Farmers’ Protests Reflect Existential Crisis of Indian Agriculture

Colin Todhunter

With over 800 million people, rural India is arguably the most interesting and complex place on the planet but is plagued by farmer suicides, child malnourishment, growing unemployment, increased informalisation, indebtedness and an overall collapse of agriculture.

Given that India is still an agrarian-based society, renowned journalist P Sainath says what is taking place can be described as a crisis of civilisation proportions and can be explained in just five words: hijack of agriculture by corporations.

He notes the process by which it is being done in five words too: predatory commercialisation of the countryside. And another five words to describe the outcome: biggest displacement in our history.

In late November 2018, a charter was released by the All India Kisan Sangharsh Coordination Committee (an umbrella group of around 250 farmers’ organisations) to coincide with the massive, well-publicised farmers’ march that was then taking place in Delhi.

The charter stated:

Farmers are not just a residue from our past; farmers, agriculture and village India are integral to the future of India and the world; as bearers of historic knowledge, skills and culture; as agents of food safety, security and sovereignty; and as guardians of biodiversity and ecological sustainability.”

The farmers stated that they were alarmed at the economic, ecological, social and existential crisis of Indian agriculture as well as the persistent state neglect of the sector and discrimination against farming communities.

They were also concerned about the deepening penetration of large, predatory and profit hungry corporations, farmers’ suicide across the country and the unbearable burden of indebtedness and the widening disparities between farmers and other sectors.

The charter called on the Indian parliament to immediately hold a special session to pass and enact two bills that were of, by and for the farmers of India.

If passed by parliament, among other things, the Farmers’ Freedom from Indebtedness Bill 2018 would have provided for the complete loan waiver for all farmers and agricultural workers.

The second bill, The Farmers’ Right to Guaranteed Remunerative Minimum Support Prices for Agricultural Commodities Bill 2018, would have seen the government take measures to bring down the input cost of farming through specific regulation of the prices of seeds, agriculture machinery and equipment, diesel, fertilisers and insecticides, while making purchase of farm produce below the minimum support price (MSP) both illegal and punishable.

The charter also called for a special discussion on the universalisation of the public distribution system, the withdrawal of pesticides that have been banned elsewhere and the non-approval of genetically engineered seeds without a comprehensive need and impact assessment.

Other demands included no foreign direct investment in agriculture and food processing, the protection of farmers from corporate plunder in the name of contract farming, investment in farmers’ collectives to create farmer producer organisations and peasant cooperatives and the promotion of agroecology based on suitable cropping patterns and local seed diversity revival.

Now in 2020, rather than responding to these requirements, we see the Indian government’s promotion and facilitation of – by way of recent legislation – the corporatisation of agriculture and the dismantling of the public distribution system (and the MSP) as well as the laying of groundwork for contract farming.

This legislation comprises three acts: The Farmers’ Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion and Facilitation) Act 2020, Farmers (Empowerment and Protection) Agreement on Price Assurance and Farm Services Act 2020 and Essential Commodities (Amendment) Act 2020

Although the two aforementioned bills from 2018 have now lapsed, farmers are demanding that the new pro-corporate (anti-farmer) farms laws are replaced with a legal framework that guarantees the MSP to farmers.

According to an article by the Research Unit for Political Economy (RUPE), it is clear that the existence of MSPs, the Food Corporation of India, the public distribution system and publicly held buffer stocks constitute an obstacle to the profit-driven requirements of global agribusiness interests who have sat with government agencies and set out their wish-lists.

RUPE notes that India accounts for 15 per cent of world consumption of cereals. India’s buffer stocks are equivalent to 15-25 per cent of world stocks and 40 per cent of world trade in rice and wheat.

Any large reduction in these stocks will almost certainly affect world prices: farmers would be hit by depressed prices; later, once India became dependent on imports, prices could rise on the international market and Indian consumers would be hit.

At the same time, the richer countries are applying enormous pressure on India to scrap its meagre agricultural subsidies; yet their own subsidies are vast multiples of India’s. The end result could be India becoming dependent on imports and the restructure of its own agriculture to crops destined for export.

RUPE concludes:

Vast buffer stocks would still exist; but instead of India holding these stocks, they would be held by multinational trading firms, and India would bid for them with borrowed funds.”

Instead of holding physical buffer stocks, India would hold foreign exchange reserves.

Successive administrations have made the country dependent on volatile flows of foreign capital and India’s foreign exchange reserves have been built up by borrowing and foreign investments. The fear of capital flight is ever present. Policies are often governed by the drive to attract and retain these inflows and maintain market confidence by ceding to the demands of international capital.

This throttling of democracy and the ‘financialisation’ of agriculture would seriously undermine the nation’s food security and leave almost 1.4 billion people at the mercy of international speculators and foreign investment.

But agricapital’s free-for-all bonanza and the planned displacement of tens of millions of cultivators mirrors what has been happening across the world for many decades: the consolidation of a global food regime based on agro-export mono-cropping (often with non-food commodities taking up prime agricultural land) linked to sovereign debt repayment and foreign exchange inflows and earnings and World Bank/IMF ‘structural adjustment’ directives.

The outcomes have included a displacement of a food-producing peasantry, the dominance of Western agri-food oligopolies and the transformation of countries from food self-sufficiency to food deficiency. Little wonder then that among the owners of global agribusiness family firm Cargill 14 are now billionaires – the very company that profited from running down India’s edible oils sector in the 1990s.

It is not that India needs these people. It is already the world’s largest producer of milk, pulses and millets and the second-largest producer of rice, wheat, sugarcane, groundnuts, vegetables, fruit and cotton. This is despite India’s farmers already reeling from the effects of 30 years of neoliberal policies, decades of public underinvestment/disinvestment and a deliberate strategy to displace them at the behest of the World Bank and predatory global agri-food corporations.

If unrepealed, the recent legislation represents the ultimate betrayal of India’s farmers and democracy as well as the final surrender of food security and food sovereignty to unaccountable corporations. This legislation is wholly regressive and will eventually lead to the country relying on outside forces to feed its population – and a possible return to hand-to-mouth imports, especially in an increasingly volatile world prone to conflict, public health scares, unregulated land and commodity speculation and price shocks.

A shift towards food sovereignty – encompassing local people’s right to healthy and culturally appropriate food and their ability to define and control their own food and agriculture systems – is key to achieving genuine independence, national sovereignty, food security and facilitating farmers’ demands.

Colin Todhunter is an independent journalist who writes on development, environmental issues, politics, food and agriculture. In August 2018 he was named as one of 400 Living Peace and Justice Leaders and Models by Transcend Media Services, in recognition of his journalism. Join him on Twitter.


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Categories: agriculture, India, latest
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Jan 30, 2021 3:32 AM

Generations of Indian politicians have defended India’s neutrality. The Modi governments have destroyed that. Instead of trying to get on with China and Pakistan they have joined the belligerent Anglo sphere where conflicts are never resolved so you can rekindle them.

Jan 29, 2021 2:47 PM

–> continued from previous comment, in “spam check”; Admins, please post as a reply to the first. /

I hope that this conversation at least helped to relieve any feeling of personal offence caused by my perhaps unnecessarily-hostile initial discourse. I keep going back-and-forth between feeling uncomfortable about the difficult position I’m putting these people in, through my obstinate muzzle-disobedience, and then reminding myself that I am not the person who is being unreasonable, that what I am being ordered to do is in fact completely crazy, and would have been universally recognized as such, until less than a year ago. A further irony is that the identity-politics “left” would certainly denounce my actions as an expression of “white privilege”, especially in relation to ethnic-minority security guards. However, I don’t think I said or did anything that a reasonable (but that boat has already sailed) person would interpret as racially-tinged, unless the question “you are from India, yes?” (answer: yes) is itself inherently racist. In a situation where one person is ordering another person to wear an obedience muzzle, with the explicit suggestion of police involvement if they do not comply, I do not think that the question of who is exerting power over who, can be completely decided by the respective ethnicity of the people involved.

Unless large numbers of people start to resist the COVID-1984 police state, and fairly soon, the resulting society is going to be completely intolerable (as if it isn’t already) for everybody except Bill Gates and his billionaire-scumbag friends. Surely, to the extent that I have any “privilege” at all, which seems to me not very much, I should use it to resist police-state oppression, on behalf of people whose relative lack of it currently prevents them from doing so. I’m confident that my pathological disobedience is, in fact, in the long-term interest of everybody outside of the ruling class, even Indian-immigrant security guards.

As a result of these experiences, I’m going to adjust my discourse on future outings, particularly with Indian security guards, as many of them are, where I’m at. With this confirmation that events in India have resulted in widespread COVID-1984 scepticism in that community, I will start off with that argument, and then suggest that the purpose of the hoax is precisely the suppression of popular movements which threaten the neoliberal world order. I will then remind the obedience-muzzle watchman/woman that India was finally liberated from the British Empire through the refusal of millions of people to obey its laws. I will tell them that I am similarly following Mohandas Gandhi’s advice, in refusing to comply with the Global Neoliberal Empire’s obedience ritual, and that they should follow their own conscience in deciding what to do about me, especially since I will be gone in a few minutes. After that speech, we will see what happens. These people are not the enemy, and should not be treated as such; the government and its billionaire owners are the enemy.

I think that this policy of criminal subversion has real possibilities of being effective. It would be good to have a leaflet with relevant arguments and references to leave with the security guards and other store employees; I imagine one with pictures of both dogs and humans wearing similar black masks, with the caption “Good citizens wear their obedience muzzles, to keep us all safe from dangerous facts and unauthorized opinions.”

I am confident that at the second supermarket, the police were not called, because the security guard was extremely reluctant to turn in somebody protesting against what he already knew was a police-state hoax. I do not know if they were called at the first supermarket; the guard there seemed slightly distressed by my “fascism” remark. Perhaps he felt somewhat conflicted about the position that his job had put him in, through not much choice of his own. In any case, the police did not appear before I left, although I spent at least five or ten minutes wandering around in that store, having made no promise to leave quickly, as in the other case. If they were called, that is all to the good — after attending to such emergencies a certain number of times, only to find that the dangerous anarchist subversives have already left the premises without incident, except for distributing their insubordinate and disrespectful literature, they will grow tired of the farce, and cease to bother. Presumably, they too are getting tired of the obedience muzzles they are forced to wear.

In such ways, can this ridiculous fascist hoax gradually be made unenforceable, if in fact, it is not already so. Never before in the entire history of the world, has the Emperor been so obviously naked. All we need to do to break the spell is to point at him, mock his imaginary COVID party-costume, and laugh.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jan 29, 2021 9:59 PM
Reply to  THX-1154

I had a similar experience to you a few weeks ago T. Went to go to my local Kmart here (like Walmart) and to my surprise, there was a young Indian guy at the entrance Contact Tracing. I walked past him and he called out… ‘Sir, excuse me, sir’ so I stopped.
He told me that everyone had to leave their details with him before entering. I said no thanks, and went to go in.
He became insistent and I said firmly no thank you… then I had a brain fade and stabbed my finger at his clipboard and said this is fascism, this is nothing to do with health and safety, this is fascist.
I left, and then I turned round and loudly said, I will never shop here again.
And you know what, I was even wearing a facemask that day, which is pretty bloody ironic considering what I said to him. I knew they wouldn’t let me in that store without one on.
Since then, I have barely worn one on public transport or going into nearly all shops and I don’t wear one while selling the mag. Your comment made me remember that incident, as that young guy was just doing his job as well.
My Irish blood gets the better of me sometimes…

Jan 29, 2021 10:37 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

It is fascism
comment image

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jan 29, 2021 10:51 PM
Reply to  Ben

I know Ben, and I saw videos of the protests in The Netherlands. Saw people with their faces covered in blood, saw high pressured water cannons being used, saw lines of police horses charging at peaceful protesters. Yes, it’s straight out fascism. And the “woke” Left say absolutely nothing unless it’s to demonise those same protesters.

