Why I Became a “Covid Denier”
Explaining to a beginner in 15 minutes.
Kevin Smith

There have been a wide selection of articles published here over the last year on Covid-19 and lockdowns. Since March, the thinking of many of us has evolved which has been reflected within the articles as time has gone on.
Back in April and May, the focus was on the science, the presentation and interpretation of the scientific data, the evidence for or against the measures. Now, as the evidence and new data has emerged and has been analysed the conversation has moved on more to the agendas and the big picture behind lockdowns.
In the middle of last year, I noticed a big increase in reader comments here which has been maintained. But I’ve noted recently, below the line, perhaps an influx of more new readers, expressing grave doubts about the official narrative. I think more and more people are again starting to ask the basic questions, doubting the daily diet of mainstream propaganda.
Yet quite understandably they have questions and some objections towards the vastly differing narratives here.
Therefore, I thought to put something together, setting out the main competing narratives, explaining my journey and how I gradually grappled with understanding the unfolding crisis.
At first glance this might not seem correctly pitched to the high level of Covid-19 understanding here. But it might help us all put our thinking into order and better structure. In fact, I used it as a structure to comprehensively explain it all to my old mum.
Over many months when watching TV news, and Piers Morgan, she kept asking me why I questioned each and every Covid-19 narrative at a given point. So, I finally decided to unburden myself and burden her with the whole story and went through it step by step in 15 minutes.
Perhaps she still doesn’t fully believe me but now she seems to appreciate where I’m coming from, which is a start.
Broadly I would say there are three main Covid-19 and lockdown narratives, as listed below, some of which overlap and have evolved somewhat over time. There are other narratives about 5G, the origin of the virus, whether it exists and around the vaccine.
In my view, the evidence around these is not firmly rooted for now. Nevertheless, there are some elements around these points to cause added concern which I’ll comment on also.
The main narratives:
1. The government and mainstream media narrative
Broadly this is that Covid-19 is a grave danger to public health and the government is following the science. The government has our best interests at heart and has reacted proportionately to the threat.
The people who accept this broad narrative might have some criticisms of the handling of aspects of the crisis and perhaps some of the measures. These people are often fed up with Piers Morgan and his ridiculous diversions from the debate we should be having. But by and large they accept the general narrative.
2. The Government have not followed the right science and have acted disproportionally.
This is what I call the Peter Hitchens’ ‘cock-up’ narrative, which he argued from the very start of this and as far as I know he still subscribes to. This narrative is that the government have panicked and based their decision-making about lockdowns on guesswork rather than evidence. The government are trying to find a face-saving exit strategy.
This viewpoint has developed over time as the science is better understood and many, many scientists have published research studies showing lockdowns and masks don’t work or have negligible benefits.
A big plank of this argument from the start was that largely regardless of the scientific arguments the lockdown measures were completely disproportionate to the risk and mortality rate of the virus. And the government decision-making was based on stupidity, panic and groupthink.
This narrative was one I supported in the first few months and I still accept the premise that the scientific interpretation relied upon was incorrect and incomplete. But now I disagree on the basis that deliberate design, not unscientific stupidity is behind the decision-making.
3. Covid-19 is being used as a vehicle to implement a new social and economic agenda
It’s taken me a while to accept this narrative and it wasn’t until a few months ago that I looked properly at the great reset and the agenda of the World Economic Forum (WEF).
This agenda proposes an economic and social reset, including a focus on climate change, sustainability and wealth distribution. It states that Covid-19 presents a window of opportunity to implement a brave new world which looks like a totalitarian nightmare for its citizens. It says by 2030 you will own nothing and be happy
The point to make from an evidence point of view is that just because there is a world agenda by Klaus Schwarb of WEF, someone who sometimes dresses like a James Bond villain, doesn’t necessarily mean that this is what’s unfolding.
My conclusion that Covid-19 was being used as a vehicle to bring in a horrifying social and economic reset wasn’t reached until all other aspects of the previous timeline of 5 months slotted in.
Of course, early on the measures such as lockdowns, social distancing, no regard for proportionality and later pointless post-pandemic summer masks didn’t make sense. But it was only when this madness continued and after a review of the reset agenda, it’s now obvious this is what’s happening.
Repeated lockdowns and mask-wearing, propaganda and general suffering are designed to create the conditions necessary to reset society and almost start from scratch.
A climate of fear, destruction, compliance and dependence on the state are all necessary to be able to introduce this agenda. They need continuous crisis to push us towards meek acceptance and compliance. And a big influence behind this and how it’s later sold is the climate change agenda, a powerful lobby.
World leaders such as Johnson and Trudeau are subtly and unsubtly introducing WEF language and repeating the slogans such as ‘build back better’. There’s talk of health passports and sanctions for those refusing testing and vaccines. Many of the proposed objectives such as wealth distribution and limited travel fit in with the economic and social destruction we are currently seeing.
These leaders are regularly seen with the WEF, the WHO, the UN, the IMF, Bill Gates, Greta Thunberg, those driving the freak-show.
Big money, influence and perhaps coercion may well be how this cancer has spread and convinced globalist inclined leaders to run with the agenda now.
And for those who’ve been watching US politics will have seen the long running coordinated attempt to remove Trump who stands in the way of reset, at least in the short term. The suspicious US election results and BLM protests and timing also now fits in with the grand plan and to go with it now.
Past record and history are also important pieces of the puzzle. Biden’s alleged close links with the Chinese Communist Party and above-mentioned globalist organisations and some possible evidence of similar reset attempts with Swine and Bird Flu predictions also seem to fit in with the pattern currently emerging.
And as we know, the attempts to lay waste to the world (Syria, Iraq, Libya) are all indicators we are dealing with psychopathic criminals. My only previous doubt was that they would dare turn that evil on to their own people.
In summary, the means, motive and opportunity is there. In my view a global coup is clearly under way.
Some unknowns and anomalies
Some commentators have stated that the virus doesn’t exist, that Flu and even heart attacks have been misclassified as Covid-19. There is also a lot evidence that Covid deaths have been exaggerated with faulty PCR tests and fraudulently assigning hospital admissions and deaths as Covid-19. You have to ask yourself why they at every turn seek to exaggerate and misrepresent data to the upside. During a crisis politicians historically seek to underplay the risks.
Much of that should be born in mind when considering the big picture but a beginner should possibly concentrate on what we know, not what we don’t know. Nevertheless, we should consider the following:
Origin of Covid-19
The media have speculated endlessly as to where and how this virus originated. From bat markets to laboratories. In view of everything I’ve seen I would not now discount the possibility that a virus has been released intentionally, with the connivance of the above-mentioned to pursue the reset.
This is unthinkable in many ways, yet this possibility has to be now part of our diligence going forward.
Covid Vaccines
This perhaps will be the key to what happens going forward. Whether the great reset plan succeeds – or it leads to its undoing and the forcible removal of leaders.
The irrational preoccupation with vaccines may be largely profit-related but it could be a major part of the agenda in play.
Untested, experimental vaccines in 2021 which threaten serious side-affects and fertility is astonishing and terrifying. Particularly given the 10-month timeline of government and media misrepresentation, pseudoscience, fearmongering and outright lies.
Everyone should fear these vaccines.
Objections and questions to the counter-narrative.
Naturally over 10 months a lot of things have happened. People tend to view events in isolation and then move on forgetting what has happened before. People are therefore confused and have questions. Some of these questions are ones I asked myself at the beginning and during my journey.
“Most governments are taking similar anti-Covid-19 measures, they can’t all be wrong or in on a conspiracy?”
This is what troubled me earlier on. We know they are following the wrong science, they are destroying their economies and societies. Yet there has to be a limit to continued utter stupidity.
But given the background, influence and money of billionaires and their control over worldwide institutions it’s possible to see how this has, over time, infiltrated governments, a controlled media, conflicted scientists and the judiciary.
This agenda is not new and, as I mentioned, possibly has been attempted at earlier points. For me, in the end it was not such a stretch to accept this infiltration of evil has been going on for many years and we are seeing the realisation and perfection of that plan now.
“The Great Reset is just another conspiracy theory, surely?”
Well, no it’s not. As I said above it’s a real agenda. The question is whether it is one ‘parked up’ or one in progress. All the evidence mentioned above suggests it’s now firmly in play.
“People won’t accept having their wealth confiscated or redistributed. Why would our governments wish to adopt social credit systems and communism?”
If Boris Johnson announced on TV tonight ‘you will own nothing and be happy’, of course there would be riots. This is why the reset is being brought in in the way it is, under the guise of a crisis.
Essentially most world leaders and politicians don’t have any principles or beliefs. In this context, having a global agenda such as this wouldn’t really be a huge problem as the top 1% wouldn’t be under communism. We would.
So it’s not difficult to see after a great deal of planning, with the company they keep, their power-craving tendencies, various inducements, how our leaders have willingly or reluctantly ceded power to the globalists.
“It’s impossible that the government, media, scientists and nurses could all be lying about the current pandemic.”
No, not all are lying. Some are complicit, some know or suspect something but are too afraid to speak out and many are likely to be clueless of what’s going on and the wider agenda. The big part of this is the conflicts of interest, such as career advancement or preservation.
