Everybody Knows the Fight was Fixed
Edward Curtin

“Yeah, like [in] a church. Church of the Good Hustler.”
Fast Eddie Felson (Paul Newman) in The Hustler
At the end of Henrik Ibsen’s classic play, A Doll’s House, Nora, the aggrieved wife, leaves her husband’s house and all the illusions that sustained its marriage of lies. She chooses freedom over fantasy. She will no longer be played with like a doll but will try to become a free woman – a singular one.
“There is another task I must undertake first. I must try and educate myself,” she tells her husband Torvald, a man completely incapable of understanding the social programming that has made him society’s slave.
When Nora closes the doll’s house door behind her, the sound is like a hammer blow of freedom. For anyone who has seen the play, even when knowing the outcome in advance, that sound is profound. It keeps echoing. It interrogates one’s conscience.
The echo asks: Do you live inside America’s doll house where a vast tapestry of lies, bad faith, and cheap grace keep you caged in comfort, as you repeat the habits that have been drilled into you?
In this doll’s house of propaganda into which America has been converted, a great many of our basic assumptions are totally illusory.
Americans who voted for either Trump or Biden in the 2020 election are like Torvald clones. They refuse to open that door so they might close it behind them.
They live in the doll’s house – all 146+ million of them. Like Torvald, they are comforted. They are programmed and propagandized, embracing the illusion that the electoral system is not structured and controlled to make sure no significant change can occur, no matter who is president. It is a sad reality promoted as democracy.
They will prattle on and give all sorts of reasons why they voted, and for whom, and how if you don’t vote you have no right to bitch, and how it’s this sacred right to vote that makes democracy great, blah blah blah. It’s all sheer nonsense. For the U.S.A. is not a democracy; it is an oligarchy run by the wealthy for the wealthy.
This is not a big secret. Everybody knows this is true; knows the electoral system is sheer show business with the presidential extravaganza drawing the big money from corporate lobbyists, investment bankers, credit card companies, lawyers, business and hedge fund executives, Silicon Valley honchos, think tanks, Wall Street gamblers, millionaires, billionaires, et. al. Biden and Trump spent over 3 billion dollars on the election. They are owned by the money people.
Both are old men with long, shameful histories. A quick inquiry will show how the rich have profited immensely from their tenures in office. There is not one hint that they could change and have a miraculous conversion while in future office, like JFK. Neither has the guts or the intelligence. They are nowhere men who fear the fate that John Kennedy faced squarely when he turned against the CIA and the war machine. They join the craven company of Johnson, Ford, Carter, Reagan G.H.W. Bush, Clinton, George W. Bush, and Obama. They all got the message that was sent from the streets of Dallas in 1963: You don’t want to die, do you?
Ask yourself: Has the power of the oligarchic, permanent warfare state with its propaganda and spy networks, its vast intelligence apparatus, increased or decreased in the past half century? Who is winning the battle, the people or the ruling elites? The answer is obvious.
It matters not at all whether the president has been Trump or Bill Clinton, Ronald Reagan or George W. Bush, Barack Obama or George H. W. Bush, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, or Jimmy Carter. The power of the national security state has grown under them all and everyone is left to moan and groan and wonder why.
All the while, the doll’s house has become more and more sophisticated and powerful. It is now essentially an electronic prison that is being “Built Back Better.” The new Cold War now being waged against Russia and China is a bi-partisan affair, as is the confidence game played by the secret government intended to create a fractured consciousness in the population through their corporate mass-media stenographers. Trump and his followers on one side of the coin; liberal Democrats on the other.
Only those backed by the wealthy power brokers get elected in the U.S.A. Then when elected, it’s payback time. Palms are greased. Everybody knows this is true. It’s called corruption. So why would anyone, who opposes a corrupt political oligarchy, vote, unless they were casting a vote of conscience for a doomed third-party candidate?
Leonard Cohen told it true with “Everybody Knows”:
Everybody knows that the dice are loaded
Everybody rolls with their fingers crossed
Everybody knows that the war is over
Everybody knows the good guys lost
Everybody knows the fight was fixed
The poor stay poor, the rich get rich
That’s how it goes
Everybody knows
Everybody knows that the boat is leaking
Everybody knows that the captain lied
Everybody got this broken feeling
Like their father or their dog just died
And yet everybody who voted for the two men backed by the super-rich owners of the country knew what they were doing, unless they live under a rock and come out every four years to vote. Perhaps they were out buying stuffing for the Thanksgiving turkey, so they can give thanks for the farce (stuffing: Latin: farcire ).
They have their reasons. Now the Biden people celebrate, just as Trump’s supporters did in 2016. I can hear fireworks going off as I write here in a town where 90% + voted for Biden and hate Trump with a passion more intense than what they ever could work up for a spurned lover or spouse. This is mass psychosis. It’s almost funny.
At least we have gotten rid of Trump, they say. No one can be worse. They think this is logic. Like Torvald, they cannot begin to understand why anyone would want to leave the doll’s house, how anyone could refuse to play a game in which the dice are loaded. They will deny they are in the doll’s house while knowing the dice are loaded and still roll the die, not caring that their choice – whether it’s Tweedledee or Tweedledum – will result in the death and impoverishment of so many, that being the end result of oligarchic rule at home and imperialism abroad.
Orwell called this Doublethink:
Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them…. To tell deliberate lies while genuinely believing in them, to forget any fact that has become inconvenient, and then, when it becomes necessary again, to draw it back from oblivion for just so long as it is needed, to deny the existence of objective reality and all the while to take account of the reality which one denies – all this is indispensably necessary.
And while in Nineteen Eighty-Four Doublethink is learned by all the Party members “and certainly by all who are intelligent as well as orthodox,” today in the USA, it has been mastered even by the so-called unintelligent.
To live in the USA is to live in the Church of the Good Hustler.
People often ask: What can we do to make the country better? What is your alternative?
A child could answer that one: Don’t vote if you know that both contenders are backed by the super-rich elites, what some call the Deep State. Which of course they are. Everybody knows.
The so-called left and right argue constantly about whom to support. It’s a pseudo-debate constructed to allow people to think their vote counts; that the game isn’t rigged. It’s hammered into kids’ heads from an early age. Be grateful, give thanks that you live in a democracy where voting is allowed and your choice is as important as a billionaire’s such as Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, or Charles Koch. In the voting booth we are all equal.
Myths die hard. This one never does:
Your voice, your hopes, and your dreams, will define our American destiny. And your courage and goodness and love will forever guide us along the way.”
Donald Trump, January 20, 2017
With the campaign over, it’s time to put the anger and the harsh rhetoric behind us and come together as a nation. It’s time for America to unite. And to heal.”
Joe Biden, November 7, 2020
Above all else, the time has come for us to renew our faith in ourselves and in America. In recent years, that faith has been challenged.”
Richard Nixon, January 20, 1973
Your voice – our faith – it’s time to unite and heal.
Ask the Vietnamese, the Iraqis, the Syrians, the Afghanis, the Libyans, the Palestinians, et al. They sing a different tune, one not heard In the Church of the Good Hustler.
After campaigning hard for the losing presidential candidate in 1972, I nearly choked when I heard Richard Nixon’s inaugural address in January 1973. Clinging to the American myth the previous year, I had campaigned for a genuine anti-war Democrat, Senator George McGovern.
The war against Vietnam was still raging and Nixon, who had been first elected in 1968 as a “peace candidate,” succeeding the previous “peace candidate” Lyndon Baines Johnson, was nevertheless overwhelmingly elected, despite Watergate allegations appearing in the months preceding the election. Nixon won forty-nine states to McGovern’s one – Massachusetts, where I lived.
It was a landslide. I felt sick, woke up, got up, and left the doll’s house.
“Propaganda is the true remedy for loneliness,” wrote the French sociologist Jacques Ellul in 1965 in Propaganda:
It corresponds to the need to share, to be a member of a community, to lose oneself in a group, to embrace a collective ideology that will end loneliness…. It also corresponds to deep and constant needs, more developed today, perhaps, than ever before: the need to believe and obey, to create and hear fables, to communicate in the language of myths.
In a country where loneliness is widespread, the will to believe and the power of positive thinking are far more powerful than the will to truth. Unlike Nora, who knew that when she left the doll’s house she was choosing the loneliness of the solitary soul, Americans prefer myths that induce them to act out of habit so they can lose themselves in the group.
This is so despite the fact that In the Church of the Good Hustler, when you play the game, you lose. We are all Americans and your vote counts and George Washington never told a lie.
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New Song from 2084- “Democracy on Display”
Inspired by the absolutely ridiculous politics of the USA of the moment, instead of getting bent out of shape emotionally about it, Farley decided to make a song instead. It was great stress relief and fun to make! Please enjoy this song and share it if you can if you think someone might get a laugh out of it.
Democracy on Display is a sarcastic celebration of the empowerment of people in American Democracy. With a choice between two guys and two parties, you do have a real choice! Musically with elements of electro-dance, Russian classical music, hip hop, choral and world music. Don’t worry, we don’t take sides!
Farley is also looking for some help! Does anyone want to help him make a video for the song so he can put it on Youtube? He doesn’t mind what the video of, as long as it doesn’t take an explicit side of one candidate or the other. If you’re interested or know someone who might be please email Farley at [email protected].
This article could be easier to digest if we were looking at it from a level of another civilisation. Like in the spiritual realm we are faced with good and evil, so it is our physical life. There is no just good and prefect solution for humanity. We are faced with both choices of progress and status quo. Progress will take us to the unknown and status quo will make us stale predictable. Yes rich are playing the game with rest of us, but amongst themselves they still want to be the winners and they need us for that. Our role is not just to elect the winners but once they are elected continually check them at every step of a way. They one tool which we miss in this so called democratic process is a way to revoke elected officials during their terms. Liquid democracy might be a solution for that. Still not perfect but offering some hope.
An international problem requires an international solution. This means the common law Court of WE the people. United we stand divided we fall unity is strength in numbers to bring the fraudsters to justice by appointing peace constables to enforce the common law and re-establish the natural God-given rights and freedoms of the people that have been taken away by criminals in power. JOIN Now common law court.com
Americans its time for justice and the principles of the constitution and the common law to be restored before it’s too late and a totalitarian regime is imposed upon you -JOIN the common law Court and join it NOW !
