Biden, Afghanistan and Forever Wars
Binoy Kampmark

The papers are full of suggestions on what US President Joe Biden should do about his country’s seemingly perennial involvement in Afghanistan.
None are particularly useful, in that they ignore the central premise that a nation state long mauled, molested and savaged should finally be left alone. Nonsense, say the media and political cognoscenti.
The Guardian claims that he is “trapped and has no good choices”. The Wall Street Journal opines that he is being “tested in Afghanistan” with his opposition to “forever wars”. The Washington Post more sensibly suggests that Biden take the loss and “add it to George W. Bush’s record.”
The Afghanistan imbroglio for US planners raises the usual problems. Liberals and Conservatives find themselves pillow fighting over similar issues, neither wishing to entirely leave the field. The imperium demands the same song sheet from choristers, whether they deliver it from the right side of the choir or the left.
The imperial feeling is that the tribes of a country most can barely name should be somehow kept within an orbit of security. To not do so would imperil allies, the US, and encourage a storm of danger that might cyclonically move towards other pockets of the globe.
It never occurs to the many dullard commentators that invading countries such as Afghanistan to begin with (throw Iraq into the mix) was itself an upending issue worthy of criminal prosecution, encouraged counter-insurgencies, theocratic aspirants and, for want of a better term, terrorist opportunists.
The long threaded argument made by the limpet committers has been consistent despite the disasters. Drum up the chaos scenario. Treat it as rebarbative. One example is to strain, drain and draw from reports such as that supplied by the World Bank.
Conflict is ongoing, and 2019 was the sixth year in a row when civilian casualties in Afghanistan exceeded 10,000. The displacement crisis persists, driven by intensified government and Taliban operations in the context of political negotiations.”
The report in question goes on to note the increase in IDPs (369,700 in 2018 to 462,803 in 2019) with “505,000 [additional] refugees returned to Afghanistan, mainly from Iran, during 2019.”
Then come remarks such as those from David von Drehle in the Washington Post. His commentary sits well with Austrian observations about Bosnia-Herzegovina during the latter part of the 19th century.
Nearly 20 years into the US effort to modernize and liberalize that notoriously difficult land, Taliban forces once more control the countryside, and they appear to be poised for a final spring offensive against the parts of the Afghan cities that remain under government control.”
The savages, in short, refuse to heel.
Von Drehle, to his credit, at least suggests that the US take leave of the place, admitting that Washington was unreservedly ignorant about the country. He quotes the words of retired L. General Douglas Lute: “We were devoid of a fundamental understanding of Afghanistan.” Tellingly, the general admitted that, “We didn’t know what we were doing.”
Fears exist as to how the May 2021 deadline for withdrawing all US military forces looms. Anthony H. Cordesman is very much teasing his imperial masters in Washington as to what is best. “Writing off the Afghan government will probably mean some form of Taliban victory.”
This is hardly shocking, but Cordesman prepares the terrain for the hawks.
This will create increased risks in terms of extremism and terrorism, but it is far from clear that these risks will not be higher than the risks of supporting a failed Afghan government indefinitely into the future and failing to use the same resources in other countries to support partners that are more effective.”
This is the usual gilded rubbish that justifies the gold from a US taxpayer. But will it continue to stick?
A few clues can be gathered on future directions, though they remain floated suggestions rather than positions of merit. The Biden administration’s Interim National Security Strategic Guidance waffles and speaks mightily about democracy (how refreshing it would be for him to refer to republicanism) which, in a document on national security, always suggests overstretch and overreach.
“They are those who argue that, given all the challenges we face, autocracy is the best way forward.” But he also inserts Trumpian lingo. “The United States should not, and will not, engage in ‘forever wars’ that have cost thousands of lives and trillions of dollars.”
Afghanistan comes in for special mention, and again, the language of the Trump administration is dragged out for repetition.
We will work to responsibly end America’s longest war in Afghanistan while ensuring that Afghanistan does not again become a safe haven for terrorists.”
Not much else besides, and certainly no express mention of grasping the nettle and cutting losses. And there is that troubling use of the word “responsibly”.
The default position remains the use of force, which the US “will never hesitate to” resort to “when required to defend our vital national interests. We will ensure our armed forces are equipped to deter our adversaries, defend our people, interests, and allies, and defeat the threats that emerge.” Again, the stretch is vast and imprecise.
Given that position, the withdrawal of the remaining 2,500 US troops in the country is bound to become a matter of delay, prevarication and consternation. Quiet American imperialism, at least a dusted down version of it, will stubbornly continue in its sheer, embarrassing futility. The imperial footprint will be merely recast, if in a smaller form.
Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge. He lectures at RMIT University, Melbourne. Email: [email protected]
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Americans are scum.
They are f*****g vermin. And yes, to any Exceptional Folk reading this, that most definitely includes you. You live in the most evil, satanic nation in all human history. You have butchered, starved and immiserated hundreds of millions in scores of countries all over the planet for decades. And this will only change when you personally are made to suffer the same misery you have inflicted on so many for so long. Listen to Tillerson or Albright or Nephew gloating over dead Koreans, Iraqis, or Venezuelans or others and try to pretend any different.
All War is Eugenics
The virus has been isolated and is on it’s way to secure quarantine facilities at fort bin biden in Antarctica.
Only the ‘Labour’ Party and the Trade Unions are missing there… well… and the ‘scientists’…!!!
“Fighting for peace,
Is like
Fucking for virginity…”
— Some Clever Guy (probably the philosopher George Carlin)
muttBiden… just another good jester!
The policies are real, why is he a jester?
What’s a jester?!
He’s just playing a purely ceremonial role.
