The Last Days of the Trumpian Reich
CJ Hopkins

So, according to the corporate media, this is it for Russian-backed Hitler. Game over. The walls are closing in. It’s the last days of the Trumpian Reich. Get those vuvuzelas ready!
Yes, apparently, the American people, who were all a bunch of Putin-worshipping, white-supremacist neo-Nazis when they elected Trump in 2016, have come to their senses and are going to deliver a landslide victory to “Slappy” Joe Biden and bring down the curtain on this “Age of Darkness,” or save the world from “racial Orwellianism” or the “bottomless pit of facsism,” or whatever.
White supremacy will be defeated and globalization will rise from the ashes! Decency will be restored! Love will trump hate! Black lives will matter!
Slappy and Kamala will immediately fly down and liberate the concentration camps. Trump will face some sort of Nuremberg trial, where he will have to answer for mass-murdering six million people with the Coronavirus by taking off his mask on the White House balcony.
Hillary Clinton will be appointed … something.
Exuberant liberals will pour into the streets, chanting unintelligible slogans through their designer masks and plastic head bubbles. OK, sure, the global economy will be ruined, and millions of people will be unemployed, and homeless, or will have needlessly died, so that GloboCap could simulate an apocalyptic global plague, and foment racialized civil unrest, and just generally create an atmosphere of confusion, depression, and paranoia, but the War on Populism will finally be over … and GloboCap will start to “Build Back Better!”

OK, it won’t be “better” right away. As our friends at the World Economic Forum note:
Thanks to the ongoing pandemic, the world is off-balance – and it will remain so for years to come. Far from settling into a ‘new normal’, we should expect a Covid19 domino effect, triggering further disruptions – positive as well as negative – over the decade ahead. The wave of civil unrest that spread across America and beyond recently may be one example …”
So, all right, maybe not quite the end of the War on Populism, but at least a new stage of it. A chaotic, destructive, violent stage of it, which will require a lot of “emergency measures” and will end up radically transforming the planet into one big pathologized-totalitarian marketplace.
We conspiracy theorists are calling it The Great Reset … but don’t take it from us, take it from TIME magazine, which just happens to be owned by a guy named Marc Benioff, a World Economic Forum Board of Trustees member, whose net worth is approximately $7.8 billion, and who is deeply concerned about the environment, and inclusivity, and economic fairness, as is everyone at the WEF these days.

Fortunately, just by sheer coincidence, this apocalyptic global plague has provided Marc and his billionaire buddies (who own the majority of the corporate media, and who meet once a year in a remote location guarded by heavily-armed security to discuss our future with major government leaders) with an opportunity to “reset” capitalism and save the planet from … well, themselves.
That’s not how they see it, naturally. No, the way they see it, they’re not the problem. The problem is … well, the problem is people. Not rich and powerful people like themselves, or the people they need to continue working, consuming, and servicing the interest on their loans, but … you know, all those other people. Uneducated, un-woke, working-class people. Gun-toting, fanatically religious people. Racist, conspiracy-theorizing people. Deplorable people. “Populist” people. People they don’t need anymore.
These people have been a problem recently. Not only are they a drag on the system, they have been actively interfering with it, voting for Brexit, electing Donald Trump, refusing to abandon their traditional values and outmoded ideas (e.g., national sovereignty, freedom of speech, and mammalian biology) and get on board with global capitalist ideology, and have been otherwise being a real pain in the ass.
It was one thing when these problem people were mostly black- and brown-skinned people with “extremist” beliefs in faraway countries that most Western consumers couldn’t care less about, because GloboCap could just bomb the crap out of them, but they can’t really do that here in the West. Hence, the War on Populism that we have been experiencing for the last four years … and whatever new, dystopian stage of it that awaits us in the post-Trump future.
2020 has been a preview of it. The lockdowns, the masks, the “social distancing,” and other so-called “emergency measures,” the Orwellian propaganda, the censorship of dissent, the banning of political protests, the corporate media finally transforming into a full-blown Goebbelsian keyboard instrument, the goon squads raiding people’s homes, the cult-like, totalitarian conformity … it’s just a taste of what’s to come.
This was always in the cards, of course. It was just a matter of time until we got here. The folks at GloboCap are no fools. They know they can’t remake the world into one big happy neo-feudal marketplace without breaking a few proverbial eggs … and not just in those “terrorist” countries, but everywhere, throughout the global capitalist empire. And that is exactly what they intend to do. So, they needed a new official narrative to justify all the broken eggs.
They haven’t settled on an official slogan yet. “The New Normal,” “The Great Reset,” “The Green New Deal” … they’re all just trial balloons at this point. It doesn’t really matter what they call it. It amounts to a new type of totalitarianism. As I noted in my previous column, “[i]t isn’t national totalitarianism, because we’re living in a global capitalist empire, which isn’t ruled by nation-states, but rather, by supranational entities and the global capitalist system itself.” But it is totalitarianism nonetheless.
They aren’t hiding it. They’re spelling it out, not in spittle-flecked Hitlerian speeches, but, clearly, unmistakably, in corporate-speak. Here is Klaus Schwab, Chairman of the WEF:
“[T]he world must act jointly and swiftly to revamp all aspects of our societies and economies, from education to social contracts and working conditions. Every country, from the United States to China, must participate, and every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed. In short, we need a ‘Great Reset’ of capitalism.”
I added emphasis for those new to corp-speak. And, for those interested in reading more about Klaus Schwab, Winter Oak has published this disturbing profile, which you can also read on Cory Morningstar’s blog (along with a lot of other censored content).
Sorry … I was supposed to be writing about the final days of the Trumpian Reich, and I got all sidetracked with this GloboCap business. I hope you’ll forgive me for not being able to get all fired up about the election next week. Given everything else that is happening, and everything that has happened over the last four years, I’m just having a little trouble believing that there is any realistic scenario wherein GloboCap lets Trump serve a second term, regardless of who actually wins. So, that kind of takes all the suspense out of it.
Don’t worry, though, I’ll get back on the horse when the post-election rioting begins, and Donald Trump finally goes full-Hitler, declares himself Führer, dissolves the Congress, and orders his legions of Russia-loving white supremacists to start rounding up the Jews, as the corporate media, the fake “left” media, the Intelligence Community, the Democratic Party, fascism experts, Hollywood celebrities, and every hysterical liberal in existence have been promising he would since 2016.
Seriously, if he doesn’t go full-Hitler this time, and start rounding up and mass-murdering somebody, or else order the nuking of the United States and then blow his brains out in his underground bunker, some people are going to have some explaining to do.
CJ Hopkins is an award-winning American playwright, novelist and political satirist based in Berlin. His plays are published by Bloomsbury Publishing and Broadway Play Publishing, Inc. His dystopian novel, Zone 23, is published by Snoggsworthy, Swaine & Cormorant. Volume I of his Consent Factory Essays is published by Consent Factory Publishing, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Amalgamated Content, Inc. He can be reached at or
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You know I’ve been following and vaguely fact checking all this enough to know you could support any one of those points using a number of sources. While a number of people have said something similar, but you Hopkins said it all with style. It was extremely amusing. I thought I would come back and mention it. Great writing if you like this sort of thing.
………. sounds plausible enough……
The self-indulgent crap peddled as ‘opinion’ reminds me why I dumped this asshole site years ago. I’m pleased to have my opinion validated with the first article.
I just want to go back to when the internet and the mobile phones did not exist and I danced the night away
Please, what is GloboCap ?
“GloboCap” is a contraction of “the global capitalist ruling classes”. It’s Hopkins’ term for what amounts to a shadowy super- or meta-plutocracy that transcends traditional nation-state and regional “sphere of influence” boundaries.
