5 ways they’re trying to trick you into taking the Covid “vaccine”
The increasingly desperate ploys are all in play, and if you're not paying attention you might just fall for them
Kit Knightly
The vaccine rollout is in full flow now, the daily tickers have had “people vaccinated” added to their red counters, and the improbably large number grows more improbably large every day.
The sale of the century is very much on. The powers that be want every single person to be vaccinated, and they’re pulling out all the stops to make sure it happens.
Here are the five main ways the establishment is trying to manufacture your consent.
1. Bribery
It’s being reported that everyone getting vaccinated is the only way to get “back to normal”.
Don’t you want to go to the pub again? Or the gym? Or see granny? Or hug people?
Well, just take the shot. Take the shot and all this lockdown and social distancing economic collapse and mounting poverty, it will all just go away.
It’s a common refrain, one which rather clashes with “new normal” we’ve been hearing about for a over year.
In fact, it looks like “back to normal” may come with a qualifying asterisk. For example embattled New York governor Andrew Cuomo has said vaccines will help the state “get back to normal*”…
…where “normal” involves an “Excelsior Pass”.
You don’t need me to explain the complexities of this technique. It’s simple coercion. “Do as we say, and you’ll get a treat.”
Important to remember: “Getting back to normal” is a lie. As much as people repeat the mantra in soundbites and social media posts, the “experts” are clearer – many have said we will NEVER be going back to normal, and others have said we need to maintain anti-Covid measures until at least 2022. The “vaccine” itself does not even claim to limit transmission, even those vaccinated are still being ordered to follow the restrictions.
2. Celebrity Endorsements
One of the oldest and most widely used marketing gimmicks. Partly because it works, but mostly because it’s cheap and easy: Simply find a bunch of tools and put them to work.
The NHS was not shy about this approach, claiming they were planning to enlist “sensible celebrities” who are “known and loved” to combat anti-vax sentiment.
For example, Patrick Stewart:
How do we say thank you to the health workers and scientists for their sacrifice and service? Receive the vaccine as soon as one can to lessen their load and keep wearing a mask to protect fellow citizens. In my 80th year, I am grateful and hopeful for better days ahead. pic.twitter.com/emGDlnYL2E
— Patrick Stewart (@SirPatStew) January 22, 2021
Or Elton John and Michael Caine:
Or even Her Majesty:
‘It was very quick. It didn’t hurt at all.’
The Queen shares her experience of getting the #COVIDVaccine with England’s NHS Vaccine Deployment Lead Dr @Emily_JR_Lawson, and encourages those who might be hesitant to get theirs when invited. 👑 @RoyalFamily pic.twitter.com/MsR7uqSmK2
— NHS England and NHS Improvement (@NHSEngland) February 25, 2021
Important to remember: Celebrities – especially actors and TV personalities – are simply paid to repeat lines. Even if their intentions are correct, there’s no reason to assume any of them have any understanding of what they’re talking about. And none of these people has anything to lose should you or a loved one suffer any harm from taking an untested vaccine.
3. Forced “scarcity”
For weeks now we’ve been seeing headlines about “dwindling stock” of vaccines. How people in Europe are desperate for doses or some states are being prioritised over others. It goes on and on and on.
Everyone who has ever been inside a store knows this trick. “While stocks last”, “limited time offer”, or a thousand other variants designed to create the idea that if you don’t acquire product X right now, you will miss your chance.
A corollary of this is fake exclusivity, the way credit card companies tell absolutely everyone they call that they “qualified for our exclusive introductory rate”.
By creating the idea that the vaccine is hard to come by, they also create the idea that anyone who gets their hands on a dose is fortunate, or somehow a de facto member of some special club.
Important to remember: It’s all total nonsense. They are not in any danger of “running out” of vaccines. And even if they are, scarcity is a marketing ploy, not an argument.
4. Fake “popularity”
You can’t underestimate the idea of peer pressure when it comes to marketing, one of the oldest tricks in the book is culturing popularity through the idea that popularity already exists. It’s why people buy likes and views on youtube and concerts have seat fillers.
And it’s why Matt Hancock was reported to have said this:
Incredible take up: Matt Hancock says 94% of Britons have taken a coronavirus vaccine or will do so when offered.
— Sebastian Payne (@SebastianEPayne) March 1, 2021
Is this true? No source is cited, so it’s hard to say. It could be entirely made up, a lot of statistics are. Even if the figure is technically real, it’s likely just from some opinion poll. And, as Yes Minister has taught us, polls are totally meaningless.
To quote (ironically enough) Peter Hitchens:
Opinion polls are a device for influencing public opinion, not a device for measuring it.”
The UK is reporting that 1/3rd of the population has already had at least one dose of vaccine, a number which seems very high (it equates to roughly 250,000 vaccinations per day since the first shot was given on December 8th), this follows early reports that vaccine uptake was “better than expected”.
Even if that’s the case – and the past year has proven there’s never any reason to trust government figures – Hancock’s “94%” seems very unlikely to have any bearing on reality, given the number of reports of low uptake – especially in poorer regions, amongst ethnic minorities, and NHS workers.
Important to remember: An opinion poll is no measure of reality, popularity is no measure of quality, and it is in the establishment’s interest to make all dissenters feel they are in a tiny minority.
5. “Resistance is useless”
This is an interesting one. There’s been a lot of talk about Vaccine Passports recently, and perhaps they will become a thing, but the vast majority of the public discourse is spreading the idea they are “inevitable”.
Now, the idea of inevitability is a powerful tool. You can encourage it as a way of preparing the ground for a policy role out, sure, but you can also use it to engender feelings of defeat in your opposition and thus gain their consent without force.
You can see this defeatist language taking hold in some hitherto staunch Covid sceptics.
Peter Hitchens recently announced he was being vaccinated, claiming he was defeated and vaccine passports were inevitable:
I get the strong sense that any sort of travel, and plenty of other things, will be impossible if I don’t have the necessary vaccine certificate.
Just today, Lord Sumption essentially caved on the same exact issue in the very similar language:
Lord Sumption Capitulating to Vaccine Passports. pic.twitter.com/oL4jkjYNFy
— WE GOT A PROBLEM (@problem_we) March 4, 2021
Desmond Swayne MP, another longtime Lockdown sceptic, also capitulated today:
I’ve just had my jab: make sure you can get yours, so that we can all get back to normal life pic.twitter.com/m0ChCRpkTX
— Desmond Swayne (@DesmondSwayne) March 4, 2021
“Get vaccinated now, because you’ll probably have to eventually” is the message, and it’s not hard to see the utility of it.
From a purely logistical point of view, making people think there are going to be vaccine passports is much, much easier (and cheaper) than actually introducing them.
As a follower said to us on twitter:
I believe it is the next level of the psyop- make people believe they are the minority when in fact the opposite is likely true but because the mind is beaten and manipulated more just ‘tag’ along for the ride
— S.G Truth (@patriotic1966) March 4, 2021
Will they eventually issue Vaccine Passports? Maybe.
Maybe all these tricks will fail and they’ll be forced to use less carrot and more stick. But it seems equally possible that – for now at least – they’re being dangled over people to encourage defeatism in those of us who are resisting, and thereby increase vaccine up take.
Important to remember: vaccine passports will only ever become “inevitable” once the vast majority of people have had the vaccine. If enough people refuse to take part, the program will never work.
So, there’s the breakdown of all the broad marketing categories being used to sell this vaccine. But what’s the final takeaway?
Honestly, not an un-positive one I would say. Because what all these strategies have in common is the increasingly hysterical air of desperation.
If vaccine take-up was really at 94%, there’d be no need to sell the vaccine so much. If they were really running out of vaccines, the papers wouldn’t be advertising it, they’d be telling people not to panic.
They’ve publicly turned several notable anti-lockdown voices for this campaign, these are key cards they have played all at once. That’s a desperate move.
In short, there’s good reason to think the resistance to the “new normal” is a lot more widespread than the establishment ever expected it to be.
You don’t put the Queen on a zoom call when you’re winning the argument.
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⁹perhaps people like Hitchens and Swayne and Sumption are simply “Controlled Opposition”
Guys, I read the articles and there are some good points I haven’t thought about.
Read also some dozens of comments in this section.
I would like to know what do you think about the situation in Brazil? Where lockdown is almost inexistent and deaths are being report as >2K a day? Thanks
In America and some European countries, every single death is listed as Covid, regardless of what the real cause of death was. It is a a PLANdemic.
You can not really get alarmed by any death numbers released by your popular tv network. because a large portion of those who are being counted as covid deaths ARE not covid deaths, they are inflating the numbers through a variety of means to scare people into compliance. It is fear based mind control
Right On Point!
They will need a dart gun to get that into my body! I smelt a rat from day 1 and that smell has just got shittier and Shittier!
Crack on with the passport. I’m happy exploring and camping on my beautiful British Island thank you very much!
I will always stand up to what I believe to be utter control and tyranny. I stand with many and I praise us all for being strong and brave and not bowing down to the bullshit 🙏🏼
The really puzzling thing to me, is that even people who realize that this whole Corona and ‘vaccine’ operation is a Big Lie operation, don’t seem to make the mental connection that since that is true, then it also means that ALL of the mainstream political parties are signed up to this deception operation.
If only people made that connection, then if (a big ‘if’) large numbers of people start to realize that this is all a massive deception operation, they might realize that the only way to stop it will be to throw ALL of the mainstream political parties out of power.
I think they have been tossing around the idea that you can’t have a bank account if you are not vaccinated. The main reason that the German populous went along with Hitler incarcerating Jews is because they. used the media to tell them that the Jews had diseases and they needed to be separated from the rest of them. They gave them Gold stars and put them in camps “For everyone elses safety” Soon here in the states there will quickly be a situation where there are those that are vaccinated and those that are not. One of those two is going to be wearing a modern version of a “Gold star” and economically and perhaps even physically separate them from those that have taken the experimental jab. So obviously the more you educate others as to the dangers of forced ANYTHING the better the chance of things turning out for the better.
