WATCH: Citizens for Free Speech
James Corbett’s latest episode of “Solutions Watch” takes on the subject of increasing censorship and technocracy
Patrick Wood joins James to discuss a new non-profit organization he has founded to help combat the threat to free speech: Citizens for Free Speech.
With 26,000 members, the CFFS seeks to activate people at the local level and teach them how to better communicate their ideas and combat the threats to fundamental freedoms that are facing us during this generated crisis.
For links, sources and shownotes – or to download the video or audio only version – click here.
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The worst thing about this Corporate censorship and what exposes its fraudulent nature, is the shamelessness the right is using it to attack black civil rights movements, like BLM and the gay & trans civil rights movements. Only the fascists could turn the fight for freedom of speech into mobilising homophobia and blatant racism.
Like a good CIA operative, Corbett’s makes no demands for legal protection of free speech in the ‘private’ or Corporate sector. Good boy, lead the people astray.
Basket weaving!!! Very happy to share a few tips when you’re next over in the UK!!
Swing by SAOG Studios ( anytime …
{In appreciation}
The CFFS are NOT who you think they are, beware! I tried to get involved but it turned out they are just fine with accepting the New Normal and all the virus restrictions. They do not actually fight for your free speech, but rather find ways to work with these edicts or restrictions. When I offered repeatedly to volunteer, I was ignored, then refused. When I asked them to fight mask rules, they instead worked to find ways for the rules to exist but tweak them in ways that don’t actually help those of us who can’t wear a mask or don’t want to. The people involved in running it are NOT who you think they are. They’re shills, plain and simple, and the money they make off their unwitting marks says it all. This group is essentially a honeypot, a trap, a trick, manufactured by the Bad Guys to trick you into joining up with them. These people love the virus, love the restrictions, and love masks. They laugh at you behind your back for trusting them, and when the time comes they will roll over on you and give you up to the roundups for reeducation camps. Don’t say I didn’t warn you. And for the love of all that is decent stop subtituting videos for actual content– that’s the primary MSM tactic, so you never actually see what’s written, cannot copy and paste, and when they throttle you data down to nothing (as they have with me and other who’ve been already tagged for internment camps) you can’t watch a video anyway. Text comes across fast, with little data needed. But we know why there’s a shit ton more video than written word these days: illiteracy. Illiteracy is rampant in the alt-news arena, hence masses of gibberish,… Read more »
Third-party fact checkers! Third-party fact checkers! They have all the answers………………………… for the right price.
Reiner Fuellmich & team with C.A. Fitts & Wolfgang Wodarg
Video is close to 6 hours long; English-language segment begins at 03h 42min.
(If a German speaker here would care to translate any important passages from the German interchanges, that would be much appreciated!)
Here, another “controversial” truth noone seems to notice because they are little bitches.
What does fluoride, roundup, atrazine, (some others too), gmo soy, prevalence of endocrine disruptors, psychological manipulation in media, institutions have in common?
Bill Gates. Washington, Barrack Obama. Monsanto ( 4 things)
Pretending means exactly what you think it does. Hello “script” readers.
You understand nigga?
save that dirty sexting for your dating sites fool
They are all Steakholders.
In a previous article I mentioned that Iowa is a really shit place.
No, you can’t do that
I’m sure you can figure out why.
Do you guys have any idea how angry she is? Do you even have a clue?
From Cleopatra to KaliPatria
Si si?
‘It is intolerable to us,’ says the evil O’Brien, ‘that an erroneous thought should exist anywhere in the world, however secret and powerless it may be.’
Irish MEP Clare Daly sums it up
Well, I can see that it’s over.
I’ve been at this for so long, you can’t imagine
Just wanted to tell the stupid fucks that thought separating gold, silver, etc from uranium was a good idea.
Oh mine
So the reason why gold, silver, lead, copper and such is associated with uranium is because of physics. You see, those things are together in an “equalization” state. Which of course, nature tends to. And you fucked that up. Amazingly, NOONE seems to know that.
And aside from that, there’s a great sort of metaphysical relation…here’s a clue:
Passive magic tricks
Angry man, Angry earth, Angry sun
It is well known fact that Sheer Post, descendant of TD LOST 95% of audience most of it because of blatant regurgitation of official COVID lies but also because of heavy and aggressive moderation of comments that effectively wiped out any COVID as well as vaccination debate from published articles and comments via wholesale censorship of the subject including vicious ad hominem attacks on commenters.
The continuously challenged blatant censorship on SP is either ignored or disingenuously responded by editors in Orwellian ways by denial and gaslighting, imputing that people do not know what censorship is and what it is not.
SP Editor
FEBRUARY 10, 2021 AT 4:43 PM
Not sure what censorship you are talking about?
We reserve the right to moderate the comments section for abusiveness, pointlessness, disinformation and anything else that the moderators (me, basically) think is inappropriate for this site. This is called “editing” not “censorship”. Did your local newspaper print every letter they they received?
And yes if local newspaper ignore letters critical of COVID policies while allowing letters in support to be published it is censorship not moderation where all sides or issues should be allowed to be represented.
This editor even used word “disinformation” which means deliberate misinformation, the word actually devised by Soviet Censors who did not censor but “moderated” access to information in Soviet Union to remove abusiveness, pointlessness, disinformation or anything inappropriate as they described their duties themselves.
It is sickening looking at people infected with totalitarianism who are blind to their mind disease of doublethink and doublespeak believing their are arbiters of truth and appropriateness.
Thank you for your comments. I have noticed and I am somewhat confused over this observation of mine, that various voices such as Sheer Post, Amy Goodman, Noam Chomsky and Chris Hedges are not commenting on the Covid “Plandemic”. I have respect for these voices that I have mentioned but I am very disappointed by their silence over the lies of Covid 19. Why is this so? I think there needs to be a discussion as to why this is happening. I would like to hear some thoughts on this from the OG readers. Thank You.
Chumpsky is controlled opposition. He’s the guy who throws a few crumbs to the masses and makes them feel like they are getting the real deal, but they are not, they are being tricked via deception and compartmentalised information. DItto George Galloway and Craig Murray. They are tools of the establishment, deep deceivers of the public mind. All of these gatekeepers are defined by the fact that they have each taken the same stance on 9/11…..nothing to see here, move along.
thank you for your comments.
