The REAL “Lunatic Fringe”, and where to find it
The anti-Lockdown protests in Dublin.
Gary Jordan
On Sunday, an irate Irish society finally said ‘no more’. For a year they had been subjected to a criminally long lockdown to the detriment of their physical, emotional, and financial well being.
Thousands of them took to the streets of Dublin to display their dissatisfaction with a Davos-owned political class and the police state they were held hostage in. Besides one or two trouble-makers the protests were peaceful and the message was loud and clear.
Enough is enough. The Irish did what they do best – demanded freedom, stood up to their oppressors and sang songs.
The oligarchs winced. Butterflies were doing somersaults in their overfed bellies. Panic set in and beads of sweat dripped down their deranged little heads. Their biggest fear was realised; the people refused to comply. As a result, what followed was an onslaught of desperation from every political party and establishment sycophant in the nation.
The usual rhetoric was thrown out; anti-vaxxers, anti-maskers, far-right, etc, etc.
In fact, the head henchman of the political Fianna Fail and Fine Gael cartel, Garda Commissioner Drew Harris, was in such a desperate state of mind that he screwed up his lines and said that the far-left were involved as well – much to the outrage of the far-left radicalised mainstream media, forcing him to withdraw his statement later.
It sure was a sight to behold, watching their faces as the reality dawned on them that at any point the people could, with the click of a finger, take back their power and there was absolutely nothing they could do about it. It was only the inaction of a remaining portion of the population, consisting of indoctrinated zombies, rejecting any effort to reclaim their livelihoods, who saved their backsides.
But for sure it showed them, in case they needed confirmation, that if large enough numbers of people refuse their dictatorial, arbitrary mandates it crushes their illusory power. How would they explain that to the banking and pharmaceutical dynasties that they exist to serve?
In the fallout, widespread establishment media condemnation followed – for the greatest enemy of the tyrant is the advocate of liberty.
The act of peaceful protestors speaking out against elitist Fascism, the medical mafia and the Church of Scientism was too much for the Fourth Estate. It was a sin against the Cult of Covid and there was no excuse for any Irish person demanding the most basic of liberties, according to them.
With the millions and millions of dollars that disgraced Irish state broadcaster, RTE, have been receiving from the pharmaceutical and government vaccine PR institutes, the idea of peasants marching through the streets against the kakistocracy risked putting an end to the lucrative pandemic illusion.
No way could that be allowed to happen. The age-old Bolshevik tactic of using psychiatry to stifle resistance had to be rolled out.
So it was imperative that the protestors were viewed as being an unhinged small minority of the Irish population. Former Taoiseach, Leo Varadkar called them ‘bonkers’. Others said they were part of ‘the lunatic fringe’.
Like all forms of Fascist propaganda, it was predictable.
But were those comments warranted?
Is it true that the estimated 4000-5000 people who took to the streets of Dublin on Sunday were all, in actual fact, nut-jobs? Were they dangerous conspiracy theorists? Were they expressing the views of a minority? Were they really ‘the lunatic fringe’?
I had to consider this and here’s what I concluded.
There is undoubtedly a fringe element of society in Ireland that are lunatics. There is undoubtedly a small group of people in our island nation that are, as Leo said, ‘bonkers’. But they are not the people who were on Grafton Street on Sunday.
Aside from the occasional follower of the US Military intelligence-created QAnon movement, the majority of people who marched on Sunday were hard-working, decent, law-abiding Irish men and women who voiced their discontent at the current status quo and who want to get back to making a living and chasing their dreams.
The ACTUAL fringe lunatics are, unfortunately, as they say, running the asylum. They are the people who are in charge. They are the ones who have proved to be utterly, completely, inarguably insane. It is these people who are completely bat-shit crazy. It is they who are bonkers.
Imagine, if you will, a portion of the population who are so helplessly detached from reality that they would shut down the economy of a nation, plunge its people into joblessness and destitution and keep them living under North Korean-style, Communist travel restrictions, using the pretence of a flu virus with a 99.98% survival rate for those who are infected.
Imagine being so severely sick in the head, as Professor Anthony Staines of Dublin City University (DCU) evidently is, that you would encourage your colleagues in private messages, soon leaked, to ‘increase insecurity, anxiety and uncertainty’ among the public to further mendacious medical agendas.
Imagine being as clinically insane as GSK and Eli Lilly-funded Professor Luke O’Neill of Trinity College, that you would advocate for attending music concerts, gigs and festivals in ridiculous plastic bubbles.
Imagine being so severely deluded, as he is, that you would suggest students attending their graduation night should wear non-removable bracelets to prove they’ve been vaccinated and then chuckle at the concept of civil liberties.
Imagine Looney Luke being so sociopathic that he would promote the idea of mandatory mask-wearing and then appear in public without wearing one himself. And all this only a few months after stating on live TV that masks are unnecessary for asymptomatic people.
The next display of Narcissistic Personality Disorder would come from Labour leader, Alan ‘Rules for Thee but Not For Me’ Kelly who, after tiresomely preaching to the masses about the importance of wearing their shame muzzles, appeared on public transport without wearing his, advising later he was too busy watching a game of football on his phone to be concerned about public health policy.
Then there’s Fine Gael politician Damien English who is so far gone that, during a live debate on national TV, dealing with the subject of retail outlets and their necessity during lockdown, he stated that clothes were not essential. Even the RTE host at the time, Miriam O’Callaghan, remarked ‘but, that seems mad Minister’ making us privy to a rare moment when the State broadcaster airs truthful content.
It gets worse.
Imagine a truly certifiable, callous, demented doctor, Chief Medical Officer and High Priest of the Covidians, Dr. Tony Holohan who is so psychopathically inclined and so devoid of empathy that he would refuse, unequivocally, to apologise for his negligent actions and subsequent cover-up which led to the death of multiple women, on his watch, due to the failures of the now notorious cervical smear scandal.
And consider a gang of thugs so mentally unbalanced they would turn up in their droves to forcibly block off public streets and intimidate passers-by, before harassing and abducting a lady (one in desperate need to open her business so she could pay her bills) in broad daylight and having no shame for it.
In a nation where a sinister gang of psychopathic hoodlums will deploy a patrol car and a riot van just to confiscate an electric bicycle from one citizen; search through the shopping bags of the elderly as they return from the supermarket; one that will humiliate and embarrass a victim of psychological illness to the point she commits suicide and one that will don balaclavas and wield batons and pepper spray while intimidating human rights and housing activists, perhaps the media and their government overlords are searching in the wrong places for the psychos in our society.
Then, we must also consider the deeply disturbed minds of the academics who are campaigning for the absolute subjugation of an entire nation. Consider the Independent Scientific Advisory Group (ISAG) and its zany wackos who want to see the nation subjected to further tyranny, with even more extreme restrictions on freedom of movement, as part of a bizarre and dangerous ‘Zero Covid’ push.
Ironically, and quite disconcertingly, one of the faces of this anti-human movement refers to herself as a human rights activist. Could you be any more dissociated from reality?
The men in white coats have a lot of work to do. This becomes obvious when we observe the Covidian sect known as NPHET (Ireland’s Coronavirus advisory group, who happen to dictate policy to a cuckolded government,) and their troubling desire to put muzzles on small children as young as four years of age, demanding that they are kept on all day for 7 to 8 hours, with no consideration for children with attention deficits or a history of trauma. Truly berserk.
