The Great Reset: The end of Capitalism as we know it
“building back better” means technocracy & the end of liberalism and democracy in one fell swoop
Sean Stinson

To suggest that there has been an overreaction to the coronavirus pandemic may be the understatement of the century. The spark that began as a rational fear of disease has been fanned into flames of widespread panic which have raged through state and civil institutions. The spectacle of the US election aside (or perhaps a case in point), it is fair to say that democracy no longer exists. The rule of law has been suspended.
A ‘state of emergency’ persists throughout much of the world and will likely remain indefinitely. All of this has been normalised under cover of a declared medical emergency, and like some modern Milgram experiment, the masses have fallen into line. Anyone who dares to even question the new normal – the constant hand sanitizing; the ubiquitous temperature taking; the social distancing; the contact tracing – is now perceived as a threat to society.
If there’s an elephant in the room it’s probably the fact that there seems to be no pandemic to speak of. Regardless of the overblown case reporting there is no significant spike in the overall number of deaths compared to a normal flu season.
Covid 19 manifests as a mild flu in the majority of people who get sick from it, while presenting no symptoms at all in most people, it scarcely impacts children, and according to a growing number of physicians it can be successfully treated with inexpensive and readily available medications such as vitamins D, C and zinc.
So what on earth is going on? Why are plexiglass screens popping up in front of every teller and checkout? Why the mask mandates and tracing apps? Why have schools and businesses been forced to close? Why has the global economy been brought to a standstill? Why are people being locked in their homes? Why are the elderly being left to die alone?
This whole thing needs to be unpacked, but where to even begin? What is a reasonable point of entry into this horror story? What are the foundational facts needed to present a fair and balanced assessment? What assumptions, if any, do we need to start with?
Perhaps we could just dive right into the Great Reset, a proposal put forward by the World Economic Forum (WEF) to rebuild the global economy ‘sustainably’ following the COVID-19 pandemic, which you can read all about here.
But how do we begin to talk about resetting the global economy without at least a perfunctory introduction to the work of Karl Marx, surely one of if not the most important political economist of the modern era? You should have learned about him in school.
Dare we frame this story without at least a minimal understanding of the cult of technocracy, the ideology forged in the embers of the Great Depression which sought to remake the world in a more resilient fashion, leaving out the corruptible human element from decision making processes? This may seem of esoteric interest only, but when novels like 1984 and Brave New World begin to read more like instruction manuals than fiction, one has to wonder.
Can we even hope to grasp the full extent of our current situation without understanding the fragile nature of the Post WWII economy and how the petrodollar system came to effectively replace the gold standard? Probably something more of interest to budding political economists, but again, important fundamentals.
Is it essential to know who John D Rockefeller was; to know about his history of philanthropy and ties to the pharmaceutical industry, or that the very ground on which the United Nations stands was donated by him and his family? (Half a century later the building of the World Trade Centre would be financed by his grandsons Nelson and David, but surely I digress…)
Or how David Rockefeller, aided and abetted by his protégé Maurice Strong, brought the climate agenda front and centre in the 1970s in order to wrest control of the world’s natural resources from sovereign governments and indigenous peoples into the hands of corporate-owned non-government organisations? Or should all of this be filed away under ‘conspiracy theory’?
Would it be useful to understand the perverse creed of transhumanism, where its agenda intersects with all of the above, and what radical cultural shift has led to puberty blockers now being commonly prescribed to mentally disordered children? Or why the words biological reality can no longer be spoken in polite company?
All of these are potential chapters of a book which I simply don’t have the time or energy to write. So for our present purposes can we just agree that when you live under a system that rewards wealth and power and prioritises private profit over human need, and distribute that out across 7 billion people, you end up with the worst aberrations the human species can produce at the apex of power? We are ruled over by psychopaths.
If that is too much for you to take in, I suggest you leave off here and go back to your favourite television news channel and await further programming. Hint: it doesn’t matter which channel. When six mega corporations own all of the news outlets, IT’S ALL FAKE NEWS.
Nothing is as it seems. The world as we knew it was never as it seemed anyway. But now there has been a fundamental change.
To put this into historical context, to speak of the modern era is to speak of a distinct historical period with its own distinctive economic and social characteristics. Chief among these is a system of property relations controlled by markets, which exist within agreed institutional frameworks backed by political authority.
“Private property is the golden calf of capitalism and unregulated capitalism is the bible of the ruling class.” writes Bernd Hamm. A succinct observation, but I feel the metaphor needs to be extended somewhat, for it seems to me that the golden calf, once worshipped, is now being sacrificed.
Marx’s theoretical framework is fundamental to understanding our current situation. Marx was absolutely correct when he said that the crises of capitalist production are due to under-consumption, ie, production outstripping demand. In a nutshell, continuing to produce more and more while paying workers less and less results in workers not being able to afford to buy the goods they produce.
Marx describes this as an internal contradiction; A contradiction embedded in the very DNA of the capitalist system.
Let’s not fool ourselves that the ruling class haven’t studied history as well, and don’t know what fate awaits them if capitalism is allowed to follow its ordained path. Which is why I suggest they have chosen to bring the revolution to the toiling masses, before we bring it to them.
The current global recession may have been inevitable, but the (mis)management of the pandemic has been a wrecking ball. The dire situation in which we now find ourselves presents a “narrow window of opportunity”, according to Klaus Schwab, founder and CEO of the WEF, in which to “reflect, reimagine, and reset our world”.
It all sounds quite noble and grand, until you realise this cosplaying sociopath is actually calling for the complete annihilation of national economies – economies which have still not recovered from the 2008 global capitalist crisis.
The BoE is calling this the biggest recession since 1706. That’s not just a 300 year credit bubble, but the entire capitalist enterprise. The entire modern era. Capitalism, liberalism, democracy, all gone in one fell swoop. And it’s never coming back – they have made certain of it.
What we are seeing today is a shift away from production based economies, which you can read all about in the WEF’s own literature. What is proposed by the resetters under the rubric of ‘building back better’ is not capitalism; it is a different system of social and economic organisation altogether.
A ‘sharing economy’ in the new parlance – a system of energy inputs and outputs perfectly balanced thanks to the modern marvels of the blockchain and the Internet of Things/Internet of Bodies. The defining features of capitalism – competitive markets, a price system, private property and the recognition of property rights, voluntary exchange and wage labor – are conspicuously absent from this new economy, along with any hope of upward mobility. In real language this is TECHNOCRACY.
This is a paradigm shift.
Marx was right when he predicted that capitalism would end because of its own internal contradictions. He was naive to think it would necessarily end due to the revolutionary struggle of the working class. The ruling class have other options, and the system they intend to foist on us next will be more efficient, more resilient, and more brutal than anything John D Rockefeller could have conceived of in his wildest fantasies.
I was asked by a comrade recently why I labour the point that we are no longer living under capitalism. To this I can only answer, how are we supposed to mount an effective counter attack when we aren’t aware that the terrain has changed? Whistling in the dark and pissing into the wind at the same time takes no special talent. We need to address our changing material conditions and update our theoretical framework, or we risk becoming irrelevant.
What we are seeing is not just business as usual. Not just the latest power grab; the latest upward redistribution of wealth to the 1%. Nor is it ‘just’ fascism, ie capitalism in crisis mode. What we are seeing, or rather failing to see, is so much more than this. In order to fully understand, we need to look past the theatrics and examine the mechanics.
The virus is theatre. Just like climate change was theatre. ‘Climate change’ is a deliberately meaningless buzzword invented to serve elite interests. Blaming all of our problems on an invisible gas which makes up 0.04% of the atmosphere does nothing to address any of the serious environmental issues we face. Rather the proposed link between atmospheric warming and ‘greenhouse’ gases acts as a diversion from issues which the elites have no intention of addressing.
Deforestation is something we desperately need to take action on. Clearing millions of acres to make way for solar farms clearly misses the point. Dumping billions of tonnes of plastic and chemical waste into the oceans each year poses a serious danger to marine ecosystems and ultimately the entire food chain, but this pales next to current plans by multinational conglomerates to begin strip-mining the ocean floor.
The destruction of aquifers through horizontal drilling puts our precious water supply under continual threat and is allowed to go ahead because natural gas is considered a clean fuel? Blow me. Modern industrial farming practices, GMO foods and fertilizers have a devastating impact on biodiversity, but are integral to supply chain management under ‘green capitalism’. I could go on and on.
But while the climate change industry has been a boon for certain elite interests, it failed the ultimate test – the total transformation of society. Despite all the expert scientists prophesying certain extinction within decades, the looming threat of a climate apocalypse was still not enough to justify the changes we’ve seen in recent months.
They needed something more tangible. They needed to be able to show the dead bodies piling up. At least on TV. Enter covid-19 – Something we could all be REALLY scared of.
And just like that, governments acted in perfect synchronicity, on the advice of ‘expert panels’ and ‘top scientists’, to put the brakes on national economies; economies with no more levers left to pull. 25% of small businesses have now closed, most never to reopen, while retail and tech giants have swept up their market share posting record profits.
In the last eight months Jeff Bezos has added $70 billion to his personal wealth, while Elon Musk has pocketed a cool $110 billion. Small change compared to what Bill Gates stands to make from a vaccine which will likely be required by everyone, every year, for life.
This a corporate coup d’etat. We are never going back to ‘normal’.
“Build back better”, they keep repeating. As if they have any intention of rebuilding the pillars of liberal democracy which they just took the axe to. Privacy, freedom of speech, freedom of peaceful assembly etc. Nope. If you comply with the new rules they might issue you a “freedom passport”. So long as your shots are up to date and your social credit is good you might even get to keep your pension or your disability payment. But probably not your house.
A few are talking about it. There are vague murmurings from the conservative and libertarian camps warning us about this diabolical plot by the elites to install world socialism. Because, well because anything they don’t like is socialism, right?
Because they have never studied history or political science, in fact most of them sound like they have never read a book. They just repeat what they hear from their favourite right wing pundits. Remember those six corporations?
No, the Great Reset is not about socialism. Would that that were the case. The oligarchs want to create a permanent rentier class. They and their kind will own ALL while the rest of us own nothing. This is fundamentally different from socialism which seeks the elimination of private property and restoration of the commons.
n the new economy, everything will be rented. No one needs to sleep all the time. Why own a bed when you can rent or share one? Why own a car or a bicycle when you can pool a ride in a self driving taxi cab? You get the idea.
Some are calling it stakeholder capitalism, but this too is inaccurate. A more accurate term would be techno-feudalism. Fiat currency has outlived its usefulness. Capital markets are being replaced by impact markets which will trade in human misery while biometric sensors track our every move. Did you ever wonder why they call it the world wide web? If it’s not obvious by now why they are in such a rush to roll out 5G, just read/watch any dystopian sci-fi made in the last fifty years.
This is the world they are creating for us right now. The old one is gone, and is not coming back. One way or another we are going forward.
But where to?
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“Not coming back”? – this repeated theme by Mr Stinson is depressing. He seems to be a pessimist; that humanity faces a dark future and there’s nothing we can do about it.
That a dark future threatens I can’t deny; but I disagree that it’s inevitable. We (those who grasp the essentials of individual human freedom) can certainly do something about it. Free capitalism can not only be restored, but implemented to a degree never yet experienced.
The method is simple, inexpensive and impossible to prevent. Google “tolfa freedom”, and disregard the town in Italy.
The final destination of these satanic elite is to turn man against God – forever – which requires the bio-tech mind control via the nano-chip Kaballah body network contolled 5g hive mind (also known as the Mark of the Beast in the bible) – those who won’t enter will be put to death. The collective in the hive-mind will be controlled via AI to do the will of the one world leader – the Antichrist (sitting in the seat of the pope) and they will worship the beast as god. It’s religious but that’s where all this is going and this will lead to the final all ending destructive armegeddon nuke war to end the earth and all that we know ‘physically’.
Democracy is just a word to entertain believers with the aggravating circumstance that everyone idealizes it as a reality, which does not apply.(google traductor)
An excellent but depressing read
The author cannot disprove “Climate change” because it is observable in real circumstances now. The only debate is if the phenomenon is of human origin or simply nature at work. The debate is irrelevant the phenomenon is real and we must prepare for it. How and why?
Why? Droughts are imminent which means food shortages. The government cannot help because they will be overwhelmed by the destitute. Polarized wealth owns the system of food production we now have and distribution. This means the middle and working class will be forced to pay astronomical amounts for a second-place for that resource behind the wealthy.
How do we prepare? We have no choice facing this potential. We must use our one advantage our numbers and create a purchasing power that can control a fair share of food production and indeed become food producers to some extent.
The greatest fear that the oligarchs have is that we drop our differences those things that divide us and act together. This is a critical idea I hope you will consider it and join us on Facebook the “preparedness project group”
There is no evidence that what the weather patterns etc that are ‘observable in real circumstances now’ is caused by an excess of c02 as is the narrative of ‘climate change’. There are many other factors that are affecting the entire biological system of earth as the author mentioned. When you knock something out of balance there is a domino effect. Charles Eisenstein has written at length on this subject in his book – Climate, A new story. I suggest you read it. Yes the phenomenon is real but we cannot resolve it when we are focused on either the wrong cause, or just one of many causes.
