The Past Lives On: The Elite Strategy To Divide and Conquer
Edward Curtin

Photo by Sonder Quest on Unsplash
“They call my people the White Lower Middle Class these days. It is an ugly, ice-cold phrase, the result, I suppose, of the missionary zeal of those sociologists who still think you can place human beings on charts. It most certainly does not sound like a description of people on the edge of open, sustained and possibly violent revolt,” wrote the marvelous New York journalist, Pete Hamill in “The Revolt of the White Lower Middle Class” in New York magazine.
He added:
The White Lower Middle Class? Say that magic phrase at a cocktail party on the Upper East Side of Manhattan and monstrous images arise from the American demonology. Here comes the murderous rabble: fat, well-fed, bigoted, ignorant, an army of beer-soaked Irishmen, violence-loving Italians, hate-filled Poles. Lithuanians and Hungarians….Sometimes these brutes are referred to as ‘the ethnics’ or ‘the blue-collar types.’ But the bureaucratic, sociological phrase is White Lower Middle Class. Nobody calls it the Working Class anymore.
He wrote that on April 14, 1969. Yesterday. Little changes.
Transferred from NYC to the middle of the country half a century later, these people are referred to as Trump’s “deplorables.” They comes in baskets, as Hillary Clinton said. And even though they represent nearly half the voting public in the last two presidential elections – 70+ million Americans – their complaints are dismissed as the rantings of ignorant, conservative racists.
Name calling substitutes for understanding. This is not an accident.
Like Hamill, I am a NYC born and bred Irish-American – my working-class Bronx to Pete’s Brooklyn. We both attended the same Jesuit high school in different years. Unlike Hamill, known for his gritty street reporting, because I have been a college sociology professor, I could falsely be categorized as a northeastern liberal intellectual oozing with disdain for those who voted for Trump. This is false, because, like Hamill, I see it as my intellectual duty to understand what motivates these voters, just as I do with those who voted for Biden.
I didn’t vote for Donald Trump, nor did I vote for Joseph Biden, or Hillary Clinton in 2016. I am not one of those sociologists Hamill refers to; I use the term Working Class and am acutely aware of the social class nature of life in the USA, where the economic system of neo-liberal capitalism is constructed to try to convince working Americans that the system cares for them, and if they grow disgusted with its lies and inequities and rage against the machine by voting for anyone who seems to be with them (even a super-rich reality TV real estate magnate named Trump who is not with them), they are dumb-ass bigots whose concerns should be brushed off.
The truth is that both the Trump voters and the Biden voters have been taken for a ride. It is a game, a show, a movie, a spectacle. It hasn’t changed much since 1969; the rich have gotten richer and the poor, working, and middle classes have gotten poorer and more desperate. Those who have profited have embraced the fraud.
The Institute for Policy Studies has just released a new analysis showing that since the start of the Covid-19 “pandemic” in mid-March and the subsequent transfer upwards of $5 trillion to the wealthy and largest corporations through the Cares Act, approved 96-0 in the US Senate, 650 US billionaires have gained over a trillion dollars in eight months as the American people have suffered an economic catastrophe.
This shift upward of massive wealth under Trump is similar to Obama’s massive 2009 bailout of the banks on the backs of American workers. Both were justified through feats of legerdemain by both political parties, accomplices in the fleecing of regular people, many of whom continue to support the politicians that screw them while telling them they care.
If the Democrats and the Republicans are at war as is often claimed, it is only over who gets the larger part of the spoils. Trump and Biden work for the same bosses, those I call the Umbrella People (those who own and run the country through their intelligence/military/media operatives), who produce and direct the movie that keeps so many Americans on the edge of their seats in the hope that their chosen good guy wins in the end.
I am well aware that most people disagree with my analysis. It does seem as if I am wrong and that because the Democrats and their accomplices have spent years attempting to oust Trump through Russia-gate, impeachment, etc. that what seems true is true and Trump is simply a crazy aberration who somehow slipped through the net of establishment control to rule for four years.
To those 146+ million people who voted for Biden and Trump this seems self-evident. But if that is so, why, despite their superficial differences – and Obama’s, Hillary Clinton’s and George W. Bush’s for that matter – have the super-rich gotten richer and richer over the decades and the war on terror continued as the military budget has increased each year and the armament industries and the Wall Street crooks continued to rake in the money at the expense of everyone else?
These are a few facts that can’t be disputed. There are many more. So what’s changed under Trump? We are talking about nuances, small changes. A clown with a big mouth versus traditional, “dignified” con men.
If you were writing this script as part of long-term planning and average people were getting disgusted from decades of being screwed and were sick of politicians and their lying ways, wouldn’t you stop the reruns and create a new show? Come on, this is Hollywood where creative showmen can dazzle our minds with plots so twisted that when you leave the theater you keep wondering what it was all about and arguing with your friends about the ending.
So create a throwback film where the good guy versus the bad guy was seemingly very clear, and while the system ground on, people would be at each other’s throats over the obvious differences, even while they were fabricated.
Variety is necessary. You wouldn’t want to repeat the film from 2008 when a well-spoken black man came into town out of nowhere to clean up the mess created by the poorly spoken white sheriff who loved war and then the black hero went on to wage war in seven countries while his fans sat contented in the audience loving the show and making believe they didn’t see what was happening on the screen even though their hero jailed whistle blowers and greatly expanded the surveillance state right in front of their eyes.
No, as the years passed, those two guys turned out to be buddies, and their wives hit it off, and a famous photograph appeared of the good guy’s wife hugging the bad guy, which was not a good thing for the script that has the Republicans warring against the Democrats.
A new story line was needed. How about an opéra bouffe, someone suggested, and the rest is history. Or pseudo-history. This is the real matrix. The most sophisticated mind control operation up to this point, with the coronavirus lockdown added to propel it to what the producers hope is a conclusion.
What more can I say?
Billy Joel said it: “JFK blown away.”
The Towers pulverized. David Ray Griffin told us the truth repetitively.
Minds of this generation destroyed, as Allen Ginsberg said in Howl: “I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness.”
It’s been many generations now. There has been a form of social madness growing over the decades and it is everywhere now. Look at people’s faces, if you can see them behind the masks; everywhere the strained and stressed looks, the scared rabbit eyes that you see on the wards of mental hospitals. The look that says: what the fuck has happened as they stare into a blank screen in a tumbling void, to paraphrase Don DeLillo from his new book Silence, where people speak gibberish once their digital world is mysteriously taken down and they wander in the dark. We are in the dark now, even though the lights and screens are still shining for the time being.
Let those who think I am wrong about Trump and Biden being players in the same show, consider this. If Trump is truly the opponent of the Deep State, the Swamp, the corrupt establishment, he will pardon Julian Assange, Chelsey Manning, and Edward Snowden who have been persecuted by these forces. He has nothing left to lose as he exits stage right.
The journalist Julian Assange has done more than anyone to expose the sick underbelly of the gangster state, its intelligence and military secrets, its illegal and immoral killings. That is why he has been hounded and locked away for so long. It’s a bipartisan persecution of an innocent man whose only “crime” has been to tell the truth that is allegedly the essence of a democratic society.
Chelsey Manning has also suffered tremendously for exposing the savagery of US military operations.
And Edward Snowden has been forced into Russian exile for telling us about the vast global surveillance systems run by the NSA and CIA to spy on the American people.
Three innocent truth-tellers at war with the Deep-State forces that Donald Trump says he opposes.
If he is what his supporters claim, he will pardon these courageous three. It’s all in his power. A simple, clear message as he goes out the door. If by the smallest chance he does pardon them, I will be very happy and publicly apologize. If he doesn’t, as I expect, please don’t say a word in his defense. My ears will be stuffed with wax. For he won’t, because, like Biden, he is controlled by the very forces that these truth-tellers have exposed.
But back to the working class “deplorables” that voted for Trump. They aren’t going anywhere. Their grievances remain. For decades, under Democratic and Republican administrations, their lives have been hollowed out, their livelihoods taken as corporate thieves have ravaged their towns and cities by closing down the factories where they worked and sending them overseas for greater profits. Small farmers have been “liquidated” for agribusiness.
As always, the coastal urbanites have considered rural people stupid, uncouth, and clownish, as the words clown, boor, and villain have all originally meant farmer or countryman or lower-class peasant. Such hidden etymological social class prejudices have a way of persisting over the years.
Towns and small businesses disappear, traditional values are ridiculed, drug addiction and suicide increase, the fabric of traditions crumble, etc. This list is long. The people who voted for Trump feel betrayed; feel like victims. Of course, as Pete Hamill wrote of the NYC white working class in 1969, there are racists among them, and with all racists, they have their reasons, but these reasons are poison and despicable. But overall, these Trump voters are, in Hamill’s words, “actually in revolt against taxes, joyless work, the double standards and short memories of professional politicians, hypocrisy and what he considers the debasement of the American dream.”
Any politician, he added, who leaves these people out of the political equation, does so at a very large risk. That risk has been growing over the decades.
Yet desperate people do desperate things, and for many Americans these are desperate times. Everywhere you look, there are long lines at food pantries and soup kitchens. The unemployment numbers are staggering. Homelessness. Suicides. Drug and alcohol addictions rising. Clear signs of social disintegration.
This is true not just in the United States but is happening around the world as neo-liberal economic policies are exacerbated by the widespread lockdowns that have given rise to massive protests worldwide, protests that the corporate press has failed to publicize since doing so would give the lie to their promotions of the lockdowns.
In England, the Mirror newspaper just printed the legendary Australian journalist John Pilger’s article about his 1975 interviews with impoverished English families with this lead:
John Pilger interviewed Irene Brunsden in Hackney, east London about only being able to feed her two-year-old a plate of cornflakes in 1975. Now he sees nervous women queueing at foodbanks with their children as it’s revealed 600,000 more kids are in poverty now than in 2012.
Vast numbers of people are suffering.
Many Trump voters no doubt know that Trump was never going to save them. But he said the right things, and desperation and disgust will grasp onto the slightest will-o’-the-wisp when disbelief in the whole rotten system is widespread.
Let’s not bullshit: everyone knows the game is rigged.
Trump is a liar.
Biden is a liar.
Great Britain’s Boris Johnson is a liar.
Fill in the names of the political charlatans.
The system is built on lies to keep the illusions brightening the screen of the great picture show, what Neil Gabler has rightly called “life the movie.”
Biden voters no doubt desperately hope that we can go back to some semblance of “normal,” even while knowing this is a losing game. Many of them try hard to conceal their true feelings, that their hatred for Trump and their love of living in times when imperialism is concealed as democracy is what they want. They don’t want to know.
