The Great Reset

John Griffin

Image source here.



As Sol transits the Dark zone, we expect a further deterioration in the expression of consciousness of some of the planetary beings. Those on Sphere 3 — a superlative creation utilizing all the material elements in intricate harmonic levels (see Appendix 1: Earth) — are particularly vulnerable.

The decline there is now about ten thousand solar years long and has followed a well-established pattern. As you know, the structure of these beings is dual, consisting of a material body and associated mind or soul, Sol’s light acting as a conduit to carry and so manifest the ever-unfolding expression of this star’s nature (Appendix 2: The Human Constitution and Participative Perception).

The attenuation of this conduit, which connects to the heart of the being and is its highest faculty or spirit, has led to the following — at times amusing — outcomes.

First, there was a movement away from a close harmony with Earth, and an inclination to dismantle and rearrange it.

(Appendix 3: Into the Dark, Nature as Other covers the transition to a sedentary existence, elaborate artificial dwellings and body coverings, producing food rather than collecting it, over-valuing materiality, ownership of parts of the planet, an aberrant social hierarchy and destructive technology, knowing replaced by beliefs, increasingly extravagant visual and auditory art forms, reliance on written symbolic communication, and so forth.)

At this stage not all beings were adversely affected. A minority were able to preserve a knowledge of the operation of the Sun by making it the hidden kernel of various artistic, literary and religious traditions (see Appendix 4: The Emerald Tablet of Hermes, Plato’s Allegory of the Sun, and the Gayatri Mantra).

Nostalgia for what was, and an inner sense of decline and an instinctive aversion to it, were also instilled in the psyche (see Appendix 5: Imprinting the Sacred, from Golden Age to Iron Age). However, this only forestalled the inevitable.

Collapse of even a belief in the highest faculty started around 500 years ago. It left a being divorced from Reality and the accession of the normally subservient reasoning faculty. Left floundering, the beings hailed this turn of events as a Renaissance, and with their attention turned away from ‘heaven’, began developing their physical and mental proclivities in earnest.

This inculcated a novel system — the utilization of the senses and reason alone in an attempt to fathom the now-forgotten essence of Nature (see Appendix 6: Science, the Wayward Path).

Truth, Goodness and Beauty waned; belief in an inert Nature prevailed; obsession with materiality grew. The higher faculty, the true potentiality of humanity, and a sentient universe were re-categorized as ‘magical thinking’.

Science proceeds by the comparing of one thing with another. Parts of the material universe are made into apparatus, which are then used to measure other parts. Essence remains undiscovered of course. But this method drives the creation of increasingly elaborate tools which allow an increasingly powerful analysis of matter. This machine technology of ever more sophisticated range has led to devices that can render the ecosphere dysfunctional, and instruments that disrupt human mentation.

The system which used elements rare on Earth, such as gold and silver, to represent and facilitate the exchange of material goods, was commandeered by those most obsessed by materiality. The substitution of paper allowed the established practice of usury to be greatly enhanced, enabling wealth to migrate into fewer and fewer hands (see Appendix 7: The Fractional Reserve System, the Great Banking Families, and Three Centuries of Market Manipulation).

A further stage, now underway, is the substitution of paper money with invisible digital money, allowing the very wealthy to syphon off even the little still owned by the rest. The most serious aspect of the sustained attempt by a minority to own the planet is the alignment of great wealth with innovative science, since it portends an amoral class of beings with vast destructive power. (Appendix 8: The Appropriation of Earth’s Resources and All Artefacts by the Few, and Appendix 9: Evolution of the Technological Means to Control Human Thinking and Emotion.)

You ask about the small green island toward one pole, and especially of the mystics who reside there. There are none now. Those who had direct experience of the Light were replaced in the last hundred years by those who only spoke of it (see Appendix 10: William Blake, the Scientific Enterprise, and the Eclipse of Mystic Consciousness).

Further, the obscuring of the Light led, two hundred and fifty years ago, to a proposal to override that hierarchy which, operating correctly, is a reflection in the collective sphere of that found in the individual being. Some inhabitants of the island who had ventured over the sea and established a colony on a continent there, replaced the monarchical system with a form of Rule by the People. Much effort was made to ensure its success.

It didn’t work. Since the majority elect a few to represent them, they inevitably choose those of a similar consciousness. Hence, the tendency of democracy has been ever downward, towards a Rule by the Fools (see Appendix 11: Guénon’s Reign of Quantity Applied to Forms of Government).

Notwithstanding this failing, the colony has maintained its self-belief, and is more or less heedless of the interests of those not inhabiting its area of Earth. Its imperialism is the chief cause of disharmony.

In the island you revered, and elsewhere, the various propensities indicated above have almost reached a nadir. Belief in the higher realities has all but disappeared, hence the education systems are defective. The rational faculty is starting to erode, leaving only instinctive emotion and sense experience as motivating factors.

The antics of members of the governing bodies resemble the court fools of the era you experienced, absent a hidden wisdom, with the mental proclivities, demeanor and even countenance of the juvenile form of the beings (see Appendix 12: Contemporary Government, Psychopathy and Infantilism). Insight, empathy and goodwill are missing; they have adopted the inclinations of the monied class.

As this report is being assembled there is an attempt to utilize the activity of a microorganism to subjugate by instilling fear and disrupting all social functioning (see Appendix 13: The Role of Viruses in Homeostasis and the Natural Mortality of Earth’s Lifeforms, and Appendix 14: Psychological Methods for Human Control).

Some more perceptive beings speculate that the goal is to instigate an inversion of the current order, whereby a minority of materialist imbeciles impose a tyranny over the rest.

However, the level of coercion and violence perpetrated on the majority, the drive to introduce substances that could initiate extreme mutagenesis, and the instigation of a global artificial intelligence technology that would make the beings redundant, suggests an eclipse of the remaining mental functioning. We believe there has been a rupture in the boundary between the physical world and the infernal and that non-human forces have begun to infiltrate.

As you know, the final stage of Sol’s transit means that no information reaches us, after which there is a nearly instantaneous reset to normality. The beings will be alone during this time. Given the unusual circumstances pertaining at present, there is a chance they will be overwhelmed, which means a complete disruption of the soul, and Earth dying away. As the poet says, “The fire of suns makes and unmakes worlds, and even the most beauteous lights therein are extinguished.”

As in the previous occurrences, the deeply instilled ideas of the Good, of the forces of Darkness, of spiritual struggle, should provide momentum sufficient to carry them through.

Nevertheless, we agree with your view. Compassion dictates some form of revelation. To this end we propose to have this report (modified as necessary to conform with the conscious state of the beings) disseminated. Forums are limited, but it can be inserted within one of the remaining broadcast media in which truth is tolerated.

No more than a breath upon the remnant Light that flickers in memory, it may assist in awakening the necessary resistance.

We await the exit of Sol from the Dark zone, the great Reset, and the reinstatement of the Golden Age.

— Chief Researcher/Archivist, Outer Periphery Records.


John Lord Griffin is a philosopher, artist and farmer, currently living in Portugal. His books include On the Origin of Beauty and Javali with Oranges.


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Oct 22, 2020 3:33 PM


Brian Sides
Brian Sides
Oct 14, 2020 7:57 AM

In the the Hitchhiker’s Guide To The GalaxyEarth is described as Mostly Harmless

I think this is a very good description of Covid
Mostly Harmless

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 13, 2020 10:21 PM

Searching for some explanation as to why the lockdown is being portrayed as a victory for “the people”, I stumbled on this:


“COVID-19 & the End of Economic Fatalism”

It consists largely of a hugely repetitive and monotonous recounting of the rise of neoliberalism which few are going to disagree with. But there is a curious spin on it. The fatalistic approach (“There Is No Alternative” or TINA) is hugely emphasised. And the reason isn’t difficult to see: we hear that Reagan and Thatcher’s “approach would have meant treating the Coronavirus as another market force until the public achieved ‘herd immunity’; to “take it on the chin” as Boris Johnson said when he first addressed it as a major issue. This is also what the US President wanted.”

So, the associations have been clearly outlined: evil neoliberalism associated with TINA which is further linked in with … “ignoring” all previous pandemics. (As if some version of this neoliberal TINA was operating throughout history). And then Trump and Johnson – as the designated villains of the piece – are associated with this medical version of TINA. 

But from whence comes the mysterious force that irresistably compels a compassionate lockdown from the governments? Well it appears that all those protest movements over the decades – Occupy, MeToo, the various environmental movements etc. have gradually built up enough steam to …well, to just somehow coerce the governments. Oh – and there is also some kind of mysterious empowerment that comes (surprise surprise) from social media.
We also get a vague view of the coming glory. Apparently, it will be “decided by those who have a better understanding of recent history and don’t impose pre-existing assumptions upon it.”

In short, we have mysticism. Protest, social media, shared experiences amongst regular folks – all this somehow coalesced into a force that the governments just had to respond to.

But the article does make clear that this amorphous future utopia will not be socialist but some new variant of capitalism. So, who’s going to tell the mainstream Left? Or…do they already know?

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 14, 2020 9:49 AM
Reply to  George Mc

It’s quite brilliant really. We had 40 years of fatalistic neoliberalism which was enormously unpopular but that didn’t matter a damn since the govt and the media were under the control (as they always are) of the rich. For 40 years, the plebs had to just put up even if they didn’t have to shut up. After all: There Is No Alternative!

But now: COVID arrives as the death knell for neoliberalism i.e. it is the virus/lockdown conjunction that appears as the no-longer-forbidden alternative. And so those who deny COVID and oppose the lockdown are the new fatalistic neoliberals.

And to sell this story, we are asked to believe that an accumulation of previously impotent rebellions (political, feminist, environmentalist) have suddenly coalesced into an irresistible force – aided of course by COVID. And even though some political leaders (most notably Trump and Johnson) can still be presented as evil neoliberal “fossils”, the govt in the main has been made to sit up and respond – this directive coming from the MSM who have suddenly changed overnight into a philanthropic institution now in favour of those protest groups.

One thing is certain: neoliberalism is dead. Something else is being prepared. And perhaps you can even excuse the mainstream Left who clearly see an opportunity here. Only to go along with this, you’d have to sing the COVID song which would be as degrading as having to pretend to believe in Santa Claus.

More to the point, the brave new world or new world order that is being prepared sure as hell will not be on any socialist model that the Left would want. (Although the Right will continue to present it as such to fuel support for it on the Left). No, the govt and the MSM are still (as always) in the hands of the capitalist class.

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 13, 2020 7:14 PM

It’s getting beyond the power of words to describe. Just caught the news again and it’s something like “There have been another 200 million COVID deaths in the last nanosecond!” And still the mainstream Left would have us believe the establishment is trying to hush it up!

Oct 16, 2020 11:26 AM
Reply to  George Mc

The WSWS seems to think they are driving the workers to the Covid slaughter and covering it up – whereas in the universe I inhabit, they talk of lockdowns, actually implement them at least some of the time, and there is hardly anything else in the news.

Oct 13, 2020 3:45 PM

I wanted to see the appendices.

Oct 13, 2020 1:00 PM

Narratives are invoked to usurp and mask over the unaccepted fact as a fiction under emotionally invested identity.
If we give unto Caesar what IS due unto God, we trash ourselves while blaming Caesar (or God) for making us do it.
Regardless the terminology I just used and your associations with it, putting first things first is the priority – and what we give priority to is given power for all else aligns to its purpose. Know your purpose in what you think and say and do. This perfection is not denied you, but is aligned in wholeness.

If we want to get our house in order we have to prioritise. Disorder-by-design will say you cannot afford to deviate in such thinking, while deviating you in such thinking. It will threaten that you must do as it says or else! – while doing what it says it defends you from.

The Great Rest is the releasing of the mind-masking of control unto the decision to listen in the heart.
This need take but a moment.
Uncovering or finding our willingness may seem a painful or fearful struggle.
Until we make the choice.
We cannot choose to love as an act of will, but can release such a ‘self-will’ to a willingness for love.

If we are not yet willing, we persist under the demands of a narrative identity investment to suffer a broken and denied sense of our own being. Or rather, a broken and betrayed sense of life instead of our own being.

Being human is not surrendering to vice as if an honesty.
Nor is being human the signalling of virtue as if to mask over and reset vice to external conflict and threat management.

Listening at the heart and abiding in the heart is not so much what you ‘do’ as where you are coming from as the consciously accepted purpose within what you do.

Attending the living and letting the dead bury the dead is living the day and the moment at hand. Sharing in and being what is here to recognise, appreciate and share in. If we only seek that or those that confirm our identity, or provide support for our struggle, we make a world of the unfit and unworthy or judged.

“Why can’t the world be what I want it to be?”
Is that sentiment truly in search of a real solution, or is it the problem given priority?

Oct 13, 2020 1:26 PM
Reply to  Binra

You seem to know what you’re talking about.
Do you have any solutions to the challenges at hand?
I think we can, with focus and determination, provide adequate avenues for the exploration of new and better worlds.

Ich bin auch Ra!

Oct 13, 2020 1:50 PM
Reply to  Chris

I’m somewhat surprised at the lack of discussion regarding the monetary system and the energy sciences.

Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars comes to mind.

Oct 13, 2020 2:59 PM
Reply to  Chris

I know the purpose that moves me.

Change and challenge are inherent to Life as growth in the sense of creative or qualitative expansion (not mere quantitative accumulation).

To be defined by our problem is to subject ourselves to definitions we are unaware of having accepted and assigned.
Focus has to be regained at heart, instead of framed in the complex of ‘problems’ that have in a sense piled up as a result of evasions masking as solutions.

We don’t so much suffer skidding with modern computer assisted braking, but the principle for getting out of a skid is to steer into it – momentarily – to the recognition of traction regained. This is a sense of capacity to find the balance points within the experience of the car and the road and conditions. There is no time to think – all focus is present in act – and no other determination is active.

There is a Rumi quote on the pain of longing – which may also speak to any pain in the heart.

“God picks up the reed-flute world and blows.Each note is a need coming through one of us,a passion, a longing pain.Remember the lipswhere the wind-breath originated,and let your note be clear.Don’t try to end it.Be your note.”
Abiding with what is as it is does not seem like any kind of solution, but war with what is can never resolve. Love is the capacity to be with what is as the willingness to recognise truth, for we experience through an interpretive structure of belief and definition and in the changing of forms and contexts, cling to old ways of seeing as a realm of diminishing returns with no awareness of the lens through which we cannot really see yet struggle in our own shadow as if to defeat it, or finally succumb to it.

I write always to invite attention behind or beneath the appearances of an otherwise extremely compelling experience of reality.
While the temptation may be to use ‘insider knowledge’ as leverage to force outcomes, I see this merely reinforces the ‘old mind’ with what can be marketised or weaponised as the form, imagery and signs of life to more insidiously mask in.
Stories by which to manipulate outcomes are dangerous to the mind that internalises them as acquired strategy in life.

Painful and fearful experience can in its turn induce the belief Consciousness must be shut down to a manageable trickle – for fear the ‘Genie’ wreaks havoc. Which is not altogether wrong, but wrong to assume this role over the legitimate rights and responsibilities of others.

So everything moves me to point to uncovering a true foundation, by no longer accepting or giving allegiance to a false. And yet I am not in doubt that we are of a true foundation, that is not thrust upon us but operates the nature of willingness.

Everyone has to live from wherever they find themselves to be. The universal is of listening for truth rather than persist a thinking that effectively masks over or blocks our receptive, some of which is fear of evils but also operates the inhibition of love. For both are simply ‘threat’ to the purpose of control narrative as the basis for masking over a current state of unowned, unfaced or unresolved conflict or fear.

To strengthen the inhibition of the destructive impulse and decrease the inhibition of love’s extension and recognition, is to actively accept the life that moves through you. For no one of and unto themselves has existence. What we give, sets the measure of our receiving. To a masked off surface awareness, the mind gives out to get rid of, or to get more by.

Tune into your being and make that the context of whatever your day calls forth.
Once you see a deceit, you do not need to understand it better, or to tell it that it is wrong. Fascination with conflict and with evil, is the attraction of guilt. Guilt undermines our sense of worthiness to the heart of life and calls upon a ‘god’ of vengeance as an alien will that stamps out the hateful.
I called that the ‘old mind’.
It is revealing itself in our midst.
And is hateful to behold.
But here is where looking on it is the moment in which to be free to look past it.
Otherwise a recoil in horror shuts down under a petrified sense of disconnect and HAS to ‘see’ something – anything – else.
Sharing in whatever life we can love or freely join with, strengthens the capacity to move through fear but not as the ‘solution’ or else we drag our ‘problems’ with us and make a private agenda of struggle in place the simple joy in living.

Live the moment at hand as if your life is here and now fully with you.

George McFetridge
George McFetridge
Oct 13, 2020 4:11 PM
Reply to  Chris

I can’t get Binra to go beyond verbiage. Good luck, Chris.

Oct 15, 2020 12:19 AM

A philosophical discourse always sounds impressive in its verbosity. In the end we all choose to believe as we do. If greed was not the driving force for so many then life would be better for most. Our purpose as Buddha articulated is not to accumulate the temporary but the develop the eternal.

The article hit on a few New Age concepts, most of these are very old concepts reinterpreted or misinterpreted to financialise various websites. If looking for “truth” then seek the older writings, its all there to discover if actually looking.

George McFetridge
George McFetridge
Oct 15, 2020 1:58 AM
Reply to  Rancid

Choosing to believe is the problem!

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 13, 2020 12:55 PM


Coronavirus infections threaten Germany’s hospitals with overload
Experts warn that hospitals in Germany are reaching their limits of capacity due to the dramatic increase in coronavirus infections. …a further significant increase and associated bottlenecks can be expected in the coming weeks…The rising number of infections inevitably leads to an increasing number of hospital admissions. The biggest problem is the lack of staff and completely overworked personnel…If there is a sharp increase in severe coronavirus cases, there will be bottlenecks in intensive care personnel,….As far as representatives of government and business are concerned, this situation is an opportunity to impose long-planned cuts. Last year, a study by the Bertelsmann Foundation demanded that the number of hospitals in Germany be halved.


“UK jobs cull continues as thousands more redundancies are announced
UK employers planned almost 500,000 redundancies through restructuring programmes from April to August inclusive.

The pandemic is having a devastating impact on lives and livelihoods…The new scheme will pay workers in pubs, restaurants, and other businesses just two thirds of their wagesNT hopes to make annual savings of £41 million by decreasing travel and office costs, and advertising online. It has already decided to end or postpone projects worth £124 million and implemented a freeze on recruitment to reduce staffing costs….As hundreds of jobs disappeared, Prospect’s Mike Clancy said, “The current plan, while devastating for those who are losing jobs they love, is a reasonable way to move forward, minimising job losses while hopefully safeguarding the National Trust’s future.”

Gosh – I wonder what that’s all about?

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 13, 2020 10:58 AM

I think we can safely assume that this lockdown will indeed continue as the “new norm” and that day by day, there will be an increasing sense of despair, isolation, a general disconnect that spreads towards every area of life and which infests the population constantly. I feel the strain all the time now. It’s like a psychic cloud enveloping me. And I think it’s time to stop thinking, “Oh it’s just me. It’s purely psychological. Things are different elsewhere.” Etc. The MSM whilst still attempting to show “a friendly face” is directly assaulting your very being. This is a constant domestic terrorism. And, the most devastating part, the “opposition” who you always thought you could rely on to stand up for you, to “give them hell!” etc. is not only joining in with the torture but embodies the most ferocious part of it.  

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 13, 2020 9:52 AM

So, I have just learned that David North, Trotskyite revolutionary of the WSWS is really one David Green, “CEO of Grand River Printing & Imaging, a company that earns 25 million dollars a year according to its website”.

This latter info from here:


Now Friedrich Engels was a wealthy industrialist but at least he had the decency to admit it – indeed it would not have occurred to him to hide it. So, what’s North/Green’s game?

Now there is a WSWS document that drearily enumerates various points of divergence between them and former associates (something along the lines of “How We Found Out About Those Bastards In Our Midst”) In my naïve years I recall reading through it and there was a curious chapter about a Marxist group that turned out to be staffed almost entirely by young middle class students from the one mid-Western college. The bold WSWS ran an investigation and found out, sure enough, that it was an intelligence operation. Unfortunately, I can’t find the reference and I got fed up with burrowing through all that stuff about how some jerk didn’t adhere to the right materialist principles etc.

But isn’t this richly ironic? A phony CEO pseudo Marxist rubbishing phony middle class college pseudo Marxists!

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 13, 2020 9:39 AM

Never underestimate the significance of informal chat. What people say to each other as “small talk” is often the most revealing (sometimes the only real) indication of what they really think. And this mode of discourse is now under serious threat in our new garrison culture where face-to-face communication is being replaced by those dismal computer linkup conferences.

I have a work colleague who is a terrific practical guy but not what you’d call academically bright. But he is often more astute than those who are. A few years back on the build-up to an election he casually remarked to me, “It’s not going to matter a damn who you vote for”. And just before the lockdown relegated us all to computer screen matrix land, we were having a conversation about the virus and this colleague muttered, “…unless it’s all a con” before quickly moving on to something else.

I also recall a comment from the formerly great John McMurtry that, just after 9/11, he had made an off-the-cuff remark to a gathered crowd that, whilst watching the towers collapsing, he felt that “This is a set up”. The crowd behaved oddly. No booing or hissing. Just silence. I reckon they were all realising their own innermost suspicions.

Now it is precisely this informal mode of communication that is under threat in our new prison world. I have participated in several of these computer chats and they are abysmal. So stiff and strained. Nobody would dream of making a little joke. And this is the kind of discourse that our rulers want i.e. one that will not tolerate any “rowdy behaviour” where nobody will ever get the chance to “speak the unspeakable”.

George McFetridge
George McFetridge
Oct 13, 2020 4:20 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Our time is that of Computer Takeover. To counter the attendant self-induced dehumanization of it, I’d advocate for formation of small groupings that consciously work together, in-person, consensus-based, with daily administration. It would be slow, like the seasons.

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 13, 2020 7:17 PM

Yeah but that’s not going to happen for as long as everyone thinks they’re going to die from even being on the same street as each other.

George McFetridge
George McFetridge
Oct 13, 2020 10:01 PM
Reply to  George Mc

There are some who aren’t afraid who can get the ball rolling. Anyone here on this thread?

Charlotte Ruse
Charlotte Ruse
Oct 13, 2020 2:58 AM

Excellency, these organisms must be contained they’re strangely both agressive and suicidal. Quite dangerous to all life forms and should be viewed as a threatening scourge or just another
virulent bacterium. We’ve noticed they’re learning to mutate via genetic editing hoping to transition into intergalactic environments. It’s imperative that this dangerous life form is stopped dead in its tracks……………

Oct 13, 2020 8:33 AM
Reply to  Charlotte Ruse

Pathological insecurity drives their hoarding and sadism. Fortunately, contrary to their fairy tales, the planetary rariation belts keep them confined to the planet, at least for now.

Charlotte Ruse
Charlotte Ruse
Oct 13, 2020 11:43 AM
Reply to  mgeo

Close monitoring will be necessary to ensure all planetary belts remain intact.

Oct 13, 2020 2:32 PM
Reply to  Charlotte Ruse

I like these down to earth discussions… but not a lot.

May Hem
May Hem
Oct 13, 2020 12:20 AM

Catholic Church is a member of the control cabal. On the screen where the nun speaks, is written “catholic relief services”!!!

A Dominican nun trained in “human-centered technology” who holds a PhD in engineering management from Cambridge regaling a room full of aspiring impact investors on how the Catholic church plans to be the conscience of big business in the coming decades.

a really evil woman ……

Even though she notes there are many peace and justice folks who believe wading into human capital impact investing is akin to taking up with the devil, well…circumstances require it, so better just get with the program.


Oct 13, 2020 1:42 AM
Reply to  May Hem

Of course, their pope is not even catholic… he’s crypto

May Hem
May Hem
Oct 13, 2020 5:41 AM
Reply to  Theobalt

crypto and psycho as well!

Oct 13, 2020 8:33 AM
Reply to  May Hem

Oh the pope is a complete fraud. He sells this progressive image now but anyone who was alive in Argentina during the military dictatorship knows who he really is.

Bob the Hod
Bob the Hod
Oct 12, 2020 11:48 PM

I’ve found myself with some very strange bedfellows during this scamdemic, so to speak. I’ve had to completely reassess where I stand, politically, and who I would stand shoulder to shoulder with when push inevitably come to shove. For me, sacred cows have been slaughtered. And they needed slaughtering. At the core of it though, many of the innate understandings about the World that dawned on me when I was still a child have been confirmed, and the layers of bullshit that I had built up in my naivety and world weary bitterness have been thankfully washed away. I’ve learned an awful lot.

I always knew that media whores were full of shit. I always knew that when it comes to power, there are no good guys. I always knew to keep asking difficult questions and to be prepared to assimilate answers that you don’t like. I always knew that the Universe is our creator, a magnificent, living entity, and everything within it is as important and as unimportant as everything else within it, all moving in an inexorable dance that we have no choice but to observe as we go along with. It’s easy to doubt yourself and the basic premises that make up your inherent psychology and to submit to bread and circus normdom when it’s rammed down your throat, and into your eyes and ears 24/7/365 that you are wrong, and to reject the deeper understandings that you never had to work at to realise. And I have been guilty of that to some extent.

The hardest thing to take through all of this, for me, has been to witness the meek aquiesence and pathetic obedience to power of many intelligent individuals, friends and family, who I thought better of. People who, in the past, have prided themselves on reasoned and rational thought, thoroughly considered, strong and logically consistent mindsets, who now abandon it all in favour of a disgusting fear dogma handed to them from above. Stay safe everybody, follow the rules!Then there are the many people who see the blag, talk the talk in private but can’t walk the walk in public. Taken in by the ultimate in bread and circuses. The biggest con job ever, and consequently the easiest to spot. It’s your duty to yourself, and to the Universe to keep on walking the walk. To quote a band I used to love “I’d rather be in prison, in some George Orwellian world, than your pacified society of happy boys and girls.”

