Covid-19 & Celebrity Humanitarianism
Sean Penn and the Great Reset, funded by Bill Gates and the Clinton Foundation
Vanessa Beeley
On the 12th November 2020, an article appeared in the Daily Mail about three powerful men sharing a beach holiday: Twitter’s Jack Dorsey, Hollywood’s Sean Penn and the reclusive Israeli billionaire, Vivi Nevo.
The story slipped under the radar, almost unnoticed by a public caught up in the Covid-19 controversy that continues to sweep the planet. However, the connections between these three elite influencers is well worth a closer look, particularly with regards to their combined role in promoting the transnational corporatocracy’s Covid-19 narratives.
Sean Penn and his altruistic aspirations – valiant, misguided or corrupt?
The Clinton connection
Sean Penn established Community Organised Relief Effort (CORE) in January 2010 in response to the earthquake that devastated the island of Haiti that same year. Formerly called the J/P Haitian Relief Organisation, CORE claims that:
our life-saving programs revolve around building healthier and safer neighbourhoods to mitigate the scale of devastation caused by disaster.”
What CORE fails to mention is that the destabilisation and eradication of Haitian culture, heritage, communities and self-sufficiency began long before the earthquake of 2010. It might have something to do with the funding that CORE receives from USAID, a CIA power expansion agency, and Penn’s close relationship with the Clintons whose foundation has been instrumental in the “rapacious role of US imperialism in that impoverished semi-colonial country.”
Penn declines to mention that Clinton, Bush and Obama have the blood of Haitians on their hands or that Clinton and Bush were deeply involved in “perpetuating the poverty, backwardness and repression in Haiti” that exacerbated the crisis in January 2010 that Penn responded to.
According to journalist, Patrick Martin:
Clinton took office in the immediate aftermath of the military coup which ousted Haiti’s first democratically elected president, the populist cleric Jean-Bertrand Aristide. That coup was backed by the administration of Bush’s father, who saw Aristide as an unwanted and potentially dangerous radical.”
The Clinton’s influence on the island of Haiti has been one of unmitigated predation and political piracy – a legacy entirely ignored by Penn, who endorsed Hilary Clinton in the 2016 elections and who visited the imperialism-stricken island with robber baron, Bill Clinton, in 2015. Penn appears to be blissfully ignorant of the scandal surrounding the Clinton response to the 2010 earthquake that left the already scavenged island in tatters.
The Clintons stepped up to lead the global response to the Haiti earthquake. At President Obama’s request, Clinton and George W. Bush created the “Clinton-Bush Haiti Fund,” and began “aggressively fundraising around the world to support Haiti”. The Interim Haiti Recovery Commission (IHRC) selected Bill Clinton as its co-chair. Hillary Clinton was still Secretary of State and was therefore responsible for funnelling USAID “relief” funding to Haiti.
A whopping $13.3 billion was pledged by international donors to allegedly rebuild Haiti and to restore dignity to the lives of the forcibly impoverished Haitian people. Unsurprisingly, the IHRC response was mired in controversy and accusations of embezzlement levied against the Clintons who, effectively, held the purse strings of the incoming donations.
The IHRC collected and estimated $ 9.9 billion in three years but the deplorable misery and poverty that Haitians endure did not improve. It is widely believed that the Clintons cynically robbed and destroyed Haiti for their own gain. Haitian author, journalist, and historian, Dady Chery, expressed the general view thus:
In 2016, by all estimates, the cost of the US presidential elections doubled or quadrupled to about $5-10 billion. This is the most expensive presidential bid in history, and Hillary Clinton has vastly outspent Donald Trump. Where did the money come from?”
Rather than express outrage at the Clinton potential involvement in defrauding the people of Haiti, Penn continued a campaign of genuflection to the Clintons. In 2015, at a Haiti benefit event, Penn introduced Bill Clinton as a “once-in-a-generation leader with laser focus, immense curiosity, courage and compassion that can be unequivocally measured by sustainable benefits and the improvement of so many lives around the world.”
During his twenty minute speech, Clinton praised Penn for his work in Haiti and encouraged the star-studded audience to contribute to what is now CORE by stating that “you will never contribute to an organisation that will give you a higher probability of having your good intentions turned into real positive changes in other people’s lives”. The hypocrisy oozed from every honeyed word.
Also present at the fundraising gala was sexual predator, Harvey Weinstein, the Hollywood producer who was sentenced to 23 years in prison for first-degree criminal sexual acts and third-degree rape earlier this year. This will connect to the other two men on the beach (i.e. Jack Dorsey and Vivo Nevo) in Part 2.
In 2012, Hillary Clinton’s aides lavished praise on Penn who had just received the 2012 “Peace Summit Award” from former Soviet Union President, Mikhail Gorbachev, for his work in Haiti. A number of media reports pointed out that the email address had been redacted but was listed as “CIA”.
Whether Penn participated knowingly in the imperialist rape of Haiti or was nothing more than a useful celebrity idiot who served the agenda of the Clinton/Bush vulture policy is a question for serious debate. Penn certainly didn’t slum it when travelling to Haiti. HRO or CORE paid out more than $126,000 in first class flights in 2013. This luxury travel was justified by Penn’s celebrity status and “consideration for his safety”.
Penn’s close relationship with the Clintons also apparently brought him into the nefarious orbit of child-sex provider and elite blackmailer, Jeffrey Epstein. It has been claimed that Penn was on the guest list of an intimate dinner between Epstein’s under-age girl procurer, Ghislaine Maxwell and Bill Clinton in 2014.
Covid-19 “response” and a potential ulterior motive for CORE Covid-19 tests
Fast forward to 2020, and we find Sean Penn and CORE intimately involved in Covid-19 drive-through testing centres. In September 2020, CORE had conducted more than one million Coronavirus tests, by November, this had increased to 2.5 million.
To those who reject masks:
Please change your minds. People are suffering and dying, and the economy is totally collapsing entirely due to YOU.— Sean Penn (@SeanPenn) November 17, 2020
The PCR test, DNA harvesting and false positives
The validity of the PCR tests in diagnosing Covid-19 has been the subject of much scientific discussion with a growing number of medical experts and analysts dismissing the PCR test as unreliable and inconclusive due to the high percentage of false positives. It is also claimed that this widespread DNA collection under the pretext of Covid-19 could be a covert genetic information harvest on the pretext of extracting viral DNA from all the genetic material.
I spoke with a medical expert who will remain anonymous for security reasons and he informed me that the PCR test is “not designed to diagnose disease.” He told me:
The test identifies a genetic sequence being present in a sample and then copies it, thereby increasing the amount of genetic material. Each test cycle copies and increases the genetic material.
A specific amount of GM is required to meet a threshold of detection. The test will keep copying until it is possible to say the virus is “detected”. Therein lies the problem.
After “Covid” infection, when the virus has been removed by the immune system, some viral genetic debris can remain for many months. A tiny fragment viral, genetic material debris will be found and multiplied by many, many cycles until the detection threshold is reached. This is a false positive.
He informed me that most labs are running upwards of 40 cycles.
In at least 4 examples of RT PCR testing in the US, it was found that 90% of the positive tests were actually false.”
He also told me:
the real reason they are pushing the testing is control. They want a rapid test to be used every day, multiple times per day to gain entry to school, work, restaurants, entertainment centres etc. It is conditioning.”
The sinister question is whether all this genetic DNA information is passed on to undisclosed entities for “research purposes” without the patient’s knowledge.
Prior to the Covid-19 “crisis”, patient privacy in the US was protected by federal laws like the Common Rule and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). The Emergency laws or orders introduced on the back of Covid-19 have enabled a widespread genome harvesting strategy with little or no accountability for how the DNA information collected is ultimately used.
The issue of DNA collection is not new. An article by Off-Guardian from 2017 asked why the US Air-force was collecting samples of Caucasian Russian DNA. Predictably, the story was ignored by US/UK state media.
At the time, Russian President Putin, speculated that the US was preparing an anti-Russian bioweapon. That theory is no longer so “conspiratorial” with the looming threat of a potential bioterror false flag which will, inevitably, plunge the world into even greater engineered chaos.
As part of my research for this article, I sent an email to CORE asking them what they did with the DNA collected from their testing procedures. Until now, no response has been forthcoming.
CORE now receives funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Jack Dorsey, the Twitter CEO donated $10 million to Penn’s initiative. Further sponsors include the Clinton Foundation. The CORE testing site at Dodger Stadium, Los Angeles is the largest in the US – “three times the size of any other location in LA” and can test up to 6,000 people per day. Mouth swabs are used in place of the nasal swabs to avoid the need for medical staff to perform the test.
Penn’s funding from Covid-19 impresario, Bill Gates, is an indicator of the depth of Penn’s involvement in what is the Covid-19 portal to the World Economic Forum’s “Great Reset”. Penn is no stranger to the Gates world of “philanthropy”.
