Sometimes you drain the swamp & sometimes the swamp drains you
Andrew Korybko

Trump sincerely thought that he could irreversibly effect significant long-term change to the way that America is run by “draining the swamp” that all of his supporters so deeply despise, but he ultimately lacked the strength time and again to take the decisive steps that were necessary in order to execute this grand strategic vision due to several important reasons that deserve to be discussed at length.
The Commander-In-Chief Capitulates
The Trump Era is over after the incumbent announced in the day after Wednesday’s storming of the US Capitol that “My focus now turns to ensuring a smooth, orderly and seamless transition of power”, which was widely interpreted by friends and foes alike as the tacit concession that he previously promised never to provide a little more than 24 hours prior during his speech at the Save America Rally.
At that event, he literally said that “We will never give up. We will never concede, it doesn’t happen. You don’t concede when there’s theft involved”, yet completely changed his tune following the day’s tumultuous events and after mysteriously “going dark” for over 24 hours, during which time some speculate that he was forced by his enemies in the permanent military, intelligence, and diplomatic bureaucracies (“deep state”) to give up the fight.
Betraying His Base
This totally devastated his supporters who elected him primarily for the purpose of executing his chief promise to “drain the swamp” that all of them so deeply despise. They truly believed that he could irreversibly effect significant long-term change to the way that America is run, something which Trump himself also sincerely thought he could do as well, but he ultimately lacked the strength time and again to take the decisive steps that were necessary in order to do so.
Thus, he ended up getting swallowed by the same “swamp” that he attempted to drain, which is licking its lips after feasting on the political carcass that he’s since become as a result of his capitulation. For as much hope as he inspired in his supporters and the respect that many of them still have for him, most of them are profoundly disappointed that he gave up and didn’t go down fighting.
That’s not to say that the vast majority of them expected him to forcefully resist Biden’s impending inauguration, but just that they never thought they’d see the day where he publicly capitulated after carefully cultivating such a convincing reputation among them as a fighter who literally said a little more than 24 hours prior that “We will never give up. We will never concede, it just doesn’t happen.”
This prompted an ongoing soul-searching process among the most sober-minded of them who aren’t indoctrinated with the cultish Q-Anon claims that Trump still has a so-called “master plan” that he’s preparing to implement after this latest “5D chess” move. It’s over, the Trump Era has ended, and the “Make America Great Again” (MAGA) movement that he inspired is now at risk of being declared a “domestic terrorist” organization in the coming future.
Trump’s Most Fatal Political Miscalculation
“Biden’s America Would Be A Dystopian Hellhole”, like the author predicted a few months ago, and all of Trump’s supporters know that. Some had already resigned themselves to its seeming inevitability after his efforts to legally reverse the contested results of the latest elections failed for a variety of reasons that most of them attribute to the “swamp’s” corruption, but they nevertheless remained as positive as possible after having believed that their hero would go down with them to the end.
None ever thought twice about his promise to “never give up, never concede”, and they even expected him to have to be escorted from the White House on 20 January, yet his tacit concession is forcing many of them to re-evaluate their views about him in hindsight. Not only is he going out with a whimper on the “deep state’s” terms, but he never fully “drained the swamp”.
Trump’s most fatal political miscalculation is that he thought that he could change the system from the “inside-out” after symbolically — yet importantly, not substantively — taking control of it as America’s first modern-day “outsider” President. He immediately switched from an “outsider” to an “insider” shortly after his inauguration by capitulating to the “deep state’s” demands that he fire former National Security Advisor Flynn, which was his “original sin” that paved the way for all that would later follow.
Trump the self-professed “deal-maker” thought that he could strike a “compromise” with his enemies through these means, but all that he did was embolden them to intensify their fake news-driven efforts to oust him and continue sabotaging him from within through many of the same “swamp” creatures that he naively continued to surround himself with.
RINOs + MSM = Trump’s Defeat
The most reviled among them in the eyes of his base is “Javanka”, the popular portmanteau of Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner and his daughter Ivanka. He continued listening to these “Republicans In Name Only”, or RINOs as many MAGA members describe them, as well as many others such as those who still sit in Congress but pretended to be his friend just to win re-election.
Furthermore, the influence that his former reality TV career had on him resulted in Trump remaining obsessed with how his enemies might malign him in the Mainstream Media (MSM) for any decisive moves that he took to smash the “deep state”. This weakness of character proved to be his greatest personal flaw since he should have followed his instincts instead of submitting to the egoistic desire to be “liked” by his foes.
So influenced was he by the MSM that his enemies were able to employ the most basic “reverse-psychology” tricks to manipulate him into “playing it safe” in his struggle against the “deep state”. They fearmongered since even before he entered office that he’d turn into a so-called “dictator”, yet he never seriously contemplated any such authoritarian moves in that direction despite always having the possibility of utilizing the immense powers vested in him by the Constitution to do so if he sincerely wanted.
His MAGA supporters passionately pleaded that he should have turned into his enemies’ worst nightmare by declaring at least limited martial law in response to the decades-long Hybrid War of Terror on America finally going kinetic last summer after Antifa and “Black Lives Matter” (BLM) orchestrated nationwide riots to oust him.
Trump’s Three Greatest Failures
Bewildering his base, Trump also failed to revoke Article 230 despite now-proven fears that it would empower Big Tech to censor him and his supporters, nor did he thwart the Democrats’ mail-in ballot and Dominion voting system schemes which they argue ultimately led to them stealing the election.
Just as concerning was his decision to not stop the Democrat Governors from locking down their populations for political reasons under the convenient pretext of COVID-19. The author addressed all of these issues in his analysis published shortly after the election about why “The Anti-Trump Regime Change Sequence Is Worthwhile Studying”. Trump could have legally exercised near-”dictatorial” powers to avert all of this and thus save America as his supporters see it, yet time and again he failed to gather the strength needed to do so due to his deep personal flaws.
The Hybrid War On America Is Over
While Trump was unquestionably victimized by the “deep state” during his entire time in office, he’s no longer as much of a martyr as he used to be after suddenly giving up the fight following Wednesday’s storming of the US Capitol. He surrendered to the shock of his base, was subsequently swallowed by the “swamp”, and is now being mercilessly destroyed in an ominous sign of what awaits the rest of the MAGA movement in the Biden-Kamala era.
Had he gone down fighting to the end and “never gave up” like he promised, then it would be an altogether different story, but instead his over-hyped “deal-making” instincts got the best of him at the very last minute and he foolishly thought that he could save himself by capitulating to their demands. The “deep state” is now showing their “thanks” by censoring him from social media and pushing for his impeachment.
The MAGA movement always believed that the country has already been at “war” for years even though most couldn’t articulate the hybrid nature of it like the author did in his piece last summer about how “The Hybrid War Of Terror On America Was Decades In The Making”.
They truly felt that Trump shared their threat assessment after he was viciously attacked by the “deep state” from the second that he stepped onto the campaign trail, but it turned out that he underestimated the threat even though his enemies never did. To the “deep state” and their public Democrat proxies, this was always a “war” in its own way, which they never shied away from expressing.
