UPDATED: Election Day!
Polls are open on the “battle for the soul of the nation”, but who will win? And does it matter?
- Press coverage, “red mirage” and narrative management.
- Trump declares victory before “blue shift”.
- The “Transition Integrity Project”
- Possible signs of fraud?
- Social media clampdown
Trump and Biden face off for the last time as America goes to the polls, and this is the open thread to discuss the results as they come in.
The polls (if you trust or believe them) all put Creepy Uncle Joe in a substantial lead. That, coupled with the support of the vast majority of the media and establishment suggest
As with all Presidential elections since “Dubya’s” first term (or even before), there’s very real reasons to doubt the legitimacy or fairness of the result. The huge emphasis on postal voting – an easily corruptible practice – is a further red flag.
There’s a certain school of thought that it “doesn’t matter who wins”. That has been broadly true for most of the last half-century, however it might not hold true here. Trump is a bombastic idiot, and he hasn’t come through on the vast majority of his anti-establishment promises at all, but he is at least the first POTUS in over 40 years to not start a war. He even attempted to end a couple. We certainly can’t trust Biden (or Harris) to carry on that pattern.
That, coupled with talks of a “national mask mandate” and more moves to “counter disinformation” make the prospect of Biden (or Harris) presidency deeply unpleasant.
There’s talk of Donald Trump being prosecuted should he lose, or refusing to accept the result. Both would be very surprising. But what do you think?
- Who will win the Presidency?
- Will the election be fair?
- Will the loser contest the vote?
- Will the military get involved?
- In the end, will it matter?
UPDATE: Both The Guardian and Washington Post are reporting the possibility of a “red mirage” in some battleground states. Meaning that, after in-person ballots are counted it might seem like Trump has won, but the postal ballots counted later will swing it back to Biden.
Various media are also reporting that Trump will declare victory “prematurely”, and that in this event the media will perhaps refuse to broadcast his speech. The New York Times sent this incredibly revealing tweet on the subject…and then deleted it:
“The role of declaring the winner of the presidential election falls to the news media…” hmmmm. At least they’re honest about it.
UPDATE 4/11/20: Trump held leads in five undeclared states – Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia, Pennsylvania and North Carolina – when all five stopped (or dramatically slowed) counting votes. Since then, a surge of postal votes wiped out Trump’s lead in Wisconsin, giving the Biden the state by as few as 6000 votes.
Pennsylvania’s governor has stated there are “over a million” postal votes yet to be counted.
Trump has declared that he should have won the election by now, and has hinted at a Supreme Court challenge. It certainly looks like we will see a “red mirage” – an appearance of a Trump win and then sudden Biden recovery, entirely due to postal ballots. Needless to say, rather suspicious.
In this context it’s a good time to revisit the “Transition Integrity Project”, a series of exercises carried out over the summer of 2020 backed by the Protect Democracy foundation. Their alleged aim was to “ensure a peaceful transfer of power”, but it doesn’t take a genius to read between the lines here.
Especially when you see the list of names involved – all current/former DNC employees and/or vociferous Trump opponents: Donna Brazille, John Podesta, Max Boot and Bill Kristol to name a few.
In this document, released August this year, they lay out their conclusions. Including (bold in the original):
The concept of “election night,” is no longer accurate and indeed is dangerous. We face a period of contestation [sic] stretching from the first day a ballot is cast in mid-September until January 20. The winner may not, and we assess likely will not, be known on “election night” as officials count mail-in ballots.
Remarkably prescient of them.
UPDATE 4/11/20 15:00: Are these signs of potential electoral fraud?
Early in the morning CNN’s rolling coverage map suddenly attributed 138,339 votes to Biden in Michigan, without recording a single vote Trump or any of three independent candidates:
This jump almost completely destroyed Trumps 5% lead.
Nate Silver’s statistics and analysis website fivethirtyeight.com has been plotting the votes on graphs. Both Wisconsin and Michigan have sudden, vertical jumps for Biden at around 4am:
It has been suggested that these are counties returning their results en masse,, which is technically possible, but if that were the case you’d expect a corresponding jump for Trump, even the most Democrat friendly areas of the country don’t give Biden 100% of their votes.
The best illustration of just how bizarre these events are, is the reaction of the CNN anchors. Watch how they handle Biden suddenly getting 109,000 new votes, and totally wiping out Trump’s 4 point lead in Wisconsin in an instant:
“Where did it come from?” Indeed.
Are social media going to clampdown on dissent or accusations of fraud? Last night, in a long-expected move, Twitter finally banned David Icke from posting. Whilst this was never explicitly said to be about the election, the timing was certainly suspect. (Whether you have any time for Icke or not, censorship is never OK).
However, we are now beginning to see some election-related moves on social media.
When Sean Davis, editor of The Federalist, pointed out the odd jumps in Biden’s votes, Twitter slapped a warning on his tweet. Calling it “disputed” and “potentially misleading”:
If you see any similar examples of discussion of the election being controlled/censored, do please post them in the comments below or email them to us.