Oct 13, 2020 2:25 AM
Reply to  Bob the Hod

That was beautiful… And what do YOU do to keep your job and get on a bus, and shop… give a few examples… Us shameful (again), compliers… wanna be a hero? Go lecture and shame the people who got any power over this…
What are you 12?

Bob the Hod
Bob the Hod
Oct 13, 2020 11:27 AM
Reply to  Theobalt

You have power over what you do, to some extent, and that’s it. I have the will to carry my life on as normally as possible and treat the scam for what it is rather than asking “how high?” when I’m told to jump. So does everybody, including you, but only you can be held accountable if you choose not to act on it.

Oct 13, 2020 2:39 PM
Reply to  Theobalt

un-called for…

Oct 13, 2020 3:54 PM
Reply to  Theobalt

I haven’t worn a mask once. I do the distancing because I don’t like being around fearful people who don’t dare question authorities and assume blindly that authorities care about your welfare, and are willing to screech if anyone does not obey orders. There is no pandemic, it’s riskier to drive a car than to breathe the air, unless the air is in an area with high pollution levels, which is most cities. Time for everyone to start seeing reality for what it is, and it’s not what is presented in the fake news every night. That too is owned by the cabal of central bankers.

Oct 13, 2020 4:48 PM
Reply to  Spinky

I agree with all that, still got to get to work

Dr. Sok
Dr. Sok
Oct 13, 2020 10:21 AM
Reply to  Bob the Hod

hard work innit, walking among the zombies😎

Oct 13, 2020 12:05 PM
Reply to  Dr. Sok

Is that what you call people who got bills to pay

Bob the Hod
Bob the Hod
Oct 13, 2020 4:25 PM
Reply to  Theobalt

Wearing a pointless mask, living in fear and not seeing my loved ones never paid any bills for me mate.

Oct 13, 2020 4:43 PM
Reply to  Bob the Hod

Does for me, for now… mate

Oct 13, 2020 4:45 PM
Reply to  Theobalt

No mask no bus no work…

Oct 13, 2020 4:46 PM
Reply to  Theobalt

It is the case now where I live… can’t
avoid it… not everyone is in the same situation, funny I have to explain that

Bob the Hod
Bob the Hod
Oct 13, 2020 5:03 PM
Reply to  Theobalt

There are ways around it. Tell them you are exempt, by law, you don’t have to prove it, and no bus driver has the right to ask you why you are exempt. Unless of course, you aren’t in Britain. In my initial post, I was writing about my experiences in Britain, where you don’t have to wear a mask, by law. This is from the government website:

“Those who have an age, health or disability reason for not wearing a face covering should not be routinely asked to give any written evidence of this, this includes exemption cards. No person needs to seek advice or request a letter from a medical professional about their reason for not wearing a face covering.
Some people may feel more comfortable showing something that says they do not have to wear a face covering. This could be in the form of an exemption card, badge or even a home-made sign.
This is a personal choice and is not necessary in law.”

Oct 13, 2020 5:19 PM
Reply to  Bob the Hod

Ok glad you’re coming around… no exemption in Canada… you argue, they call the police, u still resit, inside. No work today and quite a story to tell your boss whenever you get out. Radio Canada would also be delighted to share your experience in the air… as an example of a “sociopath” who lost his job because he just doesn’t “understand”… believe me I checked everything, no ay around it here… I can still get away with leaving my nose uncovered… that’s getting more and more difficult… and I got asthma and allergies… response from my gvmnt on that is clearly “fuck you”…

Bob the Hod
Bob the Hod
Oct 13, 2020 8:14 PM
Reply to  Theobalt

Then I feel for you, I really do. I’d be fucking pissed off if I were you. But, again, I was talking about my situation in the country that I live in. No offence meant to people who find themselves in a different situation to me.

Oct 13, 2020 2:42 PM
Reply to  Bob the Hod

The learning curve has gotten steeper, of late, for most of us I would suspect.

George McFetridge
George McFetridge
Oct 13, 2020 4:22 PM
Reply to  Bob the Hod

Perhaps we’re being made to see how shockingly mediocre we are.

John the First
John the First
Oct 21, 2020 4:17 AM

The mask is symbolic of a century of mass mediocrity and its inevitable sameness indeed. It is given birth by the society of the rule of mass man (democracy) which produces sameness and distributes it through its networks of expression of mass man (his modern media). All this under the architectural guidance of modern oligarchy, who in time have started to make intelligent use of the situation by means of crowd psychology.
The masses have sold their individuality themselves, a dictatorship of uniformity being the inevitable result. The opposition only blames the elites (contemporary oligarchy) because self-reflection and seeing the problem as something also contributed to by yourself does not sell to the opositional public with their sharp nosed conspiracy theories. Simple minds always blame the other, and democratic crowds always blame the elites, and keep to their myth of being the innocent, honest and integer ones. Even the latter psychology of the opposition is known to the intelligent oligarchy, so they don’t pose much of a problem in terms of counter-force, as they will never get to what is also a major cause of the situation.

You can always regain your individuality, by disconnecting on the whole from both mainstream media and opositional conspiracy media, all mass man’s media. As all mass man’s media is the producer and distributor of sameness, and your unique individuality can only find expression and development locally.

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 14, 2020 4:47 PM
Reply to  Bob the Hod

You echo my sentiments exactly Bob. Oh, it used to be so simple. I was on the Left. I read Marx. I read Marxists. Although to be fair, I already noted chronic blind spots amongst them – most notably the conspiracy phobia so brilliantly critiqued by Michael Parenti. This is where all those Leftists are so scared of being tarred with the brush of “conspiracy theory” described by one person (can’t recall who) as a kind of “intellectual leprosy”. Incidentally, I don’t think Marx himself would have been deceived by this bullshit. I think he would have roared with laughter.

So, I followed some of the “conspiracy theorists” for a bit of balance e.g. Guido Giacomo Preparata, Peter Dale Scott etc. and I realised that you should read widely because you can find a bit of the truth anywhere – and you should be especially aware of that con whereby info is deliberately “tainted” by association with “non-PC” factors.

Now the aforementioned Preparata has a major axe to grind against Marxists. I think he goes too far but I can understand his animosity since I believe he was ostracised by the Left academic community for various “heresies”. And I mention this because I have come to have an almost uncontrollable contempt for the mainstream Left whose belligerent gullibility and insufferable assumed superiority have decisively driven me from their ranks – especially considering that they in particular have pushed the COVID narrative even more aggressively than anyone else. Indeed – I have come to see this Left as the main player in this relentless bulllshit operation.

So, I am less impressed than ever by that demand for “intellectual purity” and I go to them all now. Peter Hitchens, David Icke, even the Daily fucking Mail. The trick is to be aware of prejudices and sift sift sift.

Bob the Hod
Bob the Hod
Oct 14, 2020 6:10 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I’m very much in agreement with you there George. As regards the mainstream left, I realised how much of a wrong turn it had all taken when I started picking up on the exact same logical fallacies used by right wing bigots in the mainstream left’s identity politics driven nonsense, which actually has nothing to do with being left wing. They are actually just terrible authoritarians. Rather than being the main players in the COVID scam though, they are the main ones being played for fools and used by psychopaths for their own ends.

Left and right doesn’t matter, we all have some truth to tell, and false divisions simply serve to keep us from seeing or hearing it.

Oct 12, 2020 11:46 PM

An excellent analysis from a very honest, decent, intelligent human being. Let’s hope more people take the time to watch and listen to a man of wisdom.

Oct 12, 2020 11:12 PM

Just one last comment: its as usual heartening to see how the so called people against the narrative enjoy seriously harming one other for petty reasons. Isnt that what happened under Nazi rule: the real reason the left could be sent to concentration camps and killed is because the various parties turned against one other for petty reasons of the time, rather than unite against Nazism. Really heartening to see nothing has changed nearly 90 years later.

Sincerely, there is little for oppressors to ever do. Its really the oppressed who on top of it claim to be against the oppressor who ensure the victory of oppression.

I never held much hope for humanity, only for a handful as being capable of achieving an admirable level of humanness. Goodness know why some of us gave up our privileged lives to even try and do anything. At least among the elites everyone here so hates, I for one have only met with the greatest solidarity, helpfulness and kindness if one accepts their values, at least among those coming from certain institutions considered prestigious. Ive never found that solidarity among those purporting to fight what they stand for. Even the other day, I received an email, telling me, you’ve done enough, stop now, come back, and just get on with other work… Perhaps I will indeed. This other work is equally worthwhile, and much more focused on the long term, and absolutely of no threat to anyone, whatever may be their aims. So totally safe.

Oct 13, 2020 2:10 AM
Reply to  annette

Ohhh shit… I just read what you wrote… of course the elite is calm and smiling… you won’t be missed… get out!

Oct 13, 2020 3:11 PM
Reply to  annette

Oh yes, and when your bank account is frozen/deleted. and there’s no power, what then, just rely on wishful thinking?

George McFetridge
George McFetridge
Oct 13, 2020 4:27 PM
Reply to  annette

It is discouraging to encounter such belligerence outside the box. Are you sure that you’re engaged in right conduct, though? What would that be?

Oct 12, 2020 10:38 PM

Oct 13, 2020 2:05 AM
Reply to  gorden

What beauty… every time I ear one of these men, I just flip… This guy is the shit… And this coming from a blue white French Goyan… God bless

Oct 13, 2020 4:20 PM
Reply to  Theobalt

a great message for all people of all religions who have souls in the world. The others, can join the sociopaths.

Oct 13, 2020 4:52 PM
Reply to  tiredofthelies

Smells like sociopath spirit here this morning

Oct 13, 2020 4:59 PM
Reply to  Theobalt

those who imagine they have souls, let them act. The rest, who will they call upon?

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Oct 13, 2020 3:00 AM
Reply to  gorden

“the more you try and please the bully, the more the bully will take from you”.
Exactly right. The level of compliance all round the World has emboldened the bastards behind the scamdemic. Thanks for this Gorden.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Oct 13, 2020 1:25 PM
Reply to  gorden

See protests in NYC:

Rabbi Yitzchok Dovid Smith points out that there were two separate protests – the mask burning and the dancing – and that he was at the latter. In this interview with Del Bigtree, and in reference to a specific news report, he states:

3:20: The protest was about burning masks . . . and people recognising that a new religion has taken over; that’s the religion of Public Health. The religion of Public Health is superseding in the J-ish community. It’s superseding the Torah . . . It’s superseding the Constitution of the USA. And under the Public Health religion all measures are justified to force compliance because is for everyone’s benefit.

10:00: Public Health is a separate religion that comes from the cult of scarcity fighting against the God of abundance.

The Highwire with Del Bigtree
October 9th, 2020
NY J-ish Neighborhoods Targeted Again!
For the second time in 18 months, the J-ish Orthodox community in New York State has been targeted by public health officials and bureaucrats, causing heated protests in the streets. Last time it was during a wave of measles, now it’s new strict #Covid19 lockdowns. Del has a candid conversation with NY Rabbi Yitzchok Dovid Smith, who explains why the community is rising up, and also has a sobering message for all Americans.


Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Oct 13, 2020 1:41 PM

This is the Highwire interview uploaded to youtube.

Rabbi yitzchok Dovid Smith
Oct 9, 2020
Vaccine Wars
Rabbi yitzchok Dovid Smith on the Highwire

Oct 12, 2020 10:30 PM

Good article, very reminiscent of Doris Lessing’s Canopus in Argos: Archives

Oct 12, 2020 11:35 PM
Reply to  teapot

It’s a rip off of Arthur C Clarke’s Report on Planet Three (which I would advise people to read, despite the fact that Arthur was a paedo).

I’m aghast at just how dumbed-down the world has become.

Oct 12, 2020 10:23 PM

Latest News sourced from The Guardian

Boris Johnson warned northern leaders that a failure to agree tougher coronavirus restrictions within days would be “unforgivable” as he faced doubt and frustration over a new system designed to prevent the “inexorable” spread of Covid-19.”

Boris Johnson Decoded: “Well you are obviously going to take no notice of me,. Carry on as normal.”

The “northern leaders” have to “agree tougher coronavirus restrictions within days”

No they don’t.

They can keep Liverpool Open, and Carry on as Normal, until the “northern leaders” and the arseholes in Westminster like Matt Hancock, and my Mate in the Civil Service Agree..

So don’t agree…

Put it out to Independent Arbitration..which will go on for years before any decision is made.

Look its quite simple. Almost no one under the age of 82 is Dying of COVID

There is No Pandemic.

They have already admitted it’s no worse than the Flu.

Say Yes. Don’t Defy Them. If You agree The Stupid B@stards go Away
and probably Try and Annoy Someone Else – Maybe The Cornish Next.

“I am sorry but You Cornish People are Now Not Allowed to Go Out and Leave your Homes”

Well what about our Fishing Boat Are We not allowed to Fish
The English Channel now, whilst The French Are???

“Get Back to London you Idiot”.

“Don’t you know where your Fish comes from?”


