Return of the Leviathan: The Fascist Roots of the CIA and the True Origin of the Cold War
Whose interest did the creation of the Cold War serve and continues to serve? Cynthia Chung addresses this question in her three-part series
Cynthia Chung
In 1998, the Nazi War Crimes and Japanese Imperial Government Records Interagency Working Group (IWG), at the behest of Congress, launched what became the largest congressionally mandated, single-subject declassification effort in history. As a result, more than 8.5 million pages of records have been opened to the public under the Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act (P.L. 105-246) and the Japanese Imperial Government Disclosure Act (P.L. 106-567). These records include operational files of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), the CIA, the FBI and Army intelligence. IWG issued three reports to Congress between 1999 and 2007.
This information sheds important light and confirms one of the biggest-kept secrets of the Cold War – the CIA’s use of an extensive Nazi spy network to wage a secret campaign against the Soviet Union.
This campaign against the Soviet Union, which began while WWII was still raging, has been at the crux of Washington’s tolerance towards civil rights abuses and other criminal acts in the name of anti-communism, as seen with McCarthyism and COINTELPRO activities. With that fateful decision, the CIA was not only given free reign for the execution of anti-democratic interventions around the world, but anti-democratic interventions at home, which continues to this day.
With the shady origin of the Cold War coming to the fore, it begs the questions; ‘Who is running American foreign policy and intelligence today? Can such an opposition be justified? And in whose interest did the creation of the Cold War serve and continues to serve?’ This paper is part one of a three-part series which will address these questions.
Allen Dulles, the Double Agent who Created America’s Intelligence Empire
Allen Dulles was born on April 7th, 1893 in Watertown, New York. He graduated from Princeton with a master’s degree in politics in 1916 and entered into diplomatic service the same year. Dulles was transferred to Bern, Switzerland along with the rest of the embassy personnel shortly before the US entered the First World War. From 1922 to 1926, he served five years as chief of the Near East division of the State Department.
In 1926, he earned a law degree from George Washington University Law School and took a job at Sullivan & Cromwell, the most powerful corporate law firm in the nation, where his older brother (five years his senior) John Foster Dulles was a partner. Interestingly, Allen did not pass the bar until 1928, two years after joining the law firm, however, that apparently did not prevent him in 1927 from spending six months in Geneva as “legal adviser” to the Naval Armament Conference.
In 1927 he became Director of the Council on Foreign Relations (whose membership of prominent businessmen and policy makers played a key role in shaping the emerging Cold War consensus), the first new director since the Council’s founding in 1921.
He became quick friends with fellow Princetonian Hamilton Fish Armstrong, the editor of the Council’s journal, Foreign Affairs. Together they authored two books: Can We Be Neutral? (1936) and Can America Stay Neutral? (1939). Allen served as secretary of the CFR from 1933-1944, and as its president from 1946-1950.
It should be noted that the Council on Foreign Relations is the American branch of the Royal Institute for International Affairs (aka: Chatham House) based in London, England. It should also be noted that Chatham House itself was created by the Round Table Movement as part of the Treaty of Versailles program in 1919.
By 1935, Allen Dulles made partner at Sullivan & Cromwell, the center of an intricate international network of banks, investment firms, and industrial conglomerates that helped rebuild Germany after WWI.
After Hitler took control in the 1930s, John Foster Dulles continued to represent German cartels like IG Farben, despite their integration into the Nazi’s growing war machine and aided them in securing access to key war materials.[1]
Although the Berlin office of Sullivan & Cromwell, (whose attorneys were forced to sign their correspondence with “Heil Hitler”) was shut down by 1935, the brothers continued to do business with the Nazi financial and industrial network; such as Allen Dulles joining the board of J. Henry Schroder Bank, the US subsidiary of the London bank that Time magazine in 1939 would call “an economic booster of the Rome-Berlin Axis.”[2]
The Dulles brothers’, especially Allen, worked very closely with Thomas McKittrick, an old Wall Street friend who was president of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS). Five of its directors would later be charged with war crimes, including Hermann Schmitz, one of the many Dulleses’ law clients involved with BIS. Schmitz was the CEO of IG Farben the chemical conglomerate that became notorious for its production of Zyklon B, the gas used in Hitler’s death camps, and for its extensive use of slave labour during the war.[3]
David Talbot writes in his The Devil’s Chessboard:
The secretive BIS became a crucial financial partner for the Nazis. Emil Puhl – vice president of Hitler’s Reichsbank and a close associate of McKittrick – once called BIS the Reichsbank’s only ‘foreign branch.’ BIS laundered hundreds of millions of dollars in Nazi gold looted from the treasuries of occupied countries.”
The Bank for International Settlements is based in Switzerland, the very region that Allen Dulles would work throughout both WWI and WWII.
The Office of Strategic Services (OSS) was formed on June 13, 1942 as a wartime intelligence agency during WWII. This was a decision made by President Franklin Roosevelt. William J. Donovan was chosen by Roosevelt to build the agency ground up and was created specifically for addressing the secret communication, decoding and espionage needs that were required for wartime strategy; to intercept enemy intelligence and identify those coordinating with Nazi Germany and Japan.
The OSS was the first of its kind, nothing like it had existed before in the US, it was understood by Roosevelt that such an agency held immense power for abuse in the wrong hands and it could never be allowed to continue once the war against fascism was won.
Allen Dulles was recruited into the OSS at the very beginning. And on Nov. 12th, 1942 was quickly moved to Bern, Switzerland where he lived at Herrengasse 23 for the duration of WWII. Knowing the shady role Switzerland played throughout WWII with its close support for the Nazi cause and Allen Dulles’ close involvement in all of this, one should rightfully be asking at this point, what the hell were Donovan and Roosevelt thinking?
Well, Dulles was not the only master chess player involved in this high stakes game.
“He was a dangle,” said John Loftus, a former Nazi war crimes investigator for the US Justice Department. They “wanted Dulles in clear contact with his Nazi clients so they could be easily identified.”[4] In other words, Dulles was sent to Switzerland as an American spy, with the full knowledge that he was in fact a double agent, the mission was to gain intel on the American, British and French networks, among others, who were secretly supporting the Nazi cause.
One problem with this plan was that the British MI6 spy William Stephenson known as the “Man Called Intrepid” was supposedly picked to keep tabs on Dulles [5]; little did Roosevelt know at the time, how deep the rabbit hole really went.
However, as Elliott would write in his book As He Saw It, Roosevelt was very aware that British foreign policy was not on the same page with his views on a post-war world:
You know, any number of times the men in the State Department have tried to conceal messages to me, delay them, hold them up somehow, just because some of those career diplomats over there aren’t in accord with what they know I think. They should be working for Winston. As a matter of fact, a lot of the time, they are [working for Churchill]. Stop to think of ’em: any number of ’em are convinced that the way for America to conduct its foreign policy is to find out what the British are doing and then copy that!” I was told… six years ago, to clean out that State Department. It’s like the British Foreign Office…”
As the true allegiance of BIS and Wall Street finance became clear during the war, Roosevelt attempted to block BIS funds in the United States. It was none other than Foster Dulles who was hired as McKittrick’s legal counsel, and who successfully intervened on the bank’s behalf.[6]
It should also be noted that Bank of England Governor Montague Norman allowed for the direct transfer of money to Hitler, however, not with England’s own money but rather 5.6 million pounds worth of gold owned by the National Bank of Czechoslovakia.
With the end of the war approaching, Project Safehaven, an American intelligence operation thought up by Roosevelt, was created to track down and confiscate Nazi assets that were stashed in neutral countries. It was rightfully a concern that if members of the Nazi German elite were successful in hiding large troves of their wealth, they could bide their time and attempt to regain power in the not so distant future.
It was Allen Dulles who successfully stalled and sabotaged the Roosevelt operation, explaining in a December 1944 memo to his OSS superiors that his Bern office lacked “adequate personnel to do [an] effective job in this field and meet other demands.”[7]
And while Foster worked hard to hide the US assets of major German cartels like IG Farben and Merck KGaA, and protect these subsidiaries from being confiscated by the federal government as alien property, Allen had his brother’s back and was well placed to destroy incriminating evidence and to block any investigations that threatened the two brothers and their law firm.
“Shredding of captured Nazi records was the favourite tactic of Dulles and his [associates] who stayed behind to help run the occupation of postwar Germany,” stated John Loftus, former Nazi war crimes investigator for the US Justice Department.[8]
It is without a doubt that Roosevelt was intending to prosecute the Dulles brothers along with many others who were complicit in supporting the Nazi cause after the war was won. Roosevelt was aware that the Dulles brothers and Wall Street had worked hard against his election, he was aware that much of Wall Street was supporting the Germans over the Russians in the war, he was aware that they were upset over his handling of the Great Depression by going after the big bankers, such as JP Morgan via the Pecora Commission, and they hated him for it, but most of all they disagreed with Roosevelt’s views of a post war world.
In fact, they were violently opposed to it, as seen by his attempted assassination a few days after he won the election, and with General Smedley Butler’s exposure, which was broadcasted on television, of how a group of American Legion officials paid by JP Morgan’s men [9] approached Butler the summer of 1933 to lead a coup d’état against President Roosevelt, an attempted fascist takeover of the United States in broad daylight.
Roosevelt was only inaugurated March 4, 1933, thus it was clear, Wall Street did not have to wait and see what the President was going to do, they already had a pretty good idea that Roosevelt intended to upset the balance of imperial control, with Wall Street and the City of London as its financial centers. It was clear Wall Street’s days would be marked under Roosevelt.
However, Roosevelt did not live past the war, and his death allowed for the swift entry of a soft coup, contained within the halls of government and its agencies, and anyone who had been closely associated with FDR’s vision was pushed to the sidelines.
David Talbot writes in his “The Devil’s Chessboard”:
Dulles was more instep with many Nazi leaders than he was with President Roosevelt. Dulles not only enjoyed a professional and social familiarity with many members of the Third Reich’s elite that predated the war; he shared many of these men’s postwar goals.”
The True Origin Story of the Cold War
In L. Fletcher Prouty’s book “The CIA, Vietnam and the Plot to Assassinate John F. Kennedy,” he describes how in Sept 1944, while serving as a captain in the United States Army Air Forces and stationed in Cairo, he was asked to fly what he was told to be 750 US Air crewmen POWs who had been shot down in the Balkans during air raids on the Ploesti oil fields.
This intel was based off of his meeting with British Intelligence officers who had been informed by their Secret Intelligence Service and by the OSS.
Prouty writes:
We flew to Syria, met the freight train from Bucharest, loaded the POWS onto our aircraft, and began the flight back to Cairo. Among the 750 American POWs there were perhaps a hundred Nazi intelligence agents, along with scores of Nazi sympathetic Balkan agents. They had hidden in this shipment by the OSS to get them out of the way of the Soviet army that had marched into Romania on September 1.
This September 1944 operation was the first major pro-German, anti-Soviet activity of its kind of the Cold War. With OSS assistance, many followed in quick succession, including the escape and carefully planned flight of General Reinhart Gehlen, the German army’s chief intelligence officer, to Washington on September 20, 1945.
