Nazi Healthcare Revived Across the Five Eyes: Killing Useless Eaters and Biden’s COVID Relief Bill
Matthew Ehret

“The ill-conceived `love of thy neighbor’ has to disappear, especially in relation to inferior or asocial creatures. It is the supreme duty of a national state to grant life and livelihood only to the healthy and hereditarily sound portion of the people in order to secure the maintenance of a hereditarily sound and racially pure folk for all eternity…”
Dr. Arthur Guett, Nazi Director of Public Health, 1935
The words spoken by Dr. Guett 85 years ago should send shivers down the spine of anyone following the radical transformations of healthcare policy now underway within the Five Eyes zone of influence.
As many people are now aware, embedded within the $1.9 trillion COVID relief package is a $40 billion program to revive and expand the corpse of Obama Care’s enrollment protocols and the worst aspects of State directed medical resource allocation for the most vulnerable (and financially burdensome) of society.
While few details have been unveiled beyond a mass expansion of enrollment into the plan on a revived, several red alarms have been raised which began with the appointment of Obama-care architect Ezekiel Emmanuel to Biden’s COVID task force last year and the re-ascendency of hives of cost-cutting behaviorists to positions of power.
Before I proceed, a small disclaimer is in order.
Just because I am about to viciously criticize Biden/Obama-care, and the accelerated expansion of euthanasia across Five Eyes nations, it does NOT mean that I support free-market “greed-is-good” HMOs that were brought online by Nixon in 1973.
As I wrote in my recent trilogy exposing the contrived debates between “statist” Malthusian John Maynard Keynes vs “individualist” Malthusian Friedrich von Hayek, the schism of top down vs bottom up economic thinking which has brainwashed several generations of Americans is a chimera with no bearing in reality.
Real economics that befits human life and dignity has always defended the whole of society while also protecting the unalienable rights and liberty of each individual within society.
If you are a technocrat looking down upon the world from your ivory mathematical tower at the impending crises hitting civilization, you would not believe a word of what I just said. Rather you would be looking at a glaring “mathematical disequilibrium” rushing towards us like a tsunami: The western population concentrated in the Trans Atlantic nations is facing a demographic time bomb the likes of which has never been seen in history called by some “the babyboomer demographic time bomb”.

Even before COVID-19 annihilated much of the world economy, the baby boomer demographic time bomb was discussed by think tanks and policy makers far and wide. During the past 25 years, young people increasingly put off having children (with a 4.4% collapse in birthrates during the Dec. 2019-Dec 2020 year of COVID). Today western fertility levels have fallen to 1.7 children/woman which is far below the 2.1 levels needed to replace the population.
During this time, the baby boomer generation born between 1945-1960 increasingly found themselves beset with grey hair, and increased healthcare needs in their old age with the first wave having hit retirement years in 2010. While technological advances has extended average life expectancies from 61 years (in 1935) to 81 years today, the demographic imbalance of young : old means that society will essentially be incapable of supporting itself under current dynamics.
For example:
By 2030, it is currently estimated people over the age of 85 will triple while seniors between 65-85 will double. The financial costs of sustaining this demographic will skyrocket as healthcare services double from their currently massive $1.4 trillion/year to $3 trillion/year by 2050 (in the USA).
As cost-effectiveness experts look at this dismal trend, all they can see is a cold numbers game.
These experts don’t tend to see humans with cognitive powers and souls and they certainly don’t recognize the existence of such immaterial notions as the “sacred” which might prevent the culling of lives in order to satisfy monetary constraints.
They certainly don’t recognize the injustices of a system that allows trillions of dollars to be spent for Wall Street bailouts and Middle East wars but which fails to provide the medical resources to service its own population fairly.
The experts I am talking about who once ruled America under Barack Obama and who have resurged into power under Biden only see the cold fact that 80% or more of the healthcare costs absorbed throughout one’s life occur after 65 years of age. These experts can only think in terms of adapting to scarcity and supposedly “fixed limits” but never eliminating scarcity through systemic changes that place human life and creative thought on a higher priority than mere money.
With ever fewer young people entering the workforce (and with the financial system itself set to meltdown under hyperinflation), two options present themselves:
- Recognize that the system is broken and transform it in such a way that national spending priorities are re-directed towards large-scale, long term infrastructure building and cooperation with other nations among the multipolar alliance.
- Work within the rules of the broken system and cull the human herd to diminish costs associated with “scarce medical resources”.
The Genocidal Mind of Dr. Ezekiel Emmanuel
As it stands, the individual most responsible for reviving Obamacare and the associated “Independent Payment Advisory Board” (IPAB) of cost-effectiveness “experts” under Joe Biden is the same figure who crafted the original Affordable Care Act (aka: Obamacare) in 2009.
While acting as Obama’s health advisor from 2009-2011, Ezekiel Emmanuel wrote a bone chilling study called “Principles for allocation of scarce medical interventions” in the Lancet.
In this revealing document, Ezekiel’s vision for a new ethic of healthcare management was enunciated with the “Complete Lives System” that would be used to justify who among the needy of society competing for scraps of the shrinking pie, will receive care (i.e: expensive cancer screenings, treatments, drugs), and who will be left to die when he wrote:
When implemented, the complete lives system produces a priority curve on which individuals aged between roughly 15 to 40 years gets the most substantial chances, whereas the youngest and the oldest people get chances that are attenuated.”
Overthrowing the entire edifice of Judeo-Christian values that defined human life as sacred as well as the pesky Hippocratic oath which prevents physicians from doing any harm willfully to their patients, Emmanuel describes exactly what he intends by his “priority curve” and “attenuated chances” for the young and old saying:
Strict youngest-first allocation directs scarce resources predominantly to infants. This approach seems incorrect. The death of a 20-year-old woman is intuitively worse than that of a 2-month-old girl, even though the baby has had less life.
The 20 year old has a much more developed personality than the infant, and has drawn upon the investment of others to begin as yet-unfulfilled projects… adolescents have received substantial education and parental care, investment that will be wasted without a complete life: infants by contrast, have not yet received these investments… it is terrible when an infant dies, but worse, most people think, when a three year old child dies, and worse still when an adolescent dies.”

That’s right: Emmanuel’s “cost-effective” curve asserts that the life of a 20-year-old is more worthy of life than that of a 3-year-old, or 75 year old. In the latter two cases, society has invested either too little to make that young life worth saving or has invested too much already (relative to the financial worth of the low QALY senior).
In a more recent 2014 article published in the Atlantic, called Why I Hope to Die at 75, Emmanuel explained his belief that anyone attempting to prolong their life beyond 75 is delusional, selfish and pathetic stating:
I think this manic desperation to endlessly extend life is misguided and potentially destructive. For many reasons, 75 is a pretty good age to aim to stop.”
When Obama came to power in 2008, many were confused with his decision to destroy any actual proposals for universal health coverage for which he had apparently campaigned (such as Rep. John Conyers single-payer Bill H.R. 676). Instead of supporting Conyer’s bill, Obama and his hive of Economic Behaviorists only amplified the power of the private HMOs by forcing citizens to purchase coverage while infusing billions of tax payer funds into private insurers.
The reason was simple: Conyers’ bill didn’t mandate cuts to healthcare spending, but rather amplified spending for health services while providing healthcare to all Americans with no strings attached. Obama’s controllers had other ideas, as the former president stated in 2010:
We believe the reforms we’ve proposed to strengthen Medicare and Medicaid will enable us to keep these commitments to our citizens while saving us $500 billion by 2023, and an additional $1 trillion in the decade after that.”
A paradox arises: How was Obama planning to extend medical coverage to the 27 million uninsured while cutting $1 trillion in health expenditures over a decade?
Quality Adjusted Life Years and Death Panels
Ezekiel Emmanuel made the point in his 2009 report that the key to cost-cutting in health care would be found in the application of Quality Adjusted Life Years (QALYs) under the control of independent panels of experts.
The QALY system was itself pioneered under Britain’s National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) and Liverpool Care Pathway System which were driving forces behind the corruption of Britain’s National Healthcare System (NHS) from 1999-present. The former head of NICE (Sir Michael Rawlins) defined QALYs in the following terms in a March 2009 interview with Time Magazine:
It’s based on the cost of a measure called the ‘quality-adjusted life year.’ A QALY scores your health on a scale from zero to one: zero if you’re dead and one if you’re in perfect health. You find out as a result of a treatment where a patient would move up the scale. If you do a hip replacement, the patient might start at 0.5 and go up to 0.7, improving 0.2. You can assume patients live for an average of 15 years following hip replacements. And .2 times 15 equals three quality adjusted life years. If the hip replacement costs £10,000 to do, it’s 10,000 divided by three, which equals £3,333. That figure is the cost per QALY.”
Another co-architect of Obamacare alongside Emmanuel was a fellow named Sir Donald Berwick (knighted in 2005) who stated candidly that:
the decision is not whether or not we will ration care- the decision is whether we will ration with our eyes open.”
Another key behaviorist assigned to create Obamacare was MIT professor Jonathan Gruber who created a scandal when he admitted on camera to using obscurantist language and secrecy when he said:
Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage. And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical for the thing to pass.”
Another leading Obama-era behaviorist who has also returned to power under Biden is Cass Sunstein (Obama’s regulatory czar) who wrote:
once we know that people are human and have some Homer Simpson in them, then there’s a lot that can be done to manipulate them.”
The Liverpool Care Pathway (LCP) which Berwick wished to guide US health reform gives us another insight into the genocidal nature of this utilitarian approach to health services. According to Professor Pullicino, over 130,000 deaths/year were caused by the LCP which had gained influence over hospitals, hospices, nursing homes in the UK between 1995-2013.
The LCP had essentially pressured thousands of healthcare providers to put millions of sick and elderly (and expensive) patients onto “End of Life” lists without their consent resulting in forced dehydration and morphine drips to accelerate deaths despite the fact that life-saving treatments were still available.
The scandal caused by these revelations resulted in the LCP’s dissolution in 2014 although the Daily Telegraph pointed out that the program was merely rebranded and continues to this day.
Together, Berwick, Gruber and Emmanuel ensured that hospitals would be penalized for overtreating patients, and cancelled Medicaid coverage for swaths of cancer drugs and screenings for patients whose needs outpaced their QALYs. This logic may work when deciding to scrap an old car but creates severe moral dilemmas when applied to grandma.
You might now ask: But why must doctors abide by the demands of an independent board of cost-cutting experts? Why would doctors not simply reject the demands that abrogated their Hippocratic oaths and consciences?
With 2/3rd of all doctors beholden to other larger employers (vs the 85% of US physicians who were self-employed in 1963), the pressure to abide by rules of scarcity and cost-effectiveness mandates imposed by technocrats have grown immensely. As surgeries, cancer screenings and ambulatory services have been drastically cut under COVID protocols, hospitals which rely on government funding have suffered financially and have been losing $50 billion/month according to Rick Pollack (President of the American Hospital Association) who recently stated:
I think it’s fair to say that hospitals are facing perhaps the greatest challenge that they have ever faced in their history.”
