White House Briefings for Children: Jen Psaki Circles Back

Binoy Kampmark

The Biden administration’s first White House press secretary is keen that things will be done differently under her guidance. The jaw dropping, sniping sessions between the press and government that were characteristic of the Trump administration were going to cease.

“When the President asked me to serve in this role,” Jen Psaki outlined in her first press briefing on January 20, 2021, “we talked about the importance of bringing truth and transparency back to the briefing room, and he asked me to ensure we are communicating about policies across the Biden-Harris administration and the work his team is doing every single day on behalf of all the American people.”

The press secretary’s job, in any traditional sense, is to dissemble, defend and justify the ill-thought out or executed policies of the commander-in-chief. The briefing room is a place to stifle and shape rather than enlighten or inform. The new press secretary seems to think differently, she who is clear about:

a common goal, which is sharing accurate information with the American people.”

Her January 20 briefing was tarted up by a deal of dangerous sincerity that marks the well-meaning ideologue. She reminded the press of having:

travelled the world on trips to promote democracy, where I saw the power of the United States and, of course, the power of this podium, and the power of truth, and of the importance of setting an example of engagement and transparency.”

Drawing a line under the previous administration, she expressed cosy feelings about the fourth estate, having a:

deep respect for the role of a free and independent press in our democracy and for the role all of you play.”

With the cringe-worthy ingratiation out of the way, Psaki deployed a method that risks being an irritating hallmark of her tenure. Would the Biden administration, for instance, implement a death penalty moratorium?

The answer: start with a general view of the President’s opposition to the death penalty but avoid details.

I don’t have anything more for you in terms of future actions or mechanisms, though. I can – I’ll circle back if there’s more I can share with you.”

On January 21, Psaki stroked away various questions with ever greater, circling vigour. To a question on whether the Defense Production Act had been invoked by the Biden administration she began with an expansive answer without actually answering the question, only to kill it off with a promise for future attention.

I’ll have to just circle back with you on what it – if it’s officially invoked in this moment, or if it takes some time. And we can circle back with you after the briefing.”

A question on whether President Biden would try to rein in religious conscious exemptions for such organisations as the Little Sisters of the Poor, a metaphorically airborne Psaki induced more giddiness.

I haven’t discussed that particular issue with him. I’m happy to circle back with you, but I don’t – there’s not a change in his position from what he said earlier this summer.”

Ditto her reply to a question on whether the DC Statehood measure would find its way to the president’s desk within the first 100 days of the administration.

Psaki’s ascent is part of a waffling campaign beeping with promises of integrity, candour and commitment to accuracy. CNN’s Brian Stelter did not even bother concealing his political colours in praising the appointment.

Biden’s first day, and Psaki’s first day, sent a message that functional government is back.”

Van Jones, also of the same news network, seemed overwhelmed by it all.

It’s just mesmerizing to watch a functional government doing functional government-type things.”

He was astonished that there was a press conference to begin with, steered by a human, “and that person said words, and the words made sense, and somebody asked a question, and that person answered.” Presidential historian Michael Beschloss was grateful for the return of “civility and respect. What was old is new again.” He even gushed that it was:

once again safe to let our children watch a White House briefing.”

Such banal commentary has served to avoid critiquing Psaki’s own shoddy performance, which has sought to single out the Trump administration for, to take one example, having no vaccine plan to speak of.

When Trump critic and long-standing director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Anthony Fauci, was asked if this was the case, he had to deny it. “We are certainly not starting from scratch because there is activity going on in the distribution.” The difference, rather, was in Biden “amplifying” pre-existing approaches.

To such questions as to why President Biden and his family were not masked at the Lincoln Memorial after he signed an executive order mandating the use of masks on federal property at all times, Psaki was ready with the spin.

I think, Steve, he was celebrating an evening of a historic day in our country. And certainly he signed the mask mandate because it’s a way to send a message to the American public about the importance of wearing masks, how it can save tens of thousands of lives.”

As to whether Biden’s conduct had been glaringly at odds with the executive order, Psaki suggested that,

we have big – bigger issues to worry about in time.”

Transparency and accurate information evidently not being among them.

Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge. He lectures at RMIT University, Melbourne. Email: [email protected]


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Feb 9, 2021 1:41 AM

A return to normal is the dream most people are sold about America but never actually get their hands on. Its the Hollywood stage where the loving peaceful and empathic global superpower talks garbage for a while while pretending to engage the press, most who are shills and on the pay roll in some form or another and all while being extremely polite and superficial so not to break character That’s what people mean by a return to normal “functioning” government. They are done with their government being exposed as the joke that it is while Trump was in power. They prefer that joke to be more easily digested by the way of all the bullshit being hidden behind the curtains while dolled up plastic people completely out of touch with reality for the average person pretends like they are here for “the people” while rushing off to promote further agendas that ensure a future of COVID, domestic terrorism and blowing the shit out of some foreign country continues. Hey kids, you can watch these war wondering freedom snatching criminals now. Why is that daddy? Because now they are nice people and they really mean the best and government in the US has changed forever and now everybody wants peace, happiness and shared wealth and prosperity for all. It’s not like politics is still the same as it was before Trump left. Oh wait, it’s exactly the same. Only the Disneyland glitter of the US political stage is now back in full force dumbing the people down and distracting them from the hum-drum smokescreen that always is, and always will be, the front for American politics. The glitz and the glamour. The sterile environments. The show of wealth and power and the classic stars and stripes treatment. AKA the mafia… Read more »

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Feb 6, 2021 12:49 PM

They have it all!
(See previous post re U.S. Space Force)

Mike Lindell Releases Explosive Documentary on the 2020 Election – “ABSOLUTE PROOF” Film Includes Testimony and Interviews from Experts on Historic Fraud in 2020 Election
By Joe Hoft
Feb 5, 2021


The cyber battlespace discussion starts at 1:36:00.

Stephen Allen
Stephen Allen
Feb 6, 2021 12:31 AM

Wikipedia reports that Psaki was a CNN contributor from 2017-2020. That explainns the banality of the press corps.

Feb 5, 2021 7:10 PM

Press reporters sound like a bunch of cry babies!! You can definitely tell a true leftist when they speak their mind and sound stupid!!!

exiled off mainstreet
exiled off mainstreet
Feb 5, 2021 10:08 AM

A regime based on fraud, cynicism, and propaganda manipulation is bound to present itself in a similar fashion. Central to the fraud and propaganda was an organised press acting in concert as propaganda central. Exhibit A was their refusal to cover the corruption allegations centring on Biden, his son, and his brothers.

