Discuss: The US Bombs Syria. Again.
Syria attack shows Joe Biden was telling the truth when he said “America is back!”
America committed a war crime last night. Another one. We’re so used to it happening that we’ve installed a special filter – one reaction for when America bombs someone, and a completely different reaction whenever someone else does the same.
But the US is not exceptional, and its bombs are not special or justified or less bomby just because they have the stars and stripes painted on the side.
Syria is a sovereign nation, and any military action on its people or within its borders, without the express consent of the Syrian government or the United Nations, is considered a crime under international law. This is an important fact, which most everyone in the mainstream seems happy to ignore.
So why did this particular war crime happen?
Well, the US claim the strikes were on a border crossing point used by “Iranian backed” militias, in retaliation for an alleged rocket attack on US service personnel in Iraq last month.
In the now cliche use of twisted Orwellian language, the Pentagon actually called it a “defensive strike”.
Is there any evidence the 22 people killed were those who conducted is this alleged “rocket attack”?
Not that we’ve seen.
Is that all there is to it?
Very unlikely.
The signs are there that this could be a step to further escalation against both Syria and Iran.
On January 16th the Pentagon announced they had moved Israel from European Command to Central Command (CENTCOM), what some refer to as the “Middle East NATO”. This would, to quote the Times of Israel:
allow for greater regional collaboration against Iran.”
The day after Biden’s inauguration, a column of US military vehicles entered Syria. Just last week Israel conducted airstrikes on targets near Damascus.
Meanwhile NATO has added 3500 troops to its “mission” in Iraq, and Iran is threatening to walk away from the IAEA after facing “censure” from the West.
In short, Biden’s first few weeks in office have been accompanied by a rush of activity in the Middle East.
How has the media covered the attack?
Not that much. Far more screen time has been devoted to the US “report” that Saudi Crown Prince Muhamad bin Salman was responsible for the death of journalist Jamaal Khashoggi – an obvious smokescreen that means almost nothing.
The Guardian hasn’t even seen fit to keep it on the front page for more than a few hours, while CNN buries it behind Khashoggi and other useless detritus. Predictably, nobody in the MSM was really outraged.
The NYT calls it a “calculated move” which “won’t hurt a possible nuclear deal” with Iran. Some other hacks are firmly back on the anti-Syria bandwagon, with Jonathan Freedland writing in the Guardian about Assad and the “age of impunity”. The irony is apparently lost on him.
But combining those reactions, you could argue Syria was the real target here, not Iran, and Syria is in more danger going forward.
The social media reaction was far more revealing, with political “journalists” trying to sell that Biden dropping bombs politely is somehow better than Trump dropping bombs whilst being boorish.
Biden is developing a smart strategy for Iran (show that it can't attack US troops with impunity but also show willingness to negotiate) and Saudi Arabia (don't sever the alliance but recalibrate it).
Mercifully absent are Trump’s juvenile taunts. https://t.co/ucdhZUaWkd
— Max Boot (@MaxBoot) February 26, 2021
Amy Siskind, an “activist” and author for POLITICO is a great example, tweeting this reaction, before being forced by weight of public mockery to delete it:
It’s a good example of what many in the alt-media have been saying for a while – they will attempt to sell Biden/Harris as “progressive” bombers.
But what does this mean for the bigger picture?
There are certainly mixed messages here.
While so many are pushing for a “New Normal”, it seems the US military and their regional allies and some members of the press are looking to carry on as usual in the Middle East. This directly contradicts the UN’s urging for a “global ceasefire” during the pandemic.
Is this a sign they powers that be might be turning away from the pandemic narrative?
Is it possible there are diverging paths or even a civil war in the Deep State?
Are some factions looking for a New Normal, and other happy with the Old Normal?
As always, discuss below.
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President Eisenhower warned the world about 70 years ago about the emergence of “The Military Industrial Complex” and the danger it meant for the World. The USA has been at war with “someone since that time, and NO ONE in the USA will address the fact that The Military Industrial Complex IS THE PROBLEM.
And, of course, when Ronald Reagan urged “Government to Get Out of the Way” and let Big Business “Do Its Thing”, that is when Perpetual War became BIG BUSINESS.
The USA government is now totally Corrupted, and the Politicians are just there to make it look like a “Democracy”.
Eisenhower death camps
All War is Evil
No More War
I remember when Hillary’s hellish cackling over the charcoal corpses her “policy” left smoking in various school buses and hospitals made me look around and ask, “How does this thing call itself a liberal?” Now it feels as if there’s no one left to ask.
I’m an American. F-ck the US. We’re pure trash. Stay as far away from this crumbling hell hole as you can.
You shouldn’t blame an entire nation for the unspeakable actions of the tiny war-mongering political class who corrupted US democracy and abandoned the innocent people. We don’t blame ordinary working Iranians, Chinese or North Koreans for the supremacism, militarism and horrendous oppression of their fanatical rulers. Also, Trump revealed the swamp, started no new wars, and inspired a global fight back against the global elites who are ruining democracy and human rights. But if they want to unite the popular resistance, leftists must first realise that Orange Man Bad is on their side against the system, that Biden supports and embodies it, and that populists are allies rather than enemies.