I used to believe in socialism but not any more. It seems that ideology is a personal thing and should be treated as such. A change of heart is whats needed. I don`t think humanism is true and workable. I don’t know know how anarchy can work, maybe it has been demonised so much that it’s never been given a chance to work. I think when we are content with who we are the World around us benefits. For me I need to believe in a divine purpose which hopes makes me a better person. Watched a film yesterday where they said in any situation ask your what would Jesus do then you would do the more responsible thing. Even if you don’t believe I think is a good thing to try.
How about this idea……how about if all of us just do what is fair and just.
I know what all of you are thinking……that would be impossible.
Ok, maybe you are right. Let me work on this for awhile and if I come up with a better idea I will report back. Peace.
Good thoughts.
A quote from Mr Marx:
Marx in volume 1 of Capital writes
“Capitalist production…disturbs the metabolic interaction between man and the earth, i.e. prevents the return to the soil of its constituent elements consumed by man in the form of food and clothing; it therefore violates the conditions necessary to lasting fertility of the soil…The social combination and organization of the labor processes is turned into an organized mode of crushing out the workman’s individual vitality, freedom and independence…
Moreover, all progress in capitalist agriculture is a progress in the art, not only of robbing the worker, but of robbing the soil; all progress in increasing the fertility of the soil for a given time is a progress towards ruining the more long-lasting sources of that fertility. The more a country starts its development on the foundation of modern industry, like the United States, for example, the more rapid is this process of destruction. Capitalist production, therefore, develops technology…only by sapping the original sources of all wealth—the soil and the worker.”
– Karl Marx –
(May 5, 1818 – March 14, 1883)
I’d very, very, very much love to see a non establishment author visit OG. Maybe an Andrew Kaufman or a Thomas Cowan or a Jon Rappoport or an Amandha Vollmer, namely people who don’t use lines like “seems to be no pandemic to speak of.“
But…but…people jolly well are speaking of a pandemic. I’ve even heard them at it. Why, only today, and then not for the first time, the very phrase ‘there’s a pandemic on, didn’t you know?’ was levied at me, on account this time of my casual attitude to muzzle wearing. On the other hand, an informative link. Thanks.
My pleasure.
Western conservatives and libertarians should take some of the blame for the current situation for letting the disgusting level of
unearned wealth by insanely rich billionaires go unopposed.
It is unlikely that the lunatic Klaus Schwab and his mentally ill tech/bio oligarch sponsors will fully achieve their dystopian “reset” as outlined in Schwab’s ‘The Great Reset’ manifesto. But that’s no reason to rejoice. Consider all the damage the technocrat-inspired ruling class have already done, and continue to do, while the public remains completely ignorant of what is happening right under their nose.
Observing how ordinary people, including friends and family members, have been brainwashed and turned into parrots who mindlessly squawk, or quietly go along with, the establishment line on a plethora of issues has been profoundly depressing, almost traumatizing, for me. Are intelligent people really so easily duped into repeating nonsense or cowed into keeping their mouths shut by mass media delivered propaganda? Yes and yes. It’s been a very bitter pill to swallow.
The propaganda techniques used to achieve this result are not sophisticated. It’s mostly a matter of repetition and the ubiquitous use of “smart” phones and services provided by big tech/data companies has made this an easy task. No matter where you look MSM outlets all sing from the same hymn sheet regarding the Covid plandemic, Russiagate, the war on Syria and the glories of globalism, to name a few examples, and that is pretty much all it takes to get a significant majority of the citizenry to accept the media’s narrative on these issues as unquestionable truths.
It’s not just the news media. After a long break from television I’ve been watching Netflix and Amazon shows from a variety of countries (US, UK, Russia, Sweden, Germany, Canada and France) and almost every series includes subtle and not-so-subtle propaganda pushing a global consumer society, “woke” values and the inevitability of a tech dominated world. There are three shows I’ve seen (from Russia, the US/UK and Sweden) that humanize AI and conflate suspicion of humanoid robots with racism and gender discrimination. Two of the shows even have characters that “fall in love” with these machines. And, sure enough, it’s portrayed as just another “human right” and if you question it you are probably a bigot who hates freedom and LGBTQ people too.
But, I can hear you say, the media and Hollywood have always carried water for the establishment… didn’t Chomsky write that book about manufacturing consent back in the early 80s and wasn’t Rambo fighting the commies in Afghanistan? Yes, that is absolutely correct, but before the internet era the news media and entertainment industry didn’t have the kind of reach and societal penetration it has today and newspapers and current affairs programs did occasionally push back against government overreach and coverups. Watching MSM news footage from the 70s and 80s on Vimeo and YouTube it’s very strange seeing them talk about MKULTRA, war crimes, MI6 coups and CIA assassinations. CBS even did a fairly in-depth examination of how the nominally leftist Australian PM Gough was deposed in 1972 with the help of the CIA and MI6.
Can you imagine anything like that being broadcast today? No, in the brave new world we live in today anyone who brings up the global establishment’s crimes and dirty laundry gets slandered as a Nazi, a far-right dupe, an Assadist, Putin puppet, Tankie etc. There have even been articles and op-eds in “respectable” newspapers claiming that terms like ‘global capitalism’, ‘banking cabal’ and ‘the mainstream media’ are secret antisemitic code words that really mean “Jew”!
Even more insidious than outright propaganda is how the media, which is largely owned by organizations and companies that are firmly plugged into the WEF/4IR/GR technocrat matrix, has made it increasingly socially unacceptable to question the establishment’s received wisdom. I know someone who has bought into the whole Covid hysteria, so this person is hardly a radical, but she did voice concerns on Fakebook about the safety of the Covid vaccines that are currently being hyped by the media like they are the latest cool and trendy must-have products, and she was immediately denounced as a crazy anti-vaxxer and her posts memoryholed.
Humans are hardwired to be terrified of being shunned and ridiculed by their peers and few people can stomach sustained social disapproval. If a person thinks or knows they will be treated like a fool or a pariah by people whose respect and acceptance they value and desire, they will refrain from saying or doing anything that triggers such behaviour. This is psychology 101 stuff and every propagandist and psyop agent knows it and makes use of it.
So Schwab and company don’t have to reach the subdermal microchip and brain implant stage of the Great Reset to destroy what’s left of (relatively) free and open societies. People are already conditioned to go along with whatever wisdom [sic] the media is peddling and to keep their criticism or concerns, if they are still awake enough to have any, to themselves. They are already dependent on digital screens and tech gadgetry and quietly accept that a society infused with even more invasive technology, predictive algorithms, semi-autonomous AI constructs and even humanoid sex dolls that can pass a simple Turing test are not just “inevitable” but desirable and cool.
The WEF represents the technocratic bio-capitalist psychopaths (Gates, Zuckerberg, Thiel, Bezos and so forth) and their basic strategy is getting every human being on earth enmeshed in and dependent on digital technology. This means using technology to punish and reward (i.e. control) people. They are turning the entire world into a massive <a href=””>Skinner Box</a> except with people instead of rats.
While the situation will surely get worse than it is now with more censorship, thought policing and psychological control, a global “society” run like a behavioural experiment designed for rats is going to generate its own forms of resistance. It would be great if the masses woke up and put a stop to this before it gets to the crossing the Rubicon stage, but that seems unlikely (though not completely improbable).
Nonetheless at some point there <i>will</i> be a popular resistance pushing back against the techno dystopia they have planned for humanity, simply because it’s an inhuman way to exist. There is already a small but growing resistance that cuts across ideological lines and it is from this that a larger resistance movement will spring. Probably it will begin with small groups of individuals going off-grid and regaining their humanity, leading the way for others who intuitively realize that they’ve been conned and manipulated into accepting a machine-mediated existence in lieu of a meaningful human life. That’s what keeps me going.
Hi Eric Blair, where can I hear more from you online? Or please do find me on Twitter
Cool comment under a cool article.
Living thru these times is like living inside a psychopaths brain.
“Are intelligent people really so easily duped into repeating nonsense or cowed into keeping their mouths shut by mass media delivered propaganda? Yes and yes. It’s been a very bitter pill to swallow.”
It’s not hard to see how it happened. What is the center of family life for almost every human being with a tv set? The tv set. The 1% had no better weapon than tv. You mix propaganda, and censorship and entertainment and… voila! The people allowed it. They didn’t care enough to be wary. They didn’t care enough to engage in active learning, which would have been an antidote to the poison on tv even if they still made it the center piece of their home.
The first catstrophe, upon which the catastrophe of Covid 1984 depended, was the dumbing down of the people, which they allowed to happen. People voluntarily went stupid and became cattle. They didn’t care. Now they are cattle and can be stampeded into to trampling us to death.
“If a person thinks or knows they will be treated like a fool or a pariah by people whose respect and acceptance they value and desire, they will refrain from saying or doing anything that triggers such behaviour…” ‘if’ that person is unprincipled.
I’m not particularly brave. But I am prinicpled. I’m not perfect. Being principled is more important, in my view, than being brave or super smart. When you’re principled, you simply don’t go there, namely toward being a part of the problem. It has nothing to do with feelings or desires. It’s simply a red light that you would no sooner go through than a driver on the road would go through a red light at an intersection.
“It would be great if the masses woke up” What about those among those masses who are evil?
Eric, It looks like you may not have noticed the formatting tools that this discussion platform makes available. I tend to ignore stuff that’s going on around me too, often. In the composition box, at the botton, you’ll see the icons. There’s the ‘link’ icon for example, which looks like a tilted 8. Highlight your text, and enter the url and click ‘save’ for that particular edit (not the entire post). You can bold, italicize, etc.. Then when you’re done, hit ‘post comment’.
Thank you. A comprehensive account of what’s going on in the right terms. Yes, they got us through the technology we use. Without the internet and television, things would have never gone as insanely as they have gone.
If the millions of masses in each country are not yet getting out to throw themselves on the police like a devastating tsunami, regardless of the risks, which wouldn’t matter any longer (nothing to lose anymore!), taking their guns from them and asking them at a gunpoint on which side they are, it’s because things haven’t gone worse enough. People are still managing somehow to live and work through this insanity (as a matter of fact, a lot of people are earning a living because of this situation, specially in health department) and are not yet realising that the source of this earthly hell is the economic system we also, ourselves, use in our daily life at the individual level. What most of us fail to see, is that in our daily life, in our business dealings, at our small level, we use the same line of reasoning that Big Pharma, big tech and social media companies use. It’s just a matter of degree. We shall be forced to make a critical inspection of the foundation of our modern civilization, and decide what world do we want for us and for the future generations.
Marx said that this system is condemned to expand and expand, by crises and revolutions (though I don’t believe that things have to grow constantly; small is beautiful, but he uses Hegelian dialectic to conclude that the system has to exhaust itself and give all it is capable of giving before it collapses; also, did the system ever contract since we start using it? Never. In any case this point is controversial); according to him, what is small becomes bigger and bigger. Today’s big tech companies once were perhaps a little computer service company, with a single desk. What the tech companies are doing today would have been inconceivable then. Gates, Soros, Schwab et al, can do nothing to stop this expansion; themselves are the living proof of the expansion; it’s inherent to the system; they surely would want to stop it at some point so as to be in control of public reaction. Alas! The system is a train without brakes heading full speed to a brick wall. A proof of that comes from french philosopher Jean-Claude Michéa, which I haven’t the slightest reason to doubt: A friend of his, Paul Jorion, economist and very learned in Marx’s ideas, had been invited to a private meeting at the city of London, shortly after the 2008 crisis, with the high priests of the world of finance (the cream of the cream, according to Michéa). There, he was asked to provide a Marxian interpretation of what the heck was going; that they are losing control over the course of events in the financial system, and so on.
So things I believe will get worse, and when they get worse enough, like constant internet shutdown, communications shutdown, food shortages, energy outages, etc., I wouldn’t like to be in the shoes of you know who.
And I believe that a change will come when enough people in the world will be ready to receive that change; that is when we realize that a change is necessary because things have gone far enough; not a reform (another one!) but a real different paradigm. Then, we won’t accept anymore safety and comfort as excuses to continue under the same system, and we shan’t recognize the current authorities, and their words will fall into deaf ears.
Hi Eric! You spoke about my ideas! What about create some channel, perhaps in Telegram to share the ideas and know how to resist against new reality? Its quite complicated to do it separately. What app or fb is not a best for that…
Wow what a well written, thought provoking piece! Inspiring.
Brilliant comments there Eric. I agree with you 100%..
Brilliant analysis Eric. I agree with you 100%.
Hi Eric, really enjoyed reading your comments, actually I should correct myself, “enjoyed” is not the right word obviously… we all wish you didn’t have to write about the issues that you addressed and that we lived in better times. However you have given a good summary of what is going on in the world at the moment.
I grew up in Eastern Europe in the seventies, so I have some personal experience of living under a technocratic, one party, ideological state, which is not much different from what is in plan for all of us at the moment. When I say “not much different”, I am actually wrong, because the technological advances achieved in the last few decades make Josef Stalin in his day look like an amateur trying to become the new high school bully.
My biggest concern is that today, with their 100% coverage of the global population, silicon valley technocrats have the power to alter everyone’s perception on this planet. One’s perception depends on the information recieved, if someone controlls all the information an individual recieves, they control their view of reality or the world. Since perception controlls human response or behaviour… there you go! Once you controll perception, you controll the population, first thing or chapter one in Idiot’s Guide to Dictatorship.
Unfortunately it works, I am at a stage now that I can’t hold a conversation about current issues with most of my BBC and Mainstream media watching relations or friends, they think I am dillusional. “You must be surely dillusional to think that there isn’t a COVID crises overwhelming our health care system!” is the kind of criticism I am getting from the people watching Main Stream Media.
