Alexei Navalny & Russia Baiting: Biden Brings Back Business as Usual
Only 48 hours in power, and already the team behind The Maidan is looking to start a colour revolution in Moscow.
Kit Knightly

Joe Biden enters the White House with an entourage of faces very familiar to OffGuardian, and many of those readers who have been with us since the beginning.
Glassy-eyed Jen Psaki is once again taking the White House press briefings. Victoria “Fuck the EU” Nuland is going to be Under Secretary of State, and Samantha Power is hoisted back onto a platform from which she can berate the rest of the world for not following America’s “moral example” by bombing Syria back to the stone age.
It was the machinations of these people – along with Biden as VP, John Kerry as Secretary of State and of course Barack Obama leading the charge – that lead to the coup in Ukraine, the war in Donbass and – indirectly – the creation of this website. For it was our comments on the Guardian telling this truth that got everyone here banned, multiple times.
So, for us, pointing out cold-war style propaganda is like slipping back into a comfy pair of shoes.
A good thing too, because with this coterie of neocon-style warmongers comes another familiar friend: the propaganda war on Putin’s Russia. Throughout the media and on every front, all within hours of Biden’s inauguration.
Now, anti-Russia nonsense didn’t go away while Trump was President – if anything it became deranged to the point of literal insanity in many quarters – but it definitely quietened down in the last 12 months, with the outbreak of the “pandemic”.
No more! Now we’re back to good old-fashioned cold-war craziness. The media tell us that Russia was a “spectre that loomed over Trump’s presidency”, that one of the Capitol Hill rioters intended to “sell Nancy Pelosi’s laptop to Russia” and other such brazen hysteria.
Of course underneath the standard pot-stirring propaganda to keep the “new cold war” on the boil, there is the Navalny narrative. An incredibly contrived piece of political theatre that may even evolve into a full-on attempt at regime change in Moscow.
For starters, three days before Biden’s inauguration, Alexei Navalny (having supposedly only just survived the poison the FSB placed “in his underpants”), returned to Russia. Where he was promptly arrested for violating the terms of his bail.
He knew he would be arrested if he returned to Russia, so his doing so was pure theatre. That fact is only underlined by the media’s reaction to his 30-day jail sentence.
Yes, that’s thirty DAYS, not years. He’ll be out before spring. Even if he’s convicted of the numerous charges of embezzlement and fraud, he faces only three years in prison.
Nevertheless, already the familiar Russia-baiters in the media are comparing him to Nelson Mandela.
On the same day as Biden’s inauguration, the European Parliament announced that Russia should be punished for arresting Navalny, by having the Nordstream 2 pipeline project closed down. (Closing this pipeline down would open up the European market to buy US gas, instead of Russia. This is a complete coincidence).
And then, the day after Biden’s inauguration, the European Court of Human Rights announced they had found Russia guilty of war crimes during the 5-day war in South Ossetia in 2008. The report was subject to a gleeful (and terrible) write-up by (who else?) Luke Harding. (Why they waited 13 years to make this announcement remains a mystery.)
It doesn’t stop there, already Western pundits and Russian “celebrities” are trying to encourage street protests in support of Alexei Navalny. An anonymous Guardian editorial states Navalny’s “bravery needs backing”, whatever that means.
All of this could mean Biden is “forced” to “change his mind” and pull out of the re-signing of the anti-nuclear weapons treaty. Ooops.
But are there bigger aims behind this as well? Do they hope they can create another Maidan…but this time in Moscow? That would be insane, but you can’t rule it out.
One thing is for sure, though; they work fast. Less than two days in office, and we’ve already got a new colour revolution kicking off. Speedy work.
An earlier version of this article incorrectly said Victoria Nuland had been appointed Secretary of State, she is instead the Under Secretary of State, and Antony Blinken will Secretary of State.
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I’ll post this here at the top, as well, because I think it is a more nuanced take on the situation than Kit makes it out to be and should therefore be read:
Navalny, political protest and opposition in Russia | Postsocialism
Navalny is now an Amnesty International Prisoner Of Conscience.
Julian Assange is NOT an AI POC. Chelsea Manning is NOT an AI POC. Nelson Mandela NEVER WAS an AI POC.
Some people think AI is just a bogus NGO tool of the US/UK Spook Agencies.
But obviously such people are just deranged conspiracy theorists, who should be banned from the internet, drummed out of the Brownies, blackballed from the golf club, and sent to a MAGA Re Education Camp.
When “likes” are greater than “views”.
Last time I checked, the count read as follows:
150K Dislikes
(Most of the comments appear to be in Russian, but not that I’ve had time to read them all yet. Now on the assumption that the comments are from actual Russians, and that there are only 150K dislikes, well . . .)
What do actual Russian leftists think about the Alexei Navalny affair?
An excerpt from a short article that people can then go and read for themselves if interested:
Navalny’s Return and Left Strategy – International Viewpoint – online socialist magazine
Does Norman Pilon live in Russia?
This is what Russians think of the Bullshi**er, foreign agent Navalny:

Next to the column showing the names of Russian cities is a column giving the number of demonstrators in each city as estimated by MSM, next comes government estimates of the number of people in the demonstrations, next comes the number of arrests as given by the Russian Ministry of the Interior, finally is the percentage of the population of each city that the number of demonstrators represents.
The bottom line shows the total for all of Russia: 0.25% of the population of Russia protested on the 23rd January demonstrations called for by Navalny and his associates.
Source of the above data: ZNAK
No, but Ilya Budraitskis does.
And this is what the he observes about both the social reality in Russia and the chauvinism being pushed from above:
Pertaining to the socio-economic landscape:
Austerity Economics Russian Style: “The state never asked you to be born” by Ilya Budraitskis
And the prevalence of chauvinism and the abdication of intellectuals:
What Can We Learn from Vampires and Idiots? by Ilya Budraitskis
And Moscow Exile does as well. Moscow Exile has lived in Russia since 1993.
Илья Будрайтскис типичный креакл!
As McFaul said recently, we must combat Putin! His support for traditional Christian family values is an absolutely intolerable threat to the liberal international order!! What we desperately need is non stop gay anal sex for everybody, especially children, non stop free abortions for sluts, and as many child trannies as possible!!! We must force through this progressive enlightened agenda everywhere!!!!
The overthrow crew is back in business. They will continue chipping away at the old USSR. Belarus seems pretty ripe, though under Trump CIA failed at the overthrow earlier this year. But with Victoria Nuland and gang in there we will see a real push to dismantle Russia and China. Also watch for Islamic terror in Xinjiang in Western China with CIA sponsored Uygher militants.
Make sure you don’t miss Alex Crawford’s thoughtful and insightful new 33 part TV documentary on Chinese concentration camps and how 300 million Weegers are being turned into soap and lamp shades, “Weegers In Lampshade Land.”
Biden is going to start wars for the Globalists
an assembly of scribes, sages and prophets (profits)…
ole joel bidets picks.
trumped the drumpf.
For people who prefer information to propaganda, a little ethnographic insight into the reality of life in Russia, courtesy of Dr Jeremy Morris:
Cheesed off, but not because of sanctions. Immiseration, elite disconnect and neoliberal convergence. | Postsocialism
I’ve not read any opinions about life in Russia, but I have lived in Russia for 27 years, unlike the person who has written the above linked piece and who has been visiting and occasionally living in Russia for about the same period of time that I have lived here. I’m not cheesed off with life in Russia.In fact, I am more than satisfied with my life here. I earn an average salary in Russia, by the way: about 50,000 rubles a month.I still live better in Russia than I ever did did in my native country, where I lived until I was 40.I come from the northwest of England. I have only returned there for very short visits 5 times these past 25 years. I do not miss the place whatsoever.