When Melinda Gates spoke about gender inequality at a 2015 Hollywood Report “women in entertainment” breakfast, it was Penn who introduced her. Penn went on to extol the Gates global immunisation projects. That Penn is wholly supportive of the Covid-19 class war should come as no surprise.
To those who reject masks:
Please change your minds. People are suffering and dying, and the economy is totally collapsing entirely due to YOU.— Sean Penn (@SeanPenn) November 17, 2020
One cannot help but wonder what happened to Penn. In 2002, Penn placed a $56,000 advertisement in the Washington Post, asking President George W. Bush to end a cycle of violence. In 2003, he wrote an impassioned anti-imperialist full-page statement for the New York Times opposing the Bush military interventionism in Iraq.
Penn wrote:
We see Bechtel. We see Halliburton. We see Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Powell, Rice, Perle, Ashcroft, Murdoch, many more. We see no WMDs. We see dead young Americans. We see no WMDs. We see dead Iraqi civilians. We see no WMDs. We see chaos in the Baghdad streets. But no WMDs.”
This could simply be a result of Penn’s fervent support for the Democrats or it could indicate that, once upon a time, Penn had genuine anti-war principles. I will cover Penn’s pro-Democrat-bias and possible connections later in this article.
Today, in 2020, Penn appears to be a fully fledged member of the billionaire and Big Pharma complex that is pushing a high-risk global vaccination roll-out. He has demanded that the “military must be tasked with a full offensive against this virus.” Penn has described the military intervention in Haiti as the US deployment of “the most effective logistical and humanitarian organization the world has ever seen: the US military.”
Penn’s own terminology in relation CORE’s Covid-19 response has been littered with military analogy, describing it as a “mission to save lives”, an interesting allusion to “an active shooter scenario” and finally “you become a gun.” That might be a little closer to the truth than Penn intended.
CORE is backed by USAID, the Clintons, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. This is not a grass roots volunteer organization, it is an instrument of power. Co-founder of CORE, or J/P HRO as it was in 2010, is a notorious character by the name of Sanela Diana Jenkins (the J/P stood for Jenkins-Penn).
Jenkins who is of Bosnian (Bosnia and Herzegovina) origin, has consistently underpinned the narratives that led to the NATO bombing of former Yugoslavia in 1999 including the much disputed Srebenica “genocide.” For a greater understanding of the complexities of this dark period in Yugoslav history, I highly recommend “Media Cleansing, Dirty Reporting,” by Peter Brock.
Jenkins raised $1 million for the Clinton Foundation in Haiti and, together with actor George Clooney, she raised $10 million for the “Not on Our Watch” organisation, which intervened in Darfur on behalf of US imperialist interests. Jenkins actively supported regime change in Libya which resulted in the brutal murder of its President, Muammar Gaddafi, which was famously celebrated by Hillary Clinton, who said: “we came, we saw, he died”.
Penn – Maverick or CIA tool?
I mentioned Penn’s support for the Democrats earlier in the article. A deeper delve into Penn’s “journalism” reveals a possible political agenda that is in lock-step with the Democrat policies.
On October 23rd 2008, Penn met with President Raul Castro of Cuba, less than two weeks before Barack Obama was elected as the first black US President. During the seven-hour meeting, Castro expressed a desire to meet with Obama who had said that he would reverse some of the draconian policies imposed by the preceding Bush administration during his election campaign.
The Mexican drug cartels and the US banking cartel cover-up
According to Penn’s biography as it appears in his controversial Rolling Stone interview with Mexican drug lord, Joaquín Archivaldo Guzmán Loera, i.e. El Chapo, “Actor, writer and director Sean Penn has written from the front lines in Haiti, Iraq, Iran, Venezuela and Cuba.” El Chapo’s arrest almost immediately after meeting with Penn drew accusations of Penn’s involvement in his detection.
However, there is evidence that El Chapo was actually not that hard to find and that the entire capture may have been nothing more than elaborate cover for the real billionaire criminals behind the global drug dealing industry, the US banking cartel.
As journalist, Richard Becker, wrote in 2019:
Joaquin Guzman, also known as “El Chapo,” will likely spend the rest of his life in isolation inside a “supermax” prison in Colorado, after his sentencing on July 17 for drug trafficking, money laundering, and other crimes. No US bankers will be in the adjoining cells, although without vast assistance from the latter, the Mexico-based drug cartels could never have achieved the size and profitability they have.
Despite the banks reaping huge profits as financiers and accomplices of the cartels, the number of bank executives criminally prosecuted for laundering hundreds of billions of dollars in illegal drug money is exactly zero.
One could be forgiven for speculating that the Penn scandal provided spectacular cover for the oligarchs behind the scenes of El Chapo’s Sinaloa cartel. In March 2010, Wachovia bank agreed “in a settlement to having laundered at least $378 billion in drug money from 2004-2007 for Mexican drug cartels.” The case never went to court.
There is also the additional issue of claims of the discovery of a 50-caliber sniper rifle associated with Obama’s “Operation Fast and Furious” at the hideout of El Chapo.
Operation Fast and Furious involved the sale of firearms at retail stores which could then allegedly be tracked to prominent drug cartel figures in Mexico. The operation was an abject failure which resulted in the murder of various individuals with US-supplied weapons, not dissimilar to the Obama “train and equip” programme in Syria, which squandered $ 500 million on weapons and equipment for the non-existent “moderate opposition.”
These weapons, they say, inexplicably fell into the hands of the global terror organisation, ISIS. The US National Rifle Association accused Obama and former Attorney General, Eric Holder of hatching the operation as cover to increase gun violence in Mexico and thus justify more restrictive gun-laws in the US.
At the very least, the timing of Penn’s intervention and the subsequent arrest of El Chapo is interesting.
Penn always in the “right” place at the right time?

U.S. actor and director Sean Penn (R) holds an Egypt flag as he walks with Egyptian actor Khaled al-Nabawi in Tahrir Square during a protest against the ruling military council, after Friday prayers in Cairo September 30, 2011. REUTERS/Stringer
In 2012, Penn met with US-approved, former Haiti President, Jean Claude “Baby Doc” Duvalier whose father Francois “Papa Doc” Duvalier, had been instated as President-for-life in 1957 with US backing. US warships were reportedly stationed “just off the coast of Haiti to oversee a smooth transition of power to Duvalier’s son.”
Under the Duvalier dynasty, more than 60,000 Haitians were murdered and tortured by death squads known as the Tonton Macoutes who regularly burned dissenters alive or publicly hung them. “Baby Doc” had been removed from power in 1986 by a popular uprising. After his meeting with “Baby Doc”, Penn recommended “reconciliation” with this neo-colonialist instrument of injustice, despite the fact that Haitian human rights group and civilians wished to see “Baby Doc” prosecuted for “crimes against humanity” and widespread corruption.
Penn does not specify the date of his 2012 “chance” meeting with “Baby Doc” but perhaps coincidentally, President Bill Clinton met “Baby Doc” in January 2012 in Titanyen, the site of mass graves for the bodies of men, women and children massacred by the Duvalier tyrants over the course of three decades of US-orchestrated and sponsored dictatorship. On the same stage with “Baby Doc” and Clinton was the latest in the line of US-approved puppet leaders, President Michel Martelly also highly promoted by Penn.
In 2011, Penn just happened to be in Tahrir Square as the Arab Spring gathered momentum in Egypt.
Penn called on military leaders for a “faster transition to democracy”. Penn told the Egyptian daily, Al Ahram, that “the world is inspired by the call for freedom by the courageous revolution of Egypt [..] a transition of power from the military to the people.”
Effectively, Penn came out in favour of yet another US/UK-orchestrated regime change – one that would ultimately lead to the reduction of Egypt to a poverty-stricken nation dependent upon foreign aid, conveniently for the US and Israel who alongside the UK, were instrumental in fomenting the uprising as explained by the Journeyman documentary – “The Revolution Business”.
Iran, Syria and Chavez
In 2009, two American “hitch-hikers”, Josh Fattel and Shane Bauer, were arrested by Iranian border guards after they were accused of entering Iranian territory on the border with Iraqi “Kurdistan” without permission and were jailed for espionage. Penn flew to Venezuela to ask President Hugo Chavez to negotiate their release with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Penn had allegedly been alerted to the plight of Bauer and Fattel by friends in “US intellectual circles.”
Penn’s support for Chavez was the subject of much controversy in American media, but that controversy likely provided him with the credibility he needed to be afforded an audience with Syria’s US-media-maligned President Bashar Al Assad in the midst of the US/UK-driven “regime change” war against Syria. The meeting is believed to have taken place during the summer of 2016.
