WATCH: Numb.

This powerful short film from British teenager Liv McNeil tells one story of millions, of how lockdown is punishing children by denying them education, social contact and generally a normal life.

It comes out amid new research highlighting the toll the “pandemic” response has taken on the mental health of children, with surges in self-harm and suicide being reported in kids as young as 10.

Something to consider to all the Twitter moms out there, who are so readily locking up their children in isolation to “protect them” from a disease with a survival rate over 99.8% (and much, much higher for children).

Film directed by, edited by, written by and starring Liv McNeil. Song: My Tears Are Becoming a Sea by M83


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Mar 5, 2021 10:22 PM

Iiv McNeil is in Canada. She attends Etobicoke school of the arts in Etobicoke, a suburb of Toronto. Other kids in the tdsb saw it not long after she produced it. Great short. But not British.

Mar 5, 2021 4:01 AM
Reply to  Roberto


1st video at top is original source. Crazy stuff

Mar 5, 2021 4:39 PM
Reply to  goldhoarder

Thanks for that.
In the style of ancient chroniclers, ‘In the year 2020 the world was possessed of a certain madness &c &c …”. The difference then was that the madness quickly faded upon some new distraction to terrify the masses.
Meanwhile, in Brampton, a suburb of Toronto, a pediatrician, Dr Kulvinder Kaur Gill, has been censured by the Medical Association for “willfully spreading false and misleading information regarding COVID-19 that goes directly against the advice and recommendations of local, provincial, and federal medical/science and public health authorities.”, for posting her concerns on social media.
In other words, she questioned the response to the ‘pandemic’ by politicians and bureaucrats, and the effect it was having on those unable to receive treatment for cancer and other disease, and harm caused to children by lockdowns.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Mar 4, 2021 4:23 PM

I had to think a few days regarding the “message” of this film… Like many other such films, it casts yet another role of victim hood. The media is setting the stage for a never ending cast of persons who’s lives have been altered by the dictates of “media”.

Please read the previous line to understand it’s meaning… There are no heroes in the endless play of media, only coachmen…

Excerpted from: Land of Toys – Wikipedia

“The Land of Toys (Italian: Paese dei balocchi) is a fictional location in the Italian novel The Adventures of Pinocchio (1883) that is disguised as a haven of freedom and anarchy for boys and occasionally girls, but is eventually discovered to be far more sinister.”

“To its unsuspecting visitors (like Pinocchio and Candlewick), the Land of Toys appears to be a fantastic haven for wayward boys and girls to do whatever they want with no consequences or law; to act as they please without recrimination. However, the truer and more sinister purpose of the Land of Toys is eventually revealed: by means of a disease that affects people who never study, the boys and girls turn physically into donkeys (in Italian culture, the donkey is symbolic of ignorance, stupidity, goofiness and labor). Subsequently, they get sold by the Coachman.”

Refer to the section “Land of Toys in the original novel” for more insight. >

Complete page: Land of Toys – Wikipedia

Mar 4, 2021 8:49 PM

It’s the Triumph of the Victim.The brilliant success of covid is down to rise of victim culture. We can all be downtrodden losers without stigma. It’s not my fault it’s the disease. There’s a great incentive to believe in the seriousness of the pandemic because justifies our spinelessness.
The drama has been acted out in the US election. Brash bully boy Trump defeated by caring, minority champion,, palsied Joe. Every loser wins. The problem with this mindset is that sickness is rated over health, weakness over strength. It’s the inevitable thaw in Snowflake Land and all that’s left is slush.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Mar 4, 2021 11:27 PM
Reply to  NixonScraypes

You totally get it. The sickness culture is a case of mass psychogenic illness. The justification of spinelessness pervades nearly all debate regarding who should hang, and who is just hanging out…

Mar 5, 2021 3:14 AM
Reply to  NixonScraypes

Perhaps we should go a bit slow on the “Either-Or” thing; with its inevitable generalization of every aspect of life.

“Are you tough and strong and proud and free and brave – or aren’t you?” somehow rings a bit hollow. But, maybe life is just that cut and dried.

Mar 5, 2021 4:05 AM
Reply to  Howard

I dont know. The psycopaths have no morals. They aren’t going to stop unless somebody makes them stop. I do believe it is that simple.

Mar 5, 2021 12:58 PM
Reply to  Howard

You’re right, things can go too far in either direction. It seems to me that we are witnessing the result of too much fluffyness in the public who have been slowly led in that direction by a ruling minority who are as hard as nails and twice as nasty.

Mar 4, 2021 3:11 PM

Hurmf, listen bitches, this video ok by far, I would never ever doubt the intergity, the intentions for this, not an second, because, I consider every bubble air that rises from the debt of darkness up into the surface and explodes into the light as an good thing, look around your self, its everywhere, but if you refuse to aknowledge that, we, indeed have lost our selfs.

To the one making this, I feel with you all the way, dont let your self be derailed or pushed off the track, and I my self have never waved, but sometimes I do hit the wall, its human nature.
Listen, most of them are ignorants of human consiousness, sorry to say that but they are, if you want to find the light and center, you only need to dive into your self, be honest, why lie to your self, not the only enemy we face in our life time, but the internal mind of ours is the one witch we will fight thru our entire life, its the one wurth fighting, the one whom is inside our self, once you know the truth, within, its the same without, as above so belove.
Have no fear, fear is just an gate, once you have walked thru it, nothing will be the same again.
And the world changes, a lot of people dont belive we create our reality thru our consciousness, we do, even matter dont exsist until its messured, our mind is the perfect tool to change our life and reality, its just pitty so many dont see that.

My the lord bless you and continue to enlighten your path into the future.
Kalki, Varanasi.
Its whats called Trance, enjoy, psst, you dont need drugs, go out side or sit and look out.
Be the light.


Peter Sky
Peter Sky
Mar 4, 2021 8:54 AM

The covid debt is extreme. They are paying all rich companies like pub chains to stay closed for months on end. The younger generation should reject the idea of paying for this. There is lots of land and homes that can be built cheaply. No sense in spending lives paying off vast amounts of debt for covid and a house price ponzi. Money given to these entities ends up being used against people like for plotting covid “pandemics” and developing weapons of mass destruction. There is no sense in having anything to do with it. It is depressing for a reason because the money is going to heinous criminals and the worst that can happen is to get rich quick in such a system and sell your soul for the fake happyness of fast cars, false love and ikea kitchens.

