all the finance and media. The same people who have perpetrated terror on innocents time and time again throughout history.

Sep 30, 2020 5:54 PM

The Google (CIA) Trace and detain App, Gives the CIA power to condemn any British citizen to unlimited house arrest without evidence or proof and without any right of challenge the sentence. Anyone can be randomly condemned, without right to trial, and our MP’s think they are doing their job, the pompous fools.

Oct 1, 2020 12:43 AM
Reply to  Texen

The elites were working for a long time on the inversion of the peresumption of innocence. Now they got us!

Sep 30, 2020 5:42 PM

The British press and their fake opposition. Johnson Press conference.

Demanding more confetti money to stop the tsunami of poverty and desperation coming.
Confirming (without evidence) that all the measures work.
Demanding more restrictions on people.
Asking for lockdown on travelling.
Confirming it is much worse than it is.
Asking for stronger measures……etc

Never asking how asking for more financial assistance help anyone, as the government destroys the entire economy?
Never asking about the massive unrecoverable destruction of the economy.
Never asking about the millions who will never work again.
Never asking about the SMALL numbers of deaths.
Never asking where is the government evidence the measures work
Never asking why like king Canute they are at war with a virus?
Never asking if this is proportional?
Never asking why they have made surveillance on the population unchecked
Never asking how removing civil rights makes people better?
Never asking how many people YOU the government have condemned to death through refusal of health care.
Never saying Protect the old and let the rest of the people live their fucking lives.

Our media are MI5 to a man….

Sep 30, 2020 5:41 PM

This is an image from The Film 1984 staring John Hurt made in 1984. It is not real. It’s just a movie with actors.

comment image?q=50&fit=crop&w=960&h=500

Sep 30, 2020 5:52 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

This is an image from The Daily Telegraph in 2020. It is real. It contains real people. They are not actors.

comment image?imwidth=1280

Sep 30, 2020 6:01 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

“This is an Orange”

Sep 30, 2020 6:02 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

”They are not actors.”

They kind-of are.

Sep 30, 2020 10:04 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Are they waiting for their pyjamas then to get in bed ? If they not acting they posing.

Dr NG Maroudas
Dr NG Maroudas
Oct 1, 2020 6:39 AM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Tony, in your photo I understand the heavy police presence, the token military presence, and the regimenation of the civilians — but what is the point of the empty hospital?

Sep 30, 2020 10:01 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

I never realised he wrote the book after the film.

Sep 30, 2020 5:31 PM

The British press and their fake opposition. Johnson Press conference.

Demanding more confetti money to stop the tsunami of poverty and desperation coming.
Confirming (without evidence) that all the measures work.
Demanding more restrictions on people.
Asking for lockdown on travelling.
Confirming it is much worse than it is.
Asking for stronger measures……etc

Never asking about the massive unrecoverable destruction of the economy.
Never asking about the millions who will never work again.
Never asking about the SMALL numbers of deaths.
Never asking where is the government evidence the measures work
Never asking why like king Canute they are at war with a virus?
Never asking if this is proportional?
Never asking why they have made surveillance on the population unchecked
Never asking how removing civil rights makes people better?
Never asking how many people YOU the government have condemned to death through refusal of health care.
Never saying Protect the old and let the rest of the people live their fucking lives.

Our media are MI5 to a man….

Oct 1, 2020 9:11 AM
Reply to  TILL JUMP

Confetti money – aka. helicopter money – is already raining down, just as after every cyclical collapse of the casino “free” market. But the rain is only for plutocrats. It certainly is not meant to address the poverty and desperation – that is already here, not coming.

Sep 30, 2020 5:23 PM

This is a bit of a hot find

Someone in the comments section on UK column shared this 144 dossier in relation to preparedness to a global pandemic which includes the usual suspects who’ve backed this

It’s more consice and definitive than that Rockefeller lockstep document

I think maybe one of the admin here on Off guardian could go through it and try extract from it the hallmarks of what is happening now

The person who shared it on UK column said they were perplexed after giving them this manifesto umpteen times and not a dicky bird…



That’s the pdf of the 144 page documents

Sep 30, 2020 5:38 PM
Reply to  Arsebiscuits

Far-right media, Brexit nutters, are always my first stop for important leaks. The Alt-right are the political wing of the deep state, ain’t they? Brexit was a deep state operation. The people certainly had never demanded it before Steve Bannon was on the scene.

Sep 30, 2020 5:41 PM
Reply to  Texen

What you said has absolutely nothing to do with what I shared.

