A People’s History of Struggle: Liberty or Lockdown
Colin Todhunter

UK health minister Matt Hancock has warned the government’s timeline for unlocking coronavirus restrictions could be slowed as ministers remain “vigilant” against infection rates.
What began in March 2020 as a three-week lockdown to ‘save the NHS’ has turned into a year-long clampdown on fundamental liberties with the spectre of freedom through vaccination (‘COVID status certificates’) and the eventual rollout of all-encompassing digital IDs on the horizon.
In the meantime, children’s education, small independent businesses, livelihoods and lives have been wrecked all in the name of a coronavirus whose impact has been overstated – certainly if we take time to deconstruct the media narrative of 120,000 ‘COVID-19 deaths’ in the UK to see how that figure has been arrived at.
For example, the vast majority of the deceased had on average almost two serious life-threatening co-morbidities and ‘COVID deaths’ are defined as someone who had a positive COVID test result within 28 days of death, regardless of subsequent cause of death. [Or even 60 days – ed.]
Moreover, in the UK, the average age of a ‘COVID death’ is 82.4, in a country where life expectancy is 81.
Fear rather than science has been key to UK government strategy. Using lockdowns to control the virus has little if any scientific basis. On the other hand, there is much evidence that shows lockdowns destroy lives. Little wonder then that behavioural strategists are included as part of the top committee (SAGE) advising ministers.
And little wonder, therefore, that the public overestimates the threat of COVID-19.
What has disturbed many commentators, such as former Chief Justice Lord Sumption, is that the media, politicians and ordinary people have rolled over and accepted the erosion of fundamental civil liberties – and by implication, the tyranny of lockdown, based on a corruption of science and the type of medical hubris that Ivan Illich alluded to many decades ago.
These are liberties that ordinary people fought and struggled (and often died) for down the ages.
What is just as disturbing is that prominent commentators on the ‘left’ have supported the restrictions, often calling for tighter controls. Other voices on the left have been conspicuous by their silence. These figures have wholeheartedly bought into the official COVID-19 narrative – the people who are usually first in line to criticise and challenge anything a Conservative administration does.
The aim here is not to regurgitate what has already been stated in the many articles that have appeared over the last year about the current crisis of capitalism or the ‘great reset’. The aim of this article is intended as a brief reminder.
There is a tradition of struggle in Britain which many people appear to have abandoned (even betrayed) – the very people who would be expected to carry on that proud tradition.
People’s struggle
Arthur Leslie Morton’s A People’s History of England is a classic text. Morton (1903-1987) takes us back to when humans first inhabited England and then on a forward journey that ends on the eve of the Second World War.
His book shows that countless millions have inhabited the place we call England, from ancient hunter-gatherer tribes and the ‘Beaker People’, to the Vikings, Normans and those of the industrial age.
If you are familiar with the words of the late astrophysicist Carl Sagan, they may well resonate when reading Morton’s book. Sagan stated that generals, kings, rulers and politicians have spilled rivers of blood just to become temporary masters of some or other part of the planet and that endless cruelties have been visited by the inhabitants of one corner of the globe upon inhabitants in another corner.
However, in all of this cruelty and bloodshed, Morton accounts for the plight of the ordinary person, both in England and abroad, who has borne the brunt of war, famine, exploitation and the political machinations of tyrants and unscrupulous leaders, whether Roman, medieval monarch, feudal baron or modern-day capitalist.
He describes the rise of feudalism and its decline, the agrarian revolution, the English Revolution, the rape of Ireland, colonial expansion and the Industrial Revolution.
As this land grew to be the pre-eminent world power, ordinary people struggled to find a voice within these shifting tectonic plates of history. Nevertheless, they succeeded.
Morton discusses the development of the working class movement and subsequent struggles: he notes the impact of the Peasants’ Revolt, Peterloo, trade unionism and many other inspiring events that litter the historical landscape of England.
The conclusion to be drawn is that most change that has benefited ordinary people has resulted from the actions of ordinary folk themselves. Such benefits have never been handed out freely by the rich and powerful. This is true for women’s rights and political freedoms, as much as it is for workers’ rights or any other number of gains.
This is worth bearing in mind as Boris Johnson, Matt Hancock et al decide whether to ‘give back’ to the public their liberties. History shows that once the powerful seize more power, they do not cede it unless forced to.
If Morton shows us anything, it is that, when conscious of their collective interests, ordinary folk acting together can and do make a difference.
Whether we look at Klaus Schwab’s ‘great reset’ and what it entails, the struggle of Indian farmers against Facebook, Google, Amazon and Cargill (etc) or Bill Gates and his plan to vaccinate the planet, geoengineer the climate or roll out his and his tech-giant cronies’ warped vision for a one-world fake-food agriculture, it is becoming increasingly clear that the rich and powerful are mounting an ultimate power grab.
Based on their warped techno-utopian vision of the future, they want total control of farming, food, nature, personal identities, information, the climate, our bodies – just about everything that will shape the rest of this century and beyond.
They want to ‘build back better’ by ensuring they own everything and you own nothing. Lockdowns have been a convenient tool for helping to kick-start their ‘new normal’.
AL Morton’s book can teach us much about resisting tyranny – but only if we listen.
An abridged version of ‘A People’s History of England’ (edited by Giles Wynne) can be accessed here
Colin Todhunter is an independent journalist who writes on development, environmental issues, politics, food and agriculture. In August 2018 he was named as one of 400 Living Peace and Justice Leaders and Models by Transcend Media Services, in recognition of his journalism. Join him on Twitter.
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Not one mention of overwhelmed hospital staff. No mention of availability of ICU beds.
So it’s time for you pilgrims to take the:
COVID-19 Pledge of Resistance.
I pledge to resist all COVID-19 restrictions and do affirm that should I contract COVID-19 I will under no circumstances occupy an ICU bed.
A N Y O N E L E F T?!
“Revolution is the pod systems rattle from” – Emily Dickinson
They leave us no alternative but to slaughter them all now. Especially Kamala Harris. I’m sick to death of those DEMENTED democratic retards.
I thought the storming of the White House was just fabulous. I suggest we do it again. At 10 Downing St too. Also I’d really enjoy witnessing Tony Blair’s beheading. & then of course Gates’ as well as the Obamas’. That Merkel too. All The Bushes. All the aristocrats & bankers. As well as Antonio Gueterres of the #UN & TEDROS ADHANOM GHEBREYESUS of #WHO. That’s about all for the time being. Not Trump. Trump’s a nice guy. You might to need a few Eritreans for the job though because as far as I can tell – you ppl are totally hopeless at everything especially revolution.
Dissident westerners are nothing but a hopeless lot of cry babies…
Feb 25, 2021 9:50 PM
Sadly all the major revolutions in recent history were bankster sponsored. England 1688, America 1776, France 1789, Russia 1917, China 1949.”
. . . and then you slump back in your chair, nodding to the shackles!
I do hope we have a genuine people’s revolution. Our survival depends on it.
“Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats.”
– H.L. Mencken –
(Henry Louis Mencken)
(September 12, 1880 – January 29, 1956)
Good thing I have so much experience with decapitation in quick aikido…
Definitely a good reason to take the SGT (sorry, vaccine) and be able to prove it – you won’t get invited to one of Gaby Hinsliff’s dinner parties without one. Who wouldn’t be convinced now!?!
Yes, HInsliff loves those vaccine passports. They just need to pass some of those fake “tests” the mainstream love to make it look like they’re difficult to convince. I won’t bother to list them as they’re utterly synthetic. She wants compulsion for all medical workers (justified by the usual idiotic comparison) and access to mass gatherings passport controlled. Hey, you have the choice to get a test if you don’t want a passport. What more freedom could anyone want?
Hinsliff’s understanding of why anyone might not want the vaccine is limited to idiocy or can’t be bothered. No other objection could even be acknowledged to exist.
A couple of important things mentioned in the vaccine disinfo article
Pfizer tries to get bank reserves, military bases and embassies in south america as collateral
Fauci says the vaccinated are not allowed to indoor dine, go to movies.
Most importantly:
So I guess their corruption trails should and will be exposed.
Apparently each vaccine is worth something like 5000 to 20000kr. Hhhhhhhhhhh. Definitely some nano gold chips in there…. Lmaooooffff😆
If you take a look at any species known, humans are the ONLY species that actually TRIES to devolve its offspring.
That automatically means humans don’t have a future and cannot advance or progress. It is the dumbest species on the planet, by far.
c-ray – long day
I did not try to devolve my offspring. He devolved himself.
Unfortunately devolvement takes longer as humanity ‘progresses’, thus the 30-year-old in the basement that just won’t leave. The more humans ‘progress’ the weaker they become.
The birds have it right – just make the nest small. Quantum sufficit.
Mexico’s Decision to Ban Glyphosate Has Rocked the Agribusiness WorldGM corn presidential decree comes despite intense pressure from industry, U.S. authorities.
“Mexican president Andrés Manuel López Obrador quietly rocked the agribusiness world with his New Year’s Eve decree to phase out use of the herbicide glyphosate and the cultivation of genetically modified corn. His administration sent an even stronger aftershock two weeks later, clarifying that the government would also phase out GM corn imports in three years and the ban would include not just corn for human consumption but yellow corn destined primarily for livestock. Under NAFTA, the United States has seen a 400% increase in corn exports to Mexico, the vast majority genetically modified yellow dent corn.”
I approve.