In this view, world affairs– geopolitical and sociopolitical systems– are controlled or governed by an elite or ruling class of people whose power derives from their wealth.
Thank you!
It is another meme created to divert our attention from the ancient real pullers of levers from behind their curtain – another fake all powerful Wizard. A lie.
Like all such creations – ‘ Global Reset’, ‘New Normal’ , ‘Covidiot’ etc such memes are created narratives by the same ancient powers and their media minions across its full spectrum , from Main Stream to Alt Stream, to use any real crisis to their advantage.
Ie To keep you/us confused and watching their fake Wizard memes while they steal all the wealth and even murder us.
Thank you!
Aka as the ‘Parasite Class’ the one percent of the one percent who play God without permission. The technocrats who created your fake world, fake fiat currency, fake wars and hacked your perception of reality a long time ago. They hijacked America and used it as it’s proxy to reign terror across the world, while gaslighting the American citizens with fear and psy ops of Liberty and Apple Pie- all while they sent our sons and daughters to slaughter and be slaughtered in their wars for mote power and energy. Now they this technocracy are at the door of Trans humanism to usher in their 4th Industrial Revolution where AI and robotics will replace jobs and police you under ‘bio-security’ to save you from yourself. It is rule by algorithm now. Every thing is code. Your DNA, RNA, Genetics and make manufactured viruses of genetic databases. The real reason they hate Trump is the orange man bad is standing in their way. Hate him or love him- Trump has not participated in their war mongering games. And his speech at Davos to WEF pre covid explains it clearly.
Build Back Better. At least Command Control could have picked something more inspirational but just as silly, like ‘Eat The Rich’, an old favourite. But it is alliteral, and can be chanted by the mobs to a drumbeat, causing them to forget that they are the present and future victims. Having been encouraged to destroy all that enables their survival, the hope of the rabble should be that things will be better. In Olden Tymes, they also failed to realise that the rich are relatively few, and the supply would quickly run out, with famine the result.
There was an amusing video a while back, whereupon someone with a megaphone was attempting to inspire a chant of more than a few words long by the mob. It woefully failed – just trailed off – when they couldn’t remember anything past the first three words and many of the crowd just started grunting. It’s helpful to remember that these people are the bulk of the voter population, their numbers helpfully expanded by the inclusion of ever more of those least qualified to vote. Not that it matters anyway.
As Biden, the running mate of Harris has stated when he ran off script, possibly when the teleprompter paused (assuming he could read it) and he had to improvise:
“[we] Democrats have created the “most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.”
Some in the media rationalised it as an unfortunate choice of words resulting in a ‘gaffe’, but of course a gaffe is just an inadvertent telling of the truth, the lesson being to never allow the ‘leaders’ in on the plan.
Trump trolls the Satanists, again!
US GDP Soars By A Record 33.1% In Q3, Smashing Expectations
by Tyler Durden
Thu, 10/29/2020
What goes down, must come up, and one quarter after US GDP collapsed by a record 31.4% annualized, moments ago the BEA reported that in Q3 the US economy rebounded by a similarly record high 33.1%, the biggest annualized increase in history.
Q doesnt teach milkshakes real intelligence 33.1% In Q3, trump is 88 Caesar mercury
to integene for you how about TRUMP fake Cv diagnose 33 day before the selection on 11/3 which is 33
33 freemason
Sure he hasnt joined the Mercian regiment ?

a shield or badge or flag
is a signifier for them
your image you poste dme is a badge it also the double headed eagle crown i am not go going to get in to the other parts of ti
it pre roman
it difficult talking to people who plead allegiance to 50 pentagrams or that type of stuff as most are programmed to believe what they are told
Then there’s this, from the folks who created the London Skool of Eekonomiks’
Many are eager for COCA COLA CO to get a new President… so it can start bottling milk instead of Coca Cola. Right?
H. S. Thompson had to be puking if he ever had to ‘read’ even a ‘sentence’ of this moronic tripe. But he knew about starvlings such as this most un-notable verbal coward who apparently spewed the above.
“As far as I’m concerned, it’s a damned shame that a field as potentially dynamic and vital as journalism should be overrun with dullards, bums, and hacks, hag-ridden with myopia, apathy, and complacence, and generally stuck in a bog of stagnant mediocrity.’
I got an inside tip that Hillary with be appointed secretary of the newly created Department of Ritual Sacrifice.
“I came, I saw, you died. Tee, hee, tee, hee, tee, hee. Got broom? ”
hahahahahaha crying with laughter
To Everyone Around The World –
Simply The Most Important 15 Minutes Of This Time – In Person Interview With Solid Verification Biden Did The Things Trump Was Falsely Accused Of With Former Biden Business Partner, Military and Top Security Clearance Democrat
Trump polling 45% of the black vote I think he is on for a landslide.
Trump vs. The Invisible Enemy
Trump ( ~ Mar 23, 2020): I’m glad that this team and me are here for this horrible thing. . . A number of people have said it; and I feel it, actually. I’m a war-time President. This is a war. A different kind of a war than we’ve ever had . . . This is a challenging time for all Americans. We’re enduring a great national trial, and we will prove that we can meet the moment. I want to assure the American people that we’re doing everything we can each day to confront and ultimately defeat this horrible, invisible enemy. We’re at war. In a true sense, we’re at war and we’re fighting an invisible enemy. Think of that.
Trump ( ~ Oct 23, 2020): We’re going to quickly end this pandemic.
Definition of metaphor
1: a figure of speech in which a word or phrase literally denoting one kind of object or idea is used in place of another to suggest a likeness or analogy between them (as in drowning in money)
broadly: figurative language
Open Letter to President Donald Trump
Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò
Oct 30, 2020
And yet, in the midst of this bleak picture, this apparently unstoppable advance of the “Invisible Enemy,” an element of hope emerges. The adversary does not know how to love, and it does not understand that it is not enough to assure a universal income or to cancel mortgages in order to subjugate the masses and convince them to be branded like cattle. This people, which for too long has endured the abuses of a hateful and tyrannical power, is rediscovering that it has a soul; it is understanding that it is not willing to exchange its freedom for the homogenization and cancellation of its identity; it is beginning to understand the value of familial and social ties, of the bonds of faith and culture that unite honest people. This Great Reset is destined to fail because those who planned it do not understand that there are still people ready to take to the streets to defend their rights, to protect their loved ones, to give a future to their children and grandchildren. The leveling inhumanity of the globalist project will shatter miserably in the face of the firm and courageous opposition of the children of Light. The enemy has Satan on its side, He who only knows how to hate. But on our side, we have the Lord Almighty, the God of armies arrayed for battle, and the Most Holy Virgin, who will crush the head of the ancient Serpent. “If God is for us, who can be against us?” (Rom 8:31).
Yeah, dha truth.
I am, after 4 years of Trumpstein, not sure, but what I do know, is after all this years, incl “hope for change” Obamalama the Lord of Piss and Drones, I fear we will just slide into another 4 years of an sort of doldrum, nothing real happens, words are flung out, accustaions thrown, but the real world will not do anything substansial until something really serious happens. The few things I can think of, is the crashing of the imperial banana republic dollar to be an unverisal accepted and used toilet paper, and Britain slides into an Dickensian reality, where if you dont have Corona you will die in solitare, die in the ditches, and elderly boiled to glu, after all, they need the cash.
Huh, but this Grand new Abnormal will not be implemented, unless they have an reason, contrary to what some others think, I am afraid this will be an horror show of biblical proportions, because most of the world Gov are doing what they have been told to do, and ignore those that say this just isnt worse than before, nothing in this scale happens by chanse, to me anyone whom thinks that is fooling them selfs, and then will the real fight begin against this scums whom want to rule us all, because of just been on the top of the scam chain.