Trump is a chump. They took it from him in plain sight and he was too weak and confused to do anything about it.
Trump may be one of the Deep State but like a teen saying to his parents to get lost I will do things my way he is doing it to the elites. If that is the case is better then the obidient Biden.
“the U.S.A. is not a democracy; it is an oligarchy run by the wealthy for the wealthy.” Sorry, no. The whole point about Trump is that he is the great anti-politician, the outsider, the patriot enemy of the corrupt ruling elites who only care about status, power and control, not the interests of the American people or any other. By contrast, Biden is clearly the perfect puppet of the oligarchy and political establishment. The ruling class expected their ally Clinton to win in 2016, never Trump. The great election steal of 2020 is all about reversing this little surprise, and to make sure that the irksome people power of US democracy will finally be under full control. No more land of the free; the USA is now on the cusp of becoming a leftist fascist dictatorship, in which US patriots are the new German Jews, and in which future elections will be as meaningful as those of the Soviet Union.
If you don’t see that there is a big difference between Trump and Biden, then you are still in the dollhouse. Trump certainly ain’t perfect, but at least he wants to keep the economy open. Biden is the lock down candidate. If that’s all I knew about each of these candidates, it’d be enough to vote for Trump. But there is a lot more.
Also, ‘democracy’ is the virus, not the cure, and Orwell was a dumb ass socialist.
I think Orwell’s blind-spot was in being British. He couldn’t see that Britain (City of London) was at the centre of it all.
True. The British intellectual class was thoroughly saturated with socialist thought during Orwell’s time. But Murray Rothbard attended Columbia U in the 50s when it was dominated by communists, and he became Mr. Libertarian, so I can’t cut Mr. Orwell too much slack.
Of course it matters. What is the difference between Ruth Bader Ginsburg and her replacement? The freaks screamed in hysterical horror.
With all of his warts, Nixon did end the Vietnam war. Reagan ended the Cold War and mutually assured destruction. Wilson got the US into WWI, FDR did WWII, Truman set up Korea and Clinton tried to heat up Yugoslavia.
George Wallace circa 1965 said there wasn’t a dimes worth of difference between the Democrats and Republicans. They are different branches of the corporate party and globalists competing for the speed of takeover. Trump is a corporatist but for all of his faults has gone off script with his own corporatist agenda to cut in on the action, and the owners ain’t havin’ it, because the Trumpian party is ever-so mildly nationalistic. Nationalism cannot be allowed to rear its beautiful head, because people will love it. Trump is a turd, alright, but Biden is a pile of shit.
Well put!
Would Biden end endless wars of intervention against the wishes of the neo-cons and military-industrial complex, as Trump has been doing?
LOL. Biden IS the swamp. Even George Galloway is “defending” Trump.
Wow what a hopeless and dreary world you live in. I left the dollhouse in the weeks after 9-11 when I realized the official narrative was full of holes. But I don’t find the world out here quite so dreary as you. Call me a dreamer, but I still believe that good always (eventually) wins over evil, and I believe the ideals of America – the very same ones that were probably sold to us as a fake bill of goods a long time ago – is REAL and not an illusion because so many people believe in it. Perception is reality. Donald Trump despite all his personal quirks and flaws I sincerely believe to be a deal maker who is interested in protecting and serving the American people. Even if it’s out of his own narcissism that he wants to do so I’ll take it. Regardless, one good thing that has come out of the last 4 years is that I think a LOT of people have gotten “woke” in their own ways. Not all have left the dollhouse yet but many have. Have faith in people.
Simply want to say to the author that your article is incredibly timely and a propos for me. I’ve left the doll’s house. My isolation stems primarily from people who cannot fathom and to whom I cannot even begin speaking because of their Monarch mind control.
Remember this old canard, Edward?
“I can see clearly now the rain is gone
I can see all obstacles in my way
Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind….”
Unfortunately, there are no upcoming blue skies.
If it made no difference who won, why were the elites so fanatically opposed to Trump?
It does make a difference cf. the mad scramble to get GWB elected in 2000. At that time the rulers had decided on years of aggressive foreign policy therefore they need the “war party” in. When Obama was pitted against the lame duck McCain it was time for some “smiley face” rule with a surge in the woke factor with the first (gasp!) African American president.
With Trump, I think it was a genuine shock when he was elected. Like Brexit in the UK, it just wasn’t supposed to happen! Trump is too much of a wild card. Too revealing. Suggesting there’s a deep state and actually taking conspiracies seriously? How dare he!. More to the point, he’s not getting with the covid program.
It seems quite possible that Trump never even wanted to be President.
Too much hard work, dealing with other people and so on…
But it does look good on your c.v.
Trump had the perfect billionaire’s lifestyle, but gave it all up to run for the presidency. He donated all presidential salary to good causes and says he has lost billions by becoming president, unlike any other political leader you care to mention. More seriously, he has put himself and family in grave danger by opposing the corrupt ruling classes of the USA, and by his insolent attempt to ‘drain the swamp’. In the near future, the elites will persecute and try to imprison him and his family, to prevent any further rebellion against their control in the land of the unfree.
We don’t really know how fanatically opposed to him they actually are.
What the media choose to show us always has several layers of superficial, misleading crap attached to it.
Appearing to be opposed to something is a pretty old trick, after all.
It covers your ass.
Paying off the BLM rioters? That’s not something you do just to create an appearance.
Wim Hof: “Afraid of corona? Fuck off!
Covid accounts for less than half of last month’s excess deaths
Wim Hof: “Afraid of corona? Fuck off!
Good to see that Danish news. Actual good news? Who would have thought it…
Now if we could just make sure Hancock gets to see that Tweet…
Best this year… Totally in topic
John Anderson’s brilliant interview of American historian Victor Davis Hanson on Us election 2020
(2 million views)
Everybody knows the game is over. Everybody knows there’s no way back. Everybody knows it’s time to go. Everybody knows.
Why all of a sudden I feel like reading Dante Alighieri´s Inferno following the analogie of Ibsen´s Doll´s House?
In variation of Dante it will be to abandon hope all ye who cannot leave Torvald´s house.
Many of us are not like plucky Nora and sad but true the house/bank always wins and everybody else loses.
According to Marx it´s always those who hold the economic power and make the decisions that rule. It´s old hat. Indeed why vote at all ?
Gore Vidal once said that there is only one party in the United States, the Property Party- and it has two right wings: Republican and Democrat.
I never thought I would be on the same side as Trumpf in anything. Tempi passati.
However, only anti-globalist Trump gets the flak from Schwab´s cabal who even have the power to mask up the little children all around the world.
I think it´s called Dante’s Commedia: from Despair to Hope to Glory for a reason and to dwell to deep into Orwell’s dark Doublethink from 1949 is not appropriate at all for the task we are facing in resisting the new normal, the great reset, whatever you like to call the interesting times we are living in.
At the eleventh hour we need L’Esprit
to regain control over the western world that we have known, because the Church of Coronavirus-Globocap keeps on giving every day.
There´s a variation of Orwell´s dystopian doublethink quote
with F. Scott Fitzgerald famous quote many people will know. However, I´m not sure too many have seen the sentence that follows:
In his 1936 essay “The Crack-Up,” Fitzgerald writes that “the test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time, and still retain the ability to function.“
For example, he says you should “be able to see that things are hopeless and yet be determined to make them otherwise.”
That´s doublethink more to my liking.
Das Gleiche ist nicht dasselbe, we say in German, what looks alike turns out not to be the same.
It reminds me of a paradoxical slogan dating back to
1968 when young people in West Germany, took to the streets to challange the status quo in politics, lifestyle and culture.
Some of them called themself “Spontis”. The same people, nowadays wearing a three-piece suit, discuss “The End of the Western World as We Have Known It” with Herr Schwab in Davos.If you take a leaf out of their tattered copies of Marx – A Theory of Historical Change, and sing one of their slogans, which has long since become a proverb in German, it will not go wrong:
‘You don’t have a chance, but use it’-)
I wonder how the spontis would view German Antifas today, who have been attacking those protesting against the lockdown. Is it true that German authorities banned the lockdown protests, not Antifa’s counter protest?
“In a country where loneliness is widespread … Americans prefer myths that induce them to act out of habit so they can lose themselves in the group”
The author here is breaking from the neo-convention that says being alone is being ‘Independent’, ‘Confident’ and ‘Emotionally Intelligent’ ..
Oh for fuck’s sake! I’m trapped with the TV news and they’re really orgasming over this vaccine like it’s the second coming. Oh and there’s the concerned voice: “Betty has been suffering silently but in acute agony. But now there is a glimmer of hope.”
Jesus fucking Christ can you imagine broadcasting this even 6 months ago? Imagine the well deserved jeers mixed with the sound of honking into vomit bowls.
I can think of several presenters I’d happily see injected in the arse… if only they’d walk the talk live on TV. Maybe all three “miracle vaccines” at once.
Guarantee them their jobs, to be fair, just in case they need to spend the next few years twitching and slobbering in the corner of the studio.
What gets me is the relentless overkill of this excrement. On and on it goes like a Wagner opera produced by Phil Spector. Do you think there are households sitting there with tears streaming down?
No I think a solid wall of underlying decency is building up into a vast release of total ridicule.
Ha! Only today I was wondering about the Siegfried reveries of Mr Schwab and his Fourth Rei.. sorry Industrial Revolution.
This guy thinks there’s something to it: Wagner, Siegfried, Marx and the New World Order, by Jeremy James
Probably contain only saline water in their case… there’s no viable solution, lol
There’s no limit to their contempt.
Grab a book bro, get out of there it’s unbearable… as bored as I am and lonely (God dammit), since a few days I cant tune to any of it, any!… i’m stuck with The Phaser and other links… and watch old (enought) movies… I’m at my 20th Graham Green novel this year
We’ve got that double-edged sword, a networked connection to the outside world. I don’t think they’ll ever make it one-way because they want to monitor our views. Keep the skills up and follow the DWeb or decentralized web. Someone advised to learn the techniques of the Chinese dissidents which begins with de-Googling. Failing that, there’s always the pleasure of scouring the market for a working typewriter.
