New Lockdowns Announced in UK
Samuel May
So, during ‘Prime Minister’s statement on coronavirus, 31 October 2020’, the usual trio of Johnson, Whitty and Vallance ‘did their thing’ once again, and sold us a lie.
We were shown some graph projections, made by the same people who were wrong in all their previous graph projections and which lacked any context whatsoever (like, for instance, what did last autumn’s hospital admissions look like by comparison?).
Yet these graphs were nevertheless unanimously and alarmingly clear, apparently: We’re all terribly, terribly at risk from the RONA, don’t you know, and we need a further 4 weeks of lockdown.
Johnson said:
From Thursday until the start of December, you must stay at home.
Although initially sold as ‘time-limited’, Michael Gove has already announced this will be extended if their computer models happen to show the mythical ‘R’ rating hasn’t gone down far enough.
So, consider yourselves primed.
Johnson described this latest lockdown as “less prohibitive and less restrictive” than April/March, although even the most lay of laymen will be acutely aware by now of what the true repercussions of this lockdown will be.
This lockdown will further widen the rich/poor divide, further depress the UK economy by shutting down ‘non-essential’ businesses etc., further isolate the young, needy and vulnerable and further cheapen the lives of the very elderly people whose wellbeing has endlessly and hypocritically been used to justify this evil charade.
Johnson said:
And even if I could now double [hospital] capacity overnight – and obviously I am proud that we have massively increased capacity, we do have the Nightingales, we’ve got 13,000 more nurses now than last year, we have many more doctors – but it still would not be enough, because the virus is doubling faster than we could conceivably add capacity.
So you see, anything that could possibly have been done would never have been enough. They know this. That’s probably the only reason they didn’t massively boost the NHS during the quiet summer months, despite the fact they’ve been warning of a possible resurgence for ages. You aren’t being conned here. We need to be very clear on that point. Move along now.
Oh…. and the army will be on our streets this time, testing lots and lots of people. Won’t that be nice. Johnson stated (our emphasis):
“…over the next few days and weeks, we plan a steady but massive expansion in the deployment of these quick turnaround tests.
Applying them in an ever-growing number of situations
From helping women to have their partners with them in labour wards when they’re giving birth to testing whole towns and even whole cities
The army has been brought in to work on the logistics and the programme will begin in a matter of days.
Working with local communities, local government, public health directors and organisations of all kinds to help people discover whether or not they are infectious, and then immediately to get them to self-isolate and to stop the spread”
You may remember we warned this was looming back in early October, when MP and 77th Brigade reserve officer Tobias Ellwood stood up in Parliament to request greater military involvement. It seems he was listened to. Or, at least, he popped up to ask a convenient question and plug a narrative hole at an opportune time.
Throughout this Number Ten briefing, Johnson/Vallance/Whitty seemed a bit nonchalant this time around, as they condescended to inform the unwashed masses of their fate. Or perhaps they were overcompensating, for there was a certain tenseness about their eyes, as of someone placing a powerful mousetrap behind a wardrobe…
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You members of the UK have my sympathy.
I think you have elected a bunch of arrogant sods who represent you.
Johnson is captured by the global oligarchy who are well represented at the UN.
I suspect he too has been promised great financial benefits well hidden for his compliance.
Ivor Cummins talking sense again:
Lockdown Works!
Q: Why do elephants paint the soles of their feet yellow?
A: So that you can’t see them when they float upside-down in your bowl of custard.
Q: Did you see that elephant in your bowl of custard?
A: No. Gosh, it works!
Seems like the UK version of Corvid-19 is more virulent and infectious than the Swedish version. Very strange!
Last month it was the other way round. Got to keep the punters guessing.
UK terror alert upped to severe. Neat change of narrative to stifle the growth of lockdown resistance.
using the same system as the colorful tier system
being a “lockdown resister” myself i can show you the field of fucks i maintain for the terror alert status. alas, you can see it is barren.
if they really think this will sway resistance from any but the most feeble-hearted, who, let’s face it, are already under the bed, mortally afeared of the ‘rona, they must be stupider than i already gave them credit for.
a fake terror attack will no doubt follow. i suspect it will be on mass-transit, thus rendering the few people “brave” enough to have to go to work to feed their kids, unable to pluck up the courage to do so. subsequently psyop’ed into premature suicide with the endless stress, misdirection, hyper normalisation and gaslighting from HMG. the government are the real terrorists
your government is at war with you. prepare accordingly
Both BoJo and Trumpenstien came down with covid we are told , both recovered after milking a small bump in popularity . Boris being forced to endure more drama , the English being much more hysteria prone these days across the political spectrum. Shouldn’t that indicate that covid is not a pandemic just another of the viral illness that increasingly come and go? It appears that only the massive increase in testing is producing so many “cases” , of which the vast majority are little more than inconvenient. Again I ask what happen when everyone tests positive?
Rock Star At 74, Trump TRUMPS
Claire Edwards arrested in Austria. Steve Whybrow: We ALL have to rise now! The Mother Planet is demanding it from us now!
Good interview with Mike Yeadon of Pfizer, who is showing signs of integrity, which is weird for someone from a corporate background
Welcome all, to the greatest show on earth.
