The (New Normal) War on Domestic Terror

CJ Hopkins

If you enjoyed the Global War on Terror, you’re going to love the new War on Domestic Terror!

It’s just like the original Global War on Terror, except that this time the “Terrorists” are all “Domestic Violent Extremists” (“DVEs”), “Homegrown Violent Extremists” (“HVEs”), “Violent Conspiracy-Theorist Extremists” (“VCTEs”), “Violent Reality Denialist Extremists” (VRDEs”), “Insurrectionary Micro-Aggressionist Extremists” (“IMAEs”), “People Who Make Liberals Feel Uncomfortable” (“PWMLFUs”), and anyone else the Department of Homeland Security wants to label an “extremist” and slap a ridiculous acronym on.

According to a “National Terrorism Advisory System Bulletin” issued by the DHS on January 27, these DCEs, HVEs, VCTEs, VRDEs, IMAEs, and PWMLFUs are

ideologically-motivated violent extremists with objections to the exercise of governmental authority [and] perceived grievances fueled by false narratives.”

They are believed to be “motivated by a range of issues, including anger over Covid-19 restrictions, the 2020 election results, police use of force,” and other dangerous “false narratives” (e.g., the existence of the “deep state,” “herd immunity,” “biological sex,” “God,” and so on).

“Inspired by foreign terrorist groups” and “emboldened by the breach of the US Capitol Building,” this diabolical network of “domestic terrorists” is “plotting attacks against government facilities,” “threatening violence against critical infrastructure” and actively “citing misinformation and conspiracy theories about Covid-19.”

For all we know, they might be huddled in the “Wolf’s Lair” at Mar-a-Lago right now, plotting a devastating terrorist attack with those WMDs we never found in Iraq, or generating population-adjusted death-rate charts going back 20 years, or posting pictures of “extremist frogs” on the Internet.

The Department of Homeland Security is “concerned,” as are its counterparts throughout the global capitalist empire. The (New Normal) War on Domestic Terror isn’t just a war on American “domestic terror.” The “domestic terror” threat is international. France has just passed a “Global Security Law” banning citizens from filming the police beating the living snot out of people (among other “anti-terrorist” provisions).

In Germany, the government is preparing to install an anti-terror moat around the Reichstag. In the Netherlands, the police are cracking down on the VCTEs, VRDEs, and other “angry citizens who hate the system,” who have been protesting over nightly curfews.

Suddenly, everywhere you look (or at least if you are looking in the corporate media), “global extremism networks are growing.” It’s time for Globocap to take the gloves off again, root the “terrorists” out of their hidey holes, and roll out a new official narrative.

Actually, there’s not much new about it. When you strip away all the silly new acronyms, the (New Normal) War on Domestic Terror is basically just a combination of the “War on Terror” narrative and the “New Normal” narrative, i.e., a militarization of the so-called “New Normal” and a pathologization of the “War on Terror.” Why would GloboCap want to do that, you ask?

I think you know, but I’ll go ahead and tell you.

See, the problem with the original “Global War on Terror” was that it wasn’t actually all that global. It was basically just a war on Islamic “terrorism” (i.e., resistance to global capitalism and its post-ideological ideology), which was fine as long as GloboCap was just destabilizing and restructuring the Greater Middle East. It was put on hold in 2016, so that GloboCap could focus on defeating “populism” (i.e., resistance to global capitalism and its post-ideological ideology), make an example of Donald Trump, and demonize everyone who voted for him (or just refused to take part in their free and fair elections), which they have just finished doing, in spectacular fashion.

So, now it’s back to “War on Terror” business, except with a whole new cast of “terrorists,” or, technically, an expanded cast of “terrorists.” (I rattled off a list in my previous column.)

In short, GloboCap has simply expanded, recontextualized, and pathologized the “War on Terror” (i.e., the war on resistance to global capitalism and its post-ideological ideology). This was always inevitable, of course. A globally-hegemonic system (e.g., global capitalism) has no external enemies, as there is no territory “outside” the system. Its only enemies are within the system, and thus, by definition, are insurgents, also known as “terrorists” and “extremists.”

These terms are utterly meaningless, obviously. They are purely strategic, deployed against anyone who deviates from GloboCap’s official ideology … which, in case you were wondering, is called “normality” (or, in our case, currently, “New Normality”).

In earlier times, these “terrorists” and “extremists” were known as “heretics,” “apostates,” and “blasphemers.” Today, they are also known as “deniers,” e.g., “science deniers,” “Covid deniers,” and recently, more disturbingly, “reality deniers.” This is an essential part of the pathologization of the “War on Terror” narrative.

The new breed of “terrorists” do not just hate us for our freedom … they hate us because they hate “reality.” They are no longer our political or ideological opponents … they are suffering from a psychiatric disorder. They no longer need to be argued with or listened to … they need to be “treated,” “reeducated,” and “deprogrammed,” until they accept “Reality.”

If you think I’m exaggerating the totalitarian nature of the “New Normal/War on Terror” narrative, read this op-ed in The New York Times exploring the concept of a “Reality Czar” to deal with our “Reality Crisis.”

And this is just the beginning, of course. The consensus (at least in GloboCap circles) is, the (New Normal) War on Domestic Terror will probably continue for the next 10 to 20 years, which should provide the global capitalist ruling classes with more than enough time to carry out the “Great Reset,” destroy what’s left of human society, and condition the public to get used to living like cringing, neo-feudal peasants who have to ask permission to leave their houses.

We’re still in the initial “shock and awe” phase (which they will have to scale back a bit eventually), but just look at how much they’ve already accomplished.

The economic damage is literally incalculable … millions have been plunged into desperate poverty, countless independent businesses crushed, whole industries crippled, developing countries rendered economically dependent (i.e., compliant) for the foreseeable future, as billionaires amassed over $1 trillion in wealth and supranational corporate behemoths consolidated their dominance across the planet.target=”_blank”

And that’s just the economic damage. The attack on society has been even more dramatic. GloboCap, in the space of a year, has transformed the majority of the global masses into an enormous, paranoid totalitarian cult that is no longer capable of even rudimentary reasoning. (I’m not going to go on about it here … at this point, you either recognize it or you’re in it.)

They’re actually lining up in parking lots, the double-masked members of this Covidian cult, to be injected with an experimental “vaccine” that they believe will save the human species from a virus that causes mild to moderate symptoms in roughly 95% of those “infected,” and that over 99% of the “infected” survive.

So, it is no big surprise that these same mindless cultists are gung-ho for the (New Normal) War on Domestic Terror, and the upcoming globally-televised show trial of Donald Trump for “inciting insurrection,” and the ongoing corporate censorship of the Internet, and can’t wait to be issued their “Freedom Passports,” which will allow them to take part in “New Normal” life — double-masked and socially-distanced, naturally — while having their every movement and transaction, and every word they write on Facebook, or in an email, or say to someone on their smartphones, or in the vicinity of their 5G toasters, recorded by GloboCap’s Intelligence Services and their corporate partners, subsidiaries, and assigns.

These people have nothing at all to worry about, as they would never dream of disobeying orders, and could not produce an original thought, much less one displeasing to GloboCap, if you held a fake apocalyptic plague to their heads.

As for the rest of us “extremists,” “domestic terrorists,” “heretics,” and “reality deniers,” (i.e., anyone criticizing global capitalism, or challenging its official narratives, and its increasingly totalitarian ideology, regardless of our specific DHS acronyms), I wish I had something hopeful to tell you, but, the truth is, things aren’t looking so good. I guess I’ll see you in a quarantine camp, or in the psych ward, or an offshore detention facility … or, I don’t know, maybe I’ll see you in the streets.

CJ Hopkins is an award-winning American playwright, novelist and political satirist based in Berlin. His plays are published by Bloomsbury Publishing and Broadway Play Publishing, Inc. His dystopian novel, Zone 23, is published by Snoggsworthy, Swaine & Cormorant. Volumes I and II of his Consent Factory Essays are published by Consent Factory Publishing, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Amalgamated Content, Inc. He can be reached at cjhopkins.com or consentfactory.org.


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Angela Haywood
Angela Haywood
Feb 11, 2021 6:39 PM

Absolutely nailed it here. 👌 I’ve been saying this for years. We are free to do, what they say we can do. That’s all folks.