In Prouty’s book, he discusses how even before the surrender of Germany and Japan, the first mumblings of the Cold War could be heard, and that these mumblings came particularly from Frank Wisner in Bucharest and Allen W. Dulles in Zurich, who were both strong proponents of the idea that the time had come to rejoin selected Nazi power centers in order to split the Western alliance from the Soviet Union.
Prouty writes:
It was this covert faction within the OSS, coordinated with a similar British intelligence faction, and its policies that encouraged chosen Nazis to conceive of the divisive “Iron Curtain” concept to drive a wedge in the alliance with the Soviet Union as early as 1944—to save their own necks, to salvage certain power centers and their wealth, and to stir up resentment against the Russians, even at the time of their greatest military triumph.
The “official history” version has marked down the British as the first to recognise the “communist threat” in Eastern Europe, and that it was Winston Churchill who coined the phrase “Iron Curtain” in referring to actions of the communist-bloc countries of Eastern Europe and that he did this after the end of WWII.
However, Churchill was neither the originator of the phrase nor the idea of the Iron Curtain.
Just before the close of WWII in Europe, the German Foreign Minister Count Lutz Schwerin von Krosigk made a speech in Berlin, reported in the London Times on May 3, 1945, in which he used the Nazi-coined propaganda phrase “Iron Curtain,” which was to be used in precisely the same context by Churchill less than one year later.
Following this German speech, only three days after the German surrender, Churchill wrote a letter to Truman, to express his concern about the future of Europe and to say that an “Iron Curtain” had come down.[10]
On March 4 and 5, 1946, Truman and Churchill traveled from Washington to Missouri, where, at Westminster College in Fulton, Churchill delivered those historic lines:
From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic, an Iron Curtain has descended across the continent.”
The implications of this are enormous. It not only showcases the true origin of the source that trumpeted the supposed Cold War threat coming from Eastern Europe, the very Nazi enemy of the Allies while WWII was still being waged, but also brings light to the fact that not even one month after Roosevelt’s death, the Grand Strategy had been overtaken. There would no longer be a balance of the four powers (US, Russia, Britain and China) planned in a post war world, but rather there would be an Iron Curtain, with more than half of the world covered in shadow.
The partners in this new global power structure were to be the United States, Great Britain, France, Germany, and Japan, three of the WWII victors and two of the vanquished. It did not matter that Russia and China fought and died on the side of the Allies just moments prior.
With Ho Chi Minh’s Declaration of Independence on Sept. 2nd, 1945, the French would enter Vietnam within weeks of WWII ending with the United States joining them a few months after Churchill’s Iron Curtain speech. And thus, in little over a year after one of the bloodiest wars in history, the French and the Americans set off what would be a several decades long Indochinese war, all in the name of “freedom” against a supposed communist threat.
Prouty writes:
As soon as the island of Okinawa became available as the launching site for [the planned American invasion of Japan], supplies and equipment for an invasion force of at least half a million men began to be stacked up, fifteen to twenty feet high, all over the island.
Then, with the early surrender of Japan, this massive invasion did not occur, and the use of this enormous stockpile of military equipment was not necessary. Almost immediately, US Navy transport vessels began to show up in Naha Harbor, Okinawa. This vast load of war materiel was reloaded onto those ships. I was on Okinawa at that time, and during some business in the harbor area I asked the harbormaster if all that new materiel was being returned to the States.
His response was direct and surprising: ‘Hell, no! They ain t never goin’ to see it again. One-half of this stuff, enough to equip and support at least a hundred and fifty thousand men, is going to Korea, and the other half is going to Indochina.
The Godfather of the CIA
“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”
The inscription chosen by Allen Dulles for the Lobby of CIA Headquarters from John 8:31-32
On Sept. 20th, 1945, President Truman disbanded the OSS a few weeks after the official end of WWII. This was the right thing to do, considering the OSS was never intended to exist outside of wartime and President Roosevelt would have done the same thing had he not passed away on April 12th, 1945.
However, Truman was highly naïve in thinking that a piece of paper was all that was required. Truman also had no understanding of the factional fight between the Roosevelt patriots who truly wanted to defeat fascism versus those who believed that it was always about war with the Soviet Union, and would even be open to working with “former” fascists in achieving such a goal.
Truman thought of the OSS as a homogenous blob. He had no comprehension of the intense in-fighting that was occurring within the United States government and intelligence community for the future of the country. That there was the OSS of Roosevelt, and that there was the underground OSS of Allen Dulles.
Soon thereafter, on Sept. 18th, 1945, the CIA was founded, and was to be lamented by Truman as the biggest regret of his presidency. Truman had no idea of the type of back channels that were running behind the scenes, little did he know at the time but would come to partially discover, the disbanding of the OSS which took control away from William J. Donovan as head of American intelligence opened the door to the piranhas.
The FDR patriots were purged, including William J. Donovan himself, who was denied by Truman the Directorship of the CIA. Instead Truman foolishly assigned him the task of heading a committee studying the country’s fire departments.
In April 1947, Allen Dulles was asked by the Senate Armed Services Committee to present his ideas for a strong, centralized intelligence agency. His memo would help frame the legislation that gave birth to the CIA later that year.
Dulles, unsatisfied with the “timidity” of the new CIA, organised the Dulles-Jackson-Correa Committee report, over which Dulles of course quickly assumed control, which concluded its sharply critical assessment of the CIA by demanding that the agency be willing to essentially start a war with the Soviet Union. The CIA, it declared “has the duty to act.” The agency “has been given, by law, wide authority.” It was time to take full advantage of this generous power, the committee, that is Dulles, insisted.
Dulles, impatient with the slow pace of the CIA in unleashing chaos on the world, created a new intelligence outpost called the Office of Policy Coordination in 1949. Frank Wisner (who worked as a Wall Street lawyer for the law firm Carter, Ledyard & Milburn and was former OSS, obviously from the Dulles branch) was brought in as OPC chief, and quickly brought the unit into the black arts of espionage, including sabotage, subversion, and assassination[11]. By 1952, the OPC was running forty-seven overseas stations, and its staff had nearly three thousand employees, with another three thousand independent contractors in the field.
Dulles and Wisner were essentially operating their own private spy agency.
The OPC was run with little government oversight and few moral restrictions. Many of the agency’s recruits were “ex” Nazis.[12] Dulles and Wisner were engaged in a no-holds-barred war with the Soviet bloc with essentially no government supervision.
As Prouty mentioned, the shady evacuation of Nazis stashed amongst POWs was to be the first of many, including the evacuation of General Reinhart Gehlen, the German army’s chief intelligence officer, to Washington on September 20, 1945.
Most of the intelligence gathered by Gehlen’s men was extracted from the enormous population of Soviet prisoners of war – which eventually totaled four million – that fell under Nazi control. Gehlen’s exalted reputation as an intelligence wizard derived from his organization’s widespread use of torture.[13]
Gehlen understood that the US-Soviet alliance would inevitably break apart (with sufficient sabotage), providing an opportunity for at least some elements of the Nazi hierarchy to survive by joining forces with the West against Moscow.
He managed to convince the Americans that his intelligence on the Soviet Union was indispensable, that if the Americans wanted to win a war against the Russians that they would need to work with him and keep him safe. Therefore, instead of being handed over to the Soviets as war criminals, as Moscow demanded, Gehlen and his top deputies were put on a troop ship back to Germany![14]
Unbelievably, Gehlen’ spy team was installed by US military authorities in a compound in the village of Pullach, near Munich, with no supervision and where he was allowed to live out his dream of reconstituting Hitler’s military intelligence structure within the US national security system. With the generous support of the American government, the Gehlen Organization –as it came to be known – thrived in Pullach, becoming West Germany’s principal intelligence agency.[15]
And it should have been no surprise to anyone that “former” SS and Gestapo officials were brought in, including the likes of Dr. Franz Six. Later, Six would be arrested by the US Army counterintelligence agents. Convicted of war crimes, Six served a mere four years in prison and within weeks of his release went back at work in Gehlen’s Pullach headquarters![16]
For those who were able to believe during the war that the Russians were their true enemies (while they died for the same cause as the Americans by the millions in battle) this was not a hard pill to swallow, however, there was pushback.
Many in the CIA vehemently opposed any association with “former” Nazis, including Admiral Roscoe Hillenkoetter, the CIA’s first director, who in 1947 strongly urged President Truman to “liquidate” Gehlen’s operation. It is not clear what stood in the way of this happening, but to suffice to say, Gehlen had some very powerful support in Washington, including within the national security establishment with primary backing from the Dulles faction.[17]
Walter Bedell-Smith, who succeeded Hillenkoetter as CIA Director, despite bringing Allen Dulles in and making him deputy, had a strong dislike for the man. As Smith was getting ready to step down, a few weeks after Eisenhower’s inauguration, Smith advised Eisenhower that it would be unwise to give Allen the directorship of the agency.[18] Eisenhower would come to deeply regret that he did not heed this sound advice.
With the Eisenhower Nixon victory, the culmination of years of political strategizing by Wall Street Republican power brokers, the new heads of the State Department and the CIA were selected as none other than Foster and Allen Dulles respectively; and they would go on to direct the global operations of the most powerful nation in the world.
It is for this reason that the 1952 presidential election has gone down in history as the triumph of “the power elite.”[19]
Soon to follow in this series ‘The Fascist Roots of the CIA’: Part 2 Cold War Lessons from Vietnam and Part 3 Dulles vs Kennedy: The Last Stand. The author can be reached at [email protected]
Cynthia Chung is a lecturer, writer and co-founder and editor of the Rising Tide Foundation, she can be contacted at [email protected].
- [1] David Talbot, The Devil’s Chessboard, pg 21
- [2] Ibid., pg 22
- [3] Ibid., pg 27
- [4] Ibid., pg 26
- [5] Ibid., pg 23
- [6] Ibid., pg 28
- [7] Ibid., pg 28
- [8] Ibid., pg 29
- [9] Ibid., pg 26
- [10] L. Fletcher Prouty, The CIA, Vietname and the Plot to Assasinate John F. Kennedy, pg 51
- [11] David Talbot, The Devil’s Chessboard, pg 128
- [12] Ibid., pg 128
- [13] Ibid., pg 228
- [14] Ibid., pg 228
- [15] Ibid., pg 228
- [16] Ibid., pg 229
- [17] Ibid., pg 229
- [18] Ibid., pg 174
- [19] C. Wright Mills, The Power Elite
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In a way the cold war began in 1943 when Stalin met with a brandy swilling Churchill who decided right there and then that the Generalissimo could have a 1/3 to Britains 2/3 in Greece, then further up north the odds changed slowly so that by the middle around Belarus it was 1/3 West and 2/3 Stalin and in the Baltic 3/3 Stalin though Finland was an exception which Stalin was gracious to play the diplomat. Once Dr. Goebbels found out he said that an Iron Curtain had descended upon Europe. Tehran followed from thereon. Not that the Iranians were given much of anything. Being neutral did not gain them any respect since the Poms occupied most of the south and Stalin their north. The horizontal flipped vertically in eastern Europe courtesy of Churchill.
