WATCH: BBC Prepares Hit Piece on Independent Journalists

Vanessa Beeley in conversation with James Corbett

Vanessa Beeley joins James Corbett to discuss the BBC’s forthcoming hit piece on journalists like herself who dare call out the White Helmets as a foreign-founded, foreign-funded, terrorist-embedded propaganda construct. They discuss Beeley’s reporting on Syria that clearly gives the lie to the White Helmets’ humanitarian cover and the clear signs that the BBC is set to launch a new smear campaign against independent journalists.

For links to sources, show notes and an audio-only version of the interview, click here. You can also follow Vanessa Beeley on twitter or read more of her work at MintPress News


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Categories: latest, Media Criticism, Syria, UK, video
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Mar 9, 2021 10:39 PM

This was another great discussion with Vanessa Beeley, but for me it was very severely undermined the moment she said “covid hoax”. Whether covid is the real problem it’s made out to be or not, the prevailing consensus is that it is very real. One would have thought that Vanessa was clued up enough to know that – in which case why is she putting her foot in her mouth in that way? Judging by many of the comments here, I would say she is quite likely being led astray by the false cynics who are attracted to her own healthy scepticism, but get a kick out of simply rejecting everything they are told.

Feb 27, 2021 8:10 PM

Wow have wasted more than three decades trying to update my education in mental health conditions by using published research and textbooks. Could have saved myself the bother by discovering this website sooner, clear examples of delusional thinking, group psychosis and lots of suspected narcissistic personality disorders. But never mind because the use of long words and clever sounding phrases will mak it all sound like intelligent intellectual discourse rather than mad ramblings.

Nov 13, 2020 9:17 AM

The BBC has dropped all pretence of independence.
Today its website is highlighting the departure of Dominic Cummings from No.10. Now, I don’t like the Tories any more than your average socialist does, but to be fair, Cummings did announce in January 2020 that he planned to leave his job as Boris’ adviser by the end of the year; so this isn’t news. Yet there’s a long piece by Laura Kuenssberg full of stuff like “[he] jumped because he’d be pushed soon”. Nonsensical comments on an event that isn’t even news.

John Pretty
John Pretty
Oct 24, 2020 12:19 PM

Great interview. Makes a nice change from the ongoing covid charade, but the propaganda outreach is similar.

Oct 23, 2020 4:06 AM

When you’re getting a lot of flak, you know you’re over the target.
We are fortunate in having a number of exceptional women like Vanessa, Eva Bartlett, Lizzie Phelan, Abby Martin, to cut through the smokescreen of lies and get the truth out.

Oct 23, 2020 4:39 AM
Reply to  paul

£5 billion a year of taxpayer’s money goes to the loathsome, utterly vile BBC every year.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Oct 23, 2020 10:24 AM
Reply to  paul

Abby Martin?

ok 🤣

Oct 23, 2020 4:21 PM

What is the issue with Abby Martin? I thought Empire Files does an excellent job.

Oct 23, 2020 4:23 PM

What is the issue with Abby? I thought she did a great job with Empire Files.

John Pretty
John Pretty
Oct 24, 2020 11:32 AM
Reply to  Gypsyjiver

Admin1 has an opinion.

May Hem
May Hem
Oct 22, 2020 10:06 PM

If any of you live in the state of Queensland, Australia – state elections will be held on 31 october. There is one party who say:

“VOTE for IMOP at QLD State election for your right to refuse or choose medical products without coercion!”

IMOP stands for ‘Informed Medical Options’. Thank goodness, at least there is one party I can happily vote for.


Oct 23, 2020 6:56 PM
Reply to  May Hem

it’s been 76 years in the making, a Halloween rare Full Moon that is visible nearly across the entire globe.

any from of voting = evoking is there worse magic may hem

of course they wil set up a disgruntled party that pretends to tick the boxes it a hack to hack you energetically

who and what set up rigged elections on a full moon Halloween

wake up

May Hem
May Hem
Oct 24, 2020 1:42 AM
Reply to  ame

You may be right, ame, but the full moon here in our timezone is on 1st november after the election.

I know some of the candidates in this new party and I believe the group is genuine but who knows, I may be wrong.

I notice that the full moon on 31st is in a tight conjunction with planet uranus, so there are bound to be disruptions and surprises. Let’s hope they’re good ones.

Oct 22, 2020 5:04 PM

In an effort to get the conversation back on topic I think I’ll repost something I said further down, which I think needs to be said: (slightly amended)
The beeb was the best broadcaster in the world full stop.
It can be again given a pro nationalist government.
It should be remembered that Britain has been under foreign rule for nigh on fifty years and every institution has been weaponised against us.

dr death
dr death
Oct 22, 2020 5:49 PM
Reply to  richard

unfortunately the bbc has always been tavistock.

Oct 22, 2020 8:07 PM
Reply to  richard

When did the best era end? I’d love to know…

John Pretty
John Pretty
Oct 24, 2020 11:34 AM
Reply to  richard

It should be remembered that Britain has been under foreign rule for nigh on fifty years.

It has? Er, I think I may need reminding … who?

Oct 22, 2020 4:15 PM

Is there an ongoing deliberate attempt by trolls to crowd out the critical, thoughtful, astute comments one normally associates with Off-Guardian? At what point should comments which bear no relevance whatsoever to the article itself be censored? Or is that the point: to force Off-Guardian into promoting censorship?

At any rate, I do not need to be bombarded with silly nonsense parading as legitimate commentary on an alleged male-female dichotomy. To say it’s puerile is to denigrate youth.

Oct 23, 2020 6:41 AM
Reply to  Howard

You have been successful in your challenge. Unfortunately Offguardian sees fit to make itself no better than any other publication. At least The Guardian notify that it’s been deleted rather than going full Winston Smith. There was no reasonable justification for them to be deleted. Very shoddy and damaging to the site’s integrity.

Oct 23, 2020 11:36 AM
Reply to  Howard

Censorship is common here. The mere mention of the word censor nearly always lands my comment in a holding box.
My comment replies talking if such subtle censorship still never gets published.

Even as the bare faced lie that it proves is repeated – ‘We do not censor’ ! Nothing to see here, move along..’

Any new discerning open minded reader here will soon figure that out. Any other who is attracted here like a moth to a flame of whatever personal prejudice they hold will never acknowledge they are being duped.

They will burn and fall as the flame holders smile at their success!

Mr Y
Mr Y
Oct 23, 2020 1:18 PM
Reply to  DunGroanin

Why wasn’t your comment censored then?

Find somewhere else to whine!

Oct 24, 2020 11:46 AM
Reply to  Mr Y

It still is – see the link below to Howard. Tell me if you can see it?

Pointing out the obvious fact is not whining.

Being a wilful blind god king worshipper like you cheering the emperor’s new cloths, like you seem to do, is more like whining.

Don’t bother replying without having checked my link first.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Oct 24, 2020 1:33 PM
Reply to  DunGroanin

Have you tried posting the type of libellous abuse you offer here on any other website?

Have you tried, for example, telling Craig Murray (whom you profess to admire) that he is controlled opposition or government disinfo? Have you tried throwing the insults at him you routinely throw at us?

Do you think he’d tolerate it? Or do you think you’d be banned as a disruptive troll?

The fact we occasionally remove your worst offenses in no way mitigates the fact you are allowed to say things here you would never get away with anywhere else – and that’s why you come here – to vent.

Let’s be clear Dungroanin – you are NOT a fearless and rugged outlaw singlehandedly challenging our mainstream complacency with wit and aplomb, like Peter Pan facing off with Captain Hook; you’re an angry disenfranchised guy who has too much time on his hands, drinks too much and holds a grudge when proven wrong

– and you’re taking advantage of our extremely open comments to prove this to everyone but yourself.

Oct 24, 2020 3:21 PM

“ The fact we occasionally remove your worst offenses ”

Well well finally admitting that you DO censor!

Changed the tune from ‘never’ eh?

I have had posts on CM’s site modded because of supposed links to AS sites which I did not realise were such.

The only other site that has taken the approach that you have is the original Groaniad stassi mods, which too, started to arbitrarily ban my comments, mostly for unidentified broken comment rules! OG used to run that series but hardly seen it this year- why not?
The other reason was criticising their authors bonafides especially in their Syria Campaign PR stream – Chulov and WH ‘journalists’ – and once notably when Toynbee lost the plot and made the mistake of engaging btl.

Your allegation that I have been libellous is hollow when no one else can read it to make up whether it stands upto YOUR say so.

Can’t have it both ways – either you admit you have changed your MO or you don’t censor – care to write it as a ATL statement?


Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Oct 24, 2020 3:40 PM
Reply to  DunGroanin

Well well finally admitting that you DO censor!

We remove racism, empty ad hom and spam, Dung, just as we always have. A certain amount of your output falls into those categories.

I have had posts on CM’s site modded because of supposed links to AS sites which I did not realise were such.

Evasion. Do you believe you could accuse Craig of being a government agent and routinely devalue his work as you do ours and NOT be censored? Can you name one site but ours that would let you do that?You know the answer. Have the grace to admit it.

Your allegation that I have been libellous is hollow when no one else can read it to make up whether it stands upto YOUR say so.

A good many of your libellous and insulting claims are still published here – only a very small minority have been removed, usually for other reasons such as repetition or abuse of other commenters

Can’t have it both ways – either you admit you have changed your MO or you don’t censor – care to write it as a ATL statement?

Our comment policy has not changed at any point, as already stated numerous times. You, however, have stopped being an interesting contributor and allowed your misery to make you a caricature of a grumpy and self-deluded old fool.

Is that hand gesture intended to be sexually abusive to a female moderator? Please don’t do it any more.

Oct 25, 2020 1:43 PM

Admin, you must have the patience of a saint to remain so calm and courteous in the face of the annoying people who spam this site with their tedious, attention-seeking, repetitive nonsense.

Your hard work is much appreciated. :o)

John Pretty
John Pretty
Oct 24, 2020 12:17 PM
Reply to  Mr Y

dung is the house troll. The editors keep it as a pet.

Oct 23, 2020 3:05 PM
Reply to  DunGroanin

I don’t consider being put in a holding pattern to be censorship. It’s obvious to me in just the short time I’ve been reading Off-Guarding articles and comments that within the last couple weeks, the site is being flooded with totally irrelevant and very long comments.

I’m not speaking of the kind of comment where the poster acknowledges up front that it may be “off topic.”

Another thing I’ve noticed is that replying to a comment from someone (like yourself) who is often “censored” will almost always put me in a holding cell. But I’ve never had a comment actually censored.

Red Corvair
Red Corvair
Oct 22, 2020 2:47 PM

The new anti-Muslim must in France today is the decapitation of professor Samuel Paty “for showing caricatures of the prophet to his pupils”. A really sad crime of course.
So, very consequently, President Macron declares that France will never stop making caricatures. How dare they threaten a great French tradition, anti-Islam caricaturing?!

But look and behold, now it transpires that the perpetrator of the crime is a Russian-speaking Chechen refugee who has been discovered to have links with Syrian Islamists linked to Hayat Tahrir al-Cham in Idlib !!
Just like with the Charlie Hebdo killings, which were the result of French intelligence service DGSE encouraging Islamism in France and Islamist fighters to go and fight in Syria, Africa etc.

When the chickens come home to roost…

Oct 23, 2020 10:43 PM
Reply to  Red Corvair

off-topic noise. You will find much more receptive audience for your concerns about immigrants elsewhere.

Red Corvair
Red Corvair
Oct 24, 2020 4:24 PM

Not so “off-topic” when you consider Vanessa Beeley’s work in Syria, … if only you’re aware of it of course (and consider her journalism is allowed).

More “off-topic” “noise” just for you only: Leaked docs expose massive Syria propaganda operation waged by Western govt contractors and media

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Oct 22, 2020 11:10 AM

When Boris Johnson was the Foreign Secretary, he publicly boasted that the Foreign Office had provided the White Helmets with £68 million from the non-humanitarian fund.

Oct 22, 2020 1:21 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

Boris Johnson seems so easily duped. Look how he bows to Ferguson, Whitty and Vallance, and how they in turn follow or work for Gates and Big pharma. Then there is Carrie’s influence. She is reportedly a big fan of Greater Funberg, whose fear and/or political activism now dictate the UK’s insane environmental policy. Boris is clearly not a leader, and as a follower will never be able to say or understand ‘British people first’. A puppet of the technocrats, he has forgotten that democracy means respecting and representing his own people’s interests.

dr death
dr death
Oct 22, 2020 5:52 PM

i suggest you are duped by boorish johnson and his collection of motley misfits masquerading as the british cabinet.
‘cometh the time, cometh the man’.

John Pretty
John Pretty
Oct 24, 2020 11:35 AM

Boris Johnson seems so easily duped.

He’s a f*cking prick.

Oct 22, 2020 10:09 AM

There is nothing wrong with state funded media, like there is nothing wrong with state funded healthcare or defence. But only as long a your state is a true democracy and not run by the military industrial complex, when it is, then state media is as bad as private media in selling lies.

Oct 22, 2020 12:36 PM
Reply to  Terry

Why do think the banker rulers make native indigeous men into new white niggers? Because they are the only power that could develop a critical mass that would lynch them and take over…Your obession with homosexality is bizzare and unhealthy many wirking class men thst hare the rulers oartake in occasional “cock fun” cause it’s cheap and easy and most women in anglo countries look like men anyway so whats the difference…? Don’t equate these men with the likes of Cressida Dicks. “Cock fun” was rampant amongst the poor souls in the trench you write about.

Oct 22, 2020 8:09 PM
Reply to  Dabuyo

That was an answer to another post…I don’t know how it got here.

Chris Of The Family Slate
Chris Of The Family Slate
Oct 22, 2020 11:03 PM
Reply to  Dabuyo

What the hell are you ranting about.
Cressida Dick fulfills a post due to her, how can we say er! Life choices.
She is a smarmy shyster.

Oct 23, 2020 9:31 AM

It was an answer to a post that was deleted that’s why it seems odd…

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Oct 23, 2020 10:26 AM
Reply to  Dabuyo

It IS an answer to a post – nothing has been deleted – what are you talking about?

Oct 22, 2020 1:27 PM
Reply to  Terry

The BBC is run on woke values by virtue-signalling professional class elitists who hate the indigenous British working class and British identity. No speculation about the military industrial complex needed, unless you have some very good evidence to back up your belief.

Oct 23, 2020 10:50 PM

what do you think “British identity” actually is? looking up to the royals? getting drunk every weekend in some gloomy pub? paying council tax? garden gnomes, union jacks, “I’m alright, jack”? pretending to be sophisticated and succesful? Politely queueing?

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
Oct 22, 2020 2:23 PM
Reply to  Terry

And in principle, the BBC was set up in such a way that there were some checks and balances, .e.g. having a board of governors to provide oversight. Inevitably however, this provided opportunities for cronyism with “the usual suspects” ending up in charge.

The BBC needs democratic reform, not destruction.

messenger charles
messenger charles
Oct 22, 2020 2:37 PM
Reply to  Mike Ellwood

Nothing can be reformed – Protestantism being a good example. The old MUST be swept away and something completely new put in its place.

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
Oct 22, 2020 4:52 PM

So…what would you put in its place? Or just “leave it to the market”? And end up with the American system…?

messenger charles
messenger charles
Oct 23, 2020 11:06 AM
Reply to  Mike Ellwood

The internet has already replaced the BBC and TV in general. The BBC just hasn’t done the honourable thing (because there are no honourable people in it) and fallen on its sword.

Oct 22, 2020 2:54 PM
Reply to  Mike Ellwood

That died in March 1987 When, apparently Marmaduke Hussy (what a stupid name, a Rothschild and Bernard Ingham said can we just sack him? About Alan Milne cos he had the gual to critizes the Maggie regime

dr death
dr death
Oct 22, 2020 6:03 PM
Reply to  Dabuyo

yes the bbc is run by a particular kind of person, for the particular kind of people in the city of london that run the government. usually administered by particular kind of people masquerading as ministers in parliament.
usually at yours and mines expense, hence the shit stew we find ourselves in.

Nov 12, 2020 2:43 PM
Reply to  dr death

Give them a name Dr D… the are MI5/6 agents?

Oct 22, 2020 3:09 PM
Reply to  Mike Ellwood

Wrong..the BBC needs total destruction and obliteration. Why should Fiona Bruce be subjected to the rigours market forces market forces like miners were? Why should RTS make up girls be burn alived and burried in toones if concrete by a NATo cruise missiles “for parroting regime propaganda” whilst these scum live like royalty. The BBC need a taste of uts own medicine.

Oct 22, 2020 3:09 PM
Reply to  Dabuyo

Why shouldn’t Fiona Bruce*

Oct 22, 2020 4:26 PM
Reply to  Dabuyo

The beeb was the best broadcaster in the world full stop.
It can be again given a pro english / nationalist government.
It should be remembered that Britain has been under foreign rule for nigh on fifty years and every institution has been weaponised against us.
Including internet trolls…

Oct 22, 2020 4:43 PM
Reply to  richard

There’s nothing and nobody left of that BBC you refer to..

messenger charles
messenger charles
Oct 23, 2020 11:10 AM
Reply to  richard

Actually it’s 371 years, not 50 years.

John the First
John the First
Oct 22, 2020 5:47 PM
Reply to  Terry

State funded media is by definition wrong. Media presents an outlook on the world which should not be collectively paid for for one, and it should not be in the hands of the state. In the case of the states we are talking about (modern states), these type of states seek to gain ever more control over the people. But even in the case of a type of state which does not seek to gain control, like church and state should be separated, media and state should be separated.

