Coronavirus Fact-Check #9: Is the vaccine safe?
Reports of allergic reactions, bells palsy and conflicting opinions of many experts make the question difficult to answer.
Kit Knightly

There are dozens of articles all over the mainstream reassuring us that the brand new Sars-Cov-2 vaccine is safe. In the UK the vaccine rolled out is being hailed as “V Day”, in a shameless attempt to draw a parallel with World War II. Matt Hancock went on Good Morning Britain and attempted to “cry”.
On the other side of that coin, many experts in the field have vociferously called for all vaccine trials to be put on halt, some medical researchers are questioning the data and others counsel people to refuse the vaccine under any and all circumstances.
So – is the vaccine safe? The only rational answer is “we don’t know”.
It’s certainly true some people who have received it have experienced unexpected side effects.
It was recently revealed that 4 people involved in the US-based trial suffered partial facial paralysis. In the UK, two NHS staff who have received the vaccine suffered allergic anaphylactoid reactions, as a result the NHS is now not recommending the vaccine for anyone who “suffers from allergies”.
They don’t know what caused the reaction, and as far as we know so far, the people involved were not allergic to anything in the vaccine. It seems it’s not about being allergic to the vaccine, so much as the vaccine potentially causing problems for anyone with a sensitive or dysfunctional immune system.
It’s essentially recommended that no one who is allergic to anything, ie. other food or medication, should have the jab.
We’ve already had “explainers” appearing the media, saying vaccine allergic reactions are “rare and shortlived”.
To be clear, as of December 10th, the vaccine either has never been tested on, or is not recommended for:
- People under sixteen years of age.
- Pregnant women (or women intending to become pregnant in the near future).
- People with serious co-morbidities.
- People already taking other medications.
- People who have allergies.
So the official line already cedes that the vaccine may be harmful to some or all of those people.
Even on the fully-grown and totally healthy adults it was tested on, obviously, there has not been enough time to do any kind of long term studies on possible side-effects or complications It usually takes 5-10 years to fully develop and test a vaccine, where as this has been rushed out in less than 10 months.
On top of that, of course, we have the fact all the vaccine producers have campaigned for – and won – total legal immunity in the UK, US and other nations around the world.
In the event the vaccine does cause harm, Pfizer (and the producers of other vaccines), are immune from civil liability.
Which means that, just like us, the producers themselves are well-aware the new vaccines might not be safe, and don’t want a repeat of 2009, when a rushed-out flu vaccine resulted in children suffering life-long complications and receiving millions in damages.
In the final analysis, you have to ask yourself a simple question: Do you feel safer taking an untested vaccine, or risking getting a virus with a survival rate of over 99%?
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Kit, as a matter of public information you need to update this piece, or at least post a new article.
I’ll give a clear update: NO, the vaccine(s) are not safe.
Out of the first 41 million doses, there were over 1000 deaths, or about 1 in 30,000 Covid-19 vaccinations. This is probably acceptable in the vulnerable populations (those over age 60 and with serious medical conditions, who account for essentially all Covid-19 deaths.) But other people are not at risk from Covid-19, and with vitamins, nutrients, quercetin, aspirin, inhalable steroids for asthmatics, should be fine (yes, I know remdesivir is the only FDA-approved drug for Covid-19). If the deaths from vaccinations (of which I’m in favor of for the vulnerable and for vaccinations in general) are similar across all ages (hopefully unlikely), if everyone in the US is vaccinated, 10,000 people will die from the vaccine alone, most at no serious risk from Covid-19.
The solutions of nature and God do not include negative side effects
That’s why they wish to regulate as many natural remedies out of existence as possible. After all, as I have previously stated elsewhere, you cannot make huge profits from a healthy population that’s why the vast majority of prescription drugs have adverse effects that often lead to chronic problems the longer you are on them. Having said that it would be unwise to suddenly stop taking them without professional advice as that could produce an adverse effect too.
There are no viruses independent of the theory or theories in which they are specified. In order to prove that they physically exist, you would have to step outside of the theory (and the Symbolic order of language) into the Real to see if they are really there which is impossible!
Thus, without the theoretical concept of a virus it could never be observed because the process of perception itself is dependent on theory and you would have no idea as to what you were looking at without its concept! Concepts are used in science as a means of specifying the objects of investigaction they are not a privileged source of deduction.
If the virus theory is wrong it won’t work out in practice and that’s one of the reasons why pathogenic viruses have never been isolated so they can’t be observed using Electron Microscopy because that method is also dependent on theoretical concepts which are also flawed as Dr Harold Hillman has demonstrated in his books and published papers.
Just to clarify the issue. If virus theory is valid you should be able to prove that any given virus physically exists within the context of the theory using the techniques and methods utilised in and by virology. But that has never been done to date. Therefore whatever objects that have been ‘identified’ have never been proven to be pathogenic viruses using the current methods available.
but if one were to admit that virus and germ facts were just theories, you would destroy the vaccine / Big Pharma industry!
“experts in the field” wow
gwen winter
PCR is an amplification tool, it can’t detect/identify. Period.
“For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.”
Cycle threshold (CT) is not only arbitrary, it’s meaningless, and an abuse of Kary Mullis’ amplification tool.
Thereby identifying the Marxist destruction of the globe’s religious-based civilizations.*
CT is an arbitrary and meaningless number of amplifications above an equally arbitrary and meaningless lower number of amplifications referred to as “background level”.
The PCR amplifies nucleotide sequences exponentially up to approximately 40 amplifications,** therefore any differences between the CT level and background level are meaningless. A CT of 21x merely means there were 21 amplifications. A CT of 30 has 30 amplifications. A CT of 21x simply means the nucleotide sequence was amplified 21 times, not that there is “strong positive reactions indicative of abundant target nucleic acid”…
At my blog, read the articles…
‘House of Cards: The Collapse of the ‘Collapse’ of the USSR’
‘Playing Hide And Seek In Yugoslavia’
Then read the article, ‘The Marxist Co-Option Of History And The Use Of The Scissors Strategy To Manipulate History Towards The Goal Of Marxist Liberation’
The West will form new political parties where candidates are vetted for Marxist ideology/blackmail, the use of the polygraph to be an important tool for such vetting. Then the West can finally liberate the globe of vanguard Communism.
My blog…
* Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right, Karl Marx (1843)
“The struggle against religion is, therefore, indirectly the struggle against that world whose spiritual aroma is religion.”
“The abolition of religion as the illusory happiness of the people is required for their real happiness. The demand to give up the illusion about its condition is the demand to give up a condition which needs illusions.”
“It is, therefore, the task of history, once the other-world of truth has vanished, to establish the truth of this world.”
Now you know what Marxists are referring to when they utter the phrase, “The Struggle”…
“The struggle against religion is, therefore, indirectly the struggle against that world whose spiritual aroma is religion.”
** Thereafter amplification growth is less than exponential.
@Sarah Jones
Yes the Flu is catchable, just as the common cold is. Decades of experience have taught me that catching a serious chill or missing sleep can lower my natural defenses and allow a Flu virus to get enough of a foothold to make me a bit sick. The resulting fever is the body raising its temperature to a value that renders the virus unable to replicate itself. Being a married man, and a parent, I’ve experienced our Daughter bringing a cold home from school and transmitting it to my Wife (and/or me), though this didn’t happen often after we became inveterate hand-washers to cut down on such seasonal infections.
The problem with the Internet, now, is that “Radical Theories” are proliferating like tacky crystals of empty verbiage, replicating on their own, without experience or evidence to support them: they replicate with the ease of narratives of all kinds (myths, rumors, lies, tall tales, fantasies from fantasists, Disinfo from pros). This does not help The Cause; rather, this helps the Enemy (TFIC) and, in fact, the Enemy doesn’t just sit around and wait for us to indulge in this unfortunate lack of Radical Self-Discipline… TFIC actively feeds bullshit (eg Flat Earth, Faul, Mandela Effect, “Flu is not catchable,” and “Bill Hicks became Alex Jones,” etc) into the Internet to make us all look like fucking idiots and/or send some of us down idiotic rabbit holes.Remember: there’s a big difference between the Unexpected, the Implausible, the Impossible and the Goofily Fucking Random. I’ll always check out theories from the first two categories with an open mind… and ignore the rest. Call the latter the “Sure: And Monkeys Might Fly Out of My Butt” rule.
We need to mature as a movement and learn to stick to the facts, despite how fun it is to gullibly remake the Universe every time a new shill starts a blog somewhere with Cass Sunstein’s blessing.
PS Don’t forget it’s Flu season: wash your hands and try not to touch your eyes or mouth in public.
Reconsider “the Cause”, and where you are being led. Are microbes evil? If one is weak enough, even a minute in drizzle can result in a bad flu. So the “logical” response is to spend the rest of outdoor life in a cap or hat. Then, what about the moisture under that?
I’m not being “led” anywhere; I’m navigating the social world (studded here and there with powerful psychopaths and irrational Normies) while navigating the natural world, which features, occasionally, things like stinging bees, biting animals, poison mushrooms, bacteria and viruses (et al). I’m experienced and educated and have developed appropriate responses to each danger. Thus far my methods are sound. For all these years (61) I’ve navigated quite well (and haven’t taken any kind of ‘medicine’ since I was a teen).
