Anteroom of Our Own Extinction
John Steppling

If you want to deprive citizens of freedom of movement, freedom of assembly and the right to family life, there should be written reasons. They ask the department why they can hardly find such anywhere since the intervention was introduced in March. It is a mystery that hardly any Norwegian journalists have thought of asking this question. { } …that should be every journalist’s first instinct when the government shuts down the country.” Øyvind Håbrekke (Candidate for Krk in Trondelog, Norway)
I. Decrees the expulsion of Jews from the colony. { }
XXXII. The runaway slave, who shall continue to be so for one month from the day of his being denounced to the officers of justice, shall have his ears cut off, and shall be branded with the flower de luce on the shoulder : and on a second offence of the same nature, persisted in during one month from the day of his being denounced, he shall be hamstrung, and be marked with the flower de luce on the other shoulder. On the third offence, he shall suffer death. Louisiana Code Noir, 1724-1803
Any person who wilfully enters or uses any public premises or public vehicle or any portion thereof or any counter, bench, seat or other amenity or contrivance which has in terms of sub-section (1) been set apart or reserved for the exclusive use of persons belonging to a particular race or class, being a race or class to which he does not belong, shall be guilty of an offence and liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding fifty pounds or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding three months, or to both such fine and such imprisonment.” Reservation of Separate Amenities Act. Parliament of South Africa, 1953
And by doing so, these devices are constantly reinvented as masks: as apparatuses of categorical transformation aimed at allowing humanity to persist at the brink of the end of the world as this is embodied by the spectre of the “next pandemic.” Portrayed as the last barrier between us and the killer virus to come, “plague masks” ultimately transform us into a species inhabiting the anteroom of its own extinction.
Christos Lynteris (Medical Anthropology,Cross-Cultural Studies in Health and Illness Volume 37, 2018 – Issue 6)
One of the most important aspects of aesthetics, of the study of art at all, is that it teaches the viewer or reader how to see and experience more deeply, with more sensitivity, and this in turn (among other things) leads to the ability to recognize the fraudulent. In other words you come to recognize propaganda. It is almost the cultivating of a sub clinical intuitive skill, a sense when a narrative or an image seem counterfeit.
Along with this comes the ability to, at least partly, resist marketing campaigns and advertisers’ manipulations. I have always felt the reading of the classics serve as a teflon shield for advertising.
Art and culture have more profound gifts than just a finely tuned ‘bullshit meter’. But given the events of this last week, and of the entire year, as well, the loss of cultural education keeps coming back to me. The least-enrolled post grad program at U.S. universities is the study of the classics. History is very low, too, for any era. Business management is the most popular.
I often have thought that the loss of such studies today has had a genuinely deleterious effect. Certainly most big search engines, if you google post graduate programs in the classics, will return a variety of links about how such a degree has nearly zero economic reward attached.
This is now about a year into the pandemic and there have still been no debates, no public roundtables and no referendums. Nothing. Just decrees by the government. I honestly have given up trying to make sense of statistics, really. But a couple of things have not changed; the fatality rate if you catch Covid 19 is under 1% (and yes, case fatality is different than infectious mortality and that in turn is different from mortality rate). And depending on how it is being counted, it is often a good deal less than that. And yet the entire planet has been subjected to severe restrictions on travel, and coerced to follow pseudoscientific behaviour like mask wearing and social distancing. Today in many places there is what amounts to martial law. Police or national guard patrol the streets after dark. Many countries have banned public events, closed restaurants and nightclubs, and limited any public gatherings. Many schools remain closed or only partially open.
The economic consequences of these non-debated government policies have been catastrophic. In the U.S. something like 60 million jobs have been lost, many never to return. A hundred and fifty thousand restaurants have gone bankrupt. Only one in three museums will ever reopen. In San Francisco they decided NOT to count the numbers of new homeless. No reason was given but one can guess. The homeless situation in the U.S., in big cities in particular, was critical even before the pandemic. Now the numbers are unprecedented. Not even during the ‘Great Depression’ was there anything like the current level of those without basic shelter.
Food insecurity is at a crisis level. Feeding America, the largest hunger relief organization in the US, estimates over 50 million people go hungry every night including something close to twenty million children.
Since mid-March 2020, numerous surveys have documented unprecedented levels of food insecurity that eclipse anything seen in recent decades in the United States, including during the Great Recession. Over the past five years, US Department of Agriculture (USDA) estimates of food insecurity in the United States have hovered around 11% to 12%.
As of March and April 2020, national estimates of food insecurity more than tripled to 38% In a national survey we fielded in March 2020 among adults with incomes less than 250% of the 2020 federal poverty level (based on thresholds from the US Census), 44% of all households were food insecure including 48% of Black households, 52% of Hispanic households, and 54% of households with children. American Public Heath Association (Dec 2020)
And yet, congress just passed another defense budget increase. According to Defense News…
the final version of the 2020 defense appropriations bill, part of a broad $1.4 trillion spending deal to finalize federal spending for 2020 and avert a government shutdown. The defense bill would provide $738 billion.
Almost one in three households suffers hunger, regularly. Almost half of black and hispanic households. Households with children are most vulnerable to the government policies. So half of the kids in the U.S. have inadequate nutrition. Half will suffer long term developmental problems, almost guaranteed.
So, given that there are countless medical professionals around the world who question the effectiveness of Covid policy by government, who questions the World Health Organization and CDC? One would think there would be a heated and exhaustive discussion about how to proceed. Once it was clear that this was not a particularly fatal virus, there should have been wide and far-reaching debate. But there was none.
And who are the authorities who dictate these policies? This also remains unclear. The head of the WHO is Dr.Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. But the face of the pandemic is Anthony Fauci. Now his role is also a bit unclear.
Fauci is director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID). He has held that position since 1984. It is unclear why he is the official advisor to presidents.
But, the point is that Bill Gates controls forty percent of the WHO. So, take Norway, where I live. Who advises the PM? Or advises her health minister? And it’s worth noting that the health minister is Bent Høie, from the ruling party, a conservative business-friendly party.
Here is the wiki entry on Mr Høie…
Høie was born in Randaberg. He studied law at University of Bergen in 1991 and also attended the Norwegian School of Hotel Management from 1991-93.
Well, I guess Hotel management is as good a background as any to make life and death decisions about pandemics. One assumes the WHO and/or the CDC send advisors to talk to the Minister of Health. But I am only guessing.
My point is that the decision-making process is utterly opaque. Nobody seems to have a clear idea from where, exactly, the policy of lockdown (the quarantining of healthy people is, as far as I can tell, utterly new) originated, or where the marketing and obvious fearmongering came from.
For there has been a clear marketing apparatus in play, with all the mask adverts, the social distancing, etc. And worth mentioning is that the eco outcry about plastic straws, a genuine issue, really, suddenly receded and now, in the hysteria of mask wearing, the environment has had to absorb 9 billion single-use cloth and plastic masks.
The entire global economy is teetering on collapse. And this was intentional. This is because of governmental actions, not because of a virus. Of course, western economies have been teetering since 2008, if not before.
I’m not an economist, but this is the point where one must look at “The Great Reset”.
Most of you have heard of it, its been on the cover of TIME magazine, and that photo of Klaus Schwab and his Vulcan unitard suit has cropped up across all social media platforms. The short version (for a long and exhaustive and insightful version see Cory Morningstar here) is that Schwab and his friends at the World Economic Forum have this idea, clothed in perfect green attire, to “reset” the economies of the West (or of the world).

The word ‘reset’ is interesting. Who came up with that I wonder? It feels very computer-ish and futuristic, and optimistic! And while much is made of certain aspects (natural capital, social capital, a new deal for nature, social impact bonds, etc) the reality is that the capitalist system, in the hands of the richest at any given moment (or we can say the ruling class), drive corrections to the market. This helps consolidate wealth at the top, or transfer more to the top.
And that is what this is, with the difference being that the plan is more about the destruction of markets, the destruction of competition, and the hyper monopolization of nearly everything. It entails a good deal of AI fantasy, but it also means a digitalization of currency (so no grey economy, no borrowing from friends, no under the table work) and a massive increase in surveillance and tracking. All of this is helped by the lockdown policies, the so-called ‘Reset’ would likely be stillborn if not for the reaction to Covid.
Allow me to insert HERE a European Commission statement regarding Covid19.
Now the new head of the European Commission is Ursula von der Leyen. Remember that much of the Reset is driven by the ruling elite of Europe and North America. And these people share common values and goals. Here is a brief biographical sketch on Ms von der Leyen…
“Von der Leyen’s father’s grandparents were the cotton merchant Carl Albrecht (1875–1952) and Mary Ladson Robertson (1883–1960), an American who belonged to a plantation owning family of the southern aristocracy from Charleston, South Carolina.
Her American ancestors played a significant role in the British colonization of the Americas, and she descends from many of the first English settlers of Carolina, Virginia, Pennsylvania and Barbados, and from numerous colonial-era governors.
Among her ancestors were Carolina governors John Yeamans, James Moore, Robert Gibbes, Thomas Smith and Joseph Blake, Pennsylvania deputy governor Samuel Carpenter, and the American revolutionary and lieutenant governor of South Carolina James Ladson.The Ladson family were large plantation owners and her ancestor James H. Ladson owned over 200 slaves by the time slavery in the United States was abolished; her relatives and ancestors were among the wealthiest in British North America in the 18th century, and she descends from one of the largest British slave traders of the era, Joseph Wragg.”
I will return to why this has relevance. But I will only say here that all of the faces fronting for the Green New Deal, and the Reset, are wealthy, from lineages of extreme wealth and position. Today’s theme is ‘class’.
I can tell you only what I think Schwab and his colleagues want from this project. Let’s look at what is not going to return to normal after the lockdown.
Commercial airlines are going bust, and those that are still alive have drastically cut routes and have limited their service. The days of cheap flights to warm beaches is gone, I suspect, for good. Vacations will be limited and travel limited (well, unless you are very rich like Gates and Schwab and Ms von der Leyen and Prince Charles and Jeff Bezos et al).
There are now sixty million people out of work in the U.S. The inevitability of the Universal Basic Income is pretty clear. The question is how much does one mean by basic?
Here I think one might do a quick history overview of apartheid South Africa, of the sugar plantations of the 18th century in the Caribbean or, well, the Nazi work camp system. The new capitalism that is imagined (and look, feel free to call it post-capitalism , or woke feudalism or whateverthefuckever you want) has more in common with the aforementioned systems of servitude and slavery than it does with anything else. It is class struggle, as Marx emphasized. Jobs won’t be coming back. There will be a gigantic surplus population.
And already one sees the gradual coalescing of a new caste system. People deemed ‘important’ are allowed to go places and few questions are asked if they violate social distancing or mask wearing. The new social apartheid, which began as a pseudoscientific method for disease control, has now, in the brief span of a year, become a defacto class segregation. The rich are exempt. Here is an article from the New York Post (Aug 15th):
Meanwhile, billionaire David Geffen has been hanging on his yacht, Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson are cruising Greece in another yacht after receiving “honorary” citizenship, Facebook overlord Mark Zuckerberg has been trolling the waters off Hawaii in a $12,000 surfboard, Jeff Bezos and his lady friend have been (multiple) house-hunting, buying up millions of dollars in property in Los Angeles to build a compound while traveling via private jet to several cities around the country, former Mayor Bloomberg splashed out $45 million on a Colorado compound (joining a host of other billionaires buying in that state as well as Montana and Wyoming); and others are spending millions to buy citizenship in “safe” countries like New Zealand.
That ‘compound’ remark is worth noting. For this is the future for much of America. Gated compounds for the aristos and the dirty, squalid, infected world for the proles. And look, gated communities with private security have been in existence for forty years. Only now the separation has deeper implications.
Of course, football can continue in both the US and UK, though basketball has been more strictly limited (the perception is, of course, that basketball is an urban game and in a league over 70% black).
It is amazing how these strictly-enforced behavioural rules are relaxed for the amusements of the court. The rich can pretty much do whatever they want. Literally none of the rules apply to them. There is a middle tier of affluent, those deemed necessary, for the moment anyway, who get to move around more easily. For the millions now without income the restrictions will be quite acute.