An optional vaccine isn’t tyranny.
Do you look for news other than MSM garbage? Seriously!! There is a push for it to be mandated. You take the vaccine or you cannot get back to life. Do some research. Please pull your head from the sand. The clock is ticking hard, oud and fast.
Hi, Kate
M e too ! I feel the same.
The 🐁I smelt soon was :” W h y on earth do NOT they talk about strengthening our innate immune system ??” 😳😳😳😳
These were the first bells which “rang in” a more pronounced and knowledgeable resistance which grew in the basis of FLCCC Alliance, Dr.Paul Marik, Dr.Pierre Kory, Dr. Tess Lawrie from Liverpool , from reading good studies a n d faked_ cheated “studies” on Ivermectin and Covid.
We stand together wherever WE are -Britain, 🇩🇪 , USA, Austria, France and……and …..
This would explain why all governments are rushing to give ‘Covid tests’ to the entire population of their countries – again, and again – aside from the fact that it makes hundreds of billions in profits for Bill Gates.
There is a technology that allegedly may well be used in the swabs for the ‘Covid tests’ – which would insert the ‘vaccines’ into anyone who is given a ‘Covid test’.
I personally do not believe that the queen got the shot. They are known to use very little allopathic medicine and mostly homeopathic remedies. Maybe she was convinced to go on zoom, but the syringe was most likely sterile water. They would never take an experimental unapproved vackseen.
None of the criminal ‘elites’ running the Corona scam and the ‘vaccine’ scam would ever allow themselves to be injected with any of these gene-editing ‘vaccines’: they know what they’re going to do to people.
Here in California, there was a mass vaccination site set up in Los Angeles’ Dodger Stadium. Day one, they reported administering 7,000 jabs, yet helicopter videos showed only a few hundred cars were ever waiting in line. A few days later a motley band of about 50 “anti-vaxers” with pre-printed signs, shut down the entire operation, despite there being plenty of workers and law enforcement on duty. Finally, the entire operation was shut down because they “ran out” of vaccine. These methods are being used on both sides of the pond
I keep reading that there is a lot of vaccine resistance (euphemistically, “hesitation”) in the United States, and that includes a lot of front line healthcare workers and now there’s going to be a lawsuit by one of those.
So if a vaccine passport is introduced, and perhaps a third to a half of people do not have one, can you imagine the fuss that’s going to be kicked up by the airlines, hotels, restaurants, cab companies, museums — by the whole tourist industry worldwide?
I can’t see how vaccine passports could possibly work in practice. Governments will fall over this policy if it is enacted.
It’s an empty threat.
No – all governments WILL introduce the ‘Covid passports’ – the technology for which has been under development for long before the globalists launched their ‘Corona crisis’.
It is absolutely essential for these globalist criminals running all Western governments to have a way of ensuring not only that everyone is injected with this generation of pretend-‘vaccines’ – but that they will thereafter be locked into being injected again and again with every new fake ‘vaccine’ until they die.
The Israeli government is acting as the prototype for forcing every single person to be injected, like it or not. They are banning anyone not injected from shopping malls, countless public spaces, etc. – and very soon, people in that country will find that their lives will be made unlivable, unless they submit to having their genes permanently edited.
All of the other governments will be doing the same – very soon. It will be insidious, and irresistable, inch by inch closing the vice – until you will not be able to buy food unless you have had your genes edited.
Meanwhile, it seems to be very possible that the ‘Covid tests’ are actually introducing the ‘vaccines’ into people, without their knowledge.
That would explain why the ‘tests’ are made by sticking something far up the nose, next to the blood-brain barrier – a method that many doctors say there is no possible justification for, unless there is some other purpose at work there.
They all end in “y”. Why is bribery, celebrity, scarcity, popularity, and inevitability being used, all fake, if the vaccine acceptance was actually at the high numbers touted? Of course the answer is that all of these fakes are being used because in fact there is not much acceptance and they know it, so they are dragging out approaches that may have worked in the past but are increasingly failing as people become more aware. Soon we’ll realize that we could kill all the politicians and their media lackeys and do without most of what has been lately called government. Somewhere in their tiny souls they are very scared.
I suspect that you’re right that the numbers who have been injected are lower – perhaps a lot lower – than these globalist criminals running the UK under Bill Gates’ orders are claiming.
The NHS claimed in a recent article that 92% of the UK population have a positive opinion of the ‘vaccines’ – despite the fact that even the totally controlled UK media say that 25% of NHS workers are refusing the ‘vaccines’.
We are now in a world of such saturation disinformation that none of us outside the Kleptocracy that runs all Western governments can have the slightest clue of what is true, and what is false.
But a good rule, with all mass media being run by the globalists criminals who are running the Corona and vaccine scams, is to assume (as the citizens of the Soviet Union used to) that whatever the media and the government say about anything – you should assume that the exact opposite is true.
While the disgusting Bill Gates puppet Hancock is threatening to make it illegal for NHS doctors and nurses to refuse their fake ‘vaccines’, his fellow Gates puppets running the French government are making exactly the same threats against French health workers.
Of course, they’re lying through their teeth as usual. Firstly, it is illegal under international law to compel anyone to be injected against their will – and even the European Council (amazingly) has very strongly stated that compulsion to take the ‘vaccines’ is illegal.
But breaking international law wouldn’t bother the globalist criminals running both the UK and French governments an inch – if they were sure that doctors and nurses would obey, if they made it illegal to refuse the ‘vaccines’.
But they are terrified that many doctors and nurses would refuse point-blank – and if word of that got out, then even the media-brainwashed sheep population might start to get twitchy – and might wonder if the ‘conspiracy theorists’ might actually be right – and (unthinkable for most of them) their own government are actually a gang of criminals conspiring against their own people – which of course they are.
So, they wheel out the Queen, who contemptibly – illustrating the moral bankruptcy not only of this totally corrupt Royal Family, who are all on the pay roll of Gates and the globalists, but of the moral bankruptcy of our entire establishment right across the Western world – obscenely dares to claim that people refusing the fake ‘vaccines’ are ‘selfish’…. even though even the crooked Big Pharma companies do not claim that their ‘vaccines’ prevent the virus spreading – so how on earth could refusing the virus be ‘selfish’?
If these ‘vaccines’ work as the crooks controlling the governments and media claim – “95% effective” – then people who have been injected have no reason to worry about people not getting injected, do they?
The conspiracy that the entire establishments of all Western countries are signed up to – run by Bill Gates, who has been planning the ‘Corona crisis’ along with the WEF, for years – illustrates the devastating truth that even if by some miracle these crooks running all establishments and the Corona and vaccine scams were unmasked and overthrown… there is literally no one to take their place.
And that is why the oligarchs and their puppets running Western governments and media are not worried at all – because there is literally no one opposing them among the politicians or in any other power centers: they are all bought & paid for.
And that is why they, those who have forgotten or ignore where the power really is, that is to say it is from the people, are idiots, since it is a definite possibility that most people will realize that their “governments” are useless, if not obstructive towards peace and prosperity. Perhaps we can say “off with their heads”? Thank you for your wise and informed reply.
My gut tells me the vaccine has some underhand secondary motive.
We know that Bill gates stated he wants to reduce the population via vaccines. The Davos group also has said population needs to be reduced.
I suspect they released the Wuhan virus and using the vaccine to edit our DNA in some way to reduce our life span and fertility. We have no way to know what’s in the CV19 experimental vaccine. I just do not trust them.
I have read what they did with vaccines in India and Africa, devilish behavior sterilizing women without consent and killing kids. Bill Gats organization got kicked-out from those countries.
Further, the recovery rate is 99.98 for the CV19 virus, so when would one take an untried vaccine and be a lab rate? The experimental vaccine does not even prevent the subject from getting the virus or even passing it on to others. So again I see no value in taking it.
All you need to do is follow the youtube people that have had the virus and see how they recovered within 10 days. I have had flu which I suffered more than what I see with healthy fit CV19 infected individuals.
I will not be taking the experimental vaccine, and if I need some form of vaccine passport, I will forge it for just say I have taken the vaccine. By law, no one can check my medical records without my permission.
Human rights say others can not experiment on you, so they can not get away with a vaccine passport is my thinking.
I think the biggest secret the establishment really doesn’t want getting out is that we don’t need anyone to take their place. The current systems are specifically designed to be corrupt. Getting rid of them would allow us to come up with something better.
Good article, but I think Desmond Swayne has always been a vaxxer. I don’t think he needed any persuasion. I still think he’s basically one of the good guys.
Hitchens is a real disappointment though, and Lord Sumption too, though at least Sumption has at the same time been advocating for civil disobedience.
Hitchens thinks he’s some kind of martyr and the only person fighting against the narrative.
To be fair to Hitchens, his was a lonely voice in the MSM. Now he has had the vaccine and admitted defeat, he is no longer relevant.
Over humanity’s entire history the deep-state .01% has managed a race for time to commandeer only for itself the absolute latest in global population-control technology. The only circumstance that neutralizes its efforts to the point of a totally uncontrollable massive, greater global biosphere dieback that’s no more advanced than cockroaches and small rodents is our (humanity ‘s) ongoing population increase beyond two billion consumers. At just beyond seven billion, the tipping point is close to uncontrollable.
Right now is their “pay up and die” epiphany offering for the vast most of the rest of us. It’s for the children (their children) you know. The world will revert back to a beehive “normal” (this cycle) when a perpetual population of five hundred million HS is petrie-dish contained around the globe.
captn crunch peecard, you do not own a vineyard in France you fag pos, tell it to the FARINGIES, there are NO rules or laws in ZION ,least of all rules of AQUISITION ,you silly ass bandits.
ps leave those kids alone!
