WHO (finally) admits PCR tests create false positives
Warnings concerning high CT value of tests are months too late…so why are they appearing now? The potential explanation is shockingly cynical.
Kit Knightly

The World Health Organization released a guidance memo on December 14th, warning that high cycle thresholds on PCR tests will result in false positives.
While this information is accurate, it has also been available for months, so we must ask: why are they reporting it now? Is it to make it appear the vaccine works?
The “gold standard” Sars-Cov-2 tests are based on polymerase chain reaction (PCR). PCR works by taking nucleotides – tiny fragments of DNA or RNA – and replicating them until they become something large enough to identify. The replication is done in cycles, with each cycle doubling the amount of genetic material. The number of cycles it takes to produce something identifiable is known as the “cycle threshold” or “CT value”. The higher the CT value, the less likely you are to be detecting anything significant.
This new WHO memo states that using a high CT value to test for the presence of Sars-Cov-2 will result in false-positive results.
To quote their own words [our emphasis]:
Users of RT-PCR reagents should read the IFU carefully to determine if manual adjustment of the PCR positivity threshold is necessary to account for any background noise which may lead to a specimen with a high cycle threshold (Ct) value result being interpreted as a positive result.
They go on to explain [again, our emphasis]:
The design principle of RT-PCR means that for patients with high levels of circulating virus (viral load), relatively few cycles will be needed to detect virus and so the Ct value will be low. Conversely, when specimens return a high Ct value, it means that many cycles were required to detect virus. In some circumstances, the distinction between background noise and actual presence of the target virus is difficult to ascertain.
Of course, none of this is news to anyone who has been paying attention. That PCR tests were easily manipulated and potentially highly inaccurate has been one of the oft-repeated battle cries of those of us opposing the “pandemic” narrative, and the policies it’s being used to sell.
Many articles have been written about it, by many experts in the field, medical journalists and other researchers. It’s been commonly available knowledge, for months now, that any test using a CT value over 35 is potentially meaningless.
Dr Kary Mullis, who won the Nobel Prize for inventing the PCR process, was clear that it wasn’t meant as a diagnostic tool, saying:
with PCR, if you do it well, you can find almost anything in anybody.ā
And, commenting on cycle thresholds, once said:
If you have to go more than 40 cycles to amplify a single-copy gene, there is something seriously wrong with your PCR.ā
The MIQE guidelines for PCR use state:
Cq values higher than 40 are suspect because of the implied low efficiency and generally should not be reported,ā
This has all been public knowledge since the beginning of the lockdown. The Australian government’s own website admitted the tests were flawed, and a court in Portugal ruled they were not fit for purpose.
Even Dr Anthony Fauci has publicly admitted that a cycle threshold over 35 is going to be detecting “dead nucleotides”, not a living virus.
Despite all this, it is known that many labs around the world have been using PCR tests with CT values over 35, even into the low 40s.
So why has the WHO finally decided to say this is wrong? What reason could they have for finally choosing to recognise this simple reality?
The answer to that is potentially shockingly cynical: We have a vaccine now. We don’t need false positives anymore.
Notionally, the system has produced its miracle cure. So, after everyone has been vaccinated, all the PCR tests being done will be done “under the new WHO guidelines”, and running only 25-30 cycles instead of 35+.
Lo and behold, the number of “positive cases” will plummet, and we’ll have confirmation that our miracle vaccine works.
After months of flooding the data pool with false positives, miscounting deaths “by accident”, adding “Covid19 related death” to every other death certificate…they can stop. The create-a-pandemic machine can be turned down to zero again.
…as long as we all do as we’re told. Any signs of dissent – masses of people refusing the vaccine, for example – and the CT value can start to climb again, and they bring back their magical disease.
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is there an actual WHO link for the quote? Thanks
I’ve posted my latest Texas Coronavirus chart of daily fatalities and hospitalizations. Texas has reached some important milestones.
Interesting. So now if youāre correct, what happens to the case fatality rate? So if the number of positive cases declines (just because weāve turned down the dial), but yet people still continue to die, as that wonāt change just because we turn down the sensitivity of the test, what happens to the CFR?
You still need a test to confirm the death WITH or WITHOUT Covid. How do you separate those dying FROM covid and those dying WITH it?
you don’t They are all COVID
They don’t. Motorcycle accident death, but they had a pcr positive test, so they put covid on the death certificate.
People die every day. they are then counted as COVID deaths. The Case fatality rate is as bogus as the PCR test results
What it really means is even the people they figured into their equation as dying with covid and not from covid isnāt even accurate. This covid thing was overhyped hysteria that almost destroyed us. Intentionally in many ways I believe. Now onto the new debate on the mRNA injection that is still in trial phase that they are trying to encourage and make impossible to function in society without receiving. Donāt be fooled all is not as it seems.
Actually what it means is that the contraction rate is higher than reported because they thought more people had it to pass it on but it turns out that it was spreaduing that fast from fewer people actually spreading it
look up the guidelines for ruling a ‘covid death’………they are extremely lax, anything can be claimed to be a covid death. Another way to see statistical anomalies is look up in any country or state, the flu and pneumonia deaths in 2019……..and then see what they are in 2020. Covid cases and deaths were maximized to create hysteria, to sell a product (covid vaccine) and give governments more power to push people into buying……….more product by stripping their freedoms to refuse.
Easy, people dying of cancer will have cancer written on death certificate not Covid, people falling out of trees and dying will die of trauma from fall not Covid. People dying of flu will die of flu not Covid. This lie is all about depopulation. (See Bill Gates statements). But they don’t view it as murder, remember the psychopaths’ out there think they are cleansing the world, they think that this is a scientific survival of the fittest to bring about a Utupian world of 500 million. And the sad thing is that a lot of people signed up for the experimental shots, they ran to the line when a little careful study showed this was all bullsh&%. I knew it was a hoax in March of 2020, and I”m an accountant.
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For those who are interested, I have an update to my charting of Texas Coronavirus Hospitalizations and deaths. Things are loojking better by the day. We’ll have to see if the trend continues. https://californiaswansong.blogspot.com/2021/02/texas-coronavirus-update-as-of-february.html
[email protected]
Real division is not in numeric requirements of obscure tests conducted beyond public oversight but rather between the people buying this garbage and those rejecting it. Globalists are out in the open now. It is clear there is no justice in this world as this world has been given to the devil. One world government is already here. Anyone who opposes it is silenced and shamed publicly. Government is no more a necessary evil it is purely evil. If everyone followed the ten commandments government would be ignored overnight. Instead the plandemic was used to destroy President Trump, who defunded the WHO and then the globalist minions launched the China virus fearmongering plandemic against him. But they did not destroy his millions of supporters or the people who will never accept serfdom or servitism to the devil’s agents. If I speak against the Creator let me be silent.
I’ve updated the Texas Coronavirus data as posted through 2021/01/23. There are several updates in previous days, but no updated chart https://californiaswansong.blogspot.com/2021/01/texas-coronavirus-update-as-of-2021123.html
Top Shit mate
Interesting. So now if you’re correct, what happens to the case fatality rate? So if the number of positive cases declines (just because we’ve turned down the dial), but yet people still continue to die, as that won’t change just because we turn down the sensitivity of the test, what happens to the CFR?
Cycle thresholds with PCR testing should be used by the medical and healthcare professionals, not by journalists who are attempting to rile their base and spread conspiracy theories.
Hi. The IFR for covid19 is the same as the annual flu: which is 0.1% or some calculate 0.2% The government have geen greatly exaggerating these figures in order to keep up the fear factor, to ensure compliance. The ‘covid fatalities’ are people who die of any and every cause, and who have at some time tested positive for covid – which as we know is around 93% false positives in any case. When a person is admitted to hospital for any reason – heart attack, broken leg etc: they are given a covid test – and if it returns positive – they are treated as a covid patient. If they die of the heart attack – it is a ‘covid death’. if they get run over by a bus- it is a ‘covid death’. if they commit suicide because of loosing their business – it would also be a ‘covid death’. Most deaths are elderly people in nursing homes, who have other ‘co-morbidities’. If they die of these illnesses, but test positive for ‘covid’: it is a ‘covid death’. if you are under 20 and healthy, your chances of surviving covid is 99,997%; under 50 and healthy is 99.98%. Under 70 is 99.5% ; over 70 is 99.5%.
It has also become aparent, thet the fatalities from the experimental biological agents referred to as vaccines, is going to be higher than those real fatalities of the virus.
“greatly exaggerating” is putting it very kindly.
A more appropriate word would be “lying.”
And…there is no Virus.
No Isolate, IAW Koch’s Postulates. What’s provided is entirely FLIM Flam.
Everything about this PsyOp is Made up BS.
And patents going back over 20 years…on the Bioweapons, they call Vaxes but are not.
We do now know, there’s many cures for the common cold, The Flu all Cancers. That’s the bottom line reason for suppressing the use of decades old successful, already long approved drugs. The Globalist Vax Bioweapons have many live cancer cells on board. They Absolutely didn’t want HCQ, IVM, or Fenbendazole and many other successful drugs & supplements…killing them or the other Parasites.
It WILL NOW Absolutely Destroy the Globalist centuries old $Trillion Medical Death Monopoly.
But only if folks wake up from the mass Hypnosis being used in them…it’s not mass Formation. Frequencies are being used to entrain folks into suggestible states of consciousness via the TV and all your other devices…all subaudible.
