Lockdowns are a Self-Fulfilling Prophecy
“Non-pharmaceutical” interventions do not work, and are doing far more harm than good
Daniel Jeanmonod MD

I have chosen to write this text in addition to our two earlier contributions because of the development of the “second wave” which came afterward, and in reaction to the current relentless accumulation of non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs, also called corona, “social” or lockdown measures).
These are characterized by separation/isolation of human beings through the application of masks, distance maintenance between people, stay-at-home orders and business closures.
An important study in Frontiers in Public Health on the data delivered by 160 countries has found no correlation between death rate and stringency of lockdown measures[1].
Another study showed no significant benefits of stay-at-home order and business closure on epidemic case growth[2].
The following two examples confirm these results: a country with low lockdown stringency like Sweden has at the moment the same fatality rate per million inhabitants as France, but lower than Spain, Italy and UK, where severe lockdown measures were applied.
In addition, Sweden has had for the second wave a much smaller excess mortality than France, Italy or Spain, an observation which allows one to suspect that lockdown measures are delaying the establishment of herd immunity. This is not desirable, as the time during which the old, sick and frail can be exposed to the virus gets longer.
As NPIs are imposed in an overloaded ambiance of viral threat, they are additionally in position to activate destructive neuro-immunological mechanisms as well as to trigger secondary deleterious psycho-social, medical and economic developments5. Both have a direct effect on population mortality.
Analyses indicate that at least a third, and possibly more than half, of the observed excess mortality may be caused by the applied measures[3][4]. Measure-based mortality will proceed and may even accelerate if the fear-mongering stays and no end to the nightmare is presented to a now chronically overloaded population.
We are in the typical context of a “self-fulfilling prophecy”, where, through neuro-immunological overresponses, physical immobilization, social isolation and socio-economic difficulties, the death toll gets maximized and the expected death prophecy confirmed.
This requires then the maintenance and even increase of measures, and explains why people questioning their necessity are swiftly qualified as fools, idiots, conspiracy theorists or even murderers (heartlessly risking lives).
For almost a year, cultivated virus hysteria has fuelled the belief in a necessity to suppress “Covid19”.
Epidemiological models, revealed regularly as strongly pessimistic, justify preemptive NPIs even if collected data show positive reassuring evolutions. These measures are presented as unavoidable parts of the fight to be held, and are applied relentlessly without questioning their efficiency (see reference [1]), and without considering, as mentioned above, their lethality.
PCR tests are enacted for the whole population, with their extreme sensitivity and false positives5, maintaining in the population the awareness of the dreadful presence of the virus. The fact that a large percentage (88% in Italy) of deaths happened in the presence of corona (but not due to corona) in the context of end-of-life situations is not considered.
Science moves on to find new threat markers, like the reproduction factor R and recently the rise of mutated virus variants. Thoughts and emotions remain focalized on covid-19 and its threat, taken out of the regular context of the normal human/virus interactions.
For example, tests of corona presence have never been performed before to establish what normality is along the year, and variants can be seen as the logical and usual answer of viruses to the development of human herd immunity.
In our county of Solothurn in Switzerland, 2,662 deaths have been reported for 2020[5], among which 219 were attributed to covid-19 and of these 211 were living in nursing homes[6]. Median age of covid-19 death in Switzerland is 86 years old[7], and the rate of significant premorbidities is very high (97% with at least one premorbidity).
Switzerland, in spite of a clear-cut “second wave”, has experienced no excess mortality for ages below 65, and even for 70 and above, a correction for the increasing size of this old age group shows no excess mortality for 2020[4], and a lower mortality in 2020 than in 2012, 2013 and 20156. Finally, for the whole swiss population, the total death rate per 100,000 inhabitants was the same in 2003 and even higher in 2000[8].
Where do we find, here and around the world, any motivation and necessity to limit the professional and social activities of a whole population for now almost a year?
Should we have locked populations in the past during former flu epidemics? Obviously no.
Shall we have to do that in the future? How long can our human environment resist such heavy, deleterious and questionable measures? And when shall the people of the world get their basic human rights and freedom back?
Of course, fear takes the best out of us, and nobody is to blame for damages produced unwillingly and under the pressure of fear.
There is, alas, no doubt about the following fact: modern, technological medicine often lacks the compassionate therapeutic dimension one expects from it, and presents the unpleasant tendency to promote huge profits through drugs and medical-technical products, with less than appropriate up to fraudulent practices[9][10]
Fraud resides in the highest levels, as exemplified by the recent withdrawal of a fraudulent article from the famous journal the Lancet[11]. This article claimed wrongly the inefficiency and dangers of a plant-based, well known, efficient and inexpensive medication.
A proper decision and information strategy in the corona crisis would have been to open the scientific, political and public debate to different views, with the goal to come up together to a balanced, consensual program, in which nobody is right or wrong and all agree to have worked together on the best possible solutions.
It is extremely counterproductive and dogmatic to promote the exclusive value of the dominant view, proposed by governments and their scientific task forces and widely distributed by the media. Other views are being seen as unacceptable, not-an-option, or even ethically wrong.
Why propagate the idea the whole world needs to be vaccinated against covid-19 in the context of the above-mentioned epidemic data? What of the recent confirmation, published by the WHO and authored by Dr. Ioannidis[12], of a general average case fatality ratio of 0.23% (analyzed from 61 studies), in the range of a flu epidemic?
In addition, to the contrary of what the WHO has proposed recently, we may strongly consider that the natural herd immunization process, established by life processes along millennia, and non-dangerous for the immense majority of the active population below 65, will be more efficient than any vaccination.
Finally, the essential role of physical and emotional health as protections against severe infectious developments has been dramatically ignored in favour of medical technical interventions, precipitating many human beings into severe disease evolutions by physical inactivity and social isolation.
Our governments should contribute to protect without coercion the old, sick and frail and free the rest of the population from all general NPIs. We have all learned what to do in winter with our old and frail parents, who particularly need our presence and can decide for themselves what they prefer: state-imposed protection, or an evening to their life surrounded by their beloved ones.
Numerous human beings have died these last months in appalling physical and emotional conditions, immobilized in their rooms and isolated from families and friends. This has lasted long enough and should be considered as inhumane and stopped. The Great Barrington Declaration enacts the reduction of measures to “focal” protection. It was proposed by 3 epidemiologists from Harvard, Stanford and Oxford and has collected more than 50,000 signatures from medical and public health scientists and medical practitioners as well as from more than 700,000 concerned citizens.
The people need to regain their democratic rights and freedom of decision without delay.
With courage and scientific data at hand, we should stop hiding away from the virus on the order of our governments. We should trust nature that things will balance back to normal, instead of tampering chaotically and arrogantly with the natural dynamics regulating the human/virus interactions.
The relentless, never-ending confinement measures have led to the appearance of a host of absurd, even pathetic measures and situations, with some citizens wearing masks alone in their own cars, or jogging masked and alone in the countryside…I have heard many people around me wonder if they were not in a nightmare or a bad movie.
We need to wake up and work to fix this.
Daniel Jeanmonod MD, Professor Emeritus of Neurosurgery at Zürich University and Physiology & Neuroscience at New York University.
[1] De Larochelambert Q. et al. Covid-19 mortality: a matter of vulnerability among nations facing limited margins of adaptation. Frontiers in Public Health (2020) [back].
[2] Bendavid E. et al. Assessing mandatory stay-at-home and business closure effects on the spread of Covid-19. European Journal of Clinical Investigation doi: 10.1111/ECI.13484 (2021) [back].
[3] Covid-19 – Infektionslage, Belastung der Spitäler in der Schweiz KW 50. Situationsanalyse, Reflexion, Lösungsansätze. https://aletheia-scimed.ch (2020).[back].
[4] Beck K. Corona in der Schweiz. Plädoyer für eine Evidenzbasierte Pandemie-Politik. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zRqNfvX–zY [back].
[5] Bundesamt für Statistik (14.1.2021), www.bfs.admin.ch [back].
[6] Kanton Solothurn, Departement des Inneren. Wöchentlicher Situationsbericht (11.1.2021)[back].
[7] Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft, Coronavirus-Krankheit-2019 (COVID-19), Eidgenössisches Departement des Innern EDI, Bundesamt für Gesundheit BAG, Situationsbericht zur epidemiologischen Lage in der Schweiz und im Fürstentum Liechtenstein – Woche 3 (18. – 24.01.2021). https://ww.bag.admin.ch [back].
[8] K-Tipp Nr. 1: Grippe war für ältere stets eine Gefahr. (13 Januar 2021) [back].
[9] Götzsche P.C. Tödliche Medizin und organisierte Kriminalität. Rivaverlag.de (2020) [back].
[10] Angell M. The truth about the drug companies: How they deceive us and what to do about it (2005) [back].
[11] Mehra M.R. Hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine with or without a macrolide for treatment of COVID-19: a multinational registry analysis. The Lancet (2020) [back].
[12] Ioannidis J.P.A. Infection fatality rate of Covid-19 inferred from seroprevalence data. Bulletin of the World Health Organization (14 October 2020) [back].
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Dr. Thomas Binder, MD says the Covid cult need to be psychiatrically detained immediately because of danger to others:
“Any chimpanzee with average education realises that our governments are totally insane at best, seriously criminal at worst, must be psychiatrically detained immediately because of danger to others, and then prosecuted when appropriate. So become brave, dear fellow humans!”
“As a responsible Swiss doctor, it is my duty to keep the obviously insane Swiss Federal Council in a closed psychiatric ward by means of involuntary commitment because of dangerousness to the public. I only need a few more policemen to support me in this.”
More and more are seeing the giant pink elephant in the room.
God work off guardian
excellent! share with everyone.
On the subject of Covid, and the purchase of software to ‘monitor the potential large amount of adverse effects’….
Has anyone had any visibility on the output from such software?
I would have expected the figures to be included in information sent to parliament and the public on a regular basis?
Yup. !
Though they are not democratic rights which are being withheld, they are birthrights which are being infringed, trespassed upon, denied. Far worse.
Facts the PharmaCom Billionaire MSM Fear Machine don’t discuss. Ahem. Get a grip sheeple.
Diarrheal diseases are one of the biggest killers of children worldwide
In 2017, almost 1.6 million people died from diarrheal diseases globally.
This is more than all deaths from all ‘intentional injuries’ combined in the same year: almost 800,000 died from suicide, 405,000 from homicide, 130,000 in conflict, and 26,500 from terrorism – in total 1,355,000.
Malaria is a life-threatening disease caused by parasites that are transmitted to people through the bites of infected female Anopheles mosquitoes. It is preventable and curable.
In 2019, there were an estimated 229 million cases of malaria worldwide.
The estimated number of malaria deaths stood at 409 000 in 2019.
Children aged under 5 years are the most vulnerable group affected by malaria; in 2019, they accounted for 67% (274 000) of all malaria deaths worldwide.
The WHO African Region carries a disproportionately high share of the global malaria burden. In 2019, the region was home to 94% of malaria cases and deaths.
Total funding for malaria control and elimination reached an estimated US$ 3 billion in 2019. Contributions from governments of endemic countries amounted to US$ 900 million, representing 31% of total funding.
Approximately 1.35 million people die in road crashes each year, on average 3,700 people lose their lives every day on the roads.
An additional 20-50 million suffer non-fatal injuries, often resulting in long-term disabilities.
More than half of all road traffic deaths occur among vulnerable road users—pedestrians, cyclists, and motorcyclists.
Road traffic injuries are the leading cause of death among young people aged 5-29. Young adults aged 15-44 account for more than half of all road deaths.
More than 90% of all road fatalities occur in low- and middle-income countries, even though these countries have approximately 60% of the world’s vehicles.
On average, road crashes cost countries 3% of their gross domestic product.
Road crashes are the single greatest annual cause of death of healthy U.S. citizens traveling abroad.
Oh and by the way . . .
Why Was It Called the ‘Spanish Flu?’
The 1918 influenza pandemic did not, as many people believed, originate in Spain.
(will be screen shot. HA!)
Keep in mind:
The pandemic didn’t use erroneous data to model an inflated estimate of mortality.
The pandemic didn’t write hyperbolic headlines.
The pandemic didn’t create overly-inclusive reporting requirements.
The pandemic didn’t design a PCR test unfit for this purpose.
The pandemic didn’t isolate the elderly.
The pandemic didn’t increase child abuse.
The pandemic didn’t increase teen suicides.
The pandemic didn’t quarantine the healthy.
The pandemic didn’t initiate lockdowns.
The pandemic didn’t decimate small businesses.
The pandemic didn’t close schools, some going on a full year.
The pandemic didn’t reduce the healthcare workforce.
The pandemic didn’t ignore basic tenets of public health.
The pandemic didn’t exploit itself for political leverage and financial gain.
The pandemic didn’t create a lucrative products/industries dependent upon its continuation.
The pandemic didn’t siphon resources from other deadly threats.
The pandemic didn’t use fear to control people’s behavior.
The pandemic didn’t threaten people with social, financial, and professional extortion for pointing out the harms caused by all of the above.
People did those things. Politicians and public health officials did all of this and more.
” To assent to obvious lies is in some small way to become evil oneself. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. ”
— Theodore Dalrymple
It was first described in Spain, which was neutral in WW1 and its newspapers wrote about it freely. In 1918, far from panicking about it, newspapers in warring countries censored most mention of it as it was not exactly a morale boost to have pestilence as well as war. Only with the war over was the censorship lifted. By then it was associated with Spain.
Hello Jimbo: Bravo and right on!!! ‘People did those things.’ 100 up votes.
The only difference being that the maskochists are self-imprisoned.
(Their self-enslavement to the gadgets is just as symptomatic and pathological as the face diapers.)
I made the comparison to Guantanamo when they started opening up “quarantine” facilities last year. Since then many of us have been forced into similar costuming in order to be allowed to move along in public. Only question I have for right wingers complaining about the loss of liberty in the aftermath of the Covid Coup, is where were you on Guantanamo? Let authority treat so call “foreign terrorists” like this and eventually they will attempt to do the same to almost everybody else.
Three new words for the lexicon:
Please use them whenever you can.
And how about replacing “jab” with “stab“? Because that’s what it is.
How bout:
Vax Nazis
Or what I use to say no to the jab – a vaxcuse
I agree: the lockdowns don’t work. But only because we haven’t done this properly.
If you are chased up a tree by a hungry lion and are fortunate enough to reach a branch beyond his reach – what should you do and when do you decide to climb back down?
Providing the lion can’t reach you – you stay very still and don’t move. If he can’t climb the tree, all you have to do is be patient and eventually the lion will head off elsewhere in search of a meal. When you are absolutely certain the lion has gone, it’s safe to climb down and go home. What you absolutely don’t do is annoy it by poking it with sticks or throwing twigs down. That just makes him mad. Neither do you attempt to climb down when he’s sleeping.
The only way you survive the experience, is by being completely still and very patient.
Respectfully, that is how we end this episode with the virus too.
The lockdowns decreased transmission, but didn’t eradicate the virus as the measures were completely insufficient and had many weaknesses. The principle was sound but the practice was flawed. As long as people move around and interact – the virus will remain.
However, I suggest we can eliminate the virus easily if we simply did this properly – and Britain can be Covid-free by early summer.
All that was ever necessary is for everyone to stay still, spread out so we are (mostly) on our own – and just exercise a little patience and resilience for a few weeks and the danger will soon pass.
The virus needs us. It cannot survive in the environment for more than several hours according to recent research. If we stay apart completely for four weeks and stock up with provisions, using all available housing so single occupancy as much as possible – then cease all activity except essential utilities and emergency services, by the time it was over, we’d be Covid-free.
If we plan it in the next two weeks and did this properly in March, tested everyone the first two weeks in April and isolated everyone still infected or carrying the virus – we could have a normal summer. If we did it globally – the world would be Covid-free – without the need for vaccines or social distancing or travel restrictions.
Use the military and local volunteers to provide community support, weekly testing and compliance – but they too must isolate on their own for the duration, not returning to their family or partners. We must close down everything and maintain distance from each other as much as possible.
There are countless empty houses – second, third, fourth homes, holiday lets, new developments – that can be used so we’re not co-habiting or living in homes of multiple occupancy. No homeless on the streets. Where individuals need support – from carers or prison officers – then both parties live together as one unit for the period. Keep as far away from each other as possible.
