Death, Money, and the Dueling Frauds: Trump and Biden

Edward Curtin

When The New York Times and CNN recently referred to the staged town hall spectacles of Biden and Trump as dueling events, they inadvertently revealed the truth that US presidential elections are America’s favorite movie and that the corporate media is in the entertainment business.

While it is ludicrous to imagine these tottering actors crossing swords in tights, their skirmishes in suits and ties are good for a few laughs, if you have the stomach to watch them. Only people who still believe in professional wrestling would think these clowns don’t work for the same bosses – the Umbrella People, aka the power elites, the national security state, etc., who own the country and choose their stooges to represent their interests in the White House.

I much prefer Mel Brooks, a genuinely funny guy.

The columnist Russell Baker once said the purpose of such political entertainment is to “provide a manageably small cast for a national sitcom, or soap opera, or docudrama, making it easy for media people to persuade themselves they are covering the news while mostly just entertaining us.”

As for debates and town hall farces in television prime time, the witty Baker said that “the charm of television entertainment is its ability to bridge the chasm between dinner and bedtime without mental distraction.”

Now let’s proceed to the dark side, where the sardonic screams of laughter dissolve into tears.

For such entertainment serves a devious distracting purpose: to conceal the nature of social evil and the driving forces behind American politics today.  It is not particularly complicated unless the syllogism – All cats die/Socrates is dead/ therefore Socrates is a cat – rings true.

Then it’s an impossible conundrum.

We are not cats or Socrates, as far as I know.  But like them, we will also die. Everyone knows this, but the thought of death is not particularly “have-a-nice-dayish,” so people deny it as much as possible in a host of ways. Most people prefer life over death, and when death does approach and can no longer be denied, most hope for immortality in some way, shape, or form.

Yes, there are those who assert this isn’t true for them, and there is no reason to doubt their sincerity. There are philosophical arguments to support their position, such as that of the Roman poet Lucretius in his famous poem De rerum natura (On the Nature of Things).

But I would maintain with the great psychoanalyst Rollo May that all such naturalistic efforts, including Lucretius’s, to explain away human anxiety rooted in death, founder on the human emotions of pity, grief, love, and loneliness.

Rational explanations take us only so far. In their efforts to deny the human condition and dismiss the spiritual dimension, the irrational, and the daimonic, they open the door to madness, as is happening today with the push by the world’s economic elite to convince people that they are machines and that their machine dreams will conquer death.

For those who love life, it seems axiomatic to me that some form of perpetuation and redemption of an individual’s life in the face and fear of death is widely desired. This can take many forms: a literal afterlife, fame, heirs, monuments, money, children, etc. History is quite clear that people have always sought some way of transcending their physical fates.

This was aptly noted by Graham Greene, the English novelist, when, as an old man approaching death, he was asked if he was disappointed at not receiving the Nobel Prize, and he said no, since he was hoping for a greater prize.

In his important book, The Denial of Death (Pulitzer Prize 1974 for general non-fiction), the cultural anthropologist Ernest Becker, puts it succinctly:

Man is literally split in two: he has an awareness of his own splendid uniqueness in that he sticks out of nature with a towering majesty, and yet goes back into the ground a few feet in order blindly and dumbly to rot and disappear forever.

Faced with such an impossible situation, then, overwhelmed from childhood with a sense of one’s own ultimate physical powerlessness but being symbolic creatures as well as physical ones, the normal person learns to repress the terror of death by building various defenses that allow one to believe that he ultimately controls his death. 

One’s natural impotence is then hidden within “the vital lie of character”; one lives within the manageable social world that helps one blot out existential awareness by offering various social games and cultural symbols, agreed forms of madness that narcotize the fear.  One learns to adjust. The aim is to cut life down to manageable proportions, domesticate terror, and trust in the cultural and social authorities for protection and reassurance. Obedience is key.

Listen to Big Daddy and he will rescue you, especially when he first tells you that Mr. Pumpkin Head is coming to get you unless you run into his protective embrace.

These days, it’s Halloween all year round in the land of the free and the home of the brave where the fear of death is handed out like poisoned candy and Big Daddy waits at the door disguised as everyone’s benevolent grandfather.  To be treated, you must be masked. That is his trick. “Stay well,” he mutters, after he drops a dollop of sweet fear into your bag and cackles behind his face.

Everywhere you look these days, people are doubly masked. The paper kind and by definition, since the the word person, being derived from the Latin, persona, means mask, while there is another Latin word, larva, that also means mask or ghost or evil spirit.  Clearly there is a dance contest underway, a danse macabre.  And who will win nobody knows.

“Every conflict over truth,” wrote the psychoanalyst Otto Rank, “is in the last analysis just the same old struggle over…immortality.”

This is exactly what is going on now with the fierce disagreements over Covid-19.

Like the attacks of September 11, 2001, the anthrax attacks, the ginning up of terrorism fear with Homeland “Security’s” color-coded warning system, the lies about weapons of mass-destruction, and the coronavirus early warning systems, people have adopted positions upon which they stake their psychological lives. To admit you were snookered is a little death that is hard to swallow.

We are being subjected to mind-control on a vast scale, the continual pumping up of the fear of death to control the population. Americans have been living in an atmosphere of dread for almost twenty years. It’s so old and so obvious but cuts so deep it works like a charm. “You don’t want to die, do you, so come here into Big Daddy’s arms.”

In Nineteen Eighty-Four, George Orwell writes that “The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake.”  It is a famous quote that is not true when taken out of context. The Umbrella People and their lackeys don’t seek power entirely for its own sake. They have a larger agenda: immortality.

If one reads Orwell carefully, one comes upon a key passage that clarifies the previous quote. The evil O’Brien, the torturer and member of the Inner Party who poses as a member of the resistance to Big Brother (sound familiar?), asks his victim Winston Smith to reverse the slogan from “Freedom is Slavery” to Slavery is Freedom:

Alone – free – the human being is always defeated. It must be so, because every human being is destined to die, which is the greatest of all failures.  But if he can make complete, utter submission, if he can escape from his identity, if he can merge himself in the Party so that he is the Party, then he will be all-powerful and immortal.  The second thing for you to realize is that power is power over human beings. Over the body – but, above all, over the mind. Power over matter – external reality as you would call it – is not important. Already our control over matter is absolute.

All power is fundamentally power to deny mortality.  This is true whether it is the power of the state or church.  And it is always sacred power.

Many often ask why do the super-rich and powerful always want more. It’s simple. They wish to transcend their pre-existing human mortality and become gods – immortals. They stupidly believe that if they can lord it over others, kill, dominate, achieve status, become billionaires, presidents, magnates, celebrities, etc., they will somehow live in some weird forever.

In a process that has spanned at least a hundred and fifty years or so, our traditional cultural/religious symbol systems have been radically undermined, most momentously by the Faustian creation of Lord Nuke.  All forms of symbolic immortality (theological, biological, creative, natural, and experiential) that formerly provided a sense of continuity have been severely threatened. This is the haunting specter lurking in the background of life today.

What is death?  How to defeat or transcend it?  How to affirm life in the face of death?

One paradoxical way that political leaders do this is by killing. Followers who accede to such killing join their leaders, not simply to see others dead, but to acquire power over death itself – to kill their own deaths. It is perverse of course, and is summed up in the saying to love the bomb joyously, to experience the nightmare of oblivion as ecstasy. Isn’t this what the philosophy of voting for the lesser of two evil is about?  At least he will be our killer.  Our evil killer, but not as bad as yours. You lose.

I have read that there is a painting still visible at the entrance to a house in ruined Pompeii that tells us much about power and wealth. It perfectly symbolizes the meaning of the economic gap between the super-rich – e.g. those behind the World Economic Forum, the CIA, the presidential candidates, the corporate media – and the rest of us.  It pictures a man weighing his penis on a scale of gold coins. Gold, God, wealth, and power.  It’s an old story.

Today, however, there is a difference, for the spirit of nihilism has grown as belief in the spiritual dimension and God has diminished dramatically. Money or gold, wealth in all its forms, is today’s foremost immortality symbol, a sign that one is powerful and can conquer death. What else are Trump’s gold-emblazoned Tower and hair, and Biden’s boastfully admitted threat to withhold one billion dollars from Ukraine unless they fire the prosecutor investigating his son, Hunter. The greasing of palms, bribery, tax theft, etc. – par for the course in a corrupt society run by thieves and criminals.

Becker says of this wealth obsession:

The only hint we get of the cultural repression seeping through is that even dedicated financiers wash their hands after handling money.  The victory over death is a fantasy that cannot be fully believed in; money doesn’t entirely banish feces [decay and death that is of course defeated with toilet paper as Covid-19 has proven], and so the threat of germs and vulnerability in the very process of securing immortality.

Pseudo immortality.

Enter Covid-19.  Like the attacks of September 11, 2001, it is death writ large. An insidious terrorist threat.  Invisible, sneaky, ready to pounce. Fear and trembling.  So-called surprise attacks that were preceded by simulations and live drills.  Numerous parallels, too many to mention.  Let’s not.  Have a nice day!  Stay safe!

So what do the super-rich controllers want now?  What are the World Economic Forum’s Claus Schwab, Google and the Defense Department’s Eric Schmidt, Bill Gates, Ray Kurzweil of Google and “The Singularity,” et al. pushing now that Covid-19 has so many cowering in fear?

These people have realized that the thing that their money and power must do is to create a world where trans-humanism must triumph and people of flesh and blood must be induced and forced to become the machines they have been told they are. If you doubt this is underway, research the World Economic Forum’s agenda, see what the Great Reset is about, the Build Back Better slogans, the massive push to create on-line existence for everyone, etc.  As a recent ad I saw says: “The world is going digital.”

The goal of these mad technocratic elites is to create a fabricated reality where the visible world becomes nearly meaningless once the screen world becomes people’s “window on the world.” An electronic nothingness to replace reality as people in the industrialized countries gleefully embrace digital wraparound apparitions and the poor and vulnerable of this world suffer and die out of sight and out of mind. It is the fundamental seismic shift of our era and perhaps the greatest propaganda operation ever undertaken.  A sort of end-times desperate gambit.

And “it just so happens” to revolve around the use of death fear to accomplish its goals.

But for the elites, there will be no death.  For having realized that their stolen wealth and power can only take them so far, and they too will become food for worms, they have commandeered science and medicine to undertake their immortality projects.  If medicine fails to find for them the secret of immortality, then computer science and Artificial Intelligence will, and they will be uploaded into computers and live forever in their beloved cyberspace.  Digital immortality is not a joke for these people – see  Kurzweil’s (the director of engineering at Google) “The Singularity,” etc. – for they are actually insane but hold key positions throughout the computer and biotechnology industries.  Check where the super rich invest their money to confirm this.  None of it is secret.

Having heeded Russell Baker’s words about television offering no mental distraction between dinner and bedtime, I took to my crib early, knowing Tweedledee and Tweedledum would be dueling again, this time in what they humorously called a debate.  I was surrounded by my stuffed animals that protected me and I slept safe and sound.

Upon awakening, I read that the gladiators had exchanged blows but that both were left standing for the big showdown on November 3.  I also noticed that each had used the words “dark winter” in reference to Covid-19. Biden said one was coming and Trump said he didn’t know.

Neither, of course, spoke of the Dark Winter Exercise, a senior level war game conducted on June 22-23, 2001, about a biological attack, a smallpox outbreak, the public health response, the lack of vaccines, the need for quarantine and isolation, the restriction of civil liberties, and the role of the Defense Department and the military in the response. Nor did they speak of anthrax attacks, but the Canadian researcher, Graeme MacQueen, will here fill you in on both, in case you don’t know.  Maybe the boys just forgot.

I am sure they didn’t talk about the elements of Trump’s “Operation Warp Speed,” but if you wish to understand how we are being gamed, Whitney Webb will tell you here.

Was there any mention of the Russians?  I haven’t heard.  They are always a kind of a solution.  As my friend Joe Green has said:

All dissenting opinions are Russian. I think Socrates said that. I’m paraphrasing.

Maybe many are still Waiting for the Barbarians.

Edward Curtin is a writer whose work has appeared widely. He teaches sociology at Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts. His website is http://edwardcurtin.com/. He is the author of the new book Seeking Truth in A Country of Lies


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Oct 27, 2020 1:20 PM

Stopped after
I much prefer Mel Brooks, a genuinely funny guy.

not more to say

Oct 27, 2020 7:22 AM

Trump is his own man and always will be.

Oct 28, 2020 12:12 AM
Reply to  Hank

Owned man, very likely.
Where is the US embassy in Israel located now? Jerusalem.
What is Ivanka’s religion? Jewish.
Trump’s team is populated with West Point mafia and Goldman Sachs.
US is still in Syria. Just one of his 2016 promises that were broken.

Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
Oct 26, 2020 11:03 PM

“Not for the first time I felt myself confronted by the dizzying possibility that an entire episode in the story of mankind might have been forgotten. Indeed it seemed to me then, as I overlooked the mathematical city of the gods from the summit of the Pyramid of the Moon, that our species could have been afflicted with some terrible amnesia and that the dark period so blithely and dismissively referred to as `prehistory’ might turn out to conceal unimagined truths about our own past. What is prehistory, after all, if not a time forgotten–a time for which we have no records? What is prehistory if not an epoch of impenetrable obscurity through which our ancestors passed but about which we have no conscious remembrance? It was out of this epoch of obscurity, configured in mathematical code along astronomical and geodetic lines, that Teotihuacan with all its riddles was sent down to us. And out of that same epoch came the great Olmec sculptures, the inexplicably precise and accurate calendar the Mayans inherited from their predecessors, the inscrutable geoglyphs of Nazca, the mysterious Andean city of Tiahuanaco … and so many other marvels of which we do not know the provenance. It is almost as though we have awakened into the daylight of history from a long and troubled sleep, and yet continue to be disturbed by the faint but haunting echoes of our dreams.”
― Graham Hancock, Fingerprints of the Gods: The Evidence of Earth’s Lost Civilization

Similar to the previous lost civilizations fragmented and ambiguous vestiges will only remain posing as an iconographic mystery for future generations, and perhaps it’s just as well.  La fin.

dr death
dr death
Oct 27, 2020 1:46 PM

hopefully there wont be future generations, thus saving us from the speculations of spooky dope head hancocks cloned head.

Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
Oct 27, 2020 3:10 PM
Reply to  dr death

Other forms of organic life, probably hope Homo sapiens future comes to a quick end. 😈

Oct 27, 2020 2:08 PM

Wonderful post! Anytime Graham Hancock can be brought into the discussion…is a good time! Thank you.

Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
Oct 27, 2020 3:08 PM
Reply to  Howard

Yes, I agree his books are terrific–very insightful.

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 26, 2020 8:46 PM

The bit about “Halloween all year round in the land of the free and the home of the brave” reminds me of this from Gore Vidal:

“It is the ides of August 1945. Germany and Japan have surrendered, and some thirteen million Americans are headed home. Home turned out to be a sort of fairground where fireworks go off, and the band plays “Don’t Sit Under the Apple Tree,” and an endlessly enticing fun house flings open its doors, and we file through. We enjoy halls and mirrors where everyone is comically distorted, ride through all the various tunnels of love, and take scary tours of horror chambers, where skeletons and cobwebs and bats push past us. And suitably chilled and thrilled, we’re ready for the exit and everyday life.

But, to the consternation of some and the apparent indifference of the rest, we were never really allowed to leave the fun house. It has become a permanent part of our world, as were those goblins sitting under the apple tree.”

Oct 27, 2020 1:07 PM
Reply to  George Mc

George Mc excellent catch, when I finally got the book it was obvious what the message was.,,

Gore Vidal, History of The National Security State. Thanks


Steve Church
Steve Church
Oct 26, 2020 8:20 PM

I posted this to Ed’s blog. I love reading your stuff, Ed. I don’t comment often for any number of reasons, but mostly because I agree and reckon you don’t need another “Great piece, Ed. Keep writing” as if you really need the encouragement. I think a lot of us write because we simply have to. I started a blog for that reason. Granted, I don’t have your cultivation, your lyricism. It’s a rare gift, one sorely lacking these days. That said, your most recent essay, “Death, Money, and the Dueling Frauds” had me scratching my head. When I was pretty young, I looked around and found that Money and Fraud were pretty much the same, and even though our family was comfortable and, at the time had a profitable business, I figured there was a more interesting way to live. I bided my time, going through all the required reverences to obtain the necessary diplomas, and simply took off into the unknown. Going into the office every day for two or three weeks (or, in the case for teaching, two months) of vacation didn’t thrill me in the least. I didn’t want a career. I simply wanted to live. And living didn’t mean pitching a perfect game or breaking the school’s 440 record or earning a million dollars. No. For me, living meant seeing what lay behind all those words I’d read. To confront them up front and personal. And what I found, little by little, was that the further I ventured into unknown territory, the happier I was. I lived by my own little dictum, “Go fast, take chances” even though driving a 2CV wasn’t exactly going fast. Herding sheep wasn’t the fast lane, either. In any case, I never believed I would live past fifty, nor did… Read more »

Oct 27, 2020 2:18 PM
Reply to  Steve Church

Edward Curtin is fortunate to have generated a comment like yours. You did all the things I would have liked to have done; but kept putting off. Now, at 76, I’m ready; only now, we cross state borders at our own peril. I didn’t want or pursue money, status or career either; so I have not experienced either side of the “Take Your Choice” coin. It feels odd, but immensely liberating, to have in effect “wasted my life” doing next to nothing. I wouldn’t trade it for all the irradiated tea in Japan.

Steve Church
Steve Church
Oct 27, 2020 3:54 PM
Reply to  Howard

Thanks for your comment, Howard. Ed’s pieces always draw a reaction from me, but this one, in a sense, left me a bit indifferent, unconvinced in some way. I was indeed fortunate to have chosen the itinerant life when it was still, more or less, possible, the only real sour note being when I was twice interrogated in northern Greece in ’73 for supposedly being a spy. Needless to say, I left shortly thereafter and didn’t look back. I didn’t find myself back there until ’89 and ’90 while skippering a fancy sailboat for a rich Turk, which was quite an adventure, among others. And besides, a life is never wasted as long as we can think.

Felix Culpa
Felix Culpa
Oct 26, 2020 4:56 PM

“All power is fundamentally power to deny mortality. This is true whether it is the power of the state or church. And it is always sacred power.”

The above is a statement alive with false implications. Why does Mr. Curtain feel the need to leave to implication what he could easily draw out through stating directly? This is a method of teaching consistent with attempting to promote what one feels unable to defend. It is the intellectual equivalent of leaving a manhole cover open in the street. Allow me then to attempt to close it.

1.Catholicism teaches that an all-powerful God denied, not mortality- but its having the final word over man’s life.
2. Conquering death is a sacred power, attested to by the Church and belongs to God.
3. The State has not this sacred power but rather a sacred duty, namely, to serve the family, society’s fundamental cell. The State abuses its authority when, as now, its representatives serve oligarchs- as God no less- instead of the family.

I’m glad to see that Edward Curtain understands how syllogisms work. Then perhaps he can see that- Man is subject to death/ I am a man/ therefore, God doesn’t exist – can’t be got out of logic and therefore doesn’t ring true.

What can be got out of logic is that contingent being implies necessary being. I heartily recommend another Edward- Feser- and his book Five Proofs for the Existence of God- to counter Curtain’s fallacious implications.

There is zero point objecting to oligarchy if you advocate atheism. Atheism secures its rule.

Oct 26, 2020 7:42 PM
Reply to  Felix Culpa

no it doesn’t

Felix Culpa
Felix Culpa
Oct 26, 2020 7:45 PM
Reply to  richard

If what you say is true, back it up with evidence.

dr death
dr death
Oct 27, 2020 2:01 PM
Reply to  Felix Culpa

organized religion is oligarchy, unquestionably. your relationship with god should not rely on social constructs, therefor your contention regarding atheists is in itself fallacious, quite laughable in the context of catholicism.

Oct 27, 2020 2:27 PM
Reply to  Felix Culpa

I have dismissed each of the classic “proofs” for the existence of God for this reason: at bottom, each “proof” presupposes the existence of God. Therefore they are Verifications of God’s existence, not “proofs.”

That said, there is one “proof” I cannot so easily dismiss: Murphy’s Law. The entire universe would seem to declare Murphy’s Law invalid; yet we know it isn’t invalid. Things that can go wrong should never go wrong more than half the time; but the simple truth is, they do go wrong far more than half the time. Therefore, there must be a Force directing the going wrong of things.

Oct 27, 2020 9:48 PM
Reply to  Felix Culpa

The statement you quote flew over my head as to its meaning but I’ve been reading Mr. Curtain’s posts for a few years now and got the impression early on that he’s a Catholic believer. Therefore, I don’t believe he’s denying the existence of God, but rather stating his opinion of what motivates the lust for power, together with isolating the primary offenders wielding abusive power, church and state.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Oct 26, 2020 4:45 PM

Massive Jews for Trump Car Rally in Brooklyn, New York
Oct 25, 2020
About a thousand vehicles joined the Jews for Donald J. Trump vehicle rally in Brooklyn, New York on October 25, 2020. The Pro-Trump rally started by Coney Island Avenue and made its way down Ocean Parkway towards Manhattan and then back through Brooklyn through Boro Park and Flatbush ending in Marine Park
[NB: Could somebody please post a link(s) to my previous postings in support of NYC Jews; thank you]

Oct 26, 2020 7:17 PM

John Goss
John Goss
Oct 26, 2020 3:27 PM

There’s a hot rumour coming from one of my sources in the US that Hunter Biden may have overdosed. I know no more yet.

John Goss
John Goss
Oct 26, 2020 3:35 PM
Reply to  John Goss

All I can find is this.

Hunter Biden DEAD!!! OVERDOSE | Rumble Community…community.rumble.com›…hunter-biden-dead-overdose…

10 часов назад
I just heard Hunter Biden was dead from a crack overdose. … Hunter Biden DEAD!!! OVERDOSE. Thread starter Mistyknowsu. Start date Today at 12:28 AM. M. Mistyknowsu. New member. Today at 12:28 AM. #1. I just heard Hunter Biden was dead from a crack overdoseСкрыть

The link is broken so could be false!

Oct 26, 2020 5:14 PM
Reply to  John Goss

It’s obviously a hoax.

Oct 26, 2020 3:03 PM

Hehe, I am an hughe fan of Honest Gov. Ad/s, and there are times I would not hesitate an split second if I could or been alowed to kiss their asses, not because of been forced, but by pure bliss. Yeah, and one thing most people must not forget, sarcasm and irony dont work on idiots, progresives, demonCrauts and sprinkle it with republiCONs, and Qanon is just that, an Q. So. what to do, huh, when we have riots for the right cause, I am not drooling something about just BLM and screw the rest, but the ones in Italy, Napels, when Italians gets pissed to do something, and this was doing something, instead of yapping from an coatch and piss on anyone of them that do something, and on top of it, doing something by this people means several things, not just protesting, but been to smal, to loud,, been controlled opposition, etc, and nto enough, huh, and somehow, some never gets to satifyed whwn some people actually risks their own asses in the crossing of Rubicon, howling you own ass out into the streets to fight from your rights, and sometimes, this people, the whiners, anoyes the hell out of me, pathetic bastards. I could go on with other perspetions and issues, peoples uprisings, whom do happens not always be been created by the western scumbags and ameriTards alphabeat soups witch some people tend to forget in their eagerness to be somewhat relevant when they comment, but again if you only read the comments and dont bother to go deeper, you are left with the same perspetion, that some people like it, some hate is, some accuse them for been liars, fake opposition, controlled by Sore-ass at all. etc, using the same guilt by association trick as the… Read more »

Oct 26, 2020 12:48 PM

“Already our power over matter is absolute” says O’Brien in 1984. Or so we thought.

I propose that people’s reluctance to accept climate change proceeds precisely from the wreckage it makes of humanity’s “power over matter.” The climate crisis proves absolutely that we do not have “power over matter.”

So it’s best to ignore the mighty climate and move on to the humble, far more easily subdued virus – and thereby regain that “power over matter” that is seen as our primary purpose in living.

No one wants to die in a howling wind when we can transform it to a gentle breeze and thereby tame matter. Nice music; friends and family; the thoughtful face of the hospice nurse – all encased in a gentle wind filled with the aroma of rose petals.

We may not have come into this world as demi-gods; but we’ll be damned if we won’t go out that way.

Oct 26, 2020 5:24 AM

In the not so distant past being part of a nation was a way of achieving a kind of immortality. One knew that death was inevitable, but being part of some larger living body held together by a common language, culture, traditions, and perhaps even physical appearance, meant that the body would continue to live even if the individual person died.
People were even ready to die for their nation (or country), e.g. Nathan Hale and countlessly many others who “died for their country.” This started to wane with the rise of
multicultural and multiethnic states, and is disappearing entirely with the advent of globalism. National identity is decried as a vestige of a brutish past, so how can all these
individual “cells” be held together in the global body? Fear is only a means toward achieving some end. What is that end?