Wha…? Is a pile of broken glass on the sidewalk evil, if you’re barefoot? No: you merely take care to avoid stepping on it. Microbes and viruses are not intelligent agents possessing intent. The biosphere is rich with Life and near-life (viruses) and some of this abundance is incidentally toxic to humans. It’s not mysterious.
Erm, the logical response is to dress warmly when it’s cold (most mammals native to northern climates come with protective fur: we don’t) and wear sunglasses when it’s bright and look both ways before crossing the street…
Your comment isn’t making any sort of point that I can detect. Can you clarify?
You make some good points.
“PS Don’t forget it’s Flu season: wash your hands and try not to touch your eyes or mouth in public.”
“Covid” is fake. The Flu (and the Common Cold) are real; I don’t know a single person who’s never experienced each, at least once (and my Daughter had more than one run-in with Norovirus when she was in grade school, the incidence of which we cut to zero by getting her to step up her hand-washing game). I can make a solid case against the “Covid” hoax… what’s your case against the existence of the Flu (or viruses)?
You can’t just go around parroting every random theory you pick up on the Internet; the first indication that a new theory of X is required, is when the old theory of X fails to map adequately to Reality. What’s your indication that “virus theory” (in general, versus Covid-theory, in particular) is inaccurate or even fake?
Have you never seen anyone with a runny nose, feeling achy, coughing and/or sneezing, running a fever for a few days… soon to recover entirely? Those are usually symptoms off fighting off a viral or bacterial infection. If you have information that contradicts that knowledge, or a competing theory that isn’t a train-wreck of Hippie magic and infinitely recursive Because-ism, let’s have it.
PS Re: “Pukes”: could be a symptom of Norovirus.
“You can’t just go around parroting every random theory you pick up on the Internet…” That’s hostile and unfair.
The presence of symptoms of flu and cold does not actually prove the existence of a virus. Terrain theory suggests that this is a detox response triggered by toxicity accumulated over time. In order to actually prove a virus exists it has to be isolated (separated from everything else ) and then inoculated into a biological organism to then trigger a flu or cold in said organism. If this isnt done then you just make up the reason for the symptoms without knowing for sure. Yes , people get sick, the question is do they “catch” it from somewhere or is it something else that triggers it.
The most “radical theories” are those being proliferated by HMG ie the theory that there is a virus circulating which justifies the criminal actions of the diseased minds of Westminster. They are killing people with this “theory” and destroying life itself
Thanks for the news flash there, Captain Amazing… I thought this site was a cat blog.
“The problem with the Internet, now, is that “Radical Theories” are proliferating like tacky crystals of empty verbiage, replicating on their own, without experience or evidence to support them…” That’s rather hostile.
One doctor in this pandemic (or maybe it was a blogger; I forget) said ‘inform yourself like your life depended on it’. Doctors who are helping the parasite/predator class to pull off this hoax would tell you to not think but just trust them. If J.D. Rockefeller is listening from some golden throne in hell, he’s smiling.
As I just noted in another conversation I’m in on The Corbett Report, where someone else is passionate about defending the idea that there are germs and viruses out to get us, We were all trained in the Rockeffer ideology. Andrew Kaufman – who is expert and scientifically trained and has examined the subject of viruses vs exosome, etc – notes how difficult it was for him to break with the thinking that we are all trained to do. Rockefeller devotees are at an advantage. The ones in the know, at the top, have honed their hoax. Like a good science writer (or science fiction writer), they’ve got all the angles covered. Some of us are questioning. Some of us question for different reasons. (I don’t believe that God would screw up his creation this way; invisible monsters and/or forever infected humans.) Some of who question know, from a scientific standpoint, what they’re talking about. I can still think. I can’t know what they know to the extent that they do, but their explanations are, to me, more convincing than ‘trust us, we wear while lab coats’. That’s such a conveniet position for doctors in a for-profit health care system to take.
I don’t distrust God, even if I have problems with some of those who claim to represent him (including Bible writers). I do mistrust those who were sent forth from scammer J.D. Rockefeller to ‘save us’. I don’t take the view that without the transhumanists (who play God but have no use for the true God’s qualities but insist that they just want to fix us [like the Rockefeller devotees who are not transhumanists], for a profit), we will falter. We falter when we imitate those playing God and reject the true God and his starndards. That’s my view. I’m not perfect. None of us are. I don’t imagine that any single human knows everything. Therefore, We will all be corrected. Some will survive that correction and some won’t. Choose wisely in this war of those playing God against the true God (and nature, including humans).
Part One: Viruses
Part Two: God
“where someone else is passionate about defending the idea that there are germs and viruses out to get us…”
But they aren’t (out to get us), because they aren’t intelligent, they don’t have sensory apparatus, or even rudimentary brains, they’re merely very tiny machines which do one thing, essentially, when they’re introduced to the ecosystems of certain living bodies: they reproduce. This reproduction can be hazardous to the host (often: as the Immune System reacts to the invasion; we probably need another million years of evolution to tweak that). That’s it. There is no anti-Human bias among viruses.I’m not sure how many understand what viruses (versus bacteria, and protozoans) are but I am certainly sick of going over this ground, again and again.
And, as I’ve said: what’s the basis for the suspicion that the “virus theory” is utterly false? Because a corrupt billionaire (trillionaire) and his descendants and minions have managed to corrupt Medicine by turning it, largely, into a for-profit scam? There is no demonstrable causal relationship between the two (virus theory and Rockefeller’s evil). That’s like claiming De Beer’s is hoaxing diamonds merely because the company (and/or industry) hoaxes the scarcity of diamonds.
Well: still waiting for a plausible replacement theory for the supposedly “hoaxed” virus theory. Vague (or lyrical) insinuations about “toxins” as the “root cause” of the illnesses currently blamed on viruses won’t do, not least because viruses are toxins. And they are clearly transmissible. I have observed the transmission between co-classmates, family members, colleagues, etc.
And re: God: I’m Agnostic, I have neither proof nor intuition about ITS existence/ non-existence but it is quite obvious that if a Supreme-ish Entity exists, and presides over the neverending nightmares (as perceived from the simultaneously-everything vantage of Godly omniscience), and put all this into motion, yet does not intercede (or does so rarely)… well…
Unlike most non-Believers, I don’t consider you delusional for believing the thing exists. But you are clearly delusional for thinking it can be anything other than Unfathomably Cruel.
Do you have any idea how many innocent toddlers have died excruciating deaths in the past 100,000 years? Raped, tortured, beaten, burned… and so forth.Or the kids who had to watch a mother or father tortured to death in Chile. AND SO ON. I mean, the examples of mind-boggling cruelty/suffering are without end and any Being who created Creatures merely to test said Creatures (and torture quite a few of them in this “test”) is Mad/ Evil/ Useless.
What: the billion tortured babies get to hang out in Heaven after the ordeal? It’s idiotic. If I were you I’d pray there IS no “God” because the implications are worse than dark.
YOU Religious People have NOT properly thought it all through.
But I have, because I’m not mind-locked by early exposure to relentless brainwashing on the topic. Yes, you’ve heard the argument before. Because it’s true. It’s a slam-dunk. A clever 12-year-old could come up with it (as I did).
“In his Infinite Wisdom…” blah blah blah.
Nah. The Evil One (if IT exists) won’t need your irrational alibi, will it? Presumptuous of you to even offer one.
Well, You have a mind. I can’t touch, smell or see it. But I’m sure you exist. Anyway, I don’t really care to discuss anything with you. It seems to me that I simply can’t. Sorry.
So, you’ve resorted to an awkward version of the Believer responding to a Non-Believer’s most popular gambit: the old “just because it’s invisible doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist” riff. I’ll skip detailing how ineffectual this argument is (because it’s not just the visuals, or lack thereof, that Atheists base their skepticism on), only to point out that, as stated above, I’m Agnostic. Which means I don’t Believe or Disbelieve in the Existence of your Hypothetical Super-Being Architect of Existence: I just don’t know (and neither does anyone). You swerved conveniently around my actual argument because you can’t possibly rebut it. You don’t even dare touch the edge of that fence. All you can do is provide a weak alibi for running away from the issue:
To be honest, I don’t blame you. If you think about your Belief to any degree of real depth, it gets very dark very quickly.
What is “the cause”?
I think your biology teacher forgot to teach you Bechamps terrain theory.
Is it just me who sees this??
In the UK, using the government website statistics for the whole period of the Covid event in 2020, presently there is a 99.91% chance of a non-fatal outcome for the whole population of the UK, of all ages. Unfortunately(!?), there seems to be no data by age group but typically in other locales, the average age of death is 80 to 83, predominately in care homes and in the end-of-life age group. Other jurisdictions indicate under-80s, are at .01% risk, 1/100th of one percent, or 99.99% likely to have a non-fatal outcome. Under-60s are at .001% risk of death, or 99.999% likely to have a non-fatal outcome. Under 40 and even up to under 50, risk of fatal outcome is virtually zero, and for children it is zero.
A vaccine for covid is claimed to be 94% effective after almost no testing. Historically, flu vaccines, after decades of use and development have efficacy of between 30 and 60% depending on the year.
1: Even accepting the 94% figure, how will vaccinating everyone improve their chances of a non-fatal outcome when the majority of the population is at almost no risk? What is the point?