Concealment of the atrocious underbelly of normal is their hope and desire, even while they too are being fleeced and secretly know that the “new normal” will be far from their restorative dreams. There are exceptions, of course, true believers who think Biden will significantly change things, but I would say they are a very small minority. Many Biden voters say they have voted for the “lesser of two evils,” an old, worn-out excuse that in a rigged system will perdure.
Little changes. The past lives on.
Next year’s Academy Awards will be interesting. A wit I know suggested that perhaps Trump and Biden will be nominees for the Best Actor in a Leading Role and they will tie for the Oscar. That will be the second time that has ever happened. The first was in 1932 when Fredric March and Wallace Beery shared the award. March starred in Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and Beery in the boxing film, The Champ.
Both winners will be announced as starring in the same film, confusing the audience until it’s named: The American Nightmare. Then raucous cheering will erupt from the jaded audience. Dr. Jekyll will embrace Mr. Hyde and the melded Champ will take a bow as he winks for the cameras.
Edward Curtin is a writer whose work has appeared widely. He teaches sociology at Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts. His website is He is the author of the new book Seeking Truth in A Country of Lies
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It’s got to be some form of hypnotism
Mr. Curtin, you are exactly right. Among Americans most of those who can easily see that it’s all a play are those who have had fewer years of education (propaganda). Mexican immigrants, having experienced ubiquitous fraud in their own govt, can’t understand how Americans are taken in by such stories for children.
What Pilger saw in 1975 is nothing to what’s now normal in Britain. Things were far better then.
I salute you from the Netherlands where I live.
Yes, Trumpy bad, so much! And the alternatives even worse.
The NL MP Mark Rutte was the proud recipient of a Global Citizen Award
granted to him by the Atlantic Council in 2019.
Why the no publicity, no festivities?
Rutte is like Carl Biltd …on the yanks’ payroll..
There are those with sight and those with insight…Then there is Mr.Curtin – with both.
Thank you for your profoundly sad but true article, it is well past time to wake up!
The TDS is strong with this one.
Trump got an extra 20 million votes.
They weren’t from ‘rich’ or white American Working Classes mostly.
The truth is that he raised the take home income of the poorest workers which helps the communities that benefit from the extra spending by its locals.
Taxes should only be paid by these who can easily afford the necessities. To control their inflationary spending and reducing inequality.
indeed. the orange buffoon threw a few pennies at the riff raff, whilst greasing his crooked cronies with billions.
and now the demented ‘democrat’ and hindu hench will hammer the stake home, drumpf swaggering off into the sunset hands in pockets whistling dixie….
It’s an interesting paradox now, the old ‘divide and conquer’ idiom.
The original meaning suggested that you had to get individuals within large groups to argue amongst themselves rather with you and the rest of the ruling class. It could, and still can , be applied to the political arena and that of war.
It isn’t new. Even Jesus was aware of the power of the technique ;
The exact term is a translation of a Roman maxim, divide et impera (divide and rule ).
The paradox as I see it is in the way it’s mechanics have been ultilised today in the 21st century.
I regard the year 2000 as the crossing of a cusp. More accurately, given where we are already in 2020, it was the crossing of the Rubicon. Like the fateful crossing by Caesar, there is no turning back .
It becomes clearer by the week to those who walk around with their eyes and minds open and mouths closed until needed. The rest, well, they prefer to make noise and close their eyes if they see something less than simple or not trivial and i suspect they have welded their own minds shut. They want to protect their treasure of complete and utter garbage safe.
The most sweeping innovation in our history has been the internet. I don’t care how clever the bombs, rockets, electricity and so on are. This one’s the ‘biggie’. This one is ‘cybercrack‘. The first taste was exciting; the second even more so. The third made us realise we can’t walk away. Besides, it doesn’t kill us; it doesn’t damage us physically like the other addictions- right ? Wrong.
As the world beyond our front door became less enticing thanks to crumbling economies, growing unemployment and poverty we realised not to many doors would open any more. There was less to go out for and it was a cold place. The ‘brave new world’ was in the ether. All it took was the click of a mouse and the magical kingdom opened. In this world of binary coded fantasy we could be whoever we wanted to be; we could call ourselves anything and re-write our history and create a new present. And while you were there, breathing in the ethereal waves and not the depressing colder oxygen outside, you had a reason to hope.
It was a winner. Chat rooms rose from the virtual oceans like Islands in the sun. And we could fly to any with a click. Then we had the natural progression to Social Networks. Chat rooms could be shed now. These were bigger playgrounds. And here you cold be part of a group and attract hundreds or thousands of friends. You suddenly had optimism and self confidence. It was the new religion. The world could continue to fall to shit outside- it didn’t matter now.
This new miracle of ‘communication’ allowed you to instantly ‘connect’ with someone thousands of miles away. Emailing enabled privacy to continue these new relationships. The herd was in the pen. But happily grazing. They’d swallowed the doped water. They would never leave. They didn’t want to and nobody made them. All you needed to do to become part of the new world family and be embraced by it was to sign the imaginary contract at the bottom. It simply says that to enjoy membership you have to agree to spend most of your time there when you are completely alone and isolates at a computer screen or phone screen. Do that, and you were, paradoxically, ‘connected’.
The end result has been to construct pens like Skinner constructed observation boxes to observe his rats. Our observers have read every thought and feeling we have because it’s on the graffiti wall of the internet. They have number crunchers to make the algorithms along to the data analysists and social scientists. There are no secrets from them.
Big Brother was watching you while you thought you were watching a screen. Just Like Orwell said he would.
The state can see and hear and control us. Imagine hearing tomorrow that there will be no more internet or phone networks from next week- ever.
While we believe we’re part of the group we are, as already stated, alone. The illusion of belonging has blurred the view of that. And we can be ‘ watched’ alone. They can read us and programme and shape us. Because we have left the real herd and the real world to sit and look and look and learn. No analysis, just compliance. We await the feed. They need us to keep hold of that collectivism myth of ‘in it together’. Because this kind of ‘together’ is the real division of us from each other.
I don’t buy into the ‘left’ and ‘right’ crap. I don’t find it possible to entertain notions of left and right as well as believing that what we see and what is happening is the installation of a NWO ; a one world government. A structure of one won’t have any provision for horizontal movement. You won’t be left or right; you’ll be top or bottom or somewhere between. The ruling class , to maintain a successful caste system, will have a powerful top layer, and at the bottom will be us- the peasants. The Plutocracy model. The ‘ useless eaters / useful idiots’ will be in the middle to serve. You will be born into your caste. It can’t be earned. It won’t be based on genes; that’s been exposed as bullshit time and again. It will be based on your biological relationship to money and powerful people.
The ultimate way to impose this against 7 billion is by a slash-and-burn policy. A way to clear the woods of the new Eden.
Implants will be in mankind. Arms and brain. A grid will keep us in place remotely. Our brain activity and our health will be viewed by eyes we’ll never see.
The complete destruction of individual human sovereignty is the goal. Covid ? It’s training in obedience and priming the herd to believe the new God science.
Consider the ‘us and them’ attitude of these arrogant bastards…
13 minutes that shows the cold arrogance of the privileged and well connected :
The Davos video shows they see science as a power grab… they discuss finding a “brain signature” for pschopathy… and mull what they would do if they could identify the 1% of boys…
Well, how’s about 15% of corporate managers? Don’t even mention psychopathic politicians. Not a whisper from the Davos crowd.
Fred Kiel has measured the impact of Psychopaths in the C-suite – TEDx
Yep, I am with you on this one……don’t know if it’s my computer but I can’t get the video
The first flick of the switch….our digital evolution or extended phenotype if you like, arrived with the world wide web….in retrospect it is easy to see how it has further extended or digitally evolved. It really does seem the only way we ‘go forward’ is by transhumanism. It fits…….great piece Jura thanks for sharing
Agree and the video is along the lines of what we have discussed. In retrospect it is easy to see that the ‘switch on of the world wide web’ can be said to mark the start of digital revoution/evolution or extended phenotype if you like….soceity has become so entangled within the web that our true reality has become diminished. It would therefore seem that the only possible ‘way forward’ is by transhumanism. ……or can we free ourselves from the web Any division between groups is always going to be about money……in a world of scientism we need eugenics and not genetics.
Great piece Jura thanks for sharing
Much appreciate your comment and this clip Jura. I discovered Truthstream Media earlier this year, and have a lot of respect for Aaron and Melissa. Have watched quite a number of their videos now.
I’ve often termed the ‘new normal’ as psychologically conditioning people to accept the various measures dished out by the filth politicians. And yes, it’s definitely about obedience.
I’ve seen so much obedience and compliance here in Melbourne; and Stockholm Syndrome on steroids, there are times when I’m out selling the mag I’m either going ‘fucken hell’ out loud at the sight of so many people still walking around wearing facemasks outside (they’re only mandatory in supermarkets and on public transport now) Or I just feel so dumbfounded, I’m close to tears.
I winced when you talked about Social Media and clicking on the mouse that opened the ‘magical kingdom’. Or by speaking to people in Wales, England and other parts of Australia as I have been in the last hour.
Not face to face; obviously. But Facebook ‘friends’ not even in the same city, and most not even in the same Hemisphere.
Since being back selling again, one real, tangible positive has been meeting other covid sceptics face to face, maskless, and smiling, and even hugging!
Nearly every day I’m meeting at least one person who knows it’s all bullshit and knows about The Great Reset and the Fourth Industrial Revolution and Agenda 21. That makes up for the low times.
quite simply it is the rich, remaining rich. it has always been that way, a predatory class that use fear and lies and violence to control the mass man captured at birth by way of the mind, whom they viscerally loathe and fear..
all of history as defined by them has been lies and well kept ones at that, but their new control grid has had unforeseen consequences and initiated an awakening amongst the masses…
oz the great is being revealed and he is weak and dysgenic, avaricious and incomplete, hardly a man at all, hardly human.
the fear they feel is proportionate to the nonsense we see them fabricating. it is quite apparent they are very scared.
Pornhub & co is the new e-heroin.
Steve Bannon and his “WAR ROOM” to the voting fraud – with Giuliani and others. Very interesting!
I cannot shout this loud enough – Tagging of the UK population is being prepared for 2021.
Please search for “Human Rights Laws to be reviewed” or “Appeals Court Judge to review UK Human Rights Laws” to find the sources.
It should be clear to everyone that the UK Government is now seeking to circumvent our protections against mandatory vaccinations and being ‘tagged’ / chiped / ‘marked’ like cattle – possibily even by force.