Oct 26, 2020 6:12 AM
Reply to  Platov

Globalism is the favorite play garden for the biggest bullies, be they clubs like the CCP, the CIA or MNCs like Amazon or Tencent. Also the majority of people feel safer inside their own (sub)culture than identity as some “global citizen” ID nr xxxxxxxxxxx.
Mutual respecting nation states could be building blocks towards a better multi-polar forum that the present 1945 old UN.

Oct 26, 2020 3:09 AM

Thank you so much for this unforgettable quip:

“These days, it’s Hallowe’en all year round in the land of the free and the home of the brave”

It is also Pandemonium and Bedlam, but for me “Hallowe’en” gets right to the core of the matter.

Oct 26, 2020 2:43 AM

Thank you. Well played. You might enjoy Brendon O’Connell on bitchute Talpiot.


Oct 26, 2020 1:09 AM

Billionaire oddball who doesn’t follow others people money like the Bidens:

If President Trump wins re-election, he’ll move to immediately fire FBI Director Christopher Wray and also expects to replace CIA Director Gina Haspel and Defense Secretary Mark Esper, two people who’ve discussed these officials’ fates with the president tell Axios.

Oct 26, 2020 1:04 AM

Enter Covid-19. Like the attacks of September 11, 2001, it is death writ large. An insidious terrorist threat. Invisible, sneaky, ready to pounce. Fear and trembling.

Why skip Climate Change / Global Warming? Similar fear mongering, quite religious,
even more money involved.

Oct 26, 2020 12:35 AM

As of 19 March 2020, COVID-19 is no longer considered to be a high consequence infectious disease (HCID) in the UK

Sorry to bang on about it, but if you want to accept living in a police state this kind of stuff is important.

Oct 26, 2020 2:27 AM
Reply to  RobG

While Icelandic news today reports that Europe is in the grip of a vicious battle with Covid…

Is there an organization out there somewhere which specializes in the humiliation of idiots – especially idiots who exploit other idiots…?
I’ll donate lots.

Oct 26, 2020 2:33 AM
Reply to  RobG

Ah, but that was last updated in June…
While our official hysteria has multiplied exponentially since then…
In any case, I assume they mean by the following, the phoney PCR “test”…?

and there is now greater clinical awareness and a specific and sensitive laboratory test, the availability of which continues to increase.

Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Oct 26, 2020 4:06 AM
Reply to  RobG

Bang on !

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Oct 26, 2020 4:16 AM
Reply to  RobG

Yes, but it never was infectious as there is no evidence it ever was or is now, Rob. No evidence for it and much evidence against it.

Torsten Engelbrecht and Konstantin Demeter provide all the evidence one could ever need.

Making their case even more compelling is the unresponded to rebuttal by them of PolitiFact’s attempted debunking of their case:

And we have an explanation for how they’ve pulled off this massive fraud right here:

And here:

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Oct 26, 2020 5:27 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

See also “The Contagion Myth” by Thomas Cowan and Sally Fallon Morell.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Oct 27, 2020 8:28 AM

I shall check that out at some point, Mike. To my mind though in arguing against COVID all we have to do is argue that there is no evidence of the alleged virus or the disease it causes. I realise that viruses, pandemics and vaccines is a massive can of worms and even though I recognise so many psyops the extent of the virus/pandemic/vaccine psyop is truly scary.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Oct 26, 2020 5:02 AM
Reply to  RobG

And we also have Dr Stefano Scoglio, officially nominated for the 2018 Nobel Prize in Medicine for his research on the role of Aphanizomeon flos aquae extracts in various clinical fields, who speaks in great detail about the clear evidence of the alleged virus never having been isolated … a fact admitted to by the CDC and the European Commission.

But now, I have finally found official proof that the virus was never truly isolated! It is unequivocally recognized by both the European Commission and the US CDC, the most important national health organization in the world.

Let’s start with the European Commission, which in its document of 16 April last wrote:

“Since no virus isolates with a quantified amount of the SARS-CoV-2 are currently available …”1

Before analyzing in detail this statement, which still seems to me self-evident, let’s see what the CDC writes: “Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available…”2

1 European Commission, Working Document of Commission Services, Current performance of COVID-19 test methods and devices and proposed performance criteria, April 16 2020, p.19

2 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Division of Viral Diseases, CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel , 13/07/2020, p.39.

Oct 26, 2020 1:49 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

Hi Petra
As I have been trying to explain from the very outset when all this covid-19 fiasco started no pathogenic virus has ever been isolated to date. The theory on which viral epidmics and pandemics
are based is seriously flawed and doesn’t work in reality. The US navy experiments proved that with the so-called Spanish flu pandemic 1918-1919.These experiments on human subjects have never been refuted.

Also In virology the order of concepts is transposed onto the order of concrete realty and we also end up with a fallacy of misplaced concreteness as if abstract ideas or models of alleged pathogenic viruses can have real effects in addition to the fallacy of causal reductionism.
I am unable to post directly on the website for some unknown reason but it’s nothing to do with Off guardian.


The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Oct 26, 2020 4:16 PM
Reply to  Tony

“… the order of concepts is transposed onto the order of concrete reality…”

Claiming something exists in reality just by naming it would have been considered as witchcraft in the middle ages and its author risked to be toasted at the stake.

Our modern so called scientists, those not disinterested within the monetary system (a necessary corollary of the wage system, itself a necessary corollary of the private, exclusive ownership of means of production, distribution and exchange), have transmuted back into middle age’s witches.

The snake biting its tail.

Oct 26, 2020 7:05 PM

Greetings CR

Misuse of science for ignoble ends is de facto black magic and is still being used against the population to this day. Most people are still under the delusion that black magic just refers to a box of chocolates. However Covid -19 is slow ly beginning to wake some of them up from the constant bombardment of outrageous propaganda from the private and state ideological apparatuses.

Thus, some are now beginning to see that fallacious concepts of pathogenic viruses are being transposed onto the natural realm of objects and phenomena and treated ‘as if’ they were real and are the sole cause of infectious disease. But the problem is there is no conclusive scientific proof
of that nor is there likely to be because the whole germ theory in which viruses are claimed to be pathogenic is a non sequitur.

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Oct 26, 2020 9:36 PM
Reply to  Tony

Thank you. Indeed, just because the words “black magic” have fallen in disuse doesn’t mean its practice has ceased; on the contrary, it has become sophisticated and its deceptive character carefully hidden behind white coats, high technology instruments and intimidating jargon.

But the first deception to my mind is the monetary system, which gave birth to all other deceptions.

Oct 27, 2020 1:02 PM

Unfortunately CR, the first deception that has been perpetrated upon us resides in the perpetrators themselves since they are the wolves in sheep’s clothing who gave birth to all the other deceptions that are being foisted upon us including the economic system (backed only with toilet paper) as you correctly indicate.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Oct 27, 2020 8:25 AM
Reply to  Tony

Thanks, Tony. So even if no virus has ever been isolated are there examples where people said to be suffering from a specific virus show a distinctive set of symptoms and produce certain antibodies? If so, then even if the virus hasn’t been isolated wouldn’t that be evidence of it?

Oct 27, 2020 3:10 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

Yes Petra, but that would be a deception if the virus had never been isolated because the symptoms could be caused by something else and still
produce antibodies. But those antibodies cannot be claimed to be specific to a none extant virus.

If you look up influenza it is nearly always claimed to be caused by a pathogenic virus and nothing else which is a downright fallacy of causal reductionism as I have stated many times in previous posts before I was locked out (not by offguardian).

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Oct 28, 2020 12:14 AM
Reply to  Tony

Tony, Sure, SARS-CoV-2 is a complete scam but I mean in terms of viruses in general. Say you had 20 people exhibiting a distinct set of symptoms who produced particular antibodies in a quantity not found in people not suffering these symptoms wouldn’t that be a way to say that the people were suffering from a virus?

Oct 28, 2020 10:31 AM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

No Petra

You need the isolated virus to calibrate a test for the particular antibodies in question. Otherwise how do you know that it is a virus and not some other intoxicating or antigenic material etc that is causing the efflux of antibodies. The answer is you don’t know. So in fact to say that those people were suffering from a virus without the required proof would be complete Speculation.

It’s nearly always a virus that gets the blame for the unknown or indeterminate causes of disease, either because they don’t really know the causes or they do know and don’t want the public to know, or they are too lazy
to figure it all out. But either way it suits the pharmaceutical industry fine.

Oct 25, 2020 10:31 PM

“Man’s consciously lived fragility, individuality and relatedness make the experience of pain, of sickness and of death an integral part of his life. The ability to cope with this trio autonomously is fundamental to his health. As he becomes dependent on the management of his intimacy, he renounces his autonomy and his health must decline.” Ivan Illich. Medical Nemesis. If all the narratives that we believe have been constructed around us and every aspect of our lives, are in fact, illusory and based on lies, then nearly everything people already believe are also lies. This virus, for example, which is a fictional construct based on more than a hundred years of “viruses and vaccines” fraud and faux science, that has been strengthened through confidentiality agreements, contracts and funds from DARPA and the NIH to web of scientists and academics all over the world over decades, was used to justify the illegal laws and actions of governments, NGOs, health departments and industry that have “seemingly” emanated from the virus, but are simply lies piled on more lies. From lies of the manipulated death statistics to the lies of the RT-PCR tests. The emergency laws, programs and tools that are currently being pushed by tech, the security state, banks, pharma and government didn’t materialize out of nowhere or even emanate from this virus. Just as the fictional construct of SARSCov2’s genetic sequence wasn’t discovered in a lab, but cobbled together using a software program, there was planning and preparation for this fraud on a global scale. Decades of fraudulent patents, false narratives, false flags, toxic vaccines, chemical warfare against the people, psychological operations and billions of dollars were involved to build the narrative and condition the people. The virus lie has been debunked by Dr. Thomas Cowan in “The Contagion Myth”. And… Read more »

Oct 25, 2020 10:53 PM
Reply to  Researcher

you on fire

Oct 27, 2020 12:53 AM
Reply to  Theobalt

By the way… je suis une femme

Raymond ffoulkes
Raymond ffoulkes
Oct 26, 2020 2:28 AM
Reply to  Researcher


Oct 26, 2020 2:47 AM
Reply to  Researcher

This is an Off-Guardian article. Please do so and do more. Thank you.

Oct 26, 2020 3:07 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Sorry, ‘Free trade’ has more sinister factors than tax and red tape Free trade is designed to shoot down any viable competition to US corporate hegemony, by all necessary means.

Toshiba chip making operation was shot down when it clearly became superior to what the US had. The same is being done to Huawei right now. Undesirable businseses get disolved/absorbed/co-opted/hung-out to dry and vanish.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Oct 26, 2020 2:02 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Hello Researcher: Yours is one of the most powerful posts I’ve read in many moons. The quotes from Ivan Illich are profound. The first Matrix film should have been a warning to humanity, but was instead taken as a fanciful vehicle of entertainment.

Your last paragraph pretty well sums up the proud history of manufactured illusion.

Oct 26, 2020 4:00 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Here’s the thing about climate change: CO2 is a very small part of it. An endless array of satellites ionizing the atmosphere in anticipation of Full Spectrum Dominance; geoengineering as an integral part of modern warfare (weather warfare); the increasingly frequent and ever more violent release of methane; the increasing diminution of the warm water/cold water dynamic; the fallout from solar radiation management (aluminum et al); the growing destruction of the ozone layer – these are the big part of the climate crisis. CO2 is merely where the perpetrators want everyone to look.

Oct 26, 2020 5:29 PM
Reply to  Howard

Known. But the NGOs are claiming that it is carbon emissions that are causing climate change which is a lie, it’s mostly DEW, atmospheric interference from geoengineering and military operations and military testing that leads to purposefully manufactured climate disasters they call “climate change”. Including tsunamis and earthquakes.

The point I was making is that they are selling lies based on myths.

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Oct 26, 2020 5:48 PM
Reply to  Researcher

The myth of the contagious virus is essentially a remnant of medieval superstition, sadly “confirmed” by incorrect interpretation of electron-microsopy.

Despite all the work of people like Lanka, Cowan,Fallon, Engelbrecht, Köhnlein, Demeter, Crowe, Kaufman, and possibly a few others, hell will freeze over before mainstream medicine and mainstream politicians, not to mention the lamestream media, will ever admit this.

Too much is at stake. Can we possibly have been locking people down, or locking part of the population down for 7 months and counting, for nothing? Have we really closed down large parts of the economy and imposed unemployment, underemployment and hardship on millions, all for nothing? Have we really killed people by the side effects of the lockdown, of mask-wearing, and of restricting health services largely to servicing of the covid fantasy, all for nothing?

