COVID, a disease in name only
The non-existent virus undercuts all other stories
Jon Rappoport
The official definition of a “COVID-19 case” is so broad, it allows pretty much anything through the door.
A COUGH, or CHILLS AND FEVER, for example. Either of these is sufficient for a diagnosis of COVID.
The requirement of a positive PCR test for the virus—even that isn’t absolutely necessary.
Besides which—as I’ve been demonstrating in many articles—the PCR is riddled with irreparable flaws, leading to millions of false-positives.
On top of all this, as I’ve been writing (with details), the very existence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus is unproven.
So there is a perfect recipe for a false pandemic.
A person who, in 2018, would be diagnosed with the flu turns into a person who, in 2020, is diagnosed with COVID-19.
Ordinary pneumonia suddenly turns into COVID pneumonia.
All sorts of other lung infections are now COVID.
“I have a cold, Doctor.”
“No, it’s COVID.”
“It’s a sniffle.”
“A COVID sniffle.”
STAR ATHLETE: “Thanks to all my fans who supported me through this time. After my COVID diagnosis, I was really sick for three days. I mean, it was really bad. I could hardly get out of bed.”
SPORTS REPORTER (who will be fired five minutes after submitting this interview to his editor): Have you ever had a bad case of the flu, Charlie?”
STAR ATHLETE: “Well, sure. Back in 2015, I was really sick for three days. I mean, it was really bad. I could hardly get out of bed.”
SPORTS REPORTER: “That’s called a clue, pal. Think it through.”
STAR ATHLETE: What? Oh…you mean…?”
The disease labeling and relabeling game has been going on since the dawn of priest classes. Modern medicine has refined it somewhat, but it’s still a quite obvious con.
I first encountered the modern version in 1987. In Central Africa, there was “wasting disease.” Then it was called “Slim disease.” And finally, AIDS.
Actually, it was a relabeling of protein-calorie malnutrition, hunger, and starvation.
But the truth was too stark. It implicated local dictators and predatory transnational agriculture corporations who specialized in stealing good farmland from the people.
Today, COVID-19 is a label that conceals another stark truth: the real “disease” is an assault on national economies and every human who works for a living, through lockdowns.
In this article, I continue to trace the implications of the missing virus; I’m referring to the fact the no one has proved SARS-CoV-2 exists.
Here I take a wider look at the situation.
Apparently, the notion of a virus was born when germ theorists ran out of bacteria to explain illnesses. So they claimed there had to be a smaller invisible particle, which came to be called “virus.”
Since that fateful choice, researchers have encountered various problems. Chief among them: how do you to prove, in specific instances, that these viruses exist and cause illness?
Flashing forward—two modern avenues of proof have been invented. One, twist and reverse the meaning of “isolation.” And two, sequence the genetic structure of viruses by using pre-set computer programs to build, out of thin air, without justification, collections of genetic information, ending up with nothing more than virtual entities.
In past articles, I’ve analyzed and rejected both avenues of “research.”
In the first case, there is the unjustified presumption that the virus is contained in a soup in a dish in a lab, and this is called “isolation,” when it is actually non-isolation. In the second case, there is no true sequencing. It’s all made up out of unmerited supposition and guesswork.
However, 99.9% of mainstream scientists are true believers in their own methods and fabrications. They actually accept what they’re doing as science.
Therefore, in virology labs all over the world—including bio-weapons facilities—THE RESEARCHERS HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THEY’RE DOING. THEY DON’T KNOW HOW FAR FROM REALITY THEY ACTUALLY ARE.
They’re taken in and fooled and bamboozled by their own theories.
It’s as if explorers tasked with mapping the moon, on site, up close and personal, are carrying out their jobs in underground coal mines. And they don’t recognize there is a problem.
The tenth of one percent of the researchers who do see a problem understand they have to keep their mouths shut.
Am I claiming, with finality, that ALL “viruses” have no physical existence? No. At least, not yet. That’s an open question.
In the case of SARS-CoV-2, I see no legitimate evidence for its existence.
And what’s worse, scientists are hypnotized by their own assumptions; and therefore, they’re immune from re-thinking what they’re doing.
It certainly wouldn’t be the first time a system trapped the practitioners working inside it.
It’s how you train humans to be robots.
At first, the humans follow the rules that define the system. Then they graduate to enforcing the rules. Their minds become excessively literal. They view alternatives as heresies.
“Sir, you have no idea what you’re doing. You think you’re discovering new viruses. You think you’re manipulating them to create new forms.”
“Don’t bother me, I’m busy.”
“You’re saying non-isolation is isolation. You’re using algorithms to invent ‘viruses’ made up of irrelevant data. They’re data constructs, nothing more.”
“You’re a blasphemer. Don’t bother me, I’m busy.”
“You’re fiddling with processes that have nothing to do with what you think they have to do with…”
“How did you get into my lab?”
“I brought a camera crew. We want to film and document every single step you take to ‘discover a new virus’.”
“Absolutely not. You’re not official. This is a high-security facility.”
“In other words, sight unseen, we have to accept your claims as if they were law.”
“Yes, that’s the rule. We’re not running a debating society. We’re doing science.”
“But you see, that’s the point. You’re NOT doing science.”
“What are you saying?”
“You have no idea what you’re doing. You THINK you’re discovering new viruses. You BELIEVE you’re manipulating them. But you’re only working with self-generated fantasies.”
“I’ll tell you what. I’ll inject you with one of these fantasies and let’s see what happens.”
“You don’t possess an actual specimen of an isolated and purified virus, separated from all other material.”
“Here it is, in this dish.”
“No. LOOK AT IT. In that dish, there’s a soup. It contains human and monkey cells, toxic drugs and chemicals, and other genetic material. It’s the furthest thing from ‘isolated’.”
“We know the virus is there. Some of the cells are dying. The virus must be doing the killing.”
“No. The toxic drugs and chemicals could be doing the killing. Furthermore, the cells are being starved of nutrients. That alone can explain their death. Think it through.”
“There’s nothing to think about. Our procedures have been verified by thousands of studies and published scientific papers.”
“Consensus is not the same thing as truth.”
“Security, come to the lab. We have a non-certified intruder. Escort him from the premises.”
“That’s your bottom line?”
“Our work is classified. You’re a civilian. We pronounce; you obey.”
“And that’s science?”
“Absolutely. Didn’t they teach you that in school?”
“YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU’RE DOING IN THIS LAB. You’re a prisoner of your own illusions.”
“Security, hurry it up. This man is a subversive…”
“Suppose you believe you’re working with viruses, but you’re only working with IDEAS AND STORIES ABOUT VIRUSES?”
“What do you mean?”
“You’re not really isolating anything. And you’re not sequencing anything. The sequences are just INFORMATION cobbled together from genetic reference libraries by computer programs. It’s all, at best, a digital metaphor for what you believe exists. You’re generating fairy tales.”
“Even if that were true, it would be the closest we could come to reality. Nothing is perfect.”
“A rock is perfect. You see it, you kick it, you sit on it.”
“Viruses are very small.”
“Even more reason to be sure you’re dealing with something actual.”
“We use PCR technology.”
“But it only looks for a piece of RNA you ASSUME comes from ‘the virus’. Since you don’t have an isolated and purified virus, you have no reason to assume the RNA comes from ‘the virus’.”
“Security, take this man to his car. Take the film crew with him. They have no right to be here. This is a government-funded facility. Private citizens have no access to government.”
CHIEF SECURITY OFFICER: “Actually, I’d like to hear the rest of the conversation. My sister just took the vaccine to protect her against ‘the virus’, and now she’s in the hospital…”
The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world.
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I think the virus is there but it might not be VIRULENT TO EVERYONE AS RESEARCHES SUGGEST TA MUTATIONS do occur. Virus mutation is a normal phenomenon.
Hi, I would like some EXPERT ADVICE on this article by M. NASS M.D. on her WEBSITE. She uncovered the ANTHRAX VACCINE scandal and stopped it’s use :-…
Yes, the virus is real. A misleading CDC/FDA document originally written inFebruary but reposted months later stated there was no “quantifiable”sample of SARS-CoV-2 available. While it might have been true in early February, it has been false since then.
Here,CDC tells you how they cultured SARS-CoV-2 and how you can get some–as
long as your institution satisfies stringent criteria. CDC’s discussion of its culture technique was published in its own journal, Emerging Infectious Diseases. The article concludes:……………
This virus has been isolated and fully sequenced 125,000 times in countries around the world, both by poor countries such as Nepal, as well as by richer countries such as South Korea an d Australia. The methods are described, sometimes in an accessory file.
A large number of people understandably concluded there was no virus. Perhaps the government agencies that supplied the information from which they drew this conclusion did so cunningly, with the hope to entrap the unwary.
…..a New Zealand microbiology professor explains what took place as a result of poor wording in requests for information.
some people still clamour that Koch’s Postulates have not been met with SARS-CoV-2–but they were met, as closely as possible,………..
It turns out that some of the early photographs were misinterpretations by their authors
……good pictures of the virus have been taken. For instance, see figure 2 in this paper.
We have been given misinformation about masks, lockdowns, tests, case numbers, deaths, asymptomatic spread, duration of immunity, proper treatment, etc. But there truly is a mean new virus out there. It looks like some nasty features were engineered in.
We have vitamins, minerals, and drugs that can effectively manage the infection, particularly when treated early.
Our governments and health officials have simply done every single thing wrong to manage it, greatly prolonging and worsening the situation.
Loony toons is what you all are.
A subscriber to our magazine writes to us that her father-in-law recently passed away. After the death occurred, the attending physician went to a quiet corner, filled out the death certificate, and finally asked that the document, which had been placed in an envelope, be handed over to the funeral home. There, an employee of the mortician opened it in the presence of our subscriber. And lo and behold: although the deceased had four negative tests from the previous days to prove, “Covid” was noted on the death certificate, to the great astonishment of the relatives. In the last two weeks before the death of the father-in-law, there had never been any mention of Corona or Covid. Not even in a detailed conversation with the doctor. Our subscriber is willing to confirm this in court under oath.
Now we need your help, dear viewers! If doctors, nurses or morticians among you know of such cases, we ask you to bring them to our attention and, if possible, to immediately photograph the death certificate on which “Covid” was erroneously noted. We would honor these cases in a detailed report in our magazine.
Germ Theory, are you prepared to listen an alternative view
We have been bombarded with virus (germ )theory for the whole of our lives, the last year having been a particularly heavy onslaught. Up until recent times I had never given it much thought. I have however for the last 10 years been suspicious of the pharmaceutical industry who quite obviously have no interest in the population being healthy , in fact quite the opposite. Any discussion/ debate about the validity of germ theory must be shut down by the hugely powerful vested interests of Big Pharma, because if the germ theory narrative became discredited it would lead inevitably to the collapse of the pharmaceutical industry.
I recently came across an interview on the bernician see link below
What Really Makes You Ill | MOB Talks To David Parker & Dawn Lester
Having listened to this I downloaded a copy of the book (what really makes you ill why everything you thought you knew about disease is wrong). Catchy little title ,it is over a 1000 pages, and somewhat repetitive . It does layout the inconsistency of the germ theory and lays out a compelling argument that accumulations of toxins in our bodies from food, water, air, pharmaceutical drugs etc etc are the real cause of illness. Personally I find the toxin argument more compelling than the germ theory. If you are interested in what makes you ill or not I would strongly recommend reading this for an alternative view. I suspect that most people won’t even dare to contemplate that what they have believed (“known to be true”) for all of their lives could possibly be wrong, so won’t bother. No harm in trying !
The argument regarding toxins and deficiency is not only believable but clearly evident everywhere ever. People who get toxified get sick. People who are deficient get sick.
What toxins, what deficiencies, to what extent, determine the results/symptoms (which include results such as misattributed “viruses”), resulting from any number of physical processes.
Effects like DNA to RNA breakages, toxic broken mutated proteins, ejected and rejected proteins, mutated, truncated sequences are some of the results implicated with the processes from toxicity and deficiency, very easy to verify.
Probably the most obvious indicator in terms of deficiency being sunlight (vitamin D, but not only). People get sick in winter because of it, very many singularly attributed causes that are AFTER THE FACT and thus symptomatic.
In fact, every epidemic/pandemic ever can be attributed to toxicity and deficiency factors.
Bird flu,
Swine flu,
spanish flu,
Coronaviruses/influenzas/rhinoviruses/adenoviruses/coxsackievirus/etc in general,
even black death (horrible conditions, poverty, industrial toxicity), even the rats got sick
Another VERY obvious indicator is of course vaccines. Huge amounts of issues skyrocketed because of it. Clear indications of toxicity (cytokine and chemokine activity), indicated by things such as inflammation.
Just looking at the huge amount and variety of side effects and many people with long term negative effects from it, some very serious you can figure out what’s going there.
Oh, forgot to mention something else, Mad Cow Disease, prions (kinda related to viruses) are ALSO results of toxicity and toxic practices.
In the case of toxoplasma gondii, I’m fairly sure those misfolded proteins result from sequence/protein self-similarities. In the case of humans, there are a couple of things contributing to that, most notably diets including very similar animals who have been toxified quite a lot.
In the case of Mad Cow Disease, it resulted from farmers feeding the cattle other cattle protein (obviously non-toxic practice that, right?).
Curious as to what you think about the Flu vaccine and the CDC’s estimates of prevented deaths.
I recently bought and read this book. Certainly very interesting and well-researched and, whilst it was written prior to the current scamdemic, there is much that is relevant.
Certainly how previous pandemics have been hijacked by Big Pharma to push medication as well as the renaming of illnesses to cover up malpractice (Polio to AFP and Influenza/Pneumonia to COVID-19).