There was a time when I mistakenly gave these people and others of the so-called “left” a free pass regarding their complete silence of the 911 events. Now with their COVID silence they have made it crystal clear they are either 1) controlled opposition; or 2) self-serving types who wish only to retain their comfortable existence.
I think I read one edition of Sheer Post before abandoning it. I have no further patience with sell-outs – particularly when what they sell out is truth.
I just found a really good website with some great articles. Some good ones here, including this Greta Thunberg story which is relevant to OffG’s and Colin Todhunter’s coverage of the situation in India
Climate Change Puppet Greta Thunberg Just Exposed Herself – Investigation Ensues For Criminal Conspiracy
ATOMIC BOMBSHELL: Rothschilds patented Covid-19 biometric tests in 2015. And 2017.
So this is Global Warming?..It’s Minus 10 Degrees Centigrade in London, yet we are still Relatively Warm compared to most of the Northern Hemisphere…,64.125,12.480,3
It isn’t global warming – it’s climate engineering. The climate engineers can create snow out of rain, as well as cold out of hot. And all the while they are poisoning all of us.
”Precise control of population can never be made completely compatible with the concept of a free society; on the other hand, neither can the automobile, the machine gun, or the atomic bomb….a world authority is needed which has the power of making, interpreting, and enforcing, within specified spheres, laws which are directly applicable to the individual. Indeed, population stabilization is one of the two major problems with which a world government must necessarily concern itself.” – Harrison Brown ”Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of the opposition, it has only one way to go, and that is down the path of increasingly repressive measures, until it becomes a source of terror to all it’s citizens and creates a country where everyone lives in fear.” -S Truman US 33rd president ” The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organised habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society…those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an an invisible government which is the true ruling power” -Edward Bernays ”Fear is the foundation of most governments” -John Adams. US founding father and 2nd president ‘‘There are more things likely to frighten us than there are to crush us ; we suffer often in imagination than in reality .’‘ -Senaca ———————————————— This is evidence of the planned endgame having been the same for a long long time.. It’s evidence of how valuable fear is and how powerful a weapon it can be. Plant it into the minds of all and they’ll practically destroy themselves. Not only can the removal of rights and freedoms be passed without meeting resistance, the fear will eat away to the degree that a man will be too scared to even exercise his right to free speech. So strong… Read more »
Great post Jura
I just want to remind Trump supporters… “3:37 P.M. EDT THE PRESIDENT: Well, thank you very much. And welcome to Dan O’Day, CEO of Gilead. You know what that is because it’s been in the news and the company has been in the news, and it’s a great American company that’s done incredible work on HIV and hepatitis C. And I hear that — that’s what’s happening with hepatitis is the great — a great medical story. Really, a great medical story. I’ve been hearing about that. It’s fantastic, Dan. I’m pleased to announce that Gilead now has an EUA from the FDA for remdesivir. And you know what that is because that’s been the hot thing also in the papers and in the media for the last little while. An important treatment for hospitalized coronavirus patients. And it’s something — I spoke with Dr. Hahn and Dr. Fauci; I spoke with Deborah about it. And it’s — it’s really a very promising situation. We’ve been doing work with the teams at the FDA, NIH, and Gilead for spearheading this public-private partnership to make this happen very quickly. So, today, we’re going to be — and I’m going to let Dan do it — but we’re going to let Dan make a statement as to what the company is doing, making a contribution to, really, people that are not doing well, people that are sick, people that have this horrible plague that’s set into our country and that we’re getting rid of. And we’re going to be — we’re going to be having some really incredible results. We have very promising studies coming out on the vaccines. We have promising studies coming out on therapeutics. And the first one is from Dan and Gilead. And I’d like to maybe have you say a few words, if you would, Dan, as to, number one, about… Read more »
He approved this, while blocking CHQ and Ivermectin, and fast tracking the vax.
Drumpf interviewed RFK Jr for the position of vaccine safety advisor. Kill Gates said that wasn’t a good idea. Drumpf dropped the idea. The belief that Drumpf was an independent outsider ready to rock the boat is ludicrous.
The fact-checkers at Le Monde have taken it upon themselves to debunk the ‘conspiracy theories’ swirling around The Book.
Interestingly enough, most of the comments (which are only open to those with accounts with the publication) clearly disagree with the rosy picture of a more inclusive, less divisive, greener and fairer world painted by the resident hack.
The readership of Le Monde is similar to that of the Guardian. Could this mean that our wannabe masters have overplayed their hand?
Je suis content de ne pas parler français!
Pity. The French version of the WSWS website is as good as any other.
Here they express their grave misgivings about moves in France to reopen universities “in spite of the spread of new variants” 🙂
Not sure if Terrain theory has been on the radar here?
Though I believe it has been.
The publisher of two books I’d featured at my blog stopped by and left a comment for me.
I responded and then checked them out!
They have very interesting books- in case any of you might be interested
A Distant Mirror
The two books concerned Antoine Bechamp
Yeah we make sure to mention it (and processes regarding it) regularly, thanks for the link.
Terrain theory undermines capitalism. People used to acquire immunity and health through varied food, socialising, microbes from the environment (including dirt), etc. Now, every patch of soil, water, air, food, medicine and objects (including clothes) are poisoned.
I did listen to this the other day. Worth the time. Patrick Wood has always been quite educational
Well, it seems the bankers, corporations and their statist chums have:
Committed massive electoral fraud and blackmail of politicians.
Launched a cull of the population, starting with the elderly.
And can’t wait to grab their assets so they’re already faking signatures and stealing trillions.
(See UKC summary below)
What this means is the banking and corporate class is totally out of control and is engaged in a frenzy of theft, looting, murder and social cannibalism.
Monopoly, once seen as simply abuse of market position, has much more serious consequences once the oligarchs, syndicates and cartels gain the upper hand. There is no limit to their greed. It takes on a psychopathy of its own.
This is beyond anything Shakespeare or Marlowe could imagine. G’night. Sweet dreams.
@MoneyCircus: “There is no limit to their greed. It takes on a psychopathy of its own.”
