Class Consciousness in the Age of COVID
Colin Todhunter
Prior to the appearance of COVID-related restrictions and lockdowns, neoliberal capitalism had turned to various mechanisms in the face of economic stagnation and massive inequalities: the raiding of public budgets, the expansion of credit to consumers and governments to sustain spending and consumption, financial speculation and militarism.
Part and parcel of this has been a strategy of ‘creative destruction’ that has served to benefit an interlocking directorate of powerful oil, agribusiness, armaments and financial interests, among others. For these parties, what matters is the ability to maximise profit by shifting capital around the world, whether on the back of distorted free trade agreements which open the gates for plunder or through coercion and militarism which merely tear them down.
In the so-called ‘developed’ nations, notably in the US and the UK, along the way millions of jobs have been offshored to cheap labour economies. In effect, societies have become hollowed out. They have increasingly resembled empty boxes whereby the main component lurking inside is a giant mechanical hand of government and media propaganda with the threat of state violence lying in wait. And its only function is to pull the lid shut if anyone ever dares to tear it open and shed light on things. If successful, they will see the immorality, the lies, the hypocrisies.
And they would also be able to identify cynical methods of social control that have assumed a different level in 2020 with constant COVID fear propaganda being pumped out on a daily basis. If we take the UK, the fact is that excess deaths in 2020 are not out of the ordinary when looking back over a 25-year period.
But we continue to see the rolling out of near-endless restrictions and tiered lockdowns across the country based on questionable PCR tests and the designation of healthy, asymptomatic people as ‘cases’. The narrative has shifted from COVID deaths and ‘flattening the curve’ to an obsession with ‘cases’ as the curve became flattened and COVID-related deaths bottomed out.
Even at the height of government- and media-driven COVID paranoia, over 90% of ‘COVID deaths’ were most likely due to the serious co-morbidities listed on the death certificates of the mainly over-75s who make up the vast majority of such deaths.
COVID marks a crucial stage of neoliberal capitalism. Under yet another strategy of creative destruction, millions of livelihoods across the world continue to be destroyed and small businesses are on the edge of bankruptcy.
But this is precisely what is supposed to happen when we acknowledge that it is all part of the ‘great reset’ as explained by the recent article ‘Klaus Schwab and his great fascist reset’ which appeared on the OffGuardian website: a transformation of society resulting in permanent restrictions on fundamental liberties and mass surveillance as entire sectors are sacrificed to boost the bottom line of the pharmaceuticals corporations, the high-tech/big data giants, Amazon, Google, major global chains, the digital payments sector, biotech concerns, etc.
In other words, a ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution’ which historian Luciana Bohne recently noted on her Facebook page is going to result in a different economy based on new businesses and sectors. In turn, this means older enterprises are to be driven to bankruptcy or absorbed into monopolies. It also entails massive job losses.
Although COVID is being blamed, Bohne notes that the shutting down of the old economy was already happening as there was insufficient growth, well below the minimum tolerable 3% level to maintain the viability of capitalism.
Bohne quotes the World Bank to underline her point:
In order to reverse this serious setback [COVID] to development progress and poverty reduction, countries will need to prepare for a different economy post-COVID, by allowing capital, labor, skills, and innovation to move into new businesses and sectors.”
World Bank, October 2020 Report
Economies are being ‘restructured’ and ‘downsized’ and COVID restrictions and lockdowns are being used as a battering ram to implement this agenda.
It is very revealing that Matt Hancock, British minister for health, gave a speech to the All-Party Parliamentary Group on the Fourth Industrial Revolution in October 2017. Klaus Schwab was also in attendance.
And I’m delighted to speak alongside so many impressive colleagues who really understand this, and alongside Professor Klaus Schwab who literally ‘wrote the book’ on the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Your work, bringing together as you do all the best minds on the planet, has informed what we are doing, and I’m delighted to work with you.”
If readers take time to read the aforementioned piece, they may well be disturbed by many of the beliefs Schwab holds for the future. And now, three years on from Hancock’s presentation, we are seeing him play an active role in implementing the type of scenario Schwab has set out in his various books and speeches by rolling out further restrictions and phased lockdowns, mass surveillance measures, vaccination projects, authoritarian government and economic devastation.
Hancock really does seem to be taking his cue from the influential Schwab, the founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum.
COVID is being used to inject neoliberal capitalism with new life by destroying livelihoods and implementing a social and economic tectonic shift. If people in the richer countries are perplexed by the destruction of livelihoods under the pretext of COVID, they need look no further than India to appreciate why governments wage financial and social war on their own people and the type of brutality they are capable of and whose interests they ultimately serve.
There is a plan for the future of that country and most of its current farmers do not have a role in it. India remains an agrarian-based society with over 60% of the population still relying on agriculture either directly or indirectly for their livelihood.
Successive administrations have been making farming financially nonviable with the aim of moving farmers out of agriculture and into the cities to work in construction, manufacturing or the service sector, despite these sectors not creating anything like the number of jobs required. By uprooting the agrarian base, we are seeing a fundamental attack on Indian society.
The aim is to displace the existing labour-intensive system of food and agriculture with one dominated by a few transnational corporate agribusiness concerns which will then control the sector. Agriculture is to be wholly commercialised with large-scale, mechanised (monocrop) enterprises replacing family-run farms that help sustain hundreds of millions of rural livelihoods, while feeding the urban masses.
As is currently happening in the West, small independent concerns (in this case, smallholder farmers) are being driven to bankruptcy. So why would anyone set out to deliberately run down what is effectively a productive system of agriculture that feeds people, sustains livelihoods and produces sufficient buffer stocks? Similarly, why in 2020 are governments facilitating economic destruction?
Politicians are effectively facilitating the needs of global capital and all it entails: a system based on endless profit growth, crises of overproduction and market saturation and a need to constantly seek out, create or expand into new, untapped markets to maintain profitability.
India’s agrarian base is being destroyed at the behest of predatory commercial interests (via the Indo-US Knowledge Initiative on Agriculture, World Bank directives and WTO policies) and the peasantry is being dealt a knock-out blow so global agribusiness and retail concerns can capture financially lucrative markets and further incorporate the agri-food sector into their global supply chains.
Looking at the Industrial Revolution in England, historian Michael Perelman has detailed the processes that whipped the English peasantry into a workforce coerced into factory wage labour. Peasants left their land to work for below-subsistence wages in dangerous factories being set up by a new, rich class of industrial capitalists.
Perelman describes the policies through which peasants were forced out of agriculture, not least by the barring of access to common land. A largely self-reliant population was starved of its productive means.
It was brutal, just like ongoing developments in India. And what we are now seeing are vested interests forcing through a Fourth Industrial Revolution across the world. This too is brutal and is also having dire consequences in places like India as I have previously outlined in the article ‘Coronavirus Capitalism: Entrenching Dispossession and Dependency’.
The encouragement of identity politics, narcissism, apathy and consumerism’s irretrievable materialism, among other things, have undermined ordinary people’s capacity for action. Not so the billionaire class pushing through the ‘great reset’ which is acutely aware of its own interests.
A lack of class consciousness among ordinary people debilitates their ability to unite and recognise that their interests and those of the government and the people they really serve are diametrically opposed. Free from the shackles of mainstream propaganda, ordinary people would be better placed to resist current restrictions and challenge the prevailing narrative on COVID.
Unfortunately, those who might be expected to be pivotal in this – prominent figures and media outlets which claim to be of the ‘left’ – have failed to lead by example and have capitulated to the agenda of those who are driving the COVID narrative, the restrictions, the fear, the rolling out of draconian surveillance and rushed-through vaccines and the economic devastation leading to millions of job losses.
What must be regarded as the ‘establishment left’ has done little more than cheerlead restrictions and lockdowns.
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“ the fact is that excess deaths in 2020 are not out of the ordinary when looking back over a 25-year period.” – right. In fact using the ONS starts for England and Wales, total deaths to-date (end of October) except for the Lockdpwn period are 1% LESS than for previous years. It soared up during the Lockdown period (April-May) as old people were too terrorised, stressed and lonely to go on living. But part from that the death-figures indicate NO pandemic.
A virus exists for 2-3 days. It is ONLY seen inside living organisms. Not in the air. the ‘Fear of the Air’ which seems to have caught on all around planet earth and the equally weird belief that a facemask will protect one for it is kinda strange. There is no evidence that a virus can live in the air.
the problem here is psychological not biological, that people do need something to fear and are deeply grateful to politicians for providing that.
(NK,author of The Great British Coronavirus Hoax, A Sceptics Guide)
I can clearly recall the March hysteria. I can also clearly recall the self-satisfied enjoyment of specific individuals around me as they proudly brandished the famed Lancet ‘article’ in favour of the reset – an article that was no more than a couple of graphs they didn’t actually have the ability to read.
The very same people now pretend that they never behaved in such a ridiculous way because it is unspokenly acknowledged that this biblical event did not occur. They act like the dancing nurses videoing themselves in buildings where people were terminally ill never happened; nor exhibition centres lay empty.
Now that the concensus phase has passed recent history is neatly forgotten. They of course wear their designer masks diligently and quite happily track and trace themselves all day long. But they make sure that their lurid scaremongering isn’t spoken about again. That chapter is closed. History repeating itself again and again.
Just like those who formed part of the feverpitched crowds in Buenos Aires circa 1979 pretend they were never there, or that they never supported Iraq in 2000s.
Nothing to see here, move on.
Moi, Macron le Magnifique, Dictateur Suprême de tous les Français, je décrète maintenant que tous mes sujets, vassaux et serfs, dans tous mes domaines, doivent désormais pratiquer le Cornichonnage Nasal, en tout temps et en tout lieu, ou subir le plus grand châtiment.
Les contrevenants seront fusillés à vue.
L’État, c’est moi. Vive la République.
comparer ici:
choisissez une affiche au format A3 ou A4:
I, Macron the Magnificent, Supreme Dictator of all French people, I now decree that all my subjects, vassals and serfs, in all my fields, must henceforth practice Nasal Pickling, at all times and in all places, or undergo the greatest punishment.
Offenders will be shot on sight.
I am the state. Long live the Republic.
Fascismo 101. Hence when things go pear shape. Subsidize the losses and provide for mono/oligopolisation of all sectors of the economy. When things go well privitize all aspects of the economy including the sovereign state (health ,education,communications,roads ,actual governement). But all we get the sheeple is more cognitive dissonance.
Have you had ur covidiot and latte yet or maybe one would prefer a mimosa with their covidiot bigne.
Meanwhile in Illinois the mayors of Orland Park, Springfield and Quincy told Emperor Pritzker that they would not be enforcing his lockdown orders that are set to begin on Nov. 1st.
Today the Illinois Restaurant Assoc. voted to move forward with their lawsuit against Pritzker.
Pritzker said no winter sports in Ill., the IHSA voted to go against his orders and begin practices Nov. 6th.
Next week is going to be interesting- expect more mayors in Ill. to go against Prickster’s dictates.
Oh and in Barcelona and Firenze and …..
Almost forgot- and here is how you do it- in a small town in North Carolina the town board was set to vote on mask mandates and over a 100 people stormed the meeting and shut it down essentially. Two days later, today, the mayor said it was really never on the docket those were media lies even though the media has his quotes on the matter. No masks in Waynesville.
Thanks for the info. Here’s a link to the story about Waynesville, North Carolina:
Dr Troy epic rant at the grocery store.
Dr Troy is one of life’s natural diplomats. ;o)
(That video’s been removed from YouTube, by the way. Thanks for posting it).
Gone already.