These three gophers of the Satanic Overlords are falling over themselves to lie their way into the minds of the British People.
The lie of the false pandemic is exposed as the precursor of the UN plan to reset the world.
After the re-election of President Trump we will see the start of the Great Reset move into gear. Not the UN reset, but the reset of Humanity.
The arrest and conviction of thousands of fake politicians around the world will herald the take down of the Powers that operate from the dark shadows, pulling the strings of the UN governments around the World.
The Fake Media will be shown to be what it is, the enabling arm of the Illuminati and the Security Services in the pay of the Satanists.
The Shills, on this website, and all the others that they infest will be arrested and will know the Justice of the People.
The Great Awakening has happened and the Truth will set us Free.
This Genie will never go back into the bottle.
“The arrest and conviction of thousands of fake politicians”
How to get past ‘leaving home for no authorised purpose’?
The People authorise themselves by a Plebiscite.
“…reset the world…”
I wonder if “reset” is a misleading phrase, although I hear it constantly as a heads-up about the danger coming. What they mean is “take over” the world.
This is a good sign. The PDF letter from ‘Australian Cops for Covid Truth’ is here. Click the download button found at the bottom of the page:
You can find in the letter links to existing effective treatments for Covid that governments don’t want people to talk about.
Wonderful. Cheers me up this morning, anyway. Go Oz cops!
I’ve just picked this up from the OffG Twitter feed – superb letter indicating not all cops lack integrity and intelligence.
It looks like some businesses are in open revolt. You can only hold down the common man for so long before their patience is exhausted and no amount of intimidation from government or the ‘authorities’ can prevail:
Good on them!
It seems Boris has a political death wish.
I suggest we start identifying what we want our govt to be like. Obviously sans any corona rules. But what else? No more military adventures. Break up of the huge holding companies and dispersion of some of their capital to compensate & restart the businesses they killed. Certain categories of debt-forgiveness. Public banking– money & credit created by the State, not privately. And the breakup of fortunes created thereby.
What else? Well we want to keep our local police forces– none of this federal or international policing. Decentralization of most govt functions, so that ordinary people can monitor & control it.
What else, guys? You don’t have a vision, ain’t nothing to unite behind & elect support for. Let’s have some committees to bring about the world WE want. Knowing what you want is a wonderful clarifier as to who’s your enemy.
Let’s see: disseminated media which can lose its license if it purposely lies. Wide-open internet could be accomplished by having a few more platforms, no? Or, what would it take?
Bring back capital punishment for political crimes and criminals!
I don’t know about capital punishment, but there is certainly a group which has declared itself desirous of ending our countries and our means of govt. Surely that’s treason. In fact, lockdown itself is treasonous & cause for arrest of those promulgating it.
A Plebiscite would be by the People, a powerful option
1 – Corporations can not be legal persons.
2 – Usury is anti-human and immoral. And the principal source of wealth acquisition of the 0.0001%. It must be outlawed.
3 – Equal access and treatment before the Law for all.
That should create a socio-political environment that is conducive for resolving “political” differences in a civilized, undistorted, and representative manner.
A Corporation can only be a Legal Person. You are mis-informed. Try Blacks Law Dictionary.
Legal relations, or contracts can only be established between entities that have the same capacity.
Your legal name is denoted in the ALL CAPITALISED version of you your natural name. Or your name can also be legalised by attaching a title eg Mr, Mrs.
The world of commerce needs contracts to operate and these are always legal contracts.
Your legal person is therefore by definition a corporation.
Back to the pre-Maggie future?
The UK has the largest population percentage reduction per capita on the degeal 2025 forecast of any developed nation.
The military “assisting” is to get the public acclimatized to martial law, in order to force test, force quarantine and isolate perfectly healthy people, since viral contagion is a myth.
This video on Dr. Kaufman’s channel on how the stats are being “manufactured” in the UK in order to back up the fraudulent policy measures, is worth watching.
Watch this folks- Bryce Mitchell (ARK) issues anti-mask statement after win | UFC on ESPN+ 39 post-fight interview
Well said, young man. From 3 minutes 45 seconds to the end.
british army g4s and serco on the streets in liverpool within days
when does a nasal swab test become a vaccine dosage dump
The minute they give it to you.
Lateral flow test also a nose swab is nasal vaccine in another name
I wonder if we will be entertained by MORE dance routines.
Hi Maggie
What amazes me is that I have seen sooo many of these video snippets but I still get to see ones that I’ve never seen before. I am saving them all so I can send them to the next person who says to me how hard nurses and doctors worked in the spring…to the point of exhaustion! Well, yes, dancing is exhausting especially if you’re clinically obese.
well ive been deliberating over this this since march lockdown, and conversed with many souls, from my perspective its an all out attack on life itself, but i’m not so sure now… coz evreyone tells me ‘its bollocks’ !?