Well, yes ladies and gentlemen that’s exactly what we’ve been doing, and many of us knew this from the first blow of the starter’s whistle, from the first report of the starter’s pistol, from the very get-go. Maybe we didn’t have absolute laboratory proof that it was all misguided and for nothing, but we knew in our hearts and in our guts. And we were right.

Oct 26, 2020 8:20 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Hi Researcher,
You forgot to mention that war has already been declared on humanity – a quiet war using silent weapons ( for the present) but that may undergo a radical change in the not too distant future when TSHTF and more sophisticated tech weapons come out of the woodwork to bludgeon us all into further submission and servitude.

The motto was ” keep taking the tablets ” now it’s “keep wearing your mask” Well even Duck Turpin wore one too. But they all really knew it was Boris all along.

Oct 26, 2020 8:33 PM
Reply to  Tony

Sorry for the typo it should read Dick instead of Duck. But if quacks like one and walks like one it’s still bound to be Boris you can tell by his hairstyle too!! ‘

Oct 26, 2020 8:52 PM
Reply to  Tony

Thanks 77th.

Oct 25, 2020 10:13 PM

Trump will be the last President of the USA.

Oct 25, 2020 10:24 PM
Reply to  RobG

Or somebody’s dog will.

Oct 25, 2020 11:25 PM
Reply to  wardropper

I’ll go for the chihuahua.

Oct 26, 2020 4:03 PM
Reply to  RobG

Finally someone realizes how good my chihuahua Chico would look behind the desk in the Oval Office. At least he would growl at the power brokers when they come to call!

Oct 25, 2020 10:54 PM
Reply to  RobG


Oct 25, 2020 10:54 PM
Reply to  Theobalt

and how

Oct 25, 2020 11:38 PM
Reply to  Theobalt

It’s all collapsing, a bit like those final scenes from the Aliens 2 movie.

Here’s a good one for you:

As of 19 March 2020, COVID-19 is no longer considered to be a high consequence infectious disease (HCID) in the UK.

The CDC have also said a similar thing recently, although I don’t have a link to hand at the moment.

The covid 19 stuff is complete, total and utter bullshit, and is easily proven to be so.

Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Oct 26, 2020 1:33 AM
Reply to  Theobalt

Cause Ingersoll said so !

Oct 26, 2020 2:48 AM
Reply to  RobG

What about Lisa Simpson. Wasn’t that fortold?

Oct 26, 2020 2:50 AM
Reply to  RobG

Reminds of Dmitry Orlov. I have always thought of Obama as the Gorbachev and Trump as the Yeltsin. Who is the Putin is the wonder. Bobby Kennedy II could do it no problem. Blow up an apartment building or two to justify a war and put Bobby in power. There’s your next transition narrative.

Oct 26, 2020 4:05 PM
Reply to  zdb

Big Pharma would never go for an anti-vaxxer in the White House.

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Oct 26, 2020 5:56 PM
Reply to  zdb

Biden is Brezhnev.

Oct 26, 2020 3:52 AM
Reply to  RobG

Trump, the last US president?

Will not a full-time Tomahawker with a running mate Big Mushroom* be given a chance?
Will not the share market soar and shoot -physically- to the moon?

(* with a red button located in the Tel-Aviv embassy)

Oct 25, 2020 7:09 PM

About the dueling frauds…

I have been trying to predict the outcome of this election (a minor hobby of mine). Though highly trained in the black arts of statistics, I’m not going to compete with Nate Silver. Anyway, statistics is an inferior technology for this purpose.

Instead I will use my usual methodology. In the past few elections I’ve gotten it right by assuming the following: US elections are not truly free, we live in an oligarchy, that a small number of individuals decide who will be the figurehead for 4 or 8 years, and that the figurehead is chosen to meet specific requirements and fulfill a specific agenda.

For 2020, I know the agenda is maximum chaos ending in totalitarian control. I’ve been uncertain about which path-integral produces the maximum chaos and maximum subsequent control. My current guess is this: Biden wins, Trump refuses to leave. BLM and its supporters riot, burn down cities, prompting major destruction and a subsequent military response. A Dark Winter or similar Black Swan event somehow gets Trump out of the White House. Biden takes control, mandates total covid lockdown and measures for reparations (rebranded as “equity”) that will ultimately result in maximum poverty.

You read it here first.

Oct 25, 2020 9:18 PM

I sympathize, but I fear today’s Americans don’t generally riot – unless a black person is killed by a police thug.
They’ll accept the election result, whatever it is – even if a chimpanzee wins – and assume that it is a cross they must bear for the sake of a free country of American Dreamers…

Oct 25, 2020 10:19 PM
Reply to  wardropper

They’ll riot if they perceive that the Orange Menace is cheating the system. He is, after all, the poster boy for killing black boys.

I’ll concede that they may need a gentle push from agents provocateurs.

Oct 25, 2020 10:34 PM

Ahh, I think Trump will “win” (that’s the nonpartisan donor-class’s preferred result, I think) and the democrat-funded Antifers/BLMers will further instigate Civil War (on the donor-class’s behalf, of course), here in the Exceptional Nation..

#darkAge2020, brought to you by the Very Few (you *know* who they are..)

Oct 26, 2020 2:24 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Given the quality of both candidates, we can safely say that a chimpanzee will indeed win.

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Oct 26, 2020 6:00 PM
Reply to  Waldorf

Bring on the clowns…

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Oct 25, 2020 9:35 PM

I don’t have a dog in this clown show, but I think as of Nov. 4, Trump will have a clear electoral victory. But this doesn’t take into account Biden’s recent statement to the world and on video that during the Obama administration they have constructed the greatest organization for voter fraud ever. And this will play out with the tonnage of mail-in ballots selecting Biden, most of which will have the same validity as the rona PCR test. I consider Biden’s inadvertent moment of truth to be the highlight of this selection, at least so far. Even purgatory has its small rewards.

Except for Trump winning the electoral vote as of the morning of Nov. 4, I agree with your projection entirely. As to whether a black swan will oust Trump is irrelevant to the welfare of the people. Americans are about suffer shortly as never before other than perhaps during the War of Southern Secession. The purpose of this selection is to rip the country apart through violence. I would not be surprised to see foreign troops in the USA wearing blue helmets before it is “resolved.”

BTW, was your handle on this website influenced by The Cosmic Serpent by Jeremy Narby?

Oct 25, 2020 10:16 PM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

BTW, was your handle on this website influenced by The Cosmic Serpent by Jeremy Narby?


el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Oct 25, 2020 11:22 PM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

In a somewhat perverted way, I am starting to enjoy the home stretch of the USA selection. While the following op-ed in the WaPo (relating to Hunter Biden dropping off several Macs in a computer repair shop and then forgetting about them) is not superior to Biden’s “voter fraud” moment as I linked above, it rates as a serious contender.

** “We must treat the Hunter Biden leaks as if they were a foreign intelligence operation — even if they probably aren’t.” **

Oct 25, 2020 11:41 PM

The obvious question is, how on earth did America reach the stage where they have two total clowns like this running for the presidency?

Oct 25, 2020 11:44 PM
Reply to  RobG


Oct 26, 2020 12:23 AM
Reply to  RobG

Have you checked Canada (where ballbuster Chrystia F really calls the shots),
UK, and the rest of the “Western Democracies™” lately?

Oct 26, 2020 1:36 AM
Reply to  RobG

Most representative of modern times, is the black CIA agent. His meticulous British duplicity in doing [Secretly] the exact opposite of he advocates publicly. A hugely successful programming operation, especially at the start of his tenure as a white house resident.

Oct 26, 2020 1:56 AM
Reply to  RobG

A glaring example of clowniness was the pious clueless who believed the world misunderestimated the concept of american friesdom. a-clueless-God will bless him!

Oct 26, 2020 2:40 AM
Reply to  RobG

Well, it’s not like they haven’t been practising for a long time…

Oct 26, 2020 2:11 PM
Reply to  RobG

Good question but it is probably an outward sign of decline.

Jean Wilson
Jean Wilson
Oct 27, 2020 3:19 AM
Reply to  RobG

My prediction is not based on stats or secret information.

I have noticed that when a new president is elected he is the opposite in appearance to the last one. e.g. bush, an older white man is succeeded by obama, a younger black man, to be followed by trump, and older white man. so, the next one will be likely to be a younger black man or woman…..Karma-la or Michelle/Michael. Possibly both the latter younger black women – one as president and the other as vice.

But it matters not. The next president has already been s/elected and they are just distractions, nothing more. The same dismal policies and rhetoric will drone on.

Oct 25, 2020 6:27 PM

“they will be uploaded into computers and live forever”

Sorry, it is not ‘they’. It is ‘we’ that have been uploaded. Our data is what matters for our new Gods. Our humanity to be discarded.

Our dignity has been erased and our physical existence is no longer protected as the creepy state and the Enemy have merged into One. All protests have been banned. Our mouths have been sealed. We have been robbed of decency and free will. Society was turned first into individuals, and now we have become virtual-leftover.

… Unless there is a miracle that can turn things around, and the Five-Eyes become five black holes.

Oct 25, 2020 9:24 PM
Reply to  Careful

There is, however, always the personal, individual sense of dignity, and that doesn’t get erased so easily.
These “new gods” will also meet the same fate that Caligula met, sooner or later.
Come to think of it, Caligula even had an excuse for pronouncing himself a god, in the sense that the One God belief, held by many western people today, had not yet taken hold.
So it was basically the mob – knowing better as it did – rather than divine retribution, which took care of him.
I wonder whether that kind of history repeats itself too…

Oct 26, 2020 2:40 AM
Reply to  wardropper

Ok thanks, dignity cannot be erased,but corporate overreach, facilitated by compliant government officials made it [dignity] irrelevant.

I guess the quicker the present business and military might become irrelevant, the better. And there won’t be a shred of sympathy to those who facilitated the assault on our humanity.

Oct 25, 2020 9:59 PM
Reply to  Careful

adventures in memory don’t forget now…

call the bbc show
call robert elms tell us your memories
how it was
how it made you feel

we play the music of the past because it triggers nostalgia

that tender trap of a tavistock life lived

guided by the folks that gave jimmy saville career for 40 year
we need your memory now
call in the show
and let’s dance and laugh and tell story
of a lifetimef of being deceived by bolshevik satanick khazar lies

Jura Calling
Jura Calling
Oct 25, 2020 6:07 PM

‘All dissenting opinions are Russian. I think Socrates said that. I’m paraphrasing.”

No it was definitely Socrates.  He ran against George Bush in 2001. He suffered a huge defeat. The people wanted a man of high intellect whose family were in business with the Bin Ladens. He took the defeat with tremendous dignity and at his press conference stated :

”Worthless people live only to eat and drink; people of worth eat and drink only to live”

He was detained under the mental health act shortly after as a conspiracy theorist and a ‘threat to national security’. 

Nobody knows who took the helm of his underground ‘wikiwisdom‘ after that. But the US has sent 12 aircraft carriers to protect Israel’s borders just in case.

China have yet to comment. President Sum Ting Wong would say only :’ virus ? what virus ?’

Oct 25, 2020 5:41 PM

Honest Government Ad | Q

very funny

Oct 26, 2020 3:02 AM
Reply to  tuff

That was awesome EXCEPT: The guy behind Juice Media clearly believes the entire plandemic narrative even to the point of mocking folk who don’t even as he clearly grocks that authorities are using the plandemic to siphon money out of economies and roll in complete martial law. He was also quick to hint at the Vatican being the center of human trafficking and sexual abuses. He’s making fun of Q’s advocacy of passivity even as he undervalues what folk are learning through Q’s drops. Maybe or maybe not that the Vatican is at the center of it all, but either way, Q has helped to mainstream to former normies folk linked to Saville, Epstein, Bronfmanns, Sandusky, the Finders Cult, Franklin Cover Up, James (Rottenchild) Alefantis, David Brock, Clinton Foundation/Haiti, ………….

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Oct 26, 2020 6:27 PM
Reply to  zdb

He was also quick to hint at the Vatican being the center of human trafficking and sexual abuses. 

Was listening to a dramatisation of a W Somerset Maugham book on BBC Sounds today. There is one character, American, hugely rich, well-connected, catholic, who is visiting Rome. His contacts in The Vatican warn him that Wall Street is about to crash. It duly does, about a month later. Fortunately, he took their advice, and cabled New York, to sell all his securities and put the money into gold. He advised his friends to do the same, but they don’t take his advice and are ruined.

Now how did the Vatican know, or more specifically, how much did Maugham actually know? He had worked for British Intelligence…

Mike Gee
Mike Gee
Oct 25, 2020 5:11 PM

Could the covid cult have bitten off more than they can chew? A major revolt kicking off in Naples?