Colin Todhunter mentions three significant points which should be highlighted, the first being the altered story line: “The narrative shifted from COVID deaths and ‘flattening the curve’ to an obsession with ‘cases’ as the curve became flattened and COVID-related deaths bottomed out.” The MSM is determined to intensify the panic by emphasizing the number of cases. Millions tested positive, but with an unreliable PCR Test that has an estimated success rate of about 60% … “yes 1 over 3 times it might not work. The main reason for this low sensitivity is believed to be related to the viral load collected by the swabs. ” Are we testing viruses in the wrong way?
More than half of the time PCR Tests yield incorrect results. In addition, millions who test positive but are asymptomatic should NOT be categorized as a case. If a person shows no symptoms and is not ill, why label their test results a case.
The obvious answer is because state-run mainstream media news wants to protract the COVID panic. The upcoming agenda requires a compliant anxiety-ridden populace whose fearfulness results in capitulation even when it’s against their own best interests.
The second point bearing further discussion is how “COVID is being used to inject neoliberal capitalism with a new life by destroying livelihoods and implementing a social and economic tectonic shift.” The new injection of neoliberal life is “neo-feudalism.” The consolidation of thousands of small businesses absorbed by existing multinational corporations is producing a “monopolistic monster” controlled by a handful of oligarchs, technocrats, and the security state. That’s the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
Klaus Schwab excitedly points outs: “The scale and breadth of the unfolding technological revolution will usher in economic, social and cultural changes of such phenomenal proportions that they are almost impossible to envisage.”
I don’t think the billionaire technocrats are having a hard time envisioning this revolution they’re just impatient about implementing it.
Thirdly and lastly, Todhunter mentions the sociological factors that’ll allow these revolutionary technological changes to go through unimpeded: “The encouragement of identity politics, narcissism, apathy and consumerism’s irretrievable materialism, among other things, have undermined ordinary people’s capacity for action. Not so for the billionaire class pushing through the ‘great reset’ which is acutely aware of its own interests.”
Predatory capitalism fosters a way of life designed to create a populace that’s self-obsessed, fragmented, and apathetic. In fact, the only class firmly united is the ruling class determined to do whatever is necessary to suppress the outraged billions. Enter AI surveillance.
The Fourth Industrial Revolution as mentioned above will usher in a monopolistic economy partnered with the security state dominating the population by deploying authoritarian AI surveillance. Right now there’s still a window of opportunity to thwart this behemoth, but time is running out. Once that happens all doors and windows will be sealed shut.
Excellent comment.
“Free from the shackles of mainstream propaganda, ordinary people would be better placed to resist current restrictions and challenge the prevailing narrative on COVID.”
Again, the propagandists on this site are locked into the old circle of narratives, which by no become tediously boring. No member of the Western Holy Church of Democracy dares to realize that it is democracy which produced mass media, and because democracy produces sameness through mass mediocrity, diversity, original thought, real creative thought, local ideas dies, as it is everywhere superimposed by mediocrity.
Mainstream media = mass media = the result of democracy.
“Mainstream media propaganda”, “MSM”, these are concepts invented by democratic propagandists themselves.
Thus ‘free from the shackles of democracy and mass man’s media, and the historically unprecedented huge state produced by democracy, and the stifling bureaucracies produced by democracy’, ordinary people would be better placed to preserve their local values and culture.
De Toqueville reported much the same impression on his visit to the U$A 200 years ago: U$ Democracy seemed to breed sameness in outlook.
“Mainstream media = mass media” …..Owned by ?
I was always into music, but my first few gigs were at Manchester Free Trade Hall – seeing The Halle Orchestra – I think the origins of their music, whilst very English was heavily influenced by Eastern Europe and Russia. the French and the Germans occasionally got a look in (and still do – later we get the Italians for The Opera)
But Rock and Roll and Most Music You and Me listen to came From
I knew this when I saw a 90 year old Kora Player, 40 Years ago, playing his Kora…which he and his ancestors had been playing long before anyone invented a violin or a guitar…
Do you know where the Drums Came From….
Well, so far as I am concerned the best came from Egypt…Their rhythms are so hypnotic..Nearly as good as Burundi – but they get Noumber 1 for Live Performance
Ask any Musician who’s Dad or Great Dandad, was trying to find Any Record From The American BLACK South in The 1950’s
White Americans weren’t interested in their own Black Americans – Us English were…and Still are…
Their music did come Africa..and they know it.
So can we Please stop Dropping Bombs on African People…
Many people of African origin can also Run a lot Faster Than us lot
Our family were there. My wife and our two kids and friends. We may be on it. I’ve not seen this video yet. We also saw them at The Roundhouse about 4 years ago.
Robert Plant was on the following week
“Tinariwen – Live at Womad”
Fuck Off Tony Optic.
Thank You.
Hey, no problem,
Thanks for the engagement. Can you confirm your army background for us ?
Of course, you are right Tony, but it’s a bit off topic to the article, which may be why you have been downvoted.. seeing the comments to your comment.. reminds me in context that Mick Jagger asked Dave Godin to introduce him to Marvin Gaye at RSG in the sixties and DG replied the same as Captain Birdheart. All the best.
“Although COVID is being blamed, Bohne notes that the shutting down of the old economy was already happening as there was insufficient growth, well below the minimum tolerable 3% level to maintain the viability of capitalism.”
These are creeds from dogmatists which are utter nonsense, there has to be no constant growth to maintain the viability of capitalism, neither is a shrinking the end of the viability, and neither does it signify shutting down of the old economy.
I’m trying to think up creative excuses for not wearing a mask. So far I have;
I identify as a ten year old.
I’ve learned to breathe through my arse.
My doctor told me to stop wearing them because I can’t afford to lose any more brain cells.
India is a great example of how the world is going to go.
Since the introduction of Bt Cotton, over 250,000 poor farmers have committed suicide due to the debts incurred and the requirement of lots more water.
I am sure none of the banks have lost over this and have easily parcelled up all the farms and sold them on to some corporate agribusiness.
Reading the article about Schwab, I did note that he said globalisation would only succeed if all countries signed up to it.
So they must be desperately worried about Russia, China and the New Silk Road especially when set alongside the West with an impoverished infrastructure and economies with barely any manufacturing and now saddling itself with all that is implied in the green initiative.
The West is rather like a steam ship. Having consumed all the coal it is now devouring every piece of wood in a futile attempt to make land.
I see that the Guardian is still in full blown fucking mental with hysteria mode:
‘It’s possible’: the race to approve a Covid vaccine by Christmas.
For those who don’t want to dirty themselves by reading that rag, here’s a choice sample;
What a load of bollocks with bells on.
Well I don’t know about holding my breath, but this tiny individual section of the world (me) can’t wait for the retribution upon our murdering “authorities” to commence.
They honestly have no authority at all beyond what they have awarded themselves.
They have infiltrated and corrupted all that is decent, they have committed sedition and treason, and they have abandoned whatever humanity they might once have had.
They probably even think they’re doing “God’s work” for Him in His absence, (7.8 billion people – and multiplying fast – on one small planet IS pushing it, after all…) but I do hope they are in for a shock, whatever form that might take…
Xmas pantomime…..The Russians are coming !!! With a vaccine !! Oh no they’re not ! Oh yes they are !
Ok, Colin, what are we going to do about it?
You are never allowed to ask that question.
I think many people will now be waking up to these limited hangouts; all controlled opposition like MOA, Murray and many others.
You can list on the fingers of one hand what is genuine opposition.
It’s not just the MSM who are totally infiltrated by these scum, it’s also just about all of the so-called ‘alternate media’.
The psychos hold just about all the aces in the deck.
But not quite yet all of them…
Your first question is the same question I am now asking myself every day, after reading yet another excellent description of what we already know to be wrong.
I must admit I’m still stumped for an answer.
try this, from Maxwell above:
“and here is how you do it- in a small town in North Carolina the town board was set to vote on mask mandates and over a 100 people stormed the meeting and shut it down essentially. Two days later, today, the mayor said it was really never on the docket those were media lies even though the media has his quotes on the matter. No masks in Waynesville.”
Spread the word offline.
Print info and spread it everywhere you go. Throw leaflets in your neighbors’ mailboxes. Hand over a copy of “Masks Don’t Work” by Denis Rancourt to every idiot who tells you to wear a mask. Leave a few copies of “Klaus Schwab and the Great Fascist Reset” on places where people are more likely to take time to read it, such as libraries, trains, cafés. It’s no silver bullet but it’s FAR more effective than social media.
Offline, eh? Sounds like a place!
Pretty much on the same page although even pointing this out is but a tiny step forward and long way from meaningful action (not excluding myself from this critique).
Four industrial revolution as first industrial revolution happened because of inherent crisis of capitalism, namely periodic stagnation or decline in rate of profit growth on return from investment as socioeconomic expansion is arrested and market killing monopolies grow.
In other words 4IR is happening because of stalling of expected by ruling capitalist class exponential growth of profits from commodity based global mainstream economy while financial economy collapses under weight of quadrillion dollar nominal debt.
Such crises in the last centuries were mitigated by financialization until speculative collapse, technological revolution increasing return on capital and massive global expansion, foundation of socioeconomic system of capital imperialism. But this time expansion and exploitation and commodification Human Resources and natural resources is near or reached its physical limits and hence can only be expanded in virtual realm of new perceptions of reality while past is being pushed into Orwellian revision of new global society of control.
In an essence Fourth hi tech bourgeois/oligarchic Industrial revolution aims, like First bourgeois industrial Revolution to turn into dust previous social order solely for purposes of satisfying psychotic drive for more profit and more control, regardless of historically documented social devastation, shattering human bonds and corrupting fundamental social relations and obligations that make us a human society.
For last at least thirty years called irrelevant to “this time is different” new brave world Communist Manifesto come to live again with its assessment of unquenched desire to destruction of everything old to brutally implement their fanatical capitalist vision of total control, and dominance of capital over people.
From “Manifesto of the Communist Party”,
by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, February 1848. (p.15 and 16);
In contrast to peddled propaganda it was not working class but bourgeoisie who were extremist, orthodox and radical, inherently antidemocratic and despotic in their sick visions of the future they were trying to brainwash us with in the past and today.
” has set up that single, unconscionable freedom – Free Trade.”
Oh that horror of horrors, an individual making his own decision whether to trade his property for the property of another individual.
Klaus Schaub and Karl Marx are kindred spirits. Both seek centralized power over voluntary exchange. Institutional power over individual liberty. Both are control freaks abhorrent of any dissent.
There’s no free trade. Not for long anyway. Free trade leads inevitably to concentration of capital.
As I see it You oppose Marx as a believer in idea of libertarian decentralized capitalism which opposed fundamental principle of capitalism namely unlimited accumulation and concentration of capital and therefore never was allowed to exist by .. the very capitalist class, ruling class in the 500 year era of modern capitalism as already Adam Smith pointed out in 1776 complaining about near absolute rule of mercantile oligarchy and its cronies subjugating politics to private profits, and hijacking governments to secure their economic and financial position. In fact nominally American Revolution was also all about braking British monopoly epitomized by East India Trading Company (EITC).
You are also confused about what Marx and Marxists, Marx never advocated central government of any kind but instead advocated abolition of land and industrial private property replaced for commons owned collectively by community, as well as full, direct people shelf governance mostly via consensus from the bottom, establishing equal, equitable, egalitarian society.
Those were pseudo Marxists who factually turned into populists and who advocated for strong central power for socialist political parties with broad social platform and more control over private capital within state/national legal framework as supposed remedy to capitalism of exploitation inequality, poverty, ruled by bourgeois cliques on behalf oligarchs.