True. However, if you only knew how brainwashed, detached, and ignorant many Americans really are, you might think twice about that. We passively enable it.
Americans are probably the most religious “Western Nation” on Earth, and they are deliberately “Kept Stupid” so that they can be manipulated to “do God’s Will”(which just happens to be the same as what the “Military Industrial Complex”) wants as well.
Freedom and Democracy is a hoax.
Trust me, the ignorant here extend FAR beyond the religious. There are atheists here who are complete morons.
Yeah, like I used to say about our Cat whom died some months ago, our Prince, and he, did as he wanted, reason, Princes dont need reasons because they are Princes, its just about what they want/witsh at any given moment that matters, and thats it. The UssA is doing what it always have done, impose their rule and dominion onto the Arab world, like when Trump the King of ISISrael gave Western Sahara to Marocco, huh, how nice, but again that move also showed the glaring obvious hyporcasy of the rest of the world, mostly by the west/europa whom was dead silent. And dont expect anything more sene coming from this attack, the repeating of the idiot propaganda wich was ripped apart just minutes after it was suposedly happened, is again used for what its wurth, like the equally moronic focus on barrel bombs, and if you think the statistics is obscure regarding this Scamdemic, the Syrian nation is the place in the known universe where every second house is an hostpitale, yeah, I lost count in how many thousand hostpitals where are in Syria but acoding to the western MSM they are everywhere, like oilve trees and viruses. Yup and if you question that, well, I must be living and working in an Russian troll factory in St. Petersburg. Dunka, dunka ( the sound of my head dunking the table ) Then we have something that is underlying it all, apart from the Imperial banana republics GOD (guns, oil and drugs) economy and their need to eep that ongoing since they dont have much left of whatever industry left, is the full spectrum dominance, and even that one is crumbling as we speak due to other issues witch is right now making its headway thru the entire contral… Read more »
All the government’s are owned by the World Bank, whose public front is the UN, the successor to the British Empire. We’re all bankrupt and have to do what were told, even though there’s no such thing as money.
Some random Parenti.
Michael Parenti, The Darker Myths of Empire: Heart of Darkness Series
May 11, 2012
College of DuPage
College of DuPage, Writers Read, Heart of Darkness Series – “The Darker Myths of Empire” Michael Parenti Jason Snart, SRC 2800, November 16, 2005,
The excellent Syria Perspective blog appears to have disappeared but its leading commenter, Canthama, posts at https://vk.com/canthama
It is reassuring that though Canthama respected b.’s Syria work at MOA he has not swallowed the whole Covid nonsense.
SyrPer is gone? Really? That’s sad. Even though I haven’t visited in years, it’s still bad news.
I am also friends with Canthama on VK, but he doesn’t seem post much there.
Don’t like US foreign policy? Well, have had your latest vaccine update?
In our new biosecurty paradigm, we don’t need to frighten you with some new Hitler (which wasn’t working anymore anyway) we can just manufacture out of whole cloth a new virus or if that doesn’t work, we’ll create one in a lab to frighten you into submission so we can carry on with world domination and capitalist creative destruction! The only thing that has changed in the New Normal, is how people are manipulated.
“The only thing that has changed in the New Normal, is how people are manipulated.”
I don’t see much difference really.
Fraud, theft, deceit, laziness, ineptitute, lack of empathy, idiocy, inability to improve thus the need to degenerate, religious propaganda in the form of “science”, soullessness, possessive greed, etc.
It’s still bullshit.
Really? So, where you’re from near everyone were already masked up, “social distancing”, “sheltering in place”, watching 24/7 fear porn and pining to become a GMO via experimental vaccine?
Well, I’ve seen all of that in various forms, for decades.
People have stayed away from others out of fear from mythical contagion, there have been quarantines and such before, segregation, and the media is STILL fear porn, just far less interesting and focused on a single topic constantly, people certainly loved vaccines and shit before that too.
Now that I think about it, school has always been like that…so. In some places children are even separated from parents if the parents didn’t force them to go to school.
The only difference really, is that govt seems to have figured out people are too stupid for basic arithmetic. And they’ve been sufficiently conditioned (thanks to the continued degenerate society, accumulated damage from vaccines, GMO “food”, fluoride, medicines, emf, etc, and more extensive underlying indoctrination) to be placid enough to comply with anything they’re told and use those new instructions to fundamentally rewire any potential thought processes they may have been capable of.
Little change, the public mind submitted long ago. Faces, now forcibly concealed is proof and reminder of that.