It seems necessary to explain the situation in China, as the many arm-chair anticommunists that write around here, especially the new and fanatic ‘capitalist’ converts from Eastern Europe (a region that today only exists, perhaps undeservedly, thanks to Stalin and the Red Army), continue to spread their lies and anti-socialist poisson.
The Chinese response to Covid is similar, although more drastic, than the response China used in the SARS epidemic in 2002. Even if the origins of the epidemic are not clear (animal food, lab work, etc…), the response of the Chinese authorities has been consistent. An initial phase, especially by the local authorities (China has a very high level of local autonomy), that tries to hide or cover up the seriousness of the disease, in the hope of avoiding panic, finding a quick cure or preventing economic or political damage and lost of prestige. Followed by an emergency response initiated by the COMMUNIST PARTY AND CENTRAL GOVERNMENT. As a rule, when the situation starts to get out of control of the local authorities, the Communist Party falls like a tonne of bricks on the ‘unruly’ regions and their bosses. That is why, decisive and, if necessary, brutal measures are carried out. Nobody should make any mistake, the Communist Party is a MILITARY organisation and will take the most ruthless measures to take control in any emergency.
The isolation of the population and its confinement, has to be understood in this context. Thus, it is necessary to understand that the health infrastructures and hygiene systems in China, are NOT comparable to the health systems and hygienic standards of most countries in the West. An epidemic in China, has the potential of becoming a major disaster, not only because of the demographic density, but especially because heavy pollution has weakened the lungs of many Chinese. That is why, the most drastic measures are, sometimes, taken to nip in the bud any medical emergency.
The imitation of that measures in the West and, then, in the rest of the world, clearly have a different character. It is obvious that, at the beginning, the only preoccupation of the Western governments was to PROTECT immigration and their immigrationist policies. To hide that this was an immigrationist disease due to their open door policies. They made a supreme effort to prevent any attack on immigration, as it was obvious that the disease was IMPORTED. Only, later and little by little, they understood that they could turn the epidemic to their advantage, as a GOD SENT weapon against the native populations that were starting to turn against immigrationism. In the case of Italy and Spain, there was an added advantage, as those countries could claim more subsidies from the EU and give some breathing space to their sinking economies.
Today, is clear that the oligarchies have found an excellent weapon to control populations, plunder the health systems and increase taxes. A health version of the plunder carried out in the last crisis. Covid is, indeed, ‘a gift that keeps on giving’…!!!
My gut tells me the vaccine has some underhand secondary motive.
We know that Bill gates stated he wants to reduce the population via vaccines. The Davos group also has said population needs to be reduced.
I suspect they released the Wuhan virus and using the vaccine to edit our DNA in some way to reduce our life span and fertility. We have no way to know what’s in the CV19 experimental vaccine. I just do not trust them.
I have read what they did with vaccines in India and Africa, devilish behavior sterilizing women without consent and killing kids. Bill Gats organization got kicked-out from those countries.
Further, the recovery rate is 99.98 for the CV19 virus, so when would one take an untried vaccine and be a lab rate? The experimental vaccine does not even prevent the subject from getting the virus or even passing it on to others. So again I see no value in taking it.
All you need to do is follow the youtube people that have had the virus and see how they recovered within 10 days. I have had flu which I suffered more than what I see with healthy fit CV19 infected individuals.
I will not be taking the experimental vaccine, and if I need some form of vaccine passport, I will forge it for just say I have taken the vaccine. By law, no one can check my medical records without my permission.
Human rights say others can not experiment on you, so they can not get away with a vaccine passport is my thinking.
funny so desparate they have to wheel out that corpse dolly parton ..criminals all of them…the game is up..time to bring out the noose
The government is really scraping the barrel when reduced to using the Queen to help push the Frankenstein treatments on us. No one in their right mind would ever trust the Queen after Epstein and Saville. 10 years for showing a neighbour a false flag video in the New Zealand Mosque shooting, £10k fine for going on holiday, £10k fine for organising an event against Covid-19 and now this,
MEDICAL SHOCKER. Scientists at Sloan Kettering discover mRNA inactivates tumor-suppressing proteins, meaning it can promote cancer
There’s a secret layer of information in your cells called messenger RNA, that’s located between DNA and proteins, that serves as a critical link. Now, in a medical shocker to the whole world of vaccine philosophy, scientists at Sloan Kettering found that mRNA itself carries cancer CAUSING changes – changes that genetic tests don’t even analyze, flying completely under the radar of oncologists across the globe. So now, it’s time for independent laboratories that are not vaccine manufacturers (or hired by them) to run diagnostic testing on the Covid vaccine series and find out if these are cancer-driving inoculations that, once the series is complete, will cause cancer tumors in the vaccinated masses who have all rushed out to get the jab out of fear and propaganda influence. Welcome to the world of experimental and dirty vaccines known as mRNA “technology”.
Previously unknown cancer driving messengers are hiding in RNA, not DNA
This mind-blowing discovery should be published on every medical news site, newspaper, television news broadcast and on the CDC website, but unless you are reading this article and use DuckDuckGo as your search engine, you probably wouldn’t ever see it. That’s because Google is in on the fix, with Big Pharma and the VIC – the vaccine industrial complex. So here’s a more in-depth explanation of what we’re looking at, for real, regarding mRNA and vaccines. The information carrying molecule, messenger RNA, can instruct human cells ultimately in the same way as cancer drivers, playing a major role in causing cancer to thrive while inactivating natural tumor-suppressing proteins the human body creates to save you from cancer. This is the complete opposite of what the CDC and the vaccine manufactures are telling everyone right now about the Covid vaccines, and this is based on clinical research by molecular biologists at the Sloan Kettering Institute. Even sequencing the DNA in cancer cells doesn’t reveal these changes, that’s how sneaky the vaccines are. It’s like a Trojan horse that tells your cells to allow these changes to be made, as if they were safe, but they’re not. All assumptions being made about mRNA being ‘safe’ right now have been completely turned 180 degrees with this research. Consider this very carefully if you have not yet been vaccinated with mRNA technology, and you may want to ‘lawyer-up’ if you already got the jabs.
After your Covid vaccination, RNA is transported out of your cell’s nucleus, and will no longer function properly as a cancer tumor suppressorBill Gates and the Vaccine Industrial Complex are very sinister, as we all know, but to create vaccines that truncate (disable by cutting short) cancer tumor suppressors, and destroy the human body’s ability to protect against cancer, well, that’s just complete insanity. Truncated tumor-suppressor proteins are similar to the DNA mutations that cause cancer cells to mutate and multiply uncontrollably. Will America see cancer cases skyrocket over the next few years due to Covid vaccines? Only time will tell, but right now, science is revealing that it’s likely. Pay close attention. Therefore, anyone who is scared to death of the Covid vaccines is pro-science rather than anti-science, because the science shows the mRNA technology is very dangerous, especially concerning proteins that fuel cancer tumors. Let’s say that again: Science shows mRNA technology can fuel cancer tumor growth.
Substantial amount of people with blood cancer have the SAME inactivation of tumor-suppressor genes at the mRNA levelScientists also discovered that a substantial amount of people with blood cancer, a.k.a. chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), have the same exact inactivation of tumor-suppressor genes at the mRNA level. In fact, the mRNA changes they detected could possibly account for the missing DNA mutations, and that spells out bad news for everyone who thinks the Covid vaccine series is “safe and effective.” It’s effective alright, at suppressing anti-cancer proteins, one might conclude. Even if just half (partial truncation) mRNA changes in human cells take place, it’s enough to “completely override the function of the normal versions that are present,” according to the Sloan Kettering team of scientists. These changes can also apply to 100 different genes at the same time, so the changes can add up quickly and cause horrific health repercussions. Of course, mainstream media will dismiss any connections made by these discoveries, but they’re paid to regurgitate pharma talk, so that’s not surprising at all. It is important to note that mRNA changes, according to researchers, are not limited to blood cancer, but have been linked to acute lymphatic cancer and breast cancer. Could this mean we’re looking at a new population control mechanism hidden in messenger RNA? About 20,000 people in the US develop “CLL” chronic lympthocytic leukemia each year. How many will quietly begin developing it now, and then have it suddenly “show up” five years from now? Symptoms include fatigue, enlarged lymph nodes, and night sweats. Did you get mRNA vaccinated and experience those symptoms already? Are those symptoms on the warning label – the vaccine insert? Did you read them? There’s only one “treatment” offered right now for CLL by the Pharma Industrial Complex, and that’s stem cell bone marrow transplantation. Oh, but it’s only recommended if your CLL is “likely” to advance. Do your mRNA vaccines now qualify you as “likely” to advance with CLL? Tune your internet dial to Vaccines.news for updates on human challenge trials for people interested in suppressing genes that fight cancer. No wonder Mark Zuckerberg is scared to death about the Covid vaccine. Sources for this article include: mskcc.org vaccines.news mskcc.org
But I just read this on their website;
“Researchers at the Sloan Kettering Institute have found that changes in an information-carrying molecule called messenger RNA can inactivate tumor-suppressing proteins and thereby promote cancer. The findings pinpoint previously unknown drivers of the disease. It’s important to note that mRNAs are a normal component of all cells and the specific ones discussed here are not involved in mRNA-based vaccines, like the one developed against SARS-CoV-2″.
Maybe the wayback machine can do the comparison..
Resiste et m9nds!
Operation Covid Psy-OP is multi-faceted. Transhumanism through Animal RNA. Brain Artificial Intelligence Interface through Silica Nano Particles. Real Time Intimate Surveillance of 8 Billion People. Crash National Economies & Currencies to roll out a Global Central Bank Crypto Currency. The Luciferian New World Order will be a Global Central Bank Corporate Gov’t disguised as a Global Communist Dictatorship. Do Not Receive the ‘Smart Mark’ under any circumstances!
