Facebook labels 2+2=4 “misinformation”
Social media giant's "fact-checkers" are selling falsehoods and re-writing history
Kit Knightly

How many fingers, please?
On the 5th of October, the WHO’s Dr Michale Ryan claimed “about 10%” of the global population had been infected with Sars-Cov-2. With an alleged death toll of roughly 1 million, that puts the infection-fatality ratio at roughly 0.14%.
He said it, we reported it. The maths is not disputable. And yet Facebook has flagged it as “misinformation”:

This is based on an article by Health Feedback, an “independent” fact-checker, which is shoddy, inaccurate and dishonest.
- They LIE about what Dr Ryan said.
- They cynically attempt to disguise this lie.
- They don’t understand how averages work.
- They ignore all the most recent IFR studies.
- They rely on old data for IFR estimates.
I’ll take these points in reverse order.
1. They rely on old data for IFR estimates. Their choices of data sources are incredibly poor. They cite a twitter thread from February for the IFR of flu, instead of any studies or journals.
They also cite the CDC’s IFR number for COVID, without mentioning it’s based on a “meta analysis” from May which has never been peer-reviewed and included modelling data rather than being based purely on seroprevalence studies.
2. They ignore all the most recent IFR studies. Literally dozens of studies have been done on the IFR of Sars-Cov-2 to this point, many of them published and peer-reviewed in just the last few weeks. The average IFR in these studies has been much lower than 0.68% (usually between 0.1 and 0.2).
The “recent studies” healthfeedback cite are from June at the latest. They also never mention the immunological studies which suggest up to 80% of people may already have mucosal or cellular-based immunity, potentially dropping the IFR even further.
3. They don’t know how averages work. Health Feedback claim:
the 0.14% IFR estimate fails to account for the extensive IFR variability between populations due to a different distribution of risk factors such as age, ethnicity, access to healthcare, and underlying health conditions in each population
Which is total nonsense. Of course the IFR accounts for those differences. Some people are more at risk from Covid than others, some people are at almost no risk. The IFR takes those differences into account, and produces an average overall chance of death. That’s how averages work.
4. They LIE about what Dr Ryan said. In the introduction of the health feedback article, the author writes [our emphasis]:
Ryan said that, according to the WHO’s best estimates, the virus that causes COVID-19 could have infected up to 10% of the global population.
Adding later:
The claim incorrectly estimates the IFR for COVID-19, because it includes recent data and assumes that 10% of the population was infected by the virus, which was the upper bound of an estimate from the WHO of the global frequency of COVID-19 infections.
And then a third time:
The claim that COVID-19 is no more dangerous than the flu is based on a misinterpretation of the WHO’s estimate that a maximum of 10%
These are all LIES.
Ryan never, ever, said it was an “upper bound”. And the author of the “fact-check” knows this, because they very carefully never quote his actual words.
In fact, they go out of their way to avoid it. The only time they quote Dr Ryan directly is when they give him space to lie about what he said, which he did on October 12th [again, our emphasis]:
I believe what I said was that many studies had demonstrated that 10% or less of people had been infected
Dr Michael Ryan didn’t say “up to 10%”, he didn’t say it was a “maximum” or an “upper bound”. And he certainly didn’t say “10% or less”.
He said this:
Our current best estimates tell us that about ten percent of the global population may have been infected by this virus.
“About 10%” is their “current best estimate”.
“Current best estimate”, or “best guess”, is a point estimation. A statistical term with a solid definition. It means the most likely value of all posited values. It is not, and never has been, a “maximum” or an “upper bound”.
5. They cynically attempt to disguise this lie. Health Feedback lied, and they know they lied. More than that, they deliberately use a secondary source to try and cover-up their lie.
They don’t link to our original article, but instead link to an archived version of Zero Hedge’s reblog of the article.
Unlike our original, Zero Hedge does not quote Dr Michael Ryan directly OR link to the audio of him speaking. This means that Health Feedback chose to link to a source which does not show up their lie. That cannot be accidental.
They also label the author of the claim as “anonymous”, and never mention either myself or OffG, despite both my name and our URL being prominently displayed on Zero Hedge.
This, again, can only be done to make sure people don’t read our original article and see that Health Feedback lied.
Health Feedback deliberately and cynically lied about the claim, and then linked to second-hand sources to cover up that lie.
Is this “fact-checking”? Or is that manipulation and obfuscation?
Who is really spreading “misinformation” here?
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Is zero hedge altering the text of your original story? They should link directly and not via archive.org, or in the least provide both links.
What we really need is a Ministry of Truth, preferably led by a figure of unimpeachable integrity and credibility like Luke Harding or the late James Le Mesurier.
Youtube deleting videos that disagree with WHO on the vaccine:
Posters like Amazing Polly and SGT Report have been removed in the last 10 or so days.
Yet another cathartic exercise. Mean while “The shocking thing about the above quote is that using their own methods, the virologists found that solutions containing SARS-CoV-2 — even in high amounts — were NOT, I repeat NOT, infective to any of the three human tissue cultures they tested”. https://www.sott.net/article/443103-Only-poisoned-monkey-kidney-cells-grew-the-SARS-CoV-2-virus
Time to blow this BS psyop coroni narrative up at the very foundation.
On the topic of words changing their meaning, it’s easy for intelligent people to overthink the matter. The problem is that most of us are decent sorts who assume that we can chat amicably on matters of words usage, philosophy, politics etc.
But in the field of propaganda, it is vital to bear in mind that you are dealing with people who do not operate in a way anyone with any empathy would describe as human. No, these creatures are terrifyingly pragmatic. All they care about is the specific effect that a word has in the here-and-now. It’s a Pavlovian thing. I am sure they will have a chart of words and their present effects e.g. they may note that, although “Holocaust” has been one of the most potent shock terms for several decades, it may be losing its effect through the passing of time and generations. This is something they will be watching very closely.
After all, their entire aim is control: to move people around like puppets. And they do this for the sake of achieving a goal. Once the goal is achieved, they move on to the next one and care nothing for any wreckage they leave behind.
Well done for taking that apart.
TRUTH, if you saw it you probably wouldn’t like it anyway
The majority of people cannot be expected to understand an average. They will have been taught it at school, in their O/GCSE level maths, but they don’t understand. I have come to the conclusion that the biggest waste of cash in this world is education of the masses. It is quite amazing just how dumb people are. There are varieties of dumb: the senior manager who has closed down his brain and now receives his opinions from corporate briefings. The millennium waster that is anti white supremacy then supports BLM, the world’s most prominent white supremacist outfit. What happened?
Educating the masses is vital. You can’t even begin to fight power if the masses are uneducated.
The problem is that what the masses receive is indoctrination, not education.
I agree. But it seems to me right now, the masses, or a major portion of them anyway, REFUSE to be educated. You can see their eyes defocusing once you get into the details with them. They’d rather spout and respout the “flatten the curve”, “stay safe, stay at home”, “four persons to a lift”. “wear your masks”, “we’re all in this together” nonsense. Just today, I went for McDonald’s to have breakfast with my wife. We’re now ordered to sit diagonally from each other, meaning not directly face to face. It’s bullshit.
Maybe an average is the wrong way to express figures that are generated in very different circumstances and with great variability?
Or maybe you could use the average to view, you know, the overall average IFR and make statements of a general nature, and then use age-band and country or state specific IFRs to say something about specific and particular circumstances? Just a thought there!
The average may be useful in certain circumstances but genally not we’re there is great variability in the data. The variability of the IFR here is not only per country, but within country, age , ethnic group and even over time. It is useful to get a king term picture and for strategic purposes. But during a pandemic, all you need is to look out of the window and see and hear the ambulances.and also IFR is not the only measure of devastation, morbidity, long term sequelae, and effects on activities due to number of people off work are also serious.
I haven’t heard any ambulances in a long time. maybe you’ve been watching too much TV, and confused it with objective reality.
Or maybe you live far away in isolation?
“All day long we were listening to the sound of ambulance sirens and funeral cars,” says Samela Sateré Mawé, who lives with her extended family in a series of narrow buildings in one of the city’s poorest districts. “Two of our neighbours, on either side of us, died from Covid and we could barely isolate. It was terrifying.”
This article is especially dedicated for those who think there is no pandemic.
I think you may need to read my reply again, seeing as you are just repeating exactly what I said (minus the nonsense about ambulances)
Maybe because in the first place my first statement was enough? Average is meaningless in this case. Average for what?
An IFR calculated on “world” basis is not “meaningless” just because there is variability in the data. This is as pointless as saying that GDP/capita is meaningless because the distribution of domestic product varies greatly!
Besides, we are here talking about something extremely general, not extremely specific (the lethality of a virus). The more specific you get, the closer you get to talking about CFR not IFR. IFR is by nature “general”, due to it’s definition. An age band IFR is also an “average”. So is the IFR for a village in Italy. Do you also think that is also “meaningless” then?
The main use of the IFR and CFR are their retrospective values, you can determine prognostic factors and measures that are seen to be useful in combatting the epidemic, but as a day to day measure, they do not tell very much. The ‘worldwide’ IFR is in any case a work in progress but of limited utility for people on the ground in US, in Brazil in Italy or in Russia or China. The fact that the IFR is overall in the region of, say 1% or less, does not help countries where the IFR has been above 10% at some stage. The lethality of the virus cannot be determined by IFR or CFR and is not an absolute value, as it is not only determined by solely by the virus, it depends on host factors, social conditions, numbers of individuals tested and exposure and so on. Too many variables are involved.
Ahh, but the IFR is not “in the region of 1% or less” though (the “less” part is a nice hedge of your part) – the IFR is, as has been calculated according to the definition of IFR using WHO official data – around 0.14%. This is on an extremely large “sample size” I might add. That this IFR is not representative for an 80+ Year old person with 2 comorbidities living in northern Italy – sure, we know that, and people in those very specific brackets should take other precautions. Remember that the average world person is pretty young, around 30 years, and has nothing to fear from this virus (any more than they should fear other ILI)
So the ‘official’ data from the WHO is that the IFR is around 0.14%
So let us now fully analyse this statement presumably based on Dr. Ryan’s statement in a press conference in which he did not present hard data but just stated that the best ‘estimate’ is that 10% of population has been infected but that there was wide variations.
Now statistics is very susceptible to a principle called RARA.
So this has been translated to a postulated figure of 750 million infected and 1 million death so IFR 0.14%. Case closed.
No not so fast. The actual hard data we have is that there are 35 million positively proven infections which makes the observed IFR much higher say 2.85%. I immediately concede that that figure is probably an overestimate, but at least it is based on solid, though incomplete data. But it is based on some kind of data. The figure of 750 million was based on what I would call a guesstimate in a press release. The WHO is often criticised unjustly for supposed scaremongering but not when allegations like these are made.
Your second point that those who are 30 years or younger have nothing to fear is one of those, I am alright JCk, devil takes the hindmost, type statements. After all what does it matter if 20% of over 70+ year old get locked up indefinitely or die? We will end up a leaner but stronger society. But your statement is littered with, not only insensitivity to those elderly people, but in fact there is still considerable mortality in any one above 50. And as to nothing to fear, this is also not true because there are still deaths from Covid 19 for those above 20 years. In your haste to selectively lock up only the elderly, so that the young can get on with life, you forget the following: those elderly people account for say 15-20 of the population and together with families and so on will be at least a third of the population. Increasing infections will also lead to the infection ultimately affecting those who will spend the rest of their lives in isolation. Another factor you completely ignore is what is called morbidity. There is a certain burden of illness even if you don’t die of Covid-19 and this sometimes can cause sequelae which can cause chronic illness for a few months.