The supreme irony is that while Trump lambasted the “weak Republicans” in his Save America Rally speech, he himself ultimately epitomized that very same weakness by later surrendering.
The “Deep State” Won
His opponents know no limits and believe in classic Machiavellian fashion that “the ends justify the means”, whereas he thought that he could play by the rules — and not even all of them as was early explained by pointing out his refusal to employ the near-”dictatorial” powers vested in him by the Constitution — and still come out on top.
His naïveté will go down in history since it’s what’s most directly responsible for him failing to fully recognize the seriousness of the “deep state’s” no-holds-barred war on him and the rest of America.
As a born-and-raised New Yorker, Trump perfected the art of slick talking, so much so that he even managed to dupe his base into believing that he shared their threat assessment about the decades-long Hybrid War of Terror on America. They fell for this charade since they desperately wanted to believe that there was still some hope left.
There isn’t, though, since the war is over and the “deep state” won once and for all. The “Great Reset”/”Fourth Industrial Revolution” brought about by World War C is barreling forward at full speed ahead, and practically every domestic accomplishment that Trump has to his name will likely be reversed by Biden-Kamala during their first year in office, especially since the “deep state’s” Democrat proxies control all branches of government now (remembering that the Supreme Court’s supposed “conservative supermajority” really just consists of RINOs as was proven by their refusal to hear his team’s convincing election fraud cases).
After “Analyzing The MAGA Movement’s Democratic Security Failure” on Wednesday, it’s clear that whatever “master plan” he and/or the MAGA movement might have had backfired and was actually exploited by their opponents.
The Real “Master Plan”
In fact, the only real “master plan” was that of the “deep state”, which effectively thwarted every one of Trump’s moves and ultimately turned his supporters’ “last hurrah” of a mostly peaceful rally into the nail that’ll now be hammered into the MAGA movement’s coffin.
It’s extremely suspicious that the US Capitol was so poorly defended despite there being an ongoing session of Congress on such an historic day and after weeks of preparation to ensure the site’s safety ahead of Trump’s long-planned Save America March.
It’s even more baffling that some of the police officers removed the barricades and even opened the doors to some of the protesters, which in hindsight suggests that the “deep state” wanted to tempt the most “overly passionate” among them (to say nothing of suspected provocateurs) into storming the site as the pretext for what followed.
The whole point in passively facilitating this scenario through the masterful exploitation of crowd psychology was to lay the basis for a comprehensive nationwide crackdown against the MAGA movement on the grounds that it’s now “proven” to be a “domestic terrorist” group.
That explains the push behind impeaching Trump less than two weeks before he himself acknowledged just the other day that he’ll be leaving office after ensuring the “transition of power”.
Had he not surrendered, then he probably would still be a martyr to most of the MAGA movement, but now he’s just a palace hostage awaiting his highly publicized political execution as the opening salvo of the “deep state’s” Democrat-driven reprisals against his supporters in the name of “defending against domestic terrorism”. That, not whatever Q-Anon imagines, is the real “master plan”, and it succeeded.
Concluding Thoughts
Trump was swallowed by the “swamp” because he lacked the strength to drain it. Every MAGA member needs to accept this harsh truth no matter how painful it might be. Time and again, he failed to muster up the strength needed to meaningfully fulfill what many sincerely believed to be his destiny.
This was due to his fatal political miscalculation of transforming from an “outsider” into an “insider” in a doomed-to-fail attempt to change the system from within. He continued relying on RINOs despite their proven unreliability. Trump’s obsession with how his foes portrayed him in the MSM also led to him never seriously countenancing the use of the near-”dictatorial” powers vested in him by the Constitution to save America.
He pathetically surrendered after the “deep state’s” “master plan” succeeded, and now he can’t even go down in history as a martyr.
Originally published on One World Press
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Trump was part of the show…nothing more nothing less. They had the goods on him for decades. He made Izzrail grate again. That was about it. Notice Jizzlaid Maxwell, the Mossad kiddy victim procurer watching her mark in the background of the video below from 92 as the king of bankruptcy eyes the broads and “struts” his stuff.
Meanwhile Kill Bill Gates gets to poison Planet Sheeple and nobody ever questions his association with Mossad kiddy porn snuff director, Epstein or Kill Bill’s sojourns on Pedovore Island. Anyone remember the CIA Operation Brownstone”? It’s global and it’s Satanic.
King of Bankruptcy and King Pedovore
Kill Bill and King Pedovore
How could Trum ‘drain the swamp’ when he lives in the swamp. contributes to the swamp and essentially is part of the swamp.
This story is sh!te. Trump is a swamp dweller.
Trump is just the same as all the other oligarchs and would be oligarchs. He is a rich, privileged, white entrepreneur. His propaganda campaign in which he claimed to be on the side of the poor and unemployed whites is just about the biggest lie which has been swallowed wholesale since Goebbles was whitewashing the Nazi regime.
How you fools here can fall for this tripe has me absolutely beat.
Trump in his political ineptitude resembles Jimmy Carter, an idealist incapable of wielding power. Neither man had the gumption, nor the charisma (much the same thing) to win over the apparatchiki. Both vain and selfish men (like all politicians), neither inspired sufficient love nor fear to gather support, unlike Reagan or Clinton, both of whom exuded calm confidence. Trump differs from Carter in that Trump’s social incapacity manifests in bombast, and Carter’s in staged humility. Neither could convince the ruling classes, and so were ushered away.
The elevation of Biden, an aged hack, is a signal the republic is finally overturned. The feds not only can convict but now can elect and govern through a ham sandwich.
Does the author know how to read Trump’s speech or is he so BIAS as not to see?
Trump DID NOT capitulate. Read careFOOLY. It can go both waze.
Trump was never going to drain the swamp. He was a clown put in place by America’s masters, to keep an endless supply of material for their media and to stir up hatred among citizens.
It’s funny because citizens should be uniting against the puppeteers. Or they would be if they knew they even existed, or knew they were being played.
“Quite a number already know this. That number keeps growing with each passing day. Got Debs?”
F**k Twitter.
#Boycott Twitter.
“The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government and I’m here to help.” Remember that line? That was Ronnie Raygun back in 1986, with one of his (or his ghost writers’) versions for ‘draining the swamp’ then, getting government off our backs, and blah, blah, blah. Agitprop thrown the masses so the corporate state could get down to bizzness as usual in dispossessing ‘we the people’ by rolling back government programs for social welfare and building up wealth and power for elites via the MIC and Wall Street (complementary to Iron Bitch Thatcher’s neoliberal programs for a greater fascism in Britain).
Hardly anything original, such marketing ads. Politricking fronts of the ruling class have been campaigning before and after getting into office with noble lies of populism covering for their brands of treachery as long as the fraudulence of capitalist democracy and representative government have been around. In the post-WWII era of Pox Americana, the U$ CEOs for the Fortune 500 routinely have disguised their institutional role in managing the empire under cover of brands of reform that keep promising power to the people with one hand while taking it away with the other.