Alexander of Macedon was one of a select few historical figures, like Hannibal or Frederick of Prussia, meriting the description military genius. In the 4th century BC, he transited through Afghanistan in order to invade India. He did everything he could to appease the locals, going so far as to marry a local woman, the Roxana of legend. But they caused him so much trouble that on his way home he took a longer and more difficult route, avoiding the place completely. If even Alexander had to give up on the place and cut his losses, I don’t give much for the chances of Creepy Joe, the darkie he’s put in charge of the Pentagon, or any of the rest of that crew, including President Kabbala Haaretz. In 2001, Bush Junior succeeded in obtaining a military success there at minimal cost, thanks to the active support of countries like Russia, China and Iran and others, who organised and equipped the Northern Alliance. After the endless threats, insults, provocations, sanctions, Skripals, Soleimanis and Huaweis of recent years, such help may be somewhat thin on the ground. The stooge clique of drug kingpins, warlords and boy rapists in Kabul, like the quisling petty Gulf dictators, won’t last a week when Creepy Joe or whoever eventually pulls the plug. Not much to show for 20 years of war and $7 trillion. Except mega profits for Raytheon and their ilk. Which of course is what it was all about in the first place.
The author is mistaken. Afghanistan is not a nation state, at least not in the usual sense. The ‘central premise’ is that Afghanistan is a battleground, a frontier of empires… the ‘North West Frontier’. That is why it has been ‘long mauled, molested and savaged’, by foreigners and natives alike. Because the natives, in spite of all appearances, are not innocent in the carnage. It is not likely the Americans and NATO were ignorant of that. Their intervention was mainly a sideshow to cover the real target of Iraq and was predicated on the premise that the bordering ‘countries’ were ‘friendly’ or ‘neutral’, especially after the collapse of the USSR. That was the real mistake of the intervention. NATO walked into a trap. Today, few will doubt that the invasion has been another defeat, and so that the withdrawal will be carried out as soon as possible.
Self-confessed killer of brown people –
And yet he’s a hero to the “woke” because of race. Go figure….
I remember that. What a spare part. I wonder whether he will develop a difficulty perspiring like his fellow chopper riding spare part of an uncle?
He has evolved.
If the CIA admitted the truth about the destruction of society, by Jon Rappoport
This is a work of fiction, in the form of an interview. It presents a thesis about the protection of high-level criminals.
“A: The Mexican cartels have to launder their cash. Billions and billions of dollars. Maybe trillions, all told. For that, they need banks. Now we’re talking about very high-level criminals. The banks. Also, major corporations that are strapped for cash. Drug money is available to these corporations. Their stock prices depend on that cash.
Q: You’re saying inner-city gangs are protected from RICO prosecutions, because they’re part of the overall drug empire.
A: Yes.
Another comment deleted today, not ‘spammed’ deleted. It should be clear why. It is critical of the USA.
Empire works until it doesn’t, and the US has become over extended for its economic size, but its aim of controlling a strategic location and the world heroin supply, both medical and illicit in Afghanistan, is a reasonable expectation for any empire, like controlling the worlds oil supply is equally vital to world dominance.
The British and the French tried to secure the Suez canal for obvious reason, which would had succeeded had there not been a new bigger boy on the block.
It is the same for the USA, the ‘better’ Empire has arrived, and economic & diplomatic success is flowing towards them. The US is finished, its militarily, its economically and its philosophy and ideology, They are living on borrowed time, desperately trying to extend their reign, but the zeitgeist has moved on, they would be wise to shut down their operations gradually like the British did in a process of ‘controlled decline’, because if they don’t, they face decades of humiliation and retaliation for their genocides & economic abuse, which will bring them to their knees.
The European:
Agree with everything but gun ownership. Gun bans will not happen here, nor should they. Poverty and ignorance cause crime, not gun ownership.
So let me get this straight, you (admins) post as/are associated with wintonhill / standerion and… say…
Bye bye.
It looks like SocioPsychopatriotism just pulled down your site?
Cheers, take care. I dunno why they’d try to deceive like that. Not something I associate with.
Thanks to lunacy and my “unscientific” approach Imma do some of that sun adjustment
There’s a hint for “good” communication in the top right corner of the cover there, just saying.
This is very telling, notice where this article is listed…
home->business->EPA Quietly Approves Chemical ‘Air Treatment’ To Fight COVID-19
Why can’t Ryan like, provide some textual summary? I read much faster than he can speak. If he was a rapper, maybe I’d listen.
Another one deleted: in reply to SocioPsychopatriotism
”MORE delusional considering their belief in state.”
I wonder what you wanted to say?
I suppose you wanted to say that the big state, with higher taxes is bad because it is a way of providing heath care for ALL its people, free education and public transport that works? OR increased equality, social mobility and reduced poverty is a bad thing?
I suppose you think US poverty, low life expectancy and destitution is ‘freedom’, therefore good? I can only guess that you thin the USA’s vast military funded by trillions in debt is the way to go? I can only guess at what you are trying to say.
I’m finding my comments being deleted along the way behind me: this is one of a few I have found, Very odd….
The US is an empire and some European states are within its sphere of control. The UK has not in any important way deviated from US geopolitical policy since 1956 and France, Italy and the UK were allowed to rape Libya as reward for their compliance. But Europe is also a victim of US abuse. Not only through its DoJ fines which are on a colossal scale and amount to economic looting. (RBS fine paid to DoJ 27 billion pounds)
The sanctions against Iran, Russia and China are just as targeted against Europe as they are against the USA’s rivals. American does not like trade going to Europe where it is the vital beneficiary.
So I don’t know Why do you phrase it in such an immature and personal way, its geopolitics?
I sometimes find my comment disappear temporarily, but when i refresh the page, there they are.
