The Powerful and Obnoxious Odor of Mendacity

Edward Curtin

“Mendacity is a system we live in.”

Tennessee Williams, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof

A profusion of philosophical, psychological, and political ink has been spent on the subject of lying and liars.  The toll in loves lost and relationships destroyed from lying is incalculable. All the war dead are victims of government lies; what Marine Major General Smedley Butler called a “racket.” Lies are poison, slow or quick working, and they kill both body and soul.

We are living in a country of lies.  A country where propaganda is disseminated around the clock and lies are the air we breathe.  Is it any wonder that most people are confused as to what to believe and whom to trust?  But it goes much deeper.

I have recently read a number of perceptive, truthful articles that have gotten me thinking further about this subject, although I must add that I have been preoccupied with the issue since I was very young and my father took me to see Pinocchio in the movie theater and subsequently told me improvised Pinocchio stories before bedtime.  Whether he knew it or not – and I think he knew – he set me on a lifetime’s quest to try to distinguish truth from lies and embrace the former.

Then as a teenager, I appeared on a very popular television show, To Tell the Truth. I was recruited to lie, to play the part of an impostor, which I did quite well. I lied for the money and probably would have made a good lying politician if fate hadn’t interceded. It was only later that my actions and the show’s title kept reverberating through my mind, echoing down my days to the present and my interest in truth, lies, and propaganda.  From my father came a love for the redeeming nature of stories.


“More and more often there is embarrassment all around,” wrote Walter Benjamin in The Storyteller, “when the wish to hear a story is expressed.  It is as if something that seemed inalienable to us, the securest among our possessions, were taken from us: the ability to exchange experiences.”


It was getting dark on the street as the young man emerged from his high school on New York’s Upper East Side after basketball practice. He had lost track of time as he dreamed his basketball dreams and headed to the subway for the long ride home.  It was December, 1961. A man, dressed in a cashmere overcoat and carrying a silver bowl, was walking his dog on the street.

The boy asked him for the time.  The man told him, adding with a grin that his watch always ran fast.

The boy recognized the grin from what seemed like a dream. He pet the man’s dog, and the man asked him about the imposing school next to them.  He asked the boy his name and the boy said “Eddie.”  While the dog did its business in the street, they chatted for a few minutes.  The man wished him luck with his basketball and said his name was Paul.

As the boy hustled toward the subway, Paul Newman shouted after him, “See you later, Fast Eddie.”

The next week the boy went to see Paul Newman playing Fast Eddie Felson in The Hustler. He always remembered Paul’s words about mendacity and his words from The Hustler:

How should I play that one, Bert? Play it safe? That’s the way you always told me to play it: safe… play the percentage. Well, here we go: fast and loose. One ball, corner pocket. Yeah, percentage players die broke, too, don’t they, Bert?

Lies are a common way of playing it safe.  Except they kill the liar.


In an article by Mike Whitney, “Betrayal, Infuriating Betrayal,” in which he writes about the Democrats’ ongoing efforts – Russia-gate, etc. – to remove Trump from the presidency, efforts based on a string of lies they know to be lies [ my emphasis] and have been proven to be so, he wonders thus toward the end:

It’s surprising that this doesn’t piss-off more Democrats, after all, it’s the ultimate expression of contempt and condescension. When someone lies to your face relentlessly, repeatedly and shamelessly, they are expressing their loathing for you. Can’t they see that?

Of course, that’s a very good question.

I read Jonathan’s Cook’s piece, “The Guardian’s deceit-riddled new statement betrays both Julian Assange and journalism.”  Cook rightly excoriates The Guardian  for lying about Assange and betraying him to the British and American governments, long-standing lies [my emphasis] that continue to today as Julian sits in a British kangaroo court where injustice is being served to extradite him to the USA.  Here is one point he makes;

Nauseatingly, however, the Guardian not only seeks to blame Assange for its own mistake but tells a glaring lie about the circumstances. Its statement says: ‘No concerns were expressed by Assange or WikiLeaks about security being compromised when the book was published in February 2011. WikiLeaks published the unredacted files in September 2011.’

Then I read another fine article at Asia Times, by MK Bhadrakumar, “Permafrost descends on US-Russia ties,”  about a bipartisan Senate bill aimed at demonizing Russia.  The bill is led by Democratic Senator Chris Coons of Delaware. Bhadrakumar writes [my emphasis]:

The fallout of all this is going to be profound for the Sino-Russian alliance. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov hit out last week: ‘It is time to stop applying Western metrics to our actions and stop trying to be liked by the West at any cost … the West is wittingly or unwittingly pushing us towards this analysis.

It is likely to be done unwittingly. However, it is a big mistake to think that Russia will play by Western rules in any case, just like thinking this in terms of China.’

I was struck by Lavrov’s word “wittingly or unwittingly” – diplomatic speech – since he knows the Senator’s bill is filled with lies but suggests otherwise – “It is likely to be done unwittingly.”

Finally, I read an article by Philip Roddis, “Julian, Guardian, and the Law of Volitionality.”  As a lead-in to his announced topic, he tells a little tale about his step-mother that struck me.  It is worth quoting in full [my emphasis]:

Indulge me a moment, will you? At fifteen I acquired a stepmother. We never got on. Her and dad’s insistence that she be called “mum” didn’t help. For the two years we spent in the same house – I left home weeks before turning seventeen – I never addressed her by name or title.

She had dad round her little finger. One ploy was to badger him into making a ruling against me. Once she’d done so, she’d beg him to relent. “Oh it’s alright, Frank. Let him … ” [do/have whatever it was she’d got him to forbid]. But no way was he going to u-turn at this point. A matter of pride, you see. I saw this little comedy for what it was but dad fell for it every time.

And here’s the thing. Maybe she did too. She got her way, but I don’t rule out her motives for that post victory appeal being hidden to – and by – her. My flawed but brilliant teacher said that everybody knows what they’re doing. Indeed, it was so fundamental a tenet he gave it a name: The Law of Volitionality.

Yes, he took it to absurd and at times cruel lengths but for all that he was onto something. To manage cognitive dissonance – to maintain a sense of being fundamentally good – we play games with ourselves. Stepmother was likely fooling herself almost as much as dad with her tiresome shenanigans.

It’s not that she wasn’t being manipulative. Just that an essential ingredient of the manipulation, vital to maintaining self-esteem, was a decision – volitionally squirrelled away, out of sight from everyday awareness – to hoodwink herself.

You can find such examples every day.  Articles about lies tossed about by all sides of the political spectrum are commonplace.

I think it fair to say that everyone has lied at some point, but only the most manipulative are proud of it.

“The essence of the lie implies in fact that the liar actually is in complete possession of the truth which he is hiding,” wrote Jean-Paul Sartre.  This cynical consciousness that knows the truth but denies it to others is a perfect description of politicians, propagandists, intelligence services, and their media mouthpieces.

They know they are lying and are proud of it, but of course they will never admit it.

Most people are not that manipulative.  Sartre says there is another type of liar who suffers from bad faith.  While they lie to others, they also try to lie to themselves and hide the truth from themselves.  People often say that this person and that one really believe their own lies, that they are deluded, but this is not possible.

For “the one to whom the lie is told and the one who lies are one and the same person, which means that I must know in my capacity as a deceiver the truth which is hidden from me in my capacity as the one deceived.”

I have recently been thinking that many people who are adamantly insistent on the efficacy of mask-wearing against SARS-CoV-2, the virus associated with COVID-19, and those who are always quoting the official statistics, are of this sort.

They either know there is good evidence against mask-wearing and the official statistical game, but try to convince themselves this isn’t so, or they avoid reading about the possibility to save face and live with themselves  – both acts of bad faith.

Such people are like Philip Roddis’s step-mother.  But in this case, the bad faith is about a Big Lie, just as the fake fight between Trump and Biden has induced many people to take bad faith sides in a scene from Lewis Carroll’s Through the Looking Glass:

Tweedledum and Tweedledee
Agreed to have a battle;
For Tweedledum said Tweedledee
Had spoiled his nice new rattle”

So Tweedledee and Tweedledum
Had their scrum
All about the rattle.
When it was done
Only the dumb
Gave a shit about their battle


Last year, I was at a large library book sale and came upon an odd box of typed manuscripts of stories that lacked the author’s name.  They were free and so I took a few.  There was one very short story, entitled “Fear,” that struck me for its haunting connection to the issue of lies. “Death is the sanction of everything the storyteller can tell,” wrote Benjamin, which seems so true with this anonymous story. Here it is:

Listen, that’s what I want to say to them.  Listen, this is one of those stories hard to believe.  When I first heard it, I doubted it completely.  Of course I was telling it and that might have been a factor.  It’s hard, once you hear your own voice, to believe it’s you.  After a while, however, I became convinced it had to be true.  I couldn’t make up anything so odd, so sick if you prefer.

At first the voice sounded strange, but once I realized it was really mine, I understood I was revealing this pathetic tale under great duress and it was understandable that my voice sounded foreign.

You should take that into account.  I am a very sick man.  I realize that now.  In the beginning, I thought I was surely dying, until, that is, I saw that I was already dead.  Dying was beside the point.  I was dead.  Naturally this came as a great surprise to me.  Now you might reasonably ask, how did this absurd situation come about, and how can a dead man write words?  Let me tell you.

It began when I was born while the world was engaged in one of its periodic slaughters. No, periodic is not true.  Those slaughters are constant.

So you wonder what my astrological sign is?  The mushroom cloud of course.  A cancer born under the sign of the mushroom.

Anyway, I have been living for decades now and you’d think I would have seen the obvious.  I didn’t, or that’s what I told myself.  Not for the life of me.  I kept going on as if I were alive when I was dead.  It’s obvious now: the dead never know they’re dead until… But I didn’t know it, and you can imagine, I hope, how this caused me many problems.

Don’t laugh.

That was the year I disappeared.

She asked me: “But are you content?”

No, I wouldn’t say that.

So you’re not?  It’s hard to tell?  Tell me.

No, not really.

Not really what?

Not really content.

What would give you contentment?

I’m not sure.

You mean to say you have no idea?

No, not that.  I guess if I thought about it …

Do that, that’s what I’m asking you.  You must have thought about it before.

Sure I have but…

Why the but?  You’re so hesitant about everything.  You don’t know, you doubt, maybe, but, perhaps.  Why are you so unsure?

I had no satisfactory answer.  I could only stumble over my words.  I was afraid they would trip me up, especially if I spoke without premeditation. I was used to hesitating so I could control things.  That’s not exactly true.  When I realized I was dead, I also realized it was because I had always been a liar, to myself and others.

It was then I disappeared.

Since coming here, I have been resolved to change.  Yes, the outside world was making me sick with all its lies and deceptions.  Mendacity, mendacity, mendacity – I heard someone in a play scream that out once. I never forgot it, and I felt I was going mad because of it.  But I too was a liar, so I resolved to change.

No more bullshit.  That was my number one resolution.  It sounded crude but was true. Next to it, I listed euphemisms for bullshit: exaggeration, manners, civility, tolerance, modesty , mental reservations, kindness, and of course lies.  Bullshit was lies and self-deception.  Simple as that. I couldn’t admit that I was dead; that was bullshit, and I was dead because I was a bullshit artist and just wanted to be an artist and write stories that were true.

I have always lied so much because, like everyone else, I was afraid of the truth. Saying it, hearing it, or seeing it.  I much preferred ideas of what should be true rather than what was true, or what I really thought was true.

I was afraid if I gave up lying I would feel lonelier than I did before.  Where did it get me anyway?  Where does it get anyone?  I have always hated myself for it.  This all seemed so weird to me; how everyone nodded at truth, just as they nodded to each other, and then went on lying their ways through life.  And if you asked them if they were lying, they would invariably deny it.

Oh, it’s so twisted.  I am sick. I don’t know where I’m going with this story.  It seems to have a life of its own, unlike me.

I didn’t really disappear.  They took me here.  I am so afraid.

That was it. Short and eerie. It reminded me of Kafka, who wrote in his diary: “The strange, mysterious, perhaps dangerous, perhaps redeeming comfort that there is in writing.”


“And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.”

That’s what the CIA has inscribed on the wall of its headquarters: The George Bush Center for Intelligence.

More appropriately, as a description of not only the CIA but American society as a whole, are Ken Kesey’s words from One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest: “You seem to forget, Miss Flinn, that this is an institution for the insane.”

That’s not a lie.

Yes, “Mendacity is the system we live in.”

And the odor here is really loathsome.

Edward Curtin is a writer whose work has appeared widely. He teaches sociology at Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts. His website is http://edwardcurtin.com/. He is the author of the new book Seeking Truth in A Country of Lies


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Norm Corin
Norm Corin
Oct 7, 2020 4:01 PM

“Where did it get me anyway? Where does it get anyone?”