Brian Sides
Brian Sides
Mar 4, 2021 8:32 AM

This whole how terrible it is schools are closed and how kids miss school.
How the slave masters love it when there slaves demand there own enslavement.
School is slavery. It is compulsory with harsh penalties if you do not obey.
They have ten years or more to brainwash your kids. You spend most of it learning to be punctual. You must arrive at a certain time attend each class on time where they check every one is there. Go to breaks and dinner and return on time. You learn you have to obey every rule regardless of how stupid the rule is. You learn that you have no power. There is someone watching you and you must not step out of line. You learn peer pressure. You must also compete to out do others in the school.
They can tell you how real the virus is and that climate change is true. Plenty of religion as well. Plus the history as told from the point of view of the winners. School is happy hunting ground for the military always looking for cannon fodder. Geography maybe you might notice the straight line borders guess who drew them the British empire decide where one country ended and another began. Lots of nationalism love your leader love the Royals.
But what is not on the curriculum. They don’t do critical thinking , scepticism , question ever thing. Think for yourself . Do not believe what you are told. Read between the lines , look for hidden motives.

Mar 5, 2021 3:22 AM
Reply to  Brian Sides

Agreed that school is mostly an abomination whose primary purpose is to prepare children for the work-a-day world. But like everything else, it is possible for the attentive child to actually come away with, if not an education per se, at least the tools for acquiring an education on his or her own.

Of course, with nearly everything digitalized, the one overriding advantage of schooling – an introduction to books – is fast becoming obsolete. Not by accident, I’m sure.

Mar 3, 2021 6:21 PM

they should probably block that

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Mar 3, 2021 2:46 PM

No mention that millions of locked-in children are being abused as neurological specimens in an unlawful experiment… >

New “Brain Science” Specialization, “Neuroetics”: Remote Control of Human Thinking, Neuroweapons, “Personality Simulations”, Nanobotes
By Mojmir Babacek
July 28, 2020

Complete article: https://www.globalresearch.ca/neurotics-proves-politicians-not-able-solve-principal-crisis-civilization-any-other-way-than-classifying/5719680?utm_campaign=magnet&utm_source=article_page&utm_medium=related_articles

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Mar 3, 2021 1:01 PM
Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Mar 3, 2021 10:23 AM

ALSO: it’s good to keep your Critical/ Analytical Guard up, especially when viewing viral vids of a sentimental nature. Maybe her channel is legitimately the work of a school kid… maybe not. No harm in being skeptical.

There’s a very tricky kind of deception-mechanism TFIC like to use in which they will promote something that appears to resist an aspect of their agenda… which then leaves one open to swallowing, unquestioningly, another aspect of their agenda. A good example of that would be Elon Musk, who appears to be anti-“Covid” and anti-Gates… while trying to sell you Neuralink. If they can get you to sign on for Neuralink, they really don’t give a fuck what you think you think now… because they’ll own your thoughts soon thereafter, and forever.

So, to recap: the video promoted here is telling us nothing new, so there’s no downside to being skeptical of its provenance; being emotionally resistant to it harms nothing. But being automatically open to it (and any other such vid that comes your way) can be very dangerous.

Mar 3, 2021 2:59 PM

“Maybe her channel is legitimately the work of a school kid… maybe not”. If you check her channel and her other work, it is quite clear she is a student at an art school in Canada, and has lived in Canada for at least a few years, even if she is described as a “British teenager”

Her work is entirely consistent with such a student who was being educated in such an art school, and then finding herself isolated and alone most of the time in her bedroom.

Such isolation is pure torture, especially for such a young person. “The United Nations considers solitary confinement exceeding 15 days to be torture.”


Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Mar 3, 2021 4:25 PM
Reply to  Tony_0pmoc

Next check out Greta Thunberg, Tony… then check out “Malala”… and so forth. Laugh. Hey, wait, how old are you, again…? I’m not saying this kid (under discussion) is probably part of a larger project… I’m saying always consider it a possibility. Don’t be an Open-Hearted Dupe.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Mar 3, 2021 5:22 PM
Reply to  Tony_0pmoc

“Such isolation is pure torture, especially for such a young person. “The United Nations considers solitary confinement exceeding 15 days to be torture.”

Well, as the kid herself says regarding the next video on the kid’s thriving YouTube channel:

“This is a music video my brother, Wyatt and I were commissioned to do by the amazing Brighid and Pascale.”

Do you really think this kid is suffering the effects of torture, Tony? Does she sound isolated just because she can’t go to school? It sounds like she’s having some success in building a very 21st century career, in fact, I’m always suspicious when another “human rights” issue starts getting traction on Social Media, and it’s especially fiendish, in this case, because it’s beginning to look as though TFIC are exploiting a “human rights” issue generated by one of their own (“Covid”) projects (very much how the big guns behind Greta’s Climate Change theater are tied to Big Coal/ Big Oil: it’s not a paradox, TFIC are merely smarter than you think they are).

You know TFIC are big on “Mental Health,” right? Don’t you think your concerns dovetail perfectly with the push to normalize “Mental Health” tracking apps?

I’m by no means implying that the kid is a witting asset. But I’m saying never rule out the possibility that TFIC are using your own sentimentality against you.

Think CRITICALLY, Comrades. Think DEVIOUSLY. You’re not going to be able to detect/deflect the bullshit if you think like bleeding-heart Hippies all the time…

Mar 3, 2021 9:55 AM

This is a very powerful short and says it all . There are no words necessary..
Every day my heart breaks a little bit more. How can so many still go along with all of this and not see the damage being done. Enough is enough. For all of our sakes. We must take the power back.

Brian Sides
Brian Sides
Mar 3, 2021 9:53 AM

Just watched the video my verdict pathetic. The video shows some very spoiled rich kids living in complete comfort. They have everything . They have shelter and warmth are clean and well dressed look well fed and well groomed. They have laptops and can video chat or play games read books watch films. At the end of the video there is some very bad acting. They act like they are upset. But it is just acting they do not look upset. There are photos of what good times they have experienced already in there lives. More good times than many will experience.
The word WOKE comes to mind but not the dictionary definition. They will be able to interact with there family. If they have an ounce of bravery they may even consider breaking the rules. They could sneak out at night and meet there friends. They could make it an adventure. Maybe make protest posters and put them up.
Or they could choose to become victims. I guess if you have never hat to struggle maybe you do not have any fight in you. Maybe they think making this video is resistance . So long as they do not have to discomfort themselves.