Also fear, blanket propaganda, false data and distraction. This all causes confusion, group-think and tunnel vision. All these factors in the mix can cause the illusion that the above are all lying, or not at all. People are controlled through a combination of the above. Essentially, it’s similar to how Nazi Germany managed to gather so much support from its population.
PCR and Proportion – the killer arguments
Either when someone I’m talking to needs more convincing, or just to round off, I introduce two killer arguments.
First PCR, which has been done to death here. The test is scientifically useless for detecting Covid-19 and considering all the measures and entire approach is based on it and ‘cases’ and not people hospitalised or dying of direct Covid-19, the house of cards falls in a heap.
So, you can say to your family or friend, while some parts of the counter-narrative might be disputed, how can you even have the faintest confidence in the official narrative when you have a far stronger diagnosis probability by flipping a coin?
Likewise, another factor, proportionality has been lost in the clamor to fearmonger, distract and mislead. Proportionality, obvious to any problem solver from the start as a basis to carry out a basic cost versus reward assessment, one the government has not carried out to this day.
Think of roughly 60,000 UK deaths (Total ‘deaths within 28 days of positive test’ since March is 89,860 at publication, according to PHE – Ed.), with an average mortality age of 82, from or with Covid-19, versus millions of jobs gone, the economy screwed, closed schools cancelled medical treatments for cancers etc and mental health issues through the roof.
Lord Sumption, the greatest legal mind in the UK, worked it out early on. But it really doesn’t take a genius to work it out in January 2021.
Finally, if the person you explain this to rejects the arguments based on the information and evidence, ask them, what does their gut tell them?
Do they feel something is wrong or something sinister is playing out in the background? Are they in denial, often one of the emotions prior to realisation? Pose the question and let them work it out for themselves.
I wouldn’t necessarily suggest anyone unloads all this on to elderly relatives and the young.
But, if you are constantly being asked by relatives or friends to refute parts of the official narrative when it appears on TV, explaining it in the way above, without Piers Morgan‘s interruptions, is an option.
It might help them to finally move on with their thinking and develop realisation and anger – the two ingredients required to boot out the Great Reset and as a possible added bonus, Morgan.
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I came to this site via a link so pardon the lateness of this response. Don’t forget many national leaders have been compromised via Jeffry Epstein type traps and of course as was already mentioned Big Pharma is motivated by the humongous profits they will make off the injections. Lastly we have the Gates and Rockefeller eugenics agenda in full effect. Many of our peers are skeptical about all of these ideas and issues but nevertheless they are real/true.
These old threads are like ghost towns or cemeteries. I wonder if anyone comes here. Google wouldn’t direct anyone here. This is a disadvantage of a forum like this where everyone migrates to the new thread and abandons older ones like this one.
Hello, do you come here often?
I move to the current thread as it appears, like everyone else. I have nowhere else to post. The last forum I posted on disappeared abruptly.
Well written article keep the good work going .
The Tyranny demonstrated by Government and Globalist against their own people in the last 11 months will need to be accounted for , governments will need to have answers as to why the “Police Fascist state” has been allowed to get away with so much .
Locking People up for months on end , Smashing People up when they are “peacefully protesting ” , continuous Police and Ambulance Siren Bombardment around the cites all day to Magnify an emergency , Continuous Police patrols in Public Parks, Government propaganda about Mask ,Washing hands and social distancing . All in the name of CV19 and keeping us safe and Controlled by the the “deep sate “. An inquisition to this level of Tyranny on the UK population is a must , will the Electorate in the UK have the backbone to demand one ? Only time will Tell.
Day One
I have been a convid denier since day 1. However I did not see it coming. If only all of us had seen Harry Vox’s 2014 program about the 2010 Rockefeller Lockstep document. Later there was Cladex and Event 201. Kill Gates gave plenty of notice of his dystopian eugenic desires and plans. As have Schwab and Musk. The scenario is far more sinister than I thought initially. Gibraltar with a population of 30,000 has already lost 55 to the vaccine. We have no idea of how many will be hit by long term effects and by sterilisation.
Great article….
I agree with most of Maribel’s assessment except the fact that: “locked in a never ending cycle of stimulus, which will inevitably end in hyperinflation and dollar collapse.”
It is not the US dollar that is in danger eminent collapse but the Euro. The European Central Bank (ECB) is the only institution buying ECB’s bonds with negative interest rates. There are no other buyers out there. That’s why the FED cannot rise interest rates otherwise it would cause the Euro’s collapse. The US dollar demise will happen as part of a “transition” process toward a different reserve currency. Meanwhile keep in mind the current status of the dollar.
The foreign exchange, called ‘FX’ or ‘forex,’ is the marketplace where countries from around the world exchange currencies. It is the largest market in terms of trading volume, surpassing the credit markets and the trade of goods and services. About half of the approximately $5 trillion of transactions that are settled daily are denominated in US dollars. It is estimated that approximately 70% of the physical paper dollars in circulation are held outside the United States, mostly in $100 notes.
This is why the US dollar is still king, for a while at least.
Very much agree; the crisis is primarily about Europe First.
As Mackinder, father of modern geopolitics stated, geography is destiny.
In the Eurasian Century, the entire EU is geographically outclassed by the natural giants of Russia, China, India, and the United States.
This forced crisis is the EU globalist’s desperate play to stay atop the Western and imperialized world.
In the words of John McClane, “Welcome to the party pal”.
There is no such thing as “covid”. It is just a whole load of narcassistic abuse techniques. For example trinangulation is playing people against each other e.g. “If you don’t wear a mask/ isolate etc. you are to blame for deaths. The frontline heroes are so wonderful, go out and bang pots for them.” The skapegoat, golden child dynamic. You can watch the whole series of videos and find examples of how the covid cult is doing these techniques.
Perhaps this will work better than saying what “covid” isn’t because we will be able to say what ‘it’ is and have the words to explain the techniques they are using and how to deal with them. People will be able to see that indeed this is a narcassistic abuse tactic and thus accept that there is no such thing as “the virus” and that these are abusers who need to be shut out of their lives.
Thanks for this Sarah.
Unfortunately millions are to blind to see/notice the end game goal of all of this, and now just my opinion, Revelation 13 is the end goal
Please explain 666 to us who haven’t yet worked it out.
No man shall buy or sell lest he has the mark of the beast.
2021: unless you take this experimental biological agent you cannot go in this shop.
Thank you, Sarah, for posting this. Funny how things like this video seem to arrive and enlighten at just the right time. Largely ignorant of narcissism on a personal level, three months ago I literally walked away from a very close family member. I’m torn with guilt, shame and relief. Just this week I came across a book called “The Covert Passive Aggressive Narcissist” which I read in one day and followed it up with George Simon’s book “Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing: Understanding & Dealing with Manipulative People”. While I’m not completely certain, I suspect my family member is the covert passive-aggressive type. So subtle in fact that I wonder if I’m reaching and looking to label and rationalize my own flight response (which I know I tend to do); Then again… (??). Watching this video, I recognized at least three tactics.
Anyway, thanks again. I know this was meant for the broader, global picture, but different responses during 2020 has tried many relationships.
Hi Peter Sky/Cat Collector,etc.

Full scientific credentials. Will provide doom statistics for cash. Rates negotiable
1. “John Kerry Says ‘Great Reset’ Is Needed To Stop Rise Of Populism”, by Tyler Durden for ZeroHedge, November 20, 2020.
Former Secretary of State John Kerry attended a panel discussion at the World Economic Forum during which he asserted that a great reset was urgently needed to stop the rise of populism.
Reference and continuation:
2.”The confession of the criminal John Kerry”, by Thierry Meyssan for Voltairenet, January 17, 2017
The war against Syria is the first to have been waged, for more than six years, in the digital era. A wealth of documents which should have remained secret for many years have already been published. Although they have been released in different countries, so that international public opinion is unaware of them, they already enable us to piece together the events concerned. The release of a recording of comments made in private by John Kerry last September reveals the policies of the Secretary of State and obliges all observers — including ourselves — to review our previous analyses.
Reference and continuation:
3.Brief final comment.
They got a taste in very evil ways to reset the Middle East and more ( just another prime example: almost all Western countries are living a serious demographic crisis but on the media mainstream propaganda for LGBT and reception of migrants is alive and kicking 24 hours a day ), none of their European vassals have opposed it, and now they also want to reset the economy of all Western countries with the “Great Reset” for a more evil version of globalization and their European vassals for the umpteenth time, even on this occasion, have been like sheeple, that’s it !!
4.Best regards.
Fabrice, greetings from Italy.
The War On You
Jan 21, 2021 9:43 PM
“Whether a novel coronavirus virus exists is academic.”
Question to War On You: Would people obey the orders if they knew the viruses don’t exist?
Steven Augustine
Jan 21, 2021 7:31 PM
Reply to Bubba
“Your argument against the existence of viruses is grounded in your fundamental mischaracterization of what a virus does.
There is no intentionality in what a virus can do to certain higher (ie more complex) organisms on Earth. Viruses are part of the vast (within the scale of the planet) interconnecting chemical systems of the Ecosphere; they are as much a by-product of the initial process of self-generating, self-organizing chemical complexity as we are. They are not built to any purpose. Some of them just happen, for structural reasons, to be toxic to us: a coincidence. They are metaphorical sand in your gas tank (if the sand were a self-replicating crystal). It’s usually the body’s immune system’s response to the presence of the not-really-living micron-chunklets that causes us problems (eg the lungs filling with fluid).”