Lying can be justified to protect oneself when one is under existential threat. After one achieves success, however — and more than that, becomes king of the hill, along with king of propaganda — but continues to hallucinate existential threats, well … not so much.

Hallucinations don’t go away when they are hijacked and amplified by smarter, sociopathic “leaders”. That’s how toxic belief systems work.

I am assuming now that this is why lying has paradoxically been normalized, even with all that’s happened the last 40 (if not 100) years to wake us up, with such energy and momentum that it absolutely amazes and baffles the rest of us.

Norm Corin
Norm Corin
Oct 7, 2020 6:56 PM
Reply to  Norm Corin

When one encounters *repeated* existential threats, then — as psychology tell us — one needs to understand why and how the situation repeats. Repeating the same failure and expecting different results? We know there’s a word for that… Is one defying (human) nature, and reality more broadly, to re-invent it? What does one then expect to happen?

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Oct 6, 2020 10:57 AM

I have recently been thinking that many people who are adamantly insistent on the efficacy of mask-wearing against SARS-CoV-2, the virus associated with COVID-19, and those who are always quoting the official statistics, are of this sort.

They either know there is good evidence against mask-wearing and the official statistical game, but try to convince themselves this isn’t so, or they avoid reading about the possibility to save face and live with themselves – both acts of bad faith.

But what about the BIG FAT LIE that there’s a virus at all?

Why do so many accept that BIG FAT LIE and stay seemingly so comfortably and ineffectually in “Oh yes there’s a VIRUS but it’s not at pandemic levels and the response is inappropriate and there’s oh so many anomalies in the story but oh yes, yes, yes there IS, at least, there COULD BE a “novel” virus, oh yes, yes, yes in amongst all the lies there IS, at least, there COULD BE A “novel” virus.”?

Without a virus, there is nothing, nada, niente, nussing. No virus obviates everything. It’s all so simple when there’s no virus … and indeed, there isn’t, that’s how they stage their psyops. With cool audacity. No virus. Of course, there’s no virus. There would never be a virus, a virus would never work for their psyop just like real planes and dead people wouldn’t have worked for 9/11.

There is no virus, that is not the MO.

And that’s the truth we should be spouting from the rooftops not the namby-pamby BS that there’s a virus BUT …

Oct 6, 2020 2:43 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

To the vast (and half-vast) majority, saying there is no virus is tantamount to saying the moon is made of green cheese. In a word, you probably wouldn’t have much luck convincing the majority no matter how loudly you proclaim it.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Oct 7, 2020 12:29 AM
Reply to  Howard

I guess you’re right, Howard, although there are many who are skeptical in the first place of pandemic even if they believe in the virus and so for them going to the place of no virus is not such a stretch.

When I talk to random people quite often they think it’s a scam at some level even if they believe there’s a virus and at least on two occasions they didn’t believe in the virus at all.

Oct 6, 2020 5:26 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

I hear you but when you’re dealing with babies, you have to go on baby steps, and one step at a time. Most people will shut me immediately off if I say there’s no virus. They stop listening. More effective is to give them evidence that sheds doubt on the existence of the virus, and let them take their time to analyse it. People like the sensation that they’re coming to their own conclusions all by themselves.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Oct 7, 2020 12:39 AM
Reply to  Someone

I guess you’re right, I guess it’s fine to say there’s no virus to those already skeptical and say it’s exaggerated to the firm believers. The thing is though there’s a massive world of difference between “no virus” and “virus but not pandemic” and I hate half-truths. That’s what they’re always snowing us with – half-truths so that we don’t comprehend what’s really going on, 9/11 being a prime example. They’ve gagged us truthers with “controlled demolition” (truth) and “deaths of 3,000 and injury to 6,000” (lie) which makes it very difficult to disseminate the real truth – a completely different proposition from either terrorist attack or false flag involving the cold-blooded and callous murder of 3,000 people by the US government – which is that 9/11 was simply a massive Full-Scale Anti-Terrorist Exercise comprising numerous smaller exercises and drills involving emergency response, scripted journalists, fake “loved ones”, witnesses, etc and many others.

Someone else
Someone else
Oct 8, 2020 3:37 AM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

Petra – whilst the argument that there is no virus seems sound, I have yet to see genuine conclusive evidence that there is no virus, hence it remains as conjecture, sound as it may be. However, we are often told on authority (that the bedwetting beleivers trust) that they are doing ‘DNA analysis’ to trace the evolution, and other such convincing language. Hence, it’s a lost cause trying to convinve bedwetters that there is none. If you can provide some form of proof that the virus doesn’t exist, that would be a gamechanger.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Oct 8, 2020 12:53 PM
Reply to  Someone else

When we are told a story full of very serious anomalies then surely the evidence for any part of the story needs to be clear for any credibility. The onus is as much on those claiming the existence of the virus as it it is on those claiming its lack of existence.

There is no default in a story full of obvious problems!

Torsten Engelbrecht and Konstantin Demeter have done a fabulous job in exposing the fact that science teams claiming they have isolated the virus in fact haven’t. They approached FIVE science teams on their papers alleging virus isolation and got them to agree it hadn’t actually been achieved. They also got admission from seasoned virologist, Dr Charles Calisher, that he didn’t know of any paper that showed isolation and final purification.

I know that Torsten has now approached the team alleging they isolated the virus in the first patient identified in Australia who published a paper in the MJA (Medical Journal of Australia). It will be interesting to see how they reply.

There is also no evidence of any virus causing the illness, COVID-19 nor is there a distinctive set of symptoms for COVID-19.

If that doesn’t spell no evidence of SARS-CoV-2, I don’t know what does.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Oct 8, 2020 12:55 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

Just to add that PolitiFact, an alleged “fact checking” site, tried to debunk their article but failed miserably. PolitiFact has not responded to Torsten and Konstantin’s rebuttal.

austrian peter
austrian peter
Oct 6, 2020 10:03 AM

When I was training as a corporate systems consultant with Xerox in the 1970s they explained that I should display behaviours based on ‘HAGS’:

I have never forgotten them and always try to follow those rules, but fail often. It is the intention to be truthful that is important. But as a fallible human – I fail, but failure is not falling over, it’s not getting back up again that counts – as Xerox used to opine.

steve mitchell
steve mitchell
Oct 5, 2020 4:36 PM

Looking for fruitcakes?? See John posting here

Oct 5, 2020 11:39 AM

Ok, fear and loothing in the world.

The ONLY place you/we/I need to go, to realise the scope and scale of it, to ilutions, the lies and to contemplate about the future, life or death, do we want to fight or do we just sucumb and slowly withering away while we grow older and have death creeping on us, that place is not in the curch, or in the public square, in the buss ride onto your destiny whether its your job or girlfriend, that place is everywhere, that place is where you have your mirror, you bathroom.
Whatever stearing back, that one is the ultimate truth, whom is this, what is this and to where are this thing heading.

I am in an sense, released, because a lot of people, just by looking back a decade or two, didnt belive that we may end up where we are, nope, and they trusted democracy, yeah, the experts, the MSM, their neighbor, but we inevietably ended up in an dystopian shithow witch to day runs most of the western Gov by corruption and thru greed, the lust for raw political power, because they have enough mooney, thats not enough, they want the last bit to, political power, because then you can justify the means, to whatever is their goal, and like the saying, the road to hell is usually pawed with good intentions, thats precisly where we are right now.

So, apart from the smel of decay, the guarded comunitys whom is locked into their perfect reality and their controlled perseptions witch is made possible by the walls, the rest of us deals with the ugly truth, they have us by our balls. And nothing scare me more, and I am dead serious, that if an mass of people, whole comunitys to, sits there idly by with their proverbial thumbs up their asses, fabricating exuses to dont have to lift an f…. finger and awaits Dha saviour, I can ashure you, we are then doomed, this people scare me, because if there is one thing we should know, the consequencess of our own consciousness and acts reflelcting it, we have no exuses to hide behind, if we dont do something, we will fal for anything, and thats where we are right now.

So my last question, bitches, is this, can you infact handle the truth, because, even I have encountered that trechold of pain, truth hurts, it can really, really hurt, for years, and if it dont hurt, its because its either not true enough, or its just another lie, truth is pain, and pain sets you free, maybe thats why a lot of people witch have spoken out, have physical issues, because pain is our daily life, every waking hour, so mental/personal pains dont bothers me anymore, infact its become irrelevant, my consern is, for this that dont feel anything, not even hate, as said, if you dont know hate, how can you then say you know, love.

Kai Murros, we need an revolution.
Wake up or die asleep.


Oct 5, 2020 11:28 AM

More Evidence of the lies to the Citizens. https://youtu.be/06yja21V7xg

Oct 5, 2020 11:28 AM

comment image

‘Is there a Corona pandemic, or is there only a PCR test pandemic?’ –

‘Crimes against Humanity’ – Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, German Corona Investigative Committee


Oct 5, 2020 10:41 AM
George Mc
George Mc
Oct 5, 2020 10:07 AM

Re: COVID, one person’s opinion I’d like to get is that of Guido Giacomo Preparata of Conjuring Hitler fame. I have fundamental disagreements with him but he is a brilliant writer and has proved very astute in analysing various psychological operations in the past. His unremitting hostility towards Marxism can probably be explained by the shabby treatment he received in Western academia – which in itself only went to show how official Marxism has degenerated into a little self-satisfied clique.

(One example of self-satisfied pseudo Marxist bollocks came up on the WSWS comment section when Charlotte Ruse challenged the site’s attitude towards COVID and was then lectured by one “Fire in the Head” about being trapped in “subjective idealism”. There were no further entries from Charlotte and that may have been when she was shadow banned – as she explained on OffG.)

GGP is an Italian American and I think that part of his odyssey after being banished by the great god of Western Marxism was taking a stint in Italy and he may even have been there when it was being used as a base for the Western phase of the COVID con.

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 5, 2020 10:01 AM

When I look at the relentless pumping out of COVID coverage and ceaselessly repeated directives all against a backdrop of declining death figures, I’m struck at the regulated way it is taking place (although with depressing predictability, that wondrous mainstream Left continue to insist on the chaos of it all etc.) And I wonder how far in advance this was planned – probably even down to the various stages to go through – and how many planned stages have yet to be acted out?

And on that topic, I have just received new workplace directives, in the event of horrifically rising COVID cases. It seems that phone calls are to be handled differently to minimise phone passing. Also – we are no longer permitted to lunch in a communal area but must dine alone. Isn’t it amazing? The more COVID declines, the more paranoid we must be! It’s all a strictly regimented plan!

Oct 5, 2020 11:38 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Your not permitted to work for the terrorist network or shop at any of their outlets which are easily identified by the masks and plastic shields etc. Ofcourse it is easier said than done but realistically you shouldn’t be financing terrorism and really need to get to safety.

Oct 5, 2020 8:14 AM

A commentary on lies from the movie “Lawrence of Arabia”:

Oct 4, 2020 11:50 PM

We live in a world of lies.
In no particular order:-

Iraqi nuclear weapons. Iranian nuclear weapons. Iraqi incubator babies. Russiagate. 9/11. Litvinenko, Skripal, Navalny. Syrian Gas Hoaxes. White Helmets. Libyan Viagra rape gangs. Gladio. Tonkin Gulf. Corbyn’s anti semitism. Russian hijacking of Brexit and 100 other elections. Human bodies turned into soap and lamp shades. Scores of others.

Lies are the common currency of political and media discourse.
They are their stock in trade.
They have long since forfeited all integrity & the right to ask us to take anything on trusi.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Oct 6, 2020 11:03 AM
Reply to  paul

There’s no nuclear weapons, period, Paul. Israel doesn’t have them either and Hiroshima and Nagasaki were faked – bombed but not by nuclear bombs.

There’s so very, very, very many lies. So very, very, very many.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Oct 4, 2020 8:38 PM

Mike Whitney:
The Democrat party has undergone a sea-change in the last four years. There’s no trace of the party that was once headed by progressive-thinking idealists like John F Kennedy. What’s left now is a shell of its former self; a cynical, self-aggrandizing, cutthroat organization that has betrayed its base, the American people, and the country. Indeed, for all its many failings, it is the ‘betrayal’ that is the most infuriating.

No, JFK was the exception and that’s why they had to kill him. All the others have been fully corrupted, deep-state, NWO operatives. They systematically rob the working class and send them to die in a continuous stream of bankster wars. In 2008, shortly before being elected president, senator Obama pushed through the trillion dollar bankster heist. He then led what is probably the most corrupt regime the US has ever seen. It was supposed to continue with Hillary, but they got blocked in their attempts to the rig the election.

