“I Am Open”: 50,000 Italian Restaurant Owners Plan to Ignore Lockdown
Huge act of civil disobedience plans to conduct business as usual inspite of “anti-Covid” measures

Today – Friday 15th January – over 50,000 restaurants are planning to open, an act of mass civil disobedience against “anti-Covid” lockdown measures which have massively hurt the restaurant business, especially small family-owned businesses.
Spreading through social media under the hashtag #IoOpro (“I am opening”), the movement is largest country-wide act of civil disobedience since lockdowns began.
Italain opposition MP Vittorio Sgarbi has backed the movement, saying in an interview:
Open up, & don’t worry, in the end we will make them eat their fines”.
Italy’s government is already facing internal conflict and crisis, an early election is a possibility.
A similar movement already started in Mexico on January 12th, when hundreds of restaurant owners gathered to protest the lockdowns:
Mexico 🇲🇽 Epic scenes, Over 500 restaurants have joined forces, agreeing to open up together, defying LOCKDOWN. Forced closed since Dec 18, they've stated it's either 'WE OPEN UP OR WE DIE'. Long Live the People 💥👊 pic.twitter.com/PeSQpaGtqb
— ✖️TIME ✖️2✖️RISE✖️ (@itstime2rise) January 12, 2021
The “I am Open” protest is spreading across Europe as well, with variants already taking hold in German-speaking Switzerland (#Wirmachenauf) and Poland (#OtwieraMY).
It’s good to be reminded that, no matter how much it looks like the new normal is spreading unopposed, it’s not. People all over the world are resisting where they can. That’s what “Covid Positive” is all about.
To follow the progress of this movement we recommended following Robin Monotti and the It’s Time to Rise accounts on twitter and other platforms.
If you know of any other good accounts to follow, or planned protests, post them below and we will add them to list here.
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Did the satanic cabal push too hard, too fast? The chance for humanity’s survival, depends on a massive pushback against the psychopathic controllers, who believe they own our very lives. This pushback may lead to revolutions worldwide, with the enemy of humanity (UN,WHO,IMF, etc.) brought to justice. We need to flee the population centers ASAP, because the core of their strategy is to contain us in these open air prisons, where we can easily be controlled, and culled. Most of the world is empty space, as anyone who has flown across their country knows – everybody in the world could fit comfortably in the state of Texas, yet we are told overpopulation is a problem.
It would be great if people could leave their stories of lockdown on the group below – it’s voice only so we can really hear people’s words
Ok, Californians (and other oppressed citizens) who’ve read the article and comments — get down to it, and be the rebels for freedom and choice you have always prided yourselves to be. You have people across the world ahead you, so follow suit! Defy the totalitarian, unscientific edicts disguised as medical safety guidance. Open up your restaurants and nail salons and gyms and make your living — it is your right to do so, and the right of your clients to decide if they want to do business or not. Down with the “new normal” and up with freedom of choice. Let Freedom Ring, louder than ever.
The province of Ontario, Canada, has two types of homes for the aged:
Long-term Care Homes, which are administered by the Ministry of Long-term Care, and
Retirement Homes, which are administered by the Retirement Homes Regulatory Authority.
Retirement Homes are not required to provide the same level of care as Long-term Care Homes, however, many Retirement Homes are, in essence, Long-term Care Homes. Long-term Care Homes are largely government funded, whereas Retirement Homes are not. Long-term Care Homes are 54% privately run, and 46% government run. Retirement Homes are 100% privately run.
There are about 627 (licensed) Long-term Care Homes in Ontario.
There are about 770 (licensed) Retirement Homes in Ontario.
There were Covid-19 outbreaks in 272 (43.4%) of the 627 Long-term Care Homes, till Apr 7.[9]
There were Covid-19 outbreaks in 38 (4.9%) of the 770 Retirement Homes, till Apr 7.[10]
So, the Long-term Care Home outbreaks are 43.4/4.9 = 8.86 times more prevalent than Retirement Home outbreaks.
Because an outbreak is, by definition, the introduction of Covid-19 into an old-age home, the most important factor influencing an outbreak is the number of people that the residents meet from outside the home. Long-term Care Home residents would generally meet more staff (from outside the home), whereas Retirement Home residents would meet more outsiders while they were away from the home, as they are free to wonder wherever they choose. Which of the two groups would meet more outsiders? One suspects that Retirement Home residents would come into contact with more outsiders than Long-term Care Home residents.
Continued below;
Given this, one would expect that Retirement Homes would have had a few more outbreaks than Long-term Care Homes. However, at least initially, Long-term Care Homes had nearly nine times the number of outbreaks. This is proof that Covid-19 was deliberately spread to Ontario’s Long-term Care Homes, but not to the Retirement Homes.
It appears that the list of targeted places included Long-term Care Homes, but not Retirement Homes. An administrative oversight by the spreaders?
In Ontario, as of June 1, there were:
1,652 (89.2%) deaths in Long-term Care Homes.[11]
199 (10.7%) deaths in Retirement Homes.[12]
So, there were about nine times as many deaths in Long-term Care Homes.
<b>About nine times as many outbreaks has led to about nine times as many deaths.</b>
This indicates that the severity of the outbreaks in both classes of home were similar, which is not what we have been told. Although, this is roughly what one should have expected as Long-term Care Homes, and Retirement Homes, are quite similar.[15]
As of 1 June, 1,851/2,293 = 81% of all Covid-19 deaths in Ontario occurred in Long-term Care Homes.[13]
As of 1 June, 92% of all Covid-19 deaths in Nova Scotia, and 88% of all Covid-19 deaths in Quebec, occurred in Long-term Care Homes.
By June 1, the Long-term Care Homes in the Canadian provinces/territories, Prince Edward Island, Yukon, Northwest Territories, and Nunavut had no cases of Covid-19 at all, and those in Newfoundland and Labrador, New Brunswick, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan had 12 cases between them (including 4 deaths).[14]
The quacks are grifters, turned jailers. Welcome to the “Quackocracy “.
Eric Peters Autos – http://www.ericpetersautos.com
Covid police crackdown on children throwing snow balls.
It’s about much more than pasta – it’s about freedom
People really do hold the power. Italian government retreats after campaign of mass civil disobedience

Would it be possible to fix the typo in the 2nd paragraph #IoOpro to the correct #IoApro? It really hurts my Italian-reading eyes.
