The Great VIRAL Debate: Dr Rancourt’s Closing Statement

Welcome to Closing Statements of The Great VIRAL Debate. Track this debate’s progress in our Coronavirus Debate Section. Dr Piers Robinson is our chair. Off-Guardian is your host. The proposition under debate is:
SARS-COV-2 merits suppression measures in order to combat the virus rather than the herd/community immunity approach
Dr Rancourt, arguing against the proposition, closes his argument:
These closing statements, following the openings and two rounds of debate, were submitted simultaneously, in parallel, without prior viewing.
Tim’s position is anchored in his beliefs that:
a. A new virus (“SARS-CoV-2”) has been discovered that is unlike any other viral respiratory disease virus.
b. The deaths assigned to have been caused by COVID-19 are due to the new virus.
I address these beliefs below.
On this basis, Tim advances his main thesis that a difference in “COVID deaths” between “neoliberal countries (UK, USA, Sweden, Brazil)” and “more independent countries (China, Vietnam, Cuba, Venezuela, Syria)” is caused by decimated and badly managed medical systems in the West versus responsibly managed and values-based medical care in his list of non-neoliberal countries.
Tim is not deterred by differences between his two select groups of countries, which affect viral respiratory disease propagation and deaths. Repeating myself, the said differences are in three areas:
- Absolute-humidity-dependence of aerosol stability in air (viral transmission)
- Care-homes institutional structure, and populations in care homes (hot spots)
- Closed space aerosol-exhaust ventilation dependence on climate and air-conditioning (climate)
For Tim, these differences, and decades of the underlying science, are my “two part theory”. Tim appears to be oblivious to the logical deconstruction of his main thesis, which I have made.
Likewise, Tim ignores analyses based on the (national and regional) hard numbers of all-cause mortality by time, and prefers “the reported COVID-19 death toll of almost 1.2 million” unscientifically collected and tabulated by the WHO.
Coming back to the debate question: Were extraordinary government-imposed measures warranted? Would business as usual have been preferable?
By the measure of accumulated science and established practice prior to 2020, this was not a pandemic. It was a massive propaganda campaign and social interference, in the normal presence of viral respiratory disease.
Such propaganda campaigns are regularly engineered by Big Pharma and its Finance collaborators to continually invent epidemics,[1] and this is allowed/enabled because there is globalization and geopolitical utility. Russia and China must go along with the West’s propaganda, as I explained in my Round 2 response.
In fact, “COVID-19” deaths occurred irrespective of “SARS-CoV-2”. Virtually any respiratory disease virus or collection of viruses in the viral ecology of our bodies would have served the same purpose. They all kill vulnerable, sick and weakened individuals in the same way; notwithstanding the industry of finding medical particularities of “SARS-CoV-2”. Influenza is similarly associated with a spectrum of relatively rare exotic medical complications.
In terms of deaths, the 2020 non-pandemic was a globally-instigated unprecedented assault against working and middle-class, largely institutionalized, elderly and socially/medically fragile populations.
The all-cause mortality shows sharp surges in deaths that followed the 11 March 2020 WHO global recommendation for hospital clearing as “pandemic” response, across the world, in those jurisdictions that sent hospitalised infected elderly persons into the community, including locked down care homes.[2][3][4][5]
The mechanism that made care homes and institutions for sick and elderly persons into killing fields includes the following elements:[2][3][4][5]
- infection seeding by hospital transfers into the care homes
- universal lockdowns of the care homes
- denied specialized medical treatment to the residents of the care homes
- reduced staffing and staff abandonment in the care homes, and negligence
- collateral effects of the universal lockdown of the care homes: extreme social isolation, psychological stress, reduced aerosol-exhaust ventilation, lost oversight of the institutions by family-members
This was a mass crime.[2] Tim prefers to make an ideological argument.
Tim is incorrect to suggest that I reject “preventive health measures”. I agree with the usual social and science-based practice of voluntarily staying at home when one has symptoms of a transmissive respiratory disease, as a way to slow the rate of transmission in the community at large. This practice includes being told to stay at home by colleagues and supervisors. It also includes voluntarily abstaining from visiting elderly parents and grandparents during one’s symptomatic period and prior to symptoms if another person in the nuclear family has symptoms. It is a case-by-case and contextual approach, adapted to particular needs and priorities.
A universal lockdown on care homes is an entirely different beast, and has not previously been globally imposed, nor is it scientifically demonstrated to give a net benefit. In fact, the experience of COVID-19 unambiguously demonstrates a massive harm from this protocol, especially when combined with infecting the cares homes using hospital transfers.
Likewise, I oppose universal lockdowns of the general population, universally enforced masking,[6][7] universal “social distancing”, and the universally imposed so-called “sanitary practices” of compulsive handwashing and surface cleaning. There is no demonstration of benefit from these laws and rules, which are an attack on society.
There wasn’t even a legitimate pandemic. My research suggests that if the extraordinary and universally applied measures had not been enacted, then no excess deaths would have occurred beyond those of a regular flu season. The post-March-11th “COVID-peaks” that I first identified in the all-cause mortality data for the USA and Europe would not have occurred.[3]
In the context of this debate, “herd/community immunity” refers to the business-as-usual natural coping of individuals and society constantly challenged by respiratory disease viruses, as has been the case for thousands of years. In technical terms, the concept of “herd immunity” was introduced by vaccine manufacturers as a pretext for universal vaccination programs, rather than individual personal-choice “protection”. After all, if a vaccine is effective, then it should protect the vaccinated individual. The idea is that sufficiently large vaccination coverage prevents rapid spread through a population, and reduces the likelihood that late pockets of vulnerable (not immune) individuals will be infected by the pathogen in question. Thus defined, “herd immunity” is a device to sell universal vaccination.
In my view, we have not entered a new area in which human health on the planet suddenly, after 4 billion years of animal co-evolution with viruses, depends on universal distribution of viral respiratory disease vaccines; nor have we entered a new scientific era in which the gargantuan vaccine industry has discovered how to make effective, beneficial, and safe viral respiratory disease vaccines. The industry is a wasteful cash cow, which causes much harm and deters away from real health and quality of life initiatives.
If you want to help vulnerable and oppressed populations and social classes, then stop structurally and directly attacking vulnerable and oppressed populations and social classes.
Click HERE to read Dr Anderson’s Final Statement.
Track this debate’s progress in our Coronavirus Debate Section
[1] Engelbrecht, T. and Köhnlein, C. (2007, 1st edition; 2020, 2nd edition) “Virus Mania: How the Medical Industry Continually Invents Epidemics, Making Billion-Dollar Profits at Our Expense”. (2020 ed., 577 pp., 1,432 references) ISBN: 978-3-7519-4253-9.
[2] Video, 16 October 2020, Le Stu-Dio (Censored on YouTube, now here): “COVID-19: CRIMINAL MISMANAGEMENT? RANDY HILLER – DENIS RANCOURT”.
[3] Rancourt, DG (2020) “All-cause mortality during COVID-19: No plague and a likely signature of mass homicide by government response”. 2 June 2020.
[4] Rancourt, DG, Baudin, M, Mercier, J (2020) “Evaluation of the virulence of SARS-CoV-2 in France, from all-cause mortality 1946-2020”. 20 August 2020.
[5] Rancourt, DG, Baudin, M, Mercier, J (2020) : In preparation. Elucidating the cause of “COVID-peak” deaths in France; high-resolution county-wise (“departements”) study.
[6] Rancourt, DG (11 April 2020) (deplatformed from ResearchGate, now here) “Masks Don’t Work: a Review of Science Relevant to Covid-19 Social Policy”.
[7] Rancourt, DG (3 August 2020) “Face masks, lies, damn lies, and public health officials: “A growing body of evidence””, ResearchGate.
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PCR is an amplification tool, it can’t detect/identify. Period.
Cycle threshold (CT) is not only arbitrary, it’s meaningless, and an abuse of Kary Mullis’ amplification tool.
CT is merely an arbitrary number of amplifications above an equally arbitrary lower number of amplifications referred to as “background level”…
The PCR amplifies nucleotide sequences exponentially…
…up to approximately 40 amplifications,[1] therefore any differences between the CT level and background level are meaningless. A CT of 21x merely means there were 21 amplifications. A CT of 30 has 30 amplifications. A CT of 21x simply means the nucleotide sequence was amplified 21 times, not that there is “strong positive reactions indicative of abundant target nucleic acid”…
At my blog, read the articles…
‘House of Cards: The Collapse of the ‘Collapse’ of the USSR’
‘Playing Hide And Seek In Yugoslavia’
Then read the article, ‘The Marxist Co-Option Of History And The Use Of The Scissors Strategy To Manipulate History Towards The Goal Of Marxist Liberation’
The West will form new political parties where candidates are vetted for Marxist ideology/blackmail, the use of the polygraph to be an important tool for such vetting. Then the West can finally liberate the globe of vanguard Communism.
My blog…
[1] Thereafter amplification growth is less than exponential.
Reply to Coming Revolution
Hi CR, strange as it may seem the cyclical movement can also be ‘ Linda’s and directional and just as there can be progress ,there can be regress, synchrony and diachrony, construction and destruction. Remember, relativity and dualism are conditions of manifestation only a pair can manifest – no light without dark, no hot without cold, no good without evil and so on, ad infinitum but with shades of grey in between.
Change itself negates Aristotlean logic which puzzles mainstream science as in the so-called wave particle duality.
According to standard Big Bang theory (BB), in the alleged ‘beginning ‘ some 8-15 billion years ago there was nothing no matter,no energy, no time or space. Then suddenly out of nothingness the universe popped into being as a result of a ‘random fluctuation ‘ .However, if there as no energy, matter, time or space prior to the BBC then there was nothing that could produce or undergo a random fluctuation nd there would have been nowhere it could ever have occurred!!
Sorry for typo Linda’s should read linear!
Hello -CO,
Agreed, the perpetual movement of existence may contain segments that are linear, cyclic, as well as of the other kinds of movements your mention, but what about the trend of the movement, when considered as a whole? I’ve suggested that it was cyclic based on everyday experience: the opposites that bring each other into existence as you say, which is by the way the mechanism by which our organism always tries to maintain homeostasis; on second thought, the whole movement may not have any particular pattern, cyclic or otherwise. Trying to explore this matter may be beyond the scope of our reasoning. It may be even true that there is nothing to understand about it, just go living through it.