Perhaps it is yet another coincidence, but one of the Penn-rescued “hitch hikers,” Shane Bauer, went on to become a “journalist” member of the western media “regime change” chorus invested in the criminalization of the Syrian government and its elected President Bashar Al Assad.
A “journalist” who, without hesitation, regurgitated the now discredited 2018 Douma “chemical weapon” story despite serious doubts from acclaimed journalist, Robert Fisk, who was one of the first to visit the scene of the alleged attack. Evidence that the attack was, almost certainly, a staged event, produced by the UK FCO-midwived White Helmets and Douma’s dominant armed group, Jaish Al Islam, seemed to escape Bauer’s “in depth” journalism. One Syrian commentator on Twitter responded succinctly to Bauer’s tweet:
Your “investigation” is a load of crap.!
— Angelis Dania (@NeotipPro) July 5, 2019
Bauer, himself, reported that he had been denied a visa by the Syrian authorities because his “journalism” was not considered objective enough. It is quite possible that the decision could also have been influenced by his history of illegal entry into Iran. True to form, Bauer entered Syria illegally with the help of US-proxies, the Kurdish contra forces, the so-called “Syrian Democratic Forces” occupying much of north-east Syria, including the oil fields in order to produce his undercover report which served as thinly veiled PR for the continuation of a ten-year US/UK-led war against Syria.
Celebrity humanitarianism: PR for neoliberal capitalism and US hegemony
Is Sean Penn a Hollywood “honey trap” for the five eyes intelligence alliance, as he was colourfully described by a Twitter commenter recently? Or is Penn nothing more than a member of the rising celebrity cult-humanitarian complex spearheaded by entertainment stars, billionaires and activist “NGOs” that include Bill Gates, George Soros, Angelina Jolie, Bono and Penn’s ex-wife, Madonna?
The line between being an intelligence asset and an “innocent” promoter of US hegemony and neoliberal capitalism is an indistinct one in either case.
In many instances, the timing of Penn’s “happenstance” meetings with figures key to US foreign policy and military adventurism raises obvious questions. I have not covered all of Penn’s political publicity stunts in this article, only those I consider to be the primary ones.
Effectively, Penn’s political involvement has furthered the foreign policy objectives of the US predatory class, which inevitably result in global inequality, food insecurity and devastation for countries in the cross-hairs, the same global insecurity that Penn’s version of celebrity altruism claims to fight against.
As described in the book, Celebrity Humanitarianism – the ideology of global charity by Byllan Kapoor:
[…]celebrity humanitarianism, far from being altruistic, is significantly contaminated and ideological: it is most often self-serving, helping to promote institutional aggrandizement and the celebrity ‘brand’; it advances consumerism and corporate capitalism, and rationalizes the very global inequality it seeks to redress; it is fundamentally depoliticizing, despite its pretensions to ‘activism’; and it contributes to a ‘post-democratic’ political landscape, which appears outwardly open and consensual, but is in fact managed by unaccountable elites.
Penn is a Covid-19 fearmongering fanatic. Aside from demanding that the military be involved in the response, Penn has issued an array of stinging attacks on Twitter against President Trump’s Covid-19 measures, deeming them ineffective and disproportionate to the Penn-perceived magnitude of the threat.
Perhaps unsurprisingly, Penn is supportive of the Biden power bid, which will bring in a Covid-19 task force comprised of individuals who have voiced support for eugenics and population control.
Had it only been his histrionic man-child narcissism, he’d have been a punchline prissy president. It’s his sociopathy & murder of 100’s of thousands of Americans & his vainglorious crew of smarmy sycophants that will define him in infamy. That’s my last tweet on this demagogue.
— Sean Penn (@SeanPenn) November 16, 2020
Who persuaded Penn to take to Twitter earlier this year? None other than Twitter CEO, Jack Dorsey, who will be the main subject of Part 2 of this article, which will cover Dorsey’s role in funding and promoting the Covid-19 Big Pharma programmes and draconian US government population suppression measures.

Sean Penn with Vivi Nevo and Leonardo Di Caprio at the Haiti Rising Gala, 2017. Photo: Getty images, Vogue.
The three men on the beach are instrumental in paving the way for the Great Reset and Dorsey should be held responsible for much of the Twitter censorship of dissenting voices during this unprecedented power grab by the powers that be.
Celebrities like Penn and influencers like Dorsey enable their expansionism rather than call for their accountability for the damage being inflicted upon the world’s most vulnerable and increasingly disenfranchised human beings under the guise of “relief.”
Originally published on Unlimited Hangout
Vanessa Beeley is an independent journalist and photographer who has worked extensively in the Middle East – on the ground in Syria, Egypt, Iraq and Palestine, while also covering the conflict in Yemen since 2015. In 2017 she was a finalist for the Martha Gellhorn Prize for Journalism and in 2018 was named one of the 238 most respected journalists in the UK by the British National Council for the Training of Journalists. In 2019, Vanessa was among recipients of the Serena Shim Award for uncompromised integrity in journalism. Please support her work at her Patreon account.
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Just ask yourself why does an actor who never had a single stand out role in Hollyweird still get publicity? But no work? You don’t hear of Rihanna these days like you used too so how is this mediocre actor even remembered? Intelligence asset at the very least
It may not be that every man and his dog knows that the PCR test is not designed to diagnose disease but it’s pretty common knowledge. The medical expert, however, seems to be under the illusion that people are actually infected with COVID when there is no evidence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in the first place nor of the alleged COVID-19 illness.
Torsten Engelbracht and Konstantin Demeter are perfectly happy to reveal their authorship of this excellent article published by Off-Guardian with follow-up rebuttal of PolitiFact’s alleged “debunking” of their article … with their rebuttal, not at all surprisingly, not having been responded to by PolitiFact.
4. No response by “fact-checkers” PolitiFact!
The real good guys and gals are never in the spotlight …
most ”celebs” are minions, period!
This is the page of the Italian NHS (ISS istituto superiore di sanità) that explains the wonderful collaboration between them and NATO (!!??) for developing rapid test kit..
I also think that PCR is not made for diagnose disease..
For “Music?” Journalists – who had never been There, who writes his version of the story and it gets published in The Independent. I don’t doubt a lot of it was true – the historical facts were – but if your version of the history of Led Zeppelin, who I have seen Twice and Plant and Page and Page Solo in Covent Garden was true..
Why didn’t you make any Reference To This. They got back together Jimmy Page and Robert Plant and were Brilliant.
Didn’t You Know? Have you never been to Marrakesh?
“Page & Plant ~ Yallah ( Live in Marrakesh , 1995)”
Yet another life story post no one cares about from you
He is a tool. A dumbass. Spicoli to the rescue. After learning about his meeting with El Chapo (Mexican Drug Lord) it was like…… What the fuck is wrong with this guy. Something is. No doubt. And now, Fuck. The Clintons and their “kill total” go well together with him. They just keep plugging along. Finding supporters as they go. No doubt they will all end up in hell wondering what they did wrong. “It all comes out in the wash”….. I am surprised they are still alive (the Clintons and all their associates).
I’ve quickly rattled off a short blog on today’s announcement that vaccines will be available next week.
Sorry, it’s here.
anti semitism or just envy of a hollywood iconic
penn maybe a khazar but like many pirates of the caribs he has a big heart
a healthy one at that
in fact haitian hearts are very strong and in plenty supply on the live organ dealing markets
This article reflects the basic problem; they hold all the POWER and RESOURCES to manipulate events to suite their AGENDA (NWO – Domination of the World). The only explanation for Penn and his contemporaries is that they have been subjected to a programme of neural behavioural conditioning. This would explain, to some extent, how he manages to turn-up at the right place at the right time – he’s on remote control.
THE SITUATION: The people are standing before the GATES of HELL, yet they are exhibiting all the ‘blind’ intention of walking on through. Whilst the DEVIL holds all the levers of POWER they are in a minority – the People, in theory, hold numerical superiority.
Climate Change, 9/11 and COVID were initiated to diminish the power of numbers, e.g. diminution of Freedom and Rights, creation of an Electronic Control Grid (TECHNOCRACY) capable of entrapping the people (China’s Social Credit Score System). They cannot dominate before subduing and controlling the people
SOLUTION: Reverse the BRAIN-WASHING process, unite the PEOPLE behind a completely new take on a New World Order (e.g. and establish a new social mantra based on non-compliance, ‘JUST SAY NO’. We could stop all this if the majority exhibited (easily accomplished) such resistance – they cannot win without securing mass-compliance.
THE MEANS-BY-WHERE: We need to enrol the wealthiest (untainted) individuals* to back a ground-based AWARENESS campaign to enlighten the people to what is actually going on and how they can stop it through UNITED ACTION. Such a campaign will also highlight just how incredible the World could be if the YOKE of EVIL was removed from the peoples combined neck.