But when it comes to the greatest show on earth, it’s the words attributed to P.T. Barnum that there’s a sucker born every minute (or at least every election season) which ring truest. So now we’ve got the ringmasters retiring the Donald and installing good ole Creepy Joe to ‘build back better’ on behalf of the Great Reset. That’s after Swamp Thang has played his part as dictator of distraction overseeing such achievements as the greatest robbery of the commons in human history and launch of technofascism under Operation Warp(ed) Speed, all thanks to a global coup with which he’s been entirely complicit. And his manufactured base of true believers still carry on with the covidiocy as much as the controlled opposition of the faux left.
The more things change, the more they stay the same (only worse!).
The Q group are patriots with access to a quantum computer able to untangle timelines from a possibility/probability vortex.
Their movement was designed to awaken many individuals with key roles to play in the real Operation Warpspeed.
The majority of these folks had some connection to the military or other branches of government including the police.
In 2012 nearly all technology, ancient or more modern, was suddenly rendered non functional.
The Mayans were obviously dead right with their calender.
The race was on to gain absolute supremacy in the prediction game.
All major stakeholders have access to quantum computing, but the US has the upper hand.
The true value of quantum computers lies not in the task of pure number crunching, but in its ability to predict probabilities of complex situations.
The quantum computer exposes the most probable timelines and delivers the results in numerical form that correspond to actual events and dates/times .
“The only kinds of fights worth fighting are those you’re going to lose, because somebody has to fight them and lose and lose and lose until someday, somebody who believes as you do wins.”
― I.F. Stone
President Trump has declared a State of Emergency in the District of Columbia.
White House
Not reported anywhere else that I can see.
Try the Whitehouse website
Strange that it is reported by overseas news outlets, ignored by domestic.
Strange also that U.S. Capitol Police officer commits suicide days after riots …… Saw something he didn’t oughta? Stepped out of the thin blue line?
Witness protection?
To everyone that believes in the rule of law congratulations President trump has won.
Correction, President Trump has not signed the Insurrection Act.
My error.
OW look the fruitcakes and cult follower spent another new moon being juiced , Trump has not signed the Insurrection Act. BUT BUT BUT
Cult of BIG disclosure keep watching.donate huge Arrests and stay tuned keep watching
it happening – keep watching- it happening soon, BIG disclosure huge Arrests . it Happening soon psyop AND distraction
Simple simon and Q nonsense told another lie to the sheep
President Trump has signed the Insurrection Act.
Proof? And don’t link to Simon Parkes’ YouTube channel. He’s provided no evidence whatsoever for his claims. He says he talks to aliens and “Q” on the telephone.
comment is above
Please stop spreading Q-propaganda — they originate out of Asia and are a silly, cartoonish disinfo outlet of the CCP!
When a serious traceroute is done on the Q lines it tracks back to a Filipino Maoist group.
Capitol Riot: 10 Questions — James Tracy’s Memory Hole Blog
Gosh, evrn more baffling and scarey and reminescent of 1963, never seen footage of the murder of Ms. BABBIT showing collusion between police and antifa agitators, taken by an independent Japanese reporter!
!nd this is the real plan begun almost 50 years ago:
Great article but consider how many thousands of people the Islamist extremist, Erdogan of Turkey, had to fire and imprison, to dismantle the positive Deep State structure Attaturk put in place to keep that country secular? Functioned admirably for many years.
Dems enthusiatically voted from Bill Clinton, Obama, Hillary and Biden. All corrupt and compromised. Repubs voted for Bush Jr., Romney, and Trump. All corrupt and compromised. Both accuse the other of corruption, dishonesty and hypocrisy. Both are right, of course.
Reality, though, is not possible to perceive when limited to a diet of mainstream news. Neither is it a trivial task to navigate the rough seas online disinformation.’
Unless one is privy to big-picture high-level (and secret) information, one is left to attempt to identify and assemble a complex jigsaw puzzle using one’s own sleuthing and intuition skills.
Common people without inside knowledge can still interpret the world, however. War is evil, and those who advocate war have been seduced by evil. Kindness and generosity are among the highest values. On the other hand, those who are selish and cruel pollute our world. Etc,, etc.
Let us keep in mind that the most evil cloak themselves in the garb of peace, kindness and generosity, in order to dine on sheep who wishfully and willfully refused to judge behavior rather than be seduced with addictive slogans. Let us also keep in mind that no leaders can remain in power without the compliance of the rest of us.
Any of should be able to recognize Joe Biden as evil. His “track record” is one of corruption, budget cutting, war and authoritarian legislation. And Trump? One of the great mysteries of human civilization is that Trump, the ultimate swap creature, was elected by promising to “clean the swamp”.
I literally want to copy and paste this comment and send it to as many people as I can. You capture it precisely.
That is fairly accurate but Trump did push back against America’s China Class and the CCP — more than you can say for commies like the Bidens, Obamas, Clintons, Bushes, etc.
Trump’s America First Hoax: Trump is an Israeli agent. He put #Mossad asset #JaredKushner in charge of infiltration of US Intelligence and Defense. Bidens are Chinese agents? Charles Kushner (Jared’s father), is an agent of #AnbangInsurance, a Chinese Communist front group.
All US presidents, vice-presidents, chiefs of staff, etc are Israeli agents, or more accurately, are in effect the same thing.
“commies like the Bidens, Obamas, Clintons, Bushes, etc.”
If you think that the above mentioned capitalist clowns are “commies”, then you really, REALLY, need to get an education, because clearly you don’t know your arse from your elbow.
“Trump, the ultimate swap creature…” I do not think you have any idea what the ‘swamp’ is to make such a claim.
Otherwise, a great post.
Note: I drafted this as a response, but the person is not worthy of a reply, so I’ll post it here instead.
I’ve always said that Q is a deep-state operation. It’s the NSA, military intelligence, etc. It’s just a different deep state to the CIA/MI6 deep state. And I’ve always said that people should at least know what “the plan” is. They should know what it is because it’s by far the most coherent explanation for what is happening now, and for what has happened over the last four years.
A couple of years ago I thought a deal had been struck between the opposing factions, and it was all going to be wound down. But I changed that view after the Covid911, attempted colour revolution. The overwhelming view on this site, from contributors and posters, was that Trump would fall in June 2020. I was one of only a handful of people saying Trump would survive.
I can’t predict the details of what’s happening now, but I think Trump will survive this because:
a) he has the ammunition
b) it would make no sense to go this far and not see it through
c) even though it seems to be going to the precipice, it still fits a coherent plan
For some time now, the best rolling updates have been provided by X22 Report:
I’ve only recently started following Simon Parkes, but in his latest update he claims to have spoken to the real Q. Of course, as anybody who’s been following Q posts would know, this would breach the “no outside comms” principle.
I’m not at all impressed. Appeared on the scene coincidental with Gen McInerney and all the misinformation about “hammer and scorecard” which was a blatant distraction from clear and convincing evidence of election fraud.