Think about a large dark empty hall – at the far end is a chair and angle posed lamp with a man who lights up a cigar. Watch the layers of smoke filter up and across the room. You’re forty-feet away, but in a matter of seconds, you can smell the smoke. Same if he lights up in the street aead of you – it reaches you easily. That’s how to visualise the threat.
And we must be prepared to make sacrifices
If you fall ill, stay at home and notify the volunteers. Provide medicine but no medical or nursing care. We have to look after ourselves for this month – the hospitals need to be empty and thoroughly disinfected before they reopen. The medics and nurses need a rest. The NHS is a sustained vector of infection. We have to do without it for four weeks – and that will have tragic repercussions for some. That is unavoidable – but consider how many lives will be lost if we aren’t prepared to make these sacrifices.
In times of existential threats to life – we will have to endure and be prepared to make that sacrifice for the greater good. Consider how we approach an outbreak in animals – like Foot & Mouth. These measures are horrid and difficult to comprehend – but they are absolutely vital to preserve the future health of the herd. Mother Nature doesn’t differentiate. We can’t afford to either.
For one month, all we need do is imagine the hungry lion is every other person! If you see one walking down the street – cross over; don’t attempt to squeeze past.
Don’t try to engage him in conversation and absolutely don’t invite him into your house! Make it a fun experience – we seem to have forgotten how – but should we succeed, we’ll certainly be able to learn that again by the summer.
And that would be wonderful.
But, of course, that is all dependent on securing the borders completely. No international travel whatsoever – no exceptions. Then we stop moving here – no delivery vans, no car journeys, no service stations providing fuel. When we go out – we walk or cycle.
In essence, if we live simply and by ourselves for just a few weeks, we can rid Britain of this disease. That might just inspire other countries to follow – and if that happens, by summer, the world could be covid free – without the need for ever-changing vaccines, lockdowns, suffering and endless misery.
That we might be able to achieve this simply be helping each other – not profiting from the experience – would represent a paradigm shift in human relations and achievement – and would provide some much needed self-belief for the next stage in our recovery – sorting out the mess we’ve made.
But never underestimate the lion, don’t think you can outsmart him or become friends – you won’t. Not when he’s hungry. Not when he’s still here.
Is that you Klaus?
It’s not the lion we need to fear ………. it’s the sheep.
Holy shit you wrote a lot considering how meaningless and false it is. I read about 3 sentences, btw.
I’d be more worried about the Tiger if I were you.
We were “covid free” by last summer.
“In Spring 2020 a novel coronavirus swept across the world: novel, but related to other viruses. In the UK, unknown at the time, around 50% of the population were already immune. The evidence for this is unequivocal and arose due to prior infection by common cold-causing coronaviruses (of which four are endemic). This prior immunity has been confirmed around the world by top cellular immunologists. There is even a very recent paper from Public Health England on the topic of prior immunity and a wealth of other evidence from studies on memory T-cells, studies on household transmission and on antibodies.
Because of the extent of the prior immunity, and as a result of heterogeneity of contacts, once only a low percentage of the population, perhaps as low as 10-20% had been infected, “herd immunity” was established. This is why daily deaths, which were rising exponentially, turned abruptly and began to fall, uninterrupted by street protests, the return to work, the reopening of pubs and crowded beaches during the summer.
Available evidence suggests that herd immunity at a national level (in England) was attained as early as May. …There have been no alternative explanations promulgated for the force which bore down on infections and deaths during the largely unmitigated spreading of the virus early in Spring. As an example of evidence that we are at herd immunity, London is relatively peaceful in relation to the virus now, having been the national epicentre in Spring, with hundreds of deaths daily in the capital.”
Immunity was against flu variants. When the attempt to increase deaths by withholding medical service failed, all flu cases and deaths got re-labelled covid.
As for the “top cellular immunologists”, has any of them commented on the earth-shaking disappearance of flu of all varieties?
You don’t have a ‘herd of people’ you have a ‘population of people’…
Just like you don’t have a ‘school of wolves’ , you have a ‘pack of wolves’…
My sheep told me that. She always speaks in upper case.
There is a more effective solution to the contagion/no immunity problem : suicide.
Now I have another rash and a fever 😢😢
A virus will run its course. Lockdown, and it will just take longer to move through the population. Your post is based on magical thinking. Insanity. People have a natural ability to resist viruses, so why are we hiding?
Always intriguing to challenge belief systems, particularly those governed by cynicism and insecurity. Goodness, have you no faith in yourselves never mind others?
You hold the answer – more than any politician or expert – yet you consume your time with their retrospective conjecture and it inhibits your perspective considerably. Let’s all blame each other – it feels better that way.
Don’t solve anything though. Goodnight.
This lion you mention is no more than a house cat, dangerous only to mice. Get a grip and turn off your television.
I’ve had several friends die from the complications of this virus – all were fit and healthy with no underlying conditions – one climbed Everest and Lhotse two years ago. Not mice, idiot.
“Lockdown” is a prison term. All prisoners remaiin locked in their cells.
Schools now announce “Early Release”–another prison term–when children get out of school earlier than the mandated time. Control of society continues shifting toward total control in the hands of mentally-unstable, domineering people.
Alex Jones coined the title “PrisonPlanet” a couple decades ago…
I have never believed these word choices were accidental.
It seems even educated men like Dr. Jeanmonod still do not understand. The psychotic people in charge know everything about lockdowns and the harm they cause–that is why they are doing them. These same people know this is a relatively harmless virus (if it is even real) but they still institute draconian measures. They know the western vaccines are dangerous medical experimentation but push for them. This is the first time in my memory when I have seen so much factual and verifiable counter-narrative to the line being pushed by our controllers and it has absolutely zero effect. These evil people are all in and will not back down.
They are bluffing. They wern’t even dealt any cards.
I tack this clip from today’s Saker BTL onto the present thread because it is more relevant here than it was on the Saker thread which is about Diplomacy:
Matias wrote on February 13, 2021 · at 1:52 am EST/EDT
Let’s not forget excess deaths of 2020. Almost 500,000 in US. Around 320,000 in Russia. Around 100,000 in UK and Italy both. Reasons are what they are (direct or indirect of pandemia). Maths never lied, explanations did.
To which Mike replied on February 13, 2021 · at 3:08 am EST/EDT
and Dr. NG Maroudas added on February 13, 2021 · at 3:12 am EST/EDT
Absolutely not. EVER. That is still industrial totalitarianism, still part of the hegelian dialectic.
You are DELUSIONAL if you think that garbage is worth supporting.
May I play devil’s advocate here for just a moment? What the author ignores (apart from the suppression of some possible therapeutics whose usefulness has been discounted badly) is the excessively high rate of hospitalisations, prolonged length of stay and high intensive care utilisation by the seriously afflicted? This suppression of normal healthcare activity, the high resource use required to care for these patients and the flow-on effects on the staff who care for them at significant risk to their own health must not be ignored nor even minimised! Data from Ontario recently published clearly showed the much higher rate of hospitalisations due to CoVid vs influenza by 3.5 times, the 1.5 times rate of ICU admissions using the same comparator, and likewise for deaths! the added factor here is that these admissions have persisted far longer than those for seasonal influenza everywhere there have been serious outbreaks, and the future disease profile of a significant number of survivors suggests an ongoing tail to this pandemic the likes of which we have really not encountered in the past!
So how to defeat the enemy?
Treatment and prevention protocols have been developed in many settings which have had some success, even if down-played by some, including one drug manufacturer. But the relationship of severe disease and even death, especially in the more northern countries, to deficiencies of vitamin D seems very clear (and easy to address!), the role of early use of Ivermectin both as low-dose preventer and early stage therapy looks extremely promising (once you get over the refusal of Merck to accept the trial results actually available), and other basic vitamins, minerals and other low-cost long-researched drugs are also known to have their parts to play.
But so do public health measures! The author also completely ignores the use of selected lockdown, mask use and social distancing by Taiwan, clearly the most successful nation on so many fronts in dealing with this disease! While the rest of the world procrastinated about the potential risks, down-played the early evidence of severe disease provided by doctors in Wuhan itself and refused to accept the obvious implications of a contagious respiratory pathogen rapidly circulating much faster than SARS(on which Taiwan built its response systems, AND PRACTISED THEM AS WELL!), Taiwan leapt into action by closing its border to flights from Taiwan, then China entirely, mandated mask use, limited densely packed venues from allowing crowds and encouraged social distancing nation-wide.
They enacted their contact tracing and testing teams as soon as the markers of infection had been defined sufficiently for identification, they shut down identified super-spreading facilities like some churches and they kept their businesses functioning and their healthcare system never faced the case-loads seen so widely in other countries, and which persist to this day!
Having been severely affected by the escape of SARS originally, their public health response is a model the whole world should have followed early – THAT is when lock-downs and the other public health measures so decried by the author actually work effectively – once you have case numbers that exceed the capacity of your public health teams to manage by contact tracing interviews and testing (accepting that we now have far better and faster tests for use to alert to spread than the slow PCR system), the horse has bolted and you become very constrained by your capacity to treat the sick, quarantine them from the well, and still manage an economy with any ongoing sense of control!
So do lockdowns work? Of course they do, but their most effective period of use is in the early stages of viral circulation, and in cases where defined population segments can be restrained for shorter periods to regain control over spread.
If that i not achievable, extensive lockdowns will obviously have negative effects, but so indeed has uncontrolled disease spread. Concentrating only on fatalities in any disease is telling only a relatively small part of the story – the damage is much broader to both health systems and victims as I have already outlined. Unfortunately, writings such as presented here only serve to raise resistance to correctly used lockdowns in future disease outbreaks, where, as Taiwan has shown, business can go on with relatively little impost if you go hard, and go early. Procrastination only benefits an infectious virus, and slow uptake of vaccines only benefits mutations! Eliminating severe disease, associated as it is with protracted illness, must now become our world-wide endeavour.
The problem with all of that is the PCR;s are not valid so the whole pandemic is fake.
“Eliminating severe disease, associated as it is with protracted illness, must now become our world-wide endeavour.”
That sums up your entire Dominionist theological delusion. You wingnuts really think you’re in a war of Man vs. Nature (as you call it, “the enemy”), and that it’s either possible or desirable to win such an ecocidal, collectively suicidal war. Only depraved believers in this theology ever could have thought from the start that Covid “interventions” could do anything but drag out the inevitable while adding many artificial evils along the way.
As we’re already seeing, that applies to mass deployment of gene-engineering injections (“vaccines”) as well.
And who, praytell, could be trusted to be in charge of “our” endeavor against the Gaian “enemy”? Western governments, Big Pharma, the imperial media and academia, technocratic NGOs? We already knew prior to 2020 these all are mortal enemies of humanity and the Earth, and that anything they advocate or do has no goal other than their own profit and power aggrandizement. Self-evidently this applies most of all to their “Covid” terrorism campaign.
So even if “eliminating disease” weren’t a delusional, counter-productive and self-destructive goal in itself, there’s no institution which could be trusted to be given the power to carry out the “endeavor”.
For those reasons – the impossibility and undesirability of the endeavor in itself, and the fact that no institution that exists has the competence or moral-political trustworthiness to be given further power, plus the fact which was known from early on that Covid was never a significant threat anyway – there never should have been ANY significan intervention, as I and many others knew and said from day one.
We have been vindicated 100%, as the system’s record has been that of 100% failure from the point of view of their own self-alleged “public health” goal, which we knew from a start always was a lie anyway.
Covidians are like that
Of course the one thing you can do to eliminate much of the worst disease, including the likes of Covid however mild it objectively is, is to stop engineering such diseases in your bioweapons labs and shut those labs down completely.
Yet the institutions you want to command “us” in your War on Nature are the same that established and maintain those labs and which release the pathogens engineered there.
The idea of Covid (though engineered) isn’t anything other than mental persuasion. “Viruses” do not exist as claimed, do not function or transmit as claimed, that simple.
Believing that shit means you ARE coopted in the “war on nature” as those fallacies were precisely established by those resource monopolists and assholes demonizing and waging war on nature.
The actual dangers and damage is from the policy.
It’s just the way the PRS cycle works.
If you even just understand that, you can go apply it to practically any supposed “crisis” govt tries to peddle, including all “viral” epidemics/pandemics.
Thing is Russ, there are two competing factions in this area. There’s a three way war on.
Side 1 believe there’s a real flu-like virus called Covid 19- a strain of coronavirus
Side 2- Believe it’s bullshit; a psyop to screw the global mindset into acceptance of a reset.
Side 3 Believe because covid 19 is BS. all viruses are. There’s no such thing as germs and no such thing as viruses and all doctors and virologists have been either lying for cash or plain wrong according to unqualified commentators.
When a disease / infection occurs in you, it’s down to your inability to prevent or overcome it, or rather, your immune systems. So, naturally, a healthy, strong immune system functioning well is your best defence.
The biological weapons you refer to have all, since 1960s on, concentrated more on making the immune system fail or overreact and basically leave you open .The immune system is our best ally, By extension our best ally id the enemy of those trying to make us all ill enough to accept crap from a vaccine or kill us.
Synthetic little minsters are new to us and new to our systems. Tis covid thing isn’t a anything. It’s a man made engineered thing as promised by the Gates thing married to Bill. There’s no antibodies in anyone to suggest a virus or germ is or has been present. So there’s no conventional way to make a conventional vaccine. And isn’t it a little coincidental that none of the muck produced by the manufacturers that they have admitted in advance that a vaccine can’t prevent infection from Covid and can’t cure it. Of course it can’t- it’ isn’t an anti anything shot. It’s a Bill gates ‘see -you-later Trojan horse. It’s a ‘softener’; a slow -burner. It will be preparing the biological, ‘human’ system, for more synthetic crap down the line.
“Side 2- Believe it’s bullshit; a psyop to screw the global mindset into acceptance of a reset.”
“Side 3 Believe because covid 19 is BS. all viruses are. There’s no such thing as germs and no such thing as viruses and all doctors and virologists have been either lying for cash or plain wrong according to unqualified commentators.”
That’s not quite right.
Taiwan has terrible stats on pneumonia. If you select the country on the graph at this link it shows pneumonia attributed deaths have risen from 3800 in 1990 to over 13000 in 2017. That is over a 200% increase. +365% in over 70 year olds compared with a 65% reduction in Finland and 26% in Norway. The masks, vaccines and various SARS/ COVID policies have been destroying peoples health there.
In Norway they have been improving their vitamin D ie. a terrain theory issue. They have lifts in certain towns so people can go up the mountain to get sun. There is reflectors to shine the sun into the town square.
Norway is a hypocritical shithole. And I say that as a norseman who would refuse to associate with them.
Yes, in scandniavia they have vitamin D fortification and it’s helped. But those govts are rather fucking guilty.
Iceland and Finland, from what I can tell, are a bit better.
And I hate to say it, but this world is going to run out of sun soon if it doesn’t RAPIDLY change its ways.
“Norway is a hypocritical shithole. And I say that as a norseman who would refuse to associate with them”
is there a – but ?
Norway, being on my “interested” list.
Well, I’m just speaking for myself. If it’s on your “interested” list, check it out. Ironically, my middle name is pretty much the same as that famous poet or whatever from norway.
Composer? Writer? I don’t remember.
Even so Taiwan is at at the bottom of the list of countries to suggest for health policies. It’s a completely absurd idea like going to Jamaica for a ski holiday. There is 20 degrees in Taiwan and they managed to increase pneumonia. 500 deaths a week.
Well, in terms of health policies most countries have utterly pathetic government, welfare and “healthcare” institutions.
My feelings about norway isn’t THAT much about health policy, in that regard. Other things.
But sure, I get your point. It’s a toxic shithole.
“Procrastination only benefits an infectious virus, and slow uptake of vaccines only benefits mutations!”
Explain your justification for saying that by expressing the function, action, ingredients, what it does, what it’s for, or I consider you forever worthless.
Just came out in a rash reading the first couple of sentences…
Playing the Devil’s Advocate is always good. Asking stupid uninformed questions not so.
Why are the hospitals, ICUs full … ha ha … In my country, they get circa four times the standard reimbursement for alleged COVID-19 patients. Why kill the goose laying golden eggs …?
Also, hospitals are full because they’re always full. The motherfuckers have been reducing the number of beds for ages. Yet, occupancy is not much higher now than in other years.
