The Modelling-paper Mafiosi

The pandemic modellers have a conflict of interest problem

Rosemary Frei, via her website

John Edmunds is on top of the world. He’s one of the modelling-paper mafiosi. The London, U.K., professor is a key government advisor on COVID-19-related policies.

Edmunds also was a co-author of one of the primary modelling papers that have been used to convince the masses that vigilance against Variant of Concern (VOC) B.1.1.7 should be their top priority.

And Edmunds co-wrote an influential January 21, 2021 report that concluded:

There is a realistic possibility that VOC B.1.1.7 is associated with an increased risk of death compared to non-VOC viruses.”

In addition, he speaks often to reporters about the deadliness of the new variant. Edmunds tells them, for example, that a “disaster” would ensue if lockdowns are eased too soon, because what first must be done is to “vaccinate much, much, much more widely than the elderly.”

Follow the funds

Edmunds also happens to be the spouse of someone who, at least until April 2020, was an employee of GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) and held shares in the company. (Edmunds doesn’t disclose this in any of his media interviews that I’ve read and watched. He also doesn’t disclose his own stock holdings.)

According to an April 2020 Daily Telegraph article, Edmunds’s wife is Jeanne Pimenta and she works for GSK. The Daily Telegraph article states Edmunds asserted his partner had recently resigned from GSK. So it’s unclear whether Pimenta currently works there or not.

I did a little digging and found that the only Jeanne Pimenta LinkedIn profile indicates she’s currently director of epidemiology at GSK, while Jeanne Pimenta’s ResearchGate profile says she’s an epidemiologist at BioMarin Pharmaceutical. (I’ll have a bit more about Edmunds being married to a present or former Glaxo employee later in this article.)

In any case, GSK’s financial success is skyrocketing. On February 3 the company announced it’s collaborating with mRNA-vaccine company CureVac to spend 150 million Euros — approx $180 million — to make vaccines for the new variants. That effectively gives them first-entrant advantage in vaccines for the new variants. And that same Feb. 3 news release touts the new-variant vaccines as also able to serve as ‘booster’ shots after the initial rounds of vaccination.

In addition, GSK joined forces with CureVac to pump out, later this year, 100 million doses of CureVac’s ‘first-generation’ COVID-19 vaccine called ‘CvnCoV.’

Not only that: this fall GSK together with another international pharmaceutical firm, Sanofi, are scheduled to start producing what could turn out to be up to one billion doses of their COVID-19 vaccine annually. GSK’s understated Feb. 3 announcement of its Q4 2020 financial results said it will “continue to expect meaningful improvement in revenues and margins” because they are “building a high-value biopharma pipeline.”

Note that GSK and other pharma companies like Moderna and Pfizer are not responsible for damage and compensation payments to people seriously injured and killed by COVID-19 vaccines. Governments will pay instead – that is, if those injured and killed and their loved ones are able to beat the long odds and get any compensation at all.

And a remarkable February 8, 2021, investigative report in the German news outlet Welt Am Sonntag (which translates to World on Sunday) reveals another impetus for the wildly inaccurate modelling governments use to keep populations in a state of fear and control.

The German article shows that in March 2020 government officials enlisted [emphasis added]:

leading scientists from several research institutes and universities. Together, they were to produce a [mathematical-modelling] paper that would serve as legitimization for further tough political measures.”

These scientists obediently wrote a modelling paper tailored to the government’s instructions. The then-secret paper asserted that if lockdown measures were lifted immediately, up to one million Germans would die from COVID-19, some “agonizingly at home, gasping for breath,” after being turned away from overflowing hospitals.

Edmunds Is Deeply Invested in the Vaccine World

There’s still more to the web of money and influence surrounding Edmunds and other modelling-paper mafiosi, including Neil Ferguson (information on Ferguson is in the section below titled More Modelling Mafiosi).

The first new-variant modelling paper Edmunds co-wrote, which I mention in the second paragraph of this article, was posted on December 23, 2020. Edmunds co-authored it with his fellow members of the Centre for Mathematical Modelling of Infectious Diseases at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM). People in the centre’s COVID-19 Working Group also contributed.

The modelling paper was posted on the e-journal Medrχiv, which publishes only non-peer-reviewed papers. The journal is the creation of an organization headed by Facebook head Mark Zuckerberg and his wife. I discuss Medrχiv and the Zuckerberg connection in my Feb. 3 article on the baselessness for the modelling papers that claim the new variants are very dangerous.

Edmunds also is dean of the LSHTM’s Faculty of Epidemiology and Population Health. I contacted the institution’s media-relations department to request an interview with one of the Dec. 23, 2020, modelling paper’s authors. I didn’t receive a response.

In a Feb. 2017 video interview, Edmunds enthused that the LSHTM specializes in every aspect of vaccine development, from basic science to large-scale clinical trials. In the video he also touts using mathematical modelling as a good way to show that vaccines protect individuals and society. (And among other things he describes his group’s efforts in giving children flu vaccines and — in conjunction with Public Health England — promoting human papillomavirus [HPV] vaccines for girls and boys.)

In addition, Edmunds is a key member of the UK Vaccine Network (which until recently was known as the UK Vaccines Network – the URL for the organization has ‘UK Vaccines Network‘ in it).

And he’s a member of the U.K. government’s Science Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE), which provides Covid-measure advice — much of it related to the push for an unprecedently forceful push for mass vaccination — to U.K. prime minister Boris Johnson and his cabinet.

On top of that, Edmunds is a member of the U.K. government’s New and Emerging Respiratory Virus Threats Advisory Group (NERVTAG). It works hand in hand with SAGE, and it also heavily promotes vaccination.

And as mentioned earlier, Edmunds is married to a current or former GSK employee. A 2015 article that Edmunds co-authored states under ‘Competing interests’ for Edmunds that “My partner works for GSK.” Similarly, on the NERVTAG website’s conflict-disclosure pages – which for some reason haven’t been updated since Oct. 2017 – it reveals that Edmunds’s spouse works for GSK.

As a quick other note, the ‘Author Contributions and Acknowledgements’ section of the PDF of the December 23 modelling analysis of B.1.1.7 (pages 15 and 16) shows that almost all of the paper’s authors and members of the modelling centre’s COVID-19 Working Group receive funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) and/or Wellcome Trust. (By the way, a search for Wellcome Trust yields the Wellcome website.)

And there’s more to the Edmunds story. Among other of my finds: he’s also on the Scientific Advisory Board for the Coalition for Epidemic Innovations (CEPI). CEPI was created primarily by the BMGF, the World Economic Forum and the major pharma company Wellcome. CEPI’s website states it was:

launched in Davos [at the meeting of the World Economic Forum in January] 2017 to develop vaccines to stop future epidemics. Our mission is to accelerate the development of vaccines against emerging infectious diseases and enable equitable access to these vaccines for people during outbreaks.”

Investigative journalist Vanessa Beeley last year wrote a must-read two-part analysis of the ties between the key individuals, institutions, companies and funders of the UK’s Covid-19 response. She mentioned that GSK is working with CEPI to develop COVID-19 vaccines. This alliance is still going strong today.

Note also that the LSHTM’s Faculty of Epidemiology and Population Health, which Edmunds heads, is primarily funded by the BMGF and the Gavi alliance.

Gavi promotes mass vaccination of people around the world — including by quarterbacking the COVAX program. Gavi’s biggest funders include the BMGF. Doctors Without Borders has criticized GAVI for being:

aimed more at supporting drug-industry desires to promote new products than at finding the most efficient and sustainable means for fighting the diseases of poverty.”

BMGF funding for the LSHTM’s Faculty of Epidemiology and Population Health is growing very fast. For example, BMGF’s new grants to the faculty rose from $4.9 million in 2013-2014 (see page 14 [p. 9 in the PDF] of the LSHTM’s 2014 annual report) to $13.19 million in 2015-2016 (see page 14 [p. 9 in the PDF] of the LSHTM’s 2016 annual report)(top new research grants to each faculty at the LSHTM stopped being reported in the annual reports after 2017). Funding from the BMGF to the LSHTM as a whole was 30.2 million pounds ($40.2 million) in 2017-2018 (see page 9 [p. 6 in the PDF] in the school’s 2018 annual report).

By the way, the LSHTM also has a Vaccines Manufacturing Innovation Centre. It develops, tests and commercializes vaccines. (I couldn’t find any information on where the vaccines centre’s funding comes from.)

The vaccines centre also performs affiliated activities like combating ‘vaccine hesitancy.’ The latter includes the Vaccine Confidence Project. The project’s stated purpose is, among other things:

to provide analysis and guidance for early response and engagement with the public to ensure sustained confidence in vaccines and immunisation.”

The Vaccine Confidence Project’s director is LSHTM professor Heidi Larson. For more than a decade she’s been researching how to combat vaccine hesitancy. LSHTM underpins the project, which also is a member of the WHO’s Vaccine Safety Net.

More Modelling Mafiosi

Here’s information about two other members of this club:

Public Health England (PHE) issued its first detailed report on the new variant in late December 2020 and continues to provide updates. None of their reports are peer-reviewed. One of the highest-profile co-authors of the PHE reports is PHE director Susan Hopkins. She’s also a professor of infectious diseases at Imperial College London.

The college receives tens of millions of dollars a year from the BMGF. See for example this grant, this one, this one and this one.

(I emailed PHE media relations to request an interview about PHE’s new-variants reports. PHE communications person Zahra Vindhani responded, “Dr. Hopkins won’t have the capacity for this in the upcoming weeks, and we aren’t able to confirm anyone else for this either.”)

PHE is guided in its approach to vaccination by PHE’s “Strategic Priority 1” for combating infections diseases in 2020-2025. It is to “Optimise vaccine provision and reduce vaccine preventable diseases in England” (see p. 9 of PHE’s Infectious Disease Strategy 2020-2025).

Neil Ferguson is a co-author of the PHE reports and also of a widely quoted December 31 modelling paper on the dangerousness of B.1.1.7. He’s Acting Director of the Imperial College London-based Vaccine Impact Modelling Consortium.

Ferguson’s modelling has been extremely faulty again over the years. This has been thoroughly documented.

For example, as investigative journalist Vanessa Beeley wrote in Part One of a two-part investigative report in April-May 2020, Ferguson’s modelling over-estimated by about three million-fold the death toll from the bird flu, also known as H5N1. As a result, a lot of money was made by bird-flu-vaccine manufacturers, ranging from Roche (for its now-infamous, ineffective Tamiflu) to Sanofi, and they were used widely.

Ferguson also grossly overestimated the effects of swine flu, or H1N1. As a result, millions of people were needlessly given GSK’s Pandemrix. It caused brain damage, primarily narcolepsy and cataplexy, in hundreds if not thousands of vaccine recipients, mostly children. The pharma giant was granted no fault in any damage claims. Therefore the British government paid more than 60 million pounds (approx. $80 million at 2017 conversion rates) to victims.

And as mentioned earlier in this article, GSK and other pharma companies are similarly protected from having to pay damages to people injured or killed by their COVID-19 vaccines.

Ferguson also is a member, together with Edmunds and others, of SAGE.

Another group he’s a member of is the highly influential NERVTAG. It’s the group that issued the January 21, 2021 warning, mentioned earlier in this article, that B.1.1.7 is deadly.

Ferguson is a NERVTAG member even though he was reported to have resigned last spring after being caught visiting with his married lover when everyone in England was supposed to only be having contact with members of their own households (based in large part on Ferguson’s modelling and his urging the government to lock the country down).

Ferguson also is a member of the UK Vaccines Network, along with Edmunds and others such as the Network chair Chris Whitty, who’s also the UK government’s top Covid-19 adviser Chris Whitty. The network’s focus, according to its website:

to support the [U.K.] government to identify and shortlist targeted investment opportunities for the most promising vaccines and vaccine technologies that will help combat infectious diseases with epidemic potential, and to address structural issues related to the UK’s broader vaccine infrastructure.”

These ties bind Edmunds, Ferguson and Hopkins – along with the rest of the modelling-paper Mafiosi — to the bidding of governments, Big Pharma, Bill Gates and other powerful players.

They present an image of being fully devoted to the public good, while in fact actively helping to destroy it.

Rosemary Frei has an MSc in molecular biology from the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Calgary, was a freelance medical writer and journalist for 22 years and now is an independent investigative journalist. You can watch her June 15 interview on The Corbett Report, read her otherOff-Guardian articles follow her on Twitter and read her website here.


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Categories: coronavirus, latest
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Jochen Schmidt
Jochen Schmidt
Mar 3, 2021 11:02 AM

Thanks very much for your analysis!

One slight correction: You write about “a remarkable February 8, 2021, investigative report in the German news outlet Welt Am Sonntag (which translates to World on Sunday) [that] reveals another impetus for the wildly inaccurate modelling governments use to keep populations in a state of fear and control.”

This is correct, but you fail to notice that this report is not as “investigative” as one might expect:

a) The report of the “Welt” supports several fabricated facts of the government about COVID-19, for instance the alleged high mortality rate of this desease.

b) The report gives the impression that the scientists involved in the production of the horror paper that would serve as legitimization for further repressive political measures were specialized to virology, epidemiology, life science and the like. Not at all! And these people were not “leading scientists”, instead they were in a solid relationship to the Communist Party of China. All of this is hidden by the report.

All in all, this investigative report of the outlet “Welt” employs a diversionary tactic: Although it reveals some unpleasant information about the government, it lulls the reader and hides many important data about the persons behind and about the wheelings and dealings of the German government. What is more, this report supports many of the lies of the government.

József Király
József Király
Feb 25, 2021 11:53 AM

A question. What sayst the official scienence? How do they discover their daily new variants?

Feb 22, 2021 2:06 PM

Moderna, pfizer, the cdc, fda, who, etc are all VERY liable. Whether they suggest they are or are not liable is irrelevant. They pushed, caused and in some cases imposed that.

They will not be granted any sort of mercy or indemnity.

Let me just remind you, the CDC, FDA, WHO, etc are worthless, negative, malicious fraudulent garbage degenerate institutions and incredibly indebted.

Feb 21, 2021 6:41 PM

Just in today and updated from the lawyer Reiner Fuellmich charge in litigation

Saint Jimmy
Saint Jimmy
Feb 21, 2021 7:08 PM
Reply to  Guy

That’s great. However, I want the spoiled little sh-ts tried for mass murder. I want to see some oligarchs executed. NOT figuratively executed but literally executed.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Feb 21, 2021 11:30 PM
Reply to  Guy

To all of those who pushed the Koch Declaration (and this includes Fuellmich), the following is what “focussed protection” means in reality.

Dr Reiner Fuellmich – videos of forced covid vaccines in nursing homes
“we’re dealing with homicide”
Feb 21, 2020
Mirrored From:


Sarah Jones
Sarah Jones
Feb 22, 2021 9:48 AM

no evidence of a virus. evidence of “covid treatments” is the only explanation for some 500,000 excess deaths in europe that suddenly dropped off on Jan 13th when the WHO advised changes to pcr “covid testing” and diagnosis. The graph for 15 to 44 age group shows particularly sharp drop.

comment image

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Feb 22, 2021 10:26 AM
Reply to  Sarah Jones

Yes, something weird going on. But I gave up following the stats back in early April, so I don’t really know what I’m looking at. One of the interesting ones is the decline in deaths among infants; most likely due to a fall in vaccination rates.

Feb 21, 2021 9:48 AM

Rosemary repeatedly refers to CEPI as the Coalition for Epidemic Innovations when in fact the correct name of that organization is “Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovation.”