It’s high time for governments to seize control of “industry”, rather than take bribes and suck industrial cock. Thanks for posting.
“Thanks for posting.”
Cheers dude, I appreciate that. I’ll post some significant shit regarding financial databases soon…
Glyphosate is a disgrace. My council sprays it everywhere. Every bit of grass heroically growing in gaps between paving slabs is exterminated with the Monsanto poison. It would undoubtedly contaminate ground water and kill frogs and earthworms. The poor buggers spraying the stuff will get cancer. I am sure private individuals poison trees with the stuff.
Are you that guy who once wrote all that depressing stuff about sofas here?
We are being oppressed and its time to throw off the shackles and push back.
Are you always full of nothing but empty slogans & psycho pomp? Hhhhhhhhh…
Just as the new global scenario of power has become evident enough to those with enough sight to see it, we must hope that enough ‘ordinary people’ are more clearly apprised that the newer power-mongers are able to saturate by infiltration (on a whole continuum of levels EXCEPT the *very* deepest) really, to the point of super-saturation, any and all capabilities and activities to convivially organize, collaborate, and “orchestrate” collective resistance.
As far as I can see, and it certainly bears repeating like the best music, our only activities that will really advance the key cause of humanity will originate and be best actualized at those deepest levels of meditation and prayer and centre-based imagination.
Which is a way of saying, yes, our backs are against the wall.
But when has that ever not been the case, really. Whenever anyone thought it wasn’t, that one was kidding oneself.
What I keep seeing in this year’s maelstrom of factoids, is that “they” hold all the cards, really.
It occurs to me thus that any successful response would have to be spiritually-based, almost to the exclusion of an activist resistance basis, or whatever. Though even the wisest probably play the percentages, if truth were told!
That would probably be fairly true, anyway, even if they didn’t “hold all the cards.”
Of course, their cards, though many, are only temporal and transient, or ever subject to “a torrent of change” (“GKC”) called Time.
Just sayin’. The Arc of justice based in Eternity has a much sharper edge, so I hope they know how to watch themselves. Mucho money brings a dullness, of a certain kind, the more significant.
Blessed are the poor, whose “senses are sharpened by poverty” (Dorothy Day).
Feb 25, 2021 2:36 AM
R E V O L U T I O N!
S L I C E T H E M A L I V E!
Only 3 people thought that this is the way to finish with the evil doers?!
All the rest just ramble, and ramble . . .
That one sentence encompasses the truth. I will if I may share it on my internet travels.
GODOT has a new post.
Thanks for your impetus!!
The person using my email address here is an antifa spy
That’s a very peculiar thing to say Patrick.
Very peculiar. Which Patrick am I supposed to trust?
The antifa spy, of course.
Alison McDowell interviewed by Dr. Tom Cowan:
(Note: Tom Cowan’s YT channel has now been removed.)
Pretty much the same thing is happening in Canada right now.
In some places they want to put mask on babies now : https://www.guelphtoday.com/local-news/babies-not-exempt-from-mask-bylaw-at-some-regional-businesses
I’m embarrassed to say that I had no idea of the “Great Reset”before this past year.
This is all starting to get nasty, particularly in Spain, Benelux and Scandinavia; not to mention France, Italy, Germany, Austria, etc.
‘Nasty” means that the pitchforks are out.
the ppe will come in handy then
Vaccine passport on the way in Quebec, Canada. CBC news report is barely mentioning it, but it’s French counterpart Radio-Canada has more to say.
So folks, this is the way the near future will look like (translation by DeepL):
The Minister of Health and Social Services, Christian Dubé, says he has mandated public health and information technology teams to create – “in the short term,” he says – a “digital vaccine passport” proving that its holder has been duly vaccinated against COVID-19.
This digital passport could notably allow its holder to move more freely or to participate in certain events. Minister Dubé compared it to a boarding pass that Quebecers could download to their smart phones using a simple QR code.
It would be, he said, the logical continuation of the Quebec Health Card.”
Link to the article in French: https://ici.radio-canada.ca/nouvelle/1773314/document-preuve-digitale-vaccination-gouvernement-legault-covid-19
An Article
Public Health Officials Are Lying About Lockdowns (mercola.com)
Sadly all the major revolutions in recent history were bankster sponsored. England 1688, America 1776, France 1789, Russia 1917, China 1949.
In addition to the World Wars, (War is a Racket).
Just a quick mention of the French Revolution since it’s the era I studied…Many of the British Romantic Poets were in favor of the French Revolution until they realized how wrong they were. Wordsworth had to retract (or revise) much of his drain-the-swamp attitude once he realized the horror of Napoleon. Clearly it’s not enough to just start a color revolution, and this is exactly what’s happened since then around the world: a color revolution followed by a bank-installed dictator.
Tom Paine, who was an ombudsman agitator for revolutions in general, was briefly penned in the Bastille, slated for an early rendezvous with Mme. Guillotine. His evasion of that date with her is quite revealing, for those who know that anecdote. One gets the growing notion that all the official history that makes it into almost every classroom originated from Central Casting.
It’s worth looking at all events through that lens first, it’s worth actually assuming, always, conspiracy most foul, until you walk it back from that.
Just as a coroner told me 4 years ago that all apparent suicides are first examined as homicides until they can rule out foul play to their satisfaction.
We had been discussing famous deaths. He had seen the evidence of Robin Willams’ purported suicide, so I asked him “Suicide or homicide? It can’t be both.”
I posed the question 3 times, as he was walking away, since he didn’t answer. Perhaps he was weighing a number of things. Finally he turned to face me and said as he turned his palms upward, “We just don’t know.”
But the “official” record will show, “confirmation of initial ruling, suicide by asphyxiation.”
Amazingly, the final official word, the tox report issued 82 days after the death (and 3 days after the 2014 midterm national elections), ended with perhaps the only non-toxic info offered: “There was no suicide ideation on the iPad.”
For those paying close attention, the initial press conference in mid-August, essentially to a world-wide viewership, had noted that the iPad was on and “running” when the body was first discovered and then the scene investigated.
None of the collective evidence adds up to anything but murder, just as with Kobe Bryant’s death.
But since the advent of the Gutenberg age, what finds a way into the enduring print, the dominant histories, record the acceptable more sanitized versions, with filthy little nagging murmurs.
Long live the murmurs. Tesla was ruled by the NYC coroner, “coronary thrombosis.”
How do you die of a heart attack with your hands neatly folded on your chest, in dress clothes on an unslept bed, and with the safe open and empty?
Quite a stunt, to even the most naive investigator.
“We had been discussing famous deaths”.
After David Bowie appeared on Sky News mourning his own death I don’t know why anyone believes any reported celebrity death. That, for example, the deaths of Jim Morrison and Michael Jackson were faked is quite obvious to anyone who looks into it.
An ever-growing pile of faked forensics. What I find most fascinating is there are TOO often a small number of clues out of place…
Since most of the perps are the busy “house painters” (hitmen) of our day, it seems illogical that any clues at all would be left. The contractors are better than that!
So they must be leaving calling cards, with no return address. My father was a staged suicide. One of the most prominent lawyers in LA, he was found in a locked car with a gun in his hand and a hole in his head, but still an open case 40 years on, because there were two shots fired but only one shell in the locked car.
Whatever, I never followed up, it seemed pointless and perhaps a taunt, as I say, a “calling card” for an “inhouse rubout”. All the markings. Like Mary Pinchot Meyer or Roberto Calvi of the Freemasons P2 in Italy. Hers is still unsolved, his faked suicide was the same year as dad’s decease, 1982, yet it took his sons decades to get an Italian court to deem it homicide.
There were several years after 2017 that EVERY time I detailed the forensic of Robin Williams over the phone, whenever I got to the closing “drum roll” -that there was barely mention that his body wss cremated the day after his death (as was my father’s), while the big papers and outlets ignored that, worldwide – my call would get dropped!
Every time! Or maybe 19 of 20. About the only calls I make thst do get dropped.
I’d call the friend back, to see if I’d get through. (After all, if someone had the tech to drop my calls, they could also block them?). Every time, almost, the other parties would say they didn’t hang up, or they just called me back, “We got disconnected”. Not once did they say that they themselves had hung up, though a couple of them suggested I’d better cool it or change the subject.
So that is some of my personal connection to this. (Morrison got his start at a club just a few blocks from me in Sherman Oaks, and my best friend was Robin Williams’ first “break pianist” in 77). Just a number of “with my own eyes” glimpses that were very revealing of these “trends”.
Of course, next day cremation makes sense to destroy evidence, and the notion that in coming years there may be CSI and tests people cannot even imagine, now.
Whatever, the biggest takeaway I got from doodling amongst the ashen clues is that there is a virtual lock not just on our media, but all, or almost all, global media…
It’s worth pondering. It would explain a lot.
Like BIS (et al) in ol’ Switzerland. Or the UN.
Some neutral sovereignty!
Where do they all go? The celebrities?
“Where do they all go? The celebrities”
Why, that tidy little ITV island where Patrick McGoohan went in 1967, in the 17 part series The Prisoner, after he was tranqued/abducted and sheltered in place, monitored and pushed around by the white balloon, “Rover”.
His was the 1st autograph I ever sought, and got, at the time (though who knew) that he was wrapping the USA syndication, and as a slightly pimply teen, 15, I “spied” him strolling to the lobby of the Beverly Hills Hotel, (90210, Rachmaninoff died there 40 years before in 1 bungalow) and I gave chase.
