WAKE UP, LIBERALS! American Voters Are Smarter Than You Are
Michael Lesher
Ever since Election Day, the self-righteous hate parade has been marching its way across liberal media.
Too much support for Donald Trump!
Even amid general declarations of a Biden victory, liberal angst – and snobbish posturing – darken nearly every op-ed, “news analysis,” social media post and Twitter storm in which the Right Thinkers pontificate about the election returns.
And their message is always pretty much the same: too many Americans just don’t get it. Even after months of patient lectures from Right Thinkers, assuring us all that Donald Trump is personally responsible for every American evil from slavery to the latest respiratory virus, tens of millions of the dumb clucks actually voted for him! Whatever is the world coming to?
Well, trust the liberals to have an answer ready. If substantial majorities in dozens of states across the nation still prefer The Donald to Jolly Joe, it can only mean one thing: Americans are no good.
“[T]he outsize support Trump has continued to receive exposes America’s ‘soul’ for what it is,” lamented Andre M. Perry for the Brookings Institution the morning after the election. Brittney Cooper, a professor at Rutgers University, intoned on the same day – before many of the ballots had even been counted! – that “Donald Trump is the fault of white people. His rise is a direct result of white people’s collective rejection of the progress that the Obama era signaled.” In an equally vindictive temper, the Boston Globe cited “Black voters” who found widespread support for Trump to be proof of “the country’s failure to decisively reject racist policy,” a phenomenon they found “disappointing but not surprising.”
And so it went.
Now, if you yourself are one of those liberals who celebrated the Biden campaign as a “battle for the nation’s soul” (to borrow the old plagiarist’s own saccharine phrase), and if you’ve stumbled onto this column on your way to the more flattering and insular world of the New York Times editorial page, please allow me just a few words before you go.
No, I did not vote for Donald Trump. But I did expect him to poll even more successfully than he actually did this time around. And my reasons had precious little to do with liberal virtue-signaling.
Because the real secret of Trump’s popularity isn’t any of the things liberals are moaning about from their agenda-setting cenacles. What drives the Trump phenomenon is the hypocritical refusal of those same liberals to recognize, let alone to confess, the extent of their betrayal of American working people – and their inability to hear the public’s fury even when it’s shouted at them by millions of voices at a time.
Shall I prove it?
Do you claim to revile Trump’s racism, Mr. Liberal? Then why did you insist on nominating, as the antidote to him, a man whose first great political project was to fight racial desegregation, who went out of his way to praise Strom Thurmond – Mr. “Massive Resistance” himself – for sending lots of black people to prison, and who consistently supported a program of mass incarceration aimed primarily at minorities?
Did you find Trump “divisive”? Then why did you cheer from the sidelines as your counterparts in Great Britain smeared and demonized the most stubbornly non-discriminatory politician in recent history (Jeremy Corbyn), and nod approvingly when liberal pundits applied the “racist” label to supporters of Bernie Sanders here in the U.S., simply because he happens to be a white male?
You say you hate Trump for attacking the “free press”? Well, where has the vaunted liberal establishment been throughout the persecution of Julian Assange – the worst attack on press freedom in decades? Where was that establishment’s respect for honest journalism while, for three years, it screamed its support for Russiagate, probably the silliest conspiracy theory in recent Washington history, and vilified skeptics as everything from agents of the Kremlin to closet Trumpists?
Yes, you say there are questions of “character” at stake. And you claim to be horrified at the allegations of sexual harassment Trump has collected over the years. But do you remember what happened when Tara Reade publicized similar accusations against Joe Biden? The liberal media had a field day excoriating her, questioning her motives, impugning her character; and Biden walked away unscathed, even nabbing the “proud and excited” endorsement of the feckless National Organization for Women. So much for “character.”
Trump, you add, is “authoritarian”? Maybe so. But what do you call the police state tactics unleashed by more than forty state governors – and celebrated by the Democratic Party leadership – that have included suspending legislatures, quashing civil liberties, ruling by “emergency” decrees and confining huge numbers of people in what amounts to house arrest? What have liberals done to oppose this massive attack on democracy? They’ve done nothing.
Yes, they did speak up when protesters objected to the theft of their rights: they called them right-wing lunatics and enemies of science. Why wasn’t such contempt for political dissent an example of “authoritarianism”? Could it be because Trump didn’t say it?
And wasn’t it those same liberals who proved their attachment to democracy by sabotaging the Bernie Sanders campaign – once it began to look as though he might actually emerge from the primaries as the front-runner? Did any liberals protest when Democratic Party leaders bullied each of the contenders to drop out of the race to ensure that the notably unpopular Biden would be the only available alternative to Trump? Isn’t it an “authoritarian” political structure that dictates to the voters what their choices are, instead of letting the public decide for itself?
Ah, but Trump professed too close a relationship to Russia to be fully trusted – is that it? Yet Joe Biden has boasted of his fealty to Israel – a state whose meddling in American politics makes other countries look like amateurs by comparison. And not a single establishment liberal or mainstream media outlet that I can think of accused him of disloyalty for taking such a stand.
I know, I know. In good liberal circles, one doesn’t mention such things. Joe Biden is the Democratic Party establishment’s chosen messiah to save the world from the Orange-Haired Menace. So we mustn’t even notice his incorrigible lying, his rotten political history, his obvious disdain for political dissent, his equally obvious mental decline – not even his choice of an unprincipled civil rights buster and police-violence enabler as a “progressive” running mate.
But while liberals may manage not to see the obvious, they haven’t succeeded in blinding the entire American electorate. And so, unsurprisingly, the voters are behaving more sensibly than the pundits who sanctimoniously chastise them. They have looked at the real Joe Biden, and they have had the inevitable, natural reaction.
You liberals would have done the same – if you’d been half as honest.
“Our age is indeed the age of the intellectual organization of political hatreds,” wrote Julien Benda in The Treason of the Intellectuals barely a century ago. Just as Republicans have used the 2020 campaign to smear all opponents as dangerous subversives, the Democrats have made a Trumpless White House an end that justifies any means – including media censorship, economic blackmail, and a full-throttle assault on civil liberties under the pretext of protecting the nation’s “health” – while simultaneously rejecting their own voters’ demands for Medicare for All.
And all this has been spiced with hypocrisy rank enough to have embarrassed Tartuffe himself – as the Democrats pose as the enemies of “hate” while execrating every voter who can’t swallow their bilge as either a racist, an idiot, a Nazi sympathizer or a potential mass murderer.
“I feel like leaving this country,” wrote one liberal I know on Facebook, deploring an America in which so many people could still cast ballots for The Donald.
And I want to tell him: you are mistaken, my friend. You and your fellow liberals aren’t just on the brink of leaving the country. You turned your back on its people a long time ago.
And if you don’t know that, they do.
Better awaken – and soon. Otherwise, by the time you finally start caring about the people you never bothered to think of as your equals, they may not be in any mood to listen to you.
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I cannot put into words the peace and relief that I have gotten knowing that in the American 2020 election there was no fraud or illegal votes cast in any state or county or voter precinct. That this election which was so important to everyone straightened up and rejected their evil desires to insert bias into our elections and make this one the most honest election ever had in the U.S. My confidence is restored in human kind. BravoSierra!!
Just in case you didn’t know, voting machine issues have been a feature of American politics since they were introduced, but for some reason not really picked up by MSM (I wonder why).
I first became aware of this by a book Bev Harris in early 2004, she now runs a website called https://blackboxvoting.org/.
Her book is free to download on the website.
Americans are starting to realize there is only one party, it serves the super wealthy, it has two tentacles: the Democratic and the Republican. Both are channels to bamboozle Americans. We need a truly independent major new party: https://peoplesparty.org/
And this is the WSWS. Quite how you stop a conspiracy while adhering religiously to lockdowns is never explained. Perhaps they think you can do it via the keyboard but Internet consumer though I am, it has its definite limits.
Trump needs to put on his big boy pants, accept the result of the election, and just shut the f**k up.
Even if he was voted out by 200 year old dead people.
They deserve to have their votes counted as well.
After all, that’s what the democrats did in 2016.
They just responded in a dignified fashion, congratulated, the newly elected president, and treated him with all the respect due to his office.
For heaven’s sake, it’s not as if they organised huge violent demonstrations in dozens of cities, attacking police, looting and burning down buildings.
Or trying to impeach him before he even took office.
Trump needs to follow the fine example set by the democrats in 2016.
Trumps gonna win, I put some more money on betfair, the odds are dropping every day.
Nobody was a senile pedofile in the shite house.
ahh. finally we can return to a calm decent fascism…
US Election Crises InfoKit/
Stop The Steal Nationwide Caravan Movement- Watch and Join
Stop the Steal was banished by Facebook and you can’t find it on Google, but its going state to state and culminating in a rally in Washington DC on Saturday when Trump will announce the results at that time of the many election battleground state legal challenges and recounts ongoing right now.
