WATCH: A Tale of Two Januarys
This short film, written and narrated by political consultant Jeffrey Peel, compares the UK death toll of January 2015 with this month just past, and asks are we truly in the middle of a pandemic? Or has mass PCR testing simply created a monster with no body?
While you may not agree with every position he takes, there’s no ignoring his figures, or his concern about the personal liberties of every British citizen.
The video is available on YouTube and Vimeo, and we suggest you download a copy if you can because it may be taken down. You can also follow the author/narrator Jeffrey Peel on twitter.
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Whey, hey, the return of the upticks. About time too. Upticks rule!
Just look at what’s happening in Western Australia this week, one person working at a quarantine centre tested positive for covid, so the entire south west of the state, with an area much larger than Great Britain, with a population of 2,000,000 are forced into hard lockdown, (house arrest) with only four reasons to leave the house, shopping for essentials (only large chain stores allowed to open), medical appointments, 1 hour of exercise in you immediate area only, providing care for a disabled/elderly relative. Masks are mandatory every where outside your front door, with very few exemptions, (under 12 yo, or swimming, the government want the privilege of water boarding us), non compliance is $1,000 fine. Temperatures are around 37C that’s around 100F, so you can imagine how comfy that is walking around the streets with a mask on. All pubs, cafe’s and small shops closed, everyone is working from home that can. All kids playgrounds have been sealed off and closed, at this time of year with the intense sunlight every day the temperature of most play equipment can leave you with first degree burns, I doubt there are many viruses that would last more than a few seconds in that environment. In four days and tens of thousands of tests not a single extra case. On top of that, mandatory registration (track and trace) was introduced this week, applying to all shops, venues, churches, brothels, etc, actually everywhere outside of a private house. With a $50,000 /12 months jail for non compliance. This tyrannical masterpiece doesn’t even mention covid in its name it’s just the SafeWA app, so it’s obviously intended to be a permanent way of life now for West Aussies, and don’t think the excuse of not having a smart phone will get you out of it, there is a pen and log book at every entrance. I wonder how hard it is to get residency in Tanzania.
Dear British friends warm greetings from Italy (I was in Cambridge for two years in the early 80s and I have fond memories of the UK).
Even prior to my Cambridge experience I knew from school, and from my passion for history that the last 500 years placed the UK on a totally different standing with respect to my country. Thanks to a breed of brilliant politicians, military chiefs (obviously not always with immaculated virtues) and to a lesser extent, the royal family, England run through the last few centuries standing as a lighthouse. This was (to my personal belief) confirmed by the final decision to say bye bye to this german led Europe.
So, for me, it is just umbelievable how things could get so wrong with the so called “pandemic”. How it happened that England conformed his specific policies to those of other countries (like mine) famous for being run by a bunch of scoundrels and slobs ?
Was this a process initiated long ago and that suddenly has exploded ? Or rather are these people on the book of Big Tech, Big Pharma etc….as surely is happening in Italy ?
Apologies if I kept the post a bit too long
All the best to everyone
They have VAIDS from the injection. They are foaming under their masks. Lockdown their nasty spike proteins and throw away the key. London is infested with VAIDS from 10 Merck street to the Houses of Pfizer, GSK square and the statue of Vaccine.
Sorry I can’t keep up with all the evolving terminology, but what are Vaids?
As regards the video – the most distressing bit was the infant in a state of distress probably because she can’t see the mother’s facial expressions through the stupid mask! I can’t find the link now, but early on last year Prof. Franz Ruppert (on ACU German doctors) made a vid presentation which included that, and the severe trauma to be expected.
This masking shit is being imposed by the same people who defended the aerial bombing etc. which murdered 3.5 million Vietnamese civilians, including infants, and traumatized millions more. Hardly human really.
The Powers That Be did a cunning trick. Using such labels as ‘bigotry’ in reference to certain types of views, they made it appear as though the liberal-left media, of which the BBC is (superficially) very much part, is the media od intellectual honesty, vision and overall balanced, trustworthy opion. Then they ensured that those media took a large portion of their funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
This video nails it, thruout.
We have debated this counteless times and stil we endure the onslaught of propagandists and their bitches for simply not beliving this swidle, because thats what it is, its an hughe bloody scam, period.
Masks, yeah, I bet that if you look on what kills people, like maybe induced thru masks, remeber, I have thru many years used mask in the job, for hours thru out years, and mask, is also an obsctacle as much as an protectiong gear, and you will due to long time use have serious issues, and poisoning your own body and blood, thru the fact you breath the air you should have exhaled, and you will suffer from not getting enough oxygen and poisoning thru carbon emission witch by an miracle this days isnt soooo dangerous.
And on top of it, the sole difference if any, is that your exhale isnt going that far, but the truth is, this mask accumulate whatever you have, and all this is stuck on the surface in or outside the mask and when you exhale you push that moist air away, into the air, and thats why the claims mask helps is an narrative witch isnt entirly true.
Its comon sense.
And to claim something works you have to back it with something else, and we have states/nations witch dont have mandated mask use, and the difference isnt there, its not even large enoug to claim that masks realy works the way they claim it do, and how come.
The sole difference, is in this video, witch was short and wrapped up what you need to know, and is in synck with what we have debated, despite the packs of eh….. counters, whom cant help them self because they are stupid enough to belive everything they are told, if there is any grand conspiracy in this heap of rock, called earth, its that so many people belives everything the Gov tells them, to any given time in everything.
And you wounder why we are cencured, because we know they are lying about everything, and I mean everything, all the time.
In a modern industrial job that entails exposure to poisonous gases or dust, the proper protection is at least a full-face mask with air supply, that also protects the eyes. Fascism – the collusion of plutocracy and government – distracts from, evades and dismisses this and other critical protection, even as it double-talks on occupational safety and corporate responsibility. Some jobs poison the employees’ clothes, and later poisons his family. As Neil Whitehead said, this is a part of “modern human sacrifice”.
Could it be that the similarity in deaths between 2015 & 2021 is due to the 2020/1 lockdown being effective?
Another comedian, haha!
You have obviously never watched Ivor Cummins or you would know a lot more about the futility of lockdowns.
If lockdowns are effective, why do the ‘cases’ continue to rise?
Surely, in order to ‘die of covid’, one must first become a ‘case’. Lockdowns aren’t preventing ‘cases’ so why would you assume they are preventing deaths?
NB: Before anyone feels the need to tell me about PCR tests etc, don’t. I’m just interested in whether David can explain this apparent conundrum.
Maybe there would be even more cases, and deaths, if there were no lockdowns.
We (You!) don’t know the answer to this, but it is reasonable assumption to make.
If this was a human being offering a point of reasoning I might say something like; “Maybe anything you can possibly imagine can be argued as what might have happened if things were different that they are”.
But the demolition of the global Economy (life support) alongside the reset of human consciousness via normalisation to being cancelled, and the replacement of any social contract with lab rat status – does not seem to me to be a reasonable action – excepting if the ‘stakeholders’ have determined to do the above as the basis to take possession and exercise control through globally applied, technologically surveilled and enforced regulatory capture to corporate mandates set as an ‘offer we cant refuse’.
is there anything unreasonable in the quick sketch of what is being executed as ‘making us fafe’?