So, back to the Reset for a moment. I keep returning to the slave economies of times past because this is increasingly what capitalism has been trending toward. The sugar plantations of the Caribbean used slave labour. Imported from Africa. They sold that raw product in markets of the metropole, to world markets. But on the plantation only master and slave relations existed. And this is, in one sense, what is being normalized today. Slave relations. And like the gulf Monarchies who use ‘guest’ workers (slaves, literally), Americans are close already to being guest workers in their own country.
And like the Apartheid laws in South Africa, certain castes (replacing race in this case) cannot go to the private beach of Mark Zukerberg. Or these days, often, any beach at all.
It’s worth noting that the old 19th Century industrialist tycoons eventually became huge philanthropists. Carnegie, Mellon, Peabody, Rockefeller even. They endowed education, built libraries and hospitals. Today’s tycoons create deceptive Green projects that are really just more wealth-amassing schemes to displace indigenous people, steal land and property, and help sell and normalize the police state.
Students throughout California are now stuck at home in hot, crowded rooms that occasionally fill with wildfire smoke. 19% of these students are English language learners and almost 13% of them have disabilities. Every day on Zoom they fall more and more behind both academically and socially. In Los Angeles Unified, the state’s largest district, students are receiving 90-170 minutes of daily live instruction (depending on their age), after which they are expected to do independent work. Compared to the traditional six or seven-hour school day, online education is laughably inadequate. In real time, teachers and families are watching important developmental windows close for vulnerable children. Meanwhile the California Democratic Party and its affiliates tout virtual schooling as a solution for mitigating COVID-19 transmission” Alex Gutentag (The Bellows)
Gutentag also notes that the California governor sends his kids to a private school with in-person learning. Caste.
Not to mention that many children in the U.S. now live in highly-stressed homes. Over forty million people are at risk of eviction because of unpaid back rent. None of these homes can afford adequate food. They certainly cannot afford health care.
What happens when a child gets sick in today’s America? I suspect for hundreds of thousands they will, at best, get inconsistent attention from volunteer medical workers — unless there is a lockdown in effect. Then they get nothing.
As I say, this brutal reorganization of the economy bears no small similarity to a slave economy — but it is being sold to the public by pretending it is this new, technology-driven Reset. (Own nothing and be happy).
What exactly does the government plan to do with those sixty million unemployed Americans? What does the UK plan? or Germany or France? Or anywhere? The stimulus package went mostly to big corporations. And media and state propaganda continue to provide endless distractions (see assault on the Capitol, and anything to do with Trump).
There is a clear belief in and emphasis on technology in all this. On AI and robotics and transhumanism (sic). This belief in AI to solve almost everything is reaching levels of delusion that many people, even critics of the Reset, seem to ignore.
So how is it that people have so passively surrendered their rights? The answer is complex.
First, the idea of cooperation and grass roots organizing have been relentlessly disparaged in the media for decades. When unions were effectively destroyed under Reagan, along with them went the last vestiges of collectivity. Hollywood has always made films about individual triumph, almost never about revolutionary organizing. I think a large number of people today, even those skeptical, suffer from a kind of inertia. And this too has been built into the system. And it may well be an aspect of screen habituation.
But before that, people are afraid. The unseen enemy, the invisible virus, the plague, an enemy that brings fevers and suffering, sickness and death. But that is only a part of the problem. The Reset is presenting a future of total control for the ruling class.
Why would anyone support this madness? Well, first, because they are being sold on the idea that it’s green, and that THEY, themselves, will be in control. Sort of. And second, they have limited options.
In a way the long shadow of the Reagan years are evident here. The destruction of unions, coupled with the loss of real public education, has allowed for the rootless, lonely and isolated ‘individual’ of contemporary America. And the utter absence of a real leftist party.
But it’s true for much of Europe, too. Here in Norway the wearing of masks is prevalent in ‘high risk’ red zones. And one still can’t drive across the border to Sweden. I see enormous stress indicators in children. Even in my children. And they are young. Nobody feels happy. Isolation does not promote happiness.
Still, how likely is it that this Reset works? I think this question is ignored somewhat and therefore we need to ask ‘for whom does it work’? While there has been enormous amounts of great stuff written about Schwab and the WEF I must digress a moment (although its not really a digression, but only appears to be):
There is a basic problem with AI, deep learning, and natural language and, while it is about language, it applies to other fields as well. This is the Frame problem. And the Frame problem is intwined with the problem of time.
NOTE: The Frame problem “is the challenge of representing the effects of action in logic without having to represent explicitly a large number of intuitively obvious non-effects. But to many philosophers, the AI researchers’ frame problem is suggestive of wider epistemological issues.” – Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy – ed.
The Frame problem is about relevance, and that the outlier issues, while statistically rare, are actually what distinguish ‘smart’ people from ‘not smart’ people. Machine learning, AI, can do a lot of things, but to over-applaud its achievements without admitting its profound limitations is going to lead to some catastrophic mistakes and, no doubt, human tragedies.
And then there is this.
AI works great in labs, with toys and controlled environments, but a lot less well in the real world.
So far the solution for the new AI cheerleaders is to make the real world like a lab. In one sense, Singapore, with extensive use of AI via a very authoritarian state apparatus, has already done this. China is a more complex discussion, and wanting to avoid any idea of an ‘Oriental plot’, I’m just going to take a Mulligan.
The ruling class anywhere is exempted in all such examples. The majority of humans will be treated as rats in a lab test. Not even rats, but toys. In other words, highly, if not totally, expendable.
But the problems with the Reset, and with all of the Green New Deal projects, are that they operate in a computer model-based world that is rather significantly divorced from real life, and certainly, intentionally, disregards class (and caste).
There are also new ideas like ‘human capital bonds’. It sounds complex but this is just a more draconian loan arrangement where, if you default, for example while going to medical school, even if you graduate you wont be allowed to practice. Everything in this new economy gives people less power and less autonomy.
The issues with all AI and with the advanced technology praised by the Reset are philosophical more than scientific. Part of the problem is that the real world is enormously complex. Like weather prediction, anything more than six or seven days out is all but impossible. There are too many unknown factors and variables. This truth can be extrapolated to just about any real world problem. But for all the growing skepticism about AI, the proponents (who know these problems) continue to propagandize the benefits and the infinite possibilities of an AI-dominated future.
The most absurd are the transhumanists. Given how little is actually known about consciousness, and considering that all AI is just math, it seems almost infantile to think we are going to learn better with implants, or work more efficiently. Alongside that is the issue of prediction. Perhaps this was built into the Enlightenment, but what Adorno and Horkheimer came to call ‘instrumental thinking’ is now embraced unquestioningly by the new peddlers of AI.
Back to the philosophical issue. Wittgenstein famously said:
If a lion could speak, we would not understand it.
Language is part of a shared horizon of the world (as Steven Gambardella put it). Computers can simulate thought, but only up to a point. (See Chinese Box experiment)
The whole modern conception of the world is founded on the illusion that the so-called laws of nature are the explanations of natural phenomena. Thus people today stop at the laws of nature, treating them as something inviolable, just as God and Fate were treated in past ages. Ludwig Wittgenstein (Tractatus)
AI is the Alchemy of the 21st century. The new Reset, driven by the high net worth figures from Wall Street, Silicon Valley, or the Royal Houses of Europe, is a fantasy. But a fantasy that is part of a long class struggle.
And at a certain point it doesn’t matter, not totally, if AI works.
If errors occur in computation, or in facial recognition, or in food allotments to the projected new slave class, the billionaires on their yachts wont mind. If the implant in my brain crashes during a scheduled update, that’s just one less servant to feed.
And there is also a clear de-population agenda at work in all this. Certainly David Attenborough and Baroness Goodall are big on getting rid of the indigenous people in Africa. Nearly all of the pro-Reset leadership believe in depopulation. Prince Charles, another who prefers he keep his privilege. It is not an accident that an Ursula von der Leyen is running point for the EU now. A descendent of the biggest slave trader in Europe at one time. It speaks to exactly why a Hugo Chavez, for example, so offended these people. Or an Evo Morales. Remember it was not so long ago that the U.S. worked to control and neutralize African independence movements. While Cuba and the U.S.S.R. helped to support those movements. Dick Cheney until the 90s called Mandela a terrorist.
This intentional demolition of capitalism, as we have come to know it, is designed to enclose populations via surveillance, digital tagging, health passports, and no doubt much more. Again, if the digital tag doesn’t work, so what? I happen to think much of this ruling class dream is doomed to fail on the technical level. The problem is that it quite possibly will work on a political and control level.
Depopulation is rebranded eugenics, and nothing else. The royals of Europe have always longed for a return to what, for them, was colonial grandeur. The fantasy future is nostalgia for the ruling class. The dream can be traced back to what the Empire has always done. They destroy anything democratic and/or socialist. They support any dictator at any time because they believe they deserve more and more of what is better. Let them eat cake.
They have crushed independence and autonomy for all of the 20th century and now into the 21st. The Mau Mau uprising in Kenya, the assassination of Lumumba, Vietnam, Indonesia and Suharto, El Salvador ( U.S. support for Roberto D’Aubuisson, a fervent admirer of Hitler), or Nicaragua, or Chile, the former Yugoslavia. One could go on and on and on. The U.S. support for Papa Doc in Haiti, for Trujillo in the Dominican Republic. Nowhere, at any time, has the Imperialist and colonial-loving ruling class EVER supported democracy or equality. Never, nowhere, not once.
The problem is about perception. Take one of the biggest NGOs in the entire New Deal for Nature; Conservation International. These people work with the WWF, with Club of Rome, and We Mean Business. These are very wealthy business ventures. Now, Conservation International also finances the Greta Thunberg films.
HERE is their board of directors, from their web page.
Perception. But Northrup Grummon… and Riverstone Holdings. The first is a major player in the defense industry, the industry that just got a trillion dollars, give or take, from the U.S. Government. The second is a private equity firm focused on leveraged buyouts. Arnhold LLC is an investment management company. Banco BTG Pactual S/A is an investment management company and consultant to corporate trading. You get the idea. These are the people who have helped further inequality, aided environmental destruction, and helped plunder the assets of countless countries. The cynicism is jaw dropping, but many people just see Greta, see Green New Deal and assume this NGO is an innocent well-intentioned and ‘woke’ eco-venture.
WHY would anyone think that suddenly these people are out to save the planet?
Well, they might think they ARE saving the planet, but not for you and me. For themselves.
John Steppling is an original founding member of the Padua Hills Playwrights Festival, a two-time NEA recipient, Rockefeller Fellow in theatre, and PEN-West winner for playwrighting. He’s had plays produced in LA, NYC, SF, Louisville, and at universities across the US, as well in Warsaw, Lodz, Paris, London and Krakow. He has taught screenwriting and curated the cinematheque for five years at the Polish National Film School in Lodz, Poland. Plays include The Shaper, Dream Coast, Standard of the Breed, The Thrill, Wheel of Fortune, Dogmouth, and Phantom Luck, which won the 2010 LA Award for best play. Film credits include 52 Pick-up (directed by John Frankenheimer, 1985) and Animal Factory (directed by Steve Buscemi, 1999). A collection of his plays was published in 1999 by Sun & Moon Press as Sea of Cortez and Other Plays. He lives with wife Gunnhild Skrodal Steppling; they divide their time between Norway and the high desert of southern California. He is artistic director of the theatre collective Gunfighter Nation.
Image credit: REUTERS/Goran Tomasevic. “This is what the ancient Greeks had to say about robotics and AI” – WEF
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As suspected. They want to starve us to death, like all good Marxists.
THIS gets right to the heart of it. Naming names and tracing the outlines; starts at the 11:00 mark.
Here is her site:
The Third Reich was a Beta Test.
I dunno.. those Germans they love a bit of lock of up! I mean I was was only following mein orders!
Good Germans… Good Germans ….
Brits NEVER genocided anyone. Ask the Irish, just one of Pirate Rock’s countless victims of Brit terror and evil.
Trades unions, civil liberties groups, the Left, human rights lawyers.. Where are you?
In the Spanish province of Galicia, the authorities, besides lockdowns, curfew, masks and restrictions on movement, have banned eating, drinking and smoking ANYWHERE outdoors.
This is in the same country that saw another local authority spray an entire beach with bleach last summer.