Unsurprisingly, one of Ireland’s leading physicians, Dr. Gabriel Scally approves of these medieval measures on children. As a man who recently distributed a book known as Rules for Radicals to the fellow fanatics in his field, which in the introduction pays tribute to Lucifer, his support for inflicting torturous conditions on children can be expected.
We find more loose screws even at the very top of the ladder in Irish politics. When I say the top, of course, I mean the top that’s visible to the public eye, just before you reach the actual unelected government.
Here you’ll find Micheal Martin, the current Irish Taoiseach. Martin at times suffers from psychosis and lives in a land of make-believe. At one point he even suffered from false memory syndrome. In 2008, years after syphoning off and leeching from the Irish public, the banks in the nation went belly up and, inevitably (as banks do) turned to the government (read; taxpayer) for bailouts. Not according to Micheal Martin though.
In an obvious bout of neurosis, he argued that it never happened.
Assuming that this was a one-off, we moved on – until Micheal’s psychosis returned. This time he advised the public that the acts of torture, sexual abuse, imprisonment, slavery, rape, infanticide, child trafficking and GSK medical experimentation which occurred in the Catholic Church, Fianna Fail and Fine Gael-created Mother and Baby Institutions were a result of a profound failure of Irish ‘society’, insinuating that we were all to blame. He quickly corrected this after much backlash.
As a side note, GSK, despite their own documentation verifying the crimes against children, has declined to apologise for the horrors they carried out.
But what more can we expect from Micheal Martin – a clown who stands by the people of Belarus and their right to protest as he begrudges his own people that very same right.
You could fill up a funny farm with these people. But in their view, it’s the freedom-loving men and women of Ireland who are ‘bonkers’.
Leo himself is fit to be admitted. Who else, if not a disarranged, unzipped bozo, would stand in front of a nation of people economically and personally devastated by government policy during a supposed-pandemic and play silly games with celebrity millionaire associates on live press briefings.
As the nation buckled under the weight of a bought-and-paid-for, treasonous political class, Leo engaged in stagecraft, quoting Hollywood movie lines. If that’s not bonkers then I can’t say what is.
No wonder then Leo appears as a card-carrying member of the Young Leader program on the website of the World Economic Forum – founded by the stark raving mad son of a former Nazi Party member.
A keen student of war-mongering maniac Henry Kissinger, Klaus Schwab would grow into a man who has a need to read the mind of every human being alive and force them to eat insects. I guess we should judge Leo by the company he keeps.
How ironic it is that a man who often throws out the ‘far right’ label should be courted by an individual who was born in the 1930s Reich to a family highly regarded by the SS.
And then there’s the cuckoo climate extremists – a rabid cluster of fanatics who have lost the plot. Eamon Ryan is the perfect example of one. Absolutely nuts, he believes that the burning of fossil fuels, a practice that has existed in Ireland for literally thousands and thousands of years, is suddenly a life or death situation and if we don’t stop it we’ll all be doomed in the next 9 years.
As a result of this Ireland’s peat harvesting and production are to be brought to a halt and solid fuels are to be imported from overseas. This is the brainchild of the leader of the Green Party who believes, in his paranoid state of mind, that anything less would result in catastrophe.
To prevent such calamity, Eamon has also promised to take action that will force us to share a single car between ten families. This is all to make Ireland CO2 neutral, which will mean life itself cannot continue, as human beings, animals and plant life cannot exist without it.
The dangerous schizoids in charge of policy are completely bonkers. If any more proof of this is needed, then you only need to look at some of the agendas that they and those before them have signed the nation up to.
For example, Ireland is firmly committed to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, a push for Global Socialism and totalitarianism which promises a future in which ‘wealth is shared’ as part of what many Fabian progressives and academics in the nation believe should be the next ‘Great Leap Forward’ – referencing Chairman Mao Zedong of China’s movement which ended up causing the deaths of 45 million people.
In my book, The COVID-19 Illusion; A Cacophony of Lies, I show how the entire pandemic debacle is contrived in order to achieve these malevolent ends.
Then there’s the Irish government’s Industry 4.0 Strategy, a salute to Klaus Schwab’s Fourth Industrial Revolution and the Great Reset, which promises that soon ‘you’ll own nothing and be happy’, living in a surveillance state among the Internet of Things and an A.I-driven dystopia.
This is the tomorrow envisioned by the mad hatters in control of the nation. No wonder they are so averse to the idea of a freedom.
Of course there’s Leo’s unhealthy obsession with having us all tagged, traced and tracked through his endorsement of the Mark of the Beast Vaccine Passport program, whilst ignoring the advice of the Council of Europe, the Irish Council for Civil Liberties and many others who anticipate a tsunami of discrimination and an apartheid system – as is already being experienced in Israel.
In truth, Leo Varadkar and his cronies know full well that the protestors who marched on Sunday were not ‘bonkers’. He knows that they are part of an ever-growing segment of Irish people who are tiring of the powers-that-should-not-be.
In truth, Leo knows that those same people have the power to end his hustle at a moment’s notice.
In truth, Leo and his associates know that it is they who are insane. And as soon as the vast majority of Irish people wake up to this insanity and realise that it is destructive to their freedom, their liberties and their way of life, then it’s game over for him.
Leo knows this is not very far away.
The lunatic fringe, indeed.
Gary Jordan is an author, researcher and activist from Dublin, Ireland. His book The COVID-19 Illusion; A Cacophony of Lies can be found on Amazon, Lulu, Google Books, Walmart and Barnes and Noble. Keep up to date with his latest articles on Substack.
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Excellently put!
The author didn’t really think through that title at all. I guarantee it’s had lesser readership because it implies that anti-lockdown protesters ARE the lunatic fringe.
Gary Jordan should get the equivalent Nobel Prize for this excellent piece. Or a professor at ANY Sociology Department and if not that than his own institute to research this in-sanity that has spread among rulers whom the Viral Wuhan Brain Spekter has deranged, deluded and apparently demented because they are still convinced this epidemic is real. I will work there for free for an initial trial period.
Micheal Martin is more than just deranged. Perhaps his motto goes something like this: “You’ll own nothing, and be happily dead.”
Look at all the happy faces on the page linked below. They are now dead or as good as dead. The “science” is very clear. >
Doctors Around the World Issue Dire WARNING: DO NOT GET THE COVID VACCINE!!December 8, 2020
Doctors Around the World Issue Dire WARNING: DO NOT GET THE COVID VACCINE!! (
Covid is kind of like what they did to Julian Assange. His health was harmed by staying locked down in the embassy and before that there was a time when he had to sign in at the police station and wasn’t allowed beyond a certain distance. I would have to ask what the law is when someone is trying to kill you?
Have you wondered whether he’s just a puppet for projection (particularly of control, fear…as in “Just look at how much power govt has over you, just accept it”)?
Have you considered they could easily have shut him up? But he gets attention…
Similarly, Snowden seems pretty clearly like a fraudulent asshole to me. He espouses capitulation to govt…
For instance when there were talks about masks/lockdowns…he said something like “I don’t think govt should force lockdowns or masks…it’d be much better if people reasonably do that out of their own volition”.