It would help if someone could scientifically demonstrate the āterrainā. Until such time, people are forced to make assertions about pathogenic alternatives, a lot of āwhat ifsā with nothing to back them up, or argue from an absence of evidence fallacy. Not a strong position to argue from. A2
I think the problem is far less to do with with the very few journalists ” attempting to rile their base and spread conspiracy theories” than with the far more numerous journalists of the mainstream media fear mongering the public with very questionable statistics & to use that fear to promote a narrative that is in the for profit interests of the industry from which MSM gets 85% of their advertising revenues – the Pharma Drug Industry…which is already cashing in on that MSM generated fear for billions for their covid vaccines..and for a precedent for such a scenario look no further than the last “pandemic” or as the Council of Europe called it “ScamDemic” in 2009 with H1N1…when Big Pharma & the WHO colluded to use apocalyptic statistical models to generate fear in the public that resulted in countries’ spending 3/4 trillion dollars on swine flu vax shots -98% were never needed when those WHO statistical forecasts of tens of millions dying were proved to be ridiculously wrong…the WHO endorsed both the PCR test for covid and the covid death classification procedure that absurdly makes …dying with covid = dying from covid…we could plug seasonal flu into that death methodology and so…dying w/flu = dying from flu – and we would have had a killer flu pandemic every single year for last 125 years! We have never used a death classification like that for any other virus but covid – and that should tell you something about the scientifically meaningless nature of covid death stats.
This is no different to any other year except they’ve added the words ‘deadly disease’ to the flu….the invisible enemy that isn’t to those awake.
There you go…. the old “conspiracy theory” accusation again. Is that the best you can do?
Anybody who reads real books occasionally can tell you that there are lots of scientists and doctors calling “bullshit” on the scamdemic.
Unsurprisingly the WHO has updated this document on 13 January 2021 to cover their backsides
AND, right now as I was about to send the links to my mayor and city doctor, right before my eyes the December report became a 404. As you note, the January 20th announcement is a simplified, much shortened, softer version of the one from December.
The December 7/14th version is now only available at the Wayback Machine: https://web.archive.org/web/20201215013928/https://www.who.int/news/item/14-12-2020-who-information-notice-for-ivd-users
The chunks of RNA they have called ‘viruses’ aren’t technically living. That’s just another meme to support the ‘living’ fearporn angle.
I have a biology book (and my zoology book from high school too) said that virus are not alive, they dont eat breath move or have a nervous system to even have a program to do anything. but yet somehow a non living thing can penetrate a living cells membranes get through the cytoplasm then penetrate the nucleus membrane, then splice the dna to hijack it to reproduce itself, does this sound crazy to you as it does to me?
exactly, ridiculous
another interesting aspect of the “virus” thing is that dead cells and “exosomes” collapse into a protein shell with DNA in it. IOW, sometimes you can’t tell the viruses from the other garbage laying around in your solution.
To date, apparently NOBODY has purified the virus… all tests for lethality have been done with “virus” mixed with other material.
Exactly. No authority in the world, including Pharma avax maker , had a Virus Isolate.
In fact No Virus has ever been Isolated or connected to a disease.
Utter Virology FLIM Flam.
Tru Dat.
The entire Virology & Vax Combine have been faking the funk for well over 100 years…based upon a false premise…germ theory.
No VIRUS has ever been isolated IAW Koch’s Postulates. Never. Including a c19 virus…bioweapon.
The entire idea of this must be reevaluated . Even Pasteur admitted on his deathbed…that Bechamp was right about his Terrain Theory. No Virus.
There are the Exosomes. Created in the cell to encapsulate trash & toxins and then placed outside to be disposed of by body systems.
YOU and the rest of the media, indeed most of the world have known this for a whole year, if not more. Yet you colluded with corrupt governments to maintain the fear and to publish the fabricated data. May you go broke! You vile satanic charlatans
Why do you feel the satanists are the root cause of this fuckery in this world? Lol you Christian’s, catholics and whatever else are alot more “evil” than most anyone out there.
Because when evil goes over the top, you can’t help but name the one known for murder, theft and destruction.
Nothing more evil then a family that has created and profited from most wars since late 1800’s, this family is still in existence and is involved with this Plandemic via Pirbright Institute. Rothschild hold the Corona Virus Patent.
Just because someone does something in God’s name doesn’t make them of God. No true follower of God can be characterized as evil.
in gods namehas always been used by tyrants and murderers. claiming to be lovers of god but at the same time hating other people is a contradiction and wanting to dominate or murder them is blasephemous.
The Catholic Hierarchy are not Christians.
Not by any stretch of one’s imagination.
The members of the universal church are all True believers in salvation via Jesus Christ’s Sacrifice. They ARE Believers.
You are absolutely correct about the Church leadership…
But the Reformation too was highjacked by the great Adversary…otherwise things today would be quite different. Most Evangelicals Follow Epsteined compromised Leaders…who all guilted their flocks into asking for an “Experimental” proven killer Injection that is Patented as a BIOWEAPON. Phizer…1999.
The mRNA injections killed ALL test animals in over 20+ years of refinement….in the same ways humans by the millions are now dying.
It may in fact qualify as the mark. Their bodies are subsumed by Nano electronics and now controlled by the Adversaries minions…via the 5g global networks built during the self imprisonment starting in March 2020.
They are remote controlled Cyborg and cannot now naturally die…but will wish for Death.
Book of Revelation?
By this time, the Satanic Globalists are fully exposed. They speak for themselves. They announce every crime they’re about to commit upon humanity.
It’s clearly quite something that no one pays attention…or takes preventive measures…
And they’ve done very well hiding behind all the worlds religions… while committing their many many crimes…they especially love using the chosen ones…as the fall guys.
Off Guardian isn’t one of the media that has been pushing the lies. They have been exposing them. Why do you think they published this article?
who exactly are you referring to here? Are you sure you haven’t confused OFF Guardian with the Guardian??? They are two completely different things, you know….
This is a great article, but I disagree with the reasoning of the admittance. The WHO is an institution of record. The global controllers know that the masses of humanity have short memories and short attention spans. They are half way admitting this now, because in years to come when this misery ends, and the lie of it is being broken down, the WHO will have a file of record that they “warned” of the false positives. Just like early on, March-April, Dr. Fauci contributed to an article in the New England Journal of Medical Science, which is a hard and historical record of medical science that it appears that covid-19 is a virus akin to the flu with about the same severity. Again so years down the road when this is all exposed, he will be on medial record as saying that it wasn’t anymore dangerous than the flu. Just like also early on, any MSM article about covid-19 had the caveat at the end that a majority of people infected when only see mild or no symptoms at all. These institutions of Public record are creating their on plausible deniability in case in the future they are all brought to task in some form of a Nuremberg trial.
I think you are missing the point here, the data that these tests were being done wrong has been available for months, prior to their admission of the data. If it was simply a matter of record and covering their butts, they would have done so right away. You’re right about one thing for sure though, people have a very short memory and frankly, you can expose the lie completely this week on every mainstream media news channel and next month they will have completely forgotten that it was fake because they won’t remember the details and they’ll be too lazy to go back and research it and far too wrapped up in the “news of the day” to even care.
Spot on. I said the exact same thing as soon as I read this article.
It was the same when they went on record as saying “Lockdowns should not be used to control the virus” many months after they told governments to lockdown and laid heaps of pressure on countries like Belarus and Sweden for not locking down and maintaining the freedom of their citizens.
They know well and truly that if governments are already deeply entrenched in these errors, that regardless of what the WHO say, the governments will not change what they have already been doing because by that time the people have acquiesed to it and the mainstream media definitely will not report it.
At this point, the WHO could probably say that the virus doesn’t exist and never did and that the PCR tests weren’t even testing for a virus, there never was a pandemic and governments have probably committed crimes against humanity and it wouldn’t change a damn thing. Governments would still continue on with this tyranny and the masses wouldn’t even question it.
No, what will happen is this international group will proceed with their next plan. Claus Schwabe of the World Economic Forum has already said the the next event will be a cyber attack “exercise” on our communications and utilities networks. I think the Nashville event had several objectives, but this was one of them. A small taste of what this would be like, only on a much larger scale. Now that we know what his “exercises” look like, maybe we should take him seriously, and prepare extensively. Actually, the group of elites causing most of the mayhem isn’t that large. If the good people of this world, just dealt with them, we could make great progress in stopping enough of these false flag events to at least have a break from them.
I should add when I say that we should deal with the elites who cause most of the mayhem, I mean through peaceful and legal means.
I believe you are spot on. I subscribe to the NEJM and when Fauci likened it to a seasonal flu, I could not believe my eyes, having heard him say it was “Tens times more deadly than the flu” while testifying before Congress.
and that how the Pandemic began…
well said – your views on the matter are parallel with mine…When the WHO’s recent circulars on the Cycle Thresholds in the PCR test came out I was immediately reminded of how the WHO pre-empted the release of the damming investigative report of Council of Europe of the WHO’s collusion with Big Pharma in the 2009 H1N1 scam-demic by similar ass covering statements….The 2009 H1N1 scamdemic should have been conclusive proof that the WHO acts as business conduit for Big Pharma so I could not believe after 2009 there was the WHO again taking charge with the coronavirus outbreak and seemingly every government trusting the WHO in that position. When I saw that the WHO was being recognized as the lead authority I knew we were in trouble big time – thus.. those who do not learn from history and doomed to repeat it…and so we have.
I noticed a trend, they say one thing but write down something different, if you say it and get in trouble you can claim you did not recall or was misquoted but if you write it down it can and will be used against you in a court of law, if one ever is convened.
yes, a papertrail — we should press them into putting what they say in writing or on tape or video at least.
thats cos its not a test. it’s a reaction PCR the R stands for reaction
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Please simeone show me the legit article or memo directly from the who saying this.???
Click the link in the article buddy… Here it is, you seem to have missed it. Legit enough?
Nucleic acid testing (NAT) technologies that use real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) for detection of SARS-CoV-214 December 2020 Medical product alert Geneva Reading time: 2 min (554 words)
Product type: Nucleic acid testing (NAT) technologies that use real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) for detection of SARS-CoV-2
Date: 7 December 2020
WHO-identifier: 2020/5, version 1
Purpose of this notice: To ensure users of certain nucleic acid testing (NAT) technologies are aware of certain aspects of the instructions for use (IFU) for all products.
Description of the problem: WHO has received user feedback on an elevated risk for false SARS-CoV-2 results when testing specimens using RT-PCR reagents on open systems.