Are you attributing the virus to the capitalist US rather than to the CCP? That’s a big claim, even for the notoriously corrupt Chinese communists. So much so, that even they are now blaming imported Australian meat for covid19! Also, many critics view China, with its rampant militarism, its global power ambitions, its zero free speech and human rights, its concentration camps full of Uigyur Muslims, Tibetans and political dissidents, as a far worse society than the US these days. Immigrants and refugees seem to agree; none ever head for China, other than a few brave North Koreans escaping from Xi Jinping’s puppet, fellow mass-murdering dictator Kim Jong Un.
I am sure that you are aware that when Obama halted gain of function research in US labs (whether that was for public consumption I can’t say) Fauci outsourced funding of said research to a lab in Wuhan. Fancy that. What a coincidence. And leaking a virus so deadly you have to have 2.6 comorbidities and be older than the average life span to die from it. Yeah, those Chinese are pretty sneaky. Isn’t it interesting that the Chinese could have their little pandemic for a couple months and then officially declare it over and get on with the pursuit of profit (like all commies right?). Did, the Chinese do it? If you follow the money, it suggest something different.
RE: China, with its rampant militarism, its global power ambitions, its zero free speech and human rights…
I can’t speak to China’s civil liberties, but that sentence is otherwise a description of the USA, not China. China did not impose Lockdown policies on the West (that even the corrupt WHO said had no scientific basis and did not recommend). Spare me the right wing talking points.
If you try a bit harder, you can probably cram even more poison and mendacity into a small space.
Precisely at sunset on Purim, Creepy Joe bombs Syria killing 22 Syrians. Just one of life’s strange coincidences, like Biden’s Cabinet being 45% Jewish. Must be that White Privilege I hear so much about.
Shock and Awe
Shock and Awe was perpetrated on Purim 2003.
Doesn’t the ideology of Biden’s cabinet members matter more than their ethnic background? Don’t you risk promoting the belief that some races of humans are more evil than others?
45% its more than that
U>K OVER 80% of all Conservative Members of Parliament, and most Conservative Cabinet ministers, are members of the Conservative Friends of Israel.and even Boris Now PM is Jewish
LOL why do people follow shills who talk a little about being slightly rebellious but when it comes down to it they shit themselves and switch it and then other fools follow them
you was told in the beginning he was controlled, lets see how long before Brian gewwish and his do the same or maybe they just keep feeding you crap like HITCHEN has.
Ow look 2 months before the MAY locals Mi5 operative told to switch it and get his clueless fanbase to jump on board.
PETER HITCHEN ‘I’ve had the Covid jab search engine it, it will come up
what a
rebelsSHILLfull moon ritual he/they posted it at 2211 go get ya vaccine as HITCHEN the shill; has
I’ve never followed him that closely, and specifically never followed him on twitter, but occasionally people I do follow retweet him, so I’ve been seeing a few lately, where he is saying “Our side lost. I fought hard, but not enough people joined me”, or words to that effect. I don’t know what has triggered him to say “our side lost”, or what has made him throw in the towel.
The tweets in that vein that I’ve seen make him seem slightly ridiculous, like a small boy who’s fallen out with his friends, and is going home, and taking his football with him.
I’ve never totally trusted him, even if he occasionally writes something interesting. Why would I trust someone who writes for the Mail (Daily or Sunday)?
Off-Guardian were tweeting him; he was accusing them of misrepresenting him, and they were trying to correct him. But I’ve not seen the full exchange, so I don’t know who is correct.
Strawman eh. I thought he might have been useful by getting people to doubt a few things but oh dear, the jab. I wonder if he really got one.
doesnt matter if he did
WHAT he is saying is 2 things to his dummies fanbase who oppose the lockdown according to them.
Is he is saying we have lost we cant win and he got the jab so you get the jab.
Psychology warfare is what it is. BUT you can smell theses rats like hitchens etc from the very beginning.
He wont wear a mask when out. but he takes the jab. ! what a rebel!!
So what’s your view on Kneel Starmer and the official opposition to Doris? The Labour idea of opposing authoritarian madness is to say more lockdowns, more restrictions and dodgy vaccines only faster. Hitchens may not be on the left, but he knows how to expose and oppose technocratic madness far better than most leftists and journalists ever do. Surely their silence and compliance is far worse than Hitchens’ sins?
my view on politics always been the same it is aimed at simpletons who believe in fairtales
now as you used to be left it shows your very brainwashed still.
I prefer someone who takes the vaccine but continues blasting the fascist Tories to someone who complies with zero protest.
In part it’s because the bumbling clown, unlike the slick current puppet, announced to the world that we wanted Syria’s oil, that Mr Trump had to go. It starts getting a bit too dodgy openly admitting our motives to the world. We prefer a Poker Face (aka A Big Smile) to an Egg On The Face.
‘Our motives’? I’d say you speak for Britain about as well as Doris.
Despite this recent bombing, the momentum for traditional wars is petering out. The US just doesn’t have the support it once did for bludgeoning whatever whenever it wanted. That’s why they had to create new revenue streams to keep that trillion/yr budget flowing. Now we have Space Force and the new endless war on viruses. Too many lucrative salaries depend on perpetuating the lies of neoliberal economic policy, the lies of Rockefeller Medicine, the lies of another Star Wars program. Such tired brains that rule.