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I saw a link for this article in a tweet, went to follow it here and Twitter warned this was a potentially malicious site. I was advised to turn back.
Who the hell is Twitter to suddenly try to scare me out of reading an article that speaks to voting irregularities?
People like who own Twitter, FB and youtube can pose an extraordinary danger to liberty in the United States and the common citizen. And allowing these owners to operate with impunity is like allowing a black mamba slither into your home in the interest of Democracy.
These flips are extraordinary danger to America and its foundation. These fellows have received funding at various times in their business ventures from the US government and now they use their platforms against the liberties of those who funded them by claiming their censoring misinformation!
The situation in America is almost as dysfunctional as Russia in the 1990s, when 7 Jewish billionaires owned 70% of the wealth of the country between them.
The difference between America/ Britain and Russia is that in the first, money controls politics. In Russia, politics controls money.
I stole this and repost it right here, wtf
Keep up with the latest alt-media reports via The Phaser Com http://thephaser.com/ which is a useful one-stop shop for broadcasts.
Scott Ott talks to Bill Whittle
As I said (Nov 5, 2020 11:30 AM; see below):
The Democrats became mad, bad, and dangerous to know; and anyone with any sanity, intelligence or ethics would have quietly slipped away some time ago. I expect the low-level people are right now discussing plea deals so as to avoid a decade or two in federal prison. And my prediction is that the Dems will fold on all disputed states giving Trump a total of over 300.
This has been one of the key strategies:
Know your enemy!
At noon on Jan. 20, the outgoing president’s term expires, and the winning candidate is sworn in on the West Front of the U.S. Capitol. And with that, the 2020 presidential election will finally be over.
But where the danger is,
also grows the saving power.
Friedrich Hölderlin
These are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as freedom should not be highly rated.
– Thomas Paine
General Flynn
Calling ALL Republican leaders, MUSTER your courage!
Time is NOW to speak up & join w/ Patriots across America and back @realDonaldTrump our @POTUS
#DefendElectionIntegrity of the most important election in U.S. history.
God Bless America
1:11 AM • Nov 6, 2020
As I predicted several months ago, the Kochite 5th columnists at Spiked show their true colours. No wonder they had to ban comments!
Brendan O’Neill – Editor
7th November 2020
President Biden and the future of democracy
The presidential election was an inspiring act of popular decision-making.
So Joe Biden will be the next president of the United States. He won a remarkable swathe of the popular vote – close to 75million at the current count. That is an impressive democratic mandate. In fact, this whole election has been impressive. . . . it is our view that Joe Biden is the legitimate, enthusiastically elected leader of the USA. The Trumpists trying to cast aspersions on the electoral process need to stop.
Spiked (also written as sp!ked) is a British Internet magazine focusing on politics, culture and society. The magazine was founded in 2001 with the same editor and many of the same contributors as Living Marxism, which had closed in 2000 after losing a case for libel brought by ITN. It is funded in part by donations from the Charles Koch Foundation. . . . Spiked is edited by Brendan O’Neill, who self identifies as a Libertarian Marxist.
That explains everything: from the totalitarian flavour of The Great Reset (with more than a dash of Marxism) to the complicit silence of the left.
‘Trump is the worst criminal in human history’ – Noam Chomsky (high status gatekeeper).
Which kind of confirms…..etc.
General Flynn
There is a legitimate legal battle ensuing across America. Get involved where you can, pray all you can & know the MEDIA is NOT responsible for deciding our elections. We The People are by our great constitution. Let it lead us to a legitimate outcome and not the MainStreamMedia!
10:42 PM • Nov 7, 2020
Flynn retweets:
Remember President Al Gore?
Me either.
But in accord with what I’ve been saying for several months, I think it would be more apropos to ask: remember when Napoleon defeated Russia?
Banda Simfònica d’Algemesí, al concert de la Nit del Retorn celebrat el 6 de setembre de 2016 al la Plaça Major d’Algemesí.
Conductor: Alberto Ferrer i Martínez
I see online that every US media outlet is declaring Joe Biden the next President. But each and every blurb has at its end the single word “Projected.” That’s what it’s come to: for someone to be the “projected” winner ipso facto makes them the outright winner.
Of course, that’s true because the counting of votes will insure the “projection” becomes the “reality.” Even for those who already assume elections are rigged, this is just a bit “in your face.” They don’t even try to hide what they’re doing any more.
It’s like they’re announcing “We’ve decided for you voters who you voted for. Thanks for your help. Have a nice day.”
Looks like the final nail in the coffin of make-believe game of democracy.
As if it wasn’t enough that democracy is inherently flawed in theory since the various electoral systems, FPTP, proportionate representation, suffer from inherent systemic flaws. And as if it wasn’t enough how the electoral process is influenced by big money, making the idea that whoever governs represents the will of the majority of people utterly ridiculous.
