WATCH: Trump’s Censored Speech
The media refusing to air the President’s allegations of vote rigging is an open display of who REALLY runs the country
On Wednesday, December 2nd Donald Trump – the sitting President of the United State of America – released a 46 minute recorded speech. In an alarming display of co-ordinated censorship, much of the media simply refused to air it.
In the speech (embedded above) he details all the suspicious behaviour surrounding the November 3rd election, as well as showing charts of evidence of peculiar activity in the vote counts of key swing states.
None of the major networks aired it in full. CNN simply refused to broadcast even clips, instead letting the millionaire son of a political dynasty lecture the viewing public in a bizarre ten-minute long abuse-laden rant.
Twitter and Facebook stuck “fact-check” warnings under anyone attempting to share it while papers like the Guardian or Independent post mocking summaries without ever showing – or even linking to – the original.
If you want to actually see the speech in full you have search out smaller youtube channels, or go to C-SPAN. (We would suggest downloading a copy while you can, it is likely to become hard to find. There’s also a transcript here.)
Their defense of this overt censorship is that Trump is “endangering lives” and/or “encouraging violence” by calling the legitimacy of the vote into question. Such claims were never made about claims Putin’s Russia had rigged the vote for Trump. In fact, Russiagate nonsense was spouted nightly by every major news outlet in the country, if not the world.
However they justify to themselves there’s no denying the hard truth of it: The mainstream media are actively and openly engaged in the wholesale censorship of an elected head of state. Deliberately crippling the ability of an elected leader to communicate with the public.
Whether or not the vote was rigged – and there is more than enough reason to think that it was – the behaviour of the media is verging on the kind of co-ordinated gagging you would expect to happen during a palace coup.
Even if you hate Trump and love Biden, even if you don’t care about the vote and count all modern democracy a sham, there’s a coup going on here that’s bigger than just who gets to sit in the Oval office:
The billionaire owners of the media are deciding what you can and cannot see. Granting themselves a monopoly on “truth” and usurping the power of the ordinary citizen to inform themselves and make a reasoned decision
Rigged vote or not, what’s left of our crumbling democratic freedoms has never been in more danger.
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“The ultimate date of significance is Jan 6.”
Jenna Ellis
Constitutional Law Attorney. Senior Legal Adviser @TeamTrump and Counsel to @realDonaldTrump
Senior Fellow @Falkirk_Center
Special Counsel @ThomasMoreSoc
Jenna Ellis: We have plenty of time to make sure that this election and the outcome is free and fair
Donald J Trump
Dec 8, 2020
You really feel sorry for that orange face painted clown Trump? Trump said repeatedly that there would be a rigged fraudulent election for months before the election, unless Trump won. What did Trump do to keep this fraud from happening? If there was this fraud, Trump is an incompetent liar. If there was no fraud, Trump is an incompetent liar.
You have to take account of how things change.
2016: block the fraud
2020: catch the fraudsters
2016: They never thought she’d lose
2020: These people are stupid
2016: Win bigly
2020: The best is yet to come
Lol at the right wing propaganda
The Trump strategy was worked out and predictable a long time ago; but what’s shocking is how many Globalist minions went ahead with it anyway.
DNI Ratcliffe: Election “Issues” Have To Be Settled Before Winner Declared
Dec 6, 2020
Ratcliffe: “[There] are issues of election fraud that need to be investigated and there’s a lot of them and it’s not just one person or one group of people. It’s across the country.”
President Trump “You’ll See a Lot of Big Things Happening Over the Next Couple of Days”
Dec 7, 2020
Re: “what’s shocking is how many Globalist minions went ahead with it anyway.”
With “it” being the attempted Globalist coup. Perhaps the minions need reminding of this:
Ex-CIA officer Robert Steele: “We have it all”
See also: #11, #22, #26 – among others
11.3 = first marker = K (11) and C (3) = Kevin Clinesmith
you really are in psychosis
I’m afraid there’s a much more sinister reality behind Trumps so called “Censored Speech”.
i propose that this whole election including the last was planned. Just like the Plandemic.
it’s being demonstrated that “the public can no longer trust in the process!”
i see Trump selling an idea that we can’t go on like this.
I have seen a faux revolution being orchestrated during the last 15 years or so. We are at the cusp of that effort which is seamlessly joined to the Plandemic.
Eventually this faux (pretend) civil war will result in a fundamental change in so called American democracy. Trump was the last President and he was fully aware he would be.
they’re all on the same team.
governments are a long time now owned by business and bank.
Re: “i see Trump selling an idea that we can’t go on like this.”
Yes, that’s what he’s been saying and doing for over four years. The plan is called “Make America Great Again”.
Re: “Eventually this faux (pretend) civil war . . .”
The war is against the Globalist establishment; i.e. the central banking system. See my other posts; especially the one at the start of this thread.
What is fraud?
Life, Liberty & Levin (Dec 6)
Mark Levin on how left-wing Pennsylvania leaders CHEATED and FIXED the system to help Democrats
Donald J Trump
Dec 7, 2020
How does one download a video safely? Please advise. Thanks!
Just do it.
Everybody is doing it.
‘Safety’ disappeared long ago.
Use this:
Thanks loads for the link!!!
The overt, blatant nature of the censorship reveals, not their strength, but their weakness and their fear; but it also reveals their determination to cling to their power at any cost.
If the legislators, courts, etc fail to uphold the constitution (i.e. do their job), this is the way it’s likely to go.
Ret. Gen. Michael Flynn tweets call for Trump to declare martial law, order new US election
Dec 03, 2020
On Tuesday, President Donald Trump’s former national security adviser and retired Army general Michael Flynn retweeted a call for Trump to temporarily suspend constitutional order and declare martial law to have the military to oversee a new U.S. election.
Flynn tweeted a link to:
Press Release
Tuesday, December 1, 2020
WTPC Calls for President to Invoke Limited Martial Law to Hold New Election and Protect our Vote, in Full Page Washington Times Ad, if Legislators, Courts and Congress Do Not Follow the Constitution.
It’s a real mind bender to hear calls for imposition of marshal law coming from Tea Party nut jobs and ex-military cons such as Michael Flynn. Let’s see: We’re already under martial law, and it’s destroying people socially and economically. So let’s impose martial law to solve the problems created by impositions of martial law… These nut jobs need straight jackets and rubber rooms – maybe learn basket weaving or how to knit better covidiot masks…
Dan Bongino: Exclusive Interview with General Mike Flynn
Ep. 1407
Dec 3, 2020
In this exclusive interview with General Mike Flynn we cover Barack Obama’s bizarre fascination with Gen. Flynn; Flynn’s battles to fix the intell community; the 2015 CIS dinner where Lokhova was present; and the real reason Jim Comey targeted Flynn.
Like Obama Trump made himself sound like a ‘less war’ President. Obama spoke of ‘nation building at home’- never happened of course; moar war happened.
Trump said he’d bring all the troops home – really? No, it was just said to get more money out of countries like Germany, = 2% of GDP.
People, whose grandparents suffered in the rubble of WWII demonstrate against that in Berlin as we speak. They know that when you give in to bullies like the US, it will be 2% today, 3% tomorrow – they can always paint and provoke a big threat that you must make sacrifices for.
It’s like a tax, that 2% of GDP – now that GDP is shrinking will they be allowed to adapt their spending??
Trump made cutesy comments YEARS ago “What if i’m not re-elected & I don’t leave?”
He’s a blabbermouth and couldn’t resist commenting on the planned scenario. All part of the distracting dramatics & pretext for martial law if needed for vaccination.
Does it really matter which Party? …. the owners are still in power ! ….. makes you wonder what happened with Bush Jr ? …. it really doesn’t matter who won … sore loser … just move on go for 2024 ! (39) Exclusive: Ivanka Trump and IBM CEO discuss the future of business – YouTube watch the woman next to her & her eyes …
VIDEO EVIDENCE: Caught Red Handed, TRUMP WON Georgia – Giuliani
I know, I know, I know. Yes. The Democrats fixed the election.
But why has everybody forgotten what the Republicans did way back in 2000, using voting machines connected to the Republican winner’s family?
The fraud is global. It is not party political.
I’ll listen to you, Mr. Giulani, but when you talk about Democrats fixing elections, you can’t expect me to forget what Washington considers to be standard operating procedure, whichever way the vote goes.
The RNC and DNC are part of the same corrupt establishment. The MAGA agenda is to expose both. See Trump’s 2016 “Our Movement” speech:
The Speech To Save A Nation…
Posted on October 25, 2016 by Sundance
On October 13th 2016, presidential candidate Donald Trump delivered a speech that defines this moment in our nation’s history. Part of that speech has been put to a video. The entire transcript of that speech is below.
This is a brief status update by Giuliani. I think the main point is the centralised coordination of the fraud; and I presume Giuliani knows exactly who was involved and already has masses of evidence.
“The FBI Is Nowhere to be Found!” – Rudy Giuliani Reveals undeniable voter fraud in 2020 Election – Now Has 1,000 Signed Witness Affidavits!
