WATCH: Your Guide to The Great Reset

Episode 387 of the Corbett Report

You’ve all heard by now that The Great Reset is upon us. But what is The Great Reset, exactly, and what does it mean for the future of humanity? Join James for this in-depth exploration of the latest rebranding of the New World Order agenda and its vision of a post-human Fourth Industrial Revolution.

For links, shownotes and an audio-only version click here.


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Jun 17, 2024 7:28 PM

Thank you

May 4, 2024 12:00 AM

Thank you!

Aug 25, 2023 11:56 PM
Aug 17, 2023 12:26 AM

Gracias !


Nov 27, 2022 6:01 PM

Great !

Nov 23, 2022 10:07 AM

Thank you


Oct 3, 2022 11:54 PM

Ok, thank you guardian!


Sep 18, 2022 10:46 PM

Thank you!


Jul 10, 2022 1:05 PM

Buen artículo!

Apr 5, 2022 12:17 AM

Excelente artículo, te invito a mi sitio horarios de omnibus.
Que tengas bonito dia!

Mar 29, 2022 8:45 PM

Thank you!

Jan 18, 2022 4:07 PM


Jan 14, 2022 10:30 PM

Interesante artículo, te invito a visitar mi sitio web sobre trabajar en uruguay

Juan H.
Juan H.
Nov 27, 2021 12:36 PM

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que tengas bonito dia

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May 31, 2021 11:59 PM

Increible post !

Mar 27, 2021 10:34 AM

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Feb 17, 2021 3:26 PM

Increible todo esto! Los invito a ver mi web sobre base de datos de empresas de españa

Feb 17, 2021 3:25 PM

Totalmente de acuerdo!

Feb 14, 2021 2:48 PM

Muy interesante artículo, los invito a visitar mi web sobre COLEGIOS, información imprescindible sobre la educación

Feb 13, 2021 2:30 AM

It’s all about “order” to the Oligarchs, to get all the peasants in line. In the U.S. they’ve been pushing “law and order” for decades, getting people used to the concept of “order.”

The Great Reset (the new New World Order) is frightening. People seem to be waking up. I just hope that enough people wake up in time.

If we all stand up, we can put an end to their rigged game.

Nov 3, 2020 4:48 PM

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Excelente tu blog

Nov 3, 2020 4:44 PM

Excelente articulo, te invito a pasar por mi web sobre base de datos de empresas de españa
Thank you

Oct 26, 2020 11:44 PM

It gets boring, because no one’s actually called this out for the total bullshit that it is.

Corbett is a joke, so is Jimmy Dore, et al. It’s all a joke because none of these people will directly stand up to what’s happening.

Much as I’d like to buy Jimmy a drink, I don’t have much time for half-arsed Californian comedians Or indeed people like James Corbett.

They all need to grow-up and grow a pair.

We are now in a very serious situation, the like of which has never been seen before in history.

Oct 27, 2020 2:48 AM
Reply to  RobG

I have to admit their style very much detracts from their message.
As you say, this is all much too serious a matter to deliver with a cute smirk on one’s face…
At least they both speak distinctly and fluently – and with good focus.

Oct 27, 2020 1:15 PM
Reply to  RobG

LOL with ROB

It s only boring because its the same message for decades
just now it reaches a few more that go:
OHH this is odd when did the nazis start up again ..
LOL they never left …but this is all well above the plebs head so ..honestly
worry about your own, your family and friends
All else is too late

the masses are lost and be ‘cleaned’ off the planet very soon
yes its a shame but really there is nothign we can do now
the plebs are allowed to see x y and z this year BECAUSE its done !
the jail is complete and its irrelevant now who puts 2 and 2 together .
so dont be dishearted
most of em will be gone in a decade …

Michele Piteo
Michele Piteo
Dec 13, 2020 3:27 AM
Reply to  RobG

Corbett spends hours tunneling as an introvert in order to pile fact upon fact like bricks although you say he’s not serious enough

Oct 26, 2020 10:43 PM
Oct 27, 2020 3:06 AM
Reply to  Walker

Thanks. He’s interesting and funny.

Ino Moxo
Ino Moxo
Oct 26, 2020 8:17 PM


I call it Goolag.

Think of a number, any number with 1 to 6 digits (more may work too).

Do a Google search for “x cases” with x being the random number you came up with. Check the first page of results.

Repeat a few times and make your conclusions….

Oct 26, 2020 11:37 AM

A couple years ago i came accross Corbett. I watched a couple videos of him about Agenda 21 and “medical martial law”. I always thought he is to far out. Always knew that there is to much power in the hands of the few and i knew that conspiracies are the norm. But i just couldn’t belief around that they could plan stuff a s sinister as whats going on now. Anyway Corbett war right and i was naive!

Oct 26, 2020 4:50 PM
Reply to  dada

People in the West are led to believe that they live in free and open societies. Nothing could be further from the truth. We live in a dense fog of (very clever) propaganda. Corbett embodies this. Notice that he doesn’t reveal anything that clued-in people already know, and he doesn’t mention the corporations and people who are really behind all this.

The message in this video is: trust this guy, because he’s telling you the truth.

It’s propaganda 101 for the sheep who come across from the presstitutes.

If Corbett was real he’d be calling on people to organise and overthrow these feckers.

I know what I say here won’t make me popular, but please read again and absorb my sentence above.

Oct 26, 2020 6:17 PM
Reply to  RobG

Well he does make a call for resistance in the end…

Oct 26, 2020 7:30 PM
Reply to  Someone

“Trust this guy” is also the message in what people say who ARE telling the truth.
Sorting it all out is our task, and of course it takes work.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Oct 26, 2020 6:26 PM
Reply to  RobG

Question. Have you found anything Corbett posts helpful or useful in your organizing (hopefully in person) efforts against the Corporate Fascists? If so, what?


Ino Moxo
Ino Moxo
Oct 26, 2020 6:59 PM
Reply to  RobG

There is no need to read again- this nonsense is very familiar- such comments are a dime a dozen.

Oct 26, 2020 7:00 PM
Reply to  RobG

If he called upon people to organize and overthrow “the authorities”, he would be easily dismissed as a dangerous terrorist.
The same goes if he were to name names and specific corporations: An easy target for lengthy, and expensive, lawsuits.
Give him a little bit of credit, Rob. He’s not desperate to end up in the same place as Assange.
What he does do is to point to evidence which, as you say, we may already know of, but which is often presented in indigestible form.
Corbett knows the evidence is there, and he just makes it easier for busy people to follow up on the information he provides.
It’s not as if he’s making stuff up, like some people do. He says himself that he has distilled an ocean of propaganda down into 4 or 5 key points, and I am certain he would agree with your first two sentences in any case.
Perhaps you might watch the video again?
It’s longer than your comment, but there’s a lot in it which refutes your dismissal.
I’m not asking you to like Corbett. That is of no importance.