This shit is too much. I’m afraid that the world is fucked. This circus can hold together only if stiff totalitarianism is imposed, which is in fact happening. It remains to be seen how people react, if they accept it without putting up a fight.
Oh well, historically speaking, the First World has had a pretty long peaceful and prosperous run, some 75 years. The Second World about 30, plus 45 of relative prosperity. I’m afraid that we’re entering a dark age. Worse still, I see not a flicker of a light at the end of the tunnel – we don’t even know what’s going on, where exactly the m-effers who have concocted this coup d’etat mondial are trying to steer the world. And more importantly, we don’t really have an alternative, other than trying to restore the status quo, as effed up as it was …
Total shambles …
“Worse still, I see not a flicker of a light at the end of the tunnel…”
Unfortunately, I do. It’s an oncoming train.
As to “stiff totalitarianism” being imposed: most people won’t even notice. They’ll be too busy texting on their cell phones. Finding anyone under the age of 60 who manages to go even one day without their phone is literally like finding a needle in a haystack.
The phone freaks see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. If it can’t be texted, it doesn’t exist for them. Totalitarianism? Is that the latest app?
No shit.
Covidian android-like sheeple are calling the rather small handful of real humans conspiracy theorists, completely oblivious to reality. As if what is weren’t happening – restrictions akin to WWII. Rampant censorship. The media dripping with lies and propaganda. Hijacked election in the US. They’re not even trying to hide all the crap anymore; the narrative has shifted to a state where all of this is justified because “the truth is on our side” (read: enough people have been brainwashed to the point to believe it).
I live in a former Second World country where people, at least some, are still yapping about the former totalitarian regime, the reacquired “freedom”, vowing to never let that happen again. And these very people are the most ardent mask wearers who promote the lockdowns, this whole idiotic narrative. They are, and will be, the proponents of the new totalitarianism. WTF? Can’t people learn a lesson?
This is terribly depressing, not the fact that pricks in the shadows are trying to take over the world, you’d expect nothing less, but how easily people allow wool to be pulled over their eyes.
Worse still, in the world that’s likely coming, with implanted chips and constant surveillance, it will be just about impossible for anybody to fly under the radar. Everybody will be harnessed to Big Brother. That’s unlivable.
Learning a lesson is far beyond most people’s mentality. I just had a conversation with a neighbor – a certified John Q Public – about our (US) election. I said the vote tabulation was highly suspect. When I noted the Democratic party’s history of suspect vote counting during the primaries – his response was “That’s yesterday’s news.” If less than a year ago is “yesterday’s news,” just imagine five or ten years ago – that would be “ancient history.”
To most people, it seems that anything which didn’t happen literally yesterday is irrelevant.
America pokes its nose into other countries’ elections, to make sure they’re free and fair. Yet the United States’ own elections display dizzying levels of corruption and skulduggery
Long overdue that independent observers are brought in to oversee American elections. The BBC proclaims Biden’s won, whilst Donald Trump says he’s won. Who to believe? There needs to be a vote recount
Creepy Joe has just been declared the winner with 270 plus votes.
Looks like the ballot stuffing has paid off.
He will be dogged by vote rigging as Trumpo was by the Russiagate hoax.
Anyone got info on any riots or street protests? I hear occasional reports on podcasts but silence in the Corporatist Media.
No, the instructions haven’t come through from Soros yet.
It’s too quiet here, OffG…
The Government of Spain approves a plan against ‘fake news’ with which it will monitor the information and may require private media. Do you know the first one that President Sánchez received in his premiere as such? Our friend George Soros. It is the tail of the snake and the wrapping of Trump with his blackout of the speech of three major American media. It is seen that there is a plan and it is executed at the same time. Viral Fabianism is the new dictatorship on a world scale, at least Western. A Fabianism of Norway lobster, caviar and crab for the others.
They don’t eat crabs anymore… plastic
While overall Covid and the perception he mishandled it weakened Trump, there was probably some pushback against harsher restrictions.
Know Your Enemy!
Hillary Clinton said in an interview in August:
“Joe Biden should not concede under any circumstances, because I think this is going to drag out, and eventually I do believe he will win if we don’t give an inch, and if we are as focused and relentless as the other side is,” Clinton said in an interview with her former communications director Jennifer Palmieri for Showtime’s “The Circus,”
Teaching a Horse to TalkA man is sentenced to die by the king. As the verdict is announced, the man says, “Wait! If you spare my life, I promise that in one year, I will teach your horse to talk. If I fail, you can kill me then.” The king is intrigued, and figures he has nothing to lose, so he agrees. Afterwards, the man’s friend says, “Are you crazy? You’ll never teach the king’s horse to talk.” The man laughs and says, “Think of it this way. I have an extra year to live, and a lot can happen in a year. I might die. The king might die. And who knows, a lot can happen in a year. It may even be that I shall succeed in teaching the horse to talk.