About the BB, it’s hard to the logical mind to conceive of the existence of something that hasn’t origin or aim, and that is why perhaps it was assumed that an explosion originated it and that it is in continual expansion (aim). But as you say, in this particular case, our logical mind crashes against a wall because we can’t think “prior” to that “event”. The universe may have always been there.
Hi CR – you are correct the Universe has always been there, it is infinite and eternal – how could it be otherwise considering what’s been previously stated? Origins and ends are relative and are only really applicable to the infinite numbers of finite entities and phenomena that have entered into manifestation such as sub-atomic particles, atoms, viruses, plants, humans, planets, galaxies or whatever.
However, the issue is somewhat paradoxical because at the same time all these finite entities and there phenomenal effects compose the infinite ALL, they cannot be outside it because infinity and infinitude have no outside and no beyond ( All is in THE ALL from a finite perspective).
THE ALL is the all- pervading and omnipresent essence of all that ever was, is, and ever shall be, including infinite space, duration and motion (consciousness, life ,substance -call it what you may) which is eternal – always has been, is and always will be – a unity in diversity (THE ALL is in ALL).
We as human beings were never created since the possibilities and potentiaities of our archetypal forms and the conditions of their involutionary and evolutionary development have always been there in infinitude and will become manifest periodically in accordance with an eternal periodical Law. Death is not the true opposite of life it is birth!
Hello -CO, yes we agree, what is has always been and always shall be.
By the way, the last sentence of your post is illuminating; death is the opposite of birth, not of life. It reminds me of a chinese movie presumably retracing the life of Buddha, in which the young Gautama was tormented by this question: “who was I before I was born?”.
We need a synopsis of how all of these measures are incredibly dangerous to the public’s health.
All of them. The notion WE are ‘granny killers’ needs to be utterly refuted in the strongest manner possible.
Our governments are killing in the name of “public health” – and one of the reasons they are getting away with it (besides diabolical media hysteria) is their ‘humanitarian’ narrative. We need to occupy this narrative.
Sweden: A Swedish doctor speaks:
Interview with an NHS Nurse: “Where’s the challenge? Where’s the crisis? Where’s this Covid?”
Met Police Chief Inspector Stands Down to Lawful Observers
“Proof That Face Masks Do More Harm Than Good” a new book by Dr Vernon Coleman was recently published on “Smashwords” but was unexpectedly removed in an act of censorship even though the book was entirely factual. You can now get the book from the the authors own website:
The book is a simple list of factual reasons (with evidence) why mask wearing is detrimental.
It is completely insane and ofourse the people most quickly murdered by masks will be the very people they are claiming to want to “protect”. The most “vulnerable”. Who ever is telling people to wear masks needs to face democide charges and has no standing to be governing. They are criminals and are in no position of authority to give any orders what so ever.
Some medical professionals with opinions on vaious subject around Covid:
I don’t want to catch a cold – can someone else suffer or die Instead?
As a matter of fact, there is only one way not to suffer or die, and that is being already dead.
This is on Ted Tenders. Supplement to the Official Journal of the EU
United Kingdom-London: Software package and information systems
2020/S 207-506291
Contract award notice
Results of the procurement procedure
Short description:
Ninety per cent
10th November 2020
‘Ladies and gentlemen, roll-up, roll-up, roll-up. My new product, just brought to the market this very day, prevents ninety per-cent, yes ninety per-cent of all known things happening to you. Yes, a remarkable ninety per cent. Not sixty per cent, not seventy per cent, no…not even eighty per cent. But ninety of your finest American per cent – of things’……………..
Breaking News:
Published on November 11, 2020
German-American star attorney Dr. Reiner Füllmich will sue („German Fauci „) Prof. C. Drosten and RKI President Dr. L. Wieler next week in the USA for damages in the billions.
The U.S. legal system allows class action lawsuits against individuals in other countries.
Reiner Füllmich, who is a founding member of the Corona Investigativ Committee, will sue both – in the USA for damages. The lawyer said this in an interview with the Fuldaer Zeitung:
Reiner Füllmich :
“We are suing those who claim that the PCR test detects infections. These are above all the virologist Prof. Dr. Christian Drosten and Lothar Wieler, President of the Robert Koch Institute. The lawsuits also target politicians who have relied on Drosten and Wieler’s advice. In court we will ask why the politicians did not listen to other experts – for example the Nobel Prize winner and Stanford Professor John Ioannidis: According to him, the virus is much less dangerous than Drosten and the RKI claim. He has calculated that 0.14 percent of corona patients die. This means that the corona virus is no more dangerous than influenza.“
„The two made two false claims: they said that there were asymptomatic infections – i.e. people without symptoms could spread the virus – and the infection could be detected by PCR tests. The people who spread these false claims are liable for them. We will also prove in court that PCR tests are not suitable for detecting infection!“
„In Germany it is obvious that all tests are trimmed to high values by very many cycles in order to produce as many positive results as possible.“
The “New York Times” reports that the majority of the actual false-positive PCR results in the USA are based on such high cycle values.“
„In the USA, our team is working with attorney Robert F. Kennedy and his team.“
The nephew of former US President John F. Kennedy?“
„Yes, Bob Kennedy and I met on August 29th in Berlin, at the demonstration against the Corona measures in Germany. There was no word in the mainstream media that a Kennedy was participating. The media spoke of 30,000 to 40,000 participants, but we know that it was more likely up to a million.“
-the lawsuit could become „explosive“ as
-Füllmich ranks among the most renowned lawyers of the republic and as a founding member of the Corona Investigativ Committee among the most fierce critics of the measures imposed in Germany.
He has been working as a lawyer in Germany and California for 26 years – “including as a trial lawyer against corporations such as Deutsche Bank, Volkswagen and HypoVereinsbank”, as the Fuldaer Zeitung writes.
Translated with (free version)
Search – 2020/s/207-506291
Tenders Electronic Daily.
MHRA Buyer Organisation (Medicines & Healthcare products
Regulatory Agency Gov.U.K)
Section II: Object
II.1.4)short Description
The MHRA urgently seeks an Artificial Intelligence (AI) software tool to process the expected high volume of Covid-19 vaccine Adverse Drug Reaction (ADRs) and ensure that no details from the ADRs’ reaction text are missed.
Grauniad front page headline this morning (Wed 11 Nov 2020):
“GP services will be cut to allow millions to receive Covid Vaccine”.
So, yet again, the NHS becomes the National Covid-19 Service, or rather the National Provide Customers to the Pharmaceutical Industry Service, some of whose advisers have major shareholdings in the Pharmaceutical Industry.
Major problem with this. Germ Theory is a lie. There is no such thing as a contagious virus. No virus has EVER been isolated because they don’t exist.
See Dr Kaufman for an explanation of the fraud.
See also: “The Contagion Myth” by Thomas Cowan and Sally Fallon Morrell.
“Virus Mania” by “Torsten Engelbricht and Claus Köhlein
It is a lie when knowingly passed off as if true.
It is a mistaken belief when acted upon in good faith.
Better to say – in my opinion – that the basis for germ theory is scientifically unproven – even though widely accepted and hugely invested in. This is of proving a virus as THE cause of disease or pathogen.
Extracellular communication is fact.
the recycling of cellular (genetic) debris may be part of this communication.
There is a lot we do not know.
But is running as if the science is settled.
I hold it meaningless and unhelpful to polarise in such comments as ‘viruses don’t exist’ – UNLESS you clearly define what you mean.
I highly value Dr Andre Kaufman’s contributions to a greater understanding.
Exosomes may be the fact of what we are taking to be viruses and assigning the role of pathogen.
Viral (exosomal) expression can play a role in disease conditions – allowing for that what we call disease can often be a healthy immune response to toxic conditions along with weakened function or dysfunction.
For the most part people operates under the belief, and only the few understand it is a belief, and for various reasons do not or cannot challenge it.
You can use all the ‘correct’ terminology you like, it won’t change the fact that viruses don’t exist. Disease is caused by either toxins, deficiencies or stress, period. Vaccination is based on a false premise of an ‘immune system’ This very recent terminology is used merely to support the idea that vaccination has a role. This is in correct, we don’t have an ‘immune system’, we don’t need one.
I could agree with you – but the way in which you assert yourself suggests a lack of any real sense of interest or relationship. As if reinforcing an identity is ‘The Answer’! And weaponised ‘facts’ make truth a weapon which is waht I see in the vax agenda too.
Andrew Kaufman does not say ‘the virus does not exist’, but that the virus theory of pathogenic causality is false and fraudulent. Its the narrative framing that is questionable – not the clinical and biological observations.
Originally vaccination developed the idea that those who got certain diseases rarely if ever got them again. That observation led to the idea of acquired immunity/resilience. I remain unconvinced that vaccinations are effective in terms of death and disease by all causes, and do not consider them safe, much less their agenda in the hands of global monopolism.
I have watched the videos on his channel (and many others) and read very many illuminating books, articles and other sites that are critical of ‘germ theory’ as a cover story for toxic exposure and unsanitary conditions of poverty and squalor and so I have no great issue with most of what you just wrote – excepting that that ‘stress’ is far too narrow a term for denied psychic-emotional conflicts that are in essence an underbelly that is now being revealed as a false controlling narrative identity that also ‘doesn’t exist’, but operates a masking personae over denied fear. This also is ‘stress’ or should I say distress that is no less active for being denied or pushed down by denial. the symptoms are valid messengers or feedback, but control-mindset cannot see anything but threat to suppress.
Stress is the basis for ongoing resilience and renewal, in the context of connection to Life as resilience and renewal. I prefer wholeness to ‘immunity’ because I do not accept the framework of material causation.
The principle of balance or homeostasis amidst change or disequilibrium is the maintaining of the conditions for life.
Life holds your body and mind functional for what you choose to use it for.
And gives you feedback accordingly. Yet these ‘choices’ are part of a greater tapestry of themes being lived out than what you think you choose. No man is a bubble, complete unto himself.
I hold there is a context without which the sickness, struggle and death – (or as you put it; ‘toxins, deficiencies or stress – period’) – defines the human conditioning.
To be out of connection and communion with Life is to be set in dissonance, and seeking to hold this sense of lack and disconnection as our centre is the basis for a driven identity of dis-ease that holds itself above and apart from a life it judges – and then is subject to even in the measure it set. This can be framed as toxic thinking because it undermines our integrity to accept it as currency. But suppression is only the way to keep out of a surface awareness, such as to generate the illusion of escape, until it breaks through in new forms, so as to generate a destructive self-reinforcing loop.