So in your eagerness to promote a very inaccurate ‘average’ and an IFR plucked from thin air, you form the basis of a policy of selective lockdown.
You just confused the case fatality ratio with the infection fatality ratio! Well done, no point in continuing this conversation as how will you rebound from such a basic error? You see, you can only arrive at the IFR by estimating the denominator, as it is by definition unknown, as it includes asymptomatic cases and unidentifiable low severity cases in addition to the 35 million proven “cases” you pointed out (which are not really “cases” either but hey let’s stick to official numbers). That you want to call an officially released WHO best estimate a “guesstimate” is your folly, if they let their senior staff “guess” this kind of stuff they are so incompetent they all need to get fired ASAP.
As for your baseless accusations, well done, nice way to try to derail the debate there with some «omg you want to kill grandma» nonsense – not falling for it, sorry 😉
A death rate to age distribution? With a median in the upper ages, this real distribution is definitely not the normal distribution we are being sold.
Go further than an average, say a distribution, and these people will think the diagram is a landscape. Ask them about variance etc and you will really be into the wilds. Of course, this is just high school maths, but these people don’t seem to be able to apply this basic technology to their own lives. No wonder traders earn so much, their understanding of basic maths and how to apply it is exceptional.
Classic conspiracy theory thinking (and there is such a thing, even if the concept is sometimes used to maintain official narratives). “I am smart. A few people like me are smart, but the vast majority are stupid cattle who cannot see that the (insert word or words of your choice) run everything and did (insert word or words of your choice).”
I had the privilege of doing fairly advanced maths as a part of my mechanical engineering degree and I currently work in financial risk, which uses simpler maths. My ability to do fairly basic risk assessment in my own life, such as calculating the likelihood of my dying of Covid, is not a maths challenge and is certainly not “conspiracy theory thinking”. If you can’t think for yourself then pick up a book and set yourself a goal to break away from the herd.
“The COVID-19 pandemic will not be the last one that the United States or the world faces”. WEll, the CFR ought to know…
Brainwashing techniques like sensory deprivation are so much more powerful when they don’t have a definite finishing date.
The ever postponed “finishing date” is part of the psy-op. It’s an ever receding mirage intended to induce despair.
How quickly new words are telegraphed through the grapevine. Everyone adopts the latest slogan even as it changes daily.
Flatten the curve gives birth to lockdown which requires a firebreak or circuit breaker. Now there’s a new, official monotone: “you’ve been put into tier (add number)”.
This is euphemism. This is follow fashion, group think without thinking but it hides a motive.
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo admitted as much in a telephone call revealed by Hamodia newspaper: there is no scientific basis for these ad hoc curfews.
He’s lying, of course, as the international coordination and rolling out of other agendas confirm. Hence the need for euphemism. If you call it by its name — martial law, curfew, house arrest or detention — the next clause must explain why.
It’s interesting to see that the word curfew seems to have been sanitized online. The synonyms offered are very mild: gesture, curfews, clampdown, instruction, close of day, injunction, candlelight, restriction, command, eve, lockout, candlelighting, commission, bedtime, embargo, limitation, kind, omen.
Our language is being manipulated. The dictionaries work in real time, nowadays.
We had an example this month when Merriam-Webster dictionary updated the entry for ‘sexual preference’ after Judge Amy Coney Barrett used the term in her Supreme Court confirmation hearings.
Merriam-Webster, the noted reference book and dictionary publisher, qualified the term as “offensive”. That was after Democratic senator Mazie Hirono rewrote the language on the spot, condemning Coney Barrett’s assertion that she “would never discriminate on the basis of sexual preference.”
“Sexual preference is an offensive and outdated term,” Hirono chided the judge. “It is used by anti-LGBTQ activists to suggest that sexual orientation is a choice.”
We’d better find another euphemism for the euphemism.
As this example shows, euphemism is not simply a matter of words but ideas. During these times of pandemic… wait… the meaning of pandemic was also changed.
It seems our ideas are very much affected by the shifting meaning of words. As a new language is foisted upon us we look around and find that our place in the world has changed, too. The tier that begins as an abstraction, an arbitrary rule dictated by ‘the science’ and applied to a map, could soon take on a real form as applied to humans: our tier in a new order.
Continues here: https://moneycircus.blogspot.com/2020/10/euphemisms-hide-insidious-creep-of.html
TCrump change the word vaccine to anti viral was even able to manipulate stocks with his fake 3 day harvest full moon CV diagnoses ritual
literally within days after nose flu spray appeared again a new name for vaccine
the preistclass used KEY words it then rhythm and repeated called evocation and invocation this bring it into matter – reality
by watching them especially at peak times participating in there rituals which voting is one
your enslaving your self and your family.
The entire English language is being reformulated to create a whole new society comprising a “COVID culture”. You might even say we are witnessing the birth of a new species – a kind of insect hive where each private cell will have the “necessary nutrients” tubed in.
Although Orwell’s “1984” was not meant as prophecy in the way that some people think it was, he did correctly “predict” the way that the language could be misused, as it is now being misused.
And of course, he correctly identified cognitive dissonance, calling it Doublethink.
One of the best examples is the state govt of Victoria (Australia) whose slogan is pure doublethink …“staying apart keeps us together”.
Arbeit macht Frei
So true about the reformulation of words and literally change of the meaning they originally hold. For example, “science” which as moved from its original meaning “speculative philosophy” to the current one in which is made to be intended as something which should stand above the medicine and physics
or again, the term imperialism, used as the ultimate tool for to deviate the minds to a time and place which as nothing to do with empires and all to do with colonizers and modern politics.
or what about “antifa”, term which originally meant to mean anti fascismo “against fascism” now deemed terrorism.
For no to mention all the history now rewritten by this so called “wikipedia”, a site which just like fb and tweeter, run by the cia which beside spying and collecting data from everyone on the planet and rewriting the personal bios of journalists, doctors, political figures, radiologists, celebrities, dissidents, and of course, historical facts, lets also that the site be governed by their partners in crime in the rogue wannabe state which by hosting it as its national enciclopedia, and forcing all its students to use its sources for their studies and academic formation, has since long begun to rewrite history, as it claims the rights to edit and format any information posted on its site.
Of course to be reminded also, is the way in which such a program with ever preset icon appearing every time some one digits a name, place, historical date or model number on the search engine, giving it the ability to record and to collect all queries and related ip addresses on the worldwide web,
But any how their plan is bound to fail.
That so call 1% which in reality composed by a bunch of individuals which in number make less than a dozen, is made up by psychopaths which sees them self as so much higher than humanity, “the herd” and there fore thinks they can predict a reaction of the herd, and by it, program its capture.
Because they are utterly insane an therefore not in tune with the reality of the life lived by the rest of the world, they have assumed a future based on false hypothesis which will not find the compliance of the world, hence their plan can never succede.
Of course some may say that those which are actually actively working for the activation of such horror show we are witnessing world wide, are surely more than a dozen, but the fact is those serving the interests of the pack, are themselves not part of that insane pack pulling their strings, and therefore, under the right amount of pressure, bound to part from it.
A herd of sleep walker servants, being piloted like drones to do what ever their are told to be doing, and to be harvested like kettle for to maintain the statistics in check, can only be the fantasy of very small bunch of deranged psychopaths which true to their sick condition are bound to horribly die.
In this shitshow/carrousel of the dead we are witnessing, with its daily statistics of sickness and death, all participants are bound to fall in the very same trap they have consciously or unconsciously laid down and eventually hider snap out of it or perish in it.
Antifa are terrorist scum and outright fascists.
I agree Sol. Nature always works towards balance, and the Laws of Nature are all-powerful
There is a built-in immunity to rewording words. Namely, most people never really knew the words being reworded. People and words go together like water and oil.
Buzz words, yes – people are all over them, as if they were hoola hoops. But actual words, the kind you often have to haul out the dictionary to get the meaning of – thanks, but no thanks: most people will stick to 1) buzz words; 2) slang; 3) baby talk – with a decided preference for the third tier..
Siege –> Embargo –> Sanction.
Curfew –> Lockdown –> Movement control –> Firebreak/Circuit-breaker.
I’m dismayed at how many folk in Britain talk about Trump. You buy a smartphone, it comes with free pre-installed apps, free RSS feeds and free news suggestions, but when something’s free – you’re the product! People’s critical faculties are currently suspended, and believe any old drek!
And it’s not just when you buy a new smart phone. I tend to keep my phone clean and free of dreck, but every time I update apps such as the opera browser, I get new speed dials added to my home page without my consent. These new speed dials tend to be news feeds, shopping sites, and gambling sites.
Windows 10 Start Panel!
I’m using Windows 7 and had a strange experience the other day when using firefox. My browser suddenly jumped to bing, complete with news feeds and all sorts of clutter and crap. And if I’m not careful when installing free software, chrome tries to install itself.
Time to finally move to Linux I think. It’s only laziness that keeps me with microsoft… and this is no doubt a dangerous laziness. Windows 7 is not secure, but I have certain software that is microsoft dependent, which has kept me on the platform. But a better solution would be to use linux for connecting to the outside world. Certainly safer.
Sip Linux with Wine (Win-Emulator) for those very few occasions when you really can’t avoid sinking into Windoze.
I’ve just installed Linux – been meaning to for ages.
Have just installed Linux and wish I’d done it years ago.
You have the option not to buy a mobile phone. I never have. Life continues entirely unhandicapped without the damned things. We – literally – don’t need them at all. We’re taught to want them, all the time. But need? Not even slightly.
Well jolly good for you.
But do you own a land line? I used to, but found it much cheaper to have a dumb mobile phone sitting on my dresser at home. That phone hardly ever leaves the house; only if I’m expecting an essential call.
And where did I say that I needed a smart phone? We all make life choices, and I am happy owning a smart phone. I own it, it doesn’t own me. It’s a 50/50 chance that I’ll take it with me if I leave the house. 99% of my smart phone use is listening to the worlds radio, or using the music player. Other than that, just the very occasional use of the map, the occasional look at the news, or an internet search in an emergency. Oh, and sometimes a quick chess puzzle. And that’s about it. I don’t use the phone function. Nobody even has the number. It is just a small pocket computer/entertainment system. Not a bad little gadget, considering it cost me about £70 four years ago. Not everyone who owns a smart phone is a slave to the device. For some of us it is just a useful tool.
I suppose I could throw it away so as to feel oh so virtuous. But then how would I listen to the radio stations of the world?
Who said anything about virtue, Ity? Oh, you did, of course! What I’m thinking of is the millions of people who, finding themselves without their phones – a horrifying, virtually never-happening bad error – feel as if they’ve had a hand amputated; or they’ve suddenly lost their sight and hearing. Utter – delusional – dependency in other words on a pernicious influencer and data-snooper. The kind of usage you describe, I, sounds so untypical as to be positively bijou! 🙂 What I mostly observe is people so on the hook that they’re like the most abject of heroin addicts: never able to leave it down for more than a few minutes, whatever the circumstances. Like the time when Dmitry Orlov was at a dinner party, and within the first hour of socialising, virtually everyone had departed, in spirit, and was staring hypnotised at their phones. And pawing at them mechanically, of course. At a bleedin’ dinner party!
Any machine that does that to people is only fit for casting into outer darkness. Roll on the Long Descent, till we reach the era when the physical resources, and the ultra-hitech technology, to make such dreadful things have slipped irreversibly into the past. Ned Ludd rools, OK!