Reducing the scope of conflict and belief to antifascism vs. fascism eliminates a wealth of complicating but illuminating detail. For example, reducing the internal OSS battleground to a struggle between “the Roosevelt patriots who truly wanted to defeat fascism” — antifascism — “versus those who believed that it was always about war with the Soviet Union” — fascism — eliminates the complicating but illuminating details of the penetration of the OSS (and every other US government department and agency) by the Soviet Union with communist/NKVD spies and agents of influence. For Stalin’s secret agents, then, the catch-all “Roosevelt patriots who truly wanted to defeat fascism” was and is a covenient cover story that continues to obscure the key roles these NKVD agents played in assisting the Soviet Union, for example, in expanding its empire into Europe. (Among the Kremlin agents who cycled through OSS were Franz Neumann, Donald Wheeler, Stanley Graze, Maurice Halperin, Duncan Lee [Donovan’s assistant], Helen Tenney and Julius Joseph. Neumann, Wheeler, Halperin and Graze would later go to work [again, for Stalin] in the State Department.)
How did they do that? For example, Stalin’s secret agents throughout the US government including OSS were quite effective at neutralizing anti-Nazi *and anti-communist* German efforts to gain Allied assistance/approval to overthrow Hitler. Note also that in the author’s binary anti-fascist/fascist framework, these Germans’ efforts to overthrow Hitler cannot exist, either.
39 simultaneous attacks in Europe were planned for Oct 2019; followed by covid lockstep.
What They *Really* Had Planned For Us Was Hell On Earth — Ole Dammegard
SGT Report
Mar 11, 2021
Renowned researcher Ole Dammegard returns to SGT Report with some shocking evidence he uncovered which strongly suggests that elites in the EU and NATO had dozens of false flag terror operations planned to coincide with the release of the Covid plandemic. Thanks to Ole getting the word out on what he discovered, those horrific plans were sidelined, or postponed, but we must remain vigilant because the evil ones are like cockroaches, they hide from the light but always come back.
Dammegard refers to the following:
Israeli embassy and consulate staff go on strike
Foreign Ministry industrial action causes walk-out around the world, as sign plastered on embassy building says meetings ‘will not take place’
October 30, 2019
The Israeli embassy and consulate in London closed on Wednesday after Israeli diplomatic staff went on strike around the world in support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Jerusalem. Signs reading “Strike” in English and in Hebrew were plastered across the locked embassy gates in High Street Kensington, as a notice appeared on the embassy’s Facebook page saying nothing would open until the strike has ended.
I look forward to part 2…. Expanded on a few threads which are familar to me, and easy to see how these patterns are continuing to play out.
This film is a great visual accompaniment to to this:
Pretty sure that most folk on here will be familar with it… If not, then take 3 and a half hours out to take it in.
I tire of reading about ex-presidents writing ‘they didn’t know about’ or ‘wish they didn’t do’, etc. We see the same thing today from Obama ‘I’m only one man’ to Trump ‘I never started a new war’. The bottom line is all presidents are, and ever have been, nihilistic servants of Wall Street, the MIC, and the murderous American empire and are not deserving a shred of sympathy.
No one asks why Hitler’s armies chose to attack distant countries all over Europe, when Switzerland’s vast wealth resided right next door.
BIS – Secret History of Bank of International Settlements Switzerland
April 3, 2016
I believe there are several books on that topic, including A.J.P. Taylor’s “The Origins of The Second World War”, where he concluded that much of the expansion of the war was Germany’s response to Allied provocations. It is well documented that Hitler pleaded with Mussolini to stay out of Greece, which dragged the Germans into the Balkans.
Hitler’s system of barter was circumventing the BIS. International Jewry declared an economic war on Germany less than 6 weeks after Hitler was appointed Chancellor. The NSDAP was a threat to usury, just as Mussolini’s fascism was. They couldn’t be allowed to succeed.
Gads!!! An informed reader!!! Most fail to ask where Adolf Hitler received his education… Why would he risk millions of German lives fighting for the sovereignty of the Republic, if there were no perceived enemy?
The human race has not evolved at all in terms of “civilization”. We are not civilized, although we do have culture (whether it is highbrow or lowbrow).
Everything that we study as “history” is just the outcome of the battle of narratives and we only get to read it from the winner’s perspective.
2020 was an awful year in terms of governments messing up people’s lives. But if you think about WWII, you have leaders that created a godawful mess that lasted six years and killed 75 million people.
The only reason we don’t have an actual arms-based world war going on right now but dozens of bloody localized proxy war conflicts is because the free world is finding it impossible to detach its generation Z from its cellphones and send them to be killed.
So instead they’ve just locked up everyone at home and taken away all hope for a future.We’re waging war on a “virus” because with the amount of arms we have now, we wouldn’t outlive an actual global war.
Like the Left, the Church faces the same problem: most of its leaders are going along with the agenda. We need to build alliances and if we commit to rigorous honesty we can work together, whether we be atheists, agnostics or believers.
Fr. Anthony Hannon, from Kingston, Ontario, has a message for all-comers. He links holiness to the relentless pursuit of the truth. We need to get ready to risk losing everything for the sake of the truth, he says, quoting Michael O’Brien.
“Later I asked him, do you mean truth in general or the truth meaning Jesus Christ. He answered very wisely: both, of course. We cannot check our brain at the door. We cannot blindly follow orders without assessing whether they are moral orders. If they are immoral we have a duty to disobey them…
Commit yourself to rigorous honesty to yourself. The truth will set us free.”
Anthony Hannon: This is Essential
Where is the evidence you are seeking this so-called “truth”?
Reading this and now I know why our founding fathers wanted a small government. A teeny-tiny one.
There was never true alliance between west and Soviets in fact what brought two together was, from the western perspective, Hitler himself who first turn against France and England instead continuing driving east after 1939 and second that instead he got into strategic alliance with Stalin that scared west to death realizing unlimited resources of Soviets suddenly were available to Nazis who at point of Ribbentrop-Molotov pact became dominant military and economic force in the world. After summer 1941 Nazi-Soviet pact collapsed when Soviets were being defeated by Hitler on unprecedented scale, full potential of German global hegemony hit US establishment and hence first US agreements (loans with gold as collateral) to help Soviets materially and militarily to fight Germans were signed in order to prevent Stalin- Hitler humiliating end to Soviet engagement in WWII like it was in WWI. Attack on US in December 1941 was official reason for changing previous policy, GERMANY effectively lost Soviet part of war by mid 1943 where Staling showcased in battle of Kursk its new tank battlefield strategy and superior tank technology developed with substantial help from US. To entice Soviets to stay in the war and not possibly seek deal with Hitler, and hence allowing him to focus on fighting the west after recovering all Soviet land, US and British by December of 1943 promised to open second front at Tehran conference and then effectively ceded control over Eastern Europe in Jalta in 1945 under guise of retaining democracy there. The same promise of democracy France, US, Italy Greece etc. and British made and never delivered and instead used clandestine operations or army to quell uprisings, industrial strikes, protests 1946-1949 and socialist/radical Labour governments that came to power, including COINTELPRO terrorism and other US involvement like deporting Italian mafia members in thousands… Read more »
Erm… Gathered in Tehran in 1943
James Angleton
James Angleton was one of the pillars of the CIA. He was head of counter intelligence and also in charge of coordination with the M agency. There is at least one memorial to him in Israel. Angleton undoubtedly had a part in the JFK murder.
US imperialism is run like a McDonnell’s franchise. And there Is currently a massive franchise promotion, branded as ‘Covid’.
Local billionaires & local politicians buy into the franchise, and pay their duties to empire, as they use ‘Operation Covid’ to oppress their populations, destroy their local independent business competition and loot their treasuries handing buckets of cash to their corporate friends under the cover of covid measures.
The franchise fee paid to empire, is the take over of our entire retail sector communications and culture by US Corporate parasites. As always the sheep pay the price as the local wealthy walk away with some of the booty that American empire allows them to loot.
Just like in Venezuela, local powerful oligarch destroy their own country, to help install a Guido, the CIA’s president, in order to loot the countries resources fork the population.
We are suffering self-inflicted sanctions, under the cover of Covid, imposed by our own political class, working with the USA and their neoliberal Corporate roll out franchise.
The sheep are being fleeced.
But the wolves can’t live without them.
So who has the power?
the CIA was not only given free reign for the execution of anti-democratic interventions around the world, but anti-democratic interventions at home, which continues to this day.
It is patently obvious to anyone that the only antidemocratic interventions now are in support of communism not fascism.
Any ideology can be contorted to be tyrannical.
I get very bored when commenters equate shitty behaviour with an ideology.
The ideology doesn’t create shitty behaviour.
Nationalism, love of military grandeur, xenophobia, delusions of national greatness and devotion to a charismatic leader and the belief in the supremacy of ones own race, might predispose the far righty & fascism to end in tyranny far quicker than most other political movements.
Looking around the world the far-right are doing the most murdering and torturing and military coups seldom end well.
The primary difference between fascism and communism is not one of substance but rather of marketing.
The primary difference between an ‘…ism’ and an ‘…ism’ is another ‘…ism’
in the vacuum of your knowledge yes.
I do vacuum up knowledge yes.
No it isn’t, it is substance.
My sentiments entirely, as soon as I see the word fascist my heart sinks. In fact, my first thought when I saw it was that it’s just another word for shitty. So if we hate fascists we put up with a left wing bunch of shits and vice versa ( bloody hell, my mistakomatic function turns shits into white every time I type it. My bloody tablet is woke.) Ahem, the most absurd thing is trying to tell people that the Nazis were National SOCIALISTS. They look at you as if you’re stupid, mad or a Hitler fanatic.
You must know absolutely nothing about political history.
Can you define Fascism and Socialism? If not how can you have an opinion on them?
Partially recapitulating- Evil fascist regime- Nazi Germany (national socialists). Evil communist regime- USSR. Both of them slave systems, mass murderers, ruled by a bunch of shits. I’m sure they could define their systems better than you or I, but the thing is they are liars and could convince you or I that black is white or more probably, it’s all grey. So yes, I do understand political history and I know it’s heap of shoddy lies.
Define them.
I think Robert Paxton’s ‘definition’ easily sums up fascist sentiment with his seven aspects of fascist thinking. He states that fascisms isn’t a single philosophy… thus hard to define at its core.
it is very easy to define
yes, they deform to reform, ad-nauseam – yet the words remain, clumsily consistent.
Guatemala, Chile and Gladio in Europe. etc…..etc……what are you talking about?
United States involvement in regime change
“It was clear Wall Street’s days would be marked under Roosevelt.” How delusional. Roosevelt put the CFR in charge of US foreign policy. CFR people created the post war US-controlled New World Order, with the IMF and the like. Likewise the author’s question about what Roosevelt and Donovan were thinking when they added Dulles to the OSS. Here is what the CFR was doing for Roosevelt even before Pearl Harbor.
Yes, it was the CFR that planned the postwar order, including the UN and its agencies, and took over the State Department during Roosevelt’s presidency. And the CFR represents the organized interests of Wall Street.
What is the UN’s agenda and by what force do they implement it ?
The UN is a talking shop of nations, it has no ideology or aims or agenda. How could it, and what on earth would that agenda be?
Ever hear of the UN’s “Sustainable Development” program? 🙂
Ever heard of logic?
The UN’s first and possibly only “achievement” was the creation of the dominant Middle Eastern power. “Communists” and “Capitalists” joined hands in this dubious endeavour.
It is a bit like saying your left face and your right face are not your face.
Israel is a US vassal, nothing else.
