US Election: A Color Revolution ‘Comes Home to Roost’
Max Parry

It has been more than three weeks since election day and the incumbent US president still has yet to concede defeat. Despite the media’s distraction over the perspiration of his personal attorney during a bizarre press conference, the legal team led by former New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani has actually done a decent job uncovering potential fraud in battleground states, where vote counting was delayed for several days before the former vice president was declared a “winner” by the news media and Silicon Valley.
Unfortunately, the 2020 election is not a sporting event or academic paper, therefore evidence that instances of fraud occurred will likely not be enough for the litigation to change the outcome, though it does appear his camp is finally facing up to leaving the White House come January. Then again, whether or not burden of proof was ever provided is immaterial, seeing as before he even took the oath of office a silent coup was underway to remove the democratically-elected government of Donald J. Trump that is now entering its final phase.
Trump found an unlikely voice of support contesting Biden’s premature declaration of victory in former six-term Democratic Congresswoman from Georgia and 2008 Green Party presidential candidate Cynthia McKinney, who this time was the running mate of former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura as a write-in entrant in some eligible states for the divided Greens who officially nominated labor activist Howie Hawkins.
During the 2016 election, the Democrats scapegoated Jill Stein for Hillary Clinton’s unexpected loss, even baselessly implicating the Green Party nominee in the Russiagate hoax simply for having appeared at a 2015 Moscow gala for the RT television network where General Michael Flynn and Russian President Vladimir Putin were in attendance.
Not only did the legislatures of swing states like Pennsylvania and Wisconsin exclude Hawkins from the ballot at the behest of Democrats in a shameless act of voter suppression, but McKinney described the irregularities which plagued electronic voting machines in her home state of Georgia in 2020 as “déjà vu”, having been cheated out of Congress herself by such tactics in 2006.
McKinney also previously penned an essay entitled The Purple Revolution: US Hybrid Warfare Comes Home to Roost? on the establishment’s efforts to remove Trump which makes an apropos historical reference.
This November 22nd marked fifty-seven years since the assassination of John F. Kennedy. When asked for his reaction to the killing of the 35th president in Dallas back in 1963 and less than two years before his own public murder, civil rights leader Malcolm X famously stated that “chickens were coming home to roost”, alluding to the US government’s interventions overseas such as the CIA-orchestrated assassination of the first Prime Minister of the Congo, Patrice Lumumba, in 1960 following its independence from Belgian colonial rule.
His remarks in the wake of a national tragedy proved too controversial even for the Nation of Islam which publicly censured its most recognizable minister who would announce his departure from the black nationalist organization a few months later. The following year, he would be gunned down in Harlem in an assassination long-suspected to have been the work of the FBI’s counter-intelligence program (COINTELPRO) which had infiltrated his inner circle to frame the NOI for a mysterious death equally thought by the public to have been a state-sanctioned execution like that of JFK.
It is unclear whether the African-American Muslim leader believed the US government was behind Kennedy’s death, but chances are he was not naïve enough to think that the same machinations used abroad could not be implemented by those very forces domestically to remove someone elected by the American people they opposed. If the Kennedy assassination was indeed a result of the “unwarranted influence of the military-industrial complex” which his predecessor Dwight D. Eisenhower even famously warned of during his farewell address, what took place was almost certainly a secret putsch.
President Kennedy had already been undercut by his own Joint Chiefs of Staff and Central Intelligence Agency in trying to defuse the Cuban Missile Crisis and his back-channel negotiations with Nikita Khrushchev were sabotaged by hawkish officials within his own administration. The internal struggle that scuttled Kennedy’s attempts at détente parallels the vying factions which undermined Trump’s diplomacy with North Korea to a near tee.
Political scientist Michael Parenti explained in his essay The JFK Assassination: Defending the Gangster State how the 35th president was targeted by the security state which perceived Kennedy as “soft on communism” and placating the Soviet Union in his diplomatic efforts following the failed Bay of Pigs invasion:
The dirty truth is that Kennedy was heartily hated by right-wing forces in this country, including many powerful people in the intelligence organizations. He had betrayed the national interest as they defined it, by refusing to go all out against Cuba, making overtures of rapproachment with Castro, and refusing to escalate the ground war in Vietnam. They also saw him as an anti-business liberal who was taking the country down the wrong path. Whether Kennedy really was all that liberal is another matter. What the national security rightists saw him to be was what counted.
While the widely perceived truth about the JFK assassination remains sealed from public view, the Church Committee and Rockefeller Commissions of the 1970s exposed the numerous CIA-backed juntas which unseated popular leaders in Guatemala, Syria, Iran, the Dominican Republic, the Congo, Brazil, Indonesia, Chile, and countless other nations in the global south.
Ever since, the CIA’s preferred regime change stratagem has been to use what are paradoxically labelled “non-governmental organizations” (NGOs) — which actually receive US government funding — as cutouts to destabilize noncompliant nations under the guise of supporting “pro-democracy” opposition movements. During the Cold War, the vast majority of states overthrown were left-leaning or socialist governments aligned with the Eastern Bloc, but in the post-Soviet world many of the toppled administrations have been far from left-wing and even conservative, with their only offense favoring economic ties with Russia or China and resisting Western hegemony.
Similarly, when domestic protest movements have taken shape at home in the US, the political establishment has used plutocratic foundations in Big Philanthropy and the Non-Profit Industrial Complex to defang them for its own agenda. Look no further than the way the nationwide mass demonstrations against racism and police brutality this year were rapidly transformed into a movement to elect Joe Biden, who drafted the senate version of the 1994 Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act, with no substantial legislation passed to reform police.
The corporatized Black Lives Matter movement, a recipient of $100 million dollar grants from the CIA’s philanthropic frontage in the Ford Foundation, grew out of the legacy of the short-lived Occupy Wall Street protests in 2011 which itself were coopted by reformist and pro-Democratic Party outfits.
Not coincidentally, OWS was also infiltrated by Serbian political activist Srđa Popović of Otpor! (“Resistance!”) and the Centre for Applied Nonviolent Action and Strategies (CANVAS) fame who previously led the Bulldozer Revolution which overthrew Yugoslav President Slobodan Milošević in 2000.
A central component of the Gene Sharp-inspired ‘Color Revolution’ template is the engineering of contested election scenarios where leaders singled-out for regime change can be ousted after appearing to consolidate power, as seen in election-themed revolutions in Serbia (Bulldozer), Georgia (Rose), Ukraine (Orange), Kyrgyzstan (Tulip), Moldova (Grape), and other countries.
The same manner in which Biden declared himself the victor in spite of the lawsuits filed in federal court was recently observed abroad in the disputed election aftermath in Belarus where US-backed opposition leader Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya announced herself the winner of its presidential contest in order to spark preplanned protests in Minsk against Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko. This was a replication of an unsuccessful blueprint from the 2009 Green Movement unrest in Iran during the incumbency of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, as well as the presidential crisis in Venezuela last year, among others.
Trump‘s lawyer Rudy Giuliani appeared to be confused when he alleged that the e-voting irregularities involving the election software company Dominion Voting Systems had ties to deceased former Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez and international financier George Soros, who actually supports the US-backed opposition to the Chavista government in Caracas.
Giuliani may be mistaken but is pointing to something accurate, except in the contested US election his client is in the position of Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro while Biden would be the equivalent of self-appointed “interim president” Juan Guaidó. Sans a few exceptions such as Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (who certainly knows a rigged contest when he sees one), most of the “international community” congratulated Biden on his assumed win just like Venezuela’s illegitimate coup leader.
Meanwhile, both the pseudo-left and conservative right seem to be equally misunderstood about Soros, who is neither the charitable billionaire or “globalist” bogeyman they imagine, but rather an anti-communist business tycoon who favors vulture capitalism and Western imperialism under the banner of liberal democracy.
As touched on by Cynthia McKinney, in the aftermath of Trump’s shocking triumph over Hillary Clinton in 2016, rumors began to swirl that a Soros-funded US ‘Color Revolution’ was in the works — a ‘Purple Revolution’, monikered after the noticeable shade Mrs. Clinton chose to don in her concession speech as a combination of blue and red intended to symbolize bipartisan opposition to Trump.
Whether or not that was true, it was in the wee hours following her loss that the Clinton campaign reportedly settled on placing the blame at the feet of unproven Russian interference for Trump’s unlikely victory.
Or was it even earlier?
Recently declassified CIA memorandums proved that months before the election in July 2016, Clinton had orchestrated a plan to whip up a smear campaign tying Trump to the alleged Russian hacking of the Democratic National Committee email server. The documents also showed beyond a doubt how the Russia probe was launched even though both the FBI and CIA were privy to Clinton’s intent on linking Trump with the Kremlin.
The three-year Russia investigation and subsequent impeachment over the Ukraine scandal were only the beginning chapters in the slow-motion soft coup against Trump. When all else failed, the US elite began to prepare for his ouster in the 2020 election. In fact, the possibility of a second Trump term was evidently too much of a nightmare for the establishment to even fathom, so they only prepared for his defeat and presupposed refusal to relinquish power instead.
Quite literally, an exclusive cabal of Washington insiders, establishment Democrats and anti-Trump Republicans were gathered by a former high-ranking Pentagon official, Nils Gilman, to participate in role-playing “election simulation” scenarios and tabletop “war game” exercises predicting various election outcomes which anticipated that Trump would resist acknowledging defeat and transferring power, precipitating a constitutional crisis. It was called the Transition Integrity Project (TIP) and featured Clintonites John Podesta and Donna Brazile, who were joined by prominent neoconservative figures William Kristol, Max Boot, and the former George W. Bush speechwriter who coined the “Axis of Evil” phrase, war criminal David Frum.
Most telling is that among the scenarios considered, even in the postulated drill where the premise was a decisive victory for Trump, TIP determined that Biden should ignore the vote result and consider any measures necessary to attain the presidency, including provoking a constitutional crisis and possible civil war where Democratic-held states would be encouraged to secede from the Union, the electoral college abolished, and statehood awarded to Washington DC and Puerto Rico.
Upon reading the TIP report, it is clear that the real purpose of the bipartisan exercise was to mastermind the very disputed election outcome and concentration of power it predicts would be triggered by Trump. It is also possible that the project enlisted mass media in its scheme.
Just weeks before Election Day, a highly-publicized scandal broke at The New Yorker magazine after staff writer and CNN senior legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin accidentally exposed himself during a Zoom video meeting with fellow employees. Many were too amused to notice the online conference call was revealed to be an “election simulation” featuring top columnists of the publication role-playing as participants.
It would not be out of the realm of possibility given the unprecedented extent to which corporate outlets and Big Tech companies have gone to influence the outcome of the election. Even those within legacy media such as The New York Post, one of the oldest newspapers in the United States, found itself censored by Twitter for publishing an explosive story which contained emails from Hunter Biden’s laptop of which not even the former vice president’s campaign denied the authenticity.
When Trump delivered a press conference outlining his campaign’s allegations of election fraud, major news outlets not only made the Orwellian decision to “fact check” Trump live on-air but cut away from the speech in the middle of his remarks in coordinated unison. Then when the president’s own social media posts were censored and flagged as disinformation, the jig was truly up.
It’s little wonder Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg openly bragged about how the platform was “partnering with the intelligence community” for censorship to be a soft power arm after the 2016 election.
Lo and behold, rather than being broken up for violating anti-trust laws, Silicon Valley has already been rewarded for staying true to its roots in the national security state by Biden’s transition team which consists of executives from Airbnb, Alphabet, Amazon, Facebook, Dell, DropBox, Microsoft’s LinkedIn, Lyft, Stripe and Uber.
Can it really be that Trump is so hated because of his rejection of certain foreign policy orthodoxies like JFK alone? The truth is really so much more. It is because of his inclination to disgrace Washington’s sacred institutions for his own political gain which the entire establishment desperately needs to maintain the faith of the masses in its corrupt political system, rogue national security state, yellow press, and obsolete democratic process.