´´Is Sean Penn a Hollywood “honey trap” for the five eyes intelligence alliance, as he was colourfully described by a Twitter commenter recently? Or is Penn nothing more than a member of the rising celebrity cult-humanitarian complex spearheaded by entertainment stars, billionaires and activist “NGOs” that include Bill Gates, George Soros, Angelina Jolie, Bono and Penn’s ex-wife, Madonna?´´
Brilliant Vanessa. I love and value your work!! Penn has even somehow managed to perfect that same overworked saviour gait as renowned Dublin musak man ´´Bono´´.
Brillian piece of journalism. Congrats Vanessa Beeley.
My comprehensive article on the CoronaVirus nonsense.
Read it and weep. If it resonates, please share.
“Technocracy in the Time of CoronaVirus – 2020 – A Litmus-Test for Human Stupidity. Witness the Craven Obeisance of Bootlickers for Obviously Corrupt & Malignant Authority.”
Excellent article. A very thorough piece and one that completely reflects my sentiments.
We need an article on Freemasonry.
Whatever the benign aspects of the chequered floor — and I know some truthers who claim also to be freemasons — what we are witnessing shares weight and similitude with the French Revolution which was without doubt a Freemasonic affair.
Fools bother themselves with manuscripts of unprovable origin instead of simply 2+2ing the cult of reason; the shift from human weights and measures to a technocratic, decimal perfection; wholesale “improvements” of an intrusive nature like a new week and new months to which befuddled citoyen must comply and adapt; a new legal system, and on and on and on. Does this not reveal an obsession with squares and compasses?
Is not an organized brotherhood with a self-satisfied superiority reordering your life?
Is it not predominant in the police, the judiciary, the civil service and the military – precisely the organs that are most aggressive and obedient in establishing a new order?
Digitizing your DNA is merely a leap, quantum, cliché or whatnot, from dehumanising and decimalising. ‘Tis nothing more than the 18th Century Enlightenment on steroids.
“We need an article on Freemasonry.”
NOW: “Square and Compass Pub in Worth Matravers
Open now · See posts for service changes”
The Stone Carving festival in the summer is amazing. I’m pretty sure they are all Freemasons. A pint of local bitter and a pasty can’t be beat. We went for the music – loads of us camping at Weston Dairy Farm, kids dogs and all..
Whilst the conspiracy theories are probably true…, whilst I could lay bricks, I wasn’t that good so said no when I was invited by a Mason I was working with to come to a meeting. There was more money in computers, and i had already tried working on a building site (incredibly hard work) ., and I had heard about the Masons, and I’m not into cults – except The Music Band The Cult.
“Freemasonry or Masonry consists of fraternal organisations that trace their origins to the local fraternities of stonemasons that from the end of the 14th century regulated the qualifications of stonemasons and their interaction with authorities and clients.”
Bunch of Builders, Coppers and Magistrates who run The Local Council too, and do Funny Handshakes
Compared to us lapsed Roman Catholics, I think they are pretty harmless, but maybe you know more about them than me.
‘Project Runway is an American reality television series that focuses on fashion design. The contestants compete with each other to create the best clothes and are restricted by time, materials and theme. Their designs are judged by a panel, and one or more designers are typically eliminated from the show each week.‘ [Wiki]
On 4/4/19, episode 3 from series 17 aired with a contestant called ‘Kovid Kapoor’. Worth looking at the design:
Greer’s recent articles finally address events this year. He regards the Great Reset as (at this stage) a kind of Neo-Fabian project where its promoters are ‘convinced that they can use their own wealth, influence, and position in the collective conversation of our time to get the populace in general to accept social changes that will preserve the dominance of the privileged classes, while giving the masses what the privileged classes think they ought to want’
It seems they are using a bit more than their ‘position in the collective conversation’ (whatever that even means ?). But then again, he is a Freemason himself and regards the brotherhood as essentially a mutual aid fraternity.
It is often in what people don’t say, isn’t it?
I was thinking of having a blue plaque: ‘A Freeman: Lived here: Until 2020’
In future speak that will read: ‘A D Railment: Accommodated here: Until the Great Reset’
I like that, Guv.
“should be held responsible”… how does that works?!
He tweets from behind his high walls and gated community.
Sean Penn a real man of the people…..
Re: Transhumanism
All things considered, we’re probably living through a turning point in history. A point that will be the beginning of the fusion of man and machine. Everything suggests that it’s the case.
What we’re witnessing is akin to the advent of the Judeo-Christian religion. I can imagine that back then, people were tapping their foreheads incredulously upon hearing bullshit about talking snakes and immaculate conception, thinking that crap like that could never take off.
Yet, it did. Thousands of years now, the world has been shaped based on these preposterous principles, and they’re widely accepted as legit.
The same will probably happen now. Decades from now, nobody will question the idiocy of testing, the fact that people will have microchips, antennas, sensors, and who knows what crap implanted in their ass, and so on.
I wish I were wrong, but given the millennia of development leading precisely toward what’s now happening (all having been set off by the idiotic biblical instruction to man to have dominion over the world) and, more importantly, nearly zero opposition throughout the world, where only a handful of people are proposing a viable alternative, I’m afraid that mankind is fucking themselves up real bad, possibly forever. In fact, the ultimate objective of the course on which man is is to replace themselves with a machine. How fucked up is that, eh?
Nothing suggests transhumanism is ready. Of course, there may be covert activity like the secret space programme that many allege. However there is no public science beyond theorizing, experimentation and hundreds of patents.
Transhumanist cult members want the freedom to experiment on live humans. This is the sinister part. Wake up to this and we’re getting somewhere: it is no conspiracy theory to point the finger at Epstein, Gates and the mad scientists.
It is not coincidence that Epstein was involved in human trafficking and that the jets he used shared tail numbers with the CIA and DynCorp operating in destabilised areas such as Bosnia and Kosovo which are centers of human and organ trafficking. See also the White Helmets in Syria.
Developing tranhuman implants on-the-go is their desire and their aim. They are arm twisting, buying, bribing, blackmailing and assassinating to get their way. The kill count is obviously coincidental rather than directly provable. The rest is public knowledge.
The political climate is propitious to Epstein-Gates (as I will not assume the former to be dead) as it has been prepped to accept biology as a social construct, gender as a matter of wish, wisdom as a subset of database, morality as patriarchal, religion as superstition, while everything that sci-fi writers have dreamed for the last 50 years is reality.
Bill Gates is clearly connected to Epstein who was in the business of buying, wining and dining, providing sex to and presumably blackmailing scientists in specific areas of research of cybernetics and the science of controlling populations.
The Covid vaccine is the first step. Win political and popular acceptance for barely tested vaccines, make them a condition or regaining your civil liberties — and you have undone the Nuremburg veto on live experimentation without consent.
“We have been telling our constituents for months that a vaccine won’t be compulsory. Now we are discover that a vaccination may be a passport to the acquisition of your civil liberties. Without it you will have all sorts of things denied to you – totally disproportionate to a virus with a mortality rate of than 1%.” — Desmond Swayne MP (UK)
Beyond Nazi War Crimes Experiments: The Voluntary Consent Requirement of the Nuremberg Code at 70 — National Institutes of Health
Vanessa Beeley? Vanessa long bailey is it the same person
A clear and present danger?
Well Known Hazards of Coronavirus Vaccines. J. F. Kennedy
Warp Speed Vaccine Will Be Shielded From Liability
How Covid-19 Vaccine Trials Are Rigged
How Covid-19 Vaccine Can Destroy Your Immune System
Dr Wodarg and Dr Yeadon request a stop of all corona vaccination studies…
How long does it take to develop a vaccine
Why the Covid-19 vaccine should be forbidden. Robert F Kennedy jr
Is a Coronavirus Vaccine a Ticking Time Bomb
“Back to Normal” When We Get the Covid Vaccine?
The clear and present danger is the UK Corporate Crown and the Deep State that has just pulled off a fraudulent presidential election in the most powerful nation on earth (relative to the aforementioned UK Crown).
Look at it this way: there is no democratic or meritocratic organisation that would behave as the U.S. DoJ, FBI, CIA or the other 57 varieties of Unintelligence. Since they are neither demoncratic nor meritocratic, they follow the brotherhood of organized crime or obey some overlord. Their actions are far too coordinated to be organized crime. Lucky Luciano is credited as an inventor of the multinational corporation. Modern organized crime is competitive, no different to capitalist corporations. Even cartels see occasional disruptions and clashes when they turn on each other. There is little evidence of competition in the Deep State so it is not organized crime. It is far too regimented.
Overlord it is. The question is which.
Police and judiciary, with senior government/Corporate Crown input… Freemasonry ?
Keep it up Money. A group of us are preparing for a civil war. Keep it up. I am stashing food, storing gasoline, and getting ready. Not fucking around. Shit is getting real.
