Covid Odyssey

“Wherefore we find our adventurer Odysseus stirring, his patience at an end. His black ship is run down to the water. He calls for mariners”

John Griffin

Who else senses the world shrinking around them? Was it only a year ago we could twirl a multi-hued globe and contemplate a trip to one of those inviting islets of colour?

Now, such goals have become uncertain, hazardous, forbidden even. We are confined to our country, our state, our town, a backyard. An immemorial freedom is being curtailed. We began as a freewheeling species, nonchalantly strolling out of Africa. A hundred millennia later and a trip to the local supermarket will soon be a grand day out, and even this dependent on the whims of a president, a prime minister, a mayor.

Are we destined to settle for Hamlet’s fancy, a world ‘bounded in a nutshell’?

That feeling of confinement and frustration brought Melville’s Ishmael to the point of knocking people’s hats off in the street. Today, it’s masks.

And so, to sea.

I propose a new Odyssey. In the spirit of Tennyson’s ‘To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield’, it shall be a voyage to discover the origins of Covid. In time, the story may evolve to become an epic to rival Homer’s. For now, we will have to be content with a synopsis.

The initial motive for the first Odyssey was the whisking away to Troy of that exemplar of beauty, Helen. This inducement is going to be harder to conjure today. Leonora in my local farmácia has seductive eyes. But the rest of her is obscured by a black mask. If her ancient namesake were similarly attired, I fear the Greek fleet would still be sitting on the sands.

We must picture a fresh scenario. A mysterious visitor to Ithaca’s port brings news of a deadly foe. The people gather round, imagining the imminent invasion of the cyclopes, or gorgons, or a chimera. They are informed that a nasty cold, of the sort that carries off some of the elderly and sick each year, is on its way and everyone should take cover.

Chuckles all round? A sound drubbing of the newcomer? Alas, within a short time this startling account of an epidemios has subdued a hitherto sane land. Wherefore we find our adventurer Odysseus stirring, his patience at an end. His black ship is run down to the water. He calls for mariners.

But this expedition is not for everyone. Before we enter the wide salt sea, how best to decide our crew? Most of our islanders have determined Covid a krisis. We have no time to review or debate their savage reasonings. While the mast is stepped, the sails carried aboard, and the long oars looped to the tholes, Odysseus’ wife Penelope has distributed the following multiple-choice questionnaire.



  1. How many viruses do we have in us?

    a) 1 or 2

    b) 150

    c) 380 trillion

  2. How many people are likely immune to SARS-CoV-2?

    a) None, how could they be?

    b) 5-10%

    c) More than 50%

  3. When did Covid first appear?

    a) Wuhan in December 2019

    b) A U.S. military base a few weeks earlier

    c) Iberia in March 2019

  4. Sending your 10-year-old off to school, you would be most concerned about them

    a) not having the ferry fare for Charon after succumbing to Covid-19

    b) being attacked by a hippo or Nile crocodile

    c) being struck on the head by a tortoise like Aeschylus


  1. If I have Covid when I die, does that mean I must have died from it?

    a) Obviously

    b) Very likely

    c) No

  2. If a study found that 1.8% of people wearing masks caught Covid, compared to 2.1% of a control group that didn’t, you would conclude masks are

    a) 98.2% effective

    b) about 50% effective

    c) as effective as a bronze Corinthian war helmet

  3. Is the following syllogism valid?
    “All residents of nursing homes are mortal. Socrates is a resident of a nursing home. Therefore, Socrates is mortal”.

    a) No, and the question is discriminatory

    b) Under certain circumstances

    c) Absolutely

  4. What do the following figures tell you?: The average age of death is 81.5, while the average age of Covid deaths is 82.4.

    a) One of those curious coincidences

    b) I’d be better off with Covid

    c) There is little to worry about

  5. If PCR tests come up with 97% false positives, identify inoperative fragments of virus, and artificially amplify a minute sample 2 to the 40th times to make it look more impressive, does it make sense to test?

    a) Of course, it helps us see what otherwise wouldn’t be noticed

    b) Yes, any test is better than no test

    c) No


  1. If an epidemiologist, calculating death rates, had got it wrong 4 times in a row, you would

    a) trust him this time

    b) be somewhat wary

    c) call down the wrath of Zeus

  2. Given that excess deaths occurred after lockdown began, you would conclude lockdown was

    a) a sensible approach

    b) better than doing nothing

    c) bloody useless

  3. If you found the same people promoting the official Covid narrative were also associated with pharmaceutical companies, health-tech companies, or vaccine manufacturers that could make a killing out of Covid, you would conclude

    a) it was just a coincidence

    b) there might be a conflict of interest

    c) half the government is probably corrupt


  1. If you found that common influenza had disappeared after Covid emerged, you would conclude

    a) it was a wonderful piece of luck in gloomy times

    b) it shows what a marvellous thing lockdown is

    c) we are now counting the common flu as Covid

  2. Noticing that prominent and respected scientists, academics, journalists, and intellectuals all take Covid to be a serious threat, you would

    a) take their word for it

    b) doubt your own sanity

    c) doubt their sanity, and wonder what else they’d got wrong

  3. Shown a photograph of Bill Gates you would

    a) see a respected philanthropist and humanitarian

    b) be relieved that someone with no qualifications was an expert on health policy

    c) think of a naughty schoolboy up to no good


  1. According to the Law of Covid Stupidity, the force of intelligence is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the centre of a Covid hotspot. The law—often summarized as ‘the fewer the deaths, the greater the panic’—shows that when there are no deaths at all, stupidity approaches infinity. Indicate your response to the panicked lockdown in South Australia and Sydney after zero deaths were registered.

    a) The number of deaths is not always the issue

    b) They were just being cautious

    c) I’d be concerned about being seen with an Australian passport

  2. Indicate your response to this ontological argument: Covid is something than which nothing greater can be conceived. That which exists in reality must be greater than that which exists only in the mind. Therefore, Covid must exist outside the mind as well as inside. For, if it existed in the mind only, and not in reality, it would not be ‘something than which nothing greater can be conceived’.

    a) Absolutely proves it

    b) I’d have to mull it over

    c) The silliest thing I ever heard

  3. Argument from Design: If, walking over a heath, you came across a fully working Matt Hancock, you would conclude

    a) there must be a Designer

    b) it had evolved from something much simpler

    c) it had devolved from something more reasonable


Circumspect Penelope has done well: the correct answers are all (c).

More than 99.5% of people who contract Covid survive it. Which makes a mockery of the oft-quoted dictum, Covido ergo sum infirmum; that is, ‘There is Covid, therefore I am sick’. Ironically, 99.5 % also happens to be the number of people who take Covid seriously, consider Penelope to be a conspiracy theorist, and are petitioning Odysseus for a recount.

The crew is picked. Along with some experts in Very Small Invisible Things, and a mysterious grey-eyed woman, we are surprised to find we are mostly journalists, not a profession Odysseus is familiar with. But we assure him of our worth. We are, we say, like a sort of Delphic oracle: busybodies who are keen to reveal the truth, but grossly misjudged.

Churning the salt sea to foam, setting sail, our small fellowship of heroic souls, independent thinkers all, leaves this Mediterranean paddling pool. Out through the Pillars of Heracles, into the Atlantic, we head north. Even as Dawn’s rosy fingers light the morning of the seventh day, we come across our first island and our first chance to fathom Covid.

1. Land of The Fools

A wide river brings us to a neo-gothic building with a clock tower. Leaning from a window, a blonde scruffy-haired lad in short pants is jeering, telling us to ‘bugger off’. But already, one of our keen-eyed crew, Pétros, has vaulted the gunwale and now takes the measure of this strange land. It is, he concludes, a simulacrum of a giant playground in which a bullying gang is lording it over their schoolfellows, imposing arbitrary rules and regulations.

The ringleaders, rounded up and held at spearpoint, are quizzed. Sniveling, Matt and Raaby blame Johnno; Johnno points the finger at Paddy and ‘Witless’, and then tries some Ancient Greek. Odysseus pokes him; it’s as ludicrous as a street urchin in royal robes. Their chief skill, he determines, is mindless rabbiting. Of courage, diligence, solicitude, honour, or the ability to think properly, there is no sign.

Pétros, ever fond of metaphors, says they are as boys who have climbed upon and accidentally set in motion, Achilles’ chariot. The horses are too powerful to control and, hanging on for dear life, they have neither the wit nor the will to stop it or call for help.

Has stupidity got us into this mess? The journalist Peter Hitchens has, over many months, pointed out the stupidity of the incumbent Tory cabinet. Immature when they took office, Johnson and his mates have retained an adolescent approach to governance. Hitchens refers to the qualities of independence and critical thought that were once the hallmarks of a university graduate. Eroded by a modern education system, we have ended with a populace who no longer know how to think, only what to think.

He could be right. To study the classics is to assimilate not just the wisdom of Western civilization, but a way of thinking. Genuine thought is holistic, a discernment regarding which facts to use and what relative importance they have. Problems easily solved with intuitive intelligence seem big and scary when ‘single vision’ is brought to bear.

Ever increasing specialization has brought us fields of science such as epidemiology—and Neil Ferguson. To make him more than a source of facts about viruses is like recruiting an expert on marine borers as chief navigator aboard the Argo; it is to relinquish intelligence altogether. His predictive record alone supports the old maxim concerning experts: as time goes by, they know more and more about less and less, until eventually they will know absolutely everything about nothing at all.

To weigh things up is what leaders are for. A broad understanding of what promotes human health and welfare, how the law operates to ensure individual sovereignty and democratic rights, the economic principles that make for a successful society, all the way up to metaphysical principles, would be nice. But otherwise, ask around.

Granted, we had a duty to be cautious at first, since we didn’t know that we weren’t facing the most serious malady ever visited upon Homo sapiens. We now know this is not the case. For months, experts in various pertinent fields have been saying that Covid is not dissimilar to the common flu virus in respect of mortality.

There is no justification for quarantining healthy people, closing schools and workplaces, destroying livelihoods, driving the economy into recession, eroding civil liberties, undermining the normal working of a national health system and the psychological well-being of a nation, or for mass vaccination. To ignore their voices, and refer instead to a ‘consensus of scientists’, is like punishing Einstein for challenging the Newtonian paradigm.

A government has a duty not to promote stupidity. Stanley Milgram in the 1960s discovered it was pretty damn easy to get people to obey authority figures. Tempting as it might be to experiment with behavioural psychology, or black psychiatry, explore all the ways you can promote worry, fear, shame or guilt, and see how many wild and arbitrary instructions you can hand out before people stop saluting, you must resist. You must encourage free thought.

We are quickly bringing on the day when an irreconcilable split between an old world of common sense and a new, dangerously unintelligent, one forms. This new ‘Us’ and ‘Them’ will, ironically, comprise the ‘sensible’ ones who no longer accept death as inevitable, see people as biological threats, and would prefer every last disease, down to a sniffle, be conquered, and the ‘selfish’ ones who accept the trade-off necessary for a livable world, the precarious nature of life being the price of freedom, sanity and happiness.

The first are in the majority and have made the mainstream media and the police their allies. Once keeping bad journalism at bay with Cerberus-like ferocity, mainstream media now defend accuracy, independence, and impartiality with the vigor of a depleted and flea-bitten Argos on a dunghill. The police, once mild-mannered citizens in uniform, have been made to morph, Proteus-like, into armored, weapon-wielding yobbos.

What level of stupidity, incompetence, bumbling, or vanity would explain the Johnson government ignoring experts, ignoring the experience of Sweden, Belarus, Nicaragua, or Japan, ignoring the wholly unalarming facts, and then making things worse? What level of stupidity to seek to continue devastating policies, once it has become clear that more deaths will result than will ever be caused by Covid?

What level of stupidity would overlook being thrown out on one’s ear at the next election, or being tried in the highest courts of the land for criminal behaviour? What level of stupidity would weigh the premature deaths of thousands of the elderly, those denied healthcare, suicides, physical and psychological torture, crippling debt and mass unemployment, as the unhappy side effect of good intentions?

And how to answer for our own kind? Could nearly all mainstream journos have become stupid too, mesmerized by the Sage Sirens soothingly enticing a whole nation to its doom?

Odysseus is of like mind. He cannot believe that only foolishness is to blame, and calls us to the rowing benches. Regretfully, we leave our grey-bearded old salt, Pétros. Confident the incompetence will be exposed, he has gone in search of a dead albatross to hang about the neck of Johnno to slowly rot.

2. Land of Filthy Lucre

Out of the sea mist looms a many-tiered tower of Parnassus-like proportions. Drawing near, we see that most of the citizens inhabit the lower terraces, and that’s where all the activity is. They are feverishly engaged in making stuff which they hand upward. Down from the top come pieces of paper—IOUs. At the summit it looks leisurely indeed: cigars, cognac, private helicopters.

Perhaps it takes a man like Odysseus to recognize what is going on. It is slavery in all but name. The whip and peremptory command are gone; no need for coercion. Working to enrich the few, the wage labourer, too, benefits somewhat. The key is money, and the cunning bit is to make people want what they don’t need. By this method small-scale businesses evolve to become mega companies proffering outrageous products — from F35 fridge magnets to F35s; from a mobile phone with multi-lens 100MP camera to a global satellite surveillance system; from a new tasteless tomato to industrial-scale artificial meat labs; from a weight loss pill to global mRNA flu vaccines.

We tell Odysseus that the richest one percent have accumulated twice as much wealth as 90 percent of the global population — 6.9 billion people.

Odysseus is used to hierarchy and, once ashore, scales the building to the utmost top, expecting to find there one of the Olympian gods. Instead, he is alarmed that he keeps running into kids. Willy Gates is Covid king here, directing and controlling, thanks to judicious donations to the WHO and various vaccine companies and organizations. Since the fake pandemic began, his fortune has swelled to 129 billion dollars.

Covid has magic properties. Big Pharma is like Aesop’s farmer with the golden-egg laying goose. A jab or two in the arm for everyone on the planet — 5000 drachmae each — is just the start. Make a virus that’s like the common flu into a silent killer and you’ve effectively made the common flu into a lethal killer too, opening up the market considerably. Covid’s great merit is that it’s invisible, scary, and difficult to get a handle on.