What the mass media say is a CROCK OF SHIT … LIE, LIE, LIE, and then some more …
And they are trying to cause worse issues by targeting the healthcare workers with the vaccines and shit.
Hospitals don’t fill themselves. Neither do diseases fill hospitals. People fill hospitals. Financial incentives and induced fear of a virus with its own publicity campaign encourage doctors to fill hospitals and impose drastic interventions like ventilators which themselves threaten life. Doctors are neither gods nor oracles of truth, but are as susceptible as any to manipulation and corruption.
As I have mentioned on a previous thread, a global study has been carried out on approx 3000 early severe hospitalised cases of “Covid” (I know this because a very good friend of mine was one of the subjects).
The study found that all those hospitalised had aberrations of 1 or more of 4 genes.
See here : https://genomicc.org/results/
You know genes can break because of toxicity and deficiency, so it really isn’t particularly surprising. You get transcription errors, dna to rna breaks, protein misfoding, all kinds of shit.
It’s crucial to try and boost your mitochondrial function.
You are severely deluded and are parrotting insane and inhumane propaganda that has nothing to do with real science. The only reason you are here is that whoever sent you is desperate. If you took even a cursory look at the contents of this site you would know you have little chance of selling these lies here… But, like a Jehova’s Witness, you must zealously try to spread the slave doctrine.
Or like a tropical parasite, persistent.
You cannot use one example where there has been little incidence of the disease and conclude that lockdowns work. I do not think it is possible to forever hide from the virus. Exposure leads to herd immunity. And yes, Vitamin D and early treatment are good ideas.
Many caught Covid in the hospital-40%.
the role of early use of Ivermectin both as low-dose preventer and early stage therapy looks extremely promising (once you get over the refusal of Merck to accept the trial results actually available),
Gates is funding a new study of ivermectin-that will dismiss its effectiveness and therefore won’t be allowed to be a treatment-because it’s affordable-and won’t benefit big pharma
You’re not a good devil’s advocate. Taiwan used a PCR cycle threshold of 35 vs 40-45 in most other nations, thats why the number of cases is low there. More importantly, there is no proof of this virus. The genome was decided after ONE CASE’s lung wash was sequenced (how can you sequence a sample that has many microbes in it and know which one is the pathogen) in Wuhan and registered in a Genebank (ie it wasnt an isolated virus proved to be a pathogen), in a Nature paper published almost the same day of the sequencing(!) by a company called “Illumina”(!), and this genome was the template for the PCR test and the Vaccine(!). Look up the genome number in the FDA site for the PCR test kit (the DNA probes which can be found in many bacteria and the human genome), and the vaccine makers info or health authorities that responded to inquiries stating the vx was made from this same genome, and admitted it wasnt from an isolated virus nor from an infected patient. Seems this genome was decided ahead of the pandemic. You need to study more before posting!
As soon as I saw that the virus was “in silica” I concluded it was a hack and stitch job. Thanks for the info.
Before you conclude that something “doesn’t work”, you first must know the intended purpose. With that in mind, I submit that lockdowns are working very, very well indeed.
There are some politicians that I believe are uncomfortable about going along with lockdowns. Unfortunately, I suspect they have been intimidated by the medical mafia. Many publuc health networks are tied into Federal agencies controlled by the CDC or WHO. It takes a lot of personal courage to go against medical “experts”. Lower level politicians need to push back. Knowledgeable public servants, nursed, doctors do as well.
You’re right. There are some members of the WHO who hate doing what they are ordered to do by their ”philanthropist” donors.
Strange isn’t it. I though a Philanthropist was like an altruist. He just gave money to a cause for them to use. No request for a return as though it’s an investment and no right to tell them how to run their organisation Apparently I was wrong. They pay money, they get to run their business and they get more money back. But they only publicise their own ‘generosity’.
Politicians, on the other hand, are whores.
Futile. They know very well, and you should too, that their position is predicated on them conforming. You wanna go against what’s being directed from above? Kiss good bye to your position. That is the very reason that we have so many corrupt and dishonest politicians in the first place. the system selects for them. the only moral response is to not enter politics, or to get out.
How you apparently dont know this baffles me. This is organisational psychology 101.
“. the only moral response is to not enter politics, or to get out.”
Yep, especially the lower level public workers. If they don’t recognize they are fighting themselves by supporting those policies, they are lost, don’t bother.
As they are the fodder used to implement the machinations, and at the same time also far more likely to find adversity…they are essentially the delegated scapegoats.
I know a few of those, even have a couple in my family. They say they disagree with the current government but they are happy in their unfirable jobs and eye watering pensions.
But to add, I think most of them know how government really functions. So they are complicit. Unless they are really stupid, and there are quite a few of those.
When you use the term “non pharmaceutical interventions” I smell deceit.
Why not refer to “lockdown” as it is known?
To import terms that are widely used in the medical industry such as “pharmaceutical” and “intervention”, we are forced to look down the barrel of medico-pharma controls originating with the evil little Fauci person.
Great artical thanks for this We can acknowledge that ‘The Emperor really has no clothes’
We really do have to push against what it happening. The longer we are staying indoors, the longer we are wearing idiotic masks, the longer we do not even look at anyone……we are losing our humanity. We have to stop it. We just need those around us to stand up and say ‘I am Sparticus’ I wish I knew how to do it.
Push back would help, but why exactly are governments around the world doing this, when it makes no sense from a medical point of view? We should not have to push back. Governments should be acting in the interests of their citizens, and they are doing just the opposite. I believe an evil agenda is in play.
The western govt agreed to do stuff lock step a couple of years ago…we didn’t notice that part of the now obvious planning….and I start to think they may be getting blackmailed by the central banks …no vaccine etc no more easy money…that alone would work a treat on so many of them…and of course the vaccine is just a huge transfer of billions to the gates etal big pharma….so much of this is the big elites doing a rather large clean up…
There is a mafia that sits above governments. Hence all politicians must serve. It really is that simple.
You got it!
I believe it is all about the financial shenanigans. The Jewish Oligarchs are looting our country like they did the Soviet Union. The magic virus is a military operation of mind control. That’s why covid fear is blasted at everyone 24 hours a day through the Jewish oligarch controlled media.
Final report: People who live in fear of a magic virus have been brainwashed.
Yes you are correct. This is simply their latest genocide. If anyone cared to understand true history they would see that people of this group committed many.
I agree. What’s happening is priming dressed as preparedness.
We’re told we were never’ prepared ‘for a pandemic. We weren’t. We didn’t think one would arrive. We were right. It never arrived. Unfortunately we have the ghost of one supported by invisible statistics.
The elite make their point.
In truth, the best way to prep a race for becoming a transhuman or any similar hybrid machine /man morph is to teach him to let go of his humanity whether he wants to or not.
Stop giving a crap about others who are too stupid or stubborn to see what’s being done to them. It is literally pointless and only brings you down. Just look out for yourself and enjoy your life regardless.
That’s a subversive agent. It tries to associate falsely.
Agreed. I gave friends and family reams of documents of hard data garnered over a year,including all studies showing asymptomatic transmission had never been observed,that excess mortality this winter has only happened in the care homes,straight after rollout. Survival rates,how pcr “tests” at 40-45 ct is giving 80% false and asymptomatic positives. How hospitals have never been swamped and how this winter they have never reached their usual >95% bed capacity.I’ve done my bit to at least give them informed consent.
Absolutely. Government very rarely makes mistakes. Your ment to think their idiots. But they know exactly what There doing. And This whole thing is a meticulous planned conspiracy , many years in the making.And the agenda 21/30 documents say no traveling more than 3 miles from where a person lives.ever!. So vaccines will only allow people to travel abroad in the Short term. And they are already saying unvaccinated should not travel anywhere. And what are people who have family abroad meant to do
urban fox siad
Govs just follow orders.
The Gov don’t know shit. They just do as they’re told.
“Non-pharmaceutical” interventions do not work, and are doing far more harm than good
When you say that. I think fuckoff.
You should say “Policy involving imposition doesn’t work, and does far more harm than good.”
Read the votes people…
I got back from a necromancy trip yesterday.
I’m a dad now.
Basically, if you try to justify unjustifiable force, I have justification to use force (and maybe momentum and position) based on your intent to impose.
Coz you’re a fucking jerk, so you’ll snap, crackle and pop.
That’s how the derivation goes.
“If a law is unjust, a person not only has the right to disobey it, that person is obligated to do so.”
So I correct that somewhat.
Natural law all the way.
“Policy involving imposition doesn’t work, and does far more harm than good.”
All of you who downvoted that are pieces of shit. And it says a lot about the worth of your “characters”.
Human subjects, sheeple, renegades, lend me your ears…
A quick (ish) opinion poll.
As you will have noticed by now, we are running around like white rats that have realised our handlers are, in fact, psychopaths. We can see plenty of our less brighter white rat friends running toward them out of fear and ignorance so that’s one positive- they’ll take longer to round us up.
Given that the US judges compiled this paper (Nuremberg Code ) shortly after the WW2 holocaust and the inhumane treatment and murder of Jews ( and some other groups that rarely make a headline), I would argue that this, along with the founding of the ADL, gives the rest of humanity a case for it’s own defence.
Given, also, that we are living in a oh -so -enlightened age and we are surrounded by thought police telling us how many ‘isms’ we are voicing as soon as we open our mouth, how about we form our own ‘group’. We can call ourselves, I don’t know, something like ‘people’.
The Nuremberg Code was prompted by anti semitism. But now we’re outside the shower rooms of Gateswitz . It would assist us if we had such a paper presented before the Monsanto delivery wagon turned up.
The same oligarchy and the same ideology and that same goal has spread it’s net to include us now. The holocaust was an experiment in genocide and the logistical problems it presented to the grim reapers. They’ve solved those problems now, seemingly.
So, I’d like your opinion as to how many out of 10 of the statutes laid out in the Nuremberg Code are being broken.
”The Nuremberg Code is the most important document in the history of the ethics of medical research. The Code was formulated 50 years ago, in August 1947, in Nuremberg, Germany, by American judges sitting in judgment of Nazi doctors accused of conducting murderous and torturous human experiments in the concentration camps (the so-called Doctors’ Trial). It served as a blueprint for today’s principles that ensure the rights of subjects in medical research. ”
Here’s the 10 :
If you choose Wikipedia as a sole source always read more than the opening sentence.
NC May have been adopted in exact letter but in US ethical rules were formulated as close equivalent of just formulated at that time Nuremberg Code original formulation as legal opinion extending to US as US medical experimentation wereoart of Nazi Doctors trials.
“Principles of Ethics Concerning Experimentation with Human Beings,” adopted by the American Medical Association House of Delegates in December 1946:
1. Consent of the human subject must be obtained. All subjects have been volunteers in the absence of coercion IN ANY FORM. Before volunteering, subjects have been informed of the hazards, if any. Small rewards in various forms have been provided as a rule. (Rule VIOLATED by mRNA vaccines trials and deployment)
2. The experiment to be performed must be based on the results of animal experimentation and on a knowledge of the natural history of the disease under study, and must be so designed that the anticipated results will justify the performance of the experiment. The experiment must be such as to yield results for the good of society, unprocurable by other methods of study, and must not be random and unnecessary in nature. (Rule VIOLATED by mRNA vaccines trials and deployment )
3. The experiment must be conducted only by scientifically qualified persons and so as to avoid all unnecessary physical and mental suffering and injury and only after the results of adequate animal experimentation have eliminated any a priori reason to believe that death or disabling injury will occur. . . (VIOLATED by mRNA vaccines trials and deployment)
CDC, FDA and anyone who administers mRNA vaccination violates medical ethics and letter and spirit of Nuremberg Code and hence commits crime against humanity.
Hello Kalen: I’ve read pages and pages of published Law regarding medical ethics, utilizing the Cornell Law Library as my principal source. The Nuremberg Code formulation was a legal opinion, period. It is not Statute Law. It is not approved nor enforced by the congress of the United States…
The Nuremberg Code contains no binding enforcement provision. It was a diversionary scam created by a criminal class to protect a criminal class. It is theater.
B.A.R. association members have been reduced to simple ambulance chasers, with NO intention of protecting anyone but their own handlers.
Hello Grace Johns: As you must know, the Nuremberg Code is nothing more than a paper tiger. As is the case with ALL United Nations resolutions, it is intentionally limited to policy “suggestions”. The Nuremberg Code has no jurisdictional enforcement over sovereign Nations or States, thus should not be construed as Law. Try to find an enforcement provision… There is none…
The United Nations is a psyop scam, nothing more. > A diversionary tactic installed in 1948 by oligarchic financial interests. It is well past time that civilian populations recognize the beast for what it is.
All of them Jura. But I took note of:
4) ‘the experiment should be so conducted as to avoid all unnecessary physical and mental suffering and injuries’ and
9) ‘During the course of the experiment, the human subject should be at liberty to bring the experiment to an end if he has reached the physical and mental state where continuation seems impossible’.
Annette made the comment a couple of days ago that we are now moving into Nazi Land territory. I also see a Stark parallel with what happened in Germany after Hitler came to power, and what is happening to us now with the scamdemic.
I see a very harsh crackdown coming against all those deemed ‘enemies of the community’ namely the so called “covid deniers” “anti vaxxers” “conspiracy theorists” etc etc.
We will be deemed as extremists endangering the health of others.
Refer to the previous story regards what is happening to Gina Carano regards ‘wrongthink’.
Exactly gez..the words may change but the song remains the same ..
Good Morning Jura✌️was out on my back porch earlier and overhead 2 of my neighbours chatting. One said “did you see those protests in the city last night” and the second neighbour with a louder voice said “just lock them all up, throw them in jail”.
All my neighbours are covid cult members. That would be the mindset of the majority here in Melbourne such is the irrational fear and brainwashing.
We who see what is really going on; that this scamdemic is linked with Agenda 21, The Great Reset and Fourth Industrial Revolution; we are very much in the minority.
Have a good day…
Morning Gez.. ✊
It’s always been the same. It just takes something like this to bring it to the fore. The Covid 19 virus being fake is something the nihilists will never admit. They don’t have to if the majority of the fools buy it sight unseen.
The stupidity pandemic is the same. That pandemic has been raging for a couple of thousand years now. It isn’t a respiratory virus though. So no drama. It works by stealth and rots the thinking skills of the population.
Screw them. They’ve already taken up too much of our attention. When the shit hits the fan your neighbour will be holding out his hand for you to pull him to safety. Throw him a sandwich.
”We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.”
― Plato
“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.”
― Soren Kierkegaard
“We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.”
― Benjamin Franklin
“The hardest thing to explain is the glaringly evident which everybody has decided not to see.”
-Ayn Rand, The Fountainhead
“Five percent of the people think;
ten percent of the people think they think;
and the other eighty-five percent would rather die than think.”
― Thomas A. Edison
“Being ignorant is not so much a shame, as being unwilling to learn.”
― Benjamin Franklin
“The hardest thing to explain is the glaringly evident which everybody has decided not to see”
― Ayn Rand, The Fountainhead
Have a good day G 😉
Thanks again✌️👍
Morning Jura✌️How are you doing? How are things going in Merseyside?
A few of us have noticed your absence lately, tho to be honest, I’m even getting fed up with the regiment of trolls and other idiots infesting the comments section at OffG now. It gets really tiring.
I only in the last day actually checked out The Slog – John Ward’s blog, and it looks really solid, and remember you saying he had a good style of writing.
Well, I checked out the comments section, and was a bit startled to see a well known name from OffG ‘below the line’ making the same rambling, inane comments as at OffG. Sigh.
Also only just discovered Cutting Through The Matrix blog by Alan Watt, and from what I’ve seen, it looks very solid as well. Anything else you’ve come across blog wise?
Vaccines are well and truly being rolled out in Australia now, and it’s only a matter of time before they bring in the Health Immunity Vaccine passes. Hell, they may even copy Israel, and call it a Green Pass😠
I don’t think more people will wake up now, unless they are feeling Real financial pain. As in ‘how will I pay my mortgage and my electricity’ type pain. The furlough in Australia, which is called Jobkeeper here is ending in 2 weeks. A lot of people here will suddenly be on the ordinary, barely survivable dole.
And I haven’t even mentioned the impending, deliberately induced economic collapse.