Oct 12, 2020 11:59 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Tony, I’m afraid it’s already too late: they’ve completely trashed the economy, and they’ve done it worldwide, and they’ve done it on purpose.

What comes next is anyone’s guess. All you can say is that a huge number of people will die as a result of this.

I know you like a bit of hard rock, so here’s one for you…


I still remain optimistic about the final outcome of all this; although I think the next few years will be very grim.

Oct 12, 2020 10:21 PM

One day people will wonder if eve-
rything is not “somehow relative”?

The “satanic reversal of every-
thing”, revaluation of all values.

Oct 13, 2020 6:54 AM
Reply to  Arne

Peter Cook & Dudley Moore took this on in the One-Legged Man, or since that title was too banal for their genius, “One Leg Too Few”.

The unidexter, auditioning to play Tarzan.

“Your right leg I like. It’s a lovely leg for the role. I’ve got nothing against your right leg.
The trouble is – neither have you.”

Oct 12, 2020 10:04 PM

America is now bankrupt, with bank runs occurring as soon as the printing press slows, because its system is inherently irrational and self destructive. You cannot destroy the lives of your population through poverty, lack of investment, asset strip viable business, provide poor education, underinvest in infrastructure, destroy your small businesses, and allow predatory Corporations to regulate themselves, and expect to be as successful as other countries. It is idiocy and is finally imploding.

The CIA would have us believe it is an International, global, jewish, business conspiracy (your story)……… but aren’t those the excuses Nazis always give?

US corporations exported their manufacturing base because of greed and Trump was the biggest culprit. It is typical that they now blame others, when they have made themselves totally exposed and vulnerable. Normally psychopaths would declare war on China to get out of this mess, but they can’t. because it is home to their manufacturing base. Covid is a great distraction the CIA are running but it won’t save them. it is too late.

Oct 12, 2020 10:03 PM

I wonder why this has not yet
been “blocked and canceled”.

Oct 12, 2020 10:02 PM

I have found by now four commentators on this site whose aim is to literally harm others when they have differences. Still 3 had the decency to keep their harmfulness private. The 4th one is someone literally dangerous. So I am now completely stopping using this website. Everyone should be very careful. Its long ceased to be trustworthy, in fact from the beginning its been full of harmful people.

Oct 12, 2020 10:17 PM
Reply to  annette

Fear is the only thing we have to fear… u scaring me

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 12, 2020 10:35 PM
Reply to  annette

How can a commentator “literally” harm you?

Oct 12, 2020 10:58 PM
Reply to  George Mc

there’s a good joke in there right?… I think she meant literary

Oct 12, 2020 11:18 PM
Reply to  annette

Name the commentators and link to their posts that you find so offensive.

Then people can judge whether or not you’re just another creature from the 77th Brigade, et al.

Oct 12, 2020 11:43 PM
Reply to  annette

Intriguing comment.
To help ensure the protection of others, how may one determine harmfulness to other commenters on the website if the harmfulness is kept private?
Genuinely interested.

Oct 13, 2020 12:55 PM
Reply to  annette

At risk of simply throwing this question into the void – assuming you have actually gone …

I’m curious; If three ‘harmful’ commentors had the decency to keep their ‘harmfulness’ private, by what criterion could they be considered ‘harmful’?

Surely, ‘harmfulness’ is a participation sport.

Also, how are you differentiating between this site harbouring four harmful people and this site being full of harmful people?

Unless, of course, you have access to information that has not been shared with the rest of us (I say ‘us’ assuming I’m not one of the four, obviously) and your organisation’s hack of contribuors’ email addresses has thrown up a few murderers, fraudsters, armed robbers and the like.

Oct 12, 2020 9:49 PM

Come on now people , it’s not all doom and gloom. Why here’s the Torygraph to spread a little cheer and put that smile back on your face !….

“Few individuals can have helped more to both document the pandemic and make it a little less worrying than our own cartoonist, Matt. His Best of Matt 2020 collection is about to launch and to mark it he spoke to Guy Kelly about what changed and what didn’t when covering the biggest story of his career, as well as sharing his favourite cartoons from the crisis

Oct 12, 2020 10:05 PM
Reply to  Grafter

Matt is ace.

Oct 12, 2020 10:08 PM
Reply to  Marfanoi

TTelegraph is mache.

Oct 12, 2020 10:50 PM
Reply to  Grafter


Oct 12, 2020 9:49 PM

Because you lot clearly are not arsed.This week in the paper odourless weed and 10000 dead minks from covid.Keep up.

Oct 12, 2020 9:50 PM
Reply to  Marfanoi

Thats ten (10) thousand.

Oct 12, 2020 9:56 PM
Reply to  Marfanoi

And Pompeii rush nickers with the conscience nonsense bad vibe 5g.

Oct 12, 2020 9:58 PM
Reply to  Marfanoi

Its all to do with the Sciencecon.

Oct 12, 2020 10:02 PM
Reply to  Marfanoi

I woudnt buy weed that didnt smell of weed.I would say no It dont smell of weed.Shitloads of it in Barcelona apparantly.Wont be going there then.Well done.

Oct 12, 2020 9:21 PM

Left right marxism facism bankers WHO aunty bill and uncle melinda tptb etc etc etc

I’m getting increasingly confused

Can someone not put together something similar to a fantasy football league of actual names of who needs to be removed from the gene pool forthwith ?…a hit list for heavily armed Americans to play along with?….i’m unsure about prizes …who wants all their misery pre lockdown back?…and who wants all their new misery delivered on a plate by deliveroo ?

Oct 12, 2020 9:38 PM
Reply to  Magumba

I hear you… may I? I was a loner since a while and yes, from a version of misery fed to us by the same people who are behind this “thing” (no names, if military wants to go into action, they can ask government for names, and NSA for precise targets… theyyy ‘ve done it before… ). A loner then and since confinements, I got more friends, so I’m kind of enjoying this in a selfish way… I’m terrified of vaccines though, and I want to keep my job… this doesn’t look good for my future. I KNOW a lot of people are near the end of the rope financially… They are not laughing cuz they know it too. I think in terms of mental stability, we can all take a lot more… This is not gonna break us… just stay away from wi-fi, formaldehyde, fire retardants, create a positive air pressure in your apartment (more oxygen witch will be lacking when the breakers are fully on, and keep bitchin” here… You’ll find there are always people less mentally equipped than you which brings comfort… Of course they are your people… the really stupid ones are not here… comfort then becomes burn out from becoming a kindergarten teacher… with no break. And you are you?

Oct 12, 2020 9:01 PM

OFF-G is being Seriously Denial of Service Attacked tonight. I find it extremely difficult to connect, but can connect eventually. I don’t think they are deleting anything, but nothing much can get through. “THEY” have probably filled their main internet pipe up coming in with masses of useless data, causing a blockage. If they ask their Internet Provider to reboot their server, (turn it off and on) it might work well again if its LINUX, and is configured to come on and work if you simply just turn it on, or phone the cleaner up and ask her….yer know near where you plugged the vacuum in.

Incidentally the joke about the cleaners accidentally turning off the electricity to a main server, whilst vacuuming – is true. It kind of degrades the system, if you’ve only got one server. It totally stops working, and no one can get through.

It won’t be long – What’s Next EMP attack or a Massive Volcano going off and cutting off The Sunlight for 2 years. That causes quite a few problems…like its extremely difficult to grow any food in the dark. Maybe mushrooms might work?

The eight-month eruption of the Laki volcano, beginning in June 1783, was the largest high-latitude eruption in the last 1,000 years.

“It weren’t only people in Britain who suffered, though; all of Europe experienced the same terrible disaster. One record from France registered that 1/3 of the population in a province died, that people were “swept to their tombs”. Villagers, convinced by the stench of sulphur that the fog was created by the devil and inhabited by demons, put the local priest under pressure to perform an exorcism on the cloud.
From the death records of Bedfordshire, a British scientist got the data to calculate the number of deaths caused by the Laki Haze. So many people died, farmers had difficulties to collect their harvests. The death rate in Bedfordshire doubled in the autumn of 1783”

Has The Puppet Show Started Yet?

My wife wants to visit her Mum in Lancashire next week.

Is Lancashire now a No Go Area?

Have they got the Dreaded Lurgy?

Has anyone actually died of it?

Are their Border checks or Stasis on The Train?


Oct 12, 2020 9:50 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

You are a universe to explore Tony… It pains me to say that I might eventually be resigned to read exclusively your posts!… And what is this… precise procedures on server maintenance when a few weeks ago you were that vulnerable elderly who had trouble getting support for your cable TV (or something)…

And oh! “Incidentally” Tony? Really? “Incidentally” !!!!

Oct 12, 2020 10:13 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Oh and before I forget, tins are coated with formaldehyde… so will you please let your wife handle this

Oct 13, 2020 12:22 AM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

It mostly doesn’t matter. Most so-called news doesn’t even concern us, and history is over forever. Actually, the flat-earthers got it right; function within the limits of your senses, abandon science and things invented to enhance your physical capabilities, and the rest of the world won’t bother you, and no more worries as long as the wind is blowing the right way. The problem is that the Flat Earthers, the ‘real’ ones, have always just been having a laugh but most people don’t realise it. That’s the sad part.
Must go.

Oct 12, 2020 8:41 PM

That Saul Alinsky quote got me thinking – it’s exactly what the entrenched powers do every time.

They use the left, or ideas framed as “progressive”, new age or socially liberal as a come hither… Once they’ve disarmed the people, they slap them with reaction.

Hitler chose the New Age swastika for exactly that reason… You couldn’t have had a more trendy, liberal, hang loose, hip, eastern symbol in the 1920s than the swastika. (That’s why they try to ban it today: not because it retains any power but because they don’t want you to realize it was picked for its pre-Nazi connotations and was thus… cultural programming).

Like the Bolsheviks, everything was sexual liberation for a while. All the boys flocked to Hugo Boss’ drop dead gorgeous uniforms… the Bolsheviks permitted, if not legalized, homosexuality… One sailor organized a wedding

The guests included 95 former army officers along with members of the lower ranks of both the army and navy, and one woman, dressed in a man’s suit.

What a cruel trick it turned out to be, within less than a decade. And then one hundred years later… the same people are hijacking social politics.

Hitching the young to the hip wagon, the corporations that were stuffily conservative just a moment ago, now providing free flags and cheering on every sexual innovation, with Komrad Soros providing free beer, all the way to the slaughter house.

Oct 12, 2020 9:09 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

It puts me in mind of Logan’s Run, the promise of rebirth that turns out to be a cruel confidence trick.

A great movie that TPTB just can’t quite bring themselves to remake. Heck, they reboot everything else. What is it about Logan’s Run that’s too close for comfort?

Oct 12, 2020 9:20 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Luckily Hitler got the swastika the wrong way round… In India, the other way round, its a symbol of life and is very often at the entrance of houses.

Oct 12, 2020 8:10 PM

George earlier mentioned Rick Wakeman. I didn’t know he had done a knew album. I listened to it a bit and can’t say I was particularly impressed – a bit like being in Church but without the starlight effects..I do however know his guitarist well. I asked my mate – who is he – He replied “Young Guitarist of Year”

He is such a lovely bloke , plays in numerous different bands and was a regular at our pub 10-15 years ago.

Sometimes, He was playing in front of 100 people, in our local pub one Saturday night…and the next Saturday playing in front 80,000 people in Quebec on The Canadian Tour in a different very famous band

But Then Arrived at The Border between Canada and The USA

They were held up at the airport…They all got through O.K., except The Drummer….

They wouldn’t Let the Drummer in cos he did bear a slight resemblance to Osama Bin Laden.

“He is a Terrorist” – they could tell just on his appearance.

So the entire band are the airport for 24 hours arguing with US Border Police – and The US Company they were contracted to for The US Tour.

They said, they won’t let our drummer in…The American agent said – employ an American drummer.

They looked at them all as if they were mad.

Look it’s like This…If You Don’t Allow our Drummer in, Then The Entire US Tour is Off – You Are Going to Lose Millions of Dollars.l

Your Choice..

So The Entire Band, didn’t wait for and answer and Flew Back To London and Cancelled All The US Tour.

Glad to see us English have some principles, even if some of us or their parents may have come from Jamaica or Africa..


Oct 12, 2020 10:03 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Only terrorists are good drummers, so says my Quad 303-33 and B&W DM4s

Oct 12, 2020 7:25 PM

I found the funniest story today from someone – I think it was Mary on Craig Murray’s blog. (I am not allowed to post there any more)

This wasn’t about Craig Murray, but it was kind of related with regards to the judge and his/her family and friends relations. It wasn’t even about Julian Assange

Basically some kid – I think his name might be McCann – acussed of several murders and rapes and stuff

The gist of it was – That from where he was in his jail cell…The prisoner refused to go to Court –

To The Jail Warden -“Nah mate – I’m not going to go to the Court Old Bailey?, I ‘m going to stay here”

The Jail Warden, says O.K.

He then goes to the Transportation People – Serco??, and tells them

Nah he’s not coming.