Sweden, Japan, Florida. Bodies piling up in the streets they are. So many bodies.
Evidence, links?
He’s being facetious.
Belarus and sub-Saharan Africa are like a nuclear ground zero. All those African satraps can now collect commissions for vaccines instead of having to take delivery of weapons and attack “rebels”.
When all of the Western authorities in unison grossly exaggerate death and case numbers, and people like you keep your heads stuck in the sand for fear of offending someone in you chain of command above you, or because of some interest in you with the lying establishment, your view or question that any of the restrictions were ever necessary for any heath reasons becomes totally absurd. In March many of us argued with considerable authority that there was no need for any of the general restrictions based on the facts that the people at any real risk were a clearly-identified, very-vulnerable, small-minority of the population who could be easily protected without any shutdowns, masks, or other nonsense imposed on the general population. Since then, it is all government lies and media hype coming from the same source. You think there is a case for masks in all of this? Seems that you are either very naïve or just another government troll.
Well said.
I don’t think that policies that devastate jobs and destroy the economy should be made based on assumptions. Since there is no correlation between lockdowns and deaths, lockdowns are not a reasonable response,
I don’t know if you are a paid troll, a casual troll or simply misguided. I’m feeling generous so I’ll go with misguided.
You appear to have missed my very simple point. If you are correct, then lockdowns prevent influenza but not covid.
Can you explain that?
I understand your reluctance to address that point, hence your “maybe it could have been worse” comment.
As I explained re my recent conversation, the person who thought that nobody gets influenza anymore because we are all locked down whilst at the same time, thought covid ‘cases’ were rising because lots of people are breaking lockdown, did not see the fundamental flaw in his thinking.
Don’t be that person.
Not true. You can compare similar countries that have varying lockdowns. In the US they have states from ultra lockdown to zero lockdown. The comparison shows that masks and lockdowns have no effect.
As far as I am aware there is only one study that “proves” masks work and that was done last May in Hong Kong where they got two cages of hamsters and a sheet of mask material between the cages plus a fan to blow the air cage to cage. Now if you think that scenario is a reasonable experiment, then God help you! But to date it is the only “experiment” everything else I have read pro mask are opinions (sorry assumptions is the word they use) with some modelling. And we know how good modelling is……
“The kid, who knows who you are and where live, will be coming for you and your little tin foil face diaper real soon. He will not be armed, so it should be an even match.”

You mean just as effective as the 2015 lockdown?
You need to consider that lockdowns are causing the extra deaths. The government were told the lockdown from March to June last year would result in excess deaths of over 100,000 people due to missed diagnosis and cancelling operations.
The government chose to ignore this and repeated the same policy again.
It’s barbaric, monstrous and a crime against humanity.
David,ask yourself why have we had a 2nd and 3rd lockdown if lockdowns are effective? Most people would say ” because not everyone is following lockdown rules” at which point I look for a cliff to jump off.
Jump if you must, but the “insight” that multiple lockdowns are required because of deplorable non-compliance, or insufficient compliance, is exactly the kind of response that the Davids of the world find entirely plausible and reasonable.
Is “David” the male “Karen”?
You forgot the /sarc.
Anti-lockdown protesters marched from Berlin’s Brandenburg Gate to the Victory Column on Sunday evening. They wanted to show their support for the similarly themed demonstration that was shut down in Vienna .
Notice the difference to the massive anti-lockdown demo in Vienna, German protesters are quiet, very well behaved, and are wearing masks as they will have to pay a fine for not wearing one in public. But good to see them back on the street again!
Berliner, ik liebe Euch, macht bitte weiter so!
Wonderful push back on masks in Toronto:
Watch “Maskless protesters test essential business face covering bylaws in Toronto”
Thanks Denmark! Great to see the world is waking up!
I appreciate the thought, but what a terrible video!
All I can see is fog, blurred outlines, smoke and loud music.
It’s an incoherent mess – exactly the sort of thing the media love to show the general public, so that they will think that all protesting is a blurred, smoky, loud mess.
My intelligent parents can sympathize with justified resistance, but I know they could never identify with anything on this video.
Talk about diametrically opposed reactions! I wonder if we both watched the same video. What I watched was basically the opposite of everything you identified.
I know nothing about Jeffrey Peel; but I assume he’s Scottish. Anything I’ve ever seen or read about Scotland suggests it’s a rather somber looking place much of the time.
We’re used to always seeing any piece of geography at its sunny optimum; so we’ve come to expect the entire world to be one big tourist destination.
If the music struck you as loud, you must have had the volume turned too high. I had to increase the volume to hear everything. I loved the pictures; and the music – even though it did sound like the kind of music used for memorial videos and in funeral homes.
Far from dissuading covidians, this was precisely the kind of video which would be more likely to persuade them to further research the whole COVID scenario.
I think wardropper meant Schnitzel Katze’s video about the Danish protests.
While I certainly do not support mandatory mask policies, I’m not sure a Rebel News-led ragamuffin circus taking over a store is the most-likely-to-be-fruitful response!
So what wrong with these “ragamuffins”?
We all know there’s nothing ‘wrong’ with them, but one has to tailor one’s response to corrupt authorities according to:
a) what has a chance in Hell of being actually effective.
We need to override the media’s well-oiled tendency to dismiss all protest as merely the activity of ‘ragamuffins’.
b) what will attract large numbers of educated, informed and concerned people who are not ragamuffins to join the protest.
All anti-COVIDprotests are portrayed by the Media as violent mob riots no matter how peaceful they may be.
The “educated, informed and concerned people who are not ragamuffins” are the very ones who have bought into the COVID scenario whole heartedly.
It’s the ragamuffin types (i.e., the non-conformists) who have resisted the COVID narrative.
The protest s in Trafalgar square were very civilized. Parents with kids, elderly, pretty much every section of society represented. None with masks. All very calm and peaceful. Until the police decided to clear the square. Very very few ragamuffins involved, although you’d never know that from the press coverage.
That’s the way!
It is hoovering. maintain no contact. get out of the city. Organise eco communities not “protests”. There is people with VAIDS in the city from getting the injection. Don’t sleep with them. It is vaccine column not victory collumn. A symbol of the VAIDS that infected the people there.
I’m assuming you have purchased, or rented, a plot of land similar in size to Bill Gates’s recent acquisitions of land in the USA, where we can all start afresh and organize our eco communities…?
Personally, I know of no such property, and the only land I have access to is inhospitable and cold rock.
“The whole idea/point is to be out and about without the face diaper or the tin foil mask across the mouth. Anything else defeats the purpose. If the CORPORATE FASCIST SCAMDEMIC GESTAPO push, we push back HARDER! Those jackbooted brown shirted crocodile teared FABIAN FASCIST EUGENICIST charlatan fraudster hypocrites will be hard pressed to justify mowing down large numbers of people in order to save them. THE GREAT RIPOFF shall not happen!”

“This struggle may be a moral one, or it may be a physical one, and it may be both moral and physical, but it must be a struggle. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will. Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them, and these will continue till they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress.”
~ Frederick Douglass, 1857.
New change petition!!

Isn’t change,org promoted by Kill Gates ?
Interesting. Who knows more?
Wow. A tech company next door to Silicon Valley. Who knew!
Fronting for the Fabians, Central Banks and the MIC.