And never trust a globalist: How China forced UNHRC to hand out names of activists
I know but what can we do… if we can’t express our opinions, I don’t see the point of being human… i’ll go first actually, don’t even want to see it … but that’s me… thanks for the links
MRNA technology is untested and its inoculation and immunogenicity model unproven so far. The mechanism of immuno-response to mRNA vaccine itself as well as side effects of cell development largely unknown, possibly facilitating enhanced autoimmune response. And that are general questions about technology not specific to COVID.
Regarding SC2/COVID vaccine: They published nothing but headlies to blatantly bump the stock prices and dump their own shares. I checked everywhere no details. I will wait for paper in NEJM or BJM about phase 3 results as they published in July about result of phase 2 with 50% of severe to moderate side effects after second inoculation.
Pfizer and Moderna have already been paid. So they have to hype junk they vomit.
Actually, headlies is a very usable term and can be applied to much of the media today!
That they’re just cashing in their share options now tells a story. If they were confident their vaccine would be approved and rolled out,they’d be holding on to their shares for that moment,as that is when price will escalate. The numbers don’t add up,plus side effects will be really materialising soon,hence the indecent haste.
It’s even the same on youtube with nhs interviews with “long” covid sufferers. Cue dramatic background music,lingering shots of hands being wrung,and overwrought,drama school level acting. Please,these “actors” were pictures of health. Boak inducing in the same way as a bottle of buckfast…nauseating heavy syrup rotting the guts.
these are the actions of satanists and zionists khazar pirates
why bring jesus into it
unless you are with them
Michael Reynolds anticipated a day when people would abandon the cities. Looks like that day has arrived or it’s high time it did. Let’s organise new communities and help those who want to live not throw good money after bad.
Are you kidding, they’re gonna bring them back in it by their ears
lol no. ‘The virus’ spreads faster in the city:) We need to spread out.
They want us confined (locked up) in cities. They will cease property (your newly acquired country house), and bring you back in a truck that they will provide if you can pay. If not, fema camp (temporarily of course)
Who cares what they want? Your obviously one of them trying to brainwash people into thinking they are powerless.
wait, weren’t you ranting about “the game is over” a bit on top…? You’re an idiot aren’t you
Obviously? Weren’t you ranting about it’s all over just up here? You’re an idiot
It seems Jodie still lives in a special kind of bubble!
And we are here to free her from that bubble! (If she trusts us of course, if not… there’s always the MSM) But why should it be about trust again… let’s use our brains then, all of us in equality
Ok forget what I said below… I just read her recent post and I think that bubble is ment to protect us
forget what I said below, after review I think that bubble is to protect the rest of us
Do you know the story of that old japanese man living on an island?
imagine this
a fantastic voyage of discovery of life and violent death
imagine a 5g world an internet of everything towers every 500 meters apart
imagine a transistor smaller than the size of a bacteria
imagine being able to signal an immune cell to generate antibodies that would fight bacteria or even cancer. That fictional possibility is now a step closer to reality with the development of a bio-compatible transistor the size of a virus. Hyman professor of chemistry Charles Lieber and his colleagues used nanowires to create a transistor so small that it can be used to enter and probe cells without disrupting the intracellular machinery. These nanoscale semiconductor switches could even be used to enable two-way communication with individual cells.
To believe that Trump was “… backed by the super-rich elites, what some call the Deep State.”, indeed requires doublethink of spectacular magnitude.
UK Column News – 16th November 2020
“When good science is suppressed by the medical-political complex, people die.”
Covid-19: politicisation, “corruption,” and suppression of science, BMJ, Nov 13, 2020.
Read full article here: https://www.bmj.com/content/371/bmj.m4425
Kier Starmer, Chief Tory Whip on the Labour Bench:
“The challenge is how we get ready for the vaccine… a logistical operation probably larger than we’ve seen since WW2.” He then launches into military language: “The government must be quick, decisive and effective so we can give the British people the security that they need.”
Labour’s culture secretary Jo Stevens complains gov does not censor online platforms enough. She says Labour has been warning the gov for years against vaccine skeptics.
In reality the “disinformation” strategy does not come from Labour:
Axminster Hospital, Northern Devon Healthcare Trust, makes up rules against 93 y/o man.
Nephew refused entry with his 93-y/o uncle because he was not wearing mask, for which nephew had an exception. Hospital demanded he wear a lanyard and complete tracing forms. Pressure alarmed his uncle, causing unnecessary risk to health.
Bus driver had previously refused to let 93 y/o aboard bus because he forgot mask.
UKC: Beliefs have become law. We don’t have laws. We don’t have evidence and facts. Instead people are being turned against each other.
Further information: this is not a tender, it’s a done deal.
UKC viewer points out this is a contract award notice, agreed in advance, with the notice published to satisfy public procurement regulations.
GBP 1.5 million contract awarded to Genpact UK
Genpact UK slogan: Adapt and rise: building resilience for communities, people and businesses.
It says its activities include: supply chain, leasing, mortgages and loans, on boarding, property, claims and underwriting, trade shows, credit risk management.
UKC: looks like an enforcement agency.
MHRA told UKC that EU tenders are visible in UK, thus not advertised locally. What is meant by expected high volume of adverse reactions to the Covid vaccine? MHRA replied:
At the time of its tender award MHRA said its legacy systems could not handle the anticipated volume of Adverse Drug Reactions.
UKC: MHRA’s answer is not consistent with earlier statements.
Mike Robinson: If as MHRA says the adverse reactions are 1 in 1,000 why would you need artificial intelligence. A simple database would suffice.
David Scott: the level of adverse reaction must be enormous. The government must be asking how many casualties there will be.
Brian Gerrish: People should know they can sue the Pharma companies. The government says they are not liable but under common law the people within those companies who knowingly implement mistakes are liable for their actions. The individual carries guilt for the crime.
BBC Radio Four: “We don’t know which vaccine will work. There are at least three vaccines. People may have to take more than one vaccine at different times to build up immunity.”
Metro: Sep 2019: Children could be forced to have compulsory vaccination under Government plans
Health Secretary Matt Hancock says children could be forced to have compulsory vaccinations. Speaking at a fringe event at the Conservative Party conference in Manchester, in Sep 2019, he said parents must ‘take responsibility’ over the issue.
UKC: Do you see what he is omitting: free will and rational judgement. You can have a religious or medical exception or you have to comply. Or no education for you.
Police officers stop evangelical church from holding baptism service attended by 30 worshipers for breaching lockdown restrictions.
– Two police vans and police car parked outside church’s Mount Zion Hall building
– Lead pastor Regan King, 28, said he wanted to hold the baptism in defiance of the restrictions because it ‘served a greater good’.
“Although tyranny…may successfully rule over foreign peoples, it can stay in power only if it destroys first of all the national institutions of its own people.”
— Hannah Arendt
UK Column News – 16th November 2020
@32:00 mins UKC shows instances of police excess, tyranny and brutality.
Essex gym owner closes gym — still arrested and brutalized
Truro police target 19 year old speaking about creativity, lockdown and mental health.
Drag her into a van. Devon and Cornwall police say they’ll release her if protestors clear a path for the van. Police fail to keep their word, then move in on protestors.
She was held for 24 hours, interrogated and then released under bail “to prevent further offenses and protect the public”.
See her arrest here at @39:00 mins: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1MTuA9-aqCs&feature=youtu.be&t=2360
David Scott: Police have abandoned the law. Assaulting and abducting people. This has nothing to do with obeying Covid rules, this is you must comply, you must obey the state.

– Specialist operations in (counter) terrorism
– Organized crime (or criminal)
– in 2008 was Head of Terrorism, Scotland Yard
UKC asks Shaun Sawyer how a 19 y/o speaking about the arts and mental health threatens him.
Awaiting an email from Sawn Shyster.
– “coordinated wider public services and resilient self-supporting communities”
– Common Purpose?
She is asking for feedback about how well she is doing.
Say hello: https://www.apccs.police.uk/find-your-pcc/alison-hernandez/
David Scott:
She is selling safety as a brand that means loss of liberty.
She demands Resilience. She means compliance.
She says Connected. That means you must be a collective.
It is the reversal of everything this nation ever stood for.
UK passes Agriculture Bill, 2020
Environment Secretary George Eustice announces post-Brexit bill that is thoroughly anti-farmer.
Claims to boost farming but main proposals reduce farming: measures to reduce flooding, reduce climate change, setting land aside, protecting wildlife. But it’s not sustainable farming because the farming bit is… verboten.
BBC: UK out of recession but growth slows in September
Are you kidding? Facing the biggest ever depression… the BBC plays with the numbers.. that the lifting of lockdown means growth did increase from zero.
Logic would be to compare year on year. Month to month is meaningless, especially in these conditions.
Inside source tells UKC that Cabinet Office employs not 7k but 14,000 people.
Huge implications for non-accountability
UK Column News – 16th November 2020
From RT
While Common Pass limits its scope to passport and health information, the idea – a trusted international standard for sharing what would otherwise be private information – closely resembles the WEF’s Known Traveller Digital Identity program, which predates Covid-19. An all-purpose digital ID, KTDI combines Common Pass’ record of travel and health status with financial data, social relationships, and perhaps most disturbingly, behavioural information. While the WEF has not explicitly acknowledged the overlap between Common Pass and KTDI, it has admitted it is “currently piloting components of the KTDI concept in a real-life, cross-border context” and “engaging with international organizations” including two global airline standards bodies
Ticketmaster is said to be working on “a framework for post-pandemic fan safety that uses smartphones to very fans’ vaccination status or whether they’ve tested negative for the coronavirus within a 24 to 72 hour window,” the outlet stated, suggesting an Orwellian hybrid of Chinese-style social credit scores and the sort of digital “vaccine certificates” billionaire Microsoft founder Bill Gates hinted at in the early days of the pandemic.
Your health passport and compliance to use such a thing will be used to bring in mandatory vaccination through the back door. This will then continue with the ever tightening of the screws of successive plandemics.
We will and we must rise and take back our country from the medical liars and politicians who are about to commit treason against the people.
The current mindset of the herd of modern moron slaves is “If They let me travel, I see no problem with that”!
Just watched the video of the Essex gym owner arrested and manhandled to the ground. Yet another video of brutality from the fascist goon squad.