Oct 25, 2020 5:52 PM
Reply to  Mike Gee

Italian saying
Tanto va la gatta al lardo che ci lascia lo zampino.
So much goes the cat to the lard that she looses a paw.
Violence (unjustified lockdowns) begets violence (institutions smashed)
For those not aware of the fact, many regions of Italy are going against European and human rights law imposing the use of masks everywhere, also for children over 3 years of age now forced to attend schools and suffer for 8 hours a day wearing them.

Oct 25, 2020 6:54 PM
Reply to  Mike Gee

The bankers and their lackeys the politicians and the security state apparatus want to incite riots. But hopefully the people of Italy will see it’s their controllers who are the problem, and depose them.

Oct 25, 2020 10:22 PM
Reply to  Researcher

The thing is, how do you “depose controllers” without riots…?
I think we’re past that stage…

Oct 25, 2020 10:55 PM
Reply to  wardropper

You could use the military and the police, not the top brass but the uncorrupted rank and file, with the support of lawyers, judges and citizens, to arrest the specific controllers on crimes against the people, against the interest of the nation state, grounds of fraud, negligence, incompetence and crimes against humanity.

Once all the emergency laws are overturned by decree, the lists of those that need to expelled from positions of power should follow.

A de-escalation and de-centralization of power would follow on from those initial actions by popular decree.

So that future laws cannot be passed or proposed that supersede individual rights, human rights, Habeas corpus and bodily interference such as any forced medical intervention.

It’s not up to the state to interfere with people’s lives, bodies, movement or livelihoods. Not individually or collectively.

Oct 26, 2020 2:03 AM
Reply to  Researcher

I’m not sure rank and file can be brought onside unless they are deeply imbedded within functioning communities that are under threat. Unless they have to choose between their masters and their people.
Social atomisation is so extreme and extensive I’m not sure there are many functioning communities left.
Military and police often exist solely within military and police communities that have been artificially created by the controllers to avoid exactly the scenario you describe.
Judiciary inhabit elite communities and most legal (and also medical) professionals are representatives of an atomised middle class that has become so infantilised and indolent that they’re basically broken.
Much of the resistance so far has really been an attempt to create communities that otherwise didn’t exist.
So all the authorities have to do is run interference (for example by othering resistors) and never have to push back against meaningful challenges because the resistors are never organised enough to mount them.
Italy is a little different because the Italians still have meaningful regional identies tied to functioning communities. The urban violence is those communities mounting a challenge in the only way they can because they don’t have any judges or lawyers in their ranks.
But are the police, military, judiciary etc. still part of those communities?
Violent confrontation is a pretty good way of testing.
The controller class may want riots so they can justify a crack down, but in the event of a crack down the police and military will be forced to choose.
Do they shoot the people of the town they were born in or do they let them at the controllers?

Oct 26, 2020 2:56 AM
Reply to  Croach

Well said. That gets right to the nitty-gritty.

Oct 26, 2020 3:03 AM
Reply to  Croach

There’s more than one way to topple a government.

Once more people realize what the real agenda is and they will figure it out soon enough; no land, no rights, no property, no assets, no cash, no freedom, no future, they’ll have nothing left to lose.

Oct 26, 2020 4:16 PM
Reply to  Researcher

I hope you’re right.
Once upon a time I was somebody.
I could speak to my community and people would listen and take action.
If that were the case now I’m conflicted as to whether I’d be telling them to sign the petition or gather the brickbats.
Whatever form meaningful resistance takes we need to be prepared to support it with whatever we have left.
Braincells if we can, bones if we have to.

Oct 26, 2020 4:55 PM
Reply to  Croach

Every Lawful means necessary, until…

Oct 26, 2020 4:24 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Don’t count on it. That’s when the controllers will play the “Think of the Children” card. “Think what kind of world you’ll be forcing upon the dear little ones. Is that really what you want?”

And all the ladies of The View will shame the would be revolutionaries into settling back into their couches. (In America that’s all it would take to quell a revolution.)

Oct 25, 2020 9:34 PM
Reply to  Mike Gee

Small crowd.
Nothing to worry the Polizia there…
Always an over-exited girl yelling at somebody, but not getting arrested, while her boyfriend takes pictures of her for his FaceBook page.
This is not a “major revolt”. Wish it was.

Oct 25, 2020 5:01 PM

Freudian slip by the Big Guy:

Oct 25, 2020 6:55 PM
Reply to  Roberto

Go Tammany Hall, go Chicago, go Scranton, whatever desolate imagery fits your legend. Seize the political system by the udders and squeeze it, preferably over several generations. I say, let the beneficence and munificence of office be yours.

But don’t Scrabble your words.

Oct 25, 2020 8:05 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Scrabbling words indeed.
Much of the media’s response to the Big Guy’s slip: It was just a gaffe, which is delicious irony because a ‘gaffe’ is usually just an inadvertent admission of the truth.

Oct 25, 2020 4:24 PM

Men seeking to become “gods” is the essence of the Original Sin. It’s what Satan whispered to Eve in the Garden of Eden. If humans wish to walk into the same Big Lie all over again, well that’s their informed choice.

Oct 25, 2020 9:45 PM
Reply to  Dayne

The trouble is, most people have noticed that there is no divine anger and retribution this time…
It’s like:
“Look, dear mankind, of whom I was once so fond, we’ve been through all this countless times since Moses was inspired by Me to write the Book of Genesis.
“Okay, have it your way. Pretend to be gods if you want, but his time you’re on your own. “In any case, who on earth told you that being a god was simply a decision you take???”
“This will cost you – and guess what, Earth money is not legal tender where I live…”

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Oct 26, 2020 6:32 PM
Reply to  wardropper

“…and anyway, being a god is not all it’s cracked up to be. Frankly, it’s no Paradise”.

Oct 25, 2020 4:11 PM

If medicine fails to find for them the secret of immortality, then computer science and Artificial Intelligence will, and they will be uploaded into computers and live forever in their beloved cyberspace. Digital immortality is not a joke for these people – see Kurzweil’s (the director of engineering at Google) “The Singularity,” etc. – for they are actually insane but hold key positions throughout the computer and biotechnology industries. 

This is all true. But he who controls the servers controls the experience.

Death is presumably insurance that ones experience, whether good or bad, will end. One hopes that we will not be placed in an infinite loop of torture.

However, some posit such a loop. Ah, samsara, the eternal wandering…

John Goss
John Goss
Oct 25, 2020 2:50 PM

In the Presidential debate, and US media, there have been questions about who the “Big Guy” is in Biden family dealings with China. This man removes all doubt that the “Big Guy” is Joe Biden,

Oct 25, 2020 6:17 PM
Reply to  John Goss

John Goss, Although we have never met, I think I know you pretty well. You are man of high morals and principles…and you are really fit, and cycle everywhere and attend demos protesting against all this obscenity.

I am not really interested in The US Elections and I kind of speed-read Edward Curtin’s, article here and normally I can’t wait to read them…
I mean basically there is nothing new here…

I think most Americans already know all their Politicians are bent, and most a lot worse. If you are really interested you can read their Children’s Diaries, but that is completely unethical, and the contents may not be true.

The vast majority of Americans I have met are good and decent people….

Nearly all their Politicians seem to me to be completely Evil, even worse than ours.

I wouldn’t vote for any of theirs, and I won’t vote for any of ours.

Something is going to happen soon. I don’t know what, but it is highly unlikely to be nice – and voting won’t change a thing. I suspect it will be much worse in America, than here.

Americans have got absolutely loads of guns, and they don’t like each other.


Oct 25, 2020 10:59 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

opmocBot, *please stop* with your misdirecting, self-centered drivel.

Thank you!

Oct 26, 2020 3:13 AM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

You believe the psyops that we don’t like each other. We have known and worked with each other forever. Most of us know the difference between pro-wrestling and war – and who finances and controls both. The vast majority of us with weapons are protecting our homes. The few who think otherwise won’t for long. What you hint at that we all dread everywhere are the provacateurs and their financiers. That is another problem. Where that goes depends on the troops and law enforcers and how CCP they are willing to go.

Oct 26, 2020 4:33 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

If you thought Edward Curtin was writing an article about an absurdly insignificant game of Nerf Ball, you sadly missed the point. The Clown Show was merely a point of departure to the bigger Clown Show by far: humanity’s kaleidoscope of nonsensical ways of cheating death.

And it looks like they just about got it nailed down this time.

Oct 25, 2020 7:27 PM
Reply to  John Goss

The military industrial legal financial complex ( MILF ) eats itself. Good to hear from Mr Bobulinski. Brave of him to speak out.

Oct 25, 2020 2:41 PM
Oct 25, 2020 2:32 PM

Most of us here here are probably rooting for The Donald. All in all, quite a solid President – much more so than his two criminal predecessors.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Oct 25, 2020 2:54 PM
Reply to  Thom

Seems like one big CORPORATE FASCIST Kabuki Punch and Judy Show where at the end of the performance the puppeteers come out and mow down the audience with automatic weapons.

The Dude Abides
The Dude Abides
Oct 25, 2020 3:14 PM
Reply to  Thom

I’d like to think most of us here can see Trump for what he is: a useful idiot for the rulers. If his sycophants had the ability to parse the words that escape his petulant lips, they’d realize he serves to legitimize the dreaded so called “radical leftist” opposition, harbingers of “cultural Marxism”, who in turn use Trump to legitimize their phantasmagorical fears of right-wing storm troopers and fascist neo-nazi death camps. Both lie and depend on each other’s survival, but neither really serve the interests of the people.

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Oct 25, 2020 9:47 PM

Divide and Conquer. Was an age old tactic when Sumer was young 6000 years ago.

Oct 25, 2020 4:27 PM
Reply to  Thom

ridiculous statement about trump saying get the military to help out they will only have guns on them to help with the delivery service of the vaccine, you can still say no (like amazon driver with combat gear and gun) what’s wrong with that ?? even Bojo said the same) can t you see we are in a huge pandemic!!!
Also he big T just survived the deadly CV The BIG Cv is so deadly thee cocktail anti body viral called Regeneron (new name for vaccine) miracle drug that save his life has now been approved by the FDA this could kill save millions.
not to worry that he had shares in the company stock manipulation
this wonder drug is the cure.
each trump voter gets 66.6% discount

MAGA make america great and the great reset 

Oct 25, 2020 6:46 PM
Reply to  Thom

I think the people here are mostly intelligent, hence wouldn’t root for either 2020 criminal candidate….And yes, the previous 2 are equally criminal.

Oct 25, 2020 8:04 PM
Reply to  richard

Lew Rockwell?….Nothing to do with the discussion.

Oct 26, 2020 3:18 AM
Reply to  maxine

It’s Rappoport not Rockwell. And to rule out Rockwell without addressing issues raised is equivalent to ad hominem. Might as well go to work for Spotify so you can go on strike when they don’t let you censor Rogan (especially ironic given Rogan’s self censorship).

Oct 27, 2020 12:31 AM
Reply to  zdb

I didn’t see the name “Rappoport”….As for Rockwell, I’m not a Libertarian fan, no ad hominem meant.

Oct 25, 2020 9:52 PM
Reply to  Thom

My agreement comes with no enthusiasm at all.
As someone mentioned here recently, it’s simply a case of “The only thing worse than Trump is Biden”…
“Rooting” is not the right word.
It’s closer to “retching”.
I like Trump like I used to like my smelly old beat-up teddy bear. Teddy would have been an appalling president too, even though his self-esteem was tempered by a much lower income than Trump’s…

Oct 26, 2020 3:44 PM
Reply to  Thom

Trump is probably more popular at Unz, though even there he is loathed by some. Hardly anyone there supports Biden.
I would imagine it is about an even split here between pro-Trump and not liking either of them.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Oct 25, 2020 2:04 PM

Trump vs The Invisible Enemy

Trump: Our campaign is “existential threat” to establishment
Oct 13, 2016
Fox News
Republican presidential nominee campaigns in West Palm Beach, Florida

Oct 25, 2020 5:55 PM

How much did he transfer to his corporate friends? 5 trillion?

Oct 25, 2020 9:12 PM
Reply to  tuff

He just reminded them that the alternative was Biden…

Peter Jennings
Peter Jennings
Oct 25, 2020 1:40 PM

It’s an electric universe, it’s an electric world, we are beings full of the stuff. Perhaps the soul is electric too.

Whoever wins the US election, america is still fucked. It will find itself eating humble pie as did the empire before it. If the Trumpster wins, which i predict will be a rout, there will be an attempt to start a civil war. If biden wins, it will be business as usual and america will slide further into the realm of a junta state.
Those dictating policy for the democrat party are the old guard who put america where it is today….in jeopardy.