2: If only over-80s were to be inoculated, taking the stated risks of adverse effects into account, and considering the subject’s comorbidity status and weakened immune system, as well as the age of the subject approaching end-of-life, and that protection measures are in place to protect these individuals best as possible, what is the point?
I take note that the first, at least widely publicised vaccination was of a 91-year-old.
Discl: I am in the ‘most vulnerable’ age group, so have no self-interest, abandonment of the vulnerable or other insensitive or crass considerations.
You have to say though, that vaccinating the elderly under the guise of caring for the vulnerable is a clever move, in that this cohort will not live long enough for the longer term side effects (which are completely unknown at this stage) to emerge.
Or if they die,they will not be classed as covid anymore,but return to being stage4 cancer,leukaemia, alzheimer’s etc. Even if its vaccine damage.
has anyone checked whether the reason for MRN vaccines is to genetically modify the human genome and then make humans “patentable”. or we belonging to the patent holder from then on?
No one has denied that mRNA vaccine is genetic modification. This is where the normalisation and pervasive usage of Frankenstein crops has led us to – by the nose.
but it should not be classified as a vaccine. That’s the fraud/misinformation. It is genetic therapy via injection.
I posted this article further down the thread but I have since looked at the proposed practicalities of roll out at GP practices in more depth.
I must first say that I was amused to see that the GPs’ explanation for not getting involved in roll out was that their workloads are already too heavy and there are staff shortages… make of that what you will.
This additional document gives the BMA’s detailed guidance on how the roll out is intended to work in practice as from tomorrow.
it appears that the vaccine is to be supplied in distinct self-contained storage containers holding a minimum of 975 doses each. These arrive at each practice already defrosted from their original frozen storage temperature and therefore require usage within 3.5 days of receipt. So roughly 300 doses must be administered on average each day. Every dose not used after 3.5 days is a vaccine wasted and the practice will presumably be held accountable.
To sustain such an intense throughput over a short period of time would require a ‘military style’ (excuse the phrase) operation to contact patients, order them to turn up at a designated time (I foresee little/no scope to negotiate a time with patients, and this won’t go down well) and hope that they show up when they are supposed to and nobody has an adverse reaction disrupting activities in the clinic.
There is also the point that this is not just a one-off exercise. It will have to be repeated as quickly as possible to ensure all eligible patients are vaccinated asap. And on top of that there is the requirement to repeat it all again with the same patients when they receive their second doses 21-28 days later.
Bearing in mind that each patient is required to be monitored for 15 minutes post-vaccination the enormity of the logistical operation has not been underestimated by many GP practices so far and I am sure they will not be alone once the other practices actually think about the practical reality of it all.
I haven’t even begun to look at the logistics of such an operation for other settings but my instincts tell me it will not go well!
The “side effects” alone may overwhelm hospitals.
I swear the following is not from the comedy section and it is not sarcasm! It is a 3 days old article from the BBC, Health section:
“Covid vaccine: What you need to know about vaccine safety
Chemotherapy drugs have a huge list of damaging effects include exhaustion, hair loss, anaemia, infertility, memory and sleep problems. Yet when those are pitted against dying from terminal cancer, nobody questions the drugs being used”
“There are some drugs that have truly brutal consequences on the body, but are still approved because they are considered worth the risk.”
“”Safe is not an absolute thing, it is safe in the context of the usage,” Prof Evans told the BBC”
Is that how to ressure the plebs about the safety of a new vaccine? Anyone is feeling reassured after reading such?
There is plenty of people who go a lot further than questioning chemo. They know beyond any shadow of a doubt most all of these allopathic “treatments” are pure evil. Ambiguity about that costs lives. There was a horrific show on the highwire with del bigtree where they interviewed one of their supposed “antivaxx” doctors as she was being murdered with “chemo” by the medical cult. this was the result of the bullshit controlled opposition “i am not antivax but want safe vaccines” and thus not embracing proper health literacy. wake the fuck up.
I am currently reading “The Truth About Cancer”. A truly eye-opening history of how the Rockefellers and Carnegies shut down alternative medical schools, and how various people who discovered cancer cures, such as Hoxsey, were run out of the country. Now we see the same thing taking place, where doctors who successfully treat patients with high dose Vit C, zinc, Vit D are threatened with closure, websites are blocked no matter how much research, how many papers have been published on the success in treating viruses with natural means: scientists’ and medical practitioners’ voices are silenced etc.It puts me in mind of medieval times when women were murdered because of their knowledge of the healing powers of herbs. Public Health has become a totalitarian organisation which takes away people’s control over their own health and bodies, where children are encouraged to have vaccinations without the knowledge or consent of their parents. I have opted out of screening for breast and bowel cancers and I receive letters telling me I may die if I don’t participate. Hmmm… having watched several of my friends go through the cut poison burn routine I think choosing quality over quantity of life seems preferable. I am in despair about the future unless there is an uprising in the scientific and medical communities against all the lies of Big Pharma, and Big Ag.
don’t forget homeopathy was mainstream until it was destroyed by petrol/Rockefellers.
“nobody questions the drugs being used” That is factually incorrect.
A blog post written by a Doctor practicing in Nevada, US since 1973 with his opinion on Covid Vaccine and reasons against it. Quite informative and to the point, though most skeptics here at OffG and elsewhere now know. One of the point is what I made in comment earlier on this post about – those who promotes Vaccine take it first and rest of us will decide later after – year, two, few years ? – if we want to take or not.
About Informed Vaccine Consent: Frank Shallenberger, MD, HMD
few of points from his post
After 10,000 or so get jabbed with each brand, I want to know
:- how each one was coerced
:- the frequency, intensity and correlation (with other symptoms) of each resulting symptom.
He lost his medical license, first in California then in Nevada.
In Poland the ‘important’ people get saline solution in vaccine campaigns. Different parts of the world get different versions(qualities) of the same labeled vaccine. Vaccines have been laced (e.g. tetanus vaccines Gates gave only to females in Kenya). Some Hepatitis B vaccine are mRNA – they cause a lot of problems and bells palsy. So don’t be surprised that elite get something different to the masses taking free vaccines.
As a UK citizen, I insist, if compelled to be jabbed, that I get Sputnik jab- Skripal got it and didn’t get covid, wherever he was/is…
And I always wanted to speak Russian..
Just an quick adding to Howard.
I just read an article witch was saxed from I thing an British MSM paper and was about the scamdemic and deaths contra infected, what was striking in that article was several things, like the use of images where 7-9 people standing with full protection gears incl face plates and masks, around 1 bed, yeah, and then we had the stats, and this time, they did an AGW twist, witch means that they said that this virus would kill half an million people, of course when they in the same stat pushed the date witch usually is when one counts year by year, from Jan to Jan, but they prolonged this years count to april 2021, yeah, because if you look at the annual death rate witch is from respiratory deaths whom rests along the lines of 250-280 000 pr. year and you push that to April you would get something around an half a million, and along with this images where stats, of course.
I compare that to AGW because of what we have in Norway now is rain, its been raining for bloody months now here down south, in the Oslo region, and they whine about record eh…. heat, and we have to go back 130 years to find something similare, but then the logical question would be, was it cows or sheep farts that created the AGW the last time 130 years ago, steem trains, maybe, coal, huh.
But then again people are stupid, they see the stats and images witch the MSM knows is what people remebers, and few if any reads whats actualy written and dont get that the stats are de facto lies, and the use of infected is equally wrong, but hey, everything to fuel the fear propaganda for the masses.
My initial thoughts about the mRNA vaccine is this, what I cant understand so far is how on earth do they get this into an cell, thats one thing, then it uses or takes proteins and creates the “spikes”, and then its ayokay, but what genetic markers are they using, to create this protein spikes, and do all mRNA vaccine enter cells, and so far, since the PCR testing also uses genetic markers as strains of amino acids, witch is you remeber the BLAST, and then how can they then be shure it does whats it suposeded to do, if the amino acids are so comon that they can be induced into virutally everything since we have millions of this proteins in our systems, witch our body depends on, and so on, from reverse transcripting to the cytokine storm effect and the altering of proteins in general, that alone have an hughe potential to create an cluster f…. witch can be harmfull to our health.
Something in this stinks, the articles I have read so far are good, and the intentions are not bad, but somehow, I cant help that something vital is missing, like the intital intuition about the PCR testing regime kicked in to me.
I simply dont trust them at all.
I hope smarted people can dive into this.
If something’s been tested on 30,000 people, and then on roll-out, two people have a reaction from which they soon recover, that’s quite good enough for me.
Perhaps you’ve seen these figures; but they bear repeating. They’re the US Death Statistics for the past five years.
Year # Of US Deaths
2016 2,744,248
2017 2,813,503
2018 2,839,205
2019 2,855,000
2020* 2,491,826
2020** 2,773,510
*As of 11/20/20
**Projected as of 12/20/20
The US Death Statistic for 2020 is expected to reach 3 million by year’s end. If it does, I can just imagine how the Mainstream Media will spin it. So let me now gaze into my crystalline ball (it’s still regarded as spam by my local Coven so I can’t call it a crystal ball just yet) and see the year end headlines:
…COVID-19 drives US deaths to over 3 million for 1st time in US history!!!!!
…Because of COVID-19 over 3 million Americans have lost their lives in 2020!!!!!