As with any diagnostic procedure, the positive and negative predictive values for the product in a given testing population are important to note. As the positivity rate for SARS-CoV-2 decreases, the positive predictive value also decreases. This means that the probability that a person who has a positive result (SARS-CoV-2 detected) is truly infected with SARS-CoV-2 decreases as positivity rate decreases, irrespective of the assay specificity. Therefore, healthcare providers are encouraged to take into consideration testing results along with clinical signs and symptoms, confirmed status of any contacts, etc.
Users of RT-PCR reagents should read the IFU carefully to determine if manual adjustment of the PCR positivity threshold is necessary to account for any background noise which may lead to a specimen with a high cycle threshold (Ct) value result being interpreted as a positive result. The design principle of RT-PCR means that for patients with high levels of circulating virus (viral load), relatively few cycles will be needed to detect virus and so the Ct value will be low. Conversely, when specimens return a high Ct value, it means that many cycles were required to detect virus. In some circumstances, the distinction between background noise and actual presence of the target virus is difficult to ascertain. Thus, the IFU will state how to interpret specimens at or near the limit for PCR positivity. In some cases, the IFU will state that the cut-off should be manually adjusted to ensure that specimens with high Ct values are not incorrectly assigned SARS-CoV-2 detected due to background noise.
Manufacturers regularly review the design of their product, including labelling and IFU based on customer feedback. In the early phases of the COVID-19 pandemic, in vitro diagnostics (IVDs) were rapidly developed, validated and verified, and then rolled out. Therefore, it is not unexpected that IVDs may require refinement based on user feedback after their introduction at scale. Users should verify the version of the IFU with each consignment they receive to see if any changes have been made to the IFU.
Advice on action to be taken by users:
Transmission of this WHO Information Notice for Users:
Please disseminate this notice to all those who need to be aware within your organization or to any organization where the potentially affected product has been deployed and used.
You donāt know how to google the WHO? Sheesh… Scary.
This is directly from the CDC (America)
The Section labelled (Health Impact Events)
**unable to perform normal daily activities, unable to work, required care from doctor or health care professional
Interested what specifically that means, because it relate to 3,000 out of 112,000 individuals.Are Health Impact Events different to Adverse Effects?
This article and everyone’s comments come down to the same AWARENESS. We have arrived at the same rabbit hole with the similar dissections and conclusions for which the consortium of the sociopaths known as the deep state/cabal/elitists/oligarch satanic ritualist already have had in place an awfully long time. Now, although some of us are all reading the same chapter in the same book regarding now the PCR Test & moronic cycles, there are so many SHEEPLE who are still afraid to go into the ābookstoreā and get the book, because they might find out they have been manipulated and duped for so long; how will they be able to deal and cope with it mentally??? Therefore, why wouldnāt they be wearing face masks still? Why would People first listen to a stranger, then want to don what in most cases looks like a diaper, a jock strap and an appearance of being a criminal while simultaneously negating ‘face mask’ laws on the books already in a good majority of the States??? No one is practicing ‘SAFE’ BUT INDEED ARE BEING CONTROLLED !!!
This epic covid scenario is no different from dealing with someone who has addictions (street drug/opioid user). Everyone needs to get on the same CHAPTER and realize the REAL ROOT (the ENDING) of this coof covid (root) and the byproducts (muzzle masks, oxymoron social distancing, lockdowns, vaccines) was orchestrated by the consortium of sociopaths who were in strategic places (politics, religion, medical, schools, hollywood, simon says main stream media, etc et al) all along. They were able to assimilate in an insidious fashion, but they did not consider Planet Earth and other life forces had no more patience and tolerance for sociopath shenanigans, LIES & DARKNESS. Human Beings need to STOP DISSECTING and SQUABBLING OVER a few cycles to be distracted and deflected, because this TOOL/PROP was written into the SCENE all along. Same goes for the Election Results and the SAME WILL GO FOR THE VACCINES.
OMgosh, how much evidence does everyone need to realize the consortium sociopath deep state/cabal/elitists/oligarch satanic ritualist play with NUMBERS and use them AS THE SAME PROPS FOR ALL THE DIFFERENT SCENARIOS. First is was the virus itself, then the deaths, the curve, the flat, the lockdowns, the mask, now the PCR Tests, now Election Results, and soon it will be the VACCINES. Hopefully SHEEPLE will turn back into PEOPLE and realize they have WATCHED this MOVIE, get up and WALK OUT & start living again. So many PEOPLE turned SHEEPLE are so BUSY WITH PROTECTING THEMSELVES FROM DYING, they FORGOT ABOUT LIFE, GOD, LOVE, TRUTH and HOW TO BE A HUMAN BEING.
The Black magicians . Post ww2prop grew us with nazi Doctors in white coats and needles… FAUCI and his GAVI crew grew us the murine mutants enhancing virus lines in bio-weapons labs; DAVOS statisticians with the mockingbirds do the rest.
AMA, with equal cynicism, recant earlier excoriation of Hydroxychloroquine..a recantation now under pincer by luminary ‘truthers’ politifact!! (It’s a fact because it’s politifact! etc) so’s you KNOW it’s true !!
35 cycles is still way too high. 24 is a better number. According to several studies, the false positive rate increases amazingly after that point, from around 25% to almost 100% at 34 cycles. Even a 1 in 4 false positive rate is excessive, but it’s a lot better than 999 in 1000.
Thank you, Kit Knightly and drew45.8! So now that WHO has spoken, will the PCR pandemic (it never was a COV-19 one) end with a whimper, and with that, the lockdowns and the scaremongering? Surely not even our brazen political elite will carry on with the WHO’s now-abandonned urge to ‘test, test, test’! And Matt Hancock’s ‘expert advisers’ Whitty and Vallance — will they resign in shame, and take the helplessly weeping little Matt with them?
I was listening to a news report of the chaos in Kent, UK, at the moment, caused by lorries (trucks) bound for the English Channel crossing points, being held up while their drivers are tested. It seems “they” are more “concerned” about “false negatives” than false tested. There was a discussion about the relative “virtues” of the “lateral flow” test (which is an antigen test, I understand), versus the PCR test.
They were trying to say that the lateral flow test, although much quicker (and didn’t need to go to a lab) led to many more “false negatives” than the PCR test, which “they” clearly regard as the “gold standard”.
On the contrary. I think what the WHO wants to say is: boys, it’s okay, you did your job very well, there were more positive than negative tests, enough to create the perception of a pandemic; the opposite rule now applies: more negative than positive tests in order to create the perception that this is due to vaccines.
Surely our brazen political elite WILL carry on with the lock down and destruction of the middle class. They will just find another justification for continuation of the anti civil liberties crusade.
On this website https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2020/11/19/covid-testing-fraud-fuels-casedemic.aspx you can see in a graph at the bottom that above a CT of 25 the accuracy goes down very quick. Optimum is a CT as low as 17.
I can’t figure out the point f any of this. The disease is real. That’s all that anyone is going to retain. We have examples galore of when “Government says” something, that’s the end of the rational thinking for most people.
Here’s a great example: the entire staff of a major hospital came out and recommended ending social distancing and masks back in June. They worked with Covid patients and risked both getting this virus itself and retaliation from angry parents if they were wrong to suggest this, and the ENTIRE STAFF still recommended this, https://globalnews.ca/news/7076171/coronavirus-torontos-sickkids-hospital-ontario-schools/.
This went absolutely nowhere. No other news agencies picked this up.
But what’s more, is listen to the voice of the reporter in the first video (there are two). His voice is rising, as if in a panic when hearing the great news that we can end the panic. So why is he reacting as if he is getting MORE panicky not less?
The answer is in the second video. He clams down from speaking to a politician. How does that make any sense?
People throughout Western societies have a mental-emotional view of “Government as Daddy” the way children aged 3 to 10 do. If the doctors in that hospital are right, that means Daddy is wrong. And they become uncomprehending infants at that point.
The clueless Doug Ford doesn’t even say anything concrete. The infant-reporter merely feels better talking to Daddy. You, your family, friends, everyone you know likely react the exact same way subconsciously.
Even here in these articles, it’s about “the people trying to sell us blah blah blah.” Jesus: they CAN’T possibly do that without total support from EVERYONE in your government! Any one person in government not in line with their agenda WOULD call this out.
You’re all as infantiole as that unprofessional reporter.
Mercola is a doctor of osteopathy who has frequently been targeted by the FDA for promoting false, misleading and even dangerous medical advice. His site promotes products and his blog includes false and/or misleading information about medical topics.
were they specific or just stick to attacking the messenger rather than critique the message? if this is hte case that is a clue he is probably right nad mainstream medicine is wrong. perhaps?
As fear is such a great weapon, what would it take to get to people under 40 and show them statistically their immune system is more effective than a vaccine AND the potential harms of vaccines are greater than the disease itself. Half the population is putting itself at greater risk of harm by taking the vaccine. Why would they do that? Nothing virtuous about hurting oneself for an older model. And to potentially harm ones kids who have no real health risk from CV19. The younger generation must be made fearful of the vaccine. Currently even with Covidians taking an experimental vaccine gives them pause. Now to make them afraid – reason won’t work – fear is working on them now – give them something else to be afraid of. Something REAL.
Here is the link to my chart. Not sure if my blog URL shows up: https://californiaswansong.blogspot.com/2020/12/updated-chart-of-texas-coronavirus.html
Texas deaths had plateaued and possibly on the decline. Hospitalizations have slowed compared to earlier months.
The real test will be a drop in hospitalizations and deaths. But….in Texas, DEATHS ARE ALREADY FALLING. Also, in Texas, the rise in daily hospitalizations have slowed. Follow link from my blog with a chart showing this.
“There, you see! The vaccine worked! You denialists should be locked up! ….. etc, etc.
[nb, in case not obvious, that was only meant sarcastically!]
…please forgive me for being a thick jordie….but…can anyone explain the [unproven?] “virus” theory…….and provide any evidence that confirms “contagion”….sorry…i’ve been listening to silly Conspiracy Theorists like Kaufman and Cowan…..!!!!