Very class act, with his Shakespearean chops he conveyed such nobility and bonhomie in the most simple cheerful gesture, signing with a flourish and egalitarian smile.
He tried to warn us in his show: The Prisoner was all written and directed by him. It was all about this year. All about his little island as the quarantined staging ground for Earth Island, well on its way to being locked down as a Planet Prison “in dubious battle” (Milton: Pardise Lost). Now, indeed, come full circle.
With his mega-success as the 1st TV spy in early ’60s Danger Man/Secret Agent, he had been the 1st choice for the 1st film James Bond, but saw deeply the human commodification.
In fact, his whole career as a fictive spy led to his exit from TV and almost all roles, resistance to the spookocracies, and if we know how to read true timelines, his soon-after almost total blacklisting as an actor in Hollywood and elsewhere.
A career so revelatory and instructive. He bucked when they asked him to steer things toward gunplay and womanizing, as added pandering features à la Ian Fleming’s Bond, all those “frills” absent from his own “Secret Agent” John Drake.
A true Mensch. Prophetic.
“I am a man! I am not a number!”
Re “War is a Racket”. This is Paine saying as much in the French edition of Rights of Man.
The English government presents, just now, a curious phenomenon. Seeing that the French and English nations are getting rid of the prejudices and false notions formerly entertained against each other, and which have cost them so much money, that government seems to be placarding its need of a foe; for unless it finds one somewhere, no pretext exists for the enormous revenue and taxation now deemed necessary.
Therefore it seeks in Russia the enemy it has lost in France and appears to say to the universe, or to say to itself: “If nobody will be so kind as to become my foe, I shall need no more fleets nor armies, and shall be forced to reduce my taxes. The American war enabled me to double the taxes; the Dutch business to add more; the Nootka humbug gave me a pretext for raising three millions sterling more; but unless I can make an enemy of Russia the harvest from wars will end. I was the first to incite Turk against Russian, and now I hope to reap a fresh crop of taxes.”
Alternatively, if the British were to get France to attack Russia, since the outcome is by no means certain, they could get all the other stuff done by arranging a whole series of pretences against Napoleonic France.
Just a theory!
Add Cuba to that list.
I don’t know what the banks had to do with 1688. It just seems it was the recurring Papist vs Protestant drama and shopping around for Kings.
America 1776, Britain had acceded to demands re taxes etc; In studying all this, if you get into the dirty details it could be argued that the revolution was encouraged by American self-styled aristocrats that owed much money to Britain and didn’t want to pay it back.
The French revolution in 1789 was a disgrace, a sort of proto-Bolshevik extravaganza, but what the banks had to do with it is beyond me.
Russia in 1917, a coup against a majority government, not a revolution except in its ultimate result. Lenin, who was under an arrest warrant for treason, was financed by Germany for huge amounts of money. Ever wonder why the truce with Germany was signed and 1/3rd of Russia was given away immediately after Lenin got in power?
China was given away to Mao, who was described by the State Department as a ‘moderate socialist’, and support for Chiang was undermined by communist operatives in the US State Department. Apparently there were a lot of ‘moderate socialists’ around that time, and the whole of Eastern Europe was given away; ironic in the sense that ostensibly the whole war was fought to protect Poland, ultimately shamefully abandoned when the envoy to ‘negotiate’ with Stalin was essentially negotiating with his own boss.
Jacob Schiff admitted in a NY Times article that his tribe was behind the Bolshevik revolution. Let’s consider 1688. This was just 33 years after the readmission. Immediately after this (glorious) revolution we had the establishment of the first major central bank, The Bank of England. The East India Company grew rapidly after the revolution and overtook and dwarfed the Dutch VOC.
According to professor Gerald Horne in one of his (rather recent) great books on the slavery aspect to the 1776 slave economy of USA, the War of Independence by the Colonies in New England was merely a Tax Revolt against the one dirtiest tax dodge of them all: the looming “tax” of soon being forced to pay their slaves. In the British Colonies of New England.
The London court of Lord Mansfield had pondered the issue for months and finally given the ruling I believe in June 1772 of Somerset v. Stewart, if memory serves, that he could find nothing of any kind in British law, of all kinds, to support the retention of human beings as property.
THAT little item, well ignored in most “history” books, was THE catalyst for 1776! The rest was buttressed by wordsmithing in beautiful language of, ah, “Enlightenment”.
Horne writes all about it in “The Counter-Revolution of 1776” and “Race to Revolution”.
Funny how it took so long to see that lucidly!
It also explains why most freed Blacks fought for the Brits. Though our textbooks here fall all over their ink and themselves to assure us that the 1st USAmerican casualty was Crispus Attucks.
Horne goes into that, I read, in “Negro Comrades of the Crown”.
(NotaBene: much like the Covid 99.6%, asymptomatics + et al., numerically at least, almost all the signers at the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia were landed, rich, white, male SLAVERS. Jefferson couldn’t protest, as was his wont, he’d been shipped off to Paris, taking with him incidentally Sally Hemings.)
The Prosecution rests.
Its strange that its taken a virus threat and the somewhat clumsy response of a government to wake people. The situation today has been brewing up for a generation or more, its not really the ‘new normal’ or the ‘great reset’ but a return to a normal that has held sway in Britain for a very long time. The anomaly was the post-war ‘consesus’ where it was necessary to push concessions at the working classes, partly because they demanded it as payment for the sacrifices of the world wars and depression, partly for penance for the ruling class’s tacit support for fascism and partly because it was necessary to convince people that they were better off than ‘that lot in the east’ so the Cold War could be carried off successfully.
If you read any material from back then — the Victorian era onwards (pre-Victorian the masses didn’t really count unless they were revolting) you’d notice that the British government was always stressing economy and and pleading poverty. The present government would fit in just fine, as you’d expect from a government of the ruling classes, by the ruling classes and for the ruling classes (in this case money and privlege). Its inherently unfair, it always has been, but expecting a sudden crisis of concience and anything other than PR grade reform is most unlikely.
“The struggle of humanity against power is the struggle of memory against forgetting.” (Milan Kundera)
Do people any longer live any history of our own?
Ça existe. At least Howard Zinn in “A People’s History of the United States” makes some noble efforts to dredge up buried truth.
There Will Be 72,556 Extra Suicides This Year In The United States Because Of The Massive Unemployment
As of May 3, 2020, the cold hard facts are there will be 72,556 extra suicides this year because of the massive unemployment caused by the unprecedented crisis.
by Mark R. Elsis
Kill Gates will be happy to know that. But his targets dwarf those figures by orders of magnitude.
Worldwide Excess Mortality Rate In 2020
Worldwide Excess Mortality Rate In 2020 Was 177,387 Less Than 2019
It Was Also 47,910 Fewer Than The Average Increase From 2015 To 2020
by Mark R. Elsis
Hi Mark, thanks for the stats. I have been looking at deaths from hunger/starvation in 2020 and it seemed to me that around 2.2 million more people died of starvation in 2020 than in previous years average. Do you have any statistics on this?
UK’s first vaguely springlike weekend imminent. Going to the park feels like a revolutionary act. Hysterical scare stories expected.
At least two large UK care providers are trying to make vaccinations a requirement for their workers. This will be a good test if Unison is completely controlled.
Oh and my energy provider have just let me know my energy bill is going up £150….
One dirty leftist here:
One of the very few true journalists who speaks to truth. Julian Assange is another.
They sure don’t speak the truth on the 911 false flag attack.
Wonders never cease! Just passed one of the regular drivers on our local bus route in the street while off duty. This man was an early and strict enforcer of mandatory mask wearing on buses and insists on putting on a plastic glove every time he has to handle cash, yet here he was unmasked. And, just now in Cyprus, masks are mandatory everywhere outdoors and there is a €300 fine for breaking the rule if you’re caught. Make sense of that.
I can understand. When this all started last spring, I tried to do the ‘right thing’, whilst thinking that it was either real or a huge scam.
I’m not ashamed to admit this. Your bus driver is, possibly, like me. He gave it the benefit of the doubt…and the doubt won.
Except he is still masked on the bus, still puts on a plastic glove to handle cash and is very strict at enforcing the masking rule on the bus.
The right thing was always to demand evidence before accepting this bs. Once you let them get the foot in the door it is a lot more difficult to get them out again.
Just seen headline from Independent, via Yahoo news-
Girl dies of covid in Tennessee.
Way down in the report it mentions she had autism, hydrocephalus, and one other pre condition.
Typical scare headline for a case which is not typical!
Same today about a poor mother in a covid coma since childbirth who sadly died – only half way down did it mention she also had addinson disease.
I’ll bet she died “with” a Covid positive test, and not from Covid. That seems to be true in many instances.
Indeed! Would the reverse be a person with athletes foot and covid – being registered as dying of athletes foot?
Asda looking to sack thousands because of changes in shopping pattern since lockdown (i.e. more on-line ordering).
Who could possibly have foreseen?…
Please do not go around suggesting discord against government. Government has only ever been for your benefit.
Forgetting the /sarc invites downvotes.
Excellent article, we must mobilize against the overlords. The pacifists will be relegated to slavery!
Excellent article, we must mobilize against the overlords. The pacificists will be relegated to slavery!
