The New Normal requires a NEW Response
Catte Black
Recently a prominent Covid-skeptic on Twitter announced their willingness to start a political party or “movement” to oppose lockdowns.
Several people expressed support.
I understand the good intention behind this idea, but we at OffG consider it a major misdirection of energy – and we said so.
We got a flurry of replies from Marxists and socialists telling us people need to ‘organise’ if the New Normal is to be defeated.
Well, yes, I agree. But what does ‘organise’ mean in an age of fake ‘consensus’, rigged elections and pseudo-Left fascism?
Does it mean creating yet another ‘political party’ with rules, hierarchies and leaders?
Does it mean paying lip service to the senile, corrupt old system of representative ‘democracy’ that we KNOW is fixed and a fundamental lie?
I don’t think so.
I think the New Normal requires a New Response.
This isn’t 2003 and the anti-war protests. This isn’t 1984 and the miners’ strike. This struggle is actually potentially far more winnable. Because it isn’t about trying to force a change of action on remote beings who don’t give a damn and won’t listen. It’s about reaching ordinary people. Our friends, family, community.
What we are facing is not just a new level of tyranny, but a new kind of tyranny. One that requires more than passive obedience or inaction from people in order to preserve their status quo.
The New Normal demands people do things to positively reinforce that Normal, not simply passively consent. People are being asked to make fundamental changes to their daily lives and proactively DO things that inconvenience, impoverish or endanger them and their loved ones. They are being asked to wear masks, remain inside, refuse contact, close stores, all as individual acts of faith in the truth and reality of the narrative.
This means it’s not principally the PTB who are enforcing this narrative – it’s individual people. It’s everyone who is seen to be believing the story. It’s every man, woman and child wearing a mask or social distancing, or closing their business.
We are not merely bystanders to this event, we are required to be active participants. And that potentially gives us a lot more power. Because we can simply say no.
And if people really knew the truth they would say no – out of simple self preservation – the same instinct currently being exploited to get their co-operation.
This is why a bid to organise hierarchical resistance misses the point, and aims at the wrong target.
The fourth Industrial revolution is supposed to be in part about data – information. Those with the information will control the world.
Think about that.
If information is key to them maybe it should be to us. I think we need to see the war against the New Normal as an information war.
The Great Reset merchants are selling conformity through lies. We need to counter them with the truth. Which will, indeed, “set you free.”
We, all of us, everyone reading this, need to start sharing information as if it was ammunition.
Reblog it, print it out and distribute it. Leave it in leaflets, send it in letters or emails, tell people about it by word of mouth.
If only one person in a hundred listens to you, it’s still a step.
But the information needs to be simple and true. Here are the 4 basic facts-
- the ‘virus’ has a blurry definition and has a survival rate of over 99% – no more deadly than some recent flu strains
- the PCR tests DON’T work and are a fraud.
- The reported ‘deaths’ are often people dying of other things and having ‘covid’ added to their CoD based on the test that doesn’t work or on financial incentive.
- The vaccine is NOT a vaccine. It’s experimental gene manipulation which will need decades of testing over generations before it can really be pronounced safe.
Don’t let these basic truths be diluted with irrelevant chatter about bio weapons or ‘miracle cures’. Don’t think you can be more effective if you cut the truth with a few commonly believed lies.
Don’t be tempted to meet the lie halfway. Don’t say ‘sure the pandemic was real and the virus IS scary, but it’s all over now’.
No. Tell the truth. Tell it to at least one person you know every day, and help to set them free.
Tell people how powerful they are. That this sick farce of political/corporate narrative now more than ever needs their endorsement for it to mean anything, and if they simply decline to endorse and walk away eventually the farce will be playing to an empty theatre.
We need INFORMATIONAL organization laterally – getting info out about the ‘pandemic’, about legal rights, about how to get away from total dependence on the system.
Encourage people to form their own groups and spread this info. Organic, loose – hard to monitor and pin down, hard to infiltrate because there will be no hierarchy.
Tell people they don’t need to wait for self-appointed leaders to give them direction. They can be their own change. Starting now.
Take their slogans – ‘strength in unity’ and make it mean something in your own life.
Remember ‘they’ are weak in numbers but strong in cohesion, and they have taken our strength in numbers and used it against us – like a martial arts ninja.
They try to break us apart with internal divisions, setting black against white, male against female, “Right” against “Left”.
The old politics and its terminologies are meaningless in the fact of this latest coup against humanity. It’s not a matter of Left v Right any more. It’s a simple division between those who believe in human freedom and those who want humanity enslaved.
The only way to fight this New Normal is to create another one. Where people rediscover independence of thought and genuine collectivism of action.
With thanks to Vanessa Beeley for her input and suggestions
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I couldn’t agree more. We need freedom cells everywhere. Small groups of mo more than 8 people doing their own thing. The PTSB want to centralise everything. The obvious response is to decentralise as much as possible. Avoid corporations as far as possible. Exercise the power of the wallet and but consciously only what you need. Minimise and turn to those in your community for support not “services.” We can’t do this alone but new political party with leaders and centralised authority is the last thing we need. These “solutions” are the problem . We need a paradigm shift and we must rediscover our humanity. Before its too late. The revolution may not be televised but who watches television?
I just sent vaccine article (Q to ask) out to those who will send it on to those who can’t make decisions on vaccine. Not been tested/it is experimental. America has been taken down by a Marxist coup and the coup is complete. Globalists totally control the white house now and congress to the max.. America is over with and econ. is being shredded into agenda 2030:
A Marxist coup? So now Biden and co are going to expropriate the wealthy, nationalise the banks, provide free healthcare and education for all?
Biden will push for agenda 2030 with Bill Gates and other globalist pals, should be finished by 2025. get informed:
We need to understand the role the PR firms play in feeding and maintaining the great reset narrative. Catte Black uses the anology of a theatre. Unlike false flags theatre where they use their own versed actors, covid panto requires our acquiesces and direct participation in order to succeed.
Physically get in touch with people in your area through social media groups, print facts, drop them through people’s letterboxes, put them on windscreens of parked cars, talk to people that you feel and see are on the same wavelength, and above all DO NOT COMPLY with tyranical rules designed to enslave us.
“The New Normal requires a NEW Response”
I absolutely agree – political parties are part of the problem, it’s time for very different activities!
Here is how you overturn this corrupt system without any violence:
– stop watching the brainwashing-machine planted in every home in the world (AKA a tel-aviv-sion set, which you register and pay a LICENSE FOR [how stupid is that??])
– cover ALL cameras on ALL of your devices with tape (webcams can record and stream even when the phone is in sleep mode)
– stop using bank cards and use cash everywhere that cannot be tracked and tied to your name – remain anonymous
– stop buying from supermarkets, especially the ones with “loyalty” cards
– start buying organic products locally from farms and farm shops
– stop using subscriptions and contracts that support large profit-hungry companies and corporations
– stop buying pharmaceutical products
– start practising yoga exercises and the Wim Hof Method which gives voluntary control of the immune system so you NEVER GET SICK AGAIN
– stop drinking tap water with chlorine and fluoride and bottled water with microplastics and pesticides that seep into ground water
– start drinking distilled water that is as pure as rain water with no fluoride or chlorine (which is essentially water distilled from the ocean through the sun’s heat)
– start growing your own, building your own, making your own (toothpaste without fluoride) and baking your own (bread)
– stop driving motor vehicles that teach you to follow (lines painted on the ground) and obey (colored lights) which not only pollute the air but also kill 1.4 million people EACH year
– start walking, cycling, scootering, rollerblading, etc. since you work and shop locally (if not then it’s time to switch)
– start questioning EVERYTHING the media and politicians tell you, the truth is probably the opposite!