I think it is very clear what is meant by the virus. It seems you are attempting to spin things around and argue that nobody understands a virus to mean a pathogenic infectious killer and you can use the word without giving that impression. There is no such thing as “diseases”. This is a satanic belief system.
Hello Jodie
I am one with terrain theory as a bridge to wholeness. Joy in life.
I am also aligned in a re integrative willingness rather than feed polarised identity conflicts.
Context is everything.
Don’t blame anything. Unless you want to mask in a mind of limits, conflicts and suffering, set against your un-owned fears.
“It may shock you to know that all the world’s bacteria have access to a single gene pool, which has provided an immense resource for adaptation, manifesting an array of breathtaking combinations and re-combinations for three billion years! Any bacterium—at any time—has the ability to use accessory genes, provided by other strains, which permits it to function in ways its own DNA may not cover. The global trading of genes through DNA re-combinations provides for almost endless adaptation possibilities. Therefore, what has been done to one has been done to all.
Widespread use of antibacterial agents is both futile and disastrous. Future life sciences and medicine will comprehend the more effective use of agents to stimulate positive adaptation of bacteria resulting in chains of supportive symbiosis.
In the presence of love, these positive adaptations naturally occur. In the presence of hatred and fear, negative and resistant strains of bacteria are more likely.
Life forms are ever changing, and yet the basic chemistry of life remains the same. Do not cling to forms that are passing, but seek for an understanding of life that embraces and includes all possibilities. This is accomplished through integrating and expanding patterns and relationships. In this way, you will see God as the creative power of life. When I asked that you love one another, I was not just giving you a recipe for human fellowship. This is the doorway to life eternal.” (The Keys of Jeshua – Glenda Green)
WOW ….
and still the pretend goes on ..
I wonder how long until the penny drops but i guess its hard when you have invested in a massive lie ..
What a lot of nonsense these 2 ..
go get a job u 2 ..MCD is always looking
Prepare people
Time is running out ..
None of this has anything to do with public health !
That’s right. These terrorists are gaslitghting people big time.
So COVID reads as divoc, which means possession by an evil spirit.
Their mind works in mysterious ways.
Kamala Alamak Harris
Alamak meaning Portuguese. Phonetically close to the Chinese term “Oh, my mother!”. It expresses shock or surprise. Possibly imported from Malaysia. Ali Baba Arabic, English. Steal, cheat. Based on the story of Ali Baba and the forty thieves. You don’ act blur, okay! I know you ali baba my fries when I went to the toilet! All Fart and No Shit English. (Possibly pejorative) description of someone who………
EFFICACY | meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary
the ability, especially of a medicine or a method of achieving something, to produce the intended result: They recently ran a series of tests to measure the efficacy of the drug.
……..According to a press release issued by the two companies, 38,955 trial volunteers had received a second dose of either vaccine or placebo as of November 8. An interim analysis of 94 individuals conducted by an independent data monitoring committee (DMC) found that the vaccine efficacy rate was above 90% 7 days after the second dose. This means that protection was achieved 28 days after the first vaccine dose………….
So, did about 10% catch a cold?
Antibodies in Recovered COVID-19 Patients Fade Quickly, Study Says
“Antibody levels in the blood of coronavirus patients drop quickly after the body clears the virus, according to a new study published in mBio, an open access journal of the American Society for Microbiology.
…………The research team analyzed blood samples from 31 people recovering from COVID-19 and measured antibodies at 1-month intervals. Overall, the immunoglobulins that neutralize the virus dropped about 6 to 10 weeks after symptoms began. The ability of the antibodies to neutralize the virus also fell during that time…………
Vaccines to prevent corona viruses appear to be useless except if there is an ulterior motive.
Which is why they want that special ID thing so badly. Everyone will report to the local vaccination station with dependents every 2 weeks or so.
I doubt it because such a system is likely to be unworkable.
The UK government have announced a new Covid-19 vaccine called BNT162 that has been developed by Pfizer and BioNTech. This vaccine is of particular interest because it is an mRNA vaccine.
On a Skwawkbox article, “Breaking: trials suggest new vaccine 90% effective, WHO calls for caution” (for link see “Source” below), a commentator “M”, who described himself as a geneticist, was asked a question about mRNA vaccines (includes minor edits):
SteveH: “M – I would be interested to hear your explanation in layman’s terms of how this vaccine genetically alters the recipients DNA.”
M: “Well I have no idea if it will alter the DNA, nor does Pfizer. But that’s not really the point so I’ll try to explain simply anyway: DNA is transcribed in the cell to produce RNA. There are different kinds of RNA but for our purposes, you can just think of mRNA which is a reverse copy of a piece of your DNA that is necessary to produce proteins.
“Almost every part of your entire body – except water and minerals – is made of proteins and all is made from RNA. This vaccine very cleverly uses the cells equipment (ribosomes, enzymes organelles – all also made of proteins) to translate this RNA into new proteins as if it was the cells own RNA.
The problem is that there is an almost infinite number of different and complex proteins and RNAs in the body – each with a very specific task (or not). Any slight alterations or error in translation of DNA>RNA>protein can create a protein that’s either harmless, deleterious or lethal. We are skipping the DNA part but the problem is that RNA and proteins can and do alter and affect DNA>RNA>protein pathways naturally.
“The human body is extremely complex, there are 20,000 protein-making genes and about the same number that doesn’t make protein but still have a function in translation of those other proteins. And each gene has many variants and functions. BUT (don’t fall asleep yet) it gets even more complex when it comes to immunity – there is a lot more genetic variation with immune-related genes between people than any other genes. For good reason – good immune requires maximum variation. Interfering with the immune response by injecting attenuated viruses really just mimics what our body would do naturally if it came across a virus – the immune response as you described is induced by AP Cells. But many viruses are wise to this in evolutionary terms – and is why there is no vaccine for the common cold or HIV – they have their own immunity.
“Back to Pfizer: Their vaccine (as I understand it) is using your own cells to produce the proteins found on the surface of the virus. This could have unknown effects because it’s hard to know exactly how the protein>RNA interactions will interfere with other ones naturally occurring in the cell. Its the endless quest of geneticists to understand these complex and often subtle and often undetectable interactions for all genes in the body.
“Now it could be that nothing harmful happens, but the only way to know that is to test it, and test it and test it again. My opinion is that this should require WAY more testing than using the traditional attenuated virus type vaccine for all the reasons I just explained. In the same way that brain surgery is riskier than fixing a broken leg one requires much more caution.
“If you are still with me we can now also get back to the politics: It would be a major breakthrough if it works (and I hope it does) but that’s also the reason to be sceptical for me. My original comment was that it won’t see the light of day for some time. I think this is more likely than them pushing through a poorly tested vaccine. As with most coronavirus and flu vaccines, the efficacy is likely to be much poorer than they claim. so, the results of the trial would have to be spectacular and long term to justify any serious risk of distributing it nationwide by the end of the year with such short trials (but who knows, this is Pfizer and the Tory government we are talking about here).
“Finally, I will leave you with a question: – how do you test a vaccine for long term effects if it’s only been in your possession for 6 months? You don’t need a virologist or any scientist to answer that.”
Skwawkbox has been pushing lockdown. Let them take the vaccine
How do you test a vaccine for long term effects if the virus has never been isolated ?
Well, quite – how do you? A bit of a poser for our 4th estate.
isn’t it just ! and the UK have bought thousands of bottles of something….I know not what…… to wait and see what effects it has !
However, did notice something odd, maybe a psychological ploy…..Now don’t think you can by this if you are rich, you can’t….so there. We must be noble and give it to those in greatest need…….mmh!
I love their weasel words like “suggest.” A trial cannot suggest anything. Only an idiot in a white lab coat to impress you with his acumen and authority can. The modern priestly garb. I am not impressed.
How do they know? With antibodies? If cv-1984 were a real virus and if it had been isolated and purified to prove that it existed in the first place (which it hasn’t), and if it really did cause a serious disease and had been proven to do so in non-fraudulent research (if that still exists in the new abnormal), then the proper way to test efficacy is to inject a large number of volunteers with their crap and see how they fare heath wise over at least a year to people injected with saline solution and nothing else in it. Big Pharma would never do that. Another way would be to inject volunteers with their crap, give it a few weeks to gestate, and then shoot them up with the virus. That killed 100% of the test ferrets in cytokine storms in the old SARS vaccine mRNA trials of yesteryear, back in the days when they tested their crap on animals before they invented warp speed. But hey, they’re just volunteers anyway. Useless eaters as Kissinger would put it.
I don’t have what Billy Boy’s psychologists have referred to as “vaccine hesitancy.” I have vaccine no f**king way. But I am sure they have a cure for that. In the end, as Chairman Mao said, Power (authority) comes from the muzzle of a gun. Just as true for the US, UK, EU, and Russia as for the cultural revolution China.
Another case of capitalism needing impoverished people – apart from “flexible” government officials. The medical industry is particularly dependent on them.
And though heavy repetition for decades, virus, something spotted in the super-technological electon microscope, has become dogma as a cause of disease – when convenient. Never mind that the stuff is pervasive.
The ‘virus’ is 100% effective. It helps bring us back into alignment and provides the latest upgrades to our systems raising them to higher frequency levels. Unlike the ‘vaccine’ the virus is all natural and organic. It isn’t the counterfeit product that could downgrade you to windows 98 or even cause that pesky blue screen but the real all new original 2020 upgrade. Buy now while stocks last.
Yes, the ‘pseudo spiritual New Age’ method to avoid bio-warfare symptoms. Excellent (NOT)
If your worried about “catching the virus” then you need the upgrades. Your operating system is obsolete and a threat to humanity. The bio war fare weapon is the ‘vaccine’, masks, sociopathic distancing, curfews and lockdowns.
I’m not at all worried about catching any virus, but I am about being deliberately infected by SC19g2 (as our whole world has been) and also subsequent viral strains, deliberately engineered using the obscene ‘gain of function’ technology.
If it is true the best is if it is short and sweet rather than prolongueing the misery. We need to organise massive festivals where all the strains can be released so everyone can get it over with and the survivors can move on unmolested by fear and anxiety. If we are all going to die let us atleast enjoy the time left.