Feb 5, 2021 8:32 PM

I couldn’t agree more.

I knew that if the Resistance successfully deposed the recreant knave and usurper Trump (as they see it), all of the eternally-pending investigations in progress into Biden/Democratic Party/”Resistance” skulduggery and chicanery would evaporate.

I started to put “in progress” in ironic/scare quotes above, but in our surrealistic dystopia there’s so much call for them that I’m trying to pace myself. 

Anyway, I confess to briefly entertaining the foolish hope that AG Barr might actually assist Trump and let loose the judicial hounds. Not for long; it soon became clear that he hewed to his customary role as Establishment fixer– his “nothing to see here, move along” response to the Epstein affair confirmed that he’s not the guy to pursue justice without fear or favor “though the heavens fall”.

Just as you say, the complicit mass-media has done its best to disappear the Biden’s international grifting schemes and scandals, just as it relentlessly flogs the Big Lie that the election was reasonably honest and valid.

Feb 5, 2021 9:23 AM

Oh thank god the press can go back to kid gloves again! Cunts

Feb 6, 2021 12:25 PM
Reply to  Koba

Cunts? You are being too, too kind

Feb 5, 2021 12:54 AM

The “circle back” tic may be idiosyncratic– something Psaki picked up somewhere and found appealing. In my experience, people will adopt idiomatic usages that, rightly or wrongly, they think sound generally kind of cool and somehow authoritative.

So they season their speech with such pet phrases. It backfires when: 1) the idiom isn’t as apt, satisfying, and wonderful as the infatuated adopter thinks in the first place, and/or 2) the user grabs some mediocre turn of phrase and slides down the slippery slope into unconscious overuse.

Or it might be a buzzword Psaki picked up from some venue in which bureaucratic and corporate buzzspeak originate. She may be introducing an in-group term to the masses.

During my career as a state worker, I would hear the latest buzzwords trickle down from various “in-groups” and “in-managers” in the hierarchy, and be eagerly echoed by lower-echelon toadies and suck-ups.

In staff meetings, stuporvisors (not misspelled) would find reasons to repeatedly use the approved buzz-terms du jour— trainers, too. It spreads like a– well, to avoid the controversial “virus” for a change, let’s say a rash. 

If I never hear the word “metrics” again in my life it will be too soon.

Harry Rogers
Harry Rogers
Feb 5, 2021 1:11 AM
Reply to  Ort

Excellent understanding of the system. In my day I remeber hearing “mindset” for the first time and the acronyms would come billowing into conversations of CAD, CAM and the a selling point was “strategic plan”. I was young and confused and wish I had understood the underlying indoctrination behind all this waste pile of jargon.

Saint Jimmy
Saint Jimmy
Feb 5, 2021 1:16 AM
Reply to  Ort

Do you know how I know you’re for real, Ort? This post is how I know.

Feb 5, 2021 2:54 AM
Reply to  Ort

Not sure who’ll portray her on SNL but you know “circle back” will be the new buzz phrase. They’ll make the most of it.

Of course, before she circle’s back, she may have to circle around, maybe do some circling in, and then find her way through the circles that she finds in the windmills of her mind.

Feb 5, 2021 3:04 AM
Reply to  Judith

I see your “windmills of her mind”, and raise you a “happiness runs in a circular motion” and “go round and round and round, in the circle game”.

Feb 5, 2021 12:38 PM
Reply to  Ort

OK, Ort, if I’m bleary eyed today it is because as I was about to turn in for the night I noticed your reply email on my phone. (had shut off computer) At the risk of tonyopmoc ostrasization I have to respond thus: Although I know and love most of Donovan’s songs, I had never heard “Happiness Is”. Until Oct 2019. I was driving from NYC to Boston having just visited a family member. Listening to a folk radio station. This wonderful song started playing. Although it sounded like Donovan I wasn’t sure until DJ confirmed. I can see where I was on 95 listening to that song – that’s how much of an impression it made. When I got home I found it on the internet and played it for hours. I was just thinking last week that I hadn’t played it for awhile and must do so again. Love it. As for Circle Game, I had not heard that. Again, I am only familiar with the popular radio hits of Joni Mitchell. Have only come to really appreciate her talent over the past few years. I searched the song last night (after listening to Happiness Is a few times) and gave it a listen. Just beautiful. I read comments as I listened. Apparently Joni wrote it for Stephen Stills. The comments to the song were quite moving. One recent comment was from a girl who would have attended her last year at camp last summer. A very special year for the kids who had gone there. She said that the tradition at the end of the summer for this group of kids was to sit around a circle and play this song. She was sorry she would not see these kids again (because of course camp was cov-cancelled)… Read more »

Feb 5, 2021 8:20 PM
Reply to  Judith

Though I say it as shouldn’t, this reply is worth the price of your bleary eyes. 😉

Feb 6, 2021 3:22 AM
Reply to  Ort

I know it’s (youtube) not popular these days and rightly so, but I have to say that it’s been great over the past few years to look up all the terrific singers from the 60’s and 70’s. And to have access to so much of the music and performances. There are such great things about the internet. Too bad the bullies have had to muck it up.

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Feb 6, 2021 2:05 AM
Reply to  Judith

I wanted to give you about 10 upvotes for the “circles of your mind gag” (one of my favourite songs BTW), but I couldn’t.

However, I’ll use your mention of Joni Mitchell as lame excuse to publish here my latest opus:

“They paved Paradise,
and put up a Nightingale

It was never used,
it was just another Johnson FAIL

Don’t it always seem to go
That you just don’t know what you got till it’s gone

They paved paradise 
and put up a Nightingale

They took common cold,
And labelled it Covid nineteen…

And they charged 80 bucks 
for a fake test to prove you were clean

Don’t it always seem to go
That you just don’t know what you got till it’s gone

They took common cold, 
And labelled it Covid nineteen…

Late Last night 
I heard the front door click

And a big fat copper 
tried to stick me with a big fat…needle

Don’t it always seem to go
That you just don’t know what you got till it’s gone

They took common flu, 
And labelled it Covid nineteen…”

With apologies to Joni Mitchell. 

Feb 6, 2021 3:17 AM

Oh my God, Mike. That’s halarious. (we spell it that way in my family)

What a treat. When this thing is over a bunch of us from hither and yon armed with our conterfeit covi passes will meet you in a pub and raise a glass to the bunch of wankers who though they own the world have not an iota of the humor, pathos and good nature of the commenters at Offg.