Euthanasia Across the Five Eyes
After decades of lobbying funded in large measure by George Soros’ Open Society Foundations globally, there are currently five nations which have completely legalized euthanasia (Canada, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany and Columbia) while nine states in the USA have followed suite.
In Canada, euthanasia laws were first passed in 2016 with fairly strict restrictions requiring patients be terminally ill with a prognosis of six months or less while also being mentally sound directly before death is induced.
Yet, just after the US elections in 2020, and under the fog of COVID, Canadian House of Commons passed the Medical Assistance in Dying Act (Bill C7) which entirely removed all safeguards including requirements of a “reasonably foreseeable” death, long waiting periods and requirements of mental competency immediately prior to death.
Should the Senate pass the bill later this month as is currently expected, anyone suffering from depression (which has radically skyrocketed among the elderly and incapacitated locked in isolation from their friends and loved ones under months of COVID lockdown) may now request death at 9am in the morning and be killed by noon. The typical long waiting times that gave depressed people a chance to self-reflect is now long gone.
Similar euthanasia protocols have ramped up across Australia as several states and territories have seen assisted suicide protocols applied under COVID-19. Among them Tasmania legalized euthanasia on March 5 of this year, and Queensland will bring the “service” online by May 2021. Victoria was the first state to usher in euthanasia in June 2019 and Western Australia’s euthanasia laws will take effect in mid-2021.
In New Zealand, the last of the Five Eyes states under examination, the vote to legalize euthanasia occurred in October 2020 and will be implemented this summer.
Rather than allowing oneself to get sucked into the abyss of bioethical mind games surrounding medical assisted suicide, it is more useful to keep these following questions in mind:
- Why are medical resources so supposedly scarce among the most developed sectors of the world?
- Why do nations in across the trans Atlantic face such shortages of hospitals, doctors, screening treatments?
- Why do hospitals continuously find themselves closing their doors while per capita beds decrease with every year?*
- Why do citizens tolerate trillions of dollars spent on never-ending regime change wars abroad and bailouts to Wall Street speculators while accepting the idea that money for healthcare is intrinsically limited?
Revisiting Hitler’s T4 Health Reforms
After the Nuremburg hearings saw 7 of the 23 Nazi doctors (including Dr. Guett) put to death for their role in Hitler’s Tiergarten Fier health reforms, Nuremburg counsel Dr. Leo Alexander wrote in 1949:
Whatever proportions these crimes finally assumed, it became evident to all who investigated them that they had started from small beginnings. The beginnings at first were merely a subtle shift in emphasis in basic attitude, basic in the euthanasia movement, that there is such a thing as life not worthy to be lived. This attitude in its early stages concerned itself merely with the severely and chronically sick.
Gradually, the sphere of those to be included in this category was enlarged to encompass the socially unproductive, the ideologically unwanted, the racially unwanted, then finally all non-Germans. But it is important to realize that the infinitely small wedged-in lever from which this entire trend of mind received its impetus was the attitude toward the non-rehabilitatable sick”
In his essay, Dr. Alexander described the growth of the euthanasia laws in fascist Germany as the concept “lives unworthy of life” was first introduced into health policy. Under the guidance of “expert panels”, the T4 health codes soon became a driving force of eugenics that saw 270,000 non-Jewish Germans killed starting with handicapped children and elderly before the policy was expanded to embrace Jews, Gypsies and other target “unfit” groups.
As investigative journalist Nancy Spannaus wrote in 2013:
The implication was clear. However, Hitler did not give his general order for killing off the insane (and others) until the war began, and resources became even scarcer. The order was written by hand by Hitler in October 1939–and backdated by him to the first day of the war, in September. In preparing it, he had stated that he “considered it to be proper that the `life unworthy of life’ of severely mentally ill persons be eliminated by actions that bring about death.” In this way, “a certain saving in hospitals, doctors, and nursing personnel could be brought about.” The title of Hitler’s order was “The Destruction of Lives Unworthy of Life,” and the standard was, as the order said, that the patients “considered incurable according to the best available human judgment of their state of health, be accorded a mercy death.”
The fact that the organizations promoting the rise of this eugenics policy throughout Nazi Germany and North America included such powerhouses as the Rockefeller Foundation, the Wellcome Trust and the Human Sterilization League for Human Betterment (today renamed “Engender Health”) which have all taken leading roles in the World Health Organization over recent decades is more than a little concerning.
The fact that these eugenics organizations simply re-branded themselves after WWII and are now implicated in modern RNA vaccine development alongside the Galton Institute (formerly British Eugenics Association), Oxford’s AstraZeneca, Pfizer and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation should give any serious thinker pause as we consider what patterns of history we are willing to tolerate repeating in our presently precarious age.
Matthew Ehret is the Editor-in-Chief of the Canadian Patriot Review, Senior Fellow at the American University in Moscow, BRI Expert on Tactical talk, and has authored 3 volumes of ‘Untold History of Canada’ book series. In 2019 he co-founded the Montreal-based Rising Tide Foundation. This article was recently adapted into a short video found here.
*In 1980, the USA had 5810 community hospitals spread across 3000 counties with 6 beds allocated per 1000 people (987,000 beds total for 227 million citizens). By 2013, total beds had fallen by 25% and 15% of the hospitals had disappeared resulting in 3 beds/1000 people despite the fact that the population had grown by 130 million.
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Pfizer macht frei.
Onward to Ouchwitz, mein Schnucki$!
Um, well good article generally however Health Management Organizations are not really free market capitalist reforms but state-sponsored crony capitalism.
A genuine free market health care model allows medical practicioners the freedom to operate according to real market demand for effective and safe treatment. Cozy Big Pharma and elitist social engineering schemes determe which treatments are politically correct and which get cancelled for profiteering and power.
Incentives to profiteer off the sick are greatly reduced when there aren’t mandatory public pools of money created to incentivize profiteering. The free market is not the politics of profiteering.
The HMOs of Nixon’s era were non-profit models like the original Kaiser Permanente. Genuine non-profit models were developed under real capitalism. They had obvious incentives to promote preventative wellness and cost effective treatments.
The worst performers under COVID-19 were all public, or public-private healthcare models. Wholly private health care was far more effective.
It was mostly small private medical practices that championed the cheap and effective hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) protocol. HCQ needs both the antibiotic component (azrithomycin) and zinc (critical cofactor). Meanwhile, public health care led by the WHO mostly sabotaged the HCQ protocol by using HCQ alone, or without the critical zinc supplement, then claimed HCQ did not work, denying its use under their authority.
Putting off children? Hey?
Are you gonna pay and take care of them while I try to make a dime for ever increasing rents?
Sometimes the choice is “house or child”? Who wants to produce children and then live in poverty on the sidewalk? When YOU want something, YOU must create proper the conditions.
What I want to know is who the fuck started the face nappy fetish
Will the Germans – still undiminished in their demonisation after 80 years – be able to appease the hostility of their “cultural conquerors” by interpreting Irish folk songs instead of evil Prussian marching songs? I have serious doubts. One can confidently read even new “racism” into this medieval behaviour. As long as so-called “Europeans” behave in such an ignorant exclusive manner towards their new fellow citizens from the Third World, the germ of fascism has not yet been exorcised from them!
Racist bogus arguments like “Name one single achievement that sub-
Saharan Africa has brought to the world!” (“1. Gangsta Rap, 2. Barack Obama!”) are inappropriate and inadmissible and belong to be prosecuted with the most severe penalties and public indictment.
For the sake of completeness, one should add that the “Nazi” idea of euthanasia was borrowed from America. The Nazi government was just effectively able to enforce it officially because of its policy of “racial hygiene”. And it did so largely without resistance, only the Catholics rebelled.
However, one must seriously ask oneself whether our oh-so “humane” society is really what it claims to be as long as millions of developing children are murdered in the womb every year, which is considered an “achievement of personal freedom”.
In the Third Reich, abortion was punished with prison, from 1943 on with death penalty for “impairing the vitality of the German people”.
How high is your “enemy of the state factor”
Parliament is about to pass The Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill 2021. A wake-up call for all those who think that a police state will not be upon us and trashing what semblance of common law is left. It has been described by one MP as ‘a major step on the road to authoritarianism and suppression of dissent’ and by a leading barrister as ‘absolutely crazy’ and ‘really scary’.
“I wake up this morning full of foreboding for our country. Today’s Policing Bill isn’t about the traditional idea of law based on consent (he means common law)
It’s about a major step on the road to authoritarianism and suppression of dissent. – Jon Trickett MP (@Jon_trickett)March 15,2021.
Soon you will not be allowed to protest about the removal of your right to protest.
— Chris Daw QC (@ criminallawuk) March 15, 2021.
Better wake up quick in numbers to reestablish our common law and justice. How many warnings do you want before its too late. Join the Common Law Court and help restore your rights and freedoms.
No wonder the MSM is playing down the Myanmar crackdown
People ask how could the German people allow the rise of Nazism. Tic Toc Tic Toc Ingsoc.
Why are they afraid of protests when the 2 million in the street against the Iraq War were inconsequential?
I have a hunch that they do prepare for WWIII and want to sweep the will of the people away. You can try to ‘pop’ their systems with big numbers but they may then offer ‘no punishment if you join the war effort’. This is just a thought of mine but looks very probable.
In the meantime, do not let them use you, do not enlist. 5 eyes had lost all their sniffers in China only 2/3 years ago. They are a paper tiger. The many veterans’ suicides would also suggest there is something really bad going on.
Some may find this (related meditation) interesting: it’s about how the tarantula was hiding in the fruit bowl, on the breakfast table, in plain sight, all along…
The behavioral psychologists and scientists of SAGE – Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies – are the new agents of society, just as in the old days, priests were the agents of the society.
SAGE are the new priests, a new priesthood; their only function is to paralyze this society through obedience, absurdity and fear, to keep this society continuously believing in their insane, fear-fuelled Covid narratives.
Is it the only way that everyone will get through this together by just following these sociopathic retards and all their superstitious beliefs of their novel Covid pseudo religion?
Staffed with Cardinal Vallance, Archbishop Whitty, Bishop Neil Ferguson and the whole nine yards of all these mentally ill SAGE hypocrites.
As long as you are unquestioning and fully compliant with all their destructive eugenics rulings, their criminal behavioural nudge patterns, and you fully support their societal breakdown plan, that slavishly replicates the Davos global blue print for control, mass hysteria, terror and murder.
One in which everyone will have to embrace the ‘science’ or be punished, just surrender to their great hoax, and fulfill your very own pandemic slave fetish fantasy, but remember, you will pay dearly with your freedom, your sanity, and your life!
Nothing is okay.
Everybody is on the verge of financial, mental, and emotional breakdowns and anything, any accident, can push you fully into the world of the insane.
The society does not want you to be intelligent.
They want you to remain mediocre because it is easy for the society to enslave the mediocre person.