The task of the state should be limited to the realm of basic necessities, basic education, and protection of citizens by means of a system of law comprising of the most limited amount of laws possible, and a system of defense.

The reason why media is radically different from defense and healthcare is because the latter are basic collective issues, while media is a matter of belief. If you argue that media should be matter of the state, you can as well make religion a matter of the state.

In the case of healthcare, it being in the hands of the state is even a doubtful undertaking. In the case of defense for instance, you would want a uniform approach, defense is basically a matter of temporary uniformization in order to form a temporary power against an enemy. It is though temporary, after which it relaxes. In the case of healthcare, uniformity is exactly what you do not want…

There exists no true democracy, it has never existed too. It is like a true religion.. as dangerous too.

dr death
dr death
Oct 22, 2020 6:10 PM
Reply to  John the First

you are correct sir, state media and commercial media will both be captured by the kleptocracy because eventually they come to own both. the organs of the state and the means of supply.

John the First
John the First
Oct 22, 2020 6:50 PM
Reply to  dr death

What you describe is true, but potential abuse is not the only reason why media and state should be separated, abuse can also happen on other levels of organizations, where the state represents merely the greatest possible form and extent of potential abuse.

It is that fundamentally everything which pertains to thought, emotion and exploration of reality (factual) should remain the exclusive initiative of the citizens themselves, either through self initiated individual enterprise or self initiated organized enterprise. The collective contract which gives rise to a state should be limited to what makes the former mentioned possible in the form of basic necessities (among which, basic security).

Such a situation allows for the greatest possible diversity, so that possible abuse by minor forms of organizations can be counteracted by initiative of groups of citizens, in the negative sense. But primarily, it allows in the positive sense for the greatest amount of diversity, and a diversity of forms of cooperation, and as such, for the greatest workable flexibility.

John Pretty
John Pretty
Oct 24, 2020 11:36 AM
Reply to  Terry

only as long a your state is a true democracy

What is “a true democracy” Terry? Does such a beast exist?

Oct 22, 2020 9:39 AM

Never forget the fake BBC breakfast “jubilant crowds in Triopoli Libya” that was actaully a pro India hindu rallyfrom Shrinigar Jammu and Kashmir India….So bad that you could see Hindi Script, The Indian flag, Nehru gats and jackets even a winan in a Sari and hindu moustaches… Even Radio Tirana would have baulked at that level of lies.

Oct 22, 2020 10:15 AM
Reply to  Dabuyo

”Syrian to BBC Reporter- -You Are Not Telling the Truth About Syria-”
MI5 claiming to be a BBC journalist accused of being a liar in Syrias. You liar’ very funny.

Oct 22, 2020 12:37 PM
Reply to  Terry

Should have spat in the cnuts face.

Oct 22, 2020 9:32 AM

No one in the British working class beleives word the BBC says and record numbers are ditching the licence fee…. It’s a national joke..constantly pushing climate change and diversity in everthing. Whilst paying the repulsive likes of Vanessa Feltz, Claudia Winkelman and Fiona Bruce salaries higher than Scandinavuan royalty. It’s so laughable that they ate actually so deluded that they think its still 1979 and they set the agenda.

messenger charles
messenger charles
Oct 22, 2020 2:43 PM
Reply to  Dabuyo

I don’t think they care.

Oct 22, 2020 2:48 PM
Reply to  Dabuyo

BBC elitists hate indigenous Britain and Britishness, and have done for decades. Hating your own nation is a leftist custom, unfortunately.

messenger charles
messenger charles
Oct 23, 2020 11:22 AM

Only in the revolutionary stages, once in power their masters put them up against the wall and shoot them. Communists have no use for the rebellious spirit.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Oct 22, 2020 5:46 AM

I no longer regard those who work at the BBC, The Guardian, ABC, CNN, The Age, et al as ‘journalists’. They are nothing more than morally bankrupt presstitutes who serve imperialism and protect the interests of the 0.01%.
These very same creatures who have been pushing the scamdemic narrative on us for most of this year. There needs to be a day of reckoning for these criminals.
So much innocent blood is on their hands, from their full support for the devastation and carnage in Iraq and Syria and Yemen and Libya and their whitewashing of Israeli war crimes and of the murderous occupation of Palestine. In fact how often do you even hear any Palestinian voices on MSM?
Anyone with a few brain cells can see that the White Helmets were never a real civil defence organisation, but merely a propaganda construct of the West; closely linked with such ‘moderate rebels’ as Al Qaeda, and funded and supported by those same countries pushing for regime change in Syria.
Because that’s what the Syrian tragedy has been about all along: regime change. Putting in a pliable Govt amenable to Israel and the West.
And that the BBC has the gall to go after investigative journalists like Vanessa Beeley, Eva Bartlett and others is sickening. Like I said, morally bankrupt.

Oct 22, 2020 1:12 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

“There needs to be a day of reckoning for these criminals.” I absolutely agree. I think, as well, that, strategically, tv network chiefs would be a very profitable target. You decent lawyers out there: If you want to make a dent in the darkness that gets shoved down people’s throats in relation to covid 19, consider going after the uncaring monsters being paid to shove vile – harmful – propaganda down the throats of the people.

Of course, I wish the people – the normies – cared enough to take a pass on tv propaganda, but it doesn’t seem like that’s going to happen any time soon.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Oct 22, 2020 1:40 PM
Reply to  Arby

Yep… I was having a daydream earlier today, that all the main media organisations CEO’s, News Editors, and the Presstitutes pushing this scam the most end up facing a Nuremburg style trial for crimes against humanity.
As I said, it was a daydream. So many lives devastated, suicides and domestic violence rates soaring, children self harming, and I don’t how accurate this is as I just saw it a few minutes ago, saw a news story that up to 8 million Americans will end up homeless coz they won’t be able to pay their rent.
My housing organisation has started dropping hints they won’t be able to extend my rent freeze for much longer, tho am meant to start my vendor job again on Nov 2nd.
How are things going in Ontario? Are you still working? You probably already saw it, but there’s a leaked email from a Liberal Party committee meeting about isolation camps being set up for people that refuse to get vaccinated, and a few other Orwellian things.
I lean towards it being genuine, as we know what creatures like Trudeau and Ford are, same as Daniel Andrews here in Victoria. And we know this is linked in with Agenda 21, The Great Reset and the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
Hope your week is going well…

Oct 22, 2020 2:18 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

I don’t know about that email. It feels funny. Otherwise, Dan Dicks did a show looking at the apparent setting up of concentration camps in Canada. It was pretty good. (Dan should focus less on himself in his videos reporting on the censorship that he’s experiencing. I want to know about it, but it doesn’t reflect on Dan well that he makes it all about him.) Ontario is crazy. I expect it to get crazier, like everywhere else. The cattle are very much responsible for this. Their willingness to be pissed on and obey orders, including orders to parents to harm their children, has emboldened the monsters pushing this covid hoax. There’s two things to keep in mind, or maybe three: 1. politicians are gangster 2. politicians and judges, who sometimes check the politicians (Michigan), are all appointed gatekeepers and 3. gangster politicians take their marching orders not from the people, or courts, but from the unelected, too free, too powerful transnational capitalist class. Ergo…

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Oct 22, 2020 2:27 PM
Reply to  Arby

Agree, especially regards the mass, unquestioning compliance. The psychopaths can smell blood and the more compliance the harder they’ll push, and also agree about the politicians, and who they really answer too.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Oct 23, 2020 1:37 AM

Thanks for the clip Messenger👍

messenger charles
messenger charles
Oct 23, 2020 11:18 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

You’re welcome.

Oct 22, 2020 2:55 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Good analysis minus the delusional ‘who serve imperialism’ bit. The woke BBC are ashamed of the British identity and have long been doing everything they can to make Brits ashamed of their imperial history. Multiculturalism is great and enlightened, but British monoculturalism is neanderthal or racist. A very recent example of this bigotry and bias is their disgraceful attempt to prevent patriotic Britons enjoying Land of Hope and Glory at the Last Night of the Proms. The only empire the BBC serves today (aside from its EU friends and funders) is that of the glorious progressive revolution ie wokism.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Oct 23, 2020 1:01 AM

Excuse my language Nick, but fuck ‘wokism’ and all the other ‘virtue signalling’ fake bullshit. I’ve had an absolute guts full of it.
I think we agree that all the Identity Politics – PC stuff is actually censorship in disguise and fascistic in nature.
What ever happened to treat people how you would like people to treat you, regardless of age, race, skin colour, religion, able bodied or disabled or whatever, coz, end of the day, we’re all human beings.
Sorry for my rose tinted nostalgia trip there, but that’s how it was when I was growing up.
How are things going in your part of Brazil? Are you back working yet? Are there many covid sceptics where you are, or is everyone on board with the narrative?

Dr NG Maroudas
Dr NG Maroudas
Oct 22, 2020 5:27 AM

James Corbett joked about Vanessa being ‘an award winning journalist’ (not!). But to be attacked by B.Liar’s regime-changed BBC *is* an award.

John the First
John the First
Oct 22, 2020 5:58 PM
Reply to  Dr NG Maroudas

Rampant idiocy and all around confusion in a pigsty allows for no heroes.

John the First
John the First
Oct 22, 2020 6:12 PM
Reply to  Dr NG Maroudas

In a democracy, the rule of mediocrity, or the rule of the mobs, no one can individually rise above it, mediocrity allows for no heroes. The hero would, while already wading up to his neck in the collective mud, become buried under a pile of mud by the last mud throwers of democracy. It would not even be tragic, but merely ridiculous.
The only heroism which can find place, which would not be immediately buried by the mobs, is that which the mobs or some individual member of them knows nothing of. Any public knowledge of such a thing would immediately, by the nature of the public, lead to its desecration or ridicule.

Your attempt to assign praise worthiness is as such merely venerable in terms of intent.

Oct 22, 2020 4:13 AM

BBC, NBC, CBS, FOX, NYT, CNN, etc… any person allowed to post a story on these corporate platforms are shoeshine boys for the elite class – nothing more.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Oct 22, 2020 3:06 AM

Everyone should now refer to the BBC as the Bumc**ms and Bullsh***ers Corporation.

The corporation that covered up Savile for a generation is going to have a hard job in court claiming the description is inaccurate.

Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
Oct 22, 2020 2:46 AM

News outlets like the BBC are no longer hiding they’re controlled by the security state and feel confident enough to brazenly attack independent journalists revealing documented data opposing the official narrative whether it be regime change wars or COVID-19.

Vanessa Beeley is just one of many who are being harassed for revealing the truth about insidious activities in the Middle East. “José Bustani, the former head of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, speaks out in support of two veteran OPCW inspectors who challenged a US-backed cover-up of their investigation in Syria.

Bustani also reacts to the recent US-UK-France-led effort to prevent his testimony at the UN Security Council about the OPCW Syria cover-up scandal. And Bustani reveals new details of how he was targeted in the lead-up to the Iraq war, when the Bush administration engineered his ouster for impeding its plans to invade.”

Oct 22, 2020 3:16 PM

You say the BBC are ‘no longer hiding that they’re controlled by the security state’. Now that’s a huge claim, but I’ve seen zero headlines, public accusations and confessions, or any other evidence that BBC bosses take their orders from Boris or MI5/6. Perhaps you have some you could share. I fully agree that the BBC has very dirty hands concerning Syria, and believe that the White Helmets are Islamist frauds who faked chemical attacks etc to manipulate sentimental western public opinion and incite Trump into another disastrous military intervention against Assad (Trump avoided the ruse, Obama swallowed or welcomed it). However, I would argue that the politicised BBC refused to investigate and expose this scam without needing any control or even knowledge on the part of the useless May administration. But friendly urgings to BBC bosses from certain ‘deep state’ bureacrats who place themselves far above ‘silly’ democratic concerns may well have occurred. BBC bosses are very chummy with other top UK bureaucrats, even birds of a feather. They are all elitist members of the ruling class influencing and seeking to capture and direct the politicians we plebs elect in good faith. They really believe they know what’s best for everyone, like a Syria controlled by nice Islamists rather than by an evil ‘right-wing’ dictator. I don’t believe the BBC ever asked Syrian Christians if they would welcome Assad’s downfall and subsequent massacre by Islamists. Nor did Obama.

Charlotte Ruse
Charlotte Ruse
Oct 22, 2020 8:47 PM

BBC is no different than US mockingbird CIA controlled MSM.

Oct 23, 2020 6:07 PM

I’m extremely grateful to have had a very astute and switched on teacher at school. 23 years ago we debated all the UK mainstream media in an A levels Business Studies class and concluded then that the BBC must be avoided along with ITV, SKY etc if anyone wants to stay genuinely informed. We’ve witnessed the consistent year by year dumbing down more and more since then, to the extent that if i feel brave enough to now go on BBC website i just see a few pictures and some completely random totally useless articles about nothing important. I switched off the TV many years ago, but as i work in travel (not for much longer) and travel a lot, when I’m staying in Hotels is the only time i turn on the TV just for the sake of it and sometimes put on BBC World if i couldn’t find any football. Even 10 years ago just watching BBC World for 40 mins was enough to see their entire schedule for the day on loop, of dumbed down shite, god knows what it’s like now, but so many people – SO MANY PEOPLE who should know better still think the BBC is GOD. Absolute shite, a disgrace , the BBC is a crime against humanity, and that’s just in very general terms, without going into any specific issue. And then there’s Jimmy Saville….

Oct 25, 2020 1:55 PM
Reply to  Jason

That teacher of yours sounds very cool. If only there were more like that; opening people’s eyes to what the world’s really like. I’m not surprised that you’re so grateful to have had that experience. :o)

Voxi Pop
Voxi Pop
Oct 22, 2020 2:27 AM


Vax Killed 4 Soldiers/
China: Unrestricted Warfare On US-Drugs.Hacks.DisInfo/
FACEBOOK’s Chinese “Hate Speech Engineers”/
You Tube A Big Pharma Front/
Wiki Lies Biden-Ukraine/
Dems Dox MAGA Homes/
BOO! Delta Storm Devil

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Oct 22, 2020 2:25 AM

MinTruth will see her off…..

Oct 22, 2020 1:27 AM

Here’s some censorship for ya’:

According to the Danish newspaper Berlingske three scientific journals have refused to publish the results of the first major scientific investigation the effect of use of masks during the Covid-19 pandemic. Apparently because the results might not show what is politically correct.


The journals are: The Lancet, JAMA and New England Journal of Medicine.

Oct 22, 2020 3:16 AM
Reply to  Maxwell
Paul Nicholls
Paul Nicholls
Oct 22, 2020 7:47 AM
Reply to  Maxwell

Twitter link not working (gee I wonder why) . Anyone with the direct link to the newspaper?

Paul Nicholls
Paul Nicholls
Oct 22, 2020 7:48 AM
Reply to  Paul Nicholls

That is the recent article mentioned above not the July article.

Paul Nicholls
Paul Nicholls
Oct 22, 2020 2:43 PM
Reply to  Maxwell

Translation (google translate- Danish/ English), on reddit, of the article mentioned in twitter link above. Twitter link isn’t working.

Oct 22, 2020 3:34 PM
Reply to  Maxwell

The Lancet’s professional reputation has been ruined by its Trump-hating editor Richard Horton. He allowed the publication of major research ‘showing’ that HCQ was useless or even dangerous rather than a lifesaver against Covid19. This was convincingly exposed by Dr James Todaro as fraudulent because funded by Gilead and executed by corrupt doctors. Horton was forced to retract the research and (almost) apologise after little more than a week, but the WHO continues to cite it in its warnings against HCQ. Many 1000s died unnecessarily, and HCQ continues to be banned in the UK. Just a reminder that Taiwan, pop 23m on a very small island, has suffered 7 mortalities since the pandemic began, and that its doctors have all been using HCQ routinely and correctly since the earliest cases.


Oct 22, 2020 8:40 PM
Reply to  Maxwell

The Lancet, JAMA and New England Journal of Medicine are to the Megadeath Virus of Doom official narrative as Popular Mechanics, NOVA, and National Geographic were/are to the catastrophic events of September 11, 2001.

They all purport to be Eminently Respectable and Trustworthy organizations, and Normals– including members of the would-be intelligentsia, managerial and controller classes– are credulously enthralled by their spurious prestige and high production values.

Oct 22, 2020 12:19 AM

never believe anything until it’s been officially denied …

Oct 22, 2020 12:40 AM
Reply to  THX-1143

Read my lips

Oct 22, 2020 2:06 AM
Reply to  THX-1143

Not only that, they didn’t actually deny it. That’s the crazy part. They said Hillier misinterpreted a “housing” tenure.

And they purposefully avoided discussing the leaked email about Covid21, the new more virulent strain of Covid coming next year when capitalism collapses from their banker fraud and manufactured economic destruction.

We will know who to put on trial. Every participating member of parliament.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Oct 22, 2020 6:01 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Of course they avoided discussing the leaked email; which I have on my phone, btw, and have shared it widely, as I’m sure a lot of other of us “conspiracy theorists” have.
Such staggering levels of betrayal everywhere, whether it’s Canada or Australia or New Zealand or the UK.
I wonder what filth like Trudeau or Andrews or Ardern were promised to push thru this plan? Thirty pieces of silver? Or perhaps there’s some dirty secrets in the closet so to speak?