I was at one of the open restaurants on Friday night. My friend and I were the only guests, even though a number of reservations had been made. People just chickened out, afraid of being fined. Of course we live in a rural area, it seems to have gone much better in the cities, even though the mainstream press is trying to paint it as a flop. Big surprise there, eh? But the restaurant owners are quite well organised and have the help of a good number of laywers, that seem to want to take this to the constitutional court.
By the way, one restaurant owner has already challenged the lockdown and won, previous to this mass action.
@Klipfisk Did “Italain” (Italain opposition MP Vittorio Sgarbi) not hurt your English-reading eyes too?
It’s not just Italians waking up to smell the espresso. >
Vaccines: “Death by Coincidence”. Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Global Research, January 17, 2021
Vaccines: “Death by Coincidence”. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization
Typical of an Italian to use a food-related word.
Bravo to the Italians, they finally woke up, to late though, as this COVID project has many angles for the Antichrist system they are preparing us for, and the world economy was doomed after a couple months of the diabolical lockdowns. The world powers lost control of the financial house of cards long ago, they don’t want to pay for the Western worlds social contract and the pensions, as the population has aged, so they have marked people for extermination and they need to get rid of anyone over 65, no 60, no 55, no 50…. The vaccine is not a vaccine, it’s like Microsoft Windows on steroids and any one whom takes it will have a life of misery.
I am impressed with the comments here, mostly, but what I’m not hearing is the simple fact that most people are evil, Christless zombies, whom have been following, since they were born, their historians, politicians, false religious leaders, public school teachers (the public school system is Antichrist) and the dull, boring American culture (bread and circuses) which breeds a people of such foul pride and listlessness, that they couldn’t discern a porcupine from a squirrel. So they are evilly trained and dull of heart, and they believe everything they are told, so don’t expect anything from them.
I, for myself, am preparing to figure out the best places to hide, as it is without a doubt, that I am on their most wanted list, as our leaders, (in every walk of life and every discipline) whom souls were long ago sold to the devil, will seek out anyone whom disagrees with their perverted world view, and they will not countenance anyone whom they deem as non-compliant.
Prayers will not work, it is to late for that, God has ordained, in his anger, that the wicked will be ruled by wicked rulers, til the man of sin is revealed, so hasta la bye-bye, as I am looking for the best country that has the best caves.
You should turn the other cheek like a good slave, and get back to your Bible as your fake god has “ordained” for you.
Anointed with what. Why do you call yourself anointed? What do you mean, turn the other cheek like a good slave, as I am a slave to Christ, you are a slave to the world? A Christian, who sees the writing on the wall, is taught not to tempt God, so hiding and trying to escape from the Antichrist system and eventually the Antichrist is a valid response while you, whom can’t add anything to the conversation, attack people, as you’re just a tool of the devil and you have no morals nor common sense. You sound like you’re struggling with an identity crisis.
You sound like a broken record, regurgitating poisonous junk. Your “God” and “Devil” are the one and same psychic parasite that has devastated humanity. Your brainwashing started from day one so I understand it is extremely hard to get out of, but if there is a will there is a way. You might get what the reference to “Anointed” is when you wake up, probably in another lifetime.
The only God around here is the Earth, I suggest you listen to her if you really want to be free, and to know wisdom.
A slave remains a slave. Changing masters doesn’t make you better. Didn’t it occur to you that there is a possibility of being your own master, be a human, not a slave?
Brilliant! This is the only way we’ll stop this madness.
Just get on with it. For goodness sake.
Open up your doors, embrace your paying customers with loving gratitude and keep the wheels of industry from grinding to a halt.
Just say “No!”
Everyone should get on board.
Flash pub opening.
Let them police that.
Give them all a kiss and cuddle.
Remember we’re all in this together.
It doesn’t have to be just the hospitality sector, all businesses should be involved.
Coordinate a time to open and invite the authorities to respond.
They will capitulate due to a combination of lack of resources and diminishing moral amongst the ranks.
People will turn up in masses to support the initiative.
Build it and they shall come.
Good luck!
Tim Martin should open up straight away.
He is a patriot and knows his duty.
Our celebrity chefs and media friends should also be assisting in the immediate termination of the oppressive measures currently leveraged against the people of our countries.
I can hear a siren.
It’s the karma police.
Yeah, Freemasonic Tories to the rescue
In a war (and we are undoubtedly in a new type of war here), your enemy’s enemy is your ally. This has been proven beyond doubt by the likes of Martin and numerous old school Tory MP’s. However much we disliked these public figures in the past, their one outstanding virtue of personal liberty now makes them our allies in a war which transcended traditional politics last March.
And similarly, the ones you used to see as friends turn out not to be. The Left (or at least the ones I talked to in the past) have effectively left the building. They avoid “conspiracy poo” (yes that’s what one of the called it. It’s like refusing to discuss e.g. foreign policy by calling it “foreign poo”).
Yeah well said Tony this is WWIII but no one’s realised the belligerants are themselves yet. Its probably what years of “Terror” and “Home Grown Terror” were introduced for – all the legislation is now in place to treat dissenters as war criminals. The only hope, is that the working classes in the military and police, remember that the families they will be told to attack are their own, and the little old men with all the money are (possibly literally) a different species. Anyone ever touched Zuckerberg or Besos’ face?
Here in Iceland, our main Italian restauranteur is operating as normal.
A couple of months ago he even said he had never closed due to “the regulations”, so I expect he is familiar with the ‘Io Apro” thing. He probably has to be careful what he says, but he’s a great guy, and the food is great too.
Are there many covid sceptics in Iceland W? What’s the situation there with the ‘new normal’ measures?
Well, Gezzah, since the very unrevolutionary State Radio largely influences what the general public get to hear, there doesn’t appear to be much organized opposition like that we have seen in some other countries.
On the other hand, Icelanders have a reputation for being immovably stubborn when they sense that something is not as it should be, and I think there is a strong underlying feeling here that the news we are getting simply doesn’t make sense, and is not as it should be.
That may be the reason why a certain carelessness about mask use is quite obvious, and there are regular reports of all kinds of people being accused of not obeying ‘the regulations’ – even police chiefs and MPs.
Typical official hypocrisy, of course, but quite revealing about the true seriousness of this ‘threat’…
I wouldn’t be surprised either to learn that most Icelanders are more than fed up with this circus, and that probably only the people who have inherited a chronic fear of absolutely everything are willingly buying into it.
On the occasions when I have bluntly mentioned that I consider this whole covid nonsense to be group insanity, or invited people to feel free to remove their masks when I’m around, the response has been far from negative – surprisingly cooperative, in fact.