No, they were deleted
Micheal Hastings lost his life attempting to expose the powers that controlled the situation in Afghanistan, but his “accidental” death was quickly shoved under the carpet.
‘On June 18, 2013, Hastings died in a single-vehicle automobile crash in his Mercedes-Benz C250 Coupé at approximately 4:25 a.m. in the Hancock Park neighborhood of Los Angeles.’ >>> This was a hit. Not an “automobile crash”…
Here’s yet another critique that has gone missing since the beginning of the covid hustle.
The Most Significant Afghanistan Papers Revelation Is How Difficult They Were to Make PublicDecember 11, 2019
‘The frank comments of U.S. military officials plainly stating that from the very beginning this was an unwinnable conflict, initiated in a region nobody understood, without anyone being able to so much as articulate what victory would even look like, make up an extremely important piece of information that is in conflict with everything the public has been told about this war by their government.’
The Most Significant Afghanistan Papers Revelation Is How Difficult They Were to Make Public – Consortiumnews
I always use Michael Hastings as an example of what can happen when you go up against the powers. His car pretty much blew up. Then the standard “was drunk and using drugs”. Frightening.
There are many Michael Hastings. I am haunted by the deaths (killings) of Phillip Marshall and his kids . . . and his dog! Marshall was about to reveal something. The case was never high-profile, probably because Marshall was not that well known, but he was in a position to discover things about government cover-ups. I think everyone would be shocked to discover how often people are got rid of to keep the truth from being known.
I was going to add Marshall’s name and couldn’t think of it – too lazy to stop and look it up. That was harrowing. I can understand people not being able to comprehend killing a father, his children, and the dog. It’s unfathomable. But then, look what we did to the Vietnamese father’s, children and dogs.
Among many others.
I’m writing such wonderful comments, and all I get asked about is my commenting name. Which tells me that this is the most important thing here. Be warned this site is all about compiling files on you, not about reading your stuff. Make it messy for them.
The special relationship:
Since 2008 the USA’s Department of ‘Justice’ has fined RBS Bank, then majority UK government owned, a total of over £27 Billion.
Called Austerity: between 2010 and 2019, more than £30 billion in spending reductions have been made to welfare payments, housing subsidies and social services.
Those savings from 10 years of suffering misery, pain and hardship, called Austerity went directly into the hands of the USA’s fed.
There was a time when you’d go to The Guardian to avoid synthetic displays of servility and synchronised boot-licking of royals. I suppose it is an eye-balls gambit by their U.S.-focused web site.
Elsewhere the cognitive dissonance is glaring:
China breaching every act in genocide convention, says legal report on Uighurs’
I always wanted a girl’: scandal of Czech Roma forcibly sterilised
I’m just wondering when the ‘dark forces at play’ as the Queen referred to them, are going to end the show. It really looks like Harry has not understood why his mother died.
Should have left Najibullah in charge-
At least women might have had better lives?
He died in 1996, Cause of death: Hanging preceded by torture, but they suspect it may have actually been Covid related, despite that not appearing on the death certificate.
Same old crap over and over and over since Reagan. Anyone who thinks the US is still a democracy of any type is either delusional or an imbecile.
However, congratulations to Syria and Russia for their destruction of the US/Turkish oil stealing facility in Syria yesterday. They even bagged a “white helmet” working at the now non-existent facility.
Yeah. The 6th. I don’t read the news every day and it’s possible… just possible… LOL… my memory ain’t what it used to be.
Whatever the date, thanks for the heads-up it looks like an important escalation by Russia, who perhaps feel confident due to their new generation of missile defence, the S-400 & S-500.
It’s hotting up in Banderistan as well, playground of the Biden crime family.
To talk of terrorism, refugees and displaced persons is to adopt the paradigm of the NGO and UN institutions that are the handmaidens of interventionism.
This misses a much bigger picture, summed up in one word: resources. And that is why the U.S. and its British and corporate allies are unlikely to leave any time soon.
Even before the CIA, in the 1950s, entered South East Asia covertly, which in turn predated the overt U.S.military intervention, teams of U.S. geologists were mapping Indochina, knowing how highly the French valued it. Afghanistan’s just the same.
Afghan resources are far more interesting than oil. In fact, the country suffers a kind of reverse oil curse. It makes so much money from opium that hydrocarbons can’t compete (see below). Rare earths are what makes the corporate mouth water nowadays anyway.
Smart cities and ‘electric everything’ demand a exponential increase in mineral mining over the next few decades. If the UN-sponsored proposal to abandon petroleum-fueled cars is serious, then Afghan deposits of copper, neodymium and lithium will be vital.
If UN-sponsored commitments to “free trade” were serious, Afghanistan would be left free to profit from its own mineral resources but that’s not how things work. The U.S. and British conspired just across the Afghan border back in 1953 to oust Iran’s prime minister Mohammad Mosaddegh because they were not prepared for Iran sell its oil for its own profit.
Two references to the 1950s shows how little has changed. In November 2019, having just won re-election, Bolivia’s president Evo Morales was ousted in a US-backed coup. International corporate interests objected to his renationalization of utilities and mining industries and Bolivia’s lithium deposits, essential to the batteries of electric vehicles, made the case stronger still.
Afghanistan has found itself with a weak and divided government, through no particular fault of its own. The reach of central government is limited. Many basic social services are provided by the Taliban. Regional governors are not allowed to challenge the western-backed central government. If they do, they bump up against the realities of ethnic loyalities and western interests, as the northern governor and Tajik Atta Mohammad Noor found when he was dismissed by Pashtun president, Ashraf Ghani, who leads the Western-backed central government.