Jan 30, 2021 2:34 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

that young guy was just doing his job as well.

still doesn’t mean you have to comply; just calmly refuse.

my policy is to completely ignore them during the “sir, excuse me” phase; just walk briskly past them without even acknowledging them. sometimes they stay at their post, and don’t follow you.

if they do follow you, just state that you decline to participate in the COVID-1984 hoax, and continue with your business. the discourse described above may actually get some traction with the Indian ones — “I am following Gandhi’s advice, and refusing to obey their laws. You should do what you think is right; I will be gone in a few minutes.”

my reaction in a few cases was the same as yours, to point out the obvious fascism of the whole thing, but on consideration, I think that a less overtly hostile response is likely to be more effective at subverting the program, and less likely to result in the police being called.

if the issue is the stupid “contract tracing”, I feel that a quite acceptable compromise is to offer them an obviously fake name and phone number, “Hugh Mungus”, or something like that. if they object to that, offer them another, and another, until they tire of the game.

the point is to neutralize the low-level enforcement personnel, either by demoralizing them, or actually recruiting them to our side. I found it intimidating at first, but after a certain amount of experience, I now look forward to it.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jan 30, 2021 2:42 AM
Reply to  THX-1154

Appreciate the feedback T, cheers👍

Jan 30, 2021 7:05 PM
Reply to  THX-1154

Super helpful, thanks. I’m at the point where I’m able to shop now without the adrenaline pumping, (I won’t wear one. Or own one). But have not yet been approached. I live remote rural and shop less than once a week, so they don’t get so many chances.

Jan 29, 2021 2:44 PM

I wrote this comment in response to one from “Annette”, below, but it turned out to be of such length that it might better be posted separately.


A main point about the effect of the Indian farmers’ protest is that hardly anyone believes in corona anymore (if they ever did: Modi and cohort are a different thing).

The reason no mainstream press is reporting the farmers’ protest is simply that if you have a million people together for months in not wonderful conditions, in a particularly cold winter, and there is no pandemic among them, then it destroys the corona thesis. So in effect this thesis has been empirically proved to be false by the farmers.

I can tell you that those Indians I heard about that used to believe in corona, now don’t. That every locality is holding informal meetings where this particular point is now being made openly. Weddings (which in India means at least 400 guests packed in a hall) are going on as usual. No one is wearing masks.

I first heard this argument two days ago, from an Indian security guard at a supermarket, after I explained to him why I would not wear an obedience muzzle, as he was assigned to require me to do. I told him that the supposed COVID-1984 epidemic was a hoax, specifically concocted in order to suppress popular resistance movements in India, America, Europe, and elsewhere.

Upon hearing this, he immediately offered this compelling argument for the fraudulence of the entire narrative, while apologizing for the fact that his job required him to require me to wear a mask. I told him that I completely understood his position, and that he could call the police if he felt he must, but I was still not going to comply with the government’s obedience ritual. I assured him that after obtaining some bananas, I would exit the store in approximately one minute. This seemed to him an acceptable solution to the dilemma; I then shook his hand, which he did not decline. On the way out of the store, I waved to him, and he wished me a good night.

This experience caused me to slightly regret my treatment of the similarly Indian security guard at the previous supermarket, in my periodic obedience-muzzle-disobedience expedition. This person also told me, politely, that I was required to wear a mask, and offered me a free one, which I declined. He then asked if I might have any grounds for claiming an exemption from the regulation. My reply was “yes, I’m allergic to fascism.” This seemed to offend him, although I had not intended it as a personal insult; he then left me alone, and returned to the store entrance, from whence he had pursued me after I brushed past him on the way in.

Feeling slightly awkward about this interaction, and realizing that the “allergic to fascism” remark might have been slightly over-the-top for the situation, I attempted to talk to him on the way out of the store, with my token purchase of a chocolate bar (their bananas were too green for my liking). This was not entirely in vain.

I used the same argument, that the COVID-1984 hoax was concocted to suppress popular movements in India and elsewhere. His reply was that if I believed that, I should take it up with the store management, as he was just doing his job. I said that I understood his position, but that as I was already on my way out of the store, I was no longer speaking to him in his official capacity, but personally, and I wondered what he thought about the situation. A short discussion ensued. Not surprisingly, he was sympathetic to the Indian farmers’ movement, but believed at least partially in the reality of COVID-1984, and said the two things were separate issues. He offered the example of the supposedly high mortality in northern Italy in support of this claim. I pointed out that this consisted almost entirely of elderly people whose deaths might have been attributed to the flu, in any previous year, and that all-cause mortality nowhere seemed to be out of the normal range. I doubt if this convinced him, but I urged him to consider the possibility that the COVID-1984 phenomenon might not be unrelated to government suppression of popular movements. I then thanked him for his willingness to talk to me, and left.

continued in next comment –>

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jan 30, 2021 2:19 PM
Reply to  THX-1154

I don’t think your “I’m allergic to fascism.” was over the top at all. I have the same allergy… Thanks for your recent posts.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jan 29, 2021 2:31 AM

Well… Erm… Allot of comments. But no comments suggesting how the whole mess began:

East India Company, also called English East India Company, formally (1600–1708) Governor and Company of Merchants of London Trading into the East Indies or (1708–1873) United Company of Merchants of England Trading to the East Indies,
English company formed for the exploitation of trade with East and Southeast Asia and India, incorporated by royal charter on December 31, 1600.
Starting as a monopolistic trading body, the company became involved in politics and acted as an agent of British imperialism in India from the early 18th century to the mid-19th century. In addition, the activities of the company in China in the 19th century served as a catalyst for the expansion of British influence there. [End quote]


East India Company just happens to be one of the oldest “incorporated” organizations in the world as well… Ah, those pesky details…

R Anand
R Anand
Jan 29, 2021 7:06 AM

Indeed, these pesky details from the past do help provide better understanding of the present.

Jim Davies
Jim Davies
Jan 29, 2021 12:29 PM

Your historical summary is correct, but how does it bear on the question of farmers’ rights?

“Who owns the land?” is a useful question with which to start.

A further step is to observe how US corporations displaced small farmers. First, banks encouraged loans for equipment etc, then there was an interest-rate hike and a recession and the lenders called in the loans. Guess what: farmers couldn’t pay, so lost their farms. Heads-up for Indian farmers: beware of bankers bearing gifts. Generate your own capital.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jan 29, 2021 11:42 PM
Reply to  Jim Davies

Hello Jim Davies: “Who owns the land?” is a useful question with which to start.”

Exactly! A landless person has no “rights”. With no land to defend, where are they going to live? They become slaves on a plantation owned by someone who couldn’t care less…

Jim Davies
Jim Davies
Jan 30, 2021 12:11 PM

So in general, does the ordinary Indian farmer own the land he farms, or not?

R Anand
R Anand
Jan 31, 2021 3:32 PM
Reply to  Jim Davies

Its a mix.

I don’t know the exact percentages, but here you have both cases–farmers owning land and other farmers doing all the farm-related work on non-farmer/quasi-farmer landowners’ land.

Among the latter, there is a mix of cases of farm labourers working for a wage and those paying a fixed rent per month to the landowners in exchange for getting full farming rights over the land and being liable for financial loans.

Jan 29, 2021 3:24 PM

the company became involved in politics and acted as an agent of British imperialism in India

it might be more accurate to say, that British imperialism became involved in commerce, and acted as an agent of the East India Company. that’s what imperialism is for, after all.

Jan 29, 2021 12:56 AM

is that. But, as fortune would have it, a caped crusader appeared who fitted the bill ( no pun intended). Enter Bill Gates. He threw a lot of cash across the Atlantic and it landed into the coffers of Imperial College London. A nice slice of it landed in that institution’s Neal Ferguson’s salary and he was asked to ‘come up with some numbers’. He did. Big ones. Very big ones. And none of them available for public scrutiny. He warned about a rapidly spreading infection was going to kill millions of farm animals and that farmers would be well advised to stem that pandemic with a mass cull. How mad was that- can you imagine ?

Bill’s recommendations came to pass and many farmers lives and businesses were ruined beyond repair. It was only later that science( real science) found that the disease didn’t even spread among animals as it was thought. The cull hadn’t been necessary.
Bill continued his caped crusade unhindered by guilt or remorse. Bill isn’t like other people you see.

He invested tens of millions in Monsanto. A manufacturer of poisons. It seems Bill, and his ‘philanthropic’ friends all share quite a passion for destroying wild life, plant life, animals and, of course people who are taking up their space. Monsanto was taken over by Bayer- another psychotic German outfit that had teamed up with I G Farben in WW2 to produce Zyklon-B, among other ‘goodies’, to murder the Jews in long, narrow, sealed buidlings.

They choked, lost their sight then convulsed their way out of this life.. This company has set about teaming up with other companies to form a sort of Global ecological mafia. They want to kill the ecology and ‘reset’ that. Just like they want kill humanity and ‘reset ‘ that. Did you really think it was all about bitcoins ? No. This is about creating an ecological holocaust and resetting Eden. The new Adam will have wirelessly transmitted ‘spirit’ imbued into him at just above 500 megahertz. His chips will bring him to life. It’s only his self awareness and will that won’t.

All crops will be destroyed and re-animated as Frankencrops. All food, vegetable or meat will be Frankenfood. Nature is about to be ‘reset’. From the microbe into the synthetically engineered version and right the way up the evolutionary tree.

Mother Nature was a good concept. But, at the end of the day, despite it’s intrinsic talent for catastrophe that kept the balance of things perfect, it was never more than an analogy to scientists. The balance of things has been surpassed by the internet of things.
God/s ? All stories and myths that began life on the page and evolved over thousands of years only to have it’s own ‘DNA’ tampered with by self-serving men in political positions or religious people with political leanings. Science mocked it. It still does.

Science is showing us signs and wonders we can’t ignore. We don’t need faith to witness the GM food, culled species, engineered viruses, the internet -of -things, the miraculous capability of implantable chips and robotic prosthetics. Mother nature limps; Science fixes that limp. Mother Nature causes crops to succeed or fail; Science can overcome the capricious will of the elements.

The great reset is existence. It’s husbandry. The culling of weeds. The tidying up of the great garden. But be aware, ‘weeds’ now are labelled according to the definitions of those above. Those unseen, all powerful new Gods. Once the industrial revolution has eaten away the workforce on the ground and once the digital industrial revolution has removed the workforce that sit at desks, we are superfluous. We are in the way. We will be prevented from multiplying- no doubt that urge will be removed. We will be here to serve. Nothing more. The rest can go.

Gates points to the simplistic, unfounded ramblings of 18th century Robert Malthus.

“It does not… by any means seem impossible that by an attention to breed, a certain degree of improvement, similar to that among animals, might take place among men. Whether intellect could be communicated may be a matter of doubt; but size, strength, beauty, complexion, and perhaps longevity are in a degree transmissible… As the human race, however, could not be improved in this way without condemning all the bad specimens to celibacy, it is not probable that an attention to breed should ever become general”.

This creature said that population growth, and economic growth would clash once the world’s natural sources of food couldn’t keep up. Malnutrition and poverty would follow. So, people had to be murdered or prevented from breeding. Back then there was no concept of GM crops. But he’d have been sexually aroused by it had there been. But never fear, Gates and Co have revived his vision and used it to justify the need to cull and kill and produce fake, damaging, poisonous foods for us all. A double barrelled attack.

This is what happens when you give a software mogul charge of medicine, agriculture and pharmaceutical poison labs. He has a lust for causing death en masse from behind closed doors.

What we see in India is merely representative of the whole planet. It’s one place. But Africa, Canada and Australia will follow shortly. All vast expanses of land. And Africa is big on the Agenda of the Rothschild clan. Very big. It’s not all banking with them. Especially as we’ll be waving bye bye to banks and money soon. They have Africa and India in their sights and have had for years. They have invested a lot of time and money over there. Why would a third world nation interest them that much ? We’ll know soon.

The next step is to increase the guilt on the population. Covid guilt. The mantras, via the MSM, are indirectly asking you if you want to conform ,or endanger the scared, the innocent and the elderly. The same tactic will be aimed at the same people any day now regarding the climate and carbon emissions. It will be you they aim to frame; you’ll be the patsy. Noit themselves.

They exploded the economy like a balloon and we get the blame for being too large in number; They replaced our usefulness with ‘robot’ technology then called us scroungers for being out of work ; the crops ran out due to too many ‘useless eaters‘ eating them without earning the right to.

The game is about making us the accused, finding us guilty and providing the rescue package under the guise of ‘sustainability’. Thus all the elite , like Bill, will be caped crusaders and the mask wearing conformists, and the wrist band wearing dead heads who think Thunberg matters, will cheer and smile and sink the whole f***g ship.


German Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research. Lab-grown synthetic gene-edited meats are being supported among others by Bill Gates, the same one backing Moderna and other genetically edited vaccines. EAT works among others with Impossible Foods and other biotech companies. Impossible Foods was initially co-funded by Google, Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates. Recent lab results showed the company’s imitation meat contained toxic glyphosate levels 11 times higher than its closest competitor.

Jan 29, 2021 3:40 AM
Reply to  JuraCalling

The opening of my post( above) pointed back to2001. The Foot and Mouth epidemic in the UK. Gates threw megabucks at I,perial College London. Much of it landed into the salary of Neal Ferguson. In return, he was to bring up some numbers; some big numbers. Then he was to ‘predict’ millions of animals dying due to the ‘rapisdly spreading’ epidemic.His recommendation was that farmers culled all their livetsock. And they did. It killed millions of animals and ended the businesses of farmers whose lives were ruined.

Gates started to talk about a ‘rescue’ via his Monsanto packages. And he was allowed to get away with it.

Later, real scientists- not software experts- found no evidence at all that the diease was infectious from animal to animal and the cull had been uneccasary. 

Covid is echoing it all. This time we’re the cattle. The rest is the same script and strategy. Same players, same methods, same propaganda same intentions same people paid to lie with the same lies.

Don’t know why it wasn’t at the head of my post..i must have f**d up the paste.

Fact Checker
Fact Checker
Jan 29, 2021 3:48 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

This is about creating an ecological holocaust and resetting Eden.”

Jura, at the extreme risk of revealing my juvenile sensibilities for well-deserved scorn and derision, I am going to make what might seem an exceedingly unlikely recommendation: Season One of the Nickelodeon Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles series that started in 2012.

Over the course of that season, our wisecracking reptilian heroes learn that the proliferation of “mutagenic ooze” they are discovering all over New York City is being manufactured by the alien life form “Krang” (a hive-mind race of little pink brains that disguise themselves in humanoid robotic bodies). The Krang are deliberately contaminating the environment with mutagens in order to mutate and terraform Earth so that it matches their home planet and suits their biology. The Krang were serial settler-colonizers of planets.

When I watched this series for the first time in 2018-’19, I was bowled over by the conceptual depth of the storyline. I instantly recognized it as an allegory for the transformation of the Earth and of the human race that at that time was still proceeding relatively gradually.

Now, I see how close it is to literal. The process by which the Krang proceed on the television program by mutagenic agents is precisely what we are seeing with the Earth, with telecommunications and (now) mutagenic injections. The saturation of 5G masts is going to turn the entire planet into a buzzing, electrical, networked node of what I have no doubt is an interplanetary colonial project.

Also, the animation on the fight sequences is awesome!

Jan 31, 2021 12:34 AM
Reply to  Fact Checker

I like it.

Storytelling is the oldest form of educating. pre-schooling, pre-printing press, imagery was all. The power of the allegory has never faded. I reckon, and have done for 20 years, that the evidence of 100 years of concerted dumbing down and narrowing of minds along with the eroding of any attention span, has taken us back to that time. I find that talking in pictures is far more effective in getting a point across to the sheeple. It’s a shame they seem incapable of retaining a single point as soon as they see a hilarious emojie on their phone.

I posted a brief predictive programming on the previous thread i think is an example of the techniques employed by the handlers now. They go where the masses dwell in their haze and do their thing..

Jan 28, 2021 11:06 PM

On any one night in the UK, the police are a skeleton crew. Same with the NHS so we are told, literally. If an incident is called through the system there are only a certain amount of resources to deploy. 10 incidents have to be prioritised. 100 incidents…… Gold command will handle it, after all they are the gov. Try 1000 incidents. On my street alone, there are 1000 people. I am in a town of 300k permanent tax payers. Times up for patience. If the guns come out from authorities in uniform, the underclass will remove them and turn them round. A situation is developing here. The only reason. I Post here is because everywhere else is censored. I do not think I am paranoid. K

Jan 29, 2021 1:24 AM
Reply to  She

Check the latest BS mainstream NHS ‘commercial’…

An old man on oxygen and stretcher with the entrance to an ambulance. Super slow motion-practically still. No music- only one sustained eerie note held. There’s no doctor nurse or paramedic either. Just the man staring right at the camera forcing you to take it all in. Check each ‘patient’. Healthy colouring and shining eyes and not so much as a cough or sneeze .Apparently Covid 19 is when someone’s messed your hair up.

The slow. monotone overly dramatic narration then asks you if you :

”’Can you look them in the eyes and tell them you’re helping by staying at home?”

That cynical guilt trip is supposed to make you feel bad for being a sceptic and not adhering to their dog -t raining methods of conditioning us.

The punchline is ”protect the NHS’

That little sign -off is saying if you’re ill, in an accident, or worried about your child or someone elderly in your family- don’t bring them to hospital.

Yep- just go when you feel good. After all, they have some synchronised dancing to rehearse for the cameras so we think they’re putting on a brave face under fire. Or just sitting round wile the doctors take cash for lying on death certificates..


Jan 28, 2021 10:54 PM

Obviously all backup comms run along railway net
in UK. Don’t tell the travellers. could mess the big massive plan up. Strip da metal. Hello……..

Jan 28, 2021 10:33 PM

The Killing$ of Tony Blair.. Wonder what George Galloway thinks of Common Pass? Perhaps the worst attack on civil liberties in decades


Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jan 29, 2021 6:26 AM
Reply to  Ben

That peice of shit will be demanding that everyone must have a mandatory common pass, and if they haven’t got a smart phone, then there’s always the digital smart card to fit in their wallet.
A peice of shit, like the equally disgusting George Monbiot who wants to criminalise ‘covid disinformation’.
Why did we not see them for what they really were earlier?
Caitlin Johnson is another one, tho she just keeps silent on the fascist outrage known as the ‘new normal’. With her, it’s like all this isn’t even happening. Nafeez Ahmed is yet another one who has shown his true colours. Complete traitors to humanity.

Jan 28, 2021 10:21 PM


Irish gards (POLICE to all ye non Irish) rehearsals for their upcoming Tok Tok videos for being such amazing front liners

Jan 29, 2021 3:39 PM
Reply to  Arsebiscuits

Jan 30, 2021 5:53 PM
Reply to  THX-1154

Beautiful. Just Beautiful !!!!

Feb 2, 2021 2:37 PM
Reply to  Carol

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 28, 2021 10:20 PM

I’m grateful that John Steppling is at least one Leftist who speaks out against the COVID shit. However, his usual articles are exasperating mixtures of (very) occasional insight with interminable insufferable Adornian gobbledegook about reification, mimesis etc. His latest is no different. But it offers this:

The entire Covid narrative, as the mainstream media and world governments and health organizations have crafted it is absurd. And yet many huddle in their homes, terrified. Only leaving, mask on face, to buy more toilet paper. However, many people (half approximately given recent polls) reject the narrative. And I think one reason is that the educated classes (institutionally educated) are both more indoctrinated but also more invested in an idea of progress and society that demands repression and domination.

He seems to be implying that ironically it’s those “educated” ones who are most likely to submit to the covid bollocks. And I think he has a point with the mainstream Left. As a recent OffG tweet said (in reference appropriately enough to that piece of Monbiot excrement):

2020/21 will forever be the year the establishment left actually became what the establishment right always accused them of being. This is almost literal Stalinism at this point.

Many of the Left have swallowed the covid poison because it seems to herald a world they think will usher in some kind of socialist utopia. The catch is that this formation of their dream is most definitely not something that they or the proles are actively engaged in creating. Oh no – this utopia is very conveniently being organised though the capitalist enemy supposedly in opposition to this virus. It’s as if some celestial well-wisher has added two evils – capitalists plus covid – stirred up the mixture together – and voilà, it’s the worker’s state!  

S Cooper
S Cooper
Jan 29, 2021 12:17 AM
Reply to  George Mc

“Many of the Left”

“That does not mean anything. A CORPORATE FASCIST FABIAN EUGENICIST is a CORPORATE FASCIST FABIAN EUGENICIST. It is not a SOCIALIST in the spirit of Eugene Victor Debs. The SCAMDEMIC was the signal (planned event) for all the little crocodile teared charlatan fraudsters to take their brown shirts out of the closet and wear them.”

Jan 29, 2021 12:57 AM
Reply to  George Mc

He seems to be implying that ironically it’s those “educated” ones who are most likely to submit to the covid bollocks.

surely this is quite obvious, at this late date. nowhere more so than in the US, where the goodthinking middle-class liberals all scrupulously wear their obedience muzzles, whereas the working-class Trump supporters mostly do not, anywhere that they have a choice. it really is a class issue, between those who rightly or wrongly believe that the COVID-1984 hoax serves their long-term interests, or is at least not harmful to them, and those who can already see that the hoax is ruining their own lives, and those of everyone they know.

Many of the Left have swallowed the covid poison because it seems to herald a world they think will usher in some kind of socialist utopia.

that is apparently what they believe, but how this is supposed to work is a complete mystery, unless these people’s private conception of what a socialist utopia is supposed to look like, is considerably different from what is publicly advertised. of course, if that turned out to be the case, it wouldn’t actually be the first time. literal stalinism, indeed.

Kevin MacDonald — Stalin’s Willing Executioners: Scientologists As a Hostile Elite in the USSR

Jan 29, 2021 1:29 AM
Reply to  George Mc

It’s as if some celestial well-wisher has added two evils — capitalists plus covid — stirred up the mixture together — and voilà, it’s the worker’s state!

it’s all done through the magical technology of dialectical materialism. if you can’t understand it, it’s because your conception of dialectics is lifeless and wooden.

thesis (neoliberal capitalist dystopia) + antithesis (megadeath virus of doom) —> synthesis (future socialist paradise)


all sarcasm aside, notice that this is what people who identify as “revolutionary marxists” actually claim to believe.


Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jan 29, 2021 6:42 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Bravo… nail, hammer, head. Unfortunately, I’ve been bumped off John Steppling’s Facebook page for some reason, and I can’t remember my bloody email and Facebook passwords!
Just passed one of the Fake left organisations here in Melbourne, called Socialist Alliance, flogging their rag outside the main train station, all fully masked, while ironically the large majority of people walking past them are not masked.
I have no intention of buying it!

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 29, 2021 7:50 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

I made a comment months ago about how, from the start of this COVID age, the Left seem to have disappeared. By which I meant they either cheerlead the virus propaganda or just ignore the whole issue. So it was heartening to find someone like Steppling. The fact that he is submerged in this flatulent postmodernist blather is a depressing sign of how thoroughly neutered the Left have become.

And so with the sheer vacuity of a Leftist response in a truly frightening situation crying out for it, I turned to non-Marxist writers like GG Preparata (whose vastly articulate anger is ironically close to Marx’s own prose). GGP is doubly impressive in not only providing insight into what has been going on over the last century but also in being fully aware of how the wretched Western Left work. Unfortunately I haven’t found anything he has written on COVID. I’ll keep looking.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jan 29, 2021 8:32 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Forgot to mention that Socialist Alliance are a slightly less hysterical version of the WSWS when it comes to covid, and note they have friendly relations with the Democratic Socialists of America (no shit!) and on their Facebook page have articles from… The Guardian, Jacobin Magazine, The Conversation and a tweet from Owen Jones!
That, in a nutshell says it all. Anyway, I haven’t really checked out Preparata yet, but was very impressed by Rusere Shoniwa that you linked to a couple of weeks back.
Steppling has made lengthy comments on covid rather than a full length article, tho I haven’t been on his page for a while.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Jan 29, 2021 4:28 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

“The CIA Party (the Langley-Land operation formerly known as the SEP) is not credible. If someone wanted to discredit Leon Trotsky it would one of the ways they could do it. It is almost as if Crains Detroit serial entrepeneur David W Green was looking to establish a second People’s Temple and become its new Jim Jones. As to the other Corporate Fascist Eugenicist brownshirts they are no better.”

Ernest Judd
Ernest Judd
Jan 28, 2021 9:16 PM

The Indian farmers are just going to have to KILL their elites.
That includes any military willing to protect the government.
A potential 800 million recruits for the task…
How can the elites be so stupid and arrogant!!