A local “oldies” station here had the good sense to start a “60’s at 6” hour each evening. I am driving home then so I’m in heaven.

“Those were the Days” (Mary Hopkin) came on the other night and as I sang along I thought “Wow, whodda thought I’d be singing this about just last year! Thanks for the laugh.

I love Windmills of My Mind also.

Feb 8, 2021 6:48 AM
Reply to  Ort

Ort, I will see your “circle game” and raise it by “ever decreasing circles til she disappears up her own funamental orrifice”.

I too learned to loath the buzz words.
Up sell, scaffold, unpack, and dozens more wanker words dribbled endlessly by idiots educated far, far beyond their natural ability and endlessly self promoted to positions of utter incompetence.

Feb 5, 2021 4:03 PM
Reply to  Ort

Even in my early teens I refused to use popular idioms, and refused to attempt to wear fashionable clothes. I had quickly realised that the more you try to keep up with any fashionable trends, the more futile it becomes and especially when you are young you are subject to ridicule for being out of fashion, whether it be language or apparel.
Anyway, every generation or two, I’m a fashion leader, at least for a while!

Feb 6, 2021 1:35 AM
Reply to  Ort

“Circle back” is Obama/CIA drone pilot speak.

Feb 5, 2021 12:47 AM

During the Obama days I thought it might be kind of fun to try it on with Shark-eyes Psaki.

No longer.

I’ll show myself out.

Feb 5, 2021 12:24 AM

Those eyes!

Feb 4, 2021 11:17 PM

Raggedly Ann in looks and in nature.

captain spam
captain spam
Feb 4, 2021 10:40 PM

No, the MSM are really putting the new administration under the microscope, and asking really, really, really hard hitting questions of Biden, like why is Trump so evil and what sort of ice cream he likes.

Feb 4, 2021 9:53 PM

Stelter’s program is called ‘Reliable Sources’.
Various websites, who shall not be named, have found it necessary to preface their headlines with the disclaimer ‘Not The Onion’ when reporting on federal and local government initiatives.
And reportedly, softball questions are to be submitted in advance, in writing, to the press secretary, presumably to be reviewed by the Committee of Truth. Undoubtedly, this report will be fact checked and proven to be false, or rather partly false. Or not proven to be not false, the new standard for investigation.
We have finally achieved Inverse Reality.

Wayne Vanderploeg
Wayne Vanderploeg
Feb 4, 2021 9:19 PM

In the words of Cedric The Entertainer, “Ssssssshhhhhhhiiiiiitt”

Feb 4, 2021 8:52 PM

The odious harpy Psaki’s peripatetic circling evokes the image of a turkey buzzard’s narrowing gyre as it swoops down upon a festering gutpile.

Saint Jimmy
Saint Jimmy
Feb 4, 2021 10:54 PM
Reply to  Ort

What a lovely image. So….natural and soooo… gestalt. A completion of the whole vicious circle or vicious cycle or vicious circus or vicious something of nature and of life.

Feb 4, 2021 8:33 PM

The birds of prey upon the people always circle back to make sure they never leave behind any remains of truth among the carcasses of their lies.

Arthur Foxake
Arthur Foxake
Feb 4, 2021 6:48 PM

Is she human, she speaks like a robot that is undergoing some sort of fatal software meltdown

Saint Jimmy
Saint Jimmy
Feb 4, 2021 7:36 PM
Reply to  Arthur Foxake

They manufacture them in plants hidden deep among the McMansions of upstate New York, Austin Texas, Seattle Washington, and Palo Alto California. Her software might need updating or work.

Feb 4, 2021 9:02 PM
Reply to  Saint Jimmy

I believe this one was manufactured in Connecticut, just outside the main NYC facility.

Saint Jimmy
Saint Jimmy
Feb 4, 2021 10:46 PM
Reply to  awildgoose

Thank you. I’d have to check the serial number on, um, just below her waistline to be sure.

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Feb 6, 2021 2:20 AM
Reply to  Arthur Foxake

A Stepford woman?

Feb 4, 2021 6:42 PM

From 100 years ago – ‘masks become bacteria incubators’


Peter Jennings
Peter Jennings
Feb 4, 2021 5:56 PM

She sure is one vicious circle.
It’s quite amusing unless one is looking for some answers to serious questions. Whitehouse press breifings are now a dog and pony show and the MSM reporters, the audience.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Feb 4, 2021 4:50 PM

These people are stupid!

Train Wreck Jen Psaki Issues Quasi-Apology After Mocking Space Force During Press Briefing
By Jim Hoft
Feb 3, 2021
On Tuesday White House Spokesperson Jen Psaki mocked the idea of a space force during her daily press briefing. . . . On Tuesday night she issued a lackluster apology. . . . And on Wednesday she said the Space Force has the full support of the Biden Administration.

Q: What is the U.S. Space Force (USSF)?
A: The USSF is the newest branch of the Armed Forces. It was established December 20, 2019 with enactment of the Fiscal Year 2020 National Defense Authorization Act and will be stood-up over the next 18 months.

Ep. 2395b – Space Force Critical To Mission, [DS] Overlooked It, Military Is The Only Way Forward
X22 Report
Feb 3, 2021

Sean Veeda
Sean Veeda
Feb 4, 2021 4:31 PM

“Biden-Harris administration” says it all: Harris wears the trousers.
Did you ever hear “Trump-Pence administration” or “Obama-Biden administration”?

I read recently that they only take questions in advance from the press. It just takes too long for someone to put the answer on the autocue.

Feb 4, 2021 9:55 PM
Reply to  Sean Veeda

r “Trump-Pence administration

Israel administration trump circus deflection

Ernest Judd
Ernest Judd
Feb 5, 2021 6:38 PM
Reply to  image

Israel admin; USSA transparency non-existent.
The Military Medical Media Industrial Complex (Borg) augmented the circus to the point of farce.

Feb 4, 2021 4:17 PM

Which way is she circling I recon its a vortex as in a whirlpool.

Feb 4, 2021 7:27 PM
Reply to  Sunface

No, not as in Victor Schauberger but more coralling, diffusing, outflanking.
Maybe circling as in prey, stealth.
Thucydides without the notion of tradition. Or the As If from Vaihinger.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Feb 4, 2021 3:52 PM

Perhaps Ms Psaki would benefit from this: >

“5G will also be extremely important for secret services, making control and intelligence systems much more effective than those currently used.”