Except that a war on viruses doesn’t rake in the natural resources needed to keep fueling the US military and the many corporate branches it must sustain.
The globalists and the great reset will sort out evil Americans.
A bit of amusement for a Sunday, from RT:
A rooster named Raja will appear in court in India after he killed his owner with a knife while attempting to flee an illegal cockfight.
Sentenced to death I would assume, probably tandoori chicken by now.
Let us not forget how close the UK came to going to war with Syria. In August 2012 UK Parliament debated going to war with Syria. The recent alleged gas attacks in Syria being blamed on Assad being a supposed red line that had been crossed. I watched the debate
David Cameron was pushing for war but not prepared to make as bold lie’s as Tony Blair had when winning the vote for war with Iraq.
The defeat of a government motion by 285-272.
This was very much a surprise defeat. Parliament had not rejected such a vote in hundreds of years.
A defeat of just 13 votes if 7 votes had gone the other way , the attack would have started that night. The planes were positioned and loaded with bombs . There targets chosen with the USA coordinating an attack.
With out UK’s vote the USA was not prepared for a full attack.
Would Syria have been reduced to the state of Libya. Would Russia have stood by.
We will never know. Maybe like the Cuban Missile crises of 1962 the world dodged a bullet that day.
But what can not be done by overt means can be done by covert means and the attempts to destroy Syria in order to save it continue.
Possibly Ed Milliband’s finest hour.
Paul Craig Roberts did a good piece on this yesterday, warning Russia that remaining passive against Israeli aggression will only result in more war.
Why would the Russian take political advice from the CIA? Did he not warn the USA that committing war crimes will lead to their total destruction….. No?
Israel is just a patsy for the US deep state. Notice how Israel gets the blame for almost everything the US shadow government was actually behind – from 9/11 to the smearing of Jeremy Corbyn to name just two examples.
yes indeed
is real as patsy
the red heffers and the temple rising
the oded yinon
the hex flag of remphan
saturn satan
jut benign sin bull
move along now sir nothing to sea here
lead and ocean
weight and sea
(Gratis from an old Archie comic)
nice try
How real is this attack? After all, the money for the war machine must flow. If necessary, sorties will be flown and bombs dropped in the desert.
‘We can trace many of the reports on US drone bombing in Pakistan and Yemen to government officials. Analysis of such reports from November 2002 to August 2014 show the “high-value targets” being killed an average of 3 times. At least one person required 7 attempts. The bombs killed a total of about 1,147 other unidentified persons: 28 for each intended one.’ – reprieve.org, 2014
The fact that the alleged death toll happens to be a freemasonic master number is certainly a reason for suspicion.
That said, I don’t think anyone writing here doubts the forces behind this would kill people in large numbers.
Politics 1
Family and Friends 9
Wife 10
“Spinal Tap – “These go to eleven….”
Bush followed Clinton. Obama followed Bush, Trump followed Obama and now Biden follows Trump. It is because almost all policies are formulated by ruling oligarchy and executed by Deep State aiming to expand control over society. Everything else is a puppet show aimed to entertain population. As reset of US and Sino-Russian geopolitics failed in 2010, amid western financial collapse, retaliation policies were set in motions including attempted or successfully executed regime changes that were organized in over 30 countries in the world in open even violent ways, and at least the same number behind the political scenes via internal political reshuffling. All that to push global reset agenda and abandonment of nationalist rhetorics as critical social glue and replacing it by global rhetorics of common (not necessarily humanistic) morality and pseudo collectivism but not in decision making process but in a realm of virtue signaling and accepting state and corporate control as greater good in the world of supposed catastrophic threats and calamities. The politics of power is being stripped of complexities of body politics of bourgeois liberal democratic or autocratic political system and instead returned to old sociopolitical system of ruling that resembles simple oligarchic run protection racket of global totalitarianism. The organisms of nation States and their stated interests already became less important in interactions among global oligarchic elites, interconnected oligarchic factions and cliques became central in dictating regional relations and global political game. Old global elite extortionist schemes of mutual physical annihilation are being replaced by schemes of mutual financial annihilation as oligarchs fight for their cut, position of global influence at the table of globalist country club or rather Capitalist International with central mission set to prevent and suppress working class rebellions leading to fractured power structures and/or socialist revolution that would abolish class society… Read more »
“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.”