A good summary of the plan.
The greatest defence for the criminals running the Corona scam, the Great Reset, Climate Crisis and all of their other Big Lie operations is that the truth is so unbelievable, sounding like something out of a science fiction novel, that few people will believe it.
The oligarchs and their puppet politicians running the national governments are now in a position never achieved by anyone in history before: with no one in any position in power anywhere across the planet opposing them, they can re-make the world to be whatever they want it to be.
And what they want is a vastly reduced world population, with those that they don’t kill being their remote-controlled slaves.
This only ends when we flex our own authority. Stand together regardless of differences and protect each other. There is not one single place we can show our majority? Here it is: Get involved: http://www.wecanlivebetter.org
So assume that the end game by Jan’22 is that around half the pop has had at least 1 covid19 vax in most industrialized countries. What next?
If the rushed and reckless vax testing leads to significant problems among the vax’d pop, what happens then? I don’t think any big country has approved the vax , all are giving vax shots under “emergency authorization.
Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE) is a known risk in mrna vaccines. To simplify ALOT, the immune systems reacts to a virus with two types of antibody: Binding and Neutralizing.
Binding antibodies mark the virus in the immune system’s list of bad actors.
Neutralizing antibodies KILL the virus.
You need a good ratio of Binding to Neutralizing antibodies to defeat the virus. If you don’t get adequate Neutralizing Antibodies, the vax has taught the body not to respond to the virus when it comes around again. This leads to ADE, where vaccinated people have much worse cases of the disease the second time around. ADE deaths among a pretty small group testing Dengue Fever vaccine led to cancelling the trail and further research. Same mrna vax technology.
I’ve not read any research where the ratio of Binding to Neutralizing antibodies was reported. In their rush to get an approved vax out the door, it seemed the only measurement was does the vax produce any antibody response – which is different than producing immunity to a wild virus.
Might explain why public health is insisting on maintaining masks/social distancing after vax. They may know the vax doesn’t protect….
Big question is why is everyone pushing for mass vaccination? Feels a little like the secret deals among major powers in Europe that led to WWI after the Sarajevo assassination. The train’s left the station and no one has the power or interest to stop it.
I was intrigued by your comment and so looked up the dengue vaccine – but that is NOT the mRNA type of vaccine. That was a more conventional type, and did indeed create ADE.
I’m not swayed by any of their false propaganda. VAccines are supposed to go through a five to seven year rigourous well documented testing regimen. This one has so far had maybe four months of “testing”. Once it has been well proven as safe AND effective over aperiod of at least five years, perhaps I’ll consider it. But, I’ve never yet taken any of the seasonal flu, shingles, measles, AIDS or any other vaccine. Nor have I ever gotten any of those diseases. I also tke a regmen of daily dietary supplements, designed to strenghten my own immune system. December last I spent about eight hours tossed together in a smallish motorcar in very close company with freinds returning from out of state by plane. Long relaxing evening in their home, as well. Next morning HE gets a call from the relatives they’d been with for two weeks, informing that one of them had tsted positive for the virus that morning. My friend got tested, positive. I’d been with them, in close quarters, during his contagious period. He did develop mild symptoms, quickly recovered… I never got a hint of anything. BUT I make use of a range of supplements to strangthen my iimmune system.. Seems to work. Never gotten ANY of the flus shots, never gotten any of the flus either. I am in at least TWO categories considered HIGH RISK for getting the /’Rona. I have not signficantl changed any of my long standing “social patterns”. I’vejust kept doing what I’vealways done. Got kicked out of two stores,refusing seervice, beause I perosnally canot wear the bloody thin, and they would not tolerate my presence without the requisite mug nappie. So I found and ordered my products online, less oney had them in a few days, and no trauma from the fearmongers.
Driving everyone to buy on-line by destroying as many small shops and businesses is all part of the plan. Amazon et al have all given massively to the globalists’ finances – and this is their pay off.
Been studying all that I meet about health since this covid started, yesterday I thought about homeopathy and I thought if this is how homeopathy works and it works, all that’s called disease symptoms like runny nose, rashes, fever, etc should actually be the body getting the garbage out. It’s been months and I haven’t found any to convince me otherwise.
Should be called an “Unverified, partially tested, ALLEGED VACCINE”
Please allow us to only get it from the same BATCH the politicians get, instead of the common eliminate people BATCH.
How come Bill Gates and his wife have NOT taken their vaccines?!
They’re immune by birth. That is also why they do not wear masks.
He could easily get poked in the arm, but how do we know what was in the syringe?
Lizards don’t get the flu !
Speaking of lizards, when you see fauci video watch the neckline. At least one video showed that it was a mask. Maybe this will be viral soon or already viral.
The situation in the UK – and the outlook for the future – is as grim as at any point in our history.
We have a government of totally corrupt globalist criminals taking all of their orders from Bill Gates, and what can be called the globalist alliance of Big Tech, global banks and the oligarchs.
We have no opposition party at all – and all MPs of all parties are only in their positions because they are signed up to be obedient rubber stamps – just as was the case in the Soviet ‘Parliament’.
We are actually a one-party globalist Police State – masquerading as a multi-party democracy. The media are as totally controlled as that of the Soviet Union; freedom of speech is dead; and the police are indoctrinated far-left goons in uniform.
And of course, we are now bankrupt beyond words – with that having been achieved totally deliberately by locking-down the economy, as planned by those running the Corona operation years ago.
There is not one single politician in the UK – or come to that, anywhere across the Western world – who is denouncing the long-planned and centrally-coordinated fakery and lies poured out by the government, all politicians and all media.
And the agenda is to keep the lockdowns going – with not the slightest evidence that lockdowns produce any benefit at all (look at Florida, with no lockdowns!) – because the agenda is to deliberately destroy as many small businesses and millions of jobs as possible, so that that will provide the ‘excuse’ for the coming Great Reset Orwellian Police State dictatorship which they will shortly be implementing.
You now need a ‘travel permit’ – just as you did in the Soviet Union – to leave your own country, with the criminals running this government pretending that this is for the Covid ‘crisis’ – when actually, ending mass tourism and international travel was stated as one of the objectives of the WEF’s “Great Reset” months before the globalists launched their ‘Corona crisis’.
In other words, the long-planned ‘Corona crisis’ is merely the means to achieve the stated aims of oligarchs’ and Big Tech’s plan: they wanted to end – permanently – international travel and tourism for most people… and the Corona crisis, planned years ago, is the tool with which to do it.
And that is why people should not imagine that this ‘Corona crisis’ will be allowed to end. It won’t. It is the indispensable weapon and tool of the oligarchs and their puppet national governments to herd us all into the Orwellian nightmare ‘New World Order’ that they have prepared for us.
Randy Hillier in Canada is standing up.
A friend of mine has been saying that the only hope for any of us is that if at some point over the next year, people start dying in great numbers from – for example – auto-immune diseases as a result of having been injected, then the oligarchs’ puppets running the governments of the West might see their Corona operation collapse.
But I don’t think that people dying in vast numbers as a result of taking the ‘vaccines’ would bother the globalist criminals running almost all Western governments: on the contrary, they would claim that the deaths were due to some new ‘variant’ – and would use the deaths to herd people to take yet another ‘vaccine’.
Hear, hear…
Precisely right. They’ll say it’s just another form of the virus, and will never tell anyone that peoples’ immune systems are deteriorating rapidly due to antibody dependent enhancement (ADE), pathogenic priming, and cytokine storms. And of course the majority of people are too uninformed/misinformed and blind to it all to do any of their own research, find their own sources of truth about these hideous, deadly jabs.
People will start dying in Large numbers next Winter. Not due to covid, but a avalanche of ‘other’ Respiratory diseases that haven’t shown themselves for the past year or more including Flu.
This will be put down to a ‘weakened’ immune system caused by lock-down. (As predicted by the Governments own medical advisor on the #marr show this Morning). (There already it seems, now ‘surreptitiously’ preparing us for mass Deaths next Winter).
It will be interesting to see if their will be a correlation made between those who were Vaccinated and those who were not. I doubt any such correlation will see the light of Day though!
Yes, indeed.
As people start to die in vast numbers as a result of the pretend ‘vaccines’ – but which the globalist criminals running the governments will blame on some new ‘variant’ of the virus) the masses will become more and more terrified – and will thereby queue up to be injected with the next generation of pretend ‘vaccines’, which will thereby seal their doom.
They would cover it up. As it is now. any death is Cv19 related, but post-vaccine any death is not vaccine-related. Thats how they do it
The author, however, omits one of the most important factors used to trick the populations of the world. Indeed, Trade Unions and political parties, especially those on the left, but also the ones on the right (so called populist), have, even actively, refused to exercise a critical response and defence of their followers and sympathisers, let alone of the whole population. These situation of total defencelessness, is only possible because there are no mass and organised communist parties that can take the war to the class enemy.
ah yes, communism will fix everything. just like it did everywhere it’s ever been implemented. great idea.
That’s right. For the looks of it, communism is the ONLY movement that has managed to obtain results. Since communists withdrew from the scene you are defenceless… and will continue to be so until we, commies, decide to come back. Bambies should know their limits…
To think that it used to be our governments in the West, who boasted of our’freedom’, ‘freedom of speech’ and ‘democracy’ – and attacked the Soviet Union for having none of those things.
And now, we have no more freedom, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, anor democracy than the Soviet Union had.
And they still daily attack Russia as if it’s the Soviet Union.
Russia is not globalist-controlled – unlike almost everywhere else across the globe.
That is why the globalist-controlled governments – i.e., almost all Western governments and political establishments – so loathe Russia and Putin.
It honestly feels like the Russians are the good guys now!
