I’m Really Sorry – Redux
Edward Curtin

Photo by Taylor Smith on Unsplash
A few years ago, after reading a brillig academic article about how those who believe in conspiracy theories might be inclined toward unethical actions and petty crimes, my conscience got the best of me and I made a public confession. I had been accused of being a conspiratorial thinker, and I knew I had once committed an unethical act, one that might be called a petty crime.
The article made me feel guilty and I felt a strong need to admit my transgression, which I did. It felt so good to come clean in public. Oprah would have been proud of me.
In recent days, however, I have seen many mainstream corporate media articles, not just academic studies, warning about deluded people who believe in conspiracy theories and how their erroneous beliefs are messing up the upcoming election and the authorities’ responses to Covid-19 and a lot of other important stuff like the Lockdown. That old devil guilt has revisited me. I don’t want to mess anything up for the authorities.
Let me, however, be clear at the outset what I mean by my conspiracy theories.
They are different from the conspiracy theories of George W. Bush, Colin Powell, Barack Obama, Hilary Clinton, Joseph Biden, Donald Trump, the World Health Organization people, and other such luminaries, concerning events such as the attack of September 11, 2001, weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, the ongoing war on terror, the prosecution of Julian Assange, Russian-gate, the need for dramatically increased censorship, the Lockdown, the Great Reset, etc.
These people’s conspiracy theories have nothing to do with petty crime, for their handiwork is grand indeed. They are big people, and very smart. In any case, I don’t know what small stuff they might be up to when not killing so many people all around the world.
I remember how that academic article that I had read was “backed up by science,” which was very reassuring, and that it wasn’t referring to big people like the aforementioned. The distinguished authors, who were from illustrious universities, meant little people like me, who have concluded that the US national security state conspired to kill President Kennedy, to take one nutty example, and are inclined to take to the dark side and pilfer M&Ms from candy counters and stuff like that.
We are very gullible and prone to pettiness and mass delusions was the authors’ point, because the internet has scrambled our brains.
They were saying we tend to believe weird shit like there’s a government spy program that involves electronic squirrels that climb trees and take pictures of you inside your house. That Building 7 at the World Trade Center was brought down by controlled demolition. Or the really wacked-out thought that all conspiracies take place behind our backs since they can’t take place in front of our backs since our backs are back and not front.
Or that Sirhan Sirhan did not assassinate Senator Robert Kennedy. That Donald Trump is actually Liberace’s illegitimate son and Queen Elizabeth his mother. Or that the war on terror was a preplanned government plot devised to justify the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq, among other countries.
Crazy stuff like there’s a government plot to place signs near low doorways warning “Watch Your Head,” so people will literally try to do that and smash their clueless brains to smithereens and die as part of a population control program.
As we know, all these nutty conspiracy beliefs are of equal value and validity, and to even harbor the thought that the CIA’s 1967 secret Dispatch – Doc 1035-960, showing their employees and media accomplices how to counter and discredit the claims of conspiracy theorists – might be involved in all these articles I’ve been reading is to risk further accusations of being wacked-out and in need of examining one’s proclivity toward everyday crimes.
So I won’t go there. I’m feeling guilty enough.
So bless me, folks, for I have sinned. For the second time in the past few years I have stolen and eaten the forbidden fruit. Let me confess.
Last week, I again found myself in my local co-op grocery market. You might wonder where I had been looking for myself when I found myself there, staring into bins of dried fruit, but let’s just say I had been around. When you’re lost and wacked-out, you never know where you are or why you believe what you believe, and so you can find yourself in strange places.
Years ago my good friend went to California to find himself, and when he returned he said he found himself in a mirror and was really his step-brother’s illegitimate uncle. He and my other friends used to always tell me that I tended to do everything ass backwards, even think ass-backwards, and when I said, “Of course, I do, so do you. What’s wrong with that?” they looked at me as if I had flipped. When I asked them if they could do things ass forward, our friendships ended.
I found myself alone.
In the co-op market I was standing over the bulk bins, trying to decide what dried fruit to buy. They all looked good. It was a tough choice, sort of like staring at forty different tubes of toothpaste on the store shelf and wondering which to buy or if the one advertised for women would work for a man since men must have different teeth.
The comparison is not exactly apt, I guess, for you can’t test the toothpastes, but the fruit looked so delicious. So, when no one was looking, I first tried the mangoes, then the apricots, and finally the figs. I thought I saw the store manager see me when I took the figs because I was so enjoying the fruits of my crime that I let my guard down and was facing in his direction with my mask off.
This was really stupid of me, since the same thing happened the last time and I was paranoid afterward. I know, I know – when you keep repeating something that doesn’t work, they say that’s insane. But I remembered when I couldn’t afford such expensive fruit and went to orgies just to eat the grapes. Even then I thought people were watching me.
When I was leaving the store, my heart was pounding. I kept glancing over my shoulder. I decided to replace the orange day-glow mask I had used in the store with another I carried. Flesh colored – to blend in.
An old lady on a walker seemed to be following me, but I ditched her by circling the block two-and-a-halff times, my lucky number. As I was close to home, I thought of my narrow escape and the brilliance of the study that connected my conspiratorial thinking to my criminal activity with the fruit.
I also couldn’t help thinking how the figs had reminded me of my latest conspiracy theory, but one supported by sources as confidential and reliable as those referenced by The New York Times or The Washington Post. In addition, like those devotees of truth and confidentiality, I will never reveal my sources.
They can torture me and I won’t.
Here is what they told me. It bears repeating.
Legend has it that Isaac Newton discovered the law of gravity while sitting in a garden, watching apples fall perpendicularly to the ground. However, this is not true. I have learned from my confidential sources that his nickname was Isaac “Fig” Newton and that those who claim the Fig Newton cookie was named after Newton, Massachusetts are involved in a great cover-up.
That’s nothing new.
My sources tell me that when Isaac was a child, he was so fond of figs that his mother had to warn him against eating too many, for as you probably know, figs, like prunes, are filled with fiber and possess a laxative quality. Isaac was defecating so much and so often that his mother was alarmed. But a mother’s panic at a child’s toilet habits can be a source of insight years later.
So it was that years later it was Isaac’s experience on the potty that gave him his great insight into gravity. Reflecting back on his childhood, he realized that shit always went down, never up (there were no electric fans in those days, so no one would say that it went up when “shit hit the fan” like they’re saying about this year’s election). He remembered his mother’s loving words when as a boy he would tell his mom he had to “take a shit,” she would always remind him that it was always better to give than take, so he should “give a shit.”
Alas, it was Isaac’s chore to take the family potty out behind the house where it was emptied down into a deep hole about six feet under. Thus, the adult Isaac came to call his discovery gravity, after the grave. He scientifically proved what everyone already knew: that everything and everyone goes down, eventually. Not the most uplifting news, I grant you, but I have reliable sources for that also.
So I readily admit I am guilty of this inclination toward low-level “crime,” as the professors so brilliantly explicated. No doubt, it is connected to my conspiratorial and paranoid mindset. I hope that much is clear. Sometimes I just can’t resist the forbidden fruit. Although not an apple, it seems to give me insight into the knowledge of good and evil, and who is following whom.
For some reason, I suspect those brillig academics and mainstream corporate journalists will not be writing about the elite criminals who conspire to invade countries, kill millions, blame it on others, and conduct vast propaganda campaigns. Those are crimes against humanity, and are beyond the purview of work aimed at showing how sick everyday people are who suspect that their leaders are big-time criminals.
These writers are following their bosses. Unlike Isaac, they don’t give a shit.
They are full of it.
I’m not really sorry. I got that ass-backwards.
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“Re: The distinguished authors, who were from illustrious universities, meant little people like me, who have concluded that the US national security state conspired to kill President Kennedy, to take one nutty example…”
One problem. It is not nutty. I knew the wife of the man who was the son of Johnson’s mistress (it was a complicated family relationship). He grew up on the Johnson ranch. He went back to visit his mother just before Johnson died. He went up to the main house to the kitchen (he was known personally to the Secret Service) and he heard Johnson crying and moaning in his office down the hall. He went back to the office and Johnson was falling down drunk. He was bemoaning the fact he had let “them” kill Kennedy, that he had agreed to the plot. They needed his agreement or the change would have been fruitless. He had agreed not to leave Vietnam, move the CIA under the DIA, and dump the Federal Reserve for a U.S. Currency under the Treasury Department. Johnson was lamenting selling out his country and participating in Kennedy’s assassination. He was seriously depressed about it. Not absolute proof but good enough for him and me.
Hehe, eh….. by the way, whats so terrible with some beliving the earth is flat, if you base whatever you think on what you persive, that narrative isnt That far off.
And to then eh…. gass light them, for just that and think that whatever you belive isnt an conspiracy is according to me, much worse, compare Flat E to people whom belives Pompeo is an good, loving old granpaa, wouldnt harm an fly, witch then is delutional, and then we have people whom exuses them self for watching some FE Videos, witch I have, and since I know something about science the videos, some of them are infact briliant, and could wipe your belive in eh…. facts clean, some of the arguments are rock solid, etc but the same people dont exuse them self for reading whatever insane drivel this Pompeous ass clown is serving.
Intresting, isnt it.
As said, I have thru the years forced my self to infact read or watch things I initialy was sceptical to, not that I got lesser all the time, regarding been sceptical, but some of them made it thru, and some of their arguments and thinking/reasoning, made me sceptial to whatever I inititally belived, aka biting your own tale, of whats factual, historicaly and scientificaly, this lead me to belive, like wuestioning this CONvid hype, based upon the “facts” and statistical charts showed me, and it was then I realised this CONvid 19 is an swindle, infact an racket, and as I continue to dive into the matter, slowly realised how much of it was indeed an scam, it dawned to me, that, hell yeah, its nothing but an swindle, then we came into the Whos and Whys, ( journalism 101, is whom, what and why or to cut it short, follow the mooney/bricks, akaka cui bono) and again, in the begining it wasnt clear, but then came the Great reset riding into the center stage and everything became crystal clear.
I love some of this “fringe” sites, I trully enjoy them, I could link to things that would make you stremble, be shocked, choke, slackjawed, etc, because some of them, the best ones, is so good that I wounder why on earth arent this more known, and why are people to preoccupyed with degrading or scorning them, makes me wounder, and in this times of indoctrination, it should be revealing, but its not, people get terrifyed even fearfull of just mentioning some of this sites in the fear of what others may think you are, because some of it crashes whatever you think you know to mere pulp, how come some of you are so coward that you dont even dear to challange your self, to challange whatever you think you know, with information in this so called fringes, that in a large part is rock solid, the problem is that some of the issues are never debatet nor written about in the so called MSM or even worse, spoken about in the shitholes we call schools/universtitys and is somehow automaticly ignored.
