The Pine-eyed Boy Escapes from the Belly of the Dark Night in the Fish’s Tale

Edward Curtin

PINOCCHIO • directed by matteo garrone • production designer dimitri capuani

It’s hard to say where things begin, but they do, as do we, and we are somehow in them and they in us, and a story begins.

Then the story gets silently disclosed as we live it, even though most of us don’t tell it until later, if we can find our tongues.  But when we tell it we are in another story, often nostalgic for the future but finding the creative past pulling us back down and deep to illuminate the present.

Life is dangerous; we can end at any time.  We can also be swallowed by the inarticulate, find ourselves tongue-tied in the face of simple truth, especially the personal kind and how our small-world stories are intertwined with the larger social ones. How there is no escaping that.

There are many, of course, for whom the bell tolls before they end. As Bob Dylan sings it so beautifully in Chimes of Freedom, a song about being caught in a thunder and lightning rain storm:

In the wild cathedral evening the rain unraveled tales
For the disrobed faceless forms of no position
Tolling for the tongues with no place to bring their thoughts
All down in taken-for granted situations
Tolling for the deaf an’ blind, tolling for the mute
For the mistreated, mateless mother, the mistitled prostitute
For the misdemeanor outlaw, chased an’ cheated by pursuit
An’ we gazed upon the chimes of freedom flashing.

We are now living in a world where freedom’s flashing lightning bolts have been replaced by dim grim grimaces of widespread depression and resignation as the shroud of solicitous neofascism descends on much of the world.

Human freedom is under widespread assault. Free speech is being attacked. Censorship is widespread and growing. Flesh and blood life is being sucked into a whirlpool of what John Steppling calls “a universe of disembodied data.” 

Mediated reality is replacing physical reality as the world’s elites attempt to sell their packaged and commodified stories to publics ensnared and enamored by the technology that is entrapping them. 

All tradition, the good and the bad, is gutted out by elites determined to create chaos and digital dementia as they coordinate their power under the banner of the “reasonable center” as distinct from the left and the right.  It’s an old story that many can’t hear because they can no longer listen.

But lightning never dies since it is only in flashing that it exists, like us, and here and there you can still see and hear its messages of freedom and revolt. It comes unexpectedly.  Out of the blue.  It lurks in the shadowy clouds as an invisible force, always ready to strike.  You have to be alert and know where to look. Listen. You have to want to see it, to catch its energy.

A year ago, right before the world was locked-down into a devastating hell, my then eleven-year-old granddaughter Sophie, who is a writer, starred in the lead role of a big production of Matilda, the play based on the book of the same name by the mischievous writer Roald Dahl, who wrote so many books extolling freedom for children – aka adults.

Matilda is about a girl who refuses to be bullied by the headmistress of her school or her parents.  When Sophie stepped forward boldly and defiantly looked at the audience and sang her first solo, Naughty, a shiver went down my spine, what Coomaraswamy called “the aesthetic shock.”  Bold and fearless, she sang these words that flashed like Dylan’s chimes of freedom to a rapt audience wondering who this Matilda might be:

Like Romeo and Juliet
T’was written in the stars before they even met
That love and fate, and a touch of stupidity
Would rob them of their hope of living happily
The endings are often a little bit gory
I wonder why they didn’t just change their story?
We’re told we have to do what we’re told but surely
Sometimes you have to be a little bit naughty

As the historian Howard Zinn has said: Our greatest problem is civil obedience.  Zinn tried to change the story but few have heeded his advice.  The American story is the embrace of endless war and violence, often justified under the alibi of “the lesser of two evils,” as if lesser evil were not evil. Such evil is always presented as reasonable, the center between two extremes.

A hundred years ago, D. H. Lawrence wrote of Americans that “All the other stuff, the love, the democracy, the floundering into lust, is a sort of by-play. The essential American soul is hard, isolate, stoic, and a killer. It has never yet melted.” 

In their wish to obey, so many, unlike Matilda, accede to endings that are very gory, echoing Melville’s Captain Ahab in Moby Dick“Fool! I am the Fates’ lieutenant; I act under orders,” sometimes not knowing that they are doing so but finding comfort in their obeisance since the leaders and experts and authority figures know what’s best – just do what you’re told, as a current sage recently said.  Obey orders.

Yes, these experts are the light-bringers, like Prometheus and his brother Lucifer, they bring the fire.  Under orders from Lucifer whom he embodies, Ahab insanely hunts Moby Dick for three days until the great white whale rises from the depths and drags him down to hell, “and the great shroud of the sea rolled on as it rolled five thousand years ago.” 

So it goes.  It’s an old story worth remembering, whether the whale be huge or invisible.  To resist, you have to be a little bit naughty, and brave, for we are on a journey without maps and are now in a very dark place.

Our stories enclose one another, the largest being the story of the social world we always live within, a big story that usually eludes our understanding or focus until one day we realize it has always been the womb we have been swimming in all our lives.  We are always inside one whale or another, but the biggest whale is the social story about external “realities” told by those who control the media that encloses all our smaller tales.

It is crucial to understand this story through discernment and not to let the media monsters convince us of their versions, for they are not our friends. They lie for their masters.

Referring specifically to novelists, but by extension to everyone since we are the novelists of our own lives, George Orwell, in his essay “Inside the Whale,” whose primary focus was the writing of Henry Miller, wrote:

Get inside the whale – or rather, admit that you are inside the whale (for you are, of course.)

By which he meant the feeling that external forces are out of control and that as society disintegrates and the autonomous individual is stamped out of existence, “the increasing helplessness of all decent people” becomes a widespread feeling.  He was not endorsing such quietism and resignation, but was describing it.

Such a feeling is clearly far more widespread today, long after Orwell penned those words.  He was praising Miller for saying what regular people (his phrase was “ordinary man,” a phrase he held was accurate but “denied by some people” who believe all generalizations are piffle) thought and felt despite it being taboo to say it.  It is why Miller’s books were banned; they were too truthful.  He dragged “the real-politik of the inner mind into the open.”

The establishment always prefers refined bullshit to the secret thoughts of regular people, those who are fed up with the endless lies that that pour forth from the official narrators’ mouths.

My entire life has been framed by the story of America’s constant wars, their glorification and justification.  From the first detonation of the nuclear device in the New Mexican desert, blasphemously called “Trinity” by Robert Oppenheimer, until this very day in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Palestine, Libya, Yemen, etc., I could not understand my story without situating it within the belly of this beast called the USA. 

This is true for most people alive today.  Stories within stories.

Peel the American onion and at its heart you’ll find a bomb. “Fat Man” or “Little Boy” or whatever sick name you choose to give it.

Our smaller tales nestled in the private recesses of our minds are seemingly sometimes boring to many but illuminating to those telling them.  They can and often do appear when one is bored by the repetitive nature of the screaming, fear-mongering political headlines meant to reduce people to quivering victims of false narratives. 

“Boredom,” wrote Walter Benjamin in The Storyteller“is the dream bird that hatches the egg of experience.  A rustling in the leaves drives him away.” 

Far more than a rustling, we are living in a digital media world of cacophonous lies that drown out the silence necessary for independent thinking or dreaming.

So here I sit in the silence and try to conjure up the Pine-eyed Boy.

The boy was five or six, he can’t remember which, when his father took him to the movie theater to see Walt Disney’s Pinocchio. Just the two of them, a father with his only son, the boy’s five sisters left at home.  By the time two more sisters had arrived, this intimate dream experience had penetrated deep into him.

His father followed up the movie by entertaining the boy and lulling him to sleep many nights by telling him improvised Pinocchio tales, none of which the boy could remember but could never forget. These stories became the penumbra of his life.

He always remembered Thoreau saying that “it is so hard to forget what it is worse than useless to remember.”  But while nodding assent to that truth, he always felt Pinocchio was different.  Pinocchio must be remembered, not so much the Disney version, but the stories his father told on the theme; but more importantly, why he told them. He knew that it is so easy to forget what is important to remember, and that we often use our forgetteres to do just that.

Like most small children or adults, the complexity of this Disney film eluded him.  He remembered being mesmerized and frightened and delighted in turn.  The cricket, the whale, the puppet maker, his pine-eyed creation, and the Blue Fairy – all of these seemed so real to him, images that would drift through his unknowing mind unattached to words, like images in an inner mirror.  Fleeting and fascinating.  Moving.

When the kidnapped boys were taken with Pinocchio on the dark sea journey to Pleasure Island, he was frightened.  He had no words for it, but the Coachman Barker, the kidnapper, seemed to ooze menace.  But his father’s large protective presence in the aisle seat to his left seemed to enclose his fear and tell him all would be fine. He felt contained in his protective love. His father felt like a counterweight to the satanic looking Barker with the pedophile’s red laugh and demeanor.  His father was his protector.

The man the boy became spent decades meditating on the meaning of his youthful encounter with Pinocchio’s story.  Or was it his relationship with his father, or perhaps his relationship with his father’s encounter with Pinocchio, or maybe his father’s relationship with his father without Pinocchio but with the feeling the boy must save his father after the father wishes the boy to life and his mother dies and leaves the father all alone, trapped in the belly of a dark life.

My father’s father, my grandfather, was the Deputy Chief of the New York Fire Department, which was the highest rank for a uniformed firefighter.  He had battled many dangerous fires to save people’s lives. Defeating the fire “devil” was his calling. But when my father was eighteen years old, his mother died, and my grandfather was left alone. 

I never asked him, but I am wondering now if my father, then aged 18, felt it was his duty to save his father from the monster of loneliness, the feeling of being shipwrecked, abandoned by God. And if that sense of obligation was connected to Pinocchio’s story, where the puppet boy is first nearly killed by putting his finger into a candle flame but is saved by his father, Geppetto, the wife-less toy maker, who puts out the fire with water, and then at the end, in a role reversal, when Pinocchio saves his father from the belly of Monstro the whale by using fire to make the whale sneeze them up to the shore.

Such an ending evokes the terrible heavy  burden felt by any child whose “cricket” tells them that they must save a parent.  Such role reversal exacts a heavy price.

In the Biblical story, Jonah surely felt obligated that way after he was spit up on the shore by the great fish whose belly had saved him.  He did not want to do his father Yahweh’s will and tell the people of Nineveh that they must repent their ways. So he fled, only to find himself thrown overboard but saved by the God he didn’t obey.

I once asked my father to tell me about his father, whom I knew as a young child, but my memories were few and scattered and he died when I was ten-years-old.  This was after my father had sent me many letters describing in detail his father’s and mother’s relatives, what some might call genealogy but which were actually mini-short stories.

To my father and to me, it was the stories that counted, not the bloodline; exquisite writer that he was, my father knew that it was the gift of stories that would allow me to shape my own, and that he was, to use Benjamin’s words, starting a “web which all stories form in the end.”