But to then point on whom, yeah, we simply cant debate that OffG, because of cencure, so I leave it there, you will learn when you burn, belive me, but I give you this, all wars are bankers wars, this war on our body and soul is just another war, for dominance like resources and we are just human capital, aka catles, full spectrum dominance, and when I say full, I mean all encompasing, to kingdom comes.
To me, the wurst case senario is, people reduction, because thats the only way I can imagine the MMT can survive, is to reset the population to much lower levels than to day, to then start all over again, because MMT requries linear growth to heaven, of course its insanity, but then they have to keep the scam alive, and right now, they are wiggling the forces on place to impliment that, why isnt the Gates of Hell arrested because of what they did with the so called Polio vaccine, when you know thw answer to that, then you know what comes, mark my words.
Yeah, in the begining I never linked to others than “official” news sites, of course I comented, but based my coments on what was on the MSM, and if I did link to others, again “official” sites, was more to show the inconsistencys, the lies, forgerys, contradictions, or even to new “storys” witch was not circulating in the MSM, but I always made sure it was by large backed by what most would consider to be reliable sources, institutes, etc.
This CONvid nonsense has one remakable case issue, like the equally fake AGW witch is changed to Climate change, of course, is that both is based initially on fake science if I can use such an word as science at all, they both are based upon One mans graphs/maths and Data programs, both where false, both faked the stats by fiddling the math/statistics/whatever, to make programs/prodjections that would generate an cascade of more false data, the Millions dying of this scamdemic is one and the other is known as the in/famous Mans Hokey stick graph, both British Univ. dick…. sorry Docs, and both was used initialy to create an hail storm of utter bullshit/prodjections based upon this scams, and since then, they just created even more bullshit.
Thats where I got the Shit in, Shit out, from.
Then when years pased you starts to realise that there is much more, much, much more, not only about the wars, from the invasion of Afganistan to the present, but as you scale backwards, from years to centurys to milleniums, you realise that what some think is somewhat confided to the last centurys, have been the norm since the dawn of man, even the ancient “romans” where master propagandists, incl eating babys alive to incubatores, yeah, you get the story.
Then this pack/stack of lies to bullshit isnt just confined to wars, but to more or less everything incl economy to history and humanity to our consciousness, you go numb.
To when and with what is then the starting point to unravel it all, in an world where knowledge is more or less an endangered speice and most dont give an rats ass about that anymore, when they dive down into their mobile phones and the level of converstaion is confined to mere grunting.
Yup, what an brave new world.
I am afraid everything will be worse, because I know one thing, when empires starts to disintigrade, they have to do something, to simply deflect the shitstorm home, they move that, to other parts of the world, because, eventually they dont have other options, the Brits is even worse of, the rest will come down, because the singals are, this uh…. empidemic will continue in waves after waves, with this false test regime, lord only know for how long and what do you think the consequencess of that would be, you dont need to be an rocket scientists to see the epic sice turd coming flying thru the air, aproatching the fan.
Give this an year more or two, and then lets talk.
If we arent in camps.
But hey, have an nice day and take care.
humanity perceptions have been ruled by the parasite class. They have the tech and are at the front door of trans humanism. Rule by algorithm.
I write code and algorithms. I want to tell you a story. The most important one.
It is all about the algorithms now. Rule by the algorithm. An invisible war is taking place that has hijacked your perceptions.
Many in the shadows understand what’s going on. We are at the crossroads where humanity is merging with machines. Your perceptions of what science is have been hijacked. Your perception of what reality is has been hacked.
When the few tyrants attempt to play God without permission; we understand it to be an abomination.
As a programmer and computer engineer who writes code and algorithms, I am very concerned that we have zero accountability, of how dangerous it can be when these parasites can rule over our bodies by algorithms.
Last week I had another disconcerting conversation with one of my colleagues who is an Artificial Intelligence programmer and works as a sub-contractor over at the Xxx$#@! Council think tank, and he commented on how,
” It’s now all about hacking the human brains, man. That’s all they fucking want now. It’s starting to wear on me, writing code for their RNA transfections. That’s our biological bodies! “
I never saw him this lucid before, outside of our few DMT breakthroughs we shared in our history together. But I could see how powerful he felt to have some control over these parasites.
“ Dude, they are fucking addicts! “
Oh, I should mention that he is 24 years old. So don’t assume he understands much history about these technocrat’s desire to control.
He continued, “ They are so obsessed.” He jokingly complained about how he feels like a drug dealer now, ” You know, our algorithms are light years beyond predictive behavior. Once they realized this it became like an insatiable drug they fiend for.
Now we sell them the perfect drug. Invisible power to control.”
This is a world you are never allowed to see, let alone would be able to perceive.
It’s where the shadow brokers and contractors have become the drug dealers for the cabal of elites. Providing the technocrats dazzling code for push-button control. This is where medicine is now. You will hear more. Look at those runs on biotech stocks.
The problem is there are not many familiar with how far advanced AI, machine learning, data collection, biotech, analytics, nanotech, and much darker brain technology ( already developed by outfits such as DARPA) have become. It will enable these corrupt technocrats to usher in a ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution.’
A revolution that will forever change what it is to be human. A near-future where the promise of human 2.0 is only reserved for this parasite class, while the rest of humanity suffers as our bodies and brains become the raw resource of energy to exploit.
This parasite class has a historical record of brutality when they have failed to find cover for their own failed systems. So C19 shouldn’t surprise anyone paying attention.
The parasite 1% Technocrats write code now.
They encode “viruses” and give them a weaponized, video-game identity. In this video game, you lose all your freedoms and must display gratitude and servitude. Viral code trumps all other forms of politics.
First, law:
Anything that tries to frighten you comes from “opposition,” in a spiritual battle. It’s not the Holy Spirit, period. Ignore its threats and keep your wits about you. You don’t have to shout, “Stay safe!’ to your neighbors. We are safe. We have an immune system that is a miracle like The Sistine Chapel. It withstands toxic, microbial inundation on a grand scale at all times, while operating a superhighway of adaptive life-sustaining genetic information, on cellular bridges, emitting telegrams of vital evolutionary code, slandered as “viruses” or “retroviruses.”
The people who have taken all your freedoms away, they’re social engineers, politicians, globalist thought leaders, bankers, WHO fanatics, and the like. Their army is composed of “mainstream media,” which is now literally around-the-clock perfect propaganda machine for the Gates-led Pandemic Reich. Another problem. They are about to reboot our biological OS.
In this new world, we all have become disposable on their fast track to trans humanism. Equality my ass.
How are they getting away with it?
It all sits on the PCR test which is scientifically meaningless but has become their perfect weapon for social engineering. The entire Scientific community understands the amount of trickery that a PCR can have without set standards of its sensitivity markers to detect the virus.
What’s quite frankly the most exhaustive case of gaslighting- would be the FDA’s own printed words. In the US as I pop my daily Vitamin C, zinc, and vitamin D – I see that all too familiar labels ‘ These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA ….’
but I will tell you that what has been evaluated by the FDA is the PCR testing functionality. And they read as follows where the FDA admits that:
“positive results […] do not rule out bacterial infection or co-infection with other viruses. The agent detected may not be the definite cause of disease.”
Perhaps the most astounding is the actual PCR Test Kits own medical inserts ( distributed by Roche ) reads:
“ These assays are not intended for use as an aid in the diagnosis of coronavirus infection”
For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.”