Like science, witch progresses only thru funerals, not by reason, logic or facts as far its possible.
So, after my first years of uh…. been conspiratorial, I took what I needed from official record, regarding lest say AGW, etc, and countered that with other offical record/history/etc, but when the years passed I realised that there is much, much more, and the teaching we get this days is more or less heavily retracted, cencured or simply ignore other opinions/angles of storys and to facts, smack in your face, some even bulldosed out of existence, and some of this fringe sites witch most of you ignore or claim are just riddicilous because of their content, is infact not in any way worse than lets say Discovery channel or BBC, witch I usually never watch, anymore, because of what I know to day, and can rip much of it to shreads.
I would say that the official ones are more damaging than constructive regarding human history and our reality, all the way to the present.
And stil people have problems with eh…. the fringes like FE.
Yeah, well, I dont, but I keep my mind open, witch isnt the same as beliving and I have thru the years honed my bullshit detectore, and I am not easily convinsed by anyone, specially not the claims of autoritarianism.
Have an nice day and take care.
The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has today added crows to its list of “at risk” species putting the bird in the category of “critically endangered”. A senior spokesperson, who wishes to remain anonymous, stated that although the population of crows is currently at typical levels, there has never in the history of civilisation been so much bollocks proclaimed so assertively, and over such a short period of time. “It’s truly off the scale!” she exclaimed, but added that “people might try other corvids since they all taste much the same”.
I think the next phase of covid will be the hysterical witch hunt. The ground has already been laid: the linking of skepticism with the QAnon Right, with the Trumpites and white supremacist xenophobes etc. The Left has done its utmost to promote this connection – indeed such a connection was essential to swamping the Left’s critical consciousness and ensuring that they would go all gung ho for the covid narrative.
As the tide of skepticism mounts, the aforementioned connection will be emphasised. And this will spark off all the bottled up tensions in the great pressure cooker of the last 7 months where the majority have been psychologically moulded by the constant media terror with its ghoulish wallowing in the details of the accumulating corpses of covid in a huge glutinous death-fest. Anyone who questions this narrative will be viciously turned on and the Trumpite connection will only make the attack all the easier. These attacks will accumulate into a hunt and nobody will dare question the covid narrative for fear of being “death shamed”.
Nevertheless the skeptic voices will increase in number while the other side get shriller. The whole of society, already impoverished, will break down in a confusion of screaming voices as the rulers continue to make off with the spoils.
Yeah, well… before that happens here’s Jon Rappoport
That’s all very well but I don’t think the MSM are going to care about the little bloopers dropped here and there. If this virus story was something they were really paying attention to in an honest way, it would never have gotten off the ground in the first place.
George did you happen to notice the two central casting muppets the FBI picked up sitting in their car near the Philadelphia Convention Center where the
vote countfix was underway?……These guys had supposedly driven up from Virginia and the feds *somehow* managed to catch up to them, *parked-up* a block away from the convention center, thanks to an “anonymous tip”.
On these two herberts the feds just happen to find a *concealed* semi-auto handgun apiece, an AR-15 in the back of their waggon (also *concealed*), and – survey says (and I quote) – “a Qanon sticker on the back window”…
…- *Yuk, yuk, yuk, yuk, yuks*!!…
There was something fishy going on in Philadelphia!
“No more mail ballot results tonight,” he tweeted at 9:30 p.m. Eastern, adding that counting would resume at 9 a.m. Wednesday.
[Nov 5?] At around 10:20 p.m., a PPD officer spotted the Hummer and broadcast the information over police radio. About 10 minutes later, PPD bicycle patrol officers spotted two armed men.
The Washington Post reported a group of Trump supporters protested earlier on Thursday outside the convention center to “stop the vote,” but another group reportedly rallied to express support for Biden and the continued vote-counting.
Conspiracy theories are essentially about some people among the democratic masses smelling that oligarchy is on its way taking over society, it doesn’t matter much how exotic the theory is. They are complainers not realizing that democracy is destined to turn into dictatorship. They have been feasting too long their orgy of mass man, the democratic war of the people against the people, not paying attention. You could say that the haughtiness of mass man who thought he has the right to govern everything, who thought himself to be the measure of everything now meets greater intelligence, and get its deserved prize in the form of malevolent intelligence. Two mean dogs fighting, democratic mass man and contemporary oligarchy, crushing the rest. The oligarchy thinks bigger, thinks ahead, plans, mass man with his petty democracy is only at war with other mass man, he thinks small and has no vision. The oligarchy even knows how to set up mass man against each other, how to make the democratic people fight with each other, while the oligarchy steals the show. To divide and rule is easy in a democracy.
my conspiracy theory is that without a privately owned government,
humanity is certain to fail.
The term “conspiracy theory” is losing its potency by becoming too ubiquitous. Every belief straying from the prevailing narrative is quickly dismissed and
characterized as a conspiracy theory. It’s like the “Hillary Clinton strategy” of declaring women “nuts and sluts” as a way to silence and intimidate all who alleged sexual abuse or affairs with Bill Clinton.
The supposition that voter fraud is widespread and elections are rigged is quickly denounced by Liberals as well as the pseudo Left as being a nutty conspiracy theory. It appears those on the Left are only permitted to mention “voter suppression” but not election fraud. In other words, the electoral system only prevents you from voting, but once you do vote everything is on the up and up. If you believe this then you also believe the 2000 election wasn’t rigged for George Bush, Jeffrey Epstein hung himself with toilet paper while two guards slept, and COVID never enters your mouth while you’re dining with friends. Suspending logical thinking by accepting two plus two equals five is what’s required if you’re a mainstream media news viewer or a Biden supporter.
Doublethink is today’s cognitive dissonance, perhaps, the Democratic Socialists of America should be renamed “the cognitive dissonant political party” for first avidly supporting Sanders and then campaigning for Biden. Of course, they used Chomsky-like rhetoric saying Trump is an existential threat to all life on the planet, hence we must vote for Biden. What socialist in their right mind would vote for crooked Joe. His reactionary neoliberal policies turned the working-class into the working-poor. At any rate, it’s delightful watching these morons squeal everytime Biden appoints another crook, war criminal, or crony capitalist to his administration. What did these imbeciles think was going to happen when a 78 year old guy with five decades of corrupt politics is elected president and is actively supported by every branch of the national security state.
Thinking that progressives will be able to push Biden towards the Left is more delusional than believing a group of reptilian elites rule the world.
By the way “empathetic Joe” received a ton of donations from the healthcare industry, especially after he stressed Medicare-for-All was not an option.
“According to a Business Insider analysis, Biden outraised Trump among health care executives by nearly double: $47 million to $21 million. He’s raised around $11 million from hospitals and their employees compared to Trump’s $4 million, and he enjoys an advantage against Trump among every element of the health care sector, from chiropractors and medical devices to HMOs and health professionals…”
No wonder Biden’s first order of business was to establish a “coronavirus task force” which included Zeke Emanuel architect of Obamacare and friend of Bill Gates. Need I say more, but if I do you’ll yell conspiracy theorist.
“The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.”
― George Orwell, Animal Farm
And for what it’s worth, you do know that Zeke is Emanuel’s brother.
All in the family.
WHoops! That’s supposed to say “Rahm’s” brother. Too late in the evening to be posting.
Yes, Zeke’s brother is Rahm Emanuel–Obama’s Chief of Staff.
Shitcago… – You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy…
(…’cept maybe NYC, LA/San Fran/Sacramento, Detroit, Philly, Atlanta, Las Vegas, etc., etc., etc…)
The Left are proving to be every bit as gullible as the “Bible belt troglodites” who exist largely in the Left imagination. This Left may jeer as much as they want at Biden but they are clearly relieved that the Big Bad Trump has gone so we can get back to that regular “Left liberal” sideshow.
Proving once again propaganda
BTW, notice how no one will be prosecuted for violating the Logan Act.
Charlotte, George, – I’m not so sure, you guys… – Consider the extent of *Sheer Riggage* deployed; The curious case(s) of the count pauses in the nighttime; The *100% Biden* ballot batch-drops; The down-ballot disparities…
…Then there’s Biden’s handler’s hiding him in his basement for *Over a Year*/Refusal to stump (*Not*, “‘cos Covid”…); His rally turn-outs; His overall ballot-margin showing against Trump vs Hillary’s showing, four years ago (In *All But Four* key-state Dem-stronghold cities, btw); The extent of the apparent Black/Latino swing to Trump (Usually *Ironclad* Dem demographics)…
…- I wonder if beneath all the *Sheer Fuckery* and non-stop MSM spewage, the hardcore Dem base is actually all that large – you gotta figure you’re average moderate-Dem Joe-Q-Public is getting the shaft as much as the deplorables…
(…And I am *Not Necessarily* saying, absent the fuckery, Trump would’ve won in a landslide, btw…)
I’m aware–it was rigged from the beginning and sellout coward Bernie was complicit.
Yep, Yep!!… – *Absolutely* it was rigged Charlotte, but here’s what I’m *Really* driving at (And to your’s and George’s points above): – The *Degree* of riggage, along with the extent of sheer ‘Lady doth protest too much’ in the emerging Establishment/DNC/MSM narrative about the size/nature of Their ‘Victory’, in themselves, are *Very Telling* indeed…
It may well be that, in reality, *Way* more of the Dem base have avoided/shrugged off the brainwashing and hence slipped off the reservation than They’d care/dare to admit…
…- Another tell, for instance, was the DNC after-action-report conference call, with (ex-CIA) Rep. Abigail Spamburger’s assessment that:…
“If we are classifying Tuesday as a success from a congressional standpoint, we will get *Fucking Torn Apart* in 2022.”
…And now, as a result of the House seat losses, the Dem congresscritter party-faithful are apparently calling for San-Fran Nan’s head on a pole… – This is *Not* the confidence of yer typical ‘victorious’ political party…
Brilliant, thanks!
…And as the proverbial fish rots from the head at an exponentially accelerating rate and the Overton window shrinks to less than the thickness of a Rizla Slim, so the field of ‘Conspiracy Theories’ grows ever wider…
…- 71 million US citizens, *at least*, just became ‘Conspiritards’ overnight, by the latest MSM/Blob reckoning… *Chortle*…
(…And by *My* latest reckoning, us ‘Conspiritards’ scorecard still stands at some umpteen-dozen to nil… 😉 )
Health and safety gone sane.
This is truly beautiful to me.