It is imperative to preserve these bureaucratic cornerstones as above criticism because they are a linchpin to holding power. As a political outsider, Trump blazed his own trail to the presidency and in doing so undermined the hallowed bastions of power in Washington, promising to “drain the swamp” while eroding faith in the leading US spy agencies as an unelected secret government or “deep state”, and most of all denouncing corporate media as “fake news” and the “enemy of the people.” Even though these were accuracies cynically told by Trump for his own advantage, they were misunderstood by his detractors to be falsehoods simply because he was the source.
Trump’s populist agitation even worried his own group of backers within the ruling elite who convinced him to soften his rhetoric and reverse many of his positions once he took office. Since the 2020 election has not resulted in a desirable outcome, he has only continued to increase popular distrust of the political order and its mechanisms which guarantee the status quo overrides the will of the people, signaling he is more than willing to take the whole system down with him.
Indeed, polls indicate many Americans seem to agree with the president that the election was rigged in Biden’s favor. This is precisely why his rabble-rousing is viewed as dangerous by the elite which unleashed its media organs and intelligence agencies from day one to sabotage him — they knew that he is willing to lay bare the full corruption of the powers that be in order to help his own cause. For this reason, the media has resorted to the most deceitful and partisan methods to portray Trump as a unique danger that most be ousted at any cost.
It is no wonder how a coalition as incongruous as that behind Biden came into formation, from Lincoln Project “Never Trumper” Republicans to the Democratic Socialists of America, Big Tech monopolies to Black Lives Matter, Wall Street megadonors to the remnants of Occupy Wall Street, Bush-era national security officials to the inappropriately-named Revolutionary Communist Party (Refuse Fascism), and so on.
Or to really give an idea of just how absurd the ideological alliance was to ensure a Biden presidency, the Transition Integrity Project was even shamefully promoted by the likes of so-called “progressive” news outlets like Democracy Now! which made its journalistic name critically covering the very neoconservative figures from the Bush years behind TIP.
Somehow, those in power managed to persuade the “anti-establishment” to side with them against the bad orange man as the supposed greater evil, tricking them into defending institutions they should oppose as inviolable and the archaic US electoral system which deprives them of real democracy as unimpeachable. This is the real legacy of the Trump era — only time will tell if it is its lesson.
Max Parry is an independent journalist and geopolitical analyst. His writing has appeared widely in alternative media. Max may be reached at
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The NSA were watching all this in real time. They have it all!
Georgia election hearing: Video shows poll workers pulling out suitcases of ballots
Dec 3, 2020
Footage of State Farm Arena in Atlanta shows that after poll monitors and media were told counting was done, four workers stayed behind to count ballots, at times pulling out suitcases containing ballots from underneath desks.
Q: We have it all!
Ep. 2343b – Barr Moves Durham Into Position, [DS]/MSM Panic, Hold Position Before Executing Raid
X22 Report
Dec 2, 2020
The Deep State/MSM are now being backed into a corner. The evidence is about to be produced. Barr places Durham into position. The storm is about to hit, the Deep State is now panicking, their election fraud did not work, people are waking up and now they are trapped. The raid on their system is about to happen, hold the line until the right moment. Sidney Powell announce that the white hat hackers got it all and the connection to other countries is being produced. Trump makes one of the most important speeches about election fraud.
Donald J Trump
This may be the most important speech I’ve ever made….
Dec 2, 2020
Trump is just a subhuman POS.
Whatever happens to him, however bad, can never be adequate punishment for his litany of crimes.
He is utterly devoid of any human or moral worth whatsoever.
We can only hope he is made to suffer as so many others have been made to suffer by him.
For the recent terrorist murders in Iran this year alone, he richly deserves the death penalty.
For the thousands of children murdered across the planet at his behest, he merits something infinitely more protracted than a quick death.
It matters not one iota that his replacement is likely to prove equally vile.
That sounds like Obama you are talking about, the King of the drone strikes. President Trump has been trying to reduce the US expeditions abroad, meeting much resistance from the establishment. He has not started any new wars and has actively encouraged peace in the Middle East. That is a step forward. The attack in Iran is more likely to be by an organisation wanting war in the Middle East that is opposed to President Trump.
The Mainstream media / Social media censorship creates such an unbalanced dialogue that the reality of the Presidents actions are entirely obscured.
I wrote the following a few days after the 2020 election:
My prediction for the next four years is that many of the putative “experts” will finally, but reluctantly, start to take note of what Trump has been saying over the preceding four years. However, there will of course be lots of wilful holdouts.
The place to start is the “Our Movement” speech of October 2016.
The Speech To Save A Nation…
Posted on October 25, 2016 by Sundance
On October 13th 2016, presidential candidate Donald Trump delivered a speech that defines this moment in our nation’s history. Part of that speech has been put to a video. The entire transcript of that speech is below.
Trump on Election: ‘My Mind Will Not Change in 6 Months — There Was Tremendous Cheating’
President Donald Trump said during a phone interview on this week’s broadcast of Fox News Channel’s “Sunday Morning Futures” that he would not change his mind that there was massive fraud in the 2020 election.
When asked how he will prove his claims, Trump said, “I’m going to use 125% of my energy to do it. You need a judge that’s willing to hear a case. You need a Supreme Court that’s willing to make a real big decision based on everything.”
He added, “It’s not like you’re going to change my mind. In other words, my mind will not change in six months. There was tremendous cheating here. Boxes were brought in. The mail-in vote is a disaster. By the way, if Republicans allow it to happen, you’ll never have another Republican elected in the history of this country at a Senate level or at a presidential level. You’ll never or at the House level. Mail-in voting is a total disaster.”
Full Interview
President Trump – On Fox News Sunday Morning Futures with Maria Bartiromo
Nov 29, 2020
Republic Keeper
The President is interviewed by Maria Bartiromo on Fox News Sunday Morning Futures.
President Trump Calls into Sunday Morning Futures with Maria Bartiromo 11/29/20
This is Michael Flynn’s first interview since the pardon.
General Flynn Announces a New Sidney Powell Kraken Case in Michigan — And an Additional Amendment in Georgia (Audio)
By Jim Hoft – Nov 28, 2020
General Michael Flynn held his first interview since the pardon with WVW-TV on Saturday night. Flynn took up most of the interview shedding light on the Trump election strategy in combatting the massive and obvious fraud in the 2020 election.
Flynn repeated during the interview that President Trump has a clear path to victory, “We have clear, clear paths to winning for this president… If we don’t correct what is happening right now over the next couple of weeks then I hate to really think what will happen in our country going forward into the latter part of December and into the next month. I do not believe for a second that the country will accept Vice President Biden as the next president.” He added, “I was asked today 1 to 10 who will be the next president. I said Donald Trump. Hands down!… I believe we’re going to win.”
During the interview Flynn announced Attorney Sidney Powell filed two amendments today.
General Flynn: Today they just filed another amendment to those in Georgia and back again in Michigan. And I think the next priorities are looking at some of these other states where there’s some big challenges.
Full Programme at WVW:
WVW-TV Exclusive: Lt. General Michael Flynn’s First Interview Since President Trump’s Pardon Includes His Talking About the Ongoing Coup w/ Guest Lt. General McInerney and Mary Fanning.
General Flynn interviewed by Brannon Howse; Nov 28, 2020
Update on the CIA server in Germany. McInerney is in the second half of the WVW interview posted above.
Lt Gen McInerney Reports US Special Forces Attacked CIA Server Farm In Germany
Server Seizure Operation, 5 Soldiers Killed, Servers Secured
by CD Media Staff
Nov 28, 2020
In stunning testimony, McInerney stated his sources have told him U.S. Army Special Forces, possibly the famed Delta Force, raided the CIA-run server farm in Frankfurt, Germany.
5 soldiers were killed in the ensuing firefight, as well as one CIA paramilitary; the CIA personnel were allegedly flown in from Afghanistan for security, according to related news reports.
Subsequent review of the secured servers yielded proof that China, Iran, and Russia were involved in the attempted coup against President Donald Trump, who will be shown to have won an overwhelming victory for the American people, McInerney revealed.
“These people have committed treason,” declared McInerney. He pleaded with President Trump to not leave office until the treason is uncovered, otherwise America will be fatally wounded and ripe for takeover by our enemies.
McInerney also stated that he believes President Trump knew the steal was coming, hence his executive order issued for sanctions for interference in our elections by foreign powers.
According to his bio, McInerney was a forward air controller and fighter pilot during the Vietnam War and had flown 407 combat missions during his four tours of duty. In other words, a patriot and trustworthy.
PCR is an amplification tool, it can’t detect/identify. Period.
Cycle threshold (CT) is not only arbitrary, it’s meaningless, and an abuse of Kary Mullis’ amplification tool.
CT is merely an arbitrary number of amplifications above an equally arbitrary lower number of amplifications referred to as “background level”…
The PCR amplifies nucleotide sequences exponentially…
…up to approximately 40 amplifications,[1] therefore any differences between the CT level and background level are meaningless. A CT of 21x merely means there were 21 amplifications. A CT of 30 has 30 amplifications. A CT of 21x simply means the nucleotide sequence was amplified 21 times, not that there is “strong positive reactions indicative of abundant target nucleic acid”…
At my blog, read the articles…
‘House of Cards: The Collapse of the ‘Collapse’ of the USSR’
‘Playing Hide And Seek In Yugoslavia’
Then read the article, ‘The Marxist Co-Option Of History And The Use Of The Scissors Strategy To Manipulate History Towards The Goal Of Marxist Liberation’
The West will form new political parties where candidates are vetted for Marxist ideology/blackmail, the use of the polygraph to be an important tool for such vetting. Then the West can finally liberate the globe of vanguard Communism.
My blog…
[1] Thereafter amplification growth is less than exponential.
Regarding Democracy Now!, they cheered on every single one of those color revolutions.
I have as much contempt for them as I do for the WSWS. Gatekeepers and shills par excellence. Mz Goodman is yet another in a long list of fake left ‘progressives’.
Excellent summary by Martin Geddes
FTA (Martin Geddes; “The Digital Coup and the Great Exposure”):
This wasn’t really an election; it was a military intelligence sting operation against a corrupt establishment.
Probably the greatest TDS mistake of all was the failure to credit Team Trump with intelligence. The second greatest was the failure to credit Team TDS with near absolute stupidity. We are witnessing a master class in The Art of War, and the most important maxim is:
If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.
But as I’ve posted previously (copied below), the establishment is caught in a paradoxical trap.
(Posted Nov 9)
In the following video, the X22 Report discusses the application of the Art of War in relation to the election; specifically:
#19. Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.
– The Art of War by Sun Tzu – Section VII: Maneuvering
But given that the Patriots’ plans have mostly been communicated, and are certainly predictable by any intelligence operation, I think #19 is not fully appropriate to this situation. Instead, I think it is more that the Deep State is caught in a paradoxical trap. Its overall approach has been to mask or distort the reality of its own existence and operations; and this has been very successful in controlling the general population. To address the Patriots, however, it needs to broadcast a proper understanding of reality; and this would require the Deep State to simultaneously present itself truthfully. This in itself would probably lead to the collapse of the Deep State and hence they have no option but continue on with the delusions.
Drop The Hammer
X22 Report
Ep. 2323b
Nov 8, 2020
The Geddes article concludes:
You are not my enemy, and I am not yours. Our job is to come together, respectfully and responsibly, so that we may realign and heal. . . . For we all have a real war to fight against a real enemy who can do us real harm. A war of infiltration, founded on treachery, that has corroded and corrupted our society. A war against great deceptions that fuel endless violent conflict. The Great Exposure has begun. It cannot be stopped by anybody. Lasting peace is our goal and prize. Please unify with those who are already fighting for truth and justice.