Oct 30, 2020 7:25 PM
Reply to  dada

Ahh i don’t knwo why i bother but here it goes
@ dada
your not naive …don’t tell yourself that
the simple Truth is you have never had an original thought ever .
Its hard to grasp . yes i understand . It hard to hear you a ‘mindless’ cog in a machine as billions of others . So yes hard to get your head around at first .
Let me start simple
Everything you know is a lie .:) yes it is
read on
Not once have you ever been told anything that is remotely true or useful
You whole life is a lie . Please don’t get angry at the messenger but .
you’ve been living a lie as billions of others with you
All u know are implants and of course ‘education’ 2 + 2 =4 right 🙂

Simple question I ask many people …
What is your favorite colour ?
now sit for 10 minutes and think about this …it wont work for all but it does for some try it .

sit down somewhere ..listen to the wind ..put away that f$^$%&^ tracking cancer device for as minute . yes ur phone …Now listen to the wind and have a think .. wind …alone Try to dig deep and remember ‘. try to reason ..
‘Your’ favorite colour right ?
and how does it come to be your favorite…
Have a think

Simply put , All and everything you ‘believe’ to know is a lie
An implant and conjecture of your r own fabrication .//
All is implanted and assigned
All of it
they worked our puny little minds out many many many years ago ..
but this cant be right …your sovereign right ?

Finally don’t beat yourself up about it we are all in this together ..
they been doing this millennia

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 26, 2020 11:35 AM


“The BBC is the primary beneficiary of the British TV licensing scheme. Anyone who wishes to watch or record live television in the UK has to pay a £157.50 ($205) annual fee. And the tens of thousands of people who dodge it face prosecution and fines each year – and may even be sent to prison.

However, the broadcaster has recently been facing an outflow of paying license holders, in part because an increasing number of Britons (think) that the BBC does not deliver on the promise of being politically non-partial, which is enshrined in its charter.”


““We have more calls than usual at the moment, and they are taking longer to answer as we operate in accordance with Covid-19 government guidelines,” a spokesman for the BBC told the Express newspaper, when asked why its phone lines were clogged.”

Another handy job for Covid!

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 26, 2020 11:27 AM


“Dr Scott Atlas on Why Media Misunderstand the Biological Reality of ‘Herd Immunity’ 

On Herd immunity policy?
No. It’s a repeated distortion, lie, or whatever you want to call it… What they mean by ‘herd immunity strategy’ is survival of the fittest, let the infection spread through the community and develop a population immunity. That’s never been the policy that I have advised. It’s never even been discussed inside the White House, not even for a single minute. ….”

On herd immunity
Population immunity is a biological phenomenon that occurs. It’s sort of like if you’re building something in your basement: it’s down on the ground because gravity puts it there. It’s not a ‘strategy’ to say that herd immunity exists — it is obtained when a certain percentage of the population becomes resistant or immune to an infection, whether that is by getting infected or getting a vaccine or by a combination of both. In fact, if you don’t that believe herd immunity exists as a way to block the pathways to the vulnerable in an infection, then you would never advocate or believe in giving widespread vaccination — that’s the whole point of it… I’ve explained it to people who seemingly didn’t understand it; I’ve mentioned this radioactive word called herd immunity. But that’s not a strategy that anyone is pursuing.

Effect of lockdowns
We must open up because we’re killing people. In the US, 46% of the six most common cancers were not diagnosed during the shutdown… These are people who will present to the hospital or their doctor with later stage disease — many of these people will die. 650,000 Americans are on chemotherapy ­— half of them didn’t come in for their chemo because they were afraid. Two-thirds of screenings for cancer were not done; half of childhood immunisations did not get done; 85% of living organ transplants did not get done. And then we see the other harms: 200,000 cases plus of child abuse in the US during the two months of spring school closures were not reported because schools are the number one agency where abuse is noticed; we have one out of four American young adults, college age, who thought of killing themselves in the month of June…””

Oct 26, 2020 10:14 AM

Jaw dropping research from Brendon O Connell.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Oct 26, 2020 6:34 PM
Reply to  Mucho

Commies in suits? What is this The General Jack Ripper Commiedy Hour?


Oct 26, 2020 9:59 AM

Jon Rappoport with image of CDC document verifying there is no virus isolate. All neatly explained too, with difficult concepts for the layman made simple

Oct 26, 2020 10:07 AM
Reply to  Mucho

How can there be a vaccine for a virus which has never been isolated properly?

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Oct 26, 2020 10:20 AM
Reply to  Mucho

Exactamundo Mucho…. so the next logical question is… what is the vaccine actually for then? And here’s another one…. what will be in it?
I’m against the death penalty, but my god, there are a some evil psychopaths who need a good flogging, tarred and feathered, and then jailed for life. Starting with the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Gates, Fauci, Schwab and all their political puppets.

Oct 26, 2020 10:54 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

The whole thing is bonkers, beyond insanity. And people are looking forward to this so called “cure” (even though I have heard with my own ears an announcement by the BBC stating that even if a “vaccine” is found we have years of this tyranny to look forward to) like it’s the bike they always wanted for Xmas. It’s like the sickest, most corrupt sales pitch in the history of mankind, to sell thios posion. Frightening, terrifying, take your pick, you would have to be clinically insane to take that shot (or those shots, 4 times a year, forever, as is one of the “options” – I heard that from a Rocco Galati presentation that this effectively makes you a vaccine addict, so once you’re on the 4 times a year programme, you can never come off it, because at that stage your immune system will become dependent on it to function, or something along those lines)

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Oct 26, 2020 11:21 AM
Reply to  Mucho

It truly is bonkers, and I have zero intention of getting jabbed, full stop.
But the vaccines are just one part of this horrific agenda. What happens if you refuse the needle, then you will be shut out of lots of places, and even many jobs, without a health immunity passport, because that’s what’s being rolled out as well. Oh, and forget about getting on a plane.

Oct 26, 2020 5:13 PM
Reply to  Mucho

The Icelandic state news station has caved altogether now, and they are taking the line that “we have to stick with the restrictions until a vaccine sees the light of day”…
See you in 2035…?
We need to see serious court cases putting a stop to this.
Anybody have an update on how Dr. Fuellmich is doing with “our” case?

Oct 26, 2020 11:31 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

If you still din’t realize that the vaccine is just the means to install your global digital identity then i dunno how we can help you 🙂

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Oct 26, 2020 11:40 AM
Reply to  dada

Yes my friend, I did know that! I’ve watched a lot of Corbett Report videos this year including his 4 part series Who is Bill Gates, plus often visit Wrench In The Gears blog, The Crowhouse, Vernon Coleman, etc.
I know the vaccine is the vehicle to usher all this in.

Oct 26, 2020 5:05 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Seriously. That second paragraph is the solution.
As usual, the problem is that all the people you named have been exalted to hero status by the indescribable media, so almost nobody knows what they have done, or why anybody would want to punish them…
We should start with the media. Their individual journalists are mostly afraid of losing their jobs if they don’t fit into the narrative, so it is mainly the chief editors and owners we need to keep in our sights.
I know several excellent craftsmen who could easily whip up a few hundred wooden stocks to keep them still while the flogging is in progress.
C’mon history! Repeat yourself!

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Oct 26, 2020 11:06 PM
Reply to  wardropper

The media have been absolutely criminal W… They have been the driving force of this entire scam, and ramped up so much fear, people can no longer think rationally anymore.