So difficult in fact, that most experts are not up to it. Initially the government sought the help of a secretive group, SAGE. However, the even more secretive PARSLEY (Pharmaceutical Advisory Racket Steering Lockdowns and Emergencies Yet-to-come) proved more equal to the task. It alone was vouchsafed the right figures, facts and graphs, insight into the optimum levels and duration for lockdowns, discernment regarding timely and helpful media releases, and knowledge of the best protective kit.

With the focus on fear, the risk of us all drifting into a sort of cheerful heedlessness, and so back to normality, was allayed. Meanwhile, the close working relationship between Chief Medical Officer Chris Witty, Chief Scientific Advisor Patrick Valance, and money, ensured fascinating research for our own kind.

Investigative journalist Vanessa Beeley has analyzed the relationship between philanthrocapitalism, Big Pharma and government agencies, and it looks like the potential profits for those involved, now that Covid vaccines are here, will make all Menelaus’ golden riches seem puny.

Propitiously, after many trying months, the goal of the vaccine companies and our own are in lockstep—a miracle, since Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca can’t actually promise to make you immune, or that you won’t still be contagious, or that you won’t need endless boosters, or another vaccine to combat upcoming mutant strains.

In the vital hunt for new and emerging viruses—such as the highly infectious B.H.1066-W1, first identified near Hastings in East Sussex, or the 1485-HT-R3 variant discovered in the vicinity of Market Bosworth in Leicestershire — ROSEMARY (Respiratory and Other Simulated Epidemics Modelled As Required Yearly) will no doubt prove itself. However, more exotic herbs may need to be brought into play.


Upon the shore, around a driftwood fire, we sit and ponder this bizarre world of killer viruses and house arrests. Odysseus likes a good story, and our golden-haired journalist has an old tale from the Orient.

One day Nasrudin, the wise fool, is spotted outside his house throwing handfuls of crumbs on the ground.

“What are you doing?”

…someone asks.

“Keeping the tigers away”.

“But there are no tigers around here”.

“Effective isn’t it”.

Odysseus is reminded of the turning point at Troy. It is, he says, as though his great wooden horse was once more brought to the city gates. This time the Trojans are in trepidation over what the horse may contain, and fearing the worst spend endless days on elaborate schemes to counter the threat. But this time, Odysseus laughs, it is empty.

Just then, his sharp eye discerns something going on at the very pinnacle of the tower. The paper money is floating down from the sky like a great flock of birds whose origin is far out to sea.

‘Puppets’, he says enigmatically.

Bidding farewell to more of our crew, we run the black ship into the surf and continue our quest. We will miss our fair mariner at the steering oar, the east wind in her hair as Helios rises out of Ocean astern.

3. Land of The Mad

It’s unfortunate that more people don’t understand how easy it is to get rich. The key to accumulating property is the same as in Plato’s day: lending money at interest—usury. Aristotle frowned upon the practice, believing that money should be used to further the fair and just exchange of goods and services, not to breed more money [Politics Book 1, 10]. For centuries the Church banned the practice for Christians. Without curb, this tendency logically leads to all the world’s wealth in the hands of a few.

You can make a start with rare things like gold and silver coin. Lend some out; get more back. But the nifty invention is paper money, which allows you to fraudulently lend out what you don’t really have. The modern banking system, using the fractional reserve system and paper or electronic money, is the brilliant scam we’ve all gone along with. It wasn’t the wisest decision because, although it may allow us to hold onto things for a while, those in charge of the money control the economy and our assets. Money lavishly loaned out one year allows us to thrive. But when the money supply is tightened again, by raising interest rates, we risk losing everything.

Since the 1700s, this scam has enabled the modern great banking families to achieve vast wealth and influence, enough to fund wars and revolutions, a startling outcome for entities that don’t produce anything of consequence. Nevertheless, once the system is up and running it works a treat, feeding off the industry, creativity, and lives of the rest of us, who have become slaves without noticing.

Usury on a colossal scale means debt on a colossal scale. When Milton Friedman’s exciting neoliberal pro-market ideas were tried out in the 70s, debt to private banks soared. In countries like Chile, ‘rescue packages’ were introduced — loans to pay off loans — but required the imposition of Structural Adjustment Programs (read: blanket privatization) to ensure money and interest were returned. In the following decades, whole countries were enslaved, their resources stripped, their traditional, self-sufficient economies ruined.

Loans are not there to be repaid. This only delays total control. Rather they are ongoing, permitting the continuous hoovering up of assets and resources. The evidence for how far this has gone today is the debt-to-GDP ratio. By the time a country owes as much as it produces, it is like a prisoner who doesn’t so much negotiate their future as whether they have bronze or iron ankle chains. Ultimate control is in reach once fractional reserve is set to 0% and the economy is fully digitized. Then we are at the mercy of banks, who may instigate negative interest to deplete savings, forcing us to switch completely to borrowing. We own nothing. The present Covid policies show the keen sense of humour of the money-lending elite, ‘lockdowns’ being both the means of further debt control and a demonstration of our true condition as captives.

All this and more we explain to Odysseus to bring him up to speed, as we ply Poseidon’s domain, soaking up the vitamin D. Odysseus has encountered wealthy men. He has had his own wealth stripped away and then returned. The gods may control wind and wave. They are not masters of our thought, nor can they constrain our will.


We journos have cause to congratulate ourselves only hours later. For, when we set foot on our next island, a barren rock, it bears all the lineaments of a prison camp. We come across a vast compound; then, strong walls, barred windows and heavy doors. Those of whom we spoke evidently hold the people in thrall.

Throwing open an unlocked door, Odysseus strides in and we follow. Inside, the well-dressed inmates pace the floor or gather around huge oval tables. They ignore us. Instinctively we move inward and encounter nearly identical rooms and activity, though the people seem less distinct. Advancing further they become wraithlike. And then almost invisible. At the centre of the building, an empty throne.

We wonder aloud: Who behaves thus in a jail, and if they can leave anytime, why stay?

‘It’s a madhouse’, Odysseus says, ‘and they wish to stay’.

He’s right; how did we miss it? Here, obsession with money and profit has brought extraordinary power and a compulsion to wield it. Returning outside, we make a mental note to contact the DSM 5 Task Force to suggest a new category.

Lord Acton said:

Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men.

A hierarchy of sorts may be inevitable — we all have our merits. But a democracy, which is government of, by and for the people, means that an elected representative’s foremost concern should be the welfare of sovereign individuals.

So why does it never work? Did Acton get the cart before the horse? Are people in power made corrupt, or is it that corrupt people seek out power?

It has been calculated that about one percent of people are psychopaths. The psychopath’s world is a cheery one. A grandiose sense of their own worth is matched by a dearth of empathy. Lacking any real concern for others means they are not troubled by the troubles that beset those around them. And when their own actions cause suffering, they are mercifully free of guilt or remorse. Applying their intellect to the most effective way to get what they want, lying, cheating and manipulation are de rigueur.

Movement, in a world made narrow by their own narrowness, is perceived as scaling the heights. It is actually plumbing the depths. At every stage, the automatic empathy filtering process removes those with too many scruples. At last, around corporate boardroom tables, normal people appear as pawns in a chess game. Around Cabinet Room tables, normal people appear as ‘plebs’ whose lives hold no particular interest. Whether we vote or not, we get the wrong person.

Psychopaths are stunted beings. Truth, Beauty and Goodness — Plato’s three verities — do not touch them. Their ignorance is a tragedy and a mercy. They do not know the maturity of the human state, but they also don’t know that they don’t know, so are spared the knowledge that their infantilism is always on show — a grotesque and embarrassing thing to the wise.

On the trail of this sub-species of humanity, we might expect to discover unusual behaviour or uncommon habitat. Sure enough, we find two things: a penchant for living it up with the boys at sinister sounding locations, and an inordinate fondness for acronyms.

Thus, at the close of WWII at Bretton Woods we got IBRD and IMF. Later, to control poor countries, IFC; to control food, FAO, CGIAR, IRRI and CIMMYT; water, IWA; health, GHC; medicines, WHO, IFPMA; vaccines, GAVI and CEPI; the environment, UNEP; planetary health, ICPH; media, ATT, NFLX. Marvelous coordinating bodies like the Bilderberg Group, CFR, and ICPP (Trilateral Commission) would provide measured judgement and advice to governments. Forums, such as Davos-based WEF, are ‘committed to improving the state of the world’. And, in the BIS, One Bank to rule them all … and in the darkness bind them.

Even the Pope bows to the sovereignty of mammon, the Vatican endorsing the CIC (Council of Inclusive Capitalism). Overseeing $10.5 trillion in assets, its CEO-members are to be known as ‘Guardians’…

‘Enough!’ Odysseus, reminded of his homecoming from Troy, is beginning to pace. The grey-eyed woman’s eyes flash. Is there no limit to this corruption? Odysseus is for solving the problem of parasites who don’t perform a useful function forthwith. For the third time we stay his hand, warning him that EU regulations prohibit the use of the bow and spear to settle disputes.

But now the crew, disheartened, are debating the need to continue this expedition. Most cannot conceive of a land beyond this one, or that it need be sought. Yet, for Odysseus, true power is not of this world. He has been to Hades, has run into some pretty troubling monsters and some pretty cool goddesses.

Unexpectedly, our grey-eyed lady steps forth with clear reason. The isle that we seek, the one that lies at the very heart of the Covid quandary, is difficult of approach, veiled in darkness. Yet we should not falter just as we are in reach of an answer, but instead have faith in our leader and in heavenly help.

The sail is run up, the rigging made taught. Setting off—the grey-eyed one watchful at the prow — we endure winds, storms, and frightful seas enough to bewail the use of rhetoric, lament our leader’s obsession with adventure, curse Covid, and decry all imaginary isles.

But in five days he finds it, black upon a wine-dark sea.

4. Land of Demons

The storm has abated, but few of the crew (apart from the UK Column boys) are keen to go ashore, not because they are afraid, but because, after a surfeit of Richard Dawkins videos, they have concluded that the supernatural is silly.

We owe this complacency to early scientists like Galileo and Francis Bacon, who decided that if you couldn’t measure it, you could discount it. Four centuries of empiricism have seen spirit, soul, beauty, and divinity reduced first to ideas and then to electrochemical processes in the brain. Monsters and demons and all such nefarious forces became the more lively products of imagination. Yet, throughout human history, in most cultures, at most times, both a divinity and the powers that divert us away from it were taken as read.

In the Isa Upanishad we are told, ‘There are demon-haunted worlds, regions of utter darkness. Whoever in life denies the Spirit falls into that darkness of death’. Christ did battle with demons and the Prophet spoke of invisible and malicious jinns. They were in no doubt that dimensions both above and below were real.

Flattening the vertical dimension, science came up with a very big, largely lifeless, more or less stupid universe — and atheism. Maybe this wouldn’t matter if we all became relatively innocuous Dawkinses or Sam Harrises, genial humanists still lit by the afterglow of religious ethics; if science was, as in the ancient Greek world, a harmless intellectual exercise.

However, it’s not. Paradoxically modern science, free of niggling ethical restraints, has itself produced some unsavoury things:

  1. Nuclear demons — released when the inner structure of matter is broken apart.
  2. Chemical demons — a never-ending stream of debilitating or deadly lab-produced substances, poured with abandon upon our world, and ingested by us.
  3. Biological demons — brought into being in case someone else makes them first, and kept in Genie bottles until we ‘need’ to use them.
  4. Genetic demons — strange twisted beings, the result of restructuring and recombining DNA.
  5. Klaus Schwab.

Klaus, as we know, is that marvelous amalgamation of overly-extended reason and everything that is bad about science fiction.

Something happened to SF after the golden age of the 60s. Star Trek, for instance, was once a balance of reason and intuition, logic and empathy, very short skirts and a Starfleet directive to stay focused. Heading off across the galaxy seemed like it might be enjoyable. Computers knew their place and a natural landscape was still an ideal.

Carl Sagan criticized it for its anthropomorphic depictions of alien lifeforms and concentration on the interests and obsession of humans from planet Earth. But that’s the point. Star Trek has little to do with the future. It’s a modern-day myth, allegorical and didactic, capturing an ideal of good sense, altruism and nobility from distant memory, a template for a better world, without bigotry, racism—or money.

Klaus, on the other hand, must have absorbed SF of the hardest kind: ultra-technological and machine worshipping, in which hubristic tinkering is customary, and where organic life could probably be improved, or better still dispensed with. A 100% left-hemisphere mind would, of course, be happier in a diamond-titanium matrix, free to explore forever an ersatz universe of robot dreams, untroubled by squishy bits. You suspect Klaus would have felt sorry for murderous HAL, obviously the most capable of the ship’s crew in Clarke’s 2001, when he was shut down.[1]

And Kuno, in E. M. Forster’s The Machine Stops, would be thought ungrateful for wishing to escape a perfect machine-controlled subterranean city of beehive cells, to breathe real air and gaze upon the hills of Wessex.

His own science fiction works, The Fourth Industrial Revolution and The Great Reset, are litanies of praise for what humans throughout history would conceive as insane. And that’s before we’ve left the planet. Pitched as they are to childish minds, it might be appropriate to imagine the ideas contained therein being presented by an author in a red suit with white fur trim.

Opening our first presents from Santa Klaus we find the usual tedious hi-tech gadgets: drones, chat bots, autonomous vehicles, automated journalists, librarians, lawyers and doctors, AI-infested appliances and clothes, a 3d printer, some GM snacks — all readily abandoned when we go outside to play.

Not so fast. We’ve been naughty, and exploring the world must be curtailed. A damaged environment needs healing with geo-engineering — giant mirrors in low earth orbit, and machines to remove CO2. Nature can wait.

Back indoors, Santa becomes more sinister. In future, our schooling will take place online using augmented reality; we’ll be monitored 24/7 with sensors spanning the planet. Implantable technologies — nanobots and Smart Dust — offer a virtual world. Our behaviour could be modified, thoughts read, memories retrieved, artificial ones added. Knowing we plan to be naughty means law enforcement steps in before we’ve done anything.

Everything connected to everything else results in a fusion of machines with body and brain. Using nanotech and biotech, we shall make cyborgs of ourselves, harnessing superior mentation and physical capacities. We’ll have replacement organ tissue, have our genes manipulated, and be able to tinker with the genome of the unborn.

A transhumanist vision of this sort, Klaus admits, requires the imposition of global governance — else we try to stop it. An ‘emergency’ which severely restricts the working of democracy, isolates people, and creates confusion and fear, is a disorienting event for the masses. Not so, for those prepared.