You understand how subversive, undermining that is? I would suggest many posters here do the same sort of thing. Constantly trying to manipulate and subvert.
“The State doesn’t just want you to obey, it wants to make you WANT to obey.”
-H.L. Mencken
Sorry to hear about that – they are truly mad! Please stop using Twitter ! They don’t give a $hit about you & there is NO access to your posted link. They along with FaceFart ,Google etc have been censoring everything that is not approved by Govt. To beat them we have to stop using their systems.
UK Column News – 5th March 2021 PART ONE UK NOW HAS STASI-TYPE SECRET POLICE POWERS COVERT HUMAN INTELLIGENCE SOURCES (CRIMINAL CONDUCT) ACT 2021 PASSED All main gov agencies and departments are authorized to use criminal conduct. Patrick Henningsen: It would have been nice to hear Lord Sumption comment on this, while he was capitulating to vaccine passports. A “criminal conduct authorisation” is an authorisation for criminal conduct in the course of, or otherwise in connection with, the conduct of a covert human intelligence source. Any police force Any intelligence service Any military service National Crime Agency Serious Fraud Office HM Revenue and Customs Department of Health and Social Care Home Office Ministry of Justice Competition and Markets Authority Environment Agency Financial Conduct Authority Food Standards Agency Gambling Commission James Brokenshire, Home Office Minister: It’s all “to keep our country safe”. Spectator, Oct 2020: The terrifying consequences of the ‘licence to kill’ bill VACCINE PASSPORTS ARE EXTORTION, NOT COERCION. NGOs AND TAX-EXEMPT FOUNDATIONS ARE A CARTEL, DRIVING POLICY Patrick Henningsen: They are using compliance with a medical procedure to extort us over our rights: to work, school, access health care, move or travel freely… all this is being withheld based on vaccines. How many more variants and jabs this year? PCR test has been proven to be wildly inaccurate and not fit for purpose. That mountain of false positives — junk data — has destroyed the argument about Covid cases. VACCINE PASSPORTS ALREADY AGREED COUNTRIES PUSHING AHEAD WITH TREATIES WHILE CALLING FOR EU TO ACT Politicians going through the motions of debating something they’ve already decided. BBC Covid-19: How would an NHS vaccine passport app work? UK Gov assurances on Data Protection BRITISH PUBLIC FIGURES CAPITULATE WITH CONVENIENT TIMING PETER HITCHENS, LORD SUMPTION BUCKLE. FARAGE PUSHES VACCINE. Sumption: Vaccine records… Read more »
UK Column News – 5th March 2021 PART TWO ZERO COVID CAMPAIGN UK UNIONS, COUNCILS WANT CLAMPDOWN ‘TIL THE DAY COVID HAS VANISHED Close unsafe workplaces, support self-isolation and run Test and Trace locally. Young Communist League also supports idea that you should not go back to work until the gov can guarantee your workplace is 100% safe. Patrick Henningsen: In the U.S. the teacher unions are the biggest obstacle to restarting schools. This is health and safety culture gone made. Unions are taking advantage of the crisis to leverage political power. It is partly opportunism but these organizations also very much adopt The Great Reset. ZERO CARBON, ZERO COVID — APOCALYPTIC TWINS Calls for Green Reset of farming based on false claims, dodgy data. Media, WEF, former Environment Min Michael Gove all claim “almost no harvests left”. Scientific American, 2014: Only 60 Years of Farming Left If Soil Degradation Continues Guardian, 2017: UK is 30-40 years away from ‘eradication of soil fertility’, warns Gove WEF: Realizing a ‘Great Reset’ for Sustainable Development CALLS FOR MINIMAL TILLING IGNORE GREATER PESTICIDE USE DR Hannah Richie – only have 60 harvests left? Jan 2021, Our World In Data “Extreme headlines could do more harm than good People will often argue that while extreme headlines may be untruthful, they are worth it if they force people to take action. I don’t buy it. It can be damaging in many ways.” “The “60 harvests” claim is quite clearly false. More than 90% of conventionally managed soils had a ‘lifespan’ greater than 60 years. The median was 491 years for thinning soils. Half had a lifespan greater than 1,000 years, and 18% exceeded 10,000 years. There were also some soils that were not eroding at all. Where soil formation rates exceeded erosion rates, soils thickened.In… Read more »
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There’s nothing ‘Fascist’-ic about communist propaganda Mr. Gary. Call it for what it is not for what the historically ignorant say it was.
Gary Jordan wins the prize for BEST ARTICLE EVER WRITTEN regarding this year of Covid Chaos.
Who’s in panic?!
Seems you missed the reply link… but if that one was in fact directed at me and if by any chance you’re unable to understand my message just ask for an easier explanation.
I’m more than happy to give it a try.
And why would anyone “freak out”?!
She’s a Great Photographer.
Stop with the bleak crap. That’s all I ask. Thanks. A2
We might sail to Cork. We keep getting asked. My wife has a Cousin who’s family moved there from Lancashire about 50 years ago…They have a farm. I know they would be delighted to see us again, especially her Mum.
Are we allowed to do this in a couple of weeks time, or maybe later this year, dependent on how the wind blows?
I do come from a Sailing Family, but only started about 3 years ago.
Our Son got a boat., and he likes his Mum and Dad, to come along too, with his kids.
He couldn’t afford to buy a house, so got a boat instead. Very much cheaper though a bit tough in winter.
Commentary on the aftermath of the protest that day
Thanks for providing that link. That is one very brave man.
This is some interesting content. I can’t say I know this guy Dean Clifford or particularly like him but I like him more than these commies trying to organise “protests” and get people arrested and attacked with water canons and metal truncheons. In any case AV is one of the people I think is providing some good advice and that’s why she has interviewed this dude. In this discussion she explicitly says she doesn’t normally go to protests. I would warn against it and think if you want to be right wing then it would be more along the lines of a work shop on private land. If the police turned up there would atleast be security they would need to check in with and an organisation ready to prosecute them if they started attacking people. With the spring coming now is the time to organise a real future not get sucked into protests where these psychos can beat up girls and waste everyones energy further in a loser society of covidiots. Dr Kaufman has said he thinks a break away society is what is needed although even he might be at risk of being sucked into a protest movement. I think it is a big danger really and part of the covid cults gameplan. In Holland for example they were already setting fire to stuff and blaming it on antivaxxers. Warn people to keep well away from this shit and not trust nobody organising protests. It is most likely coming straight from the covid cult themselves and not any sort of solution.
Thanks for the video link
Has anyone compared the demonstration to the Siege of Drogheda yet? Or how about the Potato Famine (so-called)? Or the civil war?
Look across the Atlantic for examples that this isn’t so far-fetched:
“Franklin Roosevelt set a day aside that will live in infamy. Unfortunately, we can now add January 6, 2021 to that very short list of dates in American history that will live forever in infamy.”
That was Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer. One event he’s referencing killed several thousand and the other a handful (and in all probability not even that). Although if he means the two events are similar because they were both set-ups…
With reference to posts below that are arguing over lables, I think that John Steppling – who I think would self identify as a “Marxist” – said:
Thanks for this report. I think more news about protests and other forms of resistance taking place anywhere is needed as the MSM is not going to tell us about it, and it is nice to know that we are not alone (speaking as one who joined a march in Limassol, Cyprus the Saturday before last).