Despite these detailed epistles about our family history, my father seemed hesitant to describe his father.  I kept pressing him.  He finally wrote that he would get the bio sketch of Pop in the works for me.  “I’m afraid,” he wrote, “it will be like the closing words of St. John’s Gospel though: ‘And many other things did Dennis of Woodlawn do that are not written in this book; but these are written so that reading you may believe that Dennis was quite a man.”

My father knew his Bible, for these are the closing words of John’s Gospel: “There were many other things that Jesus did; if all were written down, the world itself, I suppose, would not hold all the books that would have to be written.”

He never said another word about his father. I knew the comparison to Jesus was farfetched, but beside that, I was left in the lurch, except to realize that my father idolized his father, and I had learned from experience that idolization was not good, for it leads to blind obedience. I had idolized my own father, but it was only until I knew his human weaknesses and faults that I came to love him even more and idolization turned to deeper gratitude.

Ever since my father’s death and up until recently, I have felt that this missing piece of his story was a result of my father’s fear to convey the full truth about his father, despite my repeated requests to him to do so. I have changed my literal mind. I now see it as a brilliant extension of the improvised Pinocchio stories he told me as a child.

Just as they always left me wondering why they never had a clear ending as I fell sleeping into the belly of the night,  I see this absence of his father’s story as a present, a gift like a fairy tale. “The fairy tale tells us,” wrote Benjamin, “of the earliest arrangements that mankind made to shake off the nightmare which the myth had placed upon its chest.”

One such myth, the one that I have long felt true and that has informed much of my life is that I could save others.  It is sheer arrogance. It is violence.  It is a mythic nightmare that I have carried on my chest.  Fr. Walter Brown, S.J., who was a guiding light in my life, once told my parents when they were visiting my high school for parents’ night: “Eddie will be fine once he gets the world off his shoulders.”  And Fr. Brown didn’t know the half of it, but, being an artist of deep intuition, knew enough.

All my efforts to “save” others in the personal realm have failed, as I should have expected.  No one really wants advice or counsel; to be saved; they want to be free to create or destroy their own stories.

I have also written and published many things trying to convince people through logic and facts that this is true and that isn’t; that they need to change their beliefs. I have tried to light a fire in the belly of Monstro the whale to save others from the descending shroud of solicitous neofascism that is upon us. To alert others to the overarching American story of violence that is consuming us.

In all of this, I was missing the story in the story. The absence that is the present. The transformative gift that keeps circulating because it is freely given to us by the spirit to pass on in the telling.

“It is half the art of storytelling to keep a story free from explanation as one reproduces it,” said Benjamin.  I have tried.

Or as Nietzsche said of the chorus in Greek tragedy:

With this chorus, the profound Hellene, uniquely susceptible to the tenderest and deepest suffering, comforts himself, having looked boldly right into the terrible destructiveness of so-called world history as well as the cruelty of nature, and being in danger of longing for a Buddhistic negation of the will.  Art saves him, and through art – life.

It’s still the same old story, especially when you know what’s missing.

Edward Curtin is an independent writer whose work has appeared widely over many years. His website is edwardcurtin.com and his new book is Seeking Truth in a Country of Lies.


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Mar 3, 2021 10:23 AM

actually i admit to being stupid, a bit, ooo no very naive and a pure dreamer.
compare me to an overly excitable tail wagging doggie wanting to lick and be friendly to and with everybody….and everything…!!!! a child in an old man’s body.
i did, until this mass hypnosis, try to live in my little dream world and think that i could save the world or the people i loved. i even thought i could save my country from dropping into the belly.
sadly, one now sees from force of suffering, that the world, friends, family have not and will not be saved.
so yes, this article is fab…they shall live or destroy themselves…nuttin’ i can do.
trouble is, i don’t want to be part of the destruction. and a solution hasn’t found me as yet?
so i will observe, understand and continue thinking i can at least save myself.

“shall i wave to you as we sink below the waves
shall i wave to you as we vanish…
shall i wave to you as we sink below the waves
and i sit here and think….
or shall i wave to you as we sink below the waves
while i sit here and wonder
shall i wave to you as we sink
below the waves…
below the waves…”

John the First
John the First
Mar 2, 2021 12:07 PM

“Matilda is about a girl who refuses to be bullied by the headmistress of her school or her parents.”

After the revolt of the masses (who are now increasingly locked up), under the tyrannical system of democracy and equality, a child at school had a much greater chance to be bullied by mischievous low brow peers, that is, other children. The ‘authorities’ at school have even lost their authority, becoming soft-hearted.
This sort of ‘peoples revolution’ romanticism is totally outdated, it is propaganda which is far removed from reality. Digging up of this stuff is about impotence to change the current situation.

Mar 1, 2021 11:34 PM

On a good day, I don’t look it, on a bad day, I look even older than I am. I have not been well, I am OK now, but need to get a lot more exercise..I think I will be fine…

COVID took its toll, even on me…it wasn’t the flu so much (mild cold)…but it was the ear infection I got a year ago, when I believed The COVID story…The ear infection cleared up with ear drops from the supermarket..and I knew I was physically O.K…except either the ear infection or the COVID propaganda (I thought I had got it first in The UK)…seriously affected my self confidence, and my balance…It wasn’t that I had vertigo…I could still walk O.K. to the pub, but I had to ask my wife’s hand to cross the road, instead of being 65 fit and healthy – it was more like I was 95. I’m a lot better now.

Most people have actually no idea about the power of propaganda and brainwashing, and I thought I knew and was largely immune to it, because I do not watch TV…

But I was seriously both mentally and physically Assaulted by The Narrative of COVID

I could no longer go and see my friends, nor dance in the sunshine (except occasionally – and then it was too bloody hot and I had to find shade)

I need sunshine and fish for my Vitamin D…in the meantime, my wife bought us these Vitamin D tablets, and now Vitamin C

My Mum used to give me Cod Liver Oil, it tasted disgusting, but I’m still here.



Mar 1, 2021 10:23 PM

Most little people – they are nearly 5 feet tall…do their best to “big it up”…even the girls…they wear ridiculous high heels…It makes them really determined, especially the men. They think they are different and want to be same…..I won’t go on about parking wardens…but you must know the type…Never argue with these people…just walk away….leave me alone – Yes I agree..

At the opposite extreme, you are a healthy boy or girl.. and you get to maybe 18, and you are 6 feet tall. You naturally assume, you are going to stop growing, but you get even taller…..you just wish you were smaller and be able to at least try and chat up the little girl you really fancy, at the same level without going on your knees.

Such is life..I have met a few couples like that.

One very tall, and one very small.

Opposites attract each other…If they are in love, I am very happy for them.

its almost always the little girl in control. She knows she is safe with a Gentle Giant as her husband.

“Gentle Giant Live in Long Beach 1975 Full Concert”


Mar 1, 2021 8:41 PM

My father gave me a set of Hans Christian Anderson fairy tales horror stories one Christmas when I was eight, resulting in recurrent nightmares for decades. Those of us who feel driven towards helping others through information or action, do so not from arrogance or violence but due to parents who consciously or unconsciously imposed their emotional and neurotic needs on their children and used conditional approval to express love. I worked hard to stop that legacy inheritance being passed down to my son.  Freeing our minds from the web of lies built around us through the erasure of our true history, is one path towards spiritual and individual freedom.  I prefer the words of Bob Marley to Bob Dylan:  “Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery. None but ourselves can free our minds.”  We are experiencing a spiritual struggle within the confines of a civilization inundated with artifice, deception and malevolence.   I found Caroll Quigley more elucidating than Howard Zinn: “The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies… is a foolish idea. Instead, the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can throw the rascals out at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy.”   From its inception, the US served as an economic and military golem of the globalists in Rome, London and Switzerland, who exported cultural, political, economic and scientific fraud and deception to the East and the West, specifically to undermine individual freedoms and human rights, while furtively cultivating their Malthusian, Eugenics and Masonic goals.  The iniquitous transnational financiers, monarchs and oligarchs have ruled from the shadows for centuries, concealing power and control through intertwined supranational organizations, faux philanthropies, a vast security state apparatus and nebulous corporate structures.  With all their titles, trappings, power and wealth… Read more »

Mar 1, 2021 9:18 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Right on. Most people don’t have enough years on the planet to see, with any kind of clarity, what is actually going on. Most people have been domesticated or trained in a way to rebel and find fault, to be greedy and selfish in their teens. To be lustful and out for a ‘good time’ in their 20’s. To chase money in their 30’s. To become resigned and apathetic even to all that in their 40’s. To tire in their 50’s. Etc. Not saying the elements I describe in those stages apply to everyone…but there’s something for everyone in every stage of life to distract and lead them further away from what is important.
For most people the mountain is too big to climb that would see them truly looking down on this shameful panopticon of lies. Most people would need to live 2, 3, 4 or even more lives to start to get an inkling of how badly they are being conned out of, what is…or should be…this amazing gift of life.

Mar 2, 2021 5:04 PM
Reply to  Ooink

Not too sure life is an amazing gift; it’s just something that happens, with or without your consent. And just when you’re getting used to it, even starting to enjoy it, here comes old Father Time: “Move Along,” he says. “We’re done with you. Have a nice day (snark-snark!).”

The only way to even remotely make the most of life is to snub your nose at all the stages your particular culture pre-plans for you.

The most wonderful piece of literature ever created (in my opinion) is Kafka’s “The Hunger Artist.” At the end the protagonist says “If I had found the food I sought, I should have stuffed myself like the rest of you.” Amen!

Mar 3, 2021 7:31 AM
Reply to  Howard

Well you can take the atheist style…”life is just a bunch of atoms that form and then you die” if you want. I won’t go there. But even Kafka’s great line shows that life is a gift to ponder, consider and muse about however you wish. You’re basically repeating my point. And that’s ok.

Mar 2, 2021 12:05 AM
Reply to  Researcher

the Little Match Girl @ 4yrs old most definitely contributed to my child/adulthood neurosis, not sure what my mother was thinking. Depressing is an understatement.

We must dare to think for ourselves because blind obedience to authority is the enemy of truth’. 

Exactly! And if anyone tells you otherwise (i.e.NYT – Don’t Go Down the Rabbit Hole – trust only google pg 1, wikipedia, only journalists should research extensively, etc) it’s all the more reason to Go Down The Rabbit Hole.

Think outside the black box and question the narrative.

Mar 5, 2021 12:51 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery. None but ourselves can free our minds.

Mar 1, 2021 8:09 PM

I am a massive fan of Edward Curtin, and I have bought his latest book, with the most beautiful cover, but I can’t comment on it yet, cos I have not yet read it. It is my next Book at Bedtime..it is next in the queue, but I haven’t quite finished reading Bruce Dickinson’s yet, some of which is hilarious. He is both a Rock singer and an Airline Pilot…It would probably be impolite, to post a music video of Iron Maiden, cos I always thought they were crap, until Bruce Dickinson joined them, after going through hell in a boys boarding school. His politics are almost the opposite of mine, but some of the songs, are completely brilliant..and at the end of the day, he was just a working class kid from Up North like me and Ozzy, except i could neither play guitar nor sing.

Hoping The Music Festivals will soon be back.