When I say to them that PRAVDA and communist media insisted in the spring of 1986 that Chernobil was a western plot to spread “Disinformation” = “Fake News” ( in today’s term) but there is nothing to worry about, first they nod in agreement… then say: but don’t worry, this isn’t the Soviet Union. Then I think back and realize, even during the depth of the Cold War, during the time when people raising uncomfortable queastions just simply dissapeared, we could still go to a Pub, meet our family or dying parents. Have a funeral, a wedding, even a Christmas! When some people say: this new Tyranny is nothing we ever seen before, I believe them!
I would instead have said the urgency to establish the great reset in very BECAUSE climate change is real and threatening to become completely out of control within a decade.
Exxon mobile own scientist reported and were silenced way back in the 60’s. The basic mechanism of the greenhouse effect were established in the mid 1800 while at the very end of that same century a Danish scientist wrote a paper on global warming. His prediction and subsequent further studies have proved to very accurate indeed.
No, to repeat , it’s not because the climate crises did frighten people enough so they moved onto the pandemic fraud, it’s because it’s real but capitalist ideology, gutless politicians and a media without any sense of morality would sooner destroy the planet that take meaningful action. They weren’t about let that happen.
Hello dorfling: All true. You generally won’t find positive feedback regarding planetary heating (aka: climate change) on this forum. Most persons here are simply repeating what they’ve been told to believe. The evidences of planetary heating are manifold.
Excerpted from: Record-Setting Ocean Warmth Continued in 2019
“The ocean heating is irrefutable, and a key measure of the Earth’s energy imbalance: the excess GHGs in the air trap more heat inside the climate system and drives global warming. More than 90% of the heat accumulates in the ocean because of its large heat capacity, and the remaining heating manifests as atmospheric warming, a drying and warming landmass, and melting of land and sea ice.
There are no reasonable alternatives aside from anthropogenic emissions of heat-trapping gases (IPCC, 2001, 2007, 2013, 2019; USGCRP, 2017). Increased ocean temperatures lead to rising sea levels (thermal expansion of the ocean and added mass from melting land ice) (Oppenheimer et al., 2019). According to the altimetry satellite record, the past 10 years are also the highest in global mean sea level since 1900 (IPCC, 2019).”
Complete text:
Thanks Paul. I’ve traveled extensively -Africa, India, Middle East, far East – and ordinary people repeat the same thing;
the climate has changed for the worst.
Fight on
The climate indeed has change for the worse. Althoug, i believe this is not precisely because of the idea that thr media says but because of the constant destruction of our own environemtent, not only through big industries but also for the comglomeration of people in cities.
I used to live in an area in which people always say thay weather was better decades ago, and I believe it too, since I can also testify it. But its also because (and this is not to excuse any pollution agent, that must be stoped before they destroy our beautiful world) the destruction of our natural habitats… now I live in an area where houses are still not overbuilt, people have the space they need and thats it, people keep the trees that surround thwm and dont take down much of the natural habitat that surrounds us, we can still see various wild animals around… and the people here report that the weather has always been nice… although 1.5 hours away of driving there is the closes city where the weather elevates more than 12 degrees compared to the area where i am at, and its a city so there is nothing more that concrete in there.
I agree that the world need to be saved from irresponsible management of resourses and destruction of its own. But what the alternative media says, most of the time because i gotta admit that somethimes they dont adress is in the correct way either, says is that the mainstream narrative creates a fake problem and a fake solution while the real problem itself is right in front of our noses and the solution is so simple that anyone with half a brain could figure it out.
I’ll believe you’re not a hired robot if you can meaningfully define the ‘theory’ of the anthropogenic ‘greenhouse gas effect’ and identify its falsifiability conditions?
The vast NSA surveillance of all citizens was outlined in Zbigniew Brzezinski’s Between Two Ages in 1970:
“The technotronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values. Soon it will be possible to assert almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and maintain up-to-date complete files containing even the most personal information about the citizen. These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities.”
This agenda dates back even further to the 1930’s, when Technocracy originally began. Patrick Wood has done extensive research on this subject.
The technotronic era is two things. It’s clever people and it’s clever people who are determined to use their smarts to avoid doing honest work. We can’t use them in the new world.
Christmas parties are kicking off on trains in Germany. “It is the only option now, dancing in the trains”.
Funny! (I know that train line well). I hope this isn’t a clever psyop aimed at under-30s, a la: “Look at these stupid Boomers!” It’s clear that it’s the younger generations TFIC want to seduce into grateful compliance and there are no really young people in that troupe. Also: are they all being fined for that? (And how did they find an empty u-bahn wagon to party in?)
The general take on covid and the vaccines makes sense to me including that this has long been planned. I believe that Klaus believes what he says.
I also believe, that most of us will be surplus to requirements and will be treated as such.
What doesn’t make sense to me is the why.
Imagine that the instigators succeed as they well might. They become even wealthier, they are as powerful as never before, the world population is reduced to the desired level, total victory, the paradies is theirs, and then…?
They might have the best health care in the world, the finest food, the greatest luxuries, their offspring all have ponies and helicoptors to play with, and then? Is that enough for a life?
Somehow, I cannot imagine that to live happily ever after is their goal. What is? What do they really want?
Can anyone enlighten me?
Or are they just all psychopaths or Aliens or do we live in a matrix a la David Icke’s hypothesis?
In what seems to be a mad world, the sane cannot but go crazy, it’s a healthy response.
From observing young pop stars, or children of the ultra-rich in their late teens, do you think they know what they want? “Power corrupts…”.
I don’t know but big pharma shares seem to be taking a beating. Pfizer for example has seen close to a 9% drop in the last 5 days. Could it be the early stages of a pancake collapse of the entire cartel?
I’ve often pondered these questions too. How much control or stuff is enough? They control most of the population through main steam propaganda (probably this channel too) and also control anything of value, including your sweat from labor.
Iv always though of it as a hollow victory. Were is the satisfaction of achievement when it’s come via means of deceit, foul play or inheritance. Lance Armstrong crossing a finish line first because he’s paid off the other guys to let it happen makes little sense to me. Sure he gets paid, but it takes a special kind of twat to smile to the crowd and take all the pats on the back from the cancer suffers who were fooled into thinking you are a legend representing their cause.
Or playing a rigged game Monopoly with mentally disabled children, were you owned the bank from the start and could not loose. Then punching the air in self congratulation when you win.
Same goes for these so called leaders. Sure, they have managed to fool the masses, but the only ones they have managed to fool unconditionally are idiots. So what’s the plan here? To be “Lord of the idiots”? Personally, I’d rather not.
These people label themselves “Honorable”. However, be honorable you should have a track record of being right mined, trust worthy, ethical, or to simply have a moral compass. How do these guys keep a straight face and call each other honorable? Again, it takes a special kind of deluded twat to believe your own horse shit. Same goes to the 77th of the forum, you’re not saving the world, despite what you are telling yourself. You do it for your own self gain, money being at the forefront.
But then the voice in my head is not one a psychopathic demon. So I guess that’s why I don’t understand it.
They want Total Control; it’s in the psychological profile. They’re like the busybodies fuming over people laughing too loud in the neighbor’s yard; they’re like the people who call the cops because someone is wearing a t-shirt they don’t like. Compulsions like these can be so powerful that the compulsion, plus the connections of an upper-class birth, can lead to the ruthless acquisition of vast wealth, which, in turn, amplifies these personal compulsions into global issues. Billionaires, in this society, are granted an instant authority, so the compulsions are glorified in grandiose terms. But they are nevertheless quite blatantly petty and propelled by an aberrant psychology. Morbidly-Obsessed Control Freaks are in charge.
Isn’t that what Jeffrey Dahmer got off on? Total Control. He not only drugged, raped and murdered poor Blacks; he experimented (surgically!) with turning them into zombies.
Sound familiar?
Rada, I can enlighten you. The only rational explanation is the Bible. There the whole plan is laid out from a supernatural, eternal perspective. There is a devil, who aspired to be like God, was booted out, and while he and the entities that work for him await their coming judgment, do everything they can to DELAY it, including the DESTRUCTION OF HUMAN KIND, especially of those who know the truth and how to be SAVED FROM DESTRUCTION – we are especially dangerous. Why? Because God manifest in the flesh as Yeshua (Jesus) of Nazareth, came expressly to OVERCOME THIS POWER GRAB through taking the punishment in place of all human beings for SIN (ie, everything that separates us from our CREATOR). Because our Creator loves us and wants us all to be restored, those who believe in the sacrifice of the one that was sent and turns to him, humbles him/herself to serve a loving, benevolent Creator and comes under HIS authority, will (a) have his protection, (b) when the devil shows up incarnate as a false Messiah and gives us hell on earth, Yeshua (Jesus) the real appointed Messiah to rule in love, peace and justice will rescue and protect those who believe and trust in Him. When under His authority, we are protected from the devil and his agents, in a way that others are not, because we are not separated by sin and out of fellowship with God. Yeshua’s sacrificial death had to happen, so that forgiveness and restoration could happen. For the will and testament of God to come into effect for all humans, someone had to die (just like when one becomes the inheritor of a will of a deceased person). Without the shedding of blood there could be NO forgiveness of sin. This is why the devil hates believers because he can never be redeemed or restored and therefore he is fighting hard to ursurp the worship of every human being he can, which rightly belongs to the Creator. His jealousy of the human race causes him to hate us and his desire is to destroy us and bring us down with him to the same place of judgement, which actually was never created for humans. But unless we turn to God and trust in Yeshua’s sacrifice so that our sins can be forgiven, so that we are restored to God and under His protection and ultimate rescue, we are in an extremely vulnerable position and prey to all the dark spiritual entities in this world and the next. God has offered us a gift because He loves us. When we come under His authority, we have authority – in the spiritual realm and we have the right as spiritually reborn sons and daughters of God to come before the Highest Judge in the Universe to make requests and petitions on behalf of our world. Prayer is dynamite and you have no idea how much is being changed and shifted by this, even now from prayers of past generations. Even if we do die, our spirits will be safe and with the Lord. However, the good news is that Jesus is destined to revisit this planet, this time in power and glory when he will put down all the wicked global elites and all who follow them and usher in a new age of freedom and justice. It is going to get worse before it gets better. This may well be the time spoken of in the book of Revelation (around Chapters 13 and 14), but those who belong to God through His earthly representative (Yeshua the anointed one) will be under His protection. PUt yourself under His rule and you will be under His protection. There are angelic forces who work for the Creator for good, who outnumber the entities that serve the Devil. The cross of crucifixion and sacrifice was the greatest catalyst for change the world will ever know. Seek to be reconciled to God through the Lord, Yeshua (Jesus), be restored, and receive the gift of the Spirit of God to guide and enlighten you and you will move to a whole new dimension. He will give you understanding of the spiritual realities that are behind all this (see the book of Ephesians chapter 6) and teach you how to do spiritual warfare. Man’s solutions are not enough, as the root of the whole problem is spiritual. The devil is seeking to manifest Himself in a human being. He will succeed for a season but then Yeshua will appear out of the heavens and overthrow him, judge the world and then sort the mess out.
I don’t agree with your version of Chrisianity.
I wish Yeshua would get a move on, time appears to be running out.
The Muslims also believe in the second coming of Yeshua (who they call Isa) and prophecy his reappearance to coincide EXACTLY with the appearance of their own eschatological redeemer, Al-Mahdi (also known as “the hidden Imam” and “the one who heals by caressing”), following which Isa and Al-Mahdi, between the two of them (if they are not indeed the very same person) kill the devil and initiate the Eschaton.
Incidentally, the Muslims don’t believe Yeshua died on the cross, but that there was a last minute switch, and that a thief who looked like Yeshua was crucified as the King of the Jews.
Yes we are in a spiritual war.
Truth beautifully stated.
Thanks for writing all that out, but in my opinion this still does not explain things. Id like to believe it, but what I cant understand is HOW are we expected to believe it? You might as well say “I believed in the vaccine’ or ‘I believed in the Great reset, it sounded good at the time”. Perhaps that strategy will go wrong for you, but your heart was in the right place. When you arrive at the pearly gates Peter says to you “actually, you effed up! The vaccine was the mark of the beast! Off you trot!” Not to be rude to the writer of the post above but from a different perspective; this is a story about a man who I cant prove to have existed who made a conceptual trade of his life with the future sins of all other men (which also makes no sense) and now Im supposed to live my life based on that, in fear that if I dont I might be condemned after I die.? For what reason did this all happen anyway? Many people have still been suffering through the last 2000 yrs and apparently now we all must subscribe to this exact story in order to be saved. I love prayers, and I do believe in a higher power, but I cant grasp why we are expected to believe this exact story, and worship this exact God, in order to be considered worthy enough. I just dont resonate with those prayers that are all ‘we come to you humbly on our knees, we worship you, you are our only saviour, we believe you sent your only son to save us’ I feel this is very disempowering. It feels like externalising responsibility and dismisses the idea that we have any power of our own to create our lives on earth as we choose. Personally I believe in goodness, do no harm, seek to spread knowledge/joy/light, respect your life by living it to the full. I would think that the almighty creator of the universe would be satisfied with this rather than needing constant recognition in any kind of ritualistic fashion. I wonder if animals are expected to pray like this? Im not saying any of the bible is a lie, and again Im not purposely being rude, I’ve simply not yet heard any decent explanation for why blind faith is required.