Scottish name. Probably another Freemason family.
Bill Gates is an anti-christ.
Headlines matter!
Definitely we should roll out of it.
Travelodge sent me an email and asked…
I notice they don’t have ‘When we stop going along with the amateur theatrics’ on the list.
Haha. Comedy.
But, unfortunately, that boat sailed long ago.
If you look at the UK NOIDs (notifiable infectious diseases) numbers – Covid-19 is classed as a notifiable disease – you will find that the Covid-19 numbers stated there for each area in the UK are very low indeed. (Google UK NOIDs, table 2, scroll right down until you get to a horizontally displayed section).
It is mandatory to report a notifiable infectious disease. This means that the medical professionals are either breaking the law by not reporting their confirmed cases, or that the actual true Covid-19 numbers are in fact extremely low and don’t bear any resemblance at all to the fear-evoking figures reported daily in the MSM.
If it is the latter it would clearly show that most cases of flu/pneumonia/respiratory distress are not Covid-19. I am asking myself if I am missing something here? The NOIDs stats are easily and publicly accessible, why aren‘t they reported?
The PCR test is NOT a gold standard and it is admitted by Australian infectious diseases expert, Sanjaya Senanayake, there is no gold standard. A test IS or is not a gold standard. There is no such thing as operating as a gold standard outside the definition of a gold standard. They call them gold standards for a reason. If COVID-19 had a distinctive set of symptoms that would be considered a gold standard because it would meet the criteria of a gold standard (I’m assuming) … but, of course, COVID-19 does NOT have a distinctive set of symptoms.
For a clear explanation of lack of gold standard see:
Second Covid imprisonment in Canada. Politicians have become jailers
The Alberta government is nominally a ‘conservative’ government. Disappearing of family members, and holding them in secret locations incommunicado didn’t used to be the policy of conservative governments, or maybe any non-tyrannical government.
BTW, in Alberta, the average age of ‘Covid’ deaths is 82 years, roughly the same as anywhere in the world. For the whole population, the chance of NOT dying of Covid is 99.96%. In the last year, deaths claimed to be Covid of those under age 60 totals 85, in a population of 4.4 Million.
British Medical Journal.
21 December 2020.
The only test for live virus is viral culture. PCR and lateral flow tests do not distinguish live virus. No test of infection or infectiousness is currently available for routine use. As things stand, a person who tests positive with any kind of test may or may not have an active infection with live virus, and may or may not be infectious.
Nucleic acid testing (NAT) technologies that use polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for detection of SARS-CoV-220 January 2021
Most PCR assays are indicated as an aid for diagnosis, therefore, health care providers must consider any result in combination with timing of sampling, specimen type, assay specifics, clinical observations, patient history, confirmed status of any contacts, and epidemiological information.
I don’t get why it matters, if people are sick they know it and for centuries people with flu have simply said ”don’t come close, I’ve got the lurgy’.
there are those that can be adjusted to do that that goes against their mother wit – perhaps that is why it matters ?
“aid for diagnosis” is pious double-talk. There is no diagnosis by a doctor whatsoever – recommended, required or practised – before labelling a peron as “covid”.,
I’d regard the two salient facts in this tale as:
1. The winter mortality rate for 20/21 is on a par with the same period 14/15.
2. There is an anomalous drop in other causes of death this northern winter.
While Jeffrey ascribes the peak in excess mortality in April 2020 to COVID-19, suggesting that since that peak things have returned to normal this is misleading as there are good reasons to ascribe that peak to other causes as explained by medical doctor, Sam Bailey, … apart from the obvious facts that do not support the existence of COVID-19 at all:
1. The alleged SARS-CoV-2 has not been purified
2. There is no scientific work showing a causal link between alleged virus or any other infectious agent and alleged COVID-19.
3. The alleged COVID-19 does not have a distinctive set of symptoms as shown on the CDC website.
Sam Bailey explains how the April 2020 excess mortality peak could, at least, in part be ascribed to aggressive drug trials being conducted as part of the WHO Solidarity and the Oxford University Recovery programs involving, for example, extremely high doses of HCQ administered to elderly patients. To support this hypothesis she shows that the peak is prominent in countries where the aggressive drug trials were conducted but not necessarily in the neighbouring countries, for example, Portugal’s April 2020 figure was actually lower in 2017 while in Spain where the Solidarity trial was implement the figure was very high.
Sam Bailey on April 2020 excess mortality – page 40 Detection of viral RNA may not indicate the presence of infectious virus or that 2019-nCoV is the causative agent for clinical symptoms. • The performance of this test has not been established for monitoring treatment of 2019-nCoV infection. • The performance of this test has not been established for screening of blood or blood products for the presence of 2019-nCoV. • This test cannot rule out diseases caused by other bacterial or viral pathogens And page 42 Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV were available for CDC use at the time the test was developed and this study conducted, assays designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA (N gene; GenBank accession: MN908947.2) of As of the December update of this advise ,THEY HAVE NO DAMN VIRUS.
… and could they tell us more clearly?
Not all countries had excess deaths in April 2020.
Some countries have had no excess mortality at all.
The countries that had excess mortality have one thing in common.
Based on flawed computer models they decided to clear their hospitals and discharged tens of thousands of sick elderly patients back into care homes, denied them medical treatment ,shoved DNRS on them and isolated them away from their families so they had no social contact.
It was murder. Politicians and their medical advisers have blood on their hands and they must pay the price for what they did.
Excess deaths were small spikes up to about May 2020. Very few countries had excess deaths thereafter.
Deaths Excess -Overall Weekly -Europe
All we ask is that you give us back the things that make life good..
.ahmmmm that will not happen.
People will need 2 things, to boost their ability to say NO
To boost their ability to face their fear of death and TAKE back what the Government’s around the world have taken.
To wishfully, passively believe that ” Governments ” will give back is 100% deluded and to miss the point that this is an agenda with a very specific purpose that this Cabal of Criminals has in mind.
Agenda 21, The Great Reset and above all Lock Step, all evil criminal enterprises that bear no resemblance to health or being human.
Unfortunately, Marcello, most people here seem incapable of viewing things from a global, long-term perspective (as the Cabal of Criminals are most adept at doing), and are stuck in a mindset where the current and especially the local battles (No masks! No social distancing! End the lockdowns! No forced vaccines!) are everything, and the war itself–The Great Reset, The Fourth Industrial Revolution, Agenda 21/2030–in its greater abstraction, is reduced to near-irrelevance (certainly, in comparison with the more visceral drama of the daily attacks upon their liberty).
The Great Reset, to their narrowly-focused minds, is merely “spin,” not the culmination of years and decades of effort and planning by wealthy, powerful, and/or influential individuals, groups, and organizations of various kinds around the world operating in mutual alignment, to the future detriment of virtually all human beings who are not part of that parasite class or among their well-paid servants.
What you state reminds me of the famous Aaron Russo interview, where he was trying to get across to the interviewer the mindset of these people.
Many people have great difficulty grasping the fact that people in powerful positions seldom arrived there by ” doing good deeds” They arrived there because of a ruthless pathological inhuman quality. Like the tourist guide in one of our cities said. You see, if you have a street or avenue named after you here, it is usually because you arrived at your wealth by doing great harm to others by evil means, the tour group laughed, but did they understand the insight?