More on the suspension of Robin Monotti:
How and why the c0vid scam started and developed (video) – opinion of a person born and educated in a Communist regime, therefore who can understand the logic of the Chines Communist Party. https://mariusmioc.wordpress.com/2021/03/01/discussing-the-wuhan-flu-with-empathy-for-the-chinese-communist-party-video/
Interesting theory. I wonder what role was played by Iran.
Iran played the role of Obi-Wan Kenobi.
But this has yet to be confirmed through Hollywood sources.
Being born and bred (educated?) in any regime, ‘communist’ or ‘capitalist’, does not guarantee anything, let alone the understanding of ‘logic’. Indeed, ‘capitalists’ countries usually are the biggest masters in manipulation and control. Something that can be easily seen today.
Being born and educated in a Communist regime is a guarantee that I have a life experience that allow me to understand how a Communist regime work. And living in a Capitalist regime for the last 31 years is giving me a life experience to understand also how a Capitalist regime work. I wrote several books about manipulation, my publishing activities are mainly in Romanian language. My latest book (also in Romanian language) is called „Covid, the lie of the century” https://mariusmioc.wordpress.com/2020/11/09/noua-mea-carte-covid-minciuna-veacului/
Not necessarily. Living in different places and regimes, is no guarantee of understanding what is going on. The argument of ‘presence’ (or life experience) is very weak, as you might not be experiencing what it has to be experienced to understand, you might already be biased, you might not understand the context or, since you cannot be in all places at once, you might not have been in certain places that could explain more or differently. Many other people could have similar experiences, and yet say the opposite of what you are saying. That is a common occurrence in all countries. That is why, among other things, there are different parties and groups. In the same way, writing books or publishing research, does not mean that they are right or say sensible things. For instance, it is well known that most research in universities and academia, is useless pulp or says what those who pay it and fund it want to hear. In a manipulated world, everything is suspect.
You need to learn Romanian language, read my books, and afterwards you can give an opinion if I understood or not. Or you may start commenting about what I said in the video above about how c0vid started and developed – this is in English, you dont need to learn a new language for that.
marius, you’re arguing with a communist. AKA an idiot. it’s pointless. this person has likely never once even set foot in a communist country. they are also most likely an upper middle class college kid who has never done any real work in their life. don’t waste your time.
There are those of us who argue that the Stalinist parody of communism was in fact a form of fascism, a view firmly reinforced in my mind as one who spent a year as a student in mid-1980’s so-called communist Poland where the organized working class was fighting this very system (and had been doing sporadically since 1956 when for a short time a strike briefly paralyzed the city of Poznan and a workers’ committee took over the city), something that is impossible in Marxist terms if it really was socialism or communism.
For the actual covid crisis we dont need to discuss in general about what is „real” communism. Only the communist regime of China is relevant. If you dont want to label it as „communism” but as „Stalinist parody of communism” or as „fascism”, that is not very important. We should focussing at the facts not at the label. The communist regime of China has some features like opression, censorship of media and internet, not allowing free speech above the limit that the government is establishing. As I wrote in my book „Covid, the lie of the century” (available only in Romanian language), I consider that the Communist regime in China evolved compared with 20th century, it became more human. This is why, instead of resorting at mass killings against the people in Wuhan, it gave them only house arrest. We should recognize this as a progress from Stalinist times.
For the Covid crisis, we do not need to discuss this for sure. As to the discussion of the validity of Marxism, these points are germane. There are those who argue that the old political terminology has become redundant anyway, and there is merit in such arguments.
There are other that say that the proof of the pudding is in the eating… and those who say that Marxism is ‘redundant’ have not cooked as yet a better pudding, but a disgusting, filthy and inedible porridge, that has driven people to global slavery.
This is what we were telling you before. For example, you claim to have lived in a ‘capitalist’ regime for 30 odd years, but you seem to ignore that Off-Guardian is (so the story goes), a publication created to avoid the BRUTAL CENSORSHIP of the ‘capitalist’ press in one of the, allegedly, freest countries on Earth (and yes, we were banned from The Guardian too). A censorship that you ‘only’ seem to see in China. To come here to talk about the censorship, dictatorship and ‘stalinism’ of others, is simply laughable… even more, if we bear in mind that Romania owns its modern existence and survival as a nation, to Stalin and the Red Army, the very ones that allowed Romania to change sides and betray her Nazi ally and, thus, atone for her numerous crimes in the modern history of Europe…!!!
Yes, but that was because Stalin first shifted his allegiance from Hitler to the Allies because he saw the latter were going to win.
Stalin did not shift anything… on the contrary, the USSR was waiting for an attack since the end of the Civil War. It was a matter of when, not if. Britain and France, did change. They supported Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy in Spain and Finland against the USSR and then, in Munich, surrendered Czechoslovakia to Herr Hitler. In Poland, which by the way, had also a treaty with Nazi Germany since 1934 and attacked Czechoslovakia before she was attacked by Germany, the UK and France had to do something, as they saw the danger to themselves. That is why they DID NOT DARE to declare war against the USSR, which ALSO invaded Poland… Perfidious Albion…
It is your (wrong) opinion that I ignore the capitalist censorship. In the covid crisis I was a victim of this censorship. 13 videos from my youtube chanel were deleted by youtube because were against the official narative about covid. This is why I started a bitchute chanell. As I translated in Romanian an interview of prof. Sucharit Bhakdi I was labelled in one major Romanian newspaper as being an ally of Kremlin, which is, for some political Romanian circles, kind of being an enemy of the people. This is completely nonsense, as Kremlin policy in the covid problem is to push covid panic as a mean to enforce the control of state against its citizens, like in many other countries. But I see nonsense is prevalent in our days. I wrote about the censorship that exist worldwide in the covid problem, but the fact that the covid problem started in China can not be ignored. After I wrote my book in Romanian language I thought it will be usefull to make an explanation about my views about the covid problem also in (broken) English. This is why I published this interview. Other problems, like how ungratefull are the Romanians for the Soviet Army, I believe is not here the place to discuss, we should focus on covid problem. https://www.bitchute.com/video/VxvbdVhHShYS/
We do not buy your attack on ‘communism’ disguised as a health problem. If you have a problem against communism you should say it directly and make a critique, if you can, for all of us to see and respond and not talk nonsense about stalinism or more ‘human’ Chinese communism. Something that shows, on the other hand, your ignorance about what was happening in Eastern Europe and China when the Communists took over. Your position is untenable, if only because the censorship and repression of which you talk about, is global not Chinese, let alone ‘communist’. What is more, the repression and censorship that we experience today IS, as a matter of fact, very CAPITALIST, driven by capitalist regimes and capitalist media. As we already explained (see post above and new post), the Chinese have applied certain draconian measures IN CHINA, not in the rest of the world. Those who followed or imitated the Chinese, for spurious reasons, were pursuing other goals. The Chinese are not responsible for that, even if the virus originated in China, communist or not.
Yes I have a problem with Communism, which is a very bad political system as I know from my own experience, and I am not shy of telling this directly. But as this article is about the covid problem, I considered necesary to discuss here only the covid problem, and not making a general discusion about Communism. For the covid problem only the Chinese brand of Communism is relevant. I don’t know if this is the place where we should have a general discussion about Communism. As I told, my main publishing activity is in Romanian language. However, I published also a small book in English – „The anticommunist Romanian Revolution of 1989”. You can read it on the internet here: http://procesulcomunismului.com/marturii/fonduri/mmioc/anticomrev/ . The part which is the most relevant about how the Romanian brand of Communist was is „Romania during Ceausescu’s dictatorship”.
That is what we are trying to say. That the ‘capitalist’ system is as bad or worst than the Communist system that you are trying, falsely, to blame. We also have experiences, as valid or more than yours. The Romanian ‘Revolution’ was NOT an anti-communist ‘revolution’, but a revolt triggered by the, very LIBERAL, austerity measures of the Ceaucescu regime. Romania was, as a matter of fact, the most independent country in the Eastern block. One of the closest to the ‘capitalist’ West and one of the LEAST communist. The mass migration of the Eastern peoples to the West, has been a migration towards SOCIALISM, not away from it. Those who came to the West were searching for the better SOCIAL conditions afforded by the SOCIALIST welfare states of the West. On the other hand, as we have explained, the measures taken by the Chinese to deal with covid, were understandable and, most likely, correct, given the conditions of the place. The Japanese, took also quite drastic measures in certain cases. Those who followed the Chinese, did so at their own risk and the Chinese cannot be blamed for it. Who are you to tell the Chinese what to do in their own country…???
I didn’t tell to the Chinese what to do in their own country. In the article summarizing my opinion about covid I told what the Chinese already did in their country.
Measures that, essentially, DO NOT differ from the ones adopted in most other countries and, so, they do not seem to have anything to do with Chinese ‘communism’. After all, as we have already pointed out, brutal censorship in the ‘West’ and other countries. Brutal repression, in the ‘West’ and other countries. Brutal confinement, in the ‘West’ and other countries… Why then accusing China…?
Of course, of course… you must be one of those ‘liberal’ workers or ‘entrepreneurs’ that feeds on the generous subsidies of the working-class. Such an effort, such a life of toil, such an heroic sacrifice to build those ‘freedoms’ that we all enjoy…!!!
This letter seems to put the blame for the situation on one party:
While he thinks it should be spread a bit more widely:
It should not be forgotten that, the Chinese Communist Party, ‘only’ rules in China and not in the rest of the world. Those who followed its lead or policies in China, that is, in a very different situation, have only themselves to blame and cannot blame any communist, party or no party. The countries that applied ‘similar’ measures to those of China, did so to their own risk. A clear case of who is more foolish, the fool or those who follow the fool…???!!!
Oh indeed. That is precisely what the second article points out. And, IMO, this has little to do with communism (though it would be easier to properly choreograph such an operation in a more ‘orderly’ society). It’s about the interests of nations, whatever their internal political system. And the Chinese have some scores to settle.
