Utopia, Coming to a World Near You

Patrick Corbett

Utopia 2013 (Kudos; Channel 4) — Created by Denis Kelly; Produced by Rebekah Wray-Rogers

We’ve been told by the promoters of the pandemic, Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, and others that it’s ushering in an opportunity for a Great Reset and that Covid 19 is the doorway to it.

Independent reporters like Cory Morningstar and Whitney Web have told a similar story without the glossy optimism.

The WEF has been running ads showing attractive young people having a great time and saying…

It’s 2030, I don’t own anything and I’ve never been happier.

They don’t go into just who will own everything but as they haven’t proposed eliminating capitalism it isn’t hard to guess.

According to the consortium of capitalists and their organizations such as the World Economic Forum, World Bank and even the UN we have a technocratic revolution led by AI, robotics and nanotechnology to look forward to. There will be a huge reduction in the need for workers. Scenarios are proposed which anticipate some form of UBI for the unfortunate masses.

From that majority position it looks like a very gray dystopian future. And maybe that’s what they want the people who are wise to the Covid deception to be thinking as the worst case scenario. Because there’s something far more sinister embedded within the Great Reset. And that is depopulation.

And by depopulation I mean on a grand scale; perhaps taking the planet’s roster of humans down to around a billion.

When I previously thought of this idea, the image that came to mind was of an horrific blood spattered massacre not unlike a scene from The Walking Dead. Now I don’t think they plan actual physical mayhem, although god knows they don’t shy away from that sort of thing .

I suspect they’ve come up with something diabolically clever and, as often is the case, it’s hiding in plain sight.

Are they planning on using their mandatory vaccines they’ve hyped so relentlessly to vaccinate virtually the entire world’s population? And will the vaccine be programmed to sterilize 60% or more of the women in the world? At this point I think most people would have to sit with that for a while, if not outright snort their coffee out their nose.

And I am not a lone nut in considering this or contemplating the possibility. Dr. Mike Yeadon and Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg both warn that the Pfizer vaccine will likely impair our ability to procreate.

The vaccine* contains a spike protein… called syncytin-1, vital for the formation of human placenta in women. If the vaccine works so that we form an immune response AGAINST the spike protein, we are also training the female body to attack syncytin-1, which could lead to infertility in women of an unspecified duration.

* This link no longer takes you directly to the above article as WordPress has since suspended Health and Money News for violation of “Terms of Service.”

Dr. Mike Yeadon and Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg are not some fringe medics with pet theories forged in fevered imaginations.

Dr. Yeadon was former Head of Research and vice-president at Pfizer and Dr. Wodarg is an MD, PhD, epidemiologist, lung specialist and former Chairman of the Health Committee of the Council of Europe.

Professor Sir John Bell top UK Covid advisor and member of SAGE startled his interviewer when he said:

these vaccines are unlikely to completely sterilize a population…say 60-70%.

Of course they wouldn’t include their own billionaire class. They, along with the Royals, seem to be extremely fertile as well as long lived. And they would need a cohort of people to serve them, both in high level positions and low. Below them (in economic class) are their political operatives, presidents on down, professionals, scientists, and the few specialized workers they still need.

And vaccines being used for birth control is not a new idea. They have been studied for some time for their efficacy towards that goal.

Here’s a worrisome quote from an August 1994 article in the FASEB Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology) Journal, (“highly cited and consistently ranks among the top biology journals”):

The authors conclude that their “findings provide insights to possible endocrinological effects of an hCG 3CTP-based WHO promoted birth control vaccine on which a phase I clinical trial has already been completed” and that “might not reliably fulfil major expectations with respect to safety and efficacy?’ We submit that the authors provided only a repetition of old information and biased speculation, which could be damaging to progress in this field.

The article is defending the WHO against claims of some researchers about the safety of their birth control vaccine 26 years ago.

Just imagine how neat that is for their plans. While they have the majority of people terrified they vaccinate them. Then, as easily as they ramped up their Potemkin pandemic, they wind it down. People, the great mass anyway, are kept perpetually on the back foot by bizarre policy shifts always in the interest of biosafety, of course. The sterilization plan takes some time for people to catch on. When it becomes apparent there are far fewer children being born they will have a plan to explain it. It was the Cvd; it was something.

It was at this point in writing this I became aware of a streaming television series (late to the game I was here). UTOPIA. Great title, rhymes with Dystopia.

Spoiler alert: I am going to reveal plot lines and incidents in what I consider an extremely well done dramatic series. Whether it was created with a purpose or was just a product of the zeitgeist, I don’t know. It could easily be classified as “predictive.”

It was initially a 2 season series 2013/14 in the UK followed in 2018 by an American version produced by Amazon and released this past September on Amazon Prime (more below).

The plot of both is the same in its essence. A thumbnail off the top of my head: A plucky band of misfits who share an obsession with a graphic novel entitled Utopia discover that a sequel has been produced and they set out to find it. But it seems some very deep state type forces also want it and will maim, kill and steal to get it.

Utopia 2020 (Endemol Shine North America, Kudos, Trallume Productions, Picrow, Amazon Studios; Prime Video) Created by Gillian Flynn; Produced by Huey M. Park

The novel was apparently the work of a somewhat unhinged genius who saw the world as far too populous and wanted to do something about it. The resulting dramas were (imo) very well done, compelling, fast paced frightening with obligatory plot twists and denouements. It was first shown on Channel 4 in the UK. The plot in broad strokes was that a frightening flu pandemic — the Russian flu — is let loose on the world resulting in widespread panic. (Starting to sound familiar?)

In the Amazon version: A mysterious “Mr. Rabbit” (billionaire?) has let loose a deadly pandemic which kills children with a case fatality rate Dr. Fauci would envy. And the billionaire owner of a pharmaceutical company (played by John Cusak) has a vaccine which offers a cure. Pretty soon the population is marching in the streets demanding to get the vaccine. Our ragtag gang of heroes deduces that the vaccine is meant to kill and maim people. That is until the character played by John Cusack tells them that the beauty of the vaccine is that it is not designed to kill, only to sterilize people.

He says (paraphrasing) “Imagine a world of only a billion people. Plenty to go around for everybody and they’ll be free to screw up as much as they want without destroying the planet.”

He is not a ranter like Hitler or even Klaus Schwab, he’s more like, well … Bill Gates. Only John Cusack doesn’t quite reach the level of creepy that Gates is able to convey.

In the UK version there is an oblique reference to the Georgia Guidestones at one point where one of the characters says that the optimal population of the world is 500 million, roughly 7% of what it is now. And another character says that they didn’t need to have a deadly pandemic, only one that people believed was one, to frighten them into taking a vaccine.

In 2014 HBO planned an American version of Utopia but dropped it over budget concerns. Amazon picked it up in 2018 and the American version starring John Cusak was released just months ago, September 2020. The American version keeps the same basic plot and in the beginning is almost identical to it’s British sire. It does diverge somewhere past the mid-point although the core of the plot remains.

Amazon Prime has now cancelled the series although the first season is still online as apparently is the UK version seasons 1 and 2.

Some of the press are saying it was cancelled because it…

failed to connect with an audience.

That is pure bullshit. It was a hit.

The very liberal online magazine, SLATE, vehemently argues that Utopia should never have been shown so they must be at least happy that it was cancelled. I would wager from their point of view far too many people already saw it. SLATE: said:

the results [of broadcasting Utopia] are catastrophic —

Really? Are we not capable of discerning fiction and reality and if fiction is reality don’t we need to know that too?

This is what SLATE has to say is the problem with showing Utopia (my emphasis, bold and italics):

We are in the middle of an actual pandemic, a staggering number of Americans sincerely believe that that pandemic is a politically motivated hoax, and an equally staggering number believed vaccines were harmful years before COVID-19 emerged. It’s not the filmmakers’ fault we’re in this mess; it’s not their fault so much of the public is superstitious and gullible; and it won’t be their fault if Utopia gives some dumbass the confidence they need to quit wearing a mask and infect and kill you or the people you care about.

It will probably not be a revelation to you that SLATE is totally on board with the Covid narrative and thinks we who aren’t are dumbasses, superstitious, gullible and, without masks, loaded guns ready to kill people.

But even with the hyperbole above SLATE isn’t finished, they have to bring President Trump in via the back door, ie. QAnon (bold emphasis mine):

Even if everyone who sees Utopia is capable of distinguishing fact from fantasy — and that’s vanishingly unlikely in a nation that is sending QAnon followers to Congress — it’s impossible to enjoy a story where the heroes convince themselves that shadowy forces have manufactured a phony pandemic to trick people into taking a dangerous vaccine when those exact beliefs are helping to kill hundreds of thousands of Americans.

Although it’s interesting to speculate, I don’t think it’s vitally important to know the intention of a drama that, sans the action movie veneer, is playing out in real time as we speak.

Leaving fiction aside for the time being, I am one of those “staggering numbers” who believe the novel coronavirus pandemic to be a gross exaggeration and was deployed as a controlled demolition of our lives as we have been living them.

So the question is do they plan a Great Reset of the current population (to 1804’s 1 billion) as well as all of their modern 4th Industrial Revolution wet dreams?

I’m seriously contemplating the prospect that, just as portrayed in Utopia, the vaccine they are clearly desperate for us to take — or else why would they need to force us — will not actually kill people. Or at least that will not be its principal target. It will be to sterilize us.

If that is the case it is genocide on a scale never seen before. Cusak in his role presents it as a benign solution to the intractability of overpopulation. But family is the beating heart of most of our lives. To rob people of the chance to create their own families is to take everything. It will make zombies of the people left.

But, of course, the people left will be too weak and demoralized to do much of anything. They may be offered distractions to live out their years, which will no doubt be shortened by those very same vaccines and the withholding of healthcare. But throughout there will be very little actual state killing. Just the drip drip turning into a tide of unborn children until their Utopia arrives: the world cleansed of the useless eaters. Billionaires can then enjoy their Neverland Ranch of a planet without those unwashed crowds of homo sapiens stinking the place up.

Do I think this is what they’re planning? I don’t know for sure but it’s my primary suspicion. It all fits once you can get your mind around the immense evil of it. They have never had much use for us. Railroad magnet Jay Gould famously said, “I can hire half the working class to kill the other half.”

His musing bespeaks a horrific fantasy of elimination.

We, the working class, were at best only to be tolerated for what use we could be to them. Now that we’re no longer that, it’s sayonara.

There’s one thing that puzzles me greatly though and that’s the role of China and Russia. The Great Reset seems to be run out of Klaus Schwab’s Fuhrer Bunker at the WEF and we can be certain that the globalist billionaire class, aka the ruling class Americans, Europeans and that gang of suckhole countries, the rest of The Five Eyes, are all on board.

Russia and China both seem to be getting along without the need of population reduction. And why would they mind if the West crashes their population? It would actually seem to be a benefit to them, unless the West is planning to be the Sparta of the future. And conversely wouldn’t the prospect of depopulation of their people just seem like an attempt to dupe them? I mean why would Russia and China go along with it when it would probably be seen as an attempt by the West to weaken them?