AS overall deaths by all causes are around average for 2019-2020 ‘flu season’
with a bump for lockdown deaths – if it was bio-war then Sars-cov2 does not qualify as a threat – apart from the psyop.
There are a number of other possibilities in gain of function research that are more complex than the popular narrative.
May you be invigorated and enlivened by the truth!
These two egomaniac earthlings seems so full of themselves that they’re completely protected against anything we could dream up.
I must be over the target hey to be getting all this flack.
I must say first that any COVID vaccine is a fraud because of simple truth that the claim that COVID is new clinical disease as well as claim that SC2 coronavirus infection causes COVID was not established or proven so far and hence claim of vaccine that targets specifically SC2 Virus and prevents COVID are by default baseless.
having said that,
It is nothing by Wall Street hype so far no details of trials were published nor Independently analyzed or peer reviewed, all claims are unverified, 90% efficiency claim baseless ,even FDA Emergency approval not obtained so far, productions and distribution networks non existent. Even WHO says spring until first commercial product available to masses.
Only phantom vaccine can prevent phantom disease what COVID sham seems to be all about.
Many of these seemingly earth-shaking new items are meant to draw more suckers into the share market, so that the manipulators can dump the shares they bought cheap.
From ZH
Pfizer’s CEO Dumps 62% Of His Stock On COVID Vaccine Announcement
it is nothing but talking the stock up, Moderna did it , Tesla did It . It use to be criminal now lawlessness reigns supreme.
There is a problem. However, it doesn’t involve a virus. There is a take over occurring.
NHS managers have been in lots of meetings for months and won’t discuss what they are up to with any free press. They even suppress their own professional workforce.
Police can’t seem to patrol the streets anymore because of lack of funds yet they can afford to send troops of cops at anyone who tries to have a party. If you’re BLM, one can have a riot, no problem.
Squaddies in schools testing kids for flu. The thin end of the wedge.
The fake health care system needs shutting down and replacing. They have taken hostages and plan to kill them whilst taking more hostages. These ‘vaccine’ drives and ‘testing’ efforts are such hostage taking efforts. These terrorists seek to turn the kids into “vulnerable” hostages to use in their attacks. Such terrorist groups need to be defunded and brought to justice.
I’m guessing that at least 30% will take the gov’t/gates poison without a fight. The fate of those who won’t listen to reason may be good for the rest of us who refuse the euthanasia. A 30% reduction in the population may improve the job situation for those without brain damage or other complications brought on by the poison which renders them useless or dead. It would certainly reduce the costs for the British gov’t and the death taxes will come in very handy.
Pessimistic i know but one has to realistic.
They should have been called the old borring generation. protection? lol really?
This is a gem people but you need to watch the sequel in patreon Then link the great conversation of Dr. Mercola over operation warpspeed and you now very good what they are up to…
Dear God! I can’t believe this nonsense..
None of us might ever be able to go to a rock concert, or a classical music concert, or a folk club, or a rave, or a blues bash, or see great bands and artists again, or go to the footy or rugby or cricket.. Or indulge in any sport, or write to anyone without it being recorded and listedand later used against us , or protest against our psychotic colluding establishment. (in numbers of more than TWO persons!)
Or have free speech again or observe any religion that we chose to in the company of like minded folks, or associate with anyone else (maybe as in Australia, not even associate with our families), or in Blighty and Europe or further afield, probably not be able to go out for a nosh again, or a beer.. Jesus!.
AND YOU KNOW WHY? “Gain of effing function”, carried out by Eugenicists Fauci, Gates Obama and Biden and the rest of the neocon filth who off-shored germ warfare from USAMRIID and Dettrick to Wuhan, because it was cheaper (and safer) to know exactly how to kill people easily and infect the world, and control world population from there.
Then they deployed it.. (Oh no, it really escaped!). MY ARSE! links to their wonderful and ‘uplifting’¨bio-warfare ‘investments’ are everywhere, and the sums (of taxpayers money) are minuted in Congress.
Is it cognitive dissonance and denial that everyone’s in? Do they feel safer not addressing the cause of this atrocity that has put an already starving world already experiencing previously unknown levels of suffering, starvation, bankruptcy and unemployment into an abyss from which there is no escape for anyone. ?
Child suicide is at double the previous pre-covid level (for kids under 10 years of age!!!)
What a dysfunctional load of wastes of breath, sitting around debating, as if it’s going to suddenly be ‘happy effing days are here again.’.
Our children have no futures, or our grandchildren, but let’s just prevaricate and imagine who’s won the great & wonderful viral debate.(IT DOESN’T EFFING MATTER!)
THERE will be NO NEW NORMAL; Stated by Fauci the lackey, and The Ubermensch Gates.
They’ve let effing Pandora out of the Box and it’s not going back in! It can’t be effing stuffed Back!
But instead, let’s just endlessly debate, T-receptor levels and herd immunity, humidity, consideration, common sense, distancing, masks, the illegality of world lockdown.. and make references to the folks who ‘sacrificed’ endlessly for us. (in a privatised and corrupted NHS:) etc..
And they’ve delivered it in remarkable time.. What 11 months,?? to bring the whole world to its knees c/o the greatest extinction level event ever known to humanity.
Unless people get properly organised, (and fast) we ain’t getting out of this one mates.
(sorry to say)
I feel so sorry for you there stuck in a living inferno.
Here in Scandinavia we are given a little more dignity than in most other places in the world.
I hear you and share your angry frustrations and from where I stand can only advise you to do what you think is right, but to do it carefully.
the web is a government design platform to collect data on anyone stumbling on it, and so is the so called S.M.A.R.T. (Self monitor and reporting technology ) devices and grid.
personally I don’t even trust GSM, which in most cases is actually UMTS/UGPS mobile so called communication spying systems.
It seams obvious that in this insane time of government surveillance and civil rights supression, we shoul look for more traditional ways for organizing people in protests since in the real world, when you give the other cheek you get bitchslapped, is time to prepare for countermeasures
Any how Be hopeful, cause they are the few and we are the many.
Keep your spirit up and don’t let them drag you into their terror game.
“the web is a government design platform to collect data on anyone stumbling on it, and so is the so called S.M.A.R.T. (Self monitor and reporting technology ) devices and grid.”
It’s also been the greatest opportunity for humanity to educate itself in history.
Ho ye?
And look where it got you!
Here Something I like to point out.
When this so called pandemic came to Europe, here in Finland, country with the fewer recorded cases and supposed related deaths, there ware no masks to be bought any where.
This situation to my disbelief went on till late autumn.
Strange enough, was also that the first measure taken to protect people, beside signs and audio recordings in metro stations and shopping centers advising people to wash their hands, cover their mouth when coughing or sneezing, maintain some distance from others, and the implementation of plexiglas barriers in front of cash registers of shops and restaurants was the unusual locking of all front doors of buses and the stoping of the sell’s of bus tickets by the driver, sold as measure to protect the drivers.
Strange enough after a few days, also the back door of buses was being closed as well, forcing everyone to come in and out from the same door.
I immediately thought that this was some kind of attempt to force herd immunity an to tell you the truth I was thinking that this was going to get everybody sick, but to my surprise that did not happened.
On the contrary, seamed that people had actually developed a kind of herd immunity.
Only recently the government as advised the use of masks on public transportation, since then, the cases have jumped from 9400 of September, time in which no recommendation for wearing mask was issued, to around 17000 now.
Now, I heard that according to some virologist, those which had become infected and cured them selfs from the virus, are now carriers and through their breathing, distributers of their own antiviral resistance.
I would like to know if this is true and if so, why is this matter not being addressed by our virologists.
Montagnier postulates that it is even possible to transmit RNA/DNA info between two sealed environments. It is not a large jump at all to assume that we can transmit resistance to any disease to another. Kids do that in kindergarten, (stimulate and challenge each other’s immune systems) We share bio-information endlessly, even after death.
Yes thank you for sharing
I also heard the same thing, but would like to find and copy some text from credible sources.
If you have any links on this topic please post them.
With your seemingly natural but in fact loaded by MSM propaganda questions You are pushing yourself into logical dead-end if you accept premise that PCR test positive means that someone who tested positive is sick on COVID or that he will be sick in near future or is capable of making someone else sick I.e. is actively transmitting SC2 virus.
Those above conjectures are not true and have not been proved empirically to date. Even alleged causality between SC2 virus And COVID was not proven so far as after almost a year Koch postulates, that unequivocally determine existence of new disease, infectious or not, were not fulfilled.
in fact as living SC2 virus, if it exists, was not determined to cause Covid all the discussion about PPE, preventive measures, Spreading droplets, social distancing becomes a moot point. As far as up to date scientific facts are concerned (no new disease established) there is no reason to deviate from current WHO policies regarding all other pandemics in the past like flu Or SARS, namely no lockdowns, no social distancing no face masks.
That fact alone makes all the mass tested PCR positive healthy people automatically excluded from count of confirmed COVID clinical cases, THE COUNT that is used as justification of draconian and counterproductive policies adopted by governments. And hence It follows PCR cannot determine new cases or old cases implying alleged dynamics of pandemic growth as it can not determine any Clinical cases of COVID period.
Also the death count is being rigged administratively by abandoning long standing basic determination rules of cause of death by autopsy or even minimum requirement of prior to death hospital diagnosis of COVID as a reason for declaring COVID as a cause of death, resulting in pure insanity and fraud of counting all the people who were never sick but died 28 days after testing PCR positive that could never establish COVID clinical case, like it is in U.K. and NI.
CDC states that only 6% of all US deaths were Covid Deaths 94% died of other severe comorbidities. Which means that only 13k Covid deaths in US in comparison to 2019-2020 flu season of over 30 thousands dead. In Italy 12% died directly of Covid according to autopsy records.
Those empirical numbers proved unequivocally that government pursued bankrupt policies that Crippled public heath systems in their countries and resulted in preventable deaths of countless tens of thousands.
Only understanding of the about facts may give people tools for independent evaluation of severity and deadly authoritarian response to this pseudo “Pandemic” which would not have been declared by WHO before year 2000 according to old long determined scientific definition of pandemic.
Yes I know what you are talking about and agree with you that both the so called test and the count of supposed victims of the virus is totally wrong.
Problem is that in those countries now victim of draconian measures people are not even allowed to question authorities.
My question was to revive the thought that man is not only caring and spreading viruses, but also what protect us from them.