Dec 6, 2020
Former New York City Mayor and Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani joined Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futures this weekend.
LIVE: President Trump in Valdosta, GA #Valdosta #Georgia
It just goes to show that it’s all a show. Just turn that damned thing off
Mr Trump’s own staff appear to be stabbing him in the back?
It’s easier to teach people to be robots than it is to teach robots to be people,,,, > <
The drumroll seems to be picking up intensity.
New Documents Tied to Trump-Russia Investigation Just Released
Declassified with Gina Shakespeare
Dec 3, 2020
Two Republican senators on Thursday released hundreds of pages of documents pertaining to the FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane probe, alleging that “agency bureaucrats” refused to hand over more information.
Sens. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) and Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) released the documents as part of their investigation into the FBI—starting from the end of President Barack Obama’s administration—about how they surveilled President Donald Trump’s campaign. Ultimately, a special prosecutor found that Trump’s campaign did not collude with Russia.
Sidney Powell on Newsmax TV
“We Have At Least Until December 14th [with the Fraud Cases, and] We Might File More Suits” – Sidney Powell on Newsmax
By Joe Hoft
Dec 5, 2020
Sidney Powell:
In Georgia massive evidence of the shaving of votes and flipping to Biden exists in the machines… They’ve been erasing things and destroying evidence as fast as they can do it. I have in my office right now a huge bag of shredded ballots. …We have scads of evidence… Mr. Raffensperger was flat out lying. There should be a criminal investigation of him and his deputy secretary’s finances around the $170 million Dominion contract that was suddenly awarded in Georgia when they didn’t need a new system.
With the fraud case, December 8th, the deadline doesn’t comply. We have at least until December 14th. We might file more suits but a court in Michigan and Wisconsin today just gave us a great order recognizing that. These are not pure election contest we are fighting, these are massive fraud suits that can set aside the results of the election due to this fraud at any time.
The Kraken: “We’ll be back in court”
Newsmax TV
Dec 5, 2020
Sidney Powell on the latest news surrounding the lawsuits she is currently filing across the nation, Trump’s chances of a second term and more – via Newsmax TV’s “Stinchfield.”
One option, which has been suggested, is that Trump (after the coup is over) start a news network. It’s also been pointed out that if he did that, and perhaps hired Tucker Carlson, Fox would disappear, virtually overnight.
It would look a little odd starting a news network featuring, basically, only your own views…
Imagine if Murdoch started a news network featuring, basically … er … er …
Oh, wait … …
I traced my family back to the 1500s. A bit of bible translation in Oxford followed by much devilry from South Africa to Rio de Janiero to Texas to Toronto (say what?). That is now to end. The family line is to end. This is neutering the people. Will the illuminate deracinate their own?
You can be sure that the queered Zuckerberg and Gates and Windsor lines will continue. No genetics are more inbred than tight-bred races and royals. By their own standards their genetics deserve to be first in line for eugenic liquidation.
Instead its you.
Y’all right with that?
Review of UK Column News – 4th December 2020
Now here’s a funny thing.
I recently put two items on Facebook over recent days which have yet to receive any feedback. It has happened before very occasionally. But I really thought these recent items would have provoked some kind of response.
One was a link to a Cat Stevens video for “Banapple Gas” – a bouncy little number about a new drug released which has got everyone hooked and I appended the line, “Here’s what vaccination programmes looked like in the 70s”. Harmless stuff, surely?
The other item was a link to a spoof advert for a “Coronavirus Christmas” album. (“All tracks are 2 metres apart” etc.)
OK I thought – so nobody likes them. But then I found that my wife had, unknown to me, also put in her own link to the Christmas spoof album in her own FB page. And she too had received no response.
So I started to wonder. I have heard that FB has tightened up restrictions on “misinformation” regarding the virus and the vaccine. And I wonder if there was perhaps some programme they were using which detected words like “virus”, “vaccine”, “corona” etc. in order to block all such posts.
And then I realised the awesome power of social media where everyone is stuck at home relying on a software network to connect them …and someone is overseeing that network. You could be getting censored all the time and you wouldn’t even know it.
If any country is to free itself form US extortion, it must have a week of internet disconnection with the USA’s servers, every year to measure it’s preparedness, for what will be the USA’s ultimate sanction against resistant states, that is the power to destroy a country’s economy.
I should mention that I discovered about two years ago that anything I posted on FB which contradicted the mainstream narrative seemed to indicate that I had no FB friends at all.
The situation was immediately remedied as soon as I posted a video of a playful kitten.
Which means that either all my former FB friends were shallow, fair-weather pals (although I am definitely not a FB-friends collector like some people), or they weren’t receiving my ‘alternative’ views on certain sensitive topics.
Which is fine by me.
I never look at FB now.
It is so much worse. Indeed, you could be the only one who can see what you posted. This is the reason why I stopped publishing. From one outlet to another, articles critical of the unfolding nightmare ‘disappeared’ from the feedlines. Then it occurred to me while reading PressTV articles, that one cannot know if the material is authentic, or if one is the only one based on IP that will see the page as one sees it. Others won’t, because they see something different. One solution would be a concerted action to figure out if this is already happening.
One “Truman’s World” for every internet user. Extremely apparent with Reactionary Today – where news are selected based on the audience. The German site reports important articles about other locations – but never the important stories for the local audience. Everything is rigged now. Especially the minds of masses.
That’s what has been happening with me. Shadow banning.
After a couple years’ hiatus, in the last month so I had started posting provocative but fact-laden, carefully reasoned and written retorts to ads (I’m not seeking out places to troll) for such things as “Progressives for Biden”, Amanpour&Co, COVID-19 scares of all kinds, etc. At first, I would quickly get a reaction or two, then after an hour or so, nothing.
Lately, absolutely zero has been registering, even though now it is well after the election. This occurs even when I reply to someone else’s comment which had already received many reactions, meaning that it is statistically very unlikely my reply comment would be ignored.
As these FB pages have huge audiences, they are most certainly disappearing our comments based not on their content, but who we are. We’ve been flagged.
Nor are we surprised in the least, of course…
Empire: lets try and keep it on track boys!
Trump is a charismatic liar & showman, he is fine dictator material, he really could do that job, and he has done a great job of portraying a bully, charming to his base at home and detested overseas, except by the far-right client states created by Steve Bannon & the CIA. He became the blackmailer in chief, the henchman behind the fake civilised, faux free market, Potemkin facade of the USA. A temporary revealing of the innards of American Imperial power and ambition, whilst at the same time claiming to be a nationalist, an America-first, proponent. But most usefully of all he was always portrayed as a blip, a deviation, so could be easily jettisoned, and sold to a gullible world as a political aberration.
The US, tried a new tack, it went rogue under Trump, breaking international agreements and engaging in open blackmail & looting, where Trump stated openly middle east wars were about oil. He made threats to Germany about tariffs over the Nord-stream pipeline, he made the threat of 20% tariffs on all French goods. He imposed duties on french wine, sanctions on the Iranian people that killed hundreds of thousands, and intensified sanctions on Russia, which were as intent on wrecking the European economies, as they are at undermining their next military victims, in the ‘axis of evil’.
Trump was part of the ‘bad cop’, USA rogue operation, overtly aimed at ‘Making America Great Again’, as opposed to the ‘good cop’ of Obama, with it’s more measured covert, incremental Imperial ambition.
The CIA’s Covid operation could be viewed in this contact, as part of the Empires attempt to regain power and wealth from a position of strength. As ‘sanctions’ seemingly self-imposed around the world on a massive scale, dressed up as a medical crisis. An operation where many of the USA’s biggest agents, Amazon, MasterCard, Zoom, Skipe, Netflix, Google, Apple, Pharma, uber eats…etc, were forced on the worlds population, through their own quisling governments measures, under force of law…. It may as well have been a law to buy from Amazon by order of the French state.
Eventually Covid measures will bring about a massive post-collapse, fire-sale, where valuable international companies can be snapped up for pennies on the dollar, with trillions of piece of worthless green paper printed by the Fed, to meet demand until dollar credibility vanishes.……… At home and in its vassal states, US, billionaires are laughing all the way to the Fed, in this operation, which has had surprising success. Covid has been an acceleration of the American Corporate monopoly neoliberal roll-out with security surveillance & control ‘high notes’ added in as the price for their pressuring governments and local security agencies.
In my view, Trumpism was tasked with reversing American decline and bullying the world into sending wealth and power back to the USA, which it had lost through its own Corporate greed and hubris. Overt bullying was the new tactic, strong armed blackmail, out in the open, to extort wealth back to a declining America and instil fear around the world, despite not being able to fund large wars because of the precarious nature of the dollar, they used social media to produce client states, in France, the UK, Poland, Hungary and many more. But It’s not quite working out, despite making the elites richer, it has also accelerated the societal & economic rot at home.
The US realised that you can’t bully the world into submission, it made America look untrustworthy and just accelerate the decline, as consent for American hegemony started to ebb away rapidly.