“Iron Maiden – The Number of the Beast”


Mar 1, 2021 9:45 PM
Reply to  tony_0pmoc

Have any rock “stars” called out the corona hoax ?

Mar 1, 2021 10:08 PM
Reply to  Peter

Very few – Ian Brown, Van Morrsion, both Gallaghers and, bizarrely, Right Said Fred have called out at least parts of the op.

It’s a pretty dismal record for a supposedly rebellious and anti-establishment movement. It says a lot about music “stars” for those who aren’t blinded by their emotional investment in them…

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 1, 2021 10:42 PM
Reply to  Edwige

The formerly – apparently – great but now revealed as Graud arse licker Stewart Lee blasted off at various Britpoppers for being “covid deniers”. Perhaps the most nauseating thing is his use of the by now tediously predictable attempt to disguise wretched capitulation under a “rebel” pose with:

“If the government can’t be bothered with the law, Noel Gallagher and Ian Brown shouldn’t be expected to care either”

Ooh Stewart, you’re so groovy calling out those phoney rockers for acting just like Tory cabinet ministers!

But Stew’s great hero, the unfortunately late Mark E Smith, would be the last person on earth to mewl along with the “stay safe” brigade. So it’s just as well for Stew that the great man is gone.

Mar 2, 2021 11:57 AM
Reply to  Edwige

noel did Liam shit him self as his business manager PR partner tells him what to do and say.

Mar 5, 2021 12:56 AM
Reply to  Edwige

Right Said Fred

Mar 1, 2021 10:16 PM
Reply to  Peter

Van Morrison, Eric Clapton

Mar 7, 2021 2:02 AM
Reply to  susieQ

What an irritating little compilation…. Could barely read the yellow writing, and only stuck it out because I thought Van and Eric would be playing.

Mar 2, 2021 1:02 AM
Reply to  Peter

Elvis ?

Mar 2, 2021 1:03 AM
Reply to  Peter

Ian Brown did a good tune about it:

Mar 3, 2021 7:36 AM
Reply to  tony_0pmoc

Rock stars pretty much only rebelled against Christian based morality and decency. Which was their job starting in the 60’s. With that job done, it’s just been about more of the same. Just do what thou handler says. As always.

Mark R. Elsis
Mark R. Elsis
Mar 1, 2021 6:55 PM

Worldwide Excess Mortality Rate In 2020
Worldwide Excess Mortality Rate In 2020 Was 177,387 Less Than 2019
It Was Also 47,910 Fewer Than The Average Increase From 2015 To 2020
by Mark R. Elsis

Mar 2, 2021 7:23 PM
Reply to  Mark R. Elsis

Well done. So much for a global pandemic. Even with iatrogenic murder through mechanical ventilation and killing people in nursing homes through drugging, neglect, flu shots and DNR orders, it appears staying out of hospital and away from doctors is helping the rest of the population stay alive.

Mar 1, 2021 6:40 PM

“Truth” by sculptor John Parulis is an art installation for Burning Man, a 1.5-ton structure that’s been the site of thermite flagrations and marriage celebrations.

Off-G won’t show the image or even post the link — remove these quotes:

John Parulis on Guns and Butter

Mar 1, 2021 7:33 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Also named in the broadcast, artist Janette MacKinlay, February 26, 1948 – December 9, 2010

The windows of her apartment, opposite WTC, were blown out, filling her rooms with the dust that became the likely source of her brain cancer.

Think broad.

John Parulis blog https://brightpathvideo.com/blog/

Mar 1, 2021 9:54 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

I am reasonably certain that the towers were pulverised by the synchronised detonation of variable yield sub kiloton fusion assisted fission W54 warheads. I thing four warheads were used in each tower, detonated in top down sequences.
The W54 was developed in the 50’s and were the basis for the Davy Crockett nuclear field artillery and the backpack nukes. Large numbers of the pits of these weapons were in storage in a plant in the panhandle of Texas in 2001. Intriguingly auditors found irregularities in the movement of these pits shortly before 9/11.

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Mar 1, 2021 9:37 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

You mean this(?):

comment image

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 1, 2021 6:36 PM

As I have said before, true insight into the situation has always been the preserve of the largely mocked though sometimes sentimentalised working masses I.e. the ones who care nothing about either Left or Right political theory, who in fact don’t even take note of these labels, sensing rightly that no amount of theory really conveys what actually happens in the world.

And what actually happens comes about through a power structure that is all stitched up whereby a tower of lackeys and sycophants scramble to impress the overlords who are totally sheltered from economic distress.

And the overlords dish out their requirements which are then implemented by the lackeys by whatever means the latter can imagine, the former not giving a shit as long as the job gets done. (“Give us a reset! What’s that? A virus? Oh don’t bother us with the details! Just do it!”)

So the bullshit virus story rolls out. Just like the bullshit commie story. And the bullshit Islamofascist story. And whilst the really big brainy bastards are writing theses on it all (viral doom show which capital has coming to it, neocolonial uprising ditto etc.), those working masses roll their eyes and think, “Here go the fuckers again! Here comes another gravy train! Another shafting!”

Mar 1, 2021 8:05 PM
Reply to  George Mc

We here saw that yesterday…we were visited by a very difficult weather system which created havoc all day…rain, power outages, wind damage, roads closed…the system is very large sitting just on edge of the qld coast..

not a whisper on abc national news on line…they are far more occupied about the old rapes in Canberra, which pollie is saying what or the covid bull shit…I see tucked away on one area of their site 6000 people have had dengue in Australia the last year…mozzies dont social distance…but covid is far more important…much garbage is far more important than real people’s lives…

there seems a great social disconnect going on

Mar 1, 2021 9:24 PM
Reply to  Edith

Australia. Don’t get me started. The only time I hear any news is when I read things like your comment here and there. And that’s enough to make me sick. A truly shameful media landscape.

Mar 1, 2021 6:31 PM

OT – (please pardon the interruption, Mr. Curtin) – some good interviews over on Planetlockdown. One with David Martin that was terrific. And a good one with Reiner Fuellmich. I watched them on Rumble.

Also, watched this one yesterday – Who Insiders Blow the Whistle on Total Immunity of Bill Gates through GAVI. Fascinating. Also with Reiner Fuellmich. bitchute


Mar 1, 2021 5:52 PM

So, Judo is apparently about combating your enemy by using their strength against them. Sounds good to my ears. Hence, why not calling 911 (112 in Europe or whatever number you have for emergency) and demanding hysterically that the hazardous waste response unit present themselves immediately after you spot a facemask on the ground? The thing could be full of viruses and somebody could catch it, get asymptomatically sick, infect grandmother, and granny would die … sob, sob … come quick, on the double, this is a matter of life and death …!!! If enough people do that, it should keep the motherfuckers busy for a while and/or admit that the virus is not such a big problem. Incidentally, it wouldn’t be your fault if the wind blows the mask away or if somebody picks it up by the time the pigs and the firefighters get there … wink, wink ….;-) … Also, if you get stopped by the pigs, the responsible person should demand whether they have been tested in the last 24 hours or so and whether they can prove that they’re COVID-1984 free. If they can’t, request supervisor assistance and have the fuckers tested. Likewise, if they touch you or handle your papers or anything like that, place the object into a sterile plastic bag and inform them that it would be tested for the presence of SARS-CoV-2. For added benefit, check the laws in your jurisdiction – with any luck infecting a person with an infection disease will be a criminal offense. It is here. That might make them think twice about fucking with people. Alternatively, demand that they disinfect their hands. If they do it often enough, the skin will hopefully come right the fuck off, and that will be the end of it. I… Read more »

Mar 1, 2021 7:25 PM
Reply to  Jacques


It’s 999 in the UK, which I found to my embarrassment, about 10 years ago, when the phone in my pocket, whilst I was walking back from the post office, completely unbeknown to me, dialed 999. I didn’t know I had got a connection, but before I got home (and its only a 10 minute walk)…The emergency operator phoned me back. I answered, and quickly realised what had happened. Apart from my heavy breathing, she could tell everything was O.K., and I apologised profusely. I explained to her what must have happened, and said sorry.

I thought that was a pretty good response.

Sometimes you really need them, and I have massive respect both for the paramedics and the police who respond, when it is a real emergency.

If you are a kid, and you want to do something useful in your life, train to be a paramedic. You will have a lot of excitement, and you really will save lives.


Mar 1, 2021 5:42 PM

In these people’s eyes, you are all far right. Yes, that includes all you socialist, lefty alt-righters.

I don’t use Gab but if you do, it’s change your password time. Big Tech and/or its government paymaster has hacked the alt soc med site, two months after crushing Parler. Telegram’s probably next.

They really do want you to stay on the plantation. So any slave with a free bone in their body should recognize Lifebook, Goolag, Twatter and Amazion for what they are.

“DDoSecrets cofounder Emma Best told [CIA house journal] Wired that the data “contains pretty much everything on Gab, including user data and private posts, everything someone needs to run a nearly complete analysis on Gab users and content”.”

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 1, 2021 6:05 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Speaking as a long time Leftie, I felt stunned by the caving in to COVID by the bold Bolsheviks of today. I felt there had been an undercurrent flowing all along which I had been oblivious to.

It was Philip Roddis who introduced me to the cult of the imminent viral collapse of capitalism. Well, that must have been a chapter I skipped in Das Kapital. Who needs all that analysis of commodity fetishism and the falling rate of profit when it seems that we Lefties had been searching our horoscopes for the Great Plague?

Indeed, some of us are so adamant about the Second Coming via microbe that, even if COVID isn’t it, it will still come. Surely a gift for the Great Resetters.

And anyone who doesn’t see this curiously postponable prophecy is of course the Spawn of Right Wing Satan.

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 1, 2021 4:58 PM

The pursuit of science (taken in the legitimate sense of the word as logical investigation for discerning cause and effect) has an unfortunate potential for abuse. Since it depends on what is not immediately obvious and which therefore demands deep painstaking investigation, it could provide a rationale for any amount of confidence trickery. You can’t see what’s REALLY going on. You need the experts to guide you so you need to put faith in them. But what if they’re bullshitting you? And if you give voice to your suspicions, you find yourself denounced as a village idiot, a medieval mind succumbing to superstition. But what if your suspicion is well founded? That means that this fraudulent hijacking of science as “Science” is itself the new superstition. The self appointed priests of this new esoteric realm say, “Your eyes are lying but WE know the truth! Just listen to us!”

Mar 1, 2021 5:16 PM
Reply to  George Mc

It even goes deeper than that. A simple, everyday thing like getting the daily temperature becomes an exercise in trust. I can take the temperature where I live or even in a larger area. But I can never say “Have thermometer will travel!” I can’t go around the world getting temperatures to either confirm or deny “global warming.”

I trust Dane Wigington of geoengineeringwatch.org – who does have the resources. When he says it’s actually much warmer than the reported temperatures, all I can do is place that information against other things he says, which I can verify independently (such as atmospheric spraying – which I can see happening)

Conversely, when James Corbett says no, it’s not getting warmer, he makes no mention of the obvious now almost daily spraying; so I have little choice but to put less trust in him on this particular issue.