I also must think that if this so called virus does not actually exists, than what is going on must be a rehearsal for something real to come.
For this very reason, I have been advising people to arm them selfs with UVC technology which can protect us now and in the future from any real bacteriologic and viral threat.
UVC, is a technology which is deliberately being hidden, and I feel people need to be made aware of its existence so that they can understand how they are being played by their supposed health ministries, representatives and bu the WHO,
The purpose of social distancing, face masks and lockdown really has nothing to do with stopping a virus spreading. It has to do with maintaining the perception that people haven’t caught ‘it’ yet and that ‘it’ still poses a threat. There have been numerous large gatherings with no evidence of any impact. The whole thing is just a scam and if there was a virus I would rather see the “vulnerable” die quickly than put up with this bs but there isn’t a virus anyway.
The damage this is all doing far outweighs the supposed lives being saved which are basically sick people who have little hope of being helped by the allopaths anyway where as the harm is being inflicted on young people and healthy people. Nobody has any right to be doing any of this. If someone wants to isolate then get a proper gas mask to go shopping and leave everyone else alone. The whole notion of these old people thinking they can go in a restaurant and order everyone else to wear masks because of their supersititions and frailty is absurd. If they are worried they should not go to a restaurant. They should fuck off. The sooner they are dead the better if they want to carry on like that. If they want to get healthy then they should look for real help from healers not ‘vaccine’ pushers.
When you say ‘cases’ do you mean clinical symptoms of sickness?
No one else does.
I think of virus more like an email.
You don’t react to every email nor open every attachment or let then run executables.
Fear of infection is an active investment of belief in weakness and susceptibility that gives demonic power (fear) to an immune response.
Cases as in reported cases, I guess.
No one else does?
I don’t understand what you mean.
about email viruses I don’t share your paranoia, I personally use a good e mail account and I personally don’t shop on the net, don’t subscribe to on line pages of people I don’t know and don’t allow tracking, so I don’t get any spam or crap advertisement.
(Fear of infection is an active investment of belief in weakness and susceptibility that gives demonic power (fear) to an immune response.)
The term ‘cases’ is being used as a deceit. They are not cases of clinical disease, infection or infectivity. So I suggest that if you use the world you put it in ‘ ‘ so as to indicate it does not mean what it used to mean.
I used email as a metaphor for ‘virus’.
I assumed you have experience of receiving ’emails’ that can carry attachments that are code that can execute.
You also get software updates that operate somewhat similarly and SHOULD be trustworthy, as long as the software or system is not designed to operate at your expense – ie surveil you for state or corporate purposes.
Vaccines and medicines also SHOULD be trustworthy in their testing and provenance – unless they become a means to capture and control a revenue stream.
I think English is not your first language and I am sorry if communication is made difficult as a result. I hold MSM ‘news’ and political announcements to be spam and crap advertisement.
If I were paranoid I would not have shared ‘depth’ with you.
The covid cult are mistaken. A mask is defined as a toilet paper band round the head kind of like the karate kids wear.
UK Column News – 9th November 2020
The Cornwall nurse resigned on principle and revealed that on Oct 30, there were just three people in hospital with Covid-19. There had been just 76 Covid-related deaths over seven months.
See her speak:
Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust at first accused her of lying: “We are in the middle of a once in a lifetime pandemic and it is unacceptable for anybody to spread lies which could be harmful to someone’s health.”
The Trust’s director the next day confirmed what Tasker had said: that just 3 people were in intensive care with Covid, in a county of more than half a million people under lockdown.
UKC met with rudeness and hostility when it tried to speak to Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust. The Chief Executive would not speak because she was busy with her three Covid patients. The head of media simply insisted “there is a pandemic in this country and I am not prepared to argue with it about it”.
David Scott: that aggression comes from a feeling of powerlessness. This multi billion pound business, the ultimate authority on health in the county. One nurse stands up and blows the whistle. And the organization responds with an irrational outburst of aggression.
If the Trust was right it would simply have provided the correct figures. It did not, because Shelley Tasker is right.
Says he prefers to believe a Cornwall carer who recently blew the whistle and resigned.
Even UK statistics authority confirms “we have been deliberately misled”. He describes it as “all lies”. He attacks government rules like M&S can sell you a sandwich not a sock; you can sleep with your spouse but not play tennis.
Brian Gerrish: Littlejohn suffers cognitive dissonance. He knows something is very wrong but he insists on ascribing it to incompetence.
Powers to contain a potential second wave, low level court officials could destroy your property, if they deem the ‘virus’ is running out of control.
David Scott: This is a threat. We will issue fixed penalties. If you challenge us in court, we will bulldoze your property. This is to frighten people.
The communists did this in Poland when the Poles started publishing free market economic pamphlets attacking communism. Fines did not stop them so the authorities threatened to attack their logistics and crush their cars. Poles banded together to buy each other cars.
Gilad Atzmon: We’re all Palestinians now.
Brian Gerrish met with police officers who revealed training in Israel.
“I think the intention is to create Palestine here in the UK,” one of them said.
Version 1, Nov 6 – Parents told the Army “will be in school net week to test children.”
Parents given one morning to opt out – otherwise consent is assumed.
Version 2, Nov 8 – Consent will be explicitly sought from parents.
Results will be held at school and in track and trace database
Appended letter from Liverpool council that talks of consent* sending the asterisk* to the NHS website* where there is no clear definition of consent. *** Ha, ha, ha ***
David Scott: this is smoke. They are telling you there is another definition of consent but they are not providing it.
Age of 13 does allow consent without parental knowledge.
However under Covid decrees a doctor or the army medic may decide if a child is capable of giving consent.
All parents can do is make sure children are well informed in their own right.
In Angus in Scotland, 250 people have sought support in the past three months after suffering money worries and anxiety.
The people in the front line are raising the alarm. The councillors and political leadership just call for more state intervention. They avoid the obvious: they need to end the lockdown. SNP Councillors: “It would be career-ending to say that”.
David Scott: It is time to start saying the unsayable and damn your career.
Letter to UKC from person who told his company he refused a flu vaccine. The company followed by “instructing them to consent” to undertake weekly PCR testing. He went on to say the company is harassing them that he must submit to the rules. The implication being that if he does not submit, his job will be on the line.
Bilateral Digital Currency Payments and the Twilight of the Dollar
This mechanism could unleash a wave of inflation, prompting enthusiasm for digital currencies. However the one-two punch would also increase the velocity of money, creating far more inflation than they intended.
Sir John Cunliffe, from the Barclay’s bank families, the Bank for International Settlements,
Congress pushes Digital Dollar in another COVID-19 stimulus bill — latest bill proposes digital dollar wallets with a universal basic income of $2,000 a month financed by the issue of $2 billion in bitcoin.
David Scott: Once you are unable to survive without the state, you will have no freedom of action. The total amount of wealth will be centrally planned and won’t work as well as a free market system.
Me: This will see mass poverty. You will trade your freedom for the collapsing value of $2,000 that’ll be worth much less than today.
Google, Twitter and Facebook meet UK Gov censors.
Agree to “pull” content on gov’s say so.
David Scott: The problem at the heart of the government’s disinformation strategy is that it refuses to answer citizens’ doubts
BBC refuses to discuss vaccine doubters – so how can it change minds?
Who is pushing disinformation?
Two gov has already “pulled” its own winter Covid death forecast
The Behavioral Insight Unit openly discusses driving fear and setting citizens against each other.
Matt Hancock claimed vaccines are the most important health benefit after clean water. Can he substantiate that?
UK minister for Israel Dominic Raab congratulates Joe Biden on winning with “more votes than any candidate in history”.
The fact that the election is not finished is well known to governments and corrupt Washington Post insiders like Rosa Brooks of the Transition Integrity Project.
Trey Trainor, chair of the Federal Election Commission, has already said the Pennsylvania count will be challenged in the Supreme Court due to the exclusion of observers.
David Scott: The idea that Biden who could not draw a crowd, and had to pay a young man $400 to attend his victory celebration got more votes than Obama is incredible. Let alone the huge lumps of votes for Biden that swapped the lead over. It needs a proper investigation but I am not confident it will get one.
Links and further info under the YouTube link.
UK Column News – 9th November 2020
UK Column News – 9th November 2020
It was a good show (which I will point people to in my next blog post), and it furnished me with a couple dynamite excerpts, including the Shelley Tasker segment, but David Scott’s unthinking Conservatism was showing as they wrapped up. There was no need for him to slag Venezuela. I don’t trust Maduro at all since James Corbett revealed that he was flirting with China’s social credit system. But Venezuela is more than Maduro. And how can you not have some sympathy for countries that are targetted for regime change by the US and its allies? That’s a terrifying position for a people to find itself in.
One of the reasons the most successful countries in the world, France, are falling victim to the Covid scam more than any other, is perhaps because for decades they have had good government, a government they could trust, who have delivered all the goodies you could ever want.
That’s it exactly. The middle classes are more trusting too. They can’t believe their own governments would cause them harm.
Governments have mostly worked in their interests. They have given them one of the best health systems in the world, truly amazing public transport, the best support for small business, the best progressive tax system, some of the most vacation days. the best maternity leave the best support for families, best food safety, most transparent political system, etc….etc….. in one of the most beautiful countries in the world, which corporations have not been allowed to systematically trash their environment.
So for a French man to release a far-right neoliberal coup has happened in their country is going to take time. It took the British 40 years, since 1979 and they are still not clear what is happening. Last week, seemingly completely oblivious to the looting and destruction being reaped on their economy, french students protested unsafe schools and today equally idiotically, teachers are doing the same in a March in Paris, totally unhampered by police.
I doubt the French will need to wait 50 years, like the British to work out, they are being screwed and maybe through these protests they can further reduce class sizes, but what they are not doing is protesting the destruction of their economy, which is what they need to be doing.
There definitely is a pattern if you look at different country’s attitudes to the forthcoming vaccine – those that have had the perfidy of government most obviously demonstrated to them are those where there is most resistence to being vaccinated.
There is only one problem with the ‘virus’ argument. NO human virus has ever been isolated, purified, replicated or even seen with an electron microscope. At a German High Court hearing the vaccine companies could nor prove there was such a thing as the measles virus. The ‘virus’ scam relieves governments and taxpayers of $Billions and makes the vaccine companies amongst the richest of the world and able to give huge grants to ‘scientists’ who promote the virus scam.