Perhaps it became obvious that the USA may well have signed it’s own death certificate with the ‘Trump operation’ to Make America Great Again, and is perhaps why he spent more time looting his own country, on behalf of the super-rich political and financial elites, than he did trying to bring back, jobs, manufacturing and industry to American shores.
The Covid operation gathers wealth from around the world, especially, the richest corner of the world: Europe, but it only destroys and concentrates it at home, worsening a the severe social and economic crisis which goes unrecognised by its elites.
Perhaps the Covid operation, late in Trumps term was an alternative to Trumpism, run by another internal fractions of the deep state, or perhaps it was part of the ‘Making America Great Again’ program, just like Brexit was, and the ‘War on Carbon’ will soon be, in another wave of US public fund hand-outs and big Corporations, it is hard to know. The dollar decline is inevitable, and the USA’s ruling class are planning for it. The elites are certainly stocking up on wealth and assets for the collapse they themselves created, no longer even trying to reverse it at home, and the Covid operation never required for a virus, but of the financial survival of the country, can easily segue under Biden into a means of suppressing dissent, rationing, currency control, travel restrictions and price fixing, all essential to counter hyperinflation and currency collapse.
I always suspected Trumps wall was intended to stop asset-flight and keep Americans in, it was such a contradiction to everything they believed in, to keep Immigrants out, when they are such a vital part of the US black economy and general wage suppression, something Trump engaged in enthusiastically during his construction projects in New York.
If it means anything……. if Trump had any power at all, then it all happened under Trump’s watch. He may not be the mastermind of any of it, but he certainly is the front man and Trump is a stronger figure-head than Biden or Harris, he could still be the deep states choice in the next phase of American decline, but we really don’t know yet.
As an individual he is a fighter, a performer, a charmer and hungry for power, and a stage to perform on, but can he deliver the ‘War on Carbon’, convincingly, the next stage of building back American wealth & power? I doubt it. The illusion of democracy and appropriate political jousting must be maintained, at least for one more presidency, and the CIA’s Covid operation and the ‘War on Carbon’ are the USA’s elites only functioning lifeline at the moment to suspend Dollar collapse and expand US Corporate reach, so they must continue and expand it.
It is not decline but collapse of the imperial currency that looms. It is entirely self-inflicted.
The reckless expansion of the imperial budget for the benefit of cronies was only a small factor. After taking the wealth of foreign individuals, the Empire moved on to enormous fines on foreign businesses and banks. All this for violations of its national laws. The list of “sanctioned” countries also grew. Major red lines it crossed were interference in Swift transactions, being slow to repatriate gold bullion (or even preventing it), and threatening trade partners – including its largest creditor. The petroleum industry – the original lynchpin of the petro-dollar – is itself on life support.
Russia and China are leading preparations for the new order that includes (a) a new system of fund transfer (b) far less globalisation/trade. They have built rock-solid credibility built over decades, from the viewpoint of the smaller economies.
Trump has called troops back from Afganistan and wants to bring them all home unlike his predesessors which were at war the whole presidency.
Lowering taxes and bringing cash back to the USA had the effect of decreasing unemployment to record low levels and included increasing black employment to record levels.
Covid is nothing to do with Trump but more Bill Gates, Soros and cronies who want to remove him as he isn’t playing their game. Its pretty obvous from the continuous attacks from the media.
Hard to get anything done when one is under constant attack.
The wall was to stop illegal immigrants. Legal migrants are a different thing. Why should anyone bother emigrating legally when all one has to do is throw away the passport and enter illegally? Makes no sense. There are either passports and borders or there aren’t.
Despite all this, we just cannot forget that serious qualms about US voter fraud began with the 2000 election, when Bush, A REPUBLICAN, won under the recently ignored shadow of having a brother involved in the production of voting machines.
Diebold was the name of the company. Doesn’t anybody remember that?
Voter fraud is NOT a Democratic Party thing. It is now a global thing.
“serious qualms about US voter fraud began with 2000”
“In SHAM DEMOCRACY USA rigged “SELECTIONS” go back to the beginning, whether the populace ‘had qualms’ with them or not. As to the CORPORATE FASCIST political racket, the REPUBLICRAT PARTY, so corrupt it needs two aliases, Eugene Debs saw it for what it was 125 years ago (and he was not the first). In SHAM DEMOCRACY USA one does not have choices, one has owners.”
Just look at what I wrote.
You dismiss what I said about ‘qualms’ as if I had not said it.
The qualms don’t go back 125 years, because people were not informed that long ago.
The rest of your comment is, of course, perfectly correct.
George Carlin, whose work I know well and greatly admire, is also perfectly correct.
The last authentic political satirist. Everything after him seems to be strangely co-opted. Especially apparent during the recent month, when popular comedians flipped sides and talk now about utterly irrelevant stuff. Maybe because Trump is no longer really a clickbait worthy subject?
It often amazes me to see what a wise, educated and perceptive man he was when being interviewed, where one can easily sense a great deal of goodwill towards his fellow creatures, despite the merciless rhetoric in his show.
As a person, certainly not full of hate, but in fact a brilliant soul, whose humour cuts across all national boundaries – given a little life experience and some reciprocal goodwill from his audience.
George Carlin was among my top 100 of people I really would have loved to talk with. As Alan Watts once stated: “Did you ever notice that the wisest people always come with a great sense of humor?”
One of the greatest interviews has to be “Unmasked – With George Carlin” (I chose the only non-yt video and hope it works…) where the scope and depth of this amazing consciousness becomes apparent. Enjoy!
US America is almost predicated on the Show format.
The projection of image being the currency of substance?
I realise generalised impressions are invalid to anomalies and exceptions and so I am not speaking of the Soul of the USA but of a masking persona.
Saying openly what is not allowed to be said harks back to the King’s Fool.
Anyone else would be tried for treason or cast out of power or position.
Shakespeare (whoever and whatever that name actually represents – apart from Pallas Athena) said, via a dramatic character; ‘all the world is a stage for fools’.
The shift from character to script writer, is the releasing of the dramatically driven narrative identity to a recognition of the script as a whole. Reflecting back the Script to the recognition of perspective from which to release old self-kettling patterns of action and reaction, to more integrated and less polarised appreciation for being, that is resilient to buying into the narratives of emotional investment that are the means to reset the mind of conflict to the dictate of a mind control, that generates the conflict that it purports to defend from.
A mind at war with itself, is cast out as dramatis personae.
And the image and prop and themes are invested meanings set over the source of all Meaning.
In the time of Chaos and Terror – now called the mythological era, (and regarded and embroidered as fable), the worship of and subordinated emulation of Powers both awesome and terrible – that broke from a lost Order that the split mind is ever seeking to regain, through a series of catastrophic experience that set themes or archetypal patterns of conditioning, that so masked over and set the mind in amnesia as to divide and rule out recognition, as the Remembering in which trauma is released from its repetitive fixation.
The revealing of us to our self and Self, is not a package of information, but a reflection of recognition from which to freely release and align in what has moved within us – as the intimacy of our being – from which we live a more connected and less dissociated freedom of being – regardless of circumstance, props and themes.
We have a freedom to judge so as to select and reject according to our own private wishes. But do we truly WANT it – especially in the recognition that what we give sets the measure or our own receiving.
The exchange of love’s recognition is not a cancelling out, but an expansion that overflows. The return of investment is the underlying intent – and not the form it may mask as.
A corrupt world calls for redemption – at the level of the scripting or ‘Word’.
If words and meanings are weapons, communication is lost to war by deceit. How is that different to saying “God is dead” – which was said in relation to the development of thought, culture and social development.
How is a global biosecurity state not operating on the death of the ‘self’ to a programmable or discardable asset? And of Life itself as the genetic sorcery Code by which to subject the living to the fantasy of a dissociated denial of love and life lived and shared?
Sleepwalk into hell?
I intuit that no matter how desperate the attempt to sleep while ‘others’ or circumstances, are assigned responsibility, a Choice is made in the Heart as to whether the embrace Life in relational honesty, or re-set into a reversal of Creation – such as to sacrifice the living Will to Power set over a life, feared, hated and judged.
Diebold… and…’hangin’ chads? It all comes back to me!
I heard Diebold mentioned quite recently. Looks like they’re still in business.
Actually, far more than ‘in business’.
They have branches everywhere, except, mercifully, where I live…
True enough. There has been lots of fraud over the years. Most people give vote fraud in Chicago credit for the election of John Kennedy as President.
But, the scale of this fraud is something new. Trump likely did not just win, but won by a landslide, and they were able to reverse that. Also, this election was pivotal in the sense of a populist (maybe the last one we will see for many years) against an increasingly Orwellian establishment (or Deep State if you prefer a more modern term).
You may be right, but I have seen no evidence which points to Trump actually opposing an Orwellian establishment. His rhetoric certainly ruffles establishment feathers from time to time, but, as we all know, rhetoric comes cheap when you’re President.
Action is much more expensive.
If he is a bird of paradise bird trapped in a golden cage, but powerless to do anything, then why do you champion him? If he has failed to do anything….. but you claim wanted to do so much good….. where is your evidence? Where is the intent, except for a load of BS said during relies. ……..When did he try to do anything good for the American people…. WHEN ?