Basically if you eat healthily, try & minimise the intake of toxins, reduce/eliminate any & all medications/vaccines, you should have a good chance of a long life.
NVIC’s Cry for Vaccine Freedom Wall provides a public forum for real life descriptions of harassment by doctors, nurses, school officials, employers and others who have threatened, coerced or punished people for trying to exercise voluntary, informed consent to vaccination. NVIC is opening up the Cry for Vaccine Freedom Wall to now include descriptive reports of COVID-19 vaccine reactions as well.
It exists alright but is affecting the Western hemisphere mostly:
After China, Korea, Japan, New Zealand etc, now : The Mystery Of India’s Plummeting COVID-19 Cases
Better: West of the Ural.
No, it does not exist, and even the CDC has conceded this.
Pay close attention to Page 42. As the author of this Off Guardian article, “SARS-CoV-2” is nothing more than a computer generated RNA sequence.
The only thing that exists is the idiot belief in an extrapolatory research tool for making shit up, used way beyond reasonable specification, to “find” (rather massaged to confirm) something that was synthesized and engineered with the “testing” in mind, which also happens to demonize parts of your body as a “virus”. as a valid.
*as valid
excuse my typing
Truth, you want the truth?
YES an mRNA vaccine can alter your DNA.
Thanks for this link
Great link
Nice article/summary about ‘Covid’ and vaccinations
by Dr Stephen Hopwood in on page 29.
What an excellent article. Bravo!
Who doesn’t read the below will never understand the whole game.
Gates is the spearhead for the darkness.
His goals = “their” goals!
The game goes beyond “virus” and “vaccines”.
These are the softeners and conduits.
Next: enslavement and starvation!
“You have seen the wickedness they can do with vaccines in the name of public health,” Shiva told me. “Well, now he controls the land. He controls the seed. He controls the food. He has the ultimate power to starve us all to death.”
Well….I followed your link to verify. I wanted to support you because Gates is clearly a nutcase. However, the U.S. has about 254 million acres of documented farm land. Mr. Gates owns about 242,000 of that 254 million. Less than .01%. The Defender has some “splainin” to do. He might be the largest single owner but is that really significant?
Gates is a worthless charlatan with ultimate insecurity.
(242*10^3) / (254*10^6) * 100 = .09528
your arithmetic is off by a factor of ten. if Bill Gates owns 1/1000 of all US farmland, that is at least an interesting fact.
gates controls the food = germ theory
even gates would grow organic if thats all people would buy = terrain theory.
germ theory = no control, irresponsibility. terrain theory = control, responsibility.
we need more articles like this, so the worlds idiots die faster.
Thanks for the article Jon.
What I find the biggest problem is that people are entering the hospitals for “COVID” and coming out in boxes (dead).
We have a whatsapp/telegram group for our community (in the UK) and every one or two weeks some is pronounced dead of COVID. Many are elders who may have had other illnesses or some I just don’t know, maybe middle aged, but are being announced dead. This, unfortunately, is a reality.
I see the biggest problem is that the hospitals are closed off, so we can’t go in and see what’s going on. It’s very hard to start questioning the death cause from relatives, due to high emotions etc…
Yes, the PCR is dodgy and all the other crap that’s going on with the vaccines etc… but there’s need to be a solution to help those going into hospitals and being labelled as COVID or try figure what’s happened to them in there.
There have been cases from trustworthy people I know who mentioned that cause of death for their family member was false (attributed to COVID, but actually it wasn’t) and they reported the consultant and they eventually had to apologise and correct it. This was back in April last year.
Also heard other dodgy stories where an autistic child had been admitted without parents, 2 weeks later died. To release the body, they requested the parents to sign-off some document accepting it was COVID, otherwise they’d need to wait longer. They just signed and said they would launch an investigation when the p(sc)andemic calms down. Mainly because they knew their son had some other illness and being autistic couldn’t express himself properly and was alone in the hospital.
Maybe the nurses and Dr’s are following wrong treatment guidance and leading to deaths, maybe there are actual cases of a virus (flu, pneumonia, or whatever) is going about. Or there’s some sort of dodgy virus from these labs that has been release. See James Corbett’s 2012 video about “Pandemic”, people had been researching how to re-create the spanish flu!
Anyway, that’s my small rant.
Would be great if anyone (qualified or know’s their medical stuff or worked in hospitals) has more insight on what’s actually going in the hospitals and they’re treatment methods. Could it be possible the WHO is providing mis-guidance on treatment just like PCR?
There are so many reports of covid fraud in hospitals. Right at the very beginning, in March, my pal’s elderly father ( 87) with onset dementia, took a fall at home and broke his leg. He was taken to hospital but contracted pneumonia. In his last week he was tested and, when he passed away, the death cert ( another fraud) said he’d died of Covid. ThE family questioned this but because of the obvious distress, didn’t take it any further. ALso, in those early days, nothing much caused that kind of concern. See all know examples of this, but the authorities rely on the family distress in order to carry out that fraud.
The WHO recently changed their guidance on FOR testing and it’s now supposed to come with a physical diagnosis to qualify as a case, whic, previous to this farce, had always been the case. ( oops). Boris and his cohorts have chosen to ignore that directive. Screws the numbers you see and, if they did that they would have to admit that tests in the past were all fraudulent. I thought we had them there.
A friend in Costa Rica relates that her neighbor’s father was rushed to hospital due to complications from a stroke and died there. The hospital refused to release the body unless the family agreed to put COVID on the death certificate. The fraud is everywhere.
funny, all over bbc now it’s like numbers are dropping. just as kit said in the WHO PCR test article where they changed their advice just at the time of vaccines being rolled out. I also looked at the ons for flu stats for previous years, they take the period from somewhere in sept/oct/dec to march. So feb must be when flu cases start to roll off, so they made use of that to start launching their BS propaganda.
They have been providing misguidance on treatment for decades. The only reason to pull the “pandemic” is to escalate to unknown proportions. Even if “the virus” existed like say bacteria exist the germ theory is still false. It is the terrain that matters and they have been systematically destroying that with poison drugs, foods etc. The treatment is basically a psychiatric treatment like this example at 26 mins.
I think as well, due all the scaremongering, there’s this extra physcological effect when someone gets slightly sick they immediately think “sh£t I’ve got the virus” and for some this, I believe, is exaggerating what may be otherwise a mild illness. Kind of how a placebo “cures/heals” people. the scaring makes one sicker, if you see what I mean.
Jesus, it never occurred to me that only allowing one visitor into the hospital per patient would cut off so much immediate, moment to moment information to families!
That is really scary. I have only been hating TPTB because sick and dying people could not have family members with them for support and comfort. Did not even think about the information aspect.
Reading essays/articles from Jon Rappoport is like listening to a 1st grader do a book report on a scientific journal.
His true knowledge of topics and comprehension of complex matters is massively deficient.
This article linked below is what real data & info look like:
Stick to reviewing comic books or cartoons, Jon.
They’re more your level.
Disrespectful and wrong.
Whatever you think of Jon’s article, the article Barney has provided is worth a look and is a much more academic-type work.
“Everyone needs to stay safe from these invisible but murderously mighty microbes by shunning contact with the unwashed, unmasked and unvaccinated.”
Yes, please do. I barely shower, maybe twice a month. I don’t wear masks and I refuse ALL vaccines.
Frank, your quote is of course one of Rosemary’s example of the Covid exaggeration. Are you trying to keep people from reading the article?
If it wasn’t obvious (aside from the zealot cultist fearmongering which got her a ticket to eternal banishment, btw)…
“Microbes, or microorganisms, include bacteria, protozoa, fungi, algae, amoebas, and slime molds.”
So why do you think viruses are not microbes?
I realize Jon has hit a nerve there, drive-by toilet mouth.
From the “article linked below is what real data & info look like:”
Influential theoreticians have performed mathematical modeling based on this hypothesis. This modeling suggests that this tighter binding allows the virus to enter more easily, and that therefore this makes the virus more transmissible.
Thanks. Enjoy your coprophagism.
Ernest, why did your quote omit the very next sentence: “Yet as far as I’ve been able to find, there is still no concrete, direct proof of this. And note that epidemiological data cannot be used to definitively detect the effect of an amino-acid in a virus.”
Rosemary’s article at the link REFUTES the idea that a more dangerous covid variant has emerged. Why misrepresent it?
What? You mean it’s not enough to say, “But I don’t LIKE the current state of virology. I think they OUGHT to be able to meet my imagined standards of isolation/purification. Otherwise they shouldn’t claim viruses exist at all. No, I can’t explain anything about the infectious agent behind measles, mumps, colds or flu– but the science of virology either comes to the perfect state of complete knowledge which I imagine, or I am going to take my marbles and, and NOt believe in it.”
I say again: If you mean to impeach the existence of SARS-Cov-2 you must show that it does not meet the ordinary standards of authentication used for other viruses.
And I remind you that Mr. Rapaport also said that all those little Brazilian babies with the pathologically small brains/heads did not exist either. The Brazilian govt had joined with a Big Pharma company in mandating a particular vaccine for pregnant women. The particular area of Brazil was inhabited by the descendants of local slave-escapees. The experienced doctors who worked habitually in the area were, according to Mr. Rapaport, mistaken: The babies were normal, and Big Pharma innocent in this instance.
Thank you, Barney, for the link.
With regard to the Brazilian babies there are a lot of questions raised, Penelope, and I’m with Jon. Zika is yet another made-up virus – you don’t seriously think this BS pandemic is their first BBQ, do you? It seems to me that they’re simply inflating the number of babies born with microcephaly and making out that it’s being caused by the magically appearing zika virus when the numbers are probably the same as before just as the causes are the same as before. OK, I haven’t researched but I’ve seen other stuff suggesting zika is a fake so that’s what I’m guessing.
There is no form of authentication. That’s what people who challenge virus theory have already shown.
And virologists seem to agree. They claim they can’t be isolated and purified. Or be shown to cause a disease. So why are we letting them continue to lie to the entire world?
The pregnant women got the flu vaccines. Manufactured pandemics and their respective viruses cover for malfeasance and crime.
”..deletion in ORF1ab..”
..deleted of the ORF8 gene have been associated to milder symptoms and better disease outcome….
It is perfectly valid to write about topics at various levels of depth because – for a start – people only understand topics at certain levels – no point writing an academic treatise if the intended audience cannot understand it. In any case, a lot of important information can be conveyed at various levels of depth. We don’t want to read academic treatises when we open a newspaper – a little truth is all we want and that’s as rare as hen’s teeth. Criticism – regardless of depth of level of the subject – must be backed by evidence to have any credibility. Up your criticism game, Barney!
Jon is an investigative journalist, as such he researches his topics and does not claim he offers us information that cannot be found in scientific / medical journals. I had a look at the link you give us, it is veery similar to several other articles on the “variants” seen elsewhere, but nothing wrong with that, we all use the same sources. Jon is not trying to present groundbreaking new research findings, he is bringing information to people via the internet that they would not otherwise be likely to see.
However, I have to say the Rosemary Frei article, though well written and presented, does not tell me anything I have not already read in mass circulation newspapers.
So what exactly is the point you are trying to make.
Dozens Of Pigeons Drop Dead At Orihuela in Southern Spain in late January.
The town and others such as Benidorm have recently been sealed off at weekends according to the Express: “Specific entry and exit points are being patrolled, with all other roads into and out of the region shuttered off with concrete bollards.” A look at a 5g map shows there is indeed 5g nearby and at Murcia, and Alicante. Limestone mountains rise abruptly next to Orihuela and have some very steep cliffs.
What about a comparison between Antwerp and Brussels (no 5g)?
COVID? That lie is so passe. Our assigned talking points now are what they’re calling the ‘vaccines’ for COVID. Get with the program! If you’re going to follow the narrative chosen for us – all the way to the ‘final solution’ – you better learn to leave yesterday’s newspeak behind and keep up with the latest doublethink.
Ok niko if you looked for more than a two second attention spam you might notice that Rappo has been ahead of you since this thing was but a twinkle in the eyes of the stakeholders.
If you are not real and just trolling – just carry on…
Binra, my remarks have nothing to do with your buddy ‘Rappo’ or two seconds of spam, just jadedly registering how lies are made official despite themselves, like those reports of enemies’ WMDs, which never existed and even have been proven not to have existed, are soon enough forgotten by being displaced by the next round of lies. If this further expression of my discontent with bizzness as usual still is suspect for you as a genuine concern, feel free to troll me some more to establish your own one-upmanship.
Jon Rappoport is one of the extremely few who speaks against the lies of the world since at least the AIDS scam. You could learn a lot from him.
His style can be off-putting.
Lies operate through the reactions of unquestioning and unwatched minds that are set in ‘thinking’ they cannot see or believe ‘necessary’ and justified. Why the snarky come back?
I have no doubt that you feel discontent, jaded and angry – you make that obvious.
I have studied the virus illusion for many years before covid as well as the structuring of the human mind in the lie that protects it against its own hate, fear and destruction.
Even the possibly useful ‘dont feed the troll!’, become JUST ANOTHER PUT DOWN TERM for anything you don’t like or that is in any way critical of your behaviour.
Nothing can be offered to the cognitive dissonance but that they use it to reinforce their condition. So I can only speak to who you are beneath appearances.
You are necessary to enable the fires of your discontent to burn.
If you stopped feeding them, you would starve them of the energy and attention they need to rule your life. THEY can represent the Lie and the father of it throughout human history, and through your life, but what You choose is Yours to share in. Lies cannot share, and must seek reinforcement in the illusion of sharing. Hate and fear set outside ourself offer a way to ‘join’ in hate’ and get a sense of ‘self’ that is distanced, lidded over or locked down, and masked over in lies, so that hate and fear cannot damn us – or at least keep some sort of lid and delay over life made hateful.