Oct 22, 2020 9:41 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

now the main purpose of Operation Epstein becomes clear.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Oct 22, 2020 9:58 AM
Reply to  THX-1143

Excuse my ignorance, my heads a bit foggy tonight, but the only word I can think of is…. Blackmail. There have been very large bribes offered as well tho, Belarus and Madagascar to name two.

Oct 23, 2020 6:23 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Cambodia also bribed with a loan from World Bank, sanctioned by WHO, to buy ventilators they dont need (very few cases, no deaths, and remarkably enough, NO mass testing of the local population….hence very few cases…. ,) with much cash syphoned off into government pockets no doubt. Was just enough for Cambodia to cave in and impose a very brief and mild lockdown. Flights between Cambodia and China never stopped at any point. We were very quickly back to the old normal here, minus the the crucial Tourism and Garment industries relying on overseas orders. Famine now is very real here. But no full lockdown, no compulsory masks, no strict enforced distancing, no mass testing = NO deaths from/with covid. One of the poorest and corrupt Countries in the World I now consider the most sophisticated Country in the world and i am very thankful to be “stuck” here. I am very lucky to be in the Old Normal. I certainly recommend it.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Oct 24, 2020 1:48 AM
Reply to  Jason

Good morning from Melbourne. I hadn’t really thought of any Asian countries when I’ve thought about ‘escaping’ to somewhere else.
For now, people in Melbourne can’t go anywhere, unless they’ve bought a house interstate or have a job. There’s no international travel until mid 2021 from my understanding, tho have really tried to avoid all the MSM garbage so I’m not sure what is going on.
I know restrictions have eased, but mandatory facemasks and social distancing ‘will remain for a long time’ according to the pyscho Victorian Premier, Daniel Andrews. Right thru a hot Australian summer. It shows the cruelty of this moron.
Im glad for you that you’re in a relatively normal country, with no restrictions. I’m due to start my street vendor job again on Nov 2nd, but given the economy here has been smashed to pieces, and hundreds of thousands of people have lost their jobs, and once the extra Govt support stops (Jobkeeper) there will be a lot of homeless people here.
Have only seen Cambodia and Phnom Penh on TV, the last time on a repeat of a Rick Stein cooking show. Anyway, hope your weekend goes well.

Oct 22, 2020 6:35 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Trudeau is the son of another famous Trudeau. The cryptocracy are all related. That’s why all the American presidents bar one, share a common ancestor. It’s a eugenics club of very wealthy psychopaths. The Epstein Op was just more insurance against certain people, I would guess. Perhaps additional leverage in a Mossad – J_wish mafia run side benefit.

Since the NSA-CIA already have every little dirty secret on every single important or relevant person on earth, especially in the five eyes due to the Echelon program, I doubt there’s much need for blackmail. If you’re in politics you’re already dirty.

Oct 22, 2020 9:38 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

They were undoubtedly promised untold wealth.
Hard to refuse…

Oct 22, 2020 4:39 PM
Reply to  Researcher

when capitalism collapses “
So an economy is capitalist by definition?

Oct 22, 2020 6:24 PM
Reply to  richard

This economy is capitalist, since it’s all backed by capital in the form of fractional reserve banking and government debt based on capital creation.

Capital creation through the central banks printing of fictional money out of thin air in return for real assets is the system we are currently forced to endure and that is about to collapse which is why the IMF will insist on privatizing everything and for citizens to hand over their ability to own land, property or assets in return for a small stipend and access to the IMF’s new digital dollar system, they are calling the Global Currency Reset.

The leveraging of the capital and the fraud of our current system is enabled through central bank control and ownership of the Fed, the treasury, the IRS, and all stock market exchanges, indices, and the DTCC and Cede & Co, hedge funds, industry including the largest transnational corporations.

It is a Ponzi scheme based on governments enabling debt enslavement of the people, illegitimate and illegal taxation along with expansionary debt, illegal interest payments by governments, that could only exist as long as economic expansion was able to counter the debt, and hide the fraud, money laundering and financial malfeasance.

If a large group of people were to barter amongst themselves and create an economy then that economy would not be capitalist since there’s no capital at its core.

I don’t discuss Marxism if that’s where you are headed.

Oct 21, 2020 11:25 PM

I woke up this morning and she wasn’t here – She has gone to see her Mum for a few Days…

Then I Read The News

The Scousers said, you are all bloody mad in London, you are even worse than The Scouse Mayor of Manchester

Why do you think he is Manchester rather than here in Liverpool.

So They Just Kept Their Gyms Open…

The Government Kept Trying to Fine Them, £1,000, and then doubled it every day

It got noticed on the Internet..

They were get donations 10 x Faster than they were Being Fined

So London Westminster Gave In

Liverpool 1 London 0

UK GOVERNMENT: Well, Ok you can keep your Gyms Open

…”But The Pubs Stay Shut”

I know the Appropriate Sign which involves a full moon too.


That really cheered me up.

Thank God, there is still some life somewhere.


Norman Pilon
Norman Pilon
Oct 21, 2020 11:11 PM

Because I know that OffG and its dedicated and regular readers are as intent as I am upon the truth and only the truth of any issue that may be up for discussion or consideration — because after all, facts really should be sacred, and this regardless of whether those ‘facts’ confirm or challenge us in our most heartfelt assumptions and beliefs — Nafeez Ahmed’s State Propaganda in Syria: From War Crimes to Pipelines, I think, should give anyone pause on the question of whether Vanessa Beeley’s (and Eva Bartlett’s) reportages on Syria can rightly be deemed to be both independent and accurate. (see, in particular, the following sub-chapter: 3.5 The White Helmets and propaganda: myths (pp.46-57.)
There is no question, of course, that the BBC is a state propaganda outlet, and that what they intend to air that implicates Beeley may indeed be and most likely is a hit piece to discredit ‘independent’ journalists. 

On the other hand, it does not follow that even if the likes of Beeley (or Bartlett, or whomever) happen to be directly and without justification targeted by that BBC ‘hit piece,’ that their work cannot be in fact and in some way compromised. Those two things (the issue of the ‘unjustifiable hit piece,’ on the one hand, and the question of Beeley’s (and Bartlett’s) journalistic integrity, on the other, are quite separate and distinct issues.

Thus speaking only to the latter issue, Nafeez Ahmed, I think, does make the case that Beeley’s (and Bartlett’s) work is indeed compromised and by exactly the same standards that Beeley (and Bartlett) impugn their detracting establishment journos.  

Fact Checker
Fact Checker
Oct 21, 2020 11:34 PM
Reply to  Norman Pilon

You mean the Nafeez Ahmed currently shilling for the Covidiocracy-1984 bio-security state?
I’ll bet he does. That operator is as compromised as it gets.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Oct 22, 2020 6:05 AM
Reply to  Fact Checker

Bingo! I was about to say the exact same thing and you beat me to it.

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 22, 2020 12:00 AM
Reply to  Norman Pilon

I wonder how much Nafeez Ahmed can be said to be objective. I have followed his comments on 9/11 as they appeared on his own site and always noted a tension whereby he seemed overly eager to avoid the “conspiracy” tag even when his researches clearly went in that direction. And then I noticed this little bit of self-advertisement:

Nafeez has advised the British Foreign Office, the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, the UK Defence Academy, the Metropolitan Police Service on delivery of the Home Office’s Channel Project, and the UK Parliamentary Inquiry into UK counter-terrorism strategy. That Parliamentary Inquiry also extensively cited his written evidence in its final report and recommendations. Nafeez also authored a detailed submission to the Leveson Inquiry on the role of the British media in promoting anti-Muslim hatred.

Well you’d want to stay on the right side of that lot!

And there’s his recent “refutation” of the Barrington petition whereby he “proves” it’s a hoax by carrying out a hoax on it!

I used to trust him. Now I don’t.

Oct 22, 2020 1:44 AM
Reply to  George Mc

If they work for the elite of Britain’s military they are beyond compromised

Norman Pilon
Norman Pilon
Oct 22, 2020 2:40 AM
Reply to  George Mc

So far, three replies. Not a single one feigns to addresses the substance of Ahmed’s argument.

I’ll be as lazy as the lot of you, and merely copy-and-paste a reply I left elsewhere to a similar reaction my recommendation of Ahmed’s brief elicited:

Ahmed builds a case grounded in a series of itemized if purported ‘factual’ claims.

If you’re going to argue that he is in the business of disinformation, you must demonstrate that his factual claims are factually false or that his interpretative framework of those claims is theoretically unwarranted.

So, for instance, when he alleges that Beeley confides to a fellow pro-Assad activist that she knows that in Syria torture is standard operating procedure for the Syrian security and intelligence apparatus (pp.50-52.), but that she would never admit this publicly so as not “to give that opening to anti Syrian brigades,” then clearly Ahmed is correct to observe that this “. . . is an extraordinary admission of willingness to lie and conceal in her reporting on Syria.”

So either Beeley never made that admission, which would be the ‘fact’ disproving Ahmed’s ‘factual’ allegation, or you need to explain to me how that admission isn’t by implication an admission of a willingness to lie and conceal in her reporting on Syria. And so it goes for each and everyone of Ahmed’s ‘factual’ claims . . .

Furthermore, if one peruses the expert literature on Syria, it would appear that in 2011 there was both an articulated political and popular opposition to the Assad regime. In other words, to assert that there never was anything like an uprising in Syria in 2011 flies in the face of what appears to be a consensus, grounded in a wealth of empirical facts, among Middle East and Syrian scholars. That is a bit of a problem, no?

Dr NG Maroudas
Dr NG Maroudas
Oct 22, 2020 5:29 AM
Reply to  Norman Pilon

More wriggling. That hook Vanessa is really hurting this worm Pilon.

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 22, 2020 8:29 AM
Reply to  Norman Pilon

No I am not concerned with doing the “hard work” of sifting through his analysis. I am speaking about a basic fraudulent tactic i.e. to accuse others of being compromised and therefore imply that he is not. He is.

Fact Checker
Fact Checker
Oct 22, 2020 3:39 PM
Reply to  Norman Pilon

Point One is negligible weak sauce. She declines to emphasize some narrative that would play right into the hands of the Regime-Change Brigade, in an effort to alleviate tensions and perhaps prevent catastrophic war. What a monster!!!

Point Two is even weaker. An appeal to “consensus” so lazy and blatant, you literally appeal to “consensus,” and then sputter a bit. Really? In the age of Covidism, where the consensus is outright demonstrably counterfactual in every material respect? Lame.

Oct 22, 2020 1:18 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I’m not much of a researcher (I do light research but I do that well), so I can’t say anything about the rumour (Nafeez, who is horrible and disappeared my comments on his medium article) that there’s a connection between the Great Barrington Declaration (which I find horrifying) and Charles Koch. But I’d like to know if there’s anything to do.

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 22, 2020 2:00 PM
Reply to  Arby

To be honest, I tend to avoid extensive research myself because I think it’s a scam. I mean – if you really want the extensive route, you’d be there for the rest of your life. You could go through endless variations of articles even on just one matter. And there are certain debates that are clearly interminable e.g. melting point of steel with ref to 9/11 or even the squabbling over COVID statistics. The con is to get you bogged down in endless disputes which the rulers know will go on forever.

My own strategy is to cast an extremely cynical eye on the mainstream media and take a note of anyone who doesn’t “get it” i.e. who doesn’t understand that the MSM always deceives. They lie even when telling the truth (by the way they present it). Indeed, they lie even when expressing an opinion that you agree with (because they’re only trying to get on your good side to rope you into their bullshit).

The bottom line is that as many as possible should break free of the MSM. They should realise they’re being played.

Fact Checker
Fact Checker
Oct 22, 2020 3:30 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Ahmed always based his analyses on the (unquestioned) neo-Malthusian ‘Peak Oil’ narrative.

This was understandable in the era that he published the War on Truth, because it appeared to be a very compelling motivation for the Cheney Cabal at first blush, and Michael Ruppert’s analysis in Crossing the Rubicon was a powerful ‘issue-framer’ for the entire Truth Movement.

However, Peak Oil never stood up to much scrutiny, and its dire predictions quickly became the stuff of Climate Change apocalyticism. It’s no surprise that the persistent adherents of Peak Oil, are committed to any narrative that implies the desirability of population-reduction, such as bolognavirus . And anyone willing to shill for bolognavirus is beyond redemption.

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 22, 2020 3:53 PM
Reply to  Fact Checker

I also recall that Nafeez published a book on the London Bombs. I recall it had several pages that were blank with a sign saying “Classified Information” or something like that. A rather odd thing to “let through”. Would it not have been more elegant to miss out those pages and just put in a note saying that some material had to be kept back? Unless of course you wanted to give the impression that you were a real badass reporter who’d uncovered The Truth but They wouldn’t let you tell it.

And on looking at the book’s advert I see this:

“At first, the police were sure that the bombers used weapons-grade plastic explosives and sophisticated timers. Two weeks later, they changed their minds – the bombs were home-made and were detonated manually. Since then the official account has changed repeatedly and remains riddled with anomalies and confusion. The government is resisting calls for a full inquiry and instead intends to present a ‘narrative’ written by a civil servant that will stand as the definitive account of what took place.”

So the scene is set for our brave journalist who ain’t gonna back down!

“As Mosaddeq demonstrates in this exhaustive investigation, such an approach cannot hope to provide the public with an adequate explanation of what took place. He further shows how the attacks can only be fully understood in the light of extensive co-operation between the Islamist extremists and Western Intelligence in Central Asia, and U.S. – U.K. state interests.”

And is there the remotest chance in hell for that to happen?

“The London bombings, much like the attacks on New York in 2001, were a widely predicted consequence of the West’s global strategy. If we do face a future of terrorism we should at least understand the extent to which our governments have accepted this as the price of business as usual.”

Thus we have been presented with the vision of an event that was an “unintended consequence” of “business as usual” and most definitely not an attack entirely fabricated by the Western powers themselves.

I believe this is called “Limited Hangout”.

Fact Checker
Fact Checker
Oct 22, 2020 4:41 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Wow. Thanks for that additional background.

I guess I had already lost interest in him by the time the London book came out, and didn’t realize that he had retreated from the LIHOP-(soft)MIHOP position of War on Truth, to the completely toothless apologism of “Blowback” in the effete Chalmers-Johnson sense.

And if his adoption of the exculpatory “blowback” excuse isn’t proof enough of his complicity with Western Intelligence…he proudly advertises his subservience to them with the conspicuous disclaimer: “THIS PART IS REDACTED BECAUSE I AM BEING EDITED BY THE VERY PEOPLE I AM PRETENDING TO EXPOSE. THAT IS WHY THEY LET ME CONTINUE BEING A PLAYER IN THE GREAT GAME.”

Oct 22, 2020 4:00 PM
Reply to  George Mc

“you’d want to stay on the right side of that lot”. I’d say that lot want to stay safely on the side of Nafeez. That way they can virtue-signal their superior pro-Muslim credentials and values to the dumb plebs, and look tolerant and enlightened to the media. But while they still trust him, you have wised up. I don’t know his work, but I’d still bet that Nafeez is manipulating these gullible idiots so as to hasten the Islamification of the West. He knows what’s best for us all. So do you think he is driven only by the love of money and status, in traditional western style?

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 22, 2020 6:50 PM

Oh for fuck’s sake, Lefty Left. Islam is another pawn in the game! Nafeez is kowtowing to the Great British State. He is one of the paid up foot soldiers for our marvellous overlords. But if it makes you feel more wrathful, imagine they’re all Muslims or Jews or Klingons. Yeah whatever! You’re going to anyway.

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 22, 2020 7:17 PM
Reply to  George Mc

And I sent that reponse off in such an irritated rush I didn’t even see the true pathetic paucity of your claim:

“I’d say that lot want to stay safely on the side of Nafeez.”

So you’ve turned it completely round then!

So the British Foreign Office, the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, the UK Defence Academy, the Metropolitan Police Service on delivery of the Home Office’s Channel Project, and the UK Parliamentary Inquiry into UK counter-terrorism strategy are all shaking in fear before the “Muslim” Ahmed?

(And I don’t even know if he IS Muslim, Hey but he looks Muslim and that’s enough, eh?)

Gosh we Westerners are so vulnerable!

I reckon that if you, Lefty Left, were on the deck of the Titanic as it was sinking, you’d be shrieking that the “Muslim deckchairs” were causing the boat to go down!

Oct 22, 2020 12:47 AM
Reply to  Norman Pilon

Well, if Nafeez Ahmed has claimed that they are compromised, I now hold them in even higher regard.

Dr NG Maroudas
Dr NG Maroudas
Oct 22, 2020 5:24 AM
Reply to  Norman Pilon

I see a worm wriggling.

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 22, 2020 9:20 AM
Reply to  Dr NG Maroudas

It’s odd you should say that. When I encountered Ahmed’s oddly extensive and nervous attempts to distance his work from “conspiracy” stuff, I felt it was a clear indication that he was wiggling to stay out of the designated “crazy section” and keep in with the “proper analysis” i.e. the analysis that is permitted. He behaved like a fish caught on a line and the angler was the British state.

Oct 22, 2020 1:16 PM
Reply to  Norman Pilon


Oct 22, 2020 3:51 PM
Reply to  Norman Pilon

“there is no doubt that the BBC is a state propaganda outlet’. Sorry, no; in the absence of conclusive evidence and public consensus, there is no doubt that this claim is just conspiracy theory. There is also very little doubt that the elitist BBC sees itself as well above the Boris administration or any other. As politicians traditionally get their news and views almost entirely from the BBC or Guardian or Times (so much easier than talking to the dirty dumb plebs both Beeb and politicians loathe yet depend on for their livelihood and status), it makes very good sense to argue that BBC influence over government perception and policy is far greater than the reverse. And this simple argument needs no unproven conspiracy theories about state propaganda.