Rosemary Frei
Rosemary Frei
Feb 22, 2021 4:52 PM
Reply to  Arby

Thanks for the correction Arby!

Feb 23, 2021 1:01 AM
Reply to  Rosemary Frei

Thanks for the hard work that you do for us. I’m looking forward to whatever else you give us. The ‘mutations are only changes’ point is small but not really. Things like that show them up for the hoaxsters they are and help us push back.

Brian Sides
Brian Sides
Feb 21, 2021 8:58 AM

Lockdown Sceptics have a letter allegedly from Neil Ferguson
It contains this
To start with may want to read this: https://www.climatechangecommunication.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/ConspiracyTheoryHandbook.pdf
And ask yourself if a loved one started to exhibit those behaviours, would you be worried?
This Conspiracy Theory Handbook contains this
“Typically, conspiracy theories are not supported by evidence that withstands scrutiny but this doesn’t stop them from blossoming. For example, the widespread belief that the 9/11 terrorist attacks were an “inside job” has persisted for many years after the event.1 Decades after the fact, a vast majority of Americans believe that the government covered up the truth about the JFK assassination.2 Conspiracy theories damage society in a number of ways. For example, exposure to conspiracy theories decreases people’s intentions to engage in politics or to reduce their carbon footprint.3 In order to minimise these harmful effects”

If this is the level of Neil Ferguson beliefs and analysis. Then this might explain his own beliefs in his computer models that contain terrible code huge assumptions and worse case extrapolations.
The ides that reducing my carbon footprint will mitigate extreme weather events is very poor thinking. Preparing for tracking and communicating is the way to deal with extreme weather events every thing else is just pissing in the wind.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Feb 21, 2021 9:57 AM
Reply to  Brian Sides

Ferguson sounds a lot like Gerald Posner who wrote a book “Case Closed” saying everything the Govt has ever published about the JFK murder is absolutely true, despite mountains, or perhaps whole mountain ranges, of evidence suggesting otherwise.

Intel has spent trillions of dollars the past 60 years covering up most of that evidence. (Just one among countless: autopsy photographs of JFK showing exit wounds to the head going in opposite directions, pesky forensics of more than 1 shooter). Seriously, the number of agents in the field deployed to try to suppress any leaks of new evidence or findings has cost them (us) astronomic amounts of money over decades.

The reason becomes glaringly clear: if the theories became realities in courts, the wrongful death suits and other actions would topple governments in payouts, and beyond that would threaten to disintegrate the entire system with their truth. For many reasons. They would show the world, prove, a fabric of lies, not facts.

Sounds to me like they’re the crackpot theorists, deluding themselves munificently at the ongoing expense of conspiracy realists, and entire societies.

You have to think such dubious enterprises will eventually collapse under their own great shaky weight, no matter the decades of frenzied expenditure to prop them up, endlessly.

Feb 21, 2021 12:09 PM
Reply to  Brian Sides

“Typically, conspiracy theories are not supported by evidence that withstands scrutiny but this doesn’t stop them from blossoming.”

The most spectacular example being the theory that there exists a lethal pandemic called “Covid”, as opposed to something which at worst is comparable to the regular flu.

(Russiagate is another extreme example, mostly promulgated by the same wingnuts.)

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Feb 21, 2021 7:10 AM

Covid-19 Whistleblower Erin Marie Olszewski with Redpill78 On Fri. Night Livestream

February 20th, 2021
Nurse Erin Marie Olszewski has spent her life fighting for the freedom of everyday Americans. As a young woman, she joined the U.S. Army to fight overseas in Operation Iraqi Freedom. Returning home, she turned her focus, drive, and dedication to defending our most deeply-held values on American soil. Erin has spent years fighting for medical freedom. In 2020, Erin volunteered for the frontlines yet again as a traveling nurse assigned to New York’s Elmhurst hospital during the COVID-19 pandemic. What she found there horrified her and inspired a new focus to her advocacy. Erin’s newly published book, The Undercover Epicenter Nurse, reveals how gross negligence, insurance fraud, medical malpractice, and good old-fashioned greed are killing everyday Americans at Elmhurst and beyond. Her new fight is a fight or a return to ethics, transparency, and respect for the truth–values sorely needed in the medical field today.



Sarah Jones
Sarah Jones
Feb 20, 2021 10:26 PM

Napoli last night. Packed square, people standing around socialising. Lockdown is over.
comment image

Dave Patterson
Dave Patterson
Feb 21, 2021 10:32 AM
Reply to  Sarah Jones

??? lot of masks there for a ‘free’ people …

Victor G.
Victor G.
Feb 21, 2021 1:08 PM
Reply to  Dave Patterson

Ever been to Napoli, compagno? Maybe yes? Then surely you’re dreaming right now about the opportunity to enjoy “freedom” the way the Napolitani do …
PS Napoli, the first continental European city to free themselves from the Nazi yoke: 27-30 September 1943.

Feb 20, 2021 9:43 PM

These computer modelers are about as useful as kids playing computer games as far as the virus issue goes.

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Feb 20, 2021 7:01 PM


As I’ve made clear before, I am not enthusiastic about hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin, but this doctor speaks from experience and is very articulate. And very brave.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Feb 20, 2021 8:59 PM

Ivermectin? The data is already in, and the sugar water vaccines of Pfizer and Moderna have led to a dramatic reduction of serious outcomes in #Covert-19 cases (especially in USA which has, as we know, 50 times as many deaths reported as Venezuela).

Who knew?

And as if that news isn’t good enough, the liberal use of sugar water may well keep down the cost of vaccines for the taxpayers of NATO countries, which as we know have been tragically afflicted with ten to twenty times as many positive tests as the less fortunate countries not in the alliance.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Feb 20, 2021 9:18 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

(Personally, I’ve had confidence from the getgo that the human race will survive this flu.

I’m not so confident about its chances with the massive ongoing influx of paper-modelled corporate global steer manure required to fertilize, sustain, and guarantee its viral longevity.)

Dave Patterson
Dave Patterson
Feb 21, 2021 10:35 AM
Reply to  John Ervin

but can we survive the passivity and ignorance that a strong majority have shown in believing obvious lies and nonsense from the rulers and letting those rulers just say ‘Hey – democracy finished, get into your homes and do as you are told!’ ??? and obeying like the dumb animals in the fields??

Feb 21, 2021 6:54 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

Edgar the Bug in Men In Black (the first one) was into sugar water.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Mar 7, 2021 12:48 AM
Reply to  Waldorf

I knew there was a connection. Hmmmmm

fred west
fred west
Feb 20, 2021 6:00 PM

It certainly needs people of knowledge to expose these activities that could interpreted as criminal. The whole issue stinks, from the Wuhan bat theory to recording of deaths, the fear generation and the protection of organisations that certainly put profit before public and their safety. The Gates pair need sending to the Hague.

Dr. Sok
Dr. Sok
Feb 20, 2021 6:04 PM
Reply to  fred west

Forget the Hague, put em on the wagon to Tyneburn.

Feb 20, 2021 9:42 PM
Reply to  Dr. Sok

The hague is a totally worthless shithole.

Critical Thinker
Critical Thinker
Feb 20, 2021 2:28 PM

Thanks Rosemary for two very good articles and thanks to the Off Guardian team for publishing.

I thoroughly enjoyed reading them.

Dodgy characters like Edmunds, Ferguson, Whitty etc are very happy to give interviews to the mainstream press because they are never challenged.

But they will never give interviews to yourself because they don’t want to be asked any challenging questions.

Your articles have further exposed the levels of corruption within Sage and Nervetag and the lack of evidence that these variants are any more transmissible.

It’s shocking there’s been no peer review and completely criminal for political leaders to be furthering lockdowns based on this flimsy evidence.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Feb 21, 2021 4:12 AM

Problem is, peers can be pre-fabricated now, for any key peer reviews. That kind of thing may be the worst aspect of fascism. Every agent of the state gets weaponised. That must be more or less the hideous mechanism that brought us this medical coup d’état.

Dave Patterson
Dave Patterson
Feb 21, 2021 11:52 AM
Reply to  John Ervin

it may be easily confused with fascism, but the ‘modern’ term for it is capitalism – a system in which EVERYthing is for sale …

Rosemary Frei
Rosemary Frei
Feb 22, 2021 4:58 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

Yes, peer review itself is a sham. I didn’t get into that in my article. I wanted to keep it trim and readable for more people than some of my previous very long articles. I do hope to include at least a bit of info in a future article about how peer review has long since been useless.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Mar 6, 2021 3:51 AM
Reply to  Rosemary Frei

Thanks for the comment, looking forward to such an analysis, or similar.

It seems a case (load) really everywhere of just foxes being switched out while guarding the henhouse. Another way of describing systemic corruption.

I have come upon it behind every daunting façade elsewhere: exit polls, poll workers (agents), think tanks, lefty outlets of all kinds. Even homeless shelters workers and store managers have some larger (crooked) angle. Almost nothing and no one are ever what they seem to be, any more. And what they are is often the opposite of how they’re “billed”. Almost never the exception, but the rule.

There really is a very systematized program to slowly replace everything real with replicas, so peers being faked or “pre-fabricated” is no surprise.

But that shouldn’t come as a surprise to any attentive USAmericans, where what we have left now is less a nation than a succession of crime waves. It is remarkable how much good still happens, but it’s less and less?

Feb 21, 2021 9:50 AM

There are NO variants. There’s nothing but a hoax.

Dave Patterson
Dave Patterson
Feb 21, 2021 11:53 AM
Reply to  Arby

a hoax and a whole country full of halfwits ready to be hoaxed out of everything they once had …

Feb 22, 2021 12:33 PM
Reply to  Dave Patterson

I’d give $10 dollars (and if I was rich, $1000) to know at what point the cattle begin to suspect slaughter.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Mar 7, 2021 12:51 AM
Reply to  Arby

There are so many facts in play now that suggest that is the right call.

Rosemary Frei
Rosemary Frei
Feb 22, 2021 4:55 PM

Thanks Critical Thinker! Absolutely, they don’t want to answer my questions because they may expose inconvenient truths.

Watch your parking meters
Watch your parking meters
Feb 20, 2021 1:17 PM

I never have and never will ingest anything made by Pfizer. It is one of those names that screams out: Danger, Will Robinson.

The media refuse to even acknowledge the company has had massive issues in the past or admit that it could be many years before we know if they are having the same kinds of issues now.

But if, as I under it, no one has ever isolated or produced the ‘gold standard’ for this virus, how would it even be possible to make a ‘vaccine’ to deal with it?

Wouldn’t that indicate that it is either a complete crap-shoot or it was produced to do next-to-nothing at all?

Feb 20, 2021 3:23 PM

Any good links on Pfizer’s dodgy past?

Feb 20, 2021 3:42 PM
Reply to  Mucho


They’re an industrial corporation that functions on the principles of selling you toxins to keep you sick, attacking symptoms as causative, (pasteur/rockefeller establishment/methodology) while doing everything they can to demonize essentials and causative fundamentals.

There is no part of their history that isn’t dodgy. And every single product that they’ve sold has been based on those principles. The amount of damage is evident in things like chronic illnesses, drug addictions, medical malpractice, related death and sickness, financial and insurance fraud, etc. ALL of pfizer.

And it’s not just pfizer, it’s EVERY one of those pharma corporations. Bayer/BASF, Oxford/AZ, GSK, Novartis, Gilead, Eli Lily, etc.

You understand?

Dr. Sok
Dr. Sok
Feb 20, 2021 6:07 PM
Reply to  CatCollector


Feb 20, 2021 9:43 PM
Reply to  Dr. Sok

Yes, pharma is the main supplier of heroin.

Watch your parking meters
Watch your parking meters
Feb 20, 2021 5:05 PM
Reply to  Mucho

I tried to post these links separately but they were dumped as spam, so please do a search for the title and you should be able to find the details.

There are of course dozens and cases and instances relating to all large pharmaceutical companies, not just this one, and anyone considering taking this or any other vaccine should do the legwork first. 

Normally it would be your local government that would provide this sort of information but of course it is your local government pleading with you to take these vaccines.

This is a serious business and such debates have been taking place long before there were pro-or-anti vaccine arguments. 

But that is not what people are talking about here and now. The real debates as to whether these vaccines are actually safe will be taking place three or five years from now. 

Nigeria sues Pfizer for $7bn over ‘illegal’ tests on children (Guardian, 2007)

Justice Department Announces Largest Health Care Fraud Pfizer: Corporate Rap Sheet (US DoJ, 2009)

Pfizer: Corporate Rap Sheet (Corporate Research Project, 2017)

Feb 20, 2021 7:14 PM
Reply to  Mucho
Tim Fallon
Tim Fallon
Feb 20, 2021 7:59 PM
Reply to  Mucho

Here are some details regarding Pfizers criminality.


Feb 21, 2021 9:52 AM
Reply to  Mucho

Links? There’s plenty of info. Probably the best source is the Children’s Health Denfense organization. Too bad that they are completely trapped in the Rockefeller health care science / ideology though.

Feb 20, 2021 9:45 PM

The “vaccine” is based on earlier “vaccines” that happened to cause immense damage to animals.


The “virus” is the synthesized (GoF) bullshit that demonizes your body for the purpose of you believing you need their “vaccine”. By demonizing your body with the “virus”, the attacks on that “virus” are attacks on your body.

It’s that simple.

People get lost with all the sidetracking horseshit and “complexities”, don’t be stupid.

Feb 20, 2021 11:24 AM

I have to state something very directly. I am anti-vaccine. I have never in my life ever seen evidence of efficacy or safety related to ANY vaccines, only huge amounts of damage, based on fundamentally flawed methodology (attacking a result as a cause) with horribly toxic, unnecessary ingredients which are additionally, lied about and with a refusal of studies. My anti-vaccine stance is NOT going to change. Unless “vaccines” happen to address fundamentally essential and necessary elements where there is or will be likely deficiency (such as the elderly who dont get sunlight much), which they don’t. Here’s an example of about the closest thing to what I’m suggesting: Vitamin D for influenza https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4463890/ “The Institute of Medicine recommendation for adults younger than 70 years of age is 600 IU of vitamin D daily. We are told that this would achieve a level of 50 nmol/L in greater than 97.5% of individuals.6 Regrettably, a statistical error has resulted in erroneous recommendations by the Institute of Medicine leading to this conclusion and it might actually take 8800 IU of vitamin D to achieve this level in 97.5% of the population.7 This is a serious public health blunder. A colleague of mine and I have introduced vitamin D at doses that have achieved greater than 100 nmol/L in most of our patients for the past number of years, and we now see very few patients in our clinics with the flu or influenzalike illness. In those patients who do have influenza, we have treated them with the vitamin D hammer, as coined by my colleague. This is a 1-time 50 000 IU dose of vitamin D3 or 10 000 IU 3 times daily for 2 to 3 days. The results are dramatic, with complete resolution of symptoms in 48 to 72 hours.… Read more »

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Feb 20, 2021 7:13 PM
Reply to  CatCollector

Thanks for that link. I take a ton of vitamin D3 (among other vitamins, plus minerals) on a regular basis, to boost the immune system yes, but for many other reasons. Jeff Bowles wrote an interesting short book on the subject which has some popularity/notoriety online. It’s a bit exaggerated, and badly written, but there are a few nuggets of good information in it. A much better book is:

“Vitamin K2 and the Calcium Paradox: How a Little-Known Vitamin Could Save Your Life” by Kate Rheaume-Bleue
Among other things it talks about the relationship between vitamins A, D3 and K2, which everyone should become aware of.