Considering this is from a mainstream source, it’s actually pretty good for an overview.
Full Special Investigation: Donald Trump vs The Deep State
Sky News Australia
Nov 10, 2019
In this Special Investigation Sky News speaks to former spies, politicians and investigative journalists to uncover whether US President Donald Trump is really at war with “unelected Deep State operatives who defy the voters”.
Sky news Australia are mental they make Fox News look sane most days. BUUUUUT a broken clock is correct twice a day everyday
I’m seeing quite a number of references to them pesky Venezuelans having a hand in the American elections via voter machines.
More like the Americans helped the current incumbant in Venzuela to keep his post, rather than allowing a more socialist leaning challenger into power.
I’m guessing they weren’t expecting the covers to be pulled back by the Trump supporters.
in what universe is Guaido more socialist than Maduro?
Wasn’t the leading opposition at the time Henrique Capriles?
Where does Guiado come into it.?
Guiado is and was a NOBODY. He was a SOMEBODY because the Americans wanted it so.
This is a brief update from Joe DiGenova; being a member of Trump’s legal team.
Attorney DiGenova Says Fraud, Deception In Pa. Election Is ‘Truly Staggering’
OAN Newsroom
Nov 26, 2020
In an exclusive interview, attorney Joe diGenova, a member of the President’s legal team examining election irregularities, said the amount of election fraud and deception in Pennsylvania is “truly staggering.” One America’s John Hines has more.
The author has miscalculated the evil of Soros. He is a perfect example of a manipulator. Manipulators are among the most clever, accomplished liars. He has fooled you too.
Christ he literal tailed against soros here and I’m friends with other max of Facebook he has a better analysis of soros than you! Soros has spent his entire life being an anti communist but I can guarantee with 95% certainty that you consider soros a communist
He is. He turned on his own people.
Do you admire turncoats who assist the enemy in destroying others families?.
Shame on you.
I can guarantee with a certainty of 100% you re a covid snitch seeing you have the gall to call me out when the evidence of that scumbag is there for all too see.
I can guarantee you with 100% certainty you can search my name on this website and see I’ve been here long before you and been anti COVID long before you! With 100% CERTAINTY! You DECIDED you WANTED to hear what you wanted in regards to soros and me! He is an anti communist! Cope with it! I can guarantee with 100% certainty that whatever you don’t like MUST BE COMMUNIST! You buffoon
I don’t give two hoots how long you have been on the website. That doesn’t indicate anything except your arrogance. Of course I decided what truth to accept, and because I don’t accept yours you need to label me. You clearly need help as you suffer from grandiosity.
Who financed the anti soviet groups in Eastern Europe? Soros! Who helped with the rape of Russia and her finances? Soros! Go on prove he’s a communist I bet you can’t or you’ll send me to breitbart or something as equally mental! Oh and show me where in this article he let soros off the hook!? Be quick
I don’t need to prove anything to you. It’s so obvious you will find Soros in the sewer wherever there is an opportunity to create instability. You obviously have a fetish when it comes to that piece of disgusting scum. You have shown you are a total twerp.
First off you insulted me! You appeared out of nowhere! Anyone seeing this will be able to VERIFY THIS! I am anti soros! Have been since I heard about him in 2003 when he first decided to stop supporting Bush after the war on Iraq! You’re a crying soft wimp who can’t handle the truth! If you want my address ask for it and you can knock on me door if you have the balls
No I didn’t like the snakeoil you were selling so you took umbrage. Oh now you want to resolve with fisticuffs or something childish like that. Meet me outside at playtime.
Please grow up diddums.
Howay mouth this is what max said “ Meanwhile, both the pseudo-left and conservative right seem to be equally misunderstood about Soros, who is neither the charitable billionaire or “globalist” bogeyman they imagine, but rather an anti-communist business tycoon who favors vulture capitalism and Western imperialism under the banner of liberal democracy.” What parts pro soros?!
I just had to write this, since foreign policys are not the main issue in OffG, so I took the liberty of writing my conserns, because I know the window is closing.
And I must underline, it dont matter Trump or gang of Creepy Joe and the Crackheads, they all bow to the NWO, its their religion, the Curch of the Full spectrum dominance, based up holly scriptures as The New American century.
Yup, an admittion, I may have to ask my wife to wipp me, Il go out and find an branch, thumbs think and flexible and then tie my self up and let here hammer on, I hope she dont get that enthusiatsic but thats not the issue, I deserve it, because of been so bloody stupid I belived people like Madam Powell was genuine and was fighting for the truth, now I know she is not, just another POS whom is there to create an smoke screen to cover over the fact this coup was done by Americans, and of course with the help of others, like the Brits, etc, etc.
Since this article covers the ground I dont want to dive into it, not now anyway, I may save that to later, if I need to do it.
And go to another place like the one whom have slushed aroun the bottom of the pit for years and just lately managed to crawl up some few inches from the bottom layer, like ZeroH until they had an article about Iran did it, of course, and I am not even surpriced, and thats the essense of MADam Powells initial reports on whom did what, and now is left, as from me, with an credibility and integrity rate witch makes even an Pakistani used car saleman to an saint, yeah, puff and it was gone.
And then we have the French, well, now, and I must underline in the world of scumbag politics, timing is everything, facts and shit like that can be ignored and is ignored because of other more uh… pressing intresses, have arrested and charged Iranians, we may wounder of course what Iranians, but never the less for terror charges, again, timing and some waluable fallouts from that kind of accusations like headlines, etc wich in most cases when the charges are dropped because of lack of evidences, that will, of course, be berried deep into the MSMs sites, and like the Austrian little silly copy of MaCrony, the Kunt/z managed to drag Hamas into the equation regarding so called Islamic Orgs whom they have flushed thru the last weeks, after an eh…. terror attack close, of course, to an synagog, not in or on, but close.
And we had just some days ago another eh…. attack on an tanker in Saudi-barbaria witch, of course, was done by Iranians.
Yeah, and you wounder what the ConDon would do, when I know the war on Armenia was to close the circle around Iran, and Russia soubered up and closed the gate.
I cant help it, it reaks of an black flag event is coming, and all to blame Iran, and I dont like it a bit, I can almost smel it.
There are times I wounder how stupid do they think we are, ugh… I know in Moronika everything goes, the dumbing down of europeans have reatched the peek and people have becomed stark raving idiots, and have been groomed to chaise their own tail, and dont even look up anymore, and since been preoccupyed with chasing their own tale dont have time to think other than take the orders coming from the masters.
Hmm . . . this doesn’t look much like a person in the process of “conceding”:
Trump Admin Removes Globalists and Warhawks from Defense Policy Board and Dopey Madeleine Albright
By Jim Hoft
Nov 26, 2020
The Defense Policy Board Advisory Committee, also referred to as the Defense Policy Board (DPBAC or DPB), is a federal advisory committee to the United States Department of Defense. . . . On 25 November 2020, the Trump administration removed senior defense policy experts such as Henry Kissinger, Madeleine Albright and Jane Harman from the board, and replaced them with Anthony Tata, Kash Patel and Ezra Cohen-Watnick.
It looks more like:
The fifth labour was to clean the stables of King Augeas. This assignment was intended to be both humiliating and impossible, since these divine livestock were immortal, and had produced an enormous quantity of dung. The Augean stables had not been cleaned in over 30 years, and over 1,000 cattle lived there. However, Heracles succeeded by rerouting the rivers Alpheus and Peneus to wash out the filth.
I said on my freakbook that if Biden is given the reigns the pandemic will magically be over but restrictions will be enforced still and it’s looking that way but I was attacked for saying this by 2/3rd of responders. But I’m now almost certain this was done to undermine Trump and I’m no trumpet fan at all. But I’m pretty certain this was there second last false flag before faked alien invasion in order to remove the orange man who’s bad
So Trump has an “inclination to disgrace Washington’s sacred institutions for his own political gain”. What an unwarranted, unsupported smear in what is generally a very well-researched article. Perhaps you could explain Trump’s ‘gain’? Is it the constant death threats for him and his family? The loss of at least 3bn of his personal 8bn fortune, when all other leaders enrich themselves enormously from their privileged position? The Democrat threats to persecute him and his family after he leaves the WH? Finally, does it matter that American democracy is being destroyed by the corrupt leftist deep state establishment?
Hahahahahaha you’re one of the most boring people imaginable! Every evil on the world is committed by people with no power?! Wye aye man! So you’re saying trump didn’t disgrace the CIA or the FBI? Sit down you idiotic clown! Went from compassionate lefty to privatisation wanting fuck the poor right winger?! More than likely you’re just a liar and a member of the 77th brigade
Ha ha and you think Soros is great…..
You claim that John not me! Max mentioned soros and you decided he didn’t! Plain and simple you’re just a lying gobshite mate! You think soros the famed anti communist is a communist. If anyone wants to see who’s lying just do a quick search here and see if I’m pro soros or said anything pro soros or not (I didn’t it’s too easy to prove) and if John’s a liar (he is)
Interesting moniker, Koba. That was Stalin’s nickname, if I recall correctly.
Koba is a troll who worships Stalin and degrades any discussion where he appears. Best ignored.
Excellent write up Max as usual. A couple of points I would add below and also say that I did post at the Colonel’s sst site a few weeks ago about their chickens coming home to roost – so claim first dibs on that 😉
Which aptly leads me to the Revolutionary Communist Party USA branch., that you mention
It is clear that the RCP U.K. is a equally a DS construct as many of its apparatchiks have ended up in the Downing Street Back Office and its leader Clare Fox has been ennobled.
The fake Marxist/Communusts have always been a state creation to conduct agitprop within the MSM and Alt Media such as ‘ Spiked’ – their agenda is to deliver the DS objectives – such as BrexShit in the U.K. and Always war in the US and a last ditch 5+1 eyed attempt to hang onto their declining 1000year Empire.
The Tories and the DRC are joined at the hip as is their PR campaign as proved by their use of the same bs slogans recently. We know the NuLabInc and GOP are equally Siamese linked – Yo Blair!
My second point is about the fake postal votes and fraud by technology. In this instance the Wikileaks diplomatic cable that alludes to the Venezuelan origins has to be read in full. It clearly shows that it was a project of the ousted aristos of Venezuela AGAINST a re-election of Chavez NOT a creation by Chavez who won fairly every time. The developers were based in the US and were getting backing from many DS sources -. It seems that when the Chavez government also put in an investment along with a board representative- they realised they couldn’t pull the wool over his eyes – hence they scarpered before they got done for vote fixing and sedition. That led to the US /aristo old imperialists to abandon their fake electioneering to win the fixed vote – which meant Chavez ended up winning overwhelmingly as there was no opposition to vote for! Hence making it look like he had fixed the vote when he clearly hadn’t.
The Chavez angle is thus a giant ‘spin’ – clear from the diplomatic cable itself.
As an ancillary to this Max , I wonder why you left out in an otherwise comprehensive piece the fact that the methods brought home to roost – were tried and successfully tested in another advanced democratic state?
As you know they were developed for the U.K. referendums and adapted for the general election because they couldn’t displace Corbyn and the burgeoning membership was threatening to bring democracy at the local level to bear down on all the place men and women parachuted into safe seats.
The whole scam delivered as a slick Mission Impossible type operation along with a gurning phone cam finale of their Face, LauraKoftheCIA, talking to the public in the BBC that it was the postal votes that win it t big for Bozo! And a oven ready hard BrexShit Turkey could finally be delivered.
Of course it was a trial run for the same to be done against Trump.
The DS plays a deep game eh Max? Hence I doubt this post will see light of day at this site.