We can believe this story, this historical person, because all the prophecies in the Old Testament concerning this man were fulfilled in the New Testament in the man called Jesus. People have studied the prophecies concerning him, and studied his life on earth, and it is amazing to find this out.
Power for it’s own sake, Orwell explains this well in his novel “1984”, his central character Winston Smith, is noticed because he appears to independent thought, and he’s tortured to remove this independent thought. This is the raison d’etre of power.
Perhaps to maintain the proper ratio of us versus them
Imagine, back when this all started ages ago, the ratio was 99:1 i.e. 1%
Imagine, due to population growth, the ratio is now 999900:100 i.e. 0.01%
Which would explain why they were said to have planned this many years in advance – i.e. simply based on a projected population growth rate.
“The liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerated the growth of private power to a point where it becomes stronger than the democratic state itself. That in its essence is fascism: ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or any controlling private power.”
— Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882-1945)
In 1976 the movie “Network” had an incredible speech given by Ned Beatty to Peter Finch which stated these very facts … that a handful of huge corporations owned and ran the world, and all else was imaginary. Here’s that 5-minute clip:
That was kind of enjoyable. I really should watch the entire movie. I don’t think I have. I’m certainly aware of it.
Excellent article It does boggle the mind that there are people out there who still actually think this is about a virus. Apparently the virus is spreading through London. Omg more people with the sniffles. 99.99999% will survive. The horror…..
i am going forward fighting
Can I suggest to OffG that they showcase IceAgeFarmer and his work on the (now happening) cyberpandemic. I think Klaus is telling us the truth, that this will make Covid look like a minor inconvenience.
Why is he presenting this as if it’s legitimate? It’s so obviously laughable. I guess they are planning to wipe our bank accounts out.
Is that so impossible to believe? Cyprus in 2012 is an example, and I quote; “Another neighbouring example is that of Cyprus. There, the 2012 financial crisis led the Cypriot government to confiscate its citizens’ savings, obviously without asking first. Everyone with a bank account containing over €100,000 had to contribute 9.9% to the empty coffers of the State, and those with less paid 6.75%”. The fact that a ‘cashless society’ is firmly on the cards will mean the banks, not the individual, will have complete control over your finances, and it is not impossible that your financial stability could be decimated overnight.
It’s not impossible to believe otherwise I wouldn’t have mentioned it in the first place. Ice Age Farmer didn’t mention banks or banking in Schwab’s threat. Corbett Report didn’t mention banks or banking in his cyber pandemic scenario.
I mentioned it because I know how the world functions. It functions through the monetary system. The central bankers control everything. Governments. Militaries. Stock Exchanges. All the major corporations. Treasuries and Tax Departments.
What’s laughable is that anyone would believe that these false flags by the corporations in cahoots with governments, are real or legitimate. They are a farce. As much of a farce as the idea of viruses and pandemics.
The entire hacking narrative is bullshit. The governments are the “hackers“. Not against each other as enemies, but working together behind the scenes, united, against the people. Creating fake-break ins and selling our data without our consent. Sharing data across platforms and then pretending our data was compromised by a third party.
Ice Age Farmer pushes the idea that there’s a pandemic.
Nah he doesn’t.
Klaus is only a puppet. He will be well rewarded but he won’t own everything.
If by puppet, you mean that there’s an even higher (human) class than the one he belongs to, then please enlighten us.
Good review of the Covid-19 scam, but it avoids telling the hard truth, that most of us will have no place in the coming not so green Great Reset world. They don’t need us and they won’t want us cluttering up their brave new trans-human world. Don’t worry though, as Klaus and Bill already have the solution and it comes via the needle. Yes, it’s those “warp speed” vaccines, already on the shelves and just waiting for billions of sleeves to be rolled up.
If Covid-19 is a scam, then it follows directly that the vaccines are also part of the scam and are probably the major players, at that. Vaccination seems to be intended to clear away the huge bulk of the population, in the genocide to end all genocides.
Gates said as much over the past few years. In concert with the UN and certain of its agencies, he and his elite pals have orchestrated this whole virus hoax solely for the purpose of inoculating everyone on earth. The simple fact is that there will be TWO vaccines, one to make you sick but from which you will certainly survive, and one to make you sick and kill you within a year.
The ultimate aim is to eradicate 95% of the world’s population, leaving about 500 million people left on earth … the 30 million or so elites (including all the Ashkenazi) and the rest who have been hand-chosen to serve and protect those very elites.
The planet will have reverted to the population of 1,000 years ago, and it won’t take long for the air, water, earth, flora, fauna, and fishies to flourish as they did back then. Earth will become a Paradise for the elites, while their servants will be provided very good lives equivalent to a middle-class lifestyle in the USA in the 1990’s.
The elites will have access to all that earth has to offer, while all others not as much … but they will have Yellowstone, the Grand Canyon, most of our national parks, and most beaches, and even travel to Paris and other vacation highlights. Life will be good for all as long as a person does not fight the system. Even a WORD spoken against the system will find a person GONE. It’s that simple.
As for the missing 95%, they will have been mulched by huge wood chippers and fed to the pigs and provided as fertilizer for the crops. If you are certain you don’t have any skill the elites might need, find an Ashkenazi to marry and do it QUICKLY!
They’ll have to live with each other. There’s that.
Gates said as much over the past few years. In concert with the UN and certain of its agencies, he and his elite pals have orchestrated this whole virus hoax solely for the purpose of inoculating everyone on earth. The simple fact is that there will be TWO vaccines, one to make you sick but from which you will certainly survive, and one to make you sick and kill you within a year.
The ultimate aim is to eradicate 95% of the world’s population, leaving about 500 million people left on earth … the 30 million or so elites and the rest who have been hand-chosen to serve and protect those very elites.
The planet will have reverted to the population of 1,000 years ago, and it won’t take long for the air, water, earth, flora, fauna, and fishies to flourish as they did back then. Earth will become a Paradise for the elites, while their servants will be provided very good lives equivalent to a middle-class lifestyle in the USA in the 1990’s.
The elites will have access to all that earth has to offer, while all others not as much … but they will have Yellowstone, the Grand Canyon, most of our national parks, and most beaches, and even travel to Paris and other vacation highlights. Life will be good for all as long as a person does not fight the system. Even a WORD spoken against the system will find a person GONE. It’s that simple.
As for the missing 95%, they will have been mulched by huge wood chippers and fed to the pigs and provided as fertilizer for the crops. If you are certain you don’t have any skill the elites might need, find an elite to marry and do it QUICKLY!
Gates and gang must have been emboldened by their success in sterilising and killing so many in recent decades, mainly in the “Third World”.
I agree with 90% of the above.
As the headline implies, we are no longer in capitalism and thus cannot be in a crisis of capitalism. We are rather in a technocracy that lacks the familiar transactional indicators and mechanisms of price discovery such as a functioning stock market and a relationship between asset prices and reality. Soon the technocrats plan to do away with credit, private ownership and above all any autonomous determination of the price of labour, the last redoubt of the worker and his union.The reason that Climate Change was junked as the rationale for economic change is that, like any prophesy, it loses its edge when repeated predictions of apocalyptic events come and go.
What remains of Climate Change is the Carbon Trade because that was always the profitable aspect of the cult. All cults require the faithful to fork over their assets, preferably as regular monthly payments or tithes, so that the gurus can amass Rolls-Royces or the current fashion for yachts or space rockets. The Carbon Trade does the same by vastly increasing the cost of fuel through price and tax which is handed over to the gurus in the form of subsidies for their “net-zero carbon” boondoggles or Elon Musk’s “reusable” vehicles.
Like any good financial scam the wording is impenetrable to the masses. They are just told to “save carbon” and like any insurance scam they won’t find out they’ve been had until the perpetrators have made off with all those monthly payments they struggled to pay.
There is a collectivist, party character to The Great Reset if only because so many of the bankers and tech billionaires identify with the Democratic party. Of course it’s just a vehicle and any will do, but they sit astride a political bulldozer that pursues deregulation and anti-competitive practices and clears the path by which the bankers and tech billionaires amassed their wealth.
To this extent the oligarchy constitutes a party as much as any back in the early days of European parliaments and assemblies. The fact that so many of them are tied to the Chinese experiment also leads many to reach for the word socialism. It’s important to note that Rockefeller was active in China long before the communists.
Furthermore, corporations have created profitable new niches for the State under the guise of privatisation and shrinking government. Two thirds of the surveillance state is privatised, while military corporations rely almost entirely on the government for their contracts, making them effectively state enterprises… except that the profits are privatised, the losses are socialised.
This form of corporatism operates just as easily in a nominally capitalist state as in a communist one. These corporations traded with the Soviet Union throughout its existence, just as they later did so in Nazi Germany and in China.
State corporatism is the model, or monopoly capitalism. It never has subscribed to the Adam Smith public relations of market competition. The oligarchical collectivists see competition as far less profitable than sitting down with government bureaucrats and signing a non-competitive contract for products that the population is then forced to buy.
Exactly this process is paraded before our eyes with Big Pharma and the injectables being pushed under the guise of “vaccine”. The drug companies even admit many of these cocktails do not provide immunity but merely suppress symptoms. And then they publish lists of side effects which curiously parallel the symptoms of the disease.
Only the vicious monopoly power of the State could do this. A scam on this scale wold be unlikely to survive in a competitive market or successfully raise finance if capitalists were putting their own money at stake. This is a one-party state with a rigged stock market in which the senior cadre of bureaucrats move smoothly into well-paid corporate jobs and vice versa.
This nomenclatura is the social contruct we should be worried about! Instead of imagining biology or gender to be social constructs and mulling the layout of lavatories in schools we should address the structure of the society we want to live in.
We know what happened to our academics. They were bought and paid with research grants from tax-exempt foundations that operate as profit-seeking arms of corporations owned by those self-same oligarchs that use government as a tool for private profit.
Technocracy was a movement that developed BEFORE the Great Depression and owed its roots to the same fork of the Enlightenment that brought forth the Fabians. In a sense the New Deal swamped the technocrats before the progressives turned their admiring eyes towards Mussolini. Elon Musk’s grandfather, a founding member of the Technocracy movement, was chased out of Canada by a government that feared, probably unfairly, that he was a fascist.
It all became a bit messy. Technocracy became moot as the pseudo scientists such as Trofim Lysenko had their day. Though Lysenko contributed to the Soviet famines of the 1930s, it was not until the 1950s that he finally was dethroned… having sent a generation of real scientists to the GULAG. So he paralleled perfectly the rise of Rockefeller’s eugenicists, though they outlived him and are still with us today.
To understand this we must abandon false dichotomies. We must not perceive distinctions where there are none: such as the left and right wings of the same dodo; or progressives versus populists. These inexact comparisons are a waste of our energy and they fail to identify the protagonists.
A ruling power, whether it be an organised criminal enterprise or a coterie of ruling families as in Tudor England or Renaissance Venice, will buttress its power and cloak its hand behind a cohort of retainers. It becomes a class in Marx’s sense when it acts as an oppositional force in a historical context. The influence of the tax-exempt foundations in shaping the modern world largely meets that definition.
If capitalism is dead, so is the capitalist class. Indeed the rise of finance capitalism is a sign of this for it has a transient connection to industry. If it is no longer an industrialist it has no need of workers. If no need of workers, then perhaps it no longer needs consumer markets.
We are confused because we are told this capital was built through industry but banking is not industrial any more than the rentier. Even Standard Oil gained its wealth and power not through pumping oil from the ground as from cornering the market and putting rivals out of business. While the heirs of J.D. Rockefeller still pump oil, their accumulated wealth and power is sheltered in tax-exempt foundations.
Finance capital is concerned, through the corporation as a psychopathic individual, only with amassing further power to itself. This is more easily achieved by hoarding wealth, cornering markets and driving up scarcity value. The Rothschild-Rhodes-De Beers creation of the diamond markets is a textbook example but today finance capital is more likely to buy up agricultural land and water rights or to pursue regime change in order to capture minerals and rare earths.
The technocracy plans by this caper not only to hoard existing resources but to create new ones – this is likely to lead to a society based on the panopticon and the prison. Technology will provide the 24/7 surveillance and a cohort of thugs will intervene and suppress the population where necessary – in return for slightly more food and a couple more credits at the company store.
If we allow it, we shall return to the pre-capitalist, feudal mode of production. Or we resist and take command of the next truly great reset.
Very well put.
In my simple (simplistic ?) terms: the money power decided to drop industrial consumer capitalism and chose its replacement, namely techno-feudalism.
Central banks (and the BIS) will play a far more public and prominent role in the new system, and we have seen the precursor to this in the post 2008 era.
To stop this all would require an end to the money power. Kind of table trashing, whip in hand behaviour, only level ten.
The US Fed has, in the past two weeks, been creating reserves at a rate never before seen – not even in 2008.
Almost nobody is even talking about this.
The global warming scam has not been junked – it is part and parcel of Agenda 21.
Every aspect of human life can and will be (if we let them) controlled by excuses like sustainability or global warming and the save the planet bull.
Yes, we are indeed no longer in capitalism, and technocracy has taken hold, but there is also a rather more mysterious element to what we really are in today.
To sum up my thoughts briefly, I would say we are in a godless lunacy – something not so easily grasped by modern, utterly materialistic mankind, which finds the word, “godless” irrelevant and meaningless in any case.