“Initially the general disruption in Russian-West trade due to the Russian embargo on EU produce led to many food staples becoming much more expensive and of dubious providence (including cheese).”
Interesting how the academic Dr. Morris writes of “dubious providence” and refers in his piece to that well-known Russian expert and plagiarist Harding of the Grauniad.
I take it, then, that everyone everywhere in Russia is as satisfied about his or her life as you are, albeit perhaps with the exception of a few here and there. Perhaps.
I did notice something interesting in the source you reference for your data above, though.
“ZNAK,” was it? An interesting headline from ZNAK:
Which translates roughly as:
I guess most Russians would approve? What about you? In what light do you see such alleged repression? Even if we’re talking about supporters of Alexei Navalny . . . Or is it that your source is in some respects compromised? Kind of in the way that Morris is?
If it’s a CIA only operation, Russians are obviously incredibly gullible and impressionable, and in surprisingly huge numbers (and this is only one brief snapshot of what apparently is happening across 11 time zones):
Yup, I’d say there’s at least a couple of dozens of people who came together in that show of discontent toward a government that, if not exactly among the ranks of this particular riff-raff, is hugely popular.
And then there are these CIA trained Russian provocateurs caught on video:
Navalny has heroically returned to Russia after the dastardly Putins hapless goons Novichoked his tea/ water bottle/ underpants* delete as appropriate. But at least we are now seeing the truth emerge from completely impartial and wholly credible CIA funded sources like the Victims Of Communism Foundation. Now we know the horrific facts about 300 million Weegers and 500 million Georgians being turned into soap and lamp shades. We must nuke Putins dacha immediately. Show him we mean business. Its a typical underhand trick of the evil Vlad, genociding millions of people without leaving any evidence. Further proof of his guilt, if any were needed.
Just running a theory by you all, was the Ukraine colour revolution a response to Russian push-back on the WMD narrative in Syria and Obama’s red line that failed the sniff test (that’s bleach, not chloride gas)? Mess in our back yard and we’ll mess in yours. If so Putin handled it very well, all things considered, ended up more secure than before, in spite of everything.
America,s aim after the breakup of the Soviet Union in 1990 was to split Russia apart gut it and subdue it! Playing silly buggers on Russia’s border would have happened no matter what! The globalists want complete control! Georgia Chechnya are other examples of globalist interference. China is getting the same treatment.
Duck and cover…the Russians are coming! Prelude to false flag cyberterrorism and the dark winter? Whatever comes next, we need to start fighting the real enemy.
“Whether the mask is labeled fascism, democracy, or dictatorship of the proletariat, our great adversary remains the apparatus—the bureaucracy, the police, the military. Not the one facing us across the frontier of the battle lines, which is not so much our enemy as our brothers’ enemy, but the one that calls itself our protector and makes us its slaves. No matter what the circumstances, the worst betrayal will always be to subordinate ourselves to this apparatus and to trample underfoot, in its service, all human values in ourselves and in others.”-Simone Weil
Did anyone catch that interview Aaron Mate did with Luke Harding? Think it was while Aaron was still with the real news. Poor old Luke thought he was talking to a confirmed Democrat and Aaron took his piece of shit book on Russia 2016 to pieces, well worth a look if it’s still up.
“But are there bigger aims behind this as well? Do they hope they can create another Maidan…but this time in Moscow? That would be insane, but you can’t rule it out.”
The Western media propaganda machine IS insane . Jealousy in big bold letters because Russia , Russia seems to be doing quite well economically ,regardless of Western media machinations.
Mercuns would love to rerun Maidan. I don’t think they have the numbers in Rooskia though. Division, internal conflict, confusion … that will have to do for the short term.
indeed but burger-on-a- bagel land has got plenty of its own now…
the thrashing bankrupt golem is about to have its own yeltsin ‘moment’..
just lining up the ducks…
now where did I put that novichok, I mean icing sugar, I mean mrs mays concealer.
UK Column News – 22nd January 2021
Countries bankrupted, children’s future compromised. Nuremberg trials await.
WHO must have known how PCR test worked in Jan 2020. Now they admit, a year later, that tests are misleading. One day after Biden installed as the illegitimate president of the U.S.
The less disease out there, the greater risk of false positives. Careful interpretation of positive results is needed — exactly what PCR test inventor Kary Mullis said
The cycle threshold (Ct) needed to detect virus is inversely proportional to the patient’s viral load.
Kary Mullis won a Nobel Prize for inventing the test so should know its limitations. Sadly he died, Aug 2019. Mullis said his PCR test should not be used to diagnose illness. PCR test can detect DNA fragments from past diseases or from your body. Claims of “Covid” detection actually detects these irrelevant fragments. PCR findings are supposed to be backed up by clinical diagnosis of illness.
Environment Sec George Eustace says it’s on the table
Mike Robinson: this is probably a trial balloon to see who the narrative fares. 500 a person will be 450 million a week. UK borrowing hit a record in Dec.
Patrick Henningsen: the question is how much will it cost the gov to find new cases.
BoJo talks plum bull, chews words, talks guff, won’t commit.
Are people dying from failure to treat elderly with flu or pneumonia?
Emily Hill, in Spiked: It is a journalist’s duty to question lockdown
Reports are coming in thick and fast to the yellow card adverse reaction scheme.
Raine is a career civil servant. Been on WHO safety committees. “Risk communication and patient involvement” is her speciality.
Pfizer jab was “judged safe” and “far outweigh any risk”, Raine said in Dec 2020, although there had been no risk assessment. She also claimed the UK regulator did not cut any corners. Yet phase three tests were not completed and won’t be until Jan 2023. The EU criticised “hasty” UK approval.
Mike Robinson: the public is the phase three trial. The public at large is the test group.
Patrick Henningsen: what happened to the left. They used to question the government and favour liberty. Now unions are channeling gov policy and requiring members to get vaccinations to work.
Mike Robinson: gov says vaccine is not mandatory but employers and unions are making it so.
Saga says members must be “vaccinated” against Covid 14 days before travel. Members say demand violates Nuremberg code, accuse company of virtue signalling.
Mike Robinson: dozens of companies seek to profit from the security and surveillance space and health profits.
Patrick Henningsen: this is a gravy train driven by hoped-for profits.
Mike Robinson: the principle is there but it is not binding in any way
Patrick Henningsen: Where China goes, the west follows. Targeted lockdowns, focused on cities, boroughs, housing estates. Only people with negative tests will be allowed off the leash
Trumpian imagery, strange presence of PermaOrange in U.S. presidential photos.
Patrick Henningsen: Lack of attendees blamed on social distancing. loads of sports events see none of this distancing, the NFL football for instance.
CNN Jeffrey Toobin (fumbulator): Lights laid down from the Lincoln statue to the obelisk were “like Joe Biden’s arms embracing America”. Toobin resigned in October after playing with himself on a Zoom call. CNN was happy to hire him.
CNN Jeff Zeleny: Their majesties Obama, Bush and Clint, recorded a video reflecting “the majesty of the passage of power, importance of upholding democracy”.
Mike Robinson: but Bill Clinson fell asleep!!!
CNN overcome with Biden on stage with Obama… “The comforting sight of the Clintons and the Bushes and the Obamas, the Avengers, the Marvel superheroes back together, with their friend Joe Biden… all of them sharing the view of a lot of Americans that we did narrowly avert catastrophe… all there to butress their buddy Joe Biden.”