Mar 3, 2021 12:08 PM
Reply to  Brian Sides

I’m a bit taken back by the above analysis:

“The video shows some very spoiled rich kids living in complete comfort”

The video shows one child. Not multiples. The surroundings come off as middle class, not rich.
They act like they are upset, but it’s just acting? You do realize this is a video representing a concept/situation or idea, right?

” More good times than many will experience”

That may be true, but, you appear to be implying because of the child’s relative comfort she’s not entitled to be upset or distraught at the loss of her usual way of life.

That’s very woke thinking in my opinion.

“Or they could choose to become victims”

And yet this person created a video as a form of protest. At least that’s how it appears to me. Protesting is hardly the action victims take.

Good for her, I’d say.

Brian Sides
Brian Sides
Mar 3, 2021 1:08 PM
Reply to  Penny

The video shows many kids one at a time. They look pretty rich to me but then I am from a working class background.
They message is they are sad as they can not meet and play with there friends.
But they can play with there friends they just have to brake the rules.
Maybe the message is they miss school. Never liked school my self but then I went to nine different schools in a ten year period. A place to get bullied get in fights get in trouble with the teachers and corporal punishment.
Up coming exams are shown. Maybe they are worried they wont pass the exams . They wont give the correct answers showing they have been properly indoctrinated. They would not want to leave with all fails like me. They want to go to the right college and then the right university and maybe when they are 20-25 get a cushy management job. The protest is a WOKE protest. Lets see some rebellion. I went truant so I could do extra paper rounds and get some money even though I got the cane.
They claim they are sad . Sad that they are obeying the rules they could break.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Mar 3, 2021 5:42 PM
Reply to  Brian Sides

Brian: it’s probably an issue to do with your reading glasses (or the resolution on your phone/ PC) but it’s all the same kid, in that video.

Otherwise, I agree the fuck out of what you’re saying. We should all be rebelling a lot harder and partake of that Fuck Off attitude. “Rebels” are just NOT in fashion these days. I wonder why?

I was on a fast-track to Lucrative Corporate Incarceration (minority scholarship student who could always ace the tests) but I ran off the Yuppie Zombie path my first year of college. I defected. Refused to trade the non-refundable hours of my Life for the (suckable) golden carrot dangled in front of the Avid Office Slaves.

My Life has been amazing as a result. Many of my college friends (who did everything “properly”) died quite a while ago and the survivors are bitter alcoholics with a confused look about them; after flushing their precious hours down the toilet they now want to know where the time went?

I wake up every morning with a hard-on (sorry: no better way to put it) and the irrepressible urge to greet every new Stasi Smile or Fascist Diktat with a sneering FUCK OFF.

They may get me in the end but I’ve already had a really great (thoroughly interesting) run on my own terms and conditions. This is probably why my much-younger Wife still loves me after 16 years of marriage… and why our teen Daughter seeks my counsel (and adopted my favorite music, when I was a teen, as her own: BEATLES, with an emphasis on Lennon).

SALUTE, Comrade! Keep on being an “asshole”… I’m right there with you! Rather an “asshole” than an Eichmann…!

Mar 3, 2021 7:01 PM

Great response until you mentioned the Beatles. Haha.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Mar 3, 2021 11:26 PM
Reply to  ZenPriest

Ooops! laugh

Mar 4, 2021 2:19 AM
Reply to  ZenPriest

The surviving Beatles are not in the forefront of the battle for freedom today.

Mar 3, 2021 6:59 PM
Reply to  Brian Sides

Love this response! I have long thought that’s why most people are sad and depressed.. cos they aren’t as successful as they want to be. Status anxiety.

Mar 3, 2021 7:00 PM
Reply to  ZenPriest

Oh and to add, as a very bright pupil I would have been disobeying this bollocks left right and centre. I didn’t give a shit about my future so much as doing what’s right.

Tomoola Sitchin
Tomoola Sitchin
Mar 4, 2021 8:55 PM
Reply to  Penny

Then of course, those rubbishing the very simple message of the video are likely to be trolls on a damage limitation exercise. The convoluted nonsense from old ironsides is a rather blatant example.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Mar 6, 2021 10:15 AM

If you’re too simple-minded to understand the sophistication of the Lies told by TFIC in order to control you… or to get the point that whether or not the video in question (which is nice enough but tells us nothing new) is legitimate, it’s important to maintain a Skeptical and Critical Position… I guess that explains the mess we’re in. By all means, let sentimentality fog your critical faculties: what could possibly go wrong?

Yeah: by warning you to remain skeptical of a viral video made (presumably) by a kid, the “trolls” are furthering what nefarious agenda, again? Critical Thinking? Sheer Evil.

Mar 3, 2021 4:00 PM
Reply to  Brian Sides

Of course, we don’t know precisely the circumstances of this teenager or family or context of how this clip was made. But mental health affects all classes. Where I live is fairly affluent with gardens.

My niece lives in a London to tower block with 3 children. Do I distinguish between the two, yes one is worse but essentially children are suffering no matter background. The message above is powerful, emotional and relevant to all children right now.

In my view you’ve fallen into the very trap they wish you to. Division by class, race and prejudice.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Mar 3, 2021 4:58 PM
Reply to  Loverat

“In my view you’ve fallen into the very trap they wish you to. Division by class, race and prejudice.”

But isn’t the REAL Trap made up of the difference between the actual conditions experienced by the very poorest kids, versus the experiences of the kids in comfortable conditions, and isn’t that Trap designed to hold the kids at the bottom? Are you saying you think kids quarantined in cramped conditions with out-of-work parents (kids for whom school was an escape or reprieve from Home) are having essentially the same experience as kids who live in roomy houses with gardens… and with parents who can work from home? One is a vacation, the other is a prison sentence.

In fact, I’m becoming suspicious of the growing trend of assuming that ALL kids under the school shut-downs are suffering… because it’s obvious that they aren’t*. Perhaps TFIC are pushing a “MENTAL HEALTH” monitoring app…?

The Division in class/class is not caused by the people who point the division out and that’s the other trap: acting as if it is.