Which is why people are looking for solutions to dire apocalyptic events in “How to be a Successful CEO” handbooks and Google smart apps.
You might as well try to learn Russian by studying Chinese.
Right now, mankind is not thinking straight. The hypnotist’s pendulum works better than most of us ever thought it could, and the wicked men currently manipulating us didn’t invent the current mess all by themselves. They were helped by the hypnotist.
Super-wordy, and not typo to be found!
Thank you Moneycircus and bravo; what a tour de force indeed.
In places like Asia and Eastern Europe, it’s been crony capitalism and ‘might is right’ all the way, certainly for the past 30 years. Anyone could see that democracy was just a façade for ceaseless money grabs. The recent Malaysian PM single-handedly helped himself to US$4.5 billion from a state ‘sovereign fund’ (needless to say, he remains a free man). Thatcher was the one to declare “there’s no such thing as society”, but the more recent cohort of tycoons and apparatchiks have lived and breathed it.
I first saw the murmurs of this third-world-ization of the Anglo-European polity in 2004 when my American office mates started whispering that “who knows, there may not even BE a US presidential election this year.” That’s how ruthless things had become. Now this system that solely benefits the 0.1% (screw everyone else) is going mainstream and global. The mask has finally come off.
Off-Guardian is awesome especially because of letting great comments such as this one get published.
Thanks to your comment I know why university history departments can’t spread the truth about 9/11.
Even if money is dead, capitalism (capital) isn’t dead, but just needs a new name. Or maybe an old one. How about fascism? Catherine Austin Fitts noted that Central Bank Digital Currency won’t actually be currency. It will be credit. It will be social credit aka total enslavement.
Very well written. I found the article above and even better one in the comments – articleception I call it!
Meanwhile levels of debt continue to increase:
Get so many people so far into debt that they’ll relinquish any claim to property rights in return for a debt write-off is the plan.
How much do you think this think tanks gets for this type of research
15 DECEMBER, 2020
All Party Parliamentary Group launches call for evidence on the impact on poverty of ending the £20 ‘uplift’ in universal credit and tax creditsCross-party MPs also seek evidence on the effect of not applying increase to legacy benefits, particularly for disabled people and carers
The All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Poverty has launched a call for evidence on the impact on poverty of ending the £20 ‘uplift’ in universal credit and tax credits.
Citing evidence from the Social Metrics Commission which suggests that the £20 per week ‘uplift’ – introduced at the start of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic – has kept hundreds of thousands of people out of poverty, the APPG expresses concern that, if it comes to an end as scheduled in April 2021, 700,000 more people are projected to fall into poverty, including 300,000 children.
Seeking evidence to inform its representations to the government – particularly from organisations which represent disabled people and carers – the APPG therefore asks for written submissions on the impact of –
Evidence should be emailed to [email protected] by Sunday 10 January 2021.
For more information, se APPG launches call for evidence into the impact on poverty of maintaining the £20 uplift in universal credit from
There is only de possible solution: people need to SLOW DOWN.
Why buy new cell phone every 6 months? Or new TV every year? There is a concept of being frugal, and it’s what we need. Sure, it takes self disciplune and forming culural expectations to stop this technology overtake, but otherwise nothing can be done.
And, of course, IT professionals (programmers) must bear responsibility. They are enablers of the Big Tech. Programmers will do anything for the money, they will write any program that spies on people or invade private lives otherwise. There must be a REGULATION / OVERSIGHT of this profession the same way legal or medical profession is regulated. Otherwise it’s much like Wild West – no rules except cash is the king.
As for pandemics – the hygiene habits in the West are non-existant. In my opinion, it’s absolutely normal to take temperature when you enter a medical facility during flu outbreak. People who are sick should stay at home when they are contagious (and get paid!). Over the years, when i saw a sick salesperson in a drugstore or sneezing/coughing manager conducting a meetinge, i would cringe, but in the culture where people would work with pneumonia in the winter outside (real story) it’s inevitable. If you don’t change that culture, you are doomed.
Keep taking the pills…
At the very most, what you suggest can only be something we do IN ADDITION to something much more drastic.
You are not wrong. You are just missing the point entirely.
Nobody in Washminster is going to notice if I rinse my hair in lemon juice or sea water, rather than a shampoo which costs a lot more.
What’s going on here is much more than common scientific ignorance and general wastefulness.
It is the greatest power grab the human race has ever witnessed, hiding behind fraudulent science of the most deadly kind.
“Why buy new cell phone every 6 months?”
Because that’s what dumb people do, anything to be part of the “in group” de jour!
“Over the years, when i saw a sick salesperson in a drugstore or sneezing/coughing manager conducting a meetinge, i would cringe…” I thank the covid 19 pandemic hoax for curing me of my fear of germs and viruses. I don’t even believe virsuses exist. (Prove to me that they do and use gold standard science, not your gut and your big brain.) Since I’ve been blogging about this hoax, I’ve examined a lot of established science and, unavoidably, the made up science of the hoaxsters. I’ve come to the realization that, as Jon Rappoport noted, the virus is the cover for toxic mamande chemicals that wreak havoc.
If you joint the anti God, anti nature crowd, you are doomed.
‘Roadmap’ of crisis allegedly leaked by David Siber (a Green Party member from Germany), Nov 2020. Read what else it says.
The endgame or why the majority will not be needed anymore:
The current situation of depletion of resources, the threat of global warming and the inability of the planetary resources to bear the demands of an ever increasing population, the unabating increase in wealth of a small group of already immensely wealthy people – all well known and factual – lead to the conclusions by a small group of oligarchs worldwide:
The planet with the current load of population and their demands is under threat, the current model and mode of production, creating wealth and wealth distribution does neither work nor is it sustainable.
We have at our demand available all resources and have accumulated wealth sufficient that we control almost all the worlds production\par
We with the means that are available to us can radically change the current situation of over population.
Therefore it is decided:
The vast majority of the people not of our class is superfluous.
We do no longer need to increase our wealth with gains based on the debt slavery and production by hired labour
We substitute any needed labour with AI sufficient to produce what we need for a sustainable life in comparable luxury with non human labour, demanding no food or living space.
We save on energy, free up space for the regrowth of forests and undisturbed wilderness and reduction of CO2 sufficiently to curb global warming to prevent the ecosystem we rely on from collapsing.
We keep those of the population needed for research into further development of AI so it becomes ever more autonomous, research into diseases threatening the remainder of humanity and research into agricultural projects to with increasing efficiency needing ever less human interference keep food production viable and continuous for the remainders.
What if that is the goal of talks about overpopulation being a real threat – but with different real final solution planned than those not of the oligarch class?
I had thought about this possibility for some time now, but after reading the following article, and the info of the WEF and Schwab´s ideas I think the real endgame could be what I wrote above a few years ago.
If that is the solution then the answer must be wiping out the genetic lineages of the oligarchs.
It is the single thing they cannot do anything about. Kill their children and sterilise them all.
Once that has happened, all their plans are at an end.
Killing people is not something which the wealthy control. Killing people can be done by anyone with the wit, intelligence and access to necessary weaponry.
I think it is obvious the scenario so far is only hypothetical
And how would you achieve that or has it escaped your attention that any and all of what we call “western democracies” are basically controlled by oligarchs, many of those with close tis to the various MICs and the military?
And has it escaped your attention that members of the oligarchies are busy building underground hiding holes – New Zealand as an example – that should ensure their surviving any catastrophes be they environmental, geological or social?
And what do you think is easier? A minority of several 100 to a thousand oligarchs owning the vast majority of wealth coming together and develop a method in their laboratories to inoculate themselves and those they would need and unleash a real epidemic upon the rest? Or that the diffuse masses, if politically active at all distracted by the circuses of election and “democratic” processes?
Who do you think has a greater chance of success.
That statement is so ridiculous that I wonder which rock you have lived undert..ever heard of the link between the MICand the military? Who do you think is behind the forever wars of the USA.
Who do you think was behind the NAZI wars?
Who do you think was behind the Civil war in Spain?
The war against Russia in Siberia after the October revolution?
Who was behind any of the wars fought during feudal times? The peasants? Only if they dared like in Germany to rise up and cruelly crushed. As for the rest – it was always those with wealth to control the killing of people, be it individually through legal means or en mass in wars.
Rhys’s comment is strongly worded, but there is nothing ridiculous about the statement of his to which you draw attention.
He is almost certainly aware of the hypothetical nature of the scenario under discussion.
“The vast majority of the people not of our class is superfluous.”
That should be “…are superfluous.”, shouldn’t it?
I mean, if you’re going to be a ruthless world dictator, don’t you think you should get your grammar right?
Also co2 doesn’t cause global warming. Hot air from people like you does tho…
> Hot air from people like you does tho…
Also, there is no “AI”, though that term is *incessantly* trotted out by so many who want to convince us that the Very Few have it in their hands.. odd. 😉
AI is what you expect it to be and can do for you. If this matches reality is another topic. This thinking might be behind hypothetical plans to a “greening” by a few selected.
I just play with the likely scenarios being developed by a class of individuals that clearly displays signs of sociopathy and hiding this behind a mask of benevolence.
I guess it is hard to comprehend what I was writing when not reading to the end where I say this:
Sorry if I have offended you sensibilities, but as an ESL speaker (plus some portuguese) I sometimes still make mistakes
However, in this case the singular refers to “majority”. I guess the choice is not that clear cut:,next%20meeting%20at%206%3A00
That explains a lot. I guess it is the methane farts of cows….
There is no global warming from humans. None. Not one bit.
And the cow propaganda that you just referenced are from people too ignorant to know fracking and oil and gas drilling causes more methane release than all the cows in history.
Surface temperature warmth has to do with the magnetosphere, ozone levels, the stratosphere, solar activity and other factors, unrelated to CO2.
We are now entering a period of solar minimum where the earth will cool. The poles are shifting which may cause havoc. But it’s all unrelated to the burning of fossil fuel. The earth was much warmer many thousands of years ago. It will survive wild temperature fluctuations. The problems are that biological systems cannot survive the radiation that these psychopaths are introducing with one million planned satellites all beaming down 5g millimeter waves into every living thing in the planet, blocking the necessary effects of the sun’s radiation on life itself.
The oligarchs don’t care about the planet. They worship Lucifer. They are Freemasons. They do not care about nature. Do you see Klaus Schwab hiking in the forest? Bill Gates on a nature trek, studying birds?
They enjoy killing and polluting. Killing humans is their number one fun thing to plan and implement. Have you seen that video of Bill Gates talking about injecting babies with vaccines? He is a psychopathic sadist. A criminal and a mass murderer. His vaccines have killed and injured countless babies and children.
Polluting the entire planet and people with carcinogenic toxic chemicals, heavy metals and degrading microplastics, is the oligarchs favorite way to make money.
What if they could marry those two favorite obsessions together in one plan? They did. They manufactured a pandemic and now they’re coercing everyone into injecting untested, unsafe, unproven vaccines.
You are oblivious because you’ve been duped into believing their lies. You swallowed their propaganda then you regurgitated it all here. Nothing you wrote even makes an iota of sense.
Nothing you wrote even makes an iota of sense.
I guess you have some problems using your brain.
Otherwise this sentence should make a lot of sense:
The endgame or why the majority will not be needed anymore.
And funny enough, this article sort of confirms what I wrote:
The biggest mistake the current crop of psychopaths made was to scrap God; and that will be their undoing. The kind of Feudal system they envision requires, not an ideology or something to fear, but an actual entity – a supreme being – whose dictates the masses are willing to follow. For this supreme task not even a Big Brother will do.
It requires some being whose existence the masses accept absolutely but who cannot be physically identified; a being who resides in the supernatural realm: out of reach, out of sight, but not out of mind. Only God need apply.
The Catholic Church pulled it off for a thousand years. But only with God’s help. So pity the poor psychopaths – all dressed up to own the world but with nothing to justify their land grab. (Where is God when you need Him?)
The Catholic Church pulled it off with violence, inquisitions and imperialism.
God had very little to do with it.
Correct, except for ‘little’. There wasn’t ANY God in the Catholic Church.
God is surely not so easily recruited, or scrapped.
It has to be a big mistake for people to imagine that God has ever organized anything at all on their terms.
I wouldn’t worry about elites failing to ‘use’ God. The world, including members of the predator/parasite class and victims of the predator/parasite class, ‘uses’ God for their own selfish purposes. (That’s ‘how’ people are paying attention to God. They are using him. They are not honoring or respecting him. They are not trying to have a personal relationship with him and they are certainly not turning to him for help. If they were, they would be praying for his kingdom to come, expecting it to and understanding, from study of the Bible, that it will be a real kingdom. While capitalists, namely the predator/parasite class, are terrorizing and abusing everyone, Everyone, including victims, are engaged in fervent worship – at the alter of money in the capitalist system, by celebrating Christmas.) As Jesus Christ informed his apostles, about their present and our present, the world will be doing normal things (eating, drinking, marrying) but they won’t be paying attention to God and his standards and then, for that reason (and because of what not paying attention to God’s standards entails), they will be destroyed. When God is in the lifeboat and he’s holding out his hand to you in order to rescue you from drowning, and you ignore it… (The Jewish system of things was destroyed in 70 C.E., with Jews who listened to Jesus escaping, and our system of things today is about to be destroyed.)