Erm… >

The Role of 5G, US Command and Control, The Pentagon’s “Red Flag Exercise”
By Nina Beety
Global Research, January 26, 2021
The Role of 5G, US Command and Control, The Pentagon’s “Red Flag Exercise” – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization

Jus’ sayin’…

Brian Fleury
Brian Fleury
Feb 4, 2021 3:42 PM

Her tenure so far proves that the only way a person can avoid lying while acting in her role is to speak volumes and say nothing.

Saint Jimmy
Saint Jimmy
Feb 4, 2021 4:24 PM
Reply to  Brian Fleury

Just drop the pretense and hire a goddamn parrot. They’re prettier.

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Feb 4, 2021 6:50 PM
Reply to  Saint Jimmy

Sarky could do with lessons from a real cock, (or two), to paraphrase,
Nothing new… in the Zoo, or the aviary!
Just, as long as itsa’ female upfront, cocks roam,
Like Jeff Bezos…

Saint Jimmy
Saint Jimmy
Feb 4, 2021 7:31 PM
Reply to  Tim Jenkins

Cock a doodle do
Any cock’ll do

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Feb 4, 2021 9:03 PM
Reply to  Saint Jimmy

Early morning riser? Just add Spice-rrr, to the soap.
Tea-tree oil rules 🙂
Tea-tree party,
Treat yourselves…

Saint Jimmy
Saint Jimmy
Feb 4, 2021 10:48 PM
Reply to  Tim Jenkins

Well… not particularly… We’ll keep that in mind.

Feb 4, 2021 3:38 PM

I remember watching an Obama press briefing once. If any of the press had asked him what his favorite color was, that would have been the toughest question he got. And like Sir Galahad in Monty Python and the Holy Grail, he probably would have answered it wrong.
Even if you hate Trump, if you have any intellectual honesty you would have to admit that he was bombarded with “have you stopped beating your wife” questions in every press conference.
So, it’s back to the “old normal” with Biden and Psaki. If a reporter asks what his favorite color is, though, she will probably have to “circle back”

Feb 4, 2021 3:45 PM
Reply to  snafuman

That’s true. But if one is creating a narrative of bad man versus good press, or bad press vs good man, this is the tactic that is going to be the most effective.

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Feb 4, 2021 6:56 PM
Reply to  snafuman

Sorry, but i reckon when pressed, Obama would answer Purple…
Just like Prince.

Chris Black
Chris Black
Feb 4, 2021 3:26 PM

“Transparency and accurate information evidently not being among them.”

Have they ever been?

Saint Jimmy
Saint Jimmy
Feb 4, 2021 3:02 PM

“When the President asked me to serve in this role,” Jen Psaki outlined in her first press briefing on January 20, 2021, “we talked about the importance of bringing truth and transparency back to the briefing room….

Hahahaha…. I can’t even read this shit any more. Everything in the United States is fake. Fake “press” briefings. Fake peace. Fake democracy. Fake prosperity. Fake employment. Fake virus. Fake presidents. Fake, fake, fake, fake….

Feb 5, 2021 12:30 AM
Reply to  Saint Jimmy

Just like everything in the UK

Saint Jimmy
Saint Jimmy
Feb 5, 2021 12:34 AM
Reply to  NixonScraypes

Well, they are part of the same empire.

Feb 4, 2021 2:46 PM

And anybody in future who aspires to Jen Psaki’s job had better make sure their IQ is no higher than 103 and that they lost their moral compass in the subway several years ago.
Given those requirements, the pay is good.

Feb 4, 2021 2:18 PM

I’m very worried. I know a few people, including family members who’ve had the first dose. Should the rollout of the Pfizer vaccines be halted?


Feb 4, 2021 3:08 PM
Reply to  Ben

Are they killing them with the vaccine, or has the vccine failed to work? …..The israeli data shows old people dying, which I suppose is their aim. What we can be sure of is we are Knee deep is lies and shit.

Feb 4, 2021 3:15 PM
Reply to  Trixon

And the lies have completely submerged the shit.

Feb 6, 2021 8:08 PM
Reply to  Ben

No matter; in the UK the second dose doesn’t even have to be from the same maker.

Feb 4, 2021 2:06 PM

So, in Australia they’re locking down against the deadly English variant, and in England they’re locking down against the deadly South African variant

The ‘virus’ is playing geopolitical hopscotch
comment image

Feb 4, 2021 3:02 PM
Reply to  Ben

They must be ecstatic at having found an inexhaustible supply of future ‘variants’…
The Scundthorpe strain and the Kalamazoo strain await…

Feb 4, 2021 3:26 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Don’t be so sure. They will eventually run out of geographical names; then they’ll have to start naming the variants for individuals. Or maybe movies. How about The Andromeda Strain Strain? Or the Mary Poppins Strain – that Strain is Superkalafragilisticexpealidotious!

Feb 4, 2021 5:40 PM
Reply to  Howard

My thoughts exactly! After Sunday it will be The Superbowl Strain.

Feb 4, 2021 8:47 PM
Reply to  Judith

And we’ll doubtless be regaled with a supercharged surge of the usual mass-media Megadeath Virus of Doom morality tales, e.g. super-sensational stories of wicked or foolish fans recklessly holding and attending Superbowl Superspreader events instead of Following the Super-Science.

This manufactured horror, dismay, and blame will have the usual super ripple effect: weeks later, infoganda venues like the aptly-named Yahoo site will feature headlines and blurbs about the above-cited Superspreader hosts and attendees dropping like flies, along the lines of “Super Bowl Party Host Who Defied Family Dies of COVID“. 

Of course, we will also be treated to variations on this theme, e.g. “Super Bowl Superspreader Attendee on Deathbed Warns Against Flouting COVID Rules“.

This ought to take us right to the Superspreader horrors emerging during the 2021 Summer Olympics.

Feb 5, 2021 1:33 AM
Reply to  Ort

BREAKING NEWS – CDC has reported that nachos with melted cheese topped with mounds of guacamole dip will guarantee a negative PCR if eaten in vast quantities – providing your team wins.

Let the game begin!

Feb 5, 2021 12:38 AM
Reply to  Judith

I hear there is a brain strain now, REALLY!

Feb 6, 2021 8:10 PM
Reply to  NixonScraypes

It’s been in full effect for at least half the population for the last year, so no news there.

Feb 6, 2021 9:15 PM
Reply to  Roberto

It looks like 99% to me.