*For example, “depressed” children don’t script/ film/ act in/ edit/ videos and upload them to Social Media (as was the case with the video under discussion). The sequence near the end of the video… the “howling” montage… was acting, right? Being ambitious/ motivated and enjoying attention from a Viral Video are not symptoms of depression. They are, rather, often middle class symptoms of having a future career in Media.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Mar 3, 2021 5:50 PM

erratum: “The Division in class/RACE is not caused by the…”

Mar 3, 2021 5:59 PM

What I’m saying is mental health issues occur in all classes. Yes, some situations worse than others. I mentioned my niece’s more difficult circumstances. But this girl’s apparant surroundings shouldn’t detract from the powerful message. And even if there is a hint of Greta Thunberg self promotion, unlike that message, it’s the right one which probably applies to millions of kids right now.

I’m not going to get into distinguishing between mental health based on class and surroundings, motives. It’s the general message that’s the most important.

Mar 3, 2021 7:10 PM
Reply to  Brian Sides

Yes, locking up middle class children, or at least those living in some degree of comfort because their parents provide for them, should have no effect whatsoever, especially when they can remember back in solitude about the good times when things were normal. They can always sneak out at night, and hopefully not get arrested and/or fined for socialising with their past-friends.
There really is no hope for rational discussion left; the Great Divide in our societies has finally happened, collective insanity or maybe just progression by increment into an alternate universe, where children at virtually no risk are locked up, and it seems like a good idea. and if you don’t think it’s a good idea you’re selfish and playing victim.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Mar 3, 2021 9:43 AM

“to “protect them” from a disease with a survival rate over 99.8% (and much, much higher for children).”

Can we stop supporting/ spreading this meme which subliminally supports the notion that there is such a thing as “COVID”?

I believe in the Flu/ common cold/ norovirus because I have caught these (sometimes from Wife/ Daughter, sometimes from being sneezed on in the U-Bahn or eating insufficiently-washed fruit; that empirical evidence, of transmissible “bugs,” is overwhelming: the theory has both explanatory power and predictive ability). The supposed symptoms of “COVID” are the symptoms of the Flu: where is the evidence (other than deliberately over-exposed chest x-rays) of a “new” virus?

Why are we not hammering home the obvious Truth that the “plague” is entirely an artifact of psychological warfare? Perhaps because even some of “us” have been captured by the psychology of the “plague”…? Is claiming that an Orwellian Lie is a “little bit true” an attempt to seem “rational and balanced”? Is “2+2=5” a little bit true?

Mar 3, 2021 6:36 PM

Fact Check: 2+2=5 is ‘mostly’ true, in the parlance of fact checkers.

Anyway, I saw an article the other day that claimed that deaths from flu have been vastly overstated, viz: it’s really pneumonia. So of about 30,000 deaths in a particular year, only 18 were shown by testing to have had a positive test result for the influenza virus. If we assume that the statistic quoted is true (at least by the current standards of truth), then covid deaths that are really flu deaths are really pneumonia deaths because flu statistics are inflated.
But informed people knew that a year ago, didn’t they? That covid deaths are from the effects of pneumonia? At least ‘some guys’, i.e. epidemiologists quickly banned from antisocial media were saying that at the beginning of all this madness. Knut, et al.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Mar 3, 2021 11:34 PM
Reply to  Roberto

“Anyway, I saw an article the other day that claimed that deaths from flu have been vastly overstated, viz: it’s really pneumonia”

Yes, I’ve seen that and consider it extremely plausible (usually don’t bother bringing it up in the name of brevity/ clarity). The bit about “Covid deaths” is that they’re not even simply substituting “Covid deaths” for Flu/ Pneumonia deaths… they’re just blanket-labeling every death as “Covid” and even inflating numbers on TOP of that scam. It’s just whatever they can get away with. THAT is how Fascists take total control of Reality.

Jun 16, 2021 1:07 PM

Roberto’s right. There are no flu deaths, it’s all pneumonia and death by flu vaccination. It’s pre-programming. Also, there are no viruses. Yes, we’ve all experienced colds or flus, but they’re symptoms of detoxification. It usually occurs en masse, during winter when our lack of sun exposure creates low Vitamin D levels. Communities of us are being simultaneously exposed to the same environmental toxins (leaps in electrification coincide with flu outbreaks, and eating the same foods with the same pesticide exposure (within families), and drinking the same water (with the same fluoride, chlorine and other purposeful toxic additives) therefore it appears as if we are catching something from our family members through sneeze droplets etc., but we aren’t. Amandha Vollmer and the authors of What Really Makes You Ill, explain.

The only reason I am interested in spreading this info, is so that more people (who are intelligent enough to realize some of the hoaxes that Miles Mathis and others have exposed) can understand they are being continually poisoned and their bodies respond to that poisoning by detoxing when physically overloaded; thereby producing cold and flu symptoms. If they don’t understand that process of constant detoxification and mistake detox symptoms for contagion, a germ or microbe, they can never properly take care of their own health. Jason Christoff explains it here, quite succinctly.

Most people will take antibiotics, painkillers and OTC medicine when there’s no need but they won’t take steps to mitigate the radiation and other environmental and chemical toxins they are being exposed to on a daily basis because it’s hard work being vigilant; reducing our EMF exposure, filtering all our water, only eating organic and unpackaged food items. Also, many personal care items are purposefully toxic: Fragrances, shampoos, toothpaste and deodorant.

I have read enough of the literature on virology and genetics to tell you with absolute certainty that they are fraudulent. That nobody catches another disease from another person. Not AIDS. Not Ebola. Not STDs. Not viruses and definitely not bacterial infections. Take care of yourself and your family. The situation may deteriorate rapidly this year.

Peter Sky
Peter Sky
Mar 4, 2021 8:40 AM
Reply to  Roberto

The covid deaths are deaths from high doses of toxic drugs, sedation, intubation, forced feeding and terrorising.

Mar 2, 2021 10:11 PM
Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Mar 3, 2021 9:48 AM
Reply to  Peter

It is clear that those fans of the 2nd Amendment really just want the toys for show!

Wayne Vanderploeg
Wayne Vanderploeg
Mar 2, 2021 9:58 PM

Left me in tears.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Mar 2, 2021 9:55 PM

The pain and suffering they inflict on children is intentional.

Terrorize the Children – Pachauri’s Strategy – Splattergate
Oct 3, 2010
A series of outtakes from various Climate change propaganda videos is contrasted with a candid interview with IPCC/TERI Chairman Rajendra Pachauri in which he outlines the strategy of terrorizing Children.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Mar 2, 2021 9:55 PM

Very poignant and very powerful, well done Liv on making this film.