As fate would have it, Klaus’s World Economic Forum co-hosted Event 201 in October 2019, a conference in which the effects of a fictional coronavirus pandemic were modelled. It’s always nice to have people on top of the situation recognize a transformative crisis when they see one, and be ready to push forward the necessary reset of society, by accelerating economic and cultural change while the rest of us are indisposed by lockdowns, physical distancing, and muzzles.

Dark as the landscape around us is, we easily identify here the extreme limit of capitalism, the complete alignment of technology with Big money. The giveaway is the WEF website, and a promo video in which a vacant grinning youth is happy in owning nothing — brilliant counterpoint to the elite’s goal of owning everything.

For centuries, unbridled capitalism has had to accommodate itself to annoying human proclivities such as intelligence, wisdom, and love of freedom and beauty. Klaus and his mates have hit upon an alternative: reshape humanity to suit capitalism; remake humans as robotic slaves, whose every activity perfectly serves and enriches the few. By marshalling an army of ‘little helpers’ — digitally-educated, media-compliant, risk-averse, inexperienced but self-righteous Zoomers and Alphas — this new world will soon be in the bag.

Books such as these might as well be read as fantasist manifestos: the threadbare red and white suit is discarded to reveal … Emperor of Earth, Supreme Commander of the Federation of Planets, and Galactic Overlord.

Technologists occasionally have a realistic perception of their work. ‘The physicists have known sin’, Robert Oppenheimer said after his babies blew apart two Japanese cities. Dwelling upon a future of genetic manipulation, nanotechnology, and robotics, Bill Joy penned Why the Future Doesn’t Need Us at the turn of the century, believing that…

We are on the cusp of the further perfection of ‘extreme evil’

Today, pondering our brash attempt to create artificial intelligence, Elon Musk concludes:

We are summoning the demon.

You’d think we would have learned. For we’ve heard it all before. We’ve been warned over and over, by some of the most perceptive writers, who contrast an ideal world with a bleak alternative.

In That Hideous Strength, C. S. Lewis paints a picture of a quiet Oxford college where tradition is quietly ransacked by a company of fanatical scientists with ambitions to rule the world and become immortal. Private armies, torture chambers, and the National Institute of Coordinated Experiments (NICE) are part of the heinous plan. Significantly they start by demolishing an ancient wood. Nature under attack is the hallmark of the diseased mind, and the desire to play God always follows a loss of understanding of what humans are.

In JRR Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings, this blindness is realized in the orcs. We see the same contempt for tradition, for human qualities, for nature. Ancient forests are razed to create a dark and pitiless world, the antithesis of the hobbits’ tranquil Shire.

In the hobbits’ world, anything more sophisticated than a forge bellows was mistrusted. This, because technology is a wedge. Driven too far, it will inevitably cleave the world asunder.

So we need not delude ourselves that The Great Reset is going to be green in any way whatsoever. Environmental philosophers have been at work on the ethical implications of the human-nature interface for upwards of fifty years. And the answers are in. Being ‘green’ is to revere nature, to learn its ways, to limit our impact on it. E. F. Schumacher’s advocation of intermediate technology is still the pre-eminent solution here.

We are part of nature, so greenness also implies a respect for humanity. This does not involve forced change to old patterns and lifestyles, stripping away human attributes and imposing new ones, trampling on human dignity, or replacing our age-old connection with the land with a drone-like existence as harbinger of a new android species.

‘How did it come to this?’ Tolkien has Théoden ask in The Two Towers.

We came to it by not heeding the signs, through being unwilling to admit to evil, being duped into confusion over what evil is. We decided it could not happen to us. We read all such warnings in the abstract, and made of prophetic fiction not a wake-up call but a soporific.

The dangers of technology are not first and foremost in how it impacts the physical realm, but in the modality of thought it initiates. Immersing ourselves in an artificial world is like entering a narrow defile where light from the past doesn’t penetrate. No longer seeing the world we once knew, no longer reminded of it, we forget. Persuaded by the sickest elements of humanity into a wholly materialist and quantitate view, a drastically limited conception of ourselves, we are eventually ready to relinquish our sovereignty.

If many of our greatest writers were upholders of spiritual tradition, it was for a reason. The Italian philosopher Giambattista Vico believed that civilization could not survive without religion; when it was gone, we could expect barbarism. A metaphysical underpinning is a bulwark against an inhuman world of ever declining standards, ethics, and understanding. And it may just be what gives determination and strength of will to resist the technological inferno of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the inhuman hell none of us asked for.


Once more we sit upon a gloomy shore, firebrands burning, pondering what to do. How does one take part in the redemption of the world? We agree that in this Tolkien-like battle we have some things on our side. They who would debase human life — body and mind — to support their agenda always forewarn us of what they intend. And if scripture is to be believed, more than that.

In the 14th surah, those who gave up their humanity in exchange for Satan’s ways cry out to him post-mortem. He answers witheringly:

I had no power over you save that I called unto you and ye obeyed me. So blame me not, but blame yourselves (Koran, XIV, 22)

Can love thwart the satanic influence threatening to engulf us? Need we only give assent to traditional values of truth and kindness?

Affirm a spiritual understanding of the universe? Abjure our worship of technology and the machine? Start a new online eco-college?

Hit the streets with some colourful placards proclaiming we would rather live authentic lives, have nature supply our healing light, air, and sustenance, be our inspiration, our source of vitality, pleasure and beauty?

Odysseus is smiling at our timidity, our intellectualizing, our daydreaming and procrastination. He has seen all he needs to see. Is this not fabled Atlantis all over again? A once-great civilization utterly destroyed, sunk beneath the waves, through overweening pride in technological accomplishment?

This is what happens when we deny the gods. The road of modern science and technology must lead to atheism, to a place where ego is sovereign. There, with nothing to guide or check us, awaits the hubristic fantasy of remaking the world in our image.

For Odysseus, the gods are alive still. They are that link between the physical world and the spiritual, the personification of the higher faculties. Homer, says Socrates, rightly represents Athena as both reason (dianoia) and intuitive perception (nous). As ‘divine intelligence’, she is the inner voice that guides [Cratylus, 407 a-b].

If modern science and technology is the cause of the world we have made for ourselves, then we are driven to a fateful decision. We must ask, Odysseus says, whether we halt the furtherance of this science altogether. Because one thing is clear. With the science that is emerging we have no future. By abandoning it, we have at least a chance of survival.

Odysseus is no stranger to harsh force. Some think he got a bit carried away in his treatment of Penelope’s suitors, topping them one and all. But what price the preservation of a stable world? Athena has come now to whisper in his ear. Once more he will take her counsel.


John Lord Griffin is a philosopher, artist and farmer, currently living in Portugal. His books include On the Origin of Beauty and Javali with Oranges.
[1] The correct response is, ‘Die, you bastard’. [BACK]


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Jan 30, 2021 11:07 PM

Great writing thank you.

This plastic sensitization this artificial reality that is being pushed on to us. It is trying to break our spirits and make us loose sight of our own true nature, kept mesmerized and spell bound in the mirrors of our own delusions. Lost in thrall to the shiny shiny fools gold that bombards our senses. But it brings nothing but enslavement, nothing but discontent, This is the realm of the soul stealers.
We shall shine our light in to the dark corners of this chamber for all is not well here. We are indeed surrounded by ghouls and hobgoblins. Their music is hypnotic and we are made soporific by the fake food and the idiot lantern box of illusion that sits in the corner and tells us what to think. We are not safe here. This is not a kingdom to be free. This is not a place of love.
We choose love we choose the light we choose elevation we choose freedom and above all we choose liberty. To live a life in fear is no life at all. Enough of us were awake all along, enough of us were woken early on, enough of us are waking from our nightmare slumber. Heavy with knowledge of the bad dream and ready to do what must be done. As long as we hold strong stand together in love and peace and reconnect one to one  To rule the world is illusion It can not work if enough of us see through it.

Sarah Jones
Sarah Jones
Jan 28, 2021 12:30 PM

The covid cult are under full lockdown. Providing them with electricity, marketing, PR, financial services, transportation, component parts, communications,
toothpicks etc. is a very serious crime.

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Sarah Jones
Sarah Jones
Jan 28, 2021 12:58 PM
Reply to  Sarah Jones

Lock them down! Arrest Amazon shareholders and investigate their portfolios.

Jordan Simons
Jordan Simons
Jan 28, 2021 8:47 AM

Can someone with legal knowledge enlighten me as to 1. what the PM and the Home Secretary think they’re doing in stopping people leaving the UK and making those who come back, pay for their quarantine? Also 2. Why is no one initiating legal action based on a breach of Article 12 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and on breach of World Health Organisation rules prohibiting states from forcing people to pay for their quarantine accommodation? Have we all just rolled over and shown our bellies now?

Joshua Slocum
Joshua Slocum
Jan 28, 2021 6:55 AM

Woah woah woah, son.

That Levine gal got The Odyssey banned from her local public schools.

Checkmate, racist.

Seriously, while I normally hate long-winded literary crap (I’m a quant, woodworker, and sailor so prefer nonfiction) that strives to be clever, there are so many outstanding points in Mr. Griffin’s piece that I’m widely recommending it, especially to my Covidtarded acquaintances.

Gary Ashton
Gary Ashton
Jan 27, 2021 9:44 PM

congratulations, this was the best piece of writing i read during this whole period. now i’m going to buy and read your books.

Jan 27, 2021 1:04 PM

Excellent article. You are not alone my friend! Though you have the gift to say it and summarise better than most. This is ultimately a battle of good against evil. Common sense against stupidity. Ignorance against wisdom.

John Goss
John Goss
Jan 26, 2021 5:18 PM

Some rare examples of literary amusement John Griffin. I never read Classics, Greats, just dipped into Plutarch’s “Lives . . .” for Shakespeare’s “Coriolanus” a play that never, or hardly ever, gets performed, but is much studied on the page. I know the basics of the Greek stories, Jason and the Argonauts, Odysseus, the Hellenic “face that launched a thousand ships” but all this adventure stuff is not really my genre.

Tolkien spent his childhood a short walk down the River Cole from where I live. I ought to be into Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit (my brother is) but I tasted and declined.

Perhaps the nearest I got to Odysseus was Ulysses (a day in the life of Molly Bloom) or the other Molly, Defoe’s “Moll Flanders”. What a great read that is. And Moll Flanders is a bit of an Odyssey too. The way Defoe got under her skin makes me think he must have been in touch with his feminine side.

Anyway, thanks for the journey.

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
Jan 26, 2021 2:27 PM

If the Guardian’s reporting it, something big must be happening:

Netherlands shaken by third night of riots over Covid curfew

I deplore the wanton destruction, though. The protests must remain disciplined and focused on the true goals, anything else detracts from their value in the eyes of the wider public.

Jan 26, 2021 10:18 PM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

That’s marauding Moroccan gangs who’s causing the Carnage around the netherlands

Sarah Jones
Sarah Jones
Jan 27, 2021 11:05 AM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

Organising protests is hoovering.

Jan 26, 2021 12:43 PM

God bless Fauci & Wuhan. Remember kids, they work on the ‘Greater Good’ principle.

I also believe, such BAT investigations were carried out in Ukraine.


Jan 26, 2021 6:56 AM

Fantastic piece of writing. The Odyssey part gave me a few giggles. Much needed in this horrorshow we are living in. It’s been 4 years since I “woke up” mostly thanks to Off Guardian and I would just like to say thank you to Kit and the Gang and all the regular commentors for giving me hope that there is intelligent life out there

R Anand
R Anand
Jan 27, 2021 3:03 PM
Reply to  DavidW


Although I discovered OffG only last year, in April, following my deep internet seach for matter into decoding the real meaning of worldwide panic reactions around ‘sars-cov-2’ & ‘covid’ and the ensuing lockdowns (including here in India), I am much grateful to the group that runs OffG and all the fantastic people in the comments section. Thank you all!

The hoax of ‘covid’ has been exposed, and the ones that are behind it are bound to fail.

Jan 26, 2021 4:44 AM

The greatest novel in the English language is, by common consent, Moby-Dick. The antagonist, Ahab, symbolizes the prophets of Baal and their crazed determination to destroy God, the white whale. Elijah fought against the prophets of Baal and Ahab and Jezebel, a Phoenician princess. (Jewish princess you would call her nowadays.) Melville knew about these people, both of his grandfathers were generals in the Revolutionary War. The Freemasons, whose mythology centers on Hiram Abiff, based on Phoenician king Hiram I. The Shakespeare poem, The Phoenix and the Turtle, is about these people too. t was published in a little book called Love’s Martyr, and the title page alludes to Torquato Tasso’s Jerusalem Delivered (1581). Well, turtledoves were sacrificed at Jerusalem, however the Phoenicians practice black magic and child sacrifice. That’s what the poem’s about, here’s a talk by a Phoenician Freemason about the poem (he’s covering the subject and misdirecting:   

Phoenician writers on black magic include Iamblichus and Porphyry, who are popular with Freemasons, and Freemason mythology is all about Hiram Abiff, based on Phoenician king Hiram I, famed for his involvement in the building of Solomon’s temple. Solomon took on Phoenician women and allowed their friends to build temples, with decidedly unsavory rites. These are the Eyes Wide Shut crowd, they became immensely wealthy 5,000 years ago selling Lebanon cedars to Egypt, to this day they are the world’s aristocratic “elite”. They just erected three Phoenician arches, in Trafalgar Square, New York City Hall, the the Capitol in Washington, D.C. One, ok, three seems a bit weird. If you want to read some more limited hangout stuff about them, search for Miles Mathis Ancient Spooks, there’s four papers on them. -Ryan

But thou shrieking harbinger,
Foul precurrer of the fiend,
Augur of the fever’s end,
To this troupe come thou not near.

From this Session interdict
Every foule [fowl or soul] of tyrant wing,
Save the Eagle feath’red King,
Keep the obsequy so strict.

Let the Priest in Surplice white,
That defunctive Music can,
Be the death-divining Swan,
Lest the Requiem lack his right.

And thou treble dated Crow,
That thy sable gender mak’st,
With the breath thou giv’st and tak’st,
Mongst our mourners shalt thou go.

