Ragamuffins in Lockdown Time
Christine E. Black

Ice Sliders – by SummerHouse Studio Art
I want to be the child
In my neighborhood,
Kicking a ball down a wet street,
Dirty snow and ice crusting cars,
Paint-chipped wagon
And a pile of bikes in the yard,
His little brother
And a gang of more children,
Trailing behind. One bangs a stick
On the ground, all their clear
Brown faces shine, eyes dance
In the cold. His immune system
Wrestles earnestly, playfully
With wondrous germs of the air,
And on the skin of his little brother,
In the slobber of the dog,
The grime on the ball
From the corner of the basement
Next to the crumple
Of his father’s work clothes,
His mother’s nurse’s aide uniform,
Blood splattered on a sleeve.
I want to be their parents,
Gathering at a neighbor’s house
For Holy Communion.
They made a hand-lettered
Church sign for the yard,
Invited the priest to hold Mass
In the living room
For all the neighbors.
And after taking the body and blood,
Those words made flesh
By breath and speech,
I kiss an old aunt, press my cheek
To hers, smell her hair and skin,
Remembered from childhood.
My breath deepens, quiets the cells,
Bathes them in strength and health.
I want to be one of the Boys and Girls
Club children, still driven
To the closed school
Because her mother has to go work
At the chicken factory each day.
The mask they make the girl wear
Drags her chin while she plays
With twenty or so other children
In the abandoned school gym
Or outside behind the vacant building.
She sits in the grass across from a friend,
Clapping patterns, telling stories,
Their caretaker, reading her phone.
I want to be one of the children,
Following behind their father,
Who can’t have them inside
One more day this winter, playing
Video games, watching TV.
They head into the trampoline park,
Dark for months, but now somehow
Open, a few cars in the lot.
Inside, high school and college students,
Who have to have the job
Are face-masked seven or eight hours,
Like all the others, delivering Dominoes
Or Grub Hub, waiting tables
In half-capacity restaurants,
Stocking Walmart shelves, scanning,
Bagging at grocery stores, their glasses
Fogging, acne worsening, minds dulled
From low oxygen, wondering what
In the world may happen next.
I want to be a child piled in the family car,
Driving narrow, steep West Virginia roads
To a mountain cabin, where they’ll meet
Maybe a dozen or more family and friends.
Some will forage for mushrooms
Or bow hunt, they’ll tell stories,
Wade in cold streams, build a fire
To cook meat at dusk. I want to be
One of their parents in a sleeping bag
With my husband, by the fire
After everyone else has gone to bed.
Christine E. Black’s work has been published in The American Journal of Poetry, New Millennium Writings, Nimrod International, The Virginia Journal of Education, Friends Journal, Sojourners Magazine, English Journal, Amethyst Review, and other publications. Her poetry has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize and the Pablo Neruda Prize.
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Compassionate and independent thinkers on this site below. May they keep gathering. I also hope we hear from more writers, artists, and outsiders to bring light to these terrible mistakes — and to bring back more love and life and health. Perhaps people can face immense harm that has been done and start repairing.
This London headmaster behaved heroically during this crisis. Children are suffering from depression, isolation, despair, and irrational fears inflicted upon them by fearful, cowardly adults, government bureaucrats, and big Pharma and tech company elites, who have made billions from this year-long sh**show. Children and young people are dying slowly from fear, isolation, and despair and are dying from poor health, overdoses, and addictions. Children and young people usually do not get covid or spread it. Tell the truth. Do the research. It’s not that hard to see through the lies fueling this mass hysteria. What has been done to children was and is “government-sanctioned child abuse,” as Dr. Simone Gold has said. Parents and other bystanders have perpetuated this abuse and allowed it. Open all schools, sports, clubs, and activities completely, end the mask mandates now. Children are being harmed.
Who the hell wants to see a Girl fronting a Rock Band?
Yes, we had Cilla Black, Sandy Shaw, Abba, Chrisie Hynde, Blondie, Sinéad O’ConnorKate Bush, Adele and many more, who just dump all their emotional guts, writing the words, and then construct their music around their words.
Then little girl just gets up on stage with her guitar and microphone and just does it…
Well, I want to see Taylor Momsen – Pretty Reckless live now.
Simply by listening to her music, on the radio, having no real idea what she looked like, I guessed she had been on The American Circuit, for many years, like had about 25 years of experience and could give Polly Jean Harvey a run for her money…and I am sure she can.
I thought Taylor Momsen would be about 38 years old – nearly 40. She is 27 years old, but started when she was 2. I may buy her album. She is extremely talented.
I have already got most of PJ Harvey’s, and I haven’t seen her live yet either, but really want to. She too is extremely talented. Her first few albums are gut wrenchingly brilliant, as if she is spewing all her real internal emotional relationships on the floor on the stage in front of over 100,000 people at Glastonbury, like you do.
“PJ Harvey – Rid Of Me – Live”
Be nice to the Musicians. They cheer me up.
I’m tired of your off topic mind leaks, now go somewhere else!
How lovely. I’m with you all the way. In fact I was one of those kids. Thankfully.
Sadly there are those, who probably had that kind of childhood themselves, who don’t want it for future generations. like Mr. Beeley, of Wellington School, Trafford.
Nice poem, Christine, thank you. https://twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1RDGlPZqooRGL this is optimistic viewing…
The Brownstone Institute is doing excellent work. Their mission statement is admirable and inspiring. See these recent stories.
I never realised he was very famous, nor his mate. Whilst most musicians, are completely up their own…..they also tend to play in various other different bands…and they do have fans.
Well I didn’t know who he was, and he and is mate were in another band that were headlining at a 4 day festival on The Saturday night..and the fans were going crazy about Harry…
My wife and I said – we know him. He quite regularly plays down our local pub in another band. He seems reasonably normal. You can chat to him at half time, whilst he is reading all the fan mail on his mobile phone…You know Harry – Yeh
They couldn’t believe it. To them it was if I knew Robert Plant, Neil Young, Geddy Lee , Peter Gabriel or Taylor Momsen
The music industry is incredibly tough, but at the end of the day, much like any other business.
Most of them are completely normal people, even shy, when they off stage.
If they don’t get paid, they can’t pay their rent.
They have had a particularly hard time over the last 12 months
Can we please have our live music back?
We are up for it…Camping in muddy fields.
My wife is making plans, and I keep saying O.K.
But I am not being Injected, and I am not wearing a Mask.
Fight Back against these Monsters in Control
There is no Pandemic. Ask any Undertaker.
How’s Business?
Christine E. Black,
Thank You,
not just for your words which took me back to being a kid, but for the texture in your art.
Did you paint Ice Sliders – by SummerHouse Studio Art?
It’s really nice.
Thank You.
You have brightened up my day.
I think its going to brighten up soon here in England.
Its going to be Easter, and it is going to be Spring.
and I am going to photograph my Grandchildren again..deep in the woods amongst The Bluebells
Both of them are just so Beautiful..but our 3 year old, taught by his 5 year old brother…well he is a complete Natural. Point anything at him, he carries on playing then slowly smiles.
Then he starts posing. He knows he is a Beautiful Boy and a happy child and is proud of it.
Not quite sure how I got so blessed,
But I am a Grandfather now with the most lovely wife (now Nana). She still looks and still is the same too, as when we were teenage kids. We met in our 20’s, been together ever since
Her hair is getting really long, as is mine.
Now in our 60’s, but we can do a lot better than that.
There is nothing wrong with either of us.
Must buy some more virgin olive oil too, for the cod & chips with mushy peas.
Childhood Adulthood
Childhood fun
Innocent smiling
Adulthood run
Competitive lying
by Mark R. Elsis
November 14, 1981
Resonate Love
144 Poems
by Mark R. Elsis
Lessons learnt from a techno freak.
Number 1 Well you can buy the latest model if you like, and in some circumstances that is justified, but if its a mobile phone, the chances are that it will be nowhere near as good as the one in your pocket, which you bought 5 years ago.
I bought mine brand new, when it was last years model, and they had brought out a new range. Still got it. Its little and slips in my top pocket. I can make and receive phone calls on it, and do loads other stuff. I think my model may have a manufacturing defect, cos the standard of the photography even in very low light situations, with extremely loud sounds (heavy rock bands) is often quite extraordinarly good, almost pro without all the gear.