Trump’s strategy in this phase will be a play for time to disqualify Biden votes. There is an instructive parallel in the American history of 1877.
Excerpt from the Atlantic, September 23, 2020:
„The Election That Could Break America“
„Democrats began parliamentary maneuvers to obstruct the electoral count in Congress. Their plan was to run out the clock all the way to Inauguration Day, when the Republican incumbent, Ulysses S. Grant, would have to step down.
Not until two days before Grant’s term expired did Tilden give in. –
The threat of military force was in the air. Grant let it be known that he was prepared to declare martial law in New York, where rumor had it that Tilden planned to be sworn in, and to back the inauguration of Hayes with uniformed troops.
That is an unsettling precedent for 2021. If our political institutions fail to produce a legitimate president, and if Trump maintains the stalemate into the new year, the chaos candidate and the commander in chief will be one and the same.“
On youtube you will find news about a „selection fraud watermark gate“ Maybe it´s a Q’anon myth, maybe it´s true. It should be true enough to keep the spirit up.
God willing.
Q hasn’t commented on the watermark claim, so I’m somewhat skeptical and think it’s possible that a rumour has been circulated as a decoy. The Trump admin has been planning for this for a long time (since at least 2016), so it’s likely they have a fully worked out strategy; and as you suggest, it’s all based on The Art of War.
All hope of a ‘legitimate president’ disappeared with Bush/Cheney.
We have to keep up with events.
I don’t know what the answer is, but it is certainly not to be found in today’s Washington
Once Creepy Joe is installed in the White House, what should people expect?
Non stop gerrymandering and social engineering to establish a permanent democrat supremacy, rather like the Protestant hegemony in Northern Ireland.
Abolish the Electoral College, making the US heartland politically irrelevant. Nothing outside the democrat controlled coastal belts and major cities will count.
Create two new states, Northern and Southern California, to weight the Senate in their favour.
Give statehood to Puerto Rico and the other US colonies for the same reason, packing the Congress as well.
Expanding the Supreme Court and packing it with their placemen and women.
Giving an amnesty and the vote to 30-40 million illegal immigrants, creating a new electorate with a huge inbuilt majority for themselves.
Open Borders and uncontrolled Third World immigration of several million a year, demographic replacement to get rid of all the deplorables.
Abolish the First Amendment. Free Speech is Hate Speech. Rigid censorship of all Wrongthink and Wrongspeak by Zuckerberg, dorsey, and the 6 Zionist billionaires who own the MSM.
Abolish the Second Amendment.
Non stop Globo Homo, gay anal sex for everybody, especially children, compulsory drag queen story hour, toilets for trannies, as many trannies as possible, paedos, bestiality, incest as soon as possible. Jail sentences for misgendering.
Reparations for all the darkies.
Tear down every remaining statue.
That covers most of it.
Should take them about 4 years.
We can already see how the democrats are going to behave in power.
People like Ocasio-Cortez and Rubin are already drawing up lists of anyone who has supported Trump that they can be appropriately punished.
Prevented from getting jobs, deplatformed, shadow banned, harassed, and probably much worse.
With the MSM, FBI, CIA, Silicon Valley all cheering it on.
Today’s ‘Most viewed’ in the On-Guardian
I knew Biden had a son who ran away to the Crimea to marry an oligarch or something like that but I didn’t know he had 13 more lined up ready to go. This US hegemony thing is all getting out of hand.
Anybody noticed how quiet it got around here since a few hours? loll
Which side would you choose in a civil war?
“Peaceful Protest Is White Supremacy”: Election Night in Portland
Andy Ngo
Nov 4, 2020
On election night in Portland (3 Nov., 2020), hundreds of BLM-antifa protesters shut down the streets of a residential area of southeast Portland, Ore. They confronted people at their homes. In one instance, they stopped outside the home of a couple with a “Biden Harris” sign, accusing them of white supremacy. They then rob another man of his phone for recording them.
I’d choose the side that didn’t do drugs and booze.
Updates -Election News:
Dems Down On Results, Pelosi.Olbermann Demands Coup/
Biden To Claim Victory Too Soon/
Factual Election Results Map/
Trump: Biden Win Is False.5 State Battlegrounds/
Why Biden Win Is Questioned/
PA Battle Spotlight/
Hawaii Halts 5G
Georgia (Nov 5, 2020): Vernon Jones (“WalkAway” Democrat) and Don Trump Jr protesting against election fraud.
Q did not mean a thing to me a couple of months ago but it seems their presence is ubiquitous. I notice that the Homeland Security Block Chain encryption cypher is called QFS and it looks set to take down the Deep State elites. Draining the swamp I think was the expression. This young Alaskan believes it is about to happen.
God willing.
You may need to reduce your consumption of Hollywood movies.
We’ll see.
Yes… We”ll see…
We’ll see if there’s any mention of Lockstep in your clip.