An absolute masterclass when dealing with the Police in Liverpool.
No consent or acquiescence to their fraudulent legal statutes.
A no consent discussion. Refusing joinder and ‘not standing under’ the legalese of the Police trying to close the guys business. He refused to ‘understand’ the officer.
Very important concept in law of ‘not standing under’ the officer. Therefore, the officer cannot deal with the business owner under legal statutes – only common law.
No crime has been detected and no victim of crime has been identified. Thus rendering the officer virtually powerless in this encounter.
Moreover, the business owner did not breach the legal minefield of ‘controversy’ which could have formed a ‘joinder’. He refused the officers ‘helpful’ offer. The officer asked if he would like to ask him anything. Response being “no thank you”. This could have instigated a verbal contract.
Despite being cautioned twice a Fix penalty couldn’t be issued and the officers had to leave with their tails between their legs. In short 2 videos showing an absolute legend using a highly polished level of working knowledge of common law versus fake legal statute (which pretends to be law).
do not understand
do not stand under
no contract
no joinder
what a man
Fantastic gorden, thanks.
Benford’s law. Great explanation, even to a math dotard like me.
Now, why would Twitter and Facebook be censoring mathematics?
…- ‘Cos math is raycis’?…
They are Playing Hawkwind Solid for one Hour on Planet Rock, but my wife asked me to come to bed.
Thank You,
You made me proud to be a “conspirator thinker”. I got that warm, welcoming feeling I haven’t had for months. Thanks for making my day.
Covid is the most cynical and sickest manoeuvre ever carried out by the overclass. The most fundamental part of the manoeuvre lies in the slogan “people before profits”. I have heard this slogan, or variations thereof, being used by some of the people I meet. And I am convinced that this sentiment was the original lynchpin of the whole plan.
The essence of it was to hoodwink Leftist feeling in the service of the masters, to project this sentiment everywhere and seal the lockdown as a great progressive cause. Though anyone with the slightest common sense could see from the fact that the MSM were precisely the ones transmitting the notion that the whole enterprise was bogus.
The fact that most of the Left could not see this may be down to the fast moving “shock-and-awe” progress of the fable. And once snared, it was too late to back out. The initial move is the most important point – the point where prejudices are solidly embedded. It’s 9/11 all over again.
Of course you could cast this formation of prejudice notion back at the skeptics i.e. that they formed an instant impression of Covid as a con. But the unavoidable and endlessly repeated fearmongering of the media, i.e. the very mouthpiece of the rulers, is the most glaring proof of Covid as a tool of the existing system. And even if you explain this to the Left, they don’t change their minds.
So here is the scam: killing people under the cover of “saving them”. Similarly, killing off public services under the same hypocritical stance. Whilst the mainstream Left sites continue to report the piling up of Covid statistics as if this alone signalled some kind of communist dawn.
But I sense an intriguing silence from some on the Left. What does that indicate? The first stirrings of doubt? Leading to an anxiously denied embarrassment? Will that even matter now? Are they too far down in the grave they have dug for themselves that they will never recant?
Lol forget it my friend – the Left will NEVER admit they were wrong on this. The lie simply got too big.
Yeah, its on similar lines to the climate scam, just easier to track the money.
Great post George.
I, myself have a friend who considers himself a scientist. He is so left wing I call him a “commie” to his face…It’s a badge of honour to him tho’.
I do e-mail him articles but he won’t read them. He comes out with nonsense like “why are so many people dying then?”
I say, “look at Paul Weston’s vid on gov. statistics where it says there are no more deaths this year than last-so where is the pandemic…”
He just laughs…
What can you do? It’s like a religion for them.
Anyway, here is a link to the aforementioned vid.
It now seems to me that all the arguing about Marxism, communism, capitalism etc. that I used to get so heated up over is all irrelevant now and even seems quaint. And frankly, since those self describing as “Marxists” have become such an embarrassment, I no longer automatically count myself among them (cf. Marx: “If this is Marxism then I am no Marxist!”)
The one thing I think we can be sure of – indeed it’s slapping us in the face – is that we are in the midst of an enormous restructuring. (And one Marxist I was talking to said, “I’m not convinced by all this reset talk” I honestly think the entire edifice of civilisation could be transformed and they’d still be scratching their heads in bemusement. Now that is TRUE denial.) I’d call it a capitalist transformation. But I’m not going to get pedantic with the terminology especially in a world where terms can so easily be used for divisive purposes .
There are some covid-skeptical commies doing a great job of explaining the scam from a communist perspective – look for Phil Greaves on twitter for example. But they’re comparatively very few.
thank you for this….I don’t very often laugh out loud at articles from the Off Guardian but this one was priceless. I so appreciated it.
I can only Apologise – Yes, This most Evil Person is British
Anthony Charles Lynton Blair (born 6 May 1953)

But He is Not English
Blair was born in Edinburgh
He is an Embarrassment to The Human Race…But he is Scottish, like where nearly all my Mum’s Family Originally Came From
I am English. My wife is and our Kids and Grandkids are English
Tony Blair has nothing to do with us.. He is Scottish.
Take Nicola Sturgeon with you and Fuck Off..
Leave us English alone.
Trump has built a wall, just not the one he promised, ex Raython defence sec sacked, and the 82nd have just finished a training exercise. Conspiracy or what Stone advised months back
The 82nd Airborne are based out of Fort Bragg, incidently (North Carolina). – Hope all their absentee ballots got included in the (*Still Ongoing*) count there…
(…- *Most* military vote Rep, btw…)
Time For A New Folk Song/
It’ll Be Decided In The Courts/
NBC, ABC, CBS ALL Delete Their Own Coverage/
Dems Down On Other Race Results/
GSA: “Ascertainment Has Not Yet Been Made”
My favourite conspiracy this year was when Stone went on Alex Jones and said he had polonium poisoning, that his personal physcian had confirmed and a blood sample sent to cdc, and he said that with a straight face and a whole head of hair. Im guessing fedex must have lost the sample
Stone has some kind of charisma even when he’s lying no? lol kinda enjoy that old school codger
Sorry, off topic, but so funny I had to pass this on…
I don’t use face-book myself but if you type this (below) into the face-book search engine
you will see a short vid on this guy’s alternative to the face-mask.
Chop Paul Happy Friday folks!
…what’s face-book?
Don’t buggg me man… What’s a hyphen amongst “friends”.
People may not like facebook or you-tube or whatever but you shouldn’t throw the baby out with the bath water…
And, if a concept is valid, the source is irrelevant…
So explains Doolittle to Bomb 20…
Soz., no really, you’re a wonderful human being!
What’s YouTube?
“No one move or Groper Joe’s nose gets it.”

Woody Allen with a shallot?
That about sums it up.
…Nah, a scallion… – A rap-scallion, in ol’ Uncle Joe ‘Hands’ Biden’s case…
once, that I can remember, I had no thought of machinations..they only exposed themselves as I grew closer to life, and questioned the needless complications that advanced confusion …I realised that perfidy surrounded me, that connivance and trickery were the little games of little men who bluffed and blagged their way to power, and that when following their trail, it increasingly revealed the fishy game – luring the tantalized with their repetitive tales, exploiting a neglected archetype. But, as I, and others like me – continued to learn, look to our primary self, there were those that were lost to it, living life as nurslings…forsaking the uncontaminated, for the father figure childs play offerings of false prophets.
If you want to do this job, of Being The President. not just the elected leader of The Student Union, then I would suggest – forget your interest in Music..even if you can play guitar
You go stage as The Support Act – or Even The Main Act
Stand Up Comedian – and Try and Take The Audience if on Form, and know how to duck to avoid the missiles – mainly empty glass bottles of Newcastle Brown, or even Full if The Toilets are Locked.
There was this guy…I can’t immediately remember his name, and he wasn’t famous, but he had been a stand up comedian…and he was right the other side from me and my political opinion…He was even better than Mark The Taxi Driver – who did his Rants completely Brilliantly sat in his car occasionally screaming into his mobile phone, and putting it up on Youtube…long Before the Likes of Jonathan Pie, who massively improved the art of Delivery of Information most of which is True,,,,And None of These People are in The Same Class (not even Boris) as
Joe Biden…##
Come on America – You are Having a Laugh. Your New “President” Can Hardly Stand up on Stage without a Big Stick up His Bum
“The exorcism of an American President”
Having read the post above I checked to see, and no it’s not April 1st, it’s not morning either. But it does seem to be confession time. So here’s mine.
Have you ever done stand-up Tony? I have. Believe me it’s not funny. You’re stood there, unless you’re Dave Allen, in silence with everyone waiting for your gob to open and for you to cock-up by putting your foot in it. It’s hostile. It’s you or them.
Stand-up relies on several things. Timing is one. Material is another. Undoubtedly the biggest asset is knowing what’s funny. Believe me, what’s funny is always tragic. Singing a song is always a good ploy – especially if you can’t sing. That helps. This was one of my favourites because it is so tragic, oh so tragic. What helps is the jaunty tune. That’s what makes it funny. This is not me. I used to give it more gusto than this. Instead of crying the audience was in tears. Comedy’s easy when you’ve got material like this.
Told you it wasn’t funny.
When I did it , it was funny, but I had no intention of doing it..The guy on the stage – just picked on me, and he kind of hypnotised me,
My wife and kids and a few hundred people in the audience were pissing themselves laughing at me. I must admit I did enjoy the expereince,,,It was in Ibiza, and I was fair game. There was no rehersal whatsoever – just innocent family magic tricks. I didn’t mind being made fun of, or I wouldn’t have got up on stage. No harm was caused, and we all laughed, even me when I was trying not to.
Sorry I missed it. And the Newcastle Browns.
timing is everything just look at the ritual of the 9 and 11
a picnic a test run for 2020
the virus understood the threat of trumpstein now with touchy feel biden on the horizon
with multi shot 90% kill rate best ever cold cure the end is near
timing timing testing testing
what a data harvest
for the world
My wife just told me, that the new “President” of America couldn’t even remember his own name, let alone his kids.
Which makes him the ideal Covid president.
Creepy Sleepy Joe Biden is giving Orwell’s memory hole a whole new context.
Every major false flag needs a patsy. It’s like peanut butter and jelly. Usually the patsy is a person, a group, or a country. When a domestic hit needs a domestic patsy, TPTB prefer to arrange an individual, code named “the lone gunman,” as more than one makes it a conspiracy by legal definition, which can get too complicated. But up until now the patsy has always been human or a collection of humans, such a Sirhan Sirhan (CIA RFK hit) or North Vietnam (Gulf of Tonkin non-incident.) Just as an aside, raise your hand if you knew that the commanding admiral of the Gulf of Tonkin non-incident fleet, which kicked off the Vietnam War, was none other than the Lizard King, Jim Morrison’s father. Small, strange world.