Did he have power or not, if he had no power then why are we even talking about this irrelevance. Are you just projecting your dreams on a powerless man?
Empire: lets try and keep it on track boys.
Trump is a charismatic liar & showman, he is fine dictator material, he really could do that job, and he has done a great job of portraying a bully, charming at home and detested overseas. He became the blackmailer, the henchman behind the fake civilised, faux free market, Potemkin facade of the USA. A temporary revealing of the innards of American Imperial power and ambition, whilst at the same time claiming to be a nationalist, an America-first, proponent. But most usefully of all he was always portrayed as a blip, a deviation, so could be easily jettisoned, and sold to a gullible world as a political aberration.
The US, tried a new tack, it went rogue under Trump, breaking agreements and engaging in overt blackmail. From threats to Germany of tariffs over the Nord-stream pipeline, the threat of 20% tariffs on all French goods, the duties imposed on french wine, sanctions on the Iranian people that killed hundreds of thousands, and intensified on Russia, which were just as intent on wrecking the European economies, as they are at undermining their next military victims, in the ‘axis of evil’.
Trump was part of the ‘bad cop’, USA rogue operation, overtly aimed at ‘Making America Great Again’, as opposed to the ‘good cop’ of Obama, with it’s more measured covert, incremental Imperial ambition.The CIA’s Covid operation could be viewed in this contact, as part of the Empires attempt to regain power and wealth from a position of strength. As sanctions against the world on a massive scale, dressed up as a medical crisis, Where many of the USA’s biggest agents, Amazon, MasterCard, Zoom, Skipe, Netflix, Google, Apple, Pharma, uber eats…etc, each forced on the worlds population through their own quisling governments measures, via force of law….
Eventually Covid measures will bring about a massive post collapse, fire-sale, where valuable international companies are bought up, for pennies on the dollar, with trillions of piece of worthless green paper printed by the Fed, to destruction.….. At home and in its vassal states and USA, billionaires are laughing all the way to the Fed, in this operation, which has had surprising success. Covid has been an acceleration of the American Corporate monopoly neoliberal roll out with security surveillance & control ‘high notes’, but despite making the rich richer, it has also accelerated the societal economic rot at home.
In my view, Trumpism was tasked with reversing American decline and bullying the world into bringing wealth and power back to the USA, which it had lost through its own Corporate greed and hubris. Overt bullying was the new tactic, strong armed blackmail, out in the open, to extort wealth back to a bankrupted America and instil fear around the world, despite not being able to fund large wars because of the precarious nature of the dollar, they used social media to produce client states, in France, the UK, Poland, Hungary and many more. But It didn’t quite work.
The US realised that you can’t bully the world into submission, it made America look untrustworthy and just accelerate the decline, as consent for American hegemony started to ebb away rapidly.
Perhaps it became obvious that the USA may well have signed it’s own death certificate with the ‘Trump operation’ to Make America Great Again, and is perhaps that was realised and why he spent more time looting his own country, on behalf of the super-rich political and financial elites, than he did trying to bring back, jobs, manufacturing and industry to American shores.
Perhaps the Covid operation, late in Trumps term was an alternative to Trumpism, run by another internal fractions of the deep state, or perhaps it was part of the ‘Making America Great Again’ program, just like Brexit was, and the ‘War on Carbon’ will soon be, in another wave of US public fund hand-outs and big Corporations, it is hard to know. The dollar demotion is inevitable and their ruling class are planning for it. The elites are certainly stocking up on wealth and assets for the collapse they themselves created, no longer even trying to reverse it at home, and the Covid operation never required for a virus, but of the financial survival of the country, can easily segue under Biden into a means of suppressing dissent, rationing, currency control, travel restrictions and price fixing, all essential for countering hyperinflation and currency collapse. I always suspected Trumps wall was intended to stop asset-flight and keep Americans in, it was such a contradiction to everything they believed in to keep Immigrants out, when they are such a vital part of the US black economy and general wage suppression.
Then Covid operation gathers wealth from around the world, especially, the richest corner of the world: Europe, but it only destroys and concentrates it at home, worsening a the severe social and economic crisis which goes unrecognised by its elites.
If it means anything……. if Trump had any power at all, then it all happened under Trump’s watch. He may not be the mastermind of any of it, but he certainly is the front man and Trump is a stronger figure-head than Biden or Harris, he could still be the deep states choice in the next phase of American decline, but we really don’t know yet. As an individual he is a fighter, a performer, a charmer and hungry for power, and a stage to perform on, but can he deliver the ‘War on Carbon’, convincingly, the next stage of building back American wealth & power? I doubt it.
The illusion of democracy and appropriate political jousting must be maintained, at least for one more presidency, and the CIA’s Covid operation and the ‘War on Carbon’ are the USA’s elites only functioning lifeline at the moment to suspend Dollar collapse and expand US Corporate reach, so they must continue and expand it.
But what do I know.
The real reason Trump needed to go is so that security state stooges Biden-Harris
and their cohorts can seamlessly implement the “lockstep surveillance agenda” deployed under the pretext of COVID. Bumbling stumbling Trump couldn’t effectively sell this repressive “malarkey” to the US populace.
COVID is the 2020 version of 9/11 only worse. It directly impacts every aspect of our lives. It will usher in a China-style surveillance system. Initially the vaccines will be voluntary then they’ll coerce you to take the vaccine in order to participate in day-to-day activities. If your cell phone doesn’t have the app which indicates you were vaccinated, they won’t permit you to enter stores, use public transportation, eat at restaurants, etc… You’ll be persona non grata.
The vaccine has NOTHING to do with COVID; it manipulates your RNA to trigger a coded message supposedly to improve immune systems, but who really knows how it was coded. There’s also a luminescent dot in the vaccine that can be detected. The term vaccine is the wrong nomenclature for this injection. The Gavi vaccination industry is testing Crispr research on 8 billion. Nice size population of Guinea Pigs. Once they see how this stuff works, they’ll refine the coding and design very ingenious, and quite sociopathic messages……
It’s a brave new world.
I believe Covid is primarily an economic operation, the security state has taken its pound of flesh in terms of spying and security measures, but until it announces a dictatorship these powers are of limited usefulness.
In fact they only seem to use them to complement the USA’s economic terror operations, against foreign companies. Tracking deals and A&M’s is what Snowden talked about and actually engaged in before he became a whistle blower.
Where does the ‘luminescent dot’ go?
“‘Hope springs eternal.’ Only the CORPORATE FASCIST OLIGARCH MOBSTER PSYCHOPATHS know what actually is in Doc Billy Eugenics’ toxic viral brew (ie EUTHANASIA DEATH SHOT). Given their murderous, rapacious and thieving proclivities it is safe to say that it is the CORPORATE FASCIST STATE’S turn off switch for unproductive and troublesome untermenschen and useless eaters- its ‘shelf life’ culling mechanism for HUMANITY.”
“They do not want merely to control you, they want to murder you. Welcome to SCAMDEMIC WORLD. Blade Runner on steroids.”

They are controlling ‘you’ and they are murdering ‘you’ as we type.
The global Endlösung for the disposable poor masses.
They are impatient as well as greedy. They are speeding it up a bit.
While I was re-reading Your comment it dawned upon me that it is time to take BDS to the next level: Block, Destroy, Sabotage.
What does the human right of self defense constitute? Voting?
No. It’s much simpler. Humans have a right to kill anybody that wants to kill them. Weapons however might not work. The machine has the most effective weaponry. These people need to be removed in a different fashion.
Well, the one disturbing aspect that made me turn this ‘speech’ off has nothing to do with what the ventriloquists’ dummy talked about.
What got me, is the fact that the speech was cut like a video. A speech that was edited is no longer a speech – but a manipulated piece of propaganda. It eludes me that people still see differences in the types of dummies doing the handling of the masses. Orwell said that “…the trough remains the same – only the pigs change.”
All in all, it’s just another gaslighting speech that does nothing to improve the situation on the domestic ground. There is no word about the US wars being the greatest racket of all times. ‘Distract – Divide – Control’ is the emperors’ program and in conjunction with the ‘virus’, it’s a win/win situation for the owners of the planet.
Alas, one could also note that, what goes around – comes around. For a person that ran on the platform “Make Americans Pay Again” (well, that’s what ‘MAGA’ really meant, but MAPA is a brand name and protected…
Just leave it all behind. Get out of the big cities now – before it is too late. Well – if the owners allow for that and it doesn’t look like it will be permitted.
So what that the speech was edited? Everything is edited. Almost every personal statement on YouTube for example. As long as it represents the speaker’s personal view I see no reason to complain. (And I see nothing to indicate that this speech didn’t conform to Trump’s wishes.) As for the monstrousness of American wars, do you really think Trump – or any American politician – would get away with talking about that? Perhaps you wanted him to say, “Yes, we shot JFK”? He intended to talk about election fraud. And that’s what he did.