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Feb 4, 2021 8:21 PM
Reply to  Howard

The Hogwarts Strain.

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Feb 4, 2021 9:41 PM
Reply to  Howard

But, but, butt, howard, which fragile fuck spells california with a ‘K’?
Antifa? Or Antika?
Do not expedite, merely,
Exterminate EXTERMINATE?

Just simply, extricate, eradicate: remain erudite…

On the 11th Sept. 2001 i mean, 11/9/2001, (logic) the SEC,
Was blown up, without any liability!
Exclusive ex-judicial charades, de-facto, murder.
Eighty one steel columns harmonised with,
Two seconds freefall.
81 steel columns.
2 secondss freefall.
Or science. That simple, WTC7?
Pure Hollywood ‘history’,
Ask julie andrews or Andrews Sisters?
Listen Lord Invader rum & coca-cola to begin with, then understand that in reality,
He won over, not just legally, after roaring times, his legacy Stands…
Frequency the key … 😉

Feb 4, 2021 3:17 PM
Reply to  Ben

The only virus is the one in peoples heads.

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Feb 4, 2021 1:56 PM


And since this is the topic…
comment image

Feb 4, 2021 2:11 PM
Reply to  Voz 0db

Horrible images. So true

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Feb 4, 2021 2:20 PM
Reply to  Ben

We sure aren’t doing anything to end slavery!

Feb 4, 2021 3:40 PM
Reply to  Voz 0db

Any man in the U.S. with an ex-wife knows that slavery was never abolished.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Feb 4, 2021 3:41 PM
Reply to  Voz 0db


“2500 years of allowing social hierarchy to destroy any hope of social culture seems pretty counter-intuitive.”

– Paul Vonharnish –

Feb 4, 2021 1:28 PM

The one thing you can say definitively about press secretaries through the years is that they have fit and reflected not just the tenor of the administration but the zeitgeist of the times as well.

Here and now we have the ascendancy of cutsey-poo. Ms Psaki should wear a Raggedy Ann pinafore and rouge on her cheeks (both sets of cheeks – and, who knows, maybe she does wear rouge down below).

The American public and its “press” (talk about an oxymoron!) have reduced themselves to a “Yabba Dabba Doo” level of idiocy (with the wonderful voice of Alan Reed et al). For which no education is required. Besides which – as I’ve said for a decade – the consumer economy is a dinosaur on life support; so, really, no jobs at all are needed, therefore the Three Rs can be dispensed with almost entirely.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Feb 4, 2021 3:34 PM
Reply to  Howard

Heh… “Besides which – as I’ve said for a decade – the consumer economy is a dinosaur on life support; so, really, no jobs at all are needed, therefore the Three Rs can be dispensed with almost entirely.”

How do you really feel about it Howard?

‘the consumer economy is a dinosaur on life support’ Damn funny. > Tiny baubles, in the whine. Makes me happy, makes me feed the crime…

Feb 4, 2021 5:09 PM

You do understand, I hope, that I was inferring what the ruling elites’ view of education might be? As bad as education has become, it’s still better than nothing.

At least it allows children to be around other children – perhaps the only remaining value of education, which the rulers seem determined to take away from children.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Feb 4, 2021 11:24 PM
Reply to  Howard

Hello Howard. I agree. I believe “education” began to erode ever since it became mandatory. Education has always been available to those who sought to improve their understanding of a particular subject. Modern education has deteriorated into a slimy business deal…

In more traditional epochs, life skills were acquired through direct mentoring or guilds, thus learning a payable skill was far more efficient. Why would a carpenter or cobbler need a degree in business administration?

The last five generations have gotten nothing but the shaft… Hooray for the post industrial epoch…

Feb 4, 2021 1:22 PM

Cricling, yup, the tinkling of sanity circling down the drain, and morons comes to rule the political woid, yup, America wonderbar.
I never bothered to watch the Trumps people talk, despite looking good, no offence I could kiss her ass anytime, but the eh…. massage was not that intresting, this time, the barr is set so low that I am lost of words to describe it, stupdity, maybe, but the main problem is whats behind here back, an raving insane Gov and now, when the entire machiney, from Al-CIAeda to FeD/Black Rock, and the PentaGoon Squad is behind and finaly have gotten their bitches instaled in the White eh…… House, with an senile airhead and Kamalama DingDong as the protogee, the one thing that poops into my mind, is the Chines curse, we indeed live in intresting times.

Yeah, I will this time I will leave an video witch most Moronikans cant understand, and even more dont even get the irony/sarcasm witch, of course, in this progresive times, like 2+2=4 is regarded as highly offencive and racistic, etc, not that its surprising when we know they are hopelessly branwashed to levels witch would be embarrissing to even an bug.

Ramsteins America.
Wonderbar, right, witch is roughly translated to be something like wounderbaum.
Its on German, but you will get the drift.


Feb 4, 2021 7:35 PM
Reply to  mikael

Or David Bowie and Placebo “Afraid Of Americans”.
But ofcourse Rammstein +1 because of Rammstein US airforce base.
Hail Rammstein!

David Ferguson
David Ferguson
Feb 4, 2021 12:05 PM

God in heaven. Did she really say “circle back” all these times? I steer clear of American bullshitisms as much as I possibly can so this is new to me. No doubt it will be all over the BBC in a week or so…

Feb 4, 2021 1:14 PM
Reply to  David Ferguson

“Bullshitisms”……..you might want to circle back on that one !!

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Feb 4, 2021 1:18 PM
Reply to  David Ferguson

I think she was referring to the back room circle jerk going on in front of her…

Next week the new bullshitism will become: “We’ll circle forward to that item last week”…

It took me less than 3 seconds to realize Ms Psaki was dead from the neck up…

Feb 4, 2021 1:53 PM
Reply to  David Ferguson

Indeed. There should be a prize for the first person on here to spot when our own leaders use that phrase!

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Feb 4, 2021 8:34 PM
Reply to  JudyJ

We could play “circle back Bingo”.

Feb 4, 2021 3:06 PM
Reply to  David Ferguson

Fear not.
Circling the drain is a one-way trip if you fall in.
There is no “circling back”…

Feb 4, 2021 5:46 PM
Reply to  David Ferguson

My thoughts, too. Oh my god in heaven above.

A few years ago we had the Hollaback Girl.

And now – The Circleback Girl.

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Feb 4, 2021 8:32 PM
Reply to  David Ferguson

…and all over The Guardian, of course.