I wish there were an alternative; but unless I suddenly get rich, I have no choice but to trust someone else in this matter.

Mar 2, 2021 2:40 AM
Reply to  Howard

I don’t think Corbett doubts the spraying. I think I’ve heard him talk about geoengineering. He may have an episode about it. His issue with “climate change” and “global warming” is that he feels like it is just another cabal agenda.

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 1, 2021 4:17 PM

Sky News:

“COVID-19: Sunshine brings crowds out – but SAGE expert warns we could blow chances of ending lockdown”

I recall an old time when people KNEW they were sick because – and here’s a novel idea – they FELT sick. Not any more. Now you will be told when you are sick. And even if you refuse to believe it, then you have failed to understand that being sick also means being a carrier who can infect others who also won’t know they are sick but could also be carriers of this non-sick sickness.

So what is posited here is that the world of your senses is completely misleading and true reality can only be attained through our “scientific” priesthood.

Mar 1, 2021 5:24 PM
Reply to  George Mc

And this is coming from a witch that’s been treating her own family with a on site homeopathy doctor and is worth about trillion ££ says………comment image

Donald Duck
Donald Duck
Mar 1, 2021 6:19 PM
Reply to  Magie

Nice one. Like it.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Mar 1, 2021 7:39 PM
Reply to  Magie

“If THE ROYAL MAFIA CRIME FAMILY thought of others, they would have left THE PLANET a long time in passing.”


Mar 1, 2021 3:29 PM

UK Column News – 1st March 2021 CONDOLENCES, DEATH OF CAMPAIGNERS Derek Bye, campaigner against medical malpractice. https://www.ukcolumn.org/ukcolumn-news/uk-column-live-special-paediatric-drug-company-abuse Ian R Crane, anti-fracking campaigner, died Feb 25. The industry bankrupted Ian to the point where he had nothing to lose. Organizer of Alternative View Conferences. https://ianrcrane.com/index.php?route=product/category&path=54 https://truthagenda.org/2021/02/28/ian-r-crane-1956-2021 https://drillordrop.com/2021/02/28/death-of-anti-fracking-campaigner-ian-crane/ VARIANTS OF CONCERN™ MAY EXTEND LOCKDOWN HUNTING BRAZIL’S MUTANT, AFRICA’S VUVUZELA, BRITAIN’S BLIGHT Brazil, South Africa and UK variants coincide with AstraZeneca vaccine trials. Coincidence: Phase 3 trials may/may not be “immunity escapes” from vaccine trials. al-Zawahiri, vaccines minister, trying to track down a single test patient. David Scott: this coincidence is straining credibility, just like the spike in deaths following roll out of vaccine. These things need to be examined — instead the gov is playing smoke and mirrors. COVID VACCINE KILLING PEOPLE IN SCOTTISH CARE HOMES GRAPHS SHOW CLEAR RISE IN DEATHS AFTER JAB The more stringent the lockdown, the more deaths. Deaths would have been lower if the gov had done nothing. Time @ 00:33:00 minutes. TESTING KITS TO BE SENT TO FAMILIES OF UK SCHOOLCHILDREN LATERAL FLOW STILL CREATES FALSE POSITIVES Free stuff from the government. What could go wrong? PETER HITCHENS HAS VACCINE JAB TO SEE FAMILY “FORCED TO HAVE IMMUNIZATION I WOULD NOT HAVE BOTHERED WITH” Daily Mail: I tried to fight against it but I lost. David Scott: talk is cheap but your actions define you. Thousands have died because of lockdown. This is not a cost-free decision. Vanessa Beeley: I talked with Hitchens on Twitter. He said, “liberty is unpopular in this country. After 11 months of combat, liberty is still unpopular.” Beeley said: “Don’t make your choice public and persuade your public that the wave of fascism is unstoppable. That is what he’s done. It’s a personal choice but keep it private if you… Read more »

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Mar 1, 2021 4:28 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Peter Hitchens has vaccine jab to see family
“forced to have immunization i would not have bothered with”
Daily Mail: I tried to fight against it but I lost.
David Scott: talk is cheap but your actions define you. Thousands have died because of lockdown. This is not a cost-free decision.
Vanessa Beeley: I talked with Hitchens on Twitter. He said, “liberty is unpopular in this country. After 11 months of combat, liberty is still unpopular.” Beeley said: “Don’t make your choice public and persuade your public that the wave of fascism is unstoppable. That is what he’s done. It’s a personal choice but keep it private if you must! Let him surrender. That’s his choice.”

About 6 months ago I said something similar about Hitchens; and my assumption is that he was assigned the role a long time ago.

A Judas goat is a trained goat used in general animal herding. The Judas goat is trained to associate with sheep or cattle, leading them to a specific destination. In stockyards, a Judas goat will lead sheep to slaughter, while their own life is spared. Judas goats are also used to lead other animals to specific pens and onto trucks. . . . Cattle herders may use a Judas steer to serve the same purpose as a Judas goat. The technique, and the term, originated from cattle drives in the United States in the 1800s.

Mar 1, 2021 5:11 PM

It seems that way. After all, Hitchens wasn’t taking a lonely stance. He had a pulpit and a potential audience of millions, many of whom supported him while he feigned critical thought.

As a prominent journalist Hitchens is able to avoid the restrictions, anyhow. I believe he is covered by a scheme for essential travelers which includes journalists along with the government, bureaucratic, business, UN, WHO, and philanthropic elite. He could also simply have taken his chances, as the politicians and scientists did… Cummings, Johnson, Ferguson.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Mar 1, 2021 5:39 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

About a month ago, I also posted the following; but in connection with somebody else.

These are the times that try men’s souls.
 – Thomas Paine

You believe in redemption, don’t you?
 – JFK

Mar 1, 2021 11:28 PM

i got down voted many the time mention ing the hitch knot
around and around
a gordian

all these fuckers are witches

his brother said the arab was author of own misfortune for the crimes of the talmoo ritual that was the 9 and 11

the fat drunken slob that was chistopher knew and he rejoiced in the semite slaughter
sick family

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Mar 2, 2021 11:06 AM
Reply to  gordan

“i got down voted”

Me Too!

Mar 2, 2021 12:01 PM
Reply to  gordan

same here i called bojo the butcher l;ast year in march was wow i called out U>K shillium many times and wow and called out hitchens and talk shit radio and wow
called out trump enchantment 5 years back and all the others who supported him and the dummies still believe in fair tale politics.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Mar 2, 2021 1:17 PM
Reply to  Magie

I was neutral on Trump at the start, thinking it’s all just the same old circus, but over the last couple of years I’ve come to believe there’s something more interesting going on. So I eventually (and independently) came to the conclusion that “Trump” is really Andy Kaufman, or maybe “Kaufman” was really Trump; only to find that others have been thinking the same!

Is Donald Trump Really Just Andy Kaufman in Disguise? An Investigation
By Zach Schonfeld
Sep 26, 2016

Mar 1, 2021 4:59 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Ian R Crane was fraud he used to charge big money to discuss the medical mafia and all the usual crap.
THEN the minute he got ill from eating shit food he couldn’t wait to do what he used to say to others not to do which is get radiated  how dumb, he had friends who where able to cure yes cure his so called illness’s but MR awaken decided that the medical lot route is the best choice (how did that work out 6 months later)
he also did the labour psyop he told people he never voted \the system is rigged but he told people to vote and go and vote for labour during the Russel brand psy op it is tactical voting he said.

He died due to his own negligence.

Mar 1, 2021 5:17 PM
Reply to  Magie

Don’t know the guy personally but anyone who stands up in this climate earns their spurs… even Hitchens. (Anyone who doesn’t get paid by the government is all right by me. See my earlier post on the BBC and Reuters.)

When billionaires say, “I’ll hand the excess back,” we’ll talk about money.

Mar 1, 2021 5:18 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Thanks for news of Ian R. Crane.
Most days I have been doing a search for news – to no avail.

Mar 1, 2021 3:20 PM

Every great article gets lost in the wilderness along the way – so too with this article by Edward Curtin – then finds its way out of the wilderness. This article, however, seems to have gotten stuck in the wilderness. That doesn’t lessen its beauty; it just seems odd.

The Pine-eyed Boy did not effect his escape. He lingered too long in the wilderness.

Mar 1, 2021 6:37 PM
Reply to  Howard

It may be odd, but its honest.
Honesty is often messy, To me this piece is like listening to a haunting John Field Nocturne. It meanders, wanders, never comes to any formal conclusions, its just an honest heartfelt attempt to ” make sense of it all”.

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Mar 1, 2021 2:43 PM

Fun events! This is what faithful obedience gets you…

comment image

keep enjoying the culling! Amen…

Mar 1, 2021 3:22 PM
Reply to  Voz 0db

The wonderful thing about the establishment is that it always knows in advance that these deaths won’t be caused by the vaccine. Maybe they use Tarot Cards?

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Mar 1, 2021 4:10 PM
Reply to  Howard

They do have the BEST tarot cards readers!
comment image

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Mar 1, 2021 9:43 PM
Reply to  Voz 0db

Good job!

Mar 1, 2021 2:04 PM


This was a protester yesterday in Dublin who got his arm broken by the An Garda Siochana here.

I was at this protest and the media here are calling it Far Right riot

Some even saying it’s like Capitol Hill even

They is the An Garda commission today having a meeting about how much brutality THE GARDS FACED ON SATURDAY.

Ireland is one corrupt country.

Mar 1, 2021 3:03 PM
Reply to  Arsebiscuits

Probably no worse than all the other corrupt countries, though.
Recognizing the corruption is only our starting point.
My ‘Great Reset’ involves serious attempts to remove it.

Mar 1, 2021 4:45 PM
Reply to  Arsebiscuits

Are they calling it 28/2 yet? Is AOC okay?

The controllers do seem to enjoy particularly sticking it to Ireland. Must be all that white privilege the Irish enjoyed, all those colonies and slaves they held.

Mar 1, 2021 1:56 PM

Many people in Israel are very concerned about what is happening, especially with the evocations of Nazi Germany which are worryingly apparent in the covid fraud. They are in the eye of the storm. I saw this video recently and thought it would be good to share. We need to unite and work together to get the message out and defeat this evil, the common enemy, and this message is spot-on

Mar 1, 2021 3:12 PM
Reply to  Mucho

Hey Mucho

I couldn’t get the name of this brave person. Do you have a link to the previous clip he posted?

Part of what intrigues me is the Israeli government war on its own people. Israel a gangster state certainly but interesting to see them direct against its own people which I didn’t think I’d see.