Eric McCoo
Eric McCoo
Feb 11, 2021 7:13 AM

Sir Charles Walker, the vice chairman of the Tory backbench 1922 Committee (BBC interview)

It is just not acceptable behaviour. This is becoming an extended exercise in almost studied and deliberate cruelty for a nation that is now increasingly anxious and under pressure.

“People need to see their children, they need to see their parents, they need to see the people that they love, they need to have something to look forward to.”


This is a powerful individual and he’s got it. It’s deliberate (and nothing to do with a virus).

Feb 11, 2021 1:45 AM

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Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Feb 11, 2021 12:03 AM

Off-topic, but as it’s about The Fraudian, it’s always on-topic here:


Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Feb 10, 2021 9:07 PM


“No foreign holidays until everyone is vaccinated at home and abroad.” Yes, that is what the transport secretary, Grant Shapps, has just told @BBCBreakfast

Some quite angry people responding down below.

And of course, as many have pointed out, holidays aren’t the only reason to travel.

Apart from business, many have family abroad, and want to see them sometimes.

Sarah Jones
Sarah Jones
Feb 10, 2021 4:24 PM

Looks like time is up for the covid cult. Volunteers are drying up.

According to


there are 7,000 unfilled FIRST dose vaccine appointments today (Feb 9th) at Dodger Stadium. If you are 65+ or healthcare worker you can get an appointment TODAY. Looking at the line it is almost nonexistent right now compared to when I saw it last week.



Saint Jimmy
Saint Jimmy
Feb 10, 2021 6:47 PM
Reply to  Sarah Jones

Yeah… That’s what I want to do. Waste half a fuckin’ day standing in line to get stuck with a needle by some grumpy fat ass American nurse and get injected with what could be garbage to ostensibly prevent getting a disease that, on average, is about as severe as a cold.

Feb 10, 2021 9:14 PM
Reply to  Saint Jimmy

I hear some vax sites are giving away a fat-free doughnut with the jab, if that sweetens the pot for you at all. 😉

Saint Jimmy
Saint Jimmy
Feb 10, 2021 9:29 PM
Reply to  Ort

Nope. What the fuck is a “fat free doughnut”? Is that like alcohol free beer or a veggie steak?

Jesus fucking Christ no. I don’t do fat free anything.

Throw in an ounce of sativa, two dozen homemade tamales, and a case of coffee porter and I’ll think about it. These are a few of my favorite things.

Feb 11, 2021 9:16 PM
Reply to  Saint Jimmy

A fat-free doughnut is an abomination unto the Lord.

When I worked as a Regional “specialist” for the PA Job Centers (unemployment compensation agency), I occasionally had to visit the Chester Job Center in SE PA, not far from Philadelphia. 

Chester was once a thriving city because of its shipbuilding industry, but by the 1990s it was another “ghost town” sunk in increasing poverty and disrepair– lots of closed, boarded-up, and neglected storefronts in the commercial district. A dying local economy can only support so many Dollar Stores.

Anyway, just around the corner from the Job Center was a tiny doughnut shop, Anne’s, that was still hanging in there. Office gossip claimed that Anne, no spring chicken, was keeping her nose above water although her main doughnut-making employee was her “junkie” son who wasn’t too reliable.

Still, when I went in the shabby storefront the cases were still full of fresh-baked doughnuts. You could see them being cooked in enormous vats of oil in the back, tended by the alleged junkie. Pretty basic: plain, powdered sugar, cinnamon. They were relatively small in size compared to mediocre chain doughnuts, e.g. “Dunkin'” as it now calls itself– actually, the corporate decision to drop “Donuts” was an unintentional act of truth in advertising!

They were usually still warm when purchased. I always managed to save some for when I got home, but it was a struggle. I mourned when I heard that Anne’s finally closed for good. I druther have one Anne’s doughnut than a dozen Krispy Kremes.

Feb 10, 2021 11:10 PM
Reply to  Ort

If they throw in a bag of weed its a done deal.

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Feb 11, 2021 12:04 AM
Reply to  Ort

That will have the bonus of keeping the diabetic clinics in business.

Sarah Jones
Sarah Jones
Feb 11, 2021 9:52 AM

Fat is what causes insulin resistance. Hence all the “MSM” and “Alternative media” promoting keto to drive the vaxdemic.

Feb 10, 2021 2:02 PM

Yeah, the glows are off.

I watched the RTs sniplet about the CONvid saga, and of course, everything is because of conspiracy nuts and that they are the sole reason, coming from politicians whom them selfs are wading in blood and gore, lied about everything, denies everything if asked and claims that everything else isnt because of them but some other entity, aka conspiracy nuts, juhu.

I must warn you, RT isnt what you think it is, is one of the best PC/Liberal propaganda tools in the net right now, because they know what they are doing, unlike the moronic bastards in our european MSM and the even dumber Wankeestans, RT are profs compared, and I dont like them at all, just to give you one ex. why in hell did they pimp Tony The Blair rich Prodject, huh, of all sites this have been on RT. and so on to their defence of BLM etc and org witch are by all def. 100% racistic similare to the “poor inocent never ever doing anything wrong, ISISrael”.

The entire debate is like the decades long AGW spectacle, the difference this time is that the CONvid saga is just an tad more uh… sophisticated/complicated because that, compared to the AGW nonsense is far more ubscured, hidden and we can only rely on what its been printed and “explained” and told to us by uh…. “experts” and prestitutes, comapred to AGW where we can see things for our selfs.
And of course, in both cases if you dont belive, hallelujah, you are an infidel/apostate, and should be burned in the public sqaure.
In both cases, when the initial round of bollocks dont work, they invent new angles, and makes it even more obscure and cencures even more and attacks harder anyone whom ask questions, just like in the AGW cullt, they vigorously attack anyone whom dont comply, and this time, they are more sucsesful because of the cencure, the consensusses are solidifyed thru corruption to such an extent that there is no opposition and if you do, like this people protesting, then they go bananas, and needs legislations to deal with that, the sole reason for the new normal, not an surprise, if it is, you havent payed attention at all, this have ben brewing for years and you just dont charf up 20 000 pages in an day or two.

And the remedie against it, well, in the AGW we have something called the Maunder effect an cyclic temp system, witch was just what we all have expirienced, its ca, 60 years from peak to peak, and now we are in an dive downward, and winters is coming, and I remeber the summers to be hott and dry, but the overall effect since the weather will be wetter in the sub tropic regions is the one that will compensate for the loss of crops in the northern hemisphere, and so on, I gave you the short one, and their constant claims about CO2 is debunked to oblivion, since that is documented in the Greenland Ice core drilling etc. remebr desterification, well, why are we not enlightened anymore about that, because the world is getting greener and you cant say that, right, this and other issues exposed them for what AGW is, pseudo science and an tool for control, just as this CONvid nonsense is becoming, in the begining an helth problem but now with GR etc its become much more, and the front line have widened into more areas, just like the Paris declaration will do to our world and if you sum this two with eatch other the end result would be epic, an human catastophe of bilbical proportions.
Just like the AGW cults reality we are feed one or two bits of something far bigger than just two items, an mindboggling large dymanic system where they just took out Carbon and focused on that, and some to our amuzement even claimed the sun of all things dont have anything to do with our weather, etc, etc, etc, just like in the CONvid idiot saga, the have focus on Dha Spike, and they wounder why I dont belive an single word of their scam, because we have been down this road many times before.
Yeah, just like people beliving in AI, yup, written by eh…. people at Goolag, har, har, har.

No wounder they, the swindlers in charge goes all in, because they know they are loosing, not because of conspiracys, but the effect of their own draconian solutions, instead of coming up with something genuinly belivable, they go for reductions, forcing solutions witch have doubious effects if any, and so on, populare among the AGW cultists.
Yup, I have family in Netherland and they have winter, hehe, poor smucks, forgotten that, since everybody belived snow was an thing of the past, its not, and it will be more winter in the years to come, maybe one day I come down there to skate on the channels, while uh….. I confess, I do inhale, and if I stil is able to find my own balls somewhere, I go for iceboats, they are scary fast, highly recomended, but be careful and safe.
Have an nice day and take care.


Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Feb 10, 2021 12:34 PM

I think we need a little bit of “empathy”, here. Perhaps THEY have reasons to be fearful. For example, imagine what could happen if the photos (Epstein, Weiner, Hunter Biden, etc) were to be distributed among the 20k National Guard. Maybe they already have been!

What happens when people learn the TRUTH?
What happens when people WAKE UP?
They will not be able to walk down the street.

Feb 10, 2021 3:44 PM

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Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Feb 10, 2021 4:41 PM
Reply to  image

Oh no! He’s got MEMES !!!

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Feb 10, 2021 4:17 PM

Apologies, I forgot the warning. c/o the CIA Wikipedia:

QAnon is a disproven and discredited far-right conspiracy theory alleging that a secret cabal of Satan-worshipping, cannibalistic pedophiles is running a global child sex-trafficking ring and plotted against former U.S. president Donald Trump while he was in office. According to U.S. prosecutors, QAnon is commonly called a cult.

Whatever you do, don’t get destracted by searching on: Podesta Art Collection. And definitely don’t “decode” anything “conspiratorial”, such as:

On the Leeds side-streets that you slip down
The provincial towns you jog round
Hang the DJ . . .

Feb 10, 2021 5:21 PM

you explain to us why Trump keeps hiring Epstein lawyers and why he hired the prosecutor who protected both Epstein and his famous friends? Obviously we know why but we’d like to hear you say it. #shills #hypocrites

Trump’s new impeachment defense team includes trial lawyer David Schoen, who met with Jeffrey Epstein about representing him before his death


Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Feb 10, 2021 6:46 PM
Reply to  image

You seem to keep losing your memory with every reincarnation. I would’ve thought they’d have been able to fix that by now. Or maybe OffG only gets the cut-n-shut re-cons?

Anyways. The world has been catching up with my little, Q-inspired “conspiracy theory” from several months ago. And you can even read about it at the very same “reputable” source you seem happy to frequent. I’m surprised you missed it!

Trump lawyer Lin Wood says Jeffrey Epstein still alive in bizarre conspiracy tweets
The lawyer wrapped the claim up in a conspiracy theory alleging Chief Justice John Roberts killed Justice Antonin Scalia
Thursday 31 December 2020

So what message is communicated by having David Schoen address the Senate? Maybe: We have it all!

Sarah Jones
Sarah Jones
Feb 10, 2021 10:34 AM

Jorge Ventura Media writes:

“13-year-old Tayvin Brannies is recovering in the hospital after having less than a 5 percent chance to live after attempting suicide by shooting himself in the head with a pistol. I interviewed his parents to discuss the impacts that lockdowns are having on mental health”
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Feb 10, 2021 10:03 AM

1/3 of Jewish Israelis already vaccinated, highest percentage in world.
Number of cases and deaths grew exponentially since the beginning of mass vaccination and third lockdown. 
Drspite almost no air travel to Israel, “British mutation” makes up are 80% of new cases.
Vaccination centres now empty as Israelis refuse further jabs.
Arabs who did not get vaccinated are healthier than vaccinated Jews.


Feb 10, 2021 9:18 AM

Well, get ready for a cavalcade of genuine, authentic, real actual grassroots domestic terror then I guess. Shootings, bombings, stabbing, poisoning, school catastrophes, cultural and religious attacks etc etc. I’m sure the villains are preparing the rollouts of such as we speak.

Feb 10, 2021 9:16 AM

Over the comming weeks when The Donald, aka Hitler is on ‘trial’, remember that it is a trial in the court of public opinion.

If it was a real trial.

  1. The judge would have thrown it out on the grounds that the jury is lacking in impartiality.
  2. That the defendant is already judged ‘guilty’ as apposed innocent until proved guilty.
  3. That there will be no cross examination of the witnesses, if any are bought forward.
  4. You get the picture…….

So when you see the word ‘trial’, read ‘kangaroo court of public opinion in the Banana Republic of SpartUSA’.

Feb 10, 2021 12:49 PM
Reply to  TFS

Energy harvesting ritual and will impeachment one be better viewing than the Clinton one.?

“I did not have sexual relations with that woman

Clinton impeachment
which had the world captivated (literally) like the last season of Dallas 

literally same time period as Clinton and repeat as they will forget they repeat the same scrips at the same time

Feb 10, 2021 6:18 PM
Reply to  image

I never had sexual relations with that virus

Feb 10, 2021 6:58 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

no, it must have been an immaculate conception.

Feb 10, 2021 9:11 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

It depends upon what the meaning of the word ‘asymptomatic’ is.

George Mc
George Mc
Feb 10, 2021 8:19 AM

Sky News is grinding out more suicidally boring shit about yet more variants and variants on the variants. Since I am convinced this excrement is no longer being written by people but by software, embarrassment is irrelevant.

Eventually everyone will come to realise that when the restrictions keep you in your house, jobless, friendless and forced to take new vaccines every month, you may as well be dead anyway. At that point, there will be disruptions but the moment people organise themselves into groups, the goon squad will come in and split them all up “for their own good”.

These cases will be ignored by the media. If the disruptions become too numerous to be ignored, they will be presented as extremist occurrences which need to be dealt with “to stop a further outbreak of Nigerian variant 46” or whatever.

George Mc
George Mc
Feb 10, 2021 8:40 AM
Reply to  George Mc

The upside is that these reptilian overlords (I like the Ickean metaphor) can present reality but they can’t CONTROL reality.

And I reckon that, as the Leonard Cohen song says, everybody knows. Which I think also links us to the old totalitarian problem. A conned population, as we used to be, is an easily controlled population. But the more obviously fascistic the control, the more difficult it is to maintain. What happens when more and more people stop believing the news? And the increasing vehemence with which the MSM denounce “fake news” indicates that they know they’re in trouble.

Feb 10, 2021 7:31 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Feb 10, 2021 7:08 PM
Reply to  George Mc

If the disruptions become too numerous to be ignored, they will be presented as extremist occurrences which need to be dealt with.

sometimes, it surprisingly turns out that “dealt with” is a two-way street, and that those who were intent on dealing, instead end up being dealt.

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Feb 10, 2021 7:21 PM
Reply to  THX-1154

The Overwatch
The Overwatch
Feb 10, 2021 4:55 AM

Enough with all these questions. The Science is Settled. Kneel harder!


Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Feb 10, 2021 3:33 AM

And the next nonsense is saying ‘the vaccine is so useless you’ll have to have it every year for years’.

Marvellous income streams for the pharmafia, absolutely piffling benefit to the injected.

The world has lost its marbles and the big corporates are jerking off now they don’t have to even justify the value of their product to force governments to buy them up in their billions.

Feb 10, 2021 6:08 AM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar


The benefits to the injected include free birth control and an earlier reunion with their creator.

Feb 10, 2021 6:56 AM
Reply to  Peter

Rhys Jagger: “And the next nonsense is saying ‘the vaccine is so useless you’ll have to have it every year for years’.’

Not nonsense but sound commercial sense, based on 100 years experience of failure to find a permanent vaccine against the common cold. Every poultry farmer knows there is no reliable vaccine against Corona. Why else do you think your GP hands out a new and different flu shot every winter?

The real $cam is that vaccines were becoming too cheap; I heard that cry from the industry way back in 1990. Con-19 is a giant PR exercise in Spreading Alarm and Despondency. It has been stunningly successful, raising a call from Chicken Licken, Goosey Loosey &co to the Foxy Loxy regime: “Save us! Save our nearest and dearest! Go anywhere! Pay any price!”.

“The EU agreed to pay $18 per dose”. At 2 shots per treatment that’s $36 per person per year. A 10 fold increase over a few years ago, when “ordinary” flu vaccine was 1 shot per year at $3 per shot.

George Mc
George Mc
Feb 10, 2021 7:33 AM
Reply to  NickM

Vaccines are the new cigarettes. Except they are compulsory.

Feb 10, 2021 9:10 AM
Reply to  George Mc

and harder to light 😉

Feb 10, 2021 10:00 AM
Reply to  JuraCalling

And taking a vaccine after a good shag wouldn’t be my cup of tea

Feb 10, 2021 6:17 PM
Reply to  Arsebiscuits

I’m not sure the NHS have that as part of the service to be honest 😉

Feb 10, 2021 10:42 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling


Feb 14, 2021 6:52 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

A vaccination after some of my good shags should have been obligatory

Feb 14, 2021 10:53 PM
Reply to  magumba

for you or them ?