You’re right. But does it matter who the actual capo de capo is? It’s clear that all of the richest groupings are working in synch. What’s happened this year simply couldn’t have happened if they weren’t,
You might enjoy my article.
“Technocracy in the Time of CoronaVirus – 2020 – A Litmus-Test for Human Stupidity. Witness the Craven Obeisance of Bootlickers for Obviously Corrupt & Malignant Authority.”
As only to be expected another great piece of journalism from Vanessa Beeley. The transformation from opponent of the Iraq War narrative to card-carrying supporter of the COVID-19 narrative, unless he just regiurgitates anything the Dems tell him. can mean only one thing. He’s grooming himself, or being groomed, in a bid for future President. They like actors. Actors – well most of them – can learn their lines. Reagan was quite good though some say he was upstaged by a chimpanzee in an early film.
It was good to see an honorable mention of my trans-Atlantic colleague, Dady Chery, whose knowledge of the history and politics of her native Haiti is second to none. In fact for those wanting to brush up their knowledge of Haiti I can highly recommend her book: We Dared to be Free.
I followed the link in Vanessa Beeley’s article to Dady Chery’s site giving details of how COVID-19 had been laboratory-made. The fact that one of the medical papers pointing this out has been withdrawn speaks volumes.
Hi John
In your final paragraph you refer to a medical paper on COVID-19 giving details of how the alleged virus was lab-made but the paper was withdrawn. The site you refer to confirms that, but then refers to Dr Luc Montagnier who tends to support that claim which is probably bogus. Why?
Montagnier claimed to have discovered the means to culture HIV which the Perth Group subsequently debunked and no scientist to date has ever claimed to have isolated the virus in pure particle form in order to culture it in the first place!
Yes, the virus has never been fully isolated. There are numerous FOI requests asking for details of its isolation. The only one I know of that got a response was from a medical library in Dublin – but I would need to check that out and I’m up to my eyeballs with unfinished writings. What I do recall is that the response said that they did not have the details requested.
Thanks for replying John. With FOI requests for proof of pathogenic viruses one just gets the run around or they will refer you to papers that only claim to deal with ‘isolates ‘ which all contain contaminants or particles that may look like viruses but are not. Dr Stefan Lanka tried the FOI route in Germany for a year but the authorities came up with zero proof. So as things currently stand no scientist has ever claimed to have isolated any pathogenic virus as pure particles in order to prove that it and it alone causes an infectious disease in a human being.
there has been a number of FOI since them. All have had the same answer that they do not have that information
COVID-19 may have been laboratory made, or it may not exist at all, except as another natural variant of a mild cold with flu like symptoms. I followed the links to Dady Chery, and then on to
Whilst interesting, I am not convinced of the scientific efficacy of any vaccine developer, particularly when they correctly use this sentence “We correctly predicted the failure of all three major HIV/AIDS vaccines”, when accepting the link between HIV and AIDS.
Over 20 years ago , I was convinced by the work of Peter Duesberg. He was the Number 1 in the field, and rejected The Billions of Dollars made available to the likes of Robert Gallo, because he is an honest man of integrity, and would not be compromised.
“On the basis of his experience with retroviruses, Duesberg has challenged the virus-AIDS hypothesis in the pages of such journals as Cancer Research, Lancet, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Science, Nature, Journal of AIDS, AIDS Forschung, Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapeutics, New England Journal of Medicine and Research in Immunology. He has instead proposed the hypothesis that the various American/European AIDS diseases are brought on by the long-term consumption of recreational drugs and/or AZT itself, which is prescribed to prevent or treat AIDS.”
I strongly suspect the new vaccines to be extremely daangerous, and I find the headlines in all the newspapers strongly promoting them, completely disgusting.
I feel exactly the same Tony as you sum up in your last sentence.
Vanessa’s just done a really good interview on the Delingpod. Isn’t it sooo encouraging to see the conscientious conservatives now, willingly,having their worlds turned upside down? Shame on the mainstream socialist movement for their continuing support for this world takeover (though my own MP, Andrew Gwynne, is starting to see the light).
Both Clooney and Jolie are members of the ruling class Council on Foreign Relations, it should be noted. Too bad about Sean Penn, who was outspoken in his opposition to the Iraq War. I admired him for that.
Those want the vaccine.. take the vaccine.. I’m not stopping you.
Why do you have such a problem with me not taking the vaccine? Are you now not safe?
Why am I deemed to be a threat to you?
You are vaccinated… You are safe
Is it my lack of compliance and servitude that you fear?
Is it free will that you truly fear?
Well said, it’s the lack of servitude these people fear. It makes them uneasy to see others who, unlike themselves, are not willing to submit to tyrannical measures. Perhaps it’s because they know they should do the same but don’t have the will to resist.
Just watched an interview on Youtube with a retired US General warning of Transhumanism now through the Vaccine – the video was pulled as I was watching it!
He said “this is it” – the Transhumanist agenda is now entering stage 2 (stage 1 was GMO foods – you are what you eat and all that). If they roll out the mRNA cocktail he has seen, it will cause significant issues a few months or a year or two down the line.
The mRNA gene therapy injection begins a terrible new stage for those who get it as it will passed down the germ line to offspring – along with the anticipated mutations and effects of those mutations.
Those who dont will become like the dissidents in Nazi Germany or Stalins Soviet Union – easily identified, easily rounded up, and easily taken to camps.
Apparently if there is violent push back the economic nuke of a complete banking shutdown takes place and people will have to line up for food at gov controlled distribution centres – but of course only good vaccinated people get the rations.
Only a few weeks until the violence begins apparently – late Jan early Feb 21.
Do you have the name of the US General? Maybe we can find the video elsewhere.
Very true! I’ve said it before… as a population we are being sifted and sorted via the likes of social media and big data… You are equally visible even if you are not on these platforms such is their power and reach.
Troublemakers will be identified and dealt with accordingly. It will start out with the naming and shaming… and will move on to other methods under the ‘cloak of darkness’
Free will is the true virus
Oh and to the likes of the Unit 777 bozos surveilling this site.
Also in on the Haiti Human Relief operation was Will.I.Am from the Black Eyed Peas.
Him and Sean Penn teamed up and took care of the PR front of the slush fund/
exploitation/fraud that chose Haiti for its target.
Most likely a maverick, albeit misguided in some ways. Same with Bono, Gates, Jolie and others. All trying to do something good in a imperfect world despite their egos and the charges of hypocrisy. That’s why the ‘deep state’ hate them. The deep state would much rather wealthy and powerful did nothing.
you serious. Those celebrities are part of the deep state
UK Column News – 2nd December 2020
Matt Hancock’s mental state in the spotlight. UK Health Secretary seems lost for words.
– On the basis of the company’s own data in truncated tests
The Department of Health and Social Care:
“To aid the success of the vaccination programme it is vital everyone… abide by the necessary restrictions… and allow the NHS to do its work without being overwhelmed… [LIE: the NHS is nowhere near overwhelmed on an annual comparison]
EU legislation allows the MHRA to temporarily authorize the supply of a medicine or vaccine based on public health need. [EU laws, hmm… let’s see how long is temporary].”
– from next week vaccine rolls out: 2 jabs, 21 days apart
“It will help save lives and once we’ve protected the most vulnerable it will help us get back to normal and to all the things we love.”
Mike Robinson: I’m not convinced he’s in a terribly secure mental state. He started to break down in the second part of that [BBC] presentation.
Vanessa Beeley: That was a seriously flaky announcement. The sinister undertone is that the vaccine will be given first to the most vulnerable. Those are the people the government has already been condemning to death in care homes.
We are seeing MPs stumbling through their script because the script is coming from the transnational global elite that are pushing the great reset through with Covid-19 as the portal for the future they envisage for all of us.
Jemma Cooper of BBC Points West attended two Piers Corbyn marches
Said “alas, I work for the devil” on What’s App
BBC DG Tim Davie, GBP 520,000 a year says we have strict guidelines, breaches dealt with swiftly.
Covid vaccines: who decides if they’re safe — BBC, Dec 2, 2020
UKC: BBC graphic is a lie, suggesting Covid vaccine took 2 years to develop and approve yet this started in March: it’s been 9 months.
MRC-5 cloned cultured cells did come from the lungs of a 14-week boy in 1966 but it is wrong to say there is fetal tissue in the vaccine.
Does that make it any less problematic, that it is derived from a fetus.
Vanessa Beeley: We are being pushed to accept these distortions of what it is to be a human then we open the door to much more.
WEF: There’s no vaccine for the infodemic – so how can we combat the virus of misinformation?
OPEN THE GATES Boris Johnson to meet Bill Gates to plan national vaccine rollout with pharma giants – The Sun, Nov 10
British PM met medically unqualified vaccine profiteer Gates. We don’t know what they discussed as we have no minutes of that meeting. What we do have:
Brian Gerrish: This is a dictatorship while Boris Johnson does his stupid schoolboy grin to the cameras.