PS: The – atypical – usages which you describe, I, sound very much the sort of thing which makes life so comfortable and hyper-convenient for the Pampered Twenty Percent of the world’s people. But essential? For a satisfactory life…? As a matter of fact, I get most of those things just by having a cheapo radio. Or I switch on my cheapo, stationary, home-body laptop now and then, to search for something. Mobile phone absolutely not needed. Just as well really, since they’re obviously a control and surveillance tool of the Technosphere egregore that’s currently creeping its control over the planet – for a short while only, till the Long Descent kills it, some time later this century. If we’re lucky
Well, sorry for being one of the “Pampered Twenty Percent of the world’s people”. I shall now go and self flagellate for half an hour.
PS; Do you think half an hour is enough?
I agree Rhisiart. But if you must have a phone, get an older one and turn off wifi and bluetooth. That way you only get phone calls and texts.
someone has been watching the social dilemma.
So it’s long been known these channels are owned and controlled by the same institutes implementing the current new systems. So if you disagree with this agenda (Agenda 2030), why would you still be using these channels and complaining?
Just so people know, you don’t have to post on Facebook, YouTwit or any other platform for that matter. Years before these channels existed people would make a video and post it on their own website directly. Sure, it takes up some space and you have to pay a bit more for bandwidth if it’s a popular channel, but at least you have control. You can even host it yourself it you wish, it’s not over complicated.
What do publishers expect? To be allowed to post on a channel founded by the establishment and use it against them. Come on now, get with it.
And for those who may say posting on your own website directly would not be effective because people can’t share it, I would disagree. The Porn industry seems to do a ripping trade doing just this. If people want to listen they will pay your site a visit.
Whats more many individual websites are much more difficult to police and censor. And as OffG suggested, it’s not like misinformation is being broadcast. Most are simply repeating the establishments comments directly. So it’s not like you could be targeted for spreading rumor.
The problem is that most people still are using the anti-social media, so if you want to pass on to them gems harvested from Off-G or other sources, you really have to dip into the Twitter/Facebook Hell from time to time.
Sharing a link to a website on and individuals FB would be fine and difficult to Police.
What I meant was when people have channels and pages dedicated to fighting the agenda and label it so. Such as “The Anti Vaccine Page”. Sort of sitting Ducks really.
Agenda 21. We are just about enter into the year 2021.
In medieval times, Numerology was known as Arithomancy or Numeromancy, and was used for predicting the future.
will be 2022 and 2023 (322 backwards) the ones they love with big impact also Pluto does it return in USA chart
rainbow is signifier for Aquarian age which we are now in moving into
getting virgins innocent like the thick dummy mum and dad did by letting their children to draw paint the rainbow is sigil magic at it worse
another look at the rainbow meaning
A New Age is certainly being maneuvered into place. New laws (old laws in truth) and fascination for the ‘rainbow’, especially at this time, is everywhere. The rainbow of course is the symbol of Noah and the ‘Noahide Laws’ that were said to have been given to Adam (Orion) by God and then passed to Noah. I doubt God had anything to do with such laws. The Noahide laws are Rabbinic laws for ‘non-Jews’ which come from the Babylonian Talmud. As far as I can see, these laws limit freedom of religion, no ‘idolatry’, which includes Christianity and other faiths. Punishment according to these laws are ‘decapitation’, which is the main penalty for not complying. Sounds more like the Death Cult at work ( neil haige)
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
(Who guards the guardians?)
Or Who Checks the Fact Checkers?
Nothing changes in human nature and the history of the world.
Anyone that thinks that the Soros funded Poynter institute and is cult members would have any intent to be honest need to have their heads read. You will see they have even invaded AFP.
Even CIA’s Atlantic Admits Trump Foreign Policy Wins/
Taiwan Preps 4 Chinese Invasion.Attacks Diplomat/
Mao Style Post Election Revenge Commission Floated/
Whistleblowing Wizard Update/
Election: Microsoft Gains Russian Bot Army/
US West Coast to Unzip? Alaska 7.5 Warns
CORRECTION above headline should read “CCP Attacks Diplomat”
is an oxymoron that only the high priests of pseudoscience use.
It’s a noise that only the high priests of pseudoscience use. Science speak resembles lawyer speak. A cloud of polysyllables to impress the gullible.
Patrick Valance on Monday told us “the modelling, that’s the data we are looking at”. This was broadcast live. The briefing was reported across the corporate media. Yet no one (with a platform) pointed out that the outcomes of computer models are not data. Apparently, being unable to understand statistics is a prerequisite qualification for membership of the political media elite.
I’m no statistician but I became aware of this in the 2007-09 mortgage securities fraud when banks kept saying models showed the once-in-a-century risk of a crash.
I wrote at the time, why were they looking at computer models when they could throw open the windows and take the measure of the real world? (That was one of the themes of Michael Lewis’ The Big Short).
Later we found the reason. It was a scam. It was pump and dump. They knew the market would crash because they would make it crash once they’d sold the worthless assets on the the greater fool. They’d been doing that long before 1929, as JK Galbraith showed us in his book, The Great Crash.
So when someone says “the models show” — my nose twitches for a scam.
It’s all Ponzi schemes. The whole world, including monetary theory and economic theory is based on fraud.
The governments are based on fraud. Most of what they do is cover up crimes and malfeasance, then distribute unnecessary debt slavery, misery, ignorance, lies and suffering.
Industry has been destroying people’s health and the planet. And pretending it’s “consumers” fault because “consumers” are to blame for their awful plastic and petro chemical products nobody really wants or needs.
If these products the governments and industry are pushing are so amazing, why do they have to convince people so hard, with constant ads and pressure, to buy this stuff or consume it? Why do they have to mandate vaccines for instance?
Why do they need to advertise these products if they are so amazing and essential? Why do they sell RX drugs on tv? Unhealthy food? Giant screen TVs? New cars? Coca cola? Trucks? SUVs?
Why is the marketing for these products the only thing that sustains them?
Because the manipulated stock market indices are the main mechanism along with expansionary debt, and the pump and dump scheme of financial products, is how most of the largest corporations really make their profits. Mostly through fraud, trickery and tax evasion. Trickery and exploitation of labor and collusion with the bankers in the Ponzi scheme of the markets and finance.
The whole system runs on fraud. From its inception to now. That’s why they are transitioning from debt enslavement back to a tyrannical model of capitalism based on surveillance and carbon taxes.
They’re still using the fraud of tax and our indebtedness to their digital dollar as the essential part that props up their new economic model, instead of excess consumption, but by the time people realize what’s been going on with the fraud of governments, finance, economics, politics, energy, industry, medicine and science it will be too late.
The whole world is built on one fraud on top of another fraud. That’s the irony. People just believe in fraud because the myth of every part of our society as functions as essential efficient and necessary has overwhelmed all logic and the truth.
Correction: Valance made the claim on Friday (16 Oct), not Monday.
Your last sentence bears out what Kit wrote ATL:
“They don’t understand how averages work.”
Hmmm-hmmm, Kit.
You also published the wonderful article by Torsten Engelbrecht and Konstantin Demeter, COVID19 PCR Tests are Scientifically Meaningless, which exposes the fact that five science teams claiming they had isolated the SARS-CoV-2 virus admitted that, in fact, they hadn’t. … and the authors said significantly more on the fraudulence of the science put forward on the alleged virus, the PCR test and the alleged virus disease.
And you published 12 Steps to Create your own Pandemic by Nils Nilsen which also exposes scientific fraudulence.
So the maths is very disputable if we accept the fundamental truth that there is zero evidence of the virus, SARS-CoV-2, or of the alleged illness caused by the alleged virus, COVID-19.
We could claim, in fact, according to the two articles mentioned above that the maths says ZERO for anything at all related to SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19. It would seem they are both figments and the alleged COVID-19 pandemic is simply a Psychological Operation of a 100% Emperor’s-New-Clothes nature.
The maths isn’t disputable. The underlying assumptions about the reality of the virus are disputable. Not the maths.
Fair enough, but that distinction should be made crystal clear.
Good point. I agree with your response to Petra.
So why don’t we push that harder because when people see they can take their mask off, hug others and they don’t need to wash their hands, then they will come over to the side of truth and finally see the light.
We could actually prove it with a study of a protest. Notice how nobody is getting sick from attending these protests? Nobody is getting sick from eating out. Or from going to get take out. Studies have shown that in some of the states in the US.
Wouldn’t the contagion be in the food itself if there are obviously people who are “asymptomatic” and consuming food prepared by carriers of this mystery virus?
Surely one contagious person preparing food would be breathing on dozens of food items a day, therefore potentially spreading the virus exponentially?
The contagion of this virus is based on fraudulent models. Numbers pulled out of thin air. The existence of this virus is based on the faulty and fraudulent Roche tests that were already developed and the manual printed, on the 24th January, more than a month before the WHO declared the pandemic.
Gupta and her pals are frauds too. Don’t forget that. Even if she believed in viruses in the beginning of her career, eventually she would have been given numbers that didn’t make sense at some time later on. Measles. Or influenza. She would have seen that pneumonia numbers were being used to inflate flu numbers, that almost no flus are based on lab confirmation, and therefore the contagion models of viruses are mostly false. Therefore, the idea of contagion itself and especially looking at epidemiological studies leads to at least questioning the levels of actual contagion.
If only people who have a secondary illness, or co-morbidity die from the flu etc, like this “virus” then is it the flu that is killing people? Their age? Secondary infections such as a bacterial infection? Faulty treatment? Faulty diagnosis? Or are the immune response symptoms that are being diagnosed as flus and colds, and the actual cause of these immune responses, misdiagnosed?
The more one listens to Dr. Kaufman, the more his theory makes sense. He’s nearly there with his theory. But not quite. The exosomes are being photographed to claim “virus” but the actual proteins they are claiming consist of the surface of the virus are proteins that the cell mechanism is producing exclusive of any virus.
One of the areas where they fail is the level of contagion. And the life of these viruses.
If it’s supposedly dead already and it’s enclosed within an amino capsid, why does the virus become inviable at some hourly or daily time, later?
This is another one of their weak areas of the fraud. The viability or non viability of a virus. One can purchase protein powder or amino acids because a protein is simply a chain of amino acids, and it’s a product that is not destroyed in hot weather, or by exposure to air, so if the virus is enclosed by these amino acids and proteins, which are only ever shown in hypothetical “models” then why does the virus have a shelf life? Hypothetically, it should last years. If it’s what they claim.
They are committing fraud in several areas regarding their virus theory. It’s a very weak theory. I’m actually amazed that it’s been perpetrated so effectively for so long.
@researcher .
I concour with everything u have said but you r wrong with washing your hands.
Cleanliness is next to goGodliness. LOOOOOOOOOL.
Post Scriptum: Keep up the the great factual arguments you make with regards to this scamdemic..
Docius in Fondem stock up on eggs .LOOOL
I don’t think people realize when they sanitize their hands constantly, it’s potentially introducing harmful chemicals and surfactants into their bloodstream.
That is sad reality of this scamdemic.Total bogus.
Basic facts and reason and logic have been all been put into the rubbish bin and fantasy has become the new reality or as these ashlocks reference to the NEW NORMAL.
The gaslighting has become so obvious that even an amoeba can tell it.
POST SCRIPTUM.:It has been an absalute pleasure responding to u and appreciate ur correspondence I have had with u and others on this site with regards to the scamdemic. Cheers To Kit and all the contributors @Off the Guard.
Docius In Fondem : The whole house of cards is coming down another new report Just out from CDC USA which will further incriminate these vile fascistic ashloks.
Thanks. Nice to meet you.
This report? It’s insane.
“CDC expands definition of who is a ‘close contact’ of an individual with covid-19“
There are no infections “in the community” in general. Just take another look at all those pooly-paid people working in close contact with colleagues and customers for long hours. Also all those mass demonstrations. Crowding in enclosed spaces may be another matter.
WHO initially stated that there is no evidence of transmission between persons. Why they changed their position, just as on masks, I don’t know. Just because 2 people who met got the same illness, transmission of whatever may not be the cause.