Trump’s moves to replace the Sec of Defense and fire some other Deep Staters recently show a commander readying for the Battle of the Beauracracy to come.
worldchangebrief’s InfoKit gives you a few key outlets to use during this important time with breaking news at any hour – cause my 24 hour news site simply cannot keep up! Plus the link to Stop The Steal Headquarters and updates, and a great new folk song.
Take heart, when its time to fight, you know the Americans are the allies to have. ; )
“Liberals” are already going into hibernation mode, just like they did during of the 8 years of Barack ‘The Terrorist‘ Obama.
How I feel about this election……..
I have no desire to “mix” with people I know to be liberal.
I view view them all as traitors. Family and all…
*The Modifier “Far” may be applied to #1 or #2 according to one’s orientation relative to any given specimen of either
I would add at the end of point 4. ” yet an enabler of both”!
(I was thinking of the famed Liberal disingenuousness, on such matters, as their “just do it behind my back and spare me the details” kind of enabling: them being “uncomfortable” talking explicitly about War and Slavery, under BHO, or when HRC was running for office, for example, I experienced many, many times)
More a US thing than a European one.
After 30 years in Germany, it seems to me that those definitions fit fairly well here, too. If you use updated/nuanced definitions for both “war” and “slavery,” I think it’s spot-on re: “Right” vs “Left”. And the “Kinder, Gentler” (post-Clinton/ Blairite “Third Way”) crypto-Right Wing is not a local phenomenon, is it? If Idi Amin had given a few “Sustainability” speeches and appointed a female AG, he’d probably still be in power.
I know plenty of (middle aged, middle class) German Liberals and they’re remarkably similar to the (middle aged, middle class) American Liberals I know… (the chief difference being that the Americans, generally, didn’t study Latin grammar in middle school). The UK’s rigid and precipitously stacked class system is far more out in the open than its equivalents in either the US or Germany, so that’s probably where the secondary and tertiary definitions distort, somewhat, but the notion of New Labour as a crypto-Right Wing force in UK politics can’t be far off.
The post-Sunstein world of psycho-semantic mindgames has got everything nicely muddled by shuffling all the old labels. And by tacking on false attributes, here and there (how can Donald Trump or Joe Biden possibly be anything other than Rabid Capitalists?), to players and movements we formerly had little difficulty identifying, they’ve got us struggling in chaos, and seeking false allies. Chaos hurts us more than it hurts TFIC, who can drive right over it all in tanks when they choose. For us on foot, with our bows and arrows, I think, clarity is vital.
*The Modifier “Far” may be applied to #1 or #2 according to one’s orientation relative to any given specimen of either.”
What? Who says….
I ask you to define “far right” and you don’t -but add some sort of unintelligible rider.
However your definition of “right” is preposterous enough. So let’s leave it there…
Oh do shut up.
Define right wing yourself! Near and far! I bet it’s all freedom freedom and freedom yet none of your right wing groups have bee been for freedom but there own specific freedom. I can describe right wing: anti Historical progress, anti truth, anti anyone mocking there religion everyone else However is fair game, you’re pro war except when you’re losing like right now, anti working class, pro elites (until recently and That will change back to normal eventually) pro CIA propaganda anti anyone criticising them or there country, very pro there own nation but extremely anti there own people
He has a very good point of this all https://www.bitchute.com/video/Z4JfAPOuvUWz/
Off Piste I know, but: has anyone done a detailed think-piece on the video FX they seem to use on Trump’s hair whenever he’s televised? Full disclosure: I don’t bother to watch many political speeches… I haven’t watched Trump often… but whenever I have, his hair is blurred with some kind of algorithm that tracks the hair to cover Trump’s movements. Is this a discussion I’ve missed?
Is this it
Donald Trump Jr: “Declassify Everything”….
by Tyler Durden Mon, 11/09/2020 (zerohedge)
„If we assume the scale of unconstitutional conduct has become systemic, that likely answers the questions. Personally, I believe this is the most likely scenario.
“Likely” meaning the entire apparatus, DOJ, FBI, Legislative Oversight and the Intelligence Community (IC), is now so enmeshed within this corrupt out-of-control state that no-one, even the good guys, is willing to expose it because the institutional collapse would be devastating.
This is what I would call the Biggest of the Big Ugly.
I have previously outlined a pre-election process for President Trump to declassify information that would lay the system naked to We The People.
However, I don’t think post-election this will work, because the executive branch cabinet officers will refuse to support it. The enemies inside the gate will protect DC. „
As the saying goes: attack is the best form of defence, however
Jared Kushner, also called „the quiet fixer“ said to be the favoured son-in-law of Donald Trump might not like this strategy to much.We´see…
There seems to be lots of cancel culture trolls aiding and abetting the great reset…
They have been with us since I was a child.
Now, in my old age, I recognize them instantly.
Con men always want to cancel culture, because culture reveals everything they do.
A battle for the nation’s soul? The US of A’s soul has been fucked from day one. A country bathed in the blood of its original inhabitants, and perpetually at war with itself and the rest of the world.
There’s a Hopi prophecy which says that they will ”see America come and go.” The USA is circling the drain…
The article forgot to mention that Biden’s ancestors were slave owners, which is the ultimate sin in this BLM age. I posted this info before the election in the on-guardian, including the link to the snopes.com fact-check, but the comment didn’t last very long.
You are here: Domov World Joe Biden a descendant of slaveowners Search … Joe Biden a descendant of slaveowners Tuesday, 13 October 2020 17:39Written by J.S., V4 AgencyComments:0 Comments Joe Biden. (Photo: V4 Agency) Joe Biden. (Photo: V4 Agency) Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden has made several statements in recent years that can be seen as racist. The use of ambiguous language seems to be rooted in the former vice president’s family. According to recently released documents, some ancestors of the politician were slaveholders. Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden’s racist comments during an interview this May have triggered a huge scandal across the United States. Biden said “if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.” Ironically, reporter Charlamagne tha God – co-host of The Breakfast Club, a popular radio show – happens to be black. This was not the first time that Biden, Barack Obama’s vice president, has made statements with racist and even white supremacist overtones. At an event in 2019 he said “we have this notion that somehow if you are poor, you cannot do it. Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids.” Following the speech, his campaign staff published a statement in an attempt to explain what Biden was saying. In 2012, when Mitt Romney was Barack Obama’s challenger for the presidency, Biden told a crowd of mostly African American people at a campaign event that the Republican candidate would “put you all back in chains.” In 2017, he made derogatory comments about Barack Obama himself. “You got the first… sort of… mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and nice-looking guy. I mean that’s a storybook, man.” The leftist press in the US tends to sweep these statements under… Read more »
Coming from a slave-owning family is relevant if your attitudes haven’t changed.
It is something I am aware of as my family was a big employer of indentured labourers in South Africa and they were treated badly enough that the issue was raised in the British parliament and was the subject of a commission in 1906.
Biden certainly shows cast iron insensitivity while being kinda proud and aggressive – while making light of other people’s issues.
Leftist press in America? Pfffft what left wing press? CNN? Wildly anti communist and anti socialist massively pro neoliberals economics. And msndnc is also pro war pro neoliberal economics and definitely not left wing. Center? Yes. Verging on Left of Center? Yes. Left wing? Only by yank standards and those are standards no one with a brain wants
It’s not important.
Many admirable German people today had ancestors who took part in something horrible not so very long ago, but it would be wrong to stick a label on them.
Physical characteristics are, of course, inherited, but souls are not.
For example, Mozart’s amazing musicality extended well beyond the bounds of his father’s conventional outlook, but they were both successful court musicians. This is clear from Mozart’s letters to his father, as well as from his astonishing grasp of the spiritual nature of music, which any lover of his music can verify.
If we are honest with ourselves, we, too, already know that we are not the same thing as our father or mother, however close we might feel to them.
But of course these things don’t only work one way, and progress is not always in an upward direction:
Being a slave owner many generations ago, when all your friends and neighbours were also slave owners, is not quite the same as living in the 21st Century and wanting to change a free nation into a nation of slaves.
That’s just not nice, Mr. Biden.
Normally, it wouldn’t be important. But it is no less significant than the monuments and statues which have been destroyed because of their slavery links.
Collective (German) guilt, as indeed any woke guilt thesis, is really inverted Nazi “Sippenhaft”.National-socialism was all about collective guilt of a perceived enemy.They even had a name for it „Sippenhaft“, in the meaning of kin liability, or fig. guilt by association.
I know of quite a few Americans who feel “white shame” towards the Native American genocide, as I know many German-Austrians who feel deep shame about our nations deep dark past.