Today’s leaders are the worst among us. not the best among us.
Ahh that famous poem from TS Elliot comes to mind
Three weeks to flatten the curve
One hour allowed outside
Stay at home
No more lockdowns
Tiered lockdowns
You don’t need to wear masks
You do need to wear masks
Not that type of masks
It will be over by Christmas
You need to wear at least 3 masks simultaneously
Christmas caused the 2nd/3rd wave
Stay at home
More lockdowns
Restrictions even after the vaccine
Vaccine Passport (2 anal swab PCR per year mandatory to keep passport (no matter the result!))
Annual Vaccine (voluntary… You must have it if you want a passport for traveling/work/pleasure in short, living!)
Vaccine Chip
Voluntary Anal swab PCR (after all this still is a democracy)!
Courage and conviction in Florida. Businesses are open, employees are protected, schools are open. This needs to happen all over the world. Life is meant to be lived
Hello everyone.
I’ve been visiting this site for a few days now, and I wanted to thank its authors for the quality of their articles, as well as many of the commentators.
I’m writing to you from Belgium, where the situation is not very bright. The management of this crisis by the authorities is, as in many other countries, disastrous. I am not going to go back over the endless confinements with no results, the wearing of massive masks, the contradictions and false information on vaccines and the conflicts of interest at all levels of decision making.
I hope that the voices of reason that are beginning to infiltrate the media space despite the unheard-of censorship that is taking place will eventually burst the surface and come out into the open.
Today, I came across this article about the origin of sars2 and I wanted your opinion:
Merci à vous
Bonjour. Since SARSCov2 was never isolated and purified anywhere in the world and the sequence referred to in that paper is generated from a software program, the conclusions are unfounded.
SARSCov2 has not yet been proven to exist from a scientific or medical perspective.
If a bio weapon was released as some have suggested they wouldn’t need to fiddle the death certificates and massage the figures.
Exactly. Which demonstrates they don’t have any contagious pathogens otherwise they would have released them continually and often. Which is why they are so very keen to get the vaccine into people.
Once again…
I’ve been saying and writing since February 2020 that this is a FRAUD AND SCAM and a simple PANDEMIC OF PCR “CASES”!
Last one I’ve made back in October 2020!
You’re right, all these writings and videos won’t change a thing …
Except that at least some of us will have important facts at our fingertips, ready to use when the enemy won’t sit down and shut up.
But things change in a world of change.
The idea of ‘causing the change is the same root as opposition to such causes – flagged up to symptoms.
What is within your immediate freedom to change… is your own mind.
„January 29, 2021
„Children’s Health Defense – California Chapter sends Letter to all California Superintendents regarding Medical Ethics, Emergency Use Products, Voluntary Testing & Vaccine Safety
A Letter to CA Superintendents
Today, Children’s Health Defense – California Chapter sent a letter to 1,100 California Superintendents to let them know that Emergency Use Authorization products, like the RT-PCR test and COVID vaccines, cannot be mandated, as they are investigational and experimental. They must be voluntary. Further, according to both the CDC and WHO, if RT-PCR testing is offered voluntarily, it must only be offered to those with symptoms through their own doctor. This letter also contains science showing that children are not asymptomatic carriers of COVID, and that COVID vaccines have not been proven to prevent person-to-person transmission. Please share this letter, either using the article’s link or the PDF (CDE Superintendent Letter from Childrens Health Defense – California Chapter,) with your own school district to educate them on medical ethics, the science, and the law.“
Essential Reading:
A technical manual from a Bilderberg Meeting. Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars.
“This publication marks the 25th anniversary of the Third World War, called the “Quiet War”, being conducted using subjective biological warfare, fought with “silent weapons”.
This book contains an introductory description of this war, its strategies, and its weaponry. May 1979”
Essential Watching:
A Planned Trespass Against The Mind Of Man:
This is essentially the latest chapter in the ongoing saga of humanity: “Man’s Inhumanity To Man.” It’s good to know what today’s psychos are planning. But then it can be put back on the shelf with the other chapters.
The Book of Life, for better or worse, is called “This Too Will Pass.”
Here is what I think will happen next. After they’ve rolled out their vax programme, there will be a huge campaign to demand the highlighting of those who refused the vax. This will be presented as an essential move to “maximise public safety”. And so the unvaccinated will become “marked” with the inevitable ostracism that will accrue from that.
We’ll be domestic terrorists.
It is as it always has been when people lose their sense of reasoning, sense of rational, sense of morality. Many authors, playwrights have written books and plays to illustrate this. For example , The Crucible, The Plague, Macbeth. There is nothing new under the sun the only thing that changes is the setting!!!
Don’t be a refusnik if you can possibly help it. You will be persecuted in one way or another.
Get an exemption on the basis that you suffer from one or more allergies.
Surely you suffer from hay fever don’t you ?
You are dealing with monsters who have dismissed shellfish allergy. They also say PEG allergy exempts you. How are you supposed to know if you have the latter?
But if this vaccine doesn’t prevent transmission, infection or death it’s going to be a hard sell.
What a sight to behold!
Thousands of anti lockdown protestors gathered in the center of Vienna on Sunday, defying the authorities’ ban on large-scale demonstrations.
The protesters held placards and banners that read: “Media are the virus” and “Kurz must go.”
Love the sign ‘Make Influenza Great Again’!
This was not shown on MSM in Germany and I bet CNN didn`t report anything.Right?
Also protests in Berlin, the Netherlands and Denmark.
The Covid 19 Sci Fi story, dismantled, deconstructed and destroyed. The rise of the Technocrat, the Psychopath, The Messiah, and Eugenicist.
Yesterday is dead. Tomorrow is fatal. Now is the interval.
( watch and share)
Watched and shared.
Now is always.
Your perspective is your freedom to give and receive.
The “I Told You So!” of victimhood claiming victory over Life can repeat itself over and over again.
I am not disagreeing with the deconstruction of viral terror symbols – which are also holding the meaning: – (as a virus) – “Yesterday is a dream that is sickened and killed, under a tomorrow of fatal threat, and so you MUST control the interval (with such a narrative continuity) as to remake your past to support such a presentation as a locked down and separated ‘interval’.
But when in your life has it ever not been now – excepting in the virtual imagination of past reconstructed and futures imagined as a present dissociation?
We identify in story and give it all the power it has because we WANTED it to be given reality over Reality. hence a dream of a private sense of power, possession or control falls apart to a sense of ‘separation trauma’.
You may not be interested in what I have to say and so you are welcome to recognise it is in response to what you shared publicly to a public attention and is not to your person as a private message stroking or attacking your public persona. And if you choose to see it that way, I accept that is your freedom too.
Fear and hate is contagious to the susceptible. Victimhood and sickness claim power over life against loveless ‘meaning’ conflicts from assigning Creative Power to the Body.
I said it from the start they used the flu. Not enough people have been getting the flu shot which in itself was already a sinister concoction.
They can and will do anything. 90% of us are brainwashed as our parents were with media. We are the 10% if even that.
Medical doctor complains of a positive Covid test result and symptoms, two and a half weeks following a second Pfizer vaccine shot
Comments are full of well wishers. Only one person dares to call out the Emperor’s lack of clothes
Well no surprise really….the pcr test carries sensitivity to the bit of RNA they appear to be injecting into people…this only points out their lack of understanding of what is happening I would think. And heavens know what they think injecting a bit of dead rna into people will actually do..