Jan 28, 2021 10:22 PM
Reply to  Ernest Judd

the cops beat them with sticks an old tradition herr churchill encouraged.

they have excepted the city of london beatings for generations

modi is just another zio banker tool like most puppet he plays his people like a fiddle

Jan 29, 2021 1:34 AM
Reply to  Ernest Judd

Arundhati Roy — Walking with the Comrades

Jan 28, 2021 8:54 PM

Not satisfied with the rape of the global consciousness using sustained mind control and disingenuous propaganda, they’ve flipped us over. In come the ‘anal swabs‘ to test for Covid.

Looks like toilet roll sales are going to go through the roof again. Just clench would be my advice .

nb – Boris Jonson, on hearing of this latest piece of Science has told the UK public not to fret and that he, as usual, will lead by example. He has an appointment with his Dentist on Monday.


Jan 28, 2021 8:55 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling


Jan 28, 2021 9:06 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

The Bottom Inspectors.

Appears Viz were ahead of the game.

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 28, 2021 9:47 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

Hey they’re ‘avin’ a right good laugh now!

Note the bar at the top:

“COVID-19 is an emerging, rapidly evolving situation.”

followed by

“Prolonged SARS-CoV-2 RNA detection in anal/rectal swabs and stool specimens in COVID-19 patients”


Jan 28, 2021 10:07 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I blame us sceptics.

After 6 months of pushing back and telling them where to stick their tests they’re after revenge.

On a more positive note, Amazon, never ones to miss an opportunity, are putting together thousands of ‘Covid 19 Top n Tail’ kits. They consist of matching masks and nappies. They come in a range of colours, designs and sizes.

( i can hear the singing already” you can stick yer covid test kits up yer…’‘)😉

Jan 28, 2021 10:35 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

I’m convinced the anal swabs procedure is designed to humiliate and degrade. That’s its main purpose. Why? Perhaps to coerce people to take the vaccines and immunity passports etc

Jan 28, 2021 10:56 PM
Reply to  Ben

Anal swabbing is no more or less creepy than masks. Well maybe a tad more creepy. But at this point it’s ALL creepy and weird as hell. Fast becoming desensitised to it all. If they say tomorrow that you have to drink your own urine to fight the virus, would it shock me? Not really. Just another covid day.

Jan 28, 2021 11:17 PM
Reply to  Ben

It’s a sexual perversion.
Nothing else.
These people are so bored with life that nothing is beyond their reach in their search for new turn-ons.

Jan 28, 2021 11:24 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

Jura, our cat’s getting a bit long in the tooth but he’s a lovely little killing machine so we have decided he can go in the bidet. He doesn’t use bogroll and its better than stinky sweepy under ruggy🤣

Jan 28, 2021 11:29 PM
Reply to  She

A heart warming little tale 🤣 ..and it stops having the inevitable 3 foot bump in the middle of the rug 😉

Jan 29, 2021 12:26 AM
Reply to  JuraCalling

I first read about this in a Chinese propaganda outlet.

I believe it is revenge for what they see as the, “Century of Humiliation.”

Jan 29, 2021 1:00 AM
Reply to  awildgoose

I think the only way revenge would work in China was if it was the people who didn’t have to bend over..

Jan 30, 2021 2:30 AM
Reply to  awildgoose

“…a Chinese propaganda outlet.” The guardian?

Jan 29, 2021 1:46 AM
Reply to  JuraCalling
Jan 29, 2021 3:41 AM
Reply to  THX-1154

Still sounds like a questionable chat-up line

Jan 28, 2021 8:19 PM

What do you think about V for Vendetta? Based on a script written at the end of the 80s, shot in 2005.

Seems to describe what they’re trying to pull quite accurately. Accidental?

Jan 29, 2021 1:58 AM
Reply to  Jacques

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 28, 2021 8:00 PM

Recently I phoned out for a Chinese and when I went to pick it up, the door had been blocked and the receptionist – a very likeable and helpful person – had to fetch the food out. He was grumbling about how the supermarkets could get away with the usual customer visits but the little shops and takeaways couldn’t.

There is no logical reason for these restrictions on the small places. These places can more easily have that wretched social distancing (if you must!) and obviously there are far fewer customers.

So the conclusion is unavoidable: the little businesses are being targeted. They are under attack. Someone up there is doing everything possible to close these small places down while the bloated corporate chains and multinationals are left alone.

Jan 28, 2021 10:38 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Robin Monotti describes events as a class war by the pharma/tech/bank oligarchy

Jan 28, 2021 11:28 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Anything anybody has ever held dear is being targeted.

Let’s say, for example, that because a person is an atheist, they don’t believe in the devil.

Next, let’s imagine what a theoretical devil might theoretically do to the whole of human kind which could be much worse than this abomination which has currently grabbed us all by the throat. Something which would amuse Beelzebub enormously.

Then consider the proposition that here he is, actually doing it to us, except that the tail and horns have been hidden for decency’s sake…

I find myself wondering how many politicians could be exorcised at the same time… because a global dose of something that radical is what the world desperately needs right now.

Jan 28, 2021 11:30 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Why did it take you this long to realise that

Jan 28, 2021 11:32 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Go round the back

Jan 29, 2021 12:25 AM
Reply to  George Mc

The small places are more difficult to monitor, control, and tax.

The big boxes are money printers for the globalists and all those factories in China.

Jan 29, 2021 1:02 AM
Reply to  George Mc

one brick at a time the wall is demolished..

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 28, 2021 7:45 PM

Oh Jeeeeez! I wasn’t quick enough to dodge the news and it’s ……aaaaah words fail!

“… ambitious vaccination programme … inspiring hope … the number of deaths climbing … great vax …. terrible covid …. great vax …. terrible covid …”

Which brings me to…


It’s a dual voice thing.


This goes on for 9 months without cease. And then the same voice continues:


But then in comes the second voice, whispering off to the side: “Oh you can turn down the vax if you want. We’re not going to force you.”

It doesn’t take a genius to see a little bit of contradiction there. On the one hand, “Everyone will die unless everyone takes the vax!” On the other, “But now over to you! You can decide!”

At this point I’m afraid we must consider the Dumbass Contingent. This is the criminally impressionable crowd who wouldn’t understand the concept of critique. Or even reflection. If a critical thought entered their minds at all, their skulls would explode with the shock.

I am optimistic enough to believe these panic monkeys are in a minority but I’m afraid it’s an extremely vocal and visible minority – and it is one that the MSM are eager to highlight. Indeed, this is the screamingly vacuous bunch who went off shivering around the supermarkets on a hugely publicised stocking up on toilet rolls.

Now with regard to the two aforementioned voices, our hyperventilators only heard the first one. Granted it was hard not to hear it and very easy to miss the second voice. But our headless chickens actually want to run around shitting themselves. They were born for it.

And when the vax rolls out and those with a minimal amount of grey matter say no, our dumbasses are apoplectic. They didn’t even know refusal was an option. Why? Because they weren’t listening and don’t care anyway! “Don’t you know we’re all going to die unless ….”

And the stage is set for the most vicious homicidal squabbling.

And all of that was intentional!

Jan 29, 2021 12:24 AM
Reply to  George Mc

…the Dumbass Contingent. This is the criminally impressionable crowd who wouldn’t understand the concept of critique.

Sorry, but we really need to be reconsidering the idea that (asserted) stupidity and other mental inferiority are moral failings. We need to be aiming to lead them, and using our supposedly superior intellects to win them over, rather than, well, primarily venting on fairly inconsequential blogs.

Otherwise, you can easily argue the current powers that be are, on the same measures, superior to us (they’ve won so far, after all), and moreover, there’s also little point to democracy. That’s not a good path to head down on.

Jan 28, 2021 7:40 PM

GMOs negatively affect our health, welfare and DNA.

So too, will the synthetic mRNA injectable pathogens. People could potentially die or have their health impacted permanently or temporarily.

Anyone considering taking part in this unethical and dangerous experiment must watch this video and pass it on to friends and relatives. The Vaccine Adverse Reaction Reporting System:


Jan 28, 2021 9:07 PM
Reply to  Researcher

just had it they called it a vit as in vitamin goy vaccine.
the nurse did a dance for me before pricking me
she also added some extra sv40 monkey cancer juice in the needle
cos i think she fancied me
i felt like leo deniro in that ship movie with that fat english girl king of the world
met a lovely young lady at the vax station we went back to her place and we had the most amazing cytokine storm together
wow just wow what a day daddio

my whole body feels like it is cookin from the inside

Jan 28, 2021 10:25 PM
Reply to  gorden

Hahaha that’s brilliant. I’d might get the vaxx just to have cytokine storm with some vaxxed fat bird.

Jan 28, 2021 11:35 PM
Reply to  gorden

When I died in the freezing cold I knew,
Should have turned the taps off
In the car.

Jan 28, 2021 6:56 PM

you can tell mombiot what you think of him here https://youtu.be/6I_ZhGHxnHQ

Jan 28, 2021 11:41 PM
Reply to  col

Those comments at YT do not make good reading…
Also, I’m certain that what I think of GM would be disappeared without trace before I’d even added a full stop to my final sentence.

Jan 28, 2021 6:44 PM

i think dr gupta should should consider legal action agianst owen jones this is blatent libel https://youtu.be/8lraa1MZaIU

Jan 28, 2021 6:28 PM

“But agricapital’s free-for-all bonanza and the planned displacement of tens of millions of cultivators mirrors what has been happening across the world for many decades: the consolidation of a global food regime based on agro-export mono-cropping (often with non-food commodities taking up prime agricultural land) linked to sovereign debt repayment and foreign exchange inflows and earnings and World Bank/IMF ‘structural adjustment’ directives.”

And playing a big role in that ongoing disaster are the gangster politicians that citizens everywhere have foolishly voted for. Representative democracy wasn’t democratic at all. It was a label slapped on gangsterism so that sleepy (by choice) citizens could continue to believe in it and enable it. If it was bad before, it’s far worse now, because we are now seeing clearly what it is. The charade is dropping. As Catherine Austin Fitts said, ‘They are getting tired of pretending’. When the technocratic system is in place, they won’t bother with the charade at. (No political parties, politicians and elections.) They hardly do now. It’s just people fooling themselves. And elites no doubt marvel at the cattle. “Which way to the ramp for slaughter, sir?” Sir: “Oh, yes. Hey, right this way.” Cattle: “Thanks so much!” Sir: “No problem. You look declicious.”

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Jan 28, 2021 6:53 PM
Reply to  Arby

It was possible to pull this off back in the day — every country has at least one historical period where agricultural workers were displaced with people forced off the land and into cities (and poverty) — but these days people can see this coming and they quite obviously don’t like it. Its really not about technocracies, though, but the overriding imperativet “to be efficient” — in other words, to maximize corporate profit at the expense of anything and everything, be it people’s livelyhoods, the environment, whatever.

There’s no reason why farms can not only be efficient and sustainable but also keep a lot of people occupied and happy.

Jan 28, 2021 7:58 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Technocracy is real. Technocrats and central banks tried to implement in the 1930’s and people rejected it en masse. People will reject in again, especially once they realize it means permanently losing their ability to own property, assets, possessions, and businesses.

They are not going to trade freedom, happiness and independence for a meager UBI stipend, and permanent enslavement in the digital and physical realm through central command control.

Jan 29, 2021 1:38 AM
Reply to  Researcher

I wish I could believe you. I live in NZ and they’ve just “found” the first “cases” of the s. african varient of covid (utter bollocks). They are saying that it came through the air conditioning! I’m deflated at the number of people still believing this crap. One of my co-workers even said that she wouldn’t mind having a few weeks of lockdown every year. It’s kinda fun, she said.

The wake-up call is sounding loud and clear. Unbelievable how many in the world are deaf to it.

Jan 29, 2021 2:06 AM
Reply to  Kamayok

Oh, the African variety. How exotic. When they come for her house, she may get that wake up call in an unpleasant hurry.

Jan 29, 2021 3:10 AM
Reply to  Kamayok

Its one thing to be lockdown on your own property, in your own house. I do it all the time to myself, well, not really, just don’t leave all that much except to walk freely in the surrounding woods and along the sea. Its another thing to be lockdown on another property. We usually call that jail, rehab or a mental institution. Even two minutes in these places is never fun.

Jan 28, 2021 10:11 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Right now, the destruction of independent farmers and independent anything is happening within the context of the roll out of the technocratic biosecurity police State. That’s just a fact.