…With over 3 million dead due to COVID-19, maybe now the Conspiracy Theorists and COVID Deniers will crawl back under the rock they crawled out of!!!!!
And on and on and on, 24/7 – until the public puts 3 million together with Zero to arrive at 6 million American deaths in 2020 – half of them from COVID-19.
I make it 2,807,150 by just straight pro-rata, so 48K fewer deaths than 2019. Coming up with the extra 200,000 should not be a problem for MSM; just claim it and keep saying it. Interesting also is that if the 2016 death number is compounded at say 1% per year for four years for population natural increase, it projects to 2,855,675 for 2020, almost the same as year 2019. So still 48K ‘better’.
Numbers really are fun.
In other news, in the UK, Holiday Bubbles are allowed for 5 days. Up to 3 families can gather at Christmas, member groups are allowed to travel to attend, but within the bubble at the gathering destination, the PM of Scotland separately recommends that each member group of the bubble should bring their own silverware and glasses (but not plates?), or possibly bring just anything that you would use in someone else’s house (portable loo?) and that you should keep the windows open, but better that they should just stay home to keep together, or maybe take a walk to exchange presents instead of gathering for a meal. The UK rules state they need not social distance while gathering, and they are allowed to hug, (no duration of hug defined), but no family members over the age of 65 resident in care homes are allowed to attend. Support bubbles are considered to be a member of the family bubble(?) – this may refer to servants or attendants of some sort. The 3 groups are allowed to attend church together to worship, and they may go outside, but they cannot attend pubs. In Ireland, the 5-day window is expanded before and after the defined dates of 24-27 December.
Or something like that, but best to put all this on index cards just so you get it right.
All this makes perfect sense if you’re a technocrat/bureaucrat and not a denier. However there are worries that these lax permissions may lead to the dreaded Third Wave.
Happy Holiday Celebration!
One thing I didn’t mention regarding the US Death Statistics – and wish I had – was that while I had no trouble finding the statistics for 2017 & 2018 (and, by a slight computation, for 2016), I had to do some searching to find the statistics for 2019 and 2020. Rather odd coincidence perhaps?
Can you link to the 2020 totals you obtained?
in many countries the population of elderly is increasing so there should be an expected increase in deaths. However this are not pointed out nor has it been factored in.
I have no intention of taking a vaccine that has not been properly vetted or whose manufacturer and distributor are immune from prosecution.
Find a more informative article if you can but mRNA technology is a weapon aimed at your very life.
A friend of mine has just informed me he went to the dentist with an appointment and was asked if he had received a home test kit to which he replied yes but I haven’t done it, and was told in no uncertain terms they can’t treat him even though he’s in pain with toothache welcome to Great Britain !
Dentists are some of the worst crooks. In many ways even worse than the doctors. The teeth are like an early warning canary in the coalmine kind of thing. Hiding the problem with flouride and The cause is lower down lymphatic stagnation leading to acidic saliva. Ripe fruits, berries, melons and breathing exercises can clear the acidosis.
Yes, with few exceptions, allopathic dentists and doctors are enemies of mankind.
If the general public knew about the wonders of clove oil for toothaches and remineralization (I’m speaking from experience), it would put most dentists out of business, which is why they’ll never tell you about it, which proves they care more about your money than your health.
Also, putting mercury, one of the most toxic substances on earth, in people’s mouths for a living? Only a truly evil person could continue to do that.
As the saying goes, “Doctors are the same as lawyers; the only difference is that lawyers merely rob you, whereas doctors rob you and kill you too.”
A certain lawyer and a certain doctor I know found that saying extremely amusing.
If you can’t get clove oil, just bite on a single clove (bud) at the site of pain – maybe 1 or 2 times a day.
Interesting that the video starts with a picture of flat earth, so I’ll definitely be checking out the rest of it.
I wonder how many of you who’ve mentioned that your friends and family refuse to even look at, let alone consider, the evidence you send them about this scamdemic, yourselves refuse to look at, let alone consider, the (seriously compelling) evidence for flat earth?
I’m not at all interested in derailing this thread, I’m just observing that most people have a (very) limited capacity to consider evidence that challenges their indoctrination.
“It’s easier to fool someone than convince them they’ve been fooled.”
Mark Twain
“Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance.”
William Paley
If you’d like to research flat earth but aren’t sure where to start, I recommend the following excellent videos on youtube:
“Most Popular Flat Earth Documentary” with quotes
“200 Proofs earth is not a spinning ball” by Eric Dubay
The two videos I recommended above are 1hr 40min and 2hrs each.
If you’d like to start with something shorter, I recommend the equally excellent…
“The 35 Most Common Flat Earth Questions Answered in 35 Minutes”
The flat earth folk have been having a laugh for 200 years. The first trolls!
But within the realm of our natural senses, with no enhancement by technological aids, and just as the other animals perceive their world, they’re correct.
Even Eratosthenes of the 3rd Century BC used technology in the form of logic and maths to accurately estimate the circumference of the ’round’, (actually and oblate spheroid, so we’re told) earth, so that doesn’t count.
The globe requires a specific physical curvature to match the heliocentric geometry. This curvature is absolute and must be detectable and verifiable in the environment if it is to be accepted as fact. What evidence of geometric physical curvature convinces you that you live on the surface of an enormous ball with an r value of 3959 miles?
Absolutely no evidence if I live within the realm of my unaugmented senses, which is just fine for me, and the other animals.
Just a quick additional note on Eratosthenes: His alleged “math and logic” also included an unproven presupposition regarding the distance to the sun. His “stick and well” test also works on a planer earth with a local sun.
Nice try
As you can be tested negative one day and positive the next its pretty futile exercise taking the test.
Welcome to the Great Reset!!
Geoff, if your friend has toothache, a simple effective lasting remedy is colloidal silver (CS). As a Canadian expat in Africa, I have seen firsthand how CS destroys the most severe forms of toothache, literally, within minutes.
Our gardener had a really bad case of toothache for many years. I gave him a shotglass of CS, told him to gargle & swish it around in his mouth for about 2 to 4 minutes & to REALLY try to aim it where the ache is by getting it in between the gums while drowning the offending teeth with CS. I told him to swallow the CS afterwards which will also boost his immune system.
No joke, after he was done, all pain GONE! He was amazed. But not me. I knew CS’s antiviral, antibacterial & antifungal properties would get the job done.
Another actual case…
During a popular international football tournament that took place in East Africa in 2013, a colleague who was the contract photographer had the worst toothache I’ve ever seen. Seriously, this dude had ice in a plastic bag pressed against the side of his face (jaw, chin…whatever!) lying on the couch in the media room in excruciating pain. When he told me what was wrong, I promised to bring a remedy (CS) the next day.
When I saw him the next day, I gave him a shotglass amount of CS & instructed as above with our gardener. A few minutes later, he was pain free & so grateful to eradicate that annoying toothache.
So, there’s the proof. Get a good CS brand off Amazon. Just read the reviews & you’ll be surprised of the many uses of CS which is demonized by “Western” medicine & Big Pharma. You’ll find lots of CS brands on Amazon UK too.
Personally, your friend should buy a CS generator & use distilled water to make his own. I have a generator from a top German manufacturer. My friend’s mother in rural Africa is 98. All she takes in 2 tablespoons a DAY during this corona plandemic. She never gets sick. She also sprays it in her nostril, eyes like I do. I also use it as an after shave instead of harsh “beauty” products…no razor burns, bumps etc.
Neem oil would most likely work for your friend too. But don’t ingest it. Just surround the tooth with it & then expel.
“People already taking other medications”
Maybe this should say People already taking other specific medications
They could hardly roll it out to the over 80’s if it was any medications as most will be on some medication.
Does anyone now what specific medication is a cause for concern?
Many will not know all of the things that they may be allergic to
Many will have other illnesses like past heart attacks or mild strokes, At what level will these be considered serious co-morbidities?
All these questions could be answered eventually if the normal approval process of five to ten years was followed. As it is, even Pfizer don’t know the answers to these questions.
The ‘flu’ is not catchable. This is a cleansing reaction from the body. It is alkalising. Making a “vaccine” to suppress detox would be akin to making one to suppress sleep. It would suppress healing and lead to serious health problems. There is people with “chronic disease” precisely because of the ‘flu vaccine’ marketing and consequent suppression of cleansing.
The fortunes of a fitness guru SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 denier Parts 1 & 2:
Cough cough
Wheeze wheeze
The fortunes of an ex fitness guru Part 3:
Boom boom
All gone
Bye bye
I’m sure you can find scarier pictures than that.
They already seeming to be rowing back from the Pfizer vaccine being the great white hope to save us all. A week is a long in fraud.
We should all go on strike like the Indians did. Hit the corporations behind the coronavirus scam and their right-wing political puppets where it hurts!
It doesn’t seem to be getting reported so much, which may point to problems, reading between the lines. We will see.
Just came across this article. All is not well with the planned roll out!
You want it to fail?
“I would love to see the Rockeffeler medical mafia die off and be replaced with evidence-based, preventative, natural medicine”
Yes. That is precisely one of the things intelligent, honest, freedom-loving people need to focus on. Bringing about a new Age of Renaissance that will see the heaps and heaps and layers and layers of bullshit that’s accumulated over decades, centuries, possibly millennia to form the basis of our existence.