Patrick Henningsen: see the infantilization of politics. It has become a spectator sport and politicians have become Marvel superheroes.
Trump issued the lowest number of executive orders in recent times. Biden issued 17 on day one and plans dozens in the first weeks of his installation.
Patrick Henningsen: Joe Biden is not in his prime. He lacks the energy to lead the U.S. — he could barely campaign.
Politico: UK’s pitch to Biden: We’ll work with you on China
China is a major set piece. Britain makes a play to outdo the EU on its aproach to China.
COP 26 and climate change take prominence. Biden due to visit Britain for G7 in Cornwall in Jun 2021. D10 floated as democracy election: G7 + India, South Korea and Australia
Mike Robinson: the war narrative is broader than Covid — aim in this case being to peel India away from BRICS
Obama doctrine, Clinton doctrine is back – arming “moderate rebels”, targeting Syria, Sahel region for western interests. Biden admin will need to make greater commitments on Syria and Iraq, sending troops back, undoing Trump’s withdrawal.
UK Column News – 22nd January 2021
Bomb went off in market not far from U.S. embassy. Islamic State claimed responsibility for two bombs that killed over 30 and injured 100 in central Baghdad.
Patrick Henningsen: we’ve been told for months that terrorism has been declining in Iraq. Suddenly with Biden comes a new narrative and… bombs. If a third party wanted to influence his policy this would be the way to do it.
Averil Haines put forward as DNI. Haines is a protégé of Clapper and Brennan.
Women and minorities are filling all these posts. The appearance of diversity: watch policy not change.
The scandal is the unacceptable action of a dubious individual.
Patrick Henningsen: Obama administration saw a mass shooting events every second week – pipe bombs and country in permanent fear. At least half the terror events were driven by FBI informants. Dubious events like San Bernardino were used to justify foreign policy adventures in Syria.
Me: In contrast, apart from Las Vegas just after he took office, Trump admin saw relatively few mass shootings.
McConnell “sent word over to the White House: if you pardon Julian Assange, we are much more likely to convice you in an impeachment trial.”
Patrick Henningsen: such horse trading would not be unusual. Trump missed a chance to go down in history as a champion of free speech and an honest press.
Donald Trump shattered a lot of Republican records. That’s not going to be reversed by hunting down Trump and his supporters.
Communication and public engagement – MARC VAN RANST – 9: Importance of using the media to push messaging:
Sitting in the front row was the UK’s Jonathn Van Tam, Deputy Chief Medical Officer for England
Marc van Ranst’s Masterclass on Manipulating Public Fear for CFR-Chatham Ho.:
“Day one is so important. You start your comms with the press and people. One voice, one message. In Belgium they appointed a non politician [van Ranst himself] to do that. You are then not attacked politically. That was a big advantage. In Brussels you can play the complete naive guy.
“You have to be omnipresent so you attract media attention. You have to make a contract with them that if they call you, you will pick up the phone. If you do that you can profit from these early days to get complete carpet coverage and they are not going to search for alternative voices. And if you do that it makes things easier.
“Then you say we have a certain number of H1N1 deaths, that are unavoidable. I used a quote from Sir Donaldson that at the peak of the epidemic, 40 people would die per day in UK, and I calculated that for Belgium to show there would be 7 deaths a day. That is true in every year (laughter) but talking about fatalities gets attention because people don’t usually think about anyone dying from influenza.
“A couple of days later you had the first death of H1N1 in the country and the scene was set and it was already talked about.”
Mike Robinson: The point he made about deaths is important. You take a number that is normal, it happens every year but it is not usually reported. You start reporting it and people think there is something special about that number. Then you add on the effects of lockdown and you say this is really serious, even though the excess mortality is little different to what’s happened in history.”
UK Column News – 22nd January 2021
The Chatham House video can be watched here. Download this handy masterclass on manipulating public fear before it’s deleted. MP4 downloader
Clarification: It was MSNBC national affairs analyst John Heilemann who said seeing the past presidents standing next to Biden was “like the Avengers, sort of the Marvel superheroes, back up there together.“
It gets better coincidentally a bomb goes off on inauguration day.,go figure. Get use to it because the Obomber play book is back.. Now with reference to your expcected Maiden in Moscow. I doubt very much that they will get that.
PUNTO UNO:The Russian Federation ain’t Ukraine.
PUNTO DUE:The Slavs r not that naive or stupid. Remember Russians are psychosomatic people further more most Russians know full well the anglo-zionist playbook in spades. They are always 2 steps ahead of them and the west in general. IE: You think did not know that the Biden regime was going to up the anti with regards to the embroglio of the Syrian Arab Republic. They can try they can gaslight the west but when it comes to the slavs PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASE spare me the Bullshit.
PUNTO TRE: the sad reality the anglo-zionist and the Biden regime they can huff and they can puff but they will get no where and in all their shenanigans deception and full spectrum attempt to dominate will only further their inevitable demise.
PUNTO QUATTRO: Macraroni man has already called Biden the new Ceaser to regroup Nato and start bombing the shit out of anyone who doesn’t comply . Oh I can see the slavs now they must be shaking in their boots. Ma please. Bluster and empty platitudes. The west is dead Pax Americana anglo zionsm is on its last legs. Western economies are literally the walking dead. All aspects of their existence social ,economic political cultural aspects are going into a death spiral and the slavs know it the Chinese know it its the west whom is living in total denial.
Hence yes they will try but Moscow is no Kiev . London, Washington Rome and Tel-Aviv are dying Russia has survived the Turcic invasion Napolean Hitler you think they will not overcome the next Luciferian plot.
superbly – as so concise – written, and with a lot of insight;
Protests in the Far East and a bomb in Krasnodar. Sounds straight out of the CIA playbook.
It really is about time that the cowardly Americans got a dose of their own medicine.
They were cowering like crybabies when a peaceful crowd entered the Capitol. Now they have fenced it all off.
But they will happily organise bombs, riots and paid protests from 10,000 miles away.
I say to all sentient Russians: have zero tolerance for these american psychos.
Call them what they are from now on.
Enemies of humanity, enemies of peace and enemies of democracy.
Just wondering, Rhys, do you have a link confirming the “bomb” in Krasnodar?
22.01.2021 22:13
В Краснодаре на рынке прогремел взрыв: есть погибшие и пострадавшие
01/22/2021 10:13 PM
In Krasnodar an explosion has thundered at a market: there are dead and injured
Except that it isn’t a bomb, eh. And if it is, provide “evidence.”
No. it wasn’t a bomb: it was a gas cylinder explosion. I dare say some might at first have thought it had been a bomb that had exploded:
22 января вечером в Краснодаре прогремел взрыв. Оказалось, что в районе пересечения улиц Владислава Посадского и 40 лет Победы произошел пожар из-за разгерметизации газового баллона в одном из павильонов на цветочном рынке.
In the evening of January 22, an explosion occurred in Krasnodar. It turned out that there had been a fire in the area of the intersection of Vladislav Posadsky and “40 Years since Victory” Streets caused by the depressurization of a gas cylinder in one of the pavilions at the flower market.
Thankfully most Muscovites are very aware of what America is attempting to do
It’s clear that Navalny was ordered back to Russia by his bank rollers/handlers to coincide with Biden’s business as usual inauguration zoom presentation.