Jan 28, 2021 7:44 PM
Reply to  Arby

Who knows, maybe the current crop of politicians have been promised permanent positions within the coming totalitarian system as long as they continue to implement the agenda. I don’t see much concern about re-election even though they have destroyed their own economies. Isn’t that curious?

Jan 28, 2021 10:16 PM
Reply to  kevin

Curious. Fascinating. Horrifying. I would just assume that gangster politicians know that the gig is up and don’t care about votes and electoral politics, except that it could be that they themselves don’t realize that that world is gone. In which case, Why the indifference? That could be simply be due to the fact that they have discovered, with the covid 19 pandemic hoax, that they can pretty much tell the majority anything and they’ll believe it. “We are killing and robbing you so that you can have a good life,” say the gangster politicians. “Okay, say the cattle.” Gangster: “Please remember to vote for me!” Cattle: “You’ve got my vote!”

Jan 28, 2021 10:44 PM
Reply to  Arby

The only fly in the ointment for politicians who’ve enabled lockdown is that they have to live among their constituents and to see the damage they’ve created. Many will have children and grandchildren who may suffer in a future dystopia. The same goes for all those complicit in the Covid crime. The next generation will suffer

Jan 28, 2021 10:49 PM
Reply to  Ben

What you say would be true ‘if’ there’s no God with plan to end this system of things. I hope I’m right about that. I believe that I am.

Jan 28, 2021 11:37 PM
Reply to  Ben

Unfortunately same for our finest.

Jan 28, 2021 11:45 PM
Reply to  Ben

No No No.
The politicians do NOT have to live among their constituents at all.
By Summer, they will be on a private island in the Indian Ocean, and Westminster will be just a foggy, and fast-fading memory to them.
They will also feel they’ve earned it.

Jan 28, 2021 6:16 PM

The late Isaac Kappy died in suspicious circumstances in May 2019, not least being called out as roadkill by Tom Hanks around the time he lay dying on an expressway.

Isaac was a C list Hollywood actor and a warm human being who was outraged by child abuse. He was also a talented singer.

He could toast a mean roast about Epstein.. and Gates… and Oprah… and the Clin-tones… and the beat goes on.

A number of producers have taken up his material and produced finished versions.

Isaac Kappy — Brackets and Jackets (2020)

Jan 28, 2021 6:05 PM

Never voted Conservative in my life but respect to David Davis MP who has bravely dared to stick his head above the parapet. I hope he’s not lynched by George Monbiot and Angela Rayner’s pitchfork mob
. comment image

Jan 28, 2021 9:25 PM
Reply to  Ben

david davis fucl off once again prime example of sheep running back to the slave master white coat or dark suit because they said a internet fashionable thing 3 month before the may local erection/selections.
fools cant see there being fooled

Jan 28, 2021 11:56 PM
Reply to  Ben

I see no parapet… nor any head sticking up above one.

a) there is no verifiably isolated covid19 virus, so the hospitalization is for other reasons.
b) there is no pressure on the NHS, except that of dealing with interfering politicians.

Davis is risking nothing.
His rather feeble gatekeeping job (Gateskeeping?) will be handsomely rewarded in due course.

Jan 29, 2021 12:12 AM
Reply to  wardropper

I disagree. To endorse drugs as useful instead of *only* vaccines is unusual

The mainstream media has attacked any mention of Ivermectin

Jan 29, 2021 12:16 AM
Reply to  Ben

Well, as I implied, being ‘unusual’ isn’t quite sticking your head above the parapet.

Jan 29, 2021 2:25 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Thanks. I get tired of pointing out that stuff. It’s great that I’m not the only one.

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Jan 28, 2021 5:54 PM

…Meanwhile, in La La land:… – I see GameStop is *Up* again…

…*Munches Popcorn*…

Jan 28, 2021 5:36 PM

so many people fail to realise this salient fact: when agribusiness reformed our ancestors’ worlds, the game was always up. When you remove people from their land through legal theft (lol – those same chunts in charge of things eternally!) they(us) lose any hope for posterity. This happened where I come from 300 years ago, and has only gotten worse. The irony is that so many of our ancestors saw a job in the mill, or “improved” expanded farm, the pit, docks or some “factory” as a blessing- they were so relieved they did not have to milk the cow, harrow the fields, bridle the hosses or go out into the rain and wind just to feed themselves….. currency economy made life easier. So it is with the mask wearing obliging hordes out there – too lazy to care. And here we are. Most humans deserve all the get.

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Jan 28, 2021 6:17 PM
Reply to  :S2

…- Some folks I been randomly reading up on, recently… – *Genesis* of a socio-political elite?…

(Pre-Roman Po Valley, Italy…)

“For the early phases of the Middle Bronze Age it is plausible to think of the Terramare in terms of a *polycentric settlement system*, with apparently *no substantial differences between one village and another*. The density of dwellings rose, and in the MB2 (1550–1450 BC) is worthy of note. There are areas, coinciding with those that have been most extensively investigated, in which the inhabited settlements in this phase are no more than 2 kilometres one from the other. It can therefore be supposed that the entire territory was occupied by a tight-knit network of villages, a *polycentric system* with settlements generally covering *between 1 and 2 hectares* and occupied by up to 250/260 inhabitants (about 125 per hectare). *At that point, the dimension of the settlements began to vary.*

Until the MB2, their size did not normally exceed two hectares, but during the MB3 (1450–1350 BC), *there was a substantial increase in the surface area occupied by certain of these settlements, while others remained limited in size or disappeared altogether*. This tendency was consolidated in the LBA. Several of these settlements cover an area of up to 20 hectares. The size of the embankments and ditches can reach remarkable proportions, *some exceeding 30 metres in width*.

For the more advanced phase of the Middle Bronze Age, and above all during the Late Bronze Age (1350–1150 BC), we can hypothesise a greater degree of diversified territorial organisation, *including centres which are larger and tending towards hegemony, adjacent to smaller sites*. In certain areas during the LBA, *we see a higher frequency of sites occupying a larger extension and a scant presence of small-size settlements*, perhaps due to a marked tendency towards concentration of population. *This trend seems to be accentuated during the advanced LBA, when the overall number of settlements decreases, with a tendency towards concentration in larger-size settlements and probable subordination of the smaller settlements to the larger ones*.”

…- Of note, later *Notable* (ie: ‘Elite’) Terramare burial sites show evidence of fine bronze works (weapons, armour, bridelry, jewellery, etc.,) and semi-precious jewellery, ornaments, etc., whereas more ‘common’ Terramare burial sites do not…


Jan 29, 2021 6:42 AM
Reply to  Sgt Oddball

James C. Scott — Against the Grain: A Deep History of the Earliest States

A foundational question underlying state formation is how we (Homo sapiens sapiens) came to live amid the unprecedented concentrations of domesticated plants, animals, and people that characterize states. From this wide-angle view, the state form is anything but natural or given. Homo sapiens appeared as a subspecies about 200,000 years ago and is found outside of Africa and the Levant no more than 60,000 years ago. The first evidence of cultivated plants and of sedentary communities appears roughly 12,000 years ago. Until then—that is to say for ninety-five percent of the human experience on earth—we lived in small, mobile, dispersed, relatively egalitarian, hunting-and-gathering bands. Still more remarkable, for those interested in the state form, is the fact that the very first small, stratified, tax-collecting, walled states pop up in the Tigris and Euphrates Valley only around 3,100 BCE, more than four millennia after the first crop domestications and sedentism. This massive lag is a problem for those theorists who would naturalize the state form and assume that once crops and sedentism, the technological and demographic requirements, respectively, for state formation were established, states/empires would immediately arise as the logical and most efficient units of political order.

Once the basic assumption of the superiority and attraction of fixed-field farming over all previous forms of subsistence is questioned, it becomes clear that this assumption itself rests on a deeper and more embedded assumption that is virtually never questioned. And that assumption is that sedentary life itself is superior to and more attractive than mobile forms of subsistence. The place of the domus and of fixed residence in the civilizational narrative is so deep as to be invisible; fish don’t talk about water! It is simply assumed that weary Homo sapiens couldn’t wait to finally settle down permanently, could not wait to end hundreds of millennia of mobility and seasonal movement. Yet there is massive evidence of determined resistance by mobile peoples everywhere to permanent settlement, even under relatively favorable circumstances. Pastoralists and hunting-and-gathering populations have fought against permanent settlement, associating it, often correctly, with disease and state control. Many Native American peoples were confined to reservations only on the heels of military defeat. Others seized historic opportunities presented by European contact to increase their mobility, the Sioux and Comanche becoming horseback hunters, traders, and raiders, and the Navajo becoming sheep-based pastoralists. Most peoples practicing mobile forms of subsistence—herding, foraging, hunting, marine collecting, and even shifting cultivation—while adapting to modern trade with alacrity, have bitterly fought permanent settlement. At the very least, we have no warrant at all for supposing that the sedentary “givens” of modern life can be read back into human history as a universal aspiration.

Jan 28, 2021 10:00 PM
Reply to  :S2

“They hang the man, and flog the woman,
That steals the goose from off the common;
But let the greater villain loose,
That steals the common from the goose”
Folk poem.

Sarah Gooder, aged 8 years.
I’m a trapper in the Gawber pit. It does not tire me, but I have to trap without a light and I’m scared. I go at four and sometimes half past three in the morning, and come out at five and half past. I never go to sleep. Sometimes I sing when I’ve light, but not in the dark; I dare not sing then. I don’t like being in the pit. I am very sleepy when I go sometimes in the morning. I go to Sunday-schools and read Reading made Easy. She knows her letters, and can read little words. They teach me to pray. She repeated the Lord’s Prayer, not very perfectly, and ran on with the following addition:–“God bless my father and mother, and sister and brother, uncles and aunts and cousins, and everybody else, and God bless me and make me a good servant. Amen.” I have heard tell of Jesus many a time. I don’t know why he came on earth, I’m sure, and I don’t know why he died, but he had stones for his head to rest on. I would like to be at school far better than in the pit.


The Testimony of Patience Kershaw.

Jan 28, 2021 10:47 PM
Reply to  Doctortrinate

Wow! Our rulers would bring those days back in a flash if they thought they could get away with it

Jan 28, 2021 11:40 PM
Reply to  Ben

They are not my ruler, with respect.

Jan 29, 2021 1:18 AM
Reply to  Ben

salt was force funneled – but nowadays…is freely forsaken.

Jan 28, 2021 11:06 PM
Reply to  Doctortrinate

ironically, colliers were amongst the best paid workers in the 70’s, how things changed…. i really do blame it on the boomer era, they did nothing whilst the gains of the chartists, right up to the post war era, were destroyed in their face and they did NOTHING as long as they got their pay packet…. Thatcher evidently won, and the majority of people are self serving shallow scum… don’t give a fuck as long as they are doing okay. Here we are. Ultimately, people can make excuses and cite cause and effect… but too many humans behave so predictably and immorally, we are bad seed for most part, horrible mobs of morons …. I had a staunch communist auntie years ago…. “no room for nationalism, it is about the haves and have nots” she would cry…. Aye, i replied, and if you were in the haves group you would behave exactly as they do..she didn’t like that answer. Material selfishness -rampant unhinged egos – anomy – hollow souls. Fuck humanity, they play their hand constantly, and i’ve not even mentioned outrightly evil elites!!! We need a massive wake up, but not sure that will work on all the anomic or entitled ones anyway??

Jan 29, 2021 12:01 AM
Reply to  Doctortrinate

Another loud soundtrack to distract us from actually paying attention to what the pictures say so much more eloquently.
YouTube is full of it.

Jan 28, 2021 5:29 PM

comment image

Jan 28, 2021 4:56 PM

The problems they recount are common to smaller scale farms worldwide including in the UK.
Every service is many miles away on increasingly neglected roads, mobile coverage and faster broadband poor or absent altogether, profit on most crops and products at farm gate in many cases little changed from the 1970s yet outgoing costs keep up with wider societies ability to pay.
It can’t go on and it won’t because the medium term result is sons and daughters leave the industry because they can make far more stacking shelves or riding on a bin lorry.
Add to that the onslaught by know-it-all greens and know-nothing politicians and it’s a miracle anyone tries to keep going.