There are factions and power figures within the UN who have created a set of goals called Agenda 21. The ultimate goal us control. The UN is a tool if the global elite. They are the originators of the climate change agenda, and numerous “voluntary” agreements used to shackle nation states. Many at the UN are corrupt.
“It was clear Wall Street’s days would be marked under Roosevelt.”
What does that even mean? marked ?
Meaning they wouldn’t last long. Author’s choice, i just quoted her.
Secret societies permeate and infiltrate all the international and national institutions, which are fronts for a global cartel of organized crime, continually perpetuating manufactured crises (problem, reaction, solution) psychological operations and staged conflicts including WWI, WWII and the Cold War. The families who are members of these secret societies hand down their power from one generation to the next in monarchies, political dynasties, business dynasties and banking dynasties. This video – The Secrets Of Secret Societies – briefly outlines how secret societies rule the world from the shadows. The security state apparatus is a vast interconnected network of bureaucrats and drones who have security clearances and are employed or contracted by governments, tech, defense, energy, communications, space and health. They and academics, are employed to convince the public to believe in the lie that socialism or communism is a foil to fascism or capitalism. But all the scams are run by governments in collusion with corporations. The East and West always worked together against their own citizens behind the scenes. The central banks and their private ownership are never abolished under any economic or political system and the profits from state run corporations still get sent to the same cartel who control capitalist nations. The workers in any political or economic system are always relegated to live as debt slaves. This system of farming humanity and using them as chattel to generate profits for politicians, bankers and oligarchs is evil and ancient. The state has no right to impose mandates, statutes, taxes or restrictions on any man woman or child who lives within its fictional borders. It has no right to influence the behavior, consumption, beliefs, or socially engineer. It has no right to restrict movement, religion, worship or to impose any law the people have no ability to repeal… Read more »
Great comment.
All wars are bankers wars – yes, I recognise the reference.
All wars are eugenicists wars.
My pet octopus did ask me:
“Blurble bluob blurle blip” (Difficult to write using the alphabet we understand here but a fair approximation)
which more or less translates into:
“If these societies are secret, how do you humans know about them?”
Clever questioning octopus.
Were there wars before we had bankers? ……Did the Egyptians have bankers. NO. All wars are imperial wars. bankers are service providers.
I bet the Egyptians did! You are correct though, the banksters are top level servants with the best intelligence agencies, CIA anyone? The ancient dynasties rule.
The CIA is run by the US military and their political class, shall i send you their leadership structure?
I’m impressed, you must have top clearance.
Your ignorance is very broad isn’t it.
Yes it is, about as broad as yours. Who owns and I mean owns the US army and political class? Since filing for bankruptcy in 1933- the IMF / World Bank, the sharp end of the UN Who owns that? It’s a secret that not even an arrogant know all knows.
The Red Sea parted to let the bankers through.
Where would you be without your antisemitism ?
HELL yeah
Such a wonderful analysis of the world economic situation, just one problem, you seem to have missed out the most powerful military force in the history of mankind, and the richest economy in the history of humanity…… the American empire?
For 10,000 years up until now, history has been about the flow of wealth, the control of land, and the influence of empire over subordinate states and all the politics that revolves around that interplay.
You have redefined all of that, in one comment,,,,…….Amazing. You are like a Frenchman in 1942 Paris, pretending the nazis are NOT in total control of his city, in fact you have never heard of the Nazis or the Germans,…,….. Genius!…. we have so much to learn from you, It was not the Germans who occupied Paris! it was the Marlene Dietrich and a troop of secretive 4 foot dwarfs.
Hello Researcher: Excellent comment. The only thing I would add, is that none of these social and financial manipulations would be possible without an established military presence.
Civilians can piss and whine and carp all they want, but who gives birth and coddles the sick fuckers that enforce the agenda?
Military objectives are always about protecting civil populations from ??? Fill in the blank ______ I guess they’re not very good at it…
Patton – MacAuthor
should have become president
we’ve lost the usa to
these homegrown domestic communists
was this article scrawled by a CIA operative… you are all being duped…
Listen, none of my thoughts are ever accessible to you ever again and none of your projections are ever allowed to reach me. The end.
Ponder the expanse that follows the shadow; It alone can find you in your computer driven madness.
This is the comment I assume you want to drive to the bottom of the page
”The USA at home denies its own population healthcare, affordable housing, affordable education, social mobility, economic justice and workers rights, it deregulates food safety, deregulates industry and the state is in a war on small business, to assist its large corporations asset stripping and increase large corporations market share.
To me Covid looks like an extension of US economic policy, at home and being rolled out around the world, what is the difference between the results of lockdown and US economic policy of the past 50 years?”
are you bouncing in that rubber room ‘frank’…. even the insane have a internet access, a basic ‘right’ for the unrighteous..
it’s just cruel… tatoos should be available free on the NHS.
If cabals first global coups were Rockefeller’s et al education and pharmaceutical etc. circa 1890 (SCooper)
That’s 131 years. Powerful numerology
Energy on one end aka destruction. “Dark goddess”.
Kali cycles are 140-150 years; cycle ends when shiva (or Jesus Buddha Quetzalcoatl etc) bringing about a reunification of the god head. Recovery of the word. A word, AMEN -“let it be so”. reconnection to and defense of the natural world of which humans are the quintessence (they who can bring all natures elements together).
The desperate frenetic pace as well as impending financial meltdown, global kakistokracy/teflocracy relying on behavioral psychological units and sophisticated (also desperate) PR firms such as Hill and Knowlton, amplified by big tech (also desperate to retain control and usher in transhumanism and surveillance $tate) perfect storm of desperation. Indicates they are, the monomaniacal tunnel of the NWO; opposite of dark gods they worship.
Also the 2600 + or – of them, their various minions (and their weird clubs/fetishes/psychopaths in the true sense, how else could they be billionaires?) are rapidly losing any shred of credulity beyond 30% (+ or -) ‘true believers’ in this destructive, malicious revolution from above’ or a rapid acceleration in the continuation of which. Either way Kali’s (full in blank of your your higher power) has got the final say…at some point, hopefully today, it spins out of their entropic fantasies. For many I speak with it already has. This is after all a multiverse we inhabit.
No longer trusting are the ‘consumers’ they imagine they will get all of.
Frank, tonypmoc, Germcourt, sarah etc gotta confront the kali too.
Also sociopsychopatriotism and ‘bob’ I forgot in that list
You misattributed, so actually, Shiva will show you what Anubis’ place for you in the river is. He’s a director.
Listen, you have to account for your attempted projections. And the results of that are already preempted.
I very simply do not fuck around. That you would try to suggest my name among you, is YOUR failure.
The Yacht dissolves into the flat paper surface; See how it spins.
So how about a duel in an online Mike Tyson’s Punchout, or what do you suggest? Not fucking around? Posting nonsense all day long. Hmm you are socio, fucking around. Commenters here apriori know you
The output I have left is a lack of light, right? The rest of that is lost and any input deflected. Because you don’t know your position. Why oh why, would you try to break down source?
Listen, your direction is into the abyss. It is not something you can argue about. As a species, because you degenerate your offspring, you are ALREADY extincted. The best of you, are left as new, but still, ghosts.
I mean, you did pander for, and promote abortion, right? But you forgot that you should “do unto yourselves…”
And now you’re reminded. As fertilizer.
I would worry about people, but I know they are dead now. So I worry about earth, instead. She’s a bit more potent.
Computer generated gibberish Bot#2
Is that your signature, even your mandate?
Did I tell you about that time I made a fractal from the numbers 4 and 7?
I could also explain things like simplices and how they extend to arbitrary dimensions. Though, it is useful if you can understand division by zero. Which is the fundamental quantum operator. But since you function on binary, even if I graph it, you’d be lost.
The thing about drones is they have more “singular” sort of CRC errors. Like religion, almost. Their entropy accumulates, okay? Same sort of thing happens with genetics, so you get a lot of recession, regression. They’re polarized, they have no distinct individuality (division by zero, so very ironic).
Here’s a graph of division by zero
I shit you not, I drew that with a humanized mouse.
Just imagine what sort of things I could type if I wasn’t a degenerate toxified alcoholic drug addict with sociopsychopatheticism?
I mean, I used to be REALLY good at physics. Shit, even Mensa at like 11-12 years old. And that’s even AFTER being toxified and betrayed every day!
Btw, I was keeping score. As usual. Should I shut down that soundtrack?
Coz I noticed enough about prometheus, echo chambers, and ultimately, non-existence.
I ken, you know. So in the “universe” low frequency is the best way to propagate. Kinda obvious. Like for instance, gravity, function of low frequency. High frequency is generally, more easily deflected and actually slower. High frequency, for instance, doesn’t have much propagation through dense materials (such as say, planets, or more significantly stars, which provide both the higher and the lower frequencies). The thing about Barbie is, she’s really fucking dense, so my effect is more pronounced, and quicker.
It’s quite ironic that “sound” can travel faster than light AND have more effect (due to matter). Even, and actually, especially, through “space” (which does not exist, any space is a sort of energy/matter gradient between things).
Like Maxwell’s “aether”, but maxwell didn’t account for the relativity resulting in the product known as aether/space.
What, so I made a few dyson spheres previously and while at it, made them energy/matter projectionists as well as cameras?
If you’re female, and you’re a parent, I’d highly advise you listen to your “sun”. It’s not really a choice, coz, I’m not a rapist, but they are.
Tender? smooth and lean until toughly cooked; will we ever know?
..that void filling distance leaping comment alone – was worth an upvote.
Blah blah spook speak blah blah we know you brohemian. Stop trying. #77
Fly the sparrow, return the flag and point at the maker of the Williams !
Mandy moon-lakes, respect the spire and layers of grass?
The USA at home denies its own population healthcare, affordable housing, affordable education, social mobility, economic justice and workers rights, it deregulates food safety, deregulates industry and the state is in a war on small business, to assist its large corporations asset stripping and increase large corporations market share.
To me Covid looks like an extension of US economic policy, at home and being rolled out around the world, what is the difference between the results of lockdown and US economic policy of the past 50 years?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, its the Natzees, uh…. and I am awating in awe about the Natzees moonlanding, the Natzees conquered the universe, and that they are the force behind gays, since I have even read about that, Pink Natzees, Zorn 88, all what, 20 of them, again, this article, hurmf, is again why I dont and simply cant trust anyone this days, and somehow, like the idiotic meme about Stalin did this and that so He must be an good person, like building citys and roads, while the world did the same all over, and the Sovjet was inocent, just coinsidentaly an victim to the evil Natzees, yeah, right. I am deeply disapointed, sorry of this crashes your bubble, but I dont belive much of this at all, never forget that this corps, like to day, are multinational, they where large then, and they have become larger now, to then just take that out of context and drool something about an idiotic conspiracy about the Natzees behind everything makes me question the articles writer, I have read much of it before and I also know I cant counter that because of this site is by large run by Brits and AmeriTards, so that makes any other than the official bullshit impossible, and I could charf up much just be resiting my own memory but to me, whom is and comes from an people/tribe whom was an vitcim of the Bolshviks hate, forced to flee our native land witch we have lived in for eons, this article is an insult. Then, why on earth is this obsesion of the Natzees so prevalent, when this is by large based upon propaganda that started decades before even ww1. Huh When I focus on what happens to day, like this, saxed from ZeroH.… Read more »
Hello mikael: I’ve read quite a few books and articles that this article bases it’s opinions on. The speculation that Nazism contained the blueprint for the CIA is a gross falsehood. Every modern intelligence function relies on thousands of years of well practiced covert agency. Allen Dulles and covert CIA activities are hardly new.