It’s hard not to imagine that Western intriguing also prevents the emergence of a unifying force in Afghan politics. Corporations like it better this way. The resource rich countries of Central Asia and the near east are littered with failed and faction-ridden governments, from Libya to Iraq.
For reasons of self interest, if nothing else, the senior cadres of military and intelligence would be reluctant to leave. In fact, they wouldn’t. They’d just jump into corporate roles.
Call it venality, corruption or empire, the generals expect to profit from the countries they invade. Four-star general David Petraeus, who from September 2011 to November 2012 was the director of CIA, and worked in the Balkans for several years, becoming one of the major owners of the region’s telecom sector. He also sits on the board of investors Kohlberg Kravis Roberts (KKR).
Whom do we find in Afghanistan but the same man: “It has some of the world’s remaining unexploited world class deposits of copper, iron ore and some other fairly exotic minerals. And it has some limited natural gas. The estimates of the worth of these deposits are quite substantial,” Petraeus told ABC.
U.S. Geologists Discover $1 Trillion in Mineral Deposits in Afghanistan
Opium, too, figures in the calculation of resources. Not mentioned in the pages of the Financial Times or the Wall Street Journal, the biggest money spinners are not the ones you read about in the Fortune 500.
Follow the money was never more true and leads you to weapons manufacture, the business of war, the eternal business of slavery and sex trafficking, the centuries-long narcotics industry made famous by the Opium Wars, the crossover between the business of licit and illicit drugs, and the oil and gas fields of the hydrocarbon energy business. These are joined by two new sectors: biofuels which require the depopulation of unimaginable hectares of land, as does the mining of rare earth minerals for smart cities.
Opium accounts for more than half Afghan GDP, far outstripping oil. The the drugs industry, legal and covert, operates as one big happy family.
Again, you won’t read about it in the mainstream press, in fact, you’ll encounter misinformation such as this article from The Guardian, Feb 2016, Mexican farmers turn to opium poppies to meet surge in US heroin demand, encouraging the misleading idea that Mexico is the main source of illicit opium. This is a deliberate sleight of hand that distracts the uninformed from the booming production of opium in Afghanistan under the protection of U.S. and British soldiers.
As to the people, the architect of the U.S. strategy in the Balkans, Afghanistan and Pakistan was the late Richard Holbrooke. More than anyone he knew the whys and wherefores whereby Congress put its support behind a policy built around the expansion of the opium sector.
Fascinatingly, Holbrooke [Off-G won’t let me post these assuredly most banal words].
These bodies are the same interests driving the Great Reset and the resilient, Smart Cities programme: the interdependent, surveilled domains of technocracy, occupied by a residual population of digitally-looped residents. This high tech Utopia will only viable thorough an imperial-colonial relationship with countries like Afghanistan that will supply the metals and minerals to make the dream “sustainable”.
Finally somebody who understands geopolitics! very rare here, and well written. I would rather read you than this article.
Except for the ‘Great reset stuff’, that is too new to be sized up well, except to say spies are spies and surveillance is surveillance, from Elizabeth I, till today, however it is presented, it is essential in any tyranny.
Rare earth metals? Yup. Opium poppies? Yup. Ignorant American soldiers? Yup…
“encouraged counter-insurgencies” That’s the imperialists’ language. Resisting invasion makes you an insurgent. You’re not an insurgent and a country that is more powerful than yours has no natural right to own yours, making you an insurgent when you’re invaded. Anti-imperialist, patriot fighter, anything along those lines would be appropriate. Imperialist apologists for the US empire refer to the “internal aggression” of peoples in countries targetted for invasion and plunder. (That language and thinking became prominent in JFK’s admin). Again, If you’re an imperialist stamping out the people in the country you just invaded, you’re actually fighting “internal aggression,” not patriots and freedom fighters defending their country.
When I restore a habitat where there is an industrial sort of wasteland, it doesn’t really matter if I mention I’ll achieve that with nukes, does it?
“Green transformation”
I have lost count on how many times one have to say something, over and over again, and as usual, the crowd denies the reality, we have one mayore problem, the Imperial banana republic, after just over 270 years of exsistence, it have done whatever they want, Gov comes and goes but the policy of full spectrum dominance rules the game, I dont care about whom did what, because its after all this years, infact soon 3 centurys, if that dont tell you something, we indeed have an problem.
All wars are bankers wars, that, people is the truth, alpha and omega, and anyone whom stil dont understand that is either an willfully ignorant of an part of the problem.
Dont for an second think the American people care, they never have and never will, and there we have the second large problem, and then comes the bitches yapping along in Europa and others like the 5 Eye comunity, and somehow, like in Afganistan, the claims about been an so called security threat comes sollely from the idiot propaganda pimped by the Wankees, nothing else, and of course the quire of castrats sings along, in an war that was never meant to be won, another issue where people cant grasp the bloody truth, this wars are created to feed the MIC in the imperial banana republic and when an nations is redused to grawel, the bankers steps in, and if not, they simply stages coups, aka color revolutins, and that, have been the norm for centurys, all the way back to the ancient empires like Rome.
Nothing have changed.
Taliban have never done anything to anyone expect to those that is inside their land, to then say anything about been an national sec. threat is an flat out lie, Taliban was the last legitim Gov of Afganistan, and this 9/11 bullshit is the exuse to destroy an nation, thats, bitches is the problem, nothing else, and to my great sorrow, war times creates the problems internaly, but peace never got its grip in Afganistan before another war came, its been like that for decades, and somehow, the blame is put on the Afgan people and Taliban.