Red marker badges required for all who oppose this crime. RED for RESIST.
Some time ago, during the war on picnics, I suggested gingham as a possible “colour code”. It could be worn as a wristband, headband, ribbon, etc; but the only rule is that it has to be home made.
I believe that the protesters in Ireland would make more progress if they could somehow
get the few simple facts listed below across to the badly duped public :
“Covid” deaths per M in 2021:
Lockdown / Mask countries :
U:K: 775
Ireland 490
No Lockdown , No Mask Counyries :
Sweden 318
Belarus 60
Source : Worldometer 6.3.2021
Great read Gary, fully agree with your sentiments, and your use of words such as bonkers and demented to describe these political automatons is spot on.
Couldn’t agree more.
However, there’s 2 things I don’t agree with; namely the term “far left radicalised mainstream media” and secondly, that this agenda is about bringing in “Global Socialism”.
Since when is the establishment media “far left”? I would humbly suggest ‘neoliberalised mainstream media’. And as for this agenda Schwab and his ‘partners’ are pushing, in my opinion they’re pushing a Technocracy.
The politicians in Ireland sound as deranged as Australian politicians such as Daniel Andrews and Anastasia Palazcuk.
And yes, especially here in Melbourne, the cops have behaved appallingly bad – like jackbooted gestapo thugs: arresting elderly men and women, pregnant mothers in front of their children, arresting scores of people for not wearing facemasks, and launching into peaceful protests with a thuggery that would have been compatible with Pinochet’s Chile.
And, yes, the media have been just as revolting here in Australia as well. However, as with most countries in the West, they’re all reading from the same script. It’s like they all had the same scriptwriters.
I had thought that the reference to “far left radicalised mainstream media” was sarcasm but maybe it isn’t. For someone to suggest that this is the way the media actually is seems as ridiculous to me as the covid tale itself. And ironically perhaps, when I read the above article, I even find myself in “the opposite camp” as it were. The problem I have with this complaint about the powers that be as socialist is that it is based on the notion that there was some unproblematic capitalism in existence before all this and everything would work out fine if we could just get back to that golden age of a “free market”.
Considering how much shit we were in before the covid bollocks, it was clear that something had to happen. You could even go so far as to say that there is indeed a “Left” justification for the covid con i.e. that there has to be a radical realignment of the entire socio-economic situation. You might even justify the deception in that everyone would have to be shocked out of their previous assumptions about a “free market”. However – this ignores the fact that it is precisely the capitalist establishment that is dishing out the covid con.
It also involves the extremely dubious matter of a vast lie. And what this lie effectively says is, “We’re doing something here that would be utterly unacceptable to most of you. That’s why we’re bullshitting you. But just trust us!”
And any temptation to see the covid show as justifiable is always trashed by a quick visit to the good old WSWS.
Latest from them: “surging …soaring …soaring …surging …new variants …culpable governments …need to enforce zero tolerance to stop the surging and soaring and soaring and surging….”
Whilst in the comments: “Scientific socialism … objective conditions … empirical evidence…. working class … revolutionary struggles …”
Blah de blah de fucking blah de blah
Haha: i’m sticking with Blah de blah de fucking blah de blah
I believe anyone who writes an article should begin or end by stating their ideological preference, insofar as they have one.
For instance, whenever I read anything equating the far left with the establishment, I automatically think “There’s a Libertarian.”
Libertarian, Alt-Right, Socialist, Communist, Anarchist, Neoliberal: don’t we have a right to know where they’re coming from? I’ve only recently learned that James Corbett is essentially an Anarchist – and more power to him for it!
Natural Law party people i easily align with.
No, I knew straight away the reference to mainstream media wasn’t sarcasm because I’ve seen it many times on Facebook posts and comments.
Yes, I’m aware of FB, but the number of times I’ve seen people refer to this agenda as “installing communism” or “radical socialism” or that people like Klaus Schwab have a “radical Marxist agenda”… I actually swear out loud and then have an urge to headbutt my kitchen bench!
It belies a real ignorance about politics and political systems and even what socialism or communism means. Its deeply frustrating! Since when did the World’s billionaires, and arch capitalists want to “install communism”!! I strongly suspect these people are getting their news from places like Fox News.
As for deranged loons like the WSWS or the ‘woke’ luvvies in Socialist Alternative… screw the lot of them. Gotta dash for a train, have a good week…
neo liberal globalism is communism… or rather to be more exacting communitarianism. the new and improved despotism, where they swap class conflict for identity politics and machine guns and gulags (though of course they will be utilized under carey feely pseudonyms) for vaccines and computer screens…
as this excellent article states alinsky (darling of the lefties) dedicated his rancid screed to satan, and no doubt mean it. marx merely raved to his dark lord in his poetry, some of which was quite inspired if you like the rantings of a debauched imbecile… most of the mendicants running this psy-op are commies in the ‘refined sense’ in that all will be equal.. equal in destitution and equally owned by the ‘state’
but as with all ‘real’ commies the old axiom holds true, ‘communism for thee but not for me’ as history attests… ask mr ‘pol-itical pot-ential’ himself pol pot.. you can catch him swanning with elite parisian society, though you may have to climb over mountains of skulls first…….
you’ve been had son… time grow up and move on.
Best advice: Beware Of Labels. They’re killers.
Instead of playing word games name calling – “You’re a Commie!” “Ha! You’re a Nazi!” “Oh yeah? You’re a(fill in the blank)!” – maybe we should just concentrate on what a given individual or group advocates. If it’s hurtful, then it’s Evil, pure and simple.
End of discussion.
I see irony is not your strong point ‘howard’…. never mind .
pol pot, nice one, this entire covidemic has reminded me of “The Killing Fields”, suffocated in plastic with a gun to your head, sorry, masked and temperature monitored for your safety, lol.
Yes, socialism, at least as Marx envisaged it, is a classless society created once the opressed overthrow their exploiters and oppressors. What is happening through the Covid scam is the exploiters and oppressors tightening their control over the rest of us, which is anything but socialism.
Yes, agree Tim! Pointing out that it’s the World’s arch capitalists bringing in the Great Reset and the Fourth Industrial Revolution doesn’t seem to register with some people. Why would full blooded capitalists want to bring in “communism”?? Sigh.
They are probably misled by the “you’ll own nothing”. They fail to understand that it means “we’ll own everything”, which is not exactly communism.
I’m OK to an extent with “you’ll own nothing” although socialism as I envisage it enables people to have the kind of personal belongings they need for their daily life and for sentimental reasons, but will this “you’ll own nothing” apply to the Gates, Bezos, Zuckerbergs etc.? I don’t think this is what the WEF has in mind.
I’m quite sure it is not, LOL. The greedy few will own everything, and extort rent from the rest of us after reducing to poverty and dependence.
And that is not socialism, but feudalism.
However, there are many (particularly in the US) who think the WEF are communists. Crazy.
Edit: “reducing us to poverty and dependence.”
I think Anastasia Palasschmuk’s father is involved in some kind of medical thing. She’s a lifetime politician. Never had a real job.