I disagree. A ‘speech’ is a continous stretch of speaking from the beginning to the end. Everything edited removes the ability to get the real story.
But the practice is widespread. Editing out important facts will make it impossible to get to the truth of it.
This is not to say that listening to uncut version would garner different results. And you never had a speech of Obama edited. Not even of Dim Son and that was something to stomach.
Every time I post in OffG, I edit it to get it right. I see no reason why a recorded speech should be any different. Most of what is edited out of a speech would probably be mistakes, mispronounciations, sudden forgetfulness. I doubt if you are missing an outburst of e.g. “American wars are always based on lies!”
You don’t see the irony of your statement? This ‘speech’ was not edited “to get it right”. While you talk about semantics regarding ‘editing’, the truth is that ‘editing’ can also mean to manipulate.
When Krishnamurti gave important talks, he was not edited afterwards.
It matters to hear the whole speech and not selected passages. End of that story.
You seem to know a lot about why this speech was edited. If not “to get it right” then what?
Sure- editing can also mean to manipulate. But that would only be relevant in e.g. an interview.
This was a speech made by one man. He was putting his point across.
Is it edited to make him look worse? Is it an anti-Trump film?
Is the edit to make him look better? Well probably. I’d say he edited the mistakes.
Are you suggesting the edited bits are something incendiary? Did he drop his pants? What devilish deed is he trying to hide? Who knows?
Look, if what I am convinced of disturbs you, please ignore my comments. However – especially you should know by now why I made the first comment.
Martin Luther King Jr. gave a speech. JFK gave a speech. Ghandi gave speeches.
A speech is a speech and I consider it essential to get the whole speech. Otherwise I would not know how much was edited out. A good solution would be a link to the C-SPAN video – uncut original.
When I worked in the broadcasting industry, I was also editing my own material. But it was never a continous event. The audience I worked for wanted fast paced cuts. Like the ‘how it is made’ clips for young people.
A speech is more than a collection of words. Everything counts. Body language specifically. Gestures. Eyes. Editing could remove the Freudian slips or the body language giveaway. When I did interviews and the interviewed gibberished for a moment – I would rewind and let him/her do it again, in order to keep the flow of the interview. Cuts where then the connections of segments. It was all there. Personally, I do edit typos and fragmented sentences. But you will always get the whole story.
agree about the wars but Trump has resisted going to war with Russia and Iran much to the annoyance of the military industrial complex. Another reason that he must go. He’s not playing ball. He’s even bringing troops home!
A difficult assessment. Trump did a tually not bring troops home. He reshuffled them to different locations. Removing them from Somalia to have them illegally positioned in Syria. Home is home – not Germany to Poland.
And that he did not start any new wars, has more to do with the fact that those he would love to overthrow/invade and take their resources would not let him. The resource thieving U.S. military was doing that before Trump, under Trump and they will continue to steal, oppress and destroy.
The comedian Jimmy Dore made a valid point about this:
Trump could have entered history books as the greatest president ever – by really bringing all troops home, by giving USAnians universal healthcare and by reigning in wall street. And that’s where it gets ludicrous, because a member of the upper kast would never act against the interests of the upper kast. One does not soil one’s own nest, correct?
What the United States really need is another Henry A. Wallace and there is nobody even most remotely getting close.
how do you know he wants to invade countries??
If you haven’t noticed he’s had a difficult time fighting off accusations of collusion with Russia from day 1. All sugegstions opposed by the DEMS. A President rules with the part and the government so its difficult to get anything done with so much opposition and negative talk from the media.
I haven’t read the book, but from this extract it seems unclear, incidentally, whether Russell considered this to be a good or a bad thing.
Of course I doubt he considered himself to be one of the ‘plebs’.
At any rate, what he speculated upon has already come to pass, and so, in some respects at least, it is already too late for us.
Today’s rulers clearly are a different species. Seriously. We have often enough seen evidence of that. And to think how long ago it was that Russell saw it coming !
My conviction is that we need good science, allied to a thorough grasp of ethics and morals, if our species is to have any hope of further evolution.
Without that, the most we can achieve is to become very miserable slaves, controlled by very sophisticated robots. Ethics and morals will be forgotten.
That’s not good enough, I would say.
So, how do we thwart the decades of selective breeding which have led to the rise of the out-of-control controllers?
Surely it’s either going to involve corresponding decades of concentrated dismantling of this sickening system, or it’s going to mean civil war.
“ What can I say? We caught Comey cold, we caught McCabe cold. We caught them all. We’re still waiting for a report from a man named Durham, who I have never spoken to, and I have never met. They can go after me before the election as much as they want, but unfortunately Mr. Durham didn’t want to go after these people, or have anything to do with going after them before the election. So who knows if he is ever going to even do a report.”
Looks like he got sold a pig in a poke by Barr – et tu Brutes knives from within the WH.
See pilgrims, these old sayings about holding your enemies closer – sometimes it leads to such treachery. As is obvious by now to more and more readers of this shite too no matter how much they think it is on ‘their’ side. 😱
Re: “Looks like he got sold a pig in a poke by Barr”
Or it’s a way to get the Fake News Media to report the story; eg:
These people are stupid!
Stupid they are, but they get the top jobs in a world where stupidity is the latest fashion.
I’m reminded of this Jiddu Krishnamurti quote once more:
“It is no measure of health to be well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society”…
My favorite Krishnamurti quote. But after 60 years, I came to the conclusion that it is equally unhealthy not to be well adjusted to the profound sick society – as one will be in the crosshairs of the profoundly sick people.
So now we have an advanced form of Fascism, where corporations do the censorship instead of the security state with which they are allied. Quite ironic, given that the corporations in question are generally perceived as having a “Liberal” bias.
But the clever guy realises the bastards made each of us a Corporation. Mr and/or your name in ALL CAPS, is not you. Its a Corporate dead entity. Once you understand how it works freedom is within your reach.
“We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false”
William Casey Director of the C.I.A. at an early February 1981 meeting of the newly elected President Reagan in the Roosevelt Room of the WH with his new cabinet secretaries.
How incredible that you people consider yourself on the side of freedom and ‘free-speech’ when you are defending the asset stripper in chief, the CIA’s main tool, the USA’s military’s biggest benefactor, the president of the USA, whose campaign manager was tasked with funding, backing far-right political groups in Europe to bring down the EU, and our democracies on behalf of the CIA. This is your freedom fighter, this is your victim of censorship?
Trump, like Macron, like Johnson is a tool of the Corporate neoliberal roll-out, Trump handed $1.8 trillion in tax cuts to his friends as soon as he was able. Over 80% of the tax cuts, went to the richest people in America, then he approved a bailout of $5 trillion to America’s richest corporations and billionaires, when small business is going to the wall en masse. He has spent 4 years deregulating the hell out of America, allowing corporations to rape the country, and destroy its natural environment, removing thousands of legal protections from the population. Boeing built shit planes that crashed because they became deregulated, Drug companies will now murder thousands because of his deregulation.
He allowed the lockdown of his country, he allowed the forced mandate for masks, Not Biden, not the left, Trump was in power the whole time. Everything this man has down has helped those he claims are his enemies, The military, the CIA, the FBI, the Social media,. And billionaire friends have become astronomically rich. He has presided over the biggest transfer of wealth to the richest people in America, whilst overseeing the biggest increase in poverty in the world, stripping millions from their health care and destroying small business in the largest rollout of neoliberal corporate take-over since the collapse of the soviet union, and you people claim he is a freedom fighter, he is a victim of censorship ……Are you people nuts?
much of this is true.
after the Lesser Evil is installed in office, we’ll see if that constitutes any kind of improvement, or an escape from the frying pan, into the fire.
the COVID-1984 hoax will certainly intensify, if anybody thinks that matters.
That comment is total PROJECTION,
Total wormtonguery.
Really finding it hard to convince the 70 millions that they should lay down and die aren’t you?
If the dumbass yanks actually had real balls rather than their fake ones bought via the NRA phallic sex toys. – they would march to the Capitol and stop the inauguration – no guns / just their bodies and their gonads – Cacescu was told so in these terms – the DS and their gurning sex doll ex-pres’s need to be faced with their nemesis in the cold January day.
What you got pilgrims?
What you describe is a typical CIA inspired far-right ‘popular uprising’, which is really just a coup by another name, which all this could be leading up to. So don’t worry, you will get your fascist coup eventually, this time or in 4 years, they are on it.
What the pilgrims have are heads full of propaganda and lies, planted by the people who informed you.
This is not about Trump per se. Trump has only served as a trigger.
Even if all of what you say were true, and it might well be to an extent, would it justify rigging an election? Does it justify censorship, which is now rampant? Would it justify any of the endless crap that’s been taking place in recent months?
Plus, Trump is the US president. In a way an American problem. But the BS that’s taking place is affecting the whole world.
As far as neoliberalism, it’s the very proponents of neoliberalism who are foisting twisted hygienic dystopia on the world.
We have to look at the bigger picture.