I dont belive anything the west tells me, they have lied about everything all the time and in this nothing have changed, because if you then take the UK to France/Germs/ZATO, they to are knee deep into this quag mire and somehow, the western MSM drools something about me been an racist, yeah, an nationalist, I am an hard core nationalists, I dont even want foreigners to own anything in Norway, its should be banned to sel an house to anyone whom dont live here, and if you do want, I dont have any problems with you/them at all, regardeless, since I know people from Turky to India, desent people all of them.
And I have never, never for one split second been behind any of this wars, never have and never will, I come my self from an family whom lost everything, wast land, to an invading force, klicked out and forced to flee to another nation where we are treated like shit and our history hidden.
Dont lecture me on that.
But the reasons, for my family and whats going on in Afganistan is the same, all wars are bankers wars, until we hang the last banker in the entrails of the last general, we will never ever prosper, until we burns down the power basess, we will never gain anything.
Right now the enemy of man aka us all, is the devils twins, the two MICs, and thats where we stand to day, in the year of our lord 2021.
And that, is why I know we are loosing, people like to complain, nothing is more destructive and false as the staggering delution of what most people indeed posses, the awating of an saviour so they dont have to lift their own f…. asses of the ground to do anything and the belife on our politicians is there for the benefit of us all, like somebody blaiming children to day for what they have become when I blame everything un us, we failed, we did nothing, and then to do something, the door step is an mile long, bloody cowards.
Yeah, belief in state, authority figures is a serious problem. Slave cults of idolators.
Most people who think they are being ‘good parents’ bring up their children to believe in state, authority figures.
Because they think that’s all they have.
Because they keep their masks on – and their blindfolds – at all times.
I understand it well enough, since I was once a young parent myself, although the figures in authority back then didn’t usually have IQs in the single digits…
We are governed by essentially stupid people – people with addictive personalities who are drawn to any Groupthink enterprise where lots of money is involved.
In other walks of life, such people become alcoholics, drug addicts and child abusers, but here money is the main objective – not that this is a mutually-exclusive matter. The other vices can easily provide the icing on the cake, as it were…
I’m only emphasizing that it is not only the belief in state, authority figures which is a serious problem.
The low calibre of the authority figures themselves is an even more serious problem.
We can’t let them off the hook. They are dangerous abominations.
I proudly, you have no idea, identify as both an alcoholic and drug addict.
Unfortunately, I cannot quite reach the heights of child abuse and/or money worship. Alas, I am unsuitable for office.
Did I tell you about the pyramids? See, in my society, both money worship and child abuse are forbidden.
Which translates to me being a very selective, antisemitic, antivaxxing, homophobic, antipatriotic, narcissistic racist misogynistic chauvinist extremist terrorist anti”science” antisocial psychopath.
And the worst thing? I’m a white male. Which probably means I’m a corporatist imperialist monopolist too.
That’s actually how I established my monopoly (sheep farming). By being a monogamous polygamer. And I can say that without even being hypocritical.
How about what is taught .Teaching what to think vs how to think .It starts at home and continues at school .The true meaning of educate is to bring out what is already there . Cheers.
”All wars are bankers wars………and anyone whom stil dont understand that is either an willfully ignorant of an part of the problem.”
We have always had war….even troops of monkeys fight wars, but we have not always had bankers, and monkeys have outlawed usury,….so I’m afraid, QED, you are ‘’part of the problem” through your deceit.
All significant wars in recent times are certainly the result of plotting by the central banking cartel.
”All wars are bankers wars………and anyone who still don’t understand that is either wilfully ignorant of part of the problem.”
We have always had war….even troops of monkeys fight wars, but we have not always had Bankers, and monkeys have outlawed finance,….so I’m afraid, ………….QED………. you are ‘’part of the problem.” ….through your deceit.
Says the man with multiple accounts.
Says the man in the glass house.
And the opium crop? Why no mention of the billions of dollars from this crop which helped fuel opium addiction in the US AND big pharma’s profits? ‘Based on the most recent (UNODC) data (2017) opium production in Afghanistan is of the order of 9000 metric tons, which after processing and transformation is equivalent to approximately 900,000 kg. of pure heroin.’ The quote is from
The opium crop is not only profitable, it helps fund the CIA, and is part of Mr Global’s eugenics policy. See James Corbett’s ‘Bioethics’.which is also on Off-Guardian.Why would Mr Global want to walk away from such a useful resource? Plus the advantages of killing thousands of Afghanistani civilians every year.It also helps support the military/industrial complex. It seems to me the lip service given to ‘dealing’ with the ‘forever wars’ is just that. So many flapping lips.
Drugs are the white-dusted elephant in the room. A bizarre omission. Alfred McCoy was brave enough to talk about it 50 years ago.
The Politics of Heroin in Southeast Asia: CIA Complicity in the Global Drug Trade (1972)
Anyone still suffering from the delusion that Naomi Klein is genuine and not a controlled asset peddling dangerous garbage should read today’s Fraudian interview with her. The discussion of whether children should be brainwashed into climate hysteria at eight or ten years’ old is a particular highlight.
If Klein ever said anything remotely useful, it was the bait in a bait and switch. This is what they do.
I don’t even know who that is.
Please excuse me for quoting myself:
“What are we to make of Naomi Klein’s new role as university chaperone to the next generation of students to follow the elite down the Yellow Brick Road? Did she become a Pied Piper — or was she created for the role?”
I liked “The Shock Doctrine,” but I have no use for Naomi Klein. (On the contention that the US preferred Castro to Fulgencio Batista, I doubt it. I simply need much, much more evidence for that. The mob, which worked with JFK to help get him elected and was to help him succeed in his Bay of Pigs operation, very much wanted JFK to succeed so that it could get back into a Cuba run as a criminal enterprise, rather than a functioning democracy. Seymour Hersh’s “The Dark Side Of Camelot” explains that.) That she would pooh, pooh the idea that covid 19 is someting alongs the lines of economic shock therapy is very revealing. She’s very fallen. As a Christian, I was quite put off by her contention, In “This Changes Everything,” that the Christian Bible is the cause of all the world’s woes. I expressed my thoughts about that in a blog post.