If you hate lies – why not seek truth where it is – rather than where the lies say it has to be?
The mind can be a trickster and a liar – because we do not always want to know or own the truth and have ways to not see or see something else, that suits who we wanted to be at the time. These habits grow to run as social masking. Nothing is as it seems.
That you are sick of lies is a good sign. It means your unwillingness to tolerate them is forcing you to look in new ways – even if old habits are set against looking in new ways – which can be very conflicting to live through.
The vaccines are real. And the precedent for medical experimentation and forced medical intervention is unprecedented.
So what is your point exactly?
It’s all so predictable, no? Move everyone along to the next lie and have all the government skeptics jumping up and down about that one. Not that the issue of a bogus vaccine isn’t important but I’ve always stuck with the essential lie on which all the other lies are built: no virus. If there ain’t no virus the topic of vaccine is completely moot.
And then we’ve seen it all before, haven’t we? This fake pandemic is only one in a long line.
Bush created the AIDS pandemic as a NSSM200 depopulation operation. Bush picked Fauci to be the front man and BUSH had Christine Grady marry Fauci and she is his controller… Christine Grady’s father went to YALE with George Bush and was in DKE with Bush in 1948. John H. Grady also is the father of Rob E. Grady who was a main staffer for BOTH BUSH PRESIDENTS.
Aids was probably the result of some dodgy drug doing the rounds on the Gay scene, we know that HIV is not the cause of said SYNDROME (a bunch of loosely linked symptoms with no known cause) Kary Mullis the now famous inventor of the PCR test which was used to make the connection, and many other scientists working in the field said they dont believe HIV has anything whatsoever to do with Aids, that they believe lifestyle was the cause.
I agree it was part of the depopulation agenda but only in as far as it was another bogeyman story to try and scare the non chosen peasants into stopping breading, a partner piece with the promotion of homosexuality, transgenderism and Abortion
I wonder if they laugh when they make up theses headlines so now it alien as the china psyop which got drop for the moslem terrorist psyop as the terrorists are self isolating is now alien variant psyop
Coronavirus came from METEORITE which hit China last year – bombshell scientist claim
It was believed influenza was the result of retrograde motion of the planets
It came from outer space !
lol – They are tying in the alien scam to the virus scam.
They did ! They had not discovered viruses………hence the madcap name. I have read somewhere they have been trying to explain covid-19 using a meteor hypothesis ! also wrote articles about the black death being caused by meteors, which is true, but covid is just a mild cold.
“Am I claiming, with finality, that ALL “viruses” have no physical existence? No. At least, not yet.”
And I hope you never will claim that viruses do not exist. “That way lies madness” — King Lear. The pictures of “crowned” virions which serve as illustration for Con-19 horror stories are derived from real Electron-Micrographs of a real virion of the Corona virus family.
Only, none of these pictures show “novel virus Covid-19” because Covid-19 never turned up to have its photo taken.
There is no isolation or purification either so besides not showing up for a photograph, it is still a conjecture. In short a spook, bogeyman.
EM images were taken and they were not of any virus or coronavidae. They were micro-vesicles, not viruses. Pretending something exists which can’t be found is the height of insanity and delusion.
Also, it’s not Covid19. It’s SARSCov2.
Like calling covid-19 SARSCov2 that’s insanity too
I’d like to give you the benefit of the doubt and think that you’re simply stupid, but it’s more likely that you’re the same shithead who was here on the other day as Peter Harris, then Bob, and who knows what else. Or maybe you’re sitting next to them in whatever shithole you’re corresponding from.
You’d have to do much better to disrupt the discussion here. Hint: You don’t have the wits to do that.
Tell your supervisor to replace you with somebody smarter so that we can at least have some fun … 😀 …
Did you mention ‘wits’ in that sorrowful little batch of verbal sputum ? In the same paragraph as ‘shithole’ and ‘shithead’ ? My, my, my. What passes for ‘wit’ these days is astounding. I’m not sure which would benefit this site more; you being snatched back by the mother ship that dropped you off; your nurse taking you back to the rubber play room, or a ban on the mentally tragic who can’t control the urge to shout and show off like a naughty 8 year old. I’m done with you now. Close the door behind you.
If the choice is mine, I’d prefer being snatched back by the ship that dropped me off. I have always felt that I was left behind on this planet by my parents from the planet Zorg who stopped by on the Earth on their trip through the Universe, but had to leave hastily when people like you emerged and wanted to fuck up their flying saucer. I probably wandered off into the woods or something, and they had no time to look for me. Luckily, there were nice humans who took care of me and there are some people around (possibly castaways like me) that make existence here bearable. You’re obviously not one of them.
BTW, colloquial language, like shithead and shithole, is easily understandable and highly descriptive. What other better designations would you suggest for “the shithead who is corresponding from the shithole”? I doubt there is any. Shithole and shithead are the perfect choice.
Be it as it may, you might consider refraining from reading stuff that excites your oh-so-sensitive self. There is no law forcing you to read the nonsense I write.
You might also wanna check out this.
Oh no, even your parents took you on a planet cruise and left you on Earth whilst they made a quick get away… must be bad……even I, yes le connard would never had abandoned my children it such a way. I feel your pain ….. honestly !
Are you trying to be the ‘cool kid’ at the back of the class ? Get the bad rebellious language and rebel without a clue. Wow etc.
It was old before you were born. Stop embarrassing yourself and trying drag a conversation the grown ups are having to your gutter.
You’re delicate needy ego is your problem. Don’t bring it here. We don’t want it. As sad as being caught in a state of arrested development is, you’re garnering no sympathy by talking nonsense as though it’s a new craze you’re at the forefront of.
Wow, that’s SEVEN hysterical replies to my post above between you and the other shithead! Hilarious!
Are you trying to earn extra points to get a bonus or something?
Anyway, nice try, no cigar. I was requesting somebody smarter, somebody capable of fallacies more interesting than the ol’ ad hominem.
make sure you don’t get one like they tried on Castro
Do I believe there is a viral illness called covid-19 NO I DO NOT
Do I believe there are no viral illnesses NO I DO NOT
Jaques by her/his own addmittion, knows little about biology……Jacques still knows little about biology.
Jaques of no trade master of less
Oh dear, what a disgusting article you are, perhaps you could crawl back into the slime you crawled out of. I assure you I am not transgender or transexual, not that, that is any of your business.
Don’t make assumptions about things you do not understand……you are clearly educated beyond your intelligence.
Now sit down like a good little cretin until someone cranks your handle up again.
And do not make the mistake of trying to use a ‘bully boy’ tactics to intimidate……..I have wiped better things than you off the soles of my shoes:)
“transgender or transexual”
Ha ha ha ha ha … What? What’s wrong with being transgender or transsexual? You know that you’re in the wrong place if you need to be reassured sexually, right?
You still know nothing about biology
Tish looks to be 77th Brigade, see how his brigade mates are voting your excellent post down.
I have no idea what a 77th is, but I assure you I do not belong to any brigade
No. Covid19 is allegedly the disease and the novel virus is allegedly SARSCov2.
Here’s a video for you and your other identities-personalities to watch:
Yes the named ‘disease’ that is marketed to include almost any and no symptoms. So even regardless the causes and body function of what we call respiratory disease and complications arising from various other factors, a naming magic is being employed to make the name fearful, treacherous, invisible and blah.
What’s more we have lived through it (so far) such as to see the deceit working its intent.
If deceit does not bring you down, it must make you stronger as a result of identifying the means through which we are targeted. This is an ongoing re-education as far as I am concerned – along with reopening true discovery that was masked over by corrupted science in this and other areas of a lockdown of the mind to marketing and control agenda.
A collection of covid injection stories:
CDC adverse reaction reports here
Choose Vaers data search button and then at foot of page ‘I agree’ button.
On next page choose the data you require then ‘send’ button, again at foot of page.
Not for the faint-hearted though!
So that means the person who asked the question and the person who answered it are both insane……..nearly as good as mixing vaccines together ! keep your monkeys in their cages in future
Crowning effect can be induced by different electromagnetic frequencies. Virions may be exosomes.
Pictures ? You mean computer generated images ?
Today is World Cancer Day.
Supposedly Big Pharma came up with a Covid cure (except it’s not really a cure) in about six months despite there never having been a coronavirus vaccine before because everyone really focused on it and tried really hard. Strange how that doesn’t seem to work for cancer….
Or a myriad of other diseases.
Edvige, coming up with a blitzkrieg six month cure doesn’t work for Corona either; the chicken industry has been funding research into Bird Flu for years, with no result yet in sight.
Why do you think the Con-19 artists are already warming up sucker public to expect “a new and more deadly variant” which will need a new and more expensive vaccine?
Annual flu shots ever stopped annual flu epidemics; but that never stopped WHO from issuing their ‘flu vaccine of the year’. Annual flu is the gift that keeps on giving to the Pharma industry, but vaccines were becoming too cheap — up till the launch of Con-19.
Pfizer irked by publication of CON-19 price gouging: EU agreed to pay 15.50 euros $18 per dose for Pfizer Con-19; and the new vaccine demands 2 shots, so $36 per head per year (or six monthly ie $72 pa).
In year 2000 during peak vaccination months October-November cost $7 per dose, and less than $3 per dose for orders placed June 2000. And you only needed 1 shot ie, only $3-$7 per capitum per annum.
I have a cure for Covid 19.
Take an eraser.
Find the printed off data.
Erase the data.
No it didn’t come up with a cure, but under promises of cure brought in a conflict/sickness management system. A captured revenue stream of ‘conditioned stock’ as biological assets.
The cancer racket has been going on all your life. There is a lot of contextual understanding to be gained from a true history of the pharmaceutical ‘medical’ monopoly.
But there is a free documentary called ‘Cancer is a serious business’ that while focusing on one outsider being bullied by thugs – illuminates the underbelly of the beast because he did not go under and fought back.
Thank you Binra for posting this. I remember C-SPAN’s coverage of the Congressional hearings about Dr. Burzinsky. There were many witnesses– former patients now fully-recovered. It was beautiful how many came forward to to defend him– beautiful young people who wouldn’t be here were it not for this wonderful man who continued in the face of evil obstacles.
Its well worthy to watch and reveals blatantly the way a medical mafia operates as a closed shop for the protection of the business of cancer.
There are innumerable others who are denied or have to operate abroad or outside the system.
Covid can easily give rise to question far more than the tip of the iceberg. If one does not fall into paranoia, the path to uncover truth is open, once protected lies no longer block the way.In this sense I don’t mean ‘truths’ so much as experience of unshakeable being – even if the mind seems to reassert itself, the quality of this is NOT dissociated.
The beginning of this is due to the Pharma companies, who control medicine to a large extent now. They want to sell a constant stream of expensive vaccines. China showed politicians what they might try, and they were shocked and overjoyed to find they could completely control supposedly ‘free’ societies.
@SteveK9: “they were shocked to find.they could control supposedly free societies.”
“They” were shocked. Like this:
“None so enslaved as those who believe they are free” — Wolfgang von Goethe, 18th century evolutionary biologist
John 1:1-4
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind.
People stil dont get it, matter and energy isnt fundamental, they are derived from Information, nothing exists without information, and there is to day so much wrong with physics that it buggles the mind, consciousness is lesser known than the unverse and the same pack of idiots claim we have knowledge, about what, when there are mindboggling gaps in this realm than they dont want to debate, instead science have become like an religious cult, where herecy is hated, and questions never answered, and oppostion banned, and only if you bow to the masters do they let you in, to the holy grail, science.
I stopped reading decades ago when I realised they had nothing to offer, its been an dead end for decades.
Some issues:
Yeah,, they dont have the slightest clue, snipping chuncks of an DNA and if the head is missing, yeah, then they “know” what this DNA part do, witch they then claim is prof of how DNA works, this is the paradox witch is called the difference between mapping and terain.
One thing is those that drool something about seperating Religion from state, I want Science separated entirly from state, non of this have proven thry the centurys to benefit, some parts do, but when it comes to this, its damaging us more than anything else.
Drugs kills more than all the wars combined, every year.
And yet, its dead silent.
Paul Davies – 2002
Excerpt: the living cell is best thought of as a supercomputer – an information processing and replicating system of astonishing complexity. DNA is not a special life-giving molecule, but a genetic databank that transmits its information using a mathematical code. Most of the workings of the cell are best described, not in terms of material stuff – hardware – but as information, or software. Trying to make life by mixing chemicals in a test tube is like soldering switches and wires in an attempt to produce Windows 98. It won’t work because it addresses the problem at the wrong conceptual level.
– per the guardian
This is about ONE single human cell, ONE.
Quote towards the end of the video, “Then that gives us a rough ballpark estimate of around 300 trillion times 100 million pages of Encyclopedia Britannica. Or about 300 trillion times the information content contained within the books of all the largest libraries in the world. Needless to say, that is a massive amount of positional information that is somehow coming into a developing embryo from the outside by some non-material method.”
– Darwinian Materialism vs. Quantum Biology – Part II – video
Then I have links witch baffles me, and in an sense I hope they are false, its not that I dont belive, but this should have been known right away.
And in this are two links, PDFs
COVID-19 Strategic Preparedness and Response Program (SPRP)
Witch is suposedly to end in 2025?.
From the world bank org.
A F u t u r i s t i c S c e n a r i o f o r P u b l i c H e a l t h R i s k C o m m u n i c a t o r s
About 2025 to 2028.
This, as some of us knows, is like the GR planned years ago, things at this level dont happen over night, it take years to impliment and once its got roling, we will see it coming.
This is an scam, the entire vidus so called empidemic is one massive swindle and is about power, raw political power and nothing else.