“For just as the days of Noah were, so the presence of the Son of man will be. For as they were in those days before the Flood, eating and drinking, men marrying and women being given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and they took no note until the Flood came and swept them all away, so the presence of the Son of man will be.” – Matthew 24:37-39 (my bolding in the above quote)
They took no note = they didn’t care. Caring is knowing.
“Point one: why limit the discussion to well known systems? The world has moved on and progressed from the basics of well talked about, analysed and over analysed capitalism, socialism, communism. Similarly the Left v Right. It’s all old and irrelevant, hence for decades anyone that wants to stay relevant, electable and palatable positions her/himself as centrist. Old labels don’t work and hasn’t worked for decades already.”
Yes! Absolutely. Most of the dichotomies the public discourse – or the mirage thereof – revolves around have never really existed the way they painted, are irrelevant, have been hollowed out.
We must cast away the shackles of the status quo, conventions, the very stuff we consider the foundation of our civilization. We must have the cojones the look over the horizon and beyond and imagine an existence that will truly be conducive to the fulfillment of one’s life – as there IS one – instead of this fucked up semi-slavery that has been rammed into our minds.
That is the first step from the present mess, the beginning on a journey to something better, if there is to be such a journey.
Ascertaining over and over the million ways in which things are fucked up will lead nowhere.
What’s now of most interest to me here at oof-G is that so many of these Explaining-Class types are here; and that they’re so ready to tell us there is No Hope; and, of course, ready to explain from *a hundred angles* just why that’s so..
Adding again: there is no frickin’ “AI”- why are so many here telling us that there is? “AI” is some poor dude in a cubby somewhere crunching numbers, mostly to no avail..
A lot of AI is copied formulae in code, assumptions and warped (bigoted) data. Neural-network processors have moved beyond that to self-learning and even beating humans at some tasks.
An excellent article that addresses the true nature of what we face, anyone that is interested should read carrol quigley’s books ‘tragedy and hope’ and ‘the anglo-american establishment’. though he veiled some of his material, all is there for those with eyes to see and proves this panopticon has been in development for well over one hundred years.
he referred to ‘corporate feudalism’ as a descriptor of this system.
yes, but democracy never existed, except for some minority of privileged people and it certainly ended with the collapse of the Berlin Wall, when ceased the limit function that the Soviet Union exercised over American domination, which is the continuity of Nazism in other forms.
This word, the great reset, is fashionable and, like all out-of-context words, must be opened and analyzed. it seems to me that it was a stupid old German Nazi, who launched it on the market … Maybe in the end it turns out that it means nothing. that repeating it, is playing the game of the oligarchies that have grown enormously in the last 30 years, too much to say that before now, there was democracy, that is, an old instrument of the twentieth century, the century of colonialism, however, and of White supremacy. We have allowed the theft on a world scale of the last common goods, the famous original accumulation of which Marx speaks, it seems to me in the 1st chapter of Capital, has already occurred, it always happens, in every moment. UNDISTURBED, now more than ever. The great reset is the form in which capitalism modifies the structure of the world, expropriates, robberies, kills, enslaves, redraws the borders of the states to facilitate the robbery of the multinationals. .. I don’t believe in the Great Recovery, they are always the same capitalists of which Engels speaks in The Condition of the Working Class in England, nothing has changed, they are still them, worsened, now they command the sluts of financial capitalism, the multinational gangs, criminals and warmongers. No law stops them anymore. We are always in Prehistory, Marx would say, we will not get away so quickly, continuing to talk about G.Reset. , and leaving a free hand to the capitalists as never before in history, from the birth of industrial society to now. from 700 onwards … It had never happened that the criminals who represent the oligarchy, the capitalist class, acted so undisturbed, without restraints, even going so far as to change the laws for which the people had fought in the previous two centuries, and making the world jump back to feudalism. We have allowed socialist countries, such as Libya and Syria, to be bombed and destroyed; we let the masters take away from us the hard-won public health, the right to strike, the right to public health, and secular education. That they build new nuclear arsenals, without anyone lifting a finger to stop them. Nobody has the courage to make a revolution anymore, and without revolution, the capitalists continue undeterred to undo even what has been conquered in the last two centuries. If we don’t organize and fight they will go on, but it will also be our fault that we let them do it.
Agreed. Western conservatives and libertarians always demonize socialism as being supported by the ruling elite when they find their unearned billions in anti-socialist environments. Think of Bill gates, Jeff Bezos, Roman Abrahamovich etc. getting rich in anti-socialist countries.
In “anti social land” there’s always someone bigger, stronger etc than you, not so great being a greedy power mad psycho in such a setting …
True. Wild beasts will devour the weak first. But they also devour each other. They work together for the most part, like a pack of wolves, in order to accomplish some goal (take down a big beast) that it would be harder for lone wolves to accomplish, but they now and then just up and eat each other, the way William Barr turned on his boss recently. It’s their character. They’ve jettisoned what makes them human. We are all free to do that. But no one is exempt from the consequences of doing that.
We should also make better use of paragraphs.
you are right, but consider that it is not easy for me
translating what I write into English from google, it’s like climbing mirrors … 🙂
I always felt that farmer’s markets were pretty democratic. Democracy (which I support but with qualification) has always existed – in the breasts of individuals and small groups who believed in fairness and practiced it. As for large social systems, where there was democracy (Spain – anarchists), the rest of this godless world attacked it until it was no more, that attack being more intense as the example of democracy was widely seen or threatened to spread. The world is anti-democratic. The world is fascist.
I wish I could fight back I really do, I so desperately want to be part of a revolution that I believe is just and in everyone’s best interests. But building a space rocket and flying through space to colonise Mars would be easier, than the absolute monolothic task of changing the current course of the world and its dichotomy. Protesting in the streets does nothing, as they can easily be quashed by the police and ignored by the media. Starting a new political party or movement is futile as there are already too many activist movements all jostling for the limelight, and the media can pick or choose which ones will be prominent. Violence will just make us look like terrorists. The general population are like an abattoir of dumb sheep, being willfully led to the slaughter, after a lifetime of being fed junk and bile through their TVs, newspapers, and smartphones. I can’t tell you the amount of people I once thought of us smart and looked up to, gullibly believe whatever the mainstream narrative tells them, and if I say elsewise I predictably get called a conspiracy loon. I can see the shades of doubt in their eyes though, and the absolutely frightening realisation that everything they thought was right is wrong, which makes them more aggresive to try and prove their point of view is correct.
The only way I can see to fightback is to understand who our prime enemies are, and how to directly go after them. As the saying goes, “cut the head off the snake and it cannot strike.” Trouble is we’re fighting not just one head, but the multiple heads of the Hydra, through the media, the governments, the corporates and the rich socialites, all answering to the higher powers that be.
Maybe next time we can try to make a world where every human is free (as we are born) and don’t need to dominate another. Stay away from creating a society in the image of mans ego. If we get another shot at it, that is.
I think the genetic heritage of the male and female has dominance encoded within it.
Dominance as in (sexual) role playing? Maybe. But the selfish gene stuff etcetera is for dull charlatans with no sense of mystery, like Richard Dawkins.
It is more likely that dominance is an acquired psychological trait inherited from generation to generation rather than a genetic fatal trait. And it is hardly surprising considering the social and economic system of “homo homini lupus est” we have been living under for eons.
In the so called “primitive communities”, there is no need for dominance as the basis of the community is cooperation, gifts and counter-gifts.
There’s a big difference from domination and control by tyrants and responsible management by caring people. Naomi Klein knows that but pretends not to. She blames the world’s woes on Christianity and the Bible.
Yes, I meant domination as control of others, not the justified authority that results from the necessary organization of the community.
About Christianity, I’m not particularly religious but I think everyone agrees with the general messages of all religions, “You shall not kill”, “Don’t do to others what you don’t like to be done to you”, etc. I’m against the religious institution that always sided with the powerful against the common people, preaching to him to concede his happiness on this earth for happiness in the afterlife.
Well, In the Christian Bible, global false religion (including Christendom), is depicted as a harlot who has illicit relations with the ‘kings’ of the earth. Kings = politicians and governments. Jehovah God allows Bablyon The Great to be destroyed because it’s nothing that he approves of, but in fact assists the secular authorities in their attack on God (and, right now, nature and everyone who is loyal to God and believes that ‘he’, not Klaus Schwab et al, is going to save us). And ‘that’ destruction marks the official start of Armageddon, for it involves some sort of UN-initiated anti-religion pogrom that targets ‘all’ religionists, including a tiny, tiny handful of God’s loyal servants, which (along with the fact of the settling of the issue of universal sovereignty) is what brings God to directly intervene once again in our affairs. His intervention will mean the end for this perverse and cruel system of things and the beginning of a new world unlike the evil, twisted one envisioned by Klaus Schab.
You are right, all we need to be free is to overcome the ego. All religious texts point us in the same direction. Jung wrote about it too. Overcoming the ego leads us to enlightenment. Only enlightened individuals can create a healthy society without government. The meek will inherit the Earth.
“We” are not the Creator. Otherwise, yes, it will be up to us to build our new world. What was the Bible lesson about Adam, Eve and the forbidden fruit? I was about independence (of a bad sort) from the Source of life, namely Jehovah God. The tree of the knowledge of good and bad simply meant independence, as in a rejection of God’s standards and a replacing those with whatever we choose. Our first parents went along with another rebel who did just that. The knowledge like God’s that the serpent promised Even was not god-like knowledge. It was simply independence, choosing, as though we were God, what will be called ‘good’ and ‘bad’. Klaus Schwab calls independent thinking ‘bad’. God gave us our incredible brains for a reason. Bill Gates calls privacy a thing of the past, not because he loves us, but because he wants to control us. He calls that ‘good’. God doesn’t want to control us. He simply gives us life and wants us to keep it and live and be happy and if we can’t respect him – he only created us and everything after all – and love him and honor him, then are we the kind of people who deserve his support?
The issue of universal sovereignty – Does God’s way of love work? Does Satan’s way of ‘riches for the strongest work? Which is best? – is fairly over. (We have tried all sort of political systems, invented technology and had time to play with it all and where has it got us? A minority is about to enslave and torment the rest of us – forever if they can.) God will judge, sentence and then execute sentence. And that’s a very, very good thing.
Conservatives and libertarians always made it out as if the wealth of billionaires was earned. The needles Covid19 scamdemic vaccines is pushed by those billionaires is it not?
I acknowledge that billionaires (sometimes) are smart people and even work hard, making great sacrifices in order to get where they are. I also acknowledge that those same successes usually break rules and harm others in order to get where they are. That they don’t like to talk about.
The covid regime want to ban filming of the police as part of a “security bill” presumably so they can escalate their violence and lawlessness. Video shows footage from protests in Paris and discusses the globalisation of ‘police’ violence under the covid terrorist networks direction.
Thanks for the clip Sarah. The behaviour of cops in Melbourne was akin to jack booted Gestapo thugs. They took relish in even arresting people not wearing facemasks.
And as Arno points out, it’s been everywhere. All this for an alleged ‘pandemic’. Cough.
“Ironic, keeping everyone healthy and maintaining public health by stomping in the public’s heads.”
“This struggle may be a moral one, or it may be a physical one, and it may be both moral and physical, but it must be a struggle. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will. Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them, and these will continue till they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress.”
~ Frederick Douglas, 1857
Agreed… and appreciate the quote S.
We need the police etc. on our side.
In this brill vid, Doc Coleman tries to point out to them why they should be on our side…
They might even privately agree with you.
But people like to keep their jobs…
In all conflicts with the government, the police see it as their duty to protect the government, so even a government as wretched as that which the whole western world is currently enduring will take it for granted that the police will protect them, and see us as ‘the unruly mob’.
And they get away with this status quo quite easily, because the media, whose employees also like to keep their jobs, can be counted upon to record footage of massive protests half an hour after everybody has gone home, so that the general public will see only the mess left behind, and so that they can lie and tell us that only a handful of people took part in an insignificant protest.
Dude needs to shut the awful music off when he’s telling us something important. Really!
Have you ever noticed, that there is something truly missing from ‘their’ vision of the future?
Have you seen anywhere mention of strenghtening the UN, ICC and trying war criminals, a single act that could have the biggest profound outcome against the ongoing imperialist machinations of the West and the relentless polution of our planet?
It alone tells you all you need, to understand Project Greater Good.
The “international” courts and arbitration centres are presided over by people unqualified or having conflict of interest. They act selectively and exempt the worst countries – that have sponsored them and issue the orders.
“Some are calling it stakeholder capitalism, but this too is inaccurate. A more accurate term would be techno-feudalism.”
I agree but there’s a problem with this new order which I think most of the aspiring techno feudal lords haven’t though of:
Technology is driven by energy and the current technological level is based on fossil fuels (*). There’s a lot of coal, gas and oil on the planet but we can can only make use of what we can get for a low enough price. When fossil fuels become to expensive to collect everything driven by it will have to scale back. Forget about technology as we know it, think of the world as is was before fossil fuels.
A lot less technology means that the wet dreams of a techno feudal world are just dreams. All isn’t good though: Lack of today’s tech does not mean that feudalism won’t happen; faudal lord was a sought after position among the greedy power mad of the past and sure will be in the future …
*) Electricity from nuclear, water, wind and the sun are minor parts of the energy mix; coal, gas and oil dominates by far. Don’t take my word for it, research and you will see.
renewables will suffice for a drastically reduced population, cunningly they are using the soon to be gone masses to create an infrastructure suitable to their future needs. at least that’s the plan.
of course you are indeed correct, these idiots can’t tie their shoe laces without an ‘AI’ to help them, so unfortunately we have a protracted period of chaos and slaughter ahead of us.