However, having grown up at the crossroads of three countries, I once, as a little girl, knew of a very old man living in a border town of whom was said he was a dyed in the wool unrepented Nazi. He was a Dutchman and for all I know he must be dead by now.
On the other hand, to feel pride of geniuses of the past is deeply rooted in
in tribal thinking, although they truly belong to humanity.
Silly as it is, it´s part of what´s being a Mensch.
Even tone deaf Austrians take great pride in their Mozart while at the same time they keep on blaming Germans for their Hitler, when in fact it is the other way around-) as it is with Biden who blames Trump for destroing American democracy.
Human beings are tribal and territorial. It is evil and grotesque to pretend otherwise.
I’ve had this discussion with many Germans, in Berlin, and my point is always that “collective guilt” (at a remove of generations) is ridiculous and unfair BUT the collective responsibility, of the national culture, is to understand what happened, and how it happened… in order to avoid it happening again. “Guilt” is both corrosive and incredibly easy; Responsibility involves a little hard work.
I’ll never forget being in a Berlin bar in 1990 with a 30-year.-old German musician… a proto-Hipster… who said, with a little chuckle, in reference to a mutual acquaintance, “He’s a real Jew: all he cares about is the money!” I was more naive in those days and got goosebumps.
And when Rwanda was happening and CNN (or some channel) was showing unadulterated footage of bodies bobbing in a thick jumble down a blood-red stream, which was playing on a TV in the background of a little party I was attending, a college student observed, casually, “At least the Nazis were scientific in their killing… this is too savage…”
We could get into the neutronium-dense antisemitism of Luther; we could address the crypto-Supremacy implicit in Hegel/Heidegger’s Dasein (which was, btw, for you trivia fans, sent up rather effectively in Ashby’s Being There)… but the truth is that no discussion of German Responsibility to critique and exorcise The Near-Past would be complete (or fair) without involving the Fodderland’s American (banker) enablers. Too complicated for one comment.
Arent you just playing into the same culture war game by doing that
I’m glad you wrote this. It needs saying.
After 8 years of working with Democrats concerning war and govt. spying/attacks of the rights of all people, I was completely taken off guard when Obama was being put in place. I thought Democrats were serious about opposing war and being pro civil and human rights. They weren’t.
It was weird because it was like a light switch. These things no longer mattered. And things just kept getting worse.
There is only one remedy and that is to have an ethical mind, heart and spirit. That makes it more difficult to “turn” people using propaganda and group pressure.
Totalitarianism works when too many people have no internal ethics and no longer value human rights. We need to turn this around fast.
well observed
Indeed so.
Also, the fact that many people have no internal ethics is not coincidental.
The gradual erosion of decent education, including the classics at university, general religious studies in school and marginalization of the arts to a freakish phenomenon on the fringes of society – all that has undermined the feeling for, the instinct for ethics.
The weapon used by the dull-witted to accomplish their goal of making everybody dull-witted (so that they won’t feel so alone…) is that of trying to make the more aware people feel that they are somehow peculiar, that they don’t ‘fit in’, and that their moral ideas are not ‘in fashion’ any more.
The sort of wisdom which has endured in religious and philosophic texts for many centuries is simply ignored by them.
It’s an effective strategy, but it is no more mature than the tactics used by schoolyard bullies, who always go for the boy who is different in some way – in any way.
The classics you say? Isn’t that just irrelevant old white men reveling in their white supremacy? Not needed in the 21st Century….
Suggest you read the essays of the French philosopher Montaigne, or those of Bertrand Russell, and then tell me these are just irrelevant old white men.
Bertrand Russell is rather a poor target for admiration, on the other hand, in that he was a crusading proponent of eugenics (being an ideological forerunner of the Bill Gates types of our era) and belonged to the periphery of what I’d have to call The Farmer Class (defined in contrast to The Cattle Class, to which we all belong). Also, whenever BR is mentioned, I can’t help thinking of his psychotic protege (catamite?) Wittgenstein, who once beat a child (his student) to death for being “stupid” (“Der Vorfall Haidbauer”).
“There is only one remedy and that is to have an ethical mind, heart and spirit. That makes it more difficult to “turn” people using propaganda and group pressure.”
The Democrat/Republican representatives have such a lack of empathy that morality is invisible. And their voters seem to either lack moral clarity, or are just like them. Your remedy is perfect:)
Very well said💗
We need the multiracial working class to recognize its common interests, and use everything it has at its disposal to defend those interests.
While it’s pretty far from the type of organization I would have built, the Movement for a People’s Party exists, it’s growing, it will be holding a founding conference in 2021 to vote on its platform, among other things. I’m supporting it so long as I can see it as a vehicle of the multiracial working class.
Culture is downstream of race. Culture always trumps class. Even Malcolm X knew that. No “multiracial” ANYTHING has common interests, nor can it, even in theory.
One thing I would in all humbleness recomend the Trump team to do is go forward and say that, anyone whom have rock solid profs, copys or originals, stolen or not, witch unquestionaly and without doubt shows whom is behind this, how they did it and so on, since this will go to cort, and anyone whom comes forth will be given amnesti, and protected from fruther prosecution, because, regarding any nation, this is an serious crime, its not something you can shuffle under the carpet, and it also have an vide range of implications, since even some of the people in the so called DNC is already stated they will hunt down anyone whom have suported Trump. Give em an time line, like next friday, if not, then they must be prepared to be dragged into the law suit and given the attention in the cort, to their crime, and there is nothing called “we did that because we where told to do so”, that in this level of crime dont exists, this is treason, and usualy on an state level, it also is punishable with an capital one, aka infront of an firing squad. I can hate and despise an enemy, even respect them, because they are in the open, but never an traitor, nor turn coats, like Putin/Russia is as we speak, sold out Armenians and NK to the Turdians, the happy head chopping ISIS, suported by them all incl, Russia. ISISrael/NATO, again like in Syria, Libya, and I am grateful, for been witnessing this, because it removed any doubt about. what are the Russians, I am a bit qurious why its so quiet, the hate propaganda against the Armenian was staggering along with the lies about NK, witch reminds me about Libya, even the usualy Putin… Read more »
Your last sentence and your last word are in conflict.
If Russia is responsible for everything in the US then they are behind Biden’s win.
They are! Mikael just said so – I think…
But since this time it favors the DNC that’s OK!
An article that is flawed right from the first sentence. The media are NOT liberal – they simply pose as such. The media are controlled by the far-right, hiding behind apparently left-wing issues to conceal their real agenda.
MAMMON, n. The god of the world’s leading religion. The chief temple is in the holy city of New York.
~ Ambrose Gwinnett Bierce (The Devil’s Dictionary)
Quite right, Thom, the media are not liberal– and Trump isn’t an “outsider” who is against its agenda. The purpose of the media is to see to it that everything Americans believe is false– including that Trump opposes it. How could it be otherwise? The media is as controlled as any other big corporation.
The question is, who exactly controls it and what is their agenda. Thom thinks it’s the far-right… whoever that is.
I agree that the media is not at all liberal. They are operating out of the smith mundt modernization act and are really just a propaganda tool. We must understand that the right and left wings are there to enchant the people when the real split is progressives vs liberals. Ever ask where we are progressing to? Do you want personal freedom or global technocratic control of literally everything? Cuz thats where this leads. So called liberals have been hoodwinked and desperately need to wake up.
define “far-right”
second thoughts, don’t bother…
Voting is the act of a slave, picking between two selected puppets, that have no bearing on the nature of your control. Left/right, red/blue/ repub/democrat, a classic Hegelian mind trap. You find yourself only capable of arguing from two chosen sides. You are counting sand on an endless ocean. The slave votes, because it makes him believe he is free. That is the only reason his owners allow him to vote, well that and, it makes absolutely zero difference what he votes for.
“The illusion of choice, prevents slave revolts. No Nat Turners here.”
the defining characteristic of the whining dysgenic, dysfunctionary is hypocrisy.
Pointing out liberal hypocrisy is an exercise in futility of Sisyphean proportions. The task can never succeed, as they are all perfectly immune to such criticism because they know they are moral and they know any dissent is evil, and their righteous morality trumps mere facts and reason.
the so called conservative [heh] right is just as bloated with it as the cultists to their left..
the shitty little countries they pick up and throw against the wall are now their own.
you might be interested in this.
there will be a lot less virtue in the white® world, going forward.
Left? Right? Liberal??? Conservative? All the same since 1871. >
The “10 Planks” of the Communist Manifesto
By Karl Marx
1. Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purpose.
2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.
3. Abolition of all rights of inheritance.
4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.
5. Centralization of credit in the hands of the State, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly.
6. Centralization of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the State.
7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the State, the bringing into cultivation of waste lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.
8. Equal liability of all to labor. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture.
9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country by a more equable distribution of the population over the country.
10. Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children’s factory labor in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production.