Words. Adherence; coercion; compliance ;persuasion. Innocuous sounding. But that’s the whole point of carefully choosing them. They come with a cushion around them so we won’t feel anything hit us. Words. Submission ; oppress; obey; obedience ; order. Now they don’t have that same ring do they. No they don’t. It’s called the ring of truth, that’s why. The clock’s striking 13. Surely they must have known a fair percentage of us are not in the market for bullshit. It can only be down to the huge private investment into our slavery and eventual demise. I say big investment as i can’t spell philanthropy * spits*. So we have to travel backwards. Don’t worry. Just to the gene genies.. We need to follow the money, as they say. Wouldn’t it be a complete and utter shock if all roads led to Rockerfeller and Gates. But don’t they lead to Rome . ? Is that not the prophetic proverb we should have heeded ? Let’s take a peep shall we. See where the mighty Caesar is.. We stand apparently awaiting the latest ( yawn) data to come back from clinical trials of a vaccine for the yet-to-isolated vaccine. Isn’t Science magical. The puppets paid big money to undertake this odd task are Moderna, Astra Zeneca, and Pfizer. AS soon as Glaxo Smith Kline turn up with Gavi we have a full scale pharma orgy. Naturally, once they do the dirty deals and get the countries to sign the dotted line, we’ll all supposedly hail these Caesars as saviours rather than Godless psychotics. The knock on effect will be the cost. When we add up the economical damage to the global economy and then the bill to ‘save the world’ we won’t protest; we’ll kneel before the Kaisers- sorry, i mean Caesars, and thank… Read more »
The UK Govt has obviously lost sight of the well known metronomic fact that loss of humidity; as in Autumn & Winter, will automatically push up transmission of any old corona virus that’s aerosolised; ie just hanging around en masse . . . . as such virus particles must be in non humid weather conditions. Hence, irrespective of lockdown, isolation and/or face masks, supposed malignant infections will definitely rise,, irrespective of viral load or “supposed actual” COVID caused death rate, the pressure cooker will be turned up, thus creating more fear and despair, until we are made to take the “mild symptom freedom cure”; aka the long awaited yet previously patented vaccine. . . . We are saved Yeeehaah ! Indeed, in reviewing much of the literature, if my guts are speaking to me correctly, and they likely are, AIDS was first intended to be where we are right now. The cap fits. A long battle between science and the elite was then won . . . but . . . at present rate of knots . . . unless we all “refuse to comply” the elite will win the now current war and . . . . WWG1 WGA will apply.
Our Security Services btl trolls try to convince us that this guy is “controlled opposition”. Here he is, out on the streets again, fighting, boots on the ground, tirelessly, for our freedom again. And absolutely nailing it as usual:
You’re damn right!
I like his coarse eloquence. Speaks to my heart!
Johnson refusing to exempt outdoor sports like tennis, golf and swimming. Making exercising more difficult is good for your health, of course it is.
The local high street has noticably more empty units than just a week ago. 80% of people are not wearing masks outside but vast majority putting them on to go in the shops, nearly all of which are doing nothing to discourage such behaviour (indeed, most are going further than they have to).
grouse shooting is exempt
I put on at least two kilos during the spring lockdown in Greece, basically as a result of not burning off calories by walking as I normally do and staying indoors for several weeks. It cannot have been good for my health.
Dung well done you got the highest votes of today
I’m sorry this is happening to those of you in the UK.
I’m a well-armed person in a well-armed neighborhood in a well-armed town. If they try to impose another lockdown on us, my family is planning to have BBQ parties in our yards with a different group of friends each night.
I have seen many people lately with BLM and Defund the Police slogans on their cars and signs in their yards. I’d like to post an anti-mask, anti-Covid restrictions sign. After seeing so many people out maskless on Halloween, I know there are others nearby who agree. Please let me know if you have any ideas of catchy phrases I could use.
“I am not a mask for the NWO” “The criminals are trying to confuse you by making YOU wear the mask.”
Thank you, these are both great. Have also been thinking about printing a flyer with the same to leave at the grocery store, etc.
70 Australian police whistleblowers lift the lid on the covid scam
Wow. I guess the Australian police weren’t invited to Event 201.
I hope I can find an article about that somewhere. Twitter info has its limits – for me anyway.
Try this for starters:
Thanks. I’ll bookmark it. I see the handy list of salient covid facts includes this: “The RT PCR TEST is fatally flawed, which is why its inventor stated it should never be used to diagnose infectious disease.” I don’t think that Kary said that his test is fatally flawed. He just said that it shouldn’t be used to diagnose.
I have no opinion on the organization yet. I just glanced at the front page and then bookmarked it. It seems like a positive development though.
That was a bit sloppy. The PCR test is very good at doing what it was designed to do. It just wasn’t designed to detect infectious diseases, as we know.
Other than that, it’s encouraging to see the broadening cross-section of those pushing back against this crime against humanity. Some don’t, imo, go far enough but I suppose you take your victories where you find them.
By and large, the majority of frequent visitors to this site need no convincing of the overall direction of travel. So The Great Barrington Declaration, Lord Sumption’s recent lecture and some of the stuff appearing on Talk Radio; as well as articles in the Daily Mail, the Telegraph etc, still quote unreliable data, but the underlying message is that something is very wrong.