The theologians of today must adopt the terminology of science although it’s clear from the mainstream outlets that these system appointed chaplains hardly need to be rigorous or consistent. In comes the designated “science correspondent” and “medical consultant”, the labels instantly bestowed on whoever is ready to hand. And give them the necessary angle from above and leave them to embellish with terms to impress the punters. Any troublesome nit picking from below can easily be dealt with by deflection from the same jargon jockeys.
All this nonsense started a couple of generations ago when they relabelled the Chicken Little syndrome to be the Precautionary Principle, which does have a technical and scientific ring to it.
It’s just revenge for when they used to be ignored or laughed at for being neurotic, or in more sensible times, for more extreme cases, institutionalised.
Now they run everything, and they’ve recruited two generations of children to believe it all.
Cunning dissembling with Professor Jonathan Van-Tam on Sky News with the following exchange:
“How do you know the vaccine will not affect my chances of infertility?
“First of all it is just not biologically logical that they would. Secondly, no vaccine has ever done this,” Professor Van-Tam said. “Getting COVID does affect your long-term chances of life and that’s a pretty important counter-balance.””
What does “biologically logical” mean? Do vaccines DO logic?
And who cares what previous vaccines have done? It’s THIS vaccine we are talking about. And that “counter balance” bit suggests that the vaccine may indeed do harm.
The above exchange was appended by a comment from “science correspondent” Thomas Moore:
“Thomas Moore says: Good myth-busting from JVT. There is some rubbish being spread on social media and he is right to dismiss it.”
What is most irritating about this is the sheer sloppiness of the lies. They don’t even attempt to make it convincing. But that signals the arrogance of a media management that can blandly dish up shit knowing that no-one in the wretched mainsteam will contradict them.
Especially in recent times, it’s best to be wary of anyone whose first name is Professor.
Except for Delores Cahill who in my book is a heroine.
“No vaccine has ever done this” is also not correct. I’ve loaned out the book “The War Against Population” by Kasun to a friend so I can’t get the exact reference right now, but it is documented. Also just found this study on nih.gov: “A lowered probability of pregnancy in females in the USA aged 25-29 who received a human papillomavirus vaccine injection”
You are correct. I believe there were a lot of young women in Africa made sterile by one of those vaccines. I also don’t have the reference at my finger tips, but remember reading it.
Thank you. I was thinking Africa as well, but then wasn’t sure if it was there or somewhere in Central/South America.
Prior to and during WW1 the suffragettes under Emmeline Pankhurst were strongly pro war. The White feather Movement attempted shame men into enlisting. WW1 was the first war for oil and for Israel.
you are correct, and the biggest losers in the ’emancipation movement/ sexual revolution’ have been women… more the way it was astro turfed and controlled by the usual suspects than the ethics…
as always ‘the way to hell is paved with good intention.’
most don’t know it yet… but they will.
girl power is brialliant init
rabbi robert elms on bbc london radio everyday talks of lgbt qplus plus minus minus month
being fluid is amazin init
They should have been sent to the Somme in return for a vote.
And various suffragettes opposed the Pankhurst sellout. Vis a vis Kitty Marion – who was deported for it. Even Pankhurst fille parted company with her mother.
The elites know women are more easy to control.
True. That is why there is a big push to get women in leadership positions, and to sideline capable men.
Some women can’ lead’ but they are rare, Thatcher was one such woman.
Some would say ‘dictate’ rather than ‘lead’.
Using the Beeb as a trusted indicator of the propaganda drift of COVID, the big class divide is now being thrashed out e.g. the rich having easier access and more confidence to assent to the great vaccine salvation. So we’re playing the barricades scenario although it’s being recycled with a hypochondriac twist and will keep the Left happy and busy for another year at least.
And there is also a gratifying progressive angle which the WSWS have not been slow to utilise I.e. the triumph of “Science” in the service of humanity, this also having the attraction of painting those sceptics as medieval minds retreating from the glory of a new medicinal enlightenment.
“The conclusion to be drawn is that most change that has benefited ordinary people has resulted from the actions of ordinary folk themselves.”
So why the obedience now? All that is left of sanity are a few angry comments scattered over the internet …
The key tool among the ruling class’s means for securing its rule is ideology and whenever the masses believe in it, its hegemony is secure. Rebellion comes when the masses see through the lies, which, as history shows, is not always.
Astonishingly, the COVID narrative is being sold as a triumph FOR the masses who, it seems, forced the lockdowns on the bosses while also twisting their arms to make a vaccine.
Yes it’s imbecilic stuff which, to be sure, isn’t advertised on TV much since the average population are not THAT stupid.
So who IS that stupid? Yup it’s the Left again. Or rather I would say that the “lockdown as triumph for the people” meme was something long incubated through the controlled Left by various spooks and now gladly taken up by the Left foot soldiers grateful for a revolutionary epic after half a century of dismal defeats.
And so the lack of opposition to the COVID narrative is fuelled by the absurdity that the fight against the virus IS the opposition!
when everything is politicised, politics become meaningless..
identity politics are the death of class struggle, why do you think the withered governors and big tekno-corps love them..
hint: they don’t really care about george floyd…. but it will be a great way of of implementing draconian thought crime laws to keep you all on on eggshells.. as you wave your flags and march for ‘rights’…
Giorgio Agamben lays in all out back in May.
Biosecurity and politics
What is striking in the reactions to the exceptional means and apparatuses that have been put in place in our country [Italy] (and not only in this one) is the inability to observe them beyond the immediate context in which they seem to operate. Rare are those who try instead, as a serious political analysis would require, to interpret them as symptoms and signs of a broader experiment, in which a new paradigm of government of human beings and things is at stake. In a book published seven years ago, which is now worth rereading carefully (Tempêtes microbiennes, Gallimard 2013), Patrick Zylberman has already described the process by which health security, which until then had remained on the margins of political calculations, was becoming an essential part of state and international political strategies. At issue is nothing less than the creation of a sort of “health terror” as a tool to govern what was called the worst-case scenario. It is according to this logic of the worst [case scenario] that in 2005 the World Health Organization had already announced from “two to 150 million deaths from the coming avian flu” [I checked,in 2005, there were fewer than 300 deaths – worldwide!], suggesting a political strategy that states were not yet ready to accept at the time. Zylberman shows that the proposed new politics was articulated around three points: 1) the construction, on the basis of a possible risk, of a fictitious scenario, in which data are presented in such a way as to encourage behaviours that allow to govern an extreme situation [Agamben’s state of exception]; 2) adoption of the logic of the worst [case scenario] as a regime of political rationality; 3) the integral organization of the citizen body so as to strengthen adherence to government institutions as much as possible, producing a sort of superlative good citizenship in which the obligations imposed are presented as proof of altruism and the citizen no longer has a right to health (health safety), but becomes legally obliged to health (biosecurity).
What Zylberman described in 2013 has now duly verified. It is evident that, beyond the emergency situation linked to a certain virus which may in the future make room for another, what is in question is the design of a paradigm of government whose effectiveness far exceeds that of all forms of government that the political history of the West has so far known. If already, in the progressive decline of ideologies and political beliefs, security reasons made it possible for citizens to accept limitations on freedoms that they were not willing to accept before, biosecurity has proven capable of presenting the absolute cessation of all political activities and of all social relationship as the maximum form of civic participation. Thus it was possible to witness the paradox of leftist organizations, traditionally accustomed to claiming rights and denouncing violations of the constitution, accepting without any reservation limitations of the freedoms decided by ministerial decrees devoid of any legality and which even fascism had never dreamed of being able to impose. [my emphasis]
It is evident – and the government authorities themselves do not cease to remind us – that so-called “social distancing” will become the model of politics that awaits us and that (as the representatives of a so-called task force, whose members are in a clear conflict of interest with the function that they should exercise, announced) advantage will be taken of this distancing to replace human relationships in their physicality, relations which have become suspect as sources of contagion (meaning political contagion, of course) with digital technological devices everywhere. University lectures, as the MIUR [the Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research] has already recommended, will be stably online from next year on, we will no longer recognize each other by looking at each other’s face, which can be covered by a health mask, but through digital apparatuses that will recognize biological data that is compulsorily collected and any “gathering”, whether for political reasons or simply for reasons of friendship, will continue to be prohibited.
An entire conception of the destinies of human society is under question, in a perspective that in many respects seems to have taken the apocalyptic idea of an end of the world from waning religions. After politics had been replaced by the economy, now the latter to be able to govern will have to be integrated with the new biosecurity paradigm, to which all other needs will have to be sacrificed. It is legitimate to ask whether such a society can still be defined as human or whether the loss of sensitive relationships, those of the face, of friendship, of love can be truly compensated by an abstract and presumably entirely fictitious health security.
Giorgio Agamben, May 11, 2020
the herd is divided, deliberately so I may add, there can be no resistance without unity, this is the nature of ‘globalism’ and multi racialism… as the the article writer recommends take a cursory look at any despotic regime in history, you will see a leveling of authentic ethnic culture and the steady influx and resettling of culturally alien peoples… also debase and demoralise using unnatural sexual liberties and mindless soul crushing ‘en-tertainment’ as analogues of freedom and choice….
create synthetic environments of propaganda to mould the young and impressionable in a manner useful to elite agendas…
I could go on, but suffice to say people without culture or history are easy pickings, and with young people weaponised against their own interests the prognosis is probably terminal..
one positive though, ‘the idiots running the farm wont fare much better’…
Excellent article again Colin… the biggest shocks for me this past year has been how easily so many seemingly intelligent people bought into the scamdemic hook, line and sinker, and are now so malleable, the Govt could suggest almost anything, and they would willingly obey; if it is said to be for their safety.