Oct 4, 2020 9:16 PM

Curious, are you the Mike Whitney who wrote articles?/made comments? on Smirking Chimp?….It used to be a real Leftist site during GWB….When Obama arrived, it turned into a Democratic (rarely Leftist) party site….The owner deleted me from the site because I was too rough on the present-day Democratic party and the idea that Hillary lost because of the Russians.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Oct 4, 2020 9:59 PM
Reply to  maxine

The quote is from Whitney’s article “Betrayal, Infuriating Betrayal” referenced by Curtin. The Democrats are behaving true to form, so I assume Whitney is just plain delusional. There’s a comprehensive collection of Whitney’s articles at Global Research:

They go back to July 2005, but I hadn’t previously read much of his work. This is the $700bn bankster bailout which Obama pushed through:
Black Monday. Global Investors Vote “No” on Paulson Bailout
By Mike Whitney
30 September 2008

Oct 4, 2020 8:01 PM

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Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Oct 4, 2020 10:39 PM
Reply to  John

We should start referring to Hancock as the “Vaccination Secretary” since that seems to be his primary objective.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Oct 5, 2020 9:07 AM
Reply to  John

Absolutely no surprise there. The harshest measures are reserved for the riff raff in places like Bolton, Oldham, Leicester, etc. Can’t have the toffs suffering harsh restrictions, aye what.
The same thing happened in Melbourne in the first lockdown that all the ‘hotspot suburbs’ undergoing restrictions were poorer working class areas with high levels of ethnic minorities residing in them.
That’s all changed of course now with Level 4 lockdown over the whole city.

Oct 5, 2020 11:45 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Ofcourse and they are itching for people to demand the lockdown effect everyone.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Oct 5, 2020 12:18 PM
Reply to  Simon

Same here in Melbourne. Same in New Zealand. Same in the UK. Same everywhere. And your John and Jane Brown’s will do just that. Because of their own irrational fear. Begging for their own enslavement.
But what I struggle with are the snitches who get ALL their news from MSM, then call the cops on their neighbours or people not wearing masks. Pisses me right off.

Oct 5, 2020 2:54 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

HI Gezzah,

Hope you are bearing up. If it’s any encouragement I have become very much aware of a promising recent trend. When this whole thing kicked off so long ago there were few voices, as we know, expressing any doubts about what was going on and those that did were quickly pounced on. Any dissenting voices felt the need to express themselves in a covert way and those who were brave enough to express themselves were subjected to vitriolic responses.

At the time I was ‘saving’ for reference maybe one or two useful articles, expert videos, independent radio discussions or social media comments every three or four days. Over the past couple of weeks I am encouraged to find it more and more difficult to keep up with everything that is anti-lockdown. I am saving at least five or six new links every day. There are even people appearing as guests on mainstream TV who are now suggesting the whole thing has gone far enough and more damage is being caused by the lockdown itself; not enough of them yet but it is a start. Still not enough actual experts, who are clearly still being suppressed. Also, BTL comments attached to newspaper articles seem far more cynical now than at the outset.

From a personal point of view, you may recall that back in May/June I described being ‘attacked’ on a local social media website and was accused of being a ‘flat-earther’ by one individual whom I knew in person but he didn’t know that it was me he was insulting. I have seen him since but didn’t let on about this. Two weeks ago I saw him again. He was full of himself as he said that he was ‘fed up with the Government’s over-reaction’ and he’d been doing some research on the internet: “Do you know how many people have actually died from Covid19 who didn’t have anything else wrong with them, and what ages they were?” I confirmed I did and gave him the figures which took the wind out of his sails. For good measure I mentioned about the PCR test issues. He seemed interested and didn’t accuse me of being a flat-earther then! I still didn’t tell him that I was his target of attack all those months ago. I shall save that for a future time! 😀

I was interested in what you say about the areas being targeted for local lockdowns. I am sure you are right. It got me thinking about the current lockdown across North Wales. Not surprisingly many people from the northwest (Greater Manchester and Liverpool in particular) come for weekends in North Wales being it’s so close. There have been recent ‘problems’ covered in the media of people coming in great numbers to Snowdonia in particular and failing to ‘social distance’. I now think that the lockdown across N Wales has been instituted purely to stop people coming here from Manchester and Liverpool in contravention of their own area lockdown. Nobody in N Wales can take accommodation bookings from the northwest and any member of the public seeing an ‘outsider’ can report them. So the lockdown here is nothing to do with ‘cases’ in North Wales, contrary to what we are being told.

Keep battling, G.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Oct 6, 2020 7:23 AM
Reply to  JudyJ

Appreciate your reply Judy, and I think more people are waking up around the world, given the massive protests in Berlin, London, Montreal and other large ones in places like Bulgaria, Serbia and The Netherlands.
Tho whether this awakening extends to Melbourne is another matter. Still yet to spot one person without a mask on.
The Big Issue magazine looks like it’ll be starting up here on the 30th as “case numbers” have markedly declined despite the truly vile Premier of Victoria, Daniel Andrews trying everything to keep numbers up.
Good news re mag, however the economy here has been utterly pulverised and hundreds of thousands of people have lost their jobs permanently. On top of that, many businesses have gone, especially in the hospitality sector. So, I don’t know how much spare money people will have.
Spoke to a Staff member today, and they’re completely oblivious. Alice In Wonderland stuff.
Daniel Andrews is now demanding that all medium and large sized employers in the meat, poultry, & seafood processing, plus refrigerated food distribution centres plus supermarkets test 25% of their workers every week for a month. Using the completely inappropriate PCR tests of course.
As I said, he’s desperate to keep the numbers churning out.
Interesting anecdote about that guy who had a go at you. I wish I could see the look on his face when you spill the beans! Not only will the poorer working class areas be targeted, but they will be the areas suffering the most economically.
This second lockdown has been much tougher mentally than the first one. Some days its a struggle just getting out of bed. But I’m very stubborn tho.
I hope things have been going well with you, and your brother in Stockport is doing okay. I’m just going to throw this in there, but I have a soft spot for Stockport County FC (semi fan).
Do you know about the Facebook group ‘Save Our Rights UK’? They seem to be doing good work opposing the ‘new normal’. Have a good week👍

Oct 5, 2020 10:15 AM
Reply to  John

no shit Sherlock called this months backs

Oct 5, 2020 11:20 AM
Reply to  John

There have been protests in Madrid against poorer districts of the city tending to be subjected to local lockdowns – it does seem as though Covid is expressing the eternal war of the rich against the poor.

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 4, 2020 7:44 PM

I recall a few years back that this union rep tuned up at my workplace. He was in either “Unison” or “Unite”. (And it seems to me to be one of those hidden-in-plain-sight jokes that you have two unions each with a name suggesting unity!) So he did his little fist shaking bit about sticking it to the bosses. But it all seemed a tired act to me. And the suspicion dawned that these unions only existed to give a “more palatable” spin to policies already decided by the very bosses they were supposed to be sticking it to.

So what if all these Left formations are like this? Wouldn’t that explain e.g. the position of them with reference to COVID? Is that why the WSWS has accelerated the ubiquitous fear porn whilst denying any other interpretation as the Great Reset carries on? Effectively these Left sites have annulled themselves. And what this has revealed is that the oligarchic system is everywhere and unavoidable.

Oct 4, 2020 7:49 PM
Reply to  George Mc

WSWS are Trots. Don’t expect them to ever get anything done.

Oct 4, 2020 7:31 PM

I think Jonathan Cook is meticulously restrained when OhOh77 -G decided to pick a fight with him.

I call it Red/Brown psyop- he calls it Cynical, because he is quite a gent and anti Zionist and lives in Israel – which makes him a target for the Cynical Ledt Red Brown Alt BS media.

Thanks for flagging it Edward.

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 4, 2020 8:07 PM
Reply to  DunGroanin

This JC article is dismal. What a huge demonstration of every confidence trick in the arsenal of disinfo. The vast majority of it is just question begging bullshit. Consider:

“that most western governments have proved deeply incompetent or corrupt in handling the virus….that, even during a pandemic….and that governments in trouble will try to exploit the pandemic …The incompetence and corruption of our governments in handling Covid-19 are not specific to the virus…symptoms of defective political systems …. Western, technocratic governments have no real solutions for the pandemic … To challenge and disrupt that narrative, one would need either to persuade the public that the disease is not dangerous at all or that health systems can easily cope with large numbers of people getting sick…..I am less worried about lockdowns than I am about western lifestyles that make lockdowns our only way to prevent higher mortality rates.”

Read: “The pandemic exists because it exists!”

And the straw man trick:

“I don’t see a global conspiracy to lock us all into our homes.”

Neither do I. I see a manufactured story being spun to implement changes as quickly as possible before any backlash can undo said changes.

And more straw here:

“too much doubt – doubt simply for the sake of doubt, or cynical doubt”

Yeah we’re just being troublesome for the sake of it!

And “whingeing” – nice manly put down!

Or maybe it’s just not worth addressing at all?:

“there are far more pressing things to talk about than the threat of masks and lockdowns”

And remember this little con trick from 9/11?:

“I expend my very limited resources and energies on trying to persuade readers of the very real and very visible conspiracies – structural conspiracies – perpetrated by our elites to maintain and expand their power.”

JC – another one bites the dust!

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Oct 4, 2020 8:38 PM
Reply to  George Mc

““I expend my very limited resources and energies on trying to persuade readers of the very real and very visible conspiracies – structural conspiracies – perpetrated by our elites to maintain and expand their power.”

Isn’t that the Chomsky-Assange maneuver? And wasn’t it the great Michael Parenti who pointed out that the “Structuralist/ Functionalist” dichotomy is absurd to the extent that those Institutions which do Evil Things for “structuralist” (they can’t help themselves!) reasons are guided (Functionally) by… actual people with actual names and specific tittles? Not to mention the fact that it would be quite a feat to come up with a conspiracy more “real and visible” than the Conspiracy he dare not acknowledge. Try to imagine JC addressing 9/11 today! I was intrigued by his project long, long ago but I soon discovered his limits. He’s like a slightly-edgier Jon Stewart.

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 4, 2020 10:11 PM

The déjà vu parallels with 9/11 are downright eerie. And whilst wading through that JC quagmire, Chomsky kept coming into my head. And I realise even more forcefully now than ever this little shadow boxing game that the “opposition” set up whereby you are assigned a little corner and supplied with the requisite rotten tomatoes and you are even given the script with its predetermined accusations – all assembled from a box with a clearly highlighted sign that says, “You can go this far but no more!”

But there’s an increasingly obvious code here i.e. “cynical” and “despairing” are references to actual critical thought which is “futile” since it doesn’t fit into the clearly demarcated protest area where the battles have already been planned out.

And indeed, I am coming to understand the greatness of Michael Parenti and his bravery in pointing out something that, to be sure, is glaringly obvious to all outside that hallowed area of permitted dissent but which is very risky to mention within that honoured circle: that deep structural analysis and “conspiracy theory” are not opposites but complementary – indeed one cannot exist without the other. 

And – ah yes Assange again. I have remined “agnostic” as to his own personal outlook and health. I daresay he is going through hell at the moment, but I suspect he’s a pawn in their game. And, unwitting or not, a distraction. Not unlike our brave Mr Cook himself. 

Oct 4, 2020 11:03 PM

Unfortunately for trolls. – people can read it for themselves through that link to the article.

Your two petty attempts at gaslighting will fall on fallow ground for any passing open minded reader, who will read the article and make up their own minds.

You guys are the desperation in action. Rearranging deck chairs as your ship is struck and sinking!

OhOh77-Gee just ran into a bunch of icebergs at full tilt. Almost kamikaze!

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 5, 2020 10:22 AM
Reply to  DunGroanin

“Your two petty attempts at gaslighting will fall on fallow ground for any passing open minded reader, who will read the article and make up their own minds.”

Professional troll technique. Deciding for other people under the pretense of letting them decide for themselves.

Oct 5, 2020 11:27 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Jonathan Cook is a genuine investigative journalist who for many years was the Groaniads Foreign Correspondent before it was taken over by the DS and your lot of 77 trolls.


Anyway George you will stick to me like shit on a shoe – you must live your job.

How many dead under your Careworking George?

How many are you NOT looking after? Without Ppe?

The way you AstroTurf around my posts to bury then in your ‘abracadabra look into my eyes’ gobbledygook diversion is easy to see through.


George Mc
George Mc
Oct 5, 2020 12:48 PM
Reply to  DunGroanin

Current comment excepted, I see no reason for further direct engagement with you Dun. But when I see mind control confidence trickery, then I will point it out. In this case, use of the subjectless mode whereby you make it look as if your own conclusion is everyone’s (and is even inherent in the material itself):

“The way you AstroTurf around my posts to bury then in your ‘abracadabra look into my eyes’ gobbledygook diversion is easy to see through.”

There is also the fact that you don’t argue (because – let’s face it: you can’t) but write as if you’ve already won the argument.

These are troll tricks.

Oct 5, 2020 3:21 PM
Reply to  George Mc

You promised not to engage just a few days ago with a goodbye.

Here you still are – like smelly shit on a shoe.

And if you do break your promise to stop stalking me again, answer the question about your ‘care work’.