Sep 30, 2020 6:03 PM
Reply to  Arsebiscuits

I refer to the sourse of the leak, I alway question the motives and source of any leak, You should should try it.

Sep 30, 2020 6:03 PM
Reply to  Texen


Sep 30, 2020 6:06 PM
Reply to  Texen

That is why I put it up here to be open to exploration as it’s a 144 page document backed by all the heavy hitters which im sure you’ve gone through already and made that lazy generalization if that’s the best you can do

Sep 30, 2020 6:29 PM
Reply to  Arsebiscuits

I was slagging off the source, so I didn’t need to look at the document. but I hope it is useful, but I don’t like far-right groups, who have already helped destroy my country by supporting a similar operation to Covid, Brexit, claiming to be freedom fighters, it kinda makes me want to vomit.

Sep 30, 2020 7:06 PM
Reply to  Texen

And what was the source precisly?
Break it down now
Who put the document together?
Come on now it’s not that hard now
As I said what I shared has nothing to do with what your implying

Sep 30, 2020 7:43 PM
Reply to  Arsebiscuits

I made my position clear, I did not want to address the document, I addressed the source you seem to find that hard to understand.

Although from the tittle it looks like a bunch of far-right dross, Alex Jones inspired clap trap…… coming from fifth column Brexit UK, comments page, that does not surprise me.

Sep 30, 2020 8:12 PM
Reply to  Quid

But what was the source of the document?

What was the name of the source?

Come on you didn’t even mention it.

You just projectile vomited some nonsensical garbage

Oct 1, 2020 7:43 AM
Reply to  Texen

Farrage backed by Adelson and others pushed Brexit.

But the “far right“ is just a front for the cryptocracy. The City of London Corp are behind Brexit.

There’s no leakers. Rockefeller produced the document. They left it on their website.

Oct 1, 2020 8:33 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Could I get some verified links to make the far right connection I’ve vaguely read something here before about who’s backed the right in the states.

Yes that’s a red flag if they have totally sidestepped that document and it’s recent as well the document.

Hopefully someone here on Off guardian will give this the meticulous analysis that some people are capable of here.

Oct 1, 2020 10:02 AM
Reply to  Arsebiscuits

Links on what specifically? That the far right are the cryptocracy? So are the neoliberals. The cryptocracy, which is the shadow government; are the globalists, the bankers, billionaires and industrialists. They have no allegiance to any political party. They are Freemasons. Luciferians.

Oct 1, 2020 10:12 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Just any investigative articles coming up with that far right conclusion collusion association, I’ve not come across any thorough article to be honest

I definitely see the esoteric element in the far right in regard to the masonry influence.

Oct 1, 2020 10:42 AM
Reply to  Arsebiscuits

You mean the far right collusion of Coviditus? That the far right are pushing this covid agenda as much as the left? Or that the far right are responsible for backing Brexit? I’m not sure exactly what you mean…

Oct 1, 2020 10:48 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Sorry I should have been more precise.
As in who is the main backers on the far right movements in the states and the uk
I want to investigate this myself as most people I know aren’t aware of any agenda that’s its organic the far right.
I know that candence owens is backed by some clandestine corp which one I fail to remember
It’s not easy to find articles as readily to point out the real agenda
It seems to go back to bankers and wall street and military industrial complex seemingly and Isreal

Oct 1, 2020 2:53 PM
Reply to  Arsebiscuits

The BIS. The IMF. World Bank. The central banks. The Vatican. The monarchies. Bilderberg Group. WEF. G30. Trilaterals. CFR. Chatham House. It’s a network. It encompasses all the major NGOs in the world. All the major corporations. All the largest and oldest philanthropic organizations. Generations of wealth and secret societies. Oil families. Monarchies. Trillionaires. Billionaires. Rothschilds. Rockefellers.

As for specifically who funds who, you need to do your own individual research. Start by researching a specific politician’s background, education, friends, employment, directorships, board affiliations, club memberships. Corporate links. Meetings.

They always lead back to the same group of organizations and corporations.

Oct 1, 2020 7:45 AM
Reply to  Arsebiscuits

Thanks. Good info.

Somebody needs to go through this and write a piece. UK column just proved itself a sham.

Sep 30, 2020 5:17 PM

Jack Long
Sep 30, 2020 5:16 PM
Awaiting for approval

The hockey stick curve, is what they used to con us into the Global warming scam and is what they are using to con us into Covid.
Who cares how many more people are ‘positive’, if they are NOT FUCKING ILL!.