Oct 27, 2020 3:19 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

They have taken it upon themselves to be the directors and producers of this ghastly Hollywood freak show, and I doubt they have even the faintest idea of the repercussions which could come to bite them, too, in the face, when everything collapses.
Rational thought still works, but it is quarantined from most of the world 🙂

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Oct 27, 2020 3:59 AM
Reply to  wardropper

Touché…. Melbourne restrictions have been lifted and I’m back selling the street mag on Friday. Most people are completely oblivious to what is coming, and think things will be tickety boo, even tho the economy here in Victoria is totally wrecked.
Everyone is still getting handouts from the Govt (Jobkeeper) which has kept them docile and still able to buy… Stuff. They’re in for a huge huge shock. I don’t know how long it’ll be before the entire house of cards collapses, but it’s not far off. Will try and get some money put away and go back to New Zealand before things get really ugly.
I hope you’re not in a large city, I can’t remember if you’re from the United States or not, but good luck to you and your family. If you are in the States, maybe somewhere like Montana or South Dakota may be better….
Appreciate your replies W👍

Ino Moxo
Ino Moxo
Oct 26, 2020 7:03 PM
Reply to  Mucho

These details don’t matter – the vaccine will save the world! what are you, a conspiracy theorist? [/sarcasm]

Oct 26, 2020 9:58 AM

Rheiner Fuellmich quoting Off Guardian and the WHO slip about mortality rates

Oct 26, 2020 10:42 AM
Reply to  Mucho

Excellent link, thanks, Mucho. I hadn’t seen it before. Great ‘hats off’ to OffG.

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 26, 2020 9:05 AM

I keep pondering on the parallels (and contrasts) between 9/11 and Covid. There is a massive intensification from the earlier to the later. Covid is a far more scary “enemy” than terrorists. For one thing Covid is literally invisible and therefore theoretically ubiquitous. (I can imagine lockdown skeptic Van Morrison updating his early song “Warm Love” to give us “And it’s ever present everywhere/ And it’s ever present everywhere /That Covid”)

But what is coming to intrigue me more and more is the parallel with the “opposition”. Eventually, alternative theories re: 9/11 were permitted space on the MSM as long as they always came with the “conspiracy theory” label. To date I have seen little MSM mention of such theories re: Covid, although there have been vague menacing rumbles of something demonic in the undergrowth. And such an extreme approbation is going to be inevitable i.e. whereas 9/11 alternatives could be simply dismissed as “silly”, the ones re: Covid will be abominated. After all, everyone’s life is in danger all the time.

Oct 26, 2020 11:34 AM
Reply to  George Mc

After all, everyone’s life is in danger all the time.

Thats why we need total and complete surveillance all the time now.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Oct 26, 2020 2:33 AM

Here’s another page of serious critique by Dr Joseph Mercola: >

The Global Takeover is Underway
October 23, 2020


Seven months of criminal offences and Zero criminal charges. Class action lawsuits are not functional solutions to being locked down, or being forced out of business, or having your assets taken away. Watching your children being murdered with vaccines isn’t a good solution either…

Oct 25, 2020 11:09 PM

Hope, hope is for the meek and the lame, hope is what we fool our selfs with, hope is an ilution so thruoutly indoctrinated into our phsyce that we belive there is something behind that word, hope, hope is what they fool religious people with, hope for an saviour, hope that one day the slave master wount bash you so hard with the wipp, like the last time, while we clinch to someting so out of tuch as hope, some can say it is real, yeah, for the millions whom couldnt, it was an dead end.

I am not pessimistic by nature, I hate grumpy people, dont want them around me and I an physicaly reacting to whining to. I hate that to.
But, the problem to day is not hope or whimping, its the lack of spine.
Its that, we sould build something upon, spine sould be the corner stone of our house, spine keeps everything upright, spine is what creates our world and life, and when you finaly finds spine, knowledge is what defines an man, wisdom is the goal, death is my greatest teacher, death sobers me up, I respect it, dont think about it, but its always there to guid me, death.

I think they are winning, because of their control of everything, and I can remeber back some years ago, when we warned you about an New Palestina, yeah, you didnt belive then, do you belive now, we dont have fences right now, because its not needed, the people will do the job for them, the people will shun us like we are lepards, the people will poke their fingers into their ears and scream to cover over the sounds we make, and since they tell the people we are the crasy ones, they are right now beliving that, and sooner or later, it will be an norm, all this is the real goal of the CONvid nonsense, it dont matter how we put it, it really dont mean jack shit how eloquent, how factual, how much science, real science we can back it up with, non of this matters, when the people gets their knowledge from the MSM, and they own it, and right now, they are simlpy removing anything that can argue againts their “knowledge”.

I told you, its an war on consciousness, this, ladys and gentlemen is what comes, 1984 was an long time ago, and if you dont see that by now, you are blind, blinded by every day life, and its not an exuse, because its an mental gage, and people have been conditioned to become an prof of the syndrome we call the Stockholm synd. and that is right now an reality, thats was their goal and now they have us by our balls.
I am afriad it will be worse, much worse, not over night, they plan and exsecute over decades, people dont realise that, time, is on their side, not ours.
I have used one narrative since I started to write comments, and that was Wake up.
Now, huh, even I am tired.
Been used to the wipp for so long its become an reality, we dont even feel it any more, familiarised to the pain, and the fact our chains arent even noticed to.
The reason I have never ever liked to go to an zoo, one time only, until I saw an Snow Tiger, that one changed everything, and that moment changed my life, I dont fear anything, apart from not wanting bad things to happen, to anyone, but fear, nope, never.
And never underestemate the fear people have of poverty, if you havent been down, you dont know, I was broke for an decade, stolen food to have something to eat, its then, you wakes up.
I dont fear even that.
But I fear the numbeness, the dead eyes I see every day, lifeless and people without knowledge claiming to be politicians running our lifes, they are the ones I see will be our nemesis, and I respect my enemy, because I at least know where they stand, its everybody inbetween that I know will be the opener of the gates, to the enemy and the consentration camps, aka an New Palestina, deprived of humanity and life.

I squarly blames our self, we slept at the helm, we reap what we have sawn, it can go both ways, but now, yeah, its not looking god.
But, never the less, have an nice day, love life and life loves you back.
Be the light.


Oct 26, 2020 6:44 AM
Reply to  mikael

stupidity is only defeated by violence. they play the game of hidden violence (for like 10 000 years), we want to play the game of open violence, but we are constantly scapegoated as “the real criminals” (from day one of our lives). the problem is monopoly, monism, monotheism – with its fundamental lack of balance, confusing subjective opinions with objective truth (one size fits all) – the solution is “consent in dissent”, separatism, small states, accepting and using all parts of “natural order” instead of pre-selecting between “good nature” and “bad nature” (de gustibus non disputandum est)

Jura Calling
Jura Calling
Oct 26, 2020 3:10 PM
Reply to  mxnuts

stupidity is only defeated by violence. they play the game of hidden violence (for like 10 000 years), we want to play the game of open violence, but we are constantly scapegoated as “the real criminals” (from day one of our lives). ”

That was the older cruder days. The days of bangs and smashing. This is all about stealth. Getting into the hearts and minds of the enemy ( that’s us) and making them worry ; to live in fear. Look around you as far as you can- nothing. Look into the sky- nothing. Prick up your ears- nothing.

These are quiet weapons for silent wars.

Ino Moxo
Ino Moxo
Oct 26, 2020 7:42 PM
Reply to  mikael

Thank you. Excellent. But- I disagre about time. They are desperate and running out of time, that’s why they are pushing so hard now.
Death is indeed the greatest teacher and they have some big lessons to learn, very soon.
There is a higher intelligence here, and that is the intelligence of the planet. Babylon will be wiped like a castle in the sand- it is only a matter of time.

Oct 25, 2020 10:44 PM

James Corbett is incredible. He has done so much. Sometimes I have disagreed with him over Chomsky and Chris Hedges, for example. Maybe because I am older than him and well remember when Chomsky was the guy who told you about the Palestinians when there was no internet. But I fully respect James and this is one of his best.

Ino Moxo
Ino Moxo
Oct 26, 2020 7:44 PM
Reply to  Molinos

I don’t know how he can keep going for so long- the guy is a machine!