Clearly the middle of the Russian winter is not the best time to get a Maidan style coup off the ground. Apart from the realms of a Luke Harding docudrama the whole opportunism of the Novichok underpant scam promoted by the underwear salesman and MI6 nark Elliot Higgins of the infamous dead cat bounce, Bellincat… stinks. So to speak.
But with a year of human rights being closedown in concentration camp Brexit Britain as elsewhere [but interestingly not in Russia] it is clear that freedom is not the agenda of our freedom preaching political puppets. The real stooges of the globalist elites.
Dead bellincat bounce 🙂 me likes!
1 Nav polled some 5% last time in Moscow election?
The commie got 10%…?
2 covid vaccines have killed more people than novichok…
3 no-one in MSM mentioned similarity with Assange re bail breach.
4 Navalny reminds me of Solzhenitsin- more nationalist than Putin,
Solz said Stalin not communist enough! (According to BBC when he died).
5 Biden more likely to have a skirmish in S.China sea? Taiwan next colony of USA?
”3 no-one in MSM mentioned similarity with Assange re bail breach”
Of course not – it doesn’t fit in with the Anglo-Zionist narrative.
It is also quite clear that the US wants to rule to world, but Russia and China stand in the way. So there has to be a war. The preparations are clear enough. NATO being expanded and pushed up to Russia’s western frontiers and sighting short and medium range nuclear weapons in Poland and Romania, if that isn’t a mortal threat please tell me what is. The American navy conducting exercises in the South and East China seas. Note also that all the nuclear treaties are being abrogated starting with Bush in 2002.
The doctrine of M.A.D. is now defunct and has been replaced by ‘Nuclear Supremacy’ that is a crippling first strike against Russia’s nuclear arsenal. It doesn’t seem to have dawned on the Americans that Russian hypersonic missiles are positioned on mobile land bases, submarines and carried within Russia by long range bombers. Then there is also the little matter of a nuclear winter which will probably wipe out most of mankind.
The Americans and supine allies in Europe (who have in essence been conquered already) represent a threat to humanity except those with a backbone to stand up to them.
We’re in real Stangelove territory here.
Hey now wait: Don’t knock those who are doing their best to combat Global Warming, sorry, Heating.
Save the planet; ***k the people.
Here’s what I don’t get.
Russia is going along with the virus narrative. It’s surveillance is remarkable in the country. It went along with the lock downs although not as severe. It also has a vaccine, although not the dangerous MRNA DNA kill shot.
So if Russia is going along with some of the narratives of the West, then what the he’ll is the warmongering all about. Why try to effect regime change when Putin appears to be a globalist and potentially a Zionist too?
Im truly curious about this. Great article by the way!
Russia is ‘going along with the narratives of the west’? People have been falling ill with a virulent version of the flu, frequently resulting in deaths (almost exclusively among the elderly) or lung damage among numerous others. They’re ‘going along with’ that because it’s demonstrably been occurring.
As for the covid/ immunity passports, the Great Reset and all the rest of the globalist bullshit, Russia hasn’t been playing the game at all. Certificates proving health have been rejected by the government and the vaccine remains free and voluntary.
Russia has been attacked and has taken measures to limit transmission. I’d hesitate to call that ‘going along with the narrative’.
The sickening gaslighting and fear-mongering psychological torture which characterises what the UK (and the US, but mostly the UK) has been doing to it’s people is WHOLLY absent from the Russian media.
Maybe the gaslighting, etc. is wholly absent from Russian domestic media, but RT News came roaring out of the gate with a florid, sensational Megadeath Virus of Doom spin when the scamdemic was first declared last March.
I used to watch RT News every morning while I ate breakfast, and was appalled by their habit of beginning every broadcast with screaming oversized graphics listing alleged “deaths” and “cases”, with the familiar spiked “Koosh ball” COVID logo.
I abandoned them after a few weeks of this, plus their rapid adaptation of their tendentious schadenfreude-flavored coverage of Western sociopolitical contretemps to lurid, sensational “pandemic” horror stories– that, and touting the progress of the Russian vaccine development.
Apparently their website eventually permitted some COVID-related criticism and skepticism as op-eds, but their TV/streaming broadcasts continued to hype the official narrative into the summer. Perhaps they’ve retreated from this editorial stance since I stopped watching.
It is a strange theory that any current affairs are WHOLLY absent from Russian media, when even the lightweight RT & Sputnik cover it daily..
The plethora of Russian news sites & blogs are far ahead of the curve, in comparison with any english-language site.. You would be surprised at the awareness & humour on display.. Yandex translator is your friend..
“It is a strange theory that any current affairs are WHOLLY absent from Russian media, when even the lightweight RT and Sputnik cover it daily.”
Sorry, but what do you mean?
With the exception of the compliant, alcoholic Yeltsin, the 5-Eyes narrative of Russia hasn’t changed for 75 years..
Their land contains a vast wealth of oil, gas, gold, diamonds, & minerals.. Lake Baikal alone contains the world’s largest supply of fresh water..
The main thing is to not be distracted by Putin, or all of the eternal problems which the 5-Eyes manufacture against Russia..
The end-game has always been the same: control of natural resources..
Antony Blinken is to be secretary of state, not Nuland that’s a pretty basic mistake
It would have been more accurate to note that Nuland is the nominee for “Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs”, but the broader description implies “a secretary of state”– I notice it isn’t capitalized.
Here we go again . Russia …good guy….US bad guy…..US good guy…. Russia…..bad guy. The propagandists from both sides are expert at manipulating the masses. Seriously! How old are these people reporting?
Yet the masses just switch back on to the rhetoric they are fed and of course all journalism live and die on tragedy and conspiracies.
Those in power survive on unrest …it is their nourishment. They manipulate and create unrest and there is plenty of “Bozos the clown” to fester and incite on their behalf.
Imagine if noone listened to Biden or Putin or the puppet master and just went on with their lives.
Amazing how human beings never learn!
They all look the same from your sofa, huh.
2 arms, 2 legs, a fascist in the middle..
Imagine if they started a war and nobody came!
A sad sidenote to all this was Ed Snowden defending Navalny. If anybody should be seeing the CIA’s hand in all this it’s Snowden.
One mustn’t forget where Snowden now lives…
You don’t offend your hosts when they could easily hand you over to US justice alla Assange…
A martyr’s fate isn’t for everybody.
Remember he left the land of the free and the world’s greatest democracy because telling the truth made it’s masters want him dead
I’m not arguing, just puzzled: if the Russian government regards Navalny as an enemy of the state– or even just a pesky public nuisance and embarrassment to the state– wouldn’t “defending Navalny” amount to a risky, unnecessary provocation that might be taken amiss by the government?
Put the other way around, if Snowden wanted to avoid biting the bear that feeds him and risk wearing out his welcome, wouldn’t he either support the Russian government’s actions, or keep mum?
by your logic then he should be excoriating navalny, and his anti putin stance..
all things being equal putin should of denied entry to the novichok man, after all out of sight out of mind.
but the great game isn’t played that way, as alphabet man lord snowden rodent knows.
An alphabet man would hardly be forced to live in Moscow, would he?
Were there more truth-tellers like Assange, Manning, & Big Ed Snowden, the 5-Eyes charade would have highly likely been curtailed by now..
A psy-op defending a psy-op … Masterful!
You’re right, especially as he still works for them.
info on Donbass war can be found here
Background on Ukraine and 2014 CIA run Nazi coup can be found here.
Putin’s Russia? I think you mean the central banks, aka Rothschild + Rockefeller.
Everything is staged and nothing is real. Not the faux animosity, not the faux poisonings, not the hacking, not the faux opposition in Russia, not the war of words and not world war three.