Did you read that carefully? Why in the hell are epidemiologists analyzing all the data from the PCR tests to determine how many Covid19 positive case studies there are when their goddamn testing kits medical insert in black and white claims ‘not for use in diagnostic procedures.’
The whole C19 house of cards pandemic now sits on the PCR test. This is all code.
Glenn Greenwald resigns from the Intercept today:
My Resignation From The Intercept
The same trends of repression, censorship and ideological homogeneity plaguing the national press generally have engulfed the media outlet I co-founded, culminating in censorship of my own articles.
Today I sent my intention to resign from The Intercept, the news outlet I co-founded in 2013 with Jeremy Scahill and Laura Poitras, as well as from its parent company First Look Media.
The final, precipitating cause is that The Intercept’s editors, in violation of my contractual right of editorial freedom, censored an article I wrote this week, refusing to publish it unless I remove all sections critical of Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, the candidate vehemently supported by all New-York-based Intercept editors involved in this effort at suppression.
The censored article, based on recently revealed emails and witness testimony, raised critical questions about Biden’s conduct. Not content to simply prevent publication of this article at the media outlet I co-founded, these Intercept editors also demanded that I refrain from exercising a separate contractual right to publish this article with any other publication.
The On-Groan switched off comments on politics live at 3pm as they realised that the still blinkered readership that thought it was a ‘social democratic’ ‘news paper’ suddenly saw the truth after ALL these years.
Think Trump Derangement Syndromes is just a meme for dumb yanks? Now see it put out against JC and the MEMBERSHIP- who are the primary target of the continued further crucifixion of JC today, as we approach the end of the first year of the great postal vote coup to remove him from his leadership and to regain control of the membership by getting them to resign en masse.
This is the precursor to the GNU and a junta under Starmer once Bozo has delivered the Hard BrexShit that will earn him his ‘sit at the table’ alongside Cameron and Osborne and Clegg and Blairites.
Think the GJ’s are a handful?
Wait till you see Brits March to Whitehall from all corners in the New Year as they finally say ENOUGH and install JC as their saviour!
We’ve missed the annual opportunities to have stopped all this, i.e. nuke the annual Davos meeting.
You know, just to be sure.
False Flags & Conspiracies online conference Dec. 5-6 [Fetzer, Barrett, Dammegard, Tracy, Kollerstrom, others]
99% of your articles here are spot on. Completely incorrect here. Rhetoric.
Which bit?
The “Trump is Hitler” bit, or the rest of it?
The Trumpstein Tel Aviv Reich will not end, it will be transferred automatically to the next scum bag White House incumbent, whether a Democrat Stalinist or a Republican Trotskyist.
The USA needs another war of independence to get rid of the parasitical criminal federal government once and for all.
“There is no distinctly native American criminal class…save Congress.”
— Mark Twain
The WHOLE PLANET needs the US federal government to be dissolved..ASAP!
The 10th anniversary of the release of “Iraq War Diaries” has been wiped out from mainstream news, and even very restricted in independent new outlets. It makes you wonder how much independence is left.
The Iraq War Diaries
“showed us in dirty detail that the US attack was a war of aggression, based on lies, where hundreds of thousands of civilians were killed and injured.
Ten years after Assange’s brave act of journalism changed the world and exposed one of the crimes of the century, he sits alone in solitary confinement in a UK prison. He sits literally fighting for his life”
notice that NOT one death mentioned of any of the wars the west’s in involved in the last year or longer
with all the wars which the west are involved in NOT one mention of a military personnel deaths news blackout on Syria libya Iraq Afghanistan even when retard in the office said venezuela was bringing drugs into usa so warships where around that area now (convenient)
THEY learnt that to not mention it censor it as it bad publicity
But but but what about the weapons of mass dissemblenation?
The Hitler analogy is appropriate in the sense that while Hitler and his Axis partners were good for business on the surface in practice they were too inept to run a successful economy. The result was that after tolerating and even encouraging fascism the capitalist world eventually had to turn on it because it was giving capitalism a bad name. (I wouldn’t discounty moral repugnace, though — the world is not totally cynical.)
Trump has allowed capitalism to run riot but the beneficiaries haven’t been the really big boys but the wannabes — the twilight industries squeezing out a few more years profits at the expense of the environment, the slash and burn resource exploiters, the financial bubble merchants. There might be money to be made by the Old School but not enough to outweigh the risks to the economy as a whole so this radicalism needs to be reined in.
Its an unfortunate fact of life that while individuals might fare better under Republican policies the economy as a whole does better under Democracts. (This probably explains the see-saw of US politics — the Democrats build up the economy, the GoP raids it and eventually crashes it, the D’s pick it up again, the GoP raids it again and so on.) Altough Trump and supporters claim that we have ‘the best economy ever’, or rather would have if it wasn’t for Covid, the fact is they’ve inflated a bubble that just hasn’t popped yet (although the signs are that its going…….).
Unlikely they give fuck about “giving capitalism a bad name”. The west turned on Hitler because he tried to do without the Rothschild banking cartel… which is why he was ranting about the J’s so much -he wanted control of the money. All the racial stuff is to motivate the masses of uneducated thugs to join the army- as is all nationalism and racialism.
I am not ready to read John Goss yet, but am delighted he has got his article published on the front page. He is a good man…
I would just like to say a few simple things.
My Mum was 38 when I was born. My Dad was 48. I had 2 older brothers and 2 older sisters.
My Mum gave up her job to be a Full Time Mum, at Home to look after me. She was a Pharmacist. My Dad was an Engineer.
Money was tight, so My Mum became a Childminder – ahe used to Sew Clothes and Stuff too -We had one of these sewing machines that work on Peddles – it wasn’t electric though we did have a Radio and a Black and White TV…So I grew up with Friends and older Brothers and Sisters Before I went to School – I just got that kind of Love
My Wife gave up her job to be a Full Time Mum to look after our Children. Money was tight, so My Wife became a Registered Childminder. We were all checked out, including me, was our home a Sfe Place For Kids
Our Home Has Always Been a Safe Place for Kids, as Was My Mum’s
I didn’t Realise My New Girlfriend and Then Wife was Going To Be a Full Time Mum too.
I diidn’t think about these things, I just brought my New Girlfriend Home to meet My Mum. It’s hard to Describe…They got on Really well instantly
You can bluster and muster whatever you like..But Family is More Important Than Anything. My wife is the Best Teacher any Child under the age of 5 could ever have. She is just so much fun with them, and teaches them traditionally. She was delighted today, when the youngest ran back to the kitchen table to draw and write his name and he is only two years old.
Children are so important. They are our Future. I f you are a Mum Breast Feed Your Child, and don’t even think about going back to work. There is one girl of my Team, who did come back to work.. She phoned up the Childminder and heard her Baby…She said to us all cos we were all Delighted to see her
Sorry I can’t do it, I have got to be at home with My Baby.
That is FAMILY
You don’t plan anything – it just kind of happens you meet people who share the same Family Values, though its mostly don’t think about it…I just knew My Mum would just fall in love with My Girlfriend the moment she saw her, as I did. None of this was programmed it wasn’t an arranged marriage.
When They are Here, She is a Full Time Granny Now, just like My Mum, except she still looks 25…I have absolutely no idea how this happenned, but I am not going to complain.
My Mum always knew I wasn’t Gay, and She Wasn’t Going To Make a Priest out Of Me.
Posing a zillion times long comments is my main definition of trolling…
Admin’s, this guy is giving all your readers a scrolling carpal tunnel syndrome: set a line limit for all!