“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and he carries his banners openly.
But the traitor moves among those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the galleys, heard in the very hall of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor – he speaks in the accents familiar to his victims, and wears their face and their garment, and he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation – he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of a city – he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to be feared.”
– Cicero, 42 B.C. –
I consider the partnership of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Joseph Stalin, and Winston Spencer Churchill to be the divine works of Satan…
in the 1st ww
started it via lenin
sending him to russia
darwin / marx / communism
is the false prophet / antichrist / beast
Satan is imaginary and belongs to a only few religious sects.
But not Taoism
…etc (find your own it is fun)
but there is one clause that is memorialsied around every December solstice in many countries:
The Satan Clause.
Santa is to blame for everything, along with his not-so secret agent the Easter Bunny.
Top hole, dear boy. I’ve just noticed a rash spreading over this thread and I’m jumping ship.
Hello NixonScraypes: Yes. Like you, I’ve noticed the increase of trolls in last weeks. People have become so cowardly they don’t even post their real names. Some blather real brave… What are they afraid of?
Complete bullshit in a bullshit world…
Blah blah blah blah blah…blah. You wanted fascism? Here’s one of your new health directors. “Gary Michael Null (born January 6, 1945) is a controversial American talk radio host and author who advocates for pseudoscientific alternative medicine and produces a line of questionable dietary supplements. Null is hostile to evidence-based medicine and has accused the medical community of being in a cabal with the pharmaceutical industry to suppress novel treatments for economic gains. He has promoted a range of pseudo-scientific and ineffective alternative treatments, including ones for cancer.[1] He is a HIV/AIDS denialist[2] who believes nutritional deficiencies are the causative agents of all illnesses, and has accordingly promoted fringe, diet-based treatment regimes for curing AIDS and other illnesses.[1] Null holds strong anti-vaccination views and rejects the scientific consensus on topics such as water fluoridation, genetically modified organisms, and electromagnetic fields.[3][4][5][6] Reactions in the popular press and scholarly community to Null’s claims have been generally negative, and Null along with his publications have been frequently criticized for disseminating misleading information which can negatively affect the public’s understanding of health issues.” I guess that’s the closest thing to a hero I can think of. Trust me, you don’t get to argue with him. Well, unless you think you can spell better than I can. I know for a FACT, that HIV is absolute bullshit. It is ENTIRELY toxicity and deficiency. As guys like Jon Rappoport have said many times. Being homosexual, itself, is MOSTLY a result of toxicity. Homosexuals were also targeted. You would notice disease correlation. See, it is fundamentally anti-life to be a man, and not want to fuck woman. That is just wrong. You understand? Common factors like fluoride, vaccines, nutritional deficiencies, endocrine disruptors, low sunlight, low iodine are all PHYSICALLY effectual…so you don’t have the right… Read more »
“Null has produced many works (incl. television programs and books) about reversing aging; he rejects mainstream scholarship deeming the inevitable progression of senescence as normalcy and instead typifies a popular mis-construal about the aging body being an abnormal deviant.[45]”
Probably the most important thing he’s said. That’s also my address. Along with 47. What’s that messier thing?
What it means is, the Qlippoth are anti-life, that is why they try to impose on say, infants with toxins. They can only degenerate, so they try to break you down to their level. That is their loss of soul.
Remember, Eden wasn’t a hostile place until stupid soulless fucks tried to turn it into E-den. Hi gyze I back.
Here’s a photo of this ~20 year old dog living with me, his name is Nutsy…
Btw, I keep him away from medications and shit. I give him weed and kratom (based on experience).
Load that image at your own risk.
Yeah, compared to the shit you try to project, while trying to alt. Hey Sam?
I won’t lie, Sam was a very pretty whore.
Oh, looks like I mistyped that and added an unecessary R.
Btw, I gave a dude some weed plants last year around June (mid winter). They’re still flowering…
I don’t do ruderalis.
Null believes in viruses. The virus scam and the obvious fakery in germ theory contradicts the available physical evidence.
“There is no debate that HIV exists and that it attacks the immune system.“ Gary Null.
There’s three heroes of this covid scam and they have put their reputations, livelihoods and more on the line to tell the truth: Dr. Stefan Lanka, Dr, Tom Cowan and Dr. Andrew Kaufman.
Does he? Oh well. thanks for pointing that out.
I have to ask though, does he believe in contagion, that sort of thing? Coz if he’s anti-vax…that’s tricky.
I can believe in viruses as misattributed, lied about, conflated results projected as causes…
And I gotta say, I knew this shit mostly without Lanka, Cowan, Kaufman ( don’t mean that to demonize, I mean that as in, indictment of society/civilization). Steiner, Bechamp, Nightingale already showed us.
Shit, even before that, the sun made it clear.
There aren’t many souls hey. There are many veils.
I mean it’s really peculiar if he suggests nutrition and such as being causative…bitches about HIV, etc…
It’s like automatically contradictory for you to suggest he can believe in viruses (even if he does).
An anagram for Veils is evils, quite obviously. Well, I have an anagram for Saturnian Poetry (they’ve demonized me a lot, so…)…Tyrannous pirate. And I’m a “space ranger”.
It’s not contradictory to point out the truth of people’s statements. I can agree with some of his statements and positions on nutrition but not necessarily all.
Yeah I just read some of what he’s said and he’s clearly not a physicist.
And when I said it’s contradictory, as in, his views. You can’t believe nutrition is causative and then suggest shit like “HIV exists and attacks the immune system”.
It’s a lot like RFK jr, although probably not as egregiously pandering for malicious garbage.
So I’ll get back to the sort of science I do with ultrasonics and send a shockwave through his braincap.
It’s bizarre to see these guys knocked over one by one.
Alas Gary is no longer suitable for health direction.
The thing is, he IS on to something there with the senescence suggestion. But, that sort of knowledge is massively suppressed as it goes beyond things like the bible.
If you’ve been in “outer realms”, you know the things here are degenerate, the direction of supposed progress, what is considered “right and true” is wrong and entropy.
With regards to the senescence thing and suppression you’d think people would look at say, mitochondrial genesis for a clue about things like PQQ and you. Unless of course, there is some kind of profit incentive, aside from your lacking soul and inability to transcend, causing you to actively avoid addressing that.
OT: Connecticut will reopen for business next week.
That’s the first blue state to drop all Covid restrictions. Who’ll be next?
Next week is a long way away. Don’t forget the inevitable SURGE which will lead to another lockdown.
Remember to ignore the inevitable narrative and free yourself from ‘helpful’ tyranny.
”…in this day of schizoid transgender retard mutant normalcy bias and cognitive dissonance virtue signalling sickness ”
There is nothing wrong with virtue or signalling of virtue.
This whole ‘operation’ against ‘virtue’ is to stop people assisting in civil rights campaigns or economic justice fights, or lending their support to them. So I suspect it is again a CIA mind fuck and an attack on the real left.
What is the real left?
Like diss? Kinda you know, that abuse of Earth? Just imagine she’s right. And now the world gets all kinds of fucked up without any reset. Derp. Earth does not require the world, the world requires earth. Industrial “civilization” has been raping earth. And I don’t even fucking mind, Shiva was abused, Kali was awakened, the world was destroyed and all mammon worship forever lost.
It is the left you and your fellow trolls are paid to attack.
The real-left essentially strives to serve your & your families interest, though policies, like universal healthcare, access to free education, childcare, redistribution of wealth, workers rights, union representation. Using taxation, the policies are all aimed at redressing inequality & the concentrations of wealth & power that accompanies unrestricted investment of capital by the richest.
Exactly. And iit isn’t even proper ‘investment’, in the sense of supporting future generations. It is gambling with money in the hope of huge short-term gain.
In New Zealand we had all that you described as the real-left up until a set of policies that became known as ‘Roger-nomics’ started dismantling our beautiful state into a quagmire of privatisation: public assets plundered for private profit.
True cuz… I grew up in the late 60s and 70s in New Zealand, left High School down in Southland in 1981. Completely different World. And people were so different to now.
New Zealand had one of the most fairest and equitable societies on the Planet… until Rogernomics came along, aka full blooded slash and burn Neoliberalism that would have made Thatcher proud. And Milton Friedman.
As you say, literally everything that could be privatised was flogged off.
Then came User Pays, etc etc.
Moved to Australia the first time, barely a year after Lange had been elected. That time is like a receding, dim memory now…. Give your pet lamb a pat from me.
Ha! Bless you. When Norman Kirk was Prime Minister they tried it on him. He kicked them out of his office and said never come back.
Muldoon let them in.
Fred Dagg (RIP. Who also moved to OZ) summed it up in this wonderful sweet song about Aotearoa New Zealand:
Was in primary school when Norman Kirk was PM. Thanks for the video👍
Have a good weekend K.
The central banking cartel created the USSR and Communist China.
This information certainly fills in many blanks that assumptions are made on.
The updated truth is the soft coup that has been going on in the US for the last forty+ years. Planned, promoted and organised by the Illuminati and their enablers the Freemasons.
The Biden administration is the latest manifestation of this blight on humanity and may well be the last of such administrations.
Current events have only reinforced the view that Humanity is at the crossroads and the covid mis-calculation is the tipping point for meaningful change. There are far to many well meaning Doctors and Scientists putting out the truth and ordinary people have woken up to Gates and his plans for depopulation.
The Illuminati are exposed like never before but the Freemasons ride out the storm under the radar of most peoples purview.
The Courts, that last bastion of Justice, has been infiltrated by upper level Freemasons and the last refuge of self regulation is no regulation. The Monarchy and with it, the world of titles, grace and favour, is destined for dissolution to be replaced by a Republic and a government that looks after the people.
Hitler created the CIA, communism, capitalism, and the coronavirus. He forgot me, he crucified Christ.
Did he crucify Christ after forgetting you? You must have been disappointed!
I think the Author needs to reacquaint themselves with the definition of the words “Fascism” NATIONAL socialism and “Communism” INTERNATIONAL socialism you know Globalists THE BANKERS who control our media and government who are CONSTANTLY attacking those evil white Nationalists !
You should know by now “declassified” is code for “heres some more bull**** to cover up the holes in our previous bull****, and steer your thinking in our direction of travel
Its a well known fact that western powers (Wall street) funded and backed communist Russia before during and after the second world war and even funded and orchestrated the revolution itself ! Karl Marx was himself a Rothschild, and his Uncle was Frederick Philips co founder of Philips electronics, both of which gave Marx Large amounts of money to write the communist manifesto, the fifth plank of which is that every communist country should have a central bank, with an absolute monopoly over the printing of Money ! ! The paper trail is immense, Prof Anthony C Sutton wrote several well sourced books on the subject.