Personally, I would prefer the emphasis to be on the fraud, but I suppose it’s easier to blame someone else’s communism.
The agenda of Bill Gates and his puppet governments was all along, to inject everyone with their gene-altering “vaccines”.
But they needed a pretext to do so.
So, five years ago, Fauci sent $3.5 million to the Wuhan lab to develop a ‘gain of function’ capability for the bat Corona virus, so that it could pass through the cell walls of humans, and infect them.
The team at the Wuhan lab even documented their progress in the following three years in publicly published reports!
And then, a year ago, the virus was released – and Bill Gates and all of the governments have got the pandemic they wanted – which allows them the perfect excuse not only to force (that is coming) everyone to be injected with the ‘vaccines’ – but to deliberately trash the economies with lockdowns, so as to provide the excuse for the fascist Great Reset about to be unleashed.
Of course this has spectacularly back-fired and the great reset is the great reset of the mass of humanity losing all trust in the MSM, ‘social’ media, medical establishments, political institutions and the such like.
The Great Reset is us.
Everything to the contrary is simply inexpensive propaganda propagated through waffling word warriors (worriers).
Henny Pennyisms.
I hope you’re right about thinking that trust in the MSM has collapsed – but when I read comments under articles in the UK press, I am often horrified by most people seemingly still believing whatever they are told.
The comments are, of course, not completely curated/censored by the UK press.
Maybe 50% of us. And only 25% distrust Fauci enough to defy his medical advice.
Still more resistance than the bad guys planned on.
Hence the hysterical calls for imprisoning or killing by drones those who disagree. They didn’t plan on being discovered or called out this early.
The media is frightened and desperate to carry out the Plan after the elites promised them a piece of the action. But they know how angry many are and may fear attacks on their stations. (Projection on the villains’ part.)
Playing us against each other is the best bet and won’t require gulags.
How can they force you to have it physically hold you down and inject you come on that is never going to happen this just sounds like just more fear mongering to me everything you accuse the government of doing
You will find out, very soon, how they will force everyone to be injected with their gene-altering ‘vaccines’ – thereby locking them into an endless succession of more ‘vaccines’ for the rest of their lives.
Covid passports will soon be required to do absolutely anything – get in a taxi, use public transport, enter a supermarket, go to public places, travel anywhere… and in due course, merely to buy food at a small local shop.
They will starve people into submission, if that’s what it takes, to get them locked into the ‘inject until you die’ program of Bill Gates & Co. and their puppets running the national governments.
What’ll happen eventually is that even though they can’t force anyone to take the vaccine, they CAN herd everyone who doesn’t take the vaccine, and corral them away from the general populace (you know…to keep everyone “safe”). The U.S. and Canada (and the UK, too, I’d wager) already have hundreds set up for just this scenario. I’d say start packing your bug out bag now…
But if everyone who gets injected dies they won’t need to contain us. Or even half become crippled or die.
Maybe seeing how much healthier we are is what they want to prevent. Or simply kill us and say the deaths come from Covid.
A lot of this doesn’t make sense however you approach it.
I recommend you seek out a recent interview by Reiner Füllmich with a whistleblower from a German care home who took footage of people at the home he worked at being forcibly vaccinated, literally “held down and injected” as you put it.
To me it just seems like more and more negativity and fear mongering what about offering some uplifting life affirming positive solutions for a change I’m sick to death of hearing all this paranoid, fear mongering shite
mRNA does not enter the nucleus and change the DNA
6 march 2021
The 14th Dalai Lama, reincarnation of Avalokiteshwara (Chenrezig),
His Holiness the Dalai SHILL Lama, visiting a clinic in Dharamsala, N. India (where he lives).
to get the Bs19 injection it very very helpful he siad *notice 333 subs
Well the Dali Lama survived the CCP invading Tibet. Let us pray he survives this experimental shot. He apparently hasn’t heard of Dr Sheri Tenpenny dot com. Nor has his advisors. However God works on the free will principle and if he wants to have a vaccine assisted suicide then who am I to stop him. said antonwearsakilt
Long before Covid, the Dali Lama was photographed giving a vaccine to an infant. He seems to have always been very pro-vaccine. That was enough to completely destroy any trust or respect I had for him. Just another shill.
He is not of the body so there shouldn’t be a problem if he is a genuine sprirtual person why is he taking the vaccine?
They’re putting off campaigns in France because there are not enough takers:
So much for stories about shortages, squabbles between countries and people pushing their way to the front of the queue.
What is absolutely amazing – and utterly depressing – is that people actually BELIEVE these ‘opinion polls’ that are fed to the sheep every day!
The mass media of the Western world is now even more totally controlled than the media of the Soviet Union was.
Yet people actually think that the globalists – or call them what you will – who are running the Corona operation would not make up whatever ‘opinion poll’ numbers will best suit their purpose?!
Every dictatorship in modern history has exerted all of the power of the State to convince anyone opposing them that they are members of a hopeless, ludicrously small minority – and that ‘resistance is futile’, or whatever the Daleks used to say.
A week ago, a top General in the US army said that 75% – yes, 75% – or the US armed forces were refusing the pretend ‘vaccines’.
A week later, that propaganda error has been ‘corrected’ – and the media brainwashing machine is now claiming that’s ‘25%”!
But I wouldn’t surprised if the 75% is actually true. And what is more, I wouldn’t be surprised if it might be fairly reflective of the US population in general – and perhaps, to a less degree (because Brits are now far more unquestioning of everything than Americans) if the resistance to being injected with the ‘vaccines’ in the UK isn’t far higher than the globalist Bill Gates puppets running the UK government are claiming.
The next stage, once they’re got their gene-editing substances injected into most of the populations, the criminals running this operation will announce the first of an endless succession of follow-up “vaccines” that everyone will have to submit to – and they’ll announce that if you’ve already been injected, you’ll be risking your life, if you don’t have the ‘follow up’ pretend ‘vaccines’.
It will never end. “Inject until you die” is the plan – and since there is no politician or government which is not signed up to this agenda, it will be pursued for ever – or rather, for as long as we’re still alive.
The Nazi government in the pre-war period had a fantastic record with its various referenda, with results ranging from around 95% to around 98%.
High turnouts too.
Isn’t democracy wonderful?
More doom & gloom bollocks
More are waking up.
Less than half of American’s believe the media. 96% of the Republicans and 10% of Democrats believe the media lies regularly. According to a poll not run by the media.
Nope. Blackmail.
It is clear that something is going on behind the scenes. The chances are that the elites have found an ideal way to plunder the health systems of the world, especially the Western world (where they constitute a considerable part of the budget) and, through them, a new way of accumulating wealth in their hands (through taxes, shares in pharmaceutical companies, reduction of services, etc…). By using health as a weapon for appropriation, they have managed to reduced opposition or, as we see today in most of the world, to eliminate it altogether and, even, secure the willing collaboration of the majority of the population. There is little ‘resistance’. The long term effects could be, indeed, the elimination of surplus and ‘expensive’ sectors of the population or the reduction of their life expectancy, etc… this, their ‘Happy’ New World.
The Solari Report is offering A Family Financial Form concerning covid injections: “The goal of this Family Financial Form is to ensure that an adverse event or death of one family member does not translate into long-lived or permanent financial destruction for the entire family.
This form was created to assist families to communicate regarding and to prepare for the family-wide financial impact of adverse events, if any, resulting from a Covid-19 injection. Examples of adverse events from Covid-19 injections include Covid-19 infection; anaphylaxis; neurological disorders; autoimmune disorders; other long-term chronic diseases; blindness and deafness; infertility, fetal damage, miscarriage, and stillbirth; and death…”
404 error – page is gone.
Maybe all those “lockdown” and “vaccine” skeptics weren’t really skeptics to begin with. Just another part of the psyop to help breakdown one’s natural tendency to question authority.
Wouldn’t doubt they’ll attempt to use celebrities and other politicians in a reverse psyop to come out using a variant of the current ploy:
Celebrity #1: “I was skeptical at first but it’s inevitable we’ll all need to be vaccinated to go back to normal”.
Celebrity #2: “Even though I was skeptical about the efficacy of the vaccine I decided to get the jab so that I wouldn’t help spread the virus at all of my concerts and here’s my vaccine certificate to prove it”
Yes, it’s rather like Farage – useful as a pretend opponent of the globalists.
It’s much more effective for propaganda purposes to have someone ‘converted’ to be injected with the ‘vaccines’, than if he / she had submitted in the first place.
“Gosh – if he’s taking it, then it must be OK.”
“God – resistance is absolutely hopeless… even the die-hard opponents of the ‘vaccines’ are giving up.”
It is a simple framing technique that most people see right through.
Great article by Kit – maybe his best.
My speculation…Since the “vaccine” has not yet been approved by a government agency, the government won’t be able to issue a “vaccine passport” mandating it to everyone at this time. Which is why you hear people saying things won’t go back to normal until at least 2022, because that is when the actual studies are going to be completed and the vaccine can therefore can be approved for use. The “emergency” will then be removed and that is when the passport or mandate will be put into place.
Correct! (in a US context, not sure about UK) – EUA means cannot be mandated – US law is clear – that Navy Admiral 2,3 weeks ago got it: “we cannot mandate it now, but when we can, we will” – so yes, “Approval” is the next battle – and with already 1,000+ post vaccine deaths in the US … is approval a done deal? … Stay tuned
If I were going to get the “vaccine” I would wait two years and see how many died. So far 5% are reported dead due to the “vaccine” according to a report in the Epoch Times. 966 out of under 20,000. Sounds scary.
Things will NEVER be allowed to ‘get back to normal’.
The globalist criminal Boris Johnson said this quite explicitly in his speech to the rubber stamp “Tory” (all globalist) MPs in his Tory party conference speech.