But those pseudo Marxists were called social democrats, and they failed to tame radical capitalism beast as ancient global monopolies returned and demanded absolute power, and will scorch the earth to get it. Exactly what we are witnessing today.
Being a bit of an idealist (strong sense)?
The analysis of Capital (value creation through a certain social relationship) sheds light precisely to the fact that there is no ‘free’ in free market.
But we totally agree on the wishful part.
Hello Kalen: Unfortunately; the majority of the populace have never read Karl Marx’s full critique regarding capitalism. Instead, they’ve been programmed to react numbly to “market conditions”, rather than consider the obvious entropy of “free” markets.
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My phone just started buzzing and beeping with this message:
<img src=”“>
Not sure about class, but according to this study we are all ‘sociopaths’.
“TORONTO — A new study has found that people with sociopathic traits are less likely to follow public health measures designed to help limit the spread of COVID-19, including wearing a face mask and adhering to physical distancing.
The study, conducted by researchers at the Universidade Estadual de Londrina in Brazil, found that people with sociopathic traits were also more likely to trivialize the risks posed by the novel coronavirus and avoid regular hand-washing.
“Our findings indicated that anti-social traits, especially lower levels of empathy and higher levels of callousness, deceitfulness, and risk-taking, are directly associated with lower compliance with containment measures,” the study read.”
I must confess to being a sociopath. Still that’s one better than a government of psychopaths, who are intent on wrecking the country financially and morally, as prelude to massively downsizing the population, by lethal injection.
Sociopath ? Quite right, these days, but maybe that’s what ‘they’ want ?
(Also, I see no sign of Tony Optics comment, which I replied to, and then you replied to me, on this thread. Tiresome how many commentators complain about this and then their comments appear later though…)
Think it was even before your comment mentioning 77th..
Turns out sociopaths care about small businesses going bankrupt, teen suicide, missed cancer and heart diagnoses and treatments, increased poverty and child hunger, and isolated seniors becoming despondent.
Who knew?
I read something akin to this study earlier during this nightmare of a time, and found myself worrying about whether I was a sociopath, despite *knowing* I am almost excessively empathetic at times (to the point that it hinders me emotionally). Then with a flash, I realized that NO! it is literally *because* of my empathy, for the children, for all the people whose lives and livelihoods are being ruined, for the life we USED to lead, that I resist the mask, resist the changes, resist the so-called new normal. In other words, the theory that we are sociopaths because we don’t openly embrace Corona can go f*** itself.
“Unfortunately, those who might be expected to be pivotal in this – prominent figures and media outlets which claim to be of the ‘left’ – have failed to lead by example and have capitulated to the agenda of those who are driving the COVID narrative, the restrictions, the fear, the rolling out of draconian surveillance and rushed-through vaccines and the economic devastation leading to millions of job losses.
What must be regarded as the ‘establishment left’ has done little more than cheerlead restrictions and lockdowns.”
The KEY as to why the lockdown has been so successful, not only in the UK, but in the US, indeed everywhere. And this includes even most of the “radical” left, e.g WSWS, most “anarchist” and “left communist” groupings, Monthly Review,…..
Did something happen or has the msm always been terrible like this? I’m not sure if something actually changed or if I just grew up and realized they sucked.
MSM have been getting worse and worse, back in Vietnam they toed the line but were willing to entertain the thought that something was wrong. Each decade they were less willing to question the official narrative than they had been the previous decade. My experience in the US, anyway. Part of it has been the increasing concentration of control by a few ever-larger business entities.
Yes the media consolidation thing makes sense. I think Jimmy Dore or someone like him has said that the intelligence agencies are intertwined with the msm and I wonder if that’s always been true.
Always been true, I believe.
The CIA, right after its creation in 1947, launched its first operation, Operation Mockingbird, which used the US media to disseminate government propaganda disguised as news. The two co-flagships of the enterprise were .. The New York Times and the Washington Post.
Gradual changes in the law have also allowed previously unheard-of impertinences to occur within business-media relationships.
There have also been impertinent changes in the law itself – under completely immoral and indecent pressure from big business.
It seems you must be a late developer, but better late than never.
Yes my 65 year old mother just told me I’ll have to stop breastfeeding soon 🙂
You must be a bit of a drain on your mother. Try a few rusks instead. I still like a nibble myself.
Haha never heard of such a thing but have looked them up, now I will try it. Seriously do appreciate the articles and comments here. I grew up rather naïve. I was one of those people who felt quite betrayed to learn the truth about Santa Claus. I used to put a lot of faith in institutions and the good of others. When I read “A People’s History of the United States” – felt like the rug had been pulled out from under me. So I do feel happy to have found this site and Corbett Report to help me understand more about what/who we are up against.
Have the same query in mind constantly these days!
Yes it’s hard to accept that seemingly regular people are perpetrating something so awful against the public. I have started to be very wary of this façade with a lot of celebrities and “influencer” types – where they try to pose as though they are so normal, “they’re just like us!”
I’m sorry but I now think it was always like this but you and me etc didn’t see it …
Yes I think you are right. It’s just strange to think that things are not the way we’ve been led to believe.
This may have been posted elsewhere but this is an excellent discussion between independent journalist Anna Brees and Mike Yeadon about the “lies” (i.e. Yeadon’s own description) we are being told about immunity, the PCR test, the basis of death statistics and excess deaths. He states categorically that it is not incompetence driving the deception, it is purposeful fraud. His frustration and anger are palpable.
The whole thing is deliberately designed to cause harm. Nothing out of the ordinary really. ‘Vaccines’ have long been used to cause harm.
Yes indeed, all vaccines are potentially very harmful. However with Covid-19, I would very much suggest, that we are heading into unexplored territory, in that these vaccines will be purposely genocidal. The swingeing lockdowns and other senseless restrictions are designed to increase the voluntary vaccine take up. Shortly after the naive volunteers have rolled up their sleeves, they will switch to coercion and then compulsion to force out the vaccine dissenters.
Exactly. I came to the same conclusion as Dr. Kalokerinos.
Once you go down the rabbit hole and really investigate you can’t come to any other conclusion. They’ve been killing and injuring babies and children on purpose.
And if you dig a little deeper, you find the connections between eugenics and the medical industrial complex, and that gives the answers as to why. Population control. They’re psychopaths.
The whole thing has been a very deliberate fraud, planned a long time ago Judy. As I said below, one of the greatest crimes ever perpetrated on humanity. The truly craven, snivelling, vile politicians know exactly what is going on, and in my opinion, they’re either expecting a ‘peice of the action’ $$$ post politics, or they’re being blackmailed.
There betrayal is…. (insert any word you like here). Will watch this video when I get home this evening. Enjoy your weekend✌️
Thanks, Gezzah. There’s talk here of an imminent full national lockdown again “to try to save Christmas”. They alternate between ‘carrot and stick’ incentives to keep us on our toes.
You have a good weekend as well. 😀
You have conjured up an image for me Judy, of one B. Johnson esq., done up in a red costume, a white beard, and blond hair peeking out from under his Santa hat, fatter than usual belly, and shiny black boots, eating a larger than average Christmas Dinner, while pushing some school children out of the way.
Pass the sick bag Alice.
Hi Gezzah. I felt angry when I read these words of your chief health officer:
“chief health officer Brett Sutton says Victorians have earned the right to “enjoy ourselves now” while taking the necessary COVID-19 precautions.”
He seems to think we have no right to enjoy ourselves unless we “earn” it!!! Jesus! What good little kiddies we are. Thanks for nothing, brett.
This dog knows that the whole thing is a massive scam. And he claims to be a…. Buddhist! It almost certainly seems his sister in law is Jane Halton who attended the infamous Event 201 last year. And the organisation he was previously at received grants from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
Second day back selling the mag, and both days have been utterly amazing. In fact I’m having steak, mashed spuds, mushrooms and broccoli for dinner tonight!
That’s almost trivial compared to what happened today. At least 6 people all proclaimed the ‘pandemic’ was a massive scamdemic, two of them loudly proclaimed it was bullshit and people were brainwashed believing it; that people actually gave them sideways glares, and a third person stated the facemasks were useless and were a danger to our health!
Oh, and several people shook my hand, and one person hugged me! In front of scores of people! That really made my day! Cheers May…
Glad to hear some good news from you Gezzah.
Yes, there is definitely a big conflict of interest here. I found this ….. “Victoria’s Chief Health Officer, Prof. Brett Sutton, is the brother of Trevor Sutton, who is the HUSBAND of Jane Halton. Jane Halton works for The Gates Foundation; she is Australia’s Covid-19 Coordinator and she is the person that both Federal and State answer to.”
So her married name is Jane Sutton. This stinks!
YES!! I think I told you about that last week? The filth media will not mention this because it would blow the whole scam out of the water. Now you have to wonder how Brett Sutton even got his job as Victorian Chief Health Officer, because questions have been asked about whether he was even qualified for the job!
The whole thing stinks.
And yes, I’m very aware who Jane Halton is… Having a break so gotta go. Have a good day May.
Jobs for mates. This explains why the state of Victoria has been so heavily stamped on. NSW next – or will they wait until summer’s almost over until we are swamped by the next deadly wave?
I think it’s a lot more insidious than ‘jobs for mates’ May. This is all tied in with The Great Reset and the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The vaccines and the health immunity passports are the vehicles to bring this in. Complete totalitarian control. Think 1984.
The Corbett Report recent video ‘Your Guide to the Great Reset’ and the article here recently ‘Klaus Schwab and his Great Fascist Reset’ both hit the nail on the head as to what this scamdemic is really about and I really recommend them. Tott News (in Queensland) is a really good source of info also.
3 amazing days selling the mag, am quite shocked how well its gone, so Chinese spiced chicken wings, new potatoes, carrots and broccoli for dinner! Sigh…
News today in my town had two interesting stories: one says there were protestors in front of the state epidemiologist’s house (they repeatedly tried to point out small numbers, but showed no images) and also one of the state’s health dept buildings had its windows shot out overnight by a pellet gun.
People around here are certainly getting fed up. The governor just made a speech begging the public to not get together for holidays, and by my estimate about 30% of commenters replied with an “f!&% you”
Btw thanks for the article and the reference to Michael Perelman. I looked him up and will read his book “The Invention of Capitalism” it is a wonder that they were able to “convince” people to go work in factories, and it’s been downhill from there.
How can there be any class consciousness around when there is no actual thinking going on?! We are really getting what we deserve aren’t we. Going around “thinking” about what model of iShit I want or what to eat for Friday dinner (same as usual)…
Lol well done
That sums it up nicely. We are in very deep trouble.
The new mantra
And so it is written………
Do not forget that wearing a white coat is not a sign that the scoundrel and terrorist wearing it gives a f u c k whether you live or die!
They also just care about money and status…
Just look at the wonderful NHS example.
The NHS is now busy readying itself to repeat its disastrous performance of the Spring and Summer. NHS staff are very much a part of the problem, as most seem intent on keeping their heads down, while the system crashes all around them. Just how many more lies are doctors going to tell on death certificates?
The biggest lie they tell, perhaps to themselves, is that vitamins don’t work.
I’ll go along with that.
Interesting site to check out.
That site is a one man show by some sort of preacher who is asking for your money without explaining what you are paying for. Smells fishy.
Check out common law a lawful means of challenging arbitrary rule. It is the Law of we the people (not sheeple) and only needs to be consistently practiced by enough of ordinary people to allow the Sheriff Officers and the authorities to enforce. Which means that up to now there is not enough people involved to do the business of enforcing the prosecution of those who are deceiving us by fraudulent means. It is probably only one of the few peaceful remedies avaliable that might work but no doubt many will disagree!