However I have a sneaking feeling that the Great Reset gang missed something somewhere that is going to backfire on them. I honestly have no idea except that when they destroy what it means to be human in the way that we are and they aren’t, they will have destroyed their own humanity and the result will be a painful implosion of their own selfhood. But maybe that’s just wishful thinking. And if they get that far there won’t be anything left of us either.

Imagine the dinosaurs lived for hundreds of millions of years. We know that because in our great hubris we studied them learning more than we know about ourselves. In comparison our time here will have been a very brief but spectacular strut across the stage.

Patrick Corbett is a retired writer, producer, director and editor who’s worked for every major network in Canada and the US except for Fox. His journalistic credits include Dateline NBC, CTV’s W-5 and the CTV documentary unit where he wrote and directed ‘Children’s Hospital’, the first Canadian production to be nominated for an International Emmy. You can follow Patrick on Twitter.


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Dec 21, 2020 11:41 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Many buttons :-O
Are they sanitised regularly?

Dec 24, 2020 10:45 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

I prefer to drink it….clean on the inside as well

Aug 5, 2021 9:47 PM

Augustine (the philosopher) said: Hope has two beautiful daughters; their names are Anger and Courage.

Patrick Corbett
Patrick Corbett
Dec 30, 2020 6:33 PM

From the UK official guidance to healthcare professionals for use of the Covid-19 vaccine.

“8. It is unknown whether COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 is excreted in human milk and It is unknown whether COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 has an impact on fertility
It is vital to note the potential dangers posed by the BNT162b2 to unborn and newborn babies as well as the reproductive organs in general. There are so many parts of the Pfizer/BioNTech clinical trials that have not yet been completed. Dr. Peter Klatsky, the Director of Fertility Preservation at the Bay Area’s Spring Fertility, talking about the coming animal trials which are to be performed over the coming months was quoted in SFGate as saying, “It will reassure me an awful lot if the protein expression is not seen on the placenta. That the mRNA isn’t making it to the placenta in animals,” he said. “I don’t expect to see any.” The article goes on to explain that it will be about another 9 months until the data has been collected and analyzed.

Section 4.6 of the official guidance recommends pregnant women should not recieve the BNT162b2 vaccine
Big names in mainstream media have also been caught recklessly promoting the vaccine to pregnant women, such as Karen Weintraub writing for USA Today, whose recent article quickly states, “Although there are very little data on how pregnant and nursing mothers will respond to a COVID-19 vaccine, professional organizations and individual doctors say the benefits are very likely to outweigh the risks.” Even though the clinical trials intentionally excluded pregnant women, Weintraub went on to state that “23 women in the Pfizer-BioNTech trial and 13 in Moderna’s became pregnant during the trial.”

While the UK’s official guidance is left sounding ambiguous, on the European continent, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) states that “the Pfizer vaccine should be considered on a case by case basis for pregnant women”, but they also reserve the right to alter the guidance if more data becomes available. It seems there is no longer any erring on the side of caution with some regulators when it comes to the COVID-19 vaccinations.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Dec 27, 2020 4:12 PM

I just wasted another three hours watching various interviews given by people who pretty much know the score. The WEF (World Economic Forum) take on our future reality is largely based on sophisticated technological tools such as 5G, digital bionic implants, and mass AI surveillance by a technocratic police State. Good luck fellas…

A series of solar or man made electromagnetic pulses in the atmosphere, will render all your tools and plans totally obsolete and useless. What are you clever folks going to eat after the nuclear plants go into thermal runaway?

Dec 25, 2020 11:00 PM

In the Elite V Humanity Final Conflict which has been catalysed by a fake pandemic, part of the psychological corps within their army are given the remit of knowing how to anticipate revolt, dissent, protests and kickback- call it what you will.

Like any other conflict, lives mean nothing. 9 /11 taught us that much. ; 3,000 pawns wiped off the board in one move. Many a pre-emptive shot is fired and many a pawn is knocked over as a warning to any of the rest of their kind getting fancy ideas about truth ( = terror).

Some of those close to the genuine front line-as opposed to the one the propagandists invented- have always been aware of this. The ‘sudden death’ lists of healthy people could fill their own cemetery from JFK, to 9 /11 alone. But the new weapons ore poison and they too are producing some sudden deaths. Coincidentally, only of those fighting to get the truth out- not the military or anyone funded by the CIA’s Gates and Co.

Brandy Vaughan is one such tragic statistic. Not like the statistics behind the pandemic- I mean a genuine one. The MSM’s failure to cover her story and it’s implications seems to confirm this.

Last year, just before the shock virus invasion she went public :

”’If something were to happen to me,’ Brandy Vaughan wrote in late 2019, ‘it’s foul play and you know exactly who and why.”

Just over a week ago ( Dec 15) she died. Her little boy, 9 years old, found her.


Tyrone Baird
Tyrone Baird
Dec 25, 2020 7:16 PM

This blood-sucking crew has been the cause of untold mischief and misery
in Europe during the present century, and has piled up its prodigious wealth
chiefly through fomenting wars between States which ought never to have
quarrelled. Whenever there is trouble in Europe, wherever rumours of war
circulate and men’s minds are distraught with fear of change and calamity
you may be sure that a hook-nosed Rothschild is at his games somewhere
near the region of the disturbance. (30)
“The Labour leader” newspaper of Britain published this statement on the subject of the Rothschilds. The Rothschilds went on to buy out Reuters news agency just after it was published.

Tyrone Baird
Tyrone Baird
Dec 25, 2020 7:19 PM
Reply to  Tyrone Baird

I hasten to add the article was from 1891

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Dec 25, 2020 3:59 AM

Gary Null Show Interview — Alison McDowell

Originally aired on the Progressive Commentary Hour, December 23, 2020


I will now be recommending this interview to anyone who I feel might be overwhelmed by the avalanches of malefactor names, institutions, etc. habitually falling from Alison’s lips that tend to create brain-whiteout conditions for many people. GN’s questions seem to bring a sense of focus which make the often mind-boggling details of the GR and 4IR a little easier to grasp!

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Dec 24, 2020 10:40 AM

@Wayne Vanderploeg


Re: the current problem of “The Young”

Here’s one of the tricks, as I see it:

…when I was young (60s, 70s), the ONLY fun was in being a Rebel, breaking the rules, flouting convention. What did the “Squares” have to offer beside tame Television, and married handjobs to alleviate the grinding misery of being a cog in Society’s Dull Gray Machine? Whereas the freaks had wild sex, sleeping late, drugs, anarchic humor, great music, books/ records/movies that were “obscene” and dangerously thrilling. Well, TFIC (The Fuckers in Charge) wised up and soon lived up to the old adage that “the Devil has all the best tunes”. Now you get the Total Techno-Explosive-Distraction Package by opting IN (and Consuming) and your only hope of Sex (as a young male) is to opt in enough to get a well-paid job (coding), or in getting a boob job (male/female/whatever)… the polarity of the equation has been cleverly reversed and it’s the Drop-Outs, Radicals and Rebels who are not having very much Fun these days. So, the choice for most young people (can you blame them?) is Consumer Conformity and its reward system of 24/7 porn. The counter-argument (“But the psychopaths are enslaving us…!”) is weak in comparison, I’m afraid, and has no resonance until real maturity kicks in. But even that notion (of when/ how/ if maturity arrives) is based on my knowledge of the OLD version of that arc and is very possibly outmoded. Maybe the new Agenda 21 version of “maturity” is merely Obsolescence without any redeeming Awareness? Which is why it’s all the more pressing that we AULD Fuckers (with our vintage Cosmic Awareness) get in as many kicks, against the TFIC Beast, as we can, while we can.

PS Remember and take heart: Propaganda is only really perfectly effective when its surface is uniformly smooth and shiny. And we are definitely scratching up the shop-window sheen of the glittering bullshit.

Wayne Vanderploeg
Wayne Vanderploeg
Dec 26, 2020 5:35 PM

So did you have “fun” or not. Was there a confession in there somewhere? I had fun and was only arrested once while having it……… I paid the fine and legal fees and learned to be more discreet……. The “Beast” did not care as long as we did not draw anyone’s attention and no was hurt.

Dec 23, 2020 8:38 PM

The PTB cant be planning a depopulation scheme for one simple reason.
The Talmud promises each one of the Chosen Folk 2,800 goy slaves to do with as they please.
So 20 million Chosen x 2,800 – 56 billion.
So they will need roughly eight times the goy population there is now.

my parents said know
my parents said know
Dec 23, 2020 7:31 PM


Dec 23, 2020 2:33 PM

It seems like the west is imploding. Making vaccines that sterilize women, not treating covid patients with proven therapies that cause so many to die unnecessarily, destroying their middle and working class. Very bizzare. It looks like other parts of the world have taken a different approach.I might have to look into moving to that other part of the world. As far as I can tell the Chinese, Japanese, Cuban, Russian vaccines are normal old school vaccines that will probably have side effects, but not to the level of the western one.

Dec 24, 2020 1:20 AM
Reply to  ArchaicRevival

> It seems like the west is imploding

No particular agency, then? If so, I disagree.

This kind of comment is appearing a lot these days, and I take severe exception to it:
The West is not “imploding”; it’s *being imploded*, and had been for the last forty-or-so
years, by a small but for now powerful grouping..

Dec 24, 2020 10:48 AM
Reply to  ArchaicRevival

Google Epicyte gene….if you are thinking of running away make sure its to a country where they use no corn products whatsoever…….you dont honestly think that anal schwab and his bitch jeremy would be so misogynistic to sterilise only women do you?……epicyte will do both sexes

Jan 1, 2021 2:59 PM
Reply to  ArchaicRevival

why are they skipping Africa?

Dec 23, 2020 2:31 AM

CHINA is getting along w/o population reduction? Fertility is 1.69 per woman. Only 17% of population is under 14, so fertility is going to fall tremendously. Also due to the one-child policy, there are many more males than females.

RUSSIA: the fertility rate is 1.5 per woman and falling. 2.1 is population maintenance.

Great article, thanks. I’ve been posting excerpts from Yeadon & Wodarg everywhere, but people just can’t believe it & it often doesn’t even appear.

Dec 23, 2020 12:49 AM

they will have destroyed their own humanity and the result will be a painful implosion of their own selfhood.

They are psychopaths. They aren’t really human. They will be just fine.

Dec 22, 2020 10:12 PM

Whether it’s via vaccine or any other means, so what if the human race stops procreating!….It is totally SELFISH to put new lives on this planet knowing that the planet is dying….The newcomers will experience a slow horrible death.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Dec 22, 2020 10:57 PM
Reply to  maxine

“so what if the human race stops procreating!”