Parkes does far too much, “I could have told you beforehand but then I’d have had to kill you.”
Your on the ball wow from 1 psyop to another Now your following simon charlatan parkes.
HE gets excepted into the Q nonsense and trump Savior psyop and becames one of there star leaders over night.
Do you not do basic checks on who you start to worship?? or do they have to say code words like Q and trump maga and its like there chosen to lead you.
Negative, far too silly and cartoonish and tracks back to a Filipino Maoist group directed by the CCP!
We’ve been manipulated into fighting against each other over trivial differences to divert us from the fact that we’re all in the same boat.
Andrew Korybko: “That, not whatever Q-Anon imagines, is the real “master plan”, and it succeeded.”
Okay, I’m trying to figure this out. With regard specifically to this thread, are we allowed to post direct links to Q posts? For instance, Q has stated explicitly that there is no “Qanon” (#4881). Instead, there is Q and there are anons. I personally think this is debatable, and that Qanon is a collective name for a highly amorphous movement and method of enquiry. Furthermore, that movement and method predates Q and was to some extent co-opted by Q. The movement will also outlive Q, though it may retain the name. As a movement, Qanon stands in opposition to the hierarchical, hive-mind vacuity of the Rationalists and Neo-Platonists. In short, Qanon is Blakean. Welcome to Jerusalem!
We do not want either Greek or Roman models if we are but just & true to our own imaginations, those Worlds of Eternity in which we shall live forever; in Jesus our Lord.
– William Blake
Oh please
So what happened to my other posts?
Q Alerts is back up so I’ll try again. The following is a critical part of “the plan”.
Q (Oct 17, 2020):
I’m going to bring the whole diseased, corrupt temple down on your head. It’s gonna be Biblical.
Enjoy the show!
Please – can we have more of Andrew Karybko. I’ve seen him on Peter Lavelle. For such an acutely well informed young chap about international politics, he demonstrates an equally rigorous understanding about Trumps psyche.
Andrew Korybko is probably one of the best geo-political analysts I’ve come across and his depth of knowledge across all continents shines through. A very warm and engaging person.
He runs a site called OneWorld Press. Recently accused by mainstream media and The Daily Beast of being GRU agents. Well if it is, they are most measured and balanced in the history of intelligence services.
The best is yet to come.
Your be saying that on the way to the concentration camps!!!

‘trust the plan’ is a never ending story psyop
Similar to the ‘best is yet to come’ …..
you trumpsters have your own Down Syndrome language.
WWG1WGA, another bunch of devotees similar to a cult who will not except there guru is a oppressor
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”Reinhold Niebuhr
Pardon moi for the lenght.
I dont know whats with people this days, the shere avalange of bollocks is baffling, the inability to conect the dots to what was, the past, to the present is making me think there must be something, hehe, with the narrative, or should we say in this uh…. conpiracy tinfoil hat wearing days, in the tap water, and the rethotic, about Trump, I have my issues, and I have never been quiet about them, but then to whine about things when most of it have been inplace before Trump came into the WH, incl children in gages to wars, Obamalama started more wars than any other American president ever, with Hitlary the Beast from Little Rock beside, after Her husband stole Social sec and now, witch could be massive, is completely eradicated out of existence, and the sactions, etc, most of them are just continuations of existing systems, we can always blame Trump for something, but please, do know the difference and dont just throw bollocks because of the people whom wanted change, when Obamalama said it, you belived, and what happened, again, he pissed upon you all, and have since laughed all the way to the bank, the economic crashes, the insane austeritys, the bailins and outs, you name it to color revolutions.
This isnt to defend Trump, for me, He was more an castrat, singing but otherwise balless, but also tied, unable to move, and been relentlessly attacked by those that defenses the past witch in no way was better.
Then we have the eh….. storming?, and if you look at videos, what sticks out is, what storming, some gass clouds, yea, means what, an Cop throving an gass can, but take an look for your self, it was never in any way what the MSM wants you to belive, and the army of people crawling all over the sites wants you to persive, along with profanitys about people whom did suported Trump, because they hoped for change, you cant attack them, maybe for been a bit naive, but one thing shal be the thing Trump did, exposed them all, in an way witch is unpresedented despite His flaws, nobody have done that in this level, He exposed them all, and if you havent gotten it yet, you have an problem, nobody else, incl the people whom did their duty as free citizens of the USA, did the protesting.
Rioting, again, what riot, the worst thing I can come up with, after watching some videos, is minore, a window, probably by the AntiFags/BLMs/eh…leftards?, and one man whom ran off with an piece of the furiture, nothing else, and if I drag that further, maybe the stormers should have wiped their shoos off before entering the Hill, stepping on the fine carpets on the floor in the hallway, what an horrible crime, right.
What storming, do you see anything, do enlighten us.
So, I know I am pushing the attention span to the limit.
BUT, I have thru the years found out that Americans, not that I want to call em stupid, but regarding world poltics, more infantile, naive, brainwashed to such an extent thru the decades/centurys of propaganda, where the various Gov always have had an enemy, it have variated, from muslims etc to what it have become to day, domestic terrorism aka conservatives whatever that means, and not only in the MSM but also thru an army of so called Alternative MSM, witch have feed upon this narratives and played upon this, but overall, gone the same erant as the Gov wanted them to go, and witch have resulted in wars upon wars, and stil some want more wars, like the broad attack line on Iran, just to give you one ex to the strangling of others, like western sahara to the Palestinians.
Then we have the new enemy, in mainly the so called alternative ugh….. rightwinged? whatever whom sommehow manages to blame everything on socialism, yea, apart from the weather because thats Putins fault, despite that, I found Putin to be an scoundrel, the Russian Gov rotten to its core, that dont mean I hate Russians but there will always be those that cant differentiate at all.
Whom is the “enemy” Americans, socialism, China, Russia, Iran, huh.
I have saxed this from P. L. Gonzalez.
Social media networks, payment processors, airlines, hotels, streaming services, and online vendors are strangling people based on ideology but TPUSA is still complaining about “socialism.” Burn your money or donate it to TPUSA, it’s the same thing.
Yup, briliantly summarised everything in some few lines, and why, do you refuse to see them when they are right infront of your very own eyes, and yet, you blame some imaginary enemy witch have nothing to do with this coup, its an class war, its the oligarcs, the robber barons, witch have an army of buttspreaders in the capitol Hill to their abuse, and this bitches do whatever they are told, do notice how the RepubliCONs threw you under the buss, is that to the Chines fault.
So, I hope the Americans whom stil have some parts of their bran fuctional, can notice the difference, in Norway we have the same problem, but we are an so called socialistic nation, but we are held hostages by the same pack of scums that is plundering your nation and resources, and have nothing but contempt for everyone of us, and an Gov that do whatever they want and whom are we then to blame, the Hottentots, Maoris, communism is an tool for social unrest, and when they have done their job, thrown under the buss, because the PTB wants us to fight each others, as long we do, they will win.