I must add wrt the Sars-Cov-2 a similar case could be brought against the perpetrators of this fraudulent virus as it was in Germany with the fraudulent measles virus case won by Dr Stefan Lanka against Dr Bardens.
Yes tony
you are so right but you fail to notice what has been done to your common law the last few years
Its basically GONE !! never to return ..
Why u think your crown never put it on paper ? LOL ahh iam too cyncial me
Its gone my friend
and you will notice very soon it is
when all these court hearing scheduled now by concerned citizens will be thrown out
Do you even know what ‘common law’ is?…… no.
It will not return unless the people RETURN It. This can still happen because we still have a choice in the matter. If we fail to take this window of opportunity then there a very dark future that awaits. We must think of our children and grandchildren and what sort of servitude they will have to endure in a totalitarian and souless cosmocracy governed by sociopaths.
Regards T.
Thanks Tony. Most people are completely ignorant of the existence of Common Law, and are far too lazy to do their own research. They’d rather live under the boot of Maritime Rule and continue bitching about black/white, left/right, up/down, whilst signifying nothing.
You are quite right Paul. We have got into this huge mess because of complacency and laziness has played a part too not to mention giving our power away – or should I say having it taken away by self-seeking sociopaths in politics who do not represent the people.
That is why the common law court system must be restored – this is crucial if any semblance of justice is to prevail and our freedom restored under the common law and British constitution.
People do have the power to do that and have a last lawful chance to consider joining the common law court end mass and take matters from there including lawful action against those who can be identified as perpetrating the outrageous crimes that are currently being committed against the people.
Regards T.
Thanks -CO. Sometimes I feel like I’m barking at air planes. People don’t know jack shit about Common Law, much less Admiralty Law and Maritime Rule. It’s as if people wish to stay ignorant so they have plenty to complain about…
Yes Paul
People fail to understand the fact that when they are born they have sailed down their mothers birthing canal and the captain of the ship usually the father registers the cargo (them) with the harbourmaster and obtains a birth certificate. They then become a ‘person ‘a legal fiction and a corporation that can participate in commerce and make contracts etc.
The main aims of Covid, are to elect a ‘popular’ dictatorship under trump in the USA and the final crushing of left wing ideas, along with the destruction of Europe, with the help of Johnson & Macron. If you oppose either of those aims get busy. The rest is just distraction hot air and noise. It is a massive power-grab by the US military industrial complex at home and overseas.
no no and no
The main aims of Covid, are to elect a ‘popular’ dictatorship under trump in the USA and the final crushing of left wing ideas
Your either really naive or indeed have blinkers on and don’t want to see
its word wide it has bugger all to do with the US or UK or any other nation .
can you not see this ?
this is all ambient noise only …
the vote in US means NOTHING it doesn’t matter who wins they are all PAID for
as per usual
Please use google translate if you don’t speak other languages but please do . watch other govs response you must notice the lockstep!
This is worldwide …local politicians have as much power in this as you and me .
NONE they are actors doing a job ..
Sorry, I’m so ashamed. I really love thick people trying to be clever, it really tickles me.
Trump is just another loser doing the bidding of the psychopaths. How can anyone have any respect for him after seeing him wearing a slave mask?
Almost agree except I think you mean BIDEN not Trump.
After all Bozo and Jozy share the same PR messaging.
It will be trump, who comes out of this on top. Covid is being used to ensure it.
I hope so.
“SOCIALISM is not going to die nor is it going away. It will survive (out last) this and prevail.”
Trump will soon be removed, his successor will keep implemented the exact same agenda. Biden/Harris if anything are MORE attuned to the Great Reset than Trump.
When did you last see a “left wing idea”…?
C’mon now, be honest.
It really doesn’t matter does it? No matter what controversies rage in various circles, along comes TV and what TV says is ALL! From tonight:
“These figures are inescapable! The pandemic is still headed in the wrong direction!”
Oh how I’d love to have control of the MSM for just an hour. What could I say?
“The Dark Lord Sauron has been discovered in Chipping Sodbury!”
“The Belgians are seeking world domination and will start bombing the US tomorrow!”
“I am the egg man, they are the egg men, I am the walrus, Goo goo g’joob!”
We are all being led on a Magical Mystery Tour. Unfortunately, it is Black Magic (and not the chocolate variety).
It may be Halloween bringing out my Inner Manson, but for me being driven into the Megadeath Virus of Doom New Abnormal has more of a “Helter Skelter” vibe.
From my point of view since the start of The New Millennium, Everything has changed, and almost No One who knows The Truth (Or Thinks They Do)…
Will Come Out
It is like being a homosexual in the 1960’s who incidentally, I have never had any problem with. I have even been to a Gay Parade. As long as you don’t cause me or my friends any problems (most girls fancy them like fck cos they are pretty boys, but they don’t shag ’em)..then you can do whatever you want, providing it doesn’t cause any other adult any harm..and no – No Priest ever hinted they wanted to do that to me when I was an Altar Boy..and I still look like a Girl with Long Blonde Hair (OK I dye it a bit – but its still growing out of my head – even if it is pure white)
I Came Out in February 2003
I told absolutely Everyone I Knew at work, at home – all my RockFriends Down the Pub…and Everyone who read anything I wrote on the Internet – including loads of Americans – I posted on Alternet for 5 Years from little me here in England – and it really was like an online community – and you could write far more freely in the USA, than I could in my Favourite websites in England. I did have a history of being banned, but they usually let me post again.
I just said – look at This – 9/11 I showed them the visual evidence, the physical evidence, the political evidence, the pscyhological evidence – and explained the basic physics and maths.
They all looked at me as if I was completely F’cking Mad
Having Slightly more success with COVID, but not much.
I might be crap, but at least I try.
If you are too brainwashed to see it, then there is nothing much I can do…and we need you to help to turn this around, because what is going on now is completely INSANE
Why are You Wearing That Mask?
Excellent article.
The Fourth Industrial Revolution, ID2020, Agenda 2030 and The Great Reset are not conspiracy theories.
The ‘elite’ are very open how they want to implement the above.
The material is freely available for anyone who can be bothered to read it.
It’s not a secret. They are so arrogant they even boast and publicise it.
There was never going to be a vote on it so they needed something major to happen or appear to happen so they can implement the above.
That’s what this false pandemic is about.
The reason why no government can prove SARS-CoV 2 to exist is so they don’t indemnify themselves.
It’s pointless taking legal action against the restrictions or arguing against proportionality.
The government would shit themselves if legal action was taken to prove the existence of this virus. But people don’t want to do it as the scum MSM will smear and vilify them.
Covid19 is not a new disease. It’s the name of this operation.
I stand to be corrected but I’ve never seen an authentic photo of this virus. I believe we’ve only ever been shown computer generated images.
In a genuine pandemic the proof of a new virus and disease would be verified, a gold standard test would be used for accurate diagnosis.
The ‘science’ and politicians would not need to resort to propaganda to increase the level of personal threat and try and scare people.
Why would you censor anyone who speaks out against you.
Face masks would not be mandated when there’s no empirical evidence to support them.
Interestingly it was Susan Michie, a member of the British Communist Party who advocated face masks.
She is a trained behavioural psychologist.
When you analyse every single aspect of the official narrative there is no evidence any of its genuine and there is no supporting evidence to support the response to it if it was genuine.
Some may argue but what about the excess deaths.
But what did they think was going to happen when citizens were bombarded with fear, care homes abandoned, vital medicines withheld in care homes, blanket DNRs, the NHS turned into a Covid only service, sick people denied treatment, critical operations cancelled, cancer screening paused.
There will be extra deaths for years to come.
The British government knew this.
They along with Sage are war criminals.
To be fair, in many countries the masses got seduced by neoliberalism all too easily. E.g. the Malaysian government used to run all sorts of generous rural agribusiness schemes. All you had to do was stay in your village and breed ornamental fish or whatever. But no! The rural folk prefer big city life. It’s fun riding the tube, strolling through the megamalls and hangin’ at eateries that are open 24 hours. Never mind living 15 people to a room and working odd jobs as bus drivers and store promoters. Odd how people become dispossessed voluntarily.
Not checked the Richter Scale, but the only thing I am reasonably confident is true from reading The Newspapers over the last day or two is this
“Nobby Stiles, England World Cup-winner, dies aged 78 after long illnessStiles was also part of the Manchester United side which became the first English club to win the European Cup”
I think they made most of the rest of it up, as normal.
Is Jeremy Corbyn part of The Plot? If not, why didn’t he fire the evil Blairite B@stards, and why is he still wearing a F’cking Mask?
The “bending over and taking it without complaining school of politics”
is always there to disappoint voters burdened by decency.
No zest, no vigour, no fight. Testosteron challenged.
But hey, the extreme right la-di-dah bla-di-blah.
And their numbers, oy vey, way more than islamists, so let us be alarmed.
I give you a friendly downtick at what could be interpreted as gaslighting😏
But since you have been appreciative recently so I offer the following with regards issues you raise in your post.
I have previously stated my opinion on Starmer and Nandy during the leadership election so won’t go into it except to say that my fears are quickly being proved true as was seen by the defenestration of Long Bailey.
So as to what exactly is happening with the current recruxifixation of JC – a bit Groundhog Day fashion?
1. This is aimed at these who joined as members following his election and attempted chickencoups against him from day 1. Making Labour the largest socialist Democratic Party in Europe with the British GRASSROOTS.
It has required a tremendous neocon/liberal self admitted Gauntlet to arrest and now reverse that type of populism. Many will have been cancelling their membership in fury.
2. He may have been a grade b, c or whatever leader, but leadership is about having an effective team around you who are supposed to make up for shortfalls in personal expertise and experience.
3. Leadership is also about setting the tone and gaining popular support.
Politicising the young and disenfranchised by being a ‘common decent man’ with right ‘motives’ and being ‘liked’ – was his greatest achievement along with a fresh new intake of MP’s not born out the Blairite parachuted ex spads and elites from on high to secure the safe labour seats.
They have already broken whip on several bills which Starmer has not opposed. Not much reported.
4. To finish with my regular CT that I am wont to do:
We are being driven full speed into the Hard BrexShit- which has been the decade long purpose of our ‘elected‘ governments.
Which like the Titanic Speeding into an ice field is only going to end in one outcome! Covid has been enrolled as cover. People will be offered a GNU lifeboat under Starmer and that will be the end of the pretend democracy of fixed elections – finally!
Hope you enjoy that Compo , it won’t be the last of my summer whine. 😉
Amen: the Left is part of the problem on this one, not the solution. Critical voices about the Covid 19 narrative within the Left have been basically nonexistent. The biggest irony being that global austerity is the through-line of the Covid 19 pandemic response connecting it to decades of global policy initiatives and media campaigns all stampeding us in one ultimate direction.
The defunding of police departments fits in to this austerity push as well, with the Left as its handmaidens: cracking down on the one group of unions with any power left in America (police unions) and further shrinking the resources of the state. Because the austerity push is focused on the carceral part of the state, with which Lefties traditionally have plenty of legitimate grievances, they can’t see that defunding and sublimating of police departments is part of a larger hollowing-out of the state exemplified in the efforts of the Koch brothers.
STOP imagining the republicans are fighting for us. They are NOT. They are controlled opposition there to give an ILLUSION they’re fighting. People don’t want to face the truth because it requires that they ACT, so they prefer to continue this charade.
department of Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar today announced the renewal of the COVID-19 national public health emergency declaration. The renewal is effective Oct. 23, and will last 90 days.