George Mc
George Mc
Feb 10, 2021 10:13 AM
Reply to  JuraCalling

And they don’t make you look cool.

Feb 10, 2021 10:41 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling


Feb 10, 2021 9:09 AM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

Even the manufacturers and the twin- headed witch doctors Fauci and Gates echoed the CEO’s of the pharma companies that concocted the rubbish when saying the vaccine doesn’t kill covid 19 or prevent further infection. Yet millions have been walking in a zombie sleep to get it. Which part of ‘‘it doesn’t work” confused them ? Dickheads.

So the next twist in the predictable plot was ‘‘we’re going to mix and match a few of the vaccines to beat the new variant”.. Genius idea. So we take three ineffective vaccines and add them to each other and make another ineffective vaccine and wait to see that one not work because it’s three times less effective.

But don’t worry, there was a plan C. Once the vaccine proves to be useless as a vaccine against anything, and once the super-duper mixed and matched one does the same we’ll top them up every 6 months or a year .We’ll call it a booster. As the useless vaccine begins to wear off we’ll boost it with more uselessness. We’ll boost it’s inefficacy.

The good news is for the handlers, as long as they do it, they can keep it as a pretext to oppress the population and poke it with a stick over and over and over and over…until the inevitable explosion happens and they can finally implement a real lockdown. One that doesn’t need a fake pretext as they’ll say it’s civil unrest and the ‘greater good’ are placed in danger.

Mar 1, 2021 1:45 AM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

Atomized individualism w/o group power sucks. Everyone just gets rolled over one at a time. The German’s are smart folks. We need the NSDAP!

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Feb 10, 2021 3:15 AM

Fauci said:face masks don’t work. Then he said they do, and everyone should wear them. Asked about his reversal, he claimed he had been lying when he had said they don’t work. Then he said that wearing two masks works even better than one, and therefore everyone should double mask. Then he admitted there was no evidence for the claim. I am wondering how the Reality Czar is going to deal with this?

Feb 10, 2021 9:11 AM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

Someone should ask him if he has brokered a deal that transferred a few million dollars to a certain Wuhan lab not long before they started this shit.

Feb 10, 2021 4:27 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

Never can trust a liar.

Eric McCoo
Eric McCoo
Feb 10, 2021 3:14 AM

Britain could be trapped in lockdown cycles for YEARS in fight with Covid variants – but tougher measures for longer now will prevent new vaccine-resistant strains, SAGE scientists warn

Prof Sir Ian Boyd said UK could be stuck in ‘control and release for long time. Threw support behind longer lockdown to stop more variants from spawning. Several other SAGE scientists came out in favour of extending current curbs 


Feb 10, 2021 10:02 AM
Reply to  Eric McCoo

There’s no coincidence that breixt was official 6 weeks before the lockdown in britain.

Feb 10, 2021 2:26 AM

The new normal the many ways one will be gaslited to this wonderful fascistic utopia. James William believed in( state a lie enough times it becomes a reality. Just like most WEASP”s always quote Goebbells as being the father of such a quote. Milleneals have bought the whole new normal as gospel truth and be damned if the rest of us do not get on board..
It was amazing how the latest debate in the Fascistic pairlaiment of the United Europe were debating about those evil slavs. It is amazing how all we hear from our political ,social and economic class is paltitudes and empty rhetoric without ever demonstrating one scintilla of evidence we just have to take their word for it. They went so apoplectic I wuold have loved to be there in the flesh just to see the theater.
Oh what wonderful hallucinogenic times we are living it must be the water or maybe they the woke ones should change their supplier.
So more fear porn for the masses becuase the scamdemic only has a shelf life hence the new fear is we the sheeple who have the audacity to question the narrative.
P.S I can see it now we all get herded into re -education camps . Reminds me of Cambodia when the Khamer Rouge took over .

Feb 10, 2021 3:44 AM
Reply to  falcemartello

The concept of the New Normal reminded me of the Khmer Rouge’s Year Zero the first time I heard it.

Feb 10, 2021 10:46 PM
Reply to  falcemartello

A rose by any other name……..

Feb 9, 2021 11:24 PM

“I don’t know, maybe I’ll see you in the streets.” ….

Like minded people such as ourselves really need to meet up this spring when the weather breaks .

Anyone have any idea of our numbers … 1 : 100 … 1 : 500 … 1 : 1000 … 1 : 10,000 ??

Saint Jimmy
Saint Jimmy
Feb 10, 2021 12:31 AM
Reply to  ZigZagWanderer

We could meet near a Federal detention facility here in the US. Save ’em some trouble. They could claim that we are armed freedom hating racist Russian Chinese communist nazis who attempted to use our illegal weapons to free dangerous prisoners.

Feb 9, 2021 10:58 PM

This site is controlled opposition, people.

My post will no doubt be banned in 5 seconds flat.

What a world we now live in…

Feb 9, 2021 11:14 PM
Reply to  RobG

In what sense you feel it is?
What’s your consensus

Saint Jimmy
Saint Jimmy
Feb 10, 2021 12:18 AM
Reply to  RobG

What makes you say that?

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Feb 10, 2021 12:56 AM
Reply to  RobG

Some of my posts are removed as well. Ironic, given that Off Guardian champions free speech. I guess, some kinds of speech are more equal than others.

Feb 10, 2021 9:12 AM
Reply to  RobG

I can see your post

Feb 9, 2021 10:43 PM

I could write a book in response to the contend here. But I’ll do the opposite and pull out one quote and dissect it.

”Ideologically-motivated violent extremists with objections to the exercise of governmental authority [and] perceived grievances fuelled by false narratives.”

You couldn’t make this up could you. They could- and did, and do. But it’s becoming more transparent by the day. It has the subtlety of a midwife’s fist.

Ideologically ? 

An ideology is a belief. Believing is what you do with your mind; it’s a thinking. So Ideologically-motivates is- driven by something they think ( like every single action in life). Basically, those composing this nonsense are the voice of Orwell’s thought police.

Violent extremists ?

Violent means destructive. Almost always physically violent.

Extremist means to believe something in an extreme way.

So, so far, we have somebody who believes something very strongly and who is motivated by the degree of that belief that he is willing to become physically violent. This conclusion is based on nobody anywhere becoming violent at all based on their ‘beliefs’.

Extremists with objections to the exercise of governmental authority [and] perceived grievances fuelled by false narratives.

That’s complex( for them). 

What are these ‘exercises ? Is that a Freudian slip ? ( ”this is an exercise”).

An exercise of governmental authority. There’s another one. They slipped again.

The lockdown, imposition of punishments and various threats was all pushed through as a ‘public health measure’ ( for the ‘greater good‘ etc) An exercise in authority. followed by an accusation of terrorism by anyone rebelling against it’s oppressive tenour, Is Martial Law by any other name.

[and] perceived grievances.?

Who ‘perceived’ the grievances and how ?

Welcome to the Internet Police. Welcome to the real motive behind the creation of the biggest pens in the world ( fakebook, twitter et al) ,with the biggest walls, covered in the thoughts of the masses and written for the thought police to check.

Welcome to the world of paranoid censure .A world where every utterance or hint of ‘wrong’ feeling is pounced upon if the state don’t allow that sort of thing.

Fuelled by false narratives ?

Another Freudian slip.

The narratives that fuel dissent are the official ones. The endless inventions of ‘variants’ of the original ghost virus that has never at any point been seen or isolated. The endless data we aren’t allowed to see for ourselves that support the narrative. The concerted effort of the MSM to promote the same BS as composed by those liars who composed the official BS for politicians to read out.

So yes, we are ‘fuelled by false narratives’, The f**G State’s.

We’re supposed to believe the ‘false narratives’ they’re hinting at are those about the virus being fake and the vaccines being unsafe. About the inability of any – or any mix- of vaccine being able to combat the virus they invented. The inability of the HCQ and Zinc’s efficacy. All these ( in their description) ‘false narratives‘ were voiced by people of the medical profession and of Science. All of whom were censored from talking but never proven wrong.