Feb 4, 2021 12:05 PM

Everybody with their head screwed on right must have noticed that in the last decade, perhaps longer, the media have considerably stepped up the intensity of their production of horseshit. They’ve worked hard on delivering an endless line of scoops, manufacturing endless crises, evidently intended to propel the random imbecilic reader into this or that direction and to totally thwart any possibility of consensus in society. There are now an infinite number of divisions among people – even if they can agree on some issues, there is a myriad others which they can, and will, fight about.

Now, it seems, the media have gone full fucking insane monty, publishing patently crazy stuff as the allusion that “Mixing vaccines could enhance immune response“.

The gobbledygook used by politicians and their underlings is now so that it literally means shit. They’re no longer trying to make it seem that they’re saying something.

There was some talk about education yesterday, how fucked up it is. Considering that they’re now keeping kids out of school, essentially destroying whatever education they’d be getting (like learning to count), I wonder if they’ve figured out that George Carlin’s “smart enough to run the machines and do the paperwork” no longer applies either. Maybe they’re thinking that robots can do most of the work, and best if people are as stupid as possible, so they’re volunteer for “mixed vaccines” as per the above, speeding up their own demise.

The level of stupidity, fakery, pretense, systemic corruption, and decay that is coming to the surface is out of this world.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Feb 4, 2021 1:31 PM
Reply to  Jacques

Hello Jacques: From the cited article: > “The UK’s rapid Covid-19 vaccination programme will help the economy rebound strongly this year, the Bank of England says”

Feb 4, 2021 2:49 PM

Wrong place.. Sorry.

Feb 4, 2021 3:04 PM
Reply to  Jacques

The good news here is that learning to count is not in any way dependent upon going to school.
Today you can stick three-year-olds in front of an iPad, and after a few weeks they’ll be programming in C++ while their parents look on in astonishment.

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Feb 4, 2021 10:13 PM
Reply to  wardropper

So darn true 🙂

Feb 4, 2021 12:01 PM

The same disgraceful, Quisling news media that has promoted the ‘PaNdEmIc’ is now clutching its pearls

End lockdowns now

. comment image

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Feb 4, 2021 1:25 PM
Reply to  Ben

Hello Ben: Here’s another expose’ regarding the obvious: >

COVID’s Deadly Toll on Youth: A Sharp Rise in Suicides

“Young people may be the least likely to get sick from COVID, but the impact of lockdowns and school closures has created an alarming spike in suicides among children and teens.”

By Megan Redshaw, J.D. – Beth Giuffre
February 3, 2021
COVID’s Deadly Toll on Youth: A Sharp Rise in Suicides • Children’s Health Defense

Feb 4, 2021 3:34 PM

Yet another convenient scapegoat for what’s actually going on in human societies. Children are usually first to see what’s on the horizon and last to accept BS explanations.

So let’s blame their suicides and self-harm and drug addiction on the ever useful fairy virus instead of on the absolute monstrosity that’s been made of human civilization.

Feb 5, 2021 12:44 AM
Reply to  Ben

Children? Oh you mean failed abortions.

Feb 4, 2021 11:54 AM

If governments are inducing people to take their own lives via Covid lockdown policies, do the same governments have a moral responsibility to offer assisted suicide?

Feb 4, 2021 12:08 PM
Reply to  Ben

Assisted suicide happens to be another thing Schwab advocates in the Great Reset.

Simon Dutton
Simon Dutton
Feb 4, 2021 5:40 PM
Reply to  Edwige

But not for himself.

Feb 5, 2021 12:46 AM
Reply to  Simon Dutton

In any meaningful sense he’s already done it.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Feb 4, 2021 1:05 PM
Reply to  Ben

Hello Ben: “Sometimes I wish natural selection was something you could nominate people for.”

– Paul Vonharnish – (5/19/2014)

Like many others, I have quite a list of nominees…

Feb 4, 2021 1:16 PM

Paul…….no doubt your list, like mine, gets updated daily. And, unlike, UK “Covid” numbers, there’s an upward trend

Feb 4, 2021 9:57 PM
Reply to  Ben

 assisted suicide?

.DNR is the new friendly name and the CV act made it all kosha
what do you expect from people who killed 200.000+ thousand and called it austerity

carry on watching the shills who sold you bojo and co as anti Establishment and repackaged the CONservative as caring

Feb 4, 2021 11:17 AM

Ever decreasing circles.

Tom Welsh
Tom Welsh
Feb 4, 2021 10:37 AM

Ms Psaki spoke a great deal about “circling”. Did anyone notice if there were any wagons in the room?

Feb 5, 2021 3:00 AM
Reply to  Tom Welsh

Love it.

Feb 5, 2021 3:43 AM
Reply to  Tom Welsh

She should remember what happened to an ex president who ‘circled the wagons’ in the 80s.. ( crosses fingers)

Tom Welsh
Tom Welsh
Feb 4, 2021 10:35 AM

“The press secretary’s job, in any traditional sense, is to dissemble, defend and justify the ill-thought out or executed policies of the commander-in-chief”.

It goes a great deal deeper than that. As Douglas Adams shrewdly remarked, “The purpose of the Office of the President is not to wield power but to draw attention away from it”.

So the Press Secretary obfuscates what the President says and does – which is itself nothing more than a distraction from the real seats of power.

Tom Welsh
Tom Welsh
Feb 4, 2021 10:31 AM

“When the President asked me to serve in this role,” Jen Psaki outlined…’

Right from the very first word, lies and deception. What she said could be better expressed:

“When the President offered me this plum job…”

Feb 4, 2021 10:30 AM

Kayleigh McEneny was brilliant.

This one keeps circling

Feb 4, 2021 10:06 AM

There was also this memorable performance, about whether the Treasury Secretary, having received $800,000 as ‘speaking fees’ from one of the parties in a conflict, should be involved in the resolution of that conflict:


But it is all so much more civilised now.

Feb 4, 2021 9:11 AM

My speculum is idle. Has anyone got info on the early life of Klaus Schwab? As Joseph Farrell points out, there is a glaring hole in his biography from supposed birth in 1938 (he’s looking mighty fine one month from 83) and the first biographical entry in 1971.


Feb 4, 2021 9:56 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Whoever he is — Schaub, Schwalb or plain old Schwab — the origins of the WEF are unmistakable.

As Maneco64 explains, the WEF started out as the European Management Forum (EMF) in 1972. The Chairman of the EMF was a German banker by the name of Dr Hermann J. Abs.