~ François-Marie Arouet (Voltaire)
I didn’t understand the meaning of the word narrative and I passed my GCE “O” Level, until I came across Caitlin Jonhston – who had come out of nowhere in Australia..I have always liked Aussies same sense of humour mainly blokes but I am almost certain Caitlin is a Girl, and she has nice husband from the USA.. and they do seriously seem to genuinely love each other.. Just because I do not agree with her view of COVID – same as Bernhard of Moon of Alabama -does not change what I think of them. I have Massive Respect, even if I disgree with most of your views… So despite all that we are all largely agreed and have got bored sh1tless with the current narrative… So let’s change it..if the internet has any value..why not the narrative by not lying and telling the truth… Me: I thought I had it in December 2019. Mild Flu, but Right Blocked Ear,,,which disturberd my walking balance…I could still walk to the pub to see a live band, but I had to hold my wife’s hand crossing the road…amd she is dead sweet and pretty and me..I was frightened to cross the road without holding her hand… Well then I had COVID. I am a lot Better Now.. In fact I have passed all my Medical Tests…..Even I was amazed – even your liver my sis asked…yeh… So I can still eat as many Easter Eggs as I like, providing I don’t get too fat, and still reach my toenails to cut them. We do have a few problems getting old, but I reckon its better than dying young. I’m up for getting really old now..even if it seems, most of the human race has gone mad… I’ve still got My Girl, and… Read more »
What is ‘COVID’ tony?
Thanks – I see this as a part of the coordinated offensive against the Russian-Iranian axis, which includes the Navalny disinformation offensive and the Yemen “humanitarian crisis” – again, led by the BBC’s Orla Guerin. There has been not a squeak about Syria for months from NATO, despite their declaration of occupation over the East of the Euphrates. This strike notably was on Abu Kamal, across the river from “Baghouz”, but also within handy striking range of Al Tanf, where the US is permanently ensconsed with its IS terrorists.
You can see from Russia’s reaction, post MSC and Nordstream-EU threats, that this strike on Syria’s allied fighters is aimed at them rather than Damascus.
Russian and Iran carried out joint naval exercises in the Arabian Sea last week, and are now cooperating on vaccines, but also constitute the actual threat the the US and Israel face in pushing forward in the M/E, as they have totally lost patience with the Imperial monster and its new “president”.
But in the midst of this, Israel just reportedly paid Russia $1.2 million to supply Syria with SputnikV vaccines in exchange for an Israeli woman held in Damascus….
And btw, Khashoggi was not “a journalist”, and neither are all those people who think that MBS would try to kill him for being rude about the kingdom. It’s all smoke and mirrors.
David, apart from the senile and mentally ill, no one gives a shite about vaccines.
The human race has lived for tens of thousands of years with viruses.
Can you keep a straight face when you tell me that we now must have a load of crap pumped our arms for the profit of big pharma?
Sorry, that one is not going to run.
From a purely hypothetical point of view, and coming from someone who plans to refuse at all costs a Covid-19 vaccine; what if the so called Wuhan Flu was actually engineered in that lab? What if that is the clandestine reason for these unprecedented house arrests and experimental vaccines?
Good post. Ta
“Is this a sign the powers that be might be turning away from the pandemic narrative?”
Well, maybe….
It’s been very interesting reading (and watching on UK Column) about some of the US state’s actions with regard to the Branch Covidian. I worked in the states in the late 80s and back then you couldn’t have paid me to move there permanently – land of the free? You have to be joking Mr Friedman. But now? It’s starting to look like the yanks are more revolutionary than I ever gave them credit for, with people in positions of power actually willing to stand up against Billy Goats and his bad karma pharma gang. And historically, what happens in the US will happen here in the UK a little later, so hope springs eternal.
‘Bad karma pharma gang.’ 👏👏👏
It isn’t bad here. I have been socializing mask free in bars since summer. Few people are listening to our governor where I live in WA state. Seattle and Tacoma are ghost towns but on the Kitsap Peninsula life has largely returned to normal. If you go over the pass to Ellensburg almost nobody is wearing masks and social.distancing. They flat out don’t give a…. I never had much faith in politics or religion but The Republicans and the more religious did not swallow this covid bs. They are angry too. I have a new disdain for Democrats and their support for medical totalitarianism. Not speaking of the politicians primarly but the people who back these parties. Some politicians do deserve praise. Noem and DeSantis are heroes in my opinion. Sean Feucht is one of those “crazy” Christian revivalist musicians I would never stoup so low as to give the time of day to. This dude has been touring the US giving huge concerts all over. I gotta hand it to him. No masks, huge crowds, including major democrat controlled cities. Never been overly political or religious but I have a huge respect for the “deplorables” right now. I am more than happy to stand with them. If Sean comes to Seattle again I’ll attend. Listen to his terrible music and try to shake his hand. Conversely the Democrats and their billionaire backers should face Nuremberg trials and executions. I can’t believe these people brought such evil into our lives.
Always a good one.
They (USA) used a uranium bomb on Hiroshima, and shortly after used a plutonium bomb on Nagasaki. In otherwords both bombs were an experiment on large civilian populations.
Shortly after WW2, the USA bombed Korea back into the stone age. I can’t now remember which General said that the USAF ran out of bombs (was it Westmorland?).
Then of course we had Vietnam, in which at least 52,000 Americans were butchered, and at least 2 million people in Vietnam and surrounding countries.
And this shit goes on and on and on.