The one thing your comment reveals is that you are not looking at the ‘bigger picture’. (I’ll post above my view)
Hello Are You Serious: ???
It’s true that Mr Trump presided over the events of the last four years, but it was the Congress and the Senate that played the tune. The lobbying agendas of PAC committees, K street, Wall street, non-governmental organizations, pharmaceutical manufactures, and established military ventures such as Raytheon and Boeing, orchestrated the oligarch tune, as citizens stood by and watched the idiot dance on their idiot screens.
Mr Trump’s “presidency” was the result of a deeply rooted civilian apathy, gross intellectual deficit, civilian sucking of the corporate tit, and the vague expectations that every thing would turn out “great”. It’s the 21st Century, yet people still believe in magic…
To be fair, most people do not claim that Trump is anything like a ‘freedom fighter’.
They simply don’t know what to do when faced with choosing the lesser of two evils, both of which are totally sickening.
Why are you lumping everyone here in the same boat? I loathe Trump. I loathe Biden. I loathe Johnson. In fact, I don’t support any politicians period, and I haven’t voted for over 24 years. Why? To quote Emma Goldman: ‘if voting changed anything they’d make it illegal’.
Mark Twain’s version still carries weight:
“If voting made any difference, they wouldn’t let us do it”
(Great minds think alike…)
Yep👍It took me quite a while to wake up to that fact. Sadly, a lot of people don’t wake up; as we’ve seen very vividly this year with the scamdemic.
Ever since Fukuyama’s End of History proved to be an illusion, it’s been clear that the US will sooner or later follow its nemesis, the USSR, into oblivion. It’s happening somewhat earlier than expected, but the fact that America is well on its way down the tubes is obvious.
About a half of Americans accept the president to be censored, ignore obvious irregularities in the electoral process, are willing to allow themselves to be brainwashed into nearly complete ignorance of facts, critical thinking, rational thought, etc. etc. The other half are not much better off, a lot of them are brainwashed the other way. Only a very narrow group have retained their senses.
More or less the same is reflected throughout the world, to a varied degree.
The populace has been dumbed down to a state of obedient consumer-slaves, addicted to indoctrination devices, well prepped to be harnessed to Big Brother and subjected to total control. People have already been subjugated, few live a truly free life. Few are able to imagine what freedom might mean. Hint: Studying some useless crap to get certified to slave away from nine to five ain’t it.
We’re witnessing the end of an era, a revolution. The problem for freedom-loving people is that the perpetrators have it all figured out, planned, they know what they want and have hijacked all the means to achieve it, most importantly people’s minds. We have shit. Other than going back to the pre-CV status quo, we don’t have an alternative to propose to the masked zombies. Our options are to try to formulate one and promote it, find some hiding place in one of the world’s obscure locations, fly under the radar, or be subjugated like the rest of the sheeple.
Pretty grim prospects ….
“Pretty grim prospects ….”
That might be the reason for the record suicide numbers. But why would people talk about the fact that in Japan in October alone, more people committed suicide than there were ‘novichoklike virus’ fatalities for the year up to November.
Regimes the world over are creating life circumstances that make people take their own ‘life’. Every suicide counts as a reduction in payments by those regimes. Also the reason that the really old retirees must go. The money is demanded by the military industrial surveillance complex. A brief calculation of what happens in Germany right now makes that obvious. The regime waves through increases in military spending to be able to prevent Russia and China from taking over Europe. Since the regime insists on austerity based on its corruption – only parliamentarians will receive a whopping raise in income to offset the ‘virus’ nuisances. Thus, corners must be cut. Those ‘corners’ are the old folks.
If the regimes can off only a thousand old folks, it can use that money for the military expansion. The last of the decent retirement generation is leaving fast now. These folks – especially the military retirees – receive € 2500 – € 3000 retirement each month. With all other expenditures for these very senior people, the regime can save € 50 million a year. Just with a thousand retirees removed, that money can be used to sell more new weapons to Saudi Arabia.
Admin, can you spring me from spam, plz?
In the meantime: This Week In Culture #22, from Austen Fletcher’s Fleccas Talks
“Do as I say – Not as I do.”
he acts like a clown and a buffoon for the last for years, and now thinks he should be taken seriously?
rigged or not.. the reason Biden will be the next POTUS, is Trumps fault alone.
( – his election was as legitimate as the previous and the last – deal with it. )
Oxymoron central!
“Deal with” the fact that ALL these elections are illegitimate?
“Deal with” the fact that voting is a complete waste of time?
“Deal with” the fact that there’s no point in us even discussing politics at all since we have absolutely no say in it whatsoever?
Bravo👏👏👏It’s all a giant charade to give people the illusion they have a real say in what happens. We get zero say in what actually matters. Upvote for you.
Maybe one day people will wake up to the fact that ‘elections’ are more like shows, or the finals of a soccer cup. While the voters flock to the booths, the executive is waving through legislation at warp speed. Voting serves to perpetuate the illusion that the population has anything to say. It never had and never will be. All improvements humanity experienced were due to extra-parliamentary actions. Regimes the world over are ham theaters with the actors leading lavish lives on the expense of the many. A look at Germany will reveal how it’s done.
Clown ? Buffoon ? Rigged or not ?
You sad, shallow person.
Why on earth the need to rig against a clown/buffoon ?
Your comment is myopic to the max.
What is happening is much broader an issue. We’re witnessing total collapse of (the illusion) of democracy, as exhibited in your rather inane comment.
Clearly, what matters to you is that a person acts like … (fill in your favorite arbitrary designation) matters more than the legitimacy of the electoral process.
Your comment is an example par excellence of how and why the (democratic) world is so utterly fucked up.
What an appalling lack of perspective…
It’s a much wider issue than that.
My condolences if you live in Arkansas.
This is the ultimate victory of the “free market” running amok.
This is why Trump had no option but to go along with the covid hoax.
Voters evenly split on whether local governments went too far with COVID-19 restrictions, poll
A slightly higher percentage of voters said governments did not overreact.
Dec 4, 2020
Asked how they felt about the “extraordinary new powers” that non-federal governments claimed for themselves earlier this year, 45% of voters said those governments did not go too far in that pursuit, while 40% said they had.
And Fauci had an overwhelming approval rating back in March.
No one in their right mind would either vote for Biden or expect him to win. Its pretty clear that there is evidence of massive fraud. The msm may be happy with the current narrative Biden won but if that’s the case what other elections were fraudulently won?
Johnson last year might be a good place to look along with Adern’s ‘landslide’ earlier this year.
The 2020 US election is the same war of the last 4 years being fought out over the next few weeks. The outcome effects us all. A Biden victory will be a dire start to the new year but the narrative is now turning. In the end it may come down to the military. Trump has been their man for the last 4 years.
Don’t forget about Andrews in Victoria. I will not be surprised if he’s flown in to a safe Labor seat ahead of the next Federal election.
Pity the fecker wasn’t flown to a jail cell at The Hague. Oh wait, that’s only for Africans, and people that refuse to bend the knee.
I hate all politicians, especially Andrews. He’d hide under a pebble to avoid a hard days work. To think that people admire this bloke, after everything he’s done, makes me want to puke.
Cheers Gezzah!
Andrews is pure filth. So many dead, including all those who killed themselves out of abject despair due to the lockdowns. Same with Brett Sutton, who claimed he’s a Buddhist!!
They make me want to puke as well Shin.
Chat in a few days Gezzah, gotta go into hospital. Old timer stuff. Take care mate!
You too. Good luck with the hospital food…. cough.
UK Column News – 4th December 2020
Breaking: Growing rebellion within NHS
Rumours of delay to plans to vaccinate NHS Staff
MPs increasingly unable to talk coherently – dissonance or reframing?
The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency is an executive agency of the Department of Health
Multiple reports: The UK Drug Safety Agency, Falsified Vaccine Safety Data – Millions of Children At Serious Risk
Links and more here:
Faulty medical implants investigation: Regulators’ trail of deception has been exposed, says chairman — The Lancet, Jul 2011
The Riddle of the Drug Regulators – Critis press for review of licensing system – The Guardian, Sarah Boseley, Mar 2004
94-5% effectiveness claim is false
Risk reduction is a fraction of 1%
Vaccine will not stop infection between one person and another
Vaccine risks to women
This is research from 1966 but still relevant: Embryotoxic Effect of Poly I . Poly C
— Compounds present in vaccine have potential to cause infertility and cause damage to fetus.
England’s deputy chief medical officer Prof Jonathan Van-Tam skirts issue of infertility, damage to fetus, ability to form a placenta.
UKC: Van-Tam knows of the data regarding damage to fetus and ability form a placenta. He knows they have not completed safety tests because the tests have only lasted 9 months.
Letter from Dr Micheal Yeadon and Dr Wolfgang Wodarg to European Medicines Agency
– Vaccine development takes four-10 years
– Coronavirus vaccine being rushed in a matter of months
Herd immunity could have saved more lives than lockdown, study suggests — Daily Telegraph, Oct 7, 2020
Will covid-19 vaccines save lives? Current trials aren’t designed to tell us — British Medical Journal, Oct 21, 2020
— my step-grandfather (to parliament)
— my step sister’s step-father (to Piers Morgan)
— the second husband of my step-father’s ex wife (to Daily Mail)
Hancock’s tears on TV contrast with his jovial approach to his neighbour who just won a no-tender Covid-related contract from the government.