Of course the election was rigged in Biden’s favor; all it took was a majority of people to vote for him, nothing fancy. The challenges to the vote count process have failed for the simple reason that Trump started broadcasting his post-election strategy six months or more ago so everyone involved knew exactly what to expect and how to go about countering it — procedural changes were made between the primaries and the general election not just because of Covid but in order to guarantee that challenges would fail.
The next few months are going to be interesting because the general feeling we get from the media and politicians is that “we’re back” ready to take our place “leading the world” and so on. What we’re going to discover is that the world has moved on; just as the entire Trump mythology collapsed in a malestorm of wildly improbably conspiracy theories and running hair dye the whole idea that the world waits on our every word and action, aching for our leadership, has also likely to have evaporated. Obviously there will still be allies and sycophants, especially if they thing there’s someting in it for them, just as Trump had 70 million plus American voters pulling for him but I think we’re going to have to prove our fitness to lead by other means than endless sanctions and trade restrictions combined with a wide ranging aggressive military stance. If nothing else, we probably can’t afford it.
Time to grow up and learn to place nice?
Let’s have fair play. Trump announced his election strategy right after vinegar tits Pelosi informed the world of the Democrats plans to cheatTrump. The Dems had already shown they ere comfortable with the idea of cheating by, for the second election in succession, cheating better candidates out of any chance of winning.
Then all it took was to make sure that no matter who votes were cast for. more were counted for Biden than for Trump. Nothing fancy.
America’s being “back” is code for colour revolutions and a few more wars! The last four years trumpet blowers have buried there heads about trumps war mongering the next four years Biden ball bags will bury there head! years before trump Obomber bots buried There heads for 8 years! Bush bandits buried there’s too Clintonites as well! Do you see a pattern?!
”Obviously there will still be allies and sycophants…but I think we’re going to have to prove our fitness to lead by other means than sanctions and trade restrictions combined with a wide ranging aggressive military stance.”
You appear to be suffering from the delusion that America has dominated at some time or another by other means beside bullying, intimidation and mass-murder.
Perhaps you’ve been watching too many of your execrably shitty movies?
Tr as a catalyst element in our new periodic table.
I suspected five months ago that the events of 2020, including the COVID-19 fear campaign, the manipulation of the Democrat primaries in favor of Biden, and the Black Lives Matter excesses, were orchestrated to remove Trump from office. The blatant suppression of information harmful to Biden’s campaign by the MSM in the weeks preceding the election was final proof that all of the calamitous events of 2020 were part of a domestic “regime change” operation. Malcolm X’s words are spot on here: “chickens were coming home to roost.” Perhaps from this experience ordinary Americans will wake up from their long slumber and feel some of the suffering that other people all over the world have endured from decades of deliberate U.S. subversion and intervention.
In the memory of Tonyopmoc…
To hanker
I’m floating. I’m not grounded or hankered anywhere.. No landmark. I’m shattered, lost, spread, vaporous. Pieces of me are trying to regroup, but they find no bond, and part again. Bonds, reasons, certainty… Decisions. I can’t find any reason to seal any deal. To accept as a new course. Nothing stands, voices, opinions, circumstances, excuses… valid might you. Excuses to explain my state. But there’s the past. It’s only the past. It’s nothing today. My logic? Validated? Where? By whom. They are going to drive me crazy. They are going to push me even further in sanity, to refuse again. To refuse my destiny. If I become sane, I’ll be even lonelier… I have a feeling… I have a feeling I won’t change that much. I think I will end up stating the same thing as ever… “I knew it!” What’s left? Her beauty I suppose. That’s the only thing that surpasses my understanding. That’s the manifestation through my eyes, the manifestation of God. It is not mine, it is his. Yeah. Just your beauty, your stupid static beauty attached to the big mistake that you are. The big mistake of loving the infatuated reverence I make to it. I damn nature for that mistake. I had just made a friend, and she met you, and in two days, my friend is gone. Look at her, I don’t even like her anymore. I don’t even like Bob anymore either. It’s not that my friend is different with me, my friend is just different. My friend doesn’t trust me anymore. My friend is not trustable anymore… My friend needed me, and she was… “helpable”. Fell into the tube, vacuumed into “loving” you. They all want to adopt you, and you will have their soul trapped in darkness at a moment. My friend is gone, she had no chance, her soul is already in some shade of grey, like her face. I made a mistake, you see I didn’t want to grow old. It was a bad idea. Without wanting it, in resisting it and therefore not enjoying it, I’m growing “strold”. Nonetheless, because of you, everything I write, even my anger, is tinted in beauty…
If you start me up…
To be.. Me.. Oh I don’t do, I be. I’ve been being. No accomplishment… Just be pretty. Why bother? Why I ask you… I don’t ask you. I don’t ask, I never receive.
I don’t know how to succeed in asking, I fail. I don’t like it, I don’t see why we should receive only for asking, without building a case. A strong case for ourselves. I see it as fuckin’ whining… Give me give me.
I’ve been bee-ing thought… Going from one to another… Exploration I’ll call it. That again is just contemplative. This world is so beautiful, so ugly… It should be observed. Emotions to be experienced from it are uncanny, not to be missed. And my stupid comments… Why would I be judged on them, they’re trivial really.
Went out tonight. Sang. Sang badly. That changed my life just the same as if I did it right. And I saw some pussy which I ignored bitterly. I’m disgusted by it. Nothing to be observed there except for a pathetic display of innocence, power abuse and ridicule lack of anything valuable… Misery. Real misery, more than hunger, war or any human experience feared by historians. Disease and death inspire me more, I’ve seen higher human spirit and more sole happiness and bliss in them… More dignity. Pussy is the abused mechanics of our duty to mother nature. It is misused.. I like the girls thought, their faces, their hair, their girlyness… But when their pussy is involved, it gets so complicated, they go all crazy.. Ooohh my pussy, my precious pussy!!! You didn’t treat it right, you didn’t this, you should have that (they seem to be saying’…) My seamen belongs in a tissue, not in pussy…
I’ve done my part, carried my cross, did the time… At home might you… Curfew, keeping peace… Reflected on my wrong doings… In a few, i’ll get my pardon..
A pardon for something I never was… Something I didn’t do… I was something else, I was aiming for another thing. That’ll teach me for “doing”… I never know WHAT to do exactly… I’m pretty sure I should avoid it all together. Lazy? Oh no… No I’m cautious. And I just don’t see the point, never did to be honest.
Except for you. You I do. I do love you. No that’s not it either… But I be love you, yeah that’s right… I be love you very much. Nothing to be done about it really… Nothing to be really done about it, it seems… I’ve beed… I be love. At least you.
Ok that hurts
Are you Tonyopmoc in disguise ?
Only play one on TV… it’s a “homage”
My fleeting thought! Channeling Tony, but ‘up’ a notch. Hope it’s not too contagious.
Bugger off and stop spamming this thread.
wanna be a cunt today? Be a cunt then
Will do, friendo.
glad you were undoubtedly clear on that one. Thanks for your support
I truly believe u also asked for that…
The walker
Once there was a walker… (just walking…). Most of his journey had been diversified so far, in terms of the feelings he was experiencing, as they were generated by what came on his path. Sometimes he was looking at the sky and saw a bomber, or a dove. Sometimes these things made his mind travel in his memories, of sorrow and joy…
As he was feeling rather sad (lonely actually), like it happened to him sometimes, in a more or less short-lived way, and as he was looking at the ground, he stumbled upon a stone that, yes, had a mouth (I knew you wouldn’t believe me)…
Then the Walker, (who was an original), through the stone in a nearby lake, as he didn’t think it was even necessary to carry her, for either’s benefit… at this point of the conversation. He didn’t think she’d mind that much actually either, cuz’…
Then he realized how wonderfully rich and complex the rest of his journey was, and, if such a feeling could be generated from a stone, without making him completely crazy, he would have felt grateful to her… just for that… but she didn’t do anything really, cuz’… And so you know…
Tuesday, March 8, 2016
The author will now take questions from the audience:
Author: Yes, young man in the back, with the glasses…
Nerd: I understand in terms of kinergetics, or energy efficiency, the interactions described in this story might not be very useful. But what about energy transfer, which is always applicable… how would that translate here?
Author: I guess the best way to find out would be throwing the stone at someone you don’t like… you’ll find the energy transfer to be almost without loss, due to the projectile’s inertia… cuz’…
Nerd: …right
You asked for it….
I think I know why I could never start or pursue a proper book. It would be because I thought that what one should do in a book is brag. Brag about his experiences, people he knew, his achievements, domination of others or higher morals… if not, cleverly describe situations, settings, feelings, human conditions. But I thought recently that another way to open up the tap, a way completely different to this view, would be to consider what one could bring to the world… one’s own perspective, good or bad, rich or poor… To reveal one’s self as much as one could…
God created man at His image, which until proven fact, remains a theory. It is otherwise very logically acceptable that man actually could have created God… that he did it at the opposite of his own image, and in many ways. This leads me to believe that man has a natural taste for the Ultimate. Eternity, endless love, free love (altruism), the capacity to remain silent and still get good reviews, getting renowned branding without the slightest high rez media… maintaining a credit line for thousands of years without ever being steadily profitable, the complete opposite of humanity… Most probably to calm fears and other unpleasant efforts to conquer danger. Or shall I say… The attraction of what humanity can’t have, but can only day dream about.
We tend to get passionate about what we can’t have. The Buddhists will tell you to stop wanting anything, in an attempt to quiet down such dangerous passions, dangerous to the rulers if you ask me. Also, if such energy can’t be channeled in an attempt to try to push our limits… this energy has a tendency to consume the beholder. But I always felt that rewiring our brains to “accept” everything, even be grateful for the crap that you had taken for granted already, looking forward to the future, as we all do. … had a taste of modernity and/or artificiality, that always made me feel uncomfortable. Seeing a bunch of monks in complete silence for years, quite inactive, following a leader floating in obesity, never was an inspiration to me. I see it as an application, set to escape reality, a creation of the mind… that should be treated for what it is, a game. An addictive one I’d say. Just try to challenge the logic of such doctrine to a faithful follower, and see the symptoms of craving invade their bodies… it is always a bit of a scary sight. The wrath of the addict can take many forms, in the case of Buddhists it may come off as a peaceful reaction in appearance… but sooner or later you will have going that chill down your spine… from what is going to be said, or not (silence is a violent gesture from one man to another, one that can drive you crazy).
And don’t get me wrong about logic, even the so called “let go and let God” people, the ones that claim faith has nothing to do with logic, dismissing it as a sin.. denouncing an “evil science”, will sooner or later use logic to make you “comprehend” the existence of God. “If this is so, than how come this occurs?”… “If we admit that we can’t see the wind, than how come we know it exists?”… Well my attempt to answer that question would go something like that. We have nerve connections to our skin, which indicates that a force is pushing on our body. To double check we have eyes that allow us to witness the effect of that force in our immediate environment (leafs and branches of trees moving rapidly for example), giving us a fairly accurate sense to the power of that force. Air has a mass, mass times acceleration results in a force. The wind. Thank you. Anything else? Any other logical attempts to prove God to me fellow human being?… some will say that one feels the presence of God… But some feelings can be pure fabrication of the mind… not unlike when we tend to attribute human emotions, of our choice, to pets and other animals we come in contact with.
The arrogance of wanting to explain or prove God is ridiculous, and often a demonstration of a person who would like to get some control over you, gain your trust or conquer you in some way. Follow me, I know God. Oh yeah, than what? What will you have me do? The craziest shit man… you have no idea. As a result, of this completely unnatural behaviour I will convince you to perpetrate, there will always be a clue on how this benefits me… Exploit the needs of humans. To want what we can’t have… This app should raise funds like crazy.