Its waterproof and I have dropped it several times, and it still works brilliantly. If you have got one that works keep it.
Number 2 If you were crazy enough to install Facebook on it. Just delete it.
Mobile phones are radioactive tools of control and surveillance. Avoid them.
Rhetoric warning. The WSWS seems to have become tired of “tsunami” and are now referring to a “hurricane” – more specifically a “hurricane surge”. I’m not sure if that’s better or worse than a “tsunami surge”. But the word “surge” is still SURGING on. The hurricane article mentions “surge” no less than 7 times. I wish they’d update that word too. How about “spurt”? Or “ejaculation”?
I suppose there might be some underlying Freudian psychosis here. Covid as a massive THRUSTING and PALPITATING fleshy injection of corona sperm?
I certainly feel these pseudo Leftists are orgasming all over every salivating death count …or case count. Have we moved on to cough count yet? We really should. Just think. Every dodgy statistic could be multiplied by the average number of coughs per person.
Excuse me. I think I need to go to the bathroom! I feel a surge coming on!
“The CIA party (formerly known as the SEP) has all the hallmarks of a Langley-Land disinformation/misinformation operation. Crains Detroit entrepeneur of the year David W Green (AKA David North) former CEO of Great River Printing and Imaging has the temperament of someone more suited for spouting the railings and rantings of Jim Jones and the Peoples Temple than someone analyzing and elucidating upon the writings of Leon Trotsky, Vladimir Lenin or Karl Marx.”
“Here are some things that have written and reported about it over the years.”
“Never mind the CORPORATE FASCIST FABIAN EUGENICIST charlatan fraudster David W Green. He is only channeling his inner Jim Jones.”

Now we’re getting a feverish epidemic of ill wind and a plague of rain.
Well they abandoned even the most marginal gesture to credibility a long long time ago:
“Oxford Covid vaccine boss ‘pleasantly surprised’ by effectiveness data, in face of doubters like Macron…
Every piece of new research shows the Oxford vaccine is even more effective than the previous data did”
If you want to take some action, help to end this insanity, and live in the U.S. (or even if you don’t live in the U.S.), watch this video from Spiro Skouras and consider making a donation to the legal fund for New Mexico Stands Up.
NOTE: This video was already removed once by YouTube. If it disappears again you can also find it on Bitchute.
Some good new out of Canada. Federal Law against forced vaccinations.
We need these laws everywhere, especially in the EU, where it seems there are many cases of forced vaccination. I personally know someone whose mother was vaccinated in a hospital against her will.
Now they need a law suit challenging the legality of the forced pcr fraud test in Finland. Those doctors, nurses administrators and police need to be prosecuted for what they did to Merike Sirelpuu.
What happened to the -80 degrees storage required for the Pfizer vaccine? Oh that was just a lie.
The fire-sale of UK assets is well underway. Initiated by Brexit but assisted by the government’s deliberate destruction of certain sectors of the UK economy under the cover of Covid measures.
So you’re wondering why Johnson shut down the pubs as long as he did? listen carefully to the video below and the offer being made by a US private equity firm for the UK pub group Martson’s, demanding a 19% reduction on early 2020 valuations. That is just one of the billions in deals that are going to happen in the coming months
It should all be much clearer to all now, what the UK government are really up to. They are destroying, then selling off UK business to the highest bidder for personal gain.
Just so you get an idea of your worth to them, millions of lives were destroyed, subjected to mental torture in order to send, perhaps a few hundred million pounds worth of assets, to US equity firms, that is your worth.
”Brexit Sale as £20b of UK PLCs sold in the last 2 months”
This smug remoaner is squirming with glee at how right he was about brekshit. The pantodemic is just the icing on the cake. All the big stuff like utilities was sold off after we joined the EU but he didn’t notice. Good hate-watching though.
Since I don’t want to die a bitter fatalist, I still unswervingly and steadfastly tell myself that the world is not as bad, corrupt and rotten as it is. There is light wherever you light it. On the other hand, I don’t want to exchange my childhood in the 70’s for the childhood of today’s singletons, fatherless in front of the smartphone. Even back then, all that glittered was not gold. But society was not characterised by such narcissism, social coldness and anonymity; television was a community experience on the evening.
This is the real reason for the demise of our future generations. We “own” everything, but are so poor in emotion. We are frozen into easily manipulated zombies. In the meantime, we have allowed the money aristocracy to turn our beautiful and peaceful world before our eyes step by step into a single consumerist bargain bazaar in which everything is for sale, degraded to a soulless commodity. Our few children are supposed to face the music, because we prefer to look at the screen rather than into their eyes.
The most comfortable way to live in present and future is as a willing, ignorant worshipper of mammon. Being too sceptical damages one’s social reputation and wallet. Society is structured in such a way that it systematically encourages and rewards the basest instincts and suppresses and punishes honesty. Today, as soon as one opens one’s mouth to verbalise a contradiction that is visible to all, it is burnt. Two plus two equals five. So you leave it closed, smiling bleeding.
Sad but true, all.
That’s the same self indulgent attitude that got us into the mess.
UK Column News – 8th March 2021
NHS England and NHS Improvement — Behavour Change Unit in partnership with PHE and Warwick Business School
“Optimising Vaccination Roll Out -Dos and Don’ts for all messaging, documents and “communications” in the widest sense”
Health care workers (recipients) – stress return to work, or seeing vulnerable friends and family.
Health care workers (immunizers) – sense of pride and importance, rewards and incentives.
Over 65s – altruism, sense of community, rewards and incentives, promising normality.
Young people – appeal to egoism and group interest, freedom of movement.
David Scott: it’s the same policy worldwide. In Israel they offer a slice of pizza with your jab. In Britain they rolled out the Queen to push altruism and attack selfishness.
It’s not using reason, information, argument and persuasion — it’s manipulation, trickery and witchcraft that is being used.
MINDSPACE – by the Whitehall Behavioural Insights Team — is a checklist of influences on behaviour for use when making policy:
Behavioural Insights Team is now Independent of the UK government — says Gov.UK
Known as the Nudge Unit it is partly owned by the Cabinet Office, employees and Nesta. (Association for Entrepreneurial Trainers & Coaches)
Brian Gerrish: this is deceptive language, witchery. It is not independent, it is absolutely under the control of the UK gov. Yet it is independent.
David Scott: the idea that someone paid by the state, in a company is owned by the state, reporting to the state, which controls your job is somehow independent is laughable.
Using applied psychology, “citizens may not fully realize that their behaviour is being changed or at least how it is being changed.” The UK Gov is effectively boasting it can get people to accept the vaccine by covert means.
David Halpern is CEO
Janet Baker is Cabinet Office & Executive Coach
– Coach for LSE/FCO’s ZINC Network https://www.zinc.vc/about
– Funders include Rockefeller Foundation, WHO, UN, EU
David Scott: they effectively announced the death of the BBC. The implication is that the BBC’s purpose of speaking to the whole of society doesn’t work any more. I’m not sure society is “gapped” or ghettoized. I think people have stopped listening to the lies.
“It’s heartbreakingly painful to hear your own parents, when asked if it’s OK to give them a hug and the reply comes, “No! You’re infected!” and they believe that. I asked them if they had heard of any end to the masks, not just the lockdown? They replied, “No, this is forever now!”… I feel like they have had their minds robbed and they are now scared of the world and people.”
David Scott and others forbidden to speak.
Can gov do whatever it likes? Police: “Within the parameters of what it decides.”
The Scotsman: Six arrests following anti-lockdown protest outside Scottish parliament
Mike Robinson: this idea of qualified rights is the weakness of Human Rights as opposed to inalienable rights.
David Scott: when Rangers won the league, the police response was very different, hugging the crowd only a day after they forbade 300 people the right to express their liberties. We don’t have law any more. We have policy.