Jan 28, 2021 7:32 PM
Reply to  4wd

I hail from dairy farming stock and live in the area still…I have watched the kill off of what some regarded as a way of life though questionable re the way we end up exploiting the cattle…same story of pushing farmers to limits and they leave…industry collapses…in the name of more efficiency…in aust this was hastened with Coles enterprise pricing milk cheaper than water…no doubt deliberately…the real costs of producing real food is never included..,the price is always paid by animals, farmers, degradation of land in the name of efficiency…suspect it may hail from our original thing of just hunting and gathering…it was free then why not now…

perhaps the game of efficiency has now run its course and the last thing to look at is the Efficient use of humans…and if one views the world this way why not see that most of the species human do not create much benefit…we happily think of animals, birds land etc like this so why not extend it to humans?

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 28, 2021 4:55 PM

After wading through the cesspool of a recent George Monbiot article in the Graud, I note the following rules for dismissing covid scepticism:

  • Always start from the taken-for-granted claim that covid really is absolutely deadly.
  • Always start from the premise that the vaccine (any of them) really is the miracle cure we’ve been waiting for
  • Always highlight the most colourful sceptical claims: (“coronavirus doesn’t exist”, “it’s not the virus that makes people ill but 5G”, or “vaccines are used to inject us with microchips”)
  • Never counter the most pressing claims e.g. one given on a placard used under that very Monbiot article: “99.7% Recovery from covid. Why do we need a vaccine?”
  • Indeed, never assert any argument at all against any of the sceptical points raised.
  • Always push alleged connections between covid scepticism and Right-Wing sources.
  • Drudge up irrelevant metaphors (“the marketplace of ideas”)
  • Drag in irrelevant topics (global warning, the venality of the tobacco industry)
  • When you pose for the accompanying photo, try you hardest to make people want to punch you.
George Mc
George Mc
Jan 28, 2021 5:04 PM
Reply to  George Mc

One hopeful sign is that Jonathan Cook – who has been a bit of a tit on covid – at least protests to the Monbiot piece:

George Monbiot has always had a strong authoritarian streak, but his new column is daft as well as dangerous: if, as he admits, governments and corporations are the ones spreading lies about Covid, how does it help to put them in charge of vetting speech

Jan 28, 2021 6:22 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I have total respect for Naomi Wolf, who is bravely and politely standing up to bully George Monbiot

However, there is a very easy and simple way to prove Monbiot wrong –

– challenge him to take a PCR test at 45 cycles

He will refuse because he most likely already knows about the high false positive rates and doesn’t want to be forced to stay home for two weeks


Jan 28, 2021 4:48 PM

. comment image

Jan 28, 2021 5:07 PM
Reply to  Ben
Jan 29, 2021 1:11 AM
Reply to  Ben
  • more than $9 million to The Guardian
  • over $3 million to NBC Universal
  • over $4 million to French newspaper Le Monde
  • over $4.5 million to NPR
  • $1 million to Al-Jazeera
  • $49 million to the BBC Media Action program

also invested in technologies and companies, including,

  • Monsanto
  • geoengineering
  • 5G technology
  • vaccines

This is the Good Club :

  • Bill Gates
  • George Soros
  • Warren Buffett
  • Oprah Winfrey
  • Michael Bloomberg
  • David Rockefeller
  • Ted Turner
  • Eli and Edythe Broad

(All told, its members are worth $225bn and rising.)

Jan 28, 2021 7:57 PM
Reply to  Ben

Interesting about Naomi Wolf. I recall her writing an article questioning the official story of 9//11 sometime around 2007 although she later wrote an article stepping back from it. Anyway, she does seem to have a capacity for critical thought unlike so many other ‘progressive’ voices.

Jan 29, 2021 12:07 AM
Reply to  kevin

It’s what you might call a “flexible” capacity for critical thought.

Jan 28, 2021 3:47 PM

This is how real men deal with state thugs:
(watch the video, ignore the RT propaganda- do not try this without training in self defence)


Jan 28, 2021 6:14 PM
Reply to  Digger

Check this badass muthafukka!

Jan 28, 2021 3:32 PM

Perhaps goose stepping, conformist behaviour is the default for humans. It is easier to display your superiority with your body than to produce evidence of your mental and manual dexterity. To show off rather than to create.

We are, after all, animals, little different to the peacock or the baboon who can make an exhibition of parts of its body by flashing or hiding them. Virtue signalling has proved extraordinarily popular. Masks are just an extension.

Flights of creativity and independence are the exception to the rule. It took an amazing sequence of internal reflection and external observation, giving rise first to philosophy and then to industry as we molded our world, accomplishing feats of invention and engineering which in turn bought us time to write, paint and sculpt that world in our own vision. Thus the industrial revolution began in the monasteries, alongside the great philosophic inquiries.

And yet that wealth bought us distance from ourselves and from nature, with which some felt sufficiently alienated from the source of our culture to be able to reject it. Thus they lost sight of whence and how our civilization was born. They learned the price of everything and the value of nothing. This person is the partner and the prey of politicians.

Most politicians never change. They play upon envy, promising an easy road to riches if only the voter will raise him into office, where he promises he’ll repay the vote by seizing from another.

They say it takes a wealth family three generations to descend into debauchery. Perhaps we had our three centuries. Yet we have the chance to hold on to what we’ve got.

It will take the wise to lead the foolish, because that is how the pieces have fallen. All we can do is try.

Remember that we owe nothing to the fools around us. We owe it to people who built our cultures, to the great and the brave, the insightful and the gifted, the philosophers and inventors, the architects and poets, the shipbuilders and road menders, the weavers and the thatchers, the mystics and the musicians, the engineers and writers, the farmers and the cooks. Would they ever have burned the midnight oil if they’d known that, a couple of centuries down the line, their descendants would throw it all away?

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 28, 2021 3:46 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

They say it takes a wealth family three generations to descend into debauchery. Perhaps we had our three centuries. Yet we have the chance to hold on to what we’ve got.

I’ve heard the far more sobering observation that every society is three meals away from barbarism.

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Jan 28, 2021 6:24 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Robert Anton Wilson wrote extensively on the nature of ‘Domesticated Primate Politics’, and yes, unfortunately, it’s all true, even if him and Tim Leary were spooky limited hangouts…

Jan 28, 2021 8:31 PM
Reply to  Sgt Oddball

Mass mind control is a science that has been perfected by the most amoral and iniquitous, such as criminals and psychopaths in letter agencies, banks, think tanks and the legal and corporate sphere who have used social engineering and behavioral modification along with introduced scarcity and physical, societal and economic coercion.

Society has been molded by forces who set up a system of human enslavement.

That couldn’t be more clear in Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars.

People can’t evolve within a system that rewards consensus and obedience, encourages fear and avarice, is psychologically manipulating and traumatizing, whilst punishing independence, dissent, courage, non-comfortity, compassion, tolerance, transparency, reform and ingenuity.

Jan 28, 2021 8:55 PM
Reply to  Researcher

whoops, replied to wrong comment

Jan 28, 2021 8:53 PM
Reply to  Sgt Oddball

Yes, it is unfortunate they both became masonic muppets trumpeting transhumanism. RAW’s early works are pure genius.

Jan 28, 2021 8:56 PM
Reply to  Sgt Oddball

Yes, it is unfortunate they both became mas0nic muppets trumpeting transhumanism. RAW’s early works are pure genius.

Jan 29, 2021 7:28 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

thus the industrial revolution began in the monasteries

that is practically the diametrical opposite of what actually happened. as a matter of historical fact, the industrial revolution began in the coal mines, both as producers of the essential industrial commodity, coal, and the original application for the essential industrial technology, the steam engine.

the Catholic Church, then, now, and always, was the primary repository of scientific ignorance, intellectual mystification and superstition, and social and political reaction.

Jan 28, 2021 3:16 PM

First they came for the ‘independent food producers’. There is a risk of romanticizing the small farmer, seen in England’s very own John Bull, but being relatively independent from the ‘machine’ is something of immense value.

Incursions into our independence, of thought and action, happen all the time. A report that there will be an investigation into the CV-19 outbreak in Wuhan mentioned that the possibility of a leak from a laboratory has already been ruled out because it is a ‘conspiracy theory’.

That parameter placed on the investigation is an attack on our freedom to know.

Jan 28, 2021 3:10 PM

I don’t know what the Indians are worried about. Relax! Globocorpomegafarm Incorporated will have hyper modified super bio synthetic additive enhanced soy substitute growing out of your ears before the end of the rainy season. Handfuls of satisfied mega wealth accumulator stakeholders will make sure the good times roll, peasant.

Jan 28, 2021 7:43 PM
Reply to  Matt

I will bet that the same process has already gone on in China in recent times…afterall they moved millions off the farms there and into get to cities to produce the cheap goodies exported to the west…we never murmured about that…perhaps because it seemed the Chinese did it without the help of gates and his chemicals…or just used the chemicals…

we all turned a blind eye as we rolled up to the shops for the cheap goodies and measured it as an increase in our own wealth…kept inflation down etc…such is life on earth…

Jan 28, 2021 3:07 PM

A main point about the effect of the farmers’ protest is that hardly anyone believes” in corona anymore (if they ever did: Modi and cohort are a different thing, their election Im told is corrupt as they manipulated the ballot boxes): the reason no mainstream press is reporting the farmers’ protest is simply that if you have a million people together for months in all together i not wonderful conditions, in a particularly cold winter, and there is no pandemic among them, then it destroys the corona thesis. So in effect this thesis has been empirically proved to be false by the farmers. Its interesting that not even the Western alternative press is reporting or publicizing this aspect.

I mean its QED, what more proof do you need? This proof is comprehensible by everyone. You dont need to know to read and write and understand scientific. And I can tell you that those Indians I heard about that used to believe in corona, now dont. That every locality is holding informal meetings where this particular point is now being made openly. Weddings (which in India means at least least 400 guests packed in a hall) are going on as usual (winter is the season most choose to get married in India). No one is wearing masks

R Anand
R Anand
Jan 29, 2021 7:01 AM
Reply to  Annette

What you said about the Indian PM and the election manipulation is true, but it is not correct to say that the people are free to move about without masks or that the government does not fudge/manipulate the ‘cv vrus’ case numbers as per its agenda at any given point in time.

The legal fines for not wearing masks are exorbitant if you consider the average income level of Indian people.

Several people here, especially among the affluent and educated, even wear masks when there is no risk of police fining them or any one else raising an objection.

As far as weddings in India are concerned, they continue to fascinate people in the West, but in reallity they are cruel as they involve wasteful expenditure and are an enormous financial burden on the parents of women.

Jan 28, 2021 3:02 PM

NETHERLANDS: Huge anti-lockdown protests. The last time curfews existed in the Netherlands was under Nazi occupation


Jan 28, 2021 8:59 PM
Reply to  Ben

twatter removed it already, why even bother? Take a minute to find the info elsewhere and link to it…or take a screenshot…

Jan 29, 2021 12:15 AM
Reply to  Unmasked

Surprised at that. @city_affairs other posts are still there

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 28, 2021 2:38 PM

The very dullness of the repeated terminology induces a sinking of spirits. I just had a look at yet another “scientific” investigation into this unprecedented deadly killer bug – and there it was:

“Now, as the death toll from the COVID-19 pandemic surges, researchers are scrambling to …” etc.

Has any virus or indeed any phenomenon at all ever SURGED so much? It surges here, it surges there etc. And then of course, the surge must be met by a SCRAMBLE. Maybe it’s some kind of Freudian thing. Scrambling, surging, spurting, gushing…

But perhaps there’s a more mundane reason for this deadly dull repetition. The rapidly shrinking parasitical class are attempting to do away with more and more actual people – even among their own hack servants. Perhaps these brain dead items are being written by software packages?

Jan 28, 2021 3:01 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Don’t forget spiking! Spiking is scary! Spikes…ouchies!

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Jan 28, 2021 6:31 PM
Reply to  Matt

…- I guess UK/UE don’t got the memo from the USSA yet: – *Biden’s Installed*, Yay!!!…


Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Jan 28, 2021 9:32 PM
Reply to  Matt

And Coronaviruses have Spike Proteins! Scarier yet!

Jan 28, 2021 3:12 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Its like the Scarlet Pimpernel George but now it Surges. It surges here, it surges there, you’ll find it surging everywhere – does it surge from heaven or does it surge from hell, but where the virus is none can tell!