Brian Gerrish ENDORSED Boris and seduced his viewers fanbase to do the same
He radicalized his clueless fanbase and yet they still listen and trust him!!
He radicalized his fanbase Over Leave E.u and U.k Gollum sold the tommy idiot storys for years.
Uk gollum pushed the fear porn Moslem terrorists who were state sponsored but repeated the narrative they was hating our way of life crap and yet they still listen to Brian Gerrish and trust him A EX INTELLIGENCE MILITARY NAVAL OFFICER
Indeed. But we are where we are. There are few sources speaking out – and no news shows that are as comprehensive as this one. Ask yourself, is it more or less objective than the BBC? (Remember objectivity is not the same as bias. UKC has a bias, ie a point of view. When I listen, I take that into account. It is pretty objective, however – it is ready to pick up and run with almost any story and weigh any source. It quite obviously quotes people from all sides of the Covid debate. The BBC does not. The BBC is neither objective nor unbiased).
We are where we are at this current juncture of the quiet war that has been inflicted upon us and is about to become noisy when the vaccine is rolled out if any force is used against vaccine dissenters. More people are beginning to figure out the real agenda day by day and will only put up with so much BS as the situation gets worse.
The problem is there is no coherent resistance to this onslaught that awaits and no alliance between organizations that know the score that are in a position to help protect the public and bring the Covid fraudsters to justice under the common law before the s##t really hits the fan. Failure to find a peaceful solution in the UK could possibly end in asymmetric warfare or even a civil war between rival factions if the divide and rule policy continues. Riots will be put down using deadly force. No doubt many will still disagree believing that will never happen here in the UK. Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that.
UK Column News – 2nd December 2020
Ep4: Mayday – Hoax Producers by Chloe Haggiamatiou.
Vanessa Beeley: The BBC reminds me of Yes, Prime Minister because it roles out one cliché after another. Russia was late to the game. They did not get involved until 2015 and it was only in October 2016 that RT did its first talkshow about the White Helmets.
In contrast there is nothing funny about the White Helmets. Nour al-Din al-Zenki which beheaded the 12 y/o Abdullah Issa just 200 meters from a White Helmets HQ from which they could have seen and intervened. Beeley said the fact is the White Helmets worked with these Al Qaeda-associated groups
The recent British Foreign and Commonwealth Office document leak exposes how the FCO was involved in the PR operations of the terrorist groups operating in Syria.
Mike Robinson: The BBC is creating the news themselves by making sure that the only voices heard on British media are people that they have trained, with the narrative they want to push.
Vanessa Beeley: Incostrat provided witnesses for the BBC, effectively fabricating events to criminalize the Syrian government and its allies, to provide corroboration for UK foreign policy in Syria. In the leaked FCO documents it states quite clearly that activists and journalists should abide by British policy on Syria.
ALLEPO: Up Close With The Rebels is a progamme filmed by Syrian cameraman Abdul Kader Habak. He was trained by ARK and he calls himself a freelancer for the BBC and C4. He was also trained by BASMA Syria. Habak is being used to defend the White Helmets against accusations of organ trafficking yet the White Helmets were created by the same agency that trained Habak.
One of the men Habak films was a member of Nour al-Din al-Zenki which beheaded the 12 y/o Abdullah Issa.
C4’s Krishnan Guru-Murthy provided the voice over for the film but has refused to explain why C4 later withdrew the film.
RASHIDEEN BUS MASSACRE killed at least 68 children among 126 dead.
Beeley was there on the day of the attack in April 2017. She says about 50 survivors have disappeared and she suspects they have been taken for organ trafficking.
Abdul Kader Habak would not have been allowed to film after the Rashideen bombing if he was not close to Al Nusra.
Vanessa Beeley: These cookie-cutter journalists attack those they think to be amateur journalists, lone conspiracy theorists and academics. But when we ask them challenging questions their first response is to get defensive, secondly to play victim and thirdly to hide and go to ground.
Chloe Haggiamatiou has locked her Twitter account, just like Olivia Solon at the Guardian. Then their supporters attack the people “trolling” them. We are to trolls. We have been smeared and we have a right to reply and push back questions that demonstrate the BBC is dishonest, misleading the public, presenting a biased partisan report and is trying to discredit the messenger instead of dealing with the evidence.
Juliette Harkin of BBC Media Action
Dutch NLA Programme for “rebel” groups
UK Column News – 2nd December 2020
Sean Penn originally came to prominence with a “punk” reputation. “Bad boy” behavior, dating/marrying young Madonna. He was well-known, but someone who “establishment” figures would want no part of. People in that position are free to speak out against establishment injustices.
But then, slowly but surely, younger people like the Hollywood-loving Clintons came to occupy the highest ranks, and they didn’t have any compunctions against associating with formerly mildly disreputable Hollywood figures. The celebs obviously found the associating with power irresistible and the power elites found the associating with glamor to be likewise. Sean Penn got absorbed, with his moral compass addled by all the different lodestones around it.
[Sean Penn got absorbed, with his moral compass addled by all the different lodestones around it.]
His moral compass did not get “addled.” It always was addled.
These days, I’m always trying to understand how so many of what used to pass for decent, intelligent human beings are suddenly buying into whatever scienceless crap they hear and see on TV.
It occurs to me that, apart from the sheer money, the Bill Gates connection is perhaps also explained by recent developments in covert surveillance of the population.
Perhaps – just perhaps – a secret survey has brought to light that literally everybody has sometimes watched porn, and all their viewing habits have been logged – along with visual evidence – in a huge database.
Okay, so what if that’s true? I hear people ask.
Well, surely one can see the endless potential for blackmail here when it comes to prominent career people…
Dorsey, Nevo, Di Caprio, anybody else you care to name… I wouldn’t expect any of them to want the general public to know exactly what they have been watching, or how much they enjoyed it, although Penn conceivably wouldn’t care either way – he’s always been a particularly bad boy…
Just another possible scenario which might help explain the ridiculous hold a mere virus is supposed to have gained over the entire world’s population.
I would have hesitated to mention it, except that this monstrous fraud has already taken us into the foulest cesspits of human iniquity.
Yep. The Black Mirror episode “Shut Up and Dance” was a glimpse into how the Machine itself, with no human intervention, can blackmail humans into committing all manner of crimes and atrocity, simply by threatening to expose their idle perversions (porn histories) and infidelities (chat- and e-mail histories).
Automated mass blackmail, set up by the old NSA/Unit 8200/GCHQ combine, is what is driving this wholesale societal self-destruction.
Thank you for the viewing recommendations /s.
Honestly, I think people are reaching a level of desperation where they don’t care what anyone know about them.
Google are the porn kings. Even insiders have questioned the hypocrisy of censoring this and that while protecting porn. It’s money. But you rightly suggest it may also be the potential for blackmail.
Step one: get off Google.
Step two: never use Google, Facebook, Oracle/Flash or Microsoft. Learn to enjoy inconvenience. It slows you down and lets you think. All the corporations listed above came out of IBM and DARPA (that’s the Military Industrial Complex).
Step three: dump Microsoft Office as a way to acclimatize yourself to step four. Use the free and open source Libre Office.
Step four: dump Windows and try Fedora Linux. You can run it from a USB thumb drive without affecting your existing operating system.
Excellent investigative journalism by Vanessa Beeley. I’ve never understood why people make heroes out of rotters such as Sean Penn. He’s known to be a physically abusive prick, but maybe that’s the key to all such hero worship…
Media reports of graft and corruption in Haiti are proverbial, and most “financial aid” never makes it to the alleged destination. Africa and most South American countries have fallen victim to IMF meddling and political extortion. Fraud rules the capitalist world. What’s new?
[Africa and most South American countries have fallen victim to IMF meddling and political extortion.]
You seem to have cause and effect mixed up. “Africa and most South American countries” landed themselves in trouble BEFORE they went begging bowl in hand to the IMF.
It is undeniable reality that they already needed assistance. It is undeniable that they approached the IMF, or opted to accept an offer from the IMF. It is therefore undeniable that they themselves caused their “fallen victim” status.
Do not misunderstand me: I am decidedly no fan of the IMF. But I am not going to unquestioningly lap up an excuse for the problems those countries helped create for themselves, and in the process implicitly place all the blame at the IMF’s door just because I distrust the IMF.
Reasonable people may agree with me in not liking the IMF. But that is not an excuse for us to forsake total and complete honesty about all the pertinent facts of a situation.
African and Latin American countries did not turn to the IMF, their corrupt and often unelected authoritarian “leaders” were the ones who accepted IMF loans. The populations of these countries, not the wealthy and political class, were then subjected to “shock therapy” for nothing in return.