Question to Steven Augustine: Besides not having understood what Bubba wrote, have you ever read studies done by people like Stefan Lanka, who challenged anyone on Earth – and ready to reward them with 100,000 euros – to produce a study proving the measles virus? Nobody could. It’s a matter of record!
Paul Vonharnish
Jan 21, 2021 2:42 PM
Reply to Sam – Admin2
Hello Sam – Admin2: Very well said. The collective response is a sort of Stockholm Syndrome of the collective soul. A collective retreat into a lie. A lie that has polluted the landscape of self-awareness and mutual respect.
Even if “they” physically wipe us out, truth will forever echo in time…
Question to Paul Vonharnish: The Stockholm Syndrome was possible because hostages BELIEVED there were guns ready to kill them!
As they BELIEVE now that there is a virus poised to kill them!
They turn against friends and family, report those who don’t obey the orders, and rush to the “vaccines”!
To whom will the truth echo? Who will be left except those who did the deed?
I found out about this article from a different site.
When getting down to comments, I found that they are all over the place!
It is readers like these here that perpetuate the myth of the virus!
Unaware that by this you have provided a hand to “them”.
Perhaps you missed the word “novel” in my previous post. But to answer your question, yes. Most people are obeying because they don’t have the spine to resist, most (85% in my local Sainsbury’s) were not wearing masks in shops until the mandate. So logic and reasoning have nothing to do with it
Hello Selasnick: Your question: “To whom will the truth echo? Who will be left except those who did the deed?”
Firstly: I appreciate what you are saying in your post. Secondly: Earth’s biomass is made up of bacteria, viral agents, fungal agents, complimentary (and potentially toxic) chemical and protein reactions, electromagnetic and simple magnetic inductions between biological cells. On and on. These myriad relationships are INCLUDED in viral activities.
To state that there is no such thing as viruses is total poppycock, and not based on the existence of physical science. Sorry to all who claim to be experts in virology: >
Excerpted from: A SARS-like cluster of circulating bat coronaviruses shows potential for human emergence
Published: 09 November 2015
Biosafety and biosecurity.
“Reported studies were initiated after the University of North Carolina Institutional Biosafety Committee approved the experimental protocol (Project Title: Generating infectious clones of bat SARS-like CoVs; Lab Safety Plan ID: 20145741; Schedule G ID: 12279). These studies were initiated before the US Government Deliberative Process Research Funding Pause on Selected Gain-of-Function Research Involving Influenza, MERS and SARS Viruses
(http://www.phe.gov/s3/dualuse/Documents/gain-of-function.pdf). This paper has been reviewed by the funding agency, the NIH.
Continuation of these studies was requested, and this has been approved by the NIH.”
The article below is germane to the dangers of weaponized “gain of function” research, which ultimately led to the patented Corona 19 virus…
Excerpted from: CRISPR the new wonder tool for genetic modification
Article first published 12/01/16
To conclude
“There are numerous reasons to proceed with caution with CRISPR/Cas9 applications. It is a powerful, efficient, and cheap gene-editing tool beset with risks for health and the environment. Particularly worrying is its use in gene-drive, a currently irreversible and uncontrollable process once released into the environment.”
Complete article: CRISPR Too Fast for Comfort (i-sis.org.uk)
Quote: “A study published Thursday shows how a bird flu virus that’s sickening and killing people in China could mutate to potentially become more contagious.”
A Few Genetic Tweaks To Chinese Bird Flu Virus Could Fuel A Human Pandemic
June 15, 2017
It’s more nuanced. Many, many “viri” thought to be pathogenic have never been proven to cause illness, according to Koch’s postulates, and can be just as easily accounted for by considering them to be exosomes or similar to exosomes, and in fact by-products of natural biological processes.
My hypothesis is that there is perhaps 3rd option—that some are endogenous and some are not, and all provide some sort of adaptive function.
What makes things hard is the lack of opportunity for truly open inquiry and investigative collaboration between scientists. They are too wedded to their funding sources which are supported by the pharmaceutical companies—and apart from that, contagion theory has become such dogma that thinking outside that box just isn’t very accepted. And certainly not funded.
Furthermore, there’s an additional problem with SARScov2 that has actually been addressed in off-guardian: The lack of any isolated sample of the virus, the genomic sequence being computer generated model, and again, no Koch’s postulate proof that a specific virus is causing the illness known as COVID.
In addition to the obvious problem that the narrative is based on false tests and unproven premises, there’s another problem-—as long as the narrative around the illness is false, the true cause (if there is a new illness) won’t be investigated or looked for.
there have been other times in recent history when an illness was thought to be contagious when in fact, it was something else entirely—nutrient deficiency, poisoning, etc.
I’m not dogmatic, and am open to new info, but after thousands of hours of deep diving, I think it’s very possible COVID is a toxicity of some sort, not a contagious virus.
Though the “narrative” around the virus is patently false, the fact still remains that there are military grade bio weapons programs operating throughout the world. These laboratories run experiments all day, every day, because they are extremely well funded.
The patented viral form named Covid19 (or whatever nomenclature used) is an example of JUST ONE TEST. There are hundreds of viral, bacterial, and fungal based pathogens being TESTED EVERY SINGLE DAY…
“… because they are extremely well funded.”
Indeed they are. Too well, in fact. But, as is wont with any/many a government undertaking, need not actually produce anything at all.
Whether a novel coronavirus virus exists is academic. Whether it does or not, the main agendas were already apparent before the first Wuhan case was announced, when the chief advocates of economic reset and mass vaccination – Bill Gates and the WEF – were among the organisers of Event 201 https://www.centerforhealthsecurity.org/event201/scenario.html. I find it difficult to conceive exactly what the point of openly staging this event, and uploading highlights to the internet, was if not to serve “revelation of the method” notice. This was followed up by more “hello, we’re lying” such as the virus being defined as “no longer high consequence” days before the first lockdown, Whitty downplaying the threat before more restrictions, Vallance saying not everyone with “covid” on their death certificate was even tested, the reverse on masks with chief propaganda organ BBC telling us on Newsnight that the WHO changed stance due to “political lobbying”, Covid death defined as any following positive test etc etc
Have you read and understood Selasnick‘s question?
Why is our legal system bods, who have the clout to squash all this utter rubbish, not legally taking the PM and Madam hancock ect through the u.k legal system and have them all thrown in jail,
What are they waiting for? Someone to pay for their services?
Come one get on with it
Neatly put. Thank you.
All screams against the injudiciousness of the measures taken under the cover of “pandemic” are excursions in the wrong in the wrong direction. The criticism is easily neutralized by the criminals in power by invoking:
“in every well ordered society charged with the duty of conserving the safety of its members the rights of the individual in respect of his liberty may at times, under the pressure of great dangers, be subjected to such restraint, to be enforced by reasonable regulations, as the safety of the general public may demand” and that “[r]eal liberty for all could not exist under the operation of a principle which recognizes the right of each individual person to use his own [liberty], whether in respect of his person or his property, regardless of the injury that may be done to others.”
So, dismantle the founding lie: “viruses”!
All else will fall by themselves!
Is it inability, or laziness, impeding most humans’ understanding?
How much effort does it take to realize that NO VIRUS – as defined by the con-people called “scientists”- can POSSIBLY EXIST?!
“A tricky RNA envelops itself, exits a cell, and starts hunting other organisms for destruction?!”
1) RNA endowed with consciousness?! Why not say it, and call the exorcists?!
2) Why not change the textbooks – where DNA gives code to RNA, and this gives it to the ribosome to make protein? Say, instead, that RNA can do whatever it WANTS!
3) Why not say: “It is an evolutionary process in which RNA became trickier and trickier, bypassing all defense mechanisms of a body?
4) And if you say 3), then how could a dumb concoction like a vaccine trick the trickster?! If a body’s defense can’t be alerted by the invasion of the trickster in full force, how would an “attenuated form of the virus” (called “vaccine”) – virus that nobody, ever since, and including, the fraudster Pasteur, has ever detected in any form, for any illness! – do the job?!
Any smart human would prefer death to the being imprisoned and raped by Gates and others!!.
This involves shaking the foundations of people’s beliefs far more than questioning the proportionality of these unprecedented lockdowns, especially since collateral deaths associated with them are so numerous and widely acknowledged. Yours is a far harder task in my opinion. The disease is not very deadly. The stats are there. The numbers are in. Countries which did not lockdown did not fair any worse, in fact faired better than many countries with strict lockdowns. Nowhere has this disease run amok in the world. Honestly, it couldn’t be more obvious what is really going on here, although you wouldn’t know it from talking to most people!
It’s sort of Stockholm Syndrome at this point, I feel. We just need to keep up the clamour of truth. We have a really good shot here, NOT of changing everyone’s minds (which I fear are beyond changing at this stage, on this pass), but rather NOT being written out of history this time around. There are enough doubters – wives, husbands, mothers, daughters, friends, colleagues – inextricably intertwined in people’s lives, not distinguished by race, colour or creed, just normal people who are speaking the truth. People with whom those in the thrall of this fear have strong ties of love and respect.
We have a really good shot at being the problem that doesn’t go away this time.