Spoken like a true member of the Thoroughly-Brainwashed People-Hating Cult which TFIC have been cultivating for decades. It’s been fashionable to refer to us Humans as a “virus,” a “plague,” or a “cancer” for as long as I can remember. The whole time, however, most of my happiest or most interesting moments were people-based, so I never fell for the ugly con. I fear for younger kids in this environment: the Internet is hardly a protection against anti-people hypnosis; it’s actually rotten with it. You will now have to accept your molecule of responsibility for participating in that problem, “Maxine”.

“The newcomers will experience a slow horrible death.”

I think you need to cancel your Netflix, Max.

“It is totally SELFISH to put new lives on this planet knowing that the planet is dying”

Ha ha! Erm, the planet is not “dying”. But quite a few illusions are and at an ever-accelerating pace. Never fear: new illusions are born every minute… “Max”.

Dec 23, 2020 4:02 AM

So many of those who sneer at the very idea of climate crisis and humanity’s role in it seem to have difficulty separating facts from exploitation. The ruling elites who “promote” climate crisis merely use it to further enrich themselves – not to help undo the damage human activity has caused.

When documentaries from the 1980s, such as “Koyaanisqatsi,” show monstrous pieces of equipment ripping into the ground, as well as explosions reducing whole mountains to rubble, why is it such a stretch to suggest that humanity has wreaked terrible havoc upon the natural world?

And when geoengineering/climate engineering is added to the mix, with its solar radiation management blanketing the sky, why is it laughable to compare humans to a plague upon the planet? We are destroying entire natural habitats for our enrichment.

There may well be enough to go around for all 7.8 billion humans; but that doesn’t leave much for any other species.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Dec 24, 2020 1:16 AM
Reply to  Howard

“And when geoengineering/climate engineering is added to the mix, with its solar radiation management blanketing the sky, why is it laughable to compare humans to a plague upon the planet?”

Because the fuckers doing all that are not “Humanity” in general but a very specific subset and their actions can be condemned without condemning the entire fucking species. Focus your indignation and shake off the brainwashing. Nobody in my Life has ever leveled a mountain, polluted a stream or fucked with the Ionosphere; I suspect that’s equally true of everyone reading this.

Dec 24, 2020 2:11 AM
Reply to  Howard

”The ruling elites who “promote” climate crisis merely use it to further enrich themselves – not to help undo the damage human activity has caused.”

True. But it’s also part of a far more vast network of climate evangelist behaving like salvationists who have one goal ; to remove 80-90% or more of humanity. Some salvationists..

” why is it laughable to compare humans to a plague upon the planet? We are destroying entire natural habitats for our enrichment.”

And that’s the exact way they pitch it to the world. And why so many righteous and ‘self aware’ angst-ridden wrist- band -wearing -halfwits buy in.

Now, take a moment to consider what these Trojan horse vaccines are likely to be carrying. The same web of misanthropic scum are behind the ”virus’ they wanted to use as a catalysing event dangerous enough to require an ‘urgent measure ‘ ( not even time to run trials on) to counter it.

It may maim; it might kill ; it may well bring about sterility in today’s generation. But it was what the Club Of Rome planned from day one on behalf of the Rockerfellers ( Johns Hopkins University) and Gates.

The so called ‘urgency’ will be used as the explanation for the catastrophic cull. And yes, they removed all accountability just before. Well, they had time for that. Naturally..

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Dec 25, 2020 4:42 AM
Reply to  Howard

Thanks for saying that Howard. Humans have murdered every habitat they’ve ever touched, and only pride themselves within their own illusions. I’m so very tired of assholes who don’t know shit from shinola. May they choke on nano aluminum dust from aircraft, and swill glyphosate every breakfast.

Dec 24, 2020 10:52 AM
Reply to  maxine

I can only hope you are post menopausal or your ladygarden heals up

and this is for you

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Dec 22, 2020 9:16 PM

Hey OffGuardians! Any plans to feature the work of Alison Hawver McDowell? She’s pretty much the best there is in speaking on All of This. She’s lucid, relatable, bs-free and her presentations are dense with very precise information. Her scholarly mapping of the Evil Apparatus is unparalleled. And she isn’t selling anything. She’s as good as having a young Michael Parenti with us. If converting the fence-sitters is our goal, she’s a formidable tool: she doesn’t ping as Right/ Alt Right, mansplainy, hippie-spacey or Icke-ish.
She’s best at full strength, without anyone else to get in her way or dilute her message. Have you considered presenting her material in a big way or inviting her to post here?

May Hem
May Hem
Dec 22, 2020 9:27 PM

Good idea. More focus on the details of the great ‘re-set’ – what is planned for the future – a digital dictatorship.

Dec 23, 2020 4:51 AM

Thank you Steven. I had never heard of her, but I find she has a tremendous fund of knowledge about what’s planned & the means to be employed.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Dec 24, 2020 1:22 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Alison McDowell is, in my mind, as close as we’ll get to a NEO. After searching/reading thinking on all this for 20+ years, she strikes me as “The One”. Which sounds hyperbolic… and I don’t mean that Alison can punch through concrete… but I think she is the most likely of any Parapolitical Researcher I’ve ever seen to be able to convert MASSES of Normals and/or fence-sitters to the Truth.

Dec 23, 2020 8:09 AM

wrenchinthegears.com, Allisons work, is amazing. Truly a find. Also like your spot, for its own reasons, SA.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Dec 24, 2020 1:17 AM
Reply to  molecule9

Thanks, M!

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
Dec 23, 2020 4:09 PM

She produces plenty of material at her own blog and I recommend people look it.

Dec 25, 2020 9:55 PM

Thank you. I had never heard of her, but I am reading her now and even though I’ve only just started, I think hers is one more place I can go, along with this one, to help me feel I am not nearly as alone as I feel right now.

Dec 22, 2020 8:37 PM

It’s interesting that they have this plan to make everyone infertile, yet they’re giving vaccinations to older people first. In fact, it seems it will be quite a few months before they even begin rolling out vaccinations to those under 50! Further to that, they’ve not made it compulsory, so if you don’t want it, you don’t have to get it! What a fascinating approach to sterilising the population.

Dec 22, 2020 10:24 PM
Reply to  Bob

No, they are giving it to healthcare workers first. Think about what would happen if there was a revolt, and all the doctors & nurses were dead or incapacitated.
And the next group is minorities. Now, think of the ramifications of that. Such a move would ignite a race war, and they wouldn’t have to worry so much about “reducing the population” through sterilization.
Regardless, they won’t be forcing anyone to have a vaccine; their companies will. Don’t have the vaccine? You can’t come in here & shop. And you definitely can’t work here. And we can no longer deliver to your house, because we don’t want our drivers to catch something…

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Dec 22, 2020 10:42 PM
Reply to  Bob

Bob, there’s no way to know for sure if the “Covid” vaccine (or subsequent vaccines) is a Trojan Horse for a Eugenic scheme, but I do know there are plans to develop, in many countries, a “vaccine passport” that will make life extremely difficult for anyone who opts out… which is the version of “compulsory” that Truly Modern Fascists seem to prefer. It allows people like you to say “See? It isn’t even compulsory!” while being, in essence, as compulsory as most would need it to be in order to compel them. Unless you believe that being offered a choice between A) compliance or B) no work, no freedom of movement, no grocery shopping (et al) is a splendid example of Free Will in an Open Society? It’s entirely possible that you do.

Also: “It’s interesting that they have this plan to make everyone infertile, yet they’re giving vaccinations to older people first.”

Well if they were, in fact, up to that caper, Bob, that’s exactly how they’d do it. I guess it’s reassuring to know that your knowledge of psychology is far too rudimentary to get you a creepy job working for THEM.

(Unless…? Nah… )

Dec 24, 2020 10:56 AM
Reply to  Bob

google epicyte gene…now imagine for a few seconds that the vaccine does nothing but enables ”stuff” to cross the blood brain barrier……now imagine all the foodstuffs you eat containing corn starch/syrup/sugar…….you’ll be neutered like an old stinking tom cat in no time at all…..in your future foreplay will entail mnaking sure the cordless vacuum is fully charged and you have a brush and dustpan by the bed ….because all you’ll be shooting soon matey is clouds of dust

Dec 22, 2020 7:32 PM

Patrick, there is ample evidence in Cremo and Thompon’s book “Forbidden Archeology” that humans have lived on earth from tens to hundreds of millions of years. The authors rightly claim that that the mainstream scientific establishment has suppressed evidence from the fossil record pertaining to extreme human antiquity. There are numerous cases and references provided in support of the authors claims.

Dec 23, 2020 8:14 AM
Reply to  -CO

Way off topic, but yeah, Cremo’s book is terrific.

Dec 23, 2020 12:51 PM
Reply to  molecule9

I was commenting on what Patrick said in the last paragraph of his article wrt humans. I thought it was important since he raised the issue and most people have never heard about the evidence for extreme human antiquity presented in C and T’s well researched book.

Wayne Vanderploeg
Wayne Vanderploeg
Dec 22, 2020 7:18 PM

So many young people seem to be so impressionable. I am not young and have been accused of being ageist. Probably am. Comes with the territory.

Seems that America was founded on ageism and for good reason based on the way so many of our young people have acted this summer.

Unfortunately Richard Nixon’s screw ups led to the massive liberalism that has become so entrenched in our politics. No references. Just observation, participation and basic knowledge of history. (Read some of Bernie’s early writings if you want more insight. Or, try watching the movie Joe with Peter Boyle as the starring title character.).

Today’s media is as liberal as I have ever seen it in every aspect. And it seems to be getting worse by the minute.

I force myself to watch these shows that are directed toward young people and the messaging is frightening. Doom and gloom, end of the world type crap. Anarchy, demonizing elders, revolution, violence, screwed up sexuality. All morality out the window.

What is the purpose and who is behind this messaging and why?

This is sort of rhetorical questioning, but not entirely.

Could it just be pure evil? Do I sound like a founding puritan?

When I was young there was sex, drugs and rock and roll. We enjoyed life before we had responsibilities. Most of us knew that our fun time was limited so we took advantage of it.

The media keeps telling young people the world is ending and they have no future. Maybe that has something to do with it.

I thought young people were smarter than that.

I guess I am an ageist………

Dec 22, 2020 10:19 PM

Haven’t you heard?….”The world IS ending”….And young people should be aware of this fact….Maybe it would knock some sense in them to stop puttting more kids on this planet who are bound to suffer far more then we are today.

Dec 22, 2020 4:43 PM

Just a small word to represent the voice of the increasing number of people who have wisely, over recent decades, decided that having children at all in today’s world is practically an act of cruelty.
It is, after all, mostly propaganda which for centuries has led us all to believe that we have to ‘contribute our bit to the continuance of the species’…
But if you think about it, that’s basically what animals do – instinctively.

Humans, however, make informed choices, and it should take more than grandma’s admonishment that not having children is being selfish to undermine your gut feeling that something is terribly wrong with the world today.
It is barely fit for children, as can be seen when you look at what so many of them turn into as grown-ups. It is becoming fit only for demons.