On another note, have you detected the malice and spite with which Australians attack and refer to anyone not goose stepping to the kook party line? For instance…the mother surrounded by police. People practically frothed at the mouth screaming “bbbbbbburn her!” Sad as hell.
Need to wake up soon! As it will get devilishly bonkers- kill gates and his death panels!
Shaw really was an evil monster. His sponsors if I recall founded the Fabian society. War criminals Toady Bliar and John Howard were Fabian “socialists”.
good luck with ‘the vast majority’ waking up anytime soon …. I don’t know about ‘vast’, but there certainly seem to be pretty solid majorities in most of our countries totally controlled by the fear propaganda ..
What would George Carlin say about the pussies kowtowing to the devils now?
“They’re spineless fucken jellyfish, not a backbone amongst the lot of them”… That’s what he’d say!
This is the Irish Enquiry and their bit on how the Gardai Siochana had diverted the original location of the protest to have a vantage point to antagonize and view what was happening at St stephen’s green Dublin.
Thanks for the link Arse. Please keep us updated if anything comes of that. Very sinister.
Good article Gary. 5K is not a bad turn out for a country the size of the Republic. We probably had only that at the first UK protest in August in London in city twice the size.
It ceases to amaze me how a country as rebellious as Ireland has continued to roll over in the face of the globalists. The first sign I think was how they accepted the smoking ban in pubs.
So much for the Shinners – its like some oppressors are more equal than others to people who supposedly support Irish freedom.
I really don’t see how “protesting” is going to acheive anything other than be used to further abuse people. These are serial killers not reasonable people who just haven’t realised who much harm they are causing.
Whistle-blowers from Finland report severe violations of human rights
Protests alone won’t change anything but they act as a useful focal point and also allow us to get the message across to a wider audience given that we don’t control any of the mass media. The authorities wouldn’t be acting with such brutality to break up such protests if they weren’t worried by them.
Authorities? Are you out of your mind? These are psycho serial killers. Organising a protest is like taking a battered wife and sweet talking them into giving their husband another chance even tho you know full well you are going to get them beaten again by doing it. If you lot want to talk about leftists I can’t think of anything more left wing then organising a fucking protest. It is ridiculous. It is narcassistic abuse most likely coming straight from tavistock to hoover people back up for further abuse.
Agreed – protests are a rallying point for the people. It is only when the numbers are really huge that they can directly effect the authorities.
I am Irish and while I agree with most of what the article says my heart sank when I read the nonsense about the MSM being far-left……
The Irish, UK and other mainstream media are very skilled PR operations on behalf of corporations, banks etc. and their paid politicians, they are not the Left.
If we are to make a difference we need to by-pass the msm and distribute our own, honest, citizen media. One good Irish example is
which has a good vaccines info leaflet to copy and print. I must say the site looks suitable for those people who may be increasingly inclined to question the agenda but who are just taking their first steps, unlike I would guess most of us here who have studied it all for the past year.
Let’s get out of our computers (I know, many already are) and print information with QR links to good beginner-level material, educate people calmly.
Other ideas I’ve heard are stickers with QR; place a screen behind a shop window running a presentation 24/7 or a variation on that; carry copies of the above leaflet folded in your pocket to give to someone if the subject comes up, or leave on a train etc. Add to the list yourself. We are the new media!
Ps the above (what is going on) site has a very revealing street interview with Prof. Luke O’Neill in which he states explicitly that the “mRNA safety studies” will be “after the first few hundred thousands are vaccinated, then we’ll look at the safety results, y’know”! You couldn’t make this stuff up!
Please do your own leaflets etc. while we still can and get out there.
I did see a talk by a German journalist who had worked for one of the msm paper, Sud Deutche Zeitung and others I think – in his final year in college they were treated to free summer school workshops which he realized eventually were run by the security services, there were free luxury trips etc., and visits by agents to him at the newspaper, articles submitted by secret service and published under his name – he hadn’t even read them!
Sorry I can’t find the link right now. Maybe later.
Udo Ulfkotte…
Thanks Judy,
that might well be the same guy, I’m not sure. I had heard a bit about a suppressed book, that must be it! I’ve downloaded his RT interview.
I have to agree. This left right bullshit is a very tired subject. The most that can be said is that the msm in Ireland has dressed themselves as the left because that’s where the public sentiment lies. If it lay in the right wing, it would be there. If we continue to use their bullshit terms like ‘left’ and ‘right’ then they have won.
There is only the elite and what they perceive the ‘slaves’.
The quicker we all wake up to this is the only way we can defeat this monstrous creation.
That Commissioner Harris had to withdraw his gibe at the “far Left” is the biggest indication yet that the whole covid con has been played out from the Left foot. The very fact he had to make the withdrawal should surely send warning signs to anyone even half awake. The media is usually happy to take that banal nondescript centre path. Suddenly we mustn’t upset the Left? Since when did that rule come into play? And why?
It’s because there has been an unsaid but obvious implication running all the way through this tenth rate zombie show: the struggle against covid is “the revolution”. And now you know why they didn’t have the balls to come out and say it directly. It’s less likely than Santa Claus. Only Bylinetimes brought the ludicrous plot out into the open (protest groups force the governments to “put people before profits”) – though admittedly through an article that was the last word in gassy convoluted belching. Admittedly, the WSWS gave us a similar story but then their readership is so hypnotised by Bolshevik slogans, no-one would query the fairy tale.
Yes, the Covid-hoax is absolutely connected with the CO2-hoax. Remember Greta Thunberg showing up at Klaus Schwab’s WEF in Davos. The “Great Reset” is also a “Greta Reset”!
If our rulers themselves cared for CO2 they wouldn’t bomb down countries and burn out those cities these: Somalia (1991), Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria and so on.
Also they would care for the Congo basin, where 50 % of our global oxygen is produced. But the “green lung” of the Congo will have disappeared in 20 years: *
And they don’t care at all. And their CO2 sheeples never even heard of the “Congo basin”!
This CO2 hoax can’t be true, because there is only 0,039% of CO2 in our atmosphere. And as CO2 is by 50 % heavier than the other molecules that make up our atmosphere, there is hardly any CO2 at all in greater heights. So the “warming effect” can never be explained!
Here Engdahl’s “The Great Zero Carbon Criminal Conspiracy”:
And also watch the great James Corbett’s “Coronavirus and Climate Change”:
Yemen, come on!
A mighty injustice that they will never come out off
Yes, Yemen!
You are absolutely right – sorry I forgot!
No problem at all. There are so many sovereign nations being bombed and slaughtered it’s tough to gauge the endless totality.
“the far-left radicalised mainstream media” You lost me there pal.
Is there a faraway left-centered-extra far right radicalised mainstream media? I don’t think there is. Point me in the right direction please, Sir.
Lost me too. How come ‘Far-Left is bracketed with mainstream media.’ I would aver that the media is pretty much and overwhelmingly centre-right and pro-establishment. There is not far-left and what there is is tiny. If only there were!
Watch RTE NEWS and Virgin media and read the Irish times for a month and give a synopsis of it’s political influence sway…
You don’t live in Ireland then do you pal?
the fact that the self-identified “far left” is even more rabidly in favour of the COVID-1984 hoax than the bourgeois media, provides a certain degree of superficial plausibility to such claims.