Hancock cites his imaginary family to push lockdown and vaccine — in cahoots with celebrity presenters
Claims Liverpool ‘circuit breaker’ cut infections by 4/5 [no evidence for such a claim].
From 1:01:00
Brian Gerrish: This is a quasi political regurgitation of something. This man is not thinking coherently. Is it any wonder there is no proper debate in Westminster.
CEO of BIT David Halpern, author of The Little Book of Green Nudges
Brian Gerrish: In simple terms, the gov will only offer options that will lead you to specific actions.
UK Column News – 4th December 2020
Why, when Yeadon was on TalkRadio just a few days ago, was there no mention whatsoever of the infertility thing? Presumably it is still an unproven theory that they are merely requesting be looked into and not a factual statement…??
This is an important episode of Bannon’s WarRoom
Ep 560: Georgia Fuming
Dec 4, 2020
Steve Bannon with updates from the hearings in Arizona (Mark Finchem) and Georgia (John Fredericks); and from Bernie Kerik (chief organiser of hearings).
Bernie Kerik: “this is a federal RICO case”
Steve Bannon: “a special session in Georgia is a sine qua non”
This refers to the split between MAGA and the GOP establishment re the runoff elections for two senate seats. See:
The following is covered in Ep. 560 (above)
Trump Team Has Dominion Machine from Small Georgia County – Shows Votes Flipped from Trump to Biden
Dec 4, 2020
MAGA has already dumped Fox and Breitbart, and it will dump Newsmax if they continue with this crap:
With the GOP holding 50 Senate seats and Democrats 48, victories by Ossoff and Warnock would give Democrats unified control of the White House and Congress, with Kamala Harris, Joe Biden’s running mate, as the tie-breaker under a new Biden administration.
There ain’t going to be a “Biden administration”!
Dr. Dave Janda replies to Ivan E. Raiklin
Ivan E. Raiklin
@GovKemp @GaSecofState @Perduesenate and @KLoeffler
You all don’t understand what @LLinWood and @SidneyPowell1 and WE THE PEOPLE are DEMANDING!
Call a legislative special session to audit/fix the Nov 3rd Presidential and US Senate elections, runoff may not be necessary!!!
Dr. Dave Janda
EXACTLY CORRECT! By doing a forensic audit on the Nov 3 ballots …..
@realDonaldTrump WINS…. and so do many on the down ballot as
@SidneyPowell1 & @LlinWood stated! No need for a runoff! The RHINO’s & CCP owned Republocrats need to shut up & cut the division garbage!
bannon robbed a few million and he is on bail for it. the wall that was never built, FRAUD!!! so him talking about fraud is like thick
ow yer Maga is the 5th degree in the church of satan.
you been so fooled
run along carry getting on as your lifer forced is being drained with never ending discloser’s’ that never happen
When the Hillary arrest happening LOL
Steve Bannon charged with fraud over Mexico wall funds
Bernie Kerik: “this is a federal RICO case”
It’s about time someone mentioned racketeering as an agenda function of corporate/capitalist agency. What political system??? Democracy? Don’t make me laugh.
DECEMBER 4, 2020Coronavirus Conspiracy Theories in GermanyBY THOMAS KLIKAUER – NADINE CAMPBELL
Another shameful Counterpunch smear campaign against German protesters of devastating to economy Covid policies baselessly calling them conspiracy theorists only because they reject baseless government narratives about Covid.
Protesting People with grounded in material facts opinions described below are smeared by Counterpunch as thin foil hats.
Quote: Some of the protesters were outright right-wing extremists and local Neo-Nazis while others just wore their tin-foil hats.
from Counterpunch p:
This disgusting propaganda hit ignored reality, those who protest respond to, and these are not thin foil stories or delusions but facts that disturb and hurt them and cost them livelihoods and hence their are in the streets to save their families not to make political statements.
here are facts:
1, autocratic rule by decree under uncalled for national medical emergency [hospitals ran below 25% of total COVID capacity], suspending constitutional and human rights, restricting movement, limiting free speech of people including experts in medicine, immunology and epidemiology as well as banning political expression are direct open documented attacks on democracy, these are facts not theories.
2. the concern that “Germany’s restrictions on constitutional rights might not be taken back once the coronavirus pandemic ended” have been proved a fact by subsequent incorporation of those initial decrees into new Covid laws almost verbatim.
3.The fact that in 2019/2020 season over 20,000 in Germany died of flu while only 16,000+ allegedly of COVID makes it not a belief but a hard proof that what protesters state namely that “the virus is not as dangerous as it is claimed” is objective truth denied by conspiracy theorists in media and government.
4. Also common among protesters opinion that “elites are using the pandemic to protect the interests of the rich and powerful.“ are not theories of tin foil conspirators but are supported by hard fact of massive bailout of biggest most powerful corporations and banks by ECB and Bundesbank while small business have been decimated and millions of workers laid off pushed to poverty, welfare losing savings of their entire lives trying to survive while rich are getting richer as examination of record reaching DAX stock index unequivocally proves.
Counterpunch used to be a decent blog but since they moved comments to totalitarian FB shutting down real debate they became a tabloid for retarded intellectual left peddling social dystopias, political perversion, racialism and national socialism and soc-imperialism and recently COVID fear mongering by submitting to totalitarian culture of ruling elites they in the past vowed to oppose.
“By early December 2020, the coronavirus pandemic has killed 1.5 million worldwide… An estimated 40000 attended anti lockdown protests in Berlin on August 29th…. tin foil hat, neo nazi’s, conspiracy theories” blah blah blah.
I had to end up scrolling quite fast as my stomach started to churn.
Again, you hit the nail on the head regards the fake, pseudo Left; who have sold their souls to the devil. And absolutely sold out the people they supposedly defend. Or pretend too. A peice of trash as grotesque as the WSWS.
1.5 million, eh? As them’s the official figures, which we all know are pure bovine scatology anyway, that means that out of 7.8 billion people the pseudo pandemic has only had a hand in killing 0.0192% of the world’s population. That’s a small number, isn’t it? It’d be even smaller without the exaggeration, too!
Oh this article is fun!:
Weasel wording:
“Notwithstanding the continuing significant health risks posed by the virus, more and more Germans seem to be largely dissatisfied with the government’s measures to contain the virus.”
Note reversal of the burden of proof right away. The deadly pandemic simply presupposed as something inarguably true to everyone. Thus the “dissatisfaction” (?!) must be about how the govt are dealing with the virus!
“Many are simply fed up.”
Yeah – just a bit bored!
And there’s the “obscure conspiracy myths” bit coming in now. And after this, we’re on a roll:
“outright right-wing extremists …local Neo-Nazis … wore their tin-foil hats.”
This next bit really should get an award for sheer tautological cheek:
“The tin-foil hat remains an insignia of those believing in conspiracy theories.”
“Conspiracy theory” is an indication of being “a nut”. “Wearing a tin foil hat” is an expression for being a nut. Ergo…
After which, we’re back to the roll:
“… numerous right-wing extremists … AfD supporters …local Neo-Nazis … causing widespread horror on the democratic side of politics and society.”
Note that even this early in the piece, we have a repetition of “local Neo-Nazis”. And what exactly is that “democratic side of politics and society”? All the decent (God fearing) people? All the “nice” people? The “regulars”? Can’t help getting an image of white picket fence America.
“The survey found that there is a significant spread of right-wing ideology, conspiracy theories and sceptical attitudes towards the pandemic and the political handling of the coronavirus pandemic.”
Did you see what they did there?
Right-wing ideology = conspiracy theories = sceptical attitudes
Sceptical attitudes! The whole of fucking Marxism is based on a sceptical attitude!
cf. Marx:
“…if constructing the future and settling everything for all times are not our affair, it is all the more clear what we have to accomplish at present: I am referring to ruthless criticism of all that exists, ruthless both in the sense of not being afraid of the results it arrives at and in the sense of being just as little afraid of conflict with the powers that be.”
Counterpunch has no intention of having a conflict with the powers that be. Indeed, they are lickspittle grovellers before those powers.
[…if constructing the future and settling everything for all times are not our affair, it is all the more clear what we have to accomplish at present: I am referring to ruthless criticism of all that exists, ruthless both in the sense of not being afraid of the results it arrives at and in the sense of being just as little afraid of conflict with the powers that be.”]
Just as long as nobody dared to “ruthlessly criticise” old Marx himself. Saying he could get rather nasty when that happened is a bit of an understatement.
Know him, did you?