Those old enough to remember a time when mankind had not yet entirely severed its connection with Nature are, of course, thankful for the memories of those days – and they are wonderful memories – but that world has gone, leaving nothing substantial in its place.
Superficiality, short-term profit, utter narcissism and over-acting now rule the media and thereby influence what have become the highly-gullible general public.

Oddly enough, it seems to me that only a ‘great reset’ of some sort could put this right, but of course the Great Reset currently planned by our over-indulged manipulators is unnatural, inhuman and indeed thoroughly demonic.

It’s like a perverted version of the Noah’s Ark story, so that instead of the bit where God caused the Biblical Flood, we now have the Military-Industrial Complex taking God aside, and advising Him, “Look, we have an even better idea than flooding the planet to get rid of the bad people: Why don’t You just give the sheep some sterilizing and lobotomizing medicine for their own good, and leave the Military-Industrial Complex people alone to do their wonderful work of furthering human evolution? You could even take another break, like You did that Sunday aeons ago!”…

I hope those of a sensitive religious nature here will forgive my borderline blasphemy here, but it is only intended to add passionate emphasis to what I consider to be a morally desperate situation for us all right now.

Ursula von der Lying does not have our best interests at heart.

Dec 22, 2020 6:29 PM
Reply to  wardropper

This world, and human life, are both created by God. I suggest you rethink these excuses you’re using to avoid living your life fully. I can’t imagine my daughters not existing, no matter how bad it gets out there.
The demons, poverty, and disease have always been here, and they will remain until our Lord returns for the final victory.

Dec 22, 2020 9:02 PM

I understand your criticism, but you misunderstand me.
As I stated, I am old enough to remember saner times, and I share your feelings entirely regarding your two daughters, since I have two daughters of my own.
I make no excuses there.

My comment is intended for a younger generation than mine.
To make my point clearer, I could imagine that being born in Hell would be a disincentive to procreate for most of the population…

Fear not; I live my life as fully as humanly possible, and I am not a blasphemer at heart either. But I never dreamt that what the Book of Revelation prophesied could possibly come to pass quite so soon.
This mess has certainly descended rather suddenly, if one considers Christmas 2019 for comparison…

Dec 22, 2020 10:28 PM

Your feelings about your own kids are understandable….But to condemn future generations to “demons, poverty and disease” on a dying planet is just plain cruel, whatever your gods have to say about it.

Dec 22, 2020 11:21 PM
Reply to  maxine

Ah, ok I’m getting down-voted by atheists… interesting. Why does an atheist care one iota about an abusive government, plandemics, vaccines, etc? Aren’t we all just “stardust” in Sagan’s words? Random collections of molecules, put together by blind processes, etc etc? Makes zero sense to me.

Dec 23, 2020 12:05 AM

You aren’t getting downvoted exclusively by atheists. I’m an agnostic.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Dec 24, 2020 1:25 AM
Reply to  Gwyn

Yo! Agnostic! High-five!

Dec 24, 2020 1:41 AM

Excuse me while I check the Agnostic Manual (just to make sure that we’re allowed high-fives)…

Dec 24, 2020 1:41 AM
Reply to  Gwyn

Yep! High-five!

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Dec 24, 2020 10:09 AM
Reply to  Gwyn

(Technically, it’s a high-five bookended by shrugs but the shrugs are sort of implied by now)

Nixon Scraypes
Nixon Scraypes
Dec 24, 2020 11:11 PM

I think you’re quite right but the word god has everyone knee jerking and running for cover,it’s so frightfully uncool man. They are excuses for living fully as you say but we have so much comfort in evading responsibility with intellectual displays of reason and logic, the panoply of mind masturbation. Basically it’s just giving up. It was William Cobbett’s Rural Rides that wised me up to the Malthusian rubbish spouted so efficiently these days. Our rulers have droves of experts inventing reams of reasons not to breed while they get on with it spectacularly. I notice recently they want about a third of Scotland rewilded, “to save the earth”. It’s just the Highland Clearance again for their huntin and shootin.

Buster Bloodvessel
Buster Bloodvessel
Dec 22, 2020 9:13 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Wasn’t it Schopenhauer who said something like :-

the evidence for there being no humanity in people is that they keep inflicting life on another generation.

Dec 23, 2020 2:17 AM

If it was, it sounds like he had issues 🙂

Wayne Vanderploeg
Wayne Vanderploeg
Dec 22, 2020 2:13 PM

I binged season one of the UK version of Utopia and the first two episodes of the US version (with John Cusack – who cares so much about John Cusack, anyway?). The reason why Amazon cancelled the US version is because it is terrible. It should have been cancelled. UK version is great! What a let down. I see no conspiracy here. The coincidence is very crazy. I can easily see why pro vaxers want it off the air. I am surprised the UK version has not been pulled down. I have never seen so many people get their brains blown out. The topper was fishing for a bullet in someone’s skull so a ballistics test could not be performed. Talk about cold. They should invent a new rating: Over 50 only.

Dec 22, 2020 3:29 PM

Yes, Wayne, the original is far superior to the remake. I’ve now watched it three times.

It’s extremely well made. And very gruesome, as you say. I’m not surprised that the scene in the school in Episode 3 drew quite a few complaints.

My abiding memory of the remake is the odious question which the Cusack character asks his family at the dinner table every day: ‘What have you done today to earn your place in this crowded world?’

Scary to know that there are twats who actually think in that way!

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Dec 23, 2020 3:27 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

“‘What have you done today to earn your place in this crowded world?’”

Blatant, innit? The programming never stops.

Dec 23, 2020 3:59 PM

They’re relentless. As are the trolls who infest this site. I try not to feed them by engaging with them, but I’m not always successful in resisting the urge to respond. What a pathetic existence they lead! Saddos.

I trust that you’re maintaining some semblance of sanity amid the current losing of the collective marbles, Steven. :o)

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Dec 24, 2020 1:26 AM
Reply to  Gwyn

“I trust that you’re maintaining some semblance of sanity amid the current losing of the collective marbles, Steven. :o)”

It’s all relative, Gwyn. All relative!

Dec 24, 2020 1:49 AM

Aye, it is. We plough on! And we shall continue laughing and taking the piss as we go! ;o)

Dec 24, 2020 10:58 AM
Reply to  Gwyn

and dont forget to smile as you you sharpen your pitchfork

Dec 24, 2020 1:07 PM
Reply to  Magumba

I’ve asked Santa for a shiny new pitchfork.

Dec 22, 2020 4:48 PM

Over 90 only…

Wayne Vanderploeg
Wayne Vanderploeg
Dec 22, 2020 5:49 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Laughing….you mean dead……

Dec 22, 2020 9:04 PM

I mean too old to care… lol

Wayne Vanderploeg
Wayne Vanderploeg
Dec 23, 2020 2:10 PM

Changed my mind (I have too much time on my hands, I know…..) and decided that the “Cusack” (who cares about him anyway) version is pretty good. Just started slow. Hard to get used to the new Jessica Hyde character. Too much of a focus on “young pretties” that became an early distraction. The duct tape thing is an old college prank. It looked dangerous. I am surprised Cusack went along with it. Not sure where RB could have learned it. It was funny. The messaging….. Could be a good thing. Might make some people wonder if they are they are being manipulated for a “higher purpose”. I could just hear Klause Schwab bitching about getting that shit off the air immediately.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Dec 22, 2020 2:10 PM

It’s all PROGRAMMING, plain and simple. I haven’t been to a movie theater since the release of the first “Matrix” film. Mostly because I had concluded years before that nearly all theater and film productions had been designed as programming tools.
Once a person gets past the fancy leather and special effects, what was the message contained in the Matrix? The horrors of the Matrix still exist at the end of the film, yet the alleged hero has survived. He even manages to get a new coat and cool sunglasses… Everyone else remains pretty much screwed. Great!!!

Here’s another new programming tool. The reviews of the film claim it’s nothing special, yet the film’s been pushed on YouTube for weeks and weeks. Why?
“The New Mutants”The New Mutants (film) – Wikipedia

Let’s all line up for our nifty flue jab. Maybe there’s something in it that’ll give us “special” powers… I could use a new leather coat and sunglasses.

Dec 22, 2020 3:11 PM

Thanks for a (less than) kind word for “The Matrix.” “Little Orphan Annie” is more deserving of cult status than “The Matrix,” which is little more than Kung Fu Fighting on steroids.

The second installment is even worse, saved only by The Keymaker – who is even Asian but doesn’t Kung Fu Fight at all!.

I plan to watch the third installment (that’s right: I’m kind of brain dead).

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Dec 22, 2020 12:24 PM

It was well known that John Bell was a CIA plant in the UK – he was recruited during his time at Stanford and got promoted inordinately rapidly on a timeframe only compatible with being ‘in the club’.

For reference his wife was a PhD student when he was shagging her as a Professor prior to marriage and the birth of twins, so by rights he should arguably have been sacked for gross professional misconduct in the 1990s.

He planted loyalists into Roche and AZ and was high up in the AZ advisory hierarchy for many years.

He’s not the brilliant saint he is painted as.

He is what you would expect at the top: utterly ruthless, utterly self-serving and doesn’t think that the rules everyone else must abide by apply to him.

Dec 22, 2020 3:53 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

Thanks for that info on Bell. It is very interesting, and connects some more dots…

Dec 22, 2020 11:19 AM

just realised i had to click on little bell thingy to get notes. hope it works.

Dec 22, 2020 2:37 PM
Reply to  sabelmouse

I’m replying so you can see if it works. Cheers:)

Dec 22, 2020 6:30 AM

I have a sneaking feeling that the Great Reset gang missed something somewhere that is going to backfire

In many cases, large-scale planning is just hope and propaganda. It rarely considers combined (multiple) failures. Consider comparatively circumscribed projects such as nuclear plants, recent cutting-edge planes, etc.: horrors of cutting corners and incompetence. For government at any level, the mess is far greater, partly due to corruption and censorship. Unless justified in detail, any project beyond a couple of years is likely to flounder, as someone said.

Underming family, community, tradition and local resilience is a part of the war on democracy and dissent. It may entail
:- more child “protection”: over-worked and under-paid guardians deemed to have failed
:- artificial insemination for the infertile, with limited rights on the child
:- artificial wombs.

Dec 22, 2020 11:21 AM
Reply to  mgeo

why i hope the house of cards will collapse when…https://www.astrology.com/article/2020-saturn-pluto-conjunction-astrology/ .. jupiter aligns with saturn, else we’re looking at the shadow side of the aquarian age.

Dec 22, 2020 11:37 AM
Reply to  mgeo

You know I’ve gone most of my life firmly believing that central planning is folly and the more ambitious and far reaching the campaign, the more catastrophic the failure.

2020 has shifted my view on such things, particularly as I have been reading more about propaganda and the history thereof. Point is I’m starting to believe our rulers and their string pullers are far more competent and effective than I ever gave them credit for. It’s just that obviously the intended goals of their efforts aren’t atall what the public is lead to believe.