I think people sense the truth, but, unless they are actual scientists, they don’t like to talk about it.
It’s probably the same as I suspect is true of most other countries: All that’s needed is a strong catalyst to get the ball rolling, and it’s over.
Looks like it might stick!
It’s great to see people who’ve got some fight in them! That’s really cheered me up. I salute those people.
Thanks for posting it.
It’s also most encouraging to see some of the tweeted comments below the original.
Some of today’s ‘general public’ have regular outbursts of astonishing brilliance.
I like this one – right to the core of the matter – it was taken down of course:
“I am responsible for my immune system. I am not responsible for yours.”
But then the brainwashed just reply: “Was it staged?”…
Looks like it might stick!
Live stream from Vienna started 7 hours ago showing big demonstration. Looks like there was no police at all.
The dude said the stream is continuing on https://dlive.tv/IgnazBearth
Of course, the police may have been told just to ignore it, so that everybody will forget it even existed…
They will have been there, perhaps waiting round a corner out of sight but ordered to hang back unless things got out of control from their perspective. Police never ignore large demonstrations and rarely ignore even small ones.
Constitutional Court of BiH decides Masks and Movement Restriction are Human Rights Violation
The Portuguese and Kary Mullis are absolutely correct.
The PCR is just a process that takes an input and attempts to create a larger output.
There are several PCR process variables that may be adjusted to affect the output quantity and quality. We know the most important variable is CT, or the number of process cycles.
The, “test,” itself are simply an arbitrary set of criteria, defined by an alleged expert, that are applied to the output of the PCR process to produce a result, that is described as a, “diagnosis.”
We are told by alleged experts and authority figures that this totally arbitrary, “diagnosis,” is a valid indicator of individual health or illness, regardless of how the individual feels or if the individual lacks and symptoms of actual infection.
As the doctor in the film the Hamburg Syndrome (1979) states:
playing defense is not the way to beat these entities. it is the murder with “vast amount of drugs”, force feeding which is particularly dangerous when someone is already toxic and in such a detox process. the terrorising raising cortisol. the vents and sedation inhibiting expectoration. it is these “treatments” killing people. we need to go on the offense by highlighting the real cause of death.
Deepl translation of Ecuador piece:
“The Court held that, after more than nine months of a pandemic in Ecuador and the world, such a situation is no longer unforeseen or supervening.”
That is the point. This has been going on too long to be treated like a sudden emergency.
The Portuguese government simply ignored the court ruling and continued the lockdowns, and curfews requiring people to be home by 1PM – that is 1 PM , daytime…
Live 16.1.2021: Demos in Wien – “Corona und die Wirtschaftsfolgen”
Not a stupid, useless mask in sight. Great. This is the true spirit of the old Red Vienna.
En direct: Manifestation contre la loi sécurité globale
Alternative view Paris.
Neoliberal looting of countries and the population is always accompanied by tyrannical laws, which is how Macron reveals himself as an American stooge. It has happened in the UK, Australia, and now continental Europe.
We Americans are simply dupes of the Chinese.
So there!
please explain! bet you can’t…
“We Americans are simply dupes of the Chinese.”
Well not exactly; although it may appear that way if you listen to the MSM too much. For example look at the (recently exited) REPUBLICAN head of the US Senate Mitch McConnell and has wife Cathy; Americans to the core? correct?
Cathy is in a vast Chinese/US Transportation INC BED; Cathy and Mitch have made MANY tens of millions of bucks/yen on the Chinese/US Trade.
This whole mess was engineered and implemented back in the 1950s by the big guy himself David Rockefeller.
In Australia it is really only the state of Victoriastan led by Chairman Dan the stupidist premier since federation. I continue to be amazed that >70% of the vanquished citizens of his state support his policies.
I was at Flinders Street Station this morning on my way to work, and every single person was in a facemask. Outside. And you don’t even have to wear them outside in Melbourne.
Same yesterday when I was on my way home. Everyone. Sigh.
I was seeing increasing numbers going maskless a few weeks back, but since news of the new terrifying ‘mutant strain’ (cough cough) people have all masked up again without even needing to be told.
The level of brainwashing here is just insane, and I have to detach emotionally, coz it’s pretty bloody depressing otherwise. Are you in Queensland E?
Looks like the link has been pulled.
Closer to home in Brum today. This is what the press and our police think of us now:
‘The woman was heard sarcastically replying to officers: ‘Thank you I feel so protected’ as they followed a few metres behind.’
I hate the UK with a passion. The actions of the police are a disgrace. They are the enemies of freedom and the people of this country
Until the sheeple stop letting them
I think the only chance of that happening is if people start dying en masse from the vaccine, then they might kick off, but anything less severe than that, they will look the other way, as they continue to do as we speak, despite the overwhelming body of evidence that their freedom has been stolen using fraud and the fact that government has already caused a massive uptick in mortality via their actions.
This is being openly reported in the MSM for example, but do you see any reaction?
Lockdown ‘killed two people for every three who died of coronavirus’ at peak of outbreakEstimates show 16,000 people died through missed medical care by May 1, while virus killed 25,000 in same period”
Even if people did start dying from the vaccine, the government would frame it in a way that seems reasonable and the public would just go along with it, too shit scared to face up to the reality of what has been done. Bit like with what has been done with the nursing homes and the closure of the NHS for all except covid patients. If you explain that to a Brit, they would just say the government was trying to save lives and they listened to the scientists and had to make a bad choice. But if lots of poeples’ relatives start having bad reactions and auto immune responses, or we start seeing a lot of sudden death from vaccine like they have reported in Norway, you never know. Believing in the British people is extremely naive, especially when it comes to things that actually matter
The real harm from vaccines comes much later for most victims and is impossible to prove. “Auto-immune” diseases, cancer, and probaly other issues for which Science has no explanation or cure.
You mean the UK government that is presently in power then?
No I don’t mean that, they are a cog in a wheel. I mean the whole wheel
For example;
Question: Who is the most repugnant creature out of:
a) Sir Keir Starmer
b) Boris Johnson
c) Cressida Dick
That’s a tough one. They’re all equally offensive
That’s like choosing my most favourite scab on my penis
LOL! – Well, two of the above are pricks, and the other is a Dick!
Tough call but I would say Starmer. He is the stooge brought in to replace the vilified Jeremy Corbyn and his role as head of the “official opposition” consists of little more than saying “double plus good” when the “government says “plus good”.