Sep 30, 2020 6:16 PM
Reply to  TILL JUMP

Crux of matter reached.
Thank you.

Oct 1, 2020 9:23 AM
Reply to  TILL JUMP

Disease undefined or varied, clinical diagnosis dispensed with, pathogen only a rumour, test unauthorised for diagnosis, test proven to be a joke for reliability, asymptomatics called cases, almost every one of the precautions for the public largely harmful, rising open tyranny..

Jack Long
Jack Long
Sep 30, 2020 5:16 PM

The hockey stick curve, is what they used to con us into the Global warming scam and is what they are using to con us into Covid.

Who cares how many more people are ‘positive’, if they are NOT FUCK ILL!.

Jenny Ren
Jenny Ren
Sep 30, 2020 4:52 PM

Rex Johns
Sep 30, 2020 4:50 PM
Awaiting for approval

Coordinate Other Vassals In Destruction.

Why are MP’s deluding themselves that the UK has autonomy over its own laws, when it is clear that all measures are coordinated across all US vassal states and are clearly geared at destroying the British and all vassal state economies.

The US FED were engaged in suppressing US bank-runs, just weeks before the Covid operation, they were in collapse. I have always though that the US will not go down alone, so they are destroying all their puppet states, using their agents, Johnson, Macron & Merkel, to cover for their own decline and collapse.

Rex Johns
Rex Johns
Sep 30, 2020 4:50 PM

Why are MP’s deluding themselves that the UK has autonomy over its own laws, when it is clear that all measures are coordinated across all US vassal states and are clearly geared at destroying the British and all vassal state economies.

The US FED were engaged in suppressing US bank-runs, just weeks before the Covid operation, they were in collapse. I have always though that the US will not go down alone, so they are destroying all their puppet states, using their agents, Johnson, Macron & Merkel, to cover for their own decline and collapse.
Coordinate Other Vassals In Destruction.

Oct 1, 2020 7:55 AM
Reply to  Rex Johns

Go to the top of the pyramid.

The Fed is part of the BIS. The BIS is run and owned by the central banks and the banking families. They’re all in on it. Remember that politicians are merely the hit men for the cryptocracy. The central banksters, the hedge funds. The transnational corporations. The energy companies.

Do some more research. You’ll figure it out.

Rex Johns
Rex Johns
Sep 30, 2020 4:47 PM

I don’t know what the CIA and our own spooks are telling European leaders to get them to go along with this destruction of the European economies, but you can be sure it is a lie. Maybe they told them it is the only way to get rid of Trump, the budding dictator, or maybe they said it is a rehearsal for biological war with China, whatever they are telling them, It is a pack of lies.

The US is destroying Europe for its own interests, Just like Brexit was, Just like the fraudulent War on Carbon is. All are intended to make America great again. There will be a wave of dollars, buying-up European companies, just before the dollar finally becomes worthless.

Sep 30, 2020 4:14 PM

comment image

Sep 30, 2020 6:07 PM
Reply to  John

In fact, Johnson COULDN’T do that, because the Deep State would kill him.
His “covid” would “recur, with a vengeance”, or he would fall out of a skyscraper window “after a few drinks”, or lack of exercise would give him a sudden thrombosis – whatever…
He just couldn’t do it.
That’s why we’re in this mess. Our governments have been intimidated by… well, what?
I’d guess money.
“I’m sorry, officer; they broke through by putting money into my hand…” [from “The Goon Show”]

Sep 30, 2020 10:07 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Is right.

Sep 30, 2020 4:07 PM

Emma Kenny – ‘So now the Government controls your body..if you’re single then it’s no sex for you…what a shame the Government don’t have shares in Durex!’


Sep 30, 2020 3:52 PM

Modern medicine is not about health. Don’t the mask and Covid episodes make that clear? They come from the same people who brought you modern medicine..

What sounded like health nut quackery six months ago now sounds like a statement of the obvious.

These Rockefeller-Gates funded medical institutions are about creating illness or the perception of illness in order to sell drugs.

It feels banal even to state it.

Oct 1, 2020 12:41 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

It is the software business model, a protection racket that requires no violence: manufacture “virus” threats, then sell the “anti-virus”. But, there is no safety, ever. Because new viruses come up all the time for which you are not protected, you must constantly “update” your system, of which you have little control over anyway. The pharma nazis are telling us we do not have the immunity against these “novel” viruses and so must buy their vaccine.