Interview with a Stormtrooper: https://www.ukcolumn.org/article/interview-stormtrooper-0
Resistance GB YT channel
Led by former police officer who discovered he had a criminal record after posting comments on social media. The police must not criminalise free speech | Fair Cop
Gov examples include career, residence, age, qualifications, entitlements… in other words everything about you. Your “right to reside, to work or to study”. Private collaborators include En-Covid from FinGo and Blockpool.
Consultation until Mar 11. Give feedback to UK Digital Identity and Attributes Trust Framework: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/the-uk-digital-identity-and-attributes-trust-framework
Karin Keller-Sutter, Justice Minister: “We have no choice and must work towards a new solution even if it takes several attempts.”
Just like the Irish EU referendum they’ll just keep holding referenda until they get the answer they want.
The Guardian, Jul 2019: Morning after: Boris Johnson recovers from Lebedev’s exotic Italian party
Thank you for these ukcolumn summaries. I don’t always have the time to watch every episode. Who the fuck is down-voting ukcolumn ?
People who don’t like the far-right pretending to be pro-liberty?
It breaks my heart as an ex-Trotskyist to see people I would once have called “fascists” numbering strongly among the few who are now defending fundamental human and democratic rights. The old labels are losing their meaning.
It is an operation to discredit the left and people are buying it.
Like your operation to convince people there even IS such a thing as “the left” in March, 2021…
Fascism always exterminates ‘the left’, and it also did so here ages ago.
And finding out that Trotsky was a murdering sadist didn’t break your heart?
UK Column News – 8th March 2021
LFT tends to be more reliable than PCR (which generates 90% false positives) — according to UK Gov’s chief medical officer.
The Guardian: School Covid tests: pupils in England ‘very likely’ to get false positives
Mike Robinson: the implications of a false positive can be devastating for life. The gold standard does not work, except for govs who want to push a policy that is unnecesary.
Rappeh (Be Healthy!) Party Candidate Statement – Ilana Rachel Daniel
“Like many of you this past year I have witnessed the deliberate destruction of the values that we live by and the systems in place to uphold them in the name of “public health.” I, like you, have sat up nights grappling with the inconsistencies in the explanations our government has offered for their policies. In the near five cumulative months we have sat in lockdown, I, like you, have seen a brightness in our children dim.”
Jerusalem Post: Pfizer CEO’s Israel visit canceled because he is not fully vaccinated
Bourla said in December that he has not yet received the vaccine yet because he does not want to “cut in line.”
Mike Robinson: is that the true reason or was he worried he might get lynched?
BBC: Why popular YouTubers are building their own sites
UK Column News – 8th March 2021
I see 5th column are pushing anti Chinese propaganda for their CIA backers. send my regards to Steve Bannon:
UKC didn’t mention anything about China. I’m responsible for linking to a police interview (the video claims to be China. I have no way of telling) in an earlier post about the new UK Stasi Act [Covert Human Intelligence Sources (Criminal Conduct) Act 2021] and the upcoming Online Harms Reduction Bill.
Sorry I though you fronted for the far-right UK 5th column group, it looks like you do.
Nicely said.
And it truly is time for ‘them’ to put an end to this. They have had a year to torment people and pay off their bank loans and billions of dollars paid out to pharma.
And we are quickly approaching the end of the second influenza season and if they insist on stretching this out any longer even the most moribund and loyal citizens will begin to smell a dead skunk in the middle of the road.
Enough is enough.
The influenza season is just another way of saying Low Vitamin D levels in winter. There is no influenza because there are no viruses and there is no contagion.
“Them” and “they” won’t end anything because “they” are the perpetrators and instigators of the fraud.
The people need to disobey every unlawful measure and demand a dissolution of parliament due to endemic corruption, fraud and malfeasance.
I don’t think I have ever seen any proof or even questioned whether influenza is ‘real’ or not.
That notwithstanding the Authorities are claiming the number of cases this year have dropped from thousands a week to a dozen or so.
The reason they offer is that people were wearing masks etc and thereby wiped it off the map.
Which if true should have done the same thing with this one.
So in truth one lie covers another lie and then another is offered to cover the most recent lie.
Moneycircus already linked to the Peter Doshi papers which show that the yearly flu numbers are hypothetically generated not through lab testing but through a percentage of pneumonia cases being attributed to the flu, specifically to increase flu vaccine sales and uptake. It’s been an ongoing campaign by the CDC for the last two decades.
A bit too flat earth for me, you are acting as the shit in the punch bowl of moderate considered, informed opposition. But you know that? that is why you are here to discredit the rest of us.
You are the Jack-Jill troll and you don’t know your ass from your elbow, or understand medicine, science, the economy or banking sector. Piss off Germourt aka ShellfishLux. Nobody cares what you and your 77th-Mossad-BND “pals” think.
You just came out as 77th brigade, solder boy, Here to discredit the rest of us.
How do you sleep at night, helping in the destruction of your own country.
Fuck off GERMOURT.
Is there really no way some whistleblower can’t just take a bottle of the ‘vaccine’ and get it analyzed, so that somebody can actually tell us, “Look, this is precisely what is in this liquid.”…?
One of the arguments I encounter when I try to follow the real science is, “Oh, but they’ve explained thoroughly exactly what is in the vaccine. You don’t need to worry…”
I haven’t seen a single description of the entire contents of any vaccine, and I believe I’m right in assuming that this is no coincidence.
I am not supposed to see any such description.
Any info on this, anybody?
I checked out the cdc website again and I still I cannot find any ingredient info, I am not the best at researching though. I suspect that different lots contain different ingredients, otherwise why would some nursing homes and general areas be seeing high number of deaths after vaccination while others have not as many immediate side effects. Also if you wanted to kill a lot through vaccination isn’t it advantageous to have different results in different lots thereby making the culling not so obvious? And what about experimentation, testing different ingredients on different populaces? And the bad batches? Oops, we had a bad batch! Is it like me cooking for friends in the kitchen, no measuring cups, never the same ingredients, too much wine, beer, herb and laughter, it almost always turns out good, but sometimes..
As we all know, there is definitely something very very evil and fishy going on. At this point if someone in the industry or gov’t came out and said “these are the ingredients…” I would not believe them.
I have no idea why people aren’t seizing vials and having it forensically analyzed at independent labs. Perhaps because those administering it are true believers.
What will tests show? A file full of organic matter, nothing poisonous, it is its affect that could be radical and dangerous.
I’m talking about a conscientious whistleblower, not the CEO of Pfizer.
The point is that vaccines have been notorious for many decades for containing various additives or catalysts – mercury is perhaps the best known.
Surely there is at least ONE scientist who could set the world’s mind at rest by saying:
“Okay, here’s the story: A typical vaccine contains the following catalysts – (so we are not including live or dead viruses in the list of contents, nor are we including spike protein attractors or any of the other traditional constituents of the business end of a vaccine.)
“Here is a list of the extra things which you can expect to have injected into your body when you succumb to pressure and lie down on the vivisection slab: …”
etc. etc. “
Sorry I think my earlier response got off of what you were trying to ask. I think in a video, I can’t remember which one (maybe the one where she is interviewed by R. Fuellmich), Dolores Cahill does state such a case for getting a hold and analyzing the vaccines. And we should obtain samples from multiple batches. Obtaining samples is something to be encourage, one more thing we can work on.
What would be more interesting is if the contents of the vials sent to say, Munich, are identical to those in Melbourne, or Menomonie…
Just wondering, and have been doing for some time…….
1) When does the Financial Ponzi scheme go puff? Will it take a computer virus so diabolical that it could have only come from Iran, Russia, China or Venzuela or even better the as yet, untried holy grail of ‘adverseries’, yes you guessed, aliens.
2) During the Pandemic, how much physical cash has been removed from society?
Ponzi Scheme? Isn’t that America’s retirement fund.
Do they have one? I thought they all had investments in their 401K
Why wouldn’t they have one, because it works so well. It turns over trillions in basically undeclared currency. Simply put, Federal fraud that will continue to continue on, imo
You always run the risk that the person reading your comment is not a complete spanner like you, as is the case now. Just to make it clear you are talking absolute nonsense.
I thought you were just supposed to die when you reach retirement age…
I’m wondering about that myself.
I’m expecting that something will go down this year, in the coming months. The COVID bullshit is becoming yesterday’s news as people are waking up and as lawsuits are being filed against the fraud.