Nothing is enough to the man to whom enough is not enough. — Epicurus
Now this is strange. I was looking at this link: And noted the clip of a Cari Keleman tweet seemingly showing that the splendid horned Viking figure who turned up at the Capitol storming also appeared to be present at a BLM rally earlier. On surfing around to get some more info I found this: Tut tut those Right-Wing bastards with their “fake news” eh? But noticing that this link didn’t disprove Keleman I followed their link to a site which presumably did disprove the association: But all it says is: Photographs being shared online of people who stormed the US Capitol “suggest ties to far-right movements”, according to The New York Times. There is no evidence so far to prove that Antifa activists were part of the mob that entered the building on Wednesday, according to fact-checkers from Snopes, PolitiFact, BuzzFeed News and other organizations. And again: What you need to know– There is no evidence that Antifa activists stormed the US Capitol, according to multiple fact-checkers – Information available in images of the insurrection suggests the participants have links to far-right movements, according to The New York Times – The FBI has arrested multiple people photographed at the US Capitol who are tied to right-wing movements, according to The Washington Post, The New York Times, and other outlets Don’t you love that “What you need to know”? And so all we get is the repeated assertion “there is no evidence, there is no evidence” etc. Well there is evidence i.e. the evidence of our own eyes! Even more interesting, when you go back to that “fact check” site and follow the link to the Keleman tweet, you get this: Sorry, that page doesn’t exist! But the global research page shows the tweet. And the likeness… Read more »
Hello George Mc: I find it interesting that corporate media pimps continue to attach this horned idiot, BLM, and Antifa with RIGHT WING interests. All the evidence points to leftist funding and non-governmental agencies such as the FBI and CIA.
The same modus has been used in Zimbabwe, the Ukraine, Serbia, Venezuela, Iraq, and other regime change solutions.
Agree except for the interesting characterization of the FBI and CIA as “leftist.”
Indeed, I would say that the government, the CIA, FBI and the various “protest” groups amount to the same entity under different guises.
UK Column News – 10th February 2021 PART ONE EXCLUSIVE: GLOBAL BANKS & ACCOUNTANTS ALLEGED FRAUD TOTALS 1.2 TRILLION POUNDS UK BANKS ALONE SNAG 100 BILLION POUNDS, KILLING THOUSANDS OF BUSINESSES UK BANK FRAUD EXPOSED BY ELECTED POLICE AND CRIME COMMISSIONER BBC DEFENDS BANKS, SAYS ANTHONY STANSFELD ACTING OUTSIDE JURISDICTION “A police and crime panel committee found Anthony Stansfeld should not have become involved in an insolvency matter after KPMG, one of the UK’s largest consultancy firms, filed a complaint.“Thames Valley’s police and crime panel (PCP) invited Mr Stansfeld to “explain his actions” after a complaint was made against him by David Standish and Blair Nimmo from KPMG and their legal advisers DLA Piper UK.” — BBC FORGED SIGNATURES & DOCUMENTS USED TO STEAL ASSETS AND COMPANIES RET’D POLICE DETECTIVE PRAISES COMMISSIONER STANSFELD FOR PERSISTENCE Det (Ret’d) David Laity says bank managers forged signatures and documents to steal his own property. Laity’s own investigations uncovered 109 victims and 1.5 billion pounds of fraud involving property and funds. Laity says PCC Anthony Stansfeld has been stoic in his support of the victims and an advocate for law and order. Of the victims Laity knows, at least 26 have reported suicidal tendencies and without Stansfield’s support, many may have followed through. POLICE, JUDICIARY AND REGULATORS ACCUSED OF MASSIVE COVER UP SIMILAR TO BUSINESS SEIZURES THAT FOLLOWED 2008 FINANCIAL CRISIS Laity has met at all-parliamentary group of MPs in Westminster who are investigating bank fraud totaling 100 billion pounds by British banks and 1.2 trillion pounds by banks in general. It has been covered up by the police, police crime panel members and crime commissioners, the judiciary and “the regulators all the way up to the top.” They have refused to investigate all but a few cases that were “totally whitewashed”. Laity concludes… Read more »
Coincidence? KPMG boss Bill Michael steps aside after telling staff to ‘stop moaning’ about Covid — Daily Telegraph. The accounting firm’s boss railed against unconscious bias and told staff to stop ‘playing the victim card’
UK Column News – 10th February 2021 PART TWO DON’T THINK ABOUT HOLIDAYS — UK TRANSPORT SECRETARY GRANT SHAPPS STILL DOES NOT ADMIT PLANS FOR IMMUNITY PASSPORTS “I can imagine in the future there will be an international system where countries will want to know that you have been potentially vaccinated or potentially had tests taken before flying… I think the confusion comes in when people talk about domestic passports, which I think is not on the cards.” Me: Domestic passports are resident documents, which I have forecast will be introduced as part of The Great Reset Brian Gerrish: Grant Shapps is lying. UK GOV IS “CLOSEST LINK” TO IATA ON IMMUNITY PASSPORTS THREAT OF 10 YEAR’S PRISON IF YOU CONCEAL YOUR TRAVEL Travel body’s executive Alexandre de Juniac in talks with UK gov though says vaccine passports not yet planned People who refuse the jab are going to be blamed by UK Gov for refusing to ever lift the lockdown — as phrased by Nick Boles MP: “After everyone over 50 has been offered a vaccine, freedom must be restored.” Brian Gerrish: This is the same Nick Boles who was already pushing some years ago for “creative destruction” of UK society . UK CHIEF MED OFFICER INSISTS JAB IS NOT INFECTING PEOPLE UK MORTALITY, ADJUSTED FOR AGE AND POPULATION 2020 was 9th worst year since 2000 but well below level from 1971 to 2000 Excess mortality has risen sharply since the start of jab campaign Most deaths still in hospitals, followed by private residence but care homes are catching up. Excess deaths of 2021 now approaching levels seen in first Lockdown — although that was largely due to people being pulled out of hospitals. HoC Public Accounts Committee: Some 25,000 people were decanted from Hospitals to care homes even… Read more »
UK Column News – 10th February 2021
Vanessa Beeley: Lebanon has been the target of globalists for several years as it’s the closest to Syria of its neighbours. The explosion was intimated to be due to a Hezbollah arms dump. Martin Chulov, an intel-linked Guardian journalist wrote: Businessmen with ties to Assad linked to Beirut port blast cargo.