Hello From far Away: I can understand your critique, but in most political situations, cause and effect are manipulated and covert. There are numerous internet links to instances wherein the internal political affairs of Nations have been manipulated by intelligence agencies who work for investment brokers and banking interests. Venezuela would be a recent example..
As in most countries, civilian populations have little or no control over their leadership. The current covid “pandemic” is a ripe example. Here’s another tip: >
Leaked WikiLeaks Doc Reveals US Military Use of IMF, World Bank as “Unconventional” Weapons
“The document, officially titled “Field Manual (FM) 3-05.130, Army Special Operations Forces Unconventional Warfare” and originally written in September 2008, was recently highlighted by WikiLeaks on Twitter in light of recent events in Venezuela as well as the years-long, U.S.-led economic siege of that country through sanctions and other means of economic warfare. Though the document has generated new interest in recent days, it had originally been released by WikiLeaks in December 2008 and has been described as the military’s “regime change handbook.”
Complete article:
One only has to observe the economic and political effects of regime change wars planned by the CIA/Mossad and other intelligence operations.
This is what people get for worshiping “celebrities”, mostly manufactured by the MSM.
Why would somebody take anything seriously from somebody just because he/she has achieved the status of a celebrity, I understand not.
Sean Penn can go fuck himself and so can anybody who gives one microsecond worth of consideration to anything he says solely based on his celebrity status. I mean I’m not saying that anyone can’t have a valid point about this or that but taking somebody seriously because of a celebrity status is ridiculous. It’s not even the appeal to authority fallacy. It’s plain stupidity.
So nice to see Vanessa Beeley here at Off-G! She’s a personal favorite. Her work on Syria was second to none. I’m enjoying this little exposé on celebrity ‘activism’ just as much.
just a thought …
I don’t think that people should actually champion the idea of anti-vaccination any more. It is too easy for the media to disparage, demonise and discount individuals as proverbial conspiracy theorists.
I suspect that it might be ‘better’ to pretend to play-along – on the proviso that Gates, Fauchi, Klaus Schwab, and every Prime Minister, President, head of security agencies, i.e. MI6/CIA/MOSSAD/ etc. and Company directors of the Big Pharma corporations and Banking Cartels volunteer to receive the ‘vaccination’ first as a gesture of good-faith, re: the quality of the product. This should be observed and televised on national TV by a select panel of our peers. If they are willing to do that I will then volunteer to receive the ‘vaccination’. If NOT, ‘they’ can stick their vaccination up their …
I like the idea, but there is a major problem:
There is no pandemic, so whatever Fauci, Gates, Schwab and the rest might agree to be vaccinated with would be a simple panacea, containing perhaps salt, sugar, sterilized blood plasma and distilled water.
The ‘select panel of our peers’ would not be able to find anything in the vaccine which corresponded to a live virus isolate, so the whole thing would be as meaningless for the above-named crooks as it is for us ordinary folks.
Well I suspect this first vaccine might be safe and have no side effects regardless of the fact that it has taken only months to develop.
Administer the vaccine, drop the PCR test to 20 cycles or so, conduct another round of mass testing and voila – the ‘miracle’ cure for a non existent virus and disease – with a ‘snake oil’ vaccine.
The same old game – rinse and repeat……………….
The second vaccine – probably more ‘snake oil’ with a bit of nano tech and gene therapy thrown in for good measure.
[I suspect that it might be ‘better’ to pretend to play-along – on the proviso that Gates, Fauchi, Klaus Schwab, and every Prime Minister, President, head of security agencies, i.e. MI6/CIA/MOSSAD/ etc. and Company directors of the Big Pharma corporations and Banking Cartels volunteer to receive the ‘vaccination’ first as a gesture of good-faith, re: the quality of the product.]
And I suspect you are prone to be honest in your approach to life and your fellow humans.
I also suspect that you project that honesty trait onto your fellow humans, and tend to view them all rather favourably.
That may be a mistake. They are not all like that. Be very careful about sacrificing a personal principled or scientific stance on something (like vaccines), and think you will get fair quid pro quo.
It is not possible for a pregnant woman to have gone full term during the six months of the vaccine ‘testing’ and approval, yet they claim they are safe.
I suspect these first vaccines are all placebos, none of them work, mainly because they don’t need to work, the virus has almost totally disappeared. So they can shout how effective they are when they change the tests to real ones. That does not mean they are no harmful, I’m sure there are many things they would like to test on us.
Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine = Biological Nano Technology
This is NOT about a virus. This is a platform on which to build.
They are trying to ‘inoculate’ 100% of the population for something with a 1% mortality rate.
Or rather, a 0.1% mortality rate.
I was feeling generous…. 😉
Speaking of high profile entertainers, where have all the famous musicians /bands gone to put their contributions in regards this scam ? Deafening silence from nearly all of them. All those songs they composed about aspirations of freedom and rebellion, unfairness, inequality, justice, love of your fellow man/woman, love of life, hatred of war and the suffering of the world’s people. Where are their voices now ? Are they all good little mask wearing , conforming individuals who have sold their souls to mammon ?
So true! If you are on this side of the discussion (soon to be argument) you can see the world as it truly is.
I hope we’re all keeping a list of names… or a Shill List as is were (read Obama)
Probably something slipped into their drinks.
Permanent amnesia.
Totally agree.
And it’s not just famous musicians. I’m a musician myself, and I could count members of the musical community with the fingers of one hand who have voiced protest against this unprecedented BS!
Moreover, the country where I’m living right now only freed itself from Second-World totalitarianism a few decades ago and musicians, artists are some of the most vocal proponents of the newly acquired freedom and democracy. Yet, they’ve all got tail between their legs and a rag wrapped around their faces now.
Totally disheartening.
[…where have all the famous musicians /bands gone to put their contributions in regards this scam?]
Allow me to just mention Van Morrison and (apparently also) Eric Clapton.
There are a number of ‘celebrities’ who regard the whole thing as a scam and have openly said so on Twitter – not surprisingly, many of them coming in for significant abuse which has curtailed their outspokenness in a couple of cases. I am keeping a list of all the ones I have come across. On the music front – whilst they haven’t penned (pardon the pun!) rebellious songs – there are Jim Corr, Ian Brown, Howard Donald, RightSaidFred and (I think) the Gallagher brothers.
It would be good if some that weren’t stars 15 plus years ago but are now distant memories would join in..Right Said Fred were a novelty act from the’s ”roll up roll up..the limelight’s over here guys” time..
Only Noel AFAIK. I thiink Eric Clapton has just done an anti-lockdown song with Van Morrison?
Are you really trying it discredit liberals and the liberal bent of hollywood by calling out these fake-liberals as the criminal they so clearly are?
Lets not throw the baby out with the bathwater, people can care about the poor in the third world and even help them without being criminals like these guys. Not all people wth liberal values are criminals.
And why are we demonising particular actors in these scams anyway, isn’t it the entire imperial neoliberal machine that is the real problem, that strips a culture and destroys its economy.
Why are we surprised at this? Like the vast majority of politicians. These media/tech freaks are weak, easily lead and compromised. Ruled by their addictions and predilections. Ultimately expendable!
F*ck em! They’ll have to answer to somebody! We’ve got enough on our plate
Focus is the key
I think they want to discredit the liberalism in Hollywood more generally as evil.
[I think they want to discredit the liberalism in Hollywood more generally as evil.]
Hollywood does a good enough job of that all by itself.
I recently read an e-mail exchange between Vanessa Beeley and a BBC producer (who was lining up a hatchet job on Vanessa). The producer accused her of lacking journalistic integrity. Preposterous! The twats at the BBC wouldn’t know journalistic integrity if it came up to them and slapped them in the face.
To continue with the theme (twats), it’s beyond pathetic to see people such as Sean Penn and Bill Clinton publicly kissing each other’s backsides. And nauseating to hear the rubbish they spout. Clinton’s as much an actor as Penn is. They’re both reading from a script. The CIA/Hollywood connection is well known. The USA even elected an actor to be Prez! (Ronald the Ray-gun, of course). It’s all a part of the business they call ”show.”
Anyhoo…that’s the end of my little rant. Thanks to Vanessa (and to Off-G) for the excellent article.
Vanessa’s on UK Column right now
Great, thanks!
I really enjoyed Brian Gerrish’s very pointed message to the people at the BBC who he assumed were watching. And, obviously, I share his desire to see the BBC disappear. The whole world would be better off without it.
(And it was great to see Vanessa doing her thang. Thanks again).
Vanessa Beeley is a journalist and as such can hold her head up high. You work for the likes of the BBC you are a propagandist and are the scum of the earth, You lie for a living.
I believe the BBC News came in 5th after Channel 5 News in a recent Ofcom survey on trustworthiness.
5th? That high?