The second shock was the abject treachery of so many on the ‘Left’… their betrayal of humanity by these so called ‘humanists’. Those who have cheered on the fascism of the new normal, and those who have stayed silent, despite self labelling as ‘socialists’. We Know who they are.
A couple of days ago, Air New Zealand announced it was trialing a digital travel pass between New Zealand and Australia, containing a person’s vaccination and test results, and last year, Qantas announced only those who get vaccinated will be allowed on international flights.
The Air New Zealand spokesperson said it was to ensure “all passengers could feel safe travelling”. Even more restrictions are coming for us than just flying, they’ve already been dishing out strong hints with venues such as Pubs and restaurants.
Government, scientists and researchers could tell the dimwits, even the so called intelligent ones, that living on the Antarctic, completely nude for three months will rid them of Covid forever.
They will obey and be thankful for this divine intervention.
With flights fully booked some will even try and swim there.
Was at Chelsea today outside Woolies flogging the mag Shin. Only spotted 4 people go into Woolies without a facemask on the whole time.
I went in after I finished, walked up and down aisles maskless, even stood near a staff member, then went up to the info desk, bought cigs, and no one said a word. No challenge about not having a mask, nothing.
But the level of meek compliance here does my fecken head in. Even Tradesmen for gods sakes. Why are they so scared to disobey? Are people scared of confrontation? I’ve met people who know covid is a scam, yet they’re still wearing masks, or they put them on to enter shops.
Because their either cowards or completely and utterly ignorant within the world they live in.
Chelsea isn’t far from my neck of the woods. Drop in and i’ll buy your good self a beer or two.
My shout!
It’s a difficult one. I don’t know, my red line is when they say wear outside. No way. But just to avoid more stress and hassle I wear a mask in a shop. I’m not sure not doing so would make a difference, although I do pushback in many other ways. I agree with the point about mass non-compliance is the way, but I think the problem is until people are educated and develop an attention span, one-off gestures by a few make little difference.
I say this, a close member of my family is an England High Court judge enthusiastly taking the vaccine. Im beginning to think the lizards are taking over. It’s difficult to know what to do. But we can just do what we can and recall that tyranny usually gets defeated and criminal actions and stupidity exposed.
Stress and hassle? I’ve had none. A few people asking me to put my mask on is no biggie, I simply say I’m exempt and they fuck off.
Take the damn thing off.
My only stress has been self-created. I often get anxious before getting to a shop but have yet to have anything more than people ask me politely if I have a mask, to which a reply of ‘I’m exempt’ has always been fine. And that’s been rare, usually they say nothing.
Like you, I never wear a mask outside and have drawn my line in the sand there. I don’t know where the other responders to your comment live, but I would not be allowed in a grocery store, shop, or restaurant without a mask. And because I am pacifist, but perhaps passive-aggressive, as I enter grocery stores and shops, I put on my mask or raise my scarf. They all contain messages – “Make Breathing Legal,” “Pseudo-Science,” “Anti-Science Dystopia,” “Mask Hysteria,” etc. No one appears to notice! I’ve come to the conclusion that it is not out of tacit agreement with me but because people don’t look at each other anymore.
Or maybe they don’t “notice” because they think I am unbalanced and potentially dangerous (masquerading as a standard-issue middle-class person) and it is best not to provoke me.
I’m with you re: not wearing a mask. However, there are times when one does ‘go-along-to-get-along’ … if only for the sake of not drawing attention to one’s (docile) missus or family members. I couldn’t agree with you more at the incredulity of; how forking easy it has been to control the majority. Too damn easy, and the humble sheeple don’t even realise that the bastards that are pulling the strings are watching and waiting … testing the waters before ratcheting up to the next phase. If only the apathetic, disengaged from reality could envision what is bound to come next …
I love seeing big tough blokes, tradesmen and the like, dutifully masking up. Often following their missus. Pathetic.
They would probably kill you for disobeying though.
Where the hell did their testosterone go to?? Apart from the likes of Piers Corbyn, it seems the large majority leading the fight against this garbage are women: mothers and grandmother’s.
Gezzah sez: “Where the hell did their testosterone go to?”
Just guessing, but, The Sperm Bank?
(BTW, Gezzah, I have been trying with no luck to register for replies since the transmigration of sites, with zero success. I saw it explained by Admin some months ago, but it did NOT translate to my smartphone. So, I got on a PC a month ago, and ZERO luck, once more! I began to think Intel was blocking my end, via 3rd party interface, as they have done quite a few slynesses to me. Not a few. Who knew if its true.)
I was one of the few, the proud, the maskless in OC below LA early on, March. I took a lotta heat, but after months I eventually got bored enough that I will often pull up a gaiter, just to save on antacids.
If I were in Melbourne, Gezzah, it would be a different story. I would have risked jail, or whatever.
In OC the cops made it clear they wouldn’t enforce masks. In any case, some little thing at the checkout will still sometimes go Nazi on me, but usually not.
My take, here, is that either way now does not make a whole lot of difference.
My strategies of resistance have been forced into nuance, and whole different levels and realms of psyop!
For reasons.
For me, I keep thinking what would Mahatma Gandhi or Rosa Parks do?
But at times I’ve had to compromise, mainly when purchasing magazines for the next day of selling.
At both The Big Issue office and The Body Shop (cosmetics chain) which is our after hours depot for purchasing mags, its strictly no facemask, no service. And no service means I’m unable to earn money. And at my local supermarket, there’s a large 6 ft 3 security guard who stands at the entrance.
So at times, I’ve had to be (grudgingly) pragmatic myself.
You would have seen the videos of the Gestapo thug cops here in Melbourne? They don’t muck about. Totally peaceful protests here have been laid into with brute force.
We do what we can John, but to see the vast majority fully comply, and even wear masks outside when they’re not even mandatory is pretty depressing, it wears you down.
People have become so fearful of dying! They’ve forgotten that we’re actually all mortal. Sigh. This is what is driving such passive compliance.
Hope your weekend is going well…
The cops and security guards here are ALL on my side. ALL. Most of the cops in my area are white, but I am bros with about a dozen guards, the majority a global mix: Samoan, Black, Latino, Asian and many variations. Several have become great friends. They all have my back. They just hate to enforce it, just hate it vividly, so I comply beforehand, such as at mask-fascist Walmart, so as not to drive a wedge or cause them troubles. They are partial to my black gaiter with an xray image of a purple mandible and lower half of a skull.
Statement made. “WE’RE ALL GOING TO DIE!”
I’m glad the cops and guards are much more laid back in LA than here in Melbourne.
I don’t know what they do to them here, but the results are pretty intimidating. And they have no problem sticking it to elderly men and women and pregnant mothers.
The hearsay is that all the senior cops in Melbourne are fairly high up in the Freemasons, tho I repeat, that’s people’s conjecture. I’m guessing that would be close to the mark tho.
I just point blank refuse to look at any mainstream media now, whether it be TV or print. I have such contempt for these morally bankrupt creatures masquerading as “journalists”. If the Nuremburg trials were repeated again next week, a lot of them would be sitting in the Dock.
Oh, yeah, when I want to receive replies, I just click on the bell icon next to the Post Comment. And I’m using a smartphone as well.
Just out of curiosity John, what other sites do you go on apart from Offguardian?
If you’ve had the “vaccination” and believe it works, why would you feel unsafe coming into contact with the unvaccinated?
Because it’s not about that, it’s about control and denial.
They can’t rationalize or realistically argue that because it is a more fundamental personal problem. Something like the denial of recognizing that your selection bias is incorrect and unjustifiable, or malicious intent.
When I think of how many adults allowed their children to get toxified today, and none of them have any idea, simply religious belief in toxic garbage (far beyond my belief in wine, which at least is personal)…
I mean, seriously. The idea of 360000 infants being unnecessarily toxified with toxic garbage, and that’s only one of the products they happily pay to support to degenerate and sicken or kill the children, which has absolutely no benefit is very disheartening.
You could even say it makes me misanthropic.
Exactly the same warped reasoning with the facemasks and people being abused for not wearing them. Because it’s not about safety or health or protection. It never was.
More to the point … WHY oh Y would you need to vaccinate healthy people? Hmmm? If you’re feeling okay and you want to be vaccinated, you deserve whatever ‘they’ have got in store for you.
Why should anyone believe it works, when they are effectively being told it doesn’t? First you needed a shot, then two shots; the Party line now is that even if vaccinated you still have to wear a mask, antisocial distance, and because of variants you may (read ‘will’) have to be continually inoculated against variants. Variants are limitless.
The biggest shock for me was the disappearance of the Left followed by the realisation that there effectively was never a Left in the first place I.e. that it must have always been controlled opposition. Even now I am searching for a Marxist site that doesn’t fall for the non sequiturs that have fuelled complete capitulation to the COVID narrative.
By contrast, the general population with no great interest in politics have a much more secure grasp of the situation. They know very well that the virus is a cover story for deep changes afoot and that these changes are being implemented by a central clique who hold sway above theatrical political divides. The general approach of these “regular punters” has been to surreptitiously roll their eyes while going along with the restrictions, masks and even the vax, assuming that this is what you have to put up with to get to that much mentioned “new normal”.
Good luck with finding that site George, I think you’ll be looking for a while.
Hmmm, maybe ordinary people have a grasp of what’s going on in places like Lancashire and Glasgow and Germany and Serbia, but here in Australia??