Yes a demo with everyone wearing a mask: there is very little understanding in France about the fact that the measures like masks, social distancing, and lockdowns, amount to
any dystopia. So they are demonstrating against every other thing, which frankly the authorities couldnt care about. You have to remain focused and target these actual measures. Anyhow everyone (including those unhappy with the measures) in France believe in the virus and the debates, even on alternative sites, revolve on how to deal with the pandemic…. Why do they believe in the virus? Because it feeds their anti-US dogma that it created a bio-weapon. Its to the point that they refuse to publish any article saying the contrary and if you have published such an article abroad then they (alternative news magazine) terminate all contracts with you.
So you’ve said dogma? Its not just on the side of the narrative.
I don’t think it is purely mask dogma. The fact is masks give you some protection from identification. Before Covid the police disliked it when demonstrators wore masks as it complicated their task of tracing people.
Just back from a wee bit of shopping in Edinburgh.
More people without masks.
The narrative is falling apart.
Tipping point will be reached soon.
Some confrontation on the street.
Hen pecked frightened weaklings hiding behind their face nappies and government lies.
They were traumatised into this scenario and will be traumatised like fuck out of it.
Enjoy the television spectacle of all time folks.
Coming your way compliments of CASTLE ROCK.
Better clean those ears with Q tips.
i do not believe these trans gressors where scotch
the scotch are at one with sturgeon
little wee man thing nicola like the cocked arden friend of tory blair running new zeal lands
are hard men sea
ardern ja sin daj bucked tooth man beast and wee jimmy kranky both wet shave fucked up man munt faces
the people of kiwi and the scotch welsch taffy believe
soy boys of glasgow
gaydars not men of harlech
kiwi in hiding
none would break the line
lockstep for them
these folks you saw must have been a dream
soon when you here the door slam you will awake and in your head will be the words
soylent green is peoples
granny must be tracked and traced and processed
one amazon one amazon
one g4s one serco
all under the crown
Scotch is a drink ya numpty.
the scots
do not exist
scotch exists yer twatter
the scotch and welsch are remnant of conquest
the khazar made them mongrel mutt
mutton head
barnera lerner spector
that man dude
told ya
Maybe the Scots will cease to be ‘in thrall to an effete race’.
Irvine Welsh
“I’m more of a warrior than you’ll ever be. I believe in the class war. I believe in the battle of the sexes. I believe in my tribe. I believe in the righteous, intelligent clued-up section of the working classes against the brain-dead moronic masses as well as the mediocre, soulless bourgeoisie.”
We live in the tyranny of the stupid
A year ago you would have been shouted down for calling people stupid — by exactly the people who are the curly-haired, sheep-in-heat right now.
Sadly there’s no satisfaction to be had — it’s a bind. Say it too early and it’s unacceptable — say it too late and it’s pointless.
Enjoy the upcoming Bolshivaah, Hitlaaar-ious fuhnn. It’s gonna be a baaaaahl.
Just on my way to work at the Farmers Market I sell at, where nearly all my customers would be The Guardian readers, with the corresponding mindset.
At the main Railway Station in Melbourne, and I’m the only person not wearing a facemask. Even outside on the street, every person is all masked up. It’s difficult not to feel despondent to be honest.
For some reason Hannah Arendt popped into my head. She would have had a field day with what is going on now. And over the PA system at the Station comes the regular booming announcement:
‘Victoria, let’s keep on top of this virus, keep wearing a fitted facemask at all times on public transport”.
You nailed it… The tyranny of the stupid.
I was watching the “New Normal” video about the lockdown protests and the police charging on them.
See here:
Here is a transcript of the ensuing exchange between David Kurten and Sadiq Khan:
Kurten says,
Khan fudges.
Does anyone know if any explanation for the police charge was ever given?
I’m guessing that no answer was ever given to Kurten’s question (i.e. Who ordered the police charge?). But it’s interesting to observe Khan’s clear unease (even terror?) whilst trying to dodge the issue. Who or what is he covering up? Why is he afraid?
They have the Pollsters, the Scientists, the Media and now the Elections telling lies. That is a powerful grouping. There is nobody left on our side, bar force of numbers, and we don’t even have that because of Covid fear. .
Get a group organised. You’ll know people who aren’t following this scam narrative, but like a lot of people feel powerless. Get your group together and find out the street of your local mp. Make a noise on that street and demand the resignation of this mp for the lies they are complicit it. Not just lies but lies with an evil agenda. That’s all I can suggest for now. There’s no more waiting and pussyfooting otherwise we’ll be steamrolled over
LIVE: Protesters take to the streets of Paris for new demonstrations against Global Security Bill
Neoliberal looting of countries and the population is always accompanied by tyrannical laws, which is how Macron reveals himself as an American stooge. It has happened in the UK, Australia, and now continental Europe. They murder and torture the people economically and physically. But this time we are on to them.
“The Murphy-Virus (a ‘Doc’ Billy Eugenics approved pathogen) ate their bank account.”
“Now if that isn’t abuse of public office what is?”
Altogether now:
K Schwab, aka Big Brother.
Instead of the word ‘lockdown’ can we all start using phrase ‘the terror’ to describe government Covid measures. It is more accurate description and conveys the harm being done. You never know it may catch on.
Many supporters of this ‘terror’ will find to their surprise that they are also on the list ( ‘we’ve got ’em on the list, and they none of ’em be missed…, ) it’s just that the time has not yet come for the modern Robspierres.
patty hearst enjoyed her enslavement
stay stuck stock home in sin under dome
sure it was tough at first but with tavistock program human soft and hard ware techniques developed during and after churchill fucking boer war banka ww1 and 2
shocked shock trauma systems in time
the beatings become needed wanted even the norm
working for the bolshevik collective all should give themeselves for the greater good.
homeways is best ways safest ways
terror need not be a neg input why not a positive output
patty believed so
walking in street with helmet space shielding plastics makes one feel special
a major tom
on terra firma
space cadets of astro zeneca
believe in covid financial model believe in sars simulation bbc nasa animatios
the globe ball is not flat
the world is full of terror virus
humans must be farmed
your birth certificate bonds must be daily traded
in lockstep
come on now
move you scum
Patty did duty, a slider for her class,
Eggs Rockefeller eligible, in a flask.
They Live? Or plop from fetal frogy
Evolve as J.D.’s oily progeny
Instead of ‘covid’ can we start using the word ‘coercid’?
I also like the term ‘virtual virus’.
The Covid agenda is state terrorism, in every sense of the word
That’s what we need in every country.
Well done, Italy.