So while I used to take comfort in the belief that even though our rulers are insidious and destructive, the bureaucracy is at least ineffective and most of it’s actors are incompetent.

2020 has lead me to believe that the insight propagandists have into how to manipulate the masses, undermine what remains of the public’s ability to influence their governments, their ability to predict outcomes, their ability to execute on their plans – is actually really advanced. I mean FFS; it must be! Look at what they’ve accomplished in the past year. It’s mind boggling, and pretty dreadful.

Whether it’s Malthusian dogma, some 21st century eugenics thing, a technocratic transhumanist dystopia or profiteering on a monumental level; I have no reason to believe the drivers of the covid narrative won’t succeed in whatever their goals are here. Damn it’s getting hard to sleep at night.

Fact Checker
Fact Checker
Dec 22, 2020 2:35 PM
Reply to  pokwok

The divide between the Intelligence that is managing Humanity and Humanity itself is truly as wide as the divide between Humanity and cattle. Human-husbandry has been refined to such a scientific degree that it has been more or less automated at this point. Just like cattle have no conception of the business of the Ranch where they live their hapless lives and suffer their mechanized death, so too do humans have no conception of the Machine that manages them, its nature or its ends.

Dec 22, 2020 10:35 PM
Reply to  Fact Checker

Frightening but true
Where do it leave us who can see the manipulation without being as intelligent?
Left fighting the stampede around us and not the rancher

Dec 23, 2020 3:58 PM
Reply to  Fact Checker

It’s nature is occult and dark – always has been it’s ends include total world domination and steering what’s left of humanity on a different evolutionary course. These ends have never changed from time immemorial.

Dec 22, 2020 10:50 PM
Reply to  pokwok

You’re watching a Hollywood production – it’s all Wag the Dog from here on out.

The master manipulaters have been at this game for a very very long time. Bread and circuses followed by death and destruction if the gods are not appeased. The ecplise will eat the sun forever unless you pay the high priest. The darkness of winter followed by the rise of the Messiah.

Everything that is happening right now… is street theatre. Do real people get hurt? Absolutely! It wouldn’t be very realistic if they didn’t. Wars need suffering otherwise they would not lead to peace.

The masters believe that by playing both roles of good and evil they will cajole us into action and that will lead us to a better place.

The depiction of utopia or dystopia, death and life, destruction and creation simply serves to motivate us one way or another – move us this way or that.

Once we are on our knees begging for salvation, a saviour will be provided. The ills will be wiped away and the masses will accept the new paradigm.

They can also conjure an uprising of the righteous so as to give them a false sense of victory and then stab them in the back now that they have revealed themsleves.

I have always suspected this was taking place on alternative media – names were being collected etc – but it’s a little late to worry about such things now, isn’t it.

Nixon Scraypes
Nixon Scraypes
Dec 24, 2020 11:50 PM
Reply to  Tsubion

Of course the names have been collected. Who dares wins. They’re very calculating at the top but not daring. You won’t necessarily be there when they come if you’re unstructured and spontaneous. There’s nothing like danger to spice things up. Do you ever wear a mask?

Dec 23, 2020 1:05 PM
Reply to  pokwok

what took you so long

my parents said know
my parents said know
Dec 23, 2020 9:58 PM
Reply to  pokwok

I wish I could recall the link (my history page doesn’t go back that far), but have you read “Ellis Medavoy”‘s interview with Jon Rappoport over at “No More Fake News”? It’s an eye-opener- covering how the propaganda world figured out that “medical panic” was the business model of the future. (the interview took place in the early 2000s[?]).
It was extremely sobering and ominously prescient. They ARE that good.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Dec 24, 2020 3:53 PM
Reply to  pokwok

“Point is I’m starting to believe our rulers and their string pullers are far more competent and effective than I ever gave them credit for.”

I’ve spent c. 15 years yelling this at friends who still don’t get it. This is what a life-time of Television will “give” you.

Nixon Scraypes
Nixon Scraypes
Dec 24, 2020 11:39 PM
Reply to  pokwok

I’m with you there mate. There’s a lot of- they’re so stupid(therefore I’m really intelligent) going on. You have this fabulous curcumlocution of Economics, a labyrinth leading nowhere blinding the great minds to barefaced theft. Boris de Piffle turning Number Ten into his shag house….. You’re not human tonight, Marlowe, it’s Christmas tomorrow, the tang of pine trees is in the air, you guessed it, I’ve been reading Chandler.

Jeff Carmack
Jeff Carmack
Dec 22, 2020 5:13 AM

Re: “Utopia”
Last time Jupiter and Saturn were this tight,
The City of the Sun was published.
VERY TELLING in regards to eugenics, etc.

Dec 22, 2020 11:18 AM
Reply to  Jeff Carmack
Dec 22, 2020 3:47 PM
Reply to  sabelmouse

Since most people suffer the same almost pathological impatience as my dog Chico, they may have stuck their heads out the door on 12/21/20 and saw no sea change around them. And thereupon concluded there’s nothing to Astrology and its much touted Jupiter/Saturn conjunction.

And while there may indeed be nothing to Astrology, anything as powerful as such a conjunction would register slowly, over years perhaps. Let people look around on 12/21/21 and maybe they will see something.

Dec 22, 2020 11:22 AM
Reply to  Jeff Carmack

seems i must click that bell thingy every time i comment to get replies?

Dec 22, 2020 11:22 AM
Reply to  Jeff Carmack

and forgot again!!!

Eric McCoo
Eric McCoo
Dec 22, 2020 4:23 AM

Excellent article. Both versions of Utopia are available on Amazon Prime and in light of current events are very much worth watching.

In the original UK series an organisation (the Network) lead by an MI5 officer arranges for widespread infection by Russian flu and a vaccine that will sterilise 95% of the human race.

Dec 22, 2020 1:33 AM

Corbett speaks Cobblers , when he states:

‘Professor Sir John Bell top UK Covid advisor and member of SAGE startled his interviewer when he said:

“these vaccines are unlikely to completely sterilize a population…say 60-70%.”

STERILISATION in the lexicon of immunisation is nothing to do with pregnancy as he FALSELY claims as any foole’nos.

What is sterilizing immunity?

Sterilizing immunity means that the immune system is able to stop a pathogen, including viruses, from replicating within your body.


* Sterilizing immunity could be achieved if neutralizing antibodies bind to a pathogen and prevent it from entering a cell to replicate in.
* Not all vaccines induce sterilizing immunity.
* Coronavirus vaccines show promise, but may not produce sterilizing immunity.


What on earth kind of fact checking are the editors doing here? If any?

Dec 23, 2020 8:43 AM
Reply to  Dungroanin

Yet the ex top Phizer exec Yeadon says the same thing, and specifically refers to pregnancy, not immunity.

Nixon Scraypes
Nixon Scraypes
Dec 24, 2020 11:53 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

How to cover a Fraudian slip in one easy lesson.

Dec 22, 2020 12:48 AM

We cannot spend our lives discussing mean
things that have been done to us. We must
free ourselves from the yoke of the shadow.

Dec 22, 2020 10:22 AM
Reply to  Hugo

Freely spent lives include discussion.
But fixation on grievance gives power to the shadow of a past that is not here.
The attempt to regain the Golden Age set the pattern of the King.
I don’t know if Humpty related back that far.
But in any case it fits perfectly to the attempt to regain or reset order by force, from a broken perspective.
What if Humpty was neither pushed or fell, but is the archetypal false flag?
What if a phished mind runs of as a mistaken identity?

And what if…. ‘what if’… is masking over What Is.
Like the film roll over the light of the projector.

In a movie referencing article, the reference to Plato’s Cave comes to mind.
Shackled convictions, re-enact the casting out in wishful remakes of a virtual nightmare.
That will find you.

But what is this?
The Terminator that will not stop until you are dead?
The true of Love that nothing can ultimately stop from releasing its Own?

How we look on our world is the function and meaning we give it.
And receive.

Everything does ‘double duty’ that comes into the World.
Is it predictive programming?
Is it revealing the device to our freedom to no longer employ it?

The deceiver does not know it deceives because it IS the conviction by which the false is set as true, by which all truth is cast out in fragmented distortions that are not allowed to come Home while a stranger or ‘step-parent’ usurps the nature of a true inheritance.

Identifying the cast of our life within us cannot be undertaken by the character set by the casting. So there is a ‘waking’ within the dream that can deeply unsettle and trigger long and deep buried terrors, guilt, rage and frozen impotence. But waking is not for the ‘ perfecting of the dream, but its release to a direct recognition and appreciation that the ‘convict in the cave’ is intent on not seeing, for sake of a life set in shadows by the invested identity set in fear of dispossession.

The Call to Wake is as loud as our willingness to hear it.
If we take the ride without active discernment, then we give our lives over to whatever comes in through the back door to use the offer, in resonance with our own wish to block out or escape the fears and pains we WANT to project out away and at a distance, as if to keep resetting a dissociation from who we fear and hate ourselves to be.

This post continues on

Dec 22, 2020 11:24 AM
Reply to  Hugo

https://www.astrology.com/article/2020-saturn-pluto-conjunction-astrology/ .. we most explore it, seriously, rather than talk about bad,evil,monsters demons. it’s always those who help /let them who are the real problem, and demonising ‘#’bad” guys rather than looking at ourselves is just what creates trouble.

Dec 21, 2020 11:58 PM

As well as depopulation through sterilisation, there is also talk of the vaccine(s) causing much worse reactions to the next corona virus you encounter – personally I think this is as likely an intended outcome as sterilisation, it will play easily into the need for more vaccines and more lockdowns etc etc. How the hell do we fight this?

Dec 22, 2020 11:25 AM
Reply to  noseBag

resist! which few seem to do 🙁

Dec 22, 2020 12:41 PM
Reply to  noseBag

What do you mean “the next coronavirus”? There wasn’t even a first “coronavirus”.
Watch Dr Tom Cowan’s videos. Coronavirus, like “AIDS”, has never been isolated and identified, and the alleged unique genetic markers they claim it has are found in 99 human chromosomes, and over a hundred other microbes. Also all of the symptoms of the disease they’re claiming, again just like AIDS, are explainable by other causes. You’ve been duped.

Dec 22, 2020 3:19 PM

This just makes it easier to keep coming up with one after another COVID. They got away the first time without producing the “weapon”; they know they can get away with it again and again. The gullible will always outnumber the aware.

Nixon Scraypes
Nixon Scraypes
Dec 24, 2020 11:58 PM
Reply to  Howard

Sadly this is where socialism falls down, do what you can but in the end the devil takes the hindmost.

Dec 26, 2020 12:15 AM
Reply to  Howard

That’s the business model someone mentioned earlier isn’t it…..the medical panic business model of motivation and direction through fear. In other words business as usual…insert whatever the case may have been through history in place of “medical panic”.