So they tell the cops at The Old Bailey

“He’s not Coming”

The Police via the Court Clerk gets the message through to the Judge

“He’s not Coming”

So the Judge says O.K…tells all the people there required for the judgement, but excluding the press..

We will hold this court case now, in the jail – get you stuff together – we will go in taxis.

I am not completely convinced that this story is not true.



Oct 12, 2020 7:10 PM

UK Column News – 12th October 2020

“Any revolutionary change must be preceded by a passive, affirmative, non-challenging attitude toward change among the mass of our people. They must feel so frustrated, so defeated, so lost, so futureless in the prevailing system that they are willing to let go of the past and chance the future.” — Saul Alinsky

The slogan of Boris Johnson and Joe Biden – how can they promote the same policy?
Canada has Build Back Better… so does Imran Khan of Pakistan…

This is not coming form the politicians… who are all of different political views.. but they are all saying the same thing.

Who, OH WHO, could it be?

Britain has a Build Back Better campaign drawing funding from the European Climate Foundation and clues among its donors… They are promoting the Green New Deal… as is the Oak Foundation, It is “a movement of teachers, healthcare workers, students and organizations, 350.org, the Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants…” etc.

The Oak Foundation is Open Society.
The European Climate Foundation’s boss is Ida Le Duc who previously worked, her blog says, with George Soros.

All the partner organizations are linked to George Soros and the Open Society Foundation.. So that is who is writing the scripts for Boris Johnson, Joe Biden, Justin Trudeau and Imran Khan.

UKC Brian Gerrish: A few years ago, UK PM Gordon Brown spoke with Obama and their press conference was littered with the phrase Common Purpose.

PM BoJo speaks announces tighter restrictions:
Daily Mail: PM plunges millions deeper into lockdown: Liverpool is set for ‘Tier Three’ curbs with pubs to be SHUT while Manchester and the North East face ban on mixing indoors – but infections rise by just 11% in a week
Social Distancing Levels, leaked last week, are Confirmed

All levels are from high, to higher.
Level 1
Funerals up to 30, other events to 15

Level 2
Visits to homes, gardens banned
Pubs and hospitality closed

Level 3
No social contact outside the contact
Except for church

UKC: Clear dictatorship in place but the bonds are weak
We can still break them.

From week 40 PHE report, flu was folded into the Covid statistics in a twindemic of flu + Covid

Iain Davies writes up: Covid-19: The Data Exposing The Deception
Based on data sought by Mark Oakford who sent 1,392 freedom of information requests to local authorities, Clinical Commissioning Groups, NHS trusts, Police Forces, Education Authorities, Ministerial departments and more.

He found the government massively overstates deaths among health workers for example – by 3 1/2 times.

The average percentage chance of Covid-19 mortality for the working population is 0.0046%. This is three and half times lower than the official ONS ASMR implies.

Suggests current flu vaccine is the best protection against Covid that we’ve got.
NHS letters contain tear-off slip asking of you want/don’t want a swab
Similar to the woman denied a hysterectomy, the NHS is fishing for excuses to deny people service.

Lockdown deaths clearly exceed Covid deaths, given how low the latter are.

BBC, Oct 7, 2020: Patients’ access to vital NHS tests delayed by warehouse failure
Roche seems to be the only supplier of reagents for blood tests leaving the NHS with only one week’s supply.
It’s blamed on a move to a new warehouse, affecting all non-urgent blood tests.
The Guardian, Oct 7: Hospitals must ration blood tests after issues with reagent supplier.
Numerous local newspapers reported cancellation of blood tests.

The inability to run diagnostic tests is mind boggling… it will affect treatment at all levels. This is not short term – Roche insists:

“The current issue with the dispatch of products to the UK will not interfere with our commitment to supply COVID-19 tests.”

UKC: This is the continued orientation away from any treatment except for COVID.

Lockdown Sceptics, OCT 10, 2020: The Year the NHS Failed the People of the UK
A doctor writes:

“The last straw was Matt Hancock’s October 9th tweet:

   This year, when all nations have faced peril & adversity, the NHS was there for us, as it always is, & as it always must be. pic.twitter.com/Ue6v9SI87A

   — Matt Hancock (@MattHancock) October 9, 2020

To which I say, what utter rot. As a GP I know hospital activity is less, because we get fewer inpatient/outpatient letters from them,

I will correct Matt Hancock’s quote: “This year… the NHS failed us, it cannot be relied upon for urgent or chronic care, and this catastrophic failure of care will go on for years.”

He should resign.”

UKC: We have been made secondary to the NHS. People have been sacrificed to save the NHS. It was supposed to be the other way around.

NHS England commits to net-zero emissions by 2040

England’s National Health Service (NHS) has become the first health system in the world to make a commitment to achieving net-zero emissions. On October 1 they released a brand new report that not only outlines the direction, scale and pace of change, but also provides a detailed account of the NHS’ modelling and analytics underpinning the latest NHS carbon footprint and the interventions required to achieve the net-zero ambition.

Oct 12, 2020 7:56 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Level 3
No social contact outside the home. Sorry for my fingers/ brain.

Part Two of my summary is awaiting spam check. Meanwhile you can watch it here.

Oct 12, 2020 8:22 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

“The European Climate Foundation’s boss is Ida Le Duc who previously worked, her blog says, with George Soros”.

Try to raise that name on the MSM:

Oct 12, 2020 8:39 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus


Coined by the united nations that awfully dyslexic discombobulated motto.

Oct 12, 2020 9:42 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

I could tell you partly who is behind all this. The article Ive written will soon appear in a French magazine. At least for France and US and India, they are playing a huge role. They are huge throughout the world, everyone would have to search for the exact connection with their country at the moment.
Evidently for that you need to know the local language as it may only be available in local
websites, even that group’s local websites.
I do have an English draft, but I havent put it in final form in English. And I think it should appear in English…
For that Id need to find an English site willing to publish it. I felt once I do then Ill finalize the English version. Ill let you know if anyone is interested in the English speaking world.

It all started because I was reading an article by Peter Koenig some weeks ago where he asked an apparently innocuous question. I thought I had seen something about it elsewhere… Well I was unprepared for all I found. Anyhow Gates is their puppet.
Whatever, I then wrote to several news outlets round the world, and French ones immediately responded positively. In fact Ive even been paid for it, which was unexpected and they now want further articles from me, including a gist of my latest book, which is all extremely kind of them, and quite a new experience for me, doing journalistic investigations (not much different from scholarly research really), and writing in a completely different style than in my books and usual articles… When we were putting the article in final form, it became very exciting: back and forth through days and until late at night with the editor in chief. She checked every little detail, every reference (its had to be heavily referenced so that all is fact, no surmises from my part), added better references sometimes. Then two correctors are again checking every line, every reference, one already has, the second one is at the moment …
Alongside the publication director is checking everything and summarizing it for their website (the full article will be published in their next hard copy). A publishers gets
reviewers to give their opinion, but no one checks like this! I guess its got to be watertight and beyond any attack, especially on such a topic. Legally its a different ball game from writing scholarly stuff.
Anyhow it was interesting to do this. Ive learnt much about journalism.

Oct 12, 2020 10:12 PM
Reply to  annette

I get really passionate at times, when i post infrequently, and occasionally the grammar slips due to red wine, it happens.
But to say “Ive” mulitiple times demeans your content, which is quite possibly not your intent.
This comment is mentioned to help, not deride, as I speak but one language, to my shame.

Oct 13, 2020 2:42 AM
Reply to  annette

Ok… Bill Gates is their puppet… he is… he came after… right now my take is he has been designated to take the hit… take the blame… He’s out there being obviously guilty… he’s not even hiding… what do they want? 500 million left on the planet?… what? (I’m not going to buy your book…) And careful… maybe they just want a report on what you could actually find out… Obviously they got the financial means to make it “perfect”… Give me a link, something.. I’m curious on what is going to become of… this

Oct 12, 2020 7:04 PM

UK Column News – 12th October 2020


A constituent writes to their MP about the danger of masks. Receives this reply:

“…evidence of effectiveness is limited, strong evidence of effectiveness in the community setting is difficult to obtain…”

Signed PP on behalf of Marie Turner, Head of Ministerial Correspondence and Public Enquiries… on behalf of the minister.

This is a Cabinet Office official responding on behalf of MPs who no longer have a voice.

You can’t quote the Minister because he no longer answers, nor does his secretary. There’s a flunky to keep the public at bay and even the flunkey doesn’t sign her own letters.

UKC/Northern Exposure David Scott: An MP who did their job would have reacted to this information: His flunkey admits masks do nothing. Yet people are being fined for not wearing masks, attacked by frightened civilians.

Success Profiles:
Experience, ability, technical, strengths, behaviours… “The Success Framework moves recruitment away from using a purely competency based system of assessment….



“There is life after apparent death from the current conventional approach… We’ve got to remember the natural world sustains us”

UKC is confirming he is no longer Christian. The new age religion he has is closer to Wikka.

Coronavirus Has Thrown Around 100 Million People Into Extreme Poverty, World Bank Estimates
Decades of progress have gone into reverse; ‘the worst setback that we’ve witnessed in a generation’ — WSJ, Oct 7, 2020

“The past 30 years have been a period of almost uninterrupted improvement in living standards for many of the world’s poorest. In 1990, nearly 1 billion people in East Asia alone, primarily China, lived in extreme poverty as did another half billion people in South Asia, primarily India.

The rise of China’s and India’s economies lifted hundreds of millions of people out of poverty. Latin America has also seen the number of people in poverty fall by more than half.”

David Malpass of World Bank recognises 1.4% of the world’s population may fall into extreme poverty — you can trust the man who was the chief economist at Bear Stearns for the six years before it collapsed.

Rishi Sunak also has questioned viable jobs: Who is pulling his strings. The idea that people must retrain is true when the market creates jobs but Sunak proposes that the government decides what people will do and who the winners and losers will be.

He is talking about centralized control and we know that does not work.

UKC: We’ve had the biggest lifting out of poverty in history — but we can’t stick with that… we have to scrap it.


“The World Economic Forum has morfed from a jet-setter gabfest into a sinister enterprise to destroy your job, steal your prosperity and rob your kids of a future. It’s a hardcore leftist eco-horror show complete with quasi fascism.”

Bank of England tout’s negative interest rates though they are concerned banks may go bust.

Seven banks with the Bank for international Settlements has published report on the “foundational principles” needed to introduce digital currencies. CBDC is a new form of central bank money..

UKC David Scott: Money is dissolving in your hands. If you take into account inflation, money is already falling in value When people realize that they’ll buy anything. It’s called a crack up boom. That may be where we are.


Prof Angus Dalgleish says two colleagues took their lives in past two weeks.

“As our nation stares into the abyss of unprecedented recession and social dislocation, the supposed cure is indeed turning out to be far worse than the disease… My concern about present policy led me to become one of the founding signatories on the Great Barrington Declaration.”


Removed totally from Google’s results – and people have noticed.

Why has Google censored the Great Barrington Declaration?
Big Tech now treats any opposition to lockdown as misinformation – even if it’s from eminent scientists — Spiked, Oct 12, 2020

UK Column News – 12th October 2020

Oct 13, 2020 9:34 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Researcher about to announce a significant finding on covid-19 virus shot dead.

1,480 CEOs of major US businesses resigned in 2019, and sold their stocks. Another 219 resigned in Jan. 2020. – Michael Snyder, globalresearch.ca, 2020-07

Oct 12, 2020 6:47 PM

“Coronavirus latest news: Liverpool faces toughest local lockdown restrictions in England after being placed on a ‘very high’ alert ”
Why are These Scumbags in Power Taking it Out on The Scousers?

I have never had a problem with them, and I come from Oldham.

Liverpool is The Wind Up Capital of The World.

They practice on us from The Greater Manchester Area – just East of the Woolybacks, to get a reaction…So me representing Oldham had to compete. We ended up rolling on the floor together laughing our heads off in the pub.

You can’t really do that in London, and yet these tw@ts from where I live now in London, hardly any of them have ever been anywhere near Liverpool have just decided to Shut Liverpool Down?

Come on you Scousers…Even us lot used to do that here.

Lights out – keep the pub open – you come in through the back door, sometimes possibly, though you don’t know who they are, some off-duty policemen who also want a drink and a laugh, They are human too even in London

Braindead London tells Liverpool what to do – Which is Basically is “Don’t do Anything.”

I think Liverpool should agree to all these rules – yeh fine, we will do what you Southern Softies Say



I mean what are they going say?

“Do as You are Told.”

That does not tend to work out too well in Liverpool

They might say or do something very rude in reply or even better just completely ignore them.

Who are You?


Oct 12, 2020 8:40 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Westminster hates Liverpool

Oct 12, 2020 6:27 PM

“Herd immunity is not a strategy.” “It is the recognition of a biological fact.”

Oct 12, 2020 9:30 PM
Reply to  Grafter

Herd immunity is given to animals Gratfer its derogative term
they even have people repeated there vocabulary’s

Your not chattle

Oct 12, 2020 6:21 PM

Is this really the time, as the comments seem to show, to become divided on matters of marxism and conservatism or whatever? We can all begin to disagree again when the time to reconstruct comes, but at the moment we have to unite and much more effectively than we are doing just to get back to the stage we were at before the measures came into place: we have to focus and unite to have all the measures effected since 2020 to be removed and no new ones bought in the name of diseases. That in itself seems a herculean task.