Anyone that shows any resistance… people of all ages, including elderly women and pregnant mothers. Just disgusting. And even more disgusting is that so many out there think this is about ‘keeping us all safe’. The delusional thinking!
They have embraced fascism out of their own fear and servility. I’ve lost count this year how many of these videos I’ve seen.
The underlying patterning is of invested identities that manage conflicts under narrative masking – and which becomes unwieldy, over burdened, hollow, tired, stale, sacrificail and self-destructive – and so we come to the compression back to Source – which we may experience as fear and pain of loss in direct proportion to identifications that are no longer supportable, supported or relevant and helpful to who we now recognise ourselves to be.
Any process of legality is avoided where bringing into the open has more danger to a systemic corruption, and so behind the scenes, deals are brokered – along with non disclosure.
‘The show must go on’
But alas in terms of keeping ‘face’ and legitimacy of control such as to hold the legal framework that protects them against a collective immune response, and sets societal protectors against the messengers of perspectives that would offer healing rather than sacrificial and destructive ways to buy more time against a true reckoning or just account.
The complete first paragraph is five lines long yet only one sentence. The terminology and phrases are very difficult to understand.
”manage conflicts under narrative masking” ?
In the context of the pandemic, what is the conflict they’re managing ?
What is the ‘narrative masking” ? Do you just mean that they’re telling lies, ie ‘false narrative ?
”becoming sacrificial and self-destructive” ?
Who or what is ?
”we come to the compression back to Source – which we may experience as fear and pain of loss in direct proportion to identifications that are no longer supportable, supported or relevant’‘
Can you explain that a little clearer please.
”helpful to who we now recognise ourselves to be.”
What does that refer to ?
Good old word salad 😋
You’re not kidding..i tried to replicate that and went insane
They mean exactly what they say.
”manage conflicts under narrative masking” ?
Your inner conflict is masked over by your narrative identity. But unless you notice that, you will act out the mask as if your self. For what you invest in as your protection becomes your self.
(I used ‘you’ – but not to single you out so much as to indicate a statement you can personally verify. But if you merely ‘think about’ you will not observe your thought process.
The pan-ic-demic is replicating these symbols as our literal experience.
You can more easily observe cognitive dissonance in others – if you are not under the spell of having reacted to fear and thus emotionally investing identity in its frame.
All narratives operate a self-reinforcement to the underlying beliefs or believed fears’ running as perception-response or conditioned behaviours.
That we can align in narratives that truly reflect who and what we are is where we have sanity and coherence and a basis for trust and communication. But the truth is never IN the narrative any more than it is IN the Map or Model of reality.
”becoming sacrificial and self-destructive” ?
Lies defended as truth demand the sacrifice of truth. Does this need explaining?
However, the usurping of the mind is not recognised as such in those who ‘know not what they do’ – (cognitive dissonance).
”we come to the compression back to Source – which we may experience as fear and pain of loss in direct proportion to identifications that are no longer supportable, supported or relevant’‘
The Universe Breathes – as cycles within cycles or rather spirals.
But in specific to what I wrote is the expansion of founding ideas that go forth and multiply or are developed along the lines of their interacting themes. When conflicts are held in Mind as part of following multiple themes, they can be ‘partitioned’ or spaced out to buy time in which to explore the experience.
This can be taken in terms of individually or collectively (I don’t mean collectivism). But we are always both AND …
The going forth for experience is lived and in its timing is harvested or rendered back to its essence – truth is not lost. In human terms we are brought to …
for the whole post see:
‘‘Lies defended as truth demand the sacrifice of truth. Does this need explaining? However, the usurping of the mind is not recognised as such in those who ‘know not what they do’ – (cognitive dissonance).”
I think you mean a lie is a lie.
‘know not what they do’ is about not understanding the seriousness of the actions you may be carrying out and not realising the consequences. The quote is from the Bible. It has no relationship to cognitive dissonance if you know what cognitive dissonance is.
The rest is all a bit weighed down with 1990s new age self help quotes and tropes that don’t relate to anything or even each other. It’s OK in small doses if it’s placed in a much larger does of plain English..
No I mean that a lie identified in and masked over against truth is a sin.
Cognitive dissonance is a modern word for a spiritual death – that knows not what it is – but thinks it does.
I am not seeking or interested in your marks ‘teacher’.
The waking of the dead is for those who choose from a new recognition.
Even as you do unto the least (but not excluding any) – you do unto Me.
You can think about this as long as you want but until you are willing to release your thinking mind and drop to the heart you act out the judge.
A lie is not always a lie. If I was hiding you from thugs who had no legitimacy under the Law. and was asked if I had seen you, and said ‘no’, in order to protect you then I would be aligning in the truth of my heart.
Truth is always true – but lies can mask as truth and tempt us to deny our truth and that of others. Peter denied Jesus, under fear that shut down his mind until he heard the cocks crowing the dawn and remembered. This was a great gift that found its time and timing. Not a cause to judge and blame Peter! Fear shuts down the mind such as to know not what we do.
But under a fear-driven ‘survival’ we do whatever it takes to survive in the masking that fear set us in. The mask demands support and protection as an attempt to protect ourself that cannot really work, but only delay by covering over in diversion, obfuscation and distraction. All about a sense of control that was not needed until fear redefined us in a broken sense of life.
When we are in our joy, armouring falls away by itself.
Because you can categorise everything to blanket judgement – such as ‘new age’ or ‘self-help’ – you can successfully hide what you do not want to hear – yet.
If ever the need for truth is as the drowning man’s need for air – look to where your judgements or rule out what you thought to use to make your masking more solid.
There is a time for all things under the Sun.
‘Sin’ is a subjective notion. A lie being a lie is a fact. Keep simple things simple. Trying to make everything profound for the sake of it drowns everything.
”Cognitive dissonance is a modern word for a spiritual death”
It’s a two-word phrase that resides within the realms of Psychology. Spirituality again is a subjective notion and can only be speculated about at best. Cognitive Dissonance refers to the anguish experienced when you can’t prioritise one of two or more held beliefs that contradict one another.
”I am not seeking or interested in your marks ‘teacher’.”
Just as well really. But, for the record, I asked to clarify something you said. That’s not teaching, it’s wanting to learn.
”Even as you do unto the least (but not excluding any) – you do unto Me. You can think about this as long as you want but until you are willing to release your thinking mind and drop to the heart you act out the judge.”
See- you’re doing it again. It’s as though you throw words into a tumble dryer and pull them out randomly to put in sentences.
‘‘A lie is not always a lie.”
It is. If it were otherwise it wouldn’t be called one.
”If I was hiding you from thugs who had no legitimacy under the Law. and was asked if I had seen you, and said ‘no’, in order to protect you then I would be aligning in the truth of my heart.”
Yes, you’d also have told a lie. I think you’re trying to talk about a moral dilemma.
”Because you can categorise everything to blanket judgement – such as ‘new age’ or ‘self-help’ – you can successfully hide what you do not want to hear – yet.”
All i want to hear is plain English.
”If ever the need for truth is as the drowning man’s need for air – look to where your judgements or rule out what you thought to use to make your masking more solid.There is a time for all things under the Sun.”
I’ll name that tune in 12.
Namaste ( or something else mystical)
I put my response to you at
(At the bottom of the page).
If anyone has actually followed this they can read on there.
I stand in and value the points I made and I thank you for the opportunity to make them in the context of a world of cognitive dissonance fragmenting to a ‘Babel’ of inability to communicate.
Which part of ‘plain English‘ threw you..
Nothing you said ‘threw me’ – unless in your fantasy of reality control.
If you cant follow the plain meanings i share, it may be that you have no intention or desire to understand anything that isn’t the reinforcement of your own bubble of ‘possession and control’. However, that is your freedom to decide for yourself. I am not suggesting that you SHOULD open to anyone or anything that you do not recognise as worthy.
Where you assign your ‘worth-ship’ is what you give ‘with-ness’ to. I have extended to you a willingness to share that you, as yet. cannot see.
It takes one to know one Juracalling.
While you choose to dump your shit on others as a toxic guilt dump, then you shall, and reap the rewards that go with it.
But for my part – no communication has opened between us apart from you asking a question to analyse for your defences. But I also respond here to the theme as a whole and to the readership that alights in themes that they have interest in. It is not ‘personal’ but you can – ‘make it so’ because you are the one who makes your decisions – for you.
I would not have it any other way. But that doesn’t mean I give you power over mine!
You are plainly self-revealing.
Have joy in your day!
Well that just started it with a laugh..
Never liked that… person
What sort of contribution is that?
So what if you ‘like’?
I don’t put my ‘person’ out here – but see how your snide comments reveal your own!
I am not writing here to be ‘liked’. Are you?
Is snide put-down the basis that you would build from.
Do you seek to join in hate so as to scapegoat the ‘leper’?
For that is what your behaviour reveals.
If you have an issue that you are able to own and speak then bring it out.
Or shut up.
See? When comes the time to moralize people you suddenly become very clear,
Can’t help noticing how you contradict yourself in coming down on me for exactly not liking you.
In spirit, you sound like MSM… Denouncing hate, and shutting up people from the moral high ground.
Download yourself a sense of humour, it’s a shareware.
You’re an angry, confused and controling person with a big mouth, I don’t like that combination, actually find it a nuisance.
Ok I see progress
it’s the fakeness of the chap that’s problematic….
his grandiose, whiny, nebulous preachings sound like a philosohy grad on his return from goa lecturing the barmaid at the wetherspoons.
a philosopher with a taste for cheap cider and vegan crisps then..explains much..
… with evidence that even her already knows
this entity is an AI masquerading as a swami
lol i like that..it’s far more diplomatic and far less obscene than what i was going to suggest.. 😉
Some people are just as beta version as AI, but unfortunately with emotions that are just as glitched
Back in medieval times, the folk believed in Satan and witchcraft. It wouldn’t have taken much to start off a panic about a demonic force threatening a community and plenty of people would be willing to vouch for sinister sightings. All of this could go on till the local priest decided it was alright to return to normal. Since he was in direct communion with God, he was the one with the credentials to determine when things were safe again.
Now we have this:
“Covid-19: Normal life back next winter, says vaccine creator
The impact of a new Covid vaccine will kick in significantly over summer and life should be back to normal by next winter, one of its creators has said.”