We can start with the ridiculous notion that it all started with a friggin’ talking snake in some garden.
The present-day world, the lives most people live, is not conducive to happiness, contentment. People slave away throughout their lives to accumulate mostly useless horseshit in a vain effort to achieve happiness, oblivious to the fact that happiness is a state of mind only achievable within. We’re totally detached from our bodies – we poison ourselves with shitty food and heaps of medicines. Our bodies are already now semi-owned by doctors, and it will get worse. COVID is about the medical industry taking complete control over people’s physical existence (and later mind too – I’m sure they’ll soon figure out how to read people’s thoughts if the fuckers haven’t done that already). The concepts we tend the cherish, such as freedom, human rights, democracy, etc., don’t really exist. Not as claimed. They’re an empty shell propped by massive propaganda in the MSM.
There is an alternative though. The world doesn’t have to be like that. And it probably wouldn’t be that hard to change it. People would only have to stop in their tracks and cast away the shackles of conventions they’ve allowed to have imposed on them.
Most of us have little choice but to “poison ourselves” because, under fascism,
:- healthy alternatives are steadily withdrawn or priced out
:- we are conned or forced into greater debt, ratcheting the first point
:- our environment is steadily destroyed or poisoned.
Yes and no.
Huge pressure is exerted on people to conform to the conventional way of life, which essentially amounts to slavery and semi-voluntary subjugation.
Still, people have a choice. They don’t have to subscribe the the Occidental, and now Universal, model of happiness, i.e. learning some useless shit at school, getting a useless job, buying heaps and heaps of useless shit, inflicting the same on your kids, and dying prematurely due to stress, mostly unhappy about never being able to fulfill your life. Well, who knows, maybe people aren’t that unhappy – they’re too brainwashed to imagine what it would be if they lived their own lives, as opposed to lives pre-planned for them by their slavers.
All right! Autism! Where did that narrative go? In the 30’s, they were injecting vaccines with lead and mercury,,, autism appeared in the first time in humanity (Rain man w Dustin Hoffman). They stopped making vaccines this way, autism went. In the late 80’s, they did it again!!! Autism is now a plague… Let’s just keep that in mind and I don’t know how this can be overlooked, and more terrifying… WHY!!!
I’m allergic to a bunch of stuff… Hyperactive immune system. Psoriasis, asthma, weird dermatitis… I’ve researched all about it for 40 years… One thing I can tell you, if there’s a carcinogen around, I react to it… namely, formaldehyde… and thank God I do, cuz it’s a carcinogen!!! So I get a reaction and get the fuck out of there. Need I say more? I’ll be happy to answer all questions, and kick assholes in the balls with their stupid comments.
Autism wasn’t a “thing” when I was in school, and I imagine it still wasn’t a thing by 1988 when Rain Man was released. Note the conversation:
Nurse: “He’s artistic!?
Tom Cruise: “No, he’s AU-tistic.”
Nurse: “I’m not familiar with that.”
TPTB knew what was coming; and the purpose of Rain Man was to introduce autism to the public.
I think severe cases were dismissed in the past as cases of insanity, feeble-mindedness etc. and milder cases were considered to be social awkwardness, geeks etc. There is a tendency to see it everywhere now, whether there is really something there or not. (And in many cases I doubt it.)
Do you have any research studies to support that theory?
The film would make no sense if it were just a different diagnosis; and 2% of people were diagnosed with whatever. The point of the film is that it’s a rare condition.
No, but prior to the film nobody ever talked about it and I don’t even recall much attention to it in encyclopaedias etc. At my school “spastic” was a term of abuse (not a research study but I was walking around and breathing during the 1970s and I even noticed a few things). Hoffman’s character would have ticked the “spastic” box for many schoolchildren of my generation.
Autism is not all that rare in the public imagination (I certainly think it is over-diagnosed). Of course people also think Covid has cut far more of a swathe than it really has in the population, so go figure.
Here you go:
Rather than just making stuff up!
You are lost in a dark wood. I think if anyone can guide me to the true path, it is not you.
You also assume I am making stuff up, rather than someone around (although in the Scottish school system) in the 1970s. If you want to accuse me of lying go ahead, but I don’t recall autism being a much-noticed thing until after Rain Man, which may say something about the power of cinema.
Quantum physics wasn’t a “thing” in 1850.
I seem to have attracted the trolls!
I’ve been saying for a while that Covid911 is going to lead to the collapse of the entire vaccine agenda. There was already a growing trend in what they call “vaccine hesitancy”, but covid will have increased that by an order of magnitude.
Autism – The Most Glaring Aspect of the Deterioration of Health Among Our Kids?
By Anne Dachel, CHD Contributing Writer, Age of Autism Editor, LossofBrainTrust. com
Aug 21, 2020
The numbers
We’ve watched the numbers explode with no end in sight. Over the last 20 years the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have routinely updated the autism rate:
2001: one in 250
2004: one in 166
2007: one in 150
2009: one in 110
2012: one in 88
2014: one in 68
2018: one in 59
2020: one in 54
In 2020 a study included New Jersey where the autism rate was found to be one in every 32 (3.1%) children, 1 in 20 boys. New Jersey is often credited with having the most accurate autism numbers because of their reporting system. Still, nowhere in the sparse media coverage of the 2020 increase did anyone express concern that the New Jersey rate might really be the rate for the whole country.
Other good source : Denial by Dan Olmsted and Mark Blaxill
The dyke is slowly but surely breaking. Cannot wait for when the Kraken gets released.
This is another beginning of the eventual house of cards falling dowm
Excellent article by the enigmatic Engdahl
Njoy e buona fine settimana
Why is there never any mention of people who are immune because they have been inoculated by the virus naturally. How to test them? Why should they submit to a vaccination?
Well, if you are being pressured to take a test, why not state that you want the antibody test? Then you should get your ‘Freedom Pass Papers’, enabling you to leave the house.
Considering that something like 95% of the population is either immune or becomes immune after becoming infected and recovering from flu-like symptoms with no intervention, just a stay at home, a lot of money would be saved.
The question then arises: ‘Why is it necessary to buy 100 million doses of vaccine for a population of 70 million when 95% of the population doesn’t really need it? Perhaps just buy it, pay for it, and throw most of the whole lot out, as has been done in the past, and attribute it to the Precautionary Principle, and worth it if even just one life has been saved, as it will surely be claimed. After all, someone likely won’t die.
Because there is a script the MSM are following and they will not deviate. What actually happens out there is irrelevant.
Also see “Corona ist älter als gedacht” – translated: “Corona is older then thought before”:
Machine-translated to English:
Only vaccines provide immunity now; according to the WHO which quietly updated the definition…
Genetic engineering under false flag
2020NEWS, November 13, 2020
„The microbiologist Prof. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi and the lung specialist and former head of a public health department, Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, have critically examined the RNA corona vaccine that is currently being rushed through.
Dr. Wodarg writes: “What about 200 companies and consortia worldwide are currently researching and want to market as quickly as possible are largely new and highly risky genetic engineering interventions in complex biological communication processes of our immune system. Interventions that are to be carried out on healthy people on a scale never attempted before.
During the swine flu excitement and in the middle of the upcoming 2009 federal election campaign, the vaccine lobby, with the help of its willing representatives, had the application of recombinant nucleic acids on humans hidden as “vaccination” in the German Medicines Act. This was done in the last session before the election campaign summer break without any debate and was secretly put on record. The companies and their political lobby are still trying to euphemistically convince us that it is a normal vaccination. Only if as many people as possible could be “vaccinated” would it finally be possible to free ourselves from the threatening burden of a deadly pandemic. Only when a vaccination is available for everyone will the pandemic be ended, announced Mrs. von der Leyen at her “donation conference” in chorus with the heads of government of almost all of Europe as early as spring 2020″ (The entire essay was published by Rubikon under: „Die wahre Seuche“
These are fragments of different genetic information that are to be introduced into human cells as RNA or DNA in a similarly different way.
Recombinant RNA, which is introduced into human cells, also alters the genetic processes there and can very well be classified as genetic modification of the cells or the organism, because genetic modification is not limited to a direct modification of the DNA. However, the recombinant RNA introduced into the cells is not intended to reproduce, as viruses do. It is also not part of the rehearsed cellular communication and abuses existing defense routines like private security services in a police station.
According to Prof. Dr. Bhakdi, it is impossible to overlook which processes in the body can be triggered by the vaccination. An impairment of the human germ line cannot be ruled out, which could also lead to changes and damage in future generations.“
Coronavirus: Austria, Land Salzburg: No employment without vaccination, December 05, 2020
“The state of Salzburg will only hire vaccinated staff in hospitals and nursing homes once a Covid 19 vaccine has been approved. (…) Health regional councillor Stöckl would like to see compulsory vaccination for new recruits not only in hospitals and old people’s homes, but also in kindergartens and schools within the province’s sphere of influence. He is now checking whether this is legally possible. Stöckl does not see any possibility of mandating Covid 19 vaccination for around 15,000 already active employees of the state hospitals and old people’s homes. That would be ‘too strong an intrusion into private life.'”