”Biden will seek a deal with Republicans on another round of Covid-19 relief after taking office, rather than attempting to ram a package through without their support”
The Democrats have majorities in both houses, they can pass anything they want. But Biden clearly wants to be stopped from helping the population, despite his claims otherwise.
So say goodbye to the incompetent dictator; Trump, and just wait a few more years for the new one to oust Biden, the professional one, the real one, the psychopath….he is coming & I think the American people will vote for Adolf hitler, just to see Biden, Harris and the fake-left Democrats tortured and imprisoned for the rest of their lives. The American peoples anger following a few years of Biden will be an unlimited rage.
after all, in a country with thousands of nuclear weapons what can go wrong??
And in a predictable move, the unelected EC President, Ursula van der Leyen, is calling for mandatory vaccine certificates:
I’m all for people who actually suffer with the people ruling over the people.
What I have zero time for is trumped up apparatchiks paid exorbitantly all the time thinking they can rule by diktat.
Lets hope the bitch doesn’t get her way, but she has certainly outed herself as a tool of the drugs industry. Nothing can happen without national unanimity, she has no power.
We all knew this was going to be the plan but where the plan may fall apart is that this ‘vaccine’ according to the official line doesn’t stop you getting or transmitting the virus.
So the vaccine passport is useless.
Though useful as an instrument of control, of course.
The vaccine has also started officially claiming lives, as the Norwegian govenment has now confirmed.
Once again rhys,the voice of sanity. You pin her down while I give her the moderna shot. None of these oligarchs will have the vaccine but will maintain any freedom of movement that they want
France needs to join forces but they are getting paid too much by the governement to be totally convinced yet. I guess just enough for perhaps 20-40% to go bust?
It’s not so much that 13 people may have died from side effects. It’s that Norway allowed a rushed, experimental and indemnified vaccine
Problem is, if the vaccines fail the fuckers will murder us through ‘the terror’ or Lockdowns.
The D-Notive on vaccine deaths is working well in the UK, with millions already poisoned and secrecy over the number of deaths. I bet MI5 will be over in Norway soon keeping everyone quite.
How do you know this, if it’s a secret?
and how can we bet over things that are not known because it will be kept as a secret?
We know the deaths will be happening because we can see it in Norway, which is my point.
My understanding is the press are free to mention a D-notice, but they refuse to. I don’t think it is illegal to say it is there. although that is often said. I am happy to be corrected, with solid data as there is a lot of misinformation around.
‘ We know the deaths will be happening because we can see it in Norway, which is my point.‘
Fair enough. That is a point.
A D-Notice may not even be necessary. Self-censorship is a powerful instinct among those who know on which side their bread is buttered, or more crudely, those who “know what’s good for them”.
If people have died off this in Norway then there must be vaccine deaths in all other countries using the Pfizer vaccine.
It wouldn’t be confined to just Norway.
Undoubtedly there will be a massive cover up but if the sudden rise in mortality is to be believed we must consider the possibility of vaccine contributing to the mortality.
Is it being covered up by the sudden focus on these new strains….
10 deaths of elderly people within four days of vaccination being investigated in Germany.
Thanks for sharing.
As other people have pointed out the only thing we know about these ‘vaccines’ is they cause severe reactions and deaths.
“As other people have pointed out the only thing we know about these ‘vaccines’ is they cause severe reactions and deaths.”
Well actually we do know a LOT more. For Example
1) The harder you EXAMINE “vaccination” the more confused you should become. If you do not find “vaccination” to be self-contradictory IMO you do not understand what is going on.
2) Most Governments are INTENSELY Interested in “vaccination”.
3) Why is it so IMPORTANT to assure each and every of the 8 Billion souls on EARTH has a NEEDLE(S) inserted in them at least SEVERAL times/YEAR.
Does “someone(s)” want what is to “happen” to be untraceable/disputable/?
IMO of course.
(Posted this earlier, and if you don’t mind, will post it again)
Click the link below, on the page select “I agree”, then select the “Request Form” tab.
Under 1, “Group Results by” select the option “Event Category”.
Scroll down to 3, and under “Vaccine Product” select “+ COVID19 (COVID19 VACCINE)”.
Scroll down to the bottom of the page and select “Send”.
Study the results.
I can’t see “vaccine product” in that drop-down list. Help, please!
OK Found it!
No doubt they’ll be blaming the vaccine deaths on co morbidities. Whereas, the co morbidities had nothing to do with the Covid deaths, did they?
Oh never!
(3,234,946* / 25,000) X 13 known dead = 1,682 dead so far in the UK?
*This is how many have received their first dose so far:
I’d like to see another sort of tracker that clocks up the amount of money Disastra/Zeneca and P-f-f-f-fizer are pocketing through this racket.
The 23 suspected vaccine deaths were then promptly added to the National COVID19 death count (I kid you not)
Well the old and frail are the only ones who might benefit from the vaccine. No one else needs it.
the old and frail will suffer most from an experimental vaccine being plunged into their already weakened systems
From the inventors of pizza, pasta and Slow Food, yet another contribution to civilization.
Simon Parkes disinfo & the outlook for the transition
RT.com “EC president von der Leyen dares European nations to call her bluff with announcement of (mandatory?) vaccine certificates “
Two years ago Madame wasn´t even on the ballot paper for the EU top job, if memory serves me right two colleagues of hers were on it, one dutchman and one from bavaria, The day after the surprised Germans were told to be happy because a woman had made it to the top. Many thought that with Merkel ´s agitprop role in the east German state youth movement she must have had a hand in her protégées-election. Putin had made a joke around the time about the EU being more soviet than the USSR
The EU is not about democracy. it´s not about the people. Corona is not about our health. It´s more like pharmaceutical Nutzees
To indirectly force people to take an experimental vaccine a misnomer for an untested gen-based therapie is totally in violation of the Nuremberg Code.
She can say what she likes discussion is not the law. . There are no border controls inside the EU so there is no way to police it.
Dimwit parading himself as Peter Harris has asked:
“do you have any substantial evidence to prove that Sars Cov2 is just a fraud?”
Nobody needs to, and can, prove that SARS CoV-2 is just a fraud. Impossible due to inherent reasons. If somebody claims that there is such a thing as SARS CoV-2, some virus, some disease, they have to provide evidence. I don’t see no fucking virus, I don’t see people getting sick or dying more than usual, I don’t see nothing extraordinary. With the exception of scaremongering in the fucking media.
All of the huge heaps of disinfomation spewed out by the media, politicians, assorted motherfuckers from the WHO, CDC, and other malevolent outlets is pure unadulterated bullshit that doesn’t hold water upon close examination. End of story.