An explanation: > The Ten Planks of the Communist Manifesto
by Karl Heinrich Marx – 1848 –
I have read The Communist Manifesto and it does not say these things.
I have not read it, but if P.V. makes such a detailed comment, where did his info come from? Let’s ask him and find out.
He got it from the link he provides at the bottom of his post. It is an American political site, concerned to smear certain developments in US politics as Marxist and communist: a typical propagandist trick.
As for the Manifesto, I strongly recommend it. It is excellent literature, full of praise for the achievements of globalist bourgeoisie (a class the authors were members of).
I was only wondering whether what he pointed to was sheer, outrageous fabrication, or more-or-less the truth.
What appeared on the site he linked to seemed to be authoritive enough, but of course liars and fabricators are everywhere these days.
And then they do rabbit on about ‘left’ and ‘right’, as if that had meaning any more…
I’m allergic to such labels, and even ‘socialism’ and ‘communism’ seem to me to be misleading and obsolete words for today’s realities.
Reality for me is to look another human being in the eye and be interested in whether they are decent people, or dangerously flawed.
Today’s ‘authorities’, from what we see of them on TV, are dangerously flawed people.
No ‘..ism’ label is needed for that.
Hello wardropper: See above comment. Thanks for asking. Paul V
Hello Steve Hayes: No problem. Post a copy of your version so we all have a chance to read the real thing…
It is not my version. It was written by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels. Here is a link to the pamphlet: https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/download/pdf/Manifesto.pdf
Hello again Steven Hayes: I got your reply just after copying this from the actual item in question: > Manifesto of the Communist Party by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels – February 1848 https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/download/pdf/Manifesto.pdf Excerpted from pages 26 & 27 of the linked document: > “We have seen above, that the first step in the revolution by the working class is to raise the proletariat to the position of ruling class to win the battle of democracy. The proletariat will use its political supremacy to wrest, by degree, all capital from the bourgeoisie, to centralise all instruments of production in the hands of the State, i.e., of the proletariat organised as the ruling class; and to increase the total productive forces as rapidly as possible. Of course, in the beginning, this cannot be effected except by means of despotic inroads on the rights of property, and on the conditions of bourgeois production; by means of measures, therefore, which appear economically insufficient and untenable, but which, in the course of the movement, outstrip themselves, necessitate further inroads upon the old social order, and are unavoidable as a means of entirely revolutionising the mode of production. These measures will, of course, be different in different countries. Nevertheless, in most advanced countries, the following will be pretty generally applicable. 1. Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes. 2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax. 3. Abolition of all rights of inheritance. 4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels. 5. Centralisation of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly. 6. Centralisation of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the State. 7. Extension of factories and… Read more »
You are correct. I obviously had forgotten this section. My apologies.
“wrest all capital from the bourgeoisie” NOT the bankers, not the 0.1% who have 99% of the capital.
Lol bankers are bougie
I always thought that bourgeois meant middle class, the section of society that the pathologically greedy 1% want to disposess even more than they want to reduce the numbers of the great unwashed. Lol.
The Elite like the middle classes to an extent and despise the rest of us
Bankers ARE the bourgeoisie
Most of them doubtless, a bit more precision needed, banksters? the bankers that lend to nations? the mega rich who employed Marx? They may like the middle class but they are slowly stealing their money- “competition is sin”. I want it all and I’m very patient, my heirs will carry on the tradition.
The problem was that the proletariat were not raised to the position of the ruling class.
On 4 April 1919 the Jewish Chronicle: “There is much in the fact of Bolshevism itself, in the fact that so many Jews are Bolshevists, in the fact that the ideals of Bolshevism at many points are consonant with the finest ideals of Judaism.”
Probably the best-known exposé of the Jewish role in the Bolshevik coup d’état was by Sir Winston Churchill, writing in the Illustrated Sunday Herald of 8 February 1920. Churchill wrote “With the notable exception of Lenin, the majority of leading figures are Jews. Moreover the principal inspiration and the driving power comes from Jewish leaders.”
Hello Laurence Howell: The “proletariat” as described by Marx, were the industrial working class – raised (through their own labor) to a higher social order than offered in the capitalist system.
I submit that the scheme worked well, as those who were formally “educated” ended up as the technocratic class who now dictate today’s social policy. I have issues with Mr Churchill, but his statement in 1919 was quite true. Modern business ethics closely resemble various morbid concepts detailed in the Talmud…
Thanks for commenting. Paul V
There is a ytb video where Putin addresses a group of Rabbis and explains that in the early days of the Russian revolution the revolutionaries followed a false ideology. Well worth a watch.
I think I know which false ideology he was referring to.
“Seems Eugenics Billy and the rest of the CORPORATE FASCIST OLIGARCH MOBSTER PSYCHOPATHS, not wanting to return everything they have stolen from HUMANITY, now want to EUTHANIZE it. Let the great cull begin!”
“LANGLEY-LAND FOREVER. EUGENICS FOREVER. EUTHANASIA DEATH SHOTS FOR EVERYONE (at least the untermenschen and useless eater sheeple who can not be used as slaves.”
Honest Socialism in the spirit of Eugene Victor Debs now.
Hello S Cooper: From Eugene Debs: “Pure communism was the economic and social gospel preached by Jesus Christ, and every act and utterance which may properly be ascribed to him conclusively affirms it. Private property was to his elevated mind and exalted soul a sacrilege and a horror; an insult to God and a crime against man.”
Eugene V. Debs, “Jesus, the Supreme Leader”e entire
Words of this sort are completely irrelevant to an atheist or anyone who may be skeptical of the entire content of the bible. I’ve read both the King James and Douay versions – including concordance. Jesus never utters such nonsense in any verse I’ve read.
I happen to believe in private property rights for individuals to live and thrive upon. A man without title to his own land is either a beggar or a fool.
Debs was not a religious sort. By some accounts he considered himself either an agnostic or atheist. Of what I have read he was not a churchgoer. That quote was probably intended to attract churchgoing folk to Socialism.
Here is another quote: “If I were hungry and friendless today, I would rather take my chances with a saloon-keeper than with the average preacher.”
Shades of Herman Melville’s, “better to sleep with a sober cannibal than a drunk Christian”– the cannibal in question being Queequeg.
Private property in Marxism isn’t your house or your items those are classed as personal property! Private property is the stuff the elite have bought up
I once saw true communism described as ”a highly altruistic and advanced progression of the pre-elites hunter-gatherer world.”
The beauty of that description has always stayed with me.
Karl Marx: «Alles, was ich weiss, ist, dass ich kein Marxist bin»( All I know is that I am not a Marxist)
True he was a communist she didn’t want people calling it Marxism but some Jews in the media liked the idea of a brainy Jew forming certain principles within communism! There’s a reason it wasn’t called Engelism. But any idea communism is a Jewish conspiracy created by Jews for Jews to do this that and the other is thoroughly debunked. Hell anyone still spreading communism killed 100 million people is a out and out liar
This is a very good article…
Better awaken – and soon!
Putin still has not congratulated Biden.
He will not lack diplomatic courtesy.
Seems to me over the pond, not only Biden seem to lack any common sense.
Putin is a lawyer and strongly believes in the rule and process of law. This is not in praise of him as most laws around the world suck. However, Putin will not acknowledge a biden victory until it has passed through all the constitutional hurdles, even if Chief Justice Zuckerberg has declared him president elect. Since Hunter’s laptop indicates that biden is on China’s payroll, Mr. Xi might respond earlier.
Putin studied law at university, but he is not and never has been a lawyer.
Putin studied law in an elite Soviet university and graduated with a degree in such with his graduating thesis concerning international commercial law. However, he went directly into the KGB after graduation and did not “practice” law, though I am not sure what that would constitute in the USSR. I consider him a lawyer. You may not. It is a matter of semantics.
Why are there so many lawyers in politics? Is it because they arent very good at it?
No, it’s because they’re so good at it, Admiralty Law that is, or confidence trickery as some may call it.
They are very good at the prerequisites for entering politics which are lying and obfuscation, serving one master, a freemason master.
Translation: it is a matter of the meaning of words. Well, yes; it is.
Try Legalese, it has nothing to do with law.
The current model has failed. Now a reset is on the horizon. Left – Right – Have – Have not- Liberalism – Conservatism – Centrism – Capitalism for the poor – Socialism for the rich – Endless war to keep the dream alive for the few.
Those left behind will revolt like their ancestors. Instead of fixing the machine the rich stole more, more land, more resources, more of other people’s money while poisening people’s brains, and everything else around them.
This is a well planned heist to crush the poor into dust while making them pay for it in the process, and it will continue until many are gone, forever.
How quickly they forget the working man, the one’s who gave their lives, The very one’s who have played the biggest part in building the very Empire the rich claim to rule.