Hope your week is going okay👍
Hello Gez..i just seen that I had a reply on here in my inbox..
Good to hear from you.👍
I’m doing OK. I ignore the crap around me out there. It’s no big deal- I learned that was the right thing to do many moons ago. I don’t speak their language that well, and i don’t want to. They get worse. And they’re playing straight into the hands of the cult. If they have been determined to hammer home the message that most of the population are imbeciles, ergo it’s Ok to ‘manage’ them, then all they have to do is point out what the world has become through the evil of the few that got through unchecked by the many.
I’m glad the slog’s still up and running. You’re right, I did mention JW as a top man. He is. He’s a smart one too. he kissed a good salary goodbye in the UK because nothing was worth staying for. Keep visiting, it’s always a feelgood visit. It’s a shame the idiots turn up. They do love their free speech don’t they. A chance to hide their face and identity and live out their long-held fantasies online. It’s tragic that those fantasies are little more than showing off like 8 year olds who can swear really loudly because the grown ups can’t see them. No wonder they became isolated. Still, as long as they’re stuck to their monitors white-knuckled and constrained by endless restraining orders and cheap narcotic pleasure bringers, the streets are safe. 👍
I still dip in and out of some favourite haunts. I also have some saved places from about 8 or 9 years ago when i had a facebook waste of time. I’m reluctant to mention them in public places as the morons are always lingering like the unwelcome cloud of methane . Not unlike their minds really. I hope one day the more responsible blogs / forums( this one included) realise that moderation isn’t censoring free speech. It’s merely having guidelines that are to prevent stupidity and the derailing of sensible conversations that the grown ups might be trying to have. If they abuse their free speech they should be stopped from annoying us. After all, if this was out there in the real world we could stop it with one punch. But out there they’re mice..
Australia and Canada are very obedient. The elite have them eyed up. Vast areas for the future. Same with Africa. The Rothschilds and other banking criminals have had them in their sights for decades. And it isn’t for currency this time. Or usury. It’s for ownership of the globe. Possibly 4 or 5 ”continents” in the new reset. A power share far easier to manage, Especially once the population is 80% zombied and compliant and sorted into the new caste system.
Euthanasia will be renamed- like eugenics was. But no matter what hat they wear, the demons are still the same. I’ve just waded through a 2,000 page document covering a couple of hundred years worth of the march of this beast. We’ve had almost 300 years to stop it. But all we have now are white flags.👎
Economic collapse is inevitable .It was planned. We’ll feel it, they won’t. When i was about 12 i was given a little gem of wisdom : ”Life is like a shit sandwich; the more bread you have the less shit you get’‘. My grandma was a wise lady. More so than Forrest Gump and his box of Oscars. 😉
We are soon to be accused of waging war on nature. After all- that’s what imbeciles would do isn’t it. Nothing to do with HAARP, crop spraying, several thousands of tonnes of Junks locked in our orbit and nothing to do with several atom and nuclear bombs dropped on us for reasons of experimentation and genocide. No, it was a combination of cows that had eaten too many curries and us with our air fresheners trying to dispel their rude smells.😉
If order is ever restored on this once fine blog i’ll pop on and off again. But in the meantime, who needs it. Nobody goes out looking to be irritated by a dickhead or his buddies do they. Life’s too short to waste on them. I left the playground when i was a kid.
Keep the faith Gezzah. Stay strong and learn stoicism. Look after yourself and yours .And go down fighting. Fuck ’em all..✊👊✌
“Carry a candle in the dark, be a candle in the dark, know that you’re a flame in the dark”… Ivan Illich.
That quote speaks volumes to me, and yes, I’m very stoic Jura. This is about living by your principles and doing what is right. It’s that simple. Maybe it’s my Irish Kiwi Catholic upbringing coming thru?? But it’s deeply sad that so many have forgotten what principles are, or what having a conscience is.
I know very well how obedient Australia is – I’ve found that out in the last year, and to my bafflement, most men here have become neutered ball less pussy cats, including even construction workers, labourers, tradesmen, etc.
Not a whiff of disobedience. White flags indeed.
Reports that the pyscho’s are installing surveillance cameras out in the Bush away from the cities.
Apparently this is being partly funded by the World Wildlife Fund and Google. To, um, monitor the animal wildlife in areas prone to bushfire. And supposedly not humans fleeing the large cities when the economic collapse happens. But I know that’s coming as well, and I know it was all planned.
I was going to just say thank you, and leave it at that, but…. Appreciate your reply, good luck to you and your family👍✌️
I said that a year ago and my stupid sister called me a holocaust denier, haven’t spoken to the stupid woman since. If so called covid existed it’s a cold. With out a single new symptom of any kind, but old DAn the man loves his power and all his CHO’s lie. Now they are using the same lie, different reason, on some poor sod in Victoria while wasting 20k tests over night to find one person and blaming the one person in hospital who is an asthmatic made worse because they stole his nebulizer.
Hi Marilyn, a rambling reply. I’ve spoken to several of my Facebook friends in the UK, and they’ve never heard of a “UK variant” but they have heard of a “South African variant”.
Its so blatantly farcical now.
We know the PCR tests are meaningless, and are deliberately being used to get more “cases”. They are the key of this fraud in my opinion.
I haven’t watched or read any news today, not even the headlines at the disgusting ABC. But I have seen a couple of disturbing posts on Facebook.
It appears that the document signed by Sutton allows for this lockdown to continue until midnight Feb 26th – 14 days, NOT the 5 days that Andrews has stated. I don’t know if this is genuine, but there was a leaked memo from the police saying this lockdown may last for 3 weeks.
Andrews has stated that ALL Victorians will be vaccinated this year. Nothing these psychopaths do surprises me anymore. This whole thing is getting quite scary now and unfortunately, the majority are blindly going along with the bullshit.
None of our media have the brains to ask why we need to vaccinate 25 million people for a non existent virus, they are all so sucked in by the Gates and Google sponsored propaganda, they are too lazy and stupid to ask questions as usual.
They have the “brains” Marilyn. They choose not to. Don’t mistake malice for idiocy. They are part of “the things”.
@Frank GL,
“They have the “brains” Marilyn. They choose not to. Don’t mistake malice for idiocy. They are part of “the things”.”
The people are not stupid. They have been brainwashed.
Read Chapter 6 (12 pages) of Mein Kampf to learn about the incredible power of this “spiritual weapon” called war propaganda, which can lead to “…results that are almost beyond our understanding”.
Read it and weep.
As for me, when I must go out among these brainwashed zombies, you know, to buy food or something important, I bring a mask in my pocket in case I must walk among them. As long as I disguise myself with this magic mask, the zombies cannot recognize that I am different, and they let me pass.
I have been using this very same blue hospital mask for about a year. Cut some holes in it under the flaps so I can breathe, which I think is guaranteed by the Constitution, but I’m not sure.
But woe to me if I take off the mask. Every brainwashed zombie within 30 feet attacks me for “being different” and I must quickly don the mask, with an apology, and a “thank you for letting me know”. Curtesy man. Just be nice and they won’t devour you.
But do not attempt rational thought. They are beyond the understanding of rational thought. They are brainwashed.
Such is the power of war propaganda and mind control.
Yes, Jura you are spot on. I am sick of idiots nit picking because they refuse or do not want to see the truth because it is not there agenda.
And, yes 10/10
I hear you tish. I feel the slide.
gina Carrara has used the Holocaust as a metaphor and is now shamed, fired and pilloried
And yet it took decades for the USA and UK to do programs on Eugenics that both state Hitler used the Eugenics hand book written and approved by the US supreme court years before Hitler came to power and state that his ‘bible” was the USA Eugenics hand book and the Supreme court approved forced sterilisations when Oliver Wendell Holmes was chief.
It’s a Hollywood Freudian slip which they’ll live to regret.
The Nuremberg Trials were kangaroo courts and the NC has already been rejected as not applicable to the situation. They simply reject the suggestion that this is an experiment and the NC only applies to medical experiments.
I hope you don’t mind my tacking on a concurring corollary observation from my ragbag archive of comments:
I can’t resist noting that the Nuremberg Trials and edicts are usually cited with pious high-mindedness, and accordingly are taken seriously and at face value.
The official narrative got the ball rolling with high rhetorical hype, and the reverence for the ostensible meaning and lessons of Nuremberg is reinforced in popular culture. I was too young to see the Hollywood blockbuster film “Judgment at Nuremberg” when it was released in 1961, but it was shown in a high school history class, c. 1970, and I was appropriately impressed.
So there’s an understandable blindness to the cynical prospect that, in reality, the moral of the story was “Every one on the losing side is responsible for their own actions.”
At least that’s how the Allied governments’ aka Western Hegemony’s institutions interpreted it– especially the military, from the top to the bottom of the chain of command. The Nuremberg Principle didn’t seem to restrain the winners from blithely committing atrocities and assorted crimes against humanity afterwards, e.g. No Gun Ri in Korea, My Lai in Vietnam, and (literally) countless others.
It’s often stated triumphantly that the Nuremberg Trials rejected and annihilated the so-called “Nuremberg Defense”, summed up as “I was only following orders”, for all time. Again, in reality this defense is only denied to Losers. Likewise, the lofty edicts are only enforceable when applied to Losers; the Winners know that they’re just a glittering shroud to cover the Winners’ malignancy, corruption, and decadence.
There’s a neutron bomb for your brain as well as the empty streets, wiping the mind clean. See, for example, the latest PR from the World Economic Forum:
What is the Great Reset? | Davos Agenda 2021
So many calling for a great reset….what s….. going to put the planet and people first….name one of the elite behind all this who has considers the planet first in any business model they are operating? Wankers
That’s the thing, they’re all irrelevant and not worth supporting, ever. That’s why they’re clamourous for “another chance”, so to say.
It seems people refuse the idea that whatever system is on the hook for their long term health costs will necessarily act to shape and eliminate them (and the costs). That conflict was amicably adversarial until the Nudge/Moral Coercion concept came back into fashion. Now the conflict is somehow unthinkable. China, Russia and proxy war states around them are effective boogeymen satisfying any appetite for a moral comeuppance.
The Evidence Based Medicine crew (Gotzche, Ioannidis, Henneghan, Welch, Jefferson) are being overtly cold-shouldered after great careers fulfilling the 150 year old promise of a scientific practice of medicine. The Streisand Effect must be put into effect, by word of mouth, in the real world. Learn what they were about and talk about it even when it feels like imposing too much in someone’s personal medical issue. (I won’t think poorly of you if I overhear you.)
We don’t have to get invited to speak at conferences or plead for grants and ethics committee approvals. What the pros couldn’t do in their careers was to call all the Nudge Fudgers, Incurious Technicians, Workbook Warriors, Go-along Gangers and Biased Pharma Whores simple Quacks.
Well I see the best qualities in their “leaders”, Empathetic integrity. Discipline. They’re reading their scripts practically flawlessly. As only machines could.
As a sheep farmer monopolist/soul collector, I must say, I almost thought this harvest could’ve been bleak.
You have NO idea how many farms I’ve had to put out of business.
What lockdowns? Haven’t we always lived this way?
Came across Amandha Vollmer while looking out some stuff on Stefan Lanka. She had transcribed / translated one of his lectures.
There are some of her podcasts here. Quite interesting. Definitely a germ-theory sceptic.
My host and her colleagues are all in their own houses and having a cocktail party through zoom: they call party what in effect is each getting totally drunk alone in their own homes.
So the question is can such people be recuperated (they are school teachers and I wrote elsewhere how they are brainwashing the children)? Is there any point in trying to recuperate them? Are they the majority?
There is also this Alexa thing in the house, and I found out it may be spying on me, as I today found something connect to it in my room as suddenly someone had started talking and I was rather perplex as I was alone. That was when I was on the phone to someone. Can it listen in to conversations on my mobile? Can it connect to my computer screen since Im using their wifi? Id be grateful if anyone could let me know as I need to know the extent to which I need to be careful.
And they all believe genetically engineering our bodies is part of evolutionary biology. In fact, I get the feeling they are your average materialist for whom there is nothing beyond.
Yet she has so generously have me stay the month even though we dont really know one other… Whatever may be the reasons she’s had me and would not have if I wasnt “Cambridge”, its still generous, very generous. So there is an very human side there.
Anyhow, Im pondering whether such people can be made to regain their humanity? Should we even try? Are they the majority?
They are not scared of covid, only accept the narrative and inculcate it to their students.
Are those scared more numerous?
So many questions, and I share them all.
If your Alexa is linked to your account it will collect your data regardless of which wifi it’s connected to.
Did you read about the couple who were at home discussing a new hardwood floor… and their conversation got emailed to one of his staff? They didn’t believe him until he read their words back to them.
My father ( 87 ) is proud of his Alexa and talks to it like a good friend. He likes the responses and the fact it can play his favourite music on request. One day I was visiting and had my Kindle with me, which has Alexa but I’ve never even switched it on in 3 years. And, the machine itself was switched off. He was proudly showing off his machine and asked it to play some C+W music, which it promptly did.
The following day when I switched on my Kindle at my own house, it proceeded to play the very same track.
Some would say spooky, but we know different.
They sound like cretins and they are malicious. From my perspective I don’t see them as being generous, at all. That’s ego stroking. They are simply wondering what it would be like if they were as hypocritically narcissistic as, say, their parents. Which is state. No doubt they feel very righteous for “helping one of the institutionalized theirs”, as any possessive sociopathic religious zealot would. But the fact of the basic malice they perpetuate is inescapable.
Which is fitting. With that sort of arrogant, ignorant stupidity their direction of progress is of course backwards, so they will find themselves in the proverbial cave as the troglodytic trilobites they aspire to be.
Btw, if anyone needs a refresher on that allegory, here’s a reading of it by John Malkovich…
I wonder if Frank would be proud...
Could be! Let me give her credit for her generosity until Im proved wrong.
I agree I think it may be hopeless in their case. You see when I needed to find a place within days as a lodger on the ground floor, everyone I or my carer knows in or near London either their house was up stairs, or they refused because they are terrified of covid: somehow that a tibia bone fracture has nothing to do with respiratory issues is something they couldnt quite take in.
Anyhow among those with adequate facilities, she’s the only one who said come to me immediately. So evidently she and her family werent afraid of covid. Hence I thought they may be open and that I could possibly during my stay slowly bring them to realise what is going on. Well I hadnt counted on another type of insanity. This type I am not familiar with personally. Possibly the fear syndrome is a more honest, natural syndrome. Because if someone convinces you there is great danger out there, then it does not matter whether there truly is a danger, the normal human reaction will be the same: you’ll do all to protect yourself.
But those in the narrative and already some way towards what they want to turn us into and accepting it as the natural course of things, yet unafraid of covid, that is a form of insanity, or of some sort of dislike for life at least, even if they seem very active. Id say this lot is dangerous. Those reacting out of fear, they are merely pitiable fools.
“I agree I think it may be hopeless in their case. You see when I needed to find a place within days as a lodger on the ground floor, everyone I or my carer knows in or near London either their house was up stairs, or they refused because they are terrified of covid:”
You see, your narrative is contradictory to the principles. The people you are currently considering generous are those who aid the estrangement from people you actually know. Also harming them.
You sit with those who aid the shit…suggesting generosity and call those imposed on “…merely pitiable fools.”
The glitches often tell. And the monitor looks at you.
I see you got a name
Yes hadnt realised that… You’re right they are contributing to the others terror, at least by brainwashing their students.
As for me, there is absolutely no option: nowhere to go until my carer has had his surgery. I cant walk yet. For repatriation to my own home in my country, that might be a better option if it can be arranged: there are many legal issues due to the measures and the fact I cant walk and need to regularly put my feet up, so cant travel alone, and in a normal sitting up position. The only person who is on the same wave length (I know he reads Off G and my comments here, so will recognize himself), and whom indeed I would like to meet in real life, who offered I stay with him lives too far away. I would need to take the train and for that I would need to be able to walk and climb on it… Unfortunately neither my carer nor his wife has a license. Otherwise Id have rented a car and asked him or her to drive me there… Again no one I know and could ask to drive me there would be willing to come anywhere close to another human being…
So Im sorry, but do you want me to go and sit on the streets: even that I couldnt do since I cant walk and cant sit on the floor, cant walk so Id starve if I didnt freeze before! For me these people have been a miracle: I needed a place since last Saturday. The emergency with my carer happened earlier in the week. I contacted, eating up my self esteem and pride, my Cambridge contemporaries on the Wedn., on Thurs she had replied saying come immediately.