Regarding the scamdemic. If only one eminent doctor/medical professional spoke out we should listen. So far thousands have spoken out and our ruling class ignore them and ridicule them knowing they will never meet them at a NHS hospital because they never go there themselves.
The NHS is being used for political purposes. Something which was never part of the plan because it would turn the NHS into a political instrument rather than a medical one. Perhaps this is one reason why the NHS has lost its way of late and is falling foul of every Tom, Dick and Sage shyster.

Mrs S
Mrs S
Oct 25, 2020 1:38 PM

It’s not just about immortality. It’s about theft of land and resoures. They want us plebs imprisoned in smart cities so they can enjoy a pristine, edenic planet without us making it look untidy.

Instead of us being allowed into the countryside they plan to fob us off with a virtual world.

It’s like the Highland Land clearances except this ti me it’s global.

Oct 25, 2020 3:22 PM
Reply to  Mrs S

Bingo. And very well put. Highland clearances and everywhere since. It’s global colonialism. They believe feudalism was more stable and therefor more sustainable than democracratic representation.
Sustainable doesn’t mean the same thing to them as it does to us.

Fact Checker
Fact Checker
Oct 25, 2020 3:58 PM
Reply to  Mrs S

“Highland Clearances”

Thanks for that reference. Hadn’t heard of that, although I have made analogy to the overall Enclosures in Britain many a time.

Each of us will view current events through the lens of whatever historical events caused him or her to dwell and mourn most acutely. For me, as an American, it’s the dispossession of the native North Americans, which has caused me intense grief and regret since childhood. Now, I get to feel the terror of dispossession, enslavement and brutalization too.

The virtual “Matrix” is our reservation, and the “vaxxines” are our smallpox-infested blankets.

Oct 25, 2020 1:14 PM

Your spirit don’t leave knowing…
Your face or your name…
The wind through your bones…
Is all that remains…

That’s from Dirt in the Ground by Tom Waits. The central message of which is that we’re all headed in the same direction. No one escapes the Grim Reaper. It also points put that the overblown egos of the self-important are cosmically trivial.

I wish the members of the ”elite” (aka the parasitic class) would get it into their immature, entitled heads that they’re not special in any way. They just happen to have more money than other people! Which is an insane criterion for deciding who’s ”important” and who isn’t.

This world doesn’t belong to them. Fuck them and their control-freakery.

Oct 25, 2020 7:34 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

You know the old joke:
Q. What do you do if you meet a gorilla with a machine gun?
Ans: Anything he wants you to.

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Oct 25, 2020 1:03 PM

mutTrump is the BEST president the electoral college EVER elected.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Oct 25, 2020 1:41 PM
Reply to  Voz 0db

Mr Trump was “appointed” not elected , America “elected” Ms Clinton by a margin of 3 million votes. Despite the widely held belief that had she plopped her pant-suited arse onto the POTUS throne WW3 would have erupted in Syria?

Walter Melon
Walter Melon
Oct 25, 2020 3:07 PM
Reply to  Jim McDonagh

Good thing overall vote totals don’t matter. Only the electoral college votes elect the President.

Don’t like the rules, don’t play the game.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Oct 25, 2020 3:22 PM
Reply to  Walter Melon

I don’t play that game and haven’t voted since 1968. Look up the definition of “elect” rather than misusing the term. Mr Trump was appointed not elected. The Electoral College is a gaggle of unelected elites whose purpose is always to maintain the status quo.

Oct 25, 2020 4:47 PM
Reply to  Jim McDonagh

Incorrect, the electoral college was initiated to even the playing field. Voters in the big cities and their groupthink can unfairly overwhelm a fair vote in an expansive and rural country.It was true early in our history and even more true nowadays with the huge city dwellers basically all mind controlled leftists.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Oct 25, 2020 7:37 PM
Reply to  Thom

The even playing field has never existed in American or English politics as you well know.

Oct 26, 2020 3:25 AM
Reply to  Thom

That may be the ideology. You apparently have not studied the ownership and operation of the voting machines since 2000. Might want to catch up on that subject by starting with blackboxvoting.org

Oct 26, 2020 3:23 AM
Reply to  Jim McDonagh

Ironic that you bring that up. If memory serves, he won 23% of the popular and she one 26%. That means the majority – 51% – voted neither. Still feel strong about that popular vote?

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Oct 30, 2020 10:15 PM
Reply to  Jim McDonagh

No Jim… The scoundrels in the E.C. VOTE (and their vote actually counts, unlike the vote of the moron slaves!) and they elect via voting a new jester… just like that!

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Oct 31, 2020 1:48 PM
Reply to  Voz 0db

You miss the point? The Electoral College is appointed not elected its purpose has always been to avoid democracy from breaking out , while maintaining a rigid status quo.

Oct 25, 2020 1:02 PM

Excellent article, don’t overlook Whitney Webb’s link from above. Too, read “The Poisoner In Chief…

Oct 26, 2020 3:26 AM
Reply to  Norcal

Interesting how she’s is as good as she is with as limited a hangout as she is.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Oct 25, 2020 1:00 PM

Ascribing the rather short rise and fall of humanity to Plato’s proto-idealism and his alter ego Socrates , strike me as somewhat disingenuous , when viewed through the lens of end stage materialism. A diverting read none the less.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Oct 25, 2020 12:54 PM

How very interesting about the “Dark Winter” exercise – and now Dark Winter has popped up again. God these people are just so brazen. Graeme’s got it wrong though on the anthrax attacks. The anthrax attacks were an “exercise” just like “Dark Winter” but they pushed them out as real just as 9/11 was a massive Full-Scale Anti-Terrorist Exercise comprising many drills they told us about … with a few more they didn’t. The “exercises” are “exercises” and the “real things” are “exercises” too … except they’re pushed out as “real” – that’s the only difference. 9/11, anthrax, COVID-19 = ALL EXERCISES PUSHED OUT AS REAL. It’s all a big Phoney Fake Show. Daschle and Leahy weren’t targeted in the anthrax attacks – they were in on the scam. The Bruce Ivins story is a complete joke – when you wake up to the mind control you absolutely kick yourself. How on earth could I have believed that you ask yourself? God the perps must have a laugh over the anthrax attacks story. It is just so utterly, utterly ridiculous. One of the people who supposedly suffered from anthrax was postman, Pat O’Donnell (a little play on Postman Pat?). The photo of him shows a tiny lesion on his neck and yet 10 years later he’s allegedly still suffering from PTSD. We are told this on the Postal Reporter News Blog: A few years ago, O’Donnell requested that USPS reimburse him $1,000 for all the personal items that federal agents took from his house to test for anthrax spores.The list included 27 articles of clothing, a Sony Walkman, four pairs of shoes, a Jansport backpack, and 50 compact discs. On Jan. 10, 2003 O’Donnell got a letter from the Postal Service saying that before it would consider his claim, he would… Read more »

Geoff S
Geoff S
Oct 25, 2020 12:42 PM

Let them place themselves into digital immortality while we stand excluded on the outside. Once the last of them is safely stored, I vote to format the hard drive.

Oct 25, 2020 2:03 PM
Reply to  Geoff S

Oh yes!
To my mind, a part of the same very necessary strategy as throwing FaceBook out, and never watching TV – except for Monty Python and George Carlin.
Thank heaven for people who can think.
Wouldn’t it be nice if more of them went into scientific and pedagogic careers…?

Oct 25, 2020 2:26 PM
Reply to  wardropper
Oct 25, 2020 3:56 PM
Reply to  Cyd

I missed that series in my protected youth…

Oct 25, 2020 4:16 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Then you have a big treat coming! They had it on pbs in Seattle awhile back or I’d never have found it.

Oct 25, 2020 12:35 PM

Don Jeffries peels back the yarns and narratives created by the Court Historians and Mockingbird Journalists. Crimes and Cover-ups in American Politics: What they didn’t teach you in school. He covers many deaths and events including George Wallace, Ron Brown, William Colby, Gary Webb, Lori Klausutis found dead in the Florida office of Joe Scarborough, then a Republican congressman, and The Finders and Child Protective Services. He talks of the MO, including calling cards: the magic bullet that looked like it didn’t hit anyone; the magical passport that’s pristine; the torn up suicide note with only one part missing — the signature; the secret service memo that contradicts the crime scene; the suicide shots to the back of the head, twice. The FBI that never wants to investigate, the Mockingbird journalists who avoid anything that touches on power. Several individuals stand out from the pages: Huey Long has been smeared as a demagogue, even a national socialist. His Share The Wealth movement went after the very richest and proposed there should be no income tax until someone earned one million dollars a year (equivalent $12 million today). He understood in 1935 the consequences of the huge concentration of wealth. He forecast his death from the floor of the Senate, he talked about the Roosevelt administration and powerful forces plotting to kill him. He was shot a month later. His injuries were not fatal but he died from medical mistakes by a team that included a doctor who declared he hated Long. As with MLK, the movement fell apart after his death because it was so closely associated with one charismatic individual. General Patten was thinking of resigning so that he could speak out, perhaps run for office, as a civilian. They day before he was due to leave Europe and… Read more »

Oct 25, 2020 3:31 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Couple of corrections: Palfrey’s declaration that she would not kill herself, and her subsequent death, was 2008.

Palfrey’s colleague was Brandi Britton, a former university professor of sociology and anthropology “turned prostitute” who hanged herself in Jan 2007, a week before she was to go to trial. Dr Britton, described by her own tutor as one of the most brilliant students of her entire academic career, brought a $1.5 million research grant from the National Institute of Health to the University of Maryland.

Shades of Epstein, sex and academic grants — surely that’s too much of a coincidence? Palfrey may have been an associate of Jeffrey Epstein, according to some sex trafficking victims, like Jessica Collins who recorded this statement in September, 2019.

Or, given that prosecutors had monitored her for years and did nothing, only swooping after she had closed the business and put her house on the market, and that prosecutors immediately gagged her — and later silenced her permanently — it suggests the 3-letter agencies were alarmed by her plans to quit. As in the mafia, so in the intel agencies. You live so long as you serve. You do not get to retire. Parallels with Epstein?

Oct 25, 2020 4:08 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Palfrey’s story is a microcosm of what’s going on now… involving all the same suspects to some degree: the National Institute of Health, research grants, intel agencies, senior U.S. government figures, co-ordination by the military, silence from the media and narratives from Mockingbird journalists — and, crucially, entrapment and blackmail to ensure that officials and politicians do what they’re told.

According to Wayne Madson, the U.S. government and agencies including the CIA used Palfrey’s well educated young women for entrapment. Palfrey also picked up information about 9/11 before it happened – perhaps when producer-businessman Jack Abramoff, who was also connected to the DC Madam scandal, allowed at least two of the 9/11 hijackers to use one of his casino boats. Small world. But then, as Madsen says, much of the escorts’ work was conducted in Virgina, home to a particular intel agency.

VP Dick Cheney made use of the escorts, says Madsen, but also to entertain Halliburton clients in the Mid East. Shirlington Limousine (military links) transported Palfrey’s escorts domestically just as military contractor DynCorp transported sex trafficking victims internationally.

Palfrey herself told Alex Jones in 2008 that the gov was using her as bait to trap people.

Palfrey made the mistake to entrusting her list to CIA asset and Mockingbird journalist Brian Ross of ABC who made sure they were never released.

Oct 25, 2020 5:12 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Which brings us full circle, back to Event Covid. Bill Gates had a relationship (business/pleasure) with Jeffrey Epstein before and after the latter’s first, 2008-11 conviction and luxurious detention. But who was using whom? Epstein used sex and money to build a network of scientists in same field that fascinates Bill Gates – the science of control, cybernetics, and its sibling, the systems approach. The money wasn’t Epstein’s and it wasn’t Gates’ either. This research into the science of government benefits from the huge expansion of the surveillance state, mostly run for profit by corporations. Like the pharmaceutical-medical industry, surveillance requires panics, threats and emergencies to get governments to turn on the taps. Simply stated, panics are profitable, whether they are terror or viruses, real or imagined. Corporations are sucking at the taxpayer’s teat: if most of their income comes from government they are an extension of the corporatist state. Drills for preparedness training, censorship twinned with propaganda from Mockingbird journalists, the introduction of traffic light analogies for levels of threat — followed by unlimited government spending and bailouts for all the big players. It’s the same for terror and viruses. Much of Gates’ money comes from government donations for his “humanitarian” work via the Clinton Foundation or President’s Emergency Plan For AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) — his Microsoft business is heavily dependent on government contracts as well. AIDS is the pretext for huge sums of money to be funneled internationally. Some of it makes its way into seemingly unrelated activities abroad, such “charities” run by George Soros in Ukraine. Corey Lynn’s Digs estimates gargantuan funds have been dispensed: Is AIDS US $90B Taxpayer Dollars A Global Slush Fund? https://www.bitchute.com/video/raqq9O7Penc/ Commentators have observed that politicians and bureaucrats appear to be operating under duress in Event Covid and the coordination in the… Read more »

Fact Checker
Fact Checker
Oct 25, 2020 9:14 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

On the money, ‘Circus.