– while we’re at it, STOP VOTING!
– do your own research into how they are enslaving you (vaccines, etc.) and how you can free your mind (psychedelics, etc.)
– and for heaven’s sake, start using VPNs (Windscribe is free and great, please support) and ad-block (Kaspersky Total Security works a treat with anti-banner and private browsing)
– finally, when you’re ready, get off grid (caravan with solar, electric heating, cooker, shower, etc.) and stop paying bills to energy companies and mortgages to banks (close your accounts)
Don’t do these because I tell you to. Pick and mix the ones that feel right for you. Make the change when you are ready. Feel free to add your ideas to the list.
And most important of all… never fail to wear that tinfoil hat!
Get rid of your smartphone and any other GPS-harboring devices. Like cameras, these track you even when the device is turned off.
There’s a film called The Nuisance, released in 1933 (the same year that the Technocracy movement began). It mentions Technocracy, eugenics and vaccination IDs. So this is a very old plan that they are trying to implement now.
It won’t be that hard to implement because there is little if any opposition. The only opposition (passive type) is articles online exposing and opposing agenda 2030, yet no one is really doing anything to stop it.
Its happening organically. And, this atrocity has been the catalyst for it. I have NEVER seen so many people waking up and distrusting the official narrative and dictates. We are VERY close to a swing. Keep pushing….keep pushing hard right now. The wall as Vanessa says….will fall!
Wish I could meet some distrusting people waking up, but then I am a social recluse now, fed up with apathy and ignorance among the masses. So are friends who isolate themselves and read online. Social interaction is a waste of time now when nothing will be done except writing and posing websites to educate the stupid.
I hope you have not had your vaccination yet because if you have your goose might be cooked. Turns out it was a great idea to destroy the health of the Dr’s, nurses, teachers, critical infrastructure specialists. Fantastic idea.
What the _u_k is wrong with you people. Just sit there and get euthanized, really?
The under the bus throwing has begun with calls to blame Democratic governors for the nursing home deaths. By ALL means, investigate them but the ENTIRE nursing home debacle needs INDEPENDENT investigation to address what actually happened. Mass contaminated tests shoved 4″ up elderly noses by the military, and afterwards many sickened and died. MILLIONS of tests were found contaminated and recalled unsafe not just in the US but all over the world. The drug cocktails administered were stated to be effective euthanasia per the British Medical Journal. Elderly people lost access to treatment once the hospitals closed for Covid. And, doctors blew out patients lungs with ventilators set at high pressure settings, something that went AGAINST medical protocol but was implemented because the CDC said so. We need to call for a REAL investigation into that scandal and not just allow a few politicians to take the fall.
Like I said in another post, there are losts of stupid people kissing up to Gates, Fauci and believing the mainstream news saying “go get your vaccine”. Then they line up for the shot with other dumbed down folks who will believe anything that CNN, Fox and NBC,CBS or public TV news says to do.
I wish it were so simple. All my efforts so far, both online and face-to-face, to convince those taken in by the orthodox narrative have come to naught. There are those who share my views, but the rest cannot be swayed with rational arguments and just consider you to be a “conspiracy theorist.” That has been my experience.
I don’t bother with the wingnut believers. But what’s frustrating is that I know quite a few people who are skeptical or agree the whole thing is a scam, but without exception they all just shrug and comply in order to get along. They act like this is the equivalent of bad weather. They’ll even get the gene-engineering injection in order to be able to travel and such. Not one has the slightest resistance mentality. I still haven’t met a single person in real life who shares that imperative.
Yes, exactly.
And in the spectrum or range of people who go along with the Megadeath Virus of Doom scamdemic and its matryoshka-doll configuration of nested Big Lies, there are also those who effectively “shrug and comply” while remaining noncommittal.
I know it’s the usual anecdotal reference to just one acquaintance, but I’m sure there are many like him. He’s an older man, a “Type A” workaholic who refuses to retire from his career as a teacher, and eventually an administrator. He never says what he really thinks of the scamdemic, although he’s a lifelong New York Times reader who most likely accepts the NYT Big Lies on faith.
Since his goal in life seems to be to remain busy, busy busy (or “productive”, as he calls it), he seems quite comfortable with the draconian New Abnormal. Without going into more detail, he’s a high-school principal who seems to be enthusiastically coping with all of the scamdemic-related protocols: rearranging the school’s physical layout, developing and enforcing the mask-wearing and distancing requirements, overseeing the absurd, Wonderland-style whack-a-mole game of students reporting positive PCR test results, following quarantine timetables, etc.
In short, he seems happy to be a scamdemic Eichmann. In that context, I presume that in his work he needs to demonstrate and project that he takes the “pandemic” very seriously, lest he alarm and outrage compliant, submissive students, parents, and alumni.
I concede that in his circumstances he’s compelled to keep up appearances. But, again, he never discloses whether he’s playing the game despite private reservations and skepticism, or whether he’s a bona-fide controller-class useful idiot.
I’m told he got vaccinated this week, so he obviously doesn’t have problem with the vaccines. But even that might be part of “keeping up appearances”.
The objective is not to convince but to inform, once you have told them what you needed to say leave it at that, their self preservation instinct will kick in once their safety nets or current gouvernement bribes are removed. Remember, quite a lot of people are enjoying the lockdowns, free grants, low interest loans, working from home etc, once these freebies are taken away, then the reality will sink in and theyāll remember everything you were saying, believe me they will.
Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko Defeats Globalist Coup To Overthrow Him
Feb 13, 2021
Alexander Lukashenko, the President of Belarus has announced his victory over the coup organized by globalists like George Soros to overthrow him.
Soon after coming to power, Lukashenko started a crackdown on George Soros Foundation slapping a $3 million fine for currency violation. The same year George Soros left Belarus. Since then, Belarus has been a target of constant Color Revolutions aimed at overthrowing Lukashenko. . . .
Lukashenko exposed World Bank, IMF and global agenciesā agenda behind huge coronavirus loans. As reported by GreatGameIndia last year, Belarus exposed the conditions laid by these agencies for loans being provided for COVID-19.
Dr. Andy Wakefield: Dissecting the Vaccine
Frequency Wars Interview (60mins)
Feb 7, 2020
Specific focus on the RNA āvaccineā
Are the hairs on the back of your neck standing up when you hear the mantra “get the vaccine” – “it’s a matter of life or death?” You hear it everywhere – radio, tv, doctors, politicians, mainstream media, Hollywood stars, liberal and conservative alike, are all saying “get the vaccine.” – “Itās safe.” Even your elevator music is saying you need to get the vaccine. All for what? a tough virus with the death rate of any seasonal flu. Is this adding up? When you put your critical thinking hat on, how can you not come to the conclusion thereās another agenda for the vaccines in the midst?
On Frequency Wars, we have one of the frontrunners fighting the tragedies and dangers of these vaccines; Dr. Andy Wakefield who is a physician, author, and award-winning filmmaker. We discuss The COVID-19 vaccine and what our future will look like in the coming years if this agenda is fully realized, and most importantly, what we can do to save humanity from a dystopian future. Grab your hat and hold on tight we are about to uncover the truth of the vaccine agenda!
In this clip Dr jennifer Daniels describes how she was told the allopathic cult were making a monopoly for the students in medical school and how they were told there would be a pandemic “there might be quarantines, you will be in charge of coordinating the response” and further details given later etc.