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Jan 28, 2021 9:34 PM
Reply to  -CO

PCR can tell! PCR can tell anything! As Kary Mullis said: if you do it right, with PCR, you can prove anybody has anything!

Jan 29, 2021 12:29 PM

Yes Mike, it can even tell you how many angels can occupy the head of a pin and still get it wrong! The more cycles the better!!!!

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Jan 28, 2021 6:28 PM
Reply to  George Mc

“Now, as the death toll from the COVID-19 pandemic surges, researchers are scrambling to …”

…- The Levitican liturgy of the devout Covidian…

Jan 28, 2021 2:20 PM

‘4,500,000 people in the UK are now on an NHS waiting list after cancelled treatments and screenings, and 70,000 UK households have been made homeless in the last 10 months.’

But don’t dare question lockdowns and restrictions as the courageous Sir Desmond Swayne MP has done. Don’t dare speak out and say the Emperor is naked or that the Earth is not flat, for fear of ending up in Angela Rayner’s gulag
comment image

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jan 28, 2021 4:01 PM
Reply to  Ben

“Sometimes I wish natural selection was something you could nominate people for.”

– Paul Vonharnish –

Jan 28, 2021 4:38 PM
Reply to  Ben

That is actually how ruling classes think. For example an assistant to a politician was fired or downgraded for an e-mail after 9-11 saying it was a good time to bury bad news. But they try not to make the Machiavellianism too obvious.

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Jan 28, 2021 9:35 PM
Reply to  Waldorf

Yes, she was probably saying what they were all thinking.

Jan 28, 2021 2:04 PM

Apologies if this article has been linked to before but it’s really important as the main argument for lockdowns has been the hospitals being overwhelmed narrative. Now it turns out that it has been going on for a good deal longer.


Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Jan 28, 2021 2:16 PM
Reply to  Molinos

That’s not anything new… Every year during Winter in all countries that have public hospitals they are always overwhelmed!

In the Plantation where I slave on this is the normal Winter Event, that all main s h i t media outlets are waiting for so that they can spend hours talking about it.

Then they make debates and foruns of blablabla, Spring arrives! Summer sets in they move into “news” about vacations and tourism…

Then WINTER, again! Just rewind and play again!

Jan 28, 2021 2:25 PM
Reply to  Molinos

It happens every year. The Guardian is an arm of the Government’s propaganda unit
. comment image

S Cooper
S Cooper
Jan 28, 2021 2:44 PM
Reply to  Ben

“The Guardian is an approved WAR RACKETEER CORPORATE FASCIST disinformation and propaganda site by the Joseph Goebbels Institute of Public Misinformation.
comment image



S Cooper
S Cooper
Jan 28, 2021 4:11 PM
Reply to  S Cooper
Jan 28, 2021 4:19 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

Oh please, Dr Goebbels was a pro. Propaganda these days (Guardian et al.) is pub league stuff, at best. Embarrassing so many fall for it.

Jan 28, 2021 5:20 PM
Reply to  EarlofSuave

I agree. He was good at it, although I am not sure the mass of people in his day were more sophisticated than those today.

Jan 28, 2021 5:37 PM
Reply to  Waldorf

I don’t know. For example, compare the number of speakeasies a hundred years ago to the number of speakeasies today. People then weren’t necessarily smarter than us, but they were still ‘people’. We are merely consumers, docile consumers.

Jan 28, 2021 7:20 PM
Reply to  Waldorf

He was a genius when propaganda was needed……….. sad his gift was used for evil !

Wayne Vanderploeg
Wayne Vanderploeg
Jan 28, 2021 3:25 PM
Reply to  Molinos

This is a good approach.

Just read the archives of every major newspaper and it’s there. Proof positive that this pandemic is bullshit. Just sent the link to with a brief explanation to all of my political representatives. They will take their reading glasses off, mess up their mousse laden hair, lean back in their expensive leather chair (paid for with taxes), pound their forehead while holding the reading glasses in their hand and say, “what the fuck”.

Never mind. Wishful thinking. They will just call their stock broker to see if the inside trading deal went through OK.

Jan 28, 2021 2:04 PM

It is interesting that so many countries peoples have a fight on their hands against these creatures…it seems they think they know best for us all using whatever to simply to increase their gross exploitation of every corner possible while sprouting this nonsense about making life better…save the planet etc…

it has its explanations within astrology but the human bit of me so often cannot find the words to express the sense of being totally appalled by what is being done in all directions to lower the dignity of the common human on this planet….all in the name it seems of a few to make a buck…or gain even more power to play with the lives of millions…

I am sad for the Indian farmers but the situation is so exhausting right now it is hard to do a great deal more than feel the sadness.,,and I guess to understand why humans got around to devising various beliefs in appealing to whatever entities they could think up to stop the torture…

Jan 28, 2021 1:12 PM

Dolores Cahill asks if there is more than one mRNA “operator” out there and suggests that we should store every 50th or 70th vial of the injectable for later analysis — given that a second and third round of deaths are likely, as the immune system kicks in and when another virus in the wild triggers it.

This DNA modifier was created before the plandemic, as I posted yesterday. The recent Time magazine article makes that clear.

The narrative that these were an emergency’Warp Speed’ response is guff.

That’s why the main ‘vaccine’ is a DNA modifier, not a vaccine in the traditional sense. (They would need to isolate Covid for that)

Jan 28, 2021 2:22 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

People who take the vaccine are ripe for the Darwin Award. Any sane person should smell a rat considering that the vaccine was allegedly developed within a several months time for an alleged disease that is mostly harmless for most people (being the “flu”), using a genetic engineering technology that has never been tried before. Since it’s not mandatory as of now, I’m sorry for the health problems people might, or likely will, have, but anybody who gets themselves injected with this shite only have themselves to blame.

I wonder about something else, though.

Cahill, as well as other, refers to the virus. Or viruses. There are people who maintain that viruses don’t exist at all, that virology is witchcraft. I don’t have enough knowledge to determine what’s right. Does anybody have reference for a sensible explanation of what people on both sides of the fence claim?

Jan 28, 2021 3:15 PM
Reply to  Jacques

Does nobody think the whole damn vaccine thing is creepy as hell? Humanity, in the blink of an eye, expecting to be stabbed with needles and injected like rabid animals with a substance unknown. Have people completely lost their minds??

Fact Checker
Fact Checker
Jan 28, 2021 3:27 PM
Reply to  Matt

The World is now Jonestown writ total; the Vaxx is the Kool-Aid.

Jan 28, 2021 4:02 PM
Reply to  Jacques

Have a look at all the stuff by Dr Stefan Lanka ,the videos by Dr Andrew Kaufman, Dr Thomas Cowan, the Perth Group, Dr Harold Hillman. These usually deal with both sides of what’s being claimed by mainstream virology from a critical angle and that of mainstream cell biology.

” Virus ” is an unfortunate term to use in order to explain an infectious disease as the alleged ‘physicality’ and ‘pathogenicity ‘of any given virus has never been conclusively demonstrated scientifically using the proper experimental controls and techniques.

All diseases depend on different sets of conditions and on multiple causes and are never reducible to reductionist monocausal explanations such as an alleged pathogenic virus. They use that tactic to exclude or ignore all other potential causal factors that are OTHER than viral!

There is a lot more to it than that, some aspects of which I have repeated on numerous previous threads which go back to when all this Covid nonsense started.

Jan 28, 2021 5:11 PM
Reply to  -CO

I’ve watched that, especially Andy Kaufman. Still not clear. It’s not about the cause of disease. My question is, do viruses exist as such?

Jan 28, 2021 6:43 PM
Reply to  Jacques

I posted a clip the other day where this uber intelligent Aussie guy explained that viruses are like solvents produced within the cells to expel toxins from the body and are not contagious. It got deleted by YT quick smart.

Jan 28, 2021 10:55 PM
Reply to  Mucho

Any link 🔗?

Jan 28, 2021 7:02 PM
Reply to  Jacques

So far as I am aware there is no conclusive scientific evidence that proves that pathogenic viruses physically exist using the current lab methods that are available.

All we seem to end up with are particles that are compared with concocted abstract models of viruses based on bits of genetic material patched together that are not actual viruses found with their whole genome intact but often turn out to be nothing more than artefacts due to the methods used.

On the other hand, the concepts that are used to specify the theoretical models of viruses are often transposed onto particles and their alleged functions that are not viruses but are treated ‘as if’ they were, but that cannot be proven either.

The other idea is that viruses are exosomes – but here again, the concept ‘virus’ is identified and conflated with a microvesicle (which is not a virus) so there is no concrete proof that exosomes are viruses or that they are the cause of any infectious disease.

Thus, viruses exist as cobbled abstract theoretical models but there’s a big difference between a model and it’s domain of application namely, physical reality. There are numerous problems with virus theory (and that’s all it is) and if the theory is wrong it won’t work out in practice.

Hope this answers your question.

Jan 28, 2021 7:10 PM
Reply to  Jacques

No. They do not exist. What scientists claim are viruses are composites of various genetic material already existing in our cells.

It’s fraud. Because the fraud has existed for more than a hundred years, most doctors and scientists do not want to expose the fraud because exposing the viral myth leads to the debunking of germ theory.

Within the scientific and medical community there is a lot of resistance to opening that can of worms.

If scientist can’t prove the existence of viruses, then why have they have been vaccinating people? I can tell you that from my research it’s not an accident, and they did not believe they were curing or preventing disease. It’s something much worse. It was to deliberately cause injury and harm. It was a profit model for the chemical and pharmaceutical corporations and the medical industrial complex.

Did everyone involved in the manufacturing and pushing of vaccines understand the fraud? No. But enough knew at the very top of the chain that viruses and vaccines are all based on fraud.

Jan 28, 2021 8:38 PM
Reply to  Researcher

There is another problem too. They use the misleading term ‘ live virus’ wrt some vaccines when there’s no such thing in the microbiological sense of the term. Viruses, even if they did exist physically are neither obligate intracellular parasites or organisms in strict biological sense.

A so-called ‘live virus’ is therefore a complete myth in that respect as the majority of biologists believe that viruses are completely devoid of all life or are somewhere in between!!! . That’s why they require special host cells to replicate them in, as the new progeny of living dead – the new mutant strain of SARS-Cov-2 ZOMBIES!!!!! That’s how fact it gets.

Jan 28, 2021 8:42 PM
Reply to  -CO

Apologies for typo it should read ” that’s how daft it gets”!

Jan 28, 2021 9:25 PM
Reply to  -CO

Their word trickery is purposeful which may contribute to why many in the medical community don’t understand what “wild virus“ or “wild type virus” or “live virus” actually means.

Live means “grown” in the cell culture, not treated with formaldehyde. Yet, still a vaccine.

Wild Type means UNmutated, “grown” in the cell culture. Still a vaccine.

And as you wrote, yes, since they are zombie pathogens with no mechanism to divide or move, with no mechanics of their own, the entire debate around how long viruses remain viable outside the host on surfaces is also obviously fraudulent.

As is the claim that they can bind to human cells, gain entry and then multiply. Or jump species. It’s all absurd.

Jan 29, 2021 12:16 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Yes I agree entirely. None have ever been isolated from outside the body in droplets, aerosols or in any other form considering there supposed to be trillions of them both inside and outside our bodies and in sea water, air, here, there and everywhere! They are also supposed to consist of an assembly of “metastable particles” that nobody has ever observed or proven.

There simply are no viruses independent of the theories in which they are specified if you catch my meaning. Scientific experiments are also dependant on theory and like I’ve said earlier if the theory is wrong it won’t work out in practice.

Therefore, insofar as viruses are concerned the theory is incoherent, contradictory and it fails to work out in practice to yield complete isolated virus particles that are claimed to be ‘pathogenic ‘. It is also claimed, without any concrete scientific proof, that SARS-Cov-2 in paricular, is the sole cause of whatever signs and symptoms they decide to designate as Covid-19.

R Anand
R Anand
Jan 29, 2021 6:45 AM
Reply to  -CO

Aptly put!

R Anand
R Anand
Jan 29, 2021 6:44 AM
Reply to  Researcher

This is strong reasoning –> “And as you wrote, yes, since they are zombie pathogens with no mechanism to divide or move, with no mechanics of their own, the entire debate around how long viruses remain viable outside the host on surfaces is also obviously fraudulent.
As is the claim that they can bind to human cells, gain entry and then multiply. Or jump species. It’s all absurd.”