Oct 21, 2020 10:10 PM

So how do we push back against this Monstrosity?

She knew, and I know she knew, cos she came round our house with her boyfriend…

I shook his hand, but she gave both my wife and I a massive hug and cuddle, and I gave her a kiss on the cheek as normal….like when it started to get warm – early summer in England – at the height of The Pandemic.

My “Sis” is More Front Line, than any of us…She sees many patients every day

She listens – and she can tell – sometimes within 30 seconds, and sometimes it can take 10 minutes.. (I reckon some of her patients turn up just to see her and empathise – “nah you will be fine love don’t worry – it will be O.K…Just do a bit more exercise…and use this massage technique, I have just showed you – it works – look – that swollen leg has come down – in less than 5 minutes

She can tell if its anything serious – Then they get to see The DOCTOR…

So I asked what can we do?

“You Two just carry on as normal – Ignore it – its no worse than The Flu – Do what you want to do”

Even now, she can’t say this Publically, or She will Be Fired, and she won’t be able to do her job anymore.

We are Definitely Going To Her Wedding Next Year….

God, I have got to dress up again..

I normally get invited funerals now

But I just love a Good Wedding.

(I know her fiancé -he is lovely too – and they are perfectly suited and in love, and have been for years)

My wife and I kind of pushed them back together, when they kind of fell out for a bit . I explained to him, and he understood…so he phoned her up again, and asked her for a date again

Good Man.



Oct 21, 2020 9:50 PM

I suppose this story seems dramatic as it seems that the BBC have sort of given the game away . That is, publicly, overtly, like it or not, demonstrated that the MSM is no more than the main cog in the establishment’s propaganda apparatus. For 20 plus years a lot of us have made that accusation and even cited several examples in support of our opinions. For our troubles we earned the title of ‘Conspiracy Nut’. A term coined by the Pied Pipers of unthinking halfwits everywhere. To me- it’s become a compliment. If they say I’m a nut, I must be doing something right.

I think, in the particular historical context we find ourselves in right now, we need to revisit a couple of headlines.

This is a psyop.The thinking behind the theory of it being a psyop isn’t complicated. A psyop is a psychological operation. It’s a mind game. The intention is to achieve an altered state of consciousness as collectively as possible.

This Covid event , from before day1 ( ‘before’ is another clue) was supposed to be a serious threat to the health and life of every individual on the planet. An airborne virus was about to blanket us all and wreck our lungs. So we called in the two obvious emergency services to try and overcome it. Software / computer model makers, and psychologists. There’s our smoking gun that it was a psyop. Medical doctors who challenged it were shut either up or down.

IN 2009/10 we had another ‘rehearsal’ ( primer) in the so called ‘swine flu’. In the UK SAGE were given the responsibility of controlling us( not it– but us). They invited a group called the Scientific Pandemic Influenza group on Behaviour and Communications (SPI-B&C). *Influenza needs psychologists to tackle it apparently.*

That group was reconvened on 13 February this year. This time, its remit was limited to behaviour and it was renamed the Scientific Pandemic Influenza group on Behaviour, or SPI-B.So- 2020. * More influenza, more psychologists.*

Note that February no cases were being recorded in the UK. And it wasn’t even decided to officially decide to have a pandemic until the final week of March. There’s your smoking gun that it was a plan.

This was an ambitious overreach for the establishment and was always going to rely on the fear and ignorance of as large a slice of the population as possible. As usual, the MSM was deployed with scripted ‘conversations’ to have. Orwell’s ‘ Ministry Of Truth’ geared up..

It was announced on 17 April this year that the Government and the newspaper industry have formed a three-month advertising partnership ( a deal in other words ) called All in, all together was to help:

 “keep the public safe and the nation united” throughout the Covid – 19pandemic ”

And that was a cue to bring on the catchy bite sized mantras. All about ”were in this together”…or how about ”by being apart, we stay together”. Utter bullshit bought and paid for in advance. Once that worked the same shoal at the shallow end of the gene pool would wear masks, stand in their streets and clap like brain damaged test monkeys for the NHS who were too busy learning synchronised dancing to bother saving lives or working.

“The perceived level of personal threat needs to be increased among those who are complacent, using hard-hitting emotional messaging.”

Said the Psychologist on their little report. Which was then handed to the MSM news programmes. Note that what was prioritised was our perception of danger more than the actual danger.

  • note, politicians are careful to use the phrase Behavioural Scientist to lend it more gravitas.

So this is why the Governments Ministry Of Truth have controlled the narrative fanatically. Any questioning or exposing of the flaws in their truth is to be punished. Anyone else voicing the same or behaving in a way that they haven’t been ordered to will be met with severe penalties.

What is ‘speech’ ? It’s the ability to express ideas ; thoughts; arguments; opinions. So the freedom of speech is being allowed to do so without being punished. If you incite riots or anarchy or slander then there are courts to deal with that as it’s illegal. The rest is free. Or would be if the owners let it be.

Orwell’s ‘Thought Police’ won’t allow such freedom. By narrowing down the topics we can speak about and the things we are allowed to say about it, it narrows the innate ability to expand thinking. It narrows that to the point that, after prolonged spells, it becomes a serious short attention span problem. Plus, it causes a rigidity of thought and belief. It reverses thousands of years of mental growth.

Speech can also express our feelings. And by limiting our speech, our thinking and expression, the state gets to do to our emotions what it does to our thinking. They too develop short attention spans. The state eventually erodes the language, the feelings and the thinking of it’s people. A dumbing down of intellect and numbing of the senses. That’s the taking over of the people.

” Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing ‘ George Orwell, 1984 ( 1948).

”Hitler’s vast propaganda successes were accomplished with little more than the radio and loudspeaker, and without TV and tape and video recording…Today, the art of mind control is in the process of becoming a science” – Aldous Huxley – circa 1962.

Oct 22, 2020 1:54 AM
Reply to  JuraCalling

Excellent summary.

What alerted me to this Psyop was the the tv reporters on the streets of China with dead bodies behind him.

Why would any reporter be standing on the same street where people had been instantly killed by this deadly virus.

The politicians and the media were very quick to try and sell us the new normal.

In the history of other pandemics they usually do their thing briefly and then burn out but not this time.
Coroni was quickly built up to be like an ageing rock star doing a few world tours every year.

Life could never be the same until the whole world had taken Gates magic jab.

And now permanent lockdowns are required until this jab arrives but yet we’re told it’s only going to prevent symptoms and we must take it twice a year to go about our lives.

The globalists behind this scam actually aren’t very clever. It’s just plain stupid and unbelievable.

Fear, dodgy statistics and using a non diagnostic test keep the flame alive.

Everyday I see educated and intelligent people who are completely unaware that they’re being played and made fools out of.

Oct 22, 2020 2:46 AM
Reply to  Paul

Thanks Paul.

Some good, relevant points you make.

The bodies in the street was over the top. I’m sure even half the deep didn’t buy those tickets.

And as for the Gates magic jab. That’s the real sickener.

here we have a man famous for co-founding Microsoft with the CIA ( but we don’t know that). Suddenly he’s the world’s leading expert on health. 30 years experimenting with viruses on computers and how to deliver Trojans and the rest of the time trying to forward his father’s agenda to rid the world of who they consider unworthy. On top of that we have actual men of medicine asking the questions we need to ask or at least have the answers to. And they get shut down or ostracised. Yet we’re supposed to buy that we’re at the mercy of a global health threat.

I know a lot of tabloids and the like are only for scandal, gossip , sports and celebrity trivia, but some of the staff have been educated. Not that well in many cases but still educated. The so called ‘serious’ papers only employ the educated. So why in 9 months have they never perceived the need to ask questions ?
Surely they could gauge all sides of public sentiment and ask things like 

  • Why has a software magnate been given charge of human health without any medical training ?
  • Why has a man with a record with vaccines that is at best sketchy, at worst fatal , been given the lead on this fight ?
  • How can any man on the planet create a vaccine without first capturing the virus to use in it
  • How come, given the alleged Covid 19 symptoms, Nobody has explained that the virus has evolved naturally. All the symptoms we’re told about suggest a man made virus. A lab idea. A Bio weapon.
  • How come so many papers were printed in advance that outlined how to self isolate and wear masks and have lockdowns. Nobody can predict the arrival of a natural virus. yet this one was so confidently predicted, the papers were drawn up and the psychologists employed to advise our controllers how to tighten their grip.

The evidence seems clear.

The eugenicists went underground 70 years ago. As did their pseudo science. In order to create a caste system similar to the old Hinduism model, they would use genes as an excuse. They would use evolution and natural selection as an excuse too. Even though a small cartel of murderers using bombs and poison isn’t entrusting natural selection with anything. If you need to commit genocide and murders you don’t believe in natural selection .And if you are born into or left money and influence that isn’t genes either.

The final conflict isn’t east V west. It’s Oligarchs versus the rest. We have the numbers. They have the means to level that out. It’s called technology and poison. Tech is the envelope. Poison is the secret.

nanotech is beyond conventional medicine’s rules and norms.If you have an illness, you call a doctor who deals with human illnesses. If you have a computer that has a virus you call a computer software consultant. So Gates is the link. If your half man half computer has a problem, you have a chip problem. You call a software magnate. He’s basically got a vison of human computer towers with heads and limbs. That’s all we are if they get their way.

His ‘vaccines’ are of the new Tech age. Nano in small( about the size of a grain of rice) gel based information chips capable of recording our every move.
The idea is to place nanotech inside our bodies which communicates in real time with the Smart Grid (powered by 5G) to provide intimate information to the authorities about us.

“Normally, for areas in public calamity or conflict zones, the absence of drinking water, any sort of fuel, electricity, and the lack of towers for network communication, including cable and wireless telephony, is a constant. In such a situation, the available infrastructure is far from ideal to enable a large scale medical laboratory with precise and fast analysis. For such aspect, nanorobots integrated with nanobiosensors can help to transmit real time information, using international mobile phones for wireless data transmission through satellite communication. In fact, nanorobots should mean an efficient and powerful clinical device to provide precious biomedical monitoring, both for soldiers as for civilian population.”

That’s from a 2008 paper entitled Nanorobot Hardware Architecture for Medical Defence.

Notice how they admit that there is dual use (for military and civilians) which usually connotes a weapons system with another use. In this case, they are disguising the deeper purpose (embedded surveillance) with the superficial purpose (a medical application).

But all we’ll get in the meantime are pre-scripted / approved Q and A sessions on the MSM.

If the world woke up tomorrow we’d win. But if we lose- let’s lose doing two things. Fighting like f**k and hating them.

Oct 22, 2020 3:23 AM
Reply to  JuraCalling

The symptoms are radiation exposure. Not a lab made anything. The only viruses are in vaccines; toxic proteins from genetically altered animal cells, not anywhere else. There are no viruses.

Hair loss = Radiation. Not a virus.

One of the biggest shills for Covid19 is actually suffering a severe reaction to increased EMR.


I know, because it happened to me when they installed smart meters in my house and I couldn’t figure out why I was losing handfuls of hair, getting headaches, a sore throat and brain fog that never waned.

It was the two SMART meters. One in my basement and one on the outside of my house.

Oct 22, 2020 5:33 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Before renegade doctors and nurses were shut down or silenced back in May / June, many came forward to report that the symptoms that had been wrongly identified as pneumonia – like were in fact far more reminiscent of Altitude sickness. Nobody mentioned radiation. I don’t think anyone medical has since.

The fact that this pandemic was predicted( defying all laws of nature) in 2017 by the man who wants to make vaccines for it, and his friend who wants to buy stock in that vaccine, points toward a manipulated virus or viruses. A virus can be guessed about but it can’t be predicted with that much accuracy.

I understand that vaccines can be the envelopes holding a hidden surprise that can later be ‘opened’ buy a further vaccine or EMF. But which vaccines are we talking about here. A lot of those dead hadn’t received one.

Where’s the literature or scientist talking about ‘altered’ cells and from which animals ? If this isn’t the result of human ‘intervention’ how were the cells ‘altered’.

The link leading to yet another celebrity is a little ‘tabloid / MSM’. Dr Oz ?

A link within that link points to other alleged ‘celebs’ who are announcing they have it. It’s exposure I suppose. They’re not exactly hot property these days. And Tom Hanks will quote anything for anyone if it helps him.

Milano talks about ‘brain fog’. There’s many causes that can lead to that. Stress is one. Stress also leads to sleep loss and in extreme cases hair loss. Hormonal changes can contribute too Has she had a stressful event ? Probably. No work can be one. Believing you have a deadly disease is another.

Alopecia is an unpleasant condition that can be brought about by stress. Usually a few months after the stressor. I know smart meters aren’t to be trusted for many reasons. I also know a lot of people who have them but haven’t lost any hair or suffered dry throats or other physical symptoms.

Radiation levels can be measures. Were yours ? Who by and couldn’t you take action having had your life endangered ? Had you had a flu shot or vaccination in the 6 months previous to having the meters fitted ?

Oct 22, 2020 12:42 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

You should make it clear you are talking about “non ionizing radiation”

Oct 22, 2020 5:36 PM
Reply to  Dabuyo

I thought I made it clear that i was replying to something specific as posted.

Oct 22, 2020 3:39 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

No I haven’t had a flu shot. Or a vaccine. You literally are so far out of your depth from a scientific perspective it’s not worth replying any further than to say the hypoxia can be caused by millimeter waves on heme function, oxygen uptake and epithelial cell dysfunction. I’ve studied this extensively including all the papers from the dissenting “doctors”, the chemistry and biology covid papers, pre-prints, books and studies on vaccines, viruses, adjuvants, cell lines. CRISPR tech, mRNA tech, nanotech, etc. And what I discovered is there are no viruses. At all.

Oct 22, 2020 5:42 PM
Reply to  Researcher

I find you tell a lot of people that they are so ‘literally’ out of their depth and you are never wrong. Unless you tell them they’re ‘talking crap’ for questioning you or disagreeing. This misplaced arrogance aside, I asked questions. I asked you questions. How is asking questions being out of anything ? Saying you’ve researched it and the questions aren’t worth answering isn’t an answer. It’s childish.

All i’d like to know is where your ‘extensive research’ took you and where you found the ‘answers’.

How you found out radiation damaged you through two smart meters.

Why you couldn’t take that to a court for the damage it caused you.

Where the ‘proof’ is of ‘no viruses’.

And how cells were ‘altered’ without human intervention.

Hollywood celebs aren’t sources.

Oct 22, 2020 8:56 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

You are welcome to disagree. Your projection of your own arrogance onto me is a diversionary and passive aggressive tactic. It’s self deceptive.

You ask questions that are irrelevant and designed to be insulting and tedious. They also distract from the point of my post.

Watch a movie on smart meters. There’s tons of literature. You should investigate it for yourself.

I have read dozens of scientific papers and studies on this “virus“, and dozens more studies on its symptoms, supposed effects, histology and pathology. I have corresponded with numerous doctors and scientists behind the scenes regarding the virus, previous research on SARS, scientific published findings on this ”virus” including therapeutics, prophylactics, various reviews of treatments, adapting and changing medical protocols, nutritional research, in silico cheminformatics papers, in vitro studies including molecular assays, in vivo studies in animal models and clinical trials in humans.

I’ve read books and literature that counter germ theory, studied the history of disease, particularly smallpox, syphilis. I’ve researched other viruses including polio, AIDS, Hepatitis, SARS, MERS, Herpes viruses, Ebola and Influenza strains including H1N1.

I’ve read studies on animal populations and husbandry in relation to viruses, vaccines, bacteria, disease and treatments.

I have read multiple papers and stats on the flu, including the 1918 Spanish flu, and looked at various models and the evidence of contagion. I’ve listened to a number of doctors, scientists and their theories on this virus, including Dr. Stefan Lanka and Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Dr. Thomas Cowan and Dr. Mikovits as well as many others in the msm.

What led me to my understanding that viruses do not exist is the culmination of a decades long search for the cause of disease and chronic inflammation in order to find cures to all the leading causes of disease, using safe, natural alternatives to prescription drugs, chemotherapy, radiation and traditional allopathic medicine.

What I found when I started to investigate the correlation of viral outbreaks to vaccination programs was a gigantic fraud being perpetrated on the scientific and medical community, where a circular economic model based on racketeering was created.

The NIH and certain academic institutions, US military departments, PhRMA, and Rockefeller Org were using grants to generate fake research, predatory patents to back up their deliberate manifestation of diseases and “viruses” through the use of mass vaccination programs. They were then selling fake cures with efficacy rates that correspond to little more than a placebo effect, based on structure based drug design and more vaccines.

It was fraud. An entire industry based on fraud.

This kind of racketeering has not just been an abject failure in the treatment of nearly all disease and mental health issues which are exacerbated by radiation and low serotonin levels caused by low melatonin from disrupted sleep from EMF-EMR but was actually perpetrated on behalf of profiteering for the psychiatric industry, medical profession, academia: hospitals, insurance companies and PhRMA.

Numerous executives and scientists within these corporations that manufacture and patent the prescription drugs already know the real cures to the diseases and the real causes.