Counter (as in bean counter) Punch…
Off-Guardian: “Trump’s a winner” craphead’s safe house, anthropogenic global warming braysayer’s refuge, COVID-19 braysayer’s sanctuary, “Great Reset” hype-sucker’s echo chamber. And the list goes on… Off-Guardian: how to locate the loonybin of history with uncanny accuracy and willingly jump in, holus bolus. As Below so Above sharing the same sick psychosis. Truly bizarre. As fascinating, as a premature supernova. Nietsche with knobs on.
be careful about climbing too far up your own asshole, or you may disappear completely, only to reappear later as a commentator on CNN.
Preferable to climbing up your asshole.
actually, you weren’t invited.
I wouldn’t have accepted even had I been. It was hypothetical, to establish a measure preferability, at least from my point of view.
Shhhh… It’ll go away soon.
They always do.
Thank you.
You’re welcome. Enjoy.
Late night on the sauce?
Lee & Perrins at lunch yesterday, around 1 p.m. Could it be that? Long L&P, a bit like Long COVID?
Looks like a Brigade77 outrider want’s to join the big league. Dont worry Robbobbobin, I’m sure The Guardian has noticed you. Keep up the good work.
Brigade77er? Nothing like. Guardianista? Nothing like. Panicked assumptions provide few clues.
Panicked assumptions provide few clues.
keep looking, I’m sure you’ll find some eventually.
Hilarious. Are you auditioning as a comedian Rawb? And the amazing thing is someone gave you an upvote!
Obviously one of your fellow trolls.
Sad how someone that is seemingly intelligent is so blind to what’s happening in front of them. Yeah, truly bizarre indeed sweet pea.
Hello Gezzah. No trolling, just saying what I think based on what I see. Unacceptable behaviour in your view?
No, of course its not unacceptable behaviour. Yes Rob, it’s Your opinion, and yes, this is an open forum. I had a really shit day, and had a dig at you because I found what you were saying quite, er, ridiculous.
That may sound familiar.
The MSM were too stupid not to read between the lines of what President Trump said. It was a very well crafted speech, dropping hints of what is likely happen quite soon. It was essentially a shot across the bows of the swamp, the political elite and the Democrats.
Notice how relatively quiet people like Clapper, Brenna, Obama, Clinton, Comey etc. have been in the last week or so?
My guess is there is a lot of data on the server(s) they got from Frankfurt.
Obama and Clinton want to be vaccinated on live TV. I would’t call that being relatively quiet. They are pushing an agenda, the current one, to not only appease their masters but the continual brainwashing of the masses.
Its all very obvious!
A server from Frankfurt, give me a break.
I’d be more impressed if they had ALL their families take the shots (verified as being the same substance they are giving to the plebs)
Same here Paul! I also wish that they get injected with severe Gonorrhea. Not the plebs mind you.
verified as being the same substance they are giving to the plebs
you can file that under the category of Things That Aren’t Going To Happen.
May have already been said or stated here, but the latest Jon Rappoport post is a doozy:
For a rational assessment of Trump’s chances at having a second term, search “viva frei robert barnes on youtube.
Frei is a Canadian lawyer and Barnes is an American lawyer. Frei is the host. They have formed a two-man team to explore many issues in the USA, including the recent election.
Barnes has been assisting (in the background) the Trump team for the past three weeks and he has influenced the president and it shows up in this speech.
Barnes asserts the best way to contest the election is to check the signature match on the mail-in ballots. If enough ballots are discarded amounting to a greater difference than in the winner’s margin in any state then that state’s result can not be certified and their electoral college votes can not be assigned. If that happens in enough states Biden will drop below 270 electoral and the decision on the election goes to the house. In this case the republicans control the house as it’s one vote per state rather than one vote per representative
IMO Barnes is one smart cookie.
He’s having the time of his life in this piece.
He almost bursts out laughing when he shows the graph placard about Wisc. and says, “It’s a terrible thing. A terrible, terrible thing.”
Kettle … much??
I have explained exactly how this was trialled exactly 12 months ago in the U.K.
How the ‘trusted’ faces of the media claimed a win and explained it as the postal votes submit!
LauraKifthe CIA gutning on a phone cam from a car!
Corbyn and Labour got 10 million votes – ian Duncan Smith found an extra 1000 postal voters on Election Day in Churchill and Tebbuts old gammon Seat / there are tower block fills of ‘oldies’ in their gated retirement homes. No analysis has been allowed. Even the British Election Survey went awol this year – the data was gathered before the Covid spring. – where is it?
Trump stood by and let the up-Pompeo’s Gauntlet be let loose on Corbyn.
He was finally led to his own ‘assassination’ by ballot fraud and the pompous arse got to stick the knife in from very very close.
The US public has carried on as if JFK didn’t happen. That it was all ok. That there was nothing wrong and that people get shot all the time – hell just by more guns that’ll stop people shooting!
They’re dumb as shit.
Trumps Team saw it coming but they thought the media wouldn’t break – that the truth of the support on the ground and rallies would be SEEN and people would make up their own minds – overriding the planned stealing.
Nah – not even an extra 20 million Trump voters would be allowed to stop the grand theft – they’d find an extra few millions on top!
It happened in the U.K. GE as it did in the referendums.
Because the thugs and their modern day praetorians across the mainstream want to hang onto their MIC/Health/Pharma/Tax haven etc cakes and eat them as usual.
They are fooling most of the people most of the time. And the fools will go and vote for up-pompous farcically next time because he will be sold as the Trump Candidate.
But you have the gall to complain about MSM censorship!
It was a great speech; to the point and without extraneous verbiage. delivery at a steady pace and all the way thro’. No ums and ahs, no personal attacks. By my senses, totally improvised. Blows the single digit IQ narrative clean out of the water. A man in a position of power, speaking truth to power, that is a rare bird, tho again, in truth, he has shown himself to be a total crunt in other deeds. — As a side note has anyone else noticed the similarities between the US and the UK elections? Lacklustre campaigning on the part of the opposition, ( Bogis hiding in the fridge and creepy Joe in his basement ); attacks and smears from MSM, small indications like that which provoke a sentiment that the same hand(s) are moving the pieces on both sides of the pond. — And while I am here, check this number out,(cik#0001452617), and you will discover that Her Majesty’s Government IS a Registered Corporation, at least since 2008. This fact implies they no longer represent the voters but their corporate stakeholders. As a for profit concern they can only act through contract, their is otherwise no obligation to comply with their rules and laws, none. Correct me if I am wrong. P.s. Canada, Australia, NZ, are in the same legal situation. For more details see here > <.
Great comment !
(Though I’ve not heard of a ‘crunt’ before, Ha !, might steal that !)
I still expect Trump to win, as he should, with probably over 80 million votes. If he doesn’t it is bad news for the U.S. and the world. Folk will no longer trust elections, (I know previous elections have been rigged too and many already feel that voting is worthless).
Most people, at least here in U.K., don’t seem to get that ‘this is not just another four year election’.
If he doesn’t win this time I can’t see him sustaining this movement, MAGA, until 2024, but maybe things will be so bad by then… I feel it is now or never.
Interesting comments on UK Gov. I think the recent elections, Brexit and Scottish referendum were also rigged to make it look close, when it wasn’t. A divide and rule strategy.
If it’s any consolation, (it isn’t), U.K. politics is in a worse state than USA’s !
Hello Asymmetric: Her Majesty’s Government IS a Registered Corporation. True! Nearly every modern Nation is modeled after the Vatican corporate state – as established in the early 1300’s.
Seems you’ve been had. What, you? Yes you.
Hello Robbobbobin: Been had???Her Majesty The Queen In Right Of New ZealandSEC CIK #0000216105Her Majesty The Queen In Right Of New Zealand SEC Registration
If you mean corporate agencies in the United States: >
Dun & Bradstreet registered numbers:
Agencies: United States Government – 052714196
US Department of Defense (DOD)-030421397
US Department of the Treasury-026661067
US Department of Justice (DOJ)-011669674
US Department of State-026276622
US Department of Health & Human Services (HHS)-Office of the Secretary-112463521
US Department of Education-944419592
US Department of Energy-932010320
US Department of Homeland Security-932394187
US Department of the Interior-020949010
US Department of Labor-029536183
US Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD)-Office of the Secretary-030945779
US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)-931691211
US Transportation Security Administration (TSA)-050297655
US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)-056622429
Bureau of Customs & Border Protection (CBP)-796730922
Federal Bureau of Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE)-130221646
US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)-057944910
National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA)-003259074
National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)-079933920
US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)-364281923
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)-037751583
Federal Communications Commission (FCC)-020309969
US Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC)-003475175
US Public Health Service (USPHS)-039294216
National Institutes of Health (NIH)-061232000
US Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC)-927645465
US Food & Drug Administration (FDA)-138182175
US Internal Revenue Service (IRS)-040539587
Federal Reserve Board of Governors (Fed)-001959410
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)-878865674
National Security Agency (NSA)-617395215
US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)-167247027
Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Firearms & Tobacco (BAFT)-132282310
Federal Bureau of Land Management (BLM)-926038563
The list goes on and on. Corporate syndication is covert racketeering, plain and simple
D&B D-U-N-S Number Lookup
Trump was as hard to listen to as Chris Cuomo, but he spoke much more truth.