Software/ online trade is the best business because you can automate everything and sell infinitely, so you just sit back and the profits autimatically roll in. That’s how every shit eater and his dog is trying to make it now, and that’s why they want everything to go online.

Oct 1, 2020 7:57 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Yes. It’s racketeering. It’s been going on for more than a hundred years.

Sep 30, 2020 3:33 PM

Aha, I knew I’d find someone who’d covered it:


That post was from July, and the science I linked in my last post was from 2018.

Oct 1, 2020 8:04 AM
Reply to  J J

Except you know that blood clots and thrombosis also occur from radiation sickness, of which dehydration is a feature. Right?

Before people were wearing masks they were reporting blood clots as a symptom of covid in the severely ill.

Additionally, any endothelial cell dysfunction can cause blood clots. Like from the quadrivalent flu vaccine.

We are probably dealing with several factors at once.

They are not going to sicken us with one thing, but with several, simultaneously

Sep 30, 2020 3:19 PM

Always always always the anti-mask crowd miss the most important side effect of the hypoxia caused by masks: thrombosis.
Blood clots.
What’s the “big scary” complication of C19? Blood clots, causing “I can’t breathe” symptoms.
You want a 50% reduction in your body’s natural anticoagulants? Suffocate. The longer you wear the mask the worse it gets. The N95 takes you down 20% from normoxia. Science from 2018 explains why this will drop your ability to prevent blood clotting by 50%:
Please, please do complete research when talking about hypoxia! EVERYONE misses the deep vein thrombosis or other blood clotting effect.
Incidentally the most “at risk” for blood clots are the exact same demographic “at risk” from C19.
Mask when sick with the virus = a worse case, or even death.
What do they tell you to do when sick with C19? That’s right, mask up.

Masks are killing us.

Oct 1, 2020 9:33 AM
Reply to  J J

Keeping you indoors – at home, during lunch time at work, etc. – is one way to indirectly reduce your mobility and hence bloodflow. The weak, aged and bed-ridden succumb first.

Sep 30, 2020 2:44 PM

Be a Nurse, Tell the Truth and Get Fired.

What a Disgusting Country We have become.

At least the Daily Mail published it for Brainwashed Sheep to Sneer at her, and probably send her hate mail, and abuse her in the street.

What a brave girl.

“Care home nurse who claimed the pandemic is a hoax while protesting in her uniform against lockdown reveals she’s been FIRED from her job but still insists she’s seen ‘no evidence’ of a killer virus”


George Mc
George Mc
Sep 30, 2020 4:29 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Interesting how it’s the Daily Mail that’s coming up with this. I suspect another reinforcement of the “Right Wing Looney Conspiracy” trope. While of course the mainstream Left “sensible prole” faction of the media will carry on sanctioning the deadly virus trope which will be further emphasised by the fact that “only” the Right subscribe to skepticism.

Sep 30, 2020 6:38 PM
Reply to  George Mc

The comments in the Daily Mail are 80% slagging her off, and claiming she is not on the list of Registered Nurses. Yet if you check the list of Registered Nurses, she quite clearly is on the list of Registered Nurses. She has also has had at least one other job too a few years ago. They are also slagging off her appearence. Jealous Cows. I think she is lovely and totally legitimate.

I happen to know a couple of Nursing Homes in the area she lives and they are a hell of a lot better than the ones I know in London, some of which are completely appalling.

The overall standards of care in Lancashire including hospitals are far superior to those in the London area, from what I have personally witnessed, though at the end of the day, it is all pretty much a lottery, with regards the care you receive when you need it.


Sep 30, 2020 1:22 PM

Important tweet. The same modus operandi.

‘Care homes asked to provide Covid beds.’


Sep 30, 2020 12:47 PM



From ABC

House Democrats unveiled a scaled-back $2.2 trillion aid measure Monday in an attempt to boost long-stalled talks on COVID-19 relief, though there was no sign of progress in continuing negotiations between House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin.

The latest Democratic measure would revive a $600-per-week pandemic jobless benefit and send a second round of $1,200 direct payments to most individuals. It would scale back an aid package to state and local governments to a still-huge $436 billion, send a whopping $225 billion to colleges and universities, and deliver another round of subsidies to businesses under the Paycheck Protection Program.

So do not tell believers that COVID god does not exist as they drink his bloody cool aid and eat his green flesh.

messenger charles
messenger charles
Sep 30, 2020 12:46 PM

Isn’t declaring masks are safe, whether pregnant or not, the same as declaring smoking is safe? Surely both habits are alien and harmful to the anatomy.