It is obvious that education has been deliberetaly dumbed down over the last few decades, and this has been followed through with social media and smart phones, which may, judging by these events, have inflicted PERMANENT BRAIN DAMAGE to large segments of the so-called human race.
There is not much point in going over this again and again as has been done in countless articles here on off-guardian. At this point, this site is largely fuctioning as just another fear mongerer, repeating the same dystopian scenarios over and over, with little in the way of an action plan to stop them.
If you people behind this site actually care and are not running just another spook psy-op or honey pot, I suggest you focus on suggesting solutions and publishing contact details of lawyers and scientists willing to get involved to counter this global coup.
Mass disobedience and legal action against governments and non-elected officials, “science” advisers, etc is the only thing that can help us now (or divine intervention). Demonstrations and riots are simply ignored, brutally suppressed, and demonised by the mass propaganda media.
There are several countries now in which fines have been succesfully challenged in court. DO IT.
You briefly touch on the crux of the matter; namely, that most people take this “pandemic” seriously.
Given that reality, it is difficult to propose “solutions” to the problem. Short of killing the vast majority of people (which is Bill Gates’ job, it would seem), there is no handy dandy solution to the problem.
Certainly, challenging fines is one way to go. As to lawyers et al willing to challenge the lockdown protocol itself, this too has been done with limited success.
We know the executive and legislative branches of virtually all Western governments have been compromised by the Great Reseters; unfortunately, so have many if not most courts.
Bottom line is that there needs to be a steady, reliable source of information about what’s going on – which is precisely what Off-Guardian provides. I and I suspect most of those who come to this site, want to know what’s going on.
There are no one size fits all solutions. Only one size fits all information regarding the condition of the world’s citizens now that we’re all in the grasp of psychopaths.
Belief in judiciary is one of greatest deception proponents of legal action against COVID regime concoct.
Nearly all governments worldwide committed crimes by implementing initial lockdowns, social distancing, mask mandates etc., for healthy people even quarantines of sick, the only one element allowed for short periods under medical emergency laws, was implemented with blatant violations of those laws especially because of PCR fiasco inherently unable to determine person’s infection status not to mention it’s inability to determine, diagnose actual disease.
also fact that people having flu or any other disease were not subjected to such draconian quarantines and restrictions as alleged COVID people is clearly unconstitutional violating “equal clause” relating to diseases or illnesses (a crime of throwing non COVID Elderly from hospitals among other crimes ) according to national and international laws.
still all those crimes were retroactively legalized by courts in fact using legitimate cases of those who were illegally harmed by COVID regimes seeking justice but found none.
COVID is not a disease it is a political psyop with all judiciary deeply in it.
Only rejection of bourgeois liberal democratic or autocratic political framework and electoral sham under full control of ruling elites and self organization, local self governance leads to path toward revolutionary struggle this time not as much based on ideology or vision of social organization, although they should not be ignored, but simply for self defense self preservation of human species amid Global reset genocidal blueprint.
Agreed, re your thoughts on this site. Unfortunately
Until a sufficient number of people understand the need to resist, the main task is to educate people and this site is doing more than its bit.
Hello Honey Potter: It is well past time that civilians realize that fascism operates behind the mask of corporate syndication. Corporate syndication leads to extortion and racketeering – every. single. time. It’s the law of the sea…
I know people have been “instructed” to ignore anything related to Wikipedia, but I use Wikipedia to save people the effort of reading actual chapter and verse from the Cornell Law Library. I have hundreds of entries, but no one will bother to read them.
The RICO Act was signed by President Richard Nixon in 1970, and was undoubtedly why he was set up by FBI/CIA operatives and eventually forced to resign from office…
Here’s a short Wikipedia definition of the RICO Act: >
Excerpted from: Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act
“Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, commonly referred to as the RICO Act or simply RICO, is a United States federal law that provides for extended criminal penalties and a civil cause of action for acts performed as part of an ongoing criminal organization. The RICO Act focuses specifically on racketeering, and it allows the leaders of a syndicate to be tried for the crimes which they ordered others to do or assisted them, closing a perceived loophole that allowed someone who told a man to, for example, murder, to be exempt from the trial because he did not actually commit the crime personally.” [end initial quote]
Another quote from the same entry: > “Both the criminal and civil components allow the recovery of treble damages (damages in triple the amount of actual/compensatory damages).“
Also:“Although its primary intent was to deal with organized crime, Blakey said that Congress never intended it to merely apply to the Mob. He once told Time, “We don’t want one set of rules for people whose collars are blue or whose names end in vowels, and another set for those whose collars are white and have Ivy League diplomas.“
CIVILIANS need to file civil affidavits and enforce the laws of their respective countries. Lawful actions are not the purview of governments, unless they are notified IN WRITING – that unlawful activity has taken place…
Complete text:
Uschi Von Der lyin … midget hair stylist in chief of the evil EUSSR, the pedovore Politburo in Natostan Brussels….because she car€$, damn it!
The German owned EUSSR horror show brought to you by idiots and freaks….But will it all be enough to scare away the deadly, evil, lethal, really serious and nasty cov ID 1984 “viru$” intelligence test and save the worthless IOU fiat filth €urodollah?
Nah…not a hope in hell!
Altmaier is really an Adams Family extra

Jens Spahn Platte, rent a “Health” minister direct from central casting

Lauterbach….another Merkill co starring horror movie B actor
Lauterbach, according to his ex wife, never took the time to raise his own children nor indeed pay for child support and yet we should believe this insignificant little man, (with a dubious college diploma) has the answer to anything and should be listened to by
Germans who obviously despise him and his SPD party and the treacherous coalition that he is a part of. WTF
Dr Stefan Lanka proved it all and so they shut him up.
Yes it is a conspiracy, no doubt about it whatsoever.
Germany has become a shitshow that makes people long for another Adolf. Maybe that is the goal?
Yeah.. he looks honest… how much did that photo cost?
You should see its “husband” with heels!
great piece. I am perplexed when we speak of the new era we are facing, as a new form of feudalism. The feudal age it was not just a story between serfs and feudal lords, in Europe, we also witnessed the birth of Medieval commune, the Municipalities, in which citizens gave themselves the first laws and rights of free men. ”During the 10th century in several parts of Western Europe, peasants began to gravitate towards walled population centers, as advances in agriculture (the three-field system) resulted in greater productivity and intense competition
Such townspeople needed physical protection from lawless nobles and bandits, part of the motivation for gathering behind communal walls, but also strove to establish their liberties, the freedom to conduct and regulate their own affairs and security from arbitrary taxation and harassment from the bishop, abbot, or count in whose jurisdiction these obscure and ignoble social outsiders lay. This was a long process of struggling to obtain charters that guaranteed such basics as the right to hold a market. The breakaway from their feudal overlords by these communes occurred in the late 12th century and 13th century, during the Investiture Controversy between the Pope and the Holy Roman Emperor. Milan led the Lombard cities against the Holy Roman Emperors and defeated them, gaining independence (battles of Legnano, 1176, and Parma, 1248). Meanwhile, the Republic of Venice, Pisa and Genoa were able to conquer their naval empires on the Mediterranean sea (in 1204 Venice conquered three-eights of the Byzantine Empire in the Fourth Crusade). Cities such as Parma, Ferrara, Verona, Padua, Lucca, Siena, Mantua and others were able to create stable states at the expenses of their neighbors, some of which lasted until modern times.””
Interesting thanks. (And the beautiful city of Lucca still has an intact city wall that you can walk or cycle around).
The town in which I live (in England) used to be an old Abbey town. During the dissolution of the monasteries, “our” Abbey was dismantled on the orders of Henry VIII (and most of its stones taken to London, to contribute to the building of Hampton Court, I believe).
Apparently the merchants and businessmen of the town were not sorry to see the back of the Abbey. This had nothing to do with religious feeling, but because the Abbey had monopolised business and agriculture in the area for many centuries.
In the following decades, the town was given a charter as a borough, and allowed (for the first time, really) to develop properly as a civic community.
I was struck by the fact that Jules Guesde, in his writing LA COMMUNE DE 1871, addresses the bourgeois, who accuse the Commune of Paris of communism, saying: ” ”The truth is that in 1871 it was not about communism, but commune – which is quite different; and that, linguistically speaking, the freed, free commune, master of its schools, of its police, of its budget, of its army and of its administration, can only make its defenders – defenders with gunshots and bullets – communalists … ‘ ‘..”
Equally, in fact, the word communism rightly terrifies our bourgeoisie which monopolizes social advantages and does not intend in common “that social security contributions – blood taxes and money) – whereas the word “commune” awakens or should awaken in her than good and happy memories.
It is not in the commune that, throughout the Middle Ages, the bourgeoisie who it was nothing, asserted itself against the lords of the earth and the sword? The commune released from feudal rights, by insurrection or by royal statute, safe from robberies
of the lords, was, from the twelfth to the fifteenth century, both the refuge of the third estate and his most powerful means of action to prepare his emancipation policy, which was to be consummated, crowned and consecrated by last in the States General
revolutionarily transformed in the Assembly national constituent.
It is true that between the Communes of the Middle Ages and the Commune of 1871, another Commune took place, the Paris Commune, of 1791…”
Compost the rich.
“Jobs won’t be coming back. There will be a gigantic surplus population.” Only if the powerful can maintain control of resources.
Andrew Cuomo to skip Biden insurrection.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Monday he had canceled his plans to attend President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration this week and will instead stay in Albany due to security concerns at state capitols around the country.
“The inauguration is Wednesday. I was planning to go — I’m not going to,” Cuomo said during a virtual press briefing, adding, “I think my place is to stay in New York state given this possible circumstance.”
Perhaps that’s because it’s easier for even COVID zombies to see the machinations of out of state governors for what they are. I suspect Governor Cuomo has become in so many Americans’ minds a conduit if not a perpetrator of genocide.
LARPers Boogaloos Leftists Show At State Capitols/
US Capitol Lockdown Alert & Small Fire/
New NSA Attorney/
Harris Resigns/
Sitch Update/
Marines Just Raided CIA HQ?/
Migrant Storm/
Fed Prisons Lockdown/
100 Pardons Ahead/
No Tea For Jill Biden
The great reset, set by the same people who set the last set.
Set- egyptian god of darkness.
According to World-o-meter, the infection fatality rate (IFR) in the US is more like 3%. That is, by today’s numbers, 408,237 deaths and 14,475,983 recoveries, with 9,707,192 as yet undecided. By definition, the case fatality rate is higher than this.
I know several people who have died from Covid-19. As any health care provider will assure you, this is a particularly horrible death. Perhaps Mr. Steppling should experience it first hand before chalking this up to an authoritarian conspiracy.
the test doesn’t provide any evidence of infection. americans eat lots of junk and have a very high number of childhood ‘vaccinations’. if they are dieing it is evidence of how stupid it would be to copy their bs.the numbers you cite would not suggest you should know several people so perhaps they have killed much more than they claim have died of covid.
Excuse me? Are you suggesting that the people who I actually know who have died of Covid didn’t actually die from Covid? Sounds like my actual life experience is nothing compared to your opinion.
On your other point, I’m certainly not going to argue the point that many Americans have terrible diets and generally have poor health habits. This is almost certainly a factor in America’s terrible record in dealing with this virus.
Sorry to learn of your sad experience, but I am afraid that it is quite possible they didn’t actually die of Covid since the rule is that anyone who recently tested positive in a test known to produce 2% false positives must be certified as having died of Covid regardless of the true cause.
Maybe that’s the way they do things in Britain, but not here in the US. I spent a significant portion of my working years in hospitals and know literally hundreds of doctors personally. I can’t think of a single one of them who would falsify a death certificate.
Since there seems to be some confusion as to how a Covid-19 diagnosis factors into a death certificate, the following link explains the process at least as well as I can, and in addition finds a tone that I cannot hope to equal.
Feel free to have the last word.
<Oops! See below>
Besides the fact you can’t do ‘sums, deaths ‘with’ covid are an artifact of PCR tests which are not fit for purpose. Deaths of people without comorbidities and testing positive within 28 days of a PCR test are 0.003% of population. But hey don’t let facts get in the way of your emotions!
Please be so kind as to show me which sums have been computed in error.