I dont trust anyone of them any more.
Freedom is never given, freedom is always fought for, united we stand, divided we will fal, one by one, until we all are mere slaves and if lucky, tendants to our own land.
Never give up and never give in.
The segregation of Consciousness is experienced as real.
There is an underlying device to the lockdown of a distanced and seemingly separate bubble-think. And its signature is in all that speaks of things apart and distanced as if ‘separate’ existences.
I hold that freedom is given as our very being – not the body. And that what goes forth comes back as in sow and reap.
In setting up an oppositional ‘bubble-think’ world is the framework of choice.
If we use freedom to limit and conflict, we are no less free to do so – but cannot know what we do.
If we use freedom to consciously choose to align in freedom, we are no longer identifying in a self-made mind or ego.
Discerning freedom opens the way to recognise and release futility as meaningless, so as to be whole in what we accept and align and know ourself as the being of.
Illusions have to fight truth so as to seem to survive, but that doesn’t mean that truth participates in illusions of truth set against illusions of falsehood.
The mind cast the capacity to dissociate itself by casting out conflict, so as to persist in it as a vehicle for exploration and experience.
I commend Off-Guardian for printing this article and the work of Jon Rappoport. Ever since I read the The Secret Behind Secret Societies and AIDS Inc., I have been an admirer.
It takes bravery and courage to confront the fraud that’s endemic in our society. The deception is intentional and the illusions are embedded within the fabric of our civilization and culture, so it’s hard to fathom where the lies end and the truth begins.
I know this for sure; viruses are a construct. They never existed.
Virologists don’t have the right to change the meaning of words, abandon controls or modify the scientific method, in order to promote fictional zombie microbes they can’t isolate, purify, quantify, characterize or analyze with valid and repeatable experiments. Virologists cannot prove viruses exist or are the cause of any illness or disease.
Scientists must discard redundant and illogical hypotheses and find valid, alternative causes of illness.
The very essence of contagion and germ theory must be tackled eventually if we intend to drill down to the core of the fraud and curb the depopulation measures currently being employed, such as economic warfare and the dangerous injectable synthetic pathogens.
It’s the height of evil to facilitate a global health emergency and cause the death and suffering of millions, from the gaslighting measures governments and their sycophants claim are preventative.
The tyranny we are experiencing won’t stop unless we challenge the treachery and deception, right down to every fallacy, every misapprehension and every lie.
The torture, trauma and mass mind control is being inflicted on the majority of humanity, so billionaires and trillionaires with the aid of their foot soldiers can usher in a new reality, a new monetary and economic system using the pretext of a pandemic. The aim is ultimately to destroy nature not save it, seize land and private property, harm billions, modify our DNA, force a digital and physical enslavement on the majority, and hide the crime, lies and malfeasance governments and their controllers, going back centuries.
The sooner we realize governments are not legitimate and are lying about almost everything, the sooner we can reclaim our lives, our freedom, our self respect, our sense of community, our health, our future, our souls and our humanity.
I know very little about biology and related sciences, having studied and pursued interests in completely different fields. But one thing that bothers the biologically ignorant me about alleged viruses is why they should exist at all.
As claimed, they’re not alive; they’re a piece of organic stuff. Yet, they’re attributed the qualities of a living organism, a parasite of sorts. They “invade” cells, replicate. What is the explanation for where they come from? Where are they when they’re not infecting the next poor covidiot?
Does some other substance like that exist? Some organic but non-alive toxic stuff that replicates or amplifies itself?
Hmmm … the more one pokes into the viral theory, the more it sounds like a crock of shit!
Exactly. The more you look into it the more one sees it is nonsensical. No living matter can exist or replicate without cells.
There was no physical evidence.
The EM images of alleged viruses were micro vesicles such as exosomes. And the proteins, enzymes, lipids, RNA and DNA were already known products of our cells.
Virologists wouldn’t use controls. Controls immediately dismiss all their theories. That was the biggest red flag of all.
If you look at page 12 of the WHO’s genetic primers within the PCR test (see first link), you will see what is being used in the tests today. From there, you can copy/paste these into the NCBI’s Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST), second/third link, where you can cross-check those genetic sequences across their massive database which includes the human genome (in “Database” drop down field, select “Human RefSeqGene sequences(RefSeq_Gene)” option). In every genetic sequence being used in the PCR, I found hundreds of 100% perfect matches within the human genetic sequence!
Thanks. I did the same last year with this paper:
All the primers and probes matched sequences in the human genome.
It was clear to me then that when virologists created the fake taxonomies for “viruses”, they were using the human genome (with possibly the addition of monkey kidney cells and bovine serum) for their genome mapping and sequencing of “viruses”.
There’s never anything in virology cell cultures except human and animal nucleotide sequences, and they are too clueless (and corrupt) to accept that fact, so they stubbornly insist that the cellular breakdown after starving and poisoning the culture is a “virus“.
Unfortunately, it’s no coincidence that virologists are mostly using cancer cell lines and genetically altered cell lines that they have been injecting into people pretending they are attenuated or weakened “viruses“.
This is how they have been running the scam for so long. Vaccination is poisoning, genetic alteration of humans, and medical experimentation without consent. It’s all criminal.
This is why I keep on telling people they use these synthesized ideas of viruses to demonize your own body.
It’s a proxy war.
The “good guys” say there’s a “problem”, the are “bad guys” (the “viruses”). So they dictate media (and “science”) to engineer a reaction, all the while implementing damaging policy (to heighten that and related effects) which they claim so long as part of the “solution”.
Then the reaction, people are terrified, clamourous for help. Confusion, fear causes doubt, contempt, etc. Suitable reaction.
Then, the “solutions” offered, are the ACTUAL problems.
So having demonized results from your body as viruses, having convinced you that it needs to be attacked, you then go out and get a vaccine, medicines (all designed with the purpose of degenerating you, as it targets you) resulting in more actual problems from their “solutions”.
Why so !
No but they have other similar deceits like “cancer”, a kind of poltagheist that posesses people replicating and spreading thru the body. For this they do “testing” of people with no symptoms.
Did you know probably most chemotherapy drug origins relate to biochemical warfare, pesticides, herbicides and such?
That’s how things work. These are warfare agents, repurposed as “medicine”.
”I know very little about biology and related sciences, having studied and pursued interests in completely different fields. But one thing that bothers the biologically ignorant me about alleged viruses is why they should exist at all.”
If you haven’t studied any of the sciences you aren’t qualified to criticise points of view held about them .
Your question about the existence of ‘ alleged viruses’ is unusual, given that you, in your own words’ are ‘ biologically ignorant’ is out of character isn’t it. It’s as though you had a sudden urge to feed somebody in particular the questions they want to appear to know the answers to. Two plants in the corner. Very original.
I don’t remember what urge I had when i wrote the above, but right now I’m having the urge to tell you to fuck off.
Fuck off then.
Your urges are your private business. I advise you to keep them that way if that’s your level of wit and intellect. In short, don’t follow me around telling me what your urges are. I’m not interested. It’s between you and your future therapist.
That’s EIGHT hysterical replies and counting.
BTW, didn’t I tell you to fuck off? You should be fucked off!
Would you mind keeping things at least superficially respectful, and refrain from flagrant ad hom. Thanks. A2
Mea culpa … :-0
Thanks Sam
You’re handling this very well. 😉
you still don’t
you still know very little about biology
For me the hypothesis ‘is cov-19 a virus’ has been knocked down. I think most people would agree with that. However, it is wrong to try to imply that viruses don’t exist per se. I believe they do and antibodies lend support to my belief.
Antibodies are non specific. They are irrelevant to viruses. Proteins and Immunoglobulins do not prove viruses exist.
I got ‘antibodies are’. That’s true- they are.
Constant, virscan is a blood test it scans you blood for antibodies. It can reveal every viral illness you have had in your life..via scan.
Well lets hope ‘insta’ ot the like have a picture of something trendy with that as a quote by it. I can think of at least 4 people here( the downvote 4′ i call them) who would finally accept that as fact if they saw it. They don’t count scientific studies and tangible evidence as ‘real’.
Antibodies are ………………. yes they are. They are the ‘foot steps’ in blood to show you have had an encounter with a virus
What if the so called virus is information from deconstructed (or killed) cells? Then you have your adaptive body as the capacity to survive toxic shocks and imbalance or depleted resources. The belief that the virus is pathogenic ‘hijacking’ cause is an invested, weaponised and highly protected belief.
Open your mind to that narratives frame and define the mind to then seek and fins reinforcement. Asking questions of anomalies is the way to bring a mind loop out of status as a hijack of energy and attention – not to mention funding and control.
And… its fine of course for you to consider what you want, when you want as you want. I don’t need to convince or persuade. But invite questioning and curiosity.
Binra, I have read and thought about what you have written. A virus for deconstructed cells wouldn’t work….a virus must get onto/into a host as quickly as possible. It can only get into a cell via the lipid capsule that holds it. Once inside the cell the virus heads straight for the nucleus of a living cell……it must high jack quickly to get copies of itself, burst free of the cell and replicate and high jack goes on. Usually, B ot T cells find it….. the body is under attack a trojan horse has got into the cell. Anribodies construct to block the virus. An antibody is the mirror image of the virus. We recover from our viral illness but it leaves it’s memory with us…….antibodies and memory cells….should we encounter the same shape again memory cells and antibodies spring into action.
However, dead cells would be useful for making a vaccine….biology is all about shapes, shape fits form…..dead virus can be used to make a vaccine…..since a vaccine is made from an attenuated virus you have the shape….the rest is magic !!!!!!!!!!
I have had a curious and questioning mind always- I remember being about 12 and looking down a microscope and seeing a chloroplast……it was moving and was 3D not like a picture in a book. I was awe struck. I have spent a lifetime in science in different roles I suppose and never once have I ever lost the wonder that I discovered at the age of 12.
Iam 62 now, don’t tell anyone okay? I hope you find something that grabs you and fills you with awe. A job is a job we need to live. When you love a job it is icing on the cake……….I have retired now. I show my grandchildren wonderful botanical things mostly, I think It enthralls them and still enthralls me. The mind has always been and continues to be open
You mistake what I meant. I am saying that the narrative that you assign to a virus is a human modelling or story by which to ‘explain’ disease in terms of human minds – which are expert at such activities as you assign to a particle that is without the nature of a living entity – but IS recyclable matter and information.
That cells are alive is the balancing of inner and outer characteristics and potentials. They are not locked down distanced and closed off systems but social and indeed symbiotic – as we are!
Cells are thus a communication system with specific functions within the whole that they are the alignment of function as.
A virus has no power or capacity to ‘hijack’ a cell. This is a fairy tale or mainstreamed story for the protection of invested medical models that have hijacked the human collective by means of providing an exclusion zone to further information. As in an immunisation against rejoining and re-aligning Communication as a Whole.
What you are calling viruses are not self replicating or self mutating. This is our anthropomorphic story again. The code of which a virus is defined from, (NOT microscopy and Koch’s or even Rivers principles of science), is taken in, or not, used or not, and signalled out from cells or not – by the process and balance of life.
For all of this ‘matter’ or stuff of code fragments is immeasurably the soup of our physical and biological body – which is not locked down, distanced and closed off as a system but social and indeed symbiotically part of a living Planet holding the conditions for life here and now.
Biology is ELECTRICAL and this of course shapes the constellations of chemical bonding and signalling. You are not too old to bring your curiosity to look at, and past the invested presumptions of a dissociative human psychology. You are right, memory operates within biology, and this also applies to the storing of trauma in the body (cells) as a domain of encapsulated dissonance from the whole.
This post continues on
As you should know by now, what you are referring to as “cov-19”, and what most people call Covid-19 is supposed to be the disease, and SARS-CoV-2 is supposed to be the virus that causes it.
@Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK): That’s good for 1+ in pedants corner. And we must be pedantic to pierce the veil of Con-19.
However, this thread is about a phantom virus with magnificent PR, and Covid-19 or Cov-19 is a recognizable popular name for that phantom virus. Another popular name is Corona, applied indiscriminately to the disease. the virus, the “situation” and all the accompanying sound and fury.
Lastly, Con-19 is my name for a Con-spiracy from the same schlock horror studio which brought you Con-911 and Con-WMD, and now is proud to present the most awe-inspiring colossal blockbuster of all time, Con-Reset.
Covid 19’s the trade name; the brand. Sars-CoV-2 is what’s supposed to be ‘in the tin’. But it isn’t. So both can be called anything- neither are real.
does it really matter it is just semantics……Howerever the hypothesis that Sars-CoV-2 causes covid-19 has been knocked down
The virus does not exist
It has ceased to be, if it ever was in the first place
would you like a dead parrot…
You’re baffling them with simple science 🙂
Circular reasoning, but you are free to engage it.
Hi Researcher, I am not trying to troll here; I am genuinely curious about this idea that viruses do not exist. It’s a hard one to swallow, given all the programming over the years. What immediately comes to mind is a question about chickenpox parties or, going back to my mother’s days, measles parties. How are those explained by an absence of a virus? Thanks. Ken
I have heard of those, but the evidence of contagious transmission isn’t verified by any experiment or study.
Children in the same neighborhood at the same age who are in the same school or attend parties together may be exposed to the same toxin, trauma or environmental factor that could cause similar symptoms and therefore appear to be contagion.
What we see as epidemiological coincidence, ie a group of people within the same proximity displaying similar symptoms is not evidence of contagion. Originally scurvy and beriberi were also thought to be contagious diseases and they were just nutritional deficiencies.
Thanks, Researcher. That makes sense.
In that case you misunderstood the answer more than you misunderstood the existence of viruses. Well done.