I thought it would be interesting to see what statistics were currently available on the number of people vaccinated to date with the Pfizer vaccine and any other information about the national ‘roll-out’. Whatever I put into the search engine, all I get is articles about the approval given to proceed with the vaccine, the publicity about Margaret Keenan and the two reported allergic reactions.
I would be interested to know if anyone else has found anything. If not, it strikes me as very odd that, having focused so much attention on this ‘saviour of mankind’, coverage has gone eerily quiet so, so rapidly.
My exact thoughts – I have the same question. I cannot find anything.
I have a friend here in Scotland,50 and healthy,and as he works in residential care, was given the first vaccine 9 days ago. Since having the inoculation he has been bed bound with severe fatigue. His gp is refusing to tie it to the vaccine although it is blatant that it has caused this. Even the inoculation site swelled up within hours. Given that available data shows ARDS come with the second inoculation, I have strongly recommended he does not take it. To add,he also does not suffer from allergies or any known health impairments. I wonder,given media silence since rollout, how many similar reactions have happened?
Priest who volunteered for COVID-19 vaccine trial passes away
Archeparchy News, December 2, 2020 –
“Fr. John M. Fields, a Pennsylvania priest who had participated in the third and final phase of Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine trial, died November 27. Fr. Fields, a priest of the Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia, was 70 and died at his home in Philadelphia.
The cause of death was an apparent heart attack, according to Fr. Michael Hutsko, pastor of Saints Peter and Paul Church in Mt. Carmel, Pennsylvania. Fr. Fields did not have COVID-19, Auxiliary Bishop Andriy Rabiy, vicar general of the archeparchy, confirmed Monday.
Fr. Fields was the first volunteer in the study at the University of Pennsylvania, and received his first injection August 31, said CNS.
He said that for the first week after the injection, he had to make a daily report of his temperature and any symptoms — fatigue, nausea, injection site pain, arm swelling, chills or fever, or headaches, according to CNS. He said he didn’t have any. He received a second injection on October 1, after which he again felt no symptoms.
On October 26, he returned for a follow-up evaluation. He was to continue to be evaluated for 25 months. He was gratified hearing news that the Moderna vaccine was showing a very high effectiveness rate.-
Fr. Fields said he never had any concern about the risks of participating in the trials.“
Any autopsy?
So vaccination may cause heart attacks in 70-year olds who present no adverse symptoms after injections? More research is needed.
The average age of death of Covid victims in various populations is about 83, so had he not taken the vaccine, he would have lived another 13 years.
Yes, /sarc, just in case any ‘news’ people are reading this.
“Deadly Virusfear” is the title of an article by Gerd Reuther on the German portal ‘KenFM’. The article is in German, but definitely worth translating. Just use Yandex instead of google – as the latter censors dissenting views on the scamdemic. And that it is indeed a scamdemic becomes clearer with every day now. What will the psychopathic hyper rich come up with next? An uneasy feeling is attached to that question,
The article contains valuable insight not to be found in German regime media. As a matter of fact, the same site offers an analysis of the German state media’s flagship – The Tagesschau, where lying without shame can be observed.
The article by Gerd Reuther emphasizes the most important fact about the scamdemic: the manipulation of data and the vaccination mania serving the richest pricks on the planet. In Bavaria, there is now a curfew in place. From 21:00h to 05:00h, people are not allowed to leave their quarters. This utterly idiotic scheme serves only to prime people to accept the total loss of what goes for freedom. Since Bavaria is a Catholic place, the fear of the virus is especially deep. Sounds familiar? It ought to.
All this pressure to get vaccinated is founded on this fake Drosten-PCR-test merely .
All these numbers of Covid19 “infected” are false and are only meant to cause panic.
Drosten is the German “Fauci”, if you want so. And the “test” he developed was propagandised and propagated by the WHO. As far as I know the only country that uses not the Drosten-test but another, self-developed test is China. And in China they didn’t have any lockdowns or restrictions – since a lot of months.
To the Drosten-test please read F. William Engdahl’s article:
The panic is meant to get people to get the vaccine… If fear is not enough, then they will prevent you from working if you don’t get it. The vaccine is meant for one purpose only. Depopulation…
At the outset they gave us the death count. As the old & infirm naturally died off or were euthanised in care homes through lack of medical care the numbers rose and we got Lockdown #1. As the death count dropped they needed a new tack.
They started giving us the case count. To keep the fear, they increased testing which increased the cases (including the false positives). They also now “allowed” lots of previously non-compliant folk to be tested.
They tried to test the whole of Liverpool (the results of that exercise went strangely quiet). They graciously gave us Eat Out To Help Out and we obliged by packing out the restaurants. As the numbers inevitably rose, we got Lockdown #2.
Amazingly (!), in 2-3 weeks as the number of tests dropped, the case numbers started to drop too. We then got the Tiered System, basically Lockdown #3.
The numbers are dropping so they need something else. So they’ve decided that they ought to now start testing Secondary School kids !!! Guess what will happen ?
London/Kent/Essex will be in Tier 3 before Christmas.
And for our 5 Days of Christmas, we’ll get a world of pain in January……….the Dark Winter.
Vaccine deaths will be Covid deaths.
Oh and they’ve just decided that the self-isolation period can be lowered from 14 to 10 days, and down to 5 days if you wish to pay for a private PCR test that shows a negative result. Basically, for self-isolation, all along, the scientific advice has been wrong.
The r-number has no scientific formula/basis.
In a nutshell, they’re f*cking with the people. They will keep pushing to see how much we’ll take before we start pushing back.
I’ve got Facebook “friends” who are posting that they’ve had the vaccine and are getting “likes” and comments such as “well done, can’t wait till I get it”.
Anyone ‘testing’ for covid could face life in prison when this comes to court. There will be records of them doing it. ‘Testing’ school kids is an especially heinous crime. Mind you people might me so pissed off they demand the death penalty for ‘covid testers’.
Life in prison might just be for the shop keepers telling people to wear ‘masks’. What ever it is the penalties will be extremely heavy even for the most lowly ‘covid’ pusher. They will make the $2000 fine threatened by the ‘covid’ cult that was illegal and could have been challenged seem like the easy option.
The other massive psy op they push is the asymptomatic spreader. Even the dreaded WHO say there is little evidence of asymptomatic spread. Nothing about this charade makes any sense.
Check this out: Mainstream news USAToday said in September Bill Gates has no ties to Moderna, a COVID vaccine manufacturer: Right there in the link you see “no ties to Moderna.” In 2016, Moderna was awarded a huge grant of 20 million dollars from who? –none other than the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation:
You are all mistaken in the belief that everyone wearing a mask is fearful of the virus. One has only to express the slightest doubt to them & they imm’y confess their doubts, and often their belligerence towards TPTB. It is tempting to carve out a superior position for oneself; don’t do it; join in solidarity w others; invite them to join you.
Yes stick to the no self harm policy. It will help the others get less hassle. There is smokers and everything that seriously shouldn’t be doing that even for a few minutes. They already have low oxygen and shallow breathing. You can see the staff in the shops are getting more and more unhealthy looking wearing those things for whole shifts week after week.
“You can see the staff in the shops are getting more and more unhealthy looking wearing those things”
bullhit. prove it.
Feelings are irrelevant. Actions are what matter and the fact is, here in Montreal, 99% of people in stores aren’t even willing to pull their bloody masks down below their nose, as a subtle form of protest and support to others who know this is a scam. I do, so I’m constantly on the lookout for other ‘rebels’.
If just 10% would be courageous enough to do that we might be able to get the ball rolling and give confidence to others to do the same. Soon, it might snowball above 50% and then we could move on to pulling the damn things below our chins before leaving them at home for good.
I found one upright man among a thousand, but not one upright woman among them (Ecclesiastes 7:28, NIV)
Sexism aside, I used to think that passage was a bit of an exaggeration but this scamdemic is proving beyond all doubt that, when it’s time for meaningful action, way more than 99% of human beings are herd creatures and spineless cowards without a courageous bone in their body.
Documents with warnings about the vaccine are now available… Patients Version / Doctor’s Version and the Doctor’s Version… has all of the warnings. Here is the warnings from Pfizer:
1: If you are pregnant, you are taking a huge chance as they did not test the vaccine on pregnant women… What kind of damage will this have on you or your baby?
2: “It is unknown whether COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 has an impact on fertility”
3: Vaccine is not recommended for anyone under 16 years of age.
4: Vaccine might not work!
5: Interactions studies were note done.. In other words they do not know if the vaccine will cause damages when combined with the other vaccines or (drugs?) you are now taking.
As we have previously reported, Dr. Michael Yeadon, the former head of Pfizer research, filed a STAY OF ACTION with the European Medicines Agency, together with Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, and he warned them about the potential effects of this vaccine on fertility, as he wrote that the experimental Pfizer COVID vaccine is:
expected to induce the formation of humoral antibodies against spike proteins of SARS-CoV-2. Syncytin-1 (see Gallaher, B., “Response to nCoV2019 Against Backdrop of Endogenous Retroviruses” –, which is derived from human endogenous retroviruses (HERV) and is responsible for the development of a placenta in mammals and humans and is therefore an essential prerequisite for a successful pregnancy, is also found in homologous form in the spike proteins of SARS viruses.
There is no indication whether antibodies against spike proteins of SARS viruses would also act like anti-Syncytin-1 antibodies. However, if this were to be the case this would then also prevent the formation of a placenta which would result in vaccinated women essentially becoming infertile.