Facebook and Twitter censor the Biden story. The Guardian then cites that censorship, sorry, “caution” as a reason not to trust the story.
Perhaps The Guardian might investigate the story itself instead of quoting people quoting unnamed people?
It’s a circle jerk by eunuchs, a whispering, sibilant coven.
“The Post stories, about alleged corruption involving an energy company, have not been verified by other outlets and have been treated with caution by social media platforms. Fox News is reported to have passed on the story, meant as an “October surprise” to boost the president as he struggles against Biden in the polls, given concerns over its credibility. On Monday the New York Times reported dissent in the Murdoch paper’s newsroom over its hurried production. One former Post staffer, who spoke on condition of anonymity, told the Guardian: “This reeks.”
Facebook is working closely with Chinese nationals to perfect censorship algorithms. There is no reason why Chinese, like Indians shouldn’t take advantage of H-1B visas — but the subject matter is worrying
Meet your (Chinese) Facebook censors – NYP, Oct 20, 2020
“There are at least half a dozen “Chinese nationals who are working on censorship,” a former Facebook insider told me last week.
It’s called Hate-Speech Engineering (George Orwell, call your office), and most of its members are based at Facebook’s offices in Seattle. Many have Ph.D.s, and their work is extremely complex, involving machine learning — teaching “computers how to learn and act without being explicitly programmed,” as the techy Web site DeepAI.org puts it.
“… they throw the newsfeed list into a machine-learning algorithm and neural networks that determine the ranking of the items.”Facebook engineers test hundreds of different iterations of the rankings to shape an optimal outcome — and root out what bosses call “borderline content.”
It all makes for perhaps the most chillingly sophisticated censorship mechanism in human history. “What they don’t do is ban a specific pro-Trump hashtag,” says the ex-insider. Instead, “content that is a little too conservative, they will down-rank. You can’t tell it’s censored.”
Retail outlets in Victoria, Australia have been shut for 4 months.That also includes pubs, restaurants and outdoor eateries. Cannot travel any further than the allotted 25km distance from your home. Cannot have anymore than one relative come and visit, etc, etc
Businesses going bust, unemployment rampant, suicides tripling, State debt soaring to unprecedented levels.
One case was recorded in Victoria today, yet here we still are. Stuck in a box suffocating.
There has never been a greater injustice to society than what we are witnessing right now.
Shin, doesn’t it seem like ‘They’ just want us all to die, and heart breaking deaths at that? Check with Researcher commenting below. Take the legal route. Fraud and crimes against humanity.
Hi Ann and yes agree with your first premise. The second i have doubts about. The Justice system in itself was never designed for the righteous. It was written by the wicked for the wicked. Why do you think we still have psychopaths running the asylum?
You know the ad for Duracell batteries Shin? The duracell bunny just goes on and on and on and…. Well swap that for the lunacy in Melbourne.
The economy here is completely munted (Kiwi slang for screwed) and a couple businesses that did open in defiance of lockdown; a clothing store in Berwick and a hairdresser in Hughesdale got visited by plod, and fined $9900 or so.
It’s bonkers here, and still, people support fecken Andrews!!? Maybe selling the mag again from Nov 2nd, except hundreds of thousands out of work and on Jobkeeper. And a lot of people are very very broke.
I would’ve gone down to your part of Melbourne at some point, except Frankston Council banned me coz I didn’t have a permit. Sold it in Shannon Mall a few times last Xmas and at the start of this year. It was actually a good spot.
Hope your week is going relatively okay.
Coming soon: verification by message that you are expected at your destination.
One European country – at the height of its curfew – implemented an online form to fill out, even to leave home for essentials.
In France, you had to fill out a form before you could go out. and you could download the form in order to print it. Not sure if they had a version you had to fill in online. If you didn’t have a printer, then you could collect blank from places like post offices I think, although of course, you’d have to leave your house in order to collect them…
…I’m not sure how they squared that circle.
Nah that can’t be true. Everyone knows Aussies are rugged individualists.
Somebody else once commented that while some Australians are descended from convicts, more are probably descended from those who guarded them, and sometimes it shows.
And those who guarded them were probably Brits, and the descendants of the people like them who didn’t emigrate are probably mostly still here, and sometimes that shows.
At a slight tangent to this, an Irishwoman who was transported to Australia from England after committing a minor theft finished her sentence and returned to England. She was miserable back in her slum in London or Manchester and stole something and was caught, not trying very hard to get away with it. Again she was sentenced to transportation and when she heard the sentence, she called out, “Hurrah for old Sydney and the skies over it!” Even harsh transportation to Australia was clearly better than life in the more poverty-stricken parts of English cities (and Australian weather was better) and not long after convict transport to Australia ended.
That sounds like a fable – possibly designed to trivialise the brutal transportation system
they’re woke and they’re going broke.
Wokeness is a purposefully engineered, cultural wrecking ball; and some lessons need to be learnt the hard way.
it’s a manifestation of narcissism.
You’ve fallen into their trap of debating numbers.
If the governments have been lying since the beginning (which you already know without a shadow of a doubt) why do you believe there’s actually a virus at all? The year to year stats on total deaths have not changed despite the claims. They can’t claim excess suicides or drug overdoses are from a virus. Or that the DNR orders, neglect, or drugging in nursing homes is a virus.
I’d like to see one cogent argument on viruses existing instead of anecdotes and links to fraudulent, unproven science where claims are constantly made but no physical evidence exists.
As long as people quibble over lockdown versus no lockdown, virus strength and numbers, the psychopathic cabal will win.
While you’re wasting time countering their lies, they are launching the satellites that will eventually kill you and your family. Their next narrative will be a mutating virulent strain of covid, that second wave they keep hyping. If that doesn’t cause enough chaos and death, vaccines will enhance the process.
Your governments have agreed to the climate change agenda decades ago in which the only solution Schwab and the cabal at the IMF envisage, is to severely limit the number of people on the planet and steal every acre of land. Less people, less population management.
The only way through is the legal route. Mount a challenge to their illegal lockdowns and laws by proving the virus doesn’t exist. It won’t be difficult. Their entire theory of viruses hinges on contagion. The contagion of this virus or any other cannot be proven or shown. Their lockdown is based on fraud. The emergency powers are also based on fraud that will be easy to prove.
“In questions of science, the authority of a thousand is not worth the humble reasoning of a single individual.“
Galileo Galilei
I hedge my bets here by saying there’s “no exceptional virus”. This can equate to:
a) there being no virus
b) there being a virus (viruses) which is only slightly different to other viruses which have already circulated
c) there being a virus which is significantly different, but is in no way exceptional with regard to deadliness.
Since there is nothing exceptional with regard to the putative virus, there is no need for any numbers to be distributed (debated) outside the research community. Also, I’m not remotely interested as to whether they eventually find this virus; or not.
I see your point however their science is fraud.
They’ve never been able to show contagion in a single study for any virus, by transferring the excretions they claim contain viruses, from an ill subject to a healthy subject. That’s absolute proof. What more do you need?
One hundred people in each study, 300 total and they couldn’t make a single person sick from the secretions of ill patients. Even after injecting the healthy subjects.
Gupta is a fraud. Oxford. Cambridge. Harvard. Stanford. Johns Hopkins and all the Institutions the NIH fund are literally networks of fraud. Dozens of the most prestigious universities in the world are up to their eyeballs in this fraud. Perpetrating fraud. Profiting from fraud.
In the DARPA covid operation which falls under the purvey of the Rockefeller “Brain Initiative“, all the scientists and group partners have to sign confidentiality agreements with the US military. They are bound by silence and the threat of life in prison. But all of those scientists know they are working on fraud. They KNOW.
The fraud is highly profitable. It’s a trillion dollar business making people sick to sell drugs, and injecting them with absolutely unnecessary vaccines.
But their fraud is so close to being exposed. Their fake narratives are falling apart.
Hands up anyone, who thinks life is going to get better, unless somehow we arrest these evil people in control and put them on Trial. I do not know how to do it.
The Charge is War Crimes Against Humanity…
I want to see this guy in Court, and I want my Ex Girlfriends Kids – (They have both been trained in Law at Manchester University)
To Lead The Prosecution of This Man (They will understand why – when they see the evidence)
One of the most evil b@stards on the planet. I do not blame the soldiers. They are kids and volunteered to serve their Country. Both my Older Brothers joined The Territorial Army – Royal Army Medical Corps, whilst I went to see Harold Wilson of a Fruit Box in Oldham Market – Good Man – he told The Americans No..so my Brothers didn’t go to Vietnam.
What Good has The Scottish Tony Blair done for any one?
He is a Disgrace to Scotland. In fact he is a Disgrace to the Human Race.
The Kids don’t Know yet. I could never tell my Ex about the atrocities that went on in Yugoslavia – Serbia. She is sweet and innocent. The knowledge of such war crimes against her family relations would destroy her soul..Can you imagine the contracted KSA kidnapping the most beautiful kids in the World – to put them on a slab, and remove their vital organs – freeze them and fly their organs for transplants out of Yugoslavia for rich people.
When I knew, (backed up by an Official EU Report and investigation) I just cried my heart out. I just couldn’t imagine anything so evil. This was before 9/11 Easter 1999
Want a new liver, kidneys or heart mate? Fresh, chilled delivered direct to your local hospital…get the surgeons lined up…It’s Kosher
The Devil Takes His Evil Steps
Blair is just a scapegoat. Nearly all the Tories supported the war in Iraq, and MI6 lied about the weapons of mass destruction. They want us to keep scapegoating Blair so that the criminals in the intelligence agencies who organised 9-11 and covered it up aren’t brought to account.
True but he is a very fat scape goat ripe for skating.
Looks like he’s offering to give these squaddies hand jobs.
For the past month in US, death counts, from all causes, have been back to average of prior years. You would think otherwise if you believed the media hysteria.
Actually an average of 7,000 per month less than last year according to the CDC updated figures.
My basic philosophy is based on the concept of infinity, which never made any sense to me at all.
So I was chatting about this with my mate Paul Bradshaw at college whilst we were doing our “A” Levels Maths, Physics, Chemistry, General Science and mostly trying not to stare at Bronwen in the library…We both knew we stood no chance…She was far too Beautiful for us. The lads in her class called her Tinkerbell.
We both agreed 0 to infinity doesn’t make any sense at all
What if both 0 and infinity don’t exist….they are mere concepts
How can you have nowt, and suddenly from nothing have a big bang??
Maybe Life and Time is not Linear…it just seems that way…maybe it is cyclic and global…
Maybe when you die, you instantly go to heaven, when you become aware of yourself sucking your thumb in your Mother’s womb (when you are dead, time doesn’t matter – you have no concept of it..It doesn’t matter how long it takes the universes can do whatever they want to -you are not here. you are dead – you have no concept of time nor other dimenisions.
You get born again, like you were the first time, except there was never a first time. You have always experienced this life – its the only one you have got – and every time feels and is like the first time)
So be nice. You have got Free Will. You have got Free Choice.
You might have to do this forever. In fact you always have, and you always will.
Almost no one likes my theory.
They think when they drop dead – That’s It or they go to heaven, hell or purgatory
Well it might be. I prefer the Angels myself.
If you prefer Tony Blair and Hillary Clinton – go to hell for all eternity,
I don’t know.
“Pearl Jam – Alive (Official Video)”
Blimey – How are You Doing Mate.
Tony, not only do I like your theory I believe in it.
What if both 0 and infinity don’t exist….they are mere concepts
what if you have one chocolate bar.
what if Tony bLiar then comes and steals your chocolate bar, while you weren’t looking.
now you have zero chocolate bars.
welcome to the real world.