Thanks for the link; this is part 2 (which Iām currently listening to)
Turpentine & Sugar, American Slave Miracle Cure ā Part 2 w/ Dr. Jennifer Daniels
Jul 14, 2018
Transformation Talk Radio
Part 2: Dr. Jennifer Daniels continues discussing her experiences and also explains her turpentine and sugar remedy.
Dr. Jennifer Daniels joins the program to share her incredible successful process of healing patients only to find the establishment upset with her success. Her story is an all too common experience by other great doctors who did too good of a job for the powers in the medical and pharmaceutical community. Unfortunately, Dr. Daniels felt the need to leave the country for her safety; now living in Panama, she continues educating people all over the world on healthy habits and natural cures. You can see more of her work at
I love this community! So many interesting leads – thanks guys.
Is this the same Andrew Wakefield who Bustin busted in the PCR test for autism vaccine? The same Bustin who swivelled 180 degrees in his analysis when peer reviewing the Drosten retraction paper?
I have already posted a link to this letter from a de-registered doctor on ‘The Invisible Empire’ but I think it is worth considering as a tool to forward to friends and families because it tells the truth about the agenda, and the treatments available which are being denied those who need it most.
Since when is the AstraZeneca vaccine not a vaccine?
Since what we know as vaccine consists of the actual virus weakened or inactivated. The AZ “vaccine” consists of another virus modified to mimic the actual virus.
I thought that the other virus (adenovirus) was used to get new DNA — the DNA for an alleged spike protein — into the nucleus of the cells (what the lipid nanoparticles do in the Moderna and Pfizer “vaccines”). There, the DNA is allegedly used by the cell to make spike proteins that then go to the surface of the cell, producing eternal autoimmune reactions. (So I think that I am mostly agreeing with what you described.)
More or less correct, but too much of the less, not enough of the more, with an overgenerous portion of ‘eternal’ and ‘autoimmune’ bullshit. Nothing goes into the host’s cell nuclei. D.
Ignorant answer, D-
There’s never been a better time than now to consider voluntaryism.
Voluntary means, such as non-violent resistance, for example, violate no one’s rights. They only serve to nullify laws and politicians by ignoring them. Voluntaryism does not require of people that they violently overthrow their government, or use the electoral process to change it; merely that they shall cease to support their government, whereupon it will fall of its own dead weight. If one takes care of the means, the end will take care of itself.
Childish Gandhi levels of idiocy. Only violence works. The end
I’m afraid you’re right.
Youre right, we are past that point now, so site your scopes folks
ā Itās not a matter of Left v Right any more. Itās a simple division between those who believe in human freedom and those who want humanity enslaved.ā
I understand your point about dividing us based on political ideologies. Itās not correct to say left and right donāt matter anymore. Left = those who want humanity enslaved and right = those who believe in human freedom. Itās not that complicated when you eliminate the countless perversions of these terms over generations.
I used to be a lefty and I concentrated on what I thought was best for everyone and how to use government to make that happen. Now Iām a righty and I concentrate on freedom and how governmentās only role is to make that happen.
Right wing has neeeeeeever been pro freedom
what is right wing to you?
Errr, yes it has
Libertarian, free markets, gold backed currency, Anti-state anti-war-protect our shores but not other country’s problems. pro market not monopoly capitalism run by globalists.
Me too!
It depends what you mean by the left. Classicial Marxism considers the basic dynamic in class society to be the class struggle between the proletariat, which is fighting to liberate itself from enslavement, and the ruling class, which is fighting to maintain its status as the exploiter of the masses.
“Left = those who want humanity enslaved”
What lack of knowlegde, educate yourself!
“Now Iām a righty and I concentrate on freedom”
Freedom according to the right:
On point 1. I think that we need to get everyone to realise that not only is there no virus now. But there has never been any virus in the history of medicine that has been shown to cause any disease! We may have bacteria and fungi which if they get into your body can wreck havoc but viruses are just a fiction made up by Pasteur who spent his life searching for virus and never found any. There has never been any virus which have met Koch’s postulates nor even River’s postulates. So please, let us stop talking about something that doesn’t exist. If this message can be communicated to the public, we can then stop with the stupidity of masks and social distancing and start to really start working on what is causing the small percentage of individuals who come down with the severe respiratory issues that are associated with covid-19.
On point 2. I completely agree we need to ensure that people are well informed that PCR tests have no scientific value and are fraudulent and the lateral flow test is no better. I ask the question, the unique antigen for what supposed virus is being tested for in the lateral flow test???
On point 3. Public Health England is calling covd-19 deaths as any person who has had a positive test within 60 days of death. So someone with stage 4 cancer on his or her death bed is classified as a covid-19 death if they were had a positive test the day before their death. As well, someone with a positive test the day before they died in a train accident is classified as a covid-19 death!?! It is embarrassing!!!
On point 4. I think that it is even worse than that. I note from a recent article in UKcolumn by Iain Davis that many if not all deaths that have happened to people after they have had one of the “vaccines” are being classified as covid-19 deaths.
I think that what we need to do is to get the information out to the population. We need to do it in a way along the lines of frequently asked questions. People tend to use anecdotes to try and counter what you tell them. We need to provide them with facts that are irrefutable such as overall deaths over the last five years, pointing out that seasonal nature of colds and flu is due to clear changes in our environment in both the winter and spring and how it impacts on the human body. Give people clear questions to ask to doctors and nurses when they regurgitate BS about viruses and supposed “vaccines”. We need to do this now because as can amply be seen in what comes out of the mouth of Boris Johnson and Matt Hancock on new strains and more severe lockdowns unless we counter them with hard facts, they can keep pushing this BS for years!
So here in the wilds of BC, Canada, my kids and I are on day 5 (6?) of collective covid self isolation. We are all symptomatic and positive but aside from a very bad headache the first night, I have not felt any difference from a moderate flu. My daughter has been traumatized by the level of contract tracing, calls from local health, and shaming from school mates. It’s hard to reconcile the reaction to the actual virus when you have first hand knowledge…we have so few people in hospital now that it beggars belief why we are putting restrictions on the lives of the young. Yes I can see that it is more contagious than a standard flu but we have set a frightening precedent by reacting like this to a virus with a 99.7% survival rate. The kids are waking up to this and I am not too sure that they like where their futures are heading.
Then we watched Contagion last night and my god, the human race should be ashamed of itself for collapsing in the face of this most benign plague. They didn’t even mandate masks! The Contagion virus had a 30% fatality rate and the deaths were horrific-obviously a rushed, experimental vaccine made sense. But for covid? Check yourself if you are under 70 with no co-morbidities and think that you need to put your future health at risk with mRNA.
Agree fully – each of us can try to reach a few others. They’re not necessarily going to see the light immediately (we’ve been here almost a year), but a seed is sown.
The weakest point of this scam is vaccines, and we can appeal to instincts of self-preservation, at least. There’s a ready-made leaflet on this site, it’s linked to the site to expand on the issues
Does anyone know if this is for real?
Keir Starmer wants prosecutions for people who refuse the Covid jab. He is actually as bad if not worse than the Tories who want a vaxx passport to go into my local shopping mall.
If so, I knew he was uncharismatic, Blairite, anti-Left, and a terrible leader, but I hadn’t realised before. that he was actually evil.