People thought such terrors could never happen in Europe again after WW2, but we see the state moving in this direction again – in the UK of all places.
If you have not already done so, please psychologically prepare yourself for the day when you are told to take your place in the line for your “vaccine jab” under threat of force or relocation to a re-education camp (aka Gulag). Think of how you will respond act when faced with this choice.
Think of how you are going to react when you see a family member being dragged away to the Gulag for a minor ‘offence’ such as not wearing a mask correctly, or failing to bow before a Police Officer when ordered. Are you going to stand and watch or are you going to do something about it – even if it means you may not get to see the next day.
It is crazy we have to think like this now.
Remember, the British taught the Germans how to use Concentration camps, not the other way around.
I still find it crazy that today, in the UK, most people are sleep walking into tyranny and genocide, and the Police and Military are enthusiastic in helping to enforce it. Crazy times.
the sceptic isle has been a dystopic shit hole for at least 200 years, mired in lies and deceit, truly a place of unfettered evil.
I just don’t get this idea that there’s some kind of elite out there that attends cocktail parties that somehow looks down on the world in general. I suppose there must be such people because the ‘Style’ section of my Sunday newspaper had all sorts of imaginative gift ideas, just the job for anyone who feels the urge to drop $3500 on a bag ‘that can be worn three ways’. But in the real world they are a minoritiy, and potentially a rather irrelevant one..
There’s been this saying for as long as I remember that “No matter who you vote for the government always gets in”. Its important to remember because there are two popular fallacies about elections. One is that they’re irrelevant, nobody in government has any interest in you, they’re only out for themselves, so there’s no point in voting. The other is that if you vote for your radical leader, be it Bernie Sanders or even Vladamir Lenin, then if by some mischance they win the race then they’ll reshape government into some kind of egalitarian utopia. Both notions are destructive of your interests and indeed are likely to be cultured by savvy political operators to prevent change from happening that might benefit you. The story of our politics has always been the problem that allowing a franchise for a disadvantaged majoirty is against the fundamental interests of an advantaged minority. So politics could be called the art of persuading people to vote against their own interests (or not vote or even to throw their right to vote away). I would have thought with our recent near-death experience with fascism in the US — an expereince that we’ve narrowly avoided but we haven’t eliminated entirely — would have taught people where their interests lie. Obviously it hasn’t, we’ve still got a long way to go, but we have to start somewhere and that ‘somewhere’ is not on the national stage but at the local level. This is where the opposition has been outstandingly successful, setting the stage so that just the slightest of pushes could bring our enitre experiment with democracy crashing around our ears. Our lack of interest has resulted in a minority dominating our society, a minority that then uses its accumulated power to convince substantial parts of the population to align with them, This has been going on for a generation or more so don’t expect any overnight change……and, there’s nowhere to hide, either, because while you may not be interested in the government the government is definitely interested in you.
Martin, but of course there is a psychopathic elite out there. The covid exaggeration isn’t something that arose out of some segment of the population. Rather, it was PLANNED — as in “conspiracy”. And obviously to produce the evolving outcome we are witnessing.
Local political activism might be a little late to oppose forced vaccination, lockdown,
population reduction, and 5G surveillance. At this point the best defense is probably a strong offense. Mass arrests for treason looks like a good idea.
I see offguardian is publishing semi critical articles of Trump, a few years late, but hey ho. His idea of cleaning the swamp was to get it ready to fill it with his friends, according to Ivanka he was $8bn in debt at one point, now he’s selling off drilling rights, pardons, he only got elected first time around as the Koch brothets delivered Penn state on a platter, which is why his transition team were filled with Koch brothers staffers. The reason he had less funding this time, and the last three states to declare, Penn, Nevada and Georgia, all closely linked to Koch Industries, was Trump started d a trade war with China.
Trump was also behind op warp speed which underwrote the covid vaccine programme by $10bn,and he will be granting them indemnity.
Still not a peep about Putin, no information has been released about its phase 3 trials, straight to rollout, and sputniks as synchronistic as Astra Zenca in fudging the numbers.
I wonder how long before offguardian gets critical of Putin, and his son in law?
Its not just the west thats run by corrupt politicians
Its probably not worth playing ‘whataboutism’ with Russia and Putin. I think the son-in-law thing was an attempt to bribe someone post Soviet Russia was the poster child for endemic corruption. Putin’s popularity stemmed from his attempts to put a stop to this; how successful this is is something we should ask a Russian.
Kit defends Putin on the grounds that he is ensuring continuity but if any western leader did that it would be rightly decried as dictator for life. My Russian friends agree that Putin has done some good but they aren’t under any illusions either.
What makes you think O-G was pro Trump?
No criticism of moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem, he made racist comments that illegal Mexican immigrants were criminals and rapists, turned a blind eye to rapists, and agreed that as they were illegal it made them criminals. That he was somehow anto establish, etc
things illegal are by nature criminal… can you grasp that ?
Even if Trump pardons all three, it proves nothing.
If Trump would rescind the illegal and unconstitutional emergency orders that give FEMA and the Pentagon control over the country, this madness would end today.
There were no excess deaths in the US or any country from any virus. There is no pandemic.
Other nations would be forced to end their emergency laws and stop the life destroying lockdowns if Trump spoke up. Instead he promotes the vaccine, GAVI and the Pentagon’s implementation of Warp Speed.
He won’t stop any of it, nor does he care, because an agenda of vaccinating the world, biometric mass surveillance and ushering in Agenda21 (local level) and Agenda 2030 (national level) has been repackaged and rebranded as Covid19: The Great Reset and the Global Currency Reset.
This agenda has been planned for at least fifty years and nothing will halt it short of enough citizens refusing to comply with any and all illegal measures brought to bear.
The only reason there is so much disinformation, so much confusion and so much debate is because both voting blocs have been skillfully divided so they don’t know that the real enemy is the entire system where the controllers are the perpetrators of all crimes, including war crimes, financial malfeasance, drug trafficking, human trafficking, gun running and money laundering.
By the time the majority figure it all out, it will all be too late.
Yup. Everything rushing towards that magic moment when the smart grid syncs up with robots and drones… and “pushback” and “self determination” become a hilarious elite water cooler myth…
Excellent summary Researcher.
It’s only the people, enough people who will stand up and refuse to comply that will end this nonsense.
Unfortunately we are in the minority and the divide and conquer strategy is working only too well for the globalists.
Time is short now. Best start thinking about a plan B (and a plan C).
We are close to the point that simply “refusing to comply” will be met by ‘legal’ beatdowns by the thug Police (many of whom seem to be very keen to use force against unarmed and peaceful people who need to work for a living).
The point of no return for peaceful resistance ends when vaccines become mandatory / non vaccinated get put on the back of a truck (only a few months away now).
Correct. f they want to change, create or abolish a law- they do it. It’s really that simple. So what if the peasants revolt. They’ll be told it’s a ‘public health measure for the greater good of you people‘ and be reminded that resistance is not only futile, but dangerous to their fellow man- hence all the ”don’t listen to conspiracy theorists it’s dangerous’‘ bullshit media drive.
Keep watching the screens to see our ‘heroes’ ( yes more heroes) in their uniforms playing soldiers, bravely taking time off from murdering Palestinian babies so they can polish door handles and frames. The virus can’t be spread by smear ( we were told by scientists and doctors way back in April) but maybe the invisible beast has ‘mutated'( again). It mutates on a weekly basis but the vaccine doesn’t-think about that.
Or, maybe it only attaches itself to random objects when a TV news team is present..
Imagine the elite sitting around Bill gates’ round table saying :
”damn those plebs. 150 years in the planning and perfecting and we’ve been scuppered by them. They said they won’t comply”.
Not ****** likely..
A commenter on Jonathan Turley’s web site is promoting the idea of a tax strike.
A tax strike won’t have much effect, but still do it. The government is looking to wreck the economy and it will do so come hell or high water. This is now the darkest period ever and that includes world and civil wars. We are to be culled by vaccines for an illness that doesn’t even exist.
Bravo! And soooo sadly true…
I can’t decide. Is this wandering pontification or just plain rambling. I really tried. I went back and reread. Got up and walked away to do something else. Came back. Reread. Nothing changed. In two sentences, what is you point? Ignore politics, take whatever they give you and be happy (or unhappy) as long as you have food and shelter? If you can’t beat them join them? Run for office? Form a militia and revolt?
Identify the problem (I think) and develop a solution (maybe).
As a displaced American urban white, I went to bad schools, often had nothing to eat before and during school, and lived primarily on milk and carbs. My clothing was worn out hand me downs. Literally, I wore the same exact clothing for a month at a time. And the bullying. Insanely constant picking. You learn to fight. You learn to win fights at all costs. Five of us were crammed in the same room for sleeping. Charity brought Christmas presents to our tiny little house one year. I learned at the age of 10 that if I wanted something I had to work for it. I learned to collect bottles from roadsides (for the deposit), mowed grass, shoveled snow, carried groceries for little old ladies (and learned how to hide out of the store manager’s site). I flabbergast myself when I see how little my ten year old grandchildren are while picturing myself doing those things. It was crazy. At thirteen years old I working 10 hour days 7 days a week for a buck an hour in the summer. I was buying my own clothes and food. I worked 30 hours a week all through high school buying my own clothes and food. I had a place to sleep. How I was able to drag myself out of that poverty, I don’t know. After high school, during summer, I worked seven days per week and worked all through college. I learned to tolerate anything by focusing on the reward.
I have a hard time tolerating elitism. This elitism I hear bothers me. This defeatism.
With hard work and effort, anything can be defeated.
This is upper level whining.
I am not alone. I am looking for a solution to the problem and a plan to implement it.
The concept of creating a society of drones is so unappealing.
You can keep identifying the problem, telling the same stories, pointing at the same problems only so many times.
What is needed is a plan.
I write my representative weekly to express my opinion on what they should be doing and urge others to do the same.
Write. Write. Write. And keep writing your representatives.
Hold them accountable.
The system of getting elected and spending 95% of your time getting reelected and focusing your remaining 5% on achieving the goals of your elections funders IS the problem.
This should be the problem. How do we solve it?
In the words of an old boss, “BITCH BITCH BITCH”
Some suggestions, start with a cap on campaign spending, get rid of superpacs, limit the number of Presidetial pardons, and or get oversight, make it compulsory that every candidate provides birth certificate and last two decades of tax returns, otherwise continue with tax cuts for the billionaires
There needs to be more than just writing to your representatives. But I get your point.
Learn learn learn about the great lies of MONEY.
It comes from a magic act of creating numbers in a bank account and a small fraction if it from a bunch of paper from a printing press and cheap metal from a minting press.