But getting back on topic, 2020 has set a new first for a patsy of a major psy-ops, not only major but the biggest one since the drowning of Atlantis. A virus. The most famous patsy of recent times up until 2020, Lee Harvey Oswald, had the audacity to holler out to the TV cameras that he was just that, a patsy (he actually used that word), shortly before Jack Ruby, a small time gangster who was a personal acquaintance of Oswald, sacrificed him on live national TV with a snub nosed .38. I was 17 at the time and saw it live on TV which impressed me greatly. (In 1963 all television was live. If it had happened today, Oswald would have reportedly died from a cv-1984 cytokine storm and been promptly cremated by his next of kin, his sister Gina Haspel, in a private ceremony). Our new patsy on the other hand, the Rona, is not about to be silenced despite threats to do so with compulsory DNA altering multiple injections, but rather handed a megaphone. Changing times. I just ordered my wife an extra tall size 10 black burqa from Amazon as they should qualify under Creepy Joe’s new federal scamdemic restrictions if the Supremes should award him the prize. Jeff Bezos personally responded, apologizing that they are currently backordered on black burqas, but could offer me a DNC blue one. If I need black, when they come in, he will personally upgrade my order to overnight delivery by an unarmed drone.
Especially the one called Hunter who served on Burisma Holdings board from April 2014 until early 2019.
Vice President Biden’s relationship with Ukraine intensified at that time when he played a key role in the “Maidan” uprising and the coup that overthrew Yanukovych.
This opened up the opportunity for State Department to install their anti-Russia choices for the new president and prime minister, respectively Viktor Poroshenko and Arseniy Yatsenyuk. Senators Chris Murphy (D-CT) and John McCain (R-AZ) showed up in the Maidan (square), where they shared the stage with the neo-Nazi Ukrainian leader, Oleh Tyahnybok, to cheer on the protesters. Once the neo-Nazi elements entered the Maidan and began to shoot police and throw gasoline bombs at government buildings, Yanukovych was forced to flee the country.
The assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian affairs in the Obama administration, Victoria Nuland, a neocon, blatantly engaged in the protest, handing out cookies (let them eat cookies) to the demonstrators. This form of foreign intervention by public officials is unheard of. Nuland worked closely with the US ambassador in Kiev, Geoffrey Pyatt, to handpick Yanukovych’s successors.
Nuland’s husband, the neocon Robert Kagan, had earlier been one of the architects of the plan (with Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, John Bolton, Paul Wolfowitz, Eliot Abrams, Richard Perle and other hawks and chicken hawks) under the Project for a New American Century to invade Iraq. Nuland and Kagan must have had intense pillow talk on the tactics of regime change.
While the Maidan protest was underway, in December 2013 Nuland spoke before the International Business Conference, a group sponsored by the US-Ukrainian Foundation, where she bragged that Washington had “invested” more than $5 billion over the years in support of opposition forces, routed through NGOs, and in backing Ukraine’s “European aspirations.” A couple of months later she would be caught on tape with the US ambassador in Kiev arrogantly raging that the US should “fuck the EU.” The US doesn’t influence foreign elections, it runs them.
Biden’s role in the Ukraine regime change, as Nuland put it, was to “midwife” the new government into existence and thereby incorporate another eastern European satellite into America’s orbit. This is what the neocons call “democracy promotion.” His efforts in Ukraine, however, proved disastrous.
Two years after the coup, Yatsenyuk, caught up in a corruption scandal and about to receive a vote of no-confidence, was forced to resign as prime minister. Later in 2016, after Poroshenko’s name was listed as one of the businessmen with offshore accounts hidden in the Panama tax haven, his trust rating sank to 13.7%, according to a poll by the Kiev International Institute of Sociology. Biden’s boys were busted. One can only imagine his reaction if Vladimir Putin had been involved in such a financial scandal and with such a low approval rating.
Poroshenko was well-known within the State Department for corruption as well as being a regular informant to the US embassy in Kiev years before he was put up for president. His dirty reputation didn’t trouble Biden at all, as the vice president had his own family business deals to sow, with Poroshenko as an accomplice. Two months after the Maidan coup and his anointment as president, Poroshenko’s repayment was to shepherd Biden’s son, Hunter, onto the board and as head of legal affairs at Ukraine’s largest gas producer, Burisma Holdings, run by the oligarch and former head of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, Mykola Zlochevsky.
I guess the MSM Presstitutes conveniently forgot to remind the dumb US voters about this?
what i meant to say was global mossad radio home of james 1984 zio obrien
seem to think that the phizer boris johnson press junk thing was a game changer
90% success rate for the covid cure
it could save christmas
it would seem history in the making
the company behind erectile dysfunction has found a cure for the common cold
a well timed gift for man moose camel harris and man from unkle creapy joe
what timing
just a fluke
covid was real honest
certainly not a viral gladio daddio
I’d like to fill the world with drones
And wire up every node
Grow database by track-and-trace
And black/white QR codes
I’d like to teach the world to sing
In perfect binary
I’d like to bind it all in chains
And keep it Orwelly
I’d like to see the world for good
All vaccined jab by jab
And swap their food for G-M-Os
And meat grown in a lab
That’s a song I hear
Sing it along
Let the world sing away
Ever and ever
I’d like to teach the world to sing
In perfect binary
La, la, la, la
To, do, do, do, do, do
La, la, la
I do know what Scousers are like, and my respect for them, is not diminished, it has actually gone up.
Like in Moreton where they kept the gym open, and The Government eventually said O.K….The new Scouse kid in town, has kept the Soft Play Centre open…The Cops turn up every day, and he sometimes, not only lets them in, he invites them into his office, cos he can’t hear what they are saying, whilst they are wearing their masks, and the place is full of kids screaming having fun.
They keep telling him, that the fine will increase. He defends himself very eloquently using the basis of Common Law, and keeps referring them to The Magna Carta, which is still the Legal Basis of The Law of the Land in England.
The video goes on for 20 minutes, but he refuses to “Understand”, comply or give his name. The Copper tries to fill out the details on his mobile police phone, so that he can issue a fine, but the form doesn’t work, because he can’t fill in the blank space for his name.
He is very polite, and I think the Police actually like him, and they are just trying to do their job. He tries to explain the finer parts of the law to them. I think they are up to visit Number 8 now. If we lived in Liverpool we would take our Grandkids round tomorrow.
“3rd Police Visit to Soft Play Centre in Liverpool”
Just a point Tony, Moreton is on the Wirral not in Liverpool, we’ve always been the one’s to have a go along with Glasgow, but unfortunately you can’t win on your own, when we had the proper Labour council in the 80s again we were on our own, although Sheffield led by shithouse Blunkett was on the same lines, they used to call it little Moscow, and we see what happened to him.
I know exactly where Moreton is. My Brother Moved There. I spent a lot of time there, when I was a kid…even helped build his extension – layed a few bricks.
Senile Biden is in place and so phase 2 of Gates and his people’s plans can be cranked up…
( good doggy, Joe )
Mental patient Johnson still waving his hands about and blabbering nonsense he doesn’t even understand himself . But he knows who funds Pfizer. Apparently we’re all ‘developing countries’ now. Ask Pfizer what it does for uncle Bill.
( good imbecile, Boris )
and then there’s yet another of the Gates Octopus. No, not his missus.
( I need to see how many black African children died this time before considering the merits of a vaccine composed of many things except the actual virus anti bodies that STILL haven’t been found. )
After reading about the vaccine breakthrough I burst out laughing.
Apparently when the staff at Pfizer realised this vaccine would be 90% successful in preventing Covid infection they started crying with joy.
Yea sure they did.
How exactly is it 90% effective?
Why not 89% or 91%?
What’s stopping it being 92%, or 95% or why not 100%?
As no one has yet been able to find the virus how exactly did they inject it into their volunteers?
Of the 10% the vaccine allegedly didn’t work against what happened to them?
This is utter fake news.
How has this vaccine been developed in record quick time?
We all knew at some point the vaccine was going to be introduced.
My guess is that it’s ready.
This fake news was dripped out today to gauge public reaction to see what the bastards need to do to ensure enough people take it.
The real fun and games haven’t started yet but they’re very close to playing their hand.
Hang on. It’s going to be a bumpy ride.
This is the supreme example of the value of being able to completely control the narrative.
By analogy, imagine if Ted Bundy had bought the police force, the supreme court and the ECHR. He then adds the Law Society.
He pays each individual member of all bodies obscene amounts of money and promises monthly top ups of the same.
Would Mr Bundy be frightened to then face the courts ? Or optimistic. More importantly, would be walking free among us today. Or executed.
Gates has passed on Cheques to every major media platform covering this; every Pharma company and the WHO are in his back pocket.
There are also 3 or 4 major pharma companies working on this ‘vaccine’ – all recipients of Gates’ philanthropy.
Last week they issued a pre-emptive disclaimer basically admitting, ahead of the game, that none of the vaccines being trialled would be able to defeat covid 19. The best that could be hoped for is that it weakens it and lessens it’s alleged ‘effects’.
Will the pharma companies therefore give the vaccines away to all the countries pretending they need it so urgently. Or will they still sell it ? After all, the other half of this bullshit is intended to cripple each country’s economy so there are enough individual recessions to be able to call it a global recession ; a sort of fiscal covid 19.
One question has been screaming to find voice for two months now. And begging for an answer that sounds even vaguely sensible.
A vaccine can be created once you have the virus in your possession – isolated. This one hasn’t been. One method is to take the plasma from a recovered patient and there the anti body will be. Bill Gates, the man who has- despite NO medical experience other than medical assault in Africa- was asked why this process hadn’t been undertaken if we need a vaccine so desperately. Isn’t the anti body in the plasma either, Bill ?
His reply – and bear in mind the multi billions he donates to the above mentioned bodies – was short and to the point. It didn’t make any sense in a medical or scientific sense. But it spoke volumes about the conspiracy to enslave the human race and poison it, He stated – and i kid you not :
” Yes, we thought about that, it takes too long and it’s too expensive”
And the majority of people testing positive for this non existent virus have no symptoms so why would they need a vaccine as there health is at no risk.
Yes I saw that interview with Gates. He’s a really bad and yet obvious liar.
When even slightly challenged, which is rare, he looks really uncomfortable, fidgets around, can’t look at the camera and looks thoroughly unconvincing.
This virus narrative has collapsed into a pantomime.