The irrational fear has consumed most people alive. As Shin said below, it’s also cowardice and stupidity.
I’m just going by the reaction of the people around me. And it’s interesting that even the ones singing the COVID scary song, show their true awareness of the matter by saying e.g. “I won’t get a passport till I get the vax!” They know it’s a purely legal matter and I reckon drop the pathetic compulsive disorder movements demanded by the psychotic hygiene regime when no-one is looking.
There ARE Marxists who are clued up but they are renegade individuals like Phil Greaves and John Steppling (the latter unfortunately hobbled by an addiction to Frankfurt School gobbledegook ).
Covid is a Capitalist construct
Big grin on my face! Thank you, Kiwijoker!
I have JUST uncovered its real lingo origins, as a clever capitalist contraction of “Cov(ert)ID-19(84)”
Remember, you heard it here 1st.
I believe the main reason most will never wake up is they do not want to contend with the possibility that almost everything is a lie – which it is.
‘The Left’ is a fake concept the media use as an opposition to the ‘bad guys’, when in actuality ‘the Left’ is comprised of people who are doing the work of the real bad guys.
It is this kind of complete reversal of ‘truth’ that people do not want to deal with. Because it basically tears your inner world apart and you not be the same afterwards. People fear change.
Too true. But they will need to realize that the Great Worm Ourobouros is forever swallowing its own tail. And then go from there!
I think I’ll reserve judgment on whether people know very well the virus is a cover story for deep changes or not. As Edward Bernays put it : People accept facts when they come to them through existing channels. They like to hear things in accustomed ways. They have neither the time nor the inclination to search for facts that are not readily available to them. You’re on the button when you imply the general population has no great interest in politics – I don’t believe they do, for why else would they meekly agree with such a degree of acquiescence ?
So people could ‘feel safe’. Scared them witless them make them ‘feel safe’ with this nonsense. The level of compliance is truly frightening. And what they have planned on the back of it even more so. Here, in Sweden, it is common in certain gyms that groups of older people (well into their 70s) keep in shape by hitting the gym. There is even one gym I recently visited that was attached to a health clinic – fairly frail people in need of exercise/physio were also in the gym – a gym open to the public. No fear, no masks, just hand santiser, common sense and a few machines closed off here and there to prevent crowding. I told someone in the UK about this. The response – it must be a different virus there… I tried to explain but… On trains a few people with masks. The streets – one or two masks here and there. Supermarkets – again, hardly anyone with a mask. Apart from makings on the ground near the till, you would not be aware of the ‘deadly virus’.
Im noticing this week in lamestream media that ‘vaccine passports’ are being openly touted as a way to inculcate sheep minds and as a carrot for being ‘allowed’ to travel in summer. Not going to post a Groan link but they have an article today about a VP deal with Greece. Another said that ministers are going to discuss – another that Germany is planning.
Watch how it becomes more ubiquitous.
I’m very aware how ubiquitous its going to get Grace. Politicians here have openly stated those who refuse to get jabbed “may be” barred from venues like pubs, restaurants and cinema’s. Most shops and cafes here already have QR codes, and if you’re eating in, you’re required to scan it. The sheep are dragging us all over the cliff Grace.
Pubs, restaurants and cinemas have had their day.
Profit from discretionary luxury entertainments.
Overblown and unnecessary.
Well, my weekly treat was going to a cafe and the occasional movie.
No more. No contact tracing is one of my lines in the sand. Incidentally, am originally from near Invercargill, lived in Christchurch for almost 7 years before coming to Aussie.
A week ago an NYT shill wrote that 53% of military families refused vaccines. Now it’s this morning “over a third of active military and National Guard,” refused the jabs. The wording is quite skanky.
It is a global Rubik Cube. Big.
Yes. Vaccine ” passports” are being planned, but I think there will be much resistance. I also believe that these will be found to be a violation of rights in many places. It is the equivalent of forcing people to take an experimental vaccine– a violation of the Nuremberg Convention.
Unfortunately Gezzah, I have become old and cynical so I am not surprised. When I was a lot younger, I would point out that the rich use distraction, propaganda in order to divide and rule ie racism, ideology the creation of bogeymen such as the Reds under the bed, the war on terror, WMD etc.
Alas, the power of indoctrination via education, MSM, populism and fear to think outside the box has resulted in what is unfolding before our eyes. The idea of the left via right is a Hegelian construct thesis+ antithesis = synthesis. Hence for example, Professor Antony C Sutton in his numerous books was puzzled why would out and out capitalists finance systems which. was diametrically opposed to capitalism such as Communism plus National Socialism but eventually realised they were inextricably linked via the creation of monopolies. As John D Rockefeller said “ competition is a sin” .
However, the Transnational Financiers, who have been behind almost all the major wars, revolutions, economic crashes in the last 2 centuries, have made a rare but crucial mistake in the long strategy to enslave mankind, the Internet.
Information is power and they are desperately seeking to close Pandora’s box.
Right will prevail but not without a very long protracted struggle!
Divide and Rule is one of their biggest tools Brian. And, yes, I know information is power! The censorship in the past year has been breathtaking, and the proliferation of fact checkers, the smearing of outspoken figures like Judy Mikovits and Dolores Cahill, just to name two, and the removal of so many sites and people from Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, the obliteration of Parler, on and on.
I haven’t heard of Professor Antony Sutton, but will check him out, cheers.
I now DESPISE the word safe. These airlines continue to be bailed out by their governments and now they’re at the mercy of them. I hope they all go broke. Maybe that will clear the way for a more robust, independent, humane business model. Despicable sellouts all of them.
In H.G.Wells short story ‘The Time Machine’ he envisioned a future where the time traveller reached a society which was divided into the elois and the morlocks. The elois were totally useless and stupid and spent the time loafing about and did everything they were ordered by the morlocks. The morlocks were carnivore cannibals, lived underground and kept the whole show on the road. periodically a siren would sound – this was a practice dating back to the atomic wars of yesteryears , but the elois were so stupid they just walked into the shelters where they were duly cooked and eaten by the morlocks.
Well it all seems kind of relevant to our own times. The morlock kings Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, et al rule the roost and the elois are simply conditioned to behave in the way that suited the morlocks. What’s on today’s menu?
It looks like the extreme eugenicist Wells was right. Modern man seems to have been turned into a species of dumb cattle ready for the slaughter. But maybe I am being too pessimistic.
Flocks are sometimes for sheering and sometimes for slaughter. Is this operation more about the scam or a great cull?
The Big Question. Easily, both.
That was the intention all along. They even call us cattle in their language.
That’s why you may choose not to say ‘herd’ immunity but rather ‘population’ immunity.
“Population” could mean tadpoles as well. Or any object of “study”
A friend of mine said she has an older brother who was in the Reagan cabal from long before 1980, and as a young woman at their parties often overheard them calling us “fodder units”.
She added, “a sense of entitlement that was breathtaking”.
And most apparently a spiritual awareness that doesn’t go higher than their hair.
Who rules the playground, the most rational, sane, moral, decent? Or the popular and the bullies? It is not the best and strongest who win, it is those who keep others down through fear.
Adult life is no different.
Discussing and complaining without action would not change the playground dynamic.
And it does not change the adult one, either.
You must reject and fight on all fronts possible. But most of all, conquer your fear of the bully.
There are myriad ways to disempower the bully but first you as an individual have to see the bully.
Someone replied to you, and that reply was deleted. It had no personal attacks, spam or even what could be subjectively considered offensive language.
Why do you think that is?
Because that user is bulk posting under multiple monikers, and many of these posts are off topic and needlessly confrontational. Glad I have the opportunity to address you on this.
I shall continue to monitor your posts for a time, since persistent bulk commenting in this manner is slightly disruptive BTL. Our commenters are usually very good at filtering these comments out, but still.
Thank you for understanding, A2
Has a poll been taken? I for one am not very good at “filtering these comments out”; I mean, I don’t read them when I notice who the
commenteragent is, but it does take some extra effort to casually skip over miles of text until one reaches the next meaningful comment.It doesn’t do too well to over-empower those who seek to disrupt, whatever their motives. Especially if they’re agents 🙂 A2
But you allowed, a few days ago, Reset the Diaboligarchy to post the graphic of a penis!!!
Did Reset the Diaboligarchy post a penis?? I didn’t see this! Are you being ironic?
Check this:
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Feb 9, 2021 6:35 AM
In this:
I am averse to paste the graphic.
All very true , unfortunately the deliberate fragmentisation of societal groups over recent decades has made it very easy for the controllers of this mayhem to distract and bewilder a significant mass of people,and set them at odds with others who would otherwise find common cause against the agendas.
Until an individual or a group of prominent and publicly popular people speak out and begin to address these issues the so called elites will continue to control the people.
The best we can hope for at the moment is that the hidden majority simply don’t turn up for the vax .
We don’t turn up.
The ’round’ numbers posted on the corporate blogs marketed as news are about as real as the unisolated,unpurified virus and santa clause
For those of us who understand what the left really is about – standing in the ranks of the oppressed masses against the oppressor and organizing resistance – it comes as a crushing blow to see most of what is called the left having been coopted into a plan by the global ruling class to impose totalitarian control over the oppressed masses, and seemingly relishing their new role. Certainly, the corruption of the established left from its true goals has been a gradual process a long time in the making but it seems to have become total with the implementation of the current plan.