It is easy for the SAGE manipulators, and they are many, to manipulate you if you don’t have intelligence, because you are bound to depend on them, you have to depend on them.
You have to look up to them always for guidance.
You will always need so-called leaders if you are unintelligent.
Exactly in the same way as Christianity was created by the priests.
Although this absurd Christianity hoax is now two thousand years old, it still befools billions to this day!
Has any Christian anything to do with Christ?
What is Christianity?
Christianity is society’s effort to replace Christ.
Christianity is the creation of Saint Paul.
He is the real founder of Christianity.
Christianity is false, Christ is true.
Christ is the true sage.
Christ himself is the revolution.
He is the baptism of fire.
The sneaky priests have only exploited their own manufactured narratives and superstitions attributed to Christ, to distort even further their absurd infantile beliefs.
They then interpret them in such ways that it becomes a strategy to dominate people.
They have no idea what a real living Christ is.
Nor how to recognize an authentic one.
They are completely clueless.
Even if they sat chatting next to a Christ on the bus they wouldn’t recognize him/her!
To be a Christ is one of the most beautiful happenings.
The most precious happening in the world.
Christ is a different quality of consciousness, a fully enlightened rebel.
Christ is absolute consciousness.
But Christ was never a Christian.
Christ was far too dangerous, so society creates a fairytale Christianity around him.
Only then can Christianity be accepted, but never the true rebellious Christ.
Christianity then becomes safe because it is a social phenomenon, a social politics.
The Church is okay, the priest is okay – Just keep your children away from them!
This is the official narrative.
Yet it is all totally false!
Laughably ignorant to the evolution of consciousness itself.
It is the greatest most absurd lie of the whole western world in the last few millennia.
How is all this nonsense still the bedrock of truth to western powers?
The Christians think I am the Antichrist because that is their way of condemning a person who questions all of their lies.
Yet Christianity has denied and hidden the true life of Christ for two thousand years.
Who is the real Antichrist?
I have challenged the pope to face me in a live public meeting in the Vatican.
It will really be a great discussion.
But he has always declined.
Remember, the only way to be a Christ is to be fully yourself through no-mind.
If you try to imitate Christ you will be a Christian but never a Christ.
To imitate simply means you are denying your true self and you are imposing some imagined fantasy upon yourself.
Wake up now, destroy these insane delusions.
You have to be a Christ yourself, or you will always be afraid of powerful people because you think they know more.
You will be continuously in fear.
SAGE is creating your new enslavement.
The new pseudo religion of Bio-terror.
Your society now functions in such a way.
People are absolutely asleep!
They are not in their senses!
You think you are awake, and that is one of the greatest mistakes, it keeps you un-awake.
The very idea that you are awake is a deception.
If you think you are already awake, then there is no need to do anything to be awakened.
You have to realize that you are drunk, drunk with many things, with greed, with lust, with anger, with ambition, with ego.
Ego is the basic problem, the most basic.
And unless you solve it, nothing is solved.
Unless ego disappears, the Ultimate cannot penetrate you.
The ego is like a closed door.
The guest is standing outside.
The guest has been knocking, but the door is closed.
If the ego is not there, suddenly everything is found.
If the ego is not there you simply come to know that Truth has always been around you, without and within.
It was the ego which wouldn’t allow you to see it.
It was the ego that was closing your eyes and your being.
The whole educational system is created, not to serve you but to serve the vested interests, to create ego.
From the kindergarten to the university they are serving the vested interests, they are making you more and more stupid.
Intelligence simply means the ability to respond, because life is a flux.
You have to be aware and to see what is demanded of you, what is the challenge of the situation.
The intelligent person behaves according to the situation and the stupid person behaves according to the ready-made answers of mind.
Intelligent people depend on their own insight, they trust their own being.
They love and respect themselves.
Unintelligent people respect others above themselves.
You can see the point.
Why are the vested interests interested in creating stupidity?
Because that is the way they will be getting respect and obedience.
Obedience has been imposed on you as a great value. In reality it is not a great value.
It is one of the basic causes of the destruction of your intelligence.
Intelligence can be rediscovered.
The only method to rediscover it is meditation.
If you want to be reborn, you will have to move in complete disorder because your old personality will have to be de-structured.
You will fall apart.
All that you have believed yourself to be will start disappearing by and by.
All that you have always identified yourself with will become dim, cloudy.
The structure that the society has given to you, the character that the society has forced upon you, will fall into pieces.
Again you will be standing without a character, as you were on the day when you were born.
Everything will be a chaos, and out of that chaos, out of that nothingness, you will be reborn.
Unless we become very aware of our inner poisons we will not be able to transform our beings from darkness into light.
We will remain dark holes, denying ourselves of the capacity we have to become eternal light.
Intelligence brings freedom, intelligence brings spontaneity.
To come out of all prisons is intelligence, and never to get again into another one ever.
Intelligence can be discovered through meditation because all those prisons exist in your mind, though fortunately they cannot reach your being.
They cannot pollute your being, they can only pollute your mind, they can only cover your mind.
If you can get out of the mind.
You can come to a full stop.
And when you are out of the mind, watching it, being aware of it, just being a witness, you are intelligent.
Your intelligence is uncovered.
You have undone what the society has done to you.
You have come out of it, you are a free individual.
In fact you are for the first time a real individual, an authentic being.
Now the whole sky is yours.
It is a state of ultimate consciousness when one realizes oneness with the whole, when one feels, “I have come home.”
Intelligence is your nature.
All that is needed is to discover it, because it has been hidden from you for certain reasons by people who are powerful and who want to remain in power.
Of course they will not like it if everyone wakes up.
The politicians, the oligarchs, the banksters, the so-called religious elites, the MSM journalists, the so-called intelligentsia, because they are all part of a conspiracy against humanity.
I want to destroy that conspiracy totally.
Only then can a new wo/man be introduced on the earth.
And the earth is waiting for the new wo/man.
The new humanity.
‘Nothing Real can be Threatened, Nothing Unreal exists… Therein is your True Power i Peace”
(A Course In Miracles (with the ending changed for the secular hearts))
Turn your back on the NHS and get yourself a good homoeopath. They will keep you going far longer as may be witnessed by examining the longevity of the royal family.
A work friends elderly relative died in a care home a few years ago.
The Coroner went ballistic on seeing the state of his body.
I know little more detail, although funeral plans etc. were held up for some period of time.
It was amazing that a coroner got to see the body !
Prior to the Second World War virtually all educated people believed in the science of Eugenics, after the Second World War is was virtually impossible to find anyone who had ever believed in the science of Eugenics. People didn’t stop believing in Eugenics because the scientific evidence had changed: they had never believed in Eugenics because of scientific evidence in the first place. Unfortunately it is so much easier to get people to believe in pseudoscience, much easier than getting someone to actually read scientific research. This simple, stubborn fact can be seen everyday in “the science” that is believed by virtually all educated people. The current obvious example is “the science” of the coronavirus responses, which are blatant pseudoscience, yet virtually all the educated believe in the science.
I always wonder who they think is doing ‘the science’. Do they really think that a $100 billion company, with millions in research, and billions in revenues on the line, will just scrap everything because ‘the science’ came out a little sketchy? That they won’t use their billions as leverage, to maybe persuade the FDA regulator who makes $60k to look the other way? That the fact that their former CEO is now head of the CDC won’t influence anything? You have to literally regress to the mind of a child to accept such fantasies. The mumps vaccine has never worked and perhaps never existed. Merck has been spiking trial patient specimens with rabbit blood for decades (rabbits have natural antibodies to mumps). They’ve been under DOJ investigation for it for a decade. You can read the evidence yourself. Yet all the journos published their trials like it was the real thing. They had to because Merck gives them 50% of their ad revenue. There are no more LeVoissiers, doing scientific discovery, funded by their own money, for nothing more than intellectual curiosity. The science and the scientists are paid for by the very entities that ‘the science’ will enrich. The journals are funded by the companies that benefit from publication. Your blind Faith in the integrity of this whole racket is fools errand.
If you have a family elder needing hospital treatment
1) Pray constantly and accurately for their treatments to be early and effective (including in the hospital chapel), and for God to give you all the knowledge you need, when you need it, and the insight to use it wisely when speaking to healthcare workers to ensure the family member’s treatment is successful. Tell God you want them to live.
2) Take an interest in all medications, therapies and treatments prescribed. Look them up and their likelihood of success. If there are alternatives ask the doctors or nurses about them. *Get yourselves noticed as an attentive family* – The staff should know that your family member is loved and wanted.
a) Look up side effect profiles for all drugs administered and alert the nurse immediately if your loved one develops any of the side effect symptoms described
(Note: for details of the drugs prescribed, and observation results (“obs charts” – which include blood pressure, temperature, heart rate, respiration rate and an entry every time each drug is given etc), look at the treatment record file at the end of the bed, or if there is none, demand to see it regularly (every patient has one), and learn to understand the obs charts and list of prescribed medications – the obs charts have bands indicating whether the data point (eg blood pressure) is in the normal range)
b) Also look up all drug interactions, and notify staff if your elder is being given any pairs of drugs that interact (be especially insistent with staff if side-effect symptoms are also present for those drugs).
3) Every decision made by the hospital for your loved one should be a *clinical* decision – *not* for convenience or financial/rationing reasons.
If you suspect that a decision about to be made (eg early discharge from hospital or withdrawal of treatment) for your elder is for reasons of rationing, ask for a written clinical reason. Ask for a copy of the discharge form when your family member is discharged. Generally it is good to get as much documentation as you can on your family member’s medical case, and you are entitled to it.
If you are still worried about a pending decision, you might have a family conversation when visiting the hospital including phrases such as “the cost of doing things wrong must be made higher than the cost of doing things right” – and say this in hearing range of staff. I tried this and we were given a crack post-operative nursing team who visited my family member at home twice daily after discharge to administer intravenous medication. The treatment was successful (eventually).
4) After your family member has been discharged from hospital, perform the same routine observations that the nurses do in hospital, and find an obs chart on the internet to print out, and complete it during each day they are recovering.
*Your purpose here is to collect data, and watch when anything goes out of the usual range:*
a) You will need a blood pressure monitor (wrist/cuff type is easiest to use), a good thermometer (eg. Braun, ear type), and a pulse oximeter (fingertip type, measures how well oxygenated the blood is), and a bathroom scale (for weight readings). Read the instructions and learn to use them if you don’t already know how.
b) Fill in the results of using these devices to monitor your family member on the obs chart you printed out, and note if any readings stray outside the normal range.
*Watch for sepsis* – if the temperature goes above the normal range and your loved one gets shivering (rigor), sepsis can be a cause and it’s serious, can progress fast and can’t be left untreated – phone for an ambulance *and* contact the doctor in this case.