Now if you have a solution to my problem that does not involve dying on the streets, or dying full stop, then indeed Id consider it seriously.
I dunno, it’s like, I can only read so much trolling.
I mean, transport services like…taxis, maybe even private…uber. Shit, you could try something like an ad. I mean, I can see you’re pretty involved with that.
Far out Frank, that’s a pretty heartless reply. She’s not trolling at all.
Annette, it’s a very tough situation you’re in at the moment and I hope you improve rapidly.
You have to ignore a lot to be able to say that. Thanks for the opnion though. As you may have noticed, I’ve simply refrained from communicating with that, as I have a fair amount of experience with this stuff.
But don’t worry, as I said the other day, you won’t know me for very long.
On second thought, they are equally convinced of their position, so they are not doing to others what they are not doing to themselves. Nor are they forcing others to be like them. They are teaching the children the dogma they have been taught. They have no idea how false and dangerous it is, Humans are not black and white, and before accusing others, ask yourself whether you are as pure as snow or whatever the expression is, ask yourself whether you have ever helped anyone in their moment of utmost need as they have done. How many would do so even with people they considered from “their set”?
“They have no idea how false and dangerous it is”
Okay…so you’re saying they’re actually illiterate and incapable of basic arithmetic or reasoning? Functionally retarded? In another post you say they know there is no(w) danger, or something like that.
“Because the emotions will hit as god should
And the mountains will offer no shelter
And the clouds will be no cover
No matter where we run”
You have to be very careful with what you suggest now. The line is very thin.
So it’s zero tolerance now.
Why don’t you just take Alexa-thing, strangle it, then flush it through the toilet.
Well its theirs! I didnt even know it had an extension into my room. Anyhow Ive unplugged my room’s extension.
I think you need to put it in acid to really disable it.
I assume that Alexa is something like Siri. I know of Siri because a person who had been my a sister in arms, a true soulmate, and much more whom I hadn’t seen for 25 years proudly brandished her iPhone when I recently met her, and bragged how swell it is to be able to ask her phone at a bus stop how long before the next bus comes. Thinglike that. Depressing. But interesting to see how people’s lives develop in unexpected directions. Anyway, I asked Siri if she’d like to eat shit and she retorted “That’s not nice”. I asked again something along the same lines, and after a while she stopped responding. I wonder if that would work with Alexa too. Disgust the bitch. I bet that my voice is forever stored in the depths of Siri’s deranged digital psyche as belonging to a persona non grata, but that’s fine with me. I can look up the bus schedule in the bus shelter.
Speaking about bus schedules, the imbecilic mayor in the city where I live has recently announced that they would install a display at every streetcar stop showing the exact number of seconds before the next tram comes. The system will cost zillions. Beautiful. So, now people instead of bitching “Where is the fucking tramway?” will be bitching “The fucking tramway is 23 seconds late”. Ain’t technology great?
well I was taken aback one day when at dinner one of them said “Alexa quieter”. Wondered who they were talking to. Basically it seems to be something that controls many aspects of their house. Suddenly today as I was talking on my mobile in my room, I heard a voice that seemed next to me. To tell the truth at 1st I thought someone was talking to me from outside the door or window. There was no one. Thats when I noticed a cylinder saying Amazon on it… Id heard of Alexa, but frankly given no one I know would dream of having this, I had never paid sufficient attention to these developments, only keeping track as to which ones they were trying to make compulsory. For instance in my country, they’re supposed to get rid of landlines. Evidently for surveillance they need to force the use of mobiles. I resisted until recently against mobiles: bank transactions require them, So I went to the regional manager and said the bank had no legal right to force me to have a mobile. He checked with his hierarchy and indeed they have no right. So they continued to provide me access in the old fashioned way…
Then with all these recent happenings in my life, I had to give in. So have a tiny little thing, which is just a phone, without any online access…
The big guys with their hand on the tap of public wealth are constantly looking for big items to divert the wealth to, as opposed to pressing small-scale needs, as the kickback is bigger. Their cronies in industry and business help them to resolve this problem.
if judges in the uk tell people to turn it of during a hearing them it is absolutely listening
they always have kind of listened and no i am not mad, now people made it so so so easy
for them to listen.
the other question
how and why does my computer without wifi do updates at random time like 3am in the morning when it thinks i am not listening?
they are genetically modify or trying to the last of the humans they just did a reset changing the whole lighting system in the u.k
first it was energy saver light bulbs inverted they take energy
all shops changed there lighting and over the last years cars lights and fucking lamp posts have changed to this horrific disgusting lighting some shops i cant go into due to it
notice how fire alarm have changed they now flicker blip green or red piecing lighting every certain amount a second and minutes
notice how the newer computer and wifi do the exact same piercing green or red lighting strobing flickering in sync with your brain and aura
we are someone else experiment no different then breeders breeding dogs and cats
I regularly instruct my computer to postpone updates. So never have any. When I bought this computer I was too much of a technical ignoramus to get linux.
But as soon as Im back home and have some peace an quiet, I intend to install that, and stop using windows.
In Windows 10, you can’t stop the relentless vague “updates”. Worse still, something in the process went wrong on my device, and it it has been retrying the same update several times over the last few years.
Last year, a Microsoft Update inexplicably deleted my Thunderbird e-mail program and all of my stored e-mails. After the update completed, the icon remained but all it produced was a message like “program not found”.
As a person with limited technical knowledge, I plunged into the hell of visiting “help” forums to see if I was missing something, and if there was a way to recover the missing program and e-mails.
I discovered other victims. Unfortunately, we all ran into a far too familiar “type” on PC “help” forums: bumptious geekholes who apparently show up to abuse victims with supercilious, sadistic snark.
Of course your stupid e-mail program and contents are lost, they sneered. That’s what you get for not backing up your data before allowing any update, you fools!
This would-be “tough love” response implied that users should expect that supposedly routine (Microsoft) updates could and would wreak unintended havoc with systems, including spontaneous removal of unrelated programs without warning or remedy, such that one should always prepare for the worst.
You need to download wushowhide.diagcab run it each time Windows wants to upgrade and hide the system updates. I let it upgrade the Defender updates, but not the system updates. PC works just fine after a few years of doing this every quarter.
“Fitbit” wrist wearable monitoring devices have this piercing green strobe also.
Youre a professor are you not? And you’re asking those questions about Alexa only now??? Something fishy here.
It’s a fraud, guy. There seem to be intentional holes, blatant contradictions in its attempted narratives, too. Not sure what’s up with that.
If I had to guess, associated with the same posters (like very closely) who post those very long subversive govt support sort of posts.
What do you reckon?
As it is, I have a fair idea of what’s going on here, so it’s very unlikely I’ll post for much longer. Got enough experience.
The point and time for discussion is over. Its time to start consolidating those of like mind and acting. That could mean one of 2 things.
The majority of sheeple want to self destruct and cannot be helped, changed, modified, encouraged etc. Time to cut the rope on that net and let it go, sorry to say.
2) then knowing that full well any overt actions will meet with zero support. Best option is embodied in Taoist wisdom, yielding. But not in a passive quiescent way. In an active way. One cannot stop a giant granite wheel from rolling downhill without coming to harm, so you let it pass and get out of the way.
Here we are fully cognizant of the harm coming our way, the action comes in retreating for now and avoiding all possible harm. If attacked, the absolutely defend yourself. If they come to forcibly vaccinate you, that’s attempted murder, then you respond in what ever way you need to to prevent attempted murder and so on.
Retreat is done by single acts of resistance against an enemy of overwhelming odds. The Vietnamese understood this when dealing with the many instances in their history where they often had to deal with very powerful enemies.
Lets make no mistake about it, the state apparatus has declared those who don’t comply with their agenda as the enemy. The state has become predatory against the populace.
Fortunately in the USA there is a provision for that, the 2nd. The puppets know that, hence the theatrics and hysteria, they know full well that they are in the wrong.
Now its a matter of degree, how much and how far will this abuse go until there is real ” non CNN” staged push back?
Until then, retreat, consolidate, keep fit and healthy. When the change in the weather happens, we will know.
The time for discussion is over, we know everything that needs to be known about this fraud.
Well said, Marcello!
In my humble opinion they have already won. Now it doesn’t matter that Bill Gates, Hancock, Macron, Biden, Trump, Johnson, Sanchez, (or whatever puppet name you want to add to this list) are executed (although these genocides deserve this and more): the giant granite wheel was made rolled from day one, and it turned unstoppable when the big majority of humans believed in this scam.
While Governments make us argue about new measures, masks, vaccines, and so on, the real plan is being implemented and has been from the beggining. If trials start and people are condemned, it will be part of the show to show us that there is justice, when there is not, but the real plan (whatever it is) will be moving forward.
Basically agree. That’s pretty much what I’m doing.
Nailed it Marcello, appreciate this comment. I’ve tried waking up everyone I know personally, and even passers-by when I’m out selling the magazine I sell.
Its been like head butting a brick wall.
I’ve detached myself from them, even ended friendships because it’s too exhausting and the realisation finally hit that they Don’t want to wake up.
Even a former friend, who claimed to be ‘socialist’ yet wanted the police to hand out free facemasks and supported the lockdowns, because that’s what The Guardian was saying.
Your last sentence is spot on. Thanks…
The true nightmare is you’ve discovered that all the 2nd and 3rd raters at university — the people you tolerated but never trusted — have spent the past 20 or 30 years profiteering.
You knew they were up to no good. Moving out of council jobs and into the private sector and back again. With all their benefits and pensions protected. It was all too smooth.
You might have wondered how someone working for the Commission for Racial Equality could earn a banker’s salary… while dousing you in guilt over a glass of champagne.
Now you realize. They built a cadre. By bending the rules, the holier than thou padded their bank accounts and built an impregnable network.
The Guardian is their newspaper because it validates and defends those who make each other rich under cover of serving the masses. There is nothing more self-serving than a class-based cohort with a mission.
And their paragons insist that class no longer exists because they — Tony Blair and Bill Clinton and a dozen others — could not otherwise be rich.
It is precisely this cohort who are driving Event Covid and proselytize for a barely-tested jab that carries off your grandparents — while they eye your children.
In my experience “the 2nd and 3rd raters at university” who couldn’t actually do the “job” (produce some work of real value), they learnt the art of bullsh1t, and practiced with each other coming out with the same sort of sh1t such as this…
From Our Great Leader:
“…..to free up, to empower, to harness the mission-driven capability of Team Health and Care, infilling the historic silo between provision of mental health and physical health services. The population health approach that is embedded within these integrated care systems will be at the fulcrum of delivery of health improvement…..”
Yes, though first raters today, well they may well not be truly first raters, while true first raters may have failed exams.
Indeed a Guardian reader literally screamed at me some months ago: he asked why it was the Guardian was not criticizing the narrative if it was wrong, all I ventured to reply was that it was notably funded by the Gates foundation, a factual information, I was not venturing an opinion. He just totally lost control. A school teacher. (By the way, someone pointed out for some odd reason school teachers both in UK and France appear to be among the most rabid covid cult members, whether out of fear or reasons I describe in a comment above. Its extremely sad and worrying).
Its like the stereotypical story of the madman who thinks he’s napoleon, and if you point out napoleon is dead that can spark violence.
One issue is that seemingly they can go on printing money as long as they wish without making it obvious to the middle classes that basically they’ve lost everything or at least much. Anyhow a friend thinks there is soon going to be riots in France from people who have nothing to eat. At each charity free food distribution, you find 100s of university students… Though as someone pointed out, each queuing up mesmerized by their smart phones, none talking to others…
When you think that in the past students were the ones most prominent in organizations against the tyranny of power. Today they may starve, but they remain isolated in the bubble, holding on to their smart phones, victims of every propaganda on social networks,
living in a virtual world, all very quietly waiting to be fed. Perfect for the world in preparation.
Bat soup, in the blink of an eye, created millions of felons all around the world.
“Our governments should contribute to protect without coercion the old, sick and frail and free the rest of the population from all general NPIs. We have all learned what to do in winter with our old and frail parents, who particularly need our presence and can decide for themselves what they prefer: state-imposed protection, or an evening to their life surrounded by their beloved ones.”
Beautiful. Thank you.
This is a pre-planned operation and there is literally a mountain of evidence that confirms it including the mRNA synthetic pathogens, some of which were in negotiation for development as far back as 2015.
These measures were not born of fear but hype and lies. Politicians and the oligarchs are maskless attending their private functions and parties.
It couldn’t be more obvious this is outright fraud and governments acting in lock step apart from one or two outliers is proof enough that this is an economic and political agenda that has nothing to do with public health.
Rebranding seasonal illness from low Vitamin D levels to a novel virus is fraud. Issuing blanket DNR orders in care and nursing homes created the first and only wave. Putting patients on ventilators unnecessarily is medical malfeasance.
The entire operation is unlawful, unnecessary, criminal and fraudulent.
Health department heads, politicians and members of the WHO, WEF, World Bank, and the IMF, Gates et al should be tried for crimes against humanity and mass murder for colluding to initiate and continue lockdowns in order to facilitate the deaths of the elderly and force unnecessary global medical intervention, mass testing, lockdowns, fines, masking and “vaccines” on healthy populations.
“Rebranding seasonal illness from low Vitamin D levels to a novel virus is fraud.”
That’s not entirely true, in terms of seasonality, it is not just low vitamin D, though vitamin D is very important. The thing is, you don’t get just vitamin D from sunlight, so while (if you are deficient) it is certainly going to help…the problem is, you might be ignoring serotonin and melatonin issues. And the sunlight has other beneficial effects too.
Which of course, goes hand in hand with why the sun is so demonized with the bullshit skin cancer stuff, and in terms of “global warming”. All of their policies and methodologies are antithetical to truth.
As well as say, the UK specifically not recommending Vitamin D, even though it is known to be efficacious and implicated, efficient.
Hell, even their typical RDI/RDA (from the rockefeller IOM) is intentionally too low by a factor of around 5-20x. And it has MASSIVE health implications overall.
A statistical error in the estimation of the recommended dietary allowance for vitamin D
The Big Vitamin D mistake
Estimates suggest near 20% decrease in ALL CAUSE mortality (that translates to higher life expectancy) could be achieved with merely doubling vitamin D levels.
Stefanie Seneff says “The enzyme that activates vitamin D3, 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 1α-hydroxylase (CYP27B1) is a CYP enzyme, and therefore is subject to suppression by glyphosate.”
She says glyphosate mimics Glycine so gets into the DNA. Stuff like bread and pasta is particularly important to get organic due to high levels of glyphosate. It is all very complex these interactions but glyphosate is for sure best avoided even in tiny amounts. Increasing fruits and salads can help cleaning and repairing. In the winter there will be less biophotons and availability of fresh produce so diets can suffer but there is still some good options like oranges, lemon rind, pine needle, salad, pineapple radish. early greens from the garden, weeds.
That raw vegan has been outted as a fraud.
Yeah I know a fair amount about glyphosate and glycine. Roundup is a chemical warfare agent.
Glyphosate was originally patented as a chelator for industrial cleaning. Which is one of the ways it deprives the body of mineral intake.
It fucks up mitochondria, ATP function, microbiome, hormones (as it’s xenoestrogenic it’s teratogenic, mutagenic, carcinogenic and cytotoxic, at the least), etc.
One of the pseudo-scientists in charge of vaccines or at least involved in their making at a very senior level was like bulldozer trying to hammer to some of us that Roundup was safe… For a while I tried arguing back and quoted the experiments conducted that showed it was dangerous. Unfortunately Im not a biologist and I frankly on Boxing day (2019) had not expected that this would be the conversation during tea time so hadnt revised the details: she began talking technique that the mice used in these experiments werent the right type of mice. Anyhow it was futile arguing, an elderly lady tried. I switched off and talked to her father instead who hadnt a clue what she was going on about.
This person works in one of Europe’s prestigious research institutes.
The only stephanie sennef i know of works in AI at one of the Gates interests. That hippy on the video isn’t her. And the link is a life hack one and she isn’t on that either.