Sep 30, 2020 4:27 PM

Oh No! Smoking reduces c19 by 19% so that’s why governments everywhere are mandating smoking. Stores will enforce it and there will be a huge fine if you don’t smoke!

It’s just a smoke, just get over it! Protect yourself and others! Women, remember that advice to not smoke while pregnant? Well that was so 3 months ago!

Jackson Pollard
Jackson Pollard
Sep 30, 2020 12:46 PM

Who is the lesser of the two evils for Europe, the blackmailer Trump or the Looter Biden,
Or will the war on the European people continue from America with either?

Sep 30, 2020 6:25 PM

They are all the same, and the lesser of two evils in this case is still unbelievably evil.
They all serve the same lord, and it really doesn’t matter whether its name is Rothschild, Clinton, Caligula or Beelzebub. Absolute power is all it wants.

Oct 1, 2020 8:10 AM

It’s coming from within. Don’t worry about the US.

Sep 30, 2020 12:45 PM

” Maskne (acne caused by mask wearing) is belittled by some masking advocates on social media, “You do get that acne is not a real problem don’t you?” is one quote I saw.”

Well, if the medical establishment itself can make this kind of purely unmedical pronouncement:

“One advantage of universal use of face masks is that it prevents discrimination of individuals who wear masks when unwell because everybody is wearing a mask.”

then the rest of us certainly can cite any detrimental effect of maskochism, however minor the cultists and propagandists themselves think it is.

That quote, in the guise of expressing concern for what sounds like it could be a put-upon group, really is part of the attitude of the whole terror-lockdown assault, the attitude that all of society including its vast majority of healthy people who are not in danger should stop living, cripple and destroy itself, allegedly in order to protect some very narrow vulnerable groups, in particular the elderly who already are sick. This is an extreme perverse reversal of every precept of both normal life and of triage.

Sep 30, 2020 1:42 PM
Reply to  Russ

the majority are not healthy at all if they are supporting this bs. they are a bunch of sociopaths.

Sep 30, 2020 6:27 PM
Reply to  Simon

Robust, but mad.

messenger charles
messenger charles
Sep 30, 2020 5:42 PM
Reply to  Russ

How to Permanently Eliminate Acne:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TUT2tP6QWvs

Oct 1, 2020 1:01 AM
Reply to  Russ

We can at least rejoice in the certainty that this culture is doomed and will destroy itself.

Sep 30, 2020 12:42 PM

I turned off my phone last night and watched a DVD of ‘Absolutely Fabulous’. What a lovely evening!

Sep 30, 2020 2:44 PM
Reply to  Dayne

Turning off the bloody mobile phone is good for the soul. :o)

messenger charles
messenger charles
Sep 30, 2020 5:43 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

Not turning it on unless for an emergency is even better.

Sep 30, 2020 12:40 PM

Threats to health from the covid restrictions:
– More crowding on public transport and at common venues
– Less sunshine and fresh air
– Less exchange of common microbes, essential for flu immunity
– Respiratory, mouth and skin diseases from extended usge of mask
– Collapse due to mask during a physical task, especially in person with weak lungs
– Cracked skin on hands from obsessive washing or sanitising
– Stronger pathogens from widespread usage of sanitiser
– Withheld medical treatment for major common illnesses
– Sending infected people into existing care homes, some of which get little med. care
– Stress (that weakens immunity and mental health) from loss of business/income, separation, no welfare, despair (called depression) or having to take the fanciful test
– Planned compulsory “unlicensed” vaccines; re-infections invalidate this hope as well as the restrictions
– Over-work “from” (at) home

Indirect threats: contact tracing, children mentally warped.

Sep 30, 2020 12:51 PM
Reply to  mgeo

what’s your problem?
nobody said the new world orders would be a walk in the park.

comply except the guidance
or tune the reckless acts out of your frequency spectrum

go godly bechamp or worship pasteur

stay dirty or choose clean it’s your call

Gordon Tex
Gordon Tex
Sep 30, 2020 11:50 AM

The solution; Everyone go out and live your life NORMALLY, If you feel scared or vunerable, then stay home untill the danger has passed.

Sep 30, 2020 12:11 PM
Reply to  Gordon Tex

Living life ‘normally’ is exactly what led to the situation as well as a whole host of other problems.

Sep 30, 2020 12:43 PM
Reply to  Simon

The terror-lockdown assault and Covid death cult have zero intention of changing anything about what’s destructive about the prior “normal”. The “new normal” they seek would carry over everything bad while completing the destruction of what still was good, as well as all prospect of future good.