Here the Anthem doth commence,
Love and Constancy is dead,
Phoenix and the Turtle fled,
In a mutual flame from hence.

Beauty, Truth, and Rarity,
Grace in all simplicity,
Here enclosed, in cinders lie.

Death is now the Phoenix’ nest,
And the Turtle’s loyal breast,
To eternity doth rest.

Truth may seem, but cannot be,
Beauty brag, but ’tis not she,
Truth and Beauty buried be.

To this urn let those repair,
That are either true or fair,
For these dead Birds, sigh a prayer.

William Shake-speare.

Jan 26, 2021 10:48 AM
Reply to  Muggles

You believe that Miles Mathis is a limited hangout, Muggles?

Jan 26, 2021 3:26 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

Gwyn, I’d never heard of Miles Mathis till Muggles mentioned him. I bookmarked his website. I also perused an article on him in RationalWiki – which bears all the hallmarks of a “hit piece”: to begin a biography by dissing the subject is a dead give away.

I plan to look into his ideas a bit further – because I too have some pretty off the wall ideas.

Jan 26, 2021 4:02 PM
Reply to  Howard

I’d never heard of him until a couple of months ago, either. I haven’t stopped reading his work since. Another person whose work I’ve been reading goes by the name of Hexzane527. It can be found on a website called big-lies.org.

As for the RationalWiki thing, well, that can safely be disregarded, I reckon. I look forward to hearing your opinion on what you read.

Jan 26, 2021 4:39 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

I checked out the big-lies.org website; but I think I’ll pass on it just now. The only other website I’ve encountered so busily and haphazardly constructed was Judy Wood’s website (she’s the one who proposed Directed Energy Weapons for the 911 Twin Towers false flag).

I’ll definitely let you know what I think of Miles Mathis’ website.

Jan 26, 2021 6:13 PM
Reply to  Howard

Okay. I shall see you anon.

Jan 27, 2021 12:17 AM
Reply to  Howard

Directed energy weapons were not necessary, for a pre wired controlled demolition would collapse each of the three towers into their own footprint.

Anything more complicated than a landlord running an insurance scam with government assistance, is a distraction and diversion.

The 9/11 families keep hammering away with “The Saudis Did It!” More diversion from the Made in USA hoax to kickstart the Forever Wars.

Why aren’t the Democrats as concerned about impeaching GWBush, as they are about Trump? Another diversion.

Rudi Guliani, as mayor New York City, got away with disposing of the evidence at the scene without any forensic examination, but for defending Trump, Rudi must become a non-person.

Jan 26, 2021 3:19 PM
Reply to  Muggles

The thing about ancient ruling elites which places their resilience in question is: nature. Two things inevitably happen over time: 1) the Melting Pot syndrome, which over time dilutes the original caste by interbreeding; and 2) the Inheritance factor, resulting from in-breeding, which over time would eliminate the original caste because of in-bred characteristics like hemophilia.

While not impossible, it seems highly unlikely that anything has survived from the original Phoenicians.

Also, consider that it was – and to an extent still is – almost de rigueur for authors, especially classically inclined authors, to weave ancient references into their works. And while I certainly agree that Moby Dick is at minimum one of the greatest novels in the English speaking world, I do believe your lack of “down votes” suggests very few Off Guardian readers read your comment.

Jan 27, 2021 9:37 PM
Reply to  Muggles

Mention of Masonry reminds me of the star trek reference which I found a bit icky. Gene Roddenberry was a high mason and Trek is full of it. Lots of good stuff in covid oddysey though.

Sarah Jones
Sarah Jones
Jan 25, 2021 11:06 PM

Its the invasion force the curfew is to provide cover for. they blew up bridge which is a military target. sound like maybe east european somewhere. they don’t sound dutch.

Jan 26, 2021 4:23 AM
Reply to  Sarah Jones

The police in NL have acted like complete scum. They have provoked this. Between them and their government paymasters who are ther real criminals in this equation, you have to ask, “well what the fuck did you expect, you Nazi *****?”

Sarah Jones
Sarah Jones
Jan 26, 2021 10:22 AM
Reply to  Mucho

Why do you think they provoked it? Why do you think they report in their media about riots?

Jan 25, 2021 11:05 PM

I think we give these so called elites far too much credit by repeating their BS claims. Beaming people off to other planets to live, automated flying vehicles, etc. Utter nonsense.

I think we are getting a little ahead of ourselves. Lets focus on making a PC that does not crash/freeze every other week and we will worry about the flying vehicles and the trans-human robots later. Simply over indulgent claims made by people who have zero creativity. These people rely on the creative minds of the general population to feed on.

When you observe the symbols they use, which indicate they are part of a larger group/club we’re supposed to be impressed. It has opposite effect on me,, when I see a symbol indicating a club or institute I don’t see strength. I see individuals who are unable to stand on their own two feet and need help from others. Without their position of inheritance they would likely be lifting bricks or flipping burgers.

I see them as a Forest Gump type. People who where born into a privileged position, accidentally hit the jackpot, or got free rank from their connected Phoenician family.

Jan 26, 2021 3:06 PM
Reply to  mik

Be careful what you base on the sorry state of pc’s. It’s called “built-in obsolescence” which is a two way street. They could easily make a computer that would hold up indefinitely – but there’s little profit in it; besides, consumers would soon get tired of it and clamor for a newer, smaller, sleeker, sexier model.

Jan 26, 2021 7:43 PM
Reply to  Howard

Perhaps, but we never know. Since like you say things are made for profit these days.

I guess if they were to rebuild the pyramids today it would be erected out of concrete tilt slabs. It would would last only a couple of decades and be an eye sore, but the share holders would be happy and that’s what matters.

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Jan 27, 2021 3:09 AM
Reply to  Howard

Interesting to compare a PC with the humble bicycle. Looked after properly, a good quality bike would probably last the entire active life of its owner. Of course, it would need spare parts from time to time, which for the most part, even now, are generally of a standard size and specification, although things do change slowly over time.

Of course, there isn’t a fantastic profit in this, although real bike aficionados often like to own multiple bikes, although they don’t really need to.

I have a couple of bikes that are probably at least 25 years old, which I use regularly. I expect, or at least hope, they will last me at least another 10 years or so. Mind, my desktop PC is also pretty old, as is my laptop.

Jan 25, 2021 10:45 PM

In order to use logic as some kind of yardstick, one has to first gather all available evidence. There is no evidence that a novel virus was ever discovered, isolated and purified, or is the cause of an illness called covid19. There is no evidence than any tests used have anything to do with any virus, let alone the alleged SARSCov2. 

Nobody contracted covid or anything else. Contagion is a myth. 

“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.” Soren Kierkegaard

Jan 25, 2021 10:42 PM

The economic collapse and accompanying Psyop strapped onto it, will soon start and overtake the Covid Psyop. The markets are are going to start collapsing, and there is NOTHING they can do about it. This is going to be the worst economic collapse in history. Brace yourselves, it’s very close.

Jan 25, 2021 10:19 PM

Many scientists are religious and also know that science cannot ‘deny God’, because the theory that gods don’t exist cannot be falsified. The absence of evidence that gods exist is not evidence of the absence of gods. But people called atheists do deny the existence of God, but cannot prove it. Unlike scientists but just like religious people, atheists have a dogma or faith, not testable facts or theories. As famous leftist dictators, politicians, academics and celebs all typically endorse atheism, they lead the west’s growing faith in no god. The negative faith.

scott work-shy
scott work-shy
Jan 26, 2021 10:02 AM

and on the sixth day God created alt-right trolls with nothing better to with themselves than hang out in off-Gs comment section spewing out ever more predictable solipsisms…

Jan 25, 2021 10:11 PM

Like a Windows Office TM, the US has a ‘suite’ of apps, tools, middlemen in place to occupy and take over almost every aspect of our economy, private lives & business lives, during lockdown.

Currencies: Paypal, Apple-pay.
Culture: Netflix Apple TV, Amazon TV
Accommodation renting: AirBnB.
Office renting: WeWork
Shopping: Amazon.
Transition tax: Master-card, Visa.
Second hand sales: Ebay.
Health tax: Many vaccines & tests.
Education: Google University.(CIA monitored)
Food: Uber eats
Travel local: Uber
Government: Zoom calls.(CIA monitored)
Computing: Windows.(CIA monitored)
Business Communication: Zoom, Skype (CIA monitored)
Political Campaigning: Twitter, censored/allowed (CIA monitored)
Personal communication: Facebook (CIA monitored)
Every additional day of lockdown is another dollar to the US & their oligarchs.

Jan 25, 2021 9:38 PM

Sheep are always happy.

Jan 25, 2021 10:27 PM
Reply to  phil_n

Are you a shepherd?

Jan 25, 2021 9:03 PM

Wonderful stuff, especially the test.
Meanwhile, in peaceful Netherlands, in several places, the natives are restless.


Sarah Jones
Sarah Jones
Jan 26, 2021 12:08 AM
Reply to  Roberto

its not natives. its the covid troops invading under cover of curfew. the real protesters are the ones who get attacked by covid police whilst the covid troops are the same team as the covid police. it is in the covid media so must be part of their plan to burn stuff and loot blaming it on protesters.

Ron G
Ron G
Jan 25, 2021 8:55 PM

This video may be of interest to anyone wanting to know what the powers that be don’t want you to know. Enjoy


Jan 25, 2021 8:48 PM

This essay is completey brilliant.

So is CJ Hopkins latest effort. I particlulaly like his links to his own stuff..he wrote it before any of this real shit had really happenned

I know he is an American playwrite living in Berlin.

\\\\he writes \\\\plays

If he wants to have a short beak from Berlin to London

CJ Hopkins is welcome to our home in England

I will be amazed if he turns up

But I would love to Meet him

Safe house – Grandkids and stuff. My
wife knows nothing of those who create so much evil…

But she will welcome you in and probably get you a gig at our local theatre in South London.


I like people can write well, especially if they can turn what they wrote wth a live performance on stage in a little thatre…

I love live music too, but sometimes I am Just entranced by words and books.


John Goss
John Goss
Jan 26, 2021 4:50 PM
Reply to  tony_opmoc

Tony, good to see you’re still in fine fettle after your episode.

Jan 25, 2021 8:33 PM

Five day WEF shin-dig started in Davos.

Greta Reset was wheeled out to say “you can’t negotiate with physics” just in case anyone thought they might be in a mood to compromise.

Jan 25, 2021 8:43 PM
Reply to  Edwige

That would be “Greta Set-up”.

Jan 25, 2021 9:34 PM
Reply to  Edwige

I’ve not heard any concern voiced from Extinction Rebellion regarding the millions of discarded face masks that are polluting the oceans

And I read that the world’s number one polluter is the US military, and low and behold there’s photos on the Internet of Greta shaking hands with Obama

I suspect Extinction Rebellion exists to serve the goals of the billionaires. To turn the world into their personal garden
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bypassing yr lame filter
bypassing yr lame filter
Jan 25, 2021 9:46 PM
Reply to  Ben

XR= Middle classwipes.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Jan 26, 2021 3:59 AM
Reply to  Ben

They can’t see the counterrevolutionary nature of misanthropy. I suggest that XR members all commit suicide as a first gesture of their sincerity.

Jan 25, 2021 8:31 PM

a ball spinning….travelling in the elliptical, round and around – but without greater truths…makes for an insanely dizzying experience, imo – and perhaps why this possessive lineage of the temporaly deranged guards it’s material armament so… it knows that without it’s fiendish appetite – stockpiling security through generating generations, is as powerless as a hag in Hades

Sarah Jones
Sarah Jones
Jan 25, 2021 8:13 PM

Guard the shoreline.

Jan 25, 2021 9:04 PM
Reply to  Sarah Jones

Aufwarts aus eigener Kraft!

Sarah Jones
Sarah Jones
Jan 25, 2021 9:56 PM
Reply to  Sarah Jones

its the most obvious. the curfews are because they are landing at night and moving people thru. there is full on invasion planned and they are already starting. Europe is under attack.

Jan 25, 2021 8:06 PM


Jan 25, 2021 7:42 PM

SWP ignoring the catastrophic damage caused by lockdown and the destruction of civil liberties, and instead promoting the vaccine, and by extension the lead to immunity passports and the complete removal of human rights that follows

The SWP have clearly sided with the pharma/banking and tech oligarchs

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George Mc
George Mc
Jan 25, 2021 8:01 PM
Reply to  Ben

And I note the tedious pseudo-protest whereby they complain about the poor “being left behind” in the vaccinations. Thus do they dress up their miserable cheerleading for the rulers as “subversion”.

Jan 25, 2021 9:37 PM
Reply to  George Mc

The poor need their rushed, experimental and indemnified vaccine that may cause sterility, an exaggerated immune response and allergic reactions too

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jan 25, 2021 10:44 PM
Reply to  Ben

All these faux left groups are on board with this fascist outrage. Same here in Australia, the SEP, Socialist Alternative, Socialist Alliance, et al. Most of them made up of middle class University students who had very comfortable upbringings. Their jaw dropping hypocrisy makes my blood boil. Cory Morningstar at Wrong Kind Of Green did an excellent expose of those who started up Extinction Rebellion a while back. Your suspicion of them is spot on. Sorry, can’t do links on my phone.
As George said their cheerleading is dressed up as subversion.
Fuck the lot of them.

Johan Smith
Johan Smith
Jan 25, 2021 11:16 PM
Reply to  Ben

Sounds like we should start a death counter for the “novel vaccine pandemic”.

I predict an initial R death rate of 3.6%, based on no useful data whatsoever; just like Neil Ferguson.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Jan 26, 2021 4:01 AM
Reply to  Ben

I am beginning to think that the left has been a controlled opposition since WWII.

Peter Abraham
Peter Abraham
Jan 26, 2021 11:39 AM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

Karl Marx and Lionel Rothschild were third cousins.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Jan 26, 2021 10:16 PM
Reply to  Peter Abraham

I have no idea if that is true, but does it matter? Why then did Marx live in poverty most of his life, losing children due to his impoverishment? Why did he have to rely on Engels? Couldn’t the Rothchilds afford to toss a little dough to a relative? I am an anti-capitalist and see thru the Covid scam, yet all my family members buy into it; in addition I have family who are in the MIC. How rare is it that members of the same family, let alone distant relatives, have major disagreements?(Hint, not rare!) Marx spent his life unraveling the ideological and economic flaws of the system that made the Rothchilds fabulously rich, does it make any sense that they would help him or even that he would accept their largess? This sounds to me like right wing (that is, pro-capitalist) historical revisionism and smear tactics.