If *anything* starts to go outside the normal range, take the readings more often and phone the hospital and ask to speak to someone familiar with your family member’s case for advice. If you can’t do that, speak to your family doctor/GP and if necessary insist they come to the house.
c) Keep a diary of all your family member eats and drinks, and make sure they are going to the toilet. Without being too troublesome, try to keep an eye on quantities of urine and faeces they produce. Monitor their bodyweight daily.
d) In addition to the obs data, *make notes of anything that changes* about your family member, eg, appearance, symptoms, anything they’re complaining of.
e) If you’ve been told it’s safe to do so (ask the doctor or nurse), *make sure they eat and drink*. I’ve noticed loss of appetite seems to have a sort of stable state where they can feel comfortable not eating, but they can’t get better without nourishment. There are liquid nutritional shakes (like a milkshake, but a complete food) which are available on prescription. We needed these for a short while when my family member stopped eating after being discharged from hospital following surgery, but they worked – they started eating again.
Remember: Even though all these strategies contributed to a successful outcome for two family members of mine who went into hospital, you need to adapt them and use common sense based on your own circumstances. Pray unceasingly for guidance and listen to the doctors and nurses – sometimes, if a bad decision is about to be made, *they* will complain to *you*! – this is valuable evidence if you need to get around non-clinical or rationing decisions of managers – but stay on your doctors’ and nurses’ side.
Absolutely brilliant Guide, thank you. In my own experience you have no way of knowing if your loved one is being ‘rationed’ rather than being operated on. You may actually be happy she is not considered in serious need of the operation. Hospital Chapels are wonderful.
Bloody hell, your saying we have to fight the devil in the NHS.
Unfortunately I think you are right and it’s been that way for some time.
The propaganda of the covid and the holocaust is the same. What’s more, it was a dress rehearsal of how far we can be fooled.
Eugenics and Other Evils by G. K. Chesterton (1922)
To The Reader
I publish these essays at the present time for a particular reason connected with the present situation; a reason which I should like briefly to emphasise and make clear.
Though most of the conclusions, especially towards the end, are conceived with reference to recent events, the actual bulk of preliminary notes about the science of Eugenics were written before the war. It was a time when this theme was the topic of the hour; when eugenic babies (not visibly very distinguishable from other babies) sprawled all over the illustrated papers; when the evolutionary fancy of Nietzsche was the new cry among the intellectuals; and when Mr. Bernard Shaw and others were considering the idea that to breed a man like a cart-horse was the true way to attain that higher civilisation, of intellectual magnanimity and sympathetic insight, which may be found in cart-horses. It may therefore appear that I took the opinion too controversially, and it seems to me that I sometimes took it too seriously. But the criticism of Eugenics soon expanded of itself into a more general criticism of a modern craze for scientific officialism and strict social organisation.
And then the hour came when I felt, not without relief, that I might well fling all my notes into the fire. The fire was a very big one, and was burning up bigger things than such pedantic quackeries. And, anyhow, the issue itself was being settled in a very different style. Scientific officialism and organisation in the State which had specialised in them, had gone to war with the older culture of Christendom. Either Prussianism would win and the protest would be hopeless, or Prussianism would lose and the protest would be needless. As the war advanced from poison gas to piracy against neutrals, it grew more and more plain that the scientifically organised State was not increasing in popularity. Whatever happened, no Englishmen would ever again go nosing round the stinks of that low laboratory. So I thought all I had written irrelevant, and put it out of my mind.
I am greatly grieved to say that it is not irrelevant. It has gradually grown apparent, to my astounded gaze, that the ruling classes in England are still proceeding on the assumption that Prussia is a pattern for the whole world. If parts of my book are nearly nine years old, most of their principles and proceedings are a great deal older. They can offer us nothing but the same stuffy science, the same bullying bureaucracy and the same terrorism by tenth-rate professors that have led the German Empire to its recent conspicuous triumph. For that reason, three years after the war with Prussia, I collect and publish these papers.
We should already be planning appropriate sentencing and punishment for this filth.
Just thinking about human beings as if they were disposable machines doesn’t actually make them so.
I must say I wish the solution to this madness was a little more obvious.
Our finest brains are obviously not grappling adequately with it yet, leaving the psychopaths free to wreak their havoc on this poor world.
It’s not the first time monstrous evil has reigned on the planet, but at least the Scriptures do speak of an eventual end to it.
I fancy the modern human mind can hardly imagine what form that end might take, but it is sure to be very different from what’s going on now.
I find myself tempted to profile this year of event(s) as pinning the blame on an X Files type of “Syndicate” plotting the sequel with alien vaccines, and so on, but I am now more interested, analytically, “forensically” to confessing “It Is What It Is” and jettison many of my fanciful “conclusions” as being meaningful suggestions and speculations, quite possibly, some even probably, I suspect, but nothing to be set in stone. It is certainly not hard at all to read between the lines of this all a lot of sinister intent.
I think it’s implausible to assume we can do much to change its course, outside of prayer (which has an infinitude of hopes), or that we can really see our way clearly. I’m still not entirely sure even that pro or alt even know for sure what’s going on, even though many may think they do.
I have never before taken a flu shot, though my eye surgeon pressured me BIG TIME do so, even shouting at me 2 weeks ago (I was nearly a year late on my biannual checkup):
“GET IT ! The front desk will sign you up.”
I just smiled. We finished, I scheduled a 4 month follow up, but left quietly, not signing up.
I have never had a flu shot, let alone this.
I’m not real taken with the idea of them squirting Big Parmafia untested goo in my arm. They pulled the plug on my mum 12 years ago, she was 92 with leukemia, but they euthanized her in defiance of my reversing her DNR, which they had presumed I wanted. In any case, it was quite clear they will find a way, and though her leukemia was advanced, she rallied like a champ all the time. In any case, she was in a blessed and blissed state, her spiritual bags packed and ready to go, as Good Pope St. John XXIII had said of his cancer diagnosis in ’63, while he was busy trying to broker an end to the Cold War with JFK and Kruschev (all 3 out of office within a year of each other).
Though Mom had better things to do, places to go, saints to see, the point here is that they quite simply euthanized her. There were clear signs it was “her time” but it showed me too that the State has no problem making sure she kept the appointment, and worshipping their bottom line. It was Jesus’ Time, too, on Good Friday (Mom died Easter Thursday, to celebrate, no doubt, while I sang her a beautiful Ralph Vaughan Williams melody) but that didn’t make it right, just sacred in results after all.
I’m 69 and I could be a target. From what I saw of their Langley dossier that leaked out, I am a person of interest in some way.
But do I really need the jab? I may tell them I got it in Mexico. I still don’t know if they know you’ve had it already jabbed? Anyone? Will paperwork proving so be mandated?
The jury is out on many things, and no doubt that’s why I type.
Nuremberg principles will be their down fall . Trust me this will unravel in ways that these vile fascist pigs will wish they were never born. WE ALL MEET OUR MAKER Albert Camus famous phrase
The way education is going at the moment, I’d give it only another generation before nobody even knows what Nuremberg was…
These parasites have failed all my tests as to what constitutes a human being, but that’s just me, of course.
I suspect, in their view, you honor them by pointing out how little relation they bear to actual humans. They fancy themselves superior because they’re not afraid to make the “tough decisions.”
Problem is, their “tough decisions” all fall on you and me and those around us – and never on them. “Tough?” Not for a crazed psychopath.
Pharma’s coming for the kids:
Moderna Announces First Participants Dosed in Phase 2/3 Study of COVID-19 Vaccine Candidate in Pediatric Population
March 16, 2021 at 6:59 AM EDT
Phase 2/3 study expected to enroll 6,750 healthy pediatric participants less than 12 years of age
Study will enroll in the U.S. and Canada
CAMBRIDGE, Mass.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Mar. 16, 2021– Moderna Inc. (Nasdaq: MRNA), a biotechnology company pioneering messenger RNA (mRNA) therapeutics and vaccines, today announced that the first participants have been dosed in the Phase 2/3 study, called the KidCOVE study, of mRNA-1273, the Company’s vaccine candidate against COVID-19, in children ages 6 months to less than 12 years. The study is being conducted in collaboration with the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA), part of the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
“We are pleased to begin this Phase 2/3 study of mRNA-1273 in healthy children in the U.S. and Canada and we thank NIAID and BARDA for their collaboration,” said Stéphane Bancel, Chief Executive Officer of Moderna. “It is humbling to know that 53 million doses have been administered to people in the U.S. We are encouraged by the primary analysis of the Phase 3 COVE study of mRNA-1273 in adults ages 18 and above and this pediatric study will help us assess the potential safety and immunogenicity of our COVID-19 vaccine candidate in this important younger age population.”
This Phase 2/3 two-part, open label, dose-escalation, age de-escalation (Part 1) and randomized, observer-blind, placebo-controlled expansion study (Part 2) will evaluate the safety, tolerability, reactogenicity and effectiveness of two doses of mRNA-1273 given 28 days apart. The Company intends to enroll approximately 6,750 pediatric participants in the U.S. and Canada ages 6 months to less than 12 years.
pure, adulterated, child abuse. how do they sleep at night?
By believing it is not child abuse, and that the money to be made will make everything all right in the end…
A reasonable person would think that Ezekiel Emmanuel, who is Jewish, would be much more sensitive to categorizing groups of people by any metric. Especially metrics that in his opinion should be used to determine who should be given every opportunity to live or die. Such chutzpah.
Does anyone else realise how ridiculous this whole scam is? Babies are still starving in ever greater numbers, countries are still being bombed to bits, other diseases, viruses and infections are out of control and the west cower and snivel and babble and destroy nations over a virus no one has ever found.
I’ve been writing and talking about this Global fake pandemic since January 2020!
Majority of modern moron slaves are 3I
Ignorant, Irresponsible and Idiot
Right. Add to that obesity and diabetes.
I think there are few of us here who do not realize how ridiculous it is.
But it’s even more evil than it is ridiculous.
The human conscience is under attack, and, with it, human evolution.
The existence of an amoeba awaits us.
Of course if we had always been amoebae, that would not worry us at all, but we have experienced at first hand that more is expected of us than that.
Let’s not disappoint.
You do amoebae an injustice comparing them to humans. At least the amoebae scramble out of the way when confronted with danger. Not humans. We roll up our sleeves and say “Bring it on!”
And to all those whining modern moron slaves ALWAYS complaining about how “lockdows are bad“…
Lockdowns are AWESOME!
Can I assume that comment was satirical?
I always enjoy these articles… pointing to the OBVIOUS!
HoloC 2.0!
RE: “…should give any serious thinker pause…”
Seems like at the end the author unnecessarily pulls his punches. This well researched and argued article seems to me like it is another part of a coherent whole regarding the new bio-security state emerging before us.
Do enjoy a brief preview of what awaits modern moron slaves…
Predictive programming…
It awaits us all, Voz, unless we pull our finger out.
It will take more than a few enlightened people who can see clearly what is going on to put a stop to it.
I’ve read some weird stuff on Off-G but this is a whole new dimesnion of weirdness.
Althuogh I’m American I’m originally from the UK so I grew up in a world of ‘socialized medicine’ — you had health care as part of being alive and present in the counry. You didn’t think about it unless you needed medical attention. You certainly never had to adjust your life and finances because you were ill.