The declaration of a public health emergency has provided hospitals and health systems and the nation’s caregivers the ability to respond in an innovative, timely and decisive manner to the virus
BOTH parties WANT these enable these ridiculous UNCONSTITUTIONAL RESTRICTIONS on our liberty. Trump’s OWN GUY RENEWED the “emergency”, AGAIN. Stop saying that it is “the governors”. NONE of this can continue w/out the FED MONEY flowing from the “emergency” legalman
I didn’t say anything about the Republicans “fighting for us.” They aren’t. And neither is the left. Nobody is. It’s just us wingbats out here in nowheresville that are questioning the whole Covid 19 narrative.
Thank YOU (again) ame
All Trump offers is the illusion of choice. His pushback is more of a self-stroke.
If you’re against Biden – balls to the wall NWO pandemic lockdown – then over here we have cubed potatoes instead of shredded potatoes to go with your eggs.
Each plate is a shit special. Each plate. Is piled. To the ceiling. With SHIT.
“Left is part of the problem”
Divide and conquer?
What is happening is coming right from the CORPORATE FASCISTS and the OLIGARCH MOBSTER PSYCHOS. Cutting the numbers of GESTAPO and the WAR RACKETEER LANGLEY-LAND SPOOKS is not such a bad idea. Who does one think protect that parasitic scum?
As to BLM/Antifa it is a CIA-Soros traveling Kabuki show that pushes the “indentity politics” divide and conquer strategy to keep WE THE PEOPLE (HUMANITY) apart. Not unlike the anti-Islam crap.
I have commented many times on the odd position that the Left have taken up and I have got into …well, I was going to say “scrapes” with some on the Left – but the fact is that, when they’re not treating you with condescension, they are ignoring you. Although there is one very amicable guy who I’ve spoken to and he’s been happy to read my remarks but, instead of putting up an argument, simply resorts to “Well I’m not convinced!” We supply each other with links and comment back and forward but usually on topics not directly related to Covid. It’s difficult to avoid the feeling that we inhabit different worlds.
And that, I’m afraid, is pretty much that. I made a comment on the Left below but think I’ll stick it in here too:
One of the ironies of the Left is that they were the first to insist that we should not go back to normal – and yet I have heard them muse so often on what will happen when the lockdowns/pandemic is over and “who will pick up the tab”.
They don’t realise that all this talk about “the new normal” is literally true. They don’t realise that this is it! They don’t realise that this situation right now is the one being used by the ruling class to implement that brave new world. And that’s because, having swallowed the Covid narrative, they think that everyone is waiting for a vaccine and in the meantime, no-one can do anything. But it is only the Left who can’t do anything, having assumed that all mass protest is clearly out the window, due to “the deadly bug”. Meanwhile the real show is going on right under their noses.
Try to put aside the Right-Center-Left political divide and keep apart drivel/bilge of the CORPORATE FASCISTS. That is the paradigm (the terminology) of the slavemasters, to keep the slaves at each others throats. ORGANIZE, ORGANIZE, ORGANIZE.
What’s changed?
“Be optimistic. Things change for the better, though not as fast as one would like them to change. View humanity as a work in progress.”
Good points, George Mc! I’m frustrated with the left too– precisely because that’s where I’m coming from ideologically in many ways.
But there are too many whose opinions I value that seem to be incapable of looking at this Covid 19 scare as the remarkable global psyop it is.
“Amen: the Left is part of the problem on this one, not the solution.”
The “quasi left” that is!
Complete betrayal from the left. You would think Naomi Klein would at least write and comment on The Great Reset in the context of Disaster Capitalism, as the oligarchs exploiting a crisis to their own benefit. Instead, she shows no interest even when directly asked about it. Very strange indeed. From Mark Crispin Miller’s website:
She was an accomplice all along. Most academics that came out of those networked and moneyed institutions are almost certainly the same. Their rise to prominence was conveniently assisted by the corporate media, their contacts and networks. It’s neither chance or talent. Klein revealed her true hand when she and McKibben paired up on the climate fraud bandwagon.
They all know the score. They are part of a club, where they make money and a name for themselves by pushing the nation state vs nation state thesis, or the right vs left thesis. They write books or pretend to be journalists. But they know the truth.
There’s no need to pretend anymore. Their masks have been pulled off with covid19.
Absolutely, though for me, those masks were already pulled off with 9/11. But Covid is significantly worse, and there’s no need to pretend anymore as you rightly say.
Yes – what has happened is an enlargement of the old union boss problem i.e. he starts off passionately – and even sincerely – fighting for the workers he represents. And during the course of this, he gets to sit in on the meetings with the bosses to put forward the workers’ case. But as the meetings go on, he starts to notice how more comfortable the chair in the boardroom is compared to the grotty one down in the canteen. And the food’s nicer too. And then he and the wife get invited along to a little presentation here and a little reception there. And he gets asked to fill in a few favours for his new boss pals in exchange for some they’ll do him etc. And the next thing you know he has developed a little bit of an aversion to those crude sweaty slobs downstairs etc.
But the situation with those academic Leftists is less easy to see because they are all so well versed in writing dense radical sounding texts that really make a big impression. In other words, they are much more canny in setting up an illusion of militancy. Until of course a big shake up happens. And Covid is the biggest of shake ups.
Privilege. Who grants it? Well, the ones who have it, for a start. Who has privilege today? A group who has all the power and is beyond criticism..
I found this video exchange from Oct 26 between Klein and Alison McDowell from wrenchinthegears regarding Davos & the 4th Industrial Revolution illuminating.
Wow. She’s out front with the lies. Thanks for the video. And the mention of “plandemic” as some kind of weird deflection. She didn’t even acknowledge that this agenda was in place before Covid19, as was all the technology.
A couple of hours research and anyone can see that the payment system in the VST Enterprises platform that integrates immunity passports, vaccinations and blockchain digital ID was being rolled out in Zimbabwe in 2016 as a test. Theresa May, the UK security state, GAVI, and others were involved in that entire process.
I wonder what Klein would have to say if she read Whitney Webb’s research on the Israeli tech companies that came out of Unit 8200 that are now being rolled out in the biometric surveillance and policing grid? Probably crickets.
It’s going to be difficult to pull academics and scientists out of their false belief system of viral contagion because they have a lifelong investment in the idea of contagion due to “scientism” replacing basic research and evidence based science and medicine.
If Ms. Klein ever read and comprehended Whitney Webb’s journalism on Israel, she would have to immediately arrest herself for anti-Semitism..
The funny thing is Naomi Klein was pushing the BDS movement as central to her credentials of the “left”. She was also pushing the climate fraud with Bill McKibben and 350 org.
It seems to me so many on the left were using the wars waged in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and Yemen or the struggle of the Palestinians against occupation as their credibility stripes against the establishment, but it was all a farce, because the wars themselves are backed by the bankers, (as is the climate change fraud and Covid19) and these people like Klein who are supposedly against the wars will not speak out against usury or the monetary system itself as the lynchpin to the tyranny and debt enslavement, that holds the corrupted and phony political process together. They also don’t mention the corruption and infiltration of academia by philanthropic orgs, the military and industry.
And now that we are faced with the tyranny of the lockdowns, mask wearing, mandatory vaccine and restrictions from traveling or business they won’t speak out against THAT tyranny.
So, in my opinion that calls into question the validity of these wars themselves. Are they really what we are being told in the media, alternative or otherwise? Millions of people are being displaced and hundreds of thousands murdered. That is true. But are these wars being carefully staged by both parties (and all proxies) to achieve maximum destruction and profit for the bankers, corporations and oil and mining interests who back these wars? It’s strange that the war in Syria has been going on so long, but the US doesn’t really seem so intent on getting rid of Assad. Same thing in Afghanistan. The Taliban are fully functional there. The US are protecting the drug trade and poppy fields in Afghanistan, and moving locals off their land for the rare earth mineral mining to come.
What I’ve concluded (since I discovered that Trump was part of the Russiagate operation from its inception) is that the entire Pa!estinian – !srael struggle has been a test ground for the cabal to see how they can psychologically terrorize and control both populations into despising one another, so that they can create a police state in !srael and the occupied territories and use terrorism as a way to make one part of the population dehumanize the other. That’s when I realized that !srael must have been sponsoring and coordinating the violence and terrorism of the Pa!estinians from the beginning. They sponsored it, in order to create restrictive laws, and eventually take their land as they do now, with the settlements. It’s a pattern. Like the US attacking itself on 9-11 by using Arab proxies. And it’s not like the cabal are going to spare the !sraelis from the depopulation agenda. Deagel shows their population decreasing markedly by 2025.
The sponsorship of terrorism by governments actually goes back centuries as do false flags.
Naomi Klein’s book is excellent, but she never told the truth about 9/11, and neither did most of the rest of them. The one that came closest, was my former MP for Oldham Michael Meacher
“Meacher sparks fury over claims on September 11 and Iraq war”
Right, I remember Meacher and his courageous comments on 9/11. Thank you for refreshing my memory.
To be clear, I’m actually not at all surprised with Klein’s position on Covid. As you say, she was also a gatekeeper on 9/11. Actually, I recall her even calling for more surveillance and security measures.
That was thing about Naomi Klein and 9/11– she always walked right up to the ledge of 9/11 Truth and never jumped. Which allowed her to stay in the lefty fold.
Yes. I remember Meacher too!
“Naomi Klein? She is a CORPORATE FASCIST hack dancing to the tune of her OLIGARCH MOBSTER PSYCHO bosses. There is another name for that, LABOR FAKER.”
A minor point maybe but the oligarchs are not “ exploiting a crisis to their own benefit”.
They have invented a crisis to enable the implementation of a long planned agenda.
One that Colin Todhunter in the above article doesn’t seem to fully appreciate.
The forcing off the land of Indian farmers is almost certainly not just to enable some big bad globalist enterprise to make more profit but more likely is part of the Agenda 21 plan to get everyone out of the countryside and into smart cities. Has he understood the full implications of Schwab and Co’s Great Reset? We’ll all be eating Soylent Green before long – if our social credit rating is high enough…
Of course I agree with you that they’ve invented a crisis to implement an agenda planned long ago. The point I wanted to make is that Klein writes about capitalists seizing on random crisis opportunities to turn a profit, and even within this framework of disaster capitalism, she could address The Great Reset as another example of capitalists turning a crisis to their advantage. However, she won’t even touch it in any way.
Upon further reflection, though, I can see why she wouldn’t address it. It can’t be explained by her disaster capitalism thesis. For one thing, The Great Reset is not simply about financial profit but rather transforming the world across every realm of human activity. It’s also clear that it couldn’t have been prepared in a few months, which indicates long term planning rather than pure opportunism.
Klein is a classic liberal huckster- that’s the extent of it.
The sewers of Academia are exactly where she belongs.
What is it the Marines say: The Difficult We Do Immediately; The Impossible Takes A Little Longer. What I say is: The Pretend Humans See Immediately. The Obvious They Never See.
I’m not talking about the Obvious attempt to corral humanity into a straight jacket by the global elites. No, I’m talking about the infinitely more Obvious end of human civilization all together. Unless people can get off the planet, that’s it; game over. There’s no place left to go. We’ve used it all up. And replaced it with absolutely nothing.
Each new thing we do brings the end of (what they euphemistically call) “civilization” closer to the edge. The Fourth Industrial Revolution will be the impetus needed to finally push it over the edge entirely.
When people everywhere truly believe wearing a mask will save them, that’s all she wrote.
Great article , but China not India is the model for turning the planet into a termite colony /ants nest ? The rest of the planets elites simply are following China’s lead, which began in earnest with Mao’s demise circa 1976
In other words…
-Hi Klausy what are you up to?
-Ah,you alright Matty.Nosing,just writing zome linez for my negzt book like: F*ck meeting you friendz/F*ck shaking handz
You know…
-ok ok sounds good old sport
Talk to you later! Kiss kiss.