Mar 1, 2021 4:44 PM
Reply to  Loverat

Yes that is exactly what is going on, the Israeli people are feeling the full force of this agenda, they have more vaccinated than anywhere else in terms of proportion of population vaccinated but there is a sizeable portion of people who are against it and they will feel an extra dimension of will to resist because of what happened in Nazi Germany and the clear parallels with this covid agenda. He is called Gilad Rosinger

Quick Draw
Quick Draw
Mar 1, 2021 1:19 PM

The comments here are very telling. People who want to communicate even if what they say has nothing much to do with the article. What have they done to us, that our interaction with the world is reduced to comment sections? How can any change–meaningful change, be possible if all we do is spout off here and there?

During my time under house arrest, I have read even more than I usually do and I wonder why. What good does the accumulation of knowledge do if there is no action? Theory without praxis. . . I am reading Lenin by Victor Sebestyen and what strikes me most is how Lenin is someone who should have never happened. His taking power was so accidental it seems not the plans of a mastermind–even if he was highly intelligent–but of blind dumb luck. There were so many things that if only one of them had happened, we would not know who Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov ever was. And the world would be a completely different place.

It is almost as if there is a force outside of us. That there are times and seasons for everything. That no matter how we plan and no matter how we organize it will all come to nothing if the time is not right. And sometimes we just stumble into something with no plan at all. Who among us can discern the times in which we live?

Mar 1, 2021 3:08 PM
Reply to  Quick Draw

What you say about ‘a force outside of us’ rings very true, but that doesn’t mean our inner forces no longer have any meaning or purpose.
I would say the times we live in are a personal challenge for each and every one of us to discover those inner forces, and put them to good use, whether or not they fit into the sickening narrative of the outer ones which are constantly besieging us these days.

Mar 1, 2021 3:11 PM
Reply to  Quick Draw

Certain “Ideas” (in the Platonic sense) are there at certain times, and may not come again any time soon, if ever. Certain individuals have lived their lives in such a way as to enable these Ideas to be picked up, sometimes even acted upon.

But thinking everything in the universe is only there for humans absolutely sabotages any hope of picking up Ideas.

Not everyone engages a comment section to try and effect change; or even necessarily to communicate knowledge. Sometimes it’s simply putting thoughts into words.

We are fast losing the value of the written word; the day is coming when all written material will be edicts and rules. Everything else will be chicken scratches.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Mar 1, 2021 12:45 PM
Mar 1, 2021 6:30 PM

From my observation, what is considered “talent” is actually the drive or balls the small number have to actively pursue some stuff that interests them. That, in turn, makes them become good at it. More often than not, a person who has achieved something extraordinary started out as an underdog, a perceived loser, somebody with a disadvantage.

I went to school with a guy who everybody thought was a prodigy, a natural, he could make the whole auditorium resonate with a piano only (made it kinda big too). Turned out that he was wheelchair-bound as a kid, lucky to be walking. The hardship made him strong.

Check out the life of Vincent van Gogh, one of the greatest painters of all times. Hardly “talented”.

And how about this motherfucker. Burned his hand and had only two fully functional left-hand fingers. Played better than most guys in the history of music.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Mar 2, 2021 12:41 AM
Reply to  Jacques

I like your comment but my link is just fiction, man! A story that connects to the darkness, like this:


Mar 2, 2021 7:05 AM

The stories are fine, the comment wasn’t meant to detract from it. I only wanted to clarify that the common notion that “talent” is inborn. It ain’t. It’s the result of hard work, willingness to go the extra mile, the balls to tell others to fuck off and go one’s own way, that sort of thing.
Speaking about Berlin, I’ve only visited once. Not sure what to think about the city itself. Too sprawled out for my tastes. I like the intimacy and mystery of small zigzag streets. I’m spoiled by having grown up in one of the world’s most beautiful towns. Anyway, I had the most phantasmagorical experience in Berlin, truly extraordinary, unfortunately not something you’d discuss on the Internet. For that you’d need a cozy weinstube .. 😉 …

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Mar 2, 2021 7:13 AM
Reply to  Jacques

“Anyway, I had the most phantasmagorical experience in Berlin, truly extraordinary, unfortunately not something you’d discuss on the Internet. For that you’d need a cozy weinstube”

You can’t just tease it like that and say NOTHING about it! laugh

Mar 2, 2021 11:04 AM

Lets meet in one of them weinstubes or bierstubes in Berlin and exchange stories …

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Mar 3, 2021 9:13 AM
Reply to  Jacques

Shoot a signal flare when you’re in town…!

Mar 3, 2021 11:49 AM

You live in Berlin …?

mara m
mara m
Mar 1, 2021 12:45 PM

Thank you Ed for your brilliant piece. The frustration I have been feeling re this lockdown has triggered memories of a child who was burdened with the projected far deeper frustrations of baltic european parents who ended up in Nazi Germany, and whose dreams for their life went to the grave with them. My father as I knew him never wanted to live – even his 10 children were not enough to make him happy. The hurting inner child I held and comforted today has handed those exposed burdens to Jesus (we lived our life under the kitchen image of the Sacred Heart as children) …

And David Martin has started a new series, intentionally gathering people who want to hammer out a new vision that we can implement in the world. see also below


George Mc
George Mc
Mar 1, 2021 12:21 PM

I just caught a newspaper headline: “Pathway out of lockdown is as clear as mud!” with a picture of Nicola Sturgeon. The same mechanism which has been used all along: first, hit everyone with news of the deadly plague and then, before they have a chance to think about it, issue loud denunciations of “incompetent” leaders, thus diverting all criticism away from the deadliness of the virus and towards how it’s “being mishandled”.

Donald Duck
Donald Duck
Mar 1, 2021 12:07 PM

Here’s an interesting headline from today’s I newspaper (which used to be called The Independent). As follows:

”Mutant Brazil strain in UK: Race to stop infection.”

Is anyone surprised at this? The great lockdown show must go on. Now we have a new strain. It reads:

”Mutant strain which may be more resistant to vaccines entered the country just days before hotel quarantine was introduced for high-risk areas.”

It has been my view all along that if these ‘new strains’ did not exist then they would have to be invented – which is exactly what is happening.

We said that the lockdown would continue because that has been the strategy all along, and it will continue to be the case. The process is just starting and we will never get back to normal.

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 1, 2021 12:32 PM
Reply to  Donald Duck

Well the original virus was reported breathlessly from the “shocking” news that very old people with multiple illnesses were dying. This commonplace event was whipped up into hysteria over what was basically a rebranding of death itself as “covid”. And once you put that out there, you can rely on the most gullible, of which there are legions, to improvise their own reports from the front of the new war zone (which happens to be everywhere).

And when it looks like you might be running out of steam, drum up a variant here, a variant there etc.

The franchise is still relatively new. Who knows what inventions it may inspire yet?

Timothy Drayton
Timothy Drayton
Mar 1, 2021 5:54 PM
Reply to  Donald Duck

Also, each strain will no doubt require a new vaccine.

May Hem
May Hem
Mar 1, 2021 9:31 PM

So the ‘variants’ have now become ‘mutant strains’. Perhaps this sounds more frightening. What will be the next term the propaganda marketing team comes up with?

Mar 1, 2021 9:28 PM
Reply to  Donald Duck

Of course they’re being invented. Like everything else.

Henden Tex
Henden Tex
Mar 1, 2021 12:06 PM

The far right media who have opposed the covid measures have revealed their roll as the champions of the vaccines!

Mar 1, 2021 5:04 PM
Reply to  Henden Tex

ow yes they have

Mar 1, 2021 8:53 AM

“a universe of disembodied data.”

No ..

Now, it is the DATA that has ALL the meanings and ALL the values.

It is the people’s soul and dignity that has been disembodied and hollowed out.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Mar 1, 2021 1:56 PM
Reply to  Serf

Hello Serf: Right on observation. Like all wars, the data war is crushing people’s souls …

Mar 2, 2021 1:55 PM

Not without a willingness to accept a soul-crushing narrative as Lord over you. No one HAS to fixate in horror, terror or conflict – but in the recoil from owning our experience we set such fixation by looking everywhere ELSE – which is a negatively defined identity fixation. Owning an error is the freedom to release it or let it go. When Jesus said ‘resist ye not evil’ he was not talking to the ‘world’ but to the mind that would judge its world and become subject to its own measure. Truth shows you you are free, by aligning freely instead of fixating on the hated and feared. Once we are centred, grounded or established in presence rather than dissociated reflex to ancient fears, we can discern the willingness of the situation and move or work to correct the error rather than attack our own hate seen in another. If we don’t practice love in our everyday, we may not find the wherewithal to resist temptation to fear and masking when baited or triggered to react. The compression, is part of the end of a larger cycle, that is experienced as destructive to our invested illusions. An alternative to invested self-illusion is aligning in self-honesty to the essence or seed qualities of our experience. The elites want more time to play ‘king of the castle’, and so are seeking to frame what is happening anyway to their own narrative controls. (Elitism of self-excepting judgement of others is not limited to billionaires). Tyranny needs consent by coercion and deceit. You say – ‘That is not consent!’ but what we say needs to be backed up in what we think and do, or else we ‘reluctantly’ surrender to an ‘overwhelming’ force under self-justified exception. Like Hitchens. The fact is he fully consented to… Read more »

Mar 2, 2021 1:22 PM
Reply to  Serf

My own tangent of reflection to your post goes beyond any personal response as well as deep or dense considerations and so the whole for anyone interested is at: https://willingness-to-listen.blogspot.com/2021/03/conflicted-meaning-seeks-external.html But it starts out thus: Empirical verifications are valid for reality testing, but data is in itself ‘meaningless’. It has no ‘built in’ meanings. (Though if ‘You Say So’, you shall have your reward). Selection and interpretation are part of ‘what?’, ‘why?’ and ‘what for?’ – or ‘to what end?’.  Nothing is ‘in itself’ and so recognising Wholeness is in everything is recognising everything in Context. Thus to truly know, the mind of modelling reality is stilled or rested, to be spontaneously renewed as the aligned expression of you and your world as relational felt presence.  You are the source of all meaning, given and received, for your experience of a world is all the meaning you give it, and receive. But you are alone in nothing, for Meaning of Life IS Extension or sharing. This is what we have forgotten in locked down masking narratives of an isolating ‘possession and control’ agenda – that operates backwards to the hollowing dispossession to a masking in grotesque and absurd or insane parody of life that knows not what it does. So, do not take the bait of the temptation to feed it. But where a phished identity to inner conflict, gives conflicted meanings, we ‘cast out’ meaning through the ‘archetypes’ of conflicted and broken constellations. Garbage in; garbage out!  Seeking to regain Meaning within a conflicted or meaningless world, is the persistence and protection of ‘pet projects’ or protected narrative identities, that invests in the complex of masking denials and evasions … that must all come home to roost, as our capacity to maintain the mask of distance gives way to… Read more »

Schmitz Katze
Schmitz Katze
Mar 1, 2021 6:26 AM

Freedom for Me, Rule of Law for Thee PCR-TEST is useless if you have NO symptoms. Prime Minister Mark Rutte of the Netherlands during press event February 5, 2021. NIJS You have never been tested? RUTTE No. NIJS Not at all? RUTTE Not at all. No. NIJS Not even at meetings, that it was still, even if you could always keep the one and a half,(meter) wasn’t it wise to just do a quick test or… RUTTE You can’t, doesn’t make sense. It doesn’t make sense to test if you don’t have any symptoms. NIJS But not a quick test either? I think I do agree with colleagues that you also sometimes get tested before a talk show or whatever. RUTTE No, but the rule is that you… The PCR test is useless if you have no symptoms. NIJS No, but… And later with teachers then for example with rapid tests that we will then introduce? RUTTE Of course we’re working on it, the whole testing system is being refined more and more. So you discover… Well to begin with, the capacity of the test lanes has expanded enormously and much more can be done there. In addition, the technology of rapid testing is getting better and better, and as it gets better, you can of course do more and more. And then it can also play a role in schools, it can play a role in making it possible for something to open up in society as long as the vaccine has insufficient effect. But it’s not that far yet with these rapid tests. NIJS No and so for you not yet either? RUTTE Well, I’m no different from you, no. NIJS No, okay. RUTTE But there’s no point in getting tested if you don’t have any symptoms. Translated… Read more »

Mar 1, 2021 8:04 AM
Reply to  Schmitz Katze

Yes, our PM is such a swell guy. He almost tells the truth, yet a half truth is still a lie.