I have a friend who has a large family. He has two daughters who are 4 and 6 yrs old. The 6 ye old was staying with her aunt a couple of weeks ago for a week. The aunt lives 350 miles south. All his kids were off school due to lockdown. She came home with a nasty heavy cold, runny nose, cough, heavy eyes, listless. Three days later, his other daughter, the 4 yr old, who had been healthy. was full of the same symptoms. The day after that his 12 year old son had it.
If that isn’t evidence of a cold virus and contagion, how would you explain it.
They are living in the same place, they are being exposed to increased radiation, they are eating the same food, drinking the same water so could be exposed to the same contaminants. They may also be exposed to the same chemicals within a household, similar personal products containing chemicals. Exposure to the same toxic air from chemical spraying and pollutants, or mold exposure. Couple that with low Vitamin D levels in winter, then there’s colds explained, within households.
I never get colds or flus since I know what to consume to avoid the detox symptoms that people mistake for colds and flus.
The covid plandemic is for other agendas , that much is sure beyond doubt by now.
But the Rappoport case for virus theory being wrong as well is a bit of a leap for most .
Anecdotally from personal experience over many situations, I been in a works van with someone exhibiting “flu like” symptoms and sure enough a few days later it has spread. Ditto mass transit/planes etc.
Also people like Dr Tom Cowan say measles etc is just part of the growth process, but it’s a very nasty illness that killed people, it certainly killed loads of indigenous peoples.
There are lots of medical people claiming viruses don’t exist and seemingly diet and mental focus are the cure for most things but there doesn’t seem to be any alternative evidence or explanation that counters the widely held perception that these “illnesses” are contagious and passed from and infected person to another.
If you know of good sources of info on this please post them, it’s hard to get beyond the general .
We’ve all had those anecdotal experiences. That’s for sure. But we’ve probably also been exposed to some similar toxins or shocks at the same time whether that was a sudden change in the weather, atmosphere or environment. Maybe there is an electrical impulse our bodies are receiving from others who are detoxing, to signal to us to detox also. Maybe we only are susceptible to these environmental factors when we are low in Vitamin D during winter.
But for me, apart from the fact that I know viruses aren’t real because any molecule can be isolated and characterized if it exists, the largest argument against contagion is that when the military tried to show contagion in various experiments and studies by exposing healthy subjects to mucous, spit and sputum from people with colds and flus, they could not make a single healthy subject sick. That’s definitive and it happened after the 1918 Spanish flu.
I’d say they were planning to introduce ‘vaccines’ so got people to have measles parties to indoctrinate them into the germ theory. Pre marketing of the ‘vaccine’ while it was being planned and developed. Worked beautifully to get that generation to believe in sars-cov2, “herd immunity” and the ‘vaccine’. That’s why they fell for the idea of forcing masks, lockdowns and vaccines on everyone because of “herd immunity” and your rights vanish to “protect the elderly”. A bomb planted and waiting to go off once “boomers” got old and scared of death.
‘‘It takes bravery and courage to confront the fraud that’s endemic in our society. The deception is intentional and the illusions are embedded within the fabric of our civilization and culture, so it’s hard to fathom where the lies end and the truth begins”
If the subject in question is within one or more of the sciences it’s not that hard. It’s quantifiable and you can measure and compare and monitor. It’s not a question of philosophy.
On the other hand, if you set out to conform your own bias you’ll ignore any opposition. You appear to have done that here for whatever reason. The ‘bravery and courage’ you refer to was demonstrated in spades by Dr Judy Mikovits. She confronted the biggest criminals in the game and many who have done similar aren’t around today. She did more to stop the spread and lethality of AIDS than anyone. That wrecked the patent holders in pharma ( Fauci and Gallo to name two). She now lives as recluse but is willing to lead the charge against this covid 19 psyop. I see no reference to her or her heroic stance in your sales pitch.
”Scientists must discard redundant and illogical hypotheses and find valid, alternative causes of illness”
They do, it’s called practicing medicine. As more is learned the old can be discarded if found to be no longer valid. The tyranny you refer to that we’re enduring is a political assault that’s using science as the weapon. The motive is to cull and to install a global Totalitarian dictatorship. That’s a completely different area to that of germ theory and virology. Covid 19 may well be a political gun. It may well lead to more scientific tyranny. But that doesn’t mean viruses , illnesses and germs are all a conspiracy by governments and pharma. Those who are adamant about germs and viruses being non existent need to offer more proof than an anti political rant.
“Germs” or I assume you mean bacteria can be seen under a normal microscope and cultured easily. Conflating this with viruses is disingenuous, even for the normie science adhering person.
does the writer mean bacteria ?…..your assumption.
You then tell us ignoring completly what the writer says, to prattle on with your own agenda telling us bacteria can be seen under a ‘normal’ microscope…….please tell us what magnification a ‘normal’ microscope would you need to use to see a bacterium or bacteria.
Does the writer at any point conflate bacteria with they don’t. However, you do and tell us it is disingenous. It could be possible that the post was disingenous from the start.
I didn’t conflate anything with anything. I spoke about more than one thing. One of them being that viruses are real even if the covid 19 psyop isn’t. How can saying that a virus is real be ‘disinegenuous’ ? You need to look that word up before you throw it about.
Well said Constant
This is one of the problems with tackling the covid agenda because the opposition is factionalising over the bigger picture of germ/virus theory.
Some of the best voices on our side eg Drs Mercola and Mikovits an Lee Merrit are not questioning the virus issue and explicitly say viruses do exist.
kary Mullis didn’t seem to have a problem with virus theory but didn’t go along with the HIV-AIDs connection.
Others eg Dr Tom Cowan don’t agree with virus theory.
Joe Biden to the rescue.
It’s already on a downward spiral and the states are beginning to open up and let the animals out.
Put a cape on that man. The masked avenger with dementia.
Zero Covid is the new Arbeit Macht Frei
It’s also another way of pushing towards 100% vaccine cover. Just what Dr Bill ordered!
What I don’t get is how ordinary people can buy this stuff. After all, they do suspect that this is not the last virus humanity is likely to come across?
October, I think it boils down to one simple question. “Do you, or do you not, believe your government and trust it to serve your interests?”
Most people seem quite unable to answer “No”. My theory is that the prospect of having to make their own decisions and take responsibility for the consequences is just too much for them to bear.
Rather like the well-known loyalty of abused women to their violent husbands and partners. They know very well that when he apologises and promises to change, he doesn’t mean any of it. But they are too afraid of being alone to take any action.
Take it you’ve been an abused woman then
“Lockdown macht frei”…
Freedom is Slavery
War is Peace
Ignorance is Strength
Coming to you on a MSM channel soon.
Zero Covid plus zero carbon equal zero human societies.
That sums it up nicely, those that can’t see the blindingly obvious will deserve everything that’s coming.
I wonder if people were at all times, at every point in history so full of shit, so sure of themselves, so assured that the current state of the art was the ultimate knowledge that would only be perhaps fine-tuned, elaborated on, that humankind had already got to the bottom of everything.
Or were people more conservative, more wary of new stuff, did they understand better that the more they know, or think they know, the more they know shit?
Judging based on the 50 something years I’ve been around, I’d say that people have become too self-assured for their own good about their understanding of the world. They’re infantilistically excited about the gizmos we can make, such as cell phones and crap like that, the fact that computers don’t crash several times a day anymore, stuff like that. Idiotic applications that tell them when to take a piss and shit. That sort of thing. I don’t remember that it was like that when I was a kid.
Also, people have unprecedented access to education, nearly everybody has a degree in something. That probably makes reinforces their assurance of having reached the ultimate level of understanding.
Referring to the allusion that King Salomon possessed infinite wisdom, my mother tongue – full of foul-mouthed expressions BTW – cutely designates people like that “The one who’s eaten Solomon’s shit”.
I think there is a lot of evidence that people get more naive and gullible with the growth of population density, big cities, and complex social institutions.
In a small hunter-gatherer band or village, psychopaths and other nasty people stand out like a sore thumb. It’s proverbial that such small communities are rife with gossip – and that has a very positive side, in that it’s hard to get away with bad behaviour for long. After a very few incidents, people adopt a “retaliatory” policy: the offenders are not befriended, trusted, employed or even spoken to.
Now in a big urban society, such tricksters and cheats are in their element. They can easily go from lone “mark” to another, following the principles “Never give a sucker an even break” and “There’s one born every minute”.
In most small traditional communities most of today’s politicians and business “leaders” would be in the stocks, in jail, or dead in a stagnant pond.
Apparently, people were far more skeptical before mass media. In the early twentieth century, before television. And more so, before radio.
The bankers, governments and military used the media to propagandize the people and create false illusions.
Within the concept of indoctrination disguised as education, and permanent debt enslavement a society and culture of obedient serfs were create to build the control grid and prison we find ourselves confronting now.
Maybe it’s just my impression, but I feel like people today feel that they have reached the ultimate degree of knowledge and that not only we know everything but also that we can devise a technological solution for anything. A case in point would be Gates’ purely psychopathic idea to spread some particles in the atmosphere to stop the alleged global warming.
I guess, we’ve become detached from nature, from matter, soil, metals, tangible stuff. When I was a kid, I was digging tunnels in the ground, building radios, making go-carts, stuff like that. Today, shit is all virtual.
Maybe it’s because of movies too, fiction where they make it seems like anything is possible.
People are out of touch with reality. They’ve lost their sense of self-preservation.
Agree completely. They have lost their connection to nature and each other. Fantasy has replaced reality. Movies are decidedly dark and apocalyptic.
Gates and others before having already been spraying the skies with various types of substances for nigh on seventy years. How easy would it be to spray pathogens or other noxious agents.
Guess what! It’s not the vaccine that’s causing infertility, it’s Mr. Covid-19 himself! New MSM studies show the ‘evidence’:
But in this article not a word whether these subjects were already vaccinated, and not a word about the spike protein syncytin-1 in the vaccin, as previously reported here & elsewhere:
Dr. Mike Yeadon and Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg both warn that the Pfizer vaccine will likely impair our ability to procreate.
“The vaccine contains a spike protein… called syncytin-1, vital for the formation of human placenta in women. If the vaccine works so that we form an immune response AGAINST the spike protein, we are also training the female body to attack syncytin-1, which could lead to infertility in women of an unspecified duration.”
We live in a gangster world!!
Of course, if the virus itself was developed by the same people who are bringing us the priceless gift of the “vaccines”…
Just as the Republicans and Democrats (or the Conservatives and Labour) while seeming to oppose one another, are really just the two wings of the same bird of prey. Maybe a vulture – or a North American bald eagle.
The WEF is using a scientific study to point out that affluence is the greatest threat to the world.
So, when do Gates, Schwab et al get issued their spades?
On a similar note, when John Kerry was chided for travelling in his own plane to climate conferences, he reportedly said that was the only option available to people like him.
Or he could shoot himself.
The WEF means other peoples affluence.
Indeed. As Kerry might say, opulence is the only option available to people like them, LOL.
So now they’re talking about mixing the vaccines! Kinda like punch at a party.
What we need is a great big melting pot
Big enough to give an endless bunch of shots
Lockdowns for a hundred years or more
And turn out zombie coloured people by the score
My guess is the government are anticipating supply and delivery problems through the uncoordinated and competition approach they have adopted from the outset, which won’t add the image they are trying to portray that everything is running smoothly.
It’s just a total fucking mess. Maybe it’s meant to be? Or maybe they don’t care anyway? Maybe squandering vast piles of dosh is the whole point?
Qualified agreement over “squandering” – it is certainly squandering from the spender’s point of view. However, from the receiver’s point of view, it is excellently targeted wealth transfer!
Or as Private Eye likes to say: “Trebles all round!” (admittedly, that’s usually related to BBC largesse).
Without any doubt it’s a mess of unparalleled proportion, but I’d reserve judgment whether it was meant to be, for if the results we are experiencing were intended, they would have that wrong too like everything else they’ve done. I’ll subscribe to the view that they just don’t care and as for squandering vast sums, that is only likely to occur where friends and relatives are certain to benefit – a prime example is the Nightingale hospital rented from middle eastern owners for the last twelve months that has a capacity for 3,500-4,000 beds without the clinicians to support the operational needs and has, to date, hospitalised around five dozen patients. It’s a worse scenario than employing a cross-channel ferry service to company that has no ferries.
It is surely meant to be a mess.
Nothing in nature has ever coincidentally created such chaos.
Wardropper, that is a beautiful thought. I’ve been thinking a lot about evolution, how wonderful elementary particles are created out of the chaos of the Big Bang, and how “beings most wonderful” (–Darwin) were created out of the chaos of the Earth’s beginning.
Certainly Con-19 “situation” does not have any depth of creative chaos — it is a mere Con-spiracy of mean-spirited men; a Nazi-like New World Order which, like the Nazi reorganization of Germany has no grounding and cannot last.
Since our governments campaign of psychological terror and fear begun I have been waking up in the middle of the night, often unable to sleep again for many hours. I wonder how many of you have experienced similar effects from the governments systematic attacks on our mental and physical health?
We must be patient with ourselves. Under the circumstances, it’s perfectly normal to wake up in the middle of the night. Or to sleep till noon. Or to go through mental states where you’re convinced that “this is all in my head; the rest of humankind still live the way they did in 2019”.
For myself, I find it helps to think of human beings as some kind of exotic wild animals, whose strange behaviour can be fascinating when it’s not too horrible.
Detach yourself and be calm, as the Buddha advised.
“Exotic wild animals,” that sounds like creatures heading for extinction.