Piers Morgan tweeting “Happy Vaccine Day”.
In the Shakespear play the Merchant of venice there is the vamous line:
“…This bond doth give thee here no jot of blood;
The words expressly are ‘a pound of flesh.’ “
If we apply this to the “vaccine” issue then conceding that something is a vaccine is like agreeing that there is a pound of flesh even if there is a drop of blood aswell. It is accepting their definitions which put them into a position of strength and exclude that the injection could be anything other than a vaccine.
No words..
Will the MSM talking-heads, politicians, civil servants, super rich and the powerful receive the same vaccines destined for everyone else?
Are they happy about the vaccine and its successors being tied to a future of immunity passports, signalling the end of private and spontaneous life under the guise of The Great Reset?
The Telegraph issues a fascistic threat for ‘anti-vaxxers’ to be criminalised
It feels like a war
Politicians and media pundits will get a different vaccine, or perhaps none, in return for pushing the narrative. That’s already happened.
Nicholas Rockefeller made an offer to Aaron Russo to “get on board” with the globalist project and he would live free, without the chips and surveillance doled out to the masses.
At the time Russo was running for governor of Nevada, and had just made a video “Mad as Hell”… Rockefeller approached Russo, eleven months before the attacks of September 11, 2001.
After turning down the offer Russo developed the famous “fast-acting cancer”.
More tellingly…
German politicians were offered a different vaccine to the mass of the population in 2009 Time: In Germany, a Better Vaccine for Politicians?,8599,1932366,00.html
Short version of Russo interview.
Full version here:
Russo explains how he was offered a “don’t touch” chip @ 31:00
“Rockefeller said: ‘What do you care about them – those people. What difference does it make to you? Take care of yourself. Do the best for yourself and your family. They are just serfs.’
It was cold. I said what is the point of this? You have all the money in the world. What is the end goal?
He said, ‘the end goal is to get everybody chipped, to control the whole of society.’
I said, do all the people on the Council for Foreign Relations feel this way?
No, he said, ‘most of them think they’re doing the right thing. A lot of them believe it’s better off being socialistic. We have to convince them socialism is really capitalism, because America is becoming a socialist country. Your chip will have KMA on it.’
I said what does KMA mean?
He said, ‘Kiss my ass. You show it to the police and they will leave you alone because you are one of us.’
KMA chip @ 39:00
“don’t touch” chip @ 31:00
“We have to convince them socialism is really capitalism.”
They succeeded as far as the overwhelming majority is concerned. The word Socialism, which refered to the worker’s movement against the private ownership of large means of production distribution and exchange aka Capitalism, and incommensurable with it, has been slowly drained of its original meaning. Today, the word really means state Capitalism because the countries calling themselves Socialists like China, Vietnam, etc. are IN FACT capitalistic because the means of production are at the exclusive discretion of the bureaucratic apparatus and not of the people.
So the choice supposedly between the two historically incommensurable paradigms is IN FACT no choice at all today. It’s a win/win for the same system. How clever!
The vaccines are not destined for me. They can kill me first.
This is a war, or soon will be.
Cenotaph remembrance called off this year because the gov’t wants their hoax to last a little longer. No christmas for you either. Police pushing around ex-servicemen who attended as though they were yobs isn’t going to end well. Sooner or later there will be the spark that ignites the flames.
Lots and lots of people are very angry.
Yep. I’m furious. I’m a good person but my life and my future has been destroyed, a friend has been suicidal. Tragedy everywhere. It’s a nightmare, indeed a war on us – the innocents. We cannot even breathe fresh air – a basic human right
Piers Morgan and Co should stand trial for crimes against humanity
Look at these two overpaid media clowns. Dumbed down and promoting the vaccine scam. These two poppy wearing shills represent all the dumb sheep who will gladly line up to be injected. Not once but throughout their lifetimes. The blackmail to endorse this lie is becoming more apparent by the day.
Are they dumbed-down though? Or do they know exactly what they’re doing?
If there actually is a vaccine in any form. Quite possibly it is all a ruse to keep a lid on public and business anger at the lockdown.
In this world, it’s actually not too difficult to become rich and famous: All you have to do is spend your entire life reading from a script and parroting slogans. If you have the stomach for it and are happy with a 100% fake existence, career and legacy, then yes, the [material] rewards will come to you.
Meanwhile, those I know who have real talent, brains and integrity are languishing at the bottom. By now, many forgot how to expect or demand anything from life.
He is a scumbag. He was chased out of town after this. Nobody will talk to him.
Pass the sick bag Alice.
The ‘Covid opposition’ media (talkradio) are pretending that a vaccine is a precious thing, that very few can get. They will be demanding it for everyone soon, like it is good for you.
But the basic truth will remain:
If Covid is NOT a threat to my health, then why would I take an untested vaccine that may be a serious threat to my health ?
A vaccine is by definition not a threat to your health but something that causes a antibody response. They do test them to see if they cause an antibody response which makes them safe and effective at being a vaccine. If you want to call it a vaccine then that is the sandbox you play in. You can huff and puff claiming it is harmful but a antibody response is what is considered to cause immunity and by definition not harmful. The government/ lawyers won’t give a shit what you are trying to say because they have you where they want you accepting their game/ using their words.
”A vaccine is by definition not a threat to your health”
Given the vaccine producers, have decided that there is a substantial risk, which they need protection from, via the law, that is an absurd thing to say. The vaccine producers are immune from prosecution from any vaccine damage, you don’t need to be very bright to understand why they did that.
If the producers are not prepared to carry the risks of their products, then I would advise everybody to avoid them. Having said that, I and big Pharma are very happy that you are prepared to be a drugs Guinea pig. I would love to inject or spray you myself and see what happens.
why do you bother commenting if you are going to completely ignore my post? If they are immune from prosecution then that confirms my point that calling the thing a vaccine is going to get us nowhere. Why do you wish to lure people into using this definition that facilitates immunity from prosecution by your own admission?
I don’t know how rare it is, but some vaccines can have iatrogenic effects, cause cytokene storms and the aluminum adjuvants can cause autoimmune issues in some. It begs the question – why have there been lawsuits against vaccine manufacturers and injury compensation schemes? (£60m for Swine Flu vaccine for brain damage.)
I’m not anti-vax but I am anti being told I can’t refuse one or question them. Let people choose for themselves.
I’m not keen on taking a vax for a virus that Chris Whitty said earlier in the year was harmless to the vast majority of people. A vaccine that’s been rushed and awarded indemnity. A vaccine tied to more vaccines and immunity passports. That’s deeply worrying.
The latest polio vax peddled by Gates caused polio
Aluminium is a poison known to cause brain damage. It is not an “adjuvant”.
It is also an additive in some cake mixes, frozen fish, antacids, etc. It may also cause bowel inflamation.
But in different forms it has different effects in different parts of the body/brain.
Most orally ingested aluminium is excreted.
The forms in vaccines can induce inflammation in the brain.
I agree that it is not a good practice to ingest aluminium.
But a much more insidious thing to be injected with.
And that aluminium has played no previous part in our environmental adaptation.
Would you allow yourself to be operated on by an indemnified surgeon?
Jody, could we ever ascertain that vaccines cause antibody response and nothing else? For every discovery Science makes, it ignores millions others. Don’t let ourselves be intimidated by the the jargon of the science if it plainly lacks common sense.
Did you know that no one showed scientifically how exactly drugs cure diseases? The only known thing is that particular drugs make specific symptoms vanish, and that is considered a cure. Well, here is how (common sense): symptoms are the reaction of the immune system trying to rid itself of something it had detected. The immune system is the force that brought us to life and is permanently doing what it takes to keep us so. It does not ask for our permission to do what it has to do, and what it has to do may produce nasty manifestations, aka symptoms, we are not accustomed to and that may be frightening; we can’t stand the presence of the symptoms, we consult a doctor and are prescribed a drug; we take the drug: our immune system detects the drug and considers it more urgent to rid the body from than to continue the intense symptom-producing work it is doing right now so most of our resources move toward the drug; the symptoms lessen; the drug itself do not produce symptoms we can see it feel, or its symptoms are not frightening; time passes, the cause of the original disease is dealt with in the background simultaneously with little resources so original symptoms diminish and we consider ourselves healing.
When we take a drug, our immune system deals with two situations instead of one, one more urgent that the other. We might say that the original disease is cured DESPITE the drug, not thanks to it.
So what a drug does in my view is to lessen the intensity of the symptoms not by removing the cause of the disease but by hijacking the resources of the immune system to another location.
So until Science shows how exactly a drug removes the cause of -cures- mild, localised diseases and proves that the immune system can’t do so on its own, no drug/vaccine for me.
And giving it to immunosuppressed people like me will kill us off lickety split, the last flu vax I had 15 years ago had a very wild reaction to the Crohn’s disease medication I take and I was sick for months.
Have you ever seen such forced smiles? Oh, sorry, yes I have. Last night on the respective BBC Newsnight and Sky News newspaper headline reviews. It was absolutely astonishing – four reviewers with completely unnatural smiles from ear to ear as they talked about the ‘vaccine miracle’. I thought to myself that they had to have been coerced into smiling like lunatics, and the Morgan/Reid picture above evokes the same thoughts.
There isn’t a vaccine ‘miracle’. There is a candidate vaccine utterly devoid of proper long-term international clinical trial follow-up data.
No-one who works in the media has a scintilla of scientific knowledge.
NEVER< EVER< EVER listen to the media on any matter of medical importance.
Especially not Covid19, vaccines nor the Great Reset.
The whole of the UK media has prostituted itself for 12 months and everyone working in it should be sacked forthwith.
There is no new virus discovery called SARS -Cov-2. There are only bits of random genetic material and proteins selected from samples and patched together into what virologists believe (but do not know) to be a viral form that is allegedly ‘ pathogenic ‘.
The point is, even if it is possible to isolate this alleged virus as pure particles it cannot be proven to be the cause and the only cause of all the signs and symptoms of what they have designated as Covid-19 as that would be a known FALLACY – a FALLACY not only of causal reductionism but also of essentialism. Why? It is because each specific infectious disease is always dependent on definite and specifiable conditions of existence that may vary between individuals and is not solely reducible to any single general principle of explanation such as an alleged pathogenic virus named SARS-Cov-2.