Yes, the PCR test doesn’t work for asymptomatic cases, Rutte is right about that.

But you also get many false positives if you test in symptomatic cases

And what are the symptoms for covid anyway?

Now what you will definitely not hear the PM talk about is that elderly patients with shortness of breath, dry cough, high temp who mainly consist of men with obesity and have high clotting levels in their system have pulmonary embolism unless evidence shows they have not. And not (what foolish doctors say: have Covid once the test is positive after which you hook them up on ventilators). But perhaps that day will come one day for our prime minister to acknowledge this. Point is: you don’t need a prime minister or doctor to know this.

Btw, if I recall correctly, Rutte’s mother died last year in a nursing home, and Rutte decided not to see his dying mother because of Covid. I am mentioning this As an example that that this type of hubris (that covid is) is getting everyone who willingly or unwillingly gets along with ‘the rules’. By now, I would say, Rutte should be enraged by the ‘advice’ he received from his advisors when his mother died. But given the show that you shared above, he doesn’t seem to be that far. Yet…

We are led by incompetent, lying idiots who are so foolish that they probably believe their own lies.

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Mar 1, 2021 2:47 PM
Reply to  Willem

PCR IS NOT A TESTso it doesn’t matter if you’ve symptoms or not.

Mar 1, 2021 3:12 PM
Reply to  Voz 0db

Thank you, Voz. That is indeed the whole point.
It is NOT a test.
These days I get an allergic rash if I hear the word, “test”…

Mar 1, 2021 4:59 PM
Reply to  Willem

From michel chossudovsky – global research


“the issue about false positives is a red herring because even a true positive doesn’t mean you have c19 – it could be any virus – like the common cold – and also it doesn’t mean you are infected or are infectious..”

Mar 1, 2021 7:51 PM
Reply to  richard

Or it could mean you are either a human, goat or a papaya

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Mar 3, 2021 9:19 AM
Reply to  fame

Yep… that’s the best part!

Mar 1, 2021 6:15 AM

My grandfather hanged himself in a shitty basement Gestapo cell somewhere in Dresden. A prominent member of the Resistance, he was arrested after the successful execution of Operation Anthropoid, which left that motherfucker Reinhard Heydrich with a large enough hole in his belly to make him croak. Grandpa acted as a spy of sorts, a liaison between the allies courtesy of his education and proficiency in multiple languages; he knew that he wouldn’t withstand another day of brutal interrogations and would give out his brothers in arms. He wrote on the pocket lining of his pants “I die an honorable death”. I grew up listening to wartime stories told by grandma who thanks to her strength survived concentration camp and was able to reunite with my mom whom brave people kept in hiding from the fucking Nazis throughout the war. I’ve always felt an obligation to live up to the legacy of my grandpa who paid the highest price in an effort to save humanity from Evil. I never quite have … 😀 … I’ve written a lot of shit, but nothing anywhere close to the books and newspaper articles grandfather had managed to write before leaving the world at a fairly young age. Likewise, although I’ve lived the life of a free man, I haven’t done much to help others break free. Frankly, I don’t subscribe to the notion that anybody should. I don’t believe in leaders, in society composed of leaders and followers. I believe in a world, society, composed of self-confident individuals who both defend their and respect others’ freedom. Join forces if needed on a voluntary basis. That’s probably utopian, but that’s my vision of the world. Anyway, it’s time for everybody to reflect on freedom per se and what they’re willing to do to achieve… Read more »

Mar 1, 2021 7:27 AM
Reply to  Jacques

Jacques I think those who will be humane humans so to say, take responsibility for their acts, towards themselves and others, who will stand up to tyranny, stretch out a hand in compassion when they see someone falling, will always be in the minority. You cant expect it to be otherwise. We’re all at different levels of spiritual development. Your grandparents represent the very best of humanity, like my parents were, and you cant expect most to be like them. You cant expect most to live freely. Freedom is scary for most. It requires an immense sense of responsibility. You cant even expect most to let others to live as they wish, freely or not. Ive for the first time in my life had to live in physically close quarters or at least have dealings with a wide variety of people because of the measures and now situation I find myself in, a broken leg in a foreign country with measures that make it impossible to return home. I realise how much I had been protected from people until now. I had previously too widely mixed, but kept distances almost instinctively. Anyhow what I have seen is ugly, so repulsive, so grotesque, so inhuman that I have no longer any trust in humans, both those within and without the narrative. Ive especially lost trust because of those without. Those within you dont expect anything better from them. Where are the people like your grandparents? Where are the people like my parents? Has that minority now disappeared, are there none left in this world? Well I had met one in the last month, and do you know he is dying alone in a hospital because he was not operated in time because of the lockdowns and the conversion of the health… Read more »

Mar 1, 2021 9:04 AM
Reply to  Annette

“Where are the people?”

Good question. The fact is that during the decades leading up to last year, people did enjoy a considerable degree of freedom. Those who wanted, that is. Many people chose semi-slavery, but it could be argued that the extent of freedom available to people was the greatest in history.

That freedom didn’t come on its own, it was achieved thanks to huge efforts on the part of our ancestors worldwide. I’d hope that there is a little bit of the freedom-seeking grandfather in most if not all of us, and that it will eventually wake up and blow the technocratic dystopian motherfuckers off the face of the Earth.

At least, I hope so … ha ha …

Mar 1, 2021 1:43 PM
Reply to  Jacques

I hope you are right Jacques. My experience in the last month would make me say you are only partly right. On the one hand the university educated (esp. from well known ones), which I simply could not have believed how stupid they were, had I not been forced by circumstances to live with one my contemporaries who took the opportunity to call everyone else she knows from those days. Totally and utterly stupid, to an unbelievable extent. I never knew since I kept my distances in those younger days at least with this particular crowd, the one that becomes your typical alumni. They never were free, yes they go about as though they were free, but Id say many in past centuries and millennia were far freer. They’re not free because they havent even got an inkling that what is not pure mainstream, pure government stamped, could be true. So the day for this successful group begins by “Alexa, give me the news”. I leave the rest, you can easily extrapolate. Hint: “Alexa, give me classical music”, Never once have I heard them pronounce the name of a composer or performer “Alexa give me happy music”. This last is amazing. In fact they were saying how there had been an experiment with “happy pills” in some mental health hospital, and that it had had wonderful effects. They see no problem with pills that would erase your memory, and think there will be pills to make people forget racism. In short they are looking forward to a life of zombies. Now certainly they, or at least their children, are getting fed up of lockdowns. But they are so zombified, that Im not quite sure to be free means for them. Simply to have access to a lot of fun and… Read more »

Mar 1, 2021 2:22 PM
Reply to  Jacques

Freedoms will return Jacques, but not for the reasons they should. Good things never happen for the correct reasons.
Ex-French president Sarkozy has been sentenced to 3 years in jail, 2 suspended, but 1 truly in jail (though he’ll appear I guess, I dont know, and try to avoid it) for bribing some judge during his presidency. Something so minor among what he did and which frankly I cant recall: so he may truly go to jail for 1 year, but not for crimes against humanity in Libya… And he wont spend the rest of his life in jail either…
So yes we might get crumbs like that. Now evidently I hope you are right, and that my vision is too dark: it never was so dark, which is why my books have so far held out hope, but possibly my experience since the beginning of the dystopia with people both without and within the narrative is making me too negative. So lets hope you are right Jacques.

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Mar 3, 2021 9:30 AM
Reply to  Annette

That terrorist example is the perfect one! It shows the real low level of Compassion that we uman animals indeed posses nowadays.

But for the purpose of maintaining the “DEMOCRATIC” CIRCUS alive it serves an even higher purpose. It allows to create the illusion that the “sub-system “justice” works and equally effects every modern slave.

I can bet a Fine Glass of USofT Flint Water that that terrorist mother fu c ker will spend that 1 year in mansion arrest. Something most of us modern slaves now consider to be a “good life”!

Mar 1, 2021 3:21 PM
Reply to  Annette

Those people are so few, Annette, that we will almost certainly never hear about them.
Those who are close to them know who they are, and that’s the best we can hope for.
The criminals running everything today are never going to resign voluntarily, so either large-scale violence will remove them – to be replaced later by more violence – or one or two isolated heroes, who happen to be close to people with political influence, might conceivably persuade them to remember what a human being is supposed to be.
If they don’t know what a human being is supposed to be, then they need to be gently reminded that it means not being an animal or a machine.

Mar 1, 2021 3:24 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Strike that “be gently reminded” bit…
I don’t do gentle reminders any more.

Mar 1, 2021 4:39 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Yes Wardropper. I know they’re trying, trying their utmost. But sometimes they too lose hope. They too have days when they feel very low. But yes, they’ll keep trying, trying until their last breadth to bring back some sort of humane life, at least the freedoms back. They lose hope because they feel so alone.

Mar 1, 2021 5:44 AM

This advice from Lao Tse is not out of place here: “You can bring about anything you want to bring about. It is a matter of practice and power of manifestation. Once you have integrated the creation of individual space into your daily life, you can experiment with it. Becoming invisible or making yourself invisible is easy once you have created the basis for it. It’s all a matter of aligning with your divine consciousness. The higher your natural vibration is and the longer you can keep it constant, the greater the possibilities this energy field offers you. Be playful with it. Avoid any thought of effort or training.”

Could be handy if vaccination becomes mandatory…

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Mar 1, 2021 6:24 AM
Reply to  elsewhere

I am not going to comment on the quote itself, but how did it ever become attributed to Lao Tse??

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Mar 1, 2021 5:00 AM

The essential American soul is hard, isolate, stoic, and a killer. It has never yet melted.”

Let’s see here…

Grates? Check.
Fuckerberg? Check.
Benzos? Check.

Need I go on?