Jan 27, 2021 2:40 AM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

The central banking cartel is at the apex of the pyramid. Drumpf and Bojo and the like are court jesters. The Bolshevik revolution was funded by banksters like Jacob Schiff. Major US and European corporations drove Stalin’s 5 year plans. Gold mined by gulag slaves found it’s way into Rothschild coffers. “Communist” China and the West cooperated in creating the corona hoax, the biggest in human history.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Jan 27, 2021 2:40 PM
Reply to  Peter

There is a deceitful and ahistorical myth that frequently resurfaces in right-wing circles seeking to discredit socialism with lies about the Russian Revolution. No matter how many times it has been invalidated as fabrication, the reactionary mythos endures. As might be expected, the author is referring to the preposterous claim that American capitalists — or “Wall Street bankers” — secretly financed one of the most epochal political revolutions in world history which overthrew the Romanov dynasty and ended the Russian Empire, leading to the establishment of the Soviet Union. One would be hard pressed to find anyone on the political left who has not encountered this mendacious propaganda which has a few variations depending on how far to the right its adherent lands on the political spectrum, but it usually shares the same core set of evidence-free claims.
Leaving aside whether or not the absurd premise makes any sense politically, what can be acknowledged is that at the heart of these false assertions are tiny elements of truth that have been distorted and overstated to the point of deception. Any research into this allegation inevitably leads one to its most popularly cited source, Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution by British-American conservative academic, Antony C. Sutton.


Jan 27, 2021 10:33 PM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

Jacob Schiff actually admitted his part in the Bolshevik revolution in a column in a 1918 edition of the New York Times. I may be able to locate and post the copy of the clipping. It is obviously impossible for a bunch of well meaning radicals to bring down an empire. All 7 billion of us are marching meekly towards the lethal injection abattoirs being prepared for us.

chris ryska
chris ryska
Jan 28, 2021 4:53 AM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

Marx was definitely an agent of the industrialists. Do some digging!!

Jan 26, 2021 2:29 PM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

Correct. Politics in the West is a deep trough where politicians Bury their snouts. Right or Left, makes no difference. A pig is still a pig.

Jan 26, 2021 6:54 AM
Reply to  Ben

the US has a vaccine adverse reaction reporting system called VAERS. It is estimated that only 1% of reactions are reported. From this gov’t website. 181 DEATHS from Pfizer vaccine have been reported in a two week period. Death reported of an unborn child dying two days after pregnant mom getting the vaccine.

Jan 25, 2021 7:12 PM

Any good coverage on the recent admission of guilt from the WHO re PCR tests?

Jan 25, 2021 9:17 PM
Reply to  Mucho

As far as I can tell there has been predictably no mention of it by the politicians, media or any of the governments medical advisers.

They are ignoring it.

It also proves there’s no real political opposition to the official narrative.
Especially in the UK

If Labour were real opposition Puppet Starmer would be all over this demanding at the very least that the government are working with factual data.
But of course he’s no interest in doing this.

The admission by the WHO makes all the official data around covid statistically meaningless.

He’s more interested in towing the vaccine line and encouraging people to take this experimental unlicensed jab.

One of the conditions of releasing the lockdowns is the fictional R number.

The admission from the WHO that the PCR test doesn’t diagnose infectious virus blows the R number and deaths within 28 days completely apart.

But of course most of us on here have known this from the beginning.

I’ve no idea if the testing labs are following the new protocols.

Jan 25, 2021 10:37 PM
Reply to  Paul

Our entire political class is rotten and is failing to represent the nation’s interests. We now live in technocracy, in which the experts may not be questioned. Radical new populist movements are desperately needed, which means the huge and well-organised leftist movement must stop shaming, attacking and silencing ordinary working Britons and evil businesspeople as racists, white supremacists, sheep, the herd, gammons, fascists and all the useless hateful rest of it. We workers and taxpayers, we the people aren’t imposing lockdown tyranny and corrupt authoritarian rule, we are suffering them, for pity’s sake! Leftists who don’t realise this are tools of the elite ruling and corporate classes. Divided we fall.

Jan 26, 2021 4:27 AM

F off with your dvisive left right crap

Jan 26, 2021 4:30 AM

You’ve been positively identified as a shill on here before

bypassing yr lame filter
bypassing yr lame filter
Jan 25, 2021 9:48 PM
Reply to  Mucho

link to WHO statement please?

Jan 25, 2021 7:10 PM

I’m mildly depressed today. The future looks rather bleak.

I live in the woods on a hill above the city and work from home (self-employed all my life). Over here, nothing has changed. There is the occasional covidiot who strolls through the forest with a mask on, but it’s rare. People around here don’t give a flying monkey. Most are like me, refugees from the exorbitant housing prices in town who prefer nature on top of it.

Anyway, I went to town to pick up a few items. I got kicked out from two stores, in the first because of refusing to put a mask on (I don’t have one), in the second because you can only buy shit online and then pick it up, despite the item being right there on the shelf. Fuck them. The third shop was okay, normal.

The worst thing, however, is that just about everybody is wearing a mask. They’re mandatory inside, including public transport, but not outside. Everybody has one! Out on the street! This is fucking bloody depressing. Faceless people. Ghosts without personality. A half of them are looking at me weird that I don’t have my face covered. Like if I were the fucking aberration and not them! And even worse is that just about all young people are masked up. Bizarrely enough, even the cool guys toting skateboards have masks. Holy crap!

Luckily, there is a cozy coffee shop that’s remained open (other places only do takeout service) and a glass of wine boosted my morale a bit, but what I saw doesn’t look good …

Jan 25, 2021 8:02 PM
Reply to  Jacques

I can feel your sadness. At least take some comfort in the fact that you are sane, they are not.

Jan 25, 2021 8:09 PM
Reply to  Jacques

That is depressing. The human race is worse than I realised. Now I understand how Germans became Nazis

Jan 25, 2021 11:00 PM
Reply to  Ben

“To do great evil, you must truly believe you are doing good”, said Solzhenitsyn, after his years in a Soviet concentration camp. He had a convincing case with communism. Albert Camus famously elaborated: “The welfare of humanity is always the alibi of tyrants. And it serves to provide a good conscience for the servants of tyranny” (here I see Whitty’s earnest, smug expression as he battles to save us). But some hope for us plebs was offered only by Ronald Reagan, who said “Government is the problem, not the solution”. Does anyone seriously believe that the UK authorities huge interventions into our lives concerning pandemic has made any improvement whatsoever? Now that we are nicknamed ‘Plague Island’, with the world’s worst performance against Covid, can anyone doubt Reagan’s great wisdom and struggle for small government? Ours is now terrifying us, killing us, impoverishing us, and ruining our whole way of life. No resistance is futile.

Jan 25, 2021 8:19 PM
Reply to  Jacques

I feel the same way whenever I venture out these days. Seeing all the masked faces outside where it isn’t even mandatory makes you quickly realize what we are up against. The outside world is a very different place than our online community of sanity. Even now it still blows my mind just how easily and quickly humanity submitted itself to the imposition of tyranny and a future of slavery.

Jan 25, 2021 11:50 PM
Reply to  kevin

It’s only through reading articles on this site and reading the comments of those who contribute that helps keep me sane.

Out in the real world it’s like almost everyone is walking around hypnotised and in a trance.

Jan 26, 2021 12:25 AM
Reply to  Paul

Yes, if it wasn’t for this site and a few others I don’t know how I would stay sane.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jan 25, 2021 11:56 PM
Reply to  kevin

It blows my mind as well Kevin. I see it every day when I’m out selling the mag, tho I do meet covid sceptics on a fairly regular basis which is one of the few things keeping me sane…

Jan 26, 2021 12:23 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Seeing an unmasked face on the street reminds me that there are still some signs of life offline in the real world.

At least where I am it’s the dead of winter, but so many masked faces in Melbourne in the middle of summer must be astonishing to witness. I’m sure most people here will be wearing masks too when our summer rolls around.

Jan 26, 2021 9:00 AM
Reply to  kevin

Kevin, you live in Toronto, right?

I lived in the city like three decades ago. Does Steve’s Music Store on Queen Street still exist? How about the Cabana Room? Or the Filmores Hotel …I mean strip joint … ha ha … I rented a room their for a while when the destitute young me arrived in the city. I used to get meals at the Salvation Army building a couple of streets eastward, south of Dundas.

Some memories … ! …. I always thought that when I get old, which is kinda approaching, I’d do a tour of the world and revisit all the places where I’ve lived, but it would appear that this Covid shit has now tossed a wrench into my plans …

Jan 26, 2021 3:30 PM
Reply to  Jacques

I’m not sure but those places are probably all gone. I live an hour away from Toronto.

Jan 26, 2021 11:45 AM
Reply to  kevin

I agree with you re our online community providing sanity.

I would add a not of caution though.Perhaps not caution, as that’s maybe too strong a word.

It occurs to me that one of the primary aims of the great reset/fourth industrial revolution is to move everybody online to make it easier to monitor and control them (us). The future is virtual.

At this point in time, it suits us to be here because, as has been evidenced time and again, the ‘real’ world has fallen to the corona’s witnesses, who wear their complicit stupidity like a badge of honour (or indeed mask of honour).

Are we not though, unwittingly, falling into line with what Klaus has planned for everybody? I realise it’s a difficult one – where else will we find like-minded (mostly) and sane (mostly) people with whom to converse?

Despite the sanity, the camaraderie and the information presented both above and below the line, we should all be wary of becoming too used to this. Falling into line for the right reasons is still falling into line.

Not suggesting we all just fuck off en masse. Obviously. I’m just wary of getting too comfortable in their dystopian new normal.

Jan 26, 2021 12:14 PM
Reply to  Philippe

I hear you, good point.

One does have to be careful and, as some have suggested, there is also the theoretical possibility that any site, including this one, is some sort of controlled opposition, intended to lure people into this or that trap.

Still, I find frequenting this website, and perhaps a few others, beneficial. To see what people from afar have to say about where they live, to read viewpoints, etc.

If the detriments outweigh the benefits, it will be time to go.

Jan 26, 2021 1:44 PM
Reply to  Jacques

There is a lot of controlled opposition out there. I don’t personally believe this site falls into that category. In a way, it is almost irrelevant. I’m not tech savvy enough to know all the ins and outs but I imagine an awful lot can be monitored without the permission or even knowledge of the site owners. That’s the nature of having a site hosted by an entity you cannot control – it is more a case of the organisations to which the hosting company grant access, rather than the content providers themselves. I believe the Off-G people are acting in good faith.

As you say, there are a lot of us who take a lot of comfort from what we encounter here, both above and below the line.

So, the ‘trap’ is becoming too comfortable with the concept that we can only find like-minded individuals online. I accept that that is largely true at the moment and, like you, I do frequent this site and a few others for that very reason.

I probably come across as being paranoid regarding how my habits are changing – not because somebody is forcing me at gunpoint – but because that is the way the world is. Then again, anybody who isn’t paranoid right now hasn’t been paying attention.

Deplorable D
Deplorable D
Jan 25, 2021 8:46 PM
Reply to  Jacques

Not to depress you further, it is said it only takes 28 days to make something a habit. Recent surveys show over 75% of people say they will continue wearing a mask even if they are no longer required, and they accept the idea of vaccine passports to go to concerts, sport events, and travel. “The New Normal”.

Jan 25, 2021 10:04 PM
Reply to  Jacques

What country do you live in? (sorry just being nosey – it isn’t clear in your post)

Jan 26, 2021 3:11 AM
Reply to  Hector

I live in Prague, but what does it matter? As far as I know, there are people here from Australia, UK, US, Canada, France, Germany, Cyprus, and probably other countries who all report pretty much the same.

On a more general note, are there any differences between countries anymore? Perhaps there are, but they’re to a large extent a remainder of the past. Sure, different countries have different languages and there are some local idiosyncrasies, but shops sell the same shit the world over. The same fucking Starbucks and McDonald’s. Everything is the same. Products look the same. People are the same. They think the same. The same bullshit. Being the same is the norm. Nobody wants to be different.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jan 25, 2021 10:59 PM
Reply to  Jacques

It’s exactly the same down here in Melbourne Jacques. Facemasks are not mandatory outside, yet the vast majority of people walk around wearing them. Even the ‘cool guys’ with skateboards, buff gym guys, tradesmen, young women with purple hair… almost everyone.
I’ve just taken 3 days off from selling the mag because the sight of so many people walking around masked up does my head in, it depresses me as well, and the vast majority of my customers are just gagging for the vaccine😠
Masks are only mandatory in supermarkets, inside large shopping centres and on public transport here in Melbourne, so even in the exempt smaller shops, people are still wearing them.
I feel like I’m in a Zombie movie…

Jan 26, 2021 6:49 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

No kidding. People wear these masks or respirators, whatever it is, that make them look like dogs. Or rats. With a half of their face covered, they look subjugated. Wherever you look, you see obedience, submission. When I see an unmasked person, especially if they smile back, I have the urge to hug them and kiss them.

It’s the new yardstick for beauty. A person without a mask. Last week, I was in another town where EVERYBODY was masked. Except one girl. She carried herself proudly, kinda oblivious to the zombies around. She was pretty but it was her free spirit that made her beautiful. I told her and she smiled. There was life in her eyes. There is nothing in the eyes of the zombies. Well, nothing worth reporting …

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jan 26, 2021 7:19 AM
Reply to  Jacques

I’ve had quite a few hugs from covid sceptics who know the whole thing is bullshit. And I normally hate hugs, but hell, this whole new normal ritual is about dehumanising us, so fuck it, hugs it is then. I take note of the reactions of the masked zombies as they’re passing while 2 unmasked people are hugging. The look in their eyes, or their raised eyebrows says it all. It’s both pathetic and sad. They’ve literally thrown away their humanity and willingly put on chains.

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 26, 2021 8:42 AM
Reply to  Jacques

I’d have to cheer up quite a lot to feel “mildly depressed”!

Jan 26, 2021 12:21 PM
Reply to  George Mc

From the personal pragmatic viewpoint, it would probably behoove people to acknowledge that an attack is underway against humanity aimed at subjugating people, and that the prospects of winning this battle/war are rather slim. For most people have yet to realize that it’s happening and are, unwittingly but enthusiastically, collaborating.