I like to think that Blair and Clinton who were responsible, but it takes more than two men to bring about such deep-going changes. The social-democratic left simply went over to the other side from about Harold Wilson onwards. At least he kept the UK out of the Vietnam war. No change of the Labour party doing that today. In the US the Democratic left died with the assassination of the Kennedy brothers and MLK. Looks like we have to start again from the ground floor up.
After WW2 Clement Attlee rearmed the Japanese prisoners of war captured in Vietnam to fight against the liberation struggles of the Vietnamese. Labour also has a war in Malaysia, a secret war in Oman and a dirty war in the fight for freedom by mainly the PIRA. Both Dennis Healey and Jim Callaghan were members of The Bildeberg meetings. The Labour Party has always been beholden to the establishment when in power over foreign policy.
Yep guess I agree. It was only social and domestic policies that offered some semblance of progressive social democracy, But of course that’s dead and gone.
Yes, Timothy. Alas, also that fraction of the right who once supported freedom has gradually been degraded too. Once upon a time there was an understanding of free enterprise based on private property and capitalism within legal limits that prevented monopolies, unfair trade, rico violations, etc. But gradually the right has been propagandized to believe that any limitation upon laissez faire by govt is THE threat to liberty. Also that ANY socialistic element is the same thing as full-blown communism.
For the right, govt is the enemy now, and for the left, capitalism.
Such cartooning does away w the ideal of the mixed economy we once had, wherein progressive taxation and a decent degree of decentralization were factors helping to maintain citizens’ liberties, political & economic.
I find it ironic and sad as one who was a Trotskyist for a while in his 20’s in the 1970’s and later drifted more to the centre that the only people left who seem to be standing up for fundamental democratic and human rights are those I would have labelled as “fascists” a few years ago.
“the right has been propagandized to believe that any limitation upon laissez faire by govt is THE threat to liberty”.
I think you’re mistaking the right’s (if we mean Conservative governments’) rhetoric for their actions. How many right-wing governments have actually shrunk the state? Successive British Conservatives have talked about privatising the BBC and they hint at privatising the NHS – but does nobody notice that despite being in power for years and years they never quite get around to doing so. This is clear proof in my mind that they’ve known all along that the public-private fusion of the Great Reset was the end game. This was why PPP originated with the Conservatives before Blair took it on.
In a time of universal change, conservatism has become a revolutionary ideology. Genuine conservatism is a profound enemy of the Great Reset. Unfortunately in the UK, conservatives are so convinced the Conservative Party is their team and is in power that they sit back and allow tradition to be steamrollered (while being channelled into expending some dudgeon on synthetic controversies). US conservatives seem much more advanced in understanding the Republican Party is a sham and can’t be relied to uphold all that they hold dear.
A big reason for this is that a lot ‘conservatives’ still identify Thatcherism as a sort apogee of modern conservatism thinking little realising or maybe caring that this was the catalyst that enabled eo-liberalism to begin the process of dismantling and destroying this country.
That process from first with Thatcher then through Blair and Cameron and beyond began the rolling out the neo-liberal agenda but most conservatives simply ignore the cognitive dissonance that it was Thatcherism that began the destruction of the country followed through with such gusto by the hated Blair.
Blairism was the accelerant that really hollowed out the country but it was a process began by Thatcher. She may not have fully understood the implications of the policies she began as she and her advisers were in such hock to the likes of Rand and even Hayek but that they were the catalyst.
The world has gone completely bonkers!
just listening to highwire blog…..they are doing a rave about how the the non existing virus is mutating and more are turning up registering positive to covid weeks post having the big injection…… which they wonder is why Gates wants everyone to have 3……and they open the question also that does the injection then make the virus more stronger…..where of course the human immune system will probably not do that……so the business of oh it won’t stop it – just lessen the symptoms may turn out to be a horror show…….
and he too is fretting about those dead ferrets i keep fretting about…….
and apparently there isn’t really any system for US recording any negative results as well….so no safety system along with all the rest of it……what a farce
Apparently Swedish government that refused to lockdown population in 2020 was told to catch up with death numbers with other lockdowned countries.
From RT:
The Swedish government will tighten the opening hours of hospitality businesses and order shoppers to go out alone in a bid to avoid a third wave of Covid-19 infections, Prime Minister Stefan Lofven announced on Wednesday.
“This is no time to relax,” Lofven said during a news conference as he outlined the new measures.
The PM also warned that there is a great risk of a third wave of infections if people do not adhere to the health measures.
Under the new restrictions, from March 1, all restaurants in Sweden must close from 8:30pm, regardless of whether they serve alcohol – previous rules allowed booze-free venues to open for longer.
Apparently there is a risk that too many elderly may survive 2021 and be continuing burden on pension funds.
So more culling begins.
Whatever happened to Anders Tegnell? Has he reversed himself? His no lockdown strategy seemed to have worked so well.
I can feel it in the air. Now we are going to show the world that Sweden can be as bad as the rest. And many are begging for it! Anders Tegnell has been compromised.
And: As expected of course but as in every other place the corpses aren’t piling up in the streets or anywhere else. But they will be when this madness isn’t stopping.
The non-resistance of the ‘Left’, reminds me of WWII-
Churchill doing the military bit (not always successful),
Attlee and Bevin running the economy and industrial output.
Is that why this covid-con has been portrayed as a ‘war’?!
To rope in the gullible Left? (Not that Starmer is left…)
I always thought I was on the left, at least economically,
industrially, but have always seen this virus as a con,
a God-given excuse for a great reset!
Levels of the apparatus…a factory, some business, reach a certain floor, look down to the divisive world of parking spaces, some have names, but not for those on planet power of course, that a very distant place, high imagined, orbital even, as after all, they do gather in great houses, are raised up on pedestals – nearer to the almighty ?
But then,all is not lost, as there’s always the possibility of an invite to a tea party in the royal gardens, wouldn’t that be a story for the grandchildren.
“Jack, the news is about to start”. “ok darling, I’ll be right there”.
The government’s scientific advisers drew up a strategy to inculcate a sense of personal threat by using emotive rhetoric. https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/882722/25-options-for-increasing-adherence-to-social-distancing-measures-22032020.pdf
scientific advisers? so you believe the government need advisors to help them control the mass’s ….
wonder where that information came from.
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I’ve decided that everything – and I mean Everything – boils down to one either-or dynamic: either a person is conventional or unconventional.
The conventional will always support the official narrative – simply because it is the official narrative. Truth and logic are completely irrelevant to conventional thinking. The mere fact that something is what society wants and expects people to believe is all encompassing.
The unconventional will always question the official narrative – simply because it is the official narrative. Unconventional thinking looks for consistency, truthfulness and logic – which are nearly always found wanting in most if not all official narratives.
By unconventional I don’t mean merely effecting a Bohemian demeanor and parroting trendy slogans for self-aggrandizement. Simply appearing unconventional in manner or attire proves nothing.
I realize this is almost patently obvious; but I think people tend to overlook the obvious in their pursuit of explanations for how and why people can be so deluded, as by this COVID scam.
I’m sorry, Howard, I could provide you with examples from my personal experience of persons who are as unconventional as they come, not merely as a pose or subcultural “fashion” statement of some kind, but in thought, outlook, and demeanor. It may be a case of the exceptions proving the rule, but these exceptions do exist, and testify to the power of the mass hypnosis/brainwashing and propaganda not only in play this last year, but over the last decade or two as well, with all the demonizing of those –– typically better educated and more affluent! –– who have relentlessly questioned vaccines and their safety.
I agree. I have many friends who are as unconventional—“their own persons” as I like to call them—-as one can get, and yet tragically many of them, but thankfully not all, have bought the covid narrative. I am completely baffled as to how some of them have bought the lies, while others it is easy to see how they have become covidiots despite their unconventional nature.
Well, ¿glad? to hear it isn’t just me experiencing this! It’s truly the most baffling thing I’ve ever come across, and while I’ve never been one with any attraction to “support groups,” I have to admit that if there was one (RL/non-compromised) for this, I would be tempted to join!!
For me the hard part is that many of these old “believer” friends no longer want to communicate with me and if they do they certainly are unwilling to discuss the covid. I can understand this in the sense they are in the covid cult, but it is hard to accept.
Exact same experience here!
yes same over here, but on the other hand, would you really want to sit around discussing it with them? I’ve tried, and all parties wind up with headaches. Not worth it. I remain silent now. Though actually, THAT’S part of what bothers me; why do THEY not feel it necessary to remain silent around me, while I’m lambasted for bringing up my view in discussions? Strange.
That’s actually a very important consideration.
“The truth hurts” is probably the best way to sum it up, because the truth concerns what we are as individuals. People don’t like to face that.
But are you sure they don’t feel it necessary to remain silent around you? Perhaps they are saying far less about the subject than they really want to, but don’t want to descend to the depths of outright rudeness…?
My wife doesn’t like the topic at all, and I have tried to avoid it for her sake – she just can’t handle the implications of the facts – but my outrage still leads to moments when I don’t hold back.
She has enough self-control to remain silent around me at any rate, and she doesn’t lambaste me when I do let rip…
It also occurs to me that there are many people who are ‘conventional protesters’ – quite happy to protest injustice, but only within certain well-defined borders…
A stray thought: There is a likeable elderly Australian hippy with a very wide international YouTube audience. One appearance of his on a ‘they’re coming to get us’ platform had him advising his audience to tell nobody that they are not taking the vaccine. His urge was ‘stay under the radar; stay safe’. I wonder if that got to many people. I certainly recall seeing the wisdom of his advice. That wore off. But I can understand, e.g., a parent concerned that his children will suffer horribly if he is culled by the resetters; such a person will not what to make a reputation for himself as a COV-debunker or anti-vaxxer. So he avoids the subject, even among friends.