This one is a very old I’ve made just for FUN!
I wish I knew more about this subject but you seem to be pointing out that it was going to be reasonably easy for the pcr to find something that occurs in humans?
Andre Kaufman MD is a calm clear and kind educator on this and similar matters. He does not TELL what to believe but what he has discovered from study – and his own clinical medical experience in ways are taken out of ‘medical obfuscation’. IE: Idiopathic means ‘unknown cause’.
Youtube deleted some of his vids – he is
but others have uploaded to various video sites so just search.
The nutshell as I would put it without getting technical is that without an actual physical isolate of the original whole particle – presumed to cause infectious disease – the short samples of RNA or definable organic matter, looked for and ‘discovered’ in the soup of centrifuged sputum (such that only very very small particles are taken as the sample) – do not constitute a ‘virus’. But by collecting a few of such short strings and referring back to already defined ‘viruses’ in terms of their code, researchers can use computer modelling fill in, align or combine these into a novel corona type ‘virus’ – but they could have looked for an found other ‘viruses’. They claimed no investigation of cause of disease when they ‘defined’ this discovery in terms of its RNA. (And the other ‘viruses’ to which they referred and used to fill in the blanks, were also ‘discovered in the same way).
This amounts to being in control of a dictionary or definitive scientific authoritative definition or patent from which tests are derived. The PCR test uses a few short strings of RNA as primers seeking a match in the tested sample that are supposed to be unique to the specific and novel (?) virus – which may or may not have any causal role or even immune function support role in clinical conditions – which are mostly used for disease outbreaks or clusters in which to go and seek and find the ‘virus’.
the clinical cases for this stared in one of the most polluted regions in China – likewise Italy and a region of Spain. But one a ‘virus’ is shouted no funding or research goes anywhere else. This happens every time Dr WHO shouts Wolf! And is not just collecting money but consolidating control by bringing in all other agencies and institutions to ‘lockstep’ in emergency preparedness. THIS time the response plan was switched at the last minute from something similar to the Barrington proposal (what we always did in the past) to the lockdown of the healthy and of the Economy and of the Media messaging etc.
i jumped a bit there; the PCR test that Dr Drostren miraculously formulated and published in less than a day after receiving NO actual sample of isolated virus but only viral definitions, is flawed as well as its contributors not revealing extreme conflicts of influence. Like Ferguson, the man has a previous record of singularly un-qualifying characteristics.
Who defines the Word and the narratives, can generate ‘reality’ and mutate or shift its parameters and diagnosis to suit. And this is not new but the old normal for Pharma and to all who are brought up and conditioned to react and respond to it as believed or self-evident reality.
Questioning conditioning (reality) seeks our true nature – not another normal.
– Andrew Kaufman MD is a calm clear and kind educator on this and similar matters. He does not TELL what to believe but what he has discovered from study, and his own clinical medical experience to share in ways translated out of ‘medical obfuscation’. IE: Idiopathic means ‘unknown cause’.
Youtube deleted some of his vids – he is partly on
but others have uploaded to various video sites so just search.
The nutshell as I would put it without getting technical is that without an actual physical isolate of the original whole particle – presumed to cause infectious disease – the short samples of RNA code or definable organic matter, looked for and ‘discovered’ in the soup of centrifuged sputum (such that only very very small particles are taken as the sample) – do not constitute a ‘virus’.
But by collecting a few of such short strings and referring back to already defined ‘viruses’ in terms of their code, researchers can use computer modelling fill in, align or combine these into a novel corona type ‘virus’ – but they could have looked for an found other ‘viruses’. They claimed no investigation of cause of disease when they ‘defined’ this discovery in terms of its RNA. (And the other ‘viruses’ to which they referred and used to fill in the blanks, were also ‘discovered in the same way).
This amounts to being in control of a dictionary or definitive scientific authoritative definition or patent from which tests are derived. The PCR test uses a few short strings of RNA as selected ‘primers’ seeking a match in the tested sample that are supposed to be unique to the specific and novel (?) virus. It has been found they are not. And that a positive can be derived from matching other things as well as very likely when the ‘count of cycles of replication of the sample is set high. (So the test can be made to find or not find by adjusting parameters).
The postulated virus may or may not have any causal role or perhaps immune function support role in clinical conditions
New ones are looked for in disease outbreaks or clusters in which to go and seek and find the ‘virus’.
The clinical cases for Sars-Cov-2 started in one of the most polluted regions in China – likewise Italy and a region of Spain. But once a ‘virus’ is shouted no funding or research goes anywhere else. This happens every time Dr WHO shouts Wolf! And is not just collecting money but consolidating control by bringing in all other agencies and institutions to ‘lockstep’ in emergency preparedness. THIS time the response plan was switched at the last minute from something similar to the Barrington proposal (what we always did in the past) to the lockdown of the healthy and of the Economy and of the Media messaging etc to a Chinafication of rulers and ruled.
i jumped a bit there; the PCR test that Dr Drostren miraculously formulated and published in less than a day after receiving NO actual sample of isolated virus, but from viral definitions, is flawed, as well as its contributors not revealing extreme conflicts of influence.
Like Ferguson, the man has a previous record of singularly un-qualifying characteristics.
Who defines the Word and the narrative thereof, can generate ‘reality’ and mutate or shift its parameters and diagnosis to suit. And this is not new, but the old normal for Pharma, and for all who are brought up and conditioned to react and respond to it as believed or self-evident reality.
Questioning conditioning (reality) seeks our true nature – not another normal.
The simplified gist of actual method of the PCR testing is best to go to Kaufman’s videos or indeed Tom Cowan.
I was reading earlier that some lab guy had been checking suposed COVID samples and testing them and mostly they were flu positive. He went on to say that they tried to get CDC to give full COVID samples but they were unforthcoming and as not one has yet managed to replicate the virus isolate it and show that it will cause COVID inspite of so many suposed infections is very odd indeed. Thus leading him to believe that COVID does not exist at all. A points out that a virus genome is typically 34000 to 40000 base pairs but that the samples for COVID were based on a mere 37 to 40. The rest having been simulated. putting 2 and 2 together to make goodness knows. Yet as you say they are injecting this bit of RNA into people. It realy does make you wonder. May be it would be more a case of hell only knows what they think injecting a bit of dead RNA into people will actualy do.
Seem to have ended up posting twice apologies for this. The second version was slightly amended after I had thought the first one hadn’t posted.
I was reading earlier that some lab guy had been checking supposed COVID positive swabs and testing them They were flu positive. He went on to say that they tried to get full COVID samples sent to the lab so they could cross reference them but they were not forthcoming As not one lab has yet managed to issolate the virus, replicate it and show that it will cause COVID in spite of so many supposed infections around the world. His conclusion was that it is all very odd indeed. Leading him to conclude that COVID must not exist at all. As he points out a virus genome is typically made up of 34000 to 40000 base pairs but that the samples used to supposedly replicate COVID were based on a mere 37 to 40. Putting 2 and 2 together to make goodness knows what. Yet as you say they are injecting this bit of RNA into people.