I don’t know if this is any use for you, Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK), but I recently came across this rather interesting document from the Coujncil of Europe: ‘Covid-19 vaccines: ethical, legal and practical considerations’ – Resolution 2361(2021). See:
Although it focuses on the promotion of the ‘vaccine’ and ‘countering disinformation’ etc (yawn), section 7 is rather interesting. I quote:
7.1.1. ensure high quality trials that are sound and conducted in an ethical manner in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Convention on human rights and biomedicine (ETS No. 164, Oviedo Convention) and its Additional Protocol concerning Biomedical Research (CETS No. 195), and which progressively include children, pregnant women and nursing mothers;
7.1.5. put in place independent vaccine compensation programmes to ensure compensation for undue damage and harm resulting from vaccination;
7.3.1. ensure that citizens are informed that the vaccination is NOT mandatory and that no one is politically, socially, or otherwise pressured to get themselves vaccinated, if they do not wish to do so themselves;
7.3.2. ensure that no one is discriminated against for not having been vaccinated, due to possible health risks or not wanting to be vaccinated;
The last two are particularly relevant to the wealdengirl tweet.
Now, I suppose we wait to see what rabbit the UK govt will pull out of the hat, to circumvent these ‘practical considerations.’
Viva carnival Goa 2021 full video
If your educational background makes it frustratingly difficult for you to read articles in professional medical and research journals, don’t give up. Look up terms and procedures you don’t understand. Yes. It’s hard and frustrating, but it will make you feel empowered. It is at this level of questioning that a person can truly make up their own mind.
Pre-conceived notions have no place in a genuine search for information. Politics has no place in such a search, either.
And then beware articles that claim someone is trying to keep you from the “real” picture, as this one does. Because such articles are doing precisely what they are telling you not to do: telling you not to think, not to question, but rather to accept what they are telling you to think.
It does reach the point when citing the blindingly obvious becomes counterproductive. There are, however, very many articles here which go into great detail about this pandemic event – scientifically and academically. For further reading visit our Covid section. Thanks, A2
“Covid section” – Speaking of which, why was this piece not posted at the Covid section? I have no idea where you did post it, but if I wouldn’t have become aware of it through a FB group, I never would have known it existed.
Sign the petition to stop the vaccines !
Why so few? 121,000
It’s to stop vaccine passports, actually. I signed.
Study the UK’s own ONS Stats & compare 2001 up to 2020 & you will see the Covid Scam writ large!
Total Deaths per 100,000 population – Males & Females – 2001 to 2020
Year Males Females
2001 1,512 1,046
2002 1,497 1,046
2003 1,482 1,055
2004 1,401 993
2005 1,369 981
2006 1,324 945
2007 1,299 939
2008 1,292 943
2009 1,230 887
2010 1,201 877
2011 1,160 842
2012 1,159 856
2013 1,158 853
2014 1,121 822
2015 1,156 864
2016 1,128 838
2017 1,124 837
2018 1,121 838
2019 1,079 799
2020 1,206 824
wow! 50% more deaths among men! The perpetrators of feminism must be proud, they’ve finally achieved “equality” of the sexes…
@LeRuscino – for re-posting – can you supply a page source/reference! Thanks
Thanks Catte and Vanessa… but I have a couple of points to add.
But I absolutely agree – we have to keep talking about it in public and making more noise until something gets through. Living in a state which has a dozen quarantined CASES of the “hyper-infectious UK variant” and has us in a 5 day lockdown that everyone accepts is reasonable does not make this task easy!! There are 40 or 50 “exposure sites” in Melbourne where a contact of a contact of someone who tested positive may have been, and where anyone who was there on that day must get tested and self-isolate for 14 days regardless of how they test. At least 40,000 people have been tested so far and only three or four positives found, but they think there was a false negative amongst the dozen who were found positive! 1984 had nothing on this.
There are 40 or 50 āexposure sitesā in Melbourne where a contact of a contact of someone who tested positive may have been, and where anyone who was there on that day must get tested and self-isolate for 14 days regardless of how they test. At least 40,000 people have been tested so far
if only those people had had the good sense to provide a false name and phone number for the “contact tracers”, they could have avoided all that unpleasantness.
we are living through one of the rare episodes in history when being a political dissident confers personal advantages, rather than disadvantages, on those who are still capable of independent thought. as for the rest, they are quite welcome to the fruits of their own conformity, obedience, cowardice, and stupidity.
What if the āVirusā, which we make in our own cells, is actually our bodies natural solution to remove a certain toxin ?
What if viruses are too small to be alive ? Nanobes are bigger & science agrees they are too small to be considered as alive ā How do you kill a dead thing? Take an average atom at 180 Picometres, you will struggle to find a virus bigger than 2 billion atomsā¦ā¦ā¦a single strand of 4 nucleotide DNA is (c) 200 billion atomsā¦.
What if the Soviet research that identified at least 376,000 different viruses in 7 sub-groups was taken seriously? What if each of these viruses had a function that was by beneficial design?
Maybe, when we have a cold or flu or even a wart or nasty pustule the excreted viruses are meanāt to be there by our own bodyās design & as such the excretions exhibited are a natural mechanism of viruses removing a great variety toxins?
What if certain toxins were released via air, water & food to induce a reaction of excretion & Big Pharma who own medical education called it a āviral diseaseā?
The Fort Riley experiments kill the contagion argument stone dead and consider that Humans excreting toxins do so in the same way as females synchronise menstruation when kept together via inter human telemetry in which a group contaminated with a toxin will induce each other to excrete telemetricallyā¦ā¦ā¦ā¦
Bearing in mind Pasteurās diaries, which can be found in the Smithsonian Museum, prove that Bechamp was right ! Clean the tank folksā¦ā¦ā¦
Enjoy the ride for the biggest, oldest & most profitable scam in the history of mankind that viruses have createdā¦ā¦ā¦
Trillions of dollars at stake if the secrets got out !!!!!!!!
This is just another pop at the real organised left, and an attempt to ensure there is no political opposition to the neoliberal, neocon, line of governments we are suffering from today, and which is our only hope of fighting the growing tyranny.
NOā¦.. we need to organise under a political banner, the neoliberals know this, we should also know this. Fragmented opposition is powerless.
the real organised left
is that the same real organised left that’s currently shilling for the COVID-1984 hoax, the lockdowns, and the police state?
when the real organised left comes to my door with a hypodermic needle and says it’s mandatory, they will then have a splendid opportunity to exercise the courage of their convictions, as I plan on following Solzhenitsyn’s advice about how to conduct oneself in such situations.
You’ve already been trundled over by that famed wheel of history. The neocon franchise was abandoned long ago with the collapse of the “War on Terror” epic. The neoliberal spin off has collapsed as the TINA (“There Is No Alternative”) speil has been reapplied to the latest blockbuster: the struggle against Evil Covid, neoliberalism now being officially defeated. And THIS is the bit where that “real organised left” have gleefully jumped on board to help out with the latest capitalist scam – Feel the irony!
I don’t think this situation deserves to be dignified by being described as “irony”. it’s a carefully-organized psychological warfare operation, in which the “real organised left” are willing participants. it’s an interesting research question as to how that result was brought about, but regardless of the details, the individuals concerned will eventually be rewarded for their service in the manner traditional for fascist collaborators.
I agree the whole Covid thing is aimed at denigrating opposition to the global order (i.e. the Left, more or less) but with one caveat that others have pointed out even in this thread– it was designed to work through the Left. Not against it, per say.
From the get-go the entire pandemic was framed in terms of advanced medical/virological discourse– stuff that even people who have completed college with some science courses generally find very daunting to wrap their minds around. It immediately put the educated sector of the population on notice: this is brainy stuff. Consult the experts.