And not the faux “pandemic.”
Obviously the pandemic is fake.
Only complete idiots believe in something that has not been proven to exist and where the average mortality age is the same as those who die from old age.
The grammar of that second paragraph makes the content redundant
Everything is staged, yes. The supposed animosity is all for show. And Putin’s just another actor (a particularly good one, in my opinion). But unlike you, I feel that World War III is on the cards. It’ll be as contrived as the first two world wars, and staged for the benefit of the same people (i.e., those who control the flow of money and armaments).
WWIII is in the cards but if it happens it won’t be any less staged than WWII or WWI.
Each world war, each war is to reduce the population, make money on the war economy and arms trade.
I have been commenting that is likely because at the end of each disastrous economic cycle they manufacture a global war to remove all opposition, to concentrate power and wealth, to move capital, to collect on their investments and liquidate.
again you are correct, the ebbs and flows of what passes for history are merely the liquidations and consolidations of the klepto-cryptocracy..
the plebs are liquidated and thus scattered/ruined and profits whether financial or social are then consolidated in a new ‘system’ somewhat the same as the old one..
we are in the beginnings of one of these cycles…
well done sir, it’s all as fake as a nine bob note, one has to peer beneath the murky surface, and there one will find a dining club, beautifully appointed with fine food and beverages, all the members wear little sashes and have alphabet appendages to their very old names.. they are global in nature and love ‘societies’ they also indulge in unpleasantries.
after the masters ceremonies long languid speeches fill the air and calls are made out to their funny little henchmen, who always served them well, in fact they are related in a manner of speaking, a trusty management class.
theirs is a world of fear and guilt and lies, but mostly they fear exposure which drives the need to control everything and because of this they worship machines, which they hope may one day host their god. they are the antithesis of all things good and natural, and have been farming the chaos for a very, very long time.
they believe they are approaching their apotheosis.
hint: klaus and his vulcan robe.
Navalny is only an ‘opposition leader’ because we’ve defined him to be so. Apparently this was news to a lot of actual Russians.
Formenting street trouble can backfire. The Hong Kong pro-democracy leaders are not just well known to the west but they’ve also been adopting some of the symbols, slogans and tactics of our alt-right. As with our own pro-democracy movement there’s serious money behind the scenes which begs the question as to who’s financing it and what are they hoping to get out of it. They’re probably not doing this out of the goodness of their hearts because as a lot of people are discovering post-democracy life isn’t necessarily changed for the better.
My impression of Russians is that, above all, they are rational people. They are not going to be paying much attention to the rants of the new US administration. And, Biden clearly stated that his goal is to reduce C02 emissions to 0% by 2025 (in his last debate with Trump). Obviously, this is clearly impossible but increasing, or even using, US oil and fossil fuels to replace those coming from Russia, means the output and sale of petroleum and natural gas is going to have to increase. This would go directly against the Democrat platform and be resisted, in my opinion.
“My impression of Russians is that, above all, they are rational people.”
Which Russians?
The ones who charge at machine guns?
Or the ones who order them to charge at machine guns?
Oops, that could apply to the Brits as well.
Putin’s rational
There’s not going to be any “colour revolution” in Moscow. Russia has observed this modus operandi and has rendered Russian institutions immune to it.
There is always a certain element; this time the youth with the proper agitation on Tik Tok, who would protest against a cheese sandwich, if no other “outrage” was available..
They are “earning their stripes & creating memories”, & don’t mind jail at all..
Just imagine – VIctoria Nuland handing out cookies in Moscow, just before collapsing (while vomitting and profusely defecating) due to the FSB having novichok’d her knickers.
Would been a lot of Novichok to fit into her knickers…
Novichocolate is probably as real and deadly as “the virus“.
‘Chocked, and firing out of both ends! A suitably dignified way for her to shuffle off this mortal coil.
Given that the lockdowns have more or less shut down air travel, how are they getting the suitcasefulls of money to the members of the European Parliament?
Private charter. One of their many perks.
In Hong Kong it came through a HSBC bank account. Nobody uses cash any more.
The province of Ontario, Canada, has two types of homes for the aged:
Long-term Care Homes, which are administered by the Ministry of Long-term Care, and
Retirement Homes, which are administered by the Retirement Homes Regulatory Authority.
Retirement Homes are not required to provide the same level of care as Long-term Care Homes, however, many Retirement Homes are, in essence, Long-term Care Homes. Long-term Care Homes are largely government funded, whereas Retirement Homes are not. Long-term Care Homes are 54% privately run, and 46% government run. Retirement Homes are 100% privately run.
There are about 627 (licensed) Long-term Care Homes in Ontario.
There are about 770 (licensed) Retirement Homes in Ontario.
There were Covid-19 outbreaks in 272 (43.4%) of the 627 Long-term Care Homes, till Apr 7.[9]
There were Covid-19 outbreaks in 38 (4.9%) of the 770 Retirement Homes, till Apr 7.[10]
So, the Long-term Care Home outbreaks are 43.4/4.9 = 8.86 times more prevalent than Retirement Home outbreaks.
Because an outbreak is, by definition, the introduction of Covid-19 into an old-age home, the most important factor influencing an outbreak is the number of people that the residents meet from outside the home. Long-term Care Home residents would generally meet more staff (from outside the home), whereas Retirement Home residents would meet more outsiders while they were away from the home, as they are free to wonder wherever they choose. Which of the two groups would meet more outsiders? One suspects that Retirement Home residents would come into contact with more outsiders than Long-term Care Home residents.
Given this, one would expect that Retirement Homes would have had a few more outbreaks than Long-term Care Homes. However, at least initially, Long-term Care Homes had nearly nine times the number of outbreaks. This is proof that Covid-19 was deliberately spread to Ontario’s Long-term Care Homes, but not to the Retirement Homes.
It appears that the list of targeted places included Long-term Care Homes, but not Retirement Homes. An administrative oversight by the spreaders?
Ahhh,… its the site name that you don’t like.
I think you missed the article’s point. Or maybe you meant to put that on the last thread before this.
It is getting tiresome to do the repeats…have you ever been inside a retirement, long term aged care? They have to be 2 only to prisons for the sheer awfulness of life there…endless hours of sitting staring into space…few visitors turn up…few interesting things happen in their lives…though my neighbours father in his dementia state did some flashing in the dining room last week……I take my little dog to one and eyes light up all over the place…and that one is one of the best…
my old friend tells me endlessly she just wants to die and sadly her place put them on intense lockdown and no one died…they just get to continue to suffer to that date with death…end of life isn’t pretty …dementia isn’t pretty…having little use of legs and arms and being a blob isn’t pretty…personally I suspect helping death along may have been a favour to all these folk..
“It is getting tiresome to do the repeats”
Except yours is not a repeat.
“have you ever been inside a retirement, long term aged care?”
Yes, I remember my own mother who spent her last years in what was the waiting room to Kingdom come. It was extraordinarily expensive and she had to sell her house to cover the costs. Private companies – more like piranhas – gobbles up ageing people not the National Health Service. I tend to agree with Edith.
@KenRoth That nice man navalny is on record for stating that all muslims are like cockroaches and should be killed, Note that if you attempt to evade a permanent suspension by creating new accounts, we will suspend your new accounts. If you wish to appeal this suspension, please contact our support team. Anyone need any more proof the racist Navalny crook is a stooge for the USA, Twitter suspended me for responding to a Tweet with the video of Navalny claiming muslims should be all killed because they are cockroaches.
Somehow though my harmless non descriptive tweet has me suspended.