Where are the hero’s?
In Liverpool.
Not because they asked for it……………
Cometh the hour, cometh the men
The reset isn’t on the horizon because “The current model has failed”.
On the contrary, it’s because if has been so successful. The globalists consider they own and control everything- so now is the time to get rid of the people surplus to requirements and enslave the remainder.
The heroes are probably in Leipzig, Berlin and OffG homes.
My wife is having a birthday party here at home in a few days’ time (10-person limit) and I have stated that I will not be wearing a mask. I am not a difficult person by nature, but that is where I make my stand on covid.
My wife and her guests are utterly conventional people regarding their belief in the basic integrity of the mainstream media and what they perceive as ‘the authorities’, so I am a minority of one.
I really hope this will not be too confrontational an event, since I am fond of all those people, but, with any luck, they will just shut up about my masklessness, and maybe a couple of them will even think about the issue for a minute or two…
Just look at the emotional dilemma this crapstruck nonsense is causing… as if I would normally even dream of risking bad feeling at a birthday party for my wife…
What is happening now is unforgivable, and I fully intend to remember the names of those who are in the forefront of promoting it.
I remember when I first joined FaceBook many years ago, I noticed a box where you could “say a few words about yourself”.
Under ‘philosophy’, I wrote, “Against brainwashing”
Under ‘religious views’, I also wrote, “Against brainwashing”.
I never imagined that stance would actually be put to the test within a decade or so, but here we are.
Wish me luck.
It’s very hard for me to accept the notion that we’re experiencing a sudden breakdown of democracy or freedom. We’ve been brainwashed far before the covid-era, it’s just that the effects of corrupt media and government are hitting closer to home in more tangible ways for some of us. Anyways, good luck with your party.
Thanks Dude.
I think of it as rather like an infestation of termites. By the time your floorboards suddenly collapse, certain warning signs have been ignored for too long…
But perhaps it’s a good thing that the effects are hitting closer to home, otherwise we might not be so inclined to do something about it.
Great analogy, and to your last point one can hope there’s still enough house to salvage.
Good luck!
Best of luck!
Perhaps the sight of you enjoying your planters punch uninhibited will make more of an impression than your disbelief at witnessing your family members try to eat, drink and socialise with diapers strapped to their faces.
Like many of us, this US mom has had enough.
Yes the ones taken away without any say , so called ‘hero’s’ today volunteer to cross the world to kill or be killed , they’re no hero’s’ of mine, report even suggested they were dressed up as police during the miners strike, an accusation I wouldn’t deny, but we may see our hero’s in action if people decide to take to the streets . we’ll see how heroic they are then
The British army has a history that would make a Nazi blush
You do realise that this article will be taken as a Right wing rant? I.e. by those still hanging on to the increasingly threadbare theatre of the Western political spectrum. But the cartoon designations of Right and Left are becoming increasingly obvious in their fraudulence. Still, it sets up one opportunity for a laugh when the Left bellow their triumph that Trump has gone … and then go on to fume against Biden. Excuse me chaps but aren’t you kind of giving the game away there?
United we stand divided we fall
if i were you i would make personal plans, waiting around for heroes and unity in the coming chaos will probably at best get you gulaged…. at worst harvested for organs.
the herd have already lost, they lost a decades ago when they lost the abilty to think critically.
men of goodwill will be needed in going forward.
Laurence Howell Nov 10, 2020 9:54 AM It is the end of the beginning. Not the end for Trump, but the end of the most outrageous period in US history. The last four years onslaught against a sitting president will become the feature of many a degree thesis for years to come. It is quite obvious to any sane researcher, that the Trump team extends further than the White House and into the military sphere. For those that understand what a legal challenge is wrap your head around this. How many lawyers are there that get their claws into Government? How do lawyers become rich? The legal system in the US, was birthed in England and all must obey the British Accredited Registry. It is a Worldwide club and you and I are not in it. William Barr knows how to argue as do all lawyers, he knows that unless he keeps strictly to the book, the legal team of the opposition will bring defence actions to the investigations currently taking place and win on procedural grounds if nothing else. The legal system is both a sword and a shield, as many operatives of the most blatantly corrupt election in history, are about to find out. The beginning of the end will start with the continuation of the Trump Presidency when all of the media whores, corrupt politicians, treasonous elements of the security apparatus and the controllers who operate from the deep shadows are finally brought to justice. As Elizabeth Windsor pointed out to Paul Burrell during one tete a tete, there are dark forces at work, and she should know. The clamour and outpouring of crocodile tears by the bleeding heart liberals will only become bearable to watch because we know that we are witnessing the beginning of the… Read more »
I guess it isn’t generally known that Biden’s patch is Delaware. Herewith report.
Biden’s Delaware: Making Swiss Banking Look Hyper-Clean. I keeping yes?!
Liberal media? You mean Corporate owned media no? What is it about 6 large Media corporations working fo the military industrial complex is Liberal?
What is liberal about the Democratic party, they are a far-right anti-people-corporate power party. Stop using the term liberal it is INCORRECT. You are pretending ‘Liberals’ are left-wing or socialist, there is nothing socialist about ‘the left’ in the USA.
Of course the liberals are socialist. They are and always will be. They also always never believe that they are even when the facts are presented. They are virtue signalling fools who are always shocked at truth. People are simply not inherently good.
That’s just ignorant piffle.
You must be very young.
Socialism has not been seen in the UK since the Thatcher pandemic destroyed it.
I thought it was Tony Blair…
Nope. Maggie beat him to it during the miners’ strike.
Well you are are so sanctimonious.
You assume too much for starters.
It is clear when any Government unilaterally takes away or attempts to take away the right of the citizen even after the citizens express their wishes, then they are socialists, just like monarchists and loyalists.
The very issue with lockdowns is indicative of this desire to bully people into compliance where it is clear that there is no scientifically proven basis for their diktats.
The desire to take away citizens rights at a whim instead of protecting their rights is also clearly socialism, the very next step is communism. Socialism is just a different stage of growth.
The very purpose of appointing people to represent them in a parliament is to ensure they protect the rights of the citizens freedoms, liberties and right to be happy.
What is happening in the the UK and most of the world is a desire for the oligarchy supported by the clerisy.
”It is clear when any Government unilaterally takes away or attempts to take away the right of the citizen even after the citizens express their wishes, then they are socialists, just like monarchists and loyalists.”
Wow what crap. If nothing else, the ‘lockdowns’ were ordered by Trump and Johnson, the most far right leaders in British and American history.
Can’t help you. I am not here to change your belief system.
If you are unable to reason & discern the fact that forced lockdowns and forced Isolation and preventing you from exercising your rights like not being able to earn a living are not tyrannical diktats then you are beyond help.
If only 0.02% of people are at risk then you need to ask the question. Not everyone’s lives are equally at risk, but everyone’s liberties are being equally denied?
Because a large group of people think the same as you – and you feel comfortable in thinking the same as THEM – doesn’t make you or their thinking correct. It’s herd mentality.
No, it is not clear that this is the case.
Has a far-right fascist government never taken away the rights of its citizens before???
“Socialism” has never been defined that way.
You are confusing socialism with communism, which, in practice, is based on a perverted, ignorant interpretation of Marx.
And it doesn’t work to call someone ‘sanctimonious’, just because they know more than you do.
Beethoven is a better, and more experienced, composer than I am, but I would be stupid to call him sanctimonious if he pointed out how much I still have to learn.
Your labels are misguided and wrong. Do some homework before you post on a site where people are not generally ignorant.
… all of the above are different from each other, and calling liberalism ‘socialism’, just because you find it handy, is as lazy as calling blue ‘green’.
What arrogance! Read your own comments. Who are you some wannabe dictator?. No wonder you believe in socialism.
So you actually think that what passes for “the Left” is monolithic? That’s as silly as thinking the RINOs are conservatives. JonneyRipe here is merely pointing out the poseurs. the “crony capitalists” (to use a phrase you may be more familiar with) who have taken over the Democratic Party and mass media. If you want to complain about socialists, find out the difference between AOC and Biden, and the civil war in the Democratic Party, instead of letting it all whoosh over you.
It is exactly what I am referring to.
The liberal belief that all men (humans) have good intentions is the start of their stupidity. The facts are that humans do not all have good intentions, history has shown that to be true.
Biden is a committed socialist as is AOC, most of the democratic liberals just don’t have the balls to admit it. Another clear trait of liberal idiocy, inability to admit failure to save face.
”Biden is a committed socialist”
Crazy….. you are so ill informed.
No you should maybe listen a little more carefully of what he says. Maybe instead of lapping up the rubbish he spurts and think a little deeper then you may want to reconsider.
Besides the fact that he is an idiot he is also suffering from dementia. Half the time he doesn’t know where he is!
We all know Biden spouts rubbish and that he suffers from dementia.