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 25, 2020 10:29 PM

If anyone’s interested (and there’s no reason why they should be since I’m the only one dumb enough to venture onto these bloody awful mainstream Left sites), my mainstream Left opponent finally got back to me on my straightforward question re: where he got his figures from. I only requested a simple answer and was met with typically convoluted bollocks.

And that’s when it hit me:

These pseudo-Marxist poseurs are total frauds who can spout polysyllabic gunge while posturing as if they’re the greatest gifts to humanity. They can look down their gargantuan snouts at COVID skeptics and make the requisite noises of erudite disapproval but their own point of view is utterly unintelligible. cf: Schopenhauer’s description of Hegel: “a cuttlefish creating a cloud of obscurity around itself so no one sees what it is.”

More to the point: When it comes to COVID, they have nothing to offer but the emperor’s new clothes.

Oct 25, 2020 11:36 PM
Reply to  George Mc

The one, meager thing to hold onto is that it’s fully apparent they’re lying- to us, and maybe more importantly- to themselves. What kind of life is that, bowing and scraping
to the Dark Side for mere existence.. (hiya, Naked Cap/ MoA/ Automatic Earth/ Ian Welsh..)

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 26, 2020 10:44 AM
Reply to  Carey

The biggest irony is that you can’t even say they are lying to us. What they say is incomprehensible. Something that is meaningless cannot be a lie. The only clear aspect to their words is the ever present underlying condescension which, since it is expressed in gobbledygook, turns out to be spectacularly impotent. Now that’s dialectics with a vengeance!  

Oct 26, 2020 8:05 AM
Reply to  George Mc

make the requisite noises of erudite disapproval but their own point of view is utterly unintelligible.

it’s all done through the magic of dialectical materialism.



George Mc
George Mc
Oct 26, 2020 9:06 AM
Reply to  THX-1143

I’m familiar with Rosa’s view. And I’m certainly coming to the view that dialectics (though possibly true in a limited sense) is a much relished source of obfuscation re: the (pseudo) Left. I think this is what is alluded to with all that stuff about “lazy binary thinkers who refuse to do the mental heavy lifting”. What this really amounts to is excoriation of thinkers who have the audacity to put forward an actual intelligible substantive claim.

Oct 26, 2020 6:54 PM
Reply to  George Mc

When they start to rant against “binaries” sounds like postmodernism to me.

Ino Moxo
Ino Moxo
Oct 26, 2020 7:49 PM
Reply to  THX-1143

Materialism, scientism and monotheism are the (t)errors that brought us here.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Oct 26, 2020 10:37 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Well, I’m glad you’re dumb enough to venture onto those ‘bloody awful’ mainstream Left sites (I probably would have said fucken traitorous maggot pus, or something similar) coz I can barely stomach the links you post to the most grotesque of all…. the WSWS. God, its like some bizarre parody.
I did venture onto Moon Of Alabama site a few days back to see what gunk he was churning out, even checked the comments section to see if the name ‘Dungroanin’ was there, tho I think that critter goes on Craig Murray.
I did have a 5 minute flick thru Caitlin Johnstone earlier, tho, it’s pretty much wall to wall United States elections. Like they even mean anything.
I could have told you years ago that those pseudo Marxist poseurs are total frauds. I used to watch them walk straight past me and pretend I wasn’t there when I was selling the mag, or see them waving books around by Marcuse or Adorno, then walk straight past homeless people and not even glance at them. They’re more liberals than Marxists…

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 26, 2020 3:55 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

There is a method for reading WSWS Covid articles – you have to filter out the barrage of scare statistics (which makes up about ¾ of the text) in order to see if there’s any actual substance. And by this point in the degeneration of this once credible site, “actual substance” refers to anything that isn’t just a bunch of words that adds up to “BOO!” Sadly, the substance is usually along the lines of how “feeble” the lockdown is – so much so that it isn’t even a real lockdown. Not a real manly kinda lockdown with e.g. machine guns posted at every corner.

There’s usually also a constant shifting of “acceptable safety margin”. It started out with a reasonable aim of minimising the death count but has now germinated into a demand to eliminate all Covid cases from the surface of the planet. Thus if, say, a single case of the evil pestilence pops up in Hawaii, the entire US must shut down again.   

I never frequented MoA anyway so it’s no loss to me. As for Dungroanin – well I don’t recall seeing his name on the C Murray site for a while. Though he did pop up on Richard Murphy’s Tax Research site. Mr Murphy is another one who goes into a demonic cackle whenever Covid comes up. One article even had him declaring war on skeptics before the comments started as if forbidding criticism in advance!

Yes – that old election coverage is a funny thing. In the shadow of Covid it’s schizo-alteration time. The MSM and the Left (and the only difference now is that the Left are more mainstream than the mainstream!) scream about the deadly plague 24/7 – apart from abrupt breaks where they suddenly lose the hysteria and go into their customary dry commentary. Then a mention of Covid has them launching into Halloween costumes again. It’s like,

Aargh we’re all gonna die! Oh here’s the election. Aargh we’re all gonna die! Oh why isn’t anyone talking about Assange? Aargh we’re all gonna die!

And of course, if you mention lockdown, they look puzzled and say, “What lockdown?”

And the mention of Adorno takes me back to my resent altercation with that Left commenter (who shall remain nameless for fear that, like Beetlejuice, he’ll show up if I say his name). What you get from both of them is an impossible, unreadable sea of polysyllabic verbiage where the only clear thing is a constant tone of the utmost condescension. And because their words don’t have any external referent, their verbal contortions are as potent as a deflating balloon flying around inside a goldfish bowl.  

Oct 25, 2020 10:05 PM

A very detailed expose of the (not so)”Great Reset”.
What I think is missing is an alternative plan moving forward. In times of uncertainty, most people are afraid of jumping into the void and they would simply submit to the purported TINA of TPTB.
This would be a task for those knowledgeable, real humanistic minds to articulate a comprehensive alternative which tackles all major issues humanity is facing.
Many people that todays buy into this GR thing might move into a different direction if a real humanistic alternative vision for the future is presented: the “Alt-Reset”

Ino Moxo
Ino Moxo
Oct 26, 2020 7:56 PM
Reply to  Ramdan

The only alt-reset at this point that doesn’t involve mass death would be some kind of miracle or divine intervention.

There are countless well-thought out plans for how humanity can survive and actually prosper but the issue is that the 90% in the dominant nations (east and west) are not interested in humanity- they want to become robots.

Oct 25, 2020 10:01 PM

slowly the lid unscrewed, and the genie crept out of the bottle, it fooled them, to concentrate on an imaginary organism, but was only a distraction – to conceal the entry of a true Virus – the isolating machine, one they would freely welcome…as their liberator.

Oct 25, 2020 9:57 PM

A transformation of humanity? We are individuals whether we are gathered together in a concentration camp or not. An individual’s transformation doesn’t require some rich, powerful guy’s imposition of another rich, powerful guy’s tech inventions on that individual’s body. That kind of ‘transformation’, in fact, unless it’s truly welcomed by that individual, doesn’t transform him or her, except superficially. I – a human being designed and created by God – can choose to ‘transform’ (I call it self-modify). There’s no question. We are free to do that. But no one is free from the consequences that flow from choices that he or she makes. It’s a free universe, but not a universe that is free of consequences.

This is meaningless to those who disbelieve in a Creator, so they can stop reading here. I don’t wish to waste anyone’s time.