It is always good to be reminded that these mad bastards do not give a rats about killing….either their own or others…so an experimental vaccine! Shrug the shoulders and enjoy the money and power…and plan some more mayhem for amusement…
My dad was an electronics engineer working for such nefarious groups and companies like British Aerospace and Sperry Gyroscope amongst others. He also had ‘security’ clearance for Nato as well as other similar western entities. He told me that all wars were huge black magic human sacrifice rituals on a massive scale. He was also a mason and interested in the esoteric.
It is hard not to imagine that they didn’t release this virus as a test and as a means to establish better control. Like 9/11. Health passports, resource rationing including food, strict border and financial controls, minimize citizen movement. We are getting led to a slaughter
I agree and I have had a horrible sense of insecurity. Like many others I felt that the devils were up to something but the virus thingy blind sided me. It’s success at the control and behaviour has confounded me as well. However, my nose hairs are twitching. A large war?
It was General O’ Donnell, Head of USAF Far Eastern Bomber Command in answer to a question by a Senator, and he didn’t say they ran out of bombs, he said that the ran out of places to bomb. From Wikipedia (though with a citation so probably accurate): “Oh, yes; … I would say that the entire, almost the entire Korean Peninsula is just a terrible mess. Everything is destroyed. There is nothing standing worthy of the name … Just before the Chinese came in we were grounded. There were no more targets in Korea.”
“We destroyed 90% of the Buildings, and killed 20% of the Population”…….General Curtis(Bombs Away)Le May…..Pentagon Psychopath.
Max Boot…. Yeah.. Max Butt.. that’s about all
Biden is so out of it he probably doesn’t know where, what or who Syria is. His military guy probably asked “Shall we bomb Syria?” and Biden referred to his autocue which said “Yes”.
Joe can’t spell his name
What a absolute legend, more of this pls.
The Garda police feature quite prominently in this Jerusalema dance craze video. Shows how seriously they take the pandemic and their duties as public servants.
#bidenistrump same agenda by the same agency. #businessasusual The Plandemic, Convid, is a great smokescreen for #5eyes Empire to continue subsuming the Middle East. Coupled with simultaneous upramp against China & Russia & trying to revive the senescent NATO, They seem completely confident that Russia & China, being more sane, will not eventually go nuclear…
Decided to have a look at what the ‘arguably most important intellectual alive today’ had to say about any of this, now that Trump left the White House and was replaced by the lesser evil.
Well. Nothing.
But my search was not for nothing. Found out the amusing fact that Chomsky now also publishes in Pravda
Skimming through the article and his website, it occurred to me that Chomsky talks in slogans, and that he has no content. Did he ever?
Maybe his thinking deteriorated over the years, but I find it more probable that he always talked in slogans, and that that has become more clear (to me) over the years when he talked about Libya, Syria, ISIS, the US elections and (now) Covid.
The problem with Covid?
‘Governments […] are hobbled by the neoliberal dogma that decisions and plans have to be shifted to unaccountable private power. So little was done.’
Climate change
‘By the end of this century, you might have reached the level three, maybe four degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. And every analysis concludes that’s a total cataclysm. Organised human societies – nothing survives.”
‘Trump is an extreme version of what has happened to the Republican Party over roughly the last 60 years or more. The Republican Party has a deep problem.’
And it is an old phenomenon. Here is from the responsibility of intellectuals:
‘IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY of intellectuals to speak the truth and to expose lies.’
All slogan. I could have known as ‘arguably the most important intellectual alive today’ is also a slogan…
“most important intellectual alive today. The comedy monologue needs much tweeking.”
you grazed chumpski
snacked on saymore herschey bar kid
you speed read fisked
you browsed the cockburn ing family
hitched a ride with the hitchens clan
programmed by attenborough fabian
taken in and massaged by snowblow and ass ange
after all of this actor script shite
all these failed productions zio
you act all surprised
everyone can be depart mentalised
by position they take on the 9 and 11 ritual
Chomsky, a fraudulent ‘acceptable opponent’ of the PTB. AKA controlled opposition.
American Exceptionalism (49 Pages)
Fifty Ways The American Dream Has Become A Nightmare
by Mark R. Elsis
Endless entertainment!
Always makes me laugh. By whose or what measure? Assad is my favourite Middle East leader. Intelligent, witty and seemingly much more gentle and kinder than the standard western liberal counterpart.
Anyone know whats actually happening out there? A few days ago – reports of a massive oil spill in Israel covering over 100 kilometres of beaches. No cause given. Security restrictions imposed on all reporting. Yesterday – explosion aboard Israeli cargo ship near Yemen. Very little information forthcoming. What’s going on?? Iranian retaliation?? False Flag?? Pretext for war??
I think that it would be safer to take the vacinne than a cruise trip.
The industrial military complex is alive and well. So begins another round of defending the globe from terror all the while fleecing the US taxpayers. The cost of one bomb would pay for hundreds of schools and teachers and fresh water wells and diplomacy.
they are outlaws, but it will not be easy to nail them down. They have the strength on their side.