There is links in the webpage to her papers if you search for the bit on vitamin D. What she says about sulfate being so good is at odds with Dr Morse who says sulfate is bad. He says there was a 60 minutes programme where they said double blind studies basically came down to who was paying for them. You could find a study to say anything in the medical world. I really don’t know much about sulfate but Dr Morse says it shows up in the eye. I definitely think glyphosate is bad and could effect vitamin D. Pure natural food and living is a good place to start.
“Pure natural food and living is a good place to start.”
Well…take a look around. How are you supposed to start there?
Sulphur is completely necessary, so it’s obviously good. Excess would be bad. But other things might interfere.
About the RDI for vitamin D in the UK (not a particularly sunny place), and especially with people staying indoors, clothed up (even more than usual, coz facial sunlight is kinda important) etc.
So the UK guidelines are from the Rockefeller Institute of Medicine (totally non-profit-like non-monopolistic kinda practically free “healthcare” that’s never had any history of bullshit, corruption or incentive). They recommend 400 IU vitamin D.
Those papers clearly show that is NOWHERE NEAR enough.
“Another study confirmed that 6201 IU/d was needed to achieve 75 nmol/L and 9122 IU/d was needed to reach 100 nmol/L.”
Less than that is too low. And they (UK officials/IOM) say you should get 400 IU. So they’re only off by around 15-25x. And vitamin D is the most clearly implicated factor in RTIs, but aside from that, crucial for genetic regulation, immune and bodily function in general. Affects pretty much everything.
They say there is not enough UVB from November to February so people don’t even bother sunbathing but this is a complete lie. They just took average data from satelites which will show very low levels on a monthly average but if your facing the sun when it is out then you can sunbathe and get the benefits. Even if you look at hourly data you can see there is UVB but thats on the surface where as if your facing the sun it is much more. Sheltered from the wind like if you let the sun in a door it is plenty warm to get some in. You only need it to be sunny for 15 minutes or so to take advantage of it. Even 5 minutes is better than nothing. Even if its cloudy it can still be better than nothing.
Wouldn’t it depend on what part of the world you lived when you sunbathed
I slept under a solar collector for a while and you could feel the sun at 4am in the winter, hours before it even rose. It was radiation of some sort, it would wake me up. I would heat the whole house with it. Wasn’t the Uk but midday sun in UK has got UVB even at xmas. If you were on the north pole you’d want to get the sun as soon as it rose. The less there is the more you need it.
Of course, the general idea just being to get lots of sunlight. Everything about supposed cancer risks from sunlight is total bullshit. Just don’t burn too much.
Also, people with higher melanin are obviously adapted to more open, sunny areas. As that melanin is a direct physiological result from sun exposure, so they produce less vitamin D, needing more sunlight.
Obviously, in modern society, that is very different (and involved in an enormous amount of issues for people with more melanin).
Politicians and the oligarchs are maskless attending their private functions and parties.
I could supply tons of evidence of how apparatchiks, doctors, whoever don’t give a flying monkey; they obviously KNOW that it’s a scam.
A case in point was a recent party over here attended among others by the regional chief of police. What do the idiot public say? Shame on them, they’re not wearing masks and partying while imposing restrictions on us. Kick them out and appoint somebody responsible. How fucking idiotic can one get? If they’re not afraid of catching “it” and dying, then obviously there ain’t that much of a risk of dying (of “it” that is). What is it gonna take for them to understand how they’re being played?
Putting patients on ventilators
I’d venture to say that most of the excess mortality in the spring, where applicable, was due to the use of ventilators. Worse still, I could imagine quite a few cases of people who were essentially healthy, got a panic attack, ran to the ER, were told there only chance is a ventilator, were put into induced coma, their lungs torn up by ventilation, dead in a weak or so. Basically manslaughter possibly murder (BTW, medical error is the third leading cause of death in the US under normal circumstances).
For me the proof that Trump was a plant is that he didn’t go ahead with anything to fight this. There was a point where I had the impression that he would, but he did zilch. He could have had Gates arrested. Or Fauci. Or subjected to humanitarian bombing or something like that. Nada. Rien. Zero. He went right with the flow.
Well everyone should’ve known trump is a pos loooong before he was even president. He was only placed there so that people could evidence the garbage. Zealots are zealots though.
Long ago, it occurred to me I had to stop the main flow…so I been busy
The comment is their punishment, btw. Somehow knew it before I linked that. Go figure.
The only relief we got with Trump was that Hillary Clinton wanted to bring about a no fly zone over Syria, and this could have led to a nuclear war with Russia. Anyhow its only for this reason that some people I know who would never vote Republican voted for him at that point.
Now instead of the rapid death under a bomb, we are getting a slow tortured death…
The scientific paper on vitamin D says different. All vitamin D does is raise your vitamin D level. It doesn’t cure or treat anything on its own or as part of a vitamin diet. Vitamins might be good for you in the right dose but they aren’t medicine for anything.
I already gave you your last warning dumbass.
“The scientific paper on vitamin D says different.”
This middle finger says you can fuckoff. And the other one agrees.
The “vaccines” continue to kill people. Here are pages and pages of personal stories.

George Galloway. If ever there was doubt (and I entertained some), now we know; He’s a dog.
That is incredibly unfair to dogs.
Arby has a pending visit from Anubis. That is only after Horus enlightens him. So it will take a little while.
“Galloway craves attention. One has no moral duty or compunction to oblige him.”
Indeed. A towering egomaniac.
“Well at least he isn’t sporting a Detroit Tigers baseball cap and looks like the clone of something that would want a hot date with Princess Leia.”
On the topic of the “purely coincidental” killing the rich have made out of covid, a recent article from Philip Roddis (a covid believer) recounts an old objection he made to the “scam theory”:
But he has changed his mind now and says that concerning this objection:
At which point you might expect some consideration given to the sceptic outlook. Instead we get a little asterisk and then this:
So, hovering on the brink of an insight, confusion suddenly descends. And that’s the end of that! Consider this to be Philip’s way of saying,
Sceptics are on a wide spectrum, from Hitchens to Icke and more – many in between. Is he saying all the sceptics are confusing because it’s a broad church on motives, means etc and it’s all too multi-layered for him?
Most of the sceptics have had a journey through self-research and as things evolved. We might not all agree on every precise aspect but the sceptic position was strong from day 1.
Couldn’t he even recognise the obvious argument then of disproportionate lockdowns and science guesswork from governments and followed the other threads from there?
It was all here. Perhaps he only reads his own articles.
Philip is one of the mainstream Left I suppose i.e. he knows his Marx which is fine by me. But when the mighty covid fell, he took up an odd position in that he attempted to act as a kind of “middle voice” in the “covid war” or, to be more precise, although he always held to the covid tale, he wanted to give “the other side” some space too.
But he seems to me to have totally misunderstood the implication of the sceptical view i.e. the implication that the media have actually manufactured this crisis. And so, to argue over whether the virus is real, or the specific extent to which it is real, is irrelevant. The point is that the media is misrepresenting it – and doing so quite deliberately. In short, the media is giving us a scam, a con, a hoax. Philip hates all these words. They are so frightfully “ill mannered”. And he got upset by the flack he got from the “sceptical fanatics” who are “so certain of themselves”. Cue the tedious clichéd language about “heretics”, “believers” and “unbelievers” etc.
Now apart from the fact that “sceptical fanatic” is a contradiction in terms, he failed to see the fanaticism of the covid tale itself which is not only practically psychotic in its certitude but has also been rammed down everyone’s throat every second of the day for the last 10 months.
The problem is that Philip has been bathing too long in the mainstream Left’s smug loftiness when dealing with “conspiracy theory”. And old habits etc. When he eventually came round to thinking there was something a bit odd about 9/11 (17 years after the event!) he only went as far as assuming a “stand down” (or “let it happen”).
He is a decent guy, but I really doubt that he has any real insight into what’s happening. Like most of the Left, he thinks he’s still living in that pleasant little world where we can have our arguments back and forward but never really understand anything etc.
Peter Dale Scott wrote about the crucial turning point in ancient Rome when the city was “ceasing to be just a political city; it was becoming an empire for which civic institutions were ill-adapted”. He goes on:
“Even after the imperator Augustus took up permanent residence in Rome, the Senate continued to meet. Tribunes and consuls were elected. Historians wrote about decadence, and moralists vowed to revive the old family virtues. A class accustomed to participate in civic institutions continued to do just that and no more, for generations. People found it preferable to ignore the fact that real power had migrated out of these institutions, into an imperial regime, the armies and the courts of the army commanders. The self-respect of the senatorial classes depended on this denial.”
I know that the present situation is very different but I think that our illusions about how we live in a democracy where the masses have some say in their system and university lecturers can argue over the various nuances of this and that movement are about to be brutally shattered – if they are not already gone.
And since the roots of my old Left partisan feeling go deep, I have revisited the Philip Roddis site a few times to see if I can “find a way in”. I even drafted six or more comments to post there but always gave up. Philip himself has modified his view and now shows a vague glimmer of suspicion that all is not as it seems. But his BTL lot? The same by-the-numbers tropes:
It sounds like – based on your comment – Rodis suffers, like many other, from the “failure of imagination” expressed by David Graeber after the 2011 Occupy movement failed to accomplish anything lasting.
My 2 cents as to the underlying reasons: Most people misunderstand money and value. The touted Great Reset, for example, isn’t about being twice as rich as before – especially when you already have more money that you really know what to do with – it’s about maintaining/preserving a particular hierarchical dynamic at a very deep bifurcation point in human history. Much of the Great Reset / Technocracy analysis pertaining to automation and technological unemployment is right on the nose. Put in as pithy terms as possible: humans no longer need each other economically as we once did. And this need, frail as it is, has been kept on artificial life support for quite some time. Add in the egalitarian potential of the internet and you have a delicate situation that ‘elite’ beneficiaries of The System must proactively grab hold of and direct as fiercely as possible. Hence a forced, controlled demolition guided towards very particular outcomes such as eternal and pervasive surveillance, Very Conditional Basic Income and perpetual vaccinations (and more no doubt).
This rather complex cluster of factors is what many on the ‘left’ (such a worn out concept by now) appear to refuse to see. In my view it’s all because humanity, generally speaking, lacks the cultural moxie and imagination to decouple how it conceives value/wealth and contribution to society from the purely economic and money-based perspective it has become accustomed to. While we fail in that pivotal endeavour, the Powers That Be will most likely retain the upper hand. Hence this comment above being the best sort of shot we have: https://off-guardian.org/2021/02/12/lockdowns-are-a-self-fulfilling-prophecy/#comment-321620
You give these people far more credit than they deserve. Both the controllers, who historically are psychopathic eugenicists with a penchant for manufacturing wars, genocide and misery, while managing a global crime cartel and their lackeys in the media and academia who grovel to the banker-oligarch class, are soulless and narcissistic.
They believe they are keeping the great unwashed in line due to their falsely perceived moral and intellectual superiority. How their function differs from a Capo at a concentration camp, I fail to see.
I’m not sure what you mean. Whether clinically psychopathic or otherwise on the narcissistic-sociopathic-psychopathic spectrum, or not, the ‘elites’ have accomplished something incredible … incredibly horrible but incredible nonetheless. We’ve been watching in awe and discussing it hotly for almost a year already and there’s no end in sight yet. To my mind this is an historical precedent. We are fools if we underestimate their destructive power.
That said, their path must be doomed to failure as all rampant control-freakery is; such is always and only anti-life. The question in my mind revolves around how much damage is done and how long it takes for humanity as a whole to make itself, let’s say ‘immune’ to their magic spells and various other machinations. We might well fail at this for quite a while yet; we are so deeply divided and so easily triggered to wild emotionality.
They are far from elite and they have accomplished nothing except conning everyone through centuries of lies, stealing nearly all the wealth and resources of the world, culminating in this global virus fraud.
It is “they” who are falling for the lies, not “we”. A group of people, probably about 60-70% who believe in whatever their television tells them. There is no hope for those people. They simply obey in order to avoid thinking and taking any responsibility.
Unfortunately, it is not an historical precedent. The first and second world wars were completely staged. The religions of the world are all allegories used to deceive and enslave. The monetary system and laws are a complete con and the corporate structures of ownership of the courts, government agencies and the central banks are carefully hidden. Democracy is completely fake, germ theory doesn’t pass any evidence based tests. Communism was a scam devised by the bankers. Governments control the drug trade, porn, gambling and human trafficking. And the entire education system is designed to sell fake history, fake economics, fake science and fake culture using the unlawful measures outlined above.
The psychopathic controllers have been lying, enslaving. duping, debasing and slaughtering innocents for centuries. It’s the same old story of lies, fear and control just better disseminated because of the ownership of all mainstream media, the airwaves, internet, communications and television.
Everything appears legitimate but nothing is lawful or based on truth.
The “nothing” you list is nonetheless impressive, albeit in the negative or horrific sense. And by “historical precedent” I did not mean to say it’s the first time lies and propaganda have been practiced on nations’ peoples; that is as old as civilisation. It’s the nature of the enemy now cast as each citizen on earth in the form a potential biohazard combined with global media/internet censorship and global tyranny turning criticism into “domestic terrorism”. My point is that it’s not good tactics to underestimate the threat, just as it’s poor tactics to feel powerless in the face of the challenges ahead.
We are in agreement for the most part, Researcher. I’m confused by your tone, which I’m reading as aggressive towards me and I can’t see why. Perhaps I misread you…
No aggression towards you whatsoever. In fact I read your article the other day and was impressed. I just have a different perspective when it comes to the group who are perpetrating the frauds. I have no admiration for them whatsoever, but contempt.
One has to acknowledge the extent of the problem to create remediation. Perhaps if people understood how far back the problem goes, then they can see that it is baked into the system. So that being the case I also think that because the system of world governance and law has become the cage for us all that the solution is simply allowing everyone to understand the level of fraud and deception, so we can address and end the entirety of the criminality through common law which is the law of the land and usurps maritime law and governments.
Almost entirely agreed.
Mention of The Great Reset brings up another plank in the mind manipulation: the swaying of minds against a theory by simply referring to it with a kind of verbal eye rolling. It’s basically the old “conspiracy theory” sneer but done more cunningly.
You basically come right out and say it and they repeat it mockingly e.g. take the 9/11 controlled demolition angle.
Imagine you are met with the reponse: “Oh I suppose you’ll say the collapse of buildings in New York was controlled demolition?”
You say, “Well yes.”
They say, “Because it looks like controlled demolition?” (snort of derision)
You say, “Again, yes”
They say, “Because it couldn’t be anything else?”
You: “Yes”
Them: (snort of derision)
And that astonishingly is their whole argument i.e. a snort of derision.
So you can recount the entire theory and they repeat it but “negate” it by snorting!
I see similar treatment with this reset.
Indeed. The cognitive dissonance strikes one almost dumb. It reminds me of the Terry Pratchett novels involving Death; ordinary people simply refuse to see him moving among them, and their refusal is indefinitely fuelled by their terror as a kind of perpetual-motion machine. With c19 it’s remarkably similar.
UK Column News – 12th February 2021
Please read new research posted below as PART TWO.
Talks denied early this week are now admitted: IATA cites ‘fruitful’ talks about vax app for travellers. Covid ‘O’ committee will decide.
George Osborne, former gov minister, Bilderberger, editor of Evening Standard: To lead a normal life you’ll need a Covid passport: here’s why.
“But what if you needed a passport to travel around your own country? What if you needed one to apply for a job, or send your child to school, or even go to a restaurant or cinema?
Yesterday, the impressive vaccines minister Nadhim Zahawi said the British Government had no plans to issue vaccine passports. That’s only true in a narrow Yes, Minister sense. There may be no plans, but a lot of planning is taking place.
There are three approaches. The first is to try to educate the refuseniks, but otherwise leave them untroubled. The problem is that this endangers not just their health but everyone else’s.
Second, we could make vaccination compulsory. After all, the common weal means it’s against the law to refuse jury service or fail to pay your taxes or (in extremis) be conscripted. We also require seatbelt use and ban smoking in many spaces. So why not make it illegal to refuse a vaccine?
The third approach is Covid passports. Whatever Whitehall decides, the vaccinated public is going to demand that those around them are vaccinated too — when they go to an office, take their child to school, eat in a restaurant, go to a place of worship, watch a movie, sit on a bus or fly on a plane. If the Government doesn’t police this, then businesses will.”