If that encourages more people, who have so far believed the narrative, to start asking questions then it’s fine by me. The old adage about every journey beginning with the first step is pertinent here. If people can be persuaded that even one thing is wrong with what we are being told, perhaps they will start to figure out the rest. Once they have seen the truth, they won’t be able to un-see it, however comforting that may be for them.
This will be a race against time. Spreading the truth across broad swathes of the population is going to be an organic process. But will it outpace the plans being enacted now? I guess we’ll find out.
To Mike as well: Acknowledged.
That’s my understanding of the situation as well.
But aren’t the British people asking to be locked down? According to polls they all think it’s a great idea.
That’s the advantage of a federal system like the U.S.: If New Yorkers want to live underground they can do it, while Floridians can just ignore the whole thing. Even with the fake death counts, it’s 100% obvious that lockdowns accomplish nothing.
No polls needed they clapped for it once a week and painted rainbows and stuck it on there windows and terrified children to paint the rainbows and stand on spot and wear masks
The new abomination is now normal
But who produces polls and for what reason.
My guess is they produce polls with a predetermined result in an effort to influence public opinion.
When the CDC sneezes PHE catches a cold:
Look out for a meme park coming near you soon.
If you are going to tell a lie make it a big one.
The gift to Amazon is 30-50% (xmas spending) of the UK’s retail sector for a year, it’s Big bucks.
The US have destroyed countries for a lot lot less. The truth is they are also gaining 30% of Frances, Italy’s, UK’s, and the other EU nations retail sectors. Under what national or person threats or blackmail this is happening, we can only speculate. It is the biggest extortion of wealth in our lifetime. The extortion of wealth for, the USA’s, Visa, Master-card, Google education, NHS/CIA data theft, AirBnB to replace bankrupt hotels, and communication software will hold our businesses to ransom.
This is a massive power grab and nobody has a clue it is happening.
I think people are aware – some of us anyway. But what can we do? I need something – yes need not want – I can’t get in my local stores (either sold out because the covidiots panic bought everything or the supply chain has fallen to ratshit) because there’s none available except online in that river of supply. I can see this is not only a play for Amazon to snatch a greater share of our money, but also the death of cash and big bruvver can see everything we are spending our (is it really ours?) money.
I would never ever buy anything on amazon. No matter how much i need it. Total boycott
AirBnB requires more identification than any normal hotel and bed and breakfast it a data mining service and turned nazi the last 5 years woudlnt touch ti
there is even rules in the small print in where they can record your stay as in record YOU
You need to remember that all players are working under MI5 control, none are real, that goes for the PM the leader of the opposite and senior Ministers, they are all being directed by UK spooks under the thumb of the CIA. We live in an American version of the Soviet Union, where the ‘KGB’(CIA) are in all our countries controlling our leaders.
Yes, we are the Comintern Pact countries who are ‘under the sphere of US influence’.
But we are the 21st century Jews being exterminated economically by 21st century US Nazis.
happy revolution brexit
The Covid operation in Europe has a lot more to do with the American election than people know.
I suspect our leaders have been told that exaggerating Covid will help pull down Trump. Which is nonsense, the US aim is to destroy the European economies.
If they get their desired result, removing Trump, then (possibly) they will start walking back on the BS.
Anyway, we will soon find out.
Later thought – if this is indeed (partly) about Trump then that justification will disappear shortly, perhaps even if he wins, as it will clearly not have worked, and if he loses it will no longer be needed.
In any case the next days will be interesting.
Actually, the time has come for Western European economies to unilaterally withdraw from NATO and declare neutrality vis a vis Russia.
They would not be allowed to.
Mercury Retrograde causes Communication issues, Electronic issues, canceled flights, car problems, to name the few Bojo alexandra pretend mercury hermes fool DIS joker did his Independence day allowed to go drinking ‘SPIRITs’ speech 24 June still solstice being told allowed out to go out get ‘Under the influencce ‘ . AS of 4th July 6am bar’s where legally allowed to open (sunrising). Totally normal yer pubs to open at 6am If you understand there many rituals there was an eclipse visible in South America, North America and Africa. Full moon Lunar Eclipse ~ 13º Capricorn @ 4.44am U.k time THAT WEEKEND Unfortunately on November the 5th to really rub it in people faces and after the USA selections U>k will go into lockdown Last night (Friday 30th October) they perform stage one of the ritual at 22 hours which millions saw ion a full moon Halloween MERCURY goes direct – November the 3rd and been in retrograde since October 14 Times newspaper said they got the leaked intel from government sources and then everywhere it was also mentioned U.k would go into lockdown Wednesday guy Fawkes night period. France has and so has Germany and Scotland has this circuit breaker horseshit for idiots its a lockdown in another name. U.k You was allowed out 4th July ( Independence day mock ) So lockdown wil be guy Fawkes night period and is also The Plebeian Games (Latin Ludi Plebeii) were an ancient Roman religious festival held November 4–17.[1] The games (ludi) included both theatrical performances (ludi scaenici) and athletic competitions for the purpose of entertaining the common people of Rome. ALL SAINTS DAY and daylight savings time (symbolic for war time) for 11/1 in Mexico this period now is called Day of the Dead After an epic (111) 112 day lockdown, Melbourne at last wins green light to open up All restrictions are being lifted in Melbourne, on Friday, 30: Full Moon—… Read more »
Will Ferrell Performs a Ritual of the Minds
I recommend anyone opposed to the Covid measures, ease your metal health, by listening to Talk-radio, which is also a vehicle for far-right ideology, I think Nigel Farage is trying to buy it, but that does not mean that what they are saying on Covid is wrong. They are correctly critical of the government measures. If you just ignore the race baiting propaganda and left-wing bashing it is OK.