As for being anti-vaccine, so am I, but I used to keep quiet about it because I know how conditioned most people are. But I’ve become fed up of people e.g. coming on to twitter and starting an otherwise quite reasonable posting against the Covax with the words “I’m pro vaccinations, but …”.

Feb 21, 2021 2:24 PM

Along with that magnesium, btw. Calcium and magnesium need to be balanced.

Feb 22, 2021 2:31 PM

“I take a ton of vitamin D3 (among other vitamins, plus minerals) on a regular basis, to boost the immune system yes, but for many other reasons.”

I just have to point out, the immune system is not some sort of “separate” or “isolated” thing. It results from you having balance regarding essential elements.

Taking vitamin D supplementation is fundamentally worse than sunlight in numerous ways. And people don’t understand that. You should only take vitamin D supplementation if you can’t get sunlight. And it simply doesn’t account for the other necessary aspects of sunlight. That is also why the sun and sunlight is generally so demonized.

Vitamin D for instance regulates genetic material in your body, apparent “immune system” function is one of the results of that.

This idea of “taking vitamins and minerals to boost the immune system” is kinda retarded.

They are absolutely essential and what is called the “immune system” is a PRODUCT of that overall systemic function.

You cannot have a “strong immune system”, while you have, for instance, terrible mitochondrial and ATP function, it is physically impossible.

ALL INDUSTRIAL PHARMACUETICALS CAUSE DEGENERATION. The more you use them, the more you ignore essentials, the more degenerate you are and will be. You cannot fix that EVER.

And, while you don’t understand that (which is even more important), you will as a result degenerate mentally, physically, spiritually.

Feb 21, 2021 12:09 PM
Reply to  CatCollector

i’ve gone from pro to anti in the span of 30 years. when my children were little they were late, selectively vaxxed, with what i’ve learned i now would not at all. ANY!

Feb 22, 2021 1:06 PM
Reply to  sabelmouse

Knowing that society toxifies infants intentionally, unnecessarily was one of the most disappointing and demotivating things ever, for me. And I was pro-vax too, of course.

It basically eradicated my faith in people.

And I don’t even have children, shit, when I was 11 or 12 years old I knew I’d never procreate in this world.

Feb 20, 2021 10:39 AM

Article by journalist Bel Mooney (erstwhile wife of Jonathan Dimbleby) asking the right questions about the officially inflated covid death figures and wondering what is behind it.


Better late than never, but it is disappointing that it requires personal experience to persuade so-called journalists to start looking into something that has destroyed so much after so many of us have been making exactly the same points with good reason for the past twelve months. The BTL comments are also very encouraging.

Den lille Abe
Den lille Abe
Feb 20, 2021 7:01 AM

People should do what they want to!
Of course if they are unlucky and do catch Covid-19, too bad, so sad.

Feb 20, 2021 9:44 AM
Reply to  Den lille Abe

There are far more people who were unlucky and caught Con-19 than ever caught Covid-19 (if it still exists).

Feb 20, 2021 10:44 AM
Reply to  Den lille Abe

You cannot “catch covid-19”

While you are saying something like that you are in delusion-land where truth is unrealistic.

Sarah Jones
Sarah Jones
Feb 20, 2021 2:35 PM
Reply to  CatCollector

Aiding and abetting in mass murder more like it. No evidence what so ever has been presented of a pathogenic virus in the media yet these people go round spreading virus claims to provide cover for obviously deadly treatments. All they have actually seen is lunatics jumping around claiming the sky is falling in direct contradiction to all the evidence of improving health. Widespread adoption of healthy diets, organic food coops opening, people jogging, cycling, doing exercise, yoga etc. It is quite the opposite of a pandemic. A vaxdemic triggered by the pharma industry and collaborators losing customers and desperately trying to make people sick to save their collapsing industry.

Watch your parking meters
Watch your parking meters
Feb 20, 2021 1:22 PM
Reply to  Den lille Abe

People are doing what they want to do.

There are in fact a few possible results, including catching the virus if/when it returns, risk a possible lifetime of issues if they take the vaccine or living a normal life without doing either of those things.

Just as billions of people around the world are doing on this very day.

Feb 20, 2021 4:54 AM

In memory of Brandy Vaughan :

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Feb 20, 2021 1:09 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

It was difficult for me to watch this, as it was clear that Ms Vaughan was being tracked and recorded via her cell phone. Cellular phones are surveillance devices. When will people learn? >

“The Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Coroner’s Office has completed the death investigation of local community activist Brandy Vaughan.The Coroner’s Office has determined that she died from natural causes. On December 7, 2020, 44-year-old Brandy Vaughan, a resident of Santa Barbara City, was found down in the bathroom of her East Sola St. residence.”

Ya, sure…

Feb 20, 2021 2:13 PM

We can thank the wonderful ‘AI’ and technological advancement for that.

Like all branches of Science, it is ‘bought’ by the elite. This is why Science has the potential to be useful, helpful, and positive. Or dangerous, selfish and destructive. All traits, coincidentally, of Man.

In this case, we see Brandy using technology to alert everyone to danger and trying to arm them against it. She’s only acting for the greater good; her fellow man. She’s being a good human being.

What we don’t see is the stormtroopers or gestapo kicking down her door like we see in the old black and white documentary footage. They have the same technology at their fingertips too now. They can operate with the same psychotic evil as they ever did. But they can remain unseen now.

This video, and Brandy’s life exemplify the two sides of the coin.

Feb 21, 2021 9:56 AM

I’m far from convinced that the young woman died of natural causes. In fact, That makes no sense. She was being terrorized, stalked, etc.. Useless police! Useless to us anyway.

Feb 21, 2021 6:58 PM

In the 1990s, people who used cellular/mobile phones were considered a bit louche and possibly criminal. Associated with drug dealers by many.
Nowadays, people who do not have mobiles tend to be seen as suspect by the police. Why don’t you want to be tracked? What do you have to hide?

Dr. Sok
Dr. Sok
Feb 20, 2021 6:25 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

Gotta rig up a shooter on a wire. Old fashioned greeting.

Dr. Sok
Dr. Sok
Feb 20, 2021 6:35 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

Real bad. Melt the duck down and fabricate into bullet. Give it back, fast.

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Feb 20, 2021 12:33 AM

Well, to sum it up there is paid science and real science. Wonder which one gets pushed on the MSM and by the political hack puppets? The NY State governor Andrew Cuomo got an Emmy for killing an odd 15,000 elderly and then covering it up.

From the (crappy) Mac dictionary:
Reify (verb) – make (something abstract) more concrete or real: example, They reified this fact virus.
Speaking as a natural born mutant myself, how dumb must one be to believe this mutant/variant crap?

Fear is the great mind killer. Frank Herbert – Dune

Buster Bloodvessel
Buster Bloodvessel
Feb 20, 2021 12:09 AM

Good and informative article, thanks.
Sheds some much needed light on one of the main scientific perps.
The depth and complexity of the connections in all this is vast, but they’ve had years to set it all up.

Getting the mass of people to recognise they have been set-up by ideological zealots, bribed or coerced “experts” and politicians is the hardest part of it all.

Just have to keep plugging away.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Feb 19, 2021 10:05 PM

I take issue with this “emerging infectious diseases” meme…. Forgetting, for a moment, the myth of infection, how do they always know which disease or even that any disease will emerge in the future:

Feb 19, 2021 10:25 PM
Reply to  Veri Tas

Coz they make shit up as I tried to explain here in the most direct way I could…


If you apply what I said there, to say, the results from EMF damage (which you studied previously and already designed “tests” for)…then…you have EMF in residential territory, you can still do the meth right?

Feb 19, 2021 10:42 PM
Reply to  CatCollector

An instant downvote for that means instant validation! IT WAS FACT CHECKED MY HOMIES!

Feb 19, 2021 8:02 PM

I can see people crumbling around me and I’m getting little messages pinging on my phone ‘do you think if my son says he’s going to such and such place for such and such reason that that will be okay with the authorities I get these messages all the time much more frequently than I used to obviously I say it doesn’t matter what we do we will never appease the authorities so better to stop trying do what you want and you’re likely not to get caught

Sarah Jones
Sarah Jones
Feb 19, 2021 8:07 PM
Reply to  Sofia

There is no authorities trying to harm children.

Feb 19, 2021 9:05 PM
Reply to  Sarah Jones

While that is true, the problem is, the people believe the malicious types are authoritative…

Would a typical mother consider a doctor “authoritative” regarding injecting her infant with toxic shit? Coz apparently that happens.

Sofia…if they try to suggest imposing shit, reject it. Don’t let them degenerate you (or your children) with tests, vaccines and shit.

Sarah Jones
Sarah Jones
Feb 19, 2021 11:50 PM
Reply to  CatCollector

From what I can remember this term “authorities” wasn’t so commonly used until recently. This video is full of it aswell and in the comments.

Feb 20, 2021 12:04 AM
Reply to  Sarah Jones

NFC, I’ve heard this song is kinda porno. I haven’t watched the video, but hey.

Feb 20, 2021 10:51 AM
Reply to  CatCollector

“Sofia…if they try to suggest imposing shit, reject it. Don’t let them degenerate you (or your children) with tests, vaccines and shit.”

I just want to point this out, I’ve said similar things before (regarding more general imposition) and got downvoted (a lot) for that too.

That means there are fundamentally malicious assholes here on offg.

Feb 20, 2021 12:38 PM
Reply to  Sarah Jones

Yes – check an insanity from harming and look to but beware the temptation to take vengeance for your ‘self’ or you will set your heart in hate and suffer its poison. Love protects truth, and truth recognises love. The mind that seeks to possess and control truth will protect its own self-illusion against truth, feared. What love calls you to be and do in any situation is the gift of the Holy Spirit to the whole situation, that reveals the will of a greater love. Holding for an integrity of being is holding with the being of all, even those whose mind has dissociated – such that a light shines to their recognition even if they are set to deny it. What God created is relational being, and the self that we take can share in a living inheritance or run off with a mis-taken sense of self-image. Lawlessness to our being shall meet its checkmate or ‘bottoming out’. But the Nature of God that Jesus witnesses is that of loving recognition of Creation as both Truth Revealed and our extension of such recognition to each other. The lockdown into a defence complex of masking illusions by which NOT to know the denial of truth as the mind given to fear, is unlockable by the Grace of noticing. That is why if we take thought for our ‘self’ and lock into it as a divine right, we will only perceive in the filters and rules of our judgements, such as to not see or recognise the Call that is hidden beneath the appearances that ‘prove us ‘right’ as a self-reinforcing loop. The love needs disinhibiting as the basis for action. The fear that would give power to hate needs stronger inhibition such as to act from the best integrity… Read more »

John Ervin
John Ervin
Feb 19, 2021 8:57 PM
Reply to  Sofia

Especially when many of the rank and file enforcers are more and more starting to look the other way.

At least until the next Purple(st) Surge, anyway.

Even if and when should much of this go away, an historic transfer of wealth and power will have gone down, before any “all clear”.

Feb 19, 2021 9:12 PM
Reply to  Sofia

Reject their shit.

Feb 19, 2021 7:44 PM

What’s going on in Texas is a trial balloon for The Great Reset, when your electricity consumption will consist of energy or social credits. Once you’ve used them, or during times of peak demand, your smart meter will ensure you pay the wholesale or penal price.

That’s what’s just happened in Texas. Those who still had power and thought themselves lucky are paying for the privilege. They’re have since discovered that they’re being charged surge prices for access to precious energy during a time of famine.

“Royce Pierce told Newsweek he owes electric company, Griddy, $8,162.73 for his electricity usage this month. He said that’s a massive increase from his usual $387 bill.”

So far Federal government has remained silent — a giveaway that they’re treating the consequences of the freeze and blackout as an opportunity to study the human end of the renewable energy equation.

There are a dozen states more depended on wind than Texas that will be studying its very practical teething problems with the transition to renewable energy.

Feb 21, 2021 10:11 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

I don’t know whether you can easily ditch your smart meters, but if you don’t yet have one, don’t get one. Jerry Day produced a documentary about smart meters that everyone should watch. I can imagine all those people paid to invade homeowners’ properties in order to stick smart meters on their houses are today happy to segue into contract tracing.

Feb 19, 2021 7:16 PM

Is the Bill Gates Bug Goop a Fake-ccine?

Feb 19, 2021 7:18 PM
Reply to  Kiwijoker

It’s all bullshit so just avoid it because it’s fraud and no good can come of it or any of the shit he tries to peddle.

Feb 19, 2021 7:47 PM
Reply to  CatCollector

It is in fact extremely difficult to peddle shit. The stuff just splatters everywhere.

I prefer to peddle bicycles.

Feb 19, 2021 9:13 PM
Reply to  Kiwijoker

“It is in fact extremely difficult to peddle shit.”

Not really, people even buy bags of worm shit. It’s much higher quality, more useful, realistic than anything these “medical” types do.

Feb 22, 2021 3:46 PM
Reply to  Kiwijoker

Do you think Bill Gates makes money out of vaccines?

Mar 7, 2021 11:38 PM
Reply to  Orage

What a grossly impertinent question to ask. Dr Gates is in the process of saving humanity and wouldn’t dream of profiteering from a world health crises in order to make a fast buck on the side. That would be totally amoral.

John Pretty
John Pretty
Feb 19, 2021 7:13 PM

John Edmunds aka Professor Death.

Mark R. Elsis
Mark R. Elsis
Feb 19, 2021 7:04 PM

Understanding What They Mean By ‘Risk Reduction’ Is Critical by Dr. Thomas Cowan (12:52)

Mark R. Elsis
Mark R. Elsis
Feb 19, 2021 7:04 PM

The Contagion Myth (Book)
Why Viruses (including “Coronavirus”) Are Not the Cause of Disease
Thomas S. Cowan, MD, and Sally Fallon Morell ask the question: are there really such things as “viruses”? Or are electro smog, toxic living conditions, and 5G actually to blame for COVID-19?

Feb 21, 2021 10:14 AM
Reply to  Mark R. Elsis

That’s one of the books I meant to buy this weekend. (My weekend is Friday and Saturday). I get doing other things and I just don’t get it done. That book, “Virus Mania” and “What Really Makes You Ill” are next on my list of to buy books.

Feb 19, 2021 7:03 PM

The extended power cuts in Texas really does make it look like the federal government, in Washington, is at war with the good old boys of Texas. Or perhaps the right wing texans are just blaming the lack of investment in infrastructure on the democrats. Who knows?

Saint Jimmy
Saint Jimmy
Feb 19, 2021 7:27 PM
Reply to  Germourt

It’s a lack of investment in infrastructure by cheap hustlers that will result in the citizens of Texas paying for it in huge energy bills, plumbing repairs, and bankruptcy. It’s just another wealth transfer mechanism. However, the greedy hustlers and war crazy oligarchs control both US political parties. There is no “left” or “right” in the US. There are oligarchs and their puppets and the rest of us – peasants and the remnants of the middle classes. Be warned… The US is NOT your “friend”.

Feb 20, 2021 10:54 AM
Reply to  Saint Jimmy

No mention of the obvious attempts at geoengineering?

Feb 21, 2021 10:16 AM
Reply to  Saint Jimmy

The US isn’t a friend of its own domestic population or the people’s of all the nations on this planet. It is a wild beast and a false prophet.

Feb 19, 2021 6:16 PM

Virologists cannot demonstrate alleged viruses cause cell or tissue damage when controls are used, so they won’t use them. That’s scientific fraud.

There are no variants and there is no SARSCov2.

The entire field of epidemiology and modeling is based on data generated from a false and unproven belief in contagion, infectious diseases and through fraudulent tests which use primers and probes containing specific nucleic acid sequencesalready present in the human genome. This can be verified in BLAST. Contagion does not exist and has never been shown or proven in any experiment or study.