It is obvious that the only game in town currently is American hegemony, which is backed up by a vast military industrial complex, an omni-present surveillance machine and multiple layers of administration. It is absurd that I need to define it, but I will, because you people are in denial and talk endlessly about phantom threats to our society. US Empire has a vast propaganda capacity, via its ‘think-tanks’ & universities pumping out political, economic, social & ‘scientific research’ and studies which it uses to influence the worlds direction of travel, in their own economic and strategic interests. That is in addition to spreading their interests via diplomacy, US/UK financial media, the press, NGO’s, 5 eyes, phoney campaigns & pressure groups, lobbying groups and individual CIA agents on the ground monitoring all business, military, social and political activity in its vassal states and rising competitor ‘enemy’ nations, as well as funding and having disproportionate control over the UN, IMF, World Bank and OPEC via its vassal states voting as instructed. Add to all that the new American social media technology which has become the most valuable tool of control, far surpassing the influence of the CIA on the ground, even able to leapfrog national government control of the population, however supine they were to US interests, and capable of turning the political mood, in any country on the planet, in a weekend or even a matter of hours. Social media, search algorithms and an endless onslaught of videos can all be used to politically brainwash a hapless naive lost population. All of this military and all of this technology is funded off the back of the primary unit of international exchange, made compulsory under threat of military or political destruction, the dollar. Set against all this raw power, you people… Read more »
Surely you’re claiming there’s a similar conspiracy involving US interests?
The 800 military bases around the world, and everything else I list above, makes my ‘conspiracy’, a simply statement of fact.
Well, there’s also global corporate hegemony, which is self evident also. And stop posting under multiple monikers; I will be removing such posts from now on. Thanks. A2
Exactly Everything he wrote could equally apply to a globalist communist conspiracy, by simply not referring to this group of individuals in the higher echelons of power as “Americans” but as “Globalists” which indeed they clearly are !
Nothing I said could apply to an international communist movement. They have no military, no secret service etc…….
This a bit like saying there is car hegemony, yes there are a lot of cars.
Corporate common interests are weak, they provoke no loyalty.
Mercenaries are the worst solder you can have they are not loyal and have no sentimental attachment to their paymaster. The nearest we have come to what you describe is the pre-German Hansa state,s or Venice at its peak but both had a limited life and geography.
I’m trying to prove that something that does not exist …does not exist. ….A strange job. ….What I can do better is prove what does exist better, which is why I wrote the long comment above.
Empires are conspiracies of interests, the 800 military bases around the world and everything else I list above makes my ‘conspiracy’, simply a statement of fact. Not to mention the US in almost every comment would seem ridiculous to me, since we live in their age.
Are corporation not also conspiracies of interest? The higher up that pyramid you can trace, the more unworldly it becomes to deny its existance and obvious influence. What is the US but a collection of corporate interests, anyhoo? We certainly don’t have to be black and white, and in so doing we open up the possibility sovereignty does not constrain the forces that work here. If it ever really did. Is this the moniker you’re sticking with now? If you don’t answer I’ll take a guess and start culling the others. Please comment in good faith as one identity. Thank you. A2
We do need to be clear when something does not exist. ”What is the US but a collection of corporate interests” The USA is a lot more than just corporate drive, which is just the accumulation of assets and wealth, even to the CEO’s and owners who are the drivers of American power. It is a vision of racial supremacy, superiority of power, of victory over a barbaric world, it is what empire has always been. It is the emotional bond with the image of a nation, the belief in a culture, in a language, of music, of food, of faith, it appeals to every possible facet of mankind’s needs. It offers illusions of comfort, of power, of hope of unity and belonging. Not only to those who serve it but more importantly to those who run it. It is a teary eyed general, watching the first nuclear bomb explode over Hiroshima, full of the love for his country. It is the pride of those who ‘liberated’ Iraq for ‘freedom’ and democracy. Compared to that,the piss poor ideology of corporations, they are no substitute, to the great illusions of empire, which so many line up to die for. How can you claim that corporate power has any structure or international appeal when we have nation states, which pull at heart strings of every person on the planet, rightly or wrongly. At best they have a common understanding that they should make as much money as possible but what else do they offer? A vacuous corporate culture? I can guarantee you that every Oligarch in the US serves the CIA & military above all others, even above their own financial gain through choice or through force. And to be honest you don’t have to look far for evidence that the US… Read more »
The CIA and the Military? No, it’s the other way around.
But, name some names of those in the Military and the CIA who dictate the orders to the Oligarchs.
BTW an Empire was never in the interests of Americans. An Empire means treating those under its domain as subjects, including those in the US.
This goes directly against the Rule of Law and our Bill of Rights. It is those 2 concepts that at least theoretically protect the average American from might makes right.
The end of this corrupt “Empire” would be the best thing for the US. Then a return to a policy that puts the interest of America first. That is a policy that precludes going around the world killing people who are not our enemies.
Hello Mandate: It might be helpful to note the District of Columbia Act of 1871
Seal of the District of Columbia – Wikipedia
which specifies a particular district of Washington DC.
The United States Corporation company was established in 1925 >
The United States of America was originally considered a Confederate Republic consisting of 13 independent colonies…
Civilians support corporate extortion. The rest is a wonderful mirage…
“Yeah but no but yeah but” seems to be his argument, as he balances two totally contradictory statements
”two totally contradictory statements”
which are ?
Saying there is no massive conspiracy and that any such suggestion is absurd, and then proceeding to claim there is a massive conspiracy but its the evil white nationalist behind it all !
You have no idea what you are talking about,
Ohhhh I’m sorry so your telling me then Uncle Sam was a real person all along and he’s to blame for everything and he represents the interests of the American People (evil white nationalists) and Here was me thinking he was a fictional character, to propagandise the American people into thinking everything the Bankers and politicians were doing was for the glory of the American people and not the bankers and politicians economic gain and to leverage America man power and natural resources to crush all opposition to the “new world order”
Now it makes sense why the media and academic institutions you claim “Uncle Sam” owns, are attacking “White privilege” “Capitalism” (not to be confused with crony capitalism AKA corporate socialism) encourage and glorify communist organisations such as BLM to destroy the country from within, and tell police and Army to stand down as they run amuck and burn down small businesses, and screaming racist at anyone opposed to Mass immigration and transferring Americas Jobs and wealth to China Silly Me.
Go and look up the word Empire. We are not reinventing the wheel here. I am describing an empire like every historian will do for the next 2,000 years. It is absurd & boring that you people insist that it does not exist.
The rest of your comment is just a confused jumble of borrowed ideas, I doubt you have any ideas what you are trying to say, so why should I.
good guy hats
on the 3rd way
is a masquerade
on the commie rat hole
they come from – live in
want to drag you down too
It seems this site is protecting your CIA propaganda and I cannot reply to you, funny that.
Indeed, they took over Russia and murdered millions, now they are doing the same but on an international scale. It is not that hard for them because they already control everything and most people are stupid.
And yet you’re a ‘racist’ if you point these people out, even though their identity isn’t their ‘race’ it’s their religion, because they are in fact ethnic Khazars.
Great post.
Brilliant recording. Thanks for posting
David Talbot’s “The Devil’s Chessboard” is a great book. Some other great books on this period and subject are
E. H. Cookridge’s “Gehlen-Spy of the Century”
William Stevenson’s “The Boorman Brotherhood”
Paul Manning’s “Martin Boorman”
Glen Infield’s Skorzeny”
Ogelsby’s “The Yankee and Cowboy wars”
Antony Sutton’s “Wall Street trilogy”
“Glen Infield’s Skorzeny”
According to Tom O’Neill in CHAOS, British film director John Irvin was big pals with Skorzeny and his wife and had ties to MI5 (p.203-4). It’s further proof that the worlds of espionage and entertainment are joined at the hip.
Really? That’s fascinating. Skorzeny certainly seemed to get around a lot! He trained secret police forces and dictator’s armies in the Middle East and South America as well as helping Israel acquire jets to win the 6 day war.
Gosh, so are you saying it wasn’t simply ‘The Good War’ then?
I find it disingenuous that nazi Germany gets all the blamed for fascism in the US.
White supremacy, puritanism and germanic ruthlessness were not injected into the US by the Nazis.
Fascism comes from many different aspects of American society. Religion, racial superiority…,even the free market & a belief in economic darwinism leads to the formation of brutal wealthy Corporate elites, who develop a contempt for the working population. Trumps sudo-Fascism was pure America in spirit.
The cold war with Russian was as much a war on socialism and workers power, as it was a war on a geopolitical rival.
It is no surprise that the CIA have been at war with democratic socialism the whole time, and only represents the interests of the Corporate elites of the USA, against the interests of its own and foreign workers.
I don’t think anyone is trying to make the claim that Nazi Germany is to blame for fascism in the US. It seems to me the argument that this author has laid out is the same argument that has been made many times before by other authors and historians subsequently WWII; namely that the same ideologues and financiers were behind both fascism in US and Germany. That’s the same argument that you lay out very well in your comment.
When a nation goes bad, are we to conclude that every business and bank associated with that ‘bad’ country, becomes an extension of their badness? This seems to be the fundamental flaw in your argument. Was the BIS to close down? Should all US corporations in Germany stop business? Perhaps they should given what was to come but they did not know what was to come. They continued to function and continued to do their job, even assisting in the horrors of a bad Germany. They are infrastructure, so I don’t know why you would expect them to disappear. That means BMW has contributed to the growth of the most democratic country in the world Germany, but they don’t get credit for that? Business are infrastructure, facilitators of good and evil, they don’t have ideology other than to make money.
I think you’re conflating nations with global institutions. They aren’t the same thing. As for my argument being flawed. I wasn’t aware I had forwarded any argument. I merely pointed out that you had misunderstood the authors article by accusing her of blaming Nazi Germany for fascism in US. I don’t think she made that point. Further more, you then went on to make several points, very well, which backed up the authors claims rather than arguing against them.
The BIS certainly should’ve been shut down yes. They actually promised they would shut down after the war and in his book ‘The Tower of Basel’ Adam Lebor makes the case for why many people tried very hard to shut down BIS, precisely because of their ideology.
”I think you’re conflating nations with global institutions.”
Global institutions are an extension of the national states that fund and built them. They are not allowed to have an independent ideology, how could they and what on earth would it be ?
Their ‘ideology’ such that it is, is that it follows the ‘ideology’ of the most powerful states, just like the UN.
In the case of the BI, the USA. Interest rate coordination at the BIS will be largely set by the FED, it would be ridiculous to pretend otherwise. They are a meeting of the nations finance ministers so clearly the most powerful banking force will dictate direction. What other agenda could they possible have? and where is the force behind such an alternative agenda?
I would like to see the BIS shut down not because it is a force in itself, but because it is captured by one empire and simply imposes that power on others.
Does C. Chung discuss the origins of facism and its funding/creation by American elites, e.g. henry Ford?
The steaming pile of dung known as anglozionazi empire of filth…same as it ever waZ.
Paul L Williams nailed it all years ago with his expose, Operation Gladio. The Unholy Alliance between the Vatican, The CIA and the Mafia.
If it’s an examination of the most contagious and sickening filth you are after…then the diabolic trinity of evil is where you need to go as the work of Antony Sutton also clearly showed.
Do you believe they want to control EVERYTHING…………??????????????????