Most people will just largely ignore it until the time they either make it mandatory or threaten social restrictions by not taking it.
Then things will get really interesting.
These sick creatures have cash on the hip and acid in the vein. That’s them summed up. Unfortunately they have the power too.
They love their little ‘in jokes’. Bill especially.
You can imagine him with the other spineless little perverts gathered around in his Wendy House having a sleepover and giggling at their little ‘tricks’.
”did you notice i registered my ID tattoo WO 060606 ” laughed Bill as he nibbled on his twinkie…
” yeah and when you said ”final solution’‘ added his pet dwarf, Fauci, scratching his horns.
” and do you think they get my hand movements being my impression of uncle Adolph ?” laughed Bill as he slipped back into Melinda’s slippers..
And as the Owls outside hooted one last time before hanging themselves, Bill and Tony fell asleep. It had been such a busy old day…
I researched a while ago what was meant by an ‘effective’ flu vaccine. You get a lot of hand waving, but one site stated: if a vaccinated person can return to work half a day before a non-vaccinated person, the vaccine is condidered effective. It gets better: in 4000 vaccinated people you get one less death over 4000 non-vaccinated!
Do mental patients wave their hands about and blabber nonsense that they don’t understand
Maybe you should chose your words more carefully
I had trouble trying to figure out what the point of this article was, so I stopped reading it.
As a former law school writing instructor, let me give you some advice: put the key points in a summary paragraph at the beginning.
Indeed – all the best literature puts all the key plot points in a handy crib sheet and simple language on Page 1. 🙄
No but seriously, what the fuck WAS it about? I think this Curtin guy is the same one you had on here blethering on about Nietzsche a few weeks ago, randomly grabbing passages from N.’s works, chopping them up and slinging them together again in a way that suited his confused trendy-lefty view of the world but was literally the direct opposite of Nietzsche’s actual views on the topic he purported to be addressing. He really is the most insufferable, pretentious, loves-the-smell-of-his-own-typefarts idiot that can be imagined. You, however, obviously put him up there with Jonathan bleeding Swift (as, I’m sure, he does himself). What’s the deal with that, Sophie? Are you just retarded, or is he banging you?
Doesn’t help. I still never understand lawyerese. I think it is an offshoot of Church Latin.
Fancy that: a law school writing instructor giving advice on writing. If everyone understood the law and contracts – ref. Jimmy Carter’s effort – what would happen to lawyers?
Find a Janet and John book you Ludite.
Is that similar to what writing instructors would call an abstract then ?
I bet you’re a f***g howl at parties.
I am grateful that you stopped reading. There is nothing more distressing than seeing great humour being wasted on the humourless.
OMG Walter, get your head out of your arse.
What is a ”Law School Writing Instructor” anyway? Is it the person who teaches law students how to confuse and confound the layman?
Are you so arrogant and egotistical that you refuse to acknowledge when something is ironic?
I have a cousin who is a QC, so even I know what the pantomime is all about.
Por old Wally, doesn’t know what it’s all about…
What attack was that?
When the U.S. attacked the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and a field in Pennsylvania.
Ha, just now saw the the 2011:D
Assuming we are talking 911 and it was a typo…
Would you call Boris “the U.K”?
No, – quite the opposite.
You would, as I, probably say he was a criminal hiding behind the mantle of his office.
So, why can you not see that it was not “the U.S.” that did 911 but criminal infiltrators within their government. There is a difference.
Yes, I would call Boris Johnson, “the U.K.”. In politics, it is very common to refer to leaders as their country. “Japan attacked Pearl Harbor”, is much more common than saying, “Hirohito attacked Pearl Harbor”. And it does make sense to say, “the U.S. attacked the World Trade Center”, because the voters in the U.S. voted for Bush to represent them. So it would probably be more appropriate to say, “Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani attacked Syria”, instead of saying, “Qatar attacked Syria”, because Qatar is ruled by a dictator/monarch, therefore the people of Qatar did not vote for him to represent them;)
I hadn’t seen it either.
And loved your response to the question.
Panic attsck I had after three cups of coffee and I accidentally drank a red bull in the middle of the panicking hyperventilating state
How do you not know this??!
…- Hillary and the Obomber’s attack on the US Consulate in Benghazi?…
(Yeah, still out by one year, I know. – But still…)
Much of this is highly amusing as are some of the comments.. John Ward of the Slog has recently been in very fine form. Someone there posted that wikileaks had just dumped the lot. I think its legit, but who is going to wade through this lot? I can read the pdfs and most formats straight away. Some of it is zipped up, and may not be immediately readable on a mobile phone, though probably is.
I seriously do not want to read the Podesta stuff again, nor anything related to the crime syndicate who think they have just won the US Election. These people are sick.
Here is the template for the demonisation of Covid scepticism:
It’s all there. The link with the “Radical Right” with all its customary associations (homophobia, superstition, creationism, anti-Semitism), the surreptitious elevation of “Science” to some kind of monolithic “objective” deity, the straw man positing of either a complete denial of the virus or the theory that the virus (inevitably assumed to be as devastating as the media make out) is a product of biological warfare etc.
It’s depressing to trace all the desperate rhetorical manoeuvres but this is interesting:
“.. the mainstreaming of these theories means that by the time they reach an audience they are stripped of the theory: they are conspiracy ‘lite’ as Muirhead and Rosenblum aptly describe in their book, A Lot of People are Saying.”
“Conspiracy lite”? Now that is curious. “Conspiracy” is the successfully demonized term. The addition of the “lite” suggests that this demonization is losing its efficacy. The mainstream control of the language is skipping away. And indeed here is confirmation:
“People share them recklessly, just to show that they are not going to be taken for a ride: we may be locked down, but we know what is ‘really’ going on.”
“Recklessly”, eh? Can’t have any of that!
This followed by a bit of (white supremacist) apocalypse mongering. And it all ends with the equation of skepticism with the end of democracy no less.
You will be seeing much more of this shortly.
Bravo. Love this.
“For Donald Trump, his defeat will be fake news”
Nothing in this article seems to suggest that Trump is any different from any other president or indeed with any US politician or businessman.
“Trump has built his presidency on manipulating reality that is inconvenient for him or that simply does not satisfy him.”
Yes I think we’ve seen that before.
“He responded to a hostile media construction, manufacturers of fake news, as he has not stopped repeating during these four years. His spokesman said that the media lied about how many people attended the inauguration and that they, the White House, had “alternative facts.” It doesn’t matter if scientific reality proves otherwise. That is Orwell’s nightmare come true.”
“scientific reality”? The whiff of hyperbole there betrays an anxiety. What is “scientific” about this reality?
“As The New York Times literary critic, Michiko Kakutani recently pointed out in her book The Death of Truth, in the dystopia described in the novel 1984, “there is no word for ‘science’ because ‘the empirical method of thought, on which all the scientific advances of the past are founded’ represents an objective reality that threatens the power of Big Brother’s to determine what truth is.””
Oh the infinite irony! We are introduced to the word “science” as an abolishment of the distortion of Big Brother. And who is using this pristine “science”? Well we’re back to that “scientific reality” that crushes Trump’s claims. Would it be impolite to suggest that part of this “scientific reality” is the Russian cyber interference that supposedly put Trump in the Whitehouse? It is clear that this pristine “science” is being used to achieve the aims of a higher Big Brother.
And the final demonstration of “scientific reality”?
“When the most despotic populism, based on the systematic challenge of the truth, takes up residence in the most powerful armchair in the world, only the rebellion of reality itself can dislodge it. And that reality, today, may be called Covid-19.”
Ah the “reality” of Covid 19. What exactly IS that?
How do you distract the public if you want to cover up the greatest cons of history including medical and scientific frauds such as viruses and climate change, printing money out of thin air, rigging markets and indices, gangster governments, phony wars and forced universal debt slavery?
First plagues, then famine, then more war. All manufactured, of course.
“Fallout from Covid pandemic risks sparking WORLD WAR III, warns UK defence chief.
General Nick Carter, the chief of the UK’s defence staff, said the “rhythm” of history suggested that the outbreak of global conflict is a possibility because of the uncertainties caused by the coronavirus.”
Well the gentleman in question – General Nick Carter – was a career army officer. But the thing about the British Army is that it is the last place for any intelligent person would want to join. Just look at Field Marshall Haig’s record at the battle of the Somme in 1916.
Britain was always a naval power ‘the senior service’ as it was known. For any intelligent person who wanted to join up first and second choice would be either the Navy or Royal Air Force – RAF. Only half-wits like Haig and this Bloke Carter would aspire to join the Army.
Hello Researcher: As you know, the “rhythm” of history has always been orchestrated by the ghouls of banking and trade.
No one dares to ask why Hitler’s armies chose to attack distant countries all over Europe, when Switzerland’s vast wealth resided right next door.
BIS – Secret History of Bank of International Settlements Switzerland
April 3, 2016
Parallels with 1914 and the mid-1930s hardly require much insight. The question is whether you can manipulate different outcomes rather than a repeat of the past.
On other threads I have stated that WW III is already being waged against humanity as a quiet war using silent weapons. Although it has not been openly declared in words it certainly has in deeds. It has not become noisy yet but it may not be long before it does as the rumblings are already beginning to rear their ugly head.
A peaceful solution needs to be found using the common law Court system and principles before it’s too late and Klaus Schwab et al inflict their Great Cosmocratic Reset upon us all. WWIII is a war like no other and is being fought in a way that is not generally acknowledged to be a war and that unfortunately it is mostly the opposing forces that are tending to win most of the battles because they have massive resources including control of the mass media. (The ideological apparatuses).
This must be turned around if we are to have any semblance of a future for our children and grandchildren – the threat is real and people need to acknowledge the fact fast before it’s too late. I apologize to go harping on about this but ORGANIZATION is crucial and nobody is coming up with any constructive suggestions as to how WE the people should proceed.
World War 3 is the war between the governments and their citizens.
Great article and an enjoyable read , thanks for it.
On political issues of even the slightest magnitude there are no coincidences.
Let’s think about the difference between “there is not a virus” (any virus?) and “SARSCov 2 has never been isolated and purified and the assertion that such a novel virus exists does not fulfill Koch’s Postulates?”
This is not only a very important distinction but given the current situation in the courts in Germany (read up on Christian Drosten e.g.) we are going to discover that in fact there is no novel virus.
On the 30th of December alarms bells were raised about a supposed “new SARS virus.” Then New Years Eve comes and in China they begin to look for reagents.
On New Years Day Drosten is developing a PCR for this “new virus”, and develops the PCR test parameters, before the results from China can be verified and proven and before the Chinese results were even made public.