My guess is that they’ll try to destroy the economy as hard as they can and just before some verdict is to be delivered that would make the motherfuckers liable, the financial system will crash. Martial law will follow or something like that. Or they might try some new variant, who knows. They ain’t got that much imagination.
I’m afraid that money as we know it might not exist anymore later this year.
Good points, but when is this end date? Its a pertinent question that could easily be endless.
There is no end date. After Agenda 2030 comes Agenda 2050. Agenda 21 encompasses the Agenda for the 21st century.
It is continual perpetual warfare until they achieve their objectives which appear to be to remodel Western society, level the economies of the first world to that of the third world, transition to global governance, digital currency through central banks, a global ID, biometric and mass surveillance, a social credit system, forced UBI, forced medical experimentation on populations including sterilization, depopulation and genetic modification of humans, restrict travel and movement of populations, transitioning to a rentier economy and “stakeholder capitalism“, the seizure of private land and property and other measures outlined in Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030. This includes replacing national, state and local governments with committees like ICLEI, Strong Cities, Strong Towns and Resilient Cities Networks which are UN-Rockefeller fronts. It’s the total enslavement of humanity.
It’s very likely that they’ll try what you’re referring to, and perhaps more, in one way or another, more or less nefariously, depending on how far people allow themselves to be pushed. My guess is that they must be surprised how easy things have been thus far.
As to “people need to disobey every unlawful measure and demand a dissolution of parliament due to endemic corruption, fraud and malfeasance” as per the above, the problem is that even if that were done, even if all the putrefaction were removed from all levels of the fabric of society, what do we have to put in place instead? We have shit.
We need a simple, viable concept for the society of the future. One the will stand in opposition to the Schwabian technocratic dystopie. Participative individualism, localism (as opposed to globalism), naturalism, simplicism, whateverism …
With all your speculation you ignore the elephants in the room, and don’t credit the ‘criminals’ with real aims and goals. its kinda dumb, pointless and I don’t think the people behind covid are dumb. Your ‘technocratic dystopie’ is for what, for whom and how?
I’m a total moron, idiot, dimwit, and cretin. Due to inherent reasons, I ignore this and that and the other thing too, including, without limitation, the fucking elephants in the room as well as any other animals.
No need for you to occupy your self with whatever I say, Agent Spook.
Yes. I think you are right. They are probably pleased and surprised. But we don’t need an entire system to replace theirs we just need a dismantling of their authority so that we can form more de-centralized mechanisms and ways of proceeding that address the endemic corruption and fraud. It cannot happen all at once. I see it proceeding in steps. Dr. Reiner Fuellmich addressed it briefly in a video, somewhere below, towards the end by describing a Nuremberg 2.0. I think he is still a little naive and unaware of how the supranational institutions were set up by the criminal cartel who use governments to front organized crime within a legal framework that he is in fact, a member of with the Bar association, but hopefully at least some of the aspects of this operation are being exposed, and with that exposure, comes a broader audience.
I get what you’re saying in the immediate sense of averting the present coup d’etat.
But from a broader perspective, it’s obvious that the pre-CV-1984 status quo, the societal model has exhausted itself. There is no way of going back, nor is it desirable to resuscitate consumerist capitalism, frankly. Everything is corrupt, not much is conducive to a prosperous way of life.
The world does need a revolution encompassing culture in the broader sense, a new vision of the future, approach to life, technologies, nature, the self (!), everything.
People need to step out of the current system, discard it, a build a new one.
But perhaps it won’t happen or it will only happen after the populace gets a taste of Schwabism, if people somehow succeed in retaining the ability to think.
People can already step out of the current system, but it is essentially an individual, spiritual step.
I suppose what we need are genuine spiritual teachers so that more people will be persuaded to take that step – because they understand its necessity.
I find it hard to imagine ‘people’ in general suddenly waking up and recognizing the need for something totally new to be initiated, but if enough individuals start to think differently, perhaps a community could grow from that…
People can step out of the system. I essentially have – insofar as possible without running off somewhere to Yukon and living with bears. I’m still sort of one foot in the mainstream society.
But this needs to become a widespread cultural movement, involving a new ideology propped by new art.
I’m trying to motivate people, especially my kids, to engage in discussions about the future, about an alternative, better world.
I mean, we need to move beyond refuting COVID-1984 and all the putrid corruption in the world. Kinda like leave all that shit in the cities and run for the hills and wait a few decades until it all rots and disintegrates.
I know that some of the thoughts I have might be wishful thinking or naive, but I’m trying to be looking at this shit from a positive, constructive viewpoint.
You are a soul-mate, Jacques.
I very much understand what you mean.
I think it’s going to be a combination of both. An awakening of sorts, combined with action against the authorities and corporations inflicting the fraud and tyranny and what Tomoola wrote, which is that a large number of people may have to be sickened and die from the injectable pathogens before enough of the remainder are motivated to take action. There probably only needs to be about 15%-20% of the populace willing to lead the rest. But yeah. The status quo was unacceptable and I have thought that since I was a teen. And probably even before, not appreciating the method of schooling, conformity and obedience to authority that was unwarranted and discourages learning. The hierarchal structures of our institutions breed corruption and iniquity and I don’t believe in statism. At all.
Hopefully, an “awakening” like that will happen.
Paradoxically, this crap might be a catalyst of sorts, an unintended consequence of the scaremongering, as more and more people research information and are bound to discover not only discrepancies in the various official narratives, but also find out that some stuff is out-and-out crock of shit.
It’s worked like that in many ways for me and some people I know.
I mean, people who are at least to some extent thoughtful were aware of the various contradictions of our world, well, toxicity, really, but didn’t have enough incentive to step out of it. Now they do.
No money whatsoever would be a start.
A return to the common law of the English realm would do, no need for any fancy new stuff.
I can only concur! That was my endless part to the short story.
From your list I see you are very confused: Is there anything that hangs that random collection of events and agencies together? No… not even lizards:
You have no idea how fucking stupid you come off. Reading the drivel you produce is like looking at something through the opposite end of binoculars.
People are formulating profound thoughts here, and you’re pestering them with your inane bullshit. You’re like fucking fly buzzing around a person’s head.
I couldn’t begin to imagine how you get through life. I mean, you’re a motherfucking asshole but you’re not totally stupid. Doesn’t it make you feel like shit playing the role of the resident imbecile? Is it that you always had no personality, were a worthless piece of crap, or have you lost it somewhere along the way?
We are learning so much more about you in every comment.
Very unlikely.
The people who would deliver the verdict are paid their not inconsiderable salary by the people upon whom they would deliver it…….
The physical money supply has been discouraged and squeezed for quite some time. There is very little physical currency circulating in terms of percentage.
I doubt that is true; do you have the M3 numbers to hand?
First of all how could one possibly trust any numbers that come out of The Fed or the IMF? Even the global indices and markets are “fixed”, rigged and fraudulent. The corrupt baking cartel, own and control all the regulatory agencies. Any M3 amount bandied about on the Internet is going to be an underestimation. But it’s commonly known that the cash percentage circulating is only a small percent and I’d guess that number is down even further now.
The war on cash is real and ongoing. When the scamdemic was instigated there was an exponential increase in the digital money supply with bailouts that did not correlate with the same percentage increase of physically printed bank notes. Bank branches are closing at the rate of one a day.
You can trust certain numbers because rich people need the truth to make investment decisions.
The war on cash may be ongoing but it does not mean they are winning.
You cannot just change identities to continue arguing the same non existent point. Do you think I don’t know Rexton is another one of your identities? I have seen you use it numerous times.
I’m not claiming they are winning. I am claiming they are dishonest and the numbers issued are unreliable.
The central and retail banks hypothecate 900% up to nine times (or more) so it’s impossible to really know what’s accurate. The stock exchanges and brokerage firms issue fraudulent stocks, bonds and commodities for naked shorting and market rigging. That doesn’t even include worthless financial products leveraged over and over to bump up balance sheets. Then there’s physical asset hoarding, off-shoring of money into safe-havens, money laundering and the organized looting of pension funds, taxes and other public assets including social security and gold reserves.