Hasn’t Biden declared Navalny president of Russia yet?
Navalny’s piercing stare in the photo above is pure socialist realism and/or its Nazi propaganda variant thereof. This stylistic throwback to the 1930s looks too serious to be a gesture of post-modern irony.
Handy collection of Obama/Biden ‘achievements’ gathered in one place.
It’s worth remembering that ‘lockdown’ is a punishment for prisoners

Why haven’t the unions, the Left and big business responded?
Politicians have become our jailers

Solitary confinement is also a punishment for prisoners.
I am tempted to say that you live with what you elected as the Prime Minister but seriously the only way you will stop this foolishness in the UK is demonstration en mass requesting the resignation of BOJO and his merry men of clowns in parliament .
We have our problems here in Canada , but manageable as the PM has a minority gov., soon to be in opposition .
Awfully powerful nerve-agent that Novichok the way it kills people like the Skripals and Navalny. Perhaps that’s what the clumsy Russians used to kill Kara Murza too – twice.
Meanwhile there are real medications that can kill much more efficiently if not always instantly – sometimes it takes days – sometimes longer. Most getting a dose are not going to outlive the expiry date on the bottle. Here is compilation of recent results.
All this is making it look like there was a coup on January 6th, just not the way the MSM portrayed it. It was the CIA/Deep State finally taking full control of the US government.
They ‘finally took over’ every time a new president was elected.
I think I’ll be walking round this one. Years- a lifetime really- of anti-Russian BS is too much. I know it’s the US politicians and their partners on MSM and in Hollywood behind it. It’s the best possible example of why people gush over the talented ( ”lol’ and ”pmsl”) John Wayne being the embodiment of Uncle Sam. Patriotic and full of the right values( cough). Not an untalented, arrogant, snide, bullying, unintelligent, narrow -minded bigot who can’t even walk straight let alone talk. He was Stormin’ Norman in a toupee.
Putin has been very stoic for a long, long time now. I doubt he scares easily and I don’t doubt that he has more intelligence in his thumbnail than most of Biden’s gang put together. I don’t think he’s the right man to piss off.
As for Navalny, i have no idea how getting caught with poison in your underpants is violating bail, but I can’t wait for the movie.
Her’s hoping there’s just one more grassy knoll out there..
Here I have to be bold-): Alexei Navalny is a dyed-in-the-wool racist!
In the “West” he would have been in prison long ago for inhuman racist videos and speeches and been labeled a vile white supremacist. MSM´ bullhorns in the „West“ see Putin behind every trial of an opposition figure. Thus, the person in question can also claim the myth of a martyr. Never mind that Navalny was convicted of embezzlement.
He is a means to the end: to bring about a Maidan in Moscow.
„The dirty laundry of a Mister Clean
„Completely overlooked (or did they not want to see it?) was the fact that in 2007, Navalny had produced a video (video at the end) in which he compares militant Caucasians to cockroaches, which, unlike them, must be destroyed not with fly swatters but with a gun.
In addition to corruption, the immigration of migrants from Central Asia and the Caucasus is increasingly a problem in Russia. This has always been a favorite topic of Nawalny. He found a base in the opposition People’s Alliance party, which he has now been elected to lead, and is now trying to make his way in politics in a populist and inflammatory way.
“Another issue that currently moves Russians is the immigration of migrants from Central Asia and the Caucasus. This is also a favorite topic of Navalny. But he prefers to stir up resentment against “blacks.” The term “blacks” is used pejoratively to describe all non-Slavs from the Russian Federation. The term applies to Muslims just as it does to Christians. The decisive factor is the physical characteristics and not necessarily the religion,” writes the German-Turkish News.“
Translated with (free version)
The Moscow correspondent of Deutschlandfunk, Gesine Dornblüth, writes in a DLF commentary on Dec. 31, 2011:
“It is to be feared: If this racist gets power, then the victims will by no means be only the ‘crooks and thieves’ in the official and party parlors, but it will also affect those who think differently and look different.”
Alexei Navalny explains in video „ how to get rid of Caucasians“
The editors show this video for informational purposes only and expressly distance themselves from the content.“
Fast and sloppy propaganda by incompetent peddlers. But with the dwindling levels of attention and perception in the western world they don’t need to be very meticulous about it.
Are You Really The “Good Guys”?
Better, not good.
Humans, not guys.
Some, not the.
No one, not even the U.S. of fucking A., could create a Maidan in Russia, or anywhere else, if there wasn’t already a situation making for social instability.
If Russians start protesting en masse, regardless of the political claptrap under which they may initially and spontaneously choose to march, that will be for the same reasons that Americans, under banners as polarized as BLM and Trumpism, have started to take to the streets: it is all a product of economic decay.
And while the American establishment may engage in Russia baiting, the Russian establishment will reciprocate, as all national ruling classes around the world do.
The question must be asked: why would anyone who aligns with people who have to work for a living bother to feast on (and serve up) this diet of patriotism and xenophobia, whether served up by the American or Russian elite, especially when one ought to know that the purpose of this game is to deflect working class danger and despair sideways against concocted scapegoats and away from the real origin of our collective malaise?
You would think that Off-G would be above this sort of thing . . .
“No one, not even the U.S. of fucking A., could create a Maidan in Russia, or anywhere else, if there wasn’t already a situation making for social instability. ” well is the USA socially stable?
Isn’t that what the comment says, essentially . . ?
I’m reminded of the ever ambiguous Delphic oracle’s reply to king Croesus (as written down by Herodotus): “If you go to war against Persia, you will destroy a great empire“. Great, thought the king, but then ended up destroying his own empire.
You view politicians as “elite” ? ….. my word , you are well trained.
The Bushes are part of the Elite and so is Barack Obama and the Clintons. Boris Johnsons in the club as is David Cameron and Tony Blair. Then there’s Trudeau and Merkel. Netanyahu. Every one is an extremely wealthy individual. Far more wealthy than if their salaries alone could possibly account for.
Blair’s grown up children are wealthy too, by all accounts.
RE: No one, not even the U.S. of fucking A., could create a Maidan in Russia, or anywhere else, if there wasn’t already a situation making for social instability.
Duh, that is exactly how color revolutions work. The CIA finds existing tensions in the target country, then massively funds them, infiltrates them and manipulates them to achieve the goals they seek. It was used first in 1953 in Iran. Since, the color revolution technique of destabilization has had a long track record of successful application.
Colour revolutions pre-date the CIA. They go back to Mazzini, Garibaldi with his Red-shirts and Italian Unification at the very least.
OSS then?
That’s how they started the second world war.
Where in my comment is it stated or implied that the powerful — from whatever quarters they may hail — do not try to covertly co-opt popular movements and herd them into directions that might predictably redound to their already ample advantages?
Might things like color revolutions ever happen? Of course. But what of that?
This only means that mass movements need to be on the qui vive for infiltration and manipulation, but just as much from domestic as from foreign agencies.
Only the most naïve would be oblivious to that ever present possibility and danger.
But that is why mass movements must espouse a politics of their own and not permit themselves to become embroiled in either the contests between the existing factions of power elites of whatever nationality or contests whose terms are set by those elites.
For the American working class, what is there to choose between a Biden or a Trump?
Is either one the defender of working class interests?
Or are they not both wealthy capitalists fundamentally at odds with those interests if also embroiled in a power struggle of their own?
Why should ordinary Americans care about which of these two representatives of the American capitalist mafia sits in the White House?