Regarding your contention that PCR tests are not fit for the purpose, no argument that these tests are far from perfect. However, deaths attributed to Covid are never based solely on such tests but rather on presentation of symptoms as well. This distinction underlies the difference between the IFR and the CFR, And is also the reason why the CFR is by definition higher than the IFR. Therefore, the 3% IFR I mentioned above is a lower bound on the CFR.
As for your swipe that I’m letting my emotions get in the way of the facts, it appears to me that it’s you who are letting your emotions get in the way of the facts. I’ve produced numbers from the best medical sources available to support my contention, and have clearly outlined my method of calculating the IFR. That number turns out to be substantially higher than that claimed by the author of this article, and undermines his argument. You may subscribe to a different method of calculating this number, but please don’t accuse me of being guided by my emotions on this matter when I am clearly arguing from the facts. It’s insulting to me and demeaning to yourself.
Top epidemologist John Ioannides concluded that the IFR was a lot lower than you claim, lower than that of the flu, in fact, in the following academic paper:
This study was initially conducted in May 2020 and updated to September 9, 2020 — a bit dated considering that almost 3/4 of all Covid-19 cases in the US have been reported since then. I also note that this study makes no attempt to correct for infections whose outcome is not yet known, which, given the course of the pandemic, was likely a significant percentage of all cases at that time. This is equivalent to assuming that all undecided cases resulted in recoveries, which is clearly not warranted. This point was the exact reason why I stated a figure for undecided cases in my original post. I chose to make no assumptions at all in this regard and only considered those cases where an outcome had been reached.
No, actually, what you’ve done is copy/pasted from your Talking Points. But the “information” you’ve copy/pasted is propaganda generated by corrupt sources to support the goals of the unelected billionaire psychopaths overseeing this sham, a sham in which you are doing your best to participate.Your Talking Points are of zero use to us. Go attack a Yahoo Newsgroup Thread.
Tip for the future: try not to be so transparently and efficiently on-message, eh? Your goal is to simulate being a human commenter with a sincere point of view to express, right? You’re coming off like an OFFICIAL MAINSTREAM INFO BOX. But most of the people here are already well-equipped enough to see through these lies.
Ha ha. Wait. Are you a bot?
How many deaths are particularly pleasant?
“As any health care provider will assure you, this is a particularly horrible death.”
Nonsense. Dying from COVID is largely a first world, very privileged affliction. Dying is an almost universally terrifying & horrible experience. The kung flu is no better or worse.
I submit that being waterboarded for several days to a few weeks followed by outright asphyxiation is a particularly unpleasant way to die.
The PCR Deception
Onward to Ouchwitz with Dr Faux Xi, the Wuflu NAZI.
Kary Mullis exposes Tony “da Fist” Fauci
Tony Da Fist Fauci admits he is a liar…what we already knew.
Dr Judy A Mikovits PHD exposes the lying fraud Fauci
Dr. Fauci Backed Controversial Wuhan Lab with U.S. Dollars for Risky Coronavirus Research
Since so many of those who died, at least initially, were on ventilators, which meant they were virtually comatose from a host of drugs, it’s bound to have been rather difficult for a health care provider to determine the degree of suffering.
Unless, of course, the providers were admitting that the ventilators were “particularly horrible.” Maybe so.
Any “health care provider” (“health care” being just another commodity on the market, for those who can afford it) who is not a lying subhuman will also tell you that the risk of dying from “covid” is smaller than getting killed by a drunk driver. It’s a good thing we are told to stay at home, as life is SO DANGEROUS!
Particularly horrible deaths can also be enjoyed at home via a variety of afflictions and accidents. Choking to death on food is pretty nasty as well.
Yes, choking on food is pretty nasty. The difference is that choking on food is over in a few minutes, whereas death from Covid is like choking on food for days or weeks.
But while we’re here, are you suggesting that 450,000 people have been killed by drunk drivers in the US since last March?
No, but various well documented techniques are being used to boost the number of deaths certified as being due to Covid.
I spent a significant part of my working life in hospitals and personally know literally hundreds of doctors. I don’t know of a single one who would knowingly falsify a death certificate for any reason.
Since there seems to be a considerable amount of confusion regarding Covid-19 being a cause of death, I’ll post the following link. It explains this process at least as well as I can, and in addition strikes an appropriate tone which is well beyond my capability.
Oops! My apologies for the double-posting. My browser did not show this one until I signed off and on again.
Sentence#2 invalidates sentence#1 but… gosh… I implicitly believe you! The old pre-’80s TV cliché of the “noble doctor” who puts his/her patients’ health above all considerations (eg career/ cash) is very largely a quaint myth we no longer swallow… but… gosh… I implicitly believe your testimony!
Did you have a cousin who worked for JFK’s Secret Service in Dallas, too? And an uncle who worked for NASA in 1969? And was your Aunt’s ex-husband’s daughter’s boyfriend on Flight 93 in 2001? Because you seem to be the kind of person who has the kind of really personal Inside Information that I can trust… implicitly!
Just relating my life experience Steve. You can choose to believe or not believe as you wish.
Because you raised these other issues, I will relate that I think the story of JFK’s assassination… uhh… needs work. You know, because the Zapruder film… Similarly, the official story about 9/11 seems… umm… unlikely. You know, two airplanes, three buildings… In both of these cases, the official story doesn’t agree with my lived experience so I have no problem calling bullshit on them.
But back to Covid-19 — I’ll be up front in saying that I’m not a big fan of certain aspects of the medical profession. For example, the fact that using Ivermectin to treat Covid-19 has been suppressed despite many, many studies showing its efficacy is disgusting. On the other hand, my personal experience with many doctors over many years has convinced me that accurate diagnoses are a high priority with them, and the charge that any significant number of them would misrepresent a cause of death on a death certificate just doesn’t jive with my experience.
Since your argument seems to come mainly in the form of derision and insult, I see little point in continuing this conversation with you. Feel free to have the last word.
Just relating my life experience Steve. You can choose to believe or not believe as you wish.
Just because you raised these other issues, I will relate that I think the story of JFK’s assassination… uhh… needs work. You know, because the Zapruder film… Similarly, the official story about 9/11 seems… umm… unlikely. You know, two airplanes, three buildings… In both of these cases, the official story doesn’t agree with my lived experience so I have no problem calling bullshit on them.
But back to Covid-19 — I’ll be up front in saying that I’m not a big fan of certain aspects of the medical profession. For example, the fact that using Ivermectin to treat Covid-19 has been suppressed despite many, many studies showing its efficacy is disgusting. On the other hand, my personal experience with many doctors over many years has convinced me that accurate diagnoses are a high priority with them, and the charge that any significant number of them would misrepresent a cause of death on a death certificate just doesn’t jive with my experience.
Since your argument seems to come mainly in the form of derision and insult, I see little point in continuing this conversation with you. Feel free to have the last word.
Oooh, switching gears into a Limited Hangout Troll! Nice. Now that you’ve won my trust by appealing to me on a level you calculate I can relate to, I now implicitly believe your nonsense “facts” supporting this preposterous pseudo-pandemic! (Which is nothing but the yearly Flu).
Well then, let’s pretend you really believe that and that I therefore respond with “welcome to the real world” and send you off to investigate the eye-opening annual mortality figures from (wilful) medical malpractice (mostly via shilling for Big Pharma and costly unnecessary procedures).
That is not only an old debating technique but you’ve already used it up-thread. It’s a learning curve, eh?
Actually, Steve, it was you who shifted gears.
Nah. You’re just a slippery (yet inept) liar. I entered this “debate” with your talking-points-constructed character because “Covid” is bullshit and you belong to the sinister (and/or idiotic) cohort attempting to validate it.
Spin that if you can… because you’re so convincing I implicitly believe your utter nonsense.
(what’s going on here?)
Just relating my personal experience, Steve. You can choose to believe or not believe whatever you wish.
Since you mentioned other issues, I will go record that I think the official story of the JFK assassination… umm… “needs work”. You know, the Zapruder film… Similarly, the official narrative about 9/11 seems… improbable. You know, two airplanes, three buildings…
But back to Covid-19. I’ll say right up front that there are aspects of the medical profession that I don’t like. For example, the institutional disregard of Ivermectin as a treatment for Covid despite many studies showing its efficacy is disgraceful. But my personal experience with many doctors over many years has demonstrated to my satisfaction that these guys are serious about an accurate diagnosis when it comes to a disease like Covid. And the charge that any significant number of them would fudge a death certificate just doesn’t jive with my experience.
Since your mode of argument appears to boil down to derision and contempt, I see no point in continuing this discussion. Feel free to have the last word.
Double-posting with minor variations, there, Helix. I dealt with all this above, already. But as I responded the second time you posted that little ending riff:
SARS-COV-2 has never been isolated and never proven to even exist. So your friend’s certainly did not die from SARS-COV-2 as it has never been proven to exist. –
Thank you so much for removing the scales from my eyes! I can now see that I’ve wandered into an alternate reality. Best that I leave now.
I somehow doubt you will.
Which I trust implicitly, of course. Because why would any Official source supporting the Official narrative which supports the goals of the billionaires writing all the checks (including yours, possibly) lie to us?
Thank you for playing your tiny little role in the global drama of 24/7/365 Lies/ Coercion!
I implicitly believe you!
Uh huh. Except of course I consult other sources as well, such as the Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center. Whose figures just happen to be in substantial agreement with the World-o-Meter figures.
But don’t let the figures compiled by institutions whose sole goal is fighting diseases get in the way of your paranoid fantasies.
I believe everything you assert, including the propaganda supporting the propaganda!
Actually, I was hoping my role would be more along the lines of debunking obvious crap. After reading some of these posts though, I’ve concluded I’m qualified for this task. Professional help is needed here.
Agreed. Send in a better troll.
That would be “not qualified” in the above post…
Excellent article.
“They support any dictator at any time because they believe they deserve more and more of what is better. “
American foreign policy in a sentence.
There was a air crash where the censors checking the speed froze up. Basically it is to say you need reliable readings and failing that then just dont change course because the unreliable readings could crash the plane and if it was stable before then there is no reason to make any drastic changes based on false data. If the pilots had just kept going the way they were before the reading would have come back online and no crash occured. It was panic and changing things drastically based on false data. Find reliable readings.
Lockdown sceptics front page has an article on how Britain is following the line of New Zealand and introducing quarantiine hotels for all arrivals. Plus facial recognition to monitor non complianc. This is terrifying:
The Sunday Times reports that the UK is set to copy countries such as New Zealand and introduce mandatory hotel quarantine for all arrivals into the country, replacing what has hitherto been a requirement only to go home directly and self-isolate there:
This is a significant change in policy and comes as the Government is simultaneously downplaying suggestions that the various mutations of the virus may be resistant to the vaccine when talking about their ongoing roll-out of it to millions of Brits, and, at the same time, using precisely those fears to justify more travel restrictions.
Concerns that the pandemic response has been accompanied by a tendency towards China-style surveillance won’t be assuaged by these plans to require a digital ‘minder’ in the room at all times.
If these variants are to be treated with such extreme caution now, for fear that the vaccines provide no immunity to them, how will normal travel ever resume, given that new strains are bound to keep emerging and vaccines can only be developed and manufactured so quickly?
There will be no more travel
Except for the rich fuckers
Quite. We don’t want your type spreading your poverty around.
Well, traveling is always from point A to point B. Either one of these points can be wrecked. However, it is not so much the traveling that is the real problem – pleasant from time to time – but with the introduction of digital currency/the end of cash – there won’t be any money to travel in the first place. ‘Virus’ is just another name for dictatorship.
Maybe it does need to be reiterated that the ratio of fuckers to decent people is like 1:1500? That includes their stooges, henchmen and peddlers.
They are being fed false information about new strains by the people promoting these technologies. There is no benefit from quarantining people. The only recommendations needed are to eat healthy and get adequate vitamin D both of which can’t be acheived under quarantine in a hotel. Remember New Zealand was in summer time so they had high vitamin D levels and they have some 2000 hours of sunshine a year so it is very sunny compared with the UK. 2000 hours is equivalent to cyprus and the people are white so absord much more vitamin d than in cyprus. It is set up to detect wuhan in the middle of a winter smog when they are depleted of vitamin D with their darker skin so ofcourse NZ is not going to get positve results and the measures have nothing to do with it.