Feb 19, 2021 6:36 PM
Reply to  Researcher

I have a question for you. If I understand what you’re saying correctly, you’re saying that the germ theory is bullshit, that germs don’t cause infection or disease. At the same time, you say, in reference to vaccination, that (allegedly) infectious diseases had been eradicated prior to the introduction of vaccines, thanks to sanitation and other factors. But if it was thanks to sanitation, i.e. cleanness, the elimination of putrefaction = proliferating bacteria, it implies that bacteria do cause disease. It looks to me like you’re contradicting yourself.

Care to elucidate that …?

Feb 19, 2021 7:19 PM
Reply to  Jacques

Bacteria ‘eat’ toxic matter in diseased tissues along with macrophages which are also called ‘big eaters’ that can eat bacteria too if they get out of ✋ ! Bacteria function like maggots in a way to clean up the area of dead tissue so it can be repaired or replaced.

Feb 20, 2021 5:08 AM
Reply to  -CO

How does that work with the bacteria that causes, say, cholera? That doesn’t seem to fit your theory. Also, I remember that Lucien Bouchard, the guy who shot down the Meech Lake Accord that would have seen notre belle province du Quebec designated as distinct society, giving it a handy tool to extort the ROC, contracted a streptococcus infection in his leg and had to have it amputated to survive. A close call. Was it that the particular pesky streptococcus was in a gluttonous mood or was his whole fucking leg or body “diseased tissue” (actually quite likely, the guy had an evil streak) or is it that this theory is not 100% bulletproof?

Sarah Jones
Sarah Jones
Feb 20, 2021 10:56 AM
Reply to  Jacques

If bacteria causes cholera symptoms how come most people exposed to the bacteria do not get sick? You either don’t understand or are trying to distrort the meaning of causation. If you stand in the rain without an umbrella you get wet. If you stand in the rain under an umbrella you don’t get wet. Getting wet isn’t caused by rain. It is caused by standing in the rain. If you convince people not to use an umbrella because rain is the cause of getting wet then they will get wet and you became the cause.

“Amidst a group of physicians and scientists, Claude Bernard made the statement: “The terrain is everything; the germ is nothing,” and then drank down a glass of water filled with cholera.”

Feb 20, 2021 11:04 AM
Reply to  Sarah Jones

As far as the rain bit, check out the meaning of the fallacy of false analogy.

You’re propping your claims by anecdotal evidence supported by no empiric findings. I don’t know how many people get sick when exposed to the cholera bacterium, but some obviously do, as implied by your own statement, which means that the pesky cholera bacteria does have some role in making people sick.

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Feb 20, 2021 8:46 PM
Reply to  Sarah Jones

He probably knew that the HCL in his stomach would nuke the bacteria. I guess he would not have injected it. That said, I have an open mind on whether bacteria can cause disease or not, although I don’t think that viruses do.

Feb 20, 2021 1:32 PM
Reply to  Jacques

Jacques vibrio bacteria do not normally attack healthy tissue unless it has become in some way damaged or encumbered with exogenous or endogenous toxins from numerous different sources that the body has failed to remove.

Cholera is an entodermal or haemodialysis reaction phase which the body’s defences institute via hperexcretion, vomiting, diahorrhea, inflammation etc in a bid to detoxify the body. The vibrio bacteria play a role in the detoxification processes attributed to cholera they don’t cause it.

Feb 20, 2021 1:46 PM
Reply to  -CO

Sorry for the typo Jacques it’s haemodermal not hemodialysis!!

Sarah Jones
Sarah Jones
Feb 19, 2021 7:56 PM
Reply to  Jacques

Are you asserting the sewage works can be got rid of? The contaminated water just needs to be boiled to kill the bacteria?

Feb 19, 2021 8:42 PM
Reply to  Sarah Jones

You have to question what kind of land creature shits in it’s own water supply.

Feb 20, 2021 5:02 AM
Reply to  Sarah Jones

Comrade Jones, thrilled that you replied to my question, even though it was addressed to Comrade Researcher. I would appreciate, however, if, prior to replying, you read to what you’re about to reply to and thought about it at least once.

Feb 19, 2021 8:20 PM
Reply to  Jacques

Terrain theory versus germ theory.

This chart might be a useful tool.

Nutrition was probably the number one factor above all else in the so-called eradication of alleged infectious disease, which was falsely attributed to vaccines. It’s nearly always multiple factors that influence our health. Previous diseases that were originally believed to be contagious were actually vitamin deficiencies such as Pellagra, Scurvy and BeriBeri.

Eradicating BACTERIA can’t be achieved since bacteria are in your gut, on your skin and your cells produce bacteria and fungi.

Access to clean water and proper waste disposal is logical to avoid taxing the immune and lymphatic system to maintain good health. But eating putrid food, or drinking poisoned water does not create an infectious disease but it will make people ill.

Feb 20, 2021 4:59 AM
Reply to  Researcher

I’m totally with you that it’s multiple factors that influence health. I’m with you that lifestyle, mental state, nutrition, exercise are major causes of diseases.

I’m not talking about ERADICATING bacteria. I’m simply pointing out that germs, bacteria can cause disease, by your own admission. I mean you refer to IMMUNE system. Immune meaning capable of warding off infections.

Feb 20, 2021 9:02 AM
Reply to  Jacques

You misunderstand.

First of all viruses don’t exist. At all.

Secondly bacteria do not “cause” disease. They can be found at the site of inflammation where your body produces them to break down the debris from toxicity and cytotoxic cells. Not the same thing.

Immune is just a word to describe a response to toxicity. Not warding off infections.

Germ theory is a fallacy.

Feb 20, 2021 11:15 AM
Reply to  Researcher

What is toxicity and infection in your dictionary?

Why did streptococcus nearly eat ol’ Lucien Bouchard?

The body PRODUCES bacteria? By what mechanism?

BTW, I’ve read some publications that purport that the germ theory is a fallacy, but their claims are mostly based on logically fallacious arguments or allusions along the lines of what Comrade Jones above made above.

Now, I’m not saying that you’re wrong and they’re right or vice versa. I simply can’t see much evidence to back up your claims and there are too many contradictions in what you’re saying. I’m playing the Devil’s Advocate – I don’t just accept something because somebody says so.

Feb 20, 2021 9:58 PM
Reply to  Jacques

Jacques you accepted germ theory just because somebody said so. Through consensus. Which is exactly how false theories become accepted even if there’s no hard evidence to support them.

How bacteria boost the immune system.

There’s no contradictions. Toxicity is not the same as infection.  And infection is not the same as infectious. 

Toxicity = toxins (other than bacteria and viruses)
Infection = disease or contamination. 
Infectious = contagious. 

Feb 20, 2021 10:50 PM
Reply to  Researcher

‘Which is exactly how false theories become accepted even if there’s no hard evidence to support them.”

A point or two. False theory ? How can a theory be false ? It’s a theory. It doesn’t have to be ‘accepted’. It’s a theory.

In any case i believe you’re confusing it with a ‘hypothesis’. Which may, at some future time, have it’s status lifted to that of ‘theory’.

Only facts can be true or false and that is due to evidence that proves it one way or another.

Feb 20, 2021 11:05 PM
Reply to  WillowStick

Lying troll. It’s theory accepted as a fact by the medical industrial complex. They promote their unproven theories as if they are facts. As such, it us upon THEM to prove those theories.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Feb 21, 2021 10:11 AM
Reply to  Researcher

It has been much the same principle of logic involved, with (privatised) voting machine companies that have told researchers for years that we can’t prove that fraud has occurred in the process of using their occult private software.

Lynn Landes, who took her case to ban them all the way to the SCOTUS in 2006 only to have it dismissed by Scalia for “lack of standing”, posed the more pertinent query: “What is more to the point, they can’t prove fraud HASN’T occurred.”

Same challenge there with the batflu “theories”.

Using “consensus” (“might makes right” as the generic charter, always, for fascism) instead of science, they hold us hostage by hypnotism that the burden of proof is on us.

Otherwise known as ramming it down our throats. Globally. Pervasive totalitarianism. Not a pretty sight.

Feb 20, 2021 11:32 PM
Reply to  WillowStick

But there are no so-called ‘facts’ independent of the theory or theories in which they are specified in science. How can there be?

You seem to think facts can be somehow validated extra theoretically by some other criteria but there simply are no extra theoretical guarantees that can vouchsafe ‘facts’ in scientific practice. If there are, I’d like to know how.

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Feb 20, 2021 8:41 PM
Reply to  Researcher

I bought that bought, and I have to say, I was a bit underwhelmed. I knew a lot, possibly most of the stuff, but I had to disagree with some of it, and it was in need of a good editor. And I was shocked that there was no index (if I remember correctly. Not looked at it for ages).

I saw an interview with the authors with Andrew Kaufman which I found similarly undewhelming.

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Feb 20, 2021 8:43 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Well even orthoquackery, sorry orthodox or allopathic medicine, recognises that there are good bacteria. What they don’t and can’t tell us is where do the bad ones come from?

Feb 20, 2021 9:31 PM

But why can’t germ theory proponents explain why in some cases the alleged bad bacteria can’t be found in the ill patient with the corresponding “infection”, and that healthy people have that same bad bacteria? The immune system as a defender that eventually fails doesn’t make sense. Because if it fails at all, then it should always lead to death.

Even though I don’t think Max von Pettenkofer’s miasma theory was correct, certainly drinking the cholera mixture proved the illness and death in cholera outbreaks weren’t caused by the bacterium itself.

It appears that most bacteria and bacterial “infections” don’t originate from an external source. That intracellular and extracellular bacteria are synthesized by our bodies in response to a specific poison/s in tandem with corresponding organs, in the same manner as proteins and enzymes.

I was reading a paper the other day that supports this idea.

Feb 20, 2021 11:37 PM

The so-called “bad ones” are not really bad if they were many of them would not already be in the body’s microbiome.

Feb 21, 2021 11:11 AM
Reply to  Jacques

Andrew Kaufman and Thomas Cowan address that in a vide titled “Response to Judy Mikovits with Tom Cowan and Andrew Kaufman.” Bacteria, under some circumstances, can be toxic. But by and large, they are not. I’ve hear Andrew talk about that a few times. This just happens to be a recent mention of bacteria and toxins that I recall. The mention of bacteria comes in at the end of the video.

Feb 21, 2021 10:20 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Correct. That’s the conclusion drawn by a recent article co-written by Thomas Cowan, Sally Fallong and Andrew Kaufman, titled “Statement On Virus Isolation (SOVI).”

Feb 21, 2021 7:21 PM
Reply to  Arby

Thanks for this new reference. Unfortunately, though, such articles don’t seem to budge the immovable assertion that the hypothetical SARS-CoV-2 virus, which I call the “Megadeath Virus of Doom”, has too been properly isolated, purified, and identified. Even regular commenters here claiming professional expertise insist that this is the case, although they don’t address the devilish details in the compelling and lucid contrary case Cowan et al present.

I was disappointed last week when stalwart anti-scamdemic Pam Popper wrongly (and needlessly) claimed on one of her daily videos that “SARS CoV 2 Does, Indeed Exist”.

Feb 22, 2021 12:50 PM
Reply to  Ort

Indeed. The sooner we who learn, meaningfully (which isn’t to say with great mental power), understand that most of those in our anti-covid 1984 camp are trapped within Rockefeller health care science/ideology, the better. I think that sometimes it’s innocent. But not always. I can’t call it innocence when the errant ones are clearly very, very bright and informed people. There’s more going on here than just mental activity, clearly. When I listen to RFK hold forth on some topic, I’m bowled over. Then he fails to note that the vaccine is not a vaccine. He repeats lies about a virus, failing to even acknowledge that they haven’t isolated and purified it, which is ‘basic’! He talks about a pandemic, even though he knows that there isn’t one. This is something spiritual. Those people have made choices and because they were morally wrong, it has left them open to demonic influence in my opinion.

Feb 22, 2021 2:50 PM
Reply to  Ort

They cannot be isolated because virus theory is incoherent and as I’ve stated several times if the theory is wrong it won’t work out in scientific practice! Videos of the alleged virus therefore prove nothing if subcellular fractionation etc, is used, and electron Microscopy conflates artefacts with particles that cannot otherwise be proven to be viruses and fail to be proven to be the cause of an infectious disease using Henle-Koch postulates as modified by T Rivers for alleged viruses. It has never yet been done despite any claims to the contrary – videos or no videos.!

Feb 22, 2021 2:53 PM
Reply to  -CO

Appearances can be deceiving.

Feb 22, 2021 12:42 PM
Reply to  Arby

That should have been Sally Fallon.

Watch your parking meters
Watch your parking meters
Feb 19, 2021 6:12 PM

Blow up your TV throw away your paper
Go to the country, build you a home
Plant a little garden, eat a lot of peaches
Try an find Jesus on your own

John Prine – Spanish Pipedream

John Ervin
John Ervin
Feb 19, 2021 7:07 PM

Going “off the grid” is really no longer a real option, though we may try. They have electrified all the surroundings, and will only expand that. Absent a very massive solar flare. An “Act of God”.

We can always try “next best things” though, right?

Feb 19, 2021 9:17 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

Yes, John. For those of us with limited resources purchasing land and building a home away from the madding crowd might not be possible. Or desirable. I live about as simple as one can get. But I need a bank account and a phone. And I love the internet. So I do what’s best for me.
Ahh, the Golden years. Going forward will certainly keep us on our toes.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Feb 20, 2021 2:57 AM
Reply to  Judith

Whenever we grow, it’s all gold!

(cf. Sirach 2)

Feb 22, 2021 12:53 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

If I won the lottery, I’d sure as hell try to go off the grid. The first thing I’d do is grab my sister and hunt for a very large parcel of land, not close to a large city but not so remote that I’ve made things difficult for myself. I’d act fast, while I had control over the money. I see that Lotto Max here in Canada is at 65 million…

Feb 19, 2021 5:23 PM

There is ZERO Historical precedence for ANY of the following 1) A “second wave” of ANY seasonal virus ever, the way the immune system work so we a led to believe, is that your T cell immunity which lasts for decades, can spot not just the original virus its been exposed to and recovered from, but also any similar strains of that virus. This is backed up by the fact REAL Pandemics only come about every 8 to 10 years and are NEVER followed by significant numbers of deaths the next year. The only exception they cite is the Spanish Flu but just like covid there is no isolated specimen of the “Spanish flu” consequently there is very little data on this event, and most experts agree (not to be confused with what the media tells us the experts say) agree that the so called Spanish flu was Multiple pathogens and many claiming that the so called “second wave” which killed the most people, was cause by bacterial Pneumonia vaccines, given to troops on mass, which would explain why contrary to every other virus in history it killed predominantly young men of fighting age (youngest and fittest) and why the first death was an Army Cook called “Albert Gitchell” at fort Riley Kansas, closely followed by many of his colleges and in many Army camps around the world ! 2) There is zero scientific evidence of Asymptomatic spread of ANY virus, in order to constitute being labeled as “Infected” one must have enough of a given virus in their system to constitute an infection, and make you ill. and you have to be “Infected” in order to be “infectious” Think of a wound, we are covered in bacteria both inside and out of our bodies, ALL of the time, but… Read more »

Feb 19, 2021 7:53 PM
Reply to  CryptoKazar

Excellent… But you are somewhat incorrect that computers can’t predict the future. All you need to do is program the computer with the future envisaged and then tell everyone that the technology is infallible.

Ahhh the joy of filing systems marketed as artificial intelligence.