OT but I just thought that in the pretty certain conviction that we are going to get a tsunami of upsetting tales about dear little vulnerable Margaret Hodge’s terrifying ordeal at the hands of the Labour Reich, it was time to revisit Norman Finkelstein’s excellent response. Both text and video here:
NOTE – ‘Kate’ is an entity using multiple variants on a single username and software to spawn a new IP address for each comment. – Admin1’
Above is a ‘Moderator’s’ note, ADDED TO one of my recent ‘liberal’ comments. So beware, they track you IP address here. Use a VPN, Opera-VPN or Tor browser to avoid them tracking you. Better safe than sorry. I find them strangely rough, crude & coarse here, which makes me think police/military, not liberal free speech advocates.
[Every single website that uses the WordPress codex records the IP of commenters. – ed ]
Why should I avoid them tracking me? I have nothing to hide.
And “I find them strangely rough, crude & coarse here”? Aw diddums! Maybe you should join dear little Margaret Hodge in her crusade against jolly rotten beastly bullies? (“anti-Semite” label pending – depending on how nasty it gets!)
We don’t track you. Every single website that uses the WordPress codex records the IP of commenters. It’s right there under the email address of anyone who comments. That’s all. We use absolutely no tracking software and specifically disable any that exists.
I dont get why people are so paranoid. If you guys really are mi5 then you could track people anyway, I dont buy that vpn software or even tor prevents security services monitoring us. It’s just at what level they can see what people are doing…..most people on here see themselves as subversive against the ruling elite, ergo they are paranoid a gulag awaits.
“I dont buy that vpn software or even tor prevents security services monitoring us”
People are weirdly naive regarding all that. If I were a Sinister Intelligence Agency I wouldn’t “hack” vpn or tor, I’d create and hype them. People in general seem equipped to process only the least sophisticated types of deception… I suppose that’s by design.
OTOH we don’t want to hype ‘their’ power and abilities too much and thus create the fear they want us to have. Collecting data may be relatively easy but processing masses of it into anything useful is actually challenging and demanding of manpower. It may not be as easy for ‘them’ to keep tabs on all of us as we are asked to believe.
Diverting and plundering public wealth is the major goal here. It does not matter that the gargantuan data centres, super-tech, analysts and torrents of report have not helped the tyrants to spot significant developments, let alone act against them.
I’m glad you caught one of them at it. I’ve been watching them at work with my intuomatic software and presumed there was no cure.
Yes maybe this far-right, neo nazi front, will ban you next, you idiot.
Then I’ll know.
Are what the administrators writing accurate/correct?
Yes – the ‘kate’ entity is using software to spawn a new IP address each time ‘she’ posts. We can see this by the fact WordPress’s codex gives the IP of commenters and ‘hers’ is different by a few digits in comments made mere minutes apart. 🤷🏻♀️
Like dexer handorn?
what about your deletions
should we have any concerns ?
does a committee make decision on what is spam offensive or dangerous before being memory holed or shadow installed?
do you share white wash with moon on or craig murray?
just asking
Probably not.
hahahahaha yes, a committee of one. A revolving committee of one, depending on who is moderating. EDIT: What is ‘shadow installed’?
Why not pop along to their respective sites, post this message, and compare what you get back? Then you can make your own mind up about this question, since you clearly can’t/won’t trust a word I say.
Makes me wonder why you even bother asking? Is it purely to smear?
Just wondering. A2
‘gorden with an e’ came along to scupper ‘gordon with an o’ by posting a low class pastiche on gordon’s scurrilous but rather good disslexic poetry – which apparently galled the Donmey Turk.
Yes, the IP address automatically shows under every comment with WP. I can personally guarantee that, never paid any attention to the IP address, it means zilch to me but it is there.
What have you got to hide? I will tell you summat for nowt.
People who attempt to hide their IP address, stick out like a sore thumb. They immediately bring attention to themselves, by those who actually investigate Criminal Fraud. My son told me this over 10 years ago. He runs an ISP, and works with the Fraud Squad occasionally including quite recently. He helps them identify the criminals, who try and hide their identity.
Think of it like a needle in a haystack. The needle is made of metal, and sticks out. It is different to 99.99% of the hay
99.99% of people don’t try to hide their IP Address.
They hate you and you defend them.
C’mon Kitty…
Pointing out a single coincidental example of efficiency in an otherwise appalling system isn’t “defending”.
What matters is the truth and sticking to honest principles.
Even if your story’s true, a lot’s changed in 10 years. VPN’s are now quite ubiquitous and most who use them do so for legitimate security reasons such as establishing secure connections over public WIFI networks. Many companies nowadays require their employees to use VPN’s as well. Browsers are now coming out with built in Tor VPN’s. I could go on.
Pleaso do a bit of reseach in TOR funding. It includes mainly US government and military.
They fund a lot of opensource stuff used by so called “peacefull protesters” to facilitate color revolutions.
Primarily to ensure that they can head off initiatives to keep out their backdoors. That’s what happened to Huawei. Not that I’m waiting eagerly for 5G.
Spoken like a true someone who hasn’t a clue what they’re talking about.
Well done.
I’m not sure what other ways other than lobbying our MPs, protest marches there are to contest what’s going on. But signing this digital protest may help in current times:
Michael O’Bernicia is taking them to court for criminal fraud.
I presume you mean the MPs not the doctors alliance?
I sure hope so!
The Beeb is such a little tease:
“Glimmer of hope even as Covid cases rise”
“Covid: Are we heading back into a full lockdown?”
Are we heading? As if it’s all like a weather forecast. It’s not as if these lockdowns were ordered by anyone. They just happen.
Meanwhile Wales journeys on towards Orwell:
“Wales lockdown: New offence to lie to Covid contact tracers. Giving false information to NHS contact tracers will become a criminal offence in Wales. …there would be a legal requirement to self-isolate if asked to do so by contact tracers. People in Wales can be told to stay at home for ten to 14 days, depending on whether they or people in their household have symptoms.”
But enough of all that doom and gloom. Let’s have a happy tale of Truth, Justice and Gratifying Retribution:
“Sir Keir told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme: “I made it clear the Labour Party I lead will not tolerate anti-Semitism, neither will it tolerate the argument that denies or minimises anti-Semitism in the Labour Party on the basis that it’s exaggerated or a factional row.””
It’s so good that these helpless ZioBlairites don’t have to put up with weasel arguments about anti-Semitism being exaggerated or factionally compromised. They are now invulnerable to irrelevances such as reason and fairness.
Fascist use the lowest IQ’s as inforcers. The contact tracers, will be very dumb, bitter and angry women.
And, presumably, able to spell ‘enforcers’ correctly.
… and use the comma correctly, and not forget to add an ‘s’ to the singular “fascist” to make it a plural…
Yes, “fascists” is a little harder to say than “fascist”, but it is the only correct version when speaking of more than one.
Hard to know sometimes where to draw the line between low IQ and poor education, although certain remarks about women can give one a clue…
….and to add a subject and verb to make a sentence from “Hard to know”.
Touché 🙂
In my defence, I can only say that abbreviation online is not usually considered incorrect. Most people find it irksome to pick out a million letters one-at-a-time…
At least we are not down to “Cya soon, and thx for ur time. Understand u v. busy atm”…
Hating women really is everyone’s favorite sport, isn’t it.
Nearly, yes. Women are such an easy target because people LOVE to hate us.
These governments know full well that “Covid” is being used as cover for crashing the economies in the Western world. There is not now and never has been a “pandemic”- that is all Kabuki theater to disguise the reality of rapid economic decline brought on by the Ponzi Schemes of financial institutions over the past few decades.
The US (and much of the Western world) is in economic free fall. This was occurring long before Covid Mania was engineered but now it is moving with much greater velocity.
The collapse started in 2008 and attempts to salvage this Leviathan have been failures only delaying the inevitable. Fast forward to 2019 and the crisis began to unravel again. There was a dramatic decrease in industrial production and then showed up in the banking crisis of August of 2019- the so-called Repo crisis when suddenly banks started to refuse US sovereign debt instruments as collateral of overnight loans forcing the Federal Reserve to step in and basically print money to cover this massive shortage.
So by the time the “Corona virus” appeared the economy of the United States and many other Western countries were in full blown collapse.
The “Corona Virus” has proven to be very useful (poetically and coincidentally showed up just in time) by political leaders to mask (metaphor and reality) what was and is going on in the “real world” of the financial trenches. The economic destruction that it is being blamed for this is absolutely extraordinary.
We are suppose to pretend that it’s not economic policy decisions made through the years by financial parasites (who are now here to save and “reset” us) that are destroying our lives but some alien virus. It’s all lies.
From Corey Morningstar:
The devolving of physical relationships and whole societies, up against an accelerating, digitalized, virtual world is not a social dilemma. The leveraging of COVID-19, waged as a weapon against the citizenry, is not a social dilemma. Rather, this is the strategic destruction of the social. A social dismantling. A social deliquesce. A social nightmare.
For the Fourth Industrial Revolution to take hold, our global society must be socially engineered to accept, even prefer an artificial existence over that of a physical one. The saturation of the collective psyche with language and framing such as “tech for good” is strategic, a key method and means of obtaining the social license required for the Fourth Industrial Revolution “great reset.” The “watch dogs” put forward as reassurance to assuage a growing anxiety, thus a growing threat of backlash, serve not society, but the hand that feeds.
Physical is dangerous, digital is safe. Humans are lethal, technology is benign. Masks assist in dehumanising the human body. The conditioning for avoidance of human intimacy. Children learning not to touch. Nature is both separate and zoonotic – stay home, stay safe. Our deteriorating social fabric, already eroded from social media, and technology at large, has been doused with gasoline. It burns in silence behind a veil of willful blindness. Both isolated and detached from the physical presence of one another, and nature herself, we are in freefall. Remains of relationships in piles of invisible ashes.
Your comment is a perfect coda to Todhunter’s piece!
#buybitcoin – a bet on humanity.
OK, off topic but related – because what isn’t these days.
I am sitting at my desk in New England, USA where a number of leaves have not even changed yet, and it is SNOWING. I mean full on SNOWING.
The rooves on the houses are all white. The telephone lines (there’s a cute obsolete exression) are covered.
It is as if I am looking at a day in January. This is not a light sprinkling, folks.
Well, I have always been on the fence regarding geo-engineering, but I just fell off.
Isn’t this perfect for the second wave??? Snow in October! Keep the kids indoors! No one outside! A virus in every snowflake!
Just when you thought it couldn’t get any crazier.
Hello Judith: I live in Minnesota, and well aware of how weather control (geoengineering) has impacted health and destroyed local farming. These “experiments” have been ongoing since 1947… The “snow” you mention is chemically nucleated with a variety of toxic agents. >
Heterogeneous ice nucleation activity of bacteria: new laboratory experiments at simulated cloud conditions
O. M¨ohler, D. G. Georgakopoulos, C. E. Morris, S. Benz, V. Ebert, S. Hunsmann, H. Saathoff, M. Schnaiter, and R. Wagner
Received: 11 February 2008 – Published in Biogeosciences Discuss.: 7 April 2008
Revised: 27 August 2008 – Accepted: 29 August 2008 – Published: 21 October 2008
“Abstract. The ice nucleation activities of five different Pseudomonas syringae, Pseudomonas viridiflava and Erwinia herbicola bacterial species and of Snomax™ were investigated in the temperature range between −5 and −15_C.”
Major news outlets have censored all mention of these destructive “experiments” thus civilian populations fail to do research. Geoengineering is the elephant in the room that no one wishes to acknowledge. Thanks for your post.