I see also that you guys have decided to use many of my own words and statements to draw up your posts. It is so big and clever of you.

I suspect The author of this piece, just like Roddis, Zuesse and the late Vlatchek, has smelt the ratty pooh.

Are we still going to have 0h0h77-Gee respond to MoA? Cover the Assange revelations? Direct people to NOT use the NHS App as they are doing with masks? Are we ever going to see the real string pullers and financiers behind the Media narratives, these who direct and finance all the criminal global robberies and murders – likes of Sheldon Addleson who rules the State Department and CIA DS apparatchiks across the world.

I expect not from Kit, Catte or the flying blue monkey troll bots here.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Oct 5, 2020 8:53 PM
Reply to  George Mc

These are troll tricks.”

Hmmmm. I’m beginning to suspect Schizophrenia instead.

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 5, 2020 10:41 PM

It’s odd you should say that. I noticed this:

“I see also that you guys have decided to use many of my own words and statements to draw up your posts. It is so big and clever of you.”

And I was going to comment on the possibility that DunG had suffered a breakdown but I thought that might come across as sarcasm. I even suspected I meant it as sarcasm. But it may be true. It’s an ominous quote. Sounds like persecution mania.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Oct 6, 2020 6:46 AM
Reply to  George Mc

But, to return to the case of Cook: this is what I marveled at, early on, when I still considered his writing of interest: how does he “get away” with it? How does he “get away” with writing “anti-Israeli-policy” material while living in Israel? Something I’ve noticed is that there seems to be a particular and sophisticated kind of Limited Hangout technique in which what appears to be a very “damaging” critique of a figure, or of a regime’s policies, actually strengthens the polling numbers of that figure, or of those policies, among the demographics that “count” most. So, for example, while Cook’s pieces makes Israel’s critics cheer… the question is: A) do Israel’s critics “count” and B) do the criticisms really “hurt”? So, Cook’s anti-Israel-policy (preaching-to-the-choir) pieces have no deleterious effect for Israel, but his defense of the mainstream narrative on Certain Sensitive Issues It Would Be “disastrous” for Normies to Investigate Critically (eg: 9/11-Mossad, Covid-hoax, Epstein-not-really-dead, Gates-Evil, et al) serves a vital (to TFIC) function, whether Cook is witting or just as brainwashed as other “progressive” types with a “mainstream” mindset. Maybe we can call it THE GUARDIAN EFFECT.

Maybe Cook, Chomsky, Assange (while he performed that initial function; now he performs another function: cautionary tale), and various Jon-Stewart-type-Entertainers, are allowed to broadcast their not-really-damaging material as long as they keep their targets (Uni-educated middle-to-upper-middle class managers, academics, writers, and “progressives” with good jobs) in line, attitudinally.

Which brings me back to Wikileaks “Collateral Murder leak”: are people missing the point that the “leak” probably strengthened “mainstream” support for the Invasion Policies of NATO? Did the Normies (conditioned to hate “Arabs” and to long for “revenge for 9/11”) subliminally love the clip? And did TFIC know they would?

In a way, JC’S pieces are like a long-form, slo-mo version of “collateral murder”… and may well generate the same counter-intuitive polling boost for TFIC’s projects; TFIC have certainly funded many long-term psychological studies with results no doubt far above the Duh Masses’ heads*.

My TL; DR point: the “resistance” (whoever that now encompasses) probably needs to get a bit more sophisticated in our understanding of Lying-on-a-grand-scale. I think we’re still working with our playground understanding of Lying and Liars (and how TFIC use Truth) and are therefore still too openly vulnerable to total manipulation.

*Eg: this metaphor: the fact that the explicit death-warnings on cig-packs don’t appear to hurt sales: “In 2003, it was reported that sales of cigarette cases had surged, attributable to the introduction of more prominent warning labels on cigarette packs by an EU directive in January 2003″. Or the fact that the more “outrageous” Trump acted/acts, the better his polling results.

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 6, 2020 9:24 AM

COVID seems to me to be like 9/11 X 10 and projected everywhere and basically (literally) slapped in everyone’s face. Which means that our suspicion should also be correspondingly intensified. The “This far but no further” advice from e.g. Chomsky should be held up to the utmost scrutiny. If you’re going to mask off certain areas as “untouchable” then what’s the point? EITHER critique all the way OR forget the whole critical project. I have more respect for those who, admitting there’s a no-go area, just back off completely and “sing the company song” rather than continue to pretend to be bold investigators.

That J Cook piece not only recalled Chomsky but also George Monbiot. These are the designated rebels of the system – which works precisely through designated rebels.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Oct 6, 2020 4:48 PM
Reply to  George Mc

“I have more respect for those who, admitting there’s a no-go area, just back off completely…”

That’s the telling bit: the rationally cautious response, if fearing reprisal, on such a topic, is to go Agnostic or like Schultz in Hogan’s Heroes… “I know nothink!”... and just cruise cautiously forward down the road. But to swerve across busy lanes with explicit intent to “kill” the thing (to mix any number of metaphors)… that indicates complicity.

Fact Checker
Fact Checker
Oct 5, 2020 3:17 PM

Isn’t that quote pretty much an open admission to being a deliberate gatekeeper and carpenter of the Overton Window?

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Oct 5, 2020 7:04 PM
Reply to  Fact Checker

It is a classic, yes.

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 5, 2020 10:45 PM

It’s a classic that sums so much up. It reminds me of that Madness song which starts, “Don’t watch that! Watch this!” i.e. “You’re not supposed to look there! That’s off limits! Here – I’ll show you where to go!”

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Oct 4, 2020 7:04 PM

Something quick I wrote, a while back, on the same general topic… taking a swat at The Guardian along the way…


Oct 4, 2020 6:56 PM

Kary Mullis (died aged 74, Aug, 2019) is just one of several key figures to have departed this Earth at an inopportune time — or an opportune moment for some.

Spiro Skouras asks what the inventor of PCR would have said about the way his test is being used today. We won’t know because Kary Mullis passed away from pneumonia, just before the outbreak of Covid-19.

But the plain-speaking Mr Mullis left us some devastating comments:

“They don’t want people like me walking up and asking those kind of questions and they are willing to go to great lengths to prevent that. They’re out on a limb. I wouldn’t want to be there with them.”

Spiro goes further and questions whether Mullis was indeed “prevented” from what would have been a devastating demolition of the basis of Covid-19 testing.

Was the COVID-19 Test Meant to Detect a Virus? — The Corona Simulation Machine: Why the Inventor of The “Corona Test” Would Have Warned Us Not To Use It To Detect A Virus

Spiro Skouras: We Are Being Lied To! Here’s How

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Oct 4, 2020 7:23 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

I’d have thought there’d be more Red-Flag articles about Mullis’s incredibly “convenient” death, by now (though I get that many people think that any death at the age of 74 is not just “natural” but teetering on the brink of overdue… until they themselves hit c. 60)… but I haven’t even seen much regarding Graeber’s unexpected exit. Of course: most people still buy Lennon and Lowenstein’s parallel terminations as “random”, Marley’s as “natural”, Chapin’s as “bad luck” and Romero’s as a strictly domestic matter, eh? Name the last time that a member of the (visibly) governing elite died “unexpectedlly”… I’m trying to think of one. Anyone? Meanwhile Kissinger is creeping up on 100, which confirms the nonexistence of any Left Wing Assassination cabal right there…

Grace Johns
Grace Johns
Oct 4, 2020 7:49 PM

Agreed – this is the first I’ve heard about it.
Although I have to disagree about the age of death. Maybe it’s because I live in a town populated by American retirees but a woman recently said at the death of her brother aged 72 “He was taken before his time” – That’s the typical sentiment, hence I’m always banging on about boomers wanting to live forever who will drive the mask and vaccine and likely transhumanism (Why is that flagged as a typo? DUH).
That said I’ve also quizzed some teenage kids of friends who don’t believe the hype and they’ve said if it comes to being denied border crossing for example – they’ll take the nanochip.
I’ve lost all faith in free will

Oct 4, 2020 8:02 PM

David Graeber’s death certainly stood out for me… he was the most prominent counterweight to what the World Economic Forum is proposing in its Great Reset.

His conclusion, after his epiphany about Bullshit Jobs, was that most people do their jobs for reasons beyond pay and productivity; that people “respect” their jobs only to the extent they can help others — or get something out of it themselves, such as companionship and social interaction, and if they’re lucky, skills.

This flies in the face of the technocrats’ banal computation of worth — including the worth of humans. Graeber’s success in popularizing a dry corner of economics pulled the carpet from under their feet and set the stage for a popular debate — one that TPTB do not want to have.

The timing and nature of his death, aged 59, are suspicious.

Likewise Mullis.

Buster Bloodvessel
Buster Bloodvessel
Oct 5, 2020 10:34 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

It’s all highly suspicious, and very convenient.

The only thing I believe that happened for real in the last 40+ years is that Elvis probably died , maybe .

Dave Lawton
Dave Lawton
Oct 5, 2020 5:08 PM

BS have your read Mullis`s book? I believe you are being manipulate by the very secretive elite group located in Switzerland.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Oct 5, 2020 6:41 PM
Reply to  Dave Lawton

“BS have your read Mullis`s book? I believe you are being manipulate by the very secretive elite group located in Switzerland.”

I have a copy, in fact. Why do you ask, “Dave Lawton”? And what is this elite Swiss group of which you speak and can they get me a discount on chocolate?

Dave Lawton
Dave Lawton
Oct 5, 2020 9:41 PM
Swiss group they are secret.That is why they are based in Switzerland.They pump out propaganda.It seems they want people to get infected and claim the Covid is fake.Its a double game.If you read Mullis  book try it after coming down after a Acid trip.Its fun but he does tell some porky's.I would really like to know the names of the Swiss operation.They go by the name Swiss policy Research.Changes their name at the start of the pandemic.They use a mixture of truths and lies.Rather like the IRD headed by Norman Reddaway.But not so professional.
Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Oct 5, 2020 9:55 PM
Reply to  Dave Lawton

Blatant attempt to “debunk” a pretty good source of Covid Info; try your nonsense on a superstitious semi-literate next time there, “Dave Lawton”. I suppose this (below) is the valuable aggregate of Hoax-Plague Info you’re attempting to “debunk” (but are you paid per word or minute?):


Dave Lawton
Dave Lawton
Oct 5, 2020 9:46 PM
The Swiss group are secret.That is why they are based in Switzerland.They pump out propaganda. It seems they want people to get infected and claim the Covid is fake.Its a double game. If you read Mullis book try it after coming down after a Acid trip.Its fun but he does tell some porky’s. I would really like to know the names of the Swiss operation. They go by the name Swiss policy Research. They changed their name at the start of the pandemic. They use a mixture of truths and lies. Rather like the IRD headed by Norman Reddaway.But not so professional.
Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Oct 5, 2020 9:51 PM
Reply to  Dave Lawton

Listen, “Dave Lawton,” if this “plague” were real, half of Europe would be dead or dying now, since the Medieval (vaguely Catholic) “precautions” against transmission are laughable. Here’s a Scientific Experiment you can try at home:

The next time you defecate, sit on the toilet wearing your Magic Mask. If you smell nothing… I guess your Magic Mask really works.

Dave Lawton
Dave Lawton
Oct 6, 2020 11:46 AM

You listen Augustine you are being played and you are not even aware you are.All your statements are static and gather dust.Do tell how many years did you spend in medical research?So off you pop you silly little boy.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Oct 6, 2020 4:40 PM
Reply to  Dave Lawton

Dear “Dave Lawton”: this is the first time I’ve ever been flamed by a devotee of the watch fob, and the odd pinch of snuff (before your shifts at the Mayo Clinic?), and for that… with tears in my eyes… I thank you.

Dave Lawton
Dave Lawton
Oct 6, 2020 8:48 PM

It seems you started the flaming and you appear to be a manchurian candidate and you do not really have the consciousness awareness that you are.You cannot even answer a simple question.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Oct 7, 2020 3:08 PM
Reply to  Dave Lawton

“It seems you started the flaming…”

Ah, so, in your gentleman’s club, “BS” is considered a polite, even formal, salutation? Cultural differences, then.

“and you appear to be a manchurian candidate”

Yes, I was brainwashed and programmed to assassinate “Clippy” (the Office Assistant for Windows 97)… but I think somebody tipped him off. Can’t find the little fucker anywhere. You’re an antiquarian so you probably use Windows 97… may I come over for tea? (Forget that I mocked you so entertainingly in a previous comment).

Dave Lawton
Dave Lawton
Oct 7, 2020 11:33 PM

You really are a laugh a minute Window’s is that what you use then you must be really dumb,We developed the internet for you and much more than you realise .How low Q you are..And you would not know the real meaning.So on your bike.01000110 01110101 01100011 01101011 00100000 01101111 01100110 01100110 00001101 00001010

Oct 6, 2020 8:03 AM

Also: Michael Brooks
Died — “sudden medical condition”* — July 20, 2020, age 37

“This year I met this young American, a journalist, who turned out to be a friend, who I thought that we would meet again. How is it possible? My heart and prayers go to his family and friends. May his passion for social justice be remembered and inspire people around the world.”
-Lula da Silva (former President of Brazil)

*Apparently a Pulmonary Embolism (Blood Clot in Lung).


Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Oct 6, 2020 9:13 AM
Reply to  X X

We definitely need a SUSPICIOUS DEATHS page/site/wiki going back at least as far as 1980. I’m sure it would be stunning.

Oct 7, 2020 1:25 AM

The last one that I noticed — that really made me think wtf — was

Michael Hastings

Before that, JFK Jr…

Many more, I;m sure.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Oct 7, 2020 3:30 PM
Reply to  X X

Look into “Allard K. Lowenstein”: the timing and structure of his assassination: make you think of anyone? The time before and directly after a pivotal election is always very dangerous for visible opponents of The System. Scores are settled and probable thorns-in-the-side are removed preemptively. There was a literal bloodbath preceding the inaugural event of the Bush/Reagan regime.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Oct 7, 2020 3:53 PM

Oh, and remember: Paul Wellstone and Mel Carnahan; Mark Lombardi, Gary Webb, Aaron Swartz (as mentioned elsewhere), Dave McGowan… and the profoundly memory-holed case of Margie Schoedinger. See if you can find anything about her…

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Oct 7, 2020 4:05 PM

(PS: I hadn’t searched for “Schoedinger” in quite some time; now there’s quite a bit about her out there, I see)

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Oct 7, 2020 4:32 PM

ADDENDUM: correction: The Schoedinger case has been buried under dismissive “coverage” as exemplified by this hatchet job from COUNTERPUNCH (but I saved a serious report on the matter years ago; I even saved a picture of Schoedinger, who was a very attractive mixed-race woman proven to have dated Bush when they were both much younger);


Oct 4, 2020 9:51 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

The politicians know it. Everyone in power knows it. It’s just the plebs sat in front of their televisions with their mouths hanging open who don’t know it. And the politicians know that.

Oct 5, 2020 3:22 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

I am a bit suspicious. Mullis opposed use of the PCR test for diagnosis and he was very outspoken. It would not have been easy to dismiss his views. He also was good at detecting scientific fraud.

Oct 5, 2020 12:28 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Thanks for this link, I hadn’t seen it.

Since I heard of him months ago I have been asking the same about Kary Mullis – dead at 74 (Steven Augustine is right – that IS considered young once you’ve hit 60) only months before Fascism Live.

I have wondered why no one in independent media, or otherwise, has picked that up.

I will have to go back and read it to be sure, but I believe that in his Rolling Stone interview Mullis called Fauci and Gallo “a–holes”

I find it incredibly coincidental that he is not around.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Oct 5, 2020 6:48 PM
Reply to  Judith

Well, a shadowy comment-thread avatar called “Dave Lawton” has contacted me, up-thread, on the matter, with:

“BS have your read Mullis`s book? I believe you are being manipulate by the very secretive elite group located in Switzerland.”

I imagine we’re about to be treated to a cautionary rant that Mullis was a lunatic (well, he was rather eccentric) and therefore his expertise (regarding the PCR test he created) is questionable. Though, of course, by that logic, the PCR test is, itself, questionable, having been created by a man that “Dave Lawton” probably considers “questionable” at best. Let’s see if “Dave Lawton” fills us in about Mullis… and this elite Swiss group regarding which I am rather intrigued…

Oct 4, 2020 6:49 PM

The Irony as he is lying. Wikileaks is a CIA honey pot for whistle blowers and media celebrity, agent Assange is a symbol used for the freedom,access to information & transparency in govt, media and internet we just don’t have ( we have IP, obstruction, propaganda and censorship).

And the quote “And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” is about enlightenment its about ” knowing thyself” not the truth about the corrupt systems we have .
Its not a quote about the economic and political monopoly.That knowledge will not make you free or woke.

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Oct 4, 2020 6:43 PM

C’mon! Our Civilization is Awesome…

comment image

We EMBRACE mendacity, we even feed it!

Oct 5, 2020 12:33 AM
Reply to  Voz 0db

I think people are better than that, unless dumbed down by drugs, formaldehyde or other potions from our masters

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Oct 5, 2020 6:43 PM
Reply to  theobalt

Till this day, and I’m almost half a century old, I have no proof of that… that “people” are better than that!

Oct 5, 2020 7:44 PM
Reply to  Voz 0db

Maybe you’re still on too much MSM (?) No sarcasm, which is rare in me.

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Oct 5, 2020 8:40 PM
Reply to  Theobalt

Nope… I don’t waste time watching main s h i t media!

Oct 6, 2020 11:00 AM
Reply to  Voz 0db

Bro you got to bring that up at the next Bilderberg meeting

Oct 6, 2020 8:24 AM
Reply to  theobalt

The poison cocktail afflicting our collective Humanity:

Fluoride, Aluminum, Glyphosate, Wi-Fi (EMF radiation)

Oct 6, 2020 10:58 AM
Reply to  X X

as I second that, I want to add formaldehyde (which wifi exacerbate, tested here in my life) and our precious fire retardants…?all unnecessary and deadly, none regulated…

Nixon Scraypes
Nixon Scraypes
Oct 4, 2020 6:37 PM

People I have communicated with about covid lies Refuse to look at the evidence. Is this lying to yourself by omission? Is this a new category?

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Oct 4, 2020 6:42 PM
Reply to  Nixon Scraypes

Modern Slaves only believe in what the Government via TV set, and now also via the “Smart”phone tells them.

Nixon Scraypes
Nixon Scraypes
Oct 5, 2020 12:13 AM
Reply to  Voz 0db

Yes, I noticed that years ago when people said our town was on TV the next day. By some strange alchemy a screen representation was more important and real than reality!!! It reminds me of another ridiculous “arts” show, the presenter noted that the people in the gallery were more fascinated by the screen image of two people having sex than the couple actually doing it right there. God help us!

Oct 5, 2020 10:03 PM
Reply to  Nixon Scraypes

It brings to mind spectators at professional sports games who keep their eyes fixed on the Jumbotron, or whatever they’re called nowadays, instead of the field.

Oct 6, 2020 8:38 AM
Reply to  Voz 0db

Like moths to a flame

“…Thus hath the candle singed the moth
O, these deliberate fools, when they do choose,
They have the wisdom by their wit to lose.”
-Merchant of Venice

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Oct 6, 2020 11:08 PM
Reply to  X X

Never fails.

George McFetridge
George McFetridge
Oct 4, 2020 6:54 PM
Reply to  Nixon Scraypes

It’s the inability to face what one is. A tremendous and subtly delivered defensiveness. I noticed such yesterday in someone pretending I was interrupting when attempting to finish a thought despite his interruption. It’s a great psychological study.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Oct 4, 2020 7:28 PM

As I mentioned hereabouts last week: I didn’t know nearly as much, about Human Psychology, before The Internet, as I thought I did. I was a real innocent who thought himself hardboiled. The Internet taught me plenty.

George McFetridge
George McFetridge
Oct 4, 2020 7:36 PM

This site in particular is educational. Thoughtful people mostly spinning their wheels in divisiveness.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Oct 4, 2020 8:43 PM

Paradox: Divisiveness vs Herdthink: which is preferable? A dynamic third option would be best.

George McFetridge
George McFetridge
Oct 5, 2020 1:56 AM

No opposites. The new human being – sane, listening, attentive.

Oct 6, 2020 8:57 AM

If everyone received EDUCATION►

instead of SCHOOLING►

We could all understand, discuss and solve everything.

The Ultimate History Lesson►

Oct 5, 2020 12:39 AM

I like u… (yes I’m drunk again, but that doesn’t change anything, I’m just coping with my last borderline PD girlfriend.. yes still…)

George McFetridge
George McFetridge
Oct 5, 2020 1:58 AM
Reply to  theobalt

What is PD? I wonder if many here feel in a lot of trouble? I’m reading a lot of poignancy, and it’s important to go into it.

Oct 5, 2020 2:15 AM

Personality Disorder

Oct 5, 2020 12:35 AM
Reply to  Nixon Scraypes

the blue pill or the red pill… one guy in the movie said… “ignorance is bliss, if I’m back in the system, I want to be someone important like an actor”

Nixon Scraypes
Nixon Scraypes
Oct 5, 2020 12:59 AM
Reply to  theobalt

Great, the actor is real! Years ago I was busking with a somewhat dreadlocked friend and a child came and said ” is your hair real?” We thought he said ” is your aerial?” It was wonderful, maybe he can see our connection to the cosmic! No he said “Is it really real?” So, you see there is real, and really real !!! There is a difference to the modern mind, it must be TV real or what I perceive as real, or maybe something else entirely,, I can hardly do the keyboard laughing, it’s so crazy and tragic in a comic way, perhaps it all ends, not in a whimper but in a laugh.

Oct 5, 2020 1:04 AM
Reply to  Nixon Scraypes

You know I was honest about the booze up a few comments, the least you can do is come clear about the weed

Nixon Scraypes
Nixon Scraypes
Oct 5, 2020 11:47 AM
Reply to  theobalt

It all comes out of a bottle these days

Oct 5, 2020 4:39 PM
Reply to  Nixon Scraypes

I keep rubbing mine but the ones that come are not so pretty in the morning

Oct 6, 2020 9:16 AM
Reply to  Nixon Scraypes

“Boom, for real”

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Oct 4, 2020 6:33 PM

My dear fellow slaves… The SRF & Billionaires do what they want and that’s it.

Let me point to some FUNNY & CURIOUS TIMINGS!

Harvard Reference for this page:
Heather Y Wheeler. (2016 – 2019). The Black Death 1346 – 1353.
So… CUVID-19 (aka COVID-19 for the sleepy heads!) started in 2019 in China

Earliest case detected on 17 November, [2019], weeks before authorities acknowledged new virus, says Chinese media

Of course it would also be on “17”!

BUT THE FUNNY PART is this one:
1353+666=2019 – Perfect Timing don’t you think?!

So… a quick memory refresh:

In the English Sumerian Cipher:

In Reverse English Sumerian Cipher:

and in the Jewish Cipher:
Bill Gates and Paul Allen -> 666

Good Eclipses my fellow slaves!

And do not FORGET that mutTrump is a Total Lunar Eclipse child, so he must be a part of these EVENTS!

Nixon Scraypes
Nixon Scraypes
Oct 5, 2020 12:24 AM
Reply to  Voz 0db

There must be a number that destroys all this numerical coupling, this hideous non~physical sex, this numerical pornography and eclipses it. You seem to have a grasp of it, find it!

Oct 5, 2020 1:06 AM
Reply to  Nixon Scraypes

Guys stop what you’re doing, Tonyopmoc is coming with a story that will direct our attention and make us think… listen up… and reflect on that with sentiments…

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Oct 5, 2020 6:47 PM
Reply to  Nixon Scraypes

Unfortunately I’ve already found that number… And it’s not great news for our current specie.

Nixon Scraypes
Nixon Scraypes
Oct 5, 2020 7:27 PM
Reply to  Voz 0db

The money doesn’t matter if you can crack the code and denumber the numbers.

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Oct 6, 2020 11:21 PM
Reply to  Nixon Scraypes

Never said that money mattered!

Nixon Scraypes
Nixon Scraypes
Oct 6, 2020 11:45 PM
Reply to  Voz 0db

Well, it was a joke if you meant species and serious if you meant specie!

Oct 4, 2020 5:49 PM

From my perspective, whilst of course I can be deceived, there are a few basic problems with liars.

Number 1. Liars have to have a better memory than me. They have to remember the lies they told, better than I remembered almost exactly what they said. It is far much easier to remember anything of great significance that actually happened, because you experienced the reality of it. I think this kind of gets filed in a different part of your brain – You know its true, cos you were there, and you have usually got witnesses to back it up.

It’s very much harder to remember lies – stuff you made up, or completely distorted the truth of what if anything happened

Number 2. We all lie a bit, occasionally. We wouldn’t be human if we didn’t. In certain emergency situations, lies might be helpful – like if you are a medic, and you are rushed to deal with an incident on the streets, or it just happens – could be violent or could be a motorcycle accident – and you yourself are almost certain the kid is going to die.

If you tell him you are going to die (which you think is true), you are almost certainly going kill him – He will give up, and just die.

But if you tell him, “No – you are going to be fine – don’t struggle, keep calm trust me. I will keep you alive”

My friend (alone) then rips her party dress to bits, stops the bleeding as best she can, whilst telling the other kid to “Fuck off I’m a Nurse, I can save his life – Or I will HAVE YOU FOR MURDER” (the kid works out the odds and fucks off), Whilst my Friend Saves his life before calling The Police who turned up before the Ambulance.