Oh yes. It ebbs and flows. It sometimes feels like my mind is trying to shut off as a defense mechanism, although once I lost my mind, they could inject me with liquified feces and I’d just smile and say thanks. The covid 19 pandemic hoax is also a full-throated terrorist operation against the people, who elites refer to as rats (as Whitney Webb pointed out in her discussion with Ryan Cristian about the SolarWinds hack). Incidentally, Everyone here using windows might want to consider downloading and installing Linux. (You can have it alongside Windows, ready to use when Windows goes haywire.) It looks like a false flag is coming, courtesy of the same hoaxsters behind covid 19. Microsoft is tight with the WEF. It’s highly likely that Microsoft’s famous back doors will be opened for this false flag hack that will be their excuse to accelerate central bank digital currency. Wipe the slate clean and start from scratch but with a whole new system in place.
Yes. I am 86 years old and this is the first year that I have begun to wake up with an oppressive feeling of nameless fear.
Ditto–especially when I don’t take enough cbd, which for me has been very helpful for getting a good night’s sleep. But yeah, I definitely agree with you–to my body this feels, quite literally, like a physical as well as emotional attack. The hardest part of going through this insanity is seeing so clearly what a monstrously evil sham this is while most (although not all) of the people around me keep nodding their heads, lining up for their PCR tests and the big vax, hopelessly trapped in the matrix. How can they not SEE this? I’m a psychologist, and yet it’s really hard to understand how people can fail to see what’s right in front of them.
I posted this in the Guardian today, in response to one of their idiotic headlines. It lasted 20 minutes before it was deleted. They are lying evil cunts.
”Coronavirus live news: now 4,000 Covid variants,”
”Did viruses ever not have variants? My understanding is as time goes by they have a tendency to become more harmless, that is how they survive. You cannot keep killing your host and expect to have a long life, a lesson our government might want to learn from.”
I thought the 4,000 variants was your own piss take. But that’s their actual headline. Do they not realise that this constantly escalating hysteria will have the opposite effect from what they clearly intend and that people will start to guffaw? Or do they even care?
And by the way, the moment they started to talk about people with covid but with no symptoms, they were talking about people who had developed immunity. Isn’t that the very definition of immunity?
There is a bit in this video (the woman towards the end, I think) that describes so-called mutations in a way comprehensible to “virus sceptics”.
Overall, that video is a bit of a mixed bag, but it does contain some gems:
(Already posted by someone else, but worth re-advertising, I think).
This was very interesting, thanks.
Different people have different DNA so this is variety of different people not “the virus”. The “new strain” is a cover story for the ‘vaccine’ rollout. The war criminals planned to murder people with the injection and came up with the “new strain” as a narrative to explain the increase in deaths the injection would cause. The only strains of the virus are the ‘vaccines’.
Happy to say that I “recycled” my official NHS vaccine invitation letter today, having previously politely refused the invitation from my GP’s surgery.
(Someone else can have it, although I don’t encourage them to).
(I did however, keep the glossy booklet that came with it, if only to be used in evidence later, hopefully in someone’s prosecution).
I recycled mine, but I did not tell them. My policy is completely to ignore everything they say and do. If they try to vaccinate me by force, I shall resist to the best of my ability.
If the worst comes to the worst, they will have to say, “We had to kill him in order to save him”.
Thank you very much for posting those pictures, Sarah. I immediately showed them to my nearest and dearest, who shows disturbing signs of yielding to social pressure and being vaccinated for no good reason other than to feel “on the team”.
My very best wishes for your mother’s early and complete recovery.
There’s a very clear moral in your story.
As Upton Sinclair warned more than a century ago, “It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it”.
There is an immense structure of well-paid jobs that depends utterly on the acceptance of virus theory.
And there is a greater and greater dearth of sceptical, honest minds.
I say it all the time. Marry a money system with human imperfection and you get all kinds of evil. Money has been made, improperly, to mean life. We allowed that and now are dealing with the negative consequences of it, just as we allowed governments and centralization and gangster dictators to blanket the earth. One man is allowed to say or write a word and consign thousands to hell. That’s normal?!
It’s an entire network and a hierarchy with militaries, governments, central banks and the UN backing up more than a century of lies. But many in the industry know. They are pretending they don’t know but I’m sure many scientists suspect the truth. Because contagion isn’t real. And without contagion they have nothing. Less than nothing, because it means the medical community are working within a false paradigm. The moment one investigates their methods the truth becomes clear. Virology isn’t science. It’s complete pseudo science.
Prime Minister Johnson gave a coronavirus status update on February 3rd where he was asked by a journalist about the number of people who had been offered the vaccine and had declined to take up the offer. He spent five minutes giving out completely irrelevant figures and percentages that bore no relation to the question asked and then left the rostrum. His minister for vaccine roll-out was interviewed on the BBC Today programme this morning and asked precisely the same question and the best that he could answer was that the government would ‘look at it’. Clearly, if they are able to count the roll-out figures for those already immunised it stands to reason they should know the numbers invited to participate in the roll-out and simple arithmetical subtraction from the total should render the answer. It’s my belief that the numbers declining the injection would not make good reading for the image of their programme.
Maybe just maybe the uptake hasn’t been that great hence why they done the mass advertisement including it running out psyop – which smells of desperation to sell it hard.
maybe it hasn’t sold that well.i was surprise that many where not having it due to it being rushed out and the side effects
It would be interesting if people could keep a lookout at their local papers, or their local council website, or their local health authority or hospital website, to see if any figures are being published locally.
I don’t hold out much hope (especially for accuracy in any figures), but might be interesting to check up on, anyway.
I have just had a look at my GP surgery website. They are claiming they have vaccinated over 90% of the group so far called.
I don’t believe them. They are not doing the vaccinations at the GP surgery in a suburb on the outer edge of the city, but at a venue just short of the city centre, approximately 4 to 5 miles away. Not on a direct bus route from this suburb. How many elderly people would be able to travel there? Some perhaps, with the help of family?
Strange how they are coy about that figure, which is perhaps the one that is the most interesting.
I don’t get it? Are they saying it only works in 2% of cases?
“Only 2%” efficacy against asymptomatic infection.
Whatever that might be.
Hence my “Wow”.
95% effective meaning in side effects which includes death
It means that 2% will stop the non-symptom cases from having the symptoms which they weren’t having while the other 98% of non-symptom cases will also continue not to have symptoms!
Ever get the feeling your money is being totally wasted? Well – not totally wasted. After all, you’re paying for them to scare you.
I’m following the comment thread from Natalie Dean’s tweet and I see this:
And this:
Followed by
And I can’t figure out if these comments are a piss take or genuine.
Snap. I had similar doubts when I read the thread.
And then I remembered the WSWS.
Asymptomatic means healthy and having the appearance (no symptoms) of health. But in the new Orwellian language of covid, if you’re healthy that doesn’t mean that you are or that you are uninfected or that you’re not dangerous. Genuinely healthy people (who fight off toxins, not ‘viruses’, well) are only dangerous to vaccine markets and the professional scam artists working for vaccine companies. And eugenicists like Bill Gates.
related: “”OH NO, W.H.O. – Maria Van Kerkhove spills beans re asymptomatic” – The Highwire, June 12, 2020″
related: “Fibs”
Yes, “asymptomatic” sounds rather like being a vampire or werewolf. Apparently quite normal, but at night…
I think “asymptomatic infection” means you are not ill, and probably are not infected with the virus – if it even exists.
Classic Doge, as in “Much wow”. =)
My response to this is:
‘Just f*** off! I want my human rights back’
This nitwit has a PhD.
Tells us something about PhDs. From Harvard, no less.
An interesting video.
Video makers, can you please stop using phrases like “the most important”?!
Larson is priceless. Thank you for this one.
He was a genius in the diagnosis of human stupidity.
I have two very heavy hard-backed volumes of all his work.
UK COVID Conundrum: The Mysterious Case of Disappearing Flu, Banson Wilcot PhD, at Principia Scientific.
Until the introduction of the PCR test for Covid-19 in late February, Covid-19 cases or deaths did not exist. Now flu doesn’t exist.
They just renamed flu as Covid obviously. I don’t understand how they get away with this shit. Where are the scientists? Having said that I know a scientist/professor who is as thick as shit, they are often complete idiots repeating government propaganda.
They just renamed poisoning with drugs to the flu and then renamed poisoning with drugs from flu to covid. This distinction is very important to understand the holocaust is not new but long standing. Dr Morse explains people “die from the treatment of” colds and flus and “people don’t die from colds and flus”.
They need government funding for their departments to remain afloat.
I think it’s as simple as that.
A guy with a doctor’s degree doesn’t want to lose his job, so he does what his corporate boss tells him to do.
Since the cost of not obeying orders can, famously, entail the loss of livelihood, if not the actual loss of life, and despite the Nuremburg rejection of “I was only obeying orders” as a defence, this whole consideration is, nevertheless, an understandable explanation of why these ‘idiots’ repeat government propaganda.
If we are going to judge such people, we need to be scrupulously honest with ourselves and ask how much we, ourselves, depend upon our current employment for survival, or what degree of physical and psychological deprivation we would be prepared to endure for the sake of telling the truth.
The ‘idiots’ are probably no more nor less afraid than anyone else would be, but they naturally try to hide their fear behind the fact that they belong to a reputable institution. That represents their security in life, justified or not.
Our enemies of course know that this is not such an easy matter for us, and that’s why they get away with such abominable outrages as the one they are perpetrating right now.
Our target should not be the scientist, but the real idiot – the departmental head who sits in an office waiting for the next decree from the corporate ‘authorities’ so that he can frighten all his staff into submission with it. Make a note of his name, and shame him into submission. He is the real enemy.
nah, not good enough: the real enemy is a lack of intergrity. You are excusing the “just doing my job” people. Even when the head is off the snake, all those clinging to their jobs will follow the next snake that arises.
Even if they are smart, they are certainly too trained (the majority) to allow true thinking that breaks through the encircling wall of official possitive -possitivistic- truths (such as ‘the Virus is the (only) Cause of the Illness’). Intelligence is a visiting “force”, not an individual quality. It has to do with the realization of the falseness of Reality (as a construct; some others call it the System; Rappoport calls it the Matrix), because it is not everything there is. As a recent Spanish bank’s TV add puts it (and all these smart achievers of academic positions could no doubt sign), ‘I believe in my profession (expertise), that’s why I’m a believer of others’ professions (expertises)’. System and Ego, Ego and System, they are inter-dependant, of course, and made of the same fabric: the imposition of Ideals to what there is.
Science (as institutions and a established set of official truths) is currently State/Capital’s main justifier the same way Religion was in previous historic phases. Scientists are, therefore, as a class, the current mandarines, the pharaoh’s high priests, the enemies of truth and the oppressed.
And the (not so) mysterious case of missing human intelligence. That people can’t see through this hoax is incredible.
To me it is, indeed, striking how obvious the disappearance of human intelligence has become during the last year.
Perhaps it is more fear than outright stupidity?
But then superstitious fear has always been linked with stupidity in any case…
All human beings have intelligence, and some have a lot of it.
But, like anything else, it does you no good at all unless you use it. The point is that most people have been persuaded never to use their (perfectly good) critical faculties, lest they become unpopular.
“They took common flu,
And labelled it Covid nineteen…
Don’t it always seem to go
That you just don’t know what you got till it’s gone
They took common cold,
And labelled it Covid nineteen…
With apologies to Joni Mitchell.
Follow the money!
It’s all hypothesis and theory. Not fact.
Still no scientific proof that a virus has ever jumped from animal to human.
Just like the big bang theory, it’s all assumption.
Well here’s a scientific fact that’s not based on assumptions.
You can’t have life without life! Still haven’t proven that one wrong in what 40 billion years they say,
Follow the money!
Amazon’s market share around the world, that is the aim and success of Covid.
If this was about Amazon they wouldn’t be murdering people with vaccines, creating immunity passports that are also digital global ID’s and the IMF wouldn’t be releasing white papers on your search history being tied to your credit score.
In this video about Bezos the word lockdown is used in reference to his business strategy of trapping customers by destroying competition. It certainly looks like this sort of mentality could be involved in planning “lockdowns”. A mafia of businesses in league like Amazon, tech, cellphones, pharma and the supermarkets/ gmos, monsanto etc. Amazon purchased whole foods a few years ago so have operation in food where they have been selling gmos as organic food and protomting the dangerous keto propaganda to drive up colds and flus for the “pandemic” campaign. they are involved with the robotics and augamentaion in their warehouses and distribution.
quote from video: “Every time I come to whole foods there is always new products, especially in the keto industry”
I guess cooking is for losers now.
Indeed, details here:
Or at least Covid virology is.
And the story around covid is the emperor’s new clothes
I am worried what comes after this. Seeing that nonsense is slowly drifting to madness, I have this feeling that sooner or later all science is going to be considered as alchemy. Then we are really in trouble
However, if that happens, historians should blame it on the scientists. They didn’t do anything to stop this madness, so why shouldn’t the mob be entititled to burn the library of Alexandria down to the ground (which is probably legend, yet a good story with a valuable lesson)? If science is used as a racket which makes life on earth for the average person more miserable than without science, for what reason should one want to keep it? That certainly applies to medical science, where intellectual property is now more important than prevention of disease, as there is money in IP and diseases, and not so much in prevention.
This madness is not spontaneous, it was taught in last decades. Scientists commit fraud by seeking personally advancing, profitable discovery while ignoring or avoiding responsibility.
The blatant Orwellian corruption of scientific process and science as a institution of state sanctioned authority is not spreadIng clandestinely anymore but openly, impudently and instantly via internet so millions of medical cult members worldwide are up to date with current lying orthodoxy du jour.
however this dramatic reality was in making long time and got worse in last 50 years at least when Philosophy of sciences and especially Ethics and Methodology of Sciences were no longer required or ever taught in major universities to students, including students of medicine, physical sciences or engineering That left only students of History, philology, philosophy or sociology in limited way exposed to the critical understanding what science is in metaphysical as well as in social context.