The British Foreign Office leaks reveal attempts to infiltrate Lebanese army, intel and gov to counter the stabilization efforts of Hezbollah. In those leaked documents the target was clearly Tripoli. The U.S. was planning a pipeline from Qatar to Saudi Arabia and Jordan and thus bypass Iran influenced Iraq. All those backing this first pipeline funded the armed militant groups to occupy the target areas.
The Syrian war began because Assad favoured the Iran pipeline backed by Russia.
The British now are trying to gain influence in Tripoli to turn the population against Hezbollah, especially near the Homs crossing point approaching Tripoli, but possible making an incursion further into Syria towards Tartus.
British military equipment has arrived in Beirut port in the past week for “border forces”. Anyone knows that Hezbollah runs most of the border security, including for the Christian community.
Shortly after the FCO leaks, the British ambassador Chris Rampling quietly left and been replaced by a chargé d’affaires. Also believed to have skedaddled is Alistair Harris, founder of Analysis Research and Knowledge, ARK group.
Brian Gerrish: there is no debate or discussion in parliament or the media on this military and geopolitical activity. The powerbase that is unleashing this strategy in the Mid East is the same group that is keeping us locked in our homes.
UK Column News – 10th February 2021
Links & sources can now be found beneath the YouTube video by clicking on ‘show more’.
Nice one Moneycircus, good work. I’ve copied someof your writings to FB
The culling of the elderly is proceeding very well.
Fauci says go ahead and wear the whole box. Amusing photo.
I concede that the joke works because Fauci’s face needs to be visible.
Otherwise, I think it would also be amusing to show Fauci with the mask box entirely over his head, with two tiny eyeholes cut out and covered with Scotch tape.
The entire world has gone completely mad. I came to the conclusion, nearly a year ago, that this wasn’t primarily about any COVID pandemic ( as it was quite clear there was no COVID pandemic – sure lots of old people were dying – but that happens every year. It’s completely normal) Even the UK Government announced that COVID was no longer a High Consequence Infectious Disease and even Chris Witty himself, stated in one of the weekly news briefings that it was no more dangerous than the flu, for the vast majority of people under the age of 82. But then The propaganda and lockdowns, went 24×7…and continued with a few respites, but then reapplied using very well understood Psychological techniques, designed to send people mad, which indeed did eventually increase the death rate, but still by nothing statistically abnormal compared to previous years, yet. What we have got now, is the coldest winter since 2010. Due to Global Warming nonsense, we have shut down almost all the coal powered electricity generation stations. Solar power rarely provides anything as much as 3%. Wind power, although much better when the wind is actually blowing is currently providing 8.48%. In an anticyclone it provides as much as solar power does when the sun ain’t shining – which is not a lot. Meanwhile The UK Government and The EU are still under US instructions trying very hard to seriously annoy The Russians, so that they cut off a very large percentage of Europe’s Gas. There is no shortage of gas, or they wouldn’t still be trying to flog it to us. If you click on this it will give you a clue with regards to our Energy problems When it goes into the red, that is when the lights go out. Your… Read more »
Very good points Tony. ( I happen to prefer for readability, but the numbers should be exactly the same ).
Interesting about wind. I haven’t been keeping an eye on it lately, but I think whenever I looked at it last year, it was usually more like around 10 GW or more; it’s less than half of that as I write.
If you look at and look at last year, there are a lot of very low periods (worse than I remember actually). It can also significantly exceed 10G for shortish periods. But it shows precisely why you need a reliable base load supply….
Nuclear is always a solid 5%, but of course could be much higher if the government had done the right thing and invested in modern nuclear years ago..It could and should still do this, IMHO. That would save us at least to some extent if the Russians cut back on our gas supply. It also happens to be (ho ho) “carbon neutral”, not that I personally think that’s important.
Check out The French version. They produce so much energy by nuclear power and hydro, they export it – even to us English.
Incidentally, I am a massive fan of both solar and wind power, and the latest low energy LED bulbs, when used in appropriate situations….well like on a Sailing Boat. However when we get invited, I always take some power banks to charge up our electronic toys.
In this temperature solar and wind installed on a boat, would be almost completely useless at raising the temperature inside the boat.
Walk down any canal in the North of England, where there is no power connections to any of the canal boats, and chat to ’em and ask how they are keeping their boat warm…You will often see a massive stack of wooden logs on top.
Still if you live on a boat in winter – you are going to be as tough as hell, and can stand the cold, which would kill most old people.
Oh dear…
Hold on.
*wew wew*
Sorry, all nuclear disabled.
A lot of what you said is false, btw.
If Dorsey & Zuckerberg were company presidents we could get Pelosi to impeach them.
And she could impeach herself while she’s at it…
Chuka Umunna becomes JP Morgan’s ESG leader (that’s sustainability for those not yet fluent in WEF speak).
That door keeps revolving….
Chukki Ammonia is nothing more than a corporate prostitue.
ESG will only see more land and property in the hands of the banks.
Here’s an article from I just finished reading. It’s ostensibly about the New York Times; but I think it’s germane to the current discussion.
“Scots dad cures lockdown blues by plunging into ice bath every morning”
From a trusty tabloid. Isn’t plunging into an ice bath what they used to do to torture the mentally unstable? And here’s a guy demonstrating that “plucky” can-do spirit by torturing himself?
Sad, isn’t it? I’ve seen many, many things as dumb or dumber here in the US. People pay a lot of money for many of them. Face it. We’re fucked. We are so fucked.
Many Stoics take cold showers regularly. Bracing, but hardly torture.
And then there is the Scandinavian practice of ultra hot saunas and then plunging into and rolling in the snow. Not for everyone however. And a good many Russians dive into zero degree water. In the USA they call it the Polar Bear Club and they are far from endangered.
I always take a cold shower.
I was swimming in the river until late October or November, can’t remember. Unfortunately, I overdid it a bit and got this sort of rheumatism in my shoulder (previously operated). I had to stop, but I’ll get back to it this year.