The reference to Harris screwing up his lines indicates that the reference to “far-left radicalised media” is sarcasm. (It must be, considering that the relevant link is to the unionist Belfast Telegraph.) Also see my comment above. And look what hysterical Australia has done, they carry on as if millions of Australian’s were ”infected”, still call a fake PCR test an ”infection”, babble endlessly about variants of a non existent virus, and USA and UK deaths as if they are really from a non existent virus. We have journos all over the world, they all reports the same crap fed to them by this one site in Australia and a long retired old former kids doctor in bed with Gavi and co. In fact if you take out the entire fake second outbreak in Victoria that ”caused” a 122 day lock down and destruction nothing at all happened, 9,000 total fake PCR’s, less that 500 in hospital at all ever, most from cruise ships in the initial panic, 909 old sick dying people with an average age of 87 and what we have is a $1.3 trillion dollar total fuck up for bugger all. For each positive PCR the cost of paying people to not work was a staggering $3 million per ”case” of nobody ever getting sick. They even paid $212 million to the old mining mogul who imported the infamous Chinese fake tests that the rest of the world discarded in March as rubbish to bring on their second wave. Our entire ”health” system during this fake pandemic is a former diplomat who runs a Gates funded unthink tank, a former Veterinarian whose ”institute” funded by Gates claimed the tests were real using the RNA from a fake test to test the test but still concluded they found all other zoonotics and the ct was over 38 so all useless. A former kids doctor who started hysterically screaming pandemic in February and still peddles the bigger than 1918 bull and some seriously ignorant CHO’s… Read more »
Good comment Marilyn.
Also in Australia there were over 300,000 confirmed hospitalizations of flu and pneumonia in 2019, adding to the near 4000 deaths.
Australia has blood on there hands and definitely not the first times these cretins have made a fortune out of it.
What still is totally weird to me is how the vict premier handled it compared to others and that apart from the crazy of closing borders we in qld lived a fairly charmed life through out all of this…we were not part of the belt road effort or apparently having links to China…so after the initial flurry we went back to life as normal other than for a few nutters who have this strong desire to wear 3 masks and continually use hand sanitizer..
they just get funny looks…
QLD here too. I won’t be surprised if, with winter coming, there’s all manner of alarm and hysteria ready to roll out. A few weeks ago all it took was 4 or so positive “tests” to have greater Brisbane mandatory masked up like freaks. Everything around the world has been so ham fisted. No shock if the Australian winter is used as the excuse to roll out kook mask and lockdown measures in cities all around the country. Because winter is when everyone gets sick don’t you know. And virtually the entire public will clap and nod.
Saddening that in a country like Australia where people used to have a healthy disrespect for authority and a healthy “no worries” attitude and there was a sense of responsibility not dependence, that 99.99% of the population (it seems) have simply rolled over without a fight or question…all full of hate and malice for anyone not goose stepping to the party line. Shameful.
once a prison colony, always a prison colony.
just pathetic. what a bunch of spineless, snivelling morons.
You got that right, and the only people who call them out are branded nutters.
I’m expecting the same as you Ooink. My prediction is Melbourne will be back in lockdown by the first week in April.
As you point out, Flu season is fast approaching, and just think of all those ‘positive tests’ they’ll be able to come up with, and at their press conferences state that for the “communities safety” we must lockdown again to… “save lives” etc etc.
One positive today, noticed a sizeable number of people without facemasks on, even inside shopping centres (mandatory) and about 8 people in the supermarket I was in.
In the Southern Hemisphere they will have to manufacture some crisis in your winter to persuade people to take the ‘vaccine’.
I doubt many would want it if no ‘virus’ turns up in your winter.
The ‘vaccine’ as if by magic turned up in the west just right in the middle of flu season.
How convenient eh…
I don’t believe in coincidences within politics.
Yesterday one of my customers blithely stated she would be getting the jab so she could travel overseas when things were “normal again”. Not for health, or for fear of getting the ‘virus’, but so she could get on a plane! I know of several others with a similar mindset.
We’re fast approaching flu season down here in Melbourne, and I expect to be back in lockdown by the first week of April. I would lay money on it. Last year, the first lockdown began in Melbourne in late March.
Far too many coincidences Paul, and another one here is that the Victorian Chief Health Officer, Brett Sutton, is the brother in law of Jane Halton who attended Event 201, and is the Chairperson of CEPI, and Halton seems to be the main co-ordinator of the scamdemic in Australia from what a number of us have dug up.
Of course, the ‘media’ won’t even go there full stop.
Your friend has the typical mindset. I actually find it encouraging i.e. that many (hopefully the majority) who take the vax don’t believe a word of the bullshit but only take the juice because they feel it’s “the programme required” to get some kind of society going again. It’s hopeful since, if the majority are NOT believers, then there’s a limit to the shit the overlords can spread.
In SA we have chicken pox and guess what? Last year this week we had 708 people with flu, because they are not seeing doctors out of fear of the tests and being housebound, there are 0
And what about the lunatic core hobbled up in their homes and masks? Blah, blah, blah. The psychopaths are evil, through and through.
‘But for sure it showed them, in case they needed confirmation, that if large enough numbers of people refuse their dictatorial, arbitrary mandates it crushes their illusory power.’ I am looking forward to the day, and that day will come, that politicians, spineless creatures that they are, suddenly change opinion and say that everything that is related with lockdown should be stopped at once, because there is (and this is true) no basis to continue lock downs. When that day comes, and that day comes, the scientific experts are hanging out there to dry. Then the experts know that they had no power at all, but were mere tools that were used by politicians at the time. And then they can wait for the mob, who they rightly fear so much, and who are claiming back their rights! – that is what I forecast, since I have seen the writing on the wall. Now an anecdote: the so called leaders of my department have always taken a firm stance in lock down measures, and that we should self isolate, etc, and various leaders aka ‘experts’ (who funnily enough know nothing about virology, but since they are allowed to call themselves epidemiologists, consider themselves expert) have aired this opinion in the news. And since we as a department have to give the good example, our department has been closed for almost a year now. Which hasn’t prevented me to come to office. Worst that could happen to me is that I am found out by an expert in office who could say: ‘what are you doing here’ – To which I would reply: ‘what are you doing here’. Never happened (although these experts, hypocritically, are the only others who frequent the office). And since I still come to office, I know… Read more »
I can only hope that fruition is abound, Maxwell.
hopefully, some of these “experts” will have the opportunity to contemplate the source of their error, as they leisurely dangle from a lamp-post.
certainly, the politicians will attempt to avoid the same fate, by claiming that they only did what the “experts” advised them to do.
I hope you are right and that day does come. The experts would be well-advised to think fast, because they’re probably not as slippery as politicians, who will have no qualms about throwing them under the bus if needed.
Though the (fairly) recent German revelations about politics being the prime mover might have been some kind of insurance in that respect.
Hahahaha!!!!! I Love the writing here! I Love the investigative journalism!!! I Love the veracity!!!! Kudos Kudos OffGuardian!!!! Thank you for all you and your writers do!!!
With Love & Solidarity
From Goa, India
This did cheer me up:
“Greta Thunberg mural in Dublin vandalised one day after being completed”
don’t worry too much about that hysterical twit, she’ll succeed in starving herself to death soon enough.