Ditto, some of the most intelligent people in Australia are still conned by this hoax even though literally nothing happened.
Makes you want to redefine ‘intelligence’, doesn’t it…? 🙂
You may have noticed how, in recent years, the establishment has started to re-brand itself as ‘anti-establishment,’ so as to fool all the anti-establishment types.
Isn’t it shocking, for example, how many of them think supporting ‘Green New Deal’ is somehow a way of getting back at the system? And what about all those Antifa ‘radicals’ who think that endless lockdowns are a threat to the capitalist oligarchy? What a strange notion!
“You may have noticed how, in recent years, the establishment has started to re-brand itself as ‘anti-establishment,’ so as to fool all the anti-establishment types.”
Just like MSM claiming to be alt-media? Or…what’s it say at the bottom there?
Good insight, Seamus. Thanks.
Important concept, complete “forgery” or rebranding of establishment as “anti-” and many cynical variations of faux lefty. It is SO real. (Of course, CIA and allies thrive on all that, the filet mignon of spookery. The bees’ knees.) Only constant exposure of that ploy will prevail. If.
(From the “seen with my own eyes” Xfiles: I have a sinister sibling who pioneered some of that total “greenwashed” duplicity. In the 1970s to 1980s she had an Advertising Agency. She was at the 1984 Democratic Convention in SF in the entourage of Gary Hart, where I had a press pass that she got me through her squamous ad agency, though I was young and dumb and didn’t know all the sordid details. I wrote a piece that she commissioned about Hart’s people, criminals, she got it before publication, kept my prose, but reversed everything and published it under her name. We didn’t talk much after that. Family events only.
Most of the principals in Hart’s campaign, David Stein et al., all her colleagues in The OC, went to jail the next year. I found that out in archives recently. I had panned them in my ill-fated piece, that was ripped off, and altered, but I think PD caught wind of my research and interviews and made many arrests the next year. With prison sentences. There was a popular button at the ’84 San Francisco Democratic Convention, staged at the heart of New Bohemia by the Bay, lol, downtown SF: “DIE, YUPPIE SCUM!”
It would be embarrassing to detail just the “deep deeds” of hers that I know of, but I drove by her mansion by the beach just the other day, with its wood façade and there is now a gaudy 12 foot high white wooden Peace sign from the hippie era circular, with the 3 iconic triangle bars, on the front of the house! She is now a “Green Party” poseur, poseuse. In a nearly all rightwing neighbourhood. 90%+
She is quite scary, and lies prolifically just to stay in practice. The depth of her mendacity and cunning are unknowable, seriously. We haven’t spoken at all since 2007, for very solid security reasons.
Yet all or much of what she does, publicly, including press releases, a few opeds, is all for the best causes. Ecology, toxic waste, human rights, minority “mentoring” , peace, progress, yadayada! All fastidiously greenwashed, or whitewashed. Amazing.
She must have augmented her credentials by a study of Ivy Ledbetter Lee and his handling of Rockefeller’s Ludlow Massacre (Howard Zinn and George McGovern, unbeknownst to each other, then, both did their dissertations on Ludlow.)
But over the years I have had up close and personal experience of much of that variety. My father was attorney to a number of 33rd Freemasons, like Armand Hammer.
Many of their ilk are the experts at all that.
Jesus called it out, “Whited sepulchers that do not appear but inside are full of all manner of filth and dead men’s bones.”
In a whited nutshell.
I should also point out of the majority of people that I personally know who are aware of the covid fraud—-yet many of them ignorant of all the great reshit, or nanotech totalitarian NWO—are just plain ordinary folk. Many with tv’s and such. Go figure.
“The Great ReShit”
Love it
Exactly. I am also astonished at what some of my bright and unconventional friends have shown themselves to be willing to accept from ‘the authorities’.
These are people whom I would have assessed as very poor subjects for hypnosis.
I suppose all it really means is that many of the ‘agitator’, ‘bolshie’ and ‘protester’ types which stand out from the crowd and draw people to them are not, in fact, critical thinkers, but they just like attention, and know how to get it.
As you say, thankfully not all of them.
These people are not unconventional. Or they’re less conventional than the generic humanoid, but still within the realm of the conventional world.
The world we live in doesn’t promote excellence, individuality, uniqueness. Which is kinda understandable. Mediocre or dull people don’t want to be confronted with outstanding individuals, for they show them their own insufficiencies.
I’d take what Howard said further and say that it all boils down to self-confidence. The truly self-confident person doesn’t give a fuck about what others think and goes their own way. Most people don’t have the balls to do that.
Also, you cannot underestimate the importance of how it’s been successfully politicized, at least in the US. So great and paralyzing is the fear of Democrats as being mistaken for being a Trump supporter that I swear, even if deep down you didn’t think a vaccine was really necessary, you’d probably still rush out and get one just to prove you weren’t a Trump supporter. Astounding but true.
If someone is that fearful of the ignorant opinions of others, they can always turn it around and tell people they’re not getting the vaccine because they don’t trust Trump and his “Warp Speed” vaccine program.
I’d tend to agree with you, even though we’d have to define “(un)conventional”.
I’d think that I’m a rather unconventional person. I have always been, since childhood. Somehow, I never wanted to be like others. I wanted to be myself, different. One of my vivid childhood memories is being at a kiddie costume party wondering why the fuck all the other imbeciles are dressed like something. The teacher came up to me and says, “Oh, look at poor little Jacquie, he doesn’t have a costume,” and tried to put this fake rooster concoction on my head; I threw a huge fit, might have bit her hand or poked her eye … 😀 …
A lot of people pretend being unconventional, but it’s only a pose. Truly unconventional people are few and far between. It takes balls go against the current. Society not only doesn’t reward those who show others, more or less explicitly, how pitiful their obedient, slavish lives are. On the contrary, unconventional people get punished, ostracized, excommunicated.
Yup. Check out this latest editorial from the NY Times (otherwise known as the ‘Gray Ho’), where the author takes a brave stand against–wait for it!–critical thinking: “Critical thinking, as we’re taught to do it, isn’t helping in the fight against misinformation.”
So Canadian schools are now teaching that to get to the bottom of things, one should “paste that into a Google search.” Hilarious. Kinda glad to be on the other side of the globe.
If somebody is labeled conspiracy theorist or anything else deemed defective, it should clearly indicated to the judicious person that whatever the somebody says is more than worth investigating. For it’s immeasurably harder for a person to harbor an unpopular stance, and suffer the ostracizing consequences of being a conspiracy theorist, than going with the flow, not rocking the boat, kissing ass, and sucking dick, which is actually what gets people ahead.
The basic rule of thumb is that in this day and age, people simply shouldn’t believe anything. They shouldn’t allow themselves be influenced by anything whatsoever. Anything that can’t be verified, corroborated, somehow determined to be correct must be put on the back burner as unconfirmed.
One doesn’t have to have a stand or opinion about everything.
Amazing Polly goes to town on that stupid article. Watch this (if you have a half-hour to waste): https://www.bitchute.com/video/59n1oNAGhRLx/
You’re literally not allowed to think critically about Israel.
Maybe it’s down to how naturally suspicious one is of stories? Or maybe it’s literally like winning the lottery this time around; like having your 15 minutes of fame, not on the silver screen but in LIFE, as a questioner. Or maybe we are all sociopaths (as it’s been suggested many times in corporate media for those who would dare to question lockdown) and its our ‘indifference’ to the fates of others which allows us to embrace this stance. Kidding of course, but it really IS a head scratcher.
One could also describe this phenomenon as individuality vs. groupthink.
An old battle, ever since the New Testament first confronted mankind with some uncomfortable truths about its destiny.
Seriously, it’s like most of the world’s population is still waiting for Moses to lead it to an entirely earth-bound Promised Land, (“Please tell us what to do.”), while Jesus calmly told people that that Land was a spiritual goal which would cost individuals dear to reach. (“My Kingdom is not of this world.”)
Funny how the last thing I want is to preach religion to anybody, yet the state of the world today seems to leave me no option but to write things like the above.
That’s my personal involvement in “the truth will out”, at any rate.
I wish Washminster had some inkling of what that means, but the mechanization of the human being continues in spite of everything.
Please realize that lockdowns are not a strategy to solve a health problem. Lockdowns are the goal whereby lockdowns = control.
Lockdowns = control is a rather limited and short-sighted view of things.
Lockdowns -> destruction of consumer capitalism & cash economy -> replacement with stakeholder capitalism & cashless CBDC -> digital wallet/blockchain identity/vaccine pass -> Ethereum smart contracts/human capital markets/social impact bonds –> and it goes on… and on… and on… from there.
Alison McDowell and argusfest YT channels
I guess downvote doesn’t care for her glasses..
That could be it! 🙂 OTOH, I do get the impression that many peeps here would rather keep the conversation strictly limited to what’s been happenning and what’s happening now –– and the more or less local miscreants they blame for it –– then opened up to consider the longer term (and even very long-term) global agenda. Baffling!
And as you can see, most “people” want to be controlled.
Jeff, yours is a shudder-inducing bu very correct insight.