The class divide cannot be resolved by the farce that is the electoral process of any so-called liberal democracy, for that process is designed to keep power exclusively in the hands of the capitalist ruling classes.
American democracy is of, by, and for the owners of all the money and of all the productive assets of America, both on- and off-shore.
Likewise, is Putin the champion of the Russian working class? What about Alexei Navalny? Why should the average Russian truly care?
The active political class in Russia, just as in the U.S., or in any other country you care to name, is part and parcel of the capitalist class.
It does not serve the interests of ordinary people. It serves the interests of those who own all of the money and all of the productive assets of the country, and this despite the fact that there are competing factions among that class, cleavages of interests among them every bit as real and pronounced as the cardinal cleavage between, on the one hand, the class of the moneyed and well born and, on the other hand, the class of the impecunious and rude.
But the problem with becoming fixated on the possibility that mass movements can be co-opted from above and by so-called foreigners is that mass movements can never in this light rise to any real moral legitimacy.
The fixation serves to conceal or distract attention away from the fact that the people who are flooding into the streets are being impelled by real anxieties and grievances even if, as often happens, they themselves cannot clearly ascertain or articulate the real bases of their fears and anger.
Lives have become precarious on account the recurring crises inherent to the dynamics of capital, but the explanation for both the unrest and the emergence of the economic troubles is a plot that is being orchestrated from afar.
From this standpoint, the unrest cannot legitimately be directed against the immediate national ruling class since this class is purportedly not responsible for the economic chaos at the root of the collective malcontent.
However, it is the bare fact of the existence itself of the ruling class and the institution of private property in the means of production, together with for-profit production, that is at the root of all of the economic dysfunctionality of the so-called nation, so that the unrest is not without an actual and substantial legitimacy if only the masses could grasp hold of an understanding of the source of their collective affliction.
In the meantime, because the unrest remains ungrounded in an awareness of what truly impels it, it is delegitimized by the fact or fiction that it may be nothing more than a so-called color revolution or the result of some foreign incitement.
The upshot of all of this, then, just so you don’t miss it, is that just because a foreign power has thrown its lot in with a destabilizing domestic mass movement doesn’t mean that the movement is without its legitimacy.
As you yourself put it, the CIA finds existing tensions, but for all of that, those preexisting tensions do not thereby become unmoored from their original ethical significance.
I appreciate the long reply. However, you’re not telling me anything I don’t already know.
RE: …those preexisting tensions do not thereby become unmoored from their original ethical significance.
Are you saying that those preexisting tensions cannot become “unmoored”? Or don’t necessarily become “unmoored”? If you are saying the former, I think that there are clear indications in certain cases that is not true. If you are saying the latter, well, so what?
For many it is enough that the U.S. appears to be involved in a mass movement to judge that movement illegitimate and reactionary.
This is a knee jerk reaction.
There is no attempt to try to discern in the details of the situation whether participants or organizations in the movement may be deserving of solidarity. Instead, everyone is painted with the same brush: they are all the dupes of Western imperialism, traitors to their ‘nation’ and without the least justification for their protests or insurgency.
However, and to repeat myself: if the participants in an uprising are objectively aggrieved by injustice and oppression, as they are under capital or a brutal and authoritarian state, then they have a right to rebel. Always. And this right cannot in moral terms be abridged by any interference from either domestic or foreign powers. Otherwise, no rebellion could ever be righteous because there has never been a rebellion in which foreign and domestic powers did not intervene, nor will there ever be such a pure rebellion. Our world always involves more than one oppressor in any situation. Our reality isn’t only national, but international. Rebellions will always consequently draw in unwanted and reactionary interference from dominant regional and global powers. This doesn’t mean, however, that a mass movement can never therefore be in many important respects a genuine struggle for democracy and human rights.
That’s the “so what:” it’s not an automatic given that the taking to the streets is totally illegitimate on account of any foreign interference, including that of the U.S.
RE: For many it is enough that the U.S. appears to be involved in a mass movement to judge that movement illegitimate and reactionary.
This is a knee jerk reaction.
Possibly. But I didn’t say that. Are you having a conversation with me or “many”? This amounts to a straw man argument. I definitely see capitalism as the problem – no question.
However, if there is a “rebellion” (your term) against the capitalist system or the US political system which is an extension of it, and it is funded by major US capitalist organizations and/or Big Business like Black Lives Matter is, raises serious questions about its legitimacy. BLM is funded by major capitalist foundations like the Tides Foundation and Ford Foundation to major companies like Amazon, Apple, Google, Facebook, IBM, Microsoft, Salesforce and Uber (a truncated list). With that kind of capitalist support, there should be no doubt it is being manipulated to foul ends (like a color revolution). Consider how ridiculous it would be if major US companies were funding the Black Panthers or Malcolm X and them describing themselves as “revolutionary”? People with authentic revolutionary fervor, should take a dim view of this capitalist support and distance themselves from it. However, it is already too late for that. The organized “left” is completely co-opted at this point.
Look, you are responding to my comments, which apparently keep flying over your head, and I am clarifying what I said. I’m not putting words in your mouth, ascribing a position to you and then refuting it. That would be strawmanning.
As for the rest of your comment, it illustrates perfectly the knee jerk reaction to which I allude.
And in passing, to others who might be interested in getting informed about what is going on in Russia, another interesting piece from Russian leftists: The Left Face of the Putin Regime – New Politics
Talk about comments flying over heads. How is it that the massive capitalist support for BLM (which is not even hidden, rather it is being advertised) – which is objective fact – is “knee jerk”? There’s massive countervailing evidence to your position, and you ignore it. My view is based on that evidence – that is not knee jerk by definition. If you look back on the origins of BLM, (long before Trump) you will see that they have always been corporate friendly. Go back to old Black Agenda Report commentary criticizing them for that for proof.
Just because Big Business gave BLM $100 million doesnt mean they are business friendly. It’s probably just pure coincidence.
Is this spam?
Strange how Russians, Hong Kongers, Iranians, Venezuelans, Bolivians, have the “right to rebel.”
While Palestinians or now Americans claiming the same right are terrorists, rioters, domestic terrorists, insurrectionists.
What does it matter, Putin or Navalny?
Putin is the elected Russian president, putting Russia’s interests first.
Navalny is a bought and paid for CIA stooge, a Gweedo type puppet whoring himself out to serve US interests.
That’s the difference.
Hope that explains it for you.
A more nuanced analysis of what is most probably going down:
Navalny, political protest and opposition in Russia | Postsocialism
Nuclear war will happen on this planet, and sooner rather than later. Russia’s nukes are far better than anything the West owns, and Russia has far more, with much more robust delivery systems. Russia also has a much better anti-missile defense system, much better anti-satellite capability, and infinitely better EMP weapon systems.
China’s tech is somewhat behind the West, but they are evolving at an exponential rate, and meanwhile make up for a tech deficiency with pure missile numbers. It should come as no surprise that the most advanced industrial nation in Earth’s history can make insane amounts of anything it so desires. And China would thrash the USA in asymmetric warfare (drones mainly).
The fabian West baits fabian controlled Russia as part of a long term deep plan. WW1 and WW2 were used by our masters to wash away the ‘old’ and allow the most rapid construction of the ‘new’ ever witnessed in Human History. Hitler is blamed for WW2, but that war was always going to happen, and if it had occurred a decade later, multiple powers would have had nuclear weapons.
Blair put Putin in power (a fact ignored almost everywhere) and Blair protected Putin against the wrath of the EU when he carried out genocide in Chechnya. Putin single-handedly turned Russia around- another shameful proof that ‘democracy’ doesn’t work, and that a well-thinking strongman is always better for a ‘people’.