The technocratic tendency in the Left/liberal sector of society was explicitly appealed to, with all the attendant class snobbishness. The hands of teachers’ pets all over the world shot up in unison. They weren’t going to flunk. They were going to get this one right.
A series of nonsensical protocols were trotted out and they could not wait to comply. They became the handmaidens of power in social media and in real life– tattling on people, wagging fingers, excising social ties, virtue signaling, designing elaborate systems in their businesses and homes to somehow manifest the nonsensical rules — and they loved every damn second of it. It was a miniature golden age for the nerds.
Only the lumpenproletariat, who don’t have the same fondness for technocracy, had an intrinsic mistrust of the Covid narrative. It was not because they knew what was wrong with PCR tests or RNA vaccines, they just could tell it was all a big hassle. As my parents’ cleaning lady, a Mexican-American lady with little education put it when my brother asked her if she was worried about Covid: “Oh,” she laughed, “don’t tell me ju believe in that chit?”
So much wiser than her social “betters.”
The true believers were and are those who believe the media, who think the people running the world are fundamentally nice people– perhaps with a different ideology than theirs but amiable enough people who need to shown the correct way— believers in progress. Progressives, if you will. Humanity in their eyes following an upward trend over the centuries, just like a longterm version of a coronavirus death chart, up, up, up and away.
Excellent comment.
How come you can spell lumpinprollyterrorat but not percy?
I think they knew they had to co-opt the left, which was the force that should have opposed a global power grab by the transnational ruling class, and great effort was expended to do so. For example, look at the media outlets Billy Boy’s foundation funds. They are all ones that are trusted by those on the left. (Anyone hear Billy’s interview on the BBC’s Today programme this morning? I bet their new sponsor got a right grilling – not!)
By the way, I have encountered quite a few people who view Covid as a sham or pretext to force through another agenda, and none of them are what I would describe as lumpenproletariat. I also balk at a cleaning lady being so described. As I understand it, the term lumpenproletariat does not apply to anyone who works for a living, however badly paid they may be.
I was (over)-generalizing about class in America and how education seems to have made people stupider about Covid, which has been my experience. But there are plenty of exceptions to that rule. I’d count myself as one of them, hypocrite that I am.
I don’t actually know the concise definition of “lumpenproletariat,” either. Honestly, I got as far as spell-checking it when I typed it, and then it was good enough to use in one of 500 comments on this article.
The fact that the overwhelming majority of those that self-identify as “the left”, as “anti-globalists”, “anti-imperialists” and every other such classification, have not only completely fallen in line with this mass insanity but have willingly served as propagandists for the Covid scam, and therefore for globalism, imperialism, technocracy, capitalism, the corporate state and the truthfulness of the corporate media, is proof of their infinite vileness and total worthlessness for any pro-human purpose.
All these liars, that prior to 2020 would have agreed: If you’re on the same side as the US or UK government, you’re on the wrong side; if you’re on the same side as CNN or the Washington Post you’re on the wrong side; if you’re on the same side as Big Pharma you’re on the wrong side; if you’re on the same side as the Davos cabal you’re on the wrong side.
Now with one voice “the left” proclaims these all are the greatest, most benevolent, most honest of authorities.
They’re all frauds and they’re all traitors. The worst traitors in all of history. One benefit of all this is that it has once and for all destroyed all credibility of all system partisans but especially “the left”, which humanity finally can bury once and for all.
What about those of us who identify as being on the left but who have not betrayed our core values, the prime value being siding with the masses in the struggle against the ruling class?
It’s rough! The left want nothing to do with dissent about Covid. They are actively hostile to the mere suggestion that state responses to it could even be optimized in any way, let alone that the whole pandemic has been a sham. It’s a cult and they’re the priests. WTF?
The few who actually have and live those values no longer fit into the “left-right” spectrum (If they ever did).
I myself stopped identifying as “left” many years ago and gave up completely on it for several reasons, and I was only mildly surprised at how near-unanimous and enthusiastic “the left” as a whole has been in joining the Covid cult and becoming propagandists and junior fascist deputies for it.
(Somewhat more surprised at the similarly ardent cultism among self-alleged “anti-globalists” and “anti-imperialists”, who have thrown away in the most direct unequivocal way everything they ever claimed to stand for.)
Knowledge doesn’t amount to much of social and political significance if it’s not organized and institutionalized. Scattered individuals sharing information via means of communication controlled by ruling class interests are incidental to the production of ruling ideology. And information alone doesn’t begin to tap into the lived knowledge of habits/practices/virtues necessary for building genuine, on-the-ground resistance and alternatives to the many forces and relations of production serving tyrannical ends.
The (re)building of more autonomous working class associations and traditions across the divided and conquered identities of capitalist culture is essential to countering the present revolutionizing of the machinery of (re)production. If human alienation is not to become absolutized and universalized in the kind of techno-tyranny being prepared for us in such transhumanist terms as the Great Reset, we will have to renew ways of living rooted in communities dedicated to economic means and social relations preserving and promoting intrinsic values of being human beyond our reduction to the exchange values of capitalism’s commodification of existence.
The New (ab)Normal, and its anti-evolutionary agenda of biotechnological eugenics and total automation, requires recovery of the oldest and deepest experiences of what it means to be human.
The (re)building of more autonomous working class associations and traditions across the divided and conquered identities of capitalist culture is essential to countering the present revolutionizing of the machinery of (re)production.
that sounds like a good idea. it’s too bad that nobody bothered doing anything about it nineteen years ago, when the Old New Normal was first proclaimed, after The Day That Changed Everything, and the initiation of The War That Will Not End In Our Lifetime.
actually, I tried to do something about it, but received not the slightest assistance from the Official And Serious Left; they were too busy sneering condescendingly at people like me, who could see where the whole agenda was going, and calling us “loons”, “conspiracy theorists”, and “fascists”.
and now, here we are, with the New New Normal running full blast. and the Serious Left is still shilling for the Official Story, and denouncing people who have seen through the COVID-1984 hoax, as “loons”, “conspiracy theorists”, and “fascists”.
funny how that works. somehow, I’ve lost all interest in talking to such people, ever again. it’s interesting to hear that they’re now “recovering”, but I don’t really hold out much hope for them.
…actually, I tried to do something about it, but received not the slightest assistance from the Official And Serious Left…
Gee, if they had only just listened to you, we wouldn’t be in such a predicament! Maybe try again, it took quite a while before anyone took notice of J K Rowling. Your day will come comrade!
fuck off, troll.
I’ve had similar experiences, well before the war on (of) terror. And there’s been no let-up. For example, I’m suspect right here, by you below.
Oooh the author soooo non Marxist! She doesn’t really know what “organising” actually means, well best ask a Marxist sweetie! No doubt she keeps her distance from the the real left because she has been primed up on bourgeois propaganda and its obsession with the illusion of personal freedoms. Her hypothetical idea of revolutionary change would be so squeaky clean without the ugly stains that have tarnished communist governments in the past no doubt. Typical wishy washy waffle from a lefty with a full belly!
Now more than ever we need the Marxists! They are historically the best at organising resistance because they (with the right wing gatekeepers) are the very few who understand how it all works! The author is wrong: it is a continuation of class struggle (or “left versus right” as she clumsily refers to it as not being). The facists are back with some new improved shit, there’s work to be done!
What’s a Marxist sweetie?
Moot point. Refer t the man himself.