But make no mistake, there is a concerted effort to wipe us out. XD A2
Quoting Sam:
“The disease is not very deadly. The stats are there. The numbers are in. Countries which did not lockdown did not fair any worse, in fact faired better than many countries with strict lockdowns. Nowhere has this disease run amok in the world.”
“There are enough doubters – wives, husbands, mothers, daughters, friends, colleagues – inextricably intertwined in people’s lives, not distinguished by race, colour or creed, just normal people who are speaking the truth. People with whom those in the thrall of this fear have strong ties of love and respect.”
For these facts to become FACTS in the mind of the majority, the plethora of news sources crowding the world must be in almost unanimity publicizing them!
It will never happen, because, as you say, “there is a concerted effort to wipe us out.”
The origination of this effort is outside the concocted notions of race and nations.
It is supra-racial and supra-national.
To this force, the humankind is an amorphous jumble of maybe-good-for-something-in-the-overall-plan creatures!
That’s why Gates said that something like 800 million will suffice!
And others went even lower: 250 – 500 million.
With AI, culling the promising slave-children to become the engineers, what need is there for the masses of imbeciles?! Check Julian Huxley’s speech at the inception of UNESCO.
On the other hand, imagine a community in which each individual is brought up with the same moral values that make the community both equalitarian and averse to invading others.
If those values become the life-blood of each individual, there is no way to trick them into taking the opposite road in life.
That is because all the motivations that such an individual has in life carry with them the pictures of “mom and pop, the grandparents, siblings, friends, etc.”
The destruction of family and decency, on a steady roll since the 1950s but begun before, was intended to serve the purpose for future onslaught.
Similarly, awakening to the fact that “scientists” are not superhumans, but dumb adolescents that swallowed all things in college and became dependent on the dogmas and subservient to the manipulators, will free all individuals!
That’s the community!
Community of awakened.
Who could fool them anymore?!
The road you describe is wishful thinking.
Mine is the answer, yet never possible.
Nonetheless, fighting a battle for you values – knowing that you have lost already – is the mark of knowing who you are!
So, here I am!
Hello Sam – Admin2: Very well said. The collective response is a sort of Stockholm Syndrome of the collective soul. A collective retreat into a lie. A lie that has polluted the landscape of self-awareness and mutual respect.
Even if “they” physically wipe us out, truth will forever echo in time…
Have you read and understood Selasnick‘s question?
Hello Beran: Thanks for the notification. Yes. My response is awaiting spam check and will be posted under Selasnick’s question.
Have you seen, and understood, Selasnick’s comment to you?
So, you say: Don’t shake them up! They are babies!
Is this site a nanny? A babysitter?
Why is it called OffGuardian? Because it is an offshoot?
Your argument against the existence of viruses is grounded in your fundamental mischaracterization of what a virus does.
There is no intentionality in what a virus can do to certain higher (ie more complex) organisms on Earth. Viruses are part of the vast (within the scale of the planet) interconnecting chemical systems of the Ecosphere; they are as much a by-product of the initial process of self-generating, self-organizing chemical complexity as we are. They are not built to any purpose. Some of them just happen, for structural reasons, to be toxic to us: a coincidence. They are metaphorical sand in your gas tank (if the sand were a self-replicating crystal). It’s usually the body’s immune system’s response to the presence of the not-really-living micron-chunklets that causes us problems (eg the lungs filling with fluid).
Not all Science is a con; not all scientists are con-men/women. But TFIC own enough scientists (and can intimidate most of the rest) that it’s hard to tell the difference, sometimes.
What I don’t get (for example) are people who distrust all Science while trusting The Bible: aren’t the textbooks and Bibles produced by the same printers, in essence, and distributed far and wide (usually for free) by a (corrupt) culture that appears to believe these Bibles perform some sort of useful (to the regime) function? I can reproduce almost any experiment in a high school Science text book and get the same results… verifying the claims of the text book. Can anyone say the same for The Bible? Laugh.
Having said all that, of course: “Covid” is bullshit. It’s nothing but the Flu.
Have you read and understood Selasnick‘s question?
Mischaracterization of a virus?!
“Have you read and understood Selasnick‘s question?”
Yeah, I understood it quite well. Neither one of you sophomores at YOUTUBE-UNIVERSITY know what you’re talking about.
Carry on.
So, flu is a virus too?
Then, where is the “mischaracterization” of a virus?!
What rambling is that about Bible, high school experiments, and same printers?!
Learn to read at a higher level and a whole new world of the utterly incomprehensible will blossom for you.
Is it inability, or laziness, impeding most humans’ understanding?
How much effort does it take to realized that NO VIRUS – as defined by the con-people called “scientists”- can POSSIBLY EXIST?!
“A tricky RNA envelops itself, exits a cell, and starts hunting other organisms for destruction?!”
1) RNA endowed with consciousness?! Why not say it, and call the exorcists?!
2) Why not change the textbooks – where DNA gives code to RNA, and this gives it to the ribosome to make protein? Say, instead, that RNA can do whatever it WANTS!
3) Why not say: “It is an evolutionary process in which RNA became trickier and trickier, bypassing all defense mechanisms of a body?
4) And if you say 3), then how could a dumb concoction like a vaccine trick the trickster?!
This scam will eliminate the imbeciles among the humankind – and that’s a good thing!
Any smart human would prefer death to the being imprisoned and raped by Gates and others!!.
Supposing it’s all a big bluff for that very purpose? Those who refuse vaccines will be the ones to survive. But they threaten us with harsh consequences for non compliance. Will they actually follow through with those threats? I’m living in Germany, where last year, just before the lockdowns started, mandatory measles vaccine for children went into effect. I’m still resisting, and so far, the deadline for compliance has been pushed back to this summer. I don’t know what’s going to happen, since my eldest is in her first year of school vaccine free. I’d like to believe it’s a bluff to coerce the useless eaters…. But I’m nowhere near so optimistic.
The corbet report is very revealing. Recommended in this order:
What about shock and awe? The covid cult have chemical and biological weapons of mass destruction.
What an incredibly stupid song and an even more pointless video. And what’s up with the bind rune being flashed about throughout the video?
lotta eloquent psuedoscience going on here
Leo, but neither was communism actually communism. The USSR and China were both at one time communistic, but neither was fair, or classless, or empowering to the people.
Communism as a theory will always yield an actual monstrous oligarchy. Humans aren’t ants. We need, INDIVIDUALLY, to decide our own life-paths, to the extent possible within civilization. To do this we need private property. And, if we are to defer present gratification to plan for a future we need capital-formation.
You are quite right to say that what the Great Reset promises us is not communism; it’s tyranny. But it is also true that TPTB don’t live up to the theory of real capitalism either– surely it has been long since we had the free enterprise that real capitalism promises.
The labels “capitalism” and “communism” are not equal to the times. Instead let us admit that we have a tyranny which is planning for an even greater one. Our opposition to it MUST take the form of affirming that we need widely disseminated private property and a division of labor with voluntary exchange of products and labor– and that we are being denied it. The Left finds corporations and Business the destroyers of Liberty– and the Right believes that Govt is the tyrant.
These two incomplete and extreme positions have been created in the tyrants’ think tanks.
If we are to come together in opposition to tyranny we have to give up such cartoons. We have to give up our idealized notions and admit that the two great forces– Govt & Business must both be limited in their power: Partly by opposing each other, and partly by an educated vigilant citizenry, which possesses the economic and philosophical goods to be to some degree independent of both.
Yes, it is not real communism that they are constructing– but those constructing it are not real capitalists either.
What happened to Leo’s comment that I was answering?
“..I would not now discount the possibility that a virus has been released intentionally…” – No sir, you are not a covid denier.
It certainly has been intentional. released directly into the mussle tissue of their victims after spending a year priming them to be assaulted and poisoned (virus in latin).
The researcher doing by far the best job of covering all this, and explaining it, is Alison McDowell. A few of us around here know of her. She should be more widely known. I’d never heard of her 6 months ago, and, after studying her work, I finally understand so many aspects of the War against us that previously confused me.
Here’s a good video to start with:
Here’s her website:
Same Bro
Cannot think why Patrick Vallance would want people to be vaccinated every year

Better to be a ‘Covid denier’ than a tyranny denier list most people.
Better to be a covid vaccine denier than a victim of it.
You call them tyrants I call them Satanists. The vaccine ,with its cocktail of nanoparticles, and nanotechnology, is the 666mark of the beast.
The word of GOD ALMIGHTY is being fulfilled before our very eyes .
Thank you for that. Would appreciate a contact email address to [email protected].
Your analysis and conclusions accurate.
It seems that the medical profession have belatedly remembered that we have something called an immune system.
It’s a pity that they forgot this for most of 2020.
We were never in any great danger from “Covid-19”, unless we were very old, or already very sick, or both. Or being incorrectly treated, as so many were (R.I.P.).
We were never in any great danger from “Covid-19”, unless we were very old, or already very sick, or both. Or being incorrectly treated, as so many were (R.I.P.).
The very people who are most at risk from the vaccine as well, it seems. Very interesting paper here which covers the concept of the “frailty scale”. 8s and 9s are now to be assessed prior to having the vaccine in Norway. The same people who are most at risk from SARS COV2, the computer generated virus.