Things can probably still be done to fight and possibly mitigate the planned outcome, but one had better expect the worst-case scenario. And possibly be pleasantly surprised.

We’ll have to learn to fly under the radar, dodge, pretend, sabotage while trying to reinvent the world.

Jan 26, 2021 2:34 PM
Reply to  Jacques

Gullible, lazy, mentally challenged frightened individuals. TV has a lot to answer for.

chris ryska
chris ryska
Jan 28, 2021 5:01 AM
Reply to  Jacques

Try out http://www.cuttingthroughthefog.com where you’ll find like minded folks with no secret folks.

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 25, 2021 6:57 PM

Oh what the hell, let’s contemplate the P K Dick type possibilities. Maybe the vax is just sheer poison. Maybe the vaxxed will die, either all at once or over a variable period. And wouldn’t it be a neat joke if the vax actually caused the alleged symptoms of COVID?

Or perhaps the vax will act to provoke premature senility. (Would anyone notice?)

Perhaps it will install little alien eggs Sigourney Weaver style. Or cause mutations John Carpenter Thing style?

Perhaps it installs little chips that interact with subliminal waves from TV? (Again, would anyone notice?)

Perhaps COVID marks the dawn of a whole new religion like the mutants in “The Omega Man”?

So we’re basically waiting for Charlton Heston to show up.

Jan 26, 2021 12:00 AM
Reply to  George Mc

We have to consider the possibility that the ‘vaccine’ is just like a placebo.

It makes no sense for them to want to kill hundreds of millions of people.

Yes it will kill some people and cause serious side effects in others and may even cause long term damage to some but the majority will probably be fine.

The purpose of this jab has obviously got nothing to do with health.
When they eventually fix the testing and stop misdiagnosing covid the jab will be heralded as a success.

It’s a long term business model for big pharma, a business investment for Gates and a tool for governments to introduce health passports to usher in digital ID’s.

Jan 26, 2021 5:31 AM
Reply to  Paul

The question is fix the test for what? I still yet to be convinced there is such a problem as covid. It’s not been proven from the information iv read.

Jan 25, 2021 6:41 PM

So if it turns out that a large proportion of the people dying from Covid are overweight/obese do you think the powers that be, might deduce that there is the possibility that :

  1. A lack of Vitamin D might be an issue?
  2. That the Vitamin D guidance which I believe is 400iu/day might be wishfull thinking and should be based on weight and at a much higher level?
  3. One wonders where the 400iu/day figure comes from? Was it originally set in response to addressing rickets?

Just wondering why Vitamin D, one of the most essential vitamins for immunology is considered an afterthought for those tasked with helping protect our health?

Sarah Jones
Sarah Jones
Jan 25, 2021 7:05 PM
Reply to  TFS

Health is the last thing they are interested in. Go out and train and organise a defense force. Europe is under attack.

Jan 25, 2021 7:12 PM
Reply to  TFS

You must have read – and believed – this line taken from the post below :
The Great Reset is NOT a global conspiracy of elites taking over the world.”
That can be the only reason you could write such tosh.

Jan 25, 2021 7:20 PM
Reply to  TFS

The ‘excess’ deaths are people who have been MURDERED by the state. A very slight adjustment to how society operates (care of the elderly, care of the sick) can trivially kill a substantial number of people- which is what we witnessed across last year and now this year. They win because most of our side continues to chew on their fake news, looking for ‘nutrition’.

Everything that has happened so far has happened by deadly INTENT. Those in denial (most people here) still hero worship some horror high up in the fake left or fake right machine.

Jan 25, 2021 8:49 PM
Reply to  TFS

Most of the people claimed to have died ‘of covid’ were over 80. Average age of death for many countries is around 80.

Jan 25, 2021 11:12 PM
Reply to  TFS

Probably for the same logic that led our leaders to ban HCQ and Ivermectin, by far the best treatments for Covid, if applied early and correctly. Taiwan (23m on a small island) did so throughout the pandemic (now gone), and had 9 or so deaths. Check it on World Data com. For the reasons, Dr James Todaro is an excellent source. We know that because big pharma and big tech keep trying to silence him.

Jan 26, 2021 12:08 AM

There’s also the possibility that Taiwan were just correctly diagnosing respiratory diseases.

The disease known as covid 19 is extremely hard to diagnose as it’s very similar to other respiratory diseases.

It’s not actually clear if this disease actually exists and how medical professionals claim to be clinically diagnosing it.

Taiwan are not formally recognised by the WHO so they have no need to pander to them.

Jan 26, 2021 5:34 AM

The problem is there is no pandemic.

Jan 28, 2021 3:36 AM
Reply to  mik

There is the Plandemic.

Jan 28, 2021 3:35 AM

Convid ?
I have yet to see evidence it exists.

Jan 26, 2021 5:50 AM
Reply to  TFS

Overweight (and many illnesses) is mainly due to (a) fake food backed by commercial propaganda and poor education (b) undermining and killing off the sources/providers of good food (c) poverty (exploitation).

Jan 26, 2021 2:41 PM
Reply to  mgeo

Indeed mgeo those who are poor cannot afford to buy ‘healthy foods’ If you have children to feed and you have £1 in your purse you have no choice…..you have to buy those chicken nuggets that are scrapings off the ‘factory floor’ to feed your children.

Healthy and organic foods require the money to buy them, money the poor don’t have.

Jan 25, 2021 6:36 PM

From the World Economic Forum’s virtual conference today: What is The Great Reset?

Starting about one minute in, the short video insists that The Great Reset is NOT a global conspiracy of elites taking over the world. So we can all relax, they assure us there’s nothing to worry about. They’re just trying to make the world a better place. If you’re interested in Davos propaganda:


Jan 25, 2021 7:04 PM
Reply to  kevin

Aah, that’s so heartwarming. I just knew that those cuddly, lovable billionaires (and trillionaires) who run the world and got so wealthy by exploiting people would end up being on our side. They’re doing it for us, man! Truly, their altruism has brought a tear to my eye.

Jan 25, 2021 7:11 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

They truly are selfless. And here we were, all this time, worried for nothing!

Jan 25, 2021 7:25 PM
Reply to  kevin

Am feeling pretty bloody daft, right now…

Jan 25, 2021 7:18 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

Would it matter one iota if they were able to destroy the world as we know it and they had no money at all? No!
However much money they have or will have is totally irrelevant.
We will all – or most of us – be dead or enslaved.

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Jan 25, 2021 9:47 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

cuddly, lovable billionaires (and trillionaires)


Jan 25, 2021 9:55 PM

Ha. Yup.

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Jan 25, 2021 9:56 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

those cuddly, lovable billionaires (and trillionaires)

Collectively known as KILLIONAIRES

Jan 25, 2021 11:16 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

And the elites and oligarchs are extra happy this year, having finally deposed the great orange fly in their ointment. All nicely in harmonious lockstep now.

Jan 25, 2021 7:32 PM
Reply to  kevin

There is no mystery. The PSYCHOLOGY is the same as any organised religion working on the dumbed down masses (and today, thanks to fabian universal education, our masses are dumber than at any time in Human History, for they ‘know’ themselves to be ‘smart’, and thus anything they are convinced to agree with quickly becomes their own unshakeable ‘rational’ conclusion).

Back in the day, some horror living like a king would convince his poverty ridden flock to give him MORE in the name of ‘god’. We still see this widely in the USA today. Blair’s Great Reset psy-op works in the same way. Blair, of course, heads many fake NGOs, mostly with ‘religious’ flavours. The WEF ties into all the Earth’s major religions, and is backed by all major religious leaders.

The ‘deniers’, existing mostly outside the big religious machines, deny to themselves the power of religious mania. Thus they fatally weaken their ability to fight- for knowing thy enemy is an essential part of any victory strategy.

The ‘cult of covid’ isn’t just a mocking phrase.

Jan 25, 2021 8:26 PM
Reply to  brass

My new hunch today is that the ‘authorities’ have decided to try a sort of updated version of Islam, since the Judeo-Christian thing isn’t making them rich fast enough.
Islam? I hear you ask, and I share your confusion. Where’s the money in that?

Quite so.

In fact I honestly can’t for the life of me understand why they don’t just go for all-out Beelzebub worship…
The clincher in persuading the undecided appears to have been that they were promised 72 virgins of whatever sex they choose when they die.

Jan 25, 2021 7:42 PM
Reply to  kevin

not quite sure whether one laughs or cries looking at any of their presentation…their ilk have enforced the current shit on slices of the world and then they sit and deal up this sort of rubbish…exploiters of the worst kind is about the best one can say of this crowd…

Jan 25, 2021 7:51 PM
Reply to  Edith

They tell us they’re going to solve all the problems they themselves created. It is a sick joke, on us.

Jan 25, 2021 8:29 PM
Reply to  Edith

I don’t think they even have the wit consciously to exploit others.
They are just drooling their way through life with their robotic eyes fixed immovably upon the nearest profit margin.
A disgrace to the word, “human”.

Jan 25, 2021 6:31 PM

I encourage everyone to read this article. Just read for the third time. It’s beautifully written.

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 25, 2021 6:21 PM

The COVID stuff on TV is like a kind of static which instead of going, “shhhhhhh”, goes, “blah blah blah COVID blah spike blah COVID blah spike …..”. This static has now taken over about ¾ of all news. There are occasional noises from the real world but even then you will have loud COVID static bursts.

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Jan 25, 2021 6:26 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I get occasional accidental exposure to the MSM in various forms, and it’s not surprising if normal people are still terrified, or even more terrified (and utterly more misled) than they were already.

Even Private Eye is practically unreadable now. Yes, of course, they pull the government to bits, as well they might, but they are clearly convinced of the basic conventional message.

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 25, 2021 6:43 PM

One sign of hope is that the manufactured COVID psychosis will eventually BORE EVERYONE AWAY. But I’m not hopeful. My faith in public intelligence, admittedly never great, has now pretty much died.

May Hem
May Hem
Jan 25, 2021 8:55 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Yes, George, a new disease is becoming a viral virus – people may die of the Covid Boredom Syndrome, in increasing numbers. Yawn.

Jan 25, 2021 7:44 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I recall just after Blair’s 9/11 false flag, how the BBC tried to work JUSTIFICATION FOR TORTURE into every form of its program output, including kids’ shows. The masses mostly have the memory of a goldfish- the BBC burnt the vast majority of its TV archives (NO- they did not ‘reuse’ the ‘tapes’) because they held a searchable archive of deep state brainwashing themes that had changed direction across two decades plus.

“The state must be free to use torture” was a major theme in the months after 9/11, with the BBC being right at the front of this propaganda push. I mention this, because most people here forget oh so quickly, especially if the psy-op was conceptually so extreme.

In Britain the BBC was created to be the public facing propaganda arm of the deep state, and secret services. It is more blunt and basic in this operation today than ever it was in the past, for today the average Brit is far more stupid and gullible. And in the age of Woke, the ‘quality’ of BBC management has never been lower. So given a task, the propaganda is going to be as subtle as a brick across the head.

Jan 25, 2021 8:51 PM
Reply to  brass

Which gives us the hope that our unified and organized response to the propaganda, being, as it is, far more subtle than a brick across the head, might stand a good chance of burying these jokers for good.
I’d like to see more satire on this farce.
Of course satire alone can only go so far, but it is a very good vehicle for getting the truth out in a form which most people can comfortably digest.
The Icelandic New Year’s Eve tv schedule always includes a biting satire on the past year’s main events and people, and so, since this year the only thing that happened was covid, we got covid satire in spades.
It was, frankly, quite glorious – the best show in many years. Even the conventional people of Iceland thought it was exceptionally good, which gives me hope…
I can’t believe the text has been so well translated into English, but I don’t know whether the link will work. It’s the whole hour-long show.
Here goes anyway:

Jan 25, 2021 6:08 PM

I am reading this 1917 book of Upton Sinclair about the profits of religion. It is as if I am reading about the profits of medicine where he explains that there is nothing wrong with religion (medicine), but everything with those who sell the creed


And when in spite of all things the natural evil did not cease, when the people continued to die of pestilence, then came the opportunity for hysterical or ambitious persons to discover new ways of penetrating the mind of the god. 

There would arise special castes of men and women, learned in these sacred matters; and these priestly castes would naturally emphasize the importance of their calling, would hold themselves aloof from the common herd, endowed with special powers and entitled to special privileges. 

The first thing brought forth by the study of any religion, ancient or modern, is that it is based upon Fear, born of it, fed by it—and that it cultivates the source from which its nourishment is derived.

You do not have to look very deeply into this “Wisdom-drama” to find out whose wisdom it is. Confess your own ignorance and your own impotence, abandon yourself utterly, and then we, the sacred Caste, the Keepers of the Holy Secrets, will secure you pardon and respite—in exchange for fresh meat.

In every human society of which we have record there has been one class which has done the hard and exhausting work, the “hewers of wood and drawers of water”; and there has been another, much smaller class which has done the directing. To belong to this latter class is to work also, but with the head instead of the hands; it is also to enjoy the good things of life, to live in the best houses, to eat the best food, to have choice of the most desirable women; …. —in short, to have Power. How to get this Power and to hold it has been the first object of the thoughts of men from the beginning of time.

The most obvious method is by the sword; but this method is uncertain, for any man may take up a sword, and some may succeed with it. It will be found that empires based upon military force alone, however cruel they may be, are not permanent, and therefore not so dangerous to progress; it is only when resistance is paralyzed by the agency of Superstition, that the race can be subjected to systems of exploitation for hundreds and even thousands of years.

It was noted that in the 14th century, after the great plague, had passed, an immensely increased proportion of the landed and personal property of every European country was in the hands of the Church. Well did a great ecclesiastic remark that “pestilences are the harvests of the ministers of God.”

And so naturally the clergy hold on to their prerogative as banishers of epidemics. Who knows what day the Lord may see fit to rebuke the upstart teachers of impious and atheistical inoculation, and scourge the people back into His fold as in the good old days of Moses and Aaron?

The supreme crime of the church to-day is that everywhere and in all its operations and influences it is on the side of sloth of mind; that it banishes brains, it sanctifies stupidity, it canonizes incompetence. 