The point of this bizarre exchange is that you call everything you dislike, ‘socialism’.
So much so, that if Trump and Biden were ever to agree on anything, you would call them both ‘socialists’
Please get help before you do yourself a mischief…
You are deluded as Biden.
Of course socialism is the root of communism.
That unpalatable fact is always a problem for liberals and progressives.
The collectivist culture which socialism is indicative of this scourge. The emotional argument is always for the “good of all”. Equality in everything, free this and free that all paid by tax payers. This is envy of what others have and the demand is that it is shared equally amongst all is disgusting socialism.
Ahhh a breath of fresh air. The term “liberal” is an oft misused term. Especially here in Australia where it has been totally inverted in meaning. In 1944 Robert Menzies, later Sir, saw his conservative group, the United Australia Party, as being a spent force So he got all the various conservative groups together and formed a new consolidated conservative party. Guess what he called this new mega grouping of 14 conservative parties? The Liberal Party. The only thing Liberal about them was that their charter allowed individual members to abstain or vote against their own party without repercussions, unlike the Labor party which enforced strict party lines with the threat of expulsion if one crossed the lines. That’s it, the only liberal part of this new conservative party was that it allowed a modicum of dissent in the party. But it was still a bastion of conservative thought. Sure one could dissent without immediate repercussions but obviously any such dissent didn’t help one’s career advancement within the party. They were swept to power in 1949 mostly on the promise to end wartime rationing, and remained in power for years by simply impling the cold war threat of communism could happen at home if the socialist sympathetic Labor party got back into power. This worked for yrs until the early 1970s. The man who’d rather be in Britain and was along with Churchill in letting South East Asia fall to prioritise beating Hitler first became our longest serving P.M. As if this misuse of the term Liberal was confusing enough at home, foreign observers that haven’t studied Australian politics must be mystified. What? They’re not Liberal at all they’re conservatives? Now that real Liberals have slowly infiltrated the Labor Party and turned it away from simple trade union backed working… Read more »
Poor America, “liberals” are such meanies over here. And the conservatives were too busy trying to assassinate Maduro, in order to save the Venezuelans from the commies, to help us. And the conservatives were also saving the Bolivians, Hong Kong, Brasil, and Somalia, with coups, destabilization, election interference, and bombings. It must make the conservatives sick to their stomach to have to team up with those horrible “liberals” in order to continue bombing other countries.
Yes, if the “liberals” weren’t such crazy people, the conservatives could have gotten the country together long ago to invade Iran. Those damn “liberals” just keep distracting the empire from god’s work.
It’s tough to keep the empire bombing Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Yemen, etc., when there’s so much chaos at home. Poor America…
You could actually use this quote as the world warning America:
” Better awaken – and soon. Otherwise, by the time you finally start caring about the people you never bothered to think of as your equals, they may not be in any mood to listen to you.”
You are decades behind regarding the positions of the majority of conservatives and libertarians in the USA regarding US foreign policy, including that under Trump. I suggest for a moment that you read some comment sections of Zero Hedge regarding US actions toward Iran, Syria, and Venezuela. The articles themselves have gone MSM and there is strangely now an intense conflict between the editors and the commenters, so I would suggest that you skip the body of the articles and go directly to the comments. You might be quite surprised.
So conservatives deserve the qualification that they don’t all support U.S. foreign policy, but do the liberals get the same qualification from you, el Gallinazo?
Perhaps you can tell me? My comment referred to the contempt of (IMO) the majority of conservatives and libertarians (quite different groups) to the foreign policy under Trump. Perhaps you can direct me to the outrage of the Woke masses (liberal’s??) to Obama’s rape of Syria and utter destruction of the most advanced country in Africa, Libya? I recall that it was deafening. BTW, I am neither conservative nor libertarian and have chosen not to vote in a presidential election since 2000.
Well lets see, for the last two decade the majority of conservatives, 50 to 70 million American conservatives, voted for Bush twice, McCain, Romney, and Trump. All war-mongers. So where is this “majority” of conservatives that I haven’t seen in the last two decades? All of them in the comment section of Zero Hedge?
You seem to have ignored my question concerning the destruction of Libya and the rape of Syria under Obama. My contention is that what Peter Dale Scott has titled the Deep State determines foreign policy and not the upper middle management spokesperson titled the president. Last one who thought he had a real voice in that was JFK. The rest is show business.
“You seem to have ignored my question concerning the destruction of Libya and the rape of Syria under Obama.”
You seem to have ignored the destruction of Iraq and the rape of Afghanistan under Bush. The American conservative “hero” John McCain, was most welcoming of Daesh in Syria, and the neo-nazis in Ukraine.
I call the crazy Bush/McCain/Trump conservatives, “neocons”. The author of this article, and you, think that the crazy imperialist neoliberals are the same as liberals. I’m not the same as them and I’m a liberal. I know and have known many liberals against US foreign policy.
OK. My last comment on this thread.
A) I am not a conservative
B) I thought at the time and still think that W was an idiot and that Cheney was always in charge. I hated Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Wolfowitz and regarded them as incredibly malevolent psychopaths, and realized that they were the operational conductors of the 9/11 false flag giving them the excuse to shred the Bill of Rights and commit hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of murders in Iraq and Afghanistan. I did what I could in terms of protests to stop these wars. Is that sufficient?
Back to Obama and Clinton and Syria and Libya. We came, we saw, he died. cackle, cackle
The U.S. regime has been a world-wide tragedy for uncountable people. Whether a neoliberal or a neocon is in office, the nightmare continues.
Do you actually understand what “conservative” means?
Don’t bother replying…
As usual, it’s the labels which get people into such hot water.
I agree that Sharon’s otherwise excellent comment is decades behind with regard to “Better awaken – and soon”.
The people which Americans never bothered to think of as their equals stopped being in any mood to listen to them a long time ago.
Even my British father’s WW2 generation saw that there was something spectacularly negative and ignorant about American attitudes to the rest of the world.
Well that pretty much echoes my comments here days ago – which are mysteriously delayed.
Of course there is a great disconnect as the Fat Laddy refuses to sing yet.
When they trot out killer Bush alongside equally lethal Obama and cackling murdereds Hillary and the DS and media moguls turn en masse to delegitimise the STANDING potus – you know the Empire has shat it’s pants.
Calling for armed insurrection as Larry Johnson over at the demented old colonels site sst is utterly pointless
It smacks of Eugene Terre Blanched strawmannery in the face of the end of Apartheid – a lot of smokeblowhardery
Much like many a controlled narrative to allow a collection of arseholes to vent and then direct to some self harming political choice – in this instance probably a Pompeo/Haspell type REAL scary candidacy come the next election as these millions MORE voters for Trump are corralled to vote for a GOP candidate.
Larry and Michael and O-G would surely be looking to call for a truly Independent Ticket – a grass roots Leadership that these Trumpsters can start voting for immediately at all local levels and not that far away mid terms.
In the meantime Trump is still potus.
Biden is not even yet gone through the electoral college process and isn’t due to till December!
Claiming to be President is like Guaido claiming to be President of Venezuela!
Talk about chickens coming home to roost!
The Justice Department’s top election crimes prosecutor resigned in protest after Attorney General William Barr told him to examine allegations of voting irregularities.
CNN is outraged the Trump administration tells people to do their job.
CNN says wait til the election’s over — and BTW “Biden’s already won”.
CNN says in the liberal media you get to keep your cake and eat it, too.
Clinton News Network, says it all.
Interestingly enough, despite being a ‘racist,’ Trump just won a higher share of the black vote than any other Republican presidential candidate in generations. Oh–and he also improved his standing among Hispanic voters as well!
Well, in this case, I’d say the Republicans aren’t wrong. Are they? Or do you maintain that this charge is technically false because it’s impossible to sub-vert from above?
You wouldn’t last long running a powerful business in NY as a so called racist or have a wife that’s from some far flung eastern european country.
But it sticks supposedly since most people who get triggered are extremely low IQ and no handle of their what ever emotions they have if any.
Well, those people simply “ain’t black!” if they didn’t vote for Biden.
You dont leave someone with a pedo because he is less of a pedo
CIA bringing the world Amerika’s democracy since 1947…
The spooks at Langley have been interfering in democratically elected governments since the get go. But hey now they’ve got even more to bring on with Dozy Joe the geriatric. I’m not sure if the mask for Dozy Joe is part of the strategy but I’m guessing “Gottle of Geer!” I think he’ll be able to debate like a proper sagacious don – a real match for Donald the don don’cha think!