“Anyone still suffering from the delusion that Naomi Klein is genuine…” That wouldn’t be me. It’s a shame. She’s a bright lady. We could have used her on our side. At one time, she was. Either than or she really faked it well.
‘’Every civilization carries the seeds of its own destruction’’
For America it is ‘greed is good’. Oh how the Chinese must have looked on, in the 80s and 90s, in disbelief as the American religious zealots, worshipping at the alter of the free market, transported, their entire manufacturing base to Chinese shores.
Handing it to the impoverished Chinese peasants who would work for next to nothing. For the Chinese to watch this spectacle it must have been amazing to see the Americans intoxicated on greed transform their country in a matter of only a few decades.
Into a superpower, Never before has an empire handed another race their entire power like this.
The greedy holders of capital had no regard for their own peoples wellbeing or employment, they sold each other lies about the age of the service economy and how it was all for the best, a win win created out of the divine doctrine of greed, which is always good, and always produces the best result in the end.
Now they are left powerless having been driven down an ideological dead-end, in its stupidity paralleling the inca cultural suicide. The ‘religion’ has gutting them to the core of its social order, stripped them of their ability to produced,, to think to share to understand, and distorted by making dysfunctional, the representative democracy they thought they championed.
We are now in the ‘Make America Great again’ war, because they have realised their folly, but TRUMP who was meant to reverse the decline was so consumed by the religion of geed himself, that he failed to achieve anything of worth, leaving the empire more indebted, more destitute with bigger trade deficits than ever before.
Court Case Against Mandatory Vaccination: Attorney Interview
Spiro Skouras talks to Attorney Ana Garner of New Mexico about her challenge to mandatory vaccination and compulsory experimental medicine, citing the Nuremberg Code and crimes against humanity. Garner says she is prepared to take this case to the Supreme Court.
Garner represents Isaac Legaretta, an officer at the Doña Ana County Detention Center and a military veteran, who is suing the county over its new policy demanding that first responders receive the COVID-19 vaccinations or lose their jobs.
Ana Garner also discusses another case of hers that challenges not only the Governor of New Mexico but the legal basis for the emergency itself.
Spiro Skouras & Ana Garner
Good luck to her,
but just look at that ‘Supreme Court’…
Statusquoville, USA.
I’ve always wondered why there’s so little notice, not to say criticism, of the Supreme Court’s uncontested privilege of simply refusing to consider any case it is unwilling to decide with little or no explanation– and, conversely, involving itself in dubious cases that it might rationally decline to consider.
This uncheckable power is capricious, arbitrary, and even whimsical. I’m sure the defenders of the Court and the status quo approve of this circumstance as a pragmatic “no-brainer”; i.e., of course the Court must have sole and exclusive power to organize and control its caseload– for purely logistical reasons, it could never hear every case that has some merit!
Most recently, it has signaled that it has no intention of allowing doubt or disturbance to the official results of 2020 presidential election– the Democrats stole it fair and square for The Ghost of Joe Biden (Barely) Present; case closed!
I wonder if documents in rejected cases are returned to sender stamped with a logo of nine monkeys in the traditional poses that accompany the motto “See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.”
I was put off by the usual Rockefeller science/ideology that they both spouted. I’m not inspired.
that is a bullshit figure 2500 troopps LOL
they have private army and mercenaries which dosnt make the press much they are paid up to 10 20 x as much, many who serve in the normal army etc some end up going back to work for the private lot
blackwater being one of many
think of how big Persia is and then think how big poppie field is
think or try to think how big a army bases is and how many personnel;needs to be their at one many go out, how many bases ?
stats from newspaper is not reality . common sense is needed
A bit OT – but it applies to the media in general. This media behave in the way the old Soviet Union media was supposed to behave i.e. everything is presented as “What ‘the people’ want”. It might not be what you want. It might not be what anyone you know wants. But it’s what ‘the people‘ want.
And what do ‘the people’ want today? Well, they’re appalled at the “racist” Royal Family. Meghan of course is telling us “the truth”. Just as “we know” that Placido Domingo was an evil sex beast rapist.
Now you may not give a flying fuck about the Royals anyway. You may feel like pointing out that they are an embarrassing relic. You may even point out that it is only due to the fact that they are an embarrassing relic that they are being held up as reprehensible. They are a safe target. But what you say doesn’t matter ‘The people’ are appalled.
‘The people’ have led so many brilliant and potent protest campaigns over the decades: XR, Occupy, BLM etc. And ‘the people’ have finally forced the hands of government to shut down the economy to put “people before profits” or, more accurately “‘the people’ before profits”. Power to ‘the people’!
Now take something that ‘the people’ don’t like. Van Morrison has released an anti-lockdown protest album. ‘The people’ are appalled. Even his fans are leaving him in droves!
Another triumph for ‘the people’!
I mean, I’ve tried to help “the people”, that failed horribly (or perhaps I should say fails, considering I’m still failing at it). So I don’t even bother helping myself.
And I can’t say “Fuckoff, go kill yourselves. Get a vaccine every month” at the shit either. Because that’d probably make the environment even worse, as it perpetuates the very opposite of help.
If people need less vaccines, and they want more vaccines, even though there is absolutely no possible benefit, what the fuck?
The USA’s exit strategy from Empire should have been to establish international bodies capable of policing a civilised and law abiding world. International bodies capable of really protecting victim states, because soon the USA is going to be one of those victims, as it is ravaged by China’s economic power.