The notion that Fianna Fail and Fine Gael are communists is delusional.
I know, ridiculous isn’t it. The bloke is politically illiterate.
Well they’ve gone woke haven’t they.
you wouldn’t be able to distinguish between them, based on their attitude towards the COVID-1984 hoax. maybe “communists” are just more hypocritical, self-serving bourgeois scum.
I’d say the deaths caused by ‘vaccines’ are probably in the billions. The most dangerous weapon in history.
I scrolled down and saw a Great video of Jamaican entering a vaccination center and telling people to not get the vaccines, etc. Don’t know how to retrieve it as I am not on twitter.
Prague 1989. THIS is the kind of crowd we need to assemble if we want to be heard.
No! The demonstrations in Prague, so-called Velvet Revolution, only took place when the fall of the Iron Curtain was inevitable. My former compatriots played it real safe.
This is much more like it ….
I’ll never forget what they did in 1968, though.
Since when did off-G let any random yankified fool pen articles? Would love to see a Grover furr or someone pen an article to shut up the anti worker anti communists! It’s the easiest thing in the world debunking and debating anti communists!
Communist Party of Britain — ZeroCovid strategy now
Communist Party of Britain you must be talking about the conservative?
Do you live in u.k ??
i do in a Conservative Strong hold,
So 4 years ago (before Greta)
we had green bays now bike and swipe now scooter and swipe, we have super councils with all the green nonsense including anti semitic including gay dyke trans nonsense.
We have bikes lanes galore and bus lanes and cars are being pushed out.
some areas you cant drive in the town centers nor near schools. (agenda 30)
We have zero carbon polices and people like yourself say is left!”! or communists.
theses are just silly names to confused people, they are all the same
I guess it was too much trouble for you to click the link. Anti communists are the easiest people to debate you don’t know what it if you’re arguing against
Communist party of Britain said to its own followers in 1991 that communism had failed! Try of the CPGB-ML! We have anti gender articles and whatnot we’d blow your mind with our positions
Why go to such lengths to refute obvious bullshit?
Let’s simplify things.
I’d suggest starting with the spelling of Taoiseach. That’s a word with five sounds, spelled with nine friggin’ letters. Sure you Irish people must have better things to do than type your fingers away needlessly! Who wants to spend their life typing, eh? Or writing? In my native language, Taoiseach would be spelled Týšak. Same pronunciation, half the number of letters. I’d say we’d be willing to license our ortographic system to you people for a commensurate fee. Ha! Just kidding, you can probably just take it.
Anyway, there is no need for anyone to justify their actions, to dissect from every imaginable angle their right to assert their rights and freedoms. These motherfuckers are fucking with us. In a diabolically unscrupulous way, foisting indiscriminate destruction on our lives, the world we have built. People have the right to self-defense when threatened, put a foot to the attacker’s ass, smash his face, knock out their teeth. kick them in the crotch.
That’s all there is to it. Fuck them!
“Garda Commissioner Drew Harris, was in such a desperate state of mind that he screwed up his lines and said that the far-left were involved as well – much to the outrage of the far-left radicalised mainstream media, forcing him to withdraw his statement later.”
what the fuck is the far left radicalised media? The Belfast torygraph?
Watch bloody RTE for a month
I’m Irish if you think RTE is left wing you’re deluded! Everything in your world has to be left wing that’s bad! They’re very obviously left of centre socially and right wing economically
Belfast Telegraph — Ireland approaching half a million vaccination mark
Communist Party of Ireland — We trust vaccinations because we know that they have saved tens of millions of lives and eliminated dreadful diseases all over the globe.
Communist party of Ireland is A) tiny and B) doesn’t represent my views! Plenty of anti Covid communists about you’ve just not been looking for us
And why are you Sharing the Belfast torygraph with me? It’s the Protestant unionist right wing paper for the occupied 6 counties
what the fuck is the far left radicalised media? The Belfast torygraph?
My wife I and our daughter visited Dublin in one of the hottest summers about the year 2000. She would be about 9 or10. It was extremely hot in England. The 3 of us had rucksacks shorts and T-shirts
We arrived at Dublin Airport and got on the bus, and tried to buy 3 tickets all cold and sopping wet. I tried to hand him a 20 Euro note….he says no no..just come into my bus…and so we were still stood at the front…and he drove his bus to the ticket office, stopped it, and got off it to get us a family ticket..One third the price
I thought arriving in Amsterdam the year before was pretty good, but the Welcome in Dublin to us soggy English was completely we toured Dublin over the next few days, and we learnt to completely love The Irish, and felt so incredibly ashamed of us English. The Irish told us the real history. The Irish dancing was Amazing
So when we did lots of parties, (mainly heavy rock) I used to sometimes put this on to change the mood…Everyone stopped, shut up and listened. We saw them about 3 years ago at Hammersmith Odeon (now Apollo)
“Dead Can Dance – the wind that shakes the barley”
We have a very laid back approach to things (when we want to be) coincidentally it was about the year 2000 up in the notth after the signing of the pointless good Friday agreement that the Brits tried to make us pay water rates. They said “why don’t you be like the rest of mainland Britain and pay water like we do?” and we said “eh, A) what the fuck do you mean by ‘the rest of mainland Britain’ and B) what the fuck do you mean by ‘pay water rates’?” And we rioted for two days. You haven’t been back since asking. Take note violence works. That’s why our own governments uses it so readily
the people have a right to Protest, there is no illegality to it, it the arrests that are unlawful, and threat of fines a deterrent, nothing more …. But it seems to me, that the people are Fragmented – they allow their fellow cohorts to be violated, as they…walk on – this is Wrong, and plays into the hands of the oppressor – be better organized, coordinate as one. If an individual has been seized, then surround them, restrict their removal, so requiring a greater force and therefore, a greater number of detentions, Overwhelm the System, make that the Priority, not the overweening chants of “Freedom” soaked up by inconversant walls.
This is from the ‘Guardian’, so it must be true.
Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebre-yes-us, Director-General of WHO, says he supports patent waiver to help countries make and sell cheap vaccine copies. Companies will be paid royalties for the products they manufacture,” he says.
That’s a ‘patent’ waiver (not patient).
Next week’s WHO meeting will be held on the birthday of the declaration of the scam. UN member governments are split on the issue, with low and middle income countries in support and rich countries opposed.
Naturally the greedy pHARMa industry is not pleased – Pharmaceutical companies and governments in the US, UK and Europe are strongly opposed to the waiver, with or without compensation. They back the argument of the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations, based in Switzerland, that cutting companies’ returns is a disincentive to innovation.
But wait, there’s more …… “New variants are appearing that are less susceptible to vaccines and more transmissible. “The threat is clear: as long as the virus is spreading anywhere, it has more opportunities to mutate and potentially undermine the efficacy of vaccines everywhere. We could end up back at square one,” Tedros says.”
My inner cynic can’t help wondering if Dr. Ghebre-yes-us has already set up (not the Great Set Up) his own company (a little set up) which can produce and sell copies of the magic injection. After all, he wants to help poor people (not).
The clue is located here: > “They back the argument of the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations, based in Switzerland, that cutting companies’ returns is a disincentive to innovation.”
When was the last time Switzerland was invaded?
What country hosts several of the world’s largest trade and banking consortium’s?