Socrates: – Tell me, O Trasimachus, what is justice?
-Justice is the interest of the stronger. (The Republic, I, 340 C-341 C).
That is the point: Who is the stronger?
On the one side we have the Anglo-Zionazi-Capitalist army of occupation (NATZO) backed by a population of 700M.
On the other side we have the armed forces of the Axis of Resistance (Syria, Iraq, Iran, Russia) pop.220M backed by China pop.1,500M.
It is not clear which side is the stronger. Personally, I would not bet on the AZC keeping their toe-hold in Syria.
Syrians and Co are battle hardened religious people. The Western governments, terrorist allies and people are godless, pampered cowards. My money’s on them.
If you needed proof that the US presidency means nothing, Joe Biden is that proof, he is already dead.
The U.S. President, is just “The Organ Grinders Monkey”……..Particularly Ronald Reagan, who handed the American Economy, the American People, and the Military Industrial Complex, over to the “1%”………
“Freedom and Democracy” in the USA, has become an Orwellian nightmare……
Different jester same Orders!
I have never been to Syria, but I have been to many countries near as a tourist, never working for a company, government or anything military connected. (unlike my older brothers, I did not join the Territorial Army, but being a bit of a weird kid, I did go to Oldham outdoor market to see Harold Wilson, speak live on a Fruit Box with a Loud Hailer in 1964. I was 10 years old. My eldest brother(21), not only in the TA, but now The Young Conservatives…Now I know he was really clever with regards to doing electronics and stuff – and he tried to calm me down. I thought he was mad. I tried to subtley argue. He respected me cos I occasionally beat him at chess. I had seen Harold Wilson. My Brother wanted to go to War in Vietnam, and said I should respect both him and my other brother…We are in The RAMC Royal Army Medical Corps…and “We are getting Medical Training.” This was long before MASH.. As if I was a Scouser…I said to ’em both You are both completely f’ckin mad Thank God Harold Wilson got elected He told the Americans and The French to Do One… “If you want to fight a war in Vietnam – its got nothing to do with us British, and we are Not Going.” So My Brothers survived. They have never seen War, and neither have I, Thank God. I have not been to South Africa…so this is a little bit of light relief…Girl in a Supermarket Probably about 50, with a long hippy skirt on…is told to wear a mask. She says I haven’t got a mask. So she is told to get out of the store with her shopping trolley half full. So she reaches below… Read more »
Your on-topic posts are good Tony.
“WE ARE BACK! They were never gone. IF ONLY THEY WERE.”
they are back in the white horse… Symbolism also matters!
read this:
Worth a watch folks
LEAKED! Covert Media Propaganda Collusion Exposed. UK FCO caught in the act.
Elliot Higgins you utter fraud! Suck my balls!
BBC taking shilling for the billing!
And you are supposed to take the BBC’s COVID narrative at face value.
But he claims the BBC are putting in tenders for their sevices and we know Tory chums nevre have to put in bids.
So how much did p’doh Billy Gates give BBC World? to push his sales pitch.
It will be a great day indeed when all this is over and the shit and the shills have to account for their behaviour… That moment when they’re looking at the bottom of that long and dirty trench, They can hear the bullet entering the chamber… the bullet that is about to become one with them.. they will not be remembered… they shall be scorned and laughed at… depart and be
We are the Great Reset… not them
Removed…..can you explain what this was about?
Turning away from the Pandemic narrative? No way, it’s going too well. They know they can do war as well, the public is too numb to care about anything except more fear and scrambling for Da Jahb.
A sign on my store front says, “BDS U$A and ISRAEL No U$ currency”
In my virtue signalling “progressive” town of 10000 many have relocated from U$ to Canada. I tell them the nature of Canada’s society has become like moderate Yanks,
and why haven’t they left their corrupt political fantasies back where they came from.
The only people that like Joe Biden are people that do not know Joe Biden. He is the most corrupt US President of all time and a man for whom lack of principle or belief in anything knows no limits.
Oh, but wait. I forgot. The man is also seven-tenths senile, and a mere puppet. The powers all lie with the heirs and successors to Allen Dulles, and never forget that fact. Trump was a significant brake on their activities, as he refused to sign off on their operations. No more restraints now,
We will see who is invaded first, Venezuela or Iran, although both are well able to defend themselves.
I remember a docu on RT and Utube re arms trade.
An arms trader said ‘munitions have a sell-by date’ or use-by for accuracy.
So yanks or Brits or Frogs have to bomb now and again, then reorder from BAE or yankees!
Any target fits…
Yes, shelf/storage rot is a real phenomena.
Happens with electronics as well.
“the US is not exceptional”
Well, full of exceptionally savage monsters!
This is developing. My current theory is that the FBI invented “John Durham” to do phoney investigations. Then the trollmeister-in-chief decided to recycle “Durham” knowing that the deep state couldn’t call it out.