Nothing more energizing than a cold dip … !
Scandinavians also torture themselves by eating a few types of fish that have rotted.
They sound bright
It’s ironic. How come the least endangered are the most stupid
If you can stand the shower 0 for a minute it really keeps you warm all day. I can do 20 seconds
Geez, this recalls a joke that was once popular in US schoolyards, c. 1960. (Before PBS created “Sesame Street” and “children’s programming”, we were forced to amuse ourselves with childish attempts at humor.):
I called up my doctor and told him I had a really bad headache.
The doctor said, “Don’t worry, I have a sure cure for headaches”.
I said “What is it?”
He said, “Get a hammer and hit your big toe with it as hard as you can. You’ll forget all about the headache!”
A lot like birds – Sesame street is no place for me
Is it any worse than selfies, ice bucket “challenge”, planking, virtual Pokemon and other fads?
flashback to ten years ago and the Ice Bucket Challenge. Code named : Operation ” let’s see how f**g stupid the herd can be, it might come in useful in ten years ”
Putin does it every day cozhe is hard.
The definitive video on voter fraud. Download, save, circulate.
Unmasked: The Truth About The 2020 Election.
Hello Moneycircus: Excellent synopsis of what former president Trump and his legal staff were broadcasting for weeks before the January 6th — “insurgency”. All of 2020 was a planned coup delivered to us by the United Nations and their corporate sponsors.
America’s democratic system was hijacked long before this last election (like 1854-55) yet civilians still cling to the wreckage and will go down with it. Too bad on every one…
oh look. they let the leader of the Proud Boys out of jail. no home detention. No bracelet on his ankle. No bail. hmmm. Wonder if it’s because he’s been working with the feds this whole time to set folks up with this shit? siad .Scott Creighton
Hey image the leader of the proud boys is so obviously a provocateur/agent I titled a post after that reality
Proud Boys Leader = Government Informant/Provocateur? Most Assuredly.
Etc., etc.,
Hello image: Unfortunately: his “release” is only more theater and distraction. I think the main thrust of Mr Woods fledgling organization, is one of the only ways citizens can regain control over illegal government “agency”.
The entire 2020 political and economic spectacle, was manipulated by CIA/Mossad (the national intelligence agency of Israel) and high level financial assets operating at an international level. The Proud Boys are simply another terrorist cell for hire…
Subversive imperialism and colour revolution come home to roost. Anything in the service of the oligachy.
I think you’ll find it was a “planned anti-coup”, not a planned coup. Trump had telegraphed for some time before the 2020 election that he had no intention of observing the result unless it was favorable to him. In addition various state administrations had taken steps to try and disenfranchise blocs of voters that were likely to vote against him and his supporters. This mobilized a number of forces, two major groups being those Americans who still believed in the Constitution and hte system and Democrat party grass roots workers who worked hard to overcome systematic, institutionalized, bias in battleground states.
We can debate the nature of democracy in Ameirca at length — the debate’s been going on a lot longer than four years. The anti-democratic forces that Trump represents are the same people that were working to this goal during the Bush 2 administration. Its testimonial of Trump’s powers of persuasion that he can pose as a ‘man of the people’ fighting for democracy while fronting for the very people who are pushing for not just a unitary executive but absolute power of the executive as embodied in the President — that is, a dictator.
Hello Martin Usher: My point is that democracy in the former America (a Constitutional Republic) died along with the Original 13th Amendment sometime in the 1854-55 election.
If you do a proper search of the Original Thirteenth amendment, you’ll notice the initial stages of democratic decay began with the allowance of foreign titles into Federal judicial and legislative systems. The rest, as they say, is history…
I’m not going to waste my time posting links, as you’ve already made up your mind that Constitutional Law should be ignored and replaced with media driven propaganda…
There is condiderable evidence that the election was stolen for anyone who cares to look. The claim that Trump was not going to accept the result was a Democrat strategy laying the groundwork for the cheat. You have been taken in by the media’s anti-Trump propaganda.
When the smoke clears, USans may be grateful to Trump for exposing the rotten pretence and cruelty.
Hello mgeo: Correct. Mr Trump inadvertently brought attention to the true state of affairs in the former American Republic. I didn’t support his presidency, as he never delivered on any of his original statements of agenda. Unfortunately; he was just another another failed president under the boots of corporate oligarchy.
PMQs on border controls – Starmer attacks Johnson for not being tough enough. 10 years’ imprisonment not tough enough! Like every single time with Starmer….
From The Fraudian’s report:
“Starmer said there were 33 countries around the world that had tougher restrictions thanthe UK, including Canada, Denmark, Japan, Israel and others… Matt Hancock, has announced a requirement for UK residents returning to England from 33 “red list” countries to pay £1,750 to quarantine for 10 days in government-designated hotels”.
Just a coincidence those two 33s cropping up like that!
Hello Edwige: They likes them numbers. 11 – 33 – 77 – 666… Me thinks they’ve gone cross-eyed looking at balance sheets…
The number 10 doesn’t sit well with starmer later
Here, some trickery…
First…movement 47
Notice the 4s and the 7s make a nice little star of david/hexagram
Sums to 1998
1+9+9+8 = 27
2+7 = 9
1998/3 = 666, 6+6+6 = 18
3 rows, 3 columns
3*3 = 9
Rows sum to 15, 18, 21.
Columns sum to 18, of course.
Handel’s Tuning Fork was 423hz. 4+2+3 = 9
47*9 = 423
74*9 = 666
The flop is always 365, the turn A, the river K. Aces flying high, Konfident Kings, sets going down, so wear a frown clowns, and QQ some more. Because I have my shit straight, the nuts. 47. And I’ll flush you too.
Oh right, 4 and 7 is the best distribution from 1 – 10. Even and odd, too.
Another thing is, I derived a little fractal from it.
So, yeah, it’s not about 3, 6, 9 as tesla suggested.
And it’s not about 11(4+7):11(7+4)
It’s about 47
ben what happen to the shill you used to post constantly
Neil Clark – Journalist & broadcaster
Doesn’t sound like a shill anymore by his latest tweet.