He declared that āIf that is Marxism I am not a Marxistā as a response to the self-proclaimed āMarxistā movements that were popular in places like France during the time period. The claimed to be inspired by his ideas, but Marx himself seems to have regarded them as little more than lazy psuedo-rebels using his theory as a means of trying to be edgy rather than out of any real desire to create a lasting workersā movement. He accused them of ārevolutionary phrasemongeringā, and rejecting all political activity that wasnāt speficially dedicated to a full scale revolution.
He was particularly peeved by the French section of the Workersā International rejecting a list of his proposals (which included things such as a minimum wage, gender-equal pay, and mandatory compensation for on-the-job injuries), because they felt that any attempts to agitate for demands that fell short of full scale revolution werenāt radical enough.
ļ»æApparently, Marx also described the French āMarxistsā as using his materialist conception of history āas an excuse to not study history,ā which suggests that they adopted his theory of history as gospel without fully understanding either its implications or the actual events that it was meant to explain.
Basically, he was upset that a bunch of poorly-informed, politically inept wannabe radicals were running around calling themselves āMarxists.ā
However, this is a highly interpretive explanation, because we only have this statement of Marx secondhand through his partner Freidrich Engels and his son-in-law Paul Lafargue.
I would love to hear Marx’s reaction to the conspiracy phobia of our day. I can imagine him bellowing with laughter, saying something like, “You reject all notion of conspiracy? Fuck! Your masters have certainly got you well trained!”
Whatās a Marxist sweetie?
— somebody who the White Heterosexist Cisgendered Male Patriarchy has ruthlessly oppressed, by depriving them of their fundamental human right to an adequate supply of punctuation. it’s how the system keeps us down.
Ah yes the Marxist Sweetie, or as we say the Full Bellied Lefty is a species of left wing sympathiser who supports the transformation of society along socialist lines but balks at the ugly realtity of putting that transformation into practice. These squeaky clean lefties: Chomsky Chris Hedges Amy Goodman et al have a hypothetical notion of how that ideal dream should come about, and thus they shun anything that has emerged up to now (the USSR for example), as it didn’t tick all their bourgeois “personal freedom’ boxes. Their own middle class origins and Western propaganda are responsible for this distorted emphasis as they belittle the triumphs of socialism taking for granted their own privileged lifestyles and running the USSR down as it didn’t compare with their starry eyed notion of how it all should have been done! Chomsky thinks he could have manged the human flux better than Lenin or Stalin! I personally doubt that, Chomsky would have been a pushover!
Hope that clears things up George!
it seems quite appropriate, and characteristic of the mindset involved, that neo-stalinist trolls should knowingly discourse about “managing the human flux”.
it’s all a technocratic question of social plumbing, you see. you don’t want the toilet drain connected to the shower head, or you will be inundated with counterrevolutionary spies and saboteurs. also, you can’t make an omelette, without breaking eggs. but the eggs were counterrevolutionary riffraff, anyway, so who cares.
Your words are like a shining beacon comrade!
I have a sneaking suspicion that “Drooze”, “niko”, and “Swellown” are actually all emanations of the exact same entity.
RE: Now more than ever we need the Marxists!
That is absolutely right! Two foundational aspects Marxism are empirical reality and class analysis. The former, also known as Historical Materialism, has been violated repeatedly by the left and those claiming to be Marxists: as readers of Off-G know the chasm between science and “The Science TM” with respect to all things Covid should have been ridiculed by genuine Marxists from the beginning. Propaganda emanating from the capitalist media and the capitalist state should never be accepted at face value. Yet that is what the organized left has done. Real Marxists do their homework. What we are really seeing are the consequences of the eradication of genuine Marxism. 100 years of never-ending anti-communist propaganda will do that.
With regards to the second, the class warfare inherent the Lockdown polices and New Normal are unprecedented. Not millions sent into poverty, but billions! The “left” including the “radical left” (those often claiming to be Marxists) are calling for greater Lockdown measures, not lifting them. The world we are heading into is not a “communist” dystopia, it is a capitalist dystopia. Marx’s primary focus was not socialism (or communism) but understanding how capitalism works so as to provide the tools to working people to fight back. Marxism will only be “irrelevant” when capitalism no longer exists.
I built my house
From barley rice
Green pepper walls
And water ice
Tables of paper wood
Windows of light
And everything emptyin’
Into white
A simple garden
With acres of sky
A brown-haired dogmouse
If one dropped by.
The machine was designed to advance itself, those behind it, to advance themselves, the people shaped to produce, construct and reconstruct, from A to Z…duplicating through the generations, systemized lives, beginning to end, educated to order and believing it a natural process. But oh no, this not our filth, but it is our weakness, and that, has to be acknowledged. Then comes revelation, unforced – otherwise, the lie continues.
Ah, Catte Stevens!
It was all clear as day to those with eyes to see a decade ago!
Great analogy to what is happening in real time. I concur with everything stated on this article. The problem I have is the mere fact that this day in age “ignorance is bliss”. The real danger I see is that all this dystopic fascistic nitemare is creeping into acceptance and becomes a fait encomplit. As time progresses more and more acceptance of the fascism becomes a reality and a permanent state of affairs and being. This is reminiscent of Mussollini’s Italia and Hitler Germany one being the founder of fascism and the other the perfectionist of fascism . Since Thatcherism to Reagenism the bracket creep of fascistic style societies is so apparent and obvious to this day that even my neighbors dead cat can see it for what it is. I can quote all the data the facts at infinitum it has no resonance for reason logic and didactic thinking and thought has all been replaced with hive/herd type societal norms. Individualism and free thought is no longer an option. Like Catte has aptly described the political philosophy of today pseudo left fascism is the norm. Freedom of thought and expression is a true danger to the KABAL .
PUNTO UNO: The mere fact that we have exceeded the largest wealth transfer and wealth gap that makes the Gilded age look mild and meek is astounding and telling of the shear utter ignorance of today’s western society.
PUNTO DUE: Mere facts like that in Australia had the audacity to state that not one individual died of any form of haemophilus influenza A or B known as the common flu and that in USA they only recorded 28 cases oft ype A and 8 cases of type B for the whole cullender year of 2020 when this vile psy-op was unleashed on we the sheeple, is astounding.
PUNTO TRE Which brings me back to the phrase I stated earlier on Ignorance is bliss. for when I bring up such verifiable above mentioned facts all I get is either a blank stare or that the way it is so suck it up. Peer R/V paper after peer R/V paper on surgical face masks and all the other peer r/v paper on herd immunity statistical facts that there is 99 percent recovery rate that more people perished during the Hong Kong flu epidemic of 67 and was more isolated in Asia.
Knowledge is power but if if ignorance is bliss than power will never penetrate such an isolated cretinous and imbecilic mind.
Post Scriptum: Like all past deceptions such as Mussollini ,Hitler and Co this will unravel to the side of humanity and not evil. The mere fact that all western countries have admitted to the fraud of PCR test is already one small nail in the coffin of this nitemare. Further more the way they have banned Kennedy’s recent article and facebook and twitter account well all I can see is an Attorneys hail Mary
Docius in Fondem: Pace bene abi faede cause the shit storm bit by every little bit will un ravel and truth shall shine and rise from this darkness.
In ancient Chinese culture, a doctor was paid when patients were well. If a patient got sick, the doctor was not paid until s/he had helped heal that patient.
Let’s bring back that wonderful system. WHO would hate it! WHO would dissolve in irrelevancy, as would the whole modern medical cartel.