Calling Corbyn anti-semitic is one of their specialities, I think the Covid information is sound. I hate the people I find myself in bed with, disagreeing with the government policies, but I have no choice no moderates are allowed to be on the media. We are being funnelled to the far-right.
Look, you might as well say that certain people hated being allied with Joe Stalin in WW II.
Sometimes, needs must. There was a government of national unity during WWII which broke up promptly for the 1945 general election.
Liberty has nothing to do with either socialism or capitalism. It is about the principle of tolerance and the right for different people to believe in different things.
Maybe Talk Radio is right about Corbyn. They employ journalists, not Labour party members, and report an opinion which millions think is true, including the current Labour leader. Or maybe you have convincing evidence that holding leftist opinion makes people and politicians more honest or trustworthy than other humans? But then Starmer and many others would be lying leftists or fake lying leftists or something… By the way, your ‘far right’ smears about Farage, hero to millions, won’t build or unite popular resistance, nor prevent plebs choosing leaders who don’t insult them.
David Davis saying it is de facto a six months lockdown.
I suspected like many that Covid is quite seasonal, and over the summer, though it never disappeared it declined in many places but now in the temperate zone of the northern hemisphere we are into autumn/winter.
Establishment radio
Yes, well, I couldn’t find anything wackier, like the Book of Revelation or the Protocols.
And Davis is actually reasonable and sounds like a human being – whether he actually is I don’t know. He may be putting down a marker for a time when this is all exposed as BS.
Aimed at the milkshake Still believe the cult of democracy even now how blind can one be dont worry establishment radio will sell you concentration camps as holiday camp like hi de hi
military on the streets
streets ow dont worry establishmenr radio will say there key workers support workers with guns
cv is healthy happy and good for your health
reasonable and sounds like a human being maybe he is asymptomatic
protocol and Revelation seem nearer to the truth
Well, there is always the WSWS if you want to support the cult a different way… >>>)
i kid you not last year this Establishment radio and it many goons of shoot said voting for colborn JC would have you queuing in streets!
infact voting for the other party was endorsing Communism and socialism there words
its still my fraviourte stupid
i do laugh when going out seeing 2 meter apart stickers – masks – one way system – only allowed 3 items posters – testing station looking like military camps
Waldorf i gave up voting 30 years ago
WSWS Kosherservative even the green party all; establishment fronts and owned in another name
Seems logical; it will last as long as the normal flu season, which lasts as long as the low sun-induced vitamin D levels in northern latitudes.
In autumn/winter, southern Greece still gets more sunlight than NW Europe and it may be a reason as simple as that why there are not so many deaths, yet they too are having a modified lockdown.
Despite a modified lockdown being underway starting this morning, Athens is almost normal today insofar as it has been normal this year. Most shops open that are not restaurants and cafes. Most people were masks but not many more than before the lockdown was ordered. I think the government is afraid to go to the extremes of this spring.
They could always turn up the intensity, of course. We’ll see.
Covid is complete bs nazi propaganda. About the only meaning of the data is to determine how criminal the country is. High numbers mean it is a more criminal country and low numbers mean a less criminal country.
The Greek government tends to be enslaved to what the French and German governments do. So when Macron started locking down it was only a matter of time.
On the other hand, so far it is like they are going through the motions. It is nothing like the spring lockdown, during which you could almost see the tumbleweed drifting through the city centre.
Huh.. Dungroanin mili what?
The problem with these morons is that the technology is not ready. They have been duped by the rising stock market and their ballooning paper wealth.
What’s happened is very stupid billionaires have hooked up with dullard bureaucrats and think they can take over the world.
It is a bad Bond movie. I would not be surprised if Sean Connery was removed for exactly this reason. No public tribunes tolerated.
These morons are so vulnerable they can’t defend their policy. They can only cancel critics.
That’s like saying that the guillotine was a more ‘scientific and humane’ method of execution than the trusty old battle axe used by the king’s executioner. At any rate, that was what the Jacobins claimed. So has BJ now joined the the revolution?
From Mr Johnson’s statement: “The army has been brought in to work on the logistics and the programme will begin in a matter of days.” [Great]
Civilian populations need to confront their mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters, aunts, uncles, friends and loved ones who are employed in military or policing professions. Resistance will never succeed in the streets. The roads to despotism are always lined with the dead bodies of civilians…
Families need to motivate those they love to mutiny against those who are putting them in the line of fire.
When Macron ordered live ammunition to be used by army to quell yellow vests protests in 2019 immediately a general in charge of deployed units refusedl such order and prohibited usage of live ammunition to control crowd except in self defense under immediate threat to live of a soldier.