The slave master loves it when there slave loves there servitude.
What they have planed for our future may be more dystopian than the current system.
But that does not mean the current system is not also dystopian.
I like most am a victim of the protestant work ethic.
You work all your life. One third of your wage is taken before you get it.
They give you a total of maybe four weeks holiday a year. If you are lucky you only have to work five days a week. You spend your life trying to own your house. At then end you may get a pension that allows you to live a poorer life.
Like the hamster on the hamster wheel you run in the spot most of your life.
But you have some spending money while working you can maybe buy a car afford a holiday.
Your work my contributes some useful to society but often little.
The main thing you do not have is your own time. This is stolen. Many a year you could not tell if the summer was good or not , you see so little off it.
In the new dystopian future they are short circuiting the system . forget work you go straight to retirement . Now you will have your time but no purpose. Maybe your previous purpose was an illusion as you worked for the crumbs that gave you what seemed like control of your life. But like removing a shoe that is to tight . The little bit of freedom your toil bought you felt so much better for your toil.
“We are ruled over by psychopaths.”
I like to think that most people are ok but then there’s the greedy power mad scum, psychopaths if you may. If the majority had more sense we would have gotten rid of these deviants and the world would have been a much better place.
And when would you get rid of them, Mr Y?
Some have opined that 1 in 1000 people are psycho/sociopathic individuals – that equates to about 7 million of the buggers spread over the whole world. More than enough to populate all the senior (elite?) positions around the world we live on.
So, do you think that you would be able to identify them early enough to eliminate their ability to reach and occupy those positions?
At birth, perhaps? And how? And what then?
they can be identified by a simple brain scan, then thrown over a cliff.
in the past they were obvious to close-knit communities and are often now found in peat bogs having been garroted.
“So, do you think that you would be able to identify them early enough to eliminate their ability to reach and occupy those positions?”
In my dreams, yes. In the real world we common people could maybe do less to help these individuals achieve their positions?
A really excellent article Sean. And yes, you’re right, normal is never coming back whatever happens now with the scamdemic. This outrage against humanity has barely even begun.
Today in Melbourne, saw a mum and dad walking along a street with their 4 year old girl. All of them were in facemasks. I could barely believe it. I’ve seen High School kids wearing facemasks here, which was mandatory, but a 4 year old??
Most of my customers are completely oblivious to what’s coming economic wise, and when I tell them there will be more lockdowns here, probably late March/April (autumn, start of flu season) they act slightly surprised. A lot of them actually think things will go back to how they were last year. Its been a task just telling them to remove their facemasks and assure them it’s safe to do so.
And regards… World socialism, I regularly see posts on my timeline that this is about a communist takeover, usually, I note, from the same handful of people.
As I’ve said, I believe the scamdemic is the vehicle to bring in an Orwellian technocratic nightmare. After the vaccines come health immunity passports and a rigid social credit system.
And, as numerous others have pointed out, if they can’t even prove the virus exists, then why the vaccines? And, what the hell is in them? Oh, what happened to our immune systems? Don’t they work anymore?
4 year old, gezza? I have been watching toddlers with masks for months. Toddlers. Walking in a line, out on their walk, with their (masked) daycare teachers.
Children of every age. Masked. PLAYING SPORTS MASKED.
I will never get over it.
Some call it CHILD ABUSE.
Child abuse it is, but we can’t ignore the fact that we are all victims of the same abuse.
Adult abuse is not really any better than child abuse if you think about it.
The costs to mental and physical health are just as terrible.
Sorry Judith… I remember you saying that a while ago. It’s absolute child abuse. No ifs or buts. I hadn’t seen a child that young before with a mask on.
Truth be told, it is the conservative and libertarian camps who fed their people with the fiction that self-made billionaires earned their wealth. To the credit of socialists, they always despised this untruth.
After Robert Maxwell’s death, Socialist Worker wrote one of their more interesting articles, noting that there was nothing special about the ultra-rich in terms of intellect. In the case of Maxwell, he reportedly would not read anything of any length, book, document etc. Instead he would read a summary of it prepared by staff members. His mind, or his patience, could not crack any lengthy book.
I hardly ever join the discussion and comment on anything, but today I’m stepping in. Reason for it being that time and again authors make the same mistake when analysing what is it that we living in is. Just the other day on Twitter someone posted a number of questions trying to figure out what a hell is this, is it capitalism? socialism? communism? etc?
Point one: why limit the discussion to well known systems? The world has moved on and progressed from the basics of well talked about, analysed and over analysed capitalism, socialism, communism. Similarly the Left v Right. It’s all old and irrelevant, hence for decades anyone that wants to stay relevant, electable and palatable positions her/himself as centrist. Old labels don’t work and hasn’t worked for decades already.
But if you want to label what we living in (and have been moving towards for a century or so) and use known, established terms then try this… Fabian Socialism with a Technocratic twist.
Fabian Socialism envisaged control by the oligarchy, and that’s what we have had for decades. Oligarchs contribute to the (s)election process and tell the rest of us who to chose from, they who finance the (s)election process reap the rewards when we, the plebs (s)elect their candidate.
This applies to the entire Western World as we know it. But it doesn’t apply to China and Russia. When MSM conduct their scare campaign against China, and label it as Communist, it’s so false. Because, once again, old terms don’t apply any more. There is no Communism in China, not in a way we think of it. Political system is communist, but economic system is capitalist. Russia is somewhat in between the two.
And if you don’t know what Fabian Socialism is, I suggest research it. Orwell, mentioned in this piece used to hang around those guys. Is that what inspired his creativity?
One last thing. Fabian Socialism was supposed to take time to manifest, if I remember correctly “at turtles pace” or something like that.
I find it fascinating that in over a century since Marx’s teachings no one stepped in and came up with a better understanding of the world political economical view…
“For those into labels Corporate Fabian Fascism or Eugenicist Corporate Fascism.
Honest socialists are opposed to such a horrible thing and the Oligarch Mobster Psychopaths behind it.”
“Now some words from a honest Socialist.”
Not sure what your point is…
If I got it right, you advocate for honest socialism? Or something along those lines?!
Fair enough…
How do you get there? Taking into account what we live in at present… how?
On a smaller scale, country level: do you expropriate private property and nationalise everything? Do you see that as a possibility? Do you see queen of England giving up her wast lands that she owns in favour of the state?
Do you see Gates, Rockefeller, etc give up their spoils in favour of masses?
How do you get this done?
On a large scale, country (or a group of countries, like NATO bloc): do you see them sitting and waiting for some other country turning socialist? Just think of what they did to the Soviet Union, think of Yugoslavia, think of Gaddafi …
Custodians of Capitalism as we know it won’t give up what they have without major blood bath. They hold the power and they are using it. USSR existed for 70 years, to achieve that royal family was forcibly removed and everything was nationalised. But in the end Custodians of Capitalism corrected what they saw as a threat, successful socialist county couldn’t exist, and they crushed it. Ultimately power is with the oligarchy now, and has been for a long time.
“The overall strategy is to educate, organize, agitate, mobilize and ‘attack’. As each situation (battle) is different the tactics will be determined on a case by case basis. Keep on going keep on growing. Like humanity socialism is a work in progress.”
“In the spirit of Eugene Victor Debs.”
From your references to the USSR, I sense that you consider Second-World “socialism” an achievement. It was not. Regardless of whether the original idea was noble or viable, it was hijacked by opportunists and resulted in a totalitarian dystopia.
Socialism is not a viable concept. Not in the Occidental civilization, not at this point of history where people are obsessed with ownership, hoarding. It might work in an alternative world, where human beings would be cooperative creatures thanks to resources being readily available to all and thus worthless (perhaps possible with AI/robotization if they’re used to that end as opposed to being used to enslave people).
Anyway, debating socialism now is endlessly anachronic.
“Seems like someone has found the answer they sought.”
No comprehendo meine friendo …
Your allusion to honest socialists brought a smile to my face. I grew up in socialism. In 1970s. Honest socialists had been executed during purges in the 1950s by their crazed comrades (partly due to exterior influence exerted by Operation Splinter Factor) and whatever remained were utterly unprincipled opportunists. Not unlike the spineless gnomes willing to do just about anything you see around today.
Socialism – whatever the fuck this is supposed to mean (I wonder) – is not the way to go. Not at this point. Not under the current circumstances. Accept it.
Propagating Socialism at this point in time will ultimately lead us into Fabian Socialism scenario, and that’s a scary thought… 🤷🏻♂️
No no… I do not see it (USSR Socialism) as a success, no way. I just give it as an example of it being tried, but couldn’t succeed because of opposing forces
I agree that at present time, Socialism is not a viable option, it could work, but the path to it is way too bloody and difficult, making it non viable option, it can’t be achieved from practical stand point.
And also agree that debating it as an option is pointless.
R: Custodians of Capitalism as we know it won’t give up what they have without major blood bath. They hold the power and they are using it.
I agree. But why then are we heading towards anything related to socialism? That makes no sense. I know of no socialist,communist or even anarchist organization of any size that is not a de facto social-democrat anymore, that is not tied at the hip to some capitalist party (like the Democratic Party in the US). The fundamentals of Marxism have not needed to change. Long before you build revolutionary movement you must have widespread development of a (working) class consciousness. We haven’t seen anything like that in the US since 1946 if not earlier. (1946 had the greatest number of major industrial strikes in US history. Which is why the ruling class imposed a succession of anti-communist witch hunts – e.g. McCarthyism.) The other pillar of Marxism is Historical Materialism, which in simple form means that you have to understand what is happening empirically in the world before you can mount a genuine analysis. There is no better example of how distant we are from that than the Covid scam. The reason the New Normal is being forced upon us now is that the working class (what we used to call the left) has never been weaker, more disorganized and confused than right now.
Max Keiser has been saying it’s feudalism, even before Covid hit the streets.
Whatever you think of, their documentaries, and shows tell us many things MSM in the West do not.
Problem is, even the Russians have fallen for this con…
Sputnik V / Novichock anyone?!
Russians didn’t fall for it, they just said: ‘if that’s the way the land lies, we have to make money from it, gain prestige and influence from it, rather than becoming serfs to the globalist elites.’
You must never mistake Russian public statements with Russian private thoughts.
A very pertinent last sentence, that.
Equally valid for politicians anywhere else too, of course.
You conveniently forgot that the Russian Central bank is run and owned by the same cabal that is behind this faux pandemic and non existent virus.
RT is just another controlled opposition point of view. The Sputnik vaccine is virtually the same as the Oxford vaccine rebranded with a different adjuvant. It has two adenovirus vectors instead of one. They both originated from the same technology licensing agreement on the federal register, that was all generated through the NIH-DARPA funded gene altering work of Ralph Baric.
This seems a little defeatist. The way I see it we’re in a similar situation with the collapse of the American empire as the Eastern Bloc was during the collapse of the Soviet Union. Our leaders and the media will panic and claim the world is ending, because their privileged positions are in peril, but the people will shrug and come out the other side.
I’m afraid that this is much more serious that the collapse of the Second World.
Back then, there was an alternative. An alternative believed to be viable, some even argued that the alternative was the end of history (Fukuyama).
What we’re witnessing is a global revolution as per the article. A carefully planed transformation of the entire world into something else. An attempt to set the world on a new trajectory. Well, new. Not really new, the trajectory has been here forever. But things are being take to the next level. And a line has been crossed, and the world is no longer free. The establishment is openly hostile, albeit under the guise of protecting people.
Will the PIBs (Pricks Behind It) succeed? Perhaps not completely – you might be right about that.
But our leaders and the media are NOT losing their privileged positions. Isn’t that the point?
Capitalism isn’t going anywhere it’s being reset hence the words: Reset of capitalism! What it means is only a small select elite can own private property. That’s it. Marx was still right though. Problem with anti Marxists is they’ve never read Marx
That goes for some Marxists as well.
Excellent summary, it echoes my thoughts to just about the last letter.
The outcome of what the PBIs (pricks behind it) intend might wary, depending on how things continue to develop. They obviously have it planned for decades, centuries ahead, with various paths to follow depending on how things develop, what the response from the people is. I could imagine that they’d stop halfway if there is serious pushback and continue a few years down the road as part of the salami-slice tactic they’ve been using for ages. But it probably won’t happen, considering how the world is stupefied right now, how people are unable, unwilling to grasp the very stuff outlined in this article.
The biggest problem we’re facing is summarized in the last sentence. Where to. We don’t have an alternative. We don’t have – or we haven’t properly formulated – a vision for the future. People have allowed themselves to be dumbed down to ignore the inherent flaws in the capitalist system, democracy, to accept the semi-slavery imposed on them, the erosion of the institutions that were, at least in theory, protecting them, keeping things in a workable order. We have allowed our culture to degenerate to a point of cheap rotten entertainment, we worship commercially successful losers and ignore visionaries – if there are any at all. The world is an empty shell, utterly fucked up. It’s been holding up only thanks to massive propaganda called advertising, but it’s now over.
The only way out of it – even if we managed to fight off the present coup – is to reestablish true art, true culture, true science from the grass roots, well underground, up. To formulate our vision of the future and promote it, fight for it (which will be a seriously uphill battle – the fuckers not only have all the weapons but also own the fucking battlefield).