Now we have the result, a flock of powerful but clueless and uninterested of what is, their and their science, impact on Human society, army of drones of commanded and controlled by state or private scientific establishment money just blindly following orders with no shred of understanding what is their true mission in society and what they are actually accomplishing and for what outcome or purpose, turning themselves into comfortable worshipers of banality of evil perpetuating deadly lies.
If one good thing that may arise from this entire devastating COVID sham it would be re-examination of authority of scientific institutions removing them from control of state and capital reorient them to serving people’s needs not in executive but in advisory capacity as people democratically, explicitly define them.
it is encroaching totalitarianism prominent in sciences today that destroys democratic foundation of modern sciences and scientific method, as defined by Galileo, Descartes and Newton, based on nothing but scientific merit and empirical facts alone to prove it open to unrestricted scrutiny from anyone, decrying any arbitrary claims based on supposedly established scientific authority,
An outstanding comment.
As always from K.
History and sociology are also corrupted.
True, and they are also dangerous if their purpose is not defined by society as a whole but by narrow clique serving interests of power. Revisions of history often led to wars that killed millions while concocted out of thin air sociological and economic theories lead to devastating socioeconomic policies that killed even more.
BTW, I wrote that Sociology, Philosophy or History students are more exposed to philosophy of sciences, but it does not mean that such classes are mandatory or broadly attended. For example History of Sciences is a narrow field of history barely any historian specializes in.
If it leads to more people asking questions rather than showing deference to people who wave their certificates around or wear white coats then it has to be a good thing.
I would make a distinction between the scientific method and “science”. The former is generally a good thing (with a proviso about the dangers of peer review). Too much of what is passed off as the latter is assumed to be based on the former. It isn’t. .
Alchemy could be great – if they could turn crap into gold. Virology is a scam within a scam (Rockefeller health care science/ideology).
The mob most certainly should not burn the library – it’s their own most precious possession.
Burn the corrupt people instead. (Or, if you are merciful, give them a nice “jab”). This is what happened to babies and thousands of children all over the world after the last untested vax was let loose on a minor flu virus, now people are dropping dead in droves and Australia is peddling poison non stop.
But sure as eggs, they will blame the deaths on “the virus” and not on the vaccine(s).
Although, as the vaccines are made using eggs…
This is why we must listen when legitimate scientists say we must follow protocols. We must distinguish them from the scientists that Bill Gates et al have ‘bought’
I’m curious if the author “believes” in atoms or takes the classical Greek view that there are only four elements – earth, water, air, and fire? You can “see” atoms only indirectly, so they could be a hoax.
Different thing entirely, both Drosten and the CDC have admitted they had no virus to invent the tests for. Detection of viral RNA may not indicate the presence of infectious virus or that 2019-nCoV is the causative agent for clinical symptoms. • The performance of this test has not been established for monitoring treatment of 2019-nCoV infection. • The performance of this test has not been established for screening of blood or blood products for the presence of 2019-nCoV. • This test cannot rule out diseases caused by other bacterial or viral pathogens. page 40
Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV were available for CDC use at the time the test was developed and this study conducted, assays designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA (N gene; GenBank accession: MN908947.2) page 42. See, no damn virus but we have this bogus test being peddled as a sort of god.
I am beginning to wonder if they EVER have an ‘isolated virus’. They didn’t with polio, they didn’t with HIV/AIDS to there seems to be a pattern here. The whole idea of an ‘isolated virus’ is it seems a myth to seem ‘scientific’, the foundations of virology are beyond dubious
They didn’t. And contagion is a myth.
still wrong
Tom Cowan admits to a small number having been isolated but makes the point that even with those, they have not established that they are pathogenic, i.e. disease causing agents.
Sorry I don’t have a link, but it’s mentioned in several of his videos.
In a conversation with, I think Andy Kaufman, they both agree that any attempt to isolate and purify “viruses” was given up when the virus hunters realised that they could never demonstrate pathogenicity this way. Instead of drawing the logical conclusion, they (the virus hunters) just went on trying to square the circle with the weird methods they now use, which they call “isolation”, but which are not.
No. Not really. He said that they claimed to have isolated something and whatever it was did not cause illness or a disease.
Dr.Stefan Lanka about it:
For instance, we can split atoms, leading to energy, i.e, you can put your theory to a test. And if practice follows theory then the theory is correct (until it is falsified)
For Covid science it’s opposite. Practice doesn’t follow theory. If, for instance, Covid behaves in precise the same way as flu, we could just as well call it flu, and the theory of ‘the new disease that Covid is’ should be changed.
And such exercises with atoms that you mention are pretty much 100% reproducible, and conform to theories which are so securely backed up by experiment that we can take as established fact.
(Which is not to say that physicists know all there is to know about the atom, and none of them claims that they do).
I applaud Off-G for reprinting this. It’s important for us to have this discussion.
To all the BTL critics here: I understand your point about not leading with this idea when criticizing government policy in front of normies. I don’t do that either. But we’re not normies here, dammit! This is the Off-Guardian, the last bastion of uncompromising free speech. If we can’t have this discussion here, where can we have it?
Incidentally, if any of you here are interested in virus-skepticism, look up the videos of Dr. Andrew Kaufman on Bitchute. (He’s been purged from Youtube, unfortunately.) He’ll explain that what’re being labelled as ‘viruses’ by mainstream scientists are really just the body’s own exosomes, which are being excreted by cells as a defensive reaction against the very adjuvants being used in the ‘virus isolation’ process!
I have to put in a word here for the late David Crowe, RIP:
Update on the mask situation:
The Whole Foods location I usually I shop at has not been letting in unmasked people since December. Today, I happened to be in another part of town, and riding by the Whole Foods location there, noticed a large sign stating that masks were now required to enter the store; however, it also said that if you cannot wear a mask, you can still enter after a brief medical assessment. Curious about the latter, I locked up the bike and asked the employee at the entrance what this medical assessment consisted of. Apparently, only a couple of questions: Have you been out of the country in the last X days? and another one about symptomology. And that was it! (Though he did ask if I’d be willing to wear what I guess was going to be a visor; however, I told him that I could not remove my hat, to which he replied “That’s fine,” and let me into the store.)
Apparently this is supposed to be the policy at all WF stores, so now I have to call that other location to find out why I never saw that sign there…
In the high street of my city there’s only one shop with a mask sign that makes reference to the exemptions. A significant minority now display signs saying you MUST wear a mask with no qualification.
I started off wanting to support local shops but after seeing their behaviour there’s quite a number I wouldn’t be sorry to see go out of business
Yes, there’s quite a few local shops that I’ve not returned to since they made it clear that no mask=no entry. They deserve to go down for their credulous and fearful idiocy!
A natural reaction, although it does play right into the hands of the people who started all this.
It seems like it was a step that was, once again, introduced simultaneously around the world. Signs where I am in the UK changed sometime in the past 6 weeks to now state, “No mask, no entry”, with lots of extra signs appearing randomly around the stores. However, the staff ‘enforcing’ it here seem to have no interest in confrontation and still just say good morning when I’ve entered with no mask.
Interestingly January was the first time in 4 months I’d seen others in a large local supermarket without masks, right after they stepped up the restrictions.
Thanks for the report!
Today I went into a large bookshop with all manner of signs outside the premises indicating that masks must be worn; when, however, I asked if they recognized medical exemptions, I was told “Yes” and was free to enter without one. Again, I was the only one in there (and it was busy!) who was not a Masketeer.
The Bilderberger woman who owns the country’s largest book chain, on the other hand, has probably given personal instructions to her lieutenants to make sure that no maskless intruders are allowed into the stores, since I was absolutely refused entry the last time I tried in December.
I noticed this change recently at my local supermarket. I do wear a mask there, for the sake of a quiet life (plus I don’t believe in causing possible stress for the staff who have to live with this stupid policy through no fault of their own).
However, for the first time, I was told off by a security guard for “allowing” my mask to slip below my nose.
I now “doctor” my masks with holes, which helps a little. (Steamed up glasses are a real pain).
You’re lucky, relatively speaking. Here in Cyprus you cannot enter a shop without a mask, full stop, no exemptions. In fact, you must be wearing a mask everywhere outdoors or risk a €300 fine. Mind you, the only shops allowed to open just now are those selling food and other items deemed to be essentials.
My heart goes out to you!
I am risking the fine out in the street, actually, but I must admit I am going out as little as possible so they are still winning.
The Centre for Disinformation, Control and Propaganda ( CDC ) have come up with another layer ‘literally- to this global crime against humanity. We need not to throw away the masks that do more harm than good, but to add more.
The CDC’s own figures were analysed by Johns Hopkins researcher Dr. Genevieve Briand to show that there were no excess deaths in America in 2020. It is also admitted that it has never had any true viral isolate of the alleged novel virus SARS-CoV-2. So if it isn’t just another form of the lunatics exercising control and getting their daily sadism top- up- what are they basing this recommendation on ?
The World Bank is monitoring closely. And, like Bill Gates, is associated far more with money than medical acumen. And, also like Bill Gates, have that gift that seems peculiar to the wealthiest in the world- psychic power ; the gift of premonition to be more accurate.
The World bank, despite the appearance of being ‘of the world’ traditionally has an American president. Yes- i was amazed too. It was created under the eye of the ultra transparent and trustworthy IMF in 1944. It’s based in Washington. Yes, I know, the shocks just keep on coming.
After mooching around Africa and other vast expanses of land where no discernible economy thrived and starvation and illness was a part of the culture, they decided to, how can we say it- ‘diversify’ . Not unlike the IT man- Bill Gates come to think about it.
In 1989 things like the ozone layer and AIDS became quite popular propaganda items.
Is that looking like a PR damage limitation exercise or a shrewd long term investment for those at the wheel of the Pharma gravy train. A world ‘bank’ becoming concerned about disease, vaccines rescue programmes ? it’s the kind of things Software magnates handle, surely. After all, since when did banks chase after helping those who couldn’t help themselves ? That’s not how banks make money. Surely they weren’t trying to pass themselves of as philanthropical. That’s like that… know..him
Actually, a closer look at this is more enlightening. A bit like Bill Gates having a father- Bill Gates sr , The World Bank too has a ‘father’ called World bank Group. This was set up by the UN Monetary Fund. The UN was set up in 1945.Again- an American organization set up in New York. Ostensibly an inter governmental organization whose aims and function is to keep peace and securty globally, no matter how many millions of men, women and children they have to murder to achieve it. It’s other name is the NWO.
So this American post-WW2 exercise created and run by America and their allies in WW2- Germany, must be pretty shocked and concerned right now, what with the world falling to pieces due to lockdown and an ‘illness’ killing it’s population. I expect they know little about it. Then again , it’s the NWO. Of course they know. They scripted it, produced it, cast it and we’re living in their mockumentary . We’re the fall guys ; the stooges, the mocked .
The CEO of Pfizer– a Gates – funded shyster organization, told us , without any science to support it, we’re staying like this for ‘years’. Possibly 10. That means 5. Because after 5 we’ll be stupid enough to say ‘‘wow they beat the deadline by five years”.
Remember, all of this was planned by Gates at the Rockerfeller nest in 2010. The ‘Billionaire good club’‘ decided they needed to cull the population. It decided a ‘good’ scenario to ‘imagine’ was a pandemic catching us in a poor state of preparedness. This was the spur to create ‘strategies’ to overcome the pandemic that would catch us napping.
Every step they ‘imagined’ we’ve since danced. We still are. That’s our fault apparently for our bad ‘preparedness‘( stupid ****ing word). Luckily the World Bank was on it. Just like the Software Mogul. It was just the medical world that wasn’t.
The plan left out the dates. It left out the proposed time span to shoot for before we plebs revolted and hit the streets.
Here it is :

Double down!
Have you a link for it please.
Bloody hell Jura, another 4 more years of this bullshit? I take it then you’ve seen the Rockefellers infamous Lockstep Document then? I can be a bit slow at times, but when I saw Lockstep and the plans for the Great Reset about the same time in the middle of last year, initially on a video by Celeste Solum, and that’s when I knew that all this had been planned for a long time. It was like my eureka moment.
Regards your reply to Brookland below – where is the virus indeed? Why haven’t they been able to provide proof it’s been isolated? All those freedom of information requests. Hmmm.
There is a video doing the rounds with a guy outside on a cold day, trying out different masks and multiple masks, demonstrating how the water vapour from his mouth and nose gets out pretty easily whatever he wears.
Supposedly the “virus” travels on the droplets of the exhaled water vapour.
Followers of Robin Monotti will know that he has a slightly different take on all this.
One i posted the other day on here somewhere had a picture of a man with a mask. He’d drilled into a dry wall. He stopped, took off his mask, and all around his face, nose, mouth, lips, was the powder and dust from the dry wall. According to the Science which is lying about the virus, it’s smaller than a spec of dust. The picture, therefore is physical proof of the mask being nothing more than a symbol of compliance. Something for the morons to wear with pride.
Ideally people should wear at all times at least seven masks. This prevents you from breathing, and greatly simplifies the process.
And plugging up one’s nostrils with epoxy is a must!
as a previous slaughter , they called it on – “the best scientific advice” – omitting those important words – “for the required outcome”.
and before this, before that even…..a sleep of death that hides its head.
All the negative comments to Jon Rappoport’s article might be written by one person under various names, or several persons.
Inane or trolls, or both.
In any event, they represent the preponderant attitude in the whole of humanity.
It is one of the myriad examples of the attitude of the majority being all-around oligophrenic and destructive.