When I was in college my professor of Latin was a gentleman with bushy brown whiskers and a thundering voice of which I was often the object—for even in those early days I had the habit of persisting in embarrassing questions. This professor was a devout Catholic, and not even in dealing with ancient Romans could he restrain his propaganda impulses. Later on in life he became editor of the “Catholic Encyclopedia”, and now when I turn its pages, I imagine that I see the bushy brown whiskers, and hear the thundering voice: “Mr. Sinclair, it is so because I tell you it is so!”

Once when I was “muck-raking” near Pittsburgh, I went to one of these places to ask information as to the frequency of industrial accidents and the fate of the victims. The “Mother Superior” received me with a look of polite dismay. “These concerns pay us!” she said. “You must see that as a matter of business it would not do for us to talk about them.”
Obey and keep silence: that is the Catholic law. 

There has been no belief that exercised so much power upon the poor as that in a future life. The politicians, men of the world, have known this so well as to postpone the day of political judgment by it for many years.

I could go on, here is the book


Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Jan 25, 2021 6:41 PM
Reply to  Willem

As modern western societies have become more and more secularised, it has been a common observation that doctors became the new priests. Well, that was so until the internet age, when people began to look things up for themselves, and began to realise that their doctors didn’t know everything, and didn’t always know best.

(This is partly a generational thing: my very elderly mother treats her doctor and her parish priest with the same high degree of reverence; actually, it’s the doctor who still has the edge).

Of course, there was a pushback against this trend, and you would occasionally see people being mocked for going straight to “Doctor Google” (although ironically, on one of my very very rare visits to my GP, she actually told me to look up something on google; I guess she realised that I was one of those sort of people).

However, now with the “pandemic”, and “the virus”, it’s been a big chance for a major pushback against we self-diagnosers and self-treaters. And (according to Private Eye’s “M.D.” last year “….the anti-vaxxers have gone quiet and are praying for a vaccine like everyone else”. (That’s a bloody lie Mr M.D. – we haven’t gone quiet and we don’t want this damn vaccine or any other, thank you).

But supposedly, according to the mainstream paradigm, the only solution is testing, testing, testing, followed by vaccines, vaccines, vaccines, as well as, of course, all the paraphernalia of masks, “sanitising”, and “social distancing”. Plus of course, the closing down of the economy and society.

Jan 25, 2021 10:57 PM

How doctors are given any unequivocal respect among people is beyond me and can only be attributed to Orwellian propaganda of forgetting the past and I mean past of a year or a single decade ago and their fawning about their medical miracles that turned out to be killers for profit. I hope after COVID sham it will dramatically change.

Doctors never got their authority from people supposedly thankful for their help saving their health and lives. Their authority was imposed and brutally enforced by coercion of early medical guilds persecuting and prosecuting all those who rivaled their medical monopoly granted by church authority and/or secular power that actively engaged in village shamans hunting under guise of dangerous ignorant unscientific practices (while doctors themselves were ignorant demagogues) while those who were successful in their medical practice outside medical guilds were casted as under influence of demons and devil I.e, practicing not medicine but witchcraft.

in fact witches knew more about human anatomy and physiology as they secretly dissected dead bodies a feat prohibited by authorities until about two centuries ago.

today’s doctors is a officer of the state and/or corporations pursuing interests of those who bankroll them not community interests while paying lip serve to bombastic proclamations of Hippocratic oath only to violate it daily for money or career.

Dr Mengele just did what worldwide recognized in their “professionalism” Nazi medical authorities told him to do, save lives of Germans, So he did.

Jan 26, 2021 6:21 AM

The full flow of influence is Trans-national capital -> National oligarchy -> Government -> Professional. The last includes executives and propagandists.

Jan 25, 2021 7:26 PM
Reply to  Willem

I am an anti-theist à la Christopher Hitchens but I can spot a culture-cancel comment a mile off.

Jan 25, 2021 10:02 PM
Reply to  Willem

where he explains that there is nothing wrong with religion (medicine), but everything with those who sell the creed

This is the usual gloss served up by intellectuals who have a career to protect. They mumble about “not throwing the baby out with the bathwater” but in this case there is no baby, it has been substituted for a zombie. The abrahamic creed is evil at its core.
for the details see

Jan 25, 2021 5:46 PM
Jan 25, 2021 5:59 PM
Reply to  Ben

comment image

Jan 25, 2021 9:19 PM
Reply to  Ben

C’mon Brits.
Raid the House of Commons, for Pete’s sake.
It’s YOUR House.

Jan 25, 2021 7:54 PM
Reply to  Ben

Today, the question should be “where does POWER come from?”

All I see is ‘deniers’ who are foolish enough to believe in a system that never was, because they were successfully raised in an age of fabian brainwashing.

Yes, they’ve given up all pretence of ‘parliamentarian democracy’. But it was always FAKE. Fake left, fake right, fake voting and fake ‘democracy’. There were people high up in the system who declared Hitler, Mao and Stalin’s acts ‘unconstitutional’ too – as the systems of Germany, China and Russia underwent complete overhauls.

The people that told you the LIES about how your nation worked are the same ones making the new rules. Crying about it, or thinking THEIR laws will ‘save’ you will do no good at all.

What matters is that the vast majority of Humanity are giving up all their fundamental Rights, and then are turning on those who do not want to.

Jan 25, 2021 8:58 PM
Reply to  brass

They think they gave us our rights, they think they can take it from us …

Dennis Varrni
Dennis Varrni
Jan 25, 2021 5:03 PM

I enjoy reading your emails thanks so much. The content is level-up ( not for most people ). You need a background which can evaluate the comparison. And do things with time and space. The average American: low information readers, feed on media narrative accumulation. Some information which is an add-on to the accumulated narrative. In this way, the linkage to emotional value is maintained. All narrative has emotional value. The point> rhetoric on any level grows the narrative. The recent bombing is a pivotal narrative. The largest explosion ever on US soil ( not counting implosions ) This should be a warning. Where did this ” do-it-yourselfer ” guy… get the explosives? He didn’t like ATT? He was building bombs in a trailer?. What kind of explosives? Can we talk with him? later.

John the First
John the First
Jan 25, 2021 4:47 PM

Nice article.

‘Flattening the vertical dimension’

I am delightedly sad to add that democracy brought about the ultimate spiritual flattening of society. During the long history of democracy the upwards moving masses crushed the spiritual vertical dimension creating the new bottom-up situation. And you are now all down under, and on top, there sit the mammons, it has been an easy climb for them.

Jan 25, 2021 4:47 PM

Useful read on some of the roots and means of the eugenicists:


I’d only add on the even-deeper roots of all this that while most people think it goes back to the East India Company’s finest Thomas Malthus in fact he lifted his ideas from an earlier writer Ortes from…. where else?…. Venice.

Jan 25, 2021 4:08 PM

“In dictatorships the media is controlled by the State. In democracies the media is controlled by wealthy individuals with political affiliations. Objective media and journalists simply do not exist in the mainstream.” Robert Black.

”The media breaks it’s neck trying to humanize demons and demonize humans”  – anon.

”The overwhelming majority of information is classified to protect political security not national security.’’ – Julian Assange

Jan 25, 2021 3:53 PM

Sixty nine total recorded ‘covid’ deaths in Gibraltar since pandemic declared…of which 53 have been recorded less than two weeks after vaccine roll out.


Jan 25, 2021 9:38 PM
Reply to  JudyJ

Yes and Gibraltar went from having one of the lowest deaths per 100k to number 1 within the space of two weeks not suspicious at all and most in the care homes. Similar thing is playing out in care homes across the U.K.

Jan 25, 2021 10:19 PM
Reply to  JudyJ

It’s that ‘new variant’. It’s embedded into the Coincidence. Golly gosh, I hope they remembered to have immunity from any kind of legal recourse granted before they started chasing their prey around.

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
Jan 25, 2021 3:37 PM

This morning’s BBC Today radio news programme reported “major riots” (i.e. people going out to defend their constitutional and human rights) in protest against Covid measures in the Netherlands yesterday in its headline news. If the Gates Foundation-funded BBC is reporting this, it must have been on a large scale. Anyone know more?

Jan 25, 2021 3:49 PM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

Thanks for the heads up. MSM reports “hundreds” which means thousands.


Jan 25, 2021 10:20 PM
Reply to  Digger


Jan 25, 2021 3:51 PM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

Wild Demostration against Covid Restrictions in Copenhagen

Jan 25, 2021 3:54 PM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

Charred vehicles and damage after clashes erupt in Netherlands over COVID-19 curfew


Sarah Jones
Sarah Jones
Jan 25, 2021 4:15 PM
Reply to  Soros

Are they out poisoning the water supply under the cover of “curfew” or poisoning fields or why do they want nobody around?

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
Jan 25, 2021 4:44 PM
Reply to  Sarah Jones

Whatever the reason (Covid stalks by night?) curfews are being implemented in more and more places. We have had a 9pm curfew in Cyprus for some time now.

Sarah Jones
Sarah Jones
Jan 25, 2021 5:04 PM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

I think there should be meetings everyday to discuss if anyone has seen anything going on in the night. Patrols organised to see what they are up to.

Sarah Jones
Sarah Jones
Jan 25, 2021 5:47 PM
Reply to  Sarah Jones

“Form a network and span the earth. ”

Jan 25, 2021 6:06 PM
Reply to  Sarah Jones

more trans luci fer videos
what are you sarah
a lola an aunt sally?

Sarah Jones
Sarah Jones
Jan 25, 2021 10:15 PM
Reply to  gorden

What’s wrong with forming a network? How do you say gordon in Chinese?

Jan 25, 2021 9:17 PM
Reply to  Sarah Jones

5G masts appeared under shadow of the first lockdown in Liverpool

Jan 25, 2021 10:27 PM
Reply to  Sarah Jones

It’s not ‘nobody’. It’s only ‘undesirables’.

People with less than 20 million in the bank

Black people ( unless extremely wealthy)

Communists, democrats, Asians, mentally handicapped, academics, homosexuals, the religious, the philosophical, the spiritual, the artistic, elderly, people who want a salary for work, people who can’t offer more efficiency than a computer or other form of AI in the workplace, people with a limb missing, people with no limbs missing, and, last but not least- people who dare to question the rationale, logic, and morality of genocide and democide designed by and carried out for the same minute cartel of twisted psychotics.

Everyone else can stay if they agree to be stupefied and have their psyche disabled by a cocktail of crap that makes it’s way up your veins.

Jan 26, 2021 5:46 AM
Reply to  JuraCalling

That just leaves a bunch of lazy twats who inherited their wealth/position.

The world would go down the tubes if left solely in the hands of this tits.

Jan 26, 2021 7:02 PM
Reply to  mik

Pretty much yep.

But it’s how they use the position that’s the problem- and the wealth. I begrudge nobody either if they don’t misuse or abuse them. But these bastards have weaponised both.

The world is being flushed down the toilet and us with it.

Whatever the causation of life on Erath, we have harnessed Science now. So they will re-invent God, religion, economic systems, world governance and the makeup of the next ‘man’.

Everyone is thinking in simplistic terms. They assume money is everything because the maniacs live on it like oxygen. So they think this covid event is an excuse to find a scapegoat for global economic destruction and to introduce binary cash.

The ‘reset’ is far bigger ( see above). Remember when you were a kid in class and the teacher needed to wipe the board clean of all the information left there from yesterday. Then he could put a new lesson on it. Our ‘teachers’ are ‘resetting’ Man’s blackboard right now.

Jan 25, 2021 6:02 PM
Reply to  Soros

Shame on Netherlands politicians. The last time there was a curfew in the Netherlands was when the Nazis occupied

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Jan 25, 2021 6:49 PM
Reply to  Ben

Very good point.

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
Jan 25, 2021 4:07 PM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

It seems a Covid testing station was burnt down in a small town.

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Jan 25, 2021 6:47 PM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

I was already aware of the demonstrations, but a member of my family reported these to me today as “riots”, which I of course queried. They also said “of course, there must be an element of rent-a-mob” in there…”. (Which I also strongly questioned).

I only report this to underline that the “message” (of the mainstream, of the 77th, of whoever…) has clearly gone home. Unfortunately.

Jan 25, 2021 8:12 PM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

Pre-WW2, most of Europe had a terrible record of Human Rights (and Brits are sadly very uneducated on this fact, because Britain, Canada, the USA and Australia were much more civilised, and people tend to only know their own history). When WW2 ended, many nations that had been ‘occupied’ by the Nazis (in quotes for in reality a good chunk of the natives of the ‘occupied’ nations actually willingly allied with the nazis) rethought their rules.

The Netherlands in particular went to extremes in recognising and promoting UNIVERSAL FREEDOMS for its citizens. A ‘conservative’ nation swinging wildly ‘liberal’ as a response to the war.

However, in the last few decades, all across Europe a blairite REVERSE has been in action. The citizen revolts that can be witnessed in some Europe nations are a throwback to the post-war better times – people who recall the post-war pro-freedom education.

The Cult of the Woke is a major blairite strategy to deal with the pro-rights crowd- weaponising the psychology of trolling that the internet has revealed to be so very vile but powerful. The ‘Wokers’ are Blair’s cancer cells in every ‘freedom’ movement, bringing them down from within.

Interestingly, in nations of Europe that witnessed the post war freedom revolutions, the police were militarised to extremes, always using batons, gas and water cannons at the drop of a hat. As if the deep state, using the freedom movement for its own purposes, always ensured it could kill them at a moment’s notice. Thus the protests by the Germans, French, Dutch etc offer no actual hope.

Jan 26, 2021 11:08 AM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

Get yourself a Telegram account. News and views from the ‘front line’.

Jan 25, 2021 3:37 PM

I realised the other day, that Like a Windows office suite, the US has a ‘suite’ of apps, tools, middlemen in place to occupy and take over almost every aspect of our economy, private lives & business lives, during lockdown.

Currencies: Paypal, Apple-pay.
Culture: Netflix Apple TV, Amazon TV
Accommodation renting: AirBnB.
Office renting: WeWork
Shopping: Amazon.
Transition tax: Master-card, Visa.
Second hand sales: Ebay.
Health tax: Many vaccines & tests.
Education: Google University.
Food: Uber eats
Travel local: Uber
Government: Zoom calls.(US monitored)
Computing: Windows.
Business Communication: Zoom, Skype (US monitored)
Political Campaigning: Twitter, censored/allowed (US monitored)
Personal communication: Facebook (US monitored).