Sheeple Queueing Up For The Cull
SHEEP Line Up for the CULLING COVID VAX (DELETED by YouTube) (
āāHow did this happen? Whoās to blame? Well certainly there are those who are more responsible than others, and they will be held accountable, but truth be toldā¦ if youāre looking for the guilty, you need only look into a mirror.
I know why you did it. I know you were afraid. Who wouldnāt be? War, terror, disease. There were a myriad of problems which conspired to corrupt your reason and rob you of your common sense. Fear got the best of you and in your panic you turned to your corrupt government to protect you. They promised you order, they promised you peace, and all they demanded in return was your silent, obedient consent.āā V for Vendetta
One most crucial fact somehow has not been spelled out is that ITāS THE STATE/GOVERNMENT POWER that makes the whole thing possible! And that itās the state/government power that has violated and suppressed every correcting effort from the people. Without doing away with such destructive power nothing will change at. The crux of the matrix is the state/government system of power that people are still clinging on to and believing in.
Have you ever wondered How just a handful psychopaths have been successfully able to dictate the fate of billions of people without much of meaningful resistance, at least up till this moment? I leave the answer to each of you.
My experience is that the majority of people want to believe the narrative, and when they hear different they have a knee-jerk reaction against that voice. Because I have shared some videos that question the necessity and efficacy of the vaccines, I’m now a conspiracy theorist as far as my family and neighbours are concerned. There is no changing their minds – I’m not talking sense, I’m an idiot and I need help. It’s depressing and demoralising. Facts, logic and common sense have gone out of the window.
It’s the bit that you need help that’s the most galling! It’s made me pull my socks up though, I don’t apologise anymore or share my anxieties. Stand up straight as you were taught to.
Yes. I think it is very difficult for people to abandon the notion that government will protect them. Too scary to contemplate that there might be a totalitarian agenda in the works. Sadly, I think many must experience the tyranny before understanding what is actually going on.
Maybe the most bizarre part is that they truly WANT to believe the worst. One would think they’d be at least curious to hear an argument that the danger is vastly less than the TV says, but no, they want the worst to be true. That’s proof that the whole phenomenon is cultist.
At the end of the day, we can only control our own actions. It’s a hard realisation to arrive at, but I am done with family and friends who adopt the behaviour you cite. I’ve said my part, now it’s down to them and most made their choices years ago.
I’m in the unusual position of having moved back to the UK after 20 years living overseas and realising it has changed far more than I’d ever imagined. People are brainwashed. The groupthink is off the scales in most. But there are many who see through this, and those are the people I’ve been focusing my energy on over the past year. Making new friends, forming new groups of like-minded souls. It makes it a lot easier to let it go with regards to the friends I knew 20+ years ago. Family is tougher but there’s been a feeling growing in me now for the past year that I cannot deny, that I actually feel like I really dislike my own family and am happier in the presence of those who don’t live in forced denial and twist anything and everything to fit into their distorted lens view of the world.
Really, good article…..lead me to the photocopier and I shall post though every door
Society is very sick. Television propaganda constantly crushes the brains of the weakest. I think the battle to bring people to reason is lost. In Spain, denying television propaganda with scientific arguments is very frowned upon. You run the risk of being sent to a psychiatric hospital.
I have learned to not actually associate with people.It is futile and too late. I think the world has already extincted itself.
And I mean, it is pointless posting here, there’s very little I can do to help with or contribute and it doesn’t help I try inform anyone here that “viruses” are not what they claim or whatever.
Thanks for letting my post OG. Thanks for the company, keep well.
Abjection it is.
Oh and the geological activity is not getting any less. It’s kinda…yeah. I dunno what’s gonna happen regarding that.
2 Thessalonians 2:9-12 The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders, and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false, in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth
I think our current lack of spiritual understanding and awareness is what is killing us.
And don’t forget
“He’s a great humanitarian, he’s great philanthropist
He knows just where to touch you honey, and how you like to be kissed
He’ll put both his arms around you
You can feel the tender touch of the beast
You know that sometimes Satan comes as a man of peace”
(Bob Dylan)
I love what Catte Black and Vanessa Beeley write…but, well at least where I live It is Valentines Day February 14th 2021, but its a lot better than that.
It’s going to be the first day of Spring..its going to carry on getting a lot warmer, and I will be thinking, about buying some more seed potatoes, and maybe even vegetable seeds, if all the work we did last year, doesn’t self seed and reproduce…and I am very much in favour of people with big gardens – growing their own food. When you have been made redundant or chose to leave – its good exercise…and its quite easy and you will have food to eat if it gets a lot worse.
You are almost certain to have so many apples, that you will give them away. We live in a very fertile country with an excellent climate.
Get out and do something, even if its just going to cut the hedge and dig over your grandmother’s garden obviously under her instructions (she will be delighted to see you)
I was busy with that sort of thing until I realized it’s better to destroy the world.
Study and learn. Then, teach and share!
and above all love ā¤ļø
Ever since Carl Sagan uttered Pale Blue Dot I’ve been unable to erase the big picture of our incredible insignificance, and the follies of ignoring reality. That’s my New Normal.
Hello Reset: The Rockefeller blood line is rife with megalomania and narcissism. David Rockefeller actually believes he and his ilk are superior beings, because no one’s proved them wrong…
Maybe “believed” would be more accurate at this point, given the fact that he is DEAD? š
I haven’t looked into this at all, but maybe someone here who has can bring us up to speed: of those who inherited his wealth, which are now most active in continuing his mission? (Or are we now dealing with an entirely impersonal, faceless, more or less anonymous “Rockefeller Brothers”?)
Ha ha we all gonna get together and have a revolution man and change the course of everything man and they wont know whats hit them man.Fucking Right On.paz y amor x
If the kakistocratic kleptocratic rejects cared…
Nutrition would be addressed, deficiencies.
Toxicities lowered (vaccines, medications, herbicides, pesticides, fluoride, chlorine, chemtrails, mining, agricultural waste, etc).
If you just fucking gave people vitamin d and iodine supplements, people would be like 30% smarter and much healthier. It is incredibly simple, cheap and effective (addressing some of these issues in general, I mean, not just that specifically).
But even before that, if everything wasn’t intentionally toxified and lied about, that might help too.
EVERYTHING they try is to try and degenerate you. Understand.
Which is why I’m an angry guy. And the thing is, earth is even angrier.
Here’s my cult:
It’s them there chemtrails that scare me. That’s why I always wear a mask.
Hafta also tell them about the cholesterol hoax. Stop eating that vegetable oil & eat saturated fat instead. start listening @ 9 cuz it’s a sales spiel. Paul Saladino & Nina Her bk explodes Ancel Keyes, cholesterol Nina Teicholz
Monounsaturated oil isn’t so bad (e.g. olive oil).
It’s the polyunsaturated oil that is bad. According to Ray Peat and others, it has been known to be carcinogenic for decades, but it was pushed as supposedly good for heart health because it appeared to slightly lower your serum total cholesterol.
Interestingly, animal fats, which have been criticised for decades are actually a mixture of saturated and monounsaturated (and a fair amount of the latter too). Just imagine, your steak and lamb chops contain a fair amount of the same fat as the supposedly healthier Mediterranean diet.
The most saturated fat is coconut oil. The lack of double C=C bonds makes it more stable and less prone to oxidisation, hence better than the polyunsaturated stuff which is full of double bonds.
The fact that orthodox medicine got this so wrong for so long, and is still getting it wrong in large part, is one of many reasons why I believe almost nothing about what they say until I have checked it multiple times for myself. And then I still don’t believe it.