A Virologist is basically a bicolour which means a person who creates a bricolage and a bricolage is a construction of whatever materials that are at hand- bits and pieces of nucleic acid and proteins etc and patches them together into a viral form. Bingo! We have a deadly virus not.
Sorry for the typo Bricoleur is the word!
“all the signs and symptoms”
:- There are no definite signs and symptoms, just a growing and changing list – that even differs widely from one country to another.
:- There is no diagnosis by a doctor.
I never said there were any definite signs and symptoms that’s why I stated all the signs and symptoms. The idea that there is no doctor diagnosis is not entirely correct since doctors are Involved in addition to COVID tests. However, I do agree that there is a growing and changing list of symptoms that differs from the original symptoms described on the official websites such as NHS and the CDC that cannot be attributed to a virus such as SARS-COV-2.
The key question about whether government actions were ‘appropriate’ or not is this: FOR WHOM?
The current actions are absolutely perfect for megalomaniacs like Jeff Bezos, who is having all his SME competition shut down by government diktat, allowing him to expand, take on a high-street presence and generally turn a heartland SME ecosystem into a new closed-shop cartel of digital billionaires. It will allow him to threaten to starve the whole population if the government does not cave in to further demands in future, as he will not have any SME competitors offering alternative outlets (hint to youngsters: think about starting up SME businesses to compete with the Seattle Godfather: don’t try and compete with him, have local ethical sources and sell to local ethical people).
They are an absolute disaster to millions of honest SME owners, the natural electoral base for ‘the Conservative and Unionist Party’: not any longer they won’t be. Boris Johnson And Matthew Hancock have basically sliced 3 million plus off their potential supporter base and they won’t be getting them back any time soon. The test of your true colours is crisis and Johnson et al showed they couldn’t give a stuff for UK citizens, all they care about are psychopathic US billionaires. They may find that people judge them unfit to be their representatives in future….
They are a boon to the funny money public sector employees, the MSM ’employees’ who spout claptrap for a living and for all online traders who don’t have to travel to work. It’s absolutely marvellous for all those people.
Basically, what has been banned is socialising, shopping locally, eating out, going to the cinema, having family gatherings, running a hotel or B&B, organising sports clubs and social organisations, attending organised services of worship. Oh. And sex for the unattached, young and virile.
What has been eulogised is a life of PC-driven fantasy. A life of a monastic ascetic using the internet as an ersatz reality.
So all those folks who love that kind of life will be welcoming the current nonsense.
The tens of millions who have had their lives in effect ‘cancelled’ don’t count…..
The suffering you describe (removal of human connection) is designed so that we surrender and accept the World Economic Forum’s new terms for life. The destruction of the economy is about control ie. removal of cash, independent businesses etc
There’s a simple answer to folk like Bezos – it’s about 9mm in diameter and weighs a few grams. When placed appropriately it neutralizes the object of one’s frustration.
What we call industry is just one big ongoing collapse of both the natural world and humanity. Small is beautiful.
Just one comment: we keep repeating all the rational, scientific, common sense arguments to undermine the narrative and prove it false, we keep protesting, we keep making legal case after legal case, but the scenario is nonetheless relentlessly unfolded.
Possibly this is because those pulling the strings from behind not just do not care, but do not need to care: the following article is about a private corporation which controls our health in many countries. Whether or not they are among the ones who have purposefully brought this about, I leave it to the reader to conclude. It only state facts, each of them referenced. Possibly it explains why
protests, court cases, etc, are not having any effect.
Version adapted for some of the English speaking world from the French original more specifically about France:
(Coronavirus: Une agence américaine pilote la stratégie de la France). In France there is certainly conflict of interest.
Sorry it should be
I dont know where the last bit was added from!
This was an interesting article, hope. Thank you.
God God they are all incestuously related !
Thanks for the link .
A TV crew asked a passerby,
What is the real and chief reason for the decline of our country, ignorance or apathy?
The passerby : I don’t know, and, to tell you the truth, it doesn’t interest me.
Unfortunately, protests and court orders will have little effect because the political class in almost every country seems to have been either bought, coerced or blackmailed into implementing the globally coordinated demands to lockdown, impose restrictions and to destroy economies
I’m hoping that an asteroid will put us out of our misery
Don’t know about any asteroid – but would Starlink do?
Starlink currently stands at around 800 satellites. It may be that when they get to 1000 we’ll find out what “a thousand points of light” really meant.
Three is a big difference between the common law of We the people – which is the law of the land and the statutory instruments or rules of corporations that are called ‘law’s but are not, that is, unless we consent to them! Parliament is a corporation a business, the courts as they stand are registered as businesses that’s why there is no true justice and the whole system needs to be changed and run in accordance with common law principles.
Hi Hope
I raised the issue of repetition myself and also plead guilty of it because some things don’t appear to sink in with some people wrt science and it’s connection to viruses. Science by the way, has little to do with common sense and much to do with philosophy and metaphysics. Why? It is precisely because the so-called scientific method as it is currently defined is based on philosophical and metaphysical principles.
Legal cases are being made because of the downright fraud and deception that’s being imposed on people who believe most things they are being told by the authorities and obey without question. But you presumably know all this by now with all the arguments brought to bear on the subject.
Perhaps the main point to make, or should I say repeat is that if people fail to organize themselves in opposition to all this crap using the common law Court system it will be game over.
Sure science varies according to metaphysics. You need to first have a relation with the universe, before you can even have science. The relation between science and metaphysics is a complex one, and not just one-sided, a point I discuss in a book of mine to appear by January. Science is also a form of common sense, but one that goes beyond the superficial. It cannot condone dogmas.
Hope could you please expand on the last sentence of your reply as you have aroused my interest. Science you say “cannot condone dogmas” perhaps I have been reading the wrong books and scientific papers! For example, there is the central dogma in molecular biology regarding the flow of genetic information and Darwinism is also known as a dogma too but these tend to be upheld rather than condoned by mainstream science. It’s the bit about common sense going beyond the superficial that I am more interested to learn about.
Scientism is dogma, while science being based on reason founded on reproducible observation is not. My book is about the transformation of science into scientism, how it came about, and why. As for Darwinism Im not sure what you mean, simply biological evolution, or the explanation thereof. As for genes, like atoms, its our current way of explaining inheritance. Tomorrow possibly new concepts will replace these. Within their limitations, they’ve been to various extents satisfactory.
Science is the only form of knowledge that recognizes its own limitations, that we might totally change our vision at a later date because of new data or/and because of changing concepts and metaphysics. Whatever concepts you use, or whatever metaphysics existing theories are based on, if observation indicates they dont hold, you have to modify these concepts and metaphysics. At the same time, other non-scientific factors influence the evolution of metaphysics. And all this brings about scientific changes. This open ended processus goes on and on.
Science is more about leaving untruths behind, than finding any truths.
Leaving untruths behind does not mean you are getting any closer to truths in this infinite process.
Apart from inertia, most of the subversion of science is due to oligarchic corruption. Nothing complicated.
Marketisation and weaponisation – or possession and control.
The basis of this was set as a split mind long before science took over as the arbiter of truth.
I don’t hold for infinite process – but rather an infinite richness of question and answer, of idea and experience.
That invested illusion results in bolstered and many layered masking over a lack of substance is again not a new observation – but its technological reach is directly related to the investment in technological salvation.
To be ‘saved’ from deceit is to be actively discerning for dissonance and willing to question it. Wishful thinking overlooks dissonance when the immediate result serves a current fantasy given priority.
You stated that “Scientism is dogma, while science being based on reason founded on reproducible observation is not”. There are different definitions of scientism. Here’s one: “The view that the hard sciences – like chemistry, biology, physics,astronomy – provide the only genuine knowledge of reality” . Since both scientism and science have some basis in reason and on reproducible empirical observations of objects and phenomena and both lay claim to provide genuine knowledge of reality, then what’s the precise difference?
Experiments in chemistry, and the other sciences are all observable and are reproducible. Usually the so-called ‘scientific method ‘ is also based on empiricism as well as rationalism which are both epistemologies and scientism also involves epistemology and methodology which attempt to guarantee and validate the knowledge produced.
The problem is there can be no privileged levels of scientific discourse that the knowledge produced really is a genuine form of knowledge and not something else parading in the guide of knowledge.
If there’s say, a distinction between the concept ‘bird’ that doesn’t fly and the real bird that does fly,then both the precise character of the correspondence involved in a genuine knowledge and the conditions in which a genuine knowledge may be said to exist becomes problematic does it not?
So long as mainstream science fails to recognize objects and phenomena that are not physical but are still nevertheless ‘material’ and capable of producing physical effects there will be no significant progress in that department.
Yes reductionism to limited focus as if only what we can explain exists.
But the more current sense is masking in the forms and appearances of science.
Yes Binara
What we have at the moment is an appearance of science and a very deceptive and fraudulent one at that, insofar as pathogenic viruses are concerned.
There is an occult form of science that is many years ahead of mainstream science involving energetics bioenergetics. and psychoenergetics which most classical physicists can’t seem to comprehend because of their indoctrination at university. You don’t need any alleged pathogenic viruses to blame as vectors in disease causation. Diseases can now be caused psychotronically and by scalar electromagnetic means which happened with the US Embassy in Moscow when personnel became seriously ill over a period of time.
I hold to the recognition of resonance as the key to all things. The human mind has the capacity to co-construct deep deceits in which to be so well hidden under terror as to be beyond any belief or imagination of freedom, redemption or peace. There are times and places to be where you are where the disease and death happen, and there is the nature of being in your right place and timing.
If you only live what is truly yours and release what does not truly belong to you, you will only meet the life that is recognisably yours – and can embrace it as such.
The human mind is then a psyop in its role as a masking narrative against deeper fears we are as yet unready or unable to face, own or re-cognise at root, the underlying belief the conflict and its constellation represents.
Fear is a perversion of desire and as such attracts its fulfilment in the same power as does desire, by aligning in what we DONT want, and becoming fearfully defined.
You may have come across the idea of consent as the necessary condition for any experience – where that consent is given unconsciously or from a split mind that knows not what it does.
There is a ‘Greater Field’ in which we inhere that is unconditionally supportive of our freedom to experience our creations or miscreational denials. ‘Victim and victimiser’ are inextricably linked, and yet also fragmented in shifting entanglements that flip one to another. So if you override the lives of others, the debt will not be truly cast out or escaped by deceits that by their nature dispossess you, your debts stand between you and your peace or wholeness.