Kenny I don’t believe you are as “thick” as you are trying to have us believe.
Dr Kaufman explains the situation regarding the failure of science to establish the existence of the SARS-Cov-2 virus as the cause of this alleged pandemic.
Without the complete isolated virus with its genetic material and proteins intact tests cannot be conducted to prove either it’s infectivity or contagion. Thus, the complete virus is absolutely necessary to act as a standard of comparison for any genetic sequences and proteins found in samples from patients and also for calibrating tests for the alleged virus such as PCR.
So in a nutshell without the complete virus and not just bits of RNA and other junk found, there is no proof that the alleged virus is infectious, contagious or is the cause of an alleged disease they have designated as Covid-19.
With the bogus PCR calibration they are tagging other viruses as SARS-CoV2 which can be seen in the statistics where influenza has simply disappeared. It didn’t really, it was just rebranded as Cov-19.
Yes Tom, the thing to remember here is that according to the scientific papers all the causal factors of influenza still remain unknown. They most certainly are not caused by an alleged flu virus as one has never been isolated and proven to physically exist. At best there has been an Imaginary “reconstruction” concocted by Dr Trumpey (according to the CDC). The question is how can you reconstruct something that has never been proven to exist by reverse genetics?????
A good place to start is the article published by Dr. Stefan Lanka titled, “Dismantling the virus theory” (see WISSENSCHAFFTPLUS [Science Plus] ā Magazine (Article, June 2015; Author: Dr. Stefan Lanka) | “Dismantling the virus theory: Why should we doubt the existence of viruses? What are viruses and what are they not?” [ http://wissenschafftplus.de/uploads/article/Dismantling-the-Virus-Theory.pdf ])
Dr. Lanka is a figure around whom much controversy has arisen. He’s slandered in the press as an anti-vaxxer – an infantile, intentionally-polarizing and demonizing, term employed to ostracize individuals who deign to challenge consensus-science. The same press that was eager to report on Dr. Lanka’s court-ordered requirement to pay 100,00 euros in 2015 as a reward for a challenge earlier issued by Dr. Lanka calling for scientific proof for the existence of the measles virus, but who failed to report on the results of the 2017 Supreme Court appeal that found in favor of Dr. Lanka (see preventdisease.com (Article, Jan 2017; Author: Dave Milhalovic) | “Biologist Proves Measles Isn’t A Virus, Wins Supreme Court Case Against Doctor” [ https://preventdisease.com/news/17/012717_Biologist-Proves-Measles-Isnt-Virus-Wins-Supreme-Court-Case.shtml ])
I copied this account sometime ago regarding polio and I tend to believe it:: Lead arsenate pesticide started to be sprayed in the US up to 12 times every summer to kill codling moth on apple crops.
1892: Polio outbreaks began to occur in Vermont, an apple growing region. In his report, the Government Inspector Dr. Charles Caverly noted that parents reported that some children fell ill after eating fruit. He stated that ‘infantile paralysis usually occurred in families with more than one child, and as no efforts were made at isolation it was very certain it was non-contagious’ (with only one child in the family having been struck).
1907: Calcium arsenate comes into use primarily on cotton crops.
1908: In a Massachusetts town with three cotton mills and apple orchards, 69 children suddenly fell ill with infantile paralysis.
1909: The UK bans apple imports from the States because of heavy lead arsenate residues.
1921: Franklin D. Roosevelt develops polio after swimming in Bay of Fundy, New Brunswick. Toxicity of water may have been due to pollution run-off.
1943: DDT is introduced, a neurotoxic pesticide. Over the next several years it comes into widespread use in American households. For example, wallpaper impregnated with DDT was placed in children’s bedrooms.
1943: A polio epidemic in the UK town of Broadstairs, Kent is linked to a local dairy where cows were washed down with DDT.
1944: Albert Sabin reports that a significant cause of sickness and death of American troops based in the Philippines was poliomyelitis. US military camps there were sprayed daily with DDT to kill mosquitoes. Neighboring Philippine settlements were not affected.
1944: NIH reports that DDT damages the same anterior horn cells that are damaged in infantile paralysis.
1946: Gebhardt shows polio seasonality correlates with fruit harvest.
1949: Endocrinologist Dr. Morton Biskind, a practitioner and medical researcher, found that DDT causes ‘lesions in the spinal cord similar to human polio.’
1950: US Public Health Industrial Hygiene Medical Director, J.G. Townsend, notes the similarity between parathion poisoning and polio and believes that some polio might be caused by eating fruits or vegetables with parathion residues.
1951: Dr. Biskind treats his polio patients as poisoning victims, removing toxins from food and environment, especially DDT contaminated milk and butter. Dr. Biskind writes: ‘Although young animals are more susceptible to the effects of DDT than adults, so far as the available literature is concerned, it does not appear that the effects of such concentrations on infants and children have even been considered.’
1949-1951: Other doctors report they are having success treating polio with antitoxins used to treat poisoning, dimercaprol, and ascorbic acid. Example: Dr. F. R. Klenner stated: ‘In the poliomyelitis epidemic in North Carolina in 1948 60 cases of this disease came under our care… The treatment was massive doses of vitamin C every two to four hours. Children up to four years received vitamin C injection intramuscularly… All patients were clinically well after 72 hours.’
1950: Dr. Biskind presents evidence to the US Congress that pesticides were the primary cause of polio epidemics. He is joined by Dr. Ralph Scobey who reported he found clear evidence of poisoning when analyzing chemical traces in the blood of polio victims.
Comment: This was a no-no. The viral causation theory was not something to be questioned. The careers of prominent virologists and health authorities were threatened. Biskind and Scobey’s ideas were subjected to ridicule.
1953: Clothes are moth-proofed by washing them in EQ-53, a formula containing DDT.
1953: Dr. Biskind writes: ‘It was known by 1945 that DDT was stored in the body fat of mammals and appears in their milk… yet far from admitting a causal relationship between DDT and polio that is so obvious, which in any other field of biology would be instantly accepted, virtually the entire apparatus of communication, lay and scientific alike, has been devoted to denying, concealing, suppressing, distorting and attempts to convert into its opposite this overwhelming evidence. Libel, slander, and economic boycott have not been overlooked in this campaign.’
1954: Legislation recognizing the dangers of persistent pesticides is enacted, and a phase-out of DDT in the US accelerates along with a shift in sales of DDT to third world countries.
(Note that DDT is phased out at the same time as widespread polio vaccinations begin. Saying that polio cases skyrocket only in communities that accept the polio vaccine, as the polio vaccine is laced with heavy metals and other toxins, so the paralysis narrative starts all over again. As the polio vaccines cause considerable spikes in polio, the misinformed public demand more polio vaccine and the cycle spirals skyward exponentially)
1956: the American Medical Association mandated that all licensed medical doctors could no longer classify polio as polio. All polio diagnosis would be rejected in favor of Guillain-Barre Syndrome, AFP (acute flaccid paralysis), Bell’s Palsy, Cerebral Palsy, ALS, (Lou Gehrig’s Disease), MS, MD, etc etc. This sleight of hand was fabricated with the sole intent of giving the public the impression that the polio vaccine was successful at decreasing polio or eradicating polio. The public bought this hook, line, and sinker and to this very day, many pro-vaccine arguments are ignited by the manufactured lie regarding the polio vaccine eradicating polio.
1962: Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring is published.
1968: DDT registration canceled for the US.
2008: Acute Flaccid Paralysis (AFP) is still a raging in many parts of the world where pesticide use is high, and DDT is still used. AFP. MS, MD, Bell’s Palsy, cerebral palsy, ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease), Guillain-Barre are all caught basket diagnosis, all similar in symptoms, tied to heavy metal poisoning and high toxic load.
2008: WHO states on its website: ‘There is no cure for polio. Its effects are irreversible.’
Conclusion: the Modern belief that polio is caused by a virus is an ongoing tragedy for the children of the world. Public funds are wasted on useless and dangerous vaccines when the children could be treated with antitoxins. A call into failing vaccine mythology is warranted, as is a complete investigation of the real agenda being executed against humanity involving science, chemicals, vaccines, the medical field in general, and the government.”
I read both articles and recalled the court ruling on Dr Lanka and was a great reminder but more importantly the article he wrote was profound in how this deceit keeps rolling on.
I suspect the WHO is detecting lawsuits and is trying to backtrack. A ceases and desist order was served on Dr Christian Drosten on the 15th Dec and has until the 22nd dec to respond. Dr Drosten is the guy who came up with the idea of using a PCR to test for Covid which was accepted by the WHO and then all governments. If Dr Drosten settles out of court the PCR test is dead and next on the list is the WHO. If Dr Drosten goes to court then he has to prove it is effective, oops. The telling point will be when governments of smaller countries backtrack.
Oh, yippip hurray! Do you know whether we owe this hugely welcome development to Dr Reiner Fullmich?
Unfortunately, they can pay “scientists” to lie for them. There is far too much at stake for them to allow themselves to lose now.
In an interview, Dr. Wodarg said he had checked his own blood oxygen saturation with a simple test on his finger after wearing a mask for several minutes. It had dropped from 98 to 94 percent. It is different when climbers hike in regions with low oxygen levels; the organism gets used to this and reacts by producing red blood cells. 50 percent of the oxygen we take in is consumed by our brain alone.
That is why the consequences for children wearing a mask are so devastating: their brains are still growing. The constant inhalation of their own carbon dioxide makes them sleepy, lame, unfocused and listless. In addition, the mask creates a hotbed of moisture in which germs thrive. If, on the other hand, we snort into the crook of our arms, they dry out. Open windows prolong life. Especially for smokers, whose organism is pre-damaged, for example, by a lifelong lack of oxygen.
Right! Anyone who wears a mask is a collaborator in the malfeasance of BJ et al. And anyone who takes offence at my lack of a mask, and dares voice it to me, will get a bump on the nose.
But…but…but – haven’t you heard? Carbon dioxide in a wonderful life giving gas! So the more the better – right?
Or maybe too much of a good thing is…bad? Nah. That’s just for namby-pamby climate alarmists.