Mar 2, 2021 8:21 PM

Wow. Powerful stuff.

Mar 2, 2021 4:56 PM

Are you sure she’s British? Everything in that film indicates she is in Toronto, Canada.

It’s excellent.

Mar 2, 2021 3:27 PM

Very powerful film, by an extremely talented young lady. It may make you cry.

Mar 2, 2021 1:25 PM

I can’t look at this video just yet because I think my heart will break and it’s only 8 AM here.

On the other hand I just came upon a video from 2014. Maybe I am late to the game and many of you have seen it. I’m embarressed to say that although I have heard about the Rockefeller Paper of 2010, particularly Lockstep, I have not read it.

This fellow Harry Vox reads a good deal of it. Unbelievable

I’d never heard of Harry Vox, independent journalist. Will listen to a 2020 podcast l found later.


Hope it links OK. If not, the video is still on youtube. Harry Vox 2014

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Mar 2, 2021 9:21 PM
Reply to  Judith

Harry Vox is excellent Judith. Also, check out a blog called Helen of desTroy, by a journalist called Helen Buyniski. She writes some very powerful entries about the scamdemic, and someone correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe she is also Harry Vox’s partner.

Mar 2, 2021 10:15 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Thanks Gezza, I will definitely check them out. I had no idea there were so many independent journalists out there.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Mar 2, 2021 10:22 PM
Reply to  Judith

Saw this interview with Harry Vox last year as well. There are a lot of small blogs and sites out there… under the radar, so to speak! Often fellow commenters at OffG link them here. That’s how I’ve found out about them.

Mar 2, 2021 10:00 PM
Reply to  Judith

I saw the 2014 Vox interview early in the Plandemic.
He recently “interviewed” Klaus Schwab. Hilarious but would not be allowed here.

Mar 2, 2021 10:16 PM
Reply to  Peter

Did he interview him for real???

Mar 4, 2021 2:24 AM
Reply to  Judith

No he didn’t. But it was far funnier than if he did.

Mar 4, 2021 3:09 PM
Reply to  Peter

I’ll look for it. Thanks.

Posh Panic
Posh Panic
Mar 2, 2021 1:07 PM

Wow. This shows very simply that the school lockdowners, really are soulless, evil, self absorbed arseholes.

Mar 2, 2021 12:24 PM

Great video saw it a while back really gets you in the gut and although I’m a lot older i felt just like this about my wfh experience. I’ve always enjoyed working with people face to face I know it’s not for everyone but I enjoyed the cameraderie not the work itself – wfh was like all the shit aspects of work without the fun human interaction.

Feeling quite despondent today about any possibility of turning the tide on this fascist coup. Trying with some friends to set up an anti lockdown reading group. Any suggestions of must reads please let me know thanks 😃

Mar 2, 2021 12:22 PM

Excellent video

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 2, 2021 11:43 AM

Here’s a couple of intriguing observations. The first comes from the Toronto Sun:

“Experts call Peel guidelines to place children in solitary quarantine ‘cruel punishment’
Drastic measure not supported by science and could have long-lasting psychological effects
Peel Health has issued guidelines to parents instructing them to keep any children who have been sent home because a classmate has tested positive for COVID-19 isolated in a separate room from all other family members for 14 days.
The severe guidelines, which apply even to small children who are dismissed from child care, are being criticized by experts as harmful and not supported by science.”

The second is from one Ernest Wolff:

“After the lockdown is lifted, changes will occur in a way we have never seen before. We will not return to normal life. The life we know has already ended. Many measures, such as the ban on assembly, will not be lifted.”

Considering the frightening totalitarian world we are fast sinking into, the question is: How long can the virus act as a convincing excuse? My guess is that the language of COVID will NEVER END. It is the new legal jargon of this brave new world. And it won’t matter how many people see through it. The language of COVID will continue to be pumped out by a media that now acts like the Old Testament God who permits no variation.

Mar 2, 2021 12:28 PM
Reply to  George Mc

You’re Canadian like me, so you surely heard that provinces want to give the 2nd jab 3 of 4 months after the 1st instead of 21 days as recommended. For me, the reason for this is crystal clear: to continue the lockdown. I hear them already: “Well, we’ll have keep on the lockdown and all sanitary measures as long as everybody got their 2nd shot”.

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 2, 2021 1:04 PM
Reply to  Jean

I’m actually Scottish. I only know about the Toronto Sun article from a tweet from John Steppling, one the few Marxists who hasn’t swallowed the shit.

Mar 2, 2021 1:01 PM
Reply to  George Mc

“How long can the virus act as a convincing excuse?” Will God forgive those (in my anti-covid 1984 camp) who have embraced big lies (a Sars CoV 2 virus, a disease caused by it and a covid 19 pandemic) and repeated them and in some measure enabled the hoax / terrorist operation to go forward?

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Mar 2, 2021 9:04 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Giorgio Agamben, May 11th 2020:

“It is according to this logic…that the proposed new politics was articulated around three points: 1) the construction, on the basis of a possible risk, of a fictitious scenario, in which data are presented in such a way as to encourage behaviors that allow to govern an extreme situation [Agamben’s state of exception]; 2) adoption of the logic of the worst [case scenario] as a regime of political rationality; 3) the integral organization of the citizen body so as to strengthen adherence to government institutions as much as possible, producing a sort of superlative good citizenship in which the obligations imposed are presented as proof of altruism and the citizen no longer has a right to health (health safety), but becomes legally obliged to health (biosecurity).

“…from next year on, we will no longer recognize each other by looking at each other’s face, which can be covered by a health mask, but through digital apparatuses that will recognize biological data that is compulsorily collected and any “gathering”, whether for political reasons or simply for reasons of friendship, will continue to be prohibited.”

“An entire conception of the destinies of human society is under question, in a perspective that in many respects seems to have taken the apocalyptic idea of an end of the world from waning religions. After politics had been replaced by the economy, now the latter to be able to govern will have to be integrated with the new biosecurity paradigm, to which all other needs will have to be sacrificed. It is legitimate to ask whether such a society can still be defined as human or whether the loss of sensitive relationships, those of the face, of friendship, of love can be truly compensated by an abstract and presumably entirely fictitious health security.”