Please refer to the complete text for details:
Thank you, Paul.
The room is getting frightfully stuffy (and smelly) from all these elephants.
Looking to the principles beneath the examples, the elephant I see is manipulative self-illusion or deceit, which never works out the way the wish intended. So ‘control agenda’ operates a masking persona, and guess who the last to know is in regard to self-illusion given emotional investment and priority? The one who thought they were in control as the judge of all things, but as a result of such attempt,becomes ever more subjected to a world of adversity, limitation, lack and threat, such that focus in fear became all consuming as the means for keeping control.A Prodigal wasteland.
Fear-formed personalities operate rejection and denial, yet mask over the denial of fear by assigning fear’s cause away from a self of control.
The mask seems to unite conflicting parts under narrative set in saving face as survival, but only to encode or censor conflicts that remain fully active beneath the surface of a world of appearances.
So to ‘clean up our act’ is the opposite of a blame-driven evasion in virtue signalling, as the uncovering to truth of thought, word and deed, that reveals us to ourself and through which we meet in the nature of our being.
Thank you for this. It’s beyond scary that something so obvious as geoengineering is ignored almost universally.
The only “saving grace” is that denial of the sky unites left, right and center. But then, when people turn to politics for answers, that’s what you get, isn’t it?
Well if we can ignore God (Shared Existence) – we can ignore anything.
I don’t see uniting against a common fear or hate as ‘saving grace’ but for a while its can feel like a movement of unity “Kill the scum! – we are the saved!”.
The mind is many purposes with conflicting and competing ‘answers’ – all of which reinforce the mind that makes them so as to need to think some more.
It is a strange thing to become aware of what most everyone else is trained not to see, notice or think, but I feel not to indulge the fear around the disturbance. There is an old B film called Virtual Nightmare that was engaging in its concept. We thin we have awakened when we have only shifted through one layer of the jamming signal.
The Grand Solar Minimum is in effect. Which means we are in for a very cold winter.
That’s why they are pushing the climate crisis lies so hard. And this “pandemic“ with the 5g rollout and satellite launch. Because they cannot hide the fact that the sunspots and flares have diminished and we are in for 70 years of very cold temperatures.
Also, the North Pole is moving away from Canada towards Siberia at a rate of approx 34 miles per year. That’s why the Arctic ice has been melting. It has nothing to do with carbon emissions.
Thanks, Researcher
It’s amazing here. Still snowing. 4 inches so far.
I suspect masks will start freezing.
Queueing outside shops,cold,damp,catching corona viruses~brilliant planning!
Well, if you decide to go with the frigid flow and build a snowman– whoops, I suppose one must say “snowperson” nowadays– mind your P’s and Q’s.
First of all, you may only build them by yourself. If you must involve others, the participants must stand back in a widely-separated circle, and advance one at a time to add snow.
Participants may only add new virgin snow, and may not touch snow or surfaces added by prior participants. The result may seem inferior, but remember that smoothing and sculpting is an Old Normal esthetic that is no longer operational.
The finished snowperson may seem lumpy and misshapen, but take comfort that it will be safe.
Of course, the snowperson must be equipped with a mask. Otherwise, it will be confiscated by the health authorities and transported to a refrigerated quarantine facility for an indefinite stay.
So, knock yourself out! ‘Tis the season, apparently. 😉
Thank you for the much needed laugh!!
Jesus help me when I see the first snowman with a mask on.
And if Santa shows up wearing one – Well, God just take me now.
“Also, the [MAGNETIC] North Pole is moving away from Canada towards Siberia at a rate of approx 34 miles per year.”
If the physical North pole was moving then it would get the attention of physicists because it would mean that the conservation of angular momentum has been violated.
Hello Cascadian: The Earth’s magnetic poles have moved in an ellipse orbit for hundreds of millions of years and reversed polarity many times. The current parabola is nothing new.
While I agree in principle. The basis for the fluctuations in energy in the Galactic locality through which our Solar system moves is in my view best accounted for by Birkeland Currents that on a full spectrum image of the electromagnetic Universe are ‘magnetic’ (sic) filaments connecting galactic cells whose nodes and points are stars. An electromagnetic phenomena of self-organising plasma or charged matter. The Birkeland currents – named after Christian Birkeland have counter rotating vortices of charged layers or bands of energy, and while a classic or theoretical modelling can be made, existence operates organic versions according to specific conditions in play.
The electrical or EM nature of our current (literally) relation is not constant and yet the nature of the system is always of a balanced disequilibrium. The ‘magnetosphere’ (assigned to molten iron spinning our core!) is in direct capacitance or inductive relationship with the Solar – which in turn is in its context. We call this ‘Solar wind’ (sic) when its nature is electrical rather than thermodynamic. Our understanding of electric is limited by our man made circuits that are or have been constrained as closed systems. (for practical purposes). When Cinema was invented, we initially were constrained by stage productions.
My point is we do not know the periodicity or banding through which our Solar System (and its Galaxy etc) are passing and the past is not a rule for the future.
Clinging to the past is ‘understandable’ but becomes destructive when sacrificing the present to fear. Retreating into a computer modelling of obfuscation from empirical data that increasing reveal our model of Life and Universe to be wrong or partial and limited, is the attempt of the ‘priesthood’ to save itself – along with invested corporate possessions and controls.
But the ‘ice age’ or cooling from Solar minimum is based in science rather than settled by consensus. How much and for how long? I do not believe anyone knows. Is temperature the ONLY significant change? I do not think so. In total change, Consciousness changes – and not just in adaptive reaction, for it is itself part of the Field of energy and information that is Life, but not as we know it, Jim.
It may be so that an ‘insider science’ is aware of, of expects catastrophic change, and seeks to use narrative leveraging to engineer a response. We have a catastrophic past that is largely airbrushed and ‘pushed back’ under a masking amnesia of ‘millions of years’ as the substitution for an actuality of sudden (catastrophic) changes. The very word contains astra – stars.
‘Religion’ as protection from fear sets the mind IN fear under control – which is what we are seeing in a parody of control trying to ‘lord it’ over life.
That is the ‘old normal’ in my view and not something to lockdown into and Restate in tighter control over contracted system.
Love is the basis from which to truly meet what is, and also the basis to align in purpose that attracts the optimal outcome. But if ‘love’ is being used as a masking of conditional rules and permissions, for ‘making safe’ or kneeling to arbiters of correctness in abject sin, then the words and forms of such association become degraded and unusable. Yet the practice of presence is not in the presentation.
Managing conflict is managing fear. Emotional charge is induced in the system as the battery by which to use the fearful as the basis for control, and discharges enervate and use up and hollow out the ‘prodigal wasteland’ of a prison planet.
My growing understanding of mainstream cosmology is that it defines us in practically closed and distanced systems. This is not true – but it is the way fear thinks. The lockdown of the mind is merely being reset or reiterated as the choice to persist such a mind (at whatever cost). The movement I feel is to ‘go the other way’ to what fear dictates – but NOT as a fight or reaction OF fear.
Energy is not in a thing but communicates by resonance of an ‘impact’ that needs no physical contact.
I sketch out to provoke and invite curiosity – seeking signs of life on Earth.
What if everything is calling ‘wake up!’ by every means possible to get our attention. Not merely to nightmare but from fixation and fascination in the dream altogether.
As Dane Wigington has been pointing out for years: when it goes from a record high one day to a foot of snow the next day – that is NOT normal weather. Not saying that’s what happened in New England; but apparently it happens regularly in the mid and far West of the US.
You should have seen it here at 4PM. A currier and ives Winter Wonderland.
Truly, it was gorgeous. The timing was weird but it was stunning.
I keep hoping we get a real winter here in central Maryland – even if it is geoengineered. We haven’t had a really good snow here in almost a decade. My camera is getting as antsy for snow as I am!
Well, after 8 hours of snow yesterday I have to say, it was absolutely stunning. The combination of fall leaves, red and gold, covered with the white snow. It really was breathtaking.
I am lucky enough to live in an area that is part of Olmstead’s Emerald Necklace and I took full advantage of it yesterday. I really should have had a professional camera. A phone could not do it justice.
Beauty is beauty. The timing is up to nature. Hope you get a winter wonderland this year.
“Suppose when there is 18 feet of snow in Florida in June and July there might be a problem.”
there you go Paul and others
Freedom of Information Request Reference FOI-1243364
drum roll
Freedom of Information Team
Department of Health and Social Care
39 Victoria Street
Mr Horn
24 August 2020
Freedom of Information Request Reference FOI-1243364
Thank you for your request dated 25 July 2020 in which you asked the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC):
Subject: Freedom of Information request – Full, accurate and complete disclosure of SARS- COV-2 virus records
Please provide a full, accurate and complete list of records held within your office, and or under your authority, describing the isolation of a SARS-COV-2 virus, directly taken from a symptomatic patient of COVID-19 where the sample was not first combined with any other source of genetic material (not limited but by way of example monkey kidney cells, aka vero cells, liver cancer cells) thereby eliminating contamination as a possible alternative source of sampling.
Please note isolation is used in the normally understood meaning of the word – the act of separating a thing from another. I am not referring, and hence not requesting, to isolation meaning the culture of something else, the performance of an amplification test (eg PCR test which only detect mRNA or DNA) or the sequencing of “something”.
If any records match the above description and are available to the public elsewhere, please provide enough information so that I may identify and access each record with certainty (i.e. title, author(s), date, journal, and weblink or location where the public may access it).
I remind you full, accurate and complete disclosure is required.
Your request has been handled under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).
However, outside of the scope of the FOIA, and on a discretionary basis, the following information has been advised to us, which may be of interest. Most infectious diseases are caused by viruses, bacteria or fungi. Some bacteria or fungi have the capacity to grow on their own in isolation, for example in colonies on a petri dish. Viruses are different in that they are what we call “obligate pathogens” – that is, they cannot survive or reproduce without infecting a host. An explainer of these different types of pathogen (disease causing agents) can be found from BMC Biology here:
For some diseases, it is possible to establish causation between a microorganism and a disease by isolating the pathogen from a patient, growing it in pure culture and reintroducing it to a healthy organism. These are known as “Koch’s postulates” and were developed in 1884. However, as our understanding of disease and different disease-causing agents has advanced, these are no longer the method for determining disease causation. It has long been known that viral diseases cannot be identified in this way as viruses cannot be grown in ‘pure culture’. When a patient is tested for a viral illness, this is normally done by looking for the presence of antigens, or viral genetic code in a host with molecular biology techniques.
If you have any queries in relation to the above discretionary information, we suggest that you may wish to contact the Government Office for Science (Go-Science). FOI requests may be submitted to Go-Science at
If you are not satisfied with the handling of your request, you have the right to appeal by asking for an internal review. This should be submitted within two months of the date of this letter and sent to, or to the address at the top of this letter.
Please remember to quote the reference number above in any future communication.
If you are not content with the outcome of your internal review, you may complain directly to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). Generally, the ICO cannot make a decision unless you have already appealed our original response and received our internal review decision. You should
raise your concerns with the ICO within three months of your last meaningful contact with us.
The ICO can be contacted at:
The Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Yours sincerely,
Dorothy Crowe
Freedom of Information Officer
What utter nonsense. So now Dorothy Crowe is implying that none of Koch’s postulates need ever apply to the detection of “viruses” and the broader scientific and medical community agree with this view?
If scientists and doctors can’t make healthy people sick from these “viruses” either through isolation and culture, or through contagion experiments from sick patients to healthy subjects, how can they even pretend that viruses exist?