In Australia, ATM machines are rapidly disappearing.
No they are not.
Yes they fucking are.
The Dollar is toast, it is over for the US when inflation hits their economy and they can’t raise rates to stop it. Watch US bond rates; real inflation and interbank lending rates to see when the panic will start.
Right now, i’d really like a muffin.
My late grandma’s Welsh cakes would be nice. With tea so black you can stand a spoon in it.
They made tough spoons back then.
“Management went on about for which departments / roles it will be mandatory.”
Fuck them. Check the laws in your jurisdiction carefully.
As of now, I’m not aware of any jurisdiction where COVID-1984 vaccination would be mandatory. As far as I know, the EU has proclaimed something to the effect that it shouldn’t be, for what it’s worth.
Likewise, nobody has the right to information on your medical condition, not your employer, not a pig on the street, not nobody. They have no right to know whether you’ve been vaccinated, nothing. This would apply not only under medical laws, but also under personal data protection laws.
Don’t let them motherfuckers bully you. As fucked up as it is, the existing legal system can be used against them pieces of covidian shit.
Well, not exactly. It was actually the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, which is affiliated with the European Court of Human Rights, but is not officially part of the EU, that came out against force-vaxing: https://pace.coe.int/en/files/29004/html
Another step towards the Matrix:
Not only will the news be fake but there won’t even be a real person there to relay it.
They can even do resurrections:
And an interesting bit about “educational videos”. Ooh I wonder what they’ll use that for?
More to the point, I wonder what they’ll NOT use it for? i.e. What will they want to “disappear”?
Opioid crisis brought to you by the same people as the Covid jab, by Russell Brand
I had lost touch with Russell Brand several years back, but I just went and watched several of newer videos last weekend and found them very good. I hope he keeps this up.
I haven’t seen them, and I hope you’re right.
But I can imagine Brand being invited to tea, or a limo ride, with some high-level politician or celebrity, and afterwards announcing that his resistance was premature or excessive, he’d seen the light, and had gotten the jab.
I know what you mean. I initially stopped following him years ago, back when he endorsed Ed Milliband. Got to be careful with Brand!
That’s when I was put off too. As a US resident, I didn’t really know much about Brand, and now I can’t remember which blogger or pundit showcased him and brought him to my attention. Max Keiser, maybe?
Anyway, I dimly recall that he was an impressive rabble-rouser arguing against voting in the upcoming election at the time, and making the radical argument that elections are fraudulent distractions. Then he met with Miliband, and meekly and abruptly retracted his passionately-expressed exhortations. Meh. Fool me once…
Johnson and Johnson recently “authorized” vaccine (Emergency Use Authorization) not approved
both in the US and here in Canada is the company that was responsible for ovarian cancer from their asbestos filled talc products- as well as their role in the opioid pandemic. You know the real medical/health/addiction problem?
Canada “Authorizes” Use of Experimental Johnson and Johnson Covid Vaccine
In that report you will find 3 additonal links to J&J’s role in the opioid crises sent to me by a reader
Johnson and Johnson shut down their vaccine “trials” due to a serious injury. Likely neurological.
Same as Astra Zenca had. Astra Zeneca’s vaccine has been implicated in one death in Austria as well as a serious injury- Of course it’s being claimed that this blood disorder is not connected but that’s just another falsification of reality, in my opinion.
” Austrian authorities have suspended inoculations with a batch of AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccine as a precaution while investigating the death of one person and the illness of another after the shots, a health agency said on Sunday.
One 49-year-old woman died as a result of severe coagulation disorders, while a 35-year-old woman developed a pulmonary embolism and is recovering, it said. A pulmonary embolism is an acute lung disease caused by a dislodged blood clot.
I’ve always liked Brand.
Very clever guy. Not agreeing with everything he says and he perhaps doesn’t go far enough on some matters. But you can’t argue with much of that.
Sitting there with his Illuminati pendant, his Masonic “33” tattoo, talking about the pandemic as if it’s real and vaccines as if they are necessary and cause no deaths and illness. What a fraud.
I agree he is a controlled influencer and a member or is very close to the Fabians as is Soros in the same extremely wealthy group using collectivist bait to reel you in. And why not mention the johnson baby powder scandal that has caused ovarian cancer since the 70’s which is now not for sale in usa since feb 2020 so as ‘to focus on products with a higher priority during the corona pandemic’.
Function-stacking is the new term for when an op serves more than one purpose. Covid is obviously an example; it isn’t “really” about the economy or the vaccine or surveillance but about all these things and more.
This royal interview is another good example. The main messages were ones about race and mental health. The fact that this was the day before the Derek Chauvin trial which is an obvious staged event to school the US in critical racial theory is just a coincidence of course. The takeaways from the interview are meant to be that racial mixing is wonderful and anyone can have mentail health “crises” (so get yourself to a professional this very instant!). However they managed to work in a few other things like the desirability of small families and the evils of factory-farming (both of which might be true in a certain sense but not in the ‘Great Reset’ sense).
They tie themselves in knots when different parts of their messages clash.On Covid they say both that you must get vaccinated for everything to return to normal but that things won’t be returning to normal anyway (Varadkar gave a good example of this over the weekend). In the interview part of the agenda was clearly to push an agenda that royalty and the older generation generally are dreadful. However they both kept going out of their way to stress that the strongest embodiment of both, the Queen, had been nothing but marvellous. Perhaps if your brain’s been starved of oxygen by wearing a mask long enough you don’t realise how these things don’t add up.
Well said.
Royalty, of course, are dreadful, but I am old enough to remember the Coronation, so I can make allowances for how little the public knew back then (very few even had a TV set), as well as how inevitable it was that Elizabeth would see life only in terms of fulfilling a role within a strictly limited family framework.
We know better now, yet there she sits, the perfect slave in her own way. But once she is gone, I have a hunch the Windsor/Hapsburg mafia is done for.
Nobody can really find any use for them.
Which will lead to the privileged and wealthy suddenly claiming new supernatural powers for themselves, and thereby the right to found a new monarchy.
Then we’ll be back to square one in the Dark Ages…
Shakespeare mentioned the idea of “All the world’s a stage”, but he didn’t prepare us for the fact that this stage only features farces…
I never would have guessed…..
Well, one lets off steam now and then … 🙂
The big fat windbag Oprah Winfrey interview with “Prince” Harry and his gold digging American ho aired last night. I’m astounded by the number of Americans who fawn over “royalty” and especially these two. Royalty is a useless relic. As the Sex Pistols put it “…because tourists are money….”
My wife is watching it now on TV…
I think she’s hoping Oprah will say something insulting to them 🙂
Are you kidding? They’re on the same team.
I know, but one lives in hope.
Oprah can be pretty blunt at times – that seems to be what makes people watch her.
Beautiful, thank you.
UK now has Stasi-type secret policing powers, thanks to the passage of the COVERT HUMAN INTELLIGENCE SOURCES (CRIMINAL CONDUCT) ACT 2021
“The Ministry for State Security (German: Ministerium für Staatssicherheit, MfS) or State Security Service (Staatssicherheitsdienst, SSD), commonly known as the Stasi, was the official state security service of the German Democratic Republic (East Germany). One of the Stasi’s main tasks was spying on the population, primarily through a vast network of citizens turned informants, and fighting any opposition by overt and covert measures, including hidden psychological destruction of dissidents (Zersetzung, literally meaning “decomposition”). It arrested 250,000 people as political prisoners during its existence.”
Summary of UK Column News – 5th March 2021 (posted on the Off-G page of that date).
There was never a License to Kill. That’s why James Bond was fiction. Agents of the state operated on the basis that their employers would look the other way. That helped ensure secrecy — state and agent shared a guilty secret. That has changed.
If you think I am exaggerating, here’s the UK barrister Michael Scott’s take on the Act, written before it became law: Spectator, Oct 2020: The terrifying consequences of the ‘licence to kill’ bill
“The guidelines under which the security services [used to] operate make clear — or at least as clear as a heavily redacted document can ever be — that while handlers cannot offer immunity from the criminal law, they ‘may in appropriate cases authorise the use of an agent participating in crime’.