Anybody who promotes the official narrative is either a complete idiot or, more likely, a provocateur, operative, endless asshole. They need to be told to fuck off pronto and then ignored. They only spread bad vibe. Arguing with them is useless.
Discussing viruses is a complete waste of time. That made sense about a year ago when this hoax emerged. Now’s the time to discuss the stuff behind it and what can be done to stop it. Likewise, people should think hard about what sort of future they want because going back to the pre-COVID status quo is not quite possible. Even if life were to continue more or less the way it was, it would be necessary to purge the world of the widespread corruption. Probably impossible. Best to create a new world and let the old die by attrition.
“Dimwit parading himself…”
“I don’t see no fucking virus…”
“Discussing viruses is a complete waste of time.”
Look, people around here aren’t stupid, and they know that you’re a paid provocateur. You want to engage contributors in inane bullshit arguments, to stir up shit, to break up the debate, the sow the seed of hatred.
I don’t know who’s paying you, I couldn’t care less. I can’t imagine more abominable creature than your malevolent self.
The day will come when you’re about to croak and even the asshole you are might feel remorse about the bad deeds you will have done, the number of people you’ll have pissed off, all the stuff that you will have have helped fuck up.
There will be no way to undo it. Think about it.
Jacques, why do you keep engaging him? It’s obvious where he’s from.
Where is he from? I’d genuinely like to know what sort of people lend themselves to a job like this.
I’ve often wondered that a lot. I’m pretty sure it’s people who are “down on their luck,” and offered some easy money based on their limited skill set and high desperation level. I guess that’s stating the obvious. To me, selling your soul for money just isn’t a fair exchange of value, but it seems that the fine print of the contract becomes clearer once all the money’s spent. Then you have no money and someone owns your soul.
I’ve noticed all those false flag actors are really bad at acting, in other words, EMOTING. Same with people on forums, I believe they fail because they cannot easily fake or even identify the right emotional tone. So I’ve concluded that they have all grown up without real love and nurturing as children. They can’t emulate someone grieving or being part of a happy family (if that’s their current paid acting role) because they’ve never really had that conscious experience so have nothing to draw upon. Pretty sure that’s an essential characteristic for taking on such jobs.
I had to watch a lot of fake family scenes on TV recently – supposedly of people coming home after interstate lockdowns here in Australia all with special messages for the public of, “I just want to say a special thank you to everyone in Melbourne FOR DOING THE RIGHT THING and sticking to the rules etc…” Reinforcing the agenda at every turn whilst displaying very strange body language when sitting with people who are supposedly a close loving family, meeting up after a long time. At least it’s not as bad as those ISIS beheading videos — I am reminded of this disastrous example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJD-oZXLTHA
Thats precisely it Jacques. People dont understand that each of us have to take responsibility for our actions and thoughts. In the end we cannot avoid paying our dues so to say.
You dont need to believe in God to know that. Its simply a matter of action and reaction and possibly the reaction wont happen in this life, but it will happen. No individual can escape the consequences of what he does and thinks, for better or worse. So to sell your soul to other human beings for a few pennies for such a limited amount of time (since you wont be able to take your ill-gotten goods with you, when you have to leave this life) may not be the best bargain you would be doing…
Im sorry I dont want to sound like some kind of retributive justice, but modern man has forgotten about life because of a few stupid techniques he thinks he has invented. But life cannot be forgotten. We are integrally part of it and in that life there is also a sphere of morality, of values. It may not be perceptible through our senses, but its there.
I think what matters is being true to one’s inner values, whatever they may be:
i.e if you truly are convinced about harming others or some others, and can keep a distance with the fruits of your actions, i.e. not do it for gain, for pleasure, for revenge, out of anger or hatred, but through total conviction, then
I think you will be fine. I think what life doesnt forgive is if you do things that you know inside you are wrong.
Its hard to explain. Its rare to do be harmful in the above manner. I dont know if its possible.
We would have long ceased to be had we all forgotten our humanity and just aimed for bodily comfort, for conformism. A few never forgot, never forget, come what may. It may need immense courage. But no one ever said being human was easy. But its because of those few that humankind is still on this earth.
To those who like this man aims to destroy, who thinks that today being on the side of what he views as powerful tyrants, he can with all impunity do whatever he likes, I simply want to say: remember you have been given the privilege to be born a human being. Dont waste this privilege. Dont forget what you are foremost, for your own sake. It little matters what others think of you.
Good sermon but Gates and his associates are the Anti-Christ.
Well said Annette.
“who’s paying you”
“If by that one means from where do the mooches receive their corporate fascist welfare handouts, the answer to that is clear, Langley-Land. Langley-Land the corporate fascist welfare program for fascists, war racketeers and other assorted criminal psychopaths.”

“To Hell with War!”
Stop trying to defend the US military industrial complex, which has its own agendas, by blaming random businessmen. you propagandist for the CIA.
“The Cocaine Importers of America (CIA) the largest crime syndicate and purveyors of terror, torture and mass murder on the Planet today, needs to go, the sooner the better.”

I known people who don’t want to face the truth. They are scared and a bit dim, like most of the population.
They mix this very toxic chemical with rotting saliva and cells . Then they give it to hamsters and claim there is a virus in it that is ruffling their fur. They don’t do any controls like giving the hamsters the rotting cells and toxic chemical without the saliva sample. It is plane fraud easy to prove. Their own experiments even with this toxic chemical and rotting cells showed the hamsters all recovered so there wasn’t any evidence of any deaths which they would need if they are claiming people could die from ‘it’. They admit that they give “covid patients” large doses of drugs, intubation and sedation as well as force feeding them. It is in plane site.
“It is easy for one to understand that the influence of a dinner may be said to be self-limited. The influence of a cup of coffee is self-limited.The influence of one acute attack of toxin poisoning is self-limited. Pneumonia, or other so-called infectious diseases, represent a state of toxemia, and if nothing is added–if no more toxin be turned loose in the system after the disease is once established–it is self-evident that the poison must be self-limited,and the limitation must always be the same; but if more toxin poisoning is added after treatment is begun,it is obvious that it would be impossible to have any disease originating in this way ending in any kind of regularity, unless it were in death. Pneumonia is a disease that is brought on from toxin poisoning, but the subject must be prepared by weeks and months of improper life–tilling the soil, so to speak, and cultivating it for the propagation of disease. After it is once started, to bring it to as hasty a termination as possible, food must be stopped absolutely….