To my knowledge, Pfizer/BioNTech has yet to release any samples of written materials provided to patients, so it is unclear what, if any, information regarding (potential) fertility-specific risks caused by antibodies is included.
I have no intention of getting the vaccine as my health is good, my immune system strong, my comorbidities absent and my ability to see through propaganda far better than most.
I am under the age of 65, am not obese, do not smoke, do not drink to excess and take regular exercise of an age-appropriate nature.
I see little downside risk in not being vaccinated and an unquantifiable downside risk of being vaccinated for particularly little gain.
you’re one of them there terrorists aren’t you..coming round here with yer fancy health..😠
Yeah, it would be a real shame if something happened to that strong immune system of his, eh?
2020 is turning out to be a shit year.
A few weeks ago, I was being hounded out of OG, threatened even, by the Admins. After retreating to the relative sanity of ZH, I was then hit with the new ZH site design, a design thatfully integrates Google … what a surprise, I wonder how many sheckels that took! Let’s face it, the progressives have been wanting to take down ZH for years. The new site is a total compromise: it demands that you set “no-script” to allow Google to access every nook and cranny of your machine. How can you be a rebelious site and also allow Google to spawn your children? Allow Google to be your dominatrix.
Well, ZH was great, I understand that they came under pressure, I understand that they surrendered to Google, Nothing much to say really, all good things come to an end? I will truely miss the old ZH, I will not get to know the new one.
So, back to the least offensive site I know, OG; Yes, the Admins are rampant, but hey, at least big money has not taken over, unlike at ZH.
[I will truely miss the old ZH, I will not get to know the new one.]
FWIW, more or less my reaction as well.
Same here, it is almost as if thinking has been made illegal. Totally boring, so we go elsewhere.
“People with serious co-morbidities”.
Who are the only people seriously threatened by the whatever-it-is.
So most adults don’t need it. Children really don’t need it. Healthy old people probably don’t need it.
The only people who won’t get it are “people with serious co-morbidities” – the only ones who need protection.
Chocolate teapot? Expensive chocolate teapot.
Yes and they would be in the “unvaccinated control group” used in pseudoscientific studies to show how safe and effective the ‘vaccine’ is.
The co-morbidities need to be super serious too. Too many asthmatics or chubby people thinking it means them. My husband’s obese, diabetic 90-something grandmother just survived a bout of Covid/whatever is going around. She’s fine.
Whether she – or any of us – will survive the vaccine is another matter
The investors are the ones who really need it.
So you need to be in tiptop health to be able to take this vaccine. But this new virus is not posing any significant risk to healthy and strong individuals.
in the same token, people who need the vaccine are the vulnerable who suffer from some other medical conditions. But if you suffer from some other conditions then this vaccine is not suitable, as studies for drug interaction haven’t been done.
In Summary, those vulnerable individuals who need a vaccine, the vaccine is not suitable for them. And those who may be able to tolerate this vaccine, don’t need it.
Oh .. and Summary Two: Big Pharma are assured of making insane amounts of profits regardless of how dodgy their vaccine might turn out
There is a Catch-22. Healthy people are best-suited to taking the vaccine, but Covid is not much of a threat to healthy people.
Messing up with humans’ life and destroying people’s health on a global scale is called catch 22?
‘Civilisation on the brink of collapse’ is a far more suitable term to describe this situation. And if end of civilisation can save us from this disgusting morass, then it is very much a welcome thing!
WW2 was full of catch 22, one of my favourite novels. And the film was not bad either.
Ok, I’m having trouble with this logic
“Logic” is not to be found in their dictionary.
It has been replaced by “Lucre”.
1. The Vaccine is Safe: this is from the snake oil marketing department
2. The Vaccine manufacturers have IMMUNITY: this has been negotiated between governments and Big Pharma lobbyists
We are expected to take individual responsibility and make decisions to protect our health, which is impossible under the present political system.
Coca Cola tests positive with the PCR test!!
Very Austrian accent. A sort of twang you don’t get in typical accents from Germany, although many Bavarians speak dialects from the same general group as most Austrians.
He complains about the undermining of fundamental rights – his party is right-wing. It is a shame the Austrian Social Democrats do not seem to say much – my comment, not his. He rejects the “Covidiot” label.
I don’t know however if the test of inanimate objects as positive means anything – does high sugar content cause a positive result? Because that is the common denominator between fruit being positive in Africa and an Austrian’s Coca Cola.
Come to think of it, Schickelgruber spoke with an Austrian twang when in private. His prrrrronunciation of standart German, was fake Hochdeutsch, practised in many hours in front of a mirror.
Very South German accent but he was born just over the river from Bavaria and he had a somewhat different accent from this guy, who sounds to me like a Viennese. Bavarians seemed to have assumed Hitler was a Bavarian, not an Austrian.
agreed, he sound different from the FPÖ guy but have a listen yourself, if you can stomach 10 min of Hitler talking about the weather and 3000 tanks-Panzer
The Hitler and Mannerheim Recording in Finland, June 4, 1942 (Subtitles)
And HH seemed to have a soft spot for Bavarians and liked to employ them in his personal staff, e.g Traudl Junge.
Hitler was practically a Bavarian. He was born across the river from Bavaria, in Braunau, a town that may even have been part of Bavaria before it was incorporated in the Austrian Empire. He made his political career at the start in Bavaria and a lot of people did not even realise he was Austrian – he may have adapted his accent to his surroundings but in any case the Austro-Bavarian dialect area of German covers both places. He does not sound like the FPO guy to my ears, but the latter has a Viennese/Lower Austria accent and Hitler was not from there.
Ironically, after WWII some US residents with “German”-sounding surnames took to disclosing that they were actually of Austrian, not German, descent.
I had an uncle by marriage of German descent who emphasized this point; I remember my cousin repeating it when we were kids.
I’m not unsympathetic to this pathetic dodge, since ignorant bigots indeed judge others by such superficial ambiguities. It brings to mind two dog-related phenomena in the US: “rebranding” German shepherds as “police dogs” after WWII to remove the presumed stigma– and the WWI-era vigilante practice of persecuting dachshunds, i.e. stoning or stomping them to death.
Austrian and Bavarian German blur into each other, as opposed to Swiss German for that matter.The first time I listend to the Mannheimer recording it struck me that Hitler sounded like an upper Austrian speaking with a noticeable singsang twang that is missing in Bavarian German. Arnold Schwarzenegger has the same Austrian twang when speaking German.
Of course one needs to know whether the truth of the matter is simply that somebody with normal seasonal ‘flu drank from the glass containing the tested CocaCola sample…
Just as with all the mainstream news today, the right questions are not asked.
Iceland was debating changes to its Constitution this week, and all the media told us about was the fact that there are opposing views, as well as when we could expect a decision.
Exactly what those opposing views were was skipped over entirely, since that is the only thing which actually matters to the population.
I agree with this – the sharp uptick in deaths in Greece coincided closely with the hot, dry weather ending and being replaced by cooler, wetter weather. It is also noticeably worse in the colder parts of Greece.
Added to the foregoing, the disease is going to tail off in the northern hemisphere no later than about May. Lockdowns or not, vaccines or not. Whatever they do.
Except they will not allow that to happen.
I heard on today’s news that some of the authorities are reluctant even to think about relaxing the regulations until not a single test returns a positive result…
Also, one of our colleagues here who lives in Australia mentioned several weeks ago that there had been no confirmed cases where he lives for 11 days, and yet the restrictions remained in place.
Unless something is done about this hoax right now, we are still going to be debating covid’s virulence after a thousand years…
I don’t think they can keep this going forever. Biden and the Democrats gaming it for the political advantage set out in the site I linked to is how I think they are going to play it. Some of the authorities, yes, but no positive results is such a high hurdle that it is likely to result in more and more push-back. And not everyone in the world is as phlegmatic and submissive to authority as the British. The Americans are obviously divided about it, as about much else.
However, push-back is important otherwise the ones who want lockdown forever will win.
My contacts in the medical industry (SoCal) are telling me that things are presently far worse than they were in April-May. Whereas at that time, the news of overcrowded ICUs, etc., was totally bogus, now the ICUs ARE reaching capacity. And guess what all these new Cover patients have in common: they were all religiously compliant with all the preventive guidelines…oh, and they ALL GOT THE FLU SHOT.
Sorry, but the argument regarding virulence is lost, because now They are putting the “Covid”–whether it’s an actual virus, an arbitrary marker, or whatever–into the flu shot, so “cases” are “objectively” on the rise, in the sense that the PCR test is treated as an objective measure. Also the outcomes are more dire. My hypothesis is that the “Covid” in the current flu shot accounting for “Wave Two” is actually different and more virulent than the one put in the previous flu shot, which accounts for “Wave One.” Hence Billy-boy’s guarantee that “Wave Two will REALLY get people’s attention! [droooool]”
It’s time to stop putting stock in the “it’s overblown” argument, because now They are ensuring that both positive tests AND worse outcomes will continue to rise, because they’re already inside people’s bodies with periodical flu shots. Moreover, I expect the “vaccine” to basically act as an immunity-off-switch, since it will keep expressing the “spike protein” until the immune system is desensitized to it. Remember, the “spike protein” is the one that allows the “virus” to attach itself to the cellular membrane and inject its genomic material into the cell. Once the “spike protein” is given a “skeleton key” to the cells…well, now the REAL pandemic can begin.