Similarly, Lots of people right now, including self-identified Christians (most whom aren’t the real deal) and non Christians who have some familiarity with main features of the Bible story, are talking about the mark of the beast, in connection with features of the biosecurity police State like Bill Gates’s quantum dot tatoo. Here’s the thing, They don’t have a clue about what the Christian Bible is actually saying when the mark of the best is discussed. Having the mark of the beast means having God’s disapproval. What kind of God would he be if those who are loyal to him (by upholding his standards and not going along with those who trample his standards and seek to replace him), who had the mark forced on them, were then rejected by him? That’s not how the mark works. The Bible, not all which I have use for (I reject the apostle Paul’s writings, which include the book of Romans and Hebrews and everything in between), explains the Bible. Jesus said ‘By their fruits you will recognize’ them. By our free, unforced decisions and actions, we ‘show’, as though marked, what we are about. Getting the mark of the beast (666, which the Bible explains) means willingly making decisions and acting on them that do not meet with God’s approval. Period.

The extremes that the powers that shouldn’t be are going to in order to get what they want that James looks at here (and the examination is thorough and appreciated even if it is lacking the religious elements that I’m presenting) represent a very heated up war on God and nature. This was also the lesson of Job, a worshipper of Jehovah who didn’t know about the existence of Satan. Satan made the accusation, to God’s face (at a time when he was still free to go back and forth between the realms of heaven and earth), that God’s creation is faulty and that people only worshipped God for what they could get out of it (which has some nugget of truth but distorts things) and that if they didn’t get those rewards, then they’d leave God behind in a New York minute. That accusation set the stage for a mini lesson within the larger lesson that is the issue of universal sovereignty (Is God’s way of love or Satan’s way of ‘riches for the strongest’ best?). Today, Klaus is playing God by, in fact, representing to us the god who he worships, namely Satan. And Klaus is accusing God of being a bad designer whose faulty creations people like him and his friends in high places (Bill Gates, Peter Thiel, Elon Musk) will have to ‘fix’. Do you suppose that Klaus sees things that way?

Those are smart people. They know that they are taking the position, against God, that they are taking. That’s why, when the Christian Bible looks at this time, it refers to those who are like that, who get exposed, and describes their reaction as blaspheming God who is exposing them. They curse at God ‘for’ exposing them. Their system (which for a short while will be the one that they are right now creating and forcing on the rest of us) will not be corrected by opponents and detractors, who have no power to do that. It will not be democratic, responsive to the people who it enslaves and therefore amenable to reform, for which reason the Christian Bible says that that ‘wild beast’ will be caught, and “while still alive,” destroyed. That is why their response is described as an attack on God that God, who the predators have been calling to – by their behavior – for a long time to “Bring it!”, will indeed bring it. He has given the predators, the self-modified who enjoy the harmful game of ‘riches for the strongest’, enough rope to hang themselves (as in meet with righteous judgment by a Creator who in fact does rule – the universe and beyond).

Ezekiel prophesied Gog’s attack in the final part of the days and talks about Jehovah God putting hooks in Gog’s jaws and leading him. Satan can’t out-maneuver the creator. Neither can Satan’s reps. Gog’s attack is an attack that rolls into, or is part of an already underway, Armageddon – a fight between God and the invisible ruler of this world that corresponds with a wrap up of the court case that is the Issue Of Universal Sovereignty, which frees God to directly intervene into our affairs and bring about His great reset, or transformation, or whatever you want to call it (new heavens and a new earth is what the Bible calls it). Klaus et al will not get to enjoy that new world because his superclass, his predator / parasite class, has chosen to not be there.

Oct 25, 2020 10:22 PM
Reply to  Arby

say what

Ino Moxo
Ino Moxo
Oct 26, 2020 8:01 PM
Reply to  Arby


Jehovah=Satan. Abrahamic religion is what brought us here, and remains the greatest crime against humanity. Your false god is a psychopathic lie.

Jura Calling
Jura Calling
Oct 25, 2020 9:31 PM

“Now I will tell you the answer to my question. It is this. The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power, pure power. What pure power means you will understand presently. We are different from the oligarchies of the past in that we know what we are doing. All the others, even those who resembled ourselves, were cowards and hypocrites. The German Nazis and the Russian Communists came very close to us in their methods, but they never had the courage to recognize their own motives. They pretended, perhaps they even believed, that they had seized power unwillingly and for a limited time, and that just around the corner there lay a paradise where human beings would be free and equal. We are not like that. We know that no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it. Power is not a means; it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship. The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now you begin to understand me.”― George Orwell, 1984

did we listen ?

“Science, when practiced as the application of man’s God-given talents for the production of appropriate technology on a human scale, relief of misery and the reverential exploration and appreciation of the glory of Divine Providence as revealed in nature, is a useful tool for mankind. Scientism is science gone mad, which is what we have today.” – Michael Hoffman, researcher

apparently not…

Oct 27, 2020 11:27 PM
Reply to  Jura Calling

I agree science as I have always regarded it is a quest for truth, a quest to find out answers to questions and the application of science for the good of human kind….what is happening now has no place in science…..it is scientism and the word at the of the page is eugenic

Oct 25, 2020 8:51 PM

I’m reading Robert Jastrow’s “The Enchanted Loom” right now. It’s stunning to see what incredible creations can come from brilliant, flexible, educated minds. Jastrow weaves together a story about creation and evolution that makes what is nonsense seem very possible. Jastrow should have been a Hollywood script writer of science fiction instead of a scientist. That could have been his true calling. That occurred to me as James reviewed Klause’s far-out science fiction nonsense.

Oct 25, 2020 7:40 PM

Forgive my pessimism, and perhaps I’m just feeling a little defeated at the moment, but this Great Reset is looking a bit like a done deal. It looks inevitable. I appreciate Corbett’s call to arms, but how exactly is this going to be stopped? What resistance would be effective? This Covid business has shown that the masses will accept anything thrust upon them, and if the masses are onboard, what hope is there?

This doesn’t mean resistance is futile of course. But perhaps meaningful resistance will be keeping pockets of sanity and humanity intact, within and outside of the new world order. At the moment I can’t see how this bulldozer can be stopped.

Again, forgive my pessimism, but I’m assuming that this is a safe space where I can voice my fears. Peace.

Oct 25, 2020 7:56 PM
Reply to  ity

can you look into the future?

Oct 25, 2020 9:14 PM
Reply to  zardoz

can you look into the future?

I certainly can look into the future. Whether what I see is any use is quite another matter. 😉

Oct 27, 2020 11:59 PM
Reply to  ity

Put your rose tinted specs on, you’ll be just fine

Oct 25, 2020 8:35 PM
Reply to  ity

I look at it this way: by resisting we have a very, very tiny chance of stopping it. But by not resisting we have a 100% certain defeat.

Oct 25, 2020 9:11 PM
Reply to  Someone

Yes, you’re right of course, and thanks. I don’t intend to not resist. It’s just that I feel like running for the hills at the moment. Not that I have the resources to run anywhere, unless it’s just to live in a cave somewhere… I’m just feeling a bit powerless at the moment. This covid crap is getting me down. Or rather seeing the populous obey so eagerly is getting me down. Perhaps I shouldn’t bring my negativity on here, sometimes a trouble shared is a trouble spread about. : / Onwards!