All of it by permission if and/or order of the government.
You never ‘make money’ by working.
You exchange your Labour and skill and time in exchange for these tokens – which are meaningless unless you can pay taxes with them.!
These taxes cancel out some of the numbers created by the government.
They don’t go towards government spending.
The government SPENDS and then TAXES.
Not the other way round. One of the great fairy tales created a few centuries ago and told down the generations – so that like heaven or hell or Santa Claus many children grow up keeping on believing most of the lies, whilst growing out of the most absurd ones.
Learn that truth.
Not the concentration camp slogan you parrot about work/freedom.
All best.
Well, you seem to have turned out OK.
Here’s something to do that will take only a few minutes.
The phone numbers & the email are supplied for you.
Julian Mossange is psyop and Edward Snowden is psyop.
Making them superheroes only proves that they did a great job in the brains of those who, without them, did not know about their “revelations”.
Who is Edward Snowden?
Wikileaks Is A Rothschild Operation
Julian Assange – 9/11 Investigation question
bob fisked
julian ass ange
saymore hershey bars are on me
the cockburnt family
the gnome chumpski
even the sorry to say
the john piger
the corbyn clan
gorge galloway show
can all be defined by a position
a position on israel and the 9 and 11 ritual
everything else is wind
belch a fart
stale air
Thanks for your contribution. I’m sure someone will review them.
Now, do tell us your nominees for apparently admirable persons who are apparently sticking their necks out.
To me, only this much is clear: Nearly everything you know, about nearly everyone you’ve ever heard of, is mediated.
Is something wrong with the information I gave you? I will gladly dispel your doubts.
You think someone was impersonating Mossange when he spoke about 911?
You left out Bradley Manning, who moved from the wikileaks op to the transgender op without a missing a beat.
Since you are the only one-no pun intended-) who is in the know you can tell the querdenkers in Germany if the founder Michael Ballweg is psy-op as well and if so what difference it makes in the struggle against Coronadiktatur.
I can see your point regarding Assange and 9-11. In the vid he keeps obfuscating with a speech impediment stammer. That´s odd indeed. He always struck me as a good orator. He even makes light of the assasination of JFK. Not only Robert Kennedy Jr. will have to disagree on that I think, he very much wants Trump to tell his family and the world for that matter who really was behind his uncle´s assasination.
As it is, Julian and Trump have a thing in common. Both of them have extended families and the swamp kraken have NO moral inhibition. If Trump is not kayfabe-fake as his distractors maintain he is he will not have his family „Romanoved“. Can you blame him? Assange has little children and his wife has said she fears for both Julian and theirs kids. She alluded to Assange being tormented with the safety of his family
and that he would never go as far as to put his children in danger. Can you blame him?
We might as well have to wait for Godot to find a person we agree with in all points all the time
and sometimes we have to put our chance in imperfect people. There are not too many saints around these days, speaking as a catholic-)
There is not a single reason why I should give either of them a chance. Only the naive believe that politicians rule and their owners promote their own opponents in their media.
If you have on mind Anne Hamilton-Byrne cult (a.k.a. The Family) he did have a large family.
To keep aloof from people with political leverage without giving them the benefit of the doubt is a luxurious position from way up high.
The man in the high castle may cast his doubt and is blessed to do so but is not much use to ordinary people who have to struggle against oppression. People need rolemodels, it´s human nature and to put blind faith in people of power is naive at best, agreed but one cannot struggle alone or with a select few who are thoroughly vetted.Sometimes one has to strategically bond with dubious influencial people along the way.
How the model of cooperation with the system is to be also a model of fighting it?
Snowden smells of double agent to me. Remember too, it was our old pal and vauxhall’s in house rag that super-hyped wikileaks in december 2010 just before tel aviv’s arab spring cupid stunt which they “magically” linked as a outbreak of revolutión….Remember Paris 1968 was a load of horsehit, it was ll@ngley’s sucessful way (after many failed assainations plots) of getting rid of DeGualle. Danny Cohn Bandit has been on the yanks pay roll for years ….And so might this lot.
If the world wants to be free of all government manufactured dis-ease.
To be free of all fear, lock downs and individual violence controlled and directed by the State.
Then politicians should disappear entirely from this planet.
They are the enemies of humanity.
Humanity has to be freed from their chains and their presence.
Humanity is a victim of these power seekers, mad people whose only ambition in life is their ego.
The whole of politics is nothing but an ego game.
The politician is not interested in solving problems, they are interested in making them as complex as possible.
So they become absolutely essential, you need them always.
The politician is very cunning, they are not clever.
They substitute cunningness for cleverness.
They are not wise, because to be wise in this world is to be condemned by the masses and the politician cannot afford that.
The whole of politics depends on lies.
They want to keep you always afraid of hidden enemies.
The coronavirus crisis is a great example of this, to keep every country locked down in fear and permanent crisis.
Adolf Hitler has written in his autobiography.
“Unless you have enemies, you cannot become a great leader.
Even if you don’t have enemies, create the fiction that your country is in danger, because when people are afraid they are ready to become slaves.
When people are afraid they are ready to follow politicians.”
Although he was an insane person, once in a while he made statements which are very significant.
Become aware!
In your fear is the politicians power.
The more they make you afraid, the more powerful they are.
Outside the country they go on creating fictions, and inside the country they also continue.
Until they remove all of your freedoms.
These are the politicians who don’t want to be interfered with, who want absolute control of humanity, where nobody is above them.
Is nobody interested in human life?
Continuously around the world people are still believing Covid 19 to be more dangerous than the seasonal flu?
Is nobody interested in finding out what our priorities should be?
Politicians certainly need exposure because as far as I can see, if politicians are exposed completely, humanity, for the first time, will be able to be free from politics.
Wherever there is domination, there is politics.
Politicians are dominating all of your life not only from outside but from inside.
Through propaganda and psychology they have become your voice, they have become your mind, they have become your conscience, they have enslaved your very being.
From inside they go on dominating you, saying what is right, what is wrong.
If you follow them, you start feeling fearful, divided, neurotic, because you are not following your own nature.
All these politicians have created for humanity is a situation in which individuals cannot be at ease, they cannot enjoy life, they cannot live it in its totality.
Let humanity be free from all these sociopathic criminals which have dominated so badly, and distorted human nature so immensely.
You can see the humanity that is the result.
You say that a tree is known by its fruits.
Then your whole past should be judged by the humanity that you find today.
This insane, divided humanity, miserable, suffering, full of anger, violence, rage, hate.
This is the result of all your political leaders.
Remember, humanity is just a collective name.
There exists no humanity, only individuals.
Don’t depend on anybody else to save you, only your own work on yourself can do that.
Individuals have to be politically free, free in every dimension to function out of their own still small voice, out of their own consciousness.
Mind is blocking the fountain of your intelligence like a rock.
Intelligence arises only when the mind has been discarded.
When the mind has been put aside, only then intelligence arises.
Intelligence is not the quality of the mind at all.
Mind is always mediocre, mind is always stupid, unintelligent.
Intelligence is never out of the mind.
Intelligence is awareness!
To be in the mind is to be unintelligent.
To be beyond the mind is to be intelligent.
All meditation is the search for this intelligence.
That is the real revolution.
Rise Up Britain!
You promote rebellion
Humanity is caught up in such a sorry state of affairs.
There is great power in the hands of the un-elected.
Sovereign governments controlled by oligarchs, enslaving the people, working for the corporations, and the banks.
The very people who should not be allowed to possess power.
This combination of power, greed and ignorance is certain to end in disaster.
Powerful people that want the whole world to remain divided into rich and poor.
Their whole effort is to keep you as unintelligent as possible, so those who have power are never questioned, their intentions are never questioned.
Oligarchs, banks and corporations cannot rule over sovereign governments!
In the name of democracy something else has been going on.
Those who are powerful in society do not want any change in the social structure, because their power, interest and exploiting capacity depend on it.
And humanity has been exploited in every possible way.
Even their hopes have been exploited, their aspirations have been exploited, their absolutely valid demands have been exploited.
We are giving so much power, to power hungry people, with our own hands we are asking them to hang us!
This is not democracy.
In the name of democracy these people are exploiting us.
We have to go through a truly radical change.
What I am proposing is the right way to change the whole structure, so that one day meritocracy can merge into democracy.
I call it meritocracy, because it will depend on merit.
It will not be a political system, it will not have any political parties.
People will be running for posts on their own merit.
And each individual will decide on their own, because no political party will be pressurizing them.
There will be no political party at all, individual to individual.
Anybody who is chosen is chosen because of their merit.
Direct meritocracy is the answer for all our problems.
People should stand on their own merit.
Merit should be the only decisive point.
We have geniuses in every field, but you don’t find those geniuses becoming prime ministers or presidents.
But they can become presidents and prime ministers if there are no political parties.
Then their sheer merit will be enough, and nobody will even be capable of competing with them.
They will not have to go to beg for votes, they will be chosen unanimously.
We have so many people of great merit, but they should not become part of any political party, they should not degrade themselves.
To become part of a political party and beg for votes while making false promises which cannot be fulfilled, is not the way.
Only the third-class people, very mediocre people, become part of political parties, the best remain out.
Actually only the most capable and intelligent should be the ones who manage the society.
The world will be far better if we are in the hands of intelligent, independent people, creative people who do not want to destroy, whose intelligence won’t allow them to do all the stupid things that politicians go on doing.
Power should always be in the hands of the more alert, more aware, more conscious people.
Otherwise, this power is going to destroy the whole of humanity.
It is time to understand the whole situation.
We have to prevent politicians from going on playing the same criminal games.
Because behind the masks of democracy is a cunning, criminal political system.
These people who call themselves democratic and think that they are protectors of democracy in the world are really imperialistic.
These governments pretend to be democratic, but are not.
We can all now see that this so called democracy is only a mask, and behind it are sociopathic politicians controlling fascist governments.
These governments should be exposed to the whole world, because the whole world has been believing that they are in a democracy.
Why should there be a political party?
There is no reason for political parties to exist.
If you need a finance minister, then just look at the great experts you have in economics and finance, the Max Keiser’s of the world who can be nominated for the post, and can be chosen for the post.
There is no need for any political party.
We should move from party politics to individuals, from democracy, from dictatorship to meritocracy.
Every individual who is eligible to vote should choose the person who will represent the ministerial position without any political party programming him, forcing him or bribing him.
Individuals should stand, and individuals should choose, and the choice should be on merit.
Your political system should be an election of merit, alternative media can play a tremendously valuable role in explaining to individuals the merit of different people who are contesting.