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Mar 1, 2021 6:17 AM


Its objective is to pump shit into you until you… croak.

comment image

Tim Glass
Tim Glass
Mar 1, 2021 4:32 AM

The world is ready for a revolution. I can feel it. Tell us where to look and what to do, Mr. Curtin.

Mar 1, 2021 7:26 AM
Reply to  Tim Glass

I’m afraid that you’re right and I’m afraid that it’s not us, the people, who is staging the fucking revolution.

At the moment, it’s the people who hold power through the democratic system, as fucked up as it is. The revolution, or global coup d’etat, we’re witnessing is being perpetrated against us by technocratic motherfuckers.

Would a revolution by the people toward another societal developmental stage be in order? A good question. Probably, given how utterly fucking corrupt the purportedly democratic world has become. But people are not staging no such revolution because they’re too comfortable in the existing system. For the time being. They haven’t had much of a reason to formulate a new concept, which they would embrace and which they would stage a revolution to move toward. Or even evolve in the direction. People are too fucking busy worrying about the number of pixels on their next smartphone.

That would have probably changed in due time.

The technocratic motherfuckers are smart sons of bitches and they knew that they might find themselves in hot water and, given the historical circumstances, they’re staging a revolution to steer the course of history to their benefit. They don’t want no world of social justice, more for everyone, better life for all. They want more for themselves.

Do we need revolution? Fuck, yeah. But first we need to know what we’ll be revolting FOR. Then we need to make as many people as possible understand that it’s in their interest to go that route.

At the moment, the best we have is going back to the pre-CV-1984 status quo. That’s a pretty low shitty ambition if you ask me because the pre-CV-1984 status quo is precisely what got us in this deep shit.

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Mar 1, 2021 12:03 PM
Reply to  Jacques

Yup. The NWO is being implemented as a ‘revolution from above’. Of course, what we actually need is a revolution from below.

We’ll see …

Mar 1, 2021 9:37 PM
Reply to  Seamus Padraig

Anything truly grassroots is nipped in the bud, circumvented, harnessed or infiltrated and directed. Anything coming from the top is meticulously cradled, nurtured and inflicted upon societies.

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Mar 2, 2021 8:48 PM
Reply to  Ooink

Sad, but true.

Mar 1, 2021 12:59 PM
Reply to  Tim Glass

The “revolution” just might come, not from any human, but from the Earth itself. Earth is doubtless getting tired of everything we humans have done and are doing to it. It’s ready perhaps to move beyond our infantile “ownership” of it.

Earth might be getting anxious to join its sister Venus in the next phase of its existence after having allowed its human “masters” to ready it to move on – without us.

This is all fanciful speculation, of course. But name something that isn’t?

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Mar 1, 2021 2:14 PM
Reply to  Howard

Hello Howard: Not fanciful at all. All of man’s ambitions will be suffocated in a series of enormous methane farts. Methane eruptions are already off the chart in places like Siberia. Venus syndrome will clear the lying atmosphere — forever…

Mar 1, 2021 4:03 PM

So few even know of methane; and if they do, they relegate it to Titan. Plus, it’s frustrating to hear otherwise rational people like James Corbett and Vernon Coleman dismiss climate change as merely the handiwork of the Gates’Sorors’Davos crowd.

But methane will have the last word – we can all bank on that.

Tim Glass
Tim Glass
Mar 1, 2021 9:19 PM
Reply to  Howard

You made my day. At least there’s one awake person who’s not insane about climate science. Of course, Gates, Rockefeller cronies etc are taking advantage of it but…that doesn’t negate the crisis.
Climate-Change Summary – Nature Bats Last (guymcpherson.com)

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Mar 1, 2021 11:42 PM
Reply to  Tim Glass

Hello Tim Glass: Guy McPherson has provided an accurate climate analysis for decades. Unfortunately; he’s been ignored and ridiculed by propaganda experts in the pockets of the Rockefeller Foundation. Petroleum interests know how well double-speak tactics work …

The Rockefeller Way: The Family’s Covert ‘Climate Change’ Plan
Global Research, May 28, 2019

Persons such as James Corbett, Noam Chomsky, Chris Hedges, and other talking heads, will soon choke – just like the rest of us…

Mar 1, 2021 9:39 PM
Reply to  Howard

What you’re predicting is the end of the world…always a very popular prediction.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Mar 1, 2021 11:25 PM
Reply to  Howard

Howard: ‘we can bank on that’. I appreciate your very dry sense of humor. Thanks for that…

Tim Glass
Tim Glass
Mar 1, 2021 3:55 AM

…freedom and revolt…comes unexpectedly. Out of the blue. It lurks in the shadowy clouds as an invisible force, always ready to strike. You have to be alert and know where to look. Listen. You have to want to see it, to catch its energy.

The world is ready to revolt. I can feel it. Tell me where to look and what to do, as long as it doesn’t involve hurting anyone.

Schmitz Katze
Schmitz Katze
Mar 1, 2021 2:36 AM

We have art in order not to die of the truth „ Friedrich Nietzsche

Stockholm: Covid, Tango and The Lagom Way
is a balanced and informative documentary, using tango as a metaphor for Sweden’s approach to coronavirus.
It was filmed in September 2020 and finished editing January 2021. The statistics at the end cover the excess deaths for 2020. It is unfortunate and telling that they have buckled under pressure-)

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Mar 1, 2021 12:07 PM
Reply to  Schmitz Katze

Yes, it is indeed sad that Sweden finally buckled, but not at all surprising. After all, it’s such an Illuminati-controlled country that it was always unlikely they’d be forever permitted to mock ‘the plague’ in such a public fashion.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Mar 1, 2021 3:24 PM
Reply to  Schmitz Katze

Hello Schmitz Katze: This is an excellent presentation, but I have serious issues with the propaganda. The nonsense that old=vulnerable is social programming. Old is old, period. Vulnerability? Vulnerability to what? The elderly are being attacked because they happen to be “older”. Old is an arbitrary designation, and it’s total bullshit.

I happen to be getting older than I once was… Hello? Does that somehow translate into I’m vulnerable? Old=Isolate. Old=Don’t visit. Old=Quarantine. Old=Don’t resuscitate.

Anyhow, thanks for posting. It is a pretty well done film.

Mar 1, 2021 1:25 AM

I just went for it..I wanted to survive..

I have sometimes thought, it is really bad..but you have got to go with you have got…and then I think oh FFS can you ask me first…when I give too much responsibilty and it completely f’cks up, and I take full responsibilty, and never mentioned the person who f’cked up..OK I may well have taken him into a private office – why didn’t you phone me??

I really wanted him to learn my job…it was me who wanted to leave…we got it all working again…and I did leave…Years later whilst walking home with my wife…we bumped in to each other again – – and we just hugged each other – so glad to see each other again..what have you been doing mate…I can see you are still with your lovely wife. I never met his.

We used to work together, and he has been invited into my home many times. I have never been invited into his, but he got my job, when I was ready to leave. The stuff we were doing was quite important. It was about providing essential services. If the system stopped working…even for a few hours, the communications systems were liable to completely breakdown..which meant that people might die.

Our Cultures and Colours had come from different parts of the World…but that didn’t matter – I still seriously slagged him off. Phone me up next time.


Mar 1, 2021 1:23 AM

The extinction of the whales is another of history’s tragedies. Most whales have baleen rather than teeth. I have had the privilege of being 15 metres from a humpback on a brief voyage to the Antarctic peninsula in 2017. Almost 4 years exactly to the day.

Mar 1, 2021 12:33 AM

effort at external regime change should be illegal under international law.

seems to me the best way to regain and re-acquire domestic independence, freedom of movement, and bottom up democracy is to force into international law, instead of opposing the nation state, rules that restrain, the owners of the nation state and their political puppets from behaving in certain ways.

Bottom up created, rule based international law, should be developed not by the leaders of the nation states, or any international body, nor by any agency or corporation, but instead should be proposed by the community of independent humanity (everyone in the world who is not a part of a government or a corporation or institution. The proposal of a rule should be debated by the members of the independent community and the outcome made into international law.

Once international laws are established, member can find ways to enforce nation state conformance to bottom up established international laws.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Mar 1, 2021 3:35 PM
Reply to  name

Hello name: Sorry. You don’t get it. International law has gotten us into the mess we are already in. We don’t need some kind of international mommies and daddies to spank us when we’ve been naughty.

Independent Nation States that retain economic sovereignty and self rule, will put an end to ALL international bullshit. You’ve bought into the New World Order lie. It’s the lie of freedom through personal exclusion.

my parents said know
my parents said know
Mar 1, 2021 12:23 AM

I wrote this over at the original post. Fathers are…complex.

I could love my father, once he was gone
and his terrible tantrums were finally done.
I could sift through the nightmares and pull out the thread
Of a man who was lovable, once he was dead.

Mar 1, 2021 12:49 AM

I also had a very difficult relationship with my father.

My father, during his final few years, wanted to see me again (we hadn’t seen each other for more than a decade).

I went back to the UK, and was there during his final months, and I was there to bury him.

My dear father, of course, cut me out of his will (and my father wasn’t skint).

But I honestly don’t care about any of that. My father and I had a very long history, with family stuff and business stuff, and all the rest of it.

He was still my father, though. During that final time of his life we had a lot of good chats together, because we shared so much history.

I always knew that the old bastard would cut me out of his will.

The worst thing you can do is to get bitter about these things.

I held my father’s hand shortly before he died.

Sally Snyder
Sally Snyder
Mar 1, 2021 2:29 AM

Absolutely perfect. I could not have said it any better.

Mar 1, 2021 12:15 AM

when i grew up, there was no fear…we had already been bombed to sh1t, and played in bombed out cotton mills on the way home..but it was just normal…Sure bombs had been dropping on our mums and dad’s and older brothers sisters….and I can’t think of a worst nightmare when the bombers come overhead, and then it goes silent until your home gets a direct hit..and yet you survive..

So primary school – well we didn’t know any different, and we sung Ee Aye Addio we’ve won the war.
Some of us were very naughty…

But we didn’t lie..what’s the point..you know you are guilty…if you confess the chances are you will be forgiven, especially if you say sorry…and no one remembers after a bit

But if you lie, you might get away with it a few times, but within a short space of time, when you keep repeating what you know are lies, you lose trust.

Most liars get exposed, for one simple reason..it is very hard to remember a lie…If you were there and saw it and experienced you remember..the full details if it was an incident of any consequence, and you are totally prepared to give witness evidence under oath in a court of law…

What else would you like to know?