The majority’s reaction to the current hoax illustrates this.
“In a democracy, the majority of the citizens is capable of exercising the most cruel oppressions upon the minority.”
Edmund Burke
And I would add: “[…] and upon itself.”
Which is a good thing, because – when this self-destructs – the devils will have no workforce left.
Their nefarious plans will be unenforceable!
They’ll have robots, drones and AI. They don’t need us anymore … which is why they plan to use fake plagues and vaccines to get rid of us.
A natural reaction to this from readers would be: But you also die!
That’s right.
I prefer death to any form of enslavement!
Thanks, OffG, for getting Jon’s article published here. I read his blog regularly.
He did good investigative journalism into the claims of AIDS and HIV long time ago. And, he has stayed committed since then to his findings that HIV was a hoax, and has also then extended his investigations into other claimed viruses.
In this latest article, which is actually a repeat of what he has been saying on his blog since April last year, he is right in implying that science got further convoluted by WHO-Gates-Oligarchy when they falsely attributed every symptom to the supposed ‘covid’.
In fact, in late March last year, my first suspicicion that sars-cov-2 & covid was a hoax being perpetrated on people all over the world was aroused precisely because every tom, dick and harry symptom was being attributed to ‘covid’. Even then it appeared to mock true science.
Later, of course, thanks to OffG, Jon’s site and a few other sites, I learned more about how and why the con was being done.
The ability to believe what it is in one’s interests to believe and call it science has been starkly revealed by the responses to the coronavirus. For months Chris Whitty, the UK government’s senior medical advisor, expressed the view that there was no benefit from wearing face masks by general population. In June the government changed its policy and mandated face masks on public transport, and subsequently extended this to indoor public spaces generally. Whitty was asked by the House of Commons Science and Technology Committee for the evidence for this reversal. He told the Committee: “The data had not changed. What changed was our interpretation.” This one example is illustrative of how “the science” has been exploited as a rhetorical device. The responses to the virus are pseudoscience. The status of science is invoked to provide policy decisions with a specious authority that is beyond challenge. Of course should anyone present a serious credible critique that might influence a significant audience, they are immediately censored. No one is allowed to challenge the narrative.
The above article is completely discombobulated and seems to deliberately smear the accompanying messages that COVID-19 is a scamdemic and PCR tests are highly inaccurate.
The early unhelpful false claim that COVID-19 wasn’t real was clever hijacking propaganda that undermined the fight for truth. Now an entire branch of proven applied science is being denied to bury the COVID-1984 resistance.
Viruses were isolated before computer modelling. Viruses are a real phenomenon. DNA and RNA sequencing of viruses is a proven science. Fraudulent computer modelling does not mean all computer modelling is invalid, it simply means some computer models are fraudulent.
Rather than identify authoritarian misuse of science and embrace of quack science as a pretext to totalitarian rule, real science is denied. Such action seriously undermines any attempt to intelligently reject COVID-1984 and protect vulnerable lives and civil liberties.
DNA and RNA sequencing of viruses is a proven science.
in that case, you’ll have no problem providing some scientific references describing how COVID-1984 was isolated and gene-sequenced, will you?
Never occurred to you to back-check the article on your own?
” The early unhelpful false claim that COVID-19 wasn’t real was clever hijacking propaganda that undermined the fight for truth. Now an entire branch of proven applied science is being denied to bury the COVID-1984 resistance.”
Calm down with the hysteria.
The ‘clever hijacking propaganda that undermined the fight for truth’ you’re yelling about.
Who was fighting ? The Government claimed that a pandemic was growing at speed and it was of a sars -covid virus. That’s a statement- not a fight. Those of us who can think asked a simple question – where is it ? That’s a simple question – not a fight. had the simple question have received a simple( or even complex) reply, then the whole discussion would have been over in seconds. We’re past a year now.
The ‘ proven applied science’ that you claim is ‘ being denied to bury the Covid 1984 resistance’ ? That’s a bit of an awkward sentence if we’re honest.
The proven applied science is virology. If that was applied it would identify a virus if a virus was there.. It’s been applied and hasn’t. No virus was isolated. It would identify an anti body left behind by a virus- that’s like forensic evidence to a detective. No anti bodies have been found. That means no virus was there to begin with.
”Viruses were isolated before computer modelling. Viruses are a real phenomenon”
We were talking about Covid 19. Was that isolated ?No. So can it be defined as a ‘real’ virus ?
”Fraudulent computer modelling does not mean all computer modelling is invalid, ”
True. But we’re talking about Covid 19. The computer modelling for that was a complete lie as was the tale of data that it was supposed to have thrown up.
I agree with you whole heartedly Jura. We are speaking covid-19 not all viruses. In a way it is what sets covid apart from a virus that demonstates it cannot exist. The greatest hallmark of a virus is the antibody made against that virus and no antibody to covid-19 has ever been shown.
There is actually a blood test you can have done which will show all the antibodies to all the viruses you have had in your life. It is done by scanning blood think it’s called virscan.
And now, in the UK ( ergo everywhere else will have the same ‘sudden good idea’ on their copy of the script) they have decided that they can take any 2 or 3 from about 5 vaccines, out them in a mixer, give them a shake, and inject. They are asking for halfwits to volunteer for ‘trials’. They’re all rolling up like zombies.
This could be fun for them. Each of the vaccines comes from a heavily funded ‘act of philanthropy‘ pharma company( well they would wouldn’t they.
So the original vaccine they told us last week which was so successful couldn’t have been. And of all those who took the needle last week, aren’t we supposed to wait until they’ve had needle number 2 before we decide it didn’t work ?
If they say themselves that thee is no cure or prevention to be gained from their mixes, why mix and match ? The vaccines from last month had( allegedly) a month ‘trialling’. That’s roughly 8 years too short a timespan. None of the mixes have been tried yet. Yet the sheep turn up.
The same sheep that worshipped the national hero Old Tom, who survived world war 2, could walk 100 laps of his garden for charity at the age of 100 but took one vaccine off gates and he was gone.
Here’s a quick link.I lost the original. This is just to give the details. Ordinarily i wouldn’t touch ABC with a shitty stick. It doesn’t move or breathe without Bill gates and his cohorts clicking their fingers and throwing them a biscuit for saying the things they demand. They call it ‘fact checking’. It’s propaganda clearance. Like what they do with ALL their woeful Monsanto defences.
Strange I have tried to tick….I am told I have already commented but you are still showing as 0 maybe a time lag………..any way
Mixing vaccines it is like some mad sketch of the 3 witches in Macbeth.
The thing that annoys me so much is that these stupid vaccines are making all viruses and vaccines fair game targets for idiots.
It could be said Tom really did die for his Country……you know I have a horrible feeling about that, was Tom a lamb to the slaughter for MSM
I think the world will implode soon………I am sick and fed up of talking about it yet the absubness is strangely compelling…..lets see what happens next
It’s like purgatory. A battle of wills; a war of attrition. They’re old hands at this. I can feel their grin from here.
Its been a constant struggle to get the truth out about the danger level presented by the SARS Cov-2 virus and the COVID-19 illness associated with the virus. Its a problem but not one justifying COVID-1984 lockdown cultism.
In other words, a fight. And, you ae not arguing honestly, just nitpicking and avoiding the core issue of COVID-1984.
Viruses exist. SARS Cov-2 exists. COVID-19 exists. COVID-1984 the socio-moral panic exists. Pretending they don’t… serves what purpose?
The core of your complaint is where the answers to your questions lie.
Fist, we have had our liberty removed. We have had threats and penalties put in front of us should we forget to obey. This assault was, and still is, unprovoked. For such draconian measures to be implemented normally, it would be in response to civil unrest, riots or civil war. All we were doing was getting on with our lives as normal- so why the attack on us ?
The pretext to justify their attack was that it was, in fact, a virus attacking us and laying waste to the population of the world. So, that was, and is being used as the rationale to abuse us further and put in place psychological torment. All of that is being used to hold us in a submissive position and even demands we’re grateful for the efforts to ‘save’ us.
Given that we have had our normalcy taken away, our liberty, our jobs, money, and been left with debts, a health service that won’t see us unless it’s for a vaccination of drugs they say doesn’t kill the virus. I think we’re entitled to ‘nit pick’.
We have seen medical people who say it’s all a lie silenced in favour for billionaire manufacturers of vaccines and AI. They can’t provide evidence of a real virus. All ‘evidence’ pints to the virus- if it exists- is a virus in name only; it’s a computer generated synthetic- therefore man- made trick in order to give them a reason to attack.
It’s the ideologies at the centre of this fight. It’s a death of a democracy that was already being beaten up for 25 years. It’s the installation of a NWO and the placing of the masses at the foot of everything. it’s the plutocracy we feared and this ‘fight’ was the excuse they wanted to happen so they could be seen to be ‘looking after the greater good’.
It’s not about a virus. It’s about the end of world history, an interval, followed by the new history. All ignited by a pandemic that was planned in a meeting behind closed doors 10 years ago. It’s the culmination of a pervasive , perverted ideology that called itself eugenics once. Wed were the weeds in their garden; the blight on their crops. And now they have technology and power enough to do some human husbandry.
That’s the point of this fight.
I totally agree
I’m sick to death of the science. The bigger question is human rights and them being trashed. If Off-Guardian would be concerned with that aspect instead. The science is fruitless. It’s endless bickering
No. Because governments are using what they claim is ”science” to pass every measure. So the science must be disputed alongside the unlawful measures and lockdowns because it’s at the core of the fraud. And people are being murdered due to the fraud. And billions will be murdered unless we do something right now and alert everyone to the fraud, because it is easily proven.
The Government knows it’s a fraud
Yes they do. Many within government also know viruses aren’t real and there’s no contagion. Those with high enough clearance. They know what militaries and the defense sector have been building behind the scenes. The Pentagon knew contagion didn’t exist after the 1918 flu.
Your position is more like a government disinformation tactic to undermine the credibility of COVID-1984 opponents.
SARS Cov-2 is a real virus. COVID-19 is a sufficiently unique set of symptoms associated with SARS Cov-2 to merit distinction as a discrete illness.
However, the spread of SARS Cov-2 and its mutations, and associated COVID-19, are not sufficient pretext for more surveillance statism and denials of civil and economic liberties.
You are projecting.
”SARS Cov-2 is a real virus. COVID-19 is a sufficiently unique set of symptoms associated with SARS Cov-2 to merit distinction as a discrete illness.”
A real virus would have been isolated by now. This hasn’t been. A real virus leaves antibodies behind. This one hasn’t. There’s proof it’s not real.
Your argument for it’s existence is that the government told you it does.
It’s the old question: Hanlon’s Razor tells us never to attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.
On the other hand, my own corollary, Nolnah’s Rozar, warns us never to attribute to stupidity that which is adequately explained by malice.
The difficulty is that, when evaluating politicians and ambitious scientists, the race between malice and stupidity seems to be a dead heat.
Of course, we could be dealing with a combination of both. Just look at Boris Johnson’s face for a few seconds.
Bank robbers know they’re robbing banks too- but they carry on.
Ben, don’t know if you are in US, but there is a site “” run by Peggy Hall. She has a good amount of information, through her own dogged research, on the legalities of what’s going on.
It’s a very interesting site. Yesterday she interviewed a retired Sheriff about Constitutional legalities around the mask issue.
She provides a number of resources.
Also, Patrick Wood, who has been speaking about the threat of technocracy for years just started Americans for Free Speech. He was interviewed on the Corbett Report a few days ago.
Thank you!
The science is the rationale behind them removing the rights in the first place.
You can’t discuss the removal of human rights that’s based on a ‘Public Health’ scare without mentioning the public health scare – which, in this case, is a combination of Biology( virus) and Chemistry ( vaccine) .
Sequencing depends so greatly on computer modelling that it is by no means trustworthy. The topic of this very article is that no one in the entire world has succeeded in isolating pure SARS-CoV-2 virus. (Or if Dr Drosten knows of anyone who has done that, he doesn’t wish to collect 230,000 euros for a one-line email with a citation).
Now if no one has a supply of the virus, it seems impossible to imagine how they can sequence it.
What they can do – and probably have done – is to fish out of an undifferentiated soup a few fragments, each maybe 1/10,000 the length of the viral genome, and use a computer program to hypothesise the remaining 30,000 or so bases.
Yet, this virus has been studied in lab hamsters. Hmmmm.
Claiming the virus does not exist and viruses do not exist and virology is a fake science, sounds a lot like disinfo intended to trip up the credibility of opponents to COVID-1984.
Why do you keep saying it exists but calling it Covid 1984 ?
Absolutely correct.
It’s not virology. It’s not science. It’s fraud.
“Fraudulent computer modelling does not mean all computer modelling is invalid, it simply means some computer models are fraudulent”.
Quite so.
But fraudulent computer modelling that is accepted without question by scores of goernments, and used as a pretext to imprison whole populations, does show what is possible.
The CDC has ‘pure’ SARS Cov-2 cultures available for research – by legit medical researchers, not just anyone asking for some.
According to Reuters, claims that SARS Cov-2 does not exist is a misinterpretation of an early study that used a sequence of synthesized (transcribed) RNA identical to SARS Cov-2 shared by a different virus.
Early in the epidemic, not enough real SARS Cov-2 had been cultured to meet research demands. There was no intent to deceive, as the study openly admitted they were using ‘transcribed RNA’. They would obviously need to know what they were transcribing in order to transcribe it.
‘Transcribed RNA’:
One would have thought, although many propose these cultures are part of a circular, self-fulfilling process involving too much feeling in the dark and too many contaminants to be called ‘isolates’, plus they have not established a causal link between the isolate and a disease so what has been isolated exactly is subject to queston. There are others who will put this better than myself. A2