See how long this stays up………
Did the author read the works of Anthony Sutton? Evidently not as this article wastes our time trying to explain the controlled activities of the (surely obvious by now!) dialectical opposites of Nazism and Marxism. Both being synthesized for profit by the same actors – Bonesmen of Brown Brothers Harriman Bank on behalf of the cabal of ghoulish warmongering profiteers who are managing the Scamdemic.
”Both being synthesized for profit by the same actors”
In their decades long war on socialism, the CIA that know that your statement is not true even if you don’t.
I think you need to study the works of Prof Anthony C Sutton, has it not occurred to you that the CIA was putting on a show for the kids, because they did NOTHING to stop Wall street and various large corporations rather open (but not to the general public) funding and supply of the soviet union amongst other communist regimes !
To control the population the bankers need to control both sides of false paradigm. They need to look as if they are putting up a fight against socialism and the actions of their masters communist regimes. to prevent revolution by nationalists.
Besides War is very profitable, you are not going to get a war if the CIA are singing the praises of communist regimes, except one at home against the CIA and the globalist (crypto communist) government that is !
Bankers have the controlling stake in the media, corporations, politicians and intelligence agencies, the religion they are predominantly members of has a religious prophecy to rule the world, a one world communist government, thats what is Really going on !
The CIA’s war on the Soviets was as much a war on organised labour as it was against a geopolitical rival. The US blocked the rise of workers
representation in Europe via operation Gladio, after the second world war, and have been destroying democratic socialism in the world ever since. How much the CIA were involved in the embryo coup in the UK under Wilson’s
government in the early 60s, we don’t know, but it was clearly a coup aimed at securing the power of the ruling class against the rest. For all its many faults the Soviet Union saw the complete destruction of its own capital owning class, something that terrified the US elites and none of them would be party to enabling that system, whereas the Nazi’s reinforced their elites power. They are not the same. Socialism is kryptonite to the capital owning class and their ultimate enemy. I think it is not true to say they are arms of the same power.
I see the communists are running rampant on this thread, you seriously think you can persuade the readership of OFF Guardian that, its evil White Nationalists who are to blame for everything and a communist world government is the answer to all our prayers.
That its nationalists not the UN and its subsidiaries the World Health Organisation and World Economic forum who are behind the scamdemic, the global warming global carbon tax scam and the constant bashing of White Europeans and the concept of nationalism, because attacking and vilifying themselves and undermining the white race and National sovereignty makes so much sense doesn’t it.
And its not controlled opposition because nobody asked for it, its purely damaging to nationalism and constitutes brainwashing of our children, besides whats going on in modern society is written word for word by the frankfurt school AKA cultural Marxism !
”….not the UN and its subsidiaries the World Health Organisation and World Economic forum who are behind the scamdemic,”
Itis pure fantasy to believe that international bodies buffeted around by the national states, that created them, fund them and direct them, are powers in their own right. It is such an absurd fantasy, it is amazed that you people have the cheek to even propose it.
If you were a grown up you would read daily accounts of the geopolitics & goings on at the UN, the vetoes, the agreements, the intrigue, but no, you are a moron who wants to believe that the UN is communist conspiracy, What an idiot you are.
LOL like our leaders dont queue up for photo ops at the UN signing AGREEMENTS to tax their peasant citizens, for the privilege of interacting with the Carbon Hydrogen oxygen cycle, yeah because they didn’t all follow the World Health Organisation and their little covid scamdemic guidance, and implement contrary to all common sense their economically ruinous (to white western society) policies, because the UN isn’t leading the charge with regards to the cultural Marxist policies of “social justice” and our government aren’t implementing these policies to the clear detriment of our own national boarders and indigenous peoples. Do you think we are deaf dumb and blind ! and cant use basic pattern recognition and logic to simply repeat what is clearly happening in front of everyones eyes !
Your whole argument is evil white nationalists hate themselves and want to teach that to their children, via the media and education system they control, and its them not the UN who want a Globalist government (The antithesis of Nationalism) and the destruction of Nationalism.
And you cant seem to grasp how Crony Capitalists / “champagne socialists” (made strong by governmental, socialistic, anti small business policies and taxation) would want to consolidate their near monopoly into an absolute monopoly, under the rebranding of “World government”. With the power to force people to buy their products and their products only aka Communism, under the fake banner of workers rights, and now under the cultural Marxist regime (considering vanilla communism failed to deliver the goods and gave rise to National socialism) “Minority rights” and “saving the planet”
The Khazars are the true racists of the world. They literally believe themselves superior to every single race. No other race does that. They call us cattle.
They are also Godless and thus bound by morality, hence they have no problem with committing pure evil.
They must enslave us all and every degenerate thing we see coming from our overlords is THEM intentionally fucking up the world so they can achieve this.
21st Century Holodomor is up next.
If this is too long for you to read, oh well, but I’m issuing you a final warning. As if I need to say this, it’s not acceptable referring to ‘Khazars’, which I know you use as a colloquial term for Jews, as a ‘race’ who is set on treating us like ‘cattle’, who are ‘godless’ and ‘evil’ and have no problem with ‘committing pure evil’. Although you seem to imply this group of people are in fact ‘satanic’, and therefore not ‘semites’, (therefore it isn’t clear if you’re intending to be antisemitic or not), you make no attempt to define this group of people by anything other than by race. This is racist. At the very least. It’s not acceptable. You know it isn’t. I have warned you before about failure to observe our simple Comment Policy. If you do this again I will stop you contributing here. Permanently. I don’t wish it to come to that. You’ve posted 611 comments and I’d be happy for you to continue in good faith, if you are able to respect my kind requests. If this site is seen as a racist site it will quickly be cancelled in times to come. Our facebook/twitter/patreon will be first to go. This is already happening to leading figures in alt media, simply for their views on Covid. James Corbett will have his youtube channel deleted permanently on his next strike. Vanessa Beeley had hers deleted on Thursday. Whitney Webb had her Patreon removed the same day. The next stage will be alt. media sites blocked on search engines and urls blacklisted by ISPs. It’s really happening. It really, really is. You must realise this. Why, then, would you continue to ignore my kind requests and give our censors a free iron to brand us… Read more »
The USA at home denies its population healthcare, affordable housing, affordable education, social mobility, economic justice and workers rights, it deregulates food safety, deregulates industry and are in a war on small business, to assist its large corporations asset stripping and increase corproate market share.
So why would you expect a UN dominated by the USA to be any different? To me Covid looks like an extension of US economic policy, what is the difference between the results of lockdown and US economic policy of the past 50 years?
I’m going to issue a similar warning to you about racism than I did to Zenpriest, below. I’ll issue you one further warning after this.
Referring to Jews as ‘not very bright’ is simply racist. Your generalisations about the motivations of Jews is prejudiced and racist.
Please do not use misspellings of the word ‘Jew’ to try to disguise antisemitic posts.
This sort of thing plays directly into the hands of those who seek to shut alt. news sites down by labelling us racists and antisemites. It is a very common trap for trolls to lay for us.
If you wish to discuss Israel, that’s fine. If you wish to discuss financial elites, globalists or technocrats/kleptocrats/plutocrats etc. that’s fine.
Please review our Comment Policy. Thank you. A2
The Neo-liberal, Neocon, rich powerful elites that control the media, uses their political wing, the democratic party, which only an idiot could call Left’wing; To offer up policies that infuriate the majority of the population.
Using trans, gays and black people as pawns in their game to provoke the population and to scare and intimidate them. Knowing that this will result in a massive back-lash, which will be headed-up by the new ‘heroes’ of freedom, the extreme far-right.
By awarding the fake left new policies that they know the people will detest, they hope to slur the real left. One thing they make sure never happens is that real left-wing economic policies get traction, if they did, the people would be lining up to vote for them, so instead they provide hated, fake left-wing policies to slur left wing politics.
At the end of this the CIA’s 70 year war against socialism, they hope will be finally won, this they think is the final discrediting of ‘left wing ideas’, and the championing of the far-right as heroes, and the true lovers of freedom. That is the environment that Corporate monopolies need to thrive, small government, poor powerless union-free workers and no strong human rights.
So youre saying that evil white nationalists, who were basically ruling the world and had the moon on a stick, invited millions of radicalised migrants into their country transfered all the Jobs and wealth to China, and teach children in schools and in the mainstream media they are evil because they’re white and bombard them with this propaganda on the daily, did it so they could rule the world and have the moon on a stick !?!? Why not just leave things as they were ???? save all the hassle and not risk the destruction of white western society in the process, do you see how silly your claims clearly are ?
Well when ya put it THAT way…..
But yeah Jerry is really keen on us buying into the EvilWhiteNationalist thingy….
So let’s just do that….
What’s the endgame Jerry? Those evil white Swedes really pulled one those MENA migrants didnt they? That’ll show’em!! Oh wait, may Barbara Lerner Spector gave them some help…
Either way, I’m eager to gain insight into how this Great White Hope is going to play out. Will the PharmaCorps succede in getting birth control into those “vaccines” headed to the equator?
Nothing like that was said in the comment what are you talking about?
The comment says none of that, what a load of junk. Robo bot #2
How about MI5?
They either deported Julia Skripal and Sergej Skripal – or they even murdered them by now!
They are not allowed to contact an attorney to fight them free before court. Julia Skripal is engaged to Russian man. She wants to marry. But her whole life is ruined now – and no one cares.
And no British citizen, no British state attorney, no British police inspector and not even Amnesty International cares!
Amnesty International is a bit selective about the causes it defends.
Because America and the UK commit no war crimes or atrocities and have perfect democracies.
The fact that MI5 “disappeared” Julia Skripal and Sergej Skripal points to the fact that they had also been poisoned not on order of Russian but on order of British authorities.
And do you remember how MSM and governments bombarded us day by day with the “poor” Skripal-victims and the wicked Russian empire?!
But now that the Skripals have been “disappeared” (like usually only disgusting dictators, like Pinochet, do) MSM and governments are deafening silent.
Cynthia,Please learn the difference between ‘free reign’ and free rein’. It diminishes the artcile by making such a simple mistake.
The pot calling the kettle black! Get a life already, man!
Why don’t you spend energy on something useful, such as proposing an orthographic reform that would do something about the ridiculously fucked up English spelling. In my native country, a man did that 500 years ago, courtesy whereof both of the foregoing are spelled phonetically “rejn”.
Talk about being able to see the bigger picture … ! Fuck … !
you’re nasty
With all due respect, Jacques, this is not a mutually exclusive matter.
The bigger picture does not cancel out the need for clarity of speech and text.
Both are needed.
Reign and rein are spelled differently because their origins and meanings are different, and for words to continue to have meaning, their origins are important.
They are important in the interests of understanding their meaning, not just seeing them written down, or hearing them spoken.
It may go without saying that we understand what Cynthia means, but if we stop caring, our children and grandchildren may not understand it at all.
It has only been during the last ten years that many people have given up distinguishing between their, there and they’re, because they all sound the same, and even “our” has been perverted by some of our American cousins into “are“, because, to them, it sounds the same.
In the context of an informative article, I don’t really give a damn about such distinctions, but, like termites, if you don’t deal with them quickly, you lose your home, and we will all end up praying, “Are Father, who art in Heaven”…
Civilization has to be defended, as well as fought for in the first place.
I’d go one level deeper than that.
I agree with you that one has to understand the intrinsic logic of language and use it properly, for it’s the basis for formulating logical thought.