Moving to the US, a country where healthcare is an industry rather than a service, was a serious eye opener. For many years my backup health plan was ‘drag yourself to LAX and get a plane ticked to the UK’ because health care was confusing, expensive (increasingly so over the time I spent here) and grossly inefficient. I gradually learend to live with it but the availability of insurance dominated my life and employment chances. It was only when I became eligible for Medicare — effectively state sponsored insurance — that I was truly free of the system.
The ACA tried to tackle this mess with solutions tailored to the peculiarities of the American system. Its done a reasonably good job in the states where its been implemented. Getting it passed was ridiculous; there was so much misinformation being thrown about (the notorious “Death Panels” being one of the most notable example). I was convinced that Amerians as a whole didn’t have a clue how their system worked, how it was an inefficient mishmash of public and private financing, a complete dog’s breakfast of competing interests. At least I was a member of an HMO, a vertically integrated system that managed to contain costs fr the end user. (In the process I figured out that one of the weaknesses of the NHS was that the users had no idea how the system worked, either — there’s no public understanding of the cost of health care.)
As for the obvious quesiton as to why we allow our national priorities to be perveted to suit entrenched interests rather than the welfare of the people, that’s simple — we keep on voting for this crap. Or, to quote Obama, “Elections have consequences”.
Finally, if you’re going to keep dragging the Nazis into arguments then please, please, Please learn something about them from sources other than popular entertainment. The one thing everyone needs to know about Fascists but somehow seems unable to learn is that they’re really just ultra-conservatives — a good chunk of Republican lawmakers are espousing Fascist values and policies. Corporatism, the side of fascism that’s missing populist the street theater, has been driving government for decades now. People keep voting for it and now, as we’ve seen, as the base dwindles you’ll notice that rather than adjust poliices to suit the electorate the guiding principle of Republicanism is to now adust the electorate to suit the base.
Thanks. I thought that this article was another ‘socialized medicine’ rant and you have confirmed that. Clearly we need anti-socialized medicine! Well I’ll leave Mr Ehret to figure that one out!
They’re coming for you, old man and you’re going to be dumbfounded and confounded when it happens.
Hello Martin. It’s more fashionable to argue almost any point by utilizing the obscure reference to Nazism…
You made the statement: “Corporatism, the side of fascism that’s missing populist the street theater, has been driving government for decades now.” >>> Actually corporatism has been driving the social agenda for about 700 years. >
The page linked below was copied from the former Frank Webb web site. The read is lengthy, but introduces most major historic dictates of Unam Sanctum and it’s political effects. >
Frank Webb – A World of Slavery – Unam Sanctam – The Bull on papal supremacy issued November 18, 1302
new illuminati: A World of Slavery: Are You Still Dreaming? It’s Time To Wake Up! (
The rest of this particular site is not my cup of tea, yet the copy taken from the original Frank Webb publication is authentic.
Everyone seems to be enjoying the utility of corporate structures, especially the owners of bonds and “trusts”…
What about the Doctrine of Discovery coughed op by Spanish Rodrigo Borja who became Vatican ceo Alexander VI 11 august 1492 & whitewashed the authentic icons of the very dark skinned JC.
Indeed since ca 1492 the (Christian) world lives in silly icon times.
One of the many examples left untouched by Borja´s makeover:
The healing of the man Sick of the Palsy. 11th century miniature in the Gospel. Lurentian Library, Florence
Dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery – Professor Robert J. Miller apr. 2013
Silicon valley has moved to the slc the sweet little country on the eastern shore of the Mediterranean (since 1948) from where the IoT(a) / a=abattoir is already being operated.
Enfin. Ezekiel Emannuuel brother of Ram E. they are sons of the Irgun terrorist Auerbach who moved to the US some years after he was part of the group who blew up the King David hotel in Jerusalem 1946.
JC & his Hebrew crew were black
Wishing you all good health in body-mind-behaviour – certainly in these interesting times we live in: be your own saviour,
What about the Doctrine of Discovery coughed op by Spanish Rodrigo Borja who became Vatican ceo Alexander VI 11 august 1492 & whitewashed the authentic icons of the very dark skinned JC.
Indeed since ca 1492 the (Christian) world lives in silly icon times.
One of the many examples left untouched by Borja´s makeover:
The healing of the man Sick of the Palsy. 11th century miniature in the Gospel. Lurentian Library, Florence
Dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery – Professor Robert J. Miller apr. 2013
Silicon valley has moved to the slc the sweet little country on the eastern shore of the Mediterranean (since 1948) from where the IoT(a) / a=abattoir is already being operated.
Hello julien romanovsky: Excellent presentation by Robert Miller. Most civilians refuse to recognize the obvious. >
Top Houses and Bloodlines of the Black Nobility
House of the Snake The House of Sforza
The Savoy-Genovese Crime Family
Torlonia Banking Family
Massimo Crime Family
Aldobrandini Crime Family
Bourbon Crime Family
Doria Sachs
Orsini Crime Family
Farnese Military Bloodline
FitzJames Crime Family
Pallavicini Crime Family
Ruspoli Crime Family
Habsburg Hesse and Rothschild
Occult Black Nobility bloodlines run the New World Order…
At the moment, all of the Fascists seem to be on the left. Perhaps the left/right continuum is not applicable to fascism.
I think there are quite a few people who would disagree that the ACA did a ‘reasonably good job’ where it was implemented. Yes, a fair chunk of Republican lawmakers are espousing fascist policies – so are a fair chunk of Democratic ones. Two heads of the same dragon. Until that particular realization dawns on the average US citizen, there will be a continued slide into misery for a majority of us.
Talk about lost sheep. Wow.
If Dr Emanuel believes his own ‘Die at 75’ rule, we did he accept a job offer from a President who is 3 years beyond his expiration date?
He’s thinking ahead…
If Dr Emmanuel followed his own ‘Die @ 75’ rule, why did allow himself to be hired by a President who is three years past his expiration date?
Maybe the good doctor thinks he can correct this irregularity by working on the inside!
COVID-19 annihilated the economy. Nooo Governemnt reposnse to a poltical construct did. They happened to be part of it and are complicit. The abandoned all promises oaths and trust. F them all.
Government Obedience to the ORDERS of the SRF & Billionaires broadcasted via WHO…
aka the world hoax organization
World HELLth ?
Love it. Only one letter to change!
So good. You all are creative thinkers.
One USA program blew the whole covid scam out of the water. I don’t suppose many watch 1000 lb family about 3 morbidly obese siblings, but I find the psychology of eating disorders as my mother has one and ordered and selfishly controlled our whole lives. I thought anorexics where the most deranged people in world till I found these programs about fat people and their behaviour.
In the last episode 650 lb Tammy, so fat she can barely walk, has stuffed lungs and every other health problem they constantly claim are the worst for contracting ”covid”, well she had a positive test, got put on O2 for a few days in hospital and went home to continue eating herself to death. In Australia last year all our media blathered and babbled, and still do, about the ”deadly new virus” on the Ruby Princess cruise ship. A woman with a double transplant including lungs survived and none of the media noted the irony of her vulnerable status.
Of course now we know the PCR’s are all fakes none of those people had any sars 2, none got sick with so called covid. And now the stupid governments will vaccinate these people with their poison and they will drop dead.
Cruise ships have concentrated EMF and are metal boxes, enough to do the damage it did. I wonder if they had a new 5G communication system put in recently. That would really not surprise me at all.
How do you explain the fishing trawler(another metal box flooded with concentrated EMF) with a crew that all ‘tested’ negative that sailed out of the port of Ushuaia. But came down with covid(19)84 after being at sea for 35 days. 35 day incubation…….you really cannot make this scheisse up.
Check out: ‘journeyThroughBiology_bublitz’ on:
by ron bublitz………this 51 page pdf is the best thing since sliced bread bar none! Everyone with a semblance of a brain and heart should read this.
I raised the case of the Argentinian fishing trawler here. Someone replied that the case had been solved: the claim is that one crew member came to the port by plane, and that there was an infected person on that flight.
Some people succumb to the life-long propaganda on fake/adulterated food. Others cannot afford anything better.
These billionaires hold many times the wealth of the whole of Africa. It’s said Africa’s top three billionaires hold half the continent’s wealth so just imagine…
It is a fact that clean water and nutrition cures almost all so-called diseases.
People over-breed for only one reason: to sustain the family. And religion, which tends to be Haredim (relatively few people) and Islam (lots of people).
Still, this is well within the ability of the billionaires to provide. So why don’t they? What are they doing with their money apart from posting pix of their dix (Jeffery Jorgensen-Gise aka Bezos) and playing at Beelzebub (aka Bill Gates)?
“What are they doing with their money”
“One means the resources the WAR RACKETEER CORPORATE FASCIST OLIGARCH MOBSTER PSYCHOPATHS have stolen from WE THE PEOPLE (HUMANITY). They not only do not want to give it back, they want even more.”
“But wait! It gets worse. Now they WANT IT ALL, INCLUDING OURSELVES. (They want to own us). What does one think ‘Own Nothing and Be Happy” means? Those untermenschen useless eaters they have no use for they will cull.
Now for some Debs
Eugene Debs seemed like a cool guy.
Another idiot.
“Here here is a quid. Take it, call your mother, and tell her there is serious doubt about you ever becoming a 77 Brigade Troll.”
“Oh yes one other thing. Practice safe sex, go fuck yourself.”
Ha Ha talking to yourself again pooper scooper
Trolls get trolled here!
The Rockefeller Foundation, the Wellcome Trust and the Human Sterilization League for Human Betterment (today renamed “Engender Health”) have all taken their cues from the likes of Henry Kissinger. Some simple quotes from the Kiss: >
“The elderly are useless eaters.”
Henry Kissinger, quoted in the book The Final Days
“Military men are ‘dumb, stupid animals to be used’ as pawns for foreign policy.”
Henry Kissinger, quoted in the book The Final Days
“Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world, because the US economy will require large and increasing amounts of minerals from abroad, especially from less developed countries.”
Henry Kissinger, National Security Memo 200, dated April 24, 1974
Heinz Kissinger and Dr. Fritz Kraemer, whom he and fellow acolytes called The True Keeper Of The Holy Flame. I mean… does it need to be more obvious?
I cannot stress enough. If you want to understand what is happening today, listen to the broadcasts of Mae Brussell from the 1970s until her death in the mid-1980s. It is all there.
If you want corroboration read Doug Valentine, Alfred McCoy and Victor Marchetti. To catch the latest, read Ed Haslam’s Dr Mary, Tim O’Neill’s Chaos and David McGowan’s Laurel Canyon for state of the art research.
Most of the ‘famous’ writers on politics and military affairs, especially those on the NYT Bestsellers list, are insiders writing with an agenda that is promoted for public consumption.
Oh, and Stephen Kinzer’s Poisoner in Chief.