This oh-so-subtle facade of them pulling up the drawbridge is merely intended to paint themselves as under siege by rampaging lunatics. To make themselves look like put upon rescuers just trying to save us all from doom only to become innocent ‘victims ‘their own selfless philanthropy.. To make us all look like ‘crazy conspiracy theorists’ that were always looking for a riot anyway.

They’re weaponizing the ignorance of the massed sheeple who don’t know what day it is to make yet another ‘transition’ that takes us closer to Dystopia that bit easier.

It’s yet another example of beautiful timing. It arrives alongside the ‘new variant’ lies( and the treatment thereof) and the lunatic threats of 10 years in prison for anyone taking to traveling( thereby demonstrating the virus isn’t there). It provides another reason to invent an urgent need for ‘tests’ and for the uptake of poisonous vaccines.

The unfolding docudrama is trying to imitate civil war. Though any ‘war’ will do. Biological is the scariest though, and it’s all about the ‘fear factor’. They chose it for that very reason. Nothing scares the population more than an out of control army of psychopaths we can’t see.

We all thought it would be the US / China or US / Russia or the US / Middle east war. That’s half the reason the illusion of opposition and conflict has never left us, regardless of our so-called ‘progress as a race’.

It was a good trick. It’s the billionaires against the weeds in their garden. A little one-sided as wars go to be fair.

. . . . . . . .
”Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of the opposition, it has only one way to go, and that is down the path of increasingly repressive measures, until it becomes a source of terror to all it’s citizens and creates a country where everyone lives in fear.”

-S Truman US 33rd president

‘‘There are more things likely to frighten us than there are to crush us ; we suffer often in imagination than in reality .’‘ 

”The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed( and hence clamorous to be led to safety)by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, most of which are imaginary” 

-H L Mencken

”Fear is the foundation of most governments” 

-John Adams. US founding father and 2nd president.

Feb 10, 2021 11:03 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

excellent post

Paula Baer
Paula Baer
Feb 11, 2021 1:07 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

“There’s class warfare, all right, but it’s my class, the rich class, that’s making war, and we’re winning.”

― Warren Buffett

Feb 11, 2021 6:53 PM
Reply to  Paula Baer

Exactly. That scumbag is vile. he was Bill Gates first partner in crime and best friend. I knew Bill Gates was weird even then. What man in his mid 30s choses friends all older than his own father.

Old school eugenics meets new school evil.

Eric McCoo
Eric McCoo
Feb 11, 2021 7:09 PM
Reply to  Paula Baer

There was a BBC documentary that beautifully demonstrated that Buffet is autistic and personally dysfunctional. He has very rigid, repetitive habits stretching back decades.

His wife left him but offered up one of her friends as an alternative, He took her.

Gary Morgan
Gary Morgan
Feb 9, 2021 10:26 PM

The shitshow ends in 2032, 7th September.
The day of wrath of God, the return of Jesus.

Famine, wars, plagues and earthquakes next.
Mark of the beast in 2028-29, the mark will be a fine gold bar tattoo (.999 as you look at it).

Time to repent, and actually obey my Father’s laws, through faith.

See 2malachi.com, I am His anointed man for these times.

scott work-shy
scott work-shy
Feb 10, 2021 12:15 AM
Reply to  Gary Morgan

is that actual plagues?

Feb 9, 2021 10:11 PM
Feb 9, 2021 10:03 PM

Beam me up Scotty, is about all you can say at the moment.

Feb 9, 2021 10:37 PM
Reply to  RobG

Well that and perhaps the ladies star trek uniforms. Things could be worse, earthquakes, famine and wars aside.

Feb 10, 2021 12:15 AM
Reply to  RobG

 “It’s life, Jim, but not as we know it”,

Feb 10, 2021 8:06 AM
Reply to  RobG

I have a theory that Star Trek was a very good psyop to make us comfortable and froth at the mouth in the anticipation of owning our very own communicators. The thing is our’s do not initiate teleportation so we have been manipulated into wanting and owning something that completely invades our privacy and lives through manipulation imho.

Feb 9, 2021 9:56 PM

The success of “vaccine” deployment.

CNBC headline: “Covid live updates: San Francisco to expand vaccine eligibility; most U.S. nursing home staff declined the shots”

It is good to know that some people retained common sense and declined to be illegally experimented on. Sadly elderly and fragile were intimidated coerced to become guinea pigs with new nursing home death wave as a result.

The mass murder is being committed in front our eyes by so called medical professionals while ignorant spectators and MSM death cult members are cheering.

For them vaccine induced deaths do not matter at all.

Feb 9, 2021 9:45 PM

The New Blue Meanies

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Feb 9, 2021 9:43 PM

This Is Not A Vaccine:
About the COVID Vaccines

Feb 10, 2021 4:27 PM
Reply to  niko

Thanks, this is very informative, a shame to be buried in the middle of all the comments.

Basically the mrna technology was initially developed as a prophylactic chemotherapy (ie genetic manipulation to counter a cancer that you don’t have).

It ties in with Harari’s observations that the elite of the world are looking for “the elixir of immortality”.
We are all to be guinea pigs for that research.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Feb 9, 2021 9:08 PM

So far have caught a bus and a train on my way to work, plus spent about 8 minutes at one of the main train stations in Melbourne waiting on my second train.
Have spotted just 2 other people without facemasks on. Out of all those people I’ve seen up to now. It’s mass hypnosis. It’s paranoid fear. It’s a real unwillingness to show any dissent or disobedience.
If it wasn’t for the sanity and rationality of the commenters here, I think I’d go nuts.

Feb 9, 2021 10:45 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Hang in there, Gezzah

Our Off G man reporting from the badlands of Melbourne. Dont worry, Admin 2 willl be along later with a few put downs to cheer us all up.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Feb 9, 2021 10:53 PM
Reply to  Loverat

Spotted another person on the second train without a facemask on, so that cheered me up slightly. Just got to keep doing the right thing, even if it seems nearly everyone else is going along with the covid cult bullshit.

Sarah Jones
Sarah Jones
Feb 10, 2021 1:20 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

I just can’t travel. Can’t be bothered. Get people to buy food for me. It is far too traumatising either way. I just want them all gone and to burn in hell forever. They have taken then piss far too far.

Schmitz Katze
Schmitz Katze
Feb 9, 2021 11:05 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Hi, Gezzah, someting to cheer you up from Merkelland.
Here leading climatologists have been predicting for years on end that „snow will be a thing of the past“
My husband spent half an hour today shoveling away the global warming and saw the first couple wearing masks outdoors in our area! The young woman wearing a siberian usanka hat
had an obstructed view and almost fell into a pile of what shouldn´t be there.
Seems that people just need a reality check.
multipolar magazine today reports (in a roughshot translation)
„ Thrust reversal in lockdown country. (Mainstream) Media discover government criticism. Until now, the iron rule has been that left-wing media and cultural figures (in Germany) stand firmly by the government. For
a few weeks now, that no longer applies without reservation. The camp boundaries are crumbling under the pressure of reality.“

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Feb 9, 2021 11:22 PM
Reply to  Schmitz Katze

‘Shovelling away the global warming’… ha ha, good one👍Thanks S.
Just an observation, there seems to be a lot more resistance in places like Germany, The Netherlands and Serbia than certain countries in the southern hemisphere….

Feb 9, 2021 11:47 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts


This might make you chuckle.

I recently wrote an article, and directed it to a site based in Serbia. It was politely rejected on the basis the laws in that country, might see it as incitement for revolution in Serbia. Can you imagine that? What a compliment to receive – that me sitting behind a typewriter in England holds such power over the Serbs, of all people.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Feb 10, 2021 12:13 AM
Reply to  Schmitz Katze

Was quite surprised to see so much snow… the first real snow in Berlin since 2009… because for nearly every day, for over a year, they’ve been turning the sky into a chessboard of precipitation-clearing aerosols (you generally only see them if you’re up very early, and I was, getting Daughter to school). Despite that effort of theirs to fake “unusual warming (and no rain),” both July 2020 and July 2019 were very chilly (c. 10 degrees C overnight, not much warmer during the day) until the middle of the month, both years. How many tons of chemical-X have they doused this city with to gaslight us into believing the years were unusually warm when they were quite the opposite?