We’ll see who says: “I’ve got a Democratic Congress in ‘Lockstep’ behind a Republican President’. Fiction. Holywood. We’ll see if it’s not!
No I know, I just like that scene and that actor… But the “we”ll see”… is pretty much all we do
´The Americans are a bunch of sissy fags anyway.
It’s when the Brits arrest the criminals in parliament that Biten will cack himself and the Americans will pull their finger out.
Very True! But don’t piss us off! As the Incredible Hulk said “You won’t me when I’m angry”……
No they won’t you budy
Why shouldn’t dead people born in 1823 vote for Biden???
Surely, dead people have as much right to vote as anybody else!
Their votes must be counted!!!
And if 200 year old dead people are going to vote, who better than Joe Biden to represent their interests?
That’s what I’d like to know.
The National Guard won’t arrest the dead people… that would be inhumane
Joe Biden: “We have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.”
An organization can be used for or against an alleged purpose..
oops, Twitter already removed Biden´s Freudian slip.
the necromancers:
Poll workers in Philly: neutral, or not so neutral that is the question, n’est-ce pas?
Crazy, ballot room blitz!
Now, whether “They actually hired BLM to count votes, this guy is openly throwing ballots away! “
is not as relevant as this guy is openly throwing BALLOTS away!!!
Where are the observers?, anyone..?
„President Donald Trump in the first presidential debate drew controversy when he urged his supporters to “go into the polls and watch very carefully” on Election Day.“
Missouri law:
(You can), „however, hang around the outside of the polling place as long as you stay 25 feet away from the door.“
translation: you have to believe the city council, or else..you actually have to stay 25 feet away from the door, that would be 10-12 m??, some observer observation distancing, it even puts crazy Corona rules and late Herr Honecker to shame.
Caption: True Erich:
„Comrades, this chaos in the USA comes from the fact that there is more than one party – our election results are always available on the same day!“
There’s no evidence of fraud?
Fraud most foul, more like it !
ALL MSM (except a few on FOX) sez ‘no evidence of widespread fraud” /s? – no! – LIES!!
And all fact checkers and all Dem’s men, could not make Joe’s bloopers disappear again.
Fact check: Clip of Biden taken out of context to portray him as plotting a voter fraud scheme
Viral Posts Take Biden Quote on Voter Fraud Out of Context
Bogus ‘vote fraud’ claims proliferate on social media
Misleading election videos circle internet
Note that Biden is answering the second part of a two-part question: asking what people WHO HAVE ALREADY VOTED can still do to MAKE SURE you are the next president. That is the question that Biden is addressing when he says we have put together the most extensive voter fraud organisation.
His answer is not out of context. It is very precisely and specifically in context.
What Biden did is let his mouth run away. In his condition he cannot keep secrets.
Question: “And, part two, for the folks who have already voted, the 50 million Americans who’ve already voted, what can they do over the last 10 days to help make sure that you’re the next president of the United States?”
Answer: “Secondly we are in a situation where we have put together – and you guys did it for president Obama’s administration before this – we have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.”
With barrels of beer and buckets of blood,
We’ll drag the US flag through the mud!
Always on the lookout for something positive to say – however ‘arcane’, one thing did occur to me today:
As I was contemplating wryly that I didn’t choose to be born into a lunatic asylum – which is what our world has turned into – it suddenly struck me that the very awfulness of our present situation actually shines a pretty strong spotlight upon the few things we humans still have which are not awful:
We are still capable of imagining a society where our representatives actually represent us, and where our leaders are not unsalvageably compromised gangsters.
And we are still capable of being creative with our hands and with the simplest raw materials and tools.
We can still sing and read, as well as listen to poetry and music.
And we can still think, without Bill Gates knowing what we are thinking.
I don’t know whether the inhabitants of today’s Earth could be bothered to do the work that would be necessary to get such a system off the ground, but these ‘non-awful’ things mean that there is always the theoretical possibility of a different form of government which more closely resembles ideal democracy and which could actually be viable.
I wouldn’t know how to start building such a society, except that our capacities for both imaginative and critical thought would seem at least to point to where we can start.
By actively employing our thinking.
Then the human phenomenon of ‘like-minded-people’, as we often see here at OffG, might see to the rest…
I am a musician and music teacher, so I am very familiar with the possibilities of overcoming technical and ‘spiritual’ problems in connection with the arts – and those possibilities are considerable.
That’s probably why the arts always have such a hard time when a ‘conservative’ government controls things. The arts are much freer than such governments find comfortable, so their funding is cut, cut, cut, until nobody really thinks there is sense any longer in a career in those fields. The ‘authorities’ don’t want people to overcome technical and spiritual problems, because that would give them more independence – not to mention self-confidence (perish the thought…).
Don’t you see evidence that there is a coup in the US against Trump? It’s too early, but there are signs: A sitting president is cut off by three big television networks …
Don’t you see evidence that both Trump and Biden are merely part of the same coup that put the Bushes, Obama and Trump into power, and are now putting covidiocy into power…?