Been ranting about its not about a virus it’s about control
Neil Clark (@NeilClark66) Tweeted:
So let’s get this right: you can go to jail for 10 years in the UK if you visit Covid-free Tanzania and fail to disclose it on a form. Please don’t tell me this is about a virus. It’s about control.
My understanding is that Clark has changed his mind since then (7 April 2020).
With time, an increasing number of people are becoming suspicious, which is encouraging.
Clark changed his mind fairly early on, or at least in the summer. He has been great since then.
Yes, he’s been disgusted for some time now 🙂
Glad to hear that. I see him on Twitter. He even subbed me. He looks solid to me, although I have zero use for Sputnik.
Really? It’s far too late.
I have this proposition that top psychics be hired to contact the dead who died from the seasonal flu prior to 2020 and see what percentage of them claim that it was like no flu they ever had before.
That is one person — not a pandemic. The hoax is in overstating and fear mongering about a virus that will only seriously impact a small percentage of the population — most very elderly. The government response has been excessive and destructive.
Their idea of the “virus” is false, you really should know that by now.
Today’s UK Column news ( goes into that story in some detail, with comments about the reaction (or non-reaction) of media other than in Germany, Switzerland and the Netherlands.
They didn’t need to ,they already had the very incompetent Niel Ferguson
Today’s prize for “Most Toxic Piece of Garbage in The Fraudian” could go to an article calling for regime change in Tanzania or to one claiming central banks are now different entities to their old image.
As for the latter, hey, if they can re-brand flu as Covid then re-branding central banks as lovely, cuddly bodies should be a doddle. Funny how every “good” these central banks are now supporting – like “the fight against climate change” and “greater equality” – plugs directly into the Great Reset. They are all of course deeply disingenuous if not outright fraudulent. As for the former, the president of Tanzania was the one who exposed theCovid tests produced positives for paw-paws and sheep.
A free press is a wonderful thing….
The Tanzanian president, if I compare him to other countries’ presidents, is the best president in the world.
Obviously, some “others” have a bit of a tall poppy syndrome.
I would say the President of Madagascar (Malagasy) is even better, at the same level as the President of Belarus.
Definitely not. He kinda capitulated.
The sort of thing Tanzania does:
You can go compare policies, too.
Magufuli is the phd chemist that happened to mock the PCR and covid garbage rather impressively, coz he knew it’s bullshit.
Here’s another chemist who also has some problems with people doing things out of their domain and claiming “expertise”.
I take your point, but don’t consider wikipedia for anything remotely political. Off-G had a recent article on it.
Well, obviously tanzania is being targeted for “reasons”. And that president does seem pretty legit from what I’ve seen. I take it he’s too “straight” for the degenerate types.
But sure, not gonna argue that wikipedia is rather prone to having bullshit on it.
The thing is, do you think on wikipedia, that “they’d” be particularly in favour of that kinda guy?
The madagascar guy is, well, a cheap fraud. That concoction is not “his” stuff, he just tried to capitalize (you know, military and business background).
And they do need a lot of support, but…he has not particularly addressed much in Madagascar from what I can see. Aside from following “their” narrative, too.
Madagascar has some policy issues, but at least they don’t seem to want to use those “vaccines”, so that’s good.
Oh hey, while I’m at it, I may as well point out something regarding Madagascar that kinda makes the seasonal effect, sunlight thing very obvious regarding colds and flus.
Notice that from may through september is exactly winter. And it’s a good example, because of the massive amount of poverty, low living standards. “Wild”, so to say.
Check what the president of Burundi, Pierre Nkurunziza, underwent when he didn’t play ball with the people dedicated to saving lives. BLM didn’t have much to say about this, ironically
Covid is a policy, not a disease.
other said it was a IQ test
Yeah, the PCR test can be used to gauge the global intellect and level of indoctrination.
Its also a marketing exercise.
An Iranian regime cleric in the holy city of Qom on Tuesday issued a homophobic rant against people vaccinated for COVID-19, claiming that they become gay after receiving the vaccine.
Ayatollah Abbas Tabrizian wrote on his Telegram social-media platform: “Don’t go near those who have had the COVID vaccine. They have become homosexuals.”
If it weren’t so tragic, that would almost be funny. (I’m sorry, it just sounds like a bad Monty Python sketch).
It’s so weird that I wonder if the CIA put him up to it? (To discredit people who question the Covid-19 vaccine?)
My thoughts as well..
Basically saying you’ve to be absolutely backwards to even question it.
“No more crazy than the CORPORATE FASCIST GREAT BLACK SCAMDEMIC of DEATH ‘Big Lie.’ Perhaps even less so, if it keeps some from ‘Doc’ Billy Eugenics EUTHANASIA DEATH SHOT toxic viral cull juice jab.”
that so funny thank you
do you think it why the holy see has had 2 vaccinations??
What happened to the power of prayer?
It forgot to be a real thing
Trust this newspaper to find an Iranian cleric making claims that show the world how crazy they all are, and to give Tatchell an opportunity to pontificate.
Sounds more realistic than “covid” existing. And that is a super metal thing to say.
I approve.
Fog of Woo
Hello image: I took some time to listen to this gentleman’s dialog, and he seems pretty well focused on the foibles and falsehoods found in the land of “woo”.
Then he goes on to explain the “facts” of global temperature rise with completely woo-like theories. Sorry, but changes in atmospheric conditions (including loss of hurricane related modulation) are directly related to 70+ years of releasing geoengineering aerosols into the atmosphere. People are breathing these chemical concoctions into their lungs 24/7…
Let’s all argue that geoengineering is not really happening, because after all, we’re living in the land of woo-woo… In short: His knowledge base is not based on the sciences of meteorology and thermodynamics. He is simply wrong…
agreed Paul the last part ( 10 minutes out of the whole video)not my cup of tea the information in beginning and during the 35 mins other mins was very relevant hence why i post as quite a lot on this site fell hook line sinker again for the names mention again thanks
— the world punctuation crisis continues, with no end in sight.
Thank you for that. It made me giggle.
Hello image: I must say, he had me going for the first 25 minutes or so, but then I thought: What does all this have to do with corporate/fascist surveillance and control? Very disappointing.