Amazingly Drosten’s PCR design appeared in a day- during the New Years holiday no less- with no material yet available from which to design his test.
How does that work?
The choice of a new coronavirus was made for a simple reason. The diagnostic test would turn up huge numbers of false positives, thus jacking up case numbers and providing the rationale for the lockdowns and the economic devastation. Which were, all along, the real aims of the operation.
To put it more specifically, the PCR test would register positive, because it was geared to detect genetic sequences commonly present in people all over the world.
To put it still another way—the PCR test was pre-set with DATA which would “match” THE DATA extracted from patients. The fix was in.
The virus was concocted out of data. It was and is data. The test was loaded with data that frequently matches the virus-data.
The constellation of non-stop coincidences over the last 9 months is staggering. You have to be in complete denial (and be ignorant of the history of 2009 swine flu hoax) to not understand what has been happening over these last 9 months and to simply write it off as some “mistake” or “panic” or fill in the blank.
As for Qui Bono?
Profits on Wall Street reached $27.6 billion in the first six months of this year, an 82% increase over the same period in 2019 and nearly equal to all of 2019’s pre-tax earnings of $28.1 billion.
From page the now infamous Page 39:
The analytical sensitivity of the rRT-PCR assays contained in the CDC 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel were determined in Limit of Detection studies. Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available, assays designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA (N gene; GenBank accession: MN908947.2) of known titer (RNA copies/µL) spiked into a diluent consisting of a suspension of human A549 cells and viral transport medium (VTM) to mimic clinical specimen. Samples were extracted using the QIAGEN EZ1 Advanced XL instrument and EZ1 DSP Virus Kit (Cat# 62724) and manually with the QIAGEN DSP Viral RNA Mini Kit (Cat# 61904). Real-Time RT-PCR assays were performed using the ThemoFisher Scientific TaqPath™ 1-Step RT-qPCR Master Mix, CG (Cat# A15299) on the Applied Biosystems™ 7500 Fast Dx Real-Time PCR Instrument according to the CDC 2019-nCoV RealTime RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel instructions for use.
First we would have to discover there was a virus before we could undiscover it. Wild claims on shady fake news outlets wouldn’t be good enough especially when there were obvious efforts to scare people and skip the step of establishing whether there was a valid discovery. Controlled opposition such as the highwire were busy claiming the origins of the supposed virus were man made when all that was man made was the data they were looking at with no actual evidence it existed in anybody.
I may say that what we are dealing with is PCRGate.
Alleged existence of SARS-Cov2 virus, COVID disease and pandemic itself is, according to available so far evidences, an artifact of misuse and abuse of PCR technology, goal seeking abuse of statistics and blatant manipulation of rules and definitions applied to COVID alone. And it is not the first time as Swine flu 2008 phony “pandemic” proved.
None of the above, virus or disease were proved to satisfy Koch/Rivers postulates but only implicated such possibility as it is acknowledged by authors of alleged discovery of SARS-Cov2 virus In Wuhan patients lungs in December 2019, and January 2020.
The paper of supposed discovery of alleged new betacoronavirus as a likely cause of allegedly new disease was published in February 2020 in NEJM entitled suggestively “A Novel Coronavirus from Patients with Pneumonia in China, 2019”
Quote from the Chinese paper:
Although our study does not fulfill Koch’s postulates, our analyses provide evidence implicating 2019-nCoV in the Wuhan outbreak.
Since beginning this paper was not vigorously scrutinized and novelty Claim of coronavirus was unexamined except for few skeptics from academia for whom MSM access was denied.
Instead of required broad scientific debate before any decisions can be made, long repudiated by hard empirical evidences Ferguson’s pandemic models and the February 2020 Chinese paper (not peer reviewed at that time), that at best represented preliminary, best guess, analysis full of unproven conjectures and at best, limited tentative conclusions was hailed as revealed truth among MSM as well as among Public Health Authorities and their medical sheeple followers.
Those preliminary and highly questionable, narrow in scope and unscrutinized studies and models shockingly provided initial “scientific” cover for draconian and socioeconomically destabilizing and devastating COVID policies adopted and developed by WHO and CDC and almost immediately coordinated and implemented by governments worldwide under alleged exigent circumstances of medical emergency of supposedly new global pandemic disease “likely” caused by new, supposedly little known but deadly, threatening entire human civilization, viral pathogen.
All those assertions that brought us devastation of lockdowns still to this day remain unproven.
In fact total seasonal excess mortality data for 2019/2020 proves opposite that there was no global epidemiological event, no exigent circumstances of new deadly global pandemic threatening human civilization.
The original flagship Chinese SC2/Pneumonia paper from discoverer or rather inventor of SC2, cited in 2020 hundreds of times as reference of alleged empirically established proof causality between SC2 virus infection and COVID disease CLAIMS NO SUCH CAUSALITY in real clinical patients used in the study in Wuhan.
and again the alleged discovery was most likely an artifact of misuse of PCR test targeting betacoronavirus in patients bronchial fluid.
“A real-time reverse transcription PCR (RT-PCR) assay was used to detect viral RNA by targeting a consensus RdRp region of pan β-CoV,.. “[ibid]
The fact is that patients selected in that study were not suffering from any new disease at all but turned out to be chosen for the study from long existing category of diseases classified as pneumonia-like, or referred in China as “unexplained pneumonia” (UP) determined by CT scan alone.
Those first patients were not suffering from any new clinical disease with new phenology, new symptoms and were initially confidently diagnosed by competent physicians as suffering from pneumonia before they entered the study or rather fishing expedition for novel betacoronavirus.
But they know 99% of people will not be able to comprehend any conflicting data or that paper from Wuhan, which seems to be unquestioned or peer reviewed as we 100% trust the Chinese papers.
This is true. People rely on being told the correct information by the medical professionals.
If logic not vested interests Of elites ruled, COVID sham would have not had happened at all. Imagine schizophrenic situation of today’s race for vaccines that if produced likely would kill more people than COVID allegedly did.
In other words conservatively risk of doing nothing for 0-65 group Is substantially lower than risk of mass vaccinations In that age range. In 65+ range risk is similar as serous comorbidities are common.
And vaccines are applied to billions of healthy people it will cause tragic carnage, effectively murder of tens of millions of victims of COVID lies.
MSM mantra that governments and public health authorities want to save lives is a travesty as they in fact give no shit about people’s lives and instead specialize in taking them as COVID sham proves.
Very eloquently put.
And it also proves there is no way they are developing a vaccine to protect against a non existent virus.
The alarm bells should be ringing.
I do watch The HighWire very week on Thursday, and though I do not care for Del Bigtree’s style of presentation, just a bit too strident and hucksterish for my personal taste. But I see no reason to call him controlled opposition. He has had interviews with MD’s such as Andrew Kaufman and Simone Gold as well as several statistician which definitely does not please the Cabal. He has been pulled off themtube, a badge of honor. He has not insisted that the virus does not exist at all, but this may be a tactical advantage, keeping his audience expanding. He has certainly shouted to the rooftops that the RONA and the unwarranted attack on basic freedoms and human dignity is outrageous, and called out many of the most despicable governors in the USA such as il Duce Cuomo and Gruesome Newsom by name. And his original work regarding the dangers of vaccines, not the least of which was the feature film, Vaxxed, and including legal victories along with RFK Jr., would be giving Big Pharma heartburn (if they had a heart to start with). He has won a court battle that vaccines, including the RONA ones, must be safety tested against control groups injected with solely saline solution, instead of the devil’s brew they have been using as a “placebo.” Please detail why you call him controlled opposition.
Re Maxwell: This is not about profits. The Fed alone has printed 3 trillion dollars of funny money in 3 months. And this is on their public account. Probably tens of trillions on the in-house “other” books. This is about the destruction of the human race.
Excellent summary Maxwell.
The WHO lied about this alleged new virus. That is certain.
If governments had proof of this new virus I’m sure they’d be boasting about it.
I believe the Earth is donut-shaped (because the “real” shape of the earth is important business) and I love the plandemic and mask wearing as it offers ample shop-lifting opportunities!
Otherwise, it must be a conspiracy theory to point out that David Rothschild patented a “diagnostic test for covid-19” in 2015…. in the Netherlands.
could the Dutch government’s patent registry website be in on the conspiracy theory, or maybe they got hacked by Russian trolls?
could this image be photoshopped since it is no longer on the website?
The conspiracy theories factory is a business in itself. Needs to throw people off the scent whilst feed their confirmation bias to trigger words like ROTHSCHILD
(Emphasis added)
“Researchers at the University of Bristol have done an impressive analysis of literature published during the last 100 years. The data shows a very strong decline in emotionality overall, and highlights a distinct rise in fear since in the 1970’s.
Here is a summary of the research:
• Database of over five million digital books analyzed for emotional content
• Mood words were divided into six categories: anger, disgust, fear, joy, sadness, and surprise
• Adjustments made for new content fields
• Since 1900, a massive decline in literary expression of emotions
• Fear declined overall, but is on the upswing since the 1970’s
• Happiness at its peak during the 1920’s and 1960’s
• Sadness rising during the 1930’s and at its peak during World War II, with another sadness rise during the 1970’s
• The emotion of “disgust” showed the lowest final score
• British English has become even less emotionally expressive than American English”
So sadness and fear on the rise since the 70s. And disgust is not so prevalent. That last one is interesting since I’d say disgust is the critical emotion par excellence. And disgust is one of my own most felt emotions. I feel it most when confronting the MSM. And I think this is the big divide. The most glaringly obvious MSM manipulation is simply accepted at face value by the majority around me – something which I cannot understand since the artificiality of the reporting is so disgustingly clear. It’s the same with the recent Guardian articles making Biden out to be Superman banishing Trump’s Big Bad Wolf. Again – I feel disgust. Why does no-one else around me feel it?
(David Icke, who brought this Bristol University project to my attention, suggested a reason for the decline in disgust. He thought it was due to the desensitizing via increasingly gory and sensational material. Desensitizing lowers the critical faculty.)
Modern literature – like modern man – has been force fed the idea that to be judgmental is to be inferior. Literature (at least American literature) has stressed the primacy of form over content. As an example, the author Ayn Rand has been pilloried for having “an axe to grind” even more so than for her overt philosophying in her novels. One must never have “an axe to grind” in the modern world.
And though few Americans are what one would call truly “literate,” they have taken up the non-judgmental banner and strive to effect the correct appearance, at the expense of character.
Which helps explain why the thought of being considered a “conspiracy theorist” is anathema to so many people.