Prof Ugur Sahin, BioNTech co-founder, says, “I’m very confident that transmission between people will be reduced by such a highly effective vaccine – maybe not 90% but maybe 50% – but we should not forget that even that could result in a dramatic reduction of the pandemic spread”
Just tell us when it’s safe, Professor. We’ll believe you!
Here’s an article from Global Research.ca about COVID vaccines which features BioNTech.
Gym owner told to close for not enforcing masks. Locks business. Pauses outside. Arrested for not walking away fast enough. Agrees to be arrested. Forced to ground. Sat on by several policemen who twist his head to the side.
Wife calmly advises husband to comply to avoid being tasered or gassed. Multiple police cars arrive. She is told to back away. Does so repeatedly. Then she too is seized. Policemen shriek and scream at her.
UK policing 2020.
Essex gym owner closes gym — still arrested and brutalized
To paraphrase Billy Connolly: Anyone who expresses a desire to become a police officer should be barred for life from becoming one.
I concur..let’s see how their bosses fail to address this..scum
Scum is exactly what they are. I’ve always loathed them. What kind of inadequacy leads someone to feel the need to have that kind of power over other people? They are but hired goons. Cowardly, too.
But they know that their bosses will always cover for them.
Hi Gwyn,
Dal yn iawn ar gyfer yfory?
Yndw! Dwi’n edrych ymlaen! ;o)
They’ve arrived…!!!
Run away !
I knew I could hear rustling and giggling coming from those bushes…
The worst of it is that these shitbags will be chomping at the bit to be tomorrow’s ‘urban troops’. ; the ‘covid force’.
To the left we have the armed troops who will kill and maim blindly for their country and the gangsters that pay them. They’re uniformed gangsters with the law backing them up. Physically fit and programmed but generally brain dead like robots.
To the right we have the police; thigs who weren’t liked at school and still aren’t out there. They only like each other. They’re racist and vicious and carry more arms than the Nazi stormtroopers. If you give an idiot a gun he will always be itching to use it. The same goes for pepper spray and tasers.
The vacancy is between the two. That’s the vast is waiting to be filled by the government’s Martial Law Robots. We’ve been primed like cattle to stand; to isolate; to distaance; to jump when we’re told. Enter the armed-to-the-teeth soldiercops. They can’t wait to walk the streets like Roman Emperors hoping for an excuse to unleash. Bastards.
Yeah, that combination of arrogance, stupidity and being armed is a toxic one. These people can’t handle pressure, which just makes things even worse. A panicky copper/squaddie with a gun in his hand is a disaster waiting to happen.
But is he as dangerous as a criminal with a gun or machete in his hand?
The idea that police don’t prevent crime or protect citizens can be tested by living in lawless or pre-modern societies, where enforcing justice takes more primitive forms. Note that this truth in no way condones cases like this.
Police officers also know what will happen if they don’t obey the police authorities who have such power over them.
I’ve still always had a slight hankering to work in the research and forensics department, but that’s probably because I’ve watched too much ‘Vera’ and ‘Barnaby’…
Police forces around the world aren’t equally bad/good. For a different opinion on the value of policing, try living in a society where law and order is never enforced. But I agree that the UK police increasingly resemble the goon squads of fascist and communist dictatorships.
They have always been a force comprised of semi literate scum. Now they have been given carte blanche to parade it along with their arrogance. They’re beneath contempt. Shaven headed school bullies who deserve to be taken to one side by those they daren’t tackle one on one. Then they’d understand what real power feels like when you’re it’s victim. How do these low life rats get away with it once their faces are seen on the net or in papers. They can’t be in uniform and at the station 24 / 7.
Anyone who has been in the army or police knows that they are dysfunctional organisations with poor to abysmal leadership and chaotic basic administration, riven by internal politics and careerist faction feuding.
Most of the rank and file just want a quiet life, quickly becoming accustomed to completely pointless, often counter productive activity, shrugging their shoulders, shaking their heads, and going home to drink their beer. They will generally carry out any task, no matter how nonsensical, provided it is not actually clearly illegal. The priority is to find somewhere to have a fag and get off on time. That’s about it.
where i live, if you need the police for an emergency you have to hope you’re near a chinese takeaway..
just like everyone else then.
They have mortgages and families to feed too, which helps them toe the new line.
a most interesting charcteristic of the ‘farce’ is the limited robotic diction they all employ when dealing with the ‘public’. even funnier when expanded for tv.
plod people.
They have to make sure they all sing from the Globo Homo Hymn Sheet in the prescribed manner. Woe betide anyone who tells a gay joke or fails to fall in at the front of the Big Gay Pride Parade while banging on a big bass drum. Or who fails to take a knee or orders a black coffee. Today’s bright modern police force has to get its priorities right.
And yet police heroes who risk their lives to save citizens do exist.
Hi-yo, Silver, Away!
They had the cavalry there as well.
Wanna bet these are not real policemen?
Anything is better than “science.” And, yes, “science” must be forevermore encased in quotations because whatever it might have once been, it has been reduced to just another tool of the ruling class.
Science is DEAD since at least one scoundrel sold the germ theory and the moron herd accepted that THEORY as being a FACT.
Nowadays “science” is just a BIG PROFIT MACHINE… nothing else.
Oh I reckon we can still do our own good science with integrity at home…
The Internet continues to overflow with information, and it’s simply up to us to sort it out.
A good brain and decent character can do it.
Give him a follow 👉 https://www.bitchute.com/video/lsbctIKDm4VH/
That australian dude… awesome.
USSA is a murderous, lying psychopath predator that humanity can no longer afford to indulge. I for one hope to see it rupture and break into a thousand pieces. Hopefully “a coalition of the willing” can then be organized to defang the evil beast of its sickening murder machine of nuclear weapons and criminal oligarch owned Pentacon psychos that USSANS call their military. The failed entity should then be occupied by peace keepers to ensure some minimal form of civility of which USSANS are sorley lacking at home not to mention their penchant for vicious, wanton genocide everywhere the buzzard has ever landed. If the Germans needed to be bled dry back in the day and occupied by buzzard goons to this very day; then tell me what price must USSA be forced to pay for the evil that this cabal of anglozionazi filth has unleashed without respite on the human family
So get the civil war in Slumville reloaded already. God knows you have it coming.
Karma time!
Well said! There’s a Hopi prophecy which states that they will ”see America come and go.”
Good riddance to the USA, whose effect on the world you have described very accurately.
Anyone who complains about that, just remember 500,000 Iraqi kids under 5 murdered by US economic terrorism from 1991-2003.
Over the past 70 years, the Exceptional Folk have rampaged across the planet like Nazi Germany on steroids, butchering, starving, & immiserating hundreds of millions.
Their crimes are without parallel in all of human history.
If every American alive today were taken out and hanged, drawn and quartered once a day for the next 50 years, that would not be anywhere near adequate payback for all their shitfuckery.
59 million refugees since 2000.
Economic terrorism that has cost every Cuban man, woman and child $100,000. Right now, they are planning further genocidal terror against Iran, Syria, Venezuela, and half of humanity.
F**k America.
F**k Americans.
Every last one of the c**ts.
They can burn in hell.
Let God sort them out.
So you hate ALL Americans and want them ALL to burn in hell; even the children, even the infants, even those who have spent their lives saving lives and helping others and working for peace and justice – who may have sacrificed and risked far more than you ever have to oppose the warmongers and exploiters.
And you think – what? It makes you real, a no-nonsense honest guy who says what everyone’s thinking?
No, it makes you exactly the same kind of psychopathic antihuman as those you claim to oppose. Most people with basic moral sense find the idea of mass murder repugnant. It’s only moral degenerates like you and Dick Cheney who don’t have a problem with it.
Don’t post this cheap hate speech here any more please.
They will only ever stop butchering, starving and immiserating hundreds of millions of people when they experience for themselves the misery they have inflicted on so many for so long.
Anything else is a pipe dream.
The evil that is America has to be burnt out at source or there will never be anything but murder and mayhem in the world. Millions of dead children cry out for justice from beyond the grave.
You need to be specific about ‘they’. Otherwise, what distinguishes your claims about evil Americans from Hitler’s approach to the evil Jewish nation?
Look at the group who controls America. It’s not ordinary Americans. It’s a particular group with a shared ideology.
Do you see that group as supporting Trump and his idea that American presidents are elected to put the interests of American people and workers first? They don’t seem very pleased about him ending endless wars rather than starting them.
That group hates Trump precisely because he’s a threat to their nefarious activities, subversion and war mongering. They consider ordinary Americans who arent in their group as cattle, like they do everyone else. This is a fact.
Don’t forget getting rid of ‘the USA’ involves eradicating about 270m innocent working Americans. Like you and me, they never oppressed or caused harm to anyone.
You are falling into the twilight zone of blame.
Do you blame Italians for the Mafia?,
Do you blame the Londoners of the City of London for rampant aggressive capitalism to pay for the bullyboy US?
Do you know who the Illuminati are?
Freemasonry is the problem paid for by the owners of the financial system, the Illuminati.
Americans, encased in our comfortable haze of illusions, are, I’m sorry to say, every bit as much to blame for what the US has wrought throughout the world as those who actually perpetrate the horrors.
Just ask Linda Ronstadt how thoughtful Las Vegas audiences can be after she had the nerve to recommend Michael Moore’s extremely tepid “Fahrenheit 911.” Or the Dixie Chicks after they publicly criticized George W Bush for invading Iraq.
Americans DO NOT want to hear anything but how wonderful they and their country are; and will punish anyone who tries to tell them.
Reductionist stereotyping is always wrong. You obviously know that all Americans don’t think that way. Don’t do such disservice to your intelligence and stop talking like a cheap bigot.
That must be a great comfort to all those cheap bigots in scores of countries who have had to watch their families destroyed and their children starving in front of them.
The idea that evil only comes from those with a US passport is obviously deranged, even evil.
The Trump support gains strength from the information disclosed through the Q postings.
The information is by and large not complementary to the status quo represented by Clinton/Obama/Biden axis.
The validation will come after Trumps next administration begins to unseal the 170,000 sealed indictments that is hanging like a sword of Damocles over the assorted Satanists, Paedophiles and Corrupters of the Political process.