Gov. DeSantis Tells Biden: āGo Fuck Yourselfā
Citing concerns over the widespread proliferation of Covid-19 variants, Biden said he might have to prohibit vehicle and air traffic until the CDC and NIH were confident that currently available vaccinations had a proven efficacy against emerging strains, such as highly transmissible anomalies from the United Kingdom, Brazil, and South Africa.
SORRY. That might be a fake story,
But it’s a good one. The MSM is full of fake stories.
There’s always the possibility that the current Covid narrative will be forgotten or even reversed in a single day– the global powers-that-be doing a massive 180 degree flip, and, as they generally do, then refusing to acknowledge anything has changed.
If it sounds implausible, bear in mind that the whole Covid narrative was implemented globally in a matter of weeks. It was itself a dramatic shift in message and tone, performed through the media and government in nearly every country on earth at a breathtaking pace with a remarkable degree of uniformity.
What would the anti-lockdown movement do if the state did its work for it? What are the principles that transcend the present moment?
“If it sounds implausible, bear in mind that the whole Covid narrative was implemented globally in a matter of weeks. It was itself a dramatic shift in message and tone, performed through the media and government in nearly every country on earth at a breathtaking pace with a remarkable degree of uniformity.”
It’s like you are trying to excuse them for fucking up horribly. Sorry but even if they do a 180 they are not ever to be considered, respected or supported. EVER.
There is no fucking way that intentional damage is to be excused.
Don’t get me wrong: I’m not saying to excuse it at all.
It’s just that the powers-that-be can move heaven and earth at a terrifying clip and institute changes at a global level. That’s exactly what happened in 2020. What I’m saying is that it could happen again when the current narrative proves difficult to sustain.
I’m saying no.
There’s always the possibility of a lot of things. But even if the entire covid narrative was dropped (and all those oceans of vaccine quietly disposed of), and the media refused to acknowledge that anything has changed (presumably by carrying on the media reporting as from last March), the economy has already been trashed and the nation turned into shivering wrecks. And considering that they now have those shivering wrecks practically begging to be locked away for ever and have groomed everyone into thinking all services will go to the wall, and have the Left masturbating over the alleged collapse of capitalism, why would they give up that level of domination undreamt of by Hitler and Stalin?
“why would they give up that level of domination undreamt of by Hitler and Stalin?”
They have that power even when they don’t exercise it, I’d argue. They can roll it out again when they want to.
In the US we’re seeing a reversal already, with mandates about vaccines quietly being downplayed, lockdowns being rescinded again state by state, propaganda about the necessity of wearing 2,3 or more masks stretching the credulity of the public (I didn’t know such things were possible anymore but it seems to be so), and what seems to be a tacit admission that this phase of the narrative has been something of a bust.
Now that Covid-19 is Biden’s problem to deal with, the media here have decided that it wasn’t quite as dire a problem as it was before the inauguration… Funny how that works.
The global elites can always switch up their game. They can cut and run if they want to. No one ever holds them to account. They can do whatever they like.
āThey can roll it out again when they want toā
I believe the insertion of the vaccine was the main drive of this particular exercise. The requirement was to vaccinate various dispensable groups first : the elderly, the chronically sick. In this group, the vast minority will die.
The second group (in reality, pretty much all 20-70 year olds) would include all those who happily sucked up the narrative, begged for the vaccine and are therefore compliant and malleable. These will far outnumber those of us who are awake.
Once this exercise is complete (itās almost done) there will be a lull to allow the effects, debates, recriminations etc subside before āthe compliant onesā are triggered, via the vaccine, to collaborate in the next phase. Possibly in the years immediately leading up to 2030
This will be far, FAR more Draconian that what weāve seen in the past year.
Are you seriously still believing partisan stuff?
No. A trip to Philip Roddis’s site (with special attention paid to the BTL comments) soon puts paid to all partisan sentiments.
Certainly Putinās speech at the virtual Davos meeting has thrown a spanner in the works of WEF, Schwab etc.
In very polite terms he made it clear that the system they were trying to implement would not work in Russia and that The Great Reset and 4th Industrial Revolution might have to wait a bit.
In very polite terms he told them to FUCK OFF !
Source please
They could decided all of a sudden to be at war with Eastasia rather than Eurasia, in a matter of speaking. My view though is that any change of direction will be gradual. The Covid thing was implemented in a matter of weeks, but only with a lot of propaganda about an unprecedented new disease. It is harder to do that now.
Good point Waldorf. I do think the general populace has a degree of fatigue from being hyped-up for so long, not that most people have ever questioned or probably will ever question the narrative. It would be hard to get the public back to March 2020 levels of panic. And the global media probably aren’t going to do a 180 in a matter of days. It seems like they’re backpedaling already in many countries, slowly letting bits of sanity seep back into the narrative– which, of course, they can then congratulate themselves for doing.
But what are some takeaways we few who were skeptical– the voiceless who spent the past year wondering who was doing this and why in God’s name they were doing it– can all get from this? What are some principles and truths we can confront the next global whatever-the-fuck-this-was with?
YOU are missing the point here, lady. Most people have a disabled brain, it’s no use trying to wake them up. Good information, the truth, so to speak, is absolutely useless to them. Regards.
And the sad thing is, they can only get a functional brain again with lowering some of the obviously spiritually toxic shit (of course minimizing damage from physical shit too, like fluoride, vaccines, etc)…and empathy.
The chances of that?
But in defense of the authors, some of that stuff is pretty practically applicable and should probably be obvious. And I guess, that they tried to simplify it might speak of their own problems with dealing with the qlippoth.
Most people have low-level brain damage caused by decades of television and media.
And even more than most have low, medium and high level brain damage from vaccines, medications, toxins in water, food, etc. Long before that.
Not four things, just one. The test is the weak point: if belief in the test goes, everything comes tumbling down. Show your family and friends this lovely video:
Dr Sam Bailey: Covid-19: Behind the PCR Curtain
Unfortunately not just the test. Because of the vaccines they can easily have developed specific tests for that and use the basic concept again.
Yes, the “tests” are bullshit.
But, the serious problem is with the concept of the “virus” itself and the belief that people somehow have that they don’t need to minimize toxicity and they don’t need essential elements and can just use some pharma toxins to fix them.
On this site I’ve literally had people tell me I don’t need essential elements, and my body will only function with pharma medicine. What the actual fuck?
It is unreal that even the most juvenile biologist can’t understand that, never mind doctors.
Here’s an example of how this shit works:
I study some environment toxin’s effect. Let’s say, 5g. I know what damage it does to cells, I know it has piezoelectric results, interferes with DNA, can cause breakages. So then, if something is damaged in a specific way, that damage signature happens to be somewhat consistent, due to invariance in terms of physics, then I make a “test” for that resulting damage and I call it a new causative “virus”.
How is that not obvious?
I do not think that word means what you think it means.
Well-intentioned, but 1 in a 100 won’t cut it – but 65 out of a 100 will.
Kudos, with one point of partial dissent. Saying the survival rate is “over 99%” is too vague, makes it seem as if the fatality rate could be close to 1%, which is four times the actual rate, per Dr John Ioannidis in a peer reviewed article posted at the web page of the WHO. Stop feeling like a science nerd, and get more precise, say “over 99.7%” or even, gasp,… “99.77%.” A pair of numbers is easy to remember. š
Dr Morse says nobody dies from colds and flus. It is the medical treatments that kill.
It is impossible to die because of what they call “covid”. Impossible. The survival rate is 100% and all of it is misattribution. You can however say, that the policy has an associated mortality rate.
So, they are in SERIOUS debt.