Where are UK generals questioning legality of military involvement in COVID sham and assuring that no violence will be used against citizen?
Hello Kalen: My point was that enlisted police and military should mutiny against the tactical command structures of intimidation and slaughter of fellow human beings. People talk about human equality, then turn around and create command structures that destroy any glimmer of equality of any kind. Asshats like Boris Johnson would’t survive past puberty in a society of truly free thinking individuals.
This whole Army on the streets issue is worrying. We had the Army doing logistics for water supply in the great flood 2007. No guns nothing beyond just delivering and assisting in distribution. They get to play firemen when the fire fighters have a strike, so it’s not unusual to utilise a specialist in logistics.
However, it’s 2020 and the world is different and we have a different bunch of covidiots in charge.
I’m ex Army, never fired a shot in anger never wanted to really but would have if needed, I now prefer peace and non-violence. Many of the guys I knew back then are far right minded and think that “liberal thinkers and the lefties are dangerous and should be rounded up”. Yes I quote that bit because it was said to me directly.
As for confronting familiy members in these roles… no chance it would be “unpatriotic”. But I agree with the idea but will the rest of the sheep?
We have like many other European nations created vast internal bureaucratic structures created by those who seek power of control over their citizenry. Compare our police force now with what existed 30 years ago. Armed to teeth and trained to subdue those who protest against the diktat of their political paymasters they have become the foot soldiers of tyranny.
What did you expect, huh, an brave new uh…. reality, of course not, they simply cant back out of this scam, in Norway the retadianism is going full trotle, and the reasons isnt just because of the Corona, its also now, a bit new speach, corona realted, yeah, the show must go on, and the waves will come, waves after waves, atums turns into winter, and we all know that in this times of the year, flue will rise, but since CONvid is an divne intervention, have cured everything, but the Corona, I am in awe. So, since we debate propaganda, I will give you an test, witch of this two videos is total bollocks and witch isnt, witch focuses on the core issue like whom founds, controls, and directs, wile the other one drools something about uh…. things witch have nothing to do with this present 2020 staged riots, manages to take the politics, or the lack of it, into this groups whom have nothing what so ever to do with, in the past and to day with this BLM and AntiFags at all, but somehow is dragged into this because of the ignorance of history and the use of pre-setted consensusses, and whom a lot of so called conservatives etc consider to be an enemy, national threat, and of course completely ignores their own doings etc, and on top of it, completely ignores the facts about whom is behind the violence etc in the UssA. So, I give you all an challage, witch of this two are credible, and when I mean credible, not everything is nessesery bad, some of it are good, some are spot on but the problems becomes when they talk other regions and whom to blame. The first one, is eh…. relying on what… Read more »
Use spell check ffs.
Well if it missed somethings as simple a ffs…
I assume that Mikael is not a native English speaker. How’s your Norwegian spelling?
Constructive addition, well done.
Charming …
What level of on the ground resistance/refusal to comply is there in the UK?
What sense of this do people have?
How does “rather the grave than be a slave” grab you? Having nothing left to lose could prove liberating.
I am at the ”lifer” syndrome stage (no job,about to get a visit from the ”cant pay we’re having it away” squad) and now i’ve accepted it its remarkably liberating …nothing left to lose but my life…..i’m also armed to the teeth within the confines of UK law …you didn’t think i’d go without a fight did you ?
Freedom is another word for nothing left to lose…
In the prior press statement, Patrick Valance said, “The modelling, that’s the data we are looking at.” So the country’s most senior scientific adviser thinks the outcomes of computer models are data.
At around the same time, Boris Johnson (without the benefit of a scientific education and with the benefit of a Classics education) told us that lockdown was Charybdis.
So the result of all this education is that scientifically illiterate scientists have persuaded the non-scientist to throw us all to what he knows to be a devouring monster on the basis of pseudoscience.
If a satirist made this up no one would find it in the least credible. We are in the midst of a case of collective madness that many vested interests are exploiting for all it is worth and I fear the madness will not end until the harm done has been so catastrophic that no one can deny that the cure is worse than the virus.
Modeling is BS. Statistical or economic modeling is Voodoo that produces nothing of value. The w**kers who push it know that.
Forecasters know that the window is very small.. only months are meaningful. And that’s if you start with solid data.
“We are in the midst of a case of collective madness that many vested interests are exploiting for all it is worth and I fear the madness will not end until the harm done has been so catastrophic that no one can deny that the cure is worse than the virus.”
“So the country’s most senior scientific adviser thinks the outcomes of computer models are data.” He, and the rest of his gang, are not talking to you and me. He’s talking, as gangster politicians in other countries do, to the bovine majority. They are the ones who need convincing so that the gangster politicians’ bosses in the transnational capitalist class will get the global biosecurity State (with it’s guaranteed markets for vaccines) that they desire.
The performances (yes they are performances) of governments across the world are like children’s programmes written to appeal to parents also. The children take the performance at face value. The parents see the subtext. In this situation we are being shown the iron fist while the children see just the velvet glove.