“Welcome to the Scamdemic Zone where Corporate Fascism, Eugenics and Euthanasia reign supreme. Where ‘Doc’ Billy Eugenics and the rest of the OLIGARCH MOBSTER PSYCHOPATH CRIMINAL SLAVEMASTERS own everything (including you) and are happy for you. Where the untermenschen and useless eaters are but distant unpleasant memories.”

“May the Debs definitely NOT BE WITH YOU!”

Well that’s another theory that I haven’t heard. Can’t keep up with them at this stage.
Despite the herd of self-harming, virtue-signaling, masked mutton that surrounds you there are indeed millions of aware and decent people around the planet that get it. You are not alone, we are 5%, as much of the population as the ruling psychopaths and sociopaths i.e. the disgusting, Satanic pedovores like Schwab, Gates, STASI “Erika” Merkill, Bozo the clown, banksters, presstitutes and almost all political mutts the sheeple call their “leaders” and all diabolic Rothschild enablers.
The docile herd can be turned like a weathervane and will be turned again…that is the beauty of the balance built into nature. Evolution has created a mass of ignorant, pliant human livestock with a purpose. 10% of the naked apes can more or less reason and act upon that reasoning for good or bad…the rest of the flock will be turned like sheep and always has been. Look at the history of pedovores running the Catholic Church and yet the peasants flock to these evil bastards on a Sunday to “commune” with God….god help us. Ask yourself the question; would you prefer to live in a world with 90 wolves and ten sheep, or a world with 90 sheep and 10 wolves? As for the demented, geriatric Klaus “Schwab”, the bastard progeny of NAZI Germany… his spawners also hallucinated about their wondervoll 1000 Year Reich dystopia and if I recall…they and their anglozionazi backers may have slaughtered millions, but in the end we are still pissing on their NAZI graves.
Klaus “Schwab” genuine old school German NAZI direct from central casting, Hollyweird.
This is the best they can do to “convince” the sheeple? The Germans call it “Verarschung”
Sieg Heil….the same as it ever waZ as the entire planet goes “MK Ultra”!
Schwab’s daddy and the NAZIS
The Davos Agenda
Onward to Ouchwitz, you rag mouths!
Take the poll and please spread far and wide.
The best of all was when the Catholic Church castrated the boys in the choirs to keep their voices from changing.
“would you prefer to live in a world with 90 wolves and ten sheep, or a world with 90 sheep and 10 wolves?”
“would you prefer to live in a world with 90 wolves and ten sheep, or a world with 90 sheep and 10 wolves?”
Easy: I would prefer a world with 90 sheep and 10 wolves.
More sheep to go round. Hmmm, mutton.
You can call it evolution. But that is not entirely true. Looking at all other life forms that have also evolved over a much longer period of time, the behavior of humans is non-existent. It might be more factual to attach the development into a delusional species based on organized religion. If You have not watched it, this documentary sheds light on our collective degeneration:
We understandably overlook the obvious in our overly scientific approach to the corona Test. While it’s necessary to expose the test for the scientific fraud it is, it’s equally necessary to remember the power of suggestion.
A perfectly healthy individual, once told they are infected with a “deadly pathogen” and may become deathly sick, will very likely start to feel a little sick. Especially the more impressionable individuals.
Certainly children, told their parents are infected and may very well die, will become overly fearful of being abandoned by those they love and/or depend on for survival.
This COVID scare is not just a hoax; it is a monstrously cruel hoax. If we ever had any doubts that the ruling elites were psychopaths, surely this has dispelled those doubts.
Good comment.
The three people I know who tested ‘positive’ all had a slightly raised temperature and felt ‘a bit unwell’ that night after receiving their result. They all felt fine again within twelve hours.
Was it the swab testing itself? It was seriously invasive, and could create inflammation in the very depths of the nasal cavity, where no implement is supposed to go. But..
The power of the ‘nocebo’ can’t be underestimated.
This morning I was remembering how sick my partner and I were in Dec 2018/Jan 2019, as were so many friends and family. I imagined someone as sick as we were – barely able to get out of bed, coughing ourselves silly, sweating, aching, feverish – being told by a masked medical professional: ‘you have this deadly virus that’s sweeping the world and killing people.’
I imagined someone as sick as I was, receiving that news and being taken into hospital. I’d read that on some ‘Covid’ wards, patients were not allowed to used bathrooms or showers. It was bed pans and no hair washing. Never get to see friends or family. Being so ill under relentless florescent lighting all day. Nurses in masks and visors and gloves trying to avoid going near you or touching you. Knowing that there was a DNR policy for people like you, with this deadly disease, because NHS staff lives couldn’t be risked.
Hospital food, and having to use the toilet in an open public space with only a curtain for privacy. No fresh air. Loneliness. Isolation. Echoing wards and corridors (though you’re not allowed out of the Covid ward, empty or very quiet hospitals have a profound echo). Will you die and leave your children without ever seeing them again?
Suffering. Fear. ‘I’ve got the deadly disease. It’s killing people all over the world. Boris Johnson says it’s a plague. Look at me, I’m so sick with it I had to go to hospital. This is serious! My god, could I die from this?’
Friends and family, via text and FB, all shocked, frightened, waiting. Sending love, prayers, emoji hearts and rainbows. Participating in the drama, but from afar.
And all the time, the aches, the pains, your head banging, coughing relentlessly, sweats and chills.
Get too anxious, hyperventilate, with that laboured breathing and cough anyway, and you’ll be put on oxygen. In the first few months, however, policy was to let patients crash, then medically induce a coma and put them on a ventilator (a serious intervention that impacts on the body and used to only be used in extreme situations such as major car crash injuries, etc, where mechanical breathing was the thing keeping a person alive.)
Ideal conditions for immune system health, of course.
When I was sick, I didn’t visit my elderly and frail aunt on Boxing Day, as I do every year. For a start, I could barely get out of bed, and secondly I knew that if she got sick like this, it would kill her. I remember lying there, surrounded by tissues with the touch of the sheet too painful on my aching limbs, too sick to even read, thinking ‘this is a bad one.’ I knew many, many elderly people would be ‘seen off’ by this one. And yes, that flu season more than 60,000 people died, and headline reports were everywhere saying the hospitals were overwhelmed and could barely cope.
It IS cruel, it is purposefully destructive of the mind, and it USES frightened people to create the theatre of a deadly pathogen. A pseudo-reality is being constantly created where it’s no longer normal to get sick, or to say things like ‘I couldn’t shake that lurgy for six weeks!’ Or ‘I thought I’d got over that weird virus at Christmas, but it’s come back again!’ Or ‘I won’t hug you, I’d hate for you to get this bug’. Or for the elderly to reach the end of their lives with a respiratory illness.
Or to have any rights other than the right to be protected from Covid-19. No matter who or what is sacrificed for that right.
It is easy enough to visualize the concept of the new type of society to be created. Just look at the way animals are kept in the confines of mass production. From this also derives the “New Man” when you imagine these 500 cows or more in their boxes munching gene-edited soy – as well as the “New Normal” which is just this with digital embellishments.
Jeff C passed away last month, he put his heart and soul into making this video, it disturbed him a lot seeing this treatment of children. l would imagine he would say share and mirror far and wide, get the info out there, just be sure to leave a credit to Jeff in description, this is his legacy to the children.
Sarah, there are no words to describe what I have just watched. Destruction of the lives of a complete generation.
there could be no worse parents and grandparents than the baby boomers sat around drinking gin and tonic enjoying their “protection” when they are supposed to be the elders providing wise leadership and doing the protecting. it is not something I should have to be doing trying to protect kids from fucking boomers. they began the destruction a long time ago ‘investing’ their pension funds in pharma and ‘vaccinating’ their kids against measles.
Merely visualizing how bad it is comes full reality when actually looking upon it. As horrible as these images are, everyone on earth should have to watch this short video. That would end The Great Reset overnight.
The truly monstrous part is that children will adapt to this hideous “New Normal.” And will grow up to populate a world truly unlivable.
To me, the most awful image was both mother and infant masked. But, of course, the idea is to get children to regard their own parents as just another faceless creature.
Thank you for sharing this. It certainly offers a poignant reminder of where we are and the damage it is doing to the young. I am saddened to hear that the maker of this video has passed away. I had not come across it before. I hope his work will be shared widely in his memory.
I suggest you ask your beginners to have a look at the Covid death
figures listed below. They are taken from today’s Worldometer and relate
to 8 European countries with pretty much the same populations.
Column 1 shows deaths from Jan 1 , 2021 to Jan 19, 2021 and
Column 2 shows total deaths in the 3 months ended 19 Jan , 2021.
Lockdown / mask countries :
Austria 1000 6300
Belgium 1000 10,000
Bulgaria 1000 7,600
Czechia 3000 13,000
Greece 700 5,000
Portugal 2.200 7,000
Non Lockdown / countries :
Belarus 200 700
Sweden 700 4,700
These figures , of course . say nothing of the incalculable death and
devastation caused by lockdowns.
If your beginners can’t deduce something from these stats then I’m
afraid you’re flogging a dead horse.
Perhaps you mean well. I can’t know that, but what I can know is that the correlation you’re implying is invalid because there is no data supporting any such thing as “Covid deaths.”
Having grown up in lockdown Belfast during the 70s and then joining a cult in the 80s…I noticed how psychologically well prepared I was for the CV19 stuff. There is an irrational and very powerful dynamic playing out which will run its course – but a grand reset is much too rational a goal here.