It is unclear at the moment just how corrupted the election is, but the corruption will translate into a landslide victory for Trump.
Are Trump supporters part of the Americana that you speak off?
What bigoted, baseless slanders about an entire people. Hitler spread similar views about the evil Jewish nation.
Don’t be too disappointed when you realize your “peace keepers” are composed of the exact small part of America that you hate so much, MINUS the patriots and the advocates of freedom
Without the majority of Americans, the rest of the world will just be picked up by “Uber Eats”
Watch out for communist China too. It does have all those spanking new nukes, supremacist dreams, and hundreds of concentration camps.
It is Nobel Peace Prize Obomber and the Orange Faggot Incumbent who are spending an extra $2,000 billion on extra “spanking new nukes.” Not the Chinks. They have a minimal force of 250 warheads to deter the genocidal shitfuckery of your Exceptional chums, who are in the Concentration Camp Business in a big way.
Further Confirmation: Trump Raided German CIA Servers Last Week
Original Story: https://worldchangebrief.webnode.com/l/breaking-major-news-trump-likely-raided-cia-hacking-headquarters-in-frankfurt-with-large-force-of-us-armyfrankfurt-servers-were-site-of-election-vote-switching-hack-cia-excluded-from-this-operation/
(sorry for repost – bad link)
Even if he did, getting a court to consider such evidence will be hugely difficult.
one step at a time – and never surrender to diabolism.
Boris kamla Johnson 22.00pm Sunday 15 November (new moon in Scorpio )
Contact and trace contacted him to say he’s been in contact with someone who had bs19
Monday 16 November still in the new moon Scorpio period ITS a miracle
Moderna says early data shows its vaccine is nearly 95% effective in preventing COVID-19 On Monday, US biotechnology company Moderna announced that its experimental vaccine is 94.5% effective in preventing COVID-19, based on early data from a late-stage clinical trial.
Another episode of “Walking Dead” brought to you by the WSWS:
“A video aired on Channel 8ABC Tulsa, produced by INTEGRIS Health, provides a harrowing behind-the-scenes look at an ICU where health care workers are treating COVID patients. Dr. David Chansolme, the medical director of infection prevention, says while a nurse is managing 10 intravenous pumps, “This is what we call the ICU thicket. Look at how many pumps [there are]. This is one patient. It takes a NASA engineering degree to be able to run all of these lines on one single patient.””
Here is the video linked to:
Well – are you in a state of trauma? No. Nice guide round the hospital and display of the fancy gizmos. Note scene of health workers just kinda standing around. Also note – only one COVID sufferer who doesn’t seem to be doing that badly. And as if to rub your face in the sheer vacuity of evidence, they re-show that one sufferer towards the end. Also note the good doctor spill the beans about halfway through:
“Seeing this on a video is very powerful and it really puts a human face on the need to mask up.”
But the WSWS are now in full flow:
“The video brings home the point that an inundated health system …”
“…working with an incapacitated or exhausted critical care staff…”
“…will only double or triple the number of deaths…”
Well, going by this video, that means boosting the figures to 2 or 3.
So this is what the WSWS has sunk to. It is excruciating to think that they would surely not have descended to such embarrassing desperation before. Indeed – it’s so obviously a hype that I wonder if we’re even meant to see through it as a demonstration of power?: “How many fingers am I holding up, Winston?”
I thought for a while about what comment I should make to preface this video, but mere words just don’t seem adequate to the situation, anymore.
Ah so Chomsky has traced the root of COVID. It’s Trump! It’s all Trump! And there was that kindly Obama saving the planet till Trumpety came in and undid all the saintly work. And of course NOW it’s OK for the MSM to carve up neoliberalism because we all know the MSM had a Scrooge transformation and now CARES DEEPLY ABOUT THE WHOLE WORLD!
But what’s this?:
“There were simulations run of a pandemic as late as October 2019 warning of what would happen. No attention. Trump administration isn’t interested. So, when the epidemic finally hit, the United States was singularly unprepared. After that comes a series of grotesque inactions and actions. For a couple of months, Trump refused to admit that it was happening.”
Yup Trump didn’t heed the warning. And you know what happens to those who go against the Corleones!
Speaking of which, I would have had infinitely more respect for Chomsky if, when backing out of the JFK investigation, he had just thrown up his hands and said, “OK I’m outta here! I’ll stick with linguistics!”
you don’t sponsor something like Operation MK-CHOMSKY for thirty years, and then just let it stick with linguistics.
no, you carefully nurture and promote it, in anticipation of the happy day when you can finally cash it in for the big payoff.
Second that, and a couple people here should also stick with linguistics for fuck’s sake
Actually let me retract myself again… Linguistics is, as I got it in high school in one or two weeks courses, ( and I said, ok that’s brilliant let’s go on with my life), is the science of ‘achieving to be understood. Now how can you be understood when you keep putting people to sleep. So he’s not even any use there either.
To blame communist China and its globalist friends and lackeys for covid and global pandemic would mean admitting that all evil does not only originate from the US and western capitalism. Like a million other leftist/neo-communist ‘intellectuals’, Chomsky has spent his life believing and promoting the second thesis. He can’t abandon his religion now, no matter how many Muslims and Tibetans people their organs removed and sold in Chinese concentration camps.
Why share such piece of garbage?! Two old farts spewing propaganda…
I became increasingly exasperated with Chomsky after his “Nothing to see here, move along” response to the events of September 11, 2001.
As bad, or worse, was (is) his “lesser-evil” electoral-politics pontifications, which boil down to the lesser-evil dogma of voting for the Democrat in “this crucial election”– which evidently has been every election this century.
Yes, I know that Chomsky qualifies this advice with nominally more sophisticated and radical pronouncements about the relative insignificance of electoral politics in working for real sociopolitical change. But his bottom line was/is always, “This time around, vote blue.”
Anyway, nowadays I’m sorry he’s still around. I feel a bit conflicted in wishing he weren’t, but there it is.
A complete and utter fraud. No ‘intellectual’ could discuss American hegemony without discussing the JQ. Tells you all you need to know.
That is just Faux Left controlled opposition, like Counterpunch.
No “just” about it. Chom has a large following. This is serious excrement.
Hard to say whether he actually believes it himself, since the ol’ body is beginning to crumble, and there’s no reason to suspect the brain is immune to Crumble19…
At least Chomsky could deliver exciting speeches in the old days.
He is now certifiably in orbit around some other planet…
Thanks, Noam. It’s been fun.
Although he clearly has no inkling of the ghastliness and wrongness of what he is saying, he certainly did get this right:
“At every level, we are racing madly towards total catastrophe under the leadership of sociopathic fanatics; it’s as if some evil demon decided to take over the human species and drive them to self destruction”…
… only he got seriously confused about the demon’s name, address and political affiliation…
Top US cybersecurity official reportedly says he expects to be fired.
Christopher Krebs leads the agency that secures voting technology, which has been pushing back on misinformation about the election.
Guardian staff and agency
Thu 12 Nov 2020 15.33 EST
Top US cybersecurity official Christopher Krebs has told associates he expects to be fired by the White House, according to three sources familiar with the matter.
Krebs is the government’s point person on securing voting technology and is widely respected among local election officials. His agency has also been aggressively pushing back on rumors that something went wrong with the 2020 election, as Donald Trump, who refuses to concede to the president-elect, Joe Biden, contests.
Krebs, who heads the Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (Cisa), did not return messages from the Reuters news agency seeking comment. And the Cisa and the White House declined comment.
Separately, Bryan Ware, assistant director for cybersecurity at Cisa, confirmed to Reuters that he had handed in his resignation on Thursday.
CISA Director Chris Krebs Addresses American Voters
CISA (The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency)
Oct 28, 2020
Hear from CISA Director Chris Krebs on the ongoing effort to secure the 2020 election. Various actors may try to introduce chaos in our elections and make sensational claims that overstate their capabilities. Learn how to distinguish between rumors and reality:
So do you concur with Krebs that this was the ‘most secure election in US history’? Trump says it was a coup. I guess looking at the mountains of evidence prior to judgement is a good idea. Democrat lackey, careerist bureaucrat and deep stater Krebs clearly didn’t.
I was just flagging it up; and I think he’s gone now. Hopefully, he’ll be on a flight to Gitmo pretty soon!
Looks like the USA (and several other countries including Canada) are being positioned to get the Moderna vaccine. Surprise, surprise that it’s another mRNA vaccine. Introducing that technology is clearly a major part of the on-going agenda.
Announcing this on 15/11 is another 9/11 event, as was the UK announcement on Nov 9th. One plus five equals six and then invert it (“if six turned out to be nine…. “).
In metaphysics November is the ninth month it now become mainstream knowledge even though they say it the 11th it kind of isnt
The true beginning of the year is March when the sun is entering the spring constellation
“The time has come for homo sapiens to stand up and start becoming human again. This scare has led man to lose reason as he follows the pied piper’s call and we are being led to the downfall of civilization. Stand up, take those masks off your face, grasp each other’s hands again — no more social distancing, what utter nonsense because of a virus that has been with us since the beginning of mankind — and start singing. The sound of the human voice is the only thing which is going to halt this pied piper’s madness.”
— Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi
Are We Being Told the Truth About COVID-19?, Nov, 11, 2020 | Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi is a Thai-German specialist in microbiology and co-author of Corona, False Alarm.
Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi (notes from interview Nov 11, 2020)
When someone tests positive we say they tested positive for Covid-19 but that is the disease, not the virus, which is Sars-CoV-2. That’s the first problem. Secondly, it was termed new, when neither the disease nor the virus is new because coronaviruses have been with us forever.
These viruses co-exist with us. Every few months they mutate so that my immune system will accept them, otherwise they would be recognized on the second visit and be shut out. So it is completely normal that the most successful viruses in the world, which keep the host alive, which don’t want to kill us, change a little all the time.
When the number of cases falls below a certain level, you must stop testing. Because if you keep testing people who are not infected, you are going to get more false positives than positives. Many labs in Germany were creating artifacts in the lab through poor procedures. They created a cluster of 60 people in Bavaria. On retesting it turned out 58 were clear.