Either way whatever return of the living dead scenario we’re expected to live with I’m sure the science will try to prove correct. Like the latest discovery at the Deep State Caller, formally known as the Guardian
Holy suggestibility who’d have thought a direct link between those prone to psychosomatic illness and Covid-19? Except the Graun’s spin misses the real point, instead they prefer the “neurological and neuropsychiatric complications of Covid-19” angle. More fear and demonology:
“Cat’s foot iron claw neurosurgeons scream for more
At paranoia’s poison door… 21st Century Schizoid man”
Comes back across the decades as a prophetic metaphor.
”Nearly one in five Covid patients later diagnosed with mental illness – study”
So the conclusion is we must lock everyone up in a cell for the rest of their lives, for the good of their metal health?
The Guardian needs to be charged with crimes against humanity. I say Guardian, but all their articles are written by the CIA now, and they think we don’t know that.
Do not forget that the climate change deniers now have a mental illness.
Professor Ferguson can cuddle up to Professor Jones to keep warm and regale
each other about who has the biggest hoax.
Good job China Joe and his son are not involved as Hunter the Hunted has got a
very big hoax.
Statistically one in four people in the UK suffer from a mental disorder, so perhaps Covid is actually good for your mental health?!
Statistically amongst politicians it is one in two, amongst professors who enter
the Twilight Zone of computer predictive modelling one in one.
Judicial Watch attorney Larry Klayman says the court system will not help President Trump. Federal judges are not accountable to the people. They are political hacks installed through patronage and will not stick their necks out for him.
Congress is even more useless — a bunch of fools, cowards, clowns and court jesters who do little but occupy space.
Even if the Republicans retain control of the Senate they will throw in the towel. Biden-Harris will have control of Justice, the revenue service, homeland security… and they will abuse those powers.
Trump should have moved before there was a fait accompli. Now it’s up the people. It was not just a hit on him. It was a hit on all of us.
Citizens will have to launch civil law suits — that’s the only way the people can fight back against the criminals within the bureaucracy. “We will have to go outside the system to reclaim the system. We have to form our own government, legally, ethically, peacefully.”
Worth a listen even if use of the word ‘socialist’ offends: Larry Klayman Warns of Coming Inquisition on Crowdsource The Truth.
I am quite happy to mount a suit against the oppressive Doris government, but no one on
this site is interested.
Maybe you can rally the armchair warriors to action.
Maybe you could join forces with this bloke:
Top legal team engaged, that should tell you all you need to know.
“even if use of the word ‘socialist’ offends” ?
That’s really too big an ‘ IF ‘.
Socialism is certainly not coming to a cinema near you any time soon, and I think most of us realize that what is right around the corner is, in fact, fascism, whoever might happen to be president.
That said, I enjoyed hearing Larry’s many forthright and realistic statements, and I particularly loved what he said of Biden/Harris: “Brain dead” and “Evil witch”… lol.
It’s just that he ought to realize that ‘socialism’ has been obsolete for decades now.
What he is talking about is something else:
It is power, money and greed vs. common decency. No other labels are necessary.
Nevertheless, his pessimism about having the election result overturned is entirely justified, and I remember well with the Scottish Independence referendum how allegations of fraud were dismissed with as contemptuous a wave of the hand as the current election allegations will be.
He’s definitely a principled conservative, and he gets down to brass tacks concerning corruption. His just that his labels are all mixed up and wrong.
Yes, largely agree with you. He’s got a bee in his bonnet but his analysis is sharp; his way with words is wicked
they just said on global mossad radio london glr home of james boot stamping on ears forever obrien
that the army british will be dishing out the new phizer vaccine in one of the biggest roll outs ever.
joe touch feel biden and the camel moose win through mail in ballot stuffing
and covid 1984 psy operations winds down.
for the 19 virus that is like windows software and anti virus updates
covid 20 into saturn infinity
T-shirt idea: – “Don’t Phize Me, Bro’!”
Fox News, who cut off an attempt to raise George Soros recently, at it again:
“All the news that’s fit to broadcast”.
Was the ‘Debate-Biden’ the real Biden?
Read: https://jamesfetzer.org/2020/11/jim-fetzer-joe-biden-vs-debate-biden-just-not-the-same-guy/
Compare with a photo of the real Biden:
Body doubles a well known fact.
Much comment before election that Biden had undergone plastic surgery. I posted about the “youngering” Joe.
But now the campaign’s over he looks older again. Maybe a double is the answer.
That would explain why in the debate and his rare public appearances biden spoke in short phrases with long pauses between them. He was being fed his lines throgh an earpiece
And now: ‘One small Jab for man, one massive leap forward for mankind’ is the pathetic headline on the pathetic Daily Mail this morning. The Daily Telegraph, the spooks paper, puts a long list of ‘achievements’ as the security services seek to increase their budgets by slurping copiously around Joe Biden’s geriatric anus.
The ‘jab’ to save us all is of course an American one, from Pfizer. Well known company litigated many, many times for killing a lot off people through pushing certain drugs far, far too hard. The Sputnik vaccine won’t save us, nor will the Astrazeneca one.
Oh, no. It’s the AMERICAN one.
Give me a break. People need to stop reading this claptrap.
We have abolished parliamentary democracy, we have destroyed our economy, we have handed the world over to psychopathic billionaires, and now we have to ACCLAIM THEM AS HEROES?
Who are these mentally subnormal cretins that think that ‘as long as you can get away with it, no behaviour is unacceptable’??
Anybody volunteering for the jab needs to have an examination first to see if he or she has a history of insanity running in the family.
But its for your own safety, line up children and your friendly army man will jab
you right in the vein.
Have your Mummy and Daddy had their injection, you can tell us and we will help
them too.
First they came for the Scousers….you know the rest.
It always seemed likely that as soon as Trump was ousted, a ‘miracle jab’ would be ‘found’. MI6 seem embarrassingly quick off the mark with this, though.
Yes, funny that.
BBC, 11/9/2001: – “In other news it appears WTC 7 has also collapsed. – Oh wait… – *Oops*!…”
there is a specific definition of a vaccine and legislation concerning that. if the injection is anything other than a vaccine then it is not appropriate to call it a vaccine so as not to mislead people and consent to such legislation. remember a vaccine is considered a miracle of modern medicine that saves lives so if you are objecting to that it comes across as crazy. if you are saying it is harmful then why call it a vaccine when the definition of something poisonous would be a poison? to call it a vaccine is to concede to their ideology where they are in a position of strength falsely stating that the injection is only a vaccine and nothing else.
They are called Zionists.
All the newspapers are going for broke on the vaccine this morning.
If only they would break…
As others have noticed, we currently have no government fitting the dictionary description of one.
We have something else, and, whatever it is, it doesn’t like us.
“We have something else, and, whatever it is, it doesn’t like us.” It’s called a corporation, and it’s registered in the US, as being in ‘The government industry’ and its name is “Her Majesty’s Government”. The reg number is:- cik*0001452617, business address, Davis Polk and Wardell, 99 Gresham Street London EC2 VC2 7NG. At > https://thebridgelifeinthemix.info/british-law/government-corporation-death-raised-life/ < there is a screengrab.
The expression by the people for the people, should be rewritten by the Queen for the Queen. HMG. RIP.
Apparently Cuomo is rejecting the Pfizer shot in favour of the RNA gene altering jab – Moderna, etc – Pfizer’s is just a regular run-of-the-mill vaxx – full of the boring stuff: heavy metals, animal viruses, fetal cells, etc.
If any of this nightmare comes to pass, I wonder who will own the patent on the big genetically modified apple of NYC?
Old Earl Haffler:
“We’re talking about people, right?”
The CDC owns many patents on Vaccines.
No Fauci co-owns CDC patents— one of the biggest movements in vaccine/pharma in he last 10 years has been for “doctors” to negotiate for a piece of the drug development ownership, kind of like the abusive trend of CEOs getting lots of stock options as a big part of their renumeration. Both processes allow them to channel company resources (at the expense of other things) to maximize the amount of money they will receive from this new kind of ownership. HUGE distortion and ultimate destruction of the company.
One of these old pieces of information that has made its way back into the discussion because of Mr. Kennedy’s media attention is the claim that, “The CDC owns over 20 vaccines patents.” How many vax patents does GreenMedInfo reveal as US Govt owned? “57 granted US patents with the CDC listed as an assignee…”
“assignee” being the operative word.
Gollom Fauci is as compromised as Killer Gates through conflict of interest. Amazing Polly.
PFFFFTTTTT hilarious headline! : D
Save The Digital Library As You Go/
“make sure to tell the young ones especially”/
Why Liberals Turn
‘“[T]he outsize support Trump has continued to receive exposes America’s ‘soul’ for what it is,” lamented Andre M. Perry for the Brookings Institution the morning after the election’.
That would be the same Brookings Institute that has never seen a foreign war or “intervention” that it didn’t like, no matter how many millions Asian or African Muslims got killed, maimed, bereaved or made homeless.