They have purposefully kept that information from the public out of greed and profit. If I hadn’t actually figured out the real cures, the underlying mechanisms of disease and the immune system’s response, I never would have realized that the agencies in charge of this Covid Operation all know that Covid19 is fake and that viruses don’t exist.

What I found was disinformation on both sides. The bioweapon meme using HCQ as a revolutionary cheap cure was fake. And the zoonotic transfer of a virus that only a vaccine given to the global population can cure, is also fake. Both are absolute lies meant to divide and confuse the population, the medical and scientific community.

An operation of this magnitude planned ahead of time requires disinfo on both sides, so the truth is not discovered or spread.

That’s why this is more than a case of errors and group think but is actually a criminal conspiracy perpetrated by Rockefeller Org et al and a eugenics cabal of central banks and their ownership and control of the defense sector, PhRMA, chemical companies and agribusiness interests.

I am just here to spread actual information that I have found useful and to read the links from others who contribute useful information.

The cells are human or animal cells, they are artificially manipulated and grown in a lab, but the viruses are fiction. What’s being measured and grown from those poisoned manipulated cell lines are proteins and only proteins. What was genetically sequenced on the initial Chinese paper was not even a virus. You should find that and read it for yourself.

It’s boring and a waste of time when people try to detract from the truth or argue in a dishonest, deceptive or passive aggressive way, which you choose to do.

My opinions are based on research and statistical and scientific analysis. My opinions are formed only after I examine the scientific literature and data. They have changed over time as I learn more and will continue to evolve. And I, just like anyone else, am not immune from being incorrect or making errors.

You are here for kudos. I am not.

Oct 22, 2020 9:39 PM
Reply to  Researcher

”Your projection of your own arrogance onto me is a diversionary and passive aggressive tactic. It’s self deceptive.”

Pseudo -academic statements aren’t enough this time, I’m sorry. I’m not deceiving myself.

You made a number of sweeping statements that had no source. I asked you a number of questions about the statements and their sources. Do you consider somebody asking you a relevant, civil question as arrogant. Is it really-in your books- ‘arrogant’ to ask you to provide a little support other than Hollywood celebs ? How dare we…

”You ask questions that are irrelevant and designed to be insulting and tedious. They also distract from the point of my post.”

My questions were unambiguous and focused sharply on the points you had made. They were designed to expand on what you were talking about and learn more about it. Why you find them tedious is your business. And why you find that anyone daring to request an answer to an innocent question as ‘insulting’ is arrogance personified.

”I have read dozens of scientific papers and studies on this “virus“, and dozens more studies on its symptoms ”

That’s what i was requesting information about. Citations. The kind ‘researchers’ provide.

”I have corresponded with numerous doctors and scientists behind the scenes regarding the virus”

Do they have names or work anywhere we could find ?

‘’ve read books and literature that counter germ theory, studied the history of disease, particularly smallpox, syphilis. I’ve researched other viruses including polio, AIDS, Hepatitis, SARS, MERS, Herpes viruses, Ebola and Influenza strains including H1N1.”

 So have a lot of us. It’s always best to read the ‘for’ and ‘against’ for each and evaluate the sources. You don’t mention any.

There’s nothing wrong with saying you have concluded something or formed an opinion based on the range of your understanding. It’s all we can do. But calling an opinion a fact purely because you think your own endorsement is more than enough is more arrogance. Essays with so many unsupported statements and conclusions would be ungradeable.

The doctors you actually ( eventually) name have never said germs and viruses don’t exist have they. They may have said they suspect the Covid 19 one doesn’t, or, as one you mention ( Judy Mikowitz) hints heavily that it does and that it’s more than likely man made. She was involved heavily in HIV and AIDS research and made a few explosive findings that sent shockwaves through the bio warfare community and big pharma stock holders. Is she wrong too ?

”It was fraud. An entire industry based on fraud.”

That we have various ‘Health Organisations’ set up to generate huge amounts of money out of sustaining a level of illness is the real fraud. Not germs and viruses. How they are and were used is fraud, and why they were made is. But that doesn’t mean that there’s no such thing as viruses and germs. It’s a suspicion that needs some flesh on it’s bones.

”What I found was disinformation on both sides. The bioweapon meme using HCQ as a revolutionary cheap cure was fake.”

That’s an MSM meme. The doctors who rebelled against this psyop were lying too ?

”I am just here to spread actual information that I have found useful and to read the links from others who contribute useful information.”

Actual information earns that status of becoming factual by bringing names, dates and incidents that are verifiable along. Opinions have no weight. That’s how the MSM and disinformation merchants work.

”The cells are human or animal cells, they are artificially manipulated and grown in a lab”

Yet when i suggested ‘human intervention’ i was wrong.

”It’s boring and a waste of time when people try to detract from the truth or argue in a dishonest, deceptive or passive aggressive way, which you choose to do”

 You have chosen to interpret a few uncomplicated enquiries as an attack. You are insulted that anyone should have the audacity to question your opinions and ask for a source of them as facts.

”My opinions are based on research and statistical and scientific analysis. My opinions are formed only after I examine the scientific literature and data.”

You called then facts just a minute ago.

”You are here for kudos. I am not”

Projection. Text book. Which one of us lost the plot when a simple question was asked. Why do you regard simple questions as attacks that you need to defend yourself against ?

I’m here to search and to discuss and share knowledge and discuss opinions openly. To make sure we all open our eyes and learn how to open the eyes of as many others out there. I also like to question everything.

A wise man knows three words define wisdom :

‘ I don’t know”.

Intelligence is measured by the questions you ask.

Oct 22, 2020 9:58 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

OMG you are the most dishonest person. You just lied. In every comment to me you simply lie.

Nothing you write is true. NOTHING. You didn’t ask questions you made accusations.

Oct 22, 2020 10:02 PM
Reply to  Researcher

I cannot provide you with sources of hundreds of papers and books read over 30 years, and I would never waste my time.

You are a liar. I cannot believe I ever wasted a second answering your false accusations and your vile attempts to insult me.

Oct 22, 2020 10:17 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Dry your eyes, Bono.

here’s your Literacy lesson for the day.

A statement can often be a lie.

A question can never be a lie.

You’re welcome.

Oct 22, 2020 10:36 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

You didn’t ask questions you implied I don’t know the cause of my own illness. 1st INSULT.

That I can’t possibly know, that I need to supply proof to a troll who thinks I could have mistakenly taken a vaccine or a flu shot, (More insults) and who accused me of posting a link to a gossip rag as some kind of scientific proof when all I wrote is that one of the biggest shills for Covid is probably suffering from radiation poisoning because it’s a number one symptom of EMF-EMR sensitivity along with brain fog.
4. Different insults to me!

You totally came at me.

You were rude and passive aggressive. And dishonest in the way you asked your insulting questions. They are the type of questions I would expect from a troll.

Why don’t you go and reread the crap you write in response to my innocuous post. Because you seem oblivious to how much you lie and continue to lie.

Oct 22, 2020 11:01 PM
Reply to  Researcher

”You didn’t ask questions you implied I don’t know the cause of my own illness. 1st INSULT.”

According to my post, the reply to yours, i never implied a thing. I attempted to discuss it and asked if you’d taken any action with regard to the radiation that caused your hair to fall out. You could have answered. You chose not to. But you called my reply an insult.

”That I can’t possibly know, that I need to supply proof to a troll who thinks I could have mistakenly taken a vaccine or a flu shot, (More insults) ”

Have you any evidence that I’m a troll( a source?). Did i say you ‘can’t possibly know” about your illness ? Or are you making that up ? Did i say i thought you’d had a vaccine – or did I ask if you’d had one in the last 6 months ? They are simple, innocent questions. You call them insults.

”You totally came at me.”

 I did the opposite. I tried to talk about what you were mentioning. Coming at you is very different. You’d know the difference.

”You were rude and passive aggressive”

I asked you for sources. You’re using a daytime TV psychobable term to attack that.

”They are the type of questions I would expect from a troll.”

Do trolls ask questions ? Is that what they’re known for ?

”Because you seem oblivious to how much you lie and continue to lie.”

Or, rather than constantly repeating accusations of ”you lie!” why not simply show me instead. You can do that can’t you, old sport.

Oct 22, 2020 10:11 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Oh dear.

The whole conversation is up there ^^^.

is that really all you have ? An Ad Hominem ”you lied’ answer ? I’d ask you for a source or proof but I think we both know where that would go..

Oct 22, 2020 10:25 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

You ad hommed me and lied.

You keep doing it. And you don’t and have never admitted you were wrong even though you have just been exposed on this thread, in your own words, continually lying and insulting me out of nowhere.

You insulted me and asked off track questions. On purpose. And did so repeatedly. In every single reply. Apparently you cannot stop.

Oct 22, 2020 10:33 PM
Reply to  Researcher

ad hommed. Interesting verb…is it Narnian ?

I looked for the lies i allegedly told and for the insults i allegedly made.

You owe me 20 minutes of my life.

Oct 22, 2020 10:17 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

I never claimed she was a source for anything. You are just the most dishonest person I have ever encountered.

I said she was shilling for covid:

Dispute that she is shilling for covid?

Explain to us all how she is not shilling for Covid?

I saw a Twitter from her more than a month ago about her hair loss. And knew exactly what it was because of my own experience. But you have to be dishonest in every comment about every point I make that counters your poorly formed and unresearched opinion.

In order to make any point at all. You simply create your own reality, instead of refuting the symptoms of radiation poisoning, one of which is HAIR LOSS. Which the CDC just added to its list which corresponds exactly with radiation pneumonitis.

Oct 22, 2020 10:29 PM
Reply to  Researcher

” I never claimed d she was a source for anything. You are just the most dishonest person I have ever encountered.”

In the whole post you only provided one source relevant to the subject you were selling. It was the source to Milano , a Hollywood celeb who had lost some hair and claimed in a TV interview to have had this nasty Covid 19 and now was losing hair through it. That’s what you provided. I’m not making that up. How does it make me dishonest ?

”Dispute that she is shilling for covid. I saw a Twitter from her more than a month ago about her hair loss. And knew exactly what it was because of my own experience. But you have to be dishonest in every comment.”

 Ok so a Hollywood celeb( Milano again) has a twitter account. She’s still a celeb no matter what. I asked you- a real person rather than an attractive female celeb seeking attention- about your experience with the hair loss and it’s connection to smart meters you said had caused it. I talked about alternative reasons people can suffer temporary hair loss and how many have smart meters and don’t.

I asked if you had sought legal recompense for the radiation damage you claim to have suffered due to the fitting of your meters.. Is that wrong ? Or are those questions lies too.

” In order to make any point at all. You simply create your own reality,”

 I know sentences like that are quite trendy online. They make the speaker sound all deep and mystical. But in this context I’m afraid it doesn’t work at all.

My own reality…jeez..sometimes there just aren’t the emojies..

Oct 22, 2020 10:52 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

I’m not SELLING ANYTHING. I was relating anecdotal evidence of a liar for covid. And the hair fall symptom of radiation. It’s not alopecia it’s hair loss from radiation. It’s completely different. The symptoms go when you block the source of the radiation and your hair grows back.

Completely unconnected to there being NO VIRUS.

Not connected to the NO VIRUS theory. That is separate from 5g.

You actually conflated what I wrote as some kind of proof of no virus. All I was doing is relating personal experience in an anecdote.

Are you claiming that 5g and covid symptoms are unrelated?

Why does the CDC have the same symptoms for Covid19 on its own site that are IDENTICAL TO RADIATION ILLNESS AND RADIATION PNEUMONITIS?

Explain? Let’s see some sources explaining why they are identical?

Answer a single question of mine because you continue to lie and evade.

The symptoms for radiation sickness match the CDC’s symptoms for Covid. Which you already know because I have posted it numerous times.

Are you now claiming you never saw my posts with the radiation comparison to the CDC symptom list?

Oct 22, 2020 11:12 PM
Reply to  Researcher

I asked for sources to the no germ / virus theory.
What I believe is well documented on various threads on this site.

I, however, discuss them as viable hypotheses and theories rather than undeniable, evidence- supported fact or that they’re facts because i say so. If i can provide sources for points i see as valid and important, I do. Either that or i’ll direct anyone asking for them as to how to find them. Sometimes the heavy lifting isn’t worth it. Sometimes it is.

If you connected the no virus theory, the covid scam, the HCQ scam and 5G conspiracy then you can’t criticise anyone for conflating them. Even so, none of it came with primary or secondary sources.

It seems to me that, despite the shock and worry of you allegedly losing clumps of hair, you have diagnosed yourself without any medical consultation.

You haven’t asked for any medical advice. Nor have you sought legal advice with a view to seek compensation for the damage to your health that is( according to your unsourced opinions) down to the fitting of two smart meters.

I asked you about this. you call the questions lies.

Maybe you can explain how a question can ever be a lie.

Oct 22, 2020 11:07 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

I cannot sue the hydro-electric company here! They will not remove my smart meters. They will not install analog meters. It took me years to figure out what the problem was. Endless doctors visits, specialists, hundreds of bullshit forums and threads on hair loss for women. Thousands and thousands of dollars down the drain along with my hair.

There is no legal recourse where I live and most doctors don’t even recognize that radiation causes hair loss and brain fog.

oliver oloula
oliver oloula
Oct 22, 2020 9:50 AM
Reply to  Researcher

You’re right on the money.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Oct 22, 2020 6:47 AM
Reply to  JuraCalling

Really appreciate both your comments here Jura. You make much much sense, and noted a line in your first comment:
‘this was an ambitious overreach by the establishment, and was always going to rely on the fear and ignorance of as large a slice of the population as possible’.
Here in Melbourne, they appear to have succeeded well beyond what they would have thought would be their best outcome.
From my own observations, it seems more your liberal The Guardian reading, white collar, PC types who are most on board and compliant with this massive scam. In my opinion, fear of their own mortality has played a big factor in why so many have fallen into line. And the media have really played on this. Like you said, they’ve been handed their scripts.
I told a now former friend (covid true believer) about Gates plans for what would be going into the vaccines, plus the planned social credit system, digital currency, health immunity passports, etc, and he thought I was nuts and told me to stop looking at ‘bizarre conspiracy theory sites’.
Incidentally, in 2 months of mandatory facemasks here in Melbourne, have seen just one single person not wearing one.
Anyway…. thank you.

Oct 22, 2020 11:59 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

I’m in Queensland, if you didn’t look at the media or visit a government office you wouldn’t even know there was a virus, life is old normal. Melbourne really must be a nightmare.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Oct 22, 2020 12:35 PM
Reply to  Rancid

I’ve had 9 days work since mid March, and coz I’m a New Zealand citizen, I get no dole or Jobkeeper (legally a subcontractor) the rest of the time in lockdown.
Hundreds of thousands of people have lost their jobs for good, entire streets of shops won’t open again, and a lot of people will be lucky if they can still pay their mortgage.
The economy is completely trashed, and once Jobkeeper stops, there’s going to be a lot of homeless people here.
I’m really lucky that my housing organisation has given me a rent freeze since late March, however they’re now making noises they have to finish it soon. I’m meant to go back to work on Nov 2nd, but my income is solely reliant on people’s disposable, spare income. There’s a lot of people in Melbourne who are very broke.
And despite the devastation here, lots of people still support Andrews. The level of Stockholm Syndrome here would make a psychologist blush.
I’ve got a few Facebook friends in Queensland, and I’ve seen videos of people out eating, shopping, at bars, etc. You’d never believe it was the same country! Hope your weekend goes well✌️

Oct 22, 2020 5:50 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Thanks Gez

I share your frustration Re the sheep’s predictable, unimaginative and woeful quips. It’s tempting to give them a dog sometimes.

You can always force them to question their own so called conclusions ( ”you’re a conspiracy theorist”).

Ask them why doctors would need to lie about the virus and ask why they need to lie for cash to make the figures rise. Ask them why psychologists and software magnates are at war with a virus but medical doctors are being gagged.

These are facts. Not theories.

I sympathise with the Ozzies. I think the specific way in which they’re being abused by their cattle prodders has a rationale behind it. You / we won’t understand it until down the line.

Your leaders will explain that their ‘hard line’ was the mist effective strategy based on the way the virus was stopped in it’s tracks. The idea behind that is for the people to accept the abuse and their submission more easily.

When this plan was originally outlined in 2010 at the Rockerfeller Institute this was part of it. Most countries were given the same remit with regard to how they handled their people. ‘hypothetical’ naturally. They praise Japan on the paper. They took the hardest line.

If you haven’t checked it google it..

and International development.Scenarios for future technologies

Oct 22, 2020 10:00 AM
Reply to  JuraCalling

You could also add this question to your list:
As the symptoms keep varying (according to country) or expanding, and since re-infections have occured, this implies that the “virus” is mutating; so how can a vaccine work?

Oct 22, 2020 5:33 PM
Reply to  mgeo


We see that, as time passes, more people ask relevant questions and protest. This is because there’s a mentality of ”where the f**k is this so called virus” growing. So we get told ” oops it mutated”.

OK Mister Fauci, have you any evidence of what it looked like before ? How can you tell somethings mutated if you’ve never seen it and still can’t. And why after 9 months haven’t you found it and isolated it.

It’s psychological war. As such it could be won by producing evidence. By the same token it can be lost by being found out ; that none exists.

So why hasn’t it been won ? Because those cheating also make the rules and they also mutate as the game continues .

May Hem
May Hem
Oct 22, 2020 9:54 PM
Reply to  mgeo

Easy. More jabs will do the trick. Bigger profits too.