Scenario two is immunity. The science is very fuzzy. One arm is the antibody that catches the virus before it attaches to the cell but this antibody fights one-to-one. It is a matter of numbers. The number of antibodies can become exhausted before more virus comes along.
The whole idea of an immunity passport is stupid. Even if vaccinated and you have antibodies, you can only be protected if the number of viruses is low.
Also antibodies peak after you are immunized but with time they decline. Your immune system does not do work unless there is a purpose. After two or three months, even with the passport, you are not immune.
Our old antibodies are partially effective against new coronaviruses. Once the new virus enters our cells, waste products of the virus sit on the outside of the cell. The immune system’s second arm, the killer lymphocytes emerge.
Lymphocytes spot the similarity of the new virus to the old and attack the cell. One killer lymphocyte can kill many viruses-infected cells.
This is the body’s natural defenses. This is why more than 90% of people who are infected already have background immunity. Several recent reports have suggested people do have these lymphocytes and even those who don’t display them may have them ‘waiting in the wings’ in the lymph nodes.
Vaccines against coronaviruses are unlikely to work and could be dangerous — especially if you put the gene of the virus into the body, supposedly to make your cells produce the characteristics of the virus against which the antibodies are supposed to act.
These vaccines will create waste products and now the killer lymphocytes may start attacking healthy cells. I cannot prove this has happened but so many vaccines trials have had such serious side effects, pains, swelling, fever, muscle ache. The Astra Zeneca trial had to change its protocols before continuing which is not allowed.
Then transverse myelitis emerged. There are reasons to suspect that the killer lymphocytes may have been triggered into an autoimmune attack.
Secondly, suppose you have successfully generated antibodies but you have also reawakened those killer lymphocytes, like a boxer, you are stronger and ready for the next fight. Now when the real virus comes along, and overcomes the few antibodies that exist, you have so many killer lymphocytes ready for battle that they overdo it.
This would be immune response dependent enhancement which ends in an over-strong immune response.
How are they going to prove a virus is effective? If you are under 70 your chance of dying from this virus is minuscule. If you are losing 5 out of 10,000 lives how are you going to show that a vaccine saves lives? It’s not statistically significant.
As for lockdown, they are killing people who are not diagnosed for cancer, heart disease, from depression, from suicide, and economic depression that causes poverty. They are killing far more than they save.
Lawyers around the world are going to bring those people to justice. The first cases are currently being filed in Germany. I hope the right ones will be taken to court because what they are doing is criminal. It is not a matter of belief. We know people are dying around the world because of these lockdown measures. Millions of people are starving to death in India and other places.
We should be taking about why and how has our society allowed these things to happen. How and why and we must get answer so this will never happen again.
If I was a “Conshprirashy Sheorisht” I would wonder: is the mRNA vaccine is intended to weaken the immunity response? Because that is clearly a risk.
Vaccine trials suggest it affects quite a few people’s immune systems negatively. So if another virulent disease were to come along in the near future, those people weakened by the vaccine would be very vulnerable to a different virus. (see Francis Boyle). If Covid were a deadly threat the risk might be worth it. That does not seem to be the case.
Even if not deliberate conshpirashy — Let’s use Bill Gates’ own logic: Pandemics are the greatest threat facing humanity, or the second after “climate” — according to Gates himself.
Why would you mess with the immune system of hundreds of millions of people?
The proposal from Bill and Melinda is to give it to healthcare workers and the elderly first. Again, examine the logic. If the vaccine produces casualties, you would have just created a crisis in the state health system — perhaps bringing it to its knees, while accelerating the cull of elderly.
Isn’t one of the proposals of the Big Tech mafia to end traditional healthcare and replace it with “digital health” via a screen?
“a country where loneliness is widespread .. Americans prefer myths that induce them to act out of habit so they can lose themselves in the group.”
The author here might be breaking the neo-convention of not describing people who live alone in terms other than ‘Independent’, ‘Confident’ and ‘Emotionally Intelligent’ …
You will be pleased to hear that your commender in chief is providing such excellent guidance on the requisite behaviour:
“It doesn’t matter that we were all doing social distancing, it doesn’t matter that I’m fit as a butcher’s dog, feel great. And actually, it doesn’t matter that I’ve had the disease and I’m bursting with antibodies. We’ve got to interrupt the spread of the disease and one of the ways we can do that now is by self-isolating for 14 days when contacted by Test and Trace.”
So, things that DON’T matter:
You must still follow the rules for track and trace and you should still be scared shitless!
These are people whose brains don’t work, and who like having brains that don’t work.
People to be avoided at all costs – and certainly not allowed to become Prime Ministers.
Comrade Carrie appears to control Boris’s brain. Greens won 2.7% of the popular vote, but she found a better way to get her fantasy policies adopted than respecting what the stupid plebs want.
Being as fit as a butchers dog doesn’t make any sense.
He’s got the Biden dementia going on
They have to be fitter than the chocolate maker’s dog though
I commute for 3 hrs a day for work, at rush hour in a total of 6 busses full packed with the masked herd… Mine lets my nose uncovered… 6 months of this… got tested for work last week.. tested NEGATIVE… there you go with your highly contagious deadly disease
Assuming that the deep state doesn’t favour Biden, or pretending that the election wasn’t fixed in favour of the Democrats, is astonishingly misinformed. Also, should we defend the principle of democracy or not? Got a better option?
Just before the election, I said that the main targets include the CIA, FBI, etc.
Was Election Software Rigged? Sidney Powell Lays Out the Trump Team’s Findings.
Nov 15, 2020
According to Powell, the Trump campaign has enough evidence to launch a serious criminal investigation.
“We’re fixing to overturn the election results in multiple states and President Trump won by not just hundreds of thousands of votes but my millions of votes that were shifted by this software that was designed expressly for that purpose,” Powell explained. “We have sworn witness testimony about why the software was designed. It was designed to rig elections.”
According to Powell, the witness that the Trump team has is someone who has seen elections rigged in other countries. Those same tactics and software were allegedly deployed to the United States.
“They did this on purpose. It was calculated. They’ve done it before,” she said. “We have evidence of 2016 in California. We have so much evidence I feel like it’s coming in through a fire hose.”
Sidney Powell interviewed by Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futures: CIA May have Used Dominion for Its Own Benefit
Nov 15, 2020
@5:25: [it] makes me wonder how much the CIA has used [this software] for its own benefit in different places . . .
Hello Lost in a dark wood: Thanks for posting this interview. Notice how Ms Bartiromo is pressuring Ms Powell to disclose sensitive legal information throughout the presentation? This is one of the main reasons “investigative” journalism has been reduced to Facebook and Twitter exercises in finger pointing. I guess a juicy news “scoop” sells more advertising…
I repeatedly posted comment regarding fraudulent software used in early Die Bold voting machines before this “election” took place. Numerous web sites refused to publish the material…
Either way, you’re still going to get vaxxed. The WEF agenda marches on. All this stolen election charade is distraction for the Operation Warp Speed rollout, the next step in the Great Reset, the Fourth Industrial Revolution, where man and machine are hybridized, starting with “vaccines” that modify your own genetic makeup and cause you to become attached to the “cloud” “vaccine” by “vaccine,” like the Windows updates. Moderna = “Modify” your “RNA.”
Did US military and law enforcement raid a CIA facility in Germany?
Unraveling the Latest Deep State Coup
By Larry Johnson
Nov 16, 2020
I am reliably informed that a unit under the command of USEUCOM (i.e., United States European Command) did in fact conduct an operation to take control of computer servers. But these servers belong to the CIA, not Dominion or Sctyl. The U.S. military has full authority to do this because any CIA activity in the European theater is being conducted using military cover. In other words, CIA officers would be identified to the German government (and anyone else asking) as military employees or consultants.
Such an operation would have been carried out with U.S. law enforcement present to take custody of the evidence. That means that the evidence will be under the control of the Department of Justice through US Attorneys and can be used in court or other judicial proceedings.
This is not the first time that a military unit attached to EUCOM has compelled a CIA computer facility to hand over evidence. A dear friend of mine (a retired DEA officer) told me about an incident where he entered a CIA facility in Frankfurt backed up by the US Army to get info the CIA was withholding (this took place in the 1980s).
I also have confirmed what Jim Hoft reported the other night–the CIA’s Gina Haspel was not informed in advance of this operation. Based on this fact, I think it is correct that action was taken in Germany on territory under U.S. control and that a CIA facility was targeted.
I also have learned that FBI Director Christopher Wray was excluded from this operation. Wray, more than Haspel, has been working aggressively to undermine and sabotage Donald Trump. This means that some other U.S. law enforcement agency (e.g., US Marshals, DEA, Secret Service, etc) had the lead in collecting the evidence.
The Fight is Fixed.
The rules of the Fight are Fixed
The First Rule of the Fixed Fight is
Samuel? Sophie? Anyone?
You’re the first to mention “rules”. So why don’t you tell us?
I get it… better laugh… it comes down to tge rules of engagement… if it is really getting done
This is not just America. It is global. the decades old drive to convert the world’s governments to “democracy” is in fact a drive to place the elite in total control of the populations. “Democracy” is little more than another word for “rule by money” – it can be nothing else. The entire world is falling under the delusion that “each vote counts”.
The world is utterly corrupt, ruled almost exclusively by monied interests. Jesus said: “No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.”
Which is your choice?
Are voters really as corrupt as those they vote for?
No, just mis-informed
Misinformed by the politicians and the MSM, presumably. So if establishment and career politicians are the enemies of the people, then anti-politicians and populist outsiders who want to drain the swamp deserve our fullest support.
That would depend on many things.
Whoever comes to the fore would need to identify the real culprits….
The Freemason Water carriers for the Illuminati Satanists. If that is not in their manifesto they are suspect and should go to jail.
Anyone who wants to serve in government should know this Zionist history.
Misinformed, and even if they do their own homework and discover what’s really going on, they are left in no doubt that there is nothing at all they can do about it.
I am not corrupt just because I don’t live in London and can’t personally take a bunch of mates into the Houses of Parliament and physically remove Johnson and the rest from their offices to await trial.
That presupposes that actions before Her Majesties Court and Tribunal Service are capable of delivering an impartial verdict.
Elizabeth Windsor is the Patron of World Wide Freemasonry, I think that would be a conflict of interest.