Patrick Henningsen: Osborne is asking a question but really he is raising the prospect that you will need documents to travel around your own country. This Bilderberg member is blatantly overruling the vaccines minister and presenting, demanding the basis for the introduction of vaccine passports. Using terms like refuseniks or deniers is not only offensive, it is flies in the face of people’s right to question the government.
People are getting ill from the vaccine. The vast majority of the general people do not get sick. So you are going to put them into a compulsory vaccine regime, and restrict all of their rights — based on what threat? Where is the threat assessment. There is none. It is all gaslighting.
“We were told vaccines are the way out… the vaccines would let us celebrate Christmas at Easter… now the transport minister has suggested lockdown will extend from the spring into the summer.”
Mike Robinson: He makes some important points although he does not yet criticise the vaccine.
Melinda Gates attacked Trump admin; said Covid exposed systemic racism in the health system; said women had suffered more than men, as low-paid jobs declined.
Questioning the narrative means death, says Gates. Calls for more regulation of social platforms. Calls for permanent plandemic planning, germ games, to prepare for outbreaks.
Patrick Henningsen: what are her qualifications… law, history, medicine? Apparently Melinda Gates worked in the marketing department for Microsoft. That’s it. There are no limits to the megalomania: no acknowledgement that fear narrative and lockdown may have driven people to death.
RFK Jr., Del Bigtree’s Highwire, and the eminent scientists behind the Great Barrington Declaration — they’ve all violated community standards on Facebook.
Facebook expands list of forbidden topics to inc claims that Covid is man made or that vaccines are dangerous. Twitter will ban people who claim vaccines cause harm or are unnecessary.
Instagram bans RFK Jr. for vaccine “misinformation”.
CIA’s local paper USA Today: “Significant and growing public health challenge”
Twitter to censor “debunked conspiracy theories about adverse effects of vaccines.”
Quotes Atlantic Council “resident fellow” about “downplaying” severity, cases, deaths and now shifting focus to vaccine.
Sens Klobuchar, Baldwin, Peters wrote to Tech CEOs demanding “clear and accurate information as coronavirus vaccines roll out.”
China Global Television Network controlled by CCP, says OFCOM
China responds by banning BBC World News in mainland china
UK Foreign Sec Dominic Raab says China has poor record on media and internet freedom. “This latest step will only damage China’s reputation.”
Mike Robinson: Yet Britain censored first! They are working to Balkanize the internet and the media. They want total conformity of narrative. The UK calls it “Rapid Response Mechanism,” implemented by Theresa May’s government to enforce a common narrative across all G7 countries.
Patrick Henningsen: Cutting off media access is usually a prelude to war because you don’t want the other side reporting in your country.
Germany’s windmills slowed by Stille Nacht.
British royals’ Crown Estate owns all the coastline, gets 25% of licensing… fees in 2021 could exceed 300 million pounds.
No wonder Prince William joins his father in pushing green tech. Prince Charles is a regular with the Davos crowd.
COVID mRNA Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine analysis
Dec 9th to Jan 31
Deaths 66
Sudden deaths 9
Spontaneous abortions 5 (child not counted)
Care home deaths are not mentioned…
Could jab become compulsory for returning to school in Autumn?
Patrick Henningsen: Children who statistically are at zero risk from Covid are to risk a jab that is not fully tested or approved
Journalist NeilClark66: They want to jab children to make vaccine passports viable. If this was really about vaccines, then restrictions would be lifted once most vulnerable have been vaccinated.
Comedian SeanCollins66: Anyone dumb enough to give children the mRNA vaccine should not have children. “Children are not at risk and it is sinister the desperation to give children this mRNA vaccine. Please wake up. This is sick.”
Portsmouth home schooling group prepares legal challenge to Portsmouth council.
Council has been serving school attendance orders – Is the council worried that children are getting a better education at home?
Legal Action by Portsmouth Home Education Group
Crowdfunding effort has raised 21,000 pounds so far.
UK Column News – 12th February 2021
ONS says economy fell -2.3% in Nov, jumped +1.2% in Dec
Dec is still -6.3% below levels seen in Feb 2020 (Nov was -7.4%)
GDP grew +1% in the fourth quarter Oct to Dec 2020, after +16.1% in Q3.
That means the economy contracted 9.9% in 2020. Conveniently just avoiding a fall of 10% which is one definition of depression. And by avoiding two quarters of negative growth the UK’s not even in recession. Believe that and you’ll believe anything.
Daily Mail: Britain is ready to fire on all cylinders after a year to forget, writes Bank of England Chief Economist
Ch economist Andy Haldane claims “pent up financial energy ready to be released like a coiled spring,” and claims vaccine rollout means risk of death has “probably halved” and by end of Mar will be reduced by three quarters.
Correct link for earlier post.
Scientific paper: Covid RNA based vaccines and the Risk of Prion Disease by J Bart Classen MD, Jan 12, 2021
I thought Britain had had the worst drop since the South Sea Bubble, which Covid hysteria resembles in many ways.
1700-something. But the Bank of England and the Office for National Statistics are massaging the numbers…
Not least because they don’t account for the devaluation of the pound. In 2008 for example, sterling lost at least 10%… if you acknowledge that, the UK was clearly in depression.
Now it’s so much worse. Each and every metric is manipulated. Use your eyes. They’re more accurate than any statistic. Watch the movie The Big Short — to see how eyes beat models.
i found the tiny bit about how there is an agreement that basically forces countries to go lock step with major announcements……to me that explains one reason why they have all been so keen to do it in unison…. plus i am having suspicious thoughts that perhaps these spending govts with huge deficits may be under the pump from the big central bank mob that no more money unless they toe the pharma line? thoughts Moneycircus?
“Most vulnerable”: The jab was not tested on the old or the pregnant. In fact, not even on animals. In fact, the trials have not ended. So, jabbing children is sick.
As most of us know on this blog, the virus hoax is a pretext for a “shock and awe” transformation of the entire planet into a techno-fascist neofeudal dystopia with the former middle class joining the chronically poor into serf status. Our Owners, in their demonic cleverness, have raised the prospect that this “virus” is a bioweapon, but the truth is obvious that the real bioweapons are the mRNA vaccines, which I refer to as lethal gene therapy. It is so fucking obvious that anyone who cannot see it is either mind controlled or has an IQ below room temperature (in Fahrenheit – perhaps in Celsius as well 🙂 Excellent article but the Cult Covidians are not open to facts. Now the NY Times has come out with an editorial that the Biden administration should establish a Ministry of Truth. I hope to gain employment there operating the memory hole.
Well… Here’s a better short article!
Source: The Babylon Bee
If that’s too much to ask…

She seems to be coping very well without clothes, despite the current weather…
Rolls of toilet paper a nice touch! 😀
And let’s not forget that the governments are happy to forget to mention that their total ‘covid’ deaths are being tallied in the middle of a second influenza season.
Didn’t you know? All strains of influenza have now been eradicated. Here is the WHO flu chart for today:

They say it is because of the MASKS and HAND HYGIENE and HOUSE SELF-ARREST… You know, the good stuff!
Hell, I believe it is about time we start a Global Suicide in order to exterminate the uman animal so that no more “PANDEMICS” will ever hurt us.
Don’t worry, I’m already on it. It happens to be delegated involuntary suicide, btw. Many politicians, for instance, have been kind enough to apply. And with enough politician and “expert” suicides, invariably herd immunity will be achieved.
They’ll get the message soon enough.
Yeah, they also say that the people haven’t been applying the policies good enough, therefor COVID allegedly has spread unnecessarily… They make up arguments like a priest has an explanation just how it comes in handy. Believers buy into almost anything. Just avoid to mention these two things at the same time.
Lockdowns are social control- period.
Lockdowns are physical, mental and psychological abuse.
Lockdowns cost human lives.
Lockdowns cause suffering.
Lockdowns cause suicides.
Lockdowns harm children.
Lockdowns cause mass global poverty, starvation and deaths.
Lockdowns are crimes against humanity and every single public leader who supports them should be treated as a criminal and every single person who advocates for them is a collaborator.
For a time I was thinking maybe this is not as bad for children as we think – because children are far more resilient than adults.
Then it occurred to me, with the constant emphasis on lockdowns likely becoming a way of life from here on out, that of all people it’s the children who can look forward to nothing but lockdowns for the rest of their lives.
Children barely had a taste of what it’s like to be a living being; now that’s being taken away from them so the psychopaths can increase their wealth and power.
There are no words to adequately describe what kind of fate these psychopaths should have to endure. Dante’s lowest rung in hell is far too good for them.
My feelings exactly. The lives of present day children are being destroyed before they’ve begun.This fact does tend to fuel my white hot, incandescent anger at these satanic demons.
Lock downs and masks are very bad for children. Normal childhoods are being destroyed.
If a child has been living in deprivation or had elders who underwent deprivation, it may have more common sense, be tougher, and reccover. However, the majority of children have been growing up immpersed in make-believe capitalist propaganda. Now, they are even made to feel guilty for their aged relatives falling ill. Though practically immune, they are terrorised daily.
For the past year I have felt like I in an endless repeat of the song White Rabbit with one pill making me larger and one pill making me small and the one that mother gives me does nothing at all. I do not get why people are so deranged over a damn cold virus
“I do not get why people are so deranged over a damn cold virus”
Probably because they believe such a thing exists…so, they were fucked even before that.
Foucault analyzed historical documentation of medieval Black Death plague where hard lockdowns were 99.9% of all responses to plague by authorities in regards to population while elites escaped lockdowns in 99% of cases moving to isolated, disease free rural estates with ample food supplies and open spaces with plenty exposure to sun.
it was these elites, frolicking in the country side who pushed medical authorities thry controlled into extreme, drastic cruel measures of effective imprisonment, confinement under threat of death penalty healthy with sick but that did not much contributed to total death count as according to raw data collected that time about 90% of total official death count at the end of plague were not caused by Black Death at all but resulted in malnutrition, depression or other diseases caused likely by suppression of immune system (just by observing obvious signs of disease)
From that time, learning Black Death pandemic lesson there were no total or even partial lockdowns implemented or recommended by governments or WHO in regard of dozens of global pandemic in fact lockdown were discouraged as detrimental in fighting of pandemics and instead international consensus was to focus on quarantine of sick in hospitals under observation and care of physicians while letting healthy to continue social and economic engagements in fact increase of economic activity was encouraged as a way to compensate for sick people unable to work.
As Maxwell wrote lockdowns like in time of real pandemic of Black Death are genocidal by design. Anytime if one locks down society, shuts down economy mortality will increase.
Such extreme concentration lockdown experiment was conducted in every death camps where on average 96% percent died from various conditions: lockdown in high prisoner density barracks, typhus infections , lack of basic hygiene or medical help, malnutrition and starvation (190kCal per day) , harsh weather ailments (no effective heating or cooling) , extreme work exhaustion, beatings, extreme psychological stress due to daily terror threats etc., within 90 days, only 4% were killed by guards for violating rules or as a matter of policy or trying to escape, committed suicide or preexisting conditions refused to be medically treated, committed suicide or were executed on orders of camp’s Kangaroo courts.
In Nuremberg layers rejected defense of SS guards and SS as a organization that actually most of them did not kill anyone in camps and if they did they followed contemporary the law and order as vast majority of deaths of those admitted to camps were declared by German licensed medical doctors as due to “natural causes”. And court stated that creating conditions of lockdown, highly concentrating people in area with no social and physical infrastructure to support it for prolonged time amounts to deliberate murder.
As a result not only death camps were 95% of people were gassed before they crossed camps gates but any concentration camps, denying free movement and social interactions were rendered illegal and even building them, a crime against humanity.
OSLO, Norway – Norway said Monday no link had been established between Pfizer-BioNTech’s Covid-19 vaccine and post-vaccination deaths in the country, but recommended doctors consider the overall health of the most frail before giving them the jab
The second half of the sentence seems to read differently than the first
”Norway said Monday that no link had been established between Pfizer-BioNTech’s Covid-19 vaccine and post-vaccination death in the country…”
In the immortal words of Mandy Rice-Davies – a defendant during the The Profumo affair which was one of the largest political scandals in twentieth-century British politics – ”Well they would, wouldn’t they.”
India insisted on safety testing for the Pfizer jab before giving them the go-ahead. Pfizer pulled their request – saying they’d be back after more
threats and World Bank squeezeresearch“Doc Billy Eugenics and those mass murdering psychos need to go, before they mass murder again.”

“Get out the Rope.”
Can I get my transhumanist reset on the National Health? I am so looking forward to it.
The telemedical future is going to be with us soon and it’s going to be great! No more seeing a real human being!! At best some poor sod in Bangladesh and at worst some algorithm can decide what pharma to give you and dispatch it forthwith.
It’s so good to know this must all take place digitally so data can be generated for hedge funds to gamble on. Fostering paranoia about human contact will get many people to welcome this as if it’s being done in their interests.
oh but young Melissa G has all this under control……watch her toss of the head……we have to have equality in health care and save the world poor don’t you know you naughty people…….we only have good intentions……..we have to be ready for future pandemics etc etc…….rah rah…..
i suspect meglamania has taken hold in a few places….
National Health?? That rings a faint bell!
“We need to wake up and work to fix this.” Ya, right. Great solution. A “solution” recommended about a million times every day…
“Waking up” will not prevent military police from knocking at civilian doors and forcing citizens to join an asylum…
Members of the military/police are the ones who need to “wake up”. They need to mutiny against orders, and stop saying: Yes Sir! The rest is bad theater for neurotics.
Paul, an interesting development is taking place in the Czech Republic. The deputies didn’t approve a state of emergency extension and quite of few of the restrictions will have to go as of Monday.
I don’t think it’s because politicians have “woken up”; it’s more due to politicking, but I’m anxious to see what happens. They’ll probably try to pull something, like the Siberian variant, but it kinda looks like people have had enough and might not accept another easing and then tightening the screws again.
It could be just one place that massively rejects this crap and a domino effect will ensue. After all, the stuff the doc is describing in the article is out in the open. Everybody knows that it’s a bunch of crock or – hopefully – on their way to realize it …
Hello Jacques: Good heads up. Thanks! I found it difficult to find a good link to the news item. But that’s not a surprise…
I found it disappointing to note all the deputies wearing diaper masks. It only points to total illiteracy in the health sciences. Ah well. Here’s a link: >
State of Emergency in the Czech Republic To End On Sunday
Published February 12, 2021
State of Emergency in the Czech Republic To End On Sunday – Brno Daily
Wow, just got a letter this morning from the NHS. Guess what it’s about? It goes,
Dear ******* ***
”We are writing to you as ‘experts’ (sic) recommend that people in your age group should be among the first to receive the free NHS coronavirus vaccine. This is because evidence shows that the risk of serious illness due to corona virus increases with age.” I am not bothering to read the rest of it but they seem to assume that I am falling over myself in my quest for a ‘jab’ or two ‘jabs’ now. Just one more for the hat-trick!
It doesn’t seem to occur to the ‘experts’ that ‘serious risk’ is a function of old age! Older people do have this strange tendency to die, particularly when they have underlying medical conditions. In 2019 in the UK over 600,000 died. Perfectly normal.
Oh, yes. I forgot to mention that on the front of the envelope there was a little message, to wit: ”Every cancelled appointment for the vaccination costs the NHS £160. Presumably I am supposed to feel guilty about this.” I have already told them that I don’t want to be a guinea pig for their sordid little jabs. A cheap little blackmail or what?
If they sent a return envelop to reply (free cost) send them this…
My mum got the letter last week, she threw it in the bin, she has no intention of becoming a human guinea pig.
Kill Bill can go to hell.
I get that too. They even phone me up. I haven’t been seriously ill since I was a kid, and have only seen my doctor twice since 1993, when I moved house. Then about 6 weeks ago, I did get seriously ill, and went to A&E, after refusing to go for a couple of days. It was not COVID related, except that my immune system had been seriously compromised, as a result of being locked up in my home for most of the last 12 months. They shot me through with antibiotics, probably just in time. I am very much better now, but still weak, but should fully recover with some exercise and sunshine.
Read the nice little 12 page booklet that is sent with the letter.
Page 5 is headed ‘The vaccine will also be offered to adults with conditions such as: and it goes onto list 16 very serious conditions, most of which is would be dangerous to have a ‘vaccine’ if one had any of them, for example immune system problems.