The UK is introducing quarantine hotels for ALL arrivals. That’s the story. This is pure diversion
That is all true but also in NZ there is no community testing (yet), there are testing centres and quarantine staff get tested weekly. But the govt isn’t actively looking for it , no info on the PCR cycle threshold can be found.
Colds/flue still exist , for now.
Kinda makes you wonder why Vitamin-D is not mentioned on the US’s NIH Covid web page…
Common knowledge, and believe me I’m common as muck, has it that viruses mutate all the time. So what the fuck is so special about this one?
We are spectators and victims of the greatest crime ever committed. There’s no justification for ANYTHING they have done, so it follows that justifying this with new strains is nothing more than another lie, sitting on top of all the other lies that have got us to this stage.
Well, there’s plenty of room here to claim that TPTB are using Covid to crush what remains of our freedoms, but I think there’s a simpler explanation. As was famously said during the Watergate incident, “follow the money”. We have consistently seen — in the USA anyway — that known effective and inexpensive treatments such as Vitamin-D as a preventative and Ivermectin + Azithromycin + Zinc as a treatment have been systematically suppressed in favor of fantastically expensive vaccines of questionable effectiveness and safety. As usual, hundreds of thousands of deaths and a ruined mainstream economy are of no consequence when it comes to the profits of corporate America. This is Disaster Capitalism at its finest.
You aren’t “following the money” far enough. There has slowly been built up around us an apparatus for forcing us 99.99%ers into a “Fourth Industrial Revolution” that will consolidate power at the top and turn us (the Serfs) into a “sub-human” data-commodity with few, if any, rights. “Covid,” which is clearly nothing but the annual Flu (what happened to all those videos of people collapsing in the streets? Oh, that’s right: they were purely a scare tactic; what happened to yearly Flu Statistics? Oh, that’s right, they became “Covid”), is the pretext for the counterintuitive measures (lockdowns for the healthy, the smashing of the 99.99% economy) that will facilitate The Great Rest of The Fourth Industrial Revolution. Unelected Ruling Billionaires Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab are quite open about their plans.
Seen from one angle, this is the Class War shifting from Cold to Hot, and the question I always put to my fellow Serfs is: You understand that “the Media” are an infrastructure, not put in place by ‘God’ but owned by Billionaires (and the never-spoken-of Trillionaires), advocating the goals and desires of the Super Rich, right? The “news” is an asset. Why would you ever, in a million years, trust the “information” it offers?
THIS woman is “following the money” and naming names, exposing the connections, explaining the mechanism. She has absolutely nothing to sell. She is a careful and tireless researcher and public speaker, working to disrupt the looming Dystopia. She has been following this thing for years and sounding the alarm:
This is her site:
The ever changing narrative of the official narrative and other narratives…
I suppose what I’m suggesting is that the official narrative while having no substance, has frequently mutated into a new variant. You have to love that irony. Remember how the invisible man looked last December ? No- me neither. But I have to say he looks dangerously overweight now.
Speaking of poison dwarfs…
Before somebody wrote the Covid 19 story ( code writer) epidemiology and public health bodies rejected the efficacy of lockdowns and quarantine during any pandemic.
Anthony Fauci ( January 2020) was one of those voices :
Bill Gates – controlled WHO, the year before stated :
They also acknowledged that the 1918 Flu pandemic wasn’t effected by social distancing :
A study in the Bulletin of Mathematical Biology regarding the 1918 influenza pandemic in Canada also concluded quarantines do not work. (2003):
Seton Hall’s Center for Global Health Studies Director says travel restrictions did not delay the transmission of SARS. (2009)
But, as we know, we have been subjected to lockdowns that have been increased in timespan and have had all travel restricted too, thus ignoring all of the above evidence submitted by various academics that have experience, and received academic honours in the field. All of their work has been filed in the litter bin and replaced by a man who is known across the globe for his expertise in software and AI.
It’s a coincidence of course that he is the richest man in the world ( officially they say he isn’t). It’s a coincidence that he has started his own ‘gang’ who are also multi billionaires and that they all share the dame dream ; population reduction and complete ownership of every human being all achieved through vaccination programmes.
To push that through we need to believe that we are shrouded within clouds of ravenous psychotic viruses that keep growing, breeding and changing shape. We have to believe that the people who also can’t see it can be trusted to guess just when and how the thing ‘mutate’ and that it increases the risk to our life.
As all of the above research and the conclusions yielded by it, have been readily dismissed as litter I’d suggest that they can only do that with that level of confidence if they actually know that we aren’t talking about a pandemic- of any biological kind.
These creatures are Science whores; If you can’t perceive it with one or more of your five senses, or measure it, they say it isn’t there. It’s a ‘myth‘. Like your Gods, your spirituality , your religions and your soul.
Quoting any of the classics, poetry or the wisdom of the sages is redundant in our grave new world. The aescetic has no place in it. Feeling, sensing- no need for it. Such things can lead to moral discourse and debates about love and empathy. Besides, a poem or a song doesn’t serve the state.
All are declared dead on the grounds that they can’t be seen or measured. Therefore, they can not be taken seriously any longer because Science can’t see it. But to reset the global consciousness in this way, they are using a virus that can not be seen by Science or perceived by any of the five senses. It’s as real- in physical, tangible terms, as an idea; a philosophy; a religious belief; a myth.
The real, most crucial, component of the bigger reset is the implanting of the ‘threads’ ( wires) and chips. The author of the article has bought the AI sales pitch of it being beneficial to our consciousness and health even though aware of the obvious flaws in that story.
What would happen if they said your new step in the evolutionary process is your final step. It’s your biggest and needs some gain-of-function to achieve it. We have become Scientists that can determine who lives and dies and we can master your DNA too. We are about to remove your humanity and sovereignty and replace it with programmable AI technology. You will be, in effect, Roboman. ; Virtual Man. But we won’t be trying it on ourselves-‘‘ them’s the perks of being rich.”
The virus is like any other bullshit. It has no real tangible substance but in the wrong hands can spread faster than a forest fire in a hurricane..
I’m constantly impressed by the ability of the human mind to ignore evidence in order to maintain delusion.
Cognitive dissonance; denial. It’s part of the modern disease that has evolved from a virus of dumbing down generation by generation. Shorten the attention span, narrow the thinking- keep distracted with bells and whistles and other shiny things. The end result is the nurturing of a newly installed survival instinct; psychological survival.
All of the above prevents the reality shock they fear will wreck their mind and give them nightmares. So they agree with the easy option, ignore the need for scrutiny, and keep little gems like ‘conspiracy nut’ close by as though it were a loaded gun.
It’s like crossing a minefield with your fingers in your ears and your eyes closed. It’s just borrowed time.
Does anyone here have a degree? After all those years of studying, and proving your knowledge of your chosen subject by sitting and passing exams, it might soon all count for nothing if those upholders of free speech (as long as it’s the correct speech) get their way.
Headline from
“Harvard students & alumni petition university to REVOKE DEGREES of Ted Cruz, other grads who supported Trump’s election claims”
New definition: Expert: A formerly pertinent individual…
All part of the plan?
InauguralInsurrection: Two Thousand National Guard Troops in D.C. Sworn in as Special Deputy U.S. MarshalsJan 18, 2021
Check this German politician/Dr not mincing his words. That’s a real person, right there
Incredible, where is the MP in the UK able to deliver such a speech?
Mucho and Charlie there is more of the outstanding doctor. State Assembly Vice President insults Dr. Heinrich Fiechtner
who then „goes off like Schmitz’ cat“- a scalded cat, a streak out of lightning-))
Dr. Fiechtner´s great speech of January 8. 2021 in translation:
„I would like all politicians to set a good example. All politicians should be the first to be vaccinated!
I am a medical DOCTOR, a general practitioner, and I suggest you come into my GP surgery. I will vaccinate all of you ! The minister president first of all.
I would get this vaccine specifically – for you-and then we would know that it is a neutral vaccine.
So if I propose health-promoting measures from the point of view of the prime minister, this is not “vulgarity-bullying” that I have been accused of and I expect the prime minister to apologize formally for it.“
Did this video have english subtitles at one point?
Sorry. Everyone. It was the bitchute video that had the subtitles.
Just uncovering this quote by itself would earn this article 5 stars, and it certainly has done a lot more.
“And by doing so, these devices are constantly reinvented as masks: as apparatuses of categorical transformation aimed at allowing humanity to persist at the brink of the end of the world as this is embodied by the spectre of the “next pandemic.” Portrayed as the last barrier between us and the killer virus to come, “plague masks” ultimately transform us into a species inhabiting the anteroom of its own extinction.”
Christos Lynteris (Medical Anthropology,Cross-Cultural Studies in Health and Illness Volume 37, 2018 – Issue 6)
Bill Gates should be the ‘taster’ for each batch of vaccines. He can be kept in a horse box and driven between clinics.
After allergic reactions at 1 clinic, California pauses use of large batch of Moderna COVID-19 vaccine
I see Twitter’s boss was sitting in Polynesia and Facebook’s was in Hawaii, while they were banning all and sundry this month. Glad they’re beside the water’s edge. We just need to organize some scuba divers and fetch them some love.
Navy seals sent by Trump on his last day in office.
yah, it was just a “bad batch”
In capitalism, there is “wage slavery” and the masses can at least chose to a greater or lesser extent how they are going to sell their labour. Any transformation that ends this and moves to a new system which preserves a ruling class is not a new stage of capitalism but a new stage of class society, the next link in the chain leading from classical slavery to feudalism and then capitalism.
Such a “choice” about how to sell your labor power (not your labor) has been largely illusory anyway. This new step, regardless of the smoke and mirrors, still rests upon the extraction of surplus labor time from the global population, hence it is still capitalism.
If the basic thesis behind the “Fourth Industrial Revolution” which, as I understand it, is that AI will soon be able to do anything and so human labour will be redundant is correct, then class society based on exploitation of labour is over. Surplus labour is surely common to all forms of class society, be it slavery, feudalism or capitalism and surplus value is the specific form taken by surplus labour under capitalism, from my understanding of Marxism, so in Marxist terms a system based on surplus labour is not necessary capitalism but is a form of class exploitation.
what a pice of trash!
This Week in Culture #27 – Fleccas Talks
Full episode on Rumble:
Like the USSR under Lenin and Trotsky.
Like China under Mao.
UK Column News – 18th January 2021
Sky News: Patients are younger and sicker than in first wave, Jan 2021
BBC: Children more likely to be infected in second wave, Nov 2020
The Sun: Young people at more risk in second wave, July 2020
APR 2020 – UNDER 30 DEATHS = 54 OR 0.2%
DEC 2020 – UNDER 30 DEATHS = 17 OR 0.1%
Accounting for ageing population and population size, Mortality has been falling steadily
Finding: Mortality in 2020 is below 2000-2008
This makes 2020 the 9th worst year this century
But significantly lower mortality than every year from 1971-2009
David Scott: this shows mortality in 2020 was normal. There was nothing unusual about it. The long term improvement in health and longevity seems to have stopped in 2008 and has flatlined since then. Why are we closing our economy down and locking people in their homes? Still no satisfactory answer.
The message is… only if you get your two jabs. No mention of adverse reactions – simply a competitive concern that you may not get your jab.
Mike Robinson: What they mean by “lifted” is we will go back to the tier system prior to Christmas, according to Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab.
Brian Gerrish: Others have suggested the lockdown will lift in August which means we would go straight back into the next flu season.
The temporary morgues were set up in April 2020.
UKC article shows the NHS has systematically reduced capacity, for example beds fell sharply from 2000 to 2017. Exercise Cygnus: UK Gov Exercise Justifies Covid-19 Lockdown
Exercise Cygnus 2016 was an event involving all gov departments, local authorities and the NHS. It demonstrated there was a systemic lack of beds and PPE and predicted:
— the findings of Cygnus foreshadow the current UK government narrative.
— since the exercise was presumably aimed at identifying bottlenecks, why was nothing done?
Experts in medicine, epidemiology, econometrics and more… top level report.
Assessing Mandatory Stay-At-Home And Business Closure Effects On The Spread Of Covid-19
Brian Gerrish: This is filtered out because it does not fit the government narrative.