Dissolve the monarchy and institute new lawful courts as opposed to the legal bullshit ones currently in operation.
Quite, but, as I said, Elizabeth knows that we are very unlikely to do any such thing – if she cares any more.
She might even be thinking of what a wasted life her initially promising career turned out to be…
For the record, I did not specify a conventional trial…
Or another word might be deceived.
Deliberate mis-information is deception by another means.
Propaganda is rife at the BBC and all MSM outlets.
Trump has won the election but fake news prevails at the moment.
You cannot serve both God and money.”Which is your choice?
Why is it, whenever anyone asks me to choose between two options, both are virtually always disagreeable? I don’t want any master. I know that kind of thing floats some people’s boat, but not mine.
I’m assuming that you don’t consider organised religion as just an older form of keeping the “elite in total control of the populations”
Geoff S: Exactly. I don’t understand the mommy/daddy psychology, other than my belief that the average person is unconsciously refusing to grow up and become their own authority.
Organized religion is certainly a big spanner in the works when it comes to developing a rational outlook on the world – even one which takes spiritual matters seriously as a natural part of life.
The Catholic Church is particularly ‘organized’, so its humiliating defeat in this debate is really something of a clincher:
The interesting audience scores at the very end, along with their changes of mind, say it all.
That said, my view is that if you take the ‘organized’ out of religion, you are left with something personal and real – but of course you have to pay attention to other interests and fashions which might wish to push you into despair and nihilism.
I should add that religion is also something which needs to be studied properly. A dismissive wave of the hand, based upon some sort of gut feeling, completely evades the important realities of self-consciousness which are involved, as well as the true nature of a human being.
Not for everyone, of course. Too much work.
But, back to the topic of the election, it really won’t do to have today’s Americans (and Brits) relying upon a vague feeling that ‘God is on our side’, without doing anything at all with their lives which would encourage even a fictitious god to side with them.
Our politicians encourage this vague feeling, but the people never get any satisfaction from it. That alone shows the political fakery and cynicism at work.
Perhaps you should think about serving the people.
Following organized religion, no matter which one, will almost certainly NOT set you free. But following God as he intended DOES set you free. In the Edenic Garden two trees in its center are singled out: the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and the tree of life. Mankind chose and still chooses the tree of the knowledge of good and evil which is marked by rules and laws. But the tree of life is marked by the things that produce, of all things, real life, real freedom. That comes about by knowing God. Not just knowing about God, but knowing Him as a good loving father who genuinely cares for the well-being of his children.
“However, many types of vaccine are likely to be needed to end the pandemic”
It is often suggested that the vaccine for this non-existent disease will contain some shite that will eventually kill people, sterilize them, alter their genetic makeup, and so on, all of which is possible, but let’s say that it doesn’t.
The vaccine, or the first in a series of vaccines for this one will establish a precedent, will be another step toward harnessing humans to the sickness industry. I remember some f-head from the WHO mention that something along the lines that “we’ve created a vaccine-dependent population”. No shit! The occidental population today is just about completely dependent on the sickness industry. To begin with, humans are just about unable to bear offspring without a sickcare attendant masking himself as a doctor. In many jurisdictions it might even be illegal for humans to bear their kids on their own. And so on so forth, sickcare is behind people’s asses all their lives, a fact most people not only do not question, but readily embrace. Whatever minuscule ailment they’re suffering from, they run to the nearest white-coat dispenser of pharmaceutical poison. Well, maybe not all doctors are like that, but all probably are to some extent, not to mention that they have to follow lege artis protocols written by scheisskopfs of Fauci’s kind, which gives them little maneuvering space.
Now, the sickness industry is upping the ante and taking all that to another level. It might well be that people will be dropping dead or turning into zombies after whatever crap is now being concocted, but if not, there will be one vaccine after another, plus a permanent state of emergency, and all sorts of hygienic phantasmagoria.
The natural ability of human beings to survive will deteriorate another quite a few notches.
I thoroughly enjoyed reading your contribution 🙂 So nice to hear someone calling a spade a spade…
Organic food, exercise and nationwide vitamin D supplementation at 2000 IUD per day during the winter months, would resolve most common ailments.
It is now glaringly obvious that Sars-2 aka Covid-19 is a manmade plandemic to usher in the Great Reset.
Anyone who promotes the government line will fall under suspicion and be thrown to the wolves when the people will no longer be bullied into submission by the Government.
The truth is out there look to the US.
The goal is a permanent Health Dictatorship under which all UN Agenda 2030 goals will be forced. The days of asking, guilt tripping, feedback and creative science will be over.
You will comply at first because you think it’s a global health emergency or you will comply at last because you will be broke and starving.
This is why lockdowns were key. Through obfuscation, the promise of 2wks only & the pure terror of adrenaline populations were convinced to accept the utter insanity of quarantine of healthy people. They agreed to self incarcerate and self unemploy.
Now it’s a desperate race to the digital lockdown finish line of “health” documentation, to make all life contingent upon “health” compliance.
They’re hoping the median masses will not wake up before they have to scan their phones for food. By then it will be just you and the police in the grocery store parking lot. And if you try to get food without your proper papers you will be arrested. You may even be detained by fellow citizens for authorities. The PTB, the ones most concerned with “keeping you safe,” and getting you “out of this pandemic,” will have long retreated to their ivory towers.
When one is stuck at home, in lockdown, and you avoid MSM News like the plague; you don’t really notice the covid propaganda except when you’re out shopping and enter a supermarket or shop.
Been back at work just over 2 weeks now, and the propaganda is everywhere, especially on the train system. Both on the platform, and on the train itself, its like Orwell’s 2 minutes of hate!
I’m grateful that at least I know why it’s being being pumped out relentlessly, and about the scamdemic and the Great Reset and all the other nasties.
Met yet another covid sceptic today, and another very positive, maskless chat.
Turns out we’re in a couple of the same groups.
Yeah except I feel like I’m going more mad now than I did when this whole thing started. The walls feel like they’re closing in. I’d almost rather believe in the full plague-ness of the virus than feel the vague, suffocating fear of the Orwellian situation that surrounds us. Is it possible that all we who frequent these pages are just wrong, and there is no great reset, no larger plan, and that our governments have just become increasingly careful in the face of what they perhaps *know* is a biological weapon? I’ve come to ponder this as I stare at the ceilings, trying to fall asleep at nighttime; undoubtedly there were a bunch of international protocols in place already for if and when a biological weapon was released, and Corona has triggered all of those protocols? I know it doesn’t explain anything, but I’m desperate to find some hope to cling onto.
This has crossed my mind as well. The fact that governments know that this alleged virus is somehow more dangerous that it evidently appears to be would explain why the whole world is acting in sync.
Still, it doesn’t make sense. Even if that were the case and what is happening were legit, what would be the strategy? What are we waiting for? Antidote a.k.a. vaccine? Traditional vaccine only stimulates immune response, if the process works at all – who knows if vaccination really works the way it is purported, there is a lot of evidence that it doesn’t. So, since most people appear to get over this alleged COVID-19 thanks to their own immune system unaided, what’s the point? The RNA vaccine will alter the human genome and we’re back to square one.
Moreover, and more importantly, even is some disaster happened, locking everybody up and fucking up the global economy wouldn’t make one iota of sense. On the contrary, as much effort as possible would have to be made to keep things going, to inflict as little damage as possible. Healthy, strong people would have to be not only allowed, but also encouraged or possibly forced to take care business, to ensure the survival of our species. What we’re seeing is the exact opposite. Whatever is done is the stupidest thing possible, all suggesting the hidden agenda on which people such as those frequenting these pages agree.
Sadly (for me), I have to agree with all of your points. Particularly about the lack of sense in destroying the economies and livelihoods of so many just at the juncture when you’d need as many healthy, strong, and optimistic people as possible.
Add to it the fact that practically nothing has been made since the spring to encourage people to boost their health, through exercise, proper nutrition, vitamins, etc. How come the government is not distributing free vitamin C and other supplements? Likewise, if a true pandemic struck, it would be important to keep spirits high, to encourage people to have faith that we can get over it. Any good news would have to be stressed, people motivated. Once again, the m-effers are doing the exact opposite. The level of scaremongering, constant supply of bad news, and so on is out of this world. Any way you slice it, the official narrative doesn’t make sense. Not even assuming that politicians and government officials are totally stupid – they probably are, but all of them can’t be that stupid. This is a very cleverly devised revolution – and yes, lots of people believe that the smokescreen is legit and play the role of useful idiots.
The scare tactics by the MSM have been the single biggest giveaway in this whole farce. And this is why I cannot understand these formerly intelligent Left-wing sites which have just swallowed the bull without further ado. Indeed not only do they swallow but they’re incredibly belligerent about the deadly pandemic and get ferociously snooty about any doubters. The covid crap has effectively neutered all political dissent.
Why can’t these Left sites understand that the MSM is the voice of the ruling class? It’s a voice that comes from higher up than all those cartoon political clowns – whose true job is to get pelted with rotten fruit before their next replacements arrive for further pelting. And when the MSM drone on about the deadly plague that’s what the ruling class want us all to believe. The lockdowns are therefore not some kin of progressive action move. Quite the reverse.
Try Breitbart.
It’s a bit of conundrum at first to try and solve the mystery of why so called left wing sites like the Canary, Skwawkbox, Caitlin, MOA, Saker, WSP etc are not vehemently attacking the propaganda of the Scamdemic which is as plain as wart on the end of someone’s nose.
They seem to fall broadly into two categories either they openly support the Scamdemic narrative and keep ratcheting up the hysteria of the MSM and call for more lockdowns or they most wilfully ignore it as in the case of the Saker.
Therefore, it seems to me that they are either being coerced to support the Scamdemic narrative because of a financial lever as in the case with Skwawkbox whose CEO has a business reliant on the NHS or they are more concerned with the minutia of the political struggle between eg Corbyn against Starmer plus the Tories who in reality are one and the same since they are puppets of the Transnational Financiers.
Moreover, if all these so called leftwing sites had read the books of Antony C Sutton, they would have realised that the struggle between left and right, after all they financed both the Bolsheviks, the Nazis, Mussolini, China etc, is artificial but between the overwhelming majority of mankind and the 0.00001% who want everything thing on the face of the Earth!!