The Pfizer vaccine is 95% effective after the 2nd dose, therefore 1 in 20 people may still get the virus after the 2nd dose. However, the risk of serious illness from COVID-19 after the 2nd dose is very small.
Here is the study from December published in the BMJ:
MERCK vaccines:
Again… NATURAL INFECTION IS BETTER than artificial one. Those weak animals that die due to a natural infection are just part of a NATURAL event!
Natural infection where you have a 1 in 200 chance of dying. Sounds very safe!
There are no proven deaths from COVID-19 vaccinations. There are millions of proven deaths from COVID-19.
No Bob… There are ZERO proven deaths from “COVID-19”, you’re just too moron to understand the basic PCR fraud.
Don’t you even read the basic stats issued?
Bob’s paid to troll, not read. Be reasonable now.
It’s 77th brigade.
Likely, because real people that ignorant would not be reading offG!
“the risk of serious illness from COVID-19” — “is very small”
It has always been very small, (without a vaccine)
Bob, have you received the vaccine ?
Bob…And did you note that they actually attempted to infect said people with covid 19 and up just how they actually did that? The first one appears to be in a 2 week period.. so are they claiming they gave them a needle and then gave them a squirt up the nose of what they think is COVID-19 from an infected person…do you really think any of this actually happened or was proved?
Bob the Knob
Truly horrendous — although I found 3, not 1, replies from the clued-in. More than just being deluded, those well-wishers commenting for that medic’s tweet — so much mumbo-jumbo being quoted about vaccs in general, and so many who’ve become ‘experts’ themselves about the marvels of this jab — based on what? Conjecture, and feel-good nonsense.
The relevant data is the birth rate. As far I could work out data is released in August. There was some info saying it was down 3.6% last year. Given a 9 month delay between the beginning of the attack and the first influence on the birth rate it is something to look for info elsewhere like from more local sources as it will take a long time to show up in national data and by then ofcourse the damage will have been done . 9 months would push it out of the 2020 data almost exactly. It could be a lot of children they have prevented being born and I would say one of the main things they are trying to do. nobody can be attracted to someone behind a mask and they can’t communicate with them with anti social distancing etc. This lowers the odds of couples meeting to very low levels and then even existing couples probably choose not to have kids under such conditions. Ofcourse the cult said lockdown would cause a baby boom to throw people off from thinking about what was going on.
Orwell said it in his final warning that they would take away our right to reproduce and as far as our right to orgasm. He didn’t go so far as to say we are livestock but that’s what it implies. We are a managed herd of increasingly unnecessary beings.
If they were planning this and wanted to choose a month to lag out the data of births as long as possible it would be April. lockdown in uk was 23rd of march so 5 days off and the baby boom they said would happen should be occuring since around boxing day. The baby boom in Italy and Spain would be a bit earlier. In anycase the effect should be showing up now.
Thanks for that podcast on the other page from Jason Cristoff. I thought his analysis of the death of the X-Ray lab technician Tim Zook, from the injectable pathogen was excellent.
We see the occasional reference to Koch and his postulates in discussions of this ilk ( be careful if you Google it though). In the interest of identifying the Covid 19 virus as an actual virus, perhaps the other postulator , Thomas River ( 1973) could be useful.
These postulates were proposed by Thomas M. River in 1973 to establish the role of a specific virus as the cause of a specific disease.
We can quote mortality numbers from the flu season of any year to argue that Covid isn’t lethal. But that’s playing the same game as the handlers with their endless data. What could kill all debate is the proof of it actually existing or not. All bets are off if it can’t be found. From there, all data can safely be called an invention intended to deceive the world. It would also suggest the real reason we can’t access the data.
These postulates are the modifications of Koch’s postulates.
The viral agent must be found either in the host’s (animal or plant) body fluids at the time of disease or in cells showing lesions specific to that disease.
⇒ The host material with the viral agent used to inoculate the healthy host (test organism) must be free of any other microorganism.
⇒ The viral agent obtained from the infected host must –
*Produce the specific disease in a suitable healthy host,
*Provide evidence of infection by inducing the formation of antibodies specific to that agent.
⇒ Similar material (viral particle) from the newly infected host (test organism) must be isolated and capable of transmitting the specific disease to other healthy hosts.
So, is there any evidence that Covid 19 has been found in a host ? If so, can we see a picture ? Why hasn’t it been extracted via a blood or bodily fluid sample ?
Has evidence of infection by inducing the formation of antibodies specific to that agent ?
I can only come up with the same answer to both : no.
Rivers postulates have not been used or fulfilled for any other virus either. Interestingly. Even though these were the agreed upon methods in virology in 1973.
I keep telling people …you don’t need to prove any of this…you just take a bit of RNA and play the game from there…none of this is about proof of anything…it is about a financial scam
Disproving the existence of Covid simultaneously proves the financial scam.
The contagion myth is the heart of this hoax
Well that plus that virus exist and have DNA and rna
What is “COVID-19”?
The title of a project.
I’ve found a few links which may clear some of these points up:
Here is the case report from potentially the first patient to be hospitalised with COVID-19:
In this report they detail how they took a sample from the patient’s bronchi and sequenced the DNA found in there. They found a DNA sequence which had ‘89.1% nucleotide similarity’ to previous SARS viruses.
Here is a study from the start of the pandemic where researchers detail how they have isolated COVID-19:
Because viruses are obligate parasites, they require host cells to divide. In the above study they use cells to culture the virus, and detail how they ensured that the cells were not contaminated with anything else.
This webpage here gives further studies and explanations on isolating the virus:
In conclusion, the idea that COVID-19 has never been isolated is a myth. It possibly stems from a misunderstanding in how viruses are deemed to be ‘isolated’, where people are only satisfied if the virus is not replicated via another cell, which is biologically impossible.
Here’s a tip. Before you echo the ‘conclusions’ of any organisation like the one here, put it in google with Bill Gates name. There isn’t a single ‘fact check’ site that hasn’t been paid big bucks by the gates foundation to find things like this. They know the covid 19 virus hasn’t been isolated. If it has( as this Gates shill site says) then they could have included some of it in the vaccines. Nothing at all in these vaccines contains. anything extracted from a patient or a virus.
Your final link to the bullshit site is the AAP
There you go..herd immunity freaks aiming to get them while their young.
Here’s the rest of their bullshit :
And sadly for you a Chinese high up medical official last week announced that no they didn’t isolate the covid 19 virus…maybe he is a liar too. Who knows…
And to be pedantic I think it is actually pneumonia that kills anyone who gets involved with any of these apparent virus regardless of what name you want to give them…smoking also causes pneumonia I see and we don’t lock the country down because some choose to smoke…
Is the RNA real?
Yes… (But it’s just a new entry on a database).
Is this RNA a new infectious viral particle?
No scientific evidence till this day…
Is this RNA capable of causing the disease we call pneumonia?
No scientific evidence till this day…
Is this RNA by itself capable of killing the infected animal?
No scientific evidence till this day…
I’m still doing a not so regular search for papers trying to demonstrate that, because since the first two were published they became “the word of God“!