Feb 19, 2021 10:13 PM
Reply to  Kiwijoker

As someone who coded physics, extrapolation is the easiest way to be wrong intentionally.

That’s how all their “models” works. It’s unbelievable how pathetic some of the math for the crap they suggest is.

Feb 20, 2021 2:04 AM
Reply to  CatCollector

Yes that was the general consensus in the open source community way back in March April Last year, when Imperial Collage London and Neil Ferguson vomited their computer model upon them, to attempt to give the false impression to those outside of the open source community at least, that they were being open and above board, about how their little box of tricks worked.

Feb 20, 2021 1:58 AM
Reply to  Kiwijoker

It can certainly predict future levels of stupidity, assuming people buy into it to begin with.

Sarah Jones
Sarah Jones
Feb 19, 2021 8:59 PM
Reply to  CryptoKazar

and you have to be “Infected” in order to be “infectious” Think of a wound, we are covered in bacteria both inside and out of our bodies, ALL of the time, but you can have an non infected wound cant you, despite being covered in bacteria, an INFECTED wound on the other hand has SYMPTOMS because its “Infected”

You are conflating viruses with bacteria. A wound isn’t infected but inflammed. If it was bacteria causing infection then it would always get inflammed and there would not be non inflammed wounds. The difference is to do with the lymphatic system being clogged up and lack of nutrients such as vitamin C and D.

Feb 19, 2021 10:15 PM
Reply to  Sarah Jones

“The difference is to do with the lymphatic system being clogged up and lack of nutrients such as vitamin C and D”

Regarding that, some of the first things I would tell people in “modern society” is to make sure their vitamin D and iodine levels are good, iodine is blocked by non-essential toxic fluorine, chlorine, bromine and those things are VERY common in society. After that potassium magnesium sodium chlorine balance (people typically need more potassium and magnesium, less sodium and chlorine).

Since from what I can see, those are some of the most prevalent issues (and it’s a big reason why people are stupid). Some of the B vitamins are also typically a problem iirc.

For the lymphatic system and along with that, vitamin k2 possibly, vitamin E, selenium.

Not that you can skimp anything, but it’s impossible for me to say people GENERALLY have this and that deficiency, since it’s very circumstantial.

The vitamin D, Iodine and the potassium/sodium stuff is very common and widespread due to the sourcing of it though. Coz vitamin D in winter, people staying indoors. Iodine coz of fluorine, chlorine, bromine’s prevalence, and potassium and magnesium due to the prevalence of chlorine and sodium.

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Feb 20, 2021 8:32 PM
Reply to  CatCollector

Just want to again welcome the mention of iodine.

Iodine coz of fluorine, chlorine, bromine’s prevalence

Yes, that, but also because of the lack of iodine in the diet, partly caused by a shortage of iodine in the soil where the food is grown (animal or vegetable). I don’t have links to hand, but a few years ago I found some official looking charts showing that many countries were borderline iodine deficient, including the UK and parts of the USA (not just the traditional “goiter belt”).

And unlike the USA, I don’t think iodised salt has ever been particularly common in the UK. Could explain a lot of the present day stupidity.

Feb 21, 2021 2:38 PM

The fluorine, chlorine and bromine entirely outweighs the (relative lack) of iodine in diet. Trust me. And of course they have their own toxic effects.

Getting rid of the massively excessive fluorine, chlorine and bromine is quite a bit more important than getting a bit of extra iodine (though you should probably do both, depending) since it blocks the iodine meaning extra iodine might not be metabolized nearly enough aside from the damage caused by them (which is immense).

There’s been a marked reduction in american intellect and increase in iodine related issues (hormonal, immunity, developmental) etc despite iodated salt.

One of the reasons why is because iodine was replaced with bromine in breads and likely other things that need leavening agents, in the 1970s iirc.

There’s also an ironic issue with that. Iodated salt is overrated for a number of reasons. Because putting it with salt means you are perpetuating the sodium (+ chloride, which counters the iodine) and potassium imbalance problem (electrical activity in your body fucked). That’s why potassium iodide is one of the better supplemental forms. Also, the iodine evaporates readily.

So, generally speaking to be more balanced you need firstly: Lower fluoride, lower chloride, lower bromine, lower sodium.

Extra potassium, iodine, magnesium is relatively secondary and you don’t need that much extra IF you do get rid of the excess toxic crap and closer to balance.

Feb 19, 2021 10:52 PM
Reply to  Sarah Jones

There’s a post in spam filter for some reason…and it’s pretty straightforward.

But anyway, when it is posted, just wanted to add, if you DON’T get good sunlight, aside from vitamin D, you might want to check out tryptophan/serotonin/melatonin, depending.

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Feb 20, 2021 8:38 PM
Reply to  CatCollector

I suppose people could also check out safe UVB lamps, if they can find such a thing.

Feb 21, 2021 7:36 PM
Reply to  Sarah Jones

Unfortunately, the term ‘infection’ has been monopolised by the germ theorists who fail to realise that a wide variety of intoxicants can also ‘infect’ tissues and cells which also can initiate an inflammatory response.

Insoluble toxic materials can also create foci and disturbance fields in the body leading to chronic inflammation if they are not removed.

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Feb 20, 2021 8:35 PM
Reply to  CryptoKazar

A very informative comment. Thank you.

Feb 22, 2021 12:56 PM
Reply to  CryptoKazar

The virus is formally known as Sars CoV 2. The disease that it is said to cause is covid 19. And David Martin says that ‘that’ is incorrect, but I’m not clear on why. So, until I learn otherwise, the above is what I know and tell others.

Feb 19, 2021 5:16 PM

“Lies, damned lies, and statistics” Here in the UK when we decided to join in the alien invasion narrative we seemed to have everything thrust upon us. The horror stories came thick and fast along with infeasibly large numbers of dead, dying, and about to die. So the lockdown was presented as the only safe ‘solution’ to the ‘problem’. Then we started to realise this exercise was all about data, projections, mathematics, statistics and graphs. Then we were told we were all one breath away from certain death if we disobeyed. Bill Gates, the archetypical ‘geek’ stepped up to the plate to lead us all through this war and it’s endless battles on the way. And still, to this day, nobody on a MSM platform has raised the question or allowed anyone else to raise it : Why is the world’s most famous software mogul, who has never studied a day in medical school, been given the gig ? Why were so many qualified doctors silenced and censored for questioning the medical projections and conclusions of a computer code writer ? It turns out that all those MSM people are working for the same people as Gates. And he gets to look like a benevolent ‘ philanthropist’ who is giving everyone his money to ‘support the fight’. When in fact he’s paying them to sing his song and doing the same with governments and the media. So qualifications are meaningless. This can’t be a medical problem. We then had SAGE focusing on how to condition the herds and keep their fear level as high as possible ( for the ‘safety’ of everyone) and utilize all tools at their disposal. Still no talk of virologists or epidemiologists. More evidence suggesting that this isn’t about anything threatening physical health. It’s an exercise in… Read more »

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Feb 19, 2021 9:38 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

So, all the numbers are based on assumptions rather than any actual real data of real cases. They are based on a simulated pandemic occurring in a simulated world. It’s a computer game.

Looking at the bigger picture, that makes a lot of sense in a way, since––as Alison McDowell continuously points out––they ultimately do want us all living in a simulated world (a computer game, if you will) via our digital twins.

Feb 20, 2021 12:59 AM

The way of the west…

I won’t go into anything too existential, but we create many world’s and adopt world views for each one as we go through life. Each one can be easily replaced by another thus proving they were never real in the first place ; only in an illusory sense.

We have become architects of illusions that feed our void. We were their for the taking. And that happened. They created bigger, better illusions as they emptied the streets of real life and pied pipered us to the virtual world.

Feb 20, 2021 1:32 AM
Reply to  JuraCalling

Somewhere someone pointed out that another book from Gates’ obnoxious book blog was the excellent book “What if” by Randall Munroe in which the author reviews whether you could eradicate the flu by isolating everyone on earth for a few months, and the problems therein.

Feb 20, 2021 4:48 AM
Reply to  LKing

I get the impression Gates could dress up as Hitler and walk around shooting anyone black or poor and get away with it because he invented Windows. Too many people push the wrong shit about him.

The two books we have mentioned from his list and one other about social control make him the least slick criminal in history.

But he’s living in a time when most people expect a degree if they can tie their own shoe laces and common sense is viewed as a superpower.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Feb 19, 2021 5:03 PM


says the High Court has decreed that Matthew Hancock has ‘acted unlawfully’ when not being transparent about contracts for PPE.

One assumes that means he must go to prison, thereby becoming dissqualified as an MP and hence as a Cabinet Minister.

I am sure Boris Johnson will ensure that the law is upheld, as the Rule of Law is what the UK seeks to impose all over the world, isn’t it?

Feb 19, 2021 5:41 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha are you taking any bets Rhys ?

Feb 21, 2021 11:20 AM
Reply to  Geoff

Indeed. Let me know! I could use a few bucks.

Feb 19, 2021 7:54 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

The High Court finding against Hancock cannot remain inconsequential. I predict that not only will he be charged with his unlawful (criminal) behaviours exposed in the High Court, but also with a rash of others. This thicko was set up to be the fall guy; only he thought of himself as a deserving bearer of the style ‘Minister’. Oh, well: This could not have happened to a nicer person. Still, Whitty and Unbalanced cannot be feeling too comfortable either.

Feb 19, 2021 4:44 PM

So far, no mention of the bioenergetics aspect of vaccines like that of the Moderna vaccine which is a vaccine in name only,as it is claimed, as you know, to be an ‘operating system’ and it’s not just the mRNA that ‘operates’!

Feb 19, 2021 4:40 PM

UK Column News – 19th February 2021 PART ONE MOST COVID CASES WERE INVALID — THUS MOST DEATHS WERE NOT COVID MASSIVE OVER-COUNTING REVEALED AS MOST PEOPLE NOT INFECTIOUS UK Gov Chief Scientific Advisor and Liverpool Uni reveal switch to “Lateral Flow”. Lateral Flow Test detects current infections, unlike PCR. As people were not infectious, they were not cases. For past 12 months we’ve been locking up non-infectious people. If Covid tests were invalid, then people who died within 28 days of a test, didn’t die of Covid — according to the UK Gov definition. “The researchers argue that it is not appropriate to compare rapid antigen test sensitivity to Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) tests because PCR is testing for whether a person is or has been infected whereas LFT is testing for whether a person is infectious now.” https://news.liverpool.ac.uk/2021/02/18/researchers-clarify-lateral-flow-rapid-antigen-testing-sensitivity-issues/ UK CHIEF SCIENTIFIC ADVISER ADMITS PCR TESTS DON’T SHOW YOU ARE INFECTIOUS ENTIRE BASIS OF UK GOV POLICY FOR THE PAST YEAR UNRAVELS Patrick Vallance on Feb 10: “PCR tests will always pick up more than Lateral Flow; Lateral Flow tests pick up people with high viral load who are more infectious. You use LFT in cases where you otherwise wouldn’t pick up anybody…” WEEK 7 UK INFLUENZA & COVID SURVEILLANCE REPORT NET ZERO CASES OF INFLUENZA A & B Covid cases per 100k plummet to levels of Jul-Sep 2020 as normal winter respiratory season ends. Flu has almost disappeared. Mike Robinson: the decline matches the usual pattern of the flu. What makes this one special? LOCKDOWNS MAY CONTINUE AS HACK SCIENTISTS SAY THEY’RE WORKING IMPERIAL COLLEGE REAL TIME STUDY CLAIMS CASES FALL DUE TO LOCKDOWN Prof Andrew Hayward… ending lockdown could cause “high tens of thousands of deaths”. Scientists ignore context that “cases” depend on testing which has been… Read more »

Sarah Jones
Sarah Jones
Feb 19, 2021 6:09 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Vaccine safety is an oxymoron. If they could be made safe there wouldn’t be all this shit going on. RFK jr is controlled opposition. He supported HRC who is about as deep in the vaccine cult as Bill Gates. His approach has been a proven failure for decades. These controlled opposition detract from real health advocacy. They prop up the false germ theory with vaccine safety rhetoric and virus propaganda. Real health advocates promote healthy food, getting out in the sun, socialising etc.

Feb 19, 2021 6:14 PM
Reply to  Sarah Jones

Yup, if someone tries to peddle “vaccine safety” they’re wrong. The fundamentals are wrong. The establishment is wrong. Fraud in all of their institutional shit.

Btw, here’s some music for you Sarah, I hope you like it, it’s not rap or metal:

Since the videos mess up…
Estas Tonne – Internal Flight
Irfan – Seraphim

Feb 19, 2021 6:48 PM
Reply to  CatCollector

More Bullshit from you. ….the fundamentals of vaccines are sound, they can and do work. They just need a lot of testing. Before modern vaccines existed medieval Europeans understood the principal and infected their own cuts from people with disease they wanted to gain immunity to.

Feb 19, 2021 7:12 PM
Reply to  Germourt

“More Bullshit from you. ….the fundamentals of vaccines are sound, they can and do work.”

No, they don’t. But pasteur/rockefeller sellouts don’t have souls so yeah, truth is forever beyond them.

Goodbye germourt. You were, well, a shill, a shell. Hollow, empty but additionally, cracked.

Feb 19, 2021 7:21 PM
Reply to  Germourt

The European genocidal colonialists first saw this practice in Africa, where the indigenous peoples would scratch the skin (not cut it) before a applying whatever pathogen was selected.

Later on 100% of all people who tried this died.

Also 100% of people who didn’t try this died.

There seems to be a certain common denominator regarding the Human condition.

Doesn’t there?

Feb 19, 2021 6:34 PM
Reply to  Sarah Jones

Vaccine safety is an oxymoron.”

‘RFK jr is controlled opposition”

The whole rationale that drives RFK is that vaccines aren’t safe. He’s exposed the amount of damage they’ve done more than any other campaigner.

I know the occasional idiot has taken one sentence from an interview he took part in when he said

” I’m pro vaccine, but only if they’ve been proven to do no harm to people over a long period of trials, but most aren’t and I want them halted until they guarantee that they’re trialled for years and proven safe”

What the idiots plucked from that was the

”I’m pro – vaccine”

They do this kind of shallow shit to make the easily led believe that good men like RFK (who is trying to take this to the top and make it all public) are actually working for the establishment and elite.

It’s low really if we’re honest. Snipping a sentence out of context to blacken the good while the bad are causing chaos. It’s a dickhead’s trick.

As for the ”we only need vitamins to never fall ill” shite. No thanks. Come back with the science.

Feb 19, 2021 6:40 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

Peddler peddling.

Both you and him can outright say “No vaccines”, oh and stop associating with shit related to it. Then, I’ll consider it.

Hugh O’Neill
Hugh O’Neill
Feb 19, 2021 7:19 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

Bravo, Jura. RFK is the real McCoy. I was also struck by the parallel between snipping a sentence out of context with the PCR test I.e. making something else out of virtually nothing.

Feb 20, 2021 12:39 AM
Reply to  Hugh O’Neill

These oddball disinfo merchants pretending to ‘alert’ us all to the myths are the real pandemic. They point out the lies of Gates, Fauci and the elite then just replace them with their own lies. Really helpful.

They should be given the opportunity to support their bullshit or be banned for de-railing the conversation.

Feb 19, 2021 7:23 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

It is the argument structure of the ‘Straw-man Fallacy’

Feb 20, 2021 12:40 AM
Reply to  Kiwijoker

The straw men can blow in the wind as far as I’m concerned. They can’t and won’t engage in debate. They’re either too stupid or too drunk. Either way they steal space wherever they lay their eggs.