The “new normal” of an Orwellian nightmare 1984 controlled society is the agenda of all governments, all taking their orders from Bill Gates & Co.
Hello Good people,
off topic.
Does anyone have a link to template for childrens exemption from mask wearing in school?
Thanks and sorry for the intrusion….
I think you’ll find the link on the Lockdown Sceptics website.
Regarding Kit’s item above… how were all these longtime sceptics like Sumption and Hitchens nobbled? They can’t all have flown on Epstein’s jet. It’s just that these characters easily have enough intellect to apply the same critical thinking to the vaccine programme as they did to the claims surrounding the plague, and yet they did not.
Another thought regarding Iain Davis’s piece on deaths taking place shortly after vaccination. Is there planned to be an update? Is there a website anywhere keeping track of suspect deaths or clusters of deaths occurring shortly after the jab? Given all that is not known about the vaccines’ long term effects, there will surely be more casualties than those Iain highlights, but as has been the case with other vaccines, the govt is unlikely to admit to any.
Check US for Them.
Your son/daughter will be allowed to attend school without a mask next week it is not a legal requirement just recommended by government and adopted by all schools in Cornwall and I expect across the Country.
This info came from a headmaster.
We will give our children a letter to state we do not want them A. tested b. wearing a mask , as they will be asked until it is common knowledge with all teachers..
World doctors alliance on Telegram have a few links, to decline masks ,tests and vaccines .
First off, these pretend vaccinations (they are really secret gene therapies) are part of stage 3 in the ongoing trials that will last into 2023. Why do you need to inject 100% of the population to see if these dangerous experimental potions are going to work? 5-10% would be sufficient to discover efficacy over the next two years.
Second, since they are useless against the virus as far as preventing deaths, the transmission of it or even from getting it, they are not required and serve no rational purpose. That is unless these RNA/DNA altering concoctions have a different and unknown to us purpose, which I personally suspect they do.
No celeb would ever convince me since none of them are getting the real stuff. They are as fake as the pandemic. I don’t care what others or even my family thinks about me calling the pandemic fake or refusing these poisons. I do not go for the current “in” thing and prefer to do my own thing. The scarcer the better for I have absolutely no fear of dying from any virus (although it could happen for reasons beyond my control) and resistance is absolutely, positively required if you desire to remain human and in control of your life.
I share your suspicions. Gates was on the screens again and again going on about vaccinating seven and a half billion, i.e. all of humanity. There is a reason for it that I cannot fathom. I thought it must be about injecting some kind of tracking or monitoring system into us but with multiple “vaccines” in existence, including a Chinese and Russian one, can they really all contain some such thing?
Why would they need to inject you with a tracking device when you’re already carrying a tracking device around with you. It’s called a smart phone. Even a non-smart phone can triangulate your position so that they have a reasonable idea of where you are. Anyway, the Anti-Christ, Bill Gates, is investing in putting satellites into orbit that will be able to track everyone in real time at all times.
My only question is this. Since the vast majority of the globalists are white, like Bill Gates, Bezos, Musk, Bloomberg, etc. Then why aren’t they being called out on their “White privilege” and forced to use their vast wealth to pay reparations to POC?
I don’t care how communistic or socialistic this sounds. But, these multi-billionaires need to be stripped of their wealth which can then be used to fund healthcare, education, and other social welfare programs.
Exactly why does anyone need one hundred billion dollars or even two hundred billion dollars? Other than to feed their egos while they sit around believing they can run everybody else’s lives.
Fair point – so why the absolute obessession that everyone must be injected? Although I refuse to carry a mobile phone around with me. Even now in Cyprus you must have permission by SMS to be outdoors, but I turn the phone off, not previously having carried the phone around at all – I only even got one after banks made you have them to make internet transactions.
Gates wants to lower the population. Killing billions and sterilizing many surviving kids would achieve that. But he knows he has limited time. When the bodies start piling up his perfidy will be exposed. He can wiggle out legally but there will be repercussions and it will be harder to kill if more survive to fight.
No – the waves of deaths which will certainly come in due course – by design – as a result of the gene-editing ‘vaccines’ will be attributed by the globalist criminal governments and their media apparatus to a new ‘variant’ – or to a new virus which Gates & Co. release.
Have you heard of Creutzfeldt Jakob Disease, CJD,it is mad cow disease basically in humans,along with that ,all internet air waves,5g,will cause mental breakdown,..see…https://evidence not fear.com/tag/dr-j-bart-classen/….https://www.cdc.gov/prions/cjd/about.html….https://ninds.gov/Disorders/Patient-Caregiver-Education/Fact-Sheets/Creutzfeldt-Jakob-Disease-Fact-Sheet#2…https://scivisionpub.com/pdfs/covid19-rnabased-vaccines-and-the-risk-of-prion-disease-1503.pdf.. …. They want us to seek each other .to them it would be entertaining, probably place best on who whacks who first. They revealed everything in the movies to all. Get jab you die,don’t get jab you die. We are just a a piece of property to them.
Who is going to strip the oligarchs of their obscene wealth – when all governments across the West work for them?!
That’ll have to be us, won’t it. Which is why the relentless divide and conquer tactics of the wokism of the synthetic left. Anything to stop the people of the working class coming as one against the psycho controllers.
I’m sorry, fellow citizen. I’d stand with you against our common enemy but you are a racist/misogynist/anti-Semite. It’s been really effective, and will remain so for the middle classes.
The rest of us, in the meantime, who see through it, must join together at the grassroots. There are so many positives in us doing so and no negatives (well, except for the gloves coming off. But if there were enough of us, it would make it more difficult to turn on us. Not impossible, but more difficult. And the alternative, for those of us with eyes to see, isn’t much chop. We have nothing much left to lose. And that’s when we become unbeatable).
Sadly, while we oppose the lockdowns and endless masks where I live a lot of us are getting the “vaccine.” There are many high risk, elderly here who see it as a way to get their lives back.
They continue to wear masks. Not sure when they plan on removing them. Dad says he is waiting till the Experts say it’s okay. What experts? Fauci? Dad laughs at that quack yet continues to do whatever he says though he says the masks will come off very soon despite Fauci. On what basis? Everyone is looking to that creepy cross between Josef Mengele and Emperor Palpatine for the proper time.
We can either take them off when we choose to, or wait for Fauci’s okay and wear them till Doomsday.
Worried what nonstop mask wearing–he wears the heavy kind all day when working as a janitor–and mRNA will do to him. He just got over cancer when this crap started. I don’t think he’ll be around much longer. Mom neither. Very depressing. I feel isolated despite relative freedom where I live.
My brother calls me crazy, negative and paranoid. Said I wanted Mom and Dad to die last year when I mentioned how odd the lockdown seemed with no historical precedent. He’s been making them miserable–screaming over the phone for them to isolate and live in terror and not have a Golden Anniversary. Jerk!!!
He’s happy with everyone else losing their livelihoods and going homeless. It’s advancing HIS career so who cares how many die of food shortages, suicides, and the precious “vaccine” he’s happy to kill people with? He earns 250,000,000 a year. I wonder if he asked for a raise when they demanded his soul.
I hope he feels bad when they die. But money is all he cares about so it’s doubtful. Morally bankrupt with 0 empathy is what he is now. Sadder than losing Mom and Dad.
At least I gave them a party yesterday. That greedy, money hungry, Big Pharma POS can’t take that away.
So I just shut up about it. I no longer communicate with my sociopath brother or discuss the “plague” and the fatal remedy with Dad and Mom. My parents are already good as dead. Might as well make their last days good ones.
But I will let my brother know at their funeral that I hold him accountable not just for their deaths, but countless others.
The main purpose is to sterilize and reduce the population. A secondary purpose is making even more money for the billionaire elite for whom it’s never enough. They want to control it all. That is the mindset of eugenics and wealthy elite.
In a genuine situation the most vulnerable should have been offered it and explicitly informed they are not fully licensed and the long term safety unknown but may offer short term protection.
Once the over 65 age groups who wanted it and taken it then all restrictions should have been totally lifted.
The idea of vaccinating the whole planet is self evidently absurd.
It’s extremely sinister.
This exactly
You are at risk,you are offered the vaccine. You take or decline.
Job done
If it really works, the vulnerable are protected.
Those not vulnerable don’t need it…and is it has no effect on transmission or reception it makes no sense to take something,that statistically,will cause more chance of an adverse reaction than covid,if under 50.
So common sense alone tells one that way more is at stake here.
Covid is done. This years flu season is proving no worse than a normal year.
Isn’t it weird how there seems to be so little pushback on this “everyone needs to take it”. Like, that’s never historically been a requirement that everyone needs vaccinating. Let alone the fact that they don’t even provide immunity anyway.
But then, so many things have changed in this year that were generally held global public health policy, like lockdowns. And herd immunity. Where were the voices pushing back from all the gutless wonders who knew that from working in the industry, and who said nothing, cos it was the safer option.
The ‘everyone needs to take it’ is being driven by Gates who said in March 2020 that the world can’t go back to normal until everyone has been vaccinated.
That man is insane.
I got suspicious when I found out Gates was behind both Moderna and Pfizer.
The man has repeatedly complained that there are too many people alive on the planet. He talks about reducing the population to 500,000,000 as soon as possible. He has crippled and killed numerous children in India with a vaccine supposed to prevent polio.
Bill Gates is nuts. But what do you call the people who willingly take shots from a nutty guy who does and says this kind of thing? Yes, I’ve warned people about to get shots about these things.
Gates knows that he has to get a move on, to achieve his oft-stated goal of reducing the world’s population by 90% before he dies.