I miss the defiant Germany I knew when I first arrived (so many years ago, right after the Wall fell). After Rumsfeld called Germany “old Europe” for refusing to get with the program in Iraq, They “fixed” that, didn’t they? I wonder what they’re blackmailing super-compliant Angie with…?

Feb 10, 2021 7:59 PM

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Feb 11, 2021 5:49 AM
Reply to  THX-1154

Left to right :

Benedict Cumberbatch ; Nick Clegg ; David Cameron.

Sarah Jones
Sarah Jones
Feb 9, 2021 8:48 PM

Vernon Coleman has collated some links on the vaxdemic injuries and deaths. Richie Allen says on todays show that they are testing people in Manchester by giving everyone tests to do themselves at home. I was reminded of a war story I heard where they removed all the street signs so the invasion force didn’t know where they were going.

George Mc
George Mc
Feb 9, 2021 8:05 PM

As is my custom, I occasionally (very occasionally these days) look in on some of the old Leftish sites I used to frequent just to see if anyone has changed their tune on COVID. So I tried Steel City Scribblings, Craig Murray, Skawkbox, even Caitlin J ….and you would honestly think nothing out of the ordinary was happening. Scottish independence, Biden, tension with China, stuff about Israel. The nearest I got was CM referring to Piers Corbyn being gagged. (CM thinks that’s a bad thing even though he doesn’t agree with PC).

And that’s that. At least the WSWS considers COVID to be a significant matter.

Feb 9, 2021 9:06 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I looked up Pat Condell – a brilliant commenter – nothing…

Feb 9, 2021 10:18 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Caitlin wrote over a year ago that all MSM narratives are strictly controlled by elites and hence skepticism of those Narratives is a default position in fact a heroic position of any thinking person exposed to barrage of ad hominem attacks even death threats .. And just after few months she unquestionably accepted and defended with no shred of deeper inquiry or criticism of ruling elites’ narratives about alleged emergence of COVID and draconian authoritarian measures aimed at unprecedented in peace-time history de-cohesion of society and deliberate collapse its economic foundations supposedly to protect human race from, at worse, bad flu-like threat.

Caitlin demonstrated her doublethinking mind of pure opportunist as much of those formerly known as independent thinkers who in COVID era made sure not to become independent from those who bankroll them regardless of price of self destruction of their long built credibility, they had to pay.

Feb 10, 2021 8:08 AM
Reply to  Kalen

Perhaps Caitlin, like many other intelligent people, is a sincere Believer? I know a few such, and can sympathise with their fears for this life and their faith in a better life to come. The real question is, do they debate the issue freely and post both sides? The way OffG does. Or do they suppress one side of the argument?

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Feb 10, 2021 8:47 PM
Reply to  George Mc

RE:And that’s that. At least the WSWS considers COVID to be a significant matter.

That’s because the others have moved on from the fear porn, and by now, that all the WSWS have to offer.

Mark R. Elsis
Mark R. Elsis
Feb 9, 2021 7:28 PM

Words Of Warning

You wake up each morning
With only bad news to hear
So I write you these words of warning
To let you know of my fear

We’re letting it get out of control
We’re losing our grip
We’re selling our very soul
We’re aboard a sinking ship

by Mark R. Elsis

February 14, 1980

Resonate Love
144 Poems
by Mark R. Elsis

Feb 9, 2021 7:26 PM

New psychotic mantra against COVID skeptics: if you do not recall having COVID you probably had it already, you just don’t remember because you brain was damaged.

from ABC

Problems remembering names and conversations, difficulty paying attention, and slower processing speeds — these are all symptoms that people are experiencing post-COVID-19 infections. A new University of California, San Francisco study indicates these brain-related symptoms may be quite common.

so this insinuates that COVID causes brain damage but is that what studies show. Are there may be other reasons than COVID of temporary loss of memory and cognitive capabilities like… extreme mental stress due to COVID massive fear mongering.

So does COVID cause brain damage?

..right now, “we don’t know what’s causing this so we don’t have good treatments. 

Again no shred of evidence only disgusting fear mongering driving people mad.

Sarah Jones
Sarah Jones
Feb 9, 2021 7:39 PM
Reply to  Kalen

Difficulty concentrating and memory loss are symptoms of microwave sickness. Persistant problems is indicative of remaining exposed in the high microwave area where as colds and flus result in improved health due to detox and do not last that long. Lockdowns mean there can be a big increase in microwaves in residential areas as more people stay home using devices. Reduces periods when at a different location with possibly less exposure. Go for a walk in the woods. Get rid of wifi and cell phones as much as possible. Switch it off at the very least before bed so there is atleast some recovery time.

Feb 9, 2021 11:23 PM
Reply to  Sarah Jones

Good point. And I must say that there is a likely connection of radiation (and generally environmental) lung damage with original “COVID” cases in Wuhan as first “COVID” patients had lung damage similar to victims of wrongly calibrated CT-Scanners. Originally COVID label was put on otherwise correctly diagnosed lung patients suffering from “unexplained pneumonia” where word unexplained referred to, unexplained by viral or bacterial infections, pneumonia-like damage to lungs.

SARS-Cov-2 was artificially concocted to “explain” by viral infection “unexplained pneumonia” which was actually explained long time ago by environmental impact (pollution) including high E/M radiation pollution including massive deployment of 5G towers in Wuhan.

Here is how this happened. Chinese researchers extracted bronchial fluid (see link below) ran PCR tests for 21 known pneumonia causing/associated bacteria or viruses including Influenza and common coronaviruses and could find match at CT=35 so they baselessly (under dogma of virology) declared that “unexplained” pneumonia in those patients must have been from unknown biopathogen, dismissing correct original diagnosis by clinical doctors of those patients as radiative or chemical environmental damage to lungs.

The impact of those environmental factors apparently could have killed much of organisms usually residing in lungs in flu season and hence might have produced PCR negative results. If they ran PCR test until CT=45 (common in US or elsewhere) they surely would have found some dead debris of influenza or common coronaviruses but they did not do that blindly insisting on new virus with no shred on new disease phenology or symptoms.

Faulty logic, subjective goal seeking reasoning, faulty PCR methodology resulted with faulty paper as faulty as another COVID flagship paper from January 22, 2020 by Corman and Drosten describing faulty PCR design that recommended CT= 40+ for diagnostic purposes Chinese researches ignored in searching for old, well known common causes of pneumonia just weeks later.

The COVID flagship paper of alleged discovery of new betacoronavirus was published in February 2020 in NEJM entitled 

“A Novel Coronavirus from Patients with Pneumonia in China, 2019”
[Wuhan Study December 2019-January 2020]

After that and Ferguson’s blatantly faulty ( 2.5 million dead in US alone by August 2020) epidemiological model all hell broke loose.

lies, more lies and more lying statistics is all what COVID have become to cover up blatant criminality.

Feb 10, 2021 7:28 AM
Reply to  Sarah Jones

Excessive fear also causes numerous cognitive difficulties. When people live out of fear, the decisions they make or actions they take are unhealthy.

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Feb 9, 2021 7:47 PM
Reply to  Kalen

A small group of american slaves should apply the same GERMAN treatment to the authors of that fake paper…

At least a nice beating is in order.

Saint Jimmy
Saint Jimmy
Feb 9, 2021 8:26 PM
Reply to  Kalen

Americans are dumb enough to believe this. As I type this, there are probably several million of my fellow citizens trying to remember whether they had this horrible disease. By the time this comment is posted, doctors all over the country will be flooded with appointments made by brainless conformist morons wondering whether they were stricken with the horrible covid.

Grrrrrrr. Beam me the fuck up, Scotty.

Feb 9, 2021 8:50 PM
Reply to  Kalen

How about depression and hypoxia?

Saint Jimmy
Saint Jimmy
Feb 9, 2021 9:48 PM
Reply to  nondimenticare

Sure. Throw those in, too. The Magic Virus causes everything. Brain damaged covid victims formed and supported Black Lies Matter. So, it caused that, too.

Feb 10, 2021 2:47 AM
Reply to  Saint Jimmy

In case I wasn’t clear and assumed too much, I was saying that hypoxia from mask wearing could (and does) easily cause “brain fog”; depression, from quarantine, social distancing, mask wearing, etc., etc., etc., causes “brain fog” as well. Nothing to do with the disease, everything to do with the “cure.”