Daily Express is one of the few: but comments full of 77th Brigade
The Guardian covers the story via Australia’s reaction
Pav Akhtar says he felt top of head was sliding down his face, chills, shakes.
Still insists everyone should get it, including his elderly relatives
Mr Akhtar works for the NHS.
BBC editorializes, putting words in her mouth: She is worried about being taken for a liar, because people lie about being exempt.
BBC acknowledges there is no obligation to carry an exemption card “but until there’s something more official, Georgina will go on wearing her card.”
Mike Robinson: how many people are lying about being exempt? This is the BBC sowing doubt in people’s minds that anyone who is exempt, may be lying. BBC is encouraging people to challenge non-mask wearers. This is very dark stuff. The BBC is promoting fear and vigilantism.
The reporter Kirsty Grant is from BBC Newsbeat which means it is targeted at young people, which makes it even worse.
When officials or citizens spot individual suffering social isolation, they click on an app.
Mike Robinson: this creates the paradigm where the state intervenes… instead of helping the person yourself you just tap an app.
David Scott: This is going to be useful for accumulating social credits.
Climate neutrality: Are we ready for an honest discussion? – Deutsche Bank, Nov 2020
Behaviour change, public engagement and Net Zero — A report for the Committee on Climate Change, Oct 2019
by Dr Richard Carmichael, Imperial College London’s Centre for Environmental Policy.
Urges government to engage with public and force ‘behavioural changes’
Mike Robinson: This report came from ICL, the same institution that unleashed the exaggerated Covid death forecasts and triggered the lockdown and the closure of the UK economy.
David Scott: What a coincidence. Perhaps we’ll soon see calls to defund Imperial College as well as the BBC.
“Enough of this nonsense. Fear is the currency of control. Wake up!”
UK Column News – 18th January 2021
The BBC piece about the autistic girl who is exempt from mask wearing but scared NOT to wear one because of the abuse, is a piece of sadistic manipulation in itself. It even has the nerve to suggest that those who are exempt might feel more vulnerable because more exposed to COVID! And that fits in with the soul destroyingly BORING obsession with THE DEADLY VIRUS and the equally soul destroyingly boring assumption that everyone is ramming their bare arse up for a wretched vax buggering.
They do the same to disabled people seeking benefits. Belittle them, tell them they are making it up, questioning them until they break.
Some go on to take their own lives while others suffer further psychological stress even refusing to go back to be interrogated again regardless of them losing their money. I’ve asked myself many times. What kind of people would dream these tests up, I quickly came to the conclusion only money oriented psychopaths would do such a thing.
The companies Atos, maximus and Capita are behind this cruelty
A.K.A 21st Century Gestapo.
They have been employed by the state to carry out interviews designed to terrorise the disabled. I’ve been present supporting people and there is no other rational explanation.
The local authorities are doing the same to the Blue Badge interviews as the DWP do to the PIP interviews. Three years ago seen by a lovely physiotherapist who discussed health conditions, tested them with equipment and checked walking ability by being in the same room as me.
This time – due to C19 of course – telephone interview by a physiotherapist. I was seated by the phone 10 mins. before appointment time, he finally called 20 mins. after time. So I had 30 mins to rest and not be out of breath – counted against me. He claimed I could walk 80 metres despite not seeing me or even knowing what I looked like. He asked whether I had a pet – answer NO. This is a question from PIP, so were other q’s he asked me. What the relevance to holding a Blue Badge is I have no idea. Presumably disabled people do not deserve a goldfish?
The fact I have an illness which I will never recover from, and am 3 years older and 3 years more ill than the previous time was dismissed – told by him I led a normal life. Counted against me I hadn’t been to see my GP or to the hospital in the last few months. I did see my consultant 2 months before lockdown but obviously the time frame was too long.
Who has seen any sight of a GP or hospital consultant in the last 10 months?
Still, why would I need the Blue Badge in lockdown? There is nowhere to go.
I hear you countygirl.
Don’t be put off by the interview. These creeps are getting a bonus for every fault they can find.
Those conducting the interviews are under immense pressure to lie or they face losing their pityful jobs. Some are just plain Sociopaths who enjoy inflicting misery onto others, that’s why they are given the position.
Just remember these people are not there to help you, they are there to
make your life difficult. They will get into your mind and bring you down mentally if you let them. Resist, show them you are no pushover, don’t be bullied, play them at their own game, and win.
The BBC are scum. Do not give them any money.
why would anyone trust figures from such a deeply criminal regime? With all the lockdowns and harmful measures it would not be unreasonable to expect a huge increase in mortality including amoung younger people which they could be downplaying with false figures for the controlled opposition to ‘correct’ the ‘fake news’. They could have killed millions.
I read that Coun Akhtar, who has since recovered, believes that getting the vaccine will allow a return to normality. Many are deluded this way. I presume the mainstream media is selling this false promise
The whole covid scam is full of what they call the smoking guns.
Firstly the genomic sequencing of a virus called Sars Cov 2 was done in the absence of having any virus. It was done on a computer.
Why have the WHO sent a team into China to discover the origins of Sars Cov 2 when it was made in Germany by Drosten computer.
The original PCR test designed by Drosten and Corman was achieved in the absence of having any virus. This ‘test’ was recommended by the WHO and used by 70% of countries.
No full genomic sequencing of this virus has ever been done ever from an isolate taken from a human being.
Yes there have been claims they have but no government can legally claim it to be true.
No one can claim to know anything about this virus as no one has ever seen it in its isolated and purified form.
How can it be mutating and acquiring nationalities if it’s not been identified in its original form.
Why did the UK government sign the contract on 2nd March with the advertising company for the lockdown advertising. This had to be arranged in January before ‘covid’ had even arrived in Europe.
Much has been discussed about PCR tests. But how can you test for a virus that you can’t prove exists.
There are now over 150 PCR tests being used worldwide. They all claim to be identifying pure Sars Cov 2 RNA that no one has ever seen.
How are they sequencing any virus through PCR swabs.
How are deaths being attributed to this test when it doesn’t diagnose any illness. It’s a process for amplification of DNA.
How is Covid 19 pneumonia being clinically diagnosed.
None of these questions have ever been answered.
The covid wards are death camps. They admit to giving large quantities of drugs, sedation, force feeding, terrorising with PPE and venting. These can be considered the weapon so we can establish there is a weapon. There is also a motive in generating business for the pharma cartel. They have ‘vaccines’ they wish to establish a need for and all manner of other “treatments” they wish to generate sick people for. All the talk of PCR and “the virus” is distracting from the more obvious cause of death. The medical crimes. These have been going on even before covid so claims it is like a “normal flu season” is like comparing Aushwitz with Treblinka to try and deny there was a holocaust because people died in both. It is controlled oppostion. Dr. Len Horowitz explains how serious this problem of controlled opposition is in the antivax movement:
Indeed the flu vaccines, I believe, were killing people. The life expectancy started to fall around the same time the started to use them and our government have been relentlessly pushing voluntary euthanasia for decades now.
Worst of all, the wards/hospitals withhold cheap proven curative medicines.
Finally! Something in this thread I can agree with!
“The whole covid scam is full of what they call the smoking guns.”
So was 9/11 and look how that turned out.
The evidence proves the official story about 9/11 is a nonsense.
It was used as an excuse to justify the ‘war on terror’ in the Middle East.
The questions I raise about above are the questions that every mainstream and independent journalist should be investigating.
Apart from Off Guardian and UK Column no one else wants to ask these questions.
I can also add that that the official story is that work began to develop the ‘covid vaccine’ on the 21st February 2020.
The vaccine was developed to fight the so called spike protein on the virus but the vaccine was developed using the spike protein on the computer as no virus isolates were available.
So all those countries and scientific journals that claimed that they isolated the virus before that date actually didn’t.
If the virus was isolated after 21st February then there are no official reports of big pharma double checking the virus isolate against the computerised virus isolate to validate their work.
This has never been explained.
Not true. The first genomic sequence for Sars-Cov-2 was published by the People’s Republic of China on January 10, 2020.
This has been discredited and proven to be false.
I read the release, dork-brain.
You’ve bought their bridge.
By reading the report detailing the sequencing of the Sars-Cov-2 genome?
Has ANY virus been isolated/purified/sequenced?
I think, according to Tom Cowan and Andy Kaufman, some viruses might have been, many years ago. However, they could not be proved to be pathogenic.
(This was on a recent-ish video conversation – I don’t have the link to hand I’m afraid).
This (according to Cowan / Kaufman ) is why they now deliberately don’t go through the proper process of actually purifying and isolating any new so-called virus, because they are pretty damn sure in advance that they would not be able to show that it caused any disease, i.e. they would not be able to prove that what they had isolated was pathogenic.
Firstly the genomic sequencing of a virus called Sars Cov 2 was done in the absence of having any virus. It was done on a computer.
That’s ridiculous. And false. Many, many samples of the virus have been sequenced, to the point where possible origins can be considered and the emergence of variant strains detected.
Why have the WHO sent a team into China to discover the origins of Sars Cov 2 when it was made in Germany by Drosten computer.
Uhhh… because that was where the first clear outbreak occurred?
The original PCR test designed by Drosten and Corman was achieved in the absence of having any virus. This ‘test’ was recommended by the WHO and used by 70% of countries.
And your point is…? Once the sequencing has been done with a virus sample, a PCR test can be designed by anyone with sufficient knowledge and technical expertise.
No full genomic sequencing of this virus has ever been done ever from an isolate taken from a human being.
This is utter nonsense. Where do you think the samples used to determine genome variants came from?
Yes there have been claims they have but no government can legally claim it to be true.
No one can claim to know anything about this virus as no one has ever seen it in its isolated and purified form.
Are you a flat-earther? Electron micrographs of the virus abound. How do you think it was identified as a coronavirus? And do you think the state of the art in biochemistry is so primitive that professionals in the field are incapable of isolating a virus? You’re contention is not only false but insulting to people who are actually trying to combat this virus.
Oh, yeah. I forgot. There is no virus. It’s all a plot.
How can it be mutating and acquiring nationalities if it’s not been identified in its original form.
Well, I guess this is an example of the effectiveness of propaganda. What counts is not the truthfulness of a statement but its endless repetition until it becomes “common knowledge.” How many times are you going to push the same falsehood?
Much has been discussed about PCR tests. But how can you test for a virus that you can’t prove exists.
Again? Really??
There are now over 150 PCR tests being used worldwide. They all claim to be identifying pure Sars Cov 2 RNA that no one has ever seen.
And yet again! Congratulations. Joseph Goebbels would be impressed. You’ve mastered the basics of propaganda well.
How are they sequencing any virus through PCR swabs.
Genome sequencing and PCR are two different biochemical procedures although they may be used in conjunction with one another. A cursory search on the internet will turn up a plethora of sites that explain the details of PCR and genome sequencing in detail.
How are deaths being attributed to this test when it doesn’t diagnose any illness. It’s a process for amplification of DNA.
PCR is a diagnostic tool but is never used as a sole determination of Covid-19 infection because of the risk of false positives. Symptoms presented by the patient are always part of the diagnostic process as are other diagnostic tools such as X-Rays.
How is Covid 19 pneumonia being clinically diagnosed.
Presentation of symptoms in conjunction with diagnostic tests such as X-Ray studies and PCR tests.
None of these questions have ever been answered.
Utter nonsense. These questions have been answered at least in outline form for the better part of a year. And more and better answers are continuously being sought as the virus and the disease it provokes evolves.
What an absolute load of nonsense you’ve just typed.
Scientific illiterate claptrap.
You’ve provided no proof of anything and are literally just repeating the official line without even bothering to think for yourself.
When you can provide any legal confirmation from any government that this virus has been isolated and purified then please send.
In the meantime go back to the BBC for your information and repeat what they say and call it your own thoughts.
A disabled woman assisted by Kester Disability Rights has been paid £7,000 in compensation by a service provider who refused her access to a service because she was unable to wear a face mask.
The pay-out was achieved through negotiation as there was no dispute that access had been denied, or that the Claimant had a disability exemption. The only thing to be agreed was the amount of compensation, not whether it was due or not.
Refusing access to people unable to wear face coverings due to disability is direct discimination – no different to denying access to a black or gay person for example.