Putin got done with his wars of ‘aggression’ early on, and since then has worked to ensure Russia is the ‘good guy’. It is the West that is clearly satanic. The fabian ‘wisdom of the masses’ allows the vast majority of West citizens to be tapped as Human ‘batteries’- powering a demonic initiative that can only work if enough people at least give it their passive support.
In America, the party of Human Slavery- the same party that created the KKK and Jim Crow laws when slavery was abolished- now control the presidency and the two Houses. The party of eugenics and racism- the same democrat party that arrested and imprisoned ‘black’ US servicemen on return from Britain after WW2 when they had married ‘white’ Brits.
Everyone here ‘thinks’ and rants BOTTOM UP, as they have been taught to do. No top down view of history, just as the fabians correctly predicted. They consider themselves the only true top down thinkers and planners. False hope, based on the idea “I don’t like this- wah, wah- so it won’t last” paralyses our side.
The second world war was a scam.
Both major newspapers over here this morning, chock-full of articles and op-eds on the horrible dictatorship and inhuman Russian “regime”. Strange coincidence that they suddenly felt this was so important.
Whilst we’re all locked down by our own governments we’re supposed to hate Russia
Short and to the point. And it’s a very good point.
Well, your fellow citizens should stop paying for the claptrap as soon as possible then.
And they portray the protesters as courageous and freedom loving as opposed to the “domestic terrorists” who protested in Washington. Business as usual.
The entire Nalvany story has been completely ridiculous for years…
“the team behind The Maidan is looking to start a colour revolution in Moscow”
From reading the Saker for most of the last 10 years. I doubt that would be successful.
The Russians have not disredited themselves. In fact they seem almost completely normal…well like we used to be in England…
but the coup has already happened here, and in the USA.
None of our media or politicians have been making any sense at all. German politicians are now saying we don’t want Nordstream 2, and its almost finished. Maybe German politicians want their population to freeze to death.
“WASHINGTON, January 20./TASS. The administration of US President-elect Joe Biden will use every persuasive tool to stop the construction of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline and will work to convince European partners not to move forward with it, Secretary of State Nominee Antony Blinken told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that held a confirmation hearing on Tuesday.
He said Joe Biden’s strong conviction was that the Nord Stream 2 pipeline is a “bad idea” and that the administration would use “every persuasive tool” to convince partners, including Germany, to discard the project.”
Maybe Moscow will be infected with this nonsense too.
Biden’s days as President must already be numbered if the Color Revolution in Moscow has to get underway with so much blundering haste that the very artificiality of it is in plain sight. When Western “experts” and media “celebrities” are all jumping onto the same bandwagon trying to keep Alexei Navalny in the headlines, the general public has every reason to be suspicious at the propaganda overkill. It’s becoming more crude and blatant as if the PR industry involved really doesn’t care any more and its representatives really are lazier than can be imagined.
Agreed, I’m also seeing many ads this past week for the TV show “The Salisbury Poisonings.”
WHAT??? This dribble is meant for sheeple brainwashing in the West, and NOT geo-politics. Only a fool thinks all propaganda is aimed at all groups. Most propaganda is highly tailored for a very specific group and purpose. This form of Russia bashing is simply intended to make the hard-of-thinking masses at the bottom a little more anti-Russian. And IT WORKS. It works very well indeed, just like the anti-Assad garbage, and the ‘plague’ garbage.
‘False hope’ and the ‘clutching at straws’ is the cancer of our side.
Maybe they are catching up on 4 years of lost time?
Just because Biden’s playing all this stuff out doesn’t mean it’s actually going to work.
When was the last time the US took on someone their own size?
They are the cowardly elephant that gets into the ring with ants, usually….
He is a mess, but used to be such a nice boy, before the cocaine..
Now, he will “sit” in a camp, north-central Siberia, staring at all of that snow..
It’s just awful..
“A war with Russia is not going to save the WAR RACKETEER CORPORATE FASCIST OLIGARCH MOBSTER PSYCHOPATHS. It is just going to speed up their demise. But still they must try. Could they NOT just make it easier for all concerned and GET OFF THE PLANET… NOW! Before they mass murder even more people.”

“To Hell With War!”
you forgot your trademark “sham democracy usa” all in bold, your obligatory george carlin clip and the “Bill gates is hitler” photo.
Are you not feeling well?
Their side exploits the power of REPETITION- a known highly effective tactic in advertising and propaganda. So when a person attacks someone on OUR side for doing the same, you know you have found a disinfo troll. It is the same when disinfo trolls attack video bloggers on our side for having ‘sponsors’ or ads- suggesting that if people on our side are not ‘pure’ and ‘penniless’ their message is ‘dishonest’.
Indeed MI6’s Navalny is using just this tactic attacking Putin for living a ‘wealthy’ lifestyle. Yet in the USA, members of both Houses are legally free to engage in INSIDER TRADING, and many become billionaires by doing so.
Meanwhile the Brit woman who filmed an empty hospital has appeared in court on a literal civic ‘terrorism’ charge because her words are claimed to have been intended to ‘distress’ and ‘scare’ the masses. A new perversion of the concept of ‘illegal’ speech- ie., anything that contradicts the official narrative. If she is convicted, it would mean LEGALLY that anyone saying anything in public that contradicts official narratives has committed a CRIMINAL act. If convicted, anyone in the UK saying 9/11 was a false flag would be engaging in criminal speech under the same legal ‘principle’.
Not everything needs to be an attack. Perhaps Geoff is sick of Bill Posters. I know how he feels.
Good old Bill.
Well, perhaps it is time to question the ‘legal precedent’ claptrap which of course means that you only need one bent judge at the start to institute disreputable garbage into law?
You know, ask His/Her Honour: ‘Are you really so mentally subnormal that you have to follow the orders of some precedent, rather than demonstrate your worthiness to sit on the Bench by actually using whatever mental faculties still remain after 25 years of climbing the greasy legal pole?!’
There does come a time when meekly submitting no longer works. A time comes when you have to show the useless subservient Establishment servants what utterly corrupt and contemptible wastrels they actually are….
Does need those present in court who can disseminate the words, videos etc. Can’t allow such proceedings to ever remain private….
“Speaking of repetition, has one heard of any talk as to when then the SCAMDEMIC is going to end, or is that above your pay grade? Feeling fine, will feel even better after you and those of your ilk have gotten off the planet. If only the WAR RACKETEER CORPORATE FASCIST PSYCHOS would put their efforts into helping HUMANITY, instead of their psychotic-psychopathic selves, rather than harming IT.”
I heard very early on that it would probably be 2022. My source is a senior UK security services operative, planted into one of the professions in the capital.
So, how are they planning to end it?
All the signs certainly seem to be that it is planned to spin it out at least one more year.
I must admit that when the
“Covid-19”cold and flu infections and deaths petered out in late spring and summer last year, the story would be so blown that that would be it. Unfortunately, the fake PCR testing enabled them to spin it out until the new cold and flu season, and here we are.Of course, by next year there will be loads more new vaccines.
“Of course, by next year there will be loads more new vaccines.”
And loads more new viruses because they want this game to continue. But you are absolutely correct about the fake PCR tests to keep the charade skating forward and then there was this second wave bull$hit etc.,etc,.
It will only end when there are enough people that have realized how the rules of the game keep shifting .From what I hear and read ,BOJO is pretty good at speaking from both sides of his mouth ,and the masses are starting to notice .A good sign.