I appreciate that you didn’t attack my comment. Here’s a link to a fairly thorough discussion of geoengineering history: > ClimateViewer News
I think the idea promoted by the host of this video that americans could not do what these foreigner misinfo entertainers do for gimmicks is as silly as his idea that the position of the earths axis to the sun has nothing to do with there being icecaps at the poles. I do think his idea of popular spreaders of info being themselves the targets of misinfo is one for us all too consider.
There has been a smell of ozone in the cold air this week and today it was especially strong. There was a thick geoengineering aerosol sun halo throughout the day. I slept out in the open under no cover for many years and in the early morning I could feel the cold air passing over my face coming down the river valley. A couple of years ago, it often happened that the I heard not the sound of the river, but the sound of the ocean instead as the cold air came not across my face, but down like windless rain onto my face. The cold fell directly from the sky.
All good except silly things like giving you the ability to use Faceburg or Twatter to sign into their website. Both censored platforms. Time to move on from those legacy sites already.
Another Good Video
WAKE UP CALL | Documentary 4K | World Freedom Alliance: Copenhagen – YouTube
Good video. As they suggest, greedy, front running morons are in control. They don’t want to debate some very bright people on global issues or even on national issues in the US because lies and fraud are their policies. It’s almost as if all of the dumb kids and thuggish athletes you knew in school have gained control. Thanks for this video.
great video. Thanks.
dew nutters censor everything; especially on anti-censorship articles.
A completely “voluntary” world:
“Let us assume that the abolition of cash – which is being driven forward in parallel by more or less the same group of corporations and agencies – is successfully completed. For everything you want to do or pay, you depend on there being a tick in the right places in the database on you. If you fall out of favor with your own government, it might remove the tick from your identity information and screw you, even if you are not in the country. Your bank can do the same.
If this happens to you, you can try to keep it up for a while. But ultimately, you might have to do what the hero in the science fiction “Soleil à Credit” (Sun on Credit) by Michel Grimaud (1975) had to do. When his electronic card, which everyone needed to move around and to get rations, was confiscated by one of the automatic checking machines, he voluntarily reported at the prison gates and stayed voluntarily in prison until he was released, because otherwise he would have starved.”
Norbert the Great. A solid analyst.
I had a look. I don’t know numbers or money matters, but I liked what I see. I’m always on the look-out for good sources of info. I bookmarked the site.
He’s one of the contributors to, founded by the late Tommy Hansen.
It’s edited so that it can be printed as a PDF. Tommy saw how censorship would arrive and wanted his publication to survive regardless of the Internet:
Acknowledged. I saw something on his site I didn’t like (and forget what it was) and deleted the bookmark. But, yes, there are far worse sources of information out there. With regard to what I did read, he’s right about it, in my opinion. I’ll have to look again and perhaps try to overlook whatever it was I was offended by.
I just quickly checked. I didn’t like the link to The Real News Network (which is completely establishment). And I see that there’s a Moon Of Alabama article on the Free21 website. Moon of Alabama is down with covid 1984, as far as I know. That’s not much. But that’s also what I see ‘at a glance’.
j e w nutters censor everything.
especially on anti-censorship articles.
So, why was the first world war planned and executed?
To steal Palestine/Israel for the Jews!
The plan was already well known in 1853.
The following is a quote from George Faber’s 1853 book on the downfall of the Turkish power and the return of the ten tribes (available here).
“The subversion of the Turkish Power will evidently occasion, as all seem to anticipate, a fearful general war. This war will, I believe, be the last under the present order of things. It will commence, indeed, in Europe: but,… it will pass into Palestine…. and, in the course of its evolutions, Israel will be restored.”
George Faber and his fellow conspirators, the Jews, successfully bought the plan to fruition:
“The subversion of the Turkish Power [i.e., the Ottoman Empire] will evidently occasion, as all seem to anticipate, a fearful general war [i.e., the first world war]. This war will, I believe, be the last under the present order of things [ushering a new world order]. It will commence, indeed, in Europe [with the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in 1914]: but,… it will pass into Palestine [western troops entered Palestine early in 1917]…. and, in the course of its evolutions [the second world war beginning 1939], Israel will be restored [Palestine/Israel was successfully stolen from its rightful inhabitants in 1948].”
UK PM Palmerston declared “now is the time for Jews to return to their homeland” in the 1840s.
Palmerston wasn’t Jewish (that anyone has been able to prove), he was however grandmaster of the Grand Orient Lodge. Israel was a Freemasonic-Zionist project, not one by Jews themselves. Jews had to be genocided and massively psy-opped to get them into it. Ultra-orthodox Jews remain anti-Israel which is why Zionists hate them.
Palmerston was also a big landowner in Ireland with many deaths in the famine on his hands. To this day the Republic has no day to comemorate the famine but has a Holocaust Memorial Day despite not one Irish citizen dying in it. The media will still wrongly call it “the Potato Famine” if forced to notice it. He was also the key figure in the Opium Wars. Palmerston is a massively important figure in British history but is almost completely ignored (I’ve not been able to find one portrayal of him in film or TV although there are, for example, numerous films and TV programmes about or featuring Disraeli.
Same with the Rothschilds of 100 years ago – all info scrubbed of the wider family members
There is a town in Aotearoa named after the bastard.
The English public school system lionizes Palmerston, at least they still did in the ’70s. One of the indicators of how there’s a separate education for the offspring of the ‘rulers’.
Hey, I like your name, I call myself sir isO, and yes, Ra is El. Si, si?
I still prefer the recent German example… Even though I believe more is necessary!
It is certainly a way of like-minded people getting together in communities. I’ve signed up for it. It is sorely needed in Birmingham (UK). Last night I took part in a webinar about vaccines, spent an hour and fifteen minutes listening to the same old bullshit we get from morning to night from two doctors, Ashraf and Ingham, one city councillor, Hamilton, and the assistant director of public health Birmingham, Griffiths.
For half an hour I requested to speak and with less than ten minutes left I got to say a few words. And it was a few words. I managed to explain the unreliability of the PCR test as a diagnostic tool but was the only person interrupted, just as I was getting into full flow about the vaccines not being licensed by the MHRA, At that point councillor Hamilton cut in and thanked me for my thoughts telling me there was no time left.