All you need …
You might also consider the BBC’s attacks on Vanessa Beeley, one of the most effective critics of the West’s destruction of Syria.
The BBC have gone so far as making her car publicly identifiable, often used by terrorists and the like to enable an assassination.
If you think the BBC’s behaviour unreasonable, here’s where to say so:
We are well aware of this disgusting move by the BBC against my good friend Vanessa. We encourage everyone to email the BBC and/or the author of the article and express their opinion.
I was so impressed by a book I read about 10 years ago “Extreme Prejudice: The Terrifying Story of the Patriot Act and the Cover Ups of 9/11 and Iraq” by Susan Lindauer that when events kicked off in Syria, I contacted her via a blog to ask her if she knew what was really going on in Syria. To my amazement she gave me a personal reply, and without mentioning any names, she told me what she knew, and mentioned some women who were there in Syria on the ground. I don’t know if she was actually referring to Vanessa Beeley and Eva Bartlett, but I have been a massive fan of these two women since. Their moral and real courage, puts them in a class of their own.
The BBC needs to be closed down. It is now evil, as is The British Government.
I used to love the BBC when I was a child, and still know people who work or have worked for The BBC. None of the people I know are intrinsically evil, some of them have the highest moral courage and integrity.
Sometimes a cartoon tells you everything you need to know.
I bought a copy of this print and was investigated by Pay Pal for writing Syria as the reference.
I’m ashamed to say I wasn’t aware of the background to this. I will sign.
Perhaps the BBC could put someone on the ground in Syria with real integrity to counter these uppity women. Someone whose deserved fame even reaches the unwashed upon the shores of the Western Hemisphere. Someone like their decades long employee Sir Jimmy Savile. A shame he is not longer available. Perhaps his bosom buddy, Charles might accept if he can be coaxed out of Vlad the Impaler’s castle.
I hear that the AZ vaccine is achieving some miracle cures, far beyond “Covid-19”. Maybe it can bring back the dead. First job he can do when he’s back will of course be to plug the vaccine, like Brenda and WillsnKate.
Never fear– when the time is right, the BBC will drop the journalistic “bunker-buster”, Eliot Higgins aka Bellingcat, upon the hapless Syrians.
He’s not a BBC journalist, or employee, as far as I know– but the UK Establishment obviously regards him as a keen investigator with real integrity and deserved fame, and will readily provide the necessary credentials.
He’s just the Goliath of Truth-Telling to squash those uppity women like ants.
There are no mixed messages here. Biden was always going to continue AND escalate the MENA/Asia destabilization. The peace president, Obama, kicked off Libya and Syria.
George Bush Jr- was the leader when this all kicked off (9/11-Afghanistan)
If you think in terms of an entire geographic area having it’s borders redrawn then it’s clear there is no mixed messaging. If you continue to take this as a nation by nation situation then the confusion will continue.
It’s reorder out of chaos. And it always has been.
From war through to pandemics
btw: Pashinyan is facing a coup in Armenia- he’s detestable, but, he’s been put in his place. Armenia is part of the bigger picture
I sense the yankee hand in this. Even Europe.
They want Armenia in NATO. Wonder what Russia thinks…
Hi Davemass:
The Yankee hand is well placed in the situation surrounding Armenia and NK.
As is the EU, especially France. Israel. And the PKK who are vastly bigger players then is widely acknowledged by the msm and the disinfo alt media.
What does Russia think? I’ve no clue, but, I will tell you what I’d think if I was think tanking for Russia, Turkey, Iran or Azerbaijan.. I wouldn’t want anymore destabilization in the area. It always spreads. As is intended.
The Fraudian has another article on the bombing, one by someone called Trita Parsi.
The writer claims to find it “perplexing” that Biden has started bombing after campaigning on a restoration of diplomacy. They must keep such an article in the files and bring it out with every new Democrat President with spaces for the new names and places to be inserted.
What makes the writer really hissy is that Biden is apparently endangering Obama’s finest achievement. That’s understandable – it must have been hard work to find anything of Obama’s that could be passed off as an achievement.
These people are being watched and spied on incessantly. They are always pissed off and planning retaliations for everything and anything. It is incessant. Most likely there was leak. The stability of the Middle East is going get much worse if we stop using their oil. It will be like the Middle Ages again. Meanwhile, the centrifuges are still turning in a deep bunker somewhere in Iraq. Just another retaliation being planned but on a big scale.
If one reads the Late David Graeber’s Debt: The First 5000 Years, one will be informed that the middle east actually thrived economically during the European middle ages. Graeber ascribed it to the fact that Islam actually enforced the ban against usury then which is a fancy word for any debt upon which any rate of interest is charged. Thus enterprises there and then were totally based on equity shares. Furthermore, people of impeccable honesty were put in high positions of the enterprises which allowed a large trade, a sort of banking, between the middle east and India. Worth the read.
“The stability of the Middle East is going get much worse if we stop using their oil.”
Ploeg that thing called a mouth. The ME IS the way it is because the “West” uses their oil.