Scared? Scared of the wrath of “God” to such human defiance? Speaking the truth? Fear, another unavoidable reaction to reality… Except this is the biggest fear we have, to the most imagined and artificial reality there is, with nothing to support it. Can you dare smile at this powerful light of truth and human comprehension?… Difficult isn’t it… Truth is not a luxury that’s been granted us… horrible consequences to the truth.. the thing we all need the most, the most potent food for the human mind and soul is being controlled and rationed. Can’t afford the truth… this product is not for everybody. Except it is… this concept is generated by the human mind just as easily as a lie… we all have access to it, we are it. Only fear creates enough confusion to have a hard time seeing truth clearly. Fear.. human reaction to danger… Danger, by definition the most basic and life threatening concept that underlines all humanity’s efforts, fight, inventions, creativity, rage, and quite a lot of healthy exercise. Figure it out or finger it in…
Interview anyone in history, starting with Lord Cro-Magnon. Let me introduce you to Lord Cro-Magnon. Himself and his people lived in high anxiety, it is to imagine. Not too crafty in the art of killing a gazelle? Ok. But your internal debate is running around the question of “will you survive a lion attack long enough to experience famine”. Lord Cro-Magnon once answered a person who claimed that asking such questions should be avoided in order to live a happy life, and perhaps avoid heart disease, “You know what? I don’t think it should”… People tent to dislike Lord Cro-Magnon for that quote, as it was making them uncomfortable. But, a few years prior, Lord Cro-Magnon had received an award for his work on spears.
This ceremony, where gazelle blood, cave mildew, and hummingbird caviar were served, had induced a certain self confidence, illusion of grandeur perhaps, fed by a remaining notoriety throughout the tribe, in Lord Cro-Magnon. His wife had teased him on it, claiming that since the award, he had become impossible, (using the sophisticated language of moving your arms around). He had just looked at her with tender eyes which meant, “come on, I’ve always been impossible”. She replied with a tender smile, after which they made another baby which was eaten the first night by a huge spider. The disappointed couple had made quite a long concert of screams that night, which could be heard by the adjacent tenants, and it is a good thing they could not witness all the heart breaking arm gestures that accompanied it.
Lord Cro-Magnon had gone back to the drawing board, drew a target, and started practicing throwing his spear on it, trying to hit the centre. After a few weeks of that exercise, he asked his strongest son (it was a stone drawing board), to run around the field with it as Lord C-M was trying to hit the centre again… One night, he went back to his wife waving his arms around in a fashion that can be clearly translated as “I’m back baby!”
It was true though, Lord C-M had always been impossible. But what gave him his late courage and determination is the realization that he was just different in a way that he would take no shit. He would fix his problems at the risk of being unpopular even to his somewhat dear wife.
THIS IS A MUST WATCH (At least in part). Full Pennsylvania Hearing held just yesterday – legislators are instructed on how to stop certifications of false election results based on fraud at the end, Prior to that are hours of evidence presented in first hand testimony by sworn witnesses. If you are STILL listening to ANY source that mocks this effort, you must shake that bad habit and that source, clearly. Anyone still mind controlled enough to believe or pass along that there is no evidence of fraud, or even scant evidence or nothing to overturn the US 2020 election result is basically a member of a toxic cult group.
Here is an excellent summary of the entire hearing, if you dont have time to watch it or want to share the findings easily.
When the truth about the election is given a public airing, it is absolutely undenable. Skip and listen to the end especially. There is more than raw data involved here, it is pride, it is ideals, it is essentially the spirit of justice and freedom and you can hear it in the voices of those who participate in the fight for truth, it is undeniable. Dont forget to visit me at for more high quality alt news helping fight the information blockade and censorship.
Thank u for this, great stuff
Okay, now I get it. You’re attempting to provoke the editors of OffG to scrub open comments. There is only one beneficiary of that – TPTB. Get stuffed and get a life worth having lived.
what is tptb
what is stuffed… and… you know where I’m going with this
You get fuck all
Today from the Torygraph….
“The nation has been waiting to hear what their lives might look like post-lockdown under the new, tougher tier system. This morning 98 per cent of England has been put into tiers 2 or 3. Find out which tier you’re in and what the new rules are for tier 2 and tier 3.”
That could have come straight from the pages of 1984.
Oceania has always been in Tier 2… Oceania has *Always* been in Tier 3… 😉
Freedom is slavery etc. 🙂
My state in the US is doing this too. Funny thing is, no matter what danger code you are in, the restrictions are all pretty much the same. No matter how low the odds are of you encountering “covid” in your area.
Welcome back OffG…
(OT but hey, it’s the holidays, right?…)
Thanksgiving Song (Covidspreading ’20 Refix)
(With *Humble* apologies to Mary Chapin Carpenter…)
Grateful for each ban we’re told
Gathered ’round Zoom cable
Though far and near we lockdown ‘lone
Stressed by Covid babel
Grateful for this shelter in place
Lest blight ‘tend every swallow
Saying, “Shun and snitch, obey the Beast
Some drink’s on sale tomorrow”
Father, mother, daughter, son
Neighbor, friend and friendless
Fuck all y’all, everyone
We’re all jumping on our planes-es
Grateful that you’ve understood
I hope I am forgiven
We try so hard to be good
But my heart ruled my noggin
Whitmer, Cuomo, Wolf, Newsom
Pritzker, Lightfoot, Hancock
All together everyone
Let’s always be sure to mock
Grateful for each hand we hold
Gathered ’round this table
…A *FREE* and Happy Thanksgiving to *ALL* American OffG peeps, and *Please* feel free to mail me a leftover turkey sammich here across the pond…
…And now: – A little music for you all, while you dine… – And *Keep The Faith*…
PA Stands Tall: Finally Airs Voter Fraud/ FAR FROM OVER: 4 GREAT VIDEOS EXPLAIN – Turley On Current Court & Legislature Moves GA, MI, PA, AZ, WI/ What Powell’s Biblical Epic Filing Today Means/ Non Trump Supporter On Clear Vote Machine Hacks/ Mike Adams-Situation Update China Furious At US Admiral Taiwan Visit/ Dominion Disappears/ GOP Certifier Describes Threats. Trump Call/ MSM Hysteria Over Troop Exits/ A Rude Awakening For Europe
Top Pathologist: Covid “Greatest Hoax”Pfizer Vaccine Nanobots Require -70C Temp/
…- *Sic ‘Em*, Sidney!…
By Harriet Alexander for 24 November 2020
„You can have cocaine and heroin, but not turkey?’ Oregon Gov. Brown is slammed for telling people to SNITCH on neighbors violating COVID rules this Thanksgiving – weeks after Democrat state decriminalized ALL drugsKate Brown, the Democrat governor of Oregon, announced the rule last week
The governor of Oregon has sparked outrage by saying that neighbors should call the police if they find another family celebrating Thanksgiving with a large gathering in their home, in what one local official said turned people into ‘second-rate slaves’ in their own homes.
Kate Brown, the Democrat ruler of the state, announced on November 17 that new restrictions would be put in place the following day, with no more than six people allowed inside any one home.
And she said if Oregonians saw anyone breaking the rules, they should call the cops.“
Deep state as organization that executes strategic policies arbitrarily decided by ruling elite Interests actually created the USA Inc., and its institutions embodiments of no enforcement of no obligation of ruling elite to the people while peddling myth of popular legitimacy of ruling elite autocratic power. And embodied in American psyche Obligation to meaningless voting in systemically rigged elections.
Heailed as revolutionary and enlightened Liberal concept political liberty of supposedly allowing people to decide who rules them by voting turned immediately in democratic mockery and nightmare as in US independent from power elites Election candidates were threatened or killed, armed local militia or local power mafia were guarding polling stations checking every vote beating up every voter who voted wrongly, or was Indian or freed black and destroying ballots before and after voting, of course charging voter with poll tax.
American, progressive liberal politics of freedom was from the beginning nothing but a veneer covering up system of oligarchic privileges and governance by Anglo American elites, where all political agendas and politicians are vetted by Deep state.
JFK or Nixon, like Clinton, Bush, Obama, Trump etc., all of them faithfully executed policies of ruling elites as far as strategic attacks on long term interests of working people and assurance of deep state expansion of stringent control, surveillance and growth of wealth of financial ruling elite was concerned.
if those vetted politicians attempted to sabotage or by negligence threatened effectiveness of those strategic policy guidelines they were harshly dealt with including threats of assassination or removal from office under variety of public cover stories, leaks, investigations or rumors or since 1980s NGOs color revolutions that came finally to US.
There can be no legitimate moral position defending any of them from the point of view of people who work for living as their policies were policies that strategically served oligarchic ruling elites not we the people who have unalienable right to self governance and set priorities that includes total elimination FED, MIC political power , eliminatIon of power of Wall Street, SV in determining socioeconomic policies, eliminate power of near monopolies in media, medical and food industry, establishment of universal healthcare and pension funds run locally which takes away financial burden from families of sick and from small business, and stopping mass surveillance and to elevate power of local self governance deciding about fate of local community and economy by the people directly impacted by It.
COVID is a blatant example of Trump’s public emasculation as POTUS by annoyed Deep State as his open air incoherence on COVID was a direct result of deep state agents‘ threats as he expressed his reasonable doubt about phony pandemic threat only to sharply reverse his position toward delusional policies of fear mongering and preprogrammed destruction of people’s economy while bailing out and nurturing Wall Street Chieftains and SV parasites.
We know that Trump was not brainwashed to believe that COVID was ever existential threat to humanity but still he “reacted” absurdly peddling Deep State nonsense
Making Trump a unprecedented villain by MSM was primarily Deep State operation aimed to sow division and discourse on irrelevant subjects while leaving unprecedented attack on US population by elites beyond reproach. Trump fit perfectly into Deep State plans, and the fact that he is still alive proves it.
Obama did the same in 2008+ crisis taking back his criticism of record bonuses paid to executives of bailout by taxpayers big banks. Later he avoided pissing off deep State by reopening Guantanamo, continuing old wars and creating new ones, giving away cool $trillion to MIC for revamping of nukes, reneging on Medicare for all Healthcare and Public Option health Insurance to name few corrections to Obama’s electoral agenda made by overall friendly to him Deep State.
No single one is better than the rest of them stooges of oligarchy, who one way or another want up enslaved or dead.
i.e. if my doctor can’t cure my cancer overnight, he’s just a phony doctor. (if Trump can’t eradicate the deep state overnight and bring prosperity to all Americans immediately, why he’s just another deep state stooge …)
Nobody expected Trump to cure cancer. That is not his failure. What I am talking about is systemic failure of all political and state institutions like POTUS or Congress as they become puppets of Deep State.
As any President Trump was powerless to do things he promised in his campaign but “powerful” to do what ruling elite wanted him to do. He did not refuse as he would have been severely punished.
Any POTUS is simply a Deep State puppet playing in political puppet show for infantilized electorate.
Not electing vetted puppets of Deep State but rejection of entire system, destruction of American imperial institutions of power and oligarchy who run them is the first step to effectively ending American democratic charade.
A Long-Forgotten CIA Document From WikiLeaks Sheds Critical Light on Today’s U.S. Politics and Wars
The Agency knew that their best asset for selling their wars was Barack Obama — the same reason so many in the security state were eager to get rid of Donald Trump.
By Glenn Greenwald Nov 23
‘‘the former vice president was declared a “winner” by the news media and Silicon Valley.”
”Biden declared himself the victor in spite of the lawsuits filed in federal court ”
We’re all over the place in this article. It’s like a 5 chapter book condensed into an introduction ; we have more bullet points than detail.
All the references and names. It reads like the Oscars for bull shitters.
Despite the hazards of becoming entangled in so many details and names, one consistency shines through- as usual. The wonderful C I A. Hitler and Goebbels will be laughing in their graves.
Speaking of which….
It’s more than mere coincidence that the OSS was disbanded and replaced by a new improved C I A once Operation Paperclip had placed thousands of their people in the states at Uncle Sam’s invitation. They had a shared goal; world domination. They were in the sights of JFK.