Valentine and McCoy are remarkable scholars, high up my list. Marchetti, I don’t know. He says a lot if odd things. David Talbot gives a lot of confirmations (we were in marching band in ’69, though we never spoke) and is practically the dean and editor of the U.S. conspiracy press at Skyhorse and Hot Books. I can’t vouch that hes pure as hyssop, he was in school with me 5 years at Army ROTC, that muddies the water, though Dave Emory (Mae Brussell’s heir apparent and longtime colleague) told me when I met him in 2017 “He’s a good man.”
I got recently “The Ghost” a bio of James Angleton, a key piece of the puzzle. By Jefferson Morley, I believe. I rather read a lot of the Brit, John Simkims at his site Spartacus Educational. Great clues. Prolific with factoids.
Even before COVID-19 annihilated much of the world economyAhem, Correction : Even Before Government Policies annihilated much of the world economy
You sly fox, thought we would not notice, tsk tsk tsk !
The world economy is as much a fiction as the SarsCov-2 virus.
Macro-economics is a board game.
BRAVO Marcello! Spoken like a true gentleman. DO NOT EVER COMPLY!
OK but tell me what happens when a species overgrazes. If it’s not an especially intelligent species, it simply starves and/or gets sick and dies until the population can be supported.
If it’s a more intelligent species, it figures out how to continue overgrazing, either by migration or technology. At this point you see novel diseases, physical and mental, enforcing the limitations of resources.
Perhaps inhuman malthusian policy is simply the final stage necessary psychosis of an intelligent species that has utterly refused to accept any limits to its arrogant overconsumption. Perhaps opposing it is simply reasserting that self-centered arrogance.
Give me Texas and give me the world’s population.
Then bugger off and shut up.
I don’t quite understand. Are you saying that the world’s population could survive on Texas’ resources alone? That’s just foolish, so I assume I missed the point.
Whatever the case, what the world’s population COULD do is irrelevant compared to the irreversible damage we just keep continuing to do to ourselves and everything around us while we “progress” and “strategize” and “hope” toward a solution.
Sure, we COULD be a sustainable and healthy species. Or maybe just could have been. But at the moment, we’re a malignant cancer fighting over which tumor has the best ideas. If they could, I’m sure cancer cells would be encouraged to believe that all cancer cells have some intrinsic sacred value. And the devout will undoubtedly continue to believe this until the host is just a lifeless corpse floating in space.
“irreversible damage we just keep continuing to do”
Examples please…
If no examples immediately spring to your mind, I envy your life surrounded by unspoiled nature and happy, healthy, responsible people.
You keep saying “we” in relation to overgrazing (aka consumption of resources, I assume) and in terms of competing ideas.
However, “we” don’t control those resources and we don’t really get a say in how they are distributed and managed. Neither do we get to put forward the competing ideas. They are provided for us and we are then given the illusion of being allowed to decide which one we want.
Most resources and ideas are concentrated in/provided by the hands of a very few, who distribute and manage them in such as way as to ensure profit and control for themselves.
Yes, we consume. But that is how we have been conditioned. As a civilisation, we have managed to survive for a long long time without the things that we now view as indispensable. I’m sure we could again. And no, I’m not Amish.
I’m not in any way advocating a global communist system, but I do get the feeling that if the parasitic sociopaths who ‘rule the world’ were to vanish overnight (and assuming they weren’t immediately replaced by new set of ruling sociopaths), our situation would improve immeasurably.
Great Moments in History that didn’t happen:
January 27th, 2019. Davos, Switzerland. A giant meteor struck the town of Davos Thursday. The World Economic Forum was meeting when the celestial object hit. Damage was confined to the small town, which is surrounded by mountains. Observers far outside the city said they thought they smelled brimstone, and some claimed to have seen bat-winged objects drifting in the smoke and fires. The only survivors were a group of 50 junior high school students who were staying in an underground bunker who told reporters they had been promised they were going on a skiing trip.
Lawyers are now scrambling to consider the fate of over 50 trillion dollars in estate values of the deceased.
strugglebug you entirely miss the point: “we” live in an artificial world. If “they” had left us be, most of us would still be tribesfolk or peasant farmers, not the industrialised capitalised masses they needed and created. Overconsumption and reckless degradation of entire biomes is not the work of “we”. They have created a consuming monster.
Hello Strugglebug: Unfortunately; I concur. All the whingeing and moaning are just the death throws of hypocrites and cowards. The notion that man has over exploited the Earth’s resource base is the last social taboo. A behavior of the terminally stupid…
Get the shot. Please do us all a favor.
Apparently I hit a nerve. Are my downvotes standing up for unrestrained irresponsible consumption or human exceptionalism — or simply against speculation in general? The only responses seem to be from people unwilling or unable to present any kind of meaningful rebuttal.
Hello Strugglebug: I was agreeing with your assessment of the “situation”. Sorry if you misunderstood.
Most here refuse to acknowledge issues of anthropogenic destruction of the environment. Atmospheric heating (aka “climate change”) is treated as an illusion. The interview below is one of thousands related by informed persons. >
Guy McPherson: Climate Change and the Debate on Near Term Extinction of Humans and all Life on Earth
“To put it simply, our fate as a species is sealed. We’re headed for extinction in the very near term despite warnings dating more than 150 years. It’s a tragic tale. And, as foretold by evolutionary biologist George C. Williams, our species hardly made a squeak as the hammer dropped.” – Guy McPherson [1]
By Michael Welch
Global Research, August 29, 2020
Scaremongering Greenwash Hogwash Propaganda, the climate(weather) is always changing. How about letting all the free energy inventions loose that have been buried and murdered over the last hundred years. These old gits love to pollute EVERYTHING. Stop being distracted by paid morons. The sooner the human race dies off the better for every living plant, animals and insects etc. Bring on the next ice age and maybe there will be enough survivors to live with mother earth rather than to non-stop rape HER.
Hello DomoebaMalingera: “Free” energy is a complete misnomer. Expenditure of energy – regardless of the technical source, releases thermal heat. The first and second laws of thermodynamics define the relationships of heat and energy expenditure.
I actually disagree with nearly everything Guy McPherson has stated relative to global heating. The reason these climate “scientists” fail to accurately model planetary heating, is that they don’t know diddle about thermodynamics and human energy expenditure. It’s overall energy expenditures that will seal the fate of mankind…
You are a total piece of work. Free train rides to the fema camps for you pal. Oh, and I will furnish the ice cream bars for the ride! Bring your like-minded bimbo’s after you get the jab.
Good essay, we do indeed live in transforming times, and not for the better. Euthanasia is technically either suicide or murder. We can certainly sympathize with people wanting pain to end, but how we die is due to our Karma, any suicide attempts to avoid that, the end result is far far worse, it isn’t an escape at all.
So all the victims of the historic genocides were reaping their just karmic rewards?
The BBC has recently reported that Judge Jonathan Butler agreed with NHS Tameside And Glossop Clinical Commissioning Group that a man with learning difficulties should be vaccinated with Covid19 against the family’s wishes. The judge said that there was “overwhelming objective evidence of the magnetic advantage of the vaccine” and it would be in the man’s best interests!!
Yet Health Authority bosses said the vaccine would not be administered if “any form of physical intervention was required”.
Well folks I didn’t know that Covid19 Vax was ” magnetic ” perhaps you get a fridge magnet free with the second shot – that is, if you are lucky enough to get off Scot free after the first!!
It goes to show whose side the judge is on in this case where is this “overwhelming objective evidence” that this experimental vaccine has ANY advantage whatsoever. I have never seen any convincing evidence have You???? All that I have seen so far are reported deaths and adverse reactions!
read the small print of the story mate
it did not mean they could just force him/her to get vaccinated
they made that part clear in the bottom part of the story
If you had read my post correctly before jumping the gun I did quote what the health authority said namely, that the vaccine “would not be administered if any form of physical intervention was required.”
Another kidney punch softening the way for more social media censorship:
It’s only a few of them! And they all support QAnon anyway!!
If Dr Ezekel is truly intent on lowering health care costs, he might start with the climate engineers rather than the care homes.
Spraying millions of tons of heavy metal nano-particulates into the atmosphere has had and continues having a devastating effect on human health (as well as the health of all other living creatures). Especially, when these nano-particles descending to the ground are combined with the tons of pollution already extant.
Dr Ezekiel should take the time to watch a documentary called “The Dimming” which is available on the website This 2-hour film makes it absolutely clear that spraying is an on-going activity and has been for going on 75 years.
I’m reluctant to link to “The Dimming” since climate change in general is unfortunately considered of a type with COVID and other clear scams. I will anyway, with the understanding that I don’t anticipate very many, if any, commenters here to take an interest in it.
I thought this was rather boring. But I guess its for the general population completely believing all these contrails are normal plane traffic. I am sick of hearing from retired generals. So little information about the nanoparticles and how they interact with our bodies. I think maybe it was you who provided the link to this excellent broadcast exposing much information about the creep Gates. I provide the link again:
I watched the entire film on the day of release. Really nothing new presented other than a repackaging of decades of geoengineering patents, technocratic skulduggery, and direct observation of the “situation”…
I’ve been aware of geoengineering (“chem-trailing) since 2004. Most readers here have lost their cognitive capacities to such a degree, they can’t even formulate a rational assessment of reality as an underlying condition of existence…
There are direct parallels between aluminum oxide exposures and cognitive disease, such as Alzheimer dementia and autism… Thank you for your courage in posting the link.
Fluoride in water is more reactive, direct and fast. Lead pipes also help.
Right on! Dane Wiggington the gatekeeper stuff huh? Hey but the aluminum, barium, fetal tissue, strontium and chemtrail shit along with fukashima radiation, HARP, fluoride, gmo freak food is SO tasty………
“Fuck with Nature and you’ve fucked yourself”- NixonScraypes 2021.
To get down to minor details- contamination of medication, food and the environment has deliberately made population replacement impossible. See- “diet, injections and injunctions” in Bertrand Russell, the Scientific Society. He was one of the Bloomsbury Group, pull the congealed skin off that rancid can of worms and you see the putrid mess of unnaturalness that included Keynes. It’s only a bunch of nonces like them need eugenics to ensure the survival of the unfittest by stunting the fittest and exterminating them in contrived wars. Add to that- Completely invert the system of supply and demand with “economics” so that the payment for goods is more important than the goods themselves. Artificially control credit which you create out of thin air so you can dry it up and confiscate real property and goods collateral Ising the fictitious loan. Secretly enslave them with a birth certificate which brands them as sub human and that enough for the moment.
More quotes from the cult death culture:
Well, the “elites” are human (so far as we know). And they are definitely a plague upon the earth. So why wouldn’t they “truly believe that humans are a plague upon the earth?” They’re their own proof!
Ha! they are only proof of themselves.
Predator mining energy projecting into others, you are not only useless, you are a plague. Most people are so programmed they believe this shit and don’t know how or what it is to be human.
John Trudell, American Indian Movement activist and poet. “An Identity crisis as human beings.”
I just looked up his birthdate. Ezekial is 63, which gives us 12 years.