Time to rebuild the Tyburn scaffold. Until some of the authors of this charade swing, nothing will change
Drawing and quartering by popular demand
I think that all of us here (except the undercover enemy agents) share that sentiment. But the world is ruined. It’s time for ‘it’ to go and the powerful transnational capitalist class and all of it’s police State enforcers (aka governments) and all of those who share their view that life means (the losing game) of ‘riches for the strongest’.
Just gone over 7.5 hours with no Internet, no Facebook, and god forbid, no Offguardian.
Tried everything – restarting my phone, checking the settings, etc, and just now, while pulling my hair out; again, noticed the mobile data was turned off. Sigh.
In the last four days out selling the mag, every day have met people who straight out said the whole thing was bullshit and a scam. At least 6 people on Saturday alone, and even some comments that the facemasks were useless. One older guy even hugged me, and stated loudly “we’re human beings, we can’t stop being human”.
That was a huge positive for me, after months of being at home in a suffocating and mentally draining lockdown: talking to people face to face who also saw thru the bullshit.
And while the UK and elsewhere in the Northern Hemisphere is in lockdown, I wonder what else they’ll roll out, apart from the Army on the streets.
On my way home today, at one of Melbourne’s main train stations, there’s work going on with a sign saying:
‘we are improving security at Southern Cross Station to adhere to a Covid Safe infrastructure’ – or something along those lines. I was going to check what this meant, but then had no Internet.
I wonder if it will be similar to the digital travel card being rolled out in Australia next year, or scanners of some sort that allows you access to the station.
We already know the 0.01% are fans of China’s social credit system and want to see it rolled out everywhere.
Both my computers, Mac and Windows crashed simultaneously.. recovery has failed with both. Now four hours into fixing. Restricted to phone.
Of course 30 years of experience building the damned things could mean i’m just a fat fingered fool.
If AI is half as capable as we are told, then it would not be paranoia to conclude they can pick people off would it?
Mac and Windows
I think I see what your problem is.
You are right. It’s a learning curve but less time wasted than fixing M/W
Years ago a colleague who had worked for the Australian defence department found keyloggers were slowing down his machines.
Mr Bill Gates .. Skype, Swiftkey, LinkedIn, Windows phone.. is a front for state security agency IBM.
Both my computers, Mac and Windows crashed simultaneously.. recovery has failed with both. Now four hours into fixing. Restricted to phone. mercury retrograde i av written about it and it got spam checked for the 3 rd time – so will be up later
learn about mercury retrograde
I must admit that after 4-5 hours of no Internet and no Facebook and not even being able to bring up weather reports…. I started having some ‘out there’ thoughts that maybe a monumental event had happened and ‘They’ had deliberately crashed the net, as some have predicted will happen, or else, my phone had been hacked.
Good luck with getting your computers up and running again M. Hope things have quietened down in your part of the world, tho I haven’t checked on any news about Nagorno Karabakh for a week or so. Have a good week…
In the last four days out selling the mag, every day have met people who straight out said the whole thing was bullshit and a scam. At least 6 people on Saturday alone, and even some comments that the facemasks were useless.
I suggest having some printed leaflets to give to such people, with links to this and a few other informative websites. people are probably desperate for validation of their perception of the idiocy all around them; you might be performing a real service by providing them with that.
some QR-codes with the same links might be useful, so that people can just scan them with their phone, rather than having to type them in.
I’ve already told a few people verbally and they typed names into their phone. Made reference to the Klaus Schwab and His Great Fascist Reset article and told them to check out Offguardian.
Agree with you that flyers with a list of sites like here or The Corbett Report would be an excellent idea.
Despite only just opening things up again, it’s a public holiday here today, for a horse race, so ironically, most places will be closed. Thanks…
I’m glad you’ve run into some like-minded people in real life. For me it makes such a big difference for my frame of mind.
I can second that.
Welcome back. Breathe. As for the switch thing, I’ve been there and will be there again. I’m tech stupid, partly. But really, When you don’t do something regularly, it disappears from your mind and that includes how to do what disappeared from your mind. We’ve all been asked for our phone numbers at stressful times. You know the rest…
Because of the trolls plaguing this site, I noticed Admin made a comment couple days ago they may start asking people to verify their email address that gave me a bit of concern.
I can’t even remember my password!
Being stuck at home in lockdown may’ve given me a somewhat false sense of reality by only conversing online with like minded people here or on Facebook (yes, I know!) but talking to real people face to face who also know there’s no pandemic, that it’s a massive scam has been an almost joyful experience! You feel vindicated.
I’m not up to date with what’s happening in Canada, but knowing creatures like Trudeau and Ford, there’ll be things in the pipeline.
Regards that recent ‘leaked email’ from the Liberal Party Committee member, I note a few people have come out questioning it’s validity. One of my FB friends in Calgary, at the time of the leak, I asked his opinion and he gave me a 5 word response: ‘it’s straight out fear porn’.