Now that, via his Gates Foundation, he has all of the governments, and all of the politicians and scientists who count, on his pay roll, along with all mass media, he and his oligarch pals know that there is absolutely nothing to stop them: they can tell whatever Big Lies they like – and the media will ram the message through, again and again, until it becomes a ‘truth’ – just as they’ve done with ‘Carbon Zero’ and the ‘Climate Change’ Big Lies – and just as they will soon be doing with the Great Reset, once they end the furloughs – and reveal the economies as so hopelessly in debt (totally deliberately) that only a Great Reset can provide the solution to the economic collapse they will soon put into motion.
The Jews in 1930s Hitler’s Germany were lucky, by comparison with us: they could at least escape Germany to some other country.
But in the oligarch’s Brave New World they are creating – a global Police State – at break neck speed, there will be nowhere to escape to for us.
I guess the thing for everyone to do is keep up hope and cease to comply. I don’t personally believe our overlords are any more competent than other human institutions, rather less so. A2
I understand your take on this, Richard, and share it much of the time. But maybe Sam’s right. Maybe the impression they’re an unbeatable force is one more manipulation method. One that’s worked really well,but maybe humanity is desperate enough to poke the bubble and see if it pops.
The one positive thing that has happened is that some of the GOP governors have ended the lockdowns and masks.
This certainly represents a chink of light – because despite the globalists / Left controlling every power center across the West, the Corona scam is their indispensable weapon: the more States that overthrow the lockdowns, masks etc., the more difficult it will the Corona scam to continue to hold water.
It’s not much – but it’s something. But I would imagine that Gates & Co. are ready to release a new, far more deadly virus across the world, to get the sheeple huddling in their homes in terror, if the need arises.
These people aren’t fooling around: they have the virus weapon which nobody can prevent them using – even if there were any politicians exposing them.
And there reality is that there are none. Even the few GOP governors dumping the lockdowns & masks are not denouncing the Corona operation for the gigantic mass deception operation that it is.
We outnumber them 100 to 1. If enough of us could unite they would be defeated and they know it. Simply KNOWING what liars they are could save the public at this point.
Why are people acting so stupidly? They’ve been told some very convincing lies. I believed them for a time. But a lot of the techniques used for control during this “pandemic” reminded me of an abusive cult I escaped.
Not deadly enough for a real pandemic. Especially if we quit mindlessly obeying Fauci’s orders meant solely to weaken our immune systems. His public hand wringing and gaslighting are all calculated to instill fear and anxiety in the public. All proven methods of emotional torture used on prisoners of war.
I’m very angry at Fauci!
Why the rush? If 5-6 billion die in the next six months they won’t have to sell the next jab. Release a real pandemic and use drones on the survivors as well as promises of synthetic meat. Maybe that’s their plan?
For anyone else who didn’t know, I’ve just read that Robin Monotti’s Twitter account has been suspended. I don’t know for how long, but apparently in response to sending an entirely factual tweet.
I don’t always agree with some of the fine detail of his Tweets, but he’s been a consistent and hard-working critic of the whole Lockdown & masks nonsense, and deserving of our full support. (It was actually an O-G tweet that drew my attention to his suspension so thank you @Off-Guardian .
Twitter users might want to contact @TwitterSupport on his behalf.
I’ve just spotted that.
He’s entirely correct about the FPR of Lateral Flow Tests.
He’s also pointed out in previous tweets that when LF tests are conducted in any situation that the percentage positive is never more than the FPR.
Monotti did tweet recently that the Sars Cov 2 virus has not been properly isolated and backed it up with proof.
Pat Robertson recently came out and talked about all the side-affects that can result if you do not get the vaccine. Is there any substance to his argument or is the 700 Club just turning to the secular mob for their news? Does anyone know if the side and long-term affects have any merit?
If you are speaking of side and long-term effects of the “virus” (which, by the way, is simply this year’s variation of the flu), you should be MUCH more concerned about the “vaccine”. I put “vaccine” in quotes because in the truest sense of that word, it’s not a true vaccine. I’m a doctor well-studied in virology, immunology, pathology, biology, etc. Since I was in school back in the 80s, I’ve refused to get any kind of preventative or curative innoculation knowing how ineffective and dangerous they were. I would not get any of my kids vaccinated and the absolute healthiest kids I know are those who never received any type of immunization and were allowed to build up their own immunity naturally.
That being said, the push to innoculate the world has absolutely nothing to do with the health of the people and everything to do with control, money and power by reducing the population over time through sterility and death – what this experimental, untested, biochemical substance was designed to do. You are already on a forum and website that is exposing the truth, continue to look at RFK’s vaccination site, thetruthabout vaccines.com and america’s frontline doctors for starters. You will find truth and frightening reality. People ARE dying from the vaccine; many more than are being reported by the CDC (you can probably multiply their numbers by a factor of 10-15). People ARE having adverse reactions (tens of thousands in a very short period of time). Escalation IS present – as soon as a reason not to vaccinate is brought forth, the government, CDC, NIH, WHO and their puppets (many doctors, media and organizations), are quick to dispell it with false counter-information. They want you to take the vaccine no matter what.
I’ve had CO-VID (and have had much worse flus in the past) and now have a natural immunity. I won’t get it again and won’t give it to others. It’s immunology 101, yet the corrupt system will STILL tell you that you need to take the vaccine. I refuse. The scary part is – there are many ways they could covertly get it to you without you even knowing it. We all have to seek the Lord for wisdom, protection, the downfall of the wicked and the lifting up of the righteous. We are in a time of judgment and need to fall on our faces before the Lord, repent and turn from the apostacy this nation has fallen into that has led to this. A nation that turns its back on the Lord Jesus Christ; God will turn His back on.
I see this as a judgment on the west’s indifference. Not just to the unborn, but the neglect and abuse of the elderly in homes and the harmful drugs forced upon the disabled. No one called out doctors on this. No churches even. A lot of ignorance. But maybe they didn’t know because they didn’t care.
Almost killed by standard medical care. But no one in the church offered me help or comfort. Except one or two. My brain had become inflamed. Diagnosing me as bipolar was the easy way out for the doctor. He forced 3 times the stuff on me for years. No help from anyone at church.
God’s people alternately shunned me as a lunatic–I couldn’t think straight due to drug reaction–or rebuked me. Saying it was my own fault for not obeying the nice doctor. Because if I had I would feel better.
Not suffer seizures, chronic migraines, exhaustion, numbness, tics due to CNS damage, amnesia, long term depression, etc. All MY FAULT for not following doctors’ orders according to the doctor. Whom they implicitly believed. Not me. Nor even their eyes as they saw me comply and seize and grow horribly sick. Sometimes bedridden. But gotta take those pills no matter what.
Doctor’s orders outweigh patient’s well being or health. If you’re diagnosed SMI.
And by farming us out to “Experts” they could justify refusing to fellowship or bear our burden’s. So they gladly turned a blind eye and deaf ear to those of us suffering this way. And made no complaints at how the “life saving meds” crippled and killed us so young.
I can’t help seeing this whole “pandemic cure” as divine judgment. If I were an atheist I’d still see it as nemesis or karma.
I think you answered your own question,this ,the rate of mortality with virus 0.25 less than annual flu,mortality rate of vac.at the very least to date is 5.0 on the Children’s Health Defense,also if you go to world death rate map,shows no increase from 2018 to 2019 worldwide ,how can that be you ask? I too ask how can that be?
Also they changed the stipulations for what makes a pandemic in 2017 from multitudes dying to possible multitudes could die.CDC, which is a corporation by the way.WHO
I listen to the local right-wing radio station in Washington, DC, WMAL. Beginning while Trump was still president and continuing today, several times an hour they have an announcement by a guy with a country-sounding, good-ole-boy voice, “Have you heard the good news? The Covid-19 vaccines are here…” And then they proceed to tell you how you can help the fight against the scourge by the usual mask wearing and social distancing until that wonderful prize is yours. The sponsor of the advertisement, they tell us at the end, is the U. S. Department of Health and Human Services. It’s really relentless.
That’s good. At least they are being honest about the source. The British press never admits to being government funded.
This vaccine push is similar to the gun grab efforts underway; The harder they push, the worse their intentions are…
But more are scared of losing their guns.
George Carlin should have been the teacher to all the pussies today, kowtowing to the devils!
I so wish he and Bill Hicks were both still here to pass commentary on all this.
Adding the word “denier (“Covid denier”) is a good way to unveil a hustle.
Just like “holocaust denier” is how the tribe tries to shame those who see through their greatly embellished (and well earned) eviction by German y
Strangely it appears that a large % of the”health professionals”are in the vanguard of refusing these experimental implants.I am 84 and not a day goes by without a phone call,a letter,an email
all telling me how marvellous I would feel if I would have the injection.Having failed in that attempt
they then exhort me to become a part of the testing which is almost as bad since nanoparticles are then inserted in the brain.My rejection of this implant doesn’t help them and it doesn’t help me since I know now I can’t take a chance on going to a doctor for any other illness.My wife has just died of natural causes but,because she died of no obvious causes a post mortem was held.The police coroner says although she just died in her chair from a heart attack ,that,he saw “what could only be coronavirus in her lungs”Now,try to explain to these professionals that their cut up piece of meat had bronchial pneumonia in the 1940’s and nearly died then but survived with scarred
lungs and had to carry a “puffer” with her for the rest of her life,it’s all water off a duck’s back,s so down went covid on the death certificate—-another nice little money earner seeing as to how my wife had no symptoms of covid whatsoever.
I used to think Hitchens was the real deal but as it turned out he’s just a useless historian and now it appears that any bravado he ever felt has now dissipated.He doesn’t like drugs,all he rants on about but doesn’t seem to mind taking them if his lifestyle is threatened.
I shall not see the outcome of all these scams but hope that God intervenes to punish the transgressors.
Very well put Sir.
Kary Mullis about Fauci:
Applies all over, and to them people bow?!
Oh! – We could have used him these last 12 months! … vigourous, healthy man … does anyone have any info / links concerning his unexpected and apparently premature death in 2019 – ??
We are.
He left a legacy.