I agree with it.

R Anand
R Anand
Jan 29, 2021 6:39 AM
Reply to  -CO

Interesting point. Makes sense.

The term ‘virus’ itself becomes meaningless.

Exosomes, though, may be a part of the body’s defense mechanism to rid itself of toxins from air pollution, radiation (EMF, telecom, 5G/4G), toxic pharma drugs & vaccines, chemicals in food, cosmetics, household cleaning materials etc.

Jan 29, 2021 11:29 AM
Reply to  R Anand

Glad you mentioned radiation as a causal factor in toxicity and the body’s reaction (defences) to it. Most people still don’t understand how different forms of energy e.g. from the Sun (apart from UV radiation) can be a causal factor in the production of flu -like symptoms.

The way this occurs can be quite complex because it involves different sets of conditions both in the body and in the external environment, and the way that these conditions interact. This also involves changes in solar cycle and Seasonal weather changes and changes in the earth’s geomagnetic field.

Jan 31, 2021 5:18 PM
Reply to  -CO

can you give any reference on this topic? especially the role of the sun? What happened in America when the Europeans arrived? Smallpox did not affect those who lived there?

Jan 28, 2021 9:36 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Very valuable insight thank you. I suspect many in the community are now starting to question this with more opposition to vaccines. It may be the case that one day the scientific and medical community just won’t have a choice to come clean around The Germ Theory. The Aussie guy in question who’s video debunked The Germ Theory was Tom Barnett

R Anand
R Anand
Jan 29, 2021 6:36 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Well put.

Jan 28, 2021 9:05 PM
Reply to  Jacques

Yes and no, in the sense that there are particles containing DNA/RNA, but their function is not really understood and there is no real evidence they invade the human body from the outside world or that they make healthy people ill.

Jan 28, 2021 9:37 PM
Reply to  Unmasked

censorship is real

Jan 28, 2021 9:41 PM
Reply to  Jacques

My own understanding ( I have a science background) is that what the cult call viruses are involved in evolutionary/ adaptive processes- basically mutagens that are generally benign- if they were not, we and most other creatures would have been wiped out long ago- or not appeared in the first place. They may be functioning as corrective mechanisms to prevent the genetic degradation of organisms.

However, western science is rather ignorant of the miracle of life as it is irredeemably based on strict materialism. Their understanding of the human body and health/ disease is irredeemably tainted by the desire to control, exploit and “fight disease” in a hubristic and vein attempt to eradicate death.

A few more short-ish rants on the follies of materialism, religion and pseudo-spirituality on my blog:

R Anand
R Anand
Jan 29, 2021 6:47 AM
Reply to  ALM

Absolutely! –> “..western science is rather ignorant of the miracle of life as it is irredeemably based on strict materialism. Their understanding of the human body and health/ disease is irredeemably tainted by the desire to control, exploit and “fight disease” in a hubristic and vein attempt to eradicate death.”

Jan 28, 2021 6:06 PM
Reply to  Jacques

Let’s go back to first principles. Simple logic.

No viral contagion between humans has ever been shown or proven in experiments.

No virus has been isolated and purified and shown to cause illness in humans or animals.

When one delves deeper and reads the scientific literature, there is no proof for the claims of viruses existing as exogenous microbes or causing illness and disease.

There’s no scientific, evidentiary, or physical proof of virologists claims about viruses or viral infection whatsoever.

Read the Contagion Myth by Dr. Tom Cowan or What Really Makes You Ill by Dawn Lester and David Parker. Or this:



Jan 28, 2021 9:13 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Hello Off-G admins. Please consider removing the pathetic social media-like “voting” for comments and re-consider/ re-tune the pathetic “spam check”. Thanks.

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Jan 28, 2021 9:44 PM
Reply to  Jacques

Try the book “Virus Mania” as one place to start.

Explore the website TheInfectiousMyth.com .

Another book: “The Contagion Myth” by Tom Cowan and Sally Fallon (also Tom Cowan’s Youtube channel).

Jan 28, 2021 10:54 PM
Reply to  Jacques

Germ theory is horse cock. It’s all about the terrain

Jan 28, 2021 2:30 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Analysis of the vaccines is crucial right now, but would take courage. Likewise in the years to come, statisticians need to be truthful and forthcoming if they notice any correlations. If the vaccinated start dying earlier than the unvaccinated, then whistles need to be blown

Jan 28, 2021 4:39 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

I a sceptical of the vaccines I admit. I thought the only way to alter DNA is through the use use of CRISPR-cas9. Is that not the case? Is that in the vaccines?

Jan 28, 2021 5:52 PM
Reply to  paul

Dr Tom Cowan seems to explain it here.

Jan 28, 2021 6:58 PM
Reply to  paul

First of all, we don’t really know what is in the vaccine until independent analysis is performed to verify the contents.

Thus far, we only have press releases from the manufacturers.

Traditional “vaccines” have been shown to cause DNA changes. In vitro experiments have demonstrated uptake of mutated DNA into healthy DNA occurs spontaneously once foreign DNA is introduced. Therefore permanent modification can occur when subjects are vaccinated with foreign human and animal tissue.

Consumption of GMOs can lead to permanent sterility (Epicyte gene) and therefore permanent DNA modification.

mRNA is messenger RNA, which transcribes cell DNA and translates it to the Ribosome, producing the alleged spike protein. This could lead to permanent DNA alteration if the mRNA affected cells replicate or the mRNA translocates to the cell nucleus.

CRISPR cas9 is ”gene editing“ technology, where specific genes are targeted, then removed or modified.

Jan 29, 2021 12:19 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Merck abandoned their Covid vaccines, saying they were useless and it’s best to catch Covid and recover

Jan 28, 2021 12:50 PM

“.. is plagued by farmer suicides, child malnourishment, growing unemployment ..”

.. and a sprinkle of Nationalism.

Jan 28, 2021 12:24 PM

Very scary. UK Labour Party behaving like genuine fascists. If Labour MPs’ salaries were negatively impacted by lockdowns would they be so keen on lockdowns?

The fact remains that the NHS is counting deaths for any reason within 28 days of a positive test as ‘Covid’ deaths – which is criminal distortion. People have died from cancelled medical treatments because the NHS is prioritising Covid above anything else

4.5m people are on NHS waiting list for cancelled treatments or screenings. 70,000 have become homeless because of lockdowns

Labour’s attacks on those who question lockdowns are today’s equivalent of ‘let them eat cake’

‘So Labour want Sir Desmond Swayne burnt at the stake for opposing lockdowns. In less than twelve months we’ve hurtled backwards four hundred years.’


Jan 28, 2021 1:16 PM
Reply to  Ben

The Czech health minister said on the other day that only 30% of CV-reported deaths were actually of CV. The reporting is the same as what you refer to and includes people dead in car accidents, anything.

He was immediately the target of the wrath of everybody left and right, and the prime minister is now voicing dissatisfaction with his performance … 😀 … He’s probably ripe for getting the boot and being replaced with a more obedient asshole.

Meanwhile, despite the fact that the number are dropping (people are probably getting it that if they don’t get tested, there will be no cases), the government is calling for tougher measures because “it’s not looking good”. The problem is that hospitals are full, which is a) bullshit and/or b) they’re full of essentially healthy people because they’re getting generous reimbursements for anybody with COVID, like six times the normal rate.

They’ve closed the mountain resorts, but a lot of people don’t give a shit and because the lifts are closed, they’re using skidoos or whatever they can come up with to climb the hills. So, they want to prohibit people from traveling more than 15 k’s from home. I wonder how they’re gonna enforce that.

I’ve read a few discussions among covidistas. These people genuinely believe that it’s a statistical thing. They’re proposing stuff like opening schools in exchange for imposing stricter measures in the workplace and phantasmagorical stuff like that. They’ve totally fallen for the statistical modeling bullshit.

Jan 28, 2021 2:34 PM
Reply to  Jacques

This fascist nightmare is happening all over the world. Do those pushing lockdowns actually want a dystopia for their own children and grandchildren?Because that’s what they’ll get

It’s the scientific illiterate and the fearful virtue-signallers that annoy me most. As if they’ve found a purpose for living all of a sudden, which entails destroying everyone else’s life for the greater good

Jan 28, 2021 7:46 PM
Reply to  Ben

Ben, it’s the supposedly scientifically literate who are making my blood boil. Those who should be able to see through the nonsense. I think it was Upton Sinclair who said something about it being difficult to get someone to understand something if his career depends upon not understanding it.

There must, surely, be many doctors (and nurses, and managers, and lots of other people) who know perfectly well it’s all a massive scam but are presumably too scared to put their heads above the parapet. In the UK, it has become increasingly difficult, and I would say now pretty much impossible, for anyone who works for the NHS to speak freely or question the narrative.

Jan 28, 2021 4:11 PM
Reply to  Jacques

Only yesterday I was stunned seeing that the official Yearbook Statistics in Germany won’t be continued. Last edition was 2019. All the while I wondered how they will reconcile their lies with the hard numbers counted by real statisticians. Answer: They abolish statistics. Reminded me that in East Germany they even had a Ministery for Statistics (must have been on the same floor with the one for Silly Walks).

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Jan 28, 2021 9:48 PM
Reply to  Jacques

My Czech contact was cross-country skiing the other day, with a friend.

Jan 28, 2021 6:17 PM
Reply to  Ben

I have linked to this before but here it is again. “You are all of you confessed idolators.”

Jan 28, 2021 12:05 PM

The latest innovation at the residential home where I work is a device to measure levels of carbon dioxide in the air. Apparently, if levels go a bit too high, it facilitates the transmission of the coronavirus which causes the deadly ‘Covid-19’. When the meter shows a certain level of carbon dioxide, windows must be opened, so that we’re all saved from ‘The Covids’.

At least, that’s what I took from the explanation a colleague gave me. I dunno, though; my mind wandered as he was explaining it to me, as I was safe in the knowledge that it was complete and utter bollocks, as is everything else which emanates from the putrid minds of the wankers who run this so-called ‘care’ company.

Jan 28, 2021 12:21 PM
Reply to  Gwyn


Jan 28, 2021 12:22 PM
Reply to  image

Haha! ;o)

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Jan 28, 2021 10:09 AM

That entry image is lovely… I can only see a single moron slave wearing a muzzle!

Not very common nowadays.

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Jan 28, 2021 10:04 AM

I have to admit that I don’t have a good handle on what is going on in India right now, so I’m grateful that Off-Graun is running articles offering different points of view on the subject. One way or another, my sympathies will always be with the farmers.

One point that needs to be made, however, is that agricultural price-supports are no cure-all. While they may provide some temporary relief to struggling farmers, which is good, over the long haul they will not necessarily stop the corporate takeover of farming.

How do I know? Because this is precisely what happened in the US, which adopted price-supports in the 1930s. In the short term, it did help out struggling small farmers; but since the subsidies were calculated based in part acreage, they ultimately benefitted the big farmers even more, allowing them to start buying up the small farms … and that’s how we got where we are today.

So beware: the devil is in the details of the policy.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jan 28, 2021 3:35 PM
Reply to  Seamus Padraig

Hello Seamus Padraig: The only appropriate cure toward plantation/slave relationships, is to BAN all corporate agency, world wide. No one seems to see this move as an
appropriate solution. They must enjoy sucking that filthy corporate dick…

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Jan 29, 2021 10:08 AM

I know of at least one person who’s advocated that: Ralph Nader. I recall twenty-five years ago, when he was arguing that the state had the legal right to revoke corporate charters if they failed to act in the public interest. I loved it so much I voted for him in two consecutive elections.

Jan 28, 2021 10:01 AM

Build that wall … hilarious … !!!! ….LOL

Jan 28, 2021 10:05 AM
Reply to  Jacques

Jan 28, 2021 10:06 AM
Reply to  Jacques

Admin, please delete this entry. The links are getting all screwed up.

Jan 28, 2021 1:23 PM
Reply to  Jacques

The cognitive dissonance is too much in this world. They will blame Trump for putting that idea in Saint Joe’s head

Jan 28, 2021 9:51 AM

Lockdown Measures In Spain, Denmark And The Netherlands Bring Citizens Out In Protest |