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Feb 9, 2021 7:18 PM

The “War on Terror” and its hell-spawn, the “Patriot Act”, was a political fiction cooked up by a Republican administration bent on adusting the balance of power between the individual and the state in the state’s favor. Pretty much the same people who brought you this are the same people behind the Trump administration, people who saw in a vain and disconnected President a golden opportunity to complete their takeover of our democracy and the consolidation of their power. In this light protesting the domestic “War on Terror” or even the impeachment of Trump seems a bit lame — we’ve now got a bunch of completely disconnected nihilists who are protesting ‘whatever’ on behalf of ‘whoever’ who’s grasp of politics as about a nuanced as a video game where the only goal is to complete the current level.

It may come a bit of a shock to many but it appears that we don’t have a democratic system of government in the US. Its the rule of a minority entrenched by a system of privlege and a elctoral system that ‘cooks the books’. The system failed last November — it was designed to return a Trump presidency so the work of corrupting the Federal government could be completed — so we had the predictable ‘stop the steal’ BS and a certain smugness that things will be back to normal come 2022 or 2024 at the latest.

Wake up! How can you support Trump and not support the War on Terror? They’re two sides of the same coin.

Feb 9, 2021 9:38 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

They’re impeaching Trump supporters, not Trump himself.

Feb 9, 2021 7:17 PM

ow look hidden in the nobody read area section of the press

Government to press ahead with £800m expansion of dormant assets scheme

The government intends to legislate for an expanded dormant assets scheme in a move it says could make more than £800m available for charitable activities. (bullshit)

The Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport said the dormant assets scheme would be expanded to include the insurance and pensions, investment, wealth management and securities sectors.
Dormant assets are defined as those that are left untouched for 15 years or more and cannot be reunited with their rightful owners. The rightful owners are entitled to come forward at any time to reclaim their assets.
It is hoped that funding raised through the expansion of the scheme will enable additional support of good causes, social investments and environmental initiatives as the UK recovers from the coronavirus pandemic.
The planned expansion of the dormant assets scheme marks the completion of a four-year review and public consultation process, which DCMS said had widespread support.
The department began a consultation of the scheme’s expansion in February last year.
It came off the back of a 2017 publication of the findings of the Dormant Assets Commission, which estimated that a further £2bn in unclaimed assets could be made available for good causes.
The government has not set a timetable for the legislation, saying only that it intends to legislate for the expansion and will continue to work with industry, regulators, and Reclaim Fund to ensure its success.
The scheme will still focus on consumer protection, with the priority continuing to be locating and reuniting people with their financial assets.
Where that is not possible, more businesses will now be allowed to participate voluntarily in transferring dormant assets into the scheme, and people will still be able to reclaim their assets in full at any time.
In May last year, the government made £150m available from dormant assets to support charities and social enterprises through the coronavirus pandemic.


Feb 9, 2021 7:16 PM

Enough of this. Seize the Bush, Warburg, du Pont, Harriman and Rockefeller wealth earned during the Third Reich; demand reparations from IBM and Ford, publish the papers on the Transfer Agreement, and on the kibbutzim that supplied orange juice to the NAZI army before doing any more of this theatrical torturing of elderly gumboots.

If I wasn’t a simple, MSM-absorbing, CNN believer I’d suspect these prosecutions have been timed to distract from the State Corporatist, ie, fascist, takeover that’s currently underway.

German prosecutors have charged a 100-year-old man with 3,518 counts of accessory to murder on allegations he served during the second world war as a Nazi SS guard at a concentration camp on the outskirts of Berlin.

It comes after prosecutors in the northern town of Itzehoe announced accessory to murder charges last week against a 95-year-old woman who worked during the war as the secretary of the SS commandant of the Stutthof concentration camp — The Guardian

Feb 11, 2021 12:18 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

but was it kosher orange juice?

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Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Feb 9, 2021 7:14 PM

In this totally upside down world, for the most part the phones are smarter than the people using them. See you in the streets, CJ!

Feb 10, 2021 8:22 AM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

The smarter the phone the dumber the recipient imo.

Feb 9, 2021 6:53 PM

Super B Owl 55 ritual

Here’s an Interesting performance by a random guy on the Super Bowl field with Revelation 2:10 on his chest. A message?
comment image

today travel announcements make sense now

Revelation 2:10 Do not be afraid of what you are about to suffer. I tell you, the devil will put some of you in prison to test you, and you will suffer persecution for ten days. Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you life as your victor’s crown.

Kali trampling Shiva. All mocking tongue.

Feb 9, 2021 7:45 PM
Reply to  image
Feb 10, 2021 9:15 AM
Reply to  image

The message is ” i can’t hold my beer and I’ve just seen the camera”

Victor G.
Victor G.
Feb 10, 2021 9:54 PM
Reply to  image

Why are Americans so fat?

William sterromon
William sterromon
Feb 9, 2021 6:51 PM

The backlash against the remote and the personal distance is going to be large, they will not keep us apart, we will resume our intimacy and personal contact after martial law has ended and zoom, amazon and Google et al will be seen as the enemy they always were.

Sarah Jones
Sarah Jones
Feb 9, 2021 6:47 PM

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Saint Jimmy
Saint Jimmy
Feb 9, 2021 7:40 PM
Reply to  Sarah Jones

Well, that’s nice. Wish I believed in that shit.

Feb 9, 2021 7:50 PM
Reply to  Sarah Jones

Sorry but this latest lot started in December when Jupiter and Saturn conjuncted in Aquarius first time in ages etc etc….then the usual collection have trailed through as they do each year….but mercury had to go retrograde as well….as it has done at crucial points throughout the game of 2020…just to put an extra spin on things each time…..and just to make sure everyone trailed past in difficult aspect to Uranus in Taurus who had Mars holding his hand for a week…with a ripper of a full moon….

and within the next day or so will be very intense with Saturn starting the real face off with Uranus…they kinda did in March 2020….remember back then….my guess is that this is when the real economic consequences of all this start to be again obvious….with the real point up in June when the next set of eclipses happen…

and yes folks we have lived through and still have a little way to go, of energies presented to our little planet, the likes we have not endured for quite some time…for let’s not forget the 3 some in Capricorn as well…that last happened with this intensity, when we were building pyramids…those alone guaranteed destruction of govt and structures of support…

and of course neptune just had to make difficult aspects to eclipses in communication and justice signs, why not be totally confused about a pretend virus…oh and every so often saturn thought to say hello to neptune in such a way to ramp the fear…why not the planets sometimes really excel in their enthusiasm…and Uranus said hello to neptune too, so the virus and behaviour was very odd…

now how does everyone who actually thinks evaluate how we have done….it has been quite a ride…still a bit more to go and then we have to sort out the mess left in the wake of the energy bombardment…

i actually think we did pretty well in the circumstances…

Feb 10, 2021 11:51 AM
Reply to  Edith

well done ;0)

Victor G.
Victor G.
Feb 10, 2021 9:59 PM
Reply to  Edith

Will Mars and Uranus be up to anything in the near future?

Feb 10, 2021 1:37 AM
Reply to  Sarah Jones

Another cult. Just what we need.

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Feb 10, 2021 3:38 AM
Reply to  Sarah Jones

I am seeing only blank space for this reply. Was there a video here before, which an admin thoughtfully removed? That would be to wonderful. (Come to think of it, the last YT links I saw on the site were URL only, no embedded video. That would also be a step in the right direction.)

Feb 9, 2021 6:38 PM

had issues logging in did Rosemary Frei upset them again?

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Feb 9, 2021 11:32 PM
Reply to  image

If I post the Off-G version of that article on twitter, and then you try to follow the link, Twitter issues a dire sounding warning (actually I think it does about any link to Off-G). I’m sure Admin and old hands know about this.

So, I’ve been posting a link to the same article on her own website (obviously doesn’t include the Off-G comments though). But Twitter would only let me post it once.
Got round it so far by creating a tinyurl. No doubt they’ll find a way of stopping that.

Buster Bloodvessel
Buster Bloodvessel
Feb 10, 2021 1:52 AM

Have you tried telegram

Feb 11, 2021 12:30 AM

try leaving off the “http://” at the beginning, and see if that works.