Oct 25, 2020 10:44 PM
Reply to  ity

I have been feeling just like you, ity. Then a few days ago I discovered the existence of a new national independent ‘truthpaper’ called ‘The Light’. The plan at present is to produce it as a free monthly publication and 20,000 copies were circulated in September/October. I believe the second edition will be available shortly and 50,000 copies are being printed. You can read about it and see a PDF online version of the first edition on their website. Similar to the OffG website, the paper reports on factual information with the intention of offering a counter narrative to what appears in the mainstream media. The first edition looked very well produced and written.


The founder Darren Nesbitt spoke about it on the Richie Allen Show on 21 October starting from about 22 mins 30 secs.

The admin team are looking for more volunteers to help with distribution. They need people all over the country to operate as hubs to hold ‘central’ local supplies of copies; drivers to relay copies from their local hub to ‘on the ground’ local distributors; and distributors to get supplies to cafes, bars, hairdressers etc as a priority. The home page of the website has a black box underneath the title ‘The Light’ labelled ‘Distribution’. If you click on that, a window opens with details of how to volunteer for one or more of the jobs. I have lodged my details and have been ‘enrolled’. I don’t know how the logistics will work but it has given me the satisfaction that I am embarking on doing something which will help to spread the truth. You and others might feel able to participate as well.

Oct 25, 2020 11:14 PM
Reply to  JudyJ

Thanks Judy, looks interesting. I’ve bookmarked it and will have a gander tomorrow.

Oct 28, 2020 12:16 AM
Reply to  JudyJ

That is deffo something positive Judy….you always write such wise words

Oct 26, 2020 4:20 AM
Reply to  ity

No, it’s okay. You’re assessing the situation correctly and rationally. There’s no way NOT to feel down doing so…

Dafydd Saer
Dafydd Saer
Oct 26, 2020 10:48 PM
Reply to  ity

I think it’s cathartic to say how you feel. Not many say how they feel, and personally, I like to know others feel like I do, and that I’m not alone. I feel powerless and anxious. Fortunately I work at home and collect shopping click-and-collect, though I hate giving money to Tesco, but I just can’t stand being around people wearing masks; it just makes me really scared and fucked off. Not to mention really angry.

Yspwys Mwyntwrch
Yspwys Mwyntwrch
Oct 26, 2020 10:53 PM
Reply to  ity

I agree.

Oct 28, 2020 12:08 AM
Reply to  ity

I think we are being dehumanised by all this isolation and wearing masks. There is something we can do….keep talking to each other…it’s just a tiny stand, but from little acorns oak trees grow:)

Oct 26, 2020 5:07 AM
Reply to  Someone

some – took that chance, and are to this day, remembered for it.


Raise Ludd.

Jura Calling
Jura Calling
Oct 25, 2020 9:46 PM
Reply to  ity

I’d only call it pessimism if it was irrational. Pessimism and optimism are equally so. You’re being realistic. You see the end as being negative because all the evidence at this time points in that direction.

Unfortunately all resistance is futile. It always is in a dictatorship. And this is a dictatorship.

What the real intention was / is involves the enforced vaccination of the human race for a virus that nobody can prove actually exists. The symptoms of those who have genuinely fallen ill or died due to it suggest that they may well have fallen to something different. There’s the same amount of evidence for that.

There was some misinformation spread online by social network and youtube addicts and those on their knees begging for attention like Katie Hopkins. It basically suggested that the Public Health Control bill had been scrapped. It’s thought / rumoured that this Bill was passed with the intention to assume the legal power to enforce vaccines on the people if it was ‘for the good of the majority’. It was passed in 1984. ( they do love their little in jokes).

It doesn’t give them that power ( yet). Maybe this fake threat and constant mental torment from the elite is to be used as a pretext to propose that they can actually enforce it now. Their rationale being that we’ll accept it if we can get back on with life. The fear, after all, is real.

The Bill allows them to consider ‘the good of the majority’ but not force needles upon them. Instead, a sort of ‘meet-them-halfway measure exists which allows them to implement rules of self isolation. We’re supposed to consider the alternative ( needles full of poison) and accept this conditioning exercise with grace and gratitude. It’s the first steps to manufacturing our consent to accept what they wanted to force upon us from the beginning.

Oct 25, 2020 10:53 PM
Reply to  Jura Calling

Hi Jura,

My suspicion is that the announced intention to give NHS staff the vaccine as a priority within the next few weeks is a lie. They probably will jab them with something but it will be a harmless substitute. When no medical staff suffer any reaction to it, the general public will be foolishly duped into believing the vaccine must be safe.

Jura Calling
Jura Calling
Oct 26, 2020 3:52 AM
Reply to  JudyJ

Hi Judy

They can announce anything- as we now know. They don’t have to prove anything so they can get away with anything.

It’s not possible to create a vaccine for a virus without first isolating the virus. They haven’t isolated it yet. After all this time. So they can’t create one.

If they give ’empty’ viruses out they can just create more daily updated numbers but this time going down. The invisible virus is dying through it all.The bonus then is that joe public will say the anti vaxxers were conspiracy theorists all along and the vaccines saved the world, so bring them on. That’s when the shit will hit.

They said the virus had mutated recently. That’s quite a trick. How can you say something you can’t see has mutated. It’s like telling us the invisible man appears to have put on weight.

Oct 26, 2020 9:14 AM
Reply to  Jura Calling

It’s like telling us the invisible man has put on weight

Excellent analogy, Jura.

Oct 28, 2020 12:32 AM
Reply to  JudyJ

Par for the course Judy

Oct 25, 2020 11:06 PM
Reply to  Jura Calling

I’m not sure that it is useful or helpful getting into a debate about whether the covid virus actually exists or not. The evidence seems to indicate a flu like virus is doing the rounds, so arguing over what the virus should be called looks a bit pointless or pedantic. Having said that, the virus, whatever it is being called, is certainly being highly exaggerated and blown out of proportion.

As to a vaccine, how important is this, in the grand scheme of things? The Great Reset doesn’t necessarily depend on a vaccine. A vaccine could be a useful tool for keep the population in line, a carrot that they can be dangled before people, granting the obedient a fast track to services and travel, but is it really more than that?

And the efficacy of any vaccine is/will be questionable. And then there is the issue of any virus continually mutating, leading to a situation similar to the flu vaccine, with new versions being released every year. So it probably won’t be one vaccine, but a continual program of vaccination for the foreseeable future.

As you suggest, we might be offered the option of self isolation instead of being vaccinated. But this self isolation could become a real nuisance if/when the virus continues to mutate. In practice, many might have to vaccinate just to keep their jobs, go to college, or to travel. Health passports could very quickly become a thing, and those passports might have to be updated on a regular basis.

Jura Calling
Jura Calling
Oct 26, 2020 4:06 AM
Reply to  ity

” I’m not sure that it is useful or helpful getting into a debate about whether the covid virus actually exists or not.”

Based on the official story of it existing we have seen the following :
Thousands of jobs lost ; thousands of small businesses sunk ; depression soar ; the economies of countries everywhere take a dangerous hit ; our freedom to speak curtailed ; our freedom to move removed ;Schools closed ; shops closed ; Doctors staying at home ; hospitals refusing pateints entrance. All because we have been told a virus is out there. A virus that poses a threat to the lives of 1% of the population. A virus that hasn’t been isolated in order to create a vaccine for.

Our question is where is it ? And why won’t you allow as many medical doctors a platform as you allow software / digital experts ? I think it would be more than ‘useful’ and ‘helpful’ to have an open and free debate rather than watch pre-scripted ones on TV.

‘As to a vaccine, how important is this, in the grand scheme of things? The Great Reset doesn’t necessarily depend on a vaccine.”