No luck so far…
See the Unz Review an abridged article ”There Is No Pandemic” British View of the Imposture
The best way to end the ongoing mass-killing of elderly Britons would be to terminate the lockdowns and resume normal life. As Dr Simone Gold (of Frontline Doctors ) well explained, CV19 is just ‘killing’ elderly people who were about to die anyhow. It cannot be shown that ‘having’ CV19 i.e. testing PCR-‘positive’ contributed to shortening their life. So that isn’t a causal connection, i.e. the alleged illness has not ‘caused’ their death. That’s why the age-distribution of CV-19 is indistinguishable from that of the normal population.
The average age of death in England & Wales is 81.5 years, while the average age of ‘Covid-19 fatalities’ is 82.4 years (ONS data). What this tells us is very simple: the disease does not exist.
The concept of PCR ‘testing’ has always been fraudulent. The so-called PCR ‘test’ multiplies up fragments of nucleotide-chains and the number of ‘positive’ cases depends on the multiplication factor used as well as how many persons are tested. There will never come a time when the virus is ‘cured’ or ‘solved’ or whatever people imagine the government is trying to do (if it knows!), such that the PCR test ceases to generate ‘positive’ tests. No-one will ever give you evidence that people who test ‘positive’ get ill more often than others. Is there an aim of government policy, aside from terrorising the populace? Is it to kill the virus? That can never happen because the virus isn’t alive.
CNA nurse tells his story of nursing home residents that he cares for of dying of the vaccine while his superiors describe the super spreader. Vaccine=super spreader.
save lives protect the elderly end the vaccine
Also on Global Research Canada
Gov Death in NY must be held accountable for his actions (crimes). He must go! The sooner he does the sooner NY Grandmas and Grandpas will be safe.
Tim Dillon: Comedy, Power, Conspiracy Theories, and Freedom | Lex Fridman Podcast
Tim Dillon interviewed by an establishment shill.
Captain Sir Tom Moore is in hospital with … ooh guess what?
H.I.V ?
Now wouldn’t that be sweet? The Captain raises a middle digit to them all!
“Like this? It is good to start young.”

“Hey ‘Doc’ Billy Eugenics, you and all your EUTHANASIA DEATH SHOT viral toxic cull juice jabs can go to where the sun will never shine.”
The term ‘depopulation supporters’ really suits people who are actively trying to spread coronavirus.
Another term I like for COVID deniers is ‘plague enthusiasts’!
I don’t look to comedians for public health advice.
Obviously the superior course of action is to look to tendentious trolls for public health advice!
I look to politicians and journalists for public health advice.
And then believe the opposite.
“These days CORPORATE FASCIST ‘politicians’ and ‘journalists’ (propagandists) are comedians; and as you say they are far more often than not to be wrong/incorrect. With George Carlin (what ever wants to call him) he happens far more often than not to be right/correct.”
We know where you look.
If your so confident in the existence of this virus then produce one legal document that verifies the existence of this virus.
The man who created this computer generated virus Professor Drosten has been offered hundreds of thousands of euros to show this virus exists.
Drostens response- silence.
Matt Hancock ?
Far scarier than any virus!
This is excellent. Thank you very much. x x This article expands on the points made here :: Freedom Of Speech Is Dead, Long Live Medical Tyranny ::
“War is the health of the state.” Randolph Bourne
Health is the war of the state.
Recently I had read from a few sources that the mRNA Covid “vaccine” is not a vaccine at all. I did some research and it seemed to me that based on the medical definition of “vaccine” that indeed this is true. The article I’m posting from Dr. Mercola provides the most extensive and credible discussion I’ve seen so far.
Dr David Martin’s “Butterfly Of The Week” is worth following on youtube… He speaks about this very well also… Dr Mercola always offers sound articles.
Does anyone have any information on numbers of negative reactions or deaths in the UK from the vaccines. I cannot find any details or information. I cannot believe there has been none.
MHRA collects adverse reaction data but does not release it.
I’ve been trying to find info on this too, there’s the ‘Yellow Card Scheme’ for reporting adr’s but no info telling us what’s been reported.
Reporting is, in any case, rare. Doctors don’t often submit yellow cards and patients aren’t made aware they can do so themselves.
As I understand it, people are being told they are quite likely to feel rubbish immediately afterwards. That information is likely to make them even less likely to report something like fairly short-lived feelings of being incredibly tired for an evening, chills, fever or having an itchy rash on their arm for a couple of days (all if which I have come across).
This sort of information could be very useful later. Will it, for example, be a predictor of who does or does not react badly to the second shot? If you are rolling out an experimental vaccine in two stages, in some ways it gives you unprecedented scope for monitoring what happens.
I believe the yellow card system should be explained to every vaccinee, and they should all be encouraged to report ANY adverse events.
I know that is never going to happen.
People are encouraged to report adverse events after vaccination in the leaflet they are given post-vaccination. People should be encouraged to use the Yellow-card scheme as well!
The Imperial College London COVID-19 app named “Zoe” can also be used to give researchers daily updates on vaccine adverse events.
I’m sure data will be published soon, but I imagine the biggest side effect will be not getting COVID-19!
Not getting asymptomatic Covid-19? The one Chris Whitty said was harmless to the vast majority of people?
It’s really good that COVID-19 doesn’t seriously effect most people. But even if it only causes severe disease in 1 in 100 people (it does in more than this), I would still believe that measures to control the virus are necessary to protect this group of people.
Yes, “Measures”, not complete world-wide, life demeaning lockdowns.
Playing down the “usual” effects of “every vaccine” is widespread and deliberate. Concealing the severe effects is also deliberate. They are not even rejecting those who have major allergies (e.g. to shellfish). There is a bland legal statement given limited publicity: that the vaccine is not suitable for those allergic to PEG. How are you supposed to know if that applies to you?
Unlikely these will be reported properly. On one hand we need to bear in mind all vaccines can react adversely with some. On the other as per the recent article here the other day – we simply don’t know if the vaccine is safe or not.
Therefore any informed human taking it would be mad.
As an aside, I have noted a distinct eery atmosphere lately. No people around. Today when walking back from the shops I considered the possibility millions were lying, undiscovered, dead in their homes.
Yes, I’m sure I’m wrong but why did this thought even enter my head?
The vaccines were tested on tens of thousands of people all over the world before being rolled out. Even whilst being rolled out, adverse reactions are being closely monitored.
All data is classified and guarded under the official secrets act. That’s why they need you and me to buy the ”this is the same as any other war” narrative. All laws and rules are suspended if they can call a public health crisis.
In short- the numbers don’t exist. Just like the virus.
The best we have presently is all deaths weekly numbers from ONS. There has been a 50% increase since 1 Jan. This is partly explained by covid19 numbers increasing mainly because of catch up from the Xmas/NY weeks. However 50% of the increase is not covid, about 3,000 per week. We need to watch these ONS numbers over the next few weeks, if this trend continues it would strongly suggest a vaccination effect.
I read somewhere today that there’s been an order against disclosing this information.
The UK doesn’t share that information directly but seems to share with the US’ Centre for Disease Control (CDC).
The CDC in the US produced a powerpoint presentation on Dec 19th showing that up to Dec 18th 2.7% of those vaccinated so far had ‘health impact events’. See page 6 for their definition of what constitutes ‘Health impact events’. Nothing good that’s for sure.
WTF is going on in Canada?
“Just Baby Trudeau channeling his inner Adolf and breaking in his new pair of jackboots and brown shirt.”