The facts about this virus matter little to all organisations still flogging this dead horse as they have been paid to follow this path. Those who haven’t been paid to push the scam should be kicking themselves. It will save the people doing it later on.
The horse? died of COVID19, contracted after eating a Pawpaw.
Death by covid 19 aka by being hit by buses. – Jon Rappoport
The “No More Fake News” site comes up with a warning from Firefox this evening.
Something about a certificate having expired…
Oh no! Jon’s info is probably my very fave and I use him extensively. Only a second ago, before coming to OG, I clicked publish on my latest post which included an excerpt of one of his posts and an excerpt of another, by Tom Cowan, which he points his readers to. Alas, That’s how the gangsters roll, as Winston knows too well.
In US law, if you take govt. money you may not violate the first amendment. If we didn’t have fascism in the US, FB gov. contracts would be immediately cancelled.
They would also not be exempt from prosecution.
It is best to find alternatives but it should be noted that a powerful group or groups did take down brandnewtube. The legacy tech companies don’t like competition!
It is hard to get many people to go past the fact checkers. They see, “this is fake news” and go no further. I try to ask people to read and make their own decision even though a facty checker told them not to. That sometimes works as does showing who funds these facty people!
I hope the legacy companies make themselves irrelevant.
Really! Brandnewtube is already gone? Wow! This is hot war against the people (counterinsurgency). The Corporatocracy State is mowing us down.
Brandnewtube was under attack a few weeks back. It’s fine now.
Brandnewtube is still up & running. But it suffered multiple hacking attacks which took it down temporarily.
Thanks for correcting me everyone. I wrote my statement poorly and appreciate you giving the accurate info. Jill
I’m sorry. I did not write this carefully enough. BNTube was taken down for about 15 hours? but they got it back up! They did not succeed!!!!
Vernon Coleman has the scoop!
This kind of censorship is widespread now, just print some pretty ordinary facts in the Guardian’s comments page, that don’t match their daily narrative, and you’ll be personally abused by the house trolls, and eventually your account will be deleted. I have even had comments deleted that referenced previous Guardian articles, because they were the articles that they wanted to hide, not the ones they wanted to push.
Gone are the heady days when you could write exactly what you wanted in the Daily telegraph and it would never, ever be deleted. They really didn’t care what you wrote, you could even slag them off every day, they just let you get on with it.
Yep, my account at the rancid Guardian was closed
Buongiorno fellow bloggers here @off the guard. Ringraziamo il cielo for such websites.
The latest from the scamdemic and WHO the world Hell Organisation plus those gran figlii di Puttane @ Stanford are about to revise their victim numbers.
So rumours have it since CDC USA outed the legacy media and stated that the IFR rate is circa 0.14 and 99.9 percent recovery rate , further more stated that the real death rate of da Virus is more like only between 6 percent to 12 percent of the actuall reported death rates
it appears they wiil be revising the numbers not so far into the distant futre hence 10 percent of the actual tabulated numbers is the real number > Just like the head of the CDC Italia stated back in May that really only 12 percent of the people that the MSM have been reporting as deaths actually died of da Virus.
Post Scriptum: I think thier will be shortage of eggs in the world in the coming days or weeks. Cause their will be alot of egg on alot of ashlocks faces . IE: Andrews, Macron, Trudeau. Conte e compagnia bella.
Docius In Fondem: Better stock up on ur eggs.
As James and Catherine noted, they have deception on their side. I think that they are shameless but I also think that they hate sunlight. Exposing them is necessary, whether they respond or not. They don’t respond. They have only lied and they plan to increase the lies exponentially. A recent UKC show demonstrates that fact, as does a Whitney Webb article about an HHS program that will be deployed which will ‘predict’ covid 19 outbreaks. Covid 19 doesn’t even exist. So that tells you how far they’ll go. And there’s the interesting entry in James Corbett’s recent look at covid 19 predictive events in which Michael Ryan (UN guy who threatened to enter people’s homes and take their kids) predicted that there will be lots of “high impact epidemics” going forward!
I am sure they will have another biofear porn event rite up their sleaves as this scamdemic un ravels to the dust bin of recent history. .
Most peoples attention span is equivalent to that of a nat so they will just kick this can down the road and introduce another can of sunkist just for us the sheeple to further digest as more wealth is transferred to their hands and we the sheeple get further thrusted into this fascistic dystopia
This is not going to stop until people make it stop. These governments know full well that “Covid” is being used as cover for crashing the economies in the Western world. There is not now and never has been a “pandemic”- that is all Kabuki theater to disguise the reality of rapid economic decline brought on by the Ponzi Schemes of financial institutions over the past few decades.
Another update from Euromomo shows another week with no excess mortality in W. Europe. The impact of Covid upon overall mortality in these nations has been non-existent for 24 straights weeks.
It should be evident by now that Covid is no longer the killer it never was- the policies in nursing homes was the killer.
BTW anyone seen the flu lately?
Has the flu has been re-branded as C19 by the vaccine mafia?
Maxwell, thanks for your insights. They are always great.
You may have already read this book, “The Global Police State” by William I Robinson. Great book which outlines the present and future efforts of the Transnational Capitalist Class to control the global economic, cultural and political system. It was released in Sept. 2020 but written before Covid19. A critical reader can fill in Covid 19 between the lines and begin to realize that this has been a Plandemic from the get go that serves as a form of control on the world population for the greed of the TCC. Enough said. Peace. Kirko
William Robinson writes the intro to Peter Phillips’s recent book titled “Giants – The Global Power Elite.” I quote from that often. The transnational capitalist class is the subject of the book and Phillips’s shows, on page 59, how areas that it targets for investment include vaccines. I highly recommend the book. Ignore the Chomsky plug. (The book isn’t perfect, because Phillips’s isn’t perfect.)
I have read that book as well. The key is to connect the greed of TCC to everything that is falling apart in this world and then disconnect ourselves from their propaganda which we get every day in the MSM. There are also liberal and progressive web sites that are so hooked on the nastiness of Trump that they fail to deliver any critical thinking. I am not a Trump or Biden supporter. Thank you for your post. Peace.
Acknowledged. I was rushed when I posted the above. There’s apostrophes everywhere. Ugh.
I’ve not seen that- have to look it up.
Thank you.
On an anecdotal note I had to get dog food today- I live in a hyper pro-mask area of the US. Lots of techno-secure over-educated liberal imperialists.
As mentioned I never wear a mask and go into places armed with pen and notebook.
In the store today, a place I knew they would challenge seeing a real flesh and blood face, right when I walked in the employee who was walking towards an aisle by the door turned and said, “You have to wear a mask or you can’t be in here.”
I lashed out and said, “I have a medical exemption and if you say another word I’m gonna sue your store.” While saying this I opened up my notebook, looked at my watch and wrote down her statement. She apologized and said, “We have to abide by certain laws to stay open.” I countered with “You are violating a federal law, the American Disabilities Act here and we are sick of being hassled.”
Don’t ask me who the ‘we’ is it just came out.
Got my two 30 lb bags of dog food and she actually volunteered to carry one out. I said it was good we could end on a friendly note. As we walked to the car I just started rattling off Covid data and left it that she needed to be questioning all of this if she isn’t already and that “your business is gonna get demolished by all of this and if you think it is not your not paying attention.”
Drove off.
God bless you!
Kinda brutal – it’s sad to have to be rough with the people who did not cause this sickening hoax, but I fear that’s where we’re at right now.
Well done.
“Little actions” like yours do take a certain amount of courage, and that’s what we need more of in order to make sure the message gets across.
My partner had an experience yesterday in the supermarket. Was told at the entrance he needed to wear a mask, he said he was exempt, the assistant said “there are police patrolling the store””. When he went to leave the store the Police stopped him and asked why he wasn’t wearing a mask and told him that the assistant had informed them of him. So now we have police patrolling supermarkets and assistants informing police of non mask wearers. I complained to the store. Took me 3 phone calls, the first of which was with a “customer service nazi” who kept demanding my name which I refused to give as she had no lawful right to know my name ( that call ended with me telling her to go xxxx herself as she also kept pretending she couldn’t hear me). The 2nd call was much more civil however having been finally transfered to the store ( 15 min’s in to the call) I was cut off. The 3rd and final call resulted in an apology and acknowledgement that the assistant should not have involved the police and that some retraining was needed in the store. Of course we will vote with our feet and stop shopping there too.
What does the police do when you say you’re exempt? Do they ask for your papers to prove it? Do they ignore it and keep insisting you wear a mask?
Police cannot insist on your medical papers. Once you have informed the store, police, or anyone of a medical exemption the case is closed. No explanation needed.
I have been in this situation of few times, though not with police. In stores. I have had to use the argument, after informing of exemption and still being hassled, that if the store is open to the public they cannot discriminate. I inform of the ADA also.
Most store employees leave it at that. If they’re jerks they keep talking behind your back. But even young Karens will let it go.
They are doing there job. Whether I agree or not. So now I just say, “Well, you’ve done your job now. Thank you. I”m going to finish my shopping and leave.”
Again, I have to say I only get spoken to about 2 in 10 times I shop. It’s amazing the stores I shop in where no one says a word.
Peggy Hall at The Healthy American has lots of videos and info about this stuff. I’ve learned a lot there.
In Germany, where I live, you can only be exempt with a medical attest. Store clerks can’t ask for your papers (I think), but public transportation staff can call the cops on you, and *they* can ask for your papers. So I’ve been trying, without much success, to find a doctor who will give me an exemption. Mental health reasons do qualify as well. But afaik we can’t just self-identify as exempt like you guys do in the UK. (I’d love to be proven wrong, though!)
I found that Turkish places are very lax with the mask thing. I’ve never been asked to muzzle myself in a Turkish grocery store or kebab house. And for some reason they’re more likely than other Germans to see through the scam.
In USA no one is allowed to ask you medical info. THAT info is what I have been told and have read throughout this dystopian era of 2020. I have read exemption cards – not written by doctor – that say it is against the law to require any info once and exemption has been stated.
Peggy Hall has done an enormous amount of work on this.
The thing is that nowadays the come back is “we are under emergency orders” or some such malarkey. Which is in fact true
But then they have to prove that the emergency orders are in fact, at this point, constitutional.
The thing is that everyone is just going along with this because the govt and cdc say so. And they believe there is a deadly virus.
I am just taking it day by day. I know I cannot travel by train or air because I won’t wear a mask and don’t want to fight that.
I gave myself a haircut, which came out rather cute, because I won’t wear a mask at a hairstylists and I’m not going to fight that.
I do not like the idea of someone doing my grocery shopping, so I will not wear a mask and will fight that as much as possible.
JUST SAW THIS – Yahoo news is reporting on a piece from todays Wall St Journal about the most obvious, and of course dangerous, way to catch Covid19! Kissing, hand-holding, being close to people. Because, you know, tee hee, silly us, it’s not really contagious on surfaces, and such.
It’s all those natural human behaviours. You have to read the article. It’s positively sickening. And ends with the admonition – so, y’know, stay inside and avoid people at all costs.
Keep washing those hands and wearing masks of course!
He just told them he was exempt. They did ask if he had an exemption card but he just told them no and that Doctors don’t issue them. They just said that when possible he should try to wear a mask. I am honestly not clear if they could have taken it further with him or not but the fact is here in the UK one of the exempt reasons can be “severe distress” . In his case this is the reason he doesn’t wear a mask. My question would be how can it be proved that he doesn’t suffer severe distress and how is severe distress defined in the legislatiion. I personally don’t think the Police would be able to take him to court and win based on something that is so open to interpretation .
And the police really have the time and the manpower to get involved with this nonsense? What a shocking misuse of resources.