Oct 12, 2020 7:00 PM
Reply to  annette

It’s not about disagreeing or agreeing on political philosophy or ideology but on determining who are the perpetrators of this heist and tyranny of humanity.


If we don’t bring the conversation back to the BANKERS then we can’t combat the process.

And don’t you believe in exploring the cultural and historical questions (which includes politics) in order to better understand current issues?

Oct 12, 2020 7:14 PM
Reply to  Researcher

More logic needed. Don’t bankers exist to serve the powerful?

Oct 12, 2020 8:03 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Oh, so you don’t believe in that? I seem to have seen those words somewhere before.

Annette. Hope. Urmie.

George McFetridge
George McFetridge
Oct 13, 2020 4:43 PM
Reply to  annette

Action! . Discussion on living differently, then implementation. Start right here.

Oct 12, 2020 6:15 PM

WHO is now against lockdowns and social distancing.. ? Ok two things come to mind

  1. Now’s the time to saty in lockdown, they’re about to try something else… “..come on everybody, get out, and gather in packs in public places… we have a new game”
  2. We ARE the WHO!!! We’ve been voted in, out speeding the past WHO by a factor of 5. They are not telling us, but there’s been a tornado of brainstorms in here that would convince anybody. Congratulations everyone… let’s work at advising governments. I propose as first item in the agenda, get rid of those fucking masks!
Oct 12, 2020 5:58 PM

Whilst I wasn’t particularly interested in history at school. It just seemed like rote learning of dates and events, whilst never really explaining the background to any of these events. I found Geography, Science and Maths far more interesting, and although my Surname is quite obviously French and my Mum grew up in France when a Child – but is more Scottish and Welsh than English, even though she was born in London….

I Have maintained an Interest in Names. Both First and Second Names…Where did they come from?

I was born just a few years after the Second World War. I can still remember even the surnames, of the kids I went to school with.

Most people do not understand what WWII was all about, unless they were actually in it, or born shortly after it had finished.

A significant proportion of my friends were the Children of Refugees from Eastern Europe who moved to England to Escape The Tryanny of War and Genocide.

Most of them were Extremely Clever.

It didn’t matter to me that they had very long surnames, some of which ended in ski

They were my friends. They were born in England, and they went to a Catholic church like me.

What I am suspicious about is all the people who moved to The USA mainly, and changed their Surnames. Check out Many US Senior Polticians Original names.

Why did They do That? What were they ashamed of?

Our Grandchidren have got my originally French Surname, though they are very English (and Irish) and none of us can speak French – well me a little bit – but when I try in France, The French ask me to speak in English – cos they can’t understand a word I say.

In Raw Lancashire, They know exactly what I mean.

The Dutch speak better English than me, and unlike The French, I have always found them very friendly.


Oct 12, 2020 6:21 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Indeed, school history can be just rote learning. But without understanding the past, one cant understand the present, and the wisdom accumulated for millennia has within it the solutions for the future: its mainly a matter of updating this wisdom to current conditions. Otherwise we keep reinventing wheel.

Oct 12, 2020 7:02 PM
Reply to  annette

But you just argued for not discussing the past in your above comment.

Oct 12, 2020 7:24 PM
Reply to  Researcher

To say that unlimited profit and democracy are incompatible does not require bringing in marxism. This has been written about by all sorts of people, e.g. Kevin Phillipps (I dont quite recall his name).

Its also one thing to understand something oneself. Its something else to bring about divides between those of us who wish this nightmare to be over. And frankly we can analyse the historical causes of all this later. Today we have to just focus and identify those at the moment guilty, whoever they are.
We’re already so divided. This summer I came across someone who was very actively involved as long as it affected him personally very badly, and left others involved alongside him in the lurch once he felt it ceased (though the life he’s settled for is a 1/2 life, and when you tell him that the situation is terrible and we should remain united, you fall on deaf ears). Then someone else who as a scientist realised what was being said in the name of science was to some extent wrong, but got very upset when one tried telling him that the measures were totalitarian, then yet others who are lef by religious dogmatism… And this led to quarrels from their side.

Anyhow its been energy consuming to recover from these experiences from apparently people wishing the end of the measures, but preferring to quarrel on other grounds. Thats all.

Oct 12, 2020 7:50 PM
Reply to  annette

Nobody is quarreling. People are presenting ideas that are false and thus perpetuating the left – right fallacy or the nation state vs nation state fallacy.

If some here are determined to continually bring up politics and have a new daily occurrence of amnesia, that this is a global agenda based on globalist interests that are controlled by the BANKS, then I will continue to illuminate the root cause of the pandemics, wars and terror, no matter how many are determined to obfuscate the truth.


Oct 13, 2020 12:40 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Well I guess it’s always between 5pm and 4am somewhere right? (reference to comment below)

Oct 13, 2020 12:40 AM
Reply to  Theobalt

It is here in Montreal 🙂

Oct 13, 2020 1:08 AM
Reply to  Theobalt

c’est un imbécile ivre

Oct 13, 2020 1:13 AM
Reply to  Researcher

C’est un foutue Scott avare et traitre qui s’était endormit avec les Stones, et qui a jamais vu que quelques années plus tard, de ce coté-ci de l’Atlantique, ses chères poulettes auraient été une bande de féministes féroces, qui lui aurait prit son bateaux, et en aurait fait un Boston tea party… Là il se réveille, et il s’imagine que c’est le début des conspirations… et oui il est probablement bourré

Oct 13, 2020 1:13 AM
Reply to  Theobalt

Et je sais pas si t’as r’marqué, mais c bien à moi qu’il s’en prenait… à travers toi

Oct 13, 2020 1:26 AM
Reply to  Theobalt

Lol … Ouais. C’est la gentille histoire.

Oct 13, 2020 2:52 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Gentille histoire? makes no sense, not even an expression… say it in English

Oct 13, 2020 3:23 AM
Reply to  Theobalt

Kind story. Gentle history.

Oct 13, 2020 3:33 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Can’t find any references on Google for both expressions… wish I could really get in there… well if you ever find it in yourself to explain… :-)… gentile history would make us suspicious, unnecessarily this time… I… donno

Oct 13, 2020 1:34 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Are you really fluent in French or did I just drown you here

Oct 13, 2020 1:48 AM
Reply to  Theobalt

I am far from fluent but I understood every word. You are being very generous though, in your assessment… too kind.

Oct 13, 2020 2:48 AM
Reply to  Researcher

You shouldn’t send all your army at once at the beginning… but u know that… always appreciate a sarcasm… what are we gonna do? Take everyone seriously?… exhausting

Oct 12, 2020 11:20 PM
Reply to  Researcher

No she didn’t. And you have been very aggressive to her.

You are bright,but a bit of an attack dog aren’t you?

I bet you are female.

most blokes couldn’t be arsed with the likes of you

Why not try and be nice to the people you disagree with, rather than try to ram your ideas down their throat, and make them feel uncomfortable

You have already been horrible to me twice.

I still give you an uptick when you write something really good, which you sometimes do, even though I quite obviously don’t like you.


Oct 13, 2020 12:34 AM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Wow Tony… Give an uptick when you got any to spare

Oct 13, 2020 1:02 AM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Take a long walk off a short pier.

Oct 13, 2020 1:19 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Ok I’m gonna try to remember that one… efficient

Glen John Batterham
Glen John Batterham
Oct 12, 2020 10:22 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Here in Australia many non United Kingdom migrants up until the 1970’s anglicised their names. Especially those of the period post ww2.
Even if parents chose to retain their European surnames they’d most likely change the names of their children.
Their reasons were mostly to help them fit into a very racist English society. The distrust of foreigners was already prevalent long before the decade long propaganda war off 1935 to 1945 taught us to further dehumanise everyone in Europe East of Dover.
These people simply wanted to aide their children and themselves, but more notably their children to fit into a new society with a little more ease.
Afterall they’d left Europe behind with basically nothing and were desperate to do anything that could possibly aide their transition.
Sure a lot of civil and war criminals would have obviously changed their names and tried to escape hidden amongst the stream of genuine refugees but most of the name changing would have simply occurred in an effort to fit in.
And it wasn’t just changing their names, they actively embraced their new homes as best as they could. They moved a lot further away from the cities and actually got out into our country towns and saw Australia, stayed, and added to our society in many ways. After 150 years of meat and 3 vegetables, a spaghetti bolanase and paprika were a revelation.
And they all learnt english in an effort to speed their transition along. Because they had to, there were few if any foreign language newspapers, television services or radio programming. They had to learn English to function in our society.
They were grateful to be here and desperate to fit in…..
I can’t see any problems with an immigrant wanting their chances of fitting in being aided by changing their name, especially a parent wishing the transition to be easier for their children, especially in societies with known aversions to foreigners, especially in societies with known aversions to foreigners who had just been through a bloody war with foreigners replete with yrs of demonising propaganda aimed at foreigners.
It had nothing to do with shame, it was for them at the time a practical thing to do, if not for them but the love of their children.

Oct 12, 2020 5:10 PM

One of the many things that royally fuck me off about this whole situation is the way the TV news will gleefully show an item about the 80-something man who does laps of his garden in order to stay fit while he’s confined to his house, but there isn’t a single word about the fact that people are committing suicide because of the effects of lockdown.

Those household names who work in the media truly are enemies of humanity. Complicit in mass murder. Easily bought, spineless servants of illegitimate power.

(I’d just like to point out that I only ever watch the news at the residential home where I work. The TV’s always on. I sit there, seething, having fantasies about putting my boot through the screen, telling my colleagues that the role of the media is to tell lies which protect the interests of the ruling class).

Oct 12, 2020 5:16 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

I know how you feel.

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 12, 2020 6:17 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

Working at residential home? Snap! I already mentioned on OG, the weird alteration on daytime TV of Covid and soaps and quiz shows. It’s like “You’re all gonna die/ fun fun fun/ You’re all gonna die/ fun fun fun…” etc.

Oct 12, 2020 6:37 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Ha. Yeah. But at least they’ve got the ”dying” part of it covered with all the ads for life insurance…

Sign up for one of our policies, and you get a free introductory gift!

(P.S. You’re all gonna die).

Bob the Hod
Bob the Hod
Oct 12, 2020 10:56 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

The whole psyop royally fucks me off wherever I encounter it: Adverts, the news, big budget pop music, hollywood, fashion, junk food, big tech, TV, smart phones, social media, mainstream media, big pharma, consumerism, cosmetics, snobbish aesthetics, the legal drugs they sell you and many other facets of the fucking obvious blag, wrapped in plastic and willingly consumed.

Brain deadening hogwash, the lot of it, designed to “other” individuals who see through it and refuse to buy into it. Designed to channel people into an ever narrowing and degraded lack of conciousness and to supress the higher levels of awareness that we are all inherently capable of. The whole gambit knocks me ill.

Oct 12, 2020 11:48 PM
Reply to  Bob the Hod

Yeah, it’s all-pervasive. Every angle covered. And those black masks are everywhere, aren’t they? They’re a fucking fashion statement, all of a sudden. Anybody who wears one is a twat, in my book.

If only people realised what they’re capable of, Bob. Those who are trying to pull this shit on us wouldn’t stand a chance.

By the way, your user name reminded me of this song…

Oct 13, 2020 12:01 AM
Reply to  Gwyn

P.S. Let us continue to see through the nonsense and refuse to buy into it!

Oct 13, 2020 1:03 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

Some people don’t have the luxury of gardens. I read about the suicide of two academics recently. One hung himself in his ‘bedsit’. Lockdown is an unspeakable crime against humanity and the MSM are complicit.

Oct 12, 2020 4:34 PM

Artistic License. The Willing Suspension Of Disbelief. These are the artist’s “brushes” so to speak used by John Griffin to craft the ending of his story. How otherwise account for the tiny ray of Light and Hope for the future? How, indeed, can there even be a future given humanity’s propensity for self-deception? In the exalted human take on existence, what goes up stays up. How gauche of the universe to contradict humanity!

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 12, 2020 4:15 PM

A few years back I heard that there were 8 people who held as much wealth between them as half of global population. And I think that this astonishing disparity is reflected in the media. Which is why you can now have an imbecilic monomania across all the channels. We are all plugged into this maddening repetition of whatever this parasitic minority want us to hear.

Of course it can be spun out with an impressive appearance of variety with innumerable talking heads – all of which are already swayed by the incessant bullshit that everyone has to put up with. But even if one of the system’s chosen representatives decides to “break out” and challenge the only permitted narrative, they can be edited in whatever way is required to mould them back into the monolithic narrative.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Oct 12, 2020 4:07 PM

I’m pretty sure Karl Marx wasn’t involved in the planning of the Federal Reserve System:

At the end of November 1910, Senator Nelson W. Aldrich and Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Treasury Department A. Piatt Andrew, and five of the country’s leading financiers (Frank Vanderlip, Henry P. Davison, Benjamin Strong, and Paul Warburg) arrived at the Jekyll Island Club to conduct a secret meeting to plan the country’s monetary policy and banking system, formulating during the meeting the Federal Reserve as America’s next central bank.