We must pursue every opportunity to end this total shite.
I’ll bet the bullshit you had to listen to was unbelievably boring bullshit too. I think impenetrable monotonous droning is another psychological tool to subjugate the audience just like the old lawyer speak. There’s an underlying prejudice: the duller it is and the harder it is to understand, the more likely it is to be true. After all, you are supposed to just trust “the experts” I.e. the biggest bores.
‘The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum’ chomsky
that is what they do with these debates, not even knowing themselves how narrow the spectrum is in which they debate
That’s been true for the entire political system in the US since at least the 1990s.
A good example of that was, I think, the artificially confected “battle” between the UK and the EU over vaccines. First it was claimed that the EU was stealing “our” vaccines (by diverting any that were originally destined to be exported from the EU to the UK). Then this got overtaken by the EU’s alleged failure to produce enough vaccines for its own countries. Then certain EU countries were claiming that the Oxford-Astra-Zenica vaccine was causing too many adverse events and shouldn’t be used for over-65 year olds….
All wonderfully mixing up the Brexit issue with the vaccine issue, so you had the Brexit-Remainer polarisation added to the Pro-vaccine-Anti-Vaccine polarisation. Conflict and confusion all round.
I wasn’t paying too much attention to the detail because personally, I’d be more than happy if the UK received no vaccines at all, although I knew that wasn’t going to be an outcome. I tended to see the whole thing as a diversionary tactic away from any real issues concerning Covid-19 and the actual vaccine itself; I think it certainly fits Chomly’s “lively debate” scenario.
oops “Chomsky”, of course.
And “AstraZeneca”.
There’s going to be a lot of that sort of theater going forward. It’s standard advertizing gimmickry. ‘Limited time only’! and variations of that, including lots of frame-like discussions about ‘sharing’ the vaccine and ‘making sure that those who are underserved’ get served (their poison).
Indeed. That’s the old Chomsky. He was good. (I’m reading “The Culture Of Terrorism” now, not because I believe he’s got answers (today) but because I had the book on my shelf since well before Covid 1984. Might as well read it. The new Chomsky pushes the Green New Deal and other fantasies.
Well done for trying!
Bar stewards
You tried. Good on you.
The very extremism of laws re: these new “offences” signifies panic. 10 years imprisonment for lying about travel? The overlords are going mad now. And the more draconian the measures, the less credible the claimed threat.
And as these ludicrously overblown penalties proliferate it must surely drive more people to reflect on the absurdities of this steaming virus excrement: that it all started with very old people riddled with multiple illnesses dying (shock horror!), that the symptoms were those of the common cold, that people who were clearly healthy could still test positive and be declared “unclean” etc.
So it shouldn’t come as a surprise when the media increasingly hyperventilate. (You’d think that impossible but I’m sure they’ll manage!) And the Left will hyperventilate the hyperventilation. (If they’re not completely ignoring it and bitching about Boris being rude to foreigners.)
You see panic.
I see giddy glee.
Agreed, although it would be so, so lovely if e.g. T.B.Liar caught caught and landed up in jug. No doubt his pal Falconer would get him off though.
I should have used four zeros in the h word. I only used it because Patrick Wood did in the video.
Good video. There should have been more about the most lethal part, vaccines.
Patrick Wood used the word holodomor. Is it permitted here ? In the last forum I posted you had to use zero’s to evade the filter. The spell checker doesn’t recognise the word.
The bit about some cities banning face recognition cameras was encouraging.
The motherfuckers have used the allegedly deadly threat of an alleged virus to put everybody on a collective leash, to create an invisible link among people with a view to enslaving them.
Two can play this game, even though their game is tyranny and ours is freedom.
We can bring people together too. There is nothing better for that than music, rhythm.
Pick your choice …
Thanks for the broad choice, Jacques. We need musical dissidents and outlaws, whether it’s Beethoven or gypsy jazz or blues. I like calypso and roots reggae for its trenchant (Trenchtown) social criticism.
We’ve just got to guard against the tendency of some music to sap aggression and enervate. It should rather stir and rouse.
I live in the Trini community for quite some time back in the day. Did you know that the steelpan is the result of a ban on playing musical instruments in public areas? It was making people too excited and rebellious! So, they started using barrels of which there were plenty around in Trinidad because they extract oil there. Cute history …
Yes! I used to visit Port of Spain regularly in the 70s when I had family working there. Miss it very much.
Nice. I’m originally from Central Europe and even though that might seem like light years away from Trinidad, I paradoxically I felt like at home with Trinidadians – maybe in part of the British connection but also because Trini Indians reminded me of the Gypsies I grew up with.
There are lots of cliches about diversity and ‘vibrant’ and ‘eclectic’ cultures but it is really true of Trinidad.
The zip to its society comes from the Indian indentured labourers who settled there, adding to the African and earlier influences. Let food be the allegory: Indians added the dash of spice to the African-Dutch-French-British-Carib traditions and see what you get!
I know the history. I’ve lived with a Trini Indian woman. Played in soca bands. Later did research in university …
You forgot Chinese. They brought workers from China too, but they proved useless – wouldn’t work in the heat ….:-D …!
I had The Clash playing on repeat during my 2000 mile drive across the USSA last month.
“You have the right to free speech….so long as you aren’t dumb enough to actually try it”
Hello Mike
I’m very pleased to see that this site allows you to vent your anger , frustration and abuse. Go for your life I’m always happy to hear alternate points of view. Unfortunately depending on who’s adminstering the site some do like the use of their powe to used the RED pen.
Go for your life.
presumably you mean me, but apparently the blood your brain needs for complex matters like which reply button to push is elsewhere.
i didn’t get angry until people started giving me grief for insisting on facts. but of course, i’m in the minority, so only my aggression yields demerits.
I have at least added factual information along the with the vitriol. But here you are, offering nothing but hostility. witlessly. stupidly. the only thing it demonstrates is that you’re a passive aggressive, witless little creep effectively talking to himself since it makes no nevermind to me.
Thanks for your comment Mike Good to hear from you . Keep it up hope it helps.