It’s only a prop. My post suggested it was a nano agenda. Nano technology and nano medicare. Chips, implants and the ability to monitor remotely.

”But this self isolation could become a real nuisance if/when the virus continues to mutate”

Once they produce evidence of the virus then I’ll listen to talk about it mutating. They can show us a ‘before and after’ then. After all, Scientism is based on it’s power to quantify the concrete. Until this virus appears under a microscope, it’s an abstract concept for me. A ghost.

”Health passports could very quickly become a thing, and those passports might have to be updated on a regular basis.”

That was always coming with or without a virus. They’d probably have used some national security BS to push it through. But a panoptic surveillance strategy is far more effective if the devices are inside us. Our movements are easily tracked just as you can be by putting your mobile phone in your pocket.

Oct 28, 2020 1:51 PM
Reply to  Jura Calling

We can’t talk about the ‘virus’ or the ‘virus mutation’ or even begin to think about a vaccine…we need to see the virus and thus far only the blind have seen it…..I feel we are moving away from a ‘virus smokescreen’ and are heading right into the main objective of a controled world where there is no freedom, not even freedom of thought

Jura Calling
Jura Calling
Oct 28, 2020 4:48 PM
Reply to  tish

Exactly..but when i produce literature and historical landmarks pointing that way, some snake jumps out of a grid getting hysterical about me speaking for the 77th brigade. I think the virus may have mutated into a dickhead virus DiCKheaD -2.

Nov 2, 2020 7:41 PM
Reply to  Jura Calling

God knows what it has mutated into…in my experience people start jumping around and going hysterical are 1. women whose womb has moved to their brain 2 you are getting too near to the truth

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Nov 2, 2020 7:46 PM
Reply to  tish

women whose womb has moved to their brain 

Wtf dude?

Nov 12, 2020 12:34 AM

Yes Sophie it’s true…..I am sure you have heard the word hysterectomy many times and know that it is removal of the womb. Hyster….is Latin name for the womb….the word Hysterical has it’s roots in the era long before modern medicine. It was believed that when women became ‘uncontrolable with emotions’ that the cause was the womb had traveled to the brain and was causing hysteria….When I feel I fit of the vapours coming on, I say please excuse me, I need to my womb back to in it’s rightful place….hope it makes you smile…no don’t be hysterical :)))

Jura Calling
Jura Calling
Nov 2, 2020 8:30 PM
Reply to  tish

I tend to agree. But it’s politically incorrect to point the finger at the hormonal. And I’m really politically correct. True story. 😉

Oct 26, 2020 7:19 AM
Reply to  ity

I disagree. The entire circus was built on the premise of a “novel coronavirus”. If the public figures out there’s no novel coronavirus, the entire circus comes down at once.

Oct 26, 2020 10:36 AM
Reply to  Someone

I get what you’re saying, but am still not sure that if it was revealed that this virus isn’t ‘novel’, that the entire circus would then come down.

I mean, say today it was announced that new research indicates that this virus is in fact just a mutation of a common flu virus. Would that really change anything? I’m not so sure. We’re far too deep down the rabbit hole.

Jura Calling
Jura Calling
Oct 26, 2020 2:56 PM
Reply to  ity

That would be like the politicians admitting there was no virus, so no pandemic here or any other country and that the trillions of dollars worth of damage to the economy was for no reason. The thousands who lost their job, the businesses that closed down, every ‘computer model’ they hired, every media outlet they rented and every scientist that have been preparing the self isolation exercises and social distancing bullshit for over 100 years in preparation for this was a wasted of millions too.

From day one, the doubters as well as many actual medical doctors ( remember them ?) said that annual flu cases and deaths were actually higher than what this covid has caused. From that point the criteria for ‘covid related’ was expanded to include a sneeze or cough.Doctors were assured of immunity from consequences if they lied about symptoms and the causes of deaths. The same doctors were cash incentivised to do so. To me, that looks like a scam. We can talk ‘rabbit hole’ cliches all day. Or ‘plain sight’ cliches, the choice is yours. I’d like to just call a spade a spade. Unfortunately those who planned this as the catalyst for change don’t want that.

Oct 26, 2020 3:37 PM
Reply to  Jura Calling

That would be like the politicians admitting there was no virus…

No it wouldn’t. It would be like the politicians renaming the virus.

Oct 26, 2020 3:48 PM
Reply to  Jura Calling

We can talk ‘rabbit hole’ cliches all day. Or ‘plain sight’ cliches, the choice is yours.

I’m not quite sure why you’re taking this tone with me. It seems a bit snide and unnecessary. And you show a lack of self awareness when you immediately follow that sentence with;

I’d like to just call a spade a spade.

But hey, whatever.

Jura Calling
Jura Calling
Oct 26, 2020 6:40 PM
Reply to  ity

I don’t log onto the internet to get personal with anyone. It’s pointless as well as dull. So if you want to consider my tone or what might be behind it, that’s up to you. I was talking about the points of discussion. They’re what I find important. I can’t really waste time on the egos of forum strangers. As long as they stay on topic and adult anything goes as long as the aim is to learn from each other and spread it, and expose the BS of those spreading BS.

You say ”it would be like renaming the virus;”’ as opposed to me suggesting it would be like saying there was no virus ( so no covid 19).How different is that ?

In the interests of this introduction of pedantry I’ll elaborate. It would be like saying Covid 19 no longer exists. And that would be before anyone ever isolated it to show us. The confusion over Covid 19 and Coronavirus being the same thing has already helped massage figures. Then ‘covid related’ helped, then coronavirus -related. And then they use backtracking bullshit to cover it. Johnson passing quotes about some figures being ‘baked in’ or the figures being ‘truncated’.

They still haven’t fully explain Imperial College’s skewed figures and invented projections yet. They just persuaded Neal Ferguson to go underground and stay put. ( and very quiet)

The request to them remains. Show us the virus. Show us how and in what way it’s ‘mutated’. Prove that the global changes are necessary.

Oct 26, 2020 7:12 PM
Reply to  Jura Calling

You’re just too tedious and irritating to engage with. Life’s too short.

Jura Calling
Jura Calling
Oct 26, 2020 8:26 PM
Reply to  ity

See, thee you go again talking about me. You don’t know me. First my tone now my being tedious. Ad Hominem attacks are juvenile. I said i don’t mind engaging as long as it’s with an adult. Life is too short, you’re right. There’s not much we can do about that. Attention spans are another matter 👍

Oct 28, 2020 3:13 PM
Reply to  Jura Calling

I think many problems have been caused by sloppy language from MSM covid-19 becomes corona virus and whoever is incharge of editing ads for domestos bleach should be sent packing I mean domestos kills everything even corona virus

It doesn’t do anything to covid-19 However, as covid-19 is nonexistant, so is that a double negative so we get a positive

Jura Calling
Jura Calling
Oct 28, 2020 4:43 PM
Reply to  tish

Could it be that the MSM using ‘sloppy language’ is them really using euphemisms and ‘doublespeak’ in order that they can fall back on a ‘oh that’s just semantics’ argument. They have proof readers in their ranks after all. If they stuck to plain language there’s a danger that the truth will slip out..;)

Oct 28, 2020 12:30 AM
Reply to  Jura Calling

Yes, their plan is to divide us isolate us and puncture us with God knows what…they can test my dose on Bill if he lives I won’t have an injection.