(Do you think I made that story up – or The Nurse did – well she then turned up half an hour late, in a state of distress, and ran up the stairs in the pub to change her dress (no one else noticed) but I asked what happened, and she told me, and I gave her a big hug and cuddle in front of my wife.

Number 3 The age is irrelevant, could be 7 could be 70. One or two lies you can get away with, but once you simply know the person is capable of a serious lie, and then a bit of truth, and then more lies, well you can’t trust them any more. Such liars are also very clever. They manage not to blush or get nervous when telling a lie (these are usually psychopaths – about 4% of the population who express no emotion)

My friend is getting Married Next Year. She’s Georgeous, We’ve Been Invited to The Wedding.

I didn’t make it all up, honest, Next Year hasn’t happened yet, but probably will. I can tell when two people are In Love.


Oct 4, 2020 7:03 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

It’s all true, so far as I know. I wasn’t actually there to witness the knife attack, and some of the detail of the conversations will not be totally accurate, but I talked to the Nurse who saved his life about 20 mins later, after it happened, and she most definitely said or Extremely Close

““Fuck off I’m a Nurse, I can save his life – Or I will HAVE YOU FOR MURDER”

and She is getting married next year, my wife is going to The Hen Party ..and We are ALL GOING TO THE WEDDING. £20,000 Fine for More than 6???

Yeh sure.

Has anyone paid anything yet?

She’s My “Sis” – comes from Lancashire Like Us.

Depending on where you live, You might recognise this when she came to The Christmas Party in the pub, dressed as a Fairy, complete with Christmas Tree in Her Dress including twinkling lights.

She is only about 5ft tall, but now she is in love,she is getting a little bit bigger, but I don’t think she is Pregnant, though it could be possible, although She is Alreasy a Proud Granny – like us

This girl said to my wife

“Fuck Me – That is My Doctor”


Oct 4, 2020 7:26 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

You’re an utter creep

Oct 5, 2020 12:45 AM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Awwww that f***n guy… is it just me?

Oct 4, 2020 5:14 PM

Yes, I have to agree. Living in America now is miserable. It’s pure insanity everyday and there’s no escaping it. I’m currently traveling and wanted to get some groceries in the small community I’m currently visiting. I can’t wear a mask and there was a sign in front of the store saying “NO EXCEPTIONS.” I have very limited internet here and so called them with my order…..and to be honest I hate sitting on a computer all day trying to make a grocery order (since this is an article about honesty). Businesses are struggling horrendously here (well except Amazon of course) and come to learn the owner of the grocery had initially been very relaxed about the mask rule. After being fined 9 times by our wonderful Oregon Health Authority the guy gave in.

Everyday I feel the pressure building. I hear more and more stories of how this virus insanity is affecting everyone. One teacher said, “if there’s a silver lining it’s that mothers are finally appreciating teachers.” Another teacher said, “I hate this whole online thing and everyday I’m ready to quit.” A person who works with greyhound rescue said, “quite suddenly the tracks (those remaining) closed and we were inundated with thousands of dogs.” I see kids at picnic tables doing their online lessons. Ugh. The biggest benefit for me being away is having little to no access to media. I’ll spend a little of my gigabyte allotment for OffGuardian and a few others, but that’s it. Unfortunately, there seems to be nowhere to run.

George McFetridge
George McFetridge
Oct 4, 2020 6:56 PM
Reply to  Nikkibop

this corporate world is no place for the sensitive.

Grace Johns
Grace Johns
Oct 4, 2020 7:52 PM
Reply to  Nikkibop

Try Mexico while the border is still open

Oct 4, 2020 9:55 PM
Reply to  Nikkibop

All of this global misery and terror so that Pharma shareholders receive juicy dividends.

Oct 5, 2020 1:04 PM
Reply to  John

One week into school – where they get to attend the actual school building two days per week – yippee! – a teacher gets a Positive test.

The whole school is now closed for two weeks.

Not kidding. My niece told me yesterday.

The upcoming epidemic will be Covid19 School buildings.

Oct 5, 2020 1:10 PM
Reply to  Judith

There is an epidemic of PCR tests – that’s it.

Have you seen the astounding video ‘Crimes Against Humanity’?


Oct 5, 2020 4:51 PM
Reply to  John

I just watched it John, thank you!

I will recommend this. Wonderful.

I do have a question for comment section, if anyone knows the answer.

Listening to this lawyer (and I agree with everything) about the pcr test –
I know it can pick up fragments, but does it every pick up a bona-fide whole virus where it could say “Yes, you have such and such”?

Why does it only pick up fragments? Maybe it was designed that way?

As I said, I only thought of this when listening to this fellow explain in detail the prc process.

I was in hospital 2 years ago – emergency room – I felt I was suffering from something worse then the common cold. I can’t remember what the test was – blood or swab – but I was diagnosed with bacterial pneumonia. First time in my life. they were very emphatic that I did not have the flu.

So if they can do that kind of diagnosis, why did we need the pcr to begin with?

These questions may not make any sense,and in the end do not matter with regard to fascism2020, I’m just curious.

Oct 5, 2020 5:16 PM
Reply to  Judith

I watched the video in full (quite long and mentally tiring, so I needed to stop it for short breaks) but the answers are in there. He mentions corruption re PCR test manufacturers, hence why they’re being used.

In this scenario they have no value except to fool the public.

Please share the video if you can.

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
Oct 7, 2020 5:27 PM
Reply to  Judith

I can’t give you a full answer, but a bacteria is a lot bigger than a virus (or what people call a virus), and can be seen with an optical microscope, and can probably be isolated and purified, so there could be a “gold standard test” to test samples against.

The problem with virii (at least the ones that are supposed to be pathogenic to humans) is that there is no “gold standard test”.


Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Oct 4, 2020 5:06 PM

Dr. Dave Janda: The Deep-State is panicking, General Flynn is not a game changer, it’s a game ender
Oct 3, 2020
X22Report Spotlight
Website: Dave Janda

1.) Dave Janda talks about how the Deep-State is panicking over Gen Flynn. They need to keep Flynn from talking to the public, he knows where the bodies are buried and he will reveal everything. If the Judge does not dismiss he believes the missing 302 will appear and Flynn will go free.

2.) The debates are not about debating the issues, Trump is using it to rattle and destroy Joe Biden, separate him from his far left base and bring out the corruption into the open.

Oct 4, 2020 7:13 PM

A really excellent, excellent, excellent Interview! Thanks for the link!

Truth Shines
Truth Shines
Oct 4, 2020 5:04 PM

People are waiting for some saviour to come and deliver them from all this misery.
The saviour is not going to come.
You have to be the saviour yourself. 
 If we really want to solve all our global problems, we will have to go to their roots, to their very roots.
Politicians have been befooling you.
Politicians are diverting the attention and energy of the people in the wrong directions.
They have managed the whole strategy in such a way that you never become aware what is happening.
Politicians give you all kinds of fake protections, insurances.
They go on telling you, “Trust us and we will protect you.
We are your guardians, your guides, your friends, your saviours.”
Yet politicians and MSM news media live in constant paranoia that if anybody should find some truth that goes against their false, fear-fuelled virus narratives, then what is going to happen to all their other lies that they continuously go on propagating?
Will their whole house of cards collapse?
By using such powerful media propaganda machinery to maintain total narrative control, is it not suprising that the majority of people believe all the politicians and their lies, and get taken in hook, line and sinker!
Lies which are ninety-nine percent myth, invented, propagated to support the false power elites’ global structure narrative and control agendas.
We are living in the greatest prison system the world has ever known, where you enter alive and leave only when you are dead.
This they call freedom.
This they call democracy.
But in actual practice this is slavery, pure spiritual slavery.
I do not see democracy as the freedom to choose between the politicians.
To me, democracy means there are no longer any politicians around.
You individually choose somebody you feel is the right person, who is not belonging to any political party, there are no longer political parties.
In a real democracy, political parties cannot exist, there is no reason why they should exist.
People are intelligent enough to choose on their own.
The politician need no longer go on deceiving and lying to the people.
Politicians only want to exploit you, to oppress you.
In a real democracy what is the need of political parties, of politicians?
The real need is to make people more alert, more intelligent, so they can choose individually, and not be impressed by party propaganda.
A real democracy will choose only the wise people.
They are all around.
But remember, a person of wisdom is not going to beg you for a vote.
They are not going to kiss your children and shake hands with you.
The wise person is not interested, in fact, they will not be inclined to be dragged into this mess.
You will have to persuade them.
The whole scene changes, not the politician persuading you, but you persuading someone to represent you.
This way, more fresh intelligent blood will be coming into the government.  
Whenever great problems arise, it is the time for a leap forward.
Human consciousness takes a jump when such great problems surround you.
They compel you to think and reflect, to struggle and to stake your very life.
Only when it is really a question of life and death does consciousness prepare itself for a great leap.
The time has come to face the fact, with these existing politicians, we are on the very verge of a total global war which will destroy everybody.
What is intelligence?
It is a state far beyond the mind and its limits.
Intelligence is not of the mind, intelligence is one of the qualities of your being.
But mind is being used as a vehicle for it, hence the confusion.
People think intelligence is of the mind, it comes through the mind.
Mind is the instrument for its expression.
But mind itself is only a bio-computer.
It has a memory system just as any computer has, you feed the memory system and the mind keeps the memory.
But memory is not intelligence.
Intelligence is the clear insight into things about which you don’t have any information.
What is needed is for the Western ego to be shattered completely, only then perhaps we may start looking at our intelligence behind the mind.
If you are in the mind it means you are not conscious.
If you are unconscious you cannot be complete in anything.
You are not integrated.
You may appear to be sophisticated, educated, logical, but you are not wise, not really intelligent.
Just conditioned, obedient, compliant and fearful.
Intellectuals are not the real intelligent people.
That’s what all your universities and all your educational systems are doing, they are simply feeding your memory with more and more information, and whatever is known to your memory system, you will answer immediately.
That answer does not prove that you are intelligent!
Western behavioural psychologists direct politicians to make the ego/ mind mechanism of the masses fully compliant, to fully enslave them.
Yet this is a psychology of the false, rooted in the false, supporting the false.
This false hypnotic sleep is like a tranquilizer, it is very consoling, comforting, cozy, secure, safe.
That is comforting, secure and safe for the politicians, to know that we are all fully asleep, compliant, enslaved!
If we want to change the whole world.
We will need to change ourselves.
We cannot change anything unless we go through the change simultaneously.
The real disturbance is within you.
That disturbance is mind!
Great courage is needed to meditate, courage to drop all the investments.
Great intelligence is needed.
Truth needs no defense, it is self-evident.
It needs no propaganda.
Lies need to be defended, lies need to be propagated, but not truth.
Truth shines almost like a sunrise, you don’t have to declare it.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Oct 4, 2020 4:50 PM

I’ll try splitting up this post to see if it gets past the “approval” filter.

Mike Whitney: An incompetent and boastful president who has no previous government experience and who is rash and impulsive in his dealings with the media, foreign leaders and his critics?

Do people still believe that?

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Oct 4, 2020 4:52 PM

This is Trump’s version: it’s an “existential war” against an “invisible enemy”; and he defined the agenda in Oct 2016:

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Oct 4, 2020 5:22 PM

Rather than posting the video again, I had attempted to append this link to the above Whitney/Trump post.

Dave Janda on X22 Report:

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Oct 4, 2020 5:31 PM

Follow the above link and scroll up to:
– It’s a bit like Watergate; only BIGGER!

Oct 4, 2020 4:31 PM

comment image

Oct 4, 2020 4:32 PM
Reply to  ame

CV 3 3 theater for the brain dead and reassurance for the hypnotized

Oct 4, 2020 7:34 PM
Reply to  ame

election day is November3rd 11×3=33 Joe Biden’s campaign text number 30330

Oct 4, 2020 3:49 PM

The United States of America is a confidence game and always has been a confidence game. Americans are not trusted by anyone and never have been trusted by anyone. Their history is also a confidence game as it is incorrectly transcribed to promulgate the lie that they are a truthful nation of liars and confidence men not unlike Donald John Trump who was taught to lie via upbringing in New York City where lies sell for premium prices that even Bernie Madoff cashed in on at a cost to his children and friends.

Integrity is not an American trait of persona, or personality. America is a mask of deceit and untrustworthy relationships whereby all participants of the sovereign ruse of control are complicit in their partisan zealotry to undermine any and all competition of governance.

The cult of personality allows Americans to accept the liars and lies they foist upon their friends and neighbours to the detriment of all throughout the world. In brief, America is one big lie unto itself, and others. Psychopaths lie in order to control the listener. Leadership in the USA depends upon the liars and text book Psychopaths that staff governance and the bureaucracy as well as media. Media lies daily and the state lies by the the headlines and content media produces for control purposes.

American readers depend on the lies of governance and media alike. Without the lies they are bereft of anything to publish or utter publicly as everyone knows that real truths are not published or disseminated by governance because governance and media are all about the confidence game and the text book Psychopathy run amok.