I agree Mike… that was my reaction too!
Now that would be severely distressing!
Most places I go don’t hassle me at all. There are a couple of small restaurants that are struggling to stay open, so we put on the diaper to walk to the table. So absurd. People are scared, I get it, but to see this passive compliance is what scares me.
Agreed, but I would call it rabid compliance, and demands for more mandates to comply with.
Yes, some seem to enjoy it.
This from late April:
From the UKC show for October19, 2020: graph
The absence of ‘flu and the common cold are the smoking guns for me.
And it doesn’t help that ignorant people spread the Rabid19 lie.
Today our neighbour sent an email, saying that she’d had covid last week, and that she would know tomorrow whether or not she was clear…
Of course if there even was such a thing as covid, we would be castigating her for not letting us know sooner, but, as things stand, I’m just assuming she had ‘flu, and I’m keeping well away from her, as I would have done with any other ‘flu.
I have also assured my wife (who is easily scared) that there is nothing to worry about, and we won’t even catch a cold if we just use good-ol’-fashioned common sense.
As others here have noticed, there is desperation in the air, and it doesn’t come from us…
Getting cold, flu, cough or fever has become something to dread. You are unlikely to get routine medical care without having to take the lottery-like test. Of course, you can self-treat by going to a pharmacy; the authorities pretend that the staff there are somehow at less risk from The Dread Pandemic compared to medical staff.
The flu, the common cold, a stuffy nose, a sinus headache, bronchitis, that cough that lasts for weeks, stops, and comes back – all those things we used to hate – will all fall under the big fat overblown tent of Covid19/20/21 ad infinitum.
Gone are the good old – achoo! – days.
Siilly u.
Da Virus cured the common flu.
It will be nominated for the Nobel Science award.
I can c it now BBC CNN ABC RAI FRANCE1 CBC all thie interviewing Coroni Maroni 19 after his or her or non binary exceptaqnce speach.
I created my own fact-checking entity.
In today’s post we will address fact-checkers and their respective platforms.
Fact-checkers/fact-checking tools/sites are impartial unbiased resources to help the public formulate an informed and education opinion about matters important to them
Red Alert Level 5 (Most Severe)
Fact-checking is among the most popular and presently used tactics in sharing and dissemination of propoganda among the masses in our modern hyper-connected digital world. It is currently being used consistently and aggressively to prolong the suffering caused by the COVID-19 alleged pandemic (the policies being made that is, not the virus itself).
While alluring to it’s seemingly respectable and user-friendly household title, fact-checkers attempt to bypass scrutiny by appearing to emulate credible entities; organizations, institutions etc otherwise considered widely trusted for confirmation of factual information. The public are gradually and covertly indoctrinated through social media and mainstream media to have unquestionable trust and faith in fact-checkers despite the evidence for this demanded trust and faith never being provided (especially by the fact-checkers themselves!) and only ever really being amplified by the traffic garnered through misleading and fraudulent content. The more attention a particular article or link gets on a social media platform, regardless of credibility, the more legitimate it is therefore considered. This inherent vulnerability in group human behaviour is exploited by fact-checkers who deliver their content with the aim of it becoming viral and therefore finding itself among more and more people’s daily social media feeds. The ulterior motives of these fact-checker entities has now been reinforced significantly. A tick by a name or some related symbol often has to suffice in terms of further credibility.
Fact checking by so-called fact-checkers in this way usually consists of purposefully chosen biased cherry-picked news articles that defend the narrative being bolstered by alleged fact-checkers, and unreliable studies that otherwise would not be considered substantial scientific evidence. Any challenges to this method usually culminate in the challenger being dubbed a “conspiracy theorist, tin foil hat theorist, nut job, crack pot”. This likely will end up with a fact-checking article published on the challenger debunking the fact-checker.
Many fact-checking entities highlight concerns for conflicts of interest including ties to private interests who often ambitiously fund them in order to bolster particular narratives at the expense of lowering the credibility of competing narratives. These competing narratives, currently considered as alternative narratives in mainstream media circles, are usually consistent with the truth and facts and yield great potential to provide contrasting debate yet they threaten the narrative being bolstered and so they are undermined. This undermining is precisely the aim of fact-checking entities. It is therefore a rather invaluable tool in the arsenal of those who wish to conduct mass disinformation campaigns and psychological operations on many millions of people to push particular agendas while reinforcing these motives and agendas with the elaborate illusion that fact-checkers confirm what they are doing as being justified and scientific therefore above board and acceptable.
I personally know one of those fact checkers but I can’t say his name. I also know that I had sex with her wife more than once… should I invite him to fact check this out to see if they are good enough in doing their job? This could be a real good task for him
Andy Burnham is a Scouse Trot…He wanted to close Manchester Down more than anyone else.
Why the hell did you vote for him?
Ken Livingstone has got some class, even Boris Johnson has got more socialist credentials.
I occasionally have been known to cycle to London too…even knock at the door with my bike. I reckon they would have let me in, if I was wearing a suit and tie, and cut my hair. I actually chained my bike to the railings, and tried to walk in to The Houses of Parliament
The Copper wouldn’t let me in cos I was hot and sweaty, but he didn’t nick my bike, so I rode back home.
My Girlfriend asked – where have you been…I cycled into London, and now I am back.
They all wanted to be Syd Barret…
Personally I preferred The Groundhogs and Hawkwind
But Pink Floyd are O.K (seen them twice), but none of them entered my Top 3.
1 Led Zeppelin
2 Peter Gabriel (Gets Best Live Gig Award – Hammersmith Odeon about 1984 Rhythm of The Heat. He just chucked himself in.. he was slim then)
3. Rush -she invited me back home into her bedroom to fix her record player -and she had Rush 2112
I also really liked Rush.. I said I might be able to get tickets – Stafford Bingley Hall..I know it seems a long way – but it’s straight down The M6 – its 70 Miles…Do it in about an hour.
She said O.K.
So I had another date with her.
(I had to play it dead cool, cos I fell in love with her the moment I saw her) I did tell my Ex who threw me away -we still stayed friends for a bit…it was her mate who gave me the Rush Album I swapped it for Tubular Bells which I couldn’t stand listeneing too after 25 times. She couldn’t stand Geddy Lee’s voice, but it was growing on me.
She will be back home tomorrow – gone up north for her mum’s 87th birthday.
The Grandkids are dying to see her, and so am I – and my Son.
She’s My Wife..
You have got to have almost nothing to appreciate anything.
Just Believe. If You Fall in Love – It is For all Time.
Sure we split up for all sorts of reasons -but its great to occasionally see each other again..and she flies into your arms for a hug, after my wife has found her in the crowd
Then they both run away together to the girls and have a good chat, and take the tickets with them to get in…
Teasing an old man with a walking stick (me) They get on incredibly well, and still look 25…and they are in their 60’s like me.
“Rush – 2112 [HD FULL SONG]”
“Northern cities told they could be next after Manchester put into Tier 3”
Yeh, but are the pubs, the gyms, the hairdressers, the swimming pools, the 5 a side’s, the Yoga Classes, The RockFitChick Dance Classes still open in Manchester…???
They are in London.
I Reckon They are Taking The P1ss
Don’t complain, just carry on as normal.
No one can make head nor tail of the rules.
You can always shut the front, but keep the back door open for your regulars
Who’s to know? Not even their track and trace works.
Hey this doesn’t sound like fun!
Sex banned indoors for Tier 2 couples living apart, Number 10 confirms
Friday 16 October 2020 15:06
The Evening Standard
Wonder how many will obey that?!! Absolutely ridiculous.
Sounds like they think they are in communist China or even North Korea or something.
Elated at the success they have already achieved, they are just trying it on to see how far they can go with humiliating the human race…
Now who would want to do that, except … (you know who…)
There is more than commonplace human stupidity at work here.
This sick manipulation is probably controlled by morally retarded beings of the highest demonic rank.
Pity they are having such an easy time of it right now.
So have sex outdoors like Winston & Julia
What if I happen to be an epidemiological modeller with a mistress? Is it okay then?
only if she’s a fattie. the blubber bogs down the virus long enough to get the deed done safely.
she’s not fat
I assume from the context that this is a photo of Neil Ferguson’s paramour.
If so, keep this in mind: Ferguson created a computer model of her, and closes his eyes and thinks of his model whenever he’s with her. In Ferguson’s model, he extrapolates the available data and winds up with this result:
Gee whiz, didn’t the UK’s revered Prognosticator of Doom Laureate, Neil Ferguson, risk his life doing empirical research to prove that there is no significant risk of catching the Megadeath Virus of Doom by having sex among people who live in different households?
It’s heartbreaking to think that his sacrifice was in vain!
in the Liberated Zone of Canada, the revolutionary government recommends the use of “glory holes”, amongst other free-love innovations.
Good god, I thought you were taking the piss, but this is for real!
“Glory Hole” – must be a cultural or generational thing, because in England, at least for someone of my generation, a “glory hole” was the cupboard under the stairs where you kept the vacuum cleaner, plus a ton of other rubbish which made it difficult to get at the vacuum cleaner when you needed it (that was always my excuse anyway).
Although I’m sure understairs cupboards have occasionally been used for “discussions of a Ugandan nature” (as Private Eye used to say).
Slightly off-topic, but spare a thought for the suffering inflicted upon animals because of this fraud.
The $18 billion gold rush for liability free COVID vaccines now threatens that ancient Atlantic coast ritual. COVID vaccine makers plot to harvest tens of thousands of these primitive and beloved sea creatures. The horseshoe crab’s blue blood is the only known natural source of limulus amebocyte lysate, a substance that detects and eliminates a potentially deadly vaccine contaminant called endotoxin.
If it’s to make vaccines safe, they will just claim to have used it… no sweat
Or they’ll just use monkey lymph instead, with cyan dye in it.
Children’s Health Defense has a story about this also.
The following comment was posted on Ed Curtin’s website and I find it spot-on ( it was responding to a comment that was doubting the need for the parasites to engage in such a huge scam) Emphasis added by me.
The most clear and obvious flaw in your thinking is that TBTB already had the world by the throat and were winning. This is not true. They are on the precipice of losing everything. Their only goal is power and dominance. Money is a tool of control for them not an end. It is their money after all. The problem they face is that full spectrum dominance has failed. The economic and political repercussions from this are the end of Western dominance. Economically, militarily, spiritually the West could be at its end. This would be when a world war begins. It hasn’t happened because Russia has made it clear it will use nuclear weapons. The US is losing control of Asia and its wars in the middle east have hit a brick wall. The West was going full speed ahead over a cliff. TPTB slammed on the breaks. Lockdowns buy them time. They have to reorganize or lose everyhting. This is desperation you are witnessing.
One does not eat “control” and money or “value” are mechanisms of trade or barter .
It is possession of resources (food, water, material for protection from the elements) which motivate the corporate fascists. The primitive survival instinct from their animal “minds” is that which motivates those throwbacks. Higher intellect should not be confused for base instinct.
Time for humanity to move beyond the oligarch mobster psychopaths.
The narrative control SWAT teams are working hard on this one, it certainly was not the WHOs intention to let this little kitty out of the bag. IFR 0.14% = some “pandemic” right… if this little news actually made the MSM headlines, it would “debunk” the whole pandemic.
It is a bs figure. No “infections” have been proven at all.
If the scam PCR tests are driving ‘ infections ‘ up, then surely this drives the IFR down and works against the narrative. Shooting themselves in the foot,I would have thought.
they’re counting on most people being too stupid to notice this contradiction. so far, they haven’t been proven wrong.
Charisse said there is violence being caused by the covid cult: “A lady even got attacked on our flight by a mask wearer.” The media didn’t report this instead conducting a hit piece on her to continue inciting violence.