There is a line limit. There needs to be a posting frequency limit
I think I understand your dilemma. You gave up Facebook for all the right reasons, but no longer have that outlet – essential to many people – and so have mixed your OffG comments with what would be your Facebook “life.” It isn’t that your life experiences are not important – everyone’s are – but imagine if every one of us did that. The site would be of no use to anyone for its intended purposes.
You know that might do it…
Well, and kindly, put. Those ‘comments’ are better suited to a niche audience (of natural admirers).
I think what we are seeing is severe infighting among the “owners” of the USA.
All countries spy and try to get compromising material but the Mossad won’t give up their control of the US government to China without a fight.
China was about to get control of a president and a lot of congress with blackmail material. The Mossad viewed this as China cutting in on their turf and retaliated by “leaking” the stuff that China has on the Biden family.
Just my SWAG.
Totally agree with you TRM. Reading the comments on OffGuardian would be a full time occupation if one actually did it. If something can’t be said with brevity then perhaps it shouldn’t be said at all.
We have got to find a way to Escape From This Massive Attack on Us..When All The Real Numbers, Indicate Quite Clearly That Hardly Any of Us Old People, are Now Dropping Dead of Anything,,,
The Death Rate of us Old People Has not gone up..In fact it is actually Lower Than Normal..even though most of us are not Getting Any Hospital Treatment…We might get a bit of flu, but none of us are going anywhere near any of the hospitals…unless its really serious, like you have fallen off your Grand Kids e-bike
Even Hawkwind are Still Alive and Just Put out a New Album -and The surviving ones are Even Older Than Lemmy
I heard this in the back of a car a very long time ago. The kid driving in about 1972 said that’s Hawkwind
I went to see them at Salford University on my Motorbike about 17. amd I still didn’t have a Girlfriend. I couldn’t ask her. She was too Beautiful, and I knew she would say no, and I didn’t fancy committing suicide..Then Lemmy just Blew My Head off -With His Strobes and His Bass and the Dik Mik Strobe Light Show. Certainly didn’t need any drugs. I do vaguely remember Stacia..naked on stage…It was 50 years ago. That’s Half a Life Time +17
Hurry on sundown 🙂
Thanks for a blast from the past.
I’m not sure about “not dropping dead of anything” — I’ve lost a lot of old friends over the last few years and none of them were what I’d call particularly old. Covid hasn’t got any, though — the people I know who have had it have been somewhat younger.
Time plays tricks on us. I was listening to an old Fairport Conventin record the other day (actually, being 2020 it was a FLAC digital file of an old record) and it dawned on my that I’m now removed by as much time from when the record was made as the pre-WW1 era was from when it was made. Its only a few generations but its amazing how much social atitudes have changed and yet paradoxically stayed the same. (For example, women now have prospects beyond ‘marrying well’ but at the same time a lot of the attitudes the middle class ladies reflect closely the same mindset as those same classes of the Edwardian era).
I knew what I need to know about US election before first electoral zombie crawled into real or virtual voting booths.
I knew that any new oligarchic puppet living rent free in WH has no support from at least 180 millions of US eligible voters, making POTUS a face of true usurpers of power namely ruling elites and their minions, and with Trump it was a face of Flaccid Clown of reality TV tomorrow it may be a dementia patient.
Let’s not legitimize this abhorrent US imperial regime by voting, let’s not be willing accomplices in this sorry spectacle of absurdity and death.
You may ignore the government but it won’t ignore you. Elections have consequeces even if its just for members of the local school board. If you don’t like the choices for President, Congress or Assembly then feel free to not vote for them but every race matters.
Oligarchy or not this presidential election feels more like an exorcism than an election.
You may enjoy this rant by Octave Mirbeau from 1888:
The French original is even better:
Also, José Saramago wrote two novels, “Blindness” and “Seeing” which I consider more or less inspired by Mirbeau’s pamphlet.
You seems to hopelessly believe in lie that we are not living in authoritarian country and that a shred democracy and self determination still exists at the bottom. It is not, as COVID hysteria unequivocally proved.
IS you “democratically” elected city mayor against COVID scam that hurts city residents? Big NO, as he had to kowtow big, distant government bosses lies.
wake up. In the end, All Power Is total and absolute when it comes to to supporting ruling elites and their scheming.
I can’t help it, I am totally in love with my wife, but I never fell out of love with my ex…After 40 years apart, she still occasionally sends me a text messge or two then nothing for many years. We do occasionally meet at gigs at festivals…
So far as I know her kids her O.K. except her Daughter’s Husband..
They have been married for a few years, and they have the most Beautiful Children (Her Grandchildren
Her Daughter who looks almosst exactly the same as her Mum – she sent me the photos..hell I thought it was her Sister..what a Beautiful Girl – Never met any of her Children..though my wife and I occasionally meet her…
If you do this Prayer Thing Them Pray For Him…He can’t be more than about 35 years old..His kids are still Babies. I have no idea what he looks like -maybe she sent me photos,,,but he has got cancer and is about to have chemotherapy.???
My brother got serious Cancer when He was 29…and he was determined not to die..he wanted to see his 4 kids to grow up to be adults – and he lived for another 30 years, and he did have the chemotherapy…
I just want to give my Ex a big hug. She is a Lovely Girl and Obviously Worries About All Her Family like Any Grandmother would.
We Are Normal -We Split Up..It Doesn’t Mean We Don’t Care For Each Other and Each Other’s Families..
We Do..
If You Really Fall In Love, Then it’s Forever..Even if You Can’t Live Together for more tha a Year…..cos stuff…and circumstances..You know what I mean…It’s hard to explain..
Well if You Still Go To Gigs – And Still Look Like That….which They Do – My Wife and Her run off to the Bogs Together Laughing as if These Two Grannies are Kids….My Ex and My Wife
Neither of them have any interest in Politics..but like Robert Plant. I do too.
We were brought up on Music.
We kept our Moral Values, and Never Betrayed
Still Here.
“Robert Plant – Big Log (Official Video) ”
Jesus man you don’t give up.
Major civil unrest all across Europe at the moment: France, Holland, Belgium, Spain, Italy, Germany, Czech Republic, etc, etc.
Something Better Change…
But it’s the covid, innit.
How long can they keep this bullshit up for..?
Just until next week, hopefully.
The ‘people’ who did this won’t be forgotten/forgiven.
“Stick my fingers right up your nose” Indeed. I would prefer a sharper and more deadly utensil for these parasites.
More complete and utter bullshit from the Guardian as the police state continues to be rolled out…
Are you sitting comfortably children, it’s time to grow up.
The brown shirts are at our door
They had to buy their own uniforms. Its a bit like MAGA hats — a nice business for someone.
“So, all right, maybe not quite the end of the War on Populism, but at least a new stage of it. A chaotic, destructive, violent stage of it, which will require a lot of “emergency measures” and will end up radically transforming the planet into one big pathologized-totalitarian marketplace.”
The Globalists working hand-in-glove with mainstream media news supplicants make it impossible to describe the future agenda without sounding like a lunatic fringe conspiracy theorist. It’s difficult for most to comprehend that a rapacious sociopathic bunch of transnational capitalists control the entire world economy. These internationalists have NO loyalty to any one country, but are intensely obsessed with controlling the 8 billion inhabitants on the planet Earth.