Yes, CO2 is a wonderful life-giving gas … to plants. They take in CO2 and give out O2. Humans take in O2 (and N, plus trace gases), and give out CO2.
But you knew that already, of course.
The ability to run the model is the ability to define its characteristics, its diagnosis and testing parameters and adjust them to fit the narrative to which the living are induced to sacrifice to as their salvation.
Doesn’t matter here in Il. Governor Shamu is heavily invested in the company supplying and administering the tests
What do they care but for the short-term foot in the door that works SO WELL for lies.
If I’ve interpreted other information available on the PCR test correctly, it does not test for anything specific. Since “COVID-19 virus” was never isolated and no isolates were available when constructing PCR tests, then how can a positive be called COVID positive? The only answer has to be it never existed in the first place and the “pandemic” is one massive fraud perpetrated upon the world.
It can ‘t be called Covid positive because scientifically speaking there is no Covid19 caused by an alleged SARS -Cov-2 virus to test positive to!
Remember PCR was never meant as a test for viruses in the first place and without a pure isolated virus free from all contaminants found in so-called “isolates” the test cannot be calibrated as the virus itself with complete genome and proteins intact is required as a standard of comparison. “Isolates” do not usually refer to isolated viruses in virology they contain other particles that may look like viruses but are not + other contaminants .
Yes. And anyway Kary Mullins developed the PCR test to be a fairly useful general research tool. He himself said that it cannot detect a virus.
Bill Gates cannot produce computer software, His SPECIALTY, that works.
Why is Bill Gates being allowed to DABBLE in the Public’s health?
Arrest Gates for practicing medicine without a license.
Maybe because he’s a Money-Pont they are riding in to the sunset?
thats what I thought, now that the vaccine is not really a vaccine but a operating system (according to some doctors) now it makes perfect sense he is pushing the narrative. he is the computer nerd who developed the nano whatever is in the vaccine or gene thearpy shot whatever they want to call it.
Dr Mullis was one of the eminent scientists to question the existence of the Aids virus which has never been isolated to this day.
Not only did he find the theory underlying HIV lacking, but he also stated that his invention PCR was only a method for studying genetic code fragments, and matching them to similar fragments, NOT FOR IDENTIFYING VIRUSES AS THE CAUSE OF AIDS OR OF ANY OTHER ILLNESS.
Great article. I’ve said from the start that the pcr IS the pandemic. My own dad was head of biomedical department, and although not a tinfoil wearer like myself,called it worrying that they were using it as gold standard. And that any positive pcr should be followed up with an antibody test. When he heard from old work colleagues the ct being used,he commented that they would know exactly what that would achieve.
Former Brexit Party letter to the Secretary of State for Health:
Testing for Coronavirus and Government lockdown policies
Excellent letter, reply requested by 22 December. A long list of questions to be answered but, if the Government truly has a grip on what they are doing and can demonstrate that they have the supporting evidence, the questions should not be difficult to answer. When I was a civil servant in a London HQ many years ago now, we regularly received requests like this, often with 24 hours notice to reply, and we would have to drop everything else to deal with them. All the receiving Minister’s office do is send the request to the appropriate policy unit where responsibility for drafting answers could be shared between any number of staff – one member of staff might deal with, say, three simple questions or one more complex question. But meeting the deadline should not be a problem if one assumes the information is readily accessible as we would be led to believe. We shall see.
In my best pantomime voice… ‘Oh no it won’t.’
I wrote to the MHRA to seek its view on mask-wearing. My question was simple, and I included two links to anti-positions to justify my approach. That was some weeks ago. But answer came there none.
Read chapter 11 “What happened to the scientific method” of Kary Mullis’s (inventor of the PCR test) “Dancing in the mind field” (https://b-ok.cc/book/1523791/8aa4c2) to get his take on why these people are so corrupt.
In summary, he describes what I would call the “Science Industrial Complex” which is basically useless people leaching money from the government teat by creating “imminent disasters” that scare the population, and hence motivate the politicians, into handing out research grants for the most ridiculous projects without any real scientific proof, such as climate change.
Here is an extract:
Imagine two hypothetical labs competing for public funds.
One of those labs announces in a series of scientific papers that they have found some unexpected and very interesting phenomena in the upper atmosphere that contradict the currently accepted theories on the radiogenic formation of carbon-14. This could have a dramatic impact on the radioisotopic dating of fossils. The time frame for human evolution might be a tenth of what has previously been concluded. We may have evolved from the fossils in the Oldavai Gorge in only a couple of hundred thousand years. All of biology may be much younger than we think. More research would be required to confirm this. Biologists all over the world are curious and very excited. The lab is requesting a million dollars from the National Science Foundation to conduct a more detailed study.
A second lab working on upper atmospheric physics calls a press conference to report preliminary data on what appears to be a giant hole in the ozone layer and warns the reporters that if something isnāt done about itāincluding millions of dollars in grants to study it furtherāthe world as we know it will be coming to a tragic end. Skin cancer is epidemic, and there are reports of sheep going blind from looking up to the sky. People are starting to worry about having sunglasses that shield their eyes from ultraviolet light. Children begin to learn about it in school, and they are taught to notice the intensity of the UV light when they get off the bus.
Which one of these two laboratories will get funding? Follow the money trail from your pocket to the laboratories and notice that it passes through politicians who need you and by the interest groups who with the media train you.
from “Dancing in the mind field” by Kary Mullis, inventor of the PCR test.
There are different sciences that use different methods. The so-called “scientific method” itself is based on speculative philosophical principles that cannot be proven in or by science since they specify the very conditions required for the scientific knowledge process to exist and to operate.
Mirriam-Webster defines it as: “principles and procedures for the systematic pursuit of knowledge involving the recognition and formulation of a problem, the collection of data through observation and experiment, and the formulation and testing of hypotheses”.
Can you illustrate your point with some examples of scientific methods that differ from the above?
I think that Mullis is pointing out where the above scientific method, however you may want to describe it but involving the fundementals of proof of a hypothesis using empirical evidence, has been overtaken by commercial interests in a way that uses the credibility of the scientific method to sell untested hypotheses that provide some financial gain to the sponsor.
The point I was trying to make here is that the different sciences use different methods. This was simply to illustrate that the methods used are specific to each science. They are not simply representations or expressions of the scientific method (SM) in general.
If they were, then we would end up with a form of reductionism and essentialism where the different methods employed by the different sciences e..g. maths and quantum physics etc, would be reducible to so many phenomenal expressions of the same fundamental essence, namely, the SM in general if you catch my point.
“Believe In Science. Wear a face diaper. Then get your official Billy Eugenicsā

EUTHANASIA DEATH SHOT as soon as you can.ā
āAfterward do not forget to visit me, Dr. Anthony Hilter Fang, and my crack team of board certified medical “after life care” professionals. All post resident grad fellows of the Mengele-Fauci Thanatological Institute. To set an appointment call 1-800-DIE-NOWW.ā

“Call while you still can.”
Ha ha ha …..
Another layer of distraction… basically every journalist interested in pursuing truth should open every article on coroni with “assuming a new virus exists” and then go on hypothetically. The absurdity of the PCR test, with no known error rate or general standard of use, is either the absolute height of competence, from the supposed brightest minds, or a blatant vector to perpetrate a fraud. If history matters there are plenty examples of the latter. But, Iam just pleb though so its probably too complicated for me to understand.
Yet anoher pointless article with no intent to actually organise to do something about what’s going on.
What happened to he German Corona Investigative Commitee and their lawsuits? How do we contact them?
Try this site. There are many updates with regard to German-American lawyer Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, founding member of the German Corona Investigative Committee, to pursue āBiggest Tort Case Everā against āCorona Fraud Scandalā.
look at their website STIFTUNG CORONA AUSSCHUSS still going strong
Until a significant portion of the population realizes that there is something very wrong with the dominant narrative, and they are mostly taken in by it just now, no organizing is possible. Hence, initital effort is needed to get the alternative message across and if this article makes a small contribution in that direction it is to be welcomed.
You know, I strongly suspect that ‘a significant portion of the population’ is pretty thick. No point in bothering with people who feed off the TV news and the tabloids. They will not read an article like KIm Knightly’s. It’s those MSM purveyors of lies and gaggers of the truth we need to see disciplined. I’m sure a punitive law would put them out of business. But we need a decent parliament to get that done.
An interesting read:
This from TheSlog (John Ward)
Ronald B. Brown of Waterloo University has penned a paper that appears in Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness (Vol 14, No. 3): āPublic Health Lessons Learned From Biases in Coronavirus Mortality Overestimation.
Dealmaking negotiation technique.
We’re under a “maximum pressure campaign” to accept the vaccine.
Which, of course, is stating the obvious.
So my area of interest, along with all of you here, remains “Why?”
One additional observation: Trump did say when running for office, (paraphrasing), “America has big problems that need the kind of thinking that only a multi billionaire like me can provide.”
And I state this as someone who was a fan of Trump until he declared a national emergency and trotted out his Corona Virus Taskforce featuring daily TV briefings with himself and Dr. Fauci. This is where Trump basically Fauci’d himself.
I downvoted you for bringing Tump into yet another discussion in which he does not belong.
Please, not another deluded Trumper jumping to defend him. No doubt you’ll have defended his attempt to steal the Western Sahara region, his ignorance of the Palestinians and betrayal of Assange and Snowden. Trump is the most Israeli owned, Big Pharma loving US President in history. And yes, he does belong in this discussion. This fraudulent hoax all happened on his time and he made no attempt to stop it. Instead he forced the FDA, under threats of dismissing some of their personnel to quickly ‘approve’ Bill Gates’ poison. He’s no doubt sat with the Clinton’s (his close friends) laughing at the delusional, pitiful Qers.
That’s okay. I brought Trump into the discussion to highlight that this Covid-19 ruse was not only planned before Trump came into the US presidency but may have been one of the reasons he was allowed to do so.