Page 10 makes interesting reading: It talks about having your second appointment after your first dose. A heading asks ‘What should I do if I am not well when it is my next appointment?’ Their answer ‘ If you are unwell, it is better to wait until you have recovered to have your vaccine, but you should try to have it as soon as possible. You should not attend a vaccine appointment if you are self-isolating, waiting for a COVID-19 test or if you are unsure if you are fit and well.’
Strangely, no mention of postponing the first appointment if not well.
As I have some of the conditions listed on page 5, I am not well. I therefore, cannot see a time for attending for a vaccine if I need to wait until I am fit and well.
“wearing masks alone in their own cars”
And even wearing masks in private aircraft, such gliders, when such pilots know only too well that Oxygen partial pressure decreases with height and therefore the reduction in blood Oxygen due to this is augmented by the effect of the mask.
It is day 3 of a 9 day online docu-series presented by Patrick Gentempo. He interviews 2 women from the US whose work is to go into companies and teach management and staff about safety when wearing masks. This is their long term careers of many years where staff need to wear protective masks in their jobs. They need to be fitted with the correct mask for that particular task and learn how to use it safely i.e. breaks from the work after a time period, oxygen level monitoring, etc. The 2 women are clearly against the masks worn for this present farce and talk fully about the dangers to health, and how it would be against the present health laws in employment in the US. Fascinating discussion.
Vaccines Revealed – Covid
You need to sign up to watch the docu-series and will receive an email each day with a link to that days films. Available for 24 hours each. Day 3 has only 5 more hours to run.
Not sure this is the place for such an article – it is more preaching to the converted. Most comments show that readers have little doubt that this is not about a virus.
This linked by Richard below is much more to the point, IMO.
The thing is, the article goes on as if it’s a real thing. Dangerous narrative, I disconnect from that reasoning.
Even if it were a real thing, we’re past that now. Isn’t it time to see this as an attack on the human spirit? It ought to prepare us to see through any other such narratives they may have up their sleeves, which may not relate to epidemics.
Yes, and I see this article as such an attack. A subversive half-truth. With the opening sentence being the telling part. Other than the continued support of a fundamentally malicious narrative and establishment.
It is at the point were NONE of the bullshit is to be considered or entertained. But hey, I’m just a random lunatic.
“It ought to prepare us to see through any other such narratives they may have up their sleeves, which may not relate to epidemics.”
Time for that is long gone. You should be prepared by now. Everything they peddle is unacceptable.
National flu and COVID-19 surveillance report: week 6 (publishing.service.gov.uk) and here while Victoria has locked down again supposedly because of this very nasty virulent strain that has seen a massive drop in so called cases.
Gee, they fiddled with the yoyo’s CT threshold?
Not to mention the predicted and sinister turn this has taken with the ‘vaccine’.
We have been awake for a while now, thanks.
I noticed that too. Safer for her because it will deflect criticism maybe. An MD has a lot to lose. I find it useful to cite people working in the center. The virus is real but is no different than any other flu outbreak is what I got out of it. Being an MD is the valuable part. I politely throw this kind of stuff at my political reps to say, “See! I am not making this up! Even doctors don’t support the lockdown and this is why”. Declaring that the virus is not and never was a problem only closes people’s minds. Our “guiding doctors” and the politicians they are advising are in so deep that changing their minds and backing off is almost impossible. It has to be approached in a firm but gentle way. Kind of like when get in an argument at a family party and your wife points out the obvious in the car on the way home. Then you feel really stupid because you know she is right when she tells you that you could have handled it differently.
“Declaring that the virus is not and never was a problem only closes people’s minds.”
Problem is, it happens to be the truth. As it is, you are essentially suggesting a fundamentally incorrect “authority” should still be considered “authoritative”.
You can go do that. I don’t.
My sister, for example, is busy with her doctorate (geneticist). Sadly, she cannot argue with me. As in, she has no counters. And the problem is, she’s indoctrinated with horseshit.
That denial is not my problem. There is no valid reason to perpetuate that horseshit.
Derek Knauss Ph.D is not a real person. Lab techs are usually Bachelor level.
Knauss is Melania Trump’s maiden name. That should be the first red flag, the second is the poorly written piece which reminds me of a Nigerian 419 version of a covid19 Facebook post.
There is so much wrong with this article even within the first paragraph, aside from the swearing, the high and perfect number of alleged samples (1500?) and no details on where the positive samples were attained and/or how. Nothing within the piece fits into the standard formula of an article or scientific paper. There’s no citations. There’s no introduction or abstract, no methods, no conclusion, no results.
Where are Derek Knauss’ credentials? What is his work experience, background and education? Where is his LinkedIn profile? Who are his contacts at the Universities where the samples were supposedly sent?
It’s the type of text I’d expect to see on a QAnon “drop”.
Global Research has been conned. This is disinfo along the lines of the fake Stanford chain letter email.
The sites which have reprinted the “Derek Knauss” claims are questionable, with topics like ”Gaia“, “aliens” and “lightwork”.
The original published article is here at prepareforchange but the first time it was spotted was as an anonymous comment last year on Zero Hedge and Facebook.
Oh, thanks for that. I will have to be more careful next time. As will Global Research 🙂
I was dumbfounded when I saw it there.
How do you use a personal icon, rather than the cartoon alien this site selects for you?
In my case, since I once had 2 now delete wordpress blogs, connected to the e-mail I use for WWW slavery FUN, and since this is a site built on wordpress software the algo goes hunting for my e-mail profile icon and that’s it!
There is also the use of a gravatar account!
Ok. Whatever that is…. I’ll just stick with the silly alien.
Is it because he only has one eye? You should count yourself lucky mine is blind and wears his brain like a hat.
See these WordPress pages:
I was determined to replace the cute assigned alien cartoon-gravatars with my long-time image. The good news is that these were the links that made it happen.
The bad news is that I don’t remember the exact steps, or I’d create a “cheat sheet”. I vaguely remember that one needs to register at the Gravatar site, although in my case I already had a Gravatar account and only had to select this one to replace the random alien default.
Once I figured out what was required, it was pretty straightforward and worked without any hassles I can remember.
Others may have worse experiences, but since I changed to this one I’ve never had a problem with it disappearing, etc. I wish I could provide more explicit instructions, but I think if you are inclined to “wrestle” with the linked instructions you’ll figure it out.
Philip Roddis has finally gotten round to a post on COVID. I thought of several ways of responding directly to him but came to the conclusion it would be pointless. I can see nothing constructive coming out of it. He originally seemed to think he could take up some kind of middle ground as a “go between” for the sceptics and the mainstream Left. But since his presuppositions were all with the latter, he totally failed to understand the hidden aggression he took towards sceptics as well as his adoption of the underhanded devices of the Left. I therefore put in my observations on his latest post here:
He has put in a welcome observation on the weaponisation of the term “conspiracy theory” although this naturally makes no difference to his enlightened BTL commenters who are far too sophisticated to believe that conspiracies exist.
He has revised his idea that “time will tell if COVID is a scam”. (He doesn’t like the word “scam” along with synonyms. But I’m afraid I interpret that as another bit of Orwellian preclusion). Time doesn’t seem to be telling us anything – or, at least, not if you don’t pick up on what’s been staring you in the face all along.
He’s also acknowledged that, far from Big Capital also being hard hit by COVID, Big Capital has been doing nicely out of it. But we don’t want to be so uncouth as to join those rather large dots.
Then he says,
“These days I don’t write much about CV-19, or the responses taken by governments in the name of protecting us. One reason being that I’ve grown more confused, not less, as to what many sceptics are actually saying.”
At which point we descend into the usual irrelevant nit picking over what sceptics believe (the tried and trusted reversal of the burden of proof) and claims of sceptical fanaticism. (Which is a neat trick.)
He declares that his “writings on CV-19, sparse as they are, have done more than their ‘sceptical’ critics ever did to give a hearing to relevant but dissenting and hence deplatformed experts who see the disease as overstated, government responses as wrongheaded.”
And that single word “wrongheaded” shows up his own unshakeable faith in the most deliciously ironic way!
(From UK Column News – 12th February 2021)
A few weeks ago. BBC: Denmark shaken by cull of millions of mink.
At the time the story did not make sense. However prions cause scrapie in sheep, encephalopathy in mink, bovine spongiform encephalopathy in cattle, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in humans. One source of prion disease is TDP-43 and FUS proteins which can create prions.
Scientific paper: Covid RNA based vaccines and the Risk of Prion Disease By J Bart Classen MD
“RNA vaccines offer special risks of inducing specific adverse events. One such potential adverse event is prion based diseases caused by activation of intrinsic proteins to form prions. A wealth of knowledge has been published on a class of RNA binding proteins shown to participate in causing a number of neurological diseases including Alzheimer’s disease and ALS. TDP-43 and FUS are among the best studied of these proteins.
Published data has shown there are several different factors that can contribute to the conversion of certain RNA binding proteins including TDP-43, FUS and related molecules to their pathogenic states. These RNA binding proteins may have many functions and are found in both the nucleus and the cytoplasm.
These binding proteins have amino acid regions, binding motifs that bind specific RNA sequences. Binding to certain RNA sequences when the proteins are in the cytoplasm is believed to causes the molecules to fold in certain ways leading to pathologic aggregation and prion formation in the cytoplasm.
The current analysis indicates Pfizer’s RNA based COVID-19 vaccine contains many of these RNA sequences that have been shown to have high affinity for TDP-43 or FUS and have the potential to induce chronic degenerative neurological diseases.
Another related concern is that the Pfizer vaccine uses a unique RNA nucleoside 1-methyl-3′-pseudouridylyl. According to FDA briefing documents, this nucleoside was chosen to reduce activation of the innate immune system. RNA molecules containing this nucleoside will undoubtedly have altered binding. Unfortunately, the effect on TDP-43, FUS and other RNA binding proteins is not published.
The use of this nucleoside in a vaccine can potentially enhance the binding affinity of RNA sequences capable of causing TDP-43 and FUS to assume toxic configurations. There are many other potential adverse events that can be induced by the novel RNA based vaccines against COVID-19.
The vaccine places a novel molecule, spike protein, in/on the surface of host cells. This spike protein is a potential receptor for another possibly novel infectious agent.
If those who argue that the COVID-19 is actually a bioweapon are correct, then a second potentially more dangerous virus may be released that binds spike protein found on the host cells of vaccine recipients. Data is not publicly available to provide information on how long the vaccine RNA is translated in the vaccine recipient and how long after translation the spike protein will be present in the recipient’s cells.
Genetic diversity protects species from mass casualties caused by infectious agents. One individual may be killed by a virus while another may have no ill effects from the same virus. By placing the identical receptor, the spike protein, on cells of everyone in a population, the genetic diversity for at least one potential receptor disappears. Everyone in the population now becomes potentially susceptible to binding with the same infectious agent.”
Patrick Henningsen: There is a reason trials take years. If there is a life threatening illness resulting from the jab, you need time to determine that. All of this has been thrown out the window under the guise that this is an emergency and we don’t have time. Also giving the pharma companies, the health industry and government immunity. The mRNA jab is gene therapy. This is a scandal of epic proportions that we have not confronted in modern times.
Mike Robinson: the double blind placebo in these trials has gone. Those people have been offered the vaccine so they have sabotaged the trial.
Protein misfolding, which I’ve mentioned a few times, is one of those effects of toxicity conveniently ignored with respect to resulting supposed “viruses”. Other things include DNA to RNA breaks, truncations, broken/rejected/toxic proteins, etc.
So essentially, the “vaccine” is a causative agent (as is other toxicity) of the supposed “viral” result, and because it (the supposed “virus”, which was synthesized to target your body) has fairly broad epitope homology it will break much of your protein production. After that you’re basically fucked for life.
Thanks for the prion paper link.
I find the last two sentences of the paper you link to remarkable. Here they are for everyone:
“Approving a vaccine, utilizing novel RNA technology without extensive testing is extremely dangerous. The vaccine could be a bioweapon and even more dangerous than the original infection.”
Certainly, I and many others have suspected the “vaccine” is a bioweapon. Will the future deaths become the next planned/predicted pandemic?
Certainly, I and many others have suspected the “vaccine” is a bioweapon. Will the future deaths become the next planned/predicted pandemic?
Of course. That was obvious (to me) more than a year ago. The initial deaths from vaccines are already somewhat linked to “mutant strains”. Longer term effects will be like AIDS/POLIO combo like.
And it’s like, I can already see how many are dead. They’re just slow.
gives the latest sign of mentally subnormal cretinism at the Head of Public Health England.
It cannot be overstressed that the statements made are of a scientifically illiterate cretin, totally unfit for any position of responsibility whose entire financial assets should be requisitioned to put toward the bill run up by the criminals who are knowingly destroying the global economy
That woman (yes: women can be cretins in positions of responsibility) should be confined to her bedroom for the next 5 years as an unconvicted criminal marked down for permanent exclusion from society.
She knows exactly what she is doing and is taking the money like an unprincipled prostitute.
Reasoned argument will get nowhere with a cretin like that.
Rather more primitive ones are necessary, it is sad to say…..
Prostitutes and illiterate cretins…. Well, that pretty much describes my country during the 21st century.
The non-pharmaceutical interventions are harmful. The experts who advocated them knew this, the propagandists who demanded them knew this, the politicians and bureaucrats who implemented them knew this. How many people will die as a result of these interventions? I do not know, but it will certainly be counted in the tens of millions, at least. There is, therefore, no basis for claiming that on balance the interventions were justified. And this was obvious before they were implemented. The people responsible for those interventions are either mad or criminal.
As mad as Secretary of State, Madeleine “We think it was worth it” Albright when she tried to justify mass murder of 500,000 Iraqi children via U.S. led economic sanctions?
No matter how many million – we’ll get the same story because nothing ever happens to them. Bush, Blair, Albright.
The entire edifice has to fall before anything will change. Otherwise they will just move on to something else while we are debating, as we will, the Covid/mRNA scam.
We are seriously disadvantaged because we think that sociopaths/psychopaths think the same way that we do.
From Wikipedia !!
As of 2016, Albright serves as chair of Albright Stonebridge Group, a consulting firm,[104] and chair of the advisory council for The Hague Institute for Global Justice, which was founded in 2011 in The Hague.[105] She also serves as an Honorary Chair for the World Justice Project.[106] The World Justice Project works to lead a global, multidisciplinary effort to strengthen the Rule of Law for the development of communities of opportunity and equity.[107]
InvestmentsMadeleine Albright is a co-investor with Jacob Rothschild, 4th Baron Rothschild, and George Soros in a $350 million investment vehicle called Helios Towers Africa, which intends to buy or build thousands of mobile phone towers in Africa.[108][109]
The fact is unless populations wake up its going to go on forever. Now, in France they’re talking of new local lockdowns (though what one has now is close to a lockdown except in name) by trying to scare people with South African and Brazilian variants. The British one has already played its role. There are some 196 countries who are controlled by WHO so they have many variants to go through before inventing something with a different name.
If only we had an opposition who wasn’t worried about what the news was going to say about him, and exposed this nonsense for what it is, nonsense, idiots walking around my area 7-30 am Sunday morning (any morning ) wearing a silly face rag not a soul around I’m sure if they were told to hop around on one foot they would willingly oblige .
Im not sure that would make a difference. In Mexico we have a prez who won’t wear a mask and doesnt believe in them but people still insist on partaking of the delusion. We’ve been mandated to masks outside since May without a break.
Herd mentality is stronger than herd immunity.
“I’m a Clinical Lab Scientist, COVID-19 Is Fake, Wake Up…”
excellent and v. short, article
Taken a look at that. Yes, certainly clear by now that a large part of the Covid-19 and lockdown official narrative is fraudulent and mis-classifications rife, designed to take us to some form of globalised tyranny. But this post doesn’t look genuine or verified – I’m surprised Global Research republished it, seemingly a month after the original. Maybe I missed something.
One thing I’ve learned is to keep an open mind on all of this. But this one doesn’t look genuine imo
That exact post was attributed to a different doctor earlier. It is very likely fraudulent and definitely been republished with attribution to different authors.
Here :
Covid shit of course, IS fake. But that post, unless someone can personally find out what Robert Oswald (the guy referenced in the original) suggests, you could consider it fraudulent.