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 3, 2021 8:59 AM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

Full article here:


“It is legitimate to ask whether such a society can still be defined as human”

That reminds me of this:


“It is widely acknowledged that most of our social interactions are managed by and go through “structures” (corporations, ministries, organizations, etc), certainly not “the market” (it is reckoned nowadays that the market handles not more than ca. 20 percent of all economic transactions). The “Techno-Structure” is what in pop iconography is known as” The Matrix”: i.e. a giant, soulless apparatus of social coordination, which transcends “Left” and “Right,” “Public” and “Private” and seeks to control humanity like, in point of fact, a termitary, an ant-heap, a hive.

I do not see the Techno-Structure as the postmodern leftists, though: i.e. as some kind of headless monster, which has emerged out of nowhere and lives and breathes through a collective and unconscious hallucination. I find this interpretation (à la Baudrillard) postmodern hogwash, in the sense that it uses discursive tricks (psychologistic metaphors) to hide political malfeasance, i.e. the (criminal) responsibility of those in charge of the Matrix itself (the élites), in fact. It is corrupt, corrupting discourse. I envision the Techno-Structure like a conscious development of the hierarchies of power in our hyper-modern era, and solidly driven by a specific leadership —Anglo-American metropolitan whites and their European vassals— who perfectly know what they are doing and how they are doing it.”

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Mar 3, 2021 4:26 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I assume that you link to the “full article” for the sake of others? I posted the whole text of Agamben’s May 11th blog a week ago to one of your comments to which you did not reply. He has been making posts all year long in 2020 about this new biosecurity paradigm (his term). They are worth reading. I read the article/interview with Dr. Guido G. Preparata. Interesting stuff. I went to his website, looked around. Then, I noticed something missing, especially for someone who studies power. There was nothing on the global pandemic. Then I did a search on his website for coronavirus, then pandemic – no results. Agamben very quickly saw and stated publicly that the pandemic was a new way for the PTB to exercise control and maintain power over their populations.You’d think that Preparata would note that too. Maybe he’s afraid of losing his teaching gig? Whatever, he has a permanent black eye for not weighing in at such a historic moment. This is obviously a big subject but this is all I have time for right now.

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 2, 2021 11:19 AM

Not the least offence of the COVID con has been the soul annihilating BOREDOM of it, like the Waco psychological torture routine on a global scale and never ending. Every single headline a variation on the virus and presupposing a non stop population wide obsession with this pathetically extended news vacuum. By this time I would have thought half the homes have people screaming at their TV sets in despair or switched off or watching Netflix on a loop. The media operators have effectively destroyed the media.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Mar 2, 2021 10:47 AM

Along with French health workers, it looks like Italian teachers have also been included in the AZ trial. In order to be anything approaching “scientific”, I presume the trial needs a reasonably controlled environment. Furthermore, although they’re killing off the elderly in nursing homes, I suspect that such people are too frail to be included in a “lethality” study. For instance, how would the scientists distinguish between an 80 year-old who had been killed by the jab and one who had died from the shock of being pinned to a bed and raped by a gang of nursing staff?

BTW: the hypothesis is that most people are getting a regular flu shot as a “placebo”.

Dozens of Italian School Teachers Become Sick After Receiving COVID-19 Vaccine
Mar 1, 2021

Via Twitter:
Treviso, Italy
Dozens of teachers are at home sick after being given the AstraZeneca COVID Vaccine. At the Duca degli Abruzzi high school, 15 Teachers were off sick, with Fevers and Bone Pain. There is talk that some of the Schools will be forced to close.

Via Breitbart:
The Italian daily Oggi Treviso reported on Sunday that 3,000 teachers had been inoculated on Saturday and another 2,500 were scheduled to receive the vaccine before the end of the weekend. All the teachers inoculated against the coronavirus were under 55 years of age and all received the AstraZeneca vaccine. The vaccination campaign in Treviso is part of a nationwide program offering free coronavirus shots for Italy’s teachers between the ages of 18 and 55.
Late last week, the Duchess Elisabeth Hospital in Braunschweig, Germany, suspended its AstraZeneca vaccination program until further notice after 37 of its 88 vaccinated employees wound up confined to bed and unable to work because of side effects similar to those complained of in Treviso.
A Swedish region temporarily suspended vaccinations with the AstraZeneca vaccine in mid-February because more people than expected reported suffering from a fever after receiving the shot. Vaccinations with the AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccine were also halted at two locations in Lower Saxony after complaints from clinic employees about side effects.

Via Life Site News:
Earlier this month, the U.K.’s Independent reported that the Italian teachers’ union objected to the plan to inoculate all teachers aged between 18 and 55 with AstraZeneca’s vaccine. . . . Meanwhile, France’s vaccination task force has recommended that medical workers from the same departments no longer be given the AstraZeneca vaccine at the same time because of the high incidence of side effects.

See also:
France May Stop COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout After Hospital Staff Unable To Work With Numerous Side-Effects
Feb 25, 2021

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 2, 2021 8:36 AM

I’ve never really wondered too much about what stuff is in the vax. I suppose it could be ID info or stuff to change DNA or even a slow poison or sterility inducer. But one thing I know is that it’s utterly unnecessary and so at the very least a monstrous waste of time and resources. And an ocean of waste is the image I get with every aspect of this viral fun house. Thus those endless tales of vax delays, legal disputes, arguments about who should get it first etc. strike me as a complete waste of everything and a total distraction. The entire COVID con amounts to a mountain range of resources, time, money, energy, life all shoved and continuing to be shoved down the tubes.

Mar 2, 2021 8:19 PM
Reply to  George Mc

But one thing I know is that it’s utterly unnecessary and so at the very least a monstrous waste of time and resources.

Amen! I didn’t see any reports about this specific issue, but when the catastrophic… storm? “polar vortex”? weather event? ravaged Texas and the SW, it occurred to me that the ongoing draconian scamdemic New Abnormal added insult to injury.

I did see some headlines lamenting the effects of the weather-related catastrophe on the vaccine-delivery operation, but I was thinking more of how emergency rescue and healthcare services would be impeded and complicated on so many levels by all of the bogus Megadeath Virus of Doom protocols.

Of course, I knew it would be too much like right for Texas authorities to “suspend” COVID voodoo rituals the way some civil authorities granted a COVID “timeout” to “Resistance” protests. But it would’ve been gratifying if the governor announced, more or less, “OK, folks, now that we have a real public emergency, we can skip all of the phony COVID fire-drill crap until further notice.”