A manager and future chairman of Deutsche Bank, Abs (1901-1994) was the most powerful commercial banker in the Third Reich. He assisted Hitler’s banker, Hjalmar Schacht (1877 – 1970). Abs was a member of the BIS Committee for Foreign Economic Affairs.

“When he was Chairman of the European Management Forum ( the predecessor of the World Economic Forum) he was 70 years old while Dr Schwab was in his early thirties. Is it possible that Dr Abs was an old friend of the Schwab family?”

According to economic journalist Adam LeBor, Abs was “the lynchpin of the continent wide plunder”. He was arrested as a war criminal in January 1946, but British intervention, specifically Charles Guston of the Bank of England, got him off the hook. He went on to be chairman of Deutsche Bank (1957–1967).

The EMF’s other key patron was Altiero Spinelli, a communist* and member of the Commission of the European Communities, which was the forerunner of the European Commission.

*This might resolve the endless debates on Off-G, whether The Great Reset is fascist or communist. It shares elements of both.

Given that the European Union grew out of the plan by German industrialists to survive and thrive after the collapse of the Third Reich, the EC/EU connection is just another pointer to the shared origins of the EU and the WEF.


Feb 4, 2021 3:38 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

To add to that, Bilderberg participants promoted the founding of the EU, and one sees the same network of power elite characters from Bilderberg at the WEF meetings and on its board. In the US, most of them are closely connected to the Council on Foreign Relations.

Feb 4, 2021 4:10 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Thanks for this.

Feb 4, 2021 3:42 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

It’s been speculated/shown that the blood of children helps rejuvenate old people. Lots of milk cartons. And, who knows? maybe the Epstein ring was more than just old fogeys getting their rocks off on young people.

Feb 4, 2021 4:10 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

I cannot find info on him. But the seat of power of “the Order” is German.

I think it’s interesting that the man managing Schwab’s geni profile has ancestors from the same region in Germany.

Feb 5, 2021 12:52 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

He was well looked after in an IGFarben pod.

George Mc
George Mc
Feb 4, 2021 8:43 AM

The ultimate Orwellian conundrum: the continual insistence on transparency and accurate info is the very thing obscuring transparency and accurate info!

Feb 4, 2021 8:24 AM

Found this relevant to the subject. Once you’ve read it you’ll understand perfectly the minds of those serving the crambling empire.


Donald Duck
Donald Duck
Feb 4, 2021 7:50 AM

‘ … having travelled the world on trips to promote democracy, where I saw the power of the United States and, of course, the power of this podium, and the power of truth, and of the importance of setting an example of engagement and transparency….

I stopped reading at this point. The United States promoting democracy! Give me a break. Like waging war on any state that dares to chart an independent course of development. Just consider the three ‘Responsibilities’ that the US elite and its allies have arrogated to themsleves. 1. R2P (Responsibility 2 Protect) which in fact means R2B (Responsibility to Bomb), and R2A (Responsibility to Assassinate) R2S (Responsibility to Sanction) R2T (Resonsibility ” Threaten). And so forth.

The US and its allies – the UK, Israel and Saudi Arabia – are basically a mafia outfit engaging in mass murder. To take one example. Madelaine Albright ex Secretary of State in conversation with her journalist interlocutor summed it up. Q.Was the death of 500,000 Iraqi children through American imposed sanctions ‘ worth it? Answer: ”Yes, it was worth it.” I suppose that the mass murder of children is okay then.

No real answer to this. One is rendered speechless.

Feb 4, 2021 9:35 AM
Reply to  Donald Duck

When I read that, the multitude of US black sites came to mind. I wonder if they give them a free tour before installing them into their corrupt positions. Do her holiday snaps contain Alsatians and electrical wire, orange jumps suits and black head bags?

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Feb 4, 2021 11:35 PM
Reply to  Donald Duck

Hello Donald Duck: Mass murder is ok — but only if you’re wearing the right costume… Freedom and Justice for all (who can afford it)…

Feb 5, 2021 3:49 AM

And here is my eureka moment :

Petition. One petition for all countries. Our version of the SAGE script and bullshit data.

We take it to the Court Of Human Rights and demand that our genocidal concentration camps are closed down, and we’re are released.

The Nazis commanded by the US / UK/ Germany and Israel shall all be charged with Mask Murder.

A crime against humanity that carries the death sentence. We can demand that each and every one of the scum get 10 years in the electric chair.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Feb 5, 2021 4:35 AM
Reply to  JuraCalling

JuraCalling: Laughed my ass off. “10 years in the electric chair.” Damn straight. Randomly switch it on and off – just a few seconds every couple days. Force them to eat organic food and drink real water… No more cognac or expensive cigars… Make them feel real healthy, then flick the switch again…

Feb 5, 2021 6:52 AM

That’s an X-box I could get into.. i might market it as a game for next xmas..;)

Feb 4, 2021 7:00 AM

The key word is ‘mesmerising’ I guess. I would say the big show is like watching a skilled spider spin an intricate, beautiful and deadly web. But it’s more like watching reruns of some ham fisted forgotten sitcom nobody even liked the first time round.

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Feb 4, 2021 6:54 AM

Houston be advised: – Jen Psycho is a Bunny-Boiler… – *That Is All*…

(…ps: Where in the hells is Marie Harf?!…)

Feb 4, 2021 9:16 AM
Reply to  Sgt Oddball

Houston = hewer ot stone = Freemason.

As in Sam… as in Whitney… as in Ground Control…

Hewson is another name with the same original meaning. It happens to be Bono’s name.

Harry Rogers
Harry Rogers
Feb 4, 2021 6:32 AM

I’d hardly consider it an over statement when you identify Putin and Biden as the scum of humanity, and others, but lets just concentrate on these two. So how would I justify such an assertion? Consider an individual whose talents are minimal. Their first choice is always to look for a job in government where they can hide amongst the thousands of employees and carry out menial tasks or better still if they have access to money they can head straight to University. Now while they are there they soon work out that to get ahead they need to be totally subservient to their “bosses”. However as time passes the question why their bosses have positions of apparent power intrigues them.. Bear in mind this could be a Post Office or one of the hundreds of government departments. They quickly learn that honesty and ethics play no part in the rise to higher positions. Hence they realise that they need to become clandestine in their manners and begin to “place bets” across a whole series of bosses. As each boss falls from being stabbed in the back they convince themselves that any road to power is acceptable. By chance they meet someone in the CIA or KGB or Legal Practice and immediately recognise that here is real power. He learns deception, suppression of emotion, egocentric behaviour and not only that he learns that lack of accountability for action in these areas is prevalent. As time goes by he leaves wrecked lives of people behind him and realises in these areas of subterfuge he can quickly gather more power. It becomes an addiction as he moves through various committees in enacting new laws to benefit a few and continually becoming an expert in Machiavellian practices. His ethics and honesty have been… Read more »

Feb 4, 2021 6:46 AM
Reply to  Harry Rogers

the infestation of disinfo trolls seems to be worsening.