At least the illusion of an ordered world would have protected the US for a while, and would have created a secure world that respected the gains they made during their greatest days. But by undermining the WTO and the UN, and setting a precedent of illegal wars they have heralded in a period of international lawlessness, which will eventually turn a bankrupt US.
Already the Chinese: financially & economically, the Russians: militarily and Iran: stealthily, can reek havoc in the Empire, and they will continue to do so until the US is exhausted. Add to them the Indians, the Turks and the Europeans who are already weary of this dying empires abuse.
Bizarrely, the complete attempt at scapegoating is also why don’t support any of those supposed “opposers”. Especially not China and Europe.
Let’s go look at the vast contributions from say, switzerland or belgium…
Europe (not all of it) is kinda like the “Rich neighbourhood”, because of insane amounts of exploitation. The sort of exploitation that has turned this world kinda into a shithole. Invariably, due to support of state (world wars as an example), same thing in america, same thing in china, doesn’t matter.
Certainly America helped with that, too. So did China and some Middle-Eastern countries.
Invariably, if you take a look at the sort of countries/govt I have issues with, one thing stands out. Excessive industrialism.
But Switzerland is not initiating a genocide in Iran,Iraq, Syria and Venezuela as we speak, but the USA is. Forcing all to comply with its criminal sanctions against innocent people. All countries around the world are victims of US blackmail and threat.
So, Switzerland got so rich selling its (dubious IMO) chocolate and cheese. Quite a feat.
Slave labour isn’t as bad as sanctions hey. Habitat destruction.That sort of thing is only a little taster and pales in comparison to the existential wonders of swiss (well, from say, zimbabwe) candy.
There is slave labour in Switzerland…. really…. Where?
I may be wrong, but I think it has changed since the 30s.
The UN wasn’t “undermined” – it was always a Rockefeller creation (built on land previously occupied by a slaughterhouse just to make the symbolism more obvious).
”always a Rockefeller creation ”
International cooperation and open borders are good for business, Rockefeller was a businessman.
”land previously occupied by a slaughterhouse ”
Are you nuts?
that is correct,you exist within a war ‘economy’, you have since bretton woods.. you do not have countries or nations you have businesses, the long interminable, unwinnable wars are that way be design because they are merely business plans, that way maximum return can sucked from the treasuries (the only ‘national’ institution in a country, fed resources and time by the common prole, to be extracted as debt and servitude)…. all so called nations are guilty of exploiting the ‘system’, simply because they are merely bureaus for the hollow withered central bankers that own you….
politics and the hacks that spin the yarns, are just lipstick on the piggy..
mind bending mendicants infotaining the herd.
They don’t actually own hey. Sorry.
”…. you do not have countries or nations you have businesses”
you need to tell the CIA because they keep murdering and arresting foreign businessmen to help US interests. I’m sure they’ll stop if you tell them nicely and tell them they work for businessmen not generals.
Bretton woods established the dominance of the US dollar making it the world reserve currency, thereby strengthening the USA, WHICH IS A COUNTRY and which has abused that position for decades.
In other words, “Cold War Means, Mainly, Class War.”
I just want to point out something, this constant America bashing shit. And, I’m not even american!
Here’s a nice reminder. Germany and the UK have about the highest vaccine trust in the world (big surprise there, considering their histories of say, being dragged into wars with/against what is essentially family).
You europeans (and whoever) doing that, you’re ignorant, hypocritical and entirely full of shit.
As it is, there isn’t a country in Europe I’d like to visit, how’s about that? I’d rather consider say, Tanzania.
See, it’s as if you think you’re not entirely complicit, it’s as if you forget about all the resource “acquisition” and reliance from elsewhere…you know, stolen shit, laundering, kinda bullshit proxy and escrow, that sort of thing. Oh, and of course, constant trading, support and such.
Don’t know if you’re reacting to my post below, but it seems to me that the term US includes its various henchmen and toadies, who are not particularly respectable either.
Tanzania sounds good. They have a brave leader.
Not your post, it’s just, there’s a LOT of it.
Of course there are assholes relating to american govt, corporations. Just like in europe.
The Jay Dyer interview I posted repeatedly argues that the USA is continuing British policies in the Middle East (and there’s a mention of Sykes-Picot which is a reminder of the role of the French). That continuity is clearly rooted in the existence of an Anglo-American establishment that is fused on a DNA level (debating which “really” controls which is rather pointless).
However to realise this you’d have to invest some time listening to what was posted rather than shooting from the hip.
BTW the posts that appear on these threads regularly blaming everything on the US deep state and denying the existence of globalists or any other causes are obvious trolling from the same source under different names. Perhaps you’re quite new here and haven’t realised this yet but you’ll soon start to recognise the same repeated arguments, the same hectoring tone and the same obsessive posting. Ignore them.
Well, I have this auto-filter thing from extensive experience with discernment, so I can often skip posts practically instantly.
I thought you were a yank ‘frank’… no doubt it’s much worse .. you must be a canadian.
by the way tanzania is recommended.. beautiful place.
I’m South African, pretty sure I mentioned that. You would probably have noticed I’d for instance type colours.
Yes, with a history to be proud of…………???????
The green imperialism announced by Cory Morningstar.
Will that help the well-meaning planet-friendly ‘left’ to see what the CO2 scam is all about? I’m not holding my breath.
But maybe, just maybe, if they see through Covid, they’ll see through CO2.
Burdening the world with expensive energy, whilst exempting themselves from ‘Green’ regulations and penalties imposed by the War on carbon, is all part of the USA’s fight to make America Great Again.
It is American’s and their poodle states scientists and political campaigns who are telling the rest of the world to destroy their own economies in the War on carbon, as they are in the war on Covid and Brexit.