Currently these international ghouls are partnering with the WHO, CDC, weirdo Gates, big pharma, and security state techies conducting psychological warfare on Western societies via COVID. As another distraction they’ve been ginning up fake hostility towards China, while Wall Street and the big banks invest wildly in it:
“In the tech industry the rupture between China and America continues to grow. Will Uncle Sam force a sale of TikTok, a Chinese-run app popular in the West? Can Huawei survive the embargo? Is Apple shifting its supply chains from China? Yet in one part of the global economy the pattern is of superpower engagement, not estrangement: high finance. BlackRock, a giant asset manager, has got the nod to set up a Chinese fund business. Vanguard, a rival, is shifting its Asian headquarters to Shanghai. JPMorgan Chase may spend $1bn to buy control of its Chinese money-management venture (see article). Foreign fund managers bought nearly $200bn of mainland Chinese shares and bonds in the past year. Far from short-term greed, Wall Street’s taste for China reflects a long-term bet that finance’s centre of gravity will shift east. And unlike in tech, both sides think they can capture the benefits of interaction without taking too much risk.”
So like Shakespeare said: “All the world’s a stage.” And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts …” The acrimony against China appears to be just a mere distraction. These greedy Globalist creatures are enamored by China, they’re in rapture over their AI surveillance system and are eager to deploy it throughout the West. Maybe, that’s why Facebook employs Chinese nationals designing algorithms for more effective censoring. If Zuckerberg is just a frontman for a security state operation, then the US security state is employing Chinese nationals to censor Americans.
Oh and by the way, how many times have you heard mainstream media news commentators on MSNBC or CNN talk about how they admire the way China handled COVID–the total lockdowns, the tracking and tracing apps, the roadblocks and quarantining of cities, the lines of thousands taking COVID swab tests, unknown numbers rounded up and taken away, or forcibly locked in their homes– all in order to prevent asymptomatics from moving about. Perhaps, some of these commentators should take a stroll through Chinese wet markets filled with live animals and unrefrigerated dead caucasses hanging from hooks. It’s surprising, that a new disease doesn’t surface daily. And how about the “shared” way extended families eat utilizing numerous bowls on an oversized lazy-susan where everyone double-dips with their chopsticks. It gives communal a new meaning.
That being said, the Globalists including billionaire techies want the West to become more like the East. Hopkins, eludes to these intentions when he says: “It was one thing when these problem people were mostly black- and brown-skinned people with “extremist” beliefs in faraway countries that most Western consumers couldn’t care less about, because GloboCap could just bomb the crap out of them, but they can’t really do that here in the West. Hence, the War on Populism that we have been experiencing for the last four years … and whatever new, dystopian stage of it that awaits us in the post-Trump future.
2020 has been a preview of it. The lockdowns, the masks, the “social distancing,” and other so-called “emergency measures,” the Orwellian propaganda, the censorship of dissent, the banning of political protests, the corporate media finally transforming into a full-blown Goebbelsian keyboard instrument, the goon squads raiding people’s homes, the cult-like, totalitarian conformity … it’s just a taste of what’s to come.”
In fact, Hopkins is quite right it’s just a “taste” of things to come unless it can be stopped before it reaches the point of no return, but that would require a mentally lucid non-propagandized populace, an uncompromised security state, and politicians who weren’t in the pocket of multinational corporations. And that’s an impossible pipedream.
We’ve has 200 years of ‘Corporations’ servicing Empire, from the East India Company, who settled India for the British, to United Fruit company who asked the CIA to create a coup in Guatemala, to preserve their contracts, they aren’t no independent force, they are servants of empire, who are helped by Empire.
The only motive I can think of why you would want to make them more important than the Empires they serve is to turn them into a fantom force to hide the actions of Empire. I just can’t see some swiss banker telling a US general what to do, it just doesn’t happen.
“I just can’t see some swiss banker telling a US general what to do, it just doesn’t happen.”
Maybe, ultimately that’s how the process will be stopped.
Hope so and we can also hope that eventually, they’ll push it too far and too quickly – so far away from anything that could be reasonably justifiable, even to the most hopelessly indoctrinated and compliant masked zombies, that they’ll finally wake up from their stupor and get really mad, once they realize and accept that we (the conspiracy theorists) were right all along: when we tried in vain to tell them how they’ve been played as fools. Because they are.
IOW, people are waking up, albeit rather slowly.
How much more total baloney can anyone, including the most naive and dimwitted among us be expected to believe and swallow?
There’s also a ‘tipping point’ for credibility and I think the WHO/UN, Klaus and his satanic WEF, our lying, treacherous and corrupt governments and world leaders, et al are rapidly approaching it.
They’re desperate and becoming too impatient, so they’ll end up revealing themselves as the liars and criminals they are to everyone, without the lying and complicit MSM’s help.
“They’re desperate and becoming too impatient.”
So true, let’s hope the compromised ghouls are stopped.
Meaning that the story is a lie.
What story–be specific.
“Corporations servicing Empire”? No, the other way around: empire in the service of (big) corporations, of capitalism.
“I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and during that period I spent most of my time as a high class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism. I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street. I helped purify Nicaragua for the International Banking House of Brown Brothers in 1902-1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for the American sugar interests in 1916. I helped make Honduras right for the American fruit companies in 1903. In China in 1927 I helped see to it that Standard Oil went on its way unmolested. Looking back on it, I might have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts. I operated on three continents.”
― General Smedley D. Butler, from War is a Racket.
I can always depend on you for some extra goodies mixed in with political commentary. Here you quoted from “As You Like It” – which, in my humble opinion, is the third greatest play ever written. Indeed, “All the world’s a stage.”
Human nature never changes.
I had been working with Americans for many years, in Different British Companies..The very Senior Management Hired them To Kick The British Management into Shape. I was just a kid, working The Nightshift (Computers and Stuff) – often working The Nightshift (cos I got 45% Shift Allowance and was a Shift Leader – didn’t have any idiots telling me what to do)
The American Project Managers would turn up at 6:00 am – and speak to me, before my Shift finished at 7:00 am) The British Management didn’t turn up till 9:00 am….by which time I had told the Americans absolutely Everything I knew – about all the problems – and They were very much on our side..Time is of The essence – and you have got to first identify all the Problems, before you can Solve Them…
So I had Massive Respect for Americans…and even after I got fired in Manchester, I still ended up working with American at a British Company doing much the same stuff.
I was kind of invited to Houston, and I really wanted to go, except I had a wife and two kids at home, and had already done hotels before…
So the kids got older..
My Son was 12 yeas old – he worked really hard, with the local Methodist Church Group to Go to The USA in The Year 2000…
He spent one week with The American Scouts, where they taught him to shoot almost everything from a bow and arrow to a machine Gun with live bullets
He then spends a week on a Big Farm, owned by One Of The Very Senior Politicans at The Whitehouse..
He is 12 Years Old, Comes Back Home and says in Year 2000. and telss me about The USA.
Number 1, Most Americans are Incredibly Fat
Number 2. They are Marching Round With Flags as If They are Preparing For War (Iasked him what war- this is The Yeart 2000 there ain’t any war – We are all
celebrating The Peace of the New Millennium
It was like I had sent my English Kid to NAZI Germany in 1936
He has never been back, but still has got quite a lot of American Business and Friends
I have never been to The USA, but wanted to until 9/11. I didn’t know what had happenned, and phoned up and talked to the American Parents who had looked after our local English Scout Group.
I was as shocked as them…
I spent 5 years since then on Alternet, cos I wanted to understand Americans.
I no longer want to go to The USA
Been to Cuba though. It was lovely to meet so many Canadians there.
I asked the obvious question.
“Cos there are no Americans allowed to travel here ”
There was actually – She went Sky Diving with My Wife.
Jumping out of an old WWII Russian Plane from 10,000 feet.
Even I wouldn’t do that,
More Ass Hattery. Tiring and Boring.