Antigens are non-specific. They do not detect the presence of any virus contrary to the claims made by labs. Antigen tests cannot confirm specific illnesses. IgA, IgG, IgM and IgB presence in blood are an immune response.
And molecular assays to determine genome presence using “software“ to create the magic SARSCov2 genome and then a 45+ replication cycle of RT-PCR tests is simply fraud. They created a pandemic around tests that were manufactured and distributed before any novel virus was proclaimed to have been found.
Summed up nicely Researcher.
And as you say PCR is not a diagnostic and results over 40 cycles are completely meaningless even if there was a new virus.
Ok so she basically admitted no virus has ever been isolated?
Thanks Ame.
I think most people on this site know by now that SARS-CoV 2 doesn’t exist.
The explanation from Dorothy Crowe is of course absolute horse shit and I didn’t get that explanation with my FOI request.
When the ‘pandemic’ started China and many other countries claimed they had isolated the virus.
This however was not the case as they had not done it properly and there was never any evidence this new virus was even a RNA virus.
Mainstream medicine ran with the lie and it’s only when FOI requests were submitted to governments that they had to backtrack as they could be threatened with legal action if they said the virus had been isolated.
queer keir is classless
a brave new world
corbyn and his imperial college brother wear mask
like this place part of the grid
make statement after fake psy op
show weakness
when truth and strength are needed
all sides are zio owned borged
but know matter for good news
the candy is coming children
lolipops lolipops
Coronavirus vaccine ‘could be rolled out by Christmas’ Government has already bought up 40 million doses of the drug, from German firm BioNtech and backed by pharmaceuticals giant Pfizer.
which is nice
the 5g electical grid needs that vaccine junk inside ya
so you can be awitched on or off
Coronavirus vaccine ‘could be rolled out by Christmas’ Really, well I hope they know where they can shove it.
Anywhere, they’ve got the troops to do it and,it seems, in mufti (out of uniform for the less aged)
Corbyn suspended.
His acts of genuflection and betrayal were what woke me up.
Corbyn: ‘There is no link between Israel and 9/11‘.
Except of course that there is,
and this shows that he is a transparent fucking fraud.
Like the poem but have to mention Piers Corbyn refuses to ever wear a mask, whatever his brother may do.
Good poem.Pfizer 5g hard on.
A lifelong Agnostic Atheist myself – I still feel distressed to witness governments banning religious congregations. I imagine for many that a faith brings comfort and meaning to life. It is a human right to have a faith and I would march in protest to protect people’s right to practice their faith.
An essential thread by Robin Monotti:
We are witnessing state sponsored terrorism merely to stop people congregating. For more than two thousand years the controllers used religions to control and divide people and now they are using MKUltra subjects to terrorize church goers.
“Nice residents mourn church attack dead as official warns of more militant attacks”
staged terror attack
It’s not the religion that bothers our Big Knobs up there. It’s the congregations. People actually gathering together and able to speak to each other face to face? I mean – come on! They might find out that they have group ideas that depart from the sanctioned mainstream!
But the WSWS has “online rallies”! The fact that it is illegal to organize, to share each others humanity as people do when they talk face to face seems to be lost on them. They will organize when the pandemic is over! That is, when working people have lost what little power they have left now. The WEF forecasts that by 2030, 50% of all jobs will be automated – AI and robots. The great power of the working class – the withholding of labor, to strike, will mean nothing at that point.
One of the ironies of the Left is that they were the first to insist that we should not go back to normal – and yet I have heard them muse so often on what will happen when the lockdowns/pandemic is over and “who will pick up the tab”.
They don’t realise that all this talk about “the new normal” is literally true. They don’t realise that this is it! They don’t realise that this situation right now is the one being used by the ruling class to implement that brave new world. And that’s because, having swallowed the Covid narrative, they think that everyone is waiting for a vaccine and in the meantime, no-one can do anything. But it is only the Left who can’t do anything, having assumed that all mass protest is clearly out the window, due to “the deadly bug”. Meanwhile the real show is going on right under their noses.
And when the plandemic is over, and they all feel safe and secure with the savior vaccine in them, the WEF/billionaire class will decide when they are no longer of any use to them. Fauci, Gates and Big Pharma will decide when and how they die. They won’t have to worry about anything!
Profits on Wall Street reached $27.6 billion in the first six months of the year, an 82% increase over the same period in 2019 and nearly equal to all of 2019’s pre-tax earnings of $28.1 billion.
As a Marxist who has been railing against The Covid Fraud since the day it started (knowing history and the economic factors involved) it has been a rather impressive ocean of ignorance which defines so many self-styled leftists who ignore the foundation of leftist analysis and have fallen hook, line and sinker for this engineered crisis.
How in the world could any leftist worth their salt not understand immediately the social devastation that would be incurred by lockdowns and who, the lower classes, would bear the brunt of these lockdowns.
How could any leftist worth a dime abandon their critical thinking skills so completely so as to not foresee that from these lockdowns we would see a massive transfer of wealth to those who have an abundance of capital.
Sadly we have seen exactly all of the above.
The Left were offered a few psychological incentives to believe the lockdown: the assurance that “something like this was bound to happen sooner or later”, that the virus was a sign of a fatal flaw in capitalism and that it therefore heralded the revolution. Most of all, there was the smearing of all skepticism as based on “libertarian” or “Right Wing” sentiment. That last one was the clincher. It appealed to the Left’s ever present congratulation of their own intellectual superiority. They were snared through their vanity.
Unleash Covid on the elderly = delete history.
Yes. There are untold benefits to these “unleashers”.
More come to light every day.
not in private churches dear jay
the first ever guestlist area which nightclubs copy comes from the church
some churches would not have the lower caste aka peasants there stil happens now
during the lockdown churches where open
isnt it ironic that many been sold about no go area in u.k and eu you must of seen the video alt right showing no go zones but forgotten the real no go area’s easy to find and the churches are open
the mega ritual we are in need quiet no energy point to have people on them aka churches are built ion energy lines leys so are music halls council building like theater
so no massive congregation as in football sports etc no big crowds
they need the ph of the body and blood change that why they got ya wearing masks
restriction of breath gets you into a certain ritualistic state
apart from that
tap in the line is clear dream lucid meditation personal rituals
FWIW, I concur completely.
I was raised in a Roman Catholic family, but it didn’t “take” and by my teens I drifted away without regret. Over the years, I’ve appropriately scorned and criticized the Church and other organized-religion follies and abuses.
But, again, I agree completely. The local newspaper website recently published a typically smarmy pro-scamdemic article about the way religious worship is “adjusting” to the Megadeath Virus of Doom New Abnormal– my terms, or course, not theirs.
I didn’t read the article, but the headline was accompanied by a photo of some adult– either a parent or clergyperson– in ceremonial religious garments embracing a little girl wearing a ceremonial white dress. It might’ve been a Catholic First Communion, I’m not sure.
But they were both wearing masks, and even as a non-believer I was outraged and dismayed. I wanted to scream “What is wrong with this picture?” to the compliant and complacent parties involved. (Not the little girl, of course.)
saw a billboard outside Church stated god Jesus Church is available via zoom
each Sunday 9am
Well, even though I’m not a religious believer, I’m glad to hear that Jesus is available on Zoom these days.
My understanding is that Jesus was banned from Facebook and Twitter, and that You Tube removed His channel– all because it was determined that He flagrantly and persistently violated their community standards.
Hate to be a pedant but you cannot be an agnostic atheist, they are antithetical positions. An agnostic is open to the idea of a greater power or spiritual realm, an atheist is confident that each is pure bunk.Nice point though.,or%20currently%20unknown%20in%20fact.
Excellent peice Colin… and that’s been one of the biggest eye openers of this year, that so many of the alleged Left have thoroughly betrayed their principles and ethics, and are now supporting the most anti human, fascistic measures being that are wielded against so many.
Shameful is almost too polite.
Max Igan has called the scamdemic one of the greatest crimes ever committed against humanity. I fully agree. So many lives and people’s livelihoods destroyed, for what? So the vampires can gorge themselves on humanities blood?
In Australia, it looks like the digital travel card will be up and running by October 2021, which will have the capability to have your test results and verification of vaccinations on these cards.
No jab, then no travel. That’s what’s coming along with a lot of other nasties like a social credit system and biometric id. I may even be trapped in Australia, coz I won’t be tested or take the vaccine period.
Spoke to another Kiwi tonight also living in Australia who is mortified about this development.
First day back selling the magazine, and despite the economy in Victoria being pulverised, it was an incredibly good day, way better than I was expecting, and the suburb I was at, it was as good as it was prior to the ‘pandemic’. Very relieved actually, but I’m also aware it won’t last.
I’m also aware of what’s coming.
Hello Gezzah Potts: I appreciate the plight of those living in Australia and New Zealand. Max Igan is correct. Lock downs, mandatory masks, and social distancing are all artifacts of social engineering via a militarized State.
If civilians wish for any kind of future worth living, they need to confront their husbands and wives, mothers and fathers, sons and daughters about their participation. Persons employed within police and military capacities will either enforce the will of overt fascism, or be restrained by those they love and respect…
This “revolution” needs to be accomplished around kitchen tables, within living rooms and quiet bedroom discussions. Human beings need to regain their elemental associations as human beings. This will never happen throwing bricks and burning cities to the ground.
Great comment!
Hi Paul, appreciate your feedback. There are hundreds of thousands of New Zealanders living in Australia, and quite a few I’ve encountered who are anti lockdown activists or opposed to mandatory vaccinations. In effect, we would be stranded in Australia when this digital travel card comes in.
I agree with you, as there’s been two huge protests in Berlin recently, over 1 million people, and yes, really positive, but they didn’t seem to have much of an impact on the psychopaths running the scamdemic. Have a good weekend👍
I do agree Paul, but in western society there are large numbers of single people, often living alone. In addition, many families are now split apart, in many cases living in different cities or countries.
So we will also need our friends, neighbours and associates to come together again, in groups.
Welcome to the Age of Aquarius, characterised by groups, friends, and change. Pretty accurate, I’d say – we even carry our little bottles of water, like Aquarius, the water-carrier.
Hello May Hem: Absolutely! Civil populations need to come together through all forms of human association. The media has done an excellent job of alienating people from one another. It’s time to put media propaganda and influence to rest.
Most law enforcement personnel have relatives… Some even have friends. We need to inspire mutiny, not revolution…
Johnson’s PPS’ mentioned a “new normal” being bedded in by October next year in his letter of resignation (para 1). He also mentioned the “current approach” lasting 6 months.
They’ve almost got it down pat Paul. The various phases, the timeline, all worked out ages ago. I’ll also be interested to hear any developments regards your freedom of information request, as I’m sure others will be as well.
One of the things misleading the left is the Climate Fraud. They think covid’s good for the planet, it’s stopping all those nasty polluters like small farmers,small businesses, publicans, restraunteurs, corner shops and the like who also slightly decrease the profits of the nice green supermarkets and Amazon.
Gezzah, you might enjoy this video if you’re able to access it: Covid-19 Who Fact-Checks the Fact-Checkers
I stumbled upon it by chance. I must admit that I am thoroughly charmed by “Doctor Sam” and her accent, so as my pre-frontal lobes respectfully processed her remarks the rest of my brain and, er, viscera bubbled with impure thoughts. If you watch it, I hope you’re as cheered by it as I was. 😉
Nice angle. It hadn’t crossed my mind. Thank you.
Does anyone have links to protests taking place around Europe?
Just for the record, I heard by word of mouth that there was a demonstration against the Covid measures here in Limassol, Cyprus where I live the day before yesterday, mainly attended by young people. I wish I had known about it because I would have been there. I doubt it will be reported anywhere.