Dr NG Maroudas
Dr NG Maroudas
Oct 22, 2020 5:37 AM
Reply to  Paul

“[Bill Gates]jab arrives but we’re told it’s only going to prevent symptoms and we must take it twice a year

NanoSoft’s Con-19 anti-virus jabwear is modelled on Micro-Soft’s anti-virus software: Compel the suckers to keep paying.

Oct 21, 2020 11:12 PM
Reply to  Grafter

Volunteer Dies During AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine Trial
by GreatGameIndia

A volunteer has died during trial of COVID-19 vaccine developed by AstraZeneca and Oxford University. No further details were provided citing medical confidentiality of those involved in trials. After the news broke out AstraZeneca shares fell 1.7%. Brazilian health authority Anvisa said on Wednesday that a volunteer in a clinical trial of the COVID-19 vaccine […]

Read more of this post


Oct 22, 2020 2:21 AM
Reply to  Grafter

Placebo! Impossible.

Their vaccine is designed to rewrite your DNA and instructs your cells to make a spike protein that can evade your T-cells and lymphocytes. That and the adjuvants, cause an overt immune response leading to cytokine storm syndrome and toxic shock.

It changes your DNA. Forever.

If they are including the self assembling nanowires and nano receivers in the vaccines then that will double the risk.

Dr NG Maroudas
Dr NG Maroudas
Oct 22, 2020 6:25 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Unorthodox technology ought not to be rushed for trial. It needs at least another 20 years of risk evaluation before being launched on the trusting public. How different, how very different, from our own dear Russian vaccine — made by Orthodox method for annual flu shots.

“How different, how very different from the home life of our own dear Queen!” — Victorian cartoon after a performance of Antony and Cleopatra.

oliver oloula
oliver oloula
Oct 22, 2020 10:08 AM
Reply to  Dr NG Maroudas

All vaccines are poison. Viruses don’t exist. Nobody, including so-called virologists in Russia has EVER isolated a virus. No virus, no vaccine.

Oct 22, 2020 1:26 PM
Reply to  oliver oloula

That’s what I’ve come to believe. It’s a scam and covid 19 is an extension of it and is enabled by it.

Oct 22, 2020 1:25 PM
Reply to  Dr NG Maroudas

Actually, What’s really needed is for the unprincipled schemers with riches, and therefore power and too much freedom, to get real jobs and contribute to, rather than feed off of, society. They are cursed with smarts and because they already don’t want to work for a living, they find it too easy to be inventive in that mad Nazi scientist sort of way, looking for the big kaching when they come up with tech that the war-making, anti-people, State can use. They are also cursed by their choices – to be arrogant and to think that they are God and to act accordingly, which won’t go well for them in the long run.

oliver oloula
oliver oloula
Oct 22, 2020 10:00 AM
Reply to  Researcher


Oct 22, 2020 12:48 PM
Reply to  Researcher

I think you overestime their abilities it’s just a case if dirty wild simian virus like in the Sabin poluo virus or mercury and aluminium and formaldehyde preservatives….They are the silly nan behind the curtain They way they rule is with fanatasy and a echo chamver media and silencing heretics… hardly new or original religion has been doing that for millenia.

Oct 22, 2020 3:04 PM
Reply to  Dabuyo

There are no viruses.

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
Oct 22, 2020 3:07 PM
Reply to  Grafter

I know someone in Oxford who was an early volunteer for the Oxford Uni vaccine trial. He told me that he’d been a bit unwell for a couple of days, but after that he was fine.

However, as was reported in the Oxford local press when the trial started, the “placebo” given was not a true placebo, but the meningitis vaccine. My private guess is that my acquaintance was given the “placebo”, and that’s what made him feel unwell.

It might have more serious effects on some individuals. The Brazilian doctor who died, who was given the “placebo”, supposedly died of Covid-19, but who really knows?

Seemingly, they hardly ever use true placebos nowadays in vaccine trials. I asked David Crowe about this when the Oxford trial was announced.. He said it was a ploy to cover up the side effects of the vaccines, caused by adjuvants etc, which the non-placebo “placebos” also have. RIP David. You were a great humanitarian, and we truly miss you.

Oct 21, 2020 9:40 PM

I ran political advertising for Twitter. It’s time for platforms to mute Trump.
Social media platforms should silence the president until the winner of the election is clear
— Peter D. Greenberger, launched and led the political advertising teams at both Google and Twitter, writing in The Washington Post, Oct 19, 2020.

Private corporations are not required to uphold the First Amendment. But even if they were, speech is not protected if you yell “fire” in a crowded theater. Trump is telling people holding tiki torches to “stand by” to set the country aflame. Why wait for him to call on armed supporters to take to the streets?

This guy is a fantasist. Sadly his delusions are shared by many. He is lying on every point.

I am a liberal. This guy is not a liberal.. he just has money and influence to impose his views on the masses. Why let him pose as a liberal and lie like a sociopath?

Do you see how they use the Trump thing? The social media titans and billionaires made hating Trump a litmus test of progressiveness, a threshold for social acceptability.

How do they use it? Now anything they do, however repressive and illiberal, is OK with the masses so long as they say they hate Trump.

It was so simple to con you. Thanks guys.

David Bishop
David Bishop
Oct 21, 2020 10:07 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Never let a good despot go to waste.

Fact Checker
Fact Checker
Oct 21, 2020 11:44 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus


It’s extraordinary how these fire-and-brimstone “liberal” commentators so wantonly flip from rhetorical literalism to cartoonish hyperbole, so as to completely whipsaw any reader who doesn’t recognize it as pilpul from the word ‘go.’

“Oh, some pollyanna naysayers defend freedom of speech! But speech shouldn’t be free if it poses a clear and present danger! And if your gramma supports Trump she’s a clear and present danger to the very existence of humanity! She’s got a bomb! Look out granny’s got an atom bomb, and she’s pointing it right at a baby hugging an endangered baby spotted seal! O god! Stop granny! Stop her now! Kill her! Kill your grandmother before she kills us all! KILL KILL KILL

Oct 22, 2020 1:50 AM
Reply to  Fact Checker

Libs and especially radlibs (the pro tranny ones people call Marxists incorrectly) are just mindless people and almost all are closet racists. Everyone they don’t like is a Nazi or Russian bot

Oct 22, 2020 1:36 PM
Reply to  Koba

Libs have betrayed liberal philosophy. Chris Hedges may have swallowed the Covid Kool-Aid, but his book about that betrayal, “Death Of The Liberal Class,” was spot on. He doesn’t hold liberal philosophy up as being perfect. He makes – very, very firmly – the point that self-identified liberals have thoroughly betrayed their liberal principles. And they aren’t the only traitors these days. Almost everyone in every (religious, philosophical, political) group is a traitor. I watch UK Column News regularly (where they get ‘almost’ everything right) and they are small ‘c’ Conservatives and they bemoan Boris Johnson’s, and his entire government’s, destruction of the UK (which isn’t completely correct, since independent sovereign nations are mostly an illusion now) and ask “Is that what it means to be Conservative?” Don’t Conservatives conserve their traditions and culture and so on? (Personally, I find that to be a poor way to proceed. It’s formulaic. You shouldn’t ‘automatically’ conserve your traditions. How about the British empire?, namely the one that did, and does, imperialism alongside the US. Remember Syria?)

oliver oloula
oliver oloula
Oct 22, 2020 10:10 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Not me.

Oct 21, 2020 9:29 PM

im a big fan of ‘Media on Trial’ events.

Beeley among a line up of incredible speakers. Vanessa’s passion for justice came across.

Piers Robinson too. Modest but an incredible intellect who can talk plainly.

Amazing people.

Dr NG Maroudas
Dr NG Maroudas
Oct 22, 2020 6:27 AM
Reply to  Loverat

“The salt of the Earth” — New Testament

Oct 22, 2020 1:39 PM
Reply to  Dr NG Maroudas

I’ll buy that. And that makes them important, which is why Jesus also warned that ‘If the salt loses it’s strength, with what will it be seasoned?’ Or something like that.

Oct 21, 2020 9:16 PM

I’m not a huge Trump fan but he’s absolutely right when he said ‘the fake news media are the greatest enemy of the people’.

We see it time and time again.

The BBC are prime example.

It’s just 24/7 state propaganda with the sole intention of brainwashing the viewer.

May Hem
May Hem
Oct 22, 2020 2:15 AM
Reply to  Paul

Same thing here with the ABC national Aussie broadcaster. Its even worse than the commercial TV channels.

oliver oloula
oliver oloula
Oct 22, 2020 10:17 AM
Reply to  Paul

Trump is not special. He’s a criminal, same as every other US president before him. What else is there to say?

Oct 22, 2020 1:41 PM
Reply to  oliver oloula

Very correct. Jon Rappoport rips into him in a recent blog post and then, sadly, urges people to vote for him instead of Biden. Jon does great work, but he fails with this encouragement to people to play the harmful voting game.

Oct 21, 2020 9:00 PM

If you are an honest liberal — not a CIA-diplomat-establishment cocktail liberal-when-drunk or a small-c conservative who needs to seem edgy to make friends — but an honest liberal, you will listen to the latest broadcast by Dan Bongino.

He’s a pretty good antidote. Want to keep lying to yourself? Stop reading now.

Bongino is an independent radio host who reaches more people than the New York Times or the Washington Post. He’s usually in the top five on Facebook. Yeah, yeah, he’s a conservative. I can tell you as a liberal, ex-BBC journalist, that Bongino is a supreme professional in the art of radio, possessed of good insight and a humorous lash of wit that is lacking on state, establishment drone TV. He just happens to be a former secret service, Republican type. So what, if he’s good at what he does?

His latest broadcast answers the Washington Post’s recent Op-Ed which asked “why no one fears us any more.” Or more accurately, why the establishment press is irrelevant.

Bongino: Because you are a joke.

Listen to Dan. He was recently diagnosed out of the blue with fast-acting cancer from which I’m sure he’ll recover. His brush with mortality has simply made him more powerful than ever.


Oct 22, 2020 1:42 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

I’ve tried to listen to Dan. My cousin likes him. I can’t stomach his constant Dems vs Repubs diatribes. I don’t have time for that. He would be a lot more productive and useful if he’d abandon that nonsense.

Peter Jennings
Peter Jennings
Oct 21, 2020 8:54 PM

The bbc doesn’t have the clout it once did and their continued scaremongering is pissing everyone off. Their news desk at the bbc has exposed the organisation for what it really is.

The bbc slander might just backfire and cause a rush for more info. It wouldn’t be the first time. If the bbc has bothered to report the carry on over at the OPCW then semi comatose viewers will know that there is more to the story. Those viewers not familiar with the good work of Vanessa Beeley and Eva Bartlett might just get acquainted with it.

hendRIK Pieters
hendRIK Pieters
Oct 21, 2020 8:45 PM

I know all of this monstrous scheme.
Syrie was a nice country, good education, good medical support, food, and freedom. A rich country too, because it has all sorts of natural richness.
This is another war for oil.

Oct 22, 2020 8:32 PM

Syria has small insignificant amounts if Oil…No, this war *was” (Russia shut it down) for Israel. All the last thirty years of war by the west have been for Israel.

hendRIK Pieters
hendRIK Pieters
Oct 22, 2020 8:54 PM
Reply to  Dabuyo

That’s probably very true, the whole arabic spring was only to give the Khazarians more space and less people around their country they stole from the jews.

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 21, 2020 8:42 PM

Here’s how it’s going to go:


“‘A Perfect Storm.’ The Michigan Plot Lays Bare the Dangers of Ignoring the Far-Right Threat

For two decades, U.S. terrorism efforts were almost exclusively fixed on disrupting plots masterminded by jihadist groups like al-Qaeda and ISIS. …

All the while, the threat posed by homegrown far-right extremists deepened. Groups operated in the shadows, spreading hate-filled messages and amassing unlikely followers as social media use soared. Right-wing and white nationalist terrorist attacks spiked, killing twice as many Americans in domestic terror attacks than radical Islamists have since 9/11.

Last week, there was a sign that the federal government’s priorities may finally be shifting to meet that reality. On Thursday, federal and state authorities revealed a high-profile bust of an elaborate scheme to kidnap the Democratic governor of Michigan Gretchen Whitmer, resulting in the arrest of 13 people linked with a local rightwing militia group.

This year has not been short on feelings of uncertainty and frustration for extremist groups to capitalize on. The COVID-19 lockdowns, the protests over racial justice, and the 2020 election are a lightning rod for the more radical elements of many of these groups that may resort to violence…

The militia members also complained about state laws and COVID-19 restrictions, specifically mentioning the safety measures on gyms.

In their conversations, the men also discussed “taking” Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam, FBI agent Richard Trask testified to the U.S. District Court in Grand Rapids on Tuesday. They expressed similar anger about the COVID-19 measures that Northam, like Whitmer, had implemented in his state earlier this year.

…. Michael and William Null, twin brothers and militia members who have been charged in the kidnapping plot, carried firearms as they demonstrated against Whitmer’s COVID-19 restrictions on the Capitol steps in late April, according to Michigan officials.

It echoed, almost verbatim, the warning outlined in the DHS’ “Homeland Threat Assessment.” The agency noted it was “particularly concerned about the impacts from COVID-19 where anti-government and anti-authority violent extremists could be motivated to conduct attacks in response to perceived infringement of liberties and government overreach as all levels of government seek to limit the spread of the coronavirus that has caused a worldwide pandemic.”

And it’s interesting to note today’s WSWS article:


This centres on the feud between Trump and Fauci who is here presented as the “voice of science”. And you will note how the WSWS doesn’t hesitate to depart from their usual coldly critical eye and bestow glowing commendations such as “one of the foremost authorities on infectious diseases” and “the government’s top expert on infectious diseases” when it suits them.

But this also mentions the plot to kidnap and murder Whitmer. And goes on:

“The alleged plotters include individuals who participated in armed demonstrations against coronavirus lockdown orders earlier this year at the State Capitol building in Michigan. Similar rallies, replete with Nazi insignia and Confederate flags, were held in Virginia, Minnesota, Ohio, Texas and other states. Trump tweeted his enthusiastic support, urging his supporters to “liberate” Michigan, Minnesota and Virginia. The fascist militiamen were warmly greeted by sympathetic police.

You will notice (well you couldn’t fail to!) the connections being drawn here: The Right Wing with militia groups with white nationalist terrorism with “sympathetic” police i.e. all the demons of the Left into which is then added protests against the lockdowns.

And just as “The Left” are associated with facing up to the “true horror” that is COVID and demanding lockdowns, the (extreme) Right is associated with scepticism and rejection of the lockdown.

Expect this manoeuvre to accelerate. As more and more of the actual working-class protest against the lockdown, they will demonised as serving the ruling class and they will be pitted against the alleged working class who will be working to enforce the ruling class policy of the lockdowns.

T.Bone Erectus
T.Bone Erectus
Oct 21, 2020 9:33 PM
Reply to  George Mc

You are either intentionally spreading false information or badly misinformed.

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 21, 2020 11:20 PM
Reply to  T.Bone Erectus

Almost everything in my comment was a quote. The only bit that wasn’t was analysis of the quoted part and a prophecy. How can any of that be described as “false information”?

T.Bone Erectus
T.Bone Erectus
Oct 21, 2020 11:36 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Parroting the lies of a socialist propaganda website does not magically make your comments become the truth.

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 22, 2020 8:22 AM
Reply to  T.Bone Erectus

My comments were critical of the WSWS. Part of my entire approach here is based on the gullibility of those “socialist propaganda” websites (if you must). You are clearly not reading what I have written and are just reacting to a straw man image in your head.

Oct 21, 2020 11:39 PM
Reply to  George Mc

You are blind and very stupid, but as a right-wing person I will leave you alone rather than do the left-wing white supremacist BLM thing … come and set your house, or at the very least, your local shops, on fire.

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 22, 2020 8:24 AM
Reply to  aspnaz

I am speaking about divide-and-rule tactics via these routine images of the Left/Right schism i.e. these very images which you are feeding with your knee jerk response.

Oct 22, 2020 1:55 AM
Reply to  George Mc

WSWS is a terrible socialists site and is quite obviously controlled opposition. It supports most colour revolutions, hates actually existing socialism And parrots the msm A LOT! Hardly fighting against the grain are they! They were anti covid protests and said everyone taking part was a dumb right winger wanting to kill the elderly but were magically pro Belarusian paid protestors and fake Marxist BLM riots

Oct 22, 2020 4:00 AM
Reply to  Koba

They’re Trots. Trots are useless. I don’t get why anyone still reads that thing.

Oct 22, 2020 1:45 PM
Reply to  Someone

They’ve actually done some very good reportage, like a lot of fakey orgs. Their reportage on the traitorous union leadership was useful. Even before I realized that they were hardcore fakers, I was finding that my comments there were being disappeared. Then with covid 19, things became crystal clear.

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 22, 2020 8:26 AM
Reply to  Koba

Thank you for being the first commenter here to actually understand what I was saying. The two before you have only reinforced the image of the Right as unbelievable dumb asses i.e. at least as dumb as the mainstream Left.

oliver oloula
oliver oloula
Oct 22, 2020 10:39 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Don’t be grateful. It’s not necessary. What you say is true.

oliver oloula
oliver oloula
Oct 22, 2020 10:34 AM
Reply to  Koba


Oct 22, 2020 2:36 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Yes. This is what they’re building… Vaccine skeptics and anti-lockdown people are all “rabid right-wing terrorists”.