Feb 9, 2021 6:34 PM

Die Welt has obtained evidence that the Interior Ministry paid scientists from the Robert Koch institute and several universities to justify the country’s strict lockdown measures.

Follows yesterday’s report [English: http://bit.ly/3jqJUxL ] that Horst Seehofer Minister of the Interior in Mar 2020 instigated a call to researchers to draw up a scare document which presented the danger posed by the virus as dramatically as possible, and which quickly spread through the media.

Feb 9, 2021 7:29 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

the Germans could learn something from the Dutch in how to disguise the evidence that covid ‘science’ is bought from ‘scientists’ without leaving a trace. How?

a) make it close to impossible to do research In general, for instance by closing labs, so scientists sit at home and do nothing
b) make an exception for covid ‘research’ (emergency)
c) gives lots of money to Covid research in the form of an easy to obtain grant
d) help heads of departments of research institutions by giving Government money to research that has been ‘delayed’ at the department. Give always as much as is asked for and make it very easy (no real checks) that the money that was asked for is really needed.
e) praise scientists who publish in the media on the dangers of covid, etc, by giving them all sorts of governmental functions that seem important (like having a say on whether lockdowns should continue, etc)

This is all done in the Netherlands and it makes scientists lazy and addicted to the narrative. Seeing them (as an insider) is as if they were given strong opioids and now they want more and it messes up their heads.

of course that doesn’t end well for these scientists, and science in general is also
hurt. But scientists are first to be hurt, for instance by showing on national or regional tv that vaccines are safe, so of course it is not a problem to inject me in front of the television!

that is what one could call Karma.

Feb 9, 2021 7:34 PM
Reply to  Willem

But it is not really Karma.

It is stupid.

Feb 11, 2021 12:34 AM
Reply to  Willem

survival of the fittest.

those who habitually insert their head up their ass, because they find it comforting, are doomed to be devoured by the large predators that they were unable to perceive from that viewpoint.

George Mc
George Mc
Feb 9, 2021 6:10 PM

It seems to me that the reset is the central issue behind all the media crap. Thus the virus and vaccines are simply delaying props. And so even the inevitable outcry against vaccines is not something that worries the powers up there. Indeed they are banking on this outcry which will create more division, more contrived controversy and, best of all, an excuse to prolong the lockdowns. The underlying economic restructuring is the true aim. Therefore delay is the name of the game.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Feb 9, 2021 9:31 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I’ve said it numerous times, but the scamdemic and the vaccines are definitely Trojan Horse’s to bring in the Great Reset along with the imposition of a mass social credit system and an airtight security panopticon.

George Mc
George Mc
Feb 9, 2021 5:32 PM

“Covid-19 restrictions will not be fully lifted in Northern Ireland until 70 to 80% of people have been vaccinated, the chief medical officer says.”

(from BBC)

Isn’t it unprecedented for a new vaccine to be so confidently assumed to be effective and safe, that everyone will be imprisoned until sufficient numbers have taken it?

It feels like one of those old Star Trek episodes where Doc McCoy knocked up a miracle cure in under an hour!

Feb 9, 2021 4:56 PM

Hear, hear…thank you. Very well said…

exiled off mainstreet
exiled off mainstreet
Feb 9, 2021 4:51 PM

The actual “Wolf’s Lair” (Wolfschanze) is now located somewhere in Delaware, though the occupant is non-compos mentis and we are suffering under fascism by committee with a sort of Wizard of Oz frontman.

Feb 9, 2021 4:53 PM
Feb 9, 2021 4:37 PM

Indebtedness continues to mount:


The interesting angle is that they try to argue debt reduces the effective combatting of Covid. Remembering that a debt write-off is a probable crucial part of the Great Reset it isn’t too difficult to see where this is heading when we get to, say, Covid-22.

Feb 9, 2021 4:42 PM
Reply to  Edwige

comment image

Feb 9, 2021 4:51 PM
Reply to  October

MMT – modern monetary termination.

Feb 9, 2021 4:35 PM

New British travel restrictions are no joke.

“Travellers who try to conceal their arrival from a “red list” country* face prison sentences of up to 10 years under a new enforcement regime for quarantine hotels.” — Telegraph

  • Currently there are 33 “high-risk” countries, mainly in South America and southern Africa.

What’s the betting those are the primary targets for the mineral resource-hungry tech billionaires and agro-commodity vultures? Just a guess.

Remember the British mercenaries in Angola and Mad Dog Callan? https://archive.org/details/angola-1970s-mercenaries-colonel-mad-dog-callan/page/n1/mode/2up

With total control of the State Corporatist media I suspect we’re on course for some secret wars.

“In fact, between 1918 and 1939, British forces were fighting in Iraq, Sudan, Ireland, Palestine and Aden. In the years after the second world war, British servicemen were fighting in Eritrea, Palestine, French Indochina, Dutch East Indies, Malaya, Egypt, China and Oman. Between 1949 and 1970, the British initiated 34 foreign military interventions. Later came the Falklands, Iraq – four times – Bosnia, Kosovo, Sierra Leone, Afghanistan, Libya and, of course, Operation Banner, the British army’s 38-year deployment to Northern Ireland.” — Ian Cobain (left The Guardian, 2018)


Feb 9, 2021 6:36 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

New British travel restrictions are no joke.

when you rich and connected you dont go to magaluf Spain you go to private islands in private planes/ jet or helicopters or massive yacht etc

the,filthy plague bringer lower caste cant be trusted 
human settlement zones are not far of

private mercenaries Blackwater isnt a new thing
government and cooperation always uses subcontractors to do its dirty work

U.k government has regional seat of government RSG in place just in case of the Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) Threats
has this ineffect since 1960 the CCCP psyop

Saint Jimmy
Saint Jimmy
Feb 9, 2021 4:16 PM

Good God it takes a long time for comments to get posted here.

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Feb 9, 2021 6:23 PM
Reply to  Saint Jimmy

The site was behaving very oddly about 30 minutes ago. DDOS attack I preume.

I’d been Tweeting heavily linking to O-G articles, and Twitter obviously hates O-G (you get dire warnings if you follow those links from Twitter). Coincidence, I’m sure.

Saint Jimmy
Saint Jimmy
Feb 9, 2021 6:26 PM

Yeah. Having been banned from so many sites {I’m an old, unapologetic, non-conformist American cuss.}, I assumed they banned me. Ha.

Saint Jimmy
Saint Jimmy
Feb 9, 2021 6:28 PM

I’m glad some spread the word about this site.

I don’t “tweet”.

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Feb 9, 2021 11:37 PM
Reply to  Saint Jimmy

I don’t blame you. I never used to. I only really got into it to at least kid myself I was doing something to fight this scamdemic shite.

Saint Jimmy
Saint Jimmy
Feb 9, 2021 11:59 PM

Good. Keep on speaking up. I retired in January from a 38 year career that required me to undergo a security clearance check every 5 years. I wasn’t military. It made me paranoid. I had to keep my real sentiments secret for the last decade, or so, of my career. I just kept my mouth shut, did my work, and survived. I really was not a private citizen for 4 decades. However, I’m an old dog and “tweeting” just isn’t my thing. I do feel less paranoid, now, but most of the country seems to be brainwashed…. just when I feel free to talk.

Feb 10, 2021 8:30 AM
Reply to  Saint Jimmy

“most of the country seems to be brainwashed…. just when I feel free to talk.”

First they came for the Others but I kept my mouth shut so they did not come for me. Now that I have retired I feel free to talk but I find the Others have become like I used to be — head down, afraid to talk.

We shouldn’t wait that long, we’ve only got one change of clothes.

Saint Jimmy
Saint Jimmy
Feb 10, 2021 7:11 PM
Reply to  NickM

I don’t have any great revelations, other than the US is an oligopoly and a one party state. That’s now obvious to many people. From about the late 1980s into the early 2000s, I knew some interesting tidbits about a few places and things but those pieces of information are now widely known. While working, I was definitely a bit afraid that certain people would discover some things I’d posted – opinions – and use them against me. That never happened and they can’t touch me now.

Feb 9, 2021 11:23 PM

Behaving in a good way! It’s like they (Globocap) were blocking my computer and for the first time I am able to vote and actually make a comment. Or, we’ll see …. (press Post Comment)