Morphine, or any other preparation of opium, is very dangerous in pneumonia, as it causes a filling-up ofthe lungs and an inability to expectorate, and the patient will frequently die from lack of power to free thelungs. One of the worst symptoms following the use of opiates is the semi-delirium. Patients are made sleepy because of the drug, and on account of difficult breathing they struggle to stay awake. This makes acase look very desperate, when no doubt the symptoms would all be very light if it were not for the peculiar influence of the drug. Pneumonia is a disease that will surrender to kind nursing and complete absence of anything in the drug line.
While it’s likely that so many people self-administer toxins in the guise of modern processed food or countless pharmaceutical concoctions, it’s unfortunately also true that an array of toxins are administered to everyone on Earth via climate engineering.
A truly toxic brew is spewed into the atmosphere daily,in the guise of cooling the Earth, much of it settling down on everyone, who have no choice but to breathe it in all day long. It is possible that chelated mineral supplements might help remove some of the toxins; but given the vast quantity of aluminum et al breathed in each day, there is no way to remove all these toxins from the body.
Needless to say, there is no “vaccine” or any other medical device capable of purging the body of the toxins surrounding us.
Supplying (“catering”) food itself is a big part of the medical industry. If all those patients got by with just a drink at most, that would be bad for “the economy” and capitalism.
Why don’t you watch Dolores Cahil explain? The video is even is subtitled in French, Jaques, if you are a French speaker!!!
I’d hope that my English is good enough to understand stuff without French subtitles … 😀 … but thanks.
I’ve seen enough videos explaining the SARS-CoV-2 hoax to fill up the rest of my life. I’m saturated with virology stuff, disease, swab tests. No more!
I don’t see no people around me dropping dead, not even one. Ain’t seen one attendant carting off the dead body of a covid victim to the nearest morgue/mass grave. Nothing, nada, fucking rien. There ain’t no virus, no disease.
I’m interested in how we get out of this predicament, how we stop the fascism. Or however you want to call this … -ism.
Medical fascism, aided and abetted by all those “I’m only doing my job”, well paid and pensioned public servants.
There IS a disease and a few people have gotten seriosuly ill and a few of them with pre-exisiting conditions and old age have died. It’s just not very common.
There is no pandemic unless you accept WHO’s revised definition of the word.
Thanks James for this link. This is a great interview – definitely a must watch!
“do you have any substantial evidence to prove that Sars Cov2 is just a fraud?”
Trying to prove a negative.
Like do you have evidence that Trump was not a Russian plant.
How to prove a non-fact.
Perhaps he needs to be told? because he cannot see for toffee.
quite so, there are so many levels of deception one should simply concentrate upon observable actions..
for example the destruction of business, mass jabs etc.
of course most imperative is the need to form some type of cogent movement in meat space.. which will require leadership and resources.
Exactly. It’s a waste of time arguing with those who don’t see. Let them dig their own grave.
the Italians have behind them centuries of counter-reform and government of the priests, I would not count on them …
Dr David Martin Explains Covid Vaccines are not Vaccines but are Medical Devices
B ill gates is
trying to sell a vaccine, that really is not a vaccine but an untested
therapie a “remedy”. It´s an experimental drug about whose long-term side effects nothing is known.
The provisions of the Nuremberg Code on informed consent are part of international law. Neither government agencies and authorities, nor private and public employers can force you to accept the role of a long-term test subject for an experimental therapie or drug. You have the freedom of choice and free will to refuse it.
Of all the people vaccination opponents are most numerous among medical personnel, doctors and pharmacists, who know very well contrary to ordinary non-medical people (with cable tv )that the jab is not a vaccine but an untested drug.
The other day it´s been reported that nurses and dental assistants are being pressured to either get vaccinated immediately or be fired.
To get the message home Merkel let it be known on all media outlets that she is in favor of a tough lock-down. Does she mean a total lock-down, a more total than you can think of lock-down? It doesn´t matter the people will not be asked this time round-)
Everyone should follow corona regulations to the letter then the lock-down will be over. Disgruntled people behind closed doors call lock-down an open prison. You work outside and then straight back to the enclosed accommodation and nothing really fun is allowed.
However It was also on the news that many who have already received the jab are tested positive afterwards.
With common sense one can recognize a ppp, a perpetuum pcr pandemic, with gold standard bogus PCR tests.
A recent telephone survey on a popular n-TV channel:
do you trust the German media?
yes, 87%
Questions, anyone?
I wouldn’t necessarily trust the survey, if it even ever took place.
“do you trust the German media?
yes, 87%
Questions, anyone?“
Indeed. And this is also true for the wars German citizens simply accept. The Afghanistan war of the Bundeswehr is the longest lasting war since the founding of Germany in 1871: Nearly 20 years. Afghanistan is totally destroyed.
In 1991 German “Bundeswehr” marched into Somalia (Defence minister Volker Rühe). Since than Somalia is destroyed.
Destruction of Yugoslavia 1999 and of Syria and – without Bundeswehr, but with full German political support: – of Iraq and Libya.
And nonetheless for decades the vast majority of Germans voted for these warmonger parties (CDU, SPD, Green, FDP). And if there is a discussion about these millions of refugees (also from south Saharan Africa, were German policy enforced these disastrous TTP-like trade “agreements” with African states) they argue only about letting refugees “in” or “not in”. But I heard no one ever to argue that it is Germany’s duty to rebuild (“Wiedergutmachung”) these states
My conclusion is: There is “Karma”. Karma means the logical causally of everything you think, say, do.
And Karma will now hit these evildoers hard. I believe this will be done by this horrible world economic crisis, which is now just around the corner.
At least there are 17% who do not trust. However German arithmetic is not what it used to be in the days of Carl Friedrich Gauss who I presume is a distant relative!
17 + 87 =
China Calls To Suspend mRNA Injectables – Western Press Silent On Loss Of 1.3 Billion Sales
UK Press Regulator IPSO Has New Role As Arbiter Of “The Science” – Rules Telegraph Wrong To Say T-Cells Contribute To Immunity.
More Applause For NHS Pushed By Media And Politicians — Relaunched As Clap For Carers At 8pm On Thursdays
Fergie Is Back On UK’s SAGE Committee – Neil Ferguson Of ICL Is The Master Of Relentless Invention
ITV News Coordinates with 77th Brigade — Emotive Plea From “Covid Grandpa Alan Carslake” Triggers Gush Of Influence Activities
Rollout Of Military, In Masks, Visors, Aprons – 5,300 Soldiers In NHS And A-Symptomatic Testing Centres
The Miracle Of The Vanishing Flu – Since Week 16, 2020 (WHO PDF)
UK Column News – 15th January 2021
ipso = common cold T cells do not lead to immunity.