Jan J
Jan J
Feb 4, 2021 7:45 AM
Reply to  THX-1154

Why do you make this startment? I found the post a pretty spot on description of how power works. Would you care to make a more reasoned argument?

Feb 4, 2021 10:43 AM
Reply to  Jan J

No. Not worth a spit.

Feb 4, 2021 10:59 AM
Reply to  NickM

Sgt.Odball presents a good unreasoned argument (Tu quoque) below.

Jan J
Jan J
Feb 4, 2021 12:03 PM
Reply to  NickM

that’s a good argument in your book? 3 lines of ad-hominem?

Feb 4, 2021 3:50 PM
Reply to  Jan J

I’m with you on this. The comment being skewered is on target. And having worked for the government a total of 10 years, I can verify those (like me) who don’t kiss ass are never promoted.

Boy does the “eye of the beholder” apply to this thread!

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Feb 4, 2021 7:07 AM
Reply to  Harry Rogers

“Consider an individual whose talents are minimal.” …- Such as yours, you mean… “Their first choice is always to look for a job in government where they can hide amongst the thousands of employees and carry out menial tasks or better still if they have access to money they can head straight to University.” …- Like yourself, you mean… (*Projection*…) “Now while they are there they soon work out that to get ahead they need to be totally subservient to their “bosses”. However as time passes the question why their bosses have positions of apparent power intrigues them.. Bear in mind this could be a Post Office or one of the hundreds of government departments. They quickly learn that honesty and ethics play no part in the rise to higher positions. Hence they realise that they need to become clandestine in their manners and begin to “place bets” across a whole series of bosses. As each boss falls from being stabbed in the back they convince themselves that any road to power is acceptable. By chance they meet someone in the CIA or KGB or Legal Practice and immediately recognise that here is real power. He learns deception, suppression of emotion, egocentric behaviour and not only that he learns that lack of accountability for action in these areas is prevalent. As time goes by he leaves wrecked lives of people behind him and realises in these areas of subterfuge he can quickly gather more power. It becomes an addiction as he moves through various committees in enacting new laws to benefit a few and continually becoming an expert in Machiavellian practices.” …- Your entire life story to date, I presume?… “His ethics and honesty have been left far behind him and he becomes surrounded by yes-men who tell him how… Read more »

Harry Rogers
Harry Rogers
Feb 4, 2021 11:56 PM
Reply to  Sgt Oddball

Hei Oddball how ya doing.

Have you got an intelectual response to my assertions?

Harry Rogers
Harry Rogers
Feb 5, 2021 12:11 AM
Reply to  Harry Rogers

 Gee, only 10 dislikes so far I thought government employees would have hammered my analysis.

As suspected my analysis is close to the bone for all who work for government. I have never worked in government but have had many dealings with the apparatchiks (actually a Russian word which means they are the “water carriers” for bureaucrats.)

They are the people well illustrated in many distopian novels however dystopia is now well and truly alive and well in world governments. The people at the top are fully aware of the malleability of the workers and how easily they can be indoctrinated principally through fear. Fear of losing their jobs, fear of demotion, fear of many things.

Trump ceratinly got it correct by calling it The Swamp as in a swamp SCUM floats to the top.

Anybody with an open mind should not be afraid to dig deeper into the societal structures in place.

I understand that more than 90% of people are subservient and take a view its better to be ignorant than aware.

Over time these people, like millions in the past, drift through life as slaves by choice.

Now dont get me wrong I understand that when their neighbours are taken away in the night its simply because they must have done something wrong. When the knock comes on their door ….?

Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as they who are.” Benjamin Franklin

Feb 4, 2021 6:17 AM

”It’s just mesmerizing to watch a functional government doing functional government-type things.” What an astonishing vocabulary. Welcome to the mainstream media, A graveyard for intellectual debate and discussion, and playground for the demented and sycophantic.  Naturally we all expected Biden’s reign to be, erm..shall we settle for ‘child-friendly’ ? He does have that erm..shall we say ‘affinity ? So what else excited our already over -excited Van Jones ,who was being all mesmerized by ” government -type things” ( at least try ‘policies’ in future, you complete dullard). Ah yes, that was it : ”once again safe to let our children watch a White House briefing.” Isn’t it just, Van. Especially given that the poor little mites have been conditioned to think that they’re all menaces to society if they try to play out and mix with their little friends because they’re encouraging wicked monsters to come and cause misery and pain. Get them in front of the propaganda box to watch the masked man with darting snake -like little eyes telling them that their tomorrow will be ‘different’. Their ‘normal’ will be a new one. No play, no freedom, no more carefree laughter that defines a happy childhood. Tell them that their ‘country needs‘ them in this ‘war’. That they are little heroes if they do as their fuhrer tells them. Get them while they’re old enough to understand simple orders, but still young enough to be easily molded in to the shape of tomorrow’s state slaves. Listen, mums and dads , to the wisdom of the sagacious Van Jones hinting that it’s safe to pin your children in front of the TV to watch their new masked hero, The Strange Loner. After all, he isn’t alone in his subtle attempts at gaslighting the people : “The state must declare… Read more »

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Feb 4, 2021 8:50 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

Naturally we all expected Biden’s reign to be, erm..shall we settle for ‘child-friendly’ ? He does have that erm..shall we say ‘affinity ?

Maybe he will invite little Greta to be his Special Ambassador to something or someone or other…let’s see..the TransAtlantic yachting community?…no, what is it that she actually does…? Oh yes, Climate Change, she does Climate Change. That should bring in the young voters.

Gotta hand it to the kid though: she was way ahead of the Covid curve with that SkolStrejk gig. Nowadays, they are all on strike!

Feb 4, 2021 9:32 PM

Strange, I’ve never put the Biden’s ‘proclivities’ and Thunberg in the same equation. That post made me do it. And I’ve not long polished off a nice Chicken salad.

God, I hate climate change and robotic little oddballs ..🤢( that’s not a green party member btw)