I fully agree with your assessment of the BBC. They are but spineless, soulless stenographers of the government line.
It was out of 5… typical media spin
[The CIA/Hollywood connection is well known. The USA even elected an actor to be Prez!]
Sorry, but that is just so tenuous I don’t even know what to say further…
Meh. Whatevs.
The so-called stars and sluts toxic poisonous mush that is pumped out of the Hollyweird sewer, raw, virulent effluent gushing into our living rooms and hand-held prosthetic gizmos ad nauseam is more toxic and dangerous that the presstitute gump that passes for news in our Satanic and debauched “Western” media. Useful idiots like (No) Se un Pendejo, the Hollyweird mutt that hangs with pedovores like Mossad kiddyporn director Epstein, Kill Gates of hell and the Khazar from apartheid, occupied Palestine are just the wizened evil face of a force that is so corrupt and dangerous that the mindless masses could never comprehend. All of these punks are compromised, “Brownstoned” pedovores that have no longer a soul to sell. That they are allowed to exist at all is a mystery to me.
When this nightmare is over we need to take stock of the virtue-signalling Satanic Penns and his ilk…the Gagas and all the talentless tarts that have poisoned the low IQ mongrels that now conform the greater part of our “societies”.
As for the entire bankster drug cartel connection…Mike Rupert explained it all decades ago. In a world where the truth is of no importance or consequence to the masses and the butchers that herd them to the slaughterhouse….the future is more than bleak…it is guaranteed to be a dystopian nightmare.
Face it USSA, your plantation owners herd you at will and cull you like cattle, tax cattle.
The CIA Runs the Global Narcotics Trade
USSAN Bush slash Mexican Salinas Pre$idential Crime Familie$
George H. Walker Bush: The Bush Family and the Mexican Drug Cartel
Mexican Cartel, Los ZETAS trained by USSA
Mike Rupert “CIA are drug runners”
Ron Paul “Bush is a drug runner”.
Martillo, your excellent comment hits the nail on the head. But then, that’s what hammers do…
Ron Paul has been on point for alotta years. “Once a CIA member, always a CIA member.”
A tier system? How dare they! Lock the fuckers up! All of them! Lock them up till they have a big penile syringe ready to ram the vax up everyone’s arse! (And when the side effects kill some, we’ll just blame capitalist incompetence!)
And whoever would have thought the only reasonable statement in this wretched article would come from a Tory?:
“Speaking about the number of deaths of elderly people of coronavirus, and whether the government could “protect every old person,” Tory MP Sir Charles Walker felt able to state openly, “No government can abolish death, it is impossible–615,000 people die every year in this country and not every death is a tragedy… Please can we change the narrative when we talk about death? Not all deaths are equal—there is the same outcome, but to compare the death of someone of 90 with the death of someone of 19 is not right.”
Yes isn’t it disgusting that this Tory git FELT ABLE TO STATE OPENLY this bleeding obvious FACT OF LIFE?!
I put that comment on Lockdown Sceptics and got flak for saying “Tory git”. That confirmed my suspicion that LS is basically a Tory site which means that it too doesn’t understand the clever pincer move being used.
[That confirmed my suspicion that LS is basically a Tory site…]
The tribe still runs deep in you.
I have found a depressing monotony over on LS whereby the voices are indeed reactionary and prone to misinterpret what I say. Ironically – although they are at least skeptical – they have very little understanding of the underlying manoeuvres afoot.
The Davos crowd and their celebrity pets. What’s the saying about actors?
“The key thing in acting is sincerity. If you can fake that, you’ve got it made”
New vaccine has been approved after being subjected to “scientific rigour” says my TV divinity. Don’t you love the way this was all rolled out with such relentless inevitability?
Discussion? Well we don’t have time but if you insist, we’ll knock up a bit of jabber with lots of grave nodding of heads and maybe even a bit of passionate disagreement over whether the vaccine should come in a blue or red container. But ultimately our concern is with protecting the health of the public etc.
Ooh it’s getting better now. Charts with ensuring the right proportion of ethnic groups are serviced fairly.
You’d almost think the ones shovelling this out actually believed it!
Vaccine to be followed by ID Cards as we all know it would be:
Dr. Wodarg and Dr. Yeadon request a stop of all corona vaccination studies and call for co-signing the petition
Here’s the Letter:
So just wait till they are branded Right wing corporate shills. Looking through the Lockdown Sceptics site I see it’s Peter Hitchens, Delingpole, Anne Widdicome, the Daily Mail etc. who keep popping up I.e. figures so easy for the Left to sneer at. Still waiting for just one prominent Left voice to exercise some brain matter and conscience and get up off his/ her arse and say, “NO! NO MORE!”
Very annoying isn’t it. Where are those on the left of politics hiding? Surely they aren’t all brainwashed with the BS. I did see Prof Gupta state her politics were on the left, other than that silence. In fact the likes of Owen Jones did a smear job on the Londpon protestors by posting a video of a woman incorrectly referring to carbon monoxide instead of Co2…..the holier than thou pro lockdown responses were appalling.
[So just wait till they are branded Right wing corporate shills.]
Why not rather brand them Tory Gits?
Because “corporate shills” conveys the meaning intended.
If these celebs had any real conscience they wouldn’t play up to that “philanthropist” crap. They wound realise they were just being used as secular saints to grant the system an air of benevolence.
They are fame whores. They moved to the dark side a long time ago without realizing it.
If Sir Bob Geldof or Sir Bono had any real conscience they…
It is their song and dance that makes teenyboppers believe and invest
in their sham and charicature of charity.
It makes you long to hear a celeb who just says, “I don’t give a fuck about any of you. Just let me bugger off and get pissed!”
Off Topic: OFFG
Not sure if it’s just my webbroswer (Firefox addons disabled), but the search icon that usually is in the top right of the website flickers into view and then disappears?
Sean Penn (like George Clooney and Angelina Jolie) is from a Hollywood bloodline. HIs father Leo Penn, after serving in the military, became a film and TV director of little discernable merit. He made a TV movie in 1970 called QUARANTINED about heroic doctors fighting a disease outbreak. Penn’s brother Chris became famous for his work with the freemason Quentin Tarantino before dying young like so many in the film and music industries are said to do. Penn himself was convicted of assaulting a photographer for which he served (oh surprise, surprise) 33 days. Rumours and allegations about his personal conduct abound and they don’t suggest a human being with a profound love of humanity (although they do suggest how someone might be controllable – he could be flipped into a show trial saga of toxic masculinity at any time).
P.S. How can a long article with a lengthy section about the Clintons and Haiti not mention Laura Silsby?
in fairness to Sean Penn, he was one of the few people with any public position who had the courage and decency to oppose the Iraq War before it actually started, and was attacked by actual fascists for his trouble. it’s sad that he’s now shilling for the COVID-1984 hoax.
If you feel that there are some issues with the PCR tests the this website isn’t going to do your blood pressure any good.
It would be nice for some feeback on the report from the likes of Prof Cahill, Dr Mike Yeadon etc…
External peer review of the RTPCR test to detect SARS-CoV-2 reveals 10 major scientific flaws at the molecular and methodological level: consequences for false positive results.
This review blows the PCR-testing regime to pieces. Shamedemic.
Or at least the rationale for the PCR-testing.
[It would be nice for some feeback on the report from the likes of Prof Cahill, Dr Mike Yeadon etc…]
I kind of expected that I would have seen an article on that report here already.
Hopefully there’s one in the pipeline.
I must say that it is not the best Beeley‘s article but a very important one as it provides continuing over last 110 years, story of Hollywood and its stars’ cooperation, participation and support for genocide, enslavement and coverups of worse American Imperial crimes of aggression abroad as well as damaging to American people propaganda of phony liberalism of identity politics including white supremacy circa 1915 and modern racialism, genderism circa 2020 including smear campaigns, public and clandestine denunciations, persecution of people including Hollywood own who opposed corporate dictate, deep state penetration and control of show business that from the beginning underwrites Hollywood as state and corporate propaganda outlet.
All past and contemporary Hollywood “moments” of righteous indignation, including Ethiopia, Darfur, Afghanistan or Haiti to name few are fake and scripted solely serving aims of power elites who fund those who actually committed lamented atrocities. Gates Foundation according to LA times article gave $3 millions, not actually to Darfur refugees, but to hired thugs supposedly to protect them while in fact to protect Gates investments, while funding Sudan regime business Ventures to a tune of $300 millions. It is common Hollywood Modus Operandi making money of killers and their victims.
Hollywood is a prostitute serving powerful so is Penn, Clooney Jolie and a gang of pretty, deceitful faces of Hollywood daemons quintessential Hollywood whores who pretend to be somebody else on and off Hollywood stage and deserve nothing but contempt.
We need to build lives that are completely independent of these networks of meaning.