Unite and you have an chanse, if not, well, I am old, and my life span expectanse isnt that long anymore and I will not have to live in the totalistaian regime that comes, but the sole reason for me to even bother, is for our children, and their children.
And to all of you whom went to the protest, you have my deepest respect.
It truly is an war, against the dark forces.
You all need to take an stand.
Be the light.
We have the same problem worldwide. Singling out and scorning the Americans is simply divisive. It has always been the People against the Oppressors. The Americans are people and have Oppressors bearing down on them like the rest of us. There is a cancer that needs to be removed lest it devour us all.
The overtone of Korybko’s writing is excessively defeatist. When the “Deep State” applies such overt tools to steal the U.S. election, imposes censorship, labels millions of American citizens as potential “domestic terrorists”, silences the still incumbent U.S. President, resorts to provocation, deprives Americans of essential liberties through Covid, curfews or other bogus emergencies, then it means that the establishment behind the “Deep State” is scared. Scared not as much of Donald Trump as scared of You – the People. I know it since I live in a central European country with a very bitter experiences with dicatorship. When the power starts to resort to an open forgery and uses coercion or force it reveals its weakness, not strength. Its power derives only from the passive attitude of majority of population, nothing more. What this so called ‘liberal elite’ in America hopes for is to return to the good old days, when the whole Middle America remained voiceless, silent, isolated, without any leadership or political representation. Now it is their objective to ‘legally’ separate the ‘progressive America’ from the ‘populist’ one and they might even inspire separation, violence or secessionist moves to achieve it. But MAGA movement must not play this delusional vision of retreat to entrench in false sense of local security. That’s what the ‘Deep State’ wants to achieve – to herd the popular opposition into their home arrests and their privacy soon to be possibly separated by walls, sanitary wards, wired fences or a new Indian reservation. Americans would never win their Independence by acting in defense only, by retreating to ‘wait and see’ tactics as Korybko suggests. What must be done is to recapture Your state institutions that have been stolen and turned into a travesty of American political tradition. Before that happens a common awareness is needed that those who appear to rule as a new ‘government’ are just a tiny bunch of criminals who try to impress the whole world that their power has no limits, that they monopolised the mass media and economy, that they are invincible. Do not let this delusion of ‘Deep State’ victory to dominate Your outlook. Yes, I agree that Trump failed as a leader in a time of crisis but MAGA (or however we call it) but all the people who really care for America need to maintain representation, authority and leadership. They shouldn’t accept a comfortable fantasy that sooner or later the ‘Deep State’ would crumble under its own weight and then by some miracle a new movement would be born. If Trump indicates that ‘its only the beginning’ then his supporters should join him in any action he offers. All Republican politicians, conservative or libertarian societies, local communities, state legislatures or any other active group must be engaged in this action. Struggle for political freedom always involves risk and mistakes. Trump certainly made a lot of them. But it is the People who are sovereign, not any office, institution or technological dicatorship. When the Constitution, the congressional debate and civil liberties are ruined by ‘elite’ it is the responsibility of the People to act in emergency to restore law, order and liberty. The ‘Deep State’ perfectly understands that after the four years of Trump and the emergence of trumpism as a social-political fact there can not be any turning back to the business as usual. Not under normal and peaceful circumstances. That’s why they are so frightened and act in panic. That’s why they impose health and security ’emergencies’ to incapacitate the population, to make it superfluous and useless. We saw it in totalitarian regimes.
The world needs the U.S. not as an imperial power but as an example of well established social contract, human liberty and hope for a better future. The European ‘elites’ are in revolt against their people too but here we won’t have a chance for any anti-establishment president to support us. That’s why in Europe we still believe that not all has been lost in America.
Lt. General Thomas Mcinerney,
“special forces imbedded in Antifa rioters have Nancy Pelosi’s laptop”
Panic in DC would ban understatement.
Bring it on
laptop always the laptop it on the laptop he/she left the laptop at
it etc etc et was found there# etc etc etc bullshit
laptop psyop used as much as the immaculate passport psyop found at the scene of crime in a burning inferno it aimed at idiots
Are you saying that Hunter Biden’s laptop and the released information that it contains is of no value?
Conflating 911 with the current conspiracies is not helpful. This would need an article of longer length and written by an unbiased observer which you are not.
Instead of saying etc. etc. bullshit, why not explain why this is your position?
Or does this not fit in with your soundbite posting?
Historically speaking, the problem with the “deep state” is essentially that the current system has corrupted itself to a point where it is so far from what is claimed, or perhaps appears to be, that there is no way to fix it from within by rebuilding it, by “draining the swamp”.
Klaus “Cockroach” Schwab et al understand this, hence the Great Reset, a new vision for the future. Of course, they want a future for themselves, but that’s another story.
Even if Trump were entirely sincere in his effort to “drain the swamp”, he had nothing to offer apart from some vague anachronistic concept of Making America Great Again. What the fuck is that supposed to mean anyway, eh? The only thing he had behind him was populism which in itself is an empty concept.
Like it or not, a change will only come if people formulate a new philosophy, ideology, and if the new ideology is proposed and embraced on a broad scale. Ideally in a non-violent fashion.
Right now, there is fuck all, people are still stuck on all sorts of left-right bullshit dichotomies, (fake) democracy, the games that have been played for decades if not hundreds of years.
If you ask me, it would be nice if the ideology of the future was loosely based on Hayek’s spontaneous order.
If Trump can pull something off this week or early next, the new plan is already waiting in the wings. It’s called Nesara/Gesara. It’s a new economic system not based on a debt based system.
Heard that one before. Fraud.
It’s a real framework plan, it’s just whether it can be implemented is the question.
“Like it or not, a change will only come if people formulate a new philosophy, ideology, and if the new ideology is proposed and embraced on a broad scale. Ideally in a non-violent fashion.”
Sure. So we the people have had centuries or more to figure the answer out. Repeating the dilemma is not enlightening. Idealism has no voice with tyrants.
All this talk of the ‘deep state’ yet no one can name them. Lol.
you must have been born yesterday. In America it’s the alphabet agencies but obviously all runs back to Rothschild and the Vatican.
eustace mullins
the curse of canaan
old names
very old
and new ones
written in the 1980s
still up to date
If you think it stops at the Vatican and Rothschilds, maybe you were born yesterday.
well actually no, it goes off planet or interdimensionally if you want to go that deep.
Start here.
Corbett is owned like almost everyone else. Gives you everything but the source.
In Covid-19 Period, Honest online career from home, Now A Days Scam is every where but don’t worry , every one is not a cheater, very reliable and profitable site. Thousands peoples are making good earning from it. For further detail visit the link no instant money required free signup and information……𝚠𝚠𝚠.𝚓𝚘𝚋𝚜𝟷𝟼.𝚝𝚔
Look. Your spam filter, didn’t catch the SPAM.
but it does catch certain comments funny that
The 6 January protest march clearly shows that the majority of Trump voters had already given up on Trump so did not join the protest. There was originally talk of a possible one million people attending, it didn’t get anywhere close. If half the nation was still behind Trump, this was a very puzzling showing.