Oct 4, 2020 5:07 PM

This is an oversimplification of America as concept and culture.

Yes, we are founded, in part, on genocide and slavery (and the lies that allowed these atrocities to occur). But we are also founded on ideals of liberty and self-determination — whether or not these were lies told to justify atrocity, and whether or not our society has missed the mark in applying these universally (we have indeed missed the mark but at the same time, in the long run, the trend has been towards universal application), there are still many of us who hold to these ideals and try to live them.

In the end, America is not unlike any other empire (Roman, British) except for availability of sophisticated technologies.

Oct 4, 2020 10:03 PM

The Wu dynasty in China was quite dissimilar to that of Roman & British. Moreover, it was controlled via a woman too. The USA has never had a female president whereas UK Parliamentary democracy has produced more than one woman as leader. Margaret ‘the milk thief’ Thatcher was the first neocon confidence woman to lead Her Majesty’s realm by decree. The USA still have their collective thumbs embedded up their collective arseholes.

American patriarchy is an abomination whereas matriarchy has never been attempted because ignorance rules the pissing contests so males can write their names in snow every winter just for sport.


Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
Oct 8, 2020 7:06 PM

Get it right MOU: It was “Margaret Thatcher – Milk Snatcher”.

Nixon Scraypes
Nixon Scraypes
Oct 4, 2020 6:28 PM

This could easily be a quote from Dickens’ book about his American travels or Martin Chuzzelwit.

Oct 4, 2020 7:16 PM
Reply to  Nixon Scraypes

Chuckles Dickens is my absolute favorite writer of all time. Were it not for Chuckles D. I, for one, would never have developed an interest in Finance Capitalism, or the brutality of 18th century predator Capitalism that he wrote about after his father was forced into debtors prison.

I inherited all of my Great Grandfather’s Dickens collection of books, and have always been grateful for that windfall. My only wish is that I could write like him and come up with the creativity he was know for historically.

Dickens is way cool IMHO.


Nixon Scraypes
Nixon Scraypes
Oct 4, 2020 11:21 PM

Dickens~what can I say? He’s “simply the best, better than all the rest” a pop tribute to the pop author. He’s got all the “literary” cred. and can he tell a story! There’s no one to touch him. A couple of his lines mean more than all the articles and comments in offg. and they mean a lot.

Oct 5, 2020 12:12 AM
Reply to  Nixon Scraypes

Sheer melodrama merchant.

Nixon Scraypes
Nixon Scraypes
Oct 5, 2020 12:33 PM
Reply to  paul

I see all fiction as melodrama and D. hits the right tone. Emotion is not cool, it’s alive, it’s not of the mind, the biological computer. In fact it can drive you out of your mind and wake you up. Emotion is the realm of meaning, without which life is just existence.

Oct 5, 2020 12:09 AM

I always thought he was crap. not a genuine literary author at all. Blatant manipulation of emotions, not genuine works of literature.
Sheer melodrama. Greatly overrated..
Tiny Tim, Martin Chizzlenut, etc. .
Complete garbage.

George McFetridge
George McFetridge
Oct 4, 2020 6:58 PM

Don’t leave out ‘divide and conquer’ . It’s worked beautifully for power there and elsewhere.

Oct 4, 2020 7:18 PM

Divide and Conquer is always modus operandi, I agree wholeheartedly on that one for sure.


George McFetridge
George McFetridge
Oct 5, 2020 12:19 AM

We’ve got the list of complaints; now what – without the old stupid divisive paradigms?

Oct 5, 2020 12:39 AM

The old paradigms are rendered extant by their uselessness. Now we form new paradigms that will work for us instead of against us collectively.

The Petrodollar World Reserve U$D paradigm is extant today and will be replaced by the World Economic Forum finance reset this January due to the demise of the oil industry which is responsible for out carbon buildup and climate disaster that we are now inundated with via burning forest fires that are out-of-control in places like Oz and Californication USA.


Grace Johns
Grace Johns
Oct 4, 2020 7:55 PM

I could substitute ‘English’ for ‘American’ and come out with the same truth.

Oct 4, 2020 9:05 PM
Reply to  Grace Johns



Oct 4, 2020 8:33 PM

Ah but who controls America. Who controls New York? You gotta be more specific, Goy.

Oct 4, 2020 9:04 PM
Reply to  ZenPriest

Christendom controls America and the King James Bible exhorts all to pray for peace in Israel ‘all the days of one’s life’. Moreover, for all I know I could be related to Jews as I am a relative of Sir Issac Newton on my grandmother’s side of the famn damily.

I’m also a Grumpy Marxist given Conflict Theory and Finance Capitalism.


George Mc
George Mc
Oct 4, 2020 3:43 PM

Off topic perhaps – although it’s about lies as in (deliberately constructed?) fallacies and dodgy connections. And sorry for harping on about this but it really pisses me off!

The mainstream Left have put forward been two arguments in favour of the deadly pandemic scenario. Both are bogus.

First argument: “Under capitalism, something like this was bound to happen sooner or later!”

You can argue for logical connections between capitalism and lots of things e.g. increasing concentrations of wealth, speeded up technological change etc. Is there a logical connection between capitalism and a pandemic? Not at all. A pandemic can hit any socio-economic structure. Now it may be that capitalism is more likely than other systems to produce a pandemic (and less likely to be able to contain it) since health is not capitalism’s primary concern. This does not indicate that capitalism necessarily produces pandemics. And it certainly doesn’t absolve anyone from digging into the roots of a pandemic, questioning the severity of it, or from casting a critical eye over proposals for dealing with it.

But note here the emotive effect of this argument: “You hate capitalism? Well here’s a chance to hate it even more!” (And I speak as someone who does hate capitalism. But I should not allow that hatred to cloud my vision.)

Second argument: “Those who are skeptical of the virus story tend to be libertarians or anarchists or generally on the Right!”

Is there a necessary logical connection between these political attitudes and skepticism? No. The absurdity of the suggestion is made clearer by the corollary: “If you are a Marxist, you must believe the deadly virus story!”

And note again the emotive effect of this argument: “You don’t want to be one of those dodgy thinkers!” (And as above, I tend towards Marxism, but I am aware of how a prejudice for Marxism can be used against Marxists.)

Oct 4, 2020 3:55 PM
Reply to  George Mc

There’s no left left. It’s all infiltrated.

Class consciousness-raising has to start all over again, from scratch, preferably with actual working-class people.

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 4, 2020 6:57 PM
Reply to  Someone

Right. The “new breed” of Marxists abandoned Marx and gave us all that postmodernist cultural nitpicking bullshit. Ironically – this meant that the Right were actually right to condemn them. We have to start again.

Donald Duck
Donald Duck
Oct 5, 2020 9:51 AM
Reply to  George Mc

If they abandoned Marx then they can’t be Marxists (cultural or otherwise) right?!”

George McFetridge
George McFetridge
Oct 4, 2020 6:59 PM
Reply to  Someone

Political terms are used to obfuscate. Don’t be distracted or give them energy.

Oct 4, 2020 7:32 PM

Class struggle is not a distraction, it’s the very foundation of civilization.

George McFetridge
George McFetridge
Oct 4, 2020 7:37 PM
Reply to  Someone

‘This against that’. Some ‘civilization’.

Oct 4, 2020 8:34 PM

To be clear, by civilization I simply mean a society organized in cities, which I don’t think is a good thing.

George McFetridge
George McFetridge
Oct 5, 2020 12:13 AM
Reply to  Someone

Sure isn’t, however you refine the definition. Will we ever get out of this against that – religious inquiry seems dead and gone. Our psyche runs amok…

Oct 4, 2020 11:49 PM

(just what I was thinking as I scrolled upon your remark)

Furthermore, Political Terms shut-down independent & critical thought.

People need to decide for themselves what’s good & bad, right & wrong; if this is done in solitude it will yield equality, peace and co-operation values; when done among others (in groups) it’s just politics of the status quo.

All Humans need:
Air, water, food, clothing, shelter, energy, tools, and knowledge.
Make those the best/healthiest you can w/o causing harm to other people or the Earth.

George McFetridge
George McFetridge
Oct 5, 2020 12:16 AM
Reply to  X X

In human action, groups are required. Can there be a group that works completely responsibly? Can we ever be really rational, sane, non-divisive?

Oct 5, 2020 2:38 AM

Power corrupts our potential to be rational, sane, non-divisive by systematically preventing logic, reason, critical thought, independent mindedness and free will through Religion, Schooling*, Media/News Control, unjust laws & injustice, Fluoride in the water, etc.

If people spend more time in solitude** & reflection — most never do — and think about being alive and what it means to be part of the Human race, they will soon realize we all need each other and we all need the Earth, and they will see that war and debt and fear and illness and the food supply and many products we are offered (convinced) to buy/use are all things a tiny fraction of the world’s population creates for their own benefit of power, wealth and control at the expense of the well-being, peace and harmony of all the rest and the planet. Fear, debt and illness are the manufactured levers of control… For thousands of years.
But, we’re at a moment in Human History that enough people can Know how power has degraded humanity and the Earth throughout history, and we can end the madness by ending how power works.

It’s not “hippy-dippy”; it’s simple, rational, critical, evidence-based reasoning. We can continue to be degraded or we can Evolve***.

* The Ultimate History Lesson ►

** I love being around people — I’m very social — but I become the the best I can be (peaceful, happy, healthy, etc.) by spending time in solitude and independent thought, developing deeper (personal/inner) understanding of right & wrong, good & bad, truth & lies.

*** The book “Ishmael” inspires me: Free Audiobook ►

George McFetridge
George McFetridge
Oct 5, 2020 5:31 AM
Reply to  X X

It’s a culture of distraction. The mass collapse might have begun with the flowering of advanced digital tech. The current C-19 hoax may be only a prelude. Perhaps the Earth is kicking us out. I’ve been wondering for decades what form the End would take, and perhaps am finding out. It seems time to go, given our marrow-deep irresponsibility. A life of doing the right thing is still available, of course, and is a thousand times more urgent than before. Perhaps this latter is a worthwhile conversation.

Oct 5, 2020 7:54 AM

We’re all “monkey-see-monkey-do” to one degree or another so I’ve thought for 20+ years now — partly inspired by Gandhi’s “be the change…” advice — that I would disengage from the “rat race” and live a simple but creative, satisfying, healthy life and be an example…

I don’t know what example I’ve been — except to those who know me personally — because part of “simple…” is humble and unassuming, it turns out.

I comment here not for my own sake — I’ll be fine I know — but for the sake of Humanity at-large; We are doomed if people don’t get some Truth here and there and some provocation to THINK.

My hope is that people will wake-up to the simple fact that the Super-elite of the Central Banks, et al. are above all governments and are playing a game with Existence wherein war and famine, for example, are merely tactics & strategies in their pursuit of continued rule and more wealth & power.

The most hopeful thing to me is that the solution to fix the world and have a healthy, peaceful future for all is: Do less, not more.

Oct 5, 2020 1:21 PM
Reply to  X X

Interesting thoughts, thank you.

And I agree about the Central Banks. One of the reasons it is so frustrating to read and hear the constant heckling and utter shite about a left/right paradigm here in US.

I am independent myself so have no political dog in the game, but how – just HOW – do people think that Donald Trump – or anyone – is going to “drain the swamp”

Really? That swamp that is filled with people so high up we have never even heard of their names? That swamp that is international, not just sitting in the halls of the US Congress?

That swamp that took out 4 leaders who would have made a change, or set a course? The swamp responsible for two world wars, financing Hitler, transporting heroin from southeast asia on american planes, decimation of many countries in Latin and South America, 9/11, 2008 Financial fraud, among a very few, and that’ s only the US arm of the swamp.

That swamp? One guy is going to drain all that?

And live?

Of course now that he has to recover from a deadly virus he is probably going to put draining on the back burner.

Which is unfortunate because he only has about another 4 weeks to do it.

Oct 5, 2020 2:31 PM
Reply to  Judith

Thanks, Judith.

I think it’s best to consider that anyone allowed to become POTUS is compromised*, i.e., has secrets that are known to the “money masters” but not to the public; thus, it matters not Left or Right or what they say they’ll do, it only matters what they{‘re forced to) sign. The POTUS is not in charge (since 1913, and even less since ’72).

This site is a trove of knowledge though it is not mobile-friendly, so best on mac/pc:


I’ve posted this before but it bears repeating; it’s the most concise and cogent explanation of, as the title says, the way the world really works:


lastly, I share this whenever possible:


*so are Pelosi, Barr, AOC — that I know for sure — and no doubt many more.