I’ve no idea how accurate this is but interesting to keep an eye on the spiralling debt and population count. This time last year the UK debt was $2.1T (all countries are given in dollars).
Good article. It’s so frustrating sometimes trying to explain this scamdemic to people including family who won’t listen and won’t or can’t understand! We can only keep trying i suppose.
I disagree on the ‘Nazi’ point the National Socialists were a reaction to the threat both internal and external of Bolshevik communism funded by international banksters.
The same people running the show now and who want a great reset are the same class of parasites who won world war 2.
We have been lied to about world war 2 the same as we are being lied to about ‘covid’ scamdemic!!
Whatever…. certainly our governments today are double agents. This is obvious.
http://www. preearth.net/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=1174
What is more important is that the large majority of Germany went for it. They did not have to.
They were brainwashed by properganda for 6years ,sound familiar ?
This never ending nightmare revolves around the not fit for purpose tests, which, like a roll of a dice, are destroying healthy people’s lives
This war against the people is a war of fraudulent testing. Stop the testing and the ‘pandemic’ disappears

I was one of those who said bullshit on day one and nothing has changed my mind. Even if there had ever been a so called novel corona virus so what? It was only in the 1960’s the scientists ”confirmed” that coronas cause colds and flus all the time and called it ”novel”’, we didn’t close down the world and kill off the old.
its not designed to kill the old. its designed to kill the young. the old are hostages used to attack the young. if they killed the hostages they wouldn’t be able to use them anymore. the old are not going to have children so irrelevent to be got rid of. they will die anyway. all of this is designed to attack the young. old people hardly notice any difference. what about all the relationships that have been prevented from starting? that is children not born which is murder.
Possibly – but turfing sick people into care homes deliberately while also vaccinating the remaining elderly, knowing they are the most likely to die from the vaccine, suggests killing off the old is a major part of whatever plan is in play…
it doesn’t suggest that at all. it suggests thats how they began their attack which was on the rest on the population especially the youngest. the old are the least effected being quite used to spending time alone. killing old people would not be something they would bother with to any greater extent than normal. they just use them as pawns to attack the young and distract attention from what they are doing.
if they are jumping around on the tv saying look at care homes people are dieing, you can be sure there is something else they are trying to distract attention from which is the harm of the lockdowns. they wouldn’t be able to do this without scaring people with the care home attack. ofcourse they killed some but that was just to target the young. to blame them for “spreading the virus”.
What about the pedo-satanic priests and their false god who taught you this nonsense?
Hello Sarah Jones: You talk like getting old is a choice. You too will become “irrelevant” and die someday… Like many “old” persons, I believe the “young” need to check their data before opening their mouths and sputtering all their hatred all around…
Took me about two weeks.
There are many of us who have followed the Covid issue from the beginning and reached a similar place, or at least, a place of deep suspicion in regard to what is going on.
Many of us know some who have had the Covid test, none who tested positive, whatever that might mean; none who have gotten sick with Covid, let alone ended up in hospital, ICU or in the morgue. Which, if Covid is the threat as claimed does not make sense.
Every Flu season most of us know someone who gets sick, and that is across all ages. Whatever Covid might be about it has nothing to do with its threat as a virus.
I have yet to fully embrace the final theories presented here but I am coming close as there really is no other way to make ‘sense’ of the madness.
I know. I keep asking people if they know anyone who has died, or been in hospital, because of this disease that is supposed to be killing in large numbers, and only one person has ever said yes.
same 0 only one person say yes
I know of two people ( both around 50 years of age) who had to go to hospital and were really ill for a couple of weeks or so. They are not stupid and would have no reason to lie, and it was confirmed by people close to them who also have no reason to lie.
I had seen one of them a few months before and he was healthy.
I’ve never known anyone who has ever gone to the hospital because they had flu-like symptoms. There is NO cure for any viral-disease, so a hospital stay for “the flu” is at best for symptom mitigation — which would be a valid reason for someone over 70.
wrong question. the deaths from the lockdowns are bound to be huge. you should ask how many people they know who died. the ones labelled covid would only be a small fraction.
What are the numerous people dying or in hospitals suffering from, if not COVID?….Or are you saying they don’t exist and the MSM are indeed faking their existence?
Also, what does Greta have to do with the so-called COVID hoax?
Covid is the curtain behind which Greta and the Green New Deal people start a huge investment and growth project – very profitable – with pretend-sustainability to increase energy production, last not least for the giant server stations needed by the fourth industrial revolution.
What is pretend-sustainability? E.g. pretending burning superfluous wood leftovers while in fact cutting down forests and bringing in the wood chips. (Over 1000 such power stations in the US, some in Europe including the UK).
Well, she supposedly caught “Covid-19” fairly early on in the saga, and in a wonderful piece of privileged virtue-signalling, announced to the world that she was self-isolating, away from her family, in an apartment conveniently loaned to her by “friends”.
Who’s Greta?
Since Flu, Cancer, Strokes, Heart disease as cause of death appear to have disappeared and everything is called Covid, either everyone is dying of Covid or a few are dying of Covid and continuing to die as they have done of other diseases.
And there will be people dying of lockdown and masks. Not getting treatment because of fear will lead to deaths. Depression, fear, isolation contribute to poor immune function and with existing poor health, possibly death.
Covid according to faecal sewer studies is said to have been around since early 2019. Without it seems much effect. When things ‘got bad’ was with lockdown and masking, social distancing and isolation. Logic would suggest that Covid was not a problem but Covid policies most certainly were and are.
they are complete criminals breaking all the laws like informed consent, poisoning with drugs, battery, kid napping, lockdown, suffocation, vaccination, masks and terrorism , so anyone dieing in their presense or during their attack should be considered murdered.
we are supposed to believe this “virus” is so insanely powerful it can survive all the bleach and detergents and other household chemicals in the sewers in an identifiable form… Gimme a fuckin break.
Exactly, as soon as lockdowns were implemented mortality rose occurring in each country that implemented them immediately. Any pathogen resident in the background previously would have seen gradual rise and not all simultaneously. The timing too perfect.
Event 201 too contrived to be coincident.
Ridiculous PCR that is not a test
Those with misplaced belief in coercive authority by the same token whether consciously or not also believe in slavery.
Mainly old age Maxine, for some reason in 2020 any old person with a PCR positive, a meaningless measure, have died of covid, yet we know that 94% of those listed in the USA and around the world were average age 82-87 with up to 7 other illnesses. Hell in Texas they claim people 100-110 at deaths door died of ”covid” due only to a PCR test and they report anyone who dies within 60 days of a positive pointless non diagnostic test as ”covid related, equivalent, similar, like) so a stand alone disease does not have a like or similar or equivalent or probable as recorded around the world, it’s a stand alone. Ergo there is no stand alone anything but hysteria.
AND hospitals get a bonus for every registered Covid case or death.
The data is here. All it takes is to compare the mean age of those who died with “covid” with the mean age of those who died without it.
Example: People at the end of their lives used to die quietly at home or in homes. Now they are shipped into hospitals, tested, put in intensive care, killed with a ventilator. And – bingo! – here comes another Covid death.
What is more: There is no country where the overall death rate in 2020 ist higher than in the average of the past 10 or 20 years.
You are so RIGHT. I found this stat. It’s revealing
From Reuters Fact Check
“No more global deaths last year, 2020, than normal. And deaths down from 2015 and earlier.”
“Global death rate, besides 2016-2019, is at its LOWEST in 70 years.” !!!
Global population increasing about 82 million per year. How many deaths in 2020 attributed to this supposedly deadly extinction level viral spreading splamdemic with questionable diagnoses? 2 – 4 million?
Some deadly ‘ virus’.
There are about 140 million global births annually, and some 57 million deaths. Annual increase in population, 82-83 million give or take a few mil.
There are illnesses; people die; but not from ‘SARS-CoV-2’
[What are the numerous people dying or in hospitals suffering from, if not COVID?]
Mostly from what people have always died of.
Given that influenza seems to have disappeared, the people now being diagnosed as having Covid are probably people who actually have what used to be known as influenza. Hospitals are pressurized in various ways to diagnose people as having Covid, and the tests in use produce large numbers of false positives who then become “cases”.
there were no deaths that were attributed to influenza. it was pneumonia and influenza lumped together to give impression a virus was causing deaths when it was nothing to do with a alleged flu virus and most all were pneumonia. they were pneuminia numbers not flu so people would believe there could be covid deaths when there was neither covid nor flu deaths. while you are looking at covid you are not looking at how many people are dieing and being made ill by lockdowns.
Flu has consistently killed up to 650.000 a year globally.thats a fact ,over the past decade or more. Now 2021 flu has suddenly disappeared globally.
Can I take a punt at answering that,with unfortunately only anecdotal evidence.