Sep 30, 2020 1:49 PM
Reply to  Russ

continuing to give billions of $ to pharma is not going to stop them.

Sep 30, 2020 12:58 PM
Reply to  Gordon Tex

Some people can’t afford the fines, or they’re afraid of being sacked from their jobs, confronted, accosted or arrested even.

It’s impossible to live normally under brutality.

Sep 30, 2020 3:24 PM
Reply to  Gordon Tex

Forgot the New in New Normal? No one except the ultra-wealthy has it normal. They even fly anywhere on their own planes.

Gordon Tex
Gordon Tex
Sep 30, 2020 11:48 AM

Sep 30, 2020 11:46 AM
Awaiting for approval
Reply to DunGroanin

“We’ll Know Our Disinformation Program Is Complete When Everything the American Public Believes Is False.”

Every talking point was fake, they spent the whole time talking about stuff that has nothing to do with the well being of the population. Pantomime.

Sep 30, 2020 11:43 AM

down tick up tick
what a revolution
what a revolutionary act

that is it up tick for health for truth for freedumb
uptick will shake the foundations
bring the tower of babel bal and molech down
yes sir
toy town revolution is here down vote the pantomime evil doer
uptick the paid hacks like hitchens

i’m just sitting here watchin the wheels go round and around
i really love to watch them go

Sep 30, 2020 11:35 AM

I had a similar experience in the gym recently, where I saw people doing physical exercises with masks on. Against even government advice, which did not require them. I was tempted to say something to these terrified souls, but it was not my job. I thought at least the gym instructors would tell them that they are doing damage to their health, by cutting oxygen to their body when it needed it most, and that their actions were likely to cause more damage than Covid would.

These trainers, ‘experts’ in health, posture and breathing!, never did tell them to take the masks off. so in the end I concluded it is Darwinism in action, the masked will die younger from mask induced health conditions, have less children, so it is perhaps natural selection re-asserting its control over our destiny, and increasing the next few generations IQ, by preventing the slow of brain reproducing.

Oct 1, 2020 1:07 AM
Reply to  Fenton

Darwinism is scientism, but the promoters of dehumanisation and other fakers are welcome to hasten their demise. Anyone who claims to be any kind of health or fitness professional that goes with the masks is a FRAUD.

This is a time of great unmasking.

Oct 1, 2020 8:14 AM
Reply to  ANNUL

“The Great Unmasking”

I like it. It’s got a certain occult cachet.

Sep 30, 2020 11:13 AM

O/T – the first debate and The Groaniad.

Is there going to be a piece on the debate?
Or On-Groan bollicks (nothing for ages)? Or is all that in the past and not to be discussed?

In case there isn’t I’ll leave this here – if a piece can be posted where it belongs I’ll happily move it.

All through the night On-Groaned, the debate not really covered. Plenty of pointless opinions offered by their scribes and many a tweet by the ‘resistance’.

Trump did very well, Biden is as predicted – toast.

So the On-Groan punctuated their live coverage through the night with the partisan statements – the following being repeated hourly!:

‘Four more years of Donald Trump is a real possibility. America faces an epic choice on 3 November and the result of the presidential election will have global repercussions for democracy, progress and solidarity for generations. Transatlantic ties, superpower relations and the climate emergency are all in the balance.In these chaotic, perilous times, an independent, truth-seeking news organisation like the Guardian is essential.’

The On-Groan goes all in with their hyperbole. I love the smell of panic in the morning.

As the DS and their MSM and soon to follow AltSM face upto the failure of their coup attempt against Trump and their failure to use the Postal Vote scam as effectively as they did in the U.K. or their usurping of SCV2 to provide camouflage and cover for their crimes – they will have to run or fight to the death, where they stand.

But where can they hide?
Putins Russia? Lol
Run rabbits.
Run! Run Run.

Sep 30, 2020 11:46 AM
Reply to  DunGroanin

“We’ll Know Our Disinformation Program Is Complete When Everything the American Public Believes Is False.”

Every talking point was fake, they spent the whole time talking about stuff that has nothing to do with the well being of the population. Pantomime.

Sep 30, 2020 12:56 PM
Reply to  DunGroanin


You disgraced yourself last night, hitting rock bottom. I thought the reply was completely appropriate, though far too polite.



Sep 30, 2020 4:53 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

There is no disgrace like a scabs Compo.

I’ll not be taught manners by their kind.