And that Trump, perfect for rallying the Deep State’s opponents around himself, would be every bit as perfect for shepherding them into the Deep State’s agenda at the strategic moment.
That’s also why he appointed Vice President Mike Pence, (notably Christian conservative), to head up said Corona Virus Taskforce, to get the usually wary Christian conservatives to go along with the Corona agenda, (destroying Pence’s future political prospects, along the way). This brought all opposition to the agenda to heel behind something the Democrats naturally support and thereby create the unusual bipartisan support to jump start this outrageous agenda. In short, this could not have happened so smoothly without Trump’s cooperation. And he was supposed to be our last political hope for a Government of the People, by the People, and for the People.
In 2017 Fauci telegraphed it to Trump and the World !!! I didn’t pick up on it as I had no clue how far these people were capable of going. What they are doing now is Global.
People who think Trump was sent by God to save the USSA from the derp state, need to honestly review the history since mid-March. Why did he prime the fear pump, and produce his reality horror show āFauci & Birxā for 5 months?
Rube? Or yet another visitor to Epstein Island?
trump was working undercover silly!
learning the deep state secret so he could rise to power and bring them down hence why he gave them 8 trillion back in march and endorsed the vaccine and military to help out
You watch what he does in his second term LOL
2nd term? Trump did his part working with the NWO. Suckers never damn learn!!!
Not to mention he hired Henry Kissinger and John Bolton
You think with Clinton it would have been better. For 4 years Trump was attacked none stop.
Proud to get my first down vote. Thank you my friend.
Just the 77th out doing
God’sCorona-chan’s work.Excellent. They are my target audience. I would be disappointed a bit if it was just a mindless bot. I can take heart that an actual person had to program and monitor it, though. š
Off CV topic, I read somewhere that the PCR is also used to diagnose lung cancer, using lung fluid. Does anyone know that to be true and if so, is the test accurate given Mullis’ claim that it not be used as a diagnostic? Being a ‘cancer skeptic’ in the way it’s presented to us, it would not surprise me if the same holds true for both covid/cancer.
The test magnifies DNA. So because itās a magnification tool, itās not fit to be a diagnosis tool.
That test, if it exists sounds like a way to get a false diagnosis in order to sell expensive chemotherapy drugs.
the ‘vague’ standard, perfect way to keep the billion$ cancer industry churning. ….thank you.
Onopordum acanthium
“WHO (finally) admits PCR tests…”
For the love of Jesus, the [RT] PCR isn’t a test! How many times does this need to be repeated before the IQ deficient get it? Obviously it isn’t the IQ deficient, but the Marxist ‘false opposition’ that still refers to the PCR as a ‘test’…
PCR is an amplification tool, it canāt detect/identify. Period.
“For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.”
Got that? “Not for use in diagnostic procedures.” That’s quite clear.
Cycle threshold (CT) is not only arbitrary, itās meaningless, and an abuse of Kary Mullisā amplification tool.
Thereby identifying the Marxist co-option of the globe’s institutions using the [fake] COVID-19 pantasy to destroy the globe’s religious-based civilizations.*
CT is an arbitrary and meaningless number of amplifications above an equally arbitrary and meaningless lower number of amplifications referred to as ābackground levelā.
The PCR amplifies nucleotide sequences exponentially up to approximately 40 amplifications,** therefore any differences between the CT level and background level are meaningless. A CT of 21x merely means there were 21 amplifications. A CT of 30 has 30 amplifications. A CT of 21x simply means the nucleotide sequence was amplified 21 times, not that there is āstrong positive reactions indicative of abundant target nucleic acidāā¦
At my blog, read the articlesā¦
āHouse of Cards: The Collapse of the āCollapseā of the USSRā
āPlaying Hide And Seek In Yugoslaviaā
Then read the article, āThe Marxist Co-Option Of History And The Use Of The Scissors Strategy To Manipulate History Towards The Goal Of Marxist Liberationā
The West will form new political parties where candidates are vetted for Marxist ideology/blackmail, the use of the polygraph to be an important tool for such vetting. Then the West can finally liberate the globe of vanguard Communism.
My blogā¦
* Critique of Hegelās Philosophy of Right, Karl Marx (1843)
“The struggle against religion is, therefore, indirectly the struggle against that world whose spiritual aroma is religion.”
“The abolition of religion as the illusory happiness of the people is required for their real happiness. The demand to give up the illusion about its condition is the demand to give up a condition which needs illusions.”
“It is, therefore, the task of history, once the other-world of truth has vanished, to establish the truth of this world.”
Now you know what Marxists are referring to when they utter the phrase, “The Struggle”…
“The struggle against religion is, therefore, indirectly the struggle against that world whose spiritual aroma is religion.”
** Thereafter amplification growth is less than exponential.
Stop using the word Marxist. It doesnāt apply. It has no meaning in relation to these tests which simply constitute medical and scientific fraud. This is an illegal fraud perpetrated globally to institute unpopular measures by the UN, WHO, WEF and other NGOs. It is a supranational policy. It is apolitical.
Took the words out of my mouth.
I agree with you. Using that word will not make anything clearer. Rockefeller’s or the Queen are not Marxists, yet they are the ones behind the curtain moving chess pieces that they have control of. The other players behind the curtain do the same. When they helped to bring in Lenin to power they were sipping the best coffee in London, New York and Zurich. Marxism is just a tool to be used against the sheep.
If it were a real test, they wouldn’t be calling it a test and using it – because it would be incapable of generating the case load they need.
Spot on, Howard! Without the PCR ‘test’, there would be no pandemic. And they couldn’t have that; it would not sell vaccines and swell the value of Big Farmer shares.
As admitted by Australian infectious diseases expert, Sanjaya Senanayake, there is no “gold standard” (
and stating that something “acts” as a gold standard when it has no ability in any shape or form to act as a gold standard is scientifically fraudulent.
When the following are taken into account:
1. Admitted lack of purification the alleged virus, SARS-CoV-2, by science teams producing papers disingenuously implying it’s been achieved (see https://off-guardian.org/2020/06/27/covid19-pcr-tests-are-scientifically-meaningless)
2. No distinctive set of symptoms for the alleged COVID-19 as evidenced on the CDC website (https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/symptoms-testing/symptoms.html)
3. Zero evidence of any infectious agent causing the alleged COVID-19 (no scientific paper even claims to have done so)
4. Not to mention all the problems with the PCR test as noted above and in the comments
it is clear there is no “gold standard” or anything like it plain and simple.
From OffG article by Torsten Engelbrecht and Konstantin Demeter, Open Letter: Refuting Politifactās āfact checkā, rebutting the alleged debunking of earlier article, https://off-guardian.org/2020/06/27/covid19-pcr-tests-are-scientifically-meaningless, by “fact-checking” website PolitiFact:
2. You claim that our āarticle is inaccurateā because āpolymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests are among the most common and reliable ways to test for the coronavirus.ā
Do you really want to say that ācommonā is proof for accuracy?
As outlined in our article, so-called SARS-CoV-2 PCR tests are meaningless becauseā¦
— there is no proof that they are ācalibratedā with a sequence coming from the genome of a new pathogenic virus, because such virus has never been purified.
— they do not have a valid gold standard to compare them with.
— in April the WHO changed the algorithm, recommending that from then on a test can be regarded as āpositiveā even if just the E-gene assay gives a āpositiveā result; but according to Corman et al. (who developed the assay) probably reacts positive to all Asian viruses (see point 3.3 as well)*
— many tests have a Cq well above (up to 45) of what is regarded as reliable in the MIQE guidelines.
The medical industry has other gold standards waiting for you to take the bait, e.g. chemotherapy, hysterectomy, TURP.
SARS-CoV-2 still not proven to exist, never isolated.
Freedom of Information reveals Public Health Agency of Canada has no record of āSARS-COV-2ā isolation performed by anyone, anywhere, ever, Dec 7, by Christine Massey
SARS-CoV-2 has not been proven to exist; I can do this forever, Dec 18, by Jon Rappoport
“As for the people who keep chanting that the virus has been isolated, I can keep explaining why this is not so. I can do this forever.
Whether itās a scientist, a gaggle of scientists, a government official, a person waving a study around like a newspaper with a hot headline from an old movie, my response is the same, and I make it knowing that some people will intentionally refuse to understand it:
ONE: SAYING the virus has been isolated is not the same thing as proving itās been isolated.
TWO: Researchers routinely twist the meaning of the word āisolatedā to mean its very opposite.”
On the money as always. Pun kind of intended!
Was looking for your post of information on UK Columb 18/12/20 Moneycircus? Cant find it on here? sure it was here . please could you point me to it .. š
It’s a game of word which the average person doesn’t understand or has an interest in understanding. To do the latter requires motivation and time.
“No matter how cynical you become, it is never enough to keep up.” – Lily Tomlin
Your thesis is plausible.
It is clear that the testing is being used to incite fear and legitimise the lockdowns and widespread human rights abuses.
By focusing on mounting āpositive cases,ā which rise with the broadening deployment of the tests, the illusion of a pandemic raging out of control is maintained.
But whether the CTs are brought down to reasonable levels or not, if the original virus and its genomic variants continue to circulate and testing continues on a mass scale, the number of positive cases detected will also continue to grow, albeit perhaps at a slightly attenuated rate.
Thus the real issue is not that the CTs are too high — though they are (and particularly as pertains to the attribution of the cause of death) — or that they can be selected or adjusted behind the scenes to substantiate or enhance a desired narrative, but rather that the general population is being tested en masse.
Itās a question of what you use as your metric to determine the gravity of the so-called pandemic: you could have cases of infection that yield a low percentage of mortality; or you could have cases of infection that result in a high death toll.
We all know why the focus is now on the ānumber of casesā and not on the actually diminishing death toll in percentage terms, or on what the professionals call the āInfection Fatality Rate,ā or even on the āCase Fatality Rate,ā the latter always being higher than the former.
The severity of the responses (i.e., lockdowns and the curtailment of rights) to the pandemic should rather really be proportional to its lethality (and to the degree, of course, that they are demonstrably effective, or at the very least not worse in their consequences than those of the disease).