It is possible to use blockchain with a process of enhanced online security, to guarantee free, honest and fair elections, thus securely and permanently recording every individuals vote online directly.
The people can collectively decide by referendum on what issues to directly vote on, which individuals to represent them, which ones to remove, such as individuals who have become disloyal to the people, (lets have a vote on breaking up all plutocratic MSM propaganda outlets), also which individuals to prosecute for behaving criminally, whether they are selling weapons to rogue nations, or interfering in the affairs of other sovereign nations, or are creating illegal wars and genocide.
Lets not forget the issue of how to deal with all the war criminals of the last 50 years!
People don’t understand that you may get out of one system of fascist political imprisonment, and while you are dancing and singing and celebrating, another imprisonment is being created for you by your new political leaders who are promising you a better life, a better world, a better humanity.
This has been going on for centuries.
It needs to stop, we urgently need a new kind of government.
A new process, of direct meritocracy, where merit should be the only criterion.
Only then can governments exist as accountable functional units, which are not ruled by politicians but run by people of intelligence and merit.
And of course without any lobbying or donations, possibly with all ministerial posts on three year contracts and a maximum service of two terms.
Politicians have already done enough harm to humanity, it is time to forever show them the door.
The Athenians chose representatives and officials by lot from the whole citizen body. It worked.
Good take on things. But would add one thing. The heart is our second brain and it has an expansive energy field. So I’d say that the new paradigm to get us out of this Madness would be for a combination of those two before we can override the darkness. It wouldnn’t hurt either, if the winter solstice Dec 21 which many are saying is the beginning of the Aquarius Age (christ consciousness) helps us along with that process.
indeed, the fusing of jupiter and saturn occurs on the solstice.
yahweh and satan
zeus and kronos
the battle commences, marking the new precession.
who will win ?
There are some subtleties that may be need remembering in the election circus that’s playing out.
It’s too easy to lump Trump in with the Uni-party system in the US. Clearly he is a well connected man but he wasn’t supposed to win the first time, much less the second.
He will undoubtedly be working for the benefit of others but as to how little he’s achieved for the mass of people, he’s been walled up by the system to prevent anything happening. The shadow govt has infiltrated all levels of public service/judiciary/media/ and most security apparatus, and has basically prevented him from doing anything except survive. Is it all a scam ? , hard to believe that.
As for Pilger, this guy thinks covid is real.
Assange can’t be pardoned by Trump , he hasn’t been found guilty of anything.
With all the problems Trump has Snowden + Manning are probably way down the list. They have been very quite on the election stitch-up , they’re most likely happy to watch the fraud continue.
Nixon was pardoned before he had been found guilty of anything.
Trump was promoted by Media in 2016. They followed his every word and reported daily on his utterances. Conveniently forgotten by most everyone. Then thanks to heavy promotion marketing from Inauguration Day onward, Trump became responsible for everything wrong that had been wrong long before January 2017.
Trump was a lightning rod to deflect anger from the Usual Suspects, at the same time a flag to rally around for the true believers, aka Clinton’s Deplorables. Dual purpose role.
I don’t think that he was unaware of the role he was being placed in. The White House has always been scripted reality TV. Omarosa was there, Ivanka was there.
Contrast 2020 Trump with Dr. Ron Paul’s 2012 campaign, which received the silent treatment in the Media and again at the RNC national convention.
Contrast with Tulsi Gabbard’s 2020 campaign, which received the Dr. Ron Paul treatment from the Media and the DNC. Would Gabbard have kept her promises once in the White House? We will never know. Gabbard received a red card from the DNC referees and was ejected for directly confronting the War State in the debates.
Trump did not keep his 2016 promises, but the blame went to the MIC persons and Wall Street bankers, that Trump had brought into his power circle. Draining the swamp while filling his White House with swamp denizens.
The DNC and RNC are the political equivalent of American Football League versus National Football League prior to their merger. Same comparison to baseball’s American League and National League prior to their merger. Billionaire owners decided that mergers would be more profitable for them.
For now the billionaire owners (donors and corporations) of the national parties need the illusion of having two parties, and their “care and concern” for the voters. The owners require that the two party illusion last for a little longer.
So right on. Thank you.
“The media is the message.” – Marshall McLuhan – The Extensions of Man, published 1964…
Media cross-ownership in the United States – Wikipedia
Notice the listings within “Diversified Legacy Media” Connect the dots…
Standing ovations. The most brilliant assessment of the year 2020 – including the necessary history leading up to the present ‘end lösung’.
What I was missing though, was tye reference to ‘operation paperclip’. It should not escape a sharp mind that the nazis never lost. They simply moved further West. Were imported to help the same corporate fascists that have taken control not only over the alleged land of the free and brave – but treat the entirety of the planet as theirs.
While reading this excellent anaysis, contemporary comedians and ghosts of the past appeared before my eyes: Lenny Bruce, Bill Hicks, George Carlin, Dave Allen – they all told us in no uncertain terms what was/is happening to humanity. Among the contemporaries, Jimmy Dore has been the one voice that pointed out – is pointing out – the reality of the neoliberal death cult.
Missing though is the fact that, what sets both neoliberal camps apart is their belief. Trump is with the brain dead evangelicals – Biden sides with brain dead child raping catholics. That both factions call themselves ‘Christians’ makes things all the more hypocritical and renders a true awakening to the facts on the ground all but impossible.
I would also like to laud the fact that no one has mentioned the necessity to pardon/release Julian Assange, Chelsea Manning and (since there is no verdict) to bring ‘home’ Edward Snowden – celebrated with street parades. These brave individuals have sacrificed their wellbeing and in Julian Assange’s case obviously also his life.
Furthermore, I applaud You fir mentioning Chelsea Manning – a Transgender Woman after all, belonging to a circled out, defamed, persecuted, abused and murdered minority the neoliberals only used to increase the division among people. Trans- and gaybashing is now the valve for religiously deluded people that are desperately looking for scapegoats. The fascist owners chose Transgender people this time over the Jews. Because there can be no yellow star in an Israel controlled nation. Transgender persons however can be hated by everybody without risking backlash from their religious peers.
And if anyone still believes that Transgender persons are not used to distract from the real rape, they will find out the truth later on. On their own.
Last but not least, there was a link yesterday (Corbett Report article) to a video that supposedly explained why the U.S. is in such disarray and so fcked up:
“It’s the guys with dicks and tits that are responsible for the decay of great america…”
Looking at Chelsea Manning makes it obvious just how lowbrow and deeply fascist the exceptional brood has become. Never admit that it was your own gullibility that enabled the neoliberal nazis to ruin your society and now you.
There is no glee, but vindication. Having lived 20 years in an by U.S. annexed Monarchy in the central Pacific, I have witnessed enough to say that the U.S. has been a fascist neoliberal shithole for more than 20 years. And the world community must ask itself this question:
Are we willing to get dragged down into the abyss, into extinction by these deranged neoliberal psychopaths? Or is suicide the ultimate ‘fuck your neoliberal shithole world’ – I’ rather be dead than keeping my oppressors alive and having a ball?
Especially in the light of the simple truth that nobody lives forever (no matter what some israeli nazi scientists proclaim about eternal life for white people), and that every human being has the right to terminate its life as it sees fit, the ultimate refusal to partake in a utterly fascist society with no liberties or sustenance for the deplorables, for the non-rich.
Not even speaking about the biosphere collapse that will make all non-rich people being depending on GMO-soup kitchens and GMO food pantries.
I wish it would be ‘just a ride’ – alas it is our last ride.
The properganda they push is good ,yours is even better in its cunning
Trans humanism is a way for people who value power and wealth over spirituality, to live eternally on the earth plane, and still cling to their earthbound wealth and power.
The true Deplorables are those who bitterly cling to their power and wealth.
The Mirror newspaper has an image of the possible Vaccine card
The card has a space for the persons name
The name of the vaccine . The batch number of the vaccine . The date the vaccine was given
There is also the same for a second vaccination.
What is missing from the card
An Image of the person. The date of birth. there Address .
National insurance number . Any biometric . Any chip . Any Bar code or serial number.
The card is clearly very easy to forge.
The Batch number is the only possible verification. The space allocated for the batch number is small. It would be hard to write a clearly identifiable batch number.
it would need to be at least nine characters long for two doses for 60 million people.
The batch number if hand written would not be machine readable with great accuracy.
If the batch number is printed on issue and tied to the name and other details not on card by some database. There would need a central system to prevent duplication.
If you are asked to present one of these cards verification seems unlikely.
The batch number indicates the type of end you will enjoy following the vaccination. Dead in 1-2, 4-5, or 5-10 years.
It could be a use-by-date for humans. The batch number would also come in handy for the Belsen guards checking tattoos, by letting them know just how long the guinea pig has left.
Yes, ironically these cards look like the vaccination pass for my Kitties.
Copy & Paste:
Biometric “tagging” to prove a person has recieved Covid Vaccinations now being officially planned for UK Citizens in 2021 as the psyops and predictive programming have been ramped up:
Government Ministers have today expressed their concern that NHS Covid Vaccination cards will be forged, and that a ‘black market’ for them will develop if they become defacto “Freedom Passes”. Some have suggested they could even be sold on eBay.
To counter this, Ministers are currently looking at biometric cards similar to chip-and-pin ID cards which can be read passively by enabled scanners. There is no suggestion at this time of any form of microchip tagging of an individual, however modern technology does allow for a person to carry an invisible-to-the-naked-eye biometric stamp which could be passively read by any HD camera under invisible and harmless IR lights.
Ministers have also confirmed today that they are to review all Human Rights Laws as they could be “out of date” in todays world.
Did you get the above?
Basically the UK Government are going for marking the population and rewriting the Human Rights Laws to mandate this.
I wont post links as my comment will be held if I do, so please search for “Human Rights Laws to be reviewed” or “Appeals Court Judge to review UK Human Rights Laws” to find the sources.
A simple Google search along the lines of “forged vaccine cards” and similar will eventually lead you to some sources (and if you follow the bread crumbs to Ministers suggesting the population gets tagged).
It should not be any stretch of the imagination to see the UK Government is planning to push through “marking” or “tagging” like animals the population of the UK and are moving to remove the legal protections by “reviewing” the Human Rights Act.
An obvious ploy: problem = deliberately easily faked Vax card leads to reaction = “villainous covidiots are endangering us all with their wilful trickery” and, voila, solution = biometric covid passport (or similar).
They look innocent enough, but is one signing their own death warrant?
I hope you Brits have got the balls to refuse to acquiesce. Simply refuse to accept, They are testing willingness to comply.
This card is like the masks, a soft introduction to coercive control, the camel’s nose inside the tent.