A lot of people say the Repo-market crash in 2019 was the catalyst for this scamdemic meta-event. I don’t know too much about that, and sort of feel its importance is largely overstated. It was just typical economic-bubble-dysfunction from my shallow understanding.

I feel strongly that Epstein’s–let’s just say…disappearance–was the real opening salvo in WWIII: The Culling.

He was taken out of the equation just as the worldwide blanket-blackmail operation, of which he was the most visible middle manager, was fully cashed in, at every level of government and corporate hierarchies, to coerce full compliance with the monstrosity of global enslavement and purge.

Whether it’s being run by Unit 8200 human operatives, or an autonomous AI programmed to weaponize human hierarchies so as to initiate a self-destruct sequence in the entire human race, I figure it works pretty much like the blackmail-mayhem in the Black Mirror episode, “Shut Up and Dance.” A disembodied e-troll displays the goods it’s got on each target, with a threat to broadcast it on all social media, unless the target…oh, i don’t know…for instance, issues a gubernatorial lockdown executive order? And so on.

Oct 25, 2020 10:55 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

“Corporations are sucking at the taxpayer’s teat: if most of their income comes from government they are an extension of the corporatist state.” Her Majesty’s Government IS a corporation if its registration on SEC website is any thing to go by. See, ( https://thebridgelifeinthemix.info/british-law/government-corporation-death-raised-life/ ). Lots of govs are in the “Government Industry” now, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, etc.; It’s governance by contract now but they don’t inform the plebs of this small detail; I wonder why?

Oct 26, 2020 12:38 AM
Reply to  Asymmetric

Because the bankers and the monarchies were always running the show. For instance the revenue agencies were central banker owned through dummy corporations. A shell game. Stock exchanges. Major transnational corporations the same. Etc. There never was a democracy. It was a farce.

They used revenue and money they stole from the people to fund their entire operation that consists of all the major national and international NGOs, Think Tanks, top 1000 corporations, retail banks, Stock exchanges, Revenue agencies, subcontractors to governments at the local and federal level, and all energy. They own everything and they own us. It was all done through government and crown collusion to hide the truth. Not in just in the commonwealth but all over the world.

The world is a web of control including the religions which are also controlled by the same forces.

May Hem
May Hem
Oct 27, 2020 3:29 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Correct. I live in a state of Australia aptly called “Queensland”.

Oct 27, 2020 7:36 AM
Reply to  May Hem

It’s a pity that referendum to leave the commonwealth was rigged. Drove from Sydney to Surfers Paradise many years ago.

Oct 25, 2020 3:37 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

McCarthy going after the military was what led to his downfall. The 1992 Citizen Cohn TV movie has McCarthy under excessive influence from Roy Cohn, later a Trump associate, who is trying to gain privileges for G. David Schine, a friend of Cohn’s who has been drafted into the Army and was an unpaid staffer for McCarthy. A Senator tries to dissuade McCarthy and Cohn from going after the Army, saying, “These are our boys, fighting in Korea. They’re heroes!” McCarthy and Cohn were running out of Communist targets elsewhere and though the US Army was a problematic place to find them, they tried. There were actually three years between the hearings and McCarthy’s death, widely attributed to alcoholism, but he was a pariah in the Senate after a vote of censure was passed against him. All Democrats and half the Republicans voted for it. JFK did not vote – he was in hospital for back surgery, but never indicated which way he would vote – his brother Robert had been a McCarthy associate.
“Re-writes of history” – the whole atmosphere of the time tends to be called McCarthyism, but he was a Senator and the HUAC was the House of Representatives. The HUAC’s work did benefit from McCarthy’s time in the limelight but became more questioned after he lost popularity. Former allies like J. Edgar Hoover backed away from McCarthy, especially after his censure, although prior to that they were photographed playing golf together.

Oct 25, 2020 4:13 PM
Reply to  Waldorf

With regard to General Patton, I doubt whether he would have made it as a politician. (I am skeptical about the murder theory.) Had he run for office, the slapping incidents would have been revived in the media and his tactlessness would have been a handicap on the campaign trail. In June 1945 he visited the US and told mothers of soldiers killed in battle that the soldier killed in battle is “frequently a fool”. His relations with his niece Jean Gordon might have come in for scrutiny.
MacArthur had a sounder sense of politics than Patton, but after he screwed up on the battlefield in Korea Truman managed to remove him without major problems.

Oct 25, 2020 6:21 PM
Reply to  Waldorf

I agree that Patton’s strengths in the theatre of war perhaps left him unsuited to civilian government (though the neo-lib-cons-progressives seem to take the opposite view when it serves their purposes, currently demanding military salvation at every turn).

At the time, landlubber politicians at home watching him “over there” would likely have perceived Patton’s stature as intimidating and his fame a huge threat. Remember that for all the later demonizing, many people after the war would not hear a bad word said against Stalin, given the USSR’s decisive defeat of fascism. Hindsight misleads us.

And Patton was clearly a man who liked to think for himself. We have had ample evidence since his death that that’s a trait the tax-exempt Foundations and the Wall St boot boys in intel will not tolerate.

Imagine reading the newspapers in 1945. The war’s was just ending: April, FDR dies. December Patton dies. Would you not see a tectonic rearranging of plates?

Oct 26, 2020 12:34 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

No. Because people die. It is one reason why I am kind of immune to Covid hysteria, which deep down stems from the inability to accept that we all pop off sooner or later. You did a longish list of people who die under odd circumstances. Some are indeed odd. Forrestal and Kilgallen in my opinion are the ones most likely to have been bumped off by a plot, then perhaps Long, but some of the others are more dubious as conspiracy fodder. McCarthy had been a pariah for several years before his death and his alcohol abuse was widely noted – basically he had gone too far in targetting the US Army. Going after someone like Dashiell Hammett, a novelist who probably had been in the CPUSA, was one thing. Going after the Voice of America was another. A technician grilled there by Cohn, McCarthy’s associate, shortly after killed himself by walking into traffic. But going after the Army a year after the Korean War ended was not a smart move. But he was disgraced by the time of his death and killing him was probably unnecessary. Traffic accidents involving the military are not so unusual. General Walton Walker died in one during the Korean War, in Korea. Perhaps the chaos of war gets a special pass but nobody seems to have suggested “they” were out to get him. Patton got bad press as well as good in WW2, and seems to have thought “the Jews” had it in for him. If he had had political ambitions, and I have found little evidence he did, he would be up against this. Sometimes it is interesting to compare these cases with ones that did not attract theories. Laurence Steinhardt, former US ambassador to Turkey and the USSR, died in a… Read more »

Oct 26, 2020 1:28 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

I have had a reply to this in “spam check” for a while.
I wonder if the Admin will let it through.

Oct 26, 2020 1:36 PM
Reply to  Waldorf

No. Because people die. It is one reason why I am kind of immune to Covid hysteria, which deep down stems from the inability to accept that we all pop off sooner or later. You did a longish list of people who die under odd circumstances. Some are indeed odd. Forrestal and Kilgallen in my opinion are the ones most likely to have been bumped off by a plot, then perhaps Long, but some of the others are more dubious as conspiracy fodder. McCarthy had been a pariah for several years before his death and his alcohol abuse was widely noted – basically he had gone too far in targetting the US Army. Going after someone like Dashiell Hammett, a novelist who probably had been in the CPUSA, was one thing. Going after the Voice of America was another. A technician grilled there by Cohn, McCarthy’s associate, shortly after killed himself by walking into traffic. But going after the Army a year after the Korean War ended was not a smart move. But he was disgraced by the time of his death and killing him was probably unnecessary. Traffic accidents involving the military are not so unusual. General Walton Walker died in one during the Korean War, in Korea. Perhaps the chaos of war gets a special pass but nobody seems to have suggested “they” were out to get him. Patton got bad press as well as good in WW2.If he had had political ambitions, and I have found little evidence he did, he would be up against this. Sometimes it is interesting to compare these cases with ones that did not attract theories. Laurence Steinhardt, former US ambassador to Turkey and the USSR, died in a plane crash in 1950. I am unaware of any theories that “they” got him. But… Read more »

Oct 26, 2020 1:39 PM
Reply to  Waldorf

The above message is block-copied from one I sent earlier which is in “spam check”. I edited it so a particular ethno-religious group is not mentioned – it seems to have been that which triggered the “spam check”.

Oct 26, 2020 2:39 PM
Reply to  Waldorf

The original message got through, although it is perhaps necessary to write in a slightly more indirect way so the “spam check” does not impose delays.

Oct 25, 2020 12:25 PM

together with “fear and death” the element which seals the trauma bonding formula for engineered consent, is the one used to make everyone morally complicit to the horrors they witness. other methods widely used today by the industry of cancer, is the spiking of food and beverages with voodoo formulas (see -Senomyx in mineral water, pepsi, nestle, …) of corse, non of would work if people would stop buying the crap they are being sold, and I don’t mean just the material products, but also the words of beings which are known deceivers and scums such as many of the politicians, journalists and news agencies with financial ties to the industry of cancer. What we can all see now, is that while the real pandemic killing tens of millions of people each year (cancer) is being hidden by the very same industry producing it, the world is distracted and made to panic by a propaganda machine which with its sick and disgusting media outlets and alf plastic alf human marionettes, pretends to impose a reality of horror and despair which in reality as very little to nothing to do with the far worst reality we are all made to live in. So my humble suggestion is, stop buying shite and start to use your time and resources to support those which are not poisoning you. Buy a UVC lamp to protect your self, both mentally and physically from the sickos threat of biological warfare. Spend more time with your family and friends so that you can discuss the issues you are having and find the logic answers to the questions in hand. and if you have the faculty to do it, organize and participate in class actions to bring down those which put profit ahead of humanity and of our… Read more »

Oct 25, 2020 2:11 PM
Reply to  Sol

Here a short video about the senomyx in your fridge, kitchen and table.
You can find lodes of material on it on the web.
STOP buying cannibal products and stop giving your money to companies and multinationals which are literally killing Babies and turning you and your children into cannibals.

Also, I strongly advice you to Make your own research about it and especially if you’re thinking about taking any kind of vaccine, before someone will “inject you and or your family with it”.


Oct 25, 2020 11:59 AM

Sue Cook hits the nail on the head. We are witnessing a PCR test ‘case’-demic and Government skulduggery has combined normal flu and pneumonia to fuel the fear. Of course, none of it is about health but the ‘New Normal’ (technofascism).

I don’t want to live in a future whereby I need a QR code to meet friends for coffee. My Christmas wish for Santa is for a giant asteroid.
comment image

Oct 25, 2020 12:34 PM
Reply to  Jay

Sue Cook also had this to say about her former employer, the BBC, a couple of weeks ago…


Oct 25, 2020 3:42 PM
Reply to  JudyJ

I have suddenly become very fond of Sue Cook…
Is she married?

Oct 25, 2020 3:51 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Of course the PCR thing isn’t even a goddam test!

Oct 25, 2020 4:32 PM
Reply to  wardropper

She’s currently on her third marriage!! So there’s hope for you yet. Although, if you’re married, your wife might have something to say about that. 😀

Oct 25, 2020 7:06 PM
Reply to  JudyJ

Perhaps my wife would like her too…?
Okay, you win.
Strictly Platonic then.

Fen Tiger
Fen Tiger
Oct 25, 2020 12:42 PM
Reply to  Jay

Indeed, an article in the Mail today asks where has flu gone, because cases have dropped by 98% worldwide.Apparently scientists are puzzled. I look forward to their findings.

Oct 25, 2020 2:38 PM
Reply to  Fen Tiger

There are those who claim flu cases haven’t vanished at all, but are instead being recorded as Covid-19. Sceptics say Covid tests are unable to distinguish between coronavirus and flu, but this is simply untrue.

Dr Elisabetta Groppelli, virologist and lecturer in global health at St George’s, University of London, explains: ‘Flu and Covid-19 are caused by very distinct viruses, and this is clear to see under a microscope. 

There’s no chance of mistaking one for the other – the fragment of viral genetic material from the coronavirus looks like a bit of spaghetti, while the flu genetic material we test for looks like eight pieces of penne pasta.’


Oct 25, 2020 5:59 PM
Reply to  THX-1143

Doctor Groppelli does not know what she is talking about or using straw man argument. This is not about differences in viruses Which are clear, but about massively administered PCR test inability to identify specifically SC2 from Influenza and other bacteria.

here are facts:

From Manufacturer Creative Diagnostics website.

SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus Multiplex RT-qPCR Kit (CD019RT)

Regulatory status: For research use only, NOT FOR USE IN DIAGNOSTICS PROCEDURES.

Datasheet COA SDS
Specificity: NON SPECIFIC interference of Influenza A Virus (H1N1), Influenza B Virus (Yamagata), Respiratory Syncytial Virus (type B), Respiratory Adenovirus (type 3, type 7), Parainfluenza Virus (type 2), Mycoplasma Pneumoniae, Chlamydia Pneumoniae, etc.,.

such assertion has been confirmed by FDA.

From FDA approval letter for Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc., RTqPCR test.

Positive results are indicative of the presence of SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid; clinical correlation with patient history and other diagnostic information is necessary to determine patient infection status. Positive results do not rule out bacterial infection or co-infection with other viruses.

in other words Beyond the fact that it could produce up to 3% of false positives depending on lab and CT, positive PCR test is non specific (says nothing specific about what exactly pathogens are in the sample) and per FDA cannot Determine patient infection status and hence cannot alone determine existence of clinical case COVID disease.the case numbers are lies.

PCR positive test maybe positive due to influenza virus despite its big structural differences with SC2.

Oct 26, 2020 1:25 PM
Reply to  Fen Tiger

Indeed, where has the flu gone.
Perhaps Covid is a blessing in disguise, removing virtually all other illnesses.

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Oct 26, 2020 7:00 PM
Reply to  Waldorf

And increasing life expectancy (i.e. average age of covid death exceeds normal life expectancy).

Oct 25, 2020 2:07 PM
Reply to  Jay

It also occurred to me the other day that if they “tested” the population for measles, using this NON-test, it would come to light that we ALL, without exception, have measles.
Why are 20,000 excellent scientists unable to come to that conclusion without my help…?

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Oct 26, 2020 7:01 PM
Reply to  wardropper

I’m sure it’s been posted here, but there is a YT video of a guy in the UK sending off his PCR test without actually having used it, and it coming back positive.

Oct 25, 2020 9:11 PM
Reply to  Jay

You can keep the giant asteroid.
What I want is tiny little meteorites, divinely guided, targeting black magicians only.
Pity I no longer believe in Santa Claus…

Oct 25, 2020 11:56 AM

On the one hand the author says the candidates have no power to change anything, as they are simply reporting to the elites, then on the other hand he tries to rip them a second for not discussing historic nonsense that is irrelevant to pretty much anyone. This article just does not hang together logically: if the candidates are just obeying orders, then why are you criticising them? Why are you not criticising their owners, that would be a much more interesting article. Using your own premise, stop criticising the accountant and instead criticise the bad guy.

John Goss
John Goss
Oct 25, 2020 11:35 AM

The damning indictments on Biden came before the debate. In the Dance of the Macabre I see him as being the one most likely to fall on his sword.


Oct 25, 2020 2:12 PM
Reply to  John Goss

Except that Trump is probably enough of a weird loose cannon to pose a likely threat to the smooth implementation of “YouKnowWho’s” plans…
It seems likelier to me that Dems falling on swords is out, while Trump being thrown under a bus is in…

Oct 26, 2020 1:33 PM
Reply to  wardropper

I despise him (and Biden) – I agree that his loose cannon behaviour is why he has encountered so much resistance. It seems being liked by Netanyahu is not enough to smooth his path, perhaps because there are those who think Netanyahu is also a loose cannon.

Oct 26, 2020 4:56 PM
Reply to  Waldorf

Good point, although Nettie does tend to keep his cannon always pointed in the same direction…

Patrick Joff
Patrick Joff
Oct 25, 2020 11:27 AM

QAnon is a cult within a cult which half of Trump’s supporters believe in.



Oct 25, 2020 7:05 PM
Reply to  Patrick Joff

It’s not even a cult. It’s an NSA operation run out of Q Group.

Oct 25, 2020 10:44 AM

Yes, the ongoing search of the rich and famous for immortality. Uploading their flatuous thoughts into a computer program being the latest nonsense following on frozen heads. We all die as we are all meant to die, as science has no understanding of life how could it ever change that?

We fear death as we don’t understand it, our personality “dies” but we as individuals are immortal already, those that crave extended life here only do so due to their love of wealth, the very thing that actually has no importance.

They can do as they want, they are giants purely in their own minds, but in reality merely gnats on our continuing evolution.

Qnpox Wep
Qnpox Wep
Oct 25, 2020 10:27 AM


Oct 25, 2020 10:18 AM

Off topic – could not figure it out.
I admit I could not understand what the article was about. Trump and Biden representing the same interests, The Human Condition, greed, politics, all or none of the fore mentioned?
The author is impressively well read and educated, it must be said.
A microbe on a cathedral floor may ask “why was this built for me, what is it’s meaning ?”, just
like humans, who in their sickly ‘Humanism’, seek to interpret the world in terms as to how
it relates to the self important humans. The disease is in the wiring – it can not be eradicated.

Oct 25, 2020 1:54 PM
Reply to  alex

Not of the “wiring” of us or our brains but of a severe problem with education and our understanding of the myths of the monetary system, the banking system, the stocks markets, politics and government, industry and trade, education and history, science and medicine, theology and spirituality.

We are living in a world of myths. Myths perpetrated for power, control and profit. The author touches on the need of these psychopathic individuals who run the world for their own attempt to become immortal through tyrannous and god type actions, but in fact are built on castles of sand.

If mostly everything we have around us is built on lies, then nothing that emanates from those lies is beneficial to us, or the planet.

We live in a society where people have been conditioned to behave, believe, and follow orders based on an artificial, hierarchical construct of money, power, and domination by force, and so chaos, misery and suffering is the result. But we have the chance to change that course. To see the truth and eradicate the fear, which ultimately is all based on false beliefs within a false construct.

It’s not from inevitability that we find ourselves where we are now but through a thousand or more years of conditioning, by trillions of dollars in creating a web of control built entirely on false constructs and lies. It only takes one lie to build a web of lies and it’s in that web of lies that we find ourselves stuck, unable to move, maneuver or escape.

Once we can see the truths, the lies start to unravel and so does to the web of power and control, lies and fraud, wealth and dominance, wars and death.

Oct 25, 2020 5:11 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Yes, I agree, but “changing the course” or “seeing the truth” , on a large enough scale that would matter, if that would be possible at all, would require the kind of human progress that is not happening (a myth). Mankind is moving in the opposite direction, ever dumber, ever more controlled and divided by ever more sophisticated propaganda and other forms of coercion and manipulation.
Besides, people equals shit – we are not the crown of creation.
Even in the unlikely case that everyone would see through the lies, that our world is made of, the egotism, that is in our wiring, will
guarantee a continuation of the misery and suffering that are the main part of human existence.
Man can not rise above his nature.

Oct 25, 2020 6:26 PM
Reply to  alex

I see why people may feel that way, but the nature of man is not shit. There are certain aggressive traits in man where testosterone and dominance intersects with our strong survival instinct and unfortunately because of this, bullies, murderers and thugs have prevailed over time, using deception, propaganda, hatred and fear just as they are trying now, through the pretext and vehicle of a virus. However, the true nature of man is that of a communal and mimetic animal, not a herd animal and not perpetually at war or battle, or even naturally destructive to our environment, other animals or the planet. The wars were always guided by the bankers, dictators and monarchs and always through falsity and lies. The environment was raped and polluted by exactly the same forces, for the purpose of profit and control. Ordinary people, for the most part get along when there is no scarcity, and no outward manipulation. Humans are spiritual beings with capabilities that far outweigh some of the more aggressive base instincts. We have language that can convey nuances, depth, creativity and inspiration and we have artistic expression that engenders ideals of beauty, generosity, harmony and truth. And now we have robotics and technology that could be used to help mankind, but instead has been used as a tool for censorship, power, domination control and deceit. When we recognize and value the positive aspects of humanity such as creativity, cooperation, ingenuity, fortitude, empathy and compassion over the more negative aspects, such as greed, avarice, ignorance, fear and aggression we can transcend the destiny purposefully plotted for us by those who wish to eliminate most of the population, and control the remainder through AI, mass surveillance, central command control and biometric nanotech. The controllers want to engender apathy, despair and fear and… Read more »

Oct 25, 2020 8:37 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Thank you for your comment, and the link to the book.
I wish I could share your positive outlook on humanity. Alas, the world, as
I see it, offers little material for such optimism.
Awareness and understanding of how our lives are organised will not suffice to end the tyranny of capitalism and its elites, or to halt the ever advancing destruction of nature. Our ‘democracies’ don’t allow for challenging the status quo, leaving only violent options to bring about change.
I am glad I am old, as today’s youth has no future, contrary to the proverb.

Oct 25, 2020 6:35 PM
Reply to  Researcher

*stock markets

Oct 25, 2020 2:14 PM
Reply to  alex

The article was just another description of what is wrong with politics, science, education and the media today.
The materialization of everything, and the spiritualization of nothing.
Automatons vs. Humans.

Oct 25, 2020 5:40 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Yes, a description of what is wrong – that is a good summary.
Spirituality, like ‘energy’ and auras, imho is something for a paranormal tv series.
Automatons?? More like humans versus humans, as it has always been.

Oct 25, 2020 7:16 PM
Reply to  alex

I agree it has always been thus – so far…
But it looks like utter materialism is finally ready to shoot itself in the brain, and no paranormal TV series could do justice to the really freakish stuff which is going on now – stuff which really doesn’t fit into the category of “human” at all.
I suppose I could have used more “down-to-earth” terminology for those more comfortable with that, and it might be just as accurate to say, “the monetizing of everything, and a respect for nothing natural at all.
These guys really do think they’re gods.
Nothing paranormal about that. They are simply certifiably insane, and they are menaces to us all.
Yet we tolerate them endlessly…

Oct 25, 2020 10:11 AM

Brillante artículo. De lo mejor que he leido por aquí. Esas dos fuerzas opuestas que nombre en algun momento, ambas parte del mismos show, representadas por los dos candidatos en Usa, bien pudieran ser las lucifericas y ahrimanicas de las que hablaba Rudolf steiner. Lucifer, dador de luz, angel del conocimiento y la ascension espiritual desprovista de amor. Ahriman, el príncipe del mundo material. Encaja.
Gracias off guardian por ser de los pocos lugares donde uno puede leer sin vomitar. Nunca dejen de ser decentes.

Oct 25, 2020 7:23 PM
Reply to  MANUEL

Puts us English-speakers in our place, that.
Think I got the gist though… 🙂

Oct 25, 2020 7:29 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Sorry man. Next time i will write in eng.

Oct 25, 2020 10:33 PM
Reply to  Manuel

No apologies necessary, Manuel.
It’s just that your British readers might not bother to find a translator.
If your English is fluent, as it seems to be, your interesting comment might catch more eyes though.
All good.
I’m more into Germanic languages myself, with some French.

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Oct 26, 2020 7:07 PM
Reply to  Manuel

Fortunately google translated rendered a perfectly legible version. Whether it was perfectly accurate or not, only Spanish + English speakers would be able to judge. 🙂

Gracias off guardian por ser de los pocos lugares donde uno puede leer sin vomitar”. <- I could understand this bit though. 🙂

Bob the Hod
Bob the Hod
Oct 25, 2020 9:42 AM

Trying to make everything digital is all well and good (actually, all bad and all bad for you), but reality exists in the real world. Who will build the buildings, maintain the infrastructure, deal with the day to day problems of billions of ordinary people that will not suddenly go away? Who will produce the food, who will clean your windows? Ordinary people like us. Not robots. Not cyber geeks. Not billionaires, politicians or ruling elites who have never so much as picked up a brush in their lives.

These elites are getting ahead of themselves. We aren’t that advanced as a civilisation. The real world will always be the real world, it existed before us and it will continue to exist after us. What these ruling elites will do is to make life worse for the majority of people. They already do that. But they can’t win, nobody can, and theirs is the ultimate exercise in futility.

The Universe created us and it will move how it moves and there’s nothing that anybody can do to stop it because we are but minute parts of it destined to move inexorably with the whole. We can’t know how the Universe, our creator, will pan out, and we can only have the narrowest of views into the mind of the Universe through our own perception of consciousness. I, for one, was born to live in the real world and I will die in the real world and in my life I will reject the insanity of these psychopathic parasites who think they are “elite”. It’s all that I could ever do.

Oct 25, 2020 8:31 AM

Genuine question: are our global political elite fully onboard with the plan from an architects pov or are they being duped too?

Oct 25, 2020 2:16 PM
Reply to  Blubber

My feeling is that if you add outright Satanism to the mix, you have your answer.