He said he was pissed off by their arrogance and power crazed antics. He reminded them what the ‘C’ the ‘I’ and the ‘A’ stood for, and that they were to stick to intelligence gathering or he would break them into fragments. It was they who ignored the President and went ahead with the Bay Of Pigs invasion; not the president.
That president wasn’t ‘soft’ on communism, as the article points out. But he was hard on nuclear disarmament, which led to the stand off with Khrushchev. Russia saw reason; Israel never ( surprise, surprise ) and J F K voiced his concerns over Israel’s arrogance and defiance. So they too had him in the cross hairs.
Then there was Hoover of the F B I ( and silent partner of the mafia) . A man who couldn’t even walk straight. He was spying on the Kennedy brothers form inside and out with a view to bringing both down. That’s the cloudy film on top of the swamp Trump could have drained.
J F K was slaughtered in the name of money, war and tyranny. Nothing has changed . Not one thing. Every president, red or blue, has progressed the agenda. And that swamp will remain undrained and continue to smell worse as time passes.
What other ‘celebs’ got a mention. . .
Jesse’ the body ‘ Ventura ( he was a navy seal you know ). Representing the Conspiracy Party after several successful TV episodes and a distinguished career pretending to wrestle fake tanned steroid junkies for money. Last seen on my TV ‘secretly’ circling a ‘hidden compound’ that was encircled by a wired fence. With his ‘buddy’ Alex Jones they ”had questions to ask” of the authorities concerning the covert training of large apes aiming to turning them into armed militia. Yes- he’ll do. He’ll make a fun prez.
Malcolm ‘X’ got his shout out too . I doubt somehow that it was a deep and underground as our author suggests.
We had Martin Luther King campaigning for peace and civil rights and for all men to join hands regardless of colour. We had Elijah Mohammed in slightly more militant mode with a focus on black Muslims. He didn’t call for conflict either at first. As the black Americans were slowly dragged up the ladder and white support finally began to grow, Malcolm decided ‘X’ was ‘cool’ for a name; as was the neat black suit and matching dark glasses ; as were the many phot ops with the black stars of the time like Cassius Clay, about to find Allah and become Muhammad Ali( and go to prison) and the golden -throated Sam Cooke who was soon to be shot dead.
Then his ego spoke for him when he sensed fame and glory a touch away in front of America’s media. He said he would achieve what he wanted for the black race ‘by any means possible’. Thus countering every effort made by Martin Luther King and alienating the ‘don’t knows’ who watched the fight for civil rights continue. They [ black Americans ] may well have been helped up the ladder, but Mr X put them on the head of the snake with that statement of intent.
Who else. Oh yes, the beloved Zuckerberg
Zuckerberg was plucked from pasty faced obscurity to be the face of the CIA surveillance op. That’s all it ever was and will be. Now Twitter and Google have joined in. Zuckerberg couldn’t set an alarm clock without instructions let alone create a social network programme. He’s the ‘acceptable’ face of the CIA. Like Gates was the stereotypical ‘computer geek’.; the harmless awkward brilliant computer genius who was scared of his own shadow. That cliche was also gobbled up by the hypnotised cattle.
Now we are in the midst of population control across the globe and all the instructions were born in the States. In Johns Hopkins University / Rockerfeller Institute. The biggest data scam of all time.
Here’s a tip I learned from Gates and Fauci ( of the US, not China). If you want to fool the world that a sudden large spike in cases of a virus has occurred, instruct the governments to suddenly spike the amount of ‘tests’ they carry out and broaden the criteria of ‘virus case’ to include anything from hiccups to an itchy arse. Job done.
That’s the world now. Bullshit according to ‘the data’. A world where these dickheads like Gates, Fauci and Zuckerberg are respected as important. All CIA assets and deep state. In the States when the data lies in elections the default position is to blame a communist country like Russia or China. For anything else, like buildings fainting, blame Islam. Just keep pointing away from the self.
In the UK we too had an election left to data analysis. Polls- which meant nothing in the last 4 UK elections or last 2 US ones, suggested a close race that could go either way. Dominic Cummings was brought in by Johnson. He remained at his computer for 3 years manipulating data, sending bots to social networks and basically calling in favours from the CEO’s. The result was a Brexit referendum win.
His prediction ahead of the election :
‘‘You’ll win by 80%, Boris”.
He won by 80%. The prediction was made before the polling stations opened.
The bottom line is that Trump, and Johnson were and are like comic characters; parodies. Celebrities that are good for viewing figures and insane sound bites. It / they make a mockery out of the democratic process and expose it for what it’s worth- a cheap sham.
Why has this been allowed to happen. Forget the endless, pointless bullshit about Russia. They had nothing to gain and it’s a cliche anyway . It isn’t a 1973 spy movie. Forget Biden fixing or rigging an election too. He claps and whistles when his fkng toaster pops.
No, we needed to be shown the dangers of the democratic process as a prelude for it’s coming extinction ( ‘‘you saw for yourself it can be rigged”). And we are learning that the same data analysis can fool the world that a virus is rampant just by data we’re told is only half reliable in the first place but gets to make the rules for our living.. No need to show a single virus. Data is all. And Data says 7 billion need to be saved by a needle. Yet still we await a sight of the virus.
We’re told that the vaccines can’t cure or prevent the virus, but that means 90% success rate. That’s data. Gates, Fauci, Soros. Add to those three, Remdesivir , Pfeitzer, and Glaxo, and you’ll hear the truth desperately trying to shout at you loud enough to be heard above their laughter.
There is a Pandemic of artificial data parading as the new miracle, artificial intelligence. Artificial Intelligence propagated by counterfeit people who have the guns.
Silicon Valley.?
Since the decided pandemic scenario in 2010 they have made up a substantial slice of the Bilderberg meetings in seats once reserved for financiers. This is the nerve centre of the reset. The Eden of Scientism. The CEOs of that place are the new apostles.
Rigged data is a distraction from the rigged data of Covid ; Covid is the rigged excuse for a reset ; reset is the code for the end of man as human. He is about to make the final step in an artificial evolution. Meat with chips.
…Will *Literally* Never Happen… – So *Good Luck* with *That*…
As a Brit, I prefer Fish and Chips, jus’ sayin’,,, – Preferably with *Lots* of salt and vinegar… *Mmmm*…
50 years of planning Transhumanism. Billions spent on nano-research and several experiments all called off because internet sleuth says it ”literally’ can’t happen. ( is it still trendy for brits to try and use American slang to sound cool by the way ?).
Hundreds of years re-defining evolution and Scientific terminology to accommodate man merging with machine in the name of Scientific progress and artificial intelligence being as beneficial to the future of the race and planet, all called off for the same reason.
To be fair , you did put a well reasoned argument together there. Particularly the fish and chip angle. Inventive use of the humble asterisk too.
12 months ago a few billion people would have said it ”literally” couldn’t happen if they’d have heard an invisible virus wold put the world’s economy on hold, put hundreds of thousands out of work, close the shops and bars and make the world obey their government’s orders to stay put and only come out in a mask. ”literally” happened, and it ”literally” still is. Literally.
Certainly, Saint JFK was not soft on Communism. He continued the aggression against Cuba and started the invasion of Indo-China.
Best analysis by far:
Maybe but long. Is there a yes or no answer to the question. Does Trump sill have a path to victory?
I think the path is happening – the American people (or some useful number of them) need to get on their feet and in the streets and tell the ‘deep state’ they’ve had enough of this shit – we elected Trump, and we’re keeping him, so get back in your holes and prepare for a serious assault. Some positive signs all around the US, although the deep state corporate media doing their best to hide and belittle them
In the comments pages of the Guardian you can call Johnson all kinds of stuff, even really abusive stuff, but if you write something accurate and real about the governments actions over Covid, then you will get deleted. That is what Russia-gate was, meaningless abuse, that they knew would go nowhere, but it created the illusion of political decent, need to keep the American people voting, the same function the Democratic party performs.
…In other news:… – Lt Gen Michael Flynn *Pardoned*…
*Sic Semper ‘Russiagate’*… – *End Of Fucking Story*.
…- Now De-robe and Dis-bar ‘Justice’ Emmet Sullivan for misprision of rights/due process/suborning perjury, and *Indict* Strzok, Page, McCabe, Comey, Weissman and Van Grack for perjury, plus *Them* and *The Rest* of the Gang (Brennan, Clapper, Steele, Simpson, the Ohrs, Lynch, Obama, Hillary, Pelosi, Shiff, Nadler, Wasserman-Schultz, Brazile, and the *Whole Goddamn Bunch*) for 18 USC ch. 115 ss. 2381-2390 violations…
Yes, this bestiary is as fetid and malignant a clutch of Swamp Creatures as one could ever hope to see– or perhaps that should be not-see.
If the results hold, the final score will be Swamp 1, Trump 0.
if he loses this battle, which is not a certainty, the war will be far from over, and I’d bet on him to prevail in the end …
And you can say even worse things against Trump. Heck, even the journalists do. But try to criticise the American ‘deep state’ or the UK Royals or establishment.
That tells you all you need to know – the people you can’t criticise etc.
It seems Trumps pleas that he could expose & arrest all left-wing liberals and the ‘left wing’ political class, in a staged ‘Liberation of America’, went unheard by the military Corporate Industrial complex.
The deep state: ‘We’ll go with the Covid masks, fear, tracking and multiple vaccines, as a means of suppression and wealth extraction this time. Also Biden offered us massive Corporate aid under the banner of ‘Global warming’, which serves our interests far better for the next four years. But hang in there, Mt Trump, maybe a military coup to liberate the America spirit from ‘global forces’, we’ve put on hold, may work in 2024……… keep in touch’’.
Trump IS the military “coup”. It happened in 2016 and involved blocking the deep-state election fraud in key battle-ground states. They never thought she’d lose!
“There is only one thing in the world worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about.”
US media Corporations benefited greatly from Trump as president. $1.8 trillions in tax cut and more recently $5 trillions in bailouts. Trump has overseen the largest upward transfer of wealth in world history.
“Trump has overseen the largest upward transfer of wealth in world history.”
Thank you. Surely it’s been said before, but that little sacred factoid seems to have been ignored recently, apparently swamped by the vast online outpouring of support for the Orange One as being unduly put-upon.
Trump’s done a lot of acting and role-playing in a variety of highest level sitcoms, so we’re not surprised that he and his have done a really good impression for four years as The Swamp.
He’s NOT The Swamp, of course. Just its understudy.
That’s ’cause he’s a “political outsider”.
Sort of like Hitler, whose speeches he keeps in his nightstand.
“Meet the New Swamp. Same as the Old Swamp.”
‘Sort of like Hitler, whose speeches he keeps in his nightstand.’ – swamp creature at work, just make shit up, your buds will cheer you on …
Sheeesshh, serious? Before you fling any more intemperate swamp muck, you might want to know that this is old old news. And if someone made it up, it was his ex, not moi. Ivanka 1st wife spilled her guts saying he kept a copy of an anthology of Hitler’s “best speeches” in his nightstand and read them as before beddy bye lullabies. For years. As a bit of study, no doubt.
But, you have to consider the source. After all, she was conjugally one then with the acclaimed Orange Maestro of “Talking Stuff”.
But before you talk any (more) to me –trollspeak or otherwise– you might want to do your homework.
“Sort of like Hitler, whose speeches he keeps in his nightstand.”
If you want to fight fascism, you need to do a bit of research, as Trump was doing. Unfortunately the globalist media controlling fascists are winning at the moment with their constant smear campaigns, selective news reporting and downright lies, but the approaching depression might help more people to wake up.
That argument reminds me of the classic CYA of WC Fields, another master of oratorical buncombe, though not as orange, even when fully flushed.