Why is Switzerland still considered a neutral country, when it historically provided “secret” bank loans to black ops designed to destabilize foreign Nations?
“a push for Global Socialism and totalitarianism which promises a future in which ‘wealth is shared’ as part of what many Fabian progressives and academics in the nation believe should be the next ‘Great Leap Forward’”
Q: “How does the above conform with the expression ‘own nothing and be happy?‘
A: It doesn’t. ‘Own nothing and be happy‘ is the exact opposite of honest socialism in the spirit of Eugene Victor Debs. In fact it is slavery.
“‘Own nothing and be happy‘ is folderol / nonsensical rubbish / twaddle/ balderdash that jackbooted crocodile teared CORPORATE FASCIST FABIAN EUGENICIST charlatan fraudster OLIGARCH SLAVEMASTER victimizers contemptuously throw out to try cover their crimes against WE THE PEOPLE (HUMANITY).
How stupid would you need to be to think that socialism is the biggest threat to our countries at the moment. Yes I’m hating that equality; high taxation on the rich and nationalisation of corporations? No none of that is happening; only alt right idiots who think ,socialism is a term of abuse think there is a problem.
And if you think socialism is a term of abuse then you should not be here:
World Socialist Web Site — More virulent strains of COVID-19 threaten spring surge
“The CIA party (formerly known as the SEP) has all the hallmarks of a Langley-Land disinformation/misinformation operation. Crains Detroit entrepeneur of the year David W Green (AKA David North) former CEO of Great River Printing and Imaging has the temperament of someone more suited for spouting the railings and rantings of Jim Jones and the Peoples Temple then someone analyzing and elucidating upon the writings of Leon Trotsky, Vladimir Lenin or Karl Marx.”
“Here are some things that have written and reported about it over the years.”
It’s the civil war we do not mention in England. They will fuk you right up. Good. We need to fight fire with fire. Look and learn. By the way, if you are a respected of the Crown, WTF is all that with the Queen on zoom about?. Universal deceleration of human rights;- Article 3, pt 2. “Society does not supercede the rights of the individual” and Article 6-“consent may be withdrawn at any time”.
Blatant. 😎
Why no mention of the apparent disappearance of the royal family- not the deep fake queen on zoom but the fact that Buckingham Palace is now boarded up, the royal seal has gone from the gate and it has already been stated that she will never go back there? I’m not a fan of the monarchy but I do wonder what’s happening and why more has not been said about this on MSM. Are we now a republic and they just forgot to tell us?
Anti lockdown protest today in the heart of the rebel county, Cork city. There so worried there drafting in extra Gaurda(Police).
sorry, hit sent to soon – I meant to wish our friends in Cork the best of luck today, I know they won’t be intimidated!
Incidentally, last week’s demo in Dublin, in spite of garda disruption, was said to have more than double the previous biggest anti-lockdown protest there.
Well there was at least 10k at the one in August. They’ve dwindled since.
well, of course we don’t have exact figures, but Shakti, an organizer of last week’s demo said on The Healthy Debate there were 10,000 to 15,000 in O’Connell St.
But what’s that when you have the chance to pour cold water on these brave citizens’ efforts?
Another word for pigs ?
From Dublin originally, I live in the countryside where a lot of Gardai are less than enthusiastic about enforcement. They live among us. I needed an official form witnessed a while ago and the station Garda was not wearing a mask as he signed and stamped.
If we are to win we will need a significant number of police to support us, Name-calling does not help.
Water cannon is being used everywhere. Someone on these pages reported a detached retina in Cyprus from this barbaric practice.
Allthough this caused such outrage that 10,000 turned out in Nicosia and 2,000 (myself included) in Limassol the following Saturday, not that the MSM reported such numbers.
I’m surprised the Gardai have time for police work in between their other activities! 😀
are they really that worried? Or are they bringing in a few extra thugs to pound a few heads to give an example to the obedient majority this sort of thing is well frowned upon by your masters, and there will be consequences so don’t get any stupid ideas, peasants … ??
This article implies, and often states, that our Overlords, as well as their gofer minions, (human and/or otherwise) are insane. This opens an interesting and deep philosophical question regarding the nature of reality. The term insane basically states that the individual labeled as such is totally out of touch with reality. The sociopath psychologists who have compiled the DSM through 5 editions, inventing diseases more fallacious than covid-1984 with a rapidity that would create intense envy for the drivers of the central bank printing presses, state through their categorizations that psychopathy, regardless of how brutal, is not insanity. They do this by filing psychopathy as a personality disorder rather than a psychosis. This reminds me of an article I read several years ago where it turned out that the then president of the American Psychological Association was taking home substantial paychecks by coaching the torturer/interrogators at Gitmo how to be more effective. What we are seeing now is the unfolding of a giant, global Rube Goldberg machine designed, when all the multitudinous pieces have fallen into their long ago designated slots, to remake the world into a dystopian nightmare for 99% of the survivors. Is this insane? Can a technically brilliant process, designed and effectuated over centuries if not millennia, be created by entities out of touch with reality? Was the fictitious character of Silence of the Lambs, Hannibal Lector, with his astronomical IQ, insane? I personally think not. While there are with little doubt people on this planet so broken by brutality, usually from childhood on, that they live in a world divorced from any concept of consensual reality, I am coming to the conclusion that psychiatric psychopathy or insanity is a smokescreen for evil. EVIL is so unWOKE, so unenlightened, so not with it. It implies that there… Read more »
Interesting points on perception.
This current attempt at the ultra-centralisation of legalism appears to be predicated on Act Utilitarianism.
Having demolished (they think) religion and put atheism on a pedestal, in our schools and universities, in politics and popular culture, you would think they’d proudly illustrate for our eager eyes their new and improved world.
Instead, just utter the word evil and see them snap with the sensitivity of a personal insult.
Having abolished the opium of the masses and freed us pious, submissive drones from our daily recitations and mumbled prayers, what of those perfect, rational, atheist uplands of Utopia… … …
They have sprung upon us a conspiracy involving the physical destruction of people (murder, poisoning) and culture (replaced by mass psychosis). It is the blood-stained dawn to a feudalism more repressive than the world has seen.
Evil it is.
I can see how the brutality of classical feudalism may at least have been tempered since it was underpinned by religion which at least incorporated a moral code.
Change the names to Canadian politicians, the Irish broadcaster to the CBC, and this essay could easily be applied to Canada. An excellent read. Thank you sir.
the oirish are finished
the scotch done
the welsch well
what welsche
the english meficated being processed
new world uk country for the world
foreign banker corporation owned
spoke to a mexican earlier many of his family and friends are her
advertising in mexico come to blighty
the british council or sum such have a road show on the move
bringing in new cattle to replace the defective old and medicated damaged
barberer lerner spectored
the united nations moving millions and millions of poor folks around for slave control and cheap labour
There, fixed it for ya, Klaus
nice idea, but change the bottom right pics, those guys aren’t around any more, you need some maskLESS ‘common people’ or something …
5000, mostly young people, protesting in Dublin, are not representative of Ireland as a whole. Let us know when the numbers reach 100,000, as in the water protest marches.
I was at the protest and kept saying the same that we need 100k on the streets to make any difference.
There was more out shopping than at the protests