In my humble opinion, Mr Trump perfectly epitomizes the American “soul” – and that is why so many Americans hate him so fiercely. They see their reflection in him, like a mirror, and are repelled (as well they might be).
So they try to project their ugliness onto the Russians, or the Chinese, or anyone.
”They see their reflection in him, like a mirror, and are repelled (as well they might be).”
Yep, just like ‘The Picture of Dorian Grey’ Oscar Wilde’s one and only novel.
Hello Tom Welsh: As with all other NGO’s , the Brookings Institute has only one mission. The covid masks do not seem to work…
“As democracy is perfected, the office of the President represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day, the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last, and the White House will be occupied by a downright fool and complete narcissistic moron.”
– H.L. Mencken, the Baltimore Evening Sun, July 26, 1920 –
Liberal is actually a term which derives from “Libertà” which means freedom.
So here again the stereotyping and demonization of a word which essentially stands to express freedom of thought and of expression, now used to describe the bourgeois class , blame, shame, point finger at freedom movements, transform the concept of freedom into a supposedly useless bourgeoise theory and further dumbing down and divide society.
We should choose well our words cause to often by using the wrong ones, we are falling in the traps set by the true enemies of humanity.
The political circus of the land of the deals is a shit puppet show designed to keep society under tension.
left, right, center, center right, center left, liberal, communism, fascist, democrat, republican, all fake ideologies and movements fabricated and payed for by the same cabal, all labels imprinted into their subjects minds to better divide society into abstract and unfeasible ideologies and control it
Well done wait until they found out what freedom, civilian and democracy actually means
The ideologies that matter are plutocracy, Luciferianism and discordianism. That’s why you’ll never hear about them in polite society (except the occasional dismissal as looney tunes).
What the elite did was to put part of their agenda in each ideology. Whoever was in power could advance things towards the elite’s goals by implementing that part of their programme and never quite getting around to the rest. Take Reagan: why did he enact economic liberalisation and not get around to the conservative social agenda? The former was part of the elite agenda, the latter wasn’t. More fringe ideologies were created to act as fake enemies and as experiments in “what would happen if… “. Castro’s Cuba was a good example of this: it rallied the US against a perceived near enemy and acted as a giant lab experiment in how a population reacts to mass impoverishment (conclusion: people will accept it if given a plausible narrative why they should which puffs up their own sense of virtue. We’re all now reaping the harvest of that).
regan was an actor famous for its cowboys‘s movies, castro (son of eminent free mason) which to safeguard US interests, gave the US a place where to set up its military base/secret prison camp and torture people (Guantanamo bay) and kept cuba and its people under economical lock down under the guise of communism is perhaps one of the most praised dictators in history
we should not forget Palestina, the most blatant case of modern capital colonialism, mass imprisonment, human rights violations and torture in modern history which serves the same cabal into testing out, beside new weapons, torturous repression, and mind control devices, techniques designed to humiliate people to test their collective reactions, all for the goal obtaining new data used by secret services for the management of entire countries.
Here an interesting article which brakes down the structure of management of our modern oligarchies.
never mind the site publishing it, it used to post interesting stuff but unfortunately mostly junk now
Castro went off the reservation and turfed out the Mafia. The Bay of Pigs was aptly named but did not expose the CIA until later.
Drill down deep enough and you will find a Luciferian.
Yes, the American Democratic Party and the British Labour party are simply
Anglo-American outfits at the beck and call of their controllers in Tel Aviv.
That is a fact not ‘anti-semitism’
That would be “their Zionist controllers in Tel Aviv”
Yes it is!
Facts are anti semitic! The truth is anti semitic!
Everything is anti semitic!!
We are on the brink of another holocaust, masterminded by Corbyn!!!
Oy vey!!!!
Red Ken knows the score, Christians 0, Lions 1
If you played the game and went along with hysterical attack on Orange Man Bad, you share responsibility for the destruction of democracy.
That’s most people, isn’t it? Be honest.
If everybody gangs up and you make no effort to look for motives, without suspecting you’re being manipulated, you are a fool. Worse, you let yourself be used for nefarious purposes.
Even now, only a minority can perceive the game behind the removal of Trump – that this is not your usual Democratic politics but something evil and that is why it is underhand.
Don’t people question the urgency, the squashing of dissent?
Don’t people realise that when the media speaks with one voice, that doesn’t mean it’s true — it suggests there is something they are not telling you.
In my office, most of them were fools. At least 80% went along: and they were journalists supposedly working with facts.
The only ones who didn’t were those who insist on giving a break to the underdog.
Or those who could sense motivations at play.
Every crook who came out of the woodwork. The transparent crook Michael Avenatti, the fabulist Michael Wolff, Christopher Steele and his British band of piss-artists…. was cheered on and, more ominously, believed without question.
Lt Gen Michael Flynn must be a crook because otherwise the FBI wouldn’t be able to trap him in conversation. Accepted without regard to why anyone would be going after Flynn in the first place.
The division was not on political lines. In the game of group hate, everyone’s a Liberal.
Things all the Liberals are quite comfortable with:
Of course there is a much longer list– but thanks for this!
History of this planet the last one hundred years. Take Hitler as proof. His Barbarossa invasion of Russia heralded his demise by losing. Winning, he would have ended his live as the, or one of the greatest, humans ever. By standing on the beach of the Japanese sea he would have gotten the European dream coming true. All colonial property in safe hands, forever. It did not work out as planned. Worst it turned 500 years rule of we call the swamp on his head. Russia, rightfully, is blamed for this historical happening. The battle to restore this planet like it was include climate, health, and COLOR elections.
It is time to bury the word, Liberal. Outside its narrow economic context and historical heritage it is meaningless as a modern political description. What we are describing are several phenomena: most importantly entitlement and nepotism dressed up as tribalism. At its most benign it’s a corrupt, middle class mafia that uses the basest forms of psychology to bully and steal. At worst, it is a the senior executive service of the oligarchy, implementing a program of psychopathic eugenics cloaked as progressivism. What Liberals regard as their political values are in reality a thinly-veiled defence of their economic interests as a class, sitting just beneath and thus loyal to, the billionaire class. Pursuing their interest, with brazen ruthlessness, has created a rift with the rest of society, the dispossessed, as represented by Trump’s huge popular support. They seized upon psychology, the new pseudo science of the past century — to replace religious obligation and morality, with self-justification and do what thou wilt. Confessing one’s sins was replaced with projecting those sins upon others. I have little grasp of psychology but I know that much of what passes for liberalism involves a freely-expressed hatred of the unworthy. Bizarrely, the haves resent the have-nots. They borrowed from Marx and inverted the logic of entitlement. At root, however, it’s the same old politics of envy. They parade their commitment to rights and welfare as a Potemkin village in which Liberals have fulfilled their social duty and are now entitled to gorge themselves on all the advantages that society has to offer. Meanwhile the fatherless children drift into crime to feed a for-profit prison system (that profits the Liberals!) that is the shame of the developed world. De-industrialised cities are allowed to descend into a living hell, because this proves the poor will forever… Read more »
You can save a lot of time by just realizing that we are talking about ‘neo-liberals’ here.
The media are obsessed with interviewing them, and they are the closest thing to Scribes and Pharisees you’ll ever find in modern society.
Liberal/ neo-liberal is semantics to most people. I know you know that the neo-cons and the neo-libs are same people, different fashionable cocktail. But the public think ‘liberal’ is a badge of approbation….
A set of attitudes you adopt to show you’ve arrived.
That’s why it is not a coherent ideology for practical purposes.
Hopefully, in the years to come, most Americans will start to see through the ‘Media Elect’ and the charade. Maybe when lawyers begin advertising for claims against government agencies, employers or private companies for ‘mask lung’ or ‘mask mouth’ it will unravel
Yeah but the damage to those people’s lungs will already be done by then. 🙁
A week ago, just before the election, I said that the main targets include the CIA, FBI, etc. The clearout seems to have now started.
Richard Pilger, Linked to IRS Scandal, Resigns DOJ Post over Voter Fraud Memo
Nov 9, 2020
Richard Pilger, a prosecutor at the Department of Justice (DOJ) who played a role in the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) targeting of conservative groups, resigned his post Monday evening rather than investigate potential voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election. Earlier Monday, U.S. Attorney General William Barr issued a memo directing prosecutors to investigate potential voter fraud.
9 Nov 2020
President Donald Trump fired Defense Secretary Mark Esper on Monday, in a long-anticipated move. Trump announced the firing via Twitter. He also announced he was putting Christopher C. Miller, the director of the National Counterterrorism Center and a former Green Beret, as acting secretary of defense “effective immediately.”
This is some background into the Barr memo, together with a discussion of the procedural and legal implications.
potential voter fraud
It’s important to distinguish between “voter fraud” and “election fraud”, the latter being the main problem in nearly all cases.