What it boils down to is that under [previous] existing law agents are unlikely to be prosecuted if they have been ‘authorised’ to commit crimes, but they cannot be completely sure. In general, it is probably a good thing that agents have a nagging doubt over the legality of killing and torturing in the interests of the state.
Under the Bill, [now Act] such nagging doubts will disappear. Agencies will be able to issue a ‘criminal conduct authorisation’, permitting CHISs to commit any offence up to and including torture and murder with the assurance of legal impunity. To the maxim ‘be ye ever so mighty the law is above you’, one would have to add the proviso ‘unless your handler has issued you with a criminal conduct authorisation’.
Here is some pertinent analysis from the Philippines: The killing of human rights defenders, by Fr. Shay Cullen, UCA News, Aug 2018.
“If the leaders promise the killers impunity and tell them it is a legitimate order, the killers will strike whenever and wherever they are ordered to do so. Under these circumstances, we can presume there is a “black ops” regiment where obedience is total, unquestioned and immediate. Guilt among such killers is rare.
This is blind obedience used by dictators of history to eliminate opposition. Hitler created the Schutzstaffel (SS). Stalin had his NKVD.”
Just waiting for the Online Harms Reduction Bill…
Daily Telegraph, Mar 1, 2021: Government pushed to ‘urgently’ bring forward Online Harms bill so we can round up all those people who say nasty things online about officials.
Leaked Interrogation of Citizen who complained about police on WeChat
We’re closer to that than many think here in the US. Groupthink is common here and most Americans don’t even realize it.
In Austria, a 49-year-old nurse died shortly after being vaccinated with the AstraZeneca vaccine. Another 30-year-old woman developed complications, Austrian media reported on Sunday. The authorities have now withdrawn the affected batch of ABV 5.300 from circulation and launched an investigation. Numerous vaccination appointments had to be postponed on Sunday morning. The vaccine from AstraZeneca will continue to be used, they say. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9335317/Austria-suspends-AstraZeneca-COVID-19-vaccine-batch-death.html
Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi explicitly warned of life-threatening blood clotting disorders as a possible side effect of the Corona vaccination. He explained the mechanism as follows: In the vaccines mentioned, mRNA is packaged in lipid nanoparticles. These are injected and billions of such packets enter the bloodstream. A part is taken up by those cells that line the vessel wall, namely where the blood flows the slowest: In the smallest vessels, the capillaries. The brain, lungs, spinal cord, skeletal muscles and heart in particular are criss-crossed by numerous of these wafer-thin vessels. The killer lymphocytes in the bloodstream identify the waste products of the protein produced by the “vaccine packets” as “coronavirus rubbish” and kill the cells that produce the virus. So in this case the vessel wall cells. This destroys the “vascular wallpaper” in many places. As a repair mechanism, blood clotting is “turned on”. This can cause the blood in the capillaries to become solid. The consequence: the oxygen supply to the affected organ is impaired by blood clots.
Now they could dismiss Bhakdi’s thesis as a conspiracy theory, were it not for an alarming report from the USA. There, a doctor evaluated the blood tests of people under 40 years of age who had to be hospitalised as emergencies due to serious side effects after the Corona vaccination. The result: 50% of them had significantly elevated coagulation values. Bhakdi therefore called on his medical colleagues to investigate the matter and to monitor the blood clotting values of vaccinated persons as standard. In addition, persons who have died in connection with a Corona vaccination should be autopsied to determine whether blood clots are found in their organs.
As always, the criminals sit in the fake “parliaments”, claiming to act “in the best interests and for the benefit of the people”, whom they deceive through their teeth for their own self-interest. https://www.dw.com/en/german-mp-to-quit-over-face-mask-scandal/a-56798497
It astounds me that Bhakdi will tell the truth about the harm of the vaccine and how it targets endothelial cells but he will not be honest about how viruses are a construct and contagion does not exist.
On closer examination, some “irrefutable truths” would turn out to be pure constructs. Perhaps precisely those “taboos” that one imposes an ultimate ban on thinking about. Closer observation is not strictly forbidden without reason. Rulers and beneficiaries do not like too curious, sceptical and questioning subjects.
Imagine if one of these gigantic “holy” hoaxes were exposed, millions of doctors would be out of work, the pharmaceutical industry would have lost its sole purpose, namely to sell tablets. It’s like money: it only has “value” as long as everyone believes it has value. Because on closer inspection it is just a piece of printed cotton.
Does the “HIV” virus exist? Why don’t all those affected die from it? What transmits the flu and the common cold? Of course virologists explain to us whether viruses exist. The church makes believe that God exists. The biggest lies are like the wheel: once invented, they can no longer be optimised.
Many cancer patients do not die of cancer, but of the “therapy”. Their will to live begins to crumble the moment they learn the “fatal diagnosis”. Kiss of death scientism. Self-confidence and control over their own life ruined. “Expert opinion” is considered irrefutable. Children believe in the truth of the adult world.
One has to be equipped with a good and literally healthy portion of stubbornness and a spirit of resistance to successfully brace oneself against the alleged “normative power of the factual” created by conjuring it up. Unfortunately, millions of bona fide souls fall prey to modern shamans and witch doctors as easy prey. Not to mention their unscrupulous ally, politics.
Expressly excluded from the assessment that one is dealing here only with the questionable consciences of used car dealers or property sharks are all those many decent and capable “demigods in white” who want to live up to their Hippocratic Oath and render valuable service to the survival of humanity on a daily basis.
Exactly. I was nodding my head while reading your comment. So much of what we are living now is based on lies, using the material paradigm perspective making use of constructs such as germ theory and contagion, even the threat of war or nuclear war to control, manage, exploit and cull populations.
There are so many lies, notwithstanding the giant lies of organized religion, democracies and modern governance, so discerning where the lies end and truth begins is a task nobody can shirk.
But with knowledge comes freedom from fear and deschooling ourselves also involves taking personal accountability for our health since the white coated priests of scientism are inured to the suffering of their patients and serve at the altar of PhRMA, WHO and the AMA.
Hippocrates had already deduced the remedies to illness and disease. It’s all there in his quotes for those who wish to see. He didn’t necessarily understand the mechanisms, however, in his day, before petrochemicals, industrialization, toxicity models, chemotherapy, radiation and vaccines, he was aware that the terrain was key and was cognizant of the medicinal and curative properties of phytochemicals.
This can only be agreed with in its entirety without addition.
I go along with both of you – (though no one can expose to others what they refuse to accept), and take it further in identifying the concepts that we use to ‘think’ with as part of a masking over or ‘self-imaging illusion’.
When I attempt to ‘expose’ this, or point to it, most no one can hear because they make meaning in concept rather than bring concepts to Meaning – which is the terrain of the qualities of discernment.
Terrain theory can be likened to Field theory in which objects SEEM to exist as a specific relational interactions within the total expression of the Field through ‘local’ parameters.
Particles as expressions of wave function! But there is no thing or think existing in and of itself.
In mythic Biblical terms the mind of the lie is the sharing of the fruit of the tree of judgement of good and evil. As distinct from discernment as guidance within the Movement of being, judgement selects to reject and identifies a partiality set over and against the denied.
The result of the Law or Nature of Mind (giving and receiving) is that the ‘judge’ experiences their own measure but AS IF at the hand of an other or world who or which is not at one with them and is therefore distanced and judged in terms of ally, asset or threat – which change with changing circumstance. This results a world for getting. The sense of fear set in lack seeks to GET externally what it has lost awareness of within being. I could define it is a virtual displacement mapping of reality for a split off sense of self. (Collective Dissociation).
Errors can occur as a result of inattention, where we act from a misinterpretation. Fear of exposure of errors as a loss of face will lead to evasions or cover stories that are untrue, and protecting untruth demands knowing lies, that always demand more sacrifice while seeming to get out of a tight spot. So we bury our core awareness of being in various narratives that seem to protect and so are accepted as one with us – or part of self. As such they invoke all the protections due to our self against threat.
The underlying pattern is not IN the world but gives rise to a world of lies. Recognising the pattern of a world in which
“Everything is BACKWARDS; everything is upside down! Doctors destroy health, Lawyers destroy justice, Universities destroy knowledge, Governments destroy freedom, Major media destroys information, And religions destroy spirituality”. (Michael Ellner)
… is the invitation to question the reversal of our thought system, which assigns causal power (Mind) to symptoms and effects – as in false flagging trouble at home onto diversionary cover story.