According to the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, the 1910 Jekyll Island meeting resulted in draft legislation for the creation of a U.S. central bank. Parts of this draft (the Aldrich plan) were incorporated into the 1913 Federal Reserve Act.

Excerpted from: Jekyll Island Club – Wikipedia

“The club thrived through the early 20th century; its members came from many of the world’s wealthiest families, most notably the Morgans, Rockefellers, and Vanderbilts.”

hendRIK Pieters
hendRIK Pieters
Oct 12, 2020 5:28 PM

And now they did the same thing in the EU.

Oct 12, 2020 5:55 PM

Marx may have been an agent of the European Cryptocracy. I am not particularly interested in communism or any political theory, ideology or system that promotes dogma or control and can be so easily corrupted.

Communism was secretly promoted and funded by the Jekyll Island club. That much is known.

They wanted to pit Germany against Russia to weaken both nations and kill off millions everywhere. Also by helping Hitler with this eugenics nonsense, and killing off the J_ws they could then seize Palestine later, under cover of the Holocaust.

And the US could emerge the victor from the Second World War with a powerful military structure and booming economy and the world’s reserve currency. That’s why the US entered into the war late. It’s all quite obviously orchestrated.

Oct 13, 2020 3:46 AM
Reply to  Researcher

How did they emerge with the world’s reserve currency

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 12, 2020 3:55 PM

Just listening to Steve Wright and between every fucking song it’s fucking COVID. Now he’s speaking to Piers Morgan about how Americans are terrified of the virus. Everyone’s terrified of the virus. No-one is terrified of anything else. Well there’s nothing else to be terrified of, is there?

Oct 12, 2020 4:40 PM
Reply to  George Mc

TPTB are seeking permission to release something truly deadly. Just waiting until the people start complaining, “FFS, it’s not even a real virus”.

Oct 12, 2020 6:06 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Well, since I know viruses don’t exist they can only release something from the skies, taint the water or food supply or put something in the flu vaccine.

All of those are somewhat limited in scope.

Or 5g radiation baking everyone through the satellites and lampposts.

Oct 13, 2020 9:23 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Or low-dose sarin, that often produces the same respiratory problems even weeks later.

Oct 12, 2020 7:06 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

The Powers that Be are seeking permission? From whom may I ask?

Oct 12, 2020 7:43 PM
Reply to  richard

The revelation of the method is much discussed.

It apparently originates from a runestone passed by an ancient freemason which justifies action against another, or at least girds your loins against an enema from the great sliderule, if you have given your victim due warning.

Oct 12, 2020 9:41 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Revelation of the Method concerns mind control in the last stages and at a high level. When you tell someone what you are doing to them – murder, mayhem, kidnap, rape, you name it – and they do nothing to stop you or protect themselves, you have created a doubly enslaved subject.
    This part of the motivation for the occult processing of America through ritual murder etc. The Cryptocracy carries out “cereal” murder crimes attended by archetypal signs and symbols which the dreaming mind of the Group Mind groks at a certain level. Next they confess in the Videodrome that it is the police and the authorities who are behind the crimes. Then they let the whole stew percolate into the psyche of the masses until the next covert sting operation.
    This is partly why we have the least revolutionary and most passive population in recent memory. I’m not advertising the invincibility or genius of the Cryptocracy. They are succeeding by default and by dint of their great gambler’s instincts. It’s a huge risk to reveal to people what you’ve done to them. Somebody who can decode this for the masses can short circuit it and turn it against the Cryptocracy.
    They guard against this by seeding all kinds of X-files style “noise” into the ranks of conspiracy students – all intended to mislead and to muddy the waters so that one clear voice of discernment, one vision for decoding the story, can’t be seen or heard amid the competing din. That’s what has happened thus far, but I believe that it is inevitable that my work is going to gain more currency. Give me two hours with any group of average intelligence and I’ll have them reading twilight language and decoding occult rituals for the rest of their lives.
    When that happens the Cryptocrats become transparent and they’re in quite a spot of trouble if you ask me, because all they have is this Oz game of the man behind the curtain. It’s a huge con. I am synchronizing people with reality and there’s power in that because reality is truth.
    “What is truth?” asked Pontius Pilate. Truth is what the universe operates on. It’s what fuels the sun and makes the galaxies spiral. It can be known and it can be surfed, and it can help and heal us all because it’s the motive force of what brought us here in the first place. The Cryptocracy can be diminished and shifted out of the way with this power. But to use this power people have to love truth. Most conspiracy researchers these days don’t love truth. They love novelty. They love to contemplate a million fantasy scenarios and theories rather like an enchanting flower garden. The Cryptocracy has got those people right where it wants them. For such people my ideas will be merely the latest strange novelty. I will fascinate them for as long as it takes for someone else to come along and hypothesize about Martian vampires infiltrating Microsoft.
But my work is not a hypothesis and I’m not seeking to entertain or divert. My work is for those who can bear the full glare of reality; whose heart and mind and soul have been sufficiently cleansed that when certain truths are articulated these truths “speak” to that person in a profound way. Such truth is discarded for the next novelty only at the peril of the person who received this gift sinking back – perhaps irretrievably – into the chaos and confusion which is the hallmark of one of the many viruses seeded by the Cryptocracy during the final stage of the alchemical “Must Be” – the Making Manifest of all that is Hidden.

The Scapegoating of Ted Kaczynski: Cereal Murder and the Group Mind —Joan d’Arc Interviews Michael Hoffman II

Oct 12, 2020 9:46 PM
Reply to  ame

there seems to be this theme (very sophisticated mind control)
the same doctor’s and nurse’s who where happy to carry out government  DNR duty’s in March April are now heroes because they signed the petition and changed there minds (a little) in October    
this also applys to the same TV Channel radio whores and MP’s 

Notice how soooooooooo amnesia based everyone is look how quick they either run back to white coats or politicians

Oct 12, 2020 11:19 PM
Reply to  ame

We need Michael Hoffman to interpret what is happening right now. He’s completely missing in action.

George McFetridge
George McFetridge
Oct 13, 2020 4:59 PM
Reply to  ame

Your exercise of rigorousness suggests you’re on to something. I say this because I see life as exceptionally challenging, and people, via various mediocrities, do not meet the challenge. Thus the requirement for rigor, as in facing of what one is – fully. It’s never been more urgent. Discussion on this is open here…

S Cooper
S Cooper
Oct 12, 2020 4:52 PM
Reply to  George Mc

“By the look of things it would appear the CORPORATE FASCISTS intend to GO HOG WILD and crash the banking system, shut down the food supply chain, shut off power and water, cut communications and roll out DOC BILLY EUGENICS EUTHANASIA DEATH SHOTS just in time for Christmas (or no later then New Years). Don’t forget to vote. Heil Groper Joe, Heil Orange Hair Bozo, whatever.”
comment image

“Nuclear Armageddon anyone?”

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 12, 2020 3:41 PM

This is the steepest learning curve I have ever known. Nafeez M Ahmed cheerleading the virus scaremongering? Well what an interesting light that casts on the past , Ahmed being, I believe, the first to release a book questioning 9/11. But then Ahmed always played the conspiracy phobia game too. As well as acting as adviser to various govt and military bodies. So how deep do the intelligence tendrils go?

Oct 12, 2020 4:52 PM
Reply to  George Mc

If you take control of the message from the outset, then you control the narrative by softening it and you also limit the reach.

Pretty early on certain “leaders” at Occupy Wall St were taking control and telling everyone what to do.

Also, one look at their demands, you can see it was a precursor to BLM. Silly demands that don’t reform the structural and institutional corruption or address the real problem.

Gilets Jaunes, same MO. Astro turfing to deflect and deter substantive action.

Oct 12, 2020 3:30 PM
George Mc
George Mc
Oct 12, 2020 4:41 PM
Reply to  richard

From your link:

“For Johnson, using the globalists’ phrase ‘Build Back Better’, this is the time to launch Britain on the ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution’. “From internet shopping to working from home, it looks as though Covid has massively accelerated changes in the world of work… as old jobs are lost and as new ones are created… The Covid crisis is a catalyst for change…” he said.”

New jobs? What new jobs?

Oct 12, 2020 7:14 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Was that your take on the article – no new jobs yet?

What about the description:
“…the most chilling oration ever made by any British prime minister…”

Why did the author say that do you think? Or do you just want to divert attention away from it?

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 12, 2020 7:56 PM
Reply to  richard

“most chilling oration ever made” etc.is just boiler plate hyperbole. It has no content. So there is nothing to talk about. It’s like that BBC hit piece on Corbyn where we hear about “the poison in our society” and “the precipice we are facing”. It’s empty scare mongering rhetoric much like what we are getting about COVID.

May Hem
May Hem
Oct 12, 2020 11:27 PM
Reply to  George Mc

One of my favourite ‘journalist’s’ phrases is …. “the killer virus rampaging through our streets”. And I love this one too ….. “blatant flouters of the rules”.

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 13, 2020 8:39 AM
Reply to  May Hem

These are the kinds of frothing phrases that should alert anyone to the obvious fact that they are being played. But the really scary thing is that perhaps the majority have already figured this out – but you never hear about them because the media can con you about public opinion too.

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 12, 2020 3:23 PM

Every time I log in to OffG I get this “checking browser” message. I presume you are under major cyber attack now. In which case we may not have long to go before the sadomasochistic wank fest of Covid is the only thing that will be permitted to appear on the net.

Oct 12, 2020 5:07 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I’ve experienced it over the past few months too, then it stopped for a while and past few days it’s back on. Was wondering what’s that about 🤯😷

Oct 12, 2020 11:16 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I don’t have that problem because I don’t view the web with a shitty browser that has been created to track and blast me with ads. And if you’re using FF your doing it wrong.
Research it, learn it, use it.
Cleared your tracking cookies lately?

Oct 12, 2020 2:46 PM

Extremely courageous American doctor speaks out


Oct 12, 2020 2:59 PM
Reply to  Jay

Brave. Honest. Only 500 retweets.

Oct 12, 2020 4:45 PM
Reply to  Jay

Excellent. Thanks for the link.

Oct 12, 2020 9:52 PM
Reply to  Jay

there seems to be this theme (very sophisticated mind control)
the same doctor’s and nurse’s who where happy to carry out government DNR duty’s in March April are now heroes because they signed the petition and changed there minds (a little) in October    
this also applys to the same TV Channel radio whores and MP’s 
Notice how soooooooooo amnesia based everyone is look how quick they either run back to white coats or politicians

Oct 12, 2020 1:45 PM

The average age of those who have died from coronavirus in England and Wales since the start of the pandemic is 82.4 years old.


Life expectancy in the United Kingdom is 81.15.


You’re safer with Covid!

Oct 12, 2020 2:10 PM
Reply to  Hank

This is the sort of stuff I have been saying all along and it does get a reaction out of the brainwashed normies even for a second.

Oct 12, 2020 3:00 PM
Reply to  Hank

This is perhaps because last year was a very below average flu season, so the deaths were lower. If that makes sense.

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 12, 2020 3:19 PM
Reply to  Hank

And yet COVID has become THE ONE AND ONLY PERMITTED ILLNESS shortly to become (if it hasn’t already) THE ONE AND ONLY PERMITTED TOPIC. Lost livelihoods, broken families, self harming children, suicides, cancelled health treatments – all are non-topics. This minuscule little ailment boosted by celebrities and the manufactured wrath of the Left is now ALL!

Glen John Batterham
Glen John Batterham
Oct 12, 2020 10:40 PM
Reply to  Hank

Here in Australia where international travel is at all but a standstill, the regular seasonal flu strains, notably type A influenza are drastically lower than normal thus far for 2020. See Australian government health department link below.
So low in fact that there were not enough cases to evaluate whether the annual flu vaccination program was effective or not.
Normally the constant influx of people from the northern hemisphere keeps the seasonal flu strains in circulation.
Viva la quarantine!


George Mc
George Mc
Oct 12, 2020 12:35 PM

After having mused on “the Left” and their role in this COVID operation, I have arrived at the following speculation:

A ruling order as paranoid as the American one would make damn sure it had as much control as possible of the society it ruled over. This society always projected an image of “freedom” and “democracy”. These were the “selling points”, the self-image that had to be upheld. But all potential opposition had to be watched, influenced and ultimately controlled. And the more extreme the opposition appeared, the more it had to be watched, influenced and controlled.

The Marxist Left must have been the main target all along – partly because they were the ones who had the nerve to delve into the holiest of holies – the capitalist system – but also because this Marxism, even if considered in a nominal sense, had led to two actual revolutions elsewhere on the planet. And at this point it doesn’t matter if you see those revolutions – in Russia and China – as frauds, or if you declare them to have led to the most brutally inhuman systems etc etc. The point is that they can be seen, by the oppositional population of the West, as goals to achieve.