This is mainly why I despise Trump. He’s pretending to be at odds with Fauci but he’s giving money to GAVI.

He’s totally neutered all opposition to the coming annihilation. He and the CIA with their MKUktra militias going up against the paid BLM lunatics are going to create a faux civil war.

It’s faker than the damn virus.

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Oct 21, 2020 8:35 PM

Funny talking about MSM hit pieces!

This wonderful video dismantles one of the most ABSURD article written about war criminal, hair sniffer, PFinger and corrupt scum, I’ve ever read in the recent times.

For those morons – and there are plenty – in Europe that “think” Joe Biden is better than mutTrump do enjoy REALITY!

Oct 22, 2020 12:45 AM
Reply to  Voz 0db

A 3rd rate comedian tackling satire on a youtube channel with a captured audience as convincing as canned laughter..

The headlines..all about personality and personality traits. It’s like a daytime TV waste of time where a load of women sit around drinking mugs of caffeine having in depth discussions about ‘goss’. Childish shallow snipes..

The result is an irritating half hour of hysteria and anger. From a man who thinks it’s wondeful to have a self serving arrogant celebrity property developer using his position in The White House to try and intimidate anyone and everyone. Some fool who tries to run the world from his Twitter account.

Mister Dore.. tackle Fauci and Gates. Tackle Pharma . Tackle the inaction of a president who had to fake having covid 19 to get votes. Or just stick to open mic nights..people stopped caring about Rolling Stone 10 years ago.

Oct 21, 2020 8:16 PM

Vanessa Beeley and Eva Bartlett are two of my heroes.

They are just so brave.

I do apologise, but I have just read something very interesting and funny in The Guardian – even the links are great. The last time this happenned was about 6 weeks and the moderator here edited the link, which I thought was quite funny (it still worked, but he didn’t want The Guradian to get a click). I won’t risk it again, but I am going to have to see The New Borat movie – when Amazon offers me a Free Week. I might even do it for 99p if there is anything I want to buy.

comment image

Peter Jennings
Peter Jennings
Oct 21, 2020 8:38 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Me too, big fan.

Oct 21, 2020 8:41 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

“I am going to have to see The New Borat movie”.

You want anything to do with the guy who could deliver this?…

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 21, 2020 11:35 PM
Reply to  Edwige

I remember that speech and especially this bit:

“…at a time when two-thirds of millennials say they haven’t even heard of Auschwitz, how are they supposed to know what’s “credible?” How are they supposed to know that the lie is a lie?”

My jaw hit the floor when I heard that. Consider the implication: If you’ve never heard of Auschwitz, you cannot know what’s credible! Is that supposed to cover every single topic? No-one anywhere can know what’s credible on any subject, in any place, at any time unless they’ve heard of Auschwitz? The entire history of the human race can only be interpreted through the prism of Auschwitz?

And when I accessed a text version of the speech, this linked to an article concerned about “fading Holocaust knowledge”. This article was only available through subscription to theWashington Post. Oh dear – I’ll need to skip it. But the title tells me all. The generations come and the generations go and the Holocaust does not abide forever. And that scares the hell out of our historical custodians.

And looking over SBC’s lines there again I just noted this curiosity:

“…at a time when two-thirds of millennials say they haven’t even heard of Auschwitz, how are they supposed to know what’s “credible?” How are they supposed to know that the lie is a lie?

What lie is he referring to? Is he himself a Holocaust denier?

Oct 22, 2020 1:47 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Sacha’s filth. On Palestine and Israel, he’s as evil as they come.

Oct 21, 2020 7:56 PM

Fake news has been around for a long time and always will be.



Oct 21, 2020 8:06 PM
Reply to  axisofoil

AxisO.. Love, loved George Carlin…. Oh how I wish we had someone around now who tells it as it is.
American comedian Jimmy Doyle does his bit, but is not nearly as scathing and real as George was.

Oct 21, 2020 8:23 PM
Reply to  Maggie

Steve Hughes is like a modern George Carlin…

Oct 21, 2020 7:17 PM

lisa doucett man or woman bbc thing ex chatham house

one should look at many war correspondent as forward military advisor agents

city of london washington new york zionist
creatures of the oded yinon

Syrian man calling a possible trans BBC journalist a “liar” as she he squirms from the truth.


George Mc
George Mc
Oct 21, 2020 7:11 PM

It only just occurred to me that the media can be decoded by perfect inversion e.g. the moment they declared a war on “fake news”, they started to give us nothing but fake news.

Oct 21, 2020 8:05 PM
Reply to  George Mc

‘fake news’ was Trump’s version of just saying ‘lies’. Theresa May ( and Trump) later used the phrase ‘alternative facts’. Again, all it means is ‘lies’.

Orwell called this Doublespeak / Doublethink before either were born.

All you need to do now is invert everything else and realise our reality is a looking glass reality. It looks perfectly real. But it’s back to front.

So when you hear a leader who says ‘liberty’ too much or ‘democracy’ you’ll see he’s really saying bondage and dictatorship.

When they insist that world peace is the top of their agenda, you’ll realise they mean the need to sustain a state of war in as many places as possible ( see their methods of maintaining that ‘peace’).

They talk about ending homelessness, and creating jobs. How does that pan out ?

Best one : In God we trust.

Oct 21, 2020 8:12 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

‘fake news’ was Trump’s version of just saying ‘lies’. Theresa May ( and Trump) later used the phrase ‘alternative facts’. Again, all it means is ‘lies’.

Trump was briefed by his lawyers and warned against calling the MSM liars for fear of lawsuits.

Best one : In God we trust.

I prefer leaders of the free world, or land of the free.

Freedom fries anyone?

Oct 21, 2020 8:45 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

They are doing our heads in using their most powerful psychological techniques, but once we learn and practice their skills (there are much more of us – like 7 Billion VS about 1000 or so complete evil arseholes – if you include Luke Harding)

What they do to us, (send us mad)..We should be able to do to them, such that people like Matt Hancock can’t string a sentence together, that makes any sense whatsoever.

It can’t be that far off.

Has he been taking lessons from Joe Biden?

At least Donald Trump looks like a Rock Star..

The choices The Americans have got, makes even some of our politicians appear sane.


Oct 22, 2020 5:50 AM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

They can’t bend my head. Not under natural conditions. It’s not an easy mind to bend. They’ll have a chance if they invade / attack it with unnatural methods( poison or emf). I don’t care how powerful their ‘psychological techniques’ are. Besides, they daren’t gamble that much. If they want to crush us they need to know they have the arsenal and we have no defence. They only use mind games in the preliminaries because the majority of fodder are easily led.

We can’t send them mad. They already arrived there. That’s how they got their jobs. The checklist for psychosis / psychopathy is alarmingly short. The major players tick every box. If any of them show a hint of guilt or conscience they’re out of a job.

The Americans have a choice between two complete dickheads. Like the last election.Not like the good old days when the slick suited smooth talking Mister Cool and smart Obama was signing contracts to have whoever he wanted dead, killed, growing a mountain of empty properties as the doorways all over America became filled by the homeless, gave Monsanto the OK to carry on poisoning the world. Hounded Assange for telling the truth in a democracy. Then killed an invisible man and told the world it was Bin laden and we had to take his word. Sure thing Obama.

Can we see through your bullshit ? ”Yes We Can !”

At least we have Boris Johnson here. The palest Turk in history and the most imbecilic, privileged and poorly educated waste of skin that ever smothered the highest seat in the land. Dick.

Oct 22, 2020 10:31 AM
Reply to  JuraCalling

Corporate culture and marketing is largely such alternative words and meanings. If you want to go up the ladder, you internalise it.

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
Oct 21, 2020 8:15 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Didn’t Orwell base “The Ministry of Truth” on the BBC?

Oct 21, 2020 8:34 PM
Reply to  Mike Ellwood

room 101 was in the beeb

Oct 22, 2020 6:01 AM
Reply to  Mike Ellwood

It was based on Senate House in London, a far more imposing structure and where his wife had worked in the Ministry Of Information at some earlier time. In the book it’s a 900 foot Pyramid and has a huge basement for ‘burning history’ in incinerators.

Oct 22, 2020 2:02 AM
Reply to  George Mc

The news pre trump was quite bad and quite openly fake but since then he’s broke something in the two camps of the elites brains all because he says in public what they say privately

Red Corvair
Red Corvair
Oct 21, 2020 7:09 PM

In Brussels, where I live, I have a daily (masochistic?) ritual since March and the first lockdown of checking the level of propaganda (always at the highest level) of the public TV channel (in French). And it’s been simply appalling all along since March.
Propaganda pure and simple! Usual NATO propaganda (China, Russia and such) and covid propaganda. They won’t reject treating the threat of flushing a toilet as a major spreader of viruses, or balk at the training of dogs to “smell” covid infected patients (like the CNN “journalist” who smelled “the chlorine” on a handbag in Douma?!).
Their main goal, as a conscientious public service, is obviously to collate any rumour we may have missed about the dangers of covid.

Today they published an article to throw dirt at a Medical Professor of the St-Luc Hospital in Brussels, who’s been simply exposing his professional opinion for a long time now: there is no need to exaggerate the danger as the tests are only mainly revealing asymptomatic “cases” (not even “cases” than, in medical terms), plus his opinion that the hospital capacities will not be overwhelmed.

Today the Belgian minister of Shame … sorry, of Health, Mr. Vandenbroek did not consider below himself to attack the St-Luc Hospital professor by telling him (Greta-like): How dare you contradict a minister, when you’re simply a medical professor !!

They even coined an new term of abuse for the medical professor they called “a reassurist”… We can only suppose “a reassurist” to be the opposite of an alarmist or a fearmonger? And that the proximity with the “terrorist” is not an accident either…

That’s the level our politicians bask in their ineptitude, corruption and dirt now. The minister’s propaganda has taken the primacy over scientific data and informed opinion.

Of course, we did not expect the minister to present his excuses for the chronic level of under-financing of the Health sector these last decades. Or for having simply done nothing to improve the situation of the medical workers since the “first wave” last March.

The imbecility, hypocrisy and ineptitude have reached unheard-of levels.
I sincerely hope these politicians and media propagandists will have to face their crimes against the public some time in a not-too-far future when facts and scientific data will prevail again against corruption, fearmongering and propaganda.

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
Oct 21, 2020 8:21 PM
Reply to  Red Corvair

They even coined an new term of abuse for the medical professor they called “a reassurist”

I suppose it is slightly better than “a denialist”.

Oct 21, 2020 8:38 PM
Reply to  Red Corvair

gotta love the psycho drama posters and billboards around where i live
greatreset.com screen change CV is on medium, the screen changes and it new series called BRAVE NEW WORLD. Get home
flyers through the door Papa Johns Pizza Call of Duty Black Ops 

S Cooper
S Cooper
Oct 21, 2020 8:53 PM
Reply to  Red Corvair

THE PEOPLE need to get organized and fighting in short order to counter the CORPORATE FASCIST CONTAGION/PATHOGEN/DISEASE.

Oct 22, 2020 8:38 PM
Reply to  Red Corvair

This is RTBF right?

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Oct 21, 2020 6:44 PM

HUMBLE SUGGESTION: refer to “Independent Journalists” from now on as “JOURNALISTS” and “MSM JOURNALISTS” as OBVIOUS PROPAGANDA ASSETS.

“The beginning of wisdom,” said Confucius, “is to call things by their proper name.”

Turning on
Turning on
Oct 21, 2020 6:25 PM

Corbett supports oligarch ownership of social media, he doesn’t want them brought under regulatory control, he wants oligarchs to own them.

If may not be perfect but government regulation via, what is left of our democracy, is all we have to obtain free speech. Who in their right mind whats billionaires to decide the limits of our free speech? Answer: the Alt right controlled opposition. If he were for real I would never have heard of him and Youtube would never have served up his podcasts n my feed, just like they used to serve up Nigel Farage during the Brexit debate.

Red Corvair
Red Corvair
Oct 21, 2020 6:34 PM
Reply to  Turning on

What is left of your democracy shows on your face: the damn mask !
As for James Corbett, for all I know, he really does NOT support oligarchs or big tech or big government owning your freedom of speech, the water you drink or the air you breathe. You simply don’t know what you’re talking about, or you want to smear Corbett.

Oct 21, 2020 6:37 PM
Reply to  Turning on

That’s crap.

Oct 21, 2020 6:41 PM
Reply to  Turning on

No, he definitely doesn’t support oligarch ownership. That’s absurd. Corbett has said that bringing social media until government control won’t solve the problem, and he’s right. One only needs to look at the government-controlled BBC and CBC to understand his argument.

Dr NG Maroudas
Dr NG Maroudas
Oct 22, 2020 6:44 AM
Reply to  kevin

Spot on. We need to expel crooks from government as well as from business. It’s the old problem: Who will guard the guardians?

Oct 22, 2020 1:51 PM
Reply to  Dr NG Maroudas

There’s no separation of government, within the Corporatocracy, from business. Governments in police States are enforcers for transnational capitalism. They are glorified police forces. That’s all. Covid 1984 makes that abundantly clear.

Oct 21, 2020 6:49 PM
Reply to  Turning on

Corbett supports oligarch ownership of social media, he doesn’t want them brought under regulatory control, he wants oligarchs to own them.”

Can you provide a source for that ? Or anything like it that you may have misinterpreted ? Or are you just making a wild guess based on nothing ?

Oct 21, 2020 6:59 PM
Reply to  Turning on

There is a difference between ownership and regulatory control. The beeb for instance is supposed to be impartial. Government control can simply mean laws that confirm freedom of speech. However you need a government willing to enforce that requirement.
Look at what’s happening in America at the moment – police are told to stand down in the face of looters and rioters…

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 21, 2020 7:07 PM
Reply to  Turning on

If he were for real I would never have heard of him

Well there’s a Kantian perspective. The real world is forever beyond us. Reminds me of the joke about the sadistic father who told his kids that the ice cream man only plays his merry tune to tell you he’s ran out of ice cream.

Oct 21, 2020 7:18 PM
Reply to  Turning on

I have watched Corbett for years. He rails against “collectivism”, when the greatest threat to humankind is accumulated private control of basically everything. Bill Gates and Soros don’t seem to do a lot of work pushing for proletariat control of the means of production through collectives.

Oct 21, 2020 8:07 PM
Reply to  Turning on

Wow, you must have your head where the sun does not shine.

Oct 21, 2020 10:02 PM
Reply to  Ken

Can’t be fun having your head in Wigan

Oct 22, 2020 1:49 PM
Reply to  Turning on

Nice try. But… FAIL!

Oct 21, 2020 6:20 PM

Those utter arseholes at the BBC trying to smear someone as principled and honest as Vanessa Beeley – this is as clear a sign as any of how twisted the world is. Wankers.

Sorry-not-sorry for my foul language. Today finds me feeling particularly sweary. If anyone’s to blame, it’s the twats at the BBC.

Oct 21, 2020 6:32 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

The BBC operates as a bubble. Most of the staff are absolutely convinced that the BBC is God’s gift to journalism. In terms of training it is. And the organization is so huge and overwhelming that when you join you suffer a kind of reverse PTSD. You have been accepted at the bosom of a new mother. You can’t imagine any other world.

However, there are some truly evil people at the top of the BBC and they treat the staff appallingly, especially if you are independent minded, even worse if you are knowledgeable. And if you propose how an item of foreign news should be covered, God help you.

The BBC is a top down organization. You will be given “the line”. Of course, because it doesn’t come from within the BBC. As far as international stories that touch in any way on Britain’s interests, the Foreign Office instructs the BBC. That’s hotly denied but it’s a fact.

If you leave you go through what genuinely is a detox. First regret and longing, like you have been ripped from mother. And then you see it from outside, but with an insider’s knowledge… and you realize how pernicious it is.

At least that’s how it was for me.

Oct 21, 2020 6:40 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Ah, you were in the belly of the beast. Interesting. Yes, those evil people at the top mean that the BBC is complicit in the deaths of many people through its cheerleading for war. And all kinds of other foulness. I long for its downfall, I really do.

Dr NG Maroudas
Dr NG Maroudas
Oct 22, 2020 6:54 AM
Reply to  Gwyn

Gwyn, with what would you replace it? Communication is an essential public service.

“Only connect” — EM Forster; in Two Cheers for Democracy?

Oct 23, 2020 7:08 PM
Reply to  Dr NG Maroudas

I agree that communication is an essential public service. The BBC, though, is a propaganda outlet, and nothing more. What they do is never in the public interest.

I’d replace it with something like Off-Guardian TV. Although I’m struggling to think of a television network that’d be allowed to broadcast such a channel… :o)

Oct 21, 2020 6:42 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Same as working for a multi national company. Indoctrination of staff and total subservience to the cause. All essential to climb the career ladder .

Oct 21, 2020 7:04 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

What do all these abbrevs. mean – bbc for instance¿

Oct 21, 2020 8:01 PM
Reply to  richard

BBC. Big Bullshitting Corporation.

Oct 21, 2020 9:31 PM
Reply to  richard

Blind Brainwashed Cult

Oct 21, 2020 8:14 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

You sound as though you had been part of a giant religious cult organisation on par with Scientology, Jehovah’s Witnesses or the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints aka the Mormons.

Oct 21, 2020 8:26 PM
Reply to  Jen

Yes, he was in the BBC. Poor sod.