Mar 3, 2021 8:20 PM
Reply to  Ort

Addendum: Well, dog my cats!

Gov. Greg Abbott said yesterday that it’s time to “open Texas 100%” and both ended the statewide mask order and rescinded the mandatory business closures.

Geez, I’m glad I posted the previous comment! If you’re lurking out there, Governor, Ort says “Hey” and “Thanks a bunch!”

Sally Snyder
Sally Snyder
Mar 2, 2021 2:37 AM

Governments and public health officials are screwing up an entire generation. Think about children under the age of five who have now spent one-fifth or more of their lives in a masked world from which they have no way of learning the important link between facial expressions and feelings

Mar 2, 2021 11:55 AM
Reply to  Sally Snyder

that who it is aimed at. the new generation will think this is normal and be re trained

Mar 2, 2021 2:26 AM
Peter Abraham
Peter Abraham
Mar 2, 2021 9:29 AM
Reply to  Peter

Proof the plandemic is the biggest and cruellest hoax in history.
The eugenicist’s Astra Zeneca poison will decimate these countries when it gets there.

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
Mar 2, 2021 7:39 PM
Reply to  Peter

Too bad for them, they can’t afford a TV in every room. So they don’t know there’s a pandemic.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Mar 3, 2021 4:56 PM
Reply to  Winston Smith

Maybe you heard about this? An Amish man was asked why Covid was having such small impact on their communities? His answer? We don’t watch TV.

Mar 2, 2021 1:12 AM
Mar 2, 2021 1:03 AM

Another depiction of how children are being abused by Covid rules. Just heartbreaking. Children of the Great Reset:

Mar 2, 2021 12:11 AM

Posted on BrandNewTube just recently…


My anger goes way beyond this.

Mar 2, 2021 1:11 AM
Reply to  RobG

Woman of my own heart….have sent it on to others…

i heard this am that cairns chemo dept of qld health is refusing chemo for non vax people and threatening to have any private dr deregisterEd who supports the patients choice…now I was told by a hospital dr that was against the law Saturday and here 3 days later I hear they are well underway…

the little dictators of the world are having a field day with the vulnerable.

Mar 2, 2021 8:41 PM
Reply to  RobG

Thanks for sharing. Although in general I despise the concept of “tough love”, I think this righteous rant is a rare example of authentic “tough love”.

I’m sure that most of the people who need to hear this would key on her heartfelt “unseemly” language as a reason to reject it out of (sanitized) hand. Maybe a heavily “bleeped” version could be produced for the delicate and squeamish. 😉

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Mar 2, 2021 12:00 AM

Very well done. Powerful, yes, but also tragic. Governments are committing crimes against humanity on a mass scale, especially for young people who don’t know that this is all so billionaires can satisfy their sociopathic goals.

Mar 1, 2021 10:56 PM

Powerful bit of work.

Mar 2, 2021 6:42 PM
Reply to  richard

you think so?

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Mar 1, 2021 10:14 PM

Special MESSAGE from THEM!

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Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Mar 1, 2021 10:02 PM

Since we’re in this lovely situation due to decades of this type of “education” seems obvious that getting rid of this “education” is the BEST thing that could have happened to young slaves.

Unfortunately the “parents” of those children don’t even understand this simple reality because MOST of them are allowing their children to go to schools were they are forced to wear a muzzle, engage in alcohol OCD and behave like circus animals…

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So F uC k school!

And stop calling those useless animals as “parents”, they are nothing of the sort.

Mar 2, 2021 6:51 PM
Reply to  Voz 0db

I suppose you think parents are responsible for bill hates and anal schwab?

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Mar 3, 2021 9:56 AM
Reply to  richard

If you’re referring to the parents of those 2 MFs indeed they’re! In fact they are even worse than their offspring. You just need to read a little more…

Mar 3, 2021 9:40 AM
Reply to  Voz 0db

fuk me this is sick…sick, sick.

Peter Sky
Peter Sky
Mar 1, 2021 7:32 PM

Dutch journalist Micha Kat speaking with 42 year old man Joost Knevel who hads recollections of child rape and murders he witnessed at a school in Bodegraven, the Netherlands. He says he started having more memories after seeing the face of covid cheerleader Jaap Van Dissel on the tv.
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Jaap Van Dissel gained notoriety as chairman of the Outbreak Management Team (OMT), a committee which is responsible for advising the cabinet regarding suitable Covid measures to take in the Netherlands. Similar to the role of Anthoni Fauci in the USA. Another girl allegedly abused in the school became a former defense minister, a powerful position never before acheived by a woman in the Netherlands. A number of Joost’s friends died under suspicious circumstances. Micha Kat says he has 8 witnesses and the name of two girls killed by the covid chief. He says this whole covid situation is completely dominated by pedophiles having been working in this field for 20/ 30 years, the Netherlands being where 70% of child pornography is made.

Mar 1, 2021 7:28 PM

the difference between kids and parents is that the parents are doing this to themselves. Kids are forced into it, by the parents.

but the parents are also victims. Why are they doing it to themselves? Who is forcing them to act like idiots who want to self isolate and don’t dare to go outside unless they are vaccinated, etc?

imo: it’s social ‘acceptable’ behavior, that’s why people do it.

but many don’t, or not happily, only seemingly.

Tomorrow the restaurants and bars are opening up their terraces in NL, even though this is not ‘allowed’. The weather is going to be beautiful. One might see beautiful pictures from the Netherlands tomorrow, all depending if restaurant/bar owners really dare to do it, and that many people visit the terraces and enjoy themselves there. I am planning to join and will report back..

Mar 1, 2021 7:42 PM
Reply to  Willem

Glad to hear that. It’s truly the pits over here. The government has upped the ante, prevented travel between districts (stupid as it is since districts no longer exist, abolished some 20 years ago), people are essentially under house arrest. Respirator (not masks) mandatory just about everywhere.

They’ve got pigs doing random checks of cars, and reportedly, the cops will be aided by the army (!!!), which is outrageous because never before has the army been deployed against citizens.

I went to the city today (broke the decree, but it’s unconstitutional anyway), and I’d say that some 60% of people comply. Most of those who don’t think that the measures are stupid, but my guess is that most can’t see the actual nefarious ulterior motives.

Needless to say, our bar is open, albeit on a clandestine basis only.