Nail on the head Ed. Am still upset about the silence from Pilger though. Poverty in his 1975 interview revealed a scandal but we’ll soon need a new definition of that word if things continue to along their present trajectory.
I am proud to be of working class origin. My family came to the U.S. as “displaced persons” from the USSR after WWII. They successfully resisted attempts at being economically exploited in Michigan, came to New York City, and my father started making good money after a successful but stressful six month strike by his union. My Mom had been a schoolteacher in the USSR and always stressed education to the kids. We all did very well in school, and I even got a scholarship at an Ivy League school, where I had initial difficulty adjusting to the “preppy” environment but I learned to cope with it and I subsequently thrived. That was all possible in the US back in the 60’s. Sadly, it is no longer possible now unless you belong to a preferred minority.
The topic of snooty rich left liberals sneering at the prejudices of “troglodyte” workers put me in mind of an excellent essay with the snappy title, An Empire in Decline? Philosophical Reflections on Morris Berman’s Dark Ages America: The Final Phase of Empire by one Roger Foster. Berman is precisely one of those snooty sneerers. Unfortunately this essay no longer seems to be available. But I can quote from it. There’s a bit about what may be the thing about those plebeians that infuriates the intellectuals the most: the attraction towards religion.
And before I quote, it is sobering to think that the scientific point of view presupposes a level of stability, security and leisure time. When people are deprived of those things i.e. when their lives are turned upside down, thrown into chaos, driven down into desperate situations etc, then they tend to gravitate towards consoling ideas and mysticism. And nothing infuriates them more than affluent intellectuals looking down at them.
From the essay:
“Christian fundamentalism’s opposition to intellectual reasoning and scientific inquiry is in reality a response to the complicity of what is perceived to be secular reasoning in driving the destructive force of capitalist modernization. It is interesting that Berman, in the context of a discussion of relations between the United States and Islamic nations, suggests that the latter ‘do have one thing that we seem to lack’, namely, a ‘spiritual center, a mode of guidance (focal practice) that is deeper than the world of commodities and the device paradigm’ (DAA, 78-9). But doesn’t this also explain the domestic attraction of a form of fundamentalist Christianity that conceives itself as in a war against encroaching secularization (at the hands of scientists, gays and lesbians, educated women, artists and film-makers)?
Instead of trying to comprehend this destructive dialectic, Berman too often seems content to sneer at those who fall for this explanation, berating their lack of intellectual sophistication. Americans, Berman tells us, exhibit a ‘lack of intellectual suppleness or curiosity, [a] distaste for ambiguity’ (DAA, 7). So many Americans possess a kind of ‘life stupidity’, we are told (DAA, 323). Indeed, compared to their (presumably very sophisticated) European counterparts, ‘Americans come off looking like a collection of buffoons’ (DAA, 295). As an explanation, of course, this does nothing except feed a psychological sense of superiority. Berman is certainly not afraid of the accusation of elitism, which need not be such a bad thing. But in this context it simply disguises the intellectual Left’s lack of an alternative narrative for making sense of common life experiences that might compete for attention with a regressive religiosity. This, in a nutshell, is why intellectuals are forced to settle for a sneer rather than an explanation.”
“Americans are increasingly attracted towards fundamentalist religion not because it explains the world, but because it explains their suffering. The failure to understand this point is symptomatic of the Academic left’s disconnect from the working class in the United States.”
For “fundamentalist religion” you could also substitute any occult and supernatural outlook involving e.g. aliens, other dimensions, superior beings etc.
‘Fundamentalism’ is a disease in an interdependent world. It breeds exceptionalism.
P.S. Did you receive an “Awaiting Spam Check!” It appears to be related to certain words.
In the context of Marx’s book called The German Ideology, Berman would be an idealist (I’d call him an ideological hack). The modern usage of the terms Idealism and Materialism have been gutted of their former meaning. People indoctrinated on the right, think that Marx was opposed to religion. Marx in 1844:
Edward Curtin – my favourite writer on here along with Andre Vitek who sadly passed recently. Passion and soul essential ingredients to measure up to the world we face right now.
Mine too, I’ve just purchased his book ‘Seeking Truth in a Country of Lies’. Curtin is probably the best essayist I’ve come across. Well done to Off-G for publishing this piece of his work.
Curtin injects real passion into his work. Every article he writes probably nearly kills him. That’s the true mark of a great writer.
Yes, it would seem that the only rational option is not to vote at all. This is simply because the whole game is so self-evidently corrupt that the segment of the population which votes is being taken for a ride. And I suspect that in the hearts they actually know it.
The late David Graebers book ‘Bullshit Jobs’ gives a systematic account of why at least half the jobs in existence contribute nothing – in fact worse than nothing but actual do damage – to society but are highly esteemed by and occupied by useless practitioners consisting of inter alia corporate lawyers, advertising executives, and politicians, who are very well paid and cosseted.
This analysis I think can now be extended to include other forms of pointless and damaging social, political and economic structures. For example – Investment Banks. A totally parasitic blood-sucking organism. Political Parties – the archetypal bullshit institution serving no purpose other than its own self-aggrandisement and pumping out bullshit. The Media. Our Own Ministry of Truth (i.e., Bullshit). The security establishment – James Bond Wannabees playing silly games and being amply rewarded. Hollywood, more celluloid bullshit. Elections, total and butter bullshit …
And on and on. The last time I voted in a general election was in 1997. I actually f…… voted for Tony Blair and New Labour, that was possibly the zenith of bullshit perpetrated on the British public. The only other occasion was when I voted for Brexit and would do so again. Now we’ve got the Covid Great Reset bullshit. Can it get any worse?
You can add quite a few academic jobs to Graeber’s list, especially most of those that end in the term “studies”, and you might as well throw in all those professorships for poetry workshops…
So, no answers then, just an opinion on how things are.
Also, I guess ‘opera bouffe’ refers to, you know, the 17th letter of the alphabet, that, apparently, we are not allowed to say.
Mind you, Q has not posted in 24 days. (And there is no such thing as QAnon, just Anons.)
Hey, Trumps lost anyway, according to this guy.
I like this account, but you pull back from any real conclusions, which I don’t think is very sophisticated or clever, as many would.
It is very much like one of my own many comments here, which are universally hated by most people on this site, perhaps because I do draw conclusions. If you have gone so far in understanding the plight of the population, then in my view, you need to offer up conclusions, not fade your discourse away at the end.
You stepped back to take-in the bigger picture, the plight of the workers, the illusion of American democracy, and the position our elites find themselves in, as they defend their amassed wealth and scramble for more, but you need to step back a few more steps, and take-in the plight of the nations, the balance of power in the world and ideological route the world is now flirting with.
You need to acknowledge the collapse of, or the emergency restructuring of American empire, which is drawing us all into its madness.
One of the most notable things about this pivotal point in history is that it is happening completely unremarked by most of our media, the most advanced news gathering machine in the history of man. Yet it is wilfully blind to the bigger picture, a bit like your article.
How did it feel to be inside the Soviet Union, with ones whole life on the brink of cataclysmic change, at the point of its economic and ideological collapse? My guess it felt as mad, as confusing and as profoundly disturbing as it feels today in the UK or America.
America is not only vaporising before our eyes because of its economic wows, but just like the Soviets, also because of its ideological contradictions and failures, its illusions are hanging on by a thread, it’s mystical hold over the world is stretched to the limits, increasingly losing vital consent on the world stage, and no empire can survive without consent.
I don’t know, because I was not there, but I suspect the same madness, the same hysterical panic would have accompanied the collapse of the Roman empire in the west.
I know from listening to Serbian friends at the time, and the daily reports on the break-up of the late Yugoslavia, that the paranoia and conspiracy theories became so extreme that the stores often ended with space ships going to distant planets, and secret weapons, accounting for, what was essentially the break up of a minor part of the greater Soviet empire.
The madness in times of major historic change becomes so great it is hard to keep hold of the truth and at this historic turning point, it is exacerbated by an empire activity generating ‘alternative truths’, to stall its own collapse. Yes, as you elude to, the empire is generating fancies, it is writing melodramas to keep the train on the tracks, but what they cannot do, is stop it going off that cliff, which is fast approaching. And despite their own denials that it even exists, they and other world players are all aligning themselves for that inevitable crash and clash with rising powers.
Not sure what you’re point is. It’s shit when you step back and look at it and it’s even shittier when you step back further? I suppose if you stepped back as far as Pluto, it wouldn’t bother you at all.
I see what your point is. head in the sand & denial as is always the case when US empire is discussed, as I say in my comment.
My pioint is he is avoiding the elephant in the room, I could not be more clear.
Well you’ve stepped back so far, not only can I see no elephant, I can’t even see any room.
Pretending you don’t get my point won’t make it go away.
OK the US has and continues to have an empire. It’s going down the drain. Does any of this invalidate the article?
the break up of a minor part of the greater Soviet empire
Yugoslavia escaped from “the greater Soviet empire” in 1948.
it’s astonishing what bullshit most people believe, mistaking it for “history”. it’s almost like their entire understanding of the world is derived from Hollywood movies.
Yugoslavia was a part of the soviet unions economy and culture, it was in its sphere of control and influence, in the same way the UK is totally inside the sphere of the USA’s. We in the UK are in an Empire and we will collapse when that empire collapses.
you’re full of shit. it wasn’t.
Yugoslavia was a part of the soviet union’s economy and culture, it was in its sphere of control and influence, in the same way the UK is totally inside the sphere of the USA’s. We in the UK are in an Empire and we will collapse when that empire collapses.
Yugoslavia wasn’t part of the Soviet world at all it was far cliser to the west than east.. Yugoslavia was in debt to Western banks not Soviet credit, trade with the USSR was minimal apart from crude oil….but West Germany and Austria imported even more Soviet oil….
One thing, like Yugoslavia, that is coming to the UK and US: an orgy of hyperinflation and violence.
Ha, ha, ha! The downvoter makes its rounds again. Funny, not. Because comments await a spam check, while stooges are allowed to post 50 comments in a thread and the mystery down votes on almost all comments are okay?
Looks like the only improvement on the site is the formatting option now?
[Ha, ha, ha! The downvoter makes its rounds again.]
Ha, ha, ha! Your “the” downvoter” has now become two downvoters.
But yet you cackle ha ha ha about your imaginary “the” downvoter.
On my word…
downvote that.
“One of the most notable things about this pivotal point in history is that it is happening completely unremarked by most of our media”
You don’t say Sherlock. Maybe it is something to do with those cretins ably described in Edward’s article ? No democracy for you then.