Therefore, it would have been of the utmost importance to the ruling order to control the Marxist factions before any others. I have no doubt that the WSWS is full of sincere Marxist revolutionaries. But any such sincere revolutionary would obviously create serious threats to the ruling order. Thus, there must be various mechanisms whereby such threats can be annulled. This is not much of a problem in an atomised society where the main media channels are controlled by the rulers through their wealth and where therefore anyone can be broken with sufficient bad publicity.

But the rulers must also have been aware of a potential source of power through the Marxist groups i.e. since so many of the public would follow these groups, it would be of enormous advantage to use these groups to surreptitiously reinforce mainstream propaganda – with the requisite Leftist veneer.

Thus, there would follow an enormous and unceasing campaign to mould these Marxist groups into compliant “subterranean” channels that actually work in step with the rulers.

During “normal” times, these groups merely act to supply a mechanism for blowing off steam to the self-regarded revolutionaries. But when a really big operation comes along – indeed the biggest, which requires the most aggressive coercion ever – then these groups can play an indispensable part.

And this is the situation we are facing now with the COVID reset.

Oct 12, 2020 12:54 PM
Reply to  George Mc

My work is done….…, that sums it up. But I would just add, that the CIA and it’s far-right political wing, the neo-liberals that form the backbone of the American Empire, have been at war with the left for over 70 years, for very obvious reasons. The real Left puts the interests of the people above those of the capital owning class, which is the reason the US is at war with them in Venezuela and Cuba….and even the soviet union. You are not allowed to waste valuable resources on the population of your country that should be going to US corporations. A ‘crime’ against American Corporation the Europeans have been skilfully getting away with since the second world war. The US now wants to get it’s hands on European wealth since the US itself is structurally bankrupt.

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 12, 2020 1:53 PM
Reply to  Tuker

Oh, I thoroughly agree. And going by my votes here (currently tying at 3 both up and down – an unusual result for me) perhaps many here misunderstand me. I am not coming out with that “Marx-was-a-stooge-for-the-bankers” theory. Not at all. I am just speculating on how this thing called “Marxism” has been very much under attack from the capitalist class right from the start – unsurprisingly since Marx mounted the most decisive and analytical opposition to capitalism. No, I don’t have a problem with Marx – only some “Marxists” and, in particular the poor deluded bastards who have fallen for this coronacrap.  

Oct 12, 2020 2:40 PM
Reply to  Tuker

The US is bankrupt because the globalists have exported America’s manufacturing and spent what remains of America’s wealth gaining control of the world’s resources (for itself not for America).

Oct 12, 2020 3:10 PM
Reply to  richard

America is bankrupt because its system is inherently irrational and destructive. You cannot destroy the lives of your population through poverty, lack of investment, destroy your small businesses, and destroy state regulation of excess and expect to be as successful as other countries. It is idiocy and is finally imploding. The CIA would have us believe it is an International, global, jewish business conspiracy (your story)……… but aren’t those the excuses nazis normally give ?

Oct 12, 2020 3:21 PM
Reply to  richard

America is now bankrupt, with bank runs occurring as soon as the printing press slows, because its system is inherently irrational and self destructive. You cannot destroy the lives of your population through poverty, lack of investment, asset strip viable business, provide poor education, underinvest in infrastructure, destroy your small businesses, and allow predatory Corporations to regulate themselves, and expect to be as successful as other countries. It is idiocy and is finally imploding.

The CIA would have us believe it is an International, global, jewish, business conspiracy (your story)……… but aren’t those the excuses Nazis always give?

US corporations exported their manufacturing base because of greed and Trump was the biggest culprit. It is typical that they now blame others, when they have made themselves totally exposed and vulnerable. Normally the psychopaths would declare war on Chine to get out of this mess, but they can’t because it is the home of their manufacturing base. Covid is a great distraction the CIA are running but it won’t save them. it is too late.

Oct 13, 2020 8:20 PM
Reply to  Sandra

Who controls the CIA? It’s not a force unto itself. The Fed and the central banks control all the major transnational corporations of the world, NGOs, governments, and the 17 intelligence agencies in the US.

The CENTRAL banks control the MONEY. The markets. Indices. Industry. Manufacturing. Trade. Wars. Energy.
The war is a war against the people themselves. We already know this is the implementation of Agenda 21 as laid out in Rockefeller Planned Scenarios, through ICLEI, GRCN and Strong Cities and managed by the WEF, UN, World Bank, IMF and the WHO.

Oct 12, 2020 7:44 PM
Reply to  richard

Precisely. Posters seem to forget that working Americans are the targets of globalist elites just as much as anyone else. Smearing the USA as some demonic empire is about as true, relevant to our predicament, and useful to debate as saying the moon is made of cheese.

Oct 12, 2020 7:39 PM
Reply to  Tuker

Isn’t it the left who have been fighting the capitalist system and thus the US for much more than 70 years? Capitalism must exist before socialists can take control of it, don’t forget. Also, consider that ‘America’ and the Trump administration are different. When Orange Man says ‘America First’, he means his voters, the American workers, not the deep state and military-industrial complex, which enrich themselves from war and ruin democracy by controlling much of Congress. But Trump is steadily ending all US foreign wars too. No wonder the DC swamp, their MSM tools, and corporate America all so want him gone.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Oct 12, 2020 1:07 PM
Reply to  George Mc

The CIA party (formerly known as the SEP) has CORPORATE FASCIST Langley-Land disinformation operation written all over it. That it shrouds itself in the name and memory of Leon Trotsky to push the CORPORATE FASCIST SCAMDEMIC PROPAGANDA CAMPAIGN shows the utter contempt it has for the spirit of honest Socialism

If Leon Trotsky was alive today he would be the first to lead the attack against those hypocrites and frauds who misuse his name and legacy to further the malicious agenda of CORPORATE FASCISM.

“They are as Marxist as Groper Joe or Orange Hair Bozo.”

messenger charles
messenger charles
Oct 12, 2020 1:33 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

“Capitalism and Bolshevism are the two sides of the same unmentionable’s coin.”

— A famous Austrian artist and twice decorated WW1 veteran

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 12, 2020 1:54 PM

Are you a fan of his?

messenger charles
messenger charles
Oct 12, 2020 2:07 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Not a fan, just one who rebukes victor’s history bullshitters that lie about him continually – I’m all for Truth, aren’t you? Now there’s a silly question.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Oct 12, 2020 2:34 PM

“Yeah, that’s right. That is why they imprisoned and murdered Eugene Debs and so many like him.”

Conflating opposition to something is ethically dishonest, as well as being intellectually lazy. War is not the same as peace.

messenger charles
messenger charles
Oct 13, 2020 12:03 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

What has a Communist Socialist traitor to The American Republic got to do with Adolf Hitler.

“Conflating opposition to something is ethically dishonest, as well as being intellectually lazy. War is not the same as peace.”

I have no idea what you’re rambling on about.

Oct 12, 2020 3:31 PM

No they are not. Do you know what socialism is?……. thought not.

messenger charles
messenger charles
Oct 13, 2020 12:07 PM
Reply to  Blogger

Socialism is a stepping stone to Communist tyranny. Do you want proof?

Here we are – your education starts here:

“Democracy is indispensable to Socialism.” – V. I. Lenin

“Socialism leads to Communism.” – Karl Marx

“The establishment of a central bank is 90% of communising a nation.” – V. I. Lenin

Oct 12, 2020 1:53 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

Trotsky was backed by the bankers. It was all a sham.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Oct 12, 2020 2:57 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Is that so? In historical research primary sources are the best.

“It is produce bank record time again. In short ‘show us the money.’ Put up or shut up.”

Oct 12, 2020 3:09 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

Read creature from Jekyll Island.

If you haven’t figured out yet that communism was an obvious fucking sham from the outset to create an alternate tyranny that was oppositional to capitalism, then I don’t know what to tell you.

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Oct 12, 2020 4:38 PM
Reply to  Researcher

The Marxists here (in great numbers) remind me of an OTC analgesic add commercial in the USA decades ago, “Why trade a headache for an upset stomach?” BTW, Trotsky’s exploits and financial support from its Wall Street tentacle of the Rothschild banking cartel are thoroughly detailed by Antony Sutton. He came to Wall Street in the spring of 1917 to raise money for Lenin and his Bolsheviks, where he was wined, dined, and put up in their mansions by the heads of these banks, the Schiff’s in particular. He was gifted $5 million in gold bullion to bring back to Russia which amounts to about half a billion in today’s funny money. If this fact hurts, there is always Prep H.

Let me repeat though that I detest the fascist crony capitalism that runs this planet today. Look how quickly China turned from a “Marxist state” on the way to Utopia under Mao into a technocratic fascist nightmare with scores of government mandated billionaires. Marx predicted the fading away of the state after his “dictatorship of the proletariat” but he never suggested how this would come to be. Reminds me for the 15 day “flatten the curve” lockdowns to allow hospitals “to prepare,” from half a year ago. Anyone in the fully realized fascist, jackboot state of Victoria remember that? The whole thing reminds me of the 1944 film Gaslight on a planetary scale, where the 0.00001% play the role of Charles Boyer, but I am afraid there will be no Joseph Cotton to the rescue the lovely Ingrid, i.e. we, the people. We will just have to wake up on our own.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Oct 12, 2020 5:36 PM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

“Anthony Sutton, the guy from the Hoover Institute? Will wonders never cease. Some may compare it to J. Edgar Hoover penning a biography on Malcolm X.”

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Oct 12, 2020 6:37 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

Well, what you write is true. Sutton was a researcher for the Hoover Institute of Stanford University in the 1960s and 70s. He was a very prolific author throughout his life, and I just counted 15 of his books still available on Amazon Kindle. I did note that none of them were published by the Hoover Institute. Sutton was IMO a truth seeker and his research and his publications reflected this. He was a tireless exposer of the Fed and the world’s central banks as well as the London and Wall Street banks that own them. He exposed the exploits of Prescott Bush under Harriman who helped finance the rise of Hitler right into the start and beyond of WWII.

I cannot answer why the Hoover Institute chose to employ Sutton in the 1960s. They certainly would choose not to today.
I can only speculate that it had a much different agenda then than it does today, though with current world events, researching the Hoover Institute over the decades is low on my priority list. I am certainly not a big fan of it as it exists today.

On a personal note, I find Herbert Hoover thoroughly despicable. He was responsible almost in killing my father through starvation, who was a child in Vienna when he imposed a tight blockade after the surrender of Germany and the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

However, Mr. Cooper, you can purchase Sutton’s Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution: The Remarkable True Story of the American Capitalists Who Financed the Russian Communists in its electronic version for only USD 7. Why don’t you purchase it so you can debunk it properly? I would promise to read your debunking. Perhaps you can teach me something. Old dogs can in fact learn new tricks.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Oct 12, 2020 9:17 PM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

Some have attempted to connect the Bolsheviks with certain Wall Street banking interests, through Jacob Schiff etal.

It is probably accurately loans were made to the Japanese during the Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905)- which enabled Japan to defeat the Russians. It is also probably accurate that loans were made to the provisional Alexander Kerensky regime/government – following the fall of the Czar. However, Wall Street had no love for Socialism, or the Bolsheviks and from what I have read those Wall Street interests demanded full immediate repayment of the loans made to Kerensky from succeeding Russian governments (ie Lenin and Stalin). Despite the fact that Kerensky and cohorts in all likelihood absconded with those funds when they fled Russia.

Though Schiff & Co may have had great personal antipathy to the Czar because of treatment of Jews in Russia, they also saw the Czar as an impediment to THEIR business and investment interests. It was not their embracing of World Peoples’ Revolution that brought them to support certain opponents of the Romanovs but greed.

messenger charles
messenger charles
Oct 13, 2020 12:12 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

You encapsulate this quote: “In our time political speech and writing are largely the defence of the indefensible.”

— George Orwell (Eric Blair)

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
Oct 12, 2020 5:55 PM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

Utopia under Mao? I don’t think so.

messenger charles
messenger charles
Oct 13, 2020 12:15 PM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

If there is rampant Fascism, as you claim, can you point me in the direction of a powerful Fascist dictator in the order of Mussolini, Franco or Pinochet holding sway in their Fascist country?

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Oct 13, 2020 4:48 PM

That view is so 20th century. Get with the trend. However, XI as president for life may be a candidate.

messenger charles
messenger charles
Oct 14, 2020 5:29 PM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

Fuck trends. It looks like 20th century people were more awake than brainwashed millennial morons.

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Oct 14, 2020 5:42 PM

That is quite possible. There is strong evidence that vaccines with heavy metal adjuvants, glyphosate, and fluoride have reduced the median IQ in the USA by at least 10 points since 1950. Not to mention screen addiction.

Oct 12, 2020 8:16 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

I would recommend exploring Anthony Sutton’s work.

Oct 12, 2020 8:20 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

If you read Professor Antony C Sutton’s books, Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution, Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler, National Suicide and Professor Carol Quigleys book Tragedy and Hope, you will see plenty of evidence that the Transnational Financiers engaged the Hegelian principle of thesis+antithesis = synthesis. Hence why they financed both the Bolsheviks and the National Socialists.

Oct 12, 2020 3:32 PM
Reply to  Researcher

You do not understand what the socialist movement was.