I certainly do.
The TV networks just do what they are told, whoever wins the election – and it isn’t the President who tells them what to do…
The country is sunk – it’s like those stories we have heard about people getting their head shot off by a cannonball in earlier times of warfare: Headless, they continue, for a while, to brandish their swords and ride their horses, as if everything was just fine…
Americans are now effectively just as headless, as are the British and most of the rest of Europe.
THAT is the coup, and it’s global.
Kamala Harris, Biden, Trump, Clinton, Elvis, Tom Cruise… it makes no difference at all who is President.
Insufficient assignation of accountability. What you say is true but we must call out each and every coup.
If you grew up under military dictatorship you would take a different view. People should read Graham Greene or any lesser writer who at least grapples with politics rather than sex.
In the 1950s even the Daily Express had over 50 foreign correspondents. Today the Daily Bliss is read in quiet ignorance of the world.
No kidding… I stand here in Canada, and the media is a joke… like Biden is a saint, and there is LITERALLY no word demeaning enough against Trump… all day.
No doubt of a coup.
Trouble is most “right thinking liberals” which is how 90% population sees itself, have been instructed to feel embarrassed by Trump. They remain silent. Within that group are Democratic Party supporters who are working hand in glove with military, mafia and the UnIntelligent agencies.
Ignorance is an even bigger problem. Most people could not define the word coup.
The first coup against US Constitutional government occurred on Nov. 2, 1963 in Dallas.
Correction, Nov. 22
I’ve got a pretty good list of various fraud reports in different places going
Secret Blockchain Encryption Tracking Ballots Just Revealed/
Ongoing List of Election Anomalies
i cant help it. got to say it
ITS rigged s/election from the start now saying the rigged /selection voting booth counting is rigged and the Democratic way of doing thing is REAL? are you mad so the rigged rigged the rigged is rigged and your screaming how dare they rig the rig
If I got this right,,fair point… I think
Yep. One gigantic rig is quite enough to wreck the country’s integrity completely, and it has done so many times recently.
Makes no difference who wins.
Intelligence Insider Steve Pieczenik : President Trump Setup Democrats In “Sting Operation” To Catch Them Stealing Election!
Hard to believe, but I hope it is true!!
Good find, elsewhere. Perhaps it will stop people believing the mainstream denigration of Alex Jones for simply being a reporter and the denigration of Trump when it looks like he’s a smart dude. I can’t see it being false. Nobody would go public with a story like that if it wasn’t true, So hope yet for the world.
Yeah but, no but, yeah but…Zerohedge? Seriously…?
In February 2009, the Obama administration commandeered a powerful supercomputer system known as THE HAMMER. THE HAMMER includes an exploit application known as SCORECARD that is capable of hacking into elections and stealing the vote, according to CIA contractor-turned-whistleblower Dennis Montgomery, who designed and built THE HAMMER.
THE WHISTLEBLOWER TAPES, confidential audio recordings released by U.S. DIstrict Judge G. Murray Snow’s courtroom in November 2015, revealed that SCORECARD was deployed by the Obama team against Florida election computers to steal the 2012 presidential election on behalf of President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden.
SCORECARD is now being activated to steal the vote on behalf of Joe Biden once again. Biden utilized THE HAMMER and SCORECARD while running for Vice President in 2012. Votes are again being stolen on Joe Biden’s behalf as he runs for President of the United States in 2020.
Nevertheless, one must play the mental game of being ‘devil’s advocate’ in order to see this from the other side. “Know your enemy” is not a foolish concept.
So, in that spirit, what if the Democrats were to set up Republicans in exactly the same way…?
That would bring us right back to square one: Both sides accusing the other of voter fraud… Nothing new there. They just cancel each other out.
We should also not forget that it was Republican Bush who benefitted from the 2000 Diebold voting machine embarrassment, which was quickly hushed up by the media, but which left an open wound on all subsequent western politics.
It’s not as if voter fraud was a new Democratic invention – the Republicans are ahead.
Former Democratic Party insider Jeffrey Peterson of Arizona blows whistle on Stolen Election: total fraud, easily proven — on SGT Report.
Democrats learned from their affiliation with Mexico’s PRI which has a century-long history of stentorian corruption and election rigging.
Republican Observers Being Ejected From Ballot Count in Detroit
Massive fraud!
It sure doesn’t help having a screwy voting system where several in-built “authorities” can just make up the rules as they go along, but, since it’s been that way for over a hundred years, it’s rather futile to complain about it now.
People like what they’re used to, no matter how bad it smells…
The media have all their Psychology-101 graduates out, blackening Trump for all they’re worth (that alone is a good enough reason to think he’s the better evil than Biden), but America will be no less shafted after a month than it is now, whoever wins.
Belarus must impose sanctions on America at once for blatant vote rigging.