We’re probably facing a historical moment akin to the imposition of Christianity on the world. There must have been people back then pointing out to other that fucking snakes don’t talk and that to conceive a child, man and woman have to come together. And so on. Yet, they succeeded and people have now been going to buildings built to worship this crap for millennia. Most of them mean well, never question the foundation of this ideology that’s is the basis for our existence. People never question the fact that our obsession with technologies (external ways of dealing with problems) stems from the Bible and that other worlds, completely different from ours, would be possible. It might be like that in the future too. This year will be celebrated as the beginning on the path to the fusion of man with machine (quite an idiotic concept at the end of which man replaces himself with a fucking robot completely and ceases to exist – perhaps for the better) as they promenade themselves with antennas in their head, binoculars instead of eyes, wheels instead of feet, and assholes refurbished as fucking jet engines. Reproduction only in licensed labs, in artificial incubators, only for the privileged.
Anyway, all suggests that we’re entering the Dark Technocratic Age, which will be long, perverse, and disgusting. Will it be followed by Renaissance, some holistic existence that celebrates the human being as a natural wonder? I wonder ….
There are many reasons to critique what organised Christianity has become – but you miss the mark here.
It was Rudolf Steiner who drew our attention to the anathematisation of the Spirit at the 8th Council of Constantinople in the year 869AD, where the threefold nature of the human being was reduced by decree from Body/Soul/Spirit to merely Body and Soul.
Western Science has merely taken this one step further and reduced the human being to Body only.
In your naturalism, it would appear that you have fallen in line with this unholy trajectory and in that sense have unwittingly joined the ranks of Schwab and Gates.
If you view the human being as merely the “natural wonder”, the capstone of the animal kingdom – then that is the fate that you will suffer – to be treated as livestock yourself.
Right, pick a fight with me for pointing out that the world runs on a phantasmagorical ideological concept.
Your prerogative if you need a religion to take you through life. Kindly keep it to yourself and don’t project it onto others.
I have no intention to discuss religion – I only mentioned to draw an analogy to the current events, which are just as phantasmagorical as the notion that our world started with a talking snake, whatever your beliefs are.
religion isn’t discussed it is lived, that my friend is where you err.
indeed the removal of the recognition of spirit and thus the light and true god, left us at the mercy of the judaic demiurge and imposter god who seeks vengeance through his imperfect creation.
through this lens technocracy and its associated abominations make sense.
what is really laughable is that marx and no doubt our current crop of imbeciles see themselves as satanists raging at god perfecting his imperfect creation.
But what are you doing to stop it ?
If it could be stopped, it would already have been stopped.
Think of WW1, that game of football – and yet it played out to the bitter end.
This is not a counsel of despair – the fight must be fought and no-one should betray their principles for an easy life, if such a thing is even possible.
But this is an onslaught from the spiritual world – the malign players we see enacting this drama are merely conduits for a battle of the gods. Through their lives and by their character they have fitted themselves for such a role, but countless others wait in the wings who could replace them. Each will face judgement.
A greater bifurcation of humanity is taking place that goes unnoticed. There are many decent people who have not striven for goodness but found it innate within them and have become complacent. They mistook this for personal virtue rather than the legacy of a previous life of piety. They look to no higher power than themselves.
So why should we be spared this? That is the real question.
Actually, fusion of man with machine is just typical misapplication of silicon-based technology on a carbon-based planet.
Silicon is far better adapted to space travel, isn’t it? Silicon can transport carbon-based seeds and drop them off if they find another planetary system where carbon-based species will probably thrive.
What is so idiotic is to think that silicon is better on earth than carbon.
It’s not, it’s just better for psychopathic nerds who think that humans are horrible creatures.
My advice to the psychopaths: you go off into space with your AI technology and leave the peace-loving humans to live in a carbon-based world on earth.
This is the Solomon Asch conformity experiment on a massive scale.
So when Bill Gates goes on TV and says the lockdown will last until 2022… the media nod as one.
Bill Gates is clever like a criminal is clever. He is not and never has demonstrated intelligence.
Anthony Fauci has been exposed as a criminal.
William Avery Rockefeller is the father of them all and he was a con artist and a scoundrel.
On the other hand…
Honest Experts Are Trying to Warn You! Vaccines, Lockdowns, Masks & More – Polly
From the same video:
Historically coronavirus vaccines have had a terrible safety record despite 30 years of research.
In the late 1960s, children in Washington DC received a vaccine for RSV which is similar to coronavirus. Researchers had skimped on testing, with no testing on animals. The children got a good antibody response but when they later caught a virus, 80 percent of the children given the shot were hospitalized with severe respiratory disease, and two died.
Similar findings emerged from later attempts to create a coronavirus vaccine. Animal studies found disease enhancement due to pathogenic priming. Researchers developed 35 vaccines between 2002 and 2014 and chose the four most promising. This time they tested them on animals.
The ferrets had a robust antibody response but when vaccinated animals were exposed to wild virus after being vaccinated, they got inflammation across the whole body and died.
Comparing the experiments on children and ferrets, scientists concluded that the coronavirus-type vaccine creates a pathway for the virus. When vaccinated subjects encounter a virus in the wild, it creates an immune response that the body cannot cope with.
It is unbelievable, says Dr James Lyons-Weiler, that governments have allowed the Covid vaccine to go ahead without testing on animal and with limited testing at all.
RFK Jr was supposed to run a special task force into ill-effects of vaccines. Donald Trump seems to have cancelled the commission on the advice of Bill Gates. See video at 23:30 minutes.
Pathogenic priming likely contributes to serious and critical illness and mortality in COVID-19 via autoimmunity
‘There is no pandemic going on’…. Much appreciate both these links M. Never heard of the Solomon Asch conformity experiment, and since starting back at work, have, er, hardly watched any Amazing Polly clips. Get home in the evening, and feel pretty knackered.
Another real positive of Offguardian, especially since the scamdemic began, is you now find a veritable smorgasbord of links to sites, articles and channels you’ve never heard of before. Will now return to the rest of the clip. Cheers👍
Given that Gates, Fauci and the Rockefeller syndicate wake up each morning with $$$$ signs in their eyes, I suspect they dream of finding a vaccine to the common cold.
What could be more profitable than jabbing everyone in the world twice a year at $35 a shot, paid for from taxpayer funds? Especially if the taxpayer gets to pay for the development.
They’ve already got flu covered. It doesn’t work but the politicians signed up to it. There are dozens of variants of flu, changing all the time. The shot even makes it more likely that you’ll get one of those different variants.
However, if you can’t make a vaccine for the common cold, just lie about it. Pick any flu and cold season and say you’ve got the magic elixir.
Heck, if Rockefeller could bottle kerosene, sell it as snake oil and hit the jackpot… maybe the trick is to be immune to karma (or at least to legal liability).
If it sounds like a scam, proceeds like a scam and is proposed by scammers with a long history of scamming, it’s probably a… … … wanna call a friend?
Just finished… I’m still convinced that Covid1984 is intrinsically linked with, and the initial mechanism (vehicle) to bring in The Great Reset and the Fourth Industrial Revolution and, if the truly evil Schwab gets his way, AI and transhumanism.
Once the vaccines are rolling out, then comes the health immunity passports, biometric id and a social credit system.
QR codes are already appearing in shops with a sign saying ‘swipe the code before entering this store’.
Qantas announced recently no one will get on one of their planes if they haven’t been vaccinated, and the Victorian Govt has strongly hinted that some workers (aged care and health) will have to be vaccinated.
In my opinion, I don’t believe this is just about vaccines.
Total control M, a la Brave New World, 1984 or Soylent Green, take your pick.
Sometime in the first quarter of the year, a committee (at WHO?) picks the 3 most likely flu variants they expect in the next season. The vaccine makers who go along get approved. This reminds me of another “international” committee that decides on the dominant colours (in all things) for the coming year.
It does seem it is time to build back better like we need a new country not controlled by these psychos. I’d say it would be good to concentrate in some strategic locations and set up eco setttlements so there is strength in numbers. go for the young people to abandon any plans they had of working in the city. forget it. there is no future in it. we need to be thinking more about food and shelter. better in terms of freedom and independence and rapid creation. a beginning rather than an end.
When interest rates are interfered with, the ‘Productivity Cost of Capital’
(PCC) – an economic law discovered by this researcher – is jeopardized
to the degree that interest rates are debased.
The cost of capital isn’t based on cost – a tautology – it’s based on (1) the
quantity of capital loaned; and (2) the time it takes to pay back the capital
loaned. The cost of capital – interest – depends on the magnitude
borrowed (and time needed to pay back the loan). If one borrows a
capital outlay of X, the cost of X will be less than a capital outlay of
6X, but if a central bank maintains interest rates at the artificially
low X level, there can be no loans for capital outlays between X and 6X.
By implementing low cost interest rates, central banks have set in
motion ruinous price controls on capital, thereby preventing the
employment of capital.
For those who didn’t get the basic Algebra 1
example illustrating the productivity retarding affect of central bank
price controls on interest rates for loaned capital, the following
simplified version should do the trick…
A young boy is at the candy store and hands the retailer a candy bar costing $.95.
The boy decides he wants to buy six candy bars instead, five candy bars more
than one candy bar, so the price is $5.70. The boy tells the retailer he
doesn’t have $5.70, but that he will have the money in three years and
then pay the retailer, with interest for the deferment of payment. The
retailer agrees to the transaction. When the boy returns in three years,
he pays the retailer only $.95! Why did the boy offer only $.95, when
he owed $5.70 plus interest? Because the boy told the retailer that his
father told him there’s no difference between $.95 and $5.70 with
Capital, an economic good like any other economic good,
isn’t an amorphous quantity that has an intrinsic ‘productivity cost’.
Capital has units – as do candy bars, cars, houses, plots of land, etc. –
hence the cost of 1 unit is less than the cost of >1 units. If the
price for a capital outlay – interest – is below the capital outlay’s
‘productivity cost’, then there can be no deployment of the capital.
At my blog, read the articles…
‘The Marxist ‘Gender Pay Gap’ – Class Struggle Meets Gender Struggle: Females Earn More Than Their Equally Matched Male Counterparts’
‘House of Cards: The Collapse of the ‘Collapse’ of the USSR’
‘Playing Hide And Seek In Yugoslavia’
Then read the article, ‘The Marxist Co-Option Of History And The Use Of The Scissors Strategy To Manipulate History Towards The Goal Of Marxist Liberation’
The West will form new political parties where candidates are vetted for Marxist ideology/blackmail, the use of the polygraph to be an important tool for such vetting. Then the West can finally liberate the globe of vanguard Communism.
My blog…
Capital is not a thing. It is most of all social relation of production. Capital is a sum of money or its equivalent in means of production and raw materials, which is used in order to produce goods and/or services intended for sale on the (world) market, with the aim being the attainment of a larger sum of money or its equivalent in means of production and materials, i.e. capital accumulation. A factory used to produce items for direct consumption is not capital. Money used to buy subsistence needs is not capital.
Where’s the photo with the “Marxist” raised fist? Come on! You’re getting slack now.
🤣🤣🤣I told Dean yesterday he should pay Louis Proyect a visit. That would make an interesting interaction! Notice Louis P hasn’t visited us for a while, unless he’s using another fake user name. Like ‘Crispy’ to name one.
Maybe he’s “recovering” from “covid”. I’m running out of scare quotes!
His stubborn refusal to die from the dread contagion just shows it is not that dread…
Uh I would put one up but I don’t think this comment system accepts images.
I didn’t finish the article yet- its so long! I just wanted to see other people’s reaction to it before I went back to reading it. I was very surprised that it made a bit of sense- although the OP treats speculation about the vax like it is established truth. Maybe he knows some stuff that I don’t. I sort of wonder about his political affiliations (not to any particular state, but rather on the ideological level.) Full disclosure: I myself am a retired scientist, non-extreme pacifist, “SJW”/activist, socialist, and Jew. Just like Albert Einstein, in fact- just a lot less intelligent.
And the “depopulation” angle is just kind of ridiculous. If people started dropping dead from the vax,even years down the line- there would be a giant witch hunt and it would not go well for those in government / heads of industry.
Also big Pharma doesn’t need to roll out testing for a “cancer cure” on billions of people. I found it amusing that the OP seems to think that is likely, or that the depopulation thing is also likely – even though these two ideas would have the exact opposite effect. “Ach! Its a conspiracy to kill us all! Or maybe keep us all alive! Whatever it is, it *MUST* be a conspiracy!”
Many people are focusing on the vax, I think, because it is a thing that reveals to us our powerlessness as individuals. Humans have specialized in terms of knowledge and expertise- the world is too complex for any one person to understand now, even when painting with broad strokes. So we are not all PhDs in virology, and it bothers us that people we have never met who *do* could be acting with a different motivation than the official MSM designated one. My advice: get comfortable with the idea of living with a lot of uncertainty in your life.
And again…what are you doing to stop it ?
I keep asking this one simple question and amazingly nobody has yet come up with an answer… deserve everything thats coming unless you start being a bit more proactive than crafting lengthy diatribes in the offg comments section
US Attorney Gen Out/
Covid Bioterror/
Election Fight
Completely brilliant, many thanks.
The real fraud of RT-PCR is not simply false-positive rates, but the fact they’re primed on Prof. Drosten & Co’s fraudulent “genome sequence” fabricated from random RNA pulled from a soup of lavage fluid, & the equally fraudulent ‘SARSCoV1’ model.