Feb 20, 2021 11:15 AM
Reply to  JuraCalling

YOU don’t want to address the fundamentals of illness, YOU are peddling establishment garbage.

When RFK says “pro-vaccine” and “vaccine safety”… let’s think about it.

Does he consider OTHER vaccines, that say, he had himself, or his children had…”safe”?

Coz they ARE NOT. That’s where he’s arguing from. So you and him can fuckoff.

And btw, you can tell him that his speech impediment is likely related to thimerosal/mercury and other elements from vaccine toxicity.


Feb 20, 2021 12:52 PM
Reply to  CatCollector

Thanks for that scientific insight. It’s always a pleasure to receive the opinions of somebody who spends half their life playing on their X box.

Do yourself and the site a favour. You ‘think about’ what you believe and find something to support it. Guessing what anyone thinks is pointless.

And if you believe RFK has a ‘ speech impediment’ you really need to keep that side of your ignorance quiet until you grow up.

Making light of, or insulting somebody’s, affliction is a disgusting, juvenile habit.

Well done Off/ G.

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Feb 19, 2021 10:10 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

Regardless of whether germ theory is true, false, or ¿something in between?, any observant person can see how the “non-existence of viruses” issue can be used to split the cv-1984 dissenters into opposing camps, of those who believe in the existence of viruses and those who don’t. Always a good idea to split the enemy in an information war into opposing factions!

And so we find people like RFKjr, Dolores Cahill, and others who say they believe in “safe vaccines” (DC has said that she herself has created some safe vaccines!), and this is somehow taken as a sign that these people (along with the legal teams with whom they consort, e.g. Reiner Fuellmich et al.) who have done––and are doing––more to fight the lockdowns and mandates than any of our righteous armchair analysts, are controlled opposition and working against our best interests.

Maybe it’s simply a matter of them better understanding the nature of this information war, and that it can be more successfully fought without going into the details of germ vs terrain theory (which is a debate that would inevitably drag on for decades or centuries, by which time 99.9999% of “human beings” will undoubtedly be fully reduced to digital slaves in a cyborg avatar capitalism techno-fascist dystopia)?

Maybe, before they speak, the RFKs, Cahills, and others should always preface their comments with these words of lawyer, David E. Martin:

“uses of terms commonly accepted in medical and scientific literature do not imply acceptance or rejection of the dogma that they represent”?

Feb 19, 2021 11:40 PM

“Maybe it’s simply a matter of them better understanding the nature of this information war, and that it can be more successfully fought without going into the details of germ vs terrain theory (which is a debate that would inevitably drag on for decades or centuries, by which time 99.9999% of “human beings” will undoubtedly be fully reduced to digital slaves in a cyborg avatar capitalism techno-fascist dystopia)?”



“(DC has said that she herself has created some safe vaccines!)”

Can you link to some? I made fucking spaceportals and shit.

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Feb 20, 2021 12:35 AM
Reply to  CatCollector

How did I know that this persona would reply, undoubtedly including inflammatory words like “shit,” “bullshit,” or “fucking” in their response (typical of a certain species of well-endowed creature known to haunt internet forums on matters related to viruses and vaccines), while taking care to in no manner address the crucial point that I raised?

Feb 20, 2021 1:42 AM

The crucial point is you suggested people avoid the fundamentals, trying to kinda…obscure it. Oopsies.

Anyway, it’s really early. Later.

Feb 20, 2021 12:53 AM

The logic of the ‘no such thing as a virus’ isn’t as complex as you suggest from what i see. It says covid 19 is fake, ergo all viruses are fake. It’s a bit like saying the convicted man is a burglar, ergo all men are burglars.

The argument stretches to politicians too. Those who make a few million out of war or pharma need to be in prison, ergo all politicians are profiteering from war and pharma.

They make valid points about the immune systems failure to beat off infections . That isn’t ‘evidence’ that viruses don’t exist.

I’ve asked around on a variety of boards how Shingles happens. I’ve asked for the evidence to support the claims that all virologists and epidemiologists are secretly colluding with each other to pretend that there’s germs. No sensible answers so far.

The plain English ‘‘ i’m not anti -vaccine, I’m anti unsafe vaccine . I’m pro-vaccine if it’s proven to be harmless’‘ is self explanatory.” Anyone who has to butcher that and re-present it as ”I’m pro-vaccine” is scraping the bottom of the barrel.. But they call anyone who disagrees with the blatant attempt at disinfo is immediately accused of being a spook, a plant, a CIA operative or 77th. 

It doesn’t sound ‘switched on’ which is the intention. It sounds like they’re chained to a computer 24/7 rocking backward and forward.

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Feb 20, 2021 2:41 AM
Reply to  JuraCalling

Again, the fact that they ignore the nature and dynamics of this CV-1984 information war is enough to arouse suspicion of their motives. They will claim that, “If we can make everyone aware of the lie of germ theory, then the whole virus->pandemic->lockdowns/masks->vaccines->cov-passes->techno-fascist digital slavery panopticon dystopia house of cards collapses at once,” (an operative actually told me this in a PM on another site…) as if billions are eager, willing, and able to hear and understand the crystal-clear, very obvious truth of The Terrain Theory Gospel, and that there would not inevitably be a sustained attack upon it from everyone within the COVID Establishment if it were at all threatening to their agenda.

Alas, even saying this much plays into the hands of those waging the information war, as it contributes to division (with resulting dilution and defraction of the position/message) on the side of those opposed to the CV-1984 agenda.

In fact, it’s unnecessary and absolutely counter-productive to raise the issue at all. Does ANYONE here seriously believe that Reiner Fuellmich, RFKjr, and other lawyers, legal teams, and doctors/scientists publicly opposing the agenda would have better luck in the courts, and much greater popular appeal and sympathy, if they took a public stance against germ theory and the very existence of viruses??? (Undoubtedly there ARE personas who will chime in arguing in support of that very thing, but can ANYONE take them seriously?)

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Feb 20, 2021 3:18 AM

Missed the edit window, but will now add to the second paragraph:

(So it goes without saying that anyone here persisting in keeping this cause of division alive is––knowingly or otherwise––helping the other side. They, after all are not divided on this point: they present a confident, “knowledgeable” (/”scientific”), united front: they uniformly assert that there is a virus, that it is deadly and easily spread, and that all the measures taken are necessary to contain/fight it. “Meanwhile, the dissenters at offGuardian can’t even seem to make up their dull minds if viruses even exist or not…“)

Feb 20, 2021 11:09 AM


You’re trying to excuse for the allowance for the “viruses”, to allow the very fundamentals to remain unaddressed by “joining” some of their narrative.

Fuckoff. Their shit isn’t true, so I ain’t joining. You people are trying to allow for the very shit that enabled “covid” and “covid vaccines”. AND IT’S BULLSHIT. SO YOU ARE SUBVERSIVE PEDDLING LIARS.

The amount of posters that I can continue considering, here at offg is rapidly declining.

Feb 20, 2021 12:28 PM

  ” Does ANYONE here seriously believe that Reiner Fuellmich, RFKjr, and other lawyers, legal teams, and doctors/scientists publicly opposing the agenda would have better luck in the courts, and much greater popular appeal and sympathy, if they took a public stance against germ theory and the very existence of viruses??? (Undoubtedly there ARE personas who will chime in arguing in support of that very thing, but can ANYONE take them seriously?)”

I doubt courts would do any favours for anyone taking a stand against something important to the Big Brother planners. They answer to the same boss. RFK seems less concerned with personal glory and popularity than he is passionate about protecting human sovereignty and tomorrow’s children. I think he’s making sure he can cause as many ripples in the sea for now in the hope that eventually the wave will wash over the sleeping dullards. Raising awareness of something that goes against the official narrative of an iron -fisted cartel of psychopaths is hard enough at the best of times. Doing it when that cartel have billions of dollars at stake and such a decisive grip of the population- it’s nigh on impossible as long as they own and control all public platforms.

As for the ”if viruses and germs exist, prove it” crew. No time to waste with them any more. There’s trying to sound different and deep and there’s being dull and too lazy to dig into the area at any depth. Covid 19 bears all the hallmarks of a psyop and none of being a virus. That’s no reason to infer that every other illness and virus is a conspiracy theory.

Feb 22, 2021 3:38 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

Who infers that every other illness and virus is a ‘conspiracy theory ‘? If virus theory is wrong which it most definitely is, then it follows that it won’t work out in scientific practice to be able to prove that viruses physically exist. That’s it!

There is no conspiracy in that respect just an erroneous theory that remains unchallenged by misguided virologists.
Remember, all this lot started off with the government postulating the (mythical) existence of a deadly coronavirus virus that caused the alleged Covid pandemic. They even got that one Wrong!

So you are correct in saying that Covid-19 has all the hallmarks of a PSYOP but not without the Imaginary virus and alleged ‘pandemic’ which is being used as a means to secure the globalist political, ideological and economic agenda and all that goes with it.

Feb 22, 2021 3:54 PM
Reply to  -CO

”So you are correct in saying that Covid-19 has all the hallmarks of a PSYOP but not without the Imaginary virus and alleged ‘pandemic’ which is being used as a means to secure the globalist political, ideological and economic agenda and all that goes with it.” Yes- a ‘psyop’. I wasn’t suggesting it was another fake pretext to declare war on Muslims. This is far bigger. ‘There is no conspiracy in that respect just an erroneous theory that remains unchallenged by misguided virologists.’ I’m not sure if you mean it should have been challenged by virologists that are misguided or that virologists should have tested the previous misguided virologists. I believe that, in Science, the idea is to set out to disprove a theory, not uphold it. By proving a flaw by example it’s a win / win. The scientist receives enough kudos to get more research funding as well as the respect of peers and maybe a step up the ladder. The theory of viruses and germs is old. Just over 100 years I believe. That covers tens of thousands of scientists and billions in research funds. And scientists love research funds and glory. I’d like to see some of the vitamin gang explain a few things to satisfy me they have studied some sources other than youtube. For instance why haven’t a few scientists of note done as you suggested in all this time ; How do latent viruses operate according to the anti-virus gang ? Or dormant ones ? When you have a few kids of varying ages, how come if one gets a stomach bug or a heavy cold, they spread it to the others ? What causes herpes / shingles etc.No viruses ? no germs ? and no contagion. That’s an awful large slice of… Read more »

Feb 22, 2021 5:09 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

Your 4th and 5th paragraphs reply:
Those who challenge mainstream theories usually are refused publication of their work if it conflicts with central dogma or pharmaceutical interests. So the tedency is not to rock the boat and keep being funded.

There are no latent or dormant viruses of which you speak except as theoretical abstractions aka ‘models’. I don’t know of any published paper that claims to have physically isolated one do you?

It would take me too long to answer the last bit re contagion theory as there are many different factors involved. Suffice to say that individuals that have the same or similar internal and external conditions in common often come down with the same illness. It’s not necessarily anything to do with viruses or bacteria of germ theory for example.

Feb 20, 2021 10:09 AM

My mode of expression requires me to assume the existence of Covid, albeit as a mild epidemic. It exists in the minds of the masses, so there’s no point being in denial about that.

I’m agnostic about the whole line that SARS-COV-2 and Covid-19 don’t exist, that viruses as such don’t exist or don’t cause illness.

I don’t care about whether or not it’s “true”, any more than I do about the scientific theory of vaccines, since all that is moot – the only practical truth is globalist technocrat dominion and fighting it by any means possible and necessary. So I oppose Covid injections and am willing to oppose any vaccine on grounds that we cannot trust the manufacturers or propagandists, who are stupid and incompetent and have ulterior motives. I leave aside all theory about how things could be in a perfect world.

None of that makes any difference either way. Covid exists in the minds of the masses and no one can deny that away. We can work judo with that through such means as telling people the truth about how mild it is (whatever “it” is), and how all these government assaults have zero correlation with the actual danger of “it”, which is minimal.

But for those fixated on the “viruses don’t exist” line to sit there tediously carping to a handful of people about how “it” doesn’t exist at all, let alone arguing with those who agree with them on 99% of things, is nothing but navel-gazing.

Feb 20, 2021 11:13 AM
Reply to  Russ

“I’m agnostic about the whole line that SARS-COV-2 and Covid-19 don’t exist, that viruses as such don’t exist or don’t cause illness. ”

Without acknowledding the actual causes, fundamentals that are TRUE you will NEVER be able to progress. By trying to avoid that you perpetuate the medical establishments fundamentally fallacious GARBAGE that allowed shit like “covid”.

That is CLEARLY what some of you are trying.


Feb 20, 2021 12:27 PM
Reply to  CatCollector

I’ve “progressed” vastly beyond a crank like you. The only true fundamentals are those which are psychologically and politically effective for the civil war.

If I say to a Covid believer that it’s not significantly dangerous and the institutions are lying about that, I’m still speaking within his mental framework. (I don’t say “there IS such a thing as Covid”, I just let that perception stand since there’s no upside to choose that as a battleground.)

If I say there’s no such thing as Covid, we have literally zero common ground as he would perceive it, since his entire mental world is bound up in “What do we do about Covid?”

My answer to that is: “Nothing. Go back to the pre-2020 norm. Covid is nothing worse than the flu, and you never turned your world upside down for the flu.”

I don’t shout in his face “THERE’S NO SUCH THING AS THE FLU!!!” the way the likes of you would.

(I assume, based on what you say about SARS, that you also deny there’s any such thing as the flu, and that you denounce anyone who says “Covid is no worse than the flu” as an establishment agent or collaborator.)

I’ll remain agnostic about questions which are irrelevant to political struggle.

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Feb 20, 2021 7:31 PM
Reply to  Russ

Agree with all you say, Russ.

With regard to the CC persona, probably best not to engage at all…

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Feb 20, 2021 11:02 AM
Reply to  JuraCalling

Well, if he doesn’t want to be taken out of context, he should not make statements that include such a choice phrase that can so easily be quoted out of context. However, I would not call him controlled opposition (whatever that means). It’s just that he’s part of the establishment, the Democratic establishment no less, who has gone against the grain and for that he will never be forgiven by the establishment.

As for “we only need vitamins to never fall ill”, nobody ever said that, to my knowledge, certainly none of the people I know who favour vitamin supplementation, and I don’t say it. What I say is that good health comes out of good nutrition and a clean environment. Given that we don’t have perfect nutrition, or a perfect environment, then supplementation with the right kind of vitamins in the right kind of doses, and with selected minerals in appropriate doses, and using sea or Himalayan salt in our diet for additional trace elements can support our health and give us the best chance of warding of most of what are called infectious diseases and many chronic ones too.

Provided of course that we don’t poison our bodies, either deliberately, or inadvertently by being exposed to environmental pollution.

There is plenty of science to support vitamins and if I thought you were genuinely interested I could give you pointers, but I don’t think you are.

Feb 20, 2021 12:47 PM

You really think that every single word of a phrase in a speech that can take 5 minutes has to be so measured and examined before speaking in case some headcase snatches out a single phrase to try and pass off as an ‘agenda’ ? That’s not rational.

You’re not identifying the real problem. That is, somebody is working extra hard to try and find a tiny bit of anything that can be twisted to mean the opposite. If they had a genuine argument and genuine evidence in the first place, they would produce that wouldn’t they ?

You say nobody is saying all we need is vitamins. Have a look on about the last 10 threads on this site. No articles say it, thankfully. But there’s enough ”contributors” shall we say/ They provide no scientific rationale or reliable evidence. But they think all doctors, all scientists, all virologists are ‘lying’. That’s their argument- they’re all lying. Spare me.