I keep a list of passwords. I have no choice. It’s either be less secure but functional or fully secure and totally lost and unable to function. I don’t know whether I have my password for OG saved to that list. I am not too concerned about it. I’ll re-register if I have to. As for the leak, it looked funny to me. That’s not a whistleblower. That’s something else. What it looks like is something akin to a trial balloon. “Let’s see how comfortable people are with being eaten alive.” They’ve got real attitude, those who rule and those who serve them. I had to take our abusive public transit today for the first time in about 3 months. My ebike’s brake broke. I’ll be bussing for about a week, I estimate. The signs that they are posting are off the charts obscene. One tells people to wear masks, to make sure that they are over the nose, tight-fitting and tucked under the chin. Cattle won’t notice that they are being talked to like children. The people dreaming up that kind of messaging are the same kind of people that people like Will Potter caught on video jabbing cows in the head and udder with pitchforks, just because they could do it and get away with it. The world is ruined. It has been for a long time. And it’s time for the plug to be pulled. Oh, I almost forgot; The punchline to that sign, above, about masks: Please be sure that you can breathe. I kid you not. I would have taken a picture of the sign, but the camera on my Alcatel flip phone is crap. I can picture some scammer, somewhere in a room, no mask of course, having the task of printing that up… Read more »
No, you’re not bringing me down Arby, all good. Only met one person today who expressed scepticism about the scamdemic, tho I was in a wealthy, conservative suburb.
We had to sign a new contract before being able to sell the mag again, but a new clause stated we… ‘must wear a facemask while selling the mag and to do everything possible to keep customers safe by being covid safe’.
No signature, then no work, and my situation was really dire, however, at the places I’ve been at, have not had the mask on at times, and still sold. The people that bought the mag while I was maskless didn’t say a word, not even a raised eyebrow… However it only takes one snitch to phone up the Office and I’m kaput.
Saw a sign at one of the train stations here: ‘stay apart to be together’. The Orwellian slogans they come up with. Obviously hugging is now a criminal offence! Good luck with your public transport experience👍
What’s the mag that you sell if I may ask. If you care to say. If not for some reason, that’s perfectly fine.
Your situation is precarious. I feel for you.
Mag is called The Big Issue. It began in the UK about 1990, and was started up as a social enterprise business for all those who were homeless (thanks to Thatcher). Essentially, anyone who is homeless or marginalised can sell it. We even have people who may work part time, but also sell the mag.
In Australia, we buy them for $4.50, then sell them for $9.00, so every sale, we get $4.50. Quite often people do pay a bit extra, which is allowed.
I go to a different suburb each day to keep sales high, and usually middle class areas as they’re the best to sell in. Since last Friday have sold 158 mags, so it’s actually been really good.
530 or so suburbs in Melbourne, so have lots of places to choose from! Have a good day Arby👍
Ahh, I see. I’m familiar with that sort of assistance. I used to buy the odd social assistance paper here in TO. I found that I didn’t quite like the content, so I took to just giving the seller some cash but passing on the mag. You may feel the same way. I truly, truly hope that that doesn’t die on you and that something more positive develops in the area of life support happens for you.
This world was barbaric beyond belief before Covid 1984. I expect that the present madness will intensify, last a minute, and then be wiped away, as it must be. But those are just my religious beliefs and, while I might like to share them, I’d really like to directly, materially help people like yourself. I just can’t. I’m pretty much there myself. The meek – you and I – in my view, deserve to inherit the earth.
Last lock down,the park benches were covered in plastic and we were prohibited from sitting on them in case this virus crawled up our bums. Masks were not mandatory and many ‘leaders’ were arguing against them. Now before the next lock down I can walk in the park and sit directly on a, park bench. Masks are now mandatory in shops, but in my park most people wear them even out doors ……. And sit on bare park
Benches…… I get it! The virus used to indiscriminately travel up the anus, but now he looks up, checks if you are wearing a mask and crawls back down again…
Amazingly some people still think the bizarre coup detat of 2020 is about health….
These Tyrants can be exposed, because they lie, we have an advantage because we are using the truth, a weapon which can not be taken away.
Keep up the good work Ofd Guardian!
in case this virus crawled up our bums
I hate it when that happens. maybe some kind of a cork would be helpful.
I’m not showing my ass to no bus driver!
Is the Covid getting you xown?
Try the new Trump Antiseptic Enema ™.
For the discerning asshole on the go. Leaves you with a minty fresh fragrance the misses will appreciate. Available in plus and yuge sizes.
Too much? Not enough? I could have said taste.
What misses? Won’t smell much at 6 feet
It hasn’t been Ofd yet. 😉
So we are being ordered about based on a computer simulation ????
The magic of the great reset
That’s from the get go.
And a computer-generated model of a virus.
when neil imperial ferguson says a million could be cases or may die is he talking pasteur virus theory or 5g tel aviv radiation flu like death symptoms ?
Ferguson’s computer model must be Sim City, viral outbreak edition 🤪
WHO goon laying some groundwork for the next stage:
“For me, the big missing link in what’s going on in many European countries is management of isolation. That’s not just isolation of people who are sick – it’s isolation of people who have contacts and are first-degree contacts. They don’t think they have Covid, because they feel fine, and even if they are told they should stay home, they don’t feel a strong social obligation or they do not necessarily have that reinforced as happens in some countries. So for instance, in a place like Hong Kong, you would be called every day, or the police come to your house”.