Trap To Expose Mail In Ballot Fraud/
Witness to Fraud? Veritastips@protonmail /
Defend Your Ballot Report Form/
Leave Facebook and Twitter Already/
T Carlson –US System Under Attack/
Ongoing List of Election Anomalies
Come on guys… It’s not about the person in charge. The people in charge who appear on our TVs and tech are an illusion. They are the two sides of the one coin. We should all know this by now, especially recently here in the UK where Keir Starmer, the only ‘true’ opposition to the second lockdown measures, ensured there was no doubt the plandemic/scamdemic continued without a hitch. Red or blue, the differences are illusory. A part of you wants to get angry because we believe the ‘opposition’ will support the people when the ‘bad guy(s)’ do bad stuff. They will come through like shining white knights for the benefit of the people and serve justice. When does that ACTUALLY happen? Think about it. It never happens. Just like we were NEVER meant to get a chance to avoid a second national lockdown, the USA was NEVER meant to get a chance to actually participate in defining the way in which their country is run. They are simply stoking the fire that keeps the staged theatrics of American politics sufficiently oxygenated, playing a predetermined role that really means very little compared to the actual turning of the cogs that runs the machine. The civil unrest, the mainstream news and social media hijacking of public debate and freedom of expression, the us vs them segregation, the racial tension, the violence, the toxic social media shaming and trolling, the government and intelligence apparatus at work undermining social cohesion and promoting division through incessant propoganda, smear campaigns and fake news. That’s REALLY how unimportant and fragile the whole idea of society is to those running the show. But let’s now all look to one man as the solution to all this ending? Really? Everything just disappears after this election just like it all seems to disappear before sh*t hits the fan? It’s ALREADY THERE and HAS BEEN for a long time. Trump or Biden, Johnson or Starmer. It means absolutely f*ck all. The fact the world is in this mess right now with COVID-19 proves the relationship the people have with their idealized and do-no-evil mummy and daddy governments doesn’t exist. It’s a fiction made elaborately to believe people have influence, power and control over their lives and the functioning of their worlds. Try telling yourself you have control now you’re living through a second one month *cough* 4-5+ month national lockdown (if you’re here in the UK which I guess many will be) while watching the US fall to bits over controversy that is geared around ensuring the deep state, the bowels of government and connected interests, continues moving forward as planned. It’s no different here in the UK. I don’t think the people really have had much choice over here but to accept BoJo as absolute ruler for the past several years. So much for democracy, right? Who REALLY gets a chance to define the way in which their country is run? When does an election actually change things for the majority of the population? The COVID-19 crime against humanity has been gearing up for the last year and shows no sign of slowing down. You would think our ‘democratic processes’ would put the brakes on and take back control and give people their freedoms back and allow them to live normal lives. We can’t do that but we can vote for some guy being sold as the saviour and it will all go away. Just vote and trust in the democratic process and things will change, right? Why is the world so f*cked up right now then? See between… Read more »
You’re spot on of course. It’s easy to get caught up in this clown show, I’ve been following it adamantly for a few days myself, but as you point out, it won’t make any difference who is in power. The rich and powerful are of course funding BOTH campaigns, so that they win either way, and can look forward to more lucrative tax breaks, bail-outs and profitable new military excursions around the globe. At best, the election is a power struggle within the top levels of the oligarchy, at worst it’s just theatre.
I would add one thing to the mix here – and it certainly applies to me. Namely, this election would appear to be almost entirely a one issue election: the lockdown. Biden=pro-lockdown; Trump=anti-lockdown.
It doesn’t matter a whit who becomes President. But it matters enormously how many citizens might be against the lockdown madness. To me, this election is a kind of referendum on the lockdown. And this is extremely significant because those opposed to the lockdown would probably also be opposed to the vaccine.
On that basis, I voted for Mr Trump – even though, to me, communists are right wing fascists. And both Democrats and Republicans are simply off the chart authoritarians.
Bolsonaro, like Trump, like bO jo and Nigle fruad there not a disruption of the current neoliberal Neocons order; there perfect as intensification or escalation of its worst impulses.
It is particularly noteworthy that in Wisconsin, the voter turnout of about 70 % in the last 20 years suddenly reached 90 %. That would almost be a GDR (German Democratic Republic )
voter turnout.
What’s wrong with that?
General Sisi won the Egyptian election with 97% of the vote
Very popular chap, that Sisi.
There is no compulsory residence registration in the US as in Germany, Austria and Switzerland and other countries. In the US you identify yourself by social security number or driver license. Postal voting documents can be easily applied for with creative documents, especially for people who have already died. Voting machines are installed, which can be manipulated.
Necromancy certainly counts under freedom of religion especially in an US election depending on who counts the votes, as a dead man Joe X once said. Maybe a dead man walking, to be politically correct.
And in 1938, the Austrian people voted about 99.73% in favour of the Anschluss, with a 99.71% turnout. What a triumph for democracy!