Dec 21, 2020 11:37 PM

The term “tolerance” comes from the science of building
materials. It defines the range until a material begins to
burst beyond its capacity. There is also the pattern of
“Apparent death”. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apparent_death

Dec 21, 2020 11:32 PM

Utopia, is an idea of a society in which equality, peace, fairness and happiness hold it’s citizens together in a state of passionless peace and tranquillity. There’s no greed, ill-will, selfishness or anger. And no oppression or threats of violence. Somewhat appropriately , it translates from it’s Greek origin to ‘no place’, despite Thomas More’s idyllic presentation of it in his original work. It’s appropriate as we know it’s impossible to achieve a Utopia. There are many reasons to suppose this. But all roads seem to lead back to the the flaws in man’s character and his susceptibility to the lure of ego satisfaction and power.

Dystopia, on the other hand, is easy. This society allows tyranny, murder, oppression and war in the name of power and greed. All roads here lead back the aforementioned flaws in man’s character. Those who occupy the highest positions of society, and possess more money, have more influence on the fate of nations and the people of them. Such power feeds upon itself and as the adage tells us- much wants more.

Those below the societal giants seek Utopia. They have an innate sense of the damage that inequality inflicts on those less fortunate. They also have an innate sense of the inherent evil that drives those who profit by exploiting their power at the cost of anyone and any consequences. A Utopia would reset the balance. A reset that would give us all a reboot. A sort of back-to-the-womb of nature second chance. Utopia achieved without conflict.

Those above see no appeal in the Utopian ideals. They only see profit as a goal worth pursuing. Gain is everything. They value the fear that others show rather than the respect. The Dystopian is driven by power, money and nihilism. They pretend to believe in -or fear- a God, only if it serves to conceal a darker intention that they will profit from further down the line. In truth, they believe in the here and now only. No God, no Heaven and no Hell. Notions such as these are seen as obstacles that can cause a man to develop a conscience and empathy with his fellow man.

In the final analysis, the Utopian values serving his fellow man for good; Dystopians value the making use of others then the disposal of them without conscience.

God, it’s argued, isn’t tangible. Nor is faith or belief. Science and money are. God has never shown himself or demonstrated a miracle. Science has and does. Man is evolving all the time. He’s made the journey from primordial soup to pin striped psychopath. He is becoming all the time. Without God’s assistance. As such, Man will become God, not submit to one. And the men with the money, power and influence are the chosen ones. They chose themselves and each other. All those people beneath them are wasting their oxygen; eating their food; taking up their resources. They have to go. More space needs to be freed up and only a slave race is needed. So, the rest can go. They can be ‘phased out‘ ( sterilisation) or culled. Removed from the new Eden like weeds.

The most well known Dystopian novel is 1984. George Orwell painted this landscape and it’s come to pass. Only now are people realising the importance of the warnings within it’s covers .

One of the most subtle prophecies of Orwell was that of Doublethink. Doublethink is a process of indoctrination whereby the subject is expected to accept a clearly false statement as the truth. For instance, preaching about peace while sanctioning war; preaching about liberty while sancti0ning measures to curb individual freedoms; to preach about democracy while ruling like a dictator.

We see it all the time. We accept it. And we have never really examined why. Not closely. We see leaders employing tactics of war and making personal fortunes from it that would make those of King Midas pale by comparison. We listen to promises and recognise the lies they are later. But we accepted it. We point at the evidence of evil and corruption and we accept. We vent- and move on. We have been complicit in constructing the infallibility of the despots who want to crush us. We keep the walls of Dystopia strong by cementing the bricks with our own compliance.

And here we are. On the brink of being led across the Rubicon by the NWO. The elite used Darwin’s ‘natural selection’ as the foundation to build the NWO without a God and without faith, hope and charity. Is it ironic, or id it more doublethinking that they are now using the unnatural selection of chips and wires to help us ‘evolve’ into the superman; half machine / half AI. That great all seeing, invisible A I.

In Orwell’s nightmare scenario Dystopia is ”the boot stamping on your face forever’‘. But that’s Utopia isn’t it? Our ideal is their nightmare ; our nightmare is their ideal. That’s how doublethink works . And they make the rules.

Dec 22, 2020 6:36 AM
Reply to  JuraCalling

As always, Jura, spot on and informative. It also gives me the prompt to re-read 1984. The only problem I have with what’s going on, is it’s like being on the shore when a tsunami is heading towards us. We may well be aware of events to come, but there’s not a damn thing we can do about it. We’re watching a slow-motion car crash happen before our eyes while the majority around us are telling us we’re insane. I wonder what percentage of the population think the way we do on offG?

Dec 22, 2020 11:10 AM
Reply to  lozzer

This is a computer generated plague, with many simultaneously overlapping goals held by a very few. It exists as a simulacra of real life, as many have said no social media/MSM, no pandemic, no computer generated PCR, no ‘pandemic’.

I’m no sociologist I’m a landscaper but I’d venture vast majority of people (some days I think as high as 80%) know the true score. I mix with a wide range of classes/races in my travels. So I have come to doubt that the consensus is anything but the same as so many aspects of the circus nothing but complete fabrication.

The oppression and its markers are ubiquitous. But is that just a function of this insane gamble, that all resources will be thrown at this operation? How much of it in the general population is simply compliance going along to get along, clinging to desperate belief of back to normal if we behave? How do people resist in their everyday lives under this very low and diabolical blow by the TFIC? We won’t read about it in a newspaper, how they resist, or don’t believe. None of it, it’s in the streets.

I try to get a word in wherever I can with whoever I can. I travel widely across a fairly representative area of the US. In the many many conversations of corona circus inconsistencies, illogic, cpu-generated mEdIcAl DaTa, pCerr, amongst my fellow working class humanity these ‘deplorables’ and ‘skeptical ghetto scum’ often cut my speech overpopulated with (irrelevant?) facts short with ‘it’s just the new world order’ or ‘it’s depopulation’. In contrast, the ‘anarchists’ and other professorial classes (the most educated) have proven to be what I always suspected they were.

Polls such as cbs news recent that said 86% of afr Americans and 64% of Latinos won’t vax (BLM!)—-is it a coincidence that these most marginalized of US groups are ‘not buying it?’

In a computer simulation such as this the seeming consensus is not what it appears and we can’t allow it to also colonize our perception of our fellows too much.

It is despair TFIC are trying to engineer and only the loudest/most fearful with access to the loudest platforms are being heard.

It happens with movies all the time; the highest budget movies so often fail to register with regular people. The fact that with trillions spent towards these overlapping NWO goals, that there is still massive skepticism ON THE GROUND (although not IN THE CLOUD), along with this XMAS/PRO-VAXX announcement indicates to me the story of how humanity threw off shackles of the state is far from over.

PS I recommend Alf Hornborgs book The Power of the Machine to all on off-g most of y’all would love it.

Dec 22, 2020 3:43 PM
Reply to  lozzer

Thanks Lozzer. And yes, you’re right. It’s like we’re being hit by a bus – but really slowly.

There were clues from before Orwell and Huxley. And from WW2 on there were so many more.

The control of propaganda is one thing, and the control of official history is another. But too many of the population bought into both and that meant that we never had control of the conversations or the truth. It was assumed, by the ‘grazers’ , in the field I call ‘no mans land‘, that those in power had no reason to lie, while the rest of us had plenty of reasons to just complain. So the liars labelled us ‘conspiracy theorists‘ and made that phrase trendy among those wishing to give an impression of being switched on when the opposite was-and still is – true. They love the dark, it’s easier to stay asleep in.

The battle was for ‘hearts and minds’ so to speak. There has always been them and us. But the larger slice of the population grazed in the battlefield between us. Their complacency and lazy mindedness naturally led them to take the easy, quick, route. That is, to trust the millionaire politicians. Take the needles and get back to ‘insta’ for important stuff. They’ll only resist if their favourite ‘celeb’ resists first. We are all about to fall to the evil of psychopaths because too many of our number are idiots.

Dec 22, 2020 7:11 AM
Reply to  JuraCalling

The claim is that the scientific miracles are repeatable and dependable. The associated propaganda is that they are beneficial, as detemined objectivly by our betters.

Dec 22, 2020 7:01 PM
Reply to  mgeo

Exactly. That goes for all major scientific breakthroughs. They can be used to kill or cure. Note how many of the ‘elite’ never fall victim of all major illnesses associated with old age. Note how those right now who have access to stem cell research hold it back from the peasants. Note how those with the poisons in needles never inject themselves. The elite has always been the scientific elite. From Newton onward. And those elite who had something useful / destructive to bring to the party – they had their ‘speciality’ morphed and reworded to fit into one of the sciences to legitimise it as well as themselves.

Dec 22, 2020 8:23 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

The high priests have always been masters of mind control and hynosis ever since they figured out that shaking a stick and wearing a big hat had a noticable effect on the people around them.

The witchdoctors have been having their way with the general public ever since. The psychology of fear and reward is really all that is required. Big explosions add to the effect. But nothing is more powerful than the oppressive presence of invisible demons floating through the air everready to crawl up your nose and kill you deader than a hammer.

I know that alien invasion was being lined up for the finale but tbh… I think most people would be wise to it despite all the progamming of the past hundred years. The lockdown demic has been enormously successful and even if debunked could be unleashed again within a year – with a few tweaks – and the dumb herd would fall for it all again.

Dec 22, 2020 9:04 PM
Reply to  Tsubion

Yep, that’s right. Von Braun dropped the ball on that and let it out the bag and laughed. I had a sickening feeling last year when Trump sent his little ‘space army’ up there at the cost of yet more billions in the name of ‘the space programme’ ( lol @ that line). But he was just ‘protecting the US from China and Russia’ . I didn’t even know they were up there. I demand a refund for this Atlas from 1985.

But thinking about it. Alien invasion ?

Alien :

adjective : Unfamiliar , disturbing or distasteful.

Alien :

noun : a hypothetical or fictional being from another world.

Maybe this is it. The secret plan to fake an alien invasion

Which brings me to H G Wells 😉

Dec 22, 2020 10:42 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

Well H G Wells certainly proved the naivety of the human race with that broadcast
An authoritative voice on the radio was all it took….

Dec 23, 2020 3:53 PM
Reply to  Nick

That was Orson Welles. He was reading from H G Wells’ book.👍

Dec 23, 2020 8:31 AM
Reply to  JuraCalling

Project Blue Beam

Holographic projection – alien mothership, asteroid, planet x, Jesus in the clouds or choose your messiah

But if you simply want to tamper with people’s emotions – anger, depression, anxiety – 5g at the right frequency will probably do

Even the talk of embedded nanoparticles through vaccine injection isn’t really necessary to achieve mass mind control.

Religion wears off but also makes a comeback – belief in something as opposed to nihilistic nothingness and pointlessness is rising so this can definately be tapped into – give the crowd what they have been waiting for.

But no… I don’t think anyone is going to accept Hari Kushner or Lord Putin as the saviours of the world!

You would have to try a little harder than that.