Mar 1, 2021 12:07 AM

CAUGHT: BBC/Reuters Paid to Undermine Nations, Influence Elections  UK foreign ministry pays Reuters and the BBC to run covert programs aimed at promoting regime change inside Russia. Thomson Reuters Foundation and BBC Media Action submit bids to UK FCO Counter Disinformation & Media Development (CDMD) programme, funded $8.3 million through 2022. [Note that much bigger sums come through tax-exempt foundations like those of Bill Gates who channels $10s of millions to the BBC. Gates also works with the TRF.] BBC proposed inflaming conflict regions like the Donbas in eastern Ukraine, “targeting audiences in breakaway regions”. Reuters and the BBC solicited multimillion-dollar contracts to cultivate Russian journalists through FCO-funded tours and training sessions, establish influence networks. In bids and proposals, Reuters boasted of a global influence network of 15,000 journalists and staff, including 400 inside Russia. The UK FCO warned that “Kremlin-affiliated structures” could undermine the project if it was exposed. The programme involved creating media, journalists, “independent” news outlets like Bellingcat, Meduza and the Pussy-riot funded Mediazona (all of which are funded by the UK FCO) to satisfy the UK FCO demand for media that weakens Russia. This included Bellingcat and Atlantic Council DFR Lab intervening in North Macedonia’s 2019 elections on behalf of the pro-NATO candidate. The UK funded and managed Russian YouTubers and “activated” anti-government protest content. Previously the UK FCO funded a troll farm called the Institute for Statecraft based at a fake address, in turn running Integrity Initiative to intervene in UK domestic politics, for example attacking former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn. Journalists” contracted to propagandize British Muslims under the cover of a de-radicalization initiative — likewise Australian media. The leaked documents, HMG Trojan Horse. Part 4, confirm what the UK gov has previously denied. It rejected Freedom Of Information requests and discredited parlimentarians who… Read more »

Feb 28, 2021 11:27 PM

Spring is completely normal. It has happened every year in my 67 years of life. I actually think its going to get better very soon. We have already been asked..are you two going..we have already got tickets

I know I can be quite a miserable sod, predicting the death of the entire human race, replaced by Hilary Clinton clones…

I haven’t bought any tickets yet, but I have bought a load of seed potatoes…in case it gets even worse.

My inspiration was partly the BBC TV Series The Good Life..

I was never much like him, but his tv wife…it was just her natural sense of humour… a bit like Goldie Hawn..but in a BBC TV Studio…

whilst my wife had been doing it for years..volunteering growing stuff at both local community allotments and private ones..

She keeps telling me I am doing it all wrong…and so I forget about “my” last years potatoes underground despite the severe frost and snow

My wife thought it was a weed.

We have been eating that potato all week. It was enormous.

“Tom and Barbara’s home-brewed wine | The Good Life | BBC Comedy Greats”


Mar 1, 2021 12:03 AM
Reply to  tony_0pmoc

I’ve got 30 bottles of ‘Black Cat wine’, if you fancy one. This is the crop from our back terrace from last summer.

I call it wine, but it’s a little bit stronger than that.

It’s a good idea to water it down with tonic, or whatever you fancy; otherwise you might pass out.

‘The Good Life’ was a brilliant programme.

Feb 28, 2021 11:13 PM

Civil obedience. In addition to the wearing of at least one mask at all times, an additional device is recommended for safe interaction in public. The approved equipment is shown herewith. All adults and children are required to wear such equipment in the absence of advice not to, until further notice. Flatten the curve!comment image

S Cooper
S Cooper
Feb 28, 2021 11:30 PM
Reply to  Roberto

“All it takes is WE WILL NOT OBEY and be prepared to fight and die for that.”
comment image

“Time to share the pain.”

Feb 28, 2021 11:05 PM

“the mischievous writer Roald Dahl”.

Mischievous…. and a British intelligence operative.

The number of “great” children’s writers who turn out to have extremely dubious things in their biographies once you start digging into them is so enormous it cannot be a coincidence.

Feb 28, 2021 11:45 PM
Reply to  Edwige

roald dahl
manys the time had a paul gadd around for dinner
the leader the leader
the leader of the gang gary glitter

hello boyz
hello sophie
guess whos cumin to dinner

a house full of school girls posh totty
a writer sick twisted
a story
a drama
call it
tavistock trauma

an over nighter
and gadd paul gadd

gary glitter
leader of the gang.

alistair crowley liked the young boy roald when introduced by victor r khazar
when you are grown
do as thou wilt my son
my boy
as i will do unto you

and so it goes on

nothing new just admiralty

just satan my sun

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 1, 2021 9:27 AM
Reply to  Edwige

And who are today’s children’s writers? David Walliams and David Baddiel! Baddiel was one of the prominent voices in the attack against “anti-Semitism” in the Labour Party. As for Walliams, well I just thought I’d mention him because he’s such a prick!

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Mar 1, 2021 12:16 PM
Reply to  George Mc

You forgot Free-Masoness J.K. Rowling.

Mar 1, 2021 2:29 PM
Reply to  Seamus Padraig

a man in a dress just like the moose that runs the new zealand zio corporation

fluid is the buzzword they key to success today

Mar 1, 2021 4:52 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Anyone who claims to be a children’s writer should be put in jail for fraud and child abuse. What they are writing is what children’s parents would like to have written for their offspring. And children are then forced to endure the muck.

Feb 28, 2021 10:38 PM

Where the adults have given up, I say hand it over to the kids; where we’ve lost our balls, maybe they can interject a little mischief. I’m currently in discussion with my 13 year old daughter on whether we can start the next revolution based on taking the piss at her school. Played right with a smidgen of composure, it’s possible. We just need a few rehearsals, taking into consideration the retaliation and arguments that will arise from the teachers and the school; and whether my little girl can hold her own in the face of ignorance and aggression. The way I see it, the government will be counting on their manipulation of numbers and propaganda directed around the kids returning to school in order to reassert the narrative, interjecting some much need vitality back into their waning fear mongering. The old people have had their 5 minutes of fame and with Summer coming, the case counts will be dropping, so let’s whip up some paternal emotions. My kids currently have exemption from mask wearing in their school, along with testing, after I asked the head mistress to sign for liability. After a few emails she accepted and my kids waltzed into class being the only ones not adorning the face nappies whilst walking the corridors in between lessons. Now that they’re due to go back, I have reminded the teachers, that although the new rules have now asked masks are worn at all times, my objection still remains. Anyway, you can only imagine the crap my kids initially received last term by all the other kids. Luckily my guys are cool so they laughed it off. However this time round there is an opportunity for some fun. All the kids naturally were asking my guys why they weren’t wearing,… Read more »

Mar 1, 2021 2:14 AM
Reply to  Glen

A fine post which brings back some memories. Sounds like you have great kids. My niece is the same age, every time I see her I can tell she knows this is all wrong. Yet, I have to go along with it so as not to say anything to contradict too much her mother.

I recall at 13 in my boys school we used to wear maroon blazers and had ‘gobbing'(spitting) fights’ behind the bike sheds. The best gobber in the year was nicknamed ‘greeny’ . I never caught anything although my blazer was covered in greenies as gobfighting was not my strongest subject (I was at a disadvantage being the youngest in my year)

Fortunately at around that time we stopped that child’s stuff and took up smoking. Much cooler and meant I only had to explain to my parents why my jacket stunk of smoke rather than why it was covered in gob stains.

Those were the days. Unlike now, we had a good school PE regime which channelled our excesses and bad habits positively. I recall at weekends I used to travel with friends on pedal bikes – we’d go half way from London to Brighton – stopping for cigarette breaks on the way. In those days we were fit but unruly.

Anyway, the lesson is give your kids freedom to make their own choices and making them aware of different viewpoints. It worked for me.

Incidentally, Anyone remember those bendy rulers in class which were ideal for launching missiles, gob included?

Peter Sky
Peter Sky
Mar 1, 2021 9:35 AM
Reply to  Glen

The masking is an extreme form of cohersion. It’s not voluntary. It’s only voluntary in the sense the school does not want to be held liable and thus claims it is the choice of the child whilst applying extreme guilt tripping and abuse to coerse the child into wearing one. Even if your kids are not wearing one they are still harmed by seeing masked kids around them.

Mar 1, 2021 10:04 AM
Reply to  Glen

Your post put a big smile on my face. I remember having to stay after school for days, having to glue a thousand spitwads onto cardboard paper as punishment for shooting them at the teacher after class when no one else was around. I often caused trouble without getting into trouble. I don’t have any children. I am “terrible” around kids, always encouraging them to play, be mischievous and teaching them to be rebellious without getting into trouble. A bad influence on my nieces and nephews and friends’ kids. I make the kids very aware that I oppose all the nonsense, directly and indirectly. https://www.globalresearch.ca/video-the-house-cat-flu-is-coming-the-meow-apocalypse/5710033

The hand held devices are controlling. I wonder what change can be made. In the summer when there were no restrictions here, I mainly saw young adults (late teens early twenties) wearing masks—I blamed it on the phones. But now I see most resistance to the restrictions coming from the same age group. And that is very encouraging.

If everyone on the bus suddenly took off their face masks, would they all get kicked off the bus? If everyone in the store took off their face masks would they all get kicked out?

Mar 2, 2021 1:38 AM
Reply to  Glen

I wish there were millions more parents like you!! Great post!!

David G Horsman
David G Horsman
Mar 2, 2021 2:40 AM
Reply to  Glen

I dunno if this is wise Glen. The last guy to try this ended up “voluntarily” drinking hemlock.

Feb 28, 2021 9:54 PM

Steered Away ?

I hope we are not being steered away from discussion of history’s grimmest dystopia. The DNA altering poison is here and will kill vast numbers. We need to push back in every way we can.

Feb 28, 2021 10:31 PM
Reply to  Peter
Ernest Judd
Ernest Judd
Feb 28, 2021 11:00 PM
Reply to  tony_0pmoc

Israel is panicking based on the presence or absence of Uracil in the PCR test.
The virus has NOT been proven to exist, and we know that the RT PCR test was never designed to be a diagnostic test.
The human body IS the source of the Uracil detected.

Mar 1, 2021 1:13 AM
Reply to  tony_0pmoc


I would imagine Pfizer would have sent placebos to Israel. A mix up, perhaps. Or more fake news.

Mar 1, 2021 10:12 AM
Reply to  tony_0pmoc

Something strange going down in Israel. Why are country’s owners so keen to press ahead with something that threatens the numbers and well being of their own raison d’être?

If these anomalies are of unknown origin — or even worse, genetic — you would expect the authorities to pause. Instead they ramp up the propaganda, demonizing anyone who even mentions the anomalies.

The Israeli press points the finger at its own people, denouncing ultra-orthodox in the most vile language that would have anyone else thrown in jail.

Whose agenda, what agenda?

The only banal explanation I can find is corporatist profit: Israel will reportedly pay much more than US, EU for Pfizer coronavirus vaccine, $56 for each two-shot dose, vs $39 for the US and less in Europe — Times of Israel

Feb 28, 2021 9:52 PM

Wow – Ed’s Back

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Feb 28, 2021 9:42 PM

Showing others the light is not arrogance. Raising awareness is not violence. Standing for truth is not egocentric.
Only those with a God complex who set about saving or changing the world are the dangerous ones. But you are throwing the baby out with the bath water.
Had I not been given hints and clues which set me on the path to truth and freedom, I would have found neither.