You must be a relation of Rexton and/or Sherman.
Have a good day 🙂
Why would you care what names I write under… it mucking up your ISP tracking and my CIA file?
I’m sorry your earlier name of strandwhatever is being blocked by the spam filter. Must be a pain to keep finding new names.
So, are you saying 9/11 wasn’t cooked up by some guy on dialysis in an Afghan cave who’d been reported dead, who kept getting younger in his supposed photos and who CNN could find to interview but the CIA couldn’t? Preposterous!
Anyway, here’s what I found a useful discussion on some of the deeper context of Western involvement in the Middle East:
I’ve been listening to Jay Dyer a bit recently. He does a lovely take down of the Richard Dawkins school – which applies to the entire “scientific” community with their many scam techniques as in the “We now know that …We now know that…We now know that….” move where each time what we now “know” is something completely different.
Proposition: “withdrawal of the remaining 2,500 US troops in the country”.
Contra: “Whatever happens, we have got / The Bofors gun, and they have not”.
Pro; “You have the watches but we have the time”.
It’s hateful music:
Occidental, beware the steppe
In the 70s, Afghanistan was attacked because of marijuana (since they have fine indica and it was quite sought after). Later, opium.
So, who are the manufacturers of opium-based products and FAR more toxic derivatives? Oh that’s right, pharma. So pharma claims to have cultivation, trade and commercial monopoly on a plant, essentially. That’s how you start getting divine intervention due to IP.
That’s a really stupid, very hypocritical and malicious thing to do when you’re then selling far more toxic derivatives as “medicine” and claiming the plant is the problem.
And it begs another question. Since there is practically no guerilla cultivation of opium poppy, it also means the street opium derivatives (such as bad heroin) are directly related to pharma, considering the volume of supply?
Okay then. To get a broader idea of what that means, you know all those street drugs? That mostly results from pharma.
Lets not forget Lithium. One of the largest and most lucrative exports in the world, filled so deep it would nearly take an eternity to eliminate. The gold rush never stopped, it just changed locations. Opium or even oil hasn’t been the only driven reason for this takeover of a sovereign land.
Fair enough, probably not only lithium either. Kinda just focused on pointing out the medical industry’s BULLSHIT.
Since when is this a surprise. Why should it ever be a surprise. The warmongers have been bombing the shit out of just about everything since i was given a toothbrush. Another day i hope i don’t have to reflect on.
People in the Occident have hypocritically, selfishly, conveniently, and cowardly been turning a blind eye to warmongering for eons. They chose to swallow horseshit about the export of democracy in exchange for a comfy life, courtesy of the government fucking over some poor souls in some faraway country.
The occidental/global establishment has now very explicitly turned the destructive, oppressive force against its own people. It’s out in the open for everyone to see. It turns out that the bearded barefooted motherfuckers out there in the mountains have more spine, more balls, more stamina than us, the lazy, fat, mindfucked westerners. Time to learn a lesson or two from them.
If we can take a page or two out of their book, maybe we can ward off the sanitary dystopia.
Be it as it may, there are no more excuses for anybody to believe such bullshit as “the export of democracy”.
This is a breaking point in history. Perhaps never before had people the opportunity to see the monstrous extent of corruption. If they bothered to open their fucking eyes, that is …
“horseshit about the export of democracy”.
No, they’ve not tried to defend these wars on the “exporting democracy” line for several years. Instead they use ‘woke’ arguments, especially so-called women’s rights. One example:
This is much more effective – most people find “women’s rights” difficult to argue against and they don’t trouble who wields power while bringing such nations closer in line with the desired global culture (especially population decline).
Well, I’m kinda having a hard time following what these motherfuckers keep coming up with. It’s all bullshit.
Half a century in a petri-dish
Demockracy another child’s fantasy
Delivered and enforced
Bombs away
Bullet to the head
Political bleaders
All lying scum
Paid yes plebs
Brewing our troubles
Plastic smile
Dazzling fright white
No Masters
No Gods
No Engines
No Money
Ancient millennial malignancy
Corruption to collapse
Clowns In America
Mental Inflammation Hive
Army of LaLaYola
Manipulation coercion
No life
Evil and macabre
Money and demockracy
The tough get going
Cullers get culled
It’s been said many times over, imperial armies have never ‘succeeded’ in the place. Experience there and elsewhere have always had the same result, failure. Stupidity on such a scale can no longer be a viable explanation, even with education being so lacking in the western world. There has to be some persistent evil lurking which seeks to destroy the people of other nations, and all of us in the blowback which always follows.
“Stupidity can no longer be a viable explanation. There has to be some persistent evil lurking which seeks to destroy people”.
Follow the money: Opium production has rocketed under the U$ army of occupation. I guess 2,500 U$ troops are enough to protect the CIA’s poppy fields.
I guess the surplus over the years has been processed into oxycontin.
oxycontin more addctive and opiate drugs for pain killers and their is 100000’s of them in many different brand names also effects the normal lot so a big win win for big harma.
I was waiting for that very point in the article. In vain, as it turns out.
I remember years ago seeing a graph detailing annual opium production in Afghanistan. When the taliban were in charge, it dropped to zero. Once the US took over, it not only leapt back up to the previous level, it increased.
Wouldn’t know where to find that graph now, but I remember it because it was so striking.
I suspect that if the taliban could be relied upon to continue the flow of opium, the US would have no problem withdrawing the majority of their troops from Afghanisatan.
Or maybe I’m just a conspiracy theorist.
Here is that graph.
Many thanks for that.
“Experience there and elsewhere have always had the same result, failure”.
This is taking their stated goals at face value. If the goal was increased opium production, the invasion has been a stunning success (which is why it continues).