Maybe lab created gentech slightly alien looking humanoid would suit the bill – but what design would you choose? – tall nordic, short grey, mixed race, non binary attempt to please all?

Good luck with all that manipulators! You’re going to need it. It’s already descending into a hot mess – a last ditch attempt to hold onto the illusion of power.

The thing I fear the most is a lights out situation. The Internet has been incredible for us but the manipulators are really turning the screws now.

I’m wondering if certain elements will go scorched earth, especially in the US, forfeiting the surveillance grid, an act of sabotage, a hissy fit – if I lose then you all lose.

Mike Pence is managing Space Fooorce with his usual total lack of charisma. I have read that this would give America the high ground militarily speaking. All I can imagine is rod from god orbital platforms, high flying planes could do the same, directed energy satellite systems etc.

But surely hypersonic missiles from sea, air and land achieve the same goals without having to prance around in space suits. We shall see.

Dec 23, 2020 4:02 PM
Reply to  Tsubion

”But no… I don’t think anyone is going to accept Hari Kushner or Lord Putin as the saviours of the world!…You would have to try a little harder than that.”

That assumes we’d be given a say; a choice.

If 5g or 6 or 7 g are implemented it will be to create a wireless version of what Huxley called Soma; we’d be too ‘out of it” to make an informed decision; too stoned to care. What better way to achieve global compliance.

Once it’s achieved we’re putty in the hands of the new Gods-in-white-coats. We’ll be moulded into whatever they like and disposed of whenever they like. How else can it be explained that the very small( far less than 1%) minority feel brave enough and confident enough to wage war on the majority of 99.99% ?

War is over. Not in the way John Lennon hoped for in his song. It’s been replaced by a silent way of waging it. Invisible terrorists with bombs that make no noise and are all slow burners.

Africa will fall to a Gates plague eventually. The Rothschilds business didn’t invest billions into a part of the world that has nothing but starvation and death for nothing. Once the dead are buried the new Eden will be there.

They have their ‘boy’ and his foundation working on it. You don’t earn a few billion a year for nothing.

Nixon Scraypes
Nixon Scraypes
Dec 25, 2020 12:07 AM
Reply to  JuraCalling

The Novel virus, not a cold, not a flu…. It came from Out There….bred by vampire bats.

Dec 21, 2020 11:19 PM

If we see ourselves as truly “democratic societies”, we
must be able to clearly identify all dangers! It cannot be
that critical judgement is stigmatised as a “deficiency”.

It could be that Western man reaches his tribalistic
limit here and exposes democracy as a pipe dream.

Dec 21, 2020 11:01 PM

I even think a Kenyan could become a Frisian. We do not have the authority to accuse or harm other people. When they have found their niche with us, they should be allowed to stay! What I am against is the systematic plundering of our naivety. https://youtu.be/qZMtcyipMQc?t=1834

John Goss
John Goss
Dec 21, 2020 10:58 PM

According to the GSK whistleblower the vaccines can take up to ten years to kill you and it will take a few years before you reaslise you’re sterile. Their version produces antibodies which combine with HCG to make it biologically inactive. Out of 63 women GSK tested with HCG (the antigen that causes sterility in women) 61 of them became infertile.


Dec 21, 2020 10:48 PM

“Through the other to ourselves.” We’ve to travel
far to recognize and appreciate our own origins.

Dec 21, 2020 10:46 PM

The same is true for women and men. I insist that women should be allowed to be female and men should be allowed to be male. For 150,000 years of our evolution, this has been so. To deny this is to deny my existence. It is no coincidence that “aliens” have to teach us this again, since our mechanistic cultural development led to a degeneration, i.e. instinct separation. The basic biological constellation has not changed at all.

Dec 22, 2020 3:32 PM
Reply to  Hugo

The problem arises when “forced” is equated with “allowed.” “Allowing” women to be female and men to be male is one thing; “forcing” this somewhat artificial construct on everyone is quite another thing.

I say “somewhat artificial construct” because the social is necessarily affixed to the biological to produce beings acceptable to societal norms. Considering that throughout nature the female is generally bigger and stronger than the male, can we say the human penchant for reversing that paradigm is truly “natural?”

Nixon Scraypes
Nixon Scraypes
Dec 25, 2020 12:11 AM
Reply to  Howard

Bollocks, have you seen male gorillas?

Wayne Vanderploeg
Wayne Vanderploeg
Dec 21, 2020 10:43 PM

Correction: I was able to access the Cusack version of Utopia. Just not on my main TV. Not sure why. Interface may need updating.

Dec 21, 2020 10:35 PM

I personally feel attracted by the otherness of foreign cultures. They offer me something that my limited horizon is not capable of. They offer me a serene and joyful way of life. That is precisely why we should fight to preserve different ways of life.

Dec 22, 2020 1:06 PM
Reply to  Hugo

I feel the same. I love foreign movies for just that feeling of “otherness”. Vive la difference!

Nixon Scraypes
Nixon Scraypes
Dec 25, 2020 12:13 AM
Reply to  Judith

Have you seen L’Atalante by Jean Vigo? Best film ever.

Wayne Vanderploeg
Wayne Vanderploeg
Dec 21, 2020 10:33 PM

Cusack version of Utopia was unavailable today on Amazon. Trying the UK version. Very dark. Saw Cusack version advertised when it first came out but long since gone. Interesting coincidence. More interesting that some people have been clamoring to get it off the air.

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Dec 21, 2020 10:26 PM

Go look at the research of Alison McDowell on human capital investing and social impact bonds at wrenchinthegears.com.

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Dec 21, 2020 11:34 PM

Hmmm… interesting! I left this comment twice, both times in reply to another duplicated comment (beginning with “This is far-fetched”). One of those duplicated comments to which I replied has been removed, but both of my identical replies remain (one of them now appearing right here). I can only interpret this as an indication that the admins wish to take every opportunity to point people towards Alison’s work, which is all for the good.

The bigger picture is still to a very large extent being neglected here, in favour of a (very understandable, to be sure) focus on masks, lockdowns, and vaccines. IMO, while these things should by no means be ignored, they must always be seen within the context of the overarching (Agenda 21/2030–NWO) goals that they are helping to fulfill (which Alison unravels so meticulously).

Dec 22, 2020 3:15 PM

Agree! Wrench in the gears is thorough and thought provoking. This conversation reminds me of the article I saw here a while back that I have shared with my family and friends.

This was so eye-opening, (I’m embarrassed to say.)


Dec 21, 2020 10:25 PM

I want to go to England and experience English culture.
If this is negated, it is unhealthy. I am neither a nationalist
nor a segregationist. The inventiveness of European origin
has not only brought “misfortune” to the world. The opposite
is true. It is time to defend the achievements of the forefathers.

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Dec 21, 2020 10:21 PM

Admins, please correct in the article:

Whitney Webb
Railroad magnet (magnate!)

Dec 21, 2020 10:17 PM

Am i reading correctly in the news that Politicians have found a new strain of the new virus, which Scientists didn’t see an evidence of?

John Goss
John Goss
Dec 21, 2020 11:00 PM
Reply to  Serf

Apparently this man-made virus can mutate.

Dec 22, 2020 10:54 AM
Reply to  John Goss

Viruses are not alive John they cannot mutate by themselves unless something mutates them. According to virology the environment or the host cells they allegedly infect do everything for the virus!!! That’s how daft it gets.

Dec 21, 2020 9:57 PM

If they had all that money to create and administer the Covid Pantomime, then why didn’t they put it towards finding a cure for Cancer???

Dec 21, 2020 10:23 PM
Reply to  Maggie

They spend a lot of money on research into not finding a cure for cancer.

And they allocate unlimited budgets on wars and covert operations.

May Hem
May Hem
Dec 22, 2020 3:41 AM
Reply to  Serf

Cancer is a very profitable industry, especially for the CEO’s and senior staff of all the cancer charities. The last thing they want is a cure.

Just like World Wildlife Fund – megabucks in donations, fake wildlife projects and emotional blackmail. Same for Save the Children, etc. etc. All headquartered in Switzerland with no legal requirement for auditing.

Dec 22, 2020 1:19 PM
Reply to  May Hem

United Way. Red Cross. Green Peace. Sierra Club. All making buckets of money from conning the world.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Dec 22, 2020 7:49 PM
Reply to  Maggie

Digging about in the undergrowth of the net, you find slowly that there have been quite a few promising treatments for various cancers, around for quite a long time. We don’t hear much about them, of course, apart from the occasional slag-piece by some gatekeeper whore. The huge global cash-flood of the ‘curing cancer’ bandwaggon – which never seems to get far with finding cures, beyond the Western-orthodox, hugely profitable cut-burn-poison syndrome – is far too productive of the psychopathically-desired WealthPowerStatus drug to which the gangsters-in-charge are so addicted. A cash cow this big simply can’t be allowed by the gics to be superseded by actual real cures.

Have a surf around Essiac, or Rick Simpson’s ‘Run From The Cure’ video, for just a couple of the wide collection of much-denigrated – but actually rather promising – ‘fringe medicines’ for cancer. And there are plenty more, if you persevere in looking.

In the ’70s of last century, originally-orthodox oncologist Carl Simonton, working with his wife Stephanie, produced front-line clinician’s reports on his successes with healing visualisation work, applied alongside the more orthodox treatments in which he was a specialist. Carl and Stephanie produced a classic book of that time, on the subject of their results: ‘Getting Well Again’.

These three suggestions above are just a few of the many interesting and promising approaches which have been rabidly blanked and ignored by the bandwaggon-riders – apart from the occasional superciliously-scoffing dismissal-without-evidence; and without any actually-honest attempt at real appraisal.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Dec 22, 2020 7:58 PM

PS: Under no circumstances contaminate your mind in this search with any of the mind-sewage flowing from the Wikideceivia cess-pit; not on this subject, but if you’re wise not on any subject at all, even ‘non-contentious’ ones, as so many Wikidedeivia addicts routinely bleat.

There are no such subjects from that source. Once proven a liar, how can you ever trust it again. Or, putting it another way, if you go fishing in JWales’ moral, intellectual and spiritual cess-pit, why would you be surprised when **everything** that comes up is – inevitably – sullied with shite.

Dec 26, 2020 6:54 PM
Reply to  Maggie

Why, as others have pointed out but I can’t help myself, that would interrupt a lovely constant revenue stream, Goldman Sachs stated this outright at an investor conference. There is no real money in curing anything, better to “treat” an illness for the long term, all the better to bleed the plebes of any resources they might have left as well. What better way to get someone to spend every dime they have, along with the dimes they’ll be forced to borrow, to stay alive? Why, that next shot of chemotherapy will be the one that works for you, trust us, it’s for your own good!

Buster Bloodvessel
Buster Bloodvessel
Dec 21, 2020 9:55 PM

Re Russia China :-
Got to remember the orchestrators of all this are primarily bankers. The global system they’ve created leaves china as exposed as anyone to coercion by the main string pullers, also the population is already mostly under the cosh.
Russia is such a small economic power it won’t take much persuasion to keep them in line if a Tzar like position is up for grabs.