The Boy Scouts of America are nothing like the Boy Scouts that you grew up with. Its not that the organization is fundamentally different in concept but that the ideology of the people who run it above the troop level is ultra-nationalist. My son was in the scouts for several years in the 2000s and it didn’t seem particularly weird at the troop level but some of the regional people were downright scary, it seemed their model for a youth organization was the Hitler Youth
The BSA is currently in bankruptcy due to a flood of claims by people that they were sexually abused over much of its history. I don’t know what to make of it; at the local level the people that I met and interacted with were straight and honest, great people and very dedicated. I know its possible because controls over youth organizations are relatively recent but I suspect a lot of these claims are due to attorneys hungry for business.
Brilliantly done
Excellent!!! Many thanks for posting a bit of light reading to prepare us for the apocalypse. Has anyone noticed that we don’t see Trump supporters attacking BLM folks or anyone daring to wear a Biden cap, if there are such things?
The mainstream media shrieks about spikes in cases, and the public gets in a tizzy. But no one stops to ask what a ‘case’ actually is. Human stupidity knows no bounds.

In Portugal I know of many examples of snot cases… nothing else!
I was waiting for some celebrity to be f u c ked by the RT-qPCR SCAM lottery… and who’s better than CR7?
His sister is also hyper pissed! Which is super FUN!
The Big Main Difference Between the Attitude of People who Live in America (The USA) and People who Live in The Rest Of The World including us in the UK and Europe and Africa and Most of The Rest of The World including Russia and China
Is That The Vast Majority of Americans, unlike say me, and the people who’s parents lived in the road I live in now….(where there are some houses replaced by new ones – though we have got one of the few who stil retain the original stained glass windows and 100 + year old woodwork)
Have not had any experience in the entire history of The USA of having extremely large quantities of bombs falling on their homes and gardens and killing their mums,dads, sisters and brothers and children
When you have, it changes your attitude somewhat eg My Dad, who was always a Pacifist like me, used to Get The Spitfires Back Into The Air as fast as they came down – after he had patched them up and refuelled them….he was a Brilliant Engineer – but they wouldn’t let him fly..
So Thanks to My Dad – and very many people who did lose their Lives
We Shot The NAZI’s Down
My Dad made 72, not a bloody scratch on him…
When you are working under enemy fire, you don’t worry about such things as bombs and just do it.
We thought we had killed them
Now The Parasites..The NAZI’s are Back.
Thank You CJ Hopkins for describing them so Brilliantly
I am not surprised you moved to Berlin.
I saw your interview from your own home. You should do another one. I think you are a nice man.
“C.J. Hopkins: The Virus of Mass Destruction & Brave New Totalitarian Normal”
I must have missed the part about Agenda 21, Agenda 2030. Why do all the authors here go to such lengths to avoid mentioning Agenda 21 which is being implemented right now under cover of Covid19, the fictional virus?
Agenda 21 is the global cataloguing of every single thing on earth including every product, plant, animal, person, including how much air you breath, water you drink, food you consume and energy you use. Every movement, thought, idea, action and reaction you have will never be private again. You won’t have the freedom to decide where you live or work or what you are able to do, watch or buy.
Cia still pushing that old shit?
People who believe they can opt out of this technocratic control and run off to the country to be self sufficient are deluding themselves. If you don’t go to your local council, town hall, planners, city meetings, health department and demand to see their 2020 plans for your city and town and take over your local governance, you won’t have the chance by Spring. Take action. Pass out flyers. Share links in real life to amass a group of local allies. Research ICLEI, GRCN, Strong Cities. This is not about masks, virus numbers or treatments, it’s about your life and your future. This is not political. It is apolitical. Politics is a lie, a distraction. Central Command Control is ready and they are rolling it all out right now.
Here’s a map for the major mega regions of the world. This is how they are going to divide it up. We don’t get a voice.
If you want to find out specifically what’s happening in your area. Search using your particular county or city region using terms like “_____ county + regional plan + sustainable”
Because what’s happening at a local level is not being talked about or publicized. It’s being done behind closed doors, where central governance will soon take over and everything will be done through unelected committees consisting of private representatives from the various corporations and NGOs.
on every council website in the UK substantiality goals etc
some have started closing down town centers and not let
cars in – using bs19 as a excuse
this is all apart of it
including issuing fre bike use scanning your mobile phone free bike use bike lanes everywhere.
now lots are brainwashed it the other party who will do it yet it the present parties in pretend power now who been doing it via there boss’s for years
event 201 take away the 0 you have agenda 21
no one mentions the( HS2) train which is one of the biggest train thing built in u.k
local lock down are the new settlement zones
Victoria OZ Premier Pushes Foreign Troops/
Plunging Flu Rates Baffle Experts/
Purged Conservatives Catalogued On!/
”New State Of China” Vows Overthrow of Old/
Paris Hilton Was MK Ultra’d/
Models In Goofy Virus Gear
Special NOTICE- has ALL the purged conservative websites and is a great too for finding silenced voices!
Moneycircus, Cos you seem to be the smartest guy here ( A bit like N_ on Craig Murray’s blog )
I actually watched the entire thing re this dutch bloke close to the centre of evil. I had never come across him before…The video starts off really slow, and I think yeh, I can believe all that..and then towards the end – he says – he just couldn’t do it, but he never really mentioned it except – it was just too horrible…
I thought well O.K. – He worked in The Finance Industry at a High Level… and was quite obviously having a nervous breakdown – that’s completely obvious – just remembering what he was doing 22 years ago…was it
So I searched this bloke further – found someone called mayb, who gave a very convincing story that she had been working for him after he was a born again whatever starting his new bank off etc – and I read the responses…
Anyhow he’s got a new video out now, and his earlier one had over 8 Million Vews
And then I saw another very powerful that blamed us Catholics – Dominic and or Jesuits
So maybe he is telling the Truth
I forget his name. I am not really interested in these people.
If you drop your guts on Youtube, and Get over 8 Million Views, then so far as I am concerened – you are part of The machine. You may wel be telling The Truth, But why haven’t these evil Bastard already Killed You?
You are Emarrassing them.
Maybe The Child Sacrifice and Organ Removal Business is Too Well Publicised for Them Now and Too Dangerous For Them to Continue in Serbia and India.
He has got a Facebook page now, and is still alive and tweeting..
I try and steer well clear of these people. They frighten the sh1t out of me.
I would rather disappear into the depths of Africa and meet a Shaman
I don’t believe in any of this Satanist, Iluminati Bollocks. They probably do whilst They have Sex with a Dead Pig (slight Improvement)
Maybe David Cameron said, I can’t stick it up the other end too..but he tried and Got BREXIT.
What video are you talking about? Who is the Dutch person. I would like to know more, but you do not provide any clues.
A gem from Van the Man:
I’ll be forever grateful to the coronavirus scaredy-cats for preventing me from going to see him in concert (the tickets had been bought, everything was arranged, including my girlfriend coming over from Spain to London for it).
Gwyn, I could tell you a few tales about Van The Man, but shall resist.
Here’s Sweet Thing. They don’t make ’em like this anymore…
I assume you’ve heard the whole of that Astral Weeks remaster with its additional tracks? Kinda weird. There’s a couple of alternate versions which are hair raising because you realise Van was so mercurial that he could have recorded entirely different takes on those songs – equally valid. Also hair raising because you know you’re hearing new stuff but from that time.
Then again there are a couple of extended cuts. There’s an instrumental break on “Ballerina” which sounds depressingly mundane and you can see why it got chopped. But “Slim Slow Slider” is the weirdest as it branches off into an improvisation where Van starts to sing “Praise be to Him” (I presume it’s a capital H Him) Cross referencing with TB Sheets, it must be that Van lost someone dear to him at the time.
Great song. What an awesome guy. Thanks for sharing.