The fact that calls bullshit on the exaggerated claims of the gravity of the pandemic, that exposes the gross disproportionality between the measures put in place and the actual virulence of the epidemic, is an IFR of roughly .5% for people who are less than 70 years old.
That, to mind, is a more important issue to highlight than the uses to which the CTs of the test might be put, that the rate of circulation of the pathogen, and not its actual lethality, is the current measure of the gravity of the pandemic.
On the other hand, a more basic issue than the former is the inevitable corruption of all institutions, whether public or private, in a context where profit is the primary structural imperative of virtually all social relations.
In such a context, public policy decisions cannot but always border on the edge of being criminal and often become exactly that.
Testing is a money maker. So is vaccination. And during a time when economies are in freefall, the bankrupting of small to medium sized businesses, catalyzed by lockdowns, portends better margins in the future for those capable of remaining solvent through the reset or, that is to say, the redistribution of assets and property.
As being exemplified in this ‘pandemic,’ capitalist societies are inherently vicious societies.
“the original virus and its genomic variants” that don’t exist.
“Health Canada has no record of āCOVID-19 virusā isolation” – Flouride Free Peel
“CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel”
“The Rooster In The River Of Rats” by Andrew Kaufman
The virus has been identified and sequenced. So yes, it does exist.
IHU MƩditerranƩe-Infection routinely sequence the virus and its variants.
Otherwise, how do you explain this:
Source: Swiss Policy Research
On this point, then, you are mistaken and uninformed.
And speaking of PCR tests — for others in this thread, since for Arby it is presumably a foregone conclusion — an encouraging development, in that things are, scientifically speaking, beginning to unravel:
Subject: External Review and request to retract the paper of Corman et al, published in Eurosurveillance January 23, 2020.
You can read the Review Report HERE
Norman. You seem to want to know all that is false. That is your choice. I trust certain experts who you don’t trust. What can I say?
Except that in this instance your so-called “experts” are in perfect agreement with my so-called “experts” as pertains to the Corman-Drosten et al paper, eh?
As for instances of properly isolated and characterized SARS-CoV-2 viruses, follow the links I left (not too far below) for richard.
There was no isolation. Isolation entails the purification process to prove that after removing other cell matter and debris, there is a substance that can be physically characterized and documented. That would be science. That would constitute evidence.
That step has never occurred for viruses. Not once. The genetic sequence you refer to, where āvirologistsā took 37 base pairs of genomes from human excretions that were adulterated with bovine serum and other chemicals, then had the remaining 30,000 missing base pairs filled in to generate the so-called sequencing, using a software program, thus generating a fictional entity.
Itās fraud.
…fraud, imagination (in a negative sense), theory (in a negative sense)…
Dear Researcher,
Who are you? What are your credentials? How many scientific papers have you published?
It’s hard for me to get a feel for your degree of expertise or competence on account of your anonymity.
As for Didier Raoult, now there is a name of some renown, eh.
If you go to https://expertscape.com/, and do a search for “infectious disease,” and then on the next page that comes up, hit the “Show Experts” widget, lo and behold, who do you find as listed as the expert of experts on planet Earth, on the issue of “infectious disease?” Why yes! That’s right: old Didier Raoult himself!
Now Raoult claims to have “isolated and identified” the SARS-CoV-2 virus, and here is a link to one such study in which he (along with 7 other specialists) has had a hand: Rapid Scanning Electron Microscopy Detection and Sequencing of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 and Other Respiratory Viruses
Now so far as I know, no expert in virology has had a quibble with Raoult’s claim on this matter.
But maybe you, too, are an expert of experts, and you can tell Raoult himself where his methodology has gone all wrong.
Do let us know how that goes.
I understand that he is quite open to being shown where he commits errors when he does commit them. He is quite accepting of being only human, albeit a man recognized for his outstanding scientific ability.
Your link is to a paper on testing for the virus and compares its results to the PCR tests. It does not say what you claim it says … yes, some of us check out the links in order to determine whether the author, you, is a bullshitter.
Then apparently it’s not enough just to be able to click on a link . . .
Raoult, like all microbiologists claiming viruses exist, are frauds. Raoult had the reputation of a fraudster for many years pre SARSCov2, for putting his name on hundreds of papers that he had not written. Raoult is an ally of Sarkozy who has ties to individuals and institutions at the heart of this Covid operation.
Thereās a gross error in the preamble of Raoultās paper that invalidates it immediately. This is the type of error that John Ioannidis, MD, PhD, exposed in “Why Most Published Research Findings Are False”.
From the link you provided…
āWe correlated the presence of the SARS-CoV-2 to the viral load, where samples with Ct values lower than 18…ā
PCR cannot determine viral load. The CT value does not determine viral load. It is simply the Cycle Threshold: The number of times the magnification is doubled. Mullis stated that fact over and over. Inside the manual āBasics of real-time PCRā, at the bottom of every page, is the disclaimer āFor Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.ā
PCR is not a diagnostic tool, yet you seem unaware that PCR is a research tool, not fit for diagnostic purposes.
Raoultās paper presumes the existence of SARSCov2 and that is false.
SARSCov2 was never proven to be a novel virus or to even exist since it was never isolated and purified. The CDC publicly admit they have no viral isolates available.
Therefore the genome sequencing of approximately 30,000 base pairs was completed by a computer software program.
As for Metagenomic Sequencing (mNGS) mentioned in Raoultās paper, itās a software tool, equally unfit for diagnoses. All studies on mNGS are small scale retrospective studies. The clinical utility of mNGS has yet to be established in a large scale prospective clinical trial.
More than 40 FOI requests were submitted to numerous countries in a records search request to health departments for any published paper or document containing the words isolation and purification with reference to SARSCov2. No records were found.
If you believe fraud over fact and the scientific method, thatās your prerogative. There are numerous researchers, journalists, scientists, authors and doctors, who have taken apart the science of āvirologyā.
There are numerous well known āscientistsā besides Raoult that are considered frauds including Luis Pasteur, Luc Montagnier, John Enders, Robert Gallo, Anthony Fauci to name just a few.
I suggest you research the work of Dr. Stefan Lanka.
Read Dr. Tom Cowanās book, The Contagion Myth.
Watch the video presentations of Andrew Kaufman, evaluating the published papers on āthe isolationā of SARSCov2.
Read the work of the Perth Group in relation to AIDS and HIV.
Read the work of John Rappoport, his investigative series on SARSCov2 and his book AIDS INC.
Read the work of Torsten Engelbrecht, here on this site, proving that the RT-PCR tests are scientifically meaningless.
Read Virus Mania: How the Medical Industry Continually Invents Epidemics, Making Billion-Dollar Profits At Our Expense.
Read the work of Thomas Crowe, āThe Infectious Mythā and āFlaws in Coronavirus Pandemic Theoryā
Research everything Kary Mullis has spoken about in relation to PCR being not suitable to detect the presence of a virus or infection. Mullis specifically states that PCR canāt detect viral presence, unless the viral sequence used in the primers can be proven and known by isolation and purification, is unique only to the virus. Since SARSCOv2 was never isolated and purified, was never properly sequenced, only guessed, the tests are fraudulent and will be proven so in legal proceedings, as they were in Portugal recently.
Moreover, Mullis specifically states that PCR is not quantitative, only qualitative therefore all claims of viral load are invalid and false.
If you care to know what causes disease, you could read āWhat Really Makes You Illā by Dawn Lester and David Parker.
Read Arthur Firstenbergās āThe Invisible Rainbowā which details the correlation of viral pandemics with large scale increases in the earthās electro magnetic radiation from human activity.
Read Dr. Suzanne Humphriesā āDissolving Illusionsā.
Read āPASTEUR VERSUS BĆCHAMP: The History of Germ Theory.
Itās up to the scientists claiming viruses exist to prove their existence using a valid scientific method, and to prove they are the cause of disease using Kochās or Riversā Postulates.
No human to human transmission of any so-called virus in experiments or studies, has ever been demonstrated or proven. That fact alone, destroys the virus theory.
Aptly put.
We have seen how the scientist community got hijacked by trillionaire oligarchs’ ‘charitable’ trusts in the last 20 years and how the scientists were manipulated, bribed, bought, coerced into coming out with dubious research findings that suited the oligarchy’s rotten agenda. The ‘cvid’ is a culmination of that.
Their agenda is doomed to fail.
I’m only replying to this (and won’t bother with any of the other nonsense in your post or any other posts you might make) to demonstrate to you, and hopefully to others who may be fooled by you, that you have no idea what you are talking about.
Raoult’s study (and it isn’t the only one) correlating CTs to viable viruses in cultures has precisely to do with the fact that PCR tests cannot by themselves determine viral loads.
The idea is to get a sense of which CTs were more probable indicators that a person was infected and infectious, and most probably would develop clinical symptoms if not already ill.
Thus when the PCR protocol that was used in the study at hand returned a positive reading at a CT of 18, for example, viable viruses were invariably present. As the CTs increased, the presence of viable viruses diminished toward zero.
Note that the study at hand was a replication (of sorts) of another study, replication of findings being an essential part of scientific research:
Source: see the ‘Discussion’ section in Rapid Scanning Electron Microscopy Detection and Sequencing of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 and Other Respiratory Viruses
You have no idea of what you write about and clearly cannot make a whole lot of sense out of the scientific papers you read.
what then is your position on the challenge to the Drosten Corman paper and the demand for Eurosurveillance journal to retract said paper by a 22 member international consortium of scientists…..in this link?….Review report Corman-Drosten et al. Eurosurveillance 2020 ā CORMAN-DROSTEN REVIEW REPORT
or summarized in this article?…Global Team of Experts Finds 10 FATAL FLAWS in the PCR, Demands Itās Urgently Axed | Europe Reloaded.
so are you saying in essence that covid case numbers from the PCR test that we have been deluged with for the past year are valid and accurate ?Or the opposite? my apologies but the science you (and others here) have been debating about is past my neophyte level in this particular area and as a result am somewhat confused about what exactly is your position on the accuracy of the results from covid testing using the PCR test with Ct values that have been used the past year? My understanding that Ct values start giving more false positives the higher over a Ct of 30 it goes – is that a correct understanding or a flawed perception to have?