“Neck extension operations for all the crocodile teared WAR RACKETEER CORPORATE FASCIST FABIAN EUGENICIST brown shirt charlatans and fraudster political hacks and toadies. “
I think “door knockers” might be a euphemism.
There is a day of mass disobedience in France tomorrow. 1st February
ha ha! when is it NOT a day of disobedience in France!
Macron has turned France in to a huge open air prison, so they have nothing to lose. Civil disobedience is the answer, not demonstrations
They are also committing a genocide against cancer sufferers and the sick in need to medial treatment.
That assumes that the current cancer policy of cut, burn, and poison is better than the disease.
I assume that if you were diagnosed with cancer then you’d just wait it out and let it grow?
You assume incorrectly.
yes that is exactly what has just happened to a friend of mine in states…and a few days ago they decided to fit her in finally and the cancer had grown so much she now lost her eyebrow and far more facial scaring….and of course stands more chance of it has spread.
they’re also preventing me from catching covid 19 – bastards!
Don’t worry. You’ll most likely die of cancelled medical treatment. (4,500,000 delayed treatments and screenings in the NHS)
That would be funny…
This is because doctors are too busy with COVID-19 cases. They don’t just cancel these treatments on a whim!
Yes, all those surgeons are donating their time to help covid patients.
Not to mention that there is evidently under-publicized research establishing that the Megadeath Virus of Doom is attracted to golf courses, where it flourishes.
Thus, untold numbers of physicians and surgeons are selflessly and heroically donating their time to fan out over said golf courses to beat the treacherous MVD to death with their clubs.
Oh gosh, yes, and the virus LOVES to ride in the golf cart!
“Gave my wife a list of reasons she could leave the house today, not allowing her out otherwise. I’m not allowing her to meet family or friends & have made her stop working. Also got her to download a safety tracking app for when she is out.
Am I doing enough to keep her safe?”
I think everyone would acknowledge this as abusive, so why are we allowing our governments to abuse us like this?
I don’t know if this tweet is in earnest or satirical, but it brings to mind a similar domestic horror story, courtesy of Tom Woods; Woods is a zealous Libertarian (with a capital L) who accordingly constantly promotes his business interests.
The usual disclaimer: I don’t share his philosophy, but I admire his sustained and trenchant criticism of the Megadeath Virus of Doom scamdemic.
It’s satire. The person who tweeted it was making an obvious comparison with the Covid tyranny.
I read the link you posted. I find it incredible that there are people like that woman’s husband. How did they ever live before? How did they summon up the courage to cross the street or get in a car? Or even walking down the stairs or taking a shower where you can slip? I find it shocking.
Woods is very much a lower-case-l libertarian.
Upper-case-L Libertarianism means “member of the Libertarian political party.” The Libertarian Party long ago dispensed with adherence to the Non-Aggression Principle, which is the heart of true, principled (small-l) libertarianism, in service of “political relevance” or some such rot.
The L-/l- distinction is perhaps counterintuitive: the purists are small-l, the bastardized politicians are big-L.
Thanks for the clarification. Too bad the “edit” function isn’t available.
As your reply suggests, I was indeed unfamiliar with the special case circumstances, and was using the “with a capital…” idiom in the general sense of “inveterate” or “dyed in the wool”.
Excellent analogy
Another moron slave…
The state created the virus.
The state created a virtual virus.
The conservative party is gaining nothing from this. They are losing popularity. What motive could they possibly have for ‘creating the virus’?
No party is gaining. Only the global pharma/banking/tech oligarchy is benefiting
The conservative party didn’t create anything. They just deliver the counterfeit numbers / data like the other political parties. They’re servants. The ‘state’ is a loose term to describe the coming state. The one that will rule the world, not merely a country.
The servants will still benefit though. Don’t think any ‘vaccine’ they pretend to have will be the same crap the people are having plugged into them. And they’ll have more shares in the pharma companies than you and me. There’s two benefits right away.
When the rest of the population are having their brains rewired and falling to pieces they’ll be healthier and wealthier. That’s the perks of being ‘well born‘ ( eugenics)
The covid story was created by the Billionaire cartel ( the ‘good club’ ). It was conceived years ago in various Rockerfeller and Gates – sponsored institutions under the guise of ‘saving the planet’.. It was deployed last year.
Part two is Climate Change. That’ll be here by June and so will the propaganda on TV commercials asking you to eat shite and wreck your guts to save the world But there’ll be catchy mantras and memes to keep the sheep asleep..
Who gives a damn about the conservative party?
Or any other party?
Party time is over.
The British state has, four centuries past, used words of shake-speare as a tool. But in the hand of th’opponent raised, the shield may cheat the fool and yet become a club. To dash the brains of lying swine and sweep their lies with cranial blood into the drain.
Or to return words to eternal shake-speare’s refrain:
“What if this cursed hand were thicker than itself with brother’s blood, is there not rain enough in the sweet heavens to wash it white as snow?
Whereto serves mercy but to confront the visage of offense? And what’s in prayer but this twofold force, to be forestalled ere we come to fall, or pardoned being down?
Then I’ll look up. My fault is past. But, Oh, what form of prayer can serve my turn? ‘Forgive me my foul murder’?”
Tomorrow the 1st February is a day of mass disobedience in France.
The French Resistance in WW2 played a major role in their final liberation. Likewise, the Italians, Spanish, Germans and Dutch, all stepping up now, remember fascism. We shouldn’t not make comparisions with Nazism. Just explain that what we are seeing today is akin to 1935. What we might see in a few years is what the Russians witnessed when liberating the death camps.
The globalists have the same evil traits. They need to be locked up before we ever get to that point again.
Except there is no “novel coronavirus”. Those (generally already sick and immune compromised) people in April were killed by overdosing and off-label experimental use of toxic anti-viral and anti-biotic drugs, sometimes followed by (ab)use of respirators, and general medical mis-adventure brought about by panic over a non-existent, novel coronavirus purportedly causing an “a-typical” type of pneumonia.
Otherwise great.
All flu strains are new mutations and therefore technically “novel”. That said, it is just another strain of an entirely normal flu that has been wrongly branded “killer virus”. No more so than any other year. A flu exists this year as well, only difference is it has been named, and is portrayed as something it is not.
More importantly, I think you are spot on for the April deaths; people died due to a panicked, puerile, and incompetent government that crippled its own healthcare system that has severely over-treated the frail and vulnerable, while forcing draconian and entirely unnecessary restrictions on the populace at incalculable financial and mental health costs. We should expect more from our leadership.
BoJo and Hancock should stand trial for sedition and treason. Ignorance is not an excuse.
As the young man on Spring Break put it,
“It’s just the flu, bro.”
BoJo and Hancock are not ignorant tho are they? They know full well what they are doing…
68 million doses of untested ‘vaccine’ each, with full liability exemption. One from each citizen of the UK. True democracy.
”off-label experimental use of toxic anti-viral and anti-biotic drugs,”
Do you have info. on this?
Could you be more specific about these and off-label experimental use of toxic anti-viral and anti-biotic drugs including their chemical names (as opposed to brand names)? I am quite curious about this. In the USSA, with all its fault, emergency waivered experimental, FDA unlicensed drugs are not released to the general market and no MD would be suicidal to prescribe them off-label.