Disabled people are now routinely harassed in public for not wearing face coverings – frequently given the impression that confidential medical information must be publicly disclosed to justify exemption. The fact that shops and hospitality businesses routinely display “no mask no entry” signs shows how deeply disablist attitudes are embedded in society. If premises displayed “no blacks” or “no gays” notices there would be outrage.
Fortunately the official Government position does not endorse any of this as nobody exempt from wearing a mask is expected to go around justifying themselves. Saying “I’m exempt” is enough. If the response to that can be proved to be discriminatory then compensation is due.##
I’m in the same boat as this unfortunate woman.
Exemtion cards are readily available but coming up against those who think even your pets should wear a covering is another issue. Do the Police even know about these exemptions?
I mean you must have a limb missing to be taken seriously as a disabled person when questioned about not wearing a face mask in public right? Or because hidden diabilities are not to be taken seriously as we’ve seen time and time again.
Where is the Government spokeperson condeming this and making it clear this discrimination is unacceptable? That’s right, nowhere. Because we are worthless in the new dawn of tyranny.
Who pays the fine, the shop or the shopper in the UK for not wearing a mask ?
The individual is fined starting at £200 then rising to around 3k for repeat disobedience. Covid non believers are driven from the town by an angry mob from the LGBTQ community.
The businesses that are profiting from Gov’t stay at home orders:
I think it is bigger than just corporate looting, it is also geopolitics and a dying empire. But thanks for list, I didn’t know these links.
For the record, “leynen” means shit in Czech. Also, Schwab means cockroach.
Nominative determinism …?
”Crowds flock to London park despite COVID-19 lockdown rules”
I wondered why the government suddenly started talking about an end date, they need to stay ahead of the civil disobedience.
That’s it exactly. Most people have been out and about as usual, and Johnson’s government are left with their pants down. Fool me once etc.
This headline could easily be renamed – ‘crowds decide enough is enough and that life is for living’
Trying to be positive, I take succor in Klaus Schwab’s reference to a ‘narrow window’ to establish the reset. Granted, he could be saying this just to motivate his minions to get their act together sharpish. Yet I think there is a sell by date on the reset package.
An economic ‘reset’ It is far far too mammoth a task, there is nothing in place and the US don’t have the consent they once had.
The dollar will collapse for sure, but the only question is, is how many others will they bring down with them. My guess the pound will go too. The Euro and the Yuan staying robust and solidifying. That well secure the first round of ‘voting’, as the US sinks in to an abyss of it’s own creating. Then, the Europeans and the Chinese will need to reach an agreement on a new currency shape.
The US Dollar has no backing as it once did with gold.
It will lose nearly all it’s value. Those knowing this have stockpiled gold.
Bitcoin is all good unless the power grid is shut off and you can’t access it.
No matter how fast or slow this Great Reset moves, it will run into a brick wall when it attempts to take people’s homes. But that appears to be a big part of the deal. People have not worked all their lives to have everything they have taken from them.
They may be allowed to “remain” in their homes. But the MacMansion crowd will doubtless find their dream home declared too big for just one family; so other families will have to be moved in with them.
Good luck with that, Klaus!
That’s why they will use fake nuclear attacks.
Each region will receive a tailored “broadcast” saying that “The Nearby City of ________ has just been Nuked!!!” accompanied by high-resolution, 60fps images of mushroom clouds. “Evacuation Orders” (that is, eviction notices) for entire metropolitan areas will be declared on account of the “radioactive fallout.”
When the Army’s “Civil Support Unit” comes to “assist” people out of their homes, most will be BEGGING to get on the trains.
The statistically insignificant population of “deniers” and “resisters” will be easily incentivized by the rifles pointed at their children.
Ah! That’s brilliant. Even if they detonate real devices, such as the one seen in Beirut last year, people could be told there will be nuclear fallout. That way only a few downtown blocks would be destroyed. Areas already marked for future reconstruction and rezoning.
Beirut was a nuclear strike. There are vidcaps of the missile. Some appeared at
It was not nuclear. There was no radioactive fallout.
Part of my point is that I think “radioactive fallout” might be largely a psyop from the get-go. How do you prevent independent investigators and researchers from inspecting the site of your supposed “atomic detonation”?
Tell them your bomb has unleashed a curse on the soil that lasts three generations.
This is perhaps beyond the scope of this thread, but I am more and more of a mind that the “Manhattan Project” was first and foremost a psychological operation, rather than a scientific weapons-engineering project. It was the development of a narrative about a “super-bomb” with quasi-magical properties, and the special-effects-driven propaganda that would support such a narrative.
Moreover, I suspect that the Endgame of the “Nuclear Bomb” narrative was and always has been the domestic use of fake attacks for democidal purposes. It will dovetail with the “virus” narrative.
Once the “vaxx” is normalized, the “nukes” justify rounding up the masses. Then you of course need to vaxecute everybody because you can’t “socially distance” in the bomb-shelters.
Easy-peasy. No more humans.
Interesting. That might explain some of the discrepancies between cancer rates for survivors of Nagasaki and Hiroshima not nearly as severe as would commonly be assumed.
The claimed for the blasts at Oklahoma City, Oslo, Beirut, etc. – fertiliser – is laughable. Specific types of modern mini-nukes generate little radiation and fallaout. As at WTC Twin Towers, the output is largely heat and X-rays. The latter leaves no trace.
I don’t know what you are referring too. The problems are national debt and control of the world reserve currency. It is geopolitics, All the rest is fabrication to scare you.
National governments may try a bank account % confiscation to reduce debt. It happened in Italy a few decades back. We may all lose 5-10% of our savings.
For a country that issues its own currency (like the US or the UK), national debts (which are, by definition, denominated in the currency of that country) are no problem whatsoever.
Italy, as a member of the Eurozone (and a rather weak one at that ) does not issue its own currency, and in that case its national debt is more of a problem.
The US government is not going to go broke any time soon, and neither is the UK government. Now private debt; that’s a real problem. The people (the vast majority of them) of both the US and the UK) could very easily go broke, and many of them are doing. That’s actually the more serious issue. Read Steve Keen, for example.
But for a more general picture of how money works, one needs to study MMT. A good place to start is Bill Mitchell’s daily blog:
Minus points on the social credit score for having more room(s) than you need – already rolled out as a trial in the bedroom tax
Unam sanctam
prick up your ears
friends romans country persons
strawmen at sea
under canon law
number 1 vaccine may be bad
number 2 gonna do
Anaphylaxis, perhaps a sorry matter for the individual, is necessary to the species, often to the detriment of the individual. The individual may perish, it does not matter. The species must at any time keep its organic integrity intact. Anaphylaxis defends the species against the peril of adulteration.
We are so constituted that we can never receive other proteins into the blood than those that have been modified by digestive juices. Every time alien protein penetrates by effraction, the organism suffers and becomes resistant. This resistance lies in increased sensitivity, a sort of revolt against the second parenteral injection which would be fatal. At the first injection, the organism was taken by surprise and did not resist. At the second injection, the organism mans its defences and answers by the anaphylactic shock.
Seen in these terms, anaphylaxis is an universal defence mechanism against the penetration of heterogenous substances
in the blood, whence they can not be eliminated.
Charles RichetNobel LectureNobel Lecture, December 11, 1913
Hitler found the medical profession very supportive of their programmes of genocide. So it should come as no surprise that our medical profession are so gung-ho with the untested vaccine. It amazes me they are so gullible that they believe we actually have vaccines, three of them, that work on a disease we have spent a century trying to cure, the common cold, and the corona family of viruses. It is an absurdity. Two of them even use conventional tech which shouldn’t work at all, and the third is totally untested and unknown. But when the virus is no longer here and all we have is flu, renamed as covid, naturally the vaccines will work to irradiate a virus that no longer exist. Now just watch the slight of hand, as they change the testing regime.
No doctor nor nurse ever blew the whistle on MK Ultra.
Good point.
The vaccines have been tested on tens of thousands of people and have been proven to offer substantial immunity from COVID-19.
How many more people do you need them tested on before you accept that they’re safe?
It’s not a vaccine, it’s an operating system. To trigger the OS, you need a code. The second jab kicks the OS into life.
Get both jabs Bob. In the words of the great Bill Hicks, “one less gas station attendant”
Is anyone else reading this? Can no one see how absolutely bonkers this sounds?
Bob, you may like to read this article on the Moderna website. Straight from the horse’s mouth, so to speak:
‘Our Operating SystemRecognizing the broad potential of mRNA science, we set out to create an mRNA technology platform that functions very much like an operating system on a computer. It is designed so that it can plug and play interchangeably with different programs. In our case, the “program” or “app” is our mRNA drug – the unique mRNA sequence that codes for a protein.’
This post shows ignorance of both operating systems and Moderna’s use of this metphor to explain the overall structure of its vaccine platform.
Please supply the evidence for the “substantial immunity” .
There is a proposition that the vaccines reduce symptoms but don’t prevent illness or transmission. ie not really a vaccine at all.
No one is expecting recipients to drop like flies after receiving the vax , this is early days and whether or not they are “safe” is far from clear.
Not that it’ll change your mind:
“Vaccines could play an important role in increasing population immunity, preventing severe disease, and reducing the ongoing health crisis”. Bob this statement is misinformation, they do it every day in these studies. How many times have we read that SARS CoV2 has been isolated? It hasn’t been isolated and I will present you with $50,000 if you can produce any paper empirically showing isolation. There is no reference as to where the pure virus samples were sourced for the study. This is not a vaccine, which is legally defined to stimulate immunity and disrupt transmission. This is a synthetic pathogen. I repeat, this is NOT a vaccine. It will not increase immunity or slow infection between subjects. Read the manufacturers statements, at best they will possibly lessen symptoms.
I don’t understand this whole ‘they haven’t isolated the virus’ argument. They can see it under a microscope. They can sequence its DNA and test for its presence in patients. I don’t understand what ‘isolating the virus’ means or why its necessary to prove the existence of SARS-CoV-2.
If you don’t understand Bob, why are you arguing?. Stands to reason that you need some understanding before you criticise,
(Affect a conversational familiarity. Introduce doubt. Plant a lie and the father of it. Bob).
For anyone who still wonders; Isolating properly means separating out only that entity or object – and nothing else mixed in. THEN research can determine if there is any causal role for disease. It can also test sick people for viral load. Koch’s laws can be applied as science and reason to fearful superstitions or wishful hypothetical belief.
The computing trick of a reconstituted RNA molecule from short sequences found in a soup of matters that are not specifically identified, is an artifice or construct of the mind or purpose of those paying and paid to ‘find it’.
Tom Cowan recently did a talk with Freedom Health Alliance that will be on one or more of the vid channels. He gets it across in a way that serves an understanding, rather than a manipulation to a polarised and polarising opinion or ‘identity’.
If weaponised ‘virus’ is being made and ‘released’ – is that through the eye of a needle? The hard evidence for transmission is hard to find. Toxic exposures leading to cell death result in fragments that may communicate the toxic experience as part of a collective adaptation. Life is Communication. You could say the idea of vaccination is the intent and attempt to get benefits of a controlled sickness upgrade manually so as to forfend getting sick in the frame of Life feared and demonised. The archetype of sacrifice goes back to species trauma under ‘Gods’ of Overwhelming Terror for which we have no current reference point excepting as our psychic inheritance and human conditioning.
The invocation and triggering of fear then is itself a ‘viral’ communication of archetypal pathways of survival strategy that are ‘cognitive dissonance’ under the ‘reptilian’ brain of a domination absent doubt, or ‘will to power’ given acceptance as the imitation and invocation of power over and above all else or ‘Terror’.
Terror can operate insidiously. Fear of threat can operate the same kill switch as an actual disease or threat. It is the ‘god’ or power by which the world that we think we know is made ‘real’ to the mind of its adaptation.
Isolated ‘individuals’ are taken out of living context, and normalised to comply under fear and reward for special mitigation of fear. Such is an ‘operating system’ of broken ‘meaning’ re-incorporated under narrative dictates by which to serve the ‘Caesar’ of legal fictions and social mores that mask as the Law of our being.
If you ‘read’ the world in the discernment of the heart, then…
This post continues on:
Fuck off with your bullshit Bob.
And far off into the distance did Bob fuck, never to be seen again.
Apologies. That should have read.