Monotti is a very inspiring voice, with lots of links to the common sense which has completely abandoned western governments.
Given the choice, I’ll take common sense over government any time.
In fact I’d like to see on the next election ballot:
a) Candidate A
b) Candidate B
c) Candidate C
d) Bright people with Common Sense and no candidate.
Robin Monotti
And they are what?
Oh, I was right…
You can’t read.
I’m surprised you’re still around, after eating all your hats.
A person who can read knows why I’m still around, hats or not.
Robin Monotti Gaziadei is a hero to me. He shares scientific information and ponders the philosophical. I sense his desperation via his constant sharing of information – to divert the world away from a dystopian future
Graziadei * (apologies)
The Covid narrative is broken. It has expired. It does not breathe. It is dead.
Doris and Bat Bangcock are treasonous scum and belong in jail along with the
Wage, Ferguson and the rest of the liars and psychopaths who kill old people
in nursing homes.
The day of reckoning draws ever nearer, POTUS will win and then its our turn.
Potus, the superhero with a roman emperor sounding name, will come flying in on Dumbo, the flying elephant, and carry us off to Jerusalem with angels providing the soundtrack.
The Covid narrative is broken. It has expired. It does not breathe. It is dead.
Doris and Bat Bangcock are treasonous scum and belong in jail along with the
Wage, Ferguson and the rest of the liars and psychopaths who kill old people
in nursing homes.
The day of reckoning draws ever nearer, POTUS will win and then its our turn.
I like the gist of that comment, and I think the day of reckoning is indeed drawing closer, but let’s not go over the top…
POTUS winning is a very unlikely scenario, given that Washington is a bottomless cesspit that somehow, miraculously, manages to overflow…
It can swallow anything – even Trump, but of course I will very much enjoy eating my hat if I’m proven wrong.
In that case, you must have a bad case of fabric and polyester poisoning.
An emetic, properly administered, can do wonders.
Don’t worry about me.
Living with yourself would have the same effect.
I wish you were right, but unfortunately I do not share your optimism. Not yet anyway. There are too many of the willfully blind for us to contend with. And when they show the slightest hint of waking up, the MSM or the others around them beat the common sense out of them again.
Polish Highlanders also poised to defy the ban.
“- a skating rink owner in the Polish city of Szczecin decided to operate his business as a flower shop to get around the rules.”
Stay positive. Small rebellions can become big rebellions. Then it is jail for Matt Hancock, Bill Gates and company. Stay positive or you might drag me down with you.
Hi John…had a look down your blog. Good, vital to track adverse ‘events’.Have you seen this, by chance?
Hi Watt. Yes, thanks, when she first put it up, She’s on the ball. So many are fighting the good fight. Not least is Dr. Simone Gold of America’s Frontline Doctors. This was out yesterday.
Thanks too for your encouraging comment. It makes the effort worthwhile. It is my duty to keep revealing this attempt to enslave us all,
The province of Ontario, Canada, has two types of homes for the aged:
Long-term Care Homes, which are administered by the Ministry of Long-term Care, and
Retirement Homes, which are administered by the Retirement Homes Regulatory Authority.
Retirement Homes are not required to provide the same level of care as Long-term Care Homes, however, many Retirement Homes are, in essence, Long-term Care Homes. Long-term Care Homes are largely government funded, whereas Retirement Homes are not. Long-term Care Homes are 54% privately run, and 46% government run. Retirement Homes are 100% privately run.
There are about 627 (licensed) Long-term Care Homes in Ontario.
There are about 770 (licensed) Retirement Homes in Ontario.
There were Covid-19 outbreaks in 272 (43.4%) of the 627 Long-term Care Homes, till Apr 7.[9]
There were Covid-19 outbreaks in 38 (4.9%) of the 770 Retirement Homes, till Apr 7.[10]
So, the Long-term Care Home outbreaks are 43.4/4.9 = 8.86 times more prevalent than Retirement Home outbreaks.
Because an outbreak is, by definition, the introduction of Covid-19 into an old-age home, the most important factor influencing an outbreak is the number of people that the residents meet from outside the home. Long-term Care Home residents would generally meet more staff (from outside the home), whereas Retirement Home residents would meet more outsiders while they were away from the home, as they are free to wonder wherever they choose. Which of the two groups would meet more outsiders? One suspects that Retirement Home residents would come into contact with more outsiders than Long-term Care Home residents.
Given this, one would expect that Retirement Homes would have had a few more outbreaks than Long-term Care Homes. However, at least initially, Long-term Care Homes had nearly nine times the number of outbreaks. This is proof that Covid-19 was deliberately spread to Ontario’s Long-term Care Homes, but not to the Retirement Homes.
It appears that the list of targeted places included Long-term Care Homes, but not Retirement Homes. An administrative oversight by the spreaders?
In Ontario, as of June 1, there were:
1,652 (89.2%) deaths in Long-term Care Homes.[11]
199 (10.7%) deaths in Retirement Homes.[12]
So, there were about nine times as many deaths in Long-term Care Homes.
About nine times as many outbreaks has led to about nine times as many deaths.
This indicates that the severity of the outbreaks in both classes of home were similar, which is not what we have been told. Although, this is roughly what one should have expected as Long-term Care Homes, and Retirement Homes, are quite similar.[15]
As of 1 June, 1,851/2,293 = 81% of all Covid-19 deaths in Ontario occurred in Long-term Care Homes.[13]
As of 1 June, 92% of all Covid-19 deaths in Nova Scotia, and 88% of all Covid-19 deaths in Quebec, occurred in Long-term Care Homes.
By June 1, the Long-term Care Homes in the Canadian provinces/territories, Prince Edward Island, Yukon, Northwest Territories, and Nunavut had no cases of Covid-19 at all, and those in Newfoundland and Labrador, New Brunswick, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan had 12 cases between them (including 4 deaths).[14]
Further to my comment earlier, fearing the outcome of Mex elections in June – the ‘National Electoral Institute’ has muzzled the prez.
“The INE document obtained by Reforma said that it is “necessary, justified and urgent” to apply limits on López Obrador’s freedom of speech because if he continues to speaking about election-related issues the constitutionally-enshrined principles of electoral impartiality, neutrality and equity would be adversely affected.”
Is this all a ruse to eradicate the process and chief in every country and bring in the one world guv? (not that I believe in the process or have ever voted)