Trump just did not have what it takes, or was not really trying, to ruthlessly cut out the cancer of corruption in government. History will show that he was a weak leader who allowed the deep state to distract him to the extent that he never did anything of note other than to reveal, through no action of his own, how extreme is the corruption that he had promised to drain.
The Democrat distractions, paid for by their oligarch owners, showed the world that extreme corruption is running the USA. Even the most loyal Democrats must be puzzled by the current purges and threats of extreme centralised thought control, the arrogance of the swamp now that it has gotten rid of the peoples’ man.
To his credit, I am still willing to believe that Trump tried to do the right thing.
Although the author is trying to place Trump as a coward who resigned, going back on his word, I think this is not how his original supporters see him. From what I can see, the majority of his original supporters still support him and see him as a figurehead, but they recognise that he doesn’t have the skills to do the job. He is not a coward, he did not cave in, he recognised, probably because of the low protest numbers, that he did not have what is takes to continue the fight, he could see that his base had already given up on him. He is still a figurehead in the patriot movement. He may have lost the far right, but he still has a lot of centre-ground supporters.
I disagree with your claim that the majority of supporters had already given up on him. It was the middle of the week. People have jobs. It was a significant turn out. People understand what is at stake. I would not place the blame for failure on Trump. He is amazing in so many ways.
I just don’t understand here how anybody can believe Trump was sincere in wanting to change anything: he’s a narcissistic bully in it for his own benefit and that of his offspring. Fighting corruption??? Come on!
The mere fact that hundreds and hundreds of treasonous actors throughout government and business have been clearly and openly revealed through the process started by Trump is a damn good start.
“What is going in DC right now is like what went on at Jonestown after Jim Jones went crackers. Except instead of cyanide laced Kool-Aid they are going to use ‘Doc’ Billy Eugenics EUTHANASIA DEATH SHOT to off the ‘faithful’. If only Billy and they would just off themselves and leave the rest of the World out of it.”

“EUTHANIZE the World! Corporate Fascism and Eugenics forever.”

“Time now for Nanzi Pelosi, Chuckie ‘Upchuck’ Schumer and all the rest of the war criminal gang of CORPORATE FASCIST FABIAN EUGENICISTS to beam back to the mothership. They see insurrections, rebellions and conspiracies everywhere. They believe the humans are out to get them. They are going full Jim Jones.“
“Also Nasty Nanzi should lay off the hooch. It is beginning to have a deleterious and harmful effect upon the sad thing’s cognitive faculties and behavior.”
…I *Hope* they name the next Carrier after him… – USS Donald J. Trump – CVN 83…
Military In Control of the US, Under Commander In Chief Trump/
Updates Will Follow Throughout The Day
“Captain America’s been torn apart,
Now he’s a court jester with a broken heart,
He said, “Turn me around and take me back to the start”,
“I must be losing my mind!”… Are you blind?!
– I’ve seen it all a *Million Times*…”
Situation Update Jan 8th – Trump fighting from secure location, did NOT concede
You are going to be very surprised. See what happens.
I was just about to post a comment saying: It’s not over yet, but you beat me to it! Well done.
Why the secrecy? If you know summit then spill.
I don’t know what Trump’s intentions were, and I couldn’t care less.
From where I’m standing, it appears that he was elected on a wave of populism, which seemed to be an alternative to the “liberal democracy” fakery, the swamp. An interesting presentation of that was here ( IMHO, Bannon kicked Frum’s butt in that debate.
It would appear that populism was a big enough threat for the “swamp” to unleash four years of a hate campaign against Trump, possibly, probably culminating with COVID. Hard to believe that it was a coincidence.
Be it as it may, and allowing for the possibility that this or that or the other thing has been staged this way or that way, Trump’s presidency has certainly set things in motion, woken up people. Had somebody more slick been elected, the transition to the dystopia that seems to be in the pipeline would probably have been less noticeable, perhaps not noticeable at all. With the shitshow that has been going down since last February, all of a sudden there is a public debate. Perhaps misinformed, perhaps mislead, but there is a debate nevertheless. Will it result in something positive? Hard to say, hopefully.
Bottom line, Trump’s presidency has been historically a good thing.
Covid19 was decided in 2010 and earlier.
So what? What sort of relevance does it have to what I said?
First understand the bigger picture, then worry about details.
Covid 19 was DECIDED? But of course, yes, it’s just a detail ….. lol
Turns out the Viking Guy aka QAnon Shaman aka Jake Angeli aka Jacob Anthony Chansley aka Actor and self proclaimed “Super Soldier” pals around with Bernard Kerik and Rudy Giuliani when he takes time off from memorizing the latest NSA script:
Oh look, a photo at some sort of book-signing type event. I’ll file it alongside the one of Oswald and Mother Teresa.
Where’s the book? Nowhere. Not a book signing.
Freemason handshake tho, Lost_In_Your_Tiny_Mind
BTW: if that’s what Bernard Kerik looks like when he’s “palling around”, you definitely wouldn’t want to fall out with him!
Haven’t you figured out yet that QAnon is an intelligence agency psyop based in the type of magical thinking that will get you killed and lose the nation? If not, you really aren’t qualified to participate in what is currently hitting us. The enemy has your number. This is obviously a photo op staged by the security state to feed the false narrative created around QAnon.
Can you read? Read what I wrote again. Read it enough times until you understand.
QAnon = Q Group NSA
Nothing is hitting you except the Democrats and Republicans together against the citizens. That’s not new.
“If there was a non WAR RACKETEER CORPORATE FASCIST in SHAM DEMOCRACY USA for whom to vote and the REPUBLICRATS did not FAKE the counts and rig the SHAM elections WE THE PEOPLE might. Where is a Eugene Victor Debs when the world needs one?”
“Soon that is not going to be an issue, however. There will be no need for SHAM ELECTIONS after Billy EugenIcs and the CORPORATE FASCIST FABIAN EUGENICISTS cull all the untermenschen and useless eaters with their EUTHANASIA DEATH SHOT.”
it was a compliment and joke on others who still believe in what you eloquently posted
“Just can not give up the opportunity for a good lead up (segue’). In good faith and in all seriousness, thanks for providing it.”
Masonic handshake
Peasants in 19th-century Russia clung to a notion of the Czar as a benevolent, fatherly figure. Even when he rained misery and oppression down on them, it was only because he was “misinformed”, “surrounded by bad guys”, etc.
It makes sense: Those were desperate, illiterate people living in misery. Hoping against hope was all they had. But why would anyone in 2021 think of Trump in essentially the same way is beyond me. An entrenched military-industrial-media-psychiatric-intelligence system, hundreds of years in the making and with untold trillions in funding, just stood by as a Robin-Hood-type hero and people’s champion rose to take the Oval Office? Sorry. Trump might as well sprout wings and fly.