“And far off into the distance Bob did fuck”
Must lay off the home brew [Hic]
Analysing the results, a recent British Medical Journal article claims they show that out of every 150 people who are injected, one person will be spared from suffering a case with mild symptoms.
That’s actually not bad relative to many other medications. I think about 100 people need to take a statin to prevent 1 heart attack, so 150 people to prevent a case is pretty decent.
Deliberate bullshitter and a phony.
Please explain your reasons for inserting the word statin, and its relevance.
A statin is a drug used to reduce cholesterol (eg atorvastatin). This in turn reduces your risk of having heart attacks or strokes.
Doctors need to prescribe 100 patients statins to prevent 1 of those patients from developing a heart attack. This is known as ‘the number needed to treat’.
The person above said that you need to vaccinate 150 to prevent 1 person from catching COVID-19. If you compare the statin statistic with the vaccine statistic, you can see they’re not far off from each other. Statins are considered highly effective in the medical field and have saved many people’s lives over the years. Therefore, the vaccine statistic the person mentioned above shows that the vaccine is actually quite effective at doing its job.
I understand what a statin is, and I question that statins are “highly effective” in the treatment of heart disease but do not understand their relevance to a non existent virus that is a product of an international scam.
“proven to offer substantial immunity from COVID-19.”
Youre always here – all of a sudden – with your comments and zero primary source links. We might start to believe you were never put through the indoctrination system
When did that happen? And how did they test the immunity? Most people carrying Covid do not have symptoms.
”Hitler found the medical profession very supportive of their programmes of genocide.”
The programme of genocide, or eugenics, euphemistically termed Racial Hygiene, was in place a long time before Hitler was in place. It was being promoted by Otto Von Bismark when Hitler was a kid. Alfred Ploetz was responsible for the official christening of it.
The programme was well underway before Hitler rose to power. Nothing was going to deter them. In Hitler they just found the right level of passion and charisma that would pronounce their ideology with pride and misguided self righteousness. It also ensured that the world would later be horrified by the whole concept and blame Hitler as it’s founder. By doing this, anything demanded by the ADL would be granted in the name of the holocaust and anti semitism.
Little is said about the elderly, the negro, the communist, the homosexual, the homeless or the mentally / physically handicapped. These were in the sights of the nihilists as well. But they had no collective ideology or creed that allowed us to label them. They couldn’t be termed ‘unworthy’- it would give the game away. But it fooled the global population into believing that the collective anger and rage displayed by the rest of the world meant that eugenics and racial hygiene would never be entertained again, nor would any lunatics championing it. They were right. Unfortunately, only in a limited way. They have changed it’s name a few times- but not it’s ideology or goals.
It’s Social Technology now. And some ropey, unsupportable stats about climate change are about to be inflicted on the world now that the majority of it’s inhabitants have proven to be gullible enough to by any crap a politician is selling.
*Hitler never hid the aims of the nihilists from the world. He never pretended that Jews and communists were his friends. He never said he only had their best interests at heart. He never said they’d survive. He made it clear what the goals were and that they’d achieve them by whatever means necessary.*
There was an interval between the end of that war in 1945 and 1954 when the maniacs were given a new home in America rather than face prosecution for crimes. With US luminaries like Alan Dulles and Prescott Bush as go -betweens, their work would soon be cranked up a notch. World domination and a One World Order was a mantra that came from Germany’s leaders before. The Bush and Rockerfeller Dynasty would be passed the torch, as well as the script. Look at it now with opened eyes. All roads lead to the US. You just can’t see their old brand – the Swastika. That’s about PR. And deceit of course. None of this can happen without 100% undiluted deceit.
Gates, Fauci and the order they are fronting via the pharmaceutical, poisons and Science departments of the operation, are different.
They say they want a better world with less illness and death. In truth they are pursuing the opposite. They say they have magic potions that will save us all from illness and death and it’s for the benefit of the majority. Evidence suggests the opposite is true. They say that they only need to implant chips and ‘threads’ in us to ‘monitor health and vaccine status’. Evidence suggests the opposite. Before they unleashed their help they made sure they had immunity from any blame or liability should people fall ill or die.
Yet we today, and history, all associate Hitler as the most evil man in modern history. Just as ordered by the ADL.
I wish we could give Hitler a rest.
From around 1900 to the late 1970s, eugenics was legal in USA. Depending on the state concerned, it meant sterilising at least those deemed insane, “imbecilic”, “feeble-minded”, epileptic, promiscuous, homosexual or convicted of rape. The definitions of imbecile and feeble-minded were arbitrary. Believers of Social Gospel saw eugenics as a way to “usher in the kingdom of God”. About 60,000 people were sterilised. – David Rosen 2011
The media won’t allow him a moments rest will they.
It’s all the fault of Hitler. It’s not us, we wouldn’t do such things. etc…
If a psycho is not tough enough to be an enforcer, he can become a “health professional”, or try to climb up the corporate ladder.
Interesting article… also interesting point as to the lack of written and signed instructions.
This morning I had a sit down with my local GP (for an ongoing medical compliant). To which the subject of the vaccine cropped up. I mentioned I’d heard about the lack of long term test data, the lack of understanding as to how this affects fertility, unborn babies and those still breast feeding and the increasing number of reports about those showing side-effects. The doctor launched into a what seemed like a well practised speech about the effects of disinformation and reputable sources. I sat patiently (no pun intended) and let her finish. When I mentioned that my information had come from the Information for Healthcare Professionals on Pfizer BioNTech document downloaded from the UK Gov website… She exhaled loudly through her nostrils and my appointment was at an end… not even a goodbye on the way out the door.
I’m kind of expecting to be removed from their practise list.
Now on the website it states:
In performing their duties, members uphold the seven principles first identified by the Nolan Committee in its first report on standards in public life in May 1995 (the Nolan principles), and updated by the Committee on Standards in Public Life in its report of January 2013, Standards Matter:
1 selflessness: holders of public office should act solely in terms of the public interest
2 integrity: holders of public office must not place themselves under any obligation to people or organisations that might try inappropriately influence them in their work. They should not act or take decisions in order to gain financial or other material benefits for themselves, their family or their friends. They must declare and resolve any interests and relationships
3 objectivity: holders of public office must act and take decisions impartially, fairly and on merit, using the best evidence and without discrimination or bias
4 accountability: holders of public office are accountable for their decisions and actions and must submit themselves to the scrutiny necessary to ensure this
5 openness: holders of public office should act and take decisions in an open and transparent manner. Information should not be withheld from the public unless there are clear and lawful reasons for so doing
6 honesty: holders of public office should be truthful
7 leadership: holders of public office should exhibit these principles in their own behaviour. They should actively promote and robustly support the principles and be willing to challenge poor behaviour wherever it occur
Can you be struck off for a breach of the code of conduct?
2 integrity: holders of public office must not place themselves under any obligation to people or organisations that might try inappropriately influence them in their work. They should not act or take decisions in order to gain financial or other material benefits for themselves, their family or their friends. They must declare and resolve any interests and relationships
Publish the name
gp surgery
a supermarket for time and life deletion products
satans temple
You should find another doctor. Did you make that charlatan aware that she was not providing informed consent?
What you described isn’t competency or honesty. It’s clear she does not care about her patient’s health or welfare.
*Doctor who has worked tirelessly through pandemic shows visible disappointment that someone continues to deny the safety of the vaccines to end the pandemic*
You: Can they get struck off for that?
Why do you trust this doctor with the rest of your health if you don’t trust that they know what they’re talking about when it comes to vaccines?
*Doctor who has worked tirelessly through pandemic shows visible disappointment that someone continues to deny the safety of the vaccines to end the pandemic*
Really, You do make a lot of assumptions don’t you Bob..
Given that this is Day 1 of Week 1 of face to face non-essential consultations (their words not mine) the practise has been pretty much fenced off from the public for the last 8 months with the reception staff taking the brunt of the work dealing with phone calls, administration and prescriptions etc.
Oh and I must have somehow missed you sitting in on my consultation as had you in fact been there you’d would have noticed she didn’t look at all under pressure or worn out in fact she looked very well and like she didn’t want to be there at all.
“Why do you trust this doctor with the rest of your health if you don’t trust that they know what they’re talking about when it comes to vaccines?”
I don’t believe in blind faith or take things at face value like you must… call me suspicious… and like I said (for an ongoing medical compliant).
Now do you know what that compliant is? or how it came about?
assume away…
Oh Bob… are you there?
Did they promise you a medal for your reply?
Big hard Army boy… lets see where you are in 10 years… oh btw I speak from experience.
Well, here’s hoping.
Can you be branded an undesirable patient?
Yes. I’m one of them. They hate me. I hear gnashing of teeth as I approach the door. They don’t do eye contact for fear I might I might see they’ve been involved in the Soul for Cash scandal.
Well actually and unfortunately in this day and age you can! If you are deemed a ‘problematic’ patient or someone who asks a too many questions it can be a death sentence in the world of ‘care in community’
21st Century Britain… don’t it make you sick!
I see Pimlico Plumbers are back-tracking today on their demand that their people get vaccinated, I doubt I will every have the need of a plumber in London but if I every did they now would be the last I would ever use. I hope they go bankrupt…… and soon. The snivelling nazi creeps.
Even in the midst of madness and a fevered rush to a feudal utopia, there is a grain of hope.
The billionaires are building their “compounds” in Colorado, Montana and Wyoming. Let them build. Then when the Earth has had enough and Yellowstone erupts, compound will turn to compost in the blink of an eye.
And we shall see at last that merely thinking oneself “God” does not make it so.
Mile high latitudes are where they expect to survive complications of the next solar micronova.
Why cant the billionaires and the maskholes just fuck off to PNW and leave the rest of us alone to live free in some far off land – like Mexico. it’s time for a NWO segregation
When the essentials for life run out for the masses, how long before these locations become public knowledge, and they are breached?
Well, it is certainly incontestible that, if 50 million Americans go hungry every evening and 20 million children likewise, then Anthony Fauci is weakening the immune systems of close to 25% of the US population.
That is not the sort of person I would want in charge of any kind of medical policy.
In fact, I would go so far as to say that he should be indicted for crimes against humanity, namely for wilfully and with malice aforesight, directing the absolutely avoidable starvation of well north of 50 million human beings.
If that is not a crime, then peaceful occupation of Capitol Hill most certainly is not.
The USA is now worse than apartheid South Africa in my opinion. At least Verwoerd et al were not willfully trying to starve the black South Africans to death. They may have treated them as slaves, as subhumans, but they didn’t actively try to starve great swathes of them to death….
Erm… “He lives with wife Gunnhild Skrodal Steppling; they divide their time between Norway and the high desert of southern California.”
I find it interesting when such lowly journalists instruct others regarding what they should think or take issue with…
How many persons reading this article have enjoyed such success and notoriety as the author? How many have the advantage of being a “Rockefeller Fellow in theater”? How many possess dual citizenship? How many possess two homes? Erm… Jus’ sayin’…
Not many but then how many of you can write informed, relevant, and timely articles like this? The ones who are putting you in lockdowns own islands, chunks of forests, rivers, and in many cases, entire countries.
And here you are attacking the writer instead of discussing the content. He also did not “instruct” you what to think, rather urged you to think.
There’s nothing informed about peddling lies that this virus is real or that anyone can catch any virus. There’s no scientific evidence for contagion or human to human transmission of disease.
No virus has ever been isolated and purified and proved to be the cause of any disease or illness.
The author is compromised by his ties to the Rockefeller crime syndicate of death through iatrogenic murder.
Maybe the author should “think” more about the Flexner report, the long history of vaccines causing illness and death and governments using the concept of contagion to control and cull populations.
Thanks for pointing out the red herring…
Hello Joe: All journalists and writers “instruct” or introduce the reader to a way of thinking that may or may not be in the best interests of the reader. It IS up to the reader to consider the validity of the source, as well as source content… I have serious “issues” with anyone affiliated in any way with the Rockefeller Institute or Foundation, and don’t give a damn who they profess to be.
The events of the last year have exposed civil populations to academic levels of spin that would make any average person seem completely flat and one dimensional.
Why should us lowly beings be constantly confronted by “professional” or credentialed individuals, whilst being denied the ability to simply meet one another in a common setting for a common conversation?
Dead following the vaccine, not dead because of the vaccine?