It’s impossible to be “non-judgemental”. And I have come to see that the texts posing as “objective” are simply applying a judgement in an underhanded way – and never more so than when they claim to be “scientific”.
Indeed – even being apologetic in having an opinion is something that is unwarranted cf. G K Chesterton:
“The modern habit of saying “This is my opinion, but I may be wrong” is entirely irrational. If I say that it may be wrong, I say that is not my opinion. The modern habit of saying “Every man has a different philosophy; this is my philosophy and it suits me” – the habit of saying this is mere weak-mindedness. A cosmic philosophy is not constructed to fit a man; a cosmic philosophy is constructed to fit a cosmos. A man can no more possess a private religion than he can possess a private sun and moon.”
Hello Howard: The problem with “nonjudgmental” persons is they are often lacking in judgement…
Ayn Rand’s “Atlas Shrugged” described the myriad faults of the good ol’ boy system to a tee. “Organizations” gut individual independence and leave a corps of muted zombies…
I do think most of the anathema to being a “conspiracy theorist” stems from obedience and submission to authority. Society, whose reality is constructed by the ruling class, doesn’t have a problem with conspiracy theories about powerless people or official enemies like Putin. The hoax Russiagate conspiracy theory, for example, was encouraged in mainstream society because it was promoted by the establishment and targeted Russia and Trump. You only become a “conspiracy theorist” when you accuse the powers that be/ruling class/establishment of serious wrongdoing.
“Researchers at the University of Bristol have done an impressive analysis of literature published during the last 100 years. The data shows a very strong decline in emotionality overall, and highlights a distinct rise in fear since in the 1970’s.”
This strikes me as the beginning of a Monty Python skit:D
And in anticipation of sneers at the mention of David Icke, I simply say that I have come to view his writings and the writings of “tin foil hat” authors as a kind of present day variant of the old samizdat writers:
Except that the West is far too clever to outrightly ban something. They conduct their censorship in a different way – by precluding consideration through knee jerk ridicule. You could therefore see what Icke writes as a kind of samizdat in plain sight.
David Icke is quite the story-teller, making even bizarre notions fit very nicely in his stories. He marries reality with metaphysical ideas like a philosopher. And he did come up with the most entertaining conspiracy I’ve read, even though it’s speicist;)
I don’t accept all that Icke says or even most of it. It’s just that occasionally he really does come up with something that seems credible to me like his account of how Italy was used as a springboard on the introduction of the new bubonic to the West.
And it’s an indictment of the “Marxist” websites I used to follow that I would rather go to Icke for insights rather than them. If I want to hear covid death porn I’d rather have the BBC than the WSWS.
The WSWS has been “disgusting” on their coverage of the plandemic.
I agree with Icke about Italy being chosen as the introduction of this phantom virus in the West.
If you were to believe this virus exists and was circulating around Wuhan in late November of last year then you must accept the virus of this force that was felling people in the streets of Wuhan would be through the population in a matter of weeks.
As international travel never ceased in Wuhan until mid January ‘infected people’ would be travelling all over the world spreading it everywhere very quickly.
But nothing much happened in the west until Italy in early March. Every country in the west got hit at different times and excess mortality didn’t start until 2 weeks after lockdowns were imposed.
But yet amazingly Norway, Finland and Denmark who only had very brief lockdowns have no excess mortality but countries such as Italy, Spain and Belgium had horrendous excess mortality.
It makes no sense.
Contempt and disgust are labeled as emotions that causes severe psychosomatic illnesess by the fake pop science psychology that’s in most msm Social media news feeds and has to be suppressed and use positive affirmations to quell anything that causes such feelings.
Unless it’s Donald Trump that’s a justified expression of that supposed emotional outlets of expression.
This is starting to look a lot like gaslighting:
Don’t feel the need to actually read all this. I have learned that when you go to a WSWS article on COVID, you will be bombarded by a tsunami of catastrophe statistics. You could do it yourself:
“This morning 20 million people died in the first three seconds – according to the corporate owned media. This is a gross understatement since the entire population of the earth has just been wiped out and even more will follow!” etc.
No, the meat in it is this:
“The pandemic is raging on both sides of the Atlantic because the response of governments is determined by the profit interests of the corporate and financial oligarchy, not by public health. The substitution of one capitalist ruling party for another cannot and will not fundamentally alter the direction of this policy.”
So here’s what is needed:
“There must be a massive investment in public health care infrastructure, including universal testing, contact tracing and free treatment for all. This requires a vast public works program to build up health care infrastructure and hospitals. A massive, global public effort is required to develop and freely distribute a vaccine.”
“This vital effort cannot be subordinated to corporate profit interests and nation-state competition. The implementation of such a rational and scientific response to the pandemic is blocked by the private ownership of production and the subordination of all of society to the interests of the financial oligarchy. The struggle against the pandemic, in other words, is not fundamentally a medical issue. It requires a political struggle of the international working class against the capitalist system.”
You heard the man! Only we can fix this! Let’s go!
Oh hang on:
I’ll tell you what: Let’s do nothing at all and just keep reading the WSWS tell us how we need a revolution while not being able to actually do anything about it!
more panic = mo’money. for the in crowd.
WSWS are traitors to humanity. Meanwhile lockdowns are killing people:
Yup! – I call this sort of cant you’re spotlighting here ‘Concern Trolling’, George… – It’s a lot like the ‘Oh-Dearism’ kind of editorialising by the MSM that Charlie Brooker identified on Newswipe some years back…
…- *Perfect* for stealing eyeballs/clicks whilst leaving the consumer feeling helpless/powerless, hence *Pacified*… – *Mission Accomplished*…
Icelandic news reminded us today that 50 million people world-wide have died of covid…
Some people will say absolutely anything to get attention…
Makes you sick, doesn’t it? – A lot sicker than covid does…
There’s a reason some people call mainstream media journalists ‘presstitutes’. They are stenographers for their billionaire bosses. I hope Iceland can escape the clutches of the Covid Cabal
If only more people were like this defiant Australian woman who’s having none of it
The role of the MSM is not to investigate but to protect the narrative.
‘The US election was stolen by the Democrats.’ So is Trump’s accusation just a conspiracy theory? Or should we trust the Democrats, who obviously say it’s just conspiracy?
Here’s Trump’s latest tweet:
Source: https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1325778096151203843
As in the matter of the media and almost all the political parties suddenly abandoning their appearance of diversity (or sometimes even cheekily still insisting on it) when they all fused together to “protect us” from the “nascent Nazism” of the “Corbynistas”, there has been an even more astonishing fusion over the COVID matter. It’s as if a miniscule gang of thugs had suddenly seized power over all the avenues of public perception and were now ruthlessly and relentlessly steamrolling their very own newly written Book of Revelations before which apostasy is not so much forbidden as not even acknowledged. And any who feel any doubts (surely a very large contingent) are made to feel that they are lone heretics who dare not give voice to their innermost feelings and may feel like denying those feelings even to themselves.
And the more this deliberately manufactured psychosis goes on, the more blatantly stupid it gets and the more strident the COVID preachers become.
Perhaps there’s a point at which stupidity wraps its arse around its neck and strangles itself…
Looks like we’re going to find out.
Heh, heh…“If Stupidity got us into this mess, then why can’t it get us out?” – Will Rogers – (November 4, 1879 – August 15, 1935)
not conspiracy this is basic wordplay called inversion mocking
when they say sleepy joe try and think out the box try and read between the lines
In the U.K or maybe e.u calls slang talk all timer talks Joe means general public as in Joe public
So sleepy Joe having dementia is referring to you
not like they hide it
lol That’s a good one! Both “trumpery” and “sleepy joe” have just been added to my vocabulary. And “sleepy joe” is much better than “sheeple”, which I always thought was a form of verbal animal abuse;)
Perhaps the Trump campaign missed a trick by not referring to Biden as “Uncle Joe”, resurrecting the spectre of Stalinism, which most of today’s so-called ‘Left’ seem to have either forgotten about, or are intent on re-enacting.
This is the clandestinely orchestrated back door forcing of the immunity passport project, which when initially launched in Ireland was met with outrage, their 11k downvotes on their official youtube video compared to 200+ up votes says a lot and comments having to be turned off.
But no they used one of the most rural parts of ireland, who’ve been frightened to death for months on end to trial the new testing program to push the heavily invested big tech government program to decide if you are able to prove are you sick or not. And you won’t be able to leave the house unless you get the green light
Except PCR tests don’t tell you if you’re sick or not, hence healthy professional footballers testing positive three separate times (Cristiano Ronaldo)
They don’t care if the test is faulty or not.
They want all your dna and details and have control of your movements and decision over even we can declare you a biohazard or not. Keep you in a traffic light system for eternity.
The most popular conspiracy theory this week was performed by the imperialists of America. What are imperialists? Those who are or support “…elite criminals who conspire to invade countries, kill millions, blame it on others, and conduct vast propaganda campaigns”.
Here’s the premise for their conspiracy: Two imperialists are running for election to be the face of imperialism. The voters for them are also imperialists. The networks which they perform their election on is owned by six imperialist corporations.
Conspiracy theory: The imperialists got together and stole the election from one of the imperialists running, thereby disenfranchising the imperialist voters.
You even sound like Conspiracy theorists 😉
I’m more of a wanna-be conspiracy theorist, with a focus on government conspiracies. But since I haven’t uncovered a conspiracy myself(I just have read/watched/listened to some really good conspiracy theorists),then I remain only a fan:)
There are 3 broad types of imperialism: economic, subversive and military.
And the U.S. checks all those boxes.
sharon marlowe: Bravo! Wonderful irony.
Two Imperialists walk into a bar…
…- One says to the barkeep, “Make everything mine”…
…- The other calls in Seal Team Six to rendition the barkeep, then orders a Tomahawk strike on the bar…
Great to see the pushback.
Comment on the Daily Mail’s site – unverified, of course
“I am a Nurse on the nauseating so called “front line”. Ridiculous term as BORIS and his scientists are LYING TO YOU ALL! There is no war going on. No pandemic. True covid admissions are minuscule. My trust of 5 hospitals have had no deaths for months. Probably less than 10% of the figures quoted. Most patients who test positive are discharged home fit and well. Folks this is the biggest LIE since Bush and Blair LIED ABOUT WEAPONS OF MASS DISTRUCTION!!!! More Medics need to speak up and tell the truth and fast PLEASE!”
Official data is ‘exaggerating’ the risk of Covid and talk of a second wave is ‘misleading’, 500 academics tell Boris Johnson in open letter attacking lockdown
Graph showing second wave ‘was wrong’ and was secretly toned down.