Perhaps the clearest revealing of the ‘ego’ as a thought reversal from which only an insane world could arise. (that I have met) is A Course in Miracles. But its core message is to the disregard of the ego ‘thought system’ after looking directly upon its seeming foundations within a guided reconnection to direct discernment.
Unlearning or ‘deschooling’ of false or partial beliefs and definitions is my sense of awakening to and as freedom, regardless of the form of the outcome. Or rather trusting that the outcome will be in accord with the measure of my own giving. There is something in this process that is like dying or releasing the self and world and life I thought I was, to a more honestly aligned appreciation of being (aware and alive).
This post continues on
“Many cancer patients do not die of cancer, but of the “therapy”. Their will to live begins to crumble the moment they learn the “fatal diagnosis””
Excellent analysis. Whilst cancer can be very real indeed, and sometimes “conventional” treatments such as chemotherapy do seem to work, a little research of independent researchers, reveals that the cancer “industry” is a complete travesty. The number of false diagnoses (people told they have cancer, when they haven’t – no tests are fool proof), resulting in major traumatic, totally inappropriate body surgery, is completely outrageous.
Sometimes surgery is appropriate. e.g. If you don’t have that appendix removed you will die.
The last thing Big Pharma wants to find is a cure for cancer or a cure for depression, but almost everyone trusts their doctor, and the treatments he prescribes. Sometimes, on rare occasions he is completely correct, but numerous surveys of eg oncologists indicate that a large percentage of doctors, dependent on the details, would refuse the treatment, that they themselves prescribe for their patients, if it was they who had been diagnosed with the problem.
They know that in many cases, the treatment is worse than the disease, but they can’t publicly say so, but may admit privately when drunk. Most patients demand a prescription, or treatment, when there is nothing seriously wrong with them, which wouldn’t heal itself, with a better diet, more exercise, or a change in lifestyle.
Try Yoga instead.
TYVM much for your excellent contribution.
The power of the mind is so obvious and evident in its nocebo effect, of fear given power, that this recognition can flip to the realignment of thought in a truly positive or reintegrative direction. NOT as a mask of good intention, wishful thinking or virtue signalling. In this sense the false positive-thinking masks over a true appreciation of the fears in play to serve the mask of a power not truly called upon or believed to be deserving of.
Those following Tom Cowan and Andy Kaufman or Stefan Lanka will also meet at least reference to the ‘new medicine’ approach of Dr Hamer. The psycho-physical nature or reality is revealed as ‘biological shock’. It is fitting to me that the very thing that splits the mind from it body and wholeness (heart) becomes the breadcrumb trail ‘home’.
We suffer our defences. I think that this is being made Obvious in the current resort to lies by which to protect as false and destructive self interest.
Most, if not all of the things described in the poem are still possible, that is the paradox. The problem is not that a totalitarian government stops us from being social, even though they try to. The problem is that some parts of the population think they need to be guided in making the most basic decisions in their lives, and that they parrot antisocial government lines to one another, thereby making their own and others’ lives antisocial.
Please note that in the MSM we only here the parrots and slogans. Much more is going on and the resistance to all of this is likely far greater, and becomes greater every day, than the media wants us to believe.
It was announced recently at my work that accepting the new vaccines will be strongly encouraged along with target rollout objectives (at which one of our newer members – a young woman who I doubt has children – applauded. I was gobsmacked)
Management went on about for which departments / roles it will be mandatory.
Not mine. I breathed a sigh of relief (for now).
Interesting to hear others’ responses. There were a couple who grumbled out loud “It’s nothing but the common cold” and “I’ll take my chance with the flu”.
Most were in the camp of “I want to see what it does to everyone else first”.
And there are a few – more than a few – who opined along the lines of “no way that shit is getting into my arm”.
These are ordinary everyday conservative folk, many are “Karens / Kens “, voracious consumers of Facebook, Netflix and the whole spectrum of MSM.
Considerably anticonspiracy.
And yet they too suspect that there is some agenda they are not party to.
There is hope.
“Management went on about for which departments / roles it will be mandatory.”
I can’t see how this would be legal for employees on existing contracts. There might be more of an issue for new employees but even then trying to introduce this would be vulnerable to anti-discrimination challenges.
The assumption (but nothing in writing so far) is that those who refuse will be redeployed where feasible, with retraining if necessary.
These sideways restructurings will make no waves if it’s just a handful of positions, but if there’s any sort of numbers, things will get.. Interesting.
That the upper echelons have not made any statement on what to do with the recalcitrant, means that their imagination mirrors the msm line that everyone is scrambling over each other to get vaxxed.
Please note that in the MSM we only here the parrots and slogans. Much more is going on and the resistance to all of this is likely far greater, and becomes greater every day, than the media wants us to believe.
Well, since claims without argument are pretty much ‘veridically worthless,’ it’d be good to say a few words how did you get to the likelihood of the resistance being ‘far greater.’
And now, to do my own duty, here is the reason for my scepticism. In my observation of late twentieth century South-Eastern Europe, people were mostly seeing that claims are false and the system is rotten, and by and large did nothing about it except cutting corners here and there to make themselves a little comfortable.
At school, the kids, enviably intelligent as they were, saw it’s a ‘shit system,’ to quote some of them. But :
None of them rebelled, or resisted, except for gains small, and of a private kind.
And the system could have continued for decades more, if it weren’t for some domestic oligarchic circles being attracted to the promises of a different scam.
In fact, you may be right that today’s resistance can be far greater than admitted, and it may be that it will grow to far greater, and still for the current negative trends to continue for a number of years, because, by and large: human resistances are shortsighted.
‘it’d be good to say a few words how did you get to the likelihood of the resistance being ‘far greater.’
for me, the main reason is ‘interaction between people, which was virtually absent last year March-April and now it ain’t anymore. For instance, city centers are crowded (even though many shops are still closed), and traffic jams returned. These are crude estimators that an increasing amount of people don’t care about the measures anymore and do as they please.
there are also elections coming up here, and the anti lockdown parties (most notably forum voor democratie) attract large crowds even though these parties are demonized in the media (and I don’t trust the parties, but that is an aside).
as of my surroundings, it’s difficult to tell. I have always been sceptical and for that reason may have attracted much more ‘resistance’ than there is in reality. I’m not sure what people say to me (about how nonsensical covid is) is social acceptable (to me) or if they mean it. The people that I used to converse with about the ‘logic’ of the measures don’t talk to me about the ‘logic’ if it it anymore. For obvious reasons, but they may also be in doubt themselves. I mean at this stage, I have this gut feeling that we are in that phase that people know that the emperor wears no clothes, but not all dare to say it. Yet.
those are my reasons more or less.
From 2007 to 2018, US birth rate dropped 19%!! This followed the 2006 recommendation that every girl aged 9 to 26 take the gardasil vaccine.
“ Merck, Gardasil’s manufacturer, reported an explosion of reproductive injuries among the 20,000 trial volunteers. An astronomical 15% – 17% of trial participants experienced a range of reproductive harms, including premature ovarian failure.”
There are numerous scientific peer-reviewed studies which appear to confirm this…horrifying.
I always enjoy reading your work Christine! Keep going!!!
love this
I just want to mention, there seems to be a LOT of pushing for people to use common law crap…
If I had to guess, it’s propaganda to go with the projection of “You won’t have anything..” bullshit.
So, just don’t support them.
From what I understand of it, it’s a bad idea. Corporations avoid certain things, by NOT using common law. Understand?
Imagine something like this:
You -> Person -> Private corporation -> Your own society
So if you use common law, you personally lose leverage, shielding and venture capacity too. *as it is*
So, a few people have mentioned common law, and the spooks, masked as Agent SocioPsychopatriotism, are on the offensive against common law.
Obviously, common law, natural law is the way to go.
Law of the land. It is a legal remedy to bypass government created statutes because free men and women are above corporations and governments under the Magna Carta and only answer to god.