Our local authority does tests on nhs staff every Tuesday and Thursday. They are tested with the same kits as in patients, which are done on a ct of 40(this comes from a lab tech doing tests). These are so bad that when a nurse tests positive, rather than self isolate they are told to go to a local testing centre running better tests with lower ct. Yet these kits are deemed sufficient as clinical diagnosis on terminally,and seriously I’ll patients,with no other clinical diagnosis. Add to the the fact that the elderly require more care and treatment than young healthy people. More elderly people are falling seriously I’ll with their comorbidities as medical treatment is harder to get due to government shutting whole departments down. Therefore more elderly people seriously Ill before being attended too. And declared as covid based on a pcr with a ct of 40..nothing else. The number of people I am hearing of dying and having covid on death certificate, with zero symptoms is staggering. Families now seeing lawyers,fighting for post mortems. Elderly people denied treatment is creating the problem
Vaccine passports thread
The powers that be will create an apartheid world
Pretty good summary overall except I’m mystified as to how the author wants until the last quarter of their piece before seriously tackling the elephant in the room, which is that there is zero credible evidence that a new virus exists, let alone that it is killing people in numbers that create excess mortality.
Honestly, at this point, I will happily take a Great Reset as long as they just bloody get on with it.
It’s this sickening stage in between, where the population have lost their minds but the real horrors haven’t started yet, which is driving me crazy. Let people see the gulag archipelago they’ve enabled through their credulity and their simpering, let it manifest before their eyes, and may God have mercy on our souls
Well said, and I echo the sentiment, but I’m pretty certain most people will not ever admit there’s a problem, and will be staunchly denying same while making up their bunk the first night at the gulag. Most people’s wiring will just never permit the admission, no matter what.
It’s hard to admit to having been raped.
[It’s hard to admit to having been raped.]
Much wisdom of the human mind’s strangeness stated in such a short sentence.
The trouble is that they cannot simply “bloody get on with it”. Getting on with it would mean coming clean that the whole virus thing was utter bullshit. No, I’m afraid this will be a long drawn out affair in which the various steps to be implemented will have to take place under cover of some “approach to the pandemic”. Expect the increasingly obvious fraudulent drone to carry on and on. Also expect the stridency of the rhetoric to increase as the fraud becomes more clear.
Whow!: “I will happily take a Great Reset” – you want to become a caged animal, accept to be psychologically raped? – Well, I suppose when you can’t beat them, join them 🙁
Yup, but I dont use the term denier, I dont even think in this terms, I base whatever I think on whatever I have read, seen, encountered or expirienced, then when I find something witch dont add up, inconsitencys, faults etc, I dive into it, and then, when I have educated my self to such an extent that I can make an judgment of whatever tema witch is in the news or debated, and in this, uh….. pandemic it took a while, I wasnt certain in the begining what to think, until more and more people, from Dr. to others whom should be more educated or specialised than what I am, I am just an Process Tech Guy, then I realised that what I was thinking was in the same track as they did, and from then on it was an easy path, and the rest is in synck with the article above.
I could debate more issues etc than just this but for now, I am delighted to know we are making an impackt, like the insane AGW cult, I dont bite into this bollocks about CO2, just look at the side of the highway, do it look like plants are dying, huh, tell me, CO2 is food, and we exhale CO2 and the plant exhale O2, its an symbiosium, an dance if you like an more native term.
Some things I find intresting.
The idiocy of this Vaxx-passes, yeah, when they admit that even if you get the shoot, it may not be able to hinder the uh…. Corona to continue to reside inside your body, so you can, per-def continue to infect people, even with an vaccine, so why then the rush to create passports when its already stated it will not be safe, and the contant howling about it is an contradictionary philosophy, and again, they havent proven anything, some people cant belive that, just because they use an image that is suposedly an Corona virus, it maybe, but then everything else is pure hoggwash, period, they have simply created based upon assumptions everything else, from the so called DNA to the mRNA, all based upon something they assume is correct, do you get it, this isnt something we have invented, its taken from their so called eh…. data.
Yea, conspiracys, what is that, some stil denies the truth, some claim its not possible for an entire world, or most of the so called western one, is coluding with this scam, I am not deniyng that we have pneunomic issues etc to comon flus, but this CONvid nonsense is based upon just that, since the stats even tells us just that and how on earth can some people stil not see that, beats me and they claim we are science deniers, well, the reason I do denie is because its not based upon science at all, its an bloody swindle.
Then I read something again about high powered micro wave/frequency issues like 5G, remeber the tinfoil hate drivel they attacked us with, and then came the Cuban issue about AmeriTard ambassys been under uh…. “attack”, and then the Ameritard Gov specs claimed it came from just that, high frequency radiation and presto, they claimed exactly the same as we have debated before, but somehow the tinfoild hat debate never materialised, how come.
Frequencys, 40Ghz is high, what most people whom claim this is not dangerous or is also in our world from before, that is true, what is the difference is the focus of this frequency, and how much you get per-sq. meter, the ADS witch the military use have high power output in smal area, and that is how an microwave own works, it focuses 2.5Ghz into an plate.
And this two systems works in the exact same way.
Health issues, this is more difficould, because of the range and focus issue, I remeber the old mobile phones, I have an loud click in my head, just an second before my phone rang, it took some years before they cut down the power output on this phones, thats why some of the older ones had an good range, compared to the new ones, but this can alter cells, etc to DNA/RNA, but like the vaccine, not everybody gets an massive issue right away, and atuoimune responces can by large accumulate and be hidden in our day to day life and blamed on everything else, but the science is solid, it is an problem.
I dont want to link to anything right now, but I do have what I need, incl military reports, etc, like radar systems, just to mention something similare.
Yeah, science deniers, now wounder they cencure critics, because we expose their bullshit, for what it is, bullshit, and thats it, I am and have always been intrested in science, from physics to chemisty, and so on, top grades in most of it, incl chemical tech to material tech.
I can read things, but that have died off years ago, because I found out that the present science is more or less dying, its become an religion, cult like, either you are with us or you are against us, that mantra is also in science, so I became an infidel and havent moved since.
Have an nice day.
The goal is to chip and track everyone with total control of their finances. The Rockefellers have been on about that since the late 1990’s. Of course their chips will say “KMA” or “Kiss My Ass”. Rules for thee but not for me on steroids.
Then comes layer after layer of money grifting and other power tripping objectives.
“Look for your friends, but do not trust to hope. It has forsaken these lands”
Eomer, The Lord of the Rings
There are two things wrong with Kevin Smith’s argument. The first lies in the ineptitude of the ruling class and even their managers. The second is the Chinese Communist cant.
Regarding ruling class stupidity, as a class—albeit not necessarily, individually—they have never shown the ability to get virtually every government apparatus to go along with their plans—never, as witness wars and global depressions. Also, they are not so unified as to pull off a world-wide illusion. They are divided by competition, which incidentally is a bedrock characteristic of the world system of capital. Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset was originally predicated on using climate change as its rationale. Climate change is real and a real and imminent danger. The problem with it is that Schwab’s plan is not and cannot be the solution, and a lot of people know it, including parts of the ruling class. COVID as a rationale has turned out to be more effective, although nobody knew that in January-February. It just worked out that way for several different and unanticipated reasons. Among those reasons have been the effectiveness of health apparatuses which are relatively closely linked throughout the world, especially the US CDC and WHO in propagating propaganda—albeit not health care or information.
COVID is a new flu. At its outbreak it was especially virulent and contagious, as are all new influenzas, which occur every 10 to 15 years. Governments have been especially stupid and panicky, another not uncommon phenomenon. Its pattern throughout the year has, however been predictable according to Darwinian-genetic theory. It has mutated frequently. It gets more contagious and less lethal. As the COVID population changes and adapts, it moves down the age structure, as evidenced by the increasing number of younger people getting sick, but not, of course, dying. All of this was predictable in March.
The Chinese Communist cant and the connections between Joe Biden and China are insupportable. First, Joe Biden doesn’t rule anything, and he decides very little. He is an obedient employee, he knows it, and he acts like it. China has had exceptionally wise leadership over the past decade plus. Under this leadership, China continues to build socialism at home, but it recognizes it still operates in a system of global capital. China now and for the last 600 years follows a national policy of building from within, getting along, and doing business with the rest of the world. It has no interest in rescuing world capital a la Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, or any of their ilk.
Communism as an ideal is predicated on liberation. Fascism is predicated on domination. Fascism is an extreme political manifestation which occurs at times of deep crisis in the system of capitalist production. The world is in such a crisis today, and it may be its ultimate crisis leading to its dissolution—we can only hope. COVID, a real and now not so new flu, has occasioned a global move to fascism.
I don’t agree with any of that. Sorry.
It’s good to hear other points of view.
What I would say is that China did and could not set out to hoodwink the world unless it was abated by the WHO.
You only have to look back to December’19 and China deliberately leaking via social media and MSM that they had a new unexplained pneumonia and there must be a new virus causing it.
The CCP staged outrageous propaganda stunts showing people literally dying on the spot in the street and immediately medics in hazmat suits were on the scene.
By January 1st 2020 the Chinese sent theoretical RNA sequences to Professor Drosten in Germany as they had no live or inactive Sars Cov 2 virus.
This RNA was cultured with PCR CT of 37 which is an impossibility as no virus can be cultured with more than 35 cycles.
Drosten pulled genomic sequences from a databank of previous Sars virus and added these Chinese theoretical RNA sequences and designed himself a new virus and then designed himself a PCR test that upon peer review was found to be useless due to severe error design, poorly positioned primers, high concentration levels, no positive and negative controls, no SOP and a test that didn’t exclude cross reaction with other coronaviruses and unspecific binding.