So if we can hang on till then, we’re good. Ya?
People like the Emmanuels don’t make their policies for people like themselves, but for us. When he turns 75 do you really think he’ll be true to his words?
My guess is that this kind of blithe rule of thumb has about the same shelf life as the ’60s mantra “Never trust anyone over 30”.
FWIW, even as a teenager and born cynic, back then I thought this dictum was offensively dumb– perhaps even pushed by The Establishment to make the counterculture seem puerile and shallow. I knew too many worthwhile people who were over 30– some way over.
I learned much later that it was apparently lifted from a 1964 interview with activist Jack Weinberg, and that it was intended as a mostly facetious passing remark. Like “Godwin’s Law”, it was seized upon and inflated into a supposedly serious rule.
Well, maybe I ought to hold off writing a counter-article and submitting it to the Atlantic, called “Why We Wish You’d Never Been Born”.
That’s hilarious.
Or. “(Why) We Wish You’d Never Been Born”
I’m going to burn in hell.
Perhaps, but I can’t get too fussed about that. Misery loves company!
“When it comes to culling some useless eaters are more equal than others. Witness this useless eater war criminal.”
“Die already and decrease the surplus population.”
“Mein Führer… I CAN WALK !!”
I’m reading “In the Shadow of the White House” by the widow of Bob Haldeman, because I was in a pricey brat school with her son for 5 years, and I still relish clues about all that era. They are a light, in their own way.
It came in the mail last month, so as I looked on the back jacket at the top of the menu of endorsements (among them Mr. and Mrs. Rumsfeld and Ben Stein) I saw one by my favorite International Man of Mystery:
His is not so much a rave about her prose style, which is in fact not bad, not Shakespearean but serviceable enough, but to tell us all she was a trooper and a good egg.
With endorsements from Dr. Strangelove 2.0, who needs raspberries.
I was shocked to find she lives nearby, I know neighbours, but then this IS Newport Beach CALIF. Kary Mullis’ last address. But beyond that truth they had (have?) a house on Bay Island since 1905 or so. Her grandfather-in-law HR Haldeman built it there on Balboa Bay, in the era when he founded The Uplifters Club with Native American Icon, Will Rogers and Frank Baum (The Wizard of Oz). My Mum surprised me in my 30s by telling me she had gone to see Rogers play polo there, when she was a lass in 30s Hollywood, at Fairfax High School.
But that whole crowd of Jo Haldeman is still thick as thieves, too hip to believe the earth is still flat but secretly believing it would be nice.
With lifelong friends like Kissinger and Rumsfeld, who needs adversaries.
Herr Heinrich pops up in her memoir frequently.
This is all a side-show to re-brand peoples awareness away from the real exercise:
The use of radionics to drastically interfere with the biological environment:
Which has the acronym… (wait for it)
This operates in the 60Ghz spectrum and exposure can change cell growth and proliferation rates, activity of enzymes, state of cell genetic apparatus, function of excitable membranes and peripheral receptors.
The RNA in the ‘vaccine’ injection contains a Genetically Engineered strand of RNA which will create specific enzymes, that it would stand to reason, have been engineered to interact with the 60Ghz spectrum.
Why else would these two things be introduced simultaneously in urban environments around the globe?
Eugenics seems to be just too simple a confirmation bias/availability heuristic…
Or is it?
Are you saying that carbon dioxide causes autism too? You know, both carbon dioxide and the frequency of autism have been increasing hand-in-glove for about 50 years, you know.
Are you saying that Europeans emigrating to the USA ’caused’ global warming since 1810?? If we could forcibly repatriate all US citizens of European descent to their homelands, would that trigger a new Little Ice Age?]
Has Arctic Sea Ice been depleted because the USA put satellites into orbit in 1979 to monitor the earth 24/7? Ever since they did that, the ice has been melting relentlessly….
Do you think that Hollywood movies (which have proliferated since about 1930) have caused a loss of fertility in Western populations?? It has been absolutely relentless, the reduction in sperm counts of western males……
The correlations I describe are perfect, so the causation must be absolute too, eh?
I would imagine the difference between coincidence and causation resides in the synergistic relationship established between/among various phenomena.
If something “needs” something else to effectively result in certain reactions, then it is logical to presume causation. If something can cause certain reactions on its own, then something else occurring at the same time is most likely coincidence.
The autism/CO2 phenomenon is almost certain coincidence. However, increased vaccination during the same period has been demonstrated to have an effect on human physiology; so is more like a causative factor of autism.
Similarly, the satellite/ice melt phenomenon is improbable at best. However, climate engineering – which has been going on for some 75 years – has a much closer correlation with melting Arctic ice.
My take, therefore, would be that correlation and causation are not always mutually exclusive.
Why else would a technolgy oligarch be engaged in a ‘medical’ program?
But beyond all that, Nissan, whose LEAF is my mobile office/mini-camper, put a new concept car on the floor in Geneva expo, which has a headset that can nimbly read your e.e.g. and interact with your car computer. Also, it can translate your thoughts as of this date, with 95+% accuracy?
I’d think it is a web psyop, but it is in hard copy mags like
Not to worry, I’d still bet it’s a Mockingbird pure propaganda psyop, but it would appear you can test drive.
Well, Mme. Blavatsky was a renowned medium that even Gandhi once visited, but she was not above using “first generation” loudpeakers to pipe in moans and shrieks during her seances.
So there’s precedent, and nothing is below the Mafia/Nazis/CIA/Masons … but “channeling” by tech, or any other brain reading?
For me the point is not about eugenics (as much) as breeding billions of remotely operated fully anthropomorphic living ex-humanoid robots.
I’ve been scribbling about this a couple years now. Think of the armies of meat-based robots at your command, each with a million years of the most storied and rich complexity of ancestry. AI can’t do that. You wouldn’t need to diet, the urge not to eat might be messaged to you by 7G. A world of bots, but in the flesh … without more ethic restraints in the marketplace, it will be soon possible. “Stepford Wives 2040”. (Actually, a lot of it is here.)
There are surely those among the powerful who want meat-based robots to be the New AI. God heal them.
Then prior AI could be spun out only to serve the human “re-makes”. Like the angels.
That’s the real game. The eugenics furor is mostly just a very smoke-rich diversion, the smoke bomb to take your eye off the real ball. Yikes. Well, God provides in any distress.
Fascinating narrative that would seem to have quite a lot going for it.
Much like New Zealand’s secret Penguin army in Antarctica. We’ve been training them for decades and they are poised for their first mission: the invasion and occupation of Tasmania.
It is top secret so please don’t tell anyone.
This is part of New Zealand’s revelation to the world that we have been controlling global events for over seventeen generations. NZ is in fact the only true world power. But again it is top secret so please just keep it to yourself.
The eugenics is not part of our plan. It is someone else’s and we are quite miffed about the whole thing, as our plan is for everyone to get on and have a bit of a laugh whilst enjoying a good cup of tea and some lovely scones with Kiwifruit conserve and lashings of double whipped cream.
Still it would seem easier for the kill-joys to control world populations by pumping them through dumbed down universities with blinkered agandas, indebt them with mortgages and then blackmail their politicians would it not?
Anyway I’m just a dolphin living in Antarctica (which has some quite lovely thermal resorts under the ice) but you could be on to something…
Whatever, not as lucid as your other posts, but I have in fact seen evidence of some of this, and I would like to believe it’s all penguin psyop, and my father’s first family name was actually Dolphin, so we may be related, but they have some quantum leaps in this tech.
I know, NSA: “Not Secret Anymore.”
Who thinks it needs to be.
They have run a couple of ops on me though, where they wanted me to believe they had more than they did, so they do play games.
It must be ghostly to be a spook. I will ask them.
That walrus that turned up in Ireland last week was part of the same program!
“Germ theory is wrong”
I’ve been hearing this for a while, ever since I began investigating this CV-1984. I’m kinda open to this notion, but I do have some reservations about this claim.
Could somebody who claims that “the germ theory is wrong” explain what exactly they mean by that? Also, if contagion doesn’t exist, what empirically supported explanation is there for what’s referred to as communicable diseases, why do people “catch” them? If, as “germ theory is wrong” advocates claim, bacteria are all friendly, could they explain why the fuck wounds get infected and flesh literally eaten away by said friendly bacteria, where the infected person would die if not administered antibiotics? What other treatment for an infected wound or, say, strep throat or pneumonia do they propose?
Research, Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Dr. Tom Cowan and Tom Barnett. They all have unique ways of explaining the myth of germ theory. We have forgotten that a theory is not fact.
“The myth of germ theory” … what exactly is that?
A century or more old lie from a FRAUD called Pasteur morphs into a myth that most people believe, not because of evidence but due to repetition of the lie, owning the science, funding corrupt academia, with the cooperation of governments and scientists who were on board with the eugenics agenda.
The motive is central to the lie. The only reason to create and perpetuate the lie was because of the motive. Without the motive there is no need for the myth.
Again, a bunch of ideological bullshit. Zero substance, zero nothing.
It’s not ideology. What they did was fraud. If there is zero proof for something existing such as viruses they cannot claim it as fact. If their experiments don’t back up their claims they are lying. Can you tell truth from lies? Clearly not.
I wouldn’t use the term because it conflates bacteria with viruses. One implausible cause of illness is being piggy-backed on another rather more plausible cause.
I wouldn’t, in this case, knock conflating one with the other. Terrain theory also covers the concept of pleomorphism.
Hello Jacques: The “germ theory is wrong” folks, are plainly delusional.
There have been hundreds of thousands of peer reviewed studies utilizing cell culture analysis and dark field imaging defining the realities of biological pathogens > in real life < Denial of the science will not erase reliable measurement.
I can see that disease is not caused by germs but by the fact that a person’s system is weakened or compromised, which opens the way for pathogens to instigate infection, meaning that the underlying cause is not the pathogen, but whatever weakened the person and that (long-term) treatment should focus on that cause, but it’s still the pathogen that causes the symptoms and short-term treatment has to focus on that.
Germ? Erm… Pathogen? Erm… “In biology, a pathogen (Greek: πάθος pathos “suffering”, “passion” and -γενής -genēs “producer of”) in the oldest and broadest sense, is any organism that can produce disease. A pathogen may also be referred to as an infectious agent, or simply a germ. The term pathogen came into use in the 1880s.”
You argue that the underlying cause of disease is not germs. Germs? Pathogens? Nomenclature?
You assert that weakened immunity is the cause of symptoms. ??? Where did the pathogen go? Erm…
The underlying cause of disease is certainly not germ, pathogen, or whatever the fuck it’s called – I’m not a biologist. The underlying cause of disease is weakness of the sick person. Even conventional medicine acknowledges that, albeit they say that people with a “strong” (sic) immune system are able to resist disease. Obviously, it’s not that – people with “normal” immune system don’t get sick. Those whose system is screwed up get sick, i.e. their body allows the pathogen to cause infection. At least that’s how I understand it. That would apply to bacteria.