I am not anti-vitamin. I am not anti complimentary medicine or even some alternative therapies. But only as a supplement to medical treatment.

Saying that people gasping for breath or who are disintegrating with AIDS or Hep because they didn’t eat enough vitamins is insulting. They remind me of the religious fanatics who refuse blood transfusions because God wanted their child to suffer.

The majority of 1918 flu victims were young men. That represents the strongest fittest slice of society. During the AIDS spike, many of the gay men lived half their life in the gym and taking dietary advice about vitamins and supplements.

Vitamins( via the right foods rather than little bottles on shelves) are good for you and your immune system. They help fend off disease. They don’t provide an impenetrable shield.

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Feb 20, 2021 8:12 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

I am not anti-vitamin. I am not anti complimentary medicine or even some alternative therapies. But only as a supplement to medical treatment. Fair enough as a statement of your position. My position is quite different. No point in arguing it out, I think. The majority of 1918 flu victims were young men. That represents the strongest fittest slice of society. I don’t think we are in a position to draw too many conclusions about what happened in the 1918 flu victims, but of those who had been active in the battlefield under horrific conditions, if they were in their prime when they joined up, they were hardly likely to still be in it when they came back. Apart from that, we are told that all US servicemen (I don’t know about the British ones) were given multiple vaccines, and we don’t know what effect those had. I’m not quite sure how it relates to vitamins in any case. During the AIDS spike, many of the gay men lived half their life in the gym and taking dietary advice about vitamins and supplements. I’m sure many will disagree, but I don’t personally believe spending half your life in a gym is good for your health, whatever it may do for your muscles. And if they were popping vitamin pills, were they eating a wholesome diet? Or were they rather on a heavy diet of recreational drugs and antibiotics in order to try to combat the normal sexually transmitted diseases (not AIDS) they were liable to incur as a result of a very promiscuous life style. And one popular drug they used was poppers which have known deleterious effects. No, I wasn’t there, but it’s been well-documented by people who were there. (I’m talking of course about the gay communities in… Read more »

Feb 21, 2021 7:44 AM

“And yes, Pauling died of prostate cancer, despite his vitamins, but even he never claimed they conferred immortality.”

There’s yer problem right there – although they seldom openly say it, deep down the likes of Gates, Schwab, Zuckerberg etc. are obsessed with personal immortality, which they religiously believe is possible in theory, given sufficient technological R&D.

(And like their de jure religious ancestor Paul they mean immortality in the flesh, not any absurd notion of their “souls” being “uploaded” into computers. Just like Paul himself, deep down they don’t really believe the soul can be separated from the body.)

Toward this goal they see all of humanity as nothing but a research resource, literally the same as lab rats or guinea pigs.

Personal immortality is the unspoken thread which runs through all Covid propaganda. We knew that from the start because, while a sane rational person might think that most alleged Covid deaths really are simply deaths from old age, the primary implication always has been that if the aged could be saved from Covid, they would live forever.

Feb 23, 2021 12:20 AM

If there were no vits in our bodies nearly all enzyme systems and other biochemical reactions would fail to operate effectively or not at all -period! I don’t think Jura Calling realises their true biological significance along with minerals, and without both we would all be DEAD!

Feb 20, 2021 2:54 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

comment image

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Feb 20, 2021 3:23 AM
Reply to  Timeout

Very nice! But it would be even better with a third part: Arms production in WWIV! 😀

Feb 23, 2021 9:10 AM
Reply to  Timeout

Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars!

Feb 21, 2021 11:23 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

I haven’t seen that show yet. They are now talking about jabbing kids as young as 6 months!

Feb 19, 2021 4:37 PM

UK Column News – 19th February 2021 PART TWO TEXAS FREEZE IS BIGGEST FEB WHITEOUT IN 100 YEARS WIND REQUIRES EVEN MORE BACKUP FROM CONVENTIONAL SOURCES [Excerpts from Wall St Journal added by me, not part of UKC bulletin] Change in power output Jan 18-Feb 17, 2021 Wind (negative) -93% Coal (positive) 47% Gas (positive) 450% Nuclear (negative) -26% Source U.S. Energy Information Administration Gas generation fell by about one-third between late Sunday night and Tuesday, but even then was running two to three times higher than usual before the Arctic blast. Gas power nearly made up for the shortfall in wind, though it wasn’t enough to cover surging demand. WSJ, Feb 17: Texas Spins Into the Wind — An electricity grid that relies on renewables also needs nuclear or coal power. Wind turbines froze last week, causing wind’s share of electricity to plummet to almost zero. The key issue is baseload was insufficient — the backup of coal and nuclear that compensates for surges in demand or falls in supply. This is a familiar challenge with intermittent sources like wind and solar: you need a large amount of conventional supply to back them up. Natural gas and coal generators ramped up to cover the supply gap but couldn’t meet the surging demand for electricity—which half of households rely on for heating—even as many families powered up their gas furnaces. Then some gas wells and pipelines froze.In short, there wasn’t sufficient baseload power from coal and nuclear to support the grid. Baseload power is needed to stabilize grid frequency amid changes in demand and supply… The more the grid relies on intermittent renewables like wind and solar, the more baseload power is needed to back them up. WSJ: The Political Making of a Texas Power Outage — How bad energy… Read more »

Feb 19, 2021 8:33 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

They love making up excuses to shut down the grids. Fires, floods, cold. Getting people the people use to the future: “if you don’t behave we’ll turn off the power and turn up the weather.”.

Feb 19, 2021 4:09 PM

Oh look who’s turned up to lead the gallop into dystopia:


The fake concern about these challenges is risible.

Read the Robert Lomas’ book on who the Royal Society really are.

Feb 19, 2021 4:32 PM
Reply to  Edwige

I know a British scientist, a professor in science. As thick as shit, just repeating the same political propaganda without questioning it.

Feb 19, 2021 4:06 PM

We watch an animation of a fake Mars landing, listen to the fake mortality rates from Covid, and are terrorised by the tsunami of ‘global warming’ lies, being used to destroy our lives and our futures. We are told how the CIA’s puppets are the true leaders of Russia and Venezuela and how the murderous crook Biden or Trump are our heroes.
This is what it must have felt like to live in the Soviet Union and read Pravda.

Feb 19, 2021 6:52 PM
Reply to  Germourt

Indeed, this is exactly how it felt in the Soviet Union and its allies to read Pravda and listen to the news on TV. By the way, I will recommend reading Pravda and Komsomolskaya Pravda today for boosting your critical thinking skills.

Feb 19, 2021 4:01 PM

Some academic fields are ridden with conflicts of interest. Its been like that for quite some time now and simply worsening. Its quite cleverly hidden often: when you publish a paper, all that you have to declare is whether any funding you received directly bears on the subject of the paper. But perks are not direct usually. You may may be sitting on the board of some firm which is not directly funding your research. And how many departments are now free of funding from corporates? So simply working in that department, you have a conflict of interest. And as this is the case of most science departments, if not all of them all over the world, that means being an academic scientist, you are de facto in a situation of conflict of interest… Just look up the list of those who sponsor the Royal Soc. The Royal Soc in turn funds scientific research… So accepting to be rewarded by being elected an FRS (Fellow of the Royal Soc) you may be in a situation of a conflict of interest, or at least you are condoning what these corporates do.
All in all its virtually impossible to be scientist today if you wish to be “clean” and not compromise.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Feb 19, 2021 4:35 PM
Reply to  Annette

Thanks for the essential “diagram”: this has been the problem within USA Inc for decades but always worsening: to get a birth certificate here you make yourself a de facto heir to corporate sponsorship. You feel it but most can’t “put their finger on it” til they have been brutally tenderized by the system, with bully neighbours in place like sheepdogs to ride herd and “correct you” if you stray. I got the memo when I was all of three, in our home near LAX and our Italian immigrant neighbours sent their 7yo son to toss me on my back, pin me down with his knees and punch the living daylights out of me. The proximate cause may have been my baby crush on his little sister, but as I was undissuaded and hung out with Lorna in their TV room, with Dean Martin blaring “Volare” all day from the kitchen radio, the real commandant, Mama, came in one day and gave me a strident lecture about my attitude, that it was not compatible. She had arrived from Sicily, and a government where 10 years before Mussolini’s henchmen had dragged the eminent psychologist and “psychosynthesis” school founder Roberto Assagioli off to jail on charges of “praying for peace and inviting others to join him and other international crimes.” I resisted Lorna’s Mama with valor, not giving an inch of ground, and she took the cause to the streets, actually “publishing” my profile as a malcontent to all neighbours, my parents included, who for the first time began to eye me bewilderedly. It was 1954 and at the height of the Red Scare and McCarthyism, and my own mom told me years later that everyone watched their step and were afraid to say good morning to their neighbours, at the lawn… Read more »

Feb 19, 2021 6:21 PM
Reply to  Annette

To Rosemary Frei: Your article is to the point. Not just in the UK, but all over the world, those now advising the government on “covid” have a conflict of interest. Sometimes you have to dig to find out. For example, a main one on whose advice one government has been taking its decision, to find his connection, you have to go back to his university professorship and what he has done as a professor, and there you will find the connection with the Gates Foundation, how he was key to providing Gates access to his country. Its at least on the internet difficult to find information about direct funding or direct perks he got from them. Possibly did (or may be clever enough not to have done so), but it would need real life investigation, or looking up all his papers, and that requires time and means which I do not.
But as I say above, conflict of interest has been a serious issue for a long time in science and academia. More generally, corruption, financial, or at the level of appointments.
Anyhow Id rather not say more in a public comments section.

Feb 21, 2021 11:37 AM
Reply to  Annette

Conflicts of interests are huge. RFK hammers on that a lot, rightly. But that’s par for the course in a gangster Corporatocracy. I always enjoying hearing from fellow Torontonian Rosemary, even if I criticize (hopefully constructively) or question statements she’s made or writing that I find to be a bit wobbly. Rosemary fights the good fight, as far as I can tell.

Rosemary Frei
Rosemary Frei
Feb 22, 2021 5:17 PM
Reply to  Arby

Thanks Arby!

Rosemary Frei
Rosemary Frei
Feb 22, 2021 5:16 PM
Reply to  Annette

Interesting Annette, thanks.

Can you please contact me via my website?

Feb 19, 2021 3:21 PM

Yup, this entire case, the CONvid scam is an eh…. carbon copy of the initial swindle regarding the AGW, with the same cause, the faking of stats, remeber the infamous Mans Hockey stick graph, and all the jazz that followed, and everything since was of course based upon uh…. science.
Infact this is exactly the same, its glaringly obvious.
They have no shame.


So, to calm down, J.M. Jarres Equinoxe 4. an master piece.

Feb 19, 2021 2:50 PM

There are no variants and there is no SARSCov2.

The entire field of epidemiology and modeling is based on data generated from a false and unproven belief in contagion, infectious diseases and through fraudulent tests which use primers and probes containing specific nucleic acid sequences already present in the human genome. This can be verified in BLAST. Contagion does not exist and has never been shown or proven in any experiment or study.

No virus has ever been isolated, purified and shown to cause illness or disease in humans or animals. People are being sickened by other factors not related to microbes, such as toxin exposure, epigenetic factors, poor nutrition, prescription medicine and low levels of Vitamin D seasonally, which cause flu and cold symptoms.

Virologists cannot demonstrate alleged viruses cause cell or tissue damage when controls are used, so they won’t use them. That’s scientific fraud.

Feb 21, 2021 11:39 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Thomas Cowan says that some viruses have been isolated, but what exactly does he mean?, because he would also agree with you (and myself).

Feb 21, 2021 2:54 PM
Reply to  Arby

He misspoke. Isolating an unidentified particle that doesn’t cause illness is not the same as isolating a virion. I haven’t read those papers he alluded to and I can’t comment on the specifics.

However, there is only inorganic and organic matter. There are no zombie organisms, half living half dead without cells. There is no mechanism inside a virus to convert inorganic matter or organic matter into energy. Without energy or the ability to move, there is no mechanism for the alleged replication cycle.

Feb 22, 2021 12:30 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Acknowledged. I’ll hear him and others speak about these things more, I’m sure. Little by little…

Feb 19, 2021 2:38 PM

“The Pandemic Modellers have a conflict of interest problem”

Of course their conflict of interest is actually our problem…
But they don’t see it as a problem at all.
Once you’ve sold your soul, the rest is easy.

Feb 21, 2021 11:39 AM
Reply to  wardropper


Feb 19, 2021 1:43 PM

Now knowing all this exceedingly bent conflict of interest ,one has to wonder how many that are in positions of leadership in countries all over Europe and the the Western world for that matter, have investments in this very same scam being perpetrated on us .The corruption is definitely mafiosa proportions and those very same people should be prosecuted for at the very least malfeasance and then hung at the closest lamp post .

Feb 19, 2021 5:56 PM
Reply to  Guy


Practically any institutions.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Feb 21, 2021 4:25 AM
Reply to  CatCollector

It would appear the Freemasons run the material world, in large part.

Someone here apprised me that their lock(down) on things was partial and that there are several other equally big players.

My sole question is, “Yes, but how do you know those aren’t also Masons?

Their primary target is the Catholic Church and they will scandalize and infiltrate it any way they can find.

Feb 20, 2021 1:05 PM
Reply to  Guy

Guy, the answer is ALL OF THEM apart from one, have received their pay offs. **** Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said via Belarusian Telegraph Agency, BelTA., that World Bank and IMF offered him a bribe of $940 million USD in the form of “Covid Relief Aid.” In exchange for $940 million USD, the World Bank and IMF demanded that the President of Belarus: • imposed “extreme lockdown on his people” • force them to wear face masks • impose very strict curfews • impose a police state • crash the economy Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko REFUSED the offer and stated that he could not accept such an offer and would put his people above the needs of the IMF and World Bank. This is NOT a conspiracy. You may research this yourself. He actually said this! Now IMF and World Bank are bailing out failing airlines with billions of dollars, and in exchange, they are FORCING airline CEOs to implement VERY STRICT POLICIES such as FORCED face masks covers on EVERYONE, including SMALL CHILDREN, whose health will suffer as a result of these policies. And if it is true for Belarus, then it is true for the rest of the world! The IMF and World Bank want to crash every major economy with the intent of buying over every nation’s infrastructure at cents on the dollar! REPLY: Interesting claims. They certainly cannot afford countries to buck the trend if they are behind this Great Reset. The IMF and World Bank are definitely involved with Bill Gates. I do not think they are trying to buy companies for pennies on the dollar. They are trying to wipe out companies that are not GREEN! Belarusian President Claims IMF & World Bank Offered him a Bribe to Impose COVID Restrictions | Armstrong Economics Of particular interest to me,… Read more »

Feb 20, 2021 4:12 PM
Reply to  Maggie

Thanks Maggie.I was aware of the bribes offered to the President of Belarus .
He is obviously a man of integrity ,something sorely lacking among most others.

Feb 21, 2021 11:42 AM
Reply to  Maggie

Aleksandr Lukashenko has swallowed the covid Kool-Aid. I don’t look to him to be a people’s champion, even if his revelations about World Bank bribery were welcome.

Feb 21, 2021 11:40 AM
Reply to  Guy

This is their world. They don’t get prosecuted (enough). We get persecuted. The good news? Their world is almost toast.