Maybe we need a new way of choosing our leaders.
In 1066, 3 men wanted to be King of England.
There was the local candidate, Harold.
William The Bastard in Normandy.
And Harold Hardrada, a late contender, who threw his hat in the ring from Norway.
William The Bastard got the job.
Because he was the last man standing. The other two candidates had been cut up into little pieces the size of oxo cubes.
The system had the merits of being simple and easy to understand. There was no need to worry about focus groups, spin doctors, polling agencies, the corrupt MSM, mail in ballots, or poncing millions of shekels off Adelson.
There is probably a lot to be said for these tried and tested traditional methods.
I put in a word for arm-wrestling the other day. But in an American context, I think a “gunfight at OK Corral”-type shootout might be more apt.
If that’s too energetic for Creepy Joe, they could just cut the cards, Aces High and Jokers Wild.
I am quite anti-Trump (irrelevant anyway as I am not a US citizen) but this is funny,
yep and voters who had Bs19 could still go out and vote
Per Fox News’ Lee Ross: New numbers have just posted to Nevada Secretary of State’s website: Biden now leads by 12,042. The previous total had Biden +7,647
Nate Silver: If you’ve called Arizona (which I don’t think you should have!), then a Nevada call would give Biden the election. But Nevada is probably callable at this point!
President Trump has issued a statement (not a tweet) on the current legal challenges. “IF YOU COUNT THE LEGAL VOTES, I EASILY WIN THE ELECTION! IF YOU COUNT THE ILLEGAL AND LATE VOTES, THEY CAN STEAL THE ELECTION FROM US!” he says.
It appears vote counts are being adjusted in preparation to declaring Biden as the winner of this farce today [Nov. 5]. Or perhaps just another act being added to maximize the “drama”, as the covid screw is tightened around the world.
the dems are celebrating but I think there will be another twist and trump will end up winning at which point the dems will get very angry having thought they had it in the bag.
What does she look like . Insane .
Protect Democracy Foundation = euphemism for “Protect the Democrats” Foundation
We are back to the “old days”.
The Great Carnac, “Five times in one night”. The question, “How often to people vote in Chicago”…….
It’s not just Donald Trump they have tried to destroy, it is the American people who are sick to the teeth of the war-profiting maniacs of the U.S. elite. So how should a good bureaucrat finesse Trump and those pesky voters?
Atlanta, Detroit, Milwaukee and Philadelphia are controlled by Democratic Party hacks. The electorate are possibly 65-75% Democratic voters… says Harley Schlanger.
The mail-ins are turning out to be 95-100% for one candidate, which is what they need to overtake the lead that Trump had in the rest of the state.
The mathematical probability of near 100% mail-in for Biden is 1:190,000.
That’s in one city. It happened in four.
It may fit Biden’s perception that Blacks and Latinos “are all the same” and ”all vote the same way”. But it does not reflect reality, says Schlanger.
Wisconsin had 138,000 votes come in at once, and all for Biden — as the Off-G article notes. Apparently no Trump supporters used a mail-in ballot.
Sarah Westall: Political Coup D’état has Been Planned, Now it’s Being Implemented w/ Harley Schlanger. Chat starts at 7 minutes: https://www.bitchute.com/video/NnEY8Etwz1Mm/
Those mail in ballots will make good evidence for the special prosecutor.
Trump should appoint one.
And no, I don’t like him and didn’t vote for him. But all the election rigging, from Bush 2000 on, needs to be exposed.
I recall when JFK made common cause with teamsters leader Jimmy Hoffa to get elected by a slim majority in 1960, which enraged the deep state which had chosen Nixon as their guy.. “Landslide” Lyndon Johnson always kept a stuffed ballot box handy , just in case while a Texas congressman, and used it on occasion.. I cast 4 votes for Nixon on absentee ballots in 1968 , something I came to regret deeply when the true nature of Mr Nixon became obvious within months of his taking office , haven’t voted since..
Actually, there is high probability that the vast majority of mail-in ballots will go for Biden. This, because those voting for Biden are almost by definition those in favor of the lockdown regime. And it would seem logical for those terrified of “the bug” to be Biden supporters.
I’ve heard that the Danish mink rug thing that Trump has been wearing on his head since the original from Utah proved too problematical on Air Force One boarding stairs when the windsock was acting up has contracted COVID-19 from an as-yet untraced superspreader. Danish mink control specialists have reportedly been invited to Washington to put it and all its close contacts down before November 6. Apparently Pence don
aldned a mask whenever it came near and has thus avoided infection. From November 7 on in the GOP is slated to be hallelujahs, Mitch McConnells and Justice Barretts all the way down to even more downer than it ialready is. Where is David Letterman when you really really need him?Washington ComPost resorts to schoolyard logic to shut down Americans’ critical faculties.
Americans knew Trump would lie about fraud. Now it won’t work. Because voters saw his claims coming, they can see through his plan.