The test was a fraud. It was never peer reviewed before publishing and the WHO accepted it to be used worldwide.
Lockdowns in China were staged as a blueprint to deal with a fictitious virus that simply didn’t exist.
They were praised by the WHO and they sent out guidelines to the rest of the world that they must follow in terms of testing, how deaths were to be fraudulently recorded.
China didn’t persuade anyone to do anything.
It was a set up. The WHO in collaboration with the WEF, IMF, World Bank, big pharma and the Gates Foundation even had a dummy run of the world response would be in October 2019 at Event 201.
And who owns the WHO?
Gates and big pharma
You should understand that your statement
“This RNA was cultured with PCR CT of 37 which is an impossibility as no virus can be cultured with more than 35 cycles.”
is complete garbage.
Culturing the virus and testing for the virus (PCR) are completely different.
To make a test for the virus one has to have some of the virus
You do understand what a PCR test is and what the test cycles do, don’t you, right?
For 25 cycles, verifying positive results for PCR positive result by culturing worked for 70% of the swabs. At 30 cycles, culturing confirmed only 20%. At 35 cycles, the cultures confirmed only 3%. -research by Rita Jaafar et al. at Clinical Infectious Diseases 2020-09-28
Exactly and over 35 cycles no virus can be cultured.
It’s just dead nucleotides.
“over 35 cycles no virus can be cultured. It’s just dead nucleotides.”
You need to understand what 35 cycles means.
It means that there was so little virus present in the sample that it required doubling the amount of viral genetic material 35 times in order to have enough material to be able to test it.
This means there was so little virus initially present that if you took the sample and tried to culture/grow it (in cells) you wouldn’t be able to.
This doesn’t mean there was no virus there. It means that there is not enough to infect cells and multiply.
And, it doesn’t necessarily mean that “It’s just dead nucleotides.”
Actually that was 45.
The ruling class are far from inept unfortunately
I feel that they deliberately play the inept card. This gives them wriggle room and an excuse to blame dodgy data etc.
In a form of Stockholm syndrome some people feel sorry for them and think they are doing their best, whilst they are ruthlessly pushing their agenda away from proles prying eyes. The picture is further confused by the heavily controlled media.
Kevin’s article lays out the passage of a thoughtful man’s reassessment of the situation with regard to the facts in a good and simplified manor , another convert to reality, good.
It is without doubt a complex and involved picture but I suggest your two points may be missing the point .
1 , people don’t seem to realise that the Great Reset agenda is basically the next evolution of the UN sustainability goals which they’ve been chipping away at,with building vigour, for the past 30 years.
The ability of politicians to go against the global consensus and work for national interests has been systematically eroded by the incrementally assembled bulwark of international treaties through the UN etc. The generation of politicians now in power owe their positions to adherence to the internationalist doctrines inculcated into western societies since WW2
and are essentially hand picked for their roles.
The response to the “pandemic” is an example of this . The signatories to the (WHO/UN) IHR are legally bound to follow direction from the WHO and implement their IPPP until the WHO declares the “pandemic” to be over.
2 , China has been enabled to leach the economic life from the first World only with the backing of the global finance cabal , if they play up the money stops, so they are on the hook as well , to a degree. However China has big plans and has been undertaking a deliberate policy of unrestricted warfare on the west mostly by corrupting all levels of society with either bribes or coercion. If this sounds fanciful please read
Unrestricted Warfare
Qiao Liang and Wang Xiangsui
(Beijing: PLA Literature and Arts Publishing House, February 1999)
Also sorry to bring this up as well but the Global warming scam was hoped to motivate people to move towards the Great Reset voluntarily but proved to be inadequate for the purpose, hence the emergence to the mystery virus. Please read Robert Muller’s objectives on the global eco-religion.
(It surely can’t be denied that environmental degradation needs to be addressed but there has to be a better way.)
We are now in the “decade of vaccines” and there is going to be much more mayhem to endure unless people begin to understand the absolutely perilous position most of humanity is in. The multiple and interlinking agendas being enacted on the back of the covid catalyst will lead to a future technological tyranny aided and abetted by the govt enabled mega corps. I don’t know if that’s communist, facist, left or right, but know it’s not going to be good.
Fantastic comment. Your concluding paragraph is justifiably chilling, notably
“…the absolutely perilous position most of humanity is in.” As an accidental expat with a young child in a country so far only lightly grazed by the pandemic bullet, I’ve always felt the illusion of having dodged the worst wouldn’t last, precisely for the reasons you so aptly noted. Indeed, it’s coming full force to everyone everywhere in every UN/WHO/IHR signatory country.
I tend to get irritated by arguments that blandly assume the “ineptitude of the ruling class and even their managers” and “ruling class stupidity”. This smacks of that comfortable little arena whereby we are encouraged to blow raspberries at all the “silly leaders” while congratulating ourselves on being so “subversive”.
The ruling class are by no means stupid. In our Western world, they have had a very long stretch of stability in which to constantly monitor the masses to ascertain suitable lines of propaganda. And I am sure they have constructed any number of potential strategies for future management. Indeed – this is where the capitalist system itself comes in handy since it is a system that depends very much on advertising i.e. influencing people through their prejudices.
The one area of weakness the rulers have lies in that matter of being disunited and consisting of competitive groups. This too is an aspect of capitalism but it has more devastating consequences for the masses than for the rulers. The masses can be easily divided – especially when atomised and subjected to the media. And such atomisation has been pushed to a greater extreme than ever before through the covid manoeuvre.
You were doing sort of OK until you got to China…. I recommend you move there since you think it is so free and wonderful – unless you are already there.
“Climate change is real and a real and imminent danger.”
This is utter nonsense! The “climate”, like the weather, has ALWAYS been changing and ALWAYS will be changing. The only “imminent danger” is the hugely profitable grift that will result from a war against changes in the climate.
Has SARS-COV-2 been proven to exist? No it has not and the CDC and numerous FOI requests around the globe confirm it. Jon Rappoport and Dr Cowan completely blow the virus narrative out of the water:
Indeed. And Andrew Kaufman and Christine Massey. OG needs to come around.
How’s Wuhan doing now? Still with the pool parties and aqua raves?
Ahhh,… the evil spreaders of the virus have remembered Wuhan.
They forgot about Africa for months and months too.
Small workforce I guess.
Let me tell you, the virus is very real and your disinformation is culling people
Have a sister just like you. You’ve taken this position by gaining your information somewhere. Explain. Open your mind.
“the virus is very real”
You can find 77,827 Covid-19 sequences and their mutations linked to in this article:
77,827 Covid-19 sequences. Were they all made up by the scientists?
Without any original virus ever found, it might as well be genomes for potato blight
The virus has been isolated by many reputable sources:
Garbage In = Garbage Out.
So just pop your paper mask on and all good? Cower at home?
If they had implemented this in August 2020 we’d have been done by the end of September. If they had done this in December after the senate appearance it would be OVER BY NOW. Eleven RCT’s WITH data (unlike their precious vaccine) show spectacular results.
Ivermectin + Doxycycline + Zinc
Professor Thomas Borody developer of the triple therapy treatment for peptic ulcers in 1987.
“It’s easier than treating the flu now”. “You can actually eradicate it”. “We know it’s curable”
and the senate testimony by Dr. Pierre Kory (FLCCC Alliance, https://covid19criticalcare.com/ ) in early December.
And now an 80 year old woman on a ventilator with covid-19. One doctor prescribed it and it worked then they moved her to another part of the hospital where the doctors REFUSED to continue the treatment. She got worse quickly once it was stopped.
The family had to go to court to get it reinstated.
MURDER. This is medical MURDER. You are a troll and a poor one.
These low-cost specifics for Covid-19 are all very well, but it is still following the wrong paradigm. A better one is to improve nutritional/metabolic health: sound diet+Vitamins C,D3,K2 + Vitamin A ideally via diet (e.g. butter,eggs,liver)+minerals Zn,Se,Mg;get good sleep;no excess alcohol;no toxic drugs.
In extreme cases, intravenous vitamin C should be used. See http://www.DoctorYourself.com
I’m all on board with that and I’m aware of IV Vitamin C back to the 50’s with Klenner’s work but as of right now we have 11 RCT’s that show the triple play works to 4 nines (99.99%) effectiveness as a prophylactic and as a cure. Let’s get it going.
Roll up your sleeve then. Repeatedly.
Or–to paraphrase Orwell–If you want a vision of the future, imagine a vaccination needle jabbing into an arm – forever.
You better get tested then. Doesn’t matter if you feel healthy or not; you still might test positive, in which case you’ll have to self isolate for two weeks. No breaking the rules mind or you’ll get fined. I’m sure you’ll get tested ASAP so that you’re not culling people
It may be real, it may not be real , but what is absolutely known is that the effects and mortality rate are no worse than normal .
No one is being culled , folk die through life acquired maladies and old age , it’s really quite straight forward.
sars1 evolved into a common cold, all the so called tests are based on using so called sars1, no sars2 has ever been isolated but now 99.6% of so called ”cases” of sars 2 get a sniffle, ergo it’s just another cold virus. Always was and I said so last year.
“they’ve rebadged it you fool”
Alan Partridge
Just for the benefit of those of us with a more sceptical frame of mind, if the virus is real, could somebody please isolate it and prove this.
How subtle