Every additional day of lockdown is another dollar to the US & their oligarchs.

Jan 25, 2021 3:29 PM

Talking about Triremes: The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service spent $13.5 million on yacht facilities for luxury marinas.
It makes sense that while we are living in our 50 sq m, 530 sq ft apartments, crammed into smart cities, those not subject to vaccine passports and residence permits will make good use of nature reserves…

The BIG program provides grants to construct, renovate, and maintain tie-up facilities with features for transient boaters in vessels 26 feet or more in length…

As a result of its funding mechanism, the BIG program effectively taxes everyday, middle-class small boat owners and recreational fishermen to subsidize the construction and maintenance of boating facilities largely servicing those affluent enough to afford yachts.

Jan 25, 2021 3:16 PM

Just got kicked out of a store for refusing to put on a face rag ….

Having a glass of wine in what is probably the last cafe in the Universe that defiantly remains open. Best atmosphere ever.

Jan 25, 2021 3:31 PM
Reply to  Jacques

I’m looking forward to the taring and feathering once the Nazis have left the city. Take down their names. ;).

Juniper Bean
Juniper Bean
Jan 25, 2021 6:27 PM
Reply to  Jacques

This is exquisitely hope-filling and absurd simultaneously. Where is this cafe, that we all might go?

Jan 25, 2021 6:56 PM
Reply to  Juniper Bean
Jan 26, 2021 11:16 AM
Reply to  Jacques

Looks good!

How come, at my juncture with human life, I am almost overcome with envy when I hear of a tea-shop, in a faraway land,open to all comers esp. those who like still to breathe the fresh air of freedom?

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Jan 25, 2021 6:50 PM
Reply to  Jacques

Well done Jacques. I don’t have your courage, unfortunately.

Jan 25, 2021 3:08 PM

Great article! As we circle the wagons, it is a pleasure to meet and know some wonderful people!

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Jan 25, 2021 3:05 PM

Thank the GODS that we have “smart” moron slaves like this one!

comment image
That’s All Folks!

Jan 25, 2021 3:28 PM
Reply to  Voz 0db

The ‘Founding Freemasons’.

They knew well the power of biological warfare even then. One of the many ways of murdering-sorry, I mean liberating, the native Americans was to ‘Trojan Horse’ them. They gave them ‘gifts’ of blankets and left. Later, as the natives slept, out came the viruses carried by the blankets that would kill them. Slower and more dignified than the shooting, bayonetting, raping and burning of the men , women and children I suppose. It goes to show how early the good ol’ traditions of good ol’ Uncle Sam were set into place.

I have to laugh when the ‘Founding Fathers’ are referenced. It does it’s job in conjuring up images of some all knowing, all wise ‘elders’ in their powdered wigs, addressing big questions and tabulating their many commandments. Most of them were under 35, some in their 20s and more than one was a teen. Dickheads.

Jan 25, 2021 3:58 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

It is more likely tht the “infected blankets” story is yet another load of BULL.

There is no evidence that so-called viruses “cause” disease, or that they remain “active” and “infectuous” outside living bodies for more than a few minutes.

We are supposed to believe that the sickly european settlers with scurvy from malnutrition had better “immune systems” than the indigenous people who were living a much cleaner and healthier way of life.

It is more likely that the indigenous people of the Americas were wiped out in a genocide that continues to this day. They were not killed by rabies and measles and smallpox ( ridiculous!)- they were shot like game by the white European settlers or starved/ worked to death in mines!!!

The “infected blankets” story has a two-fold purpose: It both reinforces the “pathogenic, contagious viruses that require vaccination to be safe from” lie, and reduces the culpability of the genocidal settlers. The only reason they were able to establish themselves in that land was their possession of superior military technology…. much as America and Israel still do today.

Jan 25, 2021 4:41 PM
Reply to  Digger

So if viruses don’t cause disease and don’t survive outside living bodies, what do they do ? Do they evolve through nature, pop into a body, do nothing, then pop out to die ? And are we to believe smallpox and so on don’t exist ? All those colds we had as kids were ‘psychosomatic’ ?Should we try eye of toad and root of ginger with a cocktail of vitamin C and magic mushrooms ?

The killing of the native Americans by virus is a ‘conspiracy theory ‘ too is it. All ‘made up’ to reduce the culpability of the same people who didn’t mind butchering the same people. That makes sense.

So, you believe in loud bangs from guns and bullets because you can see and hear them. Everything else is a conspiracy. I think this psyop of Covid is making people mentally unhinged. Maybe ‘stir crazy’. Maybe that’s why they gave us lockdown. Drive us mad. Unless there’s no such thing as that either of course

Jan 25, 2021 6:04 PM

They are like seeds. They interact in a host. The edge of life

Jan 25, 2021 6:22 PM

Check how often diseases such as smallpox, malaria etc exist & proliferate in areas of poor hygiene, poor water supply, poor general health.
1918 flu ? Mostly caused by trench conditions, chemical ingestion on battlefields & war factories.
Remove the cause, the “illness” disappears.
Vaccines simply inject even more chemicals as do most “medicines”.
“Side effects” are simply additional symptoms

Jan 25, 2021 10:43 PM
Reply to  David

It is a truth that when sanitary conditions improved….I suppose a bit like when antibiotics were discovered, virus levels dropped too. Viruses, have been identified and vaccines made eg diptheria, pertussis, polio, measles, German measles (rubella)
Pathogens that cased cholera, typhiod, and typhus (which was carried by lice) were identified but the improvement of conditions lowered outbreaks of such illness so low, that today any of the diseases is a notifable disease.

Jan 25, 2021 7:43 PM

They are a CONSTRUCT.

Colds are not psychosomatic. They are a response to a shock to the system, usually a combination of cold weather and low D levels in winter. That’s why they were called “colds” in the first place.

Smallpox was never a virus.


Viruses are not real. They are an idea that was created to cover up negligence, malfeasance, mass poisoning and illness caused by radiation, pesticides, dirty water, chemicals, pollution, toxic RX medication in combination with poor nutrition and low Vitamin D levels in winter.

They spurred an entire industry of vaccines that eugenicists used to cause harm to populations globally and simultaneously create a racketeering operation with fake cures and prevention while ensuring that many people who were recipients of vaccines contracted diseases later, that were once again treated with ineffective drugs. It’s the circular economy model.

Terrorism is the same scam just done with MKUltra dupes and unstable radicals but nearly always government controlled and sponsored. One shoe bomber creates billions in profits for the manufacturers of scanning machines at airports and a host of other tools created to profit from one event including a clampdown on security and other measures used to control populations.
Multiple studies predicted governments become more authoritarian in response to pandemics.

The entire medical and scientific community used germ theory to perpetrate fraud for profit.

Viruses are not any more real than aliens, terrorism or cyber pandemics.

These are government-military-pharma run scams. People are so suggestible they continue to believe lies even after the lies have been exposed. Over and over, decade after decade.

Jan 25, 2021 10:44 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Really !

Jan 25, 2021 10:12 PM

I’m afraid your comment is not worth replying to with any more than a “think again”. This is not reddit, sorry.

Jan 25, 2021 10:35 PM
Reply to  Digger

After the replies to my last post i’d rather not. Apparently colds, flus and pandemics are all a conspiracy theory just because covid 19 is. healthy people offering blankets to native Americans gave them bed bugs that killed them, nobody ever would be ill if they took vitamins and everything was made up to fool us into mimicking illness. All I can hope for is that the mother ship comes back soon for the perps of this twighlight zone screenplay being co-authored in comment sections like this.

Jan 25, 2021 10:26 PM

Yes, Constant the unseen world doesn’t exist until you look via an electron microscope and a whole new world opens up before you eyes……Science, true science is awesome !

Feb 2, 2021 4:53 AM
Reply to  tish

Well I’m not scientifically smart but I’m guessing i’s learn more from it than a comment section saying nothing exists

Jan 26, 2021 11:58 PM

I highly recommend “Bechamp or Pasteur?” by Ethel Douglas Hume which can shed much light on a still very misunderstood subject. Also the writings of Florence Nightingale who witnessed more disease than we’ve both had hot dinners, and understood well the fallacy of the contagion myth.

I found Bechamps insights into the nature of fundamental life almost as uplifting as Miles Mathis’ work on fundamental physics.

Feb 2, 2021 4:52 AM
Reply to  Graham

Were either Ethel Douglas or Florence Nightingale qualified doctors, or virologists ? What were their actual scientific or medical qualifications to make statements on whether or not contagion was a myth ? How many doctors and scientists since them have referenced them in their work ?

Jan 25, 2021 6:17 PM
Reply to  Digger

Vaccines kill.

Jan 25, 2021 10:45 PM
Reply to  David

They render more immune that would have died

Jan 25, 2021 10:19 PM
Reply to  Digger

Smallpox is able to be contracted by contaminated blankets, clothing….and occasionally by a smallpox ridden corpse thrown over a camp ground boundary.

‘No evidence that viruses cause disease’

I will refer to Edward Jenner and the fair milk maids ……the milk maids were envied for their unmarked complections….Jenner noticed that milk maids contracted an innocuous ‘viral illness’ cow pox. Cow pox left blister like lesions on the cows’ udders and milk maids caught the illness from the cows…..they had a very mild illness.

Jenner suspected that cowpox gave immunity to smallpox. So, he did an experiment he made a small scratch in a boys arm and infected it with pus from a cowpox blister…..the boy contracted cowpox and was as fit as fiddle a few days later….Jenner went on to try to infect the boy with smallpox using a similar method, the boy did not contract smallpox…He like the milkmaids was now immune.

Smallpox was categorised as eradicated in 1978…..three vials do still exist….and none of them are in America, thankfully.

Scurvy is not a sign of malnutrition per se it is a sign of a lack of vitamin C. I am sure you have heard the tale of James Lind and why English sailors are called Limeys…..yes ?

Immune responses are produced because of the bodies reaction to a pathogen, it is ironic that people with an overactive immune response are more likely to die from a immune response………. in form of sepsis is one example. The immune response must be ‘knocked out’ before chemotherapy can be given. The drugs are so cytotoxic the immune response would kill you in a very short space of time.

Using toxins to kill people is genocide……remember Zyclon B?

The native American Indians were doing okay and had done okay…..and then settlers arrived with there toxicity unkown to the idigenous people and that was responsible for many deaths. The buffalo were hunted to near extinction and yes a few indiginous people were shot or killed by the ‘sophisticated’ settlers.

I will agree with you over one thing the behaviour of America and Israel today.

Jan 25, 2021 10:31 PM
Reply to  tish

Oh yes, my favourite tale about viruses…..when flu was first seen it wasn’t called flu…..no-one knew what was causing the illness so it was named Influenza it was caused by the influence of the planets……It came from out of space !

Mara M
Mara M
Jan 25, 2021 7:17 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

Dr Charles A.R. Campbell found a connection between smallpox and bed bugs. The hypothesis is that the blankets given to native Americans were bedbug infested.

Jan 26, 2021 5:58 AM
Reply to  JuraCalling

I agree. Even these so called philosophers who were apparently super smart. Really?

Even if we are to believe the main stream stories of who they were. These were privileged young men who had little life experience and never did an honest days work in their entire life. Never the less they were geniuses, all knowing and wise. What a crock of shit.

They lived in a era were most of the general public could not even read and most were inbred half wits. So in essence they were “Lord Of The Idiots”.

And it’s their ideas we build our foundations on.

Anyone, wonder were all the geniuses philosophers are today? They always seem to be from the past. That’s real convenient, because we can’t witness their greatness.

Jan 25, 2021 3:35 PM
Reply to  Voz 0db

Not only were the Founding Fathers enlightened, they were clairvoyant. Edward Jenner created the smallpox vaccine in 1796 – the first successful vaccine. 20 years AFTER the nation was founded. God they were good!

Jan 25, 2021 11:06 PM
Reply to  Howard

Well there you go Howard ! It’s all about timing

Jan 25, 2021 3:39 PM
Reply to  Voz 0db

Why would 99% of the population take a vaccine for a virus that is not going to harm them?

Jan 25, 2021 4:43 PM
Reply to  Soros

Most wouldn’t. The question is why those who sell the covid story and manufacture vaccines think the 99% should be forced to and why they are a threat to global health if they refuse.

Jan 25, 2021 10:57 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

I guess the answer is when is a virus not a virus……..by every known scientific protocol a virus named covid-19 cannot exist.

Therefore a vaccine and antibodies cannot exist to treat it.

However, we know covid-19 is not about a virus it never has been. It is a lesson in compliance, a lesson in how fear to an invisable virus is ignited, it is a lesson in dehumanisation.

It is a lesson in a perverts pursuit of weilding power and at the end of the day it is about the adoration of a stupid, warped idea of how to get rid of those you don’t want………That word Eugenics !

Jan 25, 2021 11:09 PM
Reply to  tish

Bastardised by Scientism, counterfeit psychology and fake data as ‘ Social Technology’ and joined by the trumped up accusations, charges and guilty verdict of the lower class for damaging the climate and endangering everyone. That will be their ‘defence’ for carrying out a sustained biological attack with their loaded syringes.

Jan 25, 2021 6:23 PM
Reply to  Soros

The mRNA vaccine does not confer immunity. Simply reduces symptoms

Jan 25, 2021 9:23 PM
Reply to  David

If that…

It also apparently does other really interesting things to our immune system.

Jan 25, 2021 11:00 PM
Reply to  David

mRNA should not be injected into a human being….it is unethical and immoral

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Jan 25, 2021 2:39 PM

There is a very simple answer to all this:


That means;

  1. Bill Gates will spend a life in prison if his carbon emissions are too great and if he does not give away his entire wealth so that he ‘owns nothing and is happy’.
  2. Klaus Schwab will never again travel to Davos as every single WEF meeting forevermore will be digital. Klaus Schwab will not own any transportation ever again, will bequeath 100% of his assets to charity and he will live the life of a hermit monk, never travelling outside his dwellings except on foot.

You can draw up similar demands for all the WEF adherents, notably Tony Blair, Rupert Murdoch, Mark Zuckerberg, Matthew Hancock, George Soros and plenty more like them.

Isn’t it amazing that these folks demand to own everything and everyone else to own nothing.


NO-ONE! They usurped it for themselves without obtaining any mandate whatever.