Governments have been creating bonds on birth certificates and using our fictional names in all caps to declare us dead entities so they can trade on our economic value to the state using contract law which falls under Maritime Law. Now they are liquidating that value through the vaccination-kill program, which genetically modifies people specifically so that we will not be able to use the legal remedy of free men and women, whilst sterilizing the remainder who manage to survive the injections. Stick to science and vaccines and don’t proclaim to understand common law-law of the land versus maritime law and legalese.
The point is to make people aware of how the law has been used to trick them and to put corporations above a “person”. “Persons” have no status and no shielding. There is no winning in a court using corporate status in a corrupt system.
Video that was pulled from RubeTube:
Hmm… “This video is unavailable as the contents have been deemed potentially illegal within your country by our moderation team…”
Whose moderation team?
Try here- if this doesn’t work for you I’ll send another:
Thank you Maxwell.
I found it here too:
Are similar cases being brought to British courts re pcr?
Sorry, I haven’t lived in Britain for a long time, but Fuellmich indicates that his efforts reflect considerable international support.
After all, the facts are international, and not everyone is blind.
I noticed the same thing. Are we losing Bitchute now as well? 🙁
It looks like it.
What a relief. These guys deserve a medal for their work.
Those are way to many “I want” for a modern slave!
Modern moron slave….
I want the latest phone with all of the trashy apps
I want fat twerking Kardashians on the porn channel
I want fried fat and sugar
Lots of it
I want modern moron slave sportsball
I want to worship the ridiculously overpaid modern moron slaves who play the sportsball
I want to be a member of the kewl klub
I want my fat ass all over twitter and facebook
I want cheap watered down beer
I want big explosions in bad movies
I want to brag about destroying small countries
I want a big military and a big truck
I want feel good lies
I want endless debt
I want kewl, soulless Hollywood politicians
I want to be watched
I want to be ignorant
I want to be guided
I want to be told
I want to be controlled
I won’t lie, have some of those desires…
“I want cheap watered down beer”
“Lots of it”
Okay not watered down, but yeah, cheap beer is great. And not in cans.
“I want to be guided”
That’s useful sometimes, but there’s an enormous amount of discernment involved. Like, from observing plants growing, I got some useful guidance.
Fair enough but, if you are American {like me}, you know what I mean.
I’m a beer guy, too. However, I learned young {16?} about good beer and drinking responsibly. I like Spaten {lager and dunkel}, stella artois, Moretti Rosa, Leffe, porters, and Imperial stouts.
Cobra from India is my favourite, but it’s not so easy to come by for personal use…
I’m not familiar with it but the name is suggestive.
I want beer and every other kind of alcoholic beverage…in plastic bottles! So when the motherfuckers drop their bottles after guzzling their filth, there won’t be any broken glass on the sidewalk where I have to walk my dog.
Is that asking too much?
It’s smooth, and goes perfectly with Indian food.
I imagine the dramatic name is just to get your attention…
Thanks. Thanks for the sane, polite response. As evidenced below, it looks as though the Czechs are trying to force me to renounce my half Moravian heritage because I didn’t mention Pilsner among my favorites. ;-}
‘drinking responsibly’ is no f***cking fun when you’re young …
Getting drunk is no fucking fun.
WTF, you have Czech ancestors and you drink this shit?
Pilsen, Budweiser – those are Czech towns, that’s where beer comes from. Everything else is a dreadfully pitiful copy.
What a crappy response.
It’s okay, crappy response about crappy beer. German and Czech beer is most of the best as they have purity laws not adding chemical crap like most other countries do.
Reinheitsgebot aus deutsch.
The original written by Dr (i believe) John Hodge and used in ”trainspotting”
Choose Life. Choose a job. Choose a career. Choose a family. Choose a fucking big television, choose washing machines, cars, compact disc players and electrical tin openers. Choose good health, low cholesterol, and dental insurance. Choose fixed interest mortage repayments. Choose a starter home. Choose your friends. Choose leisurewear and matching luggage. Choose a three-piece suite on hire purchase in a range of fucking fabrics. Choose DIY and wondering who the fuck you are on a Sunday morning. Choose sitting on that couch watching mind-numbing, spirit-crushing game shows, stuffing fucking junk food into your mouth. Choose rotting away at the end of it all, pishing your last in a miserable home, nothing more than an embarrassment to the selfish, fucked up brats you spawned to replace yourself.
Choose your future.
Choose life.
The updated version
And the one used in trainspotting 2
“Choose life Choose Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and hope that someone, somewhere cares Choose looking up old flames, wishing you’d done it all differently And choose watching history repeat itself Choose your future Choose reality TV, slut shaming, revenge porn Choose a zero hour contract, a two hour journey to work And choose the same for your kids, only worse, and smother the pain with an unknown dose of an unknown drug made in somebody’s kitchen And then… take a deep breath You’re an addict, so be addicted Just be addicted to something else Choose the ones you love Choose your future Choose life”
And my key point….choice……slowly but surely every single choice you once had is being removed to be replaced by choices made by others and very often NOT in any way shape or form in ”your best interests”
Fuckemall…..i’m off to sharpen another pitchfork or 3
It should all be much clearer to all what the UK government are doing, they are destroying then selling off UK business to the highest bidder for personal gain. They should be arrested.
”Brexit Sale as £20b of UK PLCs sold in the last 2 months” but in America the USA is doing the same.. and the patent and copyright monopoly powered corporations are business snappying up the massive losses in IP property..
Everywhere around the globe (especially the western globe) the monopoly powered corporations are borrowing at zero interest and using the borrowed funds to buy bigger and bigger and bigger corporations and severed assets forced into submission by the proclamation that the presence of a virus is grounds to declare a scaredemic.
There is an American bent to the looting of the UK, just look at who the members of the ‘Atlantic Bridge group’ were, and where they are now, these Brexit extremists are in government I will always believe that Breixt was a US operation, an asset stripping exercise run by Bannon and the CIA.
They are ALL in it together. Liar.
The fire-sale of UK assets is well underway. begun by Brexit but assisted by the government’s deliberate destruction of certain sectors in the UK economy under the cover of Covid.
You wondered why Johnson has shut down the pubs as long as possible, listen carefully below to the offer being made by a US corporate giant for the UK pub group Martson’s by US private equity firm. demanding a 19% reduction on 2020 valuations.
It should all be much clearer to all what the UK government are doing, they are destroying then selling off UK business to the highest bidder for personal gain. They should be arrested.
”Brexit Sale as £20b of UK PLCs sold in the last 2 months”
And who would arrest anyone in this utterly corrupt, 100% globalist puppet UK government which is indeed, as you say, deliberately destroying the UK economy in preparation for the Great Reset, for their own gain?
There is no one in the entire establishment who is not just as corrupt as this government is.
There’s the people and we are many!
You go and make a “citizen” arrest!
Too real for you?………… You can still keep putting up your silly pictures of Bill Gates if you like, if it makes you happy.
I don’t want them to go to prison I want them publicly executed.
NHS England worked with M&C Saatchi,
to make an ill ode, of odious gravity,
and it spluttered,
and it spat,
with a suggestive request
for folk to remember,
their life…
is nigh dead.
..calling Jura Calling.. we need you compadre. Share
I’ve been wondering about Jura calling. I miss the comments.
Here’s the version for today’s covid kids:
I want to be safe
(That’s it!)
I want to be safe and have an awesome smartphone with 5G with the Jab Certificate app pre-installed!
“Baby Debs says, time for Billy Eugenics to get off the planet.”

Brings back nice memories of my childhood.
Now this is excellent.
Only wish others were speaking out from the arts about this madness.
Love it
They’re all too busy protecting their millions by keeping their mouths shut, their muzzles on, and their fraudulent masters satisfied.
And making videos showing them “taking the jab”!
But nothing else can be expected… They are used to being sellouts.
They don’t even produce decent movies, music, art, etc., any longer. They have no value. Worthless, like the cultures they represent.
In any case true art doesn’t really represent its culture, but points the way to what culture should be.
If it merely represented it, nobody would want to listen to Bach, Mozart or Beethoven today, since they would consider that culture to be obsolete.
The human spirit is more timeless than that, and people certainly still fall in love with that music.