Hey, Researcher,
Can you provide an accessible article on viruses, understandable to the masses ? You are the person to do this !
(hopefully you have the notification thing on, I can’t do it…mods…!)
Only just saw this because I donāt have the notification feature enabled. Any and all of those that Iāve outlined above would work.
One article cannot expose or erase a century or more of lies. It takes time and research to discover for yourself the fraud of virology and vaccines.
If people are interested in exploring whether contagion has been proven in experiments or studies they should know it has not, and read this:
What we need is a paradigm shift in the way we view contagion and disease and then we should explore some less toxic and malign ways to take responsibility for our own health and welfare.
PMS in a feed earlier placed this on the dismantling of the virus theory http://wissenschafftplus.de/uploads/article/Dismantling-the-Virus-Theory.pdf
āOtherwise, how do you explain thisāll
What do the statistical partitions of a PCR test got to do with sequencing the virus? As for the YouTube clip, does that pass for peer reviewed science in your world?
Well, lets see: how do you know that what is growing in your cell culture is the SARS-CoV-2 virus and not some other kind of virus. Detection and sequencing would seem to be a pre-requisite to the entire exercise, eh. Or does the genetic signature of a specific and viable virus not matter in any study pertaining to that virus?
To Norman Pilon-ka
Has SARS-Cov-2 been isolated and identified?
āThe patientās oropharyngeal samples were obtained by using UTMā¢ kit containing 1 mL of viral transport media (Copan Diagnostics Inc., Murrieta, CA, USA) on day 7 of her illness. We inoculated monolayers of Vero cells..ā
This is NOT isolation-purification.
They took excretions from the patient added UTM medium and then added those excretions, Viral Transport Medium to Green monkey kidney cells. Thatās fraud.
Moreover. If you can only create viruses by adding viral transport medium and patient oropharyngeal samples to green monkey kidney cells, what does that tell you about virology itself?
Viruses should theoretically be replicable in human cell lines, without viral transport medium, and without starving or poisoning cells. But replication has never been achieved. None of Kochās postulates or Riversā postulates have ever been shown in virology.
Is that a fact? That “replication has never been achieved?”
Why then does Didier Raoult et al. claim something like replication in this study: Viral RNA load as determined by cell culture as a management tool for discharge of SARS-CoV-2 patients from infectious disease wards
To quote a short and suggestive bit from that study:
Now I don’t know, but when I read that, I get the sense that something at hand is being ‘cultured,’ you know, that an attempt is being made at ‘growing something in a cell culture,’ and I’m pretty sure its the virus named in the title of the study that is the intended specimen of growth. But I don’t have ‘Researcher’ in my name, so what do I know . . .
It is a fact. What āvirologistsā incorrectly call isolation in viral papers is not isolation. It is in fact, the opposite of isolation.
Virologists cannot distort the meaning or definition of the word isolation and then only āgrowā the alleged āvirusā using a poison amalgam of samples/fluids from patients and substances including gentamicin and amphotericin, then culture that concoction on Green Monkey Kidney Cells.
Additionally, these āscientistsā arenāt correctly identifying, analyzing and proving what āgrewā in the VERO cells. They are simply claiming that something grew, which they falsely assert is viral replication. It would be laughable if it wanāt such serious scientific fraud.
The DARPA-NIH funded virologists, could not infect a single human cell line with the poison brew they claim is a virus.
They proved using their own metrics that āSARSCOv2ā is not infectious to humans.
Watch Jon Rappaport and Dr. Cowan’s recent interview. They discuss, and break down, this very thing.
Cowan says “no” to any paper that purports isolation and purification where vero cells/monkey were used.
It is not isolating and purifying.
What is ‘purifying’ if not ‘detection?’ There isn’t only one way of differentiating between pathogens and their associated clinical presentations. The point is to have ‘signals’ that reliably ‘identify’ a given category of pathogens and that likewise reliably differentiate that category from others.
Allow me to make my point by analogy. Many experts believe that the beneficial effects of a given medicine or treatment can only be demonstrated through controlled randomized trials and will settle for nothing less. Others argue that observational studies are often sufficient to establish effectiveness. However, it is becoming increasingly clear that there is “little evidence that estimates of treatment effects in observational studies reported after 1984 are either consistently larger than or qualitatively different from those obtained in randomized, controlled trials.” It all comes down to study design in terms of assumptions, methods, and interpretations. Different approaches can yield similar and reliable results.
The same applies to infectious disease: there is a multitude of ways of ‘identifying’ or ‘detecting’ or ‘isolating’ pathogens.
The point is to get a fix on the microbe or complex of microbes that may be underlying given clinical presentations.
You are misnaming procedures due to incorrect and fraudulent titles on papers that have already been exposed as junk science. You are simply going round in circles, chasing your own tail, providing the same links to fraudulent papers funded by the NIH and their partners in the covid scam. Guess what? All those virologists you claim have published legitimate papers are funded by the same sources. Why donāt you email and ask them if they have ever received NIH grants, Rockefeller grants or Gates Foundation money. Since you have so much time on your hands.
A) Identification of Coronavirus Isolated from a Patient in Korea with COVID-19
B) Ultrarapid diagnosis, microscope imaging, genome sequencing, and culture isolation of SARS-CoV-2
Rapid Scanning Electron Microscopy Detection and Sequencing of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 and Other Respiratory Viruses
Norman itās all well and good sending links about claimed isolation of this virus.
FOI requests to over 40 countries has shown that none of these countries have any evidence of Sars Cov 2 being isolated.
I have done so myself and was provided no proof of isolation.
Why have none of these governments just sent the links you have provided as evidence of isolation?
The peer review of the Corman-Drosten test shows that the PCR test is useless for testing for this claimed virus.
The test is testing for fragments of RNA that are not specific.
None of the target genes are specific for Sars Cov 2. The E Gene is likely to be detected in all Asian viruses.
The RDRP gene has never been validated at molecular level and testing positive for this gene cannot exclude cross reactivity with other coronaviruses in circulation.
Drosten basically designed himself a new virus thatās 75% similar genetically to the original Sars virus and completed the rest of his computer generated virus with genetic sequences of RNA of other viruses in circulation.
The test is absolutely worthless as itās non specific, non validated, no SOP, no positive & negative control.
Viral culturing is at best attempting to isolate bits of non specific RNA.
Sorry to say it but youāve been sold a bridge.
If, as you are so sorry to suggest, I bought their bridge, then why exactly do you imagine I would have approvingly posted a link to a request for a RETRACTION of the paper by Corman et al, i.e., Corman-Drosten et al, published in Eurosurveillance, January 20, 2020, titled, āDetection of 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) by real-time RT-PCRā ? (see my first reply to Arby) Clearly I am very much aware of the uselessness of this particular PCR test and have been so since at least the end of February, when I read the study firsthand and saw with my own eyes and understood with my own brain how this thing lacked all specificity.
So I really need to ask: do you people not read what a person actually writes before reacting to what that person has written?
As for your FOIs to over 40 countries: perhaps you are looking in the wrong places.
Let me give you a hint: try medical journals or journals in which the results of medical studies actually get published. Your luck in terms of finding information pertinent to your search for proof of isolation will greatly improve. I guarantee it.
BTW: I do find it hilarious that I can provide links to studies that purport to “isolate and identify” SARS-CoV-2 viruses, studies that even provide micrographs produced by scanning electron microscopy of these viruses, and people like you remain unfazed in your conviction that nothing has been detected that could rightly be identified as a SARS-CoV-2 virus. What you need to do is to pay attention to the ‘method’ by which these critters are being “isolated and identified.” There is more than one way to skin a cat.
Here’s one just for you, Paul: evidence of Sars Cov 2 being isolated without having to submit a FOI to anyone.
Isolation and characterization of SARS-CoV-2 from the first US COVID-19 patient
You are welcome.
Norman you can send as many links as you choose too but Iām not going to read them.
There have been many claims of isolation and each one has been proven to be false.
You need to start sending these links to every government in the world because for some reason they donāt have the evidence that this claimed virus was isolated and purified.
If they did are they just hiding it, keeping it secret.
Iām glad you attached the peer review of the PCR test.
At the start of the report it states the Chinese sent Drosten theoretical RNA sequences as on the 1st January 2020, almost 5 weeks after the alleged outbreak in Wuhan, the Chinese had no live or inactive Sars Cov 2 virus.
This is despite their initial claims of isolation and purification of this claimed new virus.
As Mark Twain famously said āitās easier to fool people than convince them theyāve been fooledā.
An apt reply for someone looking (but not really) for evidence.
so in your opinion I should not listen to what is said in this article?…..Why COVID-19 Tests Are Inaccurate and the Role Dead Viral Cells Play | Science Times
If you read these papers you have put forward they are not suggesting they have identified a complete and isolated virus
Do you have any of your family infected and died? I have. So what do you say to that!
And I am a medical doctor!
Finally a rational decision from Brussels. Anyone who treats animals in this way has no respect for people either. The same should happen with regard to circumcision. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9064255/Belgian-ban-Muslim-halal-Jewish-kosher-animal-slaughter-backed-EU-court.html
but normal slaughter is so humane
Of course not. Did you know that all male chicks
go into the shredder? This is called “chick sexing”.
Humans have always been omnivores. Were Eskimos, who fed only on seal meat (and yet knew no arteriosclerosis) because there were no plants, sadists? They lived in harmony with nature, asked the animal world for their meat, made symbolic sacrifices in return. While we fatten animals with hormones and don’t care about their short existence in agony. As long as the price is right and the fridge is stocked. This is an unethical disgrace. However, if you look at the consequences of veganism, you do not want to give up the fragrant roast. The only justifiable solution is less, but higher quality consumption of meat from “humanely” raised animals from local production.