Thanx for your comment, Dayne… – I’ve been trying to put this into words, and as I’m autistic, I could frankly, literally *Sperg’-out* over this, right now…
…- TL:DR version is this, tho’: – Ever wonder why ‘Populism’ is such a dirty word for the establishment and their MSM bullhorn?… – The argument I’ve heard thus far generally goes like the South Park underpants gnome’s plan for world domination: – Phase 1: Popular Uprising (aka: ‘Civil Unrest’)… Phase 2: ?…. Phase 3: Fascist ‘Strongman’ Dictatorship… – Why is that?…
…- Also that we’re *Too Stoopid*(/ie: Self-Absorbed)… – Like the Mud-Pickin’ peasants in Monty Python’ Holy Grail…
…- I would suggest 2 reasons for this:…
…- 1.) The Davostanis (Global Banksters/Oligarchs) never *merely* back the *winning horse* in the race, – In fact they back *every* horse that they *allow* to run (ergo: Trump was an Establishment-groomed *Stalking Horse*…)
…- 2.) The Davostanis (again), have *long since* seen to it that *most everyone*, from birth onwards, is psychologically conditioned, first with childhood myths and fairy-tales about Charming Princes and Fair Princesses, then with religio-spiritual ‘adult’ myths and fairy-tales about (In Judeo-Christian terms) Messianic, White-Knight champion/rescuer types who, if *we would only* put our lives and our *Utmost Faith* in their holy, heaven-sent hands, would *Save Us All* from all the terrible, terrible *Mess We’ve All Made* for ourselves down here on Earth, by collectively *Shitting The Bed*…
…*Obviously*, this is *All* just so much *Childish Nonsense*, and, more to the point, a *Writ-Large Con-Job*…
…- Cutting to the chase: – The ‘Great-Man’ theory of history is *Bunk*… – Always *Has Been*, always *Will Be*…
…If you’re still “Holding Out For A Hero”, I invite you to stare *Long And Hard* into the nearest available mirror, *Take A DEEP Breath*, and then go out and *Elect Yourself* to the office… – *Better Yet*, elect your family, elect your friends, elect your neighbors, elect *Everyone*…
…- And then let’s *Do This Shit*… – *Together*!…
It could have something to do with the fact that Biden is backed by every billionaire member of the Davos gang of criminals getting ready to use this event, coupled with medical martial law, to stage the “great reset” scheme. A wet dream of Malthusian eugenecists like Faucci & Gates, since it includes a drastic reduction in world population aka genocide of the elderly, vulnerable, poor and non compliant. This Globalist Technocracy will be led by un-elected bankers and corporate CEO’s effectively ending any form of Democracy planet wide. MSM mockingbirds are completing the programming of the public to make Casey’s statement to Reagan ring true” We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is wrong.”
Insurrection Act signing brought forward.
Scroll down to 10th. January update:
Ow look Simon one trick pony parkes been laughed at and ridiculed and busted for his many many many many lies and it happening you watch just donate psyop
gets excepted into the Q nonsense and trump Savior psyop and became s one of there leaders!!!
doesn’t anyone go back 5 years and do basic check on thsoes they watch and then make idols of them.
fools follow fools
Trump was never going to be Ameica’s hero. He was played to depict America as a fascist, racist, neo-nazi country that needs to be saved by the Left aka Joe Biden/Kamala Harris. The Left can now “save us all” from the “damage” caused by the MAGA movement and Trump. They can do this through heavily increased mass surveillance and what is essentially imprisonment, to make sure that we don’t fall victim to the “domestic terrorism” that is represented by Trump and his fan base.
saved by the left? The left has been selling out the US to the globalist agenda for the last 20 years (in power or out). Trump is not finished restoring America to a country that doesn’t sell out to China.
“Left-Center-Right” seems that paradigm is a tad askew. It is more like a top to bottom pyramid [scheme/racket]. The CORPORATE FASCIST OLIGARCH MOBSTER PSYCHOPATH SLAVE MASTERS sitting on their gold platinum thrones at the very top of the tower/pyramid and all their prole slave victims, WE THE PEOPLE (HUMANITY) in the mud at the base. The PSYCHOS will say or do anything to get the prole slaves at each others throats. IF WE ARE FIGHTING AMONG OURSELVES WE ARE NOT FIGHTING THEM.”
Well, being saved by the left was a sarcastic comment. And Trump is clearly done with “restoring America” because it was never his to restore, let alone him conceding to the left after the Capitol “riots”.
@ David
The left is as left as my right GONAD
Biden/Harris “the left”? Surely you’re joking? These two are conservatives, in another timeline they’d be Republicans. What they have going for them is they, like many Americans, believe in the Constitution of the United States, about what the country is and what its trying to acheve. It strives to build “a more perfect union”.
This the fundamenal error many people made about the Deep State. I’ve no doubt that there’s a fom of Deep State out there, an ingrained conservative streak in the bureaucracy, because there is in all bureaucracies. But the real Deep State is all of us, its every last person who believes in the system, in the American form of democracy and the principles upon which the nation was founded. There are innumerable personal interpretations of exactly what this means but the sum total is the United States.
Trump, MAGA and the modern GoP represent ‘capture’, the idea that the capture of the state can be turned to personal profit. In doing so Trump and his enablers degraded the notion of what the US is and why it exists. This is what’s caused the backlash, its not ‘the left’ or ‘socialism’.
…- The proverbial ‘Overton Window’ has, at this point, collapsed to a quantum singularity, about a nothingth of a planck length wide…
…- Prepare for *Teh Great Suck*!…
You seriously think Trump was genuinly elected? All the points you make show obviously he was a puppet and psy-op of the deepstate from the very beginning.
The deepstate won because they never had an enemy, they created him from the start, with or without him knowing we dont know, but anyone on that level is on a need to know basis anyway. It’s clear that his every move is steered with the goal to bring down rogue antiestablishment sentiments.
And it worked very well. Radical left antiestablishment is suddenly prodemocrats and radical right antiestablishment is totally disillusioned and just became domestic terrorists.
you spelled Biden incorrectly on your fourth word in.
…- *Divide and Conquer* Churn, same as it ever was…
…BTW, My condolences for MF Doom…
ironic dont you think a artist MF Doom… who is known for wearing a mask gets
sacrificessorry dies on the usual astro constellationzzzzzzzz
Trump wasn’t supposed to win in 2016. The deep state probably wanted liberal Jeb Bush or Rubio or Cruz in there. Trump destroyed all the competition in the GOP primaries. Remember, Trump wasn’t picked by the deep state to be their guy. He financed his own campaign. He was a major burr in their saddle. The Trump phenomenon is real and he proved it with a landslide victory that was stolen.
What ‘landslide’? The numbers tell a very different story. Trump should have won a second term but he didn’t because of two things, one being the grass roots efforts of Democrats to motivate voter groups despite systematic road blocks being placed in those groups’ path and the other — a important one — being that there’s quite a lot of life long Republicans out there that cannot stand Trump.