God knows what you are trying to say, but you were abusive so I assume that is all you wanted.
It is not ‘unremarked’ by our media.
Our media are bribed, threatened and instructed to ignore it.
Propaganda works, and it has worked.
Coordinated resistance is imperative, or it will soon be ‘every man for himself’.
Yes as you say they are made complicit and bribed, their careers depend on it, they are also invested in the success of the Empire.
[Our media are bribed, threatened and instructed to ignore it.]
“Our” media? The incorrect use of collectivist pronouns is not good thing™.
soon it will be every man for himself
after that, coordinated resistance.
[Yes, as you elude to, the empire is generating fancies, it is writing melodramas to keep the train on the tracks...]
Your spellchecker must be acting up? Maybe you wanted to say “allude”?
Escape from or avoid (a danger, enemy, or pursuer), typically in a skilful or cunning way.
(Of an achievement or something desired) fail to be attained by (someone).
[From Oxford Dictionary at]
The article fails to explain, why there is – for years, starting even before Trump became president in 2916 – this massive, massive, massive propaganda! Even with a massive censorship, I (an elderly man having grown up in West-Germany) have never experienced such a censorship through my whole life. And the censorship against those, who believe there was fraud in this election is just the same as the brutal censorship against those who don’t believe in a Covid-pandemic. And ALL mainstream media (now even Fox News) – TV-stations and newspapers alike – bustle up against Trump.
And nor only all mainstream-Media in the US -but at least in ALL NATO/EU COUNTRIES. TOO. I still remember, when I was young, the election of Jack Kennedy. Then the election of Nixon, of Jimmy Carter, of Reagan, of Bush. sen., of Clinton … and so on. German MSM was then always leaned back during these foreign(!) elections. And they always tried to be fair and understanding to both competitors sides of the elections.
But since 2016: Never have German language MSM been so streamlined (“Gleichschaltung”) in pouring out pure, primitive hate against Trump. And this during the last years day by day – like a machine gun!
And the explanation is: Whatever Trump is he is not a man of the “New World Order” or the “Great Reset” or of the “Great Monetary Reset” (Corbett, see yesterday’s site on OffG)
Also this: In the article above we read: “If Trump is truly the opponent of the Deep State, the Swamp, the corrupt establishment, he will pardon Julian Assange, Chelsey Manning, and Edward Snowden who have been persecuted by these forces. He has nothing left to lose as he exits stage right.”
May I suggest that we also remember – and mention where we can – JULIA AND SERGEY SKRIPAL. Yes, unlike Assange, Snowden, Manning father and daughter Skripal have no merits at all. But they are still human beings which have been “disappeared” (like under Pinochet in Chile) by this disgusting United Kingdom of the still ruling “Peterloo-Lords”.
“Propaganda”. It’s what most politicians spout and will forever continue to do so. It’s the essential ingredient for our corrupt MSM.
This degree of brazenness is new, however.
Smacks of desperation, in fact.
Indeed this does need an explanation, but I reckon we actually got one a day or two ago, when somebody here quoted from Bertrand Russell’s book, “The Impact of Science on Society” (1953):
“Gradually, by selective breeding, the congenital differences between rulers and ruled will increase until they become almost different species. A revolt of the plebs would become as unthinkable as an organized insurrection of sheep against the practice of eating of mutton …
… “Diet, injections and injunctions will combine, from a very early age, to produce the sort of character and the sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable, and any serious criticism of the powers that be will become psychologically impossible.”
Indeed, I also have this depressing prospect: Like, in old Rome, the impoverished “plebs”, the simple people (often Farmer, who had been ruined by the government’s imports of cheap wheat from North Africa) were kept quiet with “bread and games”. and this for several hundred years. Nowadays “Bread” would be the “Unconditional Basic Income (UBI)”. And nowadays “games” would be ……
I feel like we are almost already there, although I know it will only get worse. Perhaps those who can still engage in serious criticism of the powers that be are also a different species.
yes, russell looking in the mirror every morning at that horrendous inbred visage must have steeled his will to bring us down to their level…
presumably the gene altering toxine they are peddling will have us all devolving into prince charles and princess anne.
Russell was totally wrong upper primates are not bovines..humans like chimps they have a cunning ferocity…that can’t be tamed. The élites are in for a (very) nasty suprise.
The name of the game has always been to control the masses and what better way than to pretend their voice counts. The Transnational Financiers have known this since the time of the knights Templar’s of the tactics of the Roman Empire. Namely, bread and circuses to control the masses and gold to stuff the mouths of those who think they are in charge. The Transnational Financiers have surreptitiously usurped the organs and institutions of power. First in Europe and then later they controlled the US. Their strategies over the centuries have never really altered much create a crisis between to supposed adversaries and then create a new paradigm from the result. Eg WW1, WW2, Cold War, War on Terror, financial crisis and now the latest war on humanity to make it their world. By controlling education, by controlling the MSM, by controlling history, they have brainwashed vast swathes of humanity to view all these wars as a Hollywood filum good guys against the bad guys whilst distracting mankind from the real villains. There is no left or right, conservative or socialist it’s us against them and they know it even if many in the world don’t!!!!
”The Transnational Financiers have surreptitiously usurped the organs and institutions of power. First in Europe and then later they controlled the US.”
What nonsense. Europe was socialist for most of the 60s & 70s what are you talking about. I suppose it is your task to pretend that the USA is not at the birthplace of Neoliberal monopoly capitalism and the Corporate-Industrial-Military-complex, roll-out, Good luck with that. Where is the hub? Malta?
Really, why do you Atlee rearmed the Japanese to attack the Vietnamese, after WW2. Labour also attacked the Malaysian insurgents, supported dictatorships in the Gulf, had death squads in Northern Ireland. Besides of course the Polaris deterrent and the retention of nuclear weapons and development of biological weapons. Does not sound very socialist to me. Besides of course the Labour leaders such as Callaghan, Healey being members of the Bildeberg group. The real string pullers have always resided in The City of London as Henry kissinger once admitted at a Chatam House meeting.
“The name of the game has always been to control the masses and what better way than to pretend their voice counts”,
Yeh, it’s called patronising. Hancock is a major exponent of the art. Johnson comes a close second.
It is far far more than patronizing, it is called divide and conquer the masses whilst the leaders of the political parties are controlled by the Transnational financiers. For example, whilst the leaders of the Tory party attended the Bildeberg meeting so did leaders of the Labour party. As Curtin said the elections are a pantomime!!
exactly…….The Transnational Capitalist Class has the masses seated in the Threater while everyone is watching “The Movie”…….the only decision that most people are asking themselves is whether they need or don’t need butter for their popcorn.
Yes, in terms of divide and conquer vis-a-vis the USA, we ain’t seen nothing yet. IMO, based on legal and valid votes, Trump won the selection by a wide margin, especially in regard to the electoral college. But like the author of this excellent article, that is basically irrelevant as to future directions.What is interesting about the massive fraud by the Democrats was that it was so ham fisted, so in-your-face. It was orchestrated by the CIA, and it was done this way intentionally in order to cause massive “civil unrest,” perhaps even a real civil war regardless of which contestant is “officially” selected. Divide and conquer with superb craftsmanship. The anointed contestant will declare “temporary” military martial law which will eliminate any Bill of Rights freedoms while the current biostate martial law will continue along side it. The Cabal saw it was necessary to take the last vestiges of the Bill of Rights away from Americans, and this is how they will complete the task.
right on point……thank you.
Thank you for that very perceptive, concise and accurate summary of the way things are in the world (and have been for a long time).
The Mirror used to attack thatcher whenever they got the opportunity, and sometimes when they didn’t. They used to go after bent politicians and public figures who temporary left reality. They championed working class values. They criticised Royalty when it was deserved.
Yet they have pumped every aggressive war that imperialists have caused and waged, without question.
They tell the truth when it suits them, much like the politicians and the imperialists they attack. Double standards isn’t a good starting point for a media outlet but it’s de rigueur for the gutter press.
The Mirror got their orders in 2004 after taking a strident position against the empire’s assault on Iraq. They got squashed then and that was the end of it as a newspaper.
The mirror after maxwell’s insolvency in 1991 was sold to a consortium of investors, trinity mirror whose major shareholder was (still is?) the general electric corp usa….General electric’s main customer is the pentagon.
I’m not sure attacking Thatcher was a sign of independence. Thatcher was hated by the British establishment as much as she was hated by the Left. The Left became a convenient vehicle to help eject her.
They are called the Corruptocracy, and we await the next Don to take his seat at Mafia House, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
A don would be in charge.
The president ain’t no don.
Thank you — what a breath of fresh air in a sea of delusional thinking, even by those who claim to be awake, still clinging to their beloved savior complex. Hard to shake, apparently. I’m not trying to be smug here. I just find this behavior annoying and definitely counter-productive to anything that’s going to get us out of this fix. But I used to be like you people — ignorant, lacking knowledge, complacent. But, c’mon, this is 2020 and the conspirators are putting their sh!t right in your face, and yet you still CHOOSE to cling to your fantasy world of some larger-than-life savior riding in to save the day. Be the change. Start by waking the f*** up. Oh, and while you’re at it, grow up and take some responsibility. Your children and grandchildren might thank you. /rant
Social mobility only came in two forms: the workers’ educational associations by which people raised themselves up; or the four decades of cold war during which workers were paid to believe in a race with the USSR, that was really a cover for keeping the war economy going while industrialists propped up the communists.
Workers have been demoralized and stupefied by the education system and technologists. Most would rather entertain themselves stabbing at a gadget and bankers no longer need the welfare state and pension system, having dropped any facade of presenting an alternative to totalitarian states.
What changed under Trump? Obviously a lot.
Trump was elected thanks to the emergence of populism, which is basically a strategy aimed at brainwashing people by means that are more or less the opposite of the hitherto commonplace brainwashing that employs gibberish about democracy, freedom, liberalism, and so on.
Populism is very effective because it uses simplistic horseshit to influence people. It’s evidently a threat to the democracy, freedom pretense. Clearly it’s a big enough threat to that side of the political spectrum that it’s prompted them to launch the Covidian Revolution to sideline populism and get rid of Trump.
This as well as the fact that Trump is an outrageous narcissist and all sorts of other things – totally out of place in the political establishment – has triggered huge changes. It’s brought people out of lethargy, stuff is happening. Not pretty, the prospects might be grim, but there is a debate about the status quo and, hopefully, about the future, which is very different from what the state of affairs a few years ago when people were asleep, well more like nearly brain-dead, obediently slaving away to buy whatever useless piece of shit was being rammed down their throats.
Divide and conquer – no shit!