George McFetridge
George McFetridge
Oct 5, 2020 4:42 PM
Reply to  X X

More deeply, WE ARE these governments etc. I say this because if we led truly responsible lives there would be no bad administrations/institutions. It’s quite simple. I get from you that it’s everyone’s personal responsibility to be right with the Earth – it starts with oneself. Yes. That’s how it must be, even though it seems too tiny. If I am intelligent, the world changes, I assert, with the usual howl of derision from the many who have not a clue about energy that is not obvious. It’s actually not mysticism if you experiment with it, I’ve found. All I can do is point toward it.

Oct 6, 2020 1:01 AM

You are correct, I believe.

Here’s what I do everyday:

Eat Healthy.
Help others in-need.
Be kind to strangers.

Listen (at least) to the last 20min. or so of this book:


…teach 100 people.

Oct 4, 2020 3:38 PM

Mendacious, deluded, complicit, revealing the method — laughing at us or actually insightful?

Every outlet and news sluice, from The Guardian to The Verge, laughed at Boris Johnson’s UN Assembly speech. But had he been tipped off?

He prostrated himself before “The Science” and scoffed at the “anti-vaxxers” – but he also warned of the influence of Google, Alexa-powered gadgets, and “pink-eyed terminators sent back from the future to cull the human race.”

Oct 4, 2020 3:43 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

24 September EQUINOX 2019 done via the , 74th Session UN huge ritual
full speech is massively coded


Nixon Scraypes
Nixon Scraypes
Oct 4, 2020 7:24 PM
Reply to  ame

I just couldn’t get through it. Churchill by a second rate impressionist. Also reminds me of Rod Stewart in the studied hair department! Unfortunately I don’t know the code, so I can’t see that. Didn’t like the indulgently smiling spectators, maybe they did.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Oct 4, 2020 8:26 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Whenever someone like Johnson gives a (precisely-engineered) speech like this, front-loaded with “cute jokes” and “intimidating” with Oxbridge references to the classics, I brace myself for the moment the point (literally) is revealed, and there it is at 8:28: those damned Luddites! At some point I’ll need to watch the rest…

Oct 4, 2020 3:34 PM

A mafia doesn’t care about the little people it steals from. It cares about maintaining and furthering its power.
So we can lament politicians and their ways until the cows come home – but to what end? It seems to me this is mostly what people do, but I rarely do, because I just think what a waste of time.
The focus has to be the hidden hand that controls governments. We know this exists, so we must expose it and destroy it.
Otherwise we’re forever pissing in the wind.

Oct 5, 2020 9:01 AM
Reply to  X X

Good comment. I find it absurd and exasperating how many people want to talk about gossip but not actually deal with the problem. Or can even comprehend there is a greater problem than what occupies their minds.
Absurd because why would you waste your breath discussing issues but then have a mental block at the point where you may start actually addressing the source of the issue?
Frankly much of humanity depresses me.

Oct 5, 2020 2:44 PM
Reply to  ZenPriest

Action follows Certainty; if one ignores or avoids the truth — instinctively perhaps — then: To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow,
Creeps in this petty pace from day to day,
To the last syllable of recorded time;
And all our yesterdays have lighted fools
The way to dusty death.
Out, out, brief candle!
Life is but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more. It is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury
Signifying nothing. -Macbeth

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Oct 4, 2020 2:31 PM

“If you see the lion‘s canines, do not ever think that the lion smiles.”

– Abu Tayyib al-Mutanabbi –

(Born 915 CE – Died 9/23/965 CE)

The crucial difference between a genius and a fool, is the genius knows its a lie…

Oct 5, 2020 3:30 AM

The Russian proverb corresponding to that is “When the wolf shows his teeth, he isn’t laughing.” There are many others involving wolves, including:

“Make yourself into a sheep, and you’ll meet a wolf nearby.”

“When the wolf invited the goat to dinner, the goat declined with thanks.”

“The wolf is no comrade for the horse.”

Russian culture is rich with proverbs. One that applies to the present-day U.S. is:

“In the country of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.”

Victor G.
Victor G.
Oct 5, 2020 7:03 PM
Reply to  Platov

What about the one that goes, “Only sheep believe the shepherd is on their side … “?

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Oct 4, 2020 2:30 PM

The problem with Existentialism has always been its subjective limitations . Making it a way station between Idealism and Materialism? Its new iteration Cognitive Dissonance , now reduced to a mental aberration , plows the same ground using the lenses provided by the new gods , machine intelligence , provided by Technocracy . In America it is widely accepted as a rule of Pragmatism , that if one lies and is payed to do so it is not lying but doing your job.

Oct 4, 2020 2:24 PM

Even some of the most pleasant, engaging and highly educated people in my circle have consistently told me lies; sometimes about the most mundane of things. Yet in other situations they’ve been helpful and decent and full of depth. That’s what throws me off balance.

But this is what the world is today. People have been conditioned to go aggressively after what they want, whatever the method and the cost.

I’m just happy I’m not like that. It’s better to be cheated once in a while, I find, than to be the one who’s doing the manipulating and cheating.

Donald Duck
Donald Duck
Oct 4, 2020 3:05 PM
Reply to  Dayne

Ditto, like most of my educated, well-read friends who in their every day activities are perfectly rational, but who fall so easily into the rubbish put out by the PTB and the Media. Guardian reading, centre-left liberals are a particular case in point. It’s just the way Schumpeter described it.

In the public realm

”The reduced sense of responsibility and the absence of effective volition in turn explain the ordinary citizens ignorance and lack of judgement in matters of domestic and foreign policy which if anything are more shocking in the case of educated people and people are successfully active in non-political walks of life than it is with uneducated people in more humble stations. Political information is plentiful and readily available, but this does not seem to make any difference…We only need compare a lawyer’s attitude to his brief and the same lawyer’s attitude to the statements of a political nature (true or false) as presented in his newspaper in order to see what is the matter.

In the one case the lawyer has qualified for appreciating the relevance of facts by years of purposeful labour done under the definite stimulus of his professional competence; and under a stimulus that is no less powerful he then bends to his acquirements. On the other hand he has not taken the trouble to qualify, he does not care to absorb the information or apply it to the cannons of criticism he knows how well to handle. He becomes impatient of long complicated arguments since without the initiative that comes from immediate responsibility, ignorance will persist in the face of masses of information however complete and correct …

Thus the typical citizen drops down to a level of mental performance as soon as he enters the political field. He argues and analyses in a manner in which he would recognize as being infantile within the spheres of his real every-day interests. He becomes a primitive again. His thinking becomes associative and affective…

What we are confronted with in the analysis of political processes is not a genuine but a manufactured will.”

Roll on Edward Louis Bernays and public relations theory.

(J.A.Schumpeter – Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy – 1941)

Oct 4, 2020 3:49 PM
Reply to  Dayne

It sure is fun to expose the cheaters sometimes though…

Oct 4, 2020 6:11 PM
Reply to  wardropper

I find it more fun to smack em in the mouth 🙂

Oct 4, 2020 1:33 PM

When a society reaches a state, as we have in the US, where nothing but corruption holds it together, the inevitable result is gridlock. And that’s where we are now. There simply is no level of social interaction not tainted by corruption; nor does anything really ever get done anymore. There is growing totalitarianism; but all that is, is a system of non-doing.

Corruption is what a system of lies looks like when it takes a form. Gridlock is what a system looks like when it can no longer function outside the scope of dishonesty. Millions of people no longer able to distinguish what is from what isn’t brings life to a standstill.

As GoGo says in Sameul Beckett’s “Waiting For Godot”: “Let’s do nothing. It’s safer.”

Oct 4, 2020 2:26 PM
Reply to  Howard

“The essence of the lie implies in fact that the liar actually is in complete possession of the truth which he is hiding,” <=applied to the 1787 constitution of the USA <=ratified in 1788<= with intent to destroy the growing power the American Revolution had set in motion. Since then, the 2nd USA has been administered by 58 Oligarch approved, banker and investor approved administrations, each such administration charged by the owners of the global nation state franchise organisation to run the American division, as a franchise to govern America.  

Between 1776 and 1788, the Articles of Confederation<=dictated the structure of government, named it the United States of America <=organized the separate colonies into a democratic highly-bottom-up-constrained <= citizen=> local <=state <=national system of governance. The structure of 1st USA [1776-1788] <=was governed by the Articles of Confederation. The first USA surveyed the land <=West of the Mississippi, established peace <= among the separate colonies, made several important Treaties <= with the Indians, but the growing 1st USA democracy failed to dispose of the British power <= that wealth established, and the persons <= who had been in service to the Crown in England before the Revolution, these land grant governors and their Aristocrat support managers <= were before the revolution, the feudal lords (the British Aristocrats <=governing the British Colonies in America), these foreigners were <=appointed by the Queen and Kings of foreign lands, their purpose to oversee <= British Royal interest in the America Colonies. The landed gentry <=they were obligated Land Grant beneficiaries <serving as British Aristocrats, dispersed to America <=to protect the Royal interest, served as colonial Governors, colonial colonial judges and lawyers, colonial bankers, corporate executives, bureaucrats, and highly skilled technicians <=but they did not serve the American soul, they were not part of the American Democracy <that overturned British influence in America, they ran the top down government that served the crown <=to enable a foreign few <=to control the local many.  

The lie in the 2nd USA is that the government under the constitution of the USA, was a continuation of the same democratic government that had existed under the first USA government. A republic, which the constitution formed, is by its very nature a top down non democratic government <=it is a government run mostly in secret by the nations Oligarchs without democratic input from the governed. The governed are by its very design left in the dark about what the government is doing and how it is doing it, and more importantly it is a government that encourages rather than discourages corruption.  

The George Bush CIA wall inscription <= “And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” can only happen <= if you are dead, because a republic allows those who rule to do so in secret.

Yellon (hexton)
Yellon (hexton)
Oct 4, 2020 6:04 PM
Reply to  smokey

Without democracy, the people have nothing. If there has been any improvement in the peoples lot, it is because of democracy, and socialism. You can measure the success of your democracy by how much it has benefited the populous. The US have had a functioning democracy for a while, probably up until the coup of 2001.

Oct 4, 2020 3:07 PM
Reply to  Howard

I would say that corruption and lying are both outward forms of internal sociopathy.

George McFetridge
George McFetridge
Oct 4, 2020 7:02 PM
Reply to  ritchie

All our problems are psychological.

Oct 4, 2020 1:31 PM

Joe Biden’s most common riposte when held to account by Donald Trump in the election debate was: “that’s a lie”.

Credible technique? Most people aren’t going to go look it up and see if Trump slandered Biden or nailed him.

So Fleccas does it for you.

Oct 4, 2020 1:30 PM

I am shocked about what goes on in the USA: Lies, lies, lies! And MSM all the way with it!
TARGET FLYNN. “GET TRUMP.” BOMBSHELL DOCS show Obama behind Russiagate COUP –

Oct 4, 2020 12:22 PM

Oct 4, 2020 12:20 PM
Awaiting for approval

The USA cannot raise interest rates to slow inflation when it gets out of hand without destroying their economy and their economy is on a limited life support of printed money, which can only last as long as people trust the dollar, which will not be long.
The US economy is dead. Trump was a valiant attempt to revive the US manufacturing base far too late. Maybe if they had started in 2000, it might have worked. But the US now has a zombie economy, very limited manufacturing, and a vast military, it can’t fund beyond a few more years. What options dose that leave them, if they are psychopathically hooked on power?

Oct 5, 2020 1:37 PM
Reply to  Johns

Well I suppose if drugs and weapons remain as popular as ever, and pension plans can be bilked, we’ll hang on a bit longer.

By the way, I’ve been wondering – when the Great Re-set accomplishes the wipe-out of cash, what will happen to those economies that operate on a strict cash basis?

iIlegal drugs being the major one. I would imagine the elite dealers will hire crypto handlers, but what about the dealer on the street?

And what about all that cash in “the Mob”?

I am sincerely asking here, how will you hide money when everything is connected?

Perhaps all the covid unemployed should start learning crypto since it seems to be the wave of the future.

Oct 4, 2020 12:20 PM

The USA cannot raise interest rates to slow inflation when it gets out of hand without destroying their economy and their economy is on a limited life support of printed money, which can only last as long as people trust the dollar, which will not be long.

The US economy is dead. Trump was a valiant attempt to revive the US manufacturing base far too late. Maybe if they had started in 2000, it might have worked. But the US now has a zombie economy, very limited manufacturing, and a vast military, it can’t fund beyond a few more years. What options dose that leave them, if they are psychopathically hooked on power?

Oct 4, 2020 12:03 PM

Tammany Hall and the Military Industrial Complex-Silicon Valley Oligarchs pose the biggest threat to the U.S..

Richard Black, Colonel (ret.) and Harley Schlanger discuss the chances of an utterly corrupt election on the SGT Report.

Oct 4, 2020 12:24 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Why would you have a coup if the military industrial complex are already in power/

Oct 4, 2020 3:54 PM
Reply to  Johns

The official opposition still exists.
It must not exist.

Oct 4, 2020 6:19 PM