Oct 22, 2020 2:01 PM
Reply to  Jen

Jehovah’s Witnesses have gone over to the dark side in Covid 1984. Otherwise, they are so far from the other fakers who you cite it isn’t funny. No other Christian group will do a better job of telling you what the Bible says than they will. I don’t agree with them on some big and small things (soul, resurrection), but they don’t make stuff up and say, or imply (which is done more often than outright lying), that it’s in the Bible the way that fake, mainstream Christianity does. That’s why the Witnesses are hated by other Christian religionists. They don’t sell Easter, Christmas and so many of the lies and manmade customs (evolution, the cross, the trinity, rapture nonsense) that Christendom (fake Christianity that rules along with the secular realm that is about to turn on it) sells. And they don’t – or didn’t – stamp ‘approved by God’ on the prime ministers, presidents, governors, kings etc of this world in order to gain their approval and protection. Sadly, that ‘is’ what they are doing by recommending to their congregations that they obey the authorities in regard to Covid 19.

Paul Nicholls
Paul Nicholls
Oct 22, 2020 4:18 PM
Reply to  Arby

Arby said:
Jehovah’s Witnesses….. don’t make stuff up….

Thank you. I haven’t had such a protracted belly laugh in a long time. It feels good.

Oct 22, 2020 9:10 PM
Reply to  Paul Nicholls

I’m delighted. Although this might disappoint you somewhat. I do think that they make some stuff up.

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
Oct 21, 2020 8:33 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

For me, the BBC is the proverbial curate’s egg: good in parts. And for me, most of those parts lie in radio, e.g. Radio 3, Radio 4, Radio 4 Extra, Radio Cymru. Not the news or news commentary, etc, but the cultural stuff and similar material. Some documentaries, although even those have got more politicised.

The occasional gem (including some documentaries) on TV, but not much.

And although it doesn’t particularly float my boat, local radio is valuable for some people.

I wonder how much of the good stuff that I do like on the BBC could have come from private broadcasters, and I think that the answer is: very little, and for that I’d have to put up with adverts. No thanks. So I’m not one of those calling for the dismantling of the BBC. There should be some reform, but I’ve no idea how it could be done properly.

David Bishop
David Bishop
Oct 21, 2020 10:20 PM
Reply to  Mike Ellwood

I like anything the BBC does if bonnetts are involved. Apart from that, its a vial brain washing machine.

Oct 21, 2020 11:46 PM
Reply to  David Bishop

that must be very convenient, for those whose brains are sufficiently small that they can be washed in vials. it saves that tiresome trip to the laundromat.

Dr NG Maroudas
Dr NG Maroudas
Oct 22, 2020 7:03 AM
Reply to  Mike Ellwood

@Mike Ellwood: “Not the news or news commentary, etc, but the cultural stuff”

Agreed. Like Shakespeare being one of the good parts in “the curate’s egg” during the Tudor Reign of Terror. Even though S prudently kept his theatre business in the good books of the Tudor regime by writing foul calumnies against Richard III, Macbeth and Joan of Arc.

Oct 23, 2020 1:14 AM
Reply to  Mike Ellwood

Radio Cymru and those other radio channels you mention could form their own organisation. The funding could come from individual, group, community and local council subscriptions. Radio commentators could broadcast from their own homes or an office set up in a local community setting. The roster and programs need not change much because those would be determined by the staff themselves with input from interested subscribers.

Dr NG Maroudas
Dr NG Maroudas
Oct 22, 2020 6:49 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

MoneyCircus, the experience of being “ripped from Mother” (Auntie?) seems to have done you a lot of good.

“Humankind must learn by suffering” — Aeschyles

Oct 22, 2020 8:41 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Vauxhall instructs the BBC and have done for years virtually all of their foreign correspondents are on the payroll.

Oct 21, 2020 6:50 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

And if i may add to that : ” bottoms”

Oct 21, 2020 9:17 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

“Everything’s bottoms, isn’t it?” — Basil Fawlty

Oct 21, 2020 10:01 PM
Reply to  Ort

I knew I was quoting a great philosopher. I just couldn’t recall which. Thanks Ort.👍

Oct 21, 2020 5:44 PM

Hey, I think Oliver Oloula is onto something: I’ve got a stack of books I’d like to spam to this site upload here, chapter by chapter. Geez, where to start?!

Turning on
Turning on
Oct 21, 2020 6:22 PM
Reply to  rob2

Everyone else gets blocked by the ‘filters’. they have special access.

Oct 21, 2020 5:33 PM

The only thing to be said here is Vanessa Beeley is a GREAT journalist.

Oct 21, 2020 6:06 PM
Reply to  Maxwell

Hear, hear! A true journalist, unlike the BBC’s spineless government stenographers.

Oct 21, 2020 9:25 PM
Reply to  Maxwell


And I’m gratified to have read the entire comments thread, and so far no one has bumptiously denounced Vanessa as “controlled opposition”. 😉

Oct 21, 2020 10:33 PM
Reply to  Ort

Don’t worry.’Researcher’ and ‘Fact Checker’ will be along soon enough.

Fact Checker
Fact Checker
Oct 22, 2020 12:00 AM
Reply to  Tony

That ain’t my shtick, honey pie.

Oct 22, 2020 2:53 AM
Reply to  Tony

I like VBeeley. I just know for a fact you are a fucking moron and a liar.

6 years on twitter and seven followers.

Must be your winning personality and scorching intellect.

Oct 22, 2020 9:08 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Comment screenshot for when Researcher inevitably ‘outs’ Vanessa Beeley as controlled opposition.

Oct 22, 2020 4:11 PM
Reply to  Tony

More moronic lies. If people want to focus on Syria or white helmets which are a known CIA front, while their neighbors and friends are being murdered by their own governments through tyranny, oppression, loss of income, inducement of suicides, 5g radiation, vaccines, Rx drugs, that’s their prerogative. I don’t fucking care.

What’s going on in Syria is the tip of the iceberg. The most blatant corruption, murder, abuse of chemical and biological weaponry is a hundred fold to anything happening in the Middle East, and it’s right out in the open yet rarely spoken about or investigated.

I don’t know who’s controlled opposition or not. I don’t even care. At all. I don’t know if “journalists” whether in the mainstream or elsewhere are misguided, deluded, paid agents, tacitly omissive, silently coerced or pressured, overtly influenced, subconsciously manipulated, or if a lot of “voices“ in the liberal or alternative media have made their money or name by focusing on the the nation vs nation theory while always ignoring where the funds from these military operations emanate, not appearing to understand that all wars are fake wars, built on phony premises and backed by bankers. I will never know what motivates people and I am really not interested. In the least. It’s so boring.

You are just another ignorant and vile creep who has never done a damn thing in his life for another human being and never will.

You wouldn’t recognize the truth if it hit you over that empty, hate filled head.

Oct 22, 2020 8:22 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Ah, good. ‘Researcher’, formerly ‘Objective’ (until they were discredited as a lying troll under that user name), has slagged off Vanessa Beeley in a roundabout way. ‘Researcher’ has also lied about not being interested in who is controlled opposition, when they have gone to great lengths to convince us that Julian Assange, David Icke and others are exactly that. And the irony of calling someone “hate filled” in a series of posts filled with so much vitriol is just off the scale funny. You are unravelling, just as your ‘Objective’ persona did.You even made a couple of American English slip-ups recently. Browser playing up again?

Oct 22, 2020 9:35 PM
Reply to  Tony

I don’t know who objective is, but your lies are idiotic and your gotcha moment is as limp as a wet rag.

The truth and the science is the only thing that interests me.

Politics is a bore as are wars. Journalists. And your comments.

But your incessant trolling of me and your fake accusations says more about you than me. There’s no hate or vitriol in any of my comments. You mistake scorn for hatred because you are a knuckle dragging troglodyte.

Oct 22, 2020 11:18 PM
Reply to  Researcher

More vitriol from ‘Researcher’/’Objective’. It’s the standard, ingrained violent reaction from armed services personnel. You’re not 77th brigade because you’re American (unless you’ve been seconded, of course). Do you work out of one of those bases in Lincolnshire or Norfolk?

Oct 23, 2020 2:05 AM
Reply to  Tony

I’m in Canada you idiot. You are 77th. Taking photos of protestors at protests. A suspicious twitter account under a fake name. No friends, no followers. No comments other than a weird obsession with foreign policy and journalists I’ve never even heard of before Covid struck and came here after the “meaningless tests” article.

You’re a stalking nutcase. Do you normally stalk women on the internet? Is that your thing?

Peter Jennings
Peter Jennings
Oct 23, 2020 3:56 PM
Reply to  Tony

Whatever you may think of Vanessa Beeley. the evidence uncovered by her and others cannot be disputed. Her findings regarding the chemical attacks in Syria have been confirmed by everyone who bothered to take an interest. The very fact that numerous OPCW employees chose to leave the organsation shortly after rather than continue to lie to the public is another conformation.

The white helmets are a sham. Their leader couldn’t get into america to receive and award because he was on their terrorists list. Millions of British taxpayer money has gone to fund these terrorists. Pictures all over the internet show them celebrating terrorist victories whilst waving their own weapons in the air. Their PR is also present at numerous executions. One was a 14 year old boy dragged from his hospital bed.

The useful British idiot who ran the helmets was found dead outside his apartment after apparently falling from a window. That was about the time his organisation began to leak and funding started to dry up. Those behind the helmets didn’t expect their syop to have go on for so long. Of course, it couldn’t.

Fact Checker
Fact Checker
Oct 21, 2020 11:59 PM
Reply to  Ort

Norman Pilon essentially does, above, citing as his authority an article by none other than Nafeez Ahmed.


oliver oloula
oliver oloula
Oct 21, 2020 5:01 PM


NOTE FROM ADMIN: This post was spam and the text was removed.

Geoff S
Geoff S
Oct 21, 2020 5:38 PM
Reply to  oliver oloula

Having struggled through a couple of your text walls, I’m assuming one of the following is true:

a – You’re professionally (in the strict sense of the word, not to be taken as praise) attempting to discredit some nuggets of truth by association with the more, er,’unlikely’ and unsavoury aspects of your various diatribes

b- You were turned down for a sex-change operation

c- You experienced a traumatic shock back in your hotel room on that trip to Thailand

Not sure which, and I don’t really want to know.

Oct 21, 2020 6:08 PM
Reply to  oliver oloula

Kindly fuck off, you annoying twat.

Oct 21, 2020 8:03 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

That still sounds rude.

The correct term is ‘Off is the direction I would like you to fuck’

Oct 21, 2020 8:59 PM

”You will find that off is a very long way away. Nevertheless, you should continue to fuck in that direction until you have reached it.”

Oct 21, 2020 8:40 PM
Reply to  oliver oloula

changed your name from thomas

Oct 23, 2020 1:19 PM
Reply to  oliver oloula

For what it’s worth I thought those three ‘books’ you published, now gone, were informative and very interesting even if I didn’t fully agree. Got a feeling most people didn’t take the time to completely read them thoroughly (heavy and wordy); so trans, gay and woman being judged jumped straight out and understood out of context. Therefore rigtw/gna zi is thrown around like confetti at a wedding. Shame, they were some of the best comments I’ve read on this site and I’m disappointed they are gone. While others like Tonyopmoc harmlessly rambles on talking about his wife, his garden, cousins and so on; right off topic at the grand age of 110, giving the illusion that everything is published and not moderated off. Though occasionally he/she/whatever engages and produces something of merit and also insightful. Whether it’s human or not, who knows; right?

Oct 21, 2020 5:00 PM

Is James Corbett using the cover of ‘real journalists’, to push his fake conspiracy theories? He should be calling out the abuse of US empire, rather than pushing the internationalist ‘globalist conspiracy’ nonsense, which is the Alt right & CIA’s preferred distraction from US empireand which he discusses all the time.

When has he ever called for stronger Unions, that we know result in better pay and working conditions for workers, when did he every push workers rights or employment protection? Never!

The absence of such issues exposes him as controlled opposition, leading us, Pied Piper style away from the source of many of our problems.

Oct 21, 2020 7:13 PM
Reply to  Cornhil

James Corbett doesn’t do conspiracy theories, fake or otherwise. He only does conspiracy facts.
Why don’t you give us some examples of what you think are conspiracy theories…
Maybe we can put you on the right track.

Oct 21, 2020 9:51 PM
Reply to  richard

I just told you.

Oct 21, 2020 7:24 PM
Reply to  Cornhil

Corbett doesn’t like collectivism. Despite the fact that we’re ruled by billionaires who own both the democratic non-government institutions that determine the policies that shape our lives, Corbett seems to really like the real estate agent approach to socioeconomic phenomena.

Oct 21, 2020 9:50 PM
Reply to  Clyde

Collectivism? /////how about any fairness, He doesn’t like that either.

Oct 21, 2020 8:10 PM
Reply to  Cornhil

Ok, Cornhole, you BBC shill.

Oct 21, 2020 9:49 PM
Reply to  Ken

What is a BBC shill?

Oct 21, 2020 11:50 PM
Reply to  hexon

one who shills for the BBC, obviously. either because they are paid to do so, or on a volunteer basis, inspired by a sense of civic virtue.

Oct 21, 2020 9:25 PM
Reply to  Cornhil

I got a lot of flak from Corbett fans on this site for saying that he’s right-wing (which he is), but I still wouldn’t call him controlled opposition, or a conspiracy theorist.

Oct 21, 2020 9:49 PM
Reply to  Someone

Just join up the dots.

oliver oloula
oliver oloula
Oct 21, 2020 4:38 PM


NOTE FROM ADMIN: Please don’t post long, unsavoury screeds on this site and then pretend to be an outraged commenter reacting to it. Thanks you. A2

Oct 21, 2020 4:53 PM
Reply to  oliver oloula

How can this nazi publish this? if I tried, it would be blocked, I can only assume that this massive dump of Neo-Nazi propaganda by ‘’oliver oloula’’ is endorsed by this NSA honey pot site.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Oct 21, 2020 6:07 PM
Reply to  Godding

Talking about setups – weird how a lone outraged comment turns up a couple of minutes after these screeds get spammed all over a thread. People aren’t buying your BS, btw.

Turning on
Turning on
Oct 21, 2020 6:19 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Oct 21, 2020 6:12 PM
Awaiting spam check

You finally came out of you shell, Off-Guardian and published waht you really think.
The house Neo-Nazi propaganda is flowing tonight…… straight off the CIA presses. Spamming is banned…except when it’s Nazi racist homophobic, sexists, hate of course……then its allowed.
How did they get past the spam filter you ask?….. the answer, they are the spam filter.

Oct 21, 2020 6:52 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

I’m not well versed in techy nonsense. But is there no way these dickheads can be spotted by their IP or if they’re on a VPN ? You could block them then.

Oct 22, 2020 4:11 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

You mean like a police state do?

oliver oloula
oliver oloula
Oct 22, 2020 4:55 PM
Reply to  Toto


Oct 22, 2020 5:53 PM
Reply to  Toto

No, like a forum provided for level headed and open discussion does when it doesn’t want lunatics trying to spoil it like small children at a party fighting their sleep.by being naughty and disruptive.

Being stupid and having the right to broadcast that stupidity is all part of free speech. But that’s no excuse for ignoring everything else, such as ways to communicate like a grown up.

Oct 21, 2020 4:37 PM

The BBC as an arm of the US deep state, UK division, makes this journalist the ‘enemy’? On a subject well covered by other journalists a long time ago. Haven’t we seen this many times before. Why is it always the deep states agents (BBC), who are defining the opposition ‘bandits’ and the ‘dissidents’……I worry they are not defining the real bandits, they are promoting the controlled opposition. What could be more useful than a BBC ‘accredited dissident’ in the alternative & even the Syrian camp. Why are you people so trusting? I work on the assumption….. trust nobody.

Oct 22, 2020 12:02 PM
Reply to  Judy

It’s all fluid, and they want you to understand that. In “1984”, someone walks up to the speaker on stage and whispers to him. The latter immediately changes the direction of his speech radically. No one in the audience is shocked.

IOW, “Four legs good, two legs better”.

Oct 21, 2020 4:19 PM

When we understand that “International Law” is a sick joke being played on humanity, it becomes ever clearer how an entire world can be brought to a state of lockdown because of a single pathogen.

To those who would say “It would take an immense coordinated effort to do it,” I would answer “It would take a 5 minute phone call.” Everything is already in place. “International Law” being just one tiny piece.

Oct 21, 2020 4:40 PM
Reply to  Howard

A 5 minute phone call is right. I think of it as similar to flicking a switch, with everyone and everything already in place to be activated in support of the agenda.

Oct 21, 2020 4:46 PM
Reply to  Howard

Pathogen not required either. Just the myth of one.

Dr NG Maroudas
Dr NG Maroudas
Oct 22, 2020 7:48 AM
Reply to  ToyAussie

Spot on; a virtual virus for a virtual world.

“We create our own reality” — Henry Kissinger & Co.

Oct 22, 2020 12:07 PM
Reply to  Dr NG Maroudas

Recently, a few false-flag attacks were virtual, i.e., entirely manufactured by news agencies/media. Please don’t forget to clap for your spooks who are thus saving real lives, i.e. not gunning them down.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Oct 21, 2020 7:30 PM
Reply to  Howard

Hello Howard: Good point. International Law is a contrived hoax for civilians who always defer to some bigger daddy to protect them from the boggy man. How effective have these “suggestions” been when it comes down to formal prosecutions? None. Zero. Zilch. Nada Exactly as intended.