Anybody aspiring to be free and impervious to brainwashing has to carefully examine and in the vast majority of cases reject the dichotomies that are shoveled down our throats with the aim of creating artificial divides. Starting with such idiocies as the left vs. right and ending with the implied righteousness of wearing a mask vs. the selfishness of not wearing one and just about everything in between.
The Free Man must set his/her own agenda, pursue his/her own way of life, reject the heaps and heaps of rubbish piled up over decades, centuries that have led to the mess we’re in now.
What kind of society should the Free Man promote? Something based on Hayek’s spontaneous order? A spontaneous cooperative order? Maybe. Probably. A holistic approach to life that is NOT based on technological advancement? Certainly.
As much as the article is pretty much spot on, it’s time to stop analyzing the extent to which things are fucked up and marvel – surprise, surprise – that they’re fucked up to a huge extent, and to start formulating an alternative, a viable vision of the future.
Great article although I prefer to call those who feed of the hard work and short lives of the working class “parasites”. Not “elites”.
‘Parasites’ is the correct term! Fits exactly. Gluttonous, greedy and brutish. And more. Fuckin’ ‘elite’? Don’t think so!
I am well aware that most people disagree with my analysis
I do not!
You almost got there. How much longer before you see that the game is even bigger/deeper/ more thorough than you suggest, here, and that the same clear logic that leads you to conclude that Brump/ Tiden are actors working for the same Production Company… will eventually lead you to understand the roles played by Assange and Snowden, too? Which is not to say that all such actors are witting… though Assange and Edward “Central Casting” Snowden are clearly witting. Was Assange double-crossed? Possibly. All we can do is wait for the next plot twist.
We can be quite sure that any number of real leakers have been absolutely silenced/ disappeared, after having been inspired by the Assange/Snowden show to drop their guard, “do the right thing” and walk directly into the mouth of the beast… as they were intended to do. You can’t understand or out-maneuver TFIC by being naive.
yes of course, but sometimes they are publicly executed also, like this lady
Daphne Caruana Galizia..
Yeah, she’s more in the category of a Michael Hastings, differing from the smoothly-suicided ones, like Gary Webb or Mark Lombardi, in the blatancy of the murder (whether or not the government used the luxury, in her case, of blaming it on “the Mafia,” or whether Gov and Mafia worked hand-in-hand). All of the above, of course, being genuine… and not assets like Snowden and (probably) Assange.Look what happened to Daniel Ellsberg over The Pentagon Papers: fuckall. Suspicious, eh? It’s all so complicated.
ok so I just saw this on lovely Auntie Beeb’s website as she wrapped her comforting arms around me
So virtual nannies are now a thing. The story is essentially promoting the idea of leaving your young kids in front of the computer all day with a ‘qualified childminder’ talking to the kids through the screen.
It focusses on some supposed real family where the parents although at home all day are finding it just ‘too stressful’ to take care of their daughter.
Putting aside my thoughts on these ‘parents’ (I really don’t want to open up a rant on how I feel about them), we’re now being encouraged to rear children to ‘obey the face on the screen’. Telling little kids to forget human contact or parenting even in their own home. Making sure the next generation is more manageable already before the current assault is even dying down.
This wins my prize for dystopian fantasy-come-true. The future looks bleaker every day.
give it a few more years, and the face on the screen will not even be a real human, but a CGI-animated artificial-intelligence personality.
Let’s keep our eyes open for the Beta Test: a hot new Actor/ Pop Star on a hot new Web Series… who enthralls us for a year and tragically “dies” of trendy (Hate Crime? Covid? Climate Change?) causes. Or we can watch “Biden” make surprisingly coherent speeches for a whole year before Harris (or “Harris”) takes over…
Project Melody taken to the next level.
The 21st century Max Headroom…
Hello Geoff S: The “obey the face on the screen” concept has been a working model since the days of Buffalo Bob in the late 50’s. The Mickey Mouse Club was a derivative of Project MKUltra. Nearly all Hollywood “spy” films depicting themes of conflict and war, were coached by CIA and “State” department interests. Walt Disney Hour? Disney Land? All designed to manipulate civilian relationship and rearing of children.
I decided to not marry or produce children when it became obvious that my peers were abandoning their children to the likes of Big Bird, Cooke Monsters, Muppet’s, etc. I even tried to warn them that their kids were being programmed to be submissive and apathetic. The only difference between apathetic and pathetic is the missing A…
I pretty much checked out of the entire “peer group” regime by the late 70’s. I’m glad I did.
All true and thanks … I have to confess that I really loved Disney’s “The Scarecrow”. I still remember the theme song … oh my
Hello Victor G.: I agree. I must say, Disney Productions once produced some amazing films. I watched many of them at a local theater when I was very young. Sunday matinees were 25 cents American. It was a very long time ago…
That ‘wit’ might not be as original as you think given that NY governor Andrew Cuomo has actually just won an Emmy for peddling covid hysteria. Not even satire, he actually has. I mean, it goes beyond brazen. They are genuinely laughing in all of our faces.
It’s not called an Emmy any more. It’s a Crony.
Fart back!
Trump really is a fantastic actor. I always picture him giving the drunken Tony Montana “bad guy” speech from Scarface. Pelosi and Romney need people like him, so they can point and say “see, thats the bad guy.” His performance these last four years has absolutely been Oscar worthy, and he has certainly fulfilled his role of herding the basket of deplorables off the cliff into the great reset, which Hillary never would have been able to do. However, like Hillary, his primary usefulness to the mobsters in control, is his ability to lead a successful protection racket. Unfortunately it appears we’ve reached the point where his services are no longer needed.
This is small beer, but the spam check stuff is really fucking annoying. If you write a lengthy, thoughtful comment, it takes 8 G-D hours to post. Whereas, this stupid comment posted immediately.
I previously posted this comment about the probable cause of the antispam disfunction, but it received no acknowledgement or reply. perhaps those in control of such things might give it some consideration.
constructive suggestion to Admins: I suppose that your spam-check software is some pre-existing product, and was not developed specifically for this website.
have you considered the possibility that it might have some built-in political bias, which you (and most people who post here) might not actually sympathize with? that would explain the frequent complaints of “censorship”.
in particular, the anti-spam technique known as “Bayesian filtering” assigns spam probabilities to various keywords, based on a large sample of (supposedly) spam and non-spam documents which it has been trained on. if your filter was developed for use by the mainstream media, or even the fake-left-alternative media, then it will have an inherent bias against the words, or possibly even phrases, which are commonly associated with “conspiracy theories” and other ideological deviations from Official Reality.
since the actual policy of this website is that (most?) such ideological deviations be fully aired and discussed, rather than flushed down the “fake news” blackhole, it would be most unfortunate if a filter deployed with the quite proper intention of catching actual spam (irrelevant and mostly commercially-motivated junk messages), was unintentionally impeding the discussion of the kind of impermissible ideas that this website exists in order to facilitate.
please investigate this possibility, and report what anti-spam technology is actually in use here, and whether there is any reason to suspect that it might have the kind of political bias which you would expect from the Guardians of officially-permitted discourse. I expect that you yourselves are even more frustrated than anybody else, of having to constantly retrieve perfectly legitimate posts from the spam bucket, and being constantly criticized for it. if it does turn out that the filtering software has a political bias, and this problem can be fixed, it might relieve you of most of this tedious, unpleasant, and thankless job.
@livingsb @THX-1154
I second that. The only impression that arises is the manipulation towards one sentence comments. And it has clearly nothing to do with the number of comments – as visible by the spamming of one rex on the Corbett Report thread.
Is OG still in control of the comment section?
I really wanted to believe in Trump. I would have much rather had him in office than Biden as there was a small sliver of my brain that thought there is a ‘not-completely-evil’ deep state that will, at the very minimum, kick the eugenicist deep state’s ass back into its hole, along with Bill Gates. (If there is one person I could choose to have eliminated from the planet, He is #1 in my book, although I’m sure he is just a chore boy.). This sliver in my brain is all but gone.
Trump seems to be less warlike and the MSM piling on him non-stop points to a threat to the elite system. However, the elite force we are up against is very intelligent from a psy-op standpoint.
Trump’s base is fed just enough to keep them hungry and angry.
What exactly has Trump done?
He has the vaccine warp-speed hyper drive thing going on to full effect.
There are no federal mandates against wearing masks or lawsuits from the FEDs supporting small businesses who cannot open up due to ridiculous, draconian policies.
He did attempt to defund WHO, but this is all show. WHO doesn’t need the USA’s monetary backing. As you can see from these mandatory vaccine cards coming down the pike for international travel. WHO is untouchable and there is not a single entity that oversees them. They have plenty of cash to get the job done. Empty promises from Trump. and why was Fauci in the scene for so long? Makes no sense. Get rid of him immediately! Oh, but the swamp is too deep, Trump is playing them like he always does! Bullshit.
Trump had four years to repair Obama’s destruction of the Smith Mund Act of 1948. This act makes it illegal for the media to propagandize the American people(shove this into the face of Obama supporters – Obama made it legal for the press to lie to us). Not only has he not done this, but he has also not introduced any alternative news sources to the mix. He is all alone! the swamp is too deep for him to drain, though! Q! Q! Yeah, ok.
Trump also represents a person who could enforce Marshall Law to the applause of his backers, who ironically use the Constitution as the backbone of their identity. Military Law would in effect destroy the Constitution.
During the first two years of Trump’s presidency when the Legislature was stacked for the Republicans, he did nothing to protect against election fraud.
The worst thing about Trump is that he makes any sort of common sense, scientific approach to this fake virus immediately looked upon as the rantings of a crazed lunatic by the Trump-hating millions. Psychologically, a very clever set-up that most are oblivious to. We’ve all experienced it. If you say you are anti-mask and think the whole Covid-thing is a farce(which it most certainly is based on every fact-based, scientific study on the planet) in the USA you are looked as s MAGA-hat wearing looney tune and/or an extremist who has AR-15’s and rebel flags lining your bedroom walls.
For this last bit alone, Trump needs to be gone – NOW. He’s part of the problem.
One last thing, if Trump really is this thorn in the side of the NWO, techno-elites; the lone warrior thwarting their grand plans, well, I hate to break it to you, he would never have become President OR he would have been terminated four years ago. There are no more heroes like MLK, RFK, JFK, Malcolm X, John Lennon, Bill Hicks, the list goes on and on and on….they kill them all.
We are ON OUR OWN. Get busy.
but without Trump, we would never have been treated to the hysterical shrieking of triggered middle-class liberals. and that would be tragic.
ah, yes!
BTW: I think it’s going to be even better than last time!