Time to start going to self defence classes… wait, are these still happening?! Maybe just time to get hold of a little spray bottle…
This is getting tiresome. I don’t think anyone is interested in real science and real statistics. Except for this group, that is.
In the U.S. the important thing is to create confusion so that the left can keep hammering on Trump and blaming him for everything in order to keep him from getting reelected.
(And the Media….Fuck…… Every one I know refuses to watch them anymore. I have no idea how advertisers are staying with them.)
That’s it. I say lock them up for treason.
My “troll’ summation.
Rioters have toned it down because they have figured out that they are only helping Trump.
I had a county commissioner candidate call and ask for my vote recently. She eventually identified herself as a Democrat. I told her that I never vote for another Democrat again as long as they keep promoting anarchy by not stopping the rioting, arson, looting, rape and murder…….. This person had the audacity to tell me that the BLM demonstrations were mostly peaceful…..
Of course, I told her, “You are delirious”…..
Just sayin………………
Everyone can send them a “note” expressing their feelings and thoughts at:
Just did thanks for that
Email: Suckit@nomm.com
YOUR CONFIDENCE IN YOUR SCAM WILL BE YOUR DOWNFALL- and you will never know what really hit you.
Thanks Jojo.
I had a quick look at the MSM and my goodness what utter garbage they are spouting today. The argument over Manchester lockdown tier and Sage blowing hot air about infections increasing and Covid deaths on the rise and up from the week before.
It’s not even gutter journalism. It’s just despicable lie after lie.
Why are Sage even being given a platform.
They’ve never once acknowledged or been asked a single question about the PCR test.
They are fully aware that the PCR test is not a diagnostic test, is being run with such a high amplification cycle that its so sensitive it’s also cross reacting with 4 other viruses with similar RNA to what’s claimed to be Sars-CoV 2 that actually cause the common cold.
The interpretation of these tests are completely irrelevant, cannot be used to make a clinical diagnosis and they spew about infections rising.
It’s complete fraud and it’s astonishing they are being allowed to gaslight people with this rubbish.
Sky and BBC are in overdrive about the increase in Covid deaths.
But yet neither fail to mention there is no increase in weekly death rate.
Health ministers in Northern Ireland and Scotland are banging on about increased infections and the media and the majority just keep swallowing the lie.
What a mess.
Reports that there were large power outages across Liverpool yesterday – the very place where there’s been resistance to the new lockdown measures. Isn’t that a coincidence?
The only time I look at a newspaper is when Offguardian has its Week in The Guardian column. And the absolute piffle in that reminds me why I stopped buying papers over 15 years ago.
On sites like OffG, we know this whole thing is a massive scam, based on fraudulent tests, and the fact that the virus hasn’t even been isolated, and unfortunately, the large majority have fallen for it. Fear of death and illness. Sigh.
The politicians know exactly what is going on. Recent photos of Leo Varadkar and Matt Hancock have surfaced…. without facemasks of course. Should I remind you of Neil Ferguson’s dalliance’s with his mistress during the last lockdown?
We are being played like a fiddle.
Yes we are and your right people have fallen hook, line and sinker.
It doesn’t matter if there’s no evidence or there are contradictions at every turn.
It’s fear and 24/7 propaganda holding up the narrative.
this cult is basically accusing us of killing people and then censoring our defense. if someone dies they are training people to blame the “antimaskers”. they want violence to break out. by wearing a mask people are suggesting that those without one are to blame for any deaths. it is not a minor thing but a weapon indoctrinating people to blame the victim. these people are seriously trying to kill us. this is seriously dangerous what they are doing. it is terrorism. “the virus” is simply a terrorist recruitment device and they are destroying everything with this shit. if this continues imagine what could happen as they continue to radicalise people with this outright propaganda and block any other sources of information.
This is why I recently suggested that arguing over the finer points of data analysis and any numbers crunched was an exercise in futility. It’s an argument that can’t be won as the figures, the projections and the data have all been false from the beginning because the agenda was to scare the public into handing over their rights in exchange for a rescue package that isn’t really needed. And, of course, we know that much of the data was extracted from hospitals, dishonest doctors and seats of learning who provided the graphs and numbers in exchange for money and immunity from prosecution.Only exposing the truth ( if working within the medical community) is costly. Not only do you receive no blood money, you stop receiving salary and become ostracised by peers ( who are still accepting ‘donations’ to keep up the narrative).
These fact checkers are having to work far too hard to deconstruct a narrative by unpicking numbers.Far too hard. A lie is a lie and a truth is a truth. This is a torturous maths lesson in the name of desperation.And, if they’re so desperate to promote this truth that big money is changing hands, then you can use common sense to work out why.
The conversations should be about incidents that have happened, lies that have been witnessed by the public. Lies either printed in papers available to the public, spoken in public or exposed in public. A little like the Neal Ferguson lies of over a decade ago and repeated 9 months ago for a new narrative. What say you, Fact checkers. Where is that creature now ? He needs to be put on trial. Or has Uncle Bill been greasing the wheels again….
Facebook. A beacon of transparency and entertainment with a CEO who used to be a body double for several Muppet characters and kept Kermit’s voice and intellect.
This is the power of branding . A recognisable brand can say so much. Had the CIA put one of their middle aged psychopaths front and centre to sell Facebook on behalf of their Nazi paymasters, too many people would have perceived the aroma of a rodent.
But had they realised back then that the same CIA had been beavering away on a huge and expensive project to collect the data of as many people on the planet as possible( covertly of course) they may have caught that aroma anyway. . It was called Lifelog. It was abandoned on Feb 4th 2004. Facebook was launched that day. Check it- fact checkers. Then explain the last decades growing mountain of evidence that it’s still stealing people’s privacy and selling it on.Coincidence? Ain’t that a fact..
But the masses saw this innocent dope student who was sold as ‘cool’ because he’d dropped out and invented Facebook ‘for you guys’ to share and meet and make invisible friends.For his trouble he was made a very dull billionaire. He’s had more handlers than Madonna’s knickers.
Google have also joined the party.They refused to remove the ‘youtube’ brand because people love youtube. So it paid to keep the recognisable brand rather than call it CIA tube.
The Nazi’s did it in 45. They realised they had many brand semiotics burned into the global psyche ; all the uniforms and flags and marches.You see those you think Eugenics, Genocide, and world domination. They were a very naughty lot.
In 1945 the Americans rescued them( thanks America) as we all watched the lesser ones hang( check that fact, fact checkers). Their new ‘brand’ is a star spangled banner. They merely write the plans and do the work now .The user-friendly WW2 heroes carry out their plan .A brand you can trust.They kept the Eagle.Business as usual..
Here’s a fact i find relevant to the current obsession with trying to destroy the truth. It involves that other brand people trust – the WHO. The World Health Organisation is really the World Genocide Programme.But that, despite being quite catchy, might have raised an eyebrow or two.So we play along, despite the ‘fact’ that the blood in the veins of this beast is the Gates river of dollars.The very same Gates who wants to murder most of the population so they can grow more daffodils.
Back in the 1970s, the game moved up a few gears. The crazy bastards like Gallo et al were getting a bit too busy with their breeding of old and new viruses and mixing and matching.It was all covert( as regard to the public being aware).But the Governments knew.After all, they enjoyed tens of thousands dying. And if they could do it with out making a racket and breaking things, all the more fun.
⦁ 1972
The World Health Organization (W.H.O.) published a proposal:
⦁ “An attempt should be made to ascertain whether viruses can in fact exert selective effects on immune function, e.g., by …affecting T cell function as opposed to B cell function. The possibility should also be looked into that the immune response to the virus itself may be impaired if the infecting virus damages more or less selectively the cells responding to the viral antigens.”
(Bulletin of the W.H.O., vol. 47, p 257- 274.)
This is a clinical description of the function of the AIDS virus.
There’s a fact to check, Fact checkers.
⦁ Mid-1970’s
The incidence of AIDS infections in Africa coincides exactly with the locations of the W.H.O. smallpox vaccination program in the mid-1970’s (London Times, May 11, 1987). Some 1The 4,000 Haitians then on UN secondment to Central Africa were also vaccinated in this campaign.
Knock yourself out, fact checkers.
The virus section of Fort Detrick’s Center for Biological Warfare Research is renamed the Fredrick Cancer Research Facilities and placed under the supervision of the National Cancer Institute (NCI)
Branding again.Ever see the word ‘cure’ in Cancer Research literature or advertising campaigns before you made a donation? me neither…
Keep your eyes open. The stake are high in this game now.And you can’t get back any time you waste.
JuraCalling, That was completely Brilliant. I am going to read it again.
“The crazy bastards like Gallo”
I am not sure, he ever had a clue. He was just a great publicist and liar – fed Billions of Dollars…
If you want to know the truth read Peter Duesberg. He is 83 now, from Germany
” Welcome to Peter Duesberg’s HIV/AIDS research web site.
Peter H. Duesberg, Ph.D. is a professor of Molecular and Cell Biology at the University of California, Berkeley. Biographical Sketch
He isolated the first cancer gene through his work on retroviruses in 1970, and mapped the genetic structure of these viruses. This, and his subsequent work in the same field, resulted in his election to the National Academy of Sciences in 1986. He is also the recipient of a seven-year Outstanding Investigator Grant from the National Institutes of Health.
On the basis of his experience with retroviruses, Duesberg has challenged the virus-AIDS hypothesis in the pages of such journals as Cancer Research, Lancet, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Science, Nature, Journal of AIDS, AIDS Forschung, Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapeutics, New England Journal of Medicine and Research in Immunology. He has instead proposed the hypothesis that the various American/European AIDS diseases are brought on by the long-term consumption of recreational drugs and/or AZT itself, which is prescribed to prevent or treat AIDS. See The AIDS Dilemma: Drug diseases blamed on a passenger virus.”
I watched a documentary about him recently. Interesting. Another voice in the wilderness.
Last night I watched a new webinar with Dr. Sherri Tenpenny and Dr. Judy Mikovitz (I linked it from Tenpenny’s twitter page)
Mikovitz did this work back in the 80’s – cancers, cell lines, gain of function, HIV, etc. She can get very technical but I love to hear her talk. She has first hand experience with Fauci and Gallo.
Tenpenny has been studying, writing and speaking about vaccines for 20 years.
It’s too bad they could not have taken more time with this interview. There is so much information. But in any case, it was a good listen.
Also worth checking out Lanka, Engelbrecht & Köhnlein. Sadly, David Crowe is no longer with us, but I hope his material will remain online.
BTW, David Crowe did at least one, maybe two interviews with Peter Duesberg, in his “Infectious Myth” series.
At this point “most of the population” deserve what they get, IMO, but the “depopulation agenda” theories undermine all your other valid points. Pharma and the rest are parasites more than predators- they need their hosts alive. They feed on human fear and suffering more so than death. It is likely that the killing of old peope in care homes was/is deliberate so as to eat up a bunch of pension money but I see no gain for them from a wider genocide… which is more difficult than you might think… People are notoriously hard to get rid of! They actually need to maintain a facade of legtimacy because they are severly outnumbered. Remember that they are nothing without the millions of human guard dogs brainwashed enough to sign up to be policemen, miltiary and insecurity services. They are the true power here.
I can understand your despair regarding most of the population. You no doubt mean the conforming, unquestioning sheep. But their ignorance shouldn’t bring a death sentence, despite it being frustrating and annoying. Let’s understand that the education system’s worth has been dismantled and diluted year by year since 1900. You can see it if you read educational material from every decade from then until now. Only those who refused to just listen and regurgitate and obey according to the training programme’s requirements have come through as critical thinkers. We’re the minority. We should be finding a level- or a method- to try and educate the sheep and wake them up on their terms. If not, we’re done.