Mar 2, 2021 1:00 AM
Reply to  Jacques

Just awful. Where are you located?

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Mar 1, 2021 10:04 PM
Reply to  Willem

“parents” is not the proper word to describe such PoS.

Mar 1, 2021 6:35 PM

This video is heartbreaking. Really moving and so sad.

Do we realize what we are doing to our kids?

In a similar vein, I’ve read this article last night:

“Two cases of scurvy treated in one month in Montreal”

You mean what? Scurvy? That thing that killed almost all the first French colonists that landed in Canada with Jacques Cartier in 1534, one of the first thing we learned in history class?

Scurvy is back in 2021?

(1st case) “He was a gentleman socially isolated, who had limited home support,” explains Dr. Marquis. But he was barely eating anymore, because he was no longer mobile enough to get his food from the freezer… and so he starved himself like that.”

(2nd case) “The other patient who developed scurvy was a mental health patient, terrorized by COVID-19. As a result, she no longer left her home and ate only pasta. Measures such as curfews or simply social distancingcaused by COVID-19 added a challenge for people who were already fragile,” explains Dr. Marquis. But there’s also the fear of COVID-19, which is very real. And that fear has been absolutely overwhelming [for the patient], to the point of stopping going out completely.”

That dr says it’s the tip of the iceberg. I say it’s a snowflake on the tip of the iceberg.

COVID-19 is like a fly on the window that we tried to kill with a sledgehammer. The fly left. The window is shattered.

Link to the article (in French): https://ici.radio-canada.ca/nouvelle/1774011/scorbut-montreal-deux-cas-hopital

Mar 1, 2021 7:14 PM
Reply to  Jean

“Et cette peur-là a été absolument envahissante [pour la patiente], au point d’arrêter complètement de sortir.”

There is one of the causes of excess mortality, which happens to be kinda on the rise where I now live. Old people are locked up at home, no contact with the outer world, no fresh air, constantly bombarded by scaremongering, have nothing to do than watch TV which is full of death, death, death …

Scurvy … How come governments are not distributing Vitamin C, D, zinc, nutritional supplements, free fruits, veggies, eh … ? They’re throwing billions left and right and they don’t have some cash spare for that …?

Shouldn’t that make everybody see what a deadly scam it is …?

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Mar 1, 2021 10:07 PM
Reply to  Jacques

How come governments are not distributing Vitamin C, D, zinc, nutritional supplements, free fruits, veggies, eh … ?

The jesters are working and obeying the ORDERS of the SRF & Billionaires are the ORDERS are to…

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MORE DEATHS means future awesome jobs for the jesters.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Mar 1, 2021 11:53 PM
Reply to  Voz 0db

“I am the Ghost of JD Rockefellers Past and I approve of the way my Protege ‘Doc’ Billy E. is his making his bones. My boy has come so far. I am so proud.”
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EUTHANIZE THE WORLD! Corporate Fascism and Eugenics forever.”

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Mar 1, 2021 11:55 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

comment image

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Mar 3, 2021 6:01 PM

The funny thing is: the doctored photo of Rocky isn’t nearly as horrifying as the straight version!

Mar 3, 2021 6:00 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

With a face like that you don’t need to do anything to make people stay far, far away.

Mar 2, 2021 12:19 AM
Reply to  Jacques

Bond: “Do you expect me to talk?”
Goldfinger: “No, Mr. Bond; I expect you to die.”

Yup. We’re all supposed to die.
Thank heaven there’s more to life than these satanspawn imagine.

The worst of it is that in order to appreciate the evil they are doing, the perpetrators would actually have to be quite intelligent, and that, of course, is out of the question…
So we shouldn’t expect any meaningful psychological closure regarding these drooling specimens of bottomless iniquity.
We’ll just have to be content with stopping them and putting them to shame.
Somebody, somewhere, will make a start.

Mar 2, 2021 1:31 PM
Reply to  wardropper


Mar 2, 2021 9:25 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Terribly sorry to inform you:

We all die.

dr death
dr death
Mar 2, 2021 10:26 PM
Reply to  Kiwijoker

true, but many die having never lived…. does that resonate with you ?

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Mar 1, 2021 10:12 PM
Reply to  Jean

COVID-19 is like a fly on the window that we tried to kill with a sledgehammer. The fly left. The window is shattered.

Great image! But it’s even worse than that:

The people who came by and told you that only a sledgehammer would do the job (that the fly would never leave of its own accord, or that the simple tools that are readily available would not be sufficient to kill the fly), have either already climbed in through the broken window and made off with your valuables – and possibly killed your granny as well – or they are planning to do so. And now they have convinced everyone that broken windows cannot be easily fixed, and that the fly population is increasing daily and a serious threat to life and limb lung.

Mar 2, 2021 7:59 PM

Yes, kudos to Jean for the apt and original analogy!

The sledgehammer-mandating authorities, coincidentally I’m sure, also own patents on the sledgehammer, and/or own (or are shareholders in) the sledgehammer,fly-breeding, and window-replacement industries.

Yeesh, it’s the metaphor that never stops giving.

Mar 2, 2021 12:24 AM
Reply to  Jean

COVID-19 is like a fly on the window that we tried to kill with a sledgehammer. The fly left. The window is shattered.

That, Jean, is a perfect analogy.

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Mar 2, 2021 9:22 AM
Reply to  wardropper

The FUN PART it isn’t even a REAL fly… it’s just an imaginary one!

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Mar 2, 2021 9:23 AM
Reply to  Jean

The FUN PART it isn’t even a REAL fly… it’s just an imaginary one! Maybe next time…

Mar 1, 2021 6:19 PM

So glad to see this here.

A brilliant short clip which sums up the emotions of young people during this and reminds me what I see in the eyes of my young relatives.

This was an article on how we should learn from our children and we as adults, draw on their talents to protect them. Any caring responsible parent needs to engage with all this regardless of arguments over Covid, lockdowns etc.


Mar 2, 2021 1:06 PM
Reply to  Loverat

Really enjoyed this article..thanks. Tried to share it to Facebook and was told I couldn’t as “others” found it “abusive”.

Mar 2, 2021 3:27 PM
Reply to  highlander

Thank you so much. Well, I guess half the battle is getting people to read it. The other half getting people to see beyond the end of their nose. Much appreciated again.

Mar 4, 2021 2:28 AM
Reply to  highlander


Why waste time on Yuckerberg’s shitty channel ?