I knew it. Thanks for the update!
“oh, and they ALL GOT THE FLU SHOT.”
Yup… All part of the plan.
The police state of Victoria is getting ready for a coming winter of lockdowns, beginning in autumn, around march/april. They have already announced this …..
“Victoria’s health department is bracing for a potential spike in COVID-19 cases around March and April as the weather turns colder and people start to congregate indoors.”
Greetings from Melbourne May. Sigh.
Yeah, I’m expecting this as well – about April, and then things will go pear shaped again (deliberately of course) with more draconian gulag bollocks, and Sturbenfuhrer Andrews will gleefully preside over his ‘press conferences’ again.
Have been shoving money away as fast as I can. Last lockdown, I ran out of money and was living on tins of soup with boiled rice. Ugh. At least this time will be able to afford things like mince meat and fresh vegetables.
Met another covid sceptic today. She’s an expat Pom, said most of her family is back in England. She knows that once they bring the vaccines in, she’ll never be able to get on a plane again unless she’s vaccinated.
Hope things are going okay up in Brisbane?
So the permissible target groups are women above the age of 50 who don’t have any allergies and don’t take any other medication, and men above the age of 16 who don’t have any allergies and don’t take any other medication.
Realistically, that leaves maybe 2/3rds of young men between 16 and 40 and a handful of men and women above 40/50 as candidates.
Where only the latter are at risk anyway.
The biggest hoax ever, me thinks.
A vaccine for 99.3% of people who will recover anyway. Madness
All this covidian cult lunacy…. its like they’ve all lost their minds. Do people actually think healthy people need to get vaccinated? It’s like most people have been hypnotised.
It’s now become a religion to these people.
Whilst no one has ever seen this virus they worship it and the power that it has over them.
They cheer on the ‘cases and deaths’. It makes them feel better.
I can just see these imbeciles hiding behind their sofas, with their vaccination, their mask tight around their face and hugging their toilet roll.
But if that’s the way they want to live it’s their choice but they can’t force their fear on everyone else.
Unfortunately, I would say they certainly can force their fear on everyone else, because the fear comes from ‘the authorities’, and ‘White Coat Syndrome’ is far more common than people are led to believe (the conviction that anybody in a white coat is automatically to be trusted).
As far as thinking people are concerned, however, they may not force their fear on us.
Where I live, masks outside are optional, but when I went for a walk yesterday – maskless, of course – I encountered a masked woman walking towards me.
Well, not content with the ‘security’ of knowing that her mask, along with a two-metre distance between us, would protect her from whatever lurgi I might be harbouring, she ostentatiously put up her hand to protect the side of her face, which she turned aside as we passed – two metres apart.
The ‘authorities’ have successfully passed on their wickedness, disguised as fear, to this woman, who, in turn, was doing her damnedest to pass it on to me.
The unthinkable has happened. It is with us right now. These people really can force their fear on everyone else, and they are constantly doing so.
Dramatic resistance is now necessary, and I am very encouraged by the number of health professionals who are currently coming forward.
We very much need such action.
Merely understanding the problem is so 20th Century… 🙂
Invasion of the Body Snatchers! I treat mask wearers like potential snitches despite having done my best to provide them all with an alternative point of view – a second opinion. Where I am, it only seems to get worse… there are more maskers now than ever and full compliance whether walking alone or in a car. It’s a religion.
It requires religion as a prerequisite. Therefore it has become a religion born out of religion…
It really is sad and pathetic Paul. I can see that scenario as well… hiding behind their sofa’s, peering out to see if its safe. Sigh. I see that fear everyday out selling the mag.
Not receiving notifications of replies, so having to scroll thru all the comments. Hope your weekend goes well.
Will they recover after the vaccine invades their cells?
Reply to Binra
That is a possibility since some vaccines are administered orally and via the nasal route. Insofar as bacteria are concerned the human microbiome contains between 38 -50 trillion of them including some that have been classed as “pathogenic”.
However, these bacteria are symbiotic and do not cause any problems unless the body is already in a state of dysregulation due to the accumulation of toxicity in the ECM or in the tissue cells, or after surgery or some form of injury where toxic or antigenic materials can gain entry into the body. The bacteria will then become active to clean up the site of injury. Unfortunately, they can sometimes get out of hand but they do not cause disease unless you injest a bucket full!!
Often, the medicines you must take after injury or illness kills much of the microbiome. That disrupts normal metabolism.
My work is in trying to reduce the massive and rising levels of flame retardant chemicals in our homes. FRs cause a wide range of illnesses and make fires much more toxic when they occur. They are incredibly profitable, of course (around £300m a year just in UK upholstered furniture – and they are in lots of other products, too, and increasingly the insulation in the walls of new homes). The industry constantly trumpets how effective they are at preventing/slowing fires. There is no real evidence for this claim, however, especially when there is a stark difference in testing conditions and the set up of actual homes. For example, our mattresses are stuffed with flame retardants passing tests on bare mattresses. But in practice, bedding catches fire first and completely overwhelms the fire resistance of the tests. However, even if they worked, the toxic damage caused by FRs completely overwhelms any fire safety they provide.
There are many parallels with vaccines. FR chemicals are released on to the market with minimal testing done by the chemical companies themselves. This is allowed under chemical law and represents an immunity clause, i.e. when someone else finally proves a chemical is toxic, the FR industry simply removes it from the market and introduces a near-identical chemical and off we go again.
Also, the same people and organisations are involved, no doubt with the same attitudes. The big 3 FR producers share the same PR company – Burson Cohn & Wolfe – as many big pharma companies such as GSK. Imperial College (who has actively worked to prevent changes to our furniture fire safety regulations that would reduce FRs) often provides staff for BCW. Patrick Vallance, long of GSK, has been very active in suppressing investigation into the role FRs played in the Grenfell fire. And Matt Hancock, along with Oliver Letwin, bullied Jo Swinson, when she was a Minister, into blocking changes to the same regulations in order to maintain profits for the FR industry.
As I stated repeatedly, air pollution was responsible for 4.2 million casualties in 2019.
People not just “don’t understand” – they do not want to understand, if the understanding crushes their delusional world view.
Do you remember the images of burned down houses to the cement foundation in the Western U.S.? Nobody ever talked about the amount of FR that went up into smoke. Nobody. Nobody equally considered it worthwhile to even guess alone how many toxic fumes were generated in these ‘fires’. Molten aluminum rims on cars and unscathed vegetation next to it.
The whole covid scam takes the casualties from heavily toxic air pollution and sells it as a virus against which everbody must now be vaccinated. Maybe this works:
The screencap does not provide for a legend regarding the toxicity of the scale. But the highest value is considered “life threatening for healthy people”. One does not have to suffer from a pre-existing condition to succumb to this level of toxicity. All the hotspots for the ‘virus’ are in areas of highest pollution.
Yeah they love rolling out shit that messes our health up. Their latest is of course wireless microwave and millimeter wave devices, but the one that has snuck in to your house, made some food, sat down and put its feet up while everyone has been sleeping is the new weaponised LED lighting ie streetlights (some of which are radio linked), car lights, torches, house lights etc, emitting blue/white light at night which is linked to all manner of nasty health effects. You can switch off the blue light on a computer at night. That option exists because it is well known that blue light has negative health effects. That’s also why blue light blocking night glasses exist. So they roll out blue lighting emitting systems in all public spaces worldwide. Noone says anything about these crimes. What is wrong with people? It looks fucking hideous and it’s everywhere duh!
All old street lighting had an orange glow, go and admire it while it’s still there, most of it is gone now but there are still bits left in most towns. Do the test where your highly evolved body tells you the new lights are rotten by staring at an old street light, then find and stare at a new street light and notice how horrible it makes you feel. You can look at an old light for 20 seconds plus no issue, the new ones make your eyes burn in a nanosecond.
The West is being destroyed, systematically, by these demons.
Brexit is shaping up to be the most stupid move in history, it doesn’t make any sense at this stage in the game because a) gifting absolute power to the amoral criminal corporate scum in control of the UK is reckless b) wrecking the economy and throwing away genuine freedom and no longer being on a playing field with our Euro family and implementing a less than favourable trading relationship with our main trading partrner and creating chaos at the borders for no real benefit especially keeping in mind point a) is a bit too barmy when seen in the cold light of day especially when you factor in point c) the UK is set to become a defacto vassal state of Israel and the USA (I know the EU is anyway but there is something about the lack of a rulebook for them to be kept in check that worries me), even moreso, noone is talking about the elephant in the room…….. What does Israel stand to gain from Brexit? I can envisage a UK being used as a testbed for all the latest gizmos and gadgets ie security and surveillance equipment. UK was first for mass CCTV and big spending on tech has been confirmed by Rot’s child stooge Bojo throughout the scamdemic. First for the vaccine too. Many tradings
Jason Bosch (argusfest screwyoutube channel) just posted this half-hour video of a talk by Ex Merck rep Brandy Vaughan, who was found dead this week.
Another ‘coincidence’, Brandy was a strong advocate for vaccine safety, young and healthy, but mysteriously ‘died of natural causes’ in her home…