Whenever caught with a hidden flask of Kickapoo Joy Juice, he had an effective disclaimer, “For medicinal purposes O-N-L-Y my dearest.”
Maybe that’s what the ineluctable Donald told Ivanka: “You have to fight fire with fire my dearest.”
Fight fascism WITH fascism. Interesting concept.
After all, his fanboys bought it, our first full-fledged mob Prez.
At least he’s practiced.
Yet there lurks in my lucidly dreamt moments wedged between scanty sleep and insomnia: Trump on the steps of 1600 going full frontal Allende, strapping on a Kalishnikoff like hapless Salvador did in Chile for his ouster.
But that’s only coming if a Trump-heavy SCOTUS does not go Full Frontal Don Nino Scalia and suspend an unsavory result of an Election by Sunday fiat, a recurrent orange phantasmagoria of mine, in stark relief against the black canvas of my nights.
But the day is still young!
ERRATUM: “Automát Kaláshnikova” aka “AK47” aka “kalash”.
Yeeeereaaaah the huge corporatist trump is fighting fascism! Do you even know what fascism is? Where the corporations run politics!? God trumpet blowers are just too dumb for words and you all do some serious contortions to fit him into the good side of history! You are all anti war until he drops high explosives on civilians
Thanks. You further detailed my notion and spared me the commotion. If Trump isn’t a textbook incarnation of fascism I don’t have the right textbooks. He is Fascism on legs, and fits Mussolini’s def to a T. “Contortionism” is also apt as can be.
They will keep at it with tech to upend the lexicon any way they can. If the words don’t fit, they will “slave” to erode all the meanings.
It’s just like rehabilitating Nixon. Or Lone Gunmen historians.
I assume both you guys are being s/ -ish?…
…- I agree, it’s *All* kabuki theatre, tho’ I rooted for team Trump, lo’ these past five years, in the same way you might root for a WWE or Nacho Libre ‘Face’, all the while understanding that in Trump’s case, as an outsider, he would play his part as an avatar-for-popular-resentment/lightning-rod-for-establishment-ire, sufficiently well enough to throw a *Royal* spanner in the gears of the machine, and thus cause the weasels to unmask themselves so’s the rest of us could see ’em *Clearly* for what they *Truly* are… – That he has *Most Definitely* done, and… – *That Is All*.
…As to the Deep State/MIC Biden Green New Deal thing, it should be noted that the US military is *THE* *SINGLE* *BIGGEST* consumer of crude oil products on the planet, *By Far*…
I’m not sure I know what “s/-ish” means, but the above is literally how Trump got elected in 2016. He had the backing of the NSA, and although they haven’t explicitly admitted this, the only way he could have beaten the fraud is if they somehow stepped in to disrupt it.
They chose a different strategy in 2020 and that’s to let the fraud play out while tracking everything. Hence the statement (~16 Nov) by Robert Steele: “We have it all.”
…So the NSA ‘counter-frauded’ the fraud, in ’16 *For* Trump?…
…- Not sure you *Get* how stealing elections works, amigo…
(btw s/ = ‘sarc’…)
I doubt we’ll ever know how it was actually done, but I assume the NSA stepped in to block a fraud rather than commit one.
I doubt we’ll ever know how it was actually done, but I assume that Trump had enough votes to win a fair election, and the NSA stepped in to block the CIA from fixing it for Hillary.
Please watch: “HOW TRUMP WINS” –
(direct upload from Bitchute:
You can think of Brother Nathanael what you want. But he makes several interesting points:
He says that – relating especially to Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin – “these state legislators have their OWN right to appoint their OWN slate of electors INSTEAD of the electors selected to award Biden the win”
And: “If the US House rejects Pence’s choice it goes to a House vote on January 6th . Each state gets only one vote. 31 state have a Republican majority in the House – 19 states have Democratic majority…“.
Brother Nathanael also gives a very good reason, why Sidney Powell simply couldn’t be part of the Trump legal team.
Also as Trump now pardoned Michael Flynn. He did so, because his because the judicial system in the US is as corrupted as in my country and a lot of other countries. And it is not sure that Flynn gets acquitted under a Biden-regime. So it was important that Sidney Powell, attorney of Michael Flynn, did not also work for the president at the same time.
I don’t believe Russia-gate was an operation to attack Trump, it caused him no damage at all. It was an operation to keep Trump safe from a range of criminal charges that could have been brought against him during his presidency. It was also a show intended to preserve the illusion of democratic opposition, when there was none. The Democrat’s passed all of Trumps bills and it was the FBI that helped get Trump into power in the first place, by calling Clinton a criminal during the final weeks of the election.
I would like those who down voted me to explain how Russia gate didn’t help trump, because it clearly did and I knew it would 3 years ago, so if I knew, the media who attacked him also knew.
you’re going to need to be a bit more clear (and believable) about this ‘range of criminal charges’, I find it VERY difficult to believe that Mueller and the MSM would have have welcomed such charges – the entire ‘justice’ apparatus of the US spent years looking for anything to use against him, and came up empty …
Maybe you could explain how Russia DID help Trump first before asking people to prove they didn’t?
I’m curious as well. I’d like to know how Hilary Clinton and her team, in true dirty Obama style, spent months and months hacking accounts and computers on the run up to an election equates to ”it was the Russians’ ((( yawn))))
Even if BIden wins they have a shed load of problems ahead.
The election was not really rigged, it is just the traditional way of getting the best candidate in place to deliver what the Empire needs. It could just as easily have been rigged for Trump, if it was his time. It was just that the righteous right-wing coup just fell out of favour following the success of the Covid operation, which promises to make the follow-up Global Warming operation, look like a bonanza. Those Carbon units are going to get a good fleecing and they’ll cheer it all the way to skid row.
Senator Mastriano, heading the hearings in PA has spoken. He is livid, disgusted, and said we are not going to let this stand. Said we must make sure the real winner is sent forwards. He is staunch Pro-Trump. Probably heading for the Supreme court. All in play.
The real agenda is to annihilate most of us, proven world wide. Any attempt to stand in their way will be crushed one way or another. And they are almost wishing a civil war,,, they are ready for it I’m sure… The past is not warrant of the future, although it is in intent… But they will be doing it a different and more sophisticated way, so we have to have foresight… This is time for visionary, and I’m not sure I’m seeing it.
*Fuck Off* ’77…
I appreciate your determination, not impressed with your jugement (idiot)
I am not sure what is going on in the US. It is clear there was massive election fraud in favor of Biden. I do not think Biden won this election. On the other hand, I am not willing to say that Trump isn’t in on the whole thing. I need to see a lot more evidence before I credit a president that has committed multiple war crimes, is a good friend of Jeff Epstein and the Clintons and has appointed one deep state swamp monster after another to run his cabinet and departments. And did I mention what he has done to our economy and will do to our people with Operation Warp Speed? A person who has done those things would easily collaborate w/Biden.
My feeling is that things have gotten out of control of this deep state operation. People are really angry. Notice that it is ordinary people who have come forward with the election fraud affidavits. For this, they have been threaten as have their children. These are not powerful people with protection. These are people of great courage who are standing up saying, ENOUGH!
I don’t know what side Sidney Powell is truly on as she accuses all of America’s favorite nations to go to war with of interfering in our election. However, last night she reported that Mort and ggoogle have given out nearly as much money to all levels of this election to rig it for Biden. That is one of the most important revelations I have seen in this whole mess. They spread around nearly as much money as USG itself to fix the election. Of course the tech companies have censored, censored and censored again. Is this for really for ruining Trump? I don’t know. It will certainly create mass chaos and likely violence. That chaos serves the NWO.
I don’t know what the real plan is. I do feel that the people who made this plan are losing control over where things are going. I hope that is what is happening with all my heart.
In Kabuki theatre there is a term called ‘Mie’, meaning a summative gesture/pose evocative of a state of extreme/intense emotion… – This, sadly, is how the various legal challenges seem to me right now… – Although I wish Rudy, Jenna, Sidney and the rest, *All Power* to their collective elbows, since this is all *Clearly* an American constitutional crisis and High Felony, not to mention some *Truly* Robert Mugabe-level shit in the making, I’m begining to wonder just what the *Fuck* they think they’re actually playing at (Venezuela, Cuba, Iran, China?!… – *SERIOUSLY*?!?!!)…
…- Oh well, *Ho-Hum*, Davostani’s got their hard-on for USA Civil War 2.0(tm), and *Both* teams doing their bit, as usual, I guess…
On a minor point, the assassination of JFK: Guided by the evident truth that the left-right dichotomy in the US is oversold, recalling the principles that history tends to be more complicated than we wish, and that in judging events one can hardly ever be cynical enough, let us consider the possibility that JFK was killed by the establishment simply because he “was completely incapable of functioning on a personal/professional level, fueled by amphetamines, steroids and other daily injections which literally made him psychotic.” (- Steve Pieczenik). Pieczenik is to be completely ignored when he comes with ‘good news,’ soothing ‘news.’ But when that obscure son-of-a-bitch says something bizarre that no one wants to hear, let alone believe… well those are hallmarks of truth.
Kennedy wasn’t removed to stop this or that policy. Kennedy could have been removed by impeachment if that was the objective. His sleeping with Eastern Bloc spies was enough grounds, the mockingbird media could have had a field day with that. No, Kennedy had to be slain – certainly ritually, probably really.
Kennedy was shot at exactly 12:30 which a rare (for the era) digital clock on a nearby roof was displaying. 123 is a thinly-disguised 33. Kennedy was declared dead by the Parkland doctors at 13:00. 13 is the ‘Death’ card in Tarot. The most important freemasonic ritual is ‘The Killing of the King’. Does all the rhetoric about “Camelot” now make sense? The main source of that rhetoric (as the Nathalie Portman film drummed home) was Jackie Kennedy. Her first job had been for the CIA and George de Mohrenschildt (born Jerzy von Mohrenschildt) was an old family friend.
The multiple parallels with the Lincoln assassination are strongly suggestive of contrived narratives. The evidence of extreme dubiousness in the Lincoln assassination is as strong as it is for Kennedy, just not as widely known.
The Zapruder film is definitely not a reliable record of what happened. It was massively tampered with. One of the ways the film ‘JFK’ was subtle misinformation was that it entrenched the idea that the Zapruder film was trustworthy.
You may be right, but I’d like to have seen anybody try to remove JFK by impeachment back then.
The man was very popular, and in those days, it was generally accepted that the private lives of prominent politicians would remain private, unless they did something as crassly stupid as Bill Clinton did some time later, not realizing that he was not as universally popular as Kennedy had been.
The mainstream media just didn’t talk about semen on blue dresses in 1963.
Seriously, they just didn’t. After all, children might get to hear of it, and their mental health would never be the same again…
Also, impeachment has never been commonplace, especially when a clearly intelligent and agreeable-looking world leader is involved.
If the removal of Kennedy became an objective of paramount importance to some, there was probably only one way they could see of achieving that.
Steve Pieczenik is a *Classic* state department sheep-dipped spook, who incidentally sabotaged Carter over the Iran haostage crisis, paving the way for Ronald ‘Let’s Bomb Russia’ Reagan…
…- Riddle me this: – If Kennedy was *Truly* psychotic on Meds, why didn’t they just 25th his ass?…
Probably because it either didn’t show, or it wasn’t true.
I never saw Kennedy looking remotely comparable to Nancy Pelosi completely drunk on YouTube. That would have finished him.
Come to think of it, why hasn’t she been pushed into rehab?
She could also be impeached for taking GWB’s own impeachment “off the table”, despite his utterly evil and destructive presidency.
But I’m wasting everybody’s time with this.
We all know what today’s Washington revolves around, and it isn’t the well-being of the American people.
*No-One* compares to San-Fran Nan and her *Noddy* eyes… – *No One*!…
FYI: – *LARGE* shots of scotch, bitchez… – *Thrice*, daily… 😉
maybe because the 25th amendment didn’t happen until 1965???