Also the military/economic power of the west ie US isn’t going to be dispersed. It’s envisaged to be under different control ie UN and backers … er who’s that ? , the bankers .
So anyone stepping out of line still faces overwhelming force. The smart dictators will obviously play ball , and who wouldn’t want to get rid of the troublesome underclass and low level individuals.
They call it a no-brainer nowadays don’t they ?

Dec 22, 2020 3:13 PM

You are getting warmer…

Russia, China, Iran. They are all tightly under the control of the bankers. Have been since the 19thC. What we’ve seen in the 20th century and 21stC, was a staged performance to create NGOs and Supranational organizations that control global policies and move capital around the world more efficiently, behind the scenes.

The new world order was formed after WWII. They admit it amongst themselves.

Jennifer Morgan, the executive director of Greenpeace International, said the world should use the current crisis to push “the reset button,” similar to what occurred after World War II, when Morgan says, “We set up a new world order.”

“We set up a new world order after World War II,” Morgan said. “We’re now in a different world than we were then. We need to ask, what can we be doing differently? The World Economic Forum has a big responsibility in that as well—to be pushing the reset button and looking at how to create well-being for people and for the Earth.”

Dec 21, 2020 9:42 PM

Yesterday I saw a beautiful picture of a German-
American. On the sword it says “Be prepared”.
comment image

Let’s forget that this motif was stolen.comment image

Dec 22, 2020 4:43 PM
Reply to  Hugo

Don’t bring Erasure into this.

Dec 21, 2020 9:21 PM

I don’t know. If they wanted to get something in on a massive scale to cause infertility – they’ve already got that route established via the global childhood vaccination programme, which is pretty much at 80 – 90% in most developed countries and taken up by bribing governments in poorer ones. Something in those vaxes over the last 10 years would cause a catastrophic drop in population in the next 20 and is much easier to do – so why go to all the bother of a fake pandemic to usher in these covid vacs? It doesn’t really make much sense. Unless it’s suddenly become so much more urgent? In which case is it depopulation by sterilisation or something more immediate? Or – I wonder if it is more to do with the economic backdrop another poster mentions – and this is simply about embedding control through nanotechnology within the next 5 years before the dollar collapses.

Who knows? The only thing certain is that we are being fed a pile of stinking bullshit, served up by a compliant press.

Fact Checker
Fact Checker
Dec 22, 2020 3:13 AM
Reply to  Despair!

This is a very good and important point to reckon with.

We can only infer the agenda by the intent implied by the character of the program.
This program necessarily prioritizes pan-generational inoculation. Why be insistent in inoculating the oldies, if sterilization is the primary objective? Definitely shows that sterilization is not the primary objective. However, that doesn’t mean that sterilization is NOT a subordinate objective.

The primary objective, as best I can gather, is to tag (brand) each and every head of human cattle with an irreversible marker. You take the Moderna shot, and its proprietary protein will be expressed by your cells ad infinitum. Besides that, it might just be inert.

The MAIN objective is a readable tag to brand somebody as goyim, so that they can be reliably distinguished from the chosen.

May Hem
May Hem
Dec 22, 2020 3:49 AM
Reply to  Fact Checker

This is probably their plan. Older people (like me) will probably be killed off by the jab if we are foolish enough to have it. We don’t need to be sterilized, and are not worth much by way of social impact bonds.

I suspect their jab will have varying degrees of harm/control according to the usefulness/profitability of the selected victims. Their already extensive data mining of all our personal information makes the job much easier.

Dec 26, 2020 7:18 PM
Reply to  May Hem

I don’t know. A derivative bet on an older person will pay off a lot quicker than on a younger person. While one might pay a higher “premium” on that bond, the payoff window is shorter and remember, they get paid in full when you die.

When I listened to Alison McDowell last night for the first time that thought is now stuck in my head for good. Of course they’re going to bet on outcomes such as this, and when one thinks about that for maybe 5 seconds it make perfect sense. After all, they made nice short bets on mortgage defaults when they made shitty loans to real people, why not bet on the ultimate short, eh? Once people have no property to bet against, why not just bet on their death? That is a guarantee and if that vax has anything to do with it, which I am sure it does, it makes the outcome a sure bet.

Dec 22, 2020 7:32 AM
Reply to  Despair!

Main goals of the project (Trying to tackle the crisis of capitalism, i.e. destroyed demand, rising pollution, scarce materials):
– Deflating the global ponzi scheme, and perhaps destroying much of the unpayable debts
– Deflecting blame for the collapse from central banks and the biggest speculators
– Plundering more public wealth: “rescuing” the biggest speculators and awarding “emergency” contracts, plundering welfare/pension funds, printing money
– Plundering more private wealth: acquiring businesses/property from bankrupts and short-selling shares
– Depopulating through destitution, restricting essentials including medical treatment, bio-warfare.
– Evading compensation for lay-offs and pollution
– Preparing to crush mass unrest
– Distracting from the failure of imperialism and related plunder
– Trying to thwart foreign counter-measures against imperialism

Dec 22, 2020 1:10 PM
Reply to  mgeo

Yup, that sounds about right.

Dec 22, 2020 3:49 PM
Reply to  mgeo

Not imperialism. They are thwarting counter measures against banker controlled governments; the NWO. NWO = UN. And that includes Russia, China, Iran. Those countries have central banks that are members of the BIS. Rothschild, Rockefeller owned central banks.

Those countries are not a bulwark to the imperialist West. They’re controlled opposition.

And the only biowarfare the cryptocracy possess besides poisoning our food, water, soil and air is the vaccines and iatrogenic murder. The vaccines are the killer and they can be triggered remotely using 5g, so different populations or geographical areas can be targeted in “waves” or simultaneously. They will call it Ebola or SARS21. None of it is viruses. Viruses do not exist. Not as contagious pathogens. They are fictitious constructs generated from normal biological processes.

PhRMA don’t want the public discovering that most of the treatments and drugs in modern medicine are based on fraud and deliver poor outcomes, especially biologics such as vaccines. Vaccines create disease, they don’t prevent disease. It’s a circular economy. A racket.

The key to achieving their economic agenda is the permanent lockdowns.

Dec 22, 2020 7:42 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Thank You! If only everyone had this knowledge and depth of understanding the world would already be in a much better position. It really doesn’t take very long to acquire it, but finding it has become a challenge for most.

I believe the vaccine ingredients are also separated by age group which answers the question that some were asking above. Sterilisation for the young… off to the knackers yard for the old.

Nanotech antennas in the brain can also receive signal from 5g – capability to project audiovisual halucinations direct to targets.

Dec 22, 2020 10:57 PM
Reply to  Tsubion

Yes. Exactly. Voice to skull technology. ELF. VLF. Controlling brainwaves, moods and thoughts through 5g.

“A proposal to develop a new way to remotely control brain cells from Sarah Stanley, a Research Associate in Rockefeller University’s Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, headed by Jeffrey M. Friedman, is among the first to receive funding from U.S. President Barack Obama’s BRAIN initiative. The project will make use of a technique called radio-genetics that combines the use of radio waves or magnetic fields with nanoparticles to turn neurons on or off.“


It’s going to cause neurological damage similar to what happened to the diplomats in Havana. They may have been victims of their own government’s frequency experiments at US embassies:

Dec 22, 2020 4:56 PM
Reply to  mgeo

Yes, that list is about right.
The plandemic is a cover for several of their goals.
The depopulation goal is probably secondary to the economic collapse that is their primary concern, since they need a distraction away from it so they are not blamed for it. Then they can bring in their digital currency and go cashless.
All of the other goals are also probably secondary too, but they are all being accomplished with the plandemic as cover for them.

Dec 22, 2020 7:51 PM
Reply to  Justin

That’s all well and good. But something tells me that this time… they are not going to get away with all of this. Too many people already know what the game is and how it is played. “They” were already lining themselves up for a royal arse kicking long before they played the plandemic card. It doesn’t matter what they try to do, how they try to cover it up, how they try to distract us. There is a lust for punishment in the air in every single community that has been shafted this past year. That’s not going away any time soon. And if the courts don’t do their job. Or the military. Then the people will.

Grace Johns
Grace Johns
Dec 21, 2020 9:18 PM

They wouldn’t collapse economies simply to depopulate – they could EASILY have put infertility-causing crap in the birth control pill for the last fifty years.

And why all the focus only ever directed at the Five Eyes or Russia/China. There IS a whole other world out there. Take Mexico as an example – they can’t even provide drinking water, over 50% don’t have bank accounts. Are they really gonna build a cashless, digital transhuman world by 2030? Or are we all to be eliminated and only the “advanced” nation states allowed to survive? Or will we be left with some autonomous existence and no essential services?

What does the Deep State do in its off-time? Dont oligarchs need theatre, art, music, literature? They won’t get that from robotic humans. If you had all the cash in the world, would you want to live in a bunker? I think not. We’re so used to seeing dystopian movies where daily life is played out exactly the same but isn’t that an even uglier world than the billionaires are keen to wipe out?

Why are there never any articles about crypto? I usually find the comments here more insightful than the articles so wonder what the hive thinks about BTC – and the amount of KYC required to acquire some.

Dec 21, 2020 9:02 PM

“We, the working class, were at best only to be tolerated for what use we could be to them”

what is even more tragic, pathetic even…is that we read echo words from 100’s of years ago with a gasp of surprise.

I Laugh.

Reachable Spike
Reachable Spike
Dec 21, 2020 8:53 PM

This is far-fetched. A decline in population means a decline in the technology that the plutotechnocrats are so infatuated with. An overlooked truth is that all technology, from spears on up, exists only to maintain population. (If you reflexively disagree with that statement I would ask you to consider it further.)

That they may not have thought of, but what they are well aware of is that diminished population means a diminution of the capitalism they are so infatuated with. Indeed, their drive is the relentless drive for expanding markets.

Dec 21, 2020 9:04 PM

Perhaps they realise that on our finite world, the relentless drive for expanding markets will hit a wall, and is now hitting a wall.

They already have all they need to completely dominate this world.

But now they want to keep this world in as good a condition as possible, but while also keeping a hold of their power and wealth, and so also keeping access to the opulent luxury to which they have become accustomed.

How many people are needed to service that luxury?

Tomoola Sitchin
Tomoola Sitchin
Dec 21, 2020 9:59 PM
Reply to  ity

The Georgia Guidestones say only half a billion, but technology has moved on a great deal since 1980 and perhaps that number can now be reduced significantly.

Dec 22, 2020 9:38 AM
Reply to  ity

There are plenty of “immature” markets to exploit.

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Dec 21, 2020 10:25 PM

Go look at the research of Alison McDowell on human capital investing and social impact bonds at wrenchinthegears.com.

Dec 22, 2020 9:35 AM

I kind of agree, in my brighter moments. How much “surplus value” can you extract from a robot especially if the market is kaput ?