Jura Calling
Jura Calling
Oct 28, 2020 2:10 AM
Reply to  tish

That’s good logic as it goes 😉

Karlos Gigglyweed
Karlos Gigglyweed
Oct 26, 2020 8:08 AM
Reply to  ity

Yes Ity, agree with this. No point wasting our time trying to “resist” en masse. The general public are too far gone and cannot be convinced. Best to preserve our own humanity, and focus on boycotting the technocracy. So for example in retailing, boycott the multinationals and online giants, and boycott non-cash payments, and boycott smartphones, social media, masks, social distancing, Zoom, vaccines, Pharma in general, non-organic food, Microsoft/google/apple/banks wherever possible. It’s not that hard: the enemy is the technocratic elite, so simply boycott them and their technologies/companies/control systems as much as possible.

Jura Calling
Jura Calling
Oct 26, 2020 3:04 PM

”.boycott smartphones, social media, masks, social distancing, Zoom, vaccines, Pharma in general, non-organic food, Microsoft/google/apple/banks wherever possible. It’s not that hard: the enemy is the technocratic elite, so simply boycott them and their technologies/companies/control systems as much as possible…”

Ask anyone at all that you know to abandon the internet and their phone. It would be like asking a crack addict to boycott crack.

The economy is shot and you suggest non-organic food. People need extra cash for that, not less. Try finding it in supermarkets. Try boycotting the major supermarket chains. All the small alternatives were forced to close down.

The only way to tackle these creatures is to find a way to bring them out of their nests into the daylight and debating the questions we want answering instead of them coming out with scripts from liars and organising their own so-called interviews on MSM news platforms that are also scripted. That’s real resistance. Force then to confront the obvious instead of creating bills to silence us and creating fact checkers to makes sure no truth becomes public.

Oct 27, 2020 11:53 PM
Reply to  ity

I think we are all feeling a bit frayed round the edges ity. I think that is probably part of the plan. I know I feel the emphasis is moving away from a ‘virus’ and more towards a done-deal. It is hard to stand up and say I don’t believe that amidst a crowd of people cheering for something else and maybe there is something in that. I live in England and I know there have been many protests against eroding freedom of movement and speech. There has been no protest in favour of it. People, for the most part have tried to do what they feel is right, but the goal posts have been moved that many times. I don’t think anyone has any idea what they can or are advised against doing and that includes Boris. I must admit I have thought back to Greek mythology and remember when Pandora opened the box and released chaos into the world all that was left was hope. So, you are not alone in feeling defeated…many people would agree…. so do you want to come and stand with me and feel hopeful.

ganesha bulldozer
ganesha bulldozer
Oct 25, 2020 6:38 PM

open fire, fire at will!

attack now‼︎


Oct 26, 2020 6:45 AM

Awesome. Next target should be the Charité.

Or a Tesla factory – in which case they should leave a sign saying “we’ll arson whomever we want! deal with it!”

Oct 25, 2020 5:22 PM

Why does he refer to some of these parasites as ‘ his royal highness’ these lice are not worthy of titles like that, along with many others who they think Corbett I’d suspect, and after that I have my doubts.

Oct 25, 2020 9:53 PM
Reply to  Geoff

americans somehow never get sarcasm. playing dumb eventually makes one dumb?

Oct 26, 2020 7:28 AM
Reply to  zardoz

maybe they’re not just playing dumb, but are quite serious about it.

Oct 25, 2020 4:07 PM

What the Great Resetters don’t seem to get is that there’s a Great Reset just waiting in the wings – and it’s got their names on it. They’ve got the rest of us just where they want us – they’ve got the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Police and all the Mercenaries money can buy at their disposal. And thereby hangs a tale.

Historically, the greatest threat to any ruling class has come, not from the people, but from its own guards. Who will be left to protect the ruling elites from their protectors once their little private armies decide they’re no longer worth protecting?

It is coming; it will happen. Nothing the ruling class does can stop it. And the beautiful part is: the sooner they bring their Great Reset to fruition, the sooner their Praetorian Guards will dispose of them and take over. Panic Room here they come!

Can they make it to their underground bunkers in time? Or will their Guards outrun them? Where would Jimmy the Greek put his money?

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 25, 2020 2:46 PM

With apologies to Ambrose Bierce, here is a new short Devil’s Dictionary:

“Keyboard warrior”: An insult to a keyboard user …from another keyboard user.

“Witch hunter”: Someone who hunts the wrong witches.

“Worker at the coal face”: Someone who tells you what you want to hear.

“Binary thinker”: Someone who tells you what you don’t want to hear.

“Mental heavy lifting”: Indefinite postponement of an actual substantial statement.

“Covid”: A synonym for death.

“Covid death”: Death squared.

“Covid case”: Death cubed. Far worse than a Covid death, each Covid case is already dead anyway but will also infect an infinitely expandable number of others.

“Vaccine”: The second coming.

“World Socialist Web Site”: American branch of the BBC. But wearing fur hats.

“Marxist”: Someone Karl Marx would have hated.

“Trotskyite”: Someone everyone hates.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Oct 25, 2020 3:19 PM
Reply to  George Mc

“World Socialist Web Site”

A CORPORATE FASCIST propaganda site affiliated with THE CIA PARTY (formerly known as the SEP). A Langley-Land disinformation site set up to promote face diapers, EUTHANASIA DEATH SHOTS and give the impression that Leon Trotsky was a eugenicist. It has the Crain’s Detroit Business Seal of Entrepreneurial Approval.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Oct 25, 2020 10:14 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

Its Grand Poobah, one David Green, is a serial entrepreneur.

Oct 25, 2020 2:30 PM

There will be no ‘great reset’. I’d give the present debacle months at most before we’re back to living as we did before.

Oct 25, 2020 4:45 PM
Reply to  Thom

with 5G deployed everywhere and total control 24/7, under the guise of vaccines? Nothing will be the same, I think …

Oct 25, 2020 8:46 PM
Reply to  Thom

> I’d give the present debacle months at most before we’re back to living as we did before.

Kidding, right? Or maybe we have different definitions of “we”.

Jura Calling
Jura Calling
Oct 25, 2020 9:22 PM
Reply to  Thom

what do you base that prediction on

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 25, 2020 1:37 PM

After a seemingly aborted exchange on a mainstream Left site let me offer a guide for any COVID skeptic who unwisely decides to venture into the mighty halls of Left Wing academia.

1.    There is a good chance that you will be completely ignored. This follows on from a reaction which, although it has never been put down in words, is so habitual that it has become unconscious: Anyone espousing “conspiracy theory” is viewed as “an intellectual leper”. You are frightfully uncouth amidst such exalted company.
2.    Should you be acknowledged, it will probably not be directly but in the third person as they all discuss you as if you were an insect under their lens. Indeed, they might not even acknowledge you as an individual at all but refer to your ideas as if they were strains of a disease to be cordoned off.
3.    Should you be referred to as a person, you will hear the following terms: “keyboard warrior”, “binary thinker”, “incapable of doing the mental heavy lifting”. This latter term is worth pondering. “Mental heavy lifting” refers to an endlessly postponed commitment to any statement that has any specific content.
4.    You will also be referred to in quasi-religious terms as a fanatic, a seeker after heretics to burn etc. (which is ironic when you think about it).

After all the above, you have one consolation: to acknowledge that a lack of response is the most revealing response of all.

Oct 25, 2020 8:49 PM
Reply to  George Mc

The exposure of the (faux) -left has to be the most disheartening aspect of the “pandemic”;
likely by design. Looks like this has been in the works for a *very long* time, in retrospect.
Old, online oddities that now make sense..