As to the claim that viruses don’t exist at all, that they are the product of the body itself, damaged cells, I don’t know.
Germ theory, terrain theory: both are theories. When will the proponents of each debate each other live in order to advance our understanding of the merits/weaknesses of each? This will not happen with each group ensconced in their own bubbles. There needs to be dialogue, and the resulting deepening (of understanding) and discovery (of, perhaps, an even better theory?).
Well, that’s exactly what I’m trying to have, a dialogue.
Interesting comment Reset. However, when I try to establish a dialogue in order to deepen understanding few people tend to read it if we go by the number of comments that follow.
Let’s take causality for example. There are different types e.g. the mechanical causality of empiricism, the expressive causality of rationalism, there is also teleological causality, structural causality, and immanent causality.
Germ theory is based on a monocausal principle and is a reductionist FALLACY as I have argued on other threads.
Terrain theory can be problematic if the person does not specify the terrain involved I.e. Whether the terrain is internal, external or both AND the type of causality that operates (and there may be more than one depending on the theory).
The underlying cause of death is certainly not bullet, gun, or shooter. The underlying cause of death is weakness of the shot person.
Do your own research: make soy yogurt; watch them bacteria grow.
educate yourself of parasites
Hilda Clarke
You can’t prove germ theory using cell cultures. Why? Because the conditions that cells are cultured in, do not remotely resemble the conditions in a living human organism for example despite the peer reviewed baloney. The peer-reviews would have to prove otherwise but they cannot! If you insist that they can then precisely How?
Since I already wasted time before replying to you about this topic I won’t repeat the waste!
Best if you go fuck yourself, then.
As the biggest (bigger than heart disease or cancer) cause of death in the US is iatrogenic, older people should be grateful to escape so-called medical care. I’m sure during this ‘pandemic’ everyone who might be reading this has noticed how corrupt most of the medical establishment is. (Instance the deaths in so-called ‘care’ homes.) Why should Big Pharma be any different to the rest of the corrupt kleptocracy?
Sooo, if you are elderly, here’s what you do – eat healthy food, preferably grown yourself (gardening is good for body and soul), get exercise, take vitamins and minerals, buy yourself a good book on herbal remedies (David Hoffman’s Holistic Herbal is recommended) and STAY AWAY from doctors unless you break a bone. If you are on meds, look them up and see what the side-effects are. Slowly leave them off. You will find many of the elaborate and costly medical treatments are unnecessary and even counter to health. Forget the triple by-pass and harvest or buy Hawthorne berries. Take a walk. Love more.And live until you decide to die.
Does Klaus know about the 75 limit?
What about George Soros?
What about Henry Kissinger? He still seems alive after all these years.
Simple, effective advice that everyone can follow, not just the elderly.
Proof that Granma knows best.
“As the biggest (bigger than heart disease or cancer) cause of death in the US is iatrogenic”
Source or argument, please.
Let me remind people on here who are getting worried about ‘catching’ something from people who have been ‘vaccinated’ with this gene therapy. You can’t catch anything. I suspect this is part of the psyop to start instilling fear in to you. Germ theory is wrong. You are perfectly safe as long as you do not let them inject it in to you.
Even if the official version of viruses is correct (and I have major doubts) they make lousy weapons. How could it be controlled who caught the virus? Viruses tend to mutate to become less lethal because if they kill all their hosts how does that work for the virus?
If weaponised viruses worked we’d have seen them used because the elite damned sure wouldn’t have worried about the morality of using them. One would have to believe that “gain of function” research could have cracked all this to be concerned.
P.S. What’s the left hand up while we’re all looking at the ‘rona? What’s going on in Burma?
Exactly. If viruses existed in the way virologists claim we’d all be dead, or viruses would be dead because they would always kill the host and in the process make themselves extinct. There is nothing in the virology theory that makes sense from an evolutionary, medical or scientific perspective.
But we do know that the psychopaths in charge love to murder at will and they wouldn’t miss a chance to use a deadly virus long before now if it ever existed.
So people, never, ever have to worry about catching a virus. What they do have to consider carefully is what they put into their body, knowingly or unknowingly. Toxicity is the number one danger. And that includes vaccines.
The Burmese are correcting Britain’s stupid mistake. They could either redraw the border, so that all the Bangladeshis are in Bangladesh, or they could chase the Bangladeshis out of Burma.
all planned in advance
H.R.748 – 116th Congress (2019-2020): CARES Act
Protest while you can…
The Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill
Is on it’s way
Coronamania Quotes – Regarding mentally and morally deranged hypocrites like Dr. Falsie and Bill Gates and people in power who they control (or who control them), their cockamamie face diaper mandates, ‘Lockdowns,’ vaccines, social distancing, etc. and the ever growing public outcry against them and their worthless agendas:
“Woe unto them that decree unrighteous decrees, and that write grievousness which they have prescribed.” Isaiah 10:1 in the King James Version
“Men seldom, or rather never for a length of time and deliberately, rebel against anything that does not deserve rebelling against.” Thomas Carlyle
“The thing worse than rebellion is the thing that causes rebellion.” Frederick Douglass
“Any general loathing of a gang or sect usually has some sound basis in instinct.” Ezra Pound
“Any fool can make a rule, and any fool will mind it.” Henry David Thoreau
“Disobedience is the true foundation of liberty. The obedient must be slaves.” Henry David Thoreau
“It’s better to die on your feet than live on your knees.” Alexander Lukashenko
“They will create the virus themselves and will sell you the antidote.” Muammar al Gaddafi
“The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie, deliberate, contrived, and dishonest, but the myth, persistent, pervasive, and unrealistic.” John F. Kennedy.
“Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it.” Joseph Goebbels (Director of Hitler’s ministry of propaganda)
“It is by its promise of a sense of power that evil often attracts the weak.” Eric Hoffer
“Those who fervently seek the annihilation of others are really driven by the longing for self-annihilation.” Emile Durkheim
“All ambitions are lawful except those that climb upward on the miseries and credulities of mankind.” Henry Ward Beecher
“If all else fails, immorality can always be assured by spectacular error.” John Kenneth Galbraith
“Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found the exact measure of the injustice and wrong which will be imposed on them.” Frederick Douglass
“The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress.” Frederick Douglass
“The defiance of established authority, religious and secular, social and political, as a worldwide phenomenon may well one day be accounted the outstanding event of the decade.” Hannah Arendt, 1969
“The greatest evil perpetrated is the evil committed by nobodies, that is by human beings who refuse to be persons.” Hannah Arendt
“Only crime and the criminal, it is true, confront us with the perplexity of radical evil; but only the hypocrite is rotten to the core.” Hannah Arendt
“Totalitarianism in power invariably replaces all first-rate talents regardless of their sympathies, with those crackpots and fools whose lack of intelligence and creativity are still the last guarantee of their loyalty.” Hannah Arendt
“Before man’s leaders seize the power to fit reality to their lies, their propaganda is marked by its extreme contempt for facts as such, for in their opinion fact depends entirely on the power of men who can fabricate it.” Hannah Arendt
“Love by its very nature is unworldly, and it is for this reason, rather than its rarity, that it is not only apolitical but antipolitical, perhaps the most powerful of all antipolitical forces.” Hannah Arendt
“Suffering by nature or chance never seems so painful as suffering inflicted on us by the arbitrary will of another.” Arthur Schopenhauer
“If you give someone power, they’re going to use it.” Dr. Paul Craig Roberts
“Force does not constitute right… obedience is due only to legitimate powers.” Jean-Jacques Rousseau
“Dressed in the lion’s skin the ass spread terror far and wide.” Jean de La Fontaine
“Force may make hypocrites, but it can never make converts.” William Penn
“Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God.” William Penn
“Let the people think they govern, and they will be governed.” William Penn
“Technology is dominated by those who manage what they do not understand.” Murphy (from Murphy’s Laws)
“It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenious.” Murphy.
“If you build a system that a fool can use, only a fool will use it.” Murphy
“The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite insane.” Nikola Tesla
“The mouth of the righteous speaketh wisdom, and his tongue talketh of judgment. The Law of God is in his heart; none of his steps shall slide. The wicked watcheth the righteous and seeketh to slay him. The Lord will not leave him in his hand, nor condemn him when he is judged. Wait on the Lord and keep his way, and he shall exalt thee to inherit the land. I have seen the wicked in great power, and spreading himself like a green bay tree. Yet he passed away, and lo, he was not: Yea, I sought him but he could not be found.” Psalm 37:30-36 in the King James Version.
Did you write all that from memory??
I don’t care much about who says (said) what but what is being (was) said …
The biggest disappointment for the covid idiots is the fact that children really don’t suffer badly from this flu, so they were just left making it up, and destroying their education anyway, with no justification at all. The Flu can sometimes leave long term effects, but I doubt this is one of them.
”New heart problems prompt concern for Missoula boy, COVID-19 long-hauler”
You’re on the right lines but not quite there. This is a worldwide medical fraud driven by a greedy sociopathic elite intent on reorganising society as they see fit.
One has to wonder how many people died or remained sick with normal old pneumonia left untreated.
Unfortunately, “what patterns of history we are willing to tolerate” are already being ‘ tolerated’ for the most part now, and are being repeated in the deployment of the silent weapons strategy in this quiet war that many have not quite figured out yet.
I do hope that western populations remember the efforts of their gov’ts to kill them off when it’s time for the people to do as gov’t tells them and go kill Russian’s, Chinese, Iranian’s, or just about anyone these blighted gov’ts don’t like or cannot manipulate into serfdom.
There is little doubt that western gov’ts, backed by stooges at the UN, the WHO, the BIS, etc, have had plans to rob and kill off their populations for some time. The Georgia Guidestones is not just another monument to the wishful thinking of the deranged. Some doctors, who should and probably do know better, have become useful idiots in this quest and are pushing the deaths of the useless eaters.
Gov’t is not your fiend. It’s time to fight back before one ends up a slave or a victim of their harvest. These parasites and self righteous goons have to walk among us at some point.
‘We’re the people who do your laundry and cook your food and serve your dinner. We make your bed. We guard you while you’re asleep.’ – Fight Club.
I seem to remember ‘Futurama’ had an episode with “suicide booths” and a waiting sign “the doctor will kill you later”.
More predictive programming mockery. Matt Groening is in the 33rd degree of a certain secret society
Therapist or The rapist👆🤔😎
Slavery was never really abolished we became ‘slaves’ when our parents registered our birth certificates with the state – we are ‘owned’ by the state. Full disclosure regarding the contract was never revealed to our parents and is therefore unlawful.
Parents only became the keepers of the child, that’s one of the reasons why the state can take you kids away legally under statute. The same goes for anything that you register under statute. The latter only becomes law by your consent.
Just to add, for contract purposes the state owns the title of your legal fiction Mr or Mrs Joseph Blogs. It doesn’t deal with the flesh and blood human being it can only with the fiction which is also a corporation and the state owns the title. So it owns You.
Our governments are only killing us off to “keep us safe.”