You’re welcome. It’s been on YouTube since the 22nd, but today’s the first I’ve seen of it (even though I’ve listened to loads of his songs on there). Curious…
“No more lockdown
No more government overreach
No more fascist police
Disturbing our peace
No more taking of our freedom
And our God-given rights
Pretending it’s for our safety
When it’s really to enslave
Who’s running our country?
Who’s running our world?
Examine it closely
And watch it unfurl
No more lockdown
No more threats
No more Imperial College
Santas making up crooked facts
No more lockdown
No more pulling the wool over our eyes
No more celebrities telling us
Telling us what we’rе supposed to feel
No more status quo
Put your shoulder to thе wind
No more lockdown
No more lockdown
No more lockdown
No more lockdown”
Brilliant, indeed. But I’m not sure there’ll be any Santas, this year, whether they be of the Imperial College variety or not… ;o)
Facebook not too keen on that song, for some mysterious reason. Three times I’ve posted it on there, three times it’s disappeared.
Very nice article 🙂 One correction though – BREXIT was pushed through by GloboCap on the basis of relentless lies and fearmongering.
Brexit went through because the people were sick of the club which has impoverished millions here, the lies and fearmongering have came from govt, none of whom wanted to leave but thanks to our common law they had to give us the referendum while sovereignty was still ours, not govt, not the monarchy but the PEOPLE’S CHOICE.
Any normal government would now stop testing, get people back to work and if they cared about the venerable, arrange home food & supplies delivery every day. it would cost a small fraction of the cost of the destruction they are causing, for as they even admit themselve, ZERO saving of live. ……..ZERO.
What they are doing now is not normal it is intended to kill the vulnerable and to destroy our wealth.
That cover of the TIME is not the ORIGINAL!
This one is the original…
And by the way… mutTrump is going to win again, even with the voting fraud going on on a daily bases!
so the ball earth theory is man made
just like the germ theory
what a rotten sick trueman show
make america great and the great reset
Wrong analogy!
Episode 2313b – Recording Released of Hunter Biden; Obama Panics; DOJ To Sullivan Dismiss Flynn’s Case
X22 Report
Oct 27, 2020
Views (Rumble): 42K
The MSM/[DS] they have now lost the battle over the ACB, she has been confirmed. Most of the states now have to count their ballots on election. Obama gives a speech and he is panicking. Recording of Hunter Biden has been released and it shows the laptop is not Russian disinformation. The DOJ is now pushing Sullivan to dismiss the case. Welcome to the 15th round. The punches will start to get harder.
Question everything; and be like water.
I still think that Trump will be the last President of the USA. But on this side of the Atlantic, yesterday evening Lord Sumption gave a livestream lecture to a Cambridge law society (for those who might not be familiar, Sumption is one of the most senior Law Lords in the land). What Sumption said, particularly about the totally illegal actions of the British government with regard to covid, and how Britain is rapidly turning into a police state, is in historical terms easily on par with Diana’s brother standing up at her funeral service and directly criticising the royal family (who were all sitting in front of him). Sumption’s body language during his lecture is rather interesting – because he knows ‘they’ will come for him for being so outspoken.
If interested you can find the lecture here (I’ve skipped the first ten minutes of introductions)…
“They” probably won’t bother, but I was amazed “Lord Sumption” was covered by The Guardian.
Maybe the latest Guardian crew are sh1tting themselves. This nonsense can’t go on for much longer. They admit they are on the same Boards as The Intelligence Services and The BBC. That’s like you are admitting you are a complete and utter horrible person who is gung ho about bombing people in foreign lands – not exactly Liberal.
Incidentally, although I didn’t talk to him, I am pretty sure it was the former editor of The Guardian in my local pub a couple of years ago. Spittin’ image of Alan Rusbridger and he does have an interest in Music, and there are many people like him who live around here.
I never really read the Guardian that much, but my political views were and still are very much aligned to their original political philosophies when it was based in Manchester.
I was more interested in The New Scientist as it was then (wouldn’t wipe my arse on it now) and Sounds (Far better than The NME – who were all complete LSE posh t0sspot arty farty types)
In case anyone missed it, this is an article on Sumption and other lawyers opposing the lockdown:
Good link, Kevin.
The thing about Sumption’s speech last night is that he was directly addressing a Cambridge University legal society. This gives his words much more weight (I would hazard) than anything reported in a newspaper.
For sure, it does give it more weight, and Sumption is well known as a former Supreme Court Justice. I mentioned the article mainly because of the other lawyers also speaking out. The more the better, obviously.
In 2016 I was not alone in thinking that Trump would be the last elected POTUS. That’s not even controversial anymore.
I too think the don is the last one.49.
Who need Alzheimer’s? The public’s already forgotten its memory
1996 United States campaign finance controversy
The 1996 United States campaign finance controversy was an alleged effort by the People’s Republic of China to influence domestic American politics prior to and during the Clinton administration and also involved the fund-raising practices of the administration itself.
And now the Bidens. It’s not just them. Chinese influence works indirectly through the intelligence agencies and NATO’s Atlantic Council since you’ve got the Bohai Harvest Rosemont connection to Burisma which finances the AC, on whose Transatlantic Commission on Election Integrity Joe Biden sits or sat.
Mucky business. As the Yorkshiremen say, where there’s muck there’s brass.
Who’s to say it’s all bad? I’m a firm believer that the path to peaceful coexistence is through dialogue and sometimes even venal channels can help achieve that.
Trump’s last act as president…
Last night I started reading The autobiography of Lemmy who died a couple of years ago at the age of 70. Dame Vera Lynn – who sung the final song on the film Dr Strangelove died earlier this year at the age of 103.
In 1985 Dame Vera Lynn was headlining singing on stage – her own set….and then with Hawkwind.
Lemmy started off being sort of famous with The Band Hawkwind (most of who’m are still alive). He then got fired, but still remained friends with Dave Brock of Hawkwind. Lemmy then formed the band Motorhead (and I am pretty sure I was at Motorhead’s first ever gig in Manchester – though I didn’t meet him then but later paying the pinball machice at the back of the Marquee in Soho – what a Gentleman.
They came from different parts of the musical and political spectrum – but they all sung together onstage – in fact they seemed to get on really well
My wife and I saw them all on Saturday, August 24, 1985 in our local park Crystal Palace. We lived close by in Forest Hill, London
I remembered that 35 years later – just now, and have found the evidence to confirm it. Doubt I will make 103, but am hoping to make 70
Hi Admin,
I posted a comment this morning. It was up on this thread, had 4 upvotes and a reply but has since disappeared. Any reason for this?
Lord Sumpton
A barn-storming lesson from Jonathan Sumption.
Essential listening and learning.
The government has issued decrees it has no right to issue.
The police have acted outside their right.
People will respond to some of these rulings by ignoring them.
I do not believe their is a moral obligation to comply with the law when there are more powerful obligations the other way.
As if the right to spend Christmas with your family was a privilege granted by government.
Try it 10 minutes in, when Sumption actually starts giving his lecture…
(see my post above)
So there aren’t x number of days remaining to save the planet then?
The planet will save itself, thank you very much. By ridding itself of these pesky critters who from Day One imagined it existed solely for their enrichment. And how exactly will the planet go about ridding itself of humans? By standing aside and giving us the green light to destroy ourselves. Planets are nothing if not whimsical.
If only the majority w/could recognize this we’d live contentedly and enjoy our blessings until the day that a meteorite resets the clock.
Ignore all the blather about green ecology and climate until the powers actually practice what they preach and put out the lights at night.
Demand the right to see the stars.
Can’t think why the Democrats have been pushing face masks and lockdowns