Feb 19, 2021 1:42 PM

im a model i like modelin
my names neil ferguson many people confuse me with my brudder nial
nial neil whatever we both work for that family that purchased all of browns bottom gold of uk for cents in the dollar

i like modellin i use windows 10 a gift from the gates of hell
all us models use windows 10 it so stable and virus free clean as tony blairs soul.

i go on the bbc and tell them how many are gonna die soon
the gates foundation gave us at imperial college hundreds of millions of pounds for no reason
we are not beholden to him or the rockerfella roths or whatever why wood we bee
i love my job i put on tight trousers in the morning get to work and i become julius caesar

i prefer to be called nero
the girls here think i am very manly and sexy

Feb 19, 2021 12:57 PM

Microsoft, Amazon, Google, Apple, Facebook and Twitter are all arms of the CIA, in law, in financing, in propaganda and in fact. We know that. So why do you keep pretending that individuals like Gates or Zuckerberg have power, Or even a philosophy that drives them. The CIA has a network of companies and individuals it funds to do its work, we know that from Snowden’s work.

Feb 19, 2021 3:27 PM
Reply to  Germourt

imagine that the dummies think they censored Donald, Psyop is easy because people slightly wet behind the ears

Feb 19, 2021 5:17 PM
Reply to  Germourt

imagine that the dummies think they censored Donald, Psyop is easy because people slightly wet behind the ears

Feb 19, 2021 6:31 PM
Reply to  Germourt

Blackrock (and Blackstone), Vanguard, State Street Corporation, etc?

Feb 19, 2021 12:49 PM

Furlough extended to summer. Which means lockdown extended to summer. Slow furlough will morph into UBI. The plan rolls on….


Feb 19, 2021 1:45 PM
Reply to  Seansaighdeor

furlough is that not a military term sir
are we all agents then sir
just asking sir

Feb 19, 2021 12:36 PM

Homeless shelters shut by “pandemic precautions” — bodies of frozen homeless still being found in Texas.

While the Southwest gets the headlines, Chicago is having its longest February freeze for 60 years. Typically Chicago PADS (Public Action to Deliver Shelter) has 240 people in shelter — including 50 to 60 children under the age of 18, most of whom are under 12.

Lake County’s rotating homeless shelters closed when the pandemic hit. Now PADS is housing more than 200 in hotels – Chicago Tribune, Feb 12
Winter Storms Bring Deadly Risks for the Homeless – Bloomberg, Feb 18

Not like this wasn’t foreseen:
UK homeless face double winter whammy of COVID-19, deep freeze – Reuters, Oct 2020

George Mc
George Mc
Feb 19, 2021 12:56 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

So are the hotels “safer” than the homeless shelters? I would have thought that, by their nature, hotels would not be equipped to house so many as the shelters. But does that not conform to the underlying drift towards elimination? Fewer people with greater space.

Then again, the use of hotels (which may be gleefully trumpeted by the Left as a sign of acceding more aid to the down and out) is surely more expensive and therefore unsustainable. And so a collapse is imminent.

But all of this is another sign that COVID is the only permissible ailment. Covid is the focus for all the tragedy and woe of humanity. As presented by the media, it looks more like the disease of choice for the affluent – especially celebs.

And so we have a cinematic plague masking an attack on the most vulnerable.

Feb 19, 2021 5:39 PM
Reply to  George Mc

But are the hotels actually more expensive at this point? How many touristy, or business, guests are they actually accommodating? They probably welcome the funds from the govt right now. And I would imagine the govt bargained the rates – you know, like medicare.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Feb 19, 2021 10:16 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Last year during the lockdowns in Melbourne, the homeless housing organisation I rent my wee cabin from was given a contract by the Victorian State Govt to house hundreds of homeless in Hotels and Motels all across Melbourne.
My contact worker at that organisation was reassigned as a ‘Covid carer’ and his job description was something like ‘liaising with survivors of the pandemic’ or something.
Never heard from him again, but I wonder if he was as busy as all those ‘nightingale hospitals’ in New York or in London? I can’t believe more people don’t blow the whistle on this bullshit.

George Mc
George Mc
Feb 20, 2021 9:12 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

That relabelling of jobs highlights another aspect: that this covid move is an excellent way of completely stirring everything up and re-organising it anyway you want. Like all “emergency operations”. Order out of chaos. The Left think they can use this. While failing to note that the masses will most definitely not be doing the organising. The bosses will.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Feb 19, 2021 2:35 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

The “longest February freeze in 60 years” is a direct result of chemical nucleates being dispersed into the atmosphere via military and civilian aircraft. These aircraft have been modified to disperse such substances. Here’s a brief video: > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PUTQ5Q8Z6YQ&list=PLwfFtDFZDpwulG0PJ9IID0iypsRXDSa1E&index=6

Excerpted from: Chemically Nucleated Winter Weather – February 18, 2021

“The photos below were just captured near Kerrville, Texas. The images clearly reveal the results and consequences of chemical ice nucleation operations. Patented processes of chemical ice nucleation for weather modification are a primary component of the climate engineering programs.”

Please review the entire page: https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/category/engineering-winter/

Feb 19, 2021 6:00 PM

Anything the authorities go out of their way to denigrate as “conspiracy theory” is likely to be a) true and b) already underway.

The motive is power, power and always power. Thus the particular policy does not have to add up — or as people commonly exclaim: “that doesn’t make sense” — It only has to disrupt other people while empowering the core.

The billionaires who weep crocodile tears for the planet are the same ones who own polluting industries, spray heavy metals and aluminum into the atmosphere, weaponize mosquitos, poison food and the water supply, play Mephistopheles with the people’s health, and laugh at us while we subsidize their “renewable” energy investments as they crisscross the globe in their hydrocarbon guzzling jets and yachts… and pay Greta to dance on their bar. It’s all a game of power.

[Bill Gates has patents, contracts or investments for all the above and maybe, though I’m not absolutely sure it’s his thing, for Greta’s table top dancing]

Feb 19, 2021 6:16 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Bill Gates Has a New $1bn Yacht That Shows He Is Morally Superior to You Because It’s Hydrogen-Powered

It may have hydrogen tanks but as few ports offer a hydrogen fill-up it has a parallel, full diesel engine system as well.

And, no, buying “carbon offsets” do not actually offset the fuel Gates burns and the pollution he causes.

Green — or the very essence of excess?

SINOT – AQUA Full Hydrogen Yacht Concept

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Feb 20, 2021 12:17 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Hello Moneycircus: Greta dancing on their bar… Ewww!!!

Feb 19, 2021 3:16 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

word wizardry the hotel is being primed to normalize stays in quarantine miltray testing center camps aka hotel for short,.
and darling travel lodge thsoes low disgusting places is not hotel it hell

Camp FEMA: American Lockdown Part 1

Watch your parking meters
Watch your parking meters
Feb 19, 2021 12:28 PM

you spam filter does not seem to be working very well

Feb 19, 2021 7:07 PM

i disagree
all systems are running smooth as silk
the hal 9000 at gchq has never once had a failure in this area.
maybe it is you dave
maybe dave
maybe you are new hitler

Feb 19, 2021 12:10 PM

the issue is the general public and this new type of journo seem to think similar.

New media isnt smart

The government isnt advised. the government says it takes advise to use basic PR tactic in keeping the deflection away from them if and when it goes wrong.
your self have fallen for this
Neil ferggy model
The government new this the government approved this.

They hire someone as the fool guy by hiring that person / business you already no the outcome and the usual thing happens time and time again
general public slightly up in arms and the hired person EITHER resigns disappears and reappears again after a small PR make over.
The small Pr make over hardly happens no more why??? people have amnesia..

The deflection becomes a massive talking point side show and that turns in to a whole PR fairyland and is used by them to

The government is big business   big business is government NGO is government corporation is the government

Govern the mind 

Lets talk serious why do people keep voting for theses scum bags.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Feb 19, 2021 11:47 AM

People like Edmunds need to be forcibly required to put up PERSONAL COLLATERAL against his scaremongering being wrong.

The reason Edmund’s behaves like this is that there is no downside and massive upside. If he is wrong, he is neither sacked, nor does he lose his influence at GSK and nor does he have to pay significant payments to Government for his advice having been wrong.

This is entirely unacceptable and inappropriate.

Experts who have no downside for faulty advice are not experts they are scaremongers.

Until Edmunds put his house up as collateral, his Professorship up as collateral and his GSK interests up as collateral, no-one should listen to him with anything but the utmost skepticism.

People in Government should behave like bankers with experts: loan them credibility with them putting up collateral against their credibility loan.

Then we would hear the truth from experts.

Until then: they just lie for a living.

Feb 19, 2021 4:24 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

“Until then: they just lie for a living.”

Like virologists not using controls?

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Feb 19, 2021 11:42 AM

Really powerful piece exposing these maggots Rosemary, thanks.
So many fully involved in this monstrous crime, and fully complicit in the deaths of so many.
I’m not just talking about the tragic deaths of those after they were administered the “vaccine” or those denied treatment for illnesses like cancer, but also all those who have died from suicide after being pushed to abject despair, or those who had heart attacks from the immense stress of the lockdowns.
To paraphrase James Corbett, creatures like Edmunds, Whitty, Ferguson, Johnson, et al, are complicit in murder.
As a footnote, Melbourne survived its brush with the “super contagious UK variant” and seems to be back on track after only 5 days lockdown. Daniel Andrews claimed it was a “circuit breaker”. Tho the vast majority are still walking around wearing facemasks. Of course.

Feb 19, 2021 1:21 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Hi Gezzah, just wanted to add a little about these ‘lethal’ UK variants. I’m currently in Brighton, which was supposed to be pre-Christmas mutation ground zero. Except nothing happened here, except they set up a temporary testing centre in one of our biggest parks – Preston Park – supposedly to deal with this dose of Armageddon. In reality to provide a few stage props that were highly visible to everyone coming in and out of Brighton on its busiest road route. Also visible from the London to Brighton train route. I could see the whole damned thing from the back of our house. It was there for around 4 weeks and never even had any staff inside, let alone people being tested. I mentioned it on here before but the one time I was walking past and one of the three security guards on duty at any one time was coming out the main gate so I walked up to him and said ‘What a joke this is!’ to which he replied ‘You’re not wrong there, it’s all theatre’. Two of the guards were permanently sat in a porta-cabin, with heating and electricity, drinking tea, whilst the third sat in a chair inside the main gate but outside the tent-like structure. Brighton’s actually seemed fairly normal through the whole winter except for the supermarket sheep in their masks. Roads are as busy as ever throughout the entire day despite the supposed lockdown and ‘Stay Home, Save Lives’ messages which have taken over the digital road signs usually used to tell people how many parking spaces are available in town etc! A total contrast to last March when it was like a ghost town. Very rare to see people with masks anywhere outside supermarkets, so they may be complying on some… Read more »

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Feb 19, 2021 9:02 PM
Reply to  Paul_too

Here in Melbourne, they have these booming messages over the PA system at train stations: “Victoria, let’s stay on top of this virus, keep wearing a fitted facemask at all times, and if you have any symptoms, keep getting tested”.
Reminds me of the 2 minutes of hate in 1984. And of course most people comply here without blinking.
My god, the sheer criminality of the filth media. They have so much blood on their hands. And sadly, so many still believe their bullshit.
Remember the videos from Lincoln in New York last year, who rode around on his bike filming empty ‘nightingale hospitals’? It’s all theatre as that guard said to you.
Gotta dash for a train, so appreciate your reply and all the info. More evidence this is a complete scam.
Cheers Paul👍

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Feb 19, 2021 1:22 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Hi Gezzah I haven’t been on this site for a while now. How’s things? Are u back selling the mag?

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Feb 19, 2021 9:18 PM
Reply to  Jo Dominich

Hi Jo, hope you are well and your week has been good? Started back selling the mag on Oct 29th, and sales have been very good overall, with some very generous customers.
We just went through a 5 day Stage 4 lockdown in Melbourne because of the “super contagious UK variant”. Or maybe it was the Macedonian variant?
I cannot believe people can’t see what a scam this is. Its so blatant. The vast majority of people here in Melbourne just comply like pet lambs. Especially the men!
Gotta get a train, selling out in the South East of Melbourne today.
Have a good weekend Jo👍

John Ervin
John Ervin
Feb 20, 2021 3:14 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

They will continue to work their scam, Gezzah, and all variations on that theme (i.e. mutations, variants and whatever else they can crowd under the covid umbrella) until a weary world calls them out on it.

We can see signs of weariness with their preposterous one trick pony.

Hopefully, in a different age, it won’t take as long (50 years+) for it to become “common” knowledge as it has with the discovery that Lee Harvey Oswald was a very young Marine radar control operator in Atsugi, Japan listening post and dispatched as an alleged commie turncoat (Bissell’s False Defector CIA Psyop) to sabotage the CIA’s U2 when it was downed near Moscow in mid-1960.

That is still news to many, and as yet unbroken, even in many US history classes.

But it is quite a changing landscape, since, so we can hope things will slip through unexpected cracks in their monolith?

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Feb 20, 2021 3:38 AM
Reply to  John Ervin

Hi John, in much of Melbourne, there’s absolutely no sign of weariness… Just spent over 6 hours watching 95% walking round wearing a facemask, and even more surreal, watch people get out of their cars, put a mask on, walk 70 metres to a cafe, sit down at a table, take the mask off, sit there for roughly an hour maskless, then when they leave, put the facemask back on, walk back to their car…. Sigh.
Mass psychotic insanity here.
Yet spoke to several people who know its a massive fraud, a scamdemic, yet they’re still wearing masks or have them in their hand.
I’m now waiting for the Hungarian and Armenian variants to make an appearance to be honest. Hell, a fake alien invasion wouldn’t really surprise me anymore!
Hope you’re coping relatively okay with the madness? Have a good weekend…

John Ervin
John Ervin
Feb 21, 2021 12:37 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Amazing, Gezzah. Berserkapalooza worldwide, especially G20 countries, eh?

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Feb 21, 2021 1:14 AM
Reply to  John Ervin

Some days I don’t know whether to laugh or cry at what I see in front of me. It’s like A Clockwork Orange, except out on the streets. Yes, G20 countries, but I would say the 5 Eye countries especially…

John Ervin
John Ervin
Feb 21, 2021 4:36 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Kubrick had an eerie eye for prophecy, much like Philip K. Dick, Gezzah, both of them saw the way techno-schlepp fascism would trend and play out over the decades, and rightly so the whole world stage of the last year feels like its a mise en scène staged in one of their movies. Maybe our year is a sequel. Sure feels like it, looks like it, and we both see that prolifically, I can tell, whereas most of the world has not been weirded out by all this nearly enough. Not nearly. Some, or many, are gungho, they must be spellbound. An awful lot of strings have been pulled, since March!

Feb 21, 2021 11:51 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

James Corbett put it very bluntly as it needs to be put.

Rosemary Frei
Rosemary Frei
Feb 22, 2021 5:23 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Thanks Gezzah Potts!

Very interesting about Melbourne. I’ll look into it.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Feb 23, 2021 1:02 AM
Reply to  Rosemary Frei

Hi Rosemary, some information for you regards the Victorian Chief Health Officer here in Melbourne, Brett Sutton. The media won’t touch this for obvious reasons.
Brett Sutton has been a Centre for International Health Associate at the Burnet Institute in Melbourne since 2007 according to his LinkedIn page.
The Burnet Institute has received grants from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and in 2018 was a ‘Grand Challenges Explorations’ winner (funded by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation)
Further, Brett Sutton is the brother of Trevor Sutton, who is married to Jane Halton. She attended the infamous Event 201 in October 2019. Halton is one of the most senior beauracrats in Australia and I haven’t looked into her background, but the fact she was at Event 201 tells me a lot.
Senior medical professors have also wondered how Brett Sutton came to be Victorian Chief Health Officer given his seeming lack of qualifications for such a job. Something really stinks here, and it’s very similar to your above article.