Spelling, however, has nothing to do with logic. In spoken language, there would no difference between rein and reign; you’d have to derive the correct meaning from the context. No need to spell it differently in writing; the reader will be able to understand the meaning.
My native language has a very simple spelling; it’s just about 100% phonetic. In contrast, there are various grammatical rules that require the writer to understand the logic of the language. They reinforce logical thinking. It’s a bit like that in French, too. Anything like that makes sense to me and is worth preserving. Memorizing how to spell words ain’t it. Perhaps apart from improving your memory, it’s completely useless.
English, as great a language as it is, would benefit from a major spelling reform.
My two cents …..
I thought NewSpeak was easier…
Oh I do agree with you about the appalling inconsistencies in English spelling.
It must be the hardest language in the world to explain to foreigners when it comes to the exceptions to the rules. My wife is Icelandic, so I know from experience.
Frankly, I admire the Icelandic language tremendously, because its pronunciation is perfectly logical, and every letter is pronounced – almost to excess. Its only failing – and it is a serious one – is that the old Irish monks managed to influence its development to the extent of grafting Latin – related grammar (imperfectly understood) onto what is very much a Germanic language.
So, where German itself is logical, consistent in pronunciation and NOT complicated grammatically, Icelandic is a grammatical nightmare for those not brought up in the country.
What I don’t agree with is the idea that memorizing how to spell words (which you have clearly mastered admirably) doesn’t need to be some sort of priority.
That is surely the first step in failing to teach the language at all?
As I said, English does indeed require spelling reform (as indeed the Americans have dabbled with), but if you are going to champion the idea of “reinforcing logical thinking”, then I think there needs to be room for the idea that mastering spelling difficulties is a part of reinforcing that thinking.
“Knowing what is not correct, so that you can know better what IS correct – and why”, sort of thing…
In other words, I don’t consider thinking to be an abstract idea out there in the cosmos, unrelated to the practical world we live in – which includes some of the complexities of language.
Again, I’m thinking of the future here…
I’m no spelling champion and I’d venture to say that French is even worse a nightmare in that regard than English. Spelling is a non-issue in my native language. What you hear is what your write, 95% of the time. The grammar is very complicated though, four classes of noun declensions in each of the three genders, plus exceptions. The only major “spelling” issue is i/y in various grammatical structures, where the former and latter go with the masculine and feminine genders, respectively. The writer must understand how the grammatical structures are interrelated in order to write correctly. Incidentally, the difference between “i” and “y” used to be expressed phonetically, but that has been lost, much like Old English was reportedly much closer phonetically to the spelling, which has failed to develop.
Anyway, I think that we’re pretty much on the same page regarding this, only looking at it through the prism of our different linguistic backgrounds.
Be it as it may, I do think that writing a comment solely about a minor spelling mistake is inane nitpicking, even though the translator in me – my day gig – might be inclined to say that the author should have given the text another once-over …
Be well …
“He who controls the language of the people controls the minds of the world.”
— Tim the Tiny Tuatara
It does matter in the context being used by the author. Expressions as metaphors have specific meaning.
There are a lot of homophones and homonyms, yet that doesn’t prevent the listener from understanding the meaning.
What we call Nazi is a particular name that represents an amorphous parasitical structuring power that has been with us since history as we know it began.
It is a wave that is ridden.
In this sense, for example, that the Holocaust became a useful tool, is an aspect of how this whole thing we are now experiencing came to transpire.
So Merck is Nazi and Merkel is the leader of Germany and Merck joined Pfizer to experiment on the entire world’s human population with this BioNTech?
Pfizer macht frei….only if you are a self-loathing moron. Darwin Awards have gone global and I for one have no desire to interfere with …”evolution”, a nasty process even in the best of times.
Onward to the Kill Bill gates of hell electronic slash mRNA gulag.
What interests me about all of this shit is what goes on the heads of motherfuckers who aspire to become president, head of a spy agency, person with a lot of power to fuck up whatever they put their handsy hands on, to destroy life, culture, anything their sick minds fancy. I’m assuming that people live their lives to achieve contentment, happiness, fulfillment, pleasure. How fucked up a man has to be to derive pleasure from fucking things up? What do these motherfuckers do in the evening at home after a day full of fucking up the world in the office, sit in an armchair, and feeling good about it? Do people like that admire art, engage in entertainment? Do they not know that just about all art has been created for a purpose that’s the exact opposite of their putrid raison d’eter, namely genuineness, celebration of life, Good, creation, as opposed their modus operandi of destruction? The only thing I can thing of is a gigantic inferiority complex. The shitheads are so afraid of not being able to measure up to others that they preemptively prevent any competition in the first place. Or revenge, of which Bill the Peddler of Shitty Software is an example par excellence. The asshole nerd he is probably wasn’t the most popular fella in his kiddie years, who knows how many times he was ridiculed for that bleating croaking voice of his, not to mention the shit he says, how many times a girl laughed him off when Billy asked her for a date. Boggles the mind … I’m tired of this … Whatever entity is charge of this, note that in my next life, I want to reincarnate as a wild cat (any size will do, including the lion) and spend most of… Read more »
some peoples psychological drives are are a real bummer
The occidental person operating based on the ideological framework of the Judeo-Christian tradition needs to realize how fucked up our hierarchical system and our values are and seek inspiration in cultures that don’t suffer from being as fucked up as we are. Like the American natives maybe. Or Australian aboriginals. Or the tribes in the Amazon forest that preemptively dispose of anybody who tries to get near them, evidently fully aware of the misery that comes with civilization. Maybe the Gypsies, too. They’d be my first choice …
” Maybe the Gypsies”
The Gypsies? who regard all non-gypsies as none human? Which is their way of coping with the fact that they parasite off of the societies they live next to? Perhaps not such a great philosophy.
You’re much more of a parasite, Agent Germourt, than the random Gypsy
You are just nasty and stupid.
Marx used the N word. He also said that races and classes not up to scratch must perish in the revolutionary holocaust.
Or the Basque peoples…
The sad facts of the world include:
In this day of schizoid transgender retard mutant normalcy bias and cognitive dissonance virtue signalling sickness it goes without saying that psychopathic pedovore filth intent on global genocide have their …Satan given “rights” just like the normies…if I and Melinda dare say so.
Onward to the mRNA hack to cull the sheeple for once and for all.
#3: Could it be that the logical conclusion of the founding fathers doctrine, is what contributed to the formation of the American fascist state we see today?
The founding fathers gave no rights to slaves, establishing the racism of slavery, segregation and finally mass imprisonment of blacks we see today.
The founding fathers had a job to do; throwing out the Brits. How the hell could they do that if divided their forces into 2 by alienating half or more of their potential supporters?
But, hey, average Americans paid in thousands of gallons of blood for ending slavery during the Civil War. That makes up for a lot, don’t you think? Or should we have another Civil war in which half a million Americans die to end “systematic racism”?
Those motherfuckers as you call them are no longer human in a sense that we understand it, builders of civilization, capable of recognizing beauty and able to create beauty, looking up to the heavens in search for meaning, aspiring to the highest level of happiness and peace.
Rather those motherfuckers are totally damaged, have lost any sense of direction and purpose. These are evil doers! They’re screaming from the depth of hell while being alive. It’s of the highest interest for mankind to hold those motherfuckers in check constantly and to make sure that they should never ever come anywhere close to power of any sort!
Certain forms of esotericism have a strong belief in chaos agents and chaos magik. It’s fundamental to their view of how the universe works.
You don’t even have to be esoteric about it.
The Hindu religion is full of such agents, and, within that context, they make perfect sense.
Why don’t you understand they are driven by what they perceive as a ‘greater good’ and their national interests?
They are making ruthless decisions because they believe that humanity or their own tribe or Empire will benefit. And they of course believe themselves to posses a superior understanding or vision. Its not so hard to grasp.
It is far better to understand their motivation, however corrupted, misguided or weird than to simply attack them as evil.
Leave it up me to how I understand things.
I’m just exposing your limitations, you should be grateful.
Tahni do prdele.
Know what you mean J, I ask selfish bastards I encounter what character they imagine they are when they are watching something like ‘It’s a wonderful life’…..because it can’t be a great watch and joyful ending when you identify as Old man Potter!!
I have often wondered whether some of our modern ghouls watched Disney’s “Sleeping Beauty” as kids, and, as they watched Maleficent, thought to themselves, “That’s what I’m gonna be when I grow up”…
Simple human denial will lead them to ignore Maleficent’s sticky end.
in the movie Gladiator, the actor who played Commodus did a very good job of ” embodying ” the why for all the destructiveness.
The rush of playing God, thumbs up or Thumbs down or like Adolf Eichmann with his right arm resting in the palm of his left hand, With the gloved ( appropriated SS gloves) right hand, with the the least amount of effort, nod his index finger to the left( ever so imperceptibly ) for Death, s subtle nod to the right for Life.
The rush and feeling of power, so to answer your question as Kissinger
was once quoted, ” Power is the great aphrodisiac ”
Ditto Bill Gates, fresh from a ” meeting” about Vaxxing 7 billion people , Death Panel and the Final solution, casually walks to his opulent dining room , all with personal French Chef, sommelier and select Ming dynasty dinner ware , an air of casual indifference to the carnage that is unfolding, since its all for a ” Better world”
When Hollywood wants to source what the attitudes of Roman Emperors had, it doesn’t have far to go.
However, having stated all that, we miss an important point, these people would not thrive if there was not a ” culture” for them to thrive in and propagate.
If there was a high level of independent critical thinkers in our society and the level of ” stupid” was very low, the likes of Gates and Fauci would be laughed out of town.
Well, they fabricate the culture thru the eduction system which they define and enforce and the entertainment industry which they own and control. They understand that for their evil drive need those to strive.
the traitors are always there……twitter is doing well today….china busy telling him it will be years of thisfor USA, while their economy is working well thank you….
Fauci shares stage with CCP official, endorses China’s COVID-19 propaganda
Government health bureaucrats agree to push for more draconian
The founders were Yale men. They knew perfectly well the difference between will and shall. The CIA’s usage purposely obscures meaning in its motto.
Inscribed in stone at the entrance to its HQ are the words: “And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.” It comes from St John’s gospel but the CIA very obviously omits the crucial context in the first part of the quotation and distorts the meaning in the second.
“If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will () know the truth, and the truth () shall set you free.”
Translation being what it is, there is some disagreement about that first and. Is it conditional (also making the construction rather cumbersome) or simply a conjunction?
Either way, the truth follows from abiding in “the word” and/or from the will to know the truth. First you must want to know the truth. Secondly you must know where to seek it. The CIA motto obscures both.
If you would only know it, the truth could set you free.
I still prefer the CIA’s stone inscription to that outside BBC Broadcasting House: ‘obsculta’ (or ‘ausculta’)… “Listen and Obey”
The motto of the BBC is:
“Nation shall speak peace unto Nation”
Yes, it’s an inscription not motto.
The Beeb is kind of in breach of its motto, it seems. BBC/Reuters Paid to Undermine Nations, Influence Elections. UK foreign ministry pays Reuters and the BBC to run covert programs aimed at promoting regime change inside Russia.
As leaks expose UK op to ‘weaken’ Russia, suppression of Grayzone reporting backfires, Feb 25, 2021