Boris Johnson’s ‘fury’ at dodgy Covid dossier — warned deaths could rise to 4,000 a day, four times April peak. Now data suggest second wave may have levelled off or peaked before lockdown
This matches the fact that no one – in any country – has seen convincing evidence that governments are applying the (meaningless) test for the mythical disease on a major scale, let alone ramping up such an operation.
Dear Chancellor Dr. Merkel,
We, the signatories, are doctors from all areas of healthcare, who have been serving people in practices and clinics for decades. During this time, we have witnessed more than one seasonal infection in Germany, most of them with far more severe conditions and significantly more deaths than since January 2020 from COVID infectious diseases. Together we serve approx. 70.000 people.
The circumstances of the coronavirus wave in the FRG have been perceived differently than the media and the ongoing warnings of politics, which were unjustified in fact, presented to the public for months. Predictions of individual advisory virologists with millions of seriously ill and hundreds of thousands of deaths in Germany have not been true in any way.
In the practices, hardly any infected patients were infected and if, then with normal, mostly mild progressions of virus flu. The hospitals have been more empty than ever before. There was no overload of ICU. Doctors, doctors and nurses were skillful in short-term work. Initially, we found the wave of the virus running towards us to be threatening and were able to understand the infection protection measures. However, there are months of secured evidence and facts that this wave of the virus is only slightly more intense than an ordinary seasonal flu and must be considered much more harmless than, for example, influenza infection in 2017/2018 with 27.000 deaths in Germany. According to the data situation, there hasn’t been a threat to the German population from Covid-19 for months.
This must be the reason to return to normal life in Germany – a life without restrictions, fear and infection hysteria.
We’re increasingly seeing older people with depression, young children and adolescents with severe anxiety and behavioral disorders, people with severe conditions who could have been cured in timely treatment. We notice disruptions in interpersonal cooperation, hysteria and aggression caused by fear of infection, there are more and more vigilations and denunciations of ′′ positive swab victims ′′ – all this leads to an unprecedented tension and division of the population. The development of additional severe chronic diseases is foreseeable. These diseases with their severe consequences are expected to far outweigh the possible Covid-19 damage in the FRG.The signatories therefore call on those responsible for health care and politics to discharge their responsibilities for the people of our country and immediately avert this threatening development. We demand an immediate revision of the available data by an independent panel of experts from all relevant specialized groups and a prompt implementation of the resulting consequences for the people of our country.We demand that ineffective and possibly even harmful anti-infection measures be stopped immediately and that mass testing is meaningful (e.g. Currently, 1,1 million tests / week, of which 99,3 % negative, cost per week: EUR 82,5 million) to be audited by a panel of independent experts.
We demand to intensify the protection of risk patients and only from them, where every viral infection can take a dramatic course – the healthy, immune competent population does not need protection beyond the general hygiene and health measures that have been known and proven for generations. Children and adolescents in particular need contacts with viruses to ′′ format ′′ your immune system. Coronavirus has always existed and will continue to exist. Natural immunity is the weapon against it. On the other hand, the mouth-nose cover demanded by politicians does not have a solid scientific foundation.
We call on politicians and medical professional representatives to refrain from daily public warning and fear machines in the press and talk shows – this creates a deep and unsubstantiated fear among the population.
The Bundestag has gem. § 5 IfSG identified an ′′ epidemic situation of national scope Obviously, the conditions for this are not fulfilled anymore. We therefore call on the members of the Bundestag to lift this statement immediately and thereby to shift the decision and responsibility for this to where they belong: into the hands of the democratically legitimate Parliament.
If there is an independent free press in Germany, we call on them to research in all directions and also allow critical voices. Opinion formation can only take place if all voices are heard without value and facts and figures are neutral.
Through daily contact with the people entrusted to us and many conversations, we as doctors working at the base of the population know that the hygiene awareness of people has grown so far through the experience of this virus wave that normal hygiene measures without coercion will be sufficient in the future.
Dr. Robert Kluger
Dr. Bruno Weil
Dr. Antonia
Dr. Felix Mazur
Dr. Katharina Hotfiel
Dr. Christine Knshnabhakdi
Dr. Hanna LübeckHeiko Strehmel
Dr. Norbert Bell
Dr. Heinz-Georg Beneke
Dr. Hans-Jürgen Beckmann
Dr. Thomas Hampe
Dr. Luke Mine’sRadim Farhumand
Dr. Tillmann Otlerbach
Dr. Ulrich RebersDr. Dr. Hubert hair
Dr. Verena Meyer-RaheDr. Dr. Manfred Conradt
Dr. Matthias KeillchPhv.- Doz. Diploma Psych. Dr. Dr. Christian Wolff
Dr. Holger Schr
Dr. Michael KühneDorothe G öllner
Dr. Wolf Schr
Dr. Ernst Schahn
Dr. Michael SeewaldStefan KurzKonrad Schneider-Trench Schroer
Dr. Anna Pujdak
Dr. Stefan S ällzer
Dlpl.- Med. Holger Dreier
Dr. Norbert Katte
Dr. Thomas Gerenkamp
Dr. Flllp SalemDominik jokes
Dr. Karsten Karad
Dr. Georg RüwekampSchmidt Krause,
Dr. Elizabeth Kiesel
Prof. Dr. Henbert Jürgens
Dr. See Christine Jürgens Less
The politicians are taking orders from elsewhere
As are the media – who are the ones who really matter here since their job is to relay the “big saga” i.e. the only story the vast majority of the public hear and see. The events of the last 7 months have demonstrated in no uncertain terms the awesome power of the media in commandeering the space of public perception and streamlining it far more effectively than any medieval pulpit Bible basher.
It’s a strong letter, but the real ‘authorities’, if they ever see it, will just continue laughing their heads off.
Biden IS the Swamp – The Automatic Earth
“So when the New York Times et al declare a winner, this is seen as an “official” announcement. That won’t come until the Electoral College gathers in December (8-14th?!). And at least until then, Trump will have every right to contest the election.
Everyone in the MSM is talking about Trump’s alleged lies… but nobody reflects on the 5-year of lies they have all told ABOUT Trump, the entire Russiagate episode, the Mueller report based on only lies… how they lied in courtrooms to get FISA applications on Trump campaign people. How they set up Lt.-Gen. Michael Flynn so he wouldn’t be Trump’s National Security Adviser, because Flynn knew too much.
Trump is not the biggest threat to America, that’s just something they’ve been wanting you to think for the past 4 years. The swamp is the biggest threat, whether their handpuppets come in a Democratic or Republican disguise. But to recognize that, you have to be able to think for yourself.
Forget for a moment about what you think about Donald Trump, and tell me how you feel about an attempt to unseat an elected American president with nothing but lies.”
No matter how many times the MSM lie about Trump, and are shown to have lied, the naive people who learnt to hate Trump from the MSM will hope on hope that their latest lie is true.
Mr. Curtin, your superhero Mossange stands in line with
Mossange it’s the same PSYOP as
When the fuck finally gets to you?
well, I forgot, you are
The people on your list all supported US wars, minus the one they all hate and wish to remove, the only one who opposed and ended them: Trump. If you can’t see this painfully obvious fact, then you’re the victim of a psy-op by the US leftist elite.
Rather you are the victim of psychosis. In case you hadn’t noticed this list isn’t mine, just Curtin’s, he just forgot to add Mossange to it – which I reminded him.
Your superhero Trump has not ended any war (Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Yemen), and he has tried in Venezuela, Bolivia and Belarus.
I am neither left-wing nor right-wing, I’m free – you feel this way sometimes
Trump has had four years to drain the swamp, first he got rid of his koch brother transtion team, some of the goldman sachs lot, and today an ex raython, he also stood upto big pharma by getting FDA approval for hydroxychloroquine right upto the point when giliad said thanks for $2bn, and still pushing beautiful clean coal. As for foriegn policy, he hired then fired a few neo cons, continuing Obama pivot to Asia by starting trade war, coup that failed in Venezuela, Syria, the troops he wanted to pull out, he kept to protect the oil, Yemen he increased drone strikes, and did $8bn deal with the Saudis, as they were running out.
Keep draining the swamp by lowering taxes for billionaires
The fundamental issue to understand is that this is not a conspiracy, it’s an agenda. If fact a series of agendas all being enacted simultaneously.
The critical players are all fully committed to their determination to adhere to the plans.
The best hope to expose what is going on is to refuse to accept the “conspiracy” talking point and focus on the politically motivated agenda for societal change without the irksome business of getting approval from the plebs.
I’m unclear; is this ‘best hope’ you mention intended for us plebs and voters, or for the ruling classes and media elites who are all denying that the election was fraudulent?
“The best hope” is when talking to covid believers defusing the “conspiracy”accusation by moving on to “agendas”is a good tactic.
The people in charge are trying to effect systematic change to our lives but without the tiresome business of having to get our approval of the plans . Instead they are using fear and massive deception to achieve them.
Please revisit Boris speech to the UN 9/19 , also Hancocks support for the 4th Industrial revolution Schwab etc(2017)
The sudden markets rally will be all the evidence they need to press on regardless, biotech, bioanalytics, ai is the gold rush , people are the pay-dirt, the mega corp/govt alliance just have to start mining.
On the US election , the media/davos crowd elites are simply carrying on with discrediting Trump.
If there are any straight judges left he’ll remain potus. But everyone owes something to someone in the land of the free.
That’s the ‘land of the FEE’.
I don’t know about that. It seems too fine a point to distinguish between a conspiracy and an agenda.
Isn’t it actually both?
A conspiracy to promote an agenda?
Yes, I was thinking a conspiracy to enact an agenda before reading your comment.
“GCHQ has been told to take out antivaxers online and on social media,” the Times said, citing a source. The report said the focus of the operation is taking down hostile state-linked content and disrupting the communications of the cyberactors responsible.
The government has failed to publish any information about £4bn of Covid-related contracts awarded to private companies, in what appears to be a continuing breach of UK law.
NHS England suspends one-to-one nursing for critically ill Covid patients… the number of people who are in hospital very sick with Covid has soared to 11,514, of whom 986 are on a ventilator.
Note: Despite knowing that ventilators do nothing but kill Covid patients, the NHS is continuing to use them. It seems they have enough ventilators to kill about 1,000 at a time.
As some experts have said, apart from ventilators requiring skill to apply, the useless but profitable medicines being used would have damaged the lungs too much, making the additional oxygen a threat. There is also the profit from using ventilators. The proven treatments are too cheap. Many of the patients might be saved by treating them for flu or pneumonia.
So, what is killing these patients is greed, not ventilators.