It seems Trumps pleas that he could expose & arrest all left-wing liberals and the ‘left wing’ political class, in a staged ‘Liberation of America’, went unheard by the military industrial complex.
The deep state: ‘We’ll go with the Covid masks, fear, tracking and multiple vaccines, as a means of suppression and wealth extraction this time. Also Biden offered us massive Corporate aid under the banner of ‘Global warming’, which serves our interests far better for the next four years. But hang in there, Mt Trump, maybe a military coup to liberate the America spirit from ‘global forces’, we’ve put on hold, may work in 2024……… keep in touch’’.
Polls actually indicate that most of america feels, or knows for sure, that the election was rigged in Biden’s favor.
The very fact that the colour revolution scam has been run on western societies after doing so just about everywhere else should make plenty realise that it’s nothing personal. To the NWO, everyone is a target and a threat. One just has to step outside their box.
The NWO’s US dept have had to subjugate their own after decades of lies are fast catching up with them. They could no longer rely on the people to simply go back to sleep. They needed something more.
The Trumpster has been stabbed in the back, just as was Caesar. This time the conspiracy was handled by big tech. The same big tech who were actually fool enough to brag about what they were going to do come next election. They openly talked of nobbling democracy itself. These people are parasites living off the public good.
Venezuela is being dragging into the mess purely so the next admin can carry on with the rhetoric and personal attacks against the Venezuelan admin. Much in the same way that the Russian admin couldn’t get clear of shit being thrown at them by US/nato monkeys when it was politically expedient.
If biden gets to move his drip into the whitehouse after all his recent scandals, and those of his family members, it will be business as usual, on steroids. Giving a green light to serial offenders is just asking for trouble.
it wasn’t just the general election that was rigged. No one seems to recall that Biden was polling lower than snail shit in the primaries until the Dems pulled the same crap as in 2016, screwing the vote process and elevating the insider-establishment’s preferred candidate.
The three most dangerous words in the language : President Barack Obiden.
Not the most dangerous, I find the words ‘Small Government’ more scary, and the more dangerous, because it is the political chant Corporations push to subvert us to their excess and abuse. Weather that be an unfair contract you can’t get out of, or an unregulated aircraft maker, that whose planes fall our of the sky.
…I’ll *See* your President Obiden, and *Raise Ya*!:…
…- President Barmala O’Harris…
The communist, I mean community organizer has been planning this coup with the usual suspects since the pantsuit hag lost. The most despicable pos potus ever.
Civil 2.0 or die in a face diaper.
Overall, this may or may not be a good article.
I got stuck in the first paragraph, wondering why this sounds like a CNN/MSM ‘news’ article – where nothing is ever stated without injecting editorializing adjectives into every sentence.
during a bizarre press conference
1st paragraph. Before we set the scene, let me stamp my opinion on the event.
good point. this trend of using many adjectives cause headache
”good point. this trend of using many adjectives cause headache”
Not just a headache, but an agonizing , searing, oppressive and intrusively inconvenient headache.
…*Personally* I prefer Tucker… – *Far* more sane…
I say Anderson Cooper is the son of Bill Kristol.
“During the Cold War, the vast majority of states overthrown were left-leaning or socialist governments aligned with the Eastern Bloc.”
I take issue with this. The great movement after the collapse of the British Empire was autonomy and, in attempting to throw off the plantation class, that meant land distribution as a response to popular pressure, regardless of political colour.
In short it was nationalism, which can be left or right.
As for the U.S. it was just business. Both Allen Dulles and his brother were shareholders in the Boston/United Fruit Company – and one of their first “happenings” was to defeat the threat of redistribution and secure land for their own private profit.
Even more important than land distribution was equal access to natural resources, beginning with water and firewood and extending to minerals. That is why Bolivia’s Evo Morales came to power and why he was ousted.
U.S. regime change was primarily the CIA acting as muscle for the people who had founded it: the Wall Street bankers, lawyer and associated corporations.
“Left leaning” was the excuse. This is why the CIA and State Department armed Castro while halting weapon sales to Fulgencio Batista, as documented by U.S. ambassador to Cuba at the time, Earl T. Smith.
The only explanation for this is that the CIA expected Castro to become another Batista or it wanted a boogeyman in the western hemisphere as a justification for actions it had in mind.
There is even a convincing argument that the Bay of Pigs was a ruse in order to provide leverage against JFK.
To put it even more simply:
Decline of European empires > Land Redistribution > U.S. Resists > Sees opportunity for U.S. Corporations to supplant British/French/Spanish/Portuguese/Belgian/Dutch/ planters.
Why do you not know this? The U.S. cannot admit to imperial tendencies because its identity from birth was forged in opposition to empire through its struggle with the British.
Agreed. At the same time that Rockefeller and Kissinger were pushing for an opening with communist China and forging business deals with Chinese officials, they were also working to orchestrate a coup against socialist Salvador Allende in Chile. Allende wasn’t aligned with the Eastern Bloc. He was a threat because of his nationalization program and its impact on corporate interests in Chile, banking and copper mining among others. The ‘communist’ thing was a pretext, as it had been when they overthrew Arbenz in Guatemala.
For Rockefeller, Kissinger and associates it was simply about serving Wall Street interests, and the CIA was their enforcement arm. They have been willing to work with communists, fascists, and anyone else who help advance their economic and global objectives. However, I don’t doubt that many CIA covert operators doing the dirty work during the Cold War were true believers in the anti-communist crusade.
Most of it’s a ruse. I expect Bay of Pigs was some kind of intentional ruse. Didn’t JFK reject Operation Northwoods in favor of keeping Cuba communist to fuel the Cold War?
I don’t even think JFK was planning to disband the CIA. I just think LBJ was far more powerful within the cryptocracy and wanted JFK and Bobby Kennedy out of the way because he was an ambitious psychopath. The Killing of the King was a ritual to inflict psychological trauma on the American public and to show those working within the system that nobody is safe.
For all the talk about the defining role of the American corporation, the country’s wealth was largely secured by supplanting European empires. That did not happen once the “west” had been settled or the internal opportunities exhausted — it anticipated the decline of European empires, starting well before the Monroe Doctrine of 1823.
To put it another way, how many of America’s ruling families were not imperialists?
Exactly. None. Just like so many of the most influential founding fathers were Freemasons and all of the presidents except for one were direct descendants of John, King of England.
But the illusion is what matters. The illusion of democracy, meritocracy. The illusion of opportunity and the illusion of the American dream, achieved as a mindless drone, a corporate automaton, whose consumptive, flag waving and uncritical intellectual life consists of obeying and complying, never questioning narratives, the status quo or cultural norms. All to achieve so very little, while never pursuing any identity or power of one’s own.
A nation of lost souls, whose controllers despise them and who cannot mask their glee at finally getting the opportunity to rid themselves of the great unwashed masses.
What i say he is would be censored.
Cooper looks like his father. His father was an actor, as is Anderson. Not an accomplished actor, but part of the cryptocracy, due to the Vanderbilt connection.
Yes. I’m probably seeing the plastic surgery.
That Botox and filler makes them all look like expressionless zombies.
Plus Kristol is only 15 years older than Cooper so the numbers don’t quite work.
I know this isn’t really an American board, but did you know that in the early 90s, the CIA(who else?) piped a ‘news’ show for teens called “Channel One” into US classrooms, in the first period of the day? This is how Anderson got his TV personality start, along with fellow spy sisters, Laura and Lisa Ling. They would globetrot around and talk about … hell I really can’t remember. But nothing important or current.
EDIT/Correction; here’s a fun pic of Anderson in Mogadishu or somewhere.
And having some more fun, in Rwanda.
The lights were usually off and it was a great time to have a quick nap before the schoolday started.
Lol … thanks for the links. I had no idea of his inglorious head start on tv.
…I remember all the Gulf War I reportage: – How *Precision* the weapons all were (< 3% Total ordnance expended), and how by beaming it into everyone’s homes it meant the good ol’ US of A military had *Finally* gotten over their collective Vietnam-induced case of ‘brewer’s droop’…
…The way he told it, his Mom sounded *Hawt*, tho’ – amiright?!…
Which makes me think of Billy Chrystal.
Which makes me think of better times.
“When Harry Met Sally”, “City Slicker’s” Ken Burn’s “Baseball”….
Sorry, off topic, but you know how it is on Thanksgiving.
I do the same thing whenever people mention the other Bill. Time to rewatch City Slickers.
In other words: Satan’s spawn. 😉
I thought he was 80-s TV sensation Max Headroom. Turns out he’s just C I A’s boy and Oligarch spawn.
Bla bla bla. Let’s cut to the chase. There is no democracy and all elections are rigged.
They made the stealing and fake results obvious to create division within the public. They are trying to instigate confusion and generate violence and enmity from the two voting blocs.
More smoke and mirrors from both sides who work together against the people in gangster governments.
If you give up on it completely there will be no democracy. You should be saying there can be democracy and we can make it work.
No, we can reclaim common law and opt out of a corrupt system that holds us hostage so they cannot annihilate and intentionally murder billions of people using forced medical intervention, through their control of governments by central banks and corporations.
And why do you keep changing your name from Johnny Ripe and God and Dog and the half a dozen other names I’ve seen you use here?
Why can’t you stick with one screen name?
”we can reclaim common law”
What does that even mean? Do you know what common law is?
Good comment but I don’t think Trump himself works together with the rest of them.
why was that a good comment?
All the evidence points to it, without question. His family ties go back to his uncle and father working closely with the military, Trump working with Wilbur Ross, Rothschild, and the Jewish mafia of Resorts International for more than 30 years. The executive order and laws he passed as soon as he got into office and the fact that Russiagate was a ruse he knew all about before it even was put into operation. It’s obvious that he is in on the entire operation. He has taken no action whatsoever to counter any of the globalist maneuvers.
He’s now promoting the vaccines. He is an actor. A Reality TV show actor. He is a Freemason who had a show called the Apprentice. Do you know what an Apprentice is in Freemasonry? Or what MAGA means in the Satanic Church?
If people want to believe the Kabuki theater of politics then that’s their prerogative, but it couldn’t be more obvious the whole idea of voting is to gain compliance and acquiescence for agendas that are already underway and are long term 50 year plans, that have nothing to do with public welfare or political parties vying for power.
Politics is a third rate dog and pony show. Less conceiving than Wrestlemania.
Julian Assange is ‘deep state’, David Icke is ‘deep state’, Trump is ‘deep state’, etc, etc, etc. Eventually, hopefully, the upvoters will start to work out how shills on our at media work. They don’t just turn up and announce: “Hi, I work for the 77th/Integrity Initiative, and I’m here to counter the misinformation posted by your leading lights.”. Divide and conquer: one of the basic rules of war.
I don’t use the words Deep State. It’s a misnomer. You are 77th. That couldn’t be more obvious.
Why did you stop posting under your old moniker ‘Objective’, anyway? It’d been discredited over the browser nonsense to do with the fact that you are actually American, but your old moniker wasn’t banned.
You still slip into American spelling from time to time btw, no matter how hard you try not to. It’s basic human error. The problems of being a troll.
I have an American IPhone, it’s set to American English which I prefer. I never, ever use English spelling. I am married to an American, my son is American and I have lived in America for many years.
You are the troll. You have half a dozen names on this board and your twitter account is a fake name with almost no followers. And you take photos of people at protests in what looks like the manner of an operative. You are clearly working for the British government. You are a coward. A pathological Liar and someone who stalks women on the internet.
What I have found is that there are many trolls here who post on this site in tag team trolling with multiple identities and they really like to gang up in cowardly troll form on anyone who dares tell the truth, mention banksters, terrain theory or 5g.
You are just one of those losers. Get a life. Get a clue. And stop stalking and harassing women.