My ‘depopulation theories’ are more than theories. I can provide a list as long as your arm containing the main, important names and organisations that endorse and pursue it. I can provide a list just as long of how they’ve pursued it and where. And, unless somebody explains to me why Monsanto has cut swathes through humankind and other species and been held accountable, and why so many known poisonous medications have been covertly trialled in unwitting members of certain groups, then the depopulation programme holds more water than any alternative. The AIDS link( and HIV) in the post is hard to deny.
”.Pharma and the rest are parasites more than predators- they need their hosts alive. They feed on human fear and suffering more so than death. ”
That would be a pointless exercise.The reasons they need people alive for the time being is because illness is big business for Pharma and they have stock or patents in it. The ‘hosts’ are also more reliable as subjects than white rats or black African babies for monitoring the success or failure of a variety of germs, poisons and cancers.Why would they ‘feed on fear’ as a preferred diet.Fear has another purpose. Fear is the route to ownership. Once you have someone living in fear of you, you can take them.They’ll hand themselves over for relief.Fear is the controller of the people.It’s been weaponized.The gullible are holding a gun to their own heads buy failing to ask questions or take their heads out of the ground.
‘ ‘People are notoriously hard to get rid of! They actually need to maintain a facade of legtimacy because they are severly outnumbered.”
Here’s just one of the favoured strategies that the Gates ‘Planned Parenthood‘ have tried through Monsanto and Pharma.The same Gates who obsessively speaks of ‘models’ that predict what will be in a decade or a few generations from now if we don’t take his vaccinations.In other words, looking at the data today, and using the laws of probability combined with subjective or fictional data analysis to see where it will end up. Cause and effect.
His people found a way of inducing third generation sterilisation. So, in human terms, your kids may well have kids, and their’s may too. But after that the family tree is ended.And those alive at that time will have none of us to tell them how that occurred.It will be in 50 – 60 years from now.They’ll probably be told it’s their ‘karma’ for farting in the environment for decades.Cause and effect.
Ending millions of family lines depopulates very efficiently. It’s a crime against nature and humanity that leaves no forensic evidence.
Is their a better way of ‘genocide-by-stealth’ ?
Agree with depopulation theory but HIV/Aids is a long running scam. HIV does not cause aids, and it hasn’t therefore been released to cull people off etc. The lifestyle choices(promiscuous homosexual and heterosexual behaviour) that cause AIDs have been promoted and encouraged to bring about the same aim.
I never said HIV causes AIDS. I know it doesn’t. My point was about the covert nature and intention behind creating the virus in the first place. A bigger issue.
In a lot of the testing groups of promiscuous males were gathered to trial vaccinations. They also did it with Hep B shots. The scientists gave homosexuals needles laced with a different disease that they gave to heterosexual ‘promiscuous’ males.
How many laws and rights were abused there ? And what was the thinking behind the ethics committees of different countries and their governments in letting it slide and even continuing the funding.
Same ethics in testing monkies etc. They see them people in the same vein – less than. Dont get me wrong i have working animals, and sometimes i wonder if i am a tyrant like they are….reminds me to be as kind as i can.
If your animals could speak they’d say ” by all means work me, just provide food, warmth and shelter. But never drug or poison me to make me ill so you can kill others for money”.
Probably something like that. If it we more specifically my latest addition (dutch herder), it would be asking why cant i savage your hens *tyrant awakens and e-collar turned on*.
Pharma aren’t calling the shots. The bankers are. The central bankers own pharma. And oil. And all industry. They want all the land, you off it and all your assets. They want the population reduced, because this is Agenda 21 not a virus. And a corporation is merely a vehicle for profit not an entity unto itself.
Pharma’s roots are chemical companies. The very same ones who made Zyclon B, Thalidomide, Agent Orange, DDT etc. They also supplied chemicals for the military that were deployed on civilian populations regularly including in the US.
Here’s a list of some of those highly hazardous chemicals, most of which are still being made today:
Hello JuraCalling: Spot on. Your references speak volumes. All functionaries of WHO need to be vaccinated with a specialty vaccine from the now famous Fort De-trick…
Thanks Paul and amen to that..👍
Indeed. I rarely argue over numbers, and only use them to make irrefutable points.
I left normie land years ago. Let’s talk about the real issues, root causes. The time is nigh.
Who could be doing it. Why might they be doing it. What might it mean for our future.
The JQ.
If one were to put the actual article from the WHO itself, with the quote supporting the death rate, it would not be “fact-checked.” If one were to place an article disseminating the original article itself, then yeah that would be “fact-checked.”
I’ve seen that happen a few too many times on Facebook.
This ridiculous level of censorship by these Social Media outlets controlled by a small handful of asshole oligarchs who have no accountability for their actions whatsoever only strengthens the case for those outlets to be nationalized.
It doesn’t matter whether they are “nationalised”. The medium itself is the problem. Social media = dehumanisation- they are designed for it. Even comments sections such as this or online forums are all dehumanising because there is no human contact.
More or less agree. It’s how we use them (if we do). Personally, I don’t. Never have. I thought the idea of the Internet (Minitel in France) was great when I discovered it. What has happened since is something else.
Ioannidis has an article on the WHO platform which states that his collection of studies found a median infection fatality rate of 0.23%. His own study concluded the IFR was 0.15-0.2%. I wonder if FB will censor this article.
“Health Feedback is owned and published by Science Feedback, which is a not-for-profit organization verifying the credibility of influential claims and media coverage that claims to be scientific, starting with the topics of climate and health. Revenue is derived through donations.” https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/health-feedback/
Science Feedback is characterized as a politically liberal organization. “In 2018, Science Feedback received a “micro-grant” from The Credibility Coalition, a left-of-center journalistic organization funded by the Google News Initiative, Facebook Journalism Project, and Twitter. The organization is also the recipient of a “flash grant” from the Shuttleworth Foundation, a nonprofit philanthropic organization based in Durbanville, South Africa.
Science Feedback appears to be supported by the security state and is being deployed by Globalists to advance their COVID reset agenda.
To these globalist creeps the most offensive data is any “substantial information” refuting the official COVID narrative. This is why so many respected epidemiologists and virologists presenting alternative data about COVID were quickly removed from all social platforms.
The Credibility Coalition. Oh, god, I love it.
Can’t you just see this Committee of Propaganda Naming sitting around the table hysterically laughing at the names they come up with.
Yes, “Credibility Coalition” is doublespeak. 😈
Yes, I can see that. But I can also imagine True Believer propagandists taking their mission very seriously, consumed by groupthink and convincing themselves that they’re coming up with the perfect names to “sell” the product.
Noticed YouTube have removed Reiner Fuellmich’s ‘Crimes Against Humanity’ video, even though it had received 1.5m views. However, the video exists around the world in various formats and on various platforms.
Unfortunately, legal action might be useless when ‘justice’ can be bought. Too little, too late and the question is not being asked – where are the orders for lockdowns coming from?
Jay. > and the question is not being asked – where are the orders for lockdowns coming from?
It’s there now.
Some of Wikipedia’s editors are close relatives of the genus ‘fact checker’, as Zerohedge discusses in a new twist to the Hunter Biden laptop-dancing revelations.
One Wik-editor, called Soibangla, insists on applying the term ‘debunked’ to Hunter’s activities and ventures. The same Soy-Bangla dismisses Bill Clinton’s 26 flights on the Lolita Express as “no evidence” that Clinton was friends with Jeffrey Epstein.
Humanity has humored those psychopaths and psychotics long enough.

Soon as Robespierre appears, we’re ready
“The face diaper is the mark of servitude. Humanity breath in the fresh air unfettered as NATURE had intended.”
“This struggle may be a moral one, or it may be a physical one, and it may be both moral and physical, but it must be a struggle. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will. Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them, and these will continue till they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress.”
~ Frederick Douglas, 1857.
When history looks back on this new novel coronavirus it can only conclude that it is has proved to be the most mysterious, selective and unpredictable little buggar in the history of viruses.
What we know so far:
It originated in China when someone ate a bat.
Lots of people came down with strange flu like symptoms.
People were literally dropping in the street as per the media reports.
The WHO original investigation said there was no evidence of human to human transmission.
The countries surrounding China were barely effected.
Coroni bypassed them and took a trip to Europe where he unleashed his fury on several countries. Lockdowns made no difference as countries that had hard lockdowns such as France, Spain and Italy suffered terribly whilst countries like Sweden with no lockdown and other Scandinavian countries such as Norway, Denmark and Finland with brief lockdowns were spared and suffered no excess mortality.
In the USA, Coroni unleashed his fury in New York causing mayhem even though 66% of people infected had never left the house whilst other states were spared.
As Coroni continued his world tour he touched down in Africa.
There was fears of a humanitarian disaster but Coroni only paid a fleeting visit and caused no excess mortality.
Over in Japan, a very populated country, with no lockdown again Coroni caused very little damage and in New Zealand and Australia with intense lockdowns caused little damage.
By the start of June as countries reopened Coroni went into hiding.
Restaurants were busy, beaches packed, there were several social justice protests but Coroni swerved them all.
But our eminent scientists and politicians gave fire and brimstone sermons that Coroni would be back to haunt us again in the Autumn.
Their computer model said so.
As cold season started in Europe in mid September, Coroni decided to go back on the rampage, infecting tens of thousands of people across Europe.
The overwhelming majority had no symptoms and with no excess hospitalisations or deaths, little Coroni was again proving to be unpredictable.
Coroni only seems to attack the elderly with underlying health problems but yet somehow we’re all at risk.
Now according to our masters the only way to save ourselves from this deadly beast we must give up our freedoms, stop seeing our families, destroy jobs and local businesses, wear masks.
This is all necessary to protect the NHS that sat empty in the spring and are currently operating at normal capacity.
But over in Scandinavia no masks are required and social life goes on with relative normality.
How safe you are from Coroni depends on where you live.
Scandinavia 1 metre, France 1.5, UK 2 metres.
Coroni is able to distinguish what country your in, he can tell the time, he knows the calendar, he can’t get through masks in some countries but in others he will not bother you if you don’t wear masks.
He knows not to go into pubs before 10pm but after that he’ll be lurking at every corner waiting to pounce.
Everyone is being guided by the science but the science is different in every country.
But the science knows best.
According to Sage we must ignore years and years of peer reviewed evidence based medicine and resort to pulling evidence out of thin air.
The only way to save ourselves and society from this carnage is a vaccine that apparently doesn’t exist yet and it may only prevent symptoms.
As 90% experience no symptoms this is downright unbelievable.
This nonsense and absurdity is like a low budget science fiction movie with a worn out script and terrible actors.
“It originated in China when someone ate a bat.”
Yeh, I became aware of it last December.
I saw the photo’s from Wuhan, of people suddenly lying dead in The Street…and I saw The Trees and The Leaves and The Flowers in the background of the photos
It does get hot in Wuhan in the summer, but in the winter it has a similar climate to England, and the leaves fall off the trees and it sometimes snows.
So the photo’s in December, must have been taken in the Summer, yet no one had even heard of COVID until around October, when The Americans turned up for The World Military Games. I note The UK did not participate, whilst nearly every other country in the world did, and The American Athletes got ill (novichok???)
So the photos were propaganda for an event that was planned for the future. It was probably The CIA who took ’em. They are devious, but not that bright.
Disclosure: I do like the Chinese. I have always found Chinese People very polite, and helpful…some even Gracious
“courteous, kind, and pleasant, especially towards someone of lower social status.”
Just like the fraudulent 9/11 war on terror.
This nonsense and absurdity is like a low budget science fiction movie with a worn out script and terrible actors.
funny you should notice that.