So what are we resonant with and therefor sharing correspondence and connection regardless time and space?
The intent to kill or possess others is the back door through which we are flagged to be targetted and exploited as we would do. Those who cannot own that their is hatred in their heart will mask in virtue so as to seek to evade what fear says will damn you, while guilt says that there can be no escape.
If something IS in your experience, you can always question the experience IF you are open to embracing it – as a relational energetic rather than a mental package of emotional reaction. Look to the purpose you are actively holding, for that is the determiner of your result, not conditions.
I don’t feel to catalogue malevolence without some contextual understanding. Fear is a dissonance within which all of its progeny can come through. The only freedom from fear is freely aligned purpose. In this free will is inviolate.
Let say Satan had the ‘tech’ to really lay into Job, such as generate conditions of persecution, and disaster, and yet he chose not to abandon an inner faith in God or Life – so as to at some point release the mind of mortal sense to apprehend the nature of the Infinite in All That Is – as Relational Communication or resonant recognition. While he was alive.
Remote healing is also open to a willingness to extend it – and receive in the measure of giving. But this means love extends a resonant recognition – and not a wishful sense of magical thinking. In any given moment, where are we attuned to? I don’t ask for answer here but that this checking in is part of being aligned in who we are and in our timing or synchronicity.
Hello -CO and pardon the intrusion.
I think with hope that Science, the thing properly called Science, is indeed the daughter of common sense which is the voice of our nature, our guts, whispering to us; and what is the Scientific object but the seeking of truth, the understanding of nature, that is Philosophy, and why should we want to understand nature if it isn’t because we’ve lost connection with, or became unconscious of our belonging to it. There is a nostalgia in all of us, a longing for something lost which tries to quench its thirst through the Scientific enquiry.
When you said that “science has little to do with common sense”, perhaps you meant: “the so called science, as being conducted, has little to do with common sense” because as conducted in most “respected temples”, it can’t properly be called Science because it claims to be sufficient without the human ingredient, and efforts to understand, have a connection with the whole (a natural tendency in Science to encompass all its branches into one “Theory of Everything”) cannot ignore any part of it (the human) without having an understanding not in tune with reality.
To give a concrete example, some doctors would give a patient having symptoms of a cold the choice between being patient during a week or two until the cold passes by itself, or take a pill to help it pass more quickly. The thought that a cold can pass by itself without artificial intervention is an expression of common sense. The doctors that automatically prescribe medication for everything believe somehow that the human body is incomplete, not perfect, that the processes of complete recovery from minor desequilibriums Science observes in other animals and plants don’t apply to it or very imperfectly, that is, the human being is somehow alien to nature. And one can see it clearly these days in people properly and carefully muzzled up, all very tidy and looking feverishly around to be sure no one is near them, as if suddenly the air has ceased to be fit for breathing, and as if they were on the verge of dying from something they presume is in the air, but that wasn’t there before. This behaviours, induced by the media, but not resisted by the general public, testify of how much alienated from ourselves and from our being part of this planet earth we have become, as if our journey on earth as a species had begun only yesterday so we must be careful of everything.
Through the millennia, our species has acquired a parallel, imagined life, beside our real life. Our ability to associate things that are not naturally associated has broken all limits. Other animals and plants reach only so far to satisfy their instinct and that’s it, they don’t look further. Our ancestors were able to associate in mind, wood, stone and plants to make arrows and bows for instance. From there on, our imagination has expanded since without limit and beyond our needs, but as it expanded, our conscience of being part of the universe has shrunken, till the point of perceiving ourselves as strangers on this earth. There began our thirst to understand nature because it was perceived separate from ourselves, always bit by bit, hoping that one day by uniting the bits we may understand the whole, but a whole as an object separaste from us.
Now that movement of enquiry of nature has acquired a life of its own and its only object is to reproduce itself, as Marx would have said, and in the official circles, those with influence and media exposure, the objective is to try to understand localised phenomena through the knowledge of other localised phenomena, always in a divisive manner, giving up the understanding of the human being in its connection with everything else, as was the initial purpose of Philosophy. There was literally psychologists and psychiatrists stating publicly that they don’t intent understanding what depression is for instance and why such and such person suffer from it but they only see a collection of symptoms to be gotten rid of. This whole movement has become an ideology, a progress-worshipping ideology, but progress is an ambiguous word, it means a step forward, but, as philosopher Jean-Claude Michéa stated brilliantly in his critique of Liberalism, not every step forward is a step in the right direction. Nevertheless, as a symptom of our disconnection from our humanity, we blindly worship progress that pretends to give us meaning, so much so that, in policy making, the fruits of progress and scientific discoveries have become “diktats” far above the human that created them but, how ironic, presumably at the service of the human.
CR, you are welcome to intrude anytime as you put it. I agree with much of what you are saying. However, when it comes down to common sense that to is a methodological criterion for the validation of a certain form of knowledge.
The desk before me according to my senses is solid but without its concept I wouldn’t know it was a desk. But according to science and quantum physics it consists of packets of standing waves – particles of condensed aether or energy that we call matter.
When the weather is freezing cold my senses inform me that that the wooden handle of my garden spade feels warmer than the metal part but science tells me that they are both nevertheless at the same temperature!I
So, common sense is ok and practical up to a point but it can also be very deceptive. Science has little to do with common sense in that respect. there are other problems with it too as you indicate.
We have indeed become alienated from nature in many different ways that I need not go into here. Since the body has the capacity to heal itself in many cases I would say that it is our instinctive intelligence which tells us that is so, or you may call it our intuition which has now also become known as a form of common sense.
-CO, completely agree with you that our perceptions, impressions and sensations are sometimes deceiving and it is precisely because of that as you say that we dig deeper into things. But I wasn’t referring particularly to our perceptions of things, rather to that insight that we all have and that makes us judge of things as making good sense or not, in tune with basic wisdom or not. It is exactly what you mention in the last paragraph. A few examples of situations defying common sense:
-Planet earth is able to feed and shelter every single human being born onto it and yet there are communities suffering hunger and homelessness;
-common sense tells me that, being born onto the earth carries with it the necessary consequence of having to be at liberty of enjoying its fruits; this however is not the case for no one (almost);
-We are the only species that strives in the creation, perfection and actual use in wars of the means of its own destruction along with the whole planet, making bombs and missiles and using nuclear energy to that end; this is beyond defying common sense, it is sheer madness;
-So called scientists and doctors dictate to every one of us, through thousands of miles of distance, without knowing nothing about our age, health, habits, diet, etc, that we should wear a mask, behave like a paranoid lunatic, and keep home for months and months (???);
-People accepting to be dictated to from thousands of miles of distance;
-So called doctors prescribing pills for every little discomfort; then other pills to manage the side-effects of the first pills and so on, ad infinitum;
-Actively trying to avoid diseases to the point of making oneself actually sick, by staying away from fresh air and sunshine;
-Not seeing that cooperation is better than fierce win/lose competition.
And when I try to go back to the source of all of this I find the “good” old system we are living under for centuries, Capitalism, because it makes our strongest drive, survival, satisfy itself through the artificial way of the alienating, uncertain, anxiety producing monetary and wage systems, instead of the natural, direct and placid satisfaction through free enjoyment of the fruits of the earth.
Hi CR, here’s some food for thought. In your reply you mention being “born on the earth” – the Earth is actually an anagram of the Aether also k known as the Akasha. This relates to a time when the Earth consisted of an energy substance that was much finer and less dense than current physical matter-energy.
Mainstream scientists don’t even know what energy is – it is certainly not the ‘ capacity to perform work’ and although that may be useful, it’s not a definition of energy. They don’t know because energy relates to the quantum vacuum and to the ether – the lowest grade of the Aether or Akasha, which is also the cosmic storehouse of each and every archetypal form of everything that ever was, is, and ever shall be in an endless periodical process of becoming. There’s no empty space either, it’s just another illusion of our senses!
There was no ridiculous Big Bang to start this process because the process itself is eternal, always has been and always will be. Have you ever wondered why there is no mention of involution in Darwinism? As far as I am aware Darwinists don’t go there – no involved or latent potential form whether mineral, viral, plant, animal , human etc can evolve or become manifest in this physical Earth that does not have its archetypal basis in a previous cycle of development. Thus, there is no absolute beginnings or endings to this process only relative periods of activity and rest. All present forms will eventually disappear and will be replaced by others as they always have been in the past in accordance with this eternal periodical Law.
-CO, what you’re saying in other words is that all that exists is this eather which is in perpetual transformation, condensations here, dispersions there; forms becoming sensible here and “disappearing” there in a perpetual flow; that the diversity of these manifestations is only superficial (hence your observation about common sense – first impressions – not being sufficient to achieve knowledge of truth) because any particular manifestation contains the seeds to make it evolve or involve into any other manifestation. This imply that there is no particular direction the movement of existence is heading to; it’s cyclic not linear.
That makes sense if we agree that laws of nature are everywhere the same; we can observe cyclic movement in our daily life and in the natural phenomena. If I remember correctly, the theory of Big Bang, has been adopted in base of the observation of the expansion of the universe and it predicted that life on earth would end by freezing. So in retrospective, the scientists assumed that the universe “started” from a contracted “atom”. This contradicts the cyclic perpetual movement theory, which is in tune with our daily experience and natural phenomena and it is strange that the Big Bang theory being at odds with these was adopted in the first place.
Perhaps it’s because our Western way of thinking linearly, can’t internalise the idea of a phenomenon not having a beginning and whose perpetual movement isn’t directed towards an end. This is reflected in our linear conception of time for instance (years in increasing sequence with a zero point) to the difference of the ancient cultures which have cyclic calendars (traditional Chinese calendar for example).
And this is reflected also in Darwinism, as you say, which doesn’t recognize involution or cyclical movement, just evolution; more and more adaptation to the environment; constant improvement in abilities to survive always in the same direction. That also is reflected in the ideology of Progress mentioned above, which believes that today is better than yesterday and tomorrow better than today; that there is sense to the movement of history; that human existence must necessarily evolve in a certain direction towards its supposed perfection. This ideology doesn’t recognize an immutable principle around which, in cycles, humans move forth and back, up and down.
This ideology of progress, is exactly what defines the way of thinking of the Left; it doesn’t recognize a sacred essence to Human beings (e.g. trying to normalize human-mutilating-and-disfiguring masks); and only considers him to the extent of being carried in that linear movement.