Trumpism is like a cult in many ways. One feature is that those who ‘believe’ find it difficult to come to grips with the fact that they might hold a minority view. They’re used to being embattled, that’s a signature feature of such groups (they’re always fighting for something against an implacable enemy, preferably an unseen one) but its just inconceivable that they’re really a fringe group. The events of last Wednesday have probably done more to promote Democrat candidates than anything else this cycle; fortunately for the most part the election was over so all they lost were the two Senate seats.
PS — May I draw your attention to an old Beatles song — “Revolution”? (I’d also suggest an even old song “Trouble Coming” from the Mothers of Invention.)
Under the CURRENT MAIN SYSTEM – The Monetary System – there is no “drain the swamp”!
Then you’re going to love the technocrats “social credits” scheme such as China currently imposes on it’s population.
China developed that system with the HELP of the Western Corporations, so that in a near future the tech will be deployed in the western Plantations. OPERATION COVIDIUS is just the 1st of many operations that will create the FEAR & PANIC conditions among the herds of modern western moron slaves, that will make it really easy for THEM to deploy that tech.
Why do you think China was the chosen one to practice a “city lockdown” during EVENT 201 planning?
Why do you think China was on the news of western countries while they were executing the lockdown and then no more China news?
China is also under the Shadow of the SRF & Billionaires… at least for now. The only thing China is trying to achieve is to shift the POWER of the SRF into Chinese Families, nothing more.
What has Off-G come to?….One must be truly mad to imagine that D. tHRUMP
“SINCERELY” thought ANYTHING EVER, let alone “changing the way America is run”….He’s incapable of comprehending what the word “SINCERITY” means….Sorry the author has lost his hero.
OffG publishes articles and anybody who wants to can comment on them.
It does not push, or imagine, any group philosophy other than to support us all in a deep distrust of what the mainstream media ram down our throats every day, and to give us space to express our personal disgust in our own way.
We are not going to imagine what you would like us to imagine merely on your say-so either, although you are quite free to tell us what your personal recommendations are.
OffG has never been pro-Trump, and we are all aware that the alternative is far from being any better.
Perhaps you would like to tell us what is really bugging you, given that you have never been under any pressure even to show up here… At the very least, you could stay on topic:
So, what about the swamp, and who you think is most likely to succeed in draining it…?
Hear Hear!
Spot on W👍
Trump’s racist fan base supported America’s bogus War of Terrorism against blameless Muslim countries, did they not? What goes around, comes around.
I think you are getting fan bases mixed up. Trump inherited these conflicts from Bush, Iraq 2002 invasion & Obama’s 2015 invasion of Syria and it was Trump that threatened to end the propping up of the endless war industry. In fact that played the major role in why Trump had to be removed at all costs including selling treason and vote rigging as Democracy to be defended against “domestic terrorists”.
Did America’s white patriots oppose the demonisation of Muslims as being terrorists who did 9/11 or did they participate in this US government fiction?
No, at least half of the patriots are and were aware that 9/11 was an inside job.
Right! The Donald was too weak and too stupid. A smarter president got shot for his troubles, but the rulers knew they didn’t have to resort to that against the Donald. He was obsessed with his mirror. All those meeting between Ike and JFK, what do you think they were talking about?
…- Please also note the *Extreme* copypasta, every other sentence, in the article… – Who *Actually Is* this guy?…
A fifty-center.
Fuck Trump and his knuckle dragging moron supporters.
Now tell us what *you* like.
hey, my knuckles don’t drag – how dare you suggest such a thing.
Sounds like you came to Off Guardian thinking it was the Guardian and expected to find a group of like minded consumers of security state propaganda in a Trump bashing fest.
“Oook, Oook, Oook!!!…”
*Flings Monkey-Poop…*
A premature judgement. Time will tell.
Do u relly guys think Trump was a hope for all pf us? I am still amazed that people(including off-guard) still thinks in terms of left vs right, good vs bad, and all that narrative. I am afraid that nnarrativ has never been true. It is part of the game of “the matrix” to keep us entertained in shows programmed for tth masses, division, polarizaiomn, saviours and “heros”. In my opinion it is time for a deep shift. Continuing to hope that some guy will save us all, it is just seeing a tree but not being able to see the woods. While some keep waiting for somebody to save us, they are moving forward with their plans really fast. But no problem guys. Sooner or later the rrality will knock on you door, and you will have to decide if you are going to be a slave or a free human. And it will be all about what you decide. No american hero or any messiah will do it for you.
We have warned against accepting the Left/Right paradigm many times. This is NOT an editorial and therefore is not ‘the voice of OffG’.
Some visitors here need to up their sophistication level to the point they understand we publish a SPECTRUM of dissident opinion that we consider merits discussion or a wider audience, without necessarily agreeing with all of it.
…- Yep, well that’s as may be, but Andrew Korybko’s position is *Lame As All Hell*… – Every establishment talking point *Covered* – just from the ‘Contrarian’ side…
…- Trump was an ‘Outsider’ who ‘Became’ an ‘Insider’?!… – Aww Puh-lease! – He was a *Stalking Horse…
…- “He didn’t have the *’Strength’* to ‘Drain The Swamp'(tm)”??!?! – *No-One* *Indivudal* in all Creation could’ve…
…- Do you think we’re *Children*?!…
been on this site a whole while now not seen any articles discussing trump failures
We are all aware that we are the playthings of the rich and powerful but all you’re doing is stating what most of us already know. What is your solution? So tell us please what you are doing to that makes you feel free and not a slave? Are you living off the grid? Not using currency? What is it you’re doing that makes you different from those of us you claim are not facing reality? I think many people, myself included, who have no love for Trump see that he is being denounced by every billionaire member of the Davos gang of criminals as a threat to world order and the economy while they shut down the planet with medical martial law and create an authoritarian Globalist Technocratic dictatorship ending Democracies worldwide and targeting “domestic terrorists” who oppose them.
The steps on how to destroy all of the services, public and private though focussing on the NHS:
PS the list is not exhaustive. I didn’t even touch on the phony Left/Right divide.
A must read.
The Department of Health and Social Care…. adopted a policy,… that led to 25,000 patients, including those (known to be) infected (with Covid-19, and also those who were) possibly infected with Covid-19 (but) had not been tested, being discharged from hospital into care homes between 17 March and 15 April—exponentially increasing the risk of transmission to the very population most at risk of severe illness and death from the disease. (This, while being denied) access to testing, (being denied) personal protective equipment, (while having) insufficient staff, and limited (and confusing) guidance.
(As expected) care homes were overwhelmed.
Amnesty International is US State Department PropagandaAmnesty run by US State Department representatives, funded by convicted financial criminals, and threatens real human rights advocacy worldwide.
Who the hell down-voted this. I want a name, address, and employment details.
No, the entire “game” hasn’t played out yet. Hold back on your final conclusions for now. Watchful waiting at the moment.
Computah sez. I mean computer is science, right? And you gotta trust the science… Just Google it, OK?
The tackiest of plays unfolding